<<if $audiosupport>>\n\t<<set $soundtrack = document.getElementById('score_audio');>>\n\t<<set $heartbeat = document.getElementById('ui_heartbeat');>>\n\t<<set $audiosource = "">>\n\n\t<<if $hud.playMusic>>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.interference and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: (0.08 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<<elseif $hud.interference or ($hud.combatUIScrewLevel gte 1 and $hud.currentScreen eq "combat")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: (0.15 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0}, 1000);>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $heartbeat.volume eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.pause()>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "B28 - Riptide Main Floor" or ($currentgamepassage eq "home_music" and $action.action1 eq "sex") or ($savesMenuPassage eq "B30 Habs - Home" and $loc_home.chosenMusic eq "sex")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_riptide.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<elseif $savesMenuPassage eq "B28 - Riptide VIP Area" or ($savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Deathmatch Arena" and $currentArenaEnemy eq "none" and $action.action1 neq "simulator")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_riptide.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.03 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Riptide Bar">>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_riptide.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.05 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $savesMenuPassage eq "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor" or ($savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Deathmatch Arena" and $action.action1 eq "simulator")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_riptide.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.15 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B33 - EPROM" or ($currentgamepassage eq "home_music" and $action.action1 eq "technologic") or ($savesMenuPassage eq "B30 Habs - Home" and $loc_home.chosenMusic eq "technologic")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_eprom.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "dance">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.15 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sitting">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.05+ $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "B10 - The Siren's Song" or ($currentgamepassage eq "home_music" and $action.action1 eq "love") or ($savesMenuPassage eq "B30 Habs - Home" and $loc_home.chosenMusic eq "love")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_sirenssong.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<elseif $savesMenuPassage eq "B33 Habs - Celena's Apt" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - High Palace Tent" or ($savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Highborn Palace" and $job_psychocult.mainPhase gte 98)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.065 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_sirenssong.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<elseif $savesMenuPassage eq "B10 - Ith's Chamber">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.03 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_sirenssong.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "prologue" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B27 - Chapel of Eden" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B14 - Cathedral of Beams" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B14 - Cathedral Commisariat" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B14 - Cathedral Quarters" or ($currentgamepassage eq "home_music" and $action.action1 eq "spiritual") or ($savesMenuPassage eq "B30 Habs - Home" and $loc_home.chosenMusic eq "spiritual") or $hud.currentScreen eq "mainmenu" or $currentgamepassage eq "b14_cathedral_final_postpaladin">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/ambient_church.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "B30 Habs - Old Habs" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B5 - Luxury Habs" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B3 - Corbei Tower" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B40 - Freight Storage" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B40 - Storeroom 367" or $currentgamepassage eq "random_uniquencounter_inject" or $currentgamepassage eq "random_backalley_inject" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B33 - Scrap Yard Pit" or $currentgamepassage eq"b33_celena_appartment_dealermission" or $currentgamepassage eq"b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_1" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Utility Area" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Maintenance Tunnels" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Tramway Tunnel" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B30 Habs - Apt 85325" or $currentgamepassage eq "rnd_tramway_inject" or ($currentgamepassage eq "riptide_entrance_b28" and ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 2 or $chr_fisher.loc eq "waitvineentrance") and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest) or $savesMenuPassage eq "B30 - Abacus School" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B10 - Boulevard Inn" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Ransacked Cryolounge" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Tangled Datacenter" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Old Pressure Tunnel" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Back Alleys" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B10 - Athena Warehouse" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B40 - Pressure Berth 51" or ($savesMenuPassage eq "B30 - Raptor Outpost" and $currentgamepassage eq "b30_raptoroutpost_mission") or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B27 - Utility Ducts" or (($savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Utility Duct" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Highborn Palace") and $job_psychocult.mainPhase lt 98) or ($savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Crossroads" and $currentgamepassage eq"snydicate_crossroads_search") or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Syndicate FOB" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B40 - Baibirack Facility" or $currentgamepassage eq "b27_riot_mission" or $currentgamepassage eq "b27_riot_catacombs" or $currentgamepassage eq "highbornpalace_faction" or $currentgamepassage eq "b40_docks_kobol_conflict" or $currentgamepassage eq "the_crossroads_endmsn_arva" or $currentgamepassage eq "the_crossroads_endmsn_arva2" or $currentgamepassage eq "the_crossroads_abomassault" or $currentgamepassage eq "b28_visionary_checkpoint_final" or $currentgamepassage eq "b28_visionary_riptidefinal" or ($savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Deathmatch Arena" and $currentArenaEnemy neq "none" and $currentArenaEnemy neq "VictoryTune") or $savesMenuPassage eq "B10 - Apartment Block" or $currentgamepassage eq "b28_zanex_riptide_altpath" or $currentgamepassage eq "random_syndicate_killteam" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Low Habs" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Undersprawl" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Grand Mausoleum" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B29 - Junction 555-L" or $currentgamepassage eq "b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle">>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/ambient_tension.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "B33 Habs - Contruction" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Tramway System" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Utility Passage" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Acheri Nest" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Slowside Mall" or $currentgamepassage eq "rnd_sprawl_attack" or $currentgamepassage eq "rnd_tramway_djinn" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B30 - Abacus Basement" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Timmeon Jewlery" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Unknown - Dynasty Tomb" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B40 - MCS Outer Spheres" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Megaplex 4" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Fallen Shrine" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - The Warren" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B40 - Baibirack Labs" or ($currentgamepassage eq "b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post" and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol") or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Cryochamber 7" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Shrine of Deshvar" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Air Filtration" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B29 - Visionary Shrine" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Water Treatment" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B30 - Infected Tunnel" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B40 Grav Tunnels" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B40 Aquaduct">>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/ambient_creepy.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Deathmatch Arena" and $currentArenaEnemy eq "VictoryTune") or ($currentgamepassage eq "b28_riptide_championevent" and $action.action4 neq "none") or ($currentgamepassage eq "b28_riptide_arenafinale" and $action.action4 eq "none" ) or ($currentgamepassage eq "home_music" and $action.action1 eq "lavandri") or ($savesMenuPassage eq "B30 Habs - Home" and $loc_home.chosenMusic eq "lavandri")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/score_lavandri.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Machine Catacomb" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - Machine Pit" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B10 - W4R1k Core" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B28 - Machine Temple" or $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B27 - Sever Tomb" or $currentgamepassage eq "b40_docks_final_kobol" or $currentgamepassage eq "b29_machinesmith_class_resolve">>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/ambient_technologic.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.1 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $uniqueSoundActive = true>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $uniqueSoundActive>>\n\t\t\t<<set $audiosource = "https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/audio/ambient_walkways.mp3">>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#score_audio').animate({volume: (0.02 + $hud.musicLevel)}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<<if $soundtrack.src neq $audiosource>>\n\t\t\t<<set $("#score_audio").attr("src", $audiosource);>>\n\t\t\t<<set $soundtrack.load()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $soundtrack.play()>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $soundtrack.play()>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $audiosupport>>\n\t\t<<set $soundtrack.volume = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $heartbeat.volume = 0>>\n\n\t\t<<set $soundtrack.pause()>>\n\t\t<<set $heartbeat.pause()>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<unset $heartbeat>>\n<<unset $soundtrack>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_semi");>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.6 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 14>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\tFisher fires his sidearm but misses entirely\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\tFisher fires his sidearm but the <<print $name>> is in cover\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 6)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.05 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.01 * $magazine))>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.1 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='bluecolor'>Hit Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\tFisher fires his sidearm but the <<print $name>> deploys a shield\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.1 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tFisher fires his sidearm but the <<print $name>>'s armor holds\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tFisher fires his sidearm at the <<print $name>> and kills <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_auto");>>\n\t<<set $specialTargetType = "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $specialTargetType = "vanishes">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.5 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 30>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\tComissaria Verei fires her sidearm but misses entirely\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tComissaria Verei fires her sidearm but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>is in cover<</if>>.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 12)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.15 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.1 * $magazine))>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.15 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Hit Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tComissaria Verei fires her sidearm but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>deploys a shield<</if>>.\n\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.1 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tComissaria Verei fires her sidearm but the <<print $name>>'s armor holds\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tComissaria Verei fires her sidearm at the <<print $name>> and kills <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_auto");>>\n\t<<set $specialTargetType = "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $specialTargetType = "vanishes">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.6 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 26>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\tFisher fires his rifle but misses entirely\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tFisher fires his rifle but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>is in cover<</if>>.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 8)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.2 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.15 * $magazine))>>\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.15 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Hit Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tFisher fires his rifle but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>deploys a shield<</if>>.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.25 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tFisher fires his rifle but the <<print $name>>'s armor holds\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tFisher fires his rifle at the <<print $name>> and kills <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_auto");>>\n\t<<set $specialTargetType = "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $specialTargetType = "vanishes">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.6 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 38>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\tPineapple fires his carbine but misses entirely\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tPineapple fires his carbine but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>is in cover<</if>>.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 8)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.05 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.1 * $magazine))>>\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.25 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Hit Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tPineapple fires his carbine but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>deploys a shield<</if>>.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.2 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tPineapple fires his carbine but the <<print $name>>'s armor holds\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tPineapple fires his carbine at the <<print $name>> and kills <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_auto");>>\n\t<<set $specialTargetType = "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $specialTargetType = "vanishes">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.5 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 40>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\tIsabelle unleashes a hail of botls from her coilguns but misses entirely\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tIsabelle unleashes a hail of botls from her coilguns but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>is in cover<</if>>.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 12)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.35 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.1 * $magazine))>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.35 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Hit Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tIsabelle unleashes a hail of botls from her coilguns but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>deploys a shield<</if>>.\n\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.15 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tIsabelle unleashes a hail of botls from her coilguns but the <<print $name>>'s armor holds\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tIsabelle unleashes a hail of botls from her coilguns and kills the the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_auto");>>\n\t<<set $specialTargetType = "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $specialTargetType = "vanishes">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.6 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 30>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\tJalkovski fires his carbine but misses entirely\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tJalkovski fires his carbine but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>is in cover<</if>>.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 10)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.1 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.2 * $magazine))>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.2 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='bluecolor'>Hit Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tJalkovski fires his carbine but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>deploys a shield<</if>>.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.1 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tJalkovski fires his carbine but the <<print $name>>'s armor holds\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tJalkovski fires his carbine at the <<print $name>> and kills <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $attacktype = "melee">>\n\n\t<<if $random gt 0.5 and ($combat.enemy.armor gt 0 or $combat.enemy.shield gt 0)>>\n\t\t<<set $attacktype = "debuff">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attacktype eq "melee">>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\tCelena attacks the <<print $name>> with her witchblade, slicing clean through <<print $number>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\n\t<<elseif $attacktype eq "debuff">>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='bluecolor'>Shocked!</span></div>\n\t\tCelena reaches for the <<print $name>> with her claw, causing <<print $number>> to twitch uncontrollably and collapse\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 0.2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");>>\n\t<<set $specialTargetType = "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $specialTargetType = "vanishes">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.6 * $random)>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\tFabienne attacks the <<print $name>> with her Hellspike but misses\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = ($accuracy * $magazine)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - 3)>>\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - 5)>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= ((3 * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>>\n\t\t\t\tFabienne attacks the <<print $name>> with her hellspike but <<print $number>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>drives her away with a shield<</if>>.\n\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= (5 / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tFabienne attacks the <<print $name>> with her Hellspike but it glances off <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> armor\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tFabienne attacks the <<print $name>> with her Hellspike and kills <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_semi");>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.35 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 15>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Terrified</span></div>\n\t\tLilly stands, frozen in surprise, and doesn't shoot\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\tLilly fires her carbine but the <<print $name>> is in cover\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 7)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.05 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.01 * $magazine))>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.05 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\tLilly fires her carbine, causing the <<print $name>> to squeal in agony\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.125 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\tLilly fires her carbine, causing the <<print $name>> to thrash in pain\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\tLilly fires her carbine at the <<print $name>> and kills <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_auto");>>\n\t<<set $specialTargetType = "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $specialTargetType = "vanishes">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $killstring = "kill">>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMachine and $combat.enemy.isOrganic eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $killstring = "destroy">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $accuracy = (0.75 * $random)>>\n\t<<set $magazine = 8>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_12")>>\n\t\t<<set $magazine = 3 + Math.round(1.2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy = 0.5 + (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combatDroneName = "Petrovic's">>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t<<set $combatDroneName = "Your">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.rounds gt 4>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Out of Ammo</span></div>\n\t\t<<print $combatDroneName>> combat drone is out of ammunition. It goes into hibernate mode...\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.removeDrone = true>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t<<print $combatDroneName>> combat drone fires it's autocannon but misses entirely\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Cover</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $combatDroneName>> combat drone fires it's autocannon but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>is in cover<</if>>.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $magazine) / 3)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil(0.2 * $magazine))>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil(0.15 * $magazine))>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((0.35 * $magazine) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Missed</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Hit Shield</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print $combatDroneName>> combat drone fires it's autocannon but the <<print $name>> <<if $specialTargetType eq "vanishes">>vanishes into thin air<<else>>deploys a shield<</if>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((0.25 * $magazine) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print $combatDroneName>> combat drone fires it's autocannon but the <<print $name>>'s armor holds\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $combatDroneName>> combat drone fires it's autocannon at the <<print $name>> and <<print $killstring>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<unset $random>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<set $armor_ranged = 0>>\n<<set $armor_melee = 0>>\n<<set $armor_fatigue = 0>>\n\n<<set $getStatsFor = $itemToGetStats>>\n<<display 'getItemCharacteristics'>>\n\n<<set $armor_ranged = $returnedStats.armorRanged>>\n<<set $armor_melee = $returnedStats.armorMelee>>\n<<set $armor_fatigue = $returnedStats.armorFatigueDrain>>
/% armor hit scaling / deflection tweak to make heavy armor more worth it %/\n<<if $attrib.armortype eq "protected">>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 3>>\n<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 1>>\n\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 0>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "impervious">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 0>>\n<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberbody") or $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin") or ($equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1)>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 3>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $itemToGetStats = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t<<display 'getArmorStats'>>\n\t\t<<if $armor_ranged gt 0 or $armor_melee gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 4>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($equip.offhand.contains("rhinoskin") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_dampening")) and $combat.armorhits gt 0>>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_8") and ($attrib.armortype eq "protected" or $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored")>>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_10") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_3") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_3")>>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $combat.armorhits lt 0>>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits = 0>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $equip.persistentExoHits>>\n\t<<set $equip.persistentExoHits = 0>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits += $equip.persistentExoHits>>\n<</if>>
<<set $shieldHitLimit = 1>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("shield")>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isSelfPoweredShield>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isArcArmor>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_10") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_9")>> \n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("hyper-capacitor")>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("em-sensor")>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("shield") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_fluffy") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isArcShieldBooster>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("thirdeye") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t<<set $shieldHitLimit += 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shieldHitLimit = Math.ceil($shieldHitLimit * $combat.bonus.shieldBonus)>>\n<<set $shieldHitLimit = Math.min($shieldHitLimit, 5)>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $enemyStartingArmor = $combat.enemy.armor>>\n\t<<set $enemyStartingShield = $combat.enemy.shield>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.vitality lte 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "playerdead">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<display 'calcStatusTweaks'>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldRebootAmt = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $random = (Math.random() - 0.05)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMain>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveSecondary>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMelee>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].ammotype = $template.ammo>>\n\n\t\t/% global damage tweak %/\n\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1>>\n\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1>>\n\n\n\t\t/% ############################################################ %/\n\t\t/% weapon type penetration %/\n\t\t/% ############################################################ %/\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.75>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "arclance" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.75>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "conductive" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.75>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% semi-auto / full auto crit modifiers %/\n\t\t<<if $template.isSemiAuto and $template.isBreechLoaded eq false and $combat.wasCritAttack and $template.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $template.isSemiAuto eq false and $template.isBreechLoaded eq false and $combat.wasCritAttack and $template.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldRebootAmt = 0>>\n\n\t\t/% ############################################################ %/\n\t\t/% ammo type shield adjust %/\n\t\t/% ############################################################ %/\t\t\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "toxin" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield eq false and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield eq false)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "scatter" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield eq false and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield eq false)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 2.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "conductive" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield eq false and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield eq false)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen -= 2>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "tungsten" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield eq false and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield eq false)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen += 2>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $combat.specialDisplayState eq "fireBladeCharge" and ($combat.enemy.hasArcShield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $combat.specialDisplayState eq "arcBladeCharge" and ($combat.enemy.hasArcShield or $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combatIsArena and $combat.isFirstRound eq false and $combat.actions.length gt 0 and ($combat.actions[$index].action neq $combat.actions[$index - 1].action or $combat.actions[$index].ammotype neq $combat.actions[$index - 1].ammotype)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.didWeaponAmmoSwitch = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.bonus.ultimateHitBonus>>\n\t\t\t/% VASTLY boost hit chance %/\n\t\t\t<<set $random = 3>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.isFirstRound or $combat.usedEscapeMechanic eq 1) and (($attrib.fatigue lt 50 and $attrib.toxicity lt 50) or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_12")) and $combat.enemy.isElusive eq false>>\n\t\t\t/% Armor-Based initial Hit Tweak %/\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "protected">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.05>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.05>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.05>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.player.accuracy lt 0.35>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.accuracy lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.accuracy lt 0.8>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.05>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% ###############################################\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\n\t\tBEGIN EQUIP BONUSES\n\t\t\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\t###############################################%/\n\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy = 1>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist") and $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen += 0.05>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% bonus vs melee when using sidearms %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy += 0.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn eq false and not $combat.isFirstRound>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy -= $template.switchPenalty>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("fleshmask")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybereye") and $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isMeleeBooster and ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen = ($template.armorpen * 1.15)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen = ($template.shieldpen * 1.15)>>\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tweakedaccuracy += 0.05>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist") and ($equip.offhand.contains("featherarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle"))>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten") and $equip.offhand.contains("cybereye")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.fringeRaider>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("braincase")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isAbomKiller and $combat.enemy.isAbomination>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Templar Robes" and $combat.enemy.isHuman>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("em-sensor")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isRestrictiveFit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.9>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.9>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.001>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.999>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.999>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("spinal-support") or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("synth-fiber") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle") or $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.001>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.999>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.999>>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.001>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.999>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.999>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.125>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.92>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.92>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($equip.isHeavyWeapon or $equip.isPseudoHeavyWeapon) and not $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.9>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.9>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("mount-point")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and ($equip.rifle.name eq "cybergun" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee" and $template.ammo eq "powerfist" and $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>> \n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random -= 0.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inquisitorEffect and $combat.enemy.isHuman>>\n\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.05>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% ###############################################\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\n\t\tEND EQUIP BONUSES\n\t\t\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\t###############################################%/\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $shotsfired = $template.magazine>>\n\n\t\t/% PLAYER FIRE CALCULATIONS %/\n\t\t<<set $toxinfatigue = 0>>\n\t\n\t\n\t\t/% ###############################################\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\n\t\tBEGIN ANOINTMENT BONUSES\n\t\t\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\t###############################################%/\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Habit of the Witch Hunter" and $attrib.religion eq "edenite" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Armor of the Old Gods" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "flaming_sword_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "flaming_sword_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t/* flaming sword */\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 0.1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialCritName = getLocalizedString("flaming_sword_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "astral_insight_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "astral_insight_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.bonus.enemyMisses gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = (1.1 * $combat.bonus.enemyMisses)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "eternal_vigilance_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "eternal_vigilance_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialCritName = getLocalizedString("eternal_vigilance_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "scholars_insight_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "scholars_insight_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.75>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "lost_love_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "lost_love_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.player.ally eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.accuracy *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "boatmans_dues_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "boatmans_dues_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.15>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.15>>\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.dilligence -= 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialCritName = getLocalizedString("boatmans_dues_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "shaitans_sins_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "shaitans_sins_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = (1.005 * $hud.foundCodexEntries.length)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "gaping_maw_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "gaping_maw_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = (1.1 * ($combat.inflictedDazzleStates + $combat.inflictedGasStates + $combat.inflictedShockStates + $combat.inflictedBurnStates))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 0>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialCritName = getLocalizedString("gaping_maw_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "asshole_supreme_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "asshole_supreme_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 25>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialCritName = getLocalizedString("asshole_supreme_anoint")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "deranged_inspiration_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "deranged_inspiration_anoint")>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if ($template.consumeCharge or $template.spendCharge) and $template.ammo eq "arclance" or $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.35>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.35>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.spendCharge *= 1.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "spit_itf_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "spit_itf_anoint")>>\t\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isOldWorldMachine>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.25>>\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "increase_accuracy_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "increase_accuracy_anoint")>>\t\n\t\t\t<<set $template.accuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "increase_damage_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "increase_damage_anoint")>>\t\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.accuracy += 0.1>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\n\t\t/% ###############################################\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\n\t\tBEGIN SKILL BONUSES\n\t\t\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\t###############################################%/\n\n\t\t<<set $modifier = 1>>\n\n /% bug fix: used to work with intoxication too %/\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_11") and $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n <<set $modifier *= (0.075 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_10") and ($attrib.fatigue gte 50 or $attrib.toxicity gte 50)>>\n <<set $modifier *= (0.08 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <</if>>\n\n /% changed to strict penalty so scales correctly with UI display %/\n <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>\n <<set $toxinfatigue -= (0.4 * $modifier)>>\n <<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n <<set $toxinfatigue -= (0.2 * $modifier)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $modifier = 1>>\n\n <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 and not $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken12")>>\n <<set $toxinfatigue -= (0.5 * $modifier)>>\n <<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50 and not $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken12")>>\n <<set $toxinfatigue -= (0.15 * $modifier)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $combat.actions.length gt 0 and $index gt 0 and $combat.isFirstRound eq false and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_3") and ($combat.actions[$index - 1].result eq "hitnothing" or $combat.actions[$index - 1].result eq "hitcover")>>\n <<set $toxinfatigue *= 0.66>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $template.drawn and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n <<set $combat.sustainedHWFire = true>>\n <<else>>\n <<set $combat.sustainedHWFire = false>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.15>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_11")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + ($sexPhases.numTimesHadSex * 0.1)>>\n <<if $skillMod gt 2>>\n <<set $skillMod = 2>>\n <</if>>\n <<set $skillMod += (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_3") and $template.isSemiAuto and $template.isBreechLoaded eq false>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_5")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.05 + (0.0025 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.void))>>\n <<if $equip.clothes eq "Void Suit" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Void Rig">>\n <<set $skillMod *= 2>>\n <</if>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_5") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_11")) and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.055 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\t\t\n\n <<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_7") and $template.drawn eq false>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_8") and ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_5") and ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_9") and not $template.isBreechLoaded and not $template.isSemiAuto and ($template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $template.ammo eq "9mm")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_1") and $combat.enemy.isMachine>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_1") and $combat.enemy.isOrganic>>\n\t\t <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_5")>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= (1 + (0.075 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates))>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= (1 + (0.075 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates))>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= (1 + (0.075 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates))>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_3") and ($combat.enemy.armor lt $combat.enemy.maxarmor or $combat.enemy.shield lt $combat.enemy.maxshield)>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_1") and ($combat.enemy.hasArcShield or $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield)>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_2")>>\n <<set $skillMod = (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.switchPenalty *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_6")>>\n <<set $skillMod = (0.075 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.switchPenalty *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_7") and $equip.isCybernetic)>>\n <<set $skillMod = (0.065 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.switchPenalty *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_11") and $equip.isCybernetic>>\n <<set $template.switchPenalty *= (0.08 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_10") and ($template.ammo eq "9mm") and $template.drawn>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_10") and ($template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $template.drawn>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4") and $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\t\t\n <<set $skillMod *= 1.5>>\t\t\t\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.05 + (0.0015 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.death))>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.05 + (0.0025 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.eden))>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_9")>>\n <<set $bioAugs = 1>>\n <<set $abomAugs = 1>>\n <<set $cyberAugs = 1>>\n <<for $i = 0; $i lt ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1); $i++>>\n <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "bioaug">>\n <<set $bioAugs += 1>>\n <<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "abomaug">>\n <<set $abomAugs += 1>>\n <<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "none">>\n <<set $cyberAugs += 1>>\n <</if>>\n <</for>>\n\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.015 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= ($skillMod * $bioAugs)>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= ($skillMod * $cyberAugs)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_2") and ($template.ammo eq "9mm")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_3") and ($template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_3") and $combat.enemy.isOrganic>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_7") and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_1") and ($template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_1") and ($combat.enemy.isXenos or $combat.enemy.isHuman)>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isXenos or ($inztinct.active and $combat.enemy.isHuman and ($equip.clothes eq "Hatewear" or $equip.clothes eq "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue"))>>\n \t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n \t<<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_2") and $combat.enemy.isMachine and $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist">>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_11") and ($template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_2") and ($template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_1") and ($combat.enemy.isAbomination or $combat.enemy.isXenos)>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_2") and ($template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_3") and ($template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper")>>\n <<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_2") and $combat.sustainedHWFire and $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n <<set $attrib.fatigue = Math.round($attrib.fatigue * 0.95)>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_3") and ($template.consumeCharge or $template.spendCharge) and $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_2") and $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored">>\n <<set $template.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n <<set $template.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<set $testForKobolExecute = false>>\n\t\t<<if $template.slot eq "pistol" and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_7") and $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t<<set $testForKobolExecute = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_9") and ($template.consumeCharge or $template.spendCharge) and $template.ammo eq "arclance" or $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.spendCharge *= (0.066 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n <</if>>\n\n\n\t\t/% ###############################################\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\n\t\tEND SKILL BONUSES\n\t\t\n\t\t###############################################\n\t\t###############################################%/\n\n\t\t/% ############################################################ %/\n\t\t/% combat calc %/\n\t\t/% ############################################################ %/\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy = $combat.bonus.meleeHitBonus>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $factor = 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $factor = 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $meleeFactor = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_1") and ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $meleeFactor += 0.05>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += (0.05 * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.8 + ($factor * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive * $meleeFactor)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.8 + ($factor * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive * $meleeFactor)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= 0.01>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy = $combat.bonus.rangedHitBonus>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= 0.01>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $random += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.name eq "Scorpion" and $equip.clothes eq "Corsair Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon and not $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<<set $accuracy *= ($template.accuracy * $combat.player.accuracy * ($random + $toxinfatigue) * $tweakedaccuracy)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $oveerrideMiss = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybereye") and $combat.isFirstRound>>\n\t\t\t<<set $oveerrideMiss = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyCoilgun and $template.ammo eq "9mm" and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_1")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.015 * $inztinct.affinity * $combat.bonus.hcoilerSuccessive)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = (0.1 * $combat.bonus.hcoilerSuccessive)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.hcoilerSuccessive += 1>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.hcoilerSuccessive = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.isFirstRound eq false and $index gt 0 and $combat.actions.length gt 0 and $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($combat.actions[$index - 1].result eq "hitnothing" or $combat.actions[$index - 1].result eq "hitcover") and (($attrib.fatigue lt 75 and $attrib.toxicity lt 75) or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken12"))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy = ($combat.enemy.cover + 0.1)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $oveerrideMiss = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% ################################## %/\n\t\t/% Accuracy tweaks %/\n\t\t/% ################################## %/\n\n\t\t<<set $hwUseAmmoPercent = false>>\n\t\t/% butchered calculation for 'bullet spam' weapons that should always hit... a little %/\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyCoilgun and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<set $penMod = 0.18>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $penMod = 0.17>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $penMod = 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0 and (($attrib.fatigue lt 50 and $attrib.toxicity lt 50) or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_3"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy = 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.hitspershot = 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $oveerrideMiss = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "autoSprayWeaponRunaway">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $accuracy lt 0.25>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "autoSprayWeaponRunaway">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hwUseAmmoPercent = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= ($accuracy + $penMod)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= ($accuracy + $penMod)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.magazine gt 30 and $accuracy lte 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += (0.035 * $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% smart targeters always hit %/ \n\t\t<<if $template.isSmartTargeting and $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $oveerrideMiss = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy = Math.abs($accuracy) + 0.01>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% determine if we hit at all %/\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "hitnothing">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_3")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedHitBonus += (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeHitBonus += (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $oveerrideMiss eq false and $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist" and $template.ammo neq "toxin" and $template.ammo neq "arclance" and $template.ammo neq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy += ($accuracy * $combat.bonus.deCoverBonus)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo neq "9mm" and $template.ammo neq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($combat.enemy.cover * 0.75)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= $combat.enemy.cover>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t/% if deflect attack with cover, cover takes damage %/\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.cover *= 0.75>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<unset $oveerrideMiss>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.successiveMisses += 1>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.successiveMisses = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t/% hit check passed - try for damage %/\n\t\t<<if $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills = (($accuracy * $template.magazine * $template.hitspershot) / $template.shotsperkill)>>\n\n\t\t\t/% kill adjusting %/\n\t\t\t<<if $template.magazine eq 1 and $template.hitspershot eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $kills gt 2 and $template.magazine gt 1 and $template.isSemiAuto and $template.isBreechLoaded eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 2>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.magazine neq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t/% does this calculation work???? %/\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hitfactor = ($kills / $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $shotsfired = Math.ceil($template.magazine / $hitfactor)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $shotsfired = Math.min($shotsfired, $template.magazine)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t/% finnicky little value used to balance the M1B Bush Raptor %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.isHeavyRandomizer>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shotsfired = Math.min(Math.ceil($template.magazine * 0.5 * $random + 3), $template.magazine)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t/% these weapons ALWAYS dumps entire magazine, regardless of hit factor, due to fire mode %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.dumpMagazineMechanic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shotsfired = $template.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.magazine lte 9 and ($template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shotsfired = $template.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $conductiveoverride = false>>\n\n\t\t\t/% only apply if hits %/\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.elemental = "shock">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t/% special case for conductive ammo, which acts like a poor man's tungsten bolt if the target is immune to conductive%/\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "conductive" and $combat.enemy.immune eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $conductiveoverride = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.ammo = "tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 1.45>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq $combat.enemy.vulnerable or ($template.ammo eq "arclance" and $combat.enemy.vulnerable eq "conductive")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "hitvulnerable">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq $combat.enemy.immune>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 0>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += (0.7 * $shotsfired * $tweakGas)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter" and $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen += (($template.shieldpen * $combat.enemy.alive * 0.3))>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen += (($template.armorpen * $combat.enemy.alive * 0.2))>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t/% fix to prevent scattershot ludicrous kills %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $shotsfired gt 1 and $template.armorpen gt ($combat.enemy.maxarmor * 0.2 * $shotsfired)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen = ($combat.enemy.maxarmor * 0.2 * $shotsfired)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.armorpen gt ($combat.enemy.maxarmor * 0.4)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen = ($combat.enemy.maxarmor * 0.4)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldpen = ($template.shieldpen * $shotsfired)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $armorpen = ($template.armorpen * $shotsfired)>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.magazine gt 1 and $combat.wasCritAttack eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nrHits = $accuracy>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $accuracy gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nrHits = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $accuracy lt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nrHits = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldpen *= $nrHits>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $armorpen *= $nrHits>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldpen = $shieldpen * $combat.bonus.meleeShieldBonus>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $armorpen = $armorpen * $combat.bonus.meleeArmorBonus>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldpen = $shieldpen * $combat.bonus.rangedShieldBonus>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $armorpen = $armorpen * $combat.bonus.rangedArmorBonus>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldpenalty = ($combat.enemy.shield - Math.ceil($shieldpen))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $armorpenalty = ($combat.enemy.armor - Math.ceil($armorpen))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<unset $shieldpen, $armorpen, $nrHits>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $basekills = $kills>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $dmgsplitfactor = 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $dmgsplitfactor = ($combat.enemy.total * 0.85)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $dmgsplitfactor *= 0.8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0 or $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $shieldpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $shieldpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldPenTweak = 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldPenTweak = 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldPenTweak = 0.4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $shieldPenTweak += 0.25>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((($template.shieldpen * $shotsfired) + $basekills) * $shieldPenTweak) / $dmgsplitfactor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t/% <<set window.alert($combat.enemy.shield)>> %/\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $combat.enemy.shield * 0.33>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $armorpenalty gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= $armorpenalty>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $template.armorpen gte 1 and $combat.enemy.isImposing>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= (((($template.armorpen * $shotsfired) + $basekills) * 0.66) / $dmgsplitfactor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((($template.armorpen * $shotsfired) + $basekills) / $dmgsplitfactor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= ($combat.enemy.armor * 0.33)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $kills lte 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills gt 0 and $combat.enemy.shield gt 0 and $combat.enemy.armor gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% kill armor and shields %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((($template.shieldpen * $shotsfired) + $basekills) * 0.66) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((($template.armorpen * $shotsfired) + $basekills) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $kills gt 0 and $combat.enemy.shield gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% percentually reduce shields %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (((($template.shieldpen * $shotsfired) + $basekills)) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $kills gt 0 and $combat.enemy.armor gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% percentually reduce armor %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((($template.armorpen * $shotsfired) + $basekills) / $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].result = "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = Math.ceil($kills)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% use ammo %/\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.ninemmFired += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "DRUG">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.usedDisposableGun = true>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hwUseAmmoPercent and $accuracy gt 0>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $penMod = 0.65>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $penMod = 0.7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $penMod = 0.8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $template.magazine lte 9>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammoPercent = $shotsfired>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammoPercent = Math.min(Math.ceil($shotsfired * $accuracy * $penMod), $template.magazine)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo -= $ammoPercent>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo = Math.max(0, $equip.pistol.ammo)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo -= $shotsfired>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t/% special case for physical impat condictive bolts %/\n\t\t\t<<if $conductiveoverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.conductiveFired += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric -= $shotsfired>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.tungstenFired += 1>> \n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= $shotsfired>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric -= $shotsfired>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.conductiveFired += 1>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical -= $shotsfired>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.toxinFired += 1>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter -= $shotsfired>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.scatterFired += 1>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.nukeFired += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 15>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.meleeAttacks += 1>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<set $applyAmmount = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $shotsfired gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $applyAmmount = ($shotsfired * 0.7)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += (1 * $applyAmmount * $tweakGas)>>\n\t\t<<elseif $template.elemental eq "toxin" and not ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover")>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<set $ammt = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt += (1.8 * $accuracy * $tweakGas)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt += (0.03 * $shotsfired * $accuracy * $tweakGas)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt *= 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $ammt lt 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += $ammt>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% plasma hit effect %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.name eq "NGREP_Extended" and $combat.specialDisplayState eq "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates += 0.6>>\n\t\t<<elseif $template.elemental eq "plasma" and not ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates += 0.2>>\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% and $kills gt 0 and $combat.actions[$index].result neq "hitshield" %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "arcBladeCharge">>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += (1 * $tweakShock)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge -= 45>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = Math.max(0, $equip.charge)>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "fireBladeCharge">>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates += (1 * $tweakBurn)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge -= 45>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = Math.max(0, $equip.charge)>>\n\n\t\t/% shock effect %/\n\t\t<<elseif $template.elemental eq "shock" and not ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += (0.2 * $tweakShock)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("shock-fist") and $template.ammo eq "powerfist" and $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += (1 * $tweakShock)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "micronuke" and ($kills gt 0 or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates += (2 * $tweakBurn)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.consumeCharge>>\n\t\t\t<<set $spendfactor = $template.spendCharge>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $spendfactor = 33>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% -25% charge consume %/\n\t\t<<if $template.consumeCharge and $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("iso-tube")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $spendfactor *= 0.75>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% undercharged modifier %/\n\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "arclance" or $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst") and $equip.charge lt $spendfactor>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.armorpen *= 0.35>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.shieldpen *= 0.35>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% uses up charge when fired %/\n\t\t<<if $template.needsChargeToUse>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge -= Math.round($spendfactor * ($template.magazine / $shotsfired))>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = Math.max(0, $equip.charge)>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "arclance" or $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.shockGunUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.plasmaCasterUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $spendfactor += ($spendfactor * 0.1 * $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $kills gt 0 or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates += (1 * $tweakBurn)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += (1 * $tweakShock)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge -= Math.round($spendfactor)>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t/% ignore ammo cost if effect is caused by witchgun fire %/\n\t\t\t<<if not ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.name eq "Witchgun")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = Math.max(0, $equip.charge)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-menu-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcSidearmDisplay'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<if $shieldRebootAmt gt 0 and ($combat.enemy.hasArcShield or $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = $shieldRebootAmt>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.min($combat.enemy.alive, $kills)>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0 and $template.hitspershot gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kills += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% maxkill hack %/\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" >>\n\t\t\t<<if ($attrib.fatigue gte 50 or $attrib.toxicity gte 50) and $kills gt 3 and not $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 3>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $kills gt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 4>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($attrib.fatigue gte 50 or $attrib.toxicity gte 50) and $kills gt 2 and not $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 2>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $kills gt 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills = 3>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomclaw") and $combat.enemy.isOrganic and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee" and ($equip.isConcealing eq false or $equip.isFleshMold)>>\n\t\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue *= (0.6 * $combat.bonus.meleeConsumeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity *= (0.5 * $combat.bonus.meleeConsumeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeConsumeModifier *= 0.33>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $kills = Math.min($kills, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t/% prevent one round wipes outside of arena %/\n\t\t\t<<if $kills gt 1 and $combat.isFirstRound and $kills eq $combat.enemy.total and $combatIsArena eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $kills -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $testForKobolExecute>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 25>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $testForKobolExecute = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t/% fat and tox reduction %/\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_5") and $combat.enemy.isOrganic>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = Math.round($attrib.fatigue * (1 - (0.05 * $kills)))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = Math.round($attrib.toxicity * (1 - (0.1 * $kills)))>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_9")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = Math.round($attrib.toxicity * (1 - (0.1 * $kills)))>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_1") and ($combat.enemy.isOrganic)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = Math.round($attrib.toxicity * (1 + (0.05 * $kills)))>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_1") and ($combat.enemy.isOrganic)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = Math.round($attrib.toxicity * (1 + (0.05 * $kills)))>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_10")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = Math.round($attrib.toxicity + (5 * $kills))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = Math.round($attrib.fatigue + (5 * $kills))>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_7")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t/% arena melee kills %/\n\t\t\t<<if $combatIsArena>> \n\t\t\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.meleeKills += $kills>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $kills eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.gotDoubleKill = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $kills gt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.gotMultiKill = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t/% apply kills to enemy %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += $kills>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t<</if>> \n\n\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].kills = Math.min($kills, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].shotsfired = $shotsfired>>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = true>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 0>>\n\n\t\t<<if $kills lt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = ($shotsfired * $template.hitspershot)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and not $combat.enemy.hasArcShield and not $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield) or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = ($shotsfired * $template.hitspershot)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = $kills>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result neq "hitnothing" and $combat.actions[$index].result neq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_6") and $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% dazzle applicator %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt = (((0.5 * $tweakDazzle) + (0.1 * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive)) * $accuracy)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt *= 1.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt *= 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $ammt lt 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += $ammt>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<unset $ammt>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_11") and $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt = (((0.5 * $tweakGas) + (0.1 * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive)) * $accuracy)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammt *= 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $ammt lt 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += $ammt>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive gt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedGasStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedShockStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedBurnStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_UI_Centerpane'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = false>>\n\n\t\t<<unset $random>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $damageDoneArmor = Math.floor(($enemyStartingArmor - $combat.enemy.armor) * 10)>>\n\t<<set $damageDoneShield = Math.floor(($enemyStartingShield - $combat.enemy.shield) * 10)>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "deranged_inspiration_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "deranged_inspiration_anoint")>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<<if not (($template.consumeCharge or $template.spendCharge) and $template.ammo eq "arclance" or $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge += Math.ceil(($damageDoneArmor + $damageDoneShield) * 0.2)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<set $combat.wasCritAttack = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack = false>>\n\n\t<<set $index = $combat.actions.length - 1>>\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMain>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveSecondary>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index] eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMelee>>f\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier = 0>>\n\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier = 0>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.075 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.05 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.isFirstRound eq false and $index gt 0 and $combat.actions.length gt 0 and $combat.actions[$index - 1].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $equip.isSkimpy>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCyberOutfit and ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine"))>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("deadeye")>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("boost-cell")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("thirdeye")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Plasma Staff">>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.05>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Rainment of the Dead River" and $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<<set $mod = 0.1 * $combat.enemy.alive>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += $mod>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += $mod>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Effigy of the Ebonhawk" and $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<<set $mod = 0.05 * $combat.enemy.alive>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += $mod>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += $mod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Vestement of the Vampire Hunter" and $attrib.religion eq "atheist" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Armor of the Old Gods" and $inztinct.active and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.3>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.3>>\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.isFirstRound and $equip.clothes eq "Maw of the Void" and $attrib.religion eq "voided" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCritBooster>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isMeleeBooster>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier -= 0.03>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.03>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("synth-fiber") or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("spinal-support")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier -= 0.03>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.03>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif ($equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")) and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier -= 0.03>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.03>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Legionnaire Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier -= 0.05>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.05>>\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isRestrictiveFit>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier -= 0.05>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.05>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.02>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.02>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.fangedMenace>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.1 * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive)>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy += (0.1 * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.freakishCrit>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.3 * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.2 * $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.isFirstRound eq false and $combat.actions.length gt 0 and $index gt 0 and $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if $template.isBreechingGun>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.accuracy = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen *= 4>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_0") and ($combat.enemy.isAbomination or $combat.enemy.isXenos) and not $equip.clothes eq "Assault Vest">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_0") and ($combat.enemy.isAbomination or $combat.enemy.isXenos or $combat.enemy.isOrganic) and $equip.clothes eq "Assault Vest">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_8")>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_11") and $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t\t<<set $cyberAugs = 0>>\n\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1); $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "bioaug" and $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "abomaug" and $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $cyberAugs += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.05 * $cyberAugs)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_8")>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.05 + (0.0035 * $inztinct.affinity * $statistics.freelanceJobsDone))>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_1") and ($combat.enemy.isXenos or $combat.enemy.isHuman)>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isXenos or ($inztinct.active and $combat.enemy.isHuman and ($equip.clothes eq "Hatewear" or $equip.clothes eq "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue"))>>\n\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.005 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.005 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_12") and $template.isSubsonic>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.055 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_4") and $template.isBreechLoaded>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_1") and $combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_2") and $combat.enemy.isMachine and $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.015 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_2") and not $template.drawn>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_3") and ($combat.enemy.isHuman)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_1") and ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>> \n\t\t/%$combat.enemy.isOrganic>> %/\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_6") and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyCoilgun eq true and $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<set $ammofactor = ($equip.pistol.ammo / 90)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity * $ammofactor)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% x2 due to 50% crit chance %/\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_6") and $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% x2 due to 50% crit chance %/\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_3") and $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_7") and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.01>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.01>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_8") and $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_4") and $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_2")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_4")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.055 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_3") and $template.isSemiAuto and $template.isBreechLoaded eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_5") and $combat.actions[$index] eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.055 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_4") and $combat.isFirstRound and $template.isSemiAuto and $template.isBreechLoaded eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 100>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/* old talent <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_12") and $combat.isFirstRound and $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 100>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 100>>\n\t<</if>>*/\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_11") and $equip.isReligious and ($equip.rifle.anointment neq "none" or $equip.pistol.anointment neq "none")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.05 + (0.0025 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.eden))>>\n\t\t\t<<set $template.accuracy *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_5")>>\n\t\t<<set $statMulti = 0>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity * $statMulti)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity * $statMulti)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_11")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + ($sexPhases.numTimesHadSex * 0.1)>>\n\t\t<<if $skillMod gt 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod += (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_4")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += ((0.03 * $inztinct.affinity) * $combat.bonus.comboEffectStack)>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += ((0.03 * $inztinct.affinity) * $combat.bonus.comboEffectStack)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_8")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier -= 0.15>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier -= 0.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\n\t<<if ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "eternal_vigilance_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "eternal_vigilance_anoint")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.33>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.33>>\n\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "boatmans_dues_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "boatmans_dues_anoint")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "rigor_mortis_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "rigor_mortis_anoint")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.isSubsonic>>\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "asshole_supreme_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "asshole_supreme_anoint")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.45>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.45>>\n\n\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "deranged_inspiration_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "deranged_inspiration_anoint")>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.15>>\n\n\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "spit_itf_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "spit_itf_anoint")>>\t\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isOldWorldMachine>>\n\t\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.anointment eq "increase_accuracy_anoint") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.anointment eq "increase_accuracy_anoint")>>\t\n\t\t<<if $template.isSmartTargeting or $template.eXtremeZoom>>\n\t\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcStatusTweaks'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.isExoticGun and $combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<if $random lte 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.ammo = "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.accuracy = 0.55>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shotsperkill = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.magazine = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.hitspershot = 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen = 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen = 30>>\n\t\t<<elseif $random gte 0.85>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.ammo = "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.accuracy = 0.65>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shotsperkill = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.magazine = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.hitspershot = 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen = 4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen = 14>>\n\t\t<<elseif $random gte 0.45>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "witchGunHyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.hitspershot = 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.isExoticGun and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<if $random lte 0.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy = 0.55>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shotsperkill = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.hitspershot = 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen = 4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen = 30>>\n\t\t<<elseif $random gte 0.65>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "nullRifleHyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.hitspershot = 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.hasPlasmaSink and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and ($template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten")>>\n\t\t<<set $statusEffChance = 0.1 * $tweakBurn>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.didSpecialMove eq false or ($combat.didSpecialMove and $random lte $statusEffChance)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.elemental = "plasma">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.didSpecialMove = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "FLaK" and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $template.ammo eq "scatter">> \n\t\t<<set $statusEffChance = 0.25 * $tweakBurn>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.didSpecialMove eq false or ($combat.didSpecialMove and $random lte $statusEffChance)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.elemental = "plasma">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.didSpecialMove = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveSecondary.dazzleProjector and $combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $statusEffChance = 0.15 * $tweakDazzle>>\n\t\t<<if ($combat.didSpecialMove eq false and $random lte 0.6) or ($combat.didSpecialMove and $random lte $statusEffChance)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "blackthornDazzle">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen *= 1.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.didSpecialMove = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.dazzleProjector and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $statusEffChance = 0.2 * $tweakDazzle>>\n\t\t<<if ($combat.didSpecialMove eq false and $random lte 0.6) or ($combat.didSpecialMove and $random lte $statusEffChance)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "blackthornDazzle">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 1.75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.didSpecialMove = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.hasFlameCharge and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $template.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.charge gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "fireBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.elemental = "plasma">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= 1.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.hasArcCharge and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $template.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.charge gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "arcBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.elemental = "shock">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 1.33>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9") and $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.elemental = "shock">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 1.6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= 0.8>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.elemental = "shock">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen *= 1.6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen *= 0.8>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/%<<set window.alert("ran: " + $random + " lt: " + (0.075 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%/\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_7") and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.isHeavyCoilgun and $template.ammo eq "9mm" and $random lt (0.075 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.elemental = "shock">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= 1.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% random complete failures trying to use heavy weapons you can't handle %/\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $template.isHeavyWeapon and not $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t<<if $random gte 0.75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy -= 0.2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "heavyGunStruggle">>\n\t\t<<elseif $random lte 0.05>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy -= 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "heavyGunStruggle2">>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.bonus.ultimateHitBonus>>\n\t\t<<set $meleeCritMultiplier = 9999>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% crit dmg multiplier, baseline 100% crit damage %/\n\t<<set $critModRanged = 0.995>>\n\t<<if $rangedCritMultiplier gt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $critModRanged = $rangedCritMultiplier>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_12") and $template.isSubsonic>>\n\t\t<<set $critModRanged += (0.055 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_9") and $combat.inflictedBurnStates gte 3>>\n\t\t<<set $critModRanged += 0.4>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $critModMelee = 1>>\n\t<<if $meleeCritMultiplier gt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $critModMelee = $meleeCritMultiplier>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $template.isMonoblade>>\n\t\t<<set $critModMelee += 0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_2") and $combat.bonus.comboEffectStack gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.055 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $critModRanged += $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $critModMelee += $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% generic critical hit stuff %/\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<if $random gte (0.95 - $meleeCritMultiplier - $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus) or $meleeCritMultiplier gte 100>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $critModMelee gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $critModMelee gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.25 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t/% plasma staff special accuracy bonus vs many targets / simulates open area %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.getsStaffBonus and $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy *= (1.1 * $combat.enemy.alive )>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.1 * $combat.enemy.alive )>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy *= (1.2 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.5 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.5 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.5 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy *= (2 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee.armorpen *= (1.25 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee.shieldpen *= (1.3 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee.accuracy *= (2 * $critModMelee)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% prevent game wipes from semi-auto railguns %/\n\t<<set $allowedToCrit = true>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.bonus.hcoilerSuccessive eq 0 and $equip.isHeavyCoilgun and $template.ammo eq "9mm" and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $allowedToCrit = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.bonus.ultimateHitBonus>>\n\t\t<<set $allowedToCrit = true>>\n\t\t<<set $rangedCritMultiplier = 9999>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% armor crit %/\n\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "scatter") and $allowedToCrit>>\n\t\t<<if $random lt (0.05 + $rangedCritMultiplier + $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus) or $rangedCritMultiplier gte 100>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $critModRanged gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $critModRanged gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.isSubsonic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.6 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyCoilgun>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% prevent coiler overkill %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.1 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif ($template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "toxin") and $template.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% prevent railgun overkill %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.15 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.3 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.isSubsonic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen *= (1.6 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% plamsa caster crit feature (warsmith) %/\n\t<<if $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus gt 0 and $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t<<if $random lt (0.05 + $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus) or $rangedCritMultiplier gte 100>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $critModRanged gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $critModRanged gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% shock wep crit %/\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t<<if $random lt (0.05 + ($rangedCritMultiplier * 0.5) + ($combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus * 0.5)) or $rangedCritMultiplier gte 100>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $critModRanged gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $critModRanged gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% shield crit %/\n\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "conductive") and $allowedToCrit>>\n\t\t<<if $random lt (0.05 + $rangedCritMultiplier + $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus) or $rangedCritMultiplier gte 100>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $critModRanged gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $critModRanged gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n \n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.isSubsonic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.6 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif ($template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "toxin") and $template.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen *= (1.4 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.isSubsonic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen *= (1.6 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen *= (1.2 * $critModRanged)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $critRandom = $random>>\n\n\t<<unset $mod>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "none">>\n\n\t/% reset enemy debuff after X rounds %/\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff and ($combat.rounds - $combat.specialEnemyStateRound gt 3)>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<set $itemToGetStats = $equip.clothes>>\n\t<<display 'getArmorStats'>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberbody") or $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin")>>\n\t\t<<if ($armor_ranged * 1.2) lt 0.35>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged = 0.35>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue = 20>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($armor_melee * 1.2) lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee = 0.35>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue = 20>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("nano-plate")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.3>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t<<if ($armor_ranged * 1.2) lt 0.2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged = 0.2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $armor_fatigue lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue = 10>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($armor_melee * 1.2) lt 0.2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee = 0.2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $armor_fatigue lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue = 10>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin1") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin2") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin3") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin4") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin5") or ($equip.offhand.contains("normalskel") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_10") and $equip.isAugmented>>\n\t\t<<set $armorToProvide = 0>>\n\t\n\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1); $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $armorToProvide += 0.05>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($armor_ranged * 1.2) lt $armorToProvide>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged = $armorToProvide>>\n\t\t\t<<if $armor_fatigue lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue = 10>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($armor_melee * 1.2) lt $armorToProvide>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee = $armorToProvide>>\n\t\t\t<<if $armor_fatigue lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue = 10>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_fluffy")>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.05>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("braincase")>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.15>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("ballistic-plate")>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("synth-flex")>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= 0.7>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_machine")>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.2>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("dura-link")>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_dampening")>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= 0.8>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= 0.7>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= 0.6>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= 0.75>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= 1.33>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_7") and $attrib.armortype eq "protected">>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= (1 - (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity))>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isFleshMold>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= $attrib.fleshMoldModifier>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= $attrib.fleshMoldModifier>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_3")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = (0.06 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_5") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_7")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_2")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= $skillMod>>\n\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 - (0.03 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_4")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= $skillMod>>\n\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 - (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_fatigue *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_8")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.065* $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_10")>> \n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_9")>> \n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedBurnStates gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity * $combat.inflictedBurnStates)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_1")>> \n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1.1>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= $skillMod>>\n\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged = Math.max(0.1, $armor_ranged)>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee = Math.max(0.1, $armor_melee)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() - 0.05)>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.bonus.ultimateHitBonus>>\n\t\t/% VASTLY reduce hit chance %/\n\t\t<<set $random = 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.ultimateHitBonus = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% after five hits (on hvy armor, three on protected) you have no armor%/\n\t<<if $combat.armorhits gte 5>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee = 0>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.armorhits gte 4>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged = 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee = 0.5>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.armorhits gte 3>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.0>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.0>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.armorhits gte 2>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.15>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.15>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.armorhits gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.45>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.45>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_ranged *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<<set $armor_melee *= 1.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMain>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveSecondary>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMelee>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% TODO: REWORK THIS FACTOR %/\n\t<<set $timefactor = 1>>\n\n\t<<if $time.active lt 24>>\n\t\t<<set $timefactor = 1.5>>\n\t<<elseif $time.active lt 48>>\n\t\t<<set $timefactor = 1.25>>\n\t<<elseif $time.active gte 200>>\n\t\t<<set $timefactor = 0.9>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t/% basic 'miss' to subtract from accuracy calc\n\t0.1 represents minimum value random can take - so remove here %/\n\t<<set $basemisschance = ($combat.enemy.accuracy * 0.1 * $combat.enemy.alive * $timefactor) + 0.05>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored">>\n\t\t<<set $basemisschance = ($combat.enemy.accuracy * 0.075 * $combat.enemy.alive * $timefactor) + 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% #####################################################\n\t\tEVADE CALC\n\t####################################################%/\n\t<<set $miss_evade = 0>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.33>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += $combat.player.cover>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.35>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "protected">>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += ($combat.player.cover * 0.6)>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.01>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += ($combat.player.cover * 0.3)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon") and $equip.isSkimpy>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isSuperStretchy>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.05>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon") and $equip.isSkimpy>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCamoFlage>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.05>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted") or ($combat.actions[$index] eq "fireSecondary" and $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted")>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.05>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion and not $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowDodgeExclusin and not $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.05>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_6")>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_10")>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_0") and $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.25>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_8")>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_6")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Red Devil">>\n\t\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isRestrictiveFit>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade -= 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isReallyVisible>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade -= 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("slenderbody") and $combat.isFirstRound>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.2>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("slenderbody")>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("omnisense")>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("thirdeye") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 >>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_plastique") and not $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland") and $combat.isFirstRound>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.25>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland")>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade -= 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon and $combat.actions[$index] eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $miss_evade -= 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $miss_evade = Math.max($miss_evade, 0.01)>>\n\t<<set $basemisschance += ($miss_evade * $combat.enemy.accuracy)>>\n\n\n\t/% ATTEMPT TO SOLVE MASSIVE AVOIDANCE SYNDROME... not sure it actually works %/\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75 or $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<<set $basemisschance = Math.max(0.01, $combat.enemy.accuracy * 0.15)>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50 or $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t<<set $basemisschance = Math.max(0.01, $combat.enemy.accuracy * 0.3)>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.usedEscapeMechanic eq 0 or ($combat.isFirstRound and $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist")>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isElusive eq false and $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<set $basemisschance = Math.max(0.05, $combat.enemy.accuracy * 1)>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $basemisschance = Math.max(0.05, $combat.enemy.accuracy * 0.35)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $basemisschance = Math.max(0.05, $combat.enemy.accuracy * 0.4)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $minaccuracytweak = 1>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isRestrictiveFit>>\n\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 0.9>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 0.99>>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("synth-fiber") or $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel") or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("spinal-support")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 0.99>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")) and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 0.99>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 0.85>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker and ($equip.isCamoFlage or $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland"))>>\n\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 1.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("omnisense") and $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 1.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% easier to hit in melee range %/\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 0.8>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $minaccuracytweak *= 0.9>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t/% multiplier for multipe enemies present %/\n\t<<set $enemyhitfactor = ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.45)>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $enemyhitfactor = ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.6)>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $enemyhitfactor = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% enemies get 23% more "accurate" each turn they "miss" %/\n\t<<set $accuracy = (($combat.enemy.accuracy * $random * $enemyhitfactor) - ($basemisschance * $combat.bonus.dodgeBonus * $minaccuracytweak) + ($combat.enemy.accuracy * 0.28 * $combat.successiveEnemyMisses))>>\n\n\t<<if $template.ammo neq "melee" and $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($attrib.caution * 0.0005)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($attrib.caution * 0.0002)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% gas reduces accuracy %/\n\t<<if $combat.inflictedGasStates gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= (0.1 * $combat.inflictedGasStates)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= (0.2 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.usedEscapeMechanic eq 0 and $attrib.armortype neq "armored">>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.usedEscapeMechanic = 1>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.successiveMisses gte 4>>\n\t\t<<set $accuracy = 3>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t/% massively bump up hit chance after numerous misses; two misses bumps to four, to eight (x base hit chance) %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.successiveEnemyMisses gte 4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses += 4>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.successiveEnemyMisses eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses += 2>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses += 1>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses = 0>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.usedEscapeMechanic eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.usedEscapeMechanic = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitnothing">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.enemyMisses += 1>>\n\n\t<<elseif $template.ammo neq "melee" and $template.ammo neq "powerfist">>\n\t\t/% adjust cover for nr of enemies %/\n\t\t<<set $coverfactor = 1.2>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $coverfactor = 0.8>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $coverfactor *= $combat.bonus.coverBonus>>\n\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($combat.player.cover * $combat.enemy.alive * $coverfactor)>>\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t/% if deflect attack with cover, cover takes damage %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.player.cover *= 0.75>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% #################################################### %/\n\t/% Drone Shield %/\n\t/% #################################################### %/\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0 and $combat.bonus.shieldDrones gt 0 and $combat.isShieldSuppresed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $multiplier = 1>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t<<set $multiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCyberOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $multiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $multiplier += (0.065 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $shieldchance = ($combat.bonus.shieldDrones * $multiplier)>>\n\n\t\t/% no shield hits yet, increase shield (since consumable, MUST proc or wasted throw) %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.shieldhits eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance += (1 * $multiplier)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance *= 0.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance = $shieldchance + ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.2)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= (0.2 * $shieldchance)>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.shieldDrones -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.shieldDrones = Math.max($combat.bonus.shieldDrones, 0)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% #################################################### %/\n\t/% Gear Shield %/\n\t/% #################################################### %/\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0 and ($equip.offhand.contains("shield") or $equip.isArcArmor or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("hyper-capacitor")) and $combat.isShieldSuppresed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $shieldchance = 1>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'calcShieldHits'>>\n\n\t\t<<set $meleeShockAmmount = 0.2>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("shield")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $meleeShockAmmount += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_fluffy") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isArcShieldBooster>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("thirdeye") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("em-sensor")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shieldchance -= ($combat.shieldhits * 0.3)>>\n\t\t<<set $shieldchance *= $minaccuracytweak>>\n\n\t\t/% always get 10% shield chance as baseline %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.shieldhits lt $shieldHitLimit and $shieldchance lt 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance = 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldchance = ($shieldchance * $combat.enemy.alive * 1.05)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% adjust so when you have 0 shields showing, you get the shitty shield %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.shieldhits lt $shieldHitLimit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($shieldchance * $combat.bonus.shieldBonus)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t/% handle fatigue drain for system powered shields & user powered shields %/\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isSelfPoweredShield>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += (2 + $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $fatAmmt = ($armor_fatigue * 0.5) + ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $fatAmmt lt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += $fatAmmt>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<unset $fatAmmt>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasRailgun>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.hasMiniGun>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord" or $combat.enemy.isBrutalMeele>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t/% increment in twos so the bar runs out at 3 hits, not at 5 %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += $meleeShockAmmount>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("hyper-cooling")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeShieldBonus += 0.15>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeArmorBonus += 0.15>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedShieldBonus += 0.15>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedArmorBonus += 0.15>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitshield">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% #################################################### %/\n\t/% Parry %/\n\t/% #################################################### %/\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker and $accuracy gt 0 and $template.parrychance gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $parrychance = 1.5>>\n\n\t\t/% try to avoid these piling up %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.parryhits gt 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance = 0.5>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.parryhits gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance += 0.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland")) and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isSuperStretchy>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance *= 0.5>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance *= 0.9>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance *= 0.5>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $parrychance *= 0.8>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($template.parrychance * $parrychance * $combat.enemy.alive * $combat.bonus.deflectBonus)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t/% deflecting a blow is kinda strenuous %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.parryhits += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += Math.round(30 * $template.switchPenalty)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $accuracy gt 0 and ($armor_melee gt 0 or $armor_ranged gt 0)>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($armor_melee * $combat.bonus.armorBonus)>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $accuracy -= ($armor_ranged * $combat.bonus.armorBonus)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $accuracy lte 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasRailgun or $combat.enemy.isBrutalMeele>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if combat.enemy.hasHeavyRailgun>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 1>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 2>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += $armor_fatigue>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitarmor">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_fluffy") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeShieldBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeArmorBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedShieldBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedArmorBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_10")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue *= 0.95>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_2")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeArmorBonus += (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeShieldBonus += (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedShieldBonus += (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedArmorBonus += (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% after X moves, reset enemy actions %/\n\t<<if $combat.countSinceReset lte 0 and ($combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff or $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff)>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = false; $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = false>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset -= 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $chanceShift = 0>>\n\n\t<<set $didAMove = false>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasSpecialMoves>>\n\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lte $combat.enemy.specialMoves.length - 1; $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.specialMoves[$i].hasChance>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $random gte $chanceShift and $random lte ($combat.enemy.specialMoves[$i].chance + $chanceShift)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $buffstr = $combat.enemy.specialMoves[$i].strength>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display $combat.enemy.specialMoves[$i].name>>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $chanceShift += $combat.enemy.specialMoves[$i].chance>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $buffstr = $combat.enemy.specialMoves[$i].strength>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display $combat.enemy.specialMoves[$i].name>>\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $didAMove>>\n\t\t\t\t<<break>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield" or $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor" or $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect")>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield" or $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.shieldDeflect += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.armorDeflect += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" and $combat.armorhits gte 5>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitarmor"; $combat.doExoExit = true>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<<elseif $accuracy gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitarmor"; $combat.doExoExit = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.vitality = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "killplayer">>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $enemyhitfactor, $coverfactor, $timefactor, $minaccuracytweak>>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $tweakShock = 1>>\n<<set $tweakDazzle = 1>>\n<<set $tweakGas = 1>>\n<<set $tweakBurn = 1>>\n<<set $tweakComboDamage = 1.1>> /% was: 1.0 which seemed to cause exceptionally low combo multipliers, making them almost useless? %/ \n\n<<if $inztinct.active>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_2")>>\n\t\t<<set $statMulti = 0>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti +=1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isSuperFancy>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isGlamorous>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti +=1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHyperGlamorous>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isSkimpy>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if not $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.018 * $inztinct.affinity * $statMulti)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakComboDamage *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>> \n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Bones of Hel" and $attrib.religion eq "kobol" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakBurn *= 1.33>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% direct skill modifiers %/\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_3")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakBurn *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_2")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakComboDamage *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_3")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.06 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakShock *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_4")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakGas *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_5")>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakGas *= 1.10>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\t\t\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakGas *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.1 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakGas *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_12")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_2") and $combat.actions.length gt 0 and $index gt 0 and ($combat.actions[$index].action neq $combat.actions[$index - 1].action)>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.055 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakComboDamage *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_6")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakShock *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_4")>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakShock *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakGas *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<set $tweakBurn *= $skillMod>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_plastique") and ($equip.isFashionOutfit or $equip.isSuperFancy or $equip.isGlamorous or $equip.isSkimpy)>>\n\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= 1.25>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% really really bump up the dazzle %/\n<<if $combat.isFirstRound and $gameworld_modifiers.isExubrenceQualified>>\n\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= 2>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% immune types %/\n<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Abomination">>\n\t<<set $tweakShock *= 0.5>>\n\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= 0.75>>\n\t<<set $tweakGas *= 0.5>>\n\t<<set $tweakBurn *= 0.8>>\t\t\n<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord">>\n\t<<set $tweakShock *= 0.5>>\n\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= 0.25>>\n\t<<set $tweakGas *= 0.7>>\n\t<<set $tweakBurn *= 0.6>>\n<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Siren" or $combat.enemy.name eq "hellcat">>\n\t<<set $tweakShock *= 0.5>>\n\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= 0.85>>\n\t<<set $tweakGas *= 0.6>>\n\t<<set $tweakBurn *= 1.25>>\n<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "stingcrab" or $combat.enemy.name eq "cephanine">>\n\t<<set $tweakShock *= 0.6>>\n\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= 0.65>>\n\t<<set $tweakGas *= 0.6>>\n\t<<set $tweakBurn *= 1.6>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>\n\t<<set $tweakShock *= 1.5>>\n\t<<set $tweakGas *= 0.5>>\n\t<<set $tweakBurn *= 0.75>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% plasma / shock triggers %/\n/% plasma re-ignite %/\n<<set $plasmaIgniteGas1 = 1>>\n<<set $plasmaIgniteShock1 = 0.3>>\n/% shock on gas %/\n<<set $shockIgniteGas1 = 0.9>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $index = $combat.actions.length - 1>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMain>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveSecondary>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMelee>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<display 'calcStatusTweaks'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $random = (Math.random())>>\n\t\t<<set $chance = 1 * $random>>\n\n\t\t<<if $index gt 0 and $combat.actions.length gt 0>>\n\n\t\t\t/% dazzle: increase chance of effect on next turn %/\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.isFirstRound eq false and $combat.actions[$index - 1].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $chance += 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t/% weapon combo effects %/\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result neq "hitnothing" and $combat.actions[$index].result neq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst" or $template.elemental eq "plasma">>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% plasma-triggered combos %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index - 1].response eq "getgassed" or ($combat.inflictedGasStates gte 2 and $random lt $plasmaIgniteGas1)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% plasma ignites gas %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "gasburn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.armor eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "gasburnkill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((4 * $tweakBurn * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5) + $combat.inflictedGasStates)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= ((2 * $tweakBurn * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 1.5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.comboEffectStack += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.comboEffects += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index - 1].response eq "getshocked" or ($combat.inflictedShockStates gte 1.3 and $random lt $plasmaIgniteShock1)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% plasma ignites on electroshock %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "shockburn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.armor eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "shockburnkill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((3 * $tweakBurn * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= ((3 * $tweakBurn * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 1.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.comboEffectStack += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.comboEffects += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance" or $template.elemental eq "shock">>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% electro-triggered combos %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index - 1].response eq "getgassed" or ($combat.inflictedGasStates gte 2 and $random lt $shockIgniteGas1)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% electro detonates gas %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "gasexplosion">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.armor eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((3 * $tweakShock * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= ((4 * $tweakShock * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5) + $combat.inflictedGasStates)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.comboEffectStack += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.comboEffects += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 0>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index - 1].response eq "getburned" or $combat.actions[$index - 1].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% electro detonates plasma %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "shockexplosion">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.armor eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= ((4 * $tweakShock * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= ((3 * $tweakShock * $tweakComboDamage) / ($combat.enemy.alive * 0.5))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 0>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.comboEffectStack += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.comboEffects += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% xanju effects %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.usedXanju and $combat.xanjuProcced eq false and $random lte 0.75 and $combat.actions[$index].response eq "">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "cyberfreeze">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.xanjuProcced = true>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.usedXanju and $random lte 0.15 and $combat.actions[$index].response eq "">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "cyberfreeze">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedBurnStates gt 0 and $combat.actions[$index].response eq "">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chance gte (1 - (0.3 * $combat.inflictedBurnStates * $tweakBurn * $globalStatusEffectTweak))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.armor gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= (($combat.inflictedBurnStates * $tweakBurn) / $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "getburned">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = Math.min($combat.enemy.killed, $combat.enemy.total)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.alive)>>\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_3")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod += (0.06 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_3")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod += (0.045 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $chance += (0.5 * $combat.inflictedBurnStates)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates *= (0.7 * $skillMod)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedBurnStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 5>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.inflictedBurnStates lte 0.3>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedShockStates gt 0 and $combat.actions[$index].response eq "">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chance gte (1 - (0.3 * $combat.inflictedShockStates * $tweakShock * $globalStatusEffectTweak)) or $combat.inflictedShockStates gte 1.3>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "getshocked">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.shield gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield -= (($combat.inflictedShockStates * $tweakShock) / $combat.enemy.alive)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.max(0, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $chance += (0.45 * $combat.inflictedShockStates)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1>>\n\t\t\t/% implemented this way so it actually pushes up effect by 60% %/\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_3")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod += (0.3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates *= (0.3 * $skillMod)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedShockStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 5>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.inflictedShockStates lte 0.1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedGasStates gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_9")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor -= (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity * $combat.inflictedGasStates)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.max($combat.enemy.armor, 0)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod += (0.1 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod += (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod += (0.025 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedGasStates gte 1 and $combat.actions[$index].response eq "" and $combat.enemy.immune neq "toxin">>\t\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chance gte (1 - (0.45 * $combat.inflictedGasStates * $tweakGas * $globalStatusEffectTweak))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "getgassed">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates *= 0.25>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $chance += (0.5 * $combat.inflictedGasStates)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates *= (1.2 * $skillMod)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates *= (1.2 * $skillMod)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedGasStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 5>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.inflictedGasStates lte 0.3>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates gte 1 and $combat.actions[$index].response eq "">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chance gte (1 - (0.65 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates * $tweakDazzle * $globalStatusEffectTweak))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.doDamageNr = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "getdazzled">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates -= 1.5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates lt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $chance += (0.7 * $combat.inflictedDazzleStates)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 55, "doActionMove");>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionResponse");>>\n\t<</if>> \n<</nobr>>
<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t<span class='redcolor'>Victory!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.isMachine and $combat.enemy.type neq "machine_cyborg")>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_machinewreck">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "cyberfreeze">>\n\t<span class='purplecolor'>Malware<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">> Charge<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_machinewreck">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t<span class='orangecolor'>Incinerated<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">> Charge<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_burn">>\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t<span class='orangecolor'>Burned<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">> Charge<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_burn">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t<span class='lgreencolor'>Gassed<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">> Charge<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_gas">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t<span class='critcolor'>Shocked<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">> Charge<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t<span class='purplecolor'>Dazzled<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">> Charge<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn" or $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t<span class='purplecolor'><<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>Combusted Charge<<else>>Combustion<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_burn">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn" or $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t<span class='purplecolor'><<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>Crackled Charge<<else>>Crackle<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion" or $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t<span class='purplecolor'><<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>Combusted Charge<<else>>Combustion<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_burn">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion" or $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t<span class='purplecolor'><<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>Crackled Charge<<else>>Crackle<</if>>!</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t<span class='redcolor'>Direct Hit!</span>\n\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "abomStruggle">>\n\t<span class='orangecolor'>Struggle!</span>\n\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doArmorBuff">>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.class eq "human_riot_merc">>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Shield Wall!</span>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_battle">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Reconstitute!</span>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_ambush">>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShriek">>\n\t<span class='purplecolor'>Shriek!</span>\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doSlam">>\n\t<span class='redcolor'>Gut Punch!</span>\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShieldBuff">>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Shield Purge!</span>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='critcolor'>Shield Boost</span>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_machinecharge">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "takeCover">>\n\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Cover</span>\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlashDisarm">>\n\t<span class='orangecolor'>Disarmed!</span>\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlash">>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Cartel Bot">>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Firestorm!</span>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_beam">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Ambush!</span>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "robots" or $combat.enemy.name eq "WarBot" or $combat.enemy.name eq "WarBots">>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Missile Storm</span>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_rocket">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Shock-Flash</span>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGas">>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "robots">>\n\t\t<span class='lgreencolor'>SmartGas</span>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.isAbomination>>\n\t\t<span class='lgreencolor'>Toxic Mist</span>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='lgreencolor'>Toxic Gas</span>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_gas">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwArcDisc">>\n\t<span class='critcolor'>ArcDisc</span>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>Charge<<else>>Missed<</if>></span>\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitcover">>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! IF IT DOES REPORT A BUG!<<else>>In Cover<</if>></span>\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Armor<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>ed Charge<</if>></span>\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.name eq "none">>\n\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Disarmed!</span>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Deflect<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>ed Charge<</if>></span>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t<span class='bluecolor'>Shield<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>ed Charge<</if>></span>\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t<span class='bluecolor'>Disc Shield<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>ed Charge<</if>></span>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "ui_gas" and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 25; $attrib.fatigue = Math.max($attrib.fatigue, 0)>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "useItem1">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $equip.item1>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "none">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "useItem2">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $equip.item2>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "none">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "exitExo">>\n\t\t<<set $template = "exitexo">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $template = "special">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $effmultiplier = 1>>\n\t<<set $cybermultiplier = 1>>\n\t<<set $toxicitygained = 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<<set $effmultiplier = 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained = 0.33>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t<<set $effmultiplier = 0.75>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained = 0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isChemBooster>>\n\t\t<<set $effmultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained *= 0.6>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\n\t\t<<set $effmultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained *= 0.8>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCyberOutfit>>\n\t\t<<set $cybermultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcStatusTweaks'>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_9")>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained *= 0.75>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_8") and $equip.isAugmented and not $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t\t<<set $effmultiplier += (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained *= 1.2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_5")>>\n\t\t<<set $effmultiplier += (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_8")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "CyberWaer">>\n\t\t\t<<set $cybermultiplier += (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $cybermultiplier += (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("smart-link")>>\n\t\t<<set $cybermultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $cybermultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("fleshmask")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $cybermultiplier += 0.15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_7")>>\n\t\t<<set $cybermultiplier += (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained *= 0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("detoxifier")>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained *= 0.5>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $effmultiplier += 0.25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("dynamo")>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_11")>>\n\t\t<<set $toxicitygained *= 0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% ############################################### %/\n\t/% DISC THROW TALENTS %/\n\t/% ############################################### %/\n\t<<if $template eq "ViroDisc" or $template eq "HoloDisc" or $template eq "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_throw")>>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.06 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.player.cover *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_throwdisc.png]]">>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/* item moves: COMBAT CHEMS */\n\t<<if $template eq "TranqWash" or $template eq "FreakOut" or $template eq "UnNerve" or $template eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_inject")>>\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_combatdrug.png]]">>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = (0.035 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus += $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity * $totDisks)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakShock *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakGas *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakBurn *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $tweakDazzle *= $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified>>\n\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = (0.01 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus += $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += $skillMod>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template neq "special">>\n\t\t<<if $template eq "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t<<set $viroTweak = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_7")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $viroTweak += 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $viroTweak += (0.05 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_9")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $viroTweak += (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $viroTweak += (0.1 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.discsThrown += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.disc_toxinUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.viroDiskThrown += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your ViroDisc and hurl the device. ">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.immune eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "It zips toward the " + $name + ", dispersing a hazy aerosol agent which does not have any noticable effect. The viroactive cloud lingers ominously.">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += (1 * $cybermultiplier * $viroTweak)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "It zips toward the " + $name + ", dispersing a hazy aerosol agent. The " + $name + " heaves and flails wildly as the viroactive cloud engulfs it.">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "It zips toward the " + $name + ", dispersing a hazy aerosol agent. The " + $name + " heave and flail wildly as the viroactive cloud engulfs them.">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += (1 * $cybermultiplier * $tweakGas)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.armor gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor *= (1 - (0.15 * $cybermultiplier * $viroTweak))>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.discsThrown += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.disc_holoUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.dazzleDiskThrown += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your HoloDisc and hurl the device. It zips toward the " + $name + ", projecting a dazzling barrage of bright holographic noise. ">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.immune neq "conductive" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.shield gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_12")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.065 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= (1 - (0.15 * $cybermultiplier * $skillMod))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= (1 - (0.15 * $cybermultiplier))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += (1 * $cybermultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "The " + $name + " hesitates, disoriented, as the disc continues to orbit.">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "The " + $name + " hesitate, disoriented, as the disc continues to orbit.">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.discsThrown += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.disc_arcUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldDiskThrown += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_2")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your ArcDisc and hurl it directly at the " + $name + ". It impacts with a vicious crackle and falls to the floor.">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += (1 * $tweakShock)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your ArcDisc and hurl the device. It boomerangs back and begins to orbit, beeping and buzzing all the while.">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.shieldDrones += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugsUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugs_stimUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your StimFuel inhaler and take a deep drag. ">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Biochemicals flood your lung. The haze clouding your mind vanishes. Contours appear sharper than you could possibly have imagined. It's as though you've only just woken up for the first time in forever.">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Biochemicals flood your lung. The cobwebs in your mind vanish. The world is sharper than before, every tiny shape perfectly defined - a whole new world opened to your eyes and yours alone.">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Biochemicals flood your lung. At once the world feels sharp and clear, as though someone had turned up the saturation. You've never felt this alive before.">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.usedBioChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatFatigue += (5 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatToxic += (25 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 45>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4") and $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 10>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 25>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeHitBonus += (0.1 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeShieldBonus += (0.3 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedHitBonus += (0.1 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedShieldBonus += (0.15 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.shieldBonus += (0.25 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.deflectBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.dodgeBonus += (0.2 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.armorhits gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.shieldhits gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "TranqWash">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugsUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugs_rangedUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your TranqWash horn and gulp the sour liquid. ">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Sensation fades to a muted blur. Everything moves in exagerated slow motion, almost as if time has decided to stand still. Maybe it has. That would be nice, because you can barely see what's going on.">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Sensation dulls, something barely worth thinking about. You can see cleary, concentrate on every twitch of your muscles. It's blissful. If only the world would stay like this forever.">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Sensation dulls to something distant, beyond your concern. Everything moves in slow motion and nothing seems to make a sound. It's almost seree. You wish the world were always like that.">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatFatigue += (5 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatToxic += (30 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatCaution += (15 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatViolence -= (15 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= (20 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += (10 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeHitBonus -= (0.25 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeShieldBonus -= (0.25 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeArmorBonus -= (0.25 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus -= 0.25>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedHitBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedShieldBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedArmorBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.deCoverBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.35>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.usedBioChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.armorhits gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.shieldhits gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits -= 2>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.shieldhits gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugsUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugs_meleeUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your FreakOut injector and sqwirt warm chills into your veins. ">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Hatred clouds your muddled thoughts. At who or what you don't know and don't care. Only the though of warm blood between your fingers offers comfort - yours or someone else's; doesn't matter in the slightest.">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Simmering anger bubbles in your veins. Just trying to focus hurts. All you want to do is kill something - smash until it breaks or you do. That will make you feel better.">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text += "Seeting, uncontrollable rage consumes your mind. It's hard to think. Except about pain. The very word makes you want hurt something - bad. Maybe then you'll feel better.">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.usedBioChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatFatigue += (10 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatToxic += (35 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatViolence += (15 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatCaution -= (15 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= (30 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += (15 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeHitBonus += (0.25 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeArmorBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeShieldBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.35>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedHitBonus -= (0.25 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedShieldBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedArmorBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.deCoverBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.35>> /% minor crit increase so freakout isn't useless for ranged weapons %/\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.armorBonus += (0.5 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.shieldBonus += (0.15 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.deflectBonus += (0.45 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.dodgeBonus += (0.15 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.armorhits gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 2>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.armorhits gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "UnNerve">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugsUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.drugs_abomUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.usedBioChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab your UnNerve injector and slam it into your leg, wincing as the needles rip your skin. Everything changes immediately. Your perception, the world around you; it's almost intutitive. You know exactly what to do - kill - and how to do it.">>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatFatigue += (10 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.postCombatToxic += (55 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= (5 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += (25 * $toxicitygained)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.ultimateHitBonus = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedHitBonus -= (0.1 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeHitBonus -= (0.1 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += (0.2 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += (0.2 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.deCoverBonus += (0.35 * $effmultiplier)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.armorhits gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 2>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.armorhits gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.shieldhits gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits -= 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.item_fucellUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100>>\n\t\t\t<<set $fucelltext = "The device powers up with a low hum.">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_11") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_10")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= (7.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_11")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $skillMod = ($inztinct.affinity * 0.01)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= (7.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeHitBonus += $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus += $skillMod>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $fucelltext = "The device powers up, sending buzing energy coursing down your augmented spine.">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You eject the used FuCell and slot a fresh one in." + $fucelltext>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template eq "exitexo">>\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You release yourself from your exo armor and stumble out, into the battlefield.">>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $equip.preExoClothes>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.preExoClothes = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkArmorType'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcArmorHits'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Exited">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_UI_Centerpane'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t/% SPECIAL EFFECT ITEMS %/\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6 and $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t\t/% #################################################################\n\t\t\tHAZE\n\t\t\t#################################################################\t%/\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_shatter")>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.special_miasmaUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab the vial of miasma and smash it on the floor. Blueish haze errupts, expanding into the entire room. At first you can see nothing. Then the cloud thins enough to spot the Djinn, glancing about in confusion and blinking furiously.">>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "banished">>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.miasmaUsed = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy *= 0.8>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 0.8>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates += 2>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 7>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4 and ($combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord")>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck")>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.special_spineUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.spineUsed = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab the Sphinx's Spine and activate the device. Brilliant, multicolored holograms errupt, twisting and flickering in shapes beyond your mind's ability to comprehend. Just seeing them makes your temples throb and your eyes water.">>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy *= 0.8>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 0.8>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 5>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.dDoS eq "charged" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t/% should no longer be usable now %/\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_shock")>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.special_ddosUsed += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.dDoS = "discharged">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.isShieldSuppresed = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab the dDoS and activate the device. Indicator lights glow bright red as the air begins to bristle with static. The " + $combat.enemy.name + "'s Arc Projectors fail with a pitiful splutter of sparks and electric arcs. Buzzing silence follows.">>\n\n\t\t<<elseif ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_6") or (($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffwear" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffdress") and $attrib.religion eq "theophobe")) and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98 and $combat.enemy.isMachine and $combat.usedXanju eq false>>\n\t\t\t/% Xanju 4 use %/\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy *= 0.75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.usedXanju = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You link into the local net with your implant and unleash the Xjanu-4. A soft humm sounds in your ears. The malicious code has no visible effect on the " + $combat.enemy.name + " but the script window in the corner of your vision shows plainly: the intrusion agent is active.">>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.hasFusionSphere>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy *= 0.8>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor *= 0.9>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates += 5>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.tookFusionSphereToFace = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $text = "You grab the Fusion Sphere and hurl the device at the " + $combat.enemy.name + ". A sucking roar sounds from the device as it detonates with a brilliant flash. Shrapnel zings past. Searing heat washes over you. It occurs to you that, maybe, just maybe, throwing a miniature fusion reactor at your enemies was a bad idea">>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.hasFusionSphere = false>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 3>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_UI_Centerpane'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% upodate enemy display %/\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template eq "TranqWash">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>TranqWash</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>FreakOut</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "UnNerve">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>UnNerve</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>StimFuel</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='lgreencolor'>ViroDisc</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>HoloDisc</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>ArcDisc</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>FuCell</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template eq "exitexo">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Exit Exo</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>Special!</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<print $text>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</append>>\n\n\t<<unset $effmultiplier, $text>>\n\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionResetUI");>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" or ($equip.hideWeaponLoadout and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")))>>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]<br>Unavailable\n\n\t<<elseif ($combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo eq 0 and not $combat.moveMain.isDisposable>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>No Ammo\n\n\t<<elseif ($combat.moveMain.needsChargeToUse or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "arclance" or $combat.moveMain.consumeCharge) and $equip.charge eq 0 and not $combat.moveMain.isMelee>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>No Charge\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\t\t\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "NUKE">>Launch\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.type eq "loadAmmo">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.canisterOnly or $combat.moveMain.hasCanisterLauncher or $combat.moveMain.boltOnly or $combat.moveMain.boltAndCanister or $combat.moveMain.draw9mmAmmo>>\n\t\t\tLoad\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tSelect\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "arclance">>Discharge\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "melee">>Attack\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.drawn eq false>>Ready\n\t\t<<else>>Reload\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.type eq "loadAmmo">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden"; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(restoreCombatUIElement, 15, "ui-combat-main", "CombatUI_PlayerIcon", "useAmmoTypeMain");>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none" or $equip.hideWeaponLoadout>>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]<br>Unavailable\n\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/none.png]]">><br>\n\t\tExit Exo\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("exitExo")>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t<<elseif ($combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo eq 0>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>No Ammo\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "none">>Load\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveSecondary.drawn eq false>>Draw\n\t\t<<else>>Reload\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.type eq "loadAmmo">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden"; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(restoreCombatUIElement, 15, "ui-combat-backup", "CombatUI_PlayerIcon", "useAmmoTypeSecondary");>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("fireSecondary")>>\n\t\t\t\t/% witchgun randomized ammo & others %/\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t/% trigger action stuff %/\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/powerfist.png]]">><br>Attack\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cyberarm.png]]">><br>Attack\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("abomclaw") and $combat.enemy.isOrganic and ($equip.isConcealing eq false or $equip.isFleshMold)>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/abomclaw.png]]">><br>Consume\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm") >>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/featherarm.png]]">><br>Attack\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.knife.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>Attack\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("tryMelee")>>\n\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t<</click>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% flicker change stuff %/\n\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel -= 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'setBasicFlicker'>>\n\n\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-container").className = "PlayerCombatOptionsContainer PlayerCombatOptionsContainer_Hidden">>\n\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\t<<set document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;>>\n\n\t/% turn firePrimary etc. into an acual, actionable move %/\n\t<<set $index = $combat.actions.length - 1>>\n\t/% no longer needed in current inception of combat UI\n\t<<set $combat.activetab = "weapons">> %/\n\n\t<<set $move = {\n\t\taction: $combat.actions[$index],\n\t\tresult: "",\n\t\tresponse: "",\n\t\tkills: 0,\n\t\tshotsfired: 0,\n\t\tammotype: "none",\n\t}>>\n\t<<set $combat.actions[$index] = $move>>\n\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t<<print "">>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<if $move.action eq "useItem1" or $move.action eq "useItem2" or $move.action eq "useItemS" or $move.action eq "exitExo">>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "doItemMove");>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.rounds += 1>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "doStatusEffCalc");>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "doActionMove");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\t\n\n\t<<unset $move>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display "doActionResponse">>\n\t\t\t/% <div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t</div> %/\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display "doActionResult">>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</append>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $index = $combat.actions.length - 1>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.specialCritName eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.specialCritName = getLocalizedString("attack_crit_generic")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist") and $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='bluecolor'>Vanquished...</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>You stand, <<knife>> still in hand. \n\t\t\t\t<<else>>You stand, <<rifle>> still in hand.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tAll your enemies lie dead before you.\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</append>>\n\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "melee" and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.name eq "none">>\n\t\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='greyedout'>Hepless...</span></div> \n\t\t\t\tYou back away, having just lost your weapon.\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</append>>\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'calcWeaponFire'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.vitality gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Missed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield or $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Repulsed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Missed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Immune</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>Consumed!</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='tripplecritcolor'><<print $combat.specialCritName>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='doublecritcolor'><<print $combat.specialCritName>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='critcolor'><<print $combat.specialCritName>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Hit Shield</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Hit Shield</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune" or ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover" and $combat.enemy.usesFakeCover)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_immune.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</append>>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_missed.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</append>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_armordeflect.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</append>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_arcshield.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</append>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_frictionshield.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</append>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isOrganic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_bloodspatter.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_technospatter.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_bioconsume.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>You were Killed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display $combat.enemy.resulttext>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialExitExo>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tYour Exo Armor is critically damaged in the process.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield eq false and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield eq false)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Missed</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<if $combat.enemy.usesFakeCover>>Thin Air<<else>>In Cover<</if>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Immune</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "blackthornDazzle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>Dazzled<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>> Crit<</if>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "arcBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='critcolor'>Shocked <<if $combat.wasCritAttack>> Crit<</if>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "fireBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='critcolor'>Blazing <<if $combat.wasCritAttack>> Crit<</if>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Seared<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>> Crit<</if>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "nullRifleHyper">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Hypershot<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>> Crit<</if>>!</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "witchGunHyper">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>Hypershot<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>> Crit<</if>>!</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>Consumed<<if $combat.wasCritAttack>> Crit<</if>>!</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.wasCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.wasTrippleCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='tripplecritcolor'><<print $combat.specialCritName>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.wasDoubleCritAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='doublecritcolor'><<print $combat.specialCritName>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='critcolor'><<print $combat.specialCritName>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Hit Armor</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Hit Shield</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Hit Shield</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Direct Hit</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing" or ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and not $combat.enemy.hasArcShield and not $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_missed.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune" or ($combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover" and $combat.enemy.usesFakeCover)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_immune.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_coverdeflect.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_armordeflect.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_arcshield.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield" and $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_frictionshield.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isOrganic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_bloodspatter.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.isBlackBloodCreature>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_black_bloodspatter.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_technospatter.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_shot");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(playContextSound, 300, "ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_tungsten.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_shot");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(playContextSound, 300, "ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_conductive.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_shot");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(playContextSound, 300, "ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9") and $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_scattershock.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_scatter.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_shot");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(playContextSound, 300, "ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_toxin.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if (($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.isSubsonicWeapon) or ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary")) and $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $soundname = "ui_attack_suppressed">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.isSemiAuto>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $soundname = "ui_attack_semi">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $soundname = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(playContextSound, 300, $soundname);>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound($soundname);>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_9mm.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_beam");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_plasma.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_beam");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_arcbolt.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_rocket");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_nuke.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_melee.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "blackthornDazzle">>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_dazzle.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "arcBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_arcbolt.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "sawedOffPlasma" or $combat.specialDisplayState eq "fireBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_plasma.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "nullRifleHyper">>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_hyper_nullgun.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "witchGunHyper">>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_hyper_witchgun.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_bioconsume.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'displayPlayerMoveText'>>\n\t\t\t<<display $combat.enemy.resulttext>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% <br>accuracy: <<print $accuracy>> %/\n\n\t/% set drawn weapon state %/\n\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.drawn = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.moveMain.drawn = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.moveMelee.drawn = false>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.drawn = true>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.drawn = true>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee.drawn = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.usedEscapeMechanic eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.usedEscapeMechanic = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.player.ally eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" or $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" or $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.isFirstRound = false>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.doExoExit>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionExoFail");>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionResetUI");>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doCompanionAction");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.player.ally eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "doStatusEffCalc");>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doCompanionAction");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>> \n\n\t<<unset $index, $lastCritValue, $critMultStr>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialCritName = "none">>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $index = $combat.actions.length - 1>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "" and $combat.enemy.alive gt 0>>\n\t\t<<display 'calcEnemyFire'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-combat-background'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_melee.png]]">>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText' id='combat-alert'>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'displayPlayerMoveText'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display $combat.enemy.responsetext>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</append>>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#combat-alert'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'displayCombatAlerts'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<set playContextSound($combat.enemy.actionsound);>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "none">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText' id='combat-alert'>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<display $combat.enemy.responsetext>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialExitExo>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour Exo Armor is critically damaged in the process.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t<<replace '#combat-alert'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'displayCombatAlerts'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound($combat.enemy.actionsound);>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_UI_Centerpane'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\t<<replace '#hud-menu-pane'>>\n\t\t<<display 'calcSidearmDisplay'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionResult");>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" or $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" or $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.isFirstRound = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.doExoExit>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionExoFail");>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionResetUI");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>> /% %/\n\t<<unset $index>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $index = $combat.actions.length - 1>>\n\t<<set $displayspeed = $combat.tickrate>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.vitality gt 0 and $combat.enemy.alive gt 0>>\n\t\t<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Ally'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display $combat.player.ally>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</append>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $displayspeed = 5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.doExoExit>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionExoFail");>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionResetUI");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $displayspeed eq 5>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $displayspeed, "doActionResponse");>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "doStatusEffCalc");>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $index, $displayspeed>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\t\t\n\n<<set $equip.clothes = $equip.preExoClothes>>\n<<set $equip.preExoClothes = "none">>\n<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n<<display 'checkArmorType'>>\n<<display 'calcArmorHits'>>\n\n<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Exo Failure">>\n\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n<</replace>>\n\n<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t<<display 'Combat_UI_Centerpane'>>\n<</replace>>\n\n<<append '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Exo Failure</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\tYour Exo Armor fails spectacularly, collapsing amind a shower of sparks. You are ejected out of the rear plate and stumble onto the battlefield<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, badly winded<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>, panting for breath<<else>>, miraculously unharmed.<</if>>.\n\t</div>\n<</append>>\n<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, $combat.tickrate, "doActionResetUI");>>
<<set $combat.specialDisplayState = "none">>\n\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-container").className = "PlayerCombatOptionsContainer">>\n\n\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState neq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyStateRound = $combat.rounds>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'doAdctFatigueCalc'>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.usedDisposableGun>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.usedDisposableGun = false>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $combat.yankedWeapon neq "none" and $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.removeDrone>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.removeDrone = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.doExoExit>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.doExoExit = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.killsPerRound = $combat.enemy.killed / $combat.rounds>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\t<<replace '#hud-menu-pane'>>\n\t\t<<display 'calcSidearmDisplay'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-container'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'combatWin'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.vitality lte 0>>\n\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-container'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'combatFail'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.activetab eq "weapons">>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-weapons").className = "CombatTabSelect CombatTabSelect_Active">>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-items").className = "CombatTabSelect">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'setWeaponElements'>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-weapons").className = "CombatTabSelect">>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-items").className = "CombatTabSelect CombatTabSelect_Active">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'setItemElements'>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>
<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 90 and $equip.isConcealing eq false and not $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff>>\n\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses = 0>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwGas">>\n\t<<if not $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 50>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 75>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 15>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 1>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.85>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff and $attrib.toxicity lt 90>>\n\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses = 0>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwGasCombo">>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<if not $equip.isConcealing >>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 50>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 75>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 2>>\n\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 2>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.85>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff>>\n\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses *= 0.5>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwFlash">>\n\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\t<<set $combat.player.cover *= 0.5>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "impervious" or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("antiflash")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = true>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.class eq "robot_securitybot_medium_cartel" or $combat.enemy.class eq "robot_oldworld_guardian" or $combat.enemy.class eq "robot_oldworld_warbot">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 2>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>\n\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses = 0>>\n\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwFlashMelee">>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "impervious" or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("antiflash")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 10>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwFlashDisarm">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.yankedWeapon = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff and $combat.enemy.shield lt ($combat.enemy.maxshield * 0.5)>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwArcDisc">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasArcShield = true>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxshield += 22>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 22>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if $combat.enemy.cover gt 0 and $combat.enemy.cover lt 0.35 and not $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "takeCover">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.cover += 0.1>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.cover *= 1.2>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy += 0.1>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy *= 1.2>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwArcDisc">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasArcShield = true>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxshield += 9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff and $combat.enemy.maxshield eq 0>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "throwArcDisc">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasArcShield = true>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxshield += 9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff and $combat.enemy.shield lt ($combat.enemy.maxshield * 0.5) and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "doShieldBuff">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += $buffstr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.maxshield lt $buffstr>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxshield = $buffstr>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = Math.min($combat.enemy.maxshield, $combat.enemy.shield)>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = true>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 0>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $buffstr>>\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff>>\n\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses = 0>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "abomStruggle">>\n\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("antiflash")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 20>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 1>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff and $combat.enemy.armor lt ($combat.enemy.maxarmor * 0.75)>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "doArmorBuff">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor += $buffstr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.maxarmor lt $buffstr>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxarmor = $buffstr>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.min($combat.enemy.maxarmor, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = true>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 0>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<for $i = $combat.enemy.alive - 1; $i gte 0 ; $i-->>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.images[$i] eq "images/combat_merc_zanex.png">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.altImages[$i] = "images/combat_merc_zanex_shield.png">>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.images[$i] eq "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.altImages[$i] = "images/combat_merc_zanex_2_shield.png">>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.images[$i] eq "images/combat_merc_zanex_ltnt.png">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.altImages[$i] = "images/combat_merc_zanex_ltnt_shield.png">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</for>>\n\n\t<<unset $buffstr>>\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff and $combat.enemy.armor lt ($combat.enemy.maxarmor * 0.75)>>\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "doArmorBuff">>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor += $buffstr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.maxarmor lt $buffstr>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxarmor = $buffstr>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.min($combat.enemy.maxarmor, $combat.enemy.armor)>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = true>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 0>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $buffstr>>\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff>>\n\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses = 0>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "doShriek">>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "impervious" or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("antiflash")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 10>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.shieldhits += 1>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<if not $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff and ($template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist")>>\n\t<<set $combat.successiveEnemyMisses = 0>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.specialEnemyState = "doSlam">>\n\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 1>>\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.armorhits += 5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "impervious" or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("antiflash")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 25>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\t\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = true>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter; $didAMove = true>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> hesitates, its skin boiling, and ignotes with an electric crackle.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitates<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, distracted by the superheated plasma melting through <<print $number>> skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity acrcs over <<print $number>> deformed skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitate<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, distracted by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, utterly incinerating the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, melting through the <<print $name>>'s gnarled skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, utterly incinerating the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, crackling agrily as it melts through the <<print $name>>'s deformed skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang. Violent overpressure blasts the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> into a million bits.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $name>> to recoil with an inhuman yelp.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing electricity to errupt as it burns the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> into a pile of goo.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $name>> to recoil with an inhuman shriek.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\tElectricity arcs across the <<print $name>>'s skin, burning its withered flesh away.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie crumpled on the floor, slowly desintegrating as electricity burns their withered flesh away.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\tThere is just enough time to see the <<print $name>> reappear before it bawls you over, a row of razor-sharp fangs embedded deep in your neck.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes only to burst from the wall beside you. There is no time to react before razor-sharp fangs sink deeep into your neck.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShriek">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> flickers in and out of view as a gargling shriek reverberates painfully, causing your temples to throb.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGas">>\n\t\t\tA hecking choke emenates from within the walls. Noxious mist swirls as the <<print $name>> emerges from the ceiling.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doArmorBuff">>\n\t\t\tA wheezing choke emenates as the <<print $name>> emerges from the floor, trailing wisps of sickly matter that coalesce around it's ghastly form.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> errupts from the floor but you frantically dodge, causing the monster to stumble clumsily into the nearest wall.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes only to reappear right behind you. There's just enough time to dodge it's claws<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>> but it's bile still splashes you in the face<</if>>.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> drops from the ceiling, belching bile in your face, but you deflect its assault with your <<rifle>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> surges forward, belching bile in your face, but you deflect the blow with your <<rifle>>.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 90 or $attrib.fatigue gte 55>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> errupts from the floor, claws poised to strike, but the blow glances off your <<armor>><<if $attrib.infected>> and leaves a stinging gash<</if>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes only to reappear, swiping at your chest. Its blow glances off your <<armor>><<if $attrib.infected>> and leaves a stinging gash<</if>>.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as the <<print $name>> bursts from the wall behind you. Frantic, you throw up your shield. The monster recoils with an angry hiss.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes only to reappear right in your face. Panicked, you throw up your shield. The monster recoils with an angry hiss.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> bursts from the wall behind you. Before you can react, your ArcDrone's shield activates, causing the monster to recoil with a hiss.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes only to reappear right in your face. Before you can react, your ArcDrone's shield activates, causing the monster to recoil with a hiss.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> shrieks, smoke rising out of thin air, followed by a dull thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> fails to attack. The air reeks of burnt fur.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tToxic haze swirls lazily in the air. The <<print $name>> retches and chokes audibly.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tElectricity crackles seemingly in thin air. The air reeks of burnt fur.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tYour HoloDrone flickers, causing dazzling holograms to fill the air. The <<print $name>> doesn't attack.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, eliciting shrieks of agony, followed by a telltale thud. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing shrieks of agony to resound painfully. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, eliciting shrieks of agony, followed by a telltale thud. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss,causing shrieks of agony to resound painfully. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting blood and gore all over the room. Clearly the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> is dead.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to yelp. It doesn't attack.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting blood and gore all over the room. Clearly the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> is dead.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to yelp. It doesn't attack.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\tBlood trickles from where the <<print $name>> fell. All you can see of the abomination is a blurred outline.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\tToxic haze swirls around where the <<print $name>> fell. All you can see of the abomination is a blurred outline. \n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\tBloody droplets are splattered around where the <<print $name>> fell. All you can see of the abomination is a blurred outline.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\tThick smoke drifts from where <<print $name>> fell. All you can see of the abomination is a blurred outline but the air reeks of burnt flesh.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\tBlood trickles from where the <<print $name>> fell. All you can see of the abomination is a blurred outline.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t The nuke left a bloody scorch mark where the <<print $name>> was. The air reeks of bile and burnt flesh.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tBlood spatter surrounds where the <<print $name>> fell. All you can see of the abomination is a blurred outline.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\tThere's just enough time to spot the blur of motion before the <<print $name>> pounces, slashing your throat with its claws\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tA blur of motion rushes toward you as the <<print $name>> pounces, sinking its teeth deep into your throat\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "abomStruggle">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>Without warning, something knocks you down.\n\t\t\t<<else>>A blur of motion slams into you.\n\t\t\t<</if>> Fangs snap. Claws dig deep. You struggle, frantically, until the abomination recoils. The next moment, you're on your fleet, aching and breathing hard.\n\n\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou glance around in panic, terrified the <<print $name>> will attack, but can't spot it anywhere.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSomething moves nearby, causing you to recoil in fright, but the <<print $name>> doesn't attack.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as the <<print $name>> pounces, invisible fangs snapping at your throat, but you block it with your <<rifle>>, knocking the abomination back.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tA flicker of movement causes you to whirl around just in time to deflect the <<print $name>>'s invisible fangs with your <<rifle>>.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou glance around, afraid the <<print $name>> will attack any moment, but it doesn't reveal itself.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSomething lunges at you. Panicked, you dodge. The <<print $name>> is nowhere to be seen<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>> but it must be - you can smell it's foul odor<</if>>.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated) and $combat.actions.length gt 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as a blur of motion rushes toward you. Frantic, you throw up your shield. An angry hiss sounds as something large recoils.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSomething moves behind you, causing you to throw up your shield in panic. A low snarl meets you ears as the <<print $name>> retreats\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as a blur of motion rushes toward you, causing your ArcDrone to deploy its shield. An angry hiss sounds as something large recoils.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSomething moves behind you, causing your ArcDrone to deploy its shield. A low snarl meets you ears as the <<print $name>> retreats.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, burning, and falls with a shrill squeal.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> oily skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs across <<print $number>> oily skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, confused by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> with a shriek in agony. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> with a shriek in agony. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting oozing gore all over the place. Miraculously, the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> is still alive - albeit badly injured.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting oozing gore all over the place. Miraculously, the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> is still alive - albeit badly injured.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, eliciting shrieks of agony as a cloud of plasma engulfs the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> entirely. It doesn't survive.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to flail madly as plasma melts through it.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, eliciting shrieks of agony as crackling plasma engulfs the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> entirely. It doesn't survive.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s oily skin painfully.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting oozing gore all over the place. There's not enough left of the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to consider it 'alive'.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil with a startled whimper.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting oozing gore all over the place. There's not enough left of the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to consider it 'alive'.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as electricity arcs across its slimy skin.\n\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, blood seeping lazily from its torn snout. One of its tentacles flaps feebly then falls limp.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\tToxic haze hangs in the air as the <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a squeal. Its tentacles twitch feebly and fall limp.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, its body blow into a million oily shreds. One of its severed tentacles flaps feebly.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> thrashes about, squealing, as its oily skin is melted clean off. When it finally falls, all that remains are bones and goo.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a squeal. Its tentacles twitch feebly and fall limp.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is sprawled on the floor, its oily skin molten solid and tentacles dissolved entirely.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, a gaping hole blown in its canine form. One of its tentacles flaps feebly and goes limp.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the catwalk, tentacles twitching feebly as blood seeping lazly from their snouts. Within moments, all are limp-\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its tentacles, snaring your arm. You try to tear free but the monster is faster, sinking its jagged teeth deep into your throat.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 65 or $attrib.toxicity gte 90>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its tentacles. Adrenaline surges as you roll aside, catching only a stinging glancing blow\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> pounces, its slimy jaw open wide but drive it away, swinging at it wildly with your <<rifle>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> pounces, tearing at your <<armor>> with its claws but they fail to penetrate\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its tentacles. Panicked, you throw up your shield. The monster recoils with an angry yelp.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its tentacles, causing your ArcDrone to deploy its shield The monster recoils with an angry yelp.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $weapon = "crowbar">>\n\n\t<<if $combatTemplate eq "Oger_B33">>\n\t\t<<set $weapon = "bent pipe">>\n\t<<elseif $combatTemplate eq "Oger_B30">>\n\t\t<<set $weapon = "lance">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, burning, and falls with a muted grunt.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> thick skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs across <<print $number>> thick skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, visibly disoriented by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> clean off its feet. It gets back up, snarling angrily.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> clean off its feet. It gets back up, snarling angrily.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, eliciting shrieks of agony as a cloud of plasma engulfs the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. It falls, skin charred black.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil with an angry roar as plasma melts its thick skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, eliciting shrieks of agony as crackling plasma engulfs the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. It falls, skin charred black.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s thick skin badly enough to make it howl in pain.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting bloody bits of <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> all over the place. Only pieces of the abomination's body remain intact.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil with an angry roar.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing electricity to boil the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s skin. It collapses and doesn't get back up.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as electricity arcs across its thick skin.\n\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a grunt, oily blood seeping from its many wounds.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\tToxic haze swirls lazily as the <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls. Its sinnewy bulk twitches one last time then goes limp.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, oily blood seeping from where a chunk of flesh has been blown clean off its body.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> thrashes wildly as its sinnewy skin burns away. A moment later it falls, still smouldering.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a loud thud. Its sinnewy bulk twitches one last time then goes limp.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is sprawled on the floor, its body burned black and once bulky limbs twisted beyond recognition.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a grunt, oily blood seeping from its many wounds.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> slams its <<print $weapon>> into your face, causing you to fall, dazed. The next instant it whacks your skull open.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.drawn and not ($combat.isFirstRound or $combat.usedEscapeMechanic eq 1) and $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $combat.rounds gte 3 and $combat.actions[$index].action neq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5>>\n\t\t\tRoaring, the <<print $name>> rips your <<rifle>> from your hands and slams it into the floor with such force that the weapon is demolished beyond all hope of repair. You back away, breathing hard.\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy *= 1.1>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> roars, swiping with its <<print $weapon>>, but you roll aside just before it would have torn open your ribs.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 8>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> swipes with its <<print $weapon>> but you deflect with your <<rifle>>. Despite the force of the blow, you and your weapon are unharmed.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 35 or $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 35>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> slams its <<print $weapon>> into your chest with a roar but the blow only knocks you back, failing to penetrate your <<armor>> but leaving <<if $attrib.infected>>oozing<<else>>painful<</if>> gashes.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its <<print $weapon>> but you throw up your shield, causing the abomination to recoil with a surprised grunt.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its <<print $weapon>> but your ArcDrone deploys a crackling shield, causing the abomination to recoil with a surprised grunt.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "warden">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "tranq-dart goes wide">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "tranq-dart">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting a tranq-dart through your ribcage">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_cannon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "workman">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "stunner goes wide">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "stunner">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "inexplicably killing you even though the game disallows that">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_shock">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Division 108" or $combat.enemy.name eq "troopers">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "rounds miss by an inch">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting a burst clean into your skull">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "mercenaries" or $combat.enemy.name eq "radicals" or $combat.enemy.name eq "purifiers">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "shots miss entiely">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your chest with bolts">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "hunter">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "shots go wide">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling you with presice boltfire">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_semi">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Comissaria">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "shots go wide">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling you with rapid boltfire">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Blood Sons">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "bolts misses entiely">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "bolts">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting tungsten bolts through your chest">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_cannon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "captain" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Bounty Hunter" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Incubus Champion" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Lavandri Champion">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "bolt misses entiely">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "bolt">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting a tungsten bolt through your chest">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_cannon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "hybrids" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Blackscale">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "shots miss entiely">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your chest with bolts">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "heavies" or $combat.enemy.name eq "heavy">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "bolts zip past without hitting">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "spraying rounds and riddling you with bolts">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "commandos">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "rounds narrowly miss">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your torso with pinpoint boltfire">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_suppressed">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $shottextmiss = "shots go wide">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "blowing a hole clean through your lungs">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_semi">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "warden">>\n\t\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting a tranq-dart clean through your Exo Armor">>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Division 108" or $combat.enemy.name eq "troopers">>\n\t\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting a burst into your Exo Armor's helmet">>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Syndicate 4">>\n\t\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your Exo Armor with bolts">>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "mercenary captain">>\n\t\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting a tungsten bolt clean through your Exo Armor">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $dietext = "blowing a hole in your Exo Armor's chestplate">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "warden">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "safety vest">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Division 108" or $combat.enemy.name eq "troopers">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "riot armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "mercenaries">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "combat armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "captain">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "combat armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Knight of Eden">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "power armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Comissaria">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "uniform">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "commandos">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "skinsuits">>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armorname = "skinsuit">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "armor">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee" or $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlash" or $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGas">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "opens">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "open">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "returns">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "return">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, burning, and falls dead.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> <<print $armorname>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity paralyzes <<print $number>> body.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>, confused by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, utterly incinerating the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $name>> to flail as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> <<print $armorname>>. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, utterly incinerating the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, melting through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> amidst a shower of sparks. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> off <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> feet and killing <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> instantly.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang. Violent overpressure dents the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> off <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> feet and killing <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> instantly.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle. Crackling electricity arcs over the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, causing sparks to errupt madly.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.1)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, screaming in agony. Blood seeps from <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> wounds.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, choking for breath. Toxic haze swirls lazily in the air. The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> twitches one last time.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is sheared into a million gorey bits. Blood and body parts splatter on the ground.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, guttering flames still licking the charred corpse\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, limbs twisted into an unnatural position by sheer agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, charred to a crisp and twisted into an unnatural position.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is knocked down, a bloody hole blown clean through <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> chest.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $random gte 0.66>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor, riddled with bolts and splattered with blood.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $random gte 0.33>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor, all badly shot up. There's blood everywhere.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor. One groans in agony. Blood squirts from another's wounds.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor. Toxic haze swirls lazily in the air. One of the bodies twitches.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the gore-streaked floor. Blood and body parts lie strewn around haphazardly.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, guttering flames still licking the charred corpses\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, limbs twisted into unnatural positions by the sheer agony they suffered\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, bodies charred to a crisp and twisted into unnatural positions.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $random gte 0.66>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor, chunks of their bodies blown clean out.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $random gte 0.33>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor. One gurgles blood. Another twitches, shudders, and goes limp.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor. One screams in pain. Another feels his gaping chest wound and faints.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire, <<print $dietext>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGasCombo">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> hurl<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> a ViroDisc and follow<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> through with <<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>a <</if>>perfectly timed conductive bolt<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>>. Gas explodes with an ear-numbing crack, knocking you flat. The <<print $name>> reload<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> and fire<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> again\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doSlam">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> kick<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>>. you in the chest so hard you\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>double over in agony. Disoriented, you recover as the\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>smack painfully against the wall. Bruised and disoriented, you pick yourself up as the\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t <<print $name>> circle<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> into a better position.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlashMelee">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> hurl<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> a shock-flash. It detonates, rattling your skull, as the <<print $name>> dart<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> forward and swipe<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> at you with <<print $number>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>knife<<else>>knives<</if>>. You roll aside, regaining your footing just as the <<print $name>> fire<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> <<print $number>> railgun<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> \n\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlashDisarm">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> hurl<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> a shock-flash. It detonates, rattling your skull, as the <<print $name>> dart<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> forward. You fend <<print $number>> off with your <<rifle>> but it's torn from your fingers. As you recover, the <<print $name>> open<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> fire\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doArmorBuff">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "hybrids">>\n\t\t\t\tSickly ooze drips to the floor as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>huddles behind a riot shield\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>form a wall of riot shields\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tand <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShieldBuff">>\n\t\t\tCrackling arc shields errupt as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "takeCover">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> take<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> position behind cover and <<print $respond>> fire\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlash">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> hurl<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> a shock-flash. It detonates, rattling your skull, as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGas">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> hurl<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> a ViroDisc. <<if not $equip.isConcealing >>Gas spills out, causing you to choke,<<else>>Gas spills out, swirling harmlessly<</if>> as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwArcDisc">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> hurl<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> an ArcDisc. Crackling shields form as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\tbut <<print $number>> <<print $shottextmiss>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\tbut you are already in cover.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\tbut the <<print $shottextreflect>> <<if $combat.enemy.name eq "workman">>bounces off harmlessly<<else>>glance off your <<armor>><</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\tbut your Exo Armor's shield activates, deflecting the <<print $shottextreflect>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tbut you throw up your arm and deflect the <<print $shottextreflect>> with your shield\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tbut your ArcDrone's shield activates, deflecting the <<print $shottextreflect>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Knight of Eden" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Knights of Eden">>\n\t\t<<set $bladetype = "plasma lance">>\n\t\t<<set $bladeattrib = "plunging the superheated blade deep into your chest">>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bladetype = "plasma lances">>\n\t\t\t<<set $bladeattrib = "plunging superheated blades deep into your chest">>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "witch" or $combat.enemy.name eq "woman">>\n\t\t<<set $bladetype = "knife">>\n\t\t<<set $bladeattrib = "slicing your neck with the curved blade">>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bladetype = "knife">>\n\t\t\t<<set $bladeattrib = "plunging curved blades deep into your chest">>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, burning, and crumples with a dull thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> madly as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> <<print $armorname>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity paralyzes <<print $number>> body.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>, confused by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, utterly incinerating the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $name>> to flail as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> <<print $armorname>>. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, utterly incinerating the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, melting through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> amidst a shower of sparks. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> off <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> feet and killing <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> instantly.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang. Violent overpressure dents the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, crumpling the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> off <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s faceplate and killing <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> instantly.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle. Crackling electricity arcs over the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, causing sparks to errupt madly.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, screaming in distorted agony. Blood seeps from <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> wounds.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, respirators heaving. toxin haze swirls lazily in the air. The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> twitches one last time.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is sheared into a million gorey bits. Blood and body parts splatter on the ground.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, guttering flames still licking the charred <<print $armorname>>.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, armored limbs still sparking and twitching.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, charred to a crisp and twited into an unnatural position.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is knocked down, a bloody hole blown clean through <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> chest.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor. One groans in distorted agony. Blood splutters from another's wounds.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor. Toxic haze swirls lazily in the air. One of the bodies twitches.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the gore-streaked floor. Blood and body parts lie strewn around haphazardly.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, guttering flames still licking their charred <<print $armorname>>.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, their armored limbs still sparking and twitching.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, armor charred to a crisp and twisted into an unnatural position.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sprawled on the floor. One screams in distorted agony. Another feels his gaping chest wound and faints.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> attack<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with <<print $number>> <<print $bladetype>>, <<print $bladeattrib>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> attack<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with <<print $number>> <<print $bladetype>> but <<print $number>> blow<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>> miss<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> attack<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with <<print $number>> <<print $bladetype>> but your deflect <<print $number>> blow<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>> with your <<rifle>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> charge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with <<print $number>> <<print $bladetype>> but <<print $number>> blade<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>> glance<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> off your <<armor>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> charge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with <<print $number>> <<print $bladetype>> but your Exo Armor's shield activates, driving the attacker<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>> away\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> charge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with <<print $number>> <<print $bladetype>> but you throw up your arm, driving the attacker<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>> away with your shield\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> charge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with <<print $number>> <<print $bladetype>> but your ArcDrone's shield activates, driving the attacker<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>s<</if>> away\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, its flesh strands burning, and falls with a pitched squeal.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> stringlike body.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs across <<print $number>> stringlike body.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, disoriented by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as plasma burns at its fleshy ribbons.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to painfully scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribbony skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> into a million blood-soaked ribbons.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil into a blur of ribbony flesh.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing electricity to boil the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribbony skin. It collapses in a pool of blood.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as electricity arcs through its ribbony skin.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, its organs scattered amidst a tangle of flesh-strands\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\tToxic haze swirls around the gorey pile of organs and tangled flesh-strands; all that remains of the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "tungsten">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, its organs scattered amidst a tangle of flesh-strands\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, its organs scattered amidst a tangle of scorched flesh-strands\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, its organs scattered amidst a tangle of flesh-strands\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, its organs and slesh-strand molten beyond any hope of recognition.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, its organs scattered amidst a tangle of flesh-strands\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, their organs scattered amidst a tangle of flesh-strands.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> swipes at you with her hellpsike, causing you to dodge. The next instant, the slender blade is lodged deep in your ribcage\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGas">>\n\t\t\tA noxious cloud of gas errupts as the <<print $name>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlashDisarm">>\n\t\t\tYour <<rifle>> is torn from your hands as the <<print $name>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doArmorBuff">>\n\t\t\tStrands of organic matter coalesce around the <<print $name>> as it\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\tlunges amid a blur of flesh-strands, Hellspike plunging toward your chest, but you manage to dodge by a split second\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\tswipes with its Hellspike but you raise your <<rifle>> just in time to deflect the blow\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\tswipes at you with its Hellspike. The blade glances off your <<armor>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\tlunges amid a blur of flesh-strands but you throw up your shield, causing the abomination to recoil with a yelp.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tlunges amid a blur of flesh-strands but your ArcDrone deploys a crackling shield, causing the abomination to recoil with a yelp.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $shottextmiss = "shots go wide">>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "exo armor" or $combat.enemy.name eq "exo troopers">>\n\t\t<<set $fireaddom = "">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "hypervelocity bolts">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "unleashing a salvo of bolts that blow chunks of your ribcage away">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_cannon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "WarBot">>\n\t\t<<set $fireaddom = ", unleashing a hail of bolts,">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your torso with boltfire">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Cartel Bot">>\n\t\t<<set $fireaddom = ", unleashing a hail of bolts,">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your torso with boltfire.">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "cyborg" or $combat.enemy.name eq "cyborgs">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "hypervelocity bolts">>\n\t\t<<set $fireaddom = " ">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "blasting your torso with railgun fire.">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_cannon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $fireaddom = "">>\n\t\t<<set $shottextreflect = "rounds">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your torso with bolts">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_auto">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "exo armor">>\n\t\t\t<<set $dietext = "unleashing a full salvo of bolts that blow your Exo Armor apart">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $dietext = "riddling your Exo Armor with bolts">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "opens">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "open">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "returns">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $respond = "return">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> stops, burning profusely, and crumples with a dull thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitates<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, distracted by the superheated plasma melting through <<print $number>> chassis\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "cyberfreeze">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> stand<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> around doing nothing, its runtimes overwhelmed by intrusion agent you unleashed.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity acrcs over <<print $number>> chassis.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>, its runtimes confused by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, charring the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and melting the chassis. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $name>> to recoil as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> chassis. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, charring the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and melting the chassis. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, melting through the chassis amidst a shower of sparks. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang. Violent overpressure utterly demolishes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s chassis.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, denting the <<print $name>>'s chassis and knocking the <<print $name>> off balance.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing electricity to arc over the <<print $name>>'s chassis armor and the machine to drop.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle. Crackling electricity arcs over <<print $name>>'s chassis, causing a flurry of sparks to errupt.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> crumples with a dull thud. Sparks spurt from its bullet-riddled chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is torn into a million tiny bits. Circuits and wires are strewn across the ground.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs over the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s demolished chassis as it falls to the ground with a dull thud.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, guttering flames crackling in the molten chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is strewn on the floor, parts of its chassis molten beyond recognition.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s chassis is blown apart. Bits and pieces fall to the ground with dull thuds.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor. Sparks spurt from their bullet-riddled chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, surrounded by cracked circuits and frayed wires.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, sparks crackling amidst the ruined circuitry.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strew on the floor, guttering flames crackling in the molten chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, the parts of their chassis molten beyond recognition.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor. Bits of twisted metal surround the demolished chassis.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire, <<print $dietext>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShieldBuff">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t\tSearing friction shields errupt as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tCrackling arc shields errupt as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doSlam">>\n\t\t\t The <<print $name>> throw<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> an exo-powered punch that hits so hard you <<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>double over, cringing in pain. As you recover, the<<else>>you're knocked clean off your feet. Bruised and disoriented, you pick yourself up. The<</if>> <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlash">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Cartel Bot">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> unleash<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> it's plasma caster. Searing flames rush out, forcing you to run from cover. The <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.type eq "machine_exo" or $combat.enemy.name eq "cyborg" or $combat.enemy.name eq "cyborgs">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> throw<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> a shock-flash. It detonates, rattling your skull, as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> unleash<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> a hail of missiles, causing you to scramble for cover as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGas">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> unleash<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> a noxious cloud, causing you to choke as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\tbut <<print $number>> <<print $shottextmiss>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\tbut you are already in cover<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlash">>again<</if>>.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\tbut the <<print $shottextreflect>> glance off your <<armor>>.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\tbut your Exo Armor's shield activates, deflecting the <<print $shottextreflect>>.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tbut throw up your arm and deflect the <<print $shottextreflect>> with your shield.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tbut your ArcDrone's shield activates, deflecting the <<print $shottextreflect>>.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Knight of Eden" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Knights of Eden">>\n\t\t<<set $bladetype = "plasma lance">>\n\t\t<<set $bladeattrib = "driving the superheated blade deep into your chest">>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bladetype = "plasma lances">>\n\t\t\t<<set $bladeattrib = "driving the superheated blades deep into your ribs">>\n\t\t\t<<set $number = "them">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $bladetype = "enormous axe">>\n\t\t<<set $bladeattrib = "cleaving your body clean in two">>\n\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> hesitates, burning profusely, and crumples with a dull thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitate<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, distracted by the superheated plasma melting through <<print $number>> armor plates.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "cyberfreeze">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> stand<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> around doing nothing, its runtimes overwhelmed by intrusion agent you unleashed.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity acrcs over <<print $number>> armor plates.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>, confused by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, charring the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and melting servo joints. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $name>> to recoil as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>> exo<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, charring the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and short-circuting servo joints. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, melting through the exo amidst a shower of sparks. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, dislodging the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s servos and killing the operator.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang. Violent overpressure dents the exo's thick armor plates, causing the operator to hesitate.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, dislodging the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s servos and killing the operator.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle. Crackling electricity arcs over the exo, causing sparks to errupt madly and the operator to hesitate.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> crumple<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>, with a dull thud. Sparks spurt from the bolt-riddled chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is torn into a million tiny bits. Circuits and wires are strewn across the ground.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs over the demolished chassis of the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>. It falls to the ground with a dull thud.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, guttering flames crackling in the molten chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, bits of its chassis molten beyond recognition.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s chassis is blown apart. Bits and pieces fall to the ground with dull thuds.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor. Sparks spurt from their bullet-riddled chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, surrounded by cracked circuits and frayed wires.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, sparks crackling amidst the ruined circuitry.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewon on the floor, guttering flames crackling in the molten chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, the parts of their chassis molten beyond recognition.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor. Bits of twisted metal surround the demolished chassis.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> boom<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> a thriumphant roar as <<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>it's<<else>>their<</if>> <<print $bladetype>> slam<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> down, <<print $bladeattrib>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShieldBuff">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t\tSearing friction shields errupt as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tCrackling arc shields errupt as the <<print $name>> <<print $respond>> fire<<print $fireaddom>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doSlam">>\n\t\t\t The <<print $name>> throw<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> an exo-powered punch that hits so hard you <<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>double over, cringing in pain. As you recover, the<<else>>you're knocked clean off your feet. Bruised and disoriented, you pick yourself up as the<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlash">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Cartel Bot">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> unleash<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> it's plasma caster. Searing flames rush out, forcing you to run from cover. The\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.type eq "machine_exo" or $combat.enemy.name eq "cyborg" or $combat.enemy.name eq "cyborgs">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> throw<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> a shock-flash. It detonates, rattling your skull, as\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> unleash<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> a hail of missiles, causing you to scramble for cover as\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwGas">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> unleash<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> a noxious cloud, causing you to choke as\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t<<print $name>> swipe<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> at you, causing you to roll aside just as the <<print $bladetype>> swishes past.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t<<print $name>> swipe<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> but you deflect the blow with your <<rifle>>. The <<print $bladetype>> cleave<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> your weapon clean in two - you loose your <<rifle>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t<<print $bladetype>> swishes toward you, causing you to roll aside. The blow nicks your <<armor>> but inflicts no serious damage.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> charge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with a roar but your Exo Amor's shields activate with a crackling hiss, driving <<print $number>> away.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> charge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with a roar but you throw up your arm, driving <<print $number>> away with your shield.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t<<print $name>> charge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> with a roar but your ArcDrone's shield activates with a crackling hiss, driving <<print $number>> away.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, its frail body burning, and falls with a pitched squeal.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma burns <<print $number>> infected skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs across <<print $number>> infected skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, confused by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as plasma burns at its infected flesh.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to painfully scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s infected skin.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> into a million blood-soaked pieces.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil with a pitched squeal.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing electricity to boil the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gangerous skin. It collapses in a pool of blood.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as electricity arcs through its ribbony skin.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, sickly blood seeping form its wounds\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tToxic haze swirls as the <<print $combat.enemy.name>> gasps for breath. A moment later it collapses.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is sheared into a million gorey bits. Blood and body parts splatter on the ground.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, guttering flames still licking the charred corpse.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, limbs twisted into an unnatural position by sheer agony.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies dead on the floor, its miniscule body charred black and twisted unnaturally.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, its putrid body blown into a million bits.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie dead on the floor, sickly blood seeping form their wounds\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tToxic haze swirls above the dead <<print $combat.enemy.name>>. One of them twitches violently and goes limp.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> are sheared into a million gorey bits. Blood and body parts splatter on the ground.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, guttering flames still licking their charred corpses.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, limbs twisted into an unnatural position by sheer agony.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, their miniscule bodies charred black and twisted unnaturally.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie on the floor, their putrid bodies blown int a million bits.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> swipe<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly at you, causing you to recoil. The next instant <<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>it's<<else>>one of them<</if>> on top of you, ripping your throat open with rotten teeth\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lunge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> at you, spitting putrid bile, but you throw the malformed creature<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> aside, blood pounding in your veins.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>The<<else>>One of the<</if>> <<print $name>> throws itself at you, howling madly, but you deflect it with your <<rifle>> and throw the misshapen abomination aside.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> swipe<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> at you but <<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>its<<else>>their<</if>> clawed fingers glance off your <<armor>>, leaving oozing gashes.\n\n\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> begin<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> to charge but you throw up your shield, causing the abomination<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> to recoil with a pitched squeal.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> begin<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> to charge but your ArcDrone deploys a crackling shield, causing the abomination<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> to recoil with a pitched squeal.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_beam">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $dietext = "searing your body with heat so intense it melts your flesh away">>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<<set $dietext = "searing your Exo Armor with heat so intense it melts you through the suit" >>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> hesitates, burning profusely, and crumples with a dull thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitates<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>, distracted by the superheated plasma melting through <<print $number>> augmented armor.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "cyberfreeze">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> stand<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> around doing nothing, its runtimes overwhelmed by intrusion agent you unleashed.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity acrcs over <<print $number>> augmented armor.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>, disoriented by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, charring the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and melting through the being within. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, carring the <<print $name>> and melting away a layer of armor. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, charring the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and melting through the being within. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, melting through the <<print $name>>'s armor amidst a shower of sparks. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang. Violent overpressure utterly demolishes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>, twisting it into a pile of augmented junk.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, visibly denting augmented armor and knocking the <<print $name>> off balance.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing electricity to arc over the <<print $name>>'s augmented armor and burn through, killing the being within.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle. Crackling electricity arcs over <<print $name>>'s armor, causing a flurry of sparks to errupt.\n\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> crumples with a dull thud. Sparks spurt from its bolt-riddled armor plates.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> collapses, its armor plates torn and augmented organs perforated by metal shards\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs across the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s armor as it falls to the floor with a dull thud.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, guttering flames licking its charred armor plates.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is strewn on the floor, its armor plates molten beyond recognition.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> topples over, a deep gash cut through its chest place and the augmented organs beneath.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> topples over, its chest plate haved in so badly the augmented organs beneath have exploded.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> topples over, a jagged hole blown clean through the chest plate and augmented organs beneath.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor. Sparks spurt from their bullet-riddled chassis.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, surrounded by cracked circuits and frayed wires.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, sparks crackling amidst the ruined circuitry.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'lie strewn on the, guttering flames licking the charred armor plates.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor, their armored forms molten beyond recognition.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lie strewn on the floor. Bits of twisted metal surround the demolished chassis.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam, <<print $dietext>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlashDisarm">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> grabs your <<rifle>> and yanks it from your hands with such force you're thrown<<if not $equip.isHeavyArmor>> violently<</if>> aside. Panicked, you scramble up to face the <<print $name>> with what you have left.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doSlam">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> throws a punch so powerful <<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>you double over, cringing painfully. Disoriented, you look up to see the <<print $name>> is bearing down on you.<<else>>you're knocked clean off your feet. Bruised and disoriented, you pick yourself up, all too aware the <<print $name>> is bearing down on you.<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShieldBuff">>\n\t\t\tScalding friction shields errupt as the <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam at you.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam that sweeps past you with a rush of heat.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam that melts your cover but narrowly misses you.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam that burns your <<armor>> but fails to penetrate.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam but your Exo Armor's shield activates, causing the beam emitter to fail.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam but throw up your arm, activating your shield and causing the beam emitter to fail.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> discharges a brilliant beam but your ArcDrone's shield activates, causing the beam emitter to fail.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $armortype = "thick overcoat">>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name neq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $armortype = "flesh">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> vanishes into the floor, plasma searing the spot it just occupied. It doesn't reappear. Maybe you scared it off - for now.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, its slender body burning, and falls with a muffled grunt.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma burns though <<print $number>> <<print $armortype>>.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs across <<print $number>> <<print $armortype>>.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitate<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, disoriented by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> vanishes into the floor, plasma searing the spot it just occupied. It doesn't reappear. Maybe you scared it off - for now.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. It collapses, burned to a charred crisp.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $name>> to recoil as plasma burns at <<print $number>> <<print $armortype>>.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> vanishes into the floor, plasma searing the spot it just occupied. It doesn't reappear. Maybe you scared it off - for now.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. It collapses, burned to a charred crisp.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to painfully scar the <<print $name>>'s <<print $number>> <<print $armortype>>.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>\n\t\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang just as the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> vanishes. It doesn't reappear. Maybe you scared it off - for now.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> into a million bloody bits and pieces.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $name>> to recoil with an audible grunt.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>\n\t\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle just as the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> vanishes. It doesn't reappear. Maybe you scared it off - for now.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing electricity to scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. It collapses and stays down.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $name>> to recoil as electricity arcs over <<print $number>> <<print $armortype>>.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>\n\t\t\tHeart pounding, you wait for the <<print $combat.enemy.name>> to ambush you again. It doesn't. Maybe you scared it off - for now.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a grunt. Blood seeps from <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> wounds.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, wheezing for breath. Toxic haze swirls lazily in the air. The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> twitches one last time.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is sheared into a million gorey bits. Blood and body parts splatter on the ground.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, guttering flames still licking the charred corpse.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, limbs twisted into an unnatural position by sheer agony.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, its body charred black and twisted beyond recognition.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies scattered on the floor amidst a puddle of blood and gore.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\tThere is just enough time to see the <<print $name>> reappear before it attacks, gashing your throat with its blade.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> darts toward you, its bright eyes blazing. There's no time to react before a jagged blade slices your head clean off.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doSlam">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> throws a blindingly fast punch that \n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>doubles you over in agony. Disoriented, you look up to see the\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>knocks you clean off your feet. Bruised and disoriented, you pick yourself up as the\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlash">>\n\t\t\tYou're thrown violently off your feet as the\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwFlashDisarm">>\n\t\t\tYour <<rifle>> is torn from your hands as the\n\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> reappears behind you but by sheer luck you dodge its jagged blade.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> lunges at you, blade poised to strike, but you roll aside just in time.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> drops from the above, blade poised to strike, but you deflect its assault with your <<rifle>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> surges forward, swiping at your throat, but you deflect the blow with your <<rifle>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> errupts from the floor, blade poised to strike, but the blow glances off your <<armor>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> attacks, swiping at your chest. Its blow glances off your <<armor>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> bursts from the wall behind you but your Exo Armor's shields activate with a vicious crackle. It recoils with an angry hiss.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> darts forward, causing your optical feed to stutter, but your Exo Armor's shields activate with a vicious crackle that stops it dead in its tracks.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> bursts from the wall behind you. Frantic, you throw up your shield. The abomination recoils with an angry hiss.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> darts forward amidst a blur of motion. Panicked, you throw up your shield. The abomination recoils with an angry hiss.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.didreappear>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> bursts from the wall behind you. Before you can react, your ArcDrone deploys a crackling shield. The abomination recoils with an angry hiss.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $name>> darts forward amidst a blur of motion. Before you can react, your ArcDrone deploys a crackling shield. The abomination recoils with an angry hiss.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, its shell crackling with fire, and falls with muffled thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma burns though <<print $number>> thick shell.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs across <<print $number>> thick shell.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitate<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, disoriented by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as plasma burns through its shell.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to painfully scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s protective shell.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s shell clean off and splattering goo everywhere.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil, its shell visibly deformed.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s shell clean off and splattering goo everywhere.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as electricity arcs over its shell.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> crumples with a dull thud. Slime oozes from the gaps in its shell.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> crumples. Toxic fumes drift lazily in the air. The monster twitches one last time and goes limp.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, its shell punctured in countless places. Slime oozes from the many holes.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs over the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s slimy shell as it collapses with a dull thud.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s falls, guttering flames crackling across it's charred shell. \n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, its shell charred black and legs twisted unnaturally.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s shell shatters with a loud snap. The creature falls, slime oozing from its wounds.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> snaps at you with its claws. You recoil but the monster is faster, chopping your head clean off.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.drawn and not ($combat.isFirstRound or $combat.usedEscapeMechanic eq 1) and $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $combat.rounds gte 3 and $combat.actions[$index].action neq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions[$index].response = "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>>'s claws chomp down on your <<rifle>>, tearing it from your grasp and mangling the weapon beyond use. You back away, breathing hard.\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 55>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 90 or $attrib.fatigue gte 45>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> swipes at you with a spiked tentatcle but you roll aside, suffering <<if $attrib.infected>>an oozing<<else>>only a glancing<</if>> sting to your back.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> snaps at you with its claws but you drive it away, poking wildly at the monster with your <<rifle>>. It's tentacle lashes you in the face as the <<print $name>> retreats.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 55>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 90 or $attrib.fatigue gte 45>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 55>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> swipes at you with a spiked arm but it glances off your <<armor>>, leaving a deep gash and lingering sting.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its spiked arms but you throw up your shield. The monster recoils with an angry buzz.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its spiked arms but your ArcDrone deploys its shield. The monster recoils with an angry buzz.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, its furry body burning, and falls with muffled thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma burns though <<print $number>> slick fur.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> choke<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> and splutter<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> as toxic mist fills <<print $number>> lungs.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs across <<print $number>> slick fur.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> hesitate<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, disoriented by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to flail as plasma burns through its fur.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> in a searing blaze. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to painfully scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s slick fur.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> into a million gorey bits and pieces.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil, its fur flecked with blood.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to collapse amidst a crackling surge of electricity.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as electricity sears its fur.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a dull thud. Blood seeps from its wounds.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls. Toxic fumes drift lazily in the air. The monster twitches one last time and goes limp.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, its furry body torn into countless pieces. There's blood everywhere.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs across the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s fur as it collapses with a dull thud.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s falls, guttering flames still licking its burnt body. \n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> lies on the floor, its shell fur black and body twisted unnaturally.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>>'s falls dead, blood oozing from a gaping hole.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> hurls itself at you. Before you can react, its diseased teeth are sunk deep in your neck.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> snaps at your leg but you kick it away, suffering only <<if ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>a few scratches<<else>>a stinging bite wound<</if>>.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> surges forward, spitting foul mucus at you, but you drive it away, poking wildly at the monster with your <<rifle>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> snaps at your legs but its teeth fail to penetrate your <<armor>>, leaving a deep gashes and dull ache\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> surges forward but you throw up your shield. The monster recoils with an startled yelp.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> throws itself at you but your ArcDrone deploys its shield. The monster recoils with an surprised squeal.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.actionsound eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.actionsound = "ui_attack_melee">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburned">>\n\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> flails wildly, burning, and falls with a thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getburnedarmor">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> flail<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>> wildly as superheated plasma melts through <<print $number>>'s gilded mask.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getgassed">>\n\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getshocked">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> twitch<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>es<</if>> as static electricity arcs down <<print $number>> skeletal spine.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "getdazzled">>\n\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoil<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>s<</if>>, confused by the dazzling holograms projected around them.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> with a deafening bang. The sickly inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss, consuming the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> with a deafening bang. The crackling inferno continues to burn.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting loose circuits all over. Miraculously, the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> is still alive - albeit badly damaged.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting loose circuits all over. Miraculously, the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> is still alive - albeit badly damaged.\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburnkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar. A cloud of plasma engulfs the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> entirely. It doesn't survive.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasburn">>\n\t\tToxic mist ignites with a sucking roar, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to flail madly as plasma melts through it's limbs\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburnkill">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a crackling hiss. Crackling plasma engulfs the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> entirely. It doesn't survive.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockburn">>\n\t\tPlasma re-ignites with a hiss, causing electricity to scar the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s oily skin painfully.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosionkill">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, blasting loose circuits all over. There's not enough left of the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to consider it 'intact'.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "gasexplosion">>\n\t\tToxic mist detonates with an ear-numbing bang, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to collapse with a thud.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosionkill">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, blasting loose circuits all over. There's not enough left of the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to consider it 'intact'.\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "shockexplosion">>\n\t\tPlasma detonates with a vicious crackle, causing the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> to recoil as electricity arcs across it's gilded mask.\n\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.alive eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, sparks flying from it's damaged circuits. Holograms flicker and fail to reveal the abomination for what it truly is.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\tToxic haze hangs in the air as the <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a thud. Holograms flicker and fail to reveal the abomination for what it truly is.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, its spine severed clean through. Holograms flicker and fail to reveal the abomination for what it truly is.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> thrashes about and collapses with a thud. Holograms flicker and fail to reveal the abomination for what it truly is.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls with a thud. Holograms flicker and fail to reveal the abomination for what it truly is..\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t The <<print $combat.enemy.name>> is sprawled on the floor, its skeletral spine scarred black. Holograms flicker and fail to reveal the abomination for what it truly is.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.name>> falls, a gaping hole blown in its gilded mask. Holograms flicker and fail to reveal the abomination for what it truly is.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "killplayer">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its claws, slicing through your arm. You try to dodge but the abomination is faster, sinking its jagged claws deep into your throat.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 65 or $attrib.toxicity gte 90>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its claws. Adrenaline surges as you roll aside, catching only a glancing blow\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitdeflect">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> pounces, its claws poised to strike, but drive it away, swinging at it wildly with your <<rifle>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> pounces, tearing at your <<armor>> with its claws but they fail to penetrate\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its claws. Panicked, you throw up your shield. The abomination recoils with a mechanical whirr.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].response eq "hitshielddrone">>\n\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> lashes at you with its claws, causing your ArcDrone to deploy its shield. The abomination recoils with a whirr.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $respond>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes into thin air before your <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>shot<<else>>shots<</if>> impacts - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>errupts<<else>>errupt<</if>>, engulfing the <<print $name>> in vile toxin. Unfortunately, <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to its effects.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s gnarled skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>glances<<else>>glance<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s gnarled skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - immune\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s gnarled skin, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - immune\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s gnarled skin, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonates in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - immune\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> slams into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - immune\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> the <<print $name>> into shreds, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes into thin air before your <<print $shottype>> impact - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> bounce harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s gnarled hide - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s ungainly form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s gnarled flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s ribcage, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s ungainly form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes into thin air before your arcs of electricity can strike home - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s gnarled hide - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity rip through the <<print $name>>'s ungainly form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity rip through the <<print $name>>'s gnarled flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s ribcage, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity acrs across the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> vanishes into thin air before the plasma jet even touches it - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes across the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes harmlessly over the <<print $name>>'s twisted hide - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s ungainly form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burn through the <<print $name>>'s gnarled flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes across the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a flash of light\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> vanishes before your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch connects<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws connect<</if>> \n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> vanishes, causing you to hesitate\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s gnarled hide\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> begins to vanish but you <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>rake your claws across<</if>> its disformed chest, causing it to errupt with a flash\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gnarled hide, causing it to errupt with a flash\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>rake your claws across<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deathlike face, causing it to errupt with a flash \n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribcage, causing it to errupt with a flash\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>, detonating with a brilliant flash. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\tYou tackle the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The next instant you've sunk your fangs into its neck. It tastes disgusting - rotten, almost dead. You've just enough time to bite out a chunk of flesh before the creature errupts with a flash.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> vanishes before your blow impacts\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> vanishes, causing you to hesitate\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s gnarled hide\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> begins to vanish but you plunge your blade into its disformed chest, causing it to errupt with a flash\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> rips into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gnarled hide, causing it to errupt with a flash\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slashes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s elbow, causing it to spontaneously errupt with a flash\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> its mark entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>shot shrieks<<else>>shots shriek<</if>> toward where you though the <<print $name>> but hit nothing - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the floor, silhouetting the <<print $name>> as <<print $number>> thrashes about, bleeding from shrapnel wounds\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs across the floor as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the wall - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tNoise reverberates as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the wall - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip through the invisible <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and leaving a bloody silhouette on the floor\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the floor, silhouetting the <<print $name>> as <<print $number>> thrashes about, bleeding from shrapnel wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> through the invisible <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and leaving a bloody silhouette on the floor\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that shred the invisible <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and leaving a bloody silhouette on the floor\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - immune\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> the invisible <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and leaving a bloody silhouette on the floor\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> zip toward where you though the <<print $name>> but hit nothing - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> slam into the walls but fail to hit the invisible <<print $name>> - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tBy sheer chance, your <<print $shottype>> clip the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tBy chance, your <<print $shottype>> rip through the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> blast through the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> rip clean through the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but strike nothing - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle off where you thought the <<print $name>> was but hit nothing - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly into the floor, missing their target entirely - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs through the air, seemingly striking nothing but leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle around the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle around the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the air, seemingly striking nothing but leaving bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes toward where you thought the <<print $name>> was but hit nothing - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes out out but strikes nothing but thin air - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes the air, seemingly striking nothing but leaving singed fur and bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving singed fur and bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the invisible <<print $name>>, leaving singed fur and bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes the air, seemingly striking nothing but leaving singed fur and bloody blotches on the floor\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tYou lash at the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> but it isn't where you think it is\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tYou charge the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> but it dodges and you loose sight of it\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist slams<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> into something invisible but glance<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>s<</if>> off harmlessly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou lash out in rapid succession, hitting the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> by sheer chance\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYou swipe at where you think the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> is, smashing its skull apart by sheer luck\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<else>>slice<</if>> at where you think the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> is, smashing its skull apart by sheer luck\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<else>>swipe<</if>> at where you think the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> is and, by sheer luck, land a blow in its face\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward where the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> was and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\tYou snatch at thin air and, by chance, grab a tuft of fur. The next instant you've slammed your fangs into the creature. Venom gushes forth as you bite a chunk out of its neck. It tastes stringy. Blood clings to your lips.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou swipe at the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> but it isn't where you think it is.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou swipe at the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> but it dodges and you loose sight of it.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou swipe, hitting something with your <<meeleweapon>> hits something but the blade glances off.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou stab wildly and, by sheer chance, happen to hit the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s chest - or something.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou stab at where you think the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> is and, as luck has, happen to hit its skull.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou swipe at where the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> should be and, by sheer luck, slice open its chest.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s oily skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the monster's oily skin, causing it to howl angrily, but inflicts no lasting damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>, causing it to die with a choked gasp\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>ricoshets<<else>>ricoshet<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s hide, causing electricity to arc harmlessly into the catwalk \n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s oily skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>glances<<else>>glance<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s oily skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>, causing it to die with a choked gasp\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s slimy skin, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>, causing it to die with a choked gasp.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the<<print $name>>'s oily skin, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>, causing it to die with a choked gasp.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>, causing it to die with a choked gasp\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> the <<print $name>> into shreds, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as your <<print $shottype>> rip its oily skin apart but the creature does not fall - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> bounce harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s slimy hide - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s oily flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s slime-crusted skull, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s squidlike form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as electcicity arcs across its oily skin but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s slimy hide - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle across the <<print $name>>'s oily flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s slime-crusted skull, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity crackles across the <<print $name>>'s squidlike form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as superheated plasma washess its oily skin but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>>'s slimy hide - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns throught the <<print $name>>'s body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears through the <<print $name>>'s oily flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s slime-crusted skull, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>'s squidlike form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch slams into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws slice into<</if>> the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s slimy skin but inflict<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>s<</if>> no damage\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s oily hide\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> lashes at you with its tentacles but you're faster, ramming your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>> into its skull\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s slime-slicked skull, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<else>>mangling<</if>> it entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s slime-slicked skull, exploding it with a nasty squelch\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s jaw, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s tentacles and throw it to the ground. The next instant you've sunk your fangs deep into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> neck. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> thrashes wildly as you rip a chunk of flesh free. It tastes slick and oily. Blood dribbles down your neck.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges, causing your blow to miss\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> cuts into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s slimy skin but inflicts no damage\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s oily hide\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> lashes at you with its tentacles but you plunge your blade into its skull, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> rips into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s slime-slicked skull, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slashes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s skull, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $weapon = "crowbar">>\n\n\t<<if $combatTemplate eq "Oger_B33">>\n\t\t<<set $weapon = "bent pipe">>\n\t<<elseif $combatTemplate eq "Oger_B30">>\n\t\t<<set $weapon = "lance">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the brute's muscular torso, causing it to roar, but inflicts no lasting damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t((N/A))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t((N/A))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s thick hide - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s sinuous skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> slam<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s tough skin, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s thick skin, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> slam<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> rip<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> into shreds, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> yelps as your <<print $shottype>> dig deep into its skin without inflicting meaningful damage - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s muscular bulk - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s hulking body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s thick flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s hulking form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s bruteish form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> yelps as electcicity arcs across its gnarled hide but it doesn't fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs off the <<print $name>>'s muscular bulk, causing it to howl but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s hulking body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle across the <<print $name>>'s thick flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s hulking form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity crackles across the <<print $name>>'s brutish body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> yelps as superheated plasma washess its gnarled hide but the brute does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>>'s muscular bulk, causing it to howl but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns throught the <<print $name>>'s hulking body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the <<print $name>>'s thick flesh, melting skin away and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>'s brutish body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s hulking form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> knocks your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>arm<</if>> aside\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch slams<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws slice<</if>> into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s thick skin but inflict<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>s<</if>> no damage\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s sinewy skin\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> swipes at you with its <<print $weapon>> but you grab it mid-swimg and slam your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>> into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s neck.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s hardened skull, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>tearing through<</if>> its brain\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s bony skull, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>exploding<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>mangling<</if>> it with a nasty squelch\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s throat, causing it to choke and fall flat on its face\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\tYou jump at the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>, clinging to its bulk, and sink your fangs into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> neck. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> collapses as you rip a chunk of flesh free. It tastes tough and sinewy - disgusting.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> shoves you aside before your blow even lands\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> cuts into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s thick skin but inflicts no damage\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s sinewy skin\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> swipes at you with its <<print $weapon>> but you plunge your blade into its neck, severing the spinal cord beneath\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> rips into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s hardened skull, piercing deep into its brain and killing it\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slashes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s throat, causing it to recoil with a yelp as blood gushes free\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "warden">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "safety vest">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Division 108" or $combat.enemy.name eq "troopers">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "riot armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "mercenaries">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "combat armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "captain">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "combat armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "hunter">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "combat vest">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Knight of Eden" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Knights of Eden">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "exo armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "witch">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "robes">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "woman">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "business suit">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Comissaria">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "uniform">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Blood Sons">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "hellstorm armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "purifiers">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "devout armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "heavies">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "heavy armor">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "sentries">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "robes">>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "hybrids" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Blackscale">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "scaled skin">>\t\t\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "commandos">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "skinsuits">>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $armorname = "skinsuit">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.enemy.name eq "Incubus Champion">>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "incubus armor">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $armorname = "armor">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\tYour Exo Armor fails, frying your brain as the electronics short-circuit\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t/% Canister or Bolt Type %/\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely but still <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing toxic mist.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield, causing the <<print $shottype>> to detonate and release a cloud of noxious gas.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious, but the fumes fail to enter the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>glances<<else>>glance<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> deploy a shield but the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>penetrates<<else>>penetrate<</if>>, detonating in a hail of slivers that shred <<print $number>>, killing them\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> deploy a shield but the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>penetrates<<else>>penetrate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that poisons <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> deploy a shield but the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>penetrates<<else>>penetrate<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that that tear clean through <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, killing <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that poisons <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blasts<<else>>blast<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> deploy a shield but your <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>penetrates<<else>>penetrate<</if>>, detonating in a hail of slivers that rip clean through <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, killing <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> deploy a shield but your <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>penetrates<<else>>penetrate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that poisons <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> deploy a shield but your <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>penetrates<<else>>penetrate<</if>> and <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that shred the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that poisons <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>tears<<else>>tear<</if>> through the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to inflict any notable damage - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious haze, but the <<print $name>> are unaffected - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> utterly fails to addect the <<print $name>> despite how implausible this is - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> are catastrophically wounded. [AND THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN REAL PLAY!]\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe rounds miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> bounce harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but some of your <<print $shottype>> penetrate, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> rip clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate and rip through the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity fizzle harmlessly into the <<print $name>>'s shields - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the <<print $name>>, causing <<print $number>> to twitch and flop around in intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the discharge strikes home, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity rip through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your discharge still sears the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity acrs across the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma fizzles harmlessly into the <<print $name>>'s shields - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the <<print $name>>, causing <<print $number>> to scream and flail\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> but fails to melt through - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the superheated plasma passes through, burning the <<print $name>> amidst shrieks of panicked terror\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, roasting <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked terror\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the superheated plasma passes through and melts the <<print $armorname>> beneath, burning the <<print $name>> amidst shrieks of panicked terror\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes across the <<print $name>>, burning <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked terror\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> deploys a shield, causing you to recoil\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s <<print $armorname>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> deploy a shield but you charge through and <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>rake your claws across<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>tearing through<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> ribs\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deploys a shield but you charge through and <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your power fist into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> armored chest<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>swipe at <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> armored chest with your raptor claws<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribcage, killing <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing. \n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deploys a shield but you charge through and sink your fangs into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> neck. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> goes limp as you rip a chunk of flesh free. Human flesh. Sweaty. Bloody. Delicions.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou grab the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>. The next instant you've sunk your fangs deep into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> neck. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> goes limp as you rip a chunk of flesh free. Human flesh. Sweaty. Bloody. Delicions.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your attack\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> deploys a shield, causing you to retreat\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> bounces harmlessly off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s <<print $armorname>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deploys a shield but you charge through and score a fatal blow\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> <<if $template.isMonoblade>>slices clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>>, cutting deep into the organs beneath<<else>>finds a gap in the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>> and scores a fatal blow<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deploys a shield but you charge through and <<if $template.isMonoblade>>slam your <<meeleweapon>> into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> <<print $armorname>>, cutting deep into the organs beneath<<else>>plunge your <<meeleweapon>> into a gap in <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> <<print $armorname>>, scoring a fatal blow<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> rips into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s throat, killing <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> instantly\n\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s fleshy ribbons - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the abominations's stringlike form, causing it to yelp, but inflicts no lasting damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity errupts as your <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the abominations's stringlike form, causing it to collapse on the spot\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, engulfing the <<print $name>> but inflicting no obvious harm - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s fleshy ribbons - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the abominations's stringlike form, causing it to yelp, but inflicts no lasting damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> into a million stringlike ribbons, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>>'s ribbony form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>>'s faceless head clean off, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> into a million gorey ribbons, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> yelps as your <<print $shottype>> rip harmlessly through its stringlike form - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> zip harmlessly through the <<print $name>>'s ribbony form - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast through the <<print $name>>'s stringlike body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s exposed brain, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> rip through the <<print $name>>'s ribbony body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow apart the <<print $name>>'s faceless head, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> shrieks as electcicity arcs through its stringlike body but the abomination does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> shrieks as electcicity arcs through its ribbony form, causing it to collapse on the spot\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs off the <<print $name>>'s ill-defined form, causing it to howl in pain but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s stringlike body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle over the <<print $name>>'s ribbony skin, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s faceless head, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity crackles over the <<print $name>>'s stringlike form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> shrieks as superheated plasma washess its ribbony body but the abominaiton does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>>'s ribbony body, causing it to howl in agony but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s stringlike form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma melts through the <<print $name>>'s ill-defined form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>'s ribbony flesh, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s stringlike body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> rolls out of reach before your blow even lands\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch rips<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws rip<</if>> through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s ribbony form but fail<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>s<</if>> to hit anything vital\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist passes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws pass<</if>> harmlessly through <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s ribbon-like flesh\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou plunge your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>> into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribbony flesh, grab its heart, and yank it out\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYou plunge your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>> into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s stringlike body, grab its heart, and crush it entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou plunge your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>> into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s stringlike body, punching clean through its heart and stomach\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribbony form, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>mangling<</if>> a lung and killing the abomination\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and, before it can escape, sink your fangs into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> ribonny skin. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> shrieks as you rip out a chunk. It tastes stringy and bitter - and oddly satisfying.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> rolls out of reach before your blow even lands\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slices through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s ribbony form but fails to hit anything vital\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> passes harmlessly through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s ribbon-like flesh\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> cuts clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribbony flesh, gashing its heart and killing the abomination\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> rips through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s stringlike body, slicing its heart and killing the abomination\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slices through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribbony form, cutting a lung and killing the abomination\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $armorname = "armor plating">>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\tYour Exo Armor fails, frying your brain as the electronics short-circuit\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>es<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> rip<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> throgh the <<print $name>>, short-circuiting a power core and causing it to detonate violently\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, releasing a noxious haze, but the fumes have no effect on the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> amidst crackling arcs of electricity - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, detonating in a hail of slivers that shred <<print $number>>, destroying them\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a crackling electric surge\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that that tear clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, destroying <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, detonating in a hail of slivers that rip clean through <<print $number>> <<print $armorname>>, destroying <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> and rip<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> and rip<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that shred the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $name>>'s chassis amidst crackling arcs of electricity, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $name>>'s chassis, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe rounds miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> bounce harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but some of your <<print $shottype>> penetrate, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> blow clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate and blast through the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear clean through the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity fizzle harmlessly into the <<print $name>>'s shields - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the <<print $name>>, causing <<print $number>> to twitch and shudder as electronics short-circuit\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the discharge strikes home, frying circuits and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> \n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity rip through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, frying the electronics beneath and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your discharge strikes sears the <<print $armorname>>, frying electronics and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity acrs across the <<print $name>>, short-circuiting electronics and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma fizzles harmlessly into the <<print $name>>'s shields - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the <<print $name>>, causing <<print $number>> to twitch and shudder as electronics melt entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> but fails to melt through - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the superheated plasma passes through, melting circuits and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> \n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, melting the electronics beneath and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the superheated plasma passes through and melts the <<print $armorname>> beneath, frying electronics and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes across the <<print $name>>, melting electronics and <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> deploys a shield, causing you to recoil\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s armored chassis\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> deploy a shield but you charge through and <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>rake your claws across<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> armored chassis\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>mangling<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> internal circuits\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deploys a shield but you charge through and <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>rake your claws across<</if>> into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> chassis, smashing the internal circuits\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s chest, utterly mangling <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> electronics\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $monoblade = false>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMelee.isMonoblade and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $monoblade = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your attack with a mechanical whirr\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> deploys a crackling shield, causing you to retreat\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> bounces harmlessly off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s <<print $armorname>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deploys a shield but you charge through and plunge your knife into its chassis, wrecking the electronics within\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> <<if $template.isMonoblade>>slices clean through <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>><<else>>the finds a gap in the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>><</if>> and wrecks the circuits beneath\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> deploys a shield but you charge through and <<if $template.isMonoblade>>slice through its <<print $armorname>> with your <<meeleweapon>> <<else>>plunge your <<meeleweapon>> into a gap in its <<print $armorname>><</if>>, wrecking the electronics beneath\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> rips through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s chassis, wrecking the electronics within\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s infected skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the monster's spindly form, causing it to shriek, but inflicts no lasting damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t((N/A))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t((N/A))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s infected skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s deformed skin - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> into a million bits, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>>'s deformed skin apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>>'s deformed head off, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> into a million gorey bits, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> shatter<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, choking the <<print $name>> and inflicting countless superficial wounds\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>>'s upper body off entirely, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> shriek<<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>s<</if>> as your <<print $shottype>> rip through <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>its<<else>>their<</if>> infected bodies - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> squelch harmlessly into the <<print $name>>'s infected skin - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s spindly <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s deformed <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s tiny <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s malformed <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> shrieks as electcicity arcs across its infected body but the abomination does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs off the <<print $name>>'s infected skin, causing <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>it<<else>>them<</if>> to howl in pain but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s spindly <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle across the <<print $name>>'s deformed <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s malformed <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity crackles across the <<print $name>>'s bloated <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> shrieks as superheated plasma washess its infected body but the abominaiton does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>>'s infected <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, causing <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>it<<else>>them<</if>> to howl in agony but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s spindly <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma melts the <<print $name>>'s deformed <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>'s tiny <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s misshapen <<if $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>body<<else>>bodies<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> shoves you aside before your blow even lands\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch rips<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws rip<</if>> through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s infected skin but inflict<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>s<</if>> no damage\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> off <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s deformed flesh\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> swipes at you with clawed hands but you <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>rake your claws across<</if>> its face, ruining it entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s deformed skull, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>cracking<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>slitting<</if>> it open and <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>mangling<</if>> the brain\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s childlike body, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>tearing through<</if>> its ribs and heart entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>>s clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s throat, causing it to choke, wheeze, and fall dead\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and, before it can squrirm free, sink your fangs into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> infected flesh. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> goes limp as you rip out a chunk. It tastes frail and sickly - utterly revolting.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> shoves you aside before your blow even lands\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> cuts into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s infected skin but inflicts no damage\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s deformed flesh\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> swipes at you with clawed hands but you plunge your blade into its face, destroying its brain\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> rips into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s deformed skull, piercing deep into its brain and killing it\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slashes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s throat, causing it to recoil with a squeal as blood gushes free\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $armorname = "ancient armor">>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\tYour Exo Armor fails, frying your brain as the electronics short-circuit\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou collapse as searing heat burns through your skin, boiling the blood in your veins\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>es<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>>, melting your <<print $shottype>> in mid-flight\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( NONEXISTANT ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, releasing a noxious haze, but the fumes have no effect on the <<print $name>> - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> amidst crackling arcs of electricity - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, detonating in a hail of slivers that shred the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> with a crackling electric surge\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that that tear clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, destroying <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>>, detonating in a hail of slivers that rip clean through <<print $number>> <<print $armorname>>, destroying <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> and rip<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but your <<print $shottype>> penetrate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> and rip<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that shred the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t(( IMMUNE ))\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $name>>'s chestplate amidst crackling arcs of electricity, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> through the <<print $name>>'s chestplate, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> entirely\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> miss their mark entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>>, melting your <<print $shottype>> in mid-air - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> bounce harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but some of your <<print $shottype>> penetrate, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> blow clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but some of your <<print $shottype>> penetrate and blast through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast clean through the <<print $name>>'s chestplate, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity fizzle harmlessly into the <<print $name>>'s shields - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the <<print $name>>, causing <<print $number>> to twitch and shudder as augmented organs short-circuit\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the discharge strikes home, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> and frying the augmented organs\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity rip through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and frying the augmented organs beneath\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but your discharge strikes still sears the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> and frying the augmented organs beneath\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity acrs across the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and frying the augmented organs\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma fizzles harmlessly into the <<print $name>>'s shields - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the <<print $name>>, causing <<print $number>> to twitch and shudder as augmented organs melt entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>> but fails to melt through - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the superheated plasma passes through, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> and melting the augmented organs\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns clean through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and melting the augmented organs beneath\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>deploys<<else>>deploy<</if>> a shield but the superheated plasma passes through and melts the <<print $armorname>> beneath, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> the <<print $name>> and frying the augmented organs beneath\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes across the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> and melting the augmented organs\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>>.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>>, causing you to recoil as thermal warnings ring in your ears.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s chestplate.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but you're already inside the dead zone, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>ramming your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raking your claws across<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>> chestplate.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>tearing through<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> chestplate.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but you're already inside the dead zone, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>ramming your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raking your claws across<</if>> <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> chestplate.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s chestplate.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $monoblade = false>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.knife eq "witchblade" or $equip.knife eq "razorspine" or $equip.knife eq "corsair knife" or (($equip.rifle.name eq "Arclance" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Plasma Lance" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance") and $template.ammo eq "melee" and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $monoblade = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your attack with a mechanical whirr.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>>, causing you to recoil as stinging heat washes your skin.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> bounces harmlessly off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s <<print $armorname>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but you're already inside the dead zone, plunging your <<meeleweapon>> into the gap between helmet and chestplate.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> <<if $template.isMonoblade>>slices clean through <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>><<else>>the finds a gap in the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>><</if>>.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing light errupts around the <<print $name>> but you're already inside the dead zone, <<if $template.isMonoblade>>slicing through its <<print $armorname>> with your <<meeleweapon>><<else>>plunging your <<meeleweapon>> into a gap in its <<print $armorname>><</if>>.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> finds a narrow gap between the <<print $name>>'s helmet and chestplate.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $armortype = "oily black skin">>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name neq "Djinn">>\n\t\t<<set $armortype = "flesh">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> vanished into thin air - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the wall where the <<print $name>> was a second earlier - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armortype>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armortype>> - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>cause the <<print $name>> to vanish. Long seconds pass. It doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>,\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing the <<print $name>> to vanish amidst a cloud of toxic gas. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>errupting in a cloud of toxic gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>lances out the same moment the <<print $name>> to vanishes, missing entirely. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> into a million bloody bits, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>cause the <<print $name>> to vanish. Long seconds pass. It doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>,\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing the <<print $name>> to vanish amidst a cloud of toxic gas. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>errupting in a cloud of toxic gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>lances out the same moment the <<print $name>> to vanishes, missing entirely. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>>'s masked head clean off, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>cause the <<print $name>> to vanish. Long seconds pass. It doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>,\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing the <<print $name>> to vanish amidst a cloud of toxic gas. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>errupting in a cloud of toxic gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>lances out the same moment the <<print $name>> to vanishes, missing entirely. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>blast<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> into a million bloody bits, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> detonate<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> in a hail of slivers that \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>cause the <<print $name>> to vanish. Long seconds pass. It doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>rip the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>,\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing the <<print $name>> to vanish amidst a cloud of toxic gas. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>errupting in a cloud of toxic gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>lances out the same moment the <<print $name>> to vanishes, missing entirely. Long seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>blow<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the <<print $name>> apart, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> vanished into thin air - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tYour rounds zip past where the <<print $name>> was a split second ago but hit nothing - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance off the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armortype>> - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> blast \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>the <<print $name>> but it vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>bloody holes in the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>zip toward the <<print $name>> but it vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>tear through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armortype>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>zip toward the <<print $name>> but it vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>rip through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armortype>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>zip toward the <<print $name>> but it vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>blow bloody chunks out of the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> vanished into thin air - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcicity surges toward where the <<print $name>> was a split second ago but arc harmlessly into the wall - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs over the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armortype>>, causing it to recoil with a grunt but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s body, \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s <<print $armortype>>,\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the <<print $name>>'s masked face,\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity arcs across the <<print $name>>,\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> vanished into thin air - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma plumes toward where the <<print $name>> was standing a split second ago - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>> <<print $armortype>>, causing it to recoil with a grunt but not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>, \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma melts through the <<print $name>> <<print $armortype>>, \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>, \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>, \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> darts out of reach before your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>arm<</if>> connects\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou swipe at the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> with your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>> but it vanishes into thin air.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> harmlessly off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s <<print $armorname>>,\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> rolls aside \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>and vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>but you kick it to the ground and <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>dig your claws<</if>> into its blue-eyed face.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>Your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>arm<</if>> swings toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>, causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>Your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armorname>>, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>mangling<</if>> its ribs. Bright blue eyes flicker twice before it falls, lifeless.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> darts back \n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>and vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>but you snatch its trailing arm, causing it to fall, and <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>dig your claws<</if>> into its blue-eyed face.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>Your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>arm<</if>> swings toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>, causing it to vanish. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>Your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws tear<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s chest. Its bright blue eyes to flicker before it falls, lifeless.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou grab the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and, before it can vanish, sink your fangs into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> neck. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> tears from your grip, leaving a bland chunk of meat in your jaw. The next instant, the abomination is gone. It doesn't reappear.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou grab the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and, before it can vanish, sink your fangs into <<print $combat.enemy.singleposessive[$combat.enemy.alive]>> neck. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s blue eyes fade in brightness as you rip out a chunk. It tastes bland and simple, and yet still slighly sweet.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> darts out of reach before your blow even lands\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou swipe at the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> but it vanishes into thin air\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s <<print $armortype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> plunges \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribcage but it vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>deep into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s ribcage. The abomination's bright blue eyes to flicker before it falls, lifeless.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>Your <<meeleweapon>> slices toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> but it vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>Your <<meeleweapon>> rips clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s <<print $armortype>>. The abomination's bright blue eyes to flicker before it falls, lifeless.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.deathtype eq "vanishing">>Your <<meeleweapon>> gashes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> but it vanishes. Several seconds pass. The abomination doesn't re-appear.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>Your <<meeleweapon>> gashes the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s throat. Its bright blue eyes to flicker before it falls, lifeless.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the crab's thick shell, causing it to buzz angrily, but inflicts no lasting damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>ricoshets<<else>>ricoshet<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s thick carapace, smashing harmlessly into the ground \n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s thick carapace - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s thick shell - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s thick shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the<<print $name>>'s thick shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that engulfs the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> the <<print $name>> into shreds, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> recoils as your <<print $shottype>> slam into its shell but the creature does not fall - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> bounce harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s thick shell - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s thick shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s slime-crusted shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s shell <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s crablike body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>>'s legs thrash as electcicity arcs across its thick shell but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s thick shell- you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle across the <<print $name>>'s thick shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s slime-crusted shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity crackles across the <<print $name>>'s crablike form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as superheated plasma washess its shell but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>>'s thick shell - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns throught the <<print $name>>'s shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears through the <<print $name>>'s thick shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s slime-crusted shell, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>'s crablike form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> skitters backwards, dodging your blow entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claw at<</if>> the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s thick shell but the blow inflicts no damage\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s slime-crusted shell\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> surges forward but you <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>jam your claws into<</if>> into a gap in its shell, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> deep into a gap in the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s slimy shell, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s slime-slick shell, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist finds<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws find<</if>> a gap in the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s shell, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou jump on the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and, dodging its tentacles, snap at the oozing substance between its shell. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> thrashes as you scramble away, a chunk of its sline in your mouth. It tastes thick, slimy and makes you retch. Utterly disgusting.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> skitters backwards, dodging your blow entirely\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> cuts into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s thick shell but inflicts no damage\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s slime-crusted shell\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> surges forward but you plunge your blade deep into a gap in it shell, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> finds a gap in the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s slime-slicked shell, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> finds a gap in the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s shell, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> pierces<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> the rat's slick fur, causing it to yelp, but inflicts no lasting damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>ricoshets<<else>>ricoshet<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s shell, causing electricity to arc harmlessly into the ground \n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to penetrate the <<print $name>>'s carapace - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> glance<<if $template.magazine eq 1>>s<</if>> off the <<print $name>>'s thick shell - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - vulnerable\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that rip through the <<print $name>>'s slick fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - vulnerable\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the<<print $name>>'s slick fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - vulnerable\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tn/a - vulnerable\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> the <<print $name>> into shreds, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> squeals as your <<print $shottype>> bury themselves deep in its fur but the creature does not fall - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically wounded by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> bounce harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s thick shell - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s slick fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s carapace, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s furry body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as electcicity arcs into its fur but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s carapace fur - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s slick fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle across the <<print $name>>'s carapaec, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity crackles across the <<print $name>>'s ratty body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of intense agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as superheated plasma chars its fur black but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>>'s carapace - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns throught the <<print $name>>'s slick fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears through the <<print $name>>'s carapace, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s fur, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>'s furry body, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst shrieks of panicked agony\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> jumps aside, dodging your blow entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claw at<</if>> the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> but the blow glances off its slick fur\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist glances<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws glance<</if>> off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s carapace\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> pounces but you <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>slam your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>rake your claws across<</if>> its face, causing it recoil with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s carapace, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYou <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist slams into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice across<</if>> the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s furry chest, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist slams into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice across<</if>>the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s face, causing it teeter unsteadily, and fall dead\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma.. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "comsumeOrganicFoe">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou grab on the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and sink your fangs deep into its neck. Venom gushes forth. The <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> squeals as you rip out a chunk. Its flesh is tough and reeks of disease. Entirely unenjoyable.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> jumps aside, dodging your blow entirely\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slices at the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s furry body but inflicts no damage\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> glances off the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s carapace shell\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>> pounces but you plunge your blade deep into its throat, causing it fall dead, bleeding profuseyl\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slices through <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s carapace, causing it rear with a squeal, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> cuts <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s face, causing it teeter unsteadily, and fall dead\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = false>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.gender>>\n\n\t<<if ($combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 0) or $combat.actions[$index].kills eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "playerdead">>\n\t\tYou fall, bleeding to death from your injuries\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "scatter" or $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t\t<<set $wastetype = $shottype>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'determineWasteAmmoType'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>misses<<else>>miss<</if>> entirely - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> but the resulting hail of slivers fails to hit the <<print $name>>'s spindly skeleton - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> through the <<print $name>>'s spindly skeleton, causing no damage - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>, causing it to die with a sputter of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> with a hiss but has no meaningful effect\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> amid the holographic abomination but the resulting hail of slivers only grazes the <<print $name>>'s spindly skeleton - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>>, releasing a cloud of noxious gas, but the fumes fail to affect the <<print $name>> - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>flashes<<else>>flash<</if>> through the <<print $name>>'s holographic body but only graze it's spine - you use up a <<print $wastetype>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s spine, causing it to die with a sputter of sparks\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s spine, causing it to die with a sputter of sparks\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the<<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s spine, causing it to die with a shower of sparks.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>slams<<else>>slam<</if>> into the <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>detonates<<else>>detonate<</if>> in a hail of slivers that perforate the <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\tNoxious gas errupts as the <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>blows<<else>>blow<</if>> clean through the <<print $name>>'s spine, causing it to collapse with a sputter of sparks\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> <<if $template.magazine eq 1>>rips<<else>>rip<</if>> the <<print $name>>'s spine into shreds, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> miss entirely - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.didreappear = true>>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as your <<print $shottype>> zip through it's holographbic body but the creature is unharmed - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> catastrophically damaged by your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>is<<else>>are<</if>> immune to your attack\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> zip harmlessly off the <<print $name>>'s holographic body - you use up a magazine\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s gilded head, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s gilded mask, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $shottype>> tear through the <<print $name>>'s skeletal spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> instantly\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity sear the floor but inflict no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as electcicity arcs along it's spine but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> jerks and twitches as electcicity arcs along it's spine but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( TODO ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity arcs harmlessly across the <<print $name>>'s gilded mask - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tElectricity sears the <<print $name>>'s gilded mask, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity crackle down the <<print $name>>'s spine, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tArcs of electricity burn through the <<print $name>>'s spindly limbs, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tElectcricity crackles across the <<print $name>>'s skeletal form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears the floor but inflicts no damage - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitcover">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sprays out but the <<print $name>> <<if $combat.enemy.alive lte 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> taken cover - you waste your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $name>> thrashes as superheated plasma washess its spindly spine but the creature does not fall - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitvulnerable">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitimmune">>\n\t\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma rushes harmesssly over the <<print $name>>'s skeletal form - you use up your discharge\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma burns throught the <<print $name>>'s gilded mask, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma sears through the <<print $name>>'s spindly limbs, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma engulfs the <<print $name>>'s gilded mask, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tSuperheated plasma washes over the <<print $name>>'s skeletal form, <<print $combat.enemy.deathtype>> <<print $number>> amidst a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges your <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>punch<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist passes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws pass<</if>> harmlessly through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s holographic body\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>powerfist passes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>claws pass<</if>> harmlessly through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s holographic body\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> lashes at you with its claws but you're faster, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>ramming your powerfist into<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>jaming your claws into the holes in<</if>> its gilded mask\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gilded mask, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>crushing<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>mangling<</if>> it entirely\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gilded mask, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>exploding<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>shredding<</if>> it with a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>power fist smashes<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>raptor claws slice<</if>> clean through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gilded mask, causing it collapse with a mechanical whirr\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\t\tThe rocket zips toward the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> and detonates in a brilliant ball of plasma. The resulting shockwave knocks you back and leaves your ears ringing.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitnothing">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>> dodges, causing your blow to miss\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> passes harmlessly through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s holographic body, inflicting no damage\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "hitarmor">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> passes harmlessly through the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>'s holographic body\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripshield">>\n\t\t\t\tThe <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>> lashes at you with its claws but you're faster, ramming your <<meeleweapon>> into its gilded mask\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmor" or $combat.actions[$index].result eq "riparmorshield">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slices into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gilded skull, causing it to collapse amid a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].result eq "ripflesh">>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<meeleweapon>> slices deep into the <<print $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>'s gilded mask, causing it to collapse amid a shower of sparks\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $name>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.doNotification>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-notification-pane' class='HUD_Notification HUD_Notification_Show'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_DisplayAquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.doNotification = false>>\n\t\t</div>\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-notification-pane' class='HUD_Notification'>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.disabled>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CombatSidepane HUD_CombatPaneDisabled'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane HUD_CombatCenterpane HUD_CombatPaneDisabled'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_UI_Centerpane'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_StandardIcon_Inverted HUD_CombatSidepane HUD_CombatPaneDisabled'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcSidearmDisplay'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CombatSidepane'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane HUD_CombatCenterpane'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_UI_Centerpane'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_StandardIcon_Inverted HUD_CombatSidepane'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcSidearmDisplay'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.disabled>>\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-augment' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_IconHideMobile'><span class='redcolor'>[E..&7301]</span></div>\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-vitality' class='HUD_StandardIcon'><span class='redcolor'>[Div0Err]</span></div>\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-finances' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>[Div0Err]</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-knife' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_IconHideMobile' style='float: right;'>B<span class='redcolor'>[E.-289]</span></div>\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-augment' class='HUD_StandardIcon'><span class='redcolor'>[Div0Err]</span></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-augment' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_IconHideMobile'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\tShields<br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/shield.png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>[ONLINE]</span>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tSpecial<br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6 and $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_miasma.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4 and ($combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_spine_f.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5 and ($combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_spine.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.dDoS neq "none" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.dDoS eq "charged">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ddos.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ddos_d.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_6") or (($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffwear" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffdress") and $attrib.religion eq "theophobe")) and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98 and $combat.enemy.isMachine and $combat.usedXanju eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_agent.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.hasFusionSphere>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/fusion_sphere.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98 and $combat.enemy.isMachine and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_6") and $combat.usedXanju>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_agent.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/no_item_pickup.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-vitality' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_IconHideMobile'>Vitality<br>\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.clothes.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_AmmoDisplay'>\n\t\t\t\t<strong><<display 'calcPlayerVitality'>></strong>/% for debugging - <br><<print $random>><<print $combat.didSpecialMove>>%/\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.item1 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-hud-itemleft' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item1.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-finances' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_CombatArmor'>\n\t\t\tArmor:\n\t\t\t<<set $statsstring = "">>\n\n\t\t\t<<for $i = 5; $i gt $combat.armorhits; $i-->>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_armor_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t\t<<for $i = $i; $i gt 0; $i-->>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_depleted_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t\t<<print $statsstring>>\n\t\t\t<<if $debug >>\n\t\t\t\tHits: <<print $combat.armorhits>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcShieldHits'>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_CombatArmor'>\n\t\t\t <<if $equip.offhand.contains("shield") or $equip.isArcArmor or $combat.bonus.shieldDrones gt 0 or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("hyper-capacitor")>>\n\t\t\t\tShield: \n\t\t\t\t<<set $i = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring = "">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $numToDraw = $combat.shieldhits + (5 - $shieldHitLimit)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $combat.isShieldSuppresed>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<for $i = 5; $i gt $numToDraw; $i-->>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_shield_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</for>>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<for $i = $i; $i gt 0; $i-->>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_depleted_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $statsstring>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $debug >>\n\t\t\t\t\tLimit: <<print $shieldHitLimit>>, Hits: <<print $combat.shieldhits>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t <</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.item2 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-hud-itemright' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item2.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t/%<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-hud-vitality' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t\tUser<br>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcPlayerVitality'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-hud-vitality' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>Vitality<br>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'calcPlayerVitality'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>%/\n\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-knife' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_IconHideMobile' style='float: right;'>Backup<br>\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/powerfist.png]]\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cyberarm.png]]\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.knife.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_AmmoDisplay'></div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<display 'calcMoveInfo'>>\n\n\t\t/% bring back the UI %/\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" or ($equip.hideWeaponLoadout and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")))>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t<<elseif (($combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo eq 0) or (($combat.moveMain.needsChargeToUse or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "arclance" or $combat.moveMain.consumeCharge) and $equip.charge eq 0 and not $combat.moveMain.isMelee)>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-main'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'useMainOption'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none" or $equip.hideWeaponLoadout>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t<<elseif ($combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-backup'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'useBackupOption'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-melee'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'useMeleeOption'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'calcMoveInfo'>>\n\n/% bring back the UI %/\n<<replace '#ui-combat-main'>>\n\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/no_item.png]]<br>\n\t\tN/A\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item1.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t<<print $equip.item1>>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("useItem1")>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</replace>>\n\n<<replace '#ui-combat-backup'>>\n\t<<if $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/no_item.png]]<br>\n\t\tN/A\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item2.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t<<print $equip.item2>>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("useItem2")>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</replace>>\n\n<<replace '#ui-combat-melee'>>\n\t<<if $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/no_item.png]]<br>\n\t\tN/A\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6 and $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn">>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_miasma.png]]<br>\n\t\t\tMiasma Vial\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("useItemS")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4 and ($combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord")>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_spine_f.png]]<br>\n\t\t\tSphinx's Spine\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("useItemS")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5 and ($combat.enemy.name eq "Paladin" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Sunlord")>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_spine.png]]<br>\n\t\t\tSphinx's Spine\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.dDoS neq "none" and $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.dDoS eq "charged">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ddos.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\tdDoS\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("useItemS")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ddos_d.png]]<br>\n\t\t\t\tdDoS\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_6") or (($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffwear" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffdress") and $attrib.religion eq "theophobe")) and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98 and $combat.enemy.isMachine and $combat.usedXanju eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_agent.png]]<br>\n\t\t\tXjanu-4\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("useItemS")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.hasFusionSphere>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon">>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/fusion_sphere.png]]<br>\n\t\t\tFusion Sphere\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("useItemS")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98 and $combat.enemy.isMachine and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_6") and $combat.usedXanju>>\n\t\t\t/% Xjanu-4 used special case (or it seems like item vanishes) %/\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_agent.png]]<br>\n\t\t\tXjanu-4\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/no_item.png]]<br>\n\t\t\tN/A\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\t/% unique item slot; core useItemS %/\n<</replace>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $attrib.vitality eq 0>>\n\t\t<span class='redcolor'>[DEAD]</span>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>><span class='redcolor'>[ADC]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>><span class='yellowcolor'>[ADC]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><span class='greyedout'>[ADC]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 >><span class='redcolor'>[TOX]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50 >><span class='yellowcolor'>[TOX]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.exhausted>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75 >><span class='redcolor'>[EXH]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50 >><span class='yellowcolor'>[EXH]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><span class='greyedout'>[EXH]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75 >><span class='redcolor'>[FAT]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50 >><span class='yellowcolor'>[FAT]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.infectionLevel gt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>[INF]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.infectionLevel gt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>[INF]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>[INF]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t/% no longer shows if in combat %/\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50 and $attrib.toxicity lt 50 and not $attrib.addicted and not $attrib.exhausted and not $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExubrenceQualified and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>[EXUBR]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isNoxiousQualified and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='lgreencolor'>[NXOUS]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isAtonementQualified and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>[HADES]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='lgreencolor'>[XTACY]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isGodlikeQualified and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>[GODLK]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isExMachinaQualified and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[EXMCH]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_12") and $equip.isCybernetic and $hud.currentScreen neq "combat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[ELCTR]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>[OKAY]</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.disabled >>\n\t\t<span class='HUD_ErrorStyle'>[ERR]</span>\n\t\t<br>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_AmmoDisplay'>-1</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tMain<br>\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" or ($equip.hideWeaponLoadout and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")))>>\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.anointment neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overlayImage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_AmmoDisplay'>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $displayAmmoStyle = "numbers">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'AmmoDisplayInHUD'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.disabled >>\n\t\t<span class='HUD_ErrorStyle'>[ERR]</span>\n\t\t<br>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_AmmoDisplay'>-1</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tSidearm<br>\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none" or $equip.hideWeaponLoadout or $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.anointment neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overlayImage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_AmmoDisplay'>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $displayAmmoStyle = "numbers">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'AmmoDisplayInHUD'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if (($equip.rifle.name eq "M1B" or $equip.rifle.name eq "NGREP_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "S13G" or $equip.rifle.name eq "S7G" or $equip.rifle.name eq "FLaK" or ($equip.rifle.name eq "FRaG" and $combat.moveMain.magazine gt 1)) and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $equip.rifle.name eq "X1") or ($combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "ShVR" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Witchgun"))>>\n\t\t<<set $wastetype = "magazine">>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon" and $combat.moveMain.magazine gt 1 and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $wastetype = "volley">>\n\t<<elseif ($equip.rifle.name eq "MF-G6" or $equip.rifle.name eq "MF-GAC") and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $wastetype = "cylinder">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMain>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveSecondary>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMelee>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t<<set $shottype = "round">>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and ($equip.rifle.name eq "KRUG" or $equip.rifle.name eq "KRUG_Painted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "RUG-9" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M404" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M404A2" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M405" or $equip.rifle.name eq "St0Rm" or $equip.rifle.name eq "RUG-9_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shottype = "burst">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "tungsten" or $template.ammo eq "conductive" or $template.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "BioCannon" and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $template.ammo eq "tungsten">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shottype = "biospike">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shottype = "bolt">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "toxin" or $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t<<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "BioLance" or $equip.rifle.name eq "BioCannon") and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary" and $template.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shottype = "biosphere">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shottype = "canister">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $shottype = "default">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shottype = $shottype + "s">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shotadjective = "">>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9") and $template.ammo eq "scatter">>\n\t\t<<set $shotadjective = "electrified ">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<if $template.elemental eq "toxin" and $template.ammo neq "toxin">>\n\t\t<<set $shotadjective = "noxious ">>\n\t<<elseif $template.elemental eq "shock " and $template.ammo neq "conductive">>\n\t\t<<set $shotadjective = "electrified ">>\n\t<<elseif $template.elemental eq "plasma ">>\n\t\t<<set $shotadjective = "molten ">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'calcRoundType'>>\n\n<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 0 >>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive]>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMain>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Rail Cannon">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou clear your rail cannon, slam a single <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>> in, and open fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou slam four <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>> into your rail cannon, level the weapon, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $template.ammo eq "micronuke">>\n\t\tYou shoulder your NUKE and fire, causing the rocket engine to ignite with a sucking hiss.\n\t<<elseif $combat.usedDisposableGun>>\n\t\tYou aim your <<rifle>>, empty the magazine on full auto, and toss the weapon aside.\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Arclance" or $equip.rifle.name eq "ArcSpike" or $equip.rifle.name eq "N3Cron" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Spikestick" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Shockstick" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Axeblade">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>, causing <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "N3Cron">>uncontrollable arcs of electricity to lash<<else>>electricity to arc<</if>> out with a vicious cracle.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou flip your <<rifle>> into a long grip and discharge, causing <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "N3Cron">>uncontrollable arcs of electricity to lash<<else>>electricity to arc<</if>> out with a vicious cracle.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tYou lunge at the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou jab at the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou flip your <<rifle>> into an agressive grip and charge the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "arcBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t\tCrackling electricity arcs along the blade.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Searblade">>\n\t\t\tYou\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tsurge toward the <<print $name>>, <<meeleweapon>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tattack the <<print $name>> with your <<meeleweapon>>.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tdraw your <<meeleweapon>> and charge the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "fireBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t\tSearing flames errupt along the blade.\n\t\t\t<</if>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tHateful screeches errupt as you lunge at the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> shimmering in bloody hues.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYour <<rifle>> glows blood red as you hurl yourself at the <<print $name>> with an inhuman shriek.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tBloody light errupts from your <<rifle>> as you surge toward the <<print $name>> with an ear-numbing roar.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Battleaxe">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tYou hurl yourself at the <<print $name>>, swinging your <<rifle>> with a ferocious roar.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou swing at the <<print $name>> with your <<rifle>> with all your strength.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tBellowing at the top of your lungs, you swing your <<rifle>> at the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Arcblade" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Sliceblade" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Twin Fang">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, <<meeleweapon>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou attack the <<print $name>> with your <<meeleweapon>>.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou draw your <<meeleweapon>> and charge the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "arcBladeCharge">>\n\t\t\t\tCrackling electricity arcs along the blade.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Twin Fang">>\n\t\t\t\tToxin drips from the blade.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "BioCannon">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tToxin floods your blood the <<rifle>> reacts, expelling a haze of biomass.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou brace your <<rifle>>, letting toxins flood your blood as the <<rifle>> reacts, expelling a haze of biomass.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "BioLance">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "toxin">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tToxin floods your blood the <<rifle>> reacts, expelling a haze of biomass.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou grip your <<rifle>>, letting toxins flood your blood as the <<rifle>> reacts, expelling a haze of biomass.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tYou hurl yourself at the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou flip your <<rifle>> into an agressive grip and charge the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Plasma Lance" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Plasma Staff" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Ornate Lance">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>, causing plasma to jet out with a sucking roar.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou flip your <<rifle>> into a long grip and discharge, causing plasma to jet out with a sucking roar.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tYou hurl yourself at the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou flip your <<rifle>> into an agressive grip and charge the <<print $name>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "M444">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent magazine, fiddle the new belt into your <<rifle>> and continue firing on full auto\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>> and open fire on full auto.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "HailSt0Rm">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent magazine, fiddle a reload into your <<rifle>> and continue firing on full auto\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>> and open fire on full auto.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "St0Rm">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tYou hurl yourself at the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou flip your <<rifle>> into an agressive grip and charge the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou eject the spent magazine, reload your <<rifle>> and continue firing.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>> and open fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "SKUL">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\t\tYou hurl yourself at the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, <<rifle>> poised to strike.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou flip your <<rifle>> into an agressive grip and charge the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou eject the spent power disk, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "VIM" or $equip.rifle.name eq "VIM_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "VIM_Extended" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Hellfire">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>, causing plasma to jet out with a sucking roar.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>> and press the trigger, causing plasma to jet out with a sucking roar.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "XZI">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>>, take aim, and fire. A brilliant bolt of elecricity arcs from the projector.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou aim your <<rifle>> and fire. A brilliant bolt of elecricity arcs from the projector.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "IX">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>, causing plasma to jet out with a sucking roar.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou level your <<rifle>> and press the trigger, causing plasma to jet out with a sucking roar.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>, unleashing a crackling torrent of electricity.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou level your <<rifle>> and discharge, unleashing a crackling torrent of electricity.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "N3CR" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Flay3r">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>, unleashing a crackling torrent of electricity.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou brace your <<rifle>> and discharge, unleashing a crackling torrent of electricity.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou aim your <<rifle>> and unleash a cracking arc of electricity.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou raise your <<rifle>>, bracing your arm, and unleash a cracking arc of electricity.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "cybergun">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<rifle>> and resume fire, spraying rounds indiscriminately.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou raise your <<rifle>> and open fire, spraying rounds indiscriminately.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "M9610" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M9610A2">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou replace the spent drum and resume fire, spraying rounds indiscriminately.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou brace your <<rifle>> and open fire, spraying rounds indiscriminately.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "M410">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<rifle>> and continue firing, spitting noxious mist from the muzzle.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>> and open fire, spitting noxious mist from the muzzle.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "N0xIu">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou replace the spent magazine and continue firing, spitting noxious mist from the muzzle.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou brace your <<rifle>> and open fire, spitting noxious mist from the muzzle.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "M9615">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou replace the spent drum, brace the <<rifle>> as the coils spin up, and open fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou brace your <<rifle>> as the coils spin up and open fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "NGREP_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "FLaK" or $equip.rifle.name eq "S7G" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M1B">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent magazine, reload with <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, load a magazine of <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\tA searing plasma cloud jets from the muzzle.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou cycle a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>> into your <<rifle>>, brace your arm, and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou raise your <<rifle>>, <<if $combat.moveMain.magazine eq 1>>loading a<<else>>cycling to<</if>> <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "FRaG">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou cycle a fresh <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>> into your <<rifle>> and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>>, cycling in <<if $combat.moveMain.magazine eq 1>> a <</if>><<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Black Skull">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou load a fresh <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>> into your <<rifle>> and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou load <<if $combat.moveMain.magazine eq 1>>a<<else>>two<</if>> <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>> into your <<rifle>> and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "S13G">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload a magazine of <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, steady your <<rifle>>, and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou load a magazine of <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, brace your <<rifle>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "MF-G6" or $equip.rifle.name eq "MF-GAC">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou dump the spent power disks, load the cylinder with <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, load the cylinder with <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "Hav0C" or $equip.rifle.name eq "PUR-L">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou reload your <<rifle>> and resume fire, spraying rounds wildly.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>> and open fire, spraying rounds wildly.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "PUR-H">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent magazine out of your <<rifle>>, slot a fresh one, and resume firing on full auto.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou steady your <<rifle>>, brace yourself, and open fire on full auto.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "PUR-G">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>'s underbarrel caster, causing plasma to jet out with a roar.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>'s underbarrel caster, causing plasma to jet out with a roar.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou clear your <<rifle>>, load a fresh magazine, and resume firing.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, switch to full-auto, and open fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "M9616">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>'s side-mounted caster, causing plasma to jet out with a roar.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>'s side-mounted caster, causing plasma to jet out with a roar.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou replace the spent drum, brace the <<rifle>> as the coils spin up, and open fire.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou brace your <<rifle>> as the coils spin up and open fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "KRUG" or $equip.rifle.name eq "KRUG_Painted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M405" or $equip.rifle.name eq "SKUL-E">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tYou clear your <<rifle>>, load a fresh magazine, and resume firing.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou clear your <<rifle>>, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, switch to full-auto, and open fire.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Extended">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tYou clear your <<rifle>>, load a fresh magazine, and resume firing.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou clear your <<rifle>>, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, switch to semi-auto, and open fire.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "X1" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Scorpion">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>'s capacitors, causing electricity to arc out with a vicious cracle.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou discharge your <<rifle>>'s capacitors, causing electricity to arc out with a vicious cracle.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou reload your <<rifle>> and fire, unleashing a hail of hypervelocity bolts.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>> and fire, unleashing a hail of hypervelocity bolts.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "M420">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent magazine, reload your <<rifle>> and continue taking aimed shots.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou take up a bipod-supported position with your <<rifle>>, take careful aim, and open fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000" or $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "RUG-9" or $equip.rifle.name eq "RUG-9_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M404" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M404A2" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M405A1">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent magazine, reload your <<rifle>> and continue firing.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>><<if $equip.rifle.name eq "M405A1">>, take careful aim,<</if>> and open fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "XZ" or $equip.rifle.name eq "S7ZF">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent power disk, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou steady your heavy <<rifle>>, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent power disk, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, load a <<print $shotadjective + "" + $combat.moveMain.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\tA searing plasma cloud jets from the underbarrel sink.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "blackthornDazzle">>\n\t\t\tDazzling holograms flicker, cast by the underbarrel projector.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t<<set $template = $combat.moveSecondary>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "RXC" or $equip.pistol.name eq "RXS" or $equip.pistol.name eq "VX" or $equip.pistol.name eq "VXI" or $equip.pistol.name eq "VX_Rave" or $equip.pistol.name eq "MF-R2_Converted" or $equip.pistol.name eq "MF-Rave" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Blue Dragon" or $equip.pistol.name eq "MF-RIB">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou eject the spent power disk, load a <<print $shotadjective +"" + $combat.moveSecondary.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou grab your <<pistol>>, load a <<print $shotadjective +"" + $combat.moveSecondary.ammo>> <<print $shottype>>, and fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\tA searing plasma cloud jets from the underbarrel sink.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "blackthornDazzle">>\n\t\t\tDazzling holograms flicker, cast by the underbarrel projector.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "ShVR">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<pistol>> and fire, unleashing a hail of hypervelocity bolts.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou draw your <<pistol>> and fire, unleashing a hail of hypervelocity bolts.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "Witchgun">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t\t\tYou fire your <<pistol>>, causing the muzzle to flare brightly as crackling electricity arcs out.\n\t\t<<elseif $shotadjective +"" + $combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\tYou fire your <<pistol>>, causing the muzzle to flare brightly as searing plasma jets out.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\t\tYou reload your <<pistol>> and fire.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou draw your <<pistol>> and fire.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "witchGunHyper">>\n\t\t\t\t\tBright light errupts as a hail of bolts and by purplish haze streak out.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe muzzle flares as a hail of bolts streak out.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "Stitch">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your little <<pistol>> and continue firing.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou draw your <<pistol>>, flick the safety off, and open fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "LICH" or $equip.pistol.name eq "LICH-T" or $equip.pistol.name eq "LICH_Converted">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<pistol>>, rest the pistol on your forearm, and open fire.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou draw your <<pistol>>, rest the pistol on your forearm, and open fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "LICH-C" or $equip.pistol.name eq "LAMP_Converted" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Mk3c">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<pistol>>, steady your aim, and open fire on full auto.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<pistol>>, steady your aim, and open fire on full auto.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "LAMP" or $equip.pistol.name eq "LAMP_Extended" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Black Rose" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Mk2" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Mk3">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<pistol>> and fire, spraying rounds wildly.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou draw your <<pistol>> and open fire, spraying rounds wildly.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "BL4K">>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<pistol>> and, anger seething in your veins, continue firing.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou draw your <<pistol>> and, seething with unspoken anger, open fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou reload your <<pistol>> and continue firing.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou draw your <<pistol>> and open fire.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "sawedOffPlasma">>\n\t\t\tA searing plasma cloud jets from the underbarrel sink.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "blackthornDazzle">>\n\t\t\tDazzling holograms flicker, cast by the underbarrel projector.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMelee>>\n\t\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, power fist poised to strike.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou lunge at the <<print $name>> with your power fist.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou clench your Power Fist and charge the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t<</if>> \n\t\tElectricity crackles around your knuckles.\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, raptor claws bared.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou lunge at the <<print $name>> with your raptor claws.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou bare your raptor claws and charge the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t<</if>> \n\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>Toxic mist swirls around you as you charge.<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "meleeOverpower">>\n\t\t\tYou surge toward the <<print $name>>, <<meeleweapon>> poised to strike.\n\t\t<<elseif $template.drawn>>\n\t\t\tYou attack the <<print $name>> with your <<meeleweapon>>.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou grab your <<meeleweapon>> and charge the <<print $name>>.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>\n\t\t\tElectricity crackles around your knuckles.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "thorn knife" or $equip.knife eq "cultblade">>\n\t\t\tToxin drips from the blade.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "arc knife" or $equip.knife eq "witchblade">>\n\t\t\tElectricity crackles along the blade.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "hellspike">>\n\t\t\tPlasma sputters from the nozzle.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "razorspine">>\n\t\t\tThe razorchain spins up, superheating the edge.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "Gladius">>\n\t\t\tThe blade's edge heats up, glowing white hot.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "venomfan">>\n\t\t\tToxic gas jets from the fan.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "arcfan">>\n\t\t\tElectricity arcs from the fan.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $combat.specialDisplayState eq "autoSprayWeaponRunaway">>\n\tRecoil knocks your aim off as you struggle to keep your shots on target.\n<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "heavyGunStruggle">>\n\tYou struggle with the weight of your weapon.\n<<elseif $combat.specialDisplayState eq "heavyGunStruggle2">>\n\tYou're really having a hard time due to the weight of your weapon.\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='Combat_CenterPositionContainer'>\n\t\t/% <center><<print "A: " + Math.ceil($combat.enemy.armor) + " S: " + Math.ceil($combat.enemy.shield)>></center><br> %/\n\t<<set $nrKillsDisplayed = 0>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.killed gt 0>>\n\n\t\t<<for $i = $combat.enemy.total - 1; $i gte ($combat.enemy.total - $combat.enemy.killed); $i-->>\n\t\t\t<<set $specialDisplayState = "">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage and $combat.enemy.doDamageNr gte 1 and $combat.actions[$index].kills gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $nrKillsDisplayed lt $combat.enemy.doDamageNr and $combat.enemy.damageDisplayIndex eq $i>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $specialDisplayState = " ComabUI_DamageEnemy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nrKillsDisplayed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.damageDisplayIndex -= 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $imgStr = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/" + $combat.enemy.images[$i] + "]]">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.altImages[$i] neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $imgStr += "<div class='CombatUI_OverlayImage'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/" + $combat.enemy.altImages[$i] + "]]</div>">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<print "<div id='ui-enemy-icon-" + $i + "' class='CombatUI_EnemyIcon CombatUI_EnemyIconDead" + $specialDisplayState + " CombatUI_EnemyIcon_" + $i + "'>" + $imgStr +"<br> \n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatsContainer'><span class='greyedout'>dead</span></div>\n\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $maxbars = 10>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isLargeTarget>>\n\t\t\t<<set $maxbars = 20>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<<set $totalstats = 0>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.maxarmor gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $totalstats += $combat.enemy.maxarmor>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.maxshield gt 0 and ($combat.enemy.hasArcShield or $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield or $debug)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $totalstats += $combat.enemy.maxshield>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $armorbars = Math.round(($combat.enemy.armor / $totalstats) * $maxbars)>>\n\t\t<<set $shieldbars = Math.round(($combat.enemy.shield / $totalstats) * $maxbars)>>\n\t\t<<set $statsstring = "">>\n\n\t\t<<set $drawnbars = 0>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.maxarmor gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt $armorbars; $i++>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_armor_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawnbars += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<set $shieldIcon = "ui_shield_icon">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shieldIcon = "ui_orange_icon">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.maxshield gt 0 and ($combat.enemy.hasArcShield or $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield or $debug)>>\n\t\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt $shieldbars; $i++>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $shieldIcon + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawnbars += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<for $i = $drawnbars; $i lt $maxbars; $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_depleted_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\n\t\t<<for $i = $combat.enemy.alive - 1; $i gte 0 ; $i-->>\n\t\t\t<<set $specialDisplayState = "">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage and $combat.enemy.doDamageNr gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $nrKillsDisplayed lt $combat.enemy.doDamageNr>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $specialDisplayState = " ComabUI_DamageEnemy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nrKillsDisplayed += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $imgStr = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/" + $combat.enemy.images[$i] + "]]">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.altImages[$i] neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $imgStr += "<div class='CombatUI_OverlayImage'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/" + $combat.enemy.altImages[$i] + "]]</div>">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<print "<div id='ui-enemy-icon-" + $i + "' class='CombatUI_EnemyIcon" + $specialDisplayState + " CombatUI_EnemyIcon_" + $i + "'>" + $imgStr +"<br> \n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatsContainer'>" + $statsstring + "</div>\n\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class="CombatUI_StatusColumn">\n\t\t<<if $combat.usedBioChems gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon CombatUI_StatusIconGood'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_chems.png]]<span class='greencolor'><<print Math.round($combat.usedBioChems)>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.bonus.shieldDrones gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon CombatUI_StatusIconGood'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_shield_drone.png]]<span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($combat.bonus.shieldDrones)>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_dazzle.png]]<span class='purplecolor'><<print Math.round($combat.inflictedDazzleStates * 10) / 10>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedGasStates gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_gas.png]]<span class='greencolor'><<print Math.round($combat.inflictedGasStates * 10) / 10>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedShockStates gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_shock.png]]<span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($combat.inflictedShockStates * 10) / 10>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedBurnStates gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_burn.png]]<span class='orangecolor'><<print Math.round($combat.inflictedBurnStates * 10) / 10>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.bonus.hcoilerSuccessive gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_hcoil.png]]<span class='yellowcolor'><<print $combat.bonus.hcoilerSuccessive>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_melee.png]]<span class='yellowcolor'><<print $combat.bonus.meleeSuccessive>></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.usedXanju>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_x4.png]]<span class='purplecolor'>!</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.miasmaUsed>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_miasma.png]]<span class='purplecolor'>!</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.spineUsed>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_spine.png]]<span class='purplecolor'>!</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.isShieldSuppresed>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_shieldsuppress.png]]<span class='purplecolor'>!</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.tookFusionSphereToFace>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_StatusIcon'> /% https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/ %/\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_combat_wasnuked.png]]<span class='purplecolor'>!</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\tArmor: <<print Math.round($combat.enemy.armor)>> Shield: <<print Math.round($combat.enemy.shield)>> EscapeMechanic: <<print $combat.usedEscapeMechanic>><br>\n\t\tMovesReset: <<print $combat.countSinceReset>> CritRanged: <<print $rangedCritMultiplier + 0.05>> + <<print $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus>> / Rnd: <<print $critRandom>><br>\n\t\tDamage Done: <<print $damageDoneArmor>>A <<print $damageDoneShield>>S\n\t<</if>>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "wraith" or $combat.enemy.name eq "banshee" or $combat.enemy.name eq "hellcat" or $combat.enemy.name eq "Djinn" or $combat.enemy.name eq "abomination" or $combat.enemy.name eq "acheri" or $combat.enemy.name eq "woman" or $combat.enemy.name eq "witch">>\n\t\t<<if $hud.combatUIScrewLevel lt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $heartbeat = document.getElementById('ui_heartbeat');>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 0 and not $hud.interference>>\n\t\t<<if $audiosupport and $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "combat_reset");>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.vitality lte 0 >>\n\t\t<<if $audiosupport and $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0.15}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "repeat_dead");>>\n\t<<elseif $hud.combatUIScrewLevel gte 2>>\n\t\t<<if $audiosupport and $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0.3}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "repeat_fast");>>\n\t<<elseif $hud.combatUIScrewLevel gte 1 or $hud.interference>>\n\t\t<<if $audiosupport and $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0.15}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "repeat");>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t<<if $audiosupport and $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0.05}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "drunken_repeat");>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n\t\t<<if $audiosupport and $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0.05}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "tired_repeat");>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $audiosupport and $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t<<set $heartbeat.play()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $('#ui_heartbeat').animate({volume: 0}, 1000);>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "combat_reset");>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(scrollToBottom, 25)>>\n\t<<set $displayType = []>>\n\t<<set $weaponType = "main">>\n\n\t<<if $combat.moveMain.draw9mmAmmo>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("9mm")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.moveMain.isSKULE>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("9mm")>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("tungsten")>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("conductive")>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.canisterOnly or $combat.moveMain.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("toxin")>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("scatter")>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.boltOnly>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("tungsten")>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("conductive")>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.moveMain.boltAndCanister>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("tungsten")>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("conductive")>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("toxin")>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("scatter")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.moveMain.hasPlasmaCaster>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("plasmaburst")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $combat.moveMain.hasArcCaster>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("arclance")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.moveMain.hasArcCharge or $combat.moveMain.isMelee or $combat.moveMain.hasFlameCharge>>\n\t\t<<set $displayType.push("melee")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'drawCombatMove'>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(scrollToBottom, 25)>>\n\t<<set $displayType = []>>\n\t<<set $weaponType = "secondary">>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.draw9mmAmmo>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("9mm")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.isSKULE>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("tungsten")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("conductive")>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveSecondary.canisterOnly or $combat.moveSecondary.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("toxin")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("scatter")>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveSecondary.boltOnly>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("tungsten")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("conductive")>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.moveSecondary.boltAndCanister>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("tungsten")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("conductive")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("toxin")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("scatter")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.hasPlasmaCaster>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("plasmaburst")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.hasArcCaster>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("arclance")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.moveSecondary.hasArcCharge or $combat.moveSecondary.isMelee>>\n\t\t\t<<set $displayType.push("melee")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'drawCombatMove'>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $displayType.contains("melee")>>\n\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>\n\t\t[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/attack_melee.png"]]\n\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>Attack</div>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.type = "fireDirect">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "melee">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen = ($combat.moveMain.shieldpen * $combat.moveMain.magazine) - 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen = ($combat.moveMain.armorpen * $combat.moveMain.magazine) + 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.hitspershot = 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $displayType.contains("9mm") and $equip.pistol.ammo gt 0>>\n\t<<if $weaponType eq "main">>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/9mm.png]]\n\t\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>9mm</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "9mm">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $returnedStats.isSKULE>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy = 0.45>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = 30>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shotsperkill = 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen = 0.115>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen = 0.25>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $combat.moveMain.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = $equip.pistol.ammo>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t(N/A - DON'T THINK THIS EXISTS)\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $displayType.contains("tungsten") and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gt 0>>\n\t<<if $weaponType eq "main">>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_tungsten.png]]\n\t\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>Tungsten</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen += 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal lt $combat.moveMain.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.normal>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% witchgun randomized ammo & others %/\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_tungsten.png]]\n\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>Tungsten</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("fireSecondary")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.ammo = "tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen += 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal lt $combat.moveSecondary.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.normal>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $displayType.contains("conductive") and $equip.rifle.ammo.electric gt 0>>\n\t<<if $weaponType eq "main">>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_electro.png]]\n\t\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>Conductive</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen = Math.round($combat.moveMain.armorpen / 2)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen += 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric lt $combat.moveMain.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.electric>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% witchgun randomized ammo & others %/\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_electro.png]]\n\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>Conductive</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("fireSecondary")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.ammo = "conductive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen = Math.round($combat.moveSecondary.armorpen / 2)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen += 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric lt $combat.moveSecondary.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.electric>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $displayType.contains("toxin") and $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical gt 0>>\n\t<<if $weaponType eq "main">>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_toxin.png]]\n\t\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>Neurotoxin</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "toxin">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen = Math.round($combat.moveMain.armorpen * 0.4)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen += 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.hitspershot = 2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.accuracy += ($combat.moveMain.accuracy * 0.4)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical lt $combat.moveMain.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_toxin.png]]\n\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>Neurotoxin</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("fireSecondary")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.ammo = "toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen = Math.round($combat.moveMain.armorpen * 0.4)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen += 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.hitspershot = 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.accuracy += ($combat.moveSecondary.accuracy * 0.4)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical lt $combat.moveSecondary.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $displayType.contains("scatter") and $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter gt 0>>\n\t<<if $weaponType eq "main">>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_scatter.png]]\n\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>Scattershock<<else>>Scattershot<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "scatter">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.hitspershot = 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen += 2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter lt $combat.moveMain.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_scatter.png]]\n\t\t<div class ='Combat_ListEntry_Text'>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>Scattershock<<else>>Scattershot<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("fireSecondary")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.ammo = "scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.hitspershot = 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.armorpen += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.shieldpen += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter lt $combat.moveSecondary.magazine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.magazine = $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $displayType.contains("plasmaburst") and $equip.charge gt 0>>\n\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/attack_discharge.png"]]Burn\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "plasmaburst">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen = $combat.moveMain.armorpen * $combat.moveMain.magazine * 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen = $combat.moveMain.shieldpen * $combat.moveMain.magazine * 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen += 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $displayType.contains("arclance") and $equip.charge gt 0>>\n\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/attack_discharge_electro.png]]Shock\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.actions.push("firePrimary")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.ammo = "arclance">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.moveMain.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen = $combat.moveMain.armorpen * $combat.moveMain.magazine * 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.shieldpen = $combat.moveMain.shieldpen * $combat.moveMain.magazine * 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.armorpen += 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'onFireRndEffects'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doPlayerMove'>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $weaponType eq "main">>\n\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'><center>Cancel</center>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden"; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(restoreCombatUIElement, 15, "ui-combat-main", "CombatUI_PlayerIcon", "useMainOption");>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='Combat_ListEntry'><center>Cancel</center>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden"; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(restoreCombatUIElement, 15, "ui-combat-backup", "CombatUI_PlayerIcon", "useBackupOption");>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t<<print "">><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div id='ui-combat-container' class='PlayerCombatOptionsContainer'>\n\n\t\t<div class='Combat_CenterPositionContainer'>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-weapons' class='CombatTabSelect CombatTabSelect_Active'>Weapons\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.activetab neq "weapons">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.activetab = "weapons">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-weapons").className = "CombatTabSelect CombatTabSelect_Active">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-items").className = "CombatTabSelect">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "doActionResetUI");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-items' class='CombatTabSelect'>Items\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.activetab neq "items">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.activetab = "items">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-weapons").className = "CombatTabSelect">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-items").className = "CombatTabSelect CombatTabSelect_Active">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-main").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-backup").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("ui-combat-melee").className = "CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "doActionResetUI");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_CenterPositionContainer'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" or ($equip.hideWeaponLoadout and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-main' class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'useMainOption'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif (($combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo eq 0) or (($combat.moveMain.needsChargeToUse or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "plasmaburst" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "arclance" or $combat.moveMain.consumeCharge) and $equip.charge eq 0 and not $combat.moveMain.isMelee)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-main' class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'useMainOption'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-main' class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'useMainOption'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none" or $equip.hideWeaponLoadout>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-backup' class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'useBackupOption'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif ($combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-backup' class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'useBackupOption'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-backup' class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'useBackupOption'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-combat-melee' class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'useMeleeOption'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $debug>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "combat">>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 0>>\n\n\t<<if not $isAmbush>>\n\t\t<<set $isAmbush = false>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_battle");>>\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_ambush");>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t<<set $combatArenaTraining = false>>\n\t<<elseif not $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combatIsArena = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $bonusdata = {\n\t\tcomboEffectStack: 0,\n\n\t\tpostCombatFatigue: 0,\n\t\tpostCombatToxic: 0,\n\t\tpostCombatViolence: 0,\n\t\tpostCombatCaution: 0,\n\n\t\tmeleeShieldBonus: 1,\n\t\tmeleeArmorBonus: 1,\n\t\tmeleeHitBonus: 1,\n\t\tmeleeCritBonus: 0,\n\t\tmeleeConsumeModifier: 1,\n\n\t\trangedShieldBonus: 1,\n\t\trangedArmorBonus: 1,\n\t\trangedHitBonus: 1,\n\t\trangedCritBonus: 0,\n\t\tpcasterCritBonus: 0,\n\n\t\thcoilerSuccessive: 0,\n\t\tmeleeSuccessive: 0,\n\n\t\tultimateHitBonus: false,\n\n\t\tshieldBonus: 1,\n\t\tarmorBonus: 1,\n\t\tdeflectBonus: 1,\n\t\tdodgeBonus: 1,\n\t\tcoverBonus: 1,\n\t\tdeCoverBonus: 1,\n\t\t\n\t\tshieldDrones: 0,\n\t\tenemyMisses: 0,\n\t}>>\n\n\t/% is this important ?? test %/\n\t<<set $overflows.lastScene = $currentgamepassage>>\n\t<<set $overflows.pistol = 0>>\n\t<<set $overflows.normal = 0>>\n\t<<set $overflows.electro = 0>>\n\t<<set $overflows.toxin = 0>>\n\t<<set $overflows.scatter = 0>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.postCombatFatigue += 2>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeArmorBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeShieldBonus += 0.25>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeHitBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedArmorBonus += 0.05>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.deCoverBonus += 0.15>>\n\n\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedShieldBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedArmorBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedHitBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.shieldBonus += 0.15>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.deflectBonus += 0.15>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeShieldBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedArmorBonus += 0.05>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.deCoverBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.deflectBonus += 0.1>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.meleeCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t/% combatrate: 1025 %/\n\t<<set $combat = {\n\t\tenemy: "none",\n\t\tplayer: "none",\n\t\tactions: [],\n\t\tmoveMain: "none",\n\t\tmoveSecondary: "none",\n\t\tmoveMelee: "none",\n\t\ttickrate: 1025, \n\t\tactivetab: "weapons",\n\t\tbonus: $bonusdata,\n\t\tarmorhits: 0,\n\t\tshieldhits: 0,\n\t\tparryhits: 0,\n\t\tsuccessiveMisses: 0,\n\t\tsuccessiveEnemyMisses: 0,\n\t\tspecialDisplayState: "none",\n\t\tspecialEnemyState: "none",\n\t\tspecialEnemyStateRound: 0,\n\t\twasCritAttack: false,\n\t\tinflictedBurnStates: 0,\n\t\tinflictedGasStates: 0,\n\t\tinflictedShockStates: 0,\n\t\tinflictedDazzleStates: 0,\n\t\tusedBioChems: 0,\n\t\tisFirstRound: true,\n\t\trounds: 0,\n\t\tusedEscapeMechanic: 0,\n\t\tisInitializing: true,\n\t\tdidSpecialMove: false,\n\t\tninemmFired: 0,\n\t\ttungstenFired: 0,\n\t\tconductiveFired: 0,\n\t\tscatterFired: 0,\n\t\ttoxinFired: 0,\n\t\tnukeFired: 0,\n\t\tmeleeAttacks: 0,\n\t\tshieldDiskThrown: 0,\n\t\tviroDiskThrown: 0,\n\t\tdazzleDiskThrown: 0,\n\t\tyankedWeapon: "none",\n\t\tremoveDrone: false,\n\t\tusedXanju: false,\n\t\txanjuProcced: false,\n\t\tmiasmaUsed: false,\n\t\tspineUsed: false,\n\t\ttookFusionSphereToFace: false,\n\t\tdidWraithRes: false,\n\t\tdoExoExit: false,\n\t\tresetMovesAfter: 8,\n\t\tcountSinceReset: 8,\n\t\tdidScavenge: false,\n\t\tspecialCritName: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<unset $originalvalues>>\n\n\t/% load enemy data %/\n\t<<display $combatTemplate>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasSpecialMoves = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.altImages = []>>\n\t<<for $i=0; $i lt $combat.enemy.images.length; $i++>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.altImages.push("none")>>\n\t<</for>>\n\n\t/% load template and sanity check %/\n\n\t<<if not $combat.enemy.class>>\n\t\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>ERROR:</span> missing class in <<print $combatTemplate>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t/% add to codex list %/\n\t\t<<if not $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains($combat.enemy.class)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.foundCodexEntries.push($combat.enemy.class)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $getDataFor = $combat.enemy.class>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateEnemyData'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $returnedData.type neq $combat.enemy.type>>\n\t\t\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>WARNING:</span> mismatched type in <<print $combatTemplate>> \n\t\t\t\t(<<print $returnedData.type + " neq " + $combat.enemy.type>>)\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% sanity checker - attributes to compare %/\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver = []>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("vulnerable")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("immune")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isMeeleAttacker")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isLargeTarget")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("hasFrictionShield")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("hasPaladinAttack")>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("didreappear")>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("hasRailgun")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("hasHeavyRailgun")>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("hasMiniGun")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("lootType")>>\t\t\n\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isCyborg")>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isXenos")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isImposing")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isOrganic")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isAbomination")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isElusive")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isUniqueAbom")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isAdvMachine")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isMachine")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isBlackBloodCreature")>>\n\t\t<<set $attribsToPortOver.push("isOldWorldMachine")>>\t\t\n\n\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lte $attribsToPortOver.length -1; $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<print "<<if not $combat.enemy." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + ">><<set $combat.enemy." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + " = false>><</if>>">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $debug and $debugCombat>>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='smalltext'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<<if $returnedData." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + " neq $combat.enemy." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + ">><span class='yellowcolor'>WARNING:</span> mismatched " + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + " in " + $combatTemplate + ", loading from template " + $combat.enemy.class + "<br><</if>>">>\n\t\t\t\t</span>\n\t\t\t\t/% <<print "$returnedData." + $attribsToPortOver[$i]>>:\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<<print $returnedData." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + ">>">> = \n\t\t\t\t<<print "<<print $combat.enemy." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + ">>">>\n\t\t\t\t<br> %/\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<print "<<if $returnedData." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + ">><<set $combat.enemy." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + " = $returnedData." + $attribsToPortOver[$i] + ">><</if>>">>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\n\t\t<<if $returnedData.specialMoves>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasSpecialMoves = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.specialMoves = []>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.specialMoves = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($returnedData.specialMoves))>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $getDataFor, $returnedData>>\n\n\t/% for fiddling with %/\n\t<<set $globalStatusEffectTweak = 1>>\n\n\t<<if not $combat.enemy.hasArcShield>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasArcShield = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.resetMovesAfter>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.resetMovesAfter = $combat.enemy.resetMovesAfter>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $combat.countSinceReset = $combat.resetMovesAfter>>\n\n\t<<if not $combat.enemy.hasRailgun>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasRailgun = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedDebuff = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.hasUsedBuff = false>>\n\n\t<<if not $combat.enemy.isLargeTarget>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.isLargeTarget = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcArmorHits'>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.player.cover gt 0.6>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.cover = 0.6>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor or $equip.isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.usedEscapeMechanic = 99>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore = {\n\t\t\tgotDoubleKill: false,\n\t\t\tgotMultiKill: false,\n\t\t\tmeleeKills: 0,\n\t\t\tcomboEffects: 0,\n\t\t\ttakenHits: 0,\n\t\t\tkillsPerRound: 0,\n\t\t\tdidWeaponAmmoSwitch: false,\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<elseif $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t<<set $storedGear = jQuery.extend(true, {}, $equip);>>\n\t\t<<set $storedAttrib = jQuery.extend(true, {}, $attrib);>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.continue = "b28_arena_trainingdone">>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.taunt = "You emerge in a virtual arena, represented as you would be in real life, directly opposite the " + $combat.enemy.name + ". A claxon announces the match has begun.">>\n\n\t<<elseif not $combat.enemy.taunt>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.taunt = "You enter Combat">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.isShieldSuppresed = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = 0>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.total = $combat.enemy.alive>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybereye")>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.rangedCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant")>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.meleeCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% armor and shield correction area %/\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.total eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor *= 1.15>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 1.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.hardCoreMode>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor *= 1.25>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 1.25>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.resetMovesAfter -= 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxarmor = $combat.enemy.armor>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.maxshield = $combat.enemy.shield>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.isTakingDamage = false>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.damageDisplayIndex = $combat.enemy.total - 1>>\n\n\t<<display 'calcStatusTweaks'>>\n\t<<display 'calcMoveInfo'>>\n\n\t/% ############################################################## %/\n\t/% Talent Area %/\n\t/% ############################################################## %/\n\n\t<<if $combat.player.ally eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_12") and $random lt (0.1 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "petrovic_drone">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 1.125>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.anointment eq "deranged_inspiration_anoint" and $combat.moveMain.hasPlasmaCaster>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus += 0.01>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_3") and $combat.moveMain.hasPlasmaCaster>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.bonus.pcasterCritBonus += 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_6") and $attrib.toxicity lt 50 and $attrib.addicted eq false >>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Red Devil">>\n\t\t\t<<set $ammt = (0.04 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $ammt = (0.02 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.cover += $ammt>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_8")>>\n\t\t<<set $ammt = (0.0005 * $inztinct.affinity * $statistics.overalKills)>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedShieldBonus += $ammt>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedArmorBonus += $ammt>>\n\t\t<<set $bonusdata.rangedHitBonus += $ammt>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% intro dazzle cast from mesmer %/\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExubrenceQualified>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + (0.5 * (($sexPhases.numTimesHadSex + $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed) / 10))>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod *= $tweakDazzle>>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += $skillMod>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isGodlikeQualified>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates += (1 + (($job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal / 1150) * $tweakDazzle))>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedDazzleStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedDazzleStates = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isAtonementQualified>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = ((1 - ($attrib.fatigue / 100)) * 2 * $tweakBurn)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedBurnStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedBurnStates = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExMachinaQualified>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Lightwear" or $equip.clothes eq "Lightdress" or $equip.clothes eq "Mantle of the God Machine">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_12") and $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t\t<<set $cyberAugs = 0>>\n\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1); $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "bioaug" and $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "abomaug" and $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $cyberAugs += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates += (0.7 * $cyberAugs * $tweakShock)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedShockStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedShockStates = 5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isNoxiousQualified>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled * $tweakGas>>\n\n\t\t<<if $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Cultist Robes">>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.inflictedGasStates gt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 5>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.inflictedGasStates lt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.inflictedGasStates = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% ############################################################## %/\n\t/% End Talent Area %/\n\t/% ############################################################## %/\n\n\t<div id='ui-combat-enemyarea' class="Combat_UI_FlowIn">\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div id='hud-combat-background'>\n\t\t<div class='Combat_BG_Container'>\n\t\t\t<<if $isAmbush>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_normal.png]]">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isAbomination or $combat.enemy.isXenos>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_abom.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif not $combat.enemy.isMeeleAttacker>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_ranged.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_ui_normal.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div id='ui-combat-actionarea' class="Combat_UI_FlowIn">\n\t\t<<if $isAmbush>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.isFirstRound = false>>\n\t\t\t<<display $ambushTemplate>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $combat.enemy.taunt>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.player.ally neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Ally'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.player.ally eq "petrovic_drone">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>Combat Drone!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tYour combat drone activates with a whirr.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "fisher_pistol">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>The Fish!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFisher joins you, his trusty M1114 held ready.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "fisher_rifle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>The Fish!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFisher joins you, his trusty M405 held ready.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>Lil' Jalko!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJalkovski joins you and readies his KRUG.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "celena_sorceress">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>The Little One!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCelena joins you, expression livid.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "comissar_pistol">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>The Commisaria!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tComissaria Verei joins you, her Mk3c held ready.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "pineapple_rifle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>Pineapple Punch!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPineapple joins you, bellowing, "Get some, cunts!"\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "cyborg_guns">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>Lovable Rogue!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIsabelle joins you, cyber-jaw set and prepared to dish out.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.player.ally eq "siren_knife">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purpletext'>Siren's Song!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFabienne joins you, Hellspike held in a backhanded grip.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExubrenceQualified>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purplecolor'>Exubreance!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\tYour display of blinding exubrence dazzles the enemy...\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isGodlikeQualified>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='purplecolor'>Godlike!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\tYour godlike reputation in the arena dazzles the enemy...\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isAtonementQualified>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='orangecolor'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Son of Hades">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Daughter of Hades">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\tIncindeary charges detonate dramatically as you enter combat..\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExMachinaQualified>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='bluecolor'>Ex Machina!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\tYour faith cures you of all fatigue...\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isNoxiousQualified>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='lgreencolor'>Old World Arrogance!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\tGas cylinders detonate dramatically as you enter combat...\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_12") and $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'><span class='bluecolor'>Electron!</span></div> \n\t\t\t\t\tStatic electricity crackles dramatically as you enter combat...\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div id='ui-combat-playerarea'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_PlayerOptions'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div id='ui-combat-dummyarea'>\n\t\t/% pre-load to try and reduce flicker %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.name eq "Division 108" or $combat.enemy.name eq "troopers">>\n\t\t\t[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_zanex_shield.png"]]\n\t\t\t[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_zanex_2_shield.png"]]\n\t\t\t[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_zanex_ltnt_shield.png"]]\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 15, "setWeaponElements");>>\n\t<<display 'setBasicFlicker'>>\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.isInitializing = false>>\n\n\t<<set SaveSystem.save(0)>>\n\n\t<<if $debug>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t<<if $isAmbush>>Ambushed!\n\t\t<<else>>Combat!\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% persist draw info %/\n\t<<if $combat.actions.length gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $maindrawn = $combat.moveMain.drawn>>\n\t\t<<set $backupdrawn = $combat.moveSecondary.drawn>>\n\t\t<<set $knifedrawn = $combat.moveMelee.drawn>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $maindrawn = false>>\n\t\t<<set $backupdrawn = false>>\n\t\t<<set $knifedrawn = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\t<<set $combat.moveMain = $returnedStats>>\n\n\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary = $returnedStats>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = "Power Fist">>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee = $returnedStats>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee = $returnedStats>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee = {\n\t\t\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\t\t\tammo: "powerfist",\n\t\t\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\t\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\t\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\t\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\t\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\t\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\t\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\t\t\tarmorpen: (2 + $returnedStats.armorpen),\n\t\t\t\tshieldpen: (2 + $returnedStats.shieldpen),\n\t\t\t\tshieldchance: $returnedStats.shieldchance,\n\t\t\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\t\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\t\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\t\t}>>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("abomclaw") and $combat.enemy.isOrganic and ($equip.isConcealing eq false or $equip.isFleshMold)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee = {\n\t\t\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\t\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\t\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\t\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\t\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.025,\n\t\t\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\t\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\t\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\t\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\t\t\tarmorpen: $returnedStats.armorpen,\n\t\t\t\tshieldpen: $returnedStats.shieldpen,\n\t\t\t\tshieldchance: $returnedStats.shieldchance,\n\t\t\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\t\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\t\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\t\t}>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee.elemental = "toxin">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm") >>\n\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee = {\n\t\t\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\t\t\tammo: "powerfist",\n\t\t\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\t\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\t\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\t\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\t\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\t\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\t\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\t\t\tarmorpen: (2 + $returnedStats.armorpen),\n\t\t\t\tshieldpen: (2 + $returnedStats.shieldpen),\n\t\t\t\tshieldchance: $returnedStats.shieldchance,\n\t\t\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\t\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\t\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\t\t}>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combat.moveMelee.elemental = "toxin">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and ($combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveSecondary.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo lt $combat.moveSecondary.magazine>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveSecondary.magazine = $equip.pistol.ammo>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and ($combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm" or $combat.moveMain.ammo eq "9mm_hyper") and $equip.pistol.ammo lt $combat.moveMain.magazine and $equip.rifle.name neq "DRUG">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.moveMain.magazine = $equip.pistol.ammo>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $knifedrawn, $backupdrawn, $maindrawn>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<center><span class='redcolor'>- You have Died -</span></center>\n\t<<if $hud.hardCoreMode>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled'>\n\t\t\tFailure\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif not SaveSystem.has(0)>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled'>\n\t\t\tMissing Save\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption'>\n\t\t\tRetry\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSaveSystem.load(0);\n\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption'>\n\t\t\tEnd Simulation\n\t\t\t<<click '' $combat.player.continue>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip = $storedGear>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib = $storedAttrib>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $isAmbush = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 0>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<unset $storedGear>>\n\t\t\t\t<<unset $storedAttrib>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromFail">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $combatArenaTraining = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if SaveSystem.hasAuto()>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption'>\n\t\t\t\tLoad Autosave\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSaveSystem.loadAuto();\n\t\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled'>\n\t\t\tNo Autosave\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption'>\n\t\tMain Menu\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip")>>\n\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\tstate.restart();\n\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t<center><span class='bluecolor'>- You are Victorious -</span></center>\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.lootType and not $combatArenaTraining and not $combatIsArena and not $combat.didScavenge>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_HalfWidth' style='float: left;'>\n\t\t\tLower your Weapon\n\t\t\t<<if not $combat.didWraithRes and ($combat.enemy.name eq "wraith" or $combat.enemy.name eq "banshee") and $random lt 0.75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'combatLowerWeaponButtonFake'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'combatLowerWeaponButton'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_HalfWidth' style='float: right;'>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>\n\t\t\t\tScavenge for Parts\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tTake a Sample\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $combat.didWraithRes and ($combat.enemy.name eq "wraith" or $combat.enemy.name eq "banshee") and $random lt 0.75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'combatLowerWeaponButtonFake'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'combatScavengeButton'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_PlayerIcon CombatUI_PlayerIcon_FullWidth'>\n\t\t\tLower your Weapon\n\t\t\t<<if not $combat.didWraithRes and ($combat.enemy.name eq "wraith" or $combat.enemy.name eq "banshee") and $random lt 0.75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'combatLowerWeaponButtonFake'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'combatLowerWeaponButton'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<click ''>>\n\t<<if $random lt 0.15>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Scavenge...</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\tYou crouch down and try to <<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>scavenge<<else>>take a sample<</if>> from the <<print $combat.enemy.name>> but all you manage to do is <<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>touch something which causes a massive and incredibly painful shock.<<else>>gash yourself on something nasty.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 50>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if not $equip.inventory.contains($combat.enemy.lootType)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.inventory.push($combat.enemy.lootType)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.inventoryQuantity.push(0)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<for $i=0; $i lt $equip.inventory.length; $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.inventory[$i] eq $combat.enemy.lootType>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_7")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.inventoryQuantity[$i] += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_0") and $combat.enemy.isAbomination>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.inventoryQuantity[$i] += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.inventoryQuantity[$i] += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\t\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $creditrecycled = Math.round(200 + (31 * $inztinct.affinity * ($attrib.dilligence * 0.01)))>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isAdvMachine>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $creditrecycled += 250>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isOldWorldMachine>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $creditrecycled += 250>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += $creditrecycled; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $random lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Scavenge...</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou crouch down and <<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>scavenge<<else>>take a<</if>> <<print $localizer[$hud.currentLanguageCode][$combat.enemy.lootType]>> from the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>.\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Scavenge...</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou crouch down and <<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>scavenge<<else>>take a<</if>> <<print $localizer[$hud.currentLanguageCode][$combat.enemy.lootType]>> from the <<print $combat.enemy.name>>. Unfortunately, you <<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>touch something which causes a massive and incredibly painful shock<<else>>gash yourself on something nasty<</if>> in the process.\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Scavenged...">>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $localizer[$hud.currentLanguageCode][$combat.enemy.lootType]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $combat.enemy.lootType>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.didScavenge = true>>\n\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 85, "doActionResetUI");>>\t\n<</click>>
/% wraith ressurect logic %/\n<<click ''>>\n\t<<set $combat.didWraithRes = true>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = $combat.enemy.total>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.killed = 0>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = $combat.enemy.maxarmor>>\n\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-actionarea'>>\n\t\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_AlertText'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='orangecolor'>Revenant...</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\tYou are about to lower your weapon when the <<print $combat.enemy.name>> rises from the ashes...\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-enemyarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_EnemyList'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<replace '#ui-combat-playerarea'>>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_PlayerOptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(doCombatTimedProcess, 85, "doActionResetUI");>>\n<</click>>
/% regular battles %/\n<<click '' $combat.player.continue>>\n\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 0>>\n\t<<set $isAmbush = false>>\n\n\t<<if not $combatArenaTraining>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\n\t\t<<set $attrib.violence += $combat.bonus.postCombatViolence>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.caution += $combat.bonus.postCombatCaution>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += $combat.bonus.postCombatToxic>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += $combat.bonus.postCombatFatigue>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($time.lastbattle + 6) gte $time.active>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 2>>\n\t\t<<elseif ($time.lastbattle + 12) gte $time.active>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $time.lastbattle = $time.active>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t/% always take a little exo damage, but never more than +3 per round %/\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.persistentExoHits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.armorhits gt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.persistentExoHits += 2>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.armorhits gt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.persistentExoHits += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% addtnl fatigue & implant stuff %/\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 3>>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 3>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% do addiction chesk %/\n\t\t<<set $addictionthresshold = 100>>\n\t\t<<set $maxaddict = 50>>\n\t\t<<set $addictionthresshold -= ($statistics.drugsUsed + $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed)>>\n\t\t<<set $addictionthresshold -= ($statistics.drugs_rangedUsed * 3)>>\n\t\t<<set $addictionthresshold -= ($statistics.drugs_meleeUsed * 5)>>\n\t\t<<set $addictionthresshold -= ($statistics.drugs_abomUsed * 10)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("detoxifier")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $maxaddict *= 1.25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $maxaddict *= 1.1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $maxaddict *= 1.5>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% after using too much, getting addicted is easier %/\n\t\t<<if $statistics.drugsUsed gt 10>>\n\t\t\t<<set $maxaddict *= 0.6>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $combat.usedBioChems gt 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $maxaddict *= 0.6>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $addictionthresshold = Math.max($addictionthresshold, $maxaddict)>> \n\n\t\t<<if $combat.usedBioChems gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte $addictionthresshold>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.addicted = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $didSalvage = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.yankedWeapon neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $combat.yankedWeapon>>\n\t\t\t<<set $salvagedType = $combat.yankedWeapon>>\n\t\t\t<<set $salvagedTypeImg = $combat.yankedWeapon.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t<<set $didSalvage = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'doCheckTypes'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_4") and $combat.viroDiskThrown gt 0 and $didSalvage eq false>>\n\t\t\t/% virodisc recovery %/\n\n\t\t\t<<if $random lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedType = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedTypeImg = "virodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $didSalvage = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_5") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_10")) and ($combat.shieldDiskThrown gt 0 or $combat.viroDiskThrown gt 0 or $combat.dazzleDiskThrown gt 0) and $didSalvage eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<set $salvagedType = "">>\n\t\t\t<<set $salvagedTypeImg = "">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $random lt 0.5 and $combat.shieldDiskThrown gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t/% arcdisk recovery %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedType = "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedTypeImg = "arcdisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $didSalvage = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $random lt 0.4 and $combat.viroDiskThrown gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t/% virodisc recovery %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedType = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedTypeImg = "virodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $didSalvage = true>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.dazzleDiskThrown gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t/% holodisc recovery %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedType = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $salvagedTypeImg = "holodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $didSalvage = true>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_2") and $combat.shieldDiskThrown gt 0 and $random lt 0.7 and $didSalvage eq false>>\n\t\t\t/% arcdisk recovery %/\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $salvagedType = "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t<<set $salvagedTypeImg = "arcdisc">>\n\t\t\t<<set $didSalvage = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $didSalvage>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Salvaged">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $salvagedType>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $salvagedTypeImg>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<set $didSalvage = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $equip = $storedGear>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib = $storedAttrib>>\n\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromWin">>\n\n\t\t<<unset $storedGear>>\n\t\t<<unset $storedAttrib>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = false>>\n\t<<set $combatArenaTraining = false>>\n\t<<set $combatIsArena = false>>\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none">>\n<</click>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $statistics.overalKills += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isOrganic>>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.organicKilled += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isXenos or $combat.enemy.isAbomination>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isAbomination>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.abominationKilled += 1>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.xenofaunaKilled += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isImposing >>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.abom_imposingKilled += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isElusive >>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isUniqueAbom>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isHuman>>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.humanKilled += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isMachine>>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.machineKilled += 1>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isAdvMachine>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_4") and $equip.isPlasmaCaster>>\n\t\t<<if $random lte 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge += Math.ceil(4.5 * $inztinct.affinity); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.combatUnarmored += 1>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.combatArmored += 1>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.combatHeavyArmor += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "protected">>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.combatProtected += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t<<set $statistics.combatHeavyWeapon += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $statistics.nineMillFired += $combat.ninemmFired >>\n\t<<set $statistics.boltScatterFired += $combat.scatterFired>>\n\t<<set $statistics.boltTunstenFired += $combat.tungstenFired>>\n\t<<set $statistics.boltConductiveFired += $combat.conductiveFired>>\n\t<<set $statistics.boltToxinFired += $combat.toxinFired>>\n\t<<set $statistics.meleeDone += $combat.meleeAttacks>>\n\t<<set $statistics.nukeGunUsed += $combat.nukeFired>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.isAbomination>>\n\t\t/% abom hunting privileges %/\n\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.isElusive and ($attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "atheist")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.dilligence += 2>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.dilligence += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion neq "edenite" and $attrib.religion neq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t/% all combat provides small dilligence boost %/\n\t\t<<set $attrib.dilligence += 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.name>>\n\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.posessive>>\n\t\n\t<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $name = $combat.enemy.singlenames[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t\t<<set $number = $combat.enemy.singlegender[$combat.enemy.alive - 1]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMain>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "fireSecondary">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveSecondary>>\n\t<<elseif $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t<<set $template = $combat.moveMelee>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $template.ammo eq "melee" or $template.ammo eq "powerfist">>\n\t\t<<if $combat.actions[$index].action eq "tryMelee">>\n\t\t\tYour charge comes unexpectedly and the <<print $name>> fail<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> to react in time.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tBefore the <<print $name>> can react, you dodge.\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShieldBuff">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>Friction shields buzz angrily\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>Arc shields crackle\n\t\t\t\t<</if>> as the <<print $name>> recharge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwArcDisc">>Electricity crackles as the <<print $name>> deploy<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> an ArcDrone.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "takeCover">>The <<print $name>> sieze<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> the oppertunity to take cover.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tBefore the <<print $name>> can react, you run for a better position.\n\t\t<<if $combat.specialEnemyState eq "doShieldBuff">>\n\t\t\t<<if $combat.enemy.hasFrictionShield>>Friction shields buzz angrily\n\t\t\t<<else>>Arc shields crackle\n\t\t\t<</if>> as the <<print $name>> recharge<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>>.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "throwArcDisc">>Electricity crackles as the <<print $name>> deploy<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> an ArcDrone.\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.specialEnemyState eq "takeCover">>The <<print $name>> sieze<<if $combat.enemy.alive eq 1>>s<</if>> the oppertunity to take cover.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
/* #################################### */\n/* SKILLS */\n/* #################################### */\n.HUD_SkillsScreen {\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillsScreen:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillContainer {\n\tfloat: left;\n\twidth: 33%;\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillsAttuneArea {\n\tfloat: right;\n\ttext-align:center;\n\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\twidth: 150px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-color: #313131;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-20px) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillsAttuneArea img {\n\twidth: 5px;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillsMemoryArea {\n\ttext-align:center;\n\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\twidth: 150px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-color: #313131;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-20px) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillMemory_FlashDown {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translate3d(0, -20px, 0) rotateZ(0deg) scale(0.8, 0.8);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillInfoArea {\n\ttext-align: left;\n\tcolor: #c1c1c1;\n\tmargin-bottom: 16px;\n\tmin-height: 12vh;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tpadding: 4px;\n\twidth: 98%;\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n\ttransition: all 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.experiencetext {\n\tcolor: #486b71;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillTreeTitle hr {\n\tbackground-color: #486b71;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillTreeTitle {\n\ttext-align: center;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\tmargin-bottom: 2px;\n}\n\n.SkillTitle {\n\tcolor: #efd12d;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\tmargin-bottom: 2px;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillAssignButton {\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n\twidth: 60%;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tpadding: 3px;\n\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(15px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillAssignButton a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillAssignButton:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillButtonDisabled {\n\tborder-color: #3f3f3f;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillButtonDisabled:hover {\n\tborder-color: #575757;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillButtonActive {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n\tborder-color: #16d03d;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillButtonActive:hover 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0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillIcon:hover {\n\tborder-color: #4e4e4e;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillViewed {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n\tborder-color: #efd12d;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillViewed:hover {\n\tborder-color: #efd12d;\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillUnlocked {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tborder-color: #19746D;\n\tcolor: #23aea9;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillUnlocked:hover {\n\tborder-color: #30a498;\n\tcolor: #a9ae23;\t\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillChosen {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tborder-color: #16d03d;\n\tcolor: #c69b33;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_SkillChosen:hover {\n\tborder-color: #16d03d;\n\tcolor: #c69b33;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\t.HUD_SkillsMemoryArea, .HUD_SkillsAttuneArea {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-15px);\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_SkillInfoArea {\n\t\tmargin-top: -8px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_SkillInfoArea {\n\t\tmin-height: 16vh;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_SkillIcon {\n\t\twidth: 45%;\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/* #################################### */\n/* BASICS */\n/* #################################### */\n\nbody {\n\tbackground-color: #000;\n\t/* This affects the entire page */\n\t\n\t\n}\n\nimg {\n\tfilter: brightness(145%);\n}\n\n.passage {\n\t/* This only affects passages */\n\t\n\t \n}\n.passage a {\n\t/* This affects passage links */\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tcolor: #70929b;\n\t\n}\n.passage a:hover {\n\t/* This affects links while the cursor is over them */\n\tcolor: #3ab0cf;\n\ttext-decoration: 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100%;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_EnemyIcon {\n\tfont-size: 0.8em;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tpadding: -2px;\n\tborder: 1px solid #8d1616;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmargin: 1%;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-30px) translateX(20px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tborder-top: 0;\n\tborder-bottom: 0;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_OverlayImage img {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 0;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_StatusColumn {\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\theight: 5vh;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-20px) translateX(20px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_StatusIcon {\n\tfont-size: 0.6em;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tpadding: -2px;\n\tborder: 1px solid #8d1616;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-top: 0;\n\tborder-bottom: 0;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_StatusIconGood {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n\tborder-color: green;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_StatusIcon img {\n\tfloat: left;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: auto;\n\tmax-height: 4vh;\n}\n\n\n.ComabUI_DamageEnemy {\n\tanimation-name: combat-enemy-flicker;\n\tanimation-duration: 0.6s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1;\n}\n\n@keyframes combat-enemy-flicker {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(-30px) translateX(20px); opacity: 0.5; border-color: red;\n }\n 20% {\n\ttransform: translateY(-30px) translateX(20px); translateX(20px); opacity: 1; border-color: red;\n }\n 55% {\n\ttransform: translateY(-30px) translateX(20px); translateX(20px); opacity: 0.7; border-color: #2a2a2a;\n }\n 100% {\n\ttransform: translateY(-30px) translateX(20px); translateX(20px); opacity: 0.85; border-color: #2a2a2a;;\n }\n}\n\n.CombatUI_EnemyIconDead {\n\tborder-color: #2a2a2a;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.CombatUI_AllyIcon {\n\tfloat: left;\n\tborder: 1px solid green;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-30px) translateX(-20px);\n}\n\n.CombatUI_EnemyIcon img {\n\tfloat: left;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: auto;\n\tmax-height: 16vh;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_StatsContainer {\n\twidth: 100%;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-8px) translateX(0px);\n\tdirection: ltr;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_StatsContainer img {\n\tvertical-align: middle;\n\tfloat: none;\n\twidth: 4px;\n\theight: auto;\n}\n\n.PlayerCombatOptionsContainer {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tborder: 1px solid #ffe17b;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tmin-height: 10vh;\n\tmax-height: 10vh;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tz-index: 2;\n\tpadding: 1%;\n\tmargin-top: 5vh;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-10px) translateX(0px) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransform-origin: top left;\n\ttransition: all 0.1s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.PlayerCombatOptionsContainer:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n.CombatTabSelect {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tfont-size: 1.2em;\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tborder: 1px solid #4f8bae;\n\tbackground-color: black; \n\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\twidth: 45%;\n\tmargin-left: 1%;\n\tmargin-right: 1%;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-20px);\n\ttransition: all 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.CombatTabSelect a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.CombatTabSelect:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n\ttransition: all 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.CombatTabSelect_Active\n{\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.CombatTabSelect:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n\ttransition: all 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon {\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tpadding: -2px;\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\twidth: 29%;\n\tmin-height: 10vh;\n\tmargin: 1%;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tborder-radius: 8px;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\ttransition: all 0.1s ease 0s;\n\tvertical-align: top;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption {\n\tcolor: #8d1616;\n\tpadding-top: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #8d1616;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_DieOption:hover {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_FullWidth {\n\tpadding-top: 10px;\n\twidth: 97%;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_HalfWidth {\n\tpadding-top: 10px;\n\twidth: 46%;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon:hover {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: all 0.1s ease 0s;\n\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon img {\n\tfloat: left;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 90%;\n\tpadding-left: 5%;\n\tpadding-right: 5%;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled {\n\tborder-color: #2A2A2A;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Disabled:hover {\n\tborder-color: #2A2A2A;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden {\n\tborder-color: #2A2A2A;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden:hover {\n\tborder-color: #2A2A2A;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.Combat_ListEntry {\n\tposition: relative;\n\ttext-align: left;\n\tmargin-top: 6px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 6px;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tpadding-top: 4px;\n\tpadding-bottom: 4px;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #2a2a2a;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.2s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.Combat_ListEntry:hover {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n}\n\n.Combat_ListEntry_Text {\n\tmargin-top: 1%;\n}\n\n.Combat_ListEntry img {\n\tfloat: left;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 30%;\n\tpadding-left: 0;\n\tpadding-right: 0;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n}\n\n.Combat_ListEntry:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n\n\n.Combat_ListEntry a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_Action_Segment {\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tfloat: left;\n\tpadding: 3px;\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tfloat: left;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tfont-size: 0.85em;\n\tmin-height: 6vh;\n\tpadding-left: 5px;\n\tpadding-right: 5px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 8px;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_blue.png");\n\t/* background-color: black; */\n\n\tanimation-name: popcombatsegment;\n\tanimation-duration: 0.5s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1\n}\n\n.CombatUI_Action_Enemy {\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\tborder-color: #8d1616;\n}\n\n.CombatUI_Action_Ally {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n\tborder-color: #15611e;\n}\n\n\n@keyframes popcombatsegment {\n 0% {\n\topacity: 0.3; transform: scale(0.7);\n }\n 30% {\n\topacity: 1; transform: scale(1.1);\n }\n 100% {\n\topacity: 1; transform: scale(1);\n }\n}\n\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1600px)\n{\n\t.Combat_ListEntry_Text {\n\t\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\t}\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\t.CombatUI_StatsContainer img {\n\t\tvertical-align: middle;\n\t\tfloat: none;\n\t\twidth: 3px;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t}\n\n\t#ui-combat-actionarea {\n\t\tmin-height: 44vh;\n\t}\n\n\t#ui-combat-enemyarea {\n\t\t/*margin-top: 0*/\n\t}\n\n\t#ui-combat-playerarea {\n\t\theight: 2vh;\n\t}\n\n\t.PlayerCombatOptionsContainer {\n\t\tmargin-top: 0;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(-10px) scale(1, 1);\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatTabSelect {\n\t\tpadding-top: 10px;\n\t\tpadding-bottom: 10px;\n\t\tfont-size: 0.7em;\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_PlayerIcon {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.7em;\n\t\tmargin: 1.5%;\n\t\twidth: 27%;\n\t\tmin-height: 8vh;\n\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(0px) translateX(0px) scale(1, 1);\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_FullWidth {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_PlayerIcon:hover {\n\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(0px) translateX(0px) scale(1, 1);\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_EnemyIcon {\n\t\tmargin: 0.5%;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-10px) translateX(5px);\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_StatusColumn {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(0px) translateX(5px);\n\t}\n\n\t@keyframes combat-enemy-flicker {\n\t 0% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(-10px) translateX(5px); opacity: 0.5; border-color: red;\n\t }\n\t 20% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(-10px) translateX(5px); translateX(20px); opacity: 1; border-color: red;\n\t }\n\t 55% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(-10px) translateX(5px); translateX(20px); opacity: 0.7; border-color: #2a2a2a;\n\t }\n\t 100% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(-10px) translateX(5px); translateX(20px); opacity: 0.85; border-color: #2a2a2a;;\n\t }\n\t}\n\t\n\t.Combat_ListEntry_Text {\n\t\tmargin-top: 0;\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_StatusIcon img {\n\t\tmax-height: 3vh;\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_EnemyIcon img {\n\t\tmax-height: 12vh;\n\t}\n\n\t.Combat_ListEntry {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\t\ttext-align: center;\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_Action_Segment {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.65em;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_PlayerIcon img {\n\t\tfloat: left;\n\t\twidth: auto;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tmax-width: 80%;\n\t\tpadding-left: 10%;\n\t\tpadding-right: 10%;\n\t\tmax-height: auto;\n\t}\n\n\t.Combat_ListEntry img {\n\t\tpadding-left: 20%;\n\t\twidth: 60%;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tfloat: left;\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-10px) translateX(-5px) scale(1, 1);\n\t}\n\n\t.CombatUI_PlayerIcon_Hidden:hover {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-10px) translateX(-5px) scale(1, 1);\n\t}\n}\n\n.PlayerCombatOptionsContainer_Hidden {\n\ttransition: all 0.1s ease 0s;\n\tborder-color: #2A2A2A;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.PlayerCombatOptionsContainer_Hidden a {\n\twidth: 0;\n\thright: 0;\n}\n\n.Combat_AlertText {\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tcolor: #ffc320;\n\tfont-size: 1.6em;\n\tpadding-top: 3px;\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.Combat_CenterPositionContainer {\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n}\n\n#hud-combat-background {\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tz-index: -1;\n\ttop: 30vh;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tmargin-left: -5%;\n}\n\n.Combat_BG_Container {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n}\n\n.Combat_BG_Container img {\n\tposition: relative;\n\topacity: 0.25;\n\tpadding-top: 5px;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tanimation-name: popbackgroundimage;\n\tanimation-duration: 0.5s;\n}\n\n@keyframes popbackgroundimage {\n 0% {\n\topacity: 0;\n }\n 20% {\n\topacity: 1;\n }\n 100% {\n\topacity: 0.25;\n }\n}\n\n/* MAIN STYLES */\n#ui-body-close {\n\tvisibility: hidden;\n\twidth: 0;\n\theight: 0;\n}\n\n#body {\n\tfont-size: 14pt;\n\tmin-width: 768px; \n\ttext-align: center;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tmin-height: 100%;\n\tbackground-color: #080808;\n\tcolor: #ded4d4;\n\tmargin-top: 0;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0;\n\t-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; \n\t-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; \n}\n\n.scroll_inhibitor {\n height: 100%;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n#wrapper { \n\twidth: 60%; \n\tmargin: 0 auto;\n\ttext-align: left;d\n\tcolor: #fdfdfd;\n\tpadding-top: 3px;\n\tpadding-bottom: 25px;\n\tmin-height: 85vh;\n\tfont-size: 13pt;\n\tmargin-bottom: 15px;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale( 1, 1 );\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease 0s;\n\tmax-width: 1400px;\n}\n\n#passages {\n\tpadding-top: 235px;\n\tmargin-top: 0;\n\t/* border-left: 2px solid #2a2a2a; */\n\tmargin: -22px;\n\tmargin-top: -14px;\n}\n\n.passage {\n\tmargin-bottom: 10px;\n}\n\n#hud-topbar {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_topbar_background.png");\n\tbackground-repeat: repeat-x;\n\theight: 200px;\n\tbackground-color: transparent;\n}\n\n\n#hud-topui {\n\tmax-width: 1400px;\n\tmargin: 0 auto;\n\tleft: 20%; top: 50px; \n\tpadding: 0; \n\twidth: 60%;\n\tpadding-top: 40px;\n}\n\n#ui-bar {\n\tvisibility: hidden;\n\twidth: 0;\n\theight: 0;\n}\n\n#hud-pda-pane {\n\tz-index: 2;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(30px) rotateY(0deg);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\ttransform-origin: middle right;\n}\n\n#hud-pda-pane:hover {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(30px) translateZ(20px) rotateY(0deg);\n}\n\n.nomsgtext {\n\tfont-size: 0.8em;\n}\n\n#hud-center-pane {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) rotateX(0deg);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\ttransform-origin: top;\n}\n\n\n#hud-menu-pane {\n\tz-index: 2;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(30px) rotateY(-0deg);\n\ttransform-origin: middle left;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n#hud-menu-pane:hover {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(30px) translateZ(20px) rotateY(-0deg);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_SidePane {\n\tdisplay: block; \n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 15%;\n\tfloat: left;\n\talign:center;\n\theight: 80px;\n\tfont-size: 12pt;\n\tmargin: -14px;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tcolor: #eaf5f8;\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n}\n\n.HUD_SidePane img {\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 60%;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_SidePane:hover {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.HUD_SidePane a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_CenterPane {\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tfont-size: 20pt;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\theight: 120px;\n\twidth: 70%;\n}\n\n.HUD_CenterPane:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.HUD_PaneDisabled {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tborder-color: #2a2a2a;\n}\n\n.HUD_PaneDisabled:hover {\n\tborder-color: #2a2a2a;\n}\n\n.HUD_PaneClose {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\tborder-color: #ff0000\n}\n\n.HUD_PaneClose:hover {\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatSidepane {\n\theight: 120px;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tborder-color: #4f8bae;\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatSidepane img {\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 90%;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatSidepane:hover {\n\tborder-color: #4f8bae;\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatCenterpane {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tborder-color: #4f8bae;\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatCenterpane:hover {\n\tborder-color: #4f8bae;\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatPaneDisabled {\n\tborder-color: #cb430e;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatPaneDisabled:hover {\n\tborder-color: #cb430e;\n}\n\n.HUD_ErrorStyle {\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\tcolor: grey;\n}\n\n.HUD_StandardIcon {\n\twidth: 33%;\n\tfont-size: 10pt;\n\tfont-weight: none;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tfloat: left;\n\tcolor: #eaf5f8;\n\tpadding-top: 5px;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translate3d(0, -5px, 0) rotateZ(0deg) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease 0s;\n}\n.HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translate3d(0, -5px, 0) rotateZ(0deg) scale(1.2, 1.2);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translate3d(0, -5px, 0) rotateZ(0deg) scale(0.8, 0.8);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_StandardIcon img {\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_StandardIcon_Inverted img {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) rotateY(180deg);\n}\n\n.HUD_StandardIcon a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_AmmoDisplay {\n\tmargin-left: 10%;\n\twidth: 80%;\n\tfont-weight: normal;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n}\n\n.HUD_MenuScreen {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_MenuScreen:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n#ui-hud-finances {\n\theight: auto;\n\twidth: 28%;\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tleft: 35%;\n\ttop: 95%;\n\tpadding-top: 3px;\n\tpadding-bottom: 3px;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n}\n\n#ui-hud-itemleft {\n\theight: auto;\n\twidth: 15%;\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tleft: 10%;\n\ttop: 96%;\n\tpadding-top: 3px;\n\tpadding-bottom: 3px;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n}\n\n#ui-hud-itemright {\n\theight: auto;\n\twidth: 15%;\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tleft: 75%;\n\ttop: 96%;\n\tpadding-top: 3px;\n\tpadding-bottom: 3px;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n}\n\n\n.HUD_CombatPaneDisabled #ui-hud-finances {\n\tborder-color: #cb430e;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_CombatPaneDisabled:hover #ui-hud-finances {\n\tborder-color: #cb430e;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_PaneDisabled #ui-hud-finances {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tborder-color: #2a2a2a;\n}\n\n\n.HUD_MenuButton {\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tfont-size: 20pt;\n\tmargin-left: 1%;\n\twidth: 98%;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tfloat: left;\n\tborder: 2px solid #3a6a85;\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tmargin-top: 18px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 18px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateZ(0px) translateX(0px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease;\n}\n\n.HUD_MenuButton:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateZ(5px) translateX(0px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease;\n}\n\n.HUD_MenuButton a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_MenuButton_Disabled {\n\tborder-color: #232323;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaScreen {\n\ttext-align: left;\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #3a6a85;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaScreen img {\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-height: 15vh;\n\tmax-width: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_CodexImage {\n\tposition: relative;\n\tfloat: right;\n\tz-index: 100;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_CodexImage img {\n\tborder: 1px solid #3cffd8;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n}\n\n.HUD_CodesHalfImage img {\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-height: 21vh;\n\tmax-width: auto;\n\tmargin-left: 6px;\n}\n\n.HUD_CodesHalfImage_EnemyType img {\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-height: 21vh;\n\tmax-width: auto;\n\tmargin-left: 6px;\n\t\n\tpadding: -2px;\n\tborder: 1px solid #3cffd8;\n\tmargin: 1%;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tbackground-color: black;\t\n}\n\n.PDATitleText {\n\tmargin-top: 4px;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaDisplayZone {\n\tposition: relative;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tpadding: 6px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-color: #3a6a85;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tbackground-color: #02080B;\n\tmargin-top: 10px;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaDisplayZone:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaDisplayZoneHalved {\n\twidth: 50%;\n\tfloat: left;\n\ttext-align: left;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex {\n\ttext-align: justify;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaExpandButton {\n\ttext-align:center;\n\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\twidth: 150px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n\tmargin-right: 25%;\n\tmargin-left: 10px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #4e748a;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tfont-size: 0.8em;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-20px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaExpandButton:hover {\n\tborder-color: #3ab0cf;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(-20px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaExpandButton a {\n\tcolor: #4e748a;\n\tpadding: 4px;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n.HUD_PdaExpandButton a:hover {\n\tcolor: #3ab0cf;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListContainer {\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListContainer:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaGeneralInfoZone {\n\tfont-size: 0.9em\n}\n\n.HUD_VitalityInMenu {\n\tfloat: left;\n\tposition: relative;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tmargin-top: 2px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 2px;\n\twidth: 50%;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.2s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_VitalityInMenu_NoScale {\n\tfloat: left;\n\tposition: relative;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n\twidth: 50%;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.2s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_VitalityInMenu_Left {\n\twidth: 35%;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em !important;\n}\n\n.HUD_VitalityInMenu_Right {\n\ttext-align: left;\n\twidth: 65%;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n}\n\n.HUD_VitalityInMenu_Fullsize {\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry {\n\tposition: relative;\n\ttext-align: left;\n\tmargin-top: 4px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 4px;\n\twidth: 98%;\n\tpadding-top: 4px;\n\tpadding-bottom: 4px;\n\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #2a2a2a;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1) translate(0, -6px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.2s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_BuyListEntry {\n\tfloat: left; \n\theight: 96px;\n\tmax-width: 68%;\n\tpadding-left: 2%;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 6px;\n\tborder-color: #225F45;\n\tmargin-bottom: 10px;\n}\n\n.HUD_BuyListInfo {\n\tfloat: left;\n\theight: 96px;\n\twidth: 25%;\n\tpadding-right: 3%;\n\ttext-align: center;\n}\n\n.HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey {\n\tborder-color: aqua;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_blue.png")\n}\n\n.HUD_BuyListEntry_NoClick_Anoint {\n\tbackground-image: none;\n\tborder-color: #FFF0;\n}\n\n.HUD_BuyListEntry_NoClick {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_blue.png");\n\tborder-color: #373C3A;\n}\n\n.HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut {\n\tborder-color: red;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png")\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry_MainButton {\n\tborder: 2px solid #4e748a;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry_MainButton:hover {\n\tborder-color: #3ab0cf;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry:hover {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryPoke {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(0.8, 0.8);\n\ttransition: transform 0.2s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryMainCategory {\n\twidth: 98%;\n\tpadding-left: 2%;\n\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt {\n\twidth: 98%;\n\tpadding-left: 4%;\n\tfont-size: 1em;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryIndent {\n\tpadding-left: 6%;\n\twidth: 90%;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent {\n\tpadding-left: 9%;\n\twidth: 90%;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryTrippleIndent {\n\tpadding-left: 12%;\n\twidth: 90%;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry img {\n\t margin-left: 9%;\n\twidth: 88%;\n\theight: auto;\n\tfloat: left;\n\tmax-width: 200px;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntry_Button {\n\tmargin-bottom: 2px;\n\tmargin-top: 2px;\n\tborder: 2px solid #e7cb2e;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n}\n\n.HUD_EquipEntry img {\n\twidth: 160px;\n\theight: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_AmmoEntry img {\n\twidth: 120px;\n\theight: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryNoSelect {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tborder-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryNoSelect:hover {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryNoSelect_NoBackground {\n\tbackground-image: none;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListEntryNoSelect_NoBackground:hover {\n\tbackground-image: none;\n}\n\n.HUD_ConfirmStoryDecision {\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\ttext-align: left;\n\tbackground-image: none;\n\tborder: 0px;\n\ttext-transform: none;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1440px)\n{\n\n\t#hud-topui {\n\t\tleft: 15%;\n\t\twidth: 70%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_MenuButton {\t\t\n\t}\n\n\t#wrapper { \n\t\twidth: 70%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_StandardIcon img {\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListEntry {\n\t\tmax-width: 58%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListInfo {\n\t\twidth: 33%;\n\t\tpadding-right: 3%;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\n\t#passages {\n\t\tpadding-top: 170px;\n\t\tmin-height: 30vh;\n\t}\n\n\t#hud-topbar {\n\t\theight: 125px;\n\t\tmargin-top: -30px;\n\t}\n\n\t#hud-topui {\n\t\tmargin-top: -5px;\n\t\tleft: 8%;\n\t\twidth: 90%;\n\t}\n\n\t#ui-hud-itemleft {\n\t\ttop: 102%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t#ui-hud-itemright {\n\t\ttop: 102%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_MenuButton {\n\t\tmargin-left: 2%;\n\t\twidth: 98%;\t\t\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_PdaScreen {\n\t\tmargin-top: 10px;\n\t\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(-px);\n\t\tmargin-left: 2%;\n\t\twidth: 98%;\n\t}\n\n\t#hud-pda-pane {\n\t\tz-index: 2;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(10px) rotateY(0deg);\n\t\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\t\ttransform-origin: middle right;\n\t}\n\n\t#hud-pda-pane:hover {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(10px) translateZ(20px) rotateY(0deg);\n\t}\n\n\t#hud-menu-pane {\n\t\tz-index: 2;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(10px) rotateY(-0deg);\n\t\ttransform-origin: middle left;\n\t\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\t}\n\n\t#hud-menu-pane:hover {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateY(10px) translateZ(20px) rotateY(-0deg);\n\t\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\t}\n\n\t#wrapper { \n\t\tpadding: 0;\n\t\tpadding-top: 3px;\n\t\tmargin: 0 auto;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\twidth: 96%;\n\t\tmargin-left: 4%;\n\t}\n\n\t#body {\n\t\tmin-width: 200px;\n\t\tpadding: 0;\n\t}\n\t\t\n\n\t.HUD_SidePane {\n\t\tmargin-top: 15px;\n\t\tfont-size: 8pt;\n\t\theight: 60px;\n\t\tpadding: 8px;\n\t\twidth: 14%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUD_CombatSidepane {\n\t\theight: 80px;\n\t\tfont-size: 7pt;\n\t\tmargin-top: 35px; \n\t}\t\n\t\t\n\n\t.HUD_CenterPane {\n\t\tpadding: 8px;\n\t\tfont-size: 10pt;\n\t\twidth: 74%;\n\t\theight: 90px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_StandardIcon {\n\t\tfont-size: 8pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_MenuScreen {\n\t\tmin-height: 50vh;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_MenuButton {\n\t\tfont-size: 14pt;\n\t\tmargin-top: 8px;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 8px;\n\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateZ(0px) translateX(0px);\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_MenuButton:hover {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateZ(15px) translateX(0px);\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_PdaScreen img {\n\t\t width: auto;\n\t\t height: auto;\n\t\t max-width: 100%;\n\t\t max-height: inherit;\n\t\t float: none;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_CodesHalfImage {\n\t\tfloat: right;\n\t\tmax-width: 40%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_PdaGeneralInfoZone {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.8em\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_PdaDisplayZoneHalved {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.7em;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_PdaExpandButton {\n\t\twidth: 100px;\n\t\tfont-size: 8pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_ListEntry {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_ListEntryMainCategory {\n\t\t\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_ListEntry img {\n\t\twidth: auto;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tmax-width: 33%;\n\t\tmax-height: inherit;\n\t\tfloat: left;\n\t\tmargin-left: 0;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListInfo img {\n\t\tmax-width: 60%;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\tfloat: none;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_EquipEntry img {\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.overlayImage {\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListEntry {\n\t\tmax-width: 70%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListInfo {\n\t\twidth: 22%;\n\t\tpadding-right: 3%;\n\t}\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 768px)\n{\n\n\t#passages {\n\t\tpadding-top: 160px;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUD_SidePane {\n\t\twidth: 14%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_SidePane {\n\t\tmargin-top: 55px;\n\t\theight: 30px;\n\t\twidth: 14%;\n\t\tfont-size: 7pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_CombatSidepane {\n\t\theight: 70px;\n\t\tfont-size: 7pt;\n\t\tmargin-top: 20px; \n\t}\t\n\t\n\t.HUD_StandardIcon img {\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t}\t\n\n\t.HUD_CenterPane {\n\t\tmargin-top: 0;\n\t\theight: 90px;\n\t\twidth: 75%;\n\t\tfont-size: 8pt;\n\t}\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 440px)\n{\n\t\n\t#passages {\n\t\tpadding-top: 130px;\n\t}\n\n\t#passages {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\t#ui-hud-finances {\n\t\ttop: 92%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t#ui-hud-itemleft {\n\t\tleft: 15%;\n\t\ttop: 92%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t#ui-hud-itemright {\n\t\tleft: 70%;\n\t\ttop: 92%;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameText {\n\t\tfont-size: 9pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameTextGreyed {\n\t\tfont-size: 9pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_SidePane {\n\t\tmargin-top: 50px;\n\t\theight: 30px;\n\t\twidth: 15%;\n\t\tfont-size: 7pt;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUD_CombatSidepane {\n\t\theight: 70px;\n\t\tfont-size: 7pt;\n\t\tmargin-top: 10px; \n\t}\t\n\n\t.HUD_CenterPane {\n\t\tmargin-top: 0;\n\t\theight: 80px;\n\t\twidth: 75%;\n\t\tfont-size: 8pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_StandardIcon {\n\t\tfont-size: 7pt;\n\t\tmargin-top: 5px;\n\t\tpadding-top: 5px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_StandardIcon img {\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\n\t/*.HUD_IconHideMobile {\n\t\twidth: 0;\n\t\tvisibility: hidden;\n\t}*/\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListEntry {\n\t\t/* prolly no longer needed font-size: 7pt; */\n\t\tmax-width: 58%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListInfo {\n\t\twidth: 33%;\n\t\tpadding-right: 3%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUD_BuyListInfo img {\n\t\tmax-width: 70%;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\tfloat: none;\n\t}\t\n\n\t.HUD_VitalityInMenu {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.75em;\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUD_VitalityInMenu_NoScale {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.8em;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 5px;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUD_VitalityInMenu_Left {\n\t\twidth: 50%;\n\t\tfont-size: 0.9em !important;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_VitalityInMenu_Right {\n\t\twidth: 50%;\n\t\tfont-size: 0.9em !important;\n\t}\t\n\t\n\t.HUD_VitalityInMenu_Fullsize {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t}\n}\n\n.HUD_paper {\n\ttext-align:center;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 1em;\n\tborder: 1px solid grey;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tbackground-color: #cdcdcd;\n\tcolor: black;\n\tmargin: 3px;\n\tpadding: 12px;\n\tfont-family: courier;\n}\n\n.HUD_shop {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 10px 10px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 15px;\n\tborder-color: #15611e;\n\t/* line-height: 1.5em; */\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px );\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUDShopButton {\n\ttext-align:center;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\tborder-color: #15611e;\n}\n\n.HUDShopButton:hover {\n\tborder-color: #39d44c;\n}\n\n.HUDShopButton a {\t\n\tpadding: 6px;\n\tcolor: #15611e;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.HUDShopButton a:hover {\n\tcolor: #39d44c;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\t.HUD_shop {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px );\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\t}\n}\n\n.HUDQuickScreenDead {\n\talign:center;\n\theight: 10.5em;\n\tfont-size: 8pt;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 12px 12px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 5px;\n\tborder-radius: 25px;\n\tborder-color: #9a0000;\n}\n\n.HUD_DeathScreen {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 10px 40px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 5px;\n\tborder-radius: 25px;\n\tborder-color: #9a0000;\n}\n\n.HUD_DeathScreenTitle {\n\ttext-align:center;\n\tcolor: red;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.HUD_datapad {\n\tanimation-name: flicker_center;\n\tanimation-duration: 2.4s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0.1s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1;\n\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 10px 40px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 15px;\n\tborder-color: #4f8bae;\n\tbackground-color: #071111;\n}\n\n.HUD_datapad_broken {\n\tcolor: #6a573a;\n\tborder-color: #6a573a;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_hackutility {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 10px 10px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #91860d;\n\tfont-size: 0.8em;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n\n\n.HUD_hackutility_innerpad {\n\ttext-align: left;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 10px 10px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tborder-color: #2a2a2a;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_hackutility input, textarea {\n\tcolor: orange;\n\tfont-size: 1.2em;\n\tmargin-top: 6px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 6px;\n\twidth: 98%;\n\tpadding: 3px 5px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-color: #000;\n\tbackground-color: #000;\n\n\tanimation-name: hud-hack-inputanim;\n\tanimation-duration: 1s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 2;\n}\n\n@keyframes hud-hack-inputanim {\n 0% {\n\tborder-color: black;\n }\n 50% {\n\tborder-color: orange;\n }\n 100% {\n\tborder-color: black;\n }\t\n}\n\n.HUDHackButtonError {\n\tpadding: 3px 5px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\tcolor: #ff0000;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButtonError:hover {\n\tcolor: #d0380f;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButton {\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #91860d;\n\tmargin-top: 5px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 5px;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButton a {\n\tpadding: 3px 5px;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButton:hover {\n\tborder-color: #e5d631;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButtonDisabled {\n\tpadding: 3px 5px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tcolor: #636363;\n\tborder-color: #636363;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButtonDisabled:hover {\n\tcolor: #b7b7b7;\n\tborder-color: #b7b7b7;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButton a {\n\tcolor: white;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.HUDHackButton a:hover {\n\tcolor: #e5d631;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.HUDVersion {\n\tfloat: left;\n\tfont-size: 8pt;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\n\t.HUDScreen {\n\t\tpadding: 5px;\n\t\tfont-size: 9px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDQuickScreen {\n\t\theight: 12em;\n\t\tpadding: 4px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDNavButton {\n\t\tfont-size: 8px;\n\t\twidth: 33%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDNavButtonSelected {\n\t\tfont-size: 8px;\n\t\twidth: 33%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDNavButton img {\n\t\tmax-height: 16px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDNavButtonSelected img {\n\t\tmax-height: 16px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreen table {\n\t\tfont-size: 8px;\n\t\twidth: 96%;\n\t\tborder-style:none;\n\t\tborder-width:0px;\n\t\tpadding: 5px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreen th {\n\t\twidth: 25%;\n\t\tvertical-align: middle;\n\t\tpadding: 1px;\n\t\tcolor: #1546d0;\n\t\tborder: 0;\n\t\ttext-align:left;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreen td {\n\t\twidth: 25%;\n\t\tvertical-align: middle;\n\t\tpadding: 1px;\n\t\tborder: 0;\n\t\ttext-align:left;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreen img {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tmax-width: 93%;\n\t\tfont-size: 10pt;\n\t\tcolor: white;\n\t\tmargin-left: 10px;\n\t\tpadding: 5px 5px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 3px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\t\tborder-color: #071c58;\n\t}\n\n\n\t.HUDStats {\n\t\twidth: 96%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDStats td {\n\t\tpadding: 1px;\n\t\tfont-size: 6pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreenEquipmentImg {\n\t\tpadding: 0;\n\t\twidth: 15%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUDScreenEquipmentImg img {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tmax-width: 85%;\n\t\tfont-size: 10pt;\n\t\tcolor: white;\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t\tpadding: 0; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 2px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\t\tborder-color: #071c58;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreenEquipmentImg:hover img{\n\t\tborder-color: #1546d0;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreenEquipmentNoneImg {\n\t\tpadding: 0;\n\t\twidth: 15%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreenEquipmentNoneImg img {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tmax-width: 85%;\n\t\tfont-size: 10pt;\n\t\tcolor: white;\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t\tpadding: 0; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 2px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\t\tborder-color: #636363;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDScreenEquipmentNoneImg:hover img {\n\t\tborder-color: #b7b7b7;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_datapad {\n\t\tfont-size: 10px;\n\t\ttext-align: left;\n\t\tpadding: 3px;\n\t\tborder-width: 1px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_hackutility {\n\t\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n\t\tcolor: white;\n\t\tpadding: 1px 5px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 1px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\t\tborder-color: #91860d;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_hackutility input, textarea {\n\t\tfont-size: 12px;\n\t\twidth: 92%;\n\t\tmin-width: 20px;\n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 2px;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_hackutility_innerpad {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.8em;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDHackButtonError {\n\t\tpadding: 3px 5px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 3px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\t\tcolor: #ff0000;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDHackButtonError:hover {\n\t\tcolor: #d0380f;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDHackButton {\n\t\twidth: 94%;\n\t\tpadding: 3px 5px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 3px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\t\tborder-color: #91860d;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDHackButton:hover {\n\t\tborder-color: #e5d631;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDHackButtonDisabled {\n\t\tpadding: 3px 5px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 3px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\t\tcolor: #636363;\n\t\tborder-color: #636363;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDHackButtonDisabled:hover {\n\t\tcolor: #b7b7b7;\n\t\tborder-color: #b7b7b7;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_shop {\n\t\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n\t\tcolor: white;\n\t\tpadding: 1px 4px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 3px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\t\tborder-color: #15611e;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListEntry {\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\twidth: 96%;\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_BuyListInfo {\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n.passageout {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale( 1, 0 );\n\ttransform-origin: top center;\n\ttransition: transform 0.4s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.passagein {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale( 1, 1 );\n\ttransform-origin: top center;\n\ttransition: transform 0.4s ease 0s;\n}\n\n@keyframes popnewmessage {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: scale(1);\n }\n 40% {\n\ttransform: scale(1.4);\n\tcolor: yellow;\n }\n 100% {\n\ttransform: scale(1);\n }\n}\n\n.HUD_hackutility_FullUI {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n\tcolor: grey;\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tmargin-left: 0;\n}\n\n.HUD_hackutility_FullUI input {\n\tborder-color: #6A573A;\n}\n\n.HUD_hackutility_DarkNet {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tborder-color: cyan;\n}\n\n.HUD_hackutility_DarkNet img {\n\tfloat: left;\n\tmidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tpadding-right: 5px;\n\tmax-width: 15%;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_ListArenaEntry img {\n\tfloat: left;\n\tmidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tpadding-right: 5px;\n\tmax-width: 15%;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n}\n\n.FlashNewMessages {\n\tanimation-name: popnewmessage;\n\tanimation-duration: 1s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 2;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.HUD_characterscreen {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tborder-color: #4f8bae;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n}\n\n.HUDSurveyButton {\n\tborder-color: #1f93cf; \n\tmargin-bottom: 1em;\n}\n\n.HUDSurveyButton_Selected {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b; \n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tmargin-bottom: 1em;\n}\n\n.HUDSurveyButton_Selected:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b; \n}\n\n.HUDOptionButton {\n\tmargin-ledt: 1%;\n\tmargin-right: 1%;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\twidth: 29%;\n\tborder-color: #486777; \n\tmargin-bottom: 1em;\n\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n}\n\n.HUDOptionButton_Selected {\n\tline-height: 2;\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b; \n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\t.HUD_hackutility_DarkNet img {\n\t\twidth: auto;\n\t\tmax-width: 25%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_ListArenaEntry img {\n\t\tfloat: left;\n\t\tmidth: auto;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tpadding-right: 5px;\n\t\tmax-width: 25%;\n\t\tmax-height: auto;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDOptionButton {\n\t\tmargin-ledt: 1%;\n\t\tmargin-right: 1%;\n\t\twidth: 28%;\n\t}\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 480px)\n{\n\t.HUD_hackutility_DarkNet img {\n\t\twidth: auto;\n\t\tmax-width: 33%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_ListArenaEntry img {\n\t\tfloat: left;\n\t\tmidth: auto;\n\t\theight: auto;\n\t\tpadding-right: 5px;\n\t\tmax-width: 33%;\n\t\tmax-height: auto;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUDOptionButton {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.7em;\n\t\tmargin-ledt: 0.5%;\n\t\tmargin-right: 0.5%;\n\t\twidth: 25%;\n\t}\n}\n\n.PDA_Flicker {\n\tanimation-name: flicker;\n\tanimation-duration: 2.1s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0.2s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n}\n\n.MENU_Flicker {\n\tanimation-name: flicker;\n\tanimation-duration: 2.3s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n}\n\n.CENTER_Flicker {\n\tanimation-name: flicker_center;\n\tanimation-duration: 2.2s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0.1s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n}\n\n.PDA_Drunk {\n\tanimation-name: drunksway;\n\tanimation-duration: 2.1s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0.2s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n}\n\n.MENU_Drunk {\n\tanimation-name: drunksway;\n\tanimation-duration: 2.3s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n}\n\n.CENTER_Drunk {\n\tanimation-name: drunksway_center;\n\tanimation-duration: 2.2s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0.1s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n}\n\n.PDA_Tired {\n\tanimation-name: tiredeffect;\n\tanimation-duration: 1.7s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0.2s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n}\n\n.MENU_Tired {\n\tanimation-name: tiredeffect;\n\tanimation-duration: 1.9s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n}\n\n.CENTER_Tired {\n\tanimation-name: tiredeffect_center;\n\tanimation-duration: 1.8s;\n\tanimation-delay: 0.1s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\ttransform-origin: center;\n}\n\n.Flicker_Story {\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1;\n}\n\n.Flicker_Fast {\n\tanimation-duration: 1.2s;\n}\n\n.PDA_Flicker_Single {\n\tanimation-name: flicker_single;\n\tanimation-duration: 0.6s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1;\n}\n\n .MENU_Flicker_Single {\n\tanimation-name: flicker_single;\n\tanimation-duration: 0.7s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1;\n}\n\n.CENTER_Flicker_Single {\n\tanimation-name: flicker_center_single;\n\tanimation-duration: 0.5s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1;\n}\n\n@keyframes flicker_single {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.6;\n }\n 20% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 1;\n }\n 55% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.7;\n }\n 80% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.85;\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes flicker_center_single {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 0.6;\n }\n 20% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1;\n }\n 55% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 0.7;\n }\n 80% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 0.85;\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes tiredeffect {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px) scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.96;\n }\n 66% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px) scale(0.98, 0.98); opacity: 0.9;\n }\n 99% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px) scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.98;\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes tiredeffect_center {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px) scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.96;\n }\n 66% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px) scale(0.99, 0.98); opacity: 0.9;\n }\n 99% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px) scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.98;\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes drunksway {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px) translateX(0px); opacity: 0.9;\n }\n 25% {\n\ttransform: translateY(25px) translateX(-5px); opacity: 0.94;\n }\n 66% {\n\ttransform: translateY(35px) translateX(5px); opacity: 0.88;\n }\n 100% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px) translateX(0px); opacity: 1;\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes drunksway_center {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px) translateX(0px); opacity: 0.98;\n }\n 25% {\n\ttransform: translateY(-5px) translateX(5px); opacity: 0.9;\n }\n 66% {\n\ttransform: translateY(5px) translateX(-5px); opacity: 0.86;\n }\n 100% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px) translateX(0px); opacity: 1;\n }\n}\n\n/*\n@keyframes drunksway {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px) translateX(0px) rotateZ(0deg);\n }\n 25% {\n\ttransform: translateY(25px) translateX(-5px) rotateZ(2deg);\n }\n 66% {\n\ttransform: translateY(35px) translateX(5px) rotateZ(-2deg);\n }\n 100% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px) translateX(0px) rotateZ(0deg);\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes drunksway_center {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px) translateX(0px) rotateZ(0deg);\n }\n 25% {\n\ttransform: translateY(-5px) translateX(-5px) rotateZ(-1deg);\n }\n 66% {\n\ttransform: translateY(5px) translateX(5px) rotateZ(1deg);\n }\n 100% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px) translateX(0px) rotateZ(0deg);\n }\n}\n*/\n\n@keyframes flicker {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.6;\n }\n 10% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.8;\n }\n 35% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 1;\n }\n 40% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.65; \n }\n 50% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.9;\n }\n 75% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 1; \n }\n 80% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 0.75,\n }\n 85% {\n\ttransform: translateY(30px); opacity: 1; \n }\n}\n\n@keyframes flicker_center {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1;\n }\n 10% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1;\n }\n 15% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 0.7;\n }\n 35% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1;\n }\n 40% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 0.6; \n }\n 50% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 0.9;\n }\n 75% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1; \n }\n 80% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 0.7;\n }\n 85% {\n\ttransform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1,\n }\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {\n\n\t@keyframes flicker_single {\n\t 0% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.6;\n\t }\n\t 20% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 1;\n\t }\n\t 55% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.7;\n\t }\n\t 80% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.85;\n\t }\n\t}\n\n\n\t@keyframes tiredeffect {\n\t 0% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px) scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.96;\n\t }\n\t 66% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px) scale(0.98, 0.98); opacity: 0.9;\n\t }\n\t 99% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px) scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.98;\n\t }\n\t}\n\n\t@keyframes drunksway {\n\t 0% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px) translateX(0px) rotateZ(0deg);\n\t }\n\t 25% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(5px) translateX(-5px) rotateZ(2deg);\n\t }\n\t 66% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(15px) translateX(5px) rotateZ(-2deg);\n\t }\n\t 100% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px) translateX(0px) rotateZ(0deg);\n\t }\n\t}\n\n\t@keyframes flicker {\n\t 0% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.6;\n\t }\n\t 10% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.8;\n\t }\n\t 35% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 1;\n\t }\n\t 40% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.65; \n\t }\n\t 50% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.9;\n\t }\n\t 75% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 1; \n\t }\n\t 80% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 0.75,\n\t }\n\t 85% {\n\t\ttransform: translateY(10px); opacity: 1; \n\t }\n\t}\n\n}\n\n#hud-confirmation-pane {\n\ttop: 0;\n\tposition: fixed;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\theight: 99vh;\n\tleft: 0;\n}\n\n.HUD_Confirmation {\n\topacity: 0;\n\ttransform: scale(0, 0);\n}\n\n.HUD_Confirmation_Show {\n\topacity: 1;\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1);\n\tz-index: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_ConfirmScreen {\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tborder: 2px solid #15611e;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n\n\tposition: relative;\n\tmargin-top: 25vh;\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n\twidth: 45%;\n\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n}\n\n.HUD_ConfirmScreen img {\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n}\n\n.HUD_ConfirmationItem {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tborder: 2px solid #225F45;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n\n\tmargin-top: 3%;\n\tmargin-bottom: 3%;\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n\twidth: 90%;\n\tposition: relative;\n}\n\n.HUD_ConfirmationItem img {\n\tpadding-top: 5px;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-height: 20vh;\n}\n\n.HUD_ConfirmationItem:hover {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n}\n\n.HUD_ConfirmationItem a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n#hud-notification-pane {\n\ttop: 33vh;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\theight: 25vh;\n}\n\n.HUD_NotificationContent {\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tborder: 2px solid #4f8bae;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n\n\tposition: relative;\n\t/*margin-left: auto;*/\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n\twidth: 45%;\n}\n\n.HUD_NotificationContent_Bad {\n\tcolor: red;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\tborder-color: #8d1616;\n}\n\n.HUD_Notification {\n\ttransform: scale(0, 0);\n\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 0;\n}\n\n.HUD_Notification img {\n\tpadding-top: 5px;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n\theight: auto;\n}\n\n.HUD_Notification_Show {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(0, 0);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease;\n\n\tanimation-name: loot_popin;\n\tanimation-duration: 1.6s;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: 1;\n}\n\n.HUD_NotificationContent:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: transform 0.3s ease;\n}\n\n.HUD_NotificationContent a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.NotificationTitle {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\n\tfont-size: 1.3em;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\t.HUD_NotificationContent {\n\t\twidth: 75%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_ConfirmScreen {\n\t\twidth: 95%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_ConfirmScreen {\n\t\tmargin-top: 18vh;\n\t}\n}\n\n@keyframes loot_popin {\n 0% {\n\ttransform: scale(0.8, 0.8); opacity: 0.9;\n }\n 9% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;\n }\n 15% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.99;\n }\n 17% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.97;\n }\n 20% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;\n }\n 33% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;\n }\n 39% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.97;\n }\n 40% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;\n }\n 57% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;\n }\n 62% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.97;\n }\n 67% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;\n }\n 87% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;\n }\n 91% {\n\ttransform: scale(1, 1); opacity: 0.97;\n }\n 97% {\n\ttransform: scale(0.8, 0.8); opacity: 1;\n }\n 100% {\n\ttransform: scale(0.6, 0.6); opacity: 0;\n }\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat {\n\n}\n\n.HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat:hover {\n\n}\n\n/* #################################### */\n/* GAMEBUTTONS */\n/* #################################### */\n\n.GameText, .GameTextGreyed, .OptionsField, .HUD_hackutility, #hud-combat-background, .HUD_shop .HUD_PdaScreen {\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tmargin-left: 1%;\n\twidth: 98%;\n}\n\n#ui-combat-enemyarea, #ui-combat-actionarea, #ui-combat-playerarea {\n\tpadding-left: 10px;\n\tmargin-left: 1%;\n\twidth: 98%;\n}\n\n.TimeSkip {\n\ttext-align:center;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n\tmargin-right: 25%;\n\tmargin-left: 0px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 6px;\n\tcolor: #d46dc9;\n\tborder-color: #701669;\n}\n\n.GameText {\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #4e748a;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n}\n\n.GameTextImage img {\n\tfloat: right;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(30px);\n\tborder: 1px solid #4e748a; \n\t/* border: 2px solid #4e748a; */\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tmargin-left: 10px;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\twidth: 30%;\n\tz-index: 99;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(10px) translateZ(0px) scale(1, 1);\n\ttransition: all 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tz-index: 1;\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n\tmargin-top: -60px;\n}\n\n.debugmode {\n\ttop: 10px;\n\tleft: 10px;\n}\n\n.GameTextSpecial img {\t\n\twidth: 21%;\n}\n\n.GameTextGreyed {\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tcolor: #4D5F69;\t\n\tborder-color: #394348;\t\n\tbackground-color: #0A0B0B;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tborder-left: 0;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.OptionsField {\n\tline-height: 0.8em;\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #928542;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n}\n\n.OptionsField:after {\n\tcontent:"";\n\tdisplay:block;\n\tclear:both;\n}\n\n.OptionsField_Dead {\n\tborder-color: red;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Expand {\n\ttext-align:center;\n\twidth: 20%;\n\tmin-width: 100px;\n\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n\tmargin-right: 25%;\n\tmargin-left: -9px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #4e748a;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tbackground-color: #0a0a0a;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) TranslateY(-25px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Expand:hover {\n\tborder-color: #3ab0cf;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) TranslateY(-25px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Expand a {\n\tcolor: #4e748a;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n.GameOption_Expand a:hover {\n\tcolor: #3ab0cf;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption {\n\tmargin: 3px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\twidth: 98%;\n\ttext-align:left;\n\tbackground-color: #080808;\n\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.GameOption:hover {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.GameOption a {\n\tpadding: 12px;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption a:hover {\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Move {\n\tborder-color: #a9672c;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n}\n\n.GameOption_Move:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Move a {\n\tcolor: #cb9949;\t\n}\n\n.GameOption_Move a::before {\n\tcontent: "> ";\n\t /* content: " " url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_icon_clickable.png");*/\n}\n\n.GameOption_Move a:hover {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\t\n}\n\n.GameOption_Dialogue {\n\tborder-color: #15611e;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n}\n\n.GameOption_Dialogue:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Dialogue a {\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tcolor: #469f44;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Dialogue a::before {\n\tcontent: "> ";\n\t/*\n\t content: " " url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_icon_clickable_green.png"); */\n}\n\n.GameOption_Dialogue a:hover {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\t\n}\n\n.GameOption_Disabled {\n\tcolor: #585858;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_grey.png");\n}\n\n.GameOption_Disabled:hover {\n\tcolor: #797979;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) TranslateX(0px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Disabled_Text {\n\tpadding: 12px;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Defend {\n\twidth: 98%;\n\ttext-align:left;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #3f81a4;\n\tmargin: 3px; \n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n}\n\n.GameOption_Defend:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Defend a {\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tcolor: #3f81a4;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Defend a::before {\n\t content: "> " /*url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_icon_clickable_blue.png");*/\n}\n\n.GameOption_Defend a:hover {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Weapon {\n\twidth: 98%;\n\ttext-align:left;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #e35000;\n\tmargin: 3px; \n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n}\n\n.GameOption_Weapon:hover {\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Weapon a {\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tcolor: #e35000;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Weapon a::before {\n\t content: "> " /* url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_icon_clickable_red.png"); */\n}\n\n.GameOption_Weapon a:hover {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Die {\n\twidth: 98%;\n\ttext-align:left;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #e35000;\n\tmargin: 3px; \n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_green.png");\n}\n\n.GameOption_Die:hover {\n\tborder-color: #c60000;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Die a {\n\tpadding: 10px;\n\tcolor: #e35000;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Die a:hover {\n\tcolor: #c60000;\t\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.GameOption_BuyUI {\n\topacity: 0.925;\n\twidth: 48.2%;\n\tfloat: left;\n\ttext-align: center;\n}\n\n.GameOption_BuyUI_FullWidth {\n\twidth: 100%;\n\ttext-align: left;\n}\n\n.GameOption_BuyUI a::before {\n\tcontent: "";\n}\n\n\n.GameOption_BuyUI_FullWidth a::before {\n\tcontent: "> ";\n}\n\n.GameOption_BuyUI:hover {\n\topacity: 1;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1440px)\n{\n\t.GameText, .GameTextGreyed, .OptionsField, .HUD_hackutility, #ui-combat-enemyarea, #ui-combat-actionarea, #ui-combat-playerarea, #hud-combat-background, .HUD_shop {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_BuyUI {\n\t\twidth: 47%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.GameTextSpecial img {\t\n\t\twidth: 21%;\n\t}\t\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\n\t.TimeSkip {\n\t\twidth: 98%;\n\t}\n\n\t.OptionsField a {\n\t\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\t\tline-height: 1.2em;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_Disabled_Text {\n\t\tpadding: 10px;\n\t\tline-height: 1.2em;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_Disabled:hover {\n\t\tcolor: #797979;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) TranslateX(0px);\n\t\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameText, .GameTextGreyed, .OptionsField, .HUD_hackutility, #ui-combat-enemyarea, #ui-combat-actionarea, #ui-combat-playerarea, #hud-combat-background, .HUD_shop {\n\t\tmargin-left: 2%;\n\t\twidth: 92%;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameTextImage img {\n\t\tvertical-align: bottom;\n\t\tfloat: left;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px));\n\t\tmargin: -2px;\n\t\tpadding: 0;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 1em;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameTextSpecial img {\t\n\t\twidth: 70%;\n\t\tfloat: right;\n\t\tmargin-left: 15%;\n\t\tmargin-right: 15%;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_Expand {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) TranslateY(-24px);\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_Expand:hover {\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) TranslateY(-24px);\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_Disabled_Text {\n\t\tpadding: 5px;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption {\n\t\twidth: 98%;\n\t\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\t\tmargin: 1px;\n\t\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption a {\n\t\tpadding: 6px;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_BuyUI {\n\t\tpadding-top: 3px;\n\t\tpadding-bottom: 3px;\n\t\tmargin: 3px;\n\t\tmargin-top: 2px;\n\t\twidth: 47%;\n\t\tfloat: left;\n\t\ttext-align: center;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 440px)\n{\n\t.GameText, .GameTextGreyed, .OptionsField, .HUD_hackutility, #ui-combat-enemyarea, #ui-combat-actionarea, #ui-combat-playerarea, #hud-combat-background, .HUD_shop {\n\t\tmargin-left: 2%;\n\t\twidth: 99%;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_BuyUI {\n\t\twidth: 46%;\n\t}\n}\n\n.OptionsField_Tramway {\n\theight: 255px;\n\tbackground-position: center center;\n\tbackground-size: contain, auto;\n\tbackground-repeat: no-repeat, repeat;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/navmap_tramway_elevator.png"), url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n\t\n\t/* */\n}\n\n.GameOption_Tramway a::before {\n\tcontent: ""\n}\n\n.GameOption_Tramway {\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tmargin: 1%;\n\tmargin-bottom: 5px;\n\tmargin-top: 130px;\n\tpadding: -2px;\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateX(0px);\n\twidth: 30%;\n\tfloat: left;\n}\n\n.GameOption_Tramway:hover {\n\ttransform: perspective( 600px ) translateZ(0px);\n\ttransition: transform 0.5s ease 0s;\n}\n\n.TramwayDestinationZone {\n\tposition: relative;\n\tmargin-left: 1%;\n\tmargin-right: 1%;\n\twidth: 10%;\n\tfloat: left;\n\tmargin-top: 10px;\n\theight: 77%;\n\t\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tcolor: #b9ab64 ;\n\tborder-color: #b9ab64;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tborder-right: 0;\n\tbackground-color: #ffd5002b;\n}\n\n.TramwayDestinationZone:hover {\n\tcolor: #ffe17b ;\n\tborder-color: #ffe17b;\n}\n\n.TramwayDestinationZone_Current {\n\tcolor: #84eed5;\n\tborder-color: #84eed5;\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_lightblue.png");\n}\n\n.TramwayDestinationZone_Current:hover {\n\tcolor: #84eed5;\n\tborder-color: #84eed5;\n}\n\n\n.tramText {\n\tposition: relative;\n writing-mode: vertical-lr;\n\tfont-size: 1.5em;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tmargin-left: 15%;\n\tmargin-top: 15%;\n}\n\n.TramwayDestinationZone a {\n\t position:absolute; \n\t width:100%;\n\t height:100%;\n\t top:0;\n\t left: 0;\n\n\t /* edit: added z-index */\n\t z-index: 1;\n}\n\n.TramwayInfoArea {\n\tpadding-left: 10px;\n\tpadding-top: 2px;\n\theight: 20px;\n\t\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1800px)\n{\n\t\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1600px)\n{\n\t.GameOption_Tramway {\n\t\tmargin-top: 60px;\n\t}\n\n\t.OptionsField_Tramway {\n\t\theight: 225px;\n\t}\n\n\t.TramwayDestinationZone {\n\t\tfont-size: 1.1em;\n\t}\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1440px)\n{\n\n\t.GameOption_Tramway {\n\t\tmargin-top: 50px;\n\t}\n\n\t.OptionsField_Tramway {\n\t\theight: 205px;\n\t}\n\n\t.TramwayDestinationZone {\n\t\tfont-size: 1em;\n\t}\t\n\t\n\t.tramText {\n\t\tfont-size: 1.3em;\n\t}\t\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\t.TramwayInfoArea {\n\t\tfont-size: 10pt;\n\t}\n\n\t.GameOption_Tramway {\n\t\tmargin-top: 30px;\n\t}\n\n\t.OptionsField_Tramway {\n\t\tpadding: 4px;\n\t\theight: 145px;\n\t}\n\n\t.TramwayDestinationZone {\n\t\tfont-size: 1em;\n\t\twidth: 9.5%;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.tramText {\n\t\tfont-size: 1em;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 440px)\n{\n\t.GameOption_Tramway {\n\t\tborder-raidus: 2px;\n\t\tmargin-top: 20px;\n\t\twidth: 29%;\n\t}\n\n\t.OptionsField_Tramway {\n\t\theight: 135px;\n\t}\n\n\t.TramwayInfoMarker_B40 {\n\t\twidth: 22px;\n\t}\n\n\t.TramwayDestinationZone {\n\t\tfont-size: 1em;\n\t\twidth: 9.5%;\n\t}\t\n\t\n\t.tramText {\n\t\tfont-size: 1em;\n\t}\t\n}\n\n.GameOption_BuyUI_FW {\n\twidth: 98%;\n}\n\n/* #################################### */\n/* NAVSTYLES */\n/* #################################### */\n\n.HUD_NavScreenOutline {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_blue.png");\n\tfont-family: courier;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 10px 10px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 5px;\n\tborder-radius: 25px;\n\tborder-color: #071c58;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenFilterArea {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_blue.png");\n\tfont-family: verdana;\n\tfont-size: 1em;\n\tcolor: white;\n\tmargin: 5px;\n\tpadding: 5px 5px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 5px;\n\tborder-radius: 15px;\n\tborder-color: #071c58;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenFilterArea:after {\n content:"";\n display:table;\n clear:both;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenClose {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_red.png");\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tfloat: right;\n\twidth: 40px;\n\theight: 40px;\n\tmargin-top: 10px;\n\tmargin-right: 10px;\n\tfont-size: 12pt;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 1px;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder-color: #ff0000;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenClose:hover 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{\n\tdisplay: block;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n.HUD_NavScreen_Filter a:hover {\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenItem {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tfont-family: verdana;\n\tpadding: 0.3em;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tcolor: white;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tborder-color: #00931c;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenItem:hover {\n\tborder-color: #00fd30;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenItem a {\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tcolor: #00931c;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenItem a:hover {\n\tcolor: #00fd30;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreenItem_Current {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tfont-family: verdana;\n\tpadding: 0.3em;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tcolor: #ffae22;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tborder-color: #ffae22;\n}\n\n\n.HUD_NavScreenItem_Disabled {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tfont-family: verdana;\n\tpadding: 0.3em;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tcolor: #636363;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n}\n\n.HUD_NavScreen {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/navmap_temp.png");\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;\n\tbackground-size: contain;\n\tbackground-repeat: no-repeat;\n\tcolor: white;\n\tpadding: 10px; \n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 3px;\n\tborder-radius: 15px;\n\tborder-color: #071c58;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {\n\n\t.HUD_NavScreenOutline {\n\t\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_blue.png");\n\t\tfont-family: courier;\n\t\tfont-size: 8px;\n\t\tcolor: white;\n\t\tpadding: 6px 6px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 3px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 25px;\n\t\tborder-color: #071c58;\n\t}\n\n\n\t.HUD_NavScreenFilterArea {\n\t\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_blue.png");\n\t\tfont-family: verdana;\n\t\tfont-size: 1em;\n\t\tcolor: white;\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 4px;\n\t\tpadding: 1px 1px; \n\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t\tborder-width: 1px;\n\t\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\t\tborder-color: #071c58;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_NavScreen_Filter {\n\t\twidth: 28%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_NavScreen_FilterSelected {\n\t\twidth: 28%;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_NavScreenItem{\n\t\tborder-width: 1px;\n\t}\n\t\n\t.HUD_NavScreenItem_Current{\n\t\tborder-width: 1px;\n\t}\n\n\t.HUD_NavScreenItem_Disabled{\n\t\tborder-width: 1px;\n\n\t}\n\n}\n\n.HUD_shop_anoint {\n\tbackground-image: url("https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hud_background_yellow.png");\n\tborder-color: #a9672c;\n}\n\n.HUD_BuyListInfo_Title {\n\tfloat: left;\n\theight: auto;\n\twidth: 93%;\n\tpadding-left: 4%;\n\tpadding-right: 3%;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\ttext-align: left;\n}\n\n.overlayImage {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 0;\n\tleft: 0;\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.overlayImage img {\n\n}\n\n.imageContainer {\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 180px;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n\tmargin: auto;\n}\n\n.imageContainerLarge {\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-width: 600px;\n\tmax-height: auto;\n\tmargin: auto;\n}\n\n.uncapitalize {\n\ttext-transform: none;\n}\n\n.bold {\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 1024px)\n{\n\t.imageContainer {\n\t\tmax-width: 135px;\n\t}\n\t\n}
<<nobr>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t<<click 'Resume Game' $currentgamepassage>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none">>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t<</click>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t<<click 'GoToScene' 'b30_fallenshrine_giftsaints'>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none"; $processed = false>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back"); $resetIndexer = true>>\n\t<</click>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t<<click 'VSimCouch' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none"; $processed = false>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t<</click>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t<<click 'Money' $currentgamepassage>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none">>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += 100000>>\n\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n\n<<set $hide = {\n\tcombatlayer: false,\n\tdefensivelayer: false,\n\tdiplomacylayer: false,\n\tlayer0: false,\n\tlayer1: false,\n\tlayer2: false,\n\tlayer3: false,\n\tlayer4: false,\n\tlayer5: false,\n}>>\n\n/% player's actions %/\n<<set $action = {\n\tarrive: "onfoot",\n\taction1: "none",\n\taction2: "none",\n\taction3: "none",\n\taction4: "none",\n\taction5: "none",\n\trandomize: "none",\n\troundtype1: "none",\n\troundtype2: "none",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_voidshrine = {\n\tdidFirstSacrifice: false,\n}>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='GameText'>UTILITY PASSAGE FOR SETTING / RESETTING VARIABLES. LIST BELOW SHOWS ACTIVE VALUES (IF YOU'RE CURIOUS...)\n\n<<print JSON.stringify(state.active.variables, null, 4)>></div>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination",\n\t\tname: "abominations",\n class: "abomination_shambler",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_shambler",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_acheri_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["abomination", "abomination", "abomination"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_failwraith.png", "images/combat_abom_failwraith.png", "images/combat_abom_failwraith_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The abominations scramble forward on their hands and knees, rotten fangs bared wide.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_junction_postabom",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination",\n\t\tname: "acheri",\n class: "abomination_acheri",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_acheri_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_acheri_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["acheri"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_acheri_female.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Acheri recoils, rotten teeth bared as it raises its clawed hands threateningly.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.33,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage_2",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination",\n\t\tname: "acheri",\n class: "abomination_acheri",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_acheri_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_acheri_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["acheri", "acheri", "acheri"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_acheri.png", "images/combat_abom_acheri_2.png", "images/combat_abom_acheri_3.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 4,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Acheri prowl toward you, rotten teeth bared and their clawed, disfigured limbs poised to strike.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "tram_breakdown_acherinest",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've barely gone two steps when a shadowy figure appears from thin air. Bony fingers grab you by the neck. You choke and struggle, nose to nose with the skull-like face of a leering Banshee.\t\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've just started to look around when something grabs you from behind. Before you know it, bony fingers have you by the neck. You choke and struggle, nose to nose with the skull-like face of a leering Banshee.\t\n\t</div>\n\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've just bent down to take the data pad wen a shadowy figure appears from thin air. Bony fingers grab you by the neck. You choke and struggle, nose to nose with the skull-like face of a leering Banshee.\t\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if not $equip.isConcealing >>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 50>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 75>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've barely gone a dozen steps when three Acheri jump out of nowhere. Childlike fingers grab your libs, shrieking viciously, as one of them vomits sickly bile <<if $equip.isConcealing>>on your faceplate. You rasp your breath as the air filters clog.<<else>>in your face. You choke and splutter, struggling to free yourself.<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've just begun to climb the stairs when shadowy figure drops from the ceiling. Bony fingers grab your throat. You choke and struggle, nose to nose with the fang-lined face of a Wraith.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou're just about to start speaking when the witch throws herself at you, shrieking. Both of you tumble to the floor. Her fingers wrap around your neck like iron. You kick yourself free but clearly trying to talk was a bad idea.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou gasp for air, the witch's treacherous claw still constricting your throat. Her lips curl as her chin tilts up in a display of sheer arrogance.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. You whirl around only to find yorself face to face with a pair of bright, glowing eyes. You recoil with a start just as the abomination draws a long, curved blade.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've just set off across the icy floor when a blur of motion brawls you over. Panicked, you struggle to throw off the invisible assailant. Its vicious fangs snap at you but, thankfully, you manage to run to safety.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've just climbed out of the elevator when the Acheri jumps you, shrieking viciously with its thighs locked aroung your neck. You throw it off with a roar that is met by a childlike voice screeching right back at you.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've just opened your mouth to speak when the Acheri jumps you, shrieking viciously with its thighs locked aroung your neck. You throw it off with a roar that is met by a childlike voice screeching right back at you.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.combatUIScrewLevel = 2>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress += 1>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $combatIsArena>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.arenaScore.takenHits += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy *= 0.9>>\n\n\t<div class='CombatUI_Action_Segment CombatUI_Action_Enemy'>\n\t\t<<display 'Combat_IntroImage'>>\n\t\tYou've just settled back to wait when the Djinn flickers into existence, its bright blue eyes an inch from your face The next instant, you're thrown painfully to the floor. Passengers scream as the abomination draws a long, curved blade.\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<display 'doCombatJitter'>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Bounty Hunter",\n class: "human_commando_merc_captain",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Bounty Hunter"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_bhunter.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 22,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Bounty Hunter draws and loads his railgun with a perfectly timed flourish. \s"Dead it is then.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_bounty_hunter_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "hunter",\n class: "human_armor_hunter",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["hunter"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_hunter.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 5,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 16,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The hunter takes cover behind a seat, shouting, \s"Your time's up, Acrel!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_tramway_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "Tripod Bot",\n class: "robot_securitybot_medium",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_tripod.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 20,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Tripod Bot levels its weapon arms on you. Its ludicriously low grace window will expire and microsecond.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "snydicate_crossroads_inside",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "Tripod Bots",\n class: "robot_securitybot_medium",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_tripod.png", "images/combat_bot_tripod.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 20,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Coilfire ends abruptly. In the ringing silence that follows, you can hear bolts being cycled into the bots' guns.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_snydicate_research",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "Tripod Bot",\n class: "robot_securitybot_medium",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_tripod.png", "images/combat_bot_tripod.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 20,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Coilfire ends abruptly. In the ringing silence that follows, you can hear bolts being cycled into the bot's guns.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_snydicate_research",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "Tripod Bot",\n class: "robot_securitybot_medium",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_tripod.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 20,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Tripod Bot rolls into firing position, bolts clicking into its coil guns. It will open fire any moment.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b5_covenfinal_enter_inject",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "fisher_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "Tripod Bots",\n class: "robot_securitybot_medium",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_tripod.png", "images/combat_bot_tripod.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 20,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Tripod Bots remain motionless on the far side of the bridge. Their runtimes haven't predicted your intent - yet.",\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b3_finalmission_rotunda",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "doSnipe">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = 12>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "comissar_pistol">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "fisher_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "pineapple_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "siren_knife">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "Cartel Bot",\n class: "robot_securitybot_medium_cartel",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_tripod_cartel.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 36,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 16,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Cartel Bot levels its weapon arms on you. Bolts clack into the feed. Flames sputter from the plasma caster.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_machinesmith_class_resolve",\n\t\tally: "petrovic_drone",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "ambushAttack">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.accuracy = 0.9>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.taunt = "The Cartel Bot looms over you. Bolts clack into the feed. Flames sputter from the plasma caster.">>\n\t<<elseif $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "coverAttack">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.cover = 0.35>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.taunt = "The Cartel Bot sparks as it levels it's weapons arms. Flames sputter from the plasma caster.">>\n\t<<elseif $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabledAttack">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.cover = 0.35>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.taunt = "Smoke curls from beneath the Cartel Bot's armor as it levels it's weapons arms. Flames sputter from the plasma caster.">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "WarBot",\n class: "robot_oldworld_warbot",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["warbot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_warbot.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 40,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 14,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The WarBot floats in mid-air, its weapon arms trained on you. Any moment it's runtimes will decide to open fire.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_cybercult_enter",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "WarBots",\n class: "robot_oldworld_warbot",\n\t\tgender: "they",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["warbot", "warbot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"," its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_warbot.png", "images/combat_bot_warbot.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 38,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tshield: 16,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The WarBots float in mid-air, weapon arms trained on you. Any moment their aged runtimes will decide to open fire.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_cybercult_core",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.storedRifle eq "dDoS">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield = 0>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "cyborg_guns">>\n\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "siren_knife">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n\t\tname: "robots",\n class: "robot_oldworld_guardian",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["robot", "robot", "robot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_old.png", "images/combat_bot_old_2.png", "images/combat_bot_old.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The ancient robots level their weapons on you. Their intent is unmistakable.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_machinetemple_postcombat",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n\t\tname: "robots",\n class: "robot_oldworld_guardian",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["robot", "robot", "robot", "robot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_old.png", "images/combat_bot_old_2.png", "images/combat_bot_old.png", "images/combat_bot_old.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The ageing robots clank toward you, bolts audibly cycling into their coilguns. It's only a matter of moments before they open fire.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_cybercult_corefinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "cyborg_guns">>\n\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "siren_knife">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "robots",\n class: "robot_oldworld_tomb_guardian",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["robot", "robot", "robot", "robot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png", "images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png", "images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png", "images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 50,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.1,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The ancient robots flash a dazzling array of unintelligable warning holograms. Still, their meaning is as clear as the raised weapons: trespassers must die.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "dynastytomb_postrobots",\n\t\tally: "siren_knife",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "robots",\n class: "robot_oldworld_tomb_guardian",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["robot", "robot", "robot", "robot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png", "images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png", "images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png", "images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 40,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.1,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "A last warning hologram is flashed. The eerie silence that follows is telling: the machines will open fire any moment now.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "dynastytomb_postrobots",\n\t\tally: "siren_knife",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n\t\tname: "Security Bot",\n class: "robot_securitybot_light",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_security.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Security Bot stands motionless. Its runtimes don't seem to have recognized your hostile intent - yet."\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "crossroads_findraj_inject",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n\t\tname: "Security Bots",\n class: "robot_securitybot_light",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot", "bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_security.png", "images/combat_bot_security.png", "images/combat_bot_security.png", "images/combat_bot_security.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Security Bots plot toward you, adjusting their aim. Chances are their runtimes will resume firing any second.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_snydicate_admin",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n\t\tname: "Security Bots",\n class: "robot_securitybot_light",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_security.png", "images/combat_bot_security.png", "images/combat_bot_security.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Security Bots shuffle forwards in perfect unison. They flash one warning. After the second they'll open fire.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b5_covenfinal_enter",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "fisher_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "celena_sorceress">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n class: "robot_securitybot_light",\n\t\tname: "Security Bots",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_security.png", "images/combat_bot_security.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Security Bots stand motionless, optics fixed on you and weapon arms aimed. Clearly their runtimes anticipate hostilities.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_athena_lab",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n\t\tname: "Security Bot",\n class: "robot_securitybot_light",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_security.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The rogue Security Bot fixes you with its electronic eyes. Even as you watch, it raises its weapons arm.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "inject_warlock_conclude",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot",\n\t\tname: "Security Bots",\n class: "robot_securitybot_light",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_security.png", "images/combat_bot_security.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Security Bots hesitate. One of them turns to you, raising its weapon arm. The other follows suit a moment later.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_electronics_postfirefight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "cephanine",\n class: "xenofauna_cephanine",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_cephanine_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_cephanine_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cephanine"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_cephanine.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Cephanine sniffs the air, gills heaving, and turns to face you. Its tentacles sway menacingly.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_finish_aquaduct",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "cephanine",\n class: "xenofauna_cephanine",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_cephanine_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_cephanine_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cephanine"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_cephanine.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Cephanine sniffs the air, gills heaving, and turns to face you. Its tentacles sway menacingly.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_quarantine_inside",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "cephanine",\n class: "xenofauna_cephanine",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_cephanine_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_cephanine_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cephanine"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_cephanine.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 9,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Cephanine prowls toward you, tentacles swaying menacingly. It's impossible to overlook its razor-sharp teeth.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_finish_aquaduct",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "cephanine",\n class: "xenofauna_cephanine",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_cephanine_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_cephanine_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cephanine"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_cephanine.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Cephanine rises to its feet, sniffing the air. Its tentacles sway uncertainly.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_lowhabs_insidelair",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "cephanine",\n class: "xenofauna_cephanine",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_cephanine_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_cephanine_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cephanine"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_cephanine.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Cephanine risks a step toward you, hissing angrily. Its tentacles sway menacingly.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_lowhabs_insidelair",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Comissaria",\n class: "human_no_armor",\n\t\tgender: "she",\n\t\tposessive: "her",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Comissaria"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["she"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_commisaria.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 12,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Commisaria keeps her sidearm leveled on you, saying, \s"Three. Two...\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_addon_constabularia_hauler",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n class: "human_no_armor",\n\t\tname: "Comissaria",\n\t\tgender: "she",\n\t\tposessive: "her",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Comissaria"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["she"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_commisaria.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 12,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Commisaria brings her sidearm up, wincing in pain. \s"You will die. Both of you!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_addon_constructionsite_loot",\n\t\tally: "siren_knife",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 35>>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him",],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 4,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The commandos bring up their rifles, calling, \s"Shoot to kill!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\t\tname: "CIVL Team",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\t\tgender: "their",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_melee_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it", "it"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its", "its"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_constable.png", "images/combat_exo_constable.png", "images/combat_exo_constable.png", "images/combat_exo_constable.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The CIV Troopers brings up their rail cannons, droning, \s"You are under arrest, citizen. Lay down your weapons immediately.\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 28>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = 3>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = 4>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "constabulary_arrest_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him",],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_civl.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 4,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The commandos bring up their rifles, calling, \s"Shoot to kill!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_visionescape",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "CIVL Team",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "their",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_melee_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_constable.png", "images/combat_exo_constable.png", "images/combat_exo_constable.png", "images/combat_exo_constable.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 26,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The CIV Troopers brings up their rail cannons, droning, \s"Intruders sighted! Elemite them.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "b40_docks_postfight">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "constabulary_arrest_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cyber thugs",\n class: "human_light_cyber",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "thug"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_cybercult.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cultists recoil, bringing their weapons up. One of them shouts, \s"Yer goin' down, skinjob!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_cyber_thugs_postcombat",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cyber cultists",\n class: "human_light_cyber",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_cybercult_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult_female.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "As the cultists aim their weapons at you, one of them calls, \s"For Warlock!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_cyber_renegades_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cyber cultists",\n class: "human_light_cyber",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_cybercult.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult_female.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "As the cultists train their weapons on you, one of them calls, \s"Shoot the fucker!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_cybercult_machinepit",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_cyborg",\n\t\tname: "cyborgs",\n class: "robot_cyborg_railgun",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cyborg", "cyborg"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_cyborg.png", "images/combat_bot_cyborg_male.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 26,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cyborgs approach, weapons arms raised. Even their augmented faces can't hide the distain in their eyes.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_cyber_cyborgs_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_cyborg",\n\t\tname: "cyborg",\n class: "robot_cyborg_railgun",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cyborg"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_cyborg.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 26,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cyborg glowers at you through its mechanical eyes. Even extensive augmentation can't hide the anger on the face beneath.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_rom_isabellakill",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_cyborg",\n\t\tname: "cyborgs",\n class: "robot_cyborg_railgun",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cyborg", "cyborg"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_cyborg.png", "images/combat_bot_cyborg_male.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 26,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cyborgs stop, eyeing you with mechanical gazes. Even their leverl of augmentation can't hide the distain on the faces beneath.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_cybercult_hack",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle_nohelmet.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_2.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_carbine.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.125,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Arena Official team moves into position, making expert use of the Arena's terrain.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "psychos",\n class: "human_light_merc_psycho",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["psycho", "psycho", "psycho"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_psycho_female.png", "images/combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Psychonauts charge into view with a vicious roar. Their chem-fueled rage is unmistakable - and mildly unsettling.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "bastard", "goon"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_arena_thug_female.png", "images/combat_human_arena_thug.png", "images/combat_human_arena_thug_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "Reaperarium scrambles behind cover, taking only occasional potshots. They don't seem to have a game plan.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "exo troopers",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["exo armor", "exo armor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_syndicate.png", "images/combat_exo_syndicate.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Exos advance, heavy footfalls shaking the floor as they reload their massive rail cannons.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "todo",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 10,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0.125,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Commando Strike assumes tactical positions, only barely exposing themselves as they keep your head down with well-aimed shots.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc_kobol",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him",],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.95,\n\t\tcover: 0.05,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Bloodhound Gang advances agressively, barely pausing as they bear down on you in what's clearly a direct killrush - or potentially a suicide charge.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "Flavio", "goon"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_arena_thug_female.png", "images/combat_human_arena_thug.png", "images/combat_human_arena_thug_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "Reaperarium scrambles behind cover, taking only occasional potshots. They don't seem to have a game plan.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "purifiers",\n class: "human_light_merc_purifier",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["purifier", "purifier", "purifier", "purifier"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_purifier_2.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier_2.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.66,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Ordus Puria assumes position, expertly poised to react to your play as the match evolves.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cyber cultists",\n class: "human_light_cyber",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_cybercult.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult_female.png", "images/combat_human_cybercult.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.25,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Arc shields crackle behind cover, offering no indication as to how the Augteam intends to play - except perhaps defensively.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "heavies",\n class: "human_heavy_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["heavy", "heavy", "heavy", "heavy"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Arc shields crackle Heavy Guard advances on two flanks, exposed but well enough armored to still be a serious threat.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Blood Sons",\n class: "human_heavy_merc_sok",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Radiant Massacre advances agressively, smoking rail cannons held ready. They've holed virtually every block in the Arena. There's barely any cover left.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.01,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "Flavio", "goon"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_arena_thug_female.png", "images/combat_human_arena_thug.png", "images/combat_human_arena_thug_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "Reaperarium scrambles behind cover, taking only occasional potshots. They don't seem to have a game plan. Or a chance.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "Knights of Eden",\n class: "human_exo_knight",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "exo_response_melee",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["knight", "knight", "knight", "knight"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_knight.png", "images/combat_exo_knight.png", "images/combat_exo_knight.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Augments whirr as Ordus Rex stomps through the Arena, their slender Exos clearly visible amidst the many blocks.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_cyborg",\n\t\tname: "cyborgs",\n class: "robot_cyborg_railgun",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cyborg", "cyborg", "cyborg", "cyborg"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "her", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "her", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_cyborg_male.png", "images/combat_bot_cyborg.png", "images/combat_bot_cyborg.png", "images/combat_bot_cyborg_male.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 26,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Cyborgs dart in and out of view as they swap positions, offering no clear indication of how they intend to play - except perhaps defensively.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "exo troopers",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["exo armor", "exo armor", "exo armor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_zanex.png", "images/combat_exo_zanex.png", "images/combat_exo_zanex.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Augments whir as ExoGenisis moves into position, rail cannons hefted and footfalls shaking the Arena floor.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.05,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_bot_adv",\n\t\tname: "Tripod Bots",\n class: "robot_securitybot_medium",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["bot", "bot", "bot", "bot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it", "it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its", "its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_bot_tripod.png", "images/combat_bot_tripod.png", "images/combat_bot_tripod.png", "images/combat_bot_tripod.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 20,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Warbotz spread out, cycling fresh bolts into their coilguns as they assume perfectly symmetric flanking positions.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Lavandri Champion",\n class: "human_deathmatch_champion_lavandri",\n\t\tgender: "her",\n\t\tposessive: "her",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Lavandri Champion"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_arena_lavandri.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 60,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 30,\n\t\taccuracy: 1,\n\t\tcover: 0.05,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Calamity re-loads her railgun with a flourish as she bears down on you. \s"Game's over, Vine. You're dead.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.05,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Incubus Champion",\n class: "human_deathmatch_champion_incubus",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Incubus Champion"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_arena_incubus.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 24,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 56,\n\t\taccuracy: 1,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "Reaper Jack darts into view, sidearm and knife held ready. His lips curl as he brings his deadly weapons to bear.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.01,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_arena_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "Abomination",\n class: "abomination_djinn_synthetic",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_djinn_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_djinn_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Abomination"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_synthdjinn.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 50,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\tusesFakeCover: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "A smirk curls the abomination's dark lips as it fixes you with a penetrating stare. There's nothing but cold determination in its haunting eyes.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_syndicate_postabom",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action0 eq "exitArmor">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 1.35>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackLab>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.shield *= 0.75>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.accuracy = 0.75>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_unique",\n\t\tname: "Djinn",\n class: "abomination_djinn",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_djinn_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_djinn_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Djinn"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_djinn.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 65,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.2,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\tusesFakeCover: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Djinn advances, bright blue eyes blazing with anger as it flips its knife into a backhanded grip.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b3_finalmission_leave",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "comissar_pistol">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "fisher_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "pineapple_rifle">>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "siren_knife">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "Djinn",\n class: "abomination_djinn",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "vanishing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_djinn_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_djinn_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Djinn"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_djinn.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 5,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 18,\n\t\taccuracy: 1,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Should never occur - THE DEV.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_djinn_enter_3",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "Djinn",\n class: "abomination_djinn",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "vanishing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_djinn_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_djinn_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Djinn"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_djinn.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 5,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 12,\n\t\taccuracy: 1,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Djinn steps forward, its icy eyes alight with malice as it flips its knife into a backhanded grip.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_tramway_djinnpost",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_unique",\n\t\tname: "Djinn",\n class: "abomination_djinn",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_djinn_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_djinn_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Djinn"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_djinn.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 75,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.1,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Djinn advances, bright blue eyes blazing with anger as it flips its knife into a backhanded grip.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_unique",\n\t\tname: "Djinn",\n class: "abomination_djinn",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_djinn_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_djinn_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Djinn"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_djinn.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 75,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.1,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Djinn advances, bright blue eyes blazing with anger as it flips its knife into a backhanded grip.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_postambush",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "Djinn",\n class: "abomination_djinn",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "vanishing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_djinn_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_djinn_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Djinn"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_djinn.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 25,\n\t\taccuracy: 1,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Djinn advances, bright blue eyes blazing with anger as it flips its knife into a backhanded grip.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_mausoleum_searchbody",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "High King",\n class: "human_exo_highking",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "exo_response_melee",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["High King"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_psycho.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 32,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 28,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The High King surges forward with a distorted roar that leaves a painful ringing in your ears.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_psychocult_introduce",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "exo armor",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["exo armor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_syndicate.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Exo Armor stomps to a halt, deftly loading a bolt block into its enormous rail cannon.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_athena_leave",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "exo troopers",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["exo armor", "exo armor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_zanex.png", "images/combat_exo_zanex.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Exo troopers re-load their rail cannons, stomping over dead cultists as they bear down on you.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_visionary_riptidefinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "exo armor",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["exo armor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_zanex.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Exo Armor stomps to a halt, deftly loading a bolt block into its enormous rail cannon.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "mainsion_raid_postbattle",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "exo troopers",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["exo armor", "exo armor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_zanex.png", "images/combat_exo_zanex.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Exos advance, heavy footfalls shaking the floor as they reload their massive rail cannons.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_bazar_visionfinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "exo troopers",\n class: "human_exo_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "bot_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["exo armor", "exo armor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it", "it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its", "its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_zanex.png", "images/combat_exo_zanex.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Exo troopers heft their rail cannons, deftly loading bolt blocks as they kick stray abominations aside.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_riptide_assault",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "zealot"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\ttaunt: "The fanatics move toward you, weapons drawn as they shout, \s"Kill the Disbeliever!\s"",\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.3,\n\t\tcontinue: "b27_fanatics_enter",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 5,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The fanatics hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises a rifle, calling, \s"Shoot the disbeliever!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The fanatics hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises a rifle, calling, \s"Kill the heretic!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 3,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The fanatics hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises his pistol, calling, \s"Traitor! Heretic! Murderer!\s"",\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t}>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "random_syndicate_postkill",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\ttaunt: "From beyond the doorway, one of the fanatics calls, \s"Another Heretic! Kill it! Now!\s"",\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t}>>\n\n <<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.3,\n\t\tcontinue: "b27_fanatics_loot",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "his", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_female.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "One of the fanatics stops to reload in the middle of the hallway. The others are still firing at the Zanex troopers.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b27_riot_catacombs",\n\t\tally: "jalkovski_rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.25,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The fanatics duck back into cover. Ringing silence haunts the landing pad.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "B1_vindelmansion_siege_drop",\n\t\tally: "jalkovski_rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "fanatics",\n class: "human_no_armor_fanatic",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic", "fanatic"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "her", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "her", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_female.png","images/combat_human_fanatic_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic.png", "images/combat_human_fanatic_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "One of the fanatics stops to reload in the middle of the hallway. The others are still firing at the Zanex troopers.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "hold">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cultists",\n class: "human_no_armor_cultist",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_visionary_2.png", "images/combat_human_visionary.png", "images/combat_human_visionary_female.png", "images/combat_human_visionary.png", "images/combat_human_visionary_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cultists notice you. Hands reach for concealed coilguns. One shouts, \s"Intruder! Defend yourselves!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_mausoleum_door",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cultists",\n class: "human_no_armor_cultist",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_visionary_2.png", "images/combat_human_visionary.png", "images/combat_human_visionary_female.png", "images/combat_human_visionary.png", "images/combat_human_visionary_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cultists notice you. Hands reach for concealed coilguns. One shouts, \s"Intruder! Defend yourselves!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_mausoleum_searchbody",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cultists",\n class: "human_armor_cultist",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_cultist_2.png", "images/combat_human_cultist.png", "images/combat_human_cultist.png", "images/combat_human_cultist_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cultists raise their carbines. One of them muttrs, \s"Find peace in death, sinner.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_death_cultists_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cultists",\n class: "human_armor_cultist",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_cultist_2.png", "images/combat_human_cultist.png", "images/combat_human_cultist_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.25,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cultists raise their weapons. One of them calls, \s"Death calls your name, outsider!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_megaplex_cult",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "cultists",\n class: "human_armor_cultist",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "cultist"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_cultist_2.png", "images/combat_human_cultist.png", "images/combat_human_cultist.png", "images/combat_human_cultist_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.25,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The cultists raise their carbines. One of them calls, \s"Find peace in death!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_warrenpassages",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "hellcat",\n class: "abomination_hellcat",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_hellcat_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_hellcat_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["hellcat"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_hellcat.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 22,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "A blur of motion catches your eye. The next instant it's gone. But you remember where the hellcat was - hopefully.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_cryolounge_hellcat_leave",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "hybrids",\n class: "human_hybrid",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["hybrid", "hybrid", "hybrid"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_hybrid_2.png", "images/combat_human_hybrid.png", "images/combat_human_hybrid_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 26,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The hybrid raise their pistols. One of them hisses, \s"Suffer well, scum.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_sphinx_revenge_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Blackscale",\n class: "human_hybrid",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Blackscale"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_hybrid_boss.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Blackscale levels his sidearm, hissing, \s"Suffer your deception, scum.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "sirenssong_post_blackscale",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "workman",\n class: "human_no_armor",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["workman"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_workman.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The workman grabs a shock-gun from his belt, stammering, \s"Wh...what are you doing here?!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "intro_utilityarea",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>
<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination",\n\t\tname: "shambler",\n class: "abomination_shambler",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_acheri_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_acheri_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["shambler"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_failwraith.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The shambler steps toward you, rotten fangs bared and clawlike fingers raised threateningly.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "intro_postabom",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "Knight of Eden",\n class: "human_exo_knight",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "exo_response_melee",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["knight", "knight"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_knight.png", "images/combat_exo_knight.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Knight brings up his plasma lance, droning, \s"I said begone. This is your last warning.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_addon_pressureberth",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "Knight of Eden",\n class: "human_exo_knight",\n\t\tgender: "their",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "exo_response_melee",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["knight", "knight"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_knight.png", "images/combat_exo_knight.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 20,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 22,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Knights brings up their plasma lances, droning, \s"Surrender now. This is your last warning.\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "constabulary_arrest_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "machine_exo",\n\t\tname: "Knights of Eden",\n class: "human_exo_knight",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "bot_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "exo_response_melee",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["knight", "knight", "knight"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_exo_knight.png", "images/combat_exo_knight.png", "images/combat_exo_knight.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 26,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Knights brings up his plasma lances, droning, \s"Slaughter the heretics in the name of Eden!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "the_crossroads_abomassault",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "Blood Sons",\n class: "human_heavy_merc_sok",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs move forward agressively, bringing their weapons to bear, \s"For the Cabal!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc_bloodhound",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him",],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.95,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs bring up their rifles, calling, \s"Shoot to kill!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "Blood Sons",\n class: "human_heavy_merc_sok",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 3,\n\t\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises rifle, calling, \s"There! Shoot to kill!\s"",\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t}>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "random_syndicate_postkill",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_imposing",\n\t\tname: "oger",\n class: "abomination_oger",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_oger_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_oger_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["oger"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_oger_pipe.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Oger hesitates, its gaze drawn directly toward you. The next instant it rushes for the base of the stairs below, roaring. You have moments at most before it reaches you.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_scrapyard_oger_loot",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_imposing",\n\t\tname: "oger",\n class: "abomination_oger",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_oger_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_oger_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["oger"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_oger_pipe.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 26,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Oger stomps up the stairs, snarling angrily as its pipe bounces noisily. You have moments at most before it reaches you - moments to offer it a good end.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_scrapyard_oger_loot",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_imposing",\n\t\tname: "oger",\n class: "abomination_oger",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_oger_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_oger_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["oger"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_oger_crowbar.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 26,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Oger surges forward with a roar, its eyes burning with barely-contained bloodlust.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_imposing",\n\t\tname: "oger",\n class: "abomination_oger",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_oger_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_oger_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["oger"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_oger_female.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 34,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Oger advances, eyes blazing with crazed anger and improvized lance held ready.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_mexaplex_wretchhive",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "exonetics_paladin",\n\t\tname: "Sunlord",\n class: "machine_exo_paladin",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "paladin_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "paladin_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Sunlord"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_paladin_old.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 42,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 48,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Brilliant light begins to form between the Sunlord's fingers. Even from afar you can feel the air begin to heat.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_machinetemple_loot",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "exonetics_paladin",\n\t\tname: "Paladin",\n class: "machine_exo_paladin",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "paladin_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "paladin_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Paladin"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_paladin.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 46,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 64,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.2,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "Brilliant light burns between the Paladin's fingers. Even from afar you can feel the searing heat.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b14_cathedral_final_postpaladin",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "purifiers",\n class: "human_light_merc_purifier",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["purifier", "purifier", "purifier", "purifier", "purifier"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_purifier.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier_2.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.66,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Purifiers move into position, weapons at the ready. One calls, \s"Purge the abomination, brothers!\s".",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_tramway_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "purifiers",\n class: "human_light_merc_purifier",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["purifier", "purifier", "purifier", "purifier", "purifier"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_purifier_2.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier_2.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier.png", "images/combat_merc_purifier.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.66,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Purifiers move into position and level their coilguns. One calls, \s"Kill the abomination, brothers!\s".",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "the_crossroads_endmsn_arva2",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "thug", "thug", "thug", "thug"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "her", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_thug.png", "images/combat_human_thug_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_thug_female_masked.png", "images/combat_human_thug_3.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 5,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The thugs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises a rifle, calling, \s"Shoot the traitor!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "thug", "thug", "thug"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_2.png", "images/combat_human_thug_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_thug_3.png", "images/combat_human_thug.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The thugs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises a rifle, calling, \s"Ice the fucker!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "thug", "thug"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_thug_3.png", "images/combat_human_thug.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 3,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The thugs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises his pistol, calling, \s"Traitor! Shoot te kill!\s"",\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t}>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "random_syndicate_postkill",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n \tclass: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "thug", "thug", "thug"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_2.png", "images/combat_human_thug_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_thug_female_masked.png", "images/combat_human_thug.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The thugs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises a rifle, calling, \s"Ice the fucker!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_riptide_revenge_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "raptors",\n class: "human_armored_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_nohelmet.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_female.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The raptors scrambe into cover, rifles aimed and ready. One of them calls, \s"Blast the bastards!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_raptoroutpost_loot",\n\t\tally: "jalkovski_rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "raptors",\n class: "human_armored_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_nohelmet.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Raptors take cover behind the barricades with a shouted, \s"Blast the fuckers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_visionary_riptidefinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "heavies",\n class: "human_heavy_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["heavy", "heavy", "heavy", "heavy"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Raptor heavies re-form their firing line, stepping over dead cultists as their coils spin up.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_visionary_riptidefinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "raptors",\n class: "human_armored_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her", "him", "her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his", "her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_nohelmet.png", "images/combat_human_thug_female_masked.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_female.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "Coilfire lulls just long enough for the bodyguard to shout, \s"Ice Acrel! Ice that fucker, kids!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_riptide_assault",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "raptors",\n class: "human_armored_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_female.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_nohelmet.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The raptors scrambe into firing positions, calling, \s"Blast the fuckers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_bazar_visionpost",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "raptors",\n class: "human_armored_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor", "raptor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor_nohelmet.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The raptors move into position, laying down such a volume of fire that you barely dare peak out of cover.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_bazar_visionfinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "heavies",\n class: "human_heavy_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["heavy", "heavy", "heavy"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.05,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The heavies advance undeterred, shrugging off stray rounds as their weapons' coils spin up anew.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_bazar_visionfinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "heavies",\n class: "human_heavy_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["heavy", "heavy", "heavy", "heavy"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Raptor heavies form a firing line, kicking stray abominations aside as their coils spin up.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_riptide_assault",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "raptors",\n class: "human_armored_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["raptor", "raptor", "raptor"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png", "images/combat_human_raptor.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The raptors advance, shouting over the gunfire, \s"Blast the bastards!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "ratroach",\n class: "xenofauna_ratroach",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_ratroach_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_ratroach_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["ratroach"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_ratroach.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Ratroach sniffs the air, antennae alert as it musters you with a beedy stare.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_intromission_conclude",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "lilly_carbine">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "ratroach",\n class: "xenofauna_ratroach",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_ratroach_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_ratroach_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["ratroach"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_ratroach_rabid.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Ratroach advances, antennae twitching as mucus froths between its bloody teeth.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_quarantine_inside",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna",\n\t\tname: "ratroach",\n class: "xenofauna_ratroach",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_ratroach_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_ratroach_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["ratroach"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_ratroach_rabid.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Ratroach advances, antennae twitching as mucus froths between its bloody teeth.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_sprawl_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_unique",\n\t\tname: "Siren",\n class: "abomination_siren",\n\t\tgender: "her",\n\t\tposessive: "her",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_siren_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_siren_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Siren"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_siren.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 50,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Siren surges forward, a blur of motion and flesh-strands. She'll strike any moment.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_addon_constructionsite_loot",\n\t\tally: "comissar_pistol",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc_kobol",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him",],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.95,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs bring up their rifles, calling, \s"Shoot to kill!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_visionescape",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Blood Sons",\n class: "human_heavy_merc_sok",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Kobol mercs bring their rail cannons to bear, droning, \s"Ice the motherfucker!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "highbornpalace_faction_postfight",\n\t\tally: "pineapple_rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Blood Sons",\n class: "human_heavy_merc_sok",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Kobol mercs advance, voices droning over the gunfire, \s"Advance! Ice the fucking fuckers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "fisher_rifle">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Blood Sons",\n class: "human_heavy_merc_sok",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Kobol mercs heft their rail cannons, droning, \s"Blast this fucker!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_kobol_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "Blood Sons",\n class: "human_heavy_merc_sok",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png", "images/combat_merc_kobol.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Kobol mercs advance, leveling their cannons and shouting, \s"Ice the motherfuckers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "flank">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_unique",\n\t\tname: "Sphinx",\n class: "abomination_sphinx",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "destroying",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_sphinx_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_sphinx_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["Sphinx"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_sphinx_real.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 32,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Sphinx prowls around you. Holograms flicker around it's body, revealing glimpses of a mechanical skeleton beneath.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "addon_ithchamber_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna_imposing",\n\t\tname: "stingcrab",\n class: "xenofauna_stringcrab",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_stingcrab_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_stingcrab_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["stingcrab"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_stingcrab.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Stingcrab prances toward you, pincers clicking menacingly as its barbed tentacles sway lazily.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "tram_breakdown_finalpassage",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "xenofauna_imposing",\n\t\tname: "stingcrab",\n class: "xenofauna_stringcrab",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_stingcrab_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_stingcrab_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["stingcrab"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_stingcrab.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 32,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Stingcrab prances toward you, pincers clicking menacingly as its barbed tentacles sway lazily.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_lowhabs_insidelair",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 4,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 12,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The commandos level their rifles, one of them calling, \s"Ice the motherfuckers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_addon_constructionsite_loot",\n\t\tally: "siren_knife",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 10,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The commandos level their rifles, one of them calling, \s"Ice the motherfucker, Bill!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_snydicate_landingpad",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_2.png", "images/combat_merc_commando.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 5,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 10,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\ttaunt: "The commandos move into position. Holo-targeting beams flicker across the walls.",\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["commando", "commando", "commando"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_2.png", "images/combat_merc_commando.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 5,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 10,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\ttaunt: "The commandos move into position. Holo-targeting beams flicker across the bulkhead.",\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_postambush",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "captain",\n class: "human_commando_merc_captain",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["captain"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 14,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.7,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The captain slams another bolt into his rifle, raging furiously from across the loading yard.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_athena_leave",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $combat.enemy.armor lt 12>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.ceil($combat.enemy.armor * 2)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $combat.enemy.armor = Math.ceil($combat.enemy.armor * 1.1)>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 6>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "commando", "merc", "commando"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him",],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_2.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\t\tshield: 10,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises rifle, calling, \s"Shoot to kill!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "commandos",\n class: "human_commando_merc",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "commando", "merc", "commando"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him",],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_2.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 3,\n\t\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\t\tshield: 10,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises rifle, calling, \s"Shoot to kill!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'commando_tweak'>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 4>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises rifle, calling, \s"Engage. Engage!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_carbine.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises rifle, calling, \s"Hostile Spotted!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_carbine.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 3,\n\t\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises rifle, calling, \s"Contact! Engage!\s"",\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him",],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his",],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_2.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 2,\n\t\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The mercs hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them grabs his sidearm, calling, \s"Contact front!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "random_syndicate_postkill",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs bring their rifles up, shouting, \s"Down! Down! Now or we Shoot!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "snydicate_crossroads_inside",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_handgun",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_2.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs scramble for cover, though there's hardly anything between them and you in the cramped security office.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_snydicate_security",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_handgun",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_2.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_carbine.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Mercs look up, startled. One of them grabs his pistol, shouting, \s"Shit! Company!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_findshipment_2",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "As the mercs hurry into positions, one of them barks, \s"Suppressive Fire!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_athena_enter",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Syndicate 4 mercs are standing around the door. They haven't noticed you - yet.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_athena_enter",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs duck back into cover. Ringing silence haunts the landing pad.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "B1_vindelmansion_siege_drop",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "hold">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.ally = "jalkovski_rifle">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive -= 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Mercs by the door haven't noticed you - yet. Best to strike quick and hard.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_lowhabs_postsyndicate",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.25,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "One of the mercs ducks back to reload. The others are still firing at the Zanex troopers.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum",\n\t\tally: "jalkovski_rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Mercs level their weapons. One of them calls, \s"Contact. Contact! Open fire!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_lowhabs_postsyndicate",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "mercenaries",\n class: "human_light_merc_rifle",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["merc", "merc", "merc", "merc", "merc"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png", "images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png" ],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs bring up their weapons, calling, \s"Got another one!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_visionescape",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "heavy",\n class: "human_heavy_merc",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["heavy"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Heavy steps into view. Holo-markers flicker across the tank beside you as his weapon's coils spin up.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_treatment_plant",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "heavies",\n class: "human_heavy_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["heavy", "heavy", "heavy"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Heavies aim their weapons, holo-markers flickering to life as the coils spin up.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_lowhabs_postheavies",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "heavies",\n class: "human_heavy_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["heavy", "heavy", "heavy", "heavy"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png", "images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Heavies aim their weapons, holo-markers flickering to life as the coils spin up. \s"Kill the wretches!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "flank">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy.alive = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "freaks",\n class: "human_light_merc_psycho",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["freak", "freak"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_psycho_female.png", "images/combat_merc_psycho_carbine.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 7,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Freaks ready their weapons, anger blazing in their drug-crazed eyes.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "random_backalley_postcombat",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "thug", "thug"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_female.png", "images/combat_human_thug_2.png", "images/combat_human_thug.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.3,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Thugs scramble for their weapons. One of them shouts, \s"Shoot the fucker!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "random_backalley_postcombat",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "goon"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug.png", "images/combat_human_thug_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.3,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "As the thugs raise their weapons, one of them shouts, \s"You are so dead!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.3,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_oldhabs_roomenter",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "outlaw", "goon"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_2.png", "images/combat_human_thug_3.png", "images/combat_human_thug_female.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.25,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "As the thugs raise their weapons, the woman shouts, \s"Shoot the fucker already!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_oldhabs_roomenter_2",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "Flavio", "goon"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_female_2.png", "images/combat_human_thug_smg.png", "images/combat_human_thug.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.3,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "As the thugs raise their weapons, Flavio calls, \s"Ice the bastard!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_2",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "outlaw", "thug"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "him"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_2.png", "images/combat_human_thug_smg.png", "images/combat_human_thug_3.png",],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "As the thugs raise their weapons, one of them shouts, \s"Blast 'eir hearts out, boys!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b10_jewler_bodybags",\n\t\tally: "fisher_pistol",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "thugs",\n class: "human_no_armor_thug",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["thug", "outlaw", "thug"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "him"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_thug_3.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger.png", "images/combat_human_thug.png",],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The thugs scramble for cover. One of them shouts, \s"Mothafucka's gon' die!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_tramway_postfight",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "scavengers",\n class: "human_no_armor_scav",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["scavenger", "scavenger", "scavenger",],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him",],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his",],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_scavenger.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The scavengers scramble into something resembling firing positions. One of them shouts, \s"Kill im quick!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_warren_inside",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "scavengers",\n class: "human_no_armor_scav",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["scavenger", "scavenger", "scavenger", "scavenger"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_scavenger.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_female.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The scavengers scramble into something resembling firing positions. One of them shouts, \s"Shoot im! Shoot im!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_mexaplex_wretchhive",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "scavengers",\n class: "human_no_armor_scav",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["scavenger", "scavenger", "scavenger", "scavenger"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "his"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_scavenger.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The scavengers begin to run toward you. One of them shouts, \s"Shoot im! Shoot im!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_sprawl_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "scavengers",\n class: "human_no_armor_scav",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["scavenger", "scavenger", "scavenger", "scavenger"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_female.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The scavengers scramble for their guns. The man with sunken eyes shouts, \s"Kill im! Kill im!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_lowhabs_postscavvers",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "addicts",\n class: "human_no_armor_scav",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["addict", "addict", "addict"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_2.png", "images/combat_human_scavenger_female.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "One of the addicts racks his un-loaded pistol. Another shouts, \s"Kill im! Kill im!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_freaks_palacegone_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "freaks",\n class: "human_light_merc_psycho",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["freak", "freak"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 2,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The freaks keep their weapons level, optics glowing behind their gunsights. Evidently they know shit is about to go down.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_psychocult_introduce",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "freak",\n class: "human_light_merc_psycho",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["freak"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The freak scrambles for his rifle, clearly aware he's about to meet a sticky end.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_psychocult_exterminated",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "freaks",\n class: "human_light_merc_psycho",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["freak", "freak", "freak", "freak"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_psycho_female.png", "images/combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png", "images/combat_merc_psycho_carbine.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The freaks stride toward you with determination. The woman racks her carbine, calling, \s"For the High King!\s".",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_freaks_palacefled_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "warden",\n class: "human_armor",\n\t\tgender: "him",\n\t\tposessive: "his",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["warden"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_warden.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 2,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0.25,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "The warden slams another tranq-dart into his rifle, shouting, \s"You're asking for it! You are so asking for it!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0.25,\n\t\tcontinue: "xenogarden_resolve",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "witch",\n class: "human_no_armor_witch",\n\t\tgender: "her",\n\t\tposessive: "her",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_melee_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["witch"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_witch.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The witch drops into a low stance, blade held ready and eyes bright with crazed anger. Clearly she doesn't intend to go out without a suicidal fight.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_3",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "woman",\n class: "human_no_armor_witch",\n\t\tgender: "her",\n\t\tposessive: "her",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_melee_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["woman"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_faralah.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The witch backs away, worry plain in her eyes as she draws a curved blade. Great lot of good that will do her. She's dead - and she knows it.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_3",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher" or $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.continue = "b5_covenfinal_leave_fisher">>\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">>\n\t\t<<set $combat.player.continue = "b5_covenfinal_leave_alone">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "sentries",\n class: "human_armor_witch",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["sentry", "sentry", "sentry", "sentry"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "her", "her", "her"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "her", "her", "her"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_witchsentry_female.png", "images/combat_human_witchsentry_female.png", "images/combat_human_witchsentry_female_2.png", "images/combat_human_witchsentry_female.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 4,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 14,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\ttaunt: "Arc shields errupt as the sentries level their coilguns, calling, \s"Death to servants of the False Queen!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_refugium_mission",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "wraith",\n class: "abomination_wraith",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "igniting",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_wraith_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_wraith_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["wraith"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_wraith.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 4,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Wraith hesitates, fangs bared and claws spread wide. Evidently it's forgotten about Raj Winston and decided you are the greater threat.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "the_crossroads_findraj_appartmentblock_talk",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "wraith",\n class: "abomination_wraith",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "igniting",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_wraith_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_wraith_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["wraith"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_wraith.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 9,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 14,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Wraith appears before you, fangs bared and claws spread wide. Anger burns in its inhuman eyes.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b33_constructionsite_altar",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "banshee",\n class: "abomination_banshee",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "igniting",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_wraith_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_wraith_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["banshee"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_banshee.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 34,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The banshee glides forawd, fangs bared and claws spread wide. Anger burns in its inhuman eyes.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_junction_postbanshee",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "abomination_elusive",\n\t\tname: "banshee",\n class: "abomination_banshee",\n\t\tgender: "it",\n\t\tposessive: "its",\n\t\tdeathtype: "igniting",\n\t\tresulttext: "abomination_wraith_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "abomination_wraith_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["banshee"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["it"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["its"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_abom_banshee.png"],\n\t\talive: 1,\n\t\tarmor: 26,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 32,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The banshee turns to you, fangs bared and claws spread wide. Anger burns in its inhuman eyes.",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_warren_inside",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "radicals",\n class: "human_no_armor_theophobe",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["radical", "radical", "radical", "radical", "radical"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "her", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "her", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_theophobe.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_female.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 5,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The radicals hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises a rifle, calling, \s"Shoot the traitor!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "radicals",\n class: "human_no_armor_theophobe",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["radical", "radical", "radical", "radical"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "his"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 4,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The radicals hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises a rifle, calling, \s"Ice the fucker!\s"",\n\t\t}>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\t\tname: "radicals",\n class: "human_no_armor_theophobe",\n\t\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\t\tsinglenames: ["radical", "radical", "radical"],\n\t\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "her"],\n\t\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "her"],\n\t\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_female.png"],\n\t\t\talive: 3,\n\t\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\t\ttaunt: "The radicals hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises his pistol, calling, \s"Traitor! Shoot te kill!\s"",\n\t\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\t}>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "random_syndicate_postkill",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "radicals",\n class: "human_no_armor_theophobe",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["radical", "radical", "radical"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["her", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["her", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_human_theophobe_female.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png", "images/combat_human_theophobe_rifle.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\ttaunt: "The radicals hesitate as they see you do the same. One of them raises his pistol, calling, \s"Traitor! Shoot te kill!\s"",\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "rnd_riptide_revenge_after",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs scrambe into cover, carbines aimed and ready. One of them calls, \s"Ice the motherfuckers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "b30_raptoroutpost_loot",\n\t\tally: "fisher_rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Zanex troopers take cover behind the barricades with a shouted, \s"Engage! Engage!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_visionary_riptidefinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tresetMovesAfter: 12,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs bring their weapons up. One of them calls, \s"There! Shoot the faith-lover!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "riptide_resolve_zanex",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 14,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0.1,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tresetMovesAfter: 12,\n\t\ttaunt: "The mercs fan out, assuming firing positions. One of them calls, \s"Shoot the faith-lovers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.2,\n\t\tcontinue: "riptide_resolve_zanex",\n\t\tally: "fisher_pistol",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Zanex troopers bring up their weapons, calling, \s"Intruder! Intruder!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "mainsion_raid_greathall",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "him", "him"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.05,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Zanex troopers move into position, calling, \s"Lethal force authorized. Take the intruder down!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "mainsion_raid_postbattle",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Zanex troopers move into position, calling, \s"Lethal force authorized. Take the intruder down!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "mainsion_raid_flee",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "him", "him"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Zanex troopers assume firing positions, calling, \s"Waste the xenos fuckers!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_bazar_visionpost",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 5,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Zanex troopers advance, laying down such a volume of fire you barely dare peek out of cover",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b29_bazar_visionfinal",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "his", "his"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 3,\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "The Zanex troopers advance, shouting over the gunfire, \s"Take 'em all out!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0,\n\t\tcontinue: "b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.enemy = {\n\t\ttype: "human",\n\t\tname: "troopers",\n class: "human_riot_merc",\n\t\tgender: "them",\n\t\tposessive: "their",\n\t\tdeathtype: "killing",\n\t\tresulttext: "default_result",\n\t\tresponsetext: "human_firearm_response",\n\t\tsinglenames: ["trooper", "trooper", "trooper", "trooper"],\n\t\tsinglegender: ["him", "him", "him", "him"],\n\t\tsingleposessive: ["his", "his", "him", "him"],\n\t\timages: ["images/combat_merc_zanex.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_ltnt.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png", "images/combat_merc_zanex_2.png"],\n\t\talive: 4,\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\ttaunt: "Coilfire lulls just long enough for Jalkovski to shout, \s"Eyes on Acrel! Ice the fucker!\s"",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $combat.player = {\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tcover: 0.15,\n\t\tcontinue: "b28_riptide_assault",\n\t\tally: "none",\n\t}>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'enemyDataAbom'>>\n<<display 'enemyDataXeno'>>\n<<display 'enemyDataBots'>>\n<<display 'enemyDataOther'>>\n\n<<if $returnedData.type eq "xenofauna" or $returnedData.type eq "xenofauna_imposing">>\n <<set $returnedData.isOrganic = true>>\n <<set $returnedData.isXenos = true>>\n <<if $returnedData.type eq "xenofauna_imposing">>\n <<set $returnedData.isImposing = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedData.type eq "abomination" or $returnedData.type eq "abomination_imposing" or $returnedData.type eq "abomination_elusive" or $returnedData.type eq "abomination_unique">>\n <<set $returnedData.isOrganic = true>>\n <<set $returnedData.isAbomination = true>>\n\n <<if $returnedData.type eq "abomination_imposing">>\n <<set $returnedData.isImposing = true>>\n <<elseif $returnedData.type eq "abomination_elusive">>\n <<set $returnedData.isElusive = true>>\t\n <<elseif $returnedData.type eq "abomination_unique">>\n <<set $returnedData.isUniqueAbom = true>>\t\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedData.type eq "human">>\n <<set $returnedData.isOrganic = true>>\n <<set $returnedData.isHuman = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedData.type eq "machine_bot" or $returnedData.type eq "machine_cyborg" or $returnedData.type eq "machine_bot_adv" or $returnedData.type eq "machine_exo" or $returnedData.type eq "exonetics_paladin">>\n <<set $returnedData.isMachine = true>>\n <<if $returnedData.type eq "machine_bot_adv" or $returnedData.type eq "machine_exo" or $returnedData.type eq "exonetics_paladin">>\n <<set $returnedData.isAdvMachine= true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $getDataFor eq "human_exo_merc" or $getDataFor eq "human_exo_highking" or $getDataFor eq "human_exo_knight">>\n <<set $returnedData.isCyborg = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% unique cases %/\n<<if $getDataFor eq "abomination_sphinx">>\n <<set $returnedData.isMachine = true; $returnedData.isAdvMachine = true>>\n <<set $returnedData.isOrganic = false>>\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_djinn_synthetic" or $getDataFor eq "abomination_djinn">>\n <<set $returnedData.isOrganic = false>>\n <<set $returnedData.isBlackBloodCreature = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $returnedData.isLargeTarget>>\n <<set $returnedData.isLargeTarget = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.hasFrictionShield>>\n <<set $returnedData.hasFrictionShield = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.hasPaladinAttack>>\n <<set $returnedData.hasPaladinAttack = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.didreappear>>\n <<set $returnedData.didreappear = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.hasRailgun>>\n <<set $returnedData.hasRailgun = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.hasMiniGun>>\n <<set $returnedData.hasMiniGun = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isCyborg>>\n <<set $returnedData.isCyborg = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isXenos>>\n <<set $returnedData.isXenos = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isImposing>>\n <<set $returnedData.isImposing = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isOrganic>>\n <<set $returnedData.isOrganic = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isAbomination>>\n <<set $returnedData.isAbomination = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isElusive>>\n <<set $returnedData.isElusive = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isUniqueAbom>>\n <<set $returnedData.isUniqueAbom = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isAdvMachine>>\n <<set $returnedData.isAdvMachine = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isMachine>>\n <<set $returnedData.isMachine = false>>\n<</if>>\n<<if not $returnedData.isOldWorldMachine>>\n <<set $returnedData.isOldWorldMachine = false>>\n<</if>>
<<if $getDataFor eq "robot_securitybot_light">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_bot",\n name: "Security Bot",\n sampleImage: "combat_bot_security.png",\n armor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 4,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_circuits",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 8}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "robot_securitybot_medium">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_bot_adv",\n name: "Tripod Bot",\n sampleImage: "combat_bot_tripod.png",\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 20,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n hasMiniGun: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_circuits",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 12}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "robot_securitybot_medium_cartel">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_bot_adv",\n name: "Tripod Bot (Cartel)",\n sampleImage: "combat_bot_tripod_cartel.png",\n\t\tarmor: 36,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 16,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_circuits",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 6}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Plasma Caster", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.75}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "robot_oldworld_warbot">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_bot_adv",\n name: "WarBot",\n sampleImage: "combat_bot_warbot.png",\n\t\tarmor: 40,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tshield: 16,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n hasMiniGun: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n isOldWorldMachine: true,\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Purge", strength: 12}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Missile Storm", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "Gas Cloud", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n <<elseif $getDataFor eq "robot_oldworld_guardian">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_bot",\n name: "Guardian",\n sampleImage: "combat_bot_old.png",\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n isOldWorldMachine: true,\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Purge", strength: 18}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Missile Storm", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "Gas Cloud", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "robot_oldworld_tomb_guardian">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_bot_adv",\n name: "Tomb Guardian",\n sampleImage: "combat_bot_old_guardian.png",\n\t\tarmor: 50,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n isOldWorldMachine: true,\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Purge", strength: 22}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Missile Storm", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "Gas Cloud", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "machine_exo_paladin">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "exonetics_paladin",\n name: "Paladin Battlesuit",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_paladin.png",\n\t\tarmor: 42,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 48,\n\t\thasFrictionShield: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n hasPaladinAttack: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n isOldWorldMachine: true,\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashMelee", displayName: "Disarm", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoSlam", displayName: "Gut Punch", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Purge", strength: 25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n<</if>>
<<if $getDataFor eq "xenofauna_cephanine">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "xenofauna",\n name: "Cephanine",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_cephanine.png",\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 6,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n lootType: "loot_xeno_sample",\n }>>\n \n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "xenofauna_stringcrab">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "xenofauna_imposing",\n name: "Stingcrab",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_stingcrab.png",\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 2,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n lootType: "loot_xeno_sample",\n }>>\n \n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "xenofauna_ratroach">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "xenofauna",\n name: "Ratroach",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_ratroach.png",\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 2,\n lootType: "loot_xeno_sample",\n }>>\n \n<</if>>
<<if $getDataFor eq "abomination_shambler">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination",\n name: "Shambler",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_failwraith.png",\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShriek", displayName: "Shriek", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_acheri">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination",\n name: "Acheri",\n sampleImage: "combat_acheri_female.png",\n armor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n lootType: "loot_circuits",\n }>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_djinn_synthetic">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_unique",\n name: "Djinn (Synthetic)",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_synthdjinn.png",\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 50,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\tusesFakeCover: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoSlam", displayName: "Gut Punch", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Overpower", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashMelee", displayName: "Disarm", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_djinn">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_unique",\n name: "Djinn",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_djinn.png",\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 65,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\tusesFakeCover: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoSlam", displayName: "Gut Punch", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Overpower", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashMelee", displayName: "Disarm", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_hellcat">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_elusive",\n name: "Hellcat",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_hellcat.png",\n\t\tarmor: 8,\n\t\tvulnerable: "toxin",\n\t\timmune: "conductive",\n\t\tshield: 22,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoStruggle", displayName: "Ambush", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.65}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_oger">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_imposing",\n name: "Oger",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_oger_pipe.png",\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "plasma",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n \n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_siren">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_unique",\n name: "Siren",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_siren.png",\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 50,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_Reconstitue", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 20}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGasCombo", displayName: "Noxious Gas", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashMelee", displayName: "Disarm", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n \n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_sphinx">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_unique",\n name: "Sphinx",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_sphinx_real.png",\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 32,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n lootType: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n\n }>>\n \n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_wraith">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_elusive",\n name: "Wraith",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_wraith.png",\n\t\tarmor: 4,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_Reconstitue", displayName: "Shriek", strength: 20}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShriek", displayName: "Shriek", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "Noxious Gas", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>> \n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "abomination_banshee">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "abomination_elusive",\n name: "Banshee",\n sampleImage: "combat_abom_banshee.png",\n\t\tarmor: 28,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 34,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tdidreappear: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n lootType: "loot_abom_sample",\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_Reconstitue", displayName: "Shriek", strength: 20}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShriek", displayName: "Shriek", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "Noxious Gas", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>> \n\n<</if>>
<<if $getDataFor eq "human_no_armor_thug">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Thug (Unarmored)",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_arena_thug_female.png",\n armor: 0,\n shield: 0,\n immune: "none",\n vulnerable: "none",\n isMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_no_armor_theophobe">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Radical (Unarmored)",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_theophobe.png",\n armor: 0,\n shield: 0,\n immune: "none",\n vulnerable: "none",\n isMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_no_armor_scav">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Scavenger (Unarmored)",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_scavenger_2.png",\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_no_armor">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Human",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_workman.png",\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n \n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_armor_hunter">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Sanctioned Hunter",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_hunter.png",\n\t\tarmor: 5,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 16,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_light_merc_rifle" or $getDataFor eq "human_light_merc_handgun">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Mercenary Contractor",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_syndicate_2.png",\n armor: 8,\n shield: 0,\n immune: "toxin",\n vulnerable: "none",\n isMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_light_merc_psycho">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Psycho (Armored)",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_psycho_rifle.png",\n armor: 8,\n shield: 0,\n immune: "toxin",\n vulnerable: "none",\n isMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_commando_merc_kobol">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Bloodhound Commando",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_commando_kobol.png",\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n\n }>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_light_merc_purifier">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Purifiers",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_purifier_2.png",\n\t\tarmor: 16,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 10}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_commando_merc">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Commando",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png",\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 10,\n isMeeleAttacker: false,\t\t\n hasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoBigArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>> \n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_commando_merc_captain">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Mercenary Captain",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png",\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 14,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGasCombo", displayName: "Gas Combo", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoBigArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_heavy_merc">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Mercenary Heavy",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_syndicate_heavy.png",\n\t\tarmor: 18,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n hasMiniGun: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 10}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_heavy_merc_sok">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Blood Sons",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_kobol_light.png",\n armor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n hasHeavyRailgun: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_exo_highking">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_exo",\n name: "High King",\n sampleImage: "combat_exo_psycho.png",\n\t\tarmor: 32,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 28,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 14}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoSlam", displayName: "Gut Punch"}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_exo_merc">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_exo",\n name: "Exo Armor",\n sampleImage: "combat_exo_syndicate.png",\n armor: 28,\n shield: 24,\n immune: "toxin",\n vulnerable: "none",\n isMeeleAttacker: false,\t\t\n hasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n hasHeavyRailgun: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 14}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoSlam", displayName: "Gut Punch"}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.65}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_exo_knight">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_exo",\n name: "Knights of Eden",\n sampleImage: "combat_exo_knight.png",\n\t\tarmor: 22,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 24,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\tisBrutalMeele: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 14}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoSlam", displayName: "Gut Punch"}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.65}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_light_cyber">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Cyber Cultists",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_cybercult.png",\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 8,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n isCyborg: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoArc", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "robot_cyborg_railgun">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "machine_cyborg",\n name: "Cyborgs",\n sampleImage: "combat_bot_cyborg.png",\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "conductive",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 26,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n isCyborg: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoShields", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 15}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_deathmatch_champion_lavandri">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Lavandri Champion",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_arena_lavandri.png",\n\t\tarmor: 60,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 30,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: true,\n\t\thasRailgun: true,\n isCyborg: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoBigArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGasCombo", displayName: "Gas Combo", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>> \n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_deathmatch_champion_incubus">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Incubus Champion",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_arena_incubus.png",\n\t\tarmor: 24,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 56,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n\t\thasArcShield: false,\n isCyborg: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoSlam", displayName: "Shield Boost", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashMelee", displayName: "Disarm", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGasCombo", displayName: "Gas Combo", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>> \n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_no_armor_fanatic">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Fanatics",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_fanatic_3.png",\n\t\tarmor: 0,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_armor_cultist">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Cultists",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_cultist_2.png",\n\t\tarmor: 10,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.25}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_hybrid">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Hybrid",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_hybrid_2.png",\n\t\tarmor: 26,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n isHumanoid: true,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_Reconstitue", displayName: "Reconstitute", strength: 20}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoGas", displayName: "ViroDisc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_armored_thug">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Thug (Armored)",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_raptor.png",\n\t\tarmor: 6,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoCover", displayName: "Take Cover", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.35}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoArc", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_no_armor_witch">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Witch",\n sampleImage: "combat_human_witch.png",\n\t\tarmor: 1,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "none",\n isHumanoid: true,\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: true,\n\t\thasArcShield: false,\n\t\tisLargeTarget: false,\n }>>\n\n<<elseif $getDataFor eq "human_riot_merc">>\n <<set $returnedData = {\n type: "human",\n name: "Riot Contractor",\n sampleImage: "combat_merc_zanex.png",\n\t\tarmor: 12,\n\t\tvulnerable: "none",\n\t\timmune: "toxin",\n\t\tshield: 0,\n\t\tisMeeleAttacker: false,\n specialMoves: [],\n }>>\n\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_ShieldWall", displayName: "Shield Wall", strength: 18}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoFlashbang", displayName: "Shock-Flash", strength: 1, hasChance: true, chance: 0.5}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n <<set $moveItem = {name: "move_DoArcGainShield", displayName: "Arc Disc", strength: 1}; $returnedData.specialMoves.push($moveItem)>>\n\n<</if>>
<<set $itemListEnemy = []>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemy = []>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect = []>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo = []>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_shambler", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Shambler", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Shambler"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_wraith", displayName: "Wraith", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Wraith"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_banshee", displayName: "Banshee", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Banshee"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_acheri", displayName: "Acheri", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Acheri"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_oger", displayName: "Oger", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Oger"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_hellcat", displayName: "Hellcat", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Hellcat"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_siren", displayName: "Siren", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Siren"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_sphinx", displayName: "Sphinx", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Sphinx"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_djinn_synthetic", displayName: "Djinn (Synthetic)", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "abomination_djinn", displayName: "Djinn", type: "abominations"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Djinn"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "xenofauna_ratroach", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Ratroach", type: "xenofauna"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Ratroach"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "xenofauna_cephanine", displayName: "Cephanine", type: "xenofauna"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Cephanine"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "xenofauna_stringcrab", displayName: "Stingcrab", type: "xenofauna"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.push("Stingcrab"); $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_no_armor", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Human (Unarmored)", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_no_armor_scav", displayName: "Scavenger (Unarmored)", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_no_armor_thug", displayName: "Thug (Unarmored)", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_no_armor_theophobe", displayName: "Radical (Unarmored)", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_armor", displayName: "Human (Armored)", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_light_merc_psycho", displayName: "Psycho (Armored)", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_armored_thug", displayName: "Thug (Armored)", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_armor_hunter", displayName: "Sanctioned Hunter", type: "human"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_hybrid", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Hybrid", type: "humanoid"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_no_armor_witch", displayName: "Witch", type: "humanoid"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_light_merc_rifle", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Mercenary Contractor", type: "contractors"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_heavy_merc", displayName: "Mercenary Heavy", type: "contractors"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_commando_merc", displayName: "Mercenary Commando", type: "contractors"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_commando_merc_captain", displayName: "Mercenary Captain", type: "contractors"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_riot_merc", displayName: "Riot Contractor", type: "contractors"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_commando_merc_kobol", displayName: "Bloodhound Commando", type: "contractors"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_heavy_merc_sok", displayName: "Blood Sons", type: "contractors"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_no_armor_fanatic", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Fanatics", type: "cultists"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_armor_cultist", displayName: "Cultists", type: "cultists"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_light_merc_purifier", displayName: "Purifiers", type: "cultists"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_light_cyber", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Cyber Cultists", type: "cyborgs"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "robot_cyborg_railgun", displayName: "Cyborgs", type: "cyborgs"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_deathmatch_champion_lavandri", displayName: "Arena Champion (Lavandri)", type: "cyborgs"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_deathmatch_champion_incubus", displayName: "Arena Champion (Incubus)", type: "cyborgs"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_exo_merc", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Exo Armor", type: "mechanical"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_exo_highking", displayName: "High King", type: "mechanical"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "human_exo_knight", displayName: "Knights of Eden", type: "mechanical"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "robot_securitybot_light", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "Security Bot", type: "robotic"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "robot_securitybot_medium", displayName: "Tripod Bot", type: "robotic"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "robot_securitybot_medium_cartel", displayName: "Tripod Bot (Cartel)", type: "robotic"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "robot_oldworld_guardian", displayName: "Guardian", type: "robotic"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "robot_oldworld_tomb_guardian", displayName: "Tomb Guardian", type: "robotic"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "robot_oldworld_warbot", displayName: "WarBot", type: "robotic"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "machine_exo_paladin", displayName: "Paladin Battlesuit", type: "robotic"}; $itemListEnemy.push($gameItem); $hudTypeEnemy.push($gameItem.name)>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<script>>\n\t\tSaveSystem.saveAuto(state.active.variables.savesMenuPassage);\n\t<</script>>\n\t<<set $hud.didAutoSave = true>>\n<</nobr>>
/% round time %/\n<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n<<display 'checkArmorType'>>\n<<set $random = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n<<set $shockDamageType = "arc-shock">>\n<<set $plasmaDamageType = "incindeary">>\n<<set $toxinDamageType = "toxic gas">>\n\n/% set to true if needed %/\n<<set $debug = false>>\n<<set $debugCombat = false>>\n\n<<if $debug >>\n\t<<set $hud.currentLanguageCode = "en">>\n\n\t/% can remove these from other passages after %/\n\t<<display 'generateWeaponsList'>>\n\t<<display 'generateArmorList'>>\n\t<<display 'generateEnemyList'>>\t\n\t<<display 'initLocalization'>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $equip.rifle.anointment>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.anointment = "none">>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.lastAnointment = "none">>\n\t<<set $equip.pistol.anointment = "none">>\n\t<<set $equip.pistol.lastAnointment = "none">>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $equip.rifle.lastRifle>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.lastRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t<<set $equip.pistol.lastRifle = $equip.pistol.name>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $equip.pistol.lastAnointment = $equip.pistol.anointment>>\n<<set $equip.rifle.lastAnointment = $equip.rifle.anointment>>\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name neq $equip.rifle.lastRifle>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.anointment = "none">>\n<</if>>\n<<set $equip.rifle.lastRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\n<<if $equip.pistol.name neq $equip.pistol.lastRifle>>\n\t<<set $equip.pistol.anointment = "none">>\n<</if>>\n<<set $equip.pistol.lastRifle = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\n<<set $time.active = Math.round($time.active)>>\n\n/% Set min / max values for all attbts %/\n<<if $attrib.dilligence gt 100>>\n\t<<set $attrib.dilligence = 100>>\n<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.dilligence = 0>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 100>>\n\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 100>>\n<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gt 100>>\n\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 100>>\n<<elseif $attrib.toxicity lt 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 0>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $attrib.caution gt 100>>\n\t<<set $attrib.caution = 100>>\n<<elseif $attrib.caution lt 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.caution = 0>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $attrib.violence gt 100>>\n\t<<set $attrib.violence = 100>>\n<<elseif $attrib.violence lt 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.violence = 0>>\n<</if>>\n/% Top off Ammo Counters %/\n<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n<<display 'checkArmorType'>>\n\n/% ################################## %/\n/% CHURCH BILLING %/\n/% ################################## %/\n/% do credit calculation %/\n<<set $timesincelastbill = $time.active - $time.billedchurch>>\n<<set $timesincelastbill = Math.round($timesincelastbill)>>\n\n<<if $attrib.dilligence lt 20>>\n\t<<set $payment_church.modifier = 0>>\n<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 35>>\n\t<<set $payment_church.modifier = Math.round($attrib.salary / 4)>>\n<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 50>>\n\t<<set $payment_church.modifier = Math.round($attrib.salary / 3)>>\n<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 75>> \n\t<<set $payment_church.modifier = Math.round($attrib.salary / 2)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $payment_church.modifier = Math.round($attrib.salary / 1.5)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $attrib.dilligence_max>>\n\t<<set $attrib.dilligence_max = 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.dilligence gt ($attrib.dilligence_max + 5)>>\n\t<<set $attrib.dilligence_max = $attrib.dilligence>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.dilligence_max gt 100>>\n\t<<set $attrib.dilligence_max = 100>>\n<<elseif $attrib.dilligence_max lt 1>>\n\t<<set $attrib.dilligence_max = 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $payment_church.ammount = (($time.active - $time.billedchurch) / 24) * $attrib.salary + $payment_church.modifier>>\n<<set $payment_church.ammount = Math.round($payment_church.ammount * $gameworld_modifiers.churchModifier)>>\n<<set $presumedAmmountDue = Math.round(($attrib.salary + $payment_church.modifier) * $gameworld_modifiers.churchModifier)>>\n\n/% get credits %/\n<<if ($time.active - $time.billedchurch) gte 24>>\n\t/% catch case in case allegience changed\n\t\tonly occurs if message wasn't recieved before\n\t\t%/\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "church") and not $job_conspiracy.gotFundCutMessage>>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest and not $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut>>\n\t\t/% do church pay and, if applicable, pop finances anim %/\n\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += $payment_church.ammount>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut and not $job_conspiracy.gotFundCutMessage>>\n\t\t/% send message if church pay is cut %/\n\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_fundingcut)>>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.gotFundCutMessage = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t/% must keep this out here due to other effects triggering on the 24h cycle %/\n\t<<set $time.billedchurch = $time.active>>\n\n\t/% djinn stuff %/\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "scared_delay">>\n\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "watch">>\n\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance = 0.05>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance lt 0.33>>\n\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance += 0.025>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_8" or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_12") or ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_0") and $equip.isFashionOutfit)) and $attrib.criminality gte 2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality -= 2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality = Math.max(0, $attrib.criminality)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.stress -= 1>>\n\n\t/% <<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.stress -= 1>>\n\t<</if>> %/\n<</if>>\n\n/% 12h cycle for... well this for nothing atm now %/\n<<if ($time.active - $time.billedchurch) gte 12>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $takeDrugsTime = 12>>\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_3") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_5")>>\n\t<<set $haveSexTime -= (1 + (0.3 * $inztinct.affinity))>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($time.active - $time.tookdrugs) gte $takeDrugsTime>>\n\t<<set $sexPhases.canHaveDrugs = true>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $sexPhases.canHaveDrugs = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $sexPhases.canHaveSex = false>>\n<<set $haveSexTime = 18>>\n<<if $attrib.exhausted>>\n\t<<set $haveSexTime += 6>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_3")>>\n\t<<set $haveSexTime -= (1 + (0.3 * $inztinct.affinity))>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($time.active - $sexPhases.lastSexTime) gte $haveSexTime and $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t<<set $sexPhases.canHaveSex = true>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $sexPhases.canHaveSex = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% cyber gunimplant checkers, just to keep the gear properly assigned %/\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun")>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "cybergun">>\n<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon")>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "cybercannon">>\n<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "cybercarbine">>\n<</if>>\n\n/% get rid of cybergun %/\n<<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "cybergun" and not $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun")) or ($equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine" and not $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")) or ($equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon" and not $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon"))>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isCybernetic eq false>>\n\t/% TODO: REPLACE %/\n<</if>>\n\n/% reset fleshmold %/\n<<if $equip.isFleshMold eq false>>\n\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier = 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% reset bioaug %/\n<<if $equip.isBioImplant eq false>>\n\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier = 0>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% toxicity & fatigue ticks %/\n<<if ($time.active - $time.statstick) gte 3>>\n\n\t/% ########################################\n\tfleshmold melding \n\t########################################### %/\n\t<<if $equip.isFleshMold and $attrib.fleshMoldModifier lt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier += 0.06>> \n\t<<elseif $equip.isFleshMold and $attrib.fleshMoldModifier lt 1.2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier += 0.04>> \n\t<<elseif $equip.isFleshMold and $attrib.fleshMoldModifier lt 1.3>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier += 0.03>> \n\t<<elseif $equip.isFleshMold and $attrib.fleshMoldModifier lt 1.4>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier += 0.02>> \n\t<<elseif $equip.isFleshMold and $attrib.fleshMoldModifier lt 1.5>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier += 0.01>> \n\t<<elseif $equip.isFleshMold eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier = 0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fleshMoldModifier gt 1.5>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fleshMoldModifier = 1.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% ########################################\n\tbioaug handling\n\t########################################### %/\n\t<<if $equip.isBioImplant and $attrib.bioAugModifier lt 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier += 0.04>> \n\t<<elseif $equip.isBioImplant and $attrib.bioAugModifier lt 0.75>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier += 0.03>> \n\t<<elseif $equip.isBioImplant and $attrib.bioAugModifier lt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier += 0.02>> \n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic and $equip.isBioImplant>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier -= 0.01>> \n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% ########################################\n\ttox and fatigue\n\t########################################### %/\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 80>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.caution -= 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 1>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 55>>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 3>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 25>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 40>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.violence -= 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.caution -= 1>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.violence -= 2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.caution -= 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 4>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.infectionLevel gte 4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 5>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.infectionLevel gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 2>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $time.wasInfected eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $time.wasInfected = $time.active>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if ($time.active - $time.wasInfected) gte 6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infectionLevel += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $time.wasInfected neq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $time.wasInfected = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infectionLevel = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasWeaponFatigueOverride and not $equip.isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t<<if not $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("synth-fiber") or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("spinal-support") or $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif ($equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")) and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic and $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_9")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.brainaug eq "biochip">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Miasmic Armor">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 3>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Puffdress" or $equip.clothes eq "Puffwear">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 1>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Lightdress" or $equip.clothes eq "Lightwear">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("detoxifier")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 3>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress -= 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 3>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 3>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("shield")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 3>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("slenderbody")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_sleek") and $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue -= 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("synth-lung")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = false>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity -= 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4")>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.charge lt 100>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.charge += 11>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.charge = Math.min($equip.charge, 100)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $time.statstick = $time.active>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% force no addiction %/\n<<if ($inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_9") and $equip.isCybernetic) or $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin") or $equip.offhand.contains("braincase")>>\n\t<<set $attrib.addicted = false>>\n\t<<set $attrib.infected = false>>\n<</if>>\n/% force no infection %/\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomclaw") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle") or $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland") or ($equip.offhand.contains("rhinoskin") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5)>>\n\t<<set $attrib.infected = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase gte 1 and $equip.brainaug eq "none">>\n\t/% exhaustion calc %/\n\t<<set $thresshold = 0>>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "visionary" or $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t<<set $thresshold += 5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.exhausted>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.stress lt (55 + $thresshold)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.exhausted = false>>\n\t\t\t/% will this work? not certain; should prevent constant triggering %/\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.stress -= 10>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.stress gte 85 and $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 75>>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.stress gte 75 and $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.stress gte 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.exhausted = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'doAdctFatigueCalc'>>\n\n<<if $attrib.violence gte ($attrib.caution + 33)>>\n\t<<set $attrib.demeanor = "agressive">>\n<<elseif $attrib.caution gte ($attrib.violence + 33)>>\n\t<<set $attrib.demeanor = "cautious">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $attrib.demeanor = "balanced">>\n<</if>>\n\n/% brainaug overrides %/\n<<if $equip.brainaug eq "neurochip">>\n\t<<set $attrib.exhausted = false>>\n\t<<set $attrib.demeanor = "cautious">>\n<<elseif $equip.brainaug eq "biochip">>\n\t<<set $attrib.exhausted = false>>\n\t<<set $attrib.demeanor = "agressive">>\n<<elseif $equip.brainaug eq "neuroparasite">>\n\t<<set $attrib.exhausted = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% religion setters; only works for atheists %/\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.religion = "forsaken">>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.wasReset = true>>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.religion = "voided">>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.wasReset = true>>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.religion = "edenite">>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.wasReset = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget neq "none" and $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime eq 0>>\n\t<<set $factionlock.lockedFaction = "visionary">>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "none">>\n\t<<set $hud.codexBack = "passage">>\n\t<<set $inztinct.specialDisplayMode = "none">>\n\t<<set $hud.codexCompareBack = "none">>\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "gear">>\n\t<<set $hud.codexBack = "gear">>\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "codex">>\n\t<<set $hud.codexBack = "codex">>\n<</if>>\n\n/% \n##############################################################################################################################\nFunding Cut Calculations\n##############################################################################################################################\n%/\n\n<<if not $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "none" and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "church" and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "kobol">>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" and $factionlock.kobolPhase gt 1 and $factionlock.kobolPhase lt 99>>\n\t/% unique handler for Kobol as you can lock and then unlock your faction by joining them (1st encounter) and turning on them later (quest phase goes above 1)\n\tphase 1 is undecided, phase 99 is killed %/\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut = true>>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" and ($factionlock.kobolPhase eq 1 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99)>>\n\t/% escape in case got stuck in kobol funding trap %/\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% timed state change calls %/ \n<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.didMissionTime neq -1 and $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase gte 2 and ($time.active) gte ($job_boulevard_hellcat.didMissionTime + 12)>>\n\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<<set $job_boulevard_hellcat.didMissionTime = -1>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($job_boulevard_done)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += Math.round(2250 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.gotMessage eq false and $chr_corinthin.met and ($job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13) and not $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 and not $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($job_blindkid_meet)>>\n\t<<set $job_blindkid_shrine.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck eq -1 and $job_conspiracy.foundAltar eq true and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10 and (($job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 6) or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7)>>\n\t<<set $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck = $time.active>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck neq -1 and $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage eq false and ($time.active) gte ($job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck + 8)>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_fabienne_mission)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_varai_mission)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck2 neq -1 and $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage2 eq false and ($time.active) gte ($job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck2 + 4)>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_fabienne_conclude)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += 10000>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_varai_conclude)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage2 = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted" and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" and $characterEncounterPhases.xanexRewardPhase eq 0>>\n\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.xanexRewardPhase = 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if (($job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 and $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6) or ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 4 and $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98)) and $characterEncounterPhases.raptorRewardPhase lt 1>>\n\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.raptorRewardPhase = 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardTimer eq -1 and $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare">>\n\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardTimer = $time.active>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardTimer neq -1 and ($time.active) gte ($characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardTimer + 24) and $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase eq 0>>\n\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase = 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_otto_evidence)>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% conditioned to trigger BEFORE you can get Fisher killed %/\n<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "onjob" and (($time.active gte 24 and $chr_raj.met eq true) or ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 7 or $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 8) or $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5)>>\n\t<<set $chr_fisher.loc = "seekingvine">>\n<<elseif (($time.active gte 72 and $chr_raj.met eq true) or ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 7 or $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 8) or $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5) and ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 0 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 99)>>\n\t<<set $chr_fisher.loc = "waitvineentrance">>\n<</if>>\n\n/% celena witch statechange call %/\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 6 and not $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t<<set $chr_celena.isWitch = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% job popups - this should not be necessary but still keeping it in, just in case %/\n<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 0 and $loc_storeroom.tookPendant>>\n\t<<set $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% job stuff undersprawl %/\n<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.readDataPad and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 6>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 7>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.gotMessage eq false and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 2 and ($job_devout_heritage.mainPhase gte 2 or $time.active gte 100) and $randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase eq 1 and $savesMenuPassage neq "B30 Tramway Station">>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_mission_undersprawl)>>\t\n\t<<set $job_undersprawl_purge.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_combat_intro.gotMessage eq false and $time.active gte 6>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_sidejob_intro)>>\n\t<<set $job_combat_intro.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_cathedral_hack.gotMessage eq false and $time.active gte 10 and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_cathedral_hack)>>\n\t<<set $job_cathedral_hack.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.gotMessage eq false and $time.active gte 30>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_mission_hellcat)>>\n\t<<set $job_boulevard_hellcat.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_scrapyard_oger.gotMessage eq false and $time.active gte 50>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_mission_oger)>>\n\t<<set $job_scrapyard_oger.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.gotMessage eq false and $time.active gte 150>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_banshee_sprawl)>>\n\t<<set $job_banshee_srpawl.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict_resolved" and not $job_abomination_investigate.gotCultPayment and $savesMenuPassage neq "Level B29 - Visionary Shrine">>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_abomination_join)>>\n\t<<set $attrib.credits += 4000>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.gotCultPayment = true>>\t\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase gte 2 and (($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6 and ($job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill" or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4)) or ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 8 and ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 98))) and not $job_abomination_investigate.gotCultInvite>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_abomination_invite)>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.gotCultInvite = true>>\t\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase eq 0 and $randomEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase eq 0 and $randomEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase>>\n\t<<if $attrib.faith.eden eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase = 1>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.void eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase = 1>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.death eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% to be ABSOLUTELY sure this updates... %/\n<<if ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 2 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 2 or $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "none") and not $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin and not $savesMenuPassage eq "B28 - Riptide VIP Area">>\n\t<<set $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% horribly complex set of triggers to - or to not - trigger this mess of a thing %/\n<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase gte 2 and (($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 7 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "church" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary")) or ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 8 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex"))) and not $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>\n\t<<set $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided = true>>\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 99>> /% this condition seems to be... wrong? and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "cyber">> %/\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_mission_cybercult)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase gte 3) and $savesMenuPassage eq "B28 Tramway Station" and $job_corpo_conference.gotMessage eq false and $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided eq false>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_invitation_conference)>>\n\t<<set $job_corpo_conference.gotMessage = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 3 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and not $job_conspiracy.skippedAthena>>\n\t<<set $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 4>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "celena_1" and ($time.active) gte ($characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardTimer + 24)>>\n\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "celena_2">>\n<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "petrovic_1" and ($time.active) gte ($characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardTimer + 24)>>\n\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "petrovic_2">>\n<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "ashlake_1" and ($time.active) gte ($characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardTimer + 24)>>\n\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "ashlake_2">>\n<</if>>\n\n/% ############################################################################# %/\n/% \t\t\t\t\t\tRND SCENES %/\n/% ############################################################################# %/\n\n<<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_cyber_renegades")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_cyber_renegades")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 4 and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_cyber_thugs")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_cyber_thugs")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1 and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_cyber_cyborgs")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_cyber_cyborgs")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $time.active gte 100 and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_bounty_hunter")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_bounty_hunter")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "killed" and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_death_cultists")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_death_cultists")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 101 and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_freaks_palacegone")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_freaks_palacegone")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 100 or $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 99) and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_freaks_palacefled")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_freaks_palacefled")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 2 and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_sphinx_revenge")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_sphinx_revenge")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6 and $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_riptide_revenge") and not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesDone.contains("rnd_riptide_revenge")>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_riptide_revenge")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.contains("rnd_kobol_alttrigger") and ($job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 99 or $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 100 or $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 101) and ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 4)>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.push("rnd_kobol_alttrigger")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter lt $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending.length>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene = true>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% ############################################################################# %/\n/% \t\t\t\t\t\tSkills %/\n/% ############################################################################# %/\n\n<<if $inztinct.active>>\n\t<<display 'checkSkillConditions'>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'applySkillEffects'>>\n\n/% ############################################################################# %/\n/% \t\t\t\t\t\tHUD POPUPS & TUTORIALS %/\n/% ############################################################################# %/\n\n<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "none">>\n\t<<if $attrib.addicted and not $hud.didAddictionPopup>>\n\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmStatusEffect'; $confirmTitle = "Addicted"; $confirmText = "Blood levels indicate severe dependence on synthetic chemicals. Athena Medical SelfDiagnose\t™ advises you seek immediate treatment.">>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(setPageElement, 250, "hud-confirmation-pane", 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision');>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.didAddictionPopup = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $attrib.infected and not $hud.didInfectionPopup>>\n\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmStatusEffect'; $confirmTitle = "Infected"; $confirmText = "Blood levels indicate severe infection. Athena Medical SelfDiagnose\t™ advises you seek immediate treatment.">>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(setPageElement, 250, "hud-confirmation-pane", 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision');>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.didInfectionPopup = true>> \n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $attrib.exhausted and not $hud.didExhaustionPopup>>\n\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmStatusEffect'; $confirmTitle = "Exhaustion"; $confirmText = "Neural activity levels indicate an onset of depression. Athena Medical SelfDiagnose\t™ advises you seek immediate treatment.">>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(setPageElement, 250, "hud-confirmation-pane", 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision');>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.didExhaustionPopup = true>> \n\t<</if>> \n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'doTutorialLogic'>>
<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "mainmenu" or $hud.currentScreen eq "ingamemenu">>\n\t/% calls 'hidden' file handler dialog %/\n\t<<script>>\n\t $('#openFI').on('click', function() {\n\t\t$('#fileInput').trigger('click');\n\t });\n\n\t\t$('#fileInput').change(function (evt) {\n\t\t SaveSystem.importSave(evt);\n\t\t});\n\t<</script>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $hud.interference or $hud.combatUIScrewLevel gte 1>>\n\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "unnatural");>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "drunken");>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "tired");>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% to ensure this is caught! %/\n<<if not $audiosupport>>\n\t<<set $hud.playAudio = false>>\n\t<<set $hud.playMusic = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'doHudTransitions'>>\n<<display 'doAudioHandler'>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t<<set $addictionfudge = 1>>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $addictionfudge *= 0.5>>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("detoxifier")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $addictionfudge *= 0.75>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = Math.round((100 - ($attrib.toxicity)) * $addictionfudge)>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($attrib.toxicity lte 1 and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasDetoxOverride) or ($attrib.infected and $attrib.fatigue lte 1)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.addicted = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $bioAugs = 0>>\n<<set $abomAugs = 0>>\n<<set $cyberAugs = 0>>\n<<for $i = 0; $i lt ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1); $i++>>\n\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "bioaug">>\n\t\t<<set $bioAugs += 1>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "abomaug">>\n\t\t<<set $abomAugs += 1>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $cyberAugs += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n\n<<set $didBioAdjust = false>>\n<<if $bioAugs gt 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier = ($attrib.bioAugModifier * ($bioAugs / ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1)))>>\n\t<<set $didBioAdjust = true>>\n<<elseif $abomAugs gt 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier = ($attrib.bioAugModifier * ($bioAugs / ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1)))>>\n\t<<set $didBioAdjust = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $didBioAdjust>>\n\t<<if $cyberAugs gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier *= 0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<unset $didBioAdjust>>\n<</if>>
<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\tEquipment\n\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexShowEquip>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexShowEquip = false>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexShowEquip = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<</click>>\n</div>\n\n<<if $hud.codexShowEquip>>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt'>\n\t\tWeapons\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSection eq "weapons">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSection = "weapons">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\t<<if $hud.codexSection eq "weapons">>\n\t\t<<display 'Codex_EquipmentList_Weapons'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt'>\n\t\tOutfits\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSection eq "outfits">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSection = "outfits">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\t<<if $hud.codexSection eq "outfits">>\n\t\t<<display 'Codex_EquipmentList_Clothes'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt'>\n\t\tTechnology\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSection eq "technology">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSection = "technology">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<if $hud.codexSection eq "technology">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\tBiochems\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "biochems">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "biochems">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "biochems">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tStimFuel\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tTranqWash\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "TranqWash">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains("FreakOut")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tFreakOut\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $unknownItems += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains("UnNerve")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tUnNerve\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "UnNerve">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $unknownItems += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\tIntelliDiscs\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "discs">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "discs">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "discs">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tHoloDisc\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tViroDisc\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tArcDisc\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "ArcDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\tSkinjobs\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "skins">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "skins">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "skins">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tHuman Skin\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "humanskin5">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tSynthetic Skin\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "syntheticskin6">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tPlastique Skin\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_plastique">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tDampening Skin\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_dampening">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk or $debug>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tGem Skin\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_gem">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tMammalian Pelt\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_fluffy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tRhinodon Hide\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "rhinoskin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tChameleon Scales\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "chameleon">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tCyberSkin\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_machine">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tThermoSleek\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_sleek">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains("abominatedskin")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tAbominated Skin\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "abominatedskin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $unknownItems += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\tBioAugments\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "augs">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "augs">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "augs">>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tThird Eye\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "thirdeye">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tSynaptic Link\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "fleshmask">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tBioregulation Module\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "detoxifier">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tNeurointerface Nodes\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tMuscular Amplificator\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "meleeplant">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tArc Shield\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "shield">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk or $debug>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tFeline Ears\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "catears">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tBull Bones\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "normalskel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tRaptor Claws\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "featherarm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tMammalian Pelt\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_fluffy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tRhinodon Hide\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "rhinoskin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tChameleon Scales\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "chameleon">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains("biochip")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tNeurogland\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "biochip">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $unknownItems += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\tCybernetics\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "cybers">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "cybers">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "cybers">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tCyberOptic\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "cybereye">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tBrainCase\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "braincase">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tCyberLimbs\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "cyberarm">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tSlenderSkel\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "slenderbody">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tCyberSkel\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "cyberbody">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tCyberGun\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "cybergun">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tCyberSkin\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_machine">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tThermoSleek\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "specialskin_sleek">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains("neurochip")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tNeuroregulator\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "neurochip">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $unknownItems += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $debug or $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tInjections\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "injects">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "injects">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "injects">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tEndoGentics\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "abomskin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tAdrenoBiotics\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "abomgland">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tMyoGenics\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "abommuscle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tGenoIngestives\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "abomclaw">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\tMunitions\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "ammo">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = "ammo">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "ammo">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t9mm Bolt\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tTungsten Bolt\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Tungsten Bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tConductive Bolt\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Conductive Bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tNeurotoxin Canister\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Neurotoxin Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n\t\t\t\tScattershot Canister\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Scattershot Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<display 'Codex_EquipmentList'>>\n<<display 'Codex_EnemyList'>>\n<<display 'Codex_DataList'>>
<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t Locations & History\n\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexShowArchive>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexShowArchive = false>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexShowArchive = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<</click>>\n</div>\n\n<<if $hud.codexShowArchive>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt'>\n Locations\n <<click ''>>\n <<if $hud.codexSection eq "locations">>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSection = "none">>\n <<else>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSection = "locations">>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n <<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n\n <<if $hud.codexSection eq "locations">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Galactic\n <<click ''>>\n <<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "galactic">>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n <<else>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSubSection = "galactic">>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n <<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n\n <<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "galactic">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n XVSVVP-15\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Scaffold 22\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Quantus VII\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Local\n <<click ''>>\n <<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "local">>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSubSection = "none">>\n <<else>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSubSection = "local">>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n <<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <<if $hud.codexSubSection eq "local">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n The Undersprawl\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n B Sector\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n The Crossroads (Level B10)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n The Boulevard (Level B10)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryTrippleIndent'>\n Siren's Song\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Cathedral of Beams (Level B14)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Religious Zone (Level B27)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Wilkin's Riptide (Level B28)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n The Bazar (Level B29)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n The Downs (Level B30)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryTrippleIndent'>\n Scrap Yard\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Scrap Yard">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n The Downs (Level B33)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryTrippleIndent'>\n The EPROM\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "The EPROM">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Cargo Docks (Level B40)\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "The Docks">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryTrippleIndent'>\n Xenological Garden\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n <</if>>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt'>\n Organizations\n <<click ''>>\n <<if $hud.codexSection eq "organizations">>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSection = "none">>\n <<else>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSection = "organizations">>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n <<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <<if $hud.codexSection eq "organizations">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Church of Eden\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Constabulary\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Commisariat\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Knights of Eden\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Paladin Order\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Cult of Juno\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Corporate Hegemony\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Objective 22\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Athena Medical Inc.\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Syndicate 4\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Division 108\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Division 108">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Witches Coven\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Black Circle\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>\n Witch Queen\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Sons of Kobol\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt'>\n Events\n <<click ''>>\n <<if $hud.codexSection eq "events">>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSection = "none">>\n <<else>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.codexSection = "events">>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n <<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n\n <<if $hud.codexSection eq "events">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Crusade of Eden\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Crusade of Eden">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Witch Hunts\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Gregorian Riots\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Gregorian Riots">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n Street Wars\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t Enemy Types\n\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexShowEnemies>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexShowEnemies = false>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexShowEnemies = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<</click>>\n</div>\n\n<<if $hud.codexShowEnemies>>\n <<set $drawnSections = []>>\n\n <<for $i=0; $i lt $itemListEnemy.length -1; $i++>>\n <<if not $drawnSections.contains($itemListEnemy[$i].type)>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryMainCategory_Alt' style='text-transform: capitalize;'>\n <<print $itemListEnemy[$i].type + "\n <<click ''>>\n <<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListEnemy[$i].type + "'>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip_back');>>\n <<set $hud.codexSubSection = 'none'>>\n <<else>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n <<set $hud.codexSubSection = '" + $itemListEnemy[$i].type + "'>>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n <<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n ">>\n </div>\n <<set $drawnSections.push($itemListEnemy[$i].type)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if not $itemListEnemy[$i].displayName>>\n <<set $itemListEnemy[$i].displayName = $itemListEnemy[$i].name>>\n <</if>>\n \n <<if $itemListEnemy[$i].alwaysShow>>\n <<print "<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListEnemy[$i].type + "'>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'> <span style='text-transform: capitalize;'>" + \n $itemListEnemy[$i].displayName + "</span>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '" + $itemListEnemy[$i].name + "'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n ">>\n <<else>>\n <<print "<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListEnemy[$i].type + "' and ($debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains('" + $itemListEnemy[$i].name + "'))>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'> <span style='text-transform: capitalize;'>" + \n $itemListEnemy[$i].displayName + "</span>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '" + $itemListEnemy[$i].name + "'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n ">>\n <</if>>\n\n <</for>>\n<</if>>
<<set $drawnSections = []>>\n\n<<for $i=0; $i lt $itemListArmor.length -1; $i++>>\n\t<<if not $drawnSections.contains($itemListArmor[$i].type)>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent' style='text-transform: capitalize;'>\n\t\t\t<<print $itemListArmor[$i].type + "\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListArmor[$i].type + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip_back');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = 'none'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = '" + $itemListArmor[$i].type + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<set $drawnSections.push($itemListArmor[$i].type)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $itemListArmor[$i].displayName>>\n <<set $itemListArmor[$i].displayName = getLocalizedString($itemListArmor[$i].name)>>\n\t\t<<set $displayName = $itemListArmor[$i].displayName>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($itemListArmor[$i].displayName)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $itemListArmor[$i].alwaysShow>>\n\t\t<<print "<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListArmor[$i].type + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>" + \n\t\t\t\t\t$displayName + "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = '" + $itemListArmor[$i].name + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t">>\n <<else>>\n\t\t<<print "<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListArmor[$i].type + "' and ($debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains('" + $itemListArmor[$i].name + "'))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'>" + \n\t\t\t\t$displayName + "\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = '" + $itemListArmor[$i].name + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t">>\n <</if>>\n\t\n\n<</for>>
<<set $drawnSections = []>>\n\n<<for $i=0; $i lt $itemListWeapon.length -1; $i++>>\n\t<<if not $drawnSections.contains($itemListWeapon[$i].type)>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent' style='text-transform: capitalize;'>\n\t\t\t<<print $itemListWeapon[$i].type + "\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListWeapon[$i].type + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip_back');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = 'none'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexSubSection = '" + $itemListWeapon[$i].type + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-categories'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<set $drawnSections.push($itemListWeapon[$i].type)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n \n <<if not $itemListWeapon[$i].displayName>>\n <<set $itemListWeapon[$i].displayName = getLocalizedString($itemListWeapon[$i].name)>>\n <<set $displayName = $itemListWeapon[$i].displayName>>\n <<else>>\n <<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($itemListWeapon[$i].displayName)>>\n <</if>>\n <<if $itemListWeapon[$i].manufacturer>>\n <<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($itemListWeapon[$i].manufacturer) + " " + $displayName>>\n <</if>>\n\t\n <<if $itemListWeapon[$i].alwaysShow>>\n <<print "<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListWeapon[$i].type + "'>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'> <span style='text-transform: capitalize;'>" + \n $displayName + "</span>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '" + $itemListWeapon[$i].name + "'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n ">>\n <<else>>\n <<print "<<if $hud.codexSubSection eq '" + $itemListWeapon[$i].type + "' and ($debug or $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains('" + $itemListWeapon[$i].name + "'))>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryDoubleIndent'> <span style='text-transform: capitalize;'>" + \n $displayName + "</span>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '" + $itemListWeapon[$i].name + "'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n ">>\n <</if>>\n\n<</for>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Unknown Article</strong>\n\nOoos! You're attempting to access a Codex article which does not exist.\n\nWe of the Codex Foundation do our utmost best to keep our databases up to date with any and all information about countless topics across the galaxy yet there is so much still to be recorded. Would you like to assist by submitting a [new article]?
<<display 'displayLocalizedArticleTitle'>>\n\nSeveral pieces of old world scrap.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>
<<display 'displayLocalizedArticleTitle'>>\n\nA sample of abominable tissue.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>
<<display 'displayLocalizedArticleTitle'>>\n\nA sample of xenological tissue.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>
<<display 'displayLocalizedArticleTitle'>>\n\nA salvaged circuit board.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong><<print $localizer[$hud.currentLanguageCode][$hud.currentScreen]>></strong><br><br>\n\n<<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen.toLowerCase() +"]]">>
/% call general scene transitioner %/\n<<set doContentTransition();>>\n\n<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "none">>\n\t\n\t<<script>>\t\t\t\n\t\tvar i = 0;\n\n\t\t$('.GameText').find('a').each(function() {\n\t\t\tthis.className = "ScrollMark_" + i;\n\t\t\ti += 1;\n\t\t\tthis.onclick = function() {\n\t\t\t\tstate.active.variables.hud.scrollToElement = this.className;\n\t\t\t\tplayContextSound("ui_blip");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\t$('.GameTextGreyed').find('a').each(function() {\n\t\t\tthis.className = "ScrollMark_" + i;\n\t\t\ti += 1;\n\t\t\tthis.onclick = function() {\n\t\t\t\tstate.active.variables.hud.scrollToElement = this.className;\n\t\t\t\tplayContextSound("ui_blip");\n\t\t\t}\t\t\t \n\t\t});\n\n\t\tvar options = document.getElementsByClassName('GameOption');\n\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar option = options[i];\n\t\t\toption.onclick = function() {\n\t\t\t\tstate.active.variables.hud.scrollToElement = "default";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar inputfield = document.getElementById("textbox-overridecode");\n\n\t\tif (inputfield)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tinputfield.onfocus = function() {\n\t\t\t\t\tinputfield.value = "";\n\t\t\t\t\tinputfield.onfocus = "";\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tinputfield.onkeypress = function(event) {doHackAreaClick(event);};\n\t\t};\n\n\t<</script>>\n\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(scrollToPosition, 3);>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $anointment eq "shaitans_sins_anoint">>Current total: <span class='pinkcolor'>+<<print Math.ceil($hud.foundCodexEntries.length * 0.5)>>% damage</span>.<</if>>
<<set $getCharacteristicsFrom = $hud.currentScreen>>\n<<display 'getItemCharacteristics'>>\n\n<<set $index = $hudArmorType.indexOf($getCharacteristicsFrom)>>\n<<set $entry = $itemListArmor[$index]>>\n\n<<if not $entry.displayName>>\n\t<<set $entry.displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.name)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.displayName)>>\n<<if $entry.manufacturer>>\n\t<<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.manufacturer) + " " + $entry.displayName >>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong><<print $displayName>></strong><br><br>\n\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $getCharacteristicsFrom.toLowerCase() +".png]]">>\n</div>\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.desc>>\n <<print getLocalizedString($returnedStatsArmor.desc)>>\n<<else>>\n <span class='greyedout'>This article is a work in progress. Please be patient while the Codex Foundation reviews the veracity of the content...</span>\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<<set $calcMod = 1>>\n<<set $roundTag = 0>>\n\n<<if $getCharacteristicsFrom eq $equip.clothes>>\n\t<<if $hud.codexCompareBack neq "none">>\n\t\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t\t[[< Back |PDA][playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $hud.codexCompareBack; $hud.codexCompareBack = $equip.clothes]]\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t[[ Compare >|PDA][$hud.codexCompareBack = $hud.currentScreen; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $equip.clothes]]\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "unarmored">>\n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.armorMelee gt 0 or $returnedStatsArmor.armorRanged gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $calcMod = 0.33>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "protected">>\n\t<<set $calcMod = 0.66>>\n<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "armored" and not $returnedStatsArmor.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t<<set $calcMod = 0.82>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isFleshMold >>\n\t<<set $calcMod *= $attrib.fleshMoldModifier>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.givesClassBonus and $inztinct.active>>\n\t<<set $classToPrint = $returnedStatsArmor.classBonusName>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq $returnedStatsArmor.classBonusName or $returnedStatsArmor.classBonusName eq "any">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor bold'><<display 'printProperClassName'>>:</span> <span class='pinkcolor bold'><<print getLocalizedString($returnedStatsArmor.skillBoostName)>></span><br>\n\t\t<<print getLocalizedString($returnedStatsArmor.skillBoostName + "_desc")>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout bold'><<display 'printProperClassName'>>: <<print getLocalizedString($returnedStatsArmor.skillBoostName)>></span><br>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<print getLocalizedString($returnedStatsArmor.skillBoostName + "_desc")>></span>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<br><br>\n<</if>>\n\nOutfit:<br>\n- armor type: \n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "unarmored">>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<print $returnedStatsArmor.armorType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "protected">>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'><<print $returnedStatsArmor.armorType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "impervious">>\n\t\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>power armor</span>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<span class='purplecolor'>impervious</span>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>heavy armor</span>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'><<print $returnedStatsArmor.armorType>></span>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isFleshMold >>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>(melded <<print Math.round($attrib.fleshMoldModifier * 100)>>%)</span>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<br>\n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isArcShielder>>\n\t\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isSelfPoweredShield>>\n\t\t- shield type: <span class='bluecolor'>integrated</span><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t- shield type: <span class='yellowcolor'>user-powered</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.armorRanged gt 0 or $armorMelee gt 0>>\n\t- ranged rating: <<print Math.round($returnedStatsArmor.armorRanged * 100 * $calcMod)>>%<br>\n\t- melee rating: <<print Math.round($returnedStatsArmor.armorMelee * 100 * $calcMod)>>%<br>\n\t- <span class='yellowcolor'>impact fatigue:</span> <<print Math.round($returnedStatsArmor.armorFatigueDrain)>>\n<<else>>\n\t- <span class='greyedout'>no protection</span>\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<<set $hasSpecial = false>>\nSpecial Attributes:<br>\n\n<<if $isDiamondSkinBuffed>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'><<if $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_gem")>>diamond skin<<elseif $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_sleek")>>sleek skin<</if>></span> has improved this item's fahsion level<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialMeleeBoost>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'><<print $returnedStatsArmor.meleeBoostName>>:</span> +15% melee damage<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialChemBoost>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'><<print $returnedStatsArmor.chemBoostName>>:</span> +25% combat chem effectiveness<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialCritBoost>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'><<print $returnedStatsArmor.critBoostName>>:</span> +15% critical hit chance<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialArcBoost>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'><<print $returnedStatsArmor.arcBoostName>>:</span> +50% arc shield deflection<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isFallenLegion>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>exoskeleton:</span> can wield heavy weapons effortlessly<br>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>fallen legion:</span> +15% critical hit chance<br>\n<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.isPowerArmor>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>exoskeleton:</span> can wield heavy weapons effortlessly<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isCamoFlage>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='lorangecolor'>camoflaged:</span> improved sneak, +10% evade (-5% vs melee)<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isArcShielder>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shielded:</span> integrated arc shield<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.inquisitorEffect>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>witch hunter:</span> +10% damage to humans<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isAbomKiller>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>purifier:</span> +10% damage to abominations<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isCyberOutfit >>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>cypherwear:</span> +15% better IntelliDiscs, +10% cyber-weapon crit chance<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isSuperStretchy>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>super stretchy:</span> +50% parry chance, +10% evade (-5% vs ranged)<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isConcealing >>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <span class='bluecolor'>concealing:</span> less crime, immune to gas<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Power Armor">>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>><span class='bluecolor'>interface:</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>interface:</span><</if>> requires neuro-implant to operate<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitFromTalent>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <span class='bluecolor'>fashionable (InZtinct):</span> 10% better prices, 10% worse bribes<br>\n<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfit or $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isSuperFancy >>\n\t\t- <span class='greencolor'>super fashionable:</span> 10% better prices, 10% worse bribes<br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t- <span class='greencolor'>fashionable:</span> 10% better prices, 10% better bribes<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isGlamorous or $returnedStatsArmor.isHyperGlamorous>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isHyperGlamorous>>\t\n\t\t- <span class='bluecolor'>glitzy & glamorous:</span> reeks of exubrence (10% worse bribes)<br>\n\t<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.isGlamorous>>\n\t\t- <span class='bluecolor'>glamorous:</span> reeks of exubrence (10% worse bribes)<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isReligious>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>religious:</span> identifies you as a member of a religious order<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isTheophobic>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>theophobic:</span> identifies you as a radical anti-theist<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isPartyOutfit >>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <span class='pinkcolor'>clubwear:</span> -20% chem prices, +15% chem effects<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isSkimpy >>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <span class='orangecolor'>skimpy:</span> ohh so sexy<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit >>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <span class='orangecolor'>gender inappropriate:</span> not socially accepted in Church space<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isReallyVisible >>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <span class='redcolor'>stands out:</span>-5% evade<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isRestrictiveFit>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t- <span class='redcolor'>restrictive:</span> worse sneak, -5% evade<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t- <span class='redcolor'>really obvious:</span> no evade, no sneak<br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t- <span class='redcolor'>exceptionally heavy:</span> <span class='greyedout'>incurs fatigue</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>, no evade, no sneak<br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t- <span class='redcolor'>exceptionally heavy:</span> incurs fatigue, no evade, no sneak<br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "protected">>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>protected:</span>\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak>>-15<<else>>-20<</if>>% evade<br>\n<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "armored" or $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "impervious">>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak>>\n\t- <span class='yellowcolor'>armored:</span> worse <span class='greyedout'>sneak</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>, <<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak>>-25<<else>>-30<</if>>% evade<br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t- <span class='yellowcolor'>armored:</span> worse sneak, <<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak>>-25<<else>>-30<</if>>% evade<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isHeavyArmor or $returnedStatsArmor.isTooBulky>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='redcolor'>big and bulky:</span> cannot use exo armor<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $hasSpecial>>\n- <span class='greyedout'>no special attributes</span><br>\n<</if>>
<<set $getDataFor = $hud.currentScreen>>\n<<display 'generateEnemyData'>>\n\n<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong><<print getLocalizedString($returnedData.name)>></strong><br><br>\n\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage HUD_CodesHalfImage HUD_CodesHalfImage_EnemyType'>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $returnedData.sampleImage +"]]">>\n</div>\n<<if $returnedData.desc>>\n <<print getLocalizedString($returnedData.desc)>>\n<<else>>\n <span class='greyedout'>This article is a work in progress. Please be patient while the Codex Foundation reviews the veracity of the content...</span>\n<</if>><br><br>\n\nClassification:<br>\n<<if $returnedData.isHumanoid>>\n- type: <span class='yellowcolor'>humanoid</span><br>\n<<elseif $returnedData.isHuman>>\n- type: <span class='greencolor'>human</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedData.isAdvMachine or $returnedData.isMachine>>\n- type: <span class='bluecolor'>mechanical</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedData.isXenos>>\n- type: <span class='yellowcolor'>xenofauna</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedData.isUniqueAbom>>\n- type: <span class='purplecolor'>unique abomination</span><br>\n<<elseif $returnedData.isAbomination>>\n- type: <span class='orangecolor'>abomination</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedData.isCyborg>>\n- physiology: <span class='bluecolor'>cybernetic</span><br>\n<<elseif $returnedData.isOrganic>>\n- physiology: <span class='greencolor'>organic</span><br>\n<<elseif $returnedData.isBlackBloodCreature>>\n- physiology: <span class='greyedout'>exotic</span><br>\n<</if>><br>\n\nDefense:<br>\n<<if $returnedData.armor gt 0>>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>armor:</span> <<print Math.round($returnedData.armor * 10)>>\n<<else>>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>armor:</span> <span class='greyedout'>unarmored</span>\n<</if>><br>\n<<if ($returnedData.hasArcShield or $returnedData.hasFrictionShield) and $returnedData.shield gt 0>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shield:</span> <<print Math.round($returnedData.shield * 10)>><br>\n<</if>>\n- vulnerable to:\n\t<<if $returnedData.vulnerable eq "shock" or $returnedData.vulnerable eq "conductive" >><span class='bluecolor'><<print $shockDamageType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedData.vulnerable eq "plasma">><span class='orangecolor'><<print $plasmaDamageType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedData.vulnerable eq "toxin">><span class='lgreencolor'><<print $toxinDamageType>></span>\n <<else>><span class='greyedout'>none</span>\n\t<</if>><br>\n- immune to: \t\n <<if $returnedData.immune eq "shock" or $returnedData.immune eq "conductive" >><span class='bluecolor'><<print $shockDamageType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedData.immune eq "plasma">><span class='orangecolor'><<print $plasmaDamageType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedData.immune eq "toxin">><span class='lgreencolor'><<print $toxinDamageType>></span>\n <<else>><span class='greyedout'>none</span>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<<if $returnedData.isImposing>>\n- <span class='redcolor'>imposing:</span> +33% damage resistance<br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedData.isElusive>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>elusive:</span> hard to hit<br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedData.hasFrictionShield>>\n- <span class='orangecolor'>friction shield:</span> resistant to conventional weapons<br>\n<</if>><br>\n\nBasic Attack:<br>\n- type: \n<<if $returnedData.isMeeleAttacker or $returnedData.isAbomination or $returnedData.isXenos>>\n<span class='greyedout'><<if $returnedData.isBrutalMeele>>strong <</if>>melee</span>\n<<else>>\n <<if $returnedData.hasRailgun>>\n <span class='redcolor'><<if $returnedData.hasHeavyRailgun>>heay <</if>>railgun</span>\n <<elseif $returnedData.hasMiniGun>>\n <span class='orangecolor'>heavy coiler</span>\n <<elseif $returnedData.hasPaladinAttack>>\n <span class='orangecolor'>searing beam</span>\n <<else>>\n <span class='yellowcolor'>coilgun</span>\n <</if>>\n<</if>><br>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>armor hits:</span> <<if $returnedData.hasPaladinAttack or $returnedData.hasHeavyRailgun>>3<<elseif $returnedData.hasRailgun or $returnedData.isBrutalMeele>>2<<else>>1<</if>><br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shield hits:</span> <<if $returnedData.hasRailgun>>1<<elseif $returnedData.isBrutalMeele or $returnedData.hasMiniGun or $returnedData.hasPaladinAttack>>3<<else>>2<</if>>\n\n/%\nSpecial Attacks:<br>\n<<if $returnedData.specialMoves>>\n <<set $canRestoreShields = false>>\n <<set $canRestoreArmor = false>> \n <<set $canDoFatigueDebuff = false>>\n <<set $canDoDisarm = false>>\n <<set $canDoGas = false>>\n\n\n <<for $i = 0; $i lt $returnedData.specialMoves.length; $i++>>\n <<if $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoGas" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoGasCombo">>\n <<set $canDoGas = true>>\n\n <<elseif $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoFlashbang">>\n <<set $canDoFatigueDebuff = true>>\n\n <<elseif $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoFlashMelee" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoStruggle" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoShriek" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoSlam">>\n <<set $canDoDisarm = true>> \n\n <<elseif $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoBigArc" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoArc" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoArcGainShield" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_DoShields">>\n <<set $canRestoreShields = true>> \n\n <<elseif $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_ShieldWall" or $returnedData.specialMoves[$i].name eq "move_Reconstitue">>\n <<set $canRestoreArmor = true>> \n\n <</if>>\n <</for>>\n\n <<if $canRestoreShields>>\n - <span class='bluecolor'>shield boost:</span> this enemy type can gain or restore it's shields <br>\n <</if>>\n <<if $canRestoreArmor>>\n - <span class='yellowcolor'>armor boost:</span> this enemy type can gain or restore it's armor <br>\n <</if>>\n <<if $canDoFatigueDebuff>>\n - <span class='orangecolor'>inflict fatigue:</span> this enemy type can inflict severe fatigue <br>\n <</if>>\n <<if $canDoGas>>\n - <span class='lgreencolor'>inflict toxicity:</span> this enemy type can inflict severe intoxication <br>\n <</if>>\n <<if $canDoDisarm>>\n - <span class='redcolor'>disarm:</span> this enemy type can disable or destroy your primary weapon <br>\n <</if>>\n\n<<else>>\n- <span class='greyedout'>this enemy type has no special moves</span>\n<</if>> %/
<<set $getStatsFor = $hud.currentScreen>>\n<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n<<set $index = $hudWeaponType.indexOf($getStatsFor)>>\n<<set $entry = $itemListWeapon[$index]>>\n\n<<set $anointment = "none">>\n<<if $simulateAnointment>>\n\t<<set $anointment = $simAnointment>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq $equip[$returnedStats.slot].name>>\n\t<<set $anointment = $equip[$returnedStats.slot]["anointment"]>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $entry.displayName>>\n\t<<set $entry.displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.name)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.displayName)>>\n<<if $entry.manufacturer>>\n\t<<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.manufacturer) + " " + $entry.displayName >>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong><<print $displayName>></strong><br><br>\n\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n\t<<if $anointment neq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='overlayImage'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $getStatsFor.toLowerCase() +".png]]">>\n</div>\n<<if $returnedStats.desc>>\n <<print getLocalizedString($returnedStats.desc)>>\n<<else>>\n <span class='greyedout'>This article is a work in progress. Please be patient while the Codex Foundation reviews the veracity of the content...</span>\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isPrimary and $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>\n\t<<if $getStatsFor eq $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.codexCompareBack neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t\t\t[[< Back |PDA][playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $hud.codexCompareBack; $hud.codexCompareBack = $equip.rifle.name]]\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t\t[[ Compare >|PDA][$hud.codexCompareBack = $hud.currentScreen; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $equip.rifle.name]]\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t\t<<if $getStatsFor eq $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexCompareBack neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t\t\t\t[[< Back |PDA][playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $hud.codexCompareBack; $hud.codexCompareBack = $equip.knife]]\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t\t\t[[ Compare >|PDA][$hud.codexCompareBack = $hud.currentScreen; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $equip.knife]]\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $getStatsFor eq $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.codexCompareBack neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t\t\t\t[[< Back |PDA][playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $hud.codexCompareBack; $hud.codexCompareBack = $equip.pistol.name]]\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class="HUD_PdaExpandButton HUD_PdaExpandButtonNoFloat">\n\t\t\t\t[[ Compare >|PDA][$hud.codexCompareBack = $hud.currentScreen; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = $equip.pistol.name]]\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n/* anointment stuff */\n<<if $anointment neq "none">>\n\t<span class='pinkcolor bold'><<print getLocalizedString($anointment)>>:</span><br>\n\t<<print getLocalizedString($anointment + "_desc")>>\n\t<<display 'anointmentSpecialText'>>\n\t<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $simulateAnointment and $equip[$returnedStats.slot]["anointment"] neq "none" and $equip[$returnedStats.slot]["anointment"] neq $anointment>>\n\t\t<<set $anointment = $equip[$returnedStats.slot]["anointment"]>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>applying the above will overwrite:<br><br></span>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'>\n\t\t<span class='redcolor bold'><<print getLocalizedString($anointment)>>:</span><br>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<print getLocalizedString($anointment + "_desc")>></span>\n\t\t<<display 'anointmentSpecialText'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $simulateAnointment and $equip[$returnedStats.slot]["anointment"] eq $anointment>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor bold'><<print getLocalizedString($anointment)>></span><br>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Already applied to this weapon</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<br><br>\t\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isSKULE>>\nPrimary Weapon / Subgun:<br>\n- ammo: 30x9mm<br>\n- <span class='greencolor'>automatic</span><br>\n- accuracy: 45%<br>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>armor penetration:</span> 15<br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shield penetration:</span> 33<br><br>\n\nPrimary Weapon / Railgun:<br>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.isCyber>>\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: arm<br>\n- <span class='greyedout'>overrides main weapon</span><br>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.isPrimary>>\nPrimary Weapon:<br>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t\tBackup Knife:<br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tSidearm:<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% accuracy calc %/\n<<set $statCalc = $returnedStats.accuracy>>\n<<if $statCalc gt 1>>\n\t<<set $statCalc = 1>>\n<</if>>\n- <<if $returnedStats.isMelee or $returnedStats.ammo eq "melee">>hit chance<<else>>accuracy<</if>>: <<print Math.round($statCalc * 100)>>%<br>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isMelee or $returnedStats.ammo eq "melee">>\n- melee weapon<br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.isDisposable>>\n- <span class='greyedout'>pre-loaded / disposable</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm" or $returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $returnedStats.draw9mmAmmo or $returnedStats.isHyper9mm>>\n- ammo: <<print $returnedStats.magazine>>x<<if $returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $returnedStats.isHyper9mm>>9mm <span class='purplecolor'>hypervelocity</span><<else>>9mm<</if>><br>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.ammo eq "arclance">>\n- microfusion cell: <span class='bluecolor'>arc discharge</span><br>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n- microfusion cell: <span class='orangecolor'>plasma discharge</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.canisterOnly>>\n- ammo: <<print $returnedStats.magazine>>x canister<br>\n- <span class='greyedout'>cannot load bolts</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.boltOnly>>\n- ammo: <<print $returnedStats.magazine>>x bolt <<if $returnedStats.isHeavyRandomizer>><span class='purplecolor'>hypervelocity</span><</if>><br>\n- <span class='greyedout'>cannot load canisters</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.boltAndCanister>>\n- ammo: <<print $returnedStats.magazine>>x bolt or canister<br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n- launcher: 1x canister<br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.hasPlasmaCaster>>\n- caster module: <span class='orangecolor'>plasma discharge</span><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.hasArcCaster>>\n- caster module: <span class='bluecolor'>arc discharge</span><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.consumeCharge>>\n- <span class='redcolor'>charge drain:</span> <<print $returnedStats.spendCharge>>%<br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.hasArcCharge>>\n- capacitor: <span class='bluecolor'>arc charge</span><br>\n\t<<if not $returnedStats.consumeCharge>>\n\t- <span class='redcolor'>charge drain:</span> 45%<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $returnedStats.hasFlameCharge>>\n- capacitor: <span class='orangecolor'><<print $plasmaDamageType>> charge</span><br>\n\t<<if not $returnedStats.consumeCharge>>\n\t- <span class='redcolor'>charge drain:</span> 45%<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.elemental neq "none">>\n- elemental: \n\t<<if $returnedStats.elemental eq "shock">><span class='bluecolor'><<print $shockDamageType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedStats.elemental eq "plasma">><span class='orangecolor'><<print $plasmaDamageType>></span>\n\t<<elseif $returnedStats.elemental eq "toxin">><span class='lgreencolor'><<print $toxinDamageType>></span>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isBreechLoaded>>\n\t- action: <span class='greencolor'>breech loaded</span><br>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.ammo neq "melee" and $returnedStats.ammo neq "arclance" and $returnedStats.ammo neq "plasmaburst" and $returnedStats.ammo neq "micronuke">>\n\t\t<<if $returnedStats.suppressAuto>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $returnedStats.isSemiAuto>>\n\t\t\t\t- action: <span class='yellowcolor'>semi automatic</span><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t- action: <span class='bluecolor'>automatic</span><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>armor penetration:</span>\n\t<<set $statCalcArmor = ($returnedStats.armorpen * $returnedStats.magazine)>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorT = (($returnedStats.armorpen + 5) * 1)>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorS = (($returnedStats.armorpen + 2) * 1)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorT = (($returnedStats.armorpen + 5) * $returnedStats.magazine)>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorS = (($returnedStats.armorpen + 2) * $returnedStats.magazine)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmor *= $returnedStats.accuracy>>\n\t\t<<if not $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorT *= $returnedStats.accuracy>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorS *= $returnedStats.accuracy>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $returnedStats.isHyper9mm>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmor *= 1.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<print Math.round($statCalcArmor * 10)>> <<if $returnedStats.canisterOnly or $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher or $returnedStats.boltOnly or $returnedStats.boltAndCanister>>\n\t+ ammunition\n <</if>><br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shield penetration:</span>\n\t<<set $statCalcShield = ($returnedStats.shieldpen * $returnedStats.magazine)>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldCN = (($returnedStats.shieldpen + 5) * 1)>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldS = (($returnedStats.shieldpen + 2) * 1)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldCN = (($returnedStats.shieldpen + 5) * $returnedStats.magazine)>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldS = (($returnedStats.shieldpen + 2) * $returnedStats.magazine)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShield *= $returnedStats.accuracy>>\n\t\t<<if not $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldCN *= $returnedStats.accuracy>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldS *= $returnedStats.accuracy>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.isHeavyRandomizer>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorT *= 0.7>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcArmorS *= 0.7>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldCN *= 0.7>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShieldS *= 0.7>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm_hyper" or $returnedStats.isHyper9mm>>\n\t\t<<set $statCalcShield *= 1.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<print Math.round($statCalcShield * 10)>> <<if $returnedStats.canisterOnly or $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher or $returnedStats.boltOnly or $returnedStats.boltAndCanister>>\n\t+ ammunition\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.boltOnly or $returnedStats.boltAndCanister>><br>\n\t\t  Tungsten<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1 and not $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>> x<<print $returnedStats.magazine>><</if>>: <span class='yellowcolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcArmorT * 10)>></span> <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcShield * 10)>></span><br>\n\t\t  Conductive<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1 and not $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>> x<<print $returnedStats.magazine>><</if>>: <span class='yellowcolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcArmor * 10)>></span> <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcShieldCN * 10)>></span>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.canisterOnly or $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher or $returnedStats.boltAndCanister>><br>\n\t\t  Neurotoxin<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1 and not $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>> x<<print $returnedStats.magazine>><</if>>: <span class='yellowcolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcArmor * 10)>></span> <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcShieldCN * 10)>></span><br>\n\t\t  Scattershot<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1 and not $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>> x<<print $returnedStats.magazine>><</if>>: <span class='yellowcolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcArmorS * 10)>></span> <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($statCalcShieldS * 10)>></span>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $returnedStats.type eq "loadAmmo">>\n\t\t<<if $returnedStats.hasPlasmaCaster>><br>\n\t\t\t<<set $factor = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $factor = $returnedStats.magazine * 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcArmor = Math.round(($returnedStats.armorpen * $factor) * 10)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcShield = Math.round((($returnedStats.shieldpen * $factor) + 2) * 10)>>\n\t\t\t  Plasma discharge: <span class='yellowcolor'><<print $statCalcArmor>></span> <span class='bluecolor'><<print $statCalcShield>></span>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $returnedStats.hasArcCaster>><br>\n\t\t\t<<set $factor = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $returnedStats.magazine gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $factor = $returnedStats.magazine * 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcArmor = Math.round((($returnedStats.armorpen * $factor) + 2) * 10)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statCalcShield = Math.round(($returnedStats.shieldpen * $factor) * 10)>>\n\t\t\t  Arc discharge: <span class='yellowcolor'><<print $statCalcArmor>></span> <span class='bluecolor'><<print $statCalcShield>></span>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br>\n- parry chance: <<set $statCalc = $returnedStats.parrychance>> <<print Math.round($statCalc * 100)>>%<br>\n- switch penalty: <<if $returnedStats.switchPenalty gt 0.3>><span class='redcolor'>high</span><<elseif $returnedStats.switchPenalty gt 0.2>><span class='yellowcolor'>average</span><<elseif $returnedStats.switchPenalty gt 0.1>><span class='greencolor'>low</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>negligable</span><</if>><br><br>\n\n<<set $hasSpecial = false>>\nSpecial Attributes:<br>\n<<if $returnedStats.isSubsonic>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>subsonic:</span> enables silent takedowns<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.dazzleProjector>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>dazzle projector:</span> on fire, chance to inflict +1 dazzle<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.hasPlasmaSink>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>plasma sink:</span> discharges plasma <<if $getStatsFor eq "FLaK">>on scattershot<<else>>on tungsten & scattershot<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.dumpMagazineMechanic>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>on first shot:</span> empties entire magazine<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.eXtremeZoom>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>eXtreme Zoom:</span> allows percision takedowns<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.fangedMenace>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'><<print $returnedStats.fangedMenaceText>>:</span> +10% crit & hit chance per melee counter<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.freakishCrit>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>freakish:</span> +30% crit chance per melee counter<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.fringeRaider>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>fringe raider:</span> +10% accuracy with corsair armor<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isMonoblade>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>monomolecular blade:</span> cuts through anything (+50% crit damage)!<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.getsStaffBonus>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>war staff:</span> +10% hit chance for every enemy alive<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isExoticGun>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>unstable exotica:</span> on fire, random exotic effect<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isBreechingGun>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='purplecolor'>breecher:</span> if used after melee attack, gain +100% accuracy, +200% armor penetration, +400% shield penetration<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isSmartTargeting>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>smart targeting:</span> weapon always hits<br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isPseudoHeavyWeapon>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t<<if $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon>>\n\t- <span class='greyedout'>large & unwieldy</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(can wield properly)</span><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t- <span class='redcolor'>large & unwieldy (-10% accuracy without exo or augment)</span><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n\t<<if $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon>>\n\t- <span class='greyedout'>exceptionally heavy</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(can wield properly)</span><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t- <span class='redcolor'>exceptionally heavy (requires exo or augment to wield properly)</span><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.needsChargeToUse>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='redcolor'>cannot fire uncharged</span><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats.isCyber>>\n\t<<set $hasSpecial = true>>\n- <span class='redcolor'>overrides main weapon</span><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $hasSpecial>>\n- <span class='greyedout'>no special attributes</span><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $simulateAnointment>>\n\t<<set $simulateAnointment = false>>\n<</if>>
<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_red_icon.png]]">>\n<<if $drawStyle eq "stat">>\n\t<<if $barsToDraw lt 3>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_shield_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<elseif $barsToDraw lt 7>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_green_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<elseif $barsToDraw lt 12>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_armor_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<elseif $barsToDraw lt 15>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_orange_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_depleted_icon.png]]">>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $drawStyle eq "performance">>\n\t<<if $barsToDraw lt 3>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_red_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<elseif $barsToDraw lt 6>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_orange_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<elseif $barsToDraw lt 10>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_armor_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<elseif $barsToDraw lt 14>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_green_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_shield_icon.png]]">>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $drawStyle eq "orange">>\n\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_orange_icon.png]]">>\n<<elseif $drawStyle eq "red">>\n\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_red_icon.png]]">>\n<<elseif $drawStyle eq "blue">>\n\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_shield_icon.png]]">>\n<<elseif $drawStyle eq "green">>\n\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_green_icon.png]]">>\n<<elseif $drawStyle eq "ammo">>\n\t<<set $imgToUse = "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_armor_icon.png]]">>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $statsstring = "">>\n<<for $i = 0; $i lt $barsToDraw; $i++>>\n\t<<set $statsstring += $imgToUse>>\n\t<<set $drawnbars += 1>>\n<</for>>\n<<for $i = $barsToDraw; $i lt 20; $i++>>\n\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_depleted_icon.png]]">>\n\t<<set $drawnbars += 1>>\n<</for>>\n\n<<print $statsstring>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.expandAmmo eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandAmmo = true; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#gear-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Gear_Ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandAmmo = false; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#gear-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Gear_Ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $hud.expandAmmo>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/9mm.png]]9mm - <<print $equip.pistol.ammo>>/<<print $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_tungsten.png]]Tungsten - <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.normal>> / <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Tungsten Bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_electro.png]]Conductive - <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.electric>> / <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Conductive Bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_toxin.png]]Neurotoxin - <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical>> / <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Neurotoxin Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_scatter_shock.png]]Scattershock\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_scatter.png]]Scattershot\n\t\t\t\t<</if>> - <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter>> / <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "Scattershot Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $displayAmmoStyle = "simple">>\n\n<<if $hud.expandGear eq false>>\n <div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n <<click 'Expand'>>\n <<set $hud.expandGear = true; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n <<replace '#gear-equip'>>\n <<display 'Gear_Equip'>>\n <</replace>>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n<<else>>\n <div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n <<click 'Collapse'>>\n <<set $hud.expandGear = false; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n <<replace '#gear-equip'>>\n <<display 'Gear_Equip'>>\n <</replace>>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $hud.expandGear>>\n <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" or ($equip.hideWeaponLoadout and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")))>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]Main: <span class='greyedout'>none</span>\n </div>\n <<else>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n <<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.rifle.name>>\n <</click>>\n\n <<if $equip.rifle.anointment neq "none">>\n <div class='overlayImage'>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>Main: <<rifle>><br>\n\n <<display 'AmmoDisplayInHUD'>>\n <<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon>> <span class='greyedout'>(heavy weapon)</span><</if>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n <<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none" or $equip.hideWeaponLoadout>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]Sidearm: <span class='greyedout'>none</span>\n </div>\n <<else>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry '>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.pistol.name>>\n <</click>>\n\n <<set $getStatsFor = $equip.pistol.name>>\n <<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n <<if $equip.pistol.anointment neq "none">>\n <div class='overlayImage'>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>Sidearm: <<pistol>><br>\n\n <<display 'AmmoDisplayInHUD'>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Power Fist">>\n <</click>>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/powerfist.png]]">>Backup: Power Fist\n <<else>>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.knife>>\n <</click>>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.knife.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>Backup: <<display 'getProperKnifeName'>>\n <</if>>\n </div>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.clothes>>\n <</click>>\n\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.clothes.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>Outfit: <<armor>><br>\n \n Type: \n <<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>\n <span class='greyedout'><<print $attrib.armortype>></span>\n <<elseif $returnedArmorType eq "protected">>\n <span class='yellowcolor'><<print $attrib.armortype>></span>\n <<else>>\n <span class='greencolor'><<print $attrib.armortype>></span>\n <</if>>\n <<if $equip.isFleshMold>>\n <span class='greyedout'>(melded <<print Math.round($attrib.fleshMoldModifier * 100)>>%)</span>\n <</if>>\n <<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>> \n <span class='greyedout'>(heavy armor)</span>\n <</if>>\n </div>\n\n <<if $equip.gotAmmoUpgrade and not $equip.hideWeaponLoadout>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Combat Webbing">>\n <</click>>\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat webbing.png]]">>Outfit: Combat Webbing<br>\n <span class='greyedout'>(increased ammo capacity)</span>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hud.expandItems eq false>>\n <div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n <<click 'Expand'>>\n <<set $hud.expandItems = true; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n <<replace '#gear-items'>>\n <<display 'Gear_Items'>>\n <</replace>>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n<<else>>\n <div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n <<click 'Collapse'>>\n <<set $hud.expandItems = false; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n <<replace '#gear-items'>>\n <<display 'Gear_Items'>>\n <</replace>>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $hasItem = false>>\n<<if $hud.expandItems >>\n <<if $equip.item1 neq "none">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.item1>>\n <</click>>\n\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item1.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><<print $equip.item1>>\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n <<if $equip.item2 neq "none">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.item2>>\n <</click>>\n\n <<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item2.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><<print $equip.item2>>\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase gte 2>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n\n <<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_spine_f.png]]\n <<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_spine.png]]\n <<else>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_spine_d.png]]\n <</if>>\n Sphinx's Spine<br>\n <<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4>>\n Charge: <span class='greencolor'>full</span>\n <<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5>>\n Charge: <span class='greyedout'>none</span>\n <<else>>\n Status: <span class='greyedout'>unusable</span>\n <</if>>\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $equip.hasCooler>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_cooler.png]]Cooler<br>\n Status: <span class='greencolor'>safe</span>\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 5>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_miasma.png]]Miasma Vial<br>\n <<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6>>\n Status: <span class='greencolor'>usable</span>\n <<else>>\n Status: <span class='greyedout'>unusable</span>\n <</if>>\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 2 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 3 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 6) and $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "none">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_virulent.png]]Plague Sample<br>\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 8 and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/object_55316.png]]Object 55316\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n <<if $loc_machinetemple.tookSubReactor and $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "none">>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_nullcore.png]]Old Device\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n <<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_agent.png]]Xjanu-4\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n <<if $loc_storeroom.tookPendant and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lt 6>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/s_pendant.png]]Strange Pendant\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n <<if $equip.hasFusionSphere>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "Unknown">>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/fusion_sphere.png]]Fusion Sphere\n </div>\n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n \n <<for $i=0; $i lt $equip.inventory.length; $i++>>\n <<if $equip.inventoryQuantity[$i] gt 0>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n <<print " \n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '" + $equip.inventory[$i] + "'>>\n <</click>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.inventory[$i] + ".png]]\n ">>\n <<print $localizer[$hud.currentLanguageCode][$equip.inventory[$i]]>> x<<print $equip.inventoryQuantity[$i]>>\n </div> \n <<set $hasItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n <</for>>\n\n <<if not $hasItem>>\n <center><span class='greyedout'>you are not carrying any items</span></center>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\t\n\t<<if $hud.doNotification>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-notification-pane' class='HUD_Notification HUD_Notification_Show'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_DisplayAquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.doNotification = false>>\n\t\t</div>\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-notification-pane' class='HUD_Notification'>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.doConfirm>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-confirmation-pane' class='HUD_Confirmation HUD_Confirmation_Show'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmBuy'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-confirmation-pane' class='HUD_Confirmation'>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.disabled>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n\t\t\t<span class='HUD_ErrorStyle'>[OFFLINE]</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane'>PDA<br>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.wasReset and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='FlashNewMessages'><span class='nomsgtext'><strong><span class='yellowcolor'>!!</span></strong> InZtinct <strong><span class='yellowcolor'>!!</span></strong></span></div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $inztinct.newSkills gte 1 and $inztinct.active and $inztinct.pointsAvailable gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='FlashNewMessages'><span class='nomsgtext'><strong><span class='bluecolor'><<print $inztinct.newSkills>></span></strong> <<if $inztinct.newSkills gt 1>>InZtincts<<else>>InZtinct<</if>></span></div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.newmsg gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='FlashNewMessages'><span class='nomsgtext'><strong><span class='bluecolor'><<print $hud.newmsg>></span></strong> <<if $hud.newmsg gt 1>>Messages<<else>>Message<</if>></span></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='nomsgtext greyedout'><<display 'printTime'>></span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<click '' "PDA">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($inztinct.newSkills gte 1 and $inztinct.active and $inztinct.pointsAvailable gte 1) or ($inztinct.wasReset and $inztinct.active)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "skills">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.newmsg gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "messages">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "home">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.disabled>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane'>MENU\n\t\t<<if $hud.didAutoSave>>\n\t\t\t<br><span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>-Saved-</span>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.didAutoSave = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<click '' "HUD_IngameMenu">>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
Credits:\n\n- MoLoLu: author\n- IPS: artwork, alpha testing, and conceptual advice\n- VomitButterfly: alpha testing and conceptual advice\n- SWR Productions: hosting\n\nThis story was created with <a href="https://twinery.org/" target="_blank">Twine</a> and is powered by <a href="https://www.motoslave.net/sugarcube/" target="_blank">SugarCube</a>, which is based on <a href="https://tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">TiddlyWiki</a>, and was further customized by the author.
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if SaveSystem.hasAuto() eq true>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "mainmenu">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>\n\t\t\t\tContinue\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSaveSystem.loadAuto();\n\t\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "ingamemenu">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>\n\t\t\t\tLoad Autosave\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSaveSystem.loadAuto();\n\t\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<center><span class='redcolor'>- You have Died -</span></center><br><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Die'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Load Autosave'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSaveSystem.loadAuto();\n\t\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Die'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Main Menu'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate.restart();\n\t\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "mainmenu">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton HUD_MenuButton_Disabled'>\n\t\t\t\tContinue\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "ingamemenu">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton HUD_MenuButton_Disabled'>\n\t\t\t\tLoad Autosave\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Main Menu\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\tstate.restart();\n\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "ingamemenu">>\n\t<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Resume Game\n\t\t\t<<click '' $currentgamepassage>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false>> /% fixes resume game bug %/\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<display 'LoadAutosaveBtn'>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Download Savefile\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSaveSystem.exportSave();\n\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<input id="fileInput" type="file" name="fileInput" style="display: none;" />\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton' id='openFI'>Upload Savefile\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Settings\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'Menu_Options'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "ingameoptions">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Main Menu\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.restart();\n\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Variable Dump\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'DebugSet'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\t</div>\n\t<<display 'copyright_footnote'>>\t\t\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "mainmenu">>\n\t<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>New Game\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'intro_start_prologu'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<display 'LoadAutosaveBtn'>>\n\t\t<input id="fileInput" type="file" name="fileInput" style="display: none;" />\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton' id='openFI'>Upload Savefile\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>\n\t\t\tCredits\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'Menu_Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Change Log\n\t\t\t <a href="https://rage-productions.com/games/scaffold-22/play-scaffold-22/scaffold-22-change-log/"></a> \n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<<display 'copyright_footnote'>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<div class='GameText'>\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Audio</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if not $audiosupport>>\n\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Your browser does not appear to support HTML5 Audio</span>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tEffects Volume:\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_CenterPositionContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.playAudio>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'OFF'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playAudio = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\t\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOFF\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.sfxLevel neq 0 or not $hud.playAudio>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playAudio = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.sfxLevel = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBackground\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.sfxLevel neq 0.25 or not $hud.playAudio>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Prominent'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playAudio = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.sfxLevel = 0.25>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProminent\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\tSoundtrack Volume:\n\t\t\t<div class='Combat_CenterPositionContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'OFF'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playMusic = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAudioHandler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\t\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOFF\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.musicLevel neq 0 or not $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Background'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playMusic = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.musicLevel = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAudioHandler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBackground\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.musicLevel neq 0.25 or not $hud.playMusic>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Prominent'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playMusic = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.musicLevel = 0.25>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAudioHandler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProminent\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Gameplay</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t\tHardcore Mode:<br>\n\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<if $hud.hardCoreMode>>Cannot retry during combat and refreshing the page manually deletes your save!<<else>>Can retry any combat encounters at will.<</if>> Setting cannot be changed ingame.</span><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "prologue">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='Combat_CenterPositionContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.hardCoreMode>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Off'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.hardCoreMode = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOn\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOff\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'On'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.hardCoreMode = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.hardCoreMode>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOn\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDOptionButton HUDOptionButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOff\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $attrib.vitality eq 0>>\n\t<div class='HUD_DeathScreen'>\n\t<span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> Unable to call User.NeuralInterface<br>\n\t<span class='yellowcolor'>[WARNING]: catastropic system failure in multiple subystems.</span><br>\n\t<span class='yellowcolor'>[WARNING]: lethal levels of exsanguination detected.</span><br>\n\t<span class='yellowcolor'>[WARNING]: user expiratoin immenent. immediate trauma intervention required.</span><br>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaScreen'>\n\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "home">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_Main'>>\n\t<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "agenda">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_Agenda'>>\n\t<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "messages">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_Messages'>>\n\t<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "gear">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_Gear'>>\n\t<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "skills">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_Skills'>>\n\t<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "codex">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_Codex'>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains($hud.currentScreen)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.foundCodexEntries.push($hud.currentScreen)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t/% TODO: expand this for weapons & armor %/\n\t\t<<if $hudTypeEnemy.contains($hud.currentScreen) or $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.contains($hud.currentScreen)>>\n\t\t\t/% handling for enemies named in text %/\n\t\t\t<<if $hudTypeEnemyRedirect.contains($hud.currentScreen)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = $hudTypeEnemyRedirectTo[$hudTypeEnemyRedirect.indexOf($hud.currentScreen)]>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t/% have to check this again, to make sure BOTH entries are added %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains($hud.currentScreen)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.foundCodexEntries.push($hud.currentScreen)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'drawEnemyStats'>>\n\t\t<<elseif $hudWeaponType.contains($hud.currentScreen)>>\t\n\t\t\t<<display 'drawWeaponStats'>>\n\t\t<<elseif $hudArmorType.contains($hud.currentScreen)>>\t\n\t\t\t<<display 'drawArmorStats'>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<display $hud.currentScreen>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='PDATitleText'>User Information</div>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaGeneralInfoZone'>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu_NoScale'>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu HUD_VitalityInMenu_Left'>\n\t\t\tUser: <br>\n\t\t\tGender:<br>\n\t\t\tActive: <br>\n\t\t\tBalance:\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu HUD_VitalityInMenu_Right'>\n\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel<br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.unspecifiedGender>>Unspecified<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "female">>Female<<else>>Male<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<display 'printTime'>>\n\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'><<print $attrib.credits>> C</span><br>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu_NoScale'>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu HUD_VitalityInMenu_Left'>\n\t\t\tProfession:<br>\n\t\t\tLocator:<br>\n\t\t\t<<if $debug>>DEBUG Passage:<br><</if>>\n <<if $debug>>DEBUG Vendor Index:<br><</if>>\n\t\t\tIncome:<br>\n\t\t\tCrimeStat:\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu HUD_VitalityInMenu_Right'>\n\t\t\tSanctioned Hunter<br>\n\t\t\t<<print $savesMenuPassage>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $debug>><<print $currentgamepassage>><br>\n <<print $time.vendorStockIndex>><br>\n <</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut and $job_conspiracy.gotFundCutMessage>>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[NONE DUE]</span>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $chapter eq 1 and $payment_church.ammount gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\tdue in <<print (24 - $timesincelastbill)>> GSH <span class='greyedout'>(<<print $presumedAmmountDue>> C)</span>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[NONE DUE]</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $debug>>DEBUG: <<print $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut>> / <<print $job_conspiracy.gotFundCutMessage>><</if>>\n\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality lt 2>><span class='greyedout'>No Record</span>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 5>><span class='bluecolor'>Misdemeanor</span>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 10>><span class='greencolor'>Petty Thief</span>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 15>><span class='yellowcolor'>Street Criminal</span>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 20>><span class='redcolor'>Gang Affiliated</span>\n\t\t\t<<else>><span class='redcolor'>Wanted Class 1</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\t\t\n\t</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class='PDATitleText'>Vitals</div>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t<<if $attrib.addicted or $attrib.infected or $attrib.exhausted>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.expandStatusEffects = true>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.expandStatusEffects = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div id='vitals' style='height: 12px'>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_StatusEffects'>>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu'>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu HUD_VitalityInMenu_Left HUD_VitalityInMenu_Fullsize'>\n\t\t<strong>FAT:</strong>\n\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "stat">>\n\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.fatigue / 5)>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t<strong>TOX:</strong>\n\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "stat">>\n\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.toxicity / 5)>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t<strong>JOB:</strong>\n\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "performance">>\n\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.dilligence / 5)>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu'>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu HUD_VitalityInMenu_Left'>\n\t\t\t<strong>AGGRO:</strong> <br>\n\t\t\t<strong>CAUTIO:</strong> <br>\n\t\t\t<strong>STRESS:</strong> <br>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu HUD_VitalityInMenu_Right'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "orange">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.violence / 5)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "red">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.caution / 5)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "red">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.violence / 5)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "blue">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.caution / 5)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "green">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.violence / 5)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "green">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.caution / 5)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t /%<span class='redcolor'>Agressive</span><<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">><span class='bluecolor'>Cautious</span><<else>><span class='greencolor'>Balanced</span><</if>><br>%/\n\n\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "stat">>\n\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($attrib.stress / 5)>>\n\t\t\t<<if $barsToDraw lt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = 0>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n<div class='PDATitleText'>Functions:</div>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t<<if $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/achievement_generic.png]]\n\t\t\tInZtinct:\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">><span class='greyedout'>Freelancer</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">><span class='bluecolor'>Forsaken</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">><span class='bluecolor'>Voidheart</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">><span class='bluecolor'>Edenist</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">><span class='yellowcolor'>Theophobe</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn">><span class='yellowcolor'>Highborn</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">><span class='bluecolor'>Cyberpunk</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "visionary">><span class='greencolor'>Visionary</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">><span class='redcolor'>Gladiator</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "kobol">><span class='redcolor'><<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>Daughter<<else>>Son<</if>> of Kobol</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">><span class='yellowcolor'>Warsmith</span><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">><span class='bluecolor'>Skindancer</span><</if>>\n\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.wasReset>>\n\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='yellowcolor'>!!</span></strong> InZtinct Update <strong><span class='yellowcolor'>!!</span></strong>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $inztinct.newSkills gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'><<print $inztinct.newSkills>></span></strong> New InZtinct<<if $inztinct.newSkills gt 1>>s<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>No New InZtinct</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "skills">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t<<if $hud.newmsg gte 1>>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/message_new.png]]\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/message_none.png]]\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tMessages<br>\n\t\t<<if $hud.newmsg gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'><<print $hud.newmsg>></span></strong> Unread <<if $hud.newmsg gt 1>>Messages<<else>>Message<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>No New Messages</span>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "messages">>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\tAgenda<br>\n\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "agenda">>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/vitality.png]]\n\t\tGear<br>\n\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "gear">>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/codex.png]]\n\t\tCodex<br>\n\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.codexCategory = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "codex">>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<<set $foundarchivedtask = false>>\n<<set $foundactivetask = false>>\n\n<div class='PDATitleText'>Angeda & Contracts:</div>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "zweili_task_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 7 or ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 9 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 98)) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>Project Chaos<<else>>Object 55316<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 7 or ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 9 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 98)) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>Xarea<<else>>Zweili<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: High\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $hud.messages.length gt 0 and $hud.messages[0].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "zweili_task_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Presence Request<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Zweili<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: High\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_intro_implant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_intro_implant.mainPhase lt 2 and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_intro_implant">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Implant Malfunction<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: High\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase neq 4 and $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase neq 6 and $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase lt 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_abomination_investigate">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Abominable Influence<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: N/A<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: High\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "fisher_task_revenge">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Real Important Shit<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Fisher<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: High\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 10>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_arena_lavandri">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Deathmatch Arena<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Lavandri Corp<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase lt 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_blindkid_resolution">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Another Artefact<<else>>Commisariat Investigation<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Varai<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase lt 1 and $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase lt 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_blindkid_shrine">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Cryptic & Important<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Zweili<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: High\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase lt 6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_corpo_conference">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Corpo Conference<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Zweili<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: High\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase lt 6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_riptide_postbattle">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Outpost Cleanup<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Jalkovski<<else>>Fisher<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_petrovic_paladin">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Sphinx Spine<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Petrovic<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_anska_haze.mainPhase lt 6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_anska_haze">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Djinn Retardant<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Anska<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 1 and $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_syndicate_bases">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Syndicate 4 Issue<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase gte 2 and $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase lt 4) or ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase lt 4) or ($job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase gte 1 and $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase lt 4)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "fisher_task_extremists">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Theophobic Influence<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase gte 1 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase gte 1>>Wilkin<<else>>Fisher<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_coven.overrideAnska eq false and $celena_loc neq "none" and $job_coven.mainPhase lt 6 and ($job_coven.foundDnetMention eq false and $job_coven.overrideAnska eq false) and $chr_celena.met>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "celena_task2_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Coven Investigation<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Celena<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_coven.overrideAnska eq true and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "anska_task_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Coven Investigation<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Anska<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1 and $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase lt 9>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_crypto_warlock">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Cryptomancy<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Gal<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Medium\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_witches_pendant">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Strange Pendant<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lt 6) or $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_banshee_srpawl">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: A Small Issue<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Petrovic<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_combat_intro.mainPhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_combat_intro">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Abominable Issue<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Lilly Vau<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_scrapyard_oger">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Oger Issues<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Mark<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gt 0 and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 9>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_undersprawl_purge">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Undersprawl Incident<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase lt 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_cryolounge_hellcat">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Cryolounge Abomination<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Harper<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_psychocult.mainPhase lt 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_psychocult">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Hunting Season<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase lt 98 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase neq 9 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase neq 10 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase neq 12 and $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_crypto_warlock">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Cryptomancy<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Mr. Luscovari<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($job_drugdealer.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_drugdealer.mainPhase lt 3 and $celena_loc neq "none") or ($job_drugdealer.altPhase gt 0 and $job_drugdealer.altPhase lt 2)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "celena_task_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Supplier Issues<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: <<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase gte 1>>Fisher<<else>>Celena<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_school.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_school.mainPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "raj_task_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Lesson on Abominations<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Tobias<br>\n\t\t\t\tPriority: Low\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $foundactivetask>>\n\t\t[NO ACTIVE TASKS]\n\t<</if>>\n</div><br>\n\n\n\n<div class='PDATitleText'>Archived Tasks:</div>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='jobs-completed'>\n\t<<display 'Archived_Tasks'>>\n</div>\n\n<<unset $foundarchivedtask, $foundactivetask>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<<set $foundarchivedmessage = false>>\n<<set $foundunreadmessage = false>>\n\n<div class='PDATitleText'>Unread Messages:</div>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n<<if $hud.newmsg gte 1>>\n\t<<set $hud.newmsg = 0>>\n<</if>>\n\n\t<<for $i = $hud.messages.length - 1; $i gte 0; $i-->>\n\t\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].read eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundunreadmessage = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/message_new.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $hud.messages[$i].name + "\s">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t\t\tFrom: <<print $hud.messages[$i].from>><br>\n\t\t\t\tSubject: <<print $hud.messages[$i].subject>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</for>>\n\n\t<<if not $foundunreadmessage>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[NO UNREAD MESSAGES]</span>\n\t<</if>>\n</div><br>\n\n<div class='PDATitleText'>Read Messages:</div>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='unread-messages'>\n\t<<display 'Messages_Unread'>>\n</div>\n\n<<unset $foundarchivedmessage, $foundunreadmessage>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $equip.gotAmmoUpgrade>>\n\t\t<div class='PDATitleText'>QuickAmmo™</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaGeneralInfoZone'>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu'>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>9mm:</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "ammo">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round(($equip.pistol.ammo / $equip.pistol.ammo_max) * 20)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>TNG:</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "ammo">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round(($equip.rifle.ammo.normal / $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max) * 20)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>SCT:</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "ammo">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round(($equip.rifle.ammo.scatter / $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max) * 20)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_VitalityInMenu'>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>CRG:</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "performance">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round($equip.charge / 5)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>CDT:</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "ammo">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round(($equip.rifle.ammo.electric / $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max) * 20)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>TXN:</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $drawStyle = "ammo">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $barsToDraw = Math.round(($equip.rifle.ammo.chemical / $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max) * 20)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'drawStatsBars'>><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Equipment</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='gear-equip'>\n\t\t<<display 'Gear_Equip'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Augmentation</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='gear-augs'>\n\t\t<<display 'Gear_Augs'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Items</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='gear-items'>\n\t\t<<display 'Gear_Items'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Ammo</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='gear-ammo'>\n\t\t<<display 'Gear_Ammo'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills = 0>>\n\n\t/%<<set $inztinct.wasReset = true>>%/\n\t<<if $inztinct.wasReset>>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.wasReset = false; $inztinct.pointsAvailable = 7; $inztinct.learnedSkills = []; $inztinct.specialDisplayMode = "reset"; $inztinct.affinity = 0>>\n\t\t<<display 'checkAffinity'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% FOR TESTING \n\n\t<<set $attrib.credits = 50000>> %/\n\n\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t<center>[[Freelancer|PDA][$attrib.religion = "atheist"]] - [[Forsaken|PDA][$attrib.religion = "forsaken"]] - [[Voidheart|PDA][$attrib.religion = "voided"]] - [[Edenist|PDA][$attrib.religion = "edenite"]] - [[Theophobe|PDA][$attrib.religion = "theophobe"]] - [[Highborn|PDA][$attrib.religion = "highborn"]] - [[Cyberpunk|PDA][$attrib.religion = "cyberpunk"]] - [[Visionary|PDA][$attrib.religion = "visionary"]] - [[Gladiator|PDA][$attrib.religion = "gladiator"]] - [[Skindancer|PDA][$attrib.religion = "mesmer"]] - [[Warsmith|PDA][$attrib.religion = "warsmith"]] - [[Kobol|PDA][$attrib.religion = "kobol"]]</center> \n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillInfoArea' id='skill-info'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'SkillInfoBox'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillsAttuneArea' id='attune-area'>\n\t\t\tEXP: \n\t\t\t<<set $statsstring = "">>\n\t\t\t<<set $drawnbars = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt $inztinct.affinity; $i++>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_shield_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $drawnbars += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t\t<<for $i = $drawnbars; $i lt $inztinct.maxAffinity; $i++>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statsstring += "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/ui_depleted_icon.png]]">>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t\t<<print $statsstring>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillsMemoryArea' id='mem-area'>\n\t\t\tMEM: <<print Math.round($inztinct.pointsAvailable * 128)>> XB\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillsScreen' id='skill-area'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='PDATitleText' id='hud-title'>Categories</div>\n\t<center>Total Entries Unlocked: <<print $hud.foundCodexEntries.length>></center>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='codex-categories'>\n\t\t<<display 'Codex_ContentList'>>\n\t</div>\n\t/%\n\t<div class='PDATitleText' id='hud-searchname'>Search</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='hud-search'>\n\t\t<<textbox "$search" "">>\n\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Search'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $results = []>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $regexp = new RegExp('^.*' + $search + '.*$', 'gm')>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.alert($regexp)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<for $i = $hud.foundCodexEntries.length - 1; $i gte 0; $i-->>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $test = tale.get($hud.foundCodexEntries[$i])>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $str = $test.text>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $str.match($regexp)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $results.push($hud.foundCodexEntries[$i])>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t\t\t<<append '#hud-search'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print $results.length>>\n\t\t\t\t<</append>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t%/\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if not $hud.expandStatusEffects>>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandStatusEffects = true; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#vitals'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_StatusEffects'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandStatusEffects = false; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#vitals'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_StatusEffects'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $statusEffectsList = []>>\n<<if $attrib.infected>> \n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Infection", desc: "You are suffering a mild infection. Fatigue gain increased.", colorCode: "yellowcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_bad"}>>\n\t<<if $attrib.infectionLevel gte 4>>\n\t\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Infection", desc: "You are suffering a growing infection. Fatigue and intoxication gain incresed. Seek treatment.", colorCode: "redcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_bad"}>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.infectionLevel gte 2>>\n\t\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Infection", desc: "You are suffering a severe infection. Fatigue and intoxication gain greatly incresed. Seek immediate treatment.", colorCode: "orangecolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_bad"}>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Addiction", desc: "You are suffering from substance abuse. Constant fatigue unless intoxicated. Seek immediate treatment.", colorCode: "redcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_bad"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.exhausted>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Exhaustion", desc: "You are suffering from exhaustion. Attempt to relax or seek out a mental health professional.", colorCode: "redcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_bad"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Fatigued", desc: "You are severely fatigued. Accuracy, sneak and survival skills severely impaired.", colorCode: "redcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_warning"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Fatigued", desc: "You are fatigued. Accuracy, sneak impaired.", colorCode: "yellowcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_warning"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Intoxicated", desc: "You are severely intoxicated. Accuracy, sneak and survival skills severely impaired.", colorCode: "redcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_warning"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Intoxicated", desc: "You are intoxicated. Accuracy and sneak impaired.", colorCode: "yellowcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_warning"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Abominated", desc: "You are afflicted by an abominable taint. There is no cure.", colorCode: "redcolor", image: "ui_status_vitals_warning"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t<<set $nameStr = "Cybernetic">>\n\t<<set $textStr = "You have concealed cybernetic implants.">>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCyberImplant>>\n\t\t<<set $nameStr = "Cyborg">>\n\t\t<<set $textStr = "You are visibly a cyborg.">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n\t\t<<set $textStr += " Cybernetics incur fatigue.">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: $nameStr, desc: $textStr, colorCode: "bluecolor", image: "achievement_generic"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $sexPhases.canHaveSex>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Fulfilled", desc: "You are as sexually satiated as could be.", colorCode: "bluecolor", image: "vitality"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $sexPhases.canHaveDrugs>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Comedown", desc: "You are still coming down from something.", colorCode: "bluecolor", image: "vitality"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Demeanor: Aggressive", desc: "Your demeanor is aggressive. Worse sneak, increased melee damage.", colorCode: "orangecolor", image: "vitality"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Demeanor: Cautious", desc: "Your demeanor is cautious. Increased sneak and evade.", colorCode: "bluecolor", image: "vitality"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "balanced">>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "Demeanor: Balanced", desc: "Your demeanor is balanced. No particular strength or weakness.", colorCode: "greencolor", image: "vitality"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isExubrenceQualified>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "InZtinct: Exubrence", desc: "When you enter combat, you dazzle enemies.", colorCode: "purplecolor", image: "ui_status_skill"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isNoxiousQualified>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "InZtinct: Noxious", desc: "When you enter combat, you unleash noxious gas.", colorCode: "purplecolor", image: "ui_status_skill"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isAtonementQualified>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "InZtinct: Hades Incarnate", desc: "When you enter combat, you incinerate enemies.", colorCode: "purplecolor", image: "ui_status_skill"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "InZtinct: Extascy", desc: "Using combat chems removes all fatigue and increases critical hit chance.", colorCode: "purplecolor", image: "ui_status_skill"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isGodlikeQualified>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "InZtinct: Godlike", desc: "When you enter combat, you dazzle enemies.", colorCode: "purplecolor", image: "ui_status_skill"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.isExMachinaQualified>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "InZtinct: Ex Machina", desc: "When you enter combat, your fatigue is miraculously cured.", colorCode: "purplecolor", image: "ui_status_skill"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_12") and $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t<<set $statEff = {name: "InZtinct: Electron", desc: "When you enter combat, you shock enemies", colorCode: "purplecolor", image: "ui_status_skill"}>>\n\t<<set $statusEffectsList.push($statEff)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $hud.expandStatusEffects>>\n\t<<for $i = $statusEffectsList.length - 1; $i gte 0; $i-->>\n\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry' style='width: 100%; float: left'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $statusEffectsList[$i].image + ".png]]\n\t\t\t\t<span class='" + $statusEffectsList[$i].colorCode + "'><strong>" + $statusEffectsList[$i].name + "</strong></span><br>\n\t\t\t\t" + $statusEffectsList[$i].desc + "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t">>\n\t<</for>>\n\t<<if $statusEffectsList.length eq 0>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry greyedout' style='width: 100%; float: left'>\n\t\t\t<center>[NO STATUS EFFECTS ACTIVE]</center>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $attrib.addicted or $attrib.infected or $attrib.exhausted>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry greyedout' style='width: 100%; float: left; margin-top: -20px;'>\n\t\t\t<center><span class='redcolor'>- Severe Danger -</span><br>- Expand for More Information -<br></center>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.doNotification = true>>\n\n\t<<display 'HUD_DisplayAquireItem'>>\n\n\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-notification-pane").className = "HUD_Notification">>\n\t<<set window.setTimeout(doHudNotification, 35, document.getElementById("hud-notification-pane"), "HUD_Notification HUD_Notification_Show");>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $aquireTitle eq "Exo Failure">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_NotificationContent HUD_NotificationContent_Bad'>\n\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'><<print $aquireTitle>></span><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $aquireImage eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/no_item_pickup.png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $aquireImage + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_NotificationContent'>\n\t\t\t<<if $aquireImage eq "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "home">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip")>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "bolt_tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Tungsten Bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "bolt_electro">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Conductive Bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "bolt_scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Scattershot Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "bolt_toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Neurotoxin Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "unnerve">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "UnNerve">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "freakout">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "tranqwash">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "TranqWash">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_9mm")>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_pendant">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_agent">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_miasma">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_nullcore">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_spine">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_virulent">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "env_small_exo_in">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "fusion_sphere">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_spine_d">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "s_spine_f">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "Unknown">>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "nano-plate" or $aquireImage eq "synth-lung" or $aquireImage eq "synth-flex">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "cyberbody">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "deadeye" or $aquireImage eq "omnisense" or $aquireImage eq "antiflash">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "cybereye">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $aquireImage eq "synth-fiber" or $aquireImage eq "neuro-fist" or $aquireImage eq "shock-fist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = "cyberarm">>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $actualname = $aquireText>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $hud.foundCodexEntries.contains($actualname)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.foundCodexEntries.push($actualname)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $equip.purchasedUpgrades.contains($actualname)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.purchasedUpgrades.push($actualname)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<print "<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $actualname + "\s"; playContextSound(\s"ui_blip\s");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq $equip.pistol.lastRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.anointment = $equip.pistol.lastAnointment>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq $equip.rifle.lastRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.anointment = $equip.rifle.lastAnointment>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'><<print $aquireTitle>></span><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainerLarge'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $aquireImage eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/no_item_pickup.png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.anointment neq "none" and $aquireImage.toLowerCase() eq $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overlayImage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.anointment neq "none" and $aquireImage.toLowerCase() eq $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overlayImage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $aquireImage + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $origText = $aquireText>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\t\t\t<<print $aquireText>>\n\n\t\t<<set $aquireText = $origText>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $aquireImage eq "env_small_exo_in" and $equip.rifle.name eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "Rail Cannon"; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal += 12; $equip.rifle.ammo.electric += 8;>>\n\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if not $hud.doConfirm>>\n\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = true>>\n\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation HUD_Confirmation_Show">>\n<</if>>\n\n<div class='HUD_ConfirmScreen'>\n\t<<if $confirmType eq "confirmClass">>\n\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'>Warning: Personality Shift!</span><br><br>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/confirm_story_choice.png]]<br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_ConfirmStoryDecision'>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t\t\tWe have detected neurological activity consistent with a personality shift. Choosing this option will adopt a new InZtinct class and reset your InZtinct. This decision cannot be undone.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tWe have detected neurological activity consistent with a personality shift. Choosing this option will adopt a new personality and mindset. This decision cannot be undone.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Confirm' $nextScene>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "<<set " + $nextSceneSet + ">>">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.wasReset = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Abort'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\n\n\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "confirmDecision" or $confirmType eq "confirmDecisionChurch">>\n\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'><<if $confirmType eq "confirmDecisionChurch">>Warning: Contract Obligation<<else>>Warning: Breech of Contract!<</if>></span><br><br>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/riots.png]]<br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_ConfirmStoryDecision'>\n\t\t\t\t <<if $confirmType eq "confirmDecisionChurch">>\n\t\t\t\t\tWe have detected activity consistent with a fulfillment clause of your contract with: Father Kulli Zweili, Church of Eden. Choosing this option contractually obliges you to report all known information to the Church of Eden under oath. This decision cannot be undone.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tWe have detected activity consistent with a breech of contract. Choosing this option will violate the terms and conditions of your contract with the Church of Eden. This decision cannot be undone.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Confirm' $nextScene>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "<<set " + $nextSceneSet + ">>">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Abort'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\n\n\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "confirmClassAndDecision">>\n\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'>Warning: Breech of Contract!</span><br><br>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/confirm_story_choice.png]]<br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_ConfirmStoryDecision'>\n\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t\t\tWe have detected activity consistent with both a breech of contract and a personality shift. Choosing this option will adopt a new InZtinct class and reset your InZtinct. The terms of your contract with the Church of Eden will also be breeched. This decision cannot be undone.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tWe have detected activity consistent with both a breech of contract and a personality shift Choosing this option will adopt a new personality and mindset. The terms of your contract with the Church of Eden will also be breeched. This decision cannot be undone.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Confirm' $nextScene>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "<<set " + $nextSceneSet + ">>">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.wasReset = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Abort'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "confirmStatusEffect">>\n\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'>Warning: <<print $confirmTitle>>!</span><br><br>\n\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/vine.png]]<br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_ConfirmStoryDecision'>\n\t\t\t<<print $confirmText>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_BuyUI_FW GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Confirm'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<</if>>\n</div>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>FreakOut</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/freakout.png]]Illegal biochem which induces agression and increases resilience.</div><br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n+ <span class='yellowcolor'>2 armor integrity</span><br>\n+ <span class='purplecolor'>allows plasma casters to critically hit</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>35% critical hit and penetration with all weapons</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>25% hit chance with melee weapons</span><br>\n- <span class='redcolor'>25% ranged accuracy</span><br>\n- <span class='redcolor'>highly addictive</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tIllegal on most worlds and hab-plantforms in the galaxy due to its abominable nature, FreakOut is a Class 4 physiological enhancement agent favored in particular among illegal street fighters and backgroom brawlers. The biochemical compound contained in the canister is inject direclty into user's bloodstream, causing the contained agent to rapidly bind into nerve cells and muscle fibers, deadening sensation and increasing physical strangth. While the effects are short-lasted, humans under the influence of FreakOut have been know to survive a variety of otherwise fatal inguries and deliver punches with such brutal force that bulkheads were dented.<br><br>\n\nSide effects of the biocompound not only include the usual dangers of intoxication and physical dependency but - as the name implies - frequently cause users to 'freak out' even after the drug has worn off. Regular users are reported to suffer from frequent bursts of anger and rage, while occasional use generally leads to 'relatively' minor headaches, irritablility, and muscle contractions. Citizens are advised that purchase, retail, and possession of FreakOut and FreakOut-like compounds are strictly illegal under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and those in possession of this drung, in partcicular those known to use frequently, ought be reported to the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] in the interest of public safety.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>StimFuel</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/stimfuel.png]]</div>Legal and widely available biochem designed to stave off iminent fatigue.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n+ <span class='yellowcolor'>1 armor integrity</span><br>\n+ <span class='bluecolor'>1 shield integrity</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>reduces fatigue and intoxication</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>10% hit & critical hit chance with all weapons</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>20% evade chance</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOriginally designed by [[Athena Medical Inc.|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] but since spread to a wide number of pharmaceutical companies, StimFuel and its derrivates are a Class 2 neuroactive stimulant which is legal to purchase but not resell without license under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. It is most commonly sold in inhalers and used to treat severe cases of over-exhaustion, crippling depression, and insomina by providing a potent - albeit temporary - boost to the user's mental and physical awareness. Most users report feeling more awake and alive than ever when using StimFuel but often are left extremely fatigued when the compound wears off.<br><br>\n\nDespite its undisputed legality, use - in particular overuse - of StimFuel is dangerous and may lead to both psychological dependency and disruptions of the natural sleep pattern. Users are therefore cautioned to consume the compound in small doses only and to seek medical assistance should any symptoms arise. Failure to consult with a medical professional within a reasonable time period not only increases the chances of health issues but voids the safe-use terms guaranteed by [[Athena Medical Inc.|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]], which entitle users who have suffered unexpected or irregular effects a selection of generous corporate-sponsored healthcare benefits.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>TranqWash</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/tranqwash.png]]</div>Borderline illegal yet widely available biochem intended to increase focus.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n+ <span class='yellowcolor'>1 armor integrity</span><br>\n+ <span class='bluecolor'>2 shield integrity</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>35% ranged hit, crit, and damage</span><br>\n- <span class='redcolor'>25% melee hit, crit, and damage</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA potent Class 3 biochemical that is widely available across the galaxy despite it's disputed legality, TranqWash is a calmative compound intended to ease anxiety and stress by 'washing' problems away. This is achieved by chemically distancing the user's mind from their body, allowing them to detach from worldly affairs. The result is a highly focused state in which the world apears clearer, unaffected by both emotion and thought, allowing utter concentration on any task at hand. Unfortunately, TranqWash negatively impacts muscle memory, forcing the user to deliberately act as natural reflexive response is severely dimished - possibly even entirely absent entirely.<br><br>\n\nKnown side effects of TranqWash are psychological dependance, degredation of motor function, and visual impairment. Overuse of the compound is known to occasionally cause utter dissasociation from the body and leave users in a vegetative or shizophrenic state, depending on their particular biology. In the interest of public safety, medical professionals and the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] therefore urge users to consume TranqWash with utmost care and report cases of abuse immediately, despite its current legality under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Tungsten Bolt</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_tungsten.png]]\n</div>\nRailarm certified bolt with tungsten core and attached single use capacitor. Designed to achieve maximum penetration through sheer kinetic force.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>armor penetration:</span> +50<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe archetypical railarm payload, Tungsten Bolts are low mass, high density projectiles designed to inflict maximum damage through sheer kinetic force. Modern designs are standardized on a 6mm bolt diameter to fit concemporary railarms and include an integrated power disc - in effect, a large capacitor fused into the back of the bolt, which is stripped from the bolt upon loading into the chamber and provides enough power for one discharge. Upon depression of the trigger, the firearm's rails are magnetized, causing the bolt to accelerate down the barrel, while the recoiling breech block crushes the power disc - at this point, still a cylinder - into a small smouldering disc which is then ejected, either manually or as part of the cycling operation.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe extreme velocities which can be achieved by Tungsten Bolts mean they impart significant kinetic energy on impact and are lethal even against armored targets at almost all practical engagement ranges - with some railgun systems, shots of up to five or more kilometers are possible with GalSta rounds. Unfortunately, the relatively low rate of fire of most GalSta rounds coupled with the projectile's conductive nature means that Tungsten Bolts can be deflected by modern [[Arc Shields|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "shield"]] with relative ease. Note that, while all GalSta bolts use the same saboted 6mm teardrop round and single use capacitor, the in-ammunition power source is often augmented by batteries and capacitors in the railarm itself, giving different railgun systems different ballistic characteristics, even if all of them use the otherwise identical GalSta bolt.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Conductive Bolt</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_electro.png]]\n</div>\nRailarm certified bolt with synthetic core, inductive sabot, and attached single use capacitor. Designed to bypass shields and short out electronics while still inflicting damage through kinetic force.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shield penetration:</span> +50<br>\n- elemental: <span class='bluecolor'><<print $shockDamageType>></span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAn advanced form of railarm payload, Conductive Bolts are non-magnetic projectiles designed to bypass shields and short out electronics. Modern designs are standardized on a 6mm bolt diameter to fit concemporary railarms and include an integrated power disc - in effect, a large capacitor fused into the back of the bolt, which is stripped from the bolt upon loading and provides enough power for one discharge. Upon depression of the trigger, the firearm's rails are magnetized, causing the sabot to carry the bolt down the barrel, while the recoiling breech block crushes the power disc - at this point, still a cylinder - into a smouldering disk which is then ejected, either manually or as part of the cycling operation.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tUnlike more traditional railarm munitions, Conductive Bolts are fundamentally non-conductive and rely entirely on their sabot to be accelerated. Due to this, they cannot achieve the same velocities as [[Tungsten Bolts|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Tungsten Bolt"]] as this may cause the projectile to fail catastrophically in the barrel. The tradeoff of such a synthetic projectile is that it can bypass all modern [[Arc Shields|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "shield"]] and often includes a small chemical payload (water or a similar conductive fluid) intended to explode upon penetration of the target and cause significant electrical shorts inside. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>EndoGentic Injection</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/abomskin.png]]\n</div>\nAbominable bioinjection which mutates user's chest.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: chest<br>\n- abomination:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not injected</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+35% armor (or: +20%)</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>immune to addiction</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>immune to infection</span><br><br>\n\nAbomination Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>reduced intoxication</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>reduced intoxication</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>deflected attacks fatigue 25% less</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>deflected attacks fatigue 25% less</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tEndoGentic Injections are often administered to patients who are close to death and require immediate aid to remain alive. Often, such injections include strong and highly controlled mutagenic substances. Some such technologies are said to be derrived from the black plague. EndoGentics are considered abominable under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and use of such compounds is permitted only in extrem situations and always only under the care of a state sanctioned physician.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Arc Shield</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/shield.png]]\n</div>Advanced bioaugmentation which allows user to project Arc Shields.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("shield")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Cybernetic:<br>\n- slot: arm<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>personal arc shield</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>fatigues user</span><br>\n- shield type: <span class='yellowcolor'>user-powered</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>melee attackers recieve +1 shock stacks on deflection</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>melee attackers recieve +1 shock stacks on deflection</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>shield +50% more likely to deflect</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>shield +50% more likely to deflect</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tArc Shields, often referred to simply as personal shields or shields, are a form of augmentative implat that allows the user to project a short-ranged arc field that will repel most common bolt-based projectiles. Further benefits include the ability to scare away attackers by the implied danger of neural overshock and, in rare cases, overload delicate electronics within a short radius.<br><br>\n\nThe device is usually implanted under the skin, most commonly in the back, palm, or forearm, and interfaces with the user's nevrous system, allowing the technology to act as an extension of the physical body. Virtually all shield variants draw power from a biolelectical source within the user, leading to frequent cases of fatigue, hunger, and thirst when deployed.<br><br>\n\nDue to the complexity of the magnetics required to miniaturize shields, these augments tend not to be mass-produced and are traded at considerable price. Moreover, such implants require great expertise in both biological and technological matters to safely install. For this reason, most corporations and private users rely on cheaper, more user friendly alternatives such as projectors integrated in high-end combat armor and portable repulsion walls.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'drawWeaponStats'>>
<<display 'drawWeaponStats'>><br>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Bioregulation Module</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/detoxifier.png]]</div>Bioaugmentation designed to keep the user awake and sober longer.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("detoxifier")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: chest<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>reduced intoxication & fatigue</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>prevents infections</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>reduces stress</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>reduces stress</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>combat chems 25% more effective</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>combat chems 25% more effective</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tColloquially refrred to as Party Heart Modules due to the devices' shape, Bioregulation modules are augments designed specifically to improve the user's endurance, particularly in regard to use of intoxicating substances. The history of the bioregulation module is almost as old as that of humanity. These devices were long regarded as unfashionable, suited only for use by voiders who were required to remain awake and alert for long periods, locked in a command couch as they endured the eternal boredom of space travel. Later, as the social stigma on implants, subdermals, and augments relaxed, the modules found more common application among wealthy Lords and Ladies who had grown weary of relying on pharmaceuticals to endure lengthy social gatherings.<br><br>\n\nToday, bioregulation modules are widespread among the population, and many private citizens have opted to install such devices to both improve their life and prolong their waking hours, particularly on worlds and habitation platforms that - for various reasons - cannot match their cycles to the galactic standard day. Their most notorious use however is among young citizens attracted to various party and chem cultures, scenes which are known to use - and abuse - all manner of substances well beyond what the human body is biologically able to endure. For this reasons, use of bioregulation modules once again carries a certain social stigma, though most citizens are aware that life as they know it would not be possible without these augments.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Dampening Skin</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Padded skin intended to cushion physical impacts<br><br>\n\nSynthetic Tissue:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+1 armor integrity</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>attacks deflected by armor cause 20% less fatigue</span><br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>CyberSkin</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Rugged, utilitarian cybernetic plating intended for maximum protection<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- upgrade pack: <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "cyberaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "none" or $equip.offhand[3] neq $hud.currentScreen>><span class='greyedout'>none installed</span><<else>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[3]>></span><<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+20% armor</span><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n- baseline: <span class='greyedout'>fatigues user</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>\n<<else>>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>fatigues user</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "hyper-capacitor">>\n\t- shield type: <span class='yellowcolor'>user-powered</span><br>\n<<endif>><br>\n\nUpgrades:<br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "iso-tube">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>iso-tube pack:</span> cellarms use 25% less charge\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>iso-tube pack: cellarms use 25% less charge</span> \n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "dura-link">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>dura-link pack:</span> +10% armor\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>dura-link pack: +10% armor</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "hyper-capacitor">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>hyper-capacitor pack:</span> integrated arc shield\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>hyper-capacitor pack: integrated arc shield</span>\n\t<<endif>><br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Third Eye</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Provides electromagnetic-based sensory perception<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("thirdeye")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: head<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>increases ranged critical chance by +5%</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>allows use of Exo Armor</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>+10% evade</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>+10% evade</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>+50% arc shield deflection</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>+50% arc shield deflection</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe third sense, long rumored to be supernatural, is in fact an advanced neurologically interfaced, biologically powered low-frequency RADAR system which can detect details the human eye cannot see, allowing much greater situational awareness, albeit at a price. Side effects of the Third Eye are known to include headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Users are advised to get used to their new sense before relying on it too much and to not neglect their traditional senses, if only because failure of the Third Eye module has led some users to go blind for psychosomatic reasons. Due to the system requiring neural splicing to install, most Third Eye systems also include neural uplinks intended to interface with third party devices - the splice already taps the neural column at the rear of the head, so the addition is minimal.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Diamond Skin</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Gem-crusted skin to flaunt one's wealth<br><br>\n\nSynthetic Tissue:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n<<set $classToPrint = "mesmer">>\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t- <span class='purplecolor'>glitz and glam:</span> improves effects of Exubrence by 35% <span class='bluecolor'>(<<display 'printProperClassName'>>)</span>\n<<else>>\n\t- <span class='greyedout'>glitz and glam: improves effects of Exubrence by 35% (<<display 'printProperClassName'>>)</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>all non-concealing attire gains one fashion tier</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>not socially acceptable in Church space</span><br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>UnNerve</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/unnerve.png]]</div>Abominable biochem believed to affect the brain on extraphysical levels.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n+ <span class='yellowcolor'>2 armor integrity</span><br>\n+ <span class='bluecolor'>1 shield integrity</span><br>\n+ <span class='purplecolor'>guaranteed critical for one turn</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>90% evade for one turn</span><br>\n- <span class='redcolor'>extremely addictive</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA potent Class 6 biochemical believed by some to have been created by the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]], UnNerve is a compound that causes the user to percieve the universe at a superhuman level. It is is strictly prohibited bowh within and without the realms of [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Reports as to the drug's effect are inconsistent, not the least due to the severe punishments of even insinuating one is - or has been - in its posession yet it is believed to affect the human brain on a Sub-Null level, mutating it well beyond what nature allow and allowing inhuman levels of perfection in any task one sets ones mind to.<br><br>\n\nDespite strictest prohibition and incredible danger of self-harm, UnNerve is common among artists and craftsmen - even sanctioned Machine Smiths - due to its universal enhancing capacity. It is also rumored to be popular among certain classes of the establishment, though reports of usage in high society are rare. Readers of this article are dutifully reminded that UnNerve is a strictly prohibited and abominable substance. Individuals in posessio of this biochem must be reported to the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] immediately.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>9mm Bolt</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/9mm.png]]\n</div>\nCheap, standardized 9x23mm ferroconductive bolt cased in a synthetic guidance system, designed to be loaded in GalSta magazines and fired from modern coilarms and certain forms of MilSpec railgun.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>smart targeting:</span> requires compatible weapon<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe galactic standard for coilarm munitions, 9mm bolts are cheap, fairly simple to produce, and will fit in various magazines designed for contemporary coilarms. The projectile's design is not as crude as railgun rounds, which generally do not include guidance, but not all 9mm rounds need include guidance system and crude unguided rounds are often also sold. Unlike the simpler railarm payloads, the 9mm bolt does not require an integrated power suppy to be fired, though a small batter is often included in smart bolts. Power for acceleration is generally provided by the weapon, either via a built-in capacitor and power bank or via a replacable power bank in the magazine.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>AdrenoBiotic Injection</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/abomgland.png]]\n</div>\nAbominable bioinjection which bolsters users reactions.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: chest<br>\n- abomination:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not injected</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='purplecolor'>+25% evade, +20% accuracy & hit chance</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>reduced fatigue</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>immune to infection</span><br><br>\n\nAbomination Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>deflected attacks cause 40% less fatigue</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>deflected attacks cause 40% less fatigue</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>parry chance increased by 50%</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>parry chance increased by 50%</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAdrenoBiotic Injections are a form of bioinjection that mutate the heart and adrenal system, often in an attempt to keep a dying patient alive. AdrenoBiotic glands, which grow as a result of these injections, tend to release dangerous volumes of adrenaline into the host's blood stream, drastically affecting their nervous system but prolonguing their life in severe and life threatening circumstances. AdrenoBiotics are considered abominable under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and are only permitted to be used under the strict supervision of a sanctioned phycician.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Muscular Amplificator</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/meleeplant.png]]\n</div>\nBioaugmentation designed to strengthen the user's muscular structure.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: arm<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+10% melee hit chance, +10% melee penetration</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>better heavy weapon handling</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>fatigues user</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>reduced heavy armor penalty</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>reduced heavy armor penalty</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>parry chance incresaed by 50%</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>parry chance incresaed by 50%</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA Muscular Amplificator - or Muscle Amplifier - is a form of subdermal augment designed to strengthen the user's muscle performance through chemical, biological, and neurological means. In practice this means the user will be stronger, faster, and better coordinated, and many users report a heightened state of elation when performing physical tasks. These benefits do not come without dangers however, and amplified individuals often tire faster than un-augmented or otherwise augmented persons.<br><br>\n\nPrecise mode of operation, and therefore effects and risks, of Amplifiers vary from device to device yet all are inherently dangerous to the user and therefore strictly regulated by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Permits must be purchased before implantation and extensive physical examinations are required before every augmentation session. Illegal, in particular underage, use of Amplificators remains a problem in many parts of the galaxy however and is commonly believed that Amplificators are a primary cause of many youth health issues, in extreme cases even leading to [[Acheri Syndrome|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]].\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Neuroregulative Processor</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/neurochip.png]]\n</div>\nCybernetic augment designed to regulate neural processes.<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- <span class='greencolor'>prevents exhaustion</span><br>\n- <span class='greencolor'>calms user</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA Neuroregulative Processor or Neuroprocessor is a cybernetic implant installed in a human's brain that directly regulates the user's mental state by suppressing undesriable neural processes by intercepting impulses and rewiring neural pathways. Installation of such a device requres an extremely talented cybersmith with extensive experience with neurosurgery. This means that Neuroprocessors are a relatively expensive augment and comparatively rare in the contemporary galaxy, though cheap knock-offs can occasionally be purchased in dubious or even outright illegal 'black clinics'.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThese low-quality augments are often unreliable and frequently lead to greater mental instability. This circumstance, and the fact that unlicenced processors are easier to aquire than licenced ones, has led to widespread suspicion of even official Neuroprocessor programs. Licenced devices, contrary to popular perception, have been proven to be extremely reliable, with the only notable side-effect being suppressed agression. As a result, neuroaugment programs are popular among - and frequently subsedized for - voiders, private security contractors, and comparable high-stress jobs that require focus at all times. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>ThermoSleek</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>\nSleek stylized skin with gilded contacts and cooling vents<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- upgrade pack: <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "cyberaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "none" or $equip.offhand[3] neq $hud.currentScreen>><span class='greyedout'>none installed</span><<else>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[3]>></span><<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>all non-concealing attire gains one fashion tier</span><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n- baseline <span class='bluecolor'>reduces fatigue</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>\n<<else>>\n- baseline <span class='yellowcolor'>reduces fatigue from cybernetic augments</span>\n<<endif>><br><br>\n\nUpgrades:<br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "hyper-cooling">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>hyper-cooling pack:</span> attacks deflected by shields provide +10% penetration\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>hyper-cooling pack: attacks deflected by shields provide +10% penetration</span> \n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "rib-edge">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>rib-edge pack:</span> +1 armor integrity\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>rib-edge pack: +1 armor integrity</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[3] eq "dynamo">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>dynamo pack:</span> using any item provides +10% crit\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>dynamo pack: using any item provides +10% crit</span>\n\t<<endif>><br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Plastique Skin</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Translucent plastic-like skin intended to show off your organs<br><br>\n\nSynthetic Tissue:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>all non-concealing attire provides +10% evade</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>skimpy, fashionable & glamorous attire increase dazzle by 25%</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>not socially acceptable in Church space</span><br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>ArcDisc</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/arcdisc.png]]</div>Throwable, single-use arc projector in IntelliDisc form.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_2")>>\n+ <span class='purplecolor'>skill:</span> throw at enemies to <span class='bluecolor'>shock</span> them<br>\n<span class='greyedout'>- provides arc shield</span><br>\n- <span class='greyedout'>single use</span><br><br>\n<<else>>\n+ <span class='bluecolor'>1 arc shield</span><br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>chance to recover disc</span><br><br>\n<<endif>>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAn advanced IntelliDisc, the ArcDisc is a single use, throwable device designed to orbit the user and project a temporary [[Arc Shield|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "shield"]]. The disc contains four acceleration rockets, which both keep the disc spinning and allow repositioning should the integrated intelligence deem this necessary. Mounted between the rockets are four arc projector prongs which will discharge upon detection of incoming projectiles. Some models are also designed to activate when observing agressive behavior from human or humanoid actors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe ArcDisc is fairly common among mercenaries and private security contractors, both due to their relatively cheap unit price and lack of need for maintenance, which is required for most other [[Arc Projection|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "shield"]] devices. Furthermore, the discs are relatively small, can be carried in adequate quantities, and programmed to orbit any nearby humanoid, making them ideal for close protection details and hostage rescue situations.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Scattershot Canister</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_scatter_shock.png]]\n<<else>>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_scatter.png]]\n<<endif>><br>\n</div>\n\nRailarm certified canister which unleashes a hail of metallic slivers. <<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>Configured to deploy shock foam at slight cost to stopping power.<<else>>Designed to strike to multiple targets in one shot.<<endif>><br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>armor penetration:</span> +20<br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shield penetration:</span> +20<br>\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>- <span class='purplecolor'>skill:</span> hand-loaded with shock foam<br>\n- elemental: <span class='bluecolor'><<print $shockDamageType>></span><br><<endif>>\n- can hit multiple enemies<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAn advanced railarm payload, Scattershot Canisters are dual purpose rounds which can be fired either as a dicarding SABOT which breaks apart upon firing or as a fused round that detonates upon impact, unleashing the hail of metal or synthetic splinters contained within the canister. Like most railarm rounds, Scattershot Canisters are standardized to a 6mm diameter, though larger 9mm and even 12mm Scattershot Canisters are quite common in purpose-built canister railarms. In many cases, a Scattershot round will be longer than a comparable bolt as it's killing power comes not from sheer velocity but ferocity of the hail of shrapnel it unleashes. All GalSta canisters come with an attached single-use capacitor known as a power disc.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tUnfortunately, due to the mechanical complexity of the canister, which must survive the discharge or the contained shrapnel will ruin the railgun's barrel, Scattershot rounds cannot be accelerated to the same velocities as more primitive munitions, which severely restricts their penetration power. For best effect on target, Scattershot rounds should be used against lightly or unprotected targets. At relatively close ranges, they can be fired in discarding SABOT mode. At longer ranges, the canister will need to be ballistically lobbed and set to detonate on impact. Regardless of fire mode, Scattershot Canisters are ideal against multiple clustered targets and should always be fired at the target if possible.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Neurotoxin Canister</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/bolt_toxin.png]]\n</div>Railarm certified canister which releases a cloud of toxic gas upon impact.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>shield penetration:</span> +40<br>\n- elemental: <span class='lgreencolor'><<print $toxinDamageType>></span><br>\n- can hit multiple enemies<br>\n- <span class='greyedout'>neurotoxin effect countered by full-spectrum protection</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAn advanced railarm payload, Neurotoxin Canisters are discarding SABOT impact canisters designed to unleash an aerosol gas payload upon striking the target directly or impacting near it. Like most railarm rounds, Neurotoxin Canisters are standardized to a 6mm diameter, though larger 9mm and even 12mm Neurotoxin Canisters are quite common in purpose-built canister railarms. In many cases, a Neurotoxin round will be longer than a comparable bolt as it's killing power comes from the aersol contained within, not the projectile itself, though most Neurotoxin Canisters are synthetic shells which can inflict quite some damage if they directly strike a target. All GalSta canisters come with an attached single-use capacitor known as a power disc.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tUnfortunately, due to the mechanical complexity of the canister, which must survive the discharge or risk gassing the operator on accident, Neurotoxin rounds cannot be accelerated to the same velocities as more primitive rounds, though this does not mean the canister is not a lethal weapon. Almost all use of Neurotoxin canisters suggest that the round be fired directly at the target, where the synthetic canister will inflict damage in addition to the adverse effects caused by the gas. In most cases, the neurotoxin carried within the round is lethal, it being generally difficult to fit less than lethal smart-gasses into such a small canister.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>GenoIngestive Injection</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/abomclaw.png]]\n</div>\nAbominable bioinjection which mutates users jowls and digestive tract.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomclaw")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: head<br>\n- abomination:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not injected</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='purplecolor'>consume organics to reduce fatigue by 40%</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>consume replaces knife, inherits stats from knife</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>immune to infection</span><br><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>cannot be used when wearing concealing equipment</span><br>\n\nAbomination Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>consume reduces intoxication by 50%</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>consume reduces intoxication by 50%</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>consume attacks apply toxin elemental</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>consume attacks apply toxin elemental</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tGenoIngestive Injections are a form of bioinjection which makes the patient more likely to be able to consume and digest raw foodstuffs, notably raw meat. GenoIngestive technology originated in the carnivorian movement and, due to it's abominable nature, is strictly prohibited under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. There is on valid medical case to use such life-threatening and genome-altering substances.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Bull Bones</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Heavy duty bones, as brutish as bull<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: arm<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>reduced heavy armor penalty</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>attacks deflected by armor cause 30% less fatigue</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>attacks deflected by armor cause 30% less fatigue</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>wearing armor no longer incurs fatigue</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>wearing armor no longer incurs fatigue</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tYou want the bull in you? You do? Yes. Fine! Grow da bones. Grow dem big. Cause that's exactly what you need, bull. Bully bully bull bull bull. I hate writing these entries but my clients want them. Insist on them. So I put them all in, just in case. You happy with bull?\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>CyberLimbs</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cyberarm.png]]</div>Cybernetic limbs designed to replace lost body parts and improve physical ability.<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: arm<br>\n- upgrade pack: <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[2] eq "cyberaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[2] eq "none" or $equip.offhand[2] neq $hud.currentScreen>><span class='greyedout'>none installed</span><<else>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[2]>></span><<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>powerfist replaces knife, inherits stats from knife</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>powerfist attacks gain +20 penetration and inflict arc-shocks</span><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n- baseline <span class='greyedout'>fatigues user</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>\n<<else>>\n- baseline <span class='redcolor'>fatigues user</span>\n<<endif>><br><br>\n\nUpgrades:<br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[2] eq "synth-fiber">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>synth-fiber pack:</span> better heavy weapon and armor handling\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>synth-fiber pack: better heavy weapon and armor handling</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[2] eq "shock-fist">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>shock-fist pack:</span> +1 powerfist shock stack\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>shock-fist pack: +1 powerfist shock stack</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[2] eq "neuro-fist">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>neuro-fist pack:</span> powerfist kills reduce fatigue by 5%\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>neuro-fist pack: powerfist kills reduce fatigue by 5%</span>\n\t<<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tCyberLimbs - also known as Cybernetic Limbs or Mechano-Prosthetic Limbs - are a form of cybernetic augment that replaces the user's arms and legs with more durable and capable synthetic limbs. The benefits of the cybernetic lifestyle are obvious: increased strength, agility, and flexibility, as well as replacement of lost limbs. In most cases CyberLimbs are grafted onto a human for medical reasons. These augments seldom exceed the natural human capacity by much. Illegal models hower, particularly those created by cyber cultists, often far exceed natural human strength, and several fighting styles have developed around the 'Power Fist', as a clenched and fully amplified punch or kick from a CyberLimb is referred to.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tUnfortunately, due to the wide ranging biological 'dehumanization' of the user upon installation of the augment, CyberLimbs are met with disgust or indeed scorn by many segments of society, being tolerated only when the user was otherwise disabled prior to augmentation. This unfortunate circumstance is made even more problematic by the fact that most CyberLimbs are extremely difficult to conceal, even within clothing. None the less, they remain widely used throughout the galaxy, particularly among veterans and accident surviors who would otherwise be grievously handicapped.\n\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Neurointerface Nodes</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/aimpoint.png]]</div>Bioaugmentation designed to interface with external devices.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Cybernetic:<br>\n- slot: chest<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>improved weapon accuracy</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>allows use of Exo Armor</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>+50% arc shield deflection</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>+50% arc shield deflection</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>IntelliDiscs 15% more effective</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>IntelliDiscs 15% more effective</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOriginally used exclusively by starship captains and only recently having become cheap enough to be available by the average citizen, Neurointerface Nodes are a suite of subdermal jacks and wireless uplinks which interface the user's nervous system directly with compatible electronics, thereby bypassing the need for a visual end-user interface. Virtually any device known to humanity can be configured for use with neuronodes, though in practice they are only used to their full capacity in cases where information which cannot easily be represented to the users, such as: starship navigation, vehicular controls, exosuit interface, data modeling software, fourdimensional rendering, etc.<br><br>\n\nMany consumer electronics however take advantage of the prevalance of neurointerfaces - 62.3% of the galactic polulation is known to possess nodes - and will offer direct-integration features such as: touchless command of household appliances, direct-to-neural data transfer, mental representation of targeting data, and so on. So widespread are neuronodes in fact that, as of recently, consumers are complaining that traditional interfaces are beginning to lack features which are only available to neuronode users.<br><br>\n\nFor this reason, the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] has begun to monitor use, production, and integration of neuronodes across the galaxy, aiming to ensure that users who prefer (or are forced to use) traditional interfaces are not unduly disadvantaged - or even endangered - by lacking quality control. This has led to considerable debate in many social circles, however the trend of neurological interfacing does not seem about to reverse itself, and experts speculate that neuronodes may become the de-facto input mode for all devices in less than five hundred galactic standard years.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>HoloDisc</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/holodisc.png]]</div>Throwable, single-use dazzle projector in IntelliDisc form.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n+ <span class='purplecolor'>1 dazzle stack</span><br>\n+ <span class='bluecolor'>increased crit chance vs dazzled enemies</span><br>\n- <span class='greyedout'>single use</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA primitive IntelliDisc designed for crowd control purposes, the HoloDisc is a single use, throwable device which seeks out agressive humanoids or machines and projects a dazzling barrage of holographic 'noise'. This optical assault, caused via miniaturized projectors installed in the disc, is intended to both disorient the target, scare them away, and disrupt [[Arc Projectors|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "shield"]] by interfering with their detection optics. The disc is held aloft by thrown velocity and aided by four acceleration rockets, which both keep the disc spinning and allow repositioning should the integrated intelligence deem this necessary.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe HoloDisc is fairly common among security forces and riot control teams, both due to their relatively cheap unit price and lack of need for maintenance, which is required for most other Dazzle Proection devices. Furthermore, the discs are relatively small, can be carried in adequate quantities, and programmed to seek out specific targets or areas, making them ideal for zone control and breaking up rioters. HoloDiscs are also occasionaly employed by Bot Control officials due to their ability to dazzle detection optics, though more specialized takedown devices are usuall used when confronted with fatally malfunctioning robotics.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Raptor Claws</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Feathered raptor claws to flay your enemies<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: arm<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>raptor claws replace knife, inherit stats from knife</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>raptor claw attacks gain +20 penetration</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+10% melee hit chance, +10% melee penetration</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>not socially acceptable in Church space</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>+15% melee crit chance</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>+15% melee crit chance</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>claw attacks gain toxin elemental</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>claw attacks gain toxin elemental</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tWhy would you put feathers in your body? Actually, no. I do not want to do. Take your stupid claws. And your stupid feathers. And do not complain to me when they arrest you. Because they will. You look ridiculous! Seriously, why would you EVER put feathers in your arms?!\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Mammalian Pelt</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Fluffy synthetic skin - almost as good as a real pelt<br><br>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+5% armor</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>not socially acceptable in Church space</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>+50% shield deflection</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>+50% shield deflection</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>attacks deflected by armor incresae penetration by 10%</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>attacks deflected by armor incresae penetration by 10%</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tFur! Of course it must be fur. Everyone 'loves' fur, right until they realize how difficult it is to care for. Lick yourself. You understand? That is how the animals do it: they lick themselves and, since you want to be an animal, that is my skin care tip: lick yourself. I do not care how it sounds. It is sane and sensible and the most effective skin care you can find for fur.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAthena Medical really should pay me to come up with slogans for their info-tizements...\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Abominated Skin</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>This skin shows signs of abomination. It is most likely infected with black plague or a similarly gruesome disease.<br><br>\n\nBiological Tissue:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>identifies you as an abomination</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>prevents skin modification</span><br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>MyoGenic Injection</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/abommuscle.png]]</div>Abominable bioinjection which bolsters users strength and resilience.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: arm<br>\n- abomination:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not injected</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='purplecolor'>melee crit chance +20% per combo counter</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>better heavy weapon handling</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>immune to infection</span><br><br>\n\nAbomination Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>reduced heavy armor penalty</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>reduced heavy armor penalty</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>+20% armor</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>+20% armor</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tMyoGenic Injections are a form of bioinjection with mutagenic effects on muscular and skeletal structures. Their primary effect is to cause the strengthening of muscular tissue and growth of chitinous 'plates' to protect vulnerable parts of the organism, resulting in a stronger and more resilient subject. Such enhancements are often used - illegaly - by bloodsports contestants and extreme sports participants, often in the hopes the injection will not be detected, giving the player a distinct advantage. MyoGenics are illegal under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Less ivasive methods and mechanisms exist to augment a person's physical strength and, as a result, there is no valid pharmaceutical case for MyoGenics.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>CyberSkel</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cyberbody.png]]</div>Augmentative cybernetic endoskeleton designed to radically strengthen the user.<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: chest<br>\n- upgrade pack: <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "cyberaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "none" or $equip.offhand[1] neq $hud.currentScreen>><span class='greyedout'>none installed</span><<else>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[1]>></span><<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>35% armor (or: +20%)</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>allows use of Exo Armor</span><br><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n- baseline <span class='greyedout'>fatigues user</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>\n<<else>>\n- baseline <span class='redcolor'>fatigues user</span>\n<<endif>><br><br>\n\nUpgrades:<br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "synth-lung">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>synth-lung pack:</span> reduces intoxication, prevents infection\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>synth-lung pack: reduces intoxication, prevents infection</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "synth-flex">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>synth-flex pack:</span> deflected attacks cause 30% less fatigue\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>synth-flex pack: deflected attacks cause 30% less fatigue</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "nano-plate">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>nano-plate pack:</span> +30% armor\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>nano-plate pack: +30% armor</span>\n\t<<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tCyberskeletons - also known as CyberSkels, Cyberbodies or similar - are a form of cybernetic implant that replaces the user's biological skeleton with a more durable and flexible synthetic frame. Many CyberSkel models include biosynthetic [[Muscular Amplificators|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "meleeplant"]] and fully integrated [[Neurointerface Nodes|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]], affording the benefits of various augments in a single package. Like all cybernetic and biosynthetic augments, CyberSkels draw from a biolectric source that will steadily wear the user out, requiring frequent rest to sustain peak functionality.<br><br>\n\nUniquely, creation and maintenance of Cyberskeletons is not traditionally the domain of the flesh melder, a professional caste which prefers to deal with bioaugmentative solutions and exoskeletons rather than interfere with the internal workings of the human body on a wider scale. Instead, it is the historically shunned and notoriously criminalized Cybersmith cult which offers this form of cybernetic upgrade, making them borderline illegal on most worlds and hab-platforms of the galaxy.<br><br>\n\nFurthermore, due to the wide ranging biological 'dehumanization' of the user upon installation of the augment, CyberSkeletons are met with disgust or indeed scorn by many segments of society, being tolerated almost exclusively among augment-focused subcultures and techo-cults. Absence of physical indicator of the augment's presence however means that users may easily pass for an un-augmented human in many circumstances and it is currently unknown how large a percentage of the population makes use of such cybernetics - estimates range from 0.1% to 15.45% on a pan-galactic scale.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>CyberOptic</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cybereye.png]]</div>Augmentative cybernetic eye designed to radically improve vision and coordination.<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: head<br>\n- upgrade pack: <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "cyberaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "none" or $equip.offhand[0] neq $hud.currentScreen>><span class='greyedout'>none installed</span><<else>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[0]>></span><<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+10% ranged accuracy</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>guaranteed hit on first shot</span><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n- baseline <span class='greyedout'>fatigues user</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>\n<<else>>\n- baseline <span class='redcolor'>fatigues user</span>\n<<endif>><br><br>\n\nUpgrades:<br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "omnisense">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>omnisense pack:</span> +10% evade\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>omnisense pack: +10% evade</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "antiflash">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>antiflash pack:</span> enemy special attacks fatigue you less\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>antiflash: enemy moves fatigue you less</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "deadeye">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>deadeye pack:</span> +10% ranged crit\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>deadeye: +10% ranged crit</span>\n\t<<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tCyberoptics - also known as Cyber Eyes, Occular Implants or similar - are a form of cybernetic implant that replaces the user's biological eye with a more durable and capable synthetic optical unit. Among the benefits are enhanced vision, correction of various occular disorders, and a number of unique features such as IR filtering, light amplification mode, and similar digital enhancements not possible with biological solutions.<br><br>\n\nUniquely, creation and maintenance of Cyberoptics is not traditionally the domain of the flesh melder, a professional caste which prefers to deal with bioaugmentative solutions and exoskeletons rather than interfere with the internal workings of the human body in such delicate matters. Instead, it is the historically shunned and notoriously criminalized Cybersmith cult which offers this form of cybernetic upgrade, making them borderline illegal on most worlds and hab-platforms of the galaxy.<br><br>\n\nFurthermore, due to the wide ranging biological 'dehumanization' of the user upon installation of the augment, Cyberoptics are met with disgust or indeed scorn by many segments of society, being tolerated almost exclusively among augment-focused subcultures and techo-cults. This is made even more problematic by the fact that most Cyberoptics are extremely visible and difficult to conceal. None the less, they find widespread use among assassination cults, transumanist circles, and even some sharpshooters operating in prominent mercenary or private security organizations.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'syntheticskin'>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Synthetic Skin</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>A synthetic skin-like epidermis replacer<br><br>\n\nSynthetic Tissue:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+10% armor</span><br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>ViroDisc</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/virodisc.png]]Throwable, single-use viroagent dispensor in IntelliDisc form.<br><br>\n\nEffects:<br>\n+ <span class='greencolor'>1 neurotoxin stack</span><br>\n- <span class='greyedout'>single use</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA primitive IntelliDisc designed for crowd control purposes, the ViroDisc is a single use, throwable device which seeks out agressive humanoids and releases a short lived, fast-acting virological agent designed to cause acute nausea and irritate otherwise projected flesh, such as that beneath thick clothes. The viroagent is bound in aerosol form and dispersed via four nozzles on the bottom of the disc. Infection is caused by inhalation and the effects will last for several hours, though the agent is non-lethal to otherwise healthy humans. The disc itself is held aloft by thrown velocity and aided by four acceleration rockets, which both keep the disc spinning and allow repositioning should the integrated intelligence deem this necessary.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe ViroDisc is fairly common among security forces, riot control teams, and abomination hunters, both due to their relatively cheap unit price and lack of need for maintenance, which is required for most other ViroDischarge devices. Furthermore, the discs are relatively small, can be carried in adequate quantities, and programmed to seek out specific targets or areas, making them ideal for zone control and breaking up rioters. ViroDisc also frequently employed by sanctioned hunters to weaken superhuman abominations to the point they can be more easily assailed.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>FuCell</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/fucell.png]]</div>Self-charging commercial microfusion cell designed for use in military-industrial devices.<br><br>\n\n- <span class='greencolor'>recharges fusion cells</span><br>\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_11")>>-<span class='purplecolor'>Skill:</span> reduces fatigue and intoxication<<endif>><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAvailable all across the galaxy and used in countless devices, the FuCell is a standardized, self-charging microfusion cell intended for the commerical market. It is based around an enclosed, slow-fusion chamber which steadily builds charge in its interal SycLav Sink, a system which considerably extends the FuCell's lifetime without sacrificing its surge capacity. Unlike many older models, the FuCell does not directly expose its workings and instead uses a standardized connector which is compatible with most common plugs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThough generally considered safe and user friendly, the FuCell is a military-industrial grade fuel source not intended for use in simpler devices such as household appliances. It will fit into such sockets yet is ill suited for private use, most notably due to the SycLav Sink's overcharged output and risk of combustion when handled improperly. For these reasons, FuCells require a Class 1 HazTech license to resell on the open market, and resellers are urged to not encourage purchase by unqualified persons.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Feline Ears</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/catears.png]]</div>Adorable feline gene-hybrid ears.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("catears")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: head<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>bribes and shop purchases cost 10% less</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>not socially acceptable in Church space</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>negotiation always succeeds</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>negotiation always succeeds</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>flirting always succeeds</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>flirting always succeeds</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tCat ears. What did you expect. A dissertation on this? They are CAT. EARS. Do not put them in humans. Please do not put them in humans. Why do you put them in humans? I suppose there is some appeal but, please, please, be human! Or not. Be a cat. See what Miette cares.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Chameleon Scales</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/chameleon.png]]</div>Gene-hybrid scales with chameleon characteristics.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n<<if $isThisAug>>\n\t- requirement:\n\t<<if $equip.isSkimpy>><span class='bluecolor'>skin visible (requirement met)</span>\n\t<<else>><span class='redcolor'>skin not visible (wear skimpy attire)</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n<<endif>>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>skimpy attire improves sneak</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>skimpy attire provides +10% evade</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>not socially acceptable in Church space</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>extortion pays 25% more</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>extortion pays 25% more</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>skimpy attire provides +10% critical chance</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>skimpy attire provides +10% critical chance</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tWhy do chameleons have scales? We do not know. Do not ask. That is what the customer wants so that is what we do and, if the customer is happy, we do not complain. But we are thinking it. We know it. It will itch. And you will complain. You will!\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>SlenderSkel</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/slenderbody.png]]</div>Slender cybernetic endoskeleton designed to radically streamline the user's physique.<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: chest<br>\n- upgrade pack: <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "cyberaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "none" or $equip.offhand[1] neq $hud.currentScreen>><span class='greyedout'>none installed</span><<else>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[1]>></span><<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+20% evade</span><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n- baseline <span class='bluecolor'>reduces fatigue</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>\n<<else>>\n- baseline <span class='yellowcolor'>reduces fatigue from cybernetic augments</span>\n<<endif>><br><br>\n\nUpgrades:<br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "mount-point">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>mount-point pack:</span> increases cybergun & powerfist damage by 25%\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>mount-point pack: increases cybergun & powerfist damage by 25%</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "boost-cell">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>boost-cell pack:</span> +10% melee crit chance\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>boost-cell pack: +10% melee crit chance</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] eq "spinal-support">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>spinal-support pack:</span> reduced heavy armor penalty\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>spinal-support pack: reduced heavy armor penalty</span>\n\t<<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSlenderSkels are a form of Cyber-skeleton that radically reduces the space required by the user's organs, slimming their body down to an unnatural degree. This allows for a much smaller and lighter build that retains the same physical aptitude of the pre-augmentation human. Slenderizing is common among specialist contractors - notably black operators - and select trades where a small, combat form is more desirable, for example in void-crewing. Due to the 'dehumanization' effect caused by SlenderSkels are met with disgust or indeed scorn by many segments of society, being tolerated almost exclusively among augment-focused subcultures and techo-cults. Absence of physical indicator of the augment's presence however means that users may easily pass for an un-augmented human in many circumstances and it is currently unknown how large a percentage of the population makes use of such cybernetics - estimates range from 0.1% to 15.45% on a pan-galactic scale.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'humanskin'>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Human Skin</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'><<print "[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.currentScreen + ".png]]">></div>Natural human skin - or is it?<br><br>\n\nBiological Tissue:<br>\n- slot: skin<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>><<endnobr>>
<<display 'syntheticskin'>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Neurohormonal Gland</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/biochip.png]]</div>Biosynthetic gland which releases neuroregulative hormones.<br><br>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- <span class='greencolor'>prevents exhaustion</span><br>\n- <span class='redcolor'>aggrevates user</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA Neurohormonal Gland - short Neurogland - is a biosynthetic augment spliced into the user's cerebral column which disperses thritheoron-based hormones to prevent fatigue and mental inconsistencies. Uniquely, the Neurogland is not a biosynthetic device per se but a synthetic organism in its own right which enters into a symbiotic relationship with the user. This allows the gland to repair minor damage to itself and adapt to the user's mental state. For this reason, most Neurogland officially licenced procedures provide price-inclusive behvaioral therpay, allowing both gland and user to normalize slowly over the course of several weeks or months.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tUnfortunately, illegal or unlicenced procedures seldom provide congnitive therapy and, as a result, the Neurogland has become increasingly associated with emotional outbursts and [[Acheri Syndrome|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]. Even worse, many black market glands are of inferior quality, and aggrevate the user due to the specific thritheoron compounds used for neural regulation. Despite these drawbacks, unlicenced glands are common across the galaxy, notably due to their low price and ease of aquisition, two attributes that make these splices extremely popular among stressed out lower-class citizens.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Neuroparasite</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/neuroparasite.png]]</div>Biosynthetic parasite with neuroregulative effects on host.<br><br>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- <span class='greencolor'>prevents exhaustion</span><br>\n- <span class='greencolor'>prevents infection</span><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA Neuroparasite is an organic creature which rapidly grows around a hosts spinal column. Once fully matured, it enters in a symbiotic relationship that cleases the host's neurological processes and provides relief from a number of common infectuous diseases. Due to their abominable nature, neuroparasites are illegal on every world and hab-platform of the galaxy, and any host found to be infected with such a creature will be immediately terminated under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFor obvious reason, little is known about Neuroparasites, though it is widely assumed by experts that these abominable creatures are the prerequisite for certain types of biogenic modification. Precisely why bioparasite spores are initially injected into prospective hosts is unknown. Theories include simplified access to the host's neural and genetic structures, strengthening of the immune system to harmful or pathogenic injection vectors, and less risk of uncontrolled mutation. Since individuals who practice neuroparasitical flesh-melding are few and seldom taken alive, it is unknown if the reasons will ever be explained in full.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Combat Webbing</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat webbing.png]]</div>MilSpec gear and ammunition carrier commonly used by corporate contractors.<br><br>\n\n- <span class='yellowcolor'>9mm ammo capacity:</span> +50%<br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>bolt ammo capacity:</span> +50%<br>\n- <span class='bluecolor'>canister ammo capacity:</span> +100%<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>\n\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Rhinodon Hide</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/rhinoskin.png]]</div>Gene-hybrid skin with rhinodon-like toughness.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("rhinoskin")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Augmentation:<br>\n- slot: skin<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+1 armor integrity</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>not socially acceptable in Church space</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>immune to infection</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>immune to infection</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>+10% armor</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>+10% armor</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tRawhide. No. Rhinodon hide. But it's almost the same thing, right? Right?<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tOh, whatever. Enjoy your stupid implant.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Synaptic Link</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/fleshmask.png]]</div>Bio-cybernetic brain link designed to interface with external devices.<br><br>\n\n<<set $isThisAug = false>>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("fleshmask")>>\n\t<<set $isThisAug = true>>\n<<endif>>\n\nBio-Cybernetic:<br>\n- slot: head<br>\n- integration:\n<<if $isThisAug >>\n\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n<<else>>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>not installed</span>\n<<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+10% accuracy & hit chance</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>allows use of Exo Armor</span><br><br>\n\nIntegration Bonus:<br>\n- 50%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>all prices are 10% better</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>all prices are 10% better</span><<endif>><br>\n- 100%: <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1 and $isThisAug>><span class='bluecolor'>IntelliDiscs 15% more effective</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>IntelliDiscs 15% more effective</span><<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSynthetic brain with plugs. To be plugged into devices. It is simple. The human should not question. The human should simply install and use the device.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThis article was written by: CYBERMACHINEUDDE6766\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>BrainCase</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/braincase.png]]</div>Cybernetic brain case intended to protect against severe head trauma.<br><br>\n\nCybernetic:<br>\n- slot: head<br>\n- upgrade pack: <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "cyberaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "none" or $equip.offhand[0] neq $hud.currentScreen>><span class='greyedout'>none installed</span><<else>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[0]>></span><<endif>><br>\n- baseline: <span class='greencolor'>+15% armor</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>prevents addiction</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='bluecolor'>allows use of Exo Armor</span><br>\n- baseline: <span class='redcolor'>-10% <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] neq "em-sensor">>accuracy & <<endif>>hit chance</span><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride>>\n- baseline <span class='greyedout'>fatigues user</span> <span class='bluecolor'>(InZtinct)</span>\n<<else>>\n- baseline <span class='redcolor'>fatigues user</span>\n<<endif>><br><br>\n\nUpgrades:<br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "smart-link">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>smart-link pack:</span> IntelliDiscs 25% more effective\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>smart-link pack: IntelliDiscs 25% more effective</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "em-sensor">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>em-sensor pack:</span> +50% arc shield deflection, +10% accuracy\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>em-sensor pack: +50% arc shield deflection, +10% accuracy</span>\n\t<<endif>><br>\n- <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[0] eq "ballistic-plate">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor colorbold'>ballistic-plate pack:</span> +10% armor\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>ballistic-plate pack: +10% armor</span> \n\t<<endif>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tHardened brain case intended to protect user from harm and allow interfaces with external devices. One of the most extreme forms of modification one can undergo, brain case modification is often the first step on a person's journey towards a synthetic life. The process involves surgically removing the user's brain from their organic skull and inserting it into a synthetic one. This often has negative effects on the individual's life when not paired with complete body modification as organic body functions are severely impaired.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'syntheticskin'>>
<<display 'humanskin'>>
<<display 'humanskin'>>
<<display 'syntheticskin'>>
<<display 'humanskin'>>
<<display 'syntheticskin'>>
<<display 'syntheticskin'>>
<<display 'humanskin'>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cure Infection</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cure_infection.png]]</div>Cures any existing infections.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cure Addiction</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cure_addiction.png]]</div>Cures any existing addictions.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Red</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/pill_red.png]]</div>A red recreational pill.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Black</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/pill_black.png]]</div>A black recreational pill.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Purple</strong>\n\n<<nobr>><div class='HUD_CodexImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/pill_purple.png]]</div>A purple recreational pill.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'codexStubFiller'>>\n<<endnobr>>
<span class='greyedout'>This article is a stub. Help the codex foundation by adding additional information! All provided information must be sourced and vetted by the Codex Foundation in accordance with Church Law.</span>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.expandAgenda eq false>>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandAgenda = true; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#jobs-completed'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Archived_Tasks'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandAgenda = false; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#jobs-completed'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Archived_Tasks'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandAgenda eq true>>\n\t\t<<if $job_intro_implant.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_intro_implant">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Implant Malfunction<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase gte 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_abomination_investigate">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Abominable Influence<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase gte 4>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "fisher_task_revenge">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Real Important Shit<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Fisher<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_arena_lavandri">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Deathmatch Arena<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Lavandri Corp<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 10>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 6 and not $job_coven.overrideAnska and $chr_celena.met>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "celena_task2_main">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Coven Investigation<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Celena<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 6 and $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_coven.overrideAnska eq true and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 7>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "anska_task_main">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Coven Investigation<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Anska<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 9>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_crypto_warlock">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Cryptomancy<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Gal<br>\n\t\t\tPriority: <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 98>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><<else>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 3 and $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase gt 0>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_blindkid_resolution">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Another Artefact<<else>>Commisariat Investigation<</if>><br>\n\t\t\tClient: <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Varai<</if>><br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 98 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_blindkid_shrine">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Cryptic & Important<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Zweili<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 100 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase gte 1>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 6>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_corpo_conference">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Corpo Conference<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Zweili<br>\n\t\t\tPriority: <<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 6 or $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 98>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase gte 6>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_riptide_postbattle">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Outpost Cleanup<br>\n\t\t\tClient: <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Jalkovski<<else>>Fisher<</if>><br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase neq 98>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase gte 4>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_petrovic_paladin">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Sphinx Spine<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Petrovic<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase gte 6>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_anska_haze">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Djinn Retardant<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Anska<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 99>>\n\t\t<<set $foundactivetask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_syndicate_bases">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Syndicate 4 Issue<br>\n\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\tPriority: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase gte 4 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 99 or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase gte 4>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "fisher_task_extremists">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Theophobic Influence<br>\n\t\t\tClient: <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase gte 1 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase gte 1>>Wilkin<<else>>Fisher<</if>><br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $chapter gte 2 and $job_school.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "raj_task_main">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Lesson on Abominations<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Tobias<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_school.mainPhase eq 2>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_school.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "raj_task_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Lesson on Abominations<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: Tobias<br>\n\t\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_school.mainPhase eq 2>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<elseif $job_school.mainPhase eq 3>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 9 or $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_undersprawl_purge">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Undersprawl Incident<br>\n\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 9 or $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 10 or $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 11>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_banshee_srpawl">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: A Small Issue<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Petrovic<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_combat_intro">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Abominable Issue<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Lilly Vau<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 5>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 7>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_witches_pendant">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Strange Pendant<br>\n\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_scrapyard_oger">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Oger Issues<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Mark<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_cryolounge_hellcat">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Cryolounge Abomination<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Harper<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 98>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><<else>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase gte 98>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_psychocult">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Hunting Season<br>\n\t\t\tClient: None<br>\n\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase gte 98 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 9 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 10 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "job_crypto_warlock">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\tTask: Cryptomancy<br>\n\t\t\tClient: Mr. Luscovari<br>\n\t\t\tPriority: <<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 99>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><<else>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase gte 3 or $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundarchivedtask = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/agenda.png]]\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "celena_task_main">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\tTask: Supplier Issues<br>\n\t\t\t\tClient: <<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase gte 1>>Fisher<<else>>Celena<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\tStatus: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $foundarchivedtask>>\n\t\t[NO TASKS ARCHIVED]\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n<<print $aquireText>>
<center><strong>The Deconstruction of Zypbic</strong></center>\n<center><strong>A Short by Freji Viir</strong></center>\n\n----\n\nFrom the Codex Entry:\n\n>The CES Zypbic was a Monarch-Class battlecruiser, an ancient warship of the old world, first voided under the name HAV Zypbic as the vessel of a western system-state. Most of its early years were spent in operation for the ColTy Security Syndicate, running pirate interdiction and shipping control on the Fringes. Come the outbreak of the Crusade of Eden in 25631, the Zypbic was donated to the Church and, like all vessels to partake in the Crusade, redesignated to match its association with the Church.\n\nThe article goes on to detail the vessel's battle history as part of the 9th Crusade Fleet, concluding with its decomissioning following the Crusades in 25952. On the survace this appears to be a rounded account but, to those who know better, it omits one critical fact: for the majority of its service lifetime, the CES Zypbic voided under Corporate Hegemony colors, leading great battlefleets against the Church of Eden, and proving pivotal in three major engacements.\n\nNaturally, this information is publicly accessible, and indeed listed in many historic articles available on the Vox Edeni, yet the Codex attempts to conceal the truth. One need not reach far to see why: the Clergy does not want those alive in this day and age to know that a vessel crewed by devout followers of Eden defected mere three months after entering battle against the so-called 'Great Evil' of corporationalism. Indeed, to many such a change of allegience would be viewed only as utmost heresy - amidst the ranks of the Knights of Eden no less.\n\nWhen one takes into account the day and age of these events however, quite a different picture presents itself. In the year 25631, the Church of Eden had not yet achieved the monopoly of power it enjoys today. Influence was limited and it jostled with thousands of other Churches, Temples, and Cults for the minds of devout believers. In those days, Church Law did not exist, and many of the concepts we take for granted today had not even been concieved. There was not even a pan-galactic trading unit similar to the contemporary 'Credit', honored by every world with equal dilligence, the very idea was inconcievable. \n\nCertainly, the Hegemony had attempted to institute a similar system, but individual worlds and powers preferred to manage their local currencies, to be used only within a specific logical volumes, outside of which other rules and metrics applied. So too was the Church of Eden a very different beast, for it did not rule the known galaxy, and hat little to no political say beyond the ears of those who believed in its tenants. All which held its various internal power structures together was the concept of 'Eden': strength in communal unity and the will to share knowledge for the betterment of all.\n\nThis stance of communalism conflicted with many contemporary religions and, most importantly, the corporate-opportunistic mindset. Belief in Eden was frowned upon at best, met with open hostility at worst, and so it was on many worlds and for many believers. Only among the rich and powerful, who had grown weary of ceaseless corporate warfare, had the 'Community' of 'Eden' become a trend. It was through the support of influential Lords and Ladies that Eden slowly but steadily achieved its legitimacy - and it is here we return to the battlecruiser CES Zypbic.\n\nIn these early days of the Church, vessels loyal to the Church were not crewed by devout Knights of Eden, nor were battlefleets led by the Paladin Order. Those who voided in the name of Eden were, by and large, young idealists drawn from assorted social classes. These men and women, who risked their lives for the idea of Eden, did so not out of communal belief but personal conviction. They dearly wished for unity among the stars, and longed for the dark ages of competitiveness to end. Instead, upon the field of battle, these young men and women were subjected to the same ills of old: Lords and Ladies who commanded over life and death while thousands perished in the void.\n\nSoon enough, the crew of the Zypbic - and many other vessels - realized that the Crusade of Eden was not a just and holy war, and most definitely not a cause they wished to risk their lives for. So they, along with twenty other vessels voiding under Church colors, defected. Not because they believed in capitalistic oppertunism, or even sympathized with the Hegemony, but because they feared the Church of Eden would only become what they had in their idealism set out to overthrow. \n\nThey could not have been more correct, for today the galaxy is ruled by the iron fist of a Church that no longer cares for communal unity and takes no interest in exchange of knowledge. Instead it has become the very oppressive, totalitarian regieme it hoped to replace. Its Clerics are, by and large, driven by greed and lust for power, their egos tempered only by internal rivalries and rare cases of public outrage. No organization might dare challenge the Church, not might any match the combined strength of the Paladin Order and Knights of Eden in battle. Even as Church attendance falls below 25% of the galactic community, the Clergy remains deeply entrenched in its position of power, and the lone believer may no longer pick the fruits of Eden, that mythical garden promised to all.\n\nSo here I dare say: the CES Zypbic was a vessel without peer, its crew heroes without doubt, for they stood up - as every true follower of Eden should - for justice, equality, and community.
<center><strong>A rational study of legendary Tibia</strong></center>\n<center><strong>By Tim Luger</strong></center>\n<center>This work is published and copy-protected by ViewPort Publishing Inc.</center>\n<center>Please note that this work is restricted by the Literary Truth Act and may not be posessed, produced, or reproduced without explicity permission from the Church of Eden. Failure to comply will lead to criminal procecution under Article 413 of the Literary Truth Act.</center>\n\n----\n\n<center><strong>Introduction</strong></center>\n\nThe Lesson of Tibia, the real-life events of which are referred to as the Siege of Tibia by historians, is found in //Scripture XXVI - Conscience of Consequence//. To briefly summarize for those not familiar with Church lessons, Scripture XXVI teaches numerous cautionary tales that warn believers of meddlesome behavior, dissenting ideas, heretical ideologies, and the consequences a believer must face should they stray from the path of Eden. All Scripture XXVI lessons are geared toward younger generations and teach through legends, fables, and similar tales which have little to no basis in historic fact.\n\nA notable exception however can be found in the Lesson of Tibia, which not only describes a galactic event, but is believed by many to teach a lesson quite unlike any the Church of Eden has published. This is generally not apparent to the uninformed reader, who treats the Lesson of Tibia quite like the other cautionary fables found in the Conscience of Consequence: a legend or fable intended to present an allegory to real life that teaches the dangers of dissenting societies.\n\nOn closer inspection however, this tale proves to be factual in nature, albeit embelished, and does not truly teach any moral lesson or cautionary tale. Indeed, the Lesson of Tibia is an ongoing problem for the Clergy and Educurate alike, neither of whom have managed to truly explain the presence of this lesson in an otherwise nonfictional scripture intended to teach by allegory and not fact. \n\nVarious works, both facutal and fanciful in nature, that try to explain the Lesson of Tibia from various points of view. Some suggest that Scripture XXVI was originally based entirely on factual accounts and only later changed to a fictional world. According to advocates of this theory maintain the inclusion of this lesson was was a printing error which could not be removed once the scripture was approved. Other theorists believe it was a theophobic conspiracy to shame the Church of Eden by including content of dubious morality in a Scripture indended to be read by children. \n\nMany more views on this matter exist, of course, but this work does not intend to answer the question of why the Lesson of Tibia was included. Instead, //A rational study of legendary Tibia// discusses the content of the lesson by comparing it to verifiable historic fact, with the ultimate goal of shedding light on why a scholar of the Church of Eden would have written such a controversial text and why, perhaps, it was deemed suitable for publishing at the time.\n\n----\n\n<center><strong>Legendary Viewpoint</strong></center>\n\nAccording to the Lesson of Tibia, the Mad King of Tibia was a cruel ruler who subjected the population of the habitation platform Tibia to a theophobic view. Believers were persecuted by force, citizens required to abstain from all forms of spiritual belief, and all were forced to venerate the Mad King as their God. His heretical ideology, made known to Father Lucius by an Angel of Eden, was confronted openly. \n\nOf course, the Mad King did not bow to requests that he allow the citizens of Tibia to be spiritually free. Unable to believe that such a ruler could be allowed to exist in this enlightened day and age, Father Lucius asked the Angel of Eden to bring the Mad King to justice. Thus the Angel returned to Tibia, where he was greeted by a sacreligious populace with laughter and degredation. Being a stallwart icon of Eden, the Angel did not react and instead confronted the Mad King directly. \n\nWhen the Mad King did not surrender his throne, the Angel was forced to smite him in the name of righteous justice. No sooner had this happened however, the citizens of Tibia, who had been driven mad by the heretical ideology of their Mad King, attacked the Angel of Eden. Determined not to harm unfortunate victims, the Angel refused to fight back, only to be expelled into the cold void by the furious mob.\n\nThe Angel was saved by the divine grace of Eden and brought before Father Lucius, who was furious to hear what had transpired on Tibia. He immediately decided that Tibia as a whole could not be allowed to exist and asked the Angel to bring justice upon these degenerates. The Angel however refused, citing the population's innocense, and told Father Lucius that the fate of Tibia lay in its own hands. While disappointed by the Angel's lack of faith, Father Lucius bowed to the Angel's wisdom, and rather than punish the innocents, sent a Bringer of Light, who was first greeted with hostility, but over many centuries taught the citizens of Tibia the sacred ways of Eden.\n\n----\n\n<center><strong>Historic Viewpoint</strong></center>\n\nFor those among the readership not versed with pre-Church history, let me first set the stage: it is the year 25529. The Crusade of Eden had not yet taken place and, while the Church had begun to establish itself as a major political and economic player in the galaxy, ideas such as Church law and Galactiy Unity had not yet entered into public consciousness. Indeed, aside from a select few who feared the rise of theocratic power in the galaxy, and the devout many who had sworn themselves to the ways of Eden, citizens had only ever heard of the Church in passing.\n\nThus it comes as no surprise that the administration of habitation platform Tibia-1, which had recently been constructed to support expanding corporate interests in the Eastern Hemisphere, took little interest in the Church of Eden. Nor did the platform's administration seem of any importance to the Clergy, who were more focused on the mounting tensions with the Corporate Hegemony. \n\nThe Hegemony had recently begun to take a hard stance against religious expansionalism, which they viewed as a threat, and would soon institute a policy of thinly-veiled theophobic discrimination and provide the first spark to ignite the Crusade of Eden. Tibia-1, in contrast, was an inconsequential sideshow, of mention only because the small, Church-funded Mission located there was experiencing economic discrimination, like much of the religious galaxy. \n\nThis changed in 25531, when Lord Mir rose to power on Tibia-1 and, no doubt on request of the already worried Corporate Hegemony, demanded the missionaries leave voluntarily or be forcefully evicted. When the missionaries refused, citing lack of funds due to rampant taxation, Lord Mir had the believers deported to Scaffold 17. Even before the unfortunates had arrived, the Church of Eden was outraged by the audacity of Lord Mir, and demanded he offer formal apology or face dire consequences for this breech of basic existential rights. \n\nFor the brief period of a year, the Corporate Hegemony attempted to mediate the ensuing negotiations, but backed out of both the mediative role and their support for Tibia-1 when it became clear that Lord Mir had no intentions of reaching a settlement. Indeed, he soon began to taunt the Church of Eden, ridiculing their attempts to force a sovreign administration into submission, dismissing the Church as a phony, imperialistic dictatorship hiding behind a veil of lies, and even going so far as to officially state Tibia-1 would never allow any believer to set foot on its walkways. \n\nThe Chruch of Eden, itching for a chance to demonstrate their legitimacy as a political mediator and having sensed the Hegemony would not support Tibia-1, declared Lord Mir and his administration to be pursuing a theophobic agenda and recieved marginal support for their claims across the galaxy, not the least because Tibia-1 had offended several other religious groups who had hoped to establish cults on the platform. Ironically, the Hegemony also supported the removal of Lord Mir, as his behavior indicated lack of respect for remote authority and threatened their operations in the region.\n\nEvents took a predictable course from there, with a Church-led Task Force composed of two battle cruisers and three destroyers dispached to remove Lord Mir and install a more lenient authority in his place. Three months later, the force arrived, blockaded the platform, and began boarding operations. These would be led by the since-renowned Paladin Corinthin and two companies composed of what would later becom the 1st Battalion of the Knights of Eden, and breeched Tibia-1 low on the Y axis, near the secondary docking bays.\n\nDefending Tibia-1 were several thousand militia loyal to Lord Mir and three companies of professional soldiers lent by the Thorne Association. It was assumed by Lord Mir that the focus of the task force would be his removal, not the destruction of Tibia-1, so no attempt was made to deter the boarding fleet. Instead, the locals hoped to make an assault on the habitation platform too costly for the Church of Eden, thereby forcing them to withdraw and enter a more favorable rounds of negotiation.\n\nThe ensuing battle was fierce from the outset, with casualties on both sides rapidly mounting as Chruch-aligned forces pushed relentlessly toward the administrative hub in the center. Constant hit and run attacks by civilian millita - Church-aligned forces were under orders not to cause undue casualties - combined by firepower provided by the Thorne Association brought the advance to a halt several hundred meters from their objective. The Church-aligned forces were quickly surrounded, cut off from reinforcements and unable to escape the depths of Tibia-1. \n\nRather than surrender, like Lord Mir had hoped would happen, Paladin Corinthin ordered his forces to break out and retreat. While the ragged force shot its way out of the encirclement and back to the docks, the destroyer HAV Tebuche repositioned above the Y-axis of Tibia-1, where it waited until Corinthin reported his forces were clear. A volley of fission warheads was then launched against the northern repulsion shields, overloading the capacitors, followed by three pinpoint shots from its main rail cannon, which tore Tibia-1 apart along the centerline. \n\nAs the power to the station failed, and Tibia-1 forces withdrew to the shelter of safer compartments, Paladin Corinthin and a group of three volunteers - a blackscorned warlock is mentioned by certain witnesses to have been among them, though most sources deem this unlikely - made a suicidal run for the administrative hub. They arrived mere minutes before Lord Mir and his personal guard could be evacuated from the ruined superstructure, slaughtered the assembled administative staff, only to be lost to the void when Tibia-1 broke apart from the strain its damaged central support struts were under.\n\nRecovery, reconstruction, and salvage operations were quickly initiated by the Church-led task force, and an effort was made to locate Paladin Corinthin and his heroic volunteers. While three bodies were found, Paladin Corinthin's corpse remained conspicuously absent. Exact details of what followed are hard to piece together, however Tibia-1 was ultimately reconstruction and the station re-habitated as part of the Church-funded project Sanctus Tibia, only to be destroyed beyond repair a mere year after its completion, when the Crusade of Eden broke out. \n\n----\n\n<center><strong>Analysis</strong></center>\n\nWhen historical events are compared to the legend, many differences can be noted. Most of these are no doubt an attempt to downplay the violence instigated by the Church, no doubt an attempt at re-casting events in a positive light. None the less, let us analyze the legendary version, attempting to take the historical position of the writer into consideration - for reference, the Lesson of Tibia was first published three years after the Crusades of Eden began, and was included in Scripture XXVI a year later.\n\n1) Lord Mir is portrayed as a 'Mad King'. This is undoubtably an attempt by the Church of Eden to justify their actions which, as any contemporary would have known, led to certain disaster. None the less, Lord Mir did indeed behave madly, first by taunting the Chruch, second by alienating the Hegemony, and later by sacrificing much of his population in a battle he should have known would be furtile.\n\n2) The theophobic outlook of Tibia is central. This holds true in both versions of the story, though historic events are far more driven by Lord Mir's unwillingness to side with the Corporate Hegemony. Had he remained on positive terms with the corporate world, the Church would not have been able to intervene without sparking open conflict, and the destruction of Tibia-1 could have been prevented.\n\n4) The population of Tibia does not resist initally. This is a somewhat odd discrepancy, given the story being told, though the general tone of absolving Tibia's population from their role in events - whereas in reality they were all too ready to fight at the slightest provocation - may be an attempt by the author to hint at apology or a deliberate attempt to appease the contemporary believers and citizens, who could have been worried the Siege of Tibia would set a precedent for future actions by the Chruch.\n\n5) The Angel of Eden travels alone. While primarily a narritive device of the Scripture, this fact also betrays deeper meaning: despite their involvement, the author - and perhaps the Church of Eden - consideres Corinthin alone responsible for the events which transpired. Presumably this was done to avoid backlash, though one could speculate that the Paladin's judgement was indeed questioned by the Clergy. \n\n6) The Angel of Eden is expelled by the masses. Despite obvious attempts to portray the Church as a rational actor in the fictional variant, the furious population of Tibia is given credit in the legend by having expelled a Paladin - a feat that has not been accomplished by any other in known history. More importantly however, the masses are not blamed for their actions, which indeed suggests the Church did not agree with Corinthin's judgement, as speculated earlier.\n\n7) The Angel of Eden is saved by grace. While this definitely did not occur in reality, Paladin Corinthin did indeed vanish from Tibia-1, unrecovered by the task force, only to reappear three months later on Scaffold 9. How this is possible is unknown, however it lends credit to the legends that surround the Paladin Order. The reason for its inclusion in the story was no doubt dramatic effect.\n\n7) The Angel of Eden learns his lesson. Desirable though it would have been, the Paladin Order did not learn any lessons from the Siege of Tibia and has continued to pursue threats, both percieved and actuaal, with overwhelming force and extreme prejudice. Perhaps this hints at the author attempting to portray the Order in a more positive light. Given the Crusade of Eden had just begun when the work was published, and goodwill toward the Order would have been paramoutn - its awe-inspiring capabilities had, at the time, not been established in the public mind - this is the most likely explanation.\n\n----\n\n<center><strong>Conclusion</strong></center>\n\nIt is truly difficult to explain why the Lesson of Tibia was included in Scripture, or why the Church of Eden would have wanted to portray such a disasterous operation as a lesson to anyone but themselves. The author has considered several explanations and decided that the most acceptable theory is as follows: the Church of Eden wished to comfort believers by reminding them of the Church's power while, at the same time, admit that they are fallible and must repent for mistakes made.\n\nGiven the Lesson was written as the Crusade of Eden gained momentum, it would appear that the text was intended far more as propaganda than anything else. What this does not explain is why it was included in a Scripture intended for children. The content and, more importantly, the message, would have been lost upon them. Perhaps a future work will explain this. For the moment, all one can say for certain is that the Lesson of Tibia indeed carried deeper meaning and that it was, most likely, not intended for the readership that ultimately consumed it.
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Knights of Eden</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/knights.png]]Sworn to protect the interests of the Church and its followers, the Knights of Eden are paramilitary Order assembled from a loose association of volunteers who have dedicated part - or all - of their lives to the cause of galactic peace, unity, and stability.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOfficially formed during the [[Crusade of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Crusade of Eden"]] but having been in existance long before that, the Knights of Eden are the loosely-organized millitant arm of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. The Knighs are composed of weathly merchants, corporate executives and Lords and Ladies who have vowed to commit their assets and lives to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] upon request by the Clergy in return for political favor and monetary compensation. Due to the loose and informal organization of the Knights of Eden, their performance in the field and overall morale is considered sup-par to most professional security and military contractors. None the less, the Knights of Eden have endured the milennia and continue to be the [[Church of Eden's|Church of Eden]] primary line of defense against conventional threats to galactic peace.<br><br>\n\nOf late however, the Knights of Eden have seen a steady decline in demands for their services - and an appropriate reduction of their ranks - by the Clergy. Precisely what this implies is unknown but speculating individuals believe that, in the current political climate, the Clergy is favoring the exemplary service provided by the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] over the often cumbersome task of deploying and maintaining a combined taskforce led by the Knights of Eden. Whether this is a call for the Knights of Eden to improve the quality of their services or a subtle hint that this ancient order has become obsolete in today's day and age remains to be seen.<br><br>\n\nEither way, the Knights of Eden have left their mark on galactic history and, until their order is disbanded for good, the impressive and highly diverse warfleets, often gathered from all corners of the galaxy to heed the call of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], will remain an iconic image of raw religious power and influence.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/erkan_corbei.png]]A major supplier of raw ores and materials, the Erkan Corbei Minerals group is a large pan-system corporation that operates mining and harvest colonies on many worlds in the north-eastern hemisphere of the galaxy.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tFounded in 26631 by the enterpreneurs Jusuf Erkan and Albert Corbei, the Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group (short ECMG) is an pan-system corporation which operates mines and refineries on numerous planets and asteroid formations across the galaxy. The Erkan-Corbei Group employs over six billion workers in various functions and generates an average cyclic income of sixteen trillion credits. In addition to the mining, refining and interstellar transportation of precious minerals, the Erkan-Corbei Group runs a sizable water-refining operation, commercially marketed under the trademark label PureWater.<br><br>\n\nThe Erkan-Corbei Group has a long-standing business relations with WatchTower Security, who provide the bulk of on- and off-site security for Erkan-Corbei operations, and the Myrroth Collective, which owns many of the interstelar cargo haulers chartered by the Erkan-Corbei Group.<br><br>\n\nMost notably however, the Erkan-Corbei Group is one of the few corporations in the galaxy whose operations are primarily conducted outside of [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] jurisdiction, thereby making many of the Group's mining operations exempt from [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] laws and most proceeds exemt from taxation. This circumstance has caused numerous diplomatic incidents and legal disagreements over the centuries and, despite claims from both parties to the contrary, not all disputes between Erkan-Corbei and the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] have been resolved diplomatically.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>B33 Hab Block</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>The Level B33 Hab Blocks are a low-income residential area located in B Sector and are considered one of the most dangerous places to live on Scaffold 22.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Level B33 Hab Block is a residential area on the lower B-Levels of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] inhabited by some fifteen thousand citizens. Unlike most of the Downs, as the lower B-Levels are called by the locals, the Level B33 Habs are a relatively small community that's often considered 'upscale' compared to the rest of the neighborhood. None the less, numerous drug dealers, street gangs, and human traficking rings prey on the locals. These circumstances are only exaberated by the fact that Wilkin's Raptors run a prejudiced security shift in the area, showing favor to anyone who can afford to pay bribes over the impartial law-enforcement their contract with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] theoretically demands. To further complicate the issues faced by Level B33, the Habs are among the oldest parts of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], meaning systems fail on a regular basis and maintenance efforts are few and far between.<br><br>\n\nConsequently, the Level B33 Habs rank among the most undesirable places to live in B Sector. Many residents spend their entire lives dreaming of the day they can buy their way out of the squallid conditions they were born intop. Few manage to aquire the credits necessary to make the jump, resulting in a population growth that the can't be sustained indefinitely. Numerous solutions have been put forth by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and several corporate contractors. To date however, none have been implemented, both due to lack of credits and unwillingness of the local residents to change their ways without incentive.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cathedral of Beams</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>The seat of the Church of Eden's highest ranking clergy, and therefore the center of galactic power, the Cathedral of Beams is an enormous pyramid tethered to Scaffold 22. The Cathedrl contains countless prayer halls, meeting chambers, private quarters, and is also the base of operations for Scaffold 22's defense fleet.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAn enormous, pyramid-shaped construct tethered to the upper B Levels of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], near the original core of the [[Scaffold|Scaffold 22]], the Cathedral of Beams is the single largest place of worship operated by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] in all the void. It is capable of housing up to two billion believers for regular mass and acts as home to over forty percent of the Clergy, marking the Cathedral as both the most notable and iconic seat of [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] power in the galaxy.<br><br>\n\nThe Cathedral of Beams is, as the name implies, composed of countless compartments, passageways, sky bridges and prayer halls held together by a complex web of support beams that is fused directly with the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Due to the geography of the surrounding superstation, the Cathedral juts outward from the Inner Ring and vaguely resembles a pyramid when viewed from afar. For practical reasons, the areas of the Cathedral accessible from the upper B-Levels (Level B13-15) are home to the Clergy, high-level representatives, and numerous assembly chambers, while the lower levels (intersecting with L to T Sector) serve as prayer halls and elaborate tent-cities unofficially referred to by the locals as the Cathedral Camps.<br><br>\n\nThis divison of the Cathedral paralells the social segregation of the superstation's population, allowing citizens most likely to attend prayer easy access to the Cathedral while the Clergy are situated nearer the private residences of corporate officials they frequently converse with. Practical though this arrangement may be, it also reflects heavily in the state of the Cathedral. Upper levels tend to be splendid representations of the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] glory while the lower levels, home to many refugees and forlorn believers, degenerate into a state of disrepair. Despite this, the Cathedral of Beams is widely considered the most functional segment of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], kept in better repair than most sectors by the dilligent work of the Machine Priests. The Cathedral is also home to the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] Machine Temples, which services numerous vessels voiding under [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] colors and an ever-present defense fleet of ten Cruisers, Frigates and Tactical Fighters crewed and operated by the [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]].\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $time.active lte 48>>\n\t<<if $time.active lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $time.active>> GSH\n<<else>>\n\t/% print time as 00.00 days%/\n\t<<if ($time.active / 24) lt 10>>0<</if>><<print Math.floor($time.active / 24)>>:<<if ($time.active % 24) lt 10>>0<</if>><<print ($time.active % 24)>> GSD\n<</if>><br>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Division 108 - Zanex</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/divison_108.png]]\nControversial and believed to be sponsored by the Corporate Hegemony, Division 108 is a private security contractor which operates on Scaffold 22. The group is known for its theophobic stance and has been accused of several alleged cases of unlawful use of force against members of theological organizations.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tDivision 108, frequently referred to as Division Zanex, is a borderline illegal paramilitary organization that operates on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and is rumored to be associated with the [[Corporate Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]]. While details on the group are limited, it is believed to be composed of over five hundred professional killers, trained and battle-hardened in service to [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]], the Pawelli Group, and other private security contractors.<br><br>\n\nIts official motto is //"Freedom in Mind and Market"//, a phrase which has caused much controversy among the Clergy and leads many to believe Division 108 is covertly sponsored by the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]]. This image is further reinforced by media releases that openly ridicule the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and member testimony that clearly states that [[Churchgoers|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] are not welcome in Division 108.<br><br>\n\nOfficial investigations conducted by the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] have not produced any evidence to of such a link however. As a result, Division 108 remains legally classified as a private security contractor, though employment advisors warn of strong theophobic influences. None the less, Division Zanex continues to operate on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] with relative impunity.<br><br>\n\nTheir list of accomplishments is fairly extensive, with members of the organization having partaken in numerous corporate-sponsored cleanup, security, and enforcement operations over the past decades. Most notably however, the entire division was deployed during the [[Gregorian Riots|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Gregorian Riots"]], paradoxically tasked with the objective of maintaing security in the [[Level B27 Temple Zone|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. The successful and relatively nonviolent outcome of this action, in what is perhaps the most controversial move by the Clergy ever, earned several members of Division 108 a St. Michael's Cross from the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<br><br>\n\nSuch incidents remain rare however and, for the most part, Divison 108 keeps a low porfile. Its members are believed to regularly provide personal protection to various high-ranking members of the [[Corporate Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] and unconfirmed sources claim Division Zanex frequently exersizes strong-arm actions on behalf of its employers, particularly toward religious cults and belief-oriented organizations.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Incubus Armor</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/incubus armor.png]]High-flexibility protective gear designed specifically for the Deathmatch Arena.<br><br>\n\n<<display 'drawArmorStats'>><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOriginally developed by the Blackthorn Collective to be used by contestants in the Hunting Season, Incubus Armor is an updated version of the original designed for the Lavandri Tournament. Not only is it highly effective at preventing injury, but the design is highly flexible, in accordance with Project Incubus ideals. The result is a high quality protective layer which does not obstruct the wearer in any form, while affording protection from virtually all sources of potential harm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt has aquired something of a notorious reputation because its wearers are well known for cruel and entertaining arena showdowns. Moreover, the design incorporates mechanics otherwise reserved to flesh-formed molds into the suit's underlayer, allowing far greater user integration without the need for specialized subdermal inplants. The means by which this were achieved are unknown to all but the most senior Blackthorn technicians, and a similar feat has not been reproducable by any other manufacturer. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<</silently>>
<<nobr>>\n\tAudio:<br> \n\t<<if not $audiosupport>>\n\t\t<span class='greyedout'>N/A</span>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.playAudio>><span class='greencolor'>ON</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>OFF</span><</if>>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.playAudio>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playAudio = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playMusic = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Menu_AudioToggle'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAudioHandler'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playAudio = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.playMusic = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-pda-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Menu_AudioToggle'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAudioHandler'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Syndicate 4</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/snydicate_4.png]]A relatively small private security contractor based on Scaffold 22, Syndicate 4 specializes in physical protection, zone control, and threat response packages.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSyndicate 4 is a private security contractor that leases its trained professionals on per-job and long-term contract basis. Their official service catalogue includes close protection, integrated facility security, contraband interdiction, and zone patrol for small to medium-sized corporations and private persons. Off the books however, Snydicate 4 has been known to dabble in dubious ventures including but not limited to strong-arm tactics, pre-emptive force neutralization and assassination. Despite numerous legal cases filed against the contractor by both corporate entities and the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], Syndicate 4 remains in operation on several major population hubs, with their headquarters located on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<br><br>\n\nIn terms of capabilities, Snydicate 4 ranks among the mid-ranged security contractors, employing a marginal total of forty thousand security contractors across the galaxy. Unlike many larger companies, they also do not provide services outside the area of physical protection, meaning they offer little to no digital or virtual security packages. None the less, in the field of physical security, Syndicate 4 has earned a considerable reputation, not the least due to the high salary, favorable disability and retirement benefits, and impressive training regieme their employees recieve in return for a minimum contract of ten galactic standard years. These circumstances have both marked Syndicate 4 as a premier employer and scared away numerous potential recruits due to the high level of commitment expected in comparison to other private security companies.<br><br>\n\nA notable and recent addition to the Syndicate 4 arsenal is a subdivision devoted to maintenance, operation and customization of [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] of various sorts. While this service has yet to reach the level of bot-security offered by other contractors, Snydicate 4 has managed to secure numerous private deals by capitalizing on their established reputation. None the less, many in search of mechanized security solutions continue to rely on contractors who offer integrated mechano-digital packages. Due to this, it can be expected that Syndicate 4 will remain true to their origins and continue to focus on perfecting and expanding their human-powered security solutions.<br><br>\n\nOn an individual contractor basis, Snydicate 4 employees can be identified by the dagger-shaped emblem they are required by law to carry. In addition, each of the company's subdivision is allowed to create a personalized insignia that bears a slogan that describes that particular divisions's motto and the contractor's digitally encoded employee datd. Beyond these aspects however there is little in way of uniformity among Snydicate 4 contractors, as equipment is aquired individually or on a per-department basis and does not adhere to global policies such as is often the case among larger private security companies.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Scaffold 22</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\nScaffold 22 is a massive habitation platform in the north-western hemisphere of the galactic core, home to several billion citizens and ruled by the firm hand of the Church of Eden. It is considered by many to be the capitol platform of the XVSVVP Quadrant and a strategically and politically significant location in galactic geography.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tScaffold 22 is an artifical habitation platform located the north-western hemisphere of the galactic core, held in far-orbit around the solar body [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]] by an array of gravitronic repulsion arrays. The hab-platform is named for its appearance, comrpised of millions upon millions of compartments, docking berths and pressurized passages linked together by a complex scaffold of support struts, and houses over fourty billion inhabitants, making it the largest habitation platform in the region and the de-facto capitol of the XVSVVP Quadrant.<br><br>\n\nAside from being the seat of power for several pan-galactic corporations such as [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] LTD, the Myrroth Collective, Bizantine INC, Varthol INC and TylanThromal LTD, Scaffold 22 also houses the famed Cathedral of Beams, the single largest hall of worship operated by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] anywhere in the void. Comfortably fitting up to two billion believers for a standard mass and acting as a home to over forty percent of the Clergy, the Cathedral of Beams is without a doubt the most notable - and iconic - [[Church-owned|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] structure in the galaxy. <br><br>\n\nThus it comes as no surprise that Scaffold 22 has evolved into a vernerable and prestigeous - if somewhar chaotic - centre for culture and political power. Thousands of vessels arrive and depart the Scaffold every cycle, resulting in a cyclistic immigration variance of over a million individuals and billions of tons in raw materials and goods processed every hour. While this throughput does not compare to artificical constructs such as Scaffold 13 or Cubix, Scaffold 22 retains its prestige status precicely because only the wealthiest, most successful merchants, trade barrons and Lords can afford to peddle their goods on this construct.<br><br>\n\nNone the less, Scaffold 22 hides many darker sides where crime runs rampant and overpopulation ruins countles lives. The Downs of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] for example; a compex warren of passages and compartments quite literally overrun - some say infested - by the lost, forsaken and hopeless of the galaxy. These unfortunate souls, often considered the dregs of galactic civilizaton by higher society, squabble over scraps and fight over what little status they can attain, dreaming of the day when they too can enter greater galactic society.<br><br>\n\nFew will ever see their dream come true and those who do almost always attain their status through criminal ventures or the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Most however will perish in places such as the Downs, lost and forgotten by the galaxy at large, condemned to an existence even more worthless than the most pitiful corporate employee can imagine, until they finally find release in an early, pollution-induced death\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The Street Wars</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/streetwars.png"]]Major gang conflict that broke out on Scaffold 22 in 27035. Resulting violence between competing street powers in the lower B Sector caused widespread panic and disrupted daily life until the end of the wars in the late 40s.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tGenerally bgelieved to have begun in early 27035 and ended sometime in the late 40s, the Street Wars were a localized gang conflict that took place in the lower levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The fighting began when the then-prominent gang named the Red Scars came into conflict with the Lowdowners, Astral Punks, and, later, the Wilkin's Raptors and the notorious crime synciate known as the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Initial confrontations were small in scale but, over the years, expanded from isolated cases of rioting and violence to full-on mercenary warfare.<br><br>\n\nThough the exact chronology of the Wars is unknown even to most citizens of the affected Sector, most if not all residents of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] associate the Street Wars with the rise of Wilkin's Raptors and the stablishment of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] as the power center of the Downs. This era of the Wars counts among the bloodiest conflicts to have occured on any Sector of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], with death tolls rising into the thousands as the notorious Raptor lieutennant known as Vine conducted a ruthless guerilla campaign against the already weakened Red Scars and recently-arrived [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]].<br><br>\n\nThe Street Wars differed from earlier [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] conflicts, which were characterized primarily by emotional outbursts and revenge killings, in the means and methods employed by Wilkins Raptors. While originally mere street thugs, their new leader quickly transformed the organization into a full fledged mercenary outfit, capable not only of contending with other gangs in open warfare but also in repeated firefights with security teams dispatched by the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] in a vain attempt to stem the violence. This cold and calculated approach led Raptor's utter dominance of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]], a trend which would reverse itself only after Vine disappeared entirely from the gang scene in the late 40s and Mr. Xaviar Wilkin adopted a more leient security policy backed by the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]].<br><br>\n\nCitizens who lived through the Street Wars remember these years as a time of barely-restained terror, in which the sight of Raptors on the move in scavenged [[Combat Armor|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] and armed with heavy assault weaponry were common. Daily life was gravely affected, with many citizens fearing for their lives and possessions as stories of Raptor kill-teams dragging away suspected rivals or executing known opponents on the spot mounted on a daily basis. For this reason, many of the Raptors' former members - most of whom are believed to have moved on to freelance mercenary work - were declared wanted criminals and enemies of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] by the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]].<br><br>\n\nFew if any of these charges have lead to arrests or the promised capital punishment however, and dissenting voices in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] wonder to this day whether the Street Wars were not, at least in part, orchastrated by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] in a bid to wrest control of the Levels surrounding the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]] from the allegedly [[Hegemony-sponsored|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] Red Scars. Most notable among these voices is Joanas Abrecht, formerly a prominent [[Herald of Juno|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]], who maintains to this day that the Wars were directly and indirectly funded by an unnamed yet highranking member of the Clergy.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Wraith</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_wraith.png]]</div>Abominable creature created by necrotic flesh forming performed on deceased humans. Feeds on organic tissue and able to molecularly displace over short distances. Is unable to survive in presence of strong electrical currents.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> immaterial<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $shockDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tBest known from their rendition in documentaries of the [[Witch Hunts|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]], Wraiths - occasionally referred to as Banshees when created from female hosts - are abominations caused by synthetically crafted microorganisms that, when introduced into a deceased host, form a primitive consciousness, feed on celluar tissues, and posess the yet unexplained ability to molecularly displace within a limited distance. To the layman, this creature no doubt appears exactly how fiction portrays revenants; hulking corpses reanimated by a powerful [[Witch|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] to have no will of their own, coupled with the common folklore of a ghost or spirit which can pass through solid matter and appear - or disappear - at will. This uncanny resemblance has led to considerable pseudo-scientific study of the Wraith, much of which supposes that Wraiths are in fact created by demons or forged from the essence of supernatural beings.<br><br>\n\nScientific analysis of the methodology employed by the [[Witches|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] of old however reveals the Wraith to be no more than a complex interplay between necrotic flesh-forming and augmentative neurocircuitry. Essentially, the Wraith is little more than robotic agent assembled from biological components and controlled by a subset of base instincts that are selected by the creator prior to assembly. There is no supernatural component to the Wraith, nor are Wraiths inheretly malevolent beings. At worst, these creatures are blank slates to be used by their creator as desired, much as any robotic household servant is today.<br><br>\n\nTo continue the analogy of the robotic servant of today, which requires a power source to operate, the synthetically crafted microorganisms sustaining a Wraith require regular ingestation of living tissue to function. The Wraith satisfies this need by periodically ingesting organic tissue, either from living victims or by scavanging from cadavers. In theory, a Wraith could even sustain itself from floral tissue, though such behavior is seldom witnessed in practice, perhaps because few Wraiths are programmed to feed from such sources. It is also worth noting that Wraiths are extremely difficult to capture or destroy as they can molecularly displace almost at will - usually by falling or jumping through objects - and many are programmed with predatory personalities. None the less, numerous examples of these creatures have been trapped and studied over the years, offering extensive insight into the function of these astounding biological machines.<br><br>\n\nDespite this in-depth research however, centuries of disinformation and superstition - at times actively fostered by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] - have led to the Wraith being viewed not as an artificially created creature but a being intrinsically associated with Witchcraft and Black Magic. While the Wraith may have originally been conceptualized by [[Witches|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], historic accounts reveal that the Wraith was not so much an attempt to produce malevolence as a weapon of war produced in a time of dire ressource shortages, where corpses were easier to aquire than raw materials. That these creatures happen to exude fear and display supposedly supernatural abilities was not intential but, as Cothanus (26143 - On Witchcraft) claims, a happy accident that coincidentally benefited the [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] in a time of great need.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<div id='do_settings'>\n\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n</div>\n<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Done\n\t<<click '' 'HUD_IngameMenu'>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t<</click>>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_PdaScreen'>\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Gameplay & Graphics</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\tMoloLu\n\t</div>\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Core Enablers</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\tRRReinertsen (financing, support, hosting, legal advice)<br>\n\tIPS (cover & promo artwork, testing, gameplay advice)<br>\n\tXamp (testing, gameplay suggestions)<br>\n\tVomitButterfly (gameplay advice & supporting the idea since inception)<br>\n\tIndieDB & Reddit r/gamedev/ community (for all their support)\n\t</div>\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>Soundtrack</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\tMachinimasound - Incursion (https://machinimasound.com/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br>\n\t\tMachinimasound - Rallying the Defense (https://machinimasound.com/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t022 Action - Set Up The Time Machine Back To The 90's (https://www.creative-sound.org/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br>\n\t\tVoices Of Asylum - Part 1 - 004 Filler (https://www.creative-sound.org/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br>\n\t\tPrayer Of Robots - 031 Title - (https://www.creative-sound.org/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br>\n\t\tMask Of Robots - 029 Title - (https://www.creative-sound.org/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br>\n\t\t014 SciFi - Flight Of The Unidentified Flying Object Outside The Stratosphere - (https://www.creative-sound.org/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br>\n\t\tFrom Here To Eternity - 009 Immortal - (https://www.creative-sound.org/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution<br>\n\t\t037 Action - Eyes And More - (https://www.creative-sound.org/) Licened under Creative Commons Attribution\n\n\t</div>\n\t<div class='PDATitleText'>SFX</div>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t- UI_reload_9mm<br>\n\t\t- UI_power_failure<br>\n\t\t- UI_error<br>\n\t\t- UI_attack_melee<br>\n\t\t- UI_shortout<br>\n\t\t- UI_attack_death<br>\n\t\t- UI_attack_rocket<br>\n\t\t- UI_attack_semi<br>\n\t\t- UI_cough<br>\n\t\t- UI_shatter<br>\n\n\t\tAll recorded by Mike Koenig<br><br>\n\n\t\t- UI_reload_complex<br>\n\n\t\tRecorded by RA The Sun God<br><br>\n\n\t\t- UI_blip<br>\n\t\t- UI_blip_refuse<br>\n\n\t\tBoth recorded by Marianne Gagnon<br><br>\n\n\t\t- UI_attack_auto<br>\n\n\t\tRecorded by ruin<br><br>\n\n\t\t- UI_attack_suppressed<br>\n\t\t- UI_attack_cannon<br>\n\n\t\tBoth recorded by snottyboy<br><br>\n\n\t\t- UI_attack_machinegun [unused]<br>\n\n\t\tRecorded by JKirsch<br><br>\n\n\t\t- UI_tramway_zoom<br>\n\n\t\tRecorded by Conor<br><br>\n\n\t\t- UI_heartbeat<br>\n\n\t\tRecorded by Zarabadeu<br><br>\n\n\t\tUI_walking<br>\n\n\t\tTim Fryer<br><br>\n\t\t...all above from soundbible.com. Linceneced under Creative Commons 3.0. Many thanks for such an awesome resource! (and do forgive me if I don't scour through for all the original links)\n\t</div>\n</div>\n<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Main Menu\n\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\tstate.restart();\n\t\t<</script>>\n\t<</click>>\n</div>\n<<display 'copyright_footnote'>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.disabled>>\n\t\t<span class='HUD_ErrorStyle'>[UPLINK OFFLINE]</span>\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-finances' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n\t\t\t<strong><span class='greyedout'>[OFFLINE]</span></strong>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "gear">>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-main' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_IconHideMobile'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcMainDisplay'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-vitality' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\tVitality<br>\n\t\t\t<div class='imageContainer'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.clothes.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcPlayerVitality'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-backup' class='HUD_StandardIcon HUD_StandardIcon_Inverted HUD_IconHideMobile' style='float: right'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'calcSidearmDisplay'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.item1 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-hud-itemleft' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item1.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div id='ui-hud-finances' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'><<print $attrib.credits>> C</span></strong>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.item2 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='ui-hud-itemright' class='HUD_StandardIcon'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item2.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Corporate Hegemony</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/hegemony.png]]Widely seen as the political counterpart to the Church of Eden, the Corporate Hegemony is a loose association of corporations and businesses who have banded together in an ongoing attempt to promote a galactic free market.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tTracing its heritage back to the Trade Conglomerate of millennia long past, the Corporate Hegemony forms the economic heart of the galaxy, composed of seventeen million pan-system and pan-galactic corporations that survived the economic upheaval during the [[Crusade of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Crusade of Eden"]]. The Hegemony is generally viewed as the counterweight to the political power and popular influence of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], with members being less interested in traditional or cultural values as espoused by the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and instead focused on scientific research, social development, and economic expansion.<br><br>\n\nFor historic reasons reasons, the Corporate Hegemony is internally divided, with individual members pursuing self-serving goals that forster competition, rivalry, and, in some extreme cases, corporate warfare. When confronted with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] however, the Hegemony quickly bands together, forming a unified front that campaigns for free market environments exempt from [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] taxation and rights for corporate entities beyond the limited provisions afforded by [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] law.<br><br>\n\nThese political campaigns however seldom produce results within [[Church-controlled|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] space, which has led the Hegemony to focus on worlds and habitation platforms beyond [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] jurisdiction. Most recently, this resulted in the completeion of Scaffold 127, the first habitation platform not recognized as [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] property. Naturally, attempts by the Hegemony to extract their operations from [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] law and taxation have been met with hostility by the Clergy, which has recently begun a campaign to impose measures and sanctions that will bind the Corporate Hegemony more tightly to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>B Sector</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/b_sector.png"]]Administrative zone in the western sphere of Scaffold 22. One of the oldest areas of the habitation platform, B Sector is home to the Cathedral of Beams, and is therefore of galactic significance despite its relatively impovrished populace.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tB Sector (Levels B1-B40) is a administrative zone located in the western hemisphare of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. It is one of the oldest parts of the habitation platforms, with floor blueprints dating back to the original construction still in use, and is considered one of the twenty most populous areas of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The Sector is composed of forty levels, ranging from the Corporate Zone at the upper B-Levels, across the numerous habitation areas in the mid-sector, to the [[Cargo Docks|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] at the bottommost levels. The entire sector is home to an unspecified number of citizens, believed to be near 2 Billion when unapproved and unofficial residential areas are included in the statistic.<br><br>\n\nAdministration of the zone is divided between two parties, with the [[Hegemony-Sponsored|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] Sector Administration B responsible for the upper levels (B1-B19) and the Wilkin Administrative Group responsible for the lower levels (B20-B40). Both administrations are well-recieved by the local population and continue to maintain, secure, and expand their respective zones under the terms & conditions set forth by the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Notable exception to the rule is Level B14, which allows Clergy-level access to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]], and is therefore administered by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<br><br>\n\nEconomically, B Sector is relatively weak, with its only true source of income being the docks [[Cargo Docks|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] and the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. The large population base however provides ample oppertunity for small business, which have flourished in several areas. Unfortunately, these businesses only employ a fraction of the population, and most citizens of B Sector are forced to commute to work.<br><br>\n\nTransportation is another issue with B Sector, which has the unfortunate distinction of being the only Sector of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] that does not branch or intersect anywhere. Consequently, the single, central tramway line is perpetually overcrowded despite having several dynamically rerouted tracks, leading to delayed commutes at all times of the cycle. Pedestrian zones are equally affected by overcrowding. On the other hand, the relatively poor local economy means that many citizens cannot afford a grav-vehicle, leading to reduced fastway traffic compared to other sectors.<br><br>\n\nEducation is yet another issue that prevails in B Sector. While most residential districss have at least a primary and secondary school, further education is not readily available, and quality suffers due to numerous issues common to many zones of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Initiatives launched by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] to combat this problem, including subsidation and training of teaching staff, have not shown promising results. Consequently, many local residents do not possess higher degrees, and trade school diplomas are rare even among the many skilled laborers in the Sector.<br><br>\n\nLast but not least, security is a constant worry on lower levels of B Sector, most notably due to overpopulation, which has led to a predominance of street gangs and non-sanctioned drug trade. Wilkin's Raptors, the private security company responsible for law enforcement, is unable - and frequently unwilling - to handle the sheer volume of illict activity. Unstable relations with and disinterest from the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] further exaberates the issue, with many residents turning to localalized vigilante groups or citizen's patrols when official law enforcement fails to meet demands.<br><br>\n\nAmong the many notable locations in B Sector are: <br><br>\n\n- The [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]], which span across Level B10<br>\n- The [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]], accessible from Level B14<br>\n- [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], accessible from Level B28<br>\n- The [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]], accessible from Level B29<br>\n- The [[Cargo Docks|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]], located on Level B40<br>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Ratroach</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_ratroach.png]]</div>Disesed, rodent-esque xenofauna know to exist on many habitation platforms. Scavenging omnivore by nature and seldom threatens humans despite its alarm size. Protected by a thick shell and isolated by long, tuft-like fur. Weak immune system vulnerable to virological and toxological agents.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOf uncertain origin, the Ratroach is a furry, rodent-esque race of xenofauna known as a disease carrier and scavenger which, despite frequently growing to the size of a large canine, seldom preys on mammals. It will eat almost anything else however, allowing this rodent to survive in virtually any environment, and is well isolated against cold due to its tuft-like fur. These attributes, coupled with a thick outer shell that covers its back, make the Ratroach a tough pest to root out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDespite its alarming size and obvious danger to public health, the Ratroach is neither an abomination nor a serious threat to modern society, though the species did indirectly cause several plagues when it first appeared on Scaffold 27. Today, cases of Ratroach infestation are rare, though lone speciments can occasionally be found up in dirty passages or abandoned habs. In most instances however, Ratroach litters self-exterminate due to their tendency to feed upon their own kind once more suitable food sources have been depleted or made inaccessible.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAdditionally, Ratroaches reproduce astonishingly slowly, decades to fully mature and grow. These creatres are also known to be highly intelligent and will - unless otherwise prompted - quickly adapt to survive in the most unusual circumstances, sometimes going unnoticed for months or longer despite their obvious bulk. Thus, when not dealt with swiftly Ratroaches can become a serious health hazard due to the many infectuous micro-organisms that inhabit their fur. It is therefore reccomended that any citizen who encounters one of these rodents either kill it while it is still young or - should this prove impractical - alert the appropriate authorities immediately.\n\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The Undersprawl</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\nComposed of impovrished areas that have fallen into disuse and disrepair, Undersprawl as a term refers to the collective slums of Scaffold 22. It is inhabited primarily by the least fortunate of souls and is known for inhospitable, sometimes downright inhumane, living conditions.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Undersprawl is a tangled warren of passages overrun by squatters, defunct hab units which have fallen into disrepair, and disused utility areas of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] which stretches over several sectors. Exact estimates of this extended slum's size are all but impossible as the territory is geographically dispersed and the extent varies on a cyclic basis. Official estimates place it at occupying 11.3% of the habitation platform's pressurized space, though independant research which suggests it may in fact consume far more space - up to 34.1% of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<br><br>\n\nIn many sectors, the border between legal habitation areas and Undersprawl is ill defined, being composed of many social layers which slowly but steadily devolve the farther one moves away from the main pressure corridors. Elsewhere, the division is more clear cut, in rare cases even denoted by holo-barriers or physical impediments such as bulkheads or tramway tunnels - hence the colloquial phrase 'born on the wrong side of the hoops'. Likewise, the quality of life in different areas of the Undersprawl varies wildly. In most cases it can be described as unhygienic and lawless, though tolerable sections exist, often run by local criminal groups and religious cults.<br><br>\n\nIt is generally advised that citizens avoid the Undersprawl whenever possible, though in many sectors this is unfeasible - for example [[B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] is both the sector's largest commercial venue and an offshoot of the local sprawl. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Siren</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_siren.png]]</div>Abominated offshoot of humanity which can to re-assemble its 'body' of strandlike matter to approximate the appearance of humanoid individuals. Often associated with trust abuse and sexual assault. Unable to endure in presence of strong electrical currents.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $shockDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSpawned from experimental virotechnology in the early 25460s, Sirens are a an abominated offshoot of humanity that are best known for their string-like physique which allows them to reshape their physical bodies into rough approximations of other human or humanoid beings. Sirens are commonly believed to appear only in female forms, despite statistics that indicate they appear in the resemblance of both genders equally often. Their race - and physiology itself - is asexual and it is not believed that Sirens can reproduce naturally.<br><br>\n\nFor reasons unknown, though believed to relate to their creator's long-forgotten intent, Sirens habitually prey upon humans, using their ability to shift physical form to gain the trust and intimacy of their victims before paralyzing them to ends unknown. Understandably, Sirens are frequently associated with rapists, and their victims are often mistakenly categorized as rape victims by uninformed law enforcement agents. Unfortunately, very little is known about the Siren, beyond the fact that it leaves its victims physically exhausted, mentally drained, and with no knowledge of the attack.<br><br>\n\nThis can partially be explained by the fact that Sirens are notoriously hard to find and even harder to capture alive, most notably due to their ability to cause permanent memory loss in those attempting to track them down. Study of physical remains has however gleaned experts some insight into the physiology of the Siren, which is best described as a collection of mutatable tissue 'strands' that hold vital organs together.<br><br> \n\nExactly how their bodies remain functional while under the stress of rapidly re-organizing internal structure, or how bone structure can be reformed dynamically, is still unknown. It has however been concluded with fair certainty that the Siren's ability to morph does not extend to their organs, which remain constant with the shape of the original owner's, no matter which physical form they have adopted.<br><br>\n\nIt is also well establised among abomination hunters that, while Sirens are incredibly resilient to physical force and chemical agents, their ability to morph strands - and indeed function as living beings - rapidly fails in the presence of strong electrical currents. This suggests some parallels between the Siren and the unusual, microorganism-driven physiology of the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]], with some experts going as far as to suggest that the Siren served as inspiration to the [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] of old. Evidence of such a link however has not been found in any [[Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] records and has, to date, not been proven to be anything more than wild speculation.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The Bazar</strong>\n\nTechnically part of the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] but having been semi-officially established as a legal administrative zone, the Great Bazar is large free-market comerce area situated in the warren-like passages of the old hydrogen processing plant on Level B29. Home to countless merchant guilds and freelance artisans, the Bazar offers services that range from the mundane to strange - and occasionally even the seemingly impossible. \n\nMost who visit the Bazar however are merely interested in day to day purchases, which are readily available at prices well below those corporate-owned retailers offer. The downside to the favorable prices however is the utter lack of guaranteed quality as no merchant who sells at the Bazar is required to file anything but the most basic of paperwork with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] before he or she may begin peddling goods. This circumstance has caused the Bazar to become a nexus of dubious salesmen who offer questionable products of uncertain origin.\n\nNone the less, the Bazar remains the go-to location for citizens who cannot afford the certainty of corporate retailers and consistently draws a large crowd of shoppers reglardless of the time of day. Visitors unfamiliar with the Bazar however are advised not to purchase goods of any sort without extensively examining the product and ensuring that the items they leve the shop with are indeed the same ones they examined. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] further reccomends not to purchase blantantly illegal goods or services, as even legally valid transactions made at the Bazar are not exemt from persecution beyond the limits of the free-market area. \n\nVisitors are also reminded that Fleshmelders and Machine-Smiths offering services at the Bazar are not sanctioned by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and therefore cannot be held liable for deficiencies in their products. In severe cases that result in physical harm however, complaints may be filed with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]], though no guarantee of recomensation can be made.
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cephanine</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_cephanine.png]]</div>Canine-esque Xenofauna known for its predatory tendencies and adaptability. Preys on mammals by tangling them with its tentacles. Weak respiratory system vulnerable to toxological agents.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOriginally an aquatic carnivore native to Frolos 3 but since spread to numerous worlds across the galaxy, the Cephanine - sometimes referred to as the Wolfsquid - is a mutated derivate of the cephalopod family that carries canine-esque genetic material and has adapted to live on land and in water. The Cephanine is a social animal that lives, hunts, and breeds in packs of varying size. None the less, solidary Cephanines are a fairly common occurence, most notably on civilized worlds where small numbers of these creatures have escaped captivity and survived by preying on - and breeding with - their distant domesticized cousins, the family dog.<br><br>\n\nThese circumstances suggest the Cephanine is innately capable of rapid genetic and neurological adaption, allowing it to surrive and thrive in environments that differ radically from those it naturally evolved in. Consequently, certain specialists propose the Cephanine species is indeed composed of numerous subspecies, each adapted specifically to their current environment. Others however claim that the variation among Cephanines does not indicate the development of subspecies and that such observations merely prove this creature is posesses unusually high mental flexibility and genetic compatibility.<br><br>\n\nDisagreement over classification aside however, common traits can be found in all Cephanines, the most notable of which is their appearance, tendency to associate with canine species, and predatory nature. In regard to the latter, one must remember that the Cephanine is an inheretly vicious creature that will readily kill to feed and fight back when threatened, cornered or frightented.<br><br>\n\nNumerous tentacle arms, clawed paws, and a toothed snout combine into a particularly deadly package that can easily crush and maul the average adult. This, coupled with uncanny reflexes and high resistance to kinetic forces, make the Cephanine a truly dangerous opponent for even the most experienced law-enforcement officers. It is worth noting however that, despite its sharp eyesight and impeccable sense of smell, the Cephanine's auditory senses remain attuned to its original aquatic environment and function poorly in low-pressure atmospheres.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>><div class='GameText'><strong>Account Overview</strong>\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tName\n\t\t</th>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tHolder\n\t\t</th>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tBalance\n\t\t</th>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tStatus\n\t\t</th>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\tGBISCF22:PRIV\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'><<print $attrib.credits>></span>\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\tActive\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table></div>\n<<if $chapter eq 1>><br>\n<div class='GameText'><strong>Automated Billing</strong>\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tAmmount\n\t\t</th>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tDue In\n\t\t</th>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tType\n\t\t</th>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tClient\n\t\t</th>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'><<print $payment_church.ammount>> C</span>\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<<print (24 - $timesincelastbill)>> hours\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\tHourly Rate\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\tKuli.Zweili\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table></div><</if>><</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Level B40 Xeno Garden</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>Now disused, the Xeno Garden on Level B40 used to be B Sector's only xenobiological venue, allowing researchers and curious citizens access to lifeforms and environments alien to Scaffold 22.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tLocated adjancent the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] on the lowest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], the Xenological Garden - short Xeno Garden - is a public xenofauna and xenoflora display that has been closed for the past ten years. Reasons for its closure are primarily financial, the proprietor of the garden being unable to maintain the premises on what little income the Garden generated without continued subsidies, which were allegedly canceled by a major private donor.<br><br>\n\nAt the height of its day, the Xenological Garden displayed hundreds of flora, fauna, and environmental samples from across the galaxy, offering a wide array of attractions to curious citizens and ample oppertunities for budding xenobiologists to study in the field despite the lack of xenological life on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. How many of these creatures and lifeforms continue to exist, or what their eventual fate may be, has not been announced by the Xenological Garden.<br><br>\n\nIt is likely that the premises will remain closed for the forseeable future, though plans to integrate the Xenogarden's specialized systems into the [[B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] as a holding area for xenofauna and flora being transported to or through [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] have been announced by the Wilkin Administrative Team. Whether this costly business venture will indeed be realized remains to be seen, though its effects on the local populace and economy would likely be minimal. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Riot Trooper</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_zanex.png]]</div>Heavily armored but armed more to suppress than kill, Riot Troopers are trained professionals whose primary mission is to disperse dissident movements, resorting to violence only as a last resort.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> strong armor<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> low damage<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tFrequently employed by contractors such as [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], Riot Troopers are heavily armored professionals who are deployed when social disturbances become uncontrollable by more conventional security forces. Despite their imposing appearane, most Riot Troopers are lightly armed, preferring to rely on intimindation and scare tactics than lethal force, unless given absolutely no alternative.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDespite their controversial status in contemporary society, Riot Teams are maintained by numerous contractors, and frequently deployed on request of their employers - or indeed the Clergy itself. Security professionals are advised to comply with the instructions of riot teams unless a clearly unlawful deployment in in progress. Their tactical training and knowledge of crowd control tactics makes them virtually impossible to contend with, and since most deployments are within the realm of [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], intervention is discouraged.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Acheri</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_acheri_female.png]]</div>Abominable creature spawned by premature augmentation. Solidary by nature yet believed to occasionally band together in bestial communities. Highly aggressive and ridden with disease yet physically weak and easily overcome on an individual basis.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAcheri are an uncommon breed of lesser abomination created by parents who erronously allow their offspring to be augmented well before their bodies have matured. As natural child growth continues, synthetic augments loose synchronisity with the host's nervous system or become unstable while organic modifications can decay or evolve out of control. This often leads to severe mental health issues in these unfortunates that will drive the developing human mind insane.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThis alone would not suffice for abominable classification, being merely severe surgical malpracrice. For a decrepit child to become an Acheri requires an even more unpleasant factor: the corruption of genetic material through incorporation of random sub-null strands. The result is invariably unnatural alteration of the human genome, resulting in abnormalities such as unnatural longlivety, conscious mutation, and in rare cases even the ability to bend light or project illusions. Such abominable corruption occurs most often when the victim is exposed to radiation and REACH disturbances for extended periods of time, circumstances which are frequently encountered on ageing starships or in poorly shielded areas of habitation platforms.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhile not necessarily noticable at younger ages, the symtoms of Acheri syndrome frequently surface during early puberty and lead the affected to commit unspeakable acts in an attempt to cope with their slow but inevitable degeneration into a mindless, animalistic beasts that act on the basest of instincts. As premature augmentation is illegal under [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] law and frowned upon by society at large, few Acheri are ever created and those that are often die before they ever reach critical levels of sub-null corruption.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThankfully, treatment exists provided the issue is discovered early in life, and most who were at risk of suffering Acheri syndrome go on to live normal lives. A select few however survive their increasingly traumatic childhood and live on, trapped in juvenile bodies that never mature due to extensive genetic taint. Suffering from rampant cancerous tumors, null-like genetic defects and mental disorders of the highest degree, these abominations lurk in the darkest corners of the galaxy, scraping by on what little they can scrounge or steal.<br><br>\n\nThe common Acheri lives in complete isolation, emerging from its lair only to scrounge for necessities, and shying the eyes of galactic society whenever possible. When disturbed, angered or threaened however, these childlike beasts will show little remorse or pity and frequently succumb to violent murder. A lone Acheri, even a heavily augmented one, will seldom pose a threat to professional lawman, though numerous cases exist where siblings and parents have fallen prey to their doomed loved ones. In rare cases where these abominations bond together in makeshift communities however these primitive, besital degenerates can become a plague that even the best equipped law-enforcement agencies will find difficult to root out.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Security Bots</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_security.png]]</div>\nMechanical agents designed specifically for security applications, Security Bots are are an integral part of the modern security industry. They are frequrntly employed to automate routines that would otherwise necessitate employment of costly human security contractors.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $shockDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA term which describes a wide range of fully-automated mechanical security robots, the Security Bot is an integral part of the private security industry designed to secure or protect a given locality from unwanted intrusion without requiring the deployment of human security forces. Most models of Security Bot are designed to appear at least vaguely humanoid, in part to avoid alarming passers-by, and in part to differentiate them from heavily armed and armored robotic agents designed solely for combat (e.g. [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]).<br><br>\n\nNone the less, a wide variety of models are available on the current market, with designs ranging from the common bipedal automaton to jet-assisted tripod models. One common factor among Security Bots however is their flexibility and adaptability, made possible through reconfiguraiton of the unit's AI runtimes. This feature allows the same model of security bot to be used for various purposes ranging from armed intrusion deterrence to nonviolent zone control, or even simply to warn away curious onlookers.<br><br>\n\nDue to the potentially harmful nature of their intended use, many Security Bots can be expected to be abused - or indeed attacked - at some point during their service lifetime. For this reason, their internal circuitry is almost always sealed in protective armor and many models include repulsive shields to deflect high-velocity projectiles. While Security Bots with merely these features can be employed without a lincense issued by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], all units intended to be armed, even with non-lethal weaponry, must be officially registered with the local authorities.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Stingcrab</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_stingcrab.png]]</div>Abominable xenofauna known to exist on numerous worlds and platforms. Predatioral by nature yet seldom observed to actively hunt. Possesses no corperal nervous system. Becomes aggressive only when its territory is violated and know to attack with powerful pincers and toxin-laden stingers.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> strong armor<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $plasmaDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOf uncertain origin yet known to exist on many worlds and hab platforms across the galaxy, the Stingcrab - often sarcastically referred to as Stingcrap - is a highly dangerous form of Xenofauna that preys on anything physically smaller than itself. Given that Stingcrabs habitually grow to twice the height of a regular human being and are protected by a thick shell that secretes oily slime, this means virtually all mid-sized mammals are potential prey, and Stingcrabs pose considerable danger to any who ventures too near their nests.<br><br>\n\nUnlike many other predators however the Stingcrab does not hunt per se, instead relying on a form of hybernative stasis to endure days, weeks or even years, waking only when unknowing prey wanders into proximity. The Stingcrab then attacks, lashing its victim with its tentacles in the hopes of injecting them with various forms of toxins depending on the particular subspecies - the most common is a hallucogenic agent, though muscle relaxants are also present in many Stingcrab species.<br><br>\n\nIn cases where the victim should fight back, the Stingcrab will make use of its pincers to either grab or maim the opponent, which is then consumed by injesting body parts directly into the slimy cell-mass contained within the crab's shell. The Stingcrab possesses no dedicated digestive tract nor any other organs as found in other species barring its brain. Exactly how this is possible is still being investigated by various research groups yet potential abominable influence has not definitely been ruled out\n\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $ammotype eq "9mm">>\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and ($returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm" or $returnedStats.draw9mmAmmo)>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and ($returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm" or $returnedStats.draw9mmAmmo or $returnedStats.isSKULE)>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $ammotype eq "bolt">>\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and ($returnedStats.boltAndCanister or $returnedStats.boltOnly)>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and ($returnedStats.boltAndCanister or $returnedStats.boltOnly)>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $ammotype eq "canister">>\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and ($returnedStats.boltAndCanister or $returnedStats.canisterOnly)>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and ($returnedStats.boltAndCanister or $returnedStats.canisterOnly)>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<unset $ammotype>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Corpradime Grav-Car</strong>\n\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/grav-car.png]]The Corpradime Grav-Car was a personal transportation vehicle developed for use in artificial gravity wells. It was produced in several variations as of the 27th millennium and was used across the mid to late modern era galaxy. The grav-car, which became common after the Crusade of Eden as inter-territorial trade flourished in the early 27th millennium, gained traction primarily due to it's sustainable fission-powered drive system and lack of need to refuel regularly as earlier personal transit vehicles had required. A Corpradime, once fielded, would operate for a decade on one fuel load, making it both energy efficient and fairly safe, as the grav-pads could be remote controlled to avoid accidents. Though it never fully replaced tramways, pod-elevators, or sub-thrust shuttles, the Corpradime did become the dominant transportation vehicle inside artificial gravity wells and was used until the early New Era, when it was eventually rendered irrelevant by virtual technology.\n\nWhat made the Corpradime popular was both the freedom it offered and the relative ease of use, being a mostly automated vehicle with manual overrides in case of emergency; in many models these were disabled or in fact illegal to engage due to poor driver culture in the Galactic Core. Outside the Core, the Corpradime saw little use. It's intended market were the hab platforms and superstations of the Church of Eden and Corporate Hegemony, a market which the Corporadime dominated all but absolutely - excepting public transport. On many stations, large grav tunels were built out of earlier shuttle pathsways to allow safe use of the Corporadime, of which multiple billion trillion units were built in the 27th millennium alone. On some stations, and particularly in wealthy communities, as many as two grav-cars existed per household.\n\nDespite this success, the Corpradime was a novelty vehicle for many core dwellers and it did not replace the increasingly used public transportation systems of the 27th and 28th millennia. Purchase costs were high for many citizens and, for many larger corporations or business, the Corpradime did not offer enough flexibility to become the main fleet vehicle - a shuttle could be used for multiple purposes; a grav-car only worked in an artificial gravity well. In the small, local, and service industries however the Corporadime quickly edged out shuttles and reserved transportation carss, allowing individual freedoms that had not previously been possible. As a result, the Corpradime was marketed primarily at those who had already embraced consumer-capitalist culture. It saw little success in more communal cultures and was categorically outlawed in the Dominion for ideological reasons.
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The Gregorian Riots</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/riots.png"]]Major social upheval that broke out on Scaffold 22 in 27027. Caused by then-recent changes of taxation laws on believers and resulted in widespread property damage in the lower B Sector.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Gregorian Riots were a localized, popular uprising that took place in 27027 in the [[Level B27 Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]] of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Unrest began following announcements by the Clergy that organizations located on Level B27, who had previously been exempt from the Church Taxation Act IV, would have to comply with the higher fees demanded of all [[Church-Approved|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] sects.<br><br>\n\nThe local population, not known for its financial capacity, was outraged at the fact that their contributions to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] would be raised yet again - the fourth time in three years. Many sects took to the streets and, rallied by Brother Gregorian of the Valiant Circle, openly protested the demands made by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] in a long pilgremage intended to end at the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\nHeightened emotions, abundance of intoxicating substances, and unruly elements in the crowd however quickly led to an escalation of events, that saw large swathes of private property along [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] devestated. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] rapidly deployed riot teams, only to discover that the sheer mass of people could not be handled, and was forced to pull back in face of the sheer number of protestors - estimated to have been around 351'000.<br><br>\n\nA second attempt to contain the riot was launched three hours later, this time reinforced by contractors from private security companies, including a full-scale deployment of the controversial [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. Numerous flashpoints quickly developed, with security forces attempting to channel and break up the furious masses before the chaos spilled into neighboring sectors. This phase of the riots is heavily debated, and often critisized by opponents of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] as countless witness testimonies exist which imply that panicked security forces fired live rounds at unarmed protestors, among other acts of criminal negligence toward the civilian populace.<br><br>\n\nNotable exception to these negligance claims must be made - ironically - in the case of [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], which deployed into the heart of the demonstration on Level B27, and managed to secure the level within less than an hour - without firing so much as a single suppression canister. Rioters later claimed that the sudden arrival of heavily armored shock troops bearing the black-gold insigna and advancing undeterred despite holo-flashes and thrown bottles casused countless believers to surrender out of fear that the allegedly theophobic radicals of [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] would open fire undiscriminately.<br><br>\n\nOther contractors however fared less well and both private and [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] forces remained deployed for almost three weeks, rounding up pockets of resistance all across [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Relative calm however returned in the months to follow, and most security teams were withdrawn a month later, with only a handful of arrests having been made.<br><br>\n\nNone the less, the Gregorian Riots remain a oft-cited example of [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] policy gone wrong, and are etched in the public consciousness as one of the defining events of the late 20s. Their effects however are considered minimal by all experts, and there has been no notable political, economic, or fanatical fallout that can be diretly traced to these events.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Objective 22</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/objective_22.png]]A Hegemony-sponsored financial initiative launched on Scaffold 22, Objective 22 is an attempt by various corporate entities to build a financial benefits and monetary exchange system that paralells the Church-sponsored St. Martin's Trust.<br><br>\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tLaunched in 26649, Objective 22 is a cooperative financial project organized by the [[Corporate Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] to trade investment information, broker financial deals, and offer better terms to private as well as corporate financial assets on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. It initially faced harsh critique and scepticism from all sectors of industry and economy, notably due to early failures and association with the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]].<br><br>\n\nInvestments however quickly began to pay off, starting 26684, and the past centuries have seen participating banks and investment agencies grow to include most of [[Scaffold 22's|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] independant monetary institutes, who have all pledged their assets to the stated goal of creating a trusted, long-term monetary fund equal to the [[Church-Sponsored|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] St. Martin's Trust.<br><br>\n\nThe most notable achievement of Objective 22 is its incredibly robust credit rating, which is both ensured by [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] sponsorship and partnership with comparable projects across the galaxy. As a result, fluctuations in rating for participating organizations remain at a steady 3% between remote habitation platforms, compared to the wildly varying rates of [[Church-Sponsored|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] trusts, which can rise to up to 25% discrepancy depending on local events and other unforeseen circumstances.<br><br>\n\nAs a result, Objective 22 has gained notoriety as THE go-to partner for trans-system and pan-galactic trading on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. It has also recently launched several campaigns to increase benefits for private partners, including standardized pension conditions and assured interest rates, neither of which are available to corporate or legal entities.<br><br>\n\nUnfortunately, the benefits of Objective 22 are not without their drawbacks, the most damning of which includes voluntary abstinence from [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] sponsorship and benefits. Possibly even more daunting however are recent reports that assets managed by Objective 22 partners are being channeled through dubious sub-contractors to achieve even more shady ends. <br><br>\n\nPrecisely what these claims state varies, with speculation ranging from economical terrorism and theophobic radicalism to money laundering, but thus far no charges have officialy been pressed against Objective 22. Indeed, while the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] remains understandably sceptical of the program, investigations have proven that all Objective 22 participants conduct business according to regulation and no breeches of [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] law have occured. <br><br>\n\nNone the less, care should be taken in approaching deals with offer benefits obviously fostered by Objective 22, particularly in the case of private individuals who do not have the means to assert themselves against the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] in case of breeched contracts.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Oger</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_oger_crowbar.png]]</div>Once humans, Ogers are genetically engineered brutes best known for their sheer physical strength. Despite their abominable status, most Ogers retain some form of intelligence and identity. Seldom seen in the civilized galaxy.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> strong armor<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $plasmaDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOriginally concieved of by the Talithrax Corporation to serve as front-line shock troopers during the [[Crusade of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Crusade of Eden"]], Ogers are humans who have synthetically augmented to the point they barely resemble the people they once were. These abominations often appear unnaturally bloated and impossibly muscular, though the exact techniques used - and outcome of the specific modificatoins applied - vary from Oger to Oger. Generally speaking however, these abominations are designed with heightened physical prowess and diminished sensitivity to pain and human emotion in mind. Absolute obedience to their creators, relentless pursuit of their goals, and utter lack of empathy are also common traits displayed by an Oger.<br><br>\n\nContrary to the public preconception of being mindless brutes, virtually every Oger retains its intelligence and, in almost all cases, these abominations are both painfully aware of what they have become and that few - if any - humans will ever treat them as equals again. Consequentially, Ogres are seldom seen in civilized space, preferring to roam the void in starships and, occasionaly, settling on remote colonies where persecution by the public - and the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] - is minimal. When they are present in civilized space, they frequently serve as mercenaries or enforcers, and commonly restrict allegience to criminal organizations that will not turn them over to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] for incineration.<br><br>\n\nIn extremely rare cases however, an Oger will settle for a lawful carrer, though this behavior tends to be limited to those whose physical deformation is minimal, allowing them to pass as human beings unless scrutinized closely. Over the centuries, these unusual outliers have given rise to numerous far-fetched superstitions, most notably the belief that an Oger with an unnaturally long lifespan will ammass incredible wealth and power. These fairy tales however ignore the simple scientific fact that every known breed of Oger suffers from the fatal flaw of overaccelerated cell growth that will, eventually, lead to terminal cancer. This circumstance forces Ogers to think in terms of short-term survival, as few of these unfortunates can expect to live more than a few years past their date of augmentation without extensive medical care.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>WarBots</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_warbot.png]]</div>Mechanical agents produced solely for open warfare, WarBots are highly destructive machines designed with equal focus on combat ability as ease of mass production.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> strong shields<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $shockDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tDesigned specifically for combat applications, WarBots are heavily armed and armored robots intended for military and para-military use. Unlike the more common [[Securuty Bot|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Securuty Bot"]], WarBots make no apolgies for their intimidating design or designated purpose: threat elimination. Most common models are armed with numerous coilarms or railarms and posses various defensive technolgies, included but not limited to: reactive armor, arc shields, and high-G maneuvering gravplates.<br><br>\n\nWhile many WarBots support peacekeaping runtimes and other less-than-lethal programmings, they are seldom used in this role, as their bulk and heavy armament makes them less than suitable for operations in populated areas. Deployment of WarBots is almost always met with public scrutiy, and while these mechanic agents may be all but immune to incoming fire, operators can face harsh backlash or even criminal charges in dire cases of asset misuse. Despite this, WarBots are an integral part of the private seucurity industry, often deployed in scenarios where armed aggression is to be expected and an equally harsh response not only favorable and justifiable but absolutely necessary.<br><br>\n\nFor obvious reasons, WarBots are an uncommon sight on many hab platforms and worlds, and deployment is generally restricted to colonies and lesser space stations, where armed incursions are more frequent. None the less, WarBots may be found guarding some high-value installations, often in combination with [[Securuty Bot|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Securuty Bot"]] and human security forces.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.codexBack eq "passage">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|$currentgamepassage][$hud.currentScreen = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $hud.codexBack eq "codex">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $hud.codexBack eq "gear">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "gear"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
/% can be set to display numbers or in "simple" mode %/\n\n<<if $returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm" or $returnedStats.ammo eq "9mm_hyper">>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: 9mm\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\t9mm <<print $equip.pistol.ammo>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.isSKULE>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: 9mm & Bolt\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tT <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.normal>> / C <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.electric>><br>\n\t\t9mm <<print $equip.pistol.ammo>><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.draw9mmAmmo and $returnedStats.hasCanisterLauncher>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: 9mm & Canister\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\t9mm <<print $equip.pistol.ammo>><br>\n\t\tN <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical>> / S <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.boltAndCanister>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: Canister & Bolt\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tT <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.normal>> / C <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.electric>><br>\n\t\tN <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical>> / S <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.boltOnly>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: Bolt\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tT <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.normal>> / C <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.electric>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.canisterOnly>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: Canister\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tN <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical>> / S <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.draw9mmAmmo and ($returnedStats.hasPlasmaCaster or $returnedStats.hasArcCaster)>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: 9mm & Discharge\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tCharge: <<print $equip.charge>>%<br>\n\t\t9mm <<print $equip.pistol.ammo>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.draw9mmAmmo and $returnedStats.needsChargeToUse>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: 9mm & Discharge\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tCharge: <<print $equip.charge>>%<br>\n\t\t9mm <<print $equip.pistol.ammo>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.boltOnly and $returnedStats.needsChargeToUse>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tAmmo: Bolt\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tCharge: <<print $equip.charge>>%<br>\n\t\tT <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.normal>> / C <<print $equip.rifle.ammo.electric>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif ($returnedStats.hasArcCaster or $returnedStats.ammo eq "arclance") and ($returnedStats.ammo eq "plasmaburst" or $returnedStats.hasPlasmaCaster)>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tArc & Plasma Discharge\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tCharge: <<print $equip.charge>>%<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.hasArcCaster or $returnedStats.ammo eq "arclance">>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tArc Discharge\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tCharge: <<print $equip.charge>>%<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.ammo eq "plasmaburst" or $returnedStats.hasPlasmaCaster>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tPlasma Discharge\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tCharge: <<print $equip.charge>>%<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.hasArcCharge or $returnedStats.hasFlameCharge>>\n\t<<if $displayAmmoStyle eq "simple">>\n\t\tArc Charge\n\t<<elseif $displayAmmoStyle eq "numbers">>\n\t\tCharge: <<print $equip.charge>>%<br>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "NUKE" or $equip.rifle.name eq "DRUG">>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>disposable</span>\n<<elseif $returnedStats.isMelee or $returnedStats.ammo eq "melee">>\n\t<span class='greyedout'>no ammo</span>\n<<else>>\n\t[MISSING AMMO COMBO]\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Djinn Retardant<br>\n\tClient: Petrovic<br>\n\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase lt 8>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tAnska says Athena Medical Inc. is working on a method to control the Djinn which could, in theory, also be used to destroy one. I'm not sure what that means but the old hag said something about a laboratory on the upper levels of B Sector. If I can find the place, I might be able to aquire a wepaon capable of fighting this abomination. All I need is someone that can tell me where to look.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tAnska says Athena Medical Inc. is working on a method to control the Djinn which could, in theory, also be used to destroy one. I'm not sure what the old hag meant but I asked around and there's an Athena Medical lab behind the Boulevard Information booth up on Level B10. If I can get into the place - apparently Syndicate 4 is running tight as fuck security on the lab - I might be able to aquire a wepaon capable of fighting this abomination.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tAnska says Athena Medical Inc. is working on a method to control the Djinn which could, in theory, also be used to destroy one. I'm not sure what the old hag meant but I asked around and there's an Athena Medical lab behind the Boulevard Information booth up on Level B10. The Siren gave me an ID card which it claims will let me get inside. Maybe I can get this weapon against the Djinn without butting horns with Snydicate 4 all over the place.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tFollowing Anska's lead, I found the Athena Medical Inc. labs on Level B10. Real tight security like they said, and it's sealed with an airlock. Guess this Djinn weapon is dangerous enough to warrant full decontamination procedures, and the level of security in place just confirms that. I better be careful from here on in. Don't wanna infect my self or something dumb like that.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tFollowing Anska's lead, I found the Athena Medical Inc. labs on Level B10 and got a cooler full of whatever the hell they're making. No idea what it is but, from what I heard, some kind of optical chemical. Doubt I should open the thing myself. Might end in disaster. But I'm sure Anska can help. She's more or less an expert in biochemistry after all. Or at least an expert at whatever the hell she does, which is pretty damn close to that.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tSo I got that anti-djinn weapon Anska told me about and she also explained how it works. Open the vial and it creates a cloud of gas that will blind a Djinn, but is harmless to humans. She said to be careful though because the miasma - that's what this stuff is called - is volatile when exposed to oxygen and can burn, in her words, brighter than the sun. Not sure how that's possible but figure I shouldn't do anything that will cause it to ignite.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\tSo I used that anti-djinn miasma I got from Athena Medical. Think it worked pretty well. But I sure hope I don't run into another Djinn 'cause that all the stuff I had.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 7 or ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 9 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 98)) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>Project Chaos<<else>>Object 55316<</if>><br>\n\tClient: <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 7 or ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 9 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 98)) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>Xarea<<else>>Zweili<</if>><br>\n\tPriority: High<br><br>\n\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t\tFather Zweili's asked to meet me at the Level B14 entrance to the Cathedral of Beams. Something important. The message didn't say what but it sounded serious.\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 8 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase lt 98>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='maintask-area4'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area4'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='maintask-area1'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area1'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='maintask-area2'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area2'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone' id='maintask-area3'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area3'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Cryolounge Abomiation<br>\n\tClient: Harper<br>\n\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase lt 3>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase gte 3 and $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase neq 98>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tMr. Harper from the Cryogenics Lounge on the B10 Boulevard asked me to check out some abominationt they apparently got in their premises. No clue what kind. Sounds a little... well, weird, considering I don't even know the dude.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on the abomination in the B10 Cryolounge and, well, ran into a Hellcat of all things. Think someone set it loose to wreck the systems in there. Not sure why they'd do that - or who would do that. Killed the thing at any rate but wanna follow up on this a bit more. Anska might know something.<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>> And Celena's a good source on all things related to witchcraft.<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on the abomination in the B10 Cryolounge and, well, ran into a Hellcat of all things. I asked Anska and apparently this particular hellcat used to belong to Coven Eresi. Fuck knows why it went after the cryo lounge but it doesn't sound like anyone sent it there. Anska seems to think the cat was just stubborn, crazy, and confused. Not the answer I expected.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on the abomination in the B10 Cryolounge and, well, ran into a Hellcat of all things. I asked Celena and apprently, well, it was one of her Coven's old hellcats. Fuck knows why it went after the cryo lounge but it doesn't sound like anyone sent it there. Anyways, Cel thinks it happened cause the cat was an idiot and had a grudge. I didn't ask for details.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on the abomination in the B10 Cryolounge and, well, ran into a Hellcat of all things. Think someone set it loose to wreck the systems in there. Not sure why they'd do that - or who would do that. Don't want to know either. I got the hell out of there as fast as possible. Someone else can deal with this crap.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Thug</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_arena_thug.png]]</div>Citizens who have turned to criminal gangs for protection and profit, Thugs are lowlives who care only for themselves - and control of the turf they consider 'home'.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOften fiercly loyal to their self-identified gang, Thugs are lawful citizens who have forsaken legitimate sources of income in favor of protection and payment by localized criminal organizations. They are often considered low-level criminals, unwilling and indeed unable to respect any form of authority save that which is projected from the barrel of a coilgun. Despite their criminal status, Thugs often follow a strict code of honor, and are generally more organized than lesser criminals from the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThough thugs can, at times, be reasoned with, they remain a dangerous element in the underworld of habitation platforms such as [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Unless a noticable benefit can be gained from negotiation, it is often advised to neutralize these individuals immediately, and - if possible - turn them over to the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] for detainment and incarseration.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cyborg</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_cyborg.png]]</div>Augmented to the point of inhumanity, Cyborgs are stronger, faster, and more heavily armoed than any human being can expect to be - and almost mechanical in prusuit of their objective.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> strong shields<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $shockDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tRiddled with cybernetic augments and equipped with highly advanced technology, Cyborgs are the pinacle auf augmentive threats. Even without armor the average Cyborg can shrug of coil or railgun fire, while laying down deadly walls of boltfire. Devoid of emotion, doubt, fear, and regret, most cyborgs will prusue their assigned task with single-minded dedication - to a violent end if need be.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThough vulnerable to electostatic discharge and plasmatic discharges, the average Cyborg is virtually immune to physical harm due to their advanced arc-shield technology and heavily armored chassis'. Even deadly volley of fire that have perforated their bodies will not prevent a cyborg from executing their mission, and nothing short of utter destruction of their processing units will dissuade these mechanoids entirely.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDespite their residual humanity, Cyborgs cannot be reasoned with, and will never relent from executing their assigned tasks. They are most often employed by the highly criminalized Cybercult, though some lesser factions exist who have perfected the art of cybernetic augmention.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='CombatOptionsBox'>\n<div class = 'CombatOption_Expand_V2'><div class='CombatOption_Expand_V2Txt'>Combat Actions</div></div>\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td style="width:25%;">\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDScreenEquipmentImg'><<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.knife + ".png][PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $equip.knife + "\s"]]">></div>\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attempt Meele|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("knife"); $combat.amun.push("none"); $attrib.violence += 10; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDScreenEquipmentImg'><<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.name + ".png][PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $equip.pistol.name + "\s"]]">></div>\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "VX">>\n\t\t\t\t/% VX Ammo Calculation %/\n\t\t\t\t/% Tungsten %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Tungsten|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("pistol"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $combat.amun.push("tungsten bolt"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Tungsten]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t/% electroconductive %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Electroconductive|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("pistol"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.electric -= 1; $combat.amun.push("electroconductive bolt"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Electroconductive]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% Scattershot %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Scattershot|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("pistol"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter -= 1; $combat.amun.push("scattershot canister"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Scattershot]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% neurotoxin %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Neurotoxin|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("pistol"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical -= 1; $combat.amun.push("neurotoxin canister"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Neurotoxin]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% END VX CAlCULATION %/\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "LAMP" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte $combat.ammo.lamp>>\n\t\t\t\t/% LAMP AMMO CALCULATION %/\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Draw Machine Pistol|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("pistol"); $combat.amun.push("none"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.pistol.ammo -= $combat.ammo.lamp; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "MF-R2" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte $combat.ammo.mfr2>>\n\t\t\t\t/% MFR2 AMMO CALCULATION %/\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Draw Sidearm|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("pistol"); $combat.amun.push("none"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.pistol.ammo -= $combat.ammo.mfr2; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t/% STD PISTOL CALCULATION %/\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte $combat.ammo.m1114>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Draw Sidearm|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("pistol"); $combat.amun.push("none"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.pistol.ammo -= $combat.ammo.m1114; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Insufficient Ammo]</div></div><</if>>\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDScreenEquipmentImg'><<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.name + ".png][PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $equip.rifle.name + "\s"]]">></div>\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000" or $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted">>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t/% 9mm special %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo gte $combat.ammo.c2000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Ready Carbine|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $combat.amun.push("none"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.pistol.ammo -= $combat.ammo.c2000; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Insufficient Ammo]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "KRUG">>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t/% 9mm special %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo gte $combat.ammo.lamp>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Select Automatic|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $combat.amun.push("none"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.pistol.ammo -= $combat.ammo.lamp; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Select Automatic]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Scattershot|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter -= 1; $combat.amun.push("scattershot canister"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Scattershot]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% neurotoxin %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Neurotoxin|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical -= 1; $combat.amun.push("neurotoxin canister"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Neurotoxin]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "NGREP_Converted">>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t/% tungsten special %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte $combat.ammo.ngrep_bolt>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Insert Tungsten Magazine|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= $combat.ammo.ngrep_bolt; $combat.amun.push("tungsten bolt"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Insert Tungsten Clip]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t\t\t\t/% scattershot special %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter gte $combat.ammo.ngrep_canister>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Insert Scattershot Magazine|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter -= $combat.ammo.ngrep_canister; $combat.amun.push("scattershot canister"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Insert Scattershot Clip]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t/% Tungsten %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Tungsten|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $combat.amun.push("tungsten bolt"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Tungsten]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t/% electroconductive %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Electroconductive|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.electric -= 1; $combat.amun.push("electroconductive bolt"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Electroconductive]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% Scattershot %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Scattershot|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter -= 1; $combat.amun.push("scattershot canister"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Scattershot]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% neurotoxin %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Weapon'>[[Load Neurotoxin|$combat.nextpassage][$combat.wepn.push("rifle"); $attrib.violence += 3; $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical -= 1; $combat.amun.push("neurotoxin canister"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Load Neurotoxin]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</tr>\n\t<</if>>\n</table>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The Witch Hunts</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/witchhunts.png"]]Significant pan-galactic sociological and ideological purge initiated by the Church of Eden in the mid 26th century. Resulted in the utter decimation of the Witches Covens.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Witch Hunts were a social and political razzia orchastrated by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] circa year 26143 that intended to identify and eradicate all members of the [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] across the galaxy. While some radical elements on both sides claim the Witch Hunts continue to this day, most believers and non-believers alike agree that the fallout of this razzia ended several hundred years ago, in 26531, when the last major [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] was purged by the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]].<br><br>\n\nNone the less, the Witch Hunts remain a topic of public interest, most notably because they are the last recorded instance of a publically recognized enemy of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] that was put down by overwhelming physical force. Both the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] and the [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] partook in these events, systematically confronting, engaging, and eradicaing known [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] across the galaxy, and causing the deaths of several billion individuals. Numerous documentaries exist, depicting the harsh and violent attitudes adopted by both sides of this dispute.<br><br>\n\nToday it is safe to say that the methods employed by both parties in this conflid were unecessarily cruel and demeaning, as the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] readily admitted in 26746. None the less, the primal violence and brutality of these events continue to capture citizens to this day, perhaps because an open conflict between "good" and "evil" of this scale has not taken place for considerable time. Whathever the cause for such attachment to the Witch Hunts, the memory remains etched in the public consciousness and, by implication, goes down in history as one of the bloodiest, ruthless and indiscriminate conflicts in [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] history.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Quantus VII</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\nQuantus VII is a mining colony on the north-western galactic fringe, currently operated by the Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group. Beyond its vast supply of heavy metals, the planet is un-noteworthy and is generally considered a backwater world by galactic standards.<br><br>\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tQuantus VII is a mineral-rich planet with a strong gravity pull and noxious atmosphere. It is the seventh planet in the Quantus star system and, due to its harsh surface conditions, not suitable for colonalization. Quantus VII was originally surveyed by the Dimwan-Saq Coropratoin in 26511 but mining operations did not begin until 26831, when [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] aquired Dimwan-Saq survey reports and deemed Quantus VII to be a profitable source of heavy metals.<br><br>\n\nSince being claimed by [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] in 26843, Quantus VII has witnessed a steady population increase, beginning with the ten-man assessment team and increasing to a permanent roster of six thousand-and-thirty-two engineers, technicians, administrators and support staff as of the lates census (dated 26991) split across sixteen individual mining and processing sites. \n\nAlthough operations on Quantus VII are run by the [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]], thirty percent of the local populace are believer and the planet is officially recognized by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] as a Mission World. Predictably, the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] designation of Quantus VII has led to a conflict of interest between the local believers and the [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. <br><br>\n\nWhile such disputes tend to be nonviolent in nature due to strict legislation by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], the remote location of Quantus VII gives the [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] more leeway in matters of local administration than a corporaion would be allowed in more civilized areas of the galaxy. This circumstance has given rise to recent rumors that the [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] has been playing more than loose with accepted means - some going as far as to claim that WatchTower Security Inc. has been contracted to keep unwanted infulences 'in check'. Naturally these claims are disputed by the local administration but, given the competetive nature of corporate politics, it is not unthinkable that an opportunistic board of directors would call in private security contractors to 'counteract' unwanted influences on the planet.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hud.expandAugs eq false>>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandGear = true; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#gear-augs'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'Gear_Augs'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandGear = false; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#gear-augs'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'Gear_Augs'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $hud.expandGear>>\n\t<<if $equip.brainaug neq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.brainaug>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.brainaug + ".png]]">><<if $equip.isAbominated>>Injection<<else>>Augment<</if>> - <<brainaug>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt 4; $i++>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_EquipEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand[$i] eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $i eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noaugment_head.png]]Head: \n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $i eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noaugment.png]]Chest:\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $i eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noaugment_arms.png]]Arms:\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $i eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noaugment.png]]Skin (SHOULD NEVER SHOW)\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None</span>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.offhand[" + $i + "]>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.offhand[$i] + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $i eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\tHead:\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $i eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tChest:\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $i eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\tArms:\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $i eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSkin:\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.offhand[$i]>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $aquireText>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "bioaug" or $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "abomaug">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "abomaug">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAbomination:\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBio Integration:\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.bioAugModifier lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.bioAugModifier lt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'><<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "abomaug">>\n\t\t\t\t\tType: abomination <<print Math.round($attrib.bioAugModifier * 100)>>%\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] eq "cyberaug">>\n\t\t\t\t\tCybernetic:\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $i eq 2 and ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>main weapon installed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>no upgrade pack installed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\tCybernetic: \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $i eq 2 and ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>main weapon installed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'><<print $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i]>> pack installed</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</for>>\n<</if>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>B10 Boulevard</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\nAn artificial holo-lagoon located just off the Inner Ring, the B10 Boulevard is a major tourist oriented zone. It is both highly secure and family friendly, making it a frequent vacation destination for citizens of B Sector, who frequently cannot afford to travel abroad, even to neighboring sectors.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe B10 Boulevard is an tourist-oriented zone located at the most accessible point in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "CBSector"]]. Styled to resemble a lagoon and outfitted with countless holo-projectors that reinforce this illusion, the Boulevard draws middle and lower-class families or couples, especially those with children, looking to escape the crowded walkways and pressure corridors of their home sectors. The zone is heavily subsidized by numerous corporations, and boasts is own private security force, run by the Boulevard Association.<br><br>\n\nWhile several known gangs operate on the nearby levels, a policy of strong responses has all but banished criminals from the Boulevard, further reinforcing the calm, peaceful image the Boulevard Association wishes to project. This has allowed the many establishments, shops, bars, inns, hotels, and other commercial venues to flourish and expand to the point where the Boulevard offers locales geared towards every segment of the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] populace.<br><br>\n\nThe most notable attraction of the B21 Boulevard however is the public sun-ports that allow any citizen to experience the natural sunlight of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]] the celestial body which [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] orbits. Citizens not accustomed to natural light are therefore advised to carry sunblock when stolling the Boulevard - it is available at numerous local shops.\n\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>XVSVVP-15</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/sun.png"]]Grade 7 solar body in located in the north-eastern hemisphere of the galaxy and the star which Scaffold 22 orbits. Associated by believers with Saint Michael of Purita and a known pilgrimage destination.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA grade 7 solar body in located in the north-eastern hemisphere of the galaxy, XVSVVP-15 is both the star nearest to [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and the celestial body most closely associated with Saint Michael of Purita. It is a popular destination for pilgrims wishing to cleanse their mind and bodies of past sins and the life-giving force which makes habitation of the system possible. Cosmologically, XVSVVP-15 is considered to be a star in its later stages of life, and is predicted to burn out in four billion years.<br><br>\n\nEfforts are being made by various institutes and organizations to textend the longlivety of XVSVVP-15 though, paradoxically, its best chance for continued existence into is a technique named Solar Ignition pioneered by the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] several thousand years ago. It is believed that, with the methods described, the presence of XVSVVP-15 could be extended indefinitely; which would play much to the benefit of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and its outlying substations.<br><br>\n\nBeyond this aspect however, XVSVVP-15 has drawn relatively little scientific interest, being a celestial body most closely with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and related religous practices. It is, by sheer physical nature, unintersting beyond its ability to burn and therefore worth little investment by galactic society.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Athena Medical Inc.</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/athena_medical.png]]Galaxy's premier pharmaceutical industrial corporation. Owns subsidiaries on countless worlds and hab platforms. Known for lenient employment policies and oddly beneficical arrangements with the Church.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe galaxy's premier manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, stimulants, and officially licensed recreational drugs, Athena Medical Inc. is a pan-galactic corporation with presences on virtually every world and habitation platform. It employs 1.2 trillion citizens across the galaxy and generates a cyclic income of such magnitude that specialized reporting systems have been created solely to track the flow of credits to and from Athena Medical's many accounts. Aside from its many products, Athena Medical is also known for its lenient employment regulations, uncharacteristic policy of non-adverserial compliance with [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], and sponsorship of cultural programs across the galaxy.<br><br>\n\nDespite this, Athena Medical Inc. is an official member of the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] and a known supporter of the [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] initiative. The company has close ties with the private security contractor [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]], believed to have been founded as an offshoot of Athena Medical's internal security force, and has permanent trade agreements with the Myrroth Collective that are rumored to ensure acccess to their void haulers for several thousand years yet.<br><br>\n\nIn addition to the primary pharmaceuticals line, Athena Medical also runs several implant and augmentation clinics, as well as privatized treatment centers on many worlds and platforms. The widespread reach and resuling decentralized structure of Athena Medical Inc. however means that, depending on location within the galaxy, the service catalog may vary wildly. Particularly in [[Church-controlled|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] territories, many of its products are restricted, requiring either a licence to resell or perscription from a [[Church-sanctioned|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] physician to purchase or order.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Supplier Issues<br>\n\tClient: <<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase gte 1>>Fisher<<else>>Celena<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase gte 3 or ($job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 2)>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>>Priority: Low<</if>><br>\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\tSo I ran into Fisher again. Kid's in a bad way. Something about a dealer ring on B30 getting out of hand. Selling crap they shouldn't. Not sure I wanna be the one doing this but, yeah, might be worth whacking a few skulls over. \n\t<<elseif $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 2>>\n\t\tTracked down those dealers Fisher was having trouble with and, uh, handled the situation. Let's just leave it at that.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 1>>Celena has told me she has been having some trouble with her supplier, a man named Flavio Gabari, who runs a pill factory in the old habs on Level B30. I don't know what he's up to but, according to Celena, he's been gathering serious muscle. Sounds like he's trying to take over the local pill trade by force. Even if it's legit, I should drop by and see what's going on.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 2>>I went to the old hab to find Flavio Gabari, Celena's supplier. He wasn't there but there were four armed goons sitting on the hab unit. At any rate, Flavio's on Level B33 doing his rounds, making sure his clients pay up and all. I gotta get to Celena before the asshole drops by and roughs her up - or worse.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 3>>I've successfully dealt with Flavio Gabari. He and his goons won't be bothering Celena again, which is good. Celena's also seen the wisdom of buying from second-rate suppliers and will be getting her shit from Mister Wilkin in future - blows my mind why she didn't just stick with him to begin with but whatever.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<nobr>><div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Abominable Influence<br>\n\tClient: N/A<br>\n\tPriority: High<br>\n\n<</nobr>> \n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\tI ran across a failed Wraith in the maintenance tunnels off the B28 Tramway Station.\n\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.abomStatus eq "killed">>Killed the thing but no clue why it was there or who made it.\n\t\t<<else>>No clue who tried to make it or why. Decided not to tangle with the thing. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tShould probably keep my eyes and ears open. Might be a one-time occurence, but I doubt it.\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 1>><br><br>\n\t\t\tFound a tag on an Oger that says Desvhar. Might be relevant?\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 2>><br><br>\n\t\t\tFound a message on an Oger that referenced Deshvar. Think this is relevant.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 3>><br><br>\n\t\t\tFound an Oger speaking about Deshvar being 'gone'. Odd. Think this is relevant.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase eq 1>><br><br>\n\t\t\tRan into a Wraith at Raj Winston's apartment. Wonder if there's a connection?\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase eq 2>><br><br>\n\t\t\tOkay, so another Wraith murdered Celena's parents. Not sure it's connected but... well, might not be a coincidence.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase eq 3>><br><br>\n\t\t\tSo I found yet another Wraith. At an altar. No solid lead but this is getting ridiculous. There's gotta be a connection.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase gte 2 and $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase neq 3 and $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase neq 4>><br><br>\n\t\t\tRan into a Hellcat at the cryolounge. There a connection here?\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.foundAltPath>>Right, so I found an odd link to a bunch of Ogers and a guy named Deshvar. Former mob guy who went to hiding in a Shrine somewhere near the Low Habs I take it? Anyways, I've found a back entrance through the Junction below the Bazar. Could be worth investigating.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I got some intel on Deshvar. Not sure how it relates to those Ogers but, word is, he was a former mob guy. Got driven into the Sprawl on B29, near the Bazar. I should check out the habs there. See if I can't find any indication of how this all relates.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.gotPasscode>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tI've been told to use the utility hatch down here. The passcode is: 1741\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 5>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on that Deshvar lead. \n\t\t\t<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.drankSkull or $loc_lowhabs_oger.readDataPad>>The guy's definitely dead - has been for some time, apparently.<<else>>No idea what happened to the guy. Ran away maybe? Or long dead?<</if>> But I did run into a Syndicate 4 team clearing the Undersprawl. Odd contract for the Syndicate, but I couldn't figure out why they were hired.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe good news is I found something. The bad news is it's weird. There were a bunch of humans - cultists, maybe? - down there along with a few Ogers. All dead, obviously, but the humans all had morgue stencils on their wrists. Which is odd, since they were definitely alive until Syndicate 4 rolled in. Better keep digging; maybe ask around a bit too?\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on that Deshvar lead. \n\t\t\t<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.drankSkull or $loc_lowhabs_oger.readDataPad>>The guy's definitely dead - has been for some time, apparently.<<else>>No idea what happened to the guy. Ran away maybe? Or long dead?<</if>> But I did run into a Syndicate 4 team clearing the Undersprawl. Odd contract for the Syndicate, but I couldn't figure out why they were hired.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe good news is I figured out what's up with those morgue stencils: they aren't. Aparently, the stencil is an access token for old mausoleums. There's alledgedly some down in the Undersprawl, deep below Level B30. \n\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\tOnly problem is the area's quarantine and I pissed off my only good way in. Maybe I'm stuck. Shit.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\tThe whole area's quarantined but I can get inside at least. Now all I gotta do is find out where that mausoleum is.\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "rejected">>I'd ask the Death Cult but I kinda messed that one up. Damn it.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>Figure I should ask the Death Cultists. They'll know.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tProblem is the whole area's quarantined. I'll need to find some way in.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on that Deshvar lead. \n\t\t\t<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.drankSkull or $loc_lowhabs_oger.readDataPad>>The guy's definitely dead - has been for some time, apparently.<<else>>No idea what happened to the guy. Ran away maybe? Or long dead?<</if>> But I did run into a Syndicate 4 team clearing the Undersprawl. Odd contract for the Syndicate, but I couldn't figure out why they were hired.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe good news is I figured out what's up with those morgue stencils: they aren't. Aparently, the stencil is an access token for old mausoleums. There's one below the square, deep in the B30 Undersprawl. Apparently there's some secret door that leads to it. Guess I'll have to look for that. Feels like I'm so close now...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t[UNUSED] - don't ask why\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\tContinued investigation led me to a Mausoleum deep in the Undersprawl. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>Turns out that Namaz Demon I ran into earlier is beind all this<<else>>Turns out there was some kinda Namaz Demon there<</if>>. Not sure what they were doing. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>Did what I should've done last time and killed it.<<else>>Seemed safer to just kill the damn thing.<</if>> Ran into Corinthin after that and the Paladin wasn't too pleased. Different topic though.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\tContinued investigation led me to a Mausoleum deep in the Undersprawl. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>Turns out that Namaz Demon I ran into earlier is beind all this<<else>>Turns out there was some kinda Namaz Demon there<</if>>. Freaky thing. Decided to work with it to get a better understanding of what's going on.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMy first objective's to poison the Forsaken down in the Sprawl by injecting a neurotoxin canister into their air supply. I don't quite know why. A loyalty test, maybe, but I suspect more. Got the sense there's something very big happening here. I don't quite know whether I want to be part of it. \n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\tOkay, I've dealt with the Forsaken shrine. They're all dead. Not sure this was a brilliant idea but let's see what happens next.\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\tSo I got some intel on Deshvar. Not sure how it relates to those Ogers but, word is, he was a former mob guy. Seems he was running some kinda cult or something down below the Bazar. But I didn't stay to look to closely. There was someone shooting and Syndicate 4 mercs were storming the premises. Figured it was safer to just get the hell out. \n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t(( FOUND MAUSOLEUM BUT NO ONE THERE ))\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<if not $hud.turnedOffTutorial>>\n\t<<if not $hud.sentArmorTut>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "combat" or $statistics.lootedArmor gt 0 or $statistics.purchasedArmor gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.sentArmorTut = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_armor_tut)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $hud.sentWeaponTut>>\n\t\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "combat" or $statistics.lootedMainWeapon gt 0 or $statistics.lootedBackupWeapon gt 0 or $statistics.purchasedMainWeapon gt 0 or $statistics.purchasedBackupWeapon gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.sentWeaponTut = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_weapon_tut)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $hud.sentStatsTut>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.infected or $attrib.addicted or $attrib.fatigue gte 50 or $attrib.toxicity gte 50 or $statistics.agressionDone gt 0 or $statistics.intimidateDone gt 0 or $statistics.negotiateDone gt 0 or $statistics.negotion_failDone gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.sentStatsTut = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_stats_tut)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $hud.sentAugsTut>>\n\t\t<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "B29 - Anska's Stand" or $savesMenuPassage eq "B29 - Ashlake's Shop" >>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.sentAugsTut = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_augs_tut)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $hud.sentItemsTut>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.lootedChems gt 0 or $statistics.lootedDiscs gt 0 or $statistics.purchasedDiscs gt 0 or $statistics.purchasedChems gt 0 or $statistics.drugsUsed gt 0 or $statistics.discsThrown gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.sentItemsTut = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_items_tut)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $hud.sentScrapTut>>\n\t\t/% warsmith 12 = visited a scrap yard %/\n\t\t<<if $time.active gte 12 or ($savesMenuPassage eq "B33 Tramway Station" and $time.active gte 3) or $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.sentScrapTut = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_scrap_tut)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $hud.sentDepressTut>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.stress gte 35>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.sentDepressTut = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_depress_reminder)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t/% \n\t\tsentArmorTut: false,\n\t\tsentWeaponTut: false,\n\t\tsentStatsTut: false,\n\t\tsentAugsTut: false,\n\t\tsentItemsTut: false,\n\t\tsentScrapTut: false,\n\t\tsentDepressTut: false,\n\t%/\n\n<</if>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Hellcat</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_hellcat.png]]</div>Feline-esque creature spawned by witchcraft; known for their ability bend visible light, saber-esque fangs, and a highly unpredictable nature. Otherwise virtually identical to the common house cat.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> invisibility<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tA form of abomination popularized by the [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] of old, Hellcats are domesticized cats that have been flesh-formed into abominations that are larger, stronger, and faster than their darwinian counterparts. All Hellcats are created by injection of morphates which directly affect the creature's genetic material, causing rapid physical transformation which is almost always followed upon with augmentive neurocircuitry to ensure the loyalty of - and communicate with - the abomination. Furthermore, the fur of many Hellcats is laced photo-active cells which bend visible light away from their bodies, causing these creatures to appear invisible to the human eye.<br><br>\n\nDespite frequent association with devil-worship, Black Magic, and witchcraft, scientific study of the means & methods employed to create such creatures prove that the Hellcat is indeed little more than an abominated animal. They act identically to genetically pure felines when left to their own devices, display only limited predatory tendencies, and will not hunt of their own free will unless compelled to do so by hunger or an external force. Unfortunately, this does not make Hellcats any less dangerous, and their vicious reputation is well deserved.<br><br>\n\nRetractable claws, saber-esque fangs, and sheer physical strength makes the Hellcat a formidable foe in its own right. Coupled with their inherit ability to appear invisible to the naked eye, Hellcats make a dangerous opponent for even the most experienced abomination hunter. When compelled to kill by a [[witch|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], the Hellcat proves an even more deadly opponent, being both tenacious hunters and intuitively gifted stalkers. However, accoring to Cothanus (26143 - On Witchcraft), Hellcats are fiercely individualistic creatures and have been known to refuse orders from their mistresses seemingly on a whim.<br><br>\n\nPrecisely why these abominations display such behavior is unknown, though some have hypothesized it is because [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] feel ill at ease imposing their indominatable will upon innocent creatures - especially household cats. Other suggest the impulsiveness of the Hellcat is tied to the base instincts and behavioral model of the cat, which cannot be overcome, even with augmentive neurocircuitry. Whatever the reason, Hellcats remain dangerous at the best of times and should be avoided if in any way possible.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Blackscale</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_witch.png]]</div>An abominable ofshoot of humanity, Witchkin - or Witches - are vile sorceresses trained in the heretical arts of necrotic flesh-forming and neurocurcuitry, but otherwise no more harmful than the average human.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tInvariably the spawn of modern-day [[Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], Witchkin are a humanoid species that is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing - except for their unnatural proficiency for heretical arts. Though feared for their inhuman abilities and knowledge, the average Witch is not a foe to be reckoned with, seldom privy to advanced weaponry - beyond the potential of employing their arts, if given the chance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tNotable exception must be made in some cases, and certain Witches have been known to be virtually - or entirely - impossbile to kill by both conventional and unconventional means. It is believed that the eldest and most knowladgable members of their kind are able to manipulate sub-null technology without even an inkling of technology. For obvious reasons, all Witchkin are considered heretically abominable under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and must be executed on sight - a task most frequently delegated to the Witch Hunters.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDespite popular fears, only a handful of Witchkin have survived to this day, and Witch Hunts are exceptionally rare in contemporary society. They pose virtually no threat and are easily exterminated. Except in such rare cases where this... cannot be so easily accomplished.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='OptionsField' style='line-height: 1.2em; color: #cb9949; width: 96%;'>By Church law, Vox Edeni users are informed that they may - insofar as they desire - block targeted info-tizements without further repercussions. Should you no longer wish to recieve informative messages of this sort, affirm so by clicking below.<br><br>\n\n<<set $txt = "You will no longer recieve Info-Tizements">>\n\n<<if $hud.turnedOffTutorial>>\n\t<div id='replace-me' class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<print $txt>>]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div id='replace-me' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click 'I No Longer Want To Recieve Such Messages'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.turnedOffTutorial = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("replace-me").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#replace-me'>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<print $txt>>]</div>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n</div>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $readCodexPages.namaz = true>>\n\n<</nobr>><<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Witch Queen Namaz</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>/% %/\n[>img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/witch_queen.png"]]Widely held to be the most prolfic and vile witch to have ever lived, Witch Queen Namaz led a three-hundred year campaign of terror against the Church of Eden on Scaffold 35 that cost billions of innocents their lives.<br><br>\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tBorn in 26251 on Scaffold 35 under the name Isira Namaz, the woman commonly referred to simply as the Witch Queen is perhaps the most famous [[Witch|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] to have lived. For almost three hundred galactic standard years she led the longest recorded terrorist campaing in [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] history.<br><br>\n\nThe Witch Queen targeted [[Churchgoers|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and allies of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] both publically and privately, attacking the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] with everything from legal action conducted by proxy of bribed corporate entities to biologoical warfare carried out by children possesed by [[demons|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. Despite repeated attempts by the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] and [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] to shut down her [[Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] down, the Witch Queen's bloody reign cost a total of fourteen billion citizens their lives - almost a quarter of the population of Scaffold 35 - and ended only when sixteen [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] led by [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin cornered and purged her [[Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] in 26537, which incidentally also marked the formal end of the [[Witch Hunts|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]].<br><br> \n\nHaving been both a [[Witch|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] and one of the most feared terrorists of the last millenia, the Witch Queen has become the subject of numerous legends and superstitions. The most prevailant thereof is that this monstrous woman lives on in the body of another, plotting her revenge and waiting for the oppertune moment to reveal her true identity to the galaxy and usher in the final days of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Another common variation holds that the Witch Queen was in fact an ancient abomination that had survived countless millenia and was unleased by the [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] in a last, desperate attempt to turn the tides of the [[Witch Hunts|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]]. Creation of these legends was no doubt fostered by lack of details of her secretive life and an acute lack of information on the woman behind the mask of the Witch Queen.<br><br>\n\nIndeed, for the longest time, all that was known with certainty about Isira Namaz was that she was born into the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] and rose to power sometime in her late teenage years. This lack of information also shows in that she is only ever depicted as she appeared durning video releases that tauned the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]: a stunningly beautiful woman with long, silver hair and matching skin interwoven by extensive and ornately decorated augments who perches casually upon a throne draped in red satin. Recent declassification of records made during the [[Witch Hunts|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]] however allow for a slightly more rounded view this woman. Her development is best described by the chosen excerpts below: <br><br>\n\n>//NOTE: despite assurance to the contrary by the Church of Eden, these claims must be treated for what they are: statemens made by terrifield individuals under extreme duress.//<br><br>\n\n><strong>Record dated 26272, notes by Paladin Corinthin: </strong><br>\n>- Subject's testimony implies recent additions to the Coven: Isira Namaz, Yin Diul, Raleha Suchelev. No further informtation could be obtained.<br><br>\n\n><strong>Record dated 26281, notes by Paladin Corinthin: </strong><br>\n>- Subject's testimony confirms Isira Namaz is a skilled tech-smith and flesh-former. Subject further claims Namaz displays traits described as 'an intuitive ability' or to 'simply know' and states Namaz cannot [implied: will not] explain how Namaz gained such knowledge. <br>\n>- Subject suggests Namaz inspires loyalty through demonstration of skill and mild appllication of threats.<br><br> \n\n><strong>Record dated 26287, notes by Paladin Corinthin: </strong><br>\n>- Subject's testimony suggests Isira Namaz has begun to torture members of the Coven that refuse to obey commands. Subject further claims Namaz occasoinally tortures for her 'amusement' [suspect: sadistic tendencies adopted as coping mechanism].<br>\n>- Subject further claims that 'many' of the Coven disagree with Namaz's methods and are digusted by her 'inhuman' and 'heartless' actions yet follow out of fear of reprisal [suspect: attempt by subject to divert guilt]. <br><br>\n\n><strong>Record dated 26295, notes by Paladin Corinthin: </strong><br>\n>- Subject displays irrational reverence for Namaz and frequently resists attempts at coercion. [suspect: cult of personality developed by Namaz as control mechanism]<br>\n>- Subject claims Namaz demands she be referred to as 'queen' [suspect: latent narcisistic tendencies exaggerated by prolonged psychological pressure] and demands all members the Coven to partake in rituals of personality worship regularly. No further information given.<br><br>\n\nNaturally, the records released by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] detail far more than these fragments, yet these suffice paint a rought picture of how Isira Namaz transformed into the fabled Witch Queen. She will no doubt continued be remembered and, indeed, even worshipped as one of the sadistic, inhuman, and ruthlessly effective terrorists to have lived. Thus one could claim that the legends indeed do hold truth to them. While Isira Namaz may no longer live in person, she lives on in the cult of personality that has outlasted her by more than four hundred years and will no doubt continue to exist in public consciousness for as long as the [[Witch Hunts|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]] remain a topic of popular interest. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Cryptomancy<br>\n\tClient: <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>Gal<<else>>Mr. Luscovari<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase lt 9>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 98>>Status: <span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><<else>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase lt 12>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 99 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 9 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 10 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 12>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I tried to contact the Cybercult at the Xeno Garden. It went sideways. Good news is I got a new lead on Warlock: Tryvalli Consumer Electronics. It's just off the B28 station. Bad news is I'm not sure if I trust this Gal fellow who told me about it. Better take a look around and decide what's what.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I tried to contact the Cybercult at the Xeno Garden. It went sideways. Good news is I got a new lead: Tryvalli Consumer Electronics. It's just off the B28 station. Also think I've made contact with what's left of the Cybercult. It's being run by this crypto called Gal. Think he might be a useful ally to have - especially against Warlock.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\tFollowed up on that lead at Tryvalli Consumer Electronics but I didn't find much. Just one error on the security records and another that logged my arrival. Not sure what to make of this. I really would've wanted to poke around a bit more but I was pushing it already. Better safe than sorry.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\tFollowed up on that lead at Tryvalli Consumer Electronics and, uh, things went ballistic. Coilfire in the shop. Guy tried to run. I have no idea if this was Warlock but it could be. At any rate, I took the guy downy. Figure he about deserved that after the crap he put me through.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\tFollowed up on that lead at Tryvalli Consumer Electronics but didn't get anything. Nothing looked out of ordinary in the shop either - not that that says anything. I really would've wanted to poke around a bit more but I was pushing it already. Better safe than sorry.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\tI spoke to Gal and we're getting somewhere. Except we've got another hitch: Warlock is using some ancient data format no one can read. I have no clue what it's all about but I bet I can find someone who does. Okay, I don't bet that. But there'll be someone around.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed eq "celena">>I talked to Cel about that data format. She said it was some kinda old neuro-transmission format. Something small enough to go unnoticed on the net. Figure it's being used to hijack people's cybernetics... or something. Time to go back and talk to Gal.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed eq "fabienne">>I talked to Fabi about that data format. She said it was some kinda old neuro-transmission format. Sounds like Warlock's using it to control people's cybernetics. Fabienne sounded really upsed and asked I set this shit straight. Time to go back and talk to Gal.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed eq "isabelle">>I talked to Isabelle about that data format. She said it was some kinda old neuro-transmission format. Sounds like Warlock's using it to control people's cybernetics. Isabelle sounded really upset - insulted even; think she might've had feels for the idea of Warlock. Anyways, time to go back and talk to Gal.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed eq "ith">>I talked to Ith about that data format. She said it was some kinda old neuro-transmission format. Something small enough to go unnoticed on the net. Figure it's being used to hijack people's cybernetics... or something. Time to go back and talk to Gal.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.readDataPad1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tBad news on that B10 lead. There was an old Machine Catacomb under the cryolounge. But Lag wasn't there. Dead, maybe? Left a data pad behind though which made the situation pretty clear: the REAL Warlock it isn't a cryptomaner but an ancient system named W4R1K. Not sure why it's going after the Cybercult but they're falling for it (or being brainwashed?). Either way, I think I'd better shut it down. All I gotta do is get inside the Core.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tWell, I think it's time to follow up that last hard lead Gal has. It points to the Cryolounge on B10. Word is Lag already headed up to investigate but there's been no comms for a while now. Doubt that can be good. I'd better check up on the situation.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\tOkay, so I took down the real Warlock - or W4R1k. Case closed I think. Not quite sure what the machine was trying to accomplish but I think Scaffold 22, the Cybercult the rest of the galaxy is better off without it. What a nightmare. I swear.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I tried to contact the Cybercult but it all went to hell. Better I just stay away from these guys. Don't think it's good for me.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\t\tWell, none of the leads I tried to track back to Warlock led anywhere. But the Cybercult might have a source. Weird kinda thng. Not sure I trust it. At any rate, Lag's looking into it. Gal's asked me to stay low key and be patient until we know more.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tI ran into this guy, Mr. Luscovari, at the Riptide. Evidently someone broke into his company's data hosting service and stole something; something that apparently incriminates me too. He asked me to follow up on the matter - it's suspected to be the work of a cryptomancer who's sheltering in the EPROM - and come meet him at the Boulevard Inn if I find anything. Shit. Why do I always get tangled in these things.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I followed up on the Luscovari case. Turns out Isabelle - Wilkin's old tech specialist - was involved, and some dude named Warlock. I heard her out and sounds like Luscovari was trying to frame me for hell knows what reason. Anyways, I should head up to the Boulevard Inn and confront Mr. Luscovari.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I followed up on the Luscovari case. Turns out Isabelle - Wilkin's old tech specialist who went full on borg - was involved, and some dude named Warlock. Aynways, she tried to kill me. So I killed her. Got myself banned from the EPROM and now I got no leads. Probably be a good idea to head up to the Boulevard Inn and tell Mr. Luscovari.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\tI have the nasty feeling Warlock isn't as dead as expected. A rogue security bot just attacked me today. And my PDA died for no damn reason. Something is seriously fucked - seriously. I better see if I can't find out what's really going on here.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\tI talked to <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne<<else>>the Siren<</if>> and it said to talk to the whacked security bot outside the Xeno Garden. If I tell it it has nice legs I might be able to get in touch with the Cybercult, the guys Warlock and Isabelle once worked for, and who might be gunning for me. Worth a try.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\tI talked to Isabelle and she was certain Warlock was dead. If I want to know for sure, I should speak to the Cybercult. Word of God is that the whacked security bot outside the Xeno Garden is how to do that. Tell it that it has nice legs or something.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>I talked to Marisa and she said she may know how to get in contact with Warlock: the Cybercult. \n\t\t\t\t<<else>>I talked to Wilkin and he said he may know how to get in contact with Warlock: the Cybercult. \n\t\t\t\t<</if>> Word is that the whacked security bot outside the Xeno Garden is how to do that. Tell it that it has nice legs.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I tried to contact the Cybercult at the Xeno Garden. It kinda worked except they came heavily armed and tried to ice me. Good news is the cyborgs' logs weren't quite cleaned and I got something: Tryvalli Consumer Electronics. I know the place: It's just off the B28 tramway station. \n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I followed up on the Cybercult and found this dude on B28. I have no idea if this was Warlock but I somehow doubt it. At any rate, I killed the guy. Figure he about deserved that after the crap he put me through. I guess the Consabulary or whoever can figure out the rest of this. I am just about through.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I followed up on the Cybercult and found this dude on B28. Long story short, Warlock's dead and he wanted revenge. I think that's about the extent of it. Guy doesn't seem like a threat so I let him live. Figure the Constabulary or whoever will lock him away anyways, given the number of people his little stunt with the bots killed. Fricking idiot.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t\t\tWow. So I found a lead on the REAL Warlock. Apparently it isn't a cryptomaner but an ancient system named W4R1k, locked up in machine catacomb on B10. The system's appartently being worshiped by a bunch of insane cyber cultists - or something. No clue why but I think I'd better shut it down. All I gotta do is get inside the Core.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\tOkay, so I took down the real Warlock - or W4R1k. Case closed I think. Not quite sure what the machine was trying to accomplish but I think Scaffold 22 and the rest of the galaxy is better off without it. That or I made a huge mistake. We'll find out eventually. Maybe.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\tWell, it looks like the Luscovari case is settled. I'm not even going to pretend I understood what happened. Siren. Cryptomancer. Cyborg. Messy. Better I just keep my fingers out of this - unless anything goes wrong, in which case I will kick that Siren's ass bigtime.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\t\tI was contacted to look into a case of what sounded like cryptomancy but I turned the offer down. No use getting mixed up in that shit.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t\t\tI got so close to the CyberCult but, well, the Xeno Garden was a dead end. Maybe I'll get lucky and find another way to them but I doubt it. Just hope they - whoever they are - stop fucking with me. Just about had enough of their bots and cyborgs.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Paladin Order</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/paladin_order.png]]\nDedicated to ensuring galactic stability at all costs, the Paladin Order is a secretive cult of machine-angels which wield seemingly supernatural powers in the name righteous justice. The Paladin Order operates across the galaxy, both within and beyond Church jurisdiction.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOriginally founded during the [[Crusade of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Crusade of Eden"]], the Paladin Order in a near-mythical militant organization associated with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. The Order specializes in covert and overt military operations against targets within and beyond [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] jurisdiction. Members of the Paladin Order, referred to colloquially as Paladins, are often viewed as avatars of the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] righteous fury. They are universally feared by believers and non-believers. While most believers respond to them with respect bordering on reverance, many non-believers scorn the Paladin Order, stating that Paladins are merely agents of the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] power-hungry political machine.<br><br>\n\nOthers believe the Paladin Order does not even obey the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], based on the fact that Paladins often consider themselves outside or above [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] law. Such beliefs however fail to take into account the fact that a Paladin will only take action if the lives of fellow believers - or the reputation of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] - is at stake. What no one disputes however is the raw physical power of any Paladin.<br><br>\n\nMore than one eye-witness report claims that a Paladin projected "rays of sacred light" from his hands that dissolved even the heaviest armor. Other witnesses recall seeing Paladins surrounded by scalding whirlwinds that would tear the unfaithful off their feet and melt skin from bone in a heartbeat. Almost every documented encounter with a Paladin however involves "shields of light" that absorbed incredible ammounts of kinetic energy - including a tactical nulcear warhead, as one famous video recorded and released by the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] demonstrates.<br><br>\n\nIn light of this, many believers and some nonbelievers claim Paladins are not humans but machine-angels - sometimes demons - called forth from the Loving Stars by Machine Priests of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. The more rational-minded suspect they are simply cyborgs or wearing advanced armor suits, though even the greatest minds of this age are stumped by the sheer unbelievable power a Paladin can project. Understandably, many an inquiry has been lobbied by corporate entities and curious individuals in the hopes of geleaning some insight into the mystery behind the Paladin Order. The [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] however has denied every request, stating the same explanation every time:<br><br>\n\n> //The Paladin Order is an agency sworn to uphold, protect and defend the rights of every believer and the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] at any cost or by any means. Due to the nature of this assignment, we regret to inform you that no inquiry into the Paladin Order can be allowed as this would compromise galactic security not only for the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] but for all humankind. One may rest assured however that no Paladin will act against the interests of any believer or the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and that all actions taken by the Paladin Order have been considered in lengthy detail and authorized by the highest members of the Clergy.//\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>B30 Hab Block</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>The Level B30 Hab Blocks are a low-income residential area located in B Sector and are considered one of the most dangerous places to live on Scaffold 22.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Level B30 Hab Block is a residential area on the lower B-Levels of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] inhabited by some fifty thousand citizens. Like most of the Downs, as the lower B-Levels are called by the locals, the Level B30 habs are home numerous drug dealers, street gangs, and human traficking rings. These circumstances are only exaberated by the fact that Wilkin's Raptors run a highly prejudiced security shift in the area, favoring anyone who can afford to pay bribes over the impartial law-enforcement their contract with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] theoretically demands. To further complicate the issues faced by Level B30, the Habs are among the oldest parts of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], meaning systems fail on a regular basis and maintenance efforts are few and far between.<br><br>\n\nConsequently, the Level B30 Habs rank among the most dangerous places to live in B Sector. Many residents dream their entire lives of the day they can buy their way out of these squallid conditions. Few manage to aquire the credits necessary to make the jump, resulting in a population growth that the can't be sustained indefinitely. Numerous solutions have been put forth by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and several corporate contractors. To date however, none have been implemented, both due to lack of credits and unwillingness of the local residents to change their ways without incentive.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Strange Pendant<br>\n\tClient: None<br>\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lt 98>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 8>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tI found a strange pendant <<if $loc_corbeitower.tookPendant >>at Corbei tower.<<else>>on this witch who attacked me down in the Docks<</if>>. Not sure what it is but, considering what its former owner was, it's probably not a random trinket. I could ask around a bit.\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedAnska or $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj or $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx or $job_witches_pendant.askedCelena or $job_witches_pendant.askedSiren>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedCelena>>\n\t\t\t\t- I asked Celena and she said the pendant's a key to an old Machine Temple over on B28. There's a second layer of code on it though which she can't read. Would need someone familiar with the Black Circle to decode that.<br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedSiren>>\n\t\t\t\t- I asked the Siren and it said there's a layer of Blackspeak encryption on the pendant that contains a control sequence for some kind of archway (?). No clue where the thing is or what it does though.<br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t- I followed Ith's lead and the old man at the Voider Shrine told me the pendant's a fake that might allow access to an ancient Machine Temple on Level B28, behind the Spitting Fountain - assuming the old legends are true.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t- I asked Ith and the Sphinx said there's something odd about the pendant, related to it's song (?). There's a chance I can find out more at the Voider Shrine, down in the alleys of B40.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedAnska>>\n\t\t\t\t- I asked Anska and she said to be rid of the thing. No clue why but she freaked the hell out when I showed it to her. Sure, she's an old hag, but it kinda makes me wonder.<br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj>>\n\t\t\t\t- I've heard it was a Solar pendant predating the Church of Eden. Was offered to sell it but I decided to keep it anyways.<br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tThe strange pendant led me to an old Machine Temple with some kinda Archway-Portal in it. This Siren named Fabienne asked me to help get it online. All I'll need is an archaic Fusion Sphere to power the damn thing. \n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj>>I've heard that maybe I can find a discarded sphere in the Scrap Yard on B33. Otherwise ask a Machine Smith. The things are rare these days.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx>>Ith said only a machine-smith would have one these days, if anyone, but that they sell real expensive for the useless lumps of crap they are.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.askedCelena>>No clue where to find one though and Celena didn't either. Apparently they're unstable and almost useless these days.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Not that I got any idea where to find one. But I said I'd help. And let's be honest: I'm kinda curious what's on the other side of this thing.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 4>>I bought a Fusion Sphere from Petrovic. Expensive as hell but okay.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 5>>I managed to get an old Fusion Sphere from the Scrap Yard.\n\t\t\t<</if>> I better bring it over to the Machine Temple on B28. If Fabienne can install it, maybe we'll find out what's really on the other side of that archway.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tI brought the Fusion Sphere to Fabienne and she turned on the archway in the B28 Machine Temple. Hell knows where it leads. But it's open and we've come this far so I'm not about to turn back. Not yet at least.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\tSo I went through the archway with Fabienne and found an old Dynasty Tomb with a Solar Lord buried in it. Long story short, we opened this coffin and saw a bunch of weird shit. Anyways, I told Fabienne I'd be up for more relic hunting if the oppertunity presents itself. Could make for a nice side business.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\tSo I went through the archway with Fabienne and found an old Dynasty Tomb with a Solar Lord buried in it. Long story short, we opened this coffin and saw a bunch of weird shit. Fabienne - the Siren, I might add - asked if I wanted to go relic hunting again. My answer was pretty damned clear. No more working with abominations. It isn't healthy.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tWhatever the pendant was, I decided to sell it. Not sure that's all there was to it but figured I'd just get rid of the damn thing. Now it's not my problem anymore.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tThe strange pendant led me to an old Machine Temple with some kinda Archway-Portal in it. This Siren named Fabienne asked me to help get it online but not my cup of cake. Don't want anything to do with that crap. Far as I'm concerned, she can do whatever she wants, but without me. End of story.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t\tThe strange pendant led me to an old Machine Temple where I confronted an ancient Sunlord. Took the bastard down and left. There was nothing else there, just dust and old machines. Better they rot away in forgotten memory like the dark era that spawned them.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<- left: regular messages\n\nright: tutorial messages ->
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<set $subject = "">>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_armor_tut">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print '<<set $subject = $hud.messages[' + $i + '].subject>>'>>\n\t\t<<break>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> <<print $subject>>\n\nDear Prospective Customer,\n\nStyle Matters! You know it. We know it. We're just reminding you that the style you chose to present to the world with matters more than you might know!\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'><strong>Armor Types:</strong>\nThere are four armor types in Scaffold 22:\n<<nobr>>\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='greyedout'>unarmored:</span> absorbs 0 hits, best endurance and sneak, worst protection (relies on evade)</li>\n\t<li><span class='yellowcolor'>protected:</span> absorbs 1-2 hits, good balance of sneak, evade and protection</li>\n\t<li><span class='greencolor'>armored:</span> absorbs 2-4 hits, most common and versatile armor</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>heavily armored:</span> absorbs 5+ hits, best protection, worst endurance and sneak</li>\n</ul>\n<</nobr>><strong>Attributes:</strong>\nThe type of outfit or armor you are wearing increases and / or reduces your chances to achieve success in various social situations such as negotiation. Fashionable apparel, for example, is more likely to impress while glamorous apparel will signify you have more credits than you know what to do with. Certain individuals and factions may or may not take issue with your appearance, depending on their attitudes.\n\n<strong>Storage:</strong>\nYou can only wear one outfit at a time and must always be wearing one. There is a storage container in your apartment (Level B30) which allows you to keep multiple outfits at once. Most sellers do not offer refunds so pick your outfit wisely!</div>\nVisit Krill Fashion (Level B10 Boulevard) for the best selection of designer outfits on Scaffold 22!\n\n<<display 'CancelTutsButton'>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<set $subject = "">>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_items_tut">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print '<<set $subject = $hud.messages[' + $i + '].subject>>'>>\n\t\t<<break>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> <<print $subject>>\n\nSanctioned Hunter,\n\nYour Hunter's License has been manually renewed by order of: Kulli Zweili (Cathedral of Beams, Scaffold 22, Sanction #8767-1761). Your renewed license now qualifies you for operation of IntelliDiscs and job related use of controlled substances in civilian areas. Please find enclosed a full documentation of your license and make particular note of any laws or regulations which may have changed since you were last issued your Hunter's License.\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'><strong>Item Types:</strong>\nYou can carry up to two consumable items and several story-relevant items on your person. Consumables are divided into two categories:\n<<nobr>>\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>IntelliDiscs:</span> miniature drones which buff and / or debuff</li>\n\t<li><span class='orangecolor'>Combat Chems:</span> compounds which provide significant buffs</li>\n</ul>\n<</nobr>><strong>Drones or Drugs?</strong>\nYou cannot get addicted to IntelliDiscs and you cannot reduce your fatigue with a miniature drone. Which you pick depends entirely on your character, your skills (if InZtinct is active), and your preference. Use items frequently to survive combat and regularly stock up just in case.\n\n<strong>Story-Relevant Items</strong>\nBe careful not to randomly squander, sell, or give away story-relevant items. If you misplace or misuse these items, they will be gone forever.</div>\nThe Sanction Association, in partnership with the Sanctum Munitorim, may revoke or cancel any issued license with a thirty day notification period. Your license is currently valid until further notice.\n\n<<display 'CancelTutsButton'>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.expandMessages eq false>>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMessages = true; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#unread-messages'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Messages_Unread'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMessages = false; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#unread-messages'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'Messages_Unread'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandMessages eq true>>\n\t\t<<for $i = $hud.messages.length - 1; $i gte 0; $i-->>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].read eq true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $foundarchivedmessage = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/message_none.png]]\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound(\s"ui_blip\s");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $hud.messages[$i].name + "\s">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t">>\n\t\t\t\t\tFrom: <<print $hud.messages[$i].from>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSubject: <<print $hud.messages[$i].subject>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $foundarchivedmessage>>\n\t\t\t[NO MESSAGES ARCHIVED]\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_mission_oger">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Hey You\nVine!\n\nThis is your address, right? I got it from one of the boys, yeah? An' we got a little problem here down by the Scrap Yard on 33. Think it might be right up your alley. See, this Oger beast thing showed up a few hours ago. Started messing around bigtime, causing all sortsa noise and scaring the kids helpless. Think you could help us get rid of this damn thing?\n\nMark
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_abomination_invite">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.readCultInvite = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Cordial Invitation\n\nDear <<formalname>>,\n\nWe have not spoken before yet I have, through aquaintances, become most interested in your current investigations. I believe there may be some information I could share which would aid you in this endeavor. If you would like to meet, it would be my pleasure to recieve you at the family residence. Our driver shall collect you outside the Cathedral of Beams at your earliest convenience.\n\nCordially,\n\nXarea Corbei\nOwner / Asssistant Director\nErkan-Corbei Holdings Group\nScaffold 22
<<nobr>><div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Lesson on Abominations<br>\n\tClient: Tobias Gartner<br>\n\t<<if $job_school.mainPhase eq 2>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<elseif $job_school.mainPhase eq 3>>Status: <span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><<else>>Priority: Low<</if>><br>\n\n<</nobr>> \n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_school.mainPhase eq 1>>Raj told me his friend Tobias Gartner, the schoolteacher, wants to talk to me about a little side job. Basically, talking to his kids about abominations. No clue why he thinks that's a good idea but, hey, can't hurt to drop by and see what he wants. I can always say no if I don't like the sound of things.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_school.mainPhase eq 2>>Raj told me his friend Tobias Gartner, the schoolteacher, wants to talk to me about a little side job. Basically, talking to his kids about abominations. I figured it'd be worth the while to educate them a little so I did just that - albeit not how Tobias expected me to.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_school.mainPhase eq 3>>Raj told me his friend Tobias Gartner, the schoolteacher, wants to talk to me about a little side job. Basically, talking to his kids about abominations. I told him it wasn't a good idea. I don't handle kids well and, honestly? He really thinks letting a former Raptor Lieutennant talk to a bunch of children is a good idea? Sorry but nope.\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_fabienne_mission">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>Another Artefact\n\nVine!\n\nIt's me. Fabienne. You know, your friendly shapeshifter friend? Anyways, sorry for the dumb address but the Commisariat keeps blocking my accounts for "Investigative Purposes" - they're just being dicks, don't worry, they got nothing solid on me; never have and never will. Anyways, I heard a tidbit about another artefact we might wanna go nab. I think it's old Witchcraft stuff this time, down by the construction site on B33. Meet me there if you're interested.\n\nHugs,\n\nFabi\n\n----\n\nTired of getting spam-banned?\nWant to waste time clogging your friends' inboxes with junk?\nThen SiLLySeNd is your friend! \n\nUnlimited anonymous messaging, free of charge, for everyone! \nNow it's YOUR chance to be the insufferable spam-bot. \nSiLLySeNd.Net. Sign Up Today!
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_abomination_join">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Transaction #GT-BX-2146\n\nDear <<formalname>>,\n\nIt is our pleasure to announce that the St. Martin's Trust has reviewed Transaction #GT-BX-2146. In accordance with the terms of the agreement with the Trust, the sum of 4'000 Credits has been transferred directly to your personal account. The following statement is provided with this transaction:\n\n[In recognition of your continued service, please accept this gift with best wishes - your benefactor]\n\nNOTE: this is an automated message. Please contact [Rajiq Kamkatoa] directly if you have any further questions.\n \nLoving Stars Bless,\n\nRajiq Kamkatoa\nSt. Martins Trust\nSMB Financial Advisor\nB Sector, Scaffold 22
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Commando</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_commando.png]]</div>Highly trained specialists hired by private security firms or criminal organizations, Commandos are clandestine and black-ops specialits with access to the best technology credits can buy.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> precision weapons & shields<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> weak armor<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tOften considered some of the best fighters in the galaxy, Commandos are highly specialized troops employed by both legitimate security contractors such as [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] and criminal organizations such as the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] to execute precision strikes - and perpetuate the cycle of corporate warfare. They are often armed and armored with the best equipment credits can buy, their identities hidden behind faceless rebreather masks, and trained to deal with virtually any threat that crosses their path.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIn addition to their advanced tactics and use of shield technology, Commands are known to strike first and leave no trace, gunning down foes without a moment's hesitation. Only the best security professionals stand a chance against such individuals. Those privy to sufficient tactical acument and technology are however advised to take advantage of the fact that most Commando teams deploy light, relying on shields and precision weaponry in favor of significant physical protection. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cultist</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_fanatic_3.png]]</div>Religious fanatics of various denominations, Cultists are fanatical fighters who are willing to lay down their lives for the cause they believe in.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tAs varied as the [[Denominations of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] are, Cultists are individuals who pursue their beliefs with religious - indeed zealous - devotion, and often believe all who do not share their beliefs deserve little better than a quick, painful death. Some such individuals follow sanctioned beliefs. Others have found differing causes to fill the void in their lives. One thing is equal among all cultists however: they are willing to lay down their lives - and are often unusually well equipped in their militant endeavors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThough it is occasionally possible to reason with such individuals if one can provide value to them in return, one is best advised to treat Cultists as extremely dangerous foes. They frequently appear en masse, overwhelming unsuspecting foes with threats of violence and - if necessary - sustained coilfire, using technology such as IntelliDiscs to disorient, intimidate, or even kills their foes. It is advised that security officials disperse fanatical gatherings before they reach critical mass and deadly weapons might be smuggled into the fray. In cases where this is impossible, one should treat Cultists as extremely dangerous foes, and neutralize them immediately.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Scavenger</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_scavenger.png]]</div>Deperate humans who dwell in the underworly, Scavengers are considered the lowest - and often dangerous - scum of the galaxy, willing to kill for the slightest scarp of dignity.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSome of the most violent, degraded members of human society, Scavengers are humans who most frequently originate in the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. Whether it be from broken homes, poor choices of life, or simply bad forture, one similarity ties all Scavengers together: they have nothing to live - or not risk dying - for. It is common for these desperate individuals to prey on anyone and everyone who ventures too near, regardless of the threat to their person.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDevoid of all faith and morality, having turned away even the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], the common Scavenger cares only for their own survival, and secondarily for the survival of their peers. They are often riddled with disease and generally in poor health, deserving of little sympathy even before their violent tendencies become evident. Though often considered a stereotype, statistics confirm that only a select few of these desperate individuals can be reasoned with. Security officials deem it safest to neutralize them immediately, before a potential threat can manifest itself.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Outpost Cleanup<br>\n\tClient: <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Jalkovski<<else>>Fisher<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase lt 6>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t(( N/A ))\n\t\t<<elseif $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Jalkovski asked me to help negotiate a cease-fire with the remnants of the Raptors loyal to Wilkin. They're holed up at the old Outpost down on B30.<<else>>Fisher asked me to help solve a volatile situation involving the rest of the Zanex mercs that came after Wilkin. They've taken over the Raptor Outpost on B30.<</if>> I said I'd meet him there and try to, well, find a peaceful solution to what could otherwise turn into another bloodbath.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>I handled that situation Jalkovski asked me to. The one with the Raptor remnants holed up in the old outpost.<<else>>I handled that situation Fisher asked me to. The thing with the Zanex guys down at the Outpost.<</if>> <<if $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders>>It turned into a bloodbath. Shitty situation all around but what's done is done. We're gonna have to live with it.<<else>>It was nasty but at least no one got hurt. Can't say I'm too sorry about that. After all the crap B Sector's been through I think this might be setting a good precedent for the future.<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Jalkovski asked me to help negotiate a cease-fire with the remnants of the Raptors loyal to Wilkin but I said it wasn't my problem. And it isn't. Not anymore.<<else>>Fisher asked me to help solve a volatile situation involving the rest of the Zanex mercs that came after Wilkin but I said this isn't my problem. Not getting mixed up in that crap again.<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Implant Malfunction<br>\n\tClient: None<br>\n\t<<if $job_intro_implant.mainPhase lt 2>>Priority: High<<elseif $job_intro_implant.mainPhase eq 2>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_intro_implant.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tI've been having some issues with my implant. Zweili suggested I speak to Petrovic in the Bazar (Level B29). Probably a good idea. Don't want the issue repeating itself.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_intro_implant.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tI asked Petrovic about my implant issue and he said <<if $inztinct.active>>it's related to the InZtinct module. I decided to activate it. Can't hurt to be better at my job.<<else>>it's related to this weird new InZtinct module. I decided not to activate it. Safer that way.<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<set $subject = "">>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_scrap_tut">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print '<<set $subject = $hud.messages[' + $i + '].subject>>'>>\n\t\t<<break>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> <<print $subject>>\n\nDear Prospective Customer,\n\nThe Level B33 Scrap Yard is open for busines! Crunch-crunch! Yo, uh, Pauline? Is this thing working? It's blinking here. It says sent\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'><strong>Upgrades:</strong>\nMany items found around Scaffold 22 can be upgraded at the Scrap Yard. Before you discard a weapon or outfit as complete junk, check it's upgrades just to be safe. The vast majority of items in Scaffold 22 cannot be aquired from drops. Instead, they must be purchased or upgraded. Any upgrade you have previously purchased will remain available at negligable cost provided you still own an item of the same upgrade family.</div>\nSent with: Vox Edeni Broadcast Basic, a registered trademark of the Corporate Hegemony. Use of Vox Edeni Broadcast Basic is subject to terms and conditions. \n\n<<display 'CancelTutsButton'>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<set $subject = "">>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_weapon_tut">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print '<<set $subject = $hud.messages[' + $i + '].subject>>'>>\n\t\t<<break>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> <<print $subject>>\n\nSanctioned Hunter,\n\nYour Category 5 Firearms License has been automatically renewed by order of: Kulli Zweili (Cathedral of Beams, Scaffold 22, Sanction #8767-1761). Please find enclosed a full documentation of your license and make particular note of any laws or regulations which may have changed since you were last issued your Cat5 License.\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'><strong>Weapons Types:</strong>\nThere are three weapon slots / types in Scaffold 22:\n<<nobr>>\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>main weapons:</span> the primary weapon you will use</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>sidearms:</span> pistol for self defense</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>backup weapons:</span> knives for a last line of defense</li>\n</ul>\nAll weapons you aquire will further fit into one of the following categories:\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='greyedout'>melee weapons:</span> do not require ammo, enemy gets to attack first</li>\n\t<li><span class='yellowcolor'>coilarms / coilguns:</span> generally more versatile but consume more ammunition</li>\n\t<li><span class='redcolor'>railarms / railguns:</span> specialized heavy-hitting weapons that can load one of up to four ammunition types</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>cellarms / energy weapons:</span> the most advanced weapons available, tend to apply strong status effects</li>\n</ul>\nMany weapons will also have additional traits, as described in the weapon's stats article. It should be noted that breech loaded and semi-automatic weapons are more effective vs armor, and automatic weapons more effective vs shields. All weapons will do damage using one of the following damage types:\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='yellowcolor'>kinetic:</span> the primary damage type; deals direct damage</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'><<print $shockDamageType>> / electricity</span> effective vs friction shields and machines, can ignite</li>\n\t<li><span class='orangecolor'><<print $plasmaDamageType>> / plasma</span> effective vs arc shields, can ignite and be ignited</li>\n\t<li><span class='lgreencolor'><<print $toxinDamageType>> / gas</span> effective vs unprotected organics, can be ignited</li>\n</ul><</nobr>><strong>Critical Hits</strong>\nAll weapons except plasma casters can <span class='bluecolor'>critically hit</span> enemies. The chance for this to occur is 5% plus bonuses from your skills (assuming InZtinct is active) and, possibly, your equipment. You can further increase critical chance by using combat chems to gain temporary buffs or by <span class='purplecolor'>dazzling</span> the enemy. <span class='yellowcolor'>Semi automatic</span> weapons deal extra critical damage to <span class='yellowcolor'>armor</span>. <span class='bluecolor'>Automatic</span> weapons deal extra critical damage to <span class='bluecolor'>shields</span>. All other weapons deal an equal ammount of critical damage.\n\n<strong>Status Effects & Combos</strong>\nStatus effects are applied by firing weapons or using items in combat. Effects include <span class='lgreencolor'>gas</span> <span class='bluecolor'>shock</span> <span class='orangecolor'>burn</span> and <span class='purplecolor'>dazzle</span>. The current strength of all status effects are shown in combat by a respective icon. \n\nCombo effects can be triggered when status effects (e.g. <span class='lgreencolor'>gas</span>) reach a minimum of 2 stacks by using an <span class='orangecolor'><<print $plasmaDamageType>></span> or a <span class='bluecolor'><<print $shockDamageType>></span> weapon on the target. If your enemy has suffered from a status effect in their last turn (e.g. the enemy was <span class='lgreencolor'>gassed</span> and this state is still showing on screen), any <span class='purplecolor'>combo igniter</span> (e.g. <span class='orangecolor'>plasma</span> on <span class='lgreencolor'>gas</span>) has a near guaranteed chance to cause a catastrophic effect.</div>\nThe Sanction Association, in partnership with the Sanctum Munitorim, may revoke or cancel any issued license with a thirty day notification period. Your license is currently valid until further notice.\n\n<<display 'CancelTutsButton'>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_corinthin_money">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Desposit 588761:50971\n\nVine,\n\n4500 credits have been deposited in your account. Do not squander them. It is of vital importance.\n\nA "Friend"
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_raj_quicktexts">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> My Quicktexts\n\nHello Vine,\n\nI thought perhaps you would wish to read the texts I had shown you earlier in more detail so I sent you this file attached to the message. I also wished to wish you the best in this investigation. Ah, and you are welcome to drop by whenever you wish. I shall no doubt be home, working.\n\nP.S. I share these with you in good faith becasue you are contractor employed by the Church of Eden. Please do not distribute these or allow them to be read by any other.\n\nRaj Winston\nCertified Church Historan\nScaffold 22, Sector B\nLevel 10, Block 35, Unit 125\n\n\n----\n\n<<display 'raj_quicktexts_text'>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_ottodead">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> RE: Recent Activity\n\nVine,\n\nI heard through a roundabout route of your recent activity. What you have done is a commendable step toward ridding this galaxy of antagonistic nuisances. Naturally, I cannot officially congratulate you for this success, but my throughts and prayers are with you in this historic moment.\n\nAlso, given the gravity of current events, I have been authorized by the Clergy to raise your salary. I assure you there is no relation to events which may have transpired recently yet hope this marginal increase will better cover operating expenses.\n \nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_banshee_sprawl">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> A Small Job\nComrade,\n\nYou may be aware that I am active in some... communities. If not, well, let us simply say that a small matter has come up that may be of interest to you. I would like very much to speak of this in person. Could you come by my shop at your convenience?\n\nPetrovic
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_raj_dropby">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> A Personal Inquiry\n\nHello Vine,\n\nI've been wondering, has there been any progress on the matter of... you know what? Or, for that matter, do you still believe I am responsible? I only ask because this is a rather damning issue and I do not wish it to interfere with my work for the Church. So, ah, if you could perhaps let me know where you stand, I would be greatful.\n\nRaj Winston \nCertified Church Historan\nScaffold 22, Sector B\nLevel 10, Block 35, Unit 125
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Level B27 Religious Zone</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>Home to a prominent Chapel of Eden, over two hundred secular temples and numerous shrines, the Religious Zone is a major congregation point for believers on Scaffold 22.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Level B27 Religous Zone, often referred to by locals as the Temple Zone, is the second-largest religious agglomeration on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. An impressive total of 231 [[Church-approved|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] cults and sects call the crowded boulevard their home. Most of these are located in dedicated temples and shrines though, over the years, the sheer influx of believers has led to camps and makeshift dwellings being set up all along the main pressure corridor.<br><br>\n\nSurveys conducted by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] indicate that over six thouand citizens reside on Level B27, while another ten thousand come and go every day. Constant migration and population movement makes the B27 Religious Zone difficult to administer, evident in the fact that, after several centuries of attemting to manage the entire level, the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] empowered many of the local cults and sects to run their own administrations, with periodic inspections conducted by members of the local Chapel ensuring they comply with [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] law.<br><br>\n\nNone the less, Level B27 remains a chaotic district, and any citizen hoping to visit should come prepared for large crowds and expect to be approached by members of the various local Temples. Citizens should also be aware that, depsite what locals may claim, tarifs requested by representatives of the Temples are not mandatory for visitors, as stated in the official donation agreement they will be presented with.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Blackscale</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_hybrid.png]]</div>Exceptionally flexible and immune to most known toxins and venoms, Blackscale Hybrids are a humanoid offshoot of humanity that is most often employed as assassins by the Hegemony.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> regenerates armor<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tGenetically engineered to be the perfect assassin, Blackscale Hybrids are a humanoid offshoot often associated with the protection of hybrid subculures - and corporate warfare. While most hybrids sell their services to the highes bidder, many are known to retain loyalty to the subculture they originate from. Regardless of allegience, Blackscales are skilled assassins who are willing and able to execute precision strikes with a minimum of technological means.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tBarring the occasional use of poisonous or toxic substances, the Blackscale prefers to perfect their use of mundane weaponry such as blades or the basic coil pistol to eliminate even the most tenacious foe. Their physical pfailty is deceptive, and even the best trained security professional will find it hard to hit - much less kill - these highly dexterious assassins. For obvious reasons, Blackscale Hybrids are considered illegal, occasionally even abomniable, under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Still, dozens of such heretical cults exist across the galaxy, training countless willing spawn in their nefarius art of execution for their corporate overlords.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Commisariat</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/commisariat.png]]The internal police force of the Church of Eden, the Commissariat concerns itself with crimes of a theological, ideological, and clerical nature. It's jurisdiction is limited to members of the Church.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Saint Authurius Comisariat is an internal investigative service of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Its juristiction is limited to members of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] residing on or currently present on the habitation platform [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The duties of the Commisariat involve: surveilance, investigation, apprehension, and persecution of criminals and heretics amongst the [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], the Clergy, and religious cults which recieve subsidies from the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<br><br>\n\nThe Commisariat commonly handles cases such as theophobic influence, abuse of [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] authority, unlawful preaching practices, and a number of other criminalized sins that seldom affect the general public. None the less, the iconic green uniforms of the Commisariat are not an unfrequent sight on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], as members of this specialized investigation force work closely with the [[St. Michael's Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] in the pursuit of theological justice. The Commisariat is also closely - if tenously - associated [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], whose displinary measures are also among the duties of a Commisar or Commisaria.<br><br>\n\nControversely, and controversially, the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] does not fall under jurisdiction of the Commissariat. Another notable exception are private persons sanctioned as theological investigators and abomination hunters, contractual forms which are closely tied to [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] yet do not mandate membership or religious belief. The Commisariat does however reserve the right to review every such sanction issued by the Clergy, and frequently vets individuals contracted under these terms before approving their employment.<br><br>\n\nUnder [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], the Commisariat is not allowed to intervene in affairs related to the general public. This task falls under the jurisdiction of the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. The distinction between private citizen and [[Church-affiliated|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] individuals is often unclear and disputed or outright unlawful investigation by the Commisariat remain a common. Cases of heresy and theological criminality are therefore reviewed on an individual basis by the Court of Eden and prosecution by the Commisariat is only allowed when involvement in [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] affairs can be proven beyond reasonable doubt.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Shock Trooper</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_raptor_heavy.png]]</div>Exceptionally well armored and heavily armed, Shock Troopers are the go-to response of legal and illegal entities when highly volatile situations reguire para-military interventioned.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> heavy weapons & armor<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tVirtually impervious to incoming fire and armed with the heaviest weapons available, Shock Troopers are extensively augmented professionals who specialize in show-force deployments, overwhelming their opponents through sheer firepower and resilience. They are seldom deployed in civilian affairs, and are most often employed in para-military conflicts against highly violoent and dangerous foes. Numerous legitimate and illegitimate organizations maintain Shock Divisions for use when all other methods of containment fail.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAlmost devoid weaknesses, and second only to [[Exo Troopers|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "env_exo"]] in terms of firepower and defensive technology, Shock Troopers are an almost unstoppable force on any battlefield. Unless absolutely necessary, it is suggested that security professionals avoid - or cooperate with - these individuals. Resistance most often leads to death, as Shock Troopers are seldom deployed unless diplomatic resolution of a situation has failed.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Witches Coven</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/coven.png]]\nKnown to practice abhuman eugenics and necrotic flesh forming, Witches Covens are isolated, feminized cults which have been at odds with the Church of Eden for centuries. In the conteporary world, less than one coven per habitable world or platform exists, their members having been methodically exterminated during the Witch Hunts.<br><br>\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Witches Covens are a collection of clandestine, predominately female-led, organizations dedicated to genetic research and eugentic practices which have been outlawed by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. They are also known to practice the abominable arts of necromantic flesh-forming and gene-augmentative neurocircuitry.<br><br>\n\nThe origin of the Covens is difficult to trace. Most historians believe they evolved from matriarchal social ventures of ages past. Others disagree, believing they are a byproduct of radicalized and idealized feminism. Regardless of their origin however, Covens are known to despise all things related to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and the modern, corprate world at large. While these loose organizations are not known to pursue a common political goal or social agenda, the Witches Covens are suspected to heavily support - and subsidise - ventures opposed to the current social norms.<br><br>\n\nAlthough much has been written on the Witches Covens during the age of the [[Witch Hunts|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]], the form and functionality of modern Covens are all but unknown to the public and generally believed to differ radically from their original inceptions. The few sources that do exist are estranged and outcast Witches whose testimony is unreliable at best and dubious at worst. For this reason few generalizations can be made on the modern Coven, though it is believed that most Witches adhere to their original pro-feminist and anti-corporate mentality.<br><br>\n\nThe extent and influence of the Covens however has dwindled considerably and, despite the occasional public outcry, statistics published by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] prove that less than one coven per habitated body remains in the Galaxy. Compared to their heyday, where as many as ten Coven ruled on the most notable habitations, one could rightly consider the Witches Covens a phenomenon of days passed. None the less, superstition and public fear continues to foster hatred for Witches across the galaxy, with peaks on densely-populated habitations where the acts of a Coven might easily go unnoticed for years or even decades on end.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Wilkin's Riptide</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/wilkin_raptors.png]]\nA prominent party culture venue located on Level B28, Wilkin's Riptide is the de-facto sear of street power in the lower levels of B Sector. It is currently run by Mr. Xaviar Wilkin and his private security force, the Wilkin's Raptors. The venue is known for its beach-themed decor and unexpected rise to significance during the Street Wars, a feat generally presumed to be the work of the legendarcy Raptor Lieutenant Vine.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tEstablished sometime in the mid thritiess by the local enterpreneur Mr. Xavier Wilkin, Wilkin's Riptide is a night club on Level B28 best known for it's beach-themed decor and liberal drug-use policy. The locale boasts a large dance floor that comfortably fits a crowd of regulars that numbers in the thousands and a raised VIP area for special guests. The Riptide is also the base of operations for Wilkin's Raptors, a former street gang that, during the [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]], was radically transformed into a professional mercenary organization under the leadership of a local legend named Vine.<br><br>\n\nWhile most partygoers that visit the Riptide take little interest in the club's shady politics and dubious back-door dealings, this particular locale has has a history of being associated with the street power in the lower B-Levels (Level B20 to B40). Contrary to popular oppinion however, the Riptide was not always the go-to address for black market goods, freelance hauler captains and professional security contractors. It only attained this status in the late forties, when Wilkin's Raptors systematically eradicated the local gang known as the Red Scars and attained undisputed street rights on the lower B-Levels. <br><br>\n\nSeveral years later, the Riptide would be targeted by the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]], when the well-known pan-galactic crime syndicate attempted to gain a foothold on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The resulting [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] continued for several months, costing countless local residents their lives, and ending only when the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] unexpectedly abandoned all attempts to enter the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] underwold.<br><br>\n\nDetails of what caused this radical shift in policy are sketchy but almost certainly are related to the sudden disappearance of the leader of Wilkin's Raptors, Vine. Some local sources claim the legendary mercenary lieutenant was beheaded by the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]], who subsequently negotiated terms with Mr. Xavier Wilkin. Others claim the withdrawl of the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] were the result of a costly all-out assault on their baseships by Wilkin's Raptors. Another version of the rumor details Vine negotiating terms with the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] after a succesful assassination campaign that targeted the local syndicate leaders.<br><br>\n\nWhatever the truth, Wilkin's Riptide has remained conspicously untouched by agents of the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] and will no doubt remain the center of street power, vigilante law enforcement, and black-market trade in the lower B-Levels for some time to come.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<set $subject = "">>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_depress_reminder">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print '<<set $subject = $hud.messages[' + $i + '].subject>>'>>\n\t\t<<break>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> <<print $subject>>\n\nDear Prospective Customer,\n\nA data sharing initiative with the Vox Edeni Network (EVOX) has allowed us to review your vital information. We have discovered that <span class='orangecolor'>you have recently suffered increased stress levels</span>. Our data suggests you are at acute risk of physical and / or emotional burnout. If left untreated, your condition could worsen within a matter of days. Athena Medical Incorporated suggests that you take immediate steps to remedy this situation by:<<nobr>>\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='redcolor'>avoiding</span> stressful environments</li>\n\t<li><span class='redcolor'>avoiding</span> triggering situations or topics</li>\n\t<li><span class='greencolor'>engaging</span> in frequent recreational activities</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>consulting</span> a certified medical service provider</li>\n</ul>\n<</nobr>>Athena Medical Incorporated wishes to provide you with as much information about stress relief as possible so that you can make the most informed decision about your physical and mental health. Due to privacy regulations at your place of residence, we are unable to directly offer this informational service without your personal consent. To make use of this offer and our health services, please contact your nearest Athena Medical representative and provide them the enclosed data-hash to make use of a 10% service discount!\n\nAthena Medical - Pharmatech for a better Tomorrow\n\n<<display 'CancelTutsButton'>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission4 eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission4 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area4'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area4'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission4 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area4'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area4'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<strong>\n\t\tAn Unholy Alliance:\n\t</strong>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission4>><br><br>\n\t\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\t\t/% PHASE 1 %/\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase lte 3 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lte 5>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tI've discovered through a roundabout route that the affair with Object 55316 is related to the 'Visionary' movement. Their plan is to overthrow the Church and Hegemony. They intend to 'demonstrate' the weakness of humanity via the Undersprawl plague. I've been told to aquire plague samples from an Athena Medical lab somewhere in the utility passages below the Slowside Mall. Could be, if I play along long enough, I get some answers here.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tI've discovered through a roundabout route that the affair with Object 55316 is related to the 'Visionary' movement. They asked me to retrieve a sample from an Athena lab, which I did. Guess it's time I bring that back to the Visionary. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 4>>That, or I could hand it over to the Fleshmelder. Not sure.<</if>> At any rate, this is still somehow connected to Object 55316. I'll have to keep going if I want to figure out how it fits together.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\tI've discovered through a roundabout route that the affair with Object 55316 is related to the 'Visionary' movement. I've been asked to deliver a plague vial to the Chapel of Eden on B27 but I refused. There's no way I'm going through with that. Too much pain for too little gain. These guys are insane. Maybe I should just let the Purifiers know, have them purge this place. It's a little more than I can handle alone.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAlso, related to the above, \n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\tI've been told there will be a 'reward' for supporting the Vision. I'm supposed to speak to fleshmelder Arva at the recently-claimed Visionary Shrine. Wonder what this is about.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tI've been told there will be a 'reward' for supporting the Vision. I'm supposed to speak to fleshmelder Arva at the recently-claimed Visionary Shrine. Aparently this will unlock my full biological potential - if I so choose. Evidently I'm not forced to do this. So maybe I should hold back, just to be safe?\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo I spoke to fleshmelder Arva and, well, everything's different now. Got my reward. Think I'm abominated. Somehow. She said I should speak to her again once I'm feeling more together. Probably a good idea. Everything is kinda strange now.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\tthe fleshmelder mentioned something interesting: some sort of plan that differs from the Visionary's designs. Not sure what it entails, specifically, but she asked if I'd speak to her before I do anything for the Visionary. Not sure why. But might be worth looking into?\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\tI spoke to the fleshmelder and she wants to use the plague vial against the B30 Block. Specifically, to flush out the Purifiers and protect the Shrine. Ugh. I see the danger but no way. The plan's crazy. These people are crazy. Maybe I should just let the Purifiers know, have them purge this place. It's a little more than I can handle alone.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\t\t/% PHASE 2 - Plague Vial %/\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase lte 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lte 7>>\n\t\t\tI've discovered through a roundabout route that the affair with Object 55316 is related to the 'Visionary' movement.\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Visionary asked me to 'deliver' a plague vial to the Chapel of Eden on B27. \n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated>>Not exactly a peaceful plan but I'll do it. Should make a clear statement: screw the Church. And, hopefully, earn me the turst I need with these guys. Better be worth all the corpses though because I can't turn back now.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>I said I'd do it but... well, maybe this isn't such a good plan. Or maybe I should just get it over with. And bring a mask if I do...\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Visionary asked I use a plague vial on the Chapel of Eden, which I did. Should make a clear statement: screw the Church. And now maybe I'll finally have earned some trust with these guys. Better go back to the Shrine and speak to them.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\tThe fleshmelder wants me to use that plague vial I recovered against the B30 Block. Specifically, to flush out the Purifiers and protect the Shrine. \n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated>>Gonna cost a lot of lives but I'm on board. It'll keep this place safer. And, hopefully, earn me the turst I need with these guys. Better be worth all the corpses though because I can't turn back now.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>I said I'd do it but... well, maybe this isn't such a good plan. Or maybe I should just get it over with. And bring a mask if I do...\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\tThe fleshmelder asked I use a plague vial on the B30 Block, which I did. Shouldn't be long until the chaos drives the Purifier Order back. And now maybe I'll finally have earned some trust with these guys. Better go back to the Shrine and speak to them.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\t\t/% PHASE 3 - Prepare Stuff %/\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6>>Seems like I'm working with the Visionary movement now. And they definitely connect straight to Object 55316. Now, here's the deal: I've sided with Vijar and he wants me to take out two key players working against them:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t- <<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill" or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4>>Lord Otto Vindell, who I've dealt with. Might not have been the subtlest solution but at least that's one problem solved.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Lord Otto Vindell, down at Level B1. The Visionary's organized for transport. I'm to wait at the Information Booth at the B10 Crossroads.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t- <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase lt 2>>Varijasha, a Blackscale who represents the Sons of Kobol. I'm to meet with him at the Sirens Song on B10 and convince his people to leave. One way or another.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 2>>Varijasha, the Blackscale with the Sons of Kobol. I met with him and explained the situation. They've agreed to pull out if I take care of the Corbeis, whom I think are behind this... thing\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 3>>Varijasha, the Blackscale with the Sons of Kobol. I conned him into leaving Scaffold 22 and let something else interesting slip: apparently the Cult's benefactors are the Corbei family. Good to know.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>Varijasha, the Blackscale with the Sons of Kobol. It ended in a bit of a bloodbath but I learned something interesting: apparently the Cult's benefactors are the Corbei family. Good to know.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 8>>Seems like I'm working with the Visionary movement now. And they definitely connect straight to Object 55316. Now, here's the deal: I've sided with Arva and she wants me to deal with two massive problems they've got:<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t- <<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 98>>A Syndicate 4 splinter group. Turns out they were operating out of a black-research facility. I've put an end to that.\n\t\t\t<<else>>A Syndicate 4 splinter group. All I know for certain is they've got an outpost on Level B10. Gonna keep notes on that in a seperate file 'cause these mercs are annoying as heck.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t- <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase lt 2>>Varijasha, a Blackscale who represents the Sons of Kobol. I'm to meet with him at the Sirens Song on B10 and convince his people to leave. One way or another.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 2>>Varijasha, the Blackscale with the Sons of Kobol. I met with him and explained the situation. They've agreed to pull out if I take care of the Corbeis, whom I think are behind this... thing\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 3>>Varijasha, the Blackscale with the Sons of Kobol. I conned him into leaving Scaffold 22 and let something else interesting slip: apparently the Cult's benefactors are the Corbei family. Good to know.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>Varijasha, the Blackscale with the Sons of Kobol. It ended in a bit of a bloodbath but I learned something interesting: apparently the Cult's benefactors are the Corbei family. Good to know.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% corbei invite fragment %/\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.readCultInvite>>Surprisingly - or not - I was invited to meet with a member of the Corbei family regarding my 'investigation'. I doubt that's what this is about but they're sending a driver to pick me up outside the Cathedral of Beams. Odd.<<else>>Not sure what happens after. Figure I'll find out soon enough.<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\t\t/% PHASE 3 - Corbei Meet %/\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\tOkay, so I spoke to Xarea Corbei, who's the benefactor behind the Visionary movement. Turns out this whole affair with the Object is bullshit. Decided it's best to screw the old way and help them watch the galaxy burn to the ground.... void. Whatever.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnyways, I'm going to have to figure out how to make all the chaos and bloodshed happen. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7>>Visionary Vijar should have a plan in place.<<else>>Fleshmelder Arva should have a plan in place.<</if>> Time to figure out what it is - I have some of my own too, just in case.\n\t\t<</if>>\t\n\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\t\t/% PHASE 4 - Final Siege %/\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 9 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lte 13) or ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 7 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase lte 11)>>\n\t\t\tOkay, so I spoke to Xarea Corbei, who's the benefactor behind the Visionary movement. We're slowly but steadily turning Scaffold 22 into a hellhole - the first step toward watching this galaxy burn itself to the void, one station at a time.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t/% final phases come here %/\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>We're going with the Visionary's plan: spread chaos and dissent, try to undermine the local powers. The Cult's been deployed to the Bazar. They're asking for me to meet them there - to reassess the situation once the first step's been made. I doubt this will go over without resistane. Better come prepared.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>We're going with the Fleshmelder's plan: assault the Riptide and bring the local power structure crashing down. Our abominations have been deployed to the Bazar, from where we'll march up on the Riptide. I doubt this will go over without resistane. Better come prepared.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 9>>Best next phase is to wreck the Docks, bring this sector to its knees. The Visionary should have his cultists in position when I arrive. So yeah. This should be fun. Or something.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 11>>Next step is to wreck the Riptide. The Fleshmelder should have her abominations ready to move when I arrive. It'll probably be one hell of a fight. Doubt they'll just lay down their arms.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>Well, Visionary Vijar definitely made a mess of the docks. Got real beaten up too though. We've gotta fall back to the Shrine and regroup. And figure out how to hammer the last nail into this coffin. Scaffold 22 won't last long. But neither will we, unless we do this right.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>So, Arva and her abominations wrecked the Riptide. Don't think they got shot up too bad either, though more than a few bit it. We're going to fall back to the Shrine to figure out the next step. Shouldn't be long before Scaffold 22 falls. Street power's already dead. The rest won't last.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 11>>We're moving into the final stages. Break the quarantine line on B10 and spread our Vision beyond B Sector. Unfortunately, we lack the strenght to overrun the barricades directly. Vijar's instead planned to claim the Riptide and bolster our numbers. We'll drag the Church to its knees with public support. Hopefully. I'm to meet the Cult at the B28 tramway station.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 13>>We're moving into the final stages. Break the quarantine line on B10 and spread our Vision beyond B Sector. Arva will deploy her abominations and we'll do this the easy way: overrun the barricades with sheer numbers. We will meet at the B10 Tramway Station.\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\t\t/% Reward stuff %/\n\t\t/% ################################################################################## %/\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.refusedInjection>><br><br>\n\t\t\tI've been told there will be a 'reward' for supporting the Vision. It won't work with cybernetic augments in me. So, if I wanna go through with his, I better ensure I have no cybernetics installed and speak to fleshmelder Arva. Or maybe it's better I don't?\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Deathmatch Arena<br>\n\tClient: Lavandri Corp<br>\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 10>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 10>><span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tA Lavandri rep approached me and asked if I'd play in Deathmatch Arena. I agreed. First step is to qualify for the regional matches. They've re-opened the arena here, at the Riptide. Figure I should head down there and see what's what.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>So I started qualifying for the Lavandri Deathmatch Arena. My first play went well. Should just be one more match before I pass qualifications. Next game should be playing \n\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>as soon as I get my ass down there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>in a few hours.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tWell, I've qualified for the local ladder in Deathmatch Arena. This should be interesting. Next game will be on \n\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>as soon as I get my ass down there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>in a few hours.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tSo, it looks like I've passed the local ladder with flying colors. Regional Semifinals come next, which promises to be a little more of a challenge, as it'll be an elimination game for the slot in championships.\n\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>Match should begin as soon as I get my ass down there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>That should start in a few hours.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tAll right! Made it all the way to the Regional Semis. Gonna be one hell of an elimination game from here on. \n\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>First match should begin as soon as I get my ass down there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>First match should start in a few hours.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tWell, the first Regional Semifinal match went well. Just two more to go now.\n\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>Match should begin as soon as I get my ass down there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>That should start in a few hours.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\tSecond Regional Semifinal match went well too. Just one more now.\n\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>Match should begin as soon as I get my ass down there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>That should start in a few hours.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\tSo, I've completed the Semifinals. Looks like I'll know whether I made it into the finals soon enough. There's gonna be some huge event at the Riptide. The finalists will be announced there.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\tWow. Just wow. I made the Scaffold 22 finals. It's... weird. But I did it. Last thing up is the championship fight against <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Calamity.<<else>>Reaper Jack.<</if>>. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>Match should begin as soon as I get my ass down there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>That should start in a few hours.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\tI won! Like, for real. Scaffold 22 Deathmatch Arena Champion. That's me now. Apparently. Still hasn't quite sunk in yet but whatever. Guess that means this is pretty much over - at least until next season. If I return.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tSo some Lavandri Corp representative asked me to play in the Deathmatch Arena. Giving this one a pass. Life around here is dangerous enough as it is. Bloodsport isn't my style anyways.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tAll right, well, I started playing in the Lavandri Deathmatch but no. It's not for me. I'm out. Said as much and got my ass away from there. Let them deal with it. Crazy fucks.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t\tWell, I tried for the Lavandri Championship but didn't make it. Guess I could try again next time. But that'll be a little longer. Until then, I'll have to make do by whatever means I can find.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 101>>\n\t\t\tWell, I could have gone for the Lavandri Championship but decided to opt out. Safter that way. Let the other folk have their Champion. Me, I'm glad to just be alive. Better like that.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Hunting Season<br>\n\tClient: None<br>\n\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase lt 8>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 99>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.altIntroTriggered>>\n\t\t\t\tFound out who was supplying those creeps on B33: a place called Highborn Palace on Level B29, utility duct behind Unit 42. Passcode is vXvvXXvx1. Looks like hunting season's open. Okay. That was over-dramatic.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tI found a data pad on these two freaks who wanted to, uh, abduct me? No idea. Anyways, it was a call for 'Highborn' to bring captives in return for bounty. Some cult I figure, on Level B29, utility duct behind Unit 42. Passcode is vXvvXXvx1.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on that Highborn matter. Found a bunch of biochem growers. Decided they'd be more useful alive - slaves or not. I'm the new boss now. Yay for me! Oh, and for future refernce: the access code is vXvvXXvx1.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on that Highborn matter. Found a bunch of biochem growers. Killed them all, and their ridiculous High King. They're well and dead now. Good thing too.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on that Highborn matter. Ran into some insane High King locked up in this psycho suit of Exo Armor. Didn't stick around to find out what happened next. Seriously. Fuck that shit.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 101>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on that Highborn matter. Found a bunch of biochem growers. Weird bunch. Tried to make 'em see sense, for what it's worth. Seemed like the right thing to do.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<set $subject = "">>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_stats_tut">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print '<<set $subject = $hud.messages[' + $i + '].subject>>'>>\n\t\t<<break>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> <<print $subject>>\n\nDear Prospective Customer,\n\nIs your life full of stress? Are your days too long? We at Icefall Cryogenics are well aware that keeping the human body healthy is a chore and have committed ourselves making your life as easy as possible with our alternative health program, including but not limited to full freeze-thaw treatments and wake rituals that will wash your worries away!\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'><strong>Vitality & Stats:</strong>\nYour PDA continuously monitors your vitals and reports the following metrics: \n<<nobr>>\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='yellowcolor'>Fatigue (FAT):</span> your endurance and resilience</li>\n\t<li><span class='lgreencolor'>Intoxication (TOX):</span> increased intoxication impairs your character</li>\n\t<li><span class='purplecolor'>Dilligence (JOB):</span> increases salary and freelance pay</li>\n\t<li><span class='orangecolor'>Aggression (AGGRO):</span> increases intimidation and melee damage</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>Caution (CAUTIO):</span> increases sneak and ranged damage</li>\n\t<li><span class='redcolor'>Stress (STRESS):</span> your mental state; regular downtime reduces stress</li>\n</ul>\n<</nobr>><strong>Vital Signs:</strong>\nYour character <span class='redcolor'>does not have a health bar</span> in the classic sense. Damage is modeled on armor integrity and only indirectly related to your stats (notably fatigue). As you move about the world, your stats will be positively and negatively influenced by your actions. Rest frequently, regularly stock up on ammo and items, and remember to head out for a night at the club - or other forms of downtime - every so often. Combat and other stressful events will slowly take their toll unless you adapt as healthy a lifestyle as you can in your current circumstances.\n\n<strong>Character & Demeanor:</strong>\nYour character is described by their personality and demeanor (balance of <span class='orangecolor'>aggression</span> and <span class='bluecolor'>caution</span>). Your demeanor can have one of three states: <span class='orangecolor'>aggressive</span>, <span class='greencolor'>balanced</span>, or <span class='bluecolor'>cautious</span>. Your ability to negotiate is dependant on both your outfit and your current demeanor. Additionally, you may experience personality shifts (and, if InZtinct is active, gain access to different skill sets) based on your behavior and convictions ingame. \n\n<strong>Afflictions & Cures:</strong>\nYour character can suffer three possible negative afflictions: <span class='redcolor'>Exhaustions (EXH)</span> cause by high stress, <span class='lgreencolor'>Infection (INF)</span> caused by diseased enemies, and <span class='purplecolor'>Addiction (ADC)</span> caused by over-use of chems. Each affliction which will negatively affect your character's performance and all can afflict you at once. If you are in any way negatively afflicted, it is important you remedy this sitation as soon as possible, either through sheer willpower and endurance, or through medical treatment. </div>\nIcefall Cryogenics - Just Chill...\n\n<<display 'CancelTutsButton'>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_sidejob_intro">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<<set $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Assistance Request\n\nVine,\n\nI was told to contact you by Fisher (Wilkin's guy, you know him, right?). We have a bit of a problem over here on B30. Abomonable in nature. I think you're the right guy for this job, yeah? If so, meet me at Apartment 85325. Thanks!\n\nLoving Stars with you,\n\nLilly
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_otto_evidence">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Fwd: Evidence\n\nDear <<formalname>>,\n\nIt was a pleasure to speak to you yesterday and I do hope you are well. As discussed, I have pooled my resources and compile a database extract containinng evidence pretaining to your investigation. It appears that a certain Father Zweili of the Church of Eden is attempting to cast a sour light upon myself and my employees by insinuating we were somehow involved in the theft of a religious artefact of substantial value, though I have reason to believe this is but a small part of this cleric's larger war against the so-called Corporate Hegemony.\n\nThe attached audio, video, and textual records clearly show that this Cleric has conspired with violent theological radicals, theophobic militant groups, and numerous criminal organizations in this misguided pursuit of 'justice'. Among the worst incidents I have been able to verify are: sixteen accounts conspiracy to bribery, nineteen cases of supporting illegal organizations with Church assets, and several dozen instances of inciting religious or anti-religious hatred, some of which resulted in outright violence and death. I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg however, and far more serious crimes have been comitted by this individual.\n\nI hope this is of use and that you might find a way to bring those truly responsible for this recent travesty to justice.\n\nHighest Regards,\n\nLord Otto Vindel\nOwner & Director\nVindel Armaments Incorporated\nScaffold 22
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_fundingcut">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Breech of Contract\nVine,\n\nI regret to inform you that you, albeit not necessarily through fault of your own, have breeched the terms of your employment contract. Given recent actions, the Church of Eden can no longer be associated with your person. I do hope your chosen mode of investigation is successful - and provides the results we all desire. For the time being however, I am forced to terminate all outstanding payments for your services and annull any agreement we may have reached in the past.\n\nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_mission_hellcat">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Dear Vine\n\nDear <<formalname>>,\n\nI was told by an associate of mine you are the foremost authority on matters related to abominations on B Sector. My problem is simple: I believe a creature of supernatural origin has crept into our Cryolounge. Surely you know of the place - Icefall Cryogentics on the Level B10 Boulevard? If not, do please come visit. We believe we have trapped the creature - assuming it can be trapped - in the lower levels of our establishment. Unfortunately, we are uncertain how to proceed, or even what we are dealing with, and would be most greatful for your professional assistance.\n\nSincerest Regards,\n\nJonas Harper\nDirector of Security\nIcefall Cryogenics\nScaffold 22
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Djinn</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_djinn.png]]</div>An abominable offshoot of humanity, Djinn are humanoids who possess a certain level of innate, biological augmentation which manifests itself with age. Little is known of the Djinn race beyond that they currently tend to linger on the fringes of the void and shy away from civilized sectors.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> unknown<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> exotic augmentation<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> unknown<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSeldom seen in civilized space and often believed to be no more than the product of fear and superstition, Djinn - sometimes spelled Jinn - are not technically a breed of abomination but a race of humanoids that closely resemble humans. Unlike darwinian humans however, Djinn are born with organic augmentation that evolves naturally with their body and can manifest itself in several common forms that include but are not restricted to: supernatural strength, inhuman reflexes, unnatural longlivety, holographic projection, phase dissonance, and molecular displacement. While these charicteristics alone would not be enought to classify the Djinn as abominations under [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] law, the fact that they manifest without the aid of synthetic augmentation in the Djinn is widely held to be an affront to the natural order of the universe.<br><br>\n\nHistorically depicted by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] as demonic agents who attempt to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy humanity, the true nature of the Djinn has since become known to be that of an ancient warrior society that originated in prehistoric days, presumably during a pan-system conflict which has long been forgotten. The few Djinn that have survived to this day and age have either found purpose as elite operatives in the perpetual cycle of corporate warfare, have established themselves as indomitable crime lords on major population centers, or relive their days of glory by leading vicious corsair fleets on daring raids that terrorize the fringes of civilized space.<br><br>\n\nAside from these stereotypes however very little is known of Djinn culture, religion or society. Much like their unnatural augmentation, the Djinn are an enigma shrouded in mystery that continues to fascinate experts across the galaxy yet which does not appear to become clearer over the centuries. Indeed, some historians believe that, in generations to come the Djinn will be all but forgotten by galactic society and their legacy will be lost forever. Considering these reclusive individuals are unlikely to step forward in a day and age where they are mercilessly percecuted by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] as unnatural abominations, the theory is not unlikey. One can hope however that, sometime in the future, archeological evidence will be uncovered that can shed some light on the mysterious origins and history of the Djinn.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Exo Trooper</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_exo_syndicate.png]]</div>Virtually impervious to conventional weapons and able to inflict extreme damage, Exo Troopers are among the most advanced assets that can deployed in hostile situations - by any organization.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> heavy weapons & armor<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tEncased in augmentative assault suits, protected by automated arc-shields, and armed with the heaviest rail cannons humanity can produce, Exo Troopers are a militant force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. Though seldom deployed in practice, they are virtually impervious to all conventional weapons, able to shrug of coilfire and even railfire without a second thought. Though expensive to maintain in the field, and seldom deployed for more than a cycle at a time, Exo Trooper are a fearsome asset that is more machine than man - and noticably so.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIntegration with the heavily armored exoskeleton dulls the user's sense of guilt and stimulates violent indifference, making them not only exceptionally deadly but unable to feel pain or fear. Nothing short of absolute destruction of the machine and organic within will deter an Exo Trooper from their assigned task, and even that is seldom possible. Security professionals are advised to avoid encounters with Exo Troopers at all costs. Survival is unlikely - death almost certain.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Another Artefact<<else>>Commisariat Investigation<</if>><br>\n\tClient: <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Varai<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase lt 3>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 99 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tGot a message from <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Varai<</if>> asking to meet me at the B33 Construction Site ASAP. Something related to a witchcraft artefact. Maybe that bust I ran across when I was poking around the place earlier? If it really is that thing, then damn it. I shoulda known that thing would come back to haunt me...\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>So I went through the hab again with Fabienne - ran into a nasty Commisaria along the way - and the altar and everything was still there. Turns out Fabi's already got a buyer lined up and wants me to tag along for the handover, just in case thing get iffy. I have the feeling they might. Anyways, I'm to meet her by the Voider Shrine on B40.<<else>>So I went through the hab again with Commisaria Varai - ran into a Siren along the way too - and the altar and everything was still there. Varai tried to cut me out of figuring out what it's all for but I played my hand well. She says she's going to meet with one of her sources at the Voider Shrine on B40. Figure I should be there, preferably before she goes ahead without me.<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tLooks like I turned up too late for that meeting with <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Commisaria Varai<</if>> but, well, something else happened. Let's say it involved an old Demon that happened to give me some (hopefully) good intel: another shadow of the Witch Queen Namaz is behind this whole mess. According to the demon, the mad shadow is lurking in some member of the Corbei family. Talk about mindfuck. Literally. Assuming any of this is even true...\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tLooks like I turned up too late for that meeting with <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Commisaria Varai<</if>> but, well, something else happened. Ran into an old Demon that I think was a copy of Irisa Namaz, that crazy Witch Queen. It tried to make a deal with me but seemed safest to just kill the damn thing. Mean, demon? Hello? The galaxy is definitely safer off without it but here's the kicker: according to the demon, there's actually ANOTHER copy of Namaz that's behind this whole Object whatnot mess. Assuming it's true, which I'm not, but wow.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tFollowed up on the artefact deal with <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne. Ran into an annoying Commisaraia and, well, turns out the artefact was a statue of Namaz. No clue what it does. She doesn't know either and is gonna sell it to her prospective buyer. It sounded like an iffy deal and she asked me to come along, just in case, but I refused. Don't wanna get too mixed up.<<else>>Varai. Ran into a Siren - no clue why it was there - but the important thing is the stuature was a bust of Namaz. Varai says she'll look into what it does and get back to me if there's anything relevant to my investigation. I figured it was best to leave it at that.<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tLooks like I turned up too late for that meeting with <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Commisaria Varai<</if>>. No one came. Oh well. Got better things to do.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Cryptic & Important<br>\n\tClient: Zweili<br>\n\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase lt 98>>Priority: High<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase gte 1 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 100 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 101>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tGot a real cryptic message from Zweili. Wants to meet at the Voider Shrine on B40. Says it's important. Figure I should probably get my ass down there.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tGot a real cryptic message from Zweili but it was a hoax. This eyeless kid - a Voider I think - told me something about Quantus VII being nuked and Corinthin being involved. Also, a Church agent named Aida Abi disappeared. I dunno what the real deal is but I said I'd keep an eye out for anything related to the disappearance. Seems important if you ask me.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2.5>>\n\t\t\tSo I ran into this girl named Aida at the Riptide. At least, she said that was her name, but it was a stolen identity? and something about a member of the Church being involved in... well, let's say it got complicated. The real interesting thing is some Erkan-Corbei shipt got wrecked somehow and is locked up in the Docks, berth B40-P51. Sounded like the Church was investigating the cause of the wreckage. Suspicious circumstances. Might be worth looking into. Unless it's a trap?\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on this Aida Abi affair and, well, things got weird. Apparently the real Aida left Scaffold 22 and this chick impersonating her is still here. Weird. At any rate, I found out the ship the real Aida left on got wrecked somehow and is locked up in the Docks, berth B40-P51. Sounded like the Church was investigating the cause of the wreckage. Probably worth checking out.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on this Aida Abi affair and found the wrecked ship. Seems a lot like the girl got iced along with the rest of the crew - literally. The ship's power was out and everything but I found a semi-functional maintenance spider and it's last memory dump included some mention that the ship was being followed, though there was no indication of by who. Looks like another dead end.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on this Aida Abi affair and found the wrecked ship. Ran into Commisaria Varai there and got some additional info: Aida was definitely killed when the ship's REACH core went nuclear. And that recording on the maint-spider, well, the vessel was probably being followed by the Church. No indication who or what destroyed the hauler though, or whether Corinthin was involved. Looks like another dead end.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on this Aida Abi affair and found the wrecked ship. Ran into Commisaria Varai there and got some additional info: Aida was definitely killed when the ship's REACH core went nuclear. I mentioned the maintenance spider to the Commisaria and she sounded mildly intrigued at least. Maybe another case of someone tampering with ship's logs? Still no indication who destroyed the hauler though, or whether Corinthin was involved. Looks like another dead end.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on this Aida Abi affair and found the wrecked ship. Ran into Commisaria Varai there and got a real earful. Anyways, no new intel on the Aida case beyond that she was definitely killed when the ship's REACH core went nuclear. Still no idea what that maintenance spider's audio recording was about - someone following the hauler by the sound of it but no indication who or what that was. Looks like another dead end.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tGot a real cryptic message from Zweili but it was a hoax. This eyeless kid - a Voider I think - told me some crap about Quantus VII being nuked and Corinthin being involved. He wanted my help but, yeah, sorry. Already got enough on my plate. Don't need to fuck with the Paladin Order too. \n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t\tWell, I found out where Aida Abi is: not around. She was sent on another missionary expedition, at least according to a message I found in the Corbei household. Seems like the Corbeis were trying to get hold of her too, probably about the whole Quantus VII affair. I doubt it's a coincidence the girl's safely away from Scaffold 22.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 101>>\n\t\t\tSo I followed up on this Aida Abi affair and found the wrecked ship. Ran into Commisaria Varai there and, well, let's just say I'm none the wiser about what hapened. Aida Abi was killed when her ship's REACH core went nuclear. Still no idea what that maintenance spider's audio recording was about - someone following the hauler by the sound of it but no indication who or what that was. Too tricky a situation to get mixed up in though.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 102>>\n\t\t\tRight, I tried to meet Zweili at the Voider Shrine like he said. But he wasn't there. Odd. Maybe he got delayed. Or something else got in the way?\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 103>>\n\t\t\tWell, I followed up on the Aida Abi thing. Found the hauler down in the docks as expected. But I'm none the wiser about what hapened. Aida Abi was killed when her ship's REACH core went nuclear. Still no idea what that maintenance spider's audio recording was about - someone following the hauler by the sound of it but no indication who or what that was. Doubtful I'll find out either, without more context. Which I don't have.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<set $subject = "">>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_augs_tut">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print '<<set $subject = $hud.messages[' + $i + '].subject>>'>>\n\t\t<<break>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> <<print $subject>>\n\nDear Prospective Customer,\n\nAugmentation is all the rage! But is bio-augmentation for you? In this informative e-pamphlet, we aim to dissect the medical realities of the cyber-gene age and make as much information on the topic publically available as we possibly can. An informed customer is, after all, a healthy repeat customer and Athena Medical Incorporated takes your wellbeing to heart.\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'><strong>Augmentation:</strong>\nThere are twi forms of augmentation in Scaffold 22:\n<<nobr>>\n<ul>\n\t<li><span class='greencolor'>biological:</span> requires time to unlock full potential, sold by fleshmelders</li>\n\t<li><span class='bluecolor'>cybernetic:</span> can be enhanced with one of three upgrade packs, sold by cyberneticists</li>\n</ul>\n<</nobr>><strong>To Gene or Borg?</strong>\nThe advantages to cybernetics and (cy)borgs is that the augment can be instantly installed, providing full benefits immediately, albeit at a price. The disadvantage to cybernetics is that only one upgrade can be active at any given time. Bio-Augments do not suffer from this issue but instead must remain installed for prolongued periods of time to gain meaningful effects. You can install up to three augments in your character: one each in head, chest, and arm slot. You can also modify your skin, though not all skin elements provide a bonus - some are merely cosmetic.</div>\nAthena Medical - Pharmatech for a better Tomorrow\n\n<<display 'CancelTutsButton'>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission1 eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area1'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area1'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission1 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area1'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area1'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<strong>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>Coven Eresi Involvement:\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 6>>Witches Coven Involvement:\n\t\t\t<<else>>Locating the Artefact:\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</strong>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission1>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t\tOkay, so I've confirmed that Coven Eresi was (formerly) not involved with anything. They got themselves killed by Celena's sister I believe. \n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\tNow Celena's set up a refugee camp on Level B33 and I have the feeling she might not be so 'uninvolved' anymore.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage gt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tI spoke to Vijar about the place and he thinks it'd be best we convert those willing to the Vision. I agree. There's no hope in Refugium. Better to teach them the hard lessons fast. At any rate, I'll be meeting with his 'friends' at the tramway station. \n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tI spoke to Arva and she thinks it's best we wipe the place out. No point in letting everyone suffer, and I agree. Better they're just dead. So I'll be meeting with some of her abominations at the tramway station, and we'll go wipe that shithole out for good.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 0>>Good news is I think we're on the same side. Whatever that is. So... yay?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 1>>Good news is I think we're on the same side. Bad news is I heard from this guy called Allen that folk really got beef with me - surprise. Might wanna talk to Cel about that.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 2>>Anyways, I brought up the topic of local resentment. Seems Celena's just as apathetic as ever, even thinks the whole thing is a cosmic joke or something. Guess maybe it is to her. At any rate, I'm not entirely convinced I trust her on this. She seems... different.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>She didn't seem at all willing to compromise. Which could be a problem, because now I can't get inside this refugee camp. I kinda think I should get some more info on what's going on.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tNow there's some sort of... thing going on on Level B33.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt might be witchcraft related. At the very least, I suspect Celena is involved. Not sure how she pulled this out of her ass but I should get some more info on what's going on.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 1>>Father Zweili asked me to find an artefact referred to as Object 55316 before it's moved off Scaffold 22. \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 1>>I should ask around. The B29 Bazar and Wilkin's Riptide on B28 would be the usual places to start. Someone must've heard something.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 2>><br><br>Mr. Wilkin told me a freelancer Captain named Alfrey Phillips might have been asked to move it. Apparently he hangs around the bar at the Riptide. \n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ignoredCaptain eq true>>Unfortunately, I buggered my chance when he appeared.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo clue where the fucker got off to - probably whoring around or back on his ship or fuck knows what. Given the trade this dude's in, it's unlikely I'll find him again. And even if I do, he probably won't talk to me after the shit I pulled. So, long story short, I'll have to find my info somewhere else. Maybe someone down at the Bazar knows?\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>I should speak to him.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 3>>I talked to Captain Phillips, like Wilkins suggested I do, but he didn't know anything except that he'd been approached by someone who spoke like a Churchgoer down on the docks. Maybe I should look and ask around there?\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 4>>I asked Mr. Wilkin about the artefact but he didn't know anything. Looks like I'll have to search elsewhere. But the artefact was going to be moved off-station, right? So maybe someone down at the Docks knows.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 5>>The Dockmaster told me a guy named Raj who lives somewhere in B Sector was asking around for freelancers who would take someone - maybe him and the Object? - off-station. I should look for Raj and find out what he's up to.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_raj.met>>\n\t\t\t\t\tMy investigation led me to a man named Raj Winston. When I arrived at his place, he was attacked by a Wraith. I killed the creature and talked to the man. He claimed he got involved in the whole mess through his brother, who knew something about this artefact and asked Raj to help him sneak it off-world.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBased on what Raj said, it doesn't sound like his brother was acting like himself. I'm not sure what this means but the involvement of the Wraith hints at this having something to do with the Witches Coven. \n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tMy investigation led me to a man named Raj Winston. When I arrived at his place, he was attacked by a Wraith. I stayed out of the scuffle but, yeah, it seems a damn lot like this might've been the work of the Witches Coven, given the nature of the abomination and all. \n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<if $celena_loc eq "none">>Unfortunately Celena won't talk to me, but maybe I can find someone else with a connection to the Coven. Anska the flesh-melder maybe? She seems to be into that stuff.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>I should try to contact them through Celena. If she isn't at Wilkin's Riptide, I'll find her at home.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_raj.met>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.askedCultOfJuno>>Unfortunately, Raj was wrong and the Cult of Juno didn't know anything.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>Raj also suggested the Cult of Juno might know.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_coven.spokeVoiderShrine>>Got from a Voider they might be meeting near the Shrine at Storeroom 367.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_coven.foundDnetMention>>Got off the DarkNet they might be meeting on Level B40, Storeroom 367.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tAt any rate, I should determine if the witches are involved before I start pointing fingers.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 7>>Following the incident with the Wraith at Raj's, I followed a lead to the Witches Coven that took me to a store room on Level B40. Someone hired an Oger to kill them.<br><br>\n\n\t\tDamn thing nearly took my head off but I took it down and found a message on its PDA. It didn't say much but apparently the employer contacted Mister Wilkin before turning to the Oger. \n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 1>>Can't ask a corpse for info, obviously, but I figure maybe Marisa can find something in Wilkin's files. Should speak to her.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Can't ask the guy now since he's dead but maybe Marisa knows? Should speak to her.\n\t\t\t<<else>>I should pay him a visit and ask who wanted to hire his guys.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 8>>Following the incident with the Wraith at Raj's, I followed a lead to the Witches Coven that took me to a store room on Level B40. Someone hired an Oger to kill them.<br><br>\n\n\t\tDamn thing nearly took my head off but I took it down. Anyways, I looked around the store room and found evidence that suggests whoever hired the Oger contacted Mister Wilkin too. \n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 1>>He refused the job and I can't ask a corpse for info, obviously, \n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol" and $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>>and I'm not on speaking terms with Marisa anymore. Damned. Maybe someone else knows?\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>but I figure Marisa might be able to find something in Wilkin's files. Should speak to her.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>He refused the job and obviously I can't ask the guy now since he's dead\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol" and $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>>and I can't even ask Marisa to look through his files since we're not on speaking terms anymore. Damn.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>but maybe Marisa knows? Should speak to her.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>He refused the job but he might have met the dude I'm looking for in person.\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol" and $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>>Only problem is we're not on speaking terms anymore. Damn.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>I should pay him a visit.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 9>>Following the incident with the Wraith at Raj's, I followed a lead to the Witches Coven. Had a run-in with an Oger and found evidence that suggests whoever hired the Oger contacted Mister Wilkin too.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tI got a little more info on what happened and an address: B5-731. <<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase gte 1>>According to Marisa, it's all related to this rich chick from the low Bs.<<else>>Apparently the dude who hired the Oger is actually some rich chick.<</if>> Probably a witch but that's just speculation. At any rate, the place is only accessible by grav-car and there's heavy security in place. Gonna be a tricky one, that's for sure. Figure maybe I should bring along some backup.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 10>>So I talked with Celena and headed over to her sister's (B5-731). Things didn't go well, to say the least. The witch is dead, sure, but I don't think I'll ever be talking to Celena again. Maybe it's better that way.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 11>>So I talked with Celena and headed over to her sister's (B5-731). Things took an unexpected turn when Celena killed her sister in cold blood. Can't say I'm surprised. After what the girl's been though, I'd probably be pissed too.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 12>>So I talked with Celena and headed over to her sister's (B5-731). Things took an unexpected turn when Celena killed her sister in cold blood. I'm not sure what to think of that. Maybe she's just snapped. Maybe not. It's real hard to tell.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 13>>So I asked around and got intel that connects the Oger and maybe the Wraiths to a woman who lives up on Level B5. <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "gal">>Gal helped me take a look inside via remote and, well, the chick's dead. Not quite sure who iced her but we saw it. Clean kill. Professional.<<else>>I headed over there with <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski<<else>>Fisher<</if>> and took the chick down.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 14>>So I asked around and got intel that connects the Oger and maybe the Wraiths to a woman who lives up on Level B5. I headed over there and took the chick down.\n\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiEvents>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\tOkay, screw all former theories on the Eresi witch. She was at one point working with the Corbeis and - presumably - the Namaz demon. In fact, she was the reason the whole theft took place, but Xarea Corbei betrayed her and claimed the Object for her own ends. Which are a bit vague to say the least. Sounds like she just wanted to screw with everyone for the kicks.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\tWow, So I finally figured out how the deal with the Eresi witch leads back to Object 55316. Sorta. She was working with a demon of Witch Queen Namaz (yeah, I know, crazy). I think the whole ordeal was an attempt at covering tracks. \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>Thankfully, I know where the demon is: Corbei Tower - hiding in one of the family members.<<else>>Which seems to have worked, seeing as I killed the (or one) demon but can't link any of it together reliably.<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 10>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUnfortunately, I still don't know what Faralah - Cel's deceased sister - had to do with the whole Object 55316 debacle. Obviously, she hired an Oger to kill the Witches Coven, and she must've raised the Wraiths, but I don't have a clue why. Maybe I don't have the full picture yet.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 11>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTo the point however, Celena told me her sister took down the Coven out of spite. Cel thinks her sis was prompted by someone. Maybe an attempt at a cover-up? Or an attempt to blame the Coven for something they didn't do gone bad? I'm not sure.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\tAt any rate, the Witch is dead but I'm not sure how she connects to Object 55316. I'll have to keep digging...\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 1>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tAnother lead: got a long-winded message by a machine priest about how the Cathedral was hacked when the theft of the Object took place. Wants me to look into the details. The tech used in the attack was sold by a local vendor down in the Bazar. Ashlake Cyberwares. Should probably go take a look.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tAbout the intrusion at the Cathedral, I spoke to Ashlake from the cybershop of the same name. Gave me the details of a tech named Robin Carter, working indirectly for Erkan Corbei. Lives on B33 and is the guy who bought the tech. Ashlake seemed pretty damn convinced the guy wasn't a crook though. Better keep digging.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\tAbout the intrusion at the Cathedral, I got into Robin Carter's hab and, well, he definitely had the tech at some point. Seems to have been worried himself though; one of his logs noted he doubted the tech was being used for server testing. Dunno what happened next but he went to the EPROM for a second oppinion. Maybe I can figure out who he asked?\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\tAbout the intrusion at the Cathedral, I went to the EPROM and followed up on Robert Carter. Found a source who more or less confirmed what I already knew: the intrusion agent was overkill and meshing it with the HailBorne was definitely illegal. No clue who did it but it may have been witchcraft; not standard crypto work at any rate.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\tAbout the intrusion at the Cathedral, I used the Xjanu-4 on Lord Otto's system and the agent threw up a data stream that was oddly... relevant. It claims whoever merged the intrusion agent with the HailBorne Node used at the Cathedral has probable links to witchcraft <<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>> - pretty sure it was that witch I killed now -<</if>> and sold information about the theft to a competitor, specifically the Corbei family. Maybe they got their hands on the Object?\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\tAbout the intrusion at the Cathedral, I went to the EPROM and followed up on Robert Carter. Found a source who more or less confirmed what I already knew: the intrusion agent was overkill and meshing it with the HailBorne was definitely illegal. Unfortunatley, I had to give up the copy of the intrusion agent I aquired. Not quite how I hoped this'd end.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase gte 1>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tHeard an interesting tidbit from Marisa: Wilkin sold information about Object 55316 to this rich bitch up in the low Bs. Apparently Wilkin had a lot of dirt on her. <<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>Not that it'll do much good. There wasn't enough time to look around for the Object. Maybe I should talk to Marisa.<<else>>If Marisa is telling the truth, this chick has the Object - or at least had it at one point.<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tI told Marisa that Eresi chick is taken care of - the woman she claims stole Object 55316. Looks like Marisa might be able to get someone to poke around the premises, see if the artefact really is - or was - there. Until I get news on that front though, this line of investigation is still a dead end.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase gte 3 and ($job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4)>>\n\t\t\t\tSo Lord Otto told me that Raj might be an enemy of the old foe. No clue if that's true but I figured out what was causing the Witches Coven to run all amok: a Namaz demon's influence. It seems like this damn thing has been lurking in the shadows all along and, judging by what I've seen, it's goal was to get people pointing fingers at all the wrong culprits to wreck havoc. I'd say it did a good job. So far.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\tSo Lord Otto told me that Raj might be an enemy of the old foe. He also says something out there related to the Witches Coven is running amok. No idea what it was but I'll wager a guess here: it's whoever or whatever was working with that Eresi woman and here's another guess: that person has the Object. But I got no leads on it (Otto's theories include: Sphinx, Witch, another Vampire). Not sure who to ask about this either but maybe someone knows... or not.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\tSo Lord Otto told me that Raj might be an enemy of the old foe. And that there's something out there related to the Witches Coven that's running amok. No idea what it was but I'll wager it's whoever or whatever was working with that Eresi woman. Judging by Otto's tone, it definitely has the Object. But we have no leads on it. Celena had some weird, gut-feelsy instinct on it but I doubt that's a valid source of intel. Guess I just gotta keep looking.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\tSo Lord Otto told me that Raj might be an enemy of the old foe. And that there's something out there related to the Witches Coven that's running amok. No idea what it was but I'll wager it's whoever or whatever was working with that Eresi woman. Judging by Otto's tone, it definitely has the Object. But we have no leads on it. Anska went on some rambling monologue about shadows between the stars when I vaguely brought up the topic. Not quite what I was hoping for.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\tSo Lord Otto told me that Raj might be an enemy of the old foe. And that there's something out there related to the Witches Coven that's running amok. No idea what it was but I'll wager it's whoever or whatever was working with that Eresi woman. Judging by Otto's tone, it definitely has the Object. But we have no leads on it. The best theory I've heard yet - and it's still bullshit - is Ith's ramble about it being a ghost from a time long past, whatever the hell that means. And I'm outa people to ask about cryptic shit.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Level B33 Scrap Yard</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>The Scrap Yard on Level B33 is a major bulk-dumping and recycling plant in B Sector. It is run by the Deepwellington Group in association with the Wilkin Administrative Group.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tLocated deep in [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]], the Deepwellington Scrap Yard is the primary bulk-dumping and recycling plant in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. It is run by the Deepwellington Group in close association with [[Wilkin's Raptors|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and serves as a major source of employment for locals. Notable benefits compared to other recyling plants are the central location and relatively light grav-tunnel traffic. Unfortunately, the Scrap Yard has a dubious reputation and has been investigated for fraud and criminal activity several times, ableit without charges being made.<br><br>\n\nLocal rumor holds that a minor offshoot of the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] operates out of the Scrap Yard, peddling illict goods in addition to their recycling business. It is believed this operation was established at some point during the [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] and accounts for at least half of the Yard's considerable income. No proof of these allegations has been found however, and many business still use the Deepwellington Scrap Yard as a bulk dumping poind tue to the aforementioned benefits.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_varai_conclude">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>Our Agreement\n\n<<firstname>> Acrel,\n\n<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 98>>I spoke with my source. Alas, it was for naught, and we still do not know how the device I - it was indeed a sub-null communications relay - recovered was used. Should any new evidence come to light I will, of course, inform you, yet it is unlikely my source will determine anything we do not know already.<<else>>Where by the Loving Stars were you? I waited almost half an hour yet ultimately spoke to my source alone. Alas, it was for naught. I still am uncertan as to how the device I recovered - it was indeed a sub-null communications relay - was used. Do not expect me to inform you of any further progress, however. I cannot work with an associate who does not understand the concept of puntuality.<</if>>\n\nCordially,\n\nCommisaria Varai\nSt. Luciferius Commisariat\nB14 - Cathedral of Beams\nScaffold 22
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_invitation_conference">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<<set $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Of Interest\n\nVine,\n\nI was just informed of what transpired on Level B28. Hopefully you are well, though that is not why I am writing. A trusted source informed me that the Hegemony is sponsoring an informal conference here on Scaffold 22, to be visited by many high-ranking executives of various major corporations. Precisely what shall be discussed I do not know yet there may be a connection to recent events.\n\nIt is not my belief that direct inquiry will yield any utile information yet, should you wish to attend, my source would be willing to cooperate. Meet them at Icefall Cryogenics on Level B10 (Boulevard side). They will be waiting in the reception area. Come adequately dressed or they will not make contact, I am certain.\n\nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_sylbia_log">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Fwd: Chat Log\n\nTo Self: chat log from just prior to deaths of Sylvia and Patricia Eresi. Looks like they knew something was up.\n\nSylvia: I just stopped by Esmaralda's. Found out why she wasn't at Gathering yesterday. You won't like it.\nPatricia: What do you mean?\nSylvia: She's dead. Whole Hab is a mess. Blood everywhere.\nPatricia: What? How?\nSylvia: I don't know. But maybe she was right. Maybe the rumors are true.\nSylvia: Better we talk in person. On my way home now. I'll hurry.\nSylvia: I don't know how to say this but, babe, I think I just saw a Wraith. It was gone when I looked again.\nSylvia: At the tramway station now. The thing's gone. I'm sure it was a Wraith though. \nPatricia: Be careful, dear.\nSylvia: Saw the Wraith again. It must be onto me. I'll be home in ten. Be ready.\nPatricia: Dear...\nSylvia: Just be ready. Okay? \nSylvia: And if you can find the courage, message our daughter. She won't lisetn to me. Not after last week.\nPatricia: Celena? What can she do?\nSylvia: Don't play stupid. You know what she is.\nPatricia: A disappointment.\nSylvia: Not what I meant. But please. See sense.\nSylvia: Never mind. Just be ready
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_loan">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Affiliate Loan #VA-SH-3781\n\nDear <<formalname>>,\n\nThe St. Martin's Trust has recieved your request for an Affiliate Loan [Hunter, Sanctioned, Class V] and approved the transaction. A direct credit transfer of [4000 C] has been made to your personal account. The terms, conditions, and benefits of the agreement are described below:\n\n- For duration of employ with the Church of Eden, [150 C] will be deducted from every comission paid to you\n- [60%] of every deduction will be automatically added to your unemployment and disability benefits\n- [40%] of every deduction will be automatically paid against our loan and interest [5%]\n- Upon full repayment of loan, [100%] of every deduction will be added to your unemployment and disability benefits\n- Upon full repayment of loan, you can pay out the benefits agreement at any time by contacting the St. Martin's Trust\n- Should the terms and agreements prove dissatisfactory, you can cancel this loan within [24 GSH] of signing\n\nNOTE: this is an automated message. Please contact [Rajiq Kamkatoa] directly if you have any further questions.\n \nLoving Stars Bless,\n\nRajiq Kamkatoa\nSt. Martins Trust\nSMB Financial Advisor\nB Sector, Scaffold 22
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Mercenaries</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle.png]]</div>Individuals contracted by private security firms or criminal organizations, Mercenaries or Mercs are trained professionals who enforce order in return for their paycheck.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> (frequently) <<print $toxinDamageType>><br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tCommon across the galaxy, Mercenaries - or Mercs - are trained professionals hired by both legitimate security contractors such as [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] and criminal organizations such as the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] to enforce order in return for payment. Regardless of whether their deployment is officially sanctioned or not, one trait unifies all mercs: their high-quality assault weapons and prevalent use of [[combat armor|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]]. Most mercs operate with at least para-military efficiency and are a serious threat - or ally - to security officials.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThey frequently carry advanced tactical gear and are privy to battlefield experience, able to execute organized assaults with supporting technology such as IntelliDiscs. When confronted with such individuals, security officials are advised to call for additional support or, failing this, rely on technology and firepower of their own to overcome the threat. Absent sufficiently advanced weaponry, it is often possible to surrent - or offer payment in return for one's life, provided a mercenary group is not given orders to neutralize on sight.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Crusade of Eden</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/crusade.png"]]Significant pan-galactic conflict between the Church of Eden and the Corporate hegemony which took place in the late 25th century. Led to the rise of the Church as the dominant political and spiritual power.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Crusade of Eden was an interstellar conflict which took place from 25631 to 25952 between the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and a loose coalition of corporations led by the [[Corporate Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]]. While the precise reasons of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] calling for a crusade against the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] are unknown, it is widely accepted that the Crusade of Eden was caused by centuries of political and social oppression by corporate overlords that left followers of [[Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] disgruntled and disdainful of their employers.<br><br>\n\nWhile the Crusade may have begun as what corporate spokespeople termed a 'militant fanatical uprising', the Crusade quickly gained momentum and the official support of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], which converted its considerable private assets into warfleets and vowed to assist those believers who risked their for the legitemacy of their devout beliefs. In less than a cycle, what had begun as an insurrection exploded into pan-system catastrophy which threatened the livelyhoods of trillions of people for over thee centuries until the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and their corporate adversaries finally agreed on terms and negotiated peace.<br><br>\n\nAccounts vary but, according to most reputable sources, the Crusade of Eden put the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] on the galactic map as a major political player for the first time. Thus, while the Crusade may have ended two milennia ago and has long been discarded as a topic of public discourse, the ramifications of those events can be felt by believers and corporate employees to this day. The Crusade of Eden also led to [[Chruch|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] formally recognizing their militant offshoots, the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] and the [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], both of which remain active to this day under strict supervision of the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] clergy.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>B10 Crossroads</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\nLocated on the Inner Ring, the B10 Crossroads link B Sector to various other major traffic arteries - notably A and C Sectors. The area is known to be a busy traffic artery and active melting pot of various local traditions an cultures. It is inhabited predominatly by middle-class citizens and is considered one of the most secure, albeit chaotic, zones in B Sector.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Level B10 Crossroads is a major foot and grav-car traffic hub comprised of an interchange that links several major fastways, a large tramway nexus and a pedestrian zone that spans several kilometers of the Inner Ring. Home to numerous corporate retailers, many middle-class citizens of B Sector, and a collage of artfully decorated holoboards that have made this junctoin famous across the galaxy, the Crossroads count among the most vibrant, lively and chaotic zones on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<br><br>\n\nMost notably however the Level B10 Crossroads mark the dividing line between the lower and upper B-levels. For this reason, the Crossroads has become a melting pot for citizens of all classes, cultures and religions, lending the Crossroads an air of open-mindedness that cannot be found in most areas of B Sector. The Crossroads are also known to be unusually safe, with both street wars and corporate rivalries being all but absent from public life. These circumstance have given rise to a unique pehnomenon wherein many lower-class citizens attempt to make the 'jump' to a better life on the Crossroads while upper-class citizens, tired of a secluded existence, willingly 'stoop' to the vibrant yet peaceful atmosphere of the Crossroads.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<strong>The forgotten Empire</strong>\n- a historic quicktext by Raj Winston\n\nThe Empire of Man (est. 14121 Galactic Standard, dem. 23551 Galactic Standard) is the largest unified galactic government to have existed in history. Little is known of the Empire's early centuries yet, by the year 17314 GSY, it spanned virtually every known system and sector. Aside from unifying political power across the galaxy for the first time, the Empire enforced recognizable social norms and conventions on all their worlds, binding the galactic community together for the first time. Further achievements include the profilation of then-radical technological innovations to virtually every system and the establishment of mechanisms to share knowledge across the vast empire, ensuring equal education and development chances independant of an individual's birthworld. Even the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], erronously believed to be the first pan-galactic political body to have existed by many contemporary historians, has not managed to achieve such widespread and cosistent influence. \n\nOne should however not confuse the Empire of Man with a benevolent or indeed peaceful rule. This can be seen from the fundamental building block of the Empire, which is right of any man or woman - these genders are mentioned explicity; there is no information on the treatment of transgendered or similar individuals - to pursue the Empire's sacred goals of power, wealth, and status by any means necessary. This nigh-religious belief in one's own greatness led to the formation of a rigid caste system wherein powerful Lords and Ladies ruled over a host of lesser subjects that ranged from educated vassels to lowly slaves. Oppression of the unfortunate and hunger for ever greater power were rife in the Empire, leading to frequent intruigue, conquest and treachery among the many noble houses vying for the revered Throne of the Emperor. Fortunate individuals unable or unwilling to compete in the political playfield frequently aggregated their power in form of pan-system organizations and vied for control over those, closely mirroring the political realities of the Empire.\n\nPerhaps ironically, many of these organizations have outlasted the Empire that spawned them and some continue to exist in altered form today. To name a few: the Trade Conglomerate, now the Corporate Hegemony; the Imperial Solar Knights, now the Paladin Order; the Temple of Sol, since absorbed into the Church of Eden; and the Daughers of Athena, now embodied in the last remnants of the Witches Covens. One can - and should - for these reasons consider the Empire of Man to be progenitor of galactic society as we know it today - a realization few contemporary works appear to make.\n\n----\n\n<strong>The rise and fall of Horus</strong>\n- a historic quicktext by Raj Winston\n\nIt in in the year 23151, the heyday of the Empire of Man, where Lords and Ladies ruled the weak and roamed the void aided by then-revoltionary REACH cores, that we first find mention of Horus. We can only imagine where he came from or, indeed, how a man of little status and wealth managed to circumvent the Empire's rigid cast system and rise to the position of prominent Trade Baron in the Aquarius system. What we can say with absolute certainty is that Horus embodied the Empire of Man in its most fundamental way. His lust for status and power was insatable. No deal could not turn a profit, no venture could be too risky, and no rival could be allowed even an inch of headway in this powerful game of Trade Wars. \n\nOne might believe that the Empire looked up at Horus as a god; as the essence of their greatness made flesh and blood. Yet to believe thus would be a fallacy. Many lesser subjects of the Empire no doubt heard tales of Horus and thought him a godlike being yet the Lords and Ladies, who had lived for so many millenia, by means of the technological abomination we today know as Vampirism, and begun to grow weary of the constant struggle for power, saw in this young upstart a threat to their newly found consistency. Were others to follow Horus's example, were they to rise to the occasion and grab what power, status, and wealth they can, then the Empire would return to the old ways, where the noble houses engaged in warfare and millions bled for shreds of insignificance. So it was decided by none other than the Emperor that, for the sake of stability, Horus must die.\n\nIt was to be a simple task. An assassin would be sent to the Trade Baron. It had worked so often among the Lords and Ladies. Surely it would suffice to kill Horus. Thus the Lords and Ladies hoped that, in less than a decade, their worries would be over. Yet Horus did not play by their plans. His ambitions were to become more than a mere Trade Baron in the Aquarius System and he understood that, in order to achieve these ends, he would require allies. Unlike the Barons of the past however he did not turn to the local Lord. No, Horus gathered his power from those not unlike him. First he approached the Temple of Sol, where many unfortunates prayed for better fortune, and found his plea heard by the many. Then he turned to the Solar Knights, who had not fought a true battle in over a century, and made his case well. Finally he returned to the Trade Conglomerate, claiming his rule would bring greater profit than the stagnant rule of any Lord or Lady if only they would lend him their vessels, and found open ears there too.\n\nPrecisely what follows is open to interpretation yet, in less than a decade, the Aquarius system lay in the hands of Horus. His rule, founded on the principles of the Empire, could only be legitemate in the eyes of the public. After all, this man, this lowly lad who had risen to Lord of an entire solar system, had merely done what the Empire claimed to be at the heart of every man or woman. And while the rule of Horus lasted only five years before he was assassinated as per the orders of the Emperor, he would die a martyr in whose demise would shatter the very foundations of the Empire. Radical thought and oppertunism of the many, so long suppressed by the ruling caste, seeped into the minds of many Imperial citizens. Those with little to loose began to think that if Horus could do it, then they could too. \n\nWithin the Trade Conglomerate in particular, the deeds of Horus were met with reverance and the reaction of the Empire with spite. For the Lords and Ladies, not Horus, had with their actions betrayed their true face. They were weak. They were scared. Of a single man. And while that man would not lead to the downfall of the Empire, his success would be the inspiration for many that followed. Indeed, not a century later, on the day the Daughters of Athena turned their backs on the besieged Empire and lent seductive arts to the forces of the Trade Conglomerate, Celena of Terrana herself would say: \n\n"I am but one woman among billions but I speak from the heart, and for every true human being in this galaxy, when I claim that the Empire we have loved, the empire that brought forth legendary individuals such as Arthurius, Celestia, and Xarxes, lost the right to deserve our love the day it condemned Horus to death for being nothing more than the man he wished to be. Today I honor the memory of this great man and, by my right to free will, choose not to betray my Emperor but to uphold the belief he and those who follow him have conveniently neglected in a pathetic attempt at self-preservation."\n\n----\n\n<strong>The Occultists of Eden</strong>\n- a historic quicktext by Raj Winston\n\nIn times long past, times that few today remember, the Empire of Man ruled the galaxy. Under the laws of this society, it was right of any man or woman to pursue the Empire's sacred goals of power, wealth, and status by any means necessary. It was their belief that humans, true to their nature, must pursue these ends in order to both thrive and indeed survive. Thus those who held power subjected those who had none. Those with the means to do so lavished in luxury while those who could not toiled in slavery. Indeed, so engrained was this belief in society at the time, that even the lowliest of slaves must, by virtue of their humanity, utterly adore themselves and place their own interests before all others, for to not do so was a sin worthy of punishment worse than death.\n\nYet not all believed thus, one quickly realizes, for historic documents speak of a select few believed that strength came not only from within but from the community that supported the individual. Hunted and hated by society at large, these individuals were branded occultists who had betrayed their true inner nature and suscribed to an unnatural faith. These were the Cultists of Eden, whose name refers to archaic scripture in which Eden is a garden of plenty for all. These cultists were criminals, outlaws, indeed affronts to natural order of the galaxy. So flawed were these beliefs that entire Cults would risk - even sacrifice - their lives in attempts to save individuals condemned to certain death. So twisted were these men and women that, when faced with threats of death or slavery, they would stand together against insurmountable odds, and thereby prove that they possessed not a shred of common sense.\n\nDespite harshest percecution, the Cultists of Eden continued to survive under Imperial rule, resurfacing every so often in the most unusual corners of the galaxy. Repeated attempts were made to shame, humiliate, re-educate and ultimately eradicate these misguided heretics, yet the Cult of Eden persevered, ever clinging to their belief that community mattered and that even if many died, their belief would outlast the Empire of Man. As we know today, their belief held true and, while the Empire of Man crumbled, communities built by the Cult of Eden became known as safe havens for those with nowhere left to run. Even in the shadow of the Corporate Hegemony and the Hegemony Wars, the Cult grew steadly, the ranks of believers fed by lost and forsaken souls who knew not where else to turn. \n\nSo it came that, in the darkest age of the galaxy, where science refused to answer questions for fear that competitors would turn a profit from proprietary information, knowledge that had been commonplace among the Empire survived. Questions that the average corporate employee could not answer - how does REACH work, what is the theory of evolution, how can a mental illness affect physical health, etc. - were well known to faithful believers. Capitalizing on this knowledge, the Cult of Eden quickly rose to rival many coporate powers and, by 24457, was already being referred to as the Church of Eden. It would take another millenia, until the Crusade of Eden began in 25631, for the Cult to ultimately establish itself as the dominant galactic power it is today.\n\nIt bears to remember however that the Church of Eden was never founded on divine law or sacred scripture that explains the origins of humanity. No, the Church of Eden in its original form was based on the one great question that, despite all their knowledge, no one could answer: where does humanity come from? Whether one believes as many do today that Eden is a mythical place, or whether one follows the original beliefs of the Cult, namely that Eden is a planet in this galaxy, is less important. The nature of the question, and the reason we must ask it today, however, should not be forgotten. For therein lies an undeniable truth: what we as a race believe to be true and what we know to be true is not constant over the millenia but shifts in direct relation to the collective volume and depth of knowledge we possess at any given time.
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Church of Eden</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/church.png]]Officially a pan-galactic religious institution, the Church of Eden is the de-facto polical power in the contemporary galaxy. Its churches, temples, agencies, and missions can be found on virtually every world and habitation platform in civilized space.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Church of Eden is a pan-system religious and political entity professing belief in Eden as the mythical homeworld of humanity which will one day be reclaimed. While history records mention of the Church of Eden as far back as 22631, the Church only gained widespread public support and political power during the [[Crusade of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Crusade of Eden"]]. Today the Church of Eden is a powerful player in social, political and economical circles, with some form of representation on every major space station and many colonized worlds.<br><br>\n\nAlthough the Church's primary reason d'etre is to provide spiritual guidance for believers, the Church is equally well known - and feared - for its political influence and the resulting ability to weigh in on corporate politics across the galaxy. Despite repeated attempts from corporations to distance themselves from the Church, thereby avoiding taxes levied on generated revenue, the Church of Eden has continually asserted its dominance in galactic politics, either through personal connections, political maneuvering, bribery, or - in rare cases - direct intervention via the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] and [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. As a result, Church law and, by implication, Church morals have become the de-facto standard on many worlds across the galaxy, often superceeding corporate policy and private contracts unless these are explicitly recognized by the Church of Eden. <br><br>\n\nUnderstandably, the widespread influence of the Church has led disingenuous voices to question both the legitemacy and the actions of the Church. Critis focus primarily on the Church's political meddling and oft-cited yet seldom pursued myth of Eden, both of which are viewed by some to be clear indications the Chruch has lost sight of its purpose: reclamation of Eden. However, according to latest census polls (dated 26991), the Church of Eden is generally viewed as stabilizing and benificial, unifying the diverse population of the galaxy through a singular, universally recognized ideal.<br><br>\n\nAccording to the same polls, particular praise is given the Chruch's social and spiritual initiatives, programs which aim to aid unfortunates who have been ignored or cast out by corporate entities. With few other institutions to turn to and none who posess the means the Church does, it is understandable that the underclasses of the galaxy - particularly those who have been at odds with corporate entities in the past - find themselves drawn to the Chruch in search of compassion, council and sometimes even employment. While not all who turn to the Church embrace the strict doctrine and moral code demanded by the Clergy, this relationship with the 'common' folk is largely beneficial to the Chruch, forming a base of popular power that few corporations can compete with.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Undersprawl Incident<br>\n\tClient: None<br>\n\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 9>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 9 or $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 10 or $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 11>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tZweili messaged me, mentioning that a certain Brother-Scribe Jal Xuhe. Aparently he's a Purifier and was asking about my little jaunt into the Undersprawl. Not sure what this is about but the Scribe is stationed at the Quarantine Line on Level B30. Maybe I should go meet him.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tBrother-Scribe Jal Xuhe asked me to investigate the goings on in the Undersprawl. Not sure what's up exactly but it sounds like something nasty's brewing - something that's specifically targeting Purifiers. I've agreed to take a look around.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tBrother-Scribe Jal Xuhe asked me to investigate the goings on in the Undersprawl but there's something definitely afoot here; something the Purifier General is being careful to hide. No clue what the real deal is but I've agreed to take a look around.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tI headed into the Undersprawl like Brother-Scribe Xuhe asked and found a death cult lurking there. Judging by what I heard, there was some kinda revolt after some kinda outbreak. Thinks went wonky after that and now the whole zone's a death trap. Basically.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tI headed into the Undersprawl like Brother-Scribe Xuhe asked and found what's left of one of the earlier Cleansing Teams. All dead. Mauled by an Oger. They joined this Death Cult by the looks of it. Way it sounded, they had nothing left to loose. Which isn't surprising, given the whole zone's a fricking death trap, but one thing's for sure: it doesn't seem like anything's hidden down here - except the wretched fate of those who survived.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tI headed into the Undersprawl like Brother-Scribe Xuhe asked and found what's left of one of the earlier Cleansing Teams. All dead. Mauled by an Oger. Joined this Death Cult by the looks of it and one of the Cult's leaders confirmed that the Purifiers all went willingly to their end. Not sure how to feel about all this but I'm starting to think there's nothing hidden down here - except the wretched fate of those who survived.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\tI headed into the Undersprawl like Brother-Scribe Xuhe asked and found what's left of one of the earlier Cleansing Teams. All dead. Mauled by an Oger. Joined this Death Cult by the looks of it. Also found another passage leading deeper into the Sprawl. Maybe there's more to be found down here than I thought. That, or I'll just run into more desperate souls and rotting corpses.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\tI headed into the Undersprawl like Brother-Scribe Xuhe asked and found what's left of one of the earlier Cleansing Teams. All dead. Mauled by an Oger. Joined this Death Cult by the looks of it. Also found another passage leading deeper into the Sprawl. Somewhere around down there I found a dead Athena Medical employee who was keeping a journal on the outbreak. Nothing conclusive though.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\tI headed into the Undersprawl like Brother-Scribe Xuhe asked but, yeah, turns out it was a waste of time. No abominable influence. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just a damned deadly plague that swept the area. Consider that case closed - as much as there ever was a case.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\tI headed into the Undersprawl like Brother-Scribe Xuhe and found a mention of Athena Medical. Except now the Scribe's convinced there was no abominable influence. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nope. I hardly believe that. Maybe I can follow up on this. Poke around a bit more. As far as Jal Xuhe is concerned however, the investigation is over.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t\tWell, I might've gotten this whole thing wrong. Looks like what happened in the Undersprawl really was just a freak accident, one so deadly they had to pull aid efforts to avoid an even worse catastrophy. At least that's what the experts say. I'm kinda inclined to believe this.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tBrother-Scribe Jal Xuhe asked me to investigate the goings on in the Undersprawl but I said I didn't have time. Purifiers can short out their own business as far as I'm concerned. Got more important things on my plate.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission2 eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission2 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission2 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<strong>Nature of the Artefact:</strong>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission2>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 0>>Honestly, I have no idea what this damn thing is. Maybe I should've asked Zweili a bit more. But too late for that. Maybe someone I know will be able to provide info.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 1>>Honestly, I don't know much about the damn thing. It's apparently a fist-sized objects that's really old. Maybe it's a device of some kind? Zweili says it was recovered from a mining planet called Quantus VII. Never heard of the place. At any rate, Zweili thinks people who've seen it would remember it.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2>>I've heard from a less-than reputable source (Anska) that the Object is a fist-sized cube removed from a larger device recovered from a mining planet called Quantus VII. <<if $chr_raj.alive>>A man named Raj, who lives somewhere in B Sector, might be in posession of - or have seen - the Object. I should go look for Raj and find out what he knows.<<else>>A man named Raj, who lives somewhere in B Sector, might have known more but he's dead and this looks like a dead end - literally.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 3>>Raj Winston confirmed what I knew about the Object already: it was part of a larger device found on a mining planet called Quantus VII and returned to Scaffold 22 on a Church cruiser. Whatever it is, it must be more important than I thought, because someone's been putting a lot of credits, resources and effort into stealing it without leaving a trail. That's not amateur work.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 4>>For all the trouble this damn Object is causing, I really wish I knew what the fuck it is. So far I've established it's from the prehistoric Empire of Man - whatever the hell that was; the Codex doens't even have a page on it - and used to be part of some bigger device. Ith told me it might be a memory sphere that predates known history. Sure would explain why the Church had the thing locked up. Doesn't explain who stole it or why but I have the nasty feeling Raj <<if $chr_raj.alive eq true>>knows more about this mess than he let on. I should question him again.<<else>>knew more about this than he let on. Not that I'll figure out what, seeing as he's dead now.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 5>>So I talked to Raj <<if $chr_raj.alive eq false>>before he, uh, died <</if>>and he bombarded me with serious information overload. Nothing that tells me anything about Object 55316 except that it really might be an memory core dating back to this Empire of Man - apparently the Church is suppressing intel on that, which is why I couldn't find anything on it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnyways, Raj also mentioned this guy called - get this - Tobias Albrecht Gartner. He's a middle school teacher at Abacus down on Level B30. Raj doesn't think he's involved in any of this but he did mention the Objet to this dude so I'm gonna go check out his story too, just in case.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 6>>Well, I went to Abacus Middleschool and talked to this Tobias Albrecht Gartner dude - and ran into an Acheri there but that's not my problem. At any rate, Tobias Gartner didn't really know anything.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSo we're still at Object 55316 might be an memory core dating back to this Empire of Man. But I did get another name, Luca Depechionne. He's a maintenance tech at Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group HQ - aren't they the same corpo that owns Quantus VII, the planet the Object was found on? - and apparently knows a thing or two about ancient tech.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAt any rate, he lives on Level B28. Hab 271, Unit 4, with his roommate Lanina<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>> - might be the same Lanina Cel introduced me to<</if>>. So, yeah, I should drop by and talk to Luca, see what he knows about the Object and make sure he really wasn't part of this conspiracy to steal it.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 7>>Well, I went to Abacus Middleschool and talked to this Tobias Albrecht Gartner dude. I ran into an Acheri along the way, which Tobias demanded I take down before he'd talk. <<if $enc_acheri.dead eq true>>So I took the abomination out but<<else>>The abomination got away, not that it matters.<</if>> Tobias Gartner didn't really know anything.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSo we're still at Object 55316 might be an memory core dating back to this Empire of Man. But I did get another name, Luca Depechionne. He's a maintenance tech at Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group HQ - aren't they the same corpo that owns Quantus VII, the planet the Object was found on? - and apparently knows a thing or two about ancient tech.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAt any rate, he lives on Level B28. Hab 271, Unit 4, with his roommate Lanina<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>> - might be the same Lanina Cel introduced me to<</if>>. So, yeah, I should talk to Luca, see what he knows about the Object and make sure he really wasn't part of this conspiracy to steal it.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 8>>So after asking half the damn historic geek society of Scaffold 22 I finally, finally, found someone who could tell me what Object 55316 is. Congrats to Mr. Luca Depechionne - who's otherwise the biggest asshat in the galaxy but whatever.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnyways, to the specifics: Object 55316 is a memory core that was removed from a portal device that dates back to the Empire of Man. All bets are on it containing coordinates for every portal in the galaxy, or at least where they used to be before they were destroyed, meaning it will also contain the location Terrana portal. In other words it's a map to Eden. Explains why someone was after it. Mean, it's basically the Church's ticket to cementing themselves in power for at least another millenia.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLuca also mentioned the Disciples of Sol, some sort of conspiracy-theorist-esque group, who might be behind it. Apparently Raj knows more about them. <<if $chr_raj.alive eq true>>I should probably drop by and ask his oppinion.<<else>>Which means I'm at a dead end, seeing as Raj is dead.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 9>>So after asking half the damn historic geek society of Scaffold 22 I finally, finally, found someone who could tell me what Object 55316 is. Congrats to Mr. Luca Depechionne - who's otherwise the biggest asshat in the galaxy but whatever.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnyways, to the specifics: Object 55316 is a memory core that was removed from a portal device that dates back to the Empire of Man. All bets are on it containing coordinates for every portal in the galaxy, or at least where they used to be before they were destroyed, meaning it will also contain the location Terrana portal. In other words it's a map to Eden. Explains why someone was after it. Mean, it's basically the Church's ticket to cementing themselves in power for at least another millenia.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLuca also mentioned the Disciples of Sol but I talked to Raj and he's sure they're just a bad conspiracy theory. I dunno but, given the evidence he showed me, I'm inclined to believe him - and take him up on that brandy offer sometime. Could use a drink after all this.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict_resolved">><br><br>\n\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiObject>>\n\t\t\t\t\tI've had it confirmed by Xarea Eresi that the Object isn't relevant to any of this mess. It is however being misinterpreted as a threat to galactic stability by the Paladin Order. I'm going to go out on a limb her and assume that, if I keep going the way I have been, they're going to be damned interested in icing me. So I'd better be prepared for one of those bastards gunning for my ass.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict_resolved">>\n\t\t\t\t\tI've heard from the Visionaries that the Object isn't really the key to all this. Weird. Okay. But the thing is the Paladin Order thinks it's some huge threat and are wiping out anyone who's even remotely related to the whole ordeal. Given these guys are - as far as I can tell - the moving force behind this whole conspiracy, I'm gonna trust that. And I should probably prepare to deal with Order interference; by now they'll probably see me as the bad guy too.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 13>>\n\t\t\t\t\tLord Otto told me something disturbing about the Object: apparently it's a key to an ancient transportation system. No idea what that means but the Paladin Order wants to destroy it. Hell, they might even purge Scaffold 22 just to play it safe. If that's not poking your nose in a fusion reactor then I don't know what is. And I think I should figure out a strategy to deal with Paladins, just in case things go south.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2>>I discovered that, apparently, the Object I'm after was so important that Corinthin ordered a Quantus VII nuked over it. <<if $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1>>Strange as it may sound, I think it's true. The Paladin Order is out for blood and I should make plans in case they decide I'm in their way.<<else>><<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>Chances are it was bad information but still,<<else>>I dunno if that's true but<</if>> I think I should keep an eye out for the Paladin. And come up with a contingency plan, just in case the machine decides I'm a threat after all.<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>Well, as of speaking with Kobol, I know whoever's involved in this has killed at least one Paladin. And they seem to all know about me. I don't like this, especially given how little I know about Paladins. Figure it'd be prudent to look into them. Just in case.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo I found a message on the DarkNet that's... suspicious. It's some communication between Paladins I think. And it mentions me... and Quantus VII. I dunno what it means exactly but I should be careful. The Paladin Order is off its rails (again) and I might just get caught in the middle if things keep going at the current rate.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.celena or $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.ith or $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.petrovic or $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.siren or $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.marisa or $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.wilkin or $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.raj>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.celena eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Celena said that I should be okay if I tanle with a Paladin; something to do with that armor and lance I ended up with. Witchcraft maybe? Didn't ask but she did say Paladins are abominations. For real?<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Celena said that if I want to tangle with Paladins, I should have her around. Witchcraft I guess. Didn't ask for details but she did say Paladins are abominations. For real?<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.ith eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Ith told me Paladins are connected via some form of collective data exchange. Cut off the flow of data and one might, just maybe, be able to kill one unnoticed.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.petrovic eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Petrovic said a Sphinx's spine could be used to craft a device that would overload a Paladin's senses. Could be hard to get but worth the while if I tangle with the Order.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.marisa eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Marisa only gave me common sense advice: if I run into a Paladin, don't fuck with it. Run away or do what it says. Not exactly helpful but she did tell me something about a prototype gun her guys were issued or something. I could check it out down at the B30 Outpost.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.wilkin eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Wilkin only gave me common sense advice: do not screw with the Paladin Order. Not what I wantd but he's right. Messing with paladins is a bad idea.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.siren eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- The Siren had an interesting theory that Paladins are corpses kept alive by their suits. Not sure if it's true but might explain their uncanny resillience.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 100 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 99 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Ran into this Sunlord Abbath who looked suspiciously like a precursor to modern-day Paladins. Judging by what I saw it's very likely that the Order is seriously abominated.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.raj eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t- Raj basically told me what I already know: the Order isn't quite accountable to the Church and does real stupid shit. No surprises there.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "job_blindkid_meet">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> We must Meet\n\nVine,\n\nWe must meet. At the Voider Shrine Level B40. Very important.\n\nLoving Stars Watch Over You,\n\nKulli Zweili
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The Black Circle</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/blackcircle.png]]Dispanded centuries ago, the Black Circle was a Witches Coven that was historically unique in two ways: it allowed males to join its ranks as warlocks and tended positive relations with the Church of Eden for the duration of its existeince. Little more is known of the Circle beyond that it called Scaffold 22 its home and has not been heard of - or spoken much of - since its fall some four or five thousand years ago.<br><br>\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tNow disbanded, the Black Circle was a [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] that existed on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] some four to five thousand years ago, though its origins are believed to lie even farther in the past, heralding from a day and age no longer known to modern scholars. The Black Circle is unique among all known [[Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], past and present, in that it not only allowed male members to join its ranks as warlocks but was known to have been on peaceful terms with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] throughout most of its existence.<br><br>\n\nThe percise reasons for the Circle's disappearance are either unknown or unrecorded, however for the duration of its time on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], the Black Circle was renowned for its technological prowise - rivaling that of many Machine Smiths and even some Machine Priests of the then-budding [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] - and widespread political influence, reaching well beyond the extremeties of the habitation platform the Circle called home. Most scholars familiar with the subject agree that it was largely due to the Circle's political ties that the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] was allowed to flourish on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] despite [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] sanctions and, directly or indirectly, allowed the formation of the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\nLess optimistic views exist however, and some claim that the Black Circle had either subverted the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], exploiting the early Clergy to their own ends, or were sponsored in secret by the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Whether this was truly the case cannot be said however and, due to a notorious lack of records related to the Circle, believed to be the result of a techno-purge instigated by other [[Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] of the day or the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] itself, the truth will likely never be known with any degree certainty.<br><br>\n\nThis uncertainty has led to countless alleged rumors, including the Circle's involvement in the creation of the Codex Database System, refinement of REACH technology in collusion with the Priests of the Machine Temple, pioneering of the abominations known as Hellhounds - precurosors to the modern [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] - involvement in policical assassianations targeting prominent members of the [[Corporate Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]], and occasinal claims that the circle was in fact a cabal of professional thieves masquerading as a [[Coven|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] to mask the true nature of their secret society. None of these theories have been proven however and the Black Circle remains a mystery to experts and laymen alike, the details of what went on behind its closed doors remaining forever lost.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Partak-Vandoz Viper XXIII</strong>\n\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/grav-bike.png]]The Partak-Vandoz Viper 23 is a high-performance, single engined antigravitational vehicle designed to seat one person. Like most Vandoz grav-bikes, it is built around a single, central six-projector GMXR antigravitational engine, which is located at the front of the vehicle, shielded from elements and physical harm by a thick forward deflector pannel. Passenger seat and controls are located behind of the deflector pannel, and there's a small luggage compartment above the maneuvering repulsor at the rear. \n\nAll variants of the Viper 23 come equipped with standardized navigational software, automated guidance systems, and of course their prized free-flow system, which affords the driver full control of the vehicle within tolerance limits. These are impressive too, with the Viper 23's top speed rated at 400 kilometers per hour, and a ceiling height of three hundred meters. The engine's core lifetime is benchmarked at three hundred theoretical years and, due to exceeding the vehicle's service lifetime by 40%, should not require replacement except in case of fault or failure.\n\nThese facts, coupled with the general high quality of Vandoz products, ensures the Viper 23 remains a top-notch vehicle even after years of use. This is never more obvious than when one considers the original Viper blueprint was drawn up two millenia ago, and is still being used this day, albeit in modernized form as the 23rd variant. The design has also won several pan-galactic awards, and was nominated for best grav-frame of the century in 26413. \n\nAll in all, the Viper is an excellent design, and the Viper 23 is no different. It can be expected to remain in production for decades to come, whie Vandoz engineers work on an updated version that - in all fairness - will only marginally improve this already exemplar antigravitational bike.
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_money">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Transaction\n\nVine,\n\nAs promised, I have signed 3000 credits onto your account. Use these funds wisely. Any advantage you posess may be necessary. \n \nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_tobias">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Classroom Demonstration\n\nHello Vine,\n\nThings got a little dicey after your little stunt. I've had a few parents breathing down my neck about irresponsible exposure. Thanks, by the way. But at least I see your point. And the class did too. They've been talking about you ever since you walked out that door. \n\nAnyways, thanks for taking the time. Since you didn't pick up your commission, I took the liberty of signing over a few credits on behalf of the school. And I've taken your suggestion to heart. Next time I'll find someone more suitable for a classroom demonstration.\n\nRegards,\nTobias Gartner
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cult of Juno</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/cult_juno.png]]A reclusive fertility cult based on Scaffold 22, the Cult of Juno is the primary supplier of legally unburdened workers and voiders for the Church of Eden, various corporate entities, and - in rare cases - private customers.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tFounded by Helen Juno several centuries ago, the Cult of Juno is an officially recognized, secular offshoot of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] located on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. As with most cults and sects, particularly those in the past millenium, the rationale behind the Cult of Juno can be traced to the rise of corporate business venturies in the area, in the case of Juno these being the expansion of colonial mining operations by the [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]].<br><br>\n\nThis circumstance led to a high demand for a dedicated, motivated, educated, and disciplined colonial workforce which had few to no ties to other parts of the galaxy. Since persons who mached such high demands proved hard to locate, unofficial programs were launched to breed, raise, and train suitable colonists. Moral, personal, and mental issues associated with mass breeding however drove many members of these programs to search for spiritual guidance, which was to be found within the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<br><br>\n\nAs [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] operations expanded and selected breeders continued to join the ranks of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], demands were raised and a new modus operandi was adopted: the Cult of Juno would produce offspring, raise them according to the wishes of their prospective corporate or private buyer, and ultimately sell them in their early teens. This business model has proven an instant success, with the Cult of Juno supplying various well known corportions including the [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]], [[Athena Medical Inc|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]], and several others with disposable human bodies that are not afforded basic human rights until the terms of their sales contract are fulfilled.<br><br>\n\nPredictably, the Cult of Juno has been critized by many member of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and its Clergy, stating their methods are inhumane and immoral, sometimes going so far as to claim followers of Juno have deliberately whored themselves out to their corporate overlords. None the less, the Cult of Juno continues to endure, both due to its favorable standing amongst its corporate sponsors and the steady income it provides for both its members and the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $readCodexPages.demon = true>>\n\n<</nobr>><<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Demon</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_demon.png]]</div>Shizophrenic virtual entitiy created by repeated illegal neurological transferrense of consciousness to new host bodies, resulting in gradual loss of idenity. Invariably the victim and perpetrator of such transferrence become indistinguishable, resulting in a highly unstable and unpredictable personality that exibits traits which resemble those alledged to supernatural possession.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tDreamed up by the [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] of old, Demons - sometimes referred to as Daemons or Memnetic Demons - are shizophrenic virtual entities created by neurological transferrance of consciousness from one individual into the mind and body of another, thereby posessing the body of this person and "infecting" the mind with alien thoughts. While such a procedure is commonly believed to be a process of absolute control and utter dominance, scientific studies of this process reveal a far more lenient picture, wherein the consciousness of the assaulter becomes merged with that of his victim. While absolute control way be enforced for a limited period, the relationship almost always devolves into a schitzophrenic state, wherein only one consciousness may hold control of the "vessel" at one given point in time.<br><br>\n\nDue to this blending effect, a demon cannot possess individuals indefinitely without loosing its orinigal idenity in the "soup" of conscuiousnesses it aquires during this process of mental transfer. In most cases the number of "hops" a demon may make is limited to the dozens, with the average being thirty "hops" before its consciousness is ultmiately lost in the melange of minds, moralities and identities it has assimilated. This effect leads to the identification of such individials as "demons", as their minds begin to loose grasp on the corperal world and slip into an unreal state where multiple individuals are present at once, constantly bickering and vying for power over the coperal body they inhabit.<br><br> \n\nFor obvious reason, the process of transferred consciousness is outlawed by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and individuals known have to commited the crime of "posession" are sentenced to death - in their most recent body, while their old corperal forms are incinerated for security purposes. Few demons are known to have surived to this day and age, though the techniques required to create such an entity have not been forgotten by all - and it is rumored that some particularly powerful [[Witches|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] continue to survive as demons to this day.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Sphinx</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_sphinx.png]]</div>Generally believed to be entirely fictitious, the Sphinx is rumored to be the precursor of modern abominations - a humanoid creature fashioned by means and methods which defy the natural order. No positive proof of their existance has surfaced to date and most professionals consider this breed of abomination to be a hoax at most.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSometimes referred to as the First Abominations, Sphinxes are a fictitious generation of augmented hybrids that predate the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] Archives and are believed by sceptics to have existed thirteen thousand years ago. While many artistic renditions of the Sphinx survive to this day, no physical remains of such a creature have been identified, leading to the widely-held belief that Sphinxes were never more than fictional creatures. This theory is supported by their purported physical appearance, resembling antromorphic fetish-hybrids which remain popular to this day, and their supposed level of augmentation, claimed to include all manner of cybernetic and biosynthetic devices, from complex pheromone glands to digitally accelerated neuralprocessing chips.<br><br>\n\nLegends vary in the detail yet most describe the Spinx to be inhumanly intelligent, sadistically cruel, and virtually immortal. Most descriptions of the Sphinx also note their insatable appetite for sex and love for riddles so complex an unaugmented human could not hope to answer them. Physical appearance of the Sphinx on the other hand is a matter no two renditions agree upon. Some images portray these creatures as beautiful men and women with feline bodies while others depict shriveled, genderless figures with countless synthetically grown limbs attached in unnatural locations. In rare cases, Sphinxes are also shown to be wire-infested cyborgs fused into mechanical superstructures, though even the most ardant secptics tend to claim these are blatant hoaxes.<br><br>\n\nDespite scientific fact suggesting otherwise, numerous attempts to prove the existence of the Sphix have been made over the centuries. Most of these so-called studies have been proven to be hoaxes and, to this day, there is no evidence to suggest that these mythical creatures anything but the byproduct of fear of then-recently developed augmentative techniques and the surfacing trend of hybridization.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission3 eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission3 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area3'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area3'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.expandMission3 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#maintask-area3'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'zweilitask_area3'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<strong>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5>>Hunt for the Conspirators:\n\t\t<<else>>Identity of the Conspirators:\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</strong>\n\n\t<<if $hud.expandMission3>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase eq 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt seems I have a solid lead on whoever's behind this conspiracy now. \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Evidently Gal did some data brokering that was related to the theft of the Object.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>Some Data Broker at the Chapel on B29 was involved in the theft of the Object.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tMarisa's having the Religious Zone swept for potential threats and wants me along to check this fellow out. I'm to meet Jalkovski and the riot team at the B27 Tramway Station.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.zanexPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tWell, I spoke to <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal<<else>>that Data Broker<</if>> and it sounds like the Corbei family was involved in the theft of the Object. \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>Seems to match what I know about that Djinn and its involvement.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>Wonder if this has anything to do with that Djinn.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>> \n\t\t\t\t\tNot quite sure what that means in specifics though.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tBetter speak to Marisa about this.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.zanexPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo I talked with Marisa and it's all pointing to the Corbeis, who seem to have a Djinn in their employ. Marisa suggested I do some pre-op on this before I get involved so below are the notes on that:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'maintask_djinnotes'>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tSoon as I'm ready, I should head up to the Corbei residence. Marisa's offered Jalkovski as support. At any rate, plan is to enter the premises under pretense of hunting the Djinn and see if I can't find definitive proof the Corbeis are involved. Figure whatever I find should be reported back to Marisa.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo I heaed over to Corbei Tower to follow up and, by chance, happened to find the Object there. Stroke of luck if ever I had one. Looks like I'm near the end. Just gotta bring the thing back to Marisa so we can expose this charade. Or I could do what Corinthin 'warned' me to and hand it over at the Docks. I doubt that's a good plan.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tGot a promising lead from a not-so-promising source: the Sons of Kobol. Word is they know who's behind the theft of the Object. Or at least they implied they knew. Problem is they got a stake in the Docks and want my help to, well, gain access. I'm to meet them there ASAP. There'll probably be tension, to say the least.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis is getting weird. I followed through on that Kobol. Somehow a Paladin got killed by a Djinn back on Cubix and now it's tying back here, to the Corbei family (B3 residence?). <<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>Which matches with what I've been hearing so far but the new bit is: they probably have the Object.<<else>>Who may or may not be in posession of the Object.<</if>> Few notes on that Djinn here:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'maintask_djinnotes'>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAgreement is I head up to Corbei Tower and bring the Object back to the Kobols. Maybe that'll finally lead to some answers.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSo I heaed over to Corbei Tower and found the Object. Not sure what this means but Kobol had pretty damn accurate intel. Should probably bring this thing back to the Docks now. Might finally lead to some insight on what the hell's going on here.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 0>>I have no idea how the Object was stolen or by whom. Maybe I should've asked Zweili for more details but oh well. What I do know is that the old man doesn't trust Paladin Corinthin to look into the matter. So maybe the tin can was involved. \n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 1>>I'm kinda stumped at what happened to the Object. It was apparently being kept in the Vault - probably in the Cathedral of Beams - and might have been stolen by Paladin Corinthin and a small group of conspirators. I don't know. Zweili doesn't really know what happened either but it's pretty clear this didn't go down without help from within the Church.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 2>>I still don't know much about what happened to the Object but I'm pretty sure it was stolen by Raj Winston's brother, a man named Mauricio Winston. Maybe he was in league with Paladin Corinthin. Maybe not. I don't have any evidence to either regard. But there's one thin I am pretty damn certain of: Mauricio Winston wasn't himself when he stole the Object. Could be demonic involvement. I should look into this Mauricio guy. His body's at the morgue but he used to live on Level B10, Hab Block 12, Appartment 310.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 3>>Following the lead on Mauricio Winston, I ran into Paladin Corinthin. It wasn't any more pleasant than the last time. But we settled for a truce, though I'm pretty sure that's just 'cause he needs my help.\n\n\t\tAnyways, Corinthin says that Mauricio Winston stole the object. Apparently he was possessed at the time. Not sure what to think about that, especially cause the shining suit of armor says a Sphinx, of all things, did it. He pointed me to the Siren's Song on Level B10 and signed over a generous sum of credits to get me past the admittance fee. Maybe it's nothing but it's the best lead I got so, yeah, time to check it out.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 4>>Well, I talked to Ith the Sphinx. Yay. Real piece of work that one. And a real waste of time too; all I found out was what Paladin Corinthin already knew: the Spinx wasn't involved in the conspiracy - if it even is one. Still not sure on Corinthin but he's told me about a company called Athena Medical Ltd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tApparently they use pheromones for medical purposes (?) and just recieved a shipment that would cause the symptoms we saw in Mauricio Winston - neural decay, possession, etc. Anyways, the shipment's still being processed at the Level B40 docks. I should head down there and ask around. <<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 2>>Sounds suspiciously like this might be related to those shipments the Objective 22 rep said went missing.<<else>>Maybe there's something missing - or a breakin or theft that didn't get reported.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 5>>So I folowed the Athena Medical Ltd. lead and found a bunch of Syndicate 4 mercs cleaning house. No clue who they were working for but I found a note on a dock worker they iced. It had an address on it: B29-5121. On my way out of the docks I ran into Paladin Corinthin.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tReal piece of work that thing is but, yeah, it did save me from what might've been a Djinn. Only now it wants to use me as bait. I'm to go to Level B29, Unit 5121 and draw the Djinn out - somehow without dying in the process. This oughta be fun. Not.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.skippedAthena>>I was following up an unrelated lead when I ran into Paladin Corinthin in the Undersprawl Mausoleum. Seems there's a Djinn involved in this and that should - in theory - lead us back to who's responsible for the theft of the Object. Problem is I have to deal with a Djinn. Corinthin said I should do some reasearch, ask around if anyone knows anything.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tCorinthin and I tried to trap the Djinn in Hab Unit 5121. It didn't work. The damn thing almost killed me but ran away when Corinthin got close. Good news is I'm still alive. The bad news is that Unit 5121 was a dead end. The place was cleaned out - assuming there was ever anything there to begin with. So we're kinda back to square one but Corinthin said I should do some reasearch, ask around if anyone knows anything about the Djinn.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'maintask_djinnotes'>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tOnce I've got a clearer picture, I'm supposed to meet Corinthin at the Cathedral of Beams<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">> but I don't plan to do that. Soon as I got the bits and pieces together, this is going to Gal and the Cybercult. Just gotta get a clear picture - and find a few good sources who can confirm what's going on.<<else>>. He'll probably be doing his own - its own? - research on the matter. Sure hope this pans into something better than what we've got so far though beause, seriously? It feels like we're pullling at strings.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t\tI talked with Gal about the Djinn situation and he's fairly convinced it relates to the Corbei family and their residence on level B3. According to DarkNet sources, one of them is probably behind the conspiracy to steal the Object from the Church. Plan is to head up there, take a poke around, and bring back whatever I learn to the Cybercult, though Corinthin's warned me I'd be better report to him at the Docks - I somehow doubt that's a good idea. Anyways, notes on the Djinn below:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'maintask_djinnotes'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tI went to talk with Corinthin and Zweili at the Cathedral of Beams and it turns out they need my help one last time. My objective is the Corbei family residence on level B3. One of them is probably behind the conspiracy to steal the Object from the Church. I'm to go in under pretense of hunting the Djinn, retrieve Object 55316, and bring it back to Zweili, though Corinthin claims I'd be better advised to bring it to him at the Docks, for whatever reason.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare">>On the other hand, I could also turn it over to Lord Otto. Sure he'd be happy.<</if>> Not sure what to do, really. At any rate, I'll have to find some way to get up to Level B3, and then it should all be over. Oh, and just in case, my notes from earlier about the Djinn are copied below:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'maintask_djinnotes'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo I heaed over to Corbei Tower and, while poking around, found the Object I was looking for. Bit too much of a happy coincidence there. And I better have enough sources to back up whatever claims we make about this conspiracy or they'll just shoot us down. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase neq 12>>Also, I should make sure Warlock's taken care of - something about the Cryolounge on B10?<<else>>Also, Warlock's been taken care of so that's one less problem to worry about.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tAt any rate, the sooner we can expose this mess better. It won't be long before someone figures out what we're up to and tries to shut us down.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo I heaed over to Corbei Tower and got the Object. Finally. It looks like I'm near the end. Only question is who to hand it over to. Corinthin asked to meet me at the Docks.<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare" or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "impartial">>. Also, I could talk to Marisa about meeting Mr. Otto again.<</if>><<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">> Or I could just do the logical thing and take it back to Father Zweili at the Cathedral.<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 9>>(( TODO ))\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase gte 1 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase gte 4>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I followed up on the attack on the Riptide and, yeah, looks one hell of a lot like this Lord Otto - the Vampire I killed in his stupid-ass mansion - had something to do with the Object's theft. That or he was just pulling my leg but I doubt it. There's some connection here. Don't have any details but whatever. The bastard's dead and that's what matters most.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tOn a related note, Marisa seems pretty damned convinced that Zweili is involved with the conspirators and is using my services to cover his ass. Not sure that's actually the case but I sent him a message anyways. Want to confront the man myself before I make any hasty judgements.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tOn a related note, I followed up on Marisa's claims about Zweili. The guy and he offered an explanation. A tenuous explanation but I think he's telling the truth. Something about hunting monsters in the shadows and deception and, well, real shady stuff. Anyways, I think Marisa's trying to play me, turn me against Zweili. Better confront her on that.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tOn a related note, I followed up on Marisa's claims about Zweili. I talked to him and he spewed some crap about hunting monsters. Smoke and mirrors if you ask me. Zweili's guilty of something, probably more than he wants to admit. Problem is, I don't have much in way of hard evidence. Maybe Marisa can help me out there.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tOn a related note, I talked to Marisa about Zweili again. Obviously she's convinced he's the devil. But here's the kicker: she told me to head over to the Cult of Juno and ask around. Apparently that's supposed to open my eyes about the whole thing. Wonder if she even knows I'm a Juno kid? Anyways, might wanna take a look.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tOn a related note, I talked to Marisa about Zweili again. Think she was real glad I see it like she does. And she gave me a tip too: Cult of Juno. Apparently Zweili is deep in some shit with them - which is more than an odd coincidence, seeing as I'm a Juno kid. Anyways, I better look into it. Might just get some hard proof.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 6 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_machineroom.readDataPad and $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo lemme get this straight: Zweili sicced a bunch of radicals on the Cult of Juno to draw out a certain Mr. Burkins, whom the fanatics call the devil. I got no clue but it sounds a lot like one of those shady operations Zweili was talking about. <<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics>>Not sure shooting those fuckers was the best plan but I should really talk to him about this - get clear answers.<<else>>Better talk to Zweili about this before I make a mess of things.<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_machineroom.readDataPad and $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\tSo lemme get this straight: Zweili sicced a bunch of radicals on the Cult of Juno to draw out a certain Mr. Burkins, whom the fanatics think is the devil. I got no clue but it sounds real messed up to me. Plus, inncent peopele are getting hurt in the process - all because of Zweili. <<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics>>At least I killed those sick fucks. And this is a good start. Just need a little more dirt on Zweili from somewhere...<<else>>Maybe I shoulda killed those fanatics after all but whatever. This is a good start. Just need more dirt on Zweili now...<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tFollowing up on the Zweili affair, I talked to the Cult of Juno. Strange thing. Apparently they asked Zweili for help in dealing with some radicals - not sure if theophobes or fundamentalists - and he said he couldn't do anything so the Cult turned to a Mr. Burkins for aid. They think I was sent by him, which sounds like a good oppertunity to poke a little deeper. Maybe Zweili knows more?\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\tLord Otto <<if not $loc_machineroom.readDataPad>>fed me some bullshit about how<<else>>told me that<</if>> Zweili wants to take control of Scaffold 22. Some part of a greater plan to bring the Church back to power. Not sure it's true but Otto was right about one thing: we're in the last phase of this game. Soon a pawn will strike.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill">>And one did. At Otto's head. Not sure Zweili isn't guilty but that guy deserved it too.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare">>But not me, and not at Otto - not yet. Guy's got some shit that might be useful against Zweils if I need it.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "impartial">>Decided not to be that pawn though. Someone else can clean up this mess.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\tLord Otto confirmed my fears about Zweili: he's vying for control over Scaffold 22. Some part of a greater plan to bring the Church back to power. Not sure it's entirely true but Otto was right about one thing: we're in the last phase of this game. Soon a pawn will strike.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill">>And one did. At Otto's head. Not sure this was the best decision. Just have to ruin Zweils now too.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare">>But not me, and not at Otto - not yet. Guy's got a plan and it might just take down Zweili along the way.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "impartial">>Decided not to be that pawn though. Someone else can clean up this mess.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\tOkay, so I talked to Zweili about those fanatics and he explained: he wants to draw out one agent - this Mr. Burkins - to get at who's behind it; the monster he claims hired Marisa and Zanex. \n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics>>Unfortunately, since I offed all the guys in on the plan, that's a bust.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase lt 10>>Seems I'll have to go through Marisa after all.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10>>The only way at those folks seems to be through that shitty deal with Bob. Damn it.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>And, seeing as I fucked the deal with Bob, that's a bust too. Great. Dead end.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>He wants me in on it, to head over to Juno and get the real deal out of Burkins by any means. Gonna be nasty but this might be a ticket straight to whoever's behind this<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10>> - one that doesn't involve killing Raj<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 11 or $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 12>> - the only one left seeing as I screwed that deal with Bob up majorly.<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t\t\tLord Otto gave me some more stuff on Zweili: he wants to take control of Scaffold 22. Some part of a greater plan to bring the Church back to power. Not sure it's true but Otto was right about one thing: we're in the last phase of this game. Soon a pawn will strike. \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill">>And one did. At Otto's heart. The guy was obviously a maniac, trying to wind me up against Zweili.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare">>But not me, and not at Otto - not yet. Guy's a maniac but too useful to kill yet, even if he claims to have dirt on Zweils.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "impartial">>Decided not to be that pawn though. Someone else can clean up this mess.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\tOkay, so I talked to Zweili about those fanatics and he explained: he wants to draw out one agent - this Mr. Burkins - to get at who's behind it; the monster he claims hired Marisa and Zanex. Zweili's fanatic friends interrogated Burkins and it seems his employer is a certain Lord Otto, resitent of a huge mansion on Level B1. Heading down there now to kick the fucker in the ass.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13>>\n\t\t\t\tWent through with that thing Zweili arranged with the fanatics. The nutcases interrogated Burkins and it turned out his employer is a certain Lord Otto, resitent of a huge mansion on Level B1. I headed down there and kicked this 'Lord' - actually a Vampire - in the ass. Consider that one long overdue date with the graveyard arranged for.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 1>><br><br>\n\t\t\tOn a related note, Marisa seems pretty damned convinced that Zweili is using me. Probably just a personal grudge but still. It is a worrying throught. Should probably speak to the man.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 1 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase lt 13 and not ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 11 and $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13)>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tI've also been, ah, told that I'm working for the wrong "side" - whatever the sides even are - of this mystery by Marisa. She suggested I meet her employer. Seeing as they probably helped steal the Object, I'm not sure it's a good idea to walk into this unprepared and under-informed. Maybe I should ask Zweili about this before I take Marisa up on her offer.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tSo, I followed up on what Marisa said about being on the wrong "side" and Zweili suggested I ask a man named Fergus Amman about Marisa's employer. Apparently he frequents the cryolounge on the B10 Boulevard. Might be worth looking into before I take Marisa up on the offer to meet her employer. <<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2>>Assuming I even wanna get more involved in this smoke and mirrors crap, that is.<<else>>Best to know what I'm dealing with and I doubt Marisa will give me a straight answer - assuming she even can.<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tI found that Fergus Amman guy Zweili told me about and it definitely sounds like he knows about Marisa's employer. Thing is, he won't talk until I deal with this Xeno Garden / Cephanine affair. Not that he wants the wolfsquid dead, mind you. It's the warden that released it from the Xeno Garden down on B40 he's after. If I really wanna go through with this - and that's a big if - I'll have to head down, figure out which of the wardens that is, and take him out quiet like. He's asking straight up murder, this Amman guy. Not something to take lightly.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tSo I did that thing Mr. Amman wanted and killed the warden at the Xeno Garden. Hope he's happy now. Anyways, time to head back to the cryolounge on B10 and ask the dude what he knows about Marisa's employer. This better have been worth the blood on my hands...\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tWell, shit. I was about to get some answers from Mr. Amman when some damned assassin shows up. Spooked the guy real good. Good news is he's still ready to talk. I'm supposed to meet <<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 2>>the siren impersonating<</if>>him - or his associate - at the Riptide. I fucking well hope this intel on Marisa's employer is worth the trail of corpses it's leaving behind.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tOh, for fuck's sake. I figure out Amman's dead, confront the damn Siren impersonating him, and guess what? The fucking thing doesn't even know who it works for. Typical. <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13>>My best guess is it was Lord Otto but I have no way to prove that, really. Great.<<else>>But I know one thing: Marisa's employer is scared shitless like Zweili said. Figure I should tell Marisa what happened and meet that damn employer. Then I can settle this matter once and for all.<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\tThis just gets better and better. I'm so close to finding out who hired Marisa and that asshole Amman chickens out. Looks like I'm back to square one. <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13>>I can assume is Lord Otto hired Zanex to clean up this mess. But who knows if he was working alone?<<else>>No idea who hired Zanex or why, and no clue who to ask. Guess I'll just have to meet with the employer through Marisa if I really wanna know.<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\tI'm getting close to who's behind this. Spoke to a guy named Bob. He'll arrange a meeting but I gotta do something for him first: kill Raj Winston and the bitch Wilkin sold the Object to. Nasty business but yeah. <<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10 and $chr_raj.alive eq false>>Seeing as I've fulfilled the terms, I should speak to Marisa and have her message Bob. Hope this was worth all the bloodshed.<<else>>Once it's done I was told to speak to Marisa and she'll message Bob. Hope this is worth it.<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t\tDamn. I was so close to who's behind this. Spoke to a guy named Bob but he demanded terms that are way, way out of line - Raj Winston's life. That's too nasty even for me. Not sure where to go from here - maybe follow up on some other leads instead?\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\tBob's request about Raj - I tried to do it but I couldn't. Poor fellow doesn't deserve to die. Not that way, which means the deal with Bob is off and I got no leads on who organized this shit. Not sure where to go from here - maybe follow up on some other leads instead?\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 98>><br><br>\n\t\tWell, I discovered through a roundabout route that the affair with Object 55316 is related to the 'Visionary' movement. Wanted to figure out the connection but it got too insane. Had the Purifiers wipe them out. Safer for everyone like this.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Oger Issues<br>\n\tClient: Mark<br>\n\t<<if $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase lt 2>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase eq 2>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tMark from the B33 Scrap Yard sent me a message, saying they've got an Oger problem. Figure I could make some quick credits if I head down and solve the issue for him. Doubt they'll find another hunter so quickly.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_scrapyard.killedAbomination>>\n\t\t\t\tI took care of that Oger problem for Mark. Figure the Scrap Yard is safe now. No clue what the monster was doing there. Don't want to know either. Maybe it was just looking for a home...\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tWell, I followed up on that Oger problem for mark but didn't kill the Oger. Beast is basically dead anyways. Decaying badly. Figure it'll die in a few days at most. The Yard workers can handle it then.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The Siren's Song</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\nA reputable Fetish Club located not far from the B10 Tramway Station, the Sirens Song is an exotic party and pleasure venue which caters primarily to middle class citizens. Club policy demands a strict income control and any patron who is not part of a hybrid race can be expected to be subject to additional admittance checks, assuming one is even allowed to enter the premises.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Siren's Song is a Fetish club at the [[Level B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] that offers exotic services ranging from mundane to downright alient. Official club policy demands adherence to a strict dress code and all prospective patrons must prove they possess a minimum of four thousand credits before they may enter, making it both an exclusive - and strict - venue by all standards.<br><br>\n\nLike most fetish clubs, the Siren's Song is visited almost exclusively by the social elite and well-off hybrids. Organic and augmented humans not accustomed to hybrid races frequrntly report the environment in this establishment to be uncomfortable. More open-minded individuals will find the club to be a melting pot of various hybrid cultures and mentalities that is not limited to the unusual physical appearance of its guests and employees. \n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Cargo Docks</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>Run by the Wilkin-Harper Shipping Company, the Level B40 Docks are a major shipping hub and economic center on Scaffold 22. They are known for unusually low berthing tarifs and their shady security policy.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Level B40 Docks are a commercial void-shipping hub owned and operated by the Wilkin-Harper Shipping Company. Emplyoying some thirty thousand workers and capable of berthing between two and three hundred vessels at any given time, the B40 Docks are the primary source of import and export in B Sector. Due to their association with Wilkin's Raptors and the partial ownership by Mr. Xavier Wilkin, the Docks have also become known as a haven for black-market traders and smugglers who are seldom persecuted, provided docking fees and protection money can be paid.<br><br>\n\nTheir dubious reputation aside, the Level B40 Docks are among the most lucrative businesses in B Sector, generating more cyclic revenue than any other venture in the lower B Levels. The Wilkin-Harper Shipping Company is also ranked among the best employers in the district, offering employe benefits and compensation unheard of elsewhere in the Downs, as the lower B Levels are referred to by the locals. Consequently, the Level B40 Docks have become a symbol of prestige and hope for many locals, who are otherwise condemned to the harsh conditions of daily life in the Downs.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Constabulary</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/constabulary.png]]Responsible for law enforcement on Scaffold 22, the Constabulary is a Church-sponsored agency that works closely with various local subcontractors to ensure public safety and enforce Church Law.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tThe Saint Michael Constabulary of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], referred to by locals simply as the Constabulary, is the [[Church-funded|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] public law-enforcement agency of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Responsible for public safety and security in five hundred and seventy individual jurisdictions, the Constabulary employes some fifty thousand officers - referred to as constables - and operates numerous sub-divisons that range from traffic enforcement to criminal investigation. As a [[Church-funded|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] organization, the Constabulary is founded on the principles of [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], though numerous additions to these basic provisions have been arranged to account for circumstances caused by the sheer number of citizens living on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tMost notable of these additions is the Constabulary's right to delegate law-enforcement of a specific jurisdiction to a third party - almost always a private security contractor or reputable mercenary group - insofar as the third party conducts business in accordance with [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Critics of this mechanism often claim - with good reason - that the Constabulary abuses the right to delegation to dodge responsibility for jurisdictions where law enforcement would be problematic or dangerous due to prevailant criminal activity or frequent gang violence. Proponents of the mechanism on the other hand claim that the Constabulary is merely doing its best to ensure public safety without over-extending the limited resources the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] has historically allocated them.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAnother point of great controversy in regard to the Saint Michael Constabulary of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] is their lenient escalation policy with the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. While exact claims vary from case to case, the common tone is that the Saint Michael Constabulary of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] is all too ready - some would even say eager - to delegate menial tasks to the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], which then cracks down on even minor criminal offenses with overwhelming and indiscriminate physical force. Naturally the Constabulary disputes these claims, as does the local Clergy, however the sheer number of [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] sightings on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] make these accusations hard to ignore.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tInconsistencies and dubies policies aside, surveys indicate that the general public views the Saint Michael Constabulary of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] as a necessity of life on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and that, despite all the organization's shortcomings, life on the superstation would be unimaginable without the dedicated efforts of the brave men and women who risk their lives for the saftey of the many.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_meet">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> RE: Your Message\n\nVine,\n\nI shall be preaching the Word of Eden at the B27 Chapel for the forseeable future. Please be discrete upon arrival.\n \nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili\n\n----\n\nZweili,\n\nWe have to meet. It's urgent.\n\nVine
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_corinthin_warning">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> A Warning\n\nVine,\n\n<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>It reaches me that you "investigate" via alternative means. The Corbei involvement must be known. That is evident. In case of forthcoming evidence, we should converse. The B40 docks. Do not be foolish. Realize more is at stake. Act responsibly.\n\nA "Friend"<<else>>Understand that your decision to abandon your "investigation" will not be without consequences. If you have faith, pray our paths never cross. Otherwise, you are permitted to cower in fear. Know now and for all time that this treachery will never be forgotten.\n\nA "Friend"<</if>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Sons of Kobol</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/sons_of_kobol.png]]Pan-galactic crime syndicate known equally for its violent modus operandi and unrivaled reach. Believed to possess assets on every major hab platform and world.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tBelieved to have been founded several millenia ago, the Sons of Kobol are the galaxy's largest and most persistent crime syndicate, best known for its extensive use of violence. The exact extent of the organization's reach and influence is difficult to guage, not the least due to their secretive nature, yet it is suspected that the SOK operates biochem labs and pirate enterprises on virtually every world and hab platform in the galaxy.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFar more easily asserted are the Sons of Kobol's preference to violent resolutions. The organization is known to employ a number of assassins and has ties to several criminalized mercenary outfits and local gangs. The notoreity of these assets however plaes in comparison to the bloodthirsty reputation of the Blood Suns, a mercenary group which openly associates with the Sons and operates almost exclusively in their iconic [[Hellstorm Armor|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Hellstorm Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDespite repeated efforts by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and the [[Corproate Hegemony|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Corproate Hegemony"]], both the Sons of Kobol and their notorious Blood Sun mercenaries continue to elude justice in any significant manner. While low-level arrests are common and many illegal enteprises have been shut down, the Sons of Kobol continue to operate almost undeterred, leading some to claim they are in fact the true power on the streets in the contemporary galaxy.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>The EPROM</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\nA cypher club hidden away in the back alleys of Level B33, the EPROM is a venue frequented by those who associate with the Neorave and Cyber subcultures. House policy refuses admittanec to individuals unable to neurologically link to the club's data network.<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tSituated in the back alleys of [[B33 Block|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]], the EPROM is the only cypher club located in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] and considered by many in the applicable scene to be the premnier cyberculture and neorave location on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The club is known for a strict non-tolerance policy toward those outside their subculture, requiring cybernetic enhancements at a bare minimum, but otherwise boasts a friendly and non-confrontational atmosphere.<br><br>\n\nThose unused to the subculture however may find the habitual practices of the EPROM unsettling or disturbing. The main attraction is the club's fully automated cypher-dance arena that, while considered dangerous by those unused to its operation, is among the most sophisticated on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Notably, though it does possess a bar, alcoholic beverages are not served at or permitted in the EPROM, though biochems and pills can often be purchased on site according to most locals.<br><br>\n\nUniquely, the EPROM premises are exempt from [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] due to a controversial fluke in the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Zoning Rights Management System which declares the club's location - technically part of the habitation platform's unpressurized superstructure - part of the pan-galactic void. This convenient 'error' is believed by many to have been deliberately caused by the Cybercult, whose crowd funded subsidies alledgedly allowed the EPROM to come about in the first place. No proof of these claims has surfaced to date however and the EPROM is likely to remain little-known yet highly respected counterculture venue for many years to come.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'HUD_CodexBackButton'>><strong>Vampire</strong>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_CodesHalfImage'>[>img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_vampire.png]]</div>Having achieved near-immortality through extensive use of cryogenics and blood-based regeneratives, Vampires are ancient humans who have long outlived their natural lifespan. These abominations are physically frail, often sickly in appearance, and prone to health complications outside their specifically crafted lairs. Few - if any - are believed to endure in this day and age.<br><br>\n\n<span class='redcolor'>Immunity:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='yellowcolor'>Strength:</span> n/a<br>\n<span class='greencolor'>Weakness:</span> n/a<br><br>\n\n\t<div id='codex-expand-area' class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone HUD_PdaDisplayZoneCodex'>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'><<click 'Show More'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#codex-expand-area'>>\n\t\t\t\tVampires are humans who have achieved a tentative state of immortality through extended use of cryogenic freezing and cellular regeneratives, a practice common before the rise of the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Contrary to what many laymen claim however, vampires do not suck blood to sustain their bodies.<br><br>\n\nThe association of this particular abomination with the name Vampire stems from the fact that extensive use of cryogenics damage the body beyond the point where it can regenerate naturally, which also affects the body's ability to produce new blood cells. Therefore frequent infusions of blood laced with regenerative substances are required to sustain the abominated human, leading to the perception that Vampires 'drink blood' to remain alive.<br><br>\n\nBeyond their unnatural longivety and frequently grisly appearance however, Vampires count among the least dangerous abominations known to the galaxy. They are physically weak, require expensive cryogenic equipment to endure the ages, and are seldom augmented as their decrepit bodies frequently reject implants. This circumstances force the vampire into a solidary life, bound to meticulously crafted environments that suit their needs.<br><br>\n\nNone the less, historic records show that many Vampires overcame their physical limitations through wealth, influence, and experience gained over many lifetimes. They were long known as talented manipulators; masters of deciet, intrigue, and subterfuge. Today however, the threat posed by Vampires has dwindled to the realm of forgetabillity, having been classified as abominatoins by the Clergy and hunted to extinction by the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Paladin Order"]].<br><br>\n\nFew if any of these creatures remain alive and those who do take extreme care to remain out of public sight, hoping in vain for a day and age where they can publically unveil their eternal lives without fear of persecution. Unless such a time comes, the modern Vampire will remain but a pale ghost of past grandeour, ranked well below even contemporary [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] on a scale of threats to galactic stability.\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>></div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = false>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.raj eq true>>\n\t- Raj said that Djinn are historically impossible to kill; nuking their ships was the only commonly acceptable strategy. Sounds like an army of them would make for vicious foot soldiers<br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.ith eq true>>\n\t- Ith said Djinn are not inhumanly resillient. A toxin or gas could be used to knock it out. Alternatively, force it to negotiate by threatening its master. Don't kill master. Makes it unpredictable.<br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.foundAltar eq true>>\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t- Turns out the construction site was an okay lead after all. The altar there was being used to control Wraiths by the Eresi bitch.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t- Turns out the construction site might have been an okay lead after all. The alter there might be a communication device of sorts.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t- Turns out the construction site was a false lead. There was just a Wraith there and some strange altar. Waste of damn time.\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.skippedWraith>>\n\t\t- Turns out the construction site was a false lead. There was just a Wraith there. No Djinn; complete waste of time.\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.lalina eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.wilkin eq true>>\n\t\t\t- \n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.lalina eq true and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.wilkin eq true>>Lalina and Mr. Wilkin both\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.lalina eq true>>Lalina\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.wilkin eq true>>Mr. Wilkin\n\t\t\t<</if>> mentioned a supernatural haunting that sounded like a Djinn. Construction site on Level B33. Figure I should take a look\n\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t- I got some highly suspect intel that says the Corbei family is infested with a Namaz demon that controls a Djinn. <<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>Got another source to back this theory up too. Insane.<<else>>Not gonna bring this up unless I can corroberate it though.<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true>>\n\t- Celena insists the Djinn is working for the Corbei family (Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group). They're genetically bound to a given master. She also offered to help me take the thing down if we go head to head again<br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true>>\n\t- Marisa says she ran into a Djinn while working an Erkan-Corbei black op related to the Church investigating Quantus VII. Bit too much of a coincidence if you ask me<br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>\n\t- The Sons of Kobol has a fairly clear lead that points to the Djinn is connected Corbei family (Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group)<br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.siren eq true>>\n\t- The Siren had little to say about the Djinn beyond that they have an aversion to technology<br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.anska eq true>>\n\t- Anska said something about Athena Medical looking into a way to control a Djinn. Sounded like there's a lab on the upper levels. I should probably ask around.<br>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.hasAnyDjinnInfo>>\n\t- I was attacked by a Djinn and know nothing meaningful about it yet. I should ask around for more informaiton.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Abominable Issue<br>\n\tClient: Lilly Vau<br>\n\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase lt 5>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 5>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tA certain Lilly Vau contacted me regarding an abomination problem on Level B30. Apartment 85325. Might be a paying job worth looking into.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_combat_intro.mainPhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\tI checked up on that abomination issue at Apartment 85325 on B30. No clue what I'm dealing with. Lilly doesn't know. Figure I should come prepared for anything.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tI dealt with that issue at Apartment 85325 on B30. Wasn't an abomination though, just a Ratroach. It's deada now.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tSo, I was going to check up on that bomination issue at Apartment 85325 on B30, but no. Place is a blood bath now. Decided it's best to just stay away from the whole thing.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_summon">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Urgent Contact Request\n\nVine,\n\nForgive my forwardness yet I require your assistance. Please make time to meet me outside the Cathedral of Beams, Level B14 entrance. Come alone. \n\nIf you do not respond, I will be forced to contact the Constabulary and request they bring you in for questioning. It gives me no pleasure to do yet this is an urgent matter that cannot wait. I must speak to you. Now.\n \nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_fisher_jewler">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> IMPORTANT! READ!!!\n\nVine!\n\nDamn it. Had to register a new fucking accoutn undre new nme just to write you this siht. In a hurry. Found something. Still pisse about what happened with Riptide. But okay. Okay? This is fuckign important. Meet at Timmeon Jewlery on B10 (Boulevard side). Be there soon. We got real problem here.\n\nThe Fish
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_varai_mission">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>Vessel 5987987761\n\n<<firstname>> Acrel,\n\nI am writing you to inform you that the Commisariat officially requests your assistance in the matter of the incident aboard Vessel 5987987761. Specifically, we are investigating a possible connection to witchcraft-based technology and would appreciate your expertise in these matters. Please meet me outside the construction site on Level B33 at your earliers convenience.\n\nCordially,\n\nCommisaria Varai\nSt. Luciferius Commisariat\nB14 - Cathedral of Beams\nScaffold 22
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Real Important Shit<br>\n\tClient: Fisher<br>\n\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase lt 4>>Priority: High<<elseif $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tJust got a real urgent message from Fisher. Not sure what it's about but I bet it's related to those Zanex thugs. Anyways, he says meet him at some jewler on B10 and be there soon. Given how bad we parted ways last time, I'm gonna wager a guess and say this really is damned important.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 2>>So I met Fisher at that jewlery store and figured out what it's about: a Siren is impersonating Mr. Amman. Damn thing must've been hired by Marisa's employer. Gonna head back to the Riptide with Fisher and confront that thing. Maybe we'll finally get some answers.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 3>>I confronted the Siren with Fisher but it didn't know shit. Wasn't worth killing. Fisher wasn't happy about that. Not sure I am either but the Siren said I should meet it - Appartment 124661 in the B30 Block. Might be worth the while. Maybe.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 4>>I met with the Siren. Sly bastard (bitch?) that one. Anyways, I'll not be killing the thing - yet. Might change my mind someday. But I got the feeling it might be a useful asset to keep around. Especially now that Fisher hates my guts.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98>>I confronted the Siren with Fisher. It didn't know shit but at least it's dead. Good riddance.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 99>>Well, looks like I missed Fisher. No clue what that shit was about.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: A Small Issue<br>\n\tClient: Petrovic<br>\n\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lt 6 or $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 98>>Priority: Low<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 6>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tPetrovic's asked me to meet him to deal with a small issue. Not sure what it is but it may be related to abomination. Dunno why else he'd contact me.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tWell, turns out that Petrovic has an abominable job in the Junctions below the Bazar. There's a utility panel that leads down. Not sure what this thing might be but he's convinced it's down there. And is paying to have me take it out.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 4>>I headed down into the Junction passages, found a Banshee, and killed it. Guess that accounts for the abomination Petrovic was talking about. Hopefully. Better head back and tell him the good news.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 5>>(( TEMP / PLACEHOLDER ))\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 6>>Well, looks like that thing down in the Junction is solved. Shouldn't be any more problems. I hope. I really hate Banshees.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 98>>Well, I found a Banshee down in the Junction passages but had to bug out. Thing came out of nowhere. Might be able to catch it again. Maybe.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>><div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Coven Investigation<br>\n\tClient: Anska<br>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Priority: Medium<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>I asked Anska if she knows where to find the Witches Coven. She asked for a large sum of credits before telling me they gather on Level B40, Storeroom 367, just outside the docks. I should take a look around and see if I can't learn anything useful.</div>
/%<<if >><div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><</if>>%/<<silently>>\n<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lte 6>>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 7>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase gt 0 and $job_coven.mainPhase lte 2>>\n\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 3>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 2>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 2>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong> [address invalid]\n<strong>To:</strong> [address invalid]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Service Request\n\nWilkin isn't taking jobs anymore so we'll be needing your services. Already cleared the deal with Desvhar. The job's simple: head down to B40-367 and take care of everyone you find. There's no need to be discrete. Just make sure to be thorough. We can't afford any mistakes. \n\nYou'll be wired the arranged ammount when the job's done.
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_mission_undersprawl">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Undersprawl Incident\n\nVine,\n\nI was recently approached by an agent of the Purifier Order. He said you were spotted within the quarantined area of the Undersprawl and wished to inquire about a related matter. I was not told what. The inquirer was a Scribe-Brother by the name of Jal Xuhe. Records indicate he is stationed at the Quarantine Line on Level B30. \n\nNaturally, I caution you in dealing with agents of any Ordus Militanti, yet it might be in your interest to investigate the matter. I found it all highly unusual and could not glean any insight from the Purifier General or any other official office. Perhaps it is a matter outside of official channels?\n \nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_mission">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> About Object 55316\n\nVine,\n\nI cannot tell you much regarding object 55316 beyond that it was recovered from a mining colony named Quantus VII roughtly one galactic standard year ago. Naturally, the reasons its importance to the Church are not something which can be shared with an external contractor. Know however that recovery of this object is of highest priority, superseding all other concerns.\n\nAttached below is the original message I recieved.\n \nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili\n\n----\n\n<strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Fwd:</strong> Urgent - Concerning Object 55316\n\nTo all whom it may concern, \n\nIt has come to our attention that the artefact designated Object 55316 has disappeared from the Vault of Eden. Evidence recovered from the scene suggests the work of agents hostile to the Church, most likely aided by conspirators within the Clergy. We cannot stress enough how important it is that this artefact be reclaimed before it can be moved off-station. Anyone in possession of any information regarding this theft is kindly asked to step forward. \n\nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nMarkus Polmer
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_cathedral_hack">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>Of Relevance\n\n<<formalname>>,\n\nKulli Zweili asked me to contact you. It pretains to the theft you are investigating, specifically the cryptomancery that made it possible to remove the stolen item without our security systems being able to record or identify the perpetrator.\n\nWe now know the attack was a two-phased process using a most unique insertion vector. Key to this was a customized HailBorne Node - you may not know; these are used to test circuitry intended to be used in or near REACH technology, and the Cathedral routinely stress-tests its circuits for REACH interference - which was injected into the Cathedral's maintenance cycle by unknown means. The device was, as part of a scheduled stress test, retrieved by a maintenance unit and installed as per routine instructions. No errors were logged. Our maintenance protocol indicates this transpired several hours before the actual theft took place.\n\nThe HailBorne now performed a standardized sub-null propagation test, de-synching the circuitry near the Vault of Eden for 51:54:33 GST and causing the expected emergency bypasses and backups to engage. What we discovered however is that the HailBorne was configured to embed the runtimes of a Xjanu-4 intrusion agent (code proprieror being Maiwan Cybertech Inc.) directly into our circuitry. The intrustion was impossible to detect due to the fact that, under conditions of the sub-null test, none of the affected systems were operable (as is to be expected), and upon conclusion of testing, the Xjanu spontaneously came into existence, fully functional, on our system, thereby bypassing all security routines and hardening precautions.\n\nIt is worth noting that the technology used in this assault, while technically legal, was configured in such a manner that it borders witchcraft and cryptosorcery. Moreover, the components would be unauthorized for use by anything below a Class 6 Sanctioned Cybersmith (or similar tech expertise grade). We have been in contact with Maiwan Cybertech and HailBorne Industries regarding the precise technology used, and it appears the device & intrusion agent were legitimately aquired by a local vendor here on Scaffold 22. I have copied the address below: \n\nAshlake-TP Cyberware\nLevel B29 Bazar\n4185-589185\nSanctioned Reseller\n\nIf you have time, I kindly request you investigate this angle. Also, please forgive the lengthy description. The intricasies of this attack needed adequate description, and I believe you will now understand our acute worry, considering this intrusion was achieved by borderline heretical means. We have discussed it internally at length and, while I am of the oppinion that any Cybersmith versed in heretical arts could have orchastrated this, there are many voices in the Temple who insist nothing short of a Witch Queen could have modified a HailBorne node to such abominable extents.\n\nLoving Stars Guide,\n\nPeter Mubavi\nMachine Priest\nCathedral of Beams\nScaffold 22
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "job_boulevard_done">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>Many Thanks\n\nDear <<formalname>>,\n\nMany thanks for your assistance with the issue at our Cryogenics Lounge on Level B10. An unfortunate affair on all accounts and, naturally, I encourage you to follow up on the matter. Should you however not produce further results, I shall consider the investigation concluded. The culprit was dealt with and, while there may have been ulterior motives, I am doubtful it was more than coincidence. At the very least, I cannot imagine any reason someone would have deliberately unleashed a supernatural horror on our premises, and believe me when I say I am a suspicious man, <<formalname>>.\n\nFurthermore, I have taken the liberty of signing the comission over to your personal account. I believe this is satisfactory compensation for the time spent and risks involved. As a pan-galactic venture, I must also inform you that Icefall Cryogentics expects all our subcontractors to adhere to Church Law in relation to privacy in business transactions, though should you require a letter of reference for any future employ, Icefall Cryogenics will of course vouch for your professional integrity and competence.\n\nSincerest Regards,\n\nJonas Harper\nDirector of Security\nIcefall Cryogenics\nScaffold 22
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase gte 1 and $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase lt 98>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\t\tTask: Theophobic Influence<br>\n\t\tClient: Fisher\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase lt 98>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tWilkin asked me to follow up on another lead to Zanex. A certain Mr. Amman might know more. He can probably be found at the Cryolounge on B10.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tMr. Amman's assistant told me the attack on the Riptide is somehow connected to the Cult of Juno. What the fuck? Weird. I should check up on the claim though.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\tTo no great surprise the Cult of Juno was a bit of a dead end. Mean, really? Why would a sanctioned Cult be working with theophobic radicals? This investigation is making no sesne at all.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\tWow. I finally pieced the Riptide mess together. Zweili is in league with both sides. Theophobic radicals on one hand. Religious zealots on the other. My guess? He wants the Object for himself. Bastard really is tricker than I thought.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\tWilkin asked me to follow up on another lead to Zanex. But no way. I tried once but now I am done with that man. Let the Raptors figure it out. That's what he keeps them around for, after all.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\t\tWilkin asked me to follow up on another lead to Zanex. I tried but this Amman fellow wasn't there. Got no leads on him. At all. Damn.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\t\tTask: Theophobic Influence<br>\n\t\tClient: <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase gte 1>>Wilkin<<else>>Fisher<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98 and $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 0) or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 99 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 99>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><<else>>Priority: Medium<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 1>>>Wilkin asked me to help figure out who sent Zanex after the Riptide but fuck that. I am done with that man. I am done with his problems. Let the Raptors figure out who the hell is fucking with them. I don't have time for that crap.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 2>>Wilkin asked me to help figure out who sent Zanex after the Riptide and I agreed to force some intel out of this corpo 'rep' they sent. Once I know who's behind it I'm supposed to head out there and kick their asses. Will be good to get payback.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 3>>Wilkin asked me to help figure out who sent Zanex after the Riptide and I agreed to force some intel out of this corpo 'rep' they sent. Turns out he works for a certain Mr. Otto who lives way, way up in the center of Scaffold 22, right near the core. There's a utility door behind the mansion which should allow for easy access. Code is supposedly 415661. Just hope this isn't a trap.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4>>Wilkin asked me to help figure out who sent Zanex after the Riptide and I agreed to force some intel out of this corpo 'rep' they sent. Turns out he works for a certain Mr. Otto who lives way, way up in the center of Scaffold 22, right near the core. I headed down there and iced the bastard - turns out it was a Vampire at that. Figure that's one matter settled. Can't say I'm glad the fucker's gone.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 99>>Wilkin asked me to help figure out who sent Zanex after the Riptide and I agreed to force some intel out of this corpo 'rep' they sent. Problem was, he wasn't talking and I'd have had to get real nasty to make him speak. Couldn't do it after all. Unfortunate but, eh, better than more blood on my hands.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 99>>Fisher asked me to help him deal with some trouble from these Zanex goons but I had to turn him down. Not enough time. More pressing issues.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98>>Some real nasty shit went down at the Riptide - bunch of Zanex mercs under one of my former kids' command burst in and threatening to ice everyone. I helped Fisher get the situation back under control but it looks like the kid can handle himself on his own now. Better stay out of it from here on, just in case the situation doesn't blow over.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\tFisher told me about some trouble he and the Raptors have been having with these Zanex goons. Says they've been killing boys and making threats. According to Fisher, they might be based somewhere down in B40, near the Docks. At least that's the last place anyone saw 'em.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tNot sure what this is about - or whether I'll find anyhting down on B40 - but I figure it's worth looking into, if just to help the poor kid out.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I checked out the tunnels around B40 like Fisher asked and, well, I found something. Turns out there were Zanex goons down there. Looks like they ran into a Cephanine and got their asses handed to them. Whatever. Good news is the bastards are dead.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tBad news is they sent some dude named Jalkovski back to their client to tell them what happened - minus the Cephanine part, I guess. No clue who Jalkovski is or where he is but I figure I should head back to the Riptide and tell Fisher either way. He'll be happy to know those Zanex assholes are dead.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\tSo I ran into Marisa and her brother at the Riptide. Wondered what had happened to them but never figured they were Division contractors. Anyways, Zanex moved in took down Wilkin with one hell of a big hammer. Don't know why but Marisa was way pissed at the man. Sounded like it might - maybe - have something to do with the job Zweili hired me for. Marisa said something about hearing her version of it all. Not sure I should do that after seeing her blow Wilkin's brains out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tNot that I'm sad that he's gone - always was a slimeball - but the whole thing's got me worried. Doesn't help that Fisher's pissed at me too for letting the Raptors down. But what the fuck was I supposed to do? Go up against battle-hardened mercs with a few street kids? Great fucking plan that.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 4>>Turned out talking with Marisa wasn't such a bad idea after all. Got a whole bunch of new intel on the Object 55316 deal. Also got a whole bunch of questions I'd like to ask a few folk along the way. But yeah, looks like the Riptide is officially Division property now. Never thought I'd see the day. Makes me wonder how the Raptors are gonna take that crap.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_fundingcut">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Breech of Contract\nVine,\n\nI regret to inform you that you, due to your recently expressed commitment to the Lavandri Deathmatch Arena, have breeched the terms of your employment contract. Given this unexpected development, the Church of Eden can no longer be associated with your person. I do hope your chosen carreer proves successful - and provides the results youd desire. Perhaps we can speak again in future. For the time being however, I am forced to terminate all outstanding payments for your services and annull any agreement we may have reached in the past.\n\nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_abomination_comission">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> In Gratitude\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>Dear <<firstname>>,\n\nIt was my utmost pleasure to meet you in person. As agreed, I have transferred a comission of 19'500 Credits to your personal account in return for the 'favor' we spoke of. Furthermore, I have let rumor of your affiliation slip into certain communication channels. You may also wish to know I shall be visiting the Corbei Residence at the Level B10 Crossroads Should you require further assistance in any regard, I would be delighted to recieve you.\n\nKindest Regards,\n\nXarea<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "power">>Dear <<formalname>>,\n\nAs arranged, I have transferred a comission of 15'000 Credits to your personal account in return for the agreement we spoke of. Furthermore, I have made rumor of your affiliation known in all channels available to me. I hope you find the weight of my influence beneficial to all your endeavors.\n\nCordially,\n\nXarea Corbei<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "status">>Dear <<formalname>>,\n\nAs arranged, I have transferred a comission of 15'000 Credits to your personal account in return for the agreement we spoke of. Furthermore, I redeeded the lease for the Corbei Residence at the Level B10 Crossroads to your name as a gesture of appreciation. I hope you find it to your liking.\n\nCordially,\n\nXarea Corbei<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "nocare">>Dear <<formalname>>,\n\nAs arranged, I have transferred a comission of 19'500 Credits to your personal account in return for the agreement we spoke of. It was quite an intriguing encounter we shared. I am curious what shall come of your newfound conviction.\n\nCordially,\n\nXarea Corbei<</if>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_mission_cybercult">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 8>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong> G1v.L85£@ERESIV:37897977\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>May need Ya\n\n<<firstname>>,\n\nMay need your help. Relates to that thing we talked about, the potential source with intel on Warlock? It panned out. Lag did the meet and headed up to B10 to check out the Cryolunge. \n\nThat was six hours ago. Haven't heard back. Tracer's fallen off the Net too. Got me kinda worried over here. Think you could poke around, make sure all's okay?\n\nGal
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_zweili_commisariat">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Commisariat Incident\n\nVine,\n\nI heard of the recent incident with the Commisariat and the Knights of Eden. <<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityMessage eq 999>>It was good you reacted in relative calm. There will no doubt be an investigation yet your actions were well in line from what the Paladin told me and charges will likely be dropped. Alas, I will be forced to deduct a small ammount from your salary to cover this, ah, unfortunate mess.<<else>>It was unwise to react so excessively. I will take the matter up with the investigative committee yet expect there to be a considerable reduction in salary at the very least. The Paladin's influence however will likely spare you more grievous charges. For that we can be thankful.<</if>>\n\nI also ask you take more care in future. Your reputation as well as that of the Church are at stake. We cannot afford additional complications in the current situation.\n \nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nFather Zweili
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Syndicate 4 Issue<br>\n\tClient: None<br>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase lt 5>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 99>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tI keep running into these damned Syndicate 4 mercs ever since I fucked with them down at the Docks. Thought it was just pure revenge until this last group. Found a dpad that mentioned their priority is the safety of the Baibirack Facility. No clue what that is but I bet I should look for it. Maybe one of the barkeeps around knows something.\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tSo I hear Syndicate 4 has been kicking around the B10 Crossroads - and that the Baibirack Facility has something to do with Athena Medical, which can't be good. Anyways, I figure I should poke around the Crossroads. If S4 is anywhere there in force, they can't be that hard to find.\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tAll right. I found the Syndicate 4 base at the Crossroads and cleared it out. Againt here was mention of the Baibirack Facility - and some benefactor. But I got no clue who that is or where the facility is. Looks like another damned dead end. What the fuck are these guys up to? And where am I gonna get more intel on them?\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tGood news. I'm finally a little closer to where this damned Baibirack Facility is. A bunch of S4 mercs who had a go at me were under orders to bring me - dead or alive - to Landing Pad 4000151 on Level B40. Hell knows what this is about. I just know that the 'associate' wants my corpse for something. Maybe to gloat? Either way, this is the best lead I got so far.\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tWell, I totaled the Baibirack Facility and everyone inside. Fuck knows what they were doing but I <<if $loc_syndicate_facility.killedResearcher>>found some insane geneticist and killed him<<else>>found some insane geneticist and spared him.<</if>> I also ran into a freaky, Djinn-like abomination that tried to take me down. It's dead now and I got the feeling that place is toast, at least until someone starts scavenging from it. But whatever. I am so done with this crap. \n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 99>>So I have no idea how or where those Syndicate mercs were operating from. Or what the Briaback Facility really was. But I managed to get an Athena exec to look into the matter and shut the shit down. Haven't been attacked yet. Let's keep our fingers crossed.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Corpo Conference<br>\n\tClient: Zweili<br>\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase lt 6>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 6 or $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 98>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<else>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tZweili messaged me about a corporate conference going down at the Cryolounge on B10 (Boulevard side). One of his contacts (?) will meet me there, though the old man said I should dress apropriately. Chances I'll learn anything specific about the attack on the Riptide are slim but still. Maybe I should take a look around?\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tI visited that corporate conference Zweili mentioned was going down. Weird place. Haven't got any new leads from it. Yet. Maybe I'm missing something.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tI visited that corporate conference Zweili mentioned was going down. Weird place. Anyways, met an Objective 22 correspondant who had was interested in a bunch of missing Athena Medical shipments. Asked if I'd poke around the Docks for him.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tWell, it looks like that Objective 22 correspondant might have been onto something. Those missing Athena Medical shipments? Definitely related to this Object whatsitcalled affair I'm looking into. Figure I should go talk to the guy at the cryolounge.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tTalked to Fabio Halthin again and he sounded massively worried about this whole Athena Medical and Syndicate 4 affair. Offered to help me lock down the situation (whatever that is) if I ever get a chance to bring any weight to bear against Athena Medical. Might be worth keeping in mind...\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tLooks like the whole affair with Athena Medical and Syndicate 4 is dealt with. I hope. No telling whether that Athena Medical exec can really affect anything but I'm hopeful. Don't need any more complications.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tTalked to Fabio Halthin again but fed him some tall tale about smugglers. Think he bought it. No suspicion of Syndicate 4 or Athena Medical. Yet. I hope this was the right thing to do...\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tLooks like the whole affair with Athena Medical and Syndicate 4 is dealt with. Bloodily. Far as I'm concerned, that's a good thing. The bastards deserved what they had coming.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Sphinx Spine<br>\n\tClient: Petrovic<br>\n\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase lt 4>>Priority: Medium<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4>><span class='greencolor'>Status: Completed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>Status: Aborted</span><</if>><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'>\n\t\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\tPetrovic says that, if I can aquire some form of projection technology similar to the illusions cast by a Sphinx, he could built a weapon capable of overloading a Paladin's senses. This would leave it defenseless and confused long enough to destroy it. Theoretically. In practice, I don't know. All I'd need is a Sphinx's Spine.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tPetrovic says that, if I can aquire some form of projection technology similar to the illusions cast by a Sphinx, he could built a weapon capable of overloading a Paladin's senses. All I'd need is a Sphinx's Spine, which I grabbed from Ith. Had to kill the creepy thing to get it, of course, but oh well. Isn't like Ith was human or even alive or anything like that.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tI brought Petrovic Ith's spine and he says he can turn the thing into a usable anti-paladin tool. It'll cost me a little in way of credits so I decided to think the matter over. I probably do need this thing but the financial part is, yeah, not so nice. At any rate, Petrovic's working on the thing and should have it ready when I need it.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tSo I brought Petrovic Ith's spine and, in return for a meager sum of credits, he turned it into a weapon that can mess up the most dangerous machines in the galaxy. Glad I finally have something up my sleeve that works against Paladins - theoretically, at least - but there's a hitch: the power core in the spine only has enough charge for one use. Better not waste it.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tSo I brought Petrovic Ith's spine and, in return for a meager sum of credits, he turned it into a weapon that can mess up the most dangerous machines in the galaxy. Only issue is I already wasted its charge. I'll have to bring it back to Petrovic if I want to use it again.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\tPetrovic says that, if I can aquire some form of projection technology similar to the illusions cast by a Sphinx, he could built a weapon capable of overloading a Paladin's senses. All I'd have needed was a Sphinx's Spine and I considered killing Ith for hers but that was a stupid idea after all. So no paladin-disabling weapon. I'll be fine without. I'm sure.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_fabienne_conclude">>\n\t\t<<if not $hud.messages[$i].read>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong> <<firstname>>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>About the Handover\n\nVine!\n\n<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 98>>So I managed to sell that bust thing we found. Made a nice sum too, no funny business even! Signed ten K over to your account (I think I got it right, yeah?). Will move the rest of the money when I can get it out of a little mess I got with my bank. Might take a few weeks so don't go checking your balance every few minutes. \n\nAnyways, nice doing fun stuff with you again. Drop by sometime. Don't get many visitors and I've gotta keep my head low for a little while after this thing.<<else>>Seems like our timing is really, really bad. Long story short here is I did the handover on my own. There was no funny business, amazingly. Made a nice sum on it too. Signed ten K over to your account (I think I got it right, yeah?). Will move the rest of the money when I can get it out of a little mess I got with my bank. Might take a few weeks so be patient, yeah?\n\nAnyways, was cool doing shit with you again, and it'd be nice if you dropped by sometime. Can't believed I missed you down at the Shrine. You did go there like we agreed, right?<</if>>\n\nKisses,\n\nFabi\n\n----\n\nTired of getting spam-banned?\nWant to waste time clogging your friends' inboxes with junk?\nThen SiLLySeNd is your friend! \n\nUnlimited anonymous messaging, free of charge, for everyone! \nNow it's YOUR chance to be the insufferable spam-bot. \nSiLLySeNd.Net. Sign Up Today!
<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "messages"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div><<silently>>\n<<for $i to 0; $i lt $hud.messages.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if $hud.messages[$i].name eq "msg_sylvia_2">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.messages[$i].read = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</for>>\n<</silently>><<silently>>\n<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lte 7>>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 8>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase lte 3>>\n\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 4>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong>Cpy: Urgent - About the Gathering\n\nAnna,\n\nI just stopped by Esmeralda's. She was murdered. And I talked to Mr. Wilkin. He didn't know anything about Esma but he did say someone wanted to buy his services. Apparently my name was dropped but Wilkin didn't say who contacted him. Now, I know you've been warning me about this for years, but I'm not about to throw blame around. Not yet. We have to be certain before we do anything. And we have to do it together. We can't afford to be rash.\n\nFor now, make sure everyone knows what's at stake. Tell them to go into hiding. And postpone Gathering for a few weeks at least. We can't afford to be seen together. Not until we can find whoever's behind this. Anyways, I'm on my way home now. We'll discuss this in person once I've talked to Patricia.\n\nBe with the void,\nSylvia
<<nobr>><div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>[[X|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "agenda"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\tTask: Coven Investigation<br>\n\tClient: Celena<br>\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 6 and $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99>>Status: <span class='greencolor'>Completed</span><<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99>>Status: <span class='redcolor'>Aborted</span><<else>>Priority: Medium<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99>>Celena has refused to help me get in touch with the Witches Coven. I told her I wouldn't bother her anymore and find another way to get in contact with her "parents". Maybe someone at the Bazar can help me out? I could ask around.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 1>>Despite her reservations, Celena has agreed to take me to her "parents". Chances are they won't be pleased to see me but, at the very least, I might find out if the Witches Coven had anything to do with the Wraith that attacked Raj - if they didn't they still might know something useful.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 2>>Celena took me to visit her parents. When we arrived, we found the Hab in shambles. Evidence suggests her parents were killed by a Wraith. Maybe it's connected to the attack on Raj? It can't be a coincidence. At any rate, I found a chat log that suggest the Coven suspects something's up. According to Celena, they gather every day on Level B40, Storeroom 367, just outside the Docks. I should drop by and see if anyone's still alive - and maybe finally get some answers.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 3>>Following Celena's advice, I went to Storeroom 367 on Level B40. There was an Oger there which, presumably, killed the Coven. I found a message on his PDA suggesting Mister Wilkin might know who hired the Oger. I should find out who that was and talk to Celena.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 4>>Following Celena's advice, I went to Storeroom 367 on Level B40. There was an Oger there and I found the coven. Dead. Anyways, after looking around a bit, I found evidence suggesting Mister Wilkin might know who hired the Oger. I should find out who the employer was <<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 1>>- Marisa might have found something in Wilkins' files by now -<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>- seeing as Wilkin is dead, I'll have to talk to Marisa-<<else>>- Wilkin might part with the name for a few credits -<</if>> and then talk to Celena.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 5>>Well, I figured out who hired the Oger to kill Coven Eresi: it's some rich bitch up on level B5. The place is grav-car accessible only and, according to what I was told, there's heavy security in place. Bots, I assume. Before heading over there, I should talk to Celena. Maybe she knows a little more.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 6>>I confronted Celena's sister - Faralah - along with Cel. Long story short, the Witch who hired the Oger, raised the Wraiths, and killed Cel's parents got what she deserved. Celena will be happy - or so I hope. Hard to tell with her.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "gal">>I looked into the witch who killed Cel's parents and the Coven. She'd dead. Not my work. Better tell Celena.<<else>>I headed over to Level B5 and took down the Witch who killed Cel's parents and the Coven. Better head over to Celena and tell her it's over.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 8>>Celena's sister is dead. No clue why she did this. But this case is closed for now. I hope.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<if $debug>>\n <div class='debugmode redcolor'>DEBUG MODE ACTIVE</div><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "mainmenu">>\n <div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane'>\n Scaffold 22<br><br>\n Main Menu<br><br>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n <span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>Version <<print $releaseversion>></span>\n </div>\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "prologue">>\n <div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane'>\n Scaffold 22<br><br>\n Prologue<br><br>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n <span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>Version <<print $releaseversion>></span>\n </div>\t\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "ingameoptions">>\n <div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane'>\n Scaffold 22<br><br>\n Settings<br><br>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n <span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>Version <<print $releaseversion>></span>\n </div>\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "ingamemenu">>\n <div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane'>\n <<display 'Menu_AudioToggle'>>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane'>\n Scaffold 22<br><br>\n Ingame Menu\n </div>\n <div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n <span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>Version <<print $releaseversion>></span>\n </div>\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "epilogue">>\n <div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane'>\n Scaffold 22<br><br>\n Epilogue\n </div>\n <div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'>\n </div>\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "combat">>\n <<display 'Combat_UI_Ingame'>>\n<<elseif $hud.currentScreen neq "none">>\n <<if $hud.currentScreen neq "home">>\n <div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane'>Home\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "home">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <<else>>\n <div id='hud-pda-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneDisabled'><span class='greyedout'>Home</span>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n <div id='hud-center-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_CenterPane'>\n Personal Data Assistant<br><br>\n <<if $hud.currentScreen eq "home">>\n Home\n <<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "agenda">>\n Agenda\n <<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "messages">>\n Messages\n <<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "gear">>\n Gear\n <<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "skills">>\n InZtinct\n <<elseif $hud.currentScreen eq "codex">>\n Codex\n <</if>>\n </div>\n <div id='hud-menu-pane' class='HUD_SidePane HUD_PaneClose'>\n Close\n <<click '' $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = "none">>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n<<else>>\n <<display 'HUD_UI_Ingame'>>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n<<display 'generateEnemyList'>>\n<<display 'generateWeaponsList'>>\n<<display 'generateArmorList'>>\n<<display 'initLocalization'>>\n\n/% can remove these from other passages after %/\n<<display 'generateWeaponsList'>>\n<<display 'generateArmorList'>>\n<<display 'generateEnemyList'>>\n\n<<set $msgArray = new Array()>>\n<<set $hud = {\n\tcurrentScreen: "none",\n\tcodexSubSection: "none",\n\tcodexSection: "all",\n\tcodexCategory: "none",\n\tdarknetSection: "all",\n\tdarknetArticle: "none",\n\tshopSubSection: "none",\n\tcurrentShopScreen: "none",\n\texpandAgenda: false,\n\texpandAmmo: true,\n\texpandGear: true,\n\texpandItems: true,\n\texpandAugs: true,\n\tcodexBack: "passage",\n\texpandMessages: false,\n\texpandMission1: true,\n\texpandMission2: true,\n\texpandMission3: true,\n\texpandMission4: true,\n\texpandStatusEffects: false,\n\tnewmsg: 0,\n\tmessages: $msgArray,\n\tcombatUIScrewLevel: 0,\n\tdisabled: false,\n\tinterference: false,\n\tdidAutoSave: false,\n\tscrollToElement: "default",\n\tfoundCodexEntries: [],\n\tcurrentLanguageCode: "en",\n\n\tdoConfirm: false,\n\n\tplayAudio: true,\n\tplayMusic: true,\n\tsfxLevel: 0,\n\tmusicLevel: 0,\n\thardCoreMode: false,\n\tcodexCompareBack: "none",\n\n\tdidAddictionPopup: false,\n\tdidInfectionPopup: false,\n\tdidExhaustionPopup: false,\n\n\tturnedOffTutorials: false,\n\tsentArmorTut: false,\n\tsentWeaponTut: false,\n\tsentStatsTut: false,\n\tsentAugsTut: false,\n\tsentItemsTut: false,\n\tsentScrapTut: false,\n\tsentDepressTut: false,\n}>>\n\n\t/% TUTORIAL MESSAGES %/\n\t<<set $msg_armor_tut = {\n\t\tname: "msg_armor_tut",\n\t\tsubject: "Wear A Style!",\n\t\tfrom: "Krill Fashion",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_weapon_tut = {\n\t\tname: "msg_weapon_tut",\n\t\tsubject: "Cat 5 License Reminder!",\n\t\tfrom: "Sanction Association",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_stats_tut = {\n\t\tname: "msg_stats_tut",\n\t\tsubject: "Do You Need to Chill?",\n\t\tfrom: "Icefall Cryogenics",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_augs_tut = {\n\t\tname: "msg_augs_tut",\n\t\tsubject: "Health - Augmentation",\n\t\tfrom: "Athena Foundation",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_items_tut = {\n\t\tname: "msg_items_tut",\n\t\tsubject: "Licensed Items",\n\t\tfrom: "Sanction Association",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_scrap_tut = {\n\t\tname: "msg_scrap_tut",\n\t\tsubject: "You! You like guns, don't you?",\n\t\tfrom: "Mark.Trivoli",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_depress_reminder = {\n\t\tname: "msg_depress_reminder",\n\t\tsubject: "Health - Burnout",\n\t\tfrom: "Athena Foundation",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t/% REGULAR MESSAGES %/\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_summon = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_summon",\n\t\tsubject: "Urgent Contact Request",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_mission = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_mission",\n\t\tsubject: "About Object 55316",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_meet = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_meet",\n\t\tsubject: "RE: Your Message",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_money = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_money",\n\t\tsubject: "Transaction",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_ottodead = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_ottodead",\n\t\tsubject: "Recent Activity",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_fundingcut = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_fundingcut",\n\t\tsubject: "Breech of Contract",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_fundingcut_arena = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_fundingcut",\n\t\tsubject: "Breech of Contract",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_zweili_commisariat = {\n\t\tname: "msg_zweili_commisariat",\n\t\tsubject: "Commisariat Incident",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_abomination_join = {\n\t\tname: "msg_abomination_join",\n\t\tsubject: "Transaction #GT-BX-2146",\n\t\tfrom: "Rajiq.Kamkatoa",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_abomination_invite = {\n\t\tname: "msg_abomination_invite",\n\t\tsubject: "Cordial Invitation",\n\t\tfrom: "Xarea.Corbei",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_abomination_comission = {\n\t\tname: "msg_abomination_comission",\n\t\tsubject: "In Gratitude",\n\t\tfrom: "Xarea.Corbei",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_mission_undersprawl = {\n\t\tname: "msg_mission_undersprawl",\n\t\tsubject: "Undersprawl Incident",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_cathedral_hack = {\n\t\tname: "msg_cathedral_hack",\n\t\tsubject: "Of Relevance",\n\t\tfrom: "Peter.Mubavi",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_mission_cybercult = {\n\t\tname: "msg_mission_cybercult",\n\t\tsubject: "News from Gal",\n\t\tfrom: "G1v.L85£",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_fisher_jewler = {\n\t\tname: "msg_fisher_jewler",\n\t\tsubject: "IMPORTANT! READ!!!",\n\t\tfrom: "The.Fish",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $job_blindkid_meet = {\n\t\tname: "job_blindkid_meet",\n\t\tsubject: "We must Speak",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_invitation_conference = {\n\t\tname: "msg_invitation_conference",\n\t\tsubject: "Of Interest",\n\t\tfrom: "Kuli.Zweili",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_varai_mission = {\n\t\tname: "msg_varai_mission",\n\t\tsubject: "Vessel 5987987761",\n\t\tfrom: "Zai.Verei",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_varai_conclude = {\n\t\tname: "msg_varai_conclude",\n\t\tsubject: "Our Agreement",\n\t\tfrom: "Zai.Verei",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<set $msg_loan = {\n\t\tname: "msg_loan",\n\t\tsubject: "Affiliate Loan #VA-SH-3781",\n\t\tfrom: "Rajiq.Kamkatoa",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_fabienne_mission = {\n\t\tname: "msg_fabienne_mission",\n\t\tsubject: "Another Artefact",\n\t\tfrom: "a.name.you.know",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_fabienne_conclude = {\n\t\tname: "msg_fabienne_mission",\n\t\tsubject: "About the Handover",\n\t\tfrom: "another.name.you.know",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_sidejob_intro = {\n\t\tname: "msg_sidejob_intro",\n\t\tsubject: "Assistance Request",\n\t\tfrom: "Lilly.Vau",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_mission_hellcat = {\n\t\tname: "msg_mission_hellcat",\n\t\tsubject: "Dear Vine",\n\t\tfrom: "Jonas.Harper",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $job_boulevard_done = {\n\t\tname: "job_boulevard_done",\n\t\tsubject: "Many Thanks",\n\t\tfrom: "Jonas.Harper",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_mission_oger = {\n\t\tname: "msg_mission_oger",\n\t\tsubject: "Hey, You",\n\t\tfrom: "Mark.Trivoli",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_raj_dropby = {\n\t\tname: "msg_raj_dropby",\n\t\tsubject: "A Personal Inquiry",\n\t\tfrom: "Raj.Winston",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_raj_quicktexts = {\n\t\tname: "msg_raj_quicktexts",\n\t\tsubject: "My Quicktexts",\n\t\tfrom: "Raj.Winston",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_tobias = {\n\t\tname: "msg_tobias",\n\t\tsubject: "Classroom Demonstration",\n\t\tfrom: "Tobias.Gartner",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_eresi_chatlog = {\n\t\tname: "msg_sylbia_log",\n\t\tsubject: "Fwd: Chat Log",\n\t\tfrom: "Sylvia.Eresi",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_otto_evidence = {\n\t\tname: "msg_otto_evidence",\n\t\tsubject: "Fwd: Evidence",\n\t\tfrom: "Otto.Vindell",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_eresi_warning = {\n\t\tname: "msg_sylvia_2",\n\t\tsubject: "Cpy: Urgent - About the Gathering",\n\t\tfrom: "Sylvia.Eresi",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_corinthin_money = {\n\t\tname: "msg_corinthin_money",\n\t\tsubject: "Deposit 588761:50971",\n\t\tfrom: "user913",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_corinthin_warning = {\n\t\tname: "msg_corinthin_warning",\n\t\tsubject: "A Warning",\n\t\tfrom: "user193",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<set $msg_banshee_sprawl = {\n\t\tname: "msg_banshee_sprawl",\n\t\tsubject: "A Small Job",\n\t\tfrom: "Petrovic",\n\t\tread: false,\n\t}>>\n\n<</silently>>
<<set $djinninfo = {\n\traj: false,\n\tcelena: false,\n\tlalina: false,\n\tith: false,\n\twilkin: false,\n\tmarisa: false,\n\tanska: false,\n\tsiren: false,\n}>>\n\n/% main mission stuff %/\n<<set $job_conspiracy = {\n\tunlockedMainQuest: false,\n\n\tintroAskedSick: false,\n\tintroAskedMartin: false,\n\tintroAskedArea: false,\n\n\tknowledgePhase: 0,\n\tconspiratorPhase: 0,\n\tinstructionPhase: 0,\n\taskedCultOfJuno: false,\n\taskedMachineSmith: false,\n\tfoundAltar: false,\n\tskippedWraith: false,\n\tdjinnKnowledge: $djinninfo,\n\taccuseDecision: "none",\n\tlocationDecision: "none",\n\tbuddy: "none",\n\n\taskedHistorianFinal: "none",\n\taskedTechnicianFinal: "none",\n\thasGivenObject: false,\n\n\trajSearch10_apt1: false,\n\trajSearch10_apt2: false,\n\trajSearch27: false,\n\trajSearch28: false,\n\trajSearch30: false,\n\trajSearch33: false,\n\trajSearch33_apt1: false,\n\trajSearch33_apt2: false,\n\trajSearch40: false,\n\n\tskippedAthena: false,\n\tfundingWasCut: false,\n\tgotFundCutMessage: false,\n}>>\n\n/% ratroach mission %/\n<<set $job_combat_intro = {\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n/% abomination mission %/\n<<set $job_abomination_investigate = {\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\twraithPhase: 0,\n\togerPhase: 0,\n\n\tfoundAltPath: false,\n\n\taskedOgerRaj: false,\n\taskedOgerCelena: false,\n\taskedOgerFabienne: false,\n\taskedOgerIth: false,\n\taskedOgerAnska: false,\n\taskedOgerMarisa: false,\n\taskedOgerGal: false,\n\taskedOgerAshlake: false,\n\n\taskedPalaWho: false,\n\taskedPalaWhy: false,\n\taskedPalaPresent: false,\n\n\trefusedInjection: false,\n\tabomAugmentPhase: 0,\n\tabomAllyPhase: 0,\n\tabomSabotagePhase: 0,\n\tlootedAbomCredits: false,\n\n\tabomRefugiumStage: 0,\n\n\tplagueTarget: "none",\n\tplagueTime: 0,\n\tcultStatus: "default",\n\tgotCultPayment: false,\n\tgotCultInvite: false,\n\treadCultInvite: false,\n\n\taskedCorbeiObject: false,\n\taskedCorbeiEvents: false,\n\taskedCorbeiDesign: false,\n\tchosenCorbeiReward: "none",\n\n\thadRefugiumTalk: false,\n\thadHunterEncounter: false,\n\n\tdjinnMode: "none",\n\thuntChance: 1,\n\tgotAsmodeusInfo: false,\n}>>\n\n\n/% psych breakdown mission %/\n<<set $job_exhaustion_evt = {\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\tspokeTo: "none",\n\n\tsolutionTalkCel: false,\n\tsolutionTalkRaj: false,\n\tsolutionTalkSlave: false,\n\tsolutionTalkGal: false,\n\tsolutionTalkZweili: false,\n\tsolutionTalkFabienne: false,\n\tsolutionTalkPetrovic: false,\n\n\tsolutionTalkEden: false,\n\tsolutionTalkVoid: false,\n\tsolutionTalkDeath: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_intro_implant = {\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n/% tobias gartner mission %/\n<<set $job_school = {\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n/% celena supplier msision %/\n<<set $job_drugdealer = {\n\tkilledLackies: false,\n\tkilledDealer: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\taltPhase: 0,\n}>>\n<<set $job_coven = {\n\taquiredKnife: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\toverrideAnska: false,\n\tbuddy: "none",\n\tfoundDnetMention: false,\n\tspokeVoiderShrine: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $paladininfo = {\n\traj: false,\n\tcelena: false,\n\tlalina: false,\n\tith: false,\n\twilkin: false,\n\tmarisa: false,\n\tpetrovic: false,\n\tsiren: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_fisher_extremists = {\n\tottoDecision: "none",\n\tpaladinKnowledge: $paladininfo,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\tlocationPhase: 0,\n\tconspiratorPhase: 0,\n\tinstructionPhase: 0,\n\tdidEncounter: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_petrovic_paladin = {\n\tkilledSphinx: false,\n\tinstalledPart: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_anska_haze = {\n\tfoundRecepie: false,\n\tbuiltDevice: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_fisher_counterattack = {\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\tmentionedWilkin: false,\n\tammanMissionOverride: false,\n\taltPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_fisher_revenge = {\n\tsparedSiren: true,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_witches_pendant = {\n\taskedRaj: false,\n\taskedCelena: false,\n\taskedSphinx: false,\n\taskedAnska: false,\n\taskedSiren: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\tgotSYsphere: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_riptide_postbattle = {\n\tkilledDefenders: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_blindkid_shrine = {\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_blindkid_resolution = {\n\ttimeCheck: -1,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\ttimeCheck2: -1,\n\tmainPhase2: 0,\n\tgotMessage: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_scrapyard_oger = {\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_boulevard_hellcat = {\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tdidMissionTime: 0,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_banshee_srpawl = {\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\n\taskedPassages: false,\n\taskedAbom: false,\n\taskedCommuna: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_psychocult = {\n\taltIntroTriggered: false,\n\tkilledCult: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\tcelenaSupplierPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_crypto_warlock = {\n\tkilledHacker: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\taltPhase: 0,\n\n\ttriedCyberShop: false,\n\taskedGalAboutLag: false,\n\taskedGalAboutWarlock: false,\n\taskedGalAboutCult: false,\n\tsourceUsed: "none",\n}>>\n\n/% heritage is actually a dummy job; \nit doesn't appear in the agenda and is \njust used for tracking progress %/\n\n<<set $job_devout_heritage = {\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n/% undersrpawl job related to actual revisitable sprawl %/\n\n<<set $job_undersprawl_purge = {\n\tfoundDeathseekers: false,\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_cathedral_hack = {\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\taskedAgent: false,\n\taskedAttack: false,\n\taskedRobert: false,\n\n\thackedAthedaLab: false,\n\thackedBriabackSecurity: false,\n\thackedBriabackLab: false,\n\thackedOttoSystems: false,\n}>>\n\n/% trade conference job %/\n\n<<set $job_corpo_conference = {\n\tgotMessage: false,\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\tobjectiveOutcome: "none",\n\tcorbeiOutcome: "none",\n\tathenaOutcome: "none",\n\tjunoOutcome: "none",\n\tjunoOutcome2: "none",\n}>>\n\n<<set $job_arena_lavandri = {\n\tmainPhase: 0,\n\tlastBattleAt: 0,\n\tteamsFought: [],\n\tdidArenaCommit: false,\n\tmadeArenaChampion: false,\n\tfinalBattleScore: 0,\n\tfinalBattleModifier: "none",\n\tchoseCubixFinish: false,\n\n\tfinalSpokeChampion: false,\n\tfinalSpokeRep: false,\n\tfinalSpokeFans: false,\n\n\tpointsTotal: 0,\n}>>
/% krill fashion fix %/\n<<set $loc_krill_fashion = {\n\tshowFullCatalog: false,\n\tbrowsedOnce: false,\n}>>\n\n/% anska job and everything related %/\n<<set $loc_anska = {\n\thadGeneHybridTalk: false,\n\taskedOddJobs: false,\n\ttookCompound: false,\n\ttookStimFuel: false,\n\ttookDisc: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_sirenssong = {\n\tvisited: false,\n}>>\n\n/% your apt %/\n<<set $loc_home = {\n\ttookStoredPistol: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "none",\n\tstoredPistol: "none",\n\tstoredArmor: "Street Clothes",\n\tchosenMusic: "none",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_corbeihab = {\n\tstoredRifle: "none",\n\tstoredPistol: "none",\n\tstoredArmor: "Whitedress",\n}>>\n\n/% veeery first area stuff %/\n<<set $loc_intro_utility = {\n\tkilledWorker: false,\n\tstoredArmor: "Rockwave",\n\tstoredSuit: "Utility Suit",\n\tfoundNote: false,\n\treadDpad: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "M451",\n\tabomStatus: "not_found",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_lowhabs_oger = {\n\tkilledScavvers: false,\n\tdrankSkull: false,\n\tsearchedMerc: false,\n\tsearchedOger: false,\n\tsearchedCult: false,\n\tgotPasscode: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "M9615",\n\tsabotagedArmor: false,\n\tstoredClothes: "none",\n}>>\n\n/% oldhabs from celena mission %/\n<<set $loc_oldhabs = {\n\taccountHacked: false,\n\tammoTaken: false,\n\ttookDrugs: false,\n}>>\n\n/% oldhabs from celena mission %/\n<<set $loc_b10habs = {\n\tstoredRifle: "M404",\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookDrugs: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\treadDataPad1: false,\n\treadDataPad1: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_b33habs = {\n\ttookDrugs: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_b30habs = {\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n}>>\n\n/% willin's riptide %/\n<<set $loc_riptide = {\n\townedBy: "wilkin",\n\ttriedChurchOption: false,\n\ttalkedToWilkin: false,\n\ttalkedToCaptain: false,\n\tcelGaveDrugs: false,\n\tignoredCaptain: false,\n\ttalkedToAida: false,\n\ttalkedToKnight: false,\n\tdidFistArrive: false,\n\tdidFirstBar: false,\n\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\tstoredArmor: "Ballistic Harness",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_electroshop = {\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\twarlockActive: false,\n}>>\n\n/% fob for the syndicate mission %/\n<<set $loc_syndicate_fob = {\n\tfoundDatapad: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\tstoredArmor: "Arc Armor",\n\tstoredRifle: "RUG-9_Converted",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_syndicate_facility = {\n\tsabotagedArmor: false,\n\tusedDoorControl: false,\n\treadDataPad1: false,\n\treadDataPad1: false,\n\ttookAmmo1: false,\n\tstoredKnife: "tactical knife",\n\ttookStim: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "N3CR",\n\tstoredClothes: "none",\n\tclearedAdmin: false,\n\tclearedSecurity: false,\n\tclearedTesting: false,\n\tkilledResearcher: false,\n}>>\n\n/% storeroom from witch mission %/\n<<set $loc_storeroom = {\n\ttookPendant: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\treadMessage: false,\n\tmetWitch: false,\n\texaminedOger: false,\n\texaminedFloor: false,\n}>>\n\n/% grav-tunnel for fisher mission %/\n<<set $loc_gravtunnel = {\n\tfoundDatapad: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\tkilledCephanine: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "KRUG",\n}>>\n\n/% part of the broken tram mission %/\n<<set $loc_undersprawn = {\n\tfoundDatapad: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\tkilledBugs: false,\n\tkilledAbom: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "PUR-G",\n\taltLayout: false,\n}>>\n\n/% purifier msn - first hub; Slowside Mall %/\n<<set $loc_undersprawn_mall = {\n\tfoundDatapad1: false,\n\tfoundDatapad2: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookCredits1: false,\n\ttookCredits2: false,\n\tkilledWraith: false,\n\tkilledCephanine: false,\n\tstoredPistol: "Mk2",\n}>>\n\n/% purifier msn - second hub; Megaplex 4 %/\n<<set $loc_undersprawn_megaplex = {\n\tcultStatus: "unmet",\n\twretchStatus: "unmet",\n\ttookAmmo1: false,\n\ttookAmmo2: false,\n\ttookDrugs: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "SKUL",\n\tdidFirstSacrifice: false,\n}>>\n\n/% purifier msn - third hub; warren passages %/\n<<set $loc_undersprawn_passages = {\n\tdeathseekerStatus: "unmet",\n\tkilledWitch: false,\n\tkilledScavengers: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookCredits1: false,\n\ttookCredits2: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\tstoredArmor: "Neorave",\n}>>\n\n/% docks info part %/\n<<set $loc_docks = {\n\tspokeDockMaster: false,\n\tkilledMercs: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\tstoredCarbine: "C2000",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_highpalace = {\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookBolts: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "KRUG_Painted",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_highpalace_owned = {\n\tstoredRifle: "none",\n\tstoredPistol: "none",\n\tstoredArmor: "Partyfray",\n\tchosenSqueeze: "none",\n\ttreatedSqueeze: 0,\n\tfirstArrive: true,\n\tlastCredits: 0,\n}>>\n\n/% cryolounge on b10 + amman mission %/\n<<set $loc_cryolounge = {\n\tfoundBody: false,\n\tstoredPistol: "MF-R2",\n\tkilledAbomination: false,\n\twasRaided: false,\n\tmetXarena: false,\n}>>\n\n/% scrapyard on b33; oger msn%/\n<<set $loc_scrapyard = {\n\tdidFirstVisit: false,\n\tkilledAbomination: false,\n\ttookDrugs: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_cryoroom = {\n\tfoundCredits: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookCell: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "MF-G6",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_jewler = {\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_machineroom = {\n\tkilledFanatics: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "RUG-9",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_athenalab = {\n\tsabotagedArmor: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookAmmo1: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "RUG-9",\n\tstoredClothes: "none",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_mansion_raid = {\n\tsabotagedArmor: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookAmmo1: false,\n\ttookAmmo2: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "M9610",\n\tstoredClothesOtto: "Formal Robe",\n\tstoredClothes: "none",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_raptoroutpost = {\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookAmmo: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_machinetemple = {\n\ttookSubReactor: false,\n\tsabotagedRobots: false,\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\tstoredKnife: "razorspine",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_old_catacombs = {\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\tstoredArmor: "AntiSkel Armor",\n\tstoredRifle: "Arclance",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_derelict_hauler = {\n\tkilledKnight: false,\n\treadMaintenanceLog: false,\n\treadCrewLog: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\ttookAmmo1: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "VIM",\n\tstoredArmor: "Void Suit",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_namaz_altar = {\n\treadDataPad: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\tstoredPistol: "Mk2",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_voidshrine = {\n\tdidFirstSacrifice: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_corbeitower = {\n\tkilledBots: false,\n\treadDataPad1: false,\n\treadDataPad2: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\tkilledDjinn: false,\n\tkilledCorbei: false,\n\tstoredPistol: "ShVR",\n\ttookPendant: false,\n\treadDataPadAsmodeus: false,\n\treadDataPadCabal: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_cybercatacomb = {\n\tsentinelActive: true,\n\tlockCracked: false,\n\ttempleOpen: false,\n\treadDataPad1: false,\n\treadDataPad2: false,\n\tclearedRoom: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\ttookAmmo1: false,\n\ttookAmmo2: false,\n\tstoredRifle: "NUKE",\n\tstoredArmor: "Heavy Arc Armor",\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_warlock_core = {\n\tentered: false,\n\tcompanion: "none",\n\tclearedBots: false,\n\tclearedGuardians: false,\n\tdeactivatedCore: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $loc_junction_passages = {\n\ttookCell: false,\n\ttookDisc: false,\n\treadBansheePad: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\tstoredArmor: "Cultist Robes",\n}>>\n\n/% petrovic class mission %/\n<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar = {\n\tfoundDatapad: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\ttookDisc: false,\n\tbotResult: "none",\n\tdoubleCredits: false,\n\tgotCorsairGear: false,\n\tboughtGun: "nope",\n\tboughtArmor: "nope",\n}>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $tramway = {\n\t\tcurrentLocation: "B0",\n\t\tcurrentDestination: "B0",\n\t\tdestinationPassage: "none",\n\t\thopCount: 0,\n\t\tprevStation: "none",\n\t\tnextStation: "none",\n\t}>>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'initLocalization'>>\n<<display 'InitHUD'>>\n\n/% set version info %/\n<<set $releaseversion = "1.4">>\n<<set $debug = false>>\n\n<<set $audiosupport = false>>\n\n/% audio sprites %/\n<<set $currentSprite = {}>>\n<<set $spriteData = {\n\tui_walk: {\n\t\tstart: 0,\n\t\tlength: 1.5\n\t},\n\tui_unlock: {\n\t\tstart: 3.0,\n\t\tlength: 0.55\n\t},\n\tui_tramway_zoom: {\n\t\tstart: 4.5,\n\t\tlength: 1.05\n\t},\n\tui_throw: {\n\t\tstart: 6.5,\n\t\tlength: 0.38\n\t},\n\tui_shock: {\n\t\tstart: 8,\n\t\tlength: 1.15\n\t},\n\tui_shatter: {\n\t\tstart: 10,\n\t\tlength: 0.77\n\t},\n\tui_reload_complex: {\n\t\tstart: 12,\n\t\tlength: 1.1\n\t},\n\tui_reload_shot: {\n\t\tstart: 66.76,\n\t\tlength: 0.5\n\t},\n\tui_reload_9mm: {\n\t\tstart: 14,\n\t\tlength: 0.7\n\t},\n\tui_attack_machinewreck: {\n\t\tstart: 16,\n\t\tlength: 2\n\t},\n\tui_attack_machinecharge: {\n\t\tstart: 19,\n\t\tlength: 2\n\t},\t\t\n\tui_inject: {\n\t\tstart: 23,\n\t\tlength: 1\n\t},\n\tui_click: {\n\t\tstart: 25,\n\t\tlength: 0.7\n\t},\n\tui_blip_error: {\n\t\tstart: 27,\n\t\tlength: 0.7\n\t},\n\tui_battle: {\n\t\tstart: 29,\n\t\tlength: 1.2\n\t},\t\t\t\n\tui_gas: {\n\t\tstart: 31,\n\t\tlength: 1.5\n\t},\n\tui_burn: {\n\t\tstart: 34,\n\t\tlength: 1.3\n\t},\n\tui_blip_back: {\n\t\tstart: 37,\n\t\tlength: 0.4\n\t},\n\tui_blip: {\n\t\tstart: 39,\n\t\tlength: 0.7\n\t},\n\tui_attack_suppressed: {\n\t\tstart: 41,\n\t\tlength: 2\n\t},\n\tui_attack_semi: {\n\t\tstart: 44.95,\n\t\tlength: 1.1\n\t},\n\tui_attack_rocket: {\n\t\tstart: 48,\n\t\tlength: 1.1\n\t},\n\tui_attack_melee: {\n\t\tstart: 51,\n\t\tlength: 1\n\t},\n\tui_attack_cannon: {\n\t\tstart: 53,\n\t\tlength: 1.2\n\t},\n\tui_attack_beam: {\n\t\tstart: 55.5,\n\t\tlength: 0.7\n\t},\n\tui_attack_avoid: {\n\t\tstart: 57.9,\n\t\tlength: 1.2\n\t},\n\tui_attack_auto: {\n\t\tstart: 60,\n\t\tlength: 1\n\t},\n\tui_ambush: {\n\t\tstart: 62,\n\t\tlength: 2.45\n\t}\n}>>\n\n<<script>>\n\tconfig.saves.id = "sc22_pt_1";\n\n\tvar test_audio= document.createElement("audio"); //try and create sample audio element\n\tvar test_video= document.createElement("video"); //try and create sample video element\n\tvar mediasupport={audio: (test_audio.play)? true : false, video: (test_video.play)? true : false}\n \n\tstate.active.variables.audiosupport = mediasupport.audio;\n\n\tvar audioSprite = document.getElementById('event_spritesheet');\n\taudioSprite.addEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate, false);\n<</script>>\n\n<<if not $audiosupport>>\n\t<<set $hud.playAudio = false>>\n\t<<set $hud.playMusic = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<widget "knife">><<print $equip.knife>><</widget>>\n<<widget "meeleweapon">><<if $template.ammo eq "melee" and $combat.actions[$index].action eq "firePrimary">><<print $equip.rifle.name>><<else>><<print $equip.knife>><</if>><</widget>>\n/% shortcut to print pistol name %/\n<<widget "pistol">><<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>><<display 'getActualItemName'>><<print $aquireText>><</widget>>\n/% shortcut to print rifle name %/\n<<widget "rifle">><<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>><<display 'getActualItemName'>><<print $aquireText>><</widget>>\n/% armor names %/\n\n<<widget "armor">><<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">><<print "Exo Armor">><<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored" and ($equip.offhand.contains("cyberbody") or $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")) and $hud.currentScreen eq "combat">><<print "endoskeleton">><<else>><<print $equip.clothes>><</if>><</widget>>\n\n/% armor simple name %/\n<<widget 'armortype'>><<if $equip.clothes eq "Street Clothes" or $equip.clothes eq "Chem Weave" or $equip.clothes eq "Cypher Weave">><<print "hoodie">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Rockwave" or $equip.clothes eq "Street Wear" or $equip.clothes eq "Chem Wear" or $equip.clothes eq "Cypher Wear" or $equip.clothes eq "Iso Jacket" or $equip.clothes eq "Corsair Jacket" or $equip.clothes eq "CyberGlam">><<print "jacket">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Neorave" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray">><<print "clubwear">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Greasecoat" or $equip.clothes eq "Camo Coat" or $equip.clothes eq "Iso Coat">><<print "coat">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fancywear" or $equip.clothes eq "CyberWaer" or $equip.clothes eq "Hatewear">><<print "clothes">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Whitedress" or $equip.clothes eq "Lightdress" or $equip.clothes eq "Puffdress">><<print "dress">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Glamgown" or $equip.clothes eq "Formal Gown">><<print "gown">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Lotus Skirt" or $equip.clothes eq "Fanrave">><<print "clothes">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit" or $equip.clothes eq "Glamsuit" or $equip.clothes eq "Puffwear">><<print "suit">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Devout Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Devout Shroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Seeker Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Voidheart Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Deathshroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Lightwear" or $equip.clothes eq "Formal Robe">><<print "robes">><<elseif $equip.$isFleshMold>><<print "fleshmold">><<else>><<print "armor">><</if>><</widget>>\n\n<<widget 'armorbottom'>><<if $equip.clothes eq "Street Clothes" or $equip.clothes eq "Chem Weave" or $equip.clothes eq "Cypher Weave" or $equip.clothes eq "Chem Wear" or $equip.clothes eq "Cypher Wear" or $equip.clothes eq "Neorave" or $equip.clothes eq "Fancywear" or $equip.clothes eq "Rockwave" or $equip.clothes eq "Iso Jacket" or $equip.clothes eq "Corsair Jacket" or $equip.clothes eq "Greasecoat" or $equip.clothes eq "Camo Coat" or $equip.clothes eq "Iso Coat" or $equip.clothes eq "Street Wear" or $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit" or $equip.clothes eq "Hatewear" or $equip.clothes eq "Fanrave">><<print "pants">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "CyberWaer" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress" or $equip.clothes eq "CyberGlam" or $equip.clothes eq "Whitedress" or $equip.clothes eq "Lightdress" or $equip.clothes eq "Puffdress">><<print "dress">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Lotus Skirt">><<print "skirt">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Devout Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Devout Shroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Seeker Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Voidheart Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Deathshroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Lightwear" or $equip.clothes eq "Formal Robe">><<print "robes">><<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Glamgown" or $equip.clothes eq "Formal Gown">><<print "gown">><<elseif $equip.$isFleshMold>><<print "flesh-tights">><<else>><<print "armor">><</if>><</widget>>\n\n<<widget "walk">><<if $equip.isPowerArmor>><<print "stomp">><<elseif $equip.isHeavyArmor>><<print "plod">><<else>><<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">><<print "saunter">><<else>><<print "walk">><</if>><</if>><</widget>>\n\n<<widget "augment">><<print "Augment">><</widget>>\n\n<<widget "brainaug">><<if $equip.brainaug eq "neuroparasite">><<print "Neuroparasite">><<elseif $equip.brainaug eq "biochip">><<print "Neurogland">><<elseif $equip.brainaug eq "neurochip">><<print "Neuroregulator">><</if>><</widget>>\n\n<<widget "formalname">><<if $attrib.gender eq "male">><<print "Mr. Acrel">><<else>><<print "Ms. Acrel">><</if>><</widget>>\n<<widget "firstname">><<print $attrib.name>><</widget>>\n<<widget "genderpronoun">><<if $attrib.gender eq "male">><<print "he">><<else>><<print "she">><</if>><</widget>>\n<<widget "genderposssesive">><<if $attrib.gender eq "male">><<print "him">><<else>><<print "her">><</if>><</widget>>\n\n/% set save info %/\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Part I - Introduction">>\n/% game phase tracker (chapter) %/\n/% for processing compex passages %/\n<<set $processed = false>>\n/% time variables %/ \n<<set $time = {\n\tactive: 0,\n\tbilledchurch: 0,\n\ttookdrugs: 0,\n\tdupedrecord: 0,\n\tstatstick: 0,\n\tlastbattle: 0,\n\twasInfected: 0,\n\tvendorReset: 0,\n\tvendorsResetInterval: 48,\n\tvendorStockIndex: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $overflows = {\n\tlastScene: "",\n\tpistol: 0,\n\tnormal: 0,\n\telectro: 0,\n\ttoxin: 0,\n\tscatter: 0,\n\tignore: false,\n}>> \n\n/% passage hider - only relevant to CH1%/\n<<set $hide = {\n\tcombatlayer: false,\n\tdefensivelayer: false,\n\tdiplomacylayer: false,\n\tlayer0: false,\n\tlayer1: false,\n\tlayer2: false,\n\tlayer3: false,\n\tlayer4: false,\n\tlayer5: false,\n}>>\n\n/% money vars %/\n<<set $payment_church = {\n\tammount: 0,\n\tmodifier: 0,\n}>>\n\n/% dinn encounter %/\n<<set $enc_djinn = {\n\tdead: false,\n}>>\n\n/% Sasha the Bounty Hunter %/\n<<set $chr_sasha = {\n\talive: true,\n\tmet: false,\n\tloc: "pending",\n}>>\n\n/% Fisher the black-haired Mercenary %/\n<<set $chr_fisher = {\n\talive: true,\n\tmet: false,\n\tloc: "foyer",\n\trep: 20,\n}>>\n/% Celena the Witch Daughter %/\n<<set $chr_celena = {\n\talive: true,\n\tmet: false,\n\tloc: "bar",\n\trep: 25,\n\trelation: "unknown",\n\tdidParty: false,\n\tisWitch: false,\n}>>\n/% Lalina the normal girl %/\n<<set $chr_lanina = {\n\talive: true,\n\tmet: false,\n\tloc: "bar_2",\n\trep: 10,\n\trelation: "unknown",\n\tknowsYourIdentity: false,\n}>>\n/% Raj the historian %/\n<<set $chr_raj = {\n\talive: true,\n\tmet: false,\n\tloc: "home",\n\trep: 15,\n\trelation: "unknown",\n\twentCafe: false,\n\thadLastTalk: false,\n\tmadeCarDeposit: false,\n\taskedAboutObject: false,\n}>>\n/% Corinthin the Paladin %/\n<<set $chr_corinthin = {\n\tmet: false,\n\tloc: "mauricio",\n\trep: 0,\n}>>\n/% ith the sphinx %/\n<<set $chr_ith = {\n\talive: true,\n\tmet: false,\n\ttoldSecret: false,\n\tmadeFriend: false,\n}>>\n\n/% the comissaria %/\n<<set $chr_varai = {\n\tmet: false,\n\talive: true,\n}>>\n\n/% the comissaria %/\n<<set $chr_fabienne = {\n\tmet: false,\n\talive: true,\n}>>\n\n/% acheri encounter %/\n<<set $enc_acheri = {\n\tdead: false,\n}>>\n\n<<display 'InitLocs'>>\n\n/% hack minigame stuffs %/\n<<set $override = {\n\tresult: "none",\n\tcode: "none",\n\tsolution: "none",\n}>>\n\n/% player's actions %/\n<<set $action = {\n\tarrive: "onfoot",\n\taction1: "none",\n\taction2: "none",\n\taction3: "none",\n\taction4: "none",\n\taction5: "none",\n\trandomize: "none",\n\troundtype1: "none",\n\troundtype2: "none",\n}>>\n\n/% Character attributes %/\n<<set $attrib = {\n\tname: "Vineo",\n\tgender: "male",\n\tunspecifiedGender: false,\n\tsalary: 600,\n\tcredits: 4531,\n\tcriminality: 0,\n\tvitality: 100,\n\tcaution: 0,\n\tfatigue: 0,\n\tviolence: 0,\n\tdilligence: 10,\n\tdilligence_max: 0,\n\ttoxicity: 0,\n\tstress: 15,\n\tinfected: false,\n\tinfectionLevel: 0,\n\texhausted: false,\n\taddicted: false,\n\tarmortype: "unarmored",\n\tdemeanor: "balanced",\n\treligion: "atheist",\n\tfaith: $fth = {eden: 0, void: 0, death: 0, anti: 0, lastPrayTime: 0},\n\tfleshMoldModifier: 0,\n\tbioAugModifier: 0,\n\t\n}>>\n/% pistol container %/\n<<set $pistolinfo = {\n\tname: "none",\n\tanointment: "none",\n\tlastAnointment: "none",\n\tammo: 0,\n\tammo_max: 60,\n}>>\n/% rifle ammo container%/\n<<set $rifleammo = {\n\tnormal: 0,\n\tnormal_max: 6,\n\tscatter: 0,\n\tscatter_max: 2,\n\tchemical: 0,\n\tchemical_max: 2,\n\telectric: 0,\n\telectric_max: 3,\n}>>\n/% rifle container %/\n<<set $rifleinfo = {\n\tname: "none",\n\tammo: $rifleammo,\n\tanointment: "none",\n\tlastAnointment: "none",\n}>>\n/% your equipment %/\n<<set $equip = {\n\tpistol: $pistolinfo,\n\trifle: $rifleinfo, \n\tknife: "combat knife",\n\toffhand: ["none", "none", "none", "none"],\n\toffhandUpgrade: ["none", "none", "none", "none"],\n\tclothes: "Street Clothes",\n\tpreExoClothes: "none",\n\tpersistentExoHits: 0,\n\tcharge: 100,\n\titem1: "StimFuel",\n\titem2: "none",\n\tdDoS: "none",\n\tbrainaug: "none",\n\tskinsuit: "none",\n\n\thideWeaponLoadout: false,\n\n\tpurchasedUpgrades: [],\n\tinventory: [],\n\tinventoryQuantity: [],\n}>>\n\n<<display 'InitJobs'>>\n\n<<set $readCodexPages = {\n\tnamaz: false,\n\tdemon: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $statistics = {\n\toveralKills: 0,\n\txenofaunaKilled: 0,\n\tabominationKilled: 0,\n\tabom_elusiveKilled: 0,\n\tabom_imposingKilled: 0,\n\tabom_uniqueKilled: 0,\n\torganicKilled: 0,\n\tmachineKilled: 0,\n\tmachine_advKilled: 0,\n\thumanKilled: 0,\n\n\tabominationsSpared: 0,\n\thumansSpared: 0,\n\n\tdiscsThrown: 0,\n\tdisc_arcUsed: 0,\n\tdisc_toxinUsed: 0,\n\tdisc_holoUsed: 0,\n\n\tdrugsUsed: 0,\n\tdrugs_stimUsed: 0,\n\tdrugs_rangedUsed: 0,\n\tdrugs_meleeUsed: 0,\n\tdrugs_abomUsed: 0,\n\n\titem_fucellUsed: 0,\n\n\tspecial_ddosUsed: 0,\n\tspecial_miasmaUsed: 0,\n\tspecial_spineUsed: 0,\n\n\tshieldDeflect: 0,\n\tarmorDeflect: 0,\n\t\n\tcombatUnarmored: 0,\n\tcombatProtected: 0,\n\tcombatArmored: 0,\n\tcombatHeavyArmor: 0,\n\tcombatHeavyWeapon: 0,\n\n\tnineMillFired: 0,\n\tboltTunstenFired: 0,\n\tboltConductiveFired: 0,\n\tboltScatterFired: 0,\n\tboltToxinFired: 0,\n\tplasmaCasterUsed: 0,\n\tshockGunUsed: 0,\n\tnukeGunUsed: 0,\n\tmeleeDone: 0,\n\n\tpurchasedMainWeapon: 0,\n\tpurchasedBackupWeapon: 0,\n\tpurchasedArmor: 0,\n\tpurchaseddAmmo: 0,\n\tpurchasedChems: 0,\n\tpurchasedDiscs: 0,\n\tpurchasedAugs: 0,\n\n\tlootedMainWeapon: 0,\n\tlootedBackupWeapon: 0,\n\tlootedArmor: 0,\n\tlootedAmmo: 0,\n\tlootedChems: 0,\n\tlootedDiscs: 0,\n\tlootedCredits: 0,\n\n\tdataPadsRead: 0,\n\n\tdrugs_noncombatUsed: 0,\n\talcoholDrunk: 0, \n\n\tfreelanceJobsDone: 0,\n\n\tspecialKillDone: 0,\n\tagressionDone: 0,\n\tintimidateDone: 0,\n\tnegotiateDone: 0,\n\tnegotion_failDone: 0,\n\tsuspectQuestioned: 0,\n\tcrimesInvestigated: 0,\n\tbribesDone: 0,\n\tsneakDone: 0,\n\thacksDone: 0,\n\tcontrolsBroken: 0,\n\tcontrolsUnlocked: 0,\n\n\targuedWithAuthority: 0,\n\tattackedAuthority: 0,\n\tcompliedWithAuthority: 0,\n}>>\n\n/% stuff affected by skills (to simplify ingame check) %/\n<<display 'setGameworldModifiers'>>\n\n/% ((TODO) - work out how to code %/\n<<set $inztinct = {\n\tactive: false,\n\twasReset: false,\n\tnewSkills: 0,\n\tpointsAvailable: 7,\n\tlearnedSkills: [],\n\tunlockedSkills: [],\n\tviewingSkill: "none",\n\tspecialDisplayMode: "none",\n\taffinity: 0,\n\tmaxAffinity: 10,\n\tresetSkillsCount: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $setUpInZtinctRespec = true>>\n\n<<set $factionlock = {\n\tlockedFaction: "none",\n\tzanexPhase: 0,\n\tkobolPhase: 0,\n\tcyberPhase: 0,\n\n\tzanexShotRioters: false,\n\tzanexKilledGal: false,\n\n\taskedKobolJoin: false,\n\tkobolFactionAlign: "none",\n\tkobolWasViolent: false,\n\tkobolAskedCubix: false,\n\tkobolAskedDjinn: false,\n\tkobolAskedInvolve: false,\n\tkobolHadRiptideTalk: false,\n\n\tcyberSourceRaj: false,\n\tcyberSourceAshlake: false,\n\tcyberSourceAthena: false,\n\tcyberSourceObjective: false,\n\tcyberSourceRiptide: false,\n\tcyberSourceLanina: false,\n}>>\n\n<<set $randomEncounterPhases = {\n\tminTimeWindow: 3,\n\tlastRndEncounterTime: 0,\n\tcriminalityPhase: 2,\n\tcriminalityMessage: 0,\n\tnutcasePhase: 0,\n\tpedestrianPhase: 0,\n\tbeggarPhase: 0,\n\traptorPhase: 0,\n\tzanexPhase: 0,\n\tpaidShipCaptain: false,\n\n\thasRndScene: false,\n\trndScenesPending: [],\n\trndScenesDone: [],\n\trndSceneCounter: 0,\n\n\tsyndicateRaidTriggered: false,\n\tsyndiateRaidAlternate: "none",\n\tpreAltRaidPhase: 0,\n\tsyndicateRaidPhase: 0,\n\tsyndicateRaidFrequency: 0.25,\n\tsyndicateBasePhase: 0,\n\tsyndicateBaseDestroyed: false,\n\tsnydicateBaseIDFound: false,\n\n\tbackalleyPhase: 0,\n\tbreakdownPhase: 0,\n\n\tdarknetWitchAbuse: 0,\n\tdarknetAthenaAbuse: 0,\n\tdarknetPaladinMessage: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $characterEncounterPhases = {\n\theritageReward: "TBD",\n\tfaithReward: "TBD",\n\ttalkedOttoDeadMarisa: false,\n\txanexRewardPhase: 0,\n\txanexReward: "X1",\n\traptorRewardPhase: 0,\n\traptorReward: "M559",\n\tgalRewardPhase: 0,\n\tgalConspiracyPhase: 0,\n\tarenaReward: "Gladius",\n\tarenaRewardPhase: 0,\n\tlagRecruitPhase: 0,\n\n\tottoRewardPhase: 0,\n\tottoRewardTimer: -1,\n\tcelenaChatPhase: 0,\n\tisabelleRewardPhase: 0,\n\tslaverRewardPhase: 0,\n\tepromCyclePhase: 0,\n\tcorbeiCyclePhase: 0,\n\n\tfabienneGunPhase: 0,\t\n\tedenRewardPhase: 0,\n\tvoidRewardPhase: 0,\n\tdeathRewardPhase: 0,\n\tantiRewardPhase: 0,\n\n\tdidAddictScene: false,\n\n\ttalkedVisionaryReward: false,\n\tvisionReward: "N0xIu",\n\tabomReward: "BioMold",\n\n\tantiProofRead: false,\n\tjunoProofRead: false,\n\n\tnilgunRewardPhase: "none",\n\tnilgunRewardTimer: 0,\n\n\triptideOliviaPhase: 0,\n\triptideGuyPhase: 0,\n}>>\n\n<<set $sexPhases = {\n\traj: 0,\n\tpetrovic: 0,\n\tmark: 0,\n\tcel: 0,\n\tlanina: 0,\n\tlavandriSec: 0,\n\tdidWilkin: false,\n\tdidMarisa: false,\n\tdidFisher: false,\n\tdidAthenaExec: false,\n\tdidObjCorrespond: false,\n\tdidRhino: false,\n\tdidLizzard: false,\n\tdidKitty: false,\n\tdidHalfbreed: false,\n\thadSynthSex: false,\n\n\thadCelenaSpecial: false,\n\n\ttoldCatStory: false,\n\ttoldHalfbreedStory: false,\n\n\tnumTimesHadSex: 0,\n\tlastSexTime: 0,\n\tcanHaveSex: true,\n}>>
<<if $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Street Clothes" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Street Wear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "streetw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Camo Coat">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "camcoat_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisCamoFlage: true,\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "CyberGlam" >>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "cybglam_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisGlamorous: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Hatewear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "hatew_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisCamoFlage: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "theophobe",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "extreme_prejudice",\n\t\tisTheophobic: true,\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Corsair Jacket">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "corsairj_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisCamoFlage: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "old world killer",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Chem Weave" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Chem Wear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "chemw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisPartyOutfit: true,\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Cypher Weave" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Cypher Wear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "cypherw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fancydress" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fancywear" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Whitedress">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "fancyd_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if ($attrib.gender eq "male" and ($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fancydress" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Whitedress")) or ($attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fancywear")>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fraydress" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Redsuit">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "fray_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisSuperFancy: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tisRestrictiveFit: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fraydress">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isSkimpy = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fraydress") or ($attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Redsuit")>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Greasecoat">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "greasec_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.2, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Red Devil">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "redd_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.3, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "kobol",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "smooth_operator",\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "blood red killer",\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "CyberWaer">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "cyberw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0.2, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "cyberpunk",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "ripped_clashing",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Neorave" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Partyfray">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "partyw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tisPartyOutfit: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Partyfray">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Rockwave">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "rockw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "rock me like an asteroid"\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Cultist Robes">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "cultr_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "visionary",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "gas_mask",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Purist Robes" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Purist Shroud">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "puristw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tinquisitorEffect: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Purist Shroud">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Purist Robes">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Habit of the Witch Hunter">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "hotwh_desc",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tinquisitorEffect: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "edenite",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "scalding_light",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Mantle of the God Machine">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "motgm_desc",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "edenite",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "blind_faith",\n\t}>>\t\n\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Devout Robes" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Devout Shroud">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "devoutw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.2, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Devout Shroud">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Devout Robes">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Deathshroud" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Mourning Shroud">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "deathw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.2, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitonOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tisRestrictiveFit: true,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if ($attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Mourning Shroud") or ($attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Deathshroud")>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Rainment of the Dead River">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "rotdr_desc",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.2,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 18,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitonOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisGlamorous: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "forsaken",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "ill_omen",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Lightwear" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Lightdress">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "lightw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tisSuperFancy: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "edenite",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "blind_faith",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Lightdress">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Lightwear">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffdress" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffwear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "puffw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisSuperFancy: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisGlamorous: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "theophobe",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "suave",\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "with style",\n\t}>>\t\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffdress">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Puffwear">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Glamsuit" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Glamgown">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "glams_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisRestrictiveFit: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisGlamorous: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Glamgown">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Glamsuit">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Formal Robe" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Formal Gown">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "formal_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisRestrictiveFit: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisSuperFancy: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisGlamorous: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Formal Gown">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female" and $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Formal Robe">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Vestement of the Vampire Slayer">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "votvh_desc",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.3, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisFashionOutfit: true,\n\t\tisSuperFancy: true,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisGlamorous: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "atheist",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "serious_reputation",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Lotus Skirt">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "lotusw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisFashionOutfitApplyAfter: true,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "blooming lotus",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fanrave">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "fanw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 0,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "gladiator",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "look_noshrt",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Skintight">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "skint_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.25, \n armorFatigueDrain: 18,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Cybertight" >>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "skintc_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.25, \n armorFatigueDrain: 18,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Partytight">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "skintp_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.25, \n armorFatigueDrain: 18,\n\t\tisPartyOutfit: true,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Power Armor">>\n\t/% exo armor %/\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "powerarmor_d",\n armorType: "impervious",\n armorRanged: 1,\n armorMelee: 1, \n armorFatigueDrain: 10,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t\tisSelfPoweredShield: true,\n\t\tisPowerArmor: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Blackscorn Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "blackscr_d",\n armorType: "impervious",\n armorRanged: 1,\n armorMelee: 1, \n armorFatigueDrain: 10,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Legionnaire Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "legion_d",\n armorType: "impervious",\n armorRanged: 1,\n armorMelee: 1, \n armorFatigueDrain: 10,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t\tisSelfPoweredShield: true,\n\t\tisFallenLegion: true,\n\t\tisPowerArmor: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Anointed Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "anointed_d",\n armorType: "impervious",\n armorRanged: 0.9,\n armorMelee: 0.9, \n armorFatigueDrain: 10,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t\tisSelfPoweredShield: true,\n\t\tisPowerArmor: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Hellstorm Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "hellstorma_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.9,\n armorMelee: 0.9, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "hellstormer",\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Bones of Hel">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "boh_desc",\n armorType: "impervious",\n armorRanged: 0.95,\n armorMelee: 0.95, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisPowerArmor: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "kobol",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "blazing_beast",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Void Rig">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "voidr_d",\n armorType: "impervious",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.6, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t\tisSelfPoweredShield: true,\n\t\tisPowerArmor: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "voided",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "sagitarius_astar",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Riot Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "riota_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\t\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "brutal beatdown",\t\n\t\tisTheophobic: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "ioti_desc",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.9, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\t\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "brutal beatdown",\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "theophobe",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "watch_yovr_step",\n\t\tisTheophobic: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Assault Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "assaulta_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.4,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Full Spectrum Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "fsa_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.4,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Combat Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "combata_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.7,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Psych Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "combatap_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.7,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "psychadelic",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Rage Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "combatar_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.6, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "mad masher",\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "spiked demon",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Miasmic Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "miasmar_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.4, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "purple haze",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Gladiator Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "gladiatora_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.9,\n armorMelee: 0.9, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "guts to glory",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "AntiSkel Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "antiskela_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.9,\n armorMelee: 0.9, \n armorFatigueDrain: 8,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t\tisSelfPoweredShield: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "duelist",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Armor of the Old Gods">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "aotog_desc",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 1,\n armorMelee: 1, \n armorFatigueDrain: 8,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisSelfPoweredShield: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "duelist",\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "any",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "old_world_glory",\n\t}>>\t\n\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Arc Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "arca_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.4,\n armorMelee: 0.3, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Battle Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "bada_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.7,\n armorMelee: 0.7, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Heavy Battle Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "hba_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.95,\n armorMelee: 0.95, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Assault Vest">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "assv_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.4, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "atheist",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "backstreet_veteran",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Purifier Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "pura_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tisAbomKiller: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Devout Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "devouta_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.6, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisAbomKiller: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Cultist Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "culta_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\t\t\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "rebreather",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Heavy Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "heavya_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Lavandri Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "lavandriaa_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "guts to glory",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Lavandri Heavy Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "lavandriah_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "guts to glory",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Heavy Arc Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "heavyaa_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.6 \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisHeavyArmor: true,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Commando Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "commandoa_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.7, \n armorFatigueDrain: 10,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "CQB",\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisReallyVisible: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Camo Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "camoa_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.4, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisCamoFlage: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Strike Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "strikea_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n\t\tarmorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.6, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "executive responses",\n\t}>>\t\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Corsair Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "corsaira_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisCamoFlage: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "fringe fighter",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Templar Robes">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "templara_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.2,\n armorMelee: 0.4, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tinquisitorEffect: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Succubus Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "succuba_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.3,\n armorMelee: 0.6, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "slayer",\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Incubus Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "incubua_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.8,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "slayer",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Camo Suit">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "camos_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.35,\n armorMelee: 0.35, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisCamoFlage: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Combat Suit">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "combas_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisRestrictiveFit: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Utility Suit">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "utils_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.2,\n armorMelee: 0.2, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisRestrictiveFit: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Void Suit">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "voids_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.6, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisTooBulky: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisRestrictiveFit: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "voided",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "sagitarius_astar",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "BioMold">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "biom_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.4,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisFleshMold: true,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "graceless gore",\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fleshMoldModifier gte 1>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.armorType = "armored">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Cyber Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "cybera_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 15,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t\tisCamoFlage: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "CyberArc Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "cyberarca_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.4,\n armorMelee: 0.4, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t\tisArcShielder: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "CyberAug Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "cyberauga_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.7,\n armorMelee: 0.7, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tisCyberOutfit: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Recon Armor">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "recona_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.2, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Sports Wear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "sportsw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.25, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Fitwear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "sportsw_d",\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.2, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Pitwear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "pitw_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.2,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 18,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "pit fighter",\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Pit Jacket">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "pitw_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.2,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 18,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "pit fighter",\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Racewear">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "racew_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.3, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisSkimpy: true,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "tigershark",\n\t}>>\t\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Race Jacket">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "racew_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.35, \n armorFatigueDrain: 15,\n\t\tisSuperStretchy: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "tigershark",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Voidheart Robes">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "voidhw_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.4,\n armorMelee: 0.7, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "the big empty",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Maw of the Void">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "motw_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.7,\n armorMelee: 0.7, \n armorFatigueDrain: 16,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialCritBoost: true,\n\t\tcritBoostName: "the big empty",\n\t\tisConcealing: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "voided",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "all_consuming_ire",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Seeker Robes">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "seekerr_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.5,\n armorMelee: 0.6, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "deathseeker",\n\t\tinquisitorEffect: true,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Effigy of the Ebonhawk">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "ebonhawkeff_d",\n armorType: "armored",\n armorRanged: 0.7,\n armorMelee: 0.7, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tisReligious: true,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "deathseeker",\n\t\tinquisitorEffect: true,\n\t\tgivesClassBonus: true,\n\t\tclassBonusName: "forsaken",\n\t\tskillBoostName: "ebonhawk_omen",\n\t}>>\t\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Iso Coat">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "isow_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.3, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tgivesSpecialArcBoost: true,\n\t\tarcBoostName: "insulation",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Iso Jacket">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "isow_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.3, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t\tgivesSpecialArcBoost: true,\n\t\tarcBoostName: "insulation",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "SySkel">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "syskel_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.4,\n armorMelee: 0.8, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t\tgivesSpecialChemBoost: true,\n\t\tchemBoostName: "intravenous",\n\t\tgivesSpecialArcBoost: true,\n\t\tarcBoostName: "bio-induction",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Modular Harness">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "harnessw_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.1,\n armorMelee: 0.1, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Ballistic Harness">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "harnessw_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.1, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Safety Harness">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "harnessw_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.2,\n armorMelee: 0.5, \n armorFatigueDrain: 12,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Combat Vest">>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n\t\tdesc: "combatv_d",\n armorType: "protected",\n armorRanged: 0.6,\n armorMelee: 0.3, \n armorFatigueDrain: 14,\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor = {\n armorType: "unarmored",\n armorRanged: 0,\n armorMelee: 0, \n armorFatigueDrain: 100,\n\t\tgivesSpecialMeleeBoost: true,\n\t\tmeleeBoostName: "MISSING ITEM IN ARMOR.TWEE!!!!",\n\t}>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_8") and ($returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "armored" or $returnedStatsArmor.armorType eq "impervious")>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.religious = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_5") and ($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Voidheart Robes" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Void Suit" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Void Rig")>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter = true>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitFromTalent = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_5") and ($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Hatewear" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Riot Armor" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Assault Armor")>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter = true>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitFromTalent = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_5") and ($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Mourning Shroud" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Deathshroud")>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isRestrictiveFit = false>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter = true>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitFromTalent = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_4") and ($getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Greasecoat" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Iso Coat" or $getCharacteristicsFrom eq "Camo Coat")>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter = true>>\n\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitFromTalent = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_gem") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_sleek")) and not $isConcealing>>\n\t<<set $isDiamondSkinBuffed = true>>\n\t<<if $returnedStatsArmor.isGlamorous>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isHyperGlamorous = true>>\n\t<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.isSuperFancy>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isGlamorous = true>>\n\t<<elseif $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfit or $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter or $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitFromTalent>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isSuperFancy = true>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $returnedStatsArmor.slot = "clothes">>\n\n/% #######################################\nUpgrade Display Flags\n####################################### %/\n\n\n<<set $itemUpgrades = []>>\n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 1, "loot_abom_sample": 1}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Utility Suit", upgradesTo: "Combat Suit", cost: 650, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 1, "loot_xeno_sample": 1}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Utility Suit", upgradesTo: "Camo Suit", cost: 955, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 2}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Formal Robe", upgradesTo: "Vestement of the Vampire Slayer", cost: 1350, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 2}>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Riot Armor", upgradesTo: "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue", cost: 1500, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 5, "loot_abom_sample": 1}>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Hatewear", upgradesTo: "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue", cost: 2750, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 2, "loot_xeno_sample": 1, "loot_abom_sample": 2}>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Voidheart Robes", upgradesTo: "Maw of the Void", cost: 955, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_xeno_sample": 1, "loot_abom_sample": 3}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Deathshroud", upgradesTo: "Rainment of the Dead River", cost: 950, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Mourning Shroud", upgradesTo: "Rainment of the Dead River", cost: 950, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_xeno_sample": 1, "loot_abom_sample": 3}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Purist Robes", upgradesTo: "Habit of the Witch Hunter", cost: 950, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Purist Shroud", upgradesTo: "Habit of the Witch Hunter", cost: 950, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 4}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Devout Robes", upgradesTo: "Mantle of the God Machine", cost: 1150, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Devout Shroud", upgradesTo: "Mantle of the God Machine", cost: 1150, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 2, "loot_xeno_sample": 1, "loot_abom_sample": 3}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Seeker Robes", upgradesTo: "Effigy of the Ebonhawk", cost: 1650, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 8}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Hellstorm Armor", upgradesTo: "Bones of Hel", cost: 14950, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>> \n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 5, "loot_oldworld_scrap": 1}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "Void Suit", upgradesTo: "Void Rig", cost: 16950, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 5, "loot_oldworld_scrap": 2}>>\n<<set $shopItem = {name: "AntiSkel Armor", upgradesTo: "Armor of the Old Gods", cost: 15225, materials: $costItem}; $itemUpgrades.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<unset $shopItem, $costItem>>
<<set $itemListArmor = []>>\n<<set $hudArmorType = []>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Street Clothes", alwaysShow: true, type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Street Wear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Chem Weave", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Chem Wear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Cypher Weave", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Cypher Wear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Skintight", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Cybertight", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Partytight", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Fitwear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Sports Wear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Fanrave", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Neorave", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Partyfray", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Rockwave", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Greasecoat", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Camo Coat", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Red Devil", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "CyberWaer", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "CyberGlam", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Hatewear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Corsair Jacket", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Fancydress", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Fancywear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Whitedress", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Fraydress", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Redsuit", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Cultist Robes", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Purist Robes", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Purist Shroud", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Devout Robes", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Devout Shroud", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Deathshroud", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Mourning Shroud", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Lightwear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Lightdress", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Puffdress", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Puffwear", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Glamsuit", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Glamgown", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Formal Robe", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Formal Gown", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Lotus Skirt", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Rainment of the Dead River", type: "clothes"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Iso Coat", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Iso Jacket", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Racewear", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Race Jacket", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Pitwear", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Pit Jacket", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Voidheart Robes", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Seeker Robes", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Templar Robes", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Utility Suit", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Camo Suit", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Void Suit", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Modular Harness", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Ballistic Harness", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Safety Harness", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Combat Vest", alwaysShow: true, type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Recon Armor", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Camo Armor", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Cyber Armor", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "CyberArc Armor", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Succubus Armor", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Incubus Armor", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Maw of the Void", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Vestement of the Vampire Slayer", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Habit of the Witch Hunter", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Mantle of the God Machine", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "SySkel", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Corsair Armor", type: "protective gear"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Assault Vest", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Combat Suit", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Strike Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "CyberAug Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Combat Armor", alwaysShow: true, type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Lavandri Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Arc Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Psych Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Rage Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Miasmic Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Purifier Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Devout Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Commando Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Gladiator Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Effigy of the Ebonhawk", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "AntiSkel Armor", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Armor of the Old Gods", type: "light armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Battle Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Heavy Armor", alwaysShow: true, type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Lavandri Heavy Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Heavy Arc Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Heavy Battle Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Riot Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Assault Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Full Spectrum Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Cultist Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Hellstorm Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Blackscorn Armor", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue", type: "heavy armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Power Armor", displayName: "Exo Armor", alwaysShow: true, type: "power armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Bones of Hel", type: "power armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Void Rig", type: "power armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Anointed Armor", type: "power armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Legionnaire Armor", type: "power armor"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "BioMold", type: "fleshmold"}; $itemListArmor.push($gameItem); $hudArmorType.push($gameItem.name)>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $overflows.ignore eq false>>\n\t\t<<if $overflows.lastScene neq $currentgamepassage>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.lastScene = $currentgamepassage>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.pistol = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.normal = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.electro = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.toxin = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.scatter = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.ignore = false>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $sneakRandom = (Math.random() + 0.05)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $processLastAnointments>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq $equip.pistol.lastRifle>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.lastAnointment neq $equip.pistol.anointment>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.anointment = $equip.pistol.lastAnointment>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.anointment = "none">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq $equip.rifle.lastRifle>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.lastAnointment neq $equip.rifle.anointment>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.anointment = $equip.rifle.lastAnointment>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.anointment = "none">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% ###########################################################\n\tpistol ammo settings\n\t########################################################### %/\n\t/% default ammo max %/\n\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 90>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" or $equip.pistol.name eq"BL4K" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Stitch" or $equip.pistol.name eq "MF-R2" or $equip.pistol.name eq "MF-RHL" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Witchgun" or $equip.pistol.name eq "MF-R2_Customized" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Family Business" or $equip.pistol.name eq "LICH" or $equip.pistol.name eq "LICH-T">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 45>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Extended" or $equip.pistol.name eq "M1115" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Black Rose">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 60>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "LAMP" or $equip.pistol.name eq "ShVR" or $equip.pistol.name eq "Mk2" or $equip.pistol.name eq "LICH_Converted" or $equip.pistol.name eq "M1115" or $equip.rifle.name eq "SKUL-E" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M420">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 90>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "M410">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 100>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "Mk3c">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 120>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "RUG-9" or $equip.rifle.name eq "KRUG" or $equip.rifle.name eq "KRUG_Painted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M404" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M404A2" or $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000" or $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Extended" or $equip.rifle.name eq "St0Rm" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M405A1">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 120>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "M405">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 140>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "X1" or $equip.rifle.name eq "PUR-G" or $equip.rifle.name eq "PUR-H">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 180>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Scorpion">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 192>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "HailSt0Rm" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M444" or $equip.rifle.name eq "RUG-9_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Hav0C" or $equip.rifle.name eq "PUR-L" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybergun" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M9610">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 240>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "M9610A2" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M9615" or $equip.rifle.name eq "M9616" or $equip.rifle.name eq "N0xIu">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = 360>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% ###########################################################\n\trifle ammo settings\n\t########################################################### %/\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = 6>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = 4>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max = 2>>\n\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max = 2>>\n\t\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "NGREP_Converted" or $equip.rifle.name eq "Rail Cannon">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = 12>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = 8>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "S7G">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = 9>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = 9>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "S13G">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = 18>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = 12>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "NullRifle">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = 20>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = 10>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "FRaG" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = 6>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = 6>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max = 3>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max = 3>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "MF-G6" or $equip.rifle.name eq "MF-GAC" or $equip.rifle.name eq "FLaK">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max = 8>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max = 8>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% skill mods %/\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_1")>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = Math.ceil(($equip.pistol.ammo_max / 5) * 1.25) * 5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_9")>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = Math.ceil(($equip.pistol.ammo_max / 5) * 1.25) * 5>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max * 1.25)>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max * 1.25)>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max * 1.25)>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max * 1.25)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.gotAmmoUpgrade>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo_max = Math.ceil(($equip.pistol.ammo_max / 5) * 1.5) * 5>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max * 1.5)>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max * 1.5)>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max * 2)>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max = Math.ceil($equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max * 2)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% overflow calcs %/\n\n\t<<if $overflows.ignore eq false>>\n\t\t/% normal calc - add overflow to recovery pool %/\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += $overflows.pistol>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal += $overflows.normal>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric += $overflows.electro>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical += $overflows.toxin>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter += $overflows.scatter>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo gt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.pistol += ($equip.pistol.ammo - $equip.pistol.ammo_max)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo = $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.pistol = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gt $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.normal += ($equip.rifle.ammo.normal - $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal = $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.normal = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter gt $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.scatter += ($equip.rifle.ammo.scatter - $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter = $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.scatter = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical gt $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.chemical += ($equip.rifle.ammo.chemical - $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical = $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.chemical = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric gt $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.electric += ($equip.rifle.ammo.electric - $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric = $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $overflows.electric = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t/% ignore calc - skip recovery pool %/\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo gt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo = $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gt $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal = $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter gt $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter = $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical gt $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical = $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric gt $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric = $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $overflows.ignore = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<set $equip.isHeavyWeapon = false>>\n<<set $equip.isHeavyCoilgun = false>>\n<<set $equip.isPlasmaCaster = false>>\n<<set $equip.isArcWeapon = false>>\n<<set $equip.isHeavyArmor = false>>\n<<set $equip.isSubsonicWeapon = false>>\n<<set $equip.isPrecisionWeapon = false>>\n\n<<set $equip.isTooBulky = false>>\n<<set $equip.isAugmented = false>>\n<<set $equip.isHeavyArmor = false>>\n<<set $equip.isPowerArmor = false>>\n<<set $equip.isCyberOutfit = false>>\n<<set $equip.isFashionOutfit = false>>\n<<set $equip.isFashionTalent = false>>\n<<set $equip.isPartyOutfit = false>>\n<<set $equip.isCrossdressOutfit = false>>\n<<set $equip.isRestrictiveFit = false>>\n<<set $equip.isNeuroImplant = false>>\n<<set $equip.isCyberImplant = false>> /% = has visual "borg" cybernetics of some sort (eye, arm, skin etc) %/\n<<set $equip.isBioImplant = false>>\n<<set $equip.isCybernetic = false>> /% = has cybernetic classed implant but may be invisible %/\n<<set $equip.isConcealing = false>>\n<<set $equip.isAbominated = false>>\n<<set $equip.isSuperFancy = false>>\n<<set $equip.isSuperStretchy = false>>\n<<set $equip.isSkimpy = false>>\n<<set $equip.isGlamorous = false>>\n<<set $equip.isHyperGlamorous = false>>\n<<set $equip.isReallyVisible = false>>\n<<set $equip.isFleshMold = false>>\n<<set $equip.isReligious = false>> /% generally means edenist but can mean voider in certain cases %/\n<<set $equip.isArcArmor = false>>\n<<set $equip.isCamoFlage = false>>\n<<set $equip.isAbomKiller = false>>\n<<set $equip.isMeleeBooster = false>>\n<<set $equip.isChemBooster = false>>\n<<set $equip.isDiamondSkinBuffed = false>>\n<<set $equip.isTheophobic = false>>\n\n<<set $attrib.passedSneakCheck = false>>\n<<set $attrib.passedAmbushCheck = false>>\n<<set $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon = false>>\n\n/% \n\n####################################################\nBEGIN WEAPON \n#################################################### %/\n\n<<set $getStatsFor = $equip.rifle.name>>\n<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\n<<if $returnedStats>>\n <<if $returnedStats.isHeavyWeapon>>\n <<set $equip.isHeavyWeapon = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $returnedStats.hasPlasmaCaster or $returnedStats.ammo eq "plasmaburst">>\n <<set $equip.isPlasmaCaster = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $returnedStats.hasArcCaster or $returnedStats.ammo eq "arclance" or $returnedStats.hasArcCharge>>\n <<set $equip.isArcWeapon = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $returnedStats.eXtremeZoom>>\n <<set $equip.isPrecisionWeapon = true>>\n <<set $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType = "env_special_" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $returnedStats.isSubsonic>>\n <<set $equip.isSubsonicWeapon = true>>\n <<set $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType = "env_special_" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% ####################################################\nEND WEAPON\n####################################################\n\n---------------------------------------------------- \n\n####################################################\nBEGIN CLOTHES AND ARMOR \n#################################################### %/\n\n<<set $getCharacteristicsFrom = $equip.clothes>>\n\n<<display 'getItemCharacteristics'>>\n<<set $attrib.armortype = $returnedStatsArmor.armorType>>\n\n<<set $equip.isArcArmor = $returnedStatsArmor.isArcShielder>>\n<<set $equip.isCamoFlage = $returnedStatsArmor.isCamoFlage>>\n\n<<set $equip.isTooBulky = $returnedStatsArmor.isTooBulky>>\n<<set $equip.isPowerArmor = $returnedStatsArmor.isPowerArmor>>\n<<set $equip.isHeavyArmor = $returnedStatsArmor.isHeavyArmor>>\n<<set $equip.isFleshMold = $returnedStatsArmor.isFleshMold>>\n<<set $equip.isConcealing = $returnedStatsArmor.isConcealing>>\n\n<<set $equip.isCyberOutfit = $returnedStatsArmor.isCyberOutfit>>\n<<set $equip.isPartyOutfit = $returnedStatsArmor.isPartyOutfit>>\n<<set $equip.isReligious = $returnedStatsArmor.isReligious>>\n<<set $equip.isTheophobic = $returnedStatsArmor.isTheophobic>>\n<<set $equip.isCrossdressOutfit = $returnedStatsArmor.isCrossdressOutfit>>\n<<set $equip.isSuperStretchy = $returnedStatsArmor.isSuperStretchy>>\n\n<<set $equip.isFashionOutfit = $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfit>>\n\n<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit and $returnedStatsArmor.isFashionOutfitApplyAfter>>\n <<set $equip.isFashionOutfit = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $equip.isSuperFancy = $returnedStatsArmor.isSuperFancy>>\n<<set $equip.isSkimpy = $returnedStatsArmor.isSkimpy>>\t\n<<set $equip.isGlamorous = $returnedStatsArmor.isGlamorous>>\n<<set $equip.isHyperGlamorous = $returnedStatsArmor.isHyperGlamorous>>\n<<set $equip.isReallyVisible = $returnedStatsArmor.isReallyVisible>>\n<<set $equip.isDiamondSkinBuffed = $returnedStatsArmor.isDiamondSkinBuffed>>\n\n<<set $equip.isAbomKiller = $returnedStatsArmor.isAbomKiller>>\n<<set $equip.isMeleeBooster = $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialMeleeBoost>>\n<<set $equip.isChemBooster = $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialChemBoost>>\n<<set $equip.isArcShieldBooster = $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialArcBoost>>\n<<set $equip.isCritBooster = $returnedStatsArmor.givesSpecialCritBoost>>\n<<if $isFallenLegion>>\n <<set $equip.isCritBooster = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $equip.isSelfPoweredShield = $returnedStatsArmor.isSelfPoweredShield>>\n\n<<for $i = 0; $i lt ($equip.offhandUpgrade.length - 1); $i++>>\n <<if $equip.offhandUpgrade[$i] neq "none">>\n <<set $equip.isAugmented = true>>\n <<break>>\n <</if>>\n<</for>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("abomskin") or $equip.offhand.contains("abomgland") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle") or $equip.offhand.contains("abomclaw") or $equip.offhand.contains("abominatedskin")>>\n <<set $equip.isAbominated = true>>\n <<set $attrib.infected = false>>\n <<set $equip.isBioImplant = true>>\n <<set $equip.brainaug = "neuroparasite">>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint") or $equip.offhand.contains("fleshmask") or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberbody") or $equip.offhand.contains("thirdeye") or $equip.offhand.contains("braincase") >>\n <<set $equip.isNeuroImplant = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% but not cybernetic, as has no cyber benefits \n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin1") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin2") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin3") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin4") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin5") or $equip.offhand.contains("syntheticskin6")>>\n <<set $equip.isCyberImplant = true>>\n<</if>> %/\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cyberbody") or $equip.offhand.contains("slenderbody") or $equip.offhand.contains("braincase") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybereye") or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm") or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybergun" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine" or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_sleek") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_machine")>>\n /% plastic skin lets you see inside, always causes cybers to look cyber %/\n <<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybereye") or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("braincase") or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybergun" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine" or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_plastique") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_sleek") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_machine")>>\n \n <<set $equip.isCyberImplant = true>>\n <<set $equip.isCybernetic = true>>\n <<else>>\n <<set $equip.isCybernetic = true>>\n <</if>>\t\t\t\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("shield") or $equip.offhand.contains("aimpoint") or $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("detoxifier") or $equip.offhand.contains("catears") or $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon") or $equip.offhand.contains("rhinoskin") or $equip.offhand.contains("fleshmask") or $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel") or $equip.offhand.contains("thirdeye")>>\n <<set $equip.isBioImplant = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("catears") or $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon") or $equip.offhand.contains("rhinoskin") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_fluffy") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_plastique") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_gem") or $equip.offhand.contains("featherarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_machine")>>\n <<set $equip.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% plastique reveals the bull %/\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel") and $equip.offhand.contains("specialskin_plastique")>>\n <<set $equip.isCrossdressOutfit = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% ####################################################\nEND ARMOR\n####################################################\n\n---------------------------------------------------- \n\n####################################################\nBEGIN SNEAK \n#################################################### %/\n\n<<set $sneakChance = 0>>\n\n<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.3>>\n<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.15>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.3>>\n<<elseif $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.15>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.2>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon") and $equip.isSkimpy>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.15>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.3>>\n<<elseif $attrib.armortype neq "protected">>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.2>>\n<<elseif ($attrib.armortype eq "armored" and $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak)>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.2>>\n<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.4>>\n<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "impervious">>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.5>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.05>>\n<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.05>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($attrib.armortype neq "armored" and $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak)>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.05>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isCamoFlage>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.125>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isConcealing>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isRestrictiveFit>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.075>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 1.25>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isCyberOutfit>>\n <<set $sneakChance += 0.035>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.035>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isReallyVisible>>\n <<set $sneakChance -= 0.05>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $sneakChance gte $sneakRandom>>\n <<set $attrib.passedSneakCheck = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% ####################################################\nEND SNEAK\n####################################################\n\n---------------------------------------------------- \n\n####################################################\nBEGIN AMBUSH \n#################################################### %/\n\n<<set $ambushChance = 1>>\n\n<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.2>>\n<<elseif $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.15>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.2>>\n<<elseif $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.15>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.stress lt 15>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.2>>\n<<elseif $attrib.stress lt 30>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.15>>\n<<elseif $attrib.stress lt 45>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.1>>\n<<elseif $attrib.stress lt 60>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.05>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isCamoFlage>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.05>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isRestrictiveFit>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.075>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isReallyVisible>>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.075>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.05>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.05>>\n<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n <<set $ambushChance += 0.05>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.02>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $ambushChance lt $sneakRandom>>\n <<set $attrib.passedAmbushCheck = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("antiflash")>>\n <<set $ambushChance -= 0.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<unset $ambushChance>>\n\n/% ####################################################\nEND AMBUSH \n#################################################### \n\n---------------------------------------------------- \n\n####################################################\nFASHION TWEAKS (have to be last since they'll otherwise mess up sneak stats)\n#################################################### %/\n\n<<if $isFashionOutfitApplyAfter>>\n <<set $equip.isFashionOutfit = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if ($equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains("synth-fiber") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle") or $gameworld_modifiers.hasWeaponFatigueOverride or $equip.isPowerArmor or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_10"))>>\n <<set $attrib.canHandleHeavyWeapon = true>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $price = 100>>\n\n\t<<if $type eq "main" or $type eq "sidearm" or $type eq "knife">>\n\t\t<<set $price = 100>>\n\n\t\t<<set $getStatsFor = $specificItem>>\n\t\t<<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $returnedStats.price>>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = $returnedStats.price>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $type eq "clothes">>\n\t\t<<set $price = 50>>\n\n\t\t<<set $getCharacteristicsFrom = $specificItem>>\n\t\t<<display 'getItemCharacteristics'>>\n\n\t\t<<if $returnedArmorType eq "protected">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price += 250>>\n\t\t<<elseif $returnedArmorType eq "armored">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price += 750>>\n\t\t\t<<if $isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price += 850>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price += 2850>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $isSuperFancy >>\n\t\t\t<<set $price += 350>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $isGlamorous >>\n\t\t\t<<set $price += 950>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $isReallyVisible >>\n\t\t\t<<set $price += 150>>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $type eq "augment">>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<set $price = 1000>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $aquireText eq "humanskin1" or $aquireText eq "humanskin2" or $aquireText eq "humanskin3" or $aquireText eq "humanskin4" or $aquireText eq "humanskin5">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = 50>>\n\t\t<<elseif $aquireText eq "syntheticskin1" or $aquireText eq "syntheticskin2" or $aquireText eq "syntheticskin3" or $aquireText eq "syntheticskin4" or $aquireText eq "syntheticskin5" or $aquireText eq "syntheticskin6">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = 175>>\n\t\t<<elseif $aquireText eq "specialskin_fluffy" or $aquireText eq "specialskin_plastique" or $aquireText eq "specialskin_gem">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = 100>>\n\t\t<<elseif $aquireText eq "normalskel" or $aquireText eq "meleeplant" or $aquireText eq "thirdeye" or $aquireText eq "catears" or $aquireText eq "aimpoint" or $aquireText eq "specialskin_dampening" or $aquireText eq "specialskin_sleek">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = 1500>>\n\t\t<<elseif $aquireText eq "rhinoskin" or $aquireText eq "chameleon" or $aquireText eq "featherarm" or $aquireText eq "cybereye" or $aquireText eq "fleshmask" or $aquireText eq "slenderbody" or $aquireText eq "specialskin_machine">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = 2500>>\n\t\t<<elseif $aquireText eq "cyberarm" or $aquireText eq "cybergun" or $aquireText eq "shield">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = 3750>>\n\t\t<<elseif $aquireText eq "cyberbody" or $aquireText eq "braincase">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = 4250>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $type eq "item" or $type eq "item1" or $type eq "item2">>\n\t\t<<set $price = 50>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $localizer[$hud.currentLanguageCode][$aquireText]>>\n\t<<set $aquireText = $localizer[$hud.currentLanguageCode][$aquireText]>>\n<</if>>
<<if $getStatsFor eq "Rail Cannon">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tdesc: "railcannon_desc",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.3,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tmagazine: 4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.65,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tdumpMagazineMechanic: true,\n\t\tprice: 3100,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $maindrawn>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.magazine = 1>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.armorpen = 2>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.shieldpen = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "NGREP">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tdesc: "ngrep_desc",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.35,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.75,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1300,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "NGREP_Converted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "ngrep_converted_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.45,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 4,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.35,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "NGREP_Extended">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "ngrep_extended_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2.5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.225,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\thasPlasmaSink: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1400,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "S13G">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tdesc: "s13g_desc",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 6,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.2,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tneedsChargeToUse: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2300,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "S7G">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "s7g_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.5,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 3,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.75,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M1B">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "m1b_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.85,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 3,\n\t\tmagazine: 10,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.06,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.15,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisHeavyRandomizer: true,\n\t\tprice: 12500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "S7ZF">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "s7zf_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.5,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.95,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 10,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1.5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.01,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\teXtremeZoom: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 3900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\t\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "SKUL">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "skul_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.3,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3.5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisMelee: true,\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "SKUL-S">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "skul-s_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tdazzleProjector: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2000,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "SKUL-E">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "skul-e_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tisSKULE: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2000,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M451">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "m451_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.08,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tcanisterOnly: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1000,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M451A2">>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "m451_a2_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tcanisterOnly: true,\n\t\tdazzleProjector: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1100,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M559">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "m559_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.35,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.8,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.125,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2100,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "MF-G6">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "mf-g6_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 4,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3.45,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tcanisterOnly: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1100,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "MF-GAC">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "mf-gac_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.45,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 4,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.08,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tcanisterOnly: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1200,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "FLaK">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "flak_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.5,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 4,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tcanisterOnly: true,\n\t\thasPlasmaSink: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2300,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "FRaG">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "frag_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.45,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 3,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tdumpMagazineMechanic: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2400,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $maindrawn>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.magazine = 1>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.armorpen = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Black Skull">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "bs_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tmagazine: 2,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdumpMagazineMechanic: true,\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tfreakishCrit: true,\n\t\tprice: 2400,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $maindrawn>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.magazine = 1>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.armorpen = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "cybercannon">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "cybercannon_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 3,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1.5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.15,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdumpMagazineMechanic: true,\n\t\tisCyber: true,\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $maindrawn>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.magazine = 1>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.armorpen = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "C2000">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "c2000_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 7,\n\t\tmagazine: 15,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.03,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.35,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 800,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t<<set $returnedStats.scrap = "loot_circuits">>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "C2000_Converted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "c2000_converted_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tmagazine: 15,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 6,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.03,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.35,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisSubsonic: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1200,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "C2000_Extended">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "c2000_extended_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 6,\n\t\tmagazine: 15,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.35,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.15,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.3,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.35,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\thasCanisterLauncher: true,\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M404">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m404_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 12,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.35,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.01,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.33,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 800,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M404A2">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m404_a2_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 10,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.15,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.35,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.06,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.33,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M444">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m444_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.55,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 10,\n\t\tmagazine: 80,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.15,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.20,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.15,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 1200,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M405">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "m405_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.35,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 8,\n\t\tmagazine: 35,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.225,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.275,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\thasCanisterLauncher: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1100,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M405A1">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m405a1_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.3,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 8,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1400,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M420">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m420_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.55,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.15,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 5,\n\t\tmagazine: 15,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.55,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.15,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.5,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisSubsonic: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2800,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M410">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m410_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.35,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 8,\n\t\tmagazine: 25,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.225,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "toxin",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1400,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "RUG-9">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "rug9_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.3,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 8,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.07,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 950,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "KRUG" or $getStatsFor eq "KRUG_Painted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "krug_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 10,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.175,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.35,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\thasCanisterLauncher: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1250,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "St0Rm">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "st0rm_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.3,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 10,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\tisMelee: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 1250,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "HailSt0Rm">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "hailst0rm_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tmagazine: 60,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 10,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.155,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.22,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.15,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tprice: 1250,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Hav0C">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "havoc_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tmagazine: 60,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 17,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.15,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.26,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.03,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.35,\n\t\telemental: "toxin",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 950,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "RUG-9_Converted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "rug-hk_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 17,\n\t\tmagazine: 60,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.175,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.07,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1150,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "MF-GRA">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "mf-gra_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.35,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.125,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 2300,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "XZ">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "xz_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.45,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.15,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.15,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\teXtremeZoom: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 4500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "XZX">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "xzx_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.95,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.08,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.2,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdazzleProjector: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 4600,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "XZI">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "arclance",\n\t\tdesc: "xzi_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.45,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.95,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 11,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.08,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.2,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\thasArcCaster: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 33,\n\t\tprice: 7500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Sanctus">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "sanctus_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.35,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.9,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5.5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 4.5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.25,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdazzleProjector: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tprice: 4700,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "cybercarbine">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "arclance",\n\t\tdesc: "cybercarbine_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 7.5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.175,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.075,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisCyber: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 32,\n\t\tprice: 1900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M9610">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m9610_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.7,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 38,\n\t\tmagazine: 80,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.15,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.16,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.03,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 3500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M9610A2">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m9610_a2_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.7,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 36,\n\t\tmagazine: 90,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.16,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.18,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 3600,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "N0xIu">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "noxiu_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.7,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tmagazine: 90,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 26,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.18,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.08,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "toxin",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 4500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M9615">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m9615_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.7,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 28,\n\t\tmagazine: 90,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.18,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.16,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.08,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 4300,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M9616">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "m9616_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.7,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 29,\n\t\tmagazine: 90,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.18,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.16,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\thasPlasmaCaster: true,\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 4400,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "cybergun">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "cybergun_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 27,\n\t\tmagazine: 80,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.16,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.125,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.12,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisCyber: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "X1">>\n\t/% note: due to having both needsChargeToUse and consumeCharge, when firing the arc-shock alternate fire, it will use 2x as much spendfactor %/\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "x1_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.45,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tmagazine: 45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 17,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.45,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.45,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\thasArcCaster: true,\n\t\tneedsChargeToUse: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 18,\n\t\tisHyper9mm: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tprice: 11500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Scorpion">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm_hyper",\n\t\tdesc: "scorpion_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tmagazine: 64,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 17,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.35,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tfringeRaider: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tprice: 13500,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "IX">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "plasmaburst",\n\t\tdesc: "ix_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.08,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\thasPlasmaCaster: true,\n\t\thasArcCaster: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 39,\n\t\tprice: 4500,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_circuits",\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "VIM">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "plasmaburst",\n\t\tdesc: "vim_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.05,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 40,\n\t\tprice: 1200,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "VIM_Converted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "plasmaburst",\n\t\tdesc: "vim_c_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 3,\n\t\tarmorpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.08,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.125,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 35,\n\t\tprice: 1500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "VIM_Extended" or $getStatsFor eq "Cropduster">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "plasmaburst",\n\t\tdesc: "vim_e_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.1,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 33,\n\t\tprice: 2000,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Hellfire">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "plasmaburst",\n\t\tdesc: "hellfire_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.55,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 3,\n\t\tarmorpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldpen: 12,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.15,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.08,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 28,\n\t\tprice: 3350,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_circuits",\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "N3CR" or $getStatsFor eq "Flay3r">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "arclance",\n\t\tdesc: "necr_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.55,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 3,\n\t\tarmorpen: 10,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.15,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 32,\n\t\tprice: 2200,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "PUR-G">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "pur-g_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tmagazine: 45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 19,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.125,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.175,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.03,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.35,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\thasPlasmaCaster: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 48,\n\t\tprice: 1900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "PUR-L">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "pur-l_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.35,\n\t\tmagazine: 60,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 19,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.115,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.175,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.275,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.03,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.375,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 2000,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "PUR-H">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "pur-h_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.35,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tmagazine: 45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 16,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.08,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdraw9mmAmmo: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 48,\n\t\tprice: 2500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Plasma Lance">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "plasma_lance_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 12,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.3,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasPlasmaCaster: true,\n\t\tisMelee: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 39,\n\t\tprice: 2300,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_circuits",\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Plasma Staff">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "plasma_staff_desc",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.7,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldpen: 11,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.4,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.03,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasPlasmaCaster: true,\n\t\tisMelee: true,\t\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\t\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 39,\n\t\tprice: 2300,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_circuits",\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Ornate Lance">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "ornate_lance_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.7,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldpen: 12,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.4,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.03,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasPlasmaCaster: true,\n\t\tisMelee: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 55,\n\t\tfangedMenace: true,\n\t\tfangedMenaceText: "poise",\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tprice: 4500,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_circuits",\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "ArcSpike">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "arcspike_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.55,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.3,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.0,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasArcCaster: true,\n\t\tisMelee: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 33,\n\t\tprice: 2500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Arclance">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "arclance_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 3,\n\t\tarmorpen: 9,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.05,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.3,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasArcCaster: true,\n\t\tisMelee: true,\t\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tfangedMenace: true,\n\t\tfangedMenaceText: "en guarde",\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 33,\n\t\tprice: 9500,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Spikestick">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "spikestick_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4.5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5.5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.45,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tprice: 500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Axeblade">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "axeblade_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.3,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.55,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 700,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Shockstick">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "shockstick_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.2,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.7,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 10,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.45,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Battleaxe">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "battleaxe_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.4,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 12,\n\t\tshieldpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.10,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.35,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tfangedMenace: true,\n\t\tfangedMenaceText: "bloody butcher",\n\t\tprice: 3500,\n\t\tisHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\t\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "N3Cron">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "necron_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 3,\n\t\tarmorpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.3,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasArcCaster: true,\n\t\tisMelee: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\t\t\n\t\tconsumeCharge: true,\n\t\tisPseudoHeavyWeapon: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 33,\n\t\tfangedMenace: true,\n\t\tfangedMenaceText: "bludgeon",\n\t\tprice: 1900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Blacklance">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "blacklance_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisMonoblade: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.6,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 35,\n\t\tshieldpen: 35,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.4,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tgetsStaffBonus: true,\n\t\tprice: 10500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Sliceblade">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "sliceblade_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.3,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Arcblade">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "arcblade_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.25,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasArcCharge: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 33,\n\t\tprice: 1500,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Searblade">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "searblade_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.25,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\thasFlameCharge: true,\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tspendCharge: 33,\n\t\tprice: 1200,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Twin Fang">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "twinf_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.2,\n\t\tisMonoblade: false,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 9,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.4,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.05,\n\t\telemental: "toxin",\n\t\tsuppressAuto: true,\n\t\tfangedMenace: true,\n\t\tfangedMenaceText: "fanged menace",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tprice: 1900,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "DRUG">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "drug_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tmagazine: 45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 14,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0.07,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tisDisposable: true,\n\t\tprice: 100,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "NUKE">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tdesc: "nuke_desc",\n\t\tammo: "micronuke",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $maindrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.33,\n\t\taccuracy: 1.25,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 5,\n\t\tarmorpen: 12,\n\t\tshieldpen: 100,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tisPrimary: true,\n\t\tisDisposable: true,\n\t\tprice: 750,\n\t\tslot: "rifle",\n\t}>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $getStatsFor eq "M1114">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tdesc: "m1114_desc",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 6,\n\t\tmagazine: 14,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.18,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tprice: 350,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Stitch">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "stitch_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.30,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 3,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.4,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 350,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\t\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M1114_Extended">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tdesc: "m1114_extended_desc",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.475,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 7,\n\t\tmagazine: 20,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 450,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M1114_Converted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tdesc: "m1114_converted_desc",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 5,\n\t\tmagazine: 14,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.18,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisSubsonic: true,\n\t\tprice: 450,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "M1115">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "m1115_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.455,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 7,\n\t\tmagazine: 20,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.22,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 450,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Witchgun">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm_hyper",\n\t\tdesc: "witchgun_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 3,\n\t\tmagazine: 9,\n\t\thitspershot: 2,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.85,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.55,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.4,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisExoticGun: true,\n\t\tprice: 9500,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "BL4K">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "black_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.02,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 5,\n\t\tmagazine: 14,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.85,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.85,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.45,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.3,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tprice: 10500,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "MF-R2">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "mfr2_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.01,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 3,\n\t\tmagazine: 7,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 750,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "MF-R2_Customized">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "mf-r2_c_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.01,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 3,\n\t\tmagazine: 9,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.225,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tdazzleProjector: true,\n\t\tprice: 850,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Family Business">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "fb_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.01,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 3,\n\t\tmagazine: 9,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.225,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tdazzleProjector: true,\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 1100,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "MF-RHL">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "mf-rhl_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 3,\n\t\tmagazine: 9,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1.1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.175,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tprice: 825,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "LICH">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "lich_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 8,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.4,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 750,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "LICH-T">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "licht_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.75,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 8,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 1.25,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.1,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.35,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 850,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "LICH-C">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "lichc_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.25,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 2,\n\t\tmagazine: 24,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.45,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.35,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 950,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "LICH_Converted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "lich_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 4,\n\t\tmagazine: 16,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.45,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.55,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.15,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tfreakishCrit: true,\n\t\tprice: 750,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "LAMP">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "lamp_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 13,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.15,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tprice: 550,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "LAMP_Converted">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "lampc_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tmagazine: 25,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 12,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.2,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tprice: 650,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "LAMP_Extended">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "lampe_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.15,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 10,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 950,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Black Rose">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "blackr_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tmagazine: 20,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 10,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.45,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.4,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tfreakishCrit: true,\n\t\tprice: 2850,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Mk2">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "mk2_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 9,\n\t\tmagazine: 20,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tprice: 750,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Mk3">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "mk3_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 9,\n\t\tmagazine: 20,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tprice: 850,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Mk3c">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm",\n\t\tdesc: "mk3c_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 9,\n\t\tmagazine: 30,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.2,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.25,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 850,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "ShVR">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "9mm_hyper",\n\t\tdesc: "shvr_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: false,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.3,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 7,\n\t\tmagazine: 20,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 0.75,\n\t\tshieldpen: 0.35,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.35,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tisSmartTargeting: true,\n\t\tprice: 9500,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "VX" or $getStatsFor eq "VX_Rave" or $getStatsFor eq "VXI">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "vx_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.06,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tfreakishCrit: true,\n\t\tprice: 2500,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Blue Dragon">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "blued_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.2,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 2,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.15,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.2,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltAndCanister: true,\n\t\tprice: 2200,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "RXC">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "rcx_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tcanisterOnly: true,\n\t\tprice: 750,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "RXS">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "rxs_d",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.2,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.1,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tcanisterOnly: true,\n\t\tisBreechingGun: true,\n\t\tprice: 750,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "MF-R2_Converted" or $getStatsFor eq "MF-Rave" or $getStatsFor eq "MF-RIB">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "loadAmmo",\n\t\tammo: "none",\n\t\tdesc: "mf-rib",\n\t\tisSemiAuto: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: true,\n\t\tdrawn: $backupdrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3.5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 1,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.25,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0.25,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tboltOnly: true,\n\t\tprice: 950,\n\t\tslot: "pistol",\n\t}>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $getStatsFor eq "Power Fist">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "powerfist",\n\t\tdesc: "powerfist_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.65,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 12,\n\t\tshieldpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.65,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "combat knife">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "combk_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.45,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tprice: 50,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "tactical knife">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "tack_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.45,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tprice: 150,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "arc knife">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "ark_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.5,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldpen: 3,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.45,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 650,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "razorfan">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "razorf_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.55,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tprice: 150,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "arcfan">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "arcf_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.55,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 350,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "venomfan">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "venomf_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.55,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "toxin",\n\t\tprice: 350,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\t\t\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "hellspike">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "hellspike_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.55,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tprice: 450,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "cultblade">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "cultb_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.55,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "toxin",\n\t\tprice: 450,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "thorn knife">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "thornk_d",\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.075,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.6,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 8,\n\t\tshieldpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.5,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "toxin",\n\t\tprice: 450,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "Gladius">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "gladio_d",\n\t\tisMonoblade: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.85,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldpen: 4,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.4,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tprice: 7500,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "razorspine">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "razorspine_d",\n\t\tisMonoblade: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.55,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 11,\n\t\tshieldpen: 5,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.4,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "plasma",\n\t\tprice: 7500,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "corsair knife">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "blade_of_justice_d",\n\t\tisMonoblade: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.1,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.45,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 13,\n\t\tshieldpen: 7,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.3,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "none",\n\t\tprice: 8500,\n\t\tscrap: "loot_oldworld_scrap",\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<<elseif $getStatsFor eq "witchblade">>\n\t<<set $returnedStats = {\n\t\ttype: "fireDirect",\n\t\tammo: "melee",\n\t\tdesc: "witchb_d",\n\t\tisMonoblade: true,\n\t\tisBreechLoaded: false,\n\t\tdrawn: $knifedrawn,\n\t\tswitchPenalty: 0.05,\n\t\taccuracy: 0.4,\n\t\tshotsperkill: 1,\n\t\tmagazine: 1,\n\t\thitspershot: 1,\n\t\tarmorpen: 9,\n\t\tshieldpen: 6,\n\t\tshieldchance: 0.55,\n\t\tparrychance: 0,\n\t\tcoverchance: 0,\n\t\telemental: "shock",\n\t\tprice: 8500,\n\t\tslot: "knife",\n\t}>>\n<</if>>
<<set $itemListWeapon = []>>\n<<set $hudWeaponType = []>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "combat knife", alwaysShow: true, type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "tactical knife", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "arc knife", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "razorfan", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "arcfan", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "venomfan", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "cultblade", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "hellspike", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "thorn knife", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Gladius", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "witchblade", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "razorspine", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "corsair knife", type: "knives"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Sliceblade", alwaysShow: true, type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Searblade", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Arcblade", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Twin Fang", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Spikestick", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Shockstick", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Axeblade", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Battleaxe", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "N3Cron", displayName: "Havoc N3Cron", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Plasma Lance", displayName: "Sanctum Plasma Lance", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Plasma Staff", displayName: "Sanctum Plasma Staff", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Ornate Lance", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Arclance", displayName: "Azyr Arclance", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "ArcSpike", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Blacklance", type: "melee weapons"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M1114", alwaysShow: true, displayName: "CalTec M1114", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M1114_Converted", displayName: "CalTec M1114 HARP", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M1114_Extended", displayName: "CalTec M1114 DART", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M1115", displayName: "CalTec M1115", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Stitch", displayName: "Nitewood Stitch", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Black Rose", displayName: "Nagauri Black Rose", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Blue Dragon", displayName: "Sobraniti Blue Dragon", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "LAMP", displayName: "Nitewood LAMP", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "LAMP_Converted", displayName: "Nitewood LAMP-E", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "LAMP_Extended", displayName: "Nitewood LAMP-H", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "LICH", displayName: "Nitewood LICH", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "LICH-T", displayName: "Nitewood LICH-T", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "LICH-C",displayName: "Nitewood LICH-C", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "LICH_Converted", displayName: "Nitewood LICH (Modified)", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-R2", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher R2", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-R2_Converted", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher RIB", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-RIB", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher RIB (Red)",type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-RHL", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher RHL", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-R2_Customized", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher R2 (Customized)", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Family Business", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher R2 (Family Business)", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "RXC", displayName: "Vindel RXC", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "RXS", displayName: "Vindel RXS", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Mk2", displayName: "Sanctum Mk2", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Mk3", displayName: "Sanctum Mk3", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Mk3c", displayName: "Sanctum Mk3c", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "VX", displayName: "Blackthorn VX", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "VX_Rave", displayName: "Blackthorn VX (Painted)", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "VXI", displayName: "Blackthorn VXI", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "ShVR", displayName: "Razorspine ShVR", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Witchgun", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "BL4K", type: "sidearms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "C2000", alwaysShow: true, manufacturer: "CalTec", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "C2000_Extended", displayName: "CalTec C2000 HALO", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "C2000_Converted", displayName: "CalTec C2000 NITE", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M404", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M404A2", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M405", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M405A1", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M410", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M420", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M444", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M9610", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M9610A2", manufacturer: "CalTec", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M9615", manufacturer: "CalTec", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M9616", manufacturer: "CalTec",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "PUR-G", manufacturer: "Sanctum", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "PUR-L", manufacturer: "Sanctum", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "PUR-H", manufacturer: "Sanctum", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "RUG-9", manufacturer: "Vindel", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "KRUG", manufacturer: "Vindel", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "RUG-9_Converted", displayName: "Vindel RUG-HK",type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "KRUG_Painted",displayName: "Hav0c KRUG (pirated)", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Hav0C", manufacturer: "Hav0c", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "N0xIu", manufacturer: "Hav0c", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "St0Rm", manufacturer: "Hav0c", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "HailSt0Rm", manufacturer: "Hav0c", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "cybergun", manufacturer: "CyberArms", type: "coilarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M451", alwaysShow: true, manufacturer: "CalTec", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M451A2", manufacturer: "CalTec", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M559", manufacturer: "CalTec", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-G6", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher G6", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-GAC", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher GAC", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "MF-GRA", displayName: "Meyer-Fraulicher GRA", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "NGREP", manufacturer: "Illitivan", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "NGREP_Extended", displayName: "Illitivan NGREP SEAR",type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "NGREP_Converted", displayName: "Illitivan NGREP SACK", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "SKUL", manufacturer: "Nitewood", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "SKUL-S", manufacturer: "Nitewood", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "SKUL-E", manufacturer: "Nitewood", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Black Skull", manufacturer: " Nagauri ", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "FLaK", manufacturer: "Nitewood", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "FRaG", manufacturer: "Nitewood", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "S7G", manufacturer: "Steinbrunner", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "S7ZF", manufacturer: "Steinbrunner", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "S13G", manufacturer: "Steinbrunner", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "XZ", manufacturer: "Blackthorn", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "XZX", manufacturer: "Blackthorn", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Sanctus", manufacturer: "Sanctum", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Rail Cannon", manufacturer: "Illitivan ", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "X1", manufacturer: "Reaper", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Scorpion", manufacturer: "Corsair", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "M1B", manufacturer: "Colonial Industries", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "cybercannon", manufacturer: "CyberArms", type: "railarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "VIM", alwaysShow: true, manufacturer: "Illitivan ", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "VIM_Converted", displayName: "Ilitiavin VIN", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "VIM_Extended", displayName: "Ilitiavin VIL", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Cropduster", displayName: " Ilitiavin VIL \s"Cropduster\s"", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Plasma Lance", manufacturer: "Sanctum", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Plasma Staff", manufacturer: "Sanctum", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Ornate Lance", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Arclance", manufacturer: "Azyr", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "ArcSpike", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "N3CR", manufacturer: "Reaper", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Hellfire", manufacturer: "Havoc", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "N3Cron", manufacturer: "Hav0c", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "Flay3r", manufacturer: "Hav0c", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "X1", manufacturer: "Reaper", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "IX", manufacturer: "Blackthorn", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "XZI", manufacturer: "Blackthorn", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "cybercarbine", manufacturer: "CyberArms", type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "DRUG", manufacturer: "Vindel", alwaysShow: true, type: "disposable"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>\n<<set $gameItem = {name: "NUKE", manufacturer: "Illitivan", alwaysShow: true, type: "cellarms"}; $itemListWeapon.push($gameItem); $hudWeaponType.push($gameItem.name)>>
<<set $localizer = {\n "en": {\n "credits": "Credits",\n "loot_circuits": "Circuits",\n "loot_oldworld_scrap": "Old World Scrap",\n\t "loot_xeno_sample": "Xenofauna Sample",\n\t "loot_abom_sample": "Abominable Sample", \n\n "anointments": "Anointment",\n "anointments_verb": "Anoint",\n "anointments_verbPast": "Anointed",\n "curses": "Jinx",\n "curses_verb": "Jinx",\n "curses_verbPast": "Jinxed",\n "hallows": "Anointment",\n "hallows_verb": "Anoint",\n "hallows_verbPast": "Anointed", \n "tweaks": "Tweak",\n "tweaks_verb": "Tweak",\n "tweaks_verbPast": "Tweaked",\n\n "rifle": "Main Weapon",\n "pistol": "Secondary",\n "knife": "Backup / Knife",\n\n "attack_crit_generic": "Critical Hit",\n\n "flaming_sword_anoint": "Flaming Sword",\n "flaming_sword_anoint_desc": "You wield this weapon like the flaming sword: with both hands even as it sears your flesh. <span class='bluecolor'>Critical hits</span> do <span class='bluecolor'>+100% damage</span> but, when you crit hit, you gain <span class='redcolor'>+10% fatigue</span>",\n "astral_insight_anoint": "Astral Insight",\n "astral_insight_anoint_desc": "You are so convinced you possess a sense of Astral intuition when you wield this weapon that you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+10% damage</span> for every time <span class='bluecolor'>the enemy misses</span>.",\n "eternal_vigilance_anoint": "Eternal Vigilance",\n "eternal_vigilance_anoint_desc": "You are so paranoid of what lurks in the darkness that, when you wield this weapon, you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+33% critical hit chance</span> but suffer <span class='redcolor'>+5% stress</span> every time you crit.",\n "scholars_insight_anoint": "Scholars Insight",\n "scholars_insight_anoint_desc": "Your proficiency with this weapon comes from reading the manual. When <span class='bluecolor'>unfatigued</span> you deal <span class='bluecolor'>+25% damage</span> but when <span class='redcolor'>fatigued</span> you deal <span class='redcolor'>-25% damage</span>.",\n\n "lost_love_anoint": "Forsaken and Alone",\n "lost_love_anoint_desc": "You live with one foot in the black waters of the dead river and, when you wield this weapon <span class='bluecolor'>without an ally present</span>, you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+10% damage and +10% accuracy</span>.",\n "boatmans_dues_anoint": "Owed His Dues",\n "boatmans_dues_anoint_desc": "You wield this weapon with the grim determination of the boatsman, who gouges out the eyes of the dead to settle his debt with the black beast. You gain <span class='bluecolor'>+15% damage and +25% critical hit chance</span> but, when you crit, you lose <span class='redcolor'>-5% dilligence</span>.",\n "rigor_mortis_anoint": "Tranquil Terror",\n "rigor_mortis_anoint_desc": "You sense the spirit of the silent saint in this weapon, a seething with ball of fury that grants you <span class='bluecolor'>+25% critical hit chance</span> damage when your demeanor is <span class='bluecolor'>cautious</span> <span class='purplecolor'>(plus another +15% crit chance if the weapon is suppressed)</span>, but every time you crit, you lose <span class='redcolor'>-5% caution</span>.",\n "shaitans_sins_anoint": "Black Book of Light",\n "shaitans_sins_anoint_desc": "You could swear you had a vision of this weapon depicted on a page from the black book of light, a belief you hold so strongly that you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+0.5% damage</span> with this weapon for <span class='bluecolor'>every codex article you have unlocked</span>.",\n\n "gaping_maw_anoint": "Hungering Maw",\n "gaping_maw_anoint_desc": "You could swear there's a miniature black hole in this weapon because, every time you <span class='bluecolor'>critically hit</span>, you <span class='bluecolor'>deal +10% damage per active status effect</span> and <span class='redcolor'>consume all active status effects</span>.",\n "asshole_supreme_anoint": "Asshole Supreme",\n "asshole_supreme_anoint_desc": "You are convinced this weapon is jinxed because you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+45% critical hit chance</span> and another <span class='bluecolor'>+10% crit chance for every recent crit</span> but suffer <span class='redcolor'>+25% intoxication</span> every time you crit.",\n "deranged_inspiration_anoint": "Deranged Inspiration",\n "deranged_inspiration_anoint_desc": "You must be a mad master because an idea just came to you: you can wire your weapons together! If this weapon is a <span class='purplecolor'>cellarm</span>, it gains <span class='purplecolor'>+35% damage and +15% critical hit chance</span> but uses <span class='redcolor'>+50% more charge</span>. If this weapon is not a cellarm, it will <span class='bluecolor'>recharge your gear</span> by <span class='bluecolor'>20% of damage dealt</span>.",\n "spit_itf_anoint": "Spit in the Face",\n "spit_itf_anoint_desc": "You spit in the face of the dead divines and everything else the old world wrought. When you wield this weapon against <span class='bluecolor'>old world machines</span>, you deal <span class='bluecolor'>+25% damage</span> and gain <span class='bluecolor'>+25% critical hit chance</span>.",\n \n "increase_accuracy_anoint": "Improved Accuracy",\n "increase_accuracy_anoint_desc": "A minor adjustment to the targeting system of this weapons grants <span class='bluecolor'>+10% accuracy</span>. If this weapon is <span class='purplecolor'>smart targeting</span> or has an <span class='purplecolor'>eXtreme Zoom</span> scope, it also gains <span class='bluecolor'>+10% critical hit chance</span>.",\n "increase_damage_anoint": "Improved Damage",\n "increase_damage_anoint_desc": "A minor adjustment to the acceleration system of this weapon grants <span class='bluecolor'>+10% damage</span>. If this weapon is a <span class='purplecolor'>melee weapon</span>, it also gains <span class='bluecolor'>+10% hit chance</span>.",\n\n "M1114": "M1114",\n "m1114_desc": "A common duty sidearm chambered for standard-issue, coil-acelerated 9mm bolts. Due to it's relatively poor stopping power, the M1114 is rarely used as anything except a last resort.",\n "M1114_Converted": "M1114 DART",\n "m1114_converted_desc": "The Dampened Acceleration Reconfiguration Toolset - short DART - is a conversion kit designed to make the M1114 a truly subsonic pistol.",\n "M1114_Extended": "M1114 HARP",\n "m1114_extended_desc": "The High Acceleration Retooling Procedure - short HARP - is a ruggedized MilSpec variant of the M1114 intended for the defense industry and corporate market, though sales have been rare thus far.",\n\n "Rail Cannon": "Rail Cannon",\n "railcannon_desc": "Multi-railed, heavy weapon intended for use by exo armor.",\n\n "NGREP": "NGREP",\n "ngrep_desc": "Mid-length rail rifle designed with ease of maintenance and functionality in mind.",\n "NGREP_Converted": "NGREP SACK", \n "ngrep_converted_desc": "Revolutionary mid-length rail rifle based around self-loading chamber design.", \n "NGREP_Extended": "NGREP SEAR", \n "ngrep_extended_desc": "Short-length rail rifle designed to discharge a searing plasma cloud.",\n\n "s13g_desc": "Miniatutized, coil accelerated bolt cannon designed for maximum penetration.",\n "s7g_desc": "Advanced self feeding handheld railgun.",\n "s7zf_desc": "High precision railgun intended for anti-armor use.",\n\n "cybercannon_desc": "Tri-barreled cybernetic railgun prosthetic designed to provide maximum firepower.",\n "cybergun_desc": "Cybernetic coilgun prosthetic designed to provide maximum compact firepower.",\n "cybercarbine_desc": "Compact cybernetic prosthetic with integrated arc-cannon.",\n\n "c2000_desc": "Primitive coil accelerated carbine intended as a home defense weapon.",\n "c2000_converted_desc": "Modified coil accelerated carbine intended as a suppressed specialist weapon.",\n "c2000_extended_desc": "Modified coil accelerated carbine intended as a compact, low-cost multifunction weapon.",\n\n "m404_desc": "Coil accelerated sub-carbine intended for use by security contractors.",\n "m404_a2_desc": "Modified coil carbine intended for use by security contractors.",\n "m444_desc": "Belt-fed heavy coilgun intended to provide suppressive fire.",\n "m405_desc": "Reliable, coil accelerated assault rifle with underbarrel canister launcher.",\n "m405a1_desc": "High-velocity precision coilgun popular among MilSpec contractors.",\n "m420_desc": "Subsonic precision coilgun popular among black ops contractors.",\n "m410_desc": "Toxin-modified squad assault weapon popular in the Lavandri Arena.",\n "rug9_desc": "Rugged, coil-accelerated assault rifle designed to offer equal accuracy and volume of fire.",\n "rug-hk_desc": "Strengthened, incendiary combat rifle intended for dual use as a squad support weapon.",\n "drug_d": "Disposable, coil-accelerated smart carbine designed to offer temporary firepower in a compact package.",\n "KRUG_Painted": "Pirated KRUG", \n "krug_desc": "Rugged, coil-accelerated carbine with detachable underbarrel canister launcher.",\n "st0rm_desc": "Pirated incindiary carbine based on the SKUL rail rifle.",\n "hailst0rm_desc": "Pirated adaption of the SKUL into a squad support weapon.",\n "havoc_desc": "Pirated micro-coil carbine designed for sheer vomume of fire.",\n\n "nuke_desc": "Disposable, self-guided Element 120 nuclear warhead launcher.",\n\n "stitch_d": "Classy coil accelerated pistol designed for self defense.",\n "m1115_d": "Shock-modified coil pistol specifically re-released for Deathmatch Arena.",\n "witchgun_d": "Fasntastical firearm alledgedly used by witches of the last age.",\n "black_d": "t4789j()J4j4!!énnnK9p39 grhjujif((0ä-.--., / SHE ---.... IT UT(hu&&u6 58398587049/()(h 49ij9j jjigrhjujif(jfjuf...p490858m> (/) 878(öäP]]]è!è ää89....énn TRIES nK9p39 énnnK9p39 grhj ujif((0ä-.--., TO /-- ,,/)874r98u4j4fj 49ij9jj FORGET jijfjufifii 9034809ä",\n "mfr2_d": "Powerful coil-accelerated sidearm designed to penetrate common armor designs.",\n "mf-r2_c_d": "Customized version of the MF-R2 with integrated dazzle projector.",\n "fb_d": "Sons of Kobol customized MF-R2 that fires superheated slugs.",\n "mf-rhl_d": "Long-barreled, incendiary coil pistol marketed to xenofauna hunters.",\n "lich_d": "Long-barreled, coil-accelerated pistol most often used in target shooting.",\n "licht_d": "Precision target pistol used in competition shooting.",\n "lichc_d": "Fully automatic pistol-carbine designed for hobbyists.",\n "lamp_d": "Common coil-accelerated machine pistol designed to put a maximum of rounds downrange.",\n "lampc_d": "Modified coil-accelerated machine pistol designed to put a maximum of rounds downrange.",\n "lampe_d": "Shock-modified coil-accelerated machine pistol designed to put a maximum of rounds downrange.",\n "blackr_d": "Snazzy coil accelerated pistol designed for arena trickshots.",\n "mk2_d": "Incendiary, coil-accelerated PDW designed for high rate of fire and accuracy.",\n "mk3_d": "Improved incendiary PDW designed for high rate of fire and accuracy.",\n "mk3c_d": "Advanced, coil-accelerated PDW designed for high rate of fire and accuracy.",\n "shvr_d": "Hand-crafted hyper-velocity pistol based on pre-Church designs.",\n "vx_d": "Micro-coil pistol seldom encountered outside the world of firearm collectors.",\n "blued_d": "Classy micro-rail pistol built for upper class shooting.",\n "rcx_d": "Compact micro-rail launcher based on modular Vindel products.",\n "rxs_d": "Compact micro-rail launcher modified for starship breeching.",\n "mf-rib": "Experimental micro-coil pistol not yet available beyond hobbyist circles.",\n\n "pur-g_desc": "People's Utilitarian Rifle with integrated plasma caster designed for room clearing.",\n "pur-l_desc": "High-capacity, compact variant of the People's Utilitarian Rifle.",\n "pur-h_desc": "Higheavy barrel assault variant of the People's Utilitarian Rifle.",\n\n "m9610_desc": "Primitive, coil accelerated area denial weapon designed for maximum volume of fire.",\n "m9610_a2_desc": "Improved, coil accelerated area denial weapon designed for maximum volume of fire.",\n "noxiu_desc": "Toxin-modified area denial weapon intended for volume of fire.",\n "m9615_desc": "Advanced multi-coiled squad support weapon designed for sustained fire.",\n "m9616_desc": "Advanced multi-coiled squad support weapon designed for the Deathmatch Arena.",\n\n "x1_desc": "Prototyped short-railed pulsed magnetic rifle powered by a rechargable fusion cell.",\n "scorpion_desc": "Archaic corsair rifle supposedly imported from the Foreign Domain.",\n\n "ix_desc": "Advanced plasma-arc caster hybrid designed for close quarters engagements.",\n "vim_desc": "Compact yet primitive plasma caster designed for close quarters engagements.",\n "vim_c_desc": "Robust plasma caster designed for close quarters engagements.",\n "vim_e_desc": "Heavy, mid-range plasma caster designed for mid range suppression.",\n "hellfire_desc": "Advanced plasma caster designed for use by shock companies.",\n "necr_desc": "Arc-based area denial weapon powered by two rechargable fusion cells.",\n\n "necron_d": "Arc-based lance powered by two rechargable fusion cells.",\n "blacklance_d": "t4789j()J4j4!!énnnK9p39 grhjujif((0ä-.--., / REMEMBER ---.... IT UT(hu&&u6 58398587049/()(h 49ij9j jjigrhjujif(jfjuf...p490858m> (/) 878(öäP]]]è!è ää89....énn ABISSAHI nK9p39 énnnK9p39 grhj ujif((0ä-.--., /-- ,,/)874r98u4j4fj 49ij9jjjijfjufifii 9034809ä",\n "sliceblade_d": "Simplistic dueling implement with sharpened edge.",\n "arcblade_d": "Advanced dueling implement favored in CyberShock Tournaments.",\n "searblade_d": "Dueling implement repurposed as a xenofauna removal tool.",\n "twinf_d": "Twin-bladed dueling weapon intended for pit fights.",\n\n "plasma_lance_desc": "Archaic close quarters weapon used predominantly by the Knights of Eden.",\n "plasma_staff_desc": "Archaic ceremonial polearm used predominantly by the Knights of Eden.",\n "ornate_lance_d": "Ornamental polearm sought after by collectors.",\n "arcspike_d": "Archaic dueling implement rebuilt by modern hobbyists.",\n "arclance_d": "Advanced and expensive dueling implement popular in a bygone age.",\n "spikestick_d": "Simplistic stabbing implement with minimal practical application.",\n "axeblade_d": "Improvized polearm often used in street violence.",\n "shockstick_d": "Xenofauna prodding and corralling instrument.",\n "battleaxe_d": "Enormous battleaxe that can barely be lifted without augmentation.",\n\n "powerfist_d": "Utilitarian manipulative technology intended to lift - and stabilize - heavy loads. Occasionally also used for self-defense.",\n "combk_d": "Primitive knife intended to be used as a last resort in combat.",\n "tack_d": "Specialized knife intended for covert combat and ulitility purposes.",\n "ark_d": "Specialized shock knife intended for ulitility purposes.",\n "razorf_d": "Lightweight collapsible bladed weapon stylized to resemble a fan.",\n "arcf_d": "Lightweight collapsible shock-blade weapon stylized to resemble a fan.",\n "venomf_d": "Lightweight collapsible gas-blade weapon stylized to resemble a fan.",\n "hellspike_d": "Lightweight plasma blade popular among assassins.",\n "cultb_d": "Sacrificial bladed weapon popular among unsanctioned cults and sects.",\n "thornk_d": "Twin-bladed gas knife intended for extravegent Arena executions.",\n "gladio_d": "Plasma sheathed long-knife gifted exclusively to Lavandri Champions.",\n "razorspine_d": "Modernized monoblade design popular among duelists and royal houses.",\n "blade_of_justice_d": "Rare, illegal monoblade design rumored to be popular among corsairs.",\n "witchb_d": "Illegal arc-sheathed monoblade design popularized by the Witches Covens of old.",\n\n "m1b_desc": "Standard-issue Colonial Corps railgun, best described as a small man-portable semi automatic antitank cannon.",\n "skul_desc": "Compact, short-railed rifle designed for close quarters combat.",\n "skul-s_desc": "Compact, short-railed rifle with underbarrel dazzle projector.",\n "skul-e_desc": "Collapsible, short-railed rifle with compact underbarrel coilgun.",\n "m451_desc": "Short-railed canister rifle designed for compact close quarters stopping power.",\n "m451_a2_desc": "Mid-railed canister rifle with underbarrel dazzle projector.",\n "m559_desc": "Short-length rail rifle designed for maximum penetration in a compact package.",\n "mf-g6_desc": "Archaic short-railed launcher based around a revolving drum magazine.",\n "mf-gac_desc": "Modernized short-rail launcher based around a revolving drum magazine.",\n "mf-gra_desc": "Antique short-railed weapon based on early colonial home defense railguns.",\n "flak_desc": "High-velocity, magazine-fed canister rifle that discharges searing plasma clouds.",\n "frag_desc": "Tri-barreled, magazine-fed rail rifle often employed in Deathmatch Arena.",\n "bs_desc": "Twin-barreled compact rail rifle intended for pit fights.",\n "xz_desc": "Full-length railgun designed for pinpoint accuracy and unsurpassed stopping power.",\n "xzx_desc": "Full-length railgun modified for close quarters use and shield penetration.",\n "xzi_desc": "Experimental arc-rifle designed for short to mid-range engagements.",\n "sanctus_desc": "Blessed & sanctified fill-length railgun modified for close quarters use and shield penetration.",\n\n "MF-R2_Converted": "MF-RIB",\n "MF-Rave": "MF-RIB",\n "MF-R2_Customized": "Custom MF-R2",\n "VX_Rave": "Painted VX",\n "LICH_Converted": "Modified LICH",\n "LAMP_Converted": "LAMP-E", \n "LAMP_Extended": "LAMP-H", \n\n "RUG-9_Converted": "RUG-HK", \n \n "C2000_Converted": "C2000 NITE", \n "C2000_Extended": "C2000 HALO", \n "VIM_Converted": "VIN", \n "VIM_Extended": "VIL", \n\n "cybergun": "CyberGun", \n "cybercarbine": "CyberCaster", \n "cybercannon": "CyberCannon",\n\n "streetw_d": "Generic apparel worn on a daily basis across the galaxy.",\n "chemw_d": "Bio-augmentative inlay favored by the biochem subculture.", \n "camcoat_d": "Photo-active coating used for paramilitary clothing.",\n "cybglam_d": "Stylish electro-augmentative outfit inspired by the Cyper subculture.",\n "hatew_d": "Theophobic apparel worn in prostest against the Church.",\n "corsairj_d": "Neuro-augmentative weave alledgedly worn by corsairs.",\n "cypherw_d": "Electro-augmentative inlay favored among the Cyber subculture.",\n "cyberw_d": "Clashing, electro-augmentative outfit favored among the Cyber subculture.",\n "fancyd_d": "A simple yet stylish outfit commonly worn to middle-class venues.",\n "fray_d": "A stylish outfit worn predominantly by corporate socialites.",\n "greasec_d": "Long, utilitarian coat designed to protect against dirt and minor injuries.",\n "redd_d": "Sons of Kobol themed greasecoat designed to protect against dirt and minor injuries.",\n "partyw_d": "Vibrant outfit inspired by and used predominantly in biochem culture.",\n "rockw_d": "Short, fashionable coat associated with Rockwave culture.",\n "cultr_d": "Ragged robe worn by members of the various cults and sects.",\n "puristw_d": "Stylized protective robe worn by members of the Purist order.",\n "devoutw_d": "Stylized protective robe worn by members of various religious Orders.",\n "deathw_d": "Stylized robes worn by certain religious Orders in times of mourning.",\n "lightw_d": "A religious outfit worn almost exclusively by well to do believers.",\n "puffw_d": "An exquisite outfit worn exclusively to upper-class venues by the galaxy's elite.",\n "glams_d": "A glamorous outfit worn to upper-class venues by the galaxy's elite.",\n "formal_d": "A formal outfit worn to upper-class venues by the galaxy's elite.",\n "lotusw_d": "Fancy skirt often worn by pit fighters and the adjacent subculture.",\n "fanw_d": "Clubwear that shills for the Lavandri Corporation.",\n "skint_d": "A skintight outfit often worn by sports enthusiasts.",\n "skintc_d": "A skintight outfit common in cyber-culture.",\n "skintp_d": "A skintight outfit common in chem and party cultures.",\n "powerarmor_d": "Heavily armored augmentative combat suit designed to operate in any environment.",\n "blackscr_d": "t4789j()J4j4!!énnnK9p39 THE grhjujif((0ä-.--., /---.... IT UT(hu&&u6 LEGACY 58398587049/()(h LIVES 49ij9j jjigrhjujif(jfjuf...p490858m> (/) 878(öäP]]]è!è ää89....énnnK9p39 énnnK9p39 ON grhj ujif((0ä-.--., /-- ,,/)874r98u4j4fj 49ij9jjjijfjufifii 9034809",\n "legion_d": "Advanced foreign exonetics armor with integrated arc projector.",\n "anointed_d": "Last generation shielded, powered, augmentative combat suit built by the machinme-forges of Eden.",\n "hellstorma_d": "Semi-augmentative heavy armor based on last-generation Exo Armor.",\n "voidr_d": "Sealed environmental suit with attached exoskeleton.",\n "riota_d": "Protective gear designed for use during violent crowd control operations.",\n "assaulta_d": "Heavy armor designed to afford a maximum of physical and balistic protection.",\n "fsa_d": "Full spectrum heavy armor designed to afford a maximum of physical and balistic protection.",\n "combata_d": "Balistic armor designed to increase odds of survival in high-intensity firefights.",\n "combatap_d": "Specialized balistic armor intended to enhance performance of biochems.",\n "combatar_d": "Specialized biochem-enhancing armor intended for pit fights.",\n "miasmar_d": "Specialized biochem-enhancing armor intended for intense firefights.",\n "gladiatora_d": "Advanced protective gear designed specifically for the Lavandri Deathmatch Arena.",\n "antiskela_d": "Aesthetically appealing protective wear favored among duelists and royals.",\n "arca_d": "Advanced armor with integrated arc shield projectors.",\n "bada_d": "Advanced armor designed to afford a maximum of physical and balistic protection.",\n "hba_d": "Exceptionally heavy armor based off last-generation exo armor.",\n "assv_d": "Advanced balistic vest designed for use by bodyguards and security contractors.",\n "pura_d": "Armored robe worn by members of the Purifier Order.",\n "devouta_d": "Robelike balistic armor worn by members of militant religious orders.",\n "culta_d": "Improvized heavy armor used by enforcers of various unsantioned cults.",\n "heavya_d": "Unpowered heavy armor based off last-generation exo armor.",\n "lavandriaa_d": "Balistic armor designed specifically for the Lavandri Deathmatch Arena.",\n "lavandriah_d": "Heavy armor designed specifically for the Lavandri Deathmatch Arena.",\n "heavyaa_d": "Advanced heavy armor with integrated arc shield projectors.",\n "commandoa_d": "Lightweight armor suit intended for commando operations.",\n "camoa_d": "Holo-active armor modules intended for covert operations.",\n "strikea_d": "Lightweight protective suit intended for strike operations.",\n "corsaira_d": "Antique photo-active armor used by corsair raiders.",\n "templara_d": "Protective mask and robe worn by Templars of the purist sect.",\n "succuba_d": "Skimpy protective gear designed for the Deathmatch Arena.",\n "incubua_d": "Advanced protective gear designed for the Deathmatch Arena",\n "camos_d": "Lightweight hostile environment suit designed for covert operations.",\n "combas_d": "Hostile environment suit designed for combat operations.",\n "utils_d": "Protective worksuit intended for use in hazardous environments.",\n "voids_d": "Sealed environmental suit designed for void travel.",\n "biom_d": "Abominated flesh mold which morphs wearer's physiology over time.",\n "cybera_d": "Lightweight electro-augmentative armor associated with the Cybercult.",\n "cyberarca_d": "Advanced cyber-augmentative plates with integrated arc shield projectors.",\n "cyberauga_d": "Heavy augmentative plates associated with the Cybercult.",\n "recona_d": "Lightweight protective suit intended for covert operations.",\n "sportsw_d": "Sporty outfit suited for a day at the fitodrome.",\n "pitw_d": "Sporty outfit popular in pit fighting culture.",\n "racew_d": "Sporty outfit popular in void racing culture.",\n "voidhw_d": "Protective robe based on a void suit worn by members of the Voidheart Order.",\n "motw_d": "Haunting protective suit alledgedly tainted by the maw of the void itself.",\n "seekerr_d": "Stylized protective robe worn by members of the Deathseeker Order.",\n "ebonhawkeff_d": "Stylized, robed armor worn in honor of the carrion-god, ill omen of death",\n "isow_d": "Padded inlay used for cold-weather and utility clothing.",\n "syskel_d": "Semi-rigid skinsuit worn by spacefarers to overcome the prolongued effects of deep space.",\n "harnessw_d": "Modular harness intended for use with specialized protective plates.",\n "combatv_d": "Basic balistic vest designed for use by bodyguards and security contractors.",\n\n "thirdeye": "Third Eye", \n "detoxifier": "Bioregulation Module",\n "aimpoint": "Neurointerface Nodes",\n "meleeplant": "Muscular Amplificator",\n "shield": "Arc Shield",\n "fleshmask": "Synaptic Link",\n "normalskel": "Bull Bones",\n "humanskin1": "Human Skin",\n "humanskin2": "Human Skin",\n "humanskin3": "Human Skin",\n "humanskin4": "Human Skin",\n "humanskin5": "Human Skin",\n "syntheticskin1": "Synthetic Skin",\n "syntheticskin2": "Synthetic Skin",\n "syntheticskin3": "Synthetic Skin",\n "syntheticskin4": "Synthetic Skin",\n "syntheticskin5": "Synthetic Skin",\n "syntheticskin6": "Synthetic Skin",\n "specialskin_fluffy": "Mammalian Pelt",\n "specialskin_plastique": "Plastique Skin",\n "specialskin_gem": "Diamond Skin",\n "specialskin_dampening": "Dampening Skin",\n "specialskin_sleek": "ThermoSleek",\n "specialskin_machine": "CyberSkin",\n "catears": "Feline Ears",\n "rhinoskin": "Rhinodon Hide",\n "chameleon": "Chameleon Scales",\n "featherarm": "Raptor Claws",\n "cybereye": "CyberOptic",\n "cyberarm": "CyberLimbs",\n "cyberbody": "CyberSkel",\n "slenderbody": "SlenderSkel",\n "braincase": "BrainCase",\n "abomskin": "EndoGentic",\n "abomgland": "AdrenoBiotics",\n "abommuscle": "MyoGenics",\n "abomclaw": "GenoIngestives",\n\n "biochip": "Neurogland",\n "neurochip": "Neuroregulator",\n\n "pill_red": "Red",\n "pill_black": "Black",\n "pill_purple": "Purple",\n\n "bolt_tungsten": "Tungsten Bolt",\n "bolt_electro": "Conductive Bolt",\n "bolt_toxin": "Neurotoxin Canister",\n "bolt_scatter": "Scattershot Canister",\n\n "cure_infection": "Cure Infection",\n "cure_addiction": "Cure Addiction",\n\n "witchblade": "Witchblade",\n "razorspine": "Razorspine",\n "hellspike": "Hellspike",\n "cultblade": "Cultblade",\n "thorn knife": "Thorn Knife",\n "razorfan": "Razorfan",\n "arcfan": "Arcfan",\n "venomfan": "Venomfan",\n "tactical knife": "Tactical Knife",\n "arc knife": "Arc Knife",\n "combat knife": "Combat Knife",\n\n "Bones of Hel": "Bones of Hel",\n "boh_desc": "Effectively a suit of Hellstorm Armor fused into a cargo-rated exoskeleton, the Bones of Hel are as close to power armor as the Sons of Kobol are likely to ever get.",\n "Rainment of the Dead River": "Rainment of the Dead River",\n "rotdr_desc": "If there was ever a way to announce one's heartfelt anguish to the galaxy in such a way that no one would ever second guess, it would be with the Rainment of the Dead River.",\n "Habit of the Witch Hunter": "Habit of the Witch Hunter",\n "hotwh_desc": "A sight certain to fill the hearts of those Astral skanks with dread, these habits are worn by self-appointed witch hunters of the Temple of Purity.",\n "Mantle of the God Machine": "Mantle of the God Machine",\n "motgm_desc": "Clearly inspired by the mantles of sanctioned machine priests, this cheap knock off won't fool Holy Eden or gain you entrance to a server-tomb but it might just fool the masses.",\n "Vestement of the Vampire Hunter": "Vestements of the Vampire Hunter",\n "votvh_desc": "While it may just be an executive-style assault vest fused into these fancy robes, the fact is that this thing is guaranteed to impress anyone who doesn't care about aesthetics.",\n "Armor of the Old Gods": "Armor of the Old Gods",\n "aotog_desc": "Admittedly, it's part reproduction, part genuinely article, but you cannot deny the warrior-kings of the last age knew a thing or two about style - and about damning their entire civilization but never mind that.",\n "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue": "Iconoclasm of the Ideologue",\n "ioti_desc": "Because you're not content just telling people what you believe in, you have to show them in no uncertain terms and, if that means becoming a giant walking, talking, blinking info-tizement for Division X08, that is exactly what you're going to do.",\n\n "watch_yovr_step": "WATCH YOVR STEP",\n "watch_yovr_step_desc": "Your enemies better watch their step because the skill bonuses from <span class='bluecolor'>Xenophobe</span> now also applies to <span class='bluecolor'>humans</span>",\n "any_class": "Any",\n "serious_reputation": "Racking them Up",\n "serious_reputation_desc": "You just keep doing it, killing in the name of, well, you're not entirely sure what made you a mass murderer but you ain't stopping now and that mindset gives you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+15% critical hit chance</span> and <span class='bluecolor'>+10% income from freelance jobs</span>.",\n "blazing_beast": "Blazing Beast",\n "blazing_beast_desc": "Your pent-up anger is so palpable that all <span class='bluecolor'>all burn effects</span> you inflict are <span class='bluecolor'>33% stronger</span>",\n "ill_omen": "Ill Omen",\n "ill_omen_desc": "You can all but see your impeding doom and, with nothing more to lose in this mortal shell, you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+10% critical hit chance</span> per enemy present",\n "ebonhawk_omen": "Ill Omen",\n "ebonhawk_omen_desc": "You can all but see the ebonhawk soar, hail he ill omen of inter-stellar war, and gain <span class='bluecolor'>+5% critical hit chance</span> per enemy present",\n "extreme_prejudice": "Extreme Prejudice",\n "extreme_prejudice_desc": "Your attire is so xenophobic that the skill bonuses from <span class='bluecolor'>Xenophobe</span> now also applies to <span class='bluecolor'>humans</span>",\n "smooth_operator": "Smooth Operator",\n "smooth_operator_desc": "You look so smashing in this thing that the skill bonuses from <span class='bluecolor'>Tacticool</span> are <span class='bluecolor'>doubled</span>",\n "ripped_clashing": "Ripped Clashing",\n "ripped_clashing_desc": "Your style might be ripped clashing, man, but you own it so hard that the skill bonuses from <span class='bluecolor'>Anarchomancer</span> are <span class='bluecolor'>doubled</span>",\n "gas_mask": "Gas Mask",\n "gas_mask_desc": "You are so used to hecking into this gas can that the skill bonuses from <span class='bluecolor'>Cabalist</span> are <span class='bluecolor'>50% better</span>",\n "blind_faith": "Blind Faith",\n "blind_faith_desc": "This outfit makes you feel so secure in your beliefs that the skill <span class='bluecolor'>Ex Machina</span> now miraculously also <span class='bluecolor'>reduces intoxication</span>",\n "suave": "Suave Slicer",\n "suave_desc": "While it might be all luck and no talent, while wearing this outfit you're such a pro that the skill <span class='bluecolor'>Hacker</span> allows you to <span class='bluecolor'>use the Xjanu-4</span> on <span class='bluecolor'>any mechanical enemy</span>",\n "look_noshrt": "Look! No Shirt!",\n "look_noshrt_desc": "Your fans love you so much that, when they see you shirtless in the ring, they grant you <span class='bluecolor'>+25 arena approval points</span>",\n "sagitarius_astar": "Sagitatius A*",\n "sagitarius_astar_desc": "You feel so much like a black hole in this outfit that the skill bonuses from <span class='bluecolor'>Great Devourer</span> are <span class='bluecolor'>doubled</span>",\n "backstreet_veteran": "Backstreet Veteran",\n "backstreet_veteran_desc": "You feel like a real backstreet badass in this outfit and, as a result, the skill bonuses from <span class='bluecolor'>Hunter</span> now apply to to <span class='bluecolor'>all organic enemies</span>",\n "all_consuming_ire": "All-Consuming Ire",\n "all_consuming_ire_desc": "You are so swept up by the thrill of snuffing out those little flames of life that <span class='bluecolor'>on the first round</span> you gain <span class='bluecolor'>+25% critical hit chance</span>",\n "scalding_light": "Scalding Light",\n "scalding_light_desc": "You know there is only one solution to the plague of witchendom and that solution can be found in the fuel canister of your <span class='bluecolor'>plasma caster</span>, which deals <span class='bluecolor'>+25% damage</span>",\n "old_world_glory": "Old World Arrogance",\n "old_world_glory_desc": "You can almost feel the ghost of the old world seeping from this armor, a deeply profound and unsettling experience that grants you <span class='bluecolor'>+30% critical hit chance</span> but causes <span class='redcolor'>+1% stress</span> when you fail to crit.",\n\n },\n}>>
<div style='float: right'><span class='nomsgtext greyedout'>© 2022 Reinertsen Associates GmbH<br><span style='font-size: 0.8em;'>
[email protected]</span></span></div>
{\n\t"ifid": "C3C3CBBE-B326-47DD-8085-6351F7F3910B",\n\t"format": "SugarCube",\n\t"format-version": "2.35.0",\n\t"zoom": 1\n}
Scaffold 22
History.initPRNG();\n\n<<script>>\n\tconfig.disableHistoryTracking = true;\n\tconfig.disableHistoryControls = true;\n<</script>>\n\n<<set $chapter = 1>>\n<<display 'StoryInit_I'>>
By MoLoLu\n\n<span class='mailstyle'><span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override; direction: rtl;">moc.liamtoh@saeniro</span></span>
<<display 'HUD_MainMenu'>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq false>>\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Urgent - Concerning Object 55316\n\nTo all whom it may concern, \n\nIt has recently come to our attention that the artefact designated Object 55316 has recently disappeared from the Vault. Evidence recovered from the scene suggests the work of agents hostile to the Church, most likely aided by conspirators within the Clergy. We cannot stress how important it is that this artefact be reclaimed before it can be moved off-station. Anyone in possession of any information regarding this theft is kindly asked to step forward. \n\nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nMarkus Polmer</div><</if>>
<<set $hud.currentScreen = "prologue">>\n<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_intro_starfield.png"]]</div>\n\t\tIt is the year 27949 Galactic Standard and the Church of Eden rules the civilized galaxy, their sphere of influence spanning billions of light years. You are Vine, a former mercenary lieutennant who turned to hunting abominations for the Church after personal and political disagreements forced you to cut ties with your former employer.<br><br>\n\n\t\tToday is no different from the last: you woke early and made your way to level B28 to wait for your mark. Your current assignment is simple: investigate a workman employed by the Transit Authority for indications of abominable taint. Determine whether illegal, possibly heretical, influences are at work and, if need be, remove any abominated entities with extreme prejudice.\n\t</div>\n</div>\n<div id='do_settings' style='margin-top: 6px;'>\n\t<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Show Settings<br>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#do_settings'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'showGameSettings'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n</div>\t\n<div class='HUD_MenuButton'>Begin<br>\n\t<<click '' 'intro_start'>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t<</click>>\n</div>
<<display 'b28_intro_new'>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $initialCredits = $attrib.credits>>\n\t<<set $skinRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * (4)) + 1>>\n\n\t<<if $surveyGender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.name = "Vineo"; $attrib.gender = "male">>\n\t<<elseif $surveyGender eq "female">>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.name = "Vinela"; $attrib.gender = "female">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.unspecifiedGender = true>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.name = "Vineli">>\n\t\t<<set $random = Math.random()>>\n\t\t<<if $random gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.gender = "female">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.gender = "male">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $surveyClothes eq "hoodie">>\n\t\t<<if $surveyItem eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Cypher Weave">>\n\t\t<<elseif $surveyItem eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Chem Weave">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $surveyClothes eq "fashionable">>\n\t\t<<if $surveyMentality eq "cautious" or $surveyWeapon eq "FirePower">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Redsuit">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Fraydress">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 800>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Fancywear">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Fancydress">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 200>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 400>>\n\t<<elseif $surveyClothes eq "risky">>\n\t\t<<if $surveyWeapon eq "FirePower">>\n\t\t\t<<if $surveyMentality eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Redsuit">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 800>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $surveyMentality eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $surveyItem eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Cybertight">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 100>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $surveyItem eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Partytight">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 100>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Sports Wear">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Fitwear">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Greasecoat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Street Wear">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $surveyWeapon eq "Blade">>\n\t\t\t<<if $surveyMentality eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Redsuit">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Fraydress">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 800>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $surveyItem eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Cybertight">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $surveyItem eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Partytight">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Sports Wear">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Fitwear">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $surveyWeapon eq "Carbine">>\n\t\t\t<<if $surveyItem eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "CyberWaer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "CyberGlam">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 800>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $surveyItem eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Neorave">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Partyfray">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 300>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = "Camo Coat">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 50>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $surveyWeapon eq "FirePower">>\n\t\t<<set $loc_home.tookStoredPistol = true>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = "M1114_Extended">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += 20>>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 527>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.purchasedUpgrades.push("M1114_Extended")>>\n\n\t<<elseif $surveyWeapon eq "Blade">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "Sliceblade">>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits += 87>>\n\n\t<<elseif $surveyWeapon eq "Carbine">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "C2000">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += 20>>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 612>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $surveyItem eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 255>>\n\t<<elseif $surveyItem eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 323>>\n\n\t<<elseif $surveyItem eq "NoItem">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "none">>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $surveyMentality eq "cautious">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.caution += 15>>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits += 174>>\n\t<<elseif $surveyMentality eq "agressive">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.violence += 15>>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits -= 138>>\n\t<<elseif $surveyMentality eq "balanced">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.caution += 6>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.violence += 6>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $equip.purchasedUpgrades.contains($equip.clothes)>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.purchasedUpgrades.push($equip.clothes)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $surveyAugment eq "alone">>\n\t\t<<set $initialCredits += 1561>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyAugment eq "detoxifier">>\n\t\t\t<<set $initialCredits += 479>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhand[1] = $surveyAugment>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhandUpgrade[1] = "bioaug">>\n\t\t<<elseif $surveyAugment eq "meleeplant">>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.violence += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhand[2] = $surveyAugment>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhandUpgrade[2] = "bioaug">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.lastBioImplant = $surveyAugment>> \n\t\t<<set $attrib.bioAugModifier = 0.15>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $equip.offhand[3] = "humanskin" + $skinRandom>>\n\t<<set $job_intro_implant.mainPhase = 1>>\n\n\t<<set $attrib.credits = $initialCredits>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<center><strong># SurvApp V3.5.1 - Sainted Order of Statistics #</strong></center><br><br>\n\n\tThe following anonymous survey is intended to guague the personal preferences and mental state of sanctioned hunters employed by the Church of Eden. Please answer as truthfully as possible.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t<strong>I: Gender</strong><br>\n\t\tBarring possible gen-mods, I consider myself...<br>\n\t\t<<if $surveyGender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tMale\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Male'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyGender = "male"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyGender eq "female">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tFemale\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Female'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyGender = "female"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyGender eq "other">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tOther\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Other'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyGender = "other"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t<strong>II: Attire</strong><br>\n\t\tAll other things being equal, I prefer to wear...<br>\n\t\t<<if $surveyClothes eq "hoodie">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tSomething Compfy\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Something Compfy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "hoodie"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyClothes eq "fashionable">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tSomething Fashionable\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Something Fashionable'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "fashionable"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyClothes eq "risky">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tSomething Spicy\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Something Spicy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "risky"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t<strong>III: Preferred Methods</strong><br>\n\t\tAbominations. Ick! I'd kill 'em if I just had more...<br>\n\t\t<<if $surveyWeapon eq "FirePower">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tA Handgun\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'A Handgun'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "FirePower"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyWeapon eq "Carbine">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tA Carbine\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'A Carbine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "Carbine"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyWeapon eq "Blade">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tA Sword\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'A Sword'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "Blade"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t<strong>IV: Adaptive Tactics</strong><br>\n\t\tIt's stronger than expected! I need...<br>\n\t\t<<if $surveyItem eq "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tTechnology\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Technology'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "HoloDisc"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyItem eq "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tBiochems\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Biochems'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "StimFuel"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyItem eq "NoItem">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tPatience\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Patience'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "NoItem"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t<strong>V: Mental State</strong><br>\n\t\tPhew. Trashed the filth. Now I'm feeling...\n\t\t<<if $surveyMentality eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tRemoresful\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Remoresful'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "cautious"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyMentality eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tElated\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Elated'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "agressive"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyMentality eq "balanced">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tIndifferent\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Indifferent'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "balanced"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t<strong>VI: Preferred Downtime</strong><br>\n\t\tDowntime. Awesome! I so wanna...\n\t\t<<if $surveyAugment eq "meleeplant">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tWork Out\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Work Out'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "meleeplant"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyAugment eq "detoxifier">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tGo Party\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Go Party'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "detoxifier"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $surveyAugment eq "alone">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled HUDSurveyButton_Selected'>\n\t\t\t\tBe Alone\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDSurveyButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Be Alone'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "alone"; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#survey-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'><strong>Submit</strong><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $surveyGender neq "none" and $surveyWeapon neq "none" and $surveyAugment neq "none" and $surveyClothes neq "none" and $surveyMentality neq "none" and $surveyItem neq "none">>\n\t\t\tSubmit your answers...<br>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Submit' 'b28_intro_new'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "customchar"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'doCreateCharacter'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Please answer all questions truthfully and to the best of your ability...</span><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton HUDHackButtonDisabled'>\n\t\t\t\tSubmit\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_roomenter_text'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_roomenter_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>\n\n\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(250 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Thugs (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b30_oldhabs_roomenter_2">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "bribe"; $hide.layer2 = true>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Thugs (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Threaten the Thugs|b30_oldhabs_roomenter_2][$action.action2 = "threaten"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/%NOTE: REMOVED second message about oger from list - now requires message from Oger to discover what happened %/\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "password12345">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tScamApp V1.3.5.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating bypass shim: "sys.ebank.main"<br>\n\tDumping login cache...<br><br>\n\n\tEntry: <span class='redcolor'>50 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 31 32 33 35 35</span><br>\n\tEntry: <span class='greencolor'><<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>Password12345<<else>>50 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 31 32 33 34 35<</if>></span><br>\n\tEntry: <span class='redcolor'>73 77 6f 72 64 66 69 73 68</span><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted.<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\tsys.ebank.main.ListAllAccounts() - BAL: <span class='bluecolor'><<if $loc_oldhabs.accountHacked eq false>>521<<else>>0<</if>> C</span><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_oldhabs.accountHacked eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_oldhabs.accountHacked = true; $attrib.credits += 521; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'oldhabs_hackutility'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x521">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>[[Close|b30_oldhabs_roomenter_2][$hide.layer4 = false; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'oldhabs_hackutility'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Abort|b30_oldhabs_roomenter_2][$hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B34 Habs - Unit 25-031">>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_witches_enroute_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_witchmission_basic_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Blood Spatter|b34_witches_examine][$action.action1 = "blood"; $attrib.caution += 5; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Bones and Scraps|b34_witches_examine][$action.action1 = "scraps"; $attrib.caution += 5; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Puddle of Ooze|b34_witches_examine][$action.action1 = "ooze"; $attrib.caution += 5; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action2 neq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_roomenter_text'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_roomenter_1_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>><</nobr>><<if $action.action2 eq "none" and $action.action3 neq "none">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_roomenter_fragment_txt'>></div><br><<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>><<if $action.action2 eq "bribe">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"How 'bout if I sweeten the deal?" You program...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"How 'bout if I sweeten the deal?" You program a transaction for 200 credits and hold out your arm. \n\n"Well, when ya put it that way..." The man's lips curl. He swipes your arm and says, "So, you say yo got business with Flavio, eh?"\n\n<<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>"It's a complaint, actually: you guys are dealing crap. It's getting people killed. Which wouldn't be my problem, except some of the stuff you're peddling is Class 6 and I'm a hunter. So you'll excuse me if I take issue with all that."\n\nThere's a long silence. Looks are exchanged. Tension fills the air.\n\nOne of the men laughs. That same instant, a coilgun goes off with a lout crack. Hot air rushes past as a bolt narrowly misses your arm. There's no time to think, just fight or die.<<else>>"Yeah. But it's pretty damn obvious he aint..." You gesture around the decrepit hab. "...here. So how 'bout you tell me where he is?"\n\n"Round around somewhere, working." The man shrugs. "Figure he's making rounds down on Level B33 right about now, doing his rounds, making sure our clients pay up y'now? He'll be back in an hour or so. So, yeah, just—"\n\n"Level B33?" You shoot the man a dark look. "Shit." You hurry toward the door.\n\nThe dude calls after you, "Hey, what the fuck, man, where you..."\n\nMore worried about what their boss is doing on Level B33 than finishing the conversation, you rush out of the hab unit and jog toward...<</if>><</if>><<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>></div><<elseif $action.action2 eq "threaten">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"So that's how it'll be, eh?" You step up to the man...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"So that's how it'll be, eh?" You step up to the man and hiss, "Watch who the fuck you're talking to, tough guy."\n\n"Tough guy?" The man sneers. "I swear I could..." You feel something press against your stomach. "Blow your fucking guts out right here, right now, man."\n\n<<if ($attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1) and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>"You could." You knock the man's pistol away and ram an elbow into his chest. "Or I could fuck—"\n\nA loud crack sounds. Hot air rushes past as a bolt narrowly misses your arm. There's no time to think, just fight or die. Intimidation evidently won't work.<<else>>"Really." Your eyes narrow. "Because I don't think you got the guts." A tense silence haunts the room. You hold your stare. He glances at the floor. \n\n"Fine." He lowers the pistol with a sigh. <<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>"What beef ya got then?"\n\n"Simple complaint: you guys are dealing crap. It's getting people killed. Which wouldn't be my problem, except some of the stuff you're peddling is Class 6 and I'm a hunter. So you'll excuse me if I take issue with all that."\n\nThere's a long silence. Looks are exchanged. Tension fills the air.\n\nOne of the men laughs. That same instant, a coilgun goes off with a lout crack. Hot air rushes past as a bolt narrowly misses your arm. There's no time to think, just fight or die.<<else>>"You wanna talk to Flavio? Your problem, not mine."\n\n"Good. But it's pretty damn obvious he ain't..." You gesture around the decrepit hab. "...here. So how 'bout you tell me where he is?"\n\n"Round around somewhere, working." The man shrugs. "Figure he's making rounds down on Level B33 right about now, doing his rounds, making sure our clients pay up y'now? He'll be back in an hour or so. So, yeah, just—"\n\n"Level B33?" You shoot the man a dark look. "Shit." You hurry toward the door.\n\nThe dude calls after you, "Hey, what the fuck, man, where you..."\n\nMore worried about what their boss is doing on Level B30 than finishing the conversation, you rush out of the hab unit and jog toward...<</if>><</if>><</if>></div><<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><<if $action.action3 neq "none">><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "couch">>You walk over to the couch and...\n<<else>>You lower your weapon and...\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>><<else>><<if $action.action3 neq "none">><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><</if>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "couch">>You walk over to the couch and begin pulling off torn cushions. Beneath the first, there's only a few roaches and a crumpled snyth-wrapper. When you pull out the second, a data pad flops onto the floor. <<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>The last message is weeks old and reads:<<else>>You pick it up and examine the text on it. There are three messages and you read the most recent, which was sent less than an hour ago:<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $job_psychocult.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<<set $job_psychocult.altIntroTriggered = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject: [empty string]</strong>\n\nHeyyyyy Flav,\n\nJust wanted to reach out and tell ya that Highborn Palace is open for business again. We got it all. Fresh, local grown, pure quality, and lotsa other merch too if ya need it. Best biochems you'll find anywhere in the Downs. And probably beyond; we're shipping all the way to Cubix these days :D\n\nSo drop by and we'll deal. Just, uh, don't use the B30 entrance. It's been infested (not us) and the fuzz has the passage under surveilance. We've opened the back door through B29 instead; utility duct beside Unit 42. Passcode is vXvvXXvx1 until further notice. \n\nCome buy, stay high!\n\nPineapple</div>\n\n<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 1>>"Now that's interesting." You toss the data pad aside. "Wonder what that Highborn Palace is."\n\nSome drug bazar run by a chem cult, maybe? Only one way to find out but, for the moment, you're glad to have taught these idiots a lesson. Scum, all of them. As bad as the run-down hab they were festering in - there's quite literally nothing in it save trash; human and otherwise.<<elseif $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 1>>"Highborn again?" You toss the data pad aside. "These guys really get around."\n\nExplains what the freaks were up to though. Maybe you should go pay them a visit. Set things straight for Fish and all.<<elseif $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 98>>"Oops." You toss the data pad aside. "Great job breaking your own distribution, idiot."\n\nStill, you did this for Fish. Your operations can take a little hit. Worst case, Pineapple will have to find another buyer. Can't be that hard.<<else>>"Those whackos again." You toss the data pad aside. <<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 99>>"Guess this problem's already dealt with."<<else>>"Almost wished I'd iced them all now."<</if>>\n\nAt any rate, Fisher will be happy you taught these idiots a lesson. Scum, all of them. As bad as the run-down hab they were festering in - there's quite literally nothing in it save trash; human and otherwise.<</if>><<else>><div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject: [empty string]</strong>\n\nHey Dan, \n\nI'll be doing rounds with the boys on B33 today to make sure everyone's paying up like they should. Specially that bitchass hoe. Y'know, the silver haired, one? She's got nerve, I'll say, but we still gotta teach her a lesson, make sure no one else gets funny ideas. \n\nSo anyways, you and Luke keep sitting on that dump until we get back. If anyone comes poking around, take 'em out. I don't want anyone ratting this out to Wilkins or the Constabulary. Just don't go crazy. We're business men now and we gotta act like it. Okay?</div>\n\n"Damn it." You toss the data pad back, hoping you'll get to Celena's before Flavio does.<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>><<display 'b30_oldhabs_roomenter_fragment_txt'>><</if>><</if>></div><</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "bribe">>\n\t<<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$action.action2 = "none"; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B30_R2"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Tramway Station|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_drugdealer.mainPhase = 2; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_drugdealer.killedLackies = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "threaten">>\n\t<<if ($attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride) or $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$action.action2 = "none"; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B30_R2"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Tramway Station|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_drugdealer.mainPhase = 2; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_drugdealer.killedLackies = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $loc_oldhabs.accountHacked eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hack the Bank Account|b30_oldhabs_hack_bankaccount][$hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already hacked the Account]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $loc_oldhabs.tookDrugs eq false>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the StimFuel Inhaler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_oldhabs.tookDrugs = true; $statistics.lootedChems += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "StimFuel Inhaler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $loc_oldhabs.ammoTaken eq false>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(13 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_oldhabs.ammoTaken = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(13 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Couch|b30_oldhabs_roomenter_2][$action.action3 = "couch"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Old Hab|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $job_drugdealer.altPhase = 2; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_drugdealer.killedLackies = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Old Hab|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $job_drugdealer.mainPhase = 2; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_drugdealer.killedLackies = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">> \n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Old Habs|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Thugs_B30"; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.action1 = "kill"; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Hab Unit|b30_oldhabs_roomenter][$hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "backaway">>\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Thugs_B30"; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.action1 = "kill"; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Old Habs|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase lt 3>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase = 3>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_enter_3_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_wraith_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Altar|b33_constructionsite_altar][$hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Wraith|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Wraith_B30"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $job_conspiracy.skippedWraith = false]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "backaway">>\n\t<<if not $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Wraith|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $combatTemplate = "Wraith_B30"; $processed = false; $job_conspiracy.skippedWraith = false]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Construction Site|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_conspiracy.skippedWraith = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.destroyedAltar = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_wraith_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_altar_txt'>></div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_altar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_action_txt'>></div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You head for the door...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou head for the door, saying, "C'mon. We've seen all there is to see here."\n\n"What? Wait." <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> hurries after you, blurting, "But what was it all about? Why was it here? How—"\n\n"No <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>clue." You descend the rickety staircase, one careful step at a time. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. We're already breaking and entereing. Best to just get out of here before someone shows up."\n\n"But there was a ghost. Abomination. Whatever. And that altar. That's gotta be important. Shouldn't we, like, tell someone? Or study it?"\n\nYou breathe a laugh. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No one cares, girl. And it's witchcraft. I wouldn't poke it with a ten meter long stick if I had to."<<else>>"I'm not volunteering. And I wouldn't poke around here with a ten meter long stick if someone asked me to. Way too dangerous."<</if>>\n\n"But that's what makes it interesting," <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>the woman<</if>> says as you make for the front door. "My readers will want to know everything they can. And I'm sure you're the closest thing to an expert I'll ever meet. So can't you just explain? Give me something? I'll pay you when the story publishes, I swear."\n\n"No." You stop in the door frame and turn to her. "And get this straight: you do not <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>mess<</if>> with abominations. You do not toy with abominations. You do not write stupid, uninformed articles about abominations. That<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<</if>>'s how people get killed by them. Nine times out of ten it's stupidity. So just don't."\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> looks crestfallen. "But it's interesting. And people love to read about it. Hell, I love reading about this shit. It'll make a great story. Real, live haunting right here at home in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] and there's proof to back it up. How cool is that?"\n\nPart of you wants to argue. That would be the responsible thing to do; talk some sense into the young woman. But you've seen it before. There's no point trying to convince the willfully ignorant. So, despite your better judgement, you just turn away and...<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $attrib.criminality += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B14 - Cathedral of Beams">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_entrance_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>\n\t[[Enter the Cathedral|b14_cathedral_entrance_confirm][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gt 6 and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "church">>\n\t[[Enter the Cathedral|b14_cathedral_addon_inside][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n<<else>>\n\t[[Return to the Tramway Station|tram_station_b14][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_entrance_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_confirm_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<click "Say you've done all you Can">>\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmDecisionChurch'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b14_cathedral_assembly_enter">>\n\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "church";'>>\n\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t<</click>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|tram_station_b14][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_floaterpartial'>></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "accept">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_floaterpartial'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Okay." You program the deposit and hold out your...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Okay." You program the deposit and hold out your arm. "Five K. You'll get it back in one piece though. I promise."\n\n"I should certainly hope so." He taps at his [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and holds out an arm. "Here. The access codes, though, ah, if I am asked how you aquired them, I will say they were taken by force, yes?"\n\n"Fine with me," you say and swipe his arm.\n\n"That is it then. Ah, it is parked in slot 10. Just outside, take the stairs up two floors. The door to the garrage is usually unlocked. And, ah, do attempt to be gentle with it." He smiles nervously.<</if>></div><</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 9 or ($sexPhases.raj gte 3 and $sexPhases.raj lt 9999)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to the Garage|b3_finalmission_arrive][$hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "alone"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 5000>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Make the deposit (5000 C)|the_crossroads_raj_floater_final][$attrib.credits -= 5000; $chr_raj.madeCarDeposit = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $action.action1 = "accept"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Make the deposit (5000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "accept">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to the Garage|b3_finalmission_arrive][$hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "alone"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_witches_enroute_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Level B34 Block|b34_witches_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "pendant">>"Hey, I found this," you say, producing..."<<else>>"You don't happen to know..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "pendant">>"Hey, I found this," you say, producing the star-shaped pendant from your pocket. "Any idea what the hell it is?"\n\n"Ohh, I have not seen one of these in—" Ith holds out a white-furred paw. "May I, perhaps?"\n\nYou hand over the pendant. "So you know what it is?"\n\n"A representation of Sacred Sol, an item of worship dating back to the Empire of Man." Ith slowly turns the pendant over. "Or that is what it pretends to be. There is something strange about its song. It does not resonate as it should."\n\n"Its song?" You shake your head. "Can't you just give it to me straight for once"\n\n"Sadly not," Ith says softly, handing you back the pendant. "As much as it tries to seem so, this trinket was not created by the Astral Order. Or even the Temple of Sol. Still, there is something familiar about it, an emptiness almost like the void between the stars. Perhaps those who frequent the Voider Shrine can say more. One rumors they know of such things."\n\nYour brow furrows. "What, the one in the smuggler alleys? Down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]?"\n\nIth looks up, eyes crystal clear and focused as a beam of starlight. "Just so. Should you wish to, seek answers there. That is the best I can offer."<<else>>"You don't happen to know where to find a Fusion Sphere, do you? One of the old, orb-like ones, you know."\n\nIth's golden mask tilts. "No. Why would you ask such a thing?"\n\n"Because I need one," you say. "For an old device that won't take modern power sources."\n\n"Ah. Hmm." Ith purrs to itself, then says, "Even in ages past, such Solar Spheres, as people called them, were rare. Then they became even rarer, almost nonexistant, and useless. Technology marches on as they say. Today I should say only a Machine Smith would have one, or even have any use for one. They are rarely used except in ancient heirlooms which means that no Smith worth half their ounce of steel would part with such a device without demanding a fortune."\n\n"Well, crap," you say. "No chance of just finding one lying around?"\n\nIth sings a laughing note. "No, my dear, I should doubt that very much."\n\n"Oh, well," you say, disheartened. "Thanks anyways though."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx = true; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $override.solution = "password12345">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You peel back the flesh around...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou peel back the flesh around the dead thug's [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and physically link your subdermal implant to his. When you attempt to access the banking subystem, a secure login prompt appears. Undeterred, you activate the security bypass shim you've been using to scam peeps for years. A window appears in the corner of your vision, displaying the following text:<</if>></div>\n<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'><<display 'oldhabs_hackutility'>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_roomenter_text'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B30_R2"; $processed = false; $action.action1 = "kill"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Raise your Hands|b30_oldhabs_roomenter_1][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 3; $attrib.caution = $attrib.caution + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
[img[riptide]]<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_main_floor_lalina_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Sure thing." You wrap an arm around both...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Sure thing." You wrap an arm around both the girls and lead the way, away from the crowd growing at the bar and into the masses of bodies flooding the dance floor. \n\nBefore long, you're swallowed up by sheer volume of humanity. As you find a place, the lights begin to dim. The music slows to a slow, dramatic pulse. A tense hush falls across the crowd. Celena wraps an arm around Lalina and whispers something. Both girls gigle. In the distance, you hear a cheer echo. A dark, pounding rythm starts to build. The crowd around you starts to sway and shake to the tune. Celena begins feeling Lali up. You can't relate. The mood, the atmosphere, it just doesn't touch you. Even when the base drops and //Angels at the Crossroads// takes off in full swing, you feel detached, immune to the euprhoria, and uninterested in the buzz. \n\nAnd when you look around, at the people near you, it's almost too stupid to bear. The patterns are always the same: the horny guys trying to impress the girls - or guys if that's their thing. And the hot girls out to get attention from the best guys - or girls - in the house. Of course, there's also the more introverted sort who don't draw any attention and just stay with their friends. You can relate to them most right at the moment. They have their own inner peace, their own private little circle to enjoy themselves in, apart from the rest of the world. Except you aren't anything like them. Your circle, after all, includes exactly you and no one else. Lalina and Cel have been swallowed up by the crowd. They won't be back for a long time. So basically you're on your own, in a world you know too well to enjoy. There's nothing new, nothing exciting to catch your attention, just a mundane day in the same mundane crap everyone else does. \n\nCompared to the rest of your life, hunting abominations in dark corners of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], falling for a horny [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], and taking orders directly from the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], partying just seems so juvenile and insignificant. The thought makes you snort and you decide that's it. There's no point in hanging around. So you slip off the dance floor and, all but invisible to the world around you, make for the exit. No one looks twice. No one recognizes who you are. And you like it that way. It's nice to be insignificant, to be forgotten and alone. But you aren't entirely forgotten, as you realize when Celena appears out of nowhere and wraps her arms around your waist. "Hey baby. You okay?"\n\n"Yeah." You glance around. "Where's Lani?"\n\n"Blowing some dude, last I saw." She shrugs indifferently.\n\n"Oh." You nod slowly. "Well, yeah, I'm gonna like head home or something."\n\n"Yeah." Celena brushes her lips against your cheek. "Me too." You shoot her a sidelong glance. She smiles. "Figure next time I want some excitement, I'll just ask you to come over or something, yeah?" She shrugs. "It's just kinda, well, more fun, y'know?"\n\n"Know what you mean." You're about to walk away when you hesitate. "Cel?" She tilts her head. You say, "<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>I love you. <<else>>See you around, man.<</if>>"\n\n"Whatever, asshole." She blows you a kiss. You wave and walk away, skirting the crowd back to the front entrance. There's no reason to stop for anyone or anything except your gear. The rest just doesn't matter. The people don't matter. Your old friends don't matter. Life's moved on. The [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] isn't your second home anymore. Hell, you don't even belong in that world anymore. You belong in this new, fucked-up reality you've made for yourself - the one <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>where your babe is a [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] witch and you spent your time looking for ancient artefacts the world doesn't know - or care - about.<<else>>that resolves around some ancient, near-mythical artefact that almost no one has even heard of.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.dilligence -= 5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 15; $time.active = $time.active + 3; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 45; $chr_lanina.loc = "herhome"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $chr_celena.didParty = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_entrance_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_confirm_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_room_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_conspirators_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_whereis_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|b14_cathedral_assembly_final][$action.action3 = "doit", $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why you Should|b14_cathedral_assembly_final][$action.action3 = "whyshould", $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say Corinthin should Go|b14_cathedral_assembly_final][$action.action3 = "corinthingo", $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_entrance_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_confirm_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_room_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_conspirators_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Corbei Family|b14_cathedral_assembly_poststeal][$action.action2 = "corbei", $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Djinn|b14_cathedral_assembly_poststeal][$action.action2 = "djinn", $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Namaz Demon|b14_cathedral_assembly_poststeal][$action.action2 = "namaz", $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Athena Medical|b14_cathedral_assembly_poststeal][$action.action2 = "athena", $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Know|b14_cathedral_assembly_poststeal][$action.action2 = "notknow", $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_entrance_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_confirm_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_room_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_conspirators_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_whereis_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_final_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Audience Chamber|b14_cathedral_addon_inside][$job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 7; $time.active += 0.5; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromChamber"; $chr_varai.met = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_entrance_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_confirm_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_room_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 1 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 3 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 7 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 9 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare" or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase eq 2 or $characterEncounterPhases.antiProofRead or $characterEncounterPhases.junoProofRead>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Father Zweili|b14_cathedral_assembly_presteal][$action.action1 = "zweili_convicted", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Father Zweili|b14_cathedral_assembly_presteal][$action.action1 = "zweili", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse the Witch|b14_cathedral_assembly_presteal][$action.action1 = "eresi", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill" or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare" or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "impartial" or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Lord Otto|b14_cathedral_assembly_presteal][$action.action1 = "otto", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Paladin Corinthin|b14_cathedral_assembly_presteal][$action.action1 = "corinthin", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Know|b14_cathedral_assembly_presteal][$action.action1 = "notknow", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Nice to be here again." You sit back comfortably. "So, Raj. You'll be glad..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Nice to be here again." You sit back comfortably. "So, Raj. You'll be glad to hear I'm convinced you aren't responsible for the theft of Object 55316 anymore."\n\nRaj chuckles. "Ah, this is a relief. May I ask what swayed you?"\n\n"Your friends, actually. I talked to Tobias, who led me to Luca. They just don't strike me the conspiracy type." You smile a little. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Call it a gut feeling, man."<<else>>"They're just not that kind of crazy."<</if>>\n\n"Ah, I see." Raj nods slowly. "They are rather, ah, unique individuals, are they not?"\n\nHis assessment makes you grin. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sure are a weird bunch but, hey, who cares?<<else>>"Everyone has their quirks.<</if>> Anyways, Luca managed to tell me what the Object is and also thought I should ask you about the Disciples of Sol. He thinks they might be behind the theft."\n\nRaj's brows rise. "Ah, does he? Interesting. Yet I must disappoint you. To my knowledge this, ah, cult is but a fabrication of those with too much time and imagination on their hands. I have yet to find reputable evidence that they exist."\n\n"Yeah, well, the same could be said about <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>that damn<<else>>the<</if>> [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. So why don't you give me the rundown on the—" You frown. "Cult did you say? And we'll rule out if they exist or not when we get that far."\n\n"It could not hurt, I suppose." Raj stands up and walks to a nearby bookcase. \n\nHe returns with a leather-bound volume, saying, "Yes, the Disciples of Sol, often confused with the Astral Order, though I assure you they are not the same, were an offshoot of the Temple of Sol that survived the fall of the Empire. Like the Temple of Sol and the Astrals before them, they believed the Loving Stars, by which they mean the many suns of the galaxy, to be spiritial entities that could be beseeched to watch over travelers in the void, a belief that was later incorporated into the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and continues to be practiced by believers of many denominations to this day."\n\n"Yes, yes, we know all that." Raj skips over several pages and continues, "Where the Disciples of Sol differ however is that they took this belief quite litterally, and not in the abstract way the Temple and [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] viewed it. There are many historic accounts that the Disciples shot helium canisters into suns prior to voyages as an offering for their journey across the void and that their dead needed to be burned by the hallowed light of a sun so that their spirits could reach the beyond. Naturally they long warred with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], who viewed their practices as primitive and barbaric, yet all mention of the Disciples of Sol ends several millenia ago. Presumably they died of natural causes or were persecuted by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] after the [[Crusade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Crusade of Eden"]]. We do not exactly know what transpired."\n\nYou nod slowly. "So what's the conspiracy theory? That they're still around?"\n\n"Ah, well, the story varies yet all accounts speak of a single vessel, ironically named the Icarus—" Raj chuckles to himself. "Ironic, yes, but no matter. The legend is that the last Disciples of Sol left Scaffold 16 aboard the Icarus and now roam the void, abducting citizens for sacrifices to the star gods and holding true to the old ways of the Empire of Man. Some claim they hope for their star gods to rise up and destroy the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] for mocking their existence. Yet it is an unfounded legend, for such sacrifices were never known to occur and most certainly were not the ways of the Empire of Man. The origins of the legend can be traced to accounts of pirate raids that were unduly embelished for dramatic effect."\n\n"To better explain, see this here—" He waves you over and shows several pages displaying ornate and colorful images of suns and vessels crossing the darkness of the void under the 'light' of the stars. "—is the Book of Sol. It describes the rituals of the Temple that were practiced on voiding, many of which are not unsumilar to those believers tend even today. As you can see—" He indicates a picture of men and women bowed before a glowing orb. "—the depictions are often quite literal in their portrayal solar worship but the text describes an abstract relationship between the believer and the Loving Stars. Presumably the Disciples of Sol found themselves in posession of similar volumes yet could not descipher the text, hence their literal implementation of the faith."\n\n"Right." You rub your chin. "But why would Luca have said they might be involved? I mean, what's the connection between the Disciples and Eden?"\n\n"Ah," Raj smiles mysteriously. "An excellent question, my friend. The answer lies in Sol itself, believed by the Temple to be the 'orignal' sun. Presumably this means it is the star that the first human world, which we call Eden, orbits. Yet it is fanciful thinking. There is nothing to be gained by finding this star and, anyways, the Disciples no longer exist except in the mind of those who find their faith intriguing."\n\n<<if $attrib.religon eq "theophobe">>"Oh, come on. Are you really saying the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] is behind this?"<<else>>"So, basically, you vote the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] is behind this?"<</if>>\n\nRaj nods. "I would not ventur a guess as to which actors specifically yet that is my belief. I am sorry, my friend, but that is all I can say."\n\n"Well, thanks anyways. And hey, Ray?" The historian looks up. You stand and indicate the book. <<if $attrib.religon eq "theophobe">>"I don't exactly respect the faith but this solar worship thing sounds kinda interesting. I might ask ya to tell me more some day."<<elseif $attrib.religon eq "atheist">>"You gotta tell me more about that solar worship someday, man. Sounds real fascinating."<<else>>"It might not quite my belief but ya gotta tell me more about solar worship someday. Sounds fascinating."<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Oh, I would be delighted to, my friend. Over a glass of brandy, perhaps? When you have a moment. I know you are a busy <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>man<<else>>woman<</if>>."<<else>>"If I ever find the right. <<if $attrib.religon eq "theophobe">>Though, to be fair, I doubt I shall find that with you. Frankly, I am amazed you speak to me at all. By all rights we should be enemies and, while I am glad we are not, I am also content to leave the matter at that."<<else>>Maybe in a few months. Once the chaos here in the sector dies down. Please do not take it personally. I simply am not certain I would, well, be best served by becoming better aquainted with corporate sympathizers who upset the long-established status quo."<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 9; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer1 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'concludedMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Will do." You slouch in your seat and say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Will do." You slouch in your seat and say, "So, how'd your talk with Brother Adequa go? Make a new friend?"\n\n"Ah, well yes, but..." Raj wrings his hands. You raise an eyebrow. He coughs. "He is an interesting man, I dare say. Especially for a Scribe." Raj frowns. "Indeed, he was quite open about his views. And we remained for some while, discussing matters of galactic importance and [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] policy. I have not met such an amicable believer before."\n\n"Hey, they come in all shapes and sizes."\n\n"Indeed, though I wonder..." Raj shakes his head. "Well, the questins this Brother Adequa asked, I began to suspect. So I checked his records."\n\nYou purse your lips. "And?"\n\nRaj shrugs. "Nothing. Indeed, I brought my concern to Father Zweili merely to be safe, and I was assured Brother Adequa is involved in this search for the Object. Now I wonder..." Raj shakes his head with a sigh. "Ah, my friend, now I truly wonder what is true and what is not."\n\n"Geez, would you get your damned head out of your ass?" Raj looks quizzical. You snort. "Oh, c'mon, man. I don't trust anyone either. Not even you, at least not completely. But if Zweili says Adequa's legit, then he's legit." A scowl curls your lips. "Eh, not that Zweili is. I never really trusted the old fart. But he is Clergy and he's always put his carreer in the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] before everything else."\n\n"Meaning?"\n\nYou shrug absently. "He lost Object 55316. It's in his best interest to get the damn thing back. So, if Adequa wasn't one of his guys, he'd have been all over you for letting sacred information slip to the enemy."\n\n"I see," Raj says, sounding unconvinced.\n\n"Yeah." You muster Raj with a amused look. "Listen, man. I know it's hard on you. Your bro's dead. You're mixed up in all this conspiracy stuff. But, believe me, you're not getting anywhere by suspecting anyone and going all paranoid. It's real bad for your health."\n\n"Yes, I know." Raj rubs his face. "And I did very much enjoy speaking to Brother Adequa. It was quite enlightening. However..." He shakes his head with a sigh. "Ah, I do not know. I should perhaps speak with him again. Yet..." His voice trails off.\n\n"Lemme guess: it's been a long time since you've got out of this..." you wave around. "...cave."\n\nRaj chuckles. "Cave? I, ah, think of my home as a sanctuary of knowledge."\n\n"Nah, man. It's a fucking cave." You grin at Raj.\n\nHe rolls his eyes. "Why, my friend, why do you always do this?"\n\n"Because you still don't have enough sticks up your ass, apparently." You smirk. "And, honestly, I feel kinda responsible. Mean, you're a good guy. You've done your best to help me out with this whole Object 55316 mess. Why shouldn't I try to return the favor?"\n\nRaj looks taken aback. "I do not know, truly. No one has ever done such a thing for me."\n\n"Eh, first time for everything." You lean back with a sigh. "So, uh, how 'bout another glass of Brandy?"\n\n"Ah, certanly. Why not?" Raj walks to the nearest cabinet, retrieves the bottle and glasses, and returns with two generous drinks. You take yours with a smile. Raj toasts and says, "It may sound odd, my friend, yet I quite enjoy these talks with you, even if they strain my patience at times."\n\nYou gulp Brandy and grin. "Hey, given the way we hit this friendship off, I'm taking that as a compliment."\n\n"Quite as it was intended." Raj sips his drink and says, "Ah, naturally I did not quite trust you at first, but I have grown to, well, admire the fact that you are most unlike most from the lower levels. You are..." He shakes his glass ever so slightly. "Perceptive, should I say?"\n\n"Well, you don't take over half a section by being stupid, I'll give you that." You chuckle. "But, yeah, I've heard that one before. Seems like peeps just like looking up to me." The idea makes you snort. "Seriously? Me?"\n\nRaj shrugs absently. "I do not know, my friend." He sips Brandy and says, "Ah, you simply have this effect on people. I cannot truly explain it."\n\n"Well, I'll take your word for it." After a good gulp of booze, you say, "Thing is, you're the last person I'd expect to hear that from. Mean, most of the kids down on the levels I can get. They're just kids. I made it big. But you?" You shake your head and drink. "Seriously, man. You're smarter than that."\n\n"Perhaps." He shrugs and drinks. An uneasy silence falls. You gulp down the last of your Brandy and shrug. Raj frowns. "What?"\n\n"Oh, something <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>my girl<<elseif $chr_celena.loc eq "none">>this crazy slut I used to know<<else>>my ex<</if>> once said." You put your glass down and fix Raj with a stern look. "Basically it boils down to the peeps who impress easily are the ones who've experienced the least for themselves and keep looking up to others to validate their path in life." You scowl. "In other words, they're insecure - she used pathetic but yeah."\n\nRaj chuckles. "So you mean to say I am insecure?" His brows rise. "Or, indeed, pathetic?"\n\n"No. Yeah. Kinda." You wave the thought away. "What I'm trying to say is you spend all your time in this cave. And all your friends I met are into the same history stuff you are. So all you ever experience is the same stuff, with people who think just like you. And that's kinda where I'm different, y'know? I deal with all sorts of peeps. Some I like better. Others are real dicks. But it gives you a better perspective on life, y'know?"\n\n"I suppose," Raj says, scowling at his drink. "And you are correct. I do lack experience. But what can I say? I am not like you. I could not live in the world you do."\n\n"Maybe, but have you ever tried?" Raj shakes his head. You smile. "So, basically, you don't know." You spread your hands. "See where I'm going?"\n\n"Yes," Raj admits with a sigh. "It is only that I like this life. It is safe, simple, and I do not desire more." When you raise an eyebrow, Raj frowns. "What?"\n\n"Nothing." You smile. "But yeah. Thanks for the drink. I kinda gotta..." You nod toward the door. "We'll talk another time, yeah?"\n\n"Gladly." Raj returns the smile. "Not to be rude, yet you can certainly show yourself out, yes?"\n\nYou chuckle. "Sure can, man. And no offense meant. I wasn't trying to say you're doing it all wrong. Just wanted you to see it from my side. And, yeah, why don't ya drop that Brother Adequa a message, maybe talk a little more." You wink.\n\nRaj nods solemnly. "I will consider this. After..." He waves to a nearby stack of data pads. "Work, as always, my friend."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Don't we all know it."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive eq "fromraj"; $chr_raj.hadLastTalk = true; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 15; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $chr_raj.rep = $chr_raj.rep + 5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
His brow furrows. "What do you mean?"\n\n"Well, this," you gesture around, "isn't exactly a dark, secluded corner to hide away in, is it? So what drew the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn thing<<else>>abomination<</if>> here? What's it after? And why is it walking around in broad daylight like it owns the place?"\n\nGartner shrugs. "I don't have the faintest. Perhaps she was enrolled here at one point? Or maybe she—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"It," you say coldly. "And it doesn't help if you don't know. An expert knows. You're a layman at best, one that can't tell the differnce between a person and a monster. So here's the deal: get out of my fucking way and stay there if you don't want to get hurt."<<else>>"It," you correct. "And if you don't know then I suggest you stay out of this. You get involved, you'll just end up getting hurt."<</if>>\n\n"But if it was a pupil here, then maybe—"\n\n"Mr. Gartner." You point toward the door. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Move your sorry ass. Now."<<else>>"Please get out of my way."<</if>>\n\nHe shuffles off with his box of data pads, muttering under his breath.\n\nYou stare after him for a moment, just to be certain he'll actually leave, and set off down the corridor. Classroom after empty classroom line both sides of the hall. There's no sign of the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]], not even the faintest noise to betray its location. But you do know one thing: it came from the classroom on the right and ran to the one on the left. It can't have gone far.
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_appartmentblock_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Wraith|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Wraith_RajAppt"; $processed = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'savedRaj'); $hud.interference = false]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Intervening|rajapt_leftfordead][$chr_raj.alive = false; $chr_raj.loc = "none"; $action.action5 = "fromSneak"; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'ignoredRaj'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Actually, I'm looking for someone...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"Actually, I'm looking for someone in particular. Heard they might be hanging around here."\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>"Oh." The cat's tail flicks against your leg. "So who would this special someone be, baby?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>"Is that so?" The reptail licks his lips. "And this specific someone woud be?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>"Eh, that's what I thought. Just can't handle this much girl, can ya?" She growls and stomps off, leaving you on your own.\n\n"Mh, crap," you mutter and glance around in search of someone else to ask. The barkeep comes to mind but she's busy. Then your eyes fall on the centaur, who's standing on his own. On a hunch you walk over to him and say, "Hey. How ya doing?"\n\n"I'm not interested in humans," he says without looking at you.\n\n"And I'm not interested in centaurs." You force a smile. "Actually, I'm looking for someone. Figured maybe you could help me."\n\n"That so?" The centaur turns his head ninety degrees so he can see you. "And who'd that be, human?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>"Is that so?" The nonbie tilts its head. "And who pray tell would that be?"<</if>>\n\n"That's half the problem. A friend reccomended them. Don't have name. Or much of anything really. Apparently they've a regular around here, been around for a while too, and like riddles." You pull a face. "Does that mean anything at all to you?\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>"Oh. You mean Ith." She suddenly looks sad. "Sorry, baby, but you aren't her type."\n\n"Could you at least point me in the right direction?"\n\n"Of course. Over there," she points to a door at the back of the room. "But don't be surprised if she turns you down, baby. And if she does..." the cat brushes a furry finger against your cheek. "Come find me, okay?"\n\n"Sure." You kiss her on the cheek and add, "Thanks, kitten."\n\n"Always, sweetheart." She purrs and walks away. \n\nYou remain where you are a few minutes longer, just to be sure no one's about to come and kick you out for asking about a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. When no one does, you hop off the bar stool and make your way toward the door. There's no indication of where it leads. To make matters worse you're completely unarmed. If there is a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] on the other side...\n\n"Here goes absolutely nothing." You push it open and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>"Ith. Everyone wants to see Ith." The lizzard's eyes narrow. "Sadly your aren't her sort."\n\n"Could you at least point me in the right direction?"\n\n"Perhaps. Or perhaps I should not." The lizzard's musters you with a hiss. "Say: why do you seek Ith? Surely you know she will not service."\n\n"Like I said, a friend—"\n\nThe lizzard waves a hand. "Sorry. I cannot be of service." He turns on his heel and walks away. \n\n"Ouch." You pull a face and glance around, wondering if someone else might be willing to help you. Then again, if you keep asking around, you'll probably draw unwanted attention to yourself and that's the last thing a human needs in a fetish club. It'd be easier - and safer - to just come back another time and hope you meet someone more helpful.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>"That would be Ith." The centaur turns back to his drink. "Don't botther. She won't see one like you."\n\n"Could you at least point me in the right direction?"\n\nThe centaur kicks a hoof toward the door. "That would be best for you, human."\n\nFor a moment you consider retorting but there's no point. You then consider asking someone else. The problem with that is obvious though: if you ask around too much, you'll just draw attention to yourself and that's the last think you need in a fetish club. It'd be easier to just come back another time and hope you meet someone more helpful.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>"Certainly. You seek Ith. Alas, I doubt she will see you. Not today and most likely on no other day either. Her tastes are... specific."\n\n"Could you at least point me in the right direction?"\n\n"I could. And I shall." It points to a door at the back of the room. "But do not expect more than absent dismissal."\n\n"Thanks for the warning." You smile. \n\nThe nonbie courtseys ever so slightly and walks off. You remain where you are a few minutes longer, just to be sure no one's about to come and kick you out for asking about a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. When no one does, you hop off the bar stool and make your way toward the door. There's no indication of where it leads. To make matters worse you're completely unarmed. If there is a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] on the other side...\n\n"Oh well. Here goes absolutely nothing." You push it open and...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl" or $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>[[Enter the room Beyond|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_meet][$hide.layer1 = false; $chr_ith.met = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<else>>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false;]]<</if>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>"So I got a question for you. Dunno if you..."<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">>"Yeah, actually, I kinda need to talk...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"So I got a question for you. Dunno if you can help but, yeah, I'm hunting a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Know anything about them?"\n\n"A [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], huh? What ya do? Waste your three wishes on booze and hookers?"\n\nYou shoot her a confused look. "What?"\n\n"Oh, just an old legend that a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] can fulfull wishes. Bullshit of course but whatever. Real version is that [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] are slaves, kinda like [[Wraiths|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] just, y'know, alive."\n\n"Didn't know that," you admit. "So, any way that'll help me find or kill one?"\n\n"Dunno 'bout kill one but it can't be that hard to find." Cel rubs her head. "Lemme get it straight: the idea was that a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] gets slaved to a commander, neroelectric control structure or something. Wait no. It's more like a million get slaved to one. They still have some kinda free will or they'd make piss poor soldiers but they're programmed to do the best to fulfill an order in any circumstance."\n\n"So someone's controlling this [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]."\n\n"Pretty sure that's the only reason one would risk getting this close to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. Or me, for that matter. But anyways, the key is their control interface is bound to DNA, kinda like a [[Wraith's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] authentication runtimes, so ownership kinda - actually it is - hereditary. So if your dad controlled the thing, then you can controly it and—"\n\n"Cel, I know what heredetary means."\n\nShe grins sheepishly. "Soz. But yeah, what I'm saying is that this [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], it's been around for a while, probably serving the same family on and on. Last one I know about, uh, what was it now? Allister Cortez? Corona? Nah that's the beer. Uh..." She scowls. "Cora. Corei. Corbei. There ya go. Allister Corbei, that's him. Figure his little slave is still running around doing family dirty work."\n\n"Corbei? As in the Corbei family from [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]?" You nod slowly. "Yeah, that might actually be useful intel."\n\nCelena's lips curl. "Hey, that's why you fell in love with me right? All that useful information you were sure I was gonna give you a few years down the line?"\n\n"Not entirely," you say slowly. "But thanks anyways."\n\n"Oh. No problem. And hey: if you need a hand dealing with the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], drop by. I think it'll piss its pants if it meets me. If it even can piss, that is. Never did look into that."<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'><<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 6>>\n\t[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]\n<<else>>\n\t[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]\n<</if>></div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_dance_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $chr_celena.loc eq "dancefloor">>\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow her onto the Dance Floo|riptide_dance_floor_cel][$action.action4 = "other"; $chr_celena.met = true; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Let her pull you onto the Dance Floo|riptide_dance_floor_cel][$action.action4 = "dance"; $chr_celena.met = true; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow her onto the Dance Floor|riptide_dance_floor_cel][$action.action4 = "other"; $chr_celena.met = true; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you aren't in the Mood|riptide_dance_floor_cel][$action.action4 = "alonetime"; $chr_celena.met = true; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$attrib.toxicity -= 5; $attrib.caution -= 5; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_accept_txt'>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">><div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_catsex_txt'>></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>The reptile follows you into a private room in the back of...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nThe reptile follows you into a private room in the back of the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]. A muted pulsebeat fills the dimly-lit room. You walk to a bed against the far wall and sit down. The reptile settles beside you. Scaly fingers pull your <<armortype>> off. His forked tongue traces your cheek as he rubs his rough body around your naked <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>chest<<else>>breasts<</if>>. The sensation of hard scales against your skin makes you shudder. \n\nThe reptile hisses a laugh, "Someone enjoys it, I see."\n\n"Mhhm." You pull the reptile down and writhe against his body. Scales rub and chaff, slowly oozing slime that begins to drip down your stomach.\n\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>The reptile grasps your dick and starts to rub.<<else>>The reptile slides its fingers into your pussy.<</if>> It feels odd, you have to admit. Not unpleasant, just unusual. But you do admit the scales and slime are oddly arrousing. More so, when he kisses you with that forked tongue that slithers around inside your mouth. There's something very sexual about how wrong it feels. \n\nThe sensation becomes even more unreal when he goes down on you. His mouth feels squishy, slobber, and slick with slime. There's something undeniably dirts about the experience. You're not convinced you like it. But it does please. Hell, you admit the reptile was right: he sure knows how to make you feel good. There's just something enticing in the way he touches you, something exciting, and you want more. \n\nThe reptile hisses a laugh, "Ah, so we are convinced."\n\n"Hell yeah," you mutter and force his head down again. \n\nThe reptile resumes <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>sucking<<else>>licking<</if>> you with renewed vigor. It's impossible not to feel aroused. Hell, no matter how wrong the idea of a reptilian tongue giving you pleasure might be, it feels too good to care. So you enjoy the time you have, content to gasp as slime oozes down your crotch and occasionally giggle when his forked tongue tickles you unexpectedly. \n\nExcitement builds, slowly consuming your entire mind, until all you can think about is release. There's nothing else you want, nothing else you care about. And the reptile doens't disappoint one bit in that regard. It's probably the forked tongue, you decide as a desperate moan escapes you. It can just do things a human tongue couldn't. And then, all too soon, it's over. The reptile runs a hand along your chest and hisses, "Ah yes. This was enjoyable, smoothskin."\n\nYou chuckle. "Sure was. You definitely convinced me."\n\n"So this is sufficient?" The reptile sits up and licks his lips. "Is it?"\n\n"More than sufficient," you say.<</if>></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>The rhino forces you into a private room in the back...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nThe rhino forces you into a private room in the back of the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]. A muted pulsebeat fills the dimly-lit room. You're shoved onto a bed against the far wall. The rhino yanks your <<armortype>> off and climbs onto you with a satisfied smirk. \n\n"Too easy, darling." Thick, leathery skin rubs against your naked <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>chest<<else>>breasts<</if>> as she pins you down with her bulk. "Way too easy."\n\n"Easy my ass." You lock your arms and legs around the bulky girl and, with a violent yank, roll her over. She rears up. You force her head into the mattress and snarl, "Don't you even dare." <<if $attrib.violence gte 75 or $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant")>>You slap her ass with all the force you can muster, knocking her head against the wall. \n\nThe rhino growls. You grab her hair and yank. She yelps. You snap, "Shut up."\n\nThe girl growls a laugh. "Oh, yeah. Like you're even—"\n\nYou slam her against the wall. "I said shut up, bitch." When she doesn't reply, you stroke her backside. "There we go. Now let's be a good girl, eh?"\n\n"Fuck you," she snarls and ass-butts you away. Pain shoots through you. Fury mounts. You ram her down again. She laughs. "Oh, right. Like that's—"\n\nYou don't let her finish, just <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>rip open her ass<<else>>ram a fist into her ass<</if>>. The rhino yelps. Indifferent, you force yourself deep inside. She snarls as her insides chaff against your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>wrist<</if>>. \n\nBiting down the pain, you grab the back of her neck and keep her from writhing. It takes a moment to 'convince' her that the pain of trying to free herself will be worse than letting you <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>assfuck<<else>>fist<</if>> her. But she's a good little animal and learns her lesson after the second pinched nerve. Thick skin or not, you know what'll hurt and what won't - years of experience and all. You also know the rhino doesn't want to obey. Her body language suggests she wants to thow you off. Hell, she probably hates you for forcing her into submission. But you don't care. \n\nAfter all, she asked for it. So she deserves it. Even if it doesn't feel good. That doesn't matter. It's about proving a point and that's something you know a thing or two about. After all, you are Vine. You basically ruled an entire sector back when you ran Wilkin's Raptors. One little rhino isn't going to tarnish your record. So what if she's sniffling. So fucking what if she's biting down pain and humiliation. You'll have your way, get your fuck, no matter what.\n\nAnd get it you do, though nowhere near as much as you'd want. You just don't have it in you. There's no fun to the act, just the cruel satisfaction of seeing the rhino squirm. Once she's been taught her lesson, there's nothing left for you to do but pull out and snarl, "Had enough, bitch?"\n\n"Too much," she growls back. \n\n"Good." You say and retrieve your <<armor>>, indifferent to the girl's pained expression.\n\nHer fault for challenging you. If she didn't mean it, she shouldn't have played hardball with you.<<else>>You slap her ass and say, "Spread 'em, bitch." When she doesn't comply, you do it for her and rub your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>fingers<</if>> against her pussy. It feels odd, tough and leathery, not squishy and inviting like a human one would.\n\nStill, the idea of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>fucking<<else>>playing with<</if>> an animal is exciting. You can't help but want her, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>take her from behind like she deserves<<else>>stuff your hand up her ass like she deserves<</if>>. Evidently she likes it that way, if her grunts and growls are to be interpreted as gasps and moans of pleasure. You assume they are, though even if they aren't, you can't help but take satisfaction from the act itself. \n\nAfter all, not ever human has fucked a rhino. And it doesn't feel half bad. Hell, you're just as <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>hard<<else>>wet<</if>> as you would be with any other girl. And it feels just as <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>good<<else>>good to be in control<</if>>, just rougher, harsher. But you've dealt with that all your life and, if you're completely honest, the rhino-girl is almost tame compared to some of the shit you've done in the past.\n\nFucking Celena comes to mind in particular. <<if $chr_celena.loc eq "none">>Not that you want to think about that slut. You and her are through. Easier to just focus on the rhino and <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>blow your load<<else>>make her scream<</if>> like you wanna.<<else>>Now that's a girl who can get bestial - without a rhino's head at that. Then again she is a horny [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] who lives and breathes sex. The rhino-girl can't compare, not even remotely. Still, that doesn't stop you from <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>blowing your load<<else>>making her scream in pained pleasure<</if>>.<</if>>\n\nIt takes a little more effort than you're used to but, when you're done, you feel a smug sense of satisfaction. When you pull out, the rhino girl rolls onto her back and grins. "Feeling better, are we?"\n\n"Sure thing." You lean closer and kiss her on the cheek. "Thanks, darling."\n\n"Anytime." She smirks and slaps your ass. "Darling."<</if>><</if>></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">><div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_nonbie_txt'>></div><</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>\n\t<<if $sexPhases.toldCatStory eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell her your Story|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_catstory][$hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click"); $time.active += 0.2; $sexPhases.toldCatStory = true;]]</div><br>\t\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>\n\t<<if $sexPhases.toldHalfbreedStory eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Talk about your Experience|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_experience][$hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.toldHalfbreedStory = true; $time.active += 0.2;]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Bar|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $processed = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Thanks, man." You breathe...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Thanks, man." You breathe a sigh. "Listen, I got a kinda weird question, if you got time." When he nods, you say, "I'm hunting a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Figured since they're relics of ancient history this might be right up your alley."\n\n"Hmm." Raj musters you with a pensive look. \n\nYour eyebrows rise. "Hmm?"\n\nRaj chuckles. "Ah, well, it is up my alley indeed. Yet I cannot tell you much that would be of, ah, practical value." He clears his throught. "What I mean to say is I can tell you much of historical cases where [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] were involved yet litle that will help you actually hunt such a creature. The thing is, my friend, that there are very few cases where a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] was successfully hunted down by anyone. In most cases, only their assets and power base were destroyed, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] itself however escaped."\n\n"That's encouraging," you mutter, more to yourself than to Raj.\n\n"Mh, yes indeed, your odds at hunting this creature do appear less than stellar." His lips draw into a frown. "Indeed, I remember that the few cases where a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] was put to death it was always by destroying the vessel aboard which the creature lived. Ah, but there might have been one case. Thought I know next to nothing of this, I am afraid, beyond that it was a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] that served the [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] at one point. Presumalby it was killed by a talented [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] though I do not know." Raj smiles sadly. "I am sorry, my friend. Battle tactics are indeed not quite my strength."\n\n"Sadly." You rub your chin. "Well, thanks anyways. It might help down the road."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.raj = true; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_sphinx_meet_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sphinx_intro_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'sphinx_intro_convo_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Object 55316|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_meet_talk][$action.action5 = "object"; $action.action2 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked what Object 55316 is]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Mauricio's Posssession|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_meet_talk][$action.action5 = "mauricio"; $action.action3 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Mauricio's possession]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Corinthin Did|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_meet_talk][$action.action5 = "paladin"; $action.action4 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked what Corinthin Did]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "true">><br>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Thank Ith for being Unhelpful|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_leave][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Thank Ith for her Time|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_leave][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"A strange issue," you say..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"A strange issue," you say. "It involves something. Or someone. I don't know. But something dark that's out in this world. Shitty bit to go on but that's all I can tell you."\n\n"Oh, a riddle." Ith perks up, delight evident in her feline eyes. "But do tell. Is this all you know? That it is dark and out in this world?"\n\n"Well, it could be an abomination. Or someone with a real nasty grudge. The key bits are: it's unknown, came out of nowhere, and vanished without a trace. No one has a clue who or what it is. Just that it's a real pain in the ass to track down."\n\n"I see." Ith's brows furrow. "And it involves the, ah, matter we spoke of earlier, no?"\n\nYou nod.\n\n"Hmm..." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] begins to pace, murmuring, "An unknown, from the unknown, to the unknown. But it acts in this world, it cannot be a figment, nor can it be a fantasy. What might it be? What, oh what might it be?"\n\nDespire your better judgement, you say, "If I knew, I wouldn't bother asking you."\n\n"Oh, but what if you do alrady know?" Ith slows her pace to a slinking prowl. "What if, yes, what if it is something you already know? Something you might chance upon quite often, but never notice?"\n\n"What, you mean like just any old damn person?"\n\n"Possibly." Ith stops before you and raises her eyes level with yours. "A ghost, a glimmer in the shadows, never seen, never heard, but always there. It has no face, no name, not even a place. It just exists. Always there but never present. An echo from a time long past which rings in tune to the shadow that rises behind the damned moon."\n\n"That's, uh, not exactly helpful." In a lower tone, you add, "As usual."\n\nIth shrugs unhelpfully. "It is the best I can muster given the riddle you pose. But maybe it will help. Perhaps. I think it even could. Possibly."\n\n"Yeah, well, if it does I'll eat a glow panel."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 6; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_cel_postparty'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display "home_cel_drug_text">></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Sure." You lift Celena up, saying, "Gonna hate myself for this but..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Sure." You lift Celena up, saying, "Gonna hate myself for this but what the fuck? Life can wait a little longer."\n\n"Fucking A, man." Celina grins. "Fuck that life shit. It's gon be great." She pulls the bag out of her pocket and looks inside. "Uh, purple or red? Black's all out."<</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"<<if $action.action2 eq "purple">>"Purple." She hands you the pill and you...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "red">>"Red." She hands you the pill and yo<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "purple">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_purple.png"]]</div>"Purple." She hands you the pill and you swallow it. \n\n"This is the fucking bomb." Cel wraps her arms around you. Her teeth nip your neck.\n\nFor some reason you have to laugh. "How 'bout we skip this teenie stuff and get it on, eh?"\n\n"Good idea." She wraps her arms around your waist and presses her crotch against yours. "Or we could draw this out, drive you all insane, and make you beg for it." A nasty grin creeps onto her lips. "How's that sound, <<formalname>>?"\n\n"Like you don't know who the fuck you're dealing with." You grab her by the throat, dig your nails into her skin, and hiss, "Because, you know—" You sink your teeth into her flesh. "I can't wait—" You release her neck before she chokes and press your cock against her pussy. "To bang you brainless, bitch."\n\n"Bitch yourself." She wraps a hand around your cock and starts rubbing. "That better?" \n\nBefore you can reply, she hops onto your lap, moving in time to the throbbing beat. It's hard to say exactly what happened after that. All you know is that you come to, lying on the floor and drenched in sweat. The next moment, you pass out from exhaustion.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n\nYou wake with a start to realize you're still on the floor. The silver-haired girl is sprawled beside you, drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. Adrenaline surges when you realize she might have overdosed but, the moment you move, she blinks.\n\n"Huh? Oh. Fuck." Celena sits up, rubbing her face.\n\n"That was—" You swallow. "Nasty."\n\n"Yeah, I think you almost broke my arm again. But whatever." Celena picks herself up with a grunt and helps you stand. "So, you like want food or something?"\n\n"Kinda but I got stuff to do." You breathe a sigh. "I'll come by your place soon, okay?"<<elseif $action.action2 eq "red">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_red.png"]]</div>"Red." She hands you the pill and you swallow it. Warm shivers crawl down your back and spread through your limbs to your digits. You shudder. "Shit. Strong stuff."\n\n"Yeah." Celena shudders from head to toe. "Nice and cuddly though."\n\nShe wraps her arms around you and risks a kiss. She tastes warm and sweet, almost fruity with hint of salty sweat. Her tongue probes yours. You lick hers. It feels fuzzy.\n\n"Celena giggles. "Hey, that tickles. And it's kinda fuzzy. Didn't expect—" She hesitates, eyes suddenly wide. "Hey, I wonder what your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cock<<else>>pussy<</if>> tastes like on this shit."\n\n"No idea," you admit.\n\n"One way to find out," Cel says, already pulling down your <<armorbottom>>.\n\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Lips lock around your cock, though rather than warm and damp it feels like she's wrapped silk around you.<<else>>Her tongue licks at your pussy, though rather than warm and damp it feels like she's running silk over your clit.<</if>> You can't help but laugh. She chortles too.\n\n"Strange." She <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>swallows your dick again,<<else>>buries her face between your legs again,<</if>> gags, and gasps, "But still really nice."\n\n"Mhhm," you murmur as your eyes droop closed, relishing the smoothness of her tongue.\n\n"Ya like it?" Cel <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>rubs your cock harder.<<else>>licks you harder.<</if>>\n\nYou gasp, lost in something between pleasure and pain. Part of you wants to just fuck Cel then and there. The rest of you can't bear the thought of her stopping for even a split second. All you can do is gasp and moan as anticipation fills your mind. Sensatin blurs beyond comprehension until, without warning, blissful relief floods your body. \n\nCelena giggles. "Bettr now?"\n\n"Mhhm," you murmur, curling up on the couch.\n\nThe last thing you feel is Celena snuggling against you. You vaguely recall her skins feels fuzzy and wonder why that is. Then darkness spirits you away.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n\nYou wake with a start to find yourself on Celena's couch. The girl is still curled up beside you, absently picking at loose threads dangling from her underwear. She smiles when you move.\n\n"Hey, babe. You sleep well?"\n\n"Yeah." You gently extract yourself from the tangle of limbs, saying, "But, yeah, I gotta get to work. But I'll come by your place sometime, yeah?"\n\n"Figured." She kisses you on the cheek. "Love you. And we'll do this again. Definitely."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromHome"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.cel += 1;]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_covenfinal_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_covenfinal_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "bedangerous">>"There's a good chance it'll..."<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">>"Far as I'm concerned..."<<else>>"No," you say. "I'm sorry..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "bedangerous">>"There's a good chance it'll turn ugly," you say. "And I'm not saying that to scare you away. I just wanna know you've thought this through."\n\n"I have." Celena hangs her head. "Kinda. A bit."\n\nYou pull a face. "That's what I was afraid of. You jump into this blind, you get burned. So I wanna know: you ready to go through with it no matter what? Because there's a really good chance this will not end well. For me, for you, or for your sister."\n\n<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">>"I know. And I've thought it through. I'm going. With or without you." Celena stands, walks to one of her wall cabinets and pulls it open. Half a dozen synth-boxes and a plastic bag tumble out. Oblivious to the mess, Celena grabs the bag and returns to the couch. \n\n"Should be—" She produces claw-shaped glove engraved with intrinsic patterns and swirls. "Now, whatever you do, don't freak out."\n\nShe flips the claw over, examining what appears to be a tangles mess of wires dangling from the rear, and looks at you. Before you can reply, she pulls out a [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] and cuts deep her left wrist. Blood spills out. \n\n"Ow," Celena mutters absently and starts stuffing the tangled mess of wires into her skin. \n\n"Cel, what—" You screw up your face, trying not to imagine her bleeding out. "Shit."\n\n"Yeah, no fucking—" Celena yanks at the wires, causing blood to squirt onto the couch, and carefully re-inerts them into her skin. "Shit. There." She flexes her fingers, all but oblivious to the blood gushing down her arm. "Nice. Yeah, uh, thanks for not screaming."\n\n"No problem," you mutter, unable to believe what you just saw. \n\n"Now, lemme just—" She pulls a bundle of syringes held together with rubber bands out of the bag. Celena discards one after another, stopping only when she finds one filled with thick, black liquid. "Okay. Again, don't freak."\n\n"I won't," you say as Celena jabs the needle into her forearm. \n\nHer body convulses. She gasps for breath, clawing at the couch. You're starting to worry whether she just overdosed when a distinct silver tone begins to creep into her skin, spreading up her arm. In a matter of seconds, every inch of her body has transformed to match the color of her spikey hair. Celena breathes a relieved gasp. \n\n"Shit. I swear. I hate that stuff." She picks up her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]], tucks it in her back pocket, and turns to you. "Okay. I'm ready."\n\n"Evidently." You stand up and grab your gear. As you <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>holster your <<pistol>><<else>>sheathe your <<knife>><</if>>, you say, "So do I wanna knew what the hell you just did?"\n\n"Witchcraft." The girl shoots you a amused smile and struts to the door. "C'mon, man. Car's parked down by the fastway."<<else>>Celena doesn't reply for a long while. Finally, she says, "I wanna hate you, man. I should for what you're doing. But I know you're not fucking around. I know..." She swallows visibly. "Just promise me you'll make her fucking suffer. Make her suffer bad."\n\n"I'll deal with her. That's all I can promise."\n\nCel nods slowly. "Yeah. Sure. Just get it done with, okay? And maybe, y'know, tell me how she bled to death or whatever."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips curl into a smile. "That I can do."<<else>>"Not quite the thing I'd want to tell you about," you reply evenly."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Cool."<<else>>"I was kidding."<</if>> Cel kisses you on the <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>lips<<else>>cheek<</if>> and whispers, "Thanks for not letting me do something fucking stupid."\n\n"That's what friends are for, right?" When she smiles, you pat her knee. "Anyways. I should get this over with."\n\nCelena nods absently. You hesitate for a moment, then stand and head to the door, wondering where the hell you'll find a grav-car. Legally - the last thing you need is the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] cracking down on you.<</if>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">>"Far as I'm concerned that's okay. We do this your way."\n\n"Good." Celena stands, walks to one of her wall cabinets and pulls it open. Half a dozen synth-boxes and a plastic bag tumble out. Oblivious to the mess, Celena grabs the bag and returns to the couch. \n\n"Should be—" She produces claw-shaped glove engraved with intrinsic patterns and swirls. "Now, whatever you do, don't freak out."\n\nShe flips the claw over, examining what appears to be a tangles mess of wires dangling from the rear, and looks at you. Before you can reply, she pulls out a [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] and cuts deep her left wrist. Blood spills out. \n\n"Ow," Celena mutters absently and starts stuffing the tangled mess of wires into her skin. \n\n"Cel, what—" You screw up your face, trying not to imagine her bleeding out. "Shit."\n\n"Yeah, no fucking—" Celena yanks at the wires, causing blood to squirt onto the couch, and carefully re-inerts them into her skin. "Shit. There." She flexes her fingers, all but oblivious to the blood gushing down her arm. "Nice. Yeah, uh, thanks for not screaming."\n\n"No problem," you mutter, unable to believe what you just saw. \n\n"Now, lemme just—" She pulls a bundle of syringes held together with rubber bands out of the bag. Celena discards one after another, stopping only when she finds one filled with thick, black liquid. "Okay. Again, don't freak."\n\n"I won't," you say as Celena jabs the needle into her forearm. \n\nHer body convulses. She gasps for breath, clawing at the couch. You're starting to worry whether she just overdosed when a distinct silver tone begins to creep into her skin, spreading up her arm. In a matter of seconds, every inch of her body has transformed to match the color of her spikey hair. Celena breathes a relieved gasp. \n\n"Shit. I swear. I hate that stuff." She picks up her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]], tucks it in her back pocket, and turns to you. "Okay. I'm ready."\n\n"Evidently." You stand up and grab your gear. As you <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>holster your <<pistol>><<else>>sheathe your <<knife>><</if>>, you say, "So do I wanna knew what the hell you just did?"\n\n"Witchcraft." The girl shoots you a amused smile and struts to the door. "C'mon, man. Car's parked down by the fastway."<<else>>"No," you say. "I'm sorry, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>Cel<</if>>, but I'm not gonna let you get into the same shit I'm up to my neck in." When she sinks back with a sulk, you add, "<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Don't take this the wrong way but, seriously, don't go there. Just don't." Your lips twitch. "And, hey, I got enough blood on my hands for both of us.<<else>>It's for your own good, man. Just stay out of it.<</if>>"\n\nCelena doesn't reply. You breathe a sigh. She glowers at you. "I should fucking hate you, man. I should. I wanna. But I know you're not fucking around. I know..." She looks up, her eyes tearing ever so slightly. "Just promise me you'll make her fucking suffer, baby. Make her suffer bad."\n\n"I'll deal with her. That's all I can promise."\n\nCel nods slowly. "Yeah. I guess. Whatever, man. Just get it done with, okay? And maybe, y'know, take me out for a drink when it's done."\n\nYour lips curl into a smile. "That I can do."\n\n"Cool." Cel kisses you on the <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>lips<<else>>cheek<</if>> and whispers, "Thanks for not letting me do something fucking stupid."\n\n"That's what friends are for, right?" When she smiles, you pat her knee. "Anyways. I should get this over with."\n\nCelena nods absently. You hesitate for a moment, then stand and head to the door, wondering where the hell you'll find a grav-car. Legally - the last thing you need is the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] cracking down on you.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<if $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">>[[Leave the appartment with Celena|b5_covenfinal_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $hide.combatlayer = false; $hide.diplomacylayer = true; $hide.defensivelayer = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<else>>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "none"; $chr_celena.rep = 0; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<</if>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Crossroads">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Bot|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 1; $combatTemplate = "Bot_RajApt"; $processed = false; $attrib.criminality += 5; $action.arrive = "destroyBot"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Apartment Block"]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Find an alternate Entrance|crossroads_findraj_inject][$time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "findAlternate"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Info Terminal|the_crossroads_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromReturn"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_corinthin_elevator'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "askguilty">>"So, just to ask, did you help..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "howstolen">>"Y'know, Father Zweili never told me..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatobject">>"So, any chance you could tell..." <<elseif $action.action1 eq "search">>"Okay, well. Let's get..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "askguilty">>"So, just to ask, did you help Mauricio take the thing? I got reason to believe he was somehow involved in the theft. Alledgedly"\n\nThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] barks a hollow laugh. "I did not. Yet I would say the same if I had. Logic dictates you will assume I did."\n\n"Right..." You purse your lips. "Okay, then assume for a moment I do believe you. What would you say then?"\n\n"No more. I do not trust you either."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fucking typical,"<<else>>"Fair enough,"<</if>> you say, all too aware this is the most you'll get out of Corinthin.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "howstolen">>"Y'know, Father Zweili never told me how the Object stolen. All I know is someone took it. Well, and that guy was probably Mauricio Winston. So, you mind filling me in?"\n\n"The one who dwelled there—" Corinthin indicates Mauricio's appartment. "—entered the Vault. He removed the Object. He left the Vault. What transpired after is yet unknown to me. That is why we both are here."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"D'oh.<<else>>"I see.<</if>> And why does Zweili think you helped Mauricio? <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Hell,<<else>>Mean,<</if>> how can he think a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] would steal from the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] in the first place?"\n\n"To the first question: because I was present in the Vault. I did not act. Nothing I observed warranted intervention at the time. To the second question: it is twofold. First, because of the nature of the Object. Second, because I knew of the nature of the Object and mentioned nothing to the Clergy." Corinthin emits a sound that reminds you of a chuckle. "Like all biologicals, Father Zweili fears what he cannot understand."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatobject">>"So, any chance you could tell me what <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell this stupid piece of crap is everyone's going insane about<<else>>this Object really is<</if>>?"\n\n"I could. I will not."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Oh, fuck you," you mutter.<<else>>"Figures," you mutter.<</if>>\n\n"Be greatful. It may yet spare your life. Perhaps."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You snort. "Likely. That's just the sort of fucking a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] would use."<<else>>You breathe a laugh. "Right. Since when does lack of information help anyone?"<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"It is prudent, nothing more." Corinthin remains impassive.<<else>>"In some cases, it is desirable." Corinthin remains impassive.<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "search">><<display 'the_crossroads_corinthin_roomsearch'>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "search">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Help|the_crossroads_mauricio_roomsearch][$action.action2 = "willhelp"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why you should Assist|the_crossroads_mauricio_roomsearch][$action.action2 = "whyassist"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how you would Benefit|the_crossroads_mauricio_roomsearch][$action.action2 = "howbenefit"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "askguilty">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Corinthin if he Conspired|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "askguilty"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "howstolen">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how the Object was Removed|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "howstolen"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "whatobject">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what the Object Is|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "whatobject"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search Mauricio's Apartment|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "search"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Yeah, well, I talked to Lalina earlier. She said...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Yeah, well, I talked to Lalina earlier. She said she'd be at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and was wondering if <<if $chr_lanina.relation eq "fucked">>I'd<<else>>we'd<</if>> drop by. Some show." You shrug half-heartedly.\n\nCelena raises an eyebrow. "<<if $chr_lanina.relation eq "fucked">>Ya wanna bone her again? 'Cause you don't gotta ask me for that."\n\n"I know. And no." You breathe a sigh. "It was a mistake the first time. And she's got the hots for me or something. I think."\n\n"She does," Celena says with a sly smile. "And c'mon. It'll be fun. We could do like a threesome or something." She adopts an adorably fake face. "Please? For me?"\n\nYou shake your head slowly. "This is gonna go sour, I tell you, but sure. I'll do it. Just maybe not the whole threesome thing."\n\nCel shrugs. "Whatever man. Shit'll work out." She smiles a little. "I'll meet you at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], okay?"<<else>>You really wanna? 'Cause it don't sound like ya really wanna."\n\n"Haven't decided. That's why I asked."\n\n"Eh, it's your call, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>. But you wouldn't bone her last time. Isn't like..." Her lips curl into a sly smile. "Or will ya?"\n\n"Oh, for fuck's sake, Cel. Don't get me started on that again."\n\n"What? She's a hot chick." She shrugs. "I tapped her. Hell, I'd tap her again if she'd let me."\n\nYou smirk at Celena. "That sounds suspicioulsy like a request."\n\n"It is." The silver-haired girl grins. "The 'please will you come with me and help me get my ex shitfaced so I can eat her pussy' request. 'Course you can have her when I'm done. If you're up for that, I mean."\n\n"Somehow I get the feeling I'm gonna regret this," you mutter. Celena smirks. You poke her in the ribs. She yelps and pokes you back. You chuckle. "Okay, then. Let's get your ex laid."\n\nA broad smile spreads on Celena's face. "Thanks, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby." She pulls you closer and presses her lips against yours. Warmth floods you. Her hand brushes your crotch and she pulls away, whispering, "I so fucking love you."\n\n"I'd noticed." You nip her lips. She yelps. You smirk and wrap your arms around her. Celena breathes a sigh of relief, all too content to press her warmth against your chest. You stroke her back, holding the girl's body close. There's something incredibly comforting about the way her chest heaves, rubbing against you, and falls, over and over. You can't quite place the feeling - contentment maybe - but the word doesn't matter. The feeling does and, if you could, you'd stay there forever. But you know you can't. The world waits. So you gently ease her away and whisper, "I love you too."\n\n"Right..." She eases your chin back. "Let's leave the sappy 'till after I've had my go at Lali. So, we'll like at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], okay?"<<else>>man." She kisses you on the cheek. You're the best. And I'll meet you at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], okay?"<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\n[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$chr_celena.loc = "riptide"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 5; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Mauricio's Apt">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B10 Tramway Station|tram_station_b10][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can handle Them|the_crossroads_mauricio_1_continued][$action.action5 = "canhandle"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what the Paladin Means|the_crossroads_mauricio_1_continued][$action.action5 = "whatmean"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you won't work with a Paladin|the_crossroads_mauricio_1_continued][$action.action5 = "notwork"; $attrib.caution += 1; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false>>\n\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B5 - Luxury Habs">>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_back_fisher_3_coven_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_arrive_fishersegment_txt'>></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% JALKOVSKI TXT %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_coven2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You climb into the grav-car and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b5_covenfinal_txt'>><</if>></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% Celena Text %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You and Celena hurry along the pressure tunnel...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b5_covenfinal_txt'>><</if>></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% Alone Text %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You leave Raj's appartment, head up two levels and make for...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b5_covenfinal_txt'>><</if>></div><</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher" or $job_coven.buddy eq "alone" or $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest an alternate Entrance|b5_covenfinal_arrive_2][$action.action1 = "altsearch"; $attrib.caution += 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b5_covenfinal_arrive_2][$action.action1 = "snipe"; $attrib.violence += 1; $attrib.caution += 10; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal = $equip.rifle.ammo.normal - 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_coven.buddy neq "alone" and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Upload Xjanu-4 to Drone|b5_covenfinal_arrive_2][$action.action1 = "drone"; $attrib.violence -= 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Frontal Approach|b5_covenfinal_arrive_2][$action.action1 = "frontal"; $attrib.violence += 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Security Bots|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "SecBots_B5"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false]]</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_back_fisher_3_coven_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_arrive_fishersegment_txt'>></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% JALKOVSKI TXT %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_coven2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You climb into the grav-car and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b5_covenfinal_txt'>><</if>></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% Alone Text %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You leave Raj's appartment, head up two levels and make for...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b5_covenfinal_txt'>><</if>></div><</if>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "frontal" or $action.action1 eq "altsearch">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Security Bots|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "SecBots_B5"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "drone">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Hab Unit|b5_covenfinal_enter][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t[[Watch the fastway zip Past|riptide_back_fisher_return][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t[[Watch the fastway zip Past|riptide_jalkovski_floater_return][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t[[Watch the fastway zip Past|the_crossroads_raj_floater_return][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]\n\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B3 - Corbei Tower">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_arrive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Exit the Grav-Car|b3_finalmission_arrive][$action.action1 = "climbout"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "abort">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_arrive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_arrive_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Hallway|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.arrive = "fromEntrance"; $processed = false; $hud.interference = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b3_finalmission_arrive][$action.action2 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.machineKilled += 1; $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b3_finalmission_arrive][$action.action2 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 10; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.machineKilled += 1; $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Tripod Bots|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $attrib.criminality += 3; $combatTemplate = "TripodBots_B3"; $loc_corbeitower.killedBots = true; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "abort">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the Utility Walkway|b3_finalmission_arrive][$action.action2 = "utilitywalk"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_arrive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_arrive_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_arrive_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "doSnipe">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Tripod Bot|hud_combat][$attrib.criminality += 1; $combatTemplate = "TripodBots_B3"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $loc_corbeitower.killedBots = true; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "utilitywalk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Corbei Tower|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.arrive = "fromUtility"; $processed = false; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbeitower_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $override.solution = "friend">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\tDumping access log...<br><br>\n\n\t> 0111 0011 0111 0000 0110 0101 0110 0001 0110 1011<br>\n\t> <span class = 'yellowcolor'><<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>friend<<else>>0110 0110 0111 0010 0110 1001 0110 0101 0110 1110 0110 0100<</if>></span><br>\n\t> 0110 0001 0110 1110 0110 0100<br>\n\t> 0110 0101 0110 1110 0111 0100 0110 0101 0111 0010<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\t\tCommands:\n\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.arrive = "fromUtility"; $processed = false; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbeitower_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Abort|b3_finalmission_arrive][$action.action1 = "abort"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_error");]]</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B3 - Corbei Tower">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromEntrance">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're hunting a Djinn|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action1 = "djinn"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're after stolen Property|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action1 = "object"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Library|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action1 = "skip"; $action.action2 = "library"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Sitting Room|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action1 = "skip"; $action.action2 = "sittingroom"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Library|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action2 = "library"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Sitting Room|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action2 = "sittingroom"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if not $action.action1 eq "skip">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='lootarea-corbei' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "library">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read Data Pad (Of Ego and Eden)|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action3 = "dp_library"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_corbeitower.readDataPad2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read Data Pad (I Envision)|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action3 = "dp_library_2"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_corbeitower.readDataPadCabal = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read Data Pad (Asmodeus - Please Read)|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action3 = "dp_library_3"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_corbeitower.readDataPadAsmodeus = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Examine the Silver Sphere' 'b3_finalmission_rotunda'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Object 55316">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "object_55316">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "object"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Sitting Room|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action2 = "sittingroom"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sittingroom">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbeitower_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dp_library" or $action.action3 eq "dp_sittingroom" or $action.action3 eq "dp_library_2" or $action.action3 eq "dp_library_3">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if not $action.action1 eq "skip">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "object" and $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if not $action.action1 eq "skip">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_object_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin) and $action.arrive eq "fromUtility" and not $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Corbei Tower|b3_finalmission_leave][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "sneakOut"; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromEntrance" and $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Ready|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action4 = "areready"; $hide.layer4 = true; $loc_corbeitower.killedCorbei = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Brother|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action4 = "brother"; $hide.layer4 = true; $loc_corbeitower.killedCorbei = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride and not $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action4 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action4 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_B3"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn = true; $processed = false; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if not $action.action1 eq "skip">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_object_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_inside_object_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy neq "celena" and $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_B3"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn = true; $processed = false; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Corbei Tower|b3_finalmission_leave][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "sneakOut"; $time.active += 0.5; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_coven.buddy neq "celena">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "drone" and $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Round the Corner|b5_covenfinal_enter_inject][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromSneak"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Tripod Bot|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "TripodBot_B5"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Celena to kill her Sister|b5_covenfinal_leave_cel][$action.action1 = "cel_kill"; $time.active += 0.3; $attrib.violence += 2; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Let Celena torture her Sister|b5_covenfinal_leave_cel][$action.action1 = "cel_torture"; $time.active += 0.3; $attrib.violence += 7; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Celena to spare her Sister|b5_covenfinal_leave_cel][$action.action1 = "cel_spare"; $time.active += 0.3; $attrib.violence -= 6; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Celena to spare her Sister|b5_covenfinal_leave_cel][$action.action1 = "cel_spare_lost"; $time.active += 0.3; $attrib.violence -= 8; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $randomKillChance = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher" or $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b5_covenfinal_leave_fisher][$action.action1 = "companion_talkto"; $time.active += 0.3; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Introduce Yourself|b5_covenfinal_leave_alone][$action.action1 = "alone_talkto"; $time.active += 0.3; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Witch|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Witch_B5"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.action1 = "witch_kill"; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle" and $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Woman|b3_finalmission_leave][$action.action1 = "kill"; $attrib.criminality += 5; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.caution -= 4; $loc_corbeitower.killedCorbei = true; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Woman|b3_finalmission_leave][$action.action1 = "kill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.caution -= 4; $loc_corbeitower.killedCorbei = true; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Woman|b3_finalmission_leave][$action.action1 = "kill"; $attrib.criminality += 2; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.caution -= 4; $loc_corbeitower.killedCorbei = true; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare the Woman|b3_finalmission_leave][$action.action1 = "spare"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 4; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBattle" and $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Keep the Knife' 'b3_finalmission_leave'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "keep"; $hide.layer2 = true; $equip.knife = "corsair knife">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Knife|b3_finalmission_leave][$action.action2 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBattle" and $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Corbei Tower|b3_finalmission_leave][$action.action3 = "leavetower"; $hide.layer3 = true; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_car_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|b3_finalmission_leave][$action.action4 = "ride"; $hide.layer4 = true; $time.active += 1; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B14 - Cathedral of Beams">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_leave_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbei_car_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbei_car_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Cathedral of Beams|b14_cathedral_entrance][$action.arrive = "fromstation"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $action.action5 = "none"; $attrib.dilligence += 25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could head to the tramway station and take a train to:</div><br>\n\t\t<<display 'b14_remotedest'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromEntrance">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action3 = "dp_sittingroom"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_corbeitower.readDataPad1 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_corbeitower.storedPistol eq "ShVR">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the ShVR'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_corbeitower.storedPistol; $loc_corbeitower.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedBackupWeapon += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#lootarea-corbei'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbeitower_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the ShVR'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_corbeitower.storedPistol; $loc_corbeitower.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#lootarea-corbei'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbeitower_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if not $loc_storeroom.tookPendant>>\n\t\t<<if not $loc_corbeitower.tookPendant>>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Pendant'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeitower.tookPendant = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'acceptedJobAlt')>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Strange Pendant">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_pendant">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Pendant]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Pendant]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Library|b3_finalmission_rotunda][$action.action2 = "library"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action1 neq "witch_kill">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_txt'>></div>\n<</if>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "alone_shoot">>You lower your weapon...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "alone_talkto">>"Name's Vine. I'm here to deliver...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "witch_kill">>You lower your weapon and approach the dead woman. There's blood all over. No surprise. Got exactly what she deserved, that bitch. And you're glad for it.\n\nYou turn on your heel and, without another look at the dead [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], <<walk>> back out the way you came in. The security drone is still wailing it's alarm when you <<walk>> out onto the landing pad. \n\n"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fucking<<else>>Fat<</if>> lot of good that'll do you," you say and hop back into Raj's floater. As you power up the vehicle, the nav-system once again asks for your destination. \n\n"Screw you." You activate the manual override, ease the grav-car off the pad and into the heavy traffic of Fastway 315 North. With nothing better to do, you put the grav-car on auto-drive and settle back to...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "alone_talkto">>"Name's Vine. I'm here because I think you're involved in something I'm interested in. No offense. Really. But we should talk."\n\n"We should. But please—" Ms. Eresi raises a hand. "—call me Faralah."\n\nPain shoots down your spine. Your throat contracts and you stumble, gasping for breath.\n\nShe smiles sarcastically. "Not your fault, dear. Just wrong place at the wrong time."\n\nChoking, gasping, you haul yourself upright. Fuck this woman. And her witchcraft. There's only one solution to this - and you're not going to go easy.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "alone_shoot">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Watch the fastway Zip Past|the_crossroads_raj_floater_return][$attrib.criminality = $attrib.criminality + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $time.active = $time.active + 1.5; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'didFinalAlone'); $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "alone_talkto">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Witch|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Witch_B5"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; $action.action1 = "witch_kill"; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "witch_hab_ambush"; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action1 neq "witch_kill">><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_txt'>></div>\n<</if>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "witch_kill">>You lower your weapon...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fisher_stab">>"Oh no you fucking..." You grab your...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "companion_talkto">>"Nice and easy now..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "companion_talkto">>"Nice and easy now." You risk a step toward the woman, painfully aware of <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski<</if>>'s spluttering. "We're gona go through this—"\n\n"Oh, please. Perhaps, were my sister here, I could be convinced to talk. You however—" She flicks her hand, causing Fisher to collapse. "—are but a nuisance."\n\n"Motherf—" You gag as the woman raises a hand.\n\nShe smiles sarcastically. "Not your fault, dear. Just wrong place at the wrong time."\n\nChoking, gasping, you haul yourself upright. Fuck this woman. And her witchcraft. There's only one solution to this - and you're not going to go easy.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "witch_kill">>You lower your weapon and approach the dead woman. Blood is splashed on the floor - and her suit. She's definitely dead.\n\nRelieved, you crouch beside <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher and feel his pulse. It's strong and, as far as you can see, he's still breathing. You shake his shoulder. "Hey, man. Hey, you—"\n\n"No!" Fisher's eyes snap open. "Shit, Vine?" He looks around. "Fuck, what happened?"\n\n"No clue." You glance at the dead woman, wondering whether to tell Fisher she's a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. You decide not to. Instead, you haul him to his feet. "Easy, man. You okay?"\n\nHe nods absently. "Shit, I heard her voice. At least, I think it was her voice. But I heard it. Like, in my head." He stares at you, wild-eyes. "Fuck. Am I insane?"\n\n"Probably not," you say, helping Fisher toward the door. "C'mon. We'd better get out of here."\n\n"Yeah, yeah..." Fisher glances over his shoulder. "Shit, did you hear her too? She was talking about—"\n\n"Never mind about that," you snap. "The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will be here any moment." You rush Fisher toward onto the landing pad. As you near the shiny grav-car, you say, "Nearly there." You help him into the passenger seat and hop in yourself. \n\nAs you power up the vehicle, Fisher mutters, "Was she real? The woman I mean. Was she really there?"\n\n"She was," you say as you ease the grav-car off the pad and into the heavy traffic of Fastway 315 North. Fisher still looks out of it but slightly less pale. Relieved, you put the grav-car on auto-drive and settle back to...<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski and check his pupils. They're still open and he's breathing - both a good sign. You slap his cheek. "Hey, man. Hey, you—"\n\n"Motherfucker!" Jalkovski sits up with a start. "Damn it, uh, Sir?" He looks around. "What are you doing here, Sir?"\n\n"Saving you<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>r sorry ass<<else>>you<</if>> from—" You glance at the dead woman, wondering whether to tell Fisher she's a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. "—her. But never mind. Can you move?"\n\n"Yes, Sir." Jalkovski climbs to his feet, muttering, "I heard her voice. I heard it. In my head. I swear. She was, she was—"\n\n"Snap out of it," you nsarl, easing Jalkovski toward the door. "We gotta get out of here."\n\nJalkovski stumples over the threshhold. "But, but the voice. It said. It was. It knew. It—"\n\n"Fuck the voice" you hiss. "The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will be here any moment." You rush Jalkovski toward onto the landing pad. As you near the shiny grav-car, you say, "Nearly there." You help him into the passenger seat and hop in yourself. \n\nAs you power up the vehicle, Jalkovski murmurs, "It was so real. So real. So fucking real."\n\nNot knowing how to respond, you simply ease the grav-car off the pad and into the heavy traffic of Fastway 315 North. Jalkovski still looks out of it but slightly less pale. Relived, you put the grav-car on auto-drive and settle back to...<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "companion_talkto">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Witch|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Witch_B5"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; $action.action1 = "witch_kill"; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "witch_hab_ambush"; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "witch_kill">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Watch the fastway zip Past|riptide_back_fisher_return][$action.action1 = "stunned"; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $attrib.criminality = $attrib.criminality + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active = $time.active + 1.5; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Watch the fastway zip Past|riptide_jalkovski_floater_return][$action.action1 = "stunned"; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $attrib.criminality = $attrib.criminality + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active = $time.active + 1.5; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_leave_celena_txt'>></div><br>\n\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cel_kill">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to Celena's Place|b33_celena_appartment_postcoven][$job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 11; $job_coven.mainPhase = 6; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to your Appartment|home][$job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 11; $action.arrive = "fromCoven"; $job_coven.mainPhase = 6; $attrib.criminality += 1; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "cel_spare_lost">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if Celena is OK|b5_covenfinal_leave_cel][$action.action2 = "cel_okay"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Celena she's lost It|b5_covenfinal_leave_cel][$action.action2 = "cel_disagree"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_leave_celena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b5_covenfinal_leave_celena_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "cel_disagree">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to your Appartment|home][$chr_celena.loc = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromCoven"; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 10; $attrib.criminality += 1; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'didFinalCelenaHate'); playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to Celena's Place|b33_celena_appartment_postcoven][$job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 11; $job_coven.mainPhase = 6; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'didFinalCelenaOkay'); playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to your Appartment|home][$job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 11; $action.arrive = "fromCoven"; $job_coven.mainPhase = 6; $attrib.criminality += 1; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'didFinalCelenaOkay'); playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble over and...<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You stop a good three paces...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You <<walk>> over to the table Fisher and...<<else>>"Heya, man." You <<walk>> over to the table Fisher is standing at...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble over and lean on the table. Two guys you've never seen before shoot you curious looks. You nod to them. "Heya. How..." You take a deep breath, collecting your thoughts, and say, "How you all doing?"\n\n"Working, same as aways, ya know?" Fisher brushes hair out of his eyes and looks you over. "Shit, you look wasted. What's up?"\n\nYou shrug a little. "Just enjoying life, y'know? Nothing big."\n\nFisher's lips twitch. "Nothin' big? With you? Lemme see..." He tilts his head. "Bullshit. I can smell it."\n\nYou laugh. "Right. Just never mind, okay? Isn't your fucking business."\n\n"Yeah, yeah." He leans on the table. "But you'll sure not wanna see the boss like that."\n\n"Yeah, whatever." You give him the finger and <<walk>> away, headed for...<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You stop a good three paces from the table and glance at the two guys Fisher is hanging with. "Who are these jokers?"\n\nOne of them snorts. "Oi, who you—"\n\n"Ey." Fisher holds up his hands. "They're just friends. Y'know. New friends to the fammily. Gotta get 'em into the game and all." Fisher brushes hair out of his face. "So, what you up to?"\n\n"Not much." You eye the two guys, wondering if they're dangerous or not. If they are... but you don't want to think about that. You don't really want any trouble. So you force a smile and say, "Gotta see the big boss, y'know?"\n\n"Sure." Fisher pats you on the shoulder. "G'd luck."\n\n"Thanks." You shoot the two dudes one last glance and <<walk>> away, headed for...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You <<walk>> over to the table Fisher and two of his buddies are standing around. "What's..." You stifle a yawn. "What's up?"\n\n"Shit, man, you okay? You look—-" \n\n"Just tired," you say. "What's up here? And who're they?" You indicate Fisher's buddies.\n\n"Rim and Tray," Fisher says. "New blood in the family. Just got in a few days ago. Still getting 'em up to speed on the ropes and all."\n\n"Oh." You stifle another yawn and nod to Rim and Tray. "Hey, gus. And man I really gotta hit the sack sometime."\n\n"Hey, easy. Come back 'round when you're doin better." Fisher pats you on the shoulder. "And take care of yourself, yeah?"\n\n"Don't worry." You smile a little and <<walk>> away, headed for...<<else>>You <<walk>> over to the table Fisher is standing at. There are two guys with him. Neither of them look familiar so you ignore them and say, "Hey, Fish. How ya doing?"\n\n"Good. Working, same as aways, ya know?" He brushes hair out of his eyes and nods to his buddies. "Rim and Tray. New guys. Just got in a few days ago. Lotsa stuff to get 'em up to speed on." He winks. "Worse than in your day."\n\nYou chuckle. "Sounds like I got out when it was good." \n\n"Yeah, no shit," one of the guys says. "Lots to take in, like, for real." When you smirk, he shoots you a dark look. "What? I bein' funny or summin?"\n\n"Nah. Just remembering old times." You pat the guy on the shoulder. "Trust me, I know what you're going through. And don't believe Fish here. It don't get easier with time."\n\n"Don't listen to <<genderposssesive>>," Fisher says. "Always was an asshole. Just, now <<genderpronoun>>'s out, it's even worse." You roll your eyes. Fisher brushes back his bangs. "So, yeah, anyways. What you up to these days?"\n\n"Not much." You shrug. "This and that. Whatever pays the rent, though I gotta talk to to the big boss. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] business. Figured you should know."\n\nFisher whistles. "Don't push it. He's in ona his moods again. But yeah. Good luck and I'll see ya round later, right?"\n\n"Sure thing." You pat Fisher on the shoulder and <<walk>> away, headed for...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$chr_fisher.met = true; $chr_fisher.loc = "onjob"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $loc_riptide.didFistArrive = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Wilkin's Riptide">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 2 or $chr_fisher.loc eq "waitvineentrance") and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.action5 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $attrib.violence -= 2]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Sneak in the Back|b28_zanex_riptide_altpath][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "sneak"; $action.action5 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $attrib.caution += 2]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Organize frontal Assault|b28_zanex_riptide_altpath][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "assault"; $action.action5 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $attrib.violence += 2]]</div>\n<<elseif $chr_fisher.loc eq "foyer">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to Fisher|riptide_entrance_b28_talkfisher][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = false; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click"); $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = true;]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ignore Fisher|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.violence += 1; $chr_fisher.loc = "onjob"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $loc_riptide.didFistArrive = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.action5 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $loc_riptide.didFistArrive = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<if ($loc_riptide.didFistArrive and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 98) or $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 100>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Deathmatch Arena|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Main Floor">>\n\t<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t<<set $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = true>>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for the Siren|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for Mr. Amman|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; $chr_fisher.alive = false; $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase = 99; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $chr_raj.met eq false and not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch28 and ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 5 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Info Terminal|b28_findraj][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin" and $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 0 and $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 0 and $chr_fisher.loc neq "none" and ($job_coven.overrideAnska or $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99)>>\n\t\t[[Head for the Bar|riptide_addon3_fisherdrug][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<<elseif $loc_riptide.talkedToAida eq false and $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2 and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar" and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar_2">>\n\t\t[[Head for the Bar|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<<elseif ($job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6) and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar" and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar_2" and not $loc_riptide.talkedToAida>>\n\t\t[[Head for the Bar|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<<elseif $time.active gte 32 and $characterEncounterPhases.riptideOliviaPhase eq 0 and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar" and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar_2">>\n\t\t[[Head for the Bar|riptide_olivia_event][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<<elseif $chr_sasha.loc eq "riptide" and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar" and $chr_celena.loc neq "bar_2">>\n\t\t[[Head for the Bar|riptide_sasha_event][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t[[Head for the Bar|riptide_main_b28_bar][$hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.talkedToKnight eq false and $time.active gte 36>>\n\t\t[[Head for the Dance Floor|riptide_addon_knight][$attrib.fatigue += 3; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<<elseif $time.active gte 45 and $characterEncounterPhases.riptideGuyPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t[[Head for the Dance Floor|riptide_sahando_event][$attrib.fatigue += 3; $hide.layer0 = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t[[Head for the Dance Floor|riptide_main_b28_dance][$attrib.fatigue += 3; $hide.layer0 = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>>\n\t\t\t/% VIP AREA BLOCKED; DOES SMTH HAPPEN HERE? %/\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fisher.alive and $chr_fisher.loc neq "none" and $time.active gte 16 and $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 0 and $attrib.toxicity lt 75 and $chr_raj.met eq true>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|riptide_fisherinterrupt_b28][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 0 and (($time.active gte 24 and $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin) or $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 1)>>\n\t\t\t\t/% changed lavandri trigger condition to not include talked to wilkin since this can be skipped%/\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|b28_vip_lavandrigrab][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $chr_fabienne.alive and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 0 and (($loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin and $time.active gte 16) or $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 1)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|b28_vip_specialscene][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none" and $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 4 and $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6 and $factionlock.zanexPhase eq 0 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7 and $attrib.religion neq "edenite" and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|riptide_zanex_faction][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.ammanMissionOverride and $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 0 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|b28_vip_ammanfudge][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the VIP Terrace|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($loc_riptide.didFistArrive and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 98) or $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Deathmatch Arena|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $chr_celena.loc eq "dancefloor">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered and ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed eq false or $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none") and $randomScene lt ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency + 0.1)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.action4 = "b28"; $action.action5 = "b28_tram_station"; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $processed = false;]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'ripdite_bar_order_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin eq true and $loc_riptide.talkedToCaptain eq false and $loc_docks.spokeDockMaster eq false and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lt 6>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you are Vine|riptide_main_b28_bar_captain][$action.action2 = "yes"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who he Is|riptide_main_b28_bar_captain][$action.action2 = "who"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell him to Get Lost|riptide_main_b28_bar_captain][$action.action2 = "fuckoff"; $attrib.violence += 2; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $chr_celena.loc eq "bar">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Hug her Back|riptide_main_b28_bar_celena][$action.action2 = "hug"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 5; $hide.layer2 = true; $chr_celena.met = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Kiss her on the Cheek|riptide_main_b28_bar_celena][$action.action2 = "kiss"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 10; $hide.layer2 = true; $chr_celena.met = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Push her Away|riptide_main_b28_bar_celena][$action.action2 = "push"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep - 15; $hide.layer2 = true; $chr_celena.met = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Luca's Apt">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'luca_lalina_apt1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how Luca knows Tobias Gartner|b28_hab_lanina_luca_question][$action.action1 = "tobias"; $action.action3 = "true"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if Luca knows about Mauricio's death|b28_hab_lanina_luca_question][$action.action1 = "mauricio"; $action.action4 = "true"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Luca knows about Object 55316|b28_hab_lanina_luca_question][$action.action1 = "object"; $action.action5 = "true"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_cel_fisttime_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'lalina_apt_firsttime_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if ($attrib.fatigue gte 75 or $attrib.toxicity gte 75)>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Curl up to Sleep|b28_hab_lanina_wake][$action.action3 = "rested"; $attrib.toxicity = 0; $attrib.fatigue = 0; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you doubt That|b28_hab_lanina_3][$action.action2 = "doubt"; $chr_lanina.rep -= 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you believe Her|b28_hab_lanina_3][$action.action2 = "believe"; $chr_lanina.rep += 2; $hide.layer2 = true; $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $chr_lanina.relation = "fucked"; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.lanina += 1;]]</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "normal">>\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You curl up...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "normal">>You curl up only to wake a moment later, still on Lanina's couch. There's no one around and the appartment is oddly quiet. Not wanting to get in the way - or wake anyone who might be around - you quietly retrieve your gear and tiptow to the door. \n\nAs you hit the release, you hear a muffled groan from one of the rooms. You pause, wondering whether to say something or not.\n\nYou say, "Hello?"\n\n"Hey," Lanina's voice calls, "Let yourself out. I got a bit of a situation here." \n\nYou pull a face, well aware the night before must've been a little too much, and...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "shock" or $action.action3 eq "rested">>You curl up only to wake with a start what feels like the very next second. You're still in Lanina's apartment. No one else is awake.\n\nFiguring it's best to just leave, you hastily pull on your clothes and grab your gear. The noise must have woken Lanina because, when you head for the door, Lanina pokes her head out of her room. "Hey, Vine. Sleep well?"\n\n"Yeah but I gotta go." You force a smile.\n\n"Sure. See ya around." She sinks back onto the couch. \n\n"See ya." You hit the release and....<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dreamless">>You curl up only to wake a moment later with your nose buried in a mane of golden-blonde hair. For a moment you wonder if Celena dyed hers. Then you remember the night before and realize it's Lanina.\n\n"Mhhm," the girl mubles, still half asleep.\n\nShe still hasn't woken by the time you've retrieve your gear. You consider waking her but that doesn't seem right.\n\n"See ya then, I guess." You head to the door, hit the release and...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "normal">>\n\t\t[[Leave the Apartment|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "shock">>\n\t\t[[Leave the Apartment|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dreamless">>\n\t\t[[Leave the Apartment|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "rested">>\n\t\t[[Leave the Apartment|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $clothingdesc to either("a dark brown leather jacket", "a white tank top", "rainbow sweater")>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Riptide Bar">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>As you stumble over to the bar, a dark-skinned dude bumps ito you. "Fuck you, asshole," you call as you right yourself and swagger over to the crowd gathered around the sand bar. A bulky dude wearing <<print $clothingdesc>> gets in your way. You shove him aside with a muttered, "Oi, my spot."\n\n"Hey, wow," The guy backs away with a dark look in your direction. "What the fuck's your problem?" \n\n"What the fuck's yours?" You lean closer to the guy and snar, "Seriously, fuckface, what the fuck's up with you?"\n\n<<if $clothingdesc eq "rainbow sweater">>"No hard feels, dude," he takes another step back, hands raised in surrender, and hurriedly joins a circle of equally-colorful peeps. You shake your head in disgust and lean on the bar.<<else>>"You fucking mad?" The man steps up to you. "C'mon, punk, show me—"\n\n"Wow, wow. Just kidding." You grin a little. "Honest."\n\n"Whatever, freak." \n\nYou stare after the guy in the <<print $clothingdesc>> until he's disappeared in the crowd, then turn and lean on the bar.<</if>>"Oi." The bartended walks straight past you. "Oi," you shout, louder this time. "Oi, I wanna order."\n\n"Over my dead body, man. Get the fuck out and sober up." The bartender turns to the girl standing beside you. "Hey, three Liqs was it? That's ten."\n\nShe holds out her wrist. "Here ya—"\n\n"Oi, what the fuck?" You glower at the girl. "Shit, I was here first."\n\n"Yeah, and we ain't serving you." The bartender nods toward the entrance. "Or ya want me to call security?"\n\n"Go ahead," you mutter. When the guy continues to glower at you. You raise your hands. "Okay, okay, I'm getting the fuck out."\n\n<<elseif $chr_celena.loc eq "bar_2">><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_base'>><<else>><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $chr_celena.loc eq "bar_2">>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ignore the Comment|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena][$action.action1 = "drink"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[[Insufficient funds to order a drink]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Poke fun at Celena|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena][$action.action1 = "celena"; $chr_lanina.rep = $chr_lanina.rep + 5; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 10; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tease Lanina|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena][$action.action1 = "lanina"; $chr_lanina.rep = $chr_lanina.rep + 10; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 5; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Baibirack Facility|riptide_facility_ask][$action.action1 = "facility"; $hide.layer1 = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency += 0.3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Beer (1 C)|riptide_main_b28_bar_order][$action.action1 = "beer"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 1; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 10; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Beer (1 C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 3>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Liq (3 C)|riptide_main_b28_bar_order][$action.action1 = "liq"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 3; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 25; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Liq (3 C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 10>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Flash (10 C)|riptide_main_b28_bar_order][$action.action1 = "flash"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 10; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 50; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Flash (10 C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're just Looking|riptide_main_b28_bar_order][$action.action1 = "lookaround"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide VIP Area">>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.randomize to either("oldtimes", "fisher", "business")>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or not $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>><div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div></div><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n/% First Talk Pt1 %/\n\n<</nobr>><<if $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin eq false and ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lte 2 or $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 4)>><<if $action.action1 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Mr. Wilkin (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_vip_b28">>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "credits"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 2; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'gotWilkinInfo'); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Mr. Wilkin <<print $bribeammount>> C]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isFashionOutfit or $attrib.dilligence gte 5>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action1 = "church"; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 2; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'gotWilkinInfo'); $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action1 = "church_fail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_riptide.triedChurchOption = true; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll return Later|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div><<nobr>>\n\n /% First Talk Pt2 %/\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "credits">>You purse your lips. "Yeah? How about I drop..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "church" or $action.action1 eq "church_fail">>"I have it on good authority this has..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "credits">>You purse your lips. "Yeah? How about I drop one K? Will that jog your memory?"\n\n"It might just help." Mister Wilkin holds out his left arm. "Show you mean it and we'll talk."\n\n"Okay." You program the transfer into your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and swipe Wilkin's arm. "There. Now what you know about this?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "church_fail">>"I have it on good authority this is big time. A huge deal with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Something holy or sacred went missing. Don't have many details. All I want is to find it but I'm sure the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] wouldn't mind hearing you helped me out, would they?"\n\n"How odd." Mister Wilkin puts down his pad, scowling. "Dealin' the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] now, are ya? And I thought that deal with the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] was just another tall tale about the overhyped, legendary Vine."\n\n"Maybe it was." You lean forward. "Or maybe not. I might just tell you if you help me out with this whole affair. You know something, don't you?"\n\nYour brow rises. "You sure about that? 'Cause this is real important."\n\n"Vine." Wilkin fixes you with a firm look. "I thought ye were looking for gossip, basic facts. But you're asking for details and I got none. Ain't happy 'bout it but that's how it is."\n\n"If that's how it is, I'll look elsewhere." You stand and, with a curt nod to your former Boss...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "church">>"I have it on good authority this is big time. A huge deal with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Something holy or sacred went missing. Don't have many details. All I want is to find it but I'm sure the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] wouldn't mind hearing you helped me out, would they?"\n\n"Interesting." Mister Wilkin puts down his pad, scowling. "Dealin' the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] now, are ya? Shit. Call that a heel face turn if ever I's seen one."\n\n"Pragmatism, more like. But listen—" You lean forward. "I really need your help with this affair. So tell me: you know something, don't you?"\n\n<</if>><<if $action.action1 neq "church_fail">>"Not very much, I'm afraid. Got a strange inquiry yesterday though. Freelance merchant saying someone asked him to move something from A to B. Didn't say what it was or where they were going, just that there'd be one extra passenger and they'd be paying good money for the haul. I didn't think much of it but the guy doing the asking apparently talked like a [[Churchgoer|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Grammar, long words. The merch captain wouldn't stop saying how he didn't trust this fellow."\n\n"Definitely odd. You know who the captain was?"\n\n"Alfrey Phillips." Wilkin swipes his data pad. "Hauls fruits and vegetables between the [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and Limit III for Crown Line Services. Occasionally he runs a little this and that on the side. Never anything big." Wilkin glances at you. "Figure that's about the profile you're looking for, right?"\n\n"Could be," you admit.\n\n"Right, well, Phillips tends to hang around here when he's on the [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. So, if you're looking, look around the bar. He might be there." Wilkin taps at his data pad. "I'll keep my ears open though, drop you a message if I hear anything new."\n\n"Sure." You jot down a note on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and say, "Thanks for the help."\n\n"Anytime. But no more favors unless you're backing them up with real creds."\n\n"Loud and clear, Boss-Man." You both chuckle. Wilkin turns back to his data pad and you...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>><<nobr>>\n\n\n/% GENERAL DIALOG %/\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign neq "none" and not $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk = true; $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 7 and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lt 9>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Wilkin who hired the Oger|riptide_vip_b28_coven_talk][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $chr_fisher.loc neq "none" and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need Fisher's Help|riptide_vip_b28_fisherdjinn][$hide.layer1 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "fisher"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.wilkin and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask to borrow Wilkin's Grav-Car|riptide_vip_b28_gravcaronly][$hide.layer1 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "wilkin"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.wilkin eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Wilkin about the Djinn|riptide_vip_b28_djinn_talk][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and not $factionlock.cyberSourceRiptide>>\n\t\t\t/% (( ASK ABOUT EXPOSE )) %/\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|riptide_vip_b28_ogerlair][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're ready for Otto|riptide_vip_b28_fisherotto][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Warlock|riptide_vip_warlock_wilkin][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1) and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.wilkin eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Paladins|riptide_vip_b28_paladin_talk][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Athena Medical Labs|riptide_vip_b28_medical_talk][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin eq true and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 8>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for news on Object 55316|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action2 = "object"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98 and $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 0 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the attack on the Riptide|riptide_addon_zanextalk][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ((($attrib.demeanor eq "aggressive" or $attrib.gender eq "female" or $attrib.toxicity gte 75) and $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98) or $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable) and $sexPhases.didWilkin eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Flirt with Mr. Wilkin|riptide_addon5_sex][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.didWilkin = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Wilkin|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action2 = $action.randomize; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% DIALOG RESPONSES %/\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "business">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Yeah, I was just wondering how business is..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I was just wondering how business is going these days."\n\n"Oh, well enough. Making good credits. Mostly legit, actually. And the competition's way down. Figure it's got something to do with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] running regular checks on the docks. But we got our guys inside. For now, at least. Figure they'll catch on eventually but I'm hoping to retire by the time they finally realize who's up to what around these parts."\n\n"So, business as usual." You raise an eyebrow.\n\nMister Wilkins shoots you a amused look over the top of his data pad. "More or less. Tending to less."\n\nYou shrug half heartedly. "It could be a lot worse."\n\n"Yeah, well, this isn't the Forties anymore. Things are quieter now, more regulated. There's less wiggle room and more incentive to play nice. So I go with the flow, do things the way they're supposed to be done, and hey, I'm almost a legitemate business man now."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You scoff. "Right. I'm not gonna openly question your strategy. But believe me: this is gonna go sideways bad someday."<<else>>You nod slowly. "Sounds like you're keeping things together. Just hope nothing goes badly sideways."<</if>>\n\n"We'll deal with that when we get to it," Wilkin says, more interested in his data pad than in you.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action2 eq "object">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Just wondering if you've heard anything about the artefact..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Just wondering if you've heard anything about the artefact I mentioned."\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.triedChurchOption>>"I've been keeping my ears open but no,"<<else>>"Nah, nothing,"<</if>> Wilkin says without looking at you. "Heard some other funny stuff. Bad chems on the market here. C Sector's unions going balistic. A strike over in the N docks. And a few guys getting killed when an airlock went out in X7. But nothing that'll help you."\n\n"Right. Well, thanks anyways."\n\n"Anytime," Wilkin says in a tone that suggests he'd prefer not to be talking to you.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% READABILITY %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "oldtimes">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Ah, just thinking back to the old..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Just thinking back to the [[old days|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]." <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>A cruel smirk curls your lips. "Fun times, man, fun fucking times."<<else>>You shake your head. "Messed up times, man. Real messed up."<</if>>\n\nMister Wilkin snorts. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"For you maybe, kid. My business was on the line.<<else>>"No thanks to your antics. Sure, it worked, but only barely.<</if>> Kept thinking you'd fuck it up for me." His eyes dart up from his data pad for a split second. "Honestly, you don't wanna know how many times I wished you'd just get your ass kicked and get off that high horse."\n\nHis comment makes you chuckle. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What, you mean you'd have wanted the Scars to wipe you out? Because I thought—"<<else>>"Believe me, I can imagine. But if we hadn't wiped out the Scars—"<</if>>\n\n"Okay, maybe I didn't want someone else to kick your ass. Maybe I wanted to kick your ass for being such a pain in the ass." Wilkin chuckles to himself. "Seriously, if I'd known how much damn trouble you'd be down the road, I'd never have picked you up. Then again, if I hadn't, I probably wouldn't be sitting on this pile of gold and the Scars would still be running the Downs. So maybe I went right along the way. I dunno. It's hard to say."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ohh." A smirk curls your lips. "That's almost a compliment."<<else>>You chuckle. "That almost sounded like a compliment."<</if>>\n\nWilkin shoots you a amused look. "Not that I haven't tried real hard not to make it sound that way but, hey. I'm only human."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"For now, yeah. Some day you'll just be dead like everyone else. Just remember that, old man. Remember that."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck you, old man. Fuck you. Seriously." You shake your head in disgust.<<else>>"I'll take what I can get," you say with a sigh.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<nobr>>\n\n/% READABILITY %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "fisher">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $chr_fisher.loc neq "none">>"I saw Fisher hanging around..."<<else>>"Was wondering how Fisher..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $chr_fisher.loc neq "none">>"I saw Fisher hanging around. How's he shaping up? Doing okay with the crew?"\n\n"He's great," Wilkin says absently. "Not as crazy as you and twice as loyal. Plus he actually, y'know, doesn't bitch about everything five times a day. So, yeah, he's shaping up real well, thank you very much."\n\n"That's good to hear." You lean back with a sigh. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Man, I still remember him as the idiot who sat in the corner, shaking 'cause he saw a corpse. Never thought he'd be running Raptors."<<else>>"Man, I still remember the days he used to sit in the corner shaking. Never thought he'd be running the Raptors."<</if>>\n\n"We're all full of surprises. And you should really learn to have more faith in people." Wilkin shoots you a dark look over the top of his data pad. "I mean that. It's the one flaw that trumps all the others."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Only thing I got faith in is death," you reply evenly. "Only thing you can count on in this life. Not that you'd understand."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"I got the Void, don't need to believe in people," you say coldly. "Anyways, they tend not to be trustworthy. You should know that better than anyone."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, give me time. I'm still getting over the stuff that happened in the past. But I'll get there. Eventually"<<else>>"Blame it on bad experiences," you say.<</if>> "But I'm glad Fisher's doing well. He earned it."<<else>>Was wondering how Fisher's holding up. Haven't seen him 'round in a while."\n\nWilkin scoffs. "Probably 'cause he hates your guts, kid. Dunno what the hell you told him. But he sure didn't take it well."\n\n"Ouch." You pull a face.\n\n"Listen." Wilkin leans forward. "Ye might be a legend in most of my boys' books but I know ya aint everything, man. And loosin' Fisher's ear? Gotta be one of yer worst moves yet. He loved you, kid. An' somehow ya threw it away." \n\n"I know," you say darly. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"But yeah. Thanks for being a condescending asshole. As usual."<<else>>"But yeah. We are where we are. Let's leave it at that."<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|riptide_vip_b28][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor">>\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_dance_2_cel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_dance_3_cel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kiss">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take Celena Home|riptide_dance_floor_cel_sex][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "yourplace"; $chr_celena.loc = "yourhouse_postparty"; $processed = false; $attrib.toxicity += 10; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Suggest her Place|riptide_dance_floor_cel_sex][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "herplace"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhouse_postparty"; $processed = false; $attrib.toxicity += 10; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit or $equip.isPartyOutfit or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Fuck behind the DJ Pedestal|riptide_dance_floor_cel_sex][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "fuckhere"; $processed = false; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $attrib.toxicity += 5; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, there's something..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, there's something I wanted to talk about. Relates to journalism."\n\n"Oh?" She looks genuinely interested. "You got some cool, creepy story lined up or what?"\n\nYou shake your head. "More a potential story. Massive corruption. Corporate warfare. Black ops. Cover ups. The whole shebang. I'm looking for someone who'll help air it."\n\n"Oh." Suddenly Lanina looks a lot more worried. "Well, I suppose I could ask. But, uh, we're just a little news outlet. I'm sure you can get this to bigger folk. If it's that big."\n\n"Actually, that's the problem. It's too big. Run it past the major players and it'll get shut down. Run it small though—" You lean forward, fixing her with an earnest look. "Lanina, I need your help. This could be the story of the century. Or the decade, at least. You'd be the first person reporting on this. And I know that's dangerous. But I'll send you the details when the time's right. And, if you decide you wanna publish, you could break big out of this. Huge. Build an entire media empire around it."\n\nLanina's brow is furrowed. "I like the idea. I really do. But, well, okay. Send me the stuff as soon as you can. And I'll see what's what. But that's all I can promise. Okay? I really am sorry but this is kinda vague and, well, you know."\n\nYou smile. "I do. And thanks. This could make all the difference."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_hab_lanina][$factionlock.cyberSourceLanina = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Lalina's Apt">>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $chr_celena.loc eq "laninas">><div class='GameText'><<display 'lalina_apt_cel_fisttime_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it sometimes Is|b28_hab_lanina_2][$action.action1 = "is"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity += 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's just Her|b28_hab_lanina_2][$action.action1 = "isnt"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity += 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div><<elseif $chr_lanina.loc eq "herhome">><div class='GameText'><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'lalina_apt_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Drift off to Sleep|b28_hab_lanina_wake][$action.action1 = "normal"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $chr_lanina.rep = $chr_lanina.rep + 1; $attrib.toxicity = 5; $attrib.fatigue = 10; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.lalina eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Lalina about the Djinn|b28_hab_lanina_djinn][$hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.lalina eq false>>\n\t\t/% no option to ask?? %/\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and not $factionlock.cyberSourceLanina>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about exposing the Conspiracy|b28_hab_lanina_expose][$hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Lalina|b28_hab_lanina_talk][$hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<set $redStressFactor = 1 + ($sexPhases.lanina * $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex * 0.5)>>\n\t<<if $redStressFactor gt 10>>\n\t\t<<set $redStressFactor = 10>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $sexPhases.canHaveSex and $sexPhases.lanina neq 9999>>\n\t\t<<if $sexPhases.lanina eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isSuperFancy or $attrib.gender eq "male" or $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable or $chr_lanina.relation eq "fucked">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Flirt with Lanina|b28_addon5_lali_comeon][$action.action1 = "flirt"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.lanina += 1; $attrib.stress -= $redStressFactor; $attrib.fatigue += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Flirt with Lanina|b28_addon5_lali_comeon][$action.action1 = "reject"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $sexPhases.lanina lt 9999>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Cuddle with Lanina|b28_addon5_lali_comeon][$action.action1 = "sex"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.lanina += 1; $attrib.stress -= $redStressFactor; $attrib.fatigue += 15]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $sexPhases.canHaveSex eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Not up for That]</div></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div><<else>><div class='GameText'>Lanina isn't home and it would be wrong to poke around her stuff without her concent. The usual deal. You're a freelancer, not a common criminal.</div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide VIP Area">>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div><br>\n<div id='riptide-convo' class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign neq "none" and not $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk = true; $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin= true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Wilkin's Involvement|riptide_vip_zanex_intro][$action.action1 = "wilkin"; $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You've already asked about Wilkin's Involvement]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Zweili's Involvement|riptide_vip_zanex_intro][$action.action1 = "zweili"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You've already asked about Zweili's Involvement]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Marisa's Employer|riptide_vip_zanex_intro][$action.action1 = "employer"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You've already asked about Marisa's Employer]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.xanexRewardPhase eq 1 and $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t<<display 'riptide_x1_options'>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Corbei Family|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "corbei"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 7 and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lt 9>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Marisa who hired the Oger|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "coven_1"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 1 and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you killed Ms. Eresi|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "eresidead_1"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10 and $chr_raj.alive eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to speak to Bob|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "speakbob_1"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Warlock|riptide_vip_warlock_marisa][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerMarisa>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|riptide_vip_maris_ogerlair][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need Jalkovski's Help|riptide_vip_b28_jalkovskiwitch][$hide.layer1 = true; $job_coven.buddy = "jalkovski"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need Jalkovski's Help|riptide_vip_b28_jalkovskidjinn][$hide.layer1 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "jalkovski"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Djinn|riptide_vip_djinn_marisa][$hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and not $factionlock.cyberSourceRiptide>>\n\t\t\t/%(( ASK ABOUT EXPOSE ))%/\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if (($attrib.demeanor eq "aggressive" or $attrib.gender eq "female" or $attrib.toxicity gte 75) or $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable) and $sexPhases.didMarisa eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Flirt with Marisa|riptide_addon5_marisasex][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.didMarisa = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1) and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.marisa eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Paladins|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "paladins"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Athena Medical Labs|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "athenamedical"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13) and not $characterEncounterPhases.talkedOttoDeadMarisa>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak about Lord Otto|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "employer_2"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase lt 10 and $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase neq 4 and $characterEncounterPhases.talkedOttoDeadMarisa neq true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak about Marisa's Employer|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "employer_1"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak about Father Zweili|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "zweili_1"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.faith.anti gte 3 and $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase lt 1 and $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase neq 4 and $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase neq 13>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you support the Division">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "riptide_vip_zanex_talk"; $nextSceneSet = '$action.action1 = "support"; $attrib.religion = "theophobe"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false;'; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Division Zanex|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action1 = "div108"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $processed eq false and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 2>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ripdite_bar_order_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "yes">>"Yeah. I am." You straighten...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "who">>You scowl at the scrawny man. "Who's..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "fuckoff">>"I don't know who you are..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "fuckoff">>"I don't know who you are and don't care. So get lost and leave me alone, okay?"\n\n"Hey, wow, wow, easy." The man steps back. "They said you were looking me. Captain Phillips." He pulls a crooked smile. "Ring a bell, yeah?"\n\n"No," you growl. <<if $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>"Now lemme be in peace. "Or is that too fucking much to ask, eh?"<<else>>"Just lemme be with my <<print $action.action1>>, okay? If that isn't too fucking much to ask." You shake your head. "Seriously."<</if>>\n\n"Right, uh, well..." The man fidgets. "Sorry for wastin' your time, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."\n\nAs he walks away you scoff. "Sorry. Idiot doesn't know what sorry means." \n\nYou shake your head a little and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>sip your beer.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>drown a good shot of liq.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>take a sip of flash.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>stare at the crowd around you.<</if>> After a few seconds it dawns on you however: Captain Phillips. That must've been the guy Mr. Wilkin mentioned, the one who knew about...\n\nYou glance around, hoping against hope the guy might still be around. But he's gone, vanished into the masses of partygoers, and you just lost your best lead. <<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 1>>Maybe you can find another - the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] would be a good place to ask around. People around there tend to hear things.<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2>>Maybe that weirdo Anska mentioned is the answer. He's supposed to live near the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Not much to go on but better than nothing.<</if>> So, without further ado, you...<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "yes">>"I am." You straighten up. "What's up? And who's asking?"\n\n"I was told you were looking for me. Captain Phillips." He pulls a crooked smile. "Ring a bell, yeah?"\n\n"It does. I wanted to ask you a few questions.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "who">>You scowl at the scrawny man. "Who's asking?"\n\n"Captain Phillips." He pulls a crooked smile. "I heard you wanted something, yeah?"\n\n"I wanted to ask.<</if>> About this job request you got recently. One person, from A to B, no questions asked. That true?"\n\n"Yeah, yeah, I know what you're talking about." Captain Phillips shrugs. "Seemed real fishy to me. Didn't want nothing to do with it. Why? What's it to you?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"That's not your business, man." You muster him with a dubious look. "Just answer the questions. Don't ask them, okay?" \n\n"Okay, sorry for being curious."\n\n<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I ask the questions," you snap angrily.\n\nCaptain Phillips raises his hands. "Hey, wow. No reason to get all snippish with me. I was just curious."\n\n<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>"It's..." You yawn involuntarily. <<else>>"It's got to do with my job. Can't tell you more than that but it's important, if that helps."\n\n"Sure, wow, okay. Didn't expect that but sure. I'll help if I can."\n\n<</if>>"All I want have to know is who you talked to. Who this fellow was. Nothing more."\n\nPhillips shrugs half-heartedly. "No idea. Some dude. Came out of nowhere when I was on the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Like I said to Wilkin, he sounded like a believer and was looking for someone to haul someone from A to B. He didn't say anything else. No clue why or what. When I said no went his way. That's it. Nothin' unusual. Sorry I can't help more but, uh, listen. I gotta go. Okay?"\n\nYou nod absently, watching the Captain disappear into the crowd. Strange conversation. Strange situation too. But maybe it's something. Best way to find out would be to ask around the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] so, with that in mind, you...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "fuckoff">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $loc_riptide.talkedToCaptain = true; $loc_riptide.ignoredCaptain = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 3; $loc_riptide.talkedToCaptain = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_base'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "drink">>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Beer (1 C)|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_2][$action.action2 = "beer"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 1; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 10; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Beer (1 C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 3>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Liq (3 C)|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_2][$action.action2 = "liq"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 3; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 25; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Liq (3 C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 10>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Flash (10 C)|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_2][$action.action2 = "flash"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 10; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 50; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Flash (10 C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Reassure Celena|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_2][$action.action2 = "reassure"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change the Topic|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_2][$action.action2 = "changetopic"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lanina">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Reassure Celena|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_2][$action.action2 = "reassure"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change the Topic|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_2][$action.action2 = "changetopic"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ripdite_bar_order_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_main_b28_bar_celena_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "hug" or $action.action2 eq "kiss">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that sounds Fun|riptide_main_b28_bar_celena_2][$action.action3 = "party"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Can't|riptide_main_b28_bar_celena_2][$action.action3 = "decline"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "push">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Sorry|riptide_main_b28_bar_celena_2][$action.action3 = "sorry"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell her to Fuck Off|riptide_main_b28_bar_celena_2][$action.action3 = "fuckoff"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action1 to either("work", "relationship", "roommate")>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "work">>\n\t<<set $chr_lanina.knowsYourIdentity = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "work">>"Sure." You glance back at the...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "relationship">>"Tell me about it," you mutter....<<elseif $action.action1 eq "roommate">>"Don't I know it," you mutter...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "work">>"Sure." You glance back at the girl. "So, uh, yeah. What do you actually do?"\n\n"Eh, nothing fun, just proof-reading news articles. Pays well though. About a hundred creds for ten articles." Lanina shrugs. "Pays the bills so I can't complain really."\n\n"Oh." You nod slowly. "Right."\n\nLanina sits beside you with a faint sigh. "Like I said, nothing fun." She shoots you a sidelong glance. "What 'bout you? Mean, you're always walking around with all that—" <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>She indicates your <<rifle>><<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>She indicates your <<pistol>><<else>>She nods to your <<knife>><</if>><<if $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored">> and <<armor>>.<</if>>. "—stuff."\n\n"Oh. Yeah. I used to work for Mr. Wilkin. Pretty sure Cel told you that but I got out of the business years ago. And thank fuck for that. I work freelance now, which is only slightly less of a pain in the ass but still. It pays."\n\n"Ya work freelance? As what? Like, a gun for hire?"\n\nYou consider explaining but decide to just say, "It's a long story. Never mind."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "relationship">>"Tell me about it," you mutter, more to yourself than to her.\n\n"Yeah." Lanina sits beside you and crosses her legs. <<if $chr_celena.didParty eq true>>"So, about last time, what happened to you and Cel? Couldn't find you guys anymore."\n\nYou shrug absently. "No clue about Cel. I had to get stuff done. The job and all. Sorry"\n\n"Oh." Lalina nods slowly. "Okay. Yeah. I thought—"\n\n"Listen," you say. "Don't take this the wrong way but I'm getting too old for this shit. It helps wind down but still. I needed space."\n\n"Sure, no problem." Lanina smiles but it doesn't look like she understands."<<else>>"So, what's new? I've just been doing the same old. Over and over."\n\nYou shrug. "Not much, you know. Same old too."\n\nThere's a long silence. It gets awkward.<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "roommate">>"Don't I know it," you mutter, more to yourself than to her.\n\n"Yeah." Lanina sits beside you and crosses her legs. "Man, I dunno. Just for once I'd like a day I can focus on my stuff without my roomie complaining. But no. Yesterday I was being too loud with my new girlfriend. Today there wasn't enough milk for his coffee." She snorts. "I swear, living with an antisocial looser is such a pain."\n\nHer last comment makes you chuckle. "There are worse things."\n\n"For you maybe. For me, I dunno. That's about as bad as life gets." Lanina pulls a face. "I'm whining again, right?"\n\n"A little," you admit.\n\nShe breathes a sigh. "Sorry, man. Sometimes things just get too quiet around here. Bet that doesn't happen to you often, does it?"\n\n"I'd prefer not to answer that."\n\nLanina nods. Awqward silence falls.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'><<if $action.action1 eq "roommate">>[[End Conversation|b28_hab_lanina][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]<<else>>[[End Conversation|b28_hab_lanina][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]<</if>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'luca_lalina_apt_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Sure, why not?" You head for the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"Sure, why not?" You head for the couch.\n\n"Awesome." Lanina grabs two cans and brings them over. "Cheers." You both pop your cans and take a sip. Lanina sighs. "Shit, man. I dunno. It just hit me before, y'know, how I'm sitting around here, doing my work day by day, while there's dudes like you, dealing with millenia old crap. I mean..." She sips beer. "...how do you do that? I'd feel, like, so insignificant and all."\n\n"It isn't easy." You drown a gulp of beer and say, "Mean, half the time I keep wondering what the hell I'm doing. But it's the life I chose. So I just bite through it and think about the day it'll pay off.<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">> That and I got Cel to keep me going. That really helps.<</if>>"\n\n"Still..." Lanina sips beer and shakes her head. "Crazy night that was, wasn't it?" She smiles shyly. "Sorry. Guess I don't get out enough. Except with Cel. Which is never, ever, a good idea."\n\nYou smirk. "She has her moments."\n\n"Not the sort I like to record. Mean, me? And you?" She shakes her head. <<if $chr_lanina.knowsYourIdentity eq true>>"It took me too long to realize who you really are."<<else>>"I only just realized who you are.""\n\n"Oh." You pull a face. "Is that bad?"\n\n"It's just, well, you're the Vine. You know. Definitive article."\n\n"Right," you say slowly. "Well, I guess that's all ancient history now. Got to me after a while. Now? Now I'm just me. Whatever that is."\n\n"Yeah. I guess. Musta gotten to your head, didn't it?" She looks at you uncertainly.\n\n"Let's say this: I aquired a taste for booze and booty." You shoot her an amused look. "Don't do that. It's a bad solution to mental issues. Oh, and I'm really sorry but I gotta go. Follow up on what Luca told me. Work." You shrug.\n\nLalina smiles. "Look out for yourself. And maybe see you around?"\n\n"Sure thing." You stand and head for the door. \n\nLanina waves. You wave back and leave the appartment, headed for...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Level B28 Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.3; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $attrib.toxicity += 10; $hide.layer0 = false; $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_raj_dropby); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'luca_lalina_apt1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'luca_lanina_question_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action5 neq "true">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Object 55316|b28_hab_lanina_luca_question][$action.action1 = "object"; $action.action5 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Object 55316]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<<if $action.action4 neq "true">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Mauricio's Death|b28_hab_lanina_luca_question][$action.action1 = "mauricio"; $action.action4 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Mauricio's Death]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<<if $action.action3 neq "true">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how he knows Tobias Gartner|b28_hab_lanina_luca_question][$action.action1 = "tobias"; $action.action3 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Tobias Gartner]</div></div>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "true">>\n\t<br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Let Luca Shower|b28_hab_lanina_luca_leave][$attrib.dilligence += 35; $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 8; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $chr_lanina.met = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_base'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_text2'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "drink" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $chr_lanina.loc = "none"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "reassure" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tag Along|riptide_main_b28_dance_celena_2][$action.action3 = "party"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 5; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Decline|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_3][$action.action3 = "decline"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep - 15; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "changetopic">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow Celena and Lanina|riptide_main_b28_dance_celena_2][$action.action3 = "party"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 10; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slip away Unnoticed|riptide_main_b28_bar_2_celena_3][$action.action3 = "slipaway"; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep - 25; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $chr_lanina.loc eq "herhome">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'luca_lalina_apt_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept the Offer|b28_hab_lanina_luca_leave_2][$attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 5; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 5; $hide.layer3 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'spokeLuca'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Excuse Yourself|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $hide.layer0 = false; $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_raj_dropby); ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'spokeLuca'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<else>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'luca_lalina_apt1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'luca_lanina_question_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Having learned what you could ...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nHaving learned what you could from Luca, you say, "Okay, well, that's it. You can get back to your shower now."\n\nLuca grins. "Thanks." He turns away but hesitates. "And good luck with whatever the hell you're looking into, man. I kinda feel better about my date already. Less galaxy threatening."\n\n"Encouraging," you say as the door snaps closed. As you turn away, you can't help but add, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Weirdo."<<else>>"Some people."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $hide.layer0 = false; $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_raj_dropby); ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'spokeLuca'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_marisa_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "employer_1">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to the Conference Room|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action2 = "fromMarisa"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "employer_2">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $characterEncounterPhases.talkedOttoDeadMarisa = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "zweili_1">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 4; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 5; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "speakbob_1">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head out Back|riptide_bob_pickup][$action.action2 = "fromMarisa"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 2; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.marisa = true; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresidead_1">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 2; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "support">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase = 1; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven_1">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 9>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t/% was: but this seems ridiculous: $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99 or $chr_raj.alive eq true %/\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll find another Car|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action2 = "coven_2"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll take the Ride|riptide_vip_zanex_talk][$action.action2 = "coven_2"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; $job_coven.buddy = "jalkovski"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $factionlock.zanexPhase = 3; $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa = true; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 7; $hud.messages.push($msg_corinthin_warning); $hud.newmsg += 1; $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "active"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "coven_2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_marisa_coven2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb into the Grav-Car|b5_covenfinal_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Or Somewhere Nearby">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $time.active = $time.active + 1>>\n\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 10>>\n\t<<set $attrib.dilligence -= 4>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_dance_2_cel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_dance_3_cel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_dance_4_cel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "yourplace">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stumble into your Appartment|home][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "herplace">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stumble into Celena's Appartment|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head back to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.cel += 1;]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_cel_fisttime_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_firsttime_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'lalina_apt_firsttime_3_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "doubt">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Curl up to Sleep|b28_hab_lanina_wake][$action.action3 = "shock"; $attrib.toxicity -= 35; $attrib.fatigue = 10; $time.active +=6; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Curled up to Sleep|b28_hab_lanina_wake][$action.action3 = "dreamless"; $attrib.toxicity -= 75; $attrib.fatigue = 5; $time.active += 8; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I have to ask you about..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nI have to ask you about something unusual: [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Any advice on how to deal with those tin cans?"\n\n"No," Wilkin says flatly. "You know the drill. You do not, ever, fuck with the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], kid. I taught you that way back when."\n\nYou nod gravely. "I know. But assumning that's impossible—"\n\n"Make sure it isn't." Wilkin fixes you with a stern gaze. "Kid, I know you think you're hot shit, mixed up in all this stuff like you are. And I'll be the first to say you got talent like no one else 'round here. But Do not, ever, ever, fucking fuck with the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. There is no possible scenario in which that ends well. For any of us."\n\n"Yeah." You breathe a sigh. "Well, thanks for the reminder."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.wilkin = true; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><<if $action.action1 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div><<else>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div><</if>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|b28_vip_ammanfudge][$job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 1; $action.action1 = "accept"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Ask for hazard Pay' 'b28_vip_ammanfudge'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 1; $attrib.credits += 750; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $action.action1 = "credits"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for more Credits|b28_vip_ammanfudge][$job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 1; $action.action1 = "creditsfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Help|b28_vip_ammanfudge][$action.action1 = "accept"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_ammanfudge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor">>\n\t<<if $action.action4 neq "alonetime">>\n\t\t<<set $time.active = $time.active + 2>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 25>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 33>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "alonetime">>\n\t\t<<set $chr_celena.loc = "herhome">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action4 eq "alonetime">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_dance_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Cel..." You grab her arm and hold her back. "Cel, I'm not...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Cel..." You grab her arm and hold her back. "Cel, I'm not in the mood."\n\n"Oh." She pulls a face. "Man, I thought—"\n\n"Another time, maybe." When she nods, you kiss her on the cheek. "Nice to see you again though."\n\n"Same." She strokes your arm. "Well, yeah. I get it. But drop by my place, okay? I really missed you."\n\nYou nod. "Yeah, sure. You still at the old place?"\n\n"Yeah, the same shithole." She pulls a face. "But yeah, if you aren't gonna stay I'm gonna..." She nods toward the dance floor.\n\n"Have fun." You wave and watch Celena disappear into the mass of partygoers. \n\nEven after everything that happened, the girl really hasn't changed. She's still bouncing around and taking drugs and, well, being herself. Then again, you can't really judge her based on the few words you exchanged. Maybe she isn't anything like her old, green-haired self. \n\n"Yeah, right." You shake your head with a snort. "Cel not being herself. That'll be the day."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<nobr>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_dance_2_cel_txt'>></div><</if>><<if $action.action4 neq "alonetime">>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "dance">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Play with Celena|riptide_dance_floor_2_cel][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "kiss"; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $attrib.toxicity += 15; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Keep Dancing|riptide_dance_floor_2_cel][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "dance"; $attrib.fatigue += 20; $attrib.toxicity += 10; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><</nobr>></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_base'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_text2'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dance_candl_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Swallow the Pill|riptide_main_b28_dance_celena_2][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 30; $attrib.toxicity += 60; $hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "swallow"; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Brush away the Pill|riptide_main_b28_dance_celena_2][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 35; $hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "away"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dance_candl_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dance_candl_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make an Advance|riptide_main_b28_dance_celena_2][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $hide.layer5 = true; $action.action5 = "advance"; $hide.layer6 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ignore the Girl|riptide_main_b28_dance_celena_2][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $hide.layer5 = true; $action.action5 = "ignore"; $hide.layer6 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dance_candl_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dance_candl_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dance_candl_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "advance" and ($attrib.demeanor neq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isSuperFancy)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Meet Lanina Outside|b28_hab_lanina][$time.active = $time.active + 1; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $attrib.dilligence -= 5; $chr_celena.loc = "laninas"; $chr_lanina.loc = "herhome"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $attrib.stress -= 1; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.caution += 2; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $chr_lanina.loc = "none"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_base'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_celena_bar2_text2'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "decline">>You shake your head. "Nah, man..."<<else>>There's nothing to be gained from degenerating back to where you were two<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "decline">>You shake your head. "Nah, man. Gotta work 'n all, you know?" \n\nLanina pulls a face. "Oh, c'mon. It'll be fun." She nods to Celena. "And she fucking well wants you along."\n\n"Can't," you say. "Got stuff to do. It can't wait."\n\n"Please?" Celena shoots you a pained look. "For me, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>." \n\nYou shake your head. \n\n"Fuck, whatever. I tried. Fuck you but I tried." She turns to Lanina and whispers something. Both girls laugh.\n\nYou breathe a sigh and watch them disappear into the crowd. Part of you does want to tag along. But you know that isn't a good idea. Celena's in a bad way. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>And no matter how much she means to you, you know it wouldn't be right to get dragged back into her world.<<else>>There's nothing to be gained from degenerating back to where you were two years ago.<</if>>\n\nBetter to just let her sort out her shit with people who can waste their time on sex, drugs and booze, and get on with your life.<<elseif $action.action3 eq "slipaway">>You watch as the two girls disappear into the masses. Part of you wants to tag along, just party the night away and forget about shit. But you know that's a bad idea. \n\nEven if Celena weren't in a bad way, you've changed. You aren't the person you were two years ago and, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>no matter what you might feel for the girl<<else>>no matter how much you might want to<</if>>, you can't allow yourself to get dragged back into that life. You got a job to do, a reputation to uphold, and right now that means focusing on what's important and not getting distracted by Celena - or anyone else, for that matter.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $chr_lanina.loc = "none"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisa">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisa">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Bob to Explain|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "explain"; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you just want Answers|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "answers"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand to know More|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "knowmore"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Understand|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "understand"; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you just want Answers|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "answers"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Threaten the Businessman|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "torture"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "answers" and ($action.action2 eq "fromMarisa" or $action.action3 eq "knowmore")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Bob to Explain|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "explain"; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "explain">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_raj.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept the Terms|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action4 = "deal"; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to a Meeting|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action4 = "agreemeeting"; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "torture" or $action.action3 eq "whatwant">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Torture the Man|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action4 = "gothrough"; $attrib.violence += 5; $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase = 3; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_battle");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Let the man Go|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action4 = "letgo"; $attrib.violence -= 5; $attrib.caution += 3; $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase = 99; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisa" and $chr_raj.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Terms|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action4 = "nodeal"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 neq "fromMarisa" and $action.action3 neq "torture" and $action.action3 neq "whatwant">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Threaten the Businessman|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "torture"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what the man Wants|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action3 = "whatwant"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "agreemeeting">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[To the rear Exit|riptide_bob_pickup][$action.action2 = "fromMarisaDirect"; $processed = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "deal">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 10; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nodeal">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 11; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "gothrough">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll go Now|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action5 = "gonow"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need Time|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action5 = "needtime"; $attrib.caution += 2; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "letgo">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_fisher_counterattack.ammanMissionOverride = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_conferenceroom_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "gonow">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head out Back|mansion_raid_leave][$action.arrive = "fromWilkin"; $processed = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Main Floor">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_main_floor_lalina_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<if $chr_celena.loc eq "none">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wilkin's Riptide (to: Level B28 Tramway Station)|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $time.active = $time.active + 1; $chr_lanina.loc = "herhome"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><<else>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the girls onto the floor|riptide_dance_lalina][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remain on the sidelines|riptide_sidelines_lalina][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</if>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_fisherinterrupt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Fisher who 'They' Are|riptide_fisherinterrupt_b28][$action.action1 = "whothey"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Fisher what he Needs|riptide_fisherinterrupt_b28][$chr_fisher.rep += 5; $action.action1 = "whatneed"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Fisher you can't Help|riptide_fisherinterrupt_b28][$chr_fisher.rep -= 5; $action.action1 = "canthelp"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisherinterrupt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_fisherinterrupt_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|riptide_fisherinterrupt_b28][$chr_fisher.rep += 5; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 1; $action.action2 = "takejob"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'acceptPreMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "canthelp">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can't Help|riptide_fisherinterrupt_b28][$chr_fisher.rep = 0; $chr_fisher.loc = "none"; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 99; $action.action2 = "refusejob"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'refusePreMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you can't Help|riptide_fisherinterrupt_b28][$chr_fisher.rep = 0; $chr_fisher.loc = "none"; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 99; $action.action2 = "refusejob"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'refusePreMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisherinterrupt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisherinterrupt_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>After a moment's consideration you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "takejob">>\n\t\t\t\tAfter a moment's consideration you say, "Okay, I'll do it. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>But I can't just up and fucking <<walk>> over to their HQ and ask. So what's the plan?"<<else>>But I can't exactly <<walk>> up to the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] barracks and ask what's going on. So, uh, what you got?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not much," Fisher admits. "It was four guys. Showed up here, did their shit in full battle gear, and went off. I sent one of the kids after them. He tracked 'em back to the tramway station down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. But we lost 'em there, somewhere in the tunnels near the grav tunnel. Figure either they got an outpost around there or got picked up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You gotta be kidding me. That's the best you got?"<<else>>"That's not a lot to work with."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It's all we got, man." Fisher looks worried. "Think you can turn anything up?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Maybe. I'll take a look around down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Might be something in the tunnels. But this better not be a fucking waste of my time."<<else>>"I'll look around down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Maybe there's something in the tunnels. Worst case, I waste my time. But I'll look. Okay?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks, man." Fisher looks genuinely relieved. "I'll never be able to repay ya. Even if it don't turn up nothing. It means a fucking lot to me."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Cut the feelsy crap and get your act together, man. I'll be back."<<else>>"Just take care of yourself. And don't let this shit get you down."<</if>> You pat Fisher on the shoulder and head back to the...\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refusejob">>\n\t\t\t\tAfter a moment's consideration you say, \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "canthelp">>"Like I said, man, I can't help you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Just ain't my problem.<<else>>Sorry. But this isn't my problem anymore.<</if>>"\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>"I wish I could help you, man, but I can't. Got enough problems on my plate as it is.<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> Sorry.<</if>>"\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That's it?" Fisher looks insulted. "Just that and... and nothing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ey, weren't you fucking—"<<else>>"Like I said—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Bullshit," Fisher snaps. "You're a [[B Dweller|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] just like all us. An' you're just gonna let those assholes push us around like—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"You run the Raptors now, Fish. Deal with it. Find a solution. Me? I got problems so big they make this thing look like a joke." You turn to <<walk>> away but hesitate. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"And don't come fucking whining to me. I was in your shoes for six years. I know what it's fucking like. So I don't give a crap about your issues. Clear?"<<else>>"Believe me, I know it's tough. I was you for six fucking years, running the same damn shit. But I'm out now. And that's the end of it."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFisher doesn't retort but you can feel his stare on your back as you head back to the...\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Information. Again." You lean forward, pretending...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Information. Again." You lean forward, pretending not to notice how uninterested Wilkin looks, and say, "Word has it someone tried to hire you not long ago. Someone took issue with a very particular group of women." All the sudden Wilkin is looking interested. Your lips twitch. "Got your attention, did I?"\n\n"Oh, you definitely got my attention." Mister Wilkin places his data pad on the table and leans back. Leather squeaks. He scowls. "Before we get down to business I have a question though: what's your interest in this particular group of women?"\n\n"Frankly, I'm not sure. But they're related to the job I'm working."\n\nWilkin's eyebrows rise. <<if $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin eq true>>"The one you were talking about? With the [[Chruch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and the ancient artefact?"\n\n"That'd be the one."<<else>>"And what would that be?"\n\n"That's between me and my employer." You spread your hands. "No hard feelings. Just quid pro quo."<</if>>\n\n"I see." Wilkin rubs his chin. "And based on what you've told me, I'll assume you believe this particular group of women is up to no good?"\n\n"Actually, I know they're dead. Most of them at least." When Wilkin looks surprised, you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>snort. "Oh, spare me your straw sympathy.<<else>>pull a face. "Ugly business.<</if>> Point is whoever's behind this is who I'm after. So if you know anything, anything at all, I'd appreciate the help."\n\n"Ah." Wilkins purses his lips. After a short silence, he says, "Clearly this thing's a bit more complicated than I thought. But I can't help you. I never met the guy who wanted to close the deal." You're about to say something when he adds, "Fisher handled that customer. You could talk to him. He's probably out back with the boys."\n\n"Then that's where I'll be." You nod curtly and stand up. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Always a fucking pleasure doing business with you."<<else>>"Thanks, man. I might even owe you for this."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head out Back|riptide_back_fisher][$time.active += 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Landing Pads">>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 13>>\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99 and $job_coven.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 7>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "stunned">>By the time you set the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "snipe">>The silence persists until Fisher sets the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "stunned">>By the time you set the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down on the Level B28 landing pads, Fisher has recovered from his ordeal. Maybe not entirely - he isn't jabbering on like he usually does - but he isn't gasping for breath either, which is undoubtably a good sign. \n\n"Hey, man." You pat him on the shoulder. "We're home."\n\nHe looks up in surprise. "What? Oh. Thank fuck." He pops the passenger door and climbs out. You clamber out and <<walk>> around to check on him. He looks all right though, when he speaks, he does slur a little, "Well, that wasn't quite like old times, man. But we got the job done, eh?"\n\n"True that." Your eyes narrow. "You sure you're okay, man?"\n\nHe shrugs indifferently. "Been through worse. Gon' go drink this shit off. Maybe get some nice ass for the night." He grins ever so slightly. "Sounds like a plan, eh?"\n\n"From you, that's a fucking miracle." Both of you laugh. You shake Fisher's shoulder. "Well, man. Be safe. I'll see you, round yeah?" And thanks for tagging along.\n\n"Anytime." He waves and walks away, leaving you alone on the Level B28 landing pads. \n\nDespite your initial concerns, you have do admit Fisher did well. Not four years ago, he'd never have been able to pull a job off like you just did. But he's come a long way. Hell, he's running Wilkin's Raptors these days, and that isn't a position he got by sucking the big boss's cock. No, he made his name by example. And, while he might not be quite as far as you took the Raptors, he's damn close.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "snipe">>The silence persists until Fisher sets the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down on the Level B28 landing pads, saying, "Hey, man. We're home."\n\n"Mh." You look up, still reminiscing about your perfect kill. \n\nIt's been a long time since you took someone out like that. The last time you were hunting the tattered remnants of the Red Scars with Ivory - not a name you'll hear again. The two of you had racked up quite the score. Forty-seven kills each and the bitch had called dibs on the last few. You'd called her boast in good spirits, morality be damned. A few days later she'd taken a bolt through the head. Poor bitch. At least the last of the Red Scars had gone down easily. Fuckers, all of them. But that was years ago. Things have change since. You're not leading Wilkin's Raptors anymore. Fisher is - and he looks concerned. You frown at the black-haired kid. "What?"\n\n"You okay, man? You look kinda out of it."\n\n"I'm fine," you say, trying very hard not to remember why Ivory took that bolt to the head. It wasn't the Scars, of course. They hadn't even been near her. No, you'd put that slug through her brain. The thought makes you shiver. You force the feeling away and nod to Fisher. "Thanks for the assist. I'll be on my way now."\n\nAs you pop the door, he says, "Anytime, man. I'll be 'round if you need me."\n\n"Sure," you say and <<walk>> away, still lost in memories of days past. \n\nTo be precice, those of Ivory. It had been a stupid thing. You'd made your bets. She said she could take down the Scars all on her own. You'd called her out. Things had gotten heated. She'd threatened you straight out - right in front of all the kids. There hadn't been any alternative. It was do it or loose face.\n\nSo you drew your sidearm, pressed the muzzle to her head and made your position clear. She'd laughed, called you a coward. You'd pulled the trigger without a second thought. No one had ever questioned you aftr that, nor did you ever speak of the incident to anyone. Except Celena. Somehow, and you can't remember how, it'd come up when you were both drunk. The girl hadn't taken it hard. In fact, you could've sworn she'd been impressed by what you'd done. But that idea never sat well with you. The kill had been dumb, the result of some drunken boast, not the action of a prudent mercenary lieutenant. You should've just punched the bitch, not blown her brains out. \n\nChiding yourself for even thinking back to that, you step off the landing pads and...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'didFinalFisher'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Information." You lean forward...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Information." You lean forward and say, "Athena Medical. A lab somewhere in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]? Small place maybe, on the upper levels?"\n\nWilkin looks impassive. "I might know. And I might tell you. What's the interest?"\n\n"I have to go kick down a few doors," you say nonchalantly.\n\n"Ah." Wilkin actually smiles. "Then you'll get this info for free, 'cause there's been a lot of Athena activity near the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Boulevard"]]. Had some [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] goons with 'em too and those mofos were real disrespectful if my boys are saying it true."\n\nYour brow furrows. "What happened?"\n\n"They moved on some of our, ah, local associates. We confronted. They laughed our boys off as kids with toy guns." Wilkin's eyes narrow. "This is all in the back alley behind [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Boulevard"]] Information. [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] brought bots and armor from what I was told. Anyways, there's a warehouse back there that's where you'll want to look. Assuming you can get past that metric ton of security they threw up."\n\n"There has to be a way." You make a few hasty notes. "I'll make sure to bloody a few noses for old time's sake."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 2; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.xanexReward eq "X1">>\n\t\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the X1'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $characterEncounterPhases.xanexReward; $characterEncounterPhases.xanexReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#riptide-convo'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_x1_options'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the X1'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $characterEncounterPhases.xanexReward; $characterEncounterPhases.xanexReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#riptide-convo'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_x1_options'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $characterEncounterPhases.xanexRewardPhase = 2; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Main Floor">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_enter_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Remember|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.action5 = "remember"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Remember|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.action5 = "noremember"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Comment|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.action5 = "nocomment"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_fisher_zanex_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to speak to Wilkin|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.caution += 2; $action.action1 = "speakto"; $hide.layer5 = true; $processed = false; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand Division 108 Leave|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.violence += 2; $action.action1 = "demandleave"; $hide.layer5 = true; $processed = false; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Involved|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.caution += 4; $action.action1 = "notinvolved"; $hide.layer5 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisher_zanex_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "speakto" or $action.action1 eq "notinvolved">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Division 108|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_B28"; $processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 98; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Upstairs|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.action2 = "follow"; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromNormal"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Division 108|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_B28"; $processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 98; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromNormal">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisher_zanex_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sneak_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sneak_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you know Zweili|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.action3 = "admitknow"; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you don't know Zweili|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.caution += 2; $action.action3 = "notknow"; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand Division 108 Leave|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.action3 = "demandleave"; $hide.layer3 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're with Wilkin|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.dilligence += 1; $action.action4 = "withwilkin"; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're against Wilkin|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.caution += 2; $action.action4 = "againstwilkin"; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if Math.random() gt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you really do not Care|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.dilligence -= 1; $action.action4 = "dontcare"; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you really do not Care|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$attrib.dilligence -= 1; $action.action4 = "dontcarefine"; $hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanexpresent_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "withwilkin" or $action.action4 eq "dontcare">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Division 108|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_B28"; $processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 98; $action.arrive = "fromFight2"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the VIP Terrace|riptide_resolve_zanex][$job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 3; $loc_riptide.ownedBy = "marisa"; $processed = false; $chr_fisher.loc = "riptidefallen"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Entrance">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you meander<<else>>You push your way<</if>> through the crowed walkways...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you meander<<else>>You push your way<</if>> through the crowed walkways of Level B28, headed for the bright neon holograms that mark the entrance to [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Flickering waves crash and roll on all sides as you join the small crowd gathered before the wide pressure door that leads into the establishment. Most of them are dressed in Fancywear or //Hard Grace Lite// band shirts and everyone is chatting in little groups, slowly shuffling toward the entrance. Not wanting to wait for the crowd to move along of its own accord, you dive into the masses, shouting, "Raptor coming through. Clear a path!" \n\nEveryone moves aside at the words - or the sight of your face - and, in short order, you've forced your way almost all the way to the front of the crowd. Before you reach the entrance however, a middle-aged dude with two young girls on his arms grabs you. "Hey, there's a line, man." \n\nYou turn and glower at the dude, whom you happen to recognize as Joey, a local pimp from down on B37. His eyes widen. "Fucking hell, man. Vine? Is that..." He hastily lets go of you. "I didn't mean nothing, man. I swear. Eden's honest truth!"\n\n"Make sure it stays that way," you say coldly and force your way through the last few meters of crowd. One young woman shoots you an irritable look when you ease her out of the way but doesn't say anything. You ignore the stare and make for the nine bouncers checking tickets at the entrance. One of them waves you over. You squeeze past to elderly women no doubt out for one last glory night and call to the guy, "Hey, s'up? Rodriques, right?"\n\n"Sure is. Here ya go." He hands a ticket back to some young kid and turns to you. "Kinda surprised you remember me but hey. It's an honor." He smiles. You nod curtly. Rodriques purses his lips. "So, what's up? You here for the show, man?"\n\n"Yep." You nod to the entrance. "Mind if I head on in?"\n\n"Nah, go ahe... hey." The bouncer holds back a girl with pink hair. She squirms and starts explaining how she had a ticket but this and that - the same deal everyone who's ever worked for Mr. Wilkin has heard a million times. \n\nYou smirk knowingly, pat the bouncer on the shoulder, and head into the foyer of [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Unlike a usual day, the place is packed with people standing around the smoker's tables, chatting and laughing so loudly that the dull beat from the main floor is barely audible. You slink around the edge of the masses and stop at the personal lockers halfway down the foyer. <<if $chr_fisher.loc neq "none">>You've just started to dump your gear into Locker #5651 - reserved in your name as always - when a voice behind you calls, "Vine!"\n\n"Hm?" You turn to see Fisher striding toward you. "Oh." <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>You stuff your <<rifle>> in the locker and say,<<else>>You remove your <<knife>>, toss it in the locker, and say,<</if>> "Hey man."\n\n"Hey." Fisher punches your shoulder. "Just heard Rodriques say he spotted you coming in. Can't stay though. Gotta take care of some asshole." He rolls his eyes. "Usual big event stuff, y'know, but I'll see ya round, yeah?"\n\n"Probably not," you mutter as Fisher disappears into the crowd. Shaking your head at the kid's enthusiasm, you close the locker, swipe the lock, and head on toward...<<else>>You dump your gear in Locker #5651 - reserved in your name as always - swipe the lock and head on toward...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The main Floor|riptide_main_floor_lalina][$attrib.dilligence -= 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ripdite_bar_order_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_main_b28_bar_celena_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "party">>"Sure. <<if $action.action1 eq "flash">>Already tripping so, eh, why the fuck not...?"<<else>>Why the fuck not...?"<</if>><<elseif $action.action3 eq "decline">>"Nah, I can't. Gotta work, Cel. Important stuff...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "sorry">>"Hey, sorry. I'm just kinda..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "fuckoff">>"Listen, it's simple: fuck off. Leave me alone..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "party">>"Sure. <<if $action.action1 eq "flash">>Already tripping so, eh, why the fuck not? Sounds like fun."<<else>>Why the fuck not? Sounds like fun."<</if>>\n\nCelena bounces up and down. "Fuck, yeah. Got just the right thing for ya. I swear—" She reaches into her pocket and produces a purple pill. "Open up." When you open your mouth, she strokes the synthetic along your tongue with a delighted smile.\n\nYou swallow the pill with a muttered, "Shit, y'know I hate those damn things."\n\n"Love 'em. Hate 'em. Gotta keep popping' em." Celena kisses you on the cheek, still bouncing up and down. "So, you ready? Mean, you wanna go? Like, now?"\n\n"Easy there," you slur as the world spins out of control. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_purple.png"]]</div>Colors blur and swirl. Noise pounds in your ears. You take a deep breath as everything spins out of control and begins flowing to the tune of the beat. \n\n"Fuck." You steady yourself and grin at the silver-haired girl. "Damn, that's some strong shit."\n\n"I aim to fucking please." She kisses you on the cheek. "At least you, baby." Her arms wrap around you as you begin to sway to the beat. She giggles. "Oh, shit, I'm so fucking gone, man. I did not just say that."\n\n"Actually, you did," you say with a lopsided grin. "But whatever, man."\n\nCel rests her head on your shoulder, giggling. "Fuck. I wanna fucking shake." She rubs her hips against yours, singing to the tune, "...see me? Do you? Do you wanna touch. Do you wanna see? Because this is me. Burning strong. Ticking wrong. Like I'm broken. Crack me open..." \n\nYou grab her hands and lead the girl toward the dance floor, humming along, "Open, open. I'm not broken. Crack me open. I'm not broken. Crack me—" You take a deep breath and follow Celena...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "decline">>"Nah, I can't. Gotta work, Cel. Important stuff 'n all."\n\n"Oh. Please?" When you shake your head, she says, "Well, yeah, if ya change your mind, I'll be shaking, okay?"\n\n"Sure." You watch with a sad smile as she joins the crowd on the dance floor. \n\nWithin moment's her silver hair is swallowed by the mass of bodies. You breathe a sigh and shake your head. Old times - old memories. But shit has changed. Cel isn't who she used to be. You aren't who you used to be. Nothing will be the same anymore and there's nothing that'll change that.\n\nYou shake your head and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>finish your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point standing around, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>force yourself to finish the Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>slowly finish your Flash, one dizzying sip at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar, grinning despite yourself.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">> wonder what the hell you're doing there. Eventually you figure you've seen all there is to see in that place and head back toward to the bar.<</if>><<elseif $action.action3 eq "sorry">>"Hey, sorry. I'm just kinda..." You shake your head. "Shit, you just took me by surprise. Okay?"\n\nCelena nods slowly. "Yeah, right, so you like just fucking forgot about me?"\n\n"I..." You take a deep breath. "Well, a bit. Life's been complicated since."\n\n"So, what, you don't give a fuck anymore?" She shoots you a disgusted look. "Fuck, man. I didn't even want anything. But fine, if that's how it is." She turns on her heel and strides away. \n\nYou watch her, wondering what the hell you said. But, oh well, if that's how she sees things, it isn't like you care either. \n\nYou shake your head with a hollow laugh and turn back to the crowd on the dance floor. A good twenty minutes pass in idle boredom as you watch the partygoers and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>finish your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point standing around, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>force yourself to finish the Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>slowly finish your Flash, one dizzying sip at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar, grinning despite yourself.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">> wonder what the hell you're doing there. Eventually you figure you've seen all there is to see in that place and head back toward to the bar.<</if>><<elseif $action.action3 eq "fuckoff">>"Listen, it's simple: fuck off. Leave me alone. Okay?"\n\nCelene gives you a disgusted look. "Jeez, okay, if that's what you want, fine." She truns and walks away. \n\nYou breathe a sigh and turn back to the crowd on the dance floor. A good twenty minutes pass in idle boredom as you watch the partygoers and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>finish your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point standing around, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>force yourself to finish the Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>slowly finish your Flash, one dizzying sip at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar, grinning despite yourself.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">> wonder what the hell you're doing there. Eventually you figure you've seen all there is to see in that place and head back toward to the bar.<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "party">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Onto the Dance Floor|riptide_dance_floor_cel][$processed = false; $loc_riptide.celGaveDrugs = true; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'metCelena'); $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "decline">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $chr_celena.loc = "dancefloor"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'metCelena'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "sorry" or $action.action3 eq "fuckoff">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $chr_celena.loc = "none"; $chr_celena.met = false; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'metCelena'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ripdite_bar_order_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_main_b28_bar_celena_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "party">>"Sure. <<if $action.action1 eq "flash">>Already tripping so, eh, why the fuck not...?"<<else>>Why the fuck not...?"<</if>><<elseif $action.action3 eq "decline">>"Nah, I can't. Gotta work, Cel. Important stuff...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "sorry">>"Hey, sorry. I'm just kinda..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "fuckoff">>"Listen, it's simple: fuck off. Leave me alone..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "party">>"Sure. <<if $action.action1 eq "flash">>Already tripping so, eh, why the fuck not? Sounds like fun."<<else>>Why the fuck not? Sounds like fun."<</if>>\n\nCelena bounces up and down. "Fuck, yeah. Got just the right thing for ya. I swear—" She reaches into her pocket and produces a purple pill. "Open up." When you open your mouth, she strokes the synthetic along your tongue with a delighted smile.\n\nYou swallow the pill with a muttered, "Shit, y'know I hate those damn things."\n\n"Love 'em. Hate 'em. Gotta keep popping' em." Celena kisses you on the cheek, still bouncing up and down. "So, you ready? Mean, you wanna go? Like, now?"\n\n"Easy there," you slur as the world spins out of control. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_purple.png"]]</div>Colors blur and swirl. Noise pounds in your ears. You take a deep breath as everything spins out of control and begins flowing to the tune of the beat. \n\n"Fuck." You steady yourself and grin at the silver-haired girl. "Damn, that's some strong shit."\n\n"I aim to fucking please." She kisses you on the cheek. "At least you, baby." Her arms wrap around you as you begin to sway to the beat. She giggles. "Oh, shit, I'm so fucking gone, man. I did not just say that."\n\n"Actually, you did," you say with a lopsided grin. "But whatever, man."\n\nCel rests her head on your shoulder, giggling. "Fuck. I wanna fucking shake." She rubs her hips against yours, singing to the tune, "...see me? Do you? Do you wanna touch. Do you wanna see? Because this is me. Burning strong. Ticking wrong. Like I'm broken. Crack me open..." \n\nYou grab her hands and lead the girl toward the dance floor, humming along, "Open, open. I'm not broken. Crack me open. I'm not broken. Crack me—" You take a deep breath and follow Celena...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "decline">>"Nah, I can't. Gotta work, Cel. Important stuff 'n all."\n\n"Oh. Please?" When you shake your head, she says, "Well, yeah, if ya change your mind, I'll be shaking, okay?"\n\n"Sure." You watch with a sad smile as she joins the crowd on the dance floor. \n\nWithin moment's her silver hair is swallowed by the mass of bodies. You breathe a sigh and shake your head. Old times - old memories. But shit has changed. Cel isn't who she used to be. You aren't who you used to be. Nothing will be the same anymore and there's nothing that'll change that.\n\nYou shake your head and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>finish your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point standing around, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>force yourself to finish the Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>slowly finish your Flash, one dizzying sip at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar, grinning despite yourself.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">> wonder what the hell you're doing there. Eventually you figure you've seen all there is to see in that place and head back toward to the bar.<</if>><<elseif $action.action3 eq "sorry">>"Hey, sorry. I'm just kinda..." You shake your head. "Shit, you just took me by surprise. Okay?"\n\nCelena nods slowly. "Yeah, right, so you like just fucking forgot about me?"\n\n"I..." You take a deep breath. "Well, a bit. Life's been complicated since."\n\n"So, what, you don't give a fuck anymore?" She shoots you a disgusted look. "Fuck, man. I didn't even want anything. But fine, if that's how it is." She turns on her heel and strides away. \n\nYou watch her, wondering what the hell you said. But, oh well, if that's how she sees things, it isn't like you care either. \n\nYou shake your head with a hollow laugh and turn back to the crowd on the dance floor. A good twenty minutes pass in idle boredom as you watch the partygoers and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>finish your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point standing around, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>force yourself to finish the Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>slowly finish your Flash, one dizzying sip at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar, grinning despite yourself.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">> wonder what the hell you're doing there. Eventually you figure you've seen all there is to see in that place and head back toward to the bar.<</if>><<elseif $action.action3 eq "fuckoff">>"Listen, it's simple: fuck off. Leave me alone. Okay?"\n\nCelene gives you a disgusted look. "Jeez, okay, if that's what you want, fine." She truns and walks away. \n\nYou breathe a sigh and turn back to the crowd on the dance floor. A good twenty minutes pass in idle boredom as you watch the partygoers and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>finish your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point standing around, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>force yourself to finish the Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>slowly finish your Flash, one dizzying sip at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar, grinning despite yourself.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">> wonder what the hell you're doing there. Eventually you figure you've seen all there is to see in that place and head back toward to the bar.<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "party">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Onto the Dance Floor|riptide_dance_floor_cel][$processed = false; $loc_riptide.celGaveDrugs = true; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'metCelena'); $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "decline">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $chr_celena.loc = "dancefloor"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'metCelena'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "sorry" or $action.action3 eq "fuckoff">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $chr_celena.loc = "none"; $chr_celena.met = false; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_riptide.didFirstBar = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'metCelena'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisher_back_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisher_back_2_txt'>></div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "accept">><div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_back_fisher_3_ground_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb into the Grav-Car|b5_covenfinal_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div></div><<else>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Thanks for the offer, man, but I gotta handle..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"Thanks for the offer, man, but I gotta handle this my way."\n\n"Yeah, I almost figured." Fisher shrugs absently. "Eh, what can I say. You ain't in the hood anymore, man. Just take care of yourself. These are big fish you're banging around. Don't wanna see ya getting iced, yeah? But, eh, look who's talking. You should be the one saying that to me."\n\nYou can't help but grin. "Looks like times have changed after all."\n\n"Hey, what can ya do? Life marches on."\n\n"True that." You clear your throat. "Anyways, thanks for the info. Good stuff. Like always. But I got a job to do." You pat Fisher on the shoulder. "See you."\n\n"Sure, no prob, man." Fisher slaps your back. "So, yeah, see you 'round or what?"\n\n"Sooner or later." You wave to the three dudes sitting on the railing and...<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Riptide|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 3; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_main_floor_lalina_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"You girls go have fun. I'll be over at my usual..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"You girls go have fun. I'll be over at my usual spot." You kiss Celena on the cheek and, armed with both your bottle of Liq and a comfortable buzz, extract yourself from the growing crowd around the bar. \n\nNot wanting to get mixed up in any other crowd either, you make for the nice little corner over by the door to the utility area. There's barely anyone around and you find a nice perch on a pile of old synthboxes that have been stacked in that corner ever since the days you worked for Mr. Wilkin. Content to sit and sip Liq every few seconds, you stare out across the dance floor, at all the men and women, boys and girls, hell, everyone that's there. Your eyes wander from the guys and girls making out to the ones drinking booze and bouncing around, to the one stanting there, just waiting for the show to get going. The scene is so familliar and yet oddly distant. You know that world. You know what all those peeps are thinking and feeling. Hell, not long ago, you were one of them. And yet you aren't there. You aren't part of the crowd. You aren't looking for booze or pussy. You aren't partying the night away to forget life and have a good time. That isn't you, not anymore, and seeing so many people walking down the same path you trod makes you chuckle. \n\nNone of them know what they're doing, after all. They have their friends and buddies to tell them it's a good way to spend a night. They have an awesome show to look forward to and all that. But you can't bring yourself to care about that. You don't give a rat's ass that the lights are dimming or the beat is slowing to a dramatic note. Hell, you couldn't even care less when the dance floor falls silent and smoke begins to pour from around the DJs pedestal. Nor do you really notice when Hard Grace Lite come out and start their intro. Everyone else thinks it's awesome. At least, that's what it sounds like. But the noise, the commotion, even the collective elaation, they're just not in you. You've seen the same damn thing too many times before. You've felt the rush of euphoria once too many. It's easier to just sit back, watch from the sidelines, and drink booze. \n\nFor the longest time, that's exactly what you do. Once or twie a shadowy silhouette stops by to ask if you have booze or pills. You don't react to any of them. No one else bothers you in the slighters. To the world at large, you don't exist. You aren't up with the party. You aren't the attraction. No one knows who you are and there's no slutty bitches trying to get your attention. Shit,you don't matter one bit and you love the freedom it gives you. It's like a dream come true at last: to finally be insignificant, forgotten and ignored by a world you've grown weary of. But you aren't entirely forgotten, as you remember when Celena appears out of nowhere. \n\n"Hey, man." She hops onto your synthboxes and sits down. "You okay?"\n\n"Yeah." You glance around. "Where's Lani?"\n\n"Blowing some dude, last I saw." Celena rests her head on your shoulder. Neither of you speak for a long while. You continue to watch the crowd as beat after shifting beat drives them to dance and party. It's odd seeing the scene from afar. In some ways, it's almost too stupid to watch. The patterns are always the same: the horny guys trying to get their girls - or guys if that's their thing. And the hot girls out to get attention from the best guys - or girls - in the house. Of course, there's also the more introverted sort who don't draw any attention and just stay with their friends. And, here and there, there's an odd case - and older dude or woman well past her prime - who just want to relive their glory days. You can't help but chuckle to yourself. "\n\n"What?" When you don't reply, Celena strokes your arm. "Baby?"\n\n"Hm?" You take a sip of Liq and kiss her on the forehead. "What what?"\n\n"Nothing." She snuggles against your chest with a sigh. "I'm glad you're here. It just isn't the same without you."\n\nHer comment makes you snort. "Where's that party 'till you drop attitude gone?"\n\n"To hell?" Celena shrugs. "Eh, I dunno. I had my fun. Now I just can't be assed anymore." She slides a hand under your shirt and strokes your chest absently. "Y'know, sometimes I think this whole party slut thing was one big mistake."\n\n"Now that's a first." You sip liq and glance at Celena expectantly. Her lips twitch. You chuckle. "C'mon. Spit it out."\n\n"Eh, fuck knows. It just don't feel right. Like, I dunno, I don't wanna be left out."\n\n"Well, sitting here, that's exactly what—"\n\nShe pokes you. "Left out of your life, idiot. Not that shit."\n\n"Oh." You sip liq and offer Celena the bottle. She takes it and drowns a long gulp. When she hands it back, you do the same. Wiping your lips, you say, "I know what you mean." You shake your head. "Shit, I dunno, just right now, I'm kinda happy about being left out, y'know? I'm tired of the same shit over and over." You breathe a sigh. "Shit, I dunno. I guess I'm just gonna get off my ass and head home or something. Got stuff to do and all."\n\n"Yeah." Celena brushes her lips against your cheek. "Me too." You shoot her a sidelong glance. She smiles. "Figure next time I want some excitement, I'll just ask you to come over or something, yeah?" She shrugs. "It's just kinda, well, more fun, y'know?"\n\n"Know what you mean," you say and hop off your synthbox. On the ground, you turn back to the silver-haired girl. "Cel?" She tilts her head. You say, "<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>I love you. <<else>>See you around, man.<</if>>"\n\n"Whatever, asshole." She blows you a kiss. You wave and <<walk>> away, skirting the crowd back to the front entrance. There's no reason to stop for anyone or anything except your gear. The rest just doesn't matter. The people don't matter. Your old friends don't matter. Life's moved on. The [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] isn't your second home anymore. Hell, you don't even belong in that world anymore. Better you just stay in the one you do belong in; the one chalk full of abominations, horny [[witches|Witches Coven]] and orders straight from the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.dilligence -= 5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 15; $time.active = $time.active + 3; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 45; $chr_lanina.loc = "herhome"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $chr_celena.didParty = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Landing Pads">>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 13>>\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99>>\n\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 7>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "stunned">>By the time you set the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "snipe">>The silence persists until Jalkovski sets the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "stunned">>By the time you set the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down on the Level B28 landing pads, Jalkovski has recovered from his ordeal. Maybe not entirely - he isn't as communicative as usual - but he isn't gasping for breath either, which is undoubtably a good sign. \n\n"Hey, man." You pat him on the shoulder. "We're back."\n\nHe looks up, dazed. "What? Oh. Good." He pops the passenger door and climbs out. "Glad we're back here, Sir."\n\n"Same." Your eyes narrow. "You sure you're okay, man?"\n\nHe shrugs half-heartedly. "Been through worse, Sir. Figure some R&R will set me straight." He nods curtly. "If you'll excuse me, Sir."\n\n"Of course." You nod in response.\n\n"See you soon, Sir. It was a pleasure." Jalkovski turns on his heel and strides away, leaving you alone on the Level B28 landing pads. \n\nDespite your concern for his wellbeing, you have do admit Jalkovski did his part. Not a few hours ago, you were wondering whether he was up to it. But he's a soldier through and through. Quality material and it shows. Maybe having a fellow like him around - someone who's all too happy to look up to you - isn't such a bad thing after all.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "snipe">>The silence persists until Jalkovski sets the Model 5232 Omni-Grav down on the Level B28 landing pads, saying, "Vine, Sir? We're back."\n\n"Mh." You look up, still reminiscing about your perfect kill. \n\nIt's been a long time since you took someone out like that. The last time you were hunting the tattered remnants of the Red Scars with Ivory - not a name you'll hear again. The two of you had racked up quite the score. Forty-seven kills each and the bitch had called dibs on the last few. You'd called her boast in good spirits, morality be damned. A few days later she'd taken a bolt through the head. Poor bitch. At least the last of the Red Scars had gone down easily. Fuckers, all of them. But that was years ago. Things have change since. You're not leading Wilkin's Raptors anymore. No one is - Marisa and her brother Jalkovski are in control now and the latter looks worried.\n\nYou frown at Jalkovski. "What?"\n\n"Are you okay, Sir?"\n\n"I'm fine," you say, trying very hard not to remember why Ivory took that bolt to the head. It wasn't the Scars, of course. They hadn't even been near her. No, you'd put that slug through her brain. The thought makes you shiver. You force the feeling away and nod to Jalkovski. "Thanks for the assist. I'll be on my way now."\n\nAs you pop the door, he says, "Anytime, Sir. I'll be here if you need me."\n\n"Sure," you say and <<walk>> away, still lost in memories of days past. \n\nTo be precice, those of Ivory. It had been a stupid thing. You'd made your bets. She said she could take down the Scars all on her own. You'd called her out. Things had gotten heated. She'd threatened you straight out - right in front of all the kids. There hadn't been any alternative. It was do it or loose face.\n\nSo you drew your sidearm, pressed the muzzle to her head and made your position clear. She'd laughed, called you a coward. You'd pulled the trigger without a second thought. No one had ever questioned you aftr that, nor did you ever speak of the incident to anyone. Except Celena. Somehow, and you can't remember how, it'd come up when you were both drunk. The girl hadn't taken it hard. In fact, you could've sworn she'd been impressed by what you'd done. But that idea never sat well with you. The kill had been dumb, the result of some drunken boast, not the action of a prudent mercenary lieutenant. You should've just punched the bitch, not blown her brains out. \n\nChiding yourself for even thinking back to that, you step off the landing pads and...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'didFinalJalkovski'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_marisa_explain_vip_txt'>></div><<else>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_explain_vip_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_marisa_explain_2_vip_txt'>></div><</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "heardenough">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_meet); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Wilkin's Involvement|riptide_vip_zanex_intro][$action.action1 = "wilkin"; $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You've already asked about Wilkin's Involvement]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Zweili's Involvement|riptide_vip_zanex_intro][$action.action1 = "zweili"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You've already asked about Zweili's Involvement]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Marisa's Employer|riptide_vip_zanex_intro][$action.action1 = "employer"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You've already asked about Marisa's Employer]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 1>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've heard Enough|riptide_vip_zanex_intro][$action.action2 = "heardenough"; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 4; $hide.layer2 = true; $processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if not $processed>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Wilkin's Riptide">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_zanex_resolve_txt'>></div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_zanex_resolve_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_zanex_resolve_2_txt'>></div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Out of the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $chr_fisher.loc = "none"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'choseZanexResult'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Couch|riptide_resolve_zanex][$action.action1 = "approach"; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slip out of the Riptide Unnoticed|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_fisher.loc = "riptidecleanup"; $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'choseRaptorResult'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 9>>\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99 and $chr_celena.met>>\n\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 5>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_fisher_back_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_fisher_back_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "agree" or $action.action1 eq "decline" or $action.action1 eq "whycare">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept Fisher's Help|riptide_back_fisher_3][$action.action2 = "accept"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $job_coven.buddy = "fisher"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you work Alone|riptide_back_fisher_3][$action.action2 = "decline"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "offer">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept Fisher's Help|riptide_back_fisher_3][$action.action2 = "accept"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $job_coven.buddy = "fisher"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you work Alone|riptide_back_fisher_3][$action.action2 = "decline"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "blackmail">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Riptide|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refuse">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Riptide|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $chr_fisher.loc = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Back Alley">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_fisher_back_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\n<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t<<if $chr_celena.met eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it Does|riptide_back_fisher_2][$action.action1 = "agree"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why he Cares|riptide_back_fisher_2][$action.action1 = "whycare"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Answer|riptide_back_fisher_2][$action.action1 = "decline"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>> \n\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(350 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Fisher (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_back_fisher_2">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "offer"; $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Fisher (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Blackmail|riptide_back_fisher_2][$action.action1 = "blackmail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Pay|riptide_back_fisher_2][$action.action1 = "refuse"; $attrib.violence += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Fisher (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_back_fisher_2">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "offer"; $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Fisher (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Blackmail|riptide_back_fisher_2][$action.action1 = "blackmail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Pay|riptide_back_fisher_2][$action.action1 = "refuse"; $attrib.violence += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sirenfind_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_fisher_revenge.sparedSiren = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't believe It|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$action.action1 = "info"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you won't kill It|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "spare"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it has to Die|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "kill"; $job_fisher_revenge.sparedSiren = false; $hide.layer1 = true; $chr_fabienne.alive = false; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 7; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sirenfind_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sirenfind_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's Fisher's Call|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$action.action2 = "fisherkill"; $job_fisher_revenge.sparedSiren = false; $hide.layer2 = true; $chr_fabienne.alive = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_siren', 'killedSiren'); $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you won't kill It|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$action.action2 = "spare"; $hide.layer2 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_siren', 'sparedSiren'); $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it has to Die|riptide_addon_sirenpart][$action.action2 = "kill"; $job_fisher_revenge.sparedSiren = false; $hide.layer2 = true; $chr_fabienne.alive = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_siren', 'killedSiren'); $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sirenfind_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sirenfind_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sirenfind_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "spare">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 6; $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase = 3; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 6; $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase = 98; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_zanexattack_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you'll do It" 'riptide_addon_zanextalk'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase = 2; $attrib.credits += Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $action.action2 = "accept"; $hide.layer2 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_fisher_counterattack.mentionedWilkin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Sure|riptide_addon_zanextalk][$action.action2 = "notsure"; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to help Wilkin|riptide_addon_zanextalk][$job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase = 1; $action.action2 = "refuse"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_zanexattack_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_zanexattack_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "accept">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to the Conference Room|riptide_vip_conferenceroom][$action.action2 = "fromWilkin"; $processed = false; $job_fisher_counterattack.mentionedWilkin = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $job_fisher_counterattack.mentionedWilkin = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Wilkin's Riptide">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_riptide_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Nod in Agreement|addon_riptide_mourning][$action.action1 = "listen"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.faith.anti += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Shake your Head|addon_riptide_mourning][$action.action1 = "shakehead"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue Listening|addon_riptide_mourning][$action.action1 = "nothing"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_riptide_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_riptide_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Help|addon_riptide_mourning][$action.action2 = "help"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase = 2; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'acceptedOutpostMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why you Should|addon_riptide_mourning][$action.action2 = "whyshould"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase = 2; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'acceptedOutpostMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this isn't your Problem|addon_riptide_mourning][$action.action2 = "nohelp"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase = 98; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'refusedOutpostMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_riptide_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_riptide_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_riptide_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Riptide|riptide_main_floor][$action.arrive = "fromOutsideMourning"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.action5 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $time.active += 1;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $time.active += 0.5]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You linger near the entrance...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou linger near the entrance to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], scouring the crowd for anyone who looks remotely like Mr. Amman. <<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 2>>The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] impersonating him doesn't appear to be around. Fisher's black-haired head on the other hand is clearly visible, lurking near the edge of the crowd.\n\nHis eyes meet yours for a second. The look on his face makes your heart skip a beat. It can only mean one thing: danger.\n\n"<<formalname>>?" A hand falls on your shoulder.\n\n"Huh?" You turn to see Jared or Jaron - Mr. Amman's deceased assistant - standing right behind you. "Oh. It's you. Jared, right?"\n\nThe fake-man smiles. "It's good to see you again, though I wish the circumstances were better."\n\n"So do I," you reply as Fisher moves behind the imposter. "Funny thing, though. I could have sworn I saw your corpse a little while ago. See—" Fisher jabs his shocker in its back. "—I know what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> you are. I hunt <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>things<</if>> like you for a living. So let's just cut all the bullshit and get straight to it: who <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck hired your sorry ass<<else>>hired you<</if>>?"\n\n"Oh, baloney." The imposter hangs his head. "I don't know. I just get the message, pocket the credits, and do what I'm told. I swear. That's all I know. Honest." The abomination looks terrified. "Are you going to kill me now?"<<else>>The man doesn't appear to be around. You do however recognize someone: Jared's assistant - Jared, or whatever his name was; at any rate the guy who was massaging him when you first met.\n\nHe nods as you approach "<<formalname>>? I was sent to speak to you."\n\n"Figures," you mutter. "Guess your boss isn't up for showing his face after what happened, eh?"\n\n"Sadly not," Jared says with a crestfallen look. "And I must truly and sincerely apologize. Mr. Amman just recently departed [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. He left a message. I did not know he was gone until I read it."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Darn."<</if>> You breathe a sigh. "Okay, did the message say anything important?"\n\n"Only that I should meet you here, <<formalname>>, and inform you of Mr. Amman's departure." Jared looks sad. "I do not believe he intended ill. After all which transpired recently, I would imagine he simply wished to be away from this place." Jared looks worried. "You do undersand, no?"\n\n"Not like I have much of a choice," you say darkly. "But thanks anyways. For nothing."\n\n"Again, most sincerest apologies. I do hope we do not meet again, <<formalname>>." Jared offers one last, apologetic nod and disappears into the crowd.\n\nYou breathe a disheartened sigh. Damned coward that Mr. Amman. All that talk about honesty and commitment but one threat to his life and poof. Not that you'd have expected anything more from snobs like him - act all cool and friendly but when shit hits the fan? The very idea makes you laugh in disgust.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "spare">>"I'm not going to kill you...."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "fisherkill">>"I'd say that's his call..."<<else>>"Sorry but you're an abomination..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "spare">>"I'm not going to kill you." You nod to Fisher. "Let it live, man. It doesn't know crap."\n\n"Boss?" Fisher hesitates. "You sure about this? We got the piece of shit right here, right now. I can fry its brains - or whatever the fuck it has. Isn't like it don't deserve it."\n\n"No," you say firmly. "Let it go. Now, kid."\n\nFisher lowers his shocker, a distainful look etched on his face. "I thought you were <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>a<<else>>the<</if>> good guy, Vine. I fucking though I knew you. But this? Fuck this shit!" He storms away.\n\nAs you watch him disappear into the crowd, the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] says, "He sounds annoyed."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No shit."<<else>>"You don't say."<</if>> You turn to the abomination, eyes narrowed dangerously. "And you better give me a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damned<</if>> good reason why I just did that. Or I swear I will come after you and put your stringy ass down for good."\n\nThe [[Siren's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] lips curls. "Come see me in my apartment. It's not far. Just a few levels down, Unit 124661 in the [[B30 Block|B30 Block]]." The creature winks. "It will be worth your while. Promised."\n\nBefore you can reply, the abomination has vanished into the masses. Bodies writhe and shake to the throbbing beat. You breathe a sigh, all too aware you just sacrificed an old friend's trust for the sake of an abomination. Part of you doubts a monster like that was worth Fisher's loyalty.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "fisherkill">>"I'd say that's his call." You nod to Fisher. "What you say?"\n\n"I'd say bye, bye—" He rams his shocker into the creature's back. "—motherfucker."\n\nElectricity errupts. The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] twitches with an almost melodic shriek and collapses. Flesh dissolves into stringy strands. Organs spill onto the dance floor. The crowd writhes on around you, all but oblivious to what just happened.\n\n"Yuck." Fisher steps away from the puddle of gore. "Messy."\n\nYou chuckle. "Welcome to my world, Fish. Butt at least that's done. Not that it got us anywhere."\n\n"True." Fisher glances around. "Hey, we should probably get the fuck out of here, yeah?"\n\n"Probably." You pat the kid's shoulder saying, "And thanks for all this, man. I don't expect ya to forgive me for what happened to Wilkin. But thanks."\n\n"No problem, man. But I'm outa here." Fisher hurries into the crowd.\n\nYou stare after him, wondering whether you'll ever see him again. Probably not, given the way things have been going, but you never know. A friend might be useful down the road. Hell knows you've been making enough enemies of late.<<else>>"Sorry but you're an abomination." You nod to Fisher. Kill it."\n\n"Wait, wait." The abomination's eyes dart wildly. "I can—"\n\n"Too late, fucker." Fisher rams his shocker into the creature's back.\n\nElectricity errupts. The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] twitches with an almost melodic shriek and collapses. Flesh dissolves into stringy strands. Organs spill onto the dance floor. The crowd writhes on around you, all but oblivious to what just happened.\n\n"Yuck." Fisher steps away from the puddle of gore. "Messy."\n\nYou chuckle. "Welcome to my world, Fish. Butt at least that's done. Not that it got us anywhere."\n\n"True." Fisher glances around. "Hey, we should probably get the fuck out of here, yeah?"\n\n"Probably." You pat the kid's shoulder saying, "And thanks for all this, man. I don't expect ya to forgive me for what happened to Wilkin. But thanks."\n\n"No problem, man. But I'm outa here." Fisher hurries into the crowd.\n\nYou stare after him, wondering whether you'll ever see him again. Probably not, given the way things have been going, but you never know. A friend might be useful down the road. Hell knows you've been making enough enemies of late.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mentionedWilkin>>"Just wanted to ask..."<<else>>"Hey, about that attack..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mentionedWilkin>>"Just wanted to ask if you've herad anything new about the attack on the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]."\n\nWilkin shakes his head. "That corpo rep's still talkin' round in circles with his scam. Can't get nothin' clear out of him an' I can't get nothin' off the streets except corpses neither. Almost like someone's coverin' up real well."\n\n"Shit," you say. "So what's your play?"\n\n"Same as before." Wilkin nods to the back area. "Got another meetin' with that asshole scheduled jus' later. So I'll offer the same deal again: five K - up front, no questions asked. Then you figure out who done it kick whoever it was in the ass. But I doubt I's gonna be able to get that bastard back again, so this yer last chance.."<<else>>"Hey, about that attack on the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], you know, the one I helped fend off? Fisher said he'd contact me and he hasn't. What's up with that?"\n\nWilkin looks genuinely surprised. "He didn't message you? I told him to. Courtesy and all that."\n\n"No," you say flatly. "Didn't get anything."\n\n"Damned," Wilkin murmurs. "[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] must still have hooks in our systems. I told the tech guy to look into it but ever since we lost Isabelle—" He hesitates. "The point's this: thanks for helping out and I got another thing. Some corpo rep dropped by an hour or so ago to apologize for what happened. Something about them being a rogue element of [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] and whatnot in bullshit. It's obviously a scam. I wanna know who he works for."\n\nYour brow furrows. "And you need me for that, why exactly?"\n\n"Because I don't trust Fisher to be calm about this crap, kid. He ain't got the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>calculating bit ya do<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>foresight like you<<else>>distance from emotion like you<</if>>. So, if you're willing, I'll pay ya a sum - say two K - up front, no questions asked. Then you figure out who done it kick whoever it was in the ass, eh?" Wilkin leans forward expectantly. "How's that sound, kid?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 = "accept">>"Okay." You hold out your arm...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notsure">>"I'd have to think about it..."<<else>>"No fucking way." You fold your arms...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "accept">>"Okay." You hold out your arm, saying, "Gimme the credits and I do it."\n\nWilkin swipes your arm. "There. One point five like I said. Now, to this guy. He's in the back area, conference room. Go in. Poke around. Poke as hard as you need to. Hell, make him bleed if you have to, kid, but I wanna know who the fuck he works for, okay?"\n\n"Got it." You stand. "Anything else I gotta know?"\n\n"Keep the doors closed, kid. I know how ya work well enough an' we really don't need no one hearing what's going on back there, yeah?"\n\nYou just nod, heading for the doors at the back of the VIP area. It'll be good to get some answers. Even if you aren't with the Raptors anymore, those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] bastards attacked your turf, and you wanna get back at them. It'd be stupid to waste this oppertunity, even if it does mean temporarily working with Wilkin.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notsure">>"I'd have to think about it," you say.\n\n"Don't take too long. I can stall this twerp but not forever, kid."\n\n"Then I won't take to long," you reply evenly. "I just don't want to jump into anything too quick."\n\nWilkin chuckles. "I get it. We got history - messed up history. But this is your chance - our chance - to get to the bottom of it all. Trust me. You don't wanna miss out on it."\n\n"Like I said, I'll think about it. Okay?"\n\nWilkin nods. You nod in return. There's nothing else to be said.<<else>>"No fucking way." You fold your arms, saying, "This is your crap, not mine. Solve it with your assets and don't waste my time."\n\nWilkin looks shocked. "What, you're just gonna ditch us here and—"\n\n"Hey, I came in here and wiped those bastards off the floor. That's more than you've done for me of late. So let's call it quits, okay?" Your eyes narrow. "Or does this have to get ugly? Boss."\n\n"No, no, I get your jist." Wilkin breathes a sigh. "Fine, I'll have Fisher look into it. Doubt the kid will get anything out of the guy but you're right. This ain't your house anymore and not your problem. I get that. I really do."\n\nThe very idea makes you laugh. "You do? Sure about that?"\n\nHe nods. "We made a deal, kid. Clean break, fresh start. I haven't forgotten and I ain't gonna push. Not with you and not about something that's got nothing to do with you. So things are as they are. I'm fine with that. You're fine with that. Let's just keep the status quo as it is. Then everyone's happy an' we got less conflict."\n\n"Good," you say. "Then the discussion's over."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You make your way along...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_speech.png"]]</div>You make your way along the crowded walkways of Level B28, headed for the bright neon holograms that mark the entrance to [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Flickering waves crash and roll on all sides except today the usual, thronging crowd isn't jostling for a chance to enter establishment. Not that there isn't a crowd - it's just nothing like what you're used to.\n\nThe scene <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>- half a dozen [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are standing guard, a row of former Raptors kneeling on the ground before them, while countless residents and citizens have paused to watch - reminds you a little too much of the way things were back during the [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]].\n\nAs you join the masses, Marisa steps beside the troopers and calls, "Citizens of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]! There's not one among you who doesn't know about Mr. Xaviar Wilkin and his Raptors. For years they've run affairs here, run your lives, dictated your future and controlled your markets. Today I'm here to tell you their reign of incompetence and negligence is over. [[Division X08|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] has come, not to install a reign of death and terror as you probably fead, but to get this damned Sector back up to scrap and working like it should be: as a trade sector free of corruption and rigged markets!"\n\nUneasy silence hangs in the air. Many voices whisper.\n\n"For years, the Wilkin Administration's colluded with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] to keep your lives in check. They didn't want you to rise to the occasion, to build your future here in these old walkways, but I - and those who fight alongside me - believe the [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] are destined for something greater." Marisa begins to pace, calling, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I used to think these damn walkways were junk beyond salvation. Yet I have seen the truth: we live at the heart of the civilized galaxy, a stone's throw from [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]], the very place the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] rules all our lives from, and what pride do we have to show for it?"\n\nThe silence is absolute.\n\n"Nothing! That's fucking what. Because those—" She jabs a finger at the kneeling Raptors. "—faith-loving bastards and their Xaviar Wilkin kept us fighting for scraps. No more! [[Division X08|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] has pledged itself to secure these streets, to restore the order four years of Raptor reign could not establish, and to allow all of us the free economic oppertunities we deserve! We, the citizens of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]], the men, women, and children who live at the very heart of an empire that's forgotten we even exist!"<<else>>is one of solemn sorrow. Before a dozen Raptors decked out their old - your old - combat gear lie three rows of body bags, neatly arranged on the steps to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. There's barely a dry eye around. It doesn't help that the [[Riptide's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] external speakers are playing a slow, mournful funeral march.\n\nAs you join the masses, Xaviar Wilkin himself steps before the crowd. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Citizens of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. I do not need to impress the gravity of the tragety which has befallen our homes, our sons and daughters. Fanatical radicals attacked us not hours ago, inflicting pain and loss not only here, at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], but all across our walkways and passages. Many of our own were cut down viciously, both those I employ to ensure our safety, and innocent bystanders caught in these fanatic' indisciminate gunsights."\n\nThere's a moment's silence. No one so much as whispers.\n\n"I once swore, before you and the Constable General of the [[St. Michael's Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]], that I would do everything in my power to keep [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] safe for as long as my Raptors still fight and the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] is my home." Wilkin hangs his head. "Today I failed to make good on that promise and, because of my negligence, hundreds of men and women lost their lives needlessly."\n\nThe silence is absolute.\n\n"Nothing I can do now will bring the boys and girls we lost back. They're dead, gone, and the [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] are a worse place for it. But I'll promise you one thing—" Wilkin raises a finger to the ceiling. "—no damned [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] nor anyone else is gonna fuck with the Raptors and get away with it! This is our little corner of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and neither I nor anyone else here's gonna stand for this crap, are they?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>As the crowd cheers, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nAs the crowd cheers, you <<if $action.action1 eq "nothing">>remain impassive. Better not to take sides. The situation just is - and you're in the middle of it.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "listen">>can't help but nod along. "Can't deny <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>she<<else>>he<</if>> can talk well."<<else>>shake your head in disappointment. "What a bunch of <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>loaded crap.<<else>>hypocritical nonsense.<</if>>"<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">><<if $action.action1 eq "nothing">>"Excuse me, Sir."<<else>>"She has her moments, Sir."<</if>> Jalkovski appears beside you, two troopers at his heels. "Wanted to talk to you though: we're rounding up the last pockets of Raptors loyal to Wilkin. Most of 'em already surrendered but there's a few holding out down on [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], by the Outpost. Orders are to eliminate with extreme prejudice but I figured maybe you could talk them down. Save us some headaches—"\n\nIn front of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], Marisa has drawn her sidearm. "...also that [[Division X08|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] welcomes all, of every creed, orientation, and mindset - provided one is not closed-minded like a faith - with open arms. We encourage all to join our cause and support our plight of radical economic reform on this station. Those who join us are without exception our friends. Those who stand against us against us however—" Marisa levels her gun on one of the kneeling raptors.\n\nThe coilshot causes the assembled crowd to yelp. More than one fist is raised as angry shouts ring out.\n\nMarisa's voice resounds louder, "Will pay dearly for their misplaced faith. Xaviar Wilkin was a coward, a traitor, and a dishonest scoundrel who sucked cleric cock! [[Division X08|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] respects no man who remains loyal to his twisted memory, Raptor or otherwise. In the words of Lowe Yosserrins: the only good faith is a dead faith! Yet let us not forget: law-abiding citizens need not fear the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], for we are but a market equalizer. Not judge, jury, and executioner as Xaviar Wilkin imagined himself to be!"\n\n"Like I said, Sir," Jalkovski says. "It would be beneficial to avoid unnecessary bloodshed."<<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "nothing">>"Hey, Boss."<<else>>"He's got a way for sure."<</if>> Fisher appears beside you, three Raptors in tow. "Wanna talk to you though, 'cause we've been driving out the rest of those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] fucks. Bastards had agents all over but now they're out of the woodwork... well, point is a bunch of 'em hit the Outpost on the [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] and I was wondering if ya'd be willing to try an' get 'em to come out peacefully, being many of 'em know ya and all."\n\nYour brow furrows. "Come out peacefully? <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fish, they're theophobic extremists.<<else>>Fish, these are militant economic radicals we're talking about.<</if>>"\n\n"Hey, I know it's crazy, but this ain't the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] anymore. We can't just go runnin' in guns blazing in the middle of a Hab unless we's at least tried to be reasonable, you know?"\n\n"Yeah," you say darkly. "I see your point."\n\nFisher smiles uneasily. "So, ya think ya can negotiate for us? 'Cause all they's doin' for me is shouting shit and blasting stray rounds at the kids I got blocking the Outpost."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "help">>"Okay, I'll do it..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whyshould">>"And why exactly..."<<else>>"No way..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "help">>"Okay, I'll do it," you say. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit's got nasty enough how it is."<<else>>"No need to cause more of a mess than we already got."<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"Excellent, Sir." Jalkovski nods back the way he came. "Breeching team is already position outside the Outpost, Sir. Meet us down there and we'll see if we can't avoid another incident, Sir."\n\n"I'll be down in a moment," you say, glancing at Marisa, who's still holding the Raptors at gunpoint. "What about <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>those sorry fucks<<else>>them<</if>>?"\n\n"They'll be dealt with, Sir. I—" He hesitates. "I think this is for the best."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever," you say, not really caring either way.<<else>>"I hope so," you mutter, doubting that's actually the case.<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>There's nothing you can do for those poor bastards anyways.<<else>>But there's nothing you can do for those poor sods anymore.<</if>> They chose their allegience and now it's bitten them in the ass. Everyone knew someone would come for the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] someday. You simply hadn't expected it to be so bloody.\n\nThen again, it's not like you treated your enemies any better during the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. And now that [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is in control, they call the shots on the walkways of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<<else>>"Thank fuck." Fisher looks relieved. "Got my boys in position outside the Outpost already. Just, yeah, meet us down there and we'll try to talk our way outa this without causing a mess."\n\n"Sounds like a plan," you say, glancing at Mr. Wilkin, who's still speaking to the crowd. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit, I'll be so fucking glad when this crap is over."<<else>>"Man, I just hope this mess blows over soon."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Same here,"<<else>>"I sure hope so,"<</if>> Fisher says quietly. "Been a bad day for us Raptors."\n\n"I'll say," you mutter, all too aware that things could've turned out a lot worse.\n\n[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] was insane to try and fuck with the Raptors on their home turf. But still, they are professionals - militant extremists but still professional. They could've done one hell of a lot more damage. Probably would have too if you hadn't stepped in. \n\nIf you can't solve this situation down at the Outpost peacefully, the worst might still come to pass. It'll be like back in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] all over again. Exactly what you need - not.<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "whyshould">>"And why exactly should I? Mean, none of this is really my problem anymore."\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"Maybe not, Sir, but you're still a legend to the Raptors. Your word could save countless lives."<<else>>"Sure, but you know those guys way better than me. I was just, well, the fucked up little kid. You were a fricking legend."<</if>>\n\n"So it's help out and save lives or refuse and get a bunch of people killed." You laugh. "Shit, you call that a choice?"\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Jalkovski remains impassive. "It's the situation as it is, Sir. Breeching team is already position outside the Outpost. I would appreciate it if you met us down there. To help avoid avoid another incident. Sir."<<else>>Fisher pulls a face. "I know. It kinda sucks. Anyways, got my boys in position outside the Outpost already. It'd be great if ya met us down there and we'll try to talk our way outa this without causing a mess." <</if>>\n\n"I'll give it some thought," you say, <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>glancing at Marisa, who's still holding the Raptors at gunpoint. "What about <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>those sorry bastards<<else>>them<</if>>?"\n\n"They'll be dealt with, Sir. I—" He hesitates. "I think this is for the best."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever," you say, not really caring either way.<<else>>"I hope so," you mutter, doubting that's actually the case.<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>There's nothing you can do for those poor bastards anyways.<<else>>But there's nothing you can do for those poor sods anymore.<</if>> They chose their allegience and now it's bitten them in the ass. Everyone knew someone would come for the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] someday. You simply hadn't expected it to be so bloody.\n\nThen again, it's not like you treated your enemies any better during the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. And now that [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is in control, they call the shots on the walkways of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<<else>>glancing at Mr. Wilkin, who's still speaking to the crowd. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit, I'll be so fucking glad when this crap is over."<<else>>"Man, I just hope this mess blows over soon."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Same here,"<<else>>"I sure hope so,"<</if>> Fisher says quietly. "Been a bad day for us Raptors."\n\n"I'll say," you mutter, all too aware that things could've turned out a lot worse.\n\n[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] was insane to try and fuck with the Raptors on their home turf. But still, they are professionals - extremists, but professional. They could've done one hell of a lot more damage. Probably would have too if you hadn't stepped in. Hell, if you can't solve this situation down at the Outpost peacefully, the worst might still come to pass. It'll be like back in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] all over again. Just what you need.<</if>><<else>>"No way," you say. "This isn't my problem. Sorry."\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"Of course, Sir. I understand, Sir." Jalkovski nods to his squadmates. "Give the word. We take them down hard."\n\nThe trooper nods and taps his commlink, mumbling something you can't hear through his helmet.\n\nJalkovski fixes you with an earnest look. "Again, sorry to bother you about this, Sir. I just wanted to cover all the bases."\n\n"It's okay," you say, glancing at Marisa, who's still holding the Raptors at gunpoint. "I get your concerns." \n\n"Either way, the situaton be dealt with, Sir." He turns and strides away, waving for his troops to follow.\n\nYou watch them depart, seriously wondering whether you made the right call. The Raptors are as good as dead, the last of them being executed as you watch. That paints a pretty clear picture: [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is in control now. Things will be just like they were back during the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] . Except this time the mercs aren't just guns for hire. They're theophobic extremists on the corporate payroll and you have no doubt [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] intends to bring about their idealized free market by any means necessary.<<else>>"What?" Fisher looks aghast. "You're just gonna dick out of this? Let us—"\n\n"I'm not a Raptor anymore, man. You got trouble, you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>handle it. Simple as that."\n\nFisher pulls a face. "I know. It's just, well, fuck it." He turns and waves to his fellow Raptors. "Back down to the Outpost, kids. We'll do this our way."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Make those bastards pay," you call as they <<walk>> away.<<else>>"Give them hell," you call as they <<walk>> away.<</if>>\n\nFisher doesn't reply, nor do the others. You remain where you are, absently listening to Wilkin preach to the crowd - and wonder. The assault on the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] already cost the Raptors more bodies than it ought have. Chances are, they'll be out for revenge, and that means those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] bastards will go down hard - and probably take a few dozen others with them.\n\nNot exactly the way you'd want things to go. The memories of the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] are still fresh. But like you said: it isn't your problem and you can't afford to be dragged into another conflict, not with so much already on your mind.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I don't believe you..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I don't believe you," you reply coldy. "And don't play dumb. I'm not falling for that."\n\nThe abomination hangs its head. "Fine, then, but I really don't know anything. All the jobs I do are set up through [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]]. Complete black bocks. No way to track anything back to the source, not that I haven't tried. I just really, really don't know."\n\n"Sounds awfully convenient," Fisher snarls. "If ya ask me? This thing's lying through it's teeth like we don't know."\n\n"I am not! Really! Why won't you believe me?"\n\n"Might be 'cause you're a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<<else>>n<</if>> abomination." You breathe a sigh. "But okay. Lying or not, you're not telling. Which is bad for you."\n\nThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] rolls its eyes. "Wow, hey, yeah. I'm about to die. I get that." It purses its lips. "Wait. I am gonna die, right? Of can I somehow talk my way out of this?"<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if not $processed>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_plance_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept the Lance' 'riptide_addon_plasmastaff'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "Plasma Lance"; $equip.charge = 100; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $action.action1 = "accept"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refuse the Lance|riptide_addon_plasmastaff][$action.action1 = "refuse"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_plance_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_plance_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Game|riptide_addon_knight][$loc_riptide.talkedToKnight = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $action.action1 = "accept"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell him to Get Lost|riptide_addon_knight][$loc_riptide.talkedToKnight = true; $attrib.violence += 2; $action.action1 = "refuse"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Join the Toast|riptide_addon_knight][$action.action2 = "jointoast"; $attrib.toxicity += 3; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Drink without Toasting|riptide_addon_knight][$action.action2 = "notoast"; $attrib.toxicity += 3; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$attrib.toxicity -= 5; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what exactly Happened|riptide_addon_knight][$action.action3 = "whathappened"; $attrib.toxicity += 7; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Call the man's Bullshit|riptide_addon_knight][$action.action3 = "laughat"; $attrib.toxicity += 7; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "whathappened">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you could Help|riptide_addon_knight][$action.action4 = "help"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Offer your Condolences|riptide_addon_knight][$action.action4 = "sorry"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_knight_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "help">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow Lord Carvelli|riptide_addon_plasmastaff][$time.active += 0.5; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> onto the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidedance.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> onto the dance floor and join the crowd writhing and surging amidst the holographic waves. Before you can even start to move though, someone barges into you. Cold liquid splashes across your <<armortype>>. You recoil, knocking into a couple rubbing ass, and are thrown into another group of partygoers. Angry shouts fill the air as you're pushed away.\n\nSomeone grips your shoulder; a man in a crinkled suit who reeks of booze. "Loving Stars. I'm so sorry, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>man<<else>>miss<</if>>. Did not see. Was mistake."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck you," you growl, trying to push him away.<<else>>"Hey, no problem," you say, easing him away.<</if>>\n\n"Truly, I did not mean ill." He holds you back, swaying unsteadily. "I will buy you drink, okay? On me. As apology, yes? Has been real shit night."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>"I'm game," you say...<<else>> "Go fuck yourself," you snarl...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>"I'm game," you say. "Buy me a drink and tell ya what: I'll <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>let ya blabber whatever's on my mind for a little<<else>>listen to your story<</if>>. Figure that about makes up for—" You gesture to your <<armortype>>. "—this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>mess<</if>>."\n\n"Cool, yes, cool." The man begins pushing his way toward the bar.\n\nYou follow, shouting, "Not to pry or anything but what's with the suit? You get kicked out of VIP for being too drunk or something?"\n\nThe man laughs. "I kick myself out, man. I want live. One last time. Not sit with fucking idiots sipping Sparke on last day of life, eh?"\n\n"Last day of your life?" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You shove someone out of the way, matching pace with the fellow. "Now that's the sorta shit I'd be interested in."<<else>>You slip through the crowd, matching pace with the fellow. "That's quite a story. What happened?"<</if>>\n\n"Maybe I tell." The man squeezes between the crowd and leans on the bar. "Ey! Two Liqs. And make very strong, eh?" The drinks are made within a matter of moments and the man hands you one, smiling. "Again, sorry about before. We drink to forget sins and great futures, eh? Is always good toast."<<else>>"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Go fuck yourself<<else>>Leave me alone<</if>>," you snarl, tearing away from the man's grip.\n\nHe calls after you but you're already gone, swallowed by the crowd raving their hearts out on the dance floor. Bodies bounce into you from all sides, knocking you around. Sweat-slick arms, incessant motion, and music so loud the beat reverberates in your chest; it's the same as always at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] but the mood doesn't strike a chord with you. Maybe it was the man who bumped into you earlier. Or maybe it's just life in general. \n\nWhatever the case, you don't stay on the dance floor long. There's something wrong with the atmosphere, the postive energy. Just watching them makes you feel uneasy, almost as though they were missing something - or rather: ignoring the obvious truths. Liars, all of them, pretending life isn't shit when in reality the Downs are as dysmal as ever. Disheartened by the thought, you turn away and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You take the glass and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou take the glass and <<if $action.action2 eq "jointoast">>hold it up. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death will claim us both. Accept it and live the best future you can until then."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"The Void will take us yet but, before it does, let's make our futures count."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars grace us both for better futures."<<else>>"To forgetting mistakes and better futures. Couldn't agree more.<</if>>\n\nHe chuckles. "Ah, if only were chance of better future. Me? I have none. But is okay. I am good with."\n\n"What'd you do anyways?" You take another sip of Liq. "Mean, everyone's <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucked<<else>>got bad history<</if>> down here. But you seem even more desperate than most if you get my drift."\n\n"Is long story," the man says and gulps his drink. "Simple version is I die tonight."<<else>>take a sip. "Whatever, man. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>I'm just here for the free booze<<else>>Thanks for the drink<</if>>."\n\nHe chuckles. "I think so earlier. But is okay. I not expect you have same problems as I."\n\n"Trust me, you're better off with your problems than mine." You take a long gulp of Liq.\n\n"I doubt that," the man says and gulps his drink. "Me, I die tonight. Cannot be so bad for you."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Alarmed, you say, "What? How'd that come about?"<<else>>You have to fight not to laugh. "What? Just like that?"<</if>>\n\n"It has reasons." The man leans closer, reeking of Liq, and whispers, "You know, man, I was once [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. Was always dream. I try do good. But things not easy. I make mistake and now I not only loose friend but must pay with life. Is very—" He gulps down the last of his drink. "—ironic, eh?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You take another sip...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou take another sip <<if $action.action3 eq "whathappened">>and ask, "A [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knight of Eden"]], huh? How<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>>'d you fall this far into the dumps?"\n\n"I make bad deals." The man pushes his empty glass aside, saying, "I was once Lord Carvelli, a respected merchant. I ran many voiders, on many ships, across this system and others. And like many who come so far I pledge myself to the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] because is both oppertunity and duty. But to make name, to get this far, I make some poor decision that only made sense at the time."\n\nYour brow rises. "How terrible is it, exactly?"\n\n"I make self rich on misery of human lives. To cover some costs. I move people. I tell myself was simple business but—" The man hangs his head, then looks up with a sunken expression. "But then I meet Vincent. He was also [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], very devout man, and we work together. I offer ships and he brings men-at-arms to solve problems of [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Was all good. We very close until Vincent learn what I do. What I am. Now he find is disonorable to know me. And so he demand we make duel to settle matter. Tonight. And I cannot say no. I cannot. He is - was - best friend I have in many year."\n\n"Sounds like you're deep in <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>trouble<</if>>," you say flatly.\n\nLord Carvelli nods solemly. "He waits outside for me. And Vincent is great fighter. Me? I am simply merchant who try to do some good. I will die."<<else>>with a smirk. "Whatever, man. Sounds like a cool story but don't hold it against me if I <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>call bullshit<<else>>don't buy it.<</if>>."\n\n"Is okay," the man says sadly. "I know is stupid. And is own fault. So I deal with as I must."\n\nYour brow rises. "By drinking yourself half to death? <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Doesn't strike me a responsible course of action<<else>>Sounds real responsible<</if>>."\n\n"It is too late for responsible." The man pushes his empty glass aside, saying, "I go now. I face end with what little dignity I still have. That is best."\n\nBefore you can reply, the fellow has disappeared into the crowd. Part of you wonders whether you should look for him, just to make certain nothing stupid happens. But you aren't with the Raptors anymore and what goes down at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] isn't your problem. So, rather than make a deal out of it all, you remain where you are and finish your drink.\n\nBefore long, you've drowned all the bitter liquid. The fellow is still nowhere to be seen. Presumably he wandered off to meet his 'fate', whatever the hell that means. Either way, you don't care, and seeing as you have more than enough of your own problems to deal with, you decide it's about time to...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action4 eq "help">>"I could help you out, you know. Honor duels aren't exactly legal under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. At the very lest I could talk to this Vincent."\n\n"Is noble but you cannot help." The man fixes you with a sad look. "Vincent is man of great honor, of much integrity. I am like poision to his existence. He must kill me or die trying. That is only way he ever be at peace."\n\n"So you're just gonna curl up and let that be the end of it?" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>The idea makes you laugh. "Shit."<<else>>You can't help but be surprised. "Wow. Hardcore."<</if>>\n\nSuddenly angry, the man snaps, "I do for my friend! For him. So that he have peace." His expression softens. "But maybe you can help. Not me. I am, well, dead. But maybe can do one last thing right, yes? Come—" He tugs at your arm.\n\n"Where we headed?" You ask as Lord Carvelli leads you into the crowd.\n\n"To do one last good thing," the says, setting a hasty pace toward the main entrance to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. "Come, you see."<<else>>"Sorry to hear that, man. I really am. I know what it's like to loose someone like that. Honestly."\n\nThe man offers a weak smile. "I am certain you do. But if I may excuse. I must see Vincent. I just must."\n\nBefore you can reply, the fellow has disappeared into the crowd. Part of you wonders whether you should look for him, just to make certain nothing stupid happens - like the honor duel Lord Carvelli mentioned. But you aren't with the Raptors anymore and what goes down at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] isn't your problem. So, rather than feel it's your problem, you remain where you are and finish your drink.\n\nBefore long, you've drowned all the bitter liquid. Lord Carvelli is still nowhere to be seen. Presumably he wandered off to meet whatever fate his friend Vincent has in store for him. That or he crawled into a corner and decided to become even more pathetic. Either way, you don't care, and seeing as you have more than enough of your own problems to deal with, you decide it's about time to...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You follow Lord Carvelli...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitylock.png"]]</div>You follow Lord Carvelli through the crowds, past the entrance to the main floor, and to a locker in the foyer. None of the few people smoking at the tables pay you any heed. Not do you know precisely what you're doing there, watching Lord Carvelli key a code into the lock.\n\nThe device beeps. "Cursed be—" Carvelli taps it in again. "There."\n\nInside are several empty bottles of wine, an old scarf, and a sleek [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]]. Carvelli manhandles the weapon out of its container and turns to you. "I do not know who you are, friend, but that you offer aid to another stranger, even once faced with certain death, proves the spirit of Eden is strong in you. And while I may face my end in disgrace, I believe you will continue on with honor and compassion, no?"\n\n"You've gotta be kidding me," you mutter under your breath.\n\n"Not at all." Carvelli sways unsteadily, the [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]] held out as if in offering. "This was trusted to me as symbol of what it mean to be [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knight of Eden"]]. I failed in my duty, and now my failure would stain this noble symbol. So I beg of you: take that which is unworthy of me from me. Carry it with the honor it deserves or find one whom would be worthy. It would give me peace amongst the Loving Stars to know not all I have done in life has been for naught."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>You take the Plasma Lance...<<else>>You shoot Lord Carvelli...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>You take the [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]] with a curt nod. <<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"I'm not a believer, man, but I'll carry your lance to the death if you want. I'm headed that way on the fast track anyways.\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"I'm a Voider, not a believer, but I can promise I'm make good use of your lance. There's more than a few monsters lurking in the shadows that deserve its sharp end."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"I'm no [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] but I promise you I'll make good use of your lance. And only against those the Loving Stars have already denounced."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Hey, I got no love for faiths. Believe me. But I'll use your lace if ya want me to. Just don't expect me to go all righteous or whatever with it."\n\t<<else>>"I'm no [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] but I promise you I'll make good use of your lance."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n\nLord Carvelli looks visibly relieved. "Thank you, thank you! That is all I ask. Only this."\n\n"Then, yeah, I'll—" You stop, realizing Carvelli is already hurrying toward the front entrance. "Hey! Where you going?"\n\nThe man pushes through the doors without a reply, leaving you alone in the foyer with the lance. All you can think to do is shake your head with a laugh. "Seriously, the people I<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>meet."\n\nThen again, for all you know, Carvelli was just a liar and a thief, and now you're in posession of stolen property. Not that it matters. You're where you are, with that damned [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]], and that's the end of it. Better just put the thing in your locker and head back into the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] before anyone asks questions. So that's exactly what you do and...<<else>>You shoot Lord Carvelli an alarmed look. <<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"I'm not a believer, man. But I do know one thing: I'll die as soon as you will, with or without your lance. So no. I won't take it."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"I'm a Voider, not a believer, man. I wouldn't carry your lance into battle if you begged me to."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Loving Stars have mercy but I can't. I haven't earned the right to wield that blade.\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Are you fucking insane? Think I'll <<walk>> into battle carrying some piece of faith junk?"\n\t<<else>>"Are you mad, man? There is no way I'm taking that thing off you, no matter the reason."\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>\n\nHe looks disheartened. "Please. It is a silly gesture. I am aware. But—"\n\n"No." You turn and stride back toward the [[Riptide's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] main floor.\n\nCarvelli hurries after you. "Wait. Wait, please. I just—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No," you snarl. "I don't know what fucking game you're playing, man, but it doesn't matter. Even if what you said was all true, and I doubt it, I'm not becoming part of this. Okay? Now leave me the fuck alone!"<<else>>"No," you say flatly. "I don't know who you are or what really happened. But I'm not becoming part of this. Understood? Now leave me alone."<</if>>\n\nCarvelli's footsteps stop, followed by a faight sigh that's barely audible over the throbbing synthbeat. Pathetic. That's what the situation is. Mean, for all you know, Carvelli was a liar and a thief, and tied to con you into taking stolen property. But that's hardly relevant. The man's gone - off to die or whatever - and all you want to do is...<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 Grav Tunnels">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_tunnels_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $loc_gravtunnel.foundDatapad eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Landing Pad|b40_gravtunnels_search][$loc_gravtunnel.foundDatapad = true; $action.action1 = "landingpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Side Corridors|b40_gravtunnels_search][$action.action1 = "sidecorridors"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ascend the Staircase|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You retrace your route...<<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying unsteadily on your feet, you stumble<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Stifling an unexpected yawn, you shuffle<<else>>You <<walk>> past<</if>> the entrance to the docks and head down a side passage...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_gravtunnel.png"]]</div>You retrace your route to the stairwell in the utility passage. There is still no one around but the buzz of grav-engines is omnipresent.\n\n"Question is," you tell yourself, "where those <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>thus<<else>>bastards<</if>> ran to."\n\nThere are still only two options: the landing pad at the mouth of the nearest grav-tunnel and the side-corridors leading off the utility passage you are in. The [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] goons could have fled by either means and you're no closer to finding them than you were before.<<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying unsteadily on your feet, you stumble<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Stifling an unexpected yawn, you shuffle<<else>>You <<walk>> past<</if>> the entrance to the docks and head down a stairwell that leads down to the grav tunnels. Metal creaks under every footfall. Glow panels cast cold light on the walls of the utility passage below. In the distance, grav-engines hum ceaselessly.\n\n"Okay, now what?" You look around.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_gravtunnel.png"]]</div>The utility passage is deserted but, at the far end, you can see grav-cars flashing past in the nearest grav-tunnel. There is an emergency landing pad near the tunnel mouth too. It's entirely possible the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] thugs that Fisher mentioned fled to a vehicle parked there. Then again, there are several side-corridors leading off the utility passage you are in. The [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] goons could have fled through those too - you know from experience that the utility ducts around the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] are more akin to a maze than anything else.<</if>>\n\nIn other words, you could either take a look around or call it a day and head back up the stairs to the tramway station.<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Religious Zone">>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_burkinsmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Fanatic|b27_juno_burkinspart][$action.action1 = "follow"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_burkinsmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_burkinsmission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Mr. Burkins|b27_juno_burkinspart][$action.action2 = "burkins"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cult of Juno|b27_juno_burkinspart][$action.action2 = "cult"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to kill the Demon|b27_juno_burkinspart][$action.action2 = "demon"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_burkinsmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_burkinsmission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_burkinsmission_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Grav-Car|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action1 = "follow"; $action.arrive = "fromZweili"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 12; $pocessed = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisa" or $action.action2 eq "fromMarisaDirect">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'bob_travel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|riptide_bob_pickup][$action.action2 = "waitout"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $hide.layer3 = true; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "waitout">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'bob_travel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'bob_travel_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Exit the Grav-Car|vindel_mansion_enter][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Chapel of Eden">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_chapel_zweili_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase lte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if Zweili Conspired|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "conspire"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase lte 1>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Marisa's Employer|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "employer"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_zweili_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_chapel_zweili_answers_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase lte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if Zweili Conspired|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "conspire"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase lte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Marisa's Employer|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "employer"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 2; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you trust Zweili|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "believe"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 2; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist Zweili is Lying|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "lying"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 3; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.faith.anti += 1; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll reserve Judgement|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "reservejudgement"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 2; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += ; playContextSound("ui_click");1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Thank Zweili for the Information|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "thank"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_zweili_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_zweili_answers_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_chapel_zweili_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Chapel|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 Habs - Construction">>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none" and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>>\n\t\t<<set $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol = "C2000_Converted">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what it Does|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action1 = "whatdoes"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how it was Involved|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action1 = "howinvolved"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if it's Dangerous|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action1 = "dangerous"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Upstairs|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action2 = "upstairs"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hud.interference = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Draw your Weapon|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action3 = "weapon"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Explain|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action3 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Draw your Weapon|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action3 = "weapon"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b33_addon_constructionsite][$action.action3 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_addon_construction_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Commisaria|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Comissaria_B33"; $processed = false; $statistics.attackedAuthority += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Commandos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Commandos_B33"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Siren|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Siren_B33"; $processed = false; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 Habs - Construction">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you couldn't find One|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$action.action1 = "nofind"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she's wasting her Time|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$action.action1 = "wastetime"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll tag Along|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$action.action2 = "tagalong"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$action.action2 = "nothelp"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 98; $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck2 = $time.active; $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you want Answers|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$action.action2 = "canhelp"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's fine by You|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$action.action2 = "fineby"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 98; $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck2 = $time.active; $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Corpse|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "loot"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Construction Site|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "leave"; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "loot">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='construction-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'consite_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$hide.layer4 = false; $action.action3 = "loot"; $loc_namaz_altar.readDataPad = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "leave" or $action.action3 eq "leave2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "leave2">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'addon_namazstatue_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 3; $chr_varai.alive = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 3; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 3; $chr_fabienne.alive = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_tunnels_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_gravtunnels_search_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sidecorridors">>\n\t\t<<if $loc_gravtunnel.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter lt $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Scattershot Canister'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter += 1; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_gravtunnel.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "canister">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Scattershot Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Scattershot Canister]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Scattershot Canisters]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Scattershot Canister]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Open Aquaduct Access|b40_aquaduct_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b40_gravtunnels_enter][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "landingpad">>You <<walk>> the length of the utility passage, toward the landing pads at the end. Grav-engine whine grows more intense with every step you take. Near the end, the din is so complete that you can barely discern your echoing footsteps.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell that's loud."<<else>>"Man, this is noisy."<</if>> You step onto the landing pad, watching the blurs of motion flash by before you.<br><br>\n\n\tThere are hundreds of vehicles, of every shape and color, yet your gaze is quickly drawn to something else: a corpse on the landing pad. Its skin is covered with purplish bruises and there are deep gashes in the neck. There's a data pad lying on the floor beside the body and, not far away, a toolbox has been upended - or maybe dropped.<br><br>\n\n\tBrief examination of the toolbox reveals nothing interesting - power tools, screws, nuts, bolts, power adapters, and even a discharged power core, but nothing useful. The data pad on the other hand piques your interest. When you un-lock the screen it reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t<strong>Maintenance Ticket:</strong> #56195134<br>\n\t<strong>Submitted:</strong> SC22.automation.selfdiagnostics<br>\n\t<strong>Assigned:</strong>
[email protected]<br><br>\n\n\t<strong>Impact:</strong> <span class='greencolor'>Minimal</span> - daily operations unaffected<br>\n\t<strong>Status:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>Pending</span><br>\n\t<strong>Issue:</strong> Unexpected interruption of service in power lines 4311, 4315, and 4317 on Level 40<br>\n\t<strong>Cause:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>Unknown</span> (error code 0x1 - general failure)<br><br>\n\n\t<strong>Comments:</strong><br><br>\n\n\t-
[email protected]: turns out it wasn't another Luminos conspiracy after all. unlike their "break every other week to increase profit" glow-panels, LumInc power leads actually do hold for centuries. at least, until something chews on them. again. I swear to Eden, if this is another "pet" that's got loose from the Xeno Garden I'm gonna go postal on these idiots down here. this is so going on the official report when I close this ticket.<br><br>\n\n\t-
[email protected]: tried to patch power lines 4311, 4315, and 4317 but it looks like there's something else fucked - please let it not be another of those stupid glow panels. anyways, I think it might be down by the relay at the grav tunnel. selfdiagnostic doesn't say anything's wrong with that area though. I so don't trust that damn program anymore. gonna go down and</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sidecorridors">>\n\t\tYou head down the nearest side corridor, deeper into the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Before long, the air begins to reek. Not only of stale, poorly ventilated tunnel, but of blood and guts. Then you step on something gooey. It's hard to tell in the dark but it might be part of a human - a head maybe.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ugh," you mutter and glance around. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>There's nothing to see, just blurs of darkness and shadow. You shake your head with a little laugh and plod on<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>There's nothing there except utter darkness.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_door_intro.png"]]</div>You stifle an inappropriate chuckle and trudge on<<else>>There's nothing there except utter darkness. But that doesn't mean there isn't something lurking nearby.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_door_intro.png"]]</div>So, with your senses awake and alert, you continue<</if>> down the tunnel. Not long after, a dim light appears in the distance. It resolves into a sealed pressure hatch with a sign beside it that reads //Level B40 - Aquaduct Maintenance Access// in big, luminescent letters.\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_gravtunnel.tookAmmo eq false>><br><br>Barely visible in the dim light, you spot a stray scattershot canister. Your best assumption: it was dropped in haste. By whom is impossible to know but you have the feeling whoever left the round there fled into the Aquaduct.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You skirt the congregation...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou skirt the congregation, searching for Father Zweili amidst the robed priests. This time he's easier found than last. The robed man is standing near the same alcove you spoke to him before in. When you draw near, he ushers you behind a dark blue curtain.\n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>"Again with your dratted foolishness. Be rid of that outfit immediately!"\n\n"Yeah, just after you explain your fucking angle. See, I found something.<<else>>"Back so soon, Vine? What transpired?"\n\n"Eh, just something I ran into while checking up facts.<</if>> Has to do with the [[Cult of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] and a bunch of radicals. And you." You raise an eyebrow. "Care to explain?"\n\nZweili's beard twitches. "Please tell me you didn't do anything incredibly dumb. That operation took a lot of time and effort to set into motion."\n\n<<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics>>"Well, I got in a little firefight," you admit. "Nothing too bad. Just a few dead fanatics."\n\n"Dead fanatics?" Zweili looks livid. "Vine! Damned be. This was our chance. Our chance to pull the monster out by the roots. Now you will have to find another way to get at this wretched devil. And I suggest you do - before they decide you are more trouble than you are worth."\n\n"Devil?" You laugh. "What devil?"\n\n"The one which sent [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] after Wilkin. The one which orchistrates so much. The one I have been hunting for much my waking life."\n\n<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase lt 10>>"Oh. That." You pull a face. "Well, maybe there's another way to get at him."\n\n"Then you must find it on your own." Zweili breathes a sigh. "Forgive me. I had not wished you involved in this. But now it is too late. And I suggest you leave. Before we are seen by their agents."<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10>>"Well, shit," you say, realizing this must be the same 'devil' that fellow Bob wanted to set you up with. "That sucks."\n\n"Indeed. And now even more innocent blood shall flow." Zweili breathes a sigh. "Forgive me. I had not informed you of this, naturally. I did not want you involved. But now it is too late. And I suggest you leave. Before we are seen by their agents."<<else>>"Well, shit," you say, realizing this must be the same 'devil' that fellow Bob wanted to set you up with. "That sucks. Because I just blew the other lead I got on that fellow.\n\n"Then we are indeed at their mercy." Zweili breathes a deep sigh. "Forgive me. I had not informed you of this, naturally. I did not want you involved. But now it is too late to undo this damage. I suggest you leave. Before we are seen by their agents."<</if>><<else>>"No, unless pretending to be a radical was stupid. Then yes."\n\nZweili breathes an audible sigh of relief. "You were lucky, Vine. Very much so. The situation can yet be salvaged. I was just informed that an agent close to the monster I hunt - the oner I told you of earlier - shall visit the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] this very night. Be there when the devil is. Snare him and learn what you can from him, by whatever means necessary, and when you know where to strike, put an end to this charade. It has gone on long enough."\n\n"Okay," you say slowly. "And why exactly am I getting involved in this?"\n\n"Because this monster is the one which sent [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] after Wilkin, which plans and plots, the one which wishes to doom us all. I have worked long and hard to place it in a position it cannot escape from. The [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] has, by chance, proven to be the snare I required. Now it would be best you are the one who slays the monster once and for all, Vine. It is as much your foe as mine."\n\n"You mean you want me—" You wave the thought away. "Okay, I'll figure it out. Just wish me luck."\n\nZweili stares long and hard. "Loving Stars be with you, Vine. Now be swift. It would be better we are not seen speaking by their agents. They may overhear."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>shove<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>barge<<else>>make<</if>> your way through the crowded...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>shove<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>barge<<else>>make<</if>> your way through the crowded causeway, headed for the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. Blood red banners hang above the entrance, each bearing the sigil of [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]], and a gaggle of protesters has formed before the gates. Two armed guards draped in red robes are watching over the affair from just within the Temple - the walls of which, as you notice, are covered with theophobic slurs and radicalist scrawls.\n\nYou're about to head for the Temple when one of the blue-robed protesters moves into your way. "<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>. I was informed. Come with me."\n\n"What? But—" You glance around, all too aware of the chanting crowd all around you. "Is this about, you know, the thing?"\n\n"He arrived shortly before." The hooded man leans closer. "We already interrogated him. We know of the demon which haunts the [[Temple|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. I was told you would deal with him, brother. That is what you do, no? Destroy demons?"\n\n"If by demons you mean abominations, then yeah, but what—"\n\n"There is no time." The man gestures toward a nearby alley. "Come, follow me."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You follow the robed fanatic...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou follow the robed fanatic toward the alley. At first, there is nothing out of the ordinary to be seen, just beggars huddled in the shadows between the trash containers. Then you spot the other radicals, all dressed in blue. Two carry barely concealed weapons beneath their robes. A third stands over the body of two men. There's a third fellow in a business suit slumped against the wall beside him, bleeding form a head wound.\n\n"That is the demon Burkins," your guide says, gesturing the the business man. "Brother Timmothey already drew what poision we could from it. A weak creature. It serves another though, one dark and powerful. We know where it lairs. I am to bring you there, so you can root out its evil."\n\n"Okay," you say slowly. "And what exactly happened here?"\n\nThe robed man says, "It is just as was foretold. The demon came, accompanied by weak-willed heretics. We slew them in the name of Eden. Then we interrigated the demon. All it could tell us was that its master lurks in a great pyramid on Level B1. A grav-car is waiting just over there." He gestures to the end of the alley. "Best we leave immediately."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "demon">>"Let's go kill this demon then..."<<else>>"Wow, hey, not so fast..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "burkins">>"Wow, hey, not so fast," you say. "Who was this Burkins? And who's this demon we're after?"<br><br>\n\n\t"It calls itself Lord Otto Vindell," the fanatic explains, leading you to the grav-car. "An ancient and powerful being I am told. Those whose belief is weak protect it. Our skills are no match for theirs. This is why you are here, Brother, to root out the evil with methods we know nothing of."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "cult">>"Wow, hey, not so fast," you say. "What's this gotta do with the [[Cult of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] anyways? They aren't quite the kind to harbor, well, demons."<br><br>\n\n\t"Their flesh and minds were weak," the fanatic says, leading you to the grav-car. "This ancient being, Lord Otto I think it calls itself, twisted them against their beliefs. It was long forseen to happen. But now you are here, Brother, and you shall root out the evil in the name of [[Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demon">>"Let's go kill this demon then," you say, heading for the grav-car. "Anything I need to know? Anything at all?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It calls itself Lord Otto," the fanatic explains, leading you to the grav-car. "An ancient and powerful being I am told. We have seen that those whose belief is weak protect it, which is why you are here, Brother, to root out the evil with methods we know nothing of."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"Right." You stop before the grav-car. "Yeah, I kill the demon. And then what?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe fanatic looks surprised. "What then, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>? Once its vile exsitence has been ended, the galaxy shall be a better place and the Loving Stars shall smile upon you. Upon all true believers, and upon all who truly know what it is to hope for [[Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Surely you know this. Or was this merely a test of faith?"<br><br>\n\n\tFor a moment, you want to argue logic. Instead, you simply grip the fanatic's shoulder and say, "It was, Brother. You have passed, and so I deem your words ring true. Now let us destroy this monster once and for all."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisaDirect">>You follow Bob<<else>>You head through<</if>> the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisaDirect">>You follow Bob through the service area to the alley behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are standing guard in full riot armor while a fourth paces up and down before a parked grav-car. The rear door is open.\n\nBob gestures for you to enter. "If you please, <<formalname>>. You shall be in no peril. I assure both personally."<<else>>You head through the service area to the alley behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are standing guard in full riot armor while a fourth paces up and down before a parked grav-car. The rear door is open and, unless you're much mistaken, it's Bob sitting in the back seat.\n\n"Well I never." You make for the grav-car, shaking your head. "Personal chauffeur service or what is this?"\n\nBob nods to you. "<<formalname>>. It's nice to hear you honored the terms of our agreement. If you'd be so kind as to get in, I'll honor my part too. Also, in case you were wondering, my assistant already retrieved your gear. It is here with me."<</if>>\n\n"Right." You duck into the back seat and close the door behind you. "Where we going then?"\n\n"Afraid I can't say, <<formalname>>." He taps the driver's seat. "Vincent? Windows, please."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_formal.png"]]</div>"Yes, Mr. Burkins." The driver taps a control, causing the windows to darken entirely.\n\nBob shoots you an apologetic look. "Security precautions, I'm afraid. Don't take it personally. We'll be there in a jiffy."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Just don't waste my time,"<<else>>"I just hope this is worth it,"<</if>> you mutter as the vehicle lifts off the landing pad with the faintest shudder.\n\nThere's no way to know where you are or where you're going. Dampened as the interior of the car is, you can't even feel the maneuvers. Tight security to say the least but not to your liking either. If this was a set up. Or if you are being led into a trap. Then you're as good as dead anyways, so it really doesn't matter.\n\nResigned, you settle back and...<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSmashPlague">>You produce the plague sample...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>shove<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>barge<<else>>make<</if>> your way through the crowded...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromTomb">>You leave the Server Tomb...<<else>>You are standing...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSmashPlague">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_plague_release.png"]]</div>You produce the plague sample from your pocket. The vial looks so small; harmless. Just a simple suspension inside and nothing more. And this little thing will kill hundreds; thousands. Your gaze wanders across the many faithful gathered in the Chapel to pray, then back to the vial.\n\n"What a joke." You smash the vial against the floor.\n\nSafety plastic shatters. The vaccuum within snaps, spewing fine dust in every imaginable direction. Aside from the clatter of plastic shards on panelblock there's no sound. Around you, believers continue to kneel in prayer. One or two of them grumble. None look at at the smashed vial, and none panic. Incredible, how no one realized what's happened. They'll probably never know - never even suspect. And maybe you should make yourself scarce. Just to be safe.<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_eden_shrine.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>shove<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>barge<<else>>weave<</if>> your way along the crowded causeway, headed for the Chapel of Eden. Even from afar, it's an impressive sight: an a great archway bathed in the golden glow of a dozen glow panels.\n\nThousands of people press toward the entrance. It isn't hard to tell the casual believer from the truly devout. The former come dressed like any other citizen would. The latter however are all draped in monotone robes, and <<if $equip.isTheophobic>>glower at you, no doubt on account of your provocative apparel.<<else>>might as well all be the same person for the amount of individuality they display.<</if>> Before long, you're standing right before the great golden archway.\n\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromTomb">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_eden_shrine_fromtomb.png"]]</div>You leave the Server Tomb and step out, into the Chapel of Eden on [[Level B27|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. <<if $equip.isTheophobic>>Several believers shoot you dark looks but no one seems overly concerned by your presence.<<else>>No one takes notice of your entrance, though one or two cloaked believers shoot you curious looks.<</if>>\n\n<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_eden_shrine.png"]]</div>You are standing in the great, golden archway which leads to the Chapel of Eden.<</if>> Beyond the many believers congregated for prayer is an altar draped in green satin. Atop it sits a wooden globe that can only be a Globe of Eden. It trembles visibly as a priest in long, blue robes calls out to the congregation<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>, reciting verses from the scriptures seemingly at random<<else>>, not that his words are in any way intelligable<</if>>. The priest speaks in jumbled verses which resonate off the walls, filling the cavernous Chapel with echoing chants <<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>of hope and communal joy<<else>>only a true believer would understand<</if>>.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You skirt the congregation...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou skirt the congregation, searching for Father Zweili amidst the robed priests. He has to be there somewhere and, given the monotone grey that most believers wear, it should be simple to spot him. But the wizened old man and his travesty of a beard are nowhere to be seen.\n\n"Damn it," you mutter, causing several believers to look up. <<if $equip.isTheophobic>>Hateful glares follow your every move.<<else>>Their expressions are distant and confused. One of them mubmles incoherently.<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Shit. Fuck. Damn. Uh. Sorry about all this." You move away as inconspicously as possible <<if $equip.isTheophobic>>- which is not at all - and every step you take draws furious, albeit distant looks.<<else>>but still your presence draws many confused, almost distant, gazes.<</if>>\n\nIt's easy to see why: <<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>you're decked out in armor bearing a pattern best known for it's theophobic slant and hatred toward anything related to Eden.<<else>>you don't look anything like a believer and aren't kneeling or chanting along with whatever the others are praying about.<</if>><<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fuck you," you snarl, moving through the crowd. "Fuck all you sorry idiots."\n\nTo no great surprise, hateful gazes and angry mutterings follow your every step. You categorically ignore the faiths and keep your eyes open for Zweili, though the idiot just doesn't seem to be around.<<else>>"Forgiveness. I spoke in anger." You move on, head bowed in an attempt to go unseen<<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">> - which is all but impossible given the clothes you're wearing<<else>>, and your errant outburst is quickly forgotten.<</if>>\n\nUnfortunately, Father Zweili is nowhere to be seen, just fellow believers assembled for prayer; too many to count.<</if>> It's just starting to get to the point where you want to call it quits and leave when a hand grabs your arm.\n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $equip.clothes eq "Hatewear">>"Idiot." A man dressed in hooded, white robes pulls you into a deserted alcove. "Are you mad? Showing up here and making a scene? What were you thinking?"\n\n"Not much," you admit. "Can we talk?"\n\n"Yes." Zweili, of whom only his beard is visible beneath the hood, glances at the congregation. "They will be entranced for minutes yet. But be swift or we will draw far too much attention."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Outsider." A man dressed in hooded, white robes pulls you into a deserted alcove. "Are you mad? Making a fool of yourself like this? Are you inebriated or what?"\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>"A bit," you admit. "Anyways, can we talk?"<<else>>"No, just a bit surprised." You force an apologetic look. "Can we talk?"<</if>>\n\n"Yes." Zweili, of whom only his beard is visible beneath the hood, glances at the congregation. "They will be entranced for minutes yet. But be swift or we will draw suspicion."<<else>>"Believer." A man dressed in hooded, white robes pulls you into a deserted alcove. "What are you doing showing yourself so openly here? Do you wish all to know who you are?"\n\n"I need to speak to you," you reply earnestly. "Do you have a moment?"\n\n"Yes." Zweili, of whom only his beard is visible beneath the hood, glances at the congregation. "They will be entranced for minutes yet. But be swift or we will draw undue attention."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>In a low voice, you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "conspire">>In a low voice, you say, "This might sound incredibly dumb but did you help steal this damned Object whatsitsname I'm supposed to be looking for?"\n\nZweili takes a long time to ask, "What would make you think that?"\n\n"Assume it's a hunch," you say. "See, you've never quite struck me the upright sort. So maybe you were involved, and maybe everything went sideways, and then you hired me to go after your accomplices. To conceal your guilt, so to say. Sound possible? Even plausible?"\n\nAgain, Zweili takes his time before he replies, "Both plausible and possible, sadly, yet neither is so. Though, admittedly, I may have... contributed in some way to the events which led to this disaster. Yet I assure you: I did not ever intend for the damned thing to become lost. Simply temporarily misplaced."\n\n"Lost? Misplaced?" Your brow rises. "Care to explain?"\n\n"It may sound odd, old friend, but I - like you - hunt monsters. My prey however does not venture into the light. One must dance amidst smoke and shadow as they do. And that, Vine, is what I currently do. I dance to a fine tune where one misstep might plunge this galaxy into disarray and another might ruin countless lives."\n\nYour eyes narrow. "I'm not quite sure what you're saying but it sounds like a vague attempt at an excuse."\n\n"Obviously I cannot prove my point. That is the purpose of this dance. Nor will you find a character witness who can attest to what I do. Yet I have known you some years now, Vine. And let me tell you, old friend: I am no more the enemy than you." He draws a deep breath. "Yet, as you well know, one must expose onesself - if even for a split second - if one hopes to strike a killing blow. That is what I do just now and you, my friend, are the weapon I intend to wield."\n\nIt's hard not to laugh. "How's that supposed to make me feel?"\n\n"Terrified, I imagine." Zweili's beard twitches to the sound of a soft laugh. "That is why I did not wish you to know all this, old friend. Yet it is too late for that. I imagine my prey spins a desperate web of deception, one they hope to snare you in."\n\n"That or you're just lying your way out of this," you point out.\n\n"I cannot sway you with words alone, Vine. Continue your investigation. Form an oppinion for yourself. Yet beware: the monster I hunt is vicious. Now that it's identity is so close to being exposed, it must resort to the most cunning methods in self-defense, and I dare say it will destroy you if you are not cautious."<<else>>In a low voice, you say, "I had an odd conversation with - well, let's call them an aquaintance with ties to [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] - and they implied they worked for someone who might, possibly, have been behind the theft of Object 55316. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?"\n\n"Hardly a surprise that theophobes would have assisted in this venture. Or do you imply something else?"\n\n"Just—" You hesitate. <<if ($job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 1)>>"Well, it just sounded like you might know more about these people than you let on."<<else>>"Well, I was told you might know of, or even be involved with, these people."<</if>>\n\n<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 1)>>"I may indeed."<<else>>"Both, I imagine."<</if>> Zweili breathes a sigh. "I have become entangled in many less than noble affairs. And indeed, I have a certain relationship with [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. It was, after all, my efforts that involved them in the [[Gregorian Riots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Gregorian Riots"]]. Did I not once tell you of that?"\n\nYou shake your head. "The past isn't my problem anyways. All I want to know is if you're still in contact with them. Somehow. For whatever reason."\n\n"[[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is a valuable asset. Controversial, yes, but as valuable as their client list is long. Yet I will give you a name—" Zweili reaches into his robe and scribbles on an unseen data pad. "Fergus Amman. He often frequents the cryolounge on the [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]]. I shall tell him to expect you. Speak of what you were told. If anyone knows more, it will be Fergus."\n\n"And if your message scares him off? Or if he tips these people off?"\n\n"It will not," Zweili says calmly. "Mr. Amman is a businessman. He knows to honor his commitments. Unlike some."\n\n"Right." you make a few quick notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and say, "Then I'll look into it."\n\n"Excellent, yet be wary of Amman also. He will no doubt have heard of your past exploits and I am no doubt he shall attempt to, ah, use you for his own aims. What those may be I cannot say. Yet be cautious. Always."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>After considering what Zweili said, you decide...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nAfter considering what Zweili said, you decide, <<if $action.action2 eq "thank">>"Okay, I'm gonna chalk up all the insinuations of manipulation to bad blood with the Clergy. I really don't think you're a bad guy. And thanks for the name, too. I'll look into this Amman fellow."\n\n"That would no doubt be best. Yet now—" Zweili gestures toward the entrance to the Chapel. "You have lingered too long. Best you depart. We shall speak again once more is known."\n\n"Until later." You offer a curt nod and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "reservejudgement">>"I'm not sure I believe you. But you could be right. I'll reserve judgement for now. Just don't make me regret trying to see your side too."\n\n"I will do my best," Zweili says evenly. "Yet you must be aware that I cannot promise anything."\n\nYour brow rises. "Meaning?"\n\n"Usually one assumes innocense until proven guilty. It seems you are dangerously close to forgetting this." Zweili waves a hand. "Regardless, you have lingered too long. We shall speak again once more is known. Hopefully."\n\n"Yeah, maybe." You offer a curt nod and..<<elseif $action.action2 eq "believe">>"I believe you. But I'm taking a big risk here, especially if this monster you're messing with knows about me. So don't make me regret trusting you, man."\n\n"I will do my best," Zweili says evenly. "Yet you must be aware that I cannot promise anything."\n\nYou pull a face. "Figures."\n\n"At any rate—" Zweili gestures toward the entrance to the Chapel. "You have lingered too long. Best you depart. And we shall speak again once more is known. Hopefully."\n\n"Yeah, hopefully." You offer a curt nod and...<<else>>"I'm still not buying it, man. Lotsa nice words. Lotsa vague statements. But it doesn't ring true."\n\n"Then I suppose this conversation serves no purpose." Zweili bows his hooded head, then looks up. "Even if you cannot trust me, then at least trust that the monsters I make battle with are no more trustworthy. Choose your own path. I will not deny you this freedom. Yet do not become slave to powers which seek only to destroy you."\n\n"I'll keep that in mind," you say, wondering how much of that applies to Zweili too.\n\n"Then I can ask no more. Yet—" Zweili gestures toward the entrance to the Chapel. "You have lingered too long. Best you depart. And perhaps we shall speak again."\n\n"Yeah, not likely." You turn on your heel and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>For at least half an hour..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nFor at least half an hour, you sit beside Bob and wait. Neither of you speak. The grav-car zooms on in utter, motionless silence. If the chassis weren't vibrating ever so slightly, you wouldn't even know you were moving.\n\nFinally, Bob checks his PDA. "Almost there. Now, <<formalname>>...?"\n\n"Yes," you say suspiciously.\n\n"The individual you are about to meet, well, it should be up to them to make introductions but there's a certain matter: I've been informed you are not to be disarmed or searched upon arrival." Bob's gaze hardends. "I think that's a foolish idea but I won't argue with instructions given by this certain individual. So let me put it this way: don't do anything stupid or I will make your life so horrible you'll wish you were worse than dead."\n\nYour lips twitch. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I think I know how to handle myself, Bob. And don't threaten me."<<else>>"I'll remember that. But please. There's no need to threaten me."<</if>>\n\n"I'm warning you, <<formalname>>," Bob says in a growling tone. "Not threatening. Warning. There's a subtle distinction. Do you understand."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yes," you say heavily. "I understand. Happy?"<<else>>"Perfectly," you reply evenly. "Is there anything else?"<</if>>\n\n"No." Bob breathes a sigh. "No, not at all." \n\nYou breathe a laugh. "My heart bleeds, Bob. Honestly."\n\n"Truly amusing, <<formalname>>. But please—" He gestures to the car door. "—do get out of my sight. I won't be accompanying you inside. It's against, well, their wishes. Foolish again, if you ask me, but again it's not my choice."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head to the very end...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_constructionsite_base.png"]]</div>You head to the very end of the [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure corridor, where a black and orange barrier marks the perimiter of construction site. Safety holograms float above the blockade, warning away unauthorized visitors. On your left, the three yellow construction bots are still recharging at their power station. Behind them lies the habitation block they're renovating. It looks exactly the same as before: windows and doors removed, no glow panels inside, just bare panelblock walls that led the place an eerie, almost skeletal air.\n\nOne thing is different however: <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>the woman with bright, red hair lounging on the barricade. She smiles when you draw near. "Vine. Hey. Wasn't sure you'd actually come."\n\n"Was intrigued." You stop beside her, frowning at the construction side. "You know, I just went through this place. Found an old bust inside. And I kinda figured that might be what you were after."\n\nFabienne looks surprised. "You were there too? They didn't say anything about that."\n\n"Lesson learned: never trust an unreliable source. But never mind. What's this damn thing we're after anways?"\n\n"Uh, well—" Fabienne purses her lips. "A sub-null transmission device or something like that. I think. They didn't exist back in my day but I heard [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] made a whole bunch of them. Which is why I'm interested. Artefacts related to her are worth a fortune."<<else>>the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] in a dark green uniform standing before the barricade. She looks up as you draw near. "<<formalname>>. Good you came."\n\n"It sounded important." You stop and fold your arms. "See, I went through this place a while back. Found something too. I'm gonna take a guess and say that's what brought you here too."\n\nCommisaria Varai's brow rises. "You have already seen the Object? That explains the second trespasser they mentioned."\n\n"Second trespasser," you mutter. "Great."\n\n"That is irrelevant for now," Varai says curtly. "The device we seek matters more. It is, I believe, a sub-null transmitter which dates back to the days of [[Witch Queen Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]]. I believe it may have been part of what caused the disaster aboard the MCS Outer Spheres.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whatdoes">>"What does it do, then? I mean I have a vague idea what a sub-null transmitter is but yeah."<br><br>\n\n\t"No clue," Fabienne says. "Transmits messages I would imagine. All I know is these things are somehow related to REACH tech. But no idea how they work."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "howinvolved">>"How was it involved in that mess? I mean, it was just a tiny statue as far as I could tell."<br><br>\n\n\t"I do not know," Varai says slowly. "Yet the sub-null signature it emitts is similar to recordings I was able to retrieve from the emergency logs of the Outer Spheres. Moreover, any device which involves REACH technology is potentially dangerous, and this counts doubly so when [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] is involved. Though it seems I may have overestimated your skills."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "dangerous">>"So, this sub-null transmitter, is it dangerous? Because it just looked like a statue when I found it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>"No clue," Fabienne says. "I think all it does is transmit messages but, yeah, no idea. It's got something to do with REACH tech but that's really not something I ever took a lot of interest in."\n\t\t<<else>>"I do not know," Varai says slowly. "That is why I wished you present. Any device which involves REACH technology is potentially dangerous, and this counts doubly so when [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] is involved. Though it seems I may have overestimated your skills."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>"In other words we have no idea what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> will happen if we move it." You breathe a sigh. "Right, guess there's one way to find out whether screwing blindly with [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] is a survivable hobby."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yep." Fabienne hops down from the barricate and strides toward the construciton side, saying, "But I wouldn't be too worried. From what I read they're basically just over-glorified wireless transmitters. I doubt it will blow up or anything."<br><br>\n\n\t"Says the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] who abominated herself trying to create a better orgasm," you mutter darkly.<br><br>\n\n\t"That was an accident." Fabinenne steps into the unfinished hab-block and stops. "But okay. Maybe there is a risk. We'll find out as soon as you show me where the thing is."\n\t<<else>>"Hey, dealing with abominations isn't exactly rocket science. You can't just study and know everything. It's ninety percent learning by doing so how about we just go look at the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> thing again and see if we can't figure out what it does, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I would agree." Varai climbs over the barricade and and strides toward the construciton side, saying, "I expect you to conduct yourself professionally, <<formalname>>. Do not do anything stupid. Communicate your intent if you do intend to take risks. And, please, do not tampre with evidence again."<br><br>\n\t\n\t"Whatever you say," you mutter.<br><br>\n\n\tVarai steps into the uninished hab-block and stops. "Since you know where this object is, I suggest you lead the way."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You lead the way...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou lead the way up the skeletral stairs, one cautious step at a time. Metal plates creak underfoot. The frame sways dangerously beneath your weight.\n\nRelief comes only when you reach the first floor landing. Through the doorway at the end of the hallway you can see the altar, just like you left it: an uneven collage of waxbasin candles set around a silvery, humanoid bust.\n\n"It's over there." You point. "Looks untouched."\n\n<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne grins. "Cool! Love the candl—" Her voice trails off as <<if $chr_varai.alive>>a woman dressed in a green uniform steps into view. "Shit. Her."\n\n<<if $chr_varai.met>>Shit indeed - it's impossible not to recognize [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai and the sidearm holstered at her hip. Nor is there time to react before she whips it out and adopts a firing stance.\n\n"No sudden movements," she growls, moving into the doorway. "I am authorized to shoot and will. Even at you, <<formalname>>. Whatever your reasons for being here, consorting with an abomination is a grievous crime, though perhaps I should have expected as much, given your abysmal track record of late."<<else>>>Shit indeed - it's impossible not to recognize the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] uniform and sidearm holstered at her hip. Nor is there time to react before she whips it out and adopts a firing stance.\n\n"No sudden movements," she growls, moving into the doorway. "I am authorized to shoot and will. Both at the abomination and you, <<formalname>>. Whatever your reasons for being here, consorting with an abomination is a grievous crime and it sickens me to think that the likes of you would even consider the company of such foul beings."<</if>><<else>>two commandos in dark grey skinsuits move into position. "Shit. Not good."\n\nShit indeed - you can't help but notice the high-powered coil carbines aimed at you. Neither of the troopers speaks.\n\nFabienne risks a step forward. "So, uh, hi. Didn't mean to interrupt. We're just here to look around."\n\nThe commandos remain impassive. Their holo-optics glitter in the gloom.<</if>><<else>>"Excellent." [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai takes one step toward the room and stops, just as a woman with red hair steps into view.\n\nA tense second passes before Varai grabs her sidearm, calling, "[[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]! Do not move!"\n\nThe woman turns, a sour look on her otherwise beautiful face. "Great. You again. And for your information: I wasn't going to move."\n\n"Chaming as ever," Varai snarls, moving into the doorway for a better line of fire. "Choose your next words carefully. Even if you were not an abomination, you have no business meddling in affairs of the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]], and I will shoot at even the slightest hint of hostile intent."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "weapon">>"Damn it." You grab your...<<else>>"Easy now." You raise your hands...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "weapon">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Oh, darn."<</if>> You grab your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>> the same moment the commandos open fire.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I don't know who you work for but—" Fabienne shoves you aside a split second before the commandos open fire.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tMuffled coilfire resounds. Bolts slam into the wall behind you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit, shit." You scramble behind the doorway, heart thudding.<br><br>\n\n\t\tFabienne scrambles into cover beside you, her skin puncured in a dozen places. "Ow." She squeezed a bolt out. "Fucking bastards. I swear."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou barely even nod in reply. In the room beyond, the commandos are advancing. You can hear their footsteps, quiet and deliberate. They'll be on you any moment.\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "weapon">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Not so fast."<</if>> You grab your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>, saying, \n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"I'm here on official business, sanctioned by the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Now put the gun down or this turns ugly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] barks a laugh. "You would threaten the uniform, <<formalname>>? Have you gone utterly insane or do you truly not comprehend the gravity of the situation? Your mere presence makes you complicit and the course of action is clear: the abomination dies and you shall be incarcerated for questioning. All I ask is you do not make matters complicated for yourself."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Explain yourself. Quick. Or I promise we will take you down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Wow, wow, enough with the tough talk." The woman takes a step back. "I just came to look at the shiny. If you need this place, I'll be gone. Just like that. None of this ever happened."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Easy now." You raise your hands, saying, \n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"We're not here to cause trouble, just further my investigation. So can we please put down the gun and avoid an unpleasant mess?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] barks a laugh. "It is too late for that, <<formalname>>. Your mere presence makes you complicit and the course of action is clear: the abomination dies and you shall be incarcerated for questioning. All I ask is you do not make matters complicated for yourself."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"No need for this to get messy. Just explain yourself and we can part ways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It's nothing, really." The woman takes a step back. "I just came to look at the shiny. If you need this place, I'll be gone. Just like that. None of this ever happened."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t"Keep her talking," Fabienne murmurs as she slides a [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] out of her sleeve.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You're out of your league," you growl at the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]. "This is not a matter internal to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and you have no jurisdiction in my affairs. <<if $chr_varai.met>>Or do I really have to remind you that I'm a sanctioned hunter?<<else>>Or do I have to explain the legal status of a sanctioned hunter to you?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sanction is irrelevant. You are consorting with creatures deemed abominable by the highest authorities in the galaxy. By nature of the uniform I wear, I am authorized to—" Her voice stops short as Fabienne flicks her blade.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.met>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai<<else>>The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]<</if>> throws up her arm, causing electricity to burst through her flesh and deflect the projective. It clatters to the floor with a dull thud. On the far side of the room, the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] winces, blood seeping from where her [[shield augment|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "shield"]] charred her skin black. It's doubtful the pain will keep her distracted for long.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tVarai barks a laugh. "Arrogant, even for an abomination. Now lay your weapons on the floor and then, maybe, we can come to terms that do not lead to your immediate destruction."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Like locking me up, you—" There's a blur of motion, causing both you and Varai to duck. "—mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMetal thuds as a [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] lodges itself in the door frame beside your head. The next instant a grotesque, stringlike being slams into Varai, throwing her to the floor. It moves almost too fast to see but you have no doubt what of what it is: a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] - and an angry one at that.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon, gaze fixed on the dead <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>> commandos. "Now what the fuck was that all about?"\n\n"I got no idea. Don't care either." Fabienne slips her [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] out of sight. "Now, let's look at that statue thingy."\n\n"Sure." You step over the corpses and approach the altar.\n\nFabienne musters it with a scowl. "Gotta say they went a bit theatrical, what with the whole candle aspect."\n\n"I wondered why they were there last time," you say. "And what about the bust?"\n\n"Good question." Fabienne picks it up. "Always with the damned silver, I swear. But there has to be a mechanism or interface somewhere."<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]. "<<if $chr_varai.met>>Even by their standards she was an insufferable dick.<<else>>Talk about unnecessarily escalating the situation.<</if>>"\n\n"Tell me about it." Fabienne slips her [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] out of sight. "I've crossed paths with her once or twice. Never did strike me the sane, rational sort. Anyways, one problem dealt with. Now let's see about that artefact, yeah?"\n\n"Yeah." You step over the corpse and approach the altar.\n\nFabienne musters it with a scowl. "Gotta say they went a bit theatrical, what with the whole candle aspect."\n\n"I wondered why they were there last time," you say. "And what about the bust?"\n\n"Good question." Fabienne picks it up. "Always with the damned silver, I swear. But there has to be a mechanism or interface somewhere."<<else>>[[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]. "Who was this, uh, thing? It sounded like you knew her."\n\n"We crossed paths." [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai holsters her sidearm. "It is - was - a thieving piece of scum that wholeheartedly deserved the punishment it recieved. But that is not why we came to this wretched place, <<formalname>>. Our primary concern remains the artefact."\n\n"No rush, woman." You step over the corpse and approach the altar.\n\nVarai musters it with a scowl. "Intresting. I wonder why the candles."\n\n"No idea," you admit. "Figured it was just for dramatic effect. But the bust is what we're after. I think."\n\n"It is." Varai picks it up. "Ornamental at first glance. I cannot discern any mechanism or means of interface. Perhaps it is concealed."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action1 eq "nofind">>"I couldn't find one last time. Nothing unusual about it."\n\n<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>"Sure looks like it." Fabienne purses her lips. "Unless it's not silver. [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] was fond of biosynthetic compounds. Might be this thing is semi-intelligent and just pretending to be a hunk of silver so we leave it alone."<<else>>"That is because you are ill-informed," Varai says flalty. "[[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] was fond of biosynthetic compounds. No doubt this object is masquerading as an inert element when in fact it is something far more complex."<</if>><<else>>"You're wasting your time, believe me. It's just a hunk of silver."\n\n<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>"Yeah, I'm starting to think that too." Fabienne purses her lips. "Unless it's not silver. [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] was fond of biosynthetic compounds. Might be this thing is semi-intelligent and just pretending to be a hunk of silver so we leave it alone."<<else>>"Then you are truly ill-informed," Varai says coldly. "[[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] was fond of biosynthetic compounds. No doubt this object is masquerading as an inert element when in fact it is something far more complex."<</if>><</if>>\n\n<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>"Come again? How can that be intelligent?"\n\n"Think a biological computer," Fabienne says, still eyeing the artefact. "Obviously, to get any use out of it, you'd need to know how to activate the damn thing. And the only one who does is probably the person who made it so, yeah, it's basically useless. And people are willing to fork up a fortune at the very idea of getting a thing like this,."\n\nSurprised, you ask, "You already found a buyer?"\n\n"Got a request almost as soon as I announced I had a potential [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] bust for grabs. Seventy thousand up front, half a million on delivery. Pretty good deal for this hunk of junk. Only snag is I gotta drop it off in person." Fabienne shoots you a sidelong glance. "Wanna tag along, just to be safe? I'll pay ya extra of course."<<else>>"Fine, then. I'll take your word for it. But how does that help us?"\n\n"Considerably," Varai says, still eyeing the artefact. "If I am correct, then this device is similar to a biological computation unit. To access it however would require skills than I do not possess and you most certainly do not."\n\nYou scoff. "Fine, lecture me all you w—"\n\n"I am not lecturing," Varai growls. "I am stating fact for what it is."\n\n"And I'm trying to<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> well tell you that I might know people that can access that—" You point at the bust. "—<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn <</if>>thing. But it's obvious you don't need my help. So I guess maybe I should just be on my way then, shouldn't I?"\n\nVarai looks shocked. "And you think I would entrust this artefact to you? No. It will be examined in detail by experts and properly vetted sources. I will relay any resulting information relevant to your investigation to you yet your assistance, <<formalname>>, is not necessary or wanted."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>After a moment's consideration...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nAfter a moment's consideration, you decide, <<if $action.action2 eq "tagalong">>"Sure, I'll tag along. Just tell me where to be and whatnot."\n\n"Cool." Fabienne pockets the bust, saying, "Meet me down by the Voider Shrine in, say, a few hours? I need a moment to, well, do some thing you probably don't want to know about beforehand."\n\n"I'll be there," you say, trying not to imagine what those things might be.\n\n"Right. I'll be in touch then." Fabienne hops over the dead <<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] on the way to the door, calling, "Don't linger around too long. I'm sure someone is gonna come looking for the fair lady."<<else>>commandos he way to the door, calling, "Don't linger around too long. I'm sure someone is gonna come looking for those two idiots."<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "nothelp">>"No offense but I'd rather not. I'm already tangled in enough crap as it is and the last thing I need is more trouble."\n\nFabienne shrugs. "Suit yourself. Give you, say, fort-sixty on the sale. Assuming it gets through. And mostly 'casue you helped take care of that stupid woman." She nods to the dead [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]].\n\n"Fair enough," you say.\n\n"Cool. I'll be in touch then." Fabienne pockets the bust and heads for the door, calling, "Don't linger around too long. I'm sure someone is gonna come looking for the fair lady."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "canhelp">>"No deal. I want in on the bust, all the way, and if you're going to make a deal of this, I'm sure I can find a way to make a fuss too."\n\nVarai breathes a deep sigh. "Must you do this, <<formalname>>? For I assure you I am, as it appears in most cases, better at this game than you."\n\n"After a comment like that?" You snort. "Hell yeah. I want in. End of story."\n\n"Very well," she says heavily. "Then meet me at the Voider Shrine in a few hours. I have already arranged for one of my sources to meet. And as always: do not do anything stupid. I have little patience left for your antics."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "fineby">>"That's fine by me. I've gotten in your way enough. Just make sure you hand over anything relevant. That's all I ask."\n\n"I give you my word," Varai say, packing the bust in a plastic bag. "Now, if you excuse me, I must be on my way."<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>>"Yeah," you mutter, eyeing the corpses.\n\nIt would probably be a good idea to get out of dodge. But there might be something of use on them - or something that explains why they were there. Provided you really want to know, of course. It might just be safer to leave.<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>"Yeah," you mutter, eyeing the corpse.\n\nIt would probably be smart to get the hell out of dodge. But there might be something of use on the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] - something that explains why she was there, for examplem, and just how much trouble you're in now she's, well, dead. Provided you really want to know, of course.<<else>>With that, she strides past the dead [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] and passes the door. Slow footsteps sound on the stairs. Silence returns, leaving you alone with the corpse - and more than a few unanswered questions. At the very least there's one thing you can do: figure out why the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] was there. Provided you really want to know.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You approach the corpse...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou approach the corpse<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>>s<</if>> and crouch down. <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>>Tucked in their pouches are several spent magazines and one of them was also carrying a [[CalTech C2000 NITE|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "C2000_Converted"]]. More importantly, you spot a blood-spattered data pad amidst their gear. \n\nMaybe that explains. Or, on second thought, it could be booby-trapped. An attempt to kill you even if the commandos failed. There's no way to know until you try.<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Tucked in the [[Commisaria's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] blood-stained uniform, you spot a data pad. There's also her sidearm, a sleek [[Sanction Mk2|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Mk2"]], still half-clutched in her lifeless fingers.\n\nIt would be 'unlawful' to steal from an agent of the law, of course, but you doubt that matters given the circumstances. And a corpse won't have need for a weapon anymore. Maybe it would better serve you.<<else>>Amidst the bloody entrails, you spot a data pin and two credit chips.\n\nNot the sort of thing one usually finds on an abomination, though [[Sirens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] are more intelligent than most monsters - and older, if the rumors are true. So her stuff might be worth looking into.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou pick up the data pad, wipe blood off the screen, and unlock it. The device reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>><<set $randomEncounterPhases.snydicateBaseIDFound = true>><strong>S4-33B-124</strong>\n\nAttn All\n\nActivity patterns detected at target site Zeta. Intel suggests target related to incident at Facility BIBK-51. Subject F4B presumably armed and dangerous. Attempt re-capture if situation allows. Otherwise exterminate with extreme prejudice. Ensure no evidence is left behind.\n\nGood Hunting,\n\nColonel Summers<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> RE: The Matter\n\nCommisaria Varai,\n\nOnce again, I remind you that interfering with the operations of sanctioned abomination hunters is well beyond your jurisdiction. The mere fact you are investigating this matter, which - to reiterate - is not an internal Church affair, rather than focus your efforts on the far more important task I am told you have been assigned is disturbing.\n\nI understand, of course, that the hunter in question happens to lead a lifestlye you find distasteful. He is however a sanctioned agent, vetted by your superiors and vouched for by myself and other members of the Clergy, and I find it highly distasteful that you insinuate his behavior might not only be criminal but indeed heretical.\n\nDo also understand that, should you continue to ignore my writings to this regard, I will be forced to take the matter up with the Commisar General. Please attempt to imagine what he may thing should he be pestered by such petty affairs in these most trying days.\n\nLoving Stars Guide,\nFather Zweili<<else>>><strong>From:</strong> [err.undefined]\n<strong>To:</strong> [err.undefined]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> [err.undefined]\n\nDear Friend,\n\nWe would like to comission you for the aforementiond acquisition project. Payment will be made up front and upon delivery of the product. We would also like to increase your commision by 25% in an act of good faith. However, due to the sensitive nature of this transaction, we must insist you be physically present for the handover. Meeting place will be communicated separately to the account you specified in your previous writings.\n\nCordially and with Admiration,\n\nUs<</if>></div><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You leave the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou leave the altar room, heading back down the rickety staircase one careful step at a time. Eerie silence haunts the incomplete hab. There's no one around, just you and the shadows on the walls. Part of you wonders - once again - why the hell that bust whas there anyways.\n\nThe other half of you is just glad when you're out of that place again. First that whole deal with <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>the reporter<</if>> and the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. Now this little mess. Damned place might as well be cursed for all the trouble it's given you.\n\nJust thinking that makes you laugh. "Come off it, man. Even [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] can't cause real magic, much less curses."\n\nBut you aren't so certain anymore. Maybe - just maybe - there's more behind the art than just science. And if that's the case, well, maybe you'd better not go down that slippery slope. There's enought nutcases in the galaxy as it is. No need to add another rambling lunatic.<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n/% fanatics-options %/\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 3 or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b27_fanatics_loot][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "datapad"; $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 4; $characterEncounterPhases.junoProofRead = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b27_fanatics_loot][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "datapad"; $loc_machineroom.readDataPad = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_machineroom.storedRifle eq "RUG-9">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the RUG-9'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_machineroom.storedRifle; $loc_machineroom.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#fanatics-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'fanatics_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the RUG-9'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_machineroom.storedRifle; $loc_machineroom.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#fanatics-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'fanatics_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_machineroom.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_machineroom.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 351; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x351">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_machineroom.readDataPad eq true or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Utility Ducts|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDuct"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b30_raptoroutpost_loot][$action.action4 = "datapad"; $loc_raptoroutpost.readDataPad = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $loc_raptoroutpost.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(14 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_raptoroutpost.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" +Math.round(14 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#raptoroutpost-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b30_outpost_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_raptoroutpost.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_raptoroutpost.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 1501; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x1501">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Outpost|b30_raptoroutpost_loot][$action.action4 = "leave"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% gravtunnel-loot %/\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "avoidCephanineFail">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cepanine|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B40_Alt"; $processed = false; $loc_gravtunnel.killedCephanine = true; $action.action1 = "none"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_gravtunnel.storedRifle eq "KRUG">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the KRUG'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_gravtunnel.storedRifle; $loc_gravtunnel.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#gravtunnel-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'gravtunnel_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the KRUG'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_gravtunnel.storedRifle; $loc_gravtunnel.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#gravtunnel-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'gravtunnel_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Open the Utility Door|b40_finish_aquaduct][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 Aquaduct">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_aquaduct_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cepanine|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B40"; $processed = false; $loc_gravtunnel.killedCephanine = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Sneak Past|b40_finish_aquaduct][$attrib.caution += 3; $action.action1 = "avoidCephanine"; $loc_gravtunnel.killedCephanine = false; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Sneak Past|b40_finish_aquaduct][$attrib.caution += 2; $action.action1 = "avoidCephanineFail"; $loc_gravtunnel.killedCephanine = false; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You hit the door release and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou hit the door release and step through, onto a dark catwalk overlooking the Level B40 Aquaduct. Foul odors waft to your nostrils, water gurgles in a trough far below, and the endless hum of the filtration systems rings in your ears.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cephanine.png"]]</div>Barely three steps from the door a muted howl meets your ears. Adrenaline surges as a dark shape moves in the corner of your vision. Even from afar you know what the canine-esque body and tentacle-wreathed head are: a [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]].\n\nThe monster is right in front of you, not five meters away. It hasn't noticed you - yet. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>But that'll change just as soon as you blow a few bolts through its skull.<<else>>Perhaps you can slip away unnoticed. Or you could kill the abomination, just to be safe.<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action99 = "VX">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sit and Wait|vindel_mansion_enter][$action.action1 = "sit"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $attrib.caution += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pace About Impatiently|vindel_mansion_enter][$action.action1 = "wander"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $attrib.violence += 1]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='vindel-lootoptions'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_mansion_loot'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion neq "visionary" and $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can't let Otto Live|vindel_mansion_enter][$action.action3 = "kill"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.violence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion neq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're willing to Listen|vindel_mansion_enter][$action.action3 = "listen"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're just there to Talk|vindel_mansion_enter][$action.action3 = "talk"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Paladin|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 13; $action.action4 = "paladin"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleric|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 11; $action.action4 = "cleric"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleric|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 8; $action.action4 = "cleric"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleric|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 9; $action.action4 = "cleric"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Great Foe|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 3; $action.action4 = "other"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase lt 13>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Paladin|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 13; $action.action4 = "paladin"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You asked about the Paladin]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase lt 8 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleric|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 11; $action.action4 = "cleric"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleric|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 8; $action.action4 = "cleric"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleric|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 9; $action.action4 = "cleric"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You asked about the Cleric]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase lt 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Great Foe|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 3; $action.action4 = "other"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You asked about the Great Foe]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t/% removed additinal condition: \n\t\t\t\t$job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 3 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gt 10 %/\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 8 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 9 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 3 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "kill">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit Otto has a Point|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision = "spare"; $action.action5 = "workotto"; $attrib.caution += 5; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<br><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll remain Impartial|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision = "impartial"; $action.action5 = "impartial"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "talk">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Decide to kill Otto|vindel_mansion_enter][$job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision = "kill"; $attrib.criminality += 5; $action.action5 = "killotto"; $attrib.violence += 5; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled += 1; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; $attrib.criminality += 2; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_enter_6_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex" and $action.action5 eq "workotto">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $creditammt = Math.round(2250 * (1 + ($attrib.dilligence / 100)))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Swipe the Cheque|vindel_mansion_leave][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "swipecheck"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $attrib.credits += $creditammt; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refuse the Cheque|vindel_mansion_leave][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "nocheck"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make your Departure|vindel_mansion_leave][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "normalleave"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You climb out of the grav-car...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1.png"]]</div>You climb out of the grav-car to find yourself standing on an ornately carved landing pad. Directly ahead, a flight of marble stairs leads past two silver oberlisks and into an enormous pyramid made entirely out of what looks like black glass. The very fact the structure is free-standing and not grafted into the superstructure suggests you are very close to the heart of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] - assuming the gigantic sphere suspended high above you is what you think it is, you might be in the very core itself.\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death and decay,"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between,"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars,"<<else>>"Shit,"<</if>> you mutter as the grav-car you arrived in takes off. "And here I was expecting a clandestine base of operations."\n\nThere's no reply to your comment, just an idle whine as the grav-car disappears. A soft wind - real wind - gusts across the empty landing pad. You shiver involuntarily and set off, up the stairs and into the pyramid.\n\nAt the top, the stairs merge into a triangular room with two couches against the far walls, interspaced with gilded display cases containing various firearms. No one comes to greet you, nor is there any indication of where you are supposed to go - not even a doorway or elevator to poke around. It's just you, the couches, the display cases, and the staircase leading back the way you came.<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sit">>You <<walk>> to the nearest couch...\n\t\t<<else>>You pace around the room...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_vx.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sit">>\n\t\t\tYou <<walk>> to the nearest couch and sit down. The cushions are soft and, when you lean back, you almost feel at ease - almost. Except the room you're in is triangular and everything about it feels wrong. The lighting, the display cases - there's even one containing what looks like a [[Blackthorn VX|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VX"]]. Worst of all: the lack of visible doors. None of it makes any sense.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe absurdidty of the situation is just starting to sink in when soft footfalls patter.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou pace around the room, absently gazing at the display cases. They contain all manner of peculiarities: a deformed [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]], two ancient rail rifles, what looks like a piece of [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] armor, a disassembled plasma lance, and last but not least, a [[Blackthorn VX|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VX"]]. The collection alone must have cost millions, not counting the fact that virtually all the items on display are impossible to come by - even on the black market.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe absurdidty of the situation is just starting to sink in when soft footfalls patter.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThree people enter the room through a door that certainly wasn't there a second ago. Two of them, a man and a woman, are dressed in simple red loincloths. The third wears a yellow robe that does little to conceal the owner's grizly nature: gaunt face, eyes sunken, and wrinkled arms infested with tubes that snake behind him, feeding directly into the veins of his - its, you remind yourself, as it is clearly a [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] - manservants.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<firstname>> Acrel," the abomination says as it walks - almost glides - toward you. \n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sit">>"What a pleasure to meet you in the flesh."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's—" You swallow, wwondering whether you're in danger. "—nice to meet you in person, Mr..."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Otto, please. But let us not speak here. An entryway is hardly the suitable location for introductions. Or conversation." He gestures toward the door. "If you please." \n\n\t\t<<else>>"I see you have already discovered my humble collection of curiosities."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's—" You swallow, wondering whether you're in danger "—impressive."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Quite. I personally am most partial to the newest addition." The [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] gestures to the case containing the [[VX|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VX"]]. "I thought perhaps it would intrigue you. Naturally, I have no use for such a keepsake and I've no particular inclination towards firearms. Perhaps you would like it? As a gift of good faith?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's mighty generous, Mr Vindell."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Otto, please. But let us not speak here. An entryway is hardly the suitable location for introductions. Or conversation." He gestures toward the door. "If you please."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action99 eq "VX">>"Uh, thanks, I guess." You take the...\n\t\t<<else>>You head for the door...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action99 eq "VX">>\n\t\t\t"Uh, thanks, I guess." You take the [[Blackthorn VX|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VX"]] and head for the door, feeling aprehensive.<br><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou head for the door, feeling awkqard with every step you take.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1_inside.png"]]</div>Beyond is a long, gold-lined corridor that leads seemingly into eternity. Countless glow-spheres hang from the ceiling. Their light cast an off, reddish hue across the assorted furniture - each chest, table, and chair is elaborately carved and older than anything you've ever seen.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOtto glides after you, his red-clothed servants ever in tow. "Given your chosen profession, I understand that you might be somewhat ill at ease conversing with one such as me. I humbly apologize for this. The long years have not done my physique any favors. That is why I wished to meet in person, so as to assure that I hold no ill-will towards you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I figured I'd be dead already if you wanted me that way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I should say the same," Otto says. "Or am I mistaken? Did you perhaps come here solely and alone for the purpose of exterminating my existence?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shoot the [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] a sidelong glance. "The thought had crossed my mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Naturally, and in which case I would say—" Otto spreads his wrinkled arms wide. "—do your worst. I am unarmed and defenseless. Quite at your mercy. But strike me down now and, I assure you, you will never learn why it was that I asked you here. You will never truly, completely understand what we deal with in this day and age. But I cannot force your hand. You alone can decide, and so I place my fate in your hands."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "talk">>"I'm just here to talk..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "listen">>"I'll listen for now..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "kill">>"I can't let you live..."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "talk">>\n\t\t\t"I'm just here to talk," you say. "We exchange information. I expect after we'll part ways and that will be that."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"A peaceful resolution would be agreeable for me also."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "listen">>\n\t\t\t"I'll listen for now," you say. "Obviously I have a lot to learn. But don't expect me to look kindly on an abomination."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Of course, I'd expect no such thing."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "kill">>\n\t\t\t"I can't let you live," you say earnestly. "You're an abomination and I hunt things like you. So, if you have a case to make, make it quick."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I understand."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t Otto glides in front of you, saying, "The situation we find ourselves in is a truly delicate and complicated one. So let me be brief. The [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] stands on it's last leg, assailed on all sides by hostile forces, and yet here we all are, dependant on the machines of Eden and the protection they offer from the old world. Alas, this protection wears thin, the arrangements of yesteryear peter out, and so my hand is forced: if I do not act now, I too will be crushed by the legacy of the old world."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What legacy of what old world?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tOtto smiles sadly. "A long and complex story which could fill many volumes. Suffice to say, I did not wish to instigate conflict. My son was to aquire an item which would save us all this torture but, alas, the killing machines of Eden seem to have intervened. So I decided I had to act. And I might have even succeeded, had it not been for that meddlesome bloat of a club owner."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mr. Wilkin," you say. "I heard he had a hand in all this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes, yes, he is a symptom but not the true cause. Another betrayed me, one I did not anticipate, and now I am at war with the believers for reasons I barely even comprehend. But perhaps there is a solution. In you. All I ask is you listen."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Why should I even care?"<<else>>"Maybe, but here's my question: why should I?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Because what I seek is what you seek. The artefact and what it is rumored to contain: activation codes for a transportation system of sorts, one my father pioneered, or so I believe. I do not know for certain. It was very long ago." Otto draws a deep, rasping breath. "To find what we both seek, we must brave three dangers: the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] , the Cleric, and the Great Foe. Even if you do not aim to help me, or even care for my fate, then be warned: the foes you face are quite unlike what they present to be. And you are in as much peril as I."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips curl. "Sounds like a lame attempt to recruit me. But okay. Humor me."<<else>>"Okay," you say uneasily. "I'll bite for now."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tOtto spreads his arms. "Of which do you which to hear, then? I shall share all I know in good faith."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% construction-loot %/\n\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 and not $chr_varai.alive>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol eq "C2000_Converted">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the C2000 NITE'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol; $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#construction-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'consite_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the C2000 NITE'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol; $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#construction-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'consite_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol eq "Mk2">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Mk2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol; $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedBackupWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#construction-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'consite_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Mk2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol; $loc_namaz_altar.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#construction-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'consite_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_namaz_altar.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_namaz_altar.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 2531; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action3 = "datapad"; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Construction Site|b33_addon_constructionsite_loot][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action3 = "leave2"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Temple of Juno">>\n\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_temple_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 75 and $equip.clothes neq "Riot Armor" and $equip.isCyberImplant eq false and $equip.clothes neq "Hatewear">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase gte 2 or $debug>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Requisition Orders|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "buyoptions"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Riptide Attack|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "riptideattack"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Father Zweili|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "zweili"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Inquire about your Past|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "past"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 6 and $chr_raj.met and not $job_conspiracy.askedCultOfJuno>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Witches Coven|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "coven"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Inquire about the Mob|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "mob"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Riptide Attack|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "riptideattack"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Father Zweili|b27_juno_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "zweili"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 6 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 7 or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 3) and not $job_fisher_extremists.didEncounter>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Temple|b27_juno_thugs][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Temple|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Temple of Juno">>\n\n<<if ($action.action1 eq "past" or $action.action1 eq "coven" or $action.action1 eq "zweili") and $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 0>>\n\t<<set $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_heritage', 'acceptedJob')>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_temple_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_temple_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "buyoptions">>\n\t\t\t<<if ($attrib.faith eq "edenite" or $attrib.criminality lt 10) and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='game-church-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'juno_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_juno_main][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "riptideattack">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_juno_main][$processed = false; $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 3; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_juno_main][$processed = false; $job_conspiracy.askedCultOfJuno = true; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "zweili">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_juno_main][$processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 6; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_juno_main][$processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 7; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_juno_main][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Chapel of Eden">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_chapel_pray_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "father">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Swear to the Stars">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b27_chapel_pray">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "commit"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.religion = "edenite";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Committing|b27_chapel_pray][$action.action2 = "nocommitment"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_9")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.addicted = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b27_chapel_main][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.faith.eden += 1; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_pray_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_chapel_swear_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Chapel|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase = 3; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Feeling horribly self-conscious, you kneel...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "father">>Feeling horribly self-conscious, you kneel at the very edge of the congregation. None of the believers around you take notice of your presence. Their gazes are all fixed on the silvery sphere at the very front of the Chapel. Lips move in muted whispers. Somewhere to your left, a man in white robes is blessing those assembled for prayer.\n\n"Oh, man." You close your eyes, draw a deep breath, and whisper, "Eden. Loving Stars. Whoever the fuck is listening. I just wanted—"\n\nYou swallow, uncertain what the hell you're even doing. "I'm not sure, really. I just wanted to say hello and goodbye to my father, I guess. Never been much of one for this praying stuff. Never really thought too much about the past either. Was always too tied up in the now. But it's about time I made peace with that. Both with my own past and, well, everything. So I came to do that."\n\nThroat tight, you hesitate, almost expecting a response. There's none. Silence save for footsteps and hushed words fill the chappel.<<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.faith.eden eq 0>>You kneel at the edge of the congregation. Few of the believers around you take notice of your presence, their gazes all fixed on the silvery sphere at the very front of the Chapel. Soft whispers fill the air only to be drowned out by the melodic chanting of the priests.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh well." You draw a deep breath and close your eyes, wondering what you are even praying for.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere would be countless causes. Galactic peace, a better fortune, strength in battle against your foes, but none of that strikes you terribly sensible. Maybe you should be asking for something else. Or just taking a moment to find yourself amidst your conflicted thoughts.<br><br>\n\n\t\tExcept, the longer you kneel there, the more it becomes clear: you don't even know what the hell it means to believe in Eden. It's just a word - a vague idea. How the hell are you supposed to pray to the Loving Stars or consider yourself a believer when you don't even know what to believe in? It makes no sense. Being there makes no sense. You might as well leave.\n\n\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.eden eq 1>>You move along the edge of the congregation, deftly avoiding the gazes of the believers assembled for prayer. Your thoughts are still clouded by the fact you don't even know what it means to trust in Eden. It just doesn't make sense but maybe it will in time. With that thought in mind, you kneel and gaze at the silvery sphere at the front of the Chapel .<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Blessed day." A priestess in a blue robe crouches beside you. "Did you wish to share your burdens with this servant of the Loving Stars?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod slowly. "It's just, well, I've got my shit all turned around. I came here for answers. I thought, you know, maybe everything would make more sense. But it doesn't. I'm just as lost as before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You are not lost, friend." The woman kneels beside you and says, "You simply mistake the path for the answer, as many do when they first seek hope from the Loving Stars. Neither I nor any here can tell you what it is you must do to find peace of mind. We can only stand beside you, a community of unique individuals, and trust that together we might find solance. Eden prescribes no rules to be adhered to, no structure you must force your life into so that we are all alike, merely the hope that together we shall make for a brighter future, not despite but because of our differences."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "If it's everyone for themselves then what's the point?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That is for you to decide." She smiles and places a hand your shoulder. "Consider what you wish for yourself. Then decide whether you wish to go this path alone or for all. That is the best advice I can offer."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe priestess stands and moves on to the next believer. You stare after her, in part angry, in part disappointed. For all the hype you've heard about the Church and their priests, you expected more.\n\n\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.eden eq 2>>You kneel at the edge of the congregation. Few of the believers around you take notice of your presence, their gazes all fixed on the silvery sphere at the very front of the Chapel. Soft whispers fill the air only to be drowned out by the melodic chanting of the priests.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You have returned." The priestess you spoke to earlier kneels beside you. "Have you found the answers you seek?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head. "Just more questions. This whole faith thing just doesn't make any sense. If there's no rules, no structure, what's the point in belonging to anything greater?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hopes and dreams." She smiles beneath her hood. "I do not know what your past pains are, friend, but I know this: you are not alone. We all suffer, carry a shadow of the Void in our hearts. Some believe it is best we face the trials of existence alone, isolated from this hateful world. Yet there is another way: we can celebrate our differences, knowing that we are all children of the Loving Stars, and believe that is not the individual but the efforts of many which will make this galaxy a better place - a brighter place - if we so wish."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So, what, just delude myself into believing that will be the case?" You chuckle. "That sounds pretty freaking dumb."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Every action you take, every effort you make, is part of a greter whole," she replies softly. "To ignore the greater workings of human will is to be trapped within a solidary existence. One has nothing but ones own throughts to view the world through. It becomes a cold, heartless place; a galaxy where one fears to act boldly and with the righteousness inherit to being human because one risks to expose onesself to percieved dangers. The Loving Stars cast their light on this dangerous world not to wash away the darkness in mindless intolerance but to show us that even the Void does not diminish the fundamental greatness of humankind. We may be alone amongst the stars yet we are still here - and our futures matter, no matter what we want them to be."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou purse your lips. "In other words: each to their own but always mindful what that means for all our futures."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe priestess nods and stands without a further word. You nod to yourself, mulling over what she said. It makes sense. Somehow. Not entirely - but there's truth to what she said.\n\n\t<<else>>You kneel at the back of the congregation, beside many other believers, and draw a deep breath. Sweet incense fills your nostrils. Soft voices echo in the Chapel, each expressing their own concerns, hopes, and fears in whatever manner and language they deem best. Over the mutterings and prayers, you can make out the hopeful chants of the priests.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Each to their own but for a future toghether." You smile to yourself at the thought.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's true, after all. Every individual plays a small but crucial part in the whole. No matter what choices you make, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>no matter how many lives you take in anger,<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>no matter how careful you are,<<else>>no matter how you react in a given situation,<</if>> it was your decision to do so and the consequences you face are the direct result of that. There might be other paths. But this one is yours and yours alone. No one will take it from you - ever - and you will do the best you can to make the galaxy a better place.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNot necessarily through kindness and love, as you once thought a believer needs to, but the way you can best: hunting in the shadows. Among millions, you might be one of the few who can carry the light of the Loving Stars into the shadows to burn away that which lurks there. There's no reason to doubt yourself simply because your road is unique. Someone has to do it, after all, and it would be wrong not to rise to the calling. Another might not, after all, and that would make the galaxy just a little darker than it needs to be.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action2 eq "commit">>Warm, loving thoughts<<else>>You remain kneeling<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "commit">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_eden.png"]]</div>\n\t\tWarm, loving thoughts fill your mind as you kneel there, watching the goings on of the chapel. It's a strange place by all acounts but the people give you comfort. So many lost souls, so many confused and cast adrift in the galaxy, and just like you they come in search of peace. Community. Or whatever.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think," you mutter to yourself. "This was a good idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's not even a decision, more an idea - and a silly one at that. After all, who commits to a faith they barely understand? But this chapel feels like home. The soft murmur of prayer, the gentle whispers overtuned by endless chant, the very presence of the Loving Stars is exactly what you've been looking for all your life. Maybe now you'll at last find peace.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou remain kneeling a moment longer, watching the goings on of the chapel. It's a strange place by all acounts. And you can't say for certain why you even came there. Part of you thinks it was a silly thing to do. The other half is glad you took a moment. Even if it was just for yourself and no one will ever know... at any rate, you've done what you came for and made your peace with the Loving Stars. Better you leave the faithful to their prayers and be on your way.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMaybe, in time, this chapel will become your home. But you aren't about to commit too hastily. Not to a faith you barely understand. And most certainly not when you don't even know if you actually believe in it.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Utility Ducts">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_thugs_duct_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b27_thugs_duct][$loc_machineroom.killedFanatics = true; $processed = false; $action.action1 = "silent_pistol"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 7; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b27_thugs_duct][$loc_machineroom.killedFanatics = true; $processed = false; $action.action1 = "silent_rifle"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 5; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Fanatics|hud_combat][$loc_machineroom.killedFanatics = true; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Fanatics_B27"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Riot Armor" and $attrib.religion neq "theophobe" and $equip.clothes neq "Hatewear" and $attrib.demeanor neq "agressive">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Approach the Fanatics|b27_thugs_duct][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.violence -= 3; $attrib.caution += 4; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Approach the Fanatics|b27_thugs_duct][$action.action1 = "talkfail"; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 4; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_thugs_duct_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_thugs_duct_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "talkfail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Fanatics|hud_combat][$loc_machineroom.killedFanatics = true; $combatTemplate = "Fanatics_B27"; $processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step through the Door|b27_fanatics_enter][$hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Utility Ducts">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_thugs_duct_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_thugs_duct_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_fanatics_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "talk" and $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase neq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the Data Pad|b27_fanatics_enter][$action.action3 = "read"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Fanatics|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 1; $combatTemplate = "Fanatics_B27_R2"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_fanatics_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_fanatics_discuss_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Utility Ducts|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDuct"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Utility Ducts">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_fanatics_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='fanatics-options' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'fanatics_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_fanatics_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_fanatics_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b27_fanatics_loot][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if not $processed>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Raptor Outpost">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Agree to wear the Riot Armor' 'b30_raptoroutpost_mission'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = "Riot Armor"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Ask if you can keep the Armor' 'b30_raptoroutpost_mission'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "keepsuit"; $equip.clothes = "Riot Armor"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Agree to wear the Combat Armor' 'b30_raptoroutpost_mission'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = "Combat Armor"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Ask if you can keep the Armor' 'b30_raptoroutpost_mission'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "keepsuit"; $equip.clothes = "Combat Armor"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that would be Counterproductive|b30_raptoroutpost_mission][$action.action1 = "nosuit"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Point out you already have Armor|b30_raptoroutpost_mission][$action.action1 = "nosuit"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Terms|b30_raptoroutpost_mission][$attrib.caution += 3; $action.action2 = "demands"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Appeal to Reason|b30_raptoroutpost_mission][$attrib.dilligence += 1; $action.action2 = "reason"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attempt to Intimidate|b30_raptoroutpost_mission][$attrib.violence += 3; $action.action2 = "threaten"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Raptors_B30"; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Troopers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_B30"; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "threaten">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check for Stragglers|b30_raptoroutpost_loot][$action.action3 = "frompeaceful"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check for Stragglers|b30_raptoroutpost_loot][$action.action3 = "frompeaceful"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "frompeaceful">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='raptoroutpost-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'b30_outpost_loot'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b30_raptoroutpost_loot][$action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_mission_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "frompeaceful">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b30_tram_station][$job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase = 6; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'sparedRaptorOutpost'); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b30_tram_station][$job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase = 6; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_riptide', 'purgedRaptorOutpost'); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 neq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_aquaduct_main_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_aquaduct_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div id='gravtunnel-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<display 'gravtunnel_lootoptions'>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_aquaduct_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You push the half-open utility door...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\n\t\tYou push the utility door. It swings opens with a rusty creak. Musty air wafts in your face. Water drips down the rusted walls. You stifle your breath and creep into the gloom, guided only by the light of a flickering glow-panel at the end of the passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you inch toward what you hope is a way out, your foot hits something solid. Closer inspection reveals it to be a severed arm. The gloved hand is still clutching a data pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yuch." You pick up the device and read the blood-flecked screen:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>Objective 22-46611</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\tCompleted assignment as instructed but were followed to extraction point by agents loyal to Wilkin. Waved off dustoff and entered utility passages in attempt to shake tail. Success. Were not pursued deeper into Aquaduct system.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWill hold position for 24h and attempt alternate exfiltration through Xeno Garden. Assume extraction team compromised until informed otherwise. Have sent Jalkovski ahead to scout route and inform client of circumstance. Consider operation successful despite current situation.\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Overconfident fuck."<<else>>"Talk about overconfidence."<</if>> You scowl at the data pad, wondering who Jalkovski might be - and where he is.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhatever the case, it would be wise to get out of the Aquaducts and inform Fisher of what you found. Even if he doesn't know who these goons are, or where Jalkovski can be found, he'll be more than happy to know his tormentors met an unhealthy end at the hands of an abomination.\n\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for an Exit|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromTunnels"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.75; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 neq "none">>You cautiously creep along...<<else>>You lower your weapon and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 neq "none">>You cautiously creep along the catwalk, wincing at every sound your boots make on the grated floor plates. The [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] looses a soft warble. Oily paws squelch as it patters past.\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "avoidCephanineFail">>Your boots slip unexpectedly. "Shit."\n\nYou catch yourself just as the [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] whirls around with a distorted yelp. Bright, angry eyes float in the gloom. Claws scrape on the damp floor plates as the creature's shadowy bulk prowls forward. There's only one option now: slaughter the xenos - or die trying.<<else>>"Uh-oh," you mouth as the creature slinks past, less than a meter from where you stand.\n\nThe next instant it hops over the railing and lands in the aquaduct with a splash. The [[Cephanine's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] squidlike bulk vanishes in the shadowy waters. \n\nSilence haunts your ears as you test your way forward anew, headed toward a half-open utility door at the far end of the catwalk.<</if>><<else>>You lower your weapon and cautiously approach the carcass. The creature doens't move. Even when you kneel beside it to check for a pulse - none - there's no reaction.\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"At least it's at peace."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Great Devourer be thanked."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars be thanked."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Thank fuck for that."<<else>>"Thank fuck for that."<</if>> You peer into the gloom, vaguely aware of a corpse in yellow-black riot armor sprawled against the catwalk railing. \n\nCloser inspection reveals the body to be a [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper. His neck seal has been torn open and, even in the dim light, you can see the gruesome wound beneath. A [[KRUG|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "KRUG"]] lies on the corpse's lap.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Stupid fuck."<<else>>"Ouch."<</if>> You glance around and find your gaze drawn to a half-open utility door at the far end of the catwalk - perhaps a way out.<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "paladin">>"About the Paladin..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "cleric">>"Tell me about the..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "other">>"This Other you mentioned..."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "paladin">>\n\t\t\t"About the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]," you say. \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 3>>"I'm guessing you mean Corinthin."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Quite so. A vicious machine. Dangerous. Perceptive. Impossible to dissuade and it seeks the artefact we all do."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"What's the [[Order's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] involvement in all this? Beyond the obvious."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"They are as much involved as any. One of their number seeks the artefact we all do."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"Obviously. It was stolen from the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Why wouldn't a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] be involved?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"You misunderstand," Otto says heavily. "The others seek the artefact to preserve it, use it, or study it. Only that damned [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] wishes to see it destroyed - and any who possess even the slightest knowledge of it. The dead divines alone know why but I would wager: the percieved threat such a device poses lends it value, which draws the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] to seek its destruction."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That's not good," you say flatly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Worse than not good." Otto folds his slender arms. "Should the worst come to pass, and it may, I have no reason to dobut the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] will not simply purge [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] as a failsafe measure, as they almost did on Scaffold 35. Their rationale is often flawed in this manner."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou pull a face. "Yeah, that'd kinda <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>suck<<else>>be a downer<</if>>. But okay. Good to know what we're dealing with on that front."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"I concur," Otto says. "Do not mistake the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] for an ally. Treat them as a tool and plan for the worst or you shall be discarded as the biological waste they percieve you to be."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "cleric">>\n\n\t\t\t"Tell me about the Cleric, and by that I'll just go out on a limb and assume you mean Zweili."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tOtto cackles a laugh. "Of course I speak of Kulli Zweili. Wretched man of a wretched lineage. Shrewd. Intelligent. A master at the game he plays, and now we play his game in the final stages."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Meaning what exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Meaning," Otto whispers, drifting closer, "that the Cleric and I wage war by proxy, one in which a pawn will soon reach the far end of the table and to be clear: the Brother of Silence plays with many more pawns than I do. You are one such pawn I dare say, but there are others. Soon a final blow shall be struck. One of us shall fall. What occurs after is difficult to foretell but there will be a confrontation, of that I am certain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 8 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 11>>You shoot Otto a amused look. "You make it sound like Zweili's making a grab for power."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And you are the most successful of his instruments," Otto says flatly. "You stand so close to the end. All you must do is strike me down and Ser Zweili shall stand, unopposed, as the ultimate victor of the shadow war."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 9>>Your expression darkens. "I knew Zweili was making a grab for power. It had to be that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So it is," Otto says flatly. "You must only strike me down as he hopes and he, our dear beloved Father, shall reign, unopposed, as the ultimate victor of the shadow war."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t"The what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tOtto groans. "The ceaseless conflict between corporate and believer which has continued for countless millennia. Zweili has all but stacked the cards. His tongue is silver and his promises gold yet his motives are as black as his heart. He envisions a rebirth of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], a reformation of the sects, and a new dawn for Eden - a dawn in which we are all slaves to the machines."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t"Typical cleric," you mutter. "But, then again, that's not uncommon for their sort."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t"Typical faith," you snarl. "But I suppose that's what every cleric wants."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"A bit dramatic," you say. "That's what everyone in the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] wants."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Indeed. But it is as I say: the shadow war draws to a close and I am almost certain you shall be the one who strikes that final blow. Naturally, I would prefer the blade not fall on me, but failing that I would not mind were both the Cleric and I were to plunge into damnation together."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "other">>\n\t\t\t"This Great Foe you mentioned," you say. "I don't know who they are. Can you enlighten me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Once, the Great Foe was a tangible enemy: a force from the galactic north. Later, it was clearly aligned with the Foreign Domain, the cyber-civilization in the Fringes. Since, it has become elusive, nebulous. I know little of their designs, only that there is a historic relation to the [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]." Otto purses his shriveled lips. "Perhaps it is another [[Old Lord|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] such as myself, one which lurks in the shadows, or perhaps it is another form of being. Whatever the case, this force is powerful and insidious. It controls minds. Not literally. But metaphorically.."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shoot Otto a strange look. "You know this much about everything but not who or what this thing is you're up against?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Suffice to say: I know what I must and I do not trust you more than I ought. What I do however know is this: Raj Winston is not to be trusted. He may indeed be an agent of the old foe, so full of misinformation. That is their strategy, you see: to sow misinformation everywhere, to the point fact and fiction become indistinguishable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So that's why you wanted Raj killed," you murmur.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Precisely. Whoever or whatever is being this knows it is beyond our reach and that is unsettling. I am exposed even inside my bastion and protected by the eigth."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod in reply, uncertain what to say.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase eq 3 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gt 10 and ($job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 8 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 9 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 11)>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Now I have said all I have to." Otto takes a step back. "And so I must ask that which we both wish to know so much: do you still trust your Cleric friend? Do you truly believe it is best I be struck down? Or do you now see how much is truly at stake in this affair?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>\n\t\tAfter a moment's consideration, you decide...\n\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "killotto">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bloodspatter_vindel.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tAfter a moment's consideration, you decide\n\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "killotto">>to say, "Fair arguments but, no, I'm not convinced. \n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 8 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 11>>Zweili isn't who you think he is. But it shows who you are. And it proves you deserve to die."\n\t\t\t<<else>>Zweili is a scumbag. Sure. Probably deserves to go down too. But you're no better. And you deserve to die."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then I suppose it is—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tOtto recoils as you grab your <<knife>>. His servants yelp. You surge forward, plunging the blade into the [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBlood rushes from the gash. Tubes are ripped from his flesh as the servants begin to run. The abomination falls on the floor, twitching and gargling, as you stand above him.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"It was nice talking to you but—" You ram your <<knife>> into the abomination's skull. "—it's time for me to go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSomewhere in the distance, a door slams. You look up. The hallway is empty. Not a soul to be seen, just ornate furniture and blood-stained tiles. At your feet, Otto dies with a last, bloody splutter.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "workotto">>to say, "You have a point, Otto.\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 8 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 11>>I trusted Zweili and he lied. Or was ignorant. I can't commit to a course of action that will lead to probable doom for us all."\n\t\t\t<<else>>Zweili is a scumbag. I knew it before. You just convinced me. He's been lying and keeping me in the dark. I can't follow any course of action he might support."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I am glad you see it as I do." Otto risks a smile. "And I wish to make a suggestion, should you wish to set affairs straight: at the oppertune time, reveal who and what Zweili truly is and remember to have a plan should you encounter the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] in a poor mood. Perhaps I too could lend a hand, if you allow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Lend a hand how exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tOtto tilts his wizened head. "Truly? Do you not know the extent of my ressources?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I can guess," you say. "What I meant was: what kinda help exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t\t"My knowledge of galactic affairs is dwarfed only by my assets. Perhaps this would be your best weapon against the scourge of Zweili."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"If those credits go towards defeating the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], I am more than for it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That is up to you. I intend to issue a blank cheque. But it grows late and I weary. I must rest. And so I must ask—" Otto gestures back the way you came. "—that you leave, though of course not before I issue you that cheque." He hold out his arm, smirking knowingly.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"My knowledge of galactic affairs is vast and I can provide information that would strengthen your cause against Zweili."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Actually, I was more interested in the part about dealing with the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"On that front I am afraid you are alone. Even I have not found a solution to those murder-machines. But it grows late and I weary. I must rest. And so I must ask—" Otto gestures back the way you came. "—that you leave. I shall send what aid I can by other, less physically degraded means than myself."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "impartial">>to say, "I don't want to take sides. The rest of you can fight this out. I just want to find that damned artefact"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then I would caution you remember what I said: this matter will grow over your head."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shrug. "Like I said, I'm just here to do my job. And that means finding the artefact. The rest just isn't my<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damned<</if>> concern."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I understand, of course. And so let me put it thus: if you leave, now, I assure you, you shall not be harmed. By those loyal to me, at least."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou risk a smile. "Thanks. That's more than I expected."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Those of neutral mindset are often mistreated and I have always have a soft spot for those who are harmed by affairs beyond their control. But I digress—" Otto gestures back the way you came. "It is time you leave."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>shove<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>barge<<else>>make<</if>> your way through the crowded...<<else>>You're standing in the entrance...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_juno.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>shove<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>barge<<else>>make<</if>> your way through the crowded causeway, headed for the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. Blood red banners hang above the entrance, each bearing the sigil of [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]], and a gaggle of protesters has formed before the gates. Two armed guards draped in red robes are watching over the affair from just within the Temple - the walls of which, as you notice, are covered with theophobic slurs and radicalist scrawls.\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Why don't y'all all go fuck yerselfs," you growl, shoving your way through the indignant crowd.\n\nSeveral of them shout after you but you ignore them and into the temple, where the guards block your path. One of them musters you critically. Another holds up a hand. "Halt, Citizen. You are unwelcome here."\n\n"I'm unwelcome?" You scoff. "You guys like, discriminating against me or something?"\n\n"Your presence is unwanted." The man brushes back his robes to reveal a pistol holstered at his hip. He forces a smile. "Please leave. Now."<<else>>"So much for good publicity," you mutter as you push past the indignant crowd.\n\n<<if $equip.isCyberImplant>>Several of them jeer but you ignore them and step into the temple, where the guards block your path. They both muster you with looks of utter contempt, fingering what can only be weapons beneath their robes. Soft footsteps fall behind the sentries as a woman with red hair steps into view.\n\n"You are not welcome, machine." She stares intently. "Understand: those who forsake the wonders of flesh in favor of technological corruption may never enter these halls. Ever. Now begone."<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 2 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5>>\n\n"Yeah, yeah," you say. "But this is different. I have business. Important business."\n\nThe woman glowers. "Very well. One moment. For your so-called business. But make it quick."<</if>><<elseif $equip.isTheophobic>>Several of them jeer but you ignore them and step into the temple, where the guards block your path. They both muster you with looks of utter contempt, fingering what can only be weapons beneath their robes. Soft footsteps fall behind the sentries as a woman with red hair steps into view.\n\n"You are not welcome." She stares intently. "Understand: we do not look fondly upon those choose to follow the path of hate and spite. Now begone."<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 2 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5>>\n\n"Yeah, yeah," you say. "But this is different. I have business. Important business."\n\nThe woman glowers. "Very well. One moment. For your so-called business. But make it quick."<</if>><<else>>Several of them shout after you but you ignore them and step into the temple, where the guards block your path. One of them musters you critically. Another fingers somethning under his robes; probably a weapon. The third waves to someone behind a red curtain. Soft footsteps fall as a woman with red hair steps into view.\n\n"Welcome to our humble home." She offers a kind, albeit wary, smile. "I am Sister Abigail. How can I help you?"<</if>><</if>><<else>>You're standing in the entrance to the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. The angry shouts of the mob outside can still be heard, though none of them dare come close with the armed guards present. Probably a good idea. Something tells you these guards aren't the tolerant types - probably just hired guns off the street but it's impossible to tell.\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 75 and $equip.clothes neq "Riot Armor" and $equip.isCyberImplant eq false and $equip.clothes neq "Hatewear">>Sister Abigail offers a weary smile. "Are there any other questions you wished to ask?"<<else>>Sister Abigail glowers. "Now begone, fiend."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You ask Abigail...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou ask Abigail, <<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "riptideattack">>"Does your [[Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] happen to have any connection to recent events that went down at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]? Something related to theophobic influences?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAbigail looks shocked. "Theophobic infulences? Loving Stars, why would you believe the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] is related to theopbobes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I don't. But investigation of the matter led me here and I'm a little concerned, as you'd imagine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh I certainly can. We are concerned also. But we've been having problems with religious extremists, not theophobes. The ones outside. I'm sure you noticed on the way in."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "Hard to overlook. They been giving you trouble?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"More than I dare admit. There's some speculation the high members of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] are involved. But that's only hearsay and I don't know how it would relate to anything theophobic. Our issues are precisely becauase of our unique take on the Loving Stars."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, I don't quite follow either. Maybe I got bad intel." You shrug. "Thanks for your time anyways."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "zweili">>\n\t\t"You guys don't happen to have any specific dealings with a certain Father Zweili, do you? I know it's a bit of a random question but it's, well, relevant to something I'm looking into."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." Abigail's face remains unnervingly impassive. "No, I don't think I've ever heard of a Father Zweili. Sorry."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Odd, because my business associate said your [[Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] was the place to ask. In person. Not by formal inqury." You muster Abigail evenly. "Was my associate mistaken?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," the woman says slowly. "No, they were not. I was, well, Mr. Burkins promised me an investigator. Not a freelancer. But maybe you can help out none the less."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "Sure, if you'd tell me what exactly the problem is. I wasn't exactly given all the details."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It relates to the, uh, crowd which has been assembling outside recently. At first it was nonviolent. But of late there have been radical elements mixed among the protestors. We asked the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] for assistance but Father Zweili was adamant there was nothing they could do." Abigail draws a deep breath. "Then last week there was a confrontation that escalated. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] intervened but they couldn't make any arrests. I had no other option but to turn to Mr. Burkins. And now he sends you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So you want me track down these radicals and put an end to it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAbigail nods. "I was told you could make the problem go away. That's all we want. A night's rest without fear that firebombs will be thrown over our walls. Only that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," you say, wondering what the hell any of this has to do with Zweili. "I'll see what I can do."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "mob">>\n\t\t"What's with the angry mob outside? That always around these days?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sadly, yes," Abigail says, looking crestfallen. "Some don't agree with our practices. They claim we are inhumane, murderers, heretics even. I can't blame them for their doubts but the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] has never been anything but a sanctum of love and acceptance. We're no better or worse than any other but today we are the acceptable target."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Figures, what with your dealings with the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]]."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Our percieved association with the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]]," Abigail corrects. "The [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] does not deal directly with them. All our deals are made through agents of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. We simply fulfil the letter of any writ they commit to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Tell that to them—" You nod to the crowd outside. "—and you'll see how much facts matter."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAbigail's lips twitch. "You don't need to tell me. I'm well aware of our precarious position. But surely this discussion can wait for another time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair enough," you admit, realizing you were probably way out of line with the comments anyways.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven">>\n\t\t"You don't happen to have any information about or connection to the local [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], do you? The [[Witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] I mean."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAbigail looks shocked. "Us? No. What would make you ask such a thing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I, uh, well." You scratch your neck. "Let's just call it professional curiosity. Someone told me there was an incident involving [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] here a while back."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That there was," Abigail says slowly, then hastily adds, "The heretical material was purged immediately. An affont to nature that... that thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "Thing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The... child. Utterly abominated. It was swiftly cleansed by sacred fire. The Purifier General himself was involved." The woman shudders. "Frightening, that such a curse could befall us in these hallowed halls. But this all occured years ago. There has been no incident since our scans were improved. Perhaps, were it necessary, you could inquire at the Ordus Purita."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay. Thanks." You smile even though you know there's no point following up - a year old lead purged by the Purifier General won't get you closer to the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], just tangled in a buearocratic nightmare.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "past">>\n\t\t"Any chance you can give me anything about my childhood? I was born here. About twenty-seven years ago."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Born here? You?" Abigail looks surprised.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes." You smile. "Definitly. I'd know if I wasn't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's, ah, surprising," Abigail says, scrutinizing your face. "I don't remember you. I was born a year later. We should have grown up together."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. "Big cult, lotsa people. Don't remember you either but that's kinda beside the point."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"True, though to the point: it's not permitted for us to speak about those who were raised here. I know it is an unfortunate rule but it saves all of us much pain and sorrow." Abigail offers a heartful smile. "I'm sure you had a beautiful childhood. All our sons and daughters do. That is what we dedicate our lives to, after all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right, well, I was just kinda wondering why I didn't end up working for some corpo. I've asked a few times over the years. Never got a straight answer. But if you don't know or can't tell me, fine. I don't wanna make life harder for you than it already is."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "buyoptions">>\n\t\t"Do you guys happen to have a requisition line to the Sanction vaults? Or any other sanctioned catalog? I've been having trouble sourcing some things."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.faith eq "edenite">>She smiles. "I'm always glad to help a fellow believer. What precisely are you looking for?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Depends on what you have," you say. "And I'll pay. Of course."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Naturally. Then I suggest you review our catalog." She hands you a data pad.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\tAbigail's eyes narrow. "You would requisition for your purposes through the [[Temple|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]? Why?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"Because I'm a sanctioned hunter and I need your help. I can't requisition directly from the clerics but I'm allowed to requisition from sanctioned sects and resellers. Just can't get to anyone else who might be able to place the order." You hold out your arm. "Scan it. And let me requisition. Please."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe swipes your arm. "I see. Yes. I guess we could reach an arrangement for goods we're allowed to access. You're welcome to review the items we have access to and place any order."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAbigail offers you a data pad containing their catalog:\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tAbigail's eyes narrow. "That would be misappropriation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Maybe to some but I'm a sanctioned hunter and I need your help. I can't requisition directly from the clerics but I'm allowed to requisition from sanctioned sects and resellers. Law says so. Just can't get to anyone else who might be able to place the order." You hold out your arm. "Scan my ID. It'll confirm what I'm saying."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Absolutely not." She folds her arms, a disgusted look on her face. "The [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] is a fertility cult, not a bargain bin!"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tAbigail's eyes narrow. "That would be highly inappropriate not to mention dangerous. Especially given the new local regulations those corporate crike-eaters are trying to push on us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Excuse me?"\n\n\t\t\t"I have said enough." She folds her arms. "Absolutely no requisitions. The [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] is not an officially licensed vendor."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Hoping you aren't being watched, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_sots.png"]]</div>Hoping you aren't being watched, you follow the blue-cloaked fanatic into the superstructure. The narrow access duct leads on into darkness, until it bends left, into a well-lit doorway. Machinery whirrs in the room beyond.\n\n"Here goes nothing," you mutter as you creep toward the door.\n\nIt leads into a small utility room packed with racks that, judging by their size, once held maintenance bots. The machines have since been removed and replaced with dozens of refridgerated containers. There's no way to know what's inside them but it's not the boxes that worry you. \n\nIt's the two men in dark blue cloaks - them and, more specifically, the fact they're both carrying automatic weapons. Admittedly, the two fanatics are watching a Share-Net video and not the entrance they're supposed to be guarding, but still. This wasn't what you expected. But you have to go on if you want answer, so you decide to...<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silent_pistol">>You draw your...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "silent_rifle">>You ready your...\n\t\t<<else>>You approach the fanatics...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silent_pistol">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\tYou draw your M1114, flip the selector to subsonic, and stride into the bot-room. Neither of the fanatics notice as you level your sidearm on them. Two subsonic rounds down the first. Another three muffled thumps follow and the second lies sprawled on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Idiots." You put a round in each of their heads to be safe and glance at the door behind them. "I wonder..."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a control panel on the wall. When you tap it, the door unseals with a click.\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "silent_rifle">>\n\t\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\t\tYou ready your C2000, flip the selector to subsonic, and take aim. Neither of the fanatics notice as you take aim. The carbine recoils with a soft hiss as you blow the first's brains out. You put two more rounds in the second.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Idiots." You <<walk>> up to the corpses, blast a round into each of their skulls just to be safe, and glance at the door behind them. "Interesting."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a control panel on the wall. When you tap it, the door unseals with a click.\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou approach the fanatics, saying, "Hello. I just wanted to—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, shit!" One of them looks up with a start, fumbling for his machine pistol.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "talkfail">>"Wow, easy. Easy." You raise your hands. "I'm just here to talk. No need to get all—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Quick! Lubu! Blast the motherfucker!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe other fanatic scrambles for a coil pistol, blabbering, "Shit! Where'd this serpent come from?!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's just enough time to realize what's about to happen before both men have their guns out. You scramble backwards. Better safe behind a doorway than in the ofen when the inevitable gunfire errupts.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Wow, easy. Easy." You raise your hands. "I'm just here to talk. No need to get all jumpy."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Just to talk, eh?" The fanatic racks his weapon's slide. "Mhh? Really? And who sent you? Hmm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThinking fast, you say, "The Loving Stars, bro. That's who sent me. The Loving Stars."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh." The fanatics relax visibly. "Right, yeah. Head on in. An' may the Loving Stars watch over you too, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAmazed, you watch as the two fanatics stand aside. One of them taps a control panel on the wall. The door behind them unseals with a click.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"Calm, Brother." You raise your hands. "We share a common interest. And I come to converse. Nothing more."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That so?" The fanatic racks his weapon's slide. "Mhh? Really? And who sent you? Hmm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou bow your head. "I come bearing the true light of the Loving Stars, Brother.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, right." The fanatics relax visibly. "Right, yeah. Head on in. An' may the Loving Stars watch over you too, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tRelieved, you watch as the two fanatics stand aside. One of them taps a control panel on the wall. The door behind them unseals with a click.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>You lower your weapon and...\n\t\t<<else>>You step through the door, into...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\tYou lower your weapon and glance around. The two thugs are dead as can be. Behind them is a control panel in the wall, and a sealed door beside it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I wonder." You tap the control panel. The door unseals with a click. "Huh".<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_machineroom_sots.png"]]</div>You step through the door, into a machine shop converted to living quarters - or something to the affect. Dark blue drapes have been hung on all the walls, covering the old machinery, and six mattresses have been lain out on the floor. There are four men in the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTwo are knelt in prayer before a dark green altar topped with a silver globe. The third is sitting on his mattress, pouring over a data pad, while the fourth loads what looks suspiciously like a [[RUG-9|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "RUG-9"]]; quite the professional firepower for a bunch of religious nutcases. All four look up when you enter.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "talk" and $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase neq 3>>\n\t\t\t"Hey." The man with the data pad reaches for a pistol. "You. What are you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Chill, man. <<else>>"<</if>>I was sent by the Loving Stars," you say. "They want to know how things are going down here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." The man looks relied. "After what happened before, I thought—" He waves the thought away holds out the data pad. "I was just writing our report, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>. I'd appreciate if you ignored the parts about you. It was just a misunderstanding, I'm sure."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Hey!" The man with the data pad reaches for a pistol. "That's <<genderposssesive>>! The disbeliever!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe other fellows reach for automatic weapons, while the man with the [[RUG-9|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "RUG-9"]] racks the bolt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit." You duck behind the door frame just as gunfire errupts.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tRounds ping off the walls. Noise reverberats in the cramped room. Someone shouts over the din. You know there's only one option: kill them all before the nutcases riddle you with bolts.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>\n\t\tYou take the data pad and...\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\tYou take the data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'fanatics_datapad_txt'>>\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh." You transfer the content of the data pad to your PDA and say, "Stars grace your perseverence, Brother. I'll ensure those who must know are informed of your progress."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe fanatic nods. "Much appreciated, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>. And if I may say: excellent disguise. I would never have believed you are one of us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You hand the data pad back with a smile. "But yeah. I do my best to go unnoticed. Deception is no sin if it serves to destroy a heretic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As any true Son of the Stars should know. May their eternal light guide you." He bows his head, possibly in indication of respect.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou simply nod in response and head for the door, secretly glad you've meddled with radicals before on Zweili's orders. Without those hard-learned lessons, you never could have passed as <<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>a radical<<else>>anything more than a believer<</if>>. But, knowing what you do about the religiously fanatical few, it isn't hard. They <<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>believe<<else>>rightly believe<</if>> faith is their shield - and that no <<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>non-believer would ever be allowed to tangle with them<<else>>mere believer would be worthy of their presence<</if>>. In other words, they're <<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>idiots<<else>>faithful but stupid<</if>>, even by street thug standards.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and...\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and step into the machine room. The fanatics are sprawled among their recently blood soaked mattrsses and the drapes along the walls of the room, once intended to glorify Eden no doubt, have since been holed in more places than not.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"At least they're better off dead."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between. What a mess."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Stupid faiths."\n\t\t<<else>>"At least they died for their cause."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tYou shake your head, scouring the floor for anything of use.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a data pad beside one of the mattresses; cracked but still functional. You also spot a loose credit chip. And, beside a corpse in the back of the room, lies the [[RUG-9|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "RUG-9"]] which almost took your head off. Could make a nice addition to your arsenal, though it's the data pad you're most curious about. Surely that has something of interest on it.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>\n\t\tYou take the data pad and...\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\tYou take the data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Subject:</strong> RE: Juno Incident<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tBrother,<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\t\tI understand you are doubtful of the task yet be firm in belief. The attack on the Riptide was only the first key. We must endeavor to finish what the theophobes began. We must purge the demon from its hole and it seems that nothing short of outright violence will suffice.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThis is where you must succeed. Restort to whatever means you have to. Strike without mercy or remorse, for our true foe will know none. And remember: The Loving Stars have chosen you for this task. Even in darkness and doubt, know that the light of Eden burns on - and our struggle will not have been in vain.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tBlessings,<br>\n\t\t\t\tFather Zweili\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'fanatics_datapad_txt'>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh." You transfer the content of the data pad to your PDA, thinking aloud: <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>>"Now that's ominous."<<else>>"Now the question is what this means."<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you spot the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>old <</if>>Raptor Outpost. Even from afar, the crowd of onlookers makes it obvious shit is about to get real. \n\nYou push your way through the masses and soon <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>spot the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers - almost three dozen of them, decked out in their usual black-and-yellow riot armor - who've taken up position before the Outpost. They've already set up barricades and, in addition to their usual assortment of coil carbines, several of the troopers are carrying [[MF-GACs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-GAC"]].\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_patrol.png"]]</div>Suddenly very worried, you squeeze past four [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers who're holding the crowd back. Jalkovski is standing not far off, pouring over a data-pad with a man you recognize vaguely as Ice, another former Raptor. Both look up as you draw near. \n\nJalkovski says, "Good you're here, Sir. We've just been going over the details and everything is in place, Sir. There's only one entrance to the bunker, which is frontal, and it seems the Remnants powered up the magnetic deflectors. No demands yet. Just random gunfire, Sir."\n\n"Good news is the generator's exposed and this—" Ice pats his [[M559|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M559"]]. "—oughta wreck it good if we have to go in frontal."\n\n"Which we want to avoid if at all possible, Sir, but just in case—" Jalkovski gestures to a crate of [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] nearby. "I suggest you suit up, Sir. Would be a crying shame if those idiots shot you while you're trying to negotiate their survival, Sir. With all due respect."<<else>>spot the Raptors - almost fifty of them, many decked out in full combat armor, with more than a few heavy weapons to go around - who've taken up position before the outpost. They've already set up barricades and, in addition to their usual assortment of assault rifles, several of the troopers are carrying [[MF-G6s|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-G6"]].\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_patrol.png"]]</div>Worry mounting, you squeeze past the five Raptors keeping curious onlookers back. Fisher is standing not far off, pouring over a data-pad with a woman you recognize as Fatima, your former quartermaster. Both look up as you draw near.\n\nFisher says, "Oh, thank fuck you're here, man. We've been over the details back to front and there's only one way into this damn bunker. Worse, those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] fucks got the magnetic deflectors up and are making demands and taking potshots when we get close."\n\n"Yeah, it sucks, but I got this—" Fatima pats her [[NGREP|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "NGREP"]]. "—on the way out. Should be able to junk the deflector's generator if we gotta go in hard and bloody, Boss."\n\n"But we're trying not to go that far, Boss. Still—" Fisher points to a crate of [[combat armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] nearby. "Don't need those motherfuckers shooting you on the way in. Or out. So I'd just put the damn shit on, yeah? Then we can get this crap over with before it becomes a real mess."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "keepsuit">>"Only question I got is.."<<elseif $action.action1 neq "nosuit">>"Good idea." You pull a set of...<<else>>"That'd be stupid..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "keepsuit">>"Only question I got is: if I wear it, do I get to keep it?"\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"Yes, Sir." Jalkovski gestures to the crate. "Consider it repayment for your assistance."\n\n"All right then." You pull a set of [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] out and begin strapping on the thick, synthetic plates.\n\nAs you fasten the chest plate, Jalkovski says, "Our plan of action is straightforward.<<else>>"Fine by me," Fisher says. "Figure we'd owe ya something anyways. So yeah. Keep it."\n\n[[combat armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] out and begin strapping on the angular ballistic plates.\n\nAs you fasten the chest plate, Fisher says, "Plan's simple enough it itself.<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 neq "nosuit">>"Good idea." You pull a set of <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>[[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] out and begin strapping on the thick, synthetic plates.\n\nAs you fasten the chest plate, Jalkovski says, "Our plan of action is straightforward.<<else>>[[combat armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] out and begin strapping on the angular ballistic plates.\n\nAs you fasten the chest plate, Fisher says, "Plan's simple enough it itself.<</if>><<else>>"That'd be stupid," you say. "<<if $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored">>I got protection as it is and wearing your stuff will just make the situation tenser and more volatile, not keep me safer.<<else>>I'm here to negotiate. Not intimidate. And the last thing we need is to make this situation more volatile than it already is.<</if>>"\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Jalkovski's brow furrows. "You certain, Sir? Wilkin's loyalists are borderline fanatical. They might see you as a traitor."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Just fucking trust me," you snap. "I know these bastards personally."<<else>>"I'm sure," you say evenly. "Trust me. I know most of these guys personally."<</if>>\n\n"As you wish, Sir. Plan is still the same.<<else>>Fisher looks dubious. "You sure, Boss? These are fucking radicals we're dealing with here."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I said I'm fucking sure already. Anyways, last thing we wanna do is poke the hornet's nest."<<else>>"I'm sure," you say. "Last thing we need is to provoke. Okay?"<</if>>\n\n"If ya say so. Anyways, plan doesn't change.<</if>><</if>> <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>You head out, Sir, and try to talk some sense into these lunatics. If anything goes wrong, Sir, Ice will junk the generator and we execute the breeching operation. But if you can get them to come out peacefully, Sir, I will handle everything from there."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_raptor_outpost_siege.png"]]</div>"I'll do my best," you say, eyeing the Raptor Outpost across the road. "Well, here goes nothing."\n\n"Good luck, Sir" Jalkovski says as you <<walk>> toward the Outpost.<<else>>You head out there an' try to make 'em see some kinda sense. Anything goes wonky or sideways, Fatima junks the generator and we clear that place out the hard way. On the other hand, if we get a best-case scenario, we <<walk>> those bastards out at gunpoint and I'll handle it from there. All we need is someone to keep things cool here, Boss, and that's you."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_raptor_outpost_siege.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey, I know what the fuck I'm doing." You glance at the Raptor Outpost across the road. "Wish me luck, fuckers."<<else>>"I'll do my best," you say, eyeing the Raptor Outpost across the road. "Well, here goes nothing."<</if>>\n\n"Good luck," Fisher says as you <<walk>> toward the Outpost.<</if>>\n\nFrom the outside, it doesn't look like much, just a fortified hab with firing slits on the second floor. No one shoots at you, nor does anyone speak when you near the bolted security door. <<if $action.action1 eq "nosuit">>Part of you can't help but feel stupid, standing there so exposed, but you've come this far. Might as well make you case.<<else>>Maybe they think you're one of the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers, what with the armor and all.<<else>>Raptors, given the armor you're wearing and all. Or maybe they saw what was going on.<</if>> At any rate, you've come this far. Might as well make your case.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You draw a deep breath...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>> \n\t\n\t\tYou draw a deep breath and call, \n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"Raptors! I'm here to negotiate. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Who the fuck's in there?<<else>>Who am I talking to?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"Liebgott," a voice calls back. "What the hell you want, traitor? Gloat before those—" He hesitates. "Yes, you idiot. It's him. And what ya want? Those bastards to come in and light us all up?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "threaten">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = false>>\n\t\t\t\t"Maybe." You step up to the door, hands spread wide. "But never mind me. Look at where you're at and think this over, man. You're fucking outnumbered, outgunned. Call me a traitor or whatever the hell you want but I'm trying to save lives. Yours. And everyone else's. Or is this how ya wanna go out? A bunch of loonies holed up in an old outpost, dying for the last memory of a cold corpse?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"We'd rather die fightin' - all of us - than be cralwing at those motherf—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Are you fucking insane, Liebgott?" When there's no response, you call, "For real, man. Are you insane? They've got an army out here and you're, what, half a dozen guys with squirt guns? Listen to me and listen carefully: you are all going to die. All of you. They won't spare anyone, not unless you idiots back the fuck down. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's a long pause before Liebgott calls, "I know what yer doing, man. I know yer tryin' te—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tA muffled gunshot echoes, followed by another voice, "Hey, Vine? Vine! It's Fatima. We're coming out. All of us. No tricks. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Glad someone had some fucking sense in there. Come on out. Nice and easy." You glance over your shoulder, to see Jalkovski and two squads of [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers moving into position beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHydraulics hiss. Weapons remain fixed on the security door. Tense seconds pass before Fatima and twelve other Raptors emerge, one by one, with their hands raised. Jalkovski and his men have them on the floor in seconds, many in flex-cuffs, others held at gunpoint. The troopers' speed is second only to their discipline.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tNot that you expected anything else from [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. As for you? Well, best you take a peak inside just to make sure no one's hiding in a corner crying or something dumb like that.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = true>>\n\t\t\t\t"No," you say earnestly. "Just think it through. There's way more guns out here than you got in—"<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "reason">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = true>>\n\t\t\t\t"No," you say earnestly. "Just be reasonable about this. Think it through. What you're trying to—"<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"No." You step up to the door, hands spread wide. "That's the whole point, man. Look at where you're at and think this over. You're outnumbered, outgunned. Call me a traitor or whatever you want but I'm trying to save lives. Yours. And everyone else's. There's been enough bloodshed. So why don't ya—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"We'd rather die fightin' - all of us - than be cralwing at those motherf—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Did you loose all your marbles, Liebgott?" When there's no response, you call, "For real. Are you insane? They've got an army out here and you're, what, half a dozen guys with squirt guns? If they make it happen, you won't go down fighting a heroic last stand. You're gonna go out crying and bleeding as their sharpshooters pick you off, one by one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's a long pause before Liebgott calls, "I know what yer doing, man. I know yer tryin' te—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tA muffled gunshot echoes, followed by another voice, "Hey, Vine? Vine! It's Fatima. We're coming out. All of us. No tricks. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Glad someone saw sense. Now come on out. Nice and easy." You glance over your shoulder, to see Jalkovski and two squads of [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers moving into position beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHydraulics hiss. Weapons remain fixed on the security door. Tense seconds pass before Fatima and twelve other Raptors emerge, one by one, with their hands raised. Jalkovski and his men have them on the floor in seconds, many in flex-cuffs, others held at gunpoint. The troopers' speed is second only to their discipline.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tNot that you expected anything else from [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. As for you? Well, best you take a peak inside just to make sure no one's hiding in a corner crying or something dumb like that.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demands">>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = true>>\n\t\t\t"Just tell me what you want," you shout back. "I'm here to sort this shit out. Give it to me straight and—"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders>>\n\t\t\t"Fuck you, traitor! Fuck you and everything you fucking said you cared about. Where the fuck was you? Where the fuck was all of you when this shit went down?" There's a moment's pause. "Yeah! Working for the enemy, that's where, you sick, disloyal fuck!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou rub your face with a groan. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damnit, you fucking high or—"<<else>>"Hey, I'm just saying—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMetal clinks overhead, followed by a crude explosive being hurled into the street with a shouted, "Fuck you! Fuck all of you phobic motherfuck—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNoise reverberates as a fireball washes the boulevard, only to be drowned out by the booming report of a rail rifle, and rapid coilfire. In the ringing silence, you see Jalkovski and two squads of [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers move into position. Explosives are placed. Someone signals to brace. Jalkovski pats your shoulder just as the breechers blast the security door out of its frame.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Go! Go!" Armored troopers flood into the Outpost.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as you follow, Jalkovski and his carbine right beside you, into a world of bright flashes and noise. All you can see amidst the chaos is four Raptors rushing down the stairs to your left. There's no time to think. You either act or die - along with everyone else.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<<else>>"I'm here to negotiate on behalf of the Raptors. Who <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>am I talking to?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Contract-Captain Feiermann," a voice calls back. "I will listen. But there is nothing to talk about. Not anymore."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "threaten">>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = true>>\n\t\t\t"Bullshit." You step up to the door, hands spread wide. "Look around you, man. You played your cards and you fucked up. Only thing that's left to be decided is how this shit ends, yeah? And the way things look it's gonna be your sorry asses kicked by a bunch of street thugs. How's that for fucking karma, eh?"<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "reason">>\n\t\t\t<<if ($equip.clothes eq "Combat Armor" or $equip.isReligious) and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = true>>\n\t\t\t\t"Think it through," you call. "Seriosuly, be reasonable about this. There's nothing to be gained—"\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t"Think it through," you call. "Seriosuly, be reasonable about this. There's nothing to be gained here, just more death and violence. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>And I'd love to plant a bolt in your skull but is that really how ya wanna go out?<<else>>Is that really how you all wanna go out? Really?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"There is no difference," Feiermann shouts. "We will die regardless. I say we—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tA muffled gunshot echoes, followed by another voice, "Hey, Vine! Contract-Sergeant Icenia speaking. We surrender. All of us. No funny business. You got my word on the old days."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Glad someone saw sense. Now come on out. Nice and easy." You glance over your shoulder, to see Fisher and two squads of Raptors moving into position beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tHydraulics hiss. Weapons remain fixed on the security door. Tense seconds pass. Finally, Contract-Sergeant Icenia and nine other [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers emerge, one by one, with their hands raised. Fisher and his boys have them on the floor in seconds, some with their arms locked behind their heads, others just held at gunpoint.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThe Raptors' harsh language is second only to their brutal efficiency. Not that you expected anything else from these kids - the kids you trained, not the one Wilkin keeps around the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. As for you? Well, best you take a peak inside just to make sure no one decided to stay behind with a nasty surprise.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demands">>\n\t\t\t<<if ($equip.clothes eq "Combat Armor" or $equip.isReligious) and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = true>>\n\t\t\t\t"Just tell me what you want," you shout back. "I'm here to sort this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>mess<</if>> out. Give me something to work with and—"<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders = false>>\n\t\t\t\t"Just tell me what you want," you shout back. "I'm here to sort this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>mess<</if>> out. Give me something to work with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"What we want you cannot give," Feiermann shouts. "There is no resolution. So we fight. To the last bolt and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tA muffled gunshot echoes, followed by another voice, "Hey, Vine! Contract-Sergeant Icenia speaking. That guy's effing crazy. We're standing down. All of us. No funny business. You got my word on the old days."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Glad someone saw sense. Now come on out. Nice and easy." You glance over your shoulder, to see Fisher and two squads of Raptors moving into position beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHydraulics hiss. Weapons remain fixed on the security door. Tense seconds pass before Contract-Sergeant Icenia and nine other [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers emerge, one by one, with their hands raised. Fisher and his boys have them on the floor in seconds, some with their arms locked behind their heads, others just held at gunpoint.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe Raptors' harsh language is second only to their brutal efficiency. Not that you expected anything else from these kids - the kids you trained, not the one Wilkin keeps around the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. As for you? Well, best you take a peak inside just to make sure no one decided to stay behind with a nasty surprise.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.killedDefenders>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isReligious>>"We do not surrener to believers. Ever." There's a long pause. "We will fight. You and your faith-loving friends. To the death if need be but we will not negotiate.<<else>>"The matter is already decided." There's a tense pause. "We chose to fight. We failed. All there is left is to die in honor."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head. "Oh, you gotta be—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMetal clinks overhead, followed by an oblong canister being hurled into the street with a shouted, "Freedom in mind and market!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNoise reverberates as a fireball washes the boulevard, only to be drowned out by the booming report of a rail rifle, and rapid coilfire. In the ringing silence, you see Fisher and three squads of Raptors move into position. Explosives are placed. Someone shouts to back away. Fisher gives the thunbs up just as the breechers blast the security door out of its frame.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Go! Move it!" Armored Raptors stampede into the Outpost.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges as you follow, Fisher and his rifle right beside you, into a world of bright flashes and noise. All you can see amidst the chaos is three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers rushing down the stairs to your left. There's no time to think. You either act or die - along with everyone else.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "frompeaceful">>You step into the Outpost...<<else>>You lower your weapon...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>> \n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "frompeaceful">>You step into the Outpost, eyeing the dim chamber for signs of danger. There is none. The outpost is all but deserted. Still, you check the corners - and tables - in turn, just to be certain that no one is hiding there.<br><br>\n\n\tAssured they aren't, you turn to leave, and then you spot the table. It's in no way remarkable, beyond the rust-stained surface, but there's a data pad atop it, beside a magazine of 9mm bolts and unused credit chip.\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div><<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Maybe that will give you some insight into why the Raptors tried to hold out so long. And what the hell went down in this place, for that matter.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\tAs you make for the table, Jalkovski enters the Outpost. "Excellent work, Sir. All the Raptors are present and accounted for. I do not mean to rush, Sir, but [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is capable of handling the rest. Though your assitance in this matter was greatly appreciated. Sir."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod curtly. "I'll just be a moment."\n\t<<else>>Maybe that will give you some insight into why [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] took the Outpost to begin with. And what the hell went down in this place, for that matter.<br><br>\n\n\tAs you make for the table, Fisher enters the Outpost. "Looks like we got 'em all, Boss. Ya did well out there. And, yeah, no rush or anything but I'll handle the rest. Oh, and thanks again. I really did think this was gonna blow up into another disaster."<br><br>\n\n\tYou force a smile. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No shit.<<else>>"Word.<</if>> And yeah. I'll just be a moment."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<<else>>You lower your weapon, ears still ringing from the firefight.\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers move through the shadowed rubble, checking for survivors. Two Raptors are executed at point-blank range. Another begs for is life and is clubbed in the face with a butt of a rifle.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell,"<<else>>"Oh, man,"<</if>> you murmur, eyeing the destruction. "Remind me never to piss [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] off."<br><br>\n\n\tJalkovski shoots you a amused look. "We aim to excell, Sir. I certainly hope we deliver."<br><br>\n\n\t"No comment. Just no—" You spot a table at the far end of the room. "Hang on."<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>It's in no way remarkable - beyond the fact that it's riddled with bolt holes - but there's a data pad atop it, beside a magazine of 9mm bolts and unused credit chip. Maybe that will give you some insight into why the Raptors decided to fight. And what the hell went down in this place, for that matter.<br><br>\n\n\tJalkovski steps up beside you. "Not to rush you, Sir, but [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] will handle the rest. And as always, Sir, your assistance was greatly appreciated."\n\n\t<<else>>Raptors move through the shadowed rubble, checking for survivors. Two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are executed at point-blank range. Another tries to resist but his throat is unceremoniously slashed open.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell,"<<else>>"Oh, man,"<</if>> you murmur, eyeing the destruction. "Reminds me just a little too much of the old days."<br><br>\n\n\tFisher shoots you a harrowed look. "That's why I was trying to avoid just this, Boss."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, no fucking—""<<else>>"I know. Did what I could but—"<</if>> You spot a table at the far end of the room. "Hang on."<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>It's in no way remarkable - beyond the fact that it's riddled with bolt holes - but there's a data pad atop it, beside a magazine of 9mm bolts and unused credit chip. Maybe that will give you some insight into why [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] decided to fight. And what the hell went down in this place, for that matter.<br><br>\n\n\tFisher steps up beside you. "No rush or anything, Boss, but I'll handle this. You did what ya could. Which wasn't much. But at least you tried."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You pick up the data pad...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">><strong>User:</strong> Harold.Liebgott\n<strong>Title:</strong> I told you so!\n\nGoddamned fucking traitor! I told Wilkin not to trust that <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cunt<<else>>bitch<</if>>. But no. He said the legendary Vine would never work with scum like Division Zanex. I told him. Told Fisher too, not like that cowardly asshole would listen either. Now look what's to show for it!\n\nBut there's still some loyal. Fatima and a few of the other kids from the Down-30. They know where their loyalty lies. Gonna get 'em together. Gonna make 'em Zanex fuckers pay. Don't care how anymore. None of us does. That nice thing we had going, that's all over. But at least we can take these fucks down with us, and Vine most of all.\n\nPsychological breakdown my ass! No way that's why <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>> chickened out of this outfit. We all saw what that psycho was first-hand back in the Wars. Merc through and through. Must've thought <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> ass was better than us, could work <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> way up to a better payday. Man. Why didn't they listen? Why didn't they just fucking listen?!<<else>><strong>User:</strong> Feiermann, Cpt, Unit 4\n<strong>Title:</strong> Day 55\n\nDespite all our preparations, all our precautions and drills, we failed. B Sector remains firmly in the hands of the Raptors. Pathetic faith-sucking scum. Back-alley rats with coilguns - our coilguns! We should have been able to take them down, no issues. Breech and kill like the Contract-Lieutennant suggested. Except only a handful still fight for freedom of mind and makret. Truly saddening. A great waste.\n\nWe sacrificed so much in the hopes we could restore this place to what it once was, elevate the Downs from their misery, and rebuild a B Sector free from Church propaganda. I admit in retrospect it was a vain dream. Scum will be scum, trusting blindly in faith and thriving in their ignorance. But what is done is done. All we can hope for now is fight our last battle with as much dignitiy as can be found in these trying times. At least we shall not live to see the catastrophy which will soon befall this place, when the sheeple at last realize the fallible dream of Eden is just that: an absurd fantasy!\n\nLet any who sees this know that we shall fight to the last for the truth, for what is right, and for the free market we all love and cherish. Perhaps, one day, it will be a lesson for others and Division X08 will be reborn on Scaffold 22 to root out the misguided tyranny that is the Church of Eden. For now, all I can say is that I give my life gladly for the free-market ideal. It is better to die free than live a slave to the faiths.\n\nFreedom in Mind and Market!<</if>></div><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You leave the Outpost...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou leave the Outpost, <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">><<if $action.action3 eq "frompeaceful">>passing by the Raptors who are being detained outside. No one makes note of your presence, neither the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers nor the shocked onlookers beyond the perimiter. Perhaps they do not want to notice. More likely they're all just too busy - or shocked, in cace of the civilians - to care.<<else>>passing [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers busy hauling bodies out into the open. No one takes notice of your presence, neither the heavily armored troopers nor the terrified crowd looking on from afar. Better that way. After what just happened, you really don't need them to see you around.<</if>>\n\nOnly when you reach the perimiter does Jalkovski hasten up behind you. "Sir, a moment, please."\n\nYou stop. "What is it?"\n\n"I just—" He hesitates. "It can't have been easy, Sir. Everything that just happened. What you, well, allowed to happen to your old gang. I just wanted to thank you, personally and on behalf of my sister, for the trust you've put in us. [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] might not be local like the Raptors but we're from the same station, Sir."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever, man,"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Just be careful,"<<else>>"You do that,"<</if>> you say and slip into the crowd of onlookers. \n\nSeveral shoot you curious glances. One even asks what happened. You remain silent, pushing your way to freedom, and determined not to let on anything. Better that way. Even the slightest word of Vine conspiring with [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] and the rumor mill would spin even worse than it's no doubt about to already.<<else>><<if $action.action3 eq "frompeaceful">>passing by the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers being detained outside. No one makes note of your presence, neither the Raptors nor the shocked onlookers beyond the perimiter. Perhaps they do not want to notice. More likely they're all just too busy - or shocked, in cace of the civilians - to care.<<else>>passing Raptors busy hauling bodies out into the open. No one takes notice of your presence, neither the heavily armed kids nor the terrified crowd looking on from afar. Better that way. After what just happened, you really don't need them to see you around.\t<</if>>\n\nOnly when you reach the perimiter does Fisher hasten up behind you. "Hey, hey, Boss—"\n\nYou stop. "What, Fish?"\n\n"I, uh, just wanted to say thanks again. I know you're not one of us anymoe but, well, you kina are. You know? And I was thinking, what with those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] fucks and all, maybe—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey, will you fucking give it a rest? I'm out. That's final."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I'm sorry. I just can't. Not anymore."<<else>>"No. Now leave it be."<</if>> You turn and slip into the crowd of onlookers.\n\nSeveral shoot you curious glances. One even asks what happened. You remain silent, pushing your way to freedom, and determined not to let on anything. Better that way. The last thing the [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] need is to think that Vine is back with the Raptors. Despite what Fisher says, you're not one of them anymore, and you don't want to get mixed up in that crap - not ever again.<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Religious Zone">>\n<<set $job_fisher_extremists.didEncounter = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_thugs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Push the man Aside|b27_juno_thugs][$processed = false;$attrib.caution += 1; $action.action1 = "pushaside"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Confront the Man|b27_juno_thugs][$processed = false; $attrib.violence += 1; $action.action1 = "confront"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask him to Stop|b27_juno_thugs][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "stop"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_thugs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_thugs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Punch the Fanatic|b27_juno_thugs][$processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $attrib.caution -= 2; $action.action2 = "punch"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.faith.anti += 1; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Address the Crowd|b27_juno_thugs][$processed = false; $attrib.violence -= 3; $attrib.caution += 2; $action.action2 = "address"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|b27_juno_thugs][$processed = false; $attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 4; $action.action2 = "runaway"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_thugs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_thugs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_thugs_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Fanatic|b27_thugs_duct][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_vindelmansion_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hike back Home|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromcore"; $time.active += 7; $attrib.fatigue += 45; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "swipecheck">>You swipe the...<<else>>You turn away from...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "swipecheck">>You swipe the man's arm and turn away, saying, "I'll get the job done, Mr Vindel."\n\n"Oh, indeed, I have no doubt." Otto waves as you depart. "Best of luck to you!"\n\n"Much appreciated." You<<elseif $action.arrive eq "nocheck">>You turn away from Lord Otto, saying, "Not today, thanks, Mr. Vindell. I can finance myself."\n\n"Well, if you prefer that solution, I shall not complain." He waves as you depart. "Best of luck to you!"\n\n"Much appreciated." You<<else>>You turn away from <<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill">>Lord Otto's abominated corpse<<else>>Lord Otto<</if>> and<</if>> make your way back down the corridor. Footfalls echo on the polished tile. There is no one around, not even a bot trundling around. The silence in the mansion is haunting.\n\n"Of course it is," you tell yourself as you hurry through the entry room, headed for the steps. "A <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fricking <</if>>[[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] lives here."\n\nBut that's beside the point. The question at hand is: how do you get out of this place? <<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill">>Bob surely isn't going to pick you up again.<<else>>It isn't like you can just call Bob and ask him to pick you up, after all.<</if>> And you don't have a grav-car of your own to use either.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3_leave.png"]]</div>The question is still weighing on your mind when you reach the landing pads. There's no car anywhere to be seen, just a majestic view across the core of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. It's centuries old at least, as much cobbled together as built by design. Hundreds - thousands - of tunnels, passages, and walkways criss-cross in the distance. You can even make out the [[B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] if you squint in the right direction.\n\nThe thought of how far away it is makes you groan. "This is gonna be one<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> long <<walk>>."\n\nBut, absent transportation, that's your only option. There's no tramway up this far, after all, and no one will drop a shuttle just to pick your sorry ass off. And anyways, you could use some time to think over what you've been through. So maybe a hike isn't such a bad idea after all.<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Xeno Garden">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the Bot|b40_xenogarden_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "bot"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Utility Door|b40_xenogarden_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "door"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Xeno Garden|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>><<walk>><</if>> past the entrance to the Docks and...<<else>>You are standing before the back...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_xenogarden_outside.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>><<walk>><</if>> past the entrance to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] and head toward the bright, neon sign advertising the entrance to the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]]. There are no watchmen on duty and no visitors, just an aged security bot standing motionless before the gate.\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>When you approach, it lurches forward. "Citizen! Halt!" The bot clanks over. "The [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]] has a no-intoxication policy. If you would be so kind to..." Its servos creak as it gestures back the way you came.\n\n"What?" You shoot the machine a dubious look. "You're telling me—"\n\nThe bot extends a coil gun embedded in its left arm. "Citizen, please remove yourself from the premises. Refusal to cooperate will be met with appropriate force."\n\n"All right, all right," you mutter and back away, hands raised. Idiotic, that the bot is worried about that - not the dangerous implements you're carrying. But you know better than to argue. After all, the last thing you need is to get shot by a lunatic bot...<<else>>It doesn't seem to register your approach, which strikes you odd until you take a better look at the entrance.<</if>><<else>>You are standing before the back entrance of the [[Level B40 Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]].<</if>> Faded holo-boards along the walls advertize elaborate xenofauna exhibits which, according to the time stamps, haven't been on display for over nine years. The fees and admissions display is also a decade out of date.\n\n"Odd," you mutter, gazing at a small holo-sign hanging beside the entrance. It reads: //closed for maintenance//. \n\nScrawled beneath it are the words: //talk to the security bot to contract administration//. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You chuckle. "Nice try, fuckers."<<else>>You shake your head. "Jokesters. I swear."<</if>>\n\nOf course, if you really wanted to get inside, there'd also be the nearby utility door. The lock looks as aged as the rest of the place. Surely a simple bypass - or maybe even a good kick - will knock it open.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>><<walk>><</if>> past the entrance to the Docks and...<<else>>You are standing before the back...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_void_shrine.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>><<walk>><</if>> past the entrance to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] and take a sharp left, into the narrow passages that smugglers often use to slip wares past the Wilkin Port Authority. A hundred meters down, at the end of a dimly lit passage, is the Voider Shrine. It's a tiny place, barely more than a room with a star-map projected on the walls and a Globe of Void set on a gilded pedestal.<<else>>You're in the Voider Shrine on Level B40. It's a tiny place, barely more than a room with a star-map projected on the walls and a Globe of Void set on a gilded pedestal.<</if>>\n\nTied to every imaginable hook, bar, and cranny in the room are voider charms - ankhs, crosses, and triangles - that have been left there by voiders, spacefarers, and other such folk. Those forlorn souls, damned to spend eterneties amongst the stars, see this shrine as their sacred place. Three aged men dressed in space suits stand watch over the Shrine, ever vigilant of treacherous hands that might steal from their sacred halls.<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\n<<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 4>>All four nod as you enter the chamber. The eldest, a wizened man with a greying beard, smiles. "Welcome, friend, and find solace amongst the void <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10>>in these dark times.<<else>>that lurks between the Loving Stars.<</if>>"<<else>>Three of the four glower at you step into the chamber. Only the eldest, a wizened man with a greying beard, smiles. "Welcome, traveler, and find solace amongst those who truly know the void <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>in these dark times.<<else>>between the Loving Stars.<</if>>"<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<strong>Juno Affair - Day 21</strong>\n\nContinued harrassment of the heretics over at the Temple of Juno has finally produced concrete results. A Hegemony contractor appeared today, heavily armed at that. Presumably the disbelievers hope <<genderpronoun>> will root us out but they are mistaken. The Sons of the Stars do not faulter in the face of violence, least of all by agents of the Hegemony. We will vanquish this twisted serpent and, with its rotten corpse, draw the heretical beast from it's lair yet!\n\n<strong>Juno Affair - Day 13</strong>\n\nFor over a week we make our stand before the defiled Temple of Juno. Many follow our words on the street, and many cry out for the disbelievers to show their true face, by force if need be. Loyalists lurking amidst the heretics have also reached out to us with whispered words: the devil we hunt goes by the name Mr. Burkins. We have yet to see the demon of the Hegemony in the flesh yet the faithful make ready, for the day of battle is certain to be upon us soon.\n\n<strong>Juno Affair - Day 1</strong>\n\nOne of our greatest supporters, a great man of faith named Zweili, contacted me today. He says there is a heretical infestation amidst the Cult of Juno, and asks if we will aid in rooting this evil out. Naturally I volunteered. as did many of the Sons. It will be a great glory to fight the foes of the Loving Stars face to face. But for now we must prepare, plan, and make ready to draw the serpent from its lair.
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if not $processed>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Raptor Outpost">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_bandolier_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Scold the Kid|b30_raptoroutpost_bandolier][$attrib.violence += 3; $action.action1 = "scold"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Lecture the Kid|b30_raptoroutpost_bandolier][$attrib.dilligence += 3; $action.action1 = "lecture"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Comfort the Kid|b30_raptoroutpost_bandolier][$attrib.caution += 3; $action.action1 = "comfort"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_outpost_bandolier_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_outpost_bandolier_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Enter the Outpost' 'b30_raptoroutpost'>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $equip.gotAmmoUpgrade = true>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Combat Webbing">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "combat webbing">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_raptor_outpost_kid.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you spot the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>old <</if>>Raptor Outpost. The security barrier is still down and the outer posts are unmanned - no one wants to stand out in the open. As you draw year, you see three kids run out of a back alley. One is wearing what looks suspiciously like [[Combat Webbing|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Webbing"]]. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>A female [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper in [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] dashes<<else>> Fatima dashes<</if>> out of the alley after them.\n\n"Stop," she bellows. "Stop you punk or I swear--"\n\nThe kids hurtle towards you, looking over their shoulders and laughing. You roll your eyes and get in the thief's way. He crashes into you with a thud. \n\nFootfalls pound as <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>the trooper<<else>>Fatima<</if>> strides over. "Thanks for the help."\n\n"Help?" You look from the woman to the kid and back. "What happened? Lose a bit of gear?"\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>The trooper<<else>>Fatima<</if>> shakes her head. In the background, the other two kids scurry off, leaving the one you bumped into sitting on the floor, staring at you in disbelief.\n\n"You're Vine," he mutteres. "You're--"\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"Shut your trap," the trooper snaps and looks to you. "Contract-Sergeant Icenia, Sir, but everyone calls me Ice. Point is:<<else>>"Oh, you shut your piehole," Fatima snaps and looks to you. "Been running about all morning. Turns out, <</if>> after the firefight, a bunch of gear and ammo got tossed. The kids have been having a field day."\n\n"Right," you say slowly. "What else is new around here?"\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"It's improper," Ice snaps. "They's kids. Not contractors in the making. Playtime or not, MilSpec gear ain't for toying around!<<else>>"It's effing dangerous is what it is, Boss. Just saying. Shouldn't leave no kids running around with that kinda hardware.<</if>>" Her gaze turns to the kid. "What do you have to say for yourself, hm?"\n\nThe kid looks away. "Sorry, boss-lady. Was just playing around. I swears we didn't mean nothing by it."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action1 eq "scold">>"You idiot. Do you have any idea what could have happened if one of those--" You jab a finger at the ammo in the webbing. "--went off?"\n\nThe kid shakes his head, visibly alarmed.\n\n"Could have taken your head off, it could have." You grab the [[Combat Webbing|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Webbing"]] and <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>slap the kid on the head. "Don't ever fucking do something dumb like that again, you hear me?<<else>>yank it out of the kid's grip. "Go one. Get out of here you little shit."<</if>>\n\nThe kid stands and scurries off, head hung low.\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Ice<<else>>Fatima<</if>> stares after him, shaking her head. "<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Damnned kids. Should know better but what d'you expect when it's filthy faiths teaching them? Rethorical question, obviously.<<else>>Little rascals. Can tell them over and over and it don't do nothing, eh?<</if>>"\n\n"Yeah," you say heavily.\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lecture">>"That was incredibly silly, young fellow. You could have <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>blown your fucking face off<<else>>gotten hurt<</if>> playing with old gear." You <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>yank<<else>>take<</if>> the [[Combat Webbing|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Webbing"]] off the kid. "C'mon, you're a Downer. You gotta know better than to poke around after a gang fight."\n\nThe kid looks away. "I'm sorry. I just--"\n\n"You didn't think," you say sternly. "You just did, like everyone else around here, and you know what that gets young men like you?"\n\nThe boy shakes his head.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Killed,<<else>>"In trouble,"<</if>> you say. "Now I get it's all exciting but you should know better. And you will next time, you hear me?"\n\nThe kid nods.\n\nYou grunt. "Now run along, young man. Come on. This isn't the place for you."\n\nThe boy hurries off to join his friends, who've been looking on from afar. They immediately begin babbling as only kids can babble.\n\n"Let's hope he learned his lesson."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "comfort">>"There, there. It'll all be all right. Just you give me this here--" You <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>yank the [[Combat Webbing|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Webbing"]] off<<else>>carefully remove the [[Combat Webbing|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Webbing"]] from<</if>> the kid. "And the less said about it the better. No harm done, right?"\n\nThe kid nods. You smile. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Ice<<else>>Fatima<</if>> looks unconvinced.\n\n"Oh, come on," you said. "It's just a rigger and a few empty mags. Look, none of the power packs even have charge."\n\n"Yeah," <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Ice<<else>>Fatima<</if>> growls. "But it coulda turned nasty, right?"\n\n"Could have. Might have." You give the kid a push. "C'mon, get out of here. And tell everyone you hear: <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] looks out for everyone, even small fellows like you.<<else>>Vine and the Raptors are still hot shit!<</if>>"\n\nThe kid nods and hurries off to join his friends, who've been looking on from afar. They immediately begin babbling as only kids can babble.\n\n"Well, that's that."<</if>><<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Ice<<else>>Fatima<</if>> sets off towards the outpost, saying, "Anyways, got work to do. And keep the [[Combat Webbing|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Webbing"]]. It ain't no use to us."\n\n"Keep it? For what?"\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>Ice<<else>>Fatima<</if>> turns back. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"Stick ammo in? What the fuck else?"<<else>>"To fap to? I mean, seriously, Boss?"<</if>>\n\n"Oh." You nod and...<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've barely left the Temple of Juno<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_radical.png"]]</div>You've barely left the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] when angry voices roar from the protesters assembled outside. Several men in dark blue cloaks are pointing in your direction and shouting. The crowd jeers at you. Someone throws an emtpy synthcan. <<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>It bounces off your <<armor>> and rolls away.<<else>>It bounces off your shoulder and rolls away<</if>>.\n\n"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Assholes<<else>>Idiots<</if>>." You glower at the assembled mob. "What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> the fuck<</if>>'s your problem anyways? Nothing better to do with your lives?"\n\n"Our problem," one of the men in blue cloaks shouts, "is that scum like you works with heretics like them!" He jabs a hand toward the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. "Disbeliever! That's what he is and that's what they are! Vile disbelievers!"\n\nThe crowd roars in approval.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Oh, please."<</if>> You stride away, shaking your head.\n\nYou've barely gone ten steps when one of the blue-cloaked man grabs your shoulder. "You, disbeliever! Repent! Repent now! Even a sinner is not beyond redemption!"<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pushaside">>You push the man aside...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "stop">>You face the man, saying...\n\t\t<<else>>You whirl to face the man...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pushaside">>\n\t\t\tYou push the man aside, snarling, "Leave me alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Repent now," he shouts, hurring after you. "Let the light of our Loving Stars wash away your sins." Footfalls sound as he continues to follow you. "Bow before us, Sinner, and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Enough." You whirl around and <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>draw your <<pistol>>.<<else>>grab your <<knife>>.<</if>> "Leave me the fuck alone. Please. Or this turns nasty."<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "stop">>You face the man, saying, "Please stop and leave me alone. I don't want any part in this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You must repent now!" He throws out his arms. "Let the light of our Loving Stars wash away your sins. Bow before us, Sinner, and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death and decay," you mutter.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between," you mutter.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"For Eden's sake," you mutter\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fucking hell," you snarl.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Bloody hell," you mutter.\n\t\t\t<</if>> "I just want to be left alone. Go bother someone else. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou whirl to face the man. "Sinner? Disbeliever? What is your problem, asshole?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Repent now!" He throws out his arms. "Let the light of our Loving Stars wash away your sins. Bow before us, Sinner, and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"How 'bout you bow before—" <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>You draw your <<pistol>>.<<else>>You grab your <<knife>>.<</if>> "—this?"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe man stares at you, unfazed, but his eyes glimmer with anger. "See, see all, how the heretic tries to <<if $action.action1 eq "stop">>ignore<<else>>threaten<</if>> us! But <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> <<if $action.action1 eq "stop">>will<<else>>violence<</if>> is weak, as are all <<if $action.action1 eq "stop">>ignorant<<else>>hateful<</if>> hearts! Come stand with me—" He waves to the crowd, which has gone deadly silent. "—Brothers and Sisters. Stand with me and let us wash this sinner clean!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo one moves. The fanatic stares intently, his eyes still alight with zeal. Voices begin to murmur. One thing is certain: this situation is getting way out of hand.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "punch">>You punch the fanatic...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "address">>You raise your voice...\n\t\t<<else>>You turn and start to <<walk>>...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "punch">>You punch the fanatic in the gut, snarling, "Fucking faith bitch. I should blow your brains out. I sofucking should."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAngry voices shout from the crowd behind him. Another synthcan is thrown in your direction. Several of the younger protestors move forward, shaking fists at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit." You backpedal toward the nearest crowd, hoping against hope none of the nutcases follows you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "address">>You raise your voice and shout, <<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Okay, so I'm not much of a religious type, but this is bullshit. All of it. Just knock it the hell off before—"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"You're all fucking deluded. You, your stupid [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], all of it. You faiths deserve to be fucking lined up and—"<<else>>"You think I don't believe? Well, think again, and think real good. Because what you're doing here is sheer—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"His words are poison," the blue-cloaked fanatic shouts. <<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Naive and blind, as all who do not believe in the light of our Loving Stars!"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Twisted and hateful, as all who loathe the light of our Loving Stars!"<<else>>"Well meant, perhaps, yet misguided as only a believer who has not truly seen the light of our Loving Stars might be!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tApproving voices shout from the crowd behind him. Another synthcan is thrown in your direction. Several of the younger protestors move forward, shaking fists at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit." You backpedal toward the nearest crowd, hoping against hope none of the nutcases follows you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>You turn and start to <<walk>> away. Voices shout from the crowd behind you. Another synthcan is thrown in your general direction. When you look over your shoulder, several of the younger protestors are shaking fists.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, man. These people." You hasten your pace, hoping against hope none of the fanatics pursue you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\tHateful chants continue to ring out until you're well away, deep in the crowd of believers thronging the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Relieved, you move to the edge of the passage, glad for a moment's repose. People continue to rush past. Amidst them you spot the blue-cloaked fanatic you saw earlier. Adrenaline surges as the man stops and looks around. Rather than approach you however, he removes a loose utility panel and disappears into the nearby superstructure.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the heck?" You straighten, suddenly very suspicious. "Did he just—?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tFeet pound on the floor plates. Voices shout and call. Prayer song echoes over the din. No one save you saw the blue-cloaked radical disappear. Something tells you it'd be a good idea to shadow him.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say Hello|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$loc_riptide.talkedToAida = true; $action.action1 = "accept"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ignore the Girl|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$loc_riptide.talkedToAida = true; $action.action1 = "refuse"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask whether she's Aida|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$action.action2 = "whatmean"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she's definitely Unlucky|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$action.action2 = "wherefind"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you didn't mean to Pry|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$action.action2 = "nopry"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're a Hunter|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$action.action2 = "ishunter"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Avoid the Topic|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$action.action2 = "notsay"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about her Story|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$action.action2 = "herstory"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nopry" or $action.action2 eq "herstory">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're used to Weird|riptide_addon_aidafriend][$action.action3 = "selected"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_addon_aida_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 3; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 2.5; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Xeno Garden">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "kickbot" or $action.action2 eq "cybercult">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "kickbot">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_xenogarden_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride) and not $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker and $factionlock.zanexPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_cybercult_meet][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "negotiate"; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_cybercult_meet][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "negotiatefail"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|b40_cybercult_meet][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "run"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cyborgs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cyborgs_B40"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bot">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase gte 5 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase lt 8 and $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it has nice Legs|b40_xenogarden_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "cybercult"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Kick the Bot|b40_xenogarden_action][$processed = false; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $action.action2 = "kickbot"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_xenogarden_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "door">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Hallway|b40_xenogarden_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "hallway"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b40_xenogarden_action][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b40_xenogarden_action][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 5; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Warden|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $attrib.criminality += 3; $combatTemplate = "Warden_B40"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.caution lt 75>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Approach the Warden|b40_xenogarden_action][$action.action3 = "doTalk"; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Too anxious to Approach]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "doTalk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Warden|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 1; $attrib.criminality += 3; $combatTemplate = "Warden_B40"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Out of the Xeno Garden|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 4; $time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bot">>You approach the security bot and...<<else>>You approach the security door and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "bot">>You approach the security bot and say, <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>"Hey, you. Bot.<<else>>"Hey, excuse me.<</if>> I gotta—"\n\n"Excuse me, Sir," the bot says in a synthetic voice. "The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please state your request."\n\n"I want to speak to administration," you say. "It's important."\n\n"Of course, Sir. One moment, pl—" The bot bows its mechanical head in an aproximation of human behavior. "Excuse me, Sir. The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please—"\n\n"Oh, fuck you." You glower at the bot.\n\n"Excuse me, Sir," the bot says in a synthetic voice. "The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please state your request."<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitylock_broken.png"]]</div>You approach the security door and, with a wary glance at the security bot, run a hand over the door controls. Nothing happens. The display remains blank. The bot doesn't respond either.\n\n"Now that's a surprise," you mutter, examining the rusted door controls.\n\nJudging by the rust and exposed, frayed wires, it's beyond repair. There's no point even trying to bypass the device. Simpler to just give it a kick, which you do.\n\nThe door swings open on creaky hinges. Beyond, a short corridor bends left, to a door half-open. Taped to the wall beside you is a data-pad that reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n<strong>Current Roster:</strong>\n<s>Jacobs: wormlings</s>\n<s>Maurice: exodwellers</s>\n<s>Divia: aviaries</s>\n<s>Quan: mammilians</s>\n<s>Sybille: reptilians</s>\nPaul: aquarium\n\nYou know what, fuckers? Okay. Leave all the pretty animals to die just 'cause they cut your fricking peanuts payday. Great job. Real great. So I'll just fucking do it all myself.</div>\n\n"Definitely a fanatic." You peer through the half-open door, into a broad hallway that runs the length of the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]].<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Cryolounge">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 1 and ($equip.isFashionOutfit or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 7 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "church" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber")) or ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 8 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Woman|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFirstTime"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 2 or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Mr. Amman|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "speakamman"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Mr. Amman|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "speakamman_2"; $hide.layer1 = true; $hud.messages.push($msg_fisher_jewler); $hud.newmsg += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're the Abomination Hunter|b10_cryolounge_hellcat][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 7 and $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 2 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "church" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber")) or ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 8 and $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 2 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[The Conference has Ended]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 2 and ($equip.isFashionOutfit or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're attending the Conference|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Improper Outfit for Conference]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 600>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Request the Basic Treatment (600 C)|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "basicservice"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= 600; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Purchase Basic Treatment (600 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Cryolounge">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "basicservice_2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_servicve_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_servicve_done_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "basicservice">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_servicve_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lean back and Relax|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "basicservice_2"; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $attrib.toxicity -= 35; $attrib.violence -= 15; $attrib.caution -= 15; $attrib.stress -= 15; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.addicted = false; $attrib.infected = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "speakamman">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none" and ($action.action2 neq "zanexemployer" or $action.action2 neq "whois")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1 and not $chr_fabienne.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryolounge_main][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hit the door Release|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "enter"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "none" or $action.action4 neq "none" or $action.action2 eq "aboutlounge">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "aboutlounge" and $action.action2 neq "zanexemployer">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cryolounge|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "aboutlounge"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Division Zanex|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "zanexemployer"; $action.action3 = "done"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none" and $action.action3 neq "done">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who Mr. Amman Is|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "whois"; $action.action4 = "done"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "none">><br><</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Thank the Woman|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action5 = "thankyou"; $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 2; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why the Cult|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action5 = "whycult"; $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase = 2; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you didn't Ask|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action5 = "didntask"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 3; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand Information|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action5 = "tell"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 3; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "speakamman_2">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_revisit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Room|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "search"; $attrib.caution += 5; $loc_cryolounge.foundBody = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_revisit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_revisit_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div id='amman-lootoptions' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "search">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cryolounge_amman_lootoptions'>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[B10 Boulevard|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_revisit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_revisit_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_amman_revisit_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[B10 Boulevard|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 Boulevard">>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_boulevard_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if not (($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $attrib.infected)>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 1 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Timmeon Jewlery|b10_jewler_enter][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 2 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Boulevard Information Booth|b10_athena_enter][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 2 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 3) and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Boulevard Inn|b10_inn_mission][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Cryolounge|b10_cryolounge_raided][$time.active += 0.25; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Cryolounge|b10_cryolounge_main][$time.active += 0.25; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Krill Fashion|b10_clothing_main][$time.active += 0.25; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Observation Deck|b10_observation_deck][$time.active += 0.25; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B10 Tramway Station|tram_station_b10][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</nobr>></div>
<<if $action.action1 eq "displays" or $action.action1 eq "wander">>\n\t<<if $action.action99 eq "VX">>\n\t\t<<set $txt = "Take the VX">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $txt = "Return the VX">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click $txt>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action98 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $action.action99; $action.action99 = $action.action98; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedBackupWeapon += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#vindel-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_mansion_loot'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make for the Door|vindel_mansion_enter][$action.action2 = "door"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidebar.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> toward the bar, squeezing past the crowds gathering there. It strikes you there are more people queuing up for drinks than usual. Just getting to the counter requires you to ease several people out of the way. Then, when you finally do reach the bar, Vic and all the other barkeeps are too busy to even notice you.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, damn it,"<<else>>"Oh, great,"<</if>> you mutter, resigned to a long wait.\n\nBeside you, two fellows are desperately trying to get their drinks ordered. Behind you, an elderly woman is chatting with two of her scantly-clad friends. There's just enough time to notice how horridly overdone their make-up and perfume is before a girl in a pink tracksuit squeezed in beside you. There's a brief jostle for position. Neither of you really give in.\n\nShe risks a shy smile. "Hi."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>You smile back...<<else>>You ignore the girl...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>You smile back. "Hello."\n\n"Oh! I thought everyone would ignore me all night. Oh, right, hey, it's nice to meet you." She nods to the bar. "It always this full?"\n\n"Sometimes, but it's usually a little less <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>chaotic<<else>>messed up<</if>>," you say. "This your first time around here?"\n\nShe nods. "Yeah. I'm Aida. I'm not from around here."\n\n<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2>>"Vine. From around here but don't even get me started on—" You stop, only just catching on. "Wait wait. Aida? Your last name isn't Abi, is it?"\n\n"Yes." The girl avoids your eyes. "Maybe. It's a little complicated. Did you really have to ask that though? Or did I have to say hi to the only person who knows Aida and goes to rave clubs? Honestly. Today is definitely not my lucky day, is it?"<<else>>"Vine. From around here but don't even get me started on that. Long story. Mostly boring."\n\nShe smiles shyly. "I know what you mean. Been through a long story myself. Really boring too. Anyways, what you do? Like, when you're not here."<</if>><<else>>You ignore the girl, attention fixed firmly on the busy bartenders - still no one's noticed you, which is highly unusual to say the least. \n\nThe girl breathes a faint sigh. "Just trying to be friendly, that's all."\n\nYou don't react. Seconds drag past. Off to the left, someone is ordering three dozen Liqs. On the right, the queue is being served. Despite your best efforts, you can't flag Vic or any of the others down.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, fuck this shit,"<<else>>"Oh, I'll just come back later,<</if>> you mutter and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action2 eq "ishunter">>"I'm a hunter. Sanctioned. You?"\n\nShe shifts uneasily. "Oh, a bit of this and that. I try to keep to myself mostly."\n\n"Sorry. Didn't mean to pry."\n\nAida shakes her head. "It's fine, just, you know. Every time I try to sort stuff out something new comes up. Feels like I'm stumbling from weird to weirder. It's really strange and gets all complicated. Dunno. I'm rambling again, right? Sorry. Must sound like a complete weirdo."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notsay">>"Oh, this and that. You know."\n\nHer lips curl. "Kinda like me then, yeah?"\n\n"Probably." You shrug. "Try not to get too involved in stuff if I can avoid it. Doesn't work well though."\n\nShe rolls her eyes. "Hell and Eden. Don't I know it. You try to stay outa stuff. But no matter what you do, it always gets to you. And then it gets weird. Dunno. I'm rambling again, right? Sorry. Sounding like a complete weirdo here."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "herstory">>"Actually, I'd rather hear about your story. even if it's boring."\n\nShe shifts uneasily. "I, uh, really don't wanna get into that. Y'know? No offense, but I've got enough trouble as it is."\n\nYou chuckle. "Don't I know it. Sorry for prying."\n\n"No problem. Just—" Aida edges away. "Listen, I'm just gonna..."\n\nBefore you know it, she's gone. Part of you wonders whether you should follow. But you decide it isn't worth the effort and turn back to the bar. Off to the left, someone is ordering three dozen Liqs. On the right, the queue is being served. Despite your best efforts, you can't flag Vic or any of the others down.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, fuck this shit,"<<else>>"Oh, I'll just come back later,<</if>> you mutter and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nopry">>"Didn't mean to pry. If you'd prefer not to talk about it—"\n\n"I really would." The girl smiles uncertainly. "No offense, but I've got enough trouble as it is."\n\nYou laugh. "You and me both. Hope you get it sorted out."\n\n"Same." Aida edges away. "Listen, I'm just gonna..."\n\nBefore you know it, she's gone. Part of you wonders whether you should follow. But you decide it isn't worth the effort and turn back to the bar. Off to the left, someone is ordering three dozen Liqs. On the right, the queue is being served. Despite your best efforts, you can't flag Vic or any of the others down.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, fuck this shit,"<<else>>"Oh, I'll just come back later,<</if>> you mutter and...<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "whatmean">>"Are you Aida Abi then? Because I really need to speak to her."\n\nShe shrugs half-heartedly. "I know her, if that's what you mean. And sometimes I live for her. With her. Kinda. I did a little thing to help a friend out.<<else>>"You're definitely unlucky then, because I've been looking for you. I got a bunch of questions."\n\n"Uh, this is going to be trickly," Aida says. "See, I have this friend, whom I helped out a little.<</if>> And then one thing leads to another and I end up more or less being that friend. Does that make any sense?"\n\n"Not really," you admit.\n\n"Oh." Aida looks disappointed. "Well, then let's put it this way: I'm Aida now. And I don't know where the real one is anymore. That's the little thing I did. I became her."\n\nYou nod slowly. "So no chance of speaking to her, I assume."\n\nAida shakes her head. "She left [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] a little while back. No clue why. Didn't ask and she didn't tell. Now there's just me and—" Her voice trails off. "Okay, so if it's really that important, I might know something that might help. Maybe. But it's really strange and weird. Very, very weird, I mean."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I'm used to weird.."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"I'm used to weird," you say. <<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2>>"So just give me what you got and I'll work from there, okay?"\n\n"All right, well—" Aida bites her lip. "Okay, so I wasn't supposed to be checking into her life. But she was my friend. So I did some poking around. My way, you know. On the Vox Edeni. And I found out what ship she was voiding on. No record of where it was headed. But it was leased by [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Which is really odd."\n\n"Because Aida worked for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]," you say, suddenly very alarmed. "I follow so far."\n\nAida looks relieved. "Good. Well. Except that's not the weird bit. The weird thing is that ship? One of my lurker runtimes said it was moored in a pressure-berth a few days ago, utterly totaled. No one seems to know why and it's not on any official reports. But the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] has that place locked up tight and that's weird if you ask me."\n\n"Not necessarily," you say. "Ships get wrecked all the time for all sortsa reasons."\n\n"Yeah, but how often does the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] investigate corporate wreckages?" Aida shrugs. "If ya wanna check on it, berth B40-P51. Me, I don't want anything to do with it. Yeah. No. Not after I'm basically using someone else's idenity and all, yeah? And if ya don't mind, I'll be going about now. This is getting too weird for me."\n\nYou simply nod, uncertain what to think - or how to reply. Thankfully there's no need to because Aida is already gone, her pink tracksuit only just visible through the many backs. But at least you have something to go on now. Maybe you can figure out what happened to the real Aida. And that might give you a hint as to what's really going on behind the scenes of this conspiracy.<<else>>"Unless you don't wanna talk about it."\n\nAida bites her lip. "Well, I really don't, but I should. Had to do with this girl. Aida Abi. I kiiiinda looked into her life because I do that for a living, y'know? Pry into stuff on the Vox Edeni. And I figured out she was voiding on this ship, part of the [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] fleet. Except Aida - yeah, I kinda stole her name, y'know? - was with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."\n\n"Not necessarily odd," you say. "Believers void with all sorts of vessels for a ton of reason."\n\n"Yeah, sure, except then I hear this: the ship gets wrecked out in the void, the girl supposedly dies, and the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is now picking over the wreckage, down in berth B40-P51. I took a peek at the logs. Place is locked up tight and under heavy guard. All just 'cause of some random chick. And suddenly there's people knocking on my door. So I came over here, y'know? Far as I can get from home. Don't want any trouble with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."\n\nYou nod slowly. "Well, that's sure one strange story. And there's probably some law that says I should turn you in for identity theft. But, uh, I'm more curious about that ship. You know anything?"\n\nShe shakes her head. "Just that it's sitting down there and there's some team picking over the wreck. But, yeah. Sorry about that. I think—"\n\nBefore you can reply, Aida - or whoever she is - has disappeared into the crowd. You catch a brief glimpse of a pink tracksuit but then it's gone. Weird. Very weird. Though maybe you should look into that docking berth. Just to be sure this isn't a bigger deal. Wouldn't be the first time a random tidbit of information led you to a goldmine of information.<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Xeno Garden">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon and risk a step toward the dead warden. He doesn't move. Nothing moves. The [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]] is eerily quiet.\n\n"Sorry, man," you mutter as you clear the chamber. "Nothing personal but, hey, at least you got to die with your fluffies."\n\nPredictably, there's no response. You shake your head and head back the way you came, first to that little, bendy corridor. Then through the utility door, past the non-responsive security bot outside, and...<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Out of the Xeno Garden|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.5; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 4; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "kickbot">>"Worthless piece of junk..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "cybercult">>"Hey, there." You stare at the bot...<<else>>You ease the door open and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "kickbot">>"Worthless piece of junk, you." You kick the bot, bruising your big tow on its armored shin. "Ow! Motherfucker."\n\nThe bot remains impassive. "Excuse me, Sir. The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please state your request."\n\n"Right, right, okay..." You pull a face. "User query: display status."\n\nThe bot does not so much as twitch. "Excuse me, Sir. The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please state your request."\n\n"For fuck's sake, really. Who the fuck puts a broken—"\n\n"Excuse me, Sir," the bot drones. "The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please state your request."\n\nYou throw up your hands in despair. "Fine, fine, I get it. Abort. Cancel. Terminate. Whatever."\n\nThe bot doesn't react but you've had enough. Even destorying the heap of junk would be pointless. Fun, maybe, but not worth the shitstorm if its security protocols are still active - worse: if it alerts whoever the hell runs this run-down heap of junk. That kind of trouble is the last thing you need.<<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "cybercult">>"Hey, there." You stare at the bot, feeling stupid. "You got nice legs."\n\n"Command acknowledged. Please stand—" The bot jerks back. "Excuse me, Sir. The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please state your request."\n\nYou snort. "Of course. Why'd I expect anything else?"\n\nThe bot does not so much as twitch. "Excuse me, Sir. The Xenological Garden is closed. If you would like to speak to an administrator, please—"\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cyborg.png"]]</div>Heavy footfalls sound on the walkway. You turn to see two heavily augmented cyborgs striding toward you. Neither shows any emotion but the microcoil guns in their arms are an obvious indication of their intent. It only becomes clearer when one of them raises a weapon arm.\n\nBehind you, the bot is saying, "..nological Garden is closed. If you would—"\n\n"Oh, shut up," you snap, thinking fast.<<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_xenogarden_inside.png"]]</div>You ease the door open and slip into the hallway. Aged glow-panels in the ceiling illuminate countless benches and inactive info-pillars while viewports along either sides look out over miniaturized ecosystems, each designed to mimic a certain world somewhere in the galaxy.\n\nThe sheer on display is astonishing. Some ecosystems resemble the superstructure of habitation platforms like [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Others contain rolling grasslands, lush forests, or barren snowscapes. Then there are the displays that look downright creepy, filled with marshlands and pale, luminescent flora. And a select few are so unique you don't know what to make of them - a display mimics the great void between the stars, for example, and you spot a nebolous chamber that might be the approxmination of a gas giant.\n\nPart of you wonders what they once contained but it's impossible to tell. All the holo-boards are disabled and there doesn't seem to be any fauna inside, just rampant floral growth and in one case... well, the fluorescent blood spatter on the walls and ceiling is - but not the floor, oddly - speaks for itself.\n\nYou're just wondering how the floor remained untouched when a door opens further down the hallway. A young man wearing a safety vest steps out. He has messy brown hair and, unless you're much mistaken, is carrying a tranquilizer gun over his shoulder. Definitely a warden. The only question is: how to deal with him?<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action2 eq "commit">>Cold, heartless malice<<else>>You remain kneeling<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "commit">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_voided.png"]]</div>\n\t\tCold, heartless malice fills you as you kneel there, staring into the projections of the stars. Their presence gives you comfort. Not the kind, loving sort, but the cruel, harsh truths that mirror live as you know it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I swear," you mutter to yourself. "By Voidheart, the Great Devourer, I commit myself to the great empty today. I shall stare into it, unblinking, and not fear what stares back, for there is nothing there. I <<walk>> the old path, as hunters did in the ages before the stars burned bright, and I will never. Ever. Look back."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that, it's done. Not decision, more desperation driven by anger and frustration, to commit to a sect - more a mad superstition than organized religion, to be fair - that you barely understand. But this shrine feels like a second home. Its unforgiving presence is exactly what you've been looking for all your life. Maybe now you'll at last find peace, as many a voider have over the ages: in the symbols of the old gods and the darkness between the stars.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou remain kneeling there for a moment longer, wondering whether that was too harsh - and why you even bothered to pray. But you have to admit it felt good to get that out, to blame someone for all the crap that's happened. You feel calmer than you have in a long time. More alone, admittedly, and a little lost, but at least you got the poison out.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMaybe, in time, this shrine will become your home. But you aren't about to commit too hastily. Not to a faith you barely understand. And most certainly not when you don't even know if you actually believe in it.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You linger by the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou linger by the entrance to the Shrine, waiting for Zweili to arrive. Time drags as voiders come and go to venerate the Loving Stars before a long voyage, or to give silent thanks for their safe return to port. Seldom is more than a word spoken in passing, often no more than nods are exchanged in the shadows of the star-map projection.<br><br>\n\nThose who visit the shrine - and there are quite a few, though they never congregate in groups - are of the solidary sort. Such the curse of the Voiders. And still Zweili doesn't show.<br><br>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Oh, come on," you mutter, glancing down the alley. "Where is that faith fuck?"\n<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it," you mutter, glancing down the alley. "Where the fuck are you?"\n<<else>>"Come on, man," you mutter, glancing down the alley. "What's taking you so long?"\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\tIt isn't like the man to be late and, though you try to message the old Priest, there's no response. Maybe he's busy. Or you missed him. Or any of a million other things. At any rate, there's no reason to skulk around this place any longer. If Zweili really needs you that badly, he'll be in contact again. Admittedly, he might be a little ticked off too, but you can't wait on him forever. He'll understand that. Hopefully.\n<<else>>\n\tIt isn't like the man to be late and you're starting to wonder whether you should message the old Priest when a kid in a hooded jacket enters the temple. You barely glance at him but can't help but grow suspicious when he exchanges brief words with the Shrine's guardians, then point to you. They nod in return and, without so much as a word, depart the shrine, leaving you alone with the kid.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>The situation is so ridiculous it makes you scoff. "What is this? Some kinda joke?"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Okay, wow—" You eye the kid suspiciously. "What exactly is going on here? Do you want something from me?"<<else>>"Okay." You pull a face. "Just what exactly is going on here? Some kinda sick joke?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Precisely."<<else>>"The opposite."<</if>> The kid sits cross-legged, hands upon his knees, amidst the star-map projected on the walls. "Forgive my deception. I needed to speak. With you. Alone. Without my sister and all the nonsense that family attracts. This was the only place I knew I could."\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<nobr>>\n\n/% Collapsed %/\n\n<</nobr>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromstation">>>You leave the Level B10 tramway station and <<walk>> up to the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSpire">>You leave the observation deck and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromLabs">>You leave the warehouse district...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCatacombs">>You leave the Machine Catacomb and...<<else>>>You are on the broad, sunlit boulevard that runs the length of...<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n/% Expanded %/\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromLabs">>You leave the warehouse district via the alley behind the Boulevard Information booth and quickly rejoin the crowd out to enjoy the sun, glad you're away from the mess and hoping against hope the mercs don't come after you. But you're safe for now, safe on the [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], where violence is but a distant memory. Hell, you could almost believe that, what with all the people out to enjoy the sunshine.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCatacombs">>You leave the Machine Catacomb and head the long way back through the many passages and utility ducts to the Cryolounge. A few minutes later, you're on the [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], bathed in the warm sunlight of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]]. \n\nIt feels good to be out in the relative open again, though you can't help but notice the omnipresent crowd feels odd. Even if there's barely anyone around by [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] standards, the world above the superstructure is just a little too bright and active. You'll probably adjust soon enough though.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromstation">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_lockdown.png"]]</div>You join the line of refugees by the Purifier checkpoint. Dozens are being turned aside, and many more are trying to pass. It takes long minutes just to reach one of the robed zealots. He swipes a scanner over your arm.\n\n<<if $attrib.infected>>"Denied," he says, voice distorted by his faceplate. "Stand aside."\n\n"What? But I'm a hunt—"\n\n"Infection. Stand aside." He pushes you away, making room for the next person in the line.<<else>>"Head on through." He stands aside just long enough to let you pass.\n\nYou head up to the broad, sunlit [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]].<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSpire">>You leave the observation deck and head back own to the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]].<<else>>You are on the sunlit [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]] that runs off Level B10.<</if>> <<if $action.arrive neq "fromCatacombs">><<if $attrib.toxicity gt 75>>The bright light of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]], which filters down through the translucent ceiling, makes your temples throb painfully. Irritable, you shield your eyes, trying to make out what's going on.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>The bright light of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]], which filters down through the translucent ceiling, makes your head hurt. You blink a few times, trying to make out what's what.<<else>>The bright light of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]], which filters down through the translucent ceiling, is almost too bright. You have to squint just to make out what's going on - not much, to be frank.<</if>>\n\nThe broad, shop-lined boulevard that runs the length of a deep blue lagoon is oddly deserted. Lone pedestrians amble. No hustle or bustle, just folk idly window-shopping while others sun-bathe at the water's edge. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Except, if you're really honest with yourself, you feel ill at ease here. It's too calm for [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<<else>>It's almost although the day to day worries of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] just disappeared. Unlikely; but that's what it feels like.<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_exterior.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromLabs">>You leave the warehouse district via the alley behind the Boulevard Information booth and quickly rejoin the crowd out to enjoy the sun, glad you're away from the mess and hoping against hope the mercs don't come after you. But you're safe for now, safe on the [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], where violence is but a distant memory. Hell, you could almost believe that, what with all the people out to enjoy the sunshine.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCatacombs">>You leave the Machine Catacomb and head the long way back through the many passages and utility ducts to the Cryolounge. A few minutes later, you're on the [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], bathed in the warm sunlight of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]]. \n\nIt feels good to be out in the relative open again, though you can't help but notice the omnipresent crowd feels odd. Even if there's barely anyone around by [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] standards, the world above the superstructure is just a little too bright and active. You'll probably adjust soon enough though.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromstation">>You leave the Level B10 tramway station and <<walk>> up to the broad, sunlit [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]].<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSpire">>You leave the observation deck and head back own to the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]].<<else>>You are on the sunlit [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]] that runs off Level B10.<</if>> <<if $action.arrive neq "fromCatacombs">><<if $attrib.toxicity gt 75>>The bright light of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]], which filters down through the translucent ceiling, makes your temples throb painfully. Irritable, you shield your eyes, trying to make out what's going on.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>The bright light of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]], which filters down through the translucent ceiling, makes your head hurt. You blink a few times, trying to make out what's what.<<else>>The bright light of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]], which filters down through the translucent ceiling, is almost too bright. You have to squint just to make out what's going on - not much, to be frank.<</if>>\n\nThe broad, shop-lined boulevard that runs the length of a deep blue lagoon is oddly deserted. Lone pedestrians amble. No hustle or bustle, just folk idly window-shopping while others sun-bathe at the water's edge. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Except, if you're really honest with yourself, you feel ill at ease here. It's too calm for [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<<else>>It's almost although the day to day worries of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] just disappeared. Unlikely; but that's what it feels like.<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromConference">>You leave the conference...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing in the...<<else>>You stroll along the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_interior.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromConference">>You leave the conference cavern, pass by the [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside, and return to the lobby of Icefall Cryogenics. The male receptionist looks up as you approach. His female colleague is busy typing away at her holo-terminal.\n\n"I do hope you had a pleasant stay," he says. "Can we at Icefall Cryogenics do anything else for you today?"\n\nA glance at the holo-display hovering behind the reception reveals that basic cryo treatment costs three hundred credits. Side effects include hoarfrost, frostbite, internal organ failure, and nosebleeds but it's guaranteed to relieve all day-to-day stress. Definitely not cheap but proven to be effective - or so they claim.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing in the Icefall Cryogenics lounge on Level B10. The male receptionist taps at his holo-terminal. His female colleague is busy typing away at her holo-terminal.\n\nThe man looks up, smiling. "Sorry. Can we at Icefall Cryogenics do anything else for you today?"<<else>>You stroll along the [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], basking in the glow of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]] as you head for the cryolounge. From the outside, there isn't much to see, just a narrow stairway that leads into the substructure beneath one of the sandy beaches along the promenade.\n\nWhen you descend the steps however, you find yourself in a compfy reception area. Two attendees - one male and one female - sit behind a welcome desk. Both are wearing thick winter jackets. <<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 1 and ($equip.isFashionOutfit or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive")>>A woman in a red suit is speaking to them.\n\nShe looks up when you approach. "<<formalname>>? <<if ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 7 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "church" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber")) or ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 8 and ($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex"))>>If you're here for the conference, I must inform you that you are late. It ended not long ago."\n\n"I... oh." You swallow. "Wasn't aware."\n\n"Unfortunate, yes." She smiles. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish up here. Goodbye."<<else>><<if not $equip.isFashionOutfit>>I, ah, yes. Welcome on behald of the [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. A pleasure.<<else>>A pleasure to meet you. [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] is honored you could make it on such short notice."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm sure you are," you reply coldly.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Contrarily. The pleasure's all mine." You smile.<<else>>"It's a pleasure," you say, faking a smile.<</if>>\n\n<<if not $equip.isFashionOutfit>>"Yes, very well. I suppose you were not informed of the dress code. Regardless. If you would be so kind as to deposit your hardware in the appropriate lockbox and follow me?"<<else>>"Just so. I am told your work has drawn quite some attention of late. But if you would be so kind and follow me."<</if>> She leads the way a door on the right.<<else>><<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 1>>There's no sign of Zweili's contact and neither<<else>>Neither<</if>> take notice of you until you step up to the desk.\n\n"Morning." The man smiles. "Welcome to Icefall Cryogenics, the place for alternative health treatments the mainstream corporate sector doesn't want you to know about. How can we help you today?"\n\nA glance at the holo-display hovering behind the reception reveals that basic cryo treatment costs three hundred credits. Side effects include hoarfrost, frostbite, internal organ failure, and nosebleeds but it's guaranteed to relieve all day-to-day stress. Definitely not cheap but proven to be effective - or so they claim.<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I'd like the basic treatment..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I'd like the basic treatment<<if $attrib.violence lt 50>>, please<</if>>," you say to the receptionist. "Three hundred credits to relieve all my stress, right?"\n\n"That's correct, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. If you'd be so kind as to swipe—" The receptionist slides a data scanner across the desk. "Much appreciated, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. My coworker will now show you to our lounge."\n\nThe woman flashes you a smile. "Please, follow me, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cryoroom.png"]]</div>She leads you to a small chamber filled with frigid mist. There's a padded seat against the far wall and a number of tubes along the walls. Just standing there makes you shiver uncomfortably. \n\n"If you would be so kind as to take a seat—" The assistant indicates the chair.\n\nWhen you sit, the padding gives with a faint creak. Cold seeps through your <<armortype>> and into your body. It takes a concentrated effort not to move while the woman checks your vitals with a scanner.\n\n"All done." She smiles. "The system is calibrated to your physiology, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. Simply lean back and enjoy your stay at Icefall Cryogenics."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You lean back and relax...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou lean back and relax as best you can given the circumstances. Goosebumps crawl over your skin. Something warm presses against the back of your neck. Before you know what has happened, your heartbeat fades to a soft throb. Icy darkness closes in. No thoughts, no feelings, just a senseless calm that washes all your worries and frustrations away. \n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— An Hour Passes —</div>\n\nIt feels like you've been asleep for years when a warm sensation fills your veins. Everythng is frozen. You can barely feel, much less think or percieve. Unable to do anything else, you sit where you are until someone - or something - takes your arm and helps you stand. It takes an effort just to move your muscles but, before long, warmth begins to spread through your body.\n\nIn those thawing moments, as your senses begin to return, you spot a blurry figure before you. Maybe it said something. Maybe not. It's impossible to tell but you could have sworn you heard words.\n\nYou blink the haze out of your eyes. "Eh? What?"\n\nThe figure takes a step closer. "Thank you again, Sir. We hope you have a nice day and come again soon."\n\n"Huh?" You glance around, vaguely aware you are in the reception area of the cryolounge. "Oh. Right. Yeah. Soon."\n\nThe figure said something else too but you aren't listening. Your senses are still blurry. Better to focus on what matters most: getting back in shape and back in the game. It won't be more than a few minutes at most, though a little <<walk>> never hurts after waking from cryosleep.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "doSnipe">>You ready your <<rifle>> and..<<else>>You approach the warden and...<<else>>You ease the door open and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "doSnipe">>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You ready your <<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber. By the time you bring the rifle up, the warden has almost reached the far end of the corridor.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You unsling your <<rifle>> NITE, flip the selector to subsonic, and bring the rifle up. By now, the warden is almost at the far end of the corridor.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Easy..." You settle the aimpoint on man's back, take a slow breath, and put pressure on the trigger. The warden stops and fiddles with a control panel. You're about to squeeze when he moves.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn," you mutter, re-centering your aimpoint on the man's chest, and squeeze the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "XZ">>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a ear-shattering boom, sending a bright red bolt lancing down the corridor. Just to be safe, you scope the far end of the corridor. A clean kill - the warden's been blown into a million bloody bits. \n\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted">>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a soft puff. There's a pained yelp. You scope your target to see the man on the floor, bleeding from a hole in chest. You fire two more rounds at his chest, blast a third into his skull, and lower your weapon.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "XZ">>"Sorry, man," you mutter as you clear the chamber. "Nothing personal."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou sling your <<rifle>> and hurry back the way you came, first to that little, bendy corridor. Then through the utility door, past the non-responsive security bot outside, and...\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted">>"Sorry, man," you mutter as you sling your weapon. "Nothing personal."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMoving quickly and quietly, you hurry back the way you came, first to that little, bendy corridor. Then through the utility door, past the non-responsive security bot outside, and...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "doTalk">>\n\t\tYou approach the warden and call, "Hey, you there. Warden Paul?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe brown-haired fellow stops short. His hand moves towards his tranquilizer gun. "Who are you? What are you doing— wait. Who sent you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No one." You raise your hands cautiously. "I just wanted to talk. It's about—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know what it's fucking about, punk." The warden grabs his gun and, with a practiced motion, cycles the bolt. "Now back. Now. Get the fuck back or I blow your brains off. I'll do it. I swear. I know how to use this thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, shit." You take a step back. "Listen, I didn't mean to startle you. Just put the damned gun down and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You think I'm stupid? Yeah? You think just 'cause I like fluffy animals I'm—" The warden's gun goes off with a loud bang.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSearing heat stings your face as an enormous tranquilizer - definitely not intended for humans - whizzes past. There's no time to think, just act: cover. Behind the nearest info-column. You'll be fine as long as this maniac doesn't hit next time.\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Ith's Chamber">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ithchamber_postkill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Yank out her Spine' 'addon_ithchamber_postfight' >>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "spine"; $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 2; $attrib.stress += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_attack_avoid")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Damaged Sphinxes Spine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_spine_d">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ithchamber_postkill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "ask">>"Okay, I'll play ball: what do you want, kid?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_blindkid.png"]]</div>"To help you so you can help me." The kid's head turns to you, revealing a face shrouded in shadow - a face without eyes. "I know Father Zweili. And I know what you were sent to do. I also know something I believe you should be aware of."<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "demand">>"You better explain yourself, kid, and <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn <</if>>fast. Impersonating a [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] official, luring me out here, and most of all: wasting my time. I don't take lightly to any of that."\n\t\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_blindkid.png"]]</div>"I needed to be certain you'd come." The kid's head turns to you, revealing a face shrouded in shadow - a face without eyes. "I know Father Zweili. And I know what you were sent to do. I also know something I believe you should be aware of."<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "gone">>"I'm gone. You got thirty seconds before I report you for impersonating a [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] official."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_blindkid.png"]]</div>"Wait." The kid's head turns to you, revealing a face shrouded in shadow - a face without eyes. "I know Father Zweili. And I know what you were sent to do. I also know something I believe you should be aware of."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"Something I should know?" You fold your arms. "What?"<br><br>\n\t\n\t"It relates to the evens on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. I voyaged there with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] envoy that retrieved the artefact you're looking for. Not in person, obviously, but in spirit."<br><br>\n\n\t"In spirit?" You don't like the sound of that.<br><br>\n\n\t"Memnetic demons are a curious technology. Her name was Aida Abi, a fine young woman of high house but humble and devoted to the Loving Stars, too kind-natured for this world. Many of the crew thought her naive but she was sensitive, an excellent navigator, tuned to the slightest disturbance in the void. We all liked her very much, all the crew." His eyeless expression grows dark. "And then there was the machine. Corinthin, perhaps, or maybe it was another. The killing machines are all alike. Cold and unfeeling. What it did was unexcusable."<br><br>\n\n\tYour eyes narrow. "Where's this<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> crap<</if>> going?"<br><br>\n\n\t"The Voider's Vow, <<formalname>>, is not lightly broken. But what I heard in those last hours before we—" He hangs his head with a sigh. "[[Quantus|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] is beyond Church jurisdiction and to no surprise [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] refused to part with the artefact. The old device, they said, was not ours to take. Aida negotiated for terms. The machine took a more direct approach and forcefully claimed the artefact. Then..."<br><br>\n\n\t"I think I know where the ends," you say darkly.<br><br>\n\n\t"Anger, frustration, a crew of honest men and women put at great peril for a mere artefact. Then the order was given to purge [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. Aida protested under tears. Even our Captain, a gruff man even by my standards, disliked the command. But we were given no choise. Thousands died to the atomic lance of a single nuclear torpedo. Now all that remains of the miners and their colony is a barren, irradiated rock."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hello. I'd like to speak to...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr. Amman. I was told he might be found here?"\n\n"Let me check." The receptionist's smile doesn't waver as he taps at a data pad. <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1 and not $chr_fabienne.alive>>"Ah, unfortunately he isn't in today. And his reservation has been canceled in future I see too. So I'm sorry to say I can't help you."\n\n"Damn. Got a contact address or something?"\n\n"Even if we did, that information is private," the receptionist says. "I'm truly sorry, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I really can't help you at all."<<else>>"And who should I say is calling, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>?"\n\n"Name's Vine." You hastily add, "<<firstname>> Acrel."\n\n"Of course." The receptionist taps again. "Forgive me for the disturbance, Sir, but—" An inaudible voice blares from the data pad. "Yes, Sir. But of course, Sir. It is merely, Sir, that—" The voice sqawks again. "I understand, Sir."\n\nThe receptionist gestures to a door on his left. "Fourth lounge on the left, <<formalname>>. Please enjoy your stay."\n\n"Thanks." You <<walk>> up to the door.\n\nHydraulics hiss. Frigid air wafts from the icy-blue corridor beyond. Ventilation fans hum in the ceiling. The floor plates groan when you step on them. You test your way forward, past three sealed hatches, until you're standing before the fourth door on the left. A sign above the release reads: //(-15┬░C)//\n\n"Well, that's just cozy," you mutter, causing frost to form on your breath, and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You hit the door release and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_private.png"]]</div>You hit the door release and step into the lounge. Your soles slide on the icy floor. Panicked, you slow to a shuffle, and glance around. Icy mist so think you can only see swirls on all sides. Every breath you draw makes you shudder a little more.\n\n"Man, it's cold." <<if $equip.clothes eq "Iso Coat" or $equip.clothes eq "Iso Jacker">>You hug your Iso closer, glad for the warming fabric.<<else>>You hug yourself tightly, wishing you were anywhere else.<</if>> "Hello? Is anyone here?"\n\nSoft whispers meet your ears. Footsteps patter on ice. A woman wrapped in furs appears from the mist, saying, <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>"Oh, it's you. I thought... never mind. Mr. Amman is occupied at the moment but I'll be able to answer your questions."\n\n"Okay," you say through chattering teeth. "And who are you?"\n\n"His personal assistant and bodyguard." She smiles. "Anyways, I'll assume you're here because Xaviar sent you. He's been inquiring a lot lately. It's been irritating poor Mr. Amman to no end."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Not really my problem. And I'd really like a few answers. Unless that's too irritating."\n\n"Oh, no," the woman says with a hint of a smirk on her lips. "Please, do ask away."<<else>>"Sorry to hear that. I just have a few questions."\n\n"Oh, that's quite all right," the woman says with a hint of a smirk on her lips. "Please, do ask away."<</if>><<else>>"Vine, I suppose? Please follow me. And do wear this." She holds out a thick coat. "Mr. Amman insists."\n\n"Right." All too relieved, you wrap yourself in the coat and follow the woman into the haze.\n\nShe stops before an icy bed. There's a man with short, brown lying on it - sans coat - and another fellow massaging his back. The woman glances at you. "I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Amman. No funny business. Believe me. You won't live."\n\n"It's quite all right, dear," Mr. Amman murmurs lazily. "I truly doubt Vine wants - lower, Jared, yes, just like that - to hurt us."\n\n"Actually, I'm—" Frigid air fills your lungs, causing you to hesitate. "I just wanted to ask a few questions."\n\n"How predictable." Mr. Amman turns his head just far enough to look at you. "Do feel free to ask away, Vine. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "aboutlounge">>"Unrelated question but..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "zanexemployer">>"I wanted to know about...<<else>>"If you don't mind me asking...<</if>>"<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "aboutlounge">>"Unrelated question but why the cryolounge? Seems like an odd place to meet."\n\n<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>The woman shrugs absently. "Calm? Quiet? No one around to see what goes on? You'd have to ask Mr. Ammann."\n\n"It's also <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cold as fuck<<else>>positively freezing<</if>>," you point out.\n\n"True, though that's the point I think. But yeah. This really isn't what you came to talk about, is it?"<<else>>Mr. Amman chuckles. "It is, you think? I disagree. It is quite possibly the best place one might run ones business from. Quality service, a cooling atmosphere, and little to no chance of prying ears."\n\n"It's also <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cold as fuck<<else>>positively freezing<</if>>," you point out.\n\n"Only to those who are not thermally adapted. Plus, it serves as ample deterrent for those I do not wish to linger. But I digress. You cannot have come here simply to speak of this, did you?"<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "zanexemployer">>"Yeah, I wanted to know about [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], specifically some of their most recent contracts. Word is <<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>Mr. Amman is<<else>>you're<</if>> the person to ask about that."\n\n<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>"Oh, I guess you're talking about that thing at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]? Yeah, Mr. Amman said you might ask. I'll go out on a limb and assume you want to know who's responsible?"\n\nYou nod. "Just that. Provided it's not too much to ask."\n\n"No, of course not. Really nasty business. Not the kind anyone likes to see. But Mr. Amman doesn't have all the details either." She looks apologetic.\n\n"In other words—" You shiver involuntarily. "—I'm wasting my time here."\n\n"Well, not entirely," the woman says. "We know it's related to a recent incident at the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. I'd suggest looking into that. Might lead you to who you're looking for."<<else>>"Were any old punk to ask I'd say no, Vine. But I know you're better informed. So yes, I know a thing or two about the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] and their operations. Care to be a little more precise than recent?"\n\n"Few days ago maybe?" You shrug. "Controversial thing involving the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]."\n\n"Ahh, yes. I see why you would be interested in that." Mr. Amman breathes a content sigh as the masseur digs his palms into Amman's shoulder blades. "Oh, that feels good, Jared. Keep... but yes. Where was I?"\n\n"The contract," you say coldly.\n\nMr. Amman nods lazily. "Yes, yes, the contract. Almost figured you'd be into that. A matter of revenge, maybe? You want to know who was responsible for the death of your old Boss?"\n\n"Something like that."\n\n"Again, predictable. But motive's irrelevant. What you want to hear is this: I could easily be persuaded to share what I know of that operation. All you would need to know are my particular tastes." Mr. Amman's eyes fix you with an absent stare. "You did think to ask our friend about my perculiarities, didn't you, Vine?"<</if>><<else>><<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 1>>"If you don't mind me asking, who is Mr. Amman exactly?"\n\n"A businessman," the woman says. "I'm afraid that's really all I know."\n\nYour brow furrows. "Just... that?"\n\n"He trades information, I can tell you that. Many people come to him to know things. And he's an honest one, respects customers and privacy, doesn't cheat or do underhand deals. A well-versed middleman, I guess you could say. But I haven't been with him long. So I don't know everything - and probably wouldn't be allowed to tell even if I did."<<else>>"If you don't mind me asking, who are you exactly?"\n\n"A businessman." Mr. Amman chuckles softly, causing icy mist to wreath his head. "But that's not what you meant, is it?"\n\nYou shake your head in response.\n\n"Well, my name is Fergus Amman. I'm native to Scaffold 127, moved here about thirty years ago. Business, you know." Amman scowls ever so slightly. "Sad time in my life, really. Took a lot of low blows from a lot of people who shouldn't have been stooping to that level. But I worked my way up. And that's all I'm willing to tell you just now, Vine. The important part is that I'm a man of my word. I didn't get where I am today by cheating. Many of my colleagues have, I confess, but not me. And it's paid off in the long run."\n\n"Surprising, in this world."\n\nMr. Amman laughs softly. "Trust and loyalty, Vine. They may be but illusions but they're damned valuable illusions in today's market."\n\n"Way things have been going for me, I'm not sure I trust anyone. Or have any loyalty." You shrug. "Not that it's any of your business, but yeah."\n\n"It isn't but here's some free advice: if you can't trust in honesty, you should choose your friends more carefully."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "thankyou">>"Well, thanks for the information...<<elseif $action.action5 eq "whycult">>"What's the Cult of Juno..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "didntask">>"Actually, no. I didn't ask..."<<else>>"Quit beating around the bush and..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 2>><<if $action.action5 eq "thankyou">>"Well, thanks for the information. Strange lead. But I'll look into it."<<else>>"What's the [[Cult of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] got to do with the attack on the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]?"\n\n"I really couldn't say but Mr. Amman did mention the money trail led there. I'd have to ask. But I can't promise an answer."\n\nYou wave a hand. "I'll just figure it out for myself. And thanks."<</if>>\n\n"Glad to be of service." The woman's expression faulters. "Just, uh, do please not bother Mr. Amman about this anymore. He likes to keep his head down. I'm sure you understand."\n\n"Of course. Good bye." You shuffle back toward the door.\n\nIcy air bites your skin until, after what feels like forever, you reach the exit. Heat wafts in your face the moment you step out. Relieved, you head back to the lobby. The two receptionists thank you for enjoying their services. You mumble an unintelligable response through chattering teeth and...<<else>><<if $action.action5 eq "didntask">>"Actually, no. I didn't ask. But you can help me so just—"\n\n"You didn't bother to ask about me before we met?" Mr. Amman looks vaguely disappointed. \n\n<<else>>"Quit beating around the bush and give it to be plain," you say through chattering teeth. "I'm freezing."\n\n"So rash and impolite," Mr. Amman says, looking disappointed.<</if>> "Tragic. Really, it is. But okay. My particular tastes happen to be - surprise - fine foods. I happen to like aquatic xenofauna best and, well, an oppertunity presented itself. The [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]], you know, the one that's been closed for almost a decade?"\n\n"I know the place," you say. "From the outside at least."\n\n"Well, I happened to meet the owner at a fundraising event. Odd man, a bit desperate maybe. Anyways, he told me that their lease on the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]] would expire in a few months and they were auctioning off the few remaining specimens at reduced prices. Naturally, I asked if they had a [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]], and they did!"\n\n"Let me guess: you paid but never got your wolfsquid."\n\nMr. Amman looks sad. "Worse. We'd just made the deal when one of the wardens got wind of the affair and released the unfortunate creature. Now the poor owner is up to his neck in legal fees he can't pay and, to make matters worse, there's a [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] running amok somewhere in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Dastardly affair, I do say."\n\n<<if $loc_gravtunnel.killedCephanine eq true>>"Well, if you want the wolfsquid back, you're shit outa luck. I just put one down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] a little while back." You shrug. "Unless you want a rotting squid corpse, in which case—"\n\n"No, no, not the [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]], Vine. The warden's the one I want. Deal with. Quietly. And permanently."<<else>>"So, which one do you want dealt with? The wolfsquid, the warden, or the owner?"\n\n"The warden. I feel terrible for the owner and the [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] isn't much better off. But that warden, he intruded on my business, and I can't let that stand."<</if>>\n\n"Hm." You make a quick note on your frost-caked [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "agenda"]] and say, "It's an unusual request. And my job description is abomination hunter, not hitman, so I'll have to think about it."\n\n"You do that." Mr. Amman gestures into the fog. "Do show yourself out. And Vine? Please don't bother to come back unless you've done that little favor for me."\n\n"Don't worry," you say, beating a shuffling retreat toward the door.\n\nIcy air bites your skin until, after what feels like forever, you reach the exit. Heat wafts in your face the moment you step out. Relieved, you dump the jacket you were given on the floor and head back to the lobby. The two receptionists thank you for enjoying their services. You mumble an unintelligable response through chattering teeth and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_ith.png"]]</div>You lower your weapons and step up to Ith. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] looks nothing like you expected, simply a clutter of circuits and long-rotten organs.\n\nTrying not to think about what you're doing, you examine it's twisted spine. Countless wires and tubes are grafted into it and several devices that remind you of holo-projectors have been installed along the length. Near the base of its synthetic skull, you find four power cores and move wires running into the mask.\n\nExcept the abomination's appearance is only half as ugly as what you have to do next. The very idea makes your guts churn. But you've come this far. No reason to give up now.<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_cryolounge.storedPistol eq "MF-R2">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the MF-R2'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_cryolounge.storedPistol; $loc_cryolounge.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedBackupWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#amman-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cryolounge_amman_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the MF-R2'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_cryolounge.storedPistol; $loc_cryolounge.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#amman-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cryolounge_amman_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b10_cryolounge_action][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "leave"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Scrap Yard Pit">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Scrap Yard|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action1 = "enter"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it looks Bad|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action2 = "agree"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action2 = "nocare"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take a Swig|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action2 = "takeDrink"; $attrib.toxicity += 15; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Bottle|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action2 = "noDrink"; $attrib.toxicity += 2; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insult the Man|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action2 = "chewOut"; $attrib.violence += 2; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check the Pumping Station|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action3 = "pumpstation"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Lower Platform|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action3 = "lowplatform"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check the Pumping Station|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action3 = "pumpstation"; $attrib.toxicity += 2; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Lower Platform|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action3 = "lowplatform"; $attrib.toxicity += 2; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_search_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "pumpstation">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_scrapyard.tookDrugs>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the StimFuel Inhaler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_scrapyard.tookDrugs = true; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "StimFuel Inhaler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_scrapyard.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move' id='takeammo'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(17 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_scrapyard.tookAmmo = true; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(17 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#takeammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("takeammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Pumping Station|b33_scrapyard_oger][$action.action3 = "lowplatform_2"; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b33_scrapyard_oger][$processed = false; $action.action4 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $hide.layer0 = true; $loc_scrapyard.killedAbomination = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_imposingKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b33_scrapyard_oger][$processed = false; $action.action4 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 12; $hide.layer0 = true; $loc_scrapyard.killedAbomination = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_imposingKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Oger|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromFight"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Oger_B33"; $processed = false; $loc_scrapyard.killedAbomination = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Observe the Oger|b33_scrapyard_oger][$processed = false; $action.action4 = "doRunAway"; $attrib.caution += 2; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_search_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "doRunAway">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Oger|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromFight"; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Oger_B33_Alt"; $processed = false; $loc_scrapyard.killedAbomination = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare the Oger|b33_scrapyard_oger_loot][$action.arrive = "fromRunAway"; $attrib.violence -= 3; $processed = false; $loc_scrapyard.killedAbomination = false; $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Oger|b33_scrapyard_oger_loot][$action.arrive = "fromSnipe"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"You messaged me about an Oger..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"You messaged me about an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]," you say. "Some kinda problem you've been having 'round here or what?"\n\n"Ah, yeah, dat thing." Mark pulls a face. "Been raisin' hell down in the Yard. Down on 'em lower levels. There's grav-platforms out front that'll take ya down to the drainage pipes. Area's put in secure mode so ye'll have to activate manual override to get the platform moving. Oh, an' bring me somethin' in way of proof on yer way back up, yeah? My boss's got it in for me. Think's I'm skimmin credits for me buddies or somethin'."\n\n"Okay." You've just stepped up to the gate when Mark places a hand on your shoulder. "What?"\n\n"Be careful, man. I's already lost good guys down there. Don't wan' be losing my customers now too, do I?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You snort. "One fucking [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] and you get all feelsy? For real?"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You nod. "I will. Believe me. I know not to screw around with [[Ogers|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]].<<else>>Your lips curl. "Trust me, I can handle one [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Ya, figured ye did. Was jus', eh, never mind."<<else>>"Yeah, yeah, 'course you can."<</if>> Mark waves for the men to unlock the gate. "Grav-plafrom's jus' throug 'ere and to the right. Sure you'll figure it out."<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Apt 124661">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside" and $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Hellspike' 'b30_siren_apt_action'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "takespike"; $equip.knife = "hellspike"; $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refuse the Knife|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "leavespike"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Show Fabienne the Object|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "showobject"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.15; $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal = "fabienne"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $chr_fabienne.met and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.siren>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need her Help|b30_siren_apt_action][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "finalmission"; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "fabienne"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 or (($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber") and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7)) and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.siren eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Djinn|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "djinn"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1) and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.siren eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Paladins|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "paladins"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Athena Medical Labs|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "athenamedical"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say Warlock's still Alive|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "warlock"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 6 and $chr_fabienne.met>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about ancient Cyphers|b30_siren_apt_cypher][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lte 2 and $job_witches_pendant.askedSiren eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Strange Pendant|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "pendant"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor" and $chr_fabienne.met and $characterEncounterPhases.fabienneGunPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Candle Incident|b30_siren_apt_action][$action.action1 = "candles"; $hide.layer1 = true; $characterEncounterPhases.fabienneGunPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met and ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkFabienne>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b30_fabienne_breakdown][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerFabienne>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b30_fabienne_ogerlair][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Morgue Stencils|b30_fabienne_stencils][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.5 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_area_infected"; $randomScene = "rat"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.5 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_area_infected"; $randomScene = "scavenger"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b30_area_infected][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Appartment|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the...<<else>>You are in Unit 156331 on the third floor of...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_fabienne.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>your footfalls echoing in the oppressive fog. Some ways along, you turn into a hab and head up to the thrid floor.The door to Unit 124661 is locked, so you hit the buzzer and wait.<<else>>, fighting though the usual crowd, until you reach Unit 124661, where you turn off and take the stairs up to the third floor. The door to Unit 124661 is locked, so you hit the buzzer and wait.<</if>> \n\nAfter a few seconds, the door unlocks. No one comes out to greet you, so you step inside. The appartment is<<else>>You are in Unit 156331 on the third floor of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. It's<</if>> tiny, even by [[B30 Standards|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. There's barely enough space to fit a grimy mattress and a small cooker in the corner. There are clothes scattered all over and the stale air reeks of something you can't even identify. Considering there's no wash tube in sight, that really isn't a surprise. That or <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne just hates cleaning up<<else>>[[Sirens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] have terrible hygiene<</if>>.\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside" and $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 3>>The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] - since changed into a female body with jet black hair - is sitting on the mattress, draped in a long, purple dress. It smiles at you. "I wasn't sure you'd really show. <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>Especially since this place has gone to hell <</if>>But now you're here."\n\n"Wasn't sure I should," you say, eyeing the room. "So, what now?"\n\n"I said I would make it worth your while, so—" The woman flicks a hand, causing a slender knife to whizz into the wall beside you. "A present if you wish. Don't panic. I missed on purpose."\n\n"Glad you did," you growl, eyeing the knife. "What is it?"\n\nThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] looks insulted. "Why, a [[Hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]], of course. The best of its sort. Made by me. Even licked the blade." She winks. "But okay, if you don't want it, I wouldn't be insulted. We could just chat. Or maybe I could be of use in your, well, line of work."<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne, still in her red-haired form, is sitting on the mattress. She grins. "Hey, Vine. Nice of you to drop by. What's up?"<<else>>The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]], still in its black-haired female form, is sitting on the mattress. It smiles. <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>"Weather's a bit shit outside, isn't it? But nice to see you. You here to chat? Or just spend the end of days less alone?"<<else>> "How nice of you to stop by. Was there something you wanted? Or were you just lonely tonight?"<</if>><</if>><<else>><<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne smiles. "So, you planning on hanging around? Mean, I know it's still a mess, but I'll get around to cleaning up. Someday. When hell freezes over or something.<<else>>The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] smiles at you. "You're welcome to stay a while, if you want. But I wouldn't be insulted if you left either. It's not the most pleasant place, this."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n/% hauler-loot %/\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $loc_derelict_hauler.storedRifle eq "VIM">>\n\t\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the VIM'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_derelict_hauler.storedRifle; $loc_derelict_hauler.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hauler-loot'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hauler_lootoptions'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the VIM'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_derelict_hauler.storedRifle; $loc_derelict_hauler.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hauler-loot'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hauler_lootoptions'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_derelict_hauler.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_derelict_hauler.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 6000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x6000">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Close the Voidtrunk|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "continue"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pick up the Data Pad|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "maintenancelog"; $loc_derelict_hauler.readMaintenanceLog = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n<<if $loc_derelict_hauler.storedArmor eq "Void Suit">>\n\t<<set $clickName = 'Wear the Void Suit'>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $clickName = 'Return the Void Suit'>>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n<<click $clickName>>\n\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_derelict_hauler.storedArmor; $loc_derelict_hauler.storedArmor = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\n\t<<replace '#hauler-loot'>>\n\t\t<<display 'hauler_loot_2'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<</click>>\n</div><br>\n\n<<if $loc_derelict_hauler.tookAmmo1 eq false>> \n\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric lt $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Conductive Bolt'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_derelict_hauler.tookAmmo1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Condctive Bolt x1">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_electro">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Scattershot Canister]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Neurotoxin Canisters]</div></div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Scattershot Canister]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Crew Quarters|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "crew"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOther"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 4>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Void Hauler|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "fromCommand"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 3>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "gun">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "knife">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Raj's apt">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_kill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare Raj Winston|the_crossroads_addon_killraj][$action.action1 = "spare"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 5; $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase = 12; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "gun">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill Raj Winston|the_crossroads_addon_killraj][$action.action1 = "kill"; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 3; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.criminality += 1; $chr_raj.alive = false; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill Raj Winston|the_crossroads_addon_killraj][$action.action1 = "kill"; $chr_raj.alive = false; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.criminality += 1; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_kill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_kill_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromraj"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Ith's Chamber">>\n<<if not $equip.hideWeaponLoadout>>\n\t<<set $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Ith Means|addon_sirenssong_kill_ith][$action.action1 = "whatmean"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you considered Murder|addon_sirenssong_kill_ith][$action.action1 = "admit"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Pretend not to Understand|addon_sirenssong_kill_ith][$action.action1 = "notunderstand"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight for your Life|addon_sirenssong_kill_ith][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "kill"; $chr_ith.alive = false; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_sphinx', 'didKill'); $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.machineKilled += 1; $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Decide to kill Ith|addon_sirenssong_kill_ith][$action.action2 = "kill"; $chr_ith.alive = false; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; playContextSound("ui_clock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Decide to spare Ith|addon_sirenssong_kill_ith][$action.action2 = "spare"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 5; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_sphinx', 'didSpare'); $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "kill">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Sphinx|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromKill"; $combatTemplate = "Sphinx_HerChamber"; $processed = false; $attrib.criminality += 3]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Bar|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 99; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.passed += 0.25; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t/% this below here should no longer trigger; is in different scene now %/\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ithchambers_kill_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "unlikely">>"Paladin nuking a colony? That's..."<<else>>"Why are you telling me? This is the kinda..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "unlikely">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] nuking a colony? Listen, I hate the faiths as much as anyone else, but that's one hell of an accusation. Even tin cans don't go around the galaxy comitting genocide on a whim."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] nuking a colony? Listen, I know those tin cans are bastards, but they don't go running around the galaxy comitting willful genocide."\n\t\t<<else>>"[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] nuking a colony? Sure, they're harsh to anyone found guilty, but they don't go running around the galaxy comitting genocide either."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<br><br>\n\n\t"Maybe not, but the machines have." The kid fixes you with his sightless gaze. "And Aida has since disappeared, <<formalname>>. She was the only one among us who had not taken a vow of silence to the Loving Stars. She was the only one whose word could have made this injustice known."\n\n\t<<else>>"Why are you telling me? This is the kinda <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>">>shit<<else>>issue<</if>> the <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>faith-licking Clergy<<else>>Clergy<</if>> deals with. Administrative punishment, adherence to <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>bullshit <</if>>laws. I just hunt abominations."<br><br>\n\n\t"Unfortunately, the administration would be powerless even if it did believe my story." The kid fixes you with his sightless gaze. "I appear a child to this world even though I am a century older than you and, alas, even if one would believe me, I have no proof. Aida has disappeared, <<formalname>>. She was the only one among us who had not taken a vow of silence to the Loving Stars. Her word could have made this matter known."\n\t\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tYour lips twitch. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, and I'm guessing you can't prove any of this, right?"<<else>>"Right. And for some reason I doubt you can prove any of this."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThe kid shakes his head. "All records were purged from our vessel's systems and the absence of a fission warhead was attributed to corsair raiders. A known issue when one ventures to the edges of civilized space. I said nothing at first but, when Aida disappeared, I found the courage to take this issue to Zweili. He was always kind to me, saved me from the horror of the Athena Medical facility, reunited me with my sister, and even introduced me to Captain Erhardt. But even the great and powerful Zweili could only look into the matter and we all know what it means when a cleric says they will look into something: the truth will be forgotten, remembered only as nightmares for the few who know what happened."<br><br>\n\n\t"And you want me to do what exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Anything you can," the kid says earnestly. "And if you hear anything of Aida, anything at all, I beg you to investigate. Please. Your position is not strong within the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], I know, but perhaps your unorthodox methods can bring this matter to light all the same."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I'd like to speak to...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I'd like to speak to Mr. Amman. He still here?"\n\n"Let me check." The receptionist's smile doesn't waver as he taps at a data pad. "And who should I say—"\n\n"Oh, never mind." You set a hasty pace toward the door on the left, saying, "Tell him I'm coming, man."\n\n"Hey, hey, you can't—" The receptionist's voice is cut short as the door snaps closed behind you.\n\nYou stride down the frigid corridor to the fourth door on the left and hit the release. Hydraulics hiss. The door retracts, releasing a chill wind. Indifferent, you stride into the icy mist beyond - and almost slip, again. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_private.png"]]</div>"Fuck." You slow your pace, saying, "Amman? You in here?"\n\nSilence haunts the icy air. Mist swirls laziy. Machinery creakes. A silhouette moves in the haze to your left only to vanish again.\n\n"Amman?" You step in that direction, unable to see the shape anymore. "Hey, that you?"\n\nThere's no reply. You shiver uncomfortably. Something is wrong, very wrong, that much is clear. The only question is what.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You glance around one last time...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou glance around one last time, see nothing, and <<if $action.action2 eq "search">>begin to search the room. Progress is as slow as your pace. It's impossible to see more than a foot in any direction.\n\n"For real though," you mutter, shivering as you advance one careful step at a time. "Who the fuck holes up in a cryolounge?"\n\nThere's no response, just the dull hum of a machine somewhere nearby. You've barely taken a step in that direction when you spot a dark shape on the ground. It quickly resolves into a woman wrapped in a thick fur coat. Blood is seeping from her neck and onto the icy floor.\n\n"Ah, crap." You kneel, glancing around nervously.\n\nNothing moves amidst the haze, nor does the woman seem to notice your presence. Hypothermia, probably, if the wound didn't sever her spine - it looks deep. Whatever caused it was incredibly sharp. And whoever did this must've struck fast because the woman didn't even have time to draw the [[MF-R2|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-R2"]] holsetered under her coat. Your best assumption: she was Amman's bodyguard, but there's no way to know whether her sacrifice was worth it.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leave">>You glance around one last time, see nothing, and cautiously backpedal toward the door. No point in lingering, not if Amman isn't there. Question just is whether he's dead, got spooked, or something else happened and you have no way to know.\n\n<<display 'amman_revisit_leave_txt'>><</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You stand, resigned to the fact...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou stand, resigned to the fact there's nothing more you can do, and shuffle back toward the door. No point in lingering, not if Amman isn't there. Question just is whether he's dead or not - and if not, where he is now.\n\n<<display 'amman_revisit_leave_txt'>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You step through the gate, into...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawlgeneric.png"]]</div>You step through the gate, into the Scrap Yard. Great piles of twisted metal, discarded circuitry, and all manner of other recyclable waste has been piled in the chasm below. Assorted cranes - some magnetic, others grav-driven - stand on great pillars amidst the piles of junk. Against the distant wall, six gigantic processing stations belch smoke into ventilation pipes that were once transparent but have since been smudged black as coal.\n\nTo your immediate right, four grav-platforms are docked beside a walkway. Each is six meters wide and surrounded by safety railings. Two are laden with machinery - vaccuums by the looks - and another has been piled high with drums of rust-paint. The fourth is unused but there's a workman leaning against the railing, staring at nothing in particular.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey."<<else>>"Exuse me."<</if>> You approach the fellow. "You run this thing?"\n\nThe man looks up with sunken eyes. "Aye. An' yer dat <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>bloke<<else>>one<</if>> they said's gon' take care of our [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] problem, true? Ain't a callin' I envy. But life's as it is, eh?" The workman waves a had over the holo-display mounted on the platform. "Grab hold. I'll float ye down."\n\nYou grab the railing the same moment the magnetic clamps release. The grav-platform shudders as it floats away from the walkway, slowly drifting out over the piles of junk. You stand and wait, staring out over the scrap yard and <<if $equip.isConcealing>>secretly glad you came with a mask.<<else>>pretending the assorted junk doesn't reek half as badly as it does.<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isConcealing>>"Shitty place, eh?" The man takes a swig from a small flask.<<else>>"Oi, mate." The workman holds out a small flask. "Me own homebrew. Makes 'em stench more bearable."<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Cryolounge">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_hellcat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Scratch Marks|b10_cryolounge_hellcat][$action.action2 = "scratchmarks"; $action.action4 = "true"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cryochamber|b10_cryolounge_hellcat][$action.action2 = "chamber"; $action.action5 = "true"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 neq "wherego">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_hellcat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_hellcat_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 neq "true">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Scratch Marks|b10_cryolounge_hellcat][$action.action2 = "scratchmarks"; $action.action4 = "true"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 neq "true">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cryochamber|b10_cryolounge_hellcat][$action.action2 = "chamber"; $action.action5 = "true"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask where to Go|b10_cryolounge_hellcat][$action.action3 = "wherego"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_hellcat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_hellcat_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_lounge_hellcat_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remove the Crowbar|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_inside][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I'm here about the..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I'm here about the abomination," you tell the receptionist. "Your head of security sent me a message."\n\n"Ah, you are the legendary Vine?" The receptionist looks surprised, but quickly composes himself. "It is an honor to have you here, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You roll your eyes. "Whatever. Where's the damn thing at? And what can you tell me about it?"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You force a smile. "Always glad to help. Now, can you tell me anything about the menace?"<<else>>You have to fight not to laugh. "Honor's mine, man. Now what do you know about the beast?"<</if>>\n\n"Little, I am afraid, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. There was an incident in one of the cryonics chambers. When the technicians went to investigate they, uh, found what they said were bite and claw marks all over, but no indication of what cause them. I do believe Mr. Harper, our Director of Security, sent someone down to investigate but, ah, that was several hours ago and they have not returned."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"So, basically, they're dead."<<else>>"That's bad. Any chane they're still alive?"<</if>>\n\nThe receptionist shrinks a little. "Possibly, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. We are not legally allowed to remotely monitor vitals due to privacy concerns. So I cannot say."<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Apt 124661">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "takespike" or $action.action1 eq "leavespike">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "djinn">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.siren = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.siren = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pendant">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_witches_pendant.askedSiren = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "finalmission">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the apartment with Fabienne|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1.5; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "warlock">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "candles">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Gun' 'b30_siren_apt'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip.pistol.name = "BL4K"; $statistics.lootedBackupWeapon += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Gun|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "takespike">>You take the Hellspike...\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leavespike">>You leave the knife...\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>"I have a question," you say...\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "djinn">>"I was wondering if..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">>"Hey, do you know anything..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pendant">>"Hey, I found this thing..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "finalmission">>"Hey, I need your help..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "warlock">>"We really gotta talk..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "candles">>"Hey, something really weird..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "showobject">>"I have to ask you..."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "takespike" or $action.action1 eq "leavespike">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "takespike">>You take the Hellspike and step up to the abomination. "Thanks for the blade but your help? Nah. Why would I need that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leavespike">>You leave the knife and glower at the abomination. "Don't need your pointy things or your help. Thanks. But no thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, I have my uses," the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] says with a sly smirk. "I hear things. I know things. Occasionally, I do things. Plus it sounds a lot like you lost a good friend saving my life. So how much can it hurt to have another, well, friend?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"When they're a raping, murdering abomination?" You scoff. "A lot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] looks insulted. "Oh, please do stop with the stereotypes. I kill for professional pleasure, not for fun. I didn't even kill the poor girl who once owned this place. I just found her that way. The way I find most of my victims. So close to death a little fun can't hurt on the way out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sounds suspciciously like abomination logic to me," you growl.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Maybe it is." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] shrugs. "Point remains, I can help you. And I think you might need me. So how about we do away with all the unpleasantries and just start over. I'm sure this could become a beautiful friendship... with a little ticking and tacking here and there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Be careful who you call friend. But okay. Maybe we could be of mutual benefit. But only until the day I decide to come back and ice you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe abomination grins. "Oh, a little threat from a little <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>man<<else>>girl<</if>>. You see? This is shaping up wonderfully."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>\n\t\t\t"I have a question," you say. "A strange one. But you got ears around so maybe you know: is there an Athena Medical lab here somewhere in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]? Small place maybe, on the upper levels?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, back behind [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Boulevard"]] Information. Guys moved in a few weeks ago. Security's tight as can be. [[Power Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]], the whole deal. Think [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is providing muscle. At least, that's the logos they all had on."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>You shoot her a dubious glance. "And you just, what, happen to know this?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>Your brow furrows. "And you just happen to know this and want to share freely?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sure." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] musters you with an even gaze. "I was running an job up there, remember? And I saw a few things. And I said if I saw anything, I'd tell you. I'm a good friend like that, you know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>"True, when you aren't stealing stuff."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Friend." The very idea makes you laugh.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, want me to prove it?" The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] reaches into the mess of stuff lying on the floor and pulls out an ID card. "See this? Old school tech but it's how they keep that place secure; no chance you'll get in with a simple hack. I nabbed it off one of the lab rats while he was out back, smoking. Figured it might come in handy." She holds out the card. "Take it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou take the card. <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>"Proving that you're still a better thief than liar."<<else>>"This had better not be a setup or I swear I'll be back."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>"Being a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] does that to you. Everyone thinks you're someone they trust." She shakes her head sadly. "So sad, really."<<else>>"Oh, I'm counting on that, one way or another." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] smirks.<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "djinn">>\n\t\t\t"I was wondering if you know anything about [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]," you say. "Random trivia, anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Beyond that they're sorta the same as us?" The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] shrugs. "No."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>You snort. "Fabi, I don't think corsairs are anything like thieves. Unless you mean something else?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>You can't help but smirk. "What? How are those warriors even remotely similar to bottom feeding filth like you?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, we're both biologically based abominations, both don't like technology unless we need it 'cause it fucks with our physiology, and yeah. Only difference is that they were bred for war by, well, I don't really know. We on the other hand were a good idea gone horribly wrong. The [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] never recovered from us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"[[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]]?" You blink, surprised. "I never knew [[Sirens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] were a product of [[Witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We're not," the abomination says in an uncharactersitically bland tone. "We're [[witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. Or were. Had this idea we could turn sex into this great, metaphysical experience that would elevate us to another plane of existence. Or so the theory. Got a whole bunch of witches and warlocks together and held a magnificent orgy. Real fun. At least, until we realized that turning the entire [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] into [[Sirens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] meant all of us were now infertile and most of us were so ridden with cancers they died within days. It was very depressing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a short silence during which the abomination looks genuinely sad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Anyways, most of the survivors commited suicide. Some of us figured what the hell. At least we can still enjoy life. And we did. A lot. Didn't take long for the [[Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] to brand the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] as monumental idiots. Sad times, those. Ended with virtually every warlock in the galaxy being executed because, well, the whole orgy idea was obviously their fault with them being men and all that." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] snickers. "Actually, it's kinda funny in retrospect. I'm sure Lady vi Atada found it extremely amusing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Who?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No one you need worry yourself about. A trickster of the old world. No doubt long gone in this age, or so I hope. Still, always good for a good joke, Lady vi Atada. And she played a splendid one on the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>"Doesn't sound that funny but okay. How's this relate to the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Hilarious, but how does that relate to the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not at all. I was answering your other question. I don't know anything about [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Never had to deal with one, at least not in this age. They leave us alone on principle. Or because they think we're pathetic. I don't know and don't care. So, sorry, can't help you there."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">>\n\t\t\t"Hey, do you know anything about [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]? Beyond the obvious and what's general knowedge, I mean."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] looks amused. "If you're asking 'cause you got in trouble with one, I'm going to laugh. Because there is virtually nothing in the galaxy that will stop one if it comes after you. Believe me. I've been running from those tin cans for centuries."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>"Thank you, Captain Obvious. I kinda guessed that much from all the stories."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I know that much," you say irritably.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, then, I don't know what you're expecting me to say. I'm an abomination. I run away from those things whenever I even get a hint of them getting close. Which is hard, by the way. They don't smell of anything except metal and plastic, like the rest of the world."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"They're machines," you say evenly. "Why should they have an unique odor?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Because beneath all the armor they're still biologicals? Or at least bits of them are. More like biological remnants but never mind. Point is everything biological emits some kinda odor, even a faint hint. Or should. They don't. They're just dead things kept alive by their exonetics suits. Not quite sure why they don't smell though, but every [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is a corpse." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] shoots you a critical look. "Really, I'd expect someone like you to know that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I—" You hesitate. "Well, it's an interesting theory."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe abomination rolls its eyes. "Really, Vine. It isn't a theory. It's proven fact. Kinda hard to prove, admittedly, but it's a fact."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pendant">>"Hey, I found this thing—" You produce the star-shaped pendant from your pocket. "—and was wondering if you knew anything about it.<<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.siren and $job_witches_pendant.askedCelena>> There's a chance it's got something to do with the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]].<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh, lemme see," the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] says, snatching the trinket from your hands. "Oh."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow rises. "Oh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, meaning oh. It has some kinda Machine Priest code on it I can't read but there's another data layer, an old [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] encryption that... well, I know what it does. At least the Blackspeak part."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And that'd be what exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's a control sequence for an old archway some of our Machine Priest friends found. This way way back before [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] was a real thing though and working with [[witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] wasn't grounds for summary execution." <<if $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.siren>>The abomination purses its lips. "Yeah, fuck<<else>>At your confused look, the abomination explains, "Yeah, I was a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] once, before the [[Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] fucked itself over and I became this thing. Long story but yeah, back to the archway. Fuck knows <</if>>what they were trying to do with it, or if it ever worked. All I know is that some bitch ran off with the damn pendant and we never saw it again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tUtterly lost, you say, "So, in other words, what does it do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It'll turn the archway on. Probably." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] shrugs. "The Priests moved everything to keep it safe from the [[Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] after shit went tits up for us, but that was like a gazillion years ago. I got no clue if the thing still works or even exists. But I can look around if ya want. Or actually, I'll look around becasue I want to. Might still be here somewhere. Assuming it didn't get trashed like most old crap people find lying around."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "finalmission">>\n\t\t\t"Hey, I need your help. Kinda has to do with an artefact but it's more a personal thing. A job that's kinda up your alley. Only catch is we'd need a grav-car."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFabienne shoots you a confused look. "What, you think I don't got one lying around because I live down here in the dumps or something?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You have a grav-car? Seriously?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, well, at least something like one. It's a bit of a hunk of junk and probably breaks more laws than I do. But it flies. Usually." Fabienne shrugs. "Anyways, what we stealing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Little piece of religious junk from the Corbei Residence on B3. Rough outline is the original owner wants it back for, well, sentimental reasons. And there's a chance we might run into that [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] I asked you about earlier."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Bummer. But we'll find a way, yeah?" Fabienne grabs a handful of [[hellspikes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] from beside her bed and stands up. "Ready."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uh, out of sheer curiosity: And how many of those damn knives do you have?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe scowls, forehead contorted. "Uhm, about sixty seven? I think? Might be sixty nine. Can never keep track of the ones I loose. But whatever. Ride's down by the fastway so what're we waiting for? Hell to freeze over?"\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "warlock">>"We really gotta talk. About this Warlock dude. My implant died and I almost got iced by a rogue bot. Just tell me, please, that he's fucking dead and this isn't some ghost coming back to haunt me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, shit." <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne<<else>>The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]<</if>> rubs her face. "Okay, listen. It might not be Warlock. He and that crazy cyborg bitch used to work with the Cybercult. Could be one of them is out for revenge. Problem will be getting in contact with them. Bastards don't talk to outsiders except over the net and bullshit is their middle name."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scowl. "So, any idea where to start?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Try the fried [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]]. Tell it that it has nice legs. I know it sounds fucking stupid but that's how things used to work back in the day. The runtimes might still be in place."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou can't help but laugh. "You serious? Nice legs?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Maybe a script kiddie had a bad sense of humor." <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne<<else>>The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]<</if>> shrugs. "All I got, man. But if it was them and ya get at 'em I hope you ice them all. Fucking bastards, all of them."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "candles">>"Hey, something really weird happened recently. I was kicking around this—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I know," Fabienne says bitterly. "I know what you are, Vine. And what' you've become. Most people won't see it. Just feel it in their gut. But I was once part of the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]], remember?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uh, yeah, but what the hell—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Don't ask. And here." She pulls a [[black gun|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Bl4K"]] from the piles of junk beside her mattress. "Take it. Been lugging the damn thing around for way too long anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fabienne, what—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe breathes a laugh. "Abissahi. The beginning of the end. I should've known it'd come back to haunt me someday. Just didn't think it would, well, be you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head, utterly confused. And still part of you knows: to say so much as a single world on the matter would be more than insulting. Some things are simply better left in the past. And Abissahi, whatever the hell the word means, is one of them.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "showobject">>"I have to ask you about <<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>the artefact we went to grab.<<else>>something.<</if>>." You produce Object 55316 and show it to Fabienne. "Can you tell me if this thing's been tampered with?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No," she says flatly. "Well, obviously it's an imperial data sphere. Dates back to the old world. But there's a unique encryption ID fused into its pattern. Only a machine with the appropriate libraries will be able to read the data structure. <<if $loc_warlock_corecompanion eq "fabienne">>Like the console attached to Warlock mainframe. That should be able to decode it - assuming you wanna risk turning it on again.<<else>>But I got no damn clue where you'll find one.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_corecompanion eq "fabienne">>Your brow rises. "Dangerous idea?"<<else>>"Damned. So no way to know?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_corecompanion eq "fabienne">>"Maybe. Maybe not. It shouldn't cause Warlock to activate but you can never be sure." Fabienne breathes a sigh. "Shit, the mess that machine caused was more than enough for a hundred lifetimes. I don't want anything to do with that ever again."<<else>>"Unless you have an old, Imperial-grade computer lying around?" Fabienne shakes her head. "Sorry."<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - Pressure Berth 51">>\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_intro_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_addon_pressureberth_txt'>></div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 neq "kill">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_intro_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_addon_pressureberth_txt'>></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Knight|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $attrib.violence += 3; $attrib.criminality += 3; $combatTemplate = "Knights_B40"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $statistics.attackedAuthority += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b40_addon_pressureberth][$action.action1 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.criminality += 2; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 2; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.attackedAuthority += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.machineKilled += 1; $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isReligious or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_addon_pressureberth][$attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 3; $action.action1 = "bluff"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_addon_pressureberth][$attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 3; $action.action1 = "blufffail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.35; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_addon_pressureberth_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bluff" or $action.action1 eq "kill">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step into the Airlock|b40_addon_pressureberth][$action.action2 = "airlock"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Knight|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $attrib.criminality += 3; $combatTemplate = "Knights_B40"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.35; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_addon_pressureberth_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_addon_pressureberth_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Void Hauler|b40_addon_hauler][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You step into Raj's study and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj.png"]]</div>You leave the crowded walkways of [[Level B10|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] and head for Hab Block 35. Its set around a gated courtyard overgrown by plants and ferns. The [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] by the entrance scans you as you approach. \n\n"Just visiting Raj." You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>haul yourself up two flights of stairs, to Unit 35125, and stumple in.<<else>>take the stairs up two levels, to Unit 35125 and step inside.<</if>>\n\nIt's a large place by all accounts, composed of multiple rooms connected by a carpeted hallway, yet Raj's study is the true gem of this little abode - a sizable room dominated by a wooden desk laden with data pads and scraps of frayed paper. There are two arm chairs and a red leather sofa set against the walls.\n\nYou stop by the door to the study and say, "Raj?"\n\nThere's no response. Raj Winston has fallen asleep in his armchair. Heart thudding, you draw your <<if $action.action2 eq "gun">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>> and pace toward the snoozing historian.\n\n"Aw hell." You <<if $action.action2 eq "gun">>level your <<pistol>> on his head.<<else>>raise your <<knife>>.<</if>> "Poor fucker. Really. This wasn't—"\n\nHe mumbles something unintelligable but doesn't wake. You draw a shuddering breath. It would be so simple, so easy. But do you really want to kill this man? Is that really worth the pointless bloodshed?<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>After a long moment, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_blood.png"]]</div>After a long moment, you <<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>make your decision. <<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 9>>"I'm sorry, man. I really am."<<else>>"Wish I didn't have to but..."<</if>> \n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "gun">>You pull the trigger. The M1114 recoils ever so slightly as a subsonic round blows through Raj's forehead. Pink mist puffs out. You put another two rounds in his chest just to be safe.<<else>>You slam your <<knife>> into Raj's throat. He gurgles, eyes snapping open, as blood gushes from the deep gash. Adrenaline surges in your veins. You slam your <<knife>> into his flesh again, and again, over and over, until Raj Winston stops moving at long last.<</if>>\n\n"Ah, fuck me." You hang your head.\n\nRaj's lifeless corpse stears back with accusing eyes. Your heart sinks but what's done is done. Nothing can change that now. Best to just make yourself scarce.<<else>>lower your <<if $action.action2 eq "gun">>M1114<<else>><<knife>><</if>>. "Fuck this shit."\n\nYou draw a deep breath, fighting down your racing heart. You almost killed him - almost executed an all but innocent man in pursuit of the greater good. And you would have gone through with it if you hadn't paused to think.\n\nShaking your head, you head for the door. There's no point in lingering - or telling Raj what almost happened. Best you keep that all to yourself. Of talk to Zweili about it. Maybe he can help shine a little more light on what sort of assholes would want an innocent historian killed for no damn reason.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Actually, I just wanted to..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Actually, I came to speak to Ith," you say as you make your way toward the door at the back of the bar. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sirenssong_sphinx.png"]]</div>There's no point knocking, so you step through, into the circular chamber beyond. Flickering candles set in alcoves along the walls cast warm light across a thin mat woven from some crystalline material that covers the entire floor. In the center of the room, on a cushioned pedestal, lies the familiar creature with the synthetic, feminine head. The remainder of its body appears biological, resembling a slender lion with a thick, white coat. And to think: you might very well have to murder such a beautiful creature simply for its spine.\n\n<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>"Vine." The [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] mask looks uncharacteristically stern. "I can smell that which fills your thoughts. What, dare I ask, do you have to say for yourself?"<<else>>"Treachery!" The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] surges forward, anger burning in its mask. "I can smell your intent, human. I know what you come to do."\n\nPanicked, you recoil. "What?! I just—"\n\n"Do not lie! I know. And you—" Ith chokes you with a paw that feels quite unlike it looks. "—will die for it."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "whatmean">>"What are you.."<<else>>You fix the Sphinx...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "whatmean">>"What are you talkin about? Smell what I was thinking?"\n\nIth stares intently. "Murder, human. You thought to murder me. Do not deny it."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I might have let the thought cross my mind. I mean, you are an abomination."<<else>>You scoff. "You're an abomination. What d'you expect?"<</if>>\n\n"Quite suddenly, this occured to you?" Ith prowls forward, its masklike face betraying a hint of anger. "I can sense your deception. I know what you intend. So I shall ask one last time: Will you truly squander your fleeting life in an attempt to slaughter me?"<<else>>You fix the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] with an even gaze and say, <<if $action.action1 eq "admit">>"No point lying. Yeah. I was considering killing you. Nothing personal, just a potential solution to my [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] problem."\n\nIth hangs her - its - head. "Of course. So tasteless. So disrespectful." Suddenly the creature is before you, leering into your eyes from behind its mask. "And do you intend to do it, Vine? Do you intend to kill me?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Wow—" You take a step back. "Easy there, nothing's—"<<else>>"Hey," you say defensively. "Take it easy, Ith. I just—"<</if>>\n\n"Answer the question." Ith stares intently. "Answer me, now."<<else>>"What? I'm not thinking anything."\n\n"Liar." Ith surges forward, its masklike face hovering before your face. "I can smell your thoughts. I know what you intend. And you would dare lie? Lie to me?!"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You take a step back. "Wow, hey, I just—"<<else>>You meet the creature with a steeled gaze. "You really accusimg me of this? Rea—"<</if>>\n\n"Silence," Ith hisses angrily. "Tell me, and be swift if you wish to live: do you truly intend it? Will you truly squander your fleeting life in an attempt to kill me?"<</if>><</if>>\n\nDirect and to the point for once - not like the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] you're used to. And it poses a difficult question too: attempt to slaughter it for its spine, using nothing but your bare hands, or let the creature live after all? Not the sort of call you wanted to be making with a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] quite literally breathing down your neck.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if not $chr_ith.madeFriend>>"What the—" You kick<<else>>After a moment's consideration<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if not $chr_ith.madeFriend>>"What the—" You kick the abomination away.\n\nHolograms flicker and fail as the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] recoils, revealing its hideous true form. Gone is the white fur and golden mask, replaced by a spindly, skeletal tangled in cables and tubes. Its organs - if they even are organs - dangle loosely between its many ribs and in place of feline paws it has long, clawed hands. Only the mask remains similar, though the golden finish has long since rubbed away, and its eyes are as hollow and dark as those of any abomination.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit—"<<else>>"Wow!"<</if>> You roll aside as the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] lunges, hissing angrily.\n\nThere's just enough time to whirl around before the creature pounces again. You're thrown to the ground by the force of the impact. The abomination looms above you, a clawed hand poised to strike, and in that last moment you ram your foot into the abomination's chest. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] recoils with a pained yelp, dislodges organs spilling from between its ribs. For a moment, Ith simply stares blankly. Then the monster collapses on the floor.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Sheesh."<</if>> You scramble up, heart thudding in your chest and gaze fixed on the monster. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You were one ugly bitch, weren't you?"<<else>>"That is one ugly mess."<</if>>\n\nExcept the abomination's appearance is only half as ugly as what you have to do next. The very idea makes your guts churn. But you've come this far. No reason to give up now.<<else>>After a moment's consideration, you say, <<if $action.action2 eq "kill">>"Yeah. Sorry, Ith. But I have to."\n\n"So sad." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] takes a step back and, with a holographic stutters, reveals its hideous true form.\n\nGone is the white fur and golden mask, replaced by a spindly, skeletal tangled in cables and tubes. Its organs - if they even are organs - dangle loosely between its many ribs and in place of feline paws it has long, clawed hands. Only the mask remains similar, though the golden finish has long since rubbed away, and its eyes are as hollow and dark as those of any abomination.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit—"<<else>>"Wow!"<</if>> You roll aside as the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] lunges, hissing angrily.<<else>>"No. I won't kill you. It was just a theory."\n\n"Good." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] takes a step back, its mask almost smiling. "I hold you to your word, Vine, for I know it is true. And please. Don't consider such foolishness again."\n\n"I won't," you say firmly. "And Ith? Thanks for not making this, well, more awkward than it is."\n\nIth sings a laugh. "Why, it's a pleasure, as always. Once again you bring some excitement into my aged life. Perhaps we should celebrate."\n\n"Actually, if you don't mind, I'll just—" You nod to the door. "Maybe afterwards but, yeah, I really need a drink just about now."\n\nThe [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] merely bows her - it's - head in acknowledgement. Maybe it understands. Maybe it's just pretending. Hell, maybe it doesn't care one way or the other. At any rate, you really need that drink, doubly so if you intend to speak to Ith again.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Guess we'll be needing all of it," you mutter, carefully removing what you deem to be unessecary wiring.<<else>>"Ugh, I really hate this job sometimes," you mutter, tearing out unecessary wiring.<</if>>\n\nThere's a lot of it and sorting through the mess takes a while. Still, you persevere, and after twenty minutes of poking around the skeletal corpse, you've salvaged the upper half of Ith's spine - you had to remove the mask to get at the skull and, damn, the visage beneath was ugly. The lower portions don't appear necessary - they're just attached to cabling and muscle fiber - and you couldn't be more glad the job's done.\n\nAll you need to to now is get the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> thing out of the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]] and back to Petrovic. Which, on second thought, can't be more difficult than killing a ten-thousand year old abomination with nothing but your bare hands.<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - MCS Outer Spheres">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Command Center|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "command"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Crew Quarters|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "crew"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "command">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_command_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='hauler-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'hauler_loot_2'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "maintenancelog">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_command_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_command_maintlog_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "command"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "crewlog">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_crew_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_crew_log_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Release the Data Pad|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "crew"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "voidtrunk">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_crew_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_crew_trunk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='hauler-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'hauler_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "crew">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_crew_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Grab the Data Pad|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "crewlog"; $loc_derelict_hauler.readCrewLog = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Voidtrunk|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "voidtrunk"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Command Center|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "command"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOther"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 4>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Void Hauler|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "fromCrew"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "continue">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_crew_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_crew_trunk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_crew_continue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Drop the Maintenance Spider|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action1 = "crew"; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 4; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leave">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCrew">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_crew_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_command_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're no Threat|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action2 = "nothreat"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Raise your Hands|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action2 = "surrender"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Grab a Weapon|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action2 = "draw"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.65; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 103; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "draw" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Comply|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action3 = "nocomply"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $statistics.arguedWithAuthority += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need Information|b40_addon_hauler][$action.action3 = "needinfo"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Do as Instructed|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$processed = false; $chr_varai.met = true; $time.active += 0.5; $action.arrive = "fromComply"; $statistics.compliedWithAuthority += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_leave_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "nocomply" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Commisaria|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromKill"; $attrib.violence += 5; $combatTemplate = "Commisaria_B40"; $processed = false; $chr_varai.alive = false; $attrib.criminality += 5; $statistics.attackedAuthority += 1]]</div><br>\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Airlock|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$processed = false; $chr_varai.met = true; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.caution += 1; $action.arrive = "fromComply"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "willlook">>"I'll keep an eye out..."<<else>>"Not my problem..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "willlook">>"I'll keep an eye out but I'm not promising anything, just saying I listened." You fix the blind kid with a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>stern<<else>>earnest<</if>> look. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"That better be enough 'cause that's all you get."<<else>>"I know it's not much but it's the best I can give you."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThe ghost of a smile crosses the kid's lips. "Thank you, <<formalname>>. That is more than I ever hoped for."<br><br>\n\t\n\t"Don't thank me yet. For all I know you're guilty too. But I'm digging through this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>mess<</if>> already. Might as well invesgiate all the angles."<br><br>\n\n\t"Appreciated." The kid bows his hooded head. "May the Loving Stars guide you, or whatever it is you believe in."<br><br>\n\n\tYou offer a curt nod and, with that, depart the Voider Shrine. There's no point to linger after all and, to be honest, what the kid said worries you. Expecially the bits about Corinthin. The [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] never has been known to be terribly subtle in its application of overwhelming - albeit plausibly deniable - force. Maybe you should watch your back a little more closely - and come up with a contingency plan, just in case Corinthin goes nuclear on your ass too.\n\n\t<<else>>"Not my<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> problem," you say coldly. "Take it up with the Clergy again. Or ask the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. Me, I got other problems to deal with."<br><br>\n\n\t"Please. I do not—"<br><br>\n\n\t"I said no," you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>snarl<<else>>reply evenly<</if>>. "Now I'm gonna leave. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Just be happy I won't call the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] down on your sorry ass.<<else>>Don't try to follow me. I don't wanna make your life difficult but I don't need you around either.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\tThe kid hangs his head. You consider saying something kind, just because, but decide to simply leave. This isn't your problem, after all, and you have enough of your own anyways.<br><br>\n\n\tStill, as you step out of the Voider Shrine, you do have to wonder whether what the kid said about Corinthin - assuming the machine really was Corinthin - was true. The [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] never has been known to be subtle in its application of overwhelming but usually plausibly deniable force. Maybe you should keep an eye on the machine after all, because if Corinthin really did do that, it's definitely acting against it's makers instructions. And maybe you should come up with a contingency plan, just in case Corinthin tries to apply a similar solution to a different problem: you.\n\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
You're still mulling over that thought when you step out of the cryolounge. The corridor outside is comfortably warm and there's no one around. Relieved, you pause to rub warmth back your freezing hands. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_scare.png"]]</div>Footsteps creak on the icy floor. Adrenaline surges as you reach for your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>. Rather than an attacker you see Mr. Amman edging toward you, a stubby pistol gripped in trembling hands.\n\nHe stops a good paces distance. "Is... is it safe?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demenor eq "agressive">>"Fuck knows. What happened?"<<else>>"Not sure. I think so. What happened?"<</if>>\n\n"It was so fast." Amman glances around nervously. "One moment I was minding my own business and suddenly there are shouts and blood and I fan for the door. I barely escaped with my life! We reall yshouldn't linger. I must speak to my... people. Immediately."\n\n"Figured that was coming," you say numorlessly. "And what about the job you hired me for?"\n\n"One must have priorities." Amman fidgets. "But yes. Shall we meet? At a safer location. I would suggest the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Even if I cannot come personally, I shall send an associate."\n\n"Sounds good." You nod toward the exit. "And I'd better be on my way. Last thing I need is anyone thinking I'm part of this mess."\n\nAmman just nods and so you make a hasty departure, past the confused receptionists and up the stairs to the...
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "agree">>"Yeah, it really..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nocare">>"I really don't..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "takeDrink">>"Thanks." You take the flask and...<<else>><<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>"Nah man," you say. "Don't trust...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "chewOut">>"Yeah, the stench you're causing..."<<else>>"No thanks," you say with a...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "agree">>"Yeah, it really is <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>nasty<<else>>a shithole<</if>>."\n\nThe man chuckles. "Ya work here long enough, ya get used te it. Jus' another day on da job, eh?"\n\n"Pretty much," you say, staring out over the mess below.\n\n"Aye. Life be life." The man takes a swig and tucks the flask away. "<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nocare">>"I really don't <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>give a fuck<<else>>care<</if>>. Just here to do the job."\n\nThe man nods. "Ya. I feel ye. Jus' in an' out. Consider yerself lucky."\n\n"Lucky." <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You scoff. "Stick to your booze, asshole. You don't know shit about who's lucky here."<<else>>You shake your head. "That's one thing to call it."<</if>>\n\n"Eh, whateva ya say." The man takes a swig and tucks the flask away. "<<elseif $action.action2 eq "takeDrink">>"Thanks." You take the flask and risk a sip. Sour, fruity liqueur spills down your throat. You wheeze, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"What is this stuff?"<<else>>"What is this shit?"<</if>>\n\n"Like I's said, homebrew. Best ye'll find anywhere I's been told." The man grins. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"It tastes like shit."<<else>>"It's just about drinkable."<</if>> You gulp another mouthfull, <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>already feeling well and tipsy.<<else>>feeling a little buzz in your head.<</if>> <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"And real strong."<<else>>"And strong as fuck."<</if>>\n\n"Sure is." The man takes his flask back and swigs. "But ye need strong stuff 'round here. <<elseif $action.action2 eq "chewOut">>"Yeah, the stench you're causing, you mean?" You scoff. "Shit. Everyone around here a freaking alcoholic or what?"\n\nThe worker laughs. "Ya work here long enough, ya gotta be. How else ya gonna stand dis' dump?"<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noDrink">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Nah man," you say. "Don't trust your brew for one. And I ain't running up against an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] drunk."<<else>>"No thanks," you say with a smile. "Prefer to be sober when I meet the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>beast<<else>>bastard<</if>>."<</if>>\n\n"Yer call." The man takes a swig and tucks the flask away. "<</if>><<if $action.action2 eq "chewOut">>\n\n"I really don't need to know," you mutter and turn back to the railing.<<else>>An' a'nother piece of advice: when ya reach Drainage, make damn sure ye don't stand in no water-like shit. Ye never know what folks toss down 'ere."\n\n"I'll remember that." You <<if $action.action2 eq "takeDrink">>lick your lips<<else>>smile at the workman<</if>> and turn back to the railing.<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_scrapyard_inside.png"]]</div>The scenery has gone from bad to worse. So deep in the Scrap Yards, light is all but nonexistant; deep shadows lurk between the enormous piles of junk. The air is positively choked with fumes wafting up from a floor covered in a foot of muddy slush.\n\n"An 'ere we is," the workman says as the grav-platform bumps against the walkway. "I's be leaving the platform fer ya here in case yer done before I is, yeah? Jus' activate 'em control panel an' set it te take ye back up. Oh, an' one more thin' <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Miss<</if>>—" The man grips your shoulder. "Lovin' Stars be with yer soul."\n\nBefore you can reply, the workman has disappeared into the gloom. <<if $equip.isConcealing>>Wondering where to start<<else>>Trying not to breathe<</if>>, you glance around. There's an enormous drainage pipe in the wall to your left and a grated walkway which leads to the pumping station beside the outlet. Beside, a rickety staircase leads down to a lower platform. Both seem like good places to start looking for the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]].<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Can you tell me anything..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "scratchmarks">>"Can you tell me anything about the scratch marks<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>? Even the smallest detail might be critical. <<else>>, anything at all?<</if>>"\n\n"I'm afraid I don't know much, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, just that the door was scratched up." The receptionist shrugs unhelpfully. "I did not go inside. We sealed the chamber and that was that."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Best thing you could have done,"<<else>>"Probably a good move,"<</if>> you say, wondering what kind of abomination - if any - this was the work of.\n\n"But, oh, there was something." The receptionist's brow furrows. "Yes, when the technicians looked, they said it looked like the creature was trying to get out of the chamber. Which is insane. It could not have entered unnoticed. All our facilities are strictly watched over by top-of-the-line security systems and none reported any break-ins."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You can't help but laugh. "That doesn't mean shit, man. Anyone could've screwed with them. But okay.<<else>>You breathe a sigh. "Wonderful.<</if>> Abomination inside a locked room. That's always a bad start."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "chamber">>"Can you tell me anything about the cryochamber? There anythign special about it, as in different from the others?"\n\nThe receptionist looks surprised. "Different, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? But all our chambers are standardized, all based on the same designs. Only the cryolounges above differ. The freezing rooms are all identical."\n\n"So, there's no particular reason an abomination would have crawled into this specific cryochamber."\n\n"No," the receptionist says flatly. "It is identical to all the rest."\n\n"And nothing changed there recently." You fix the man with a stern look. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"If you know anything, anything at all, tell me. All our lives depend on this. And I'm not kidding about that. This is serious business."<<else>>"Nothing that might've drawn the abomination? Because if you know anything, well, I need to too."<</if>>\n\nThe recepionist shrinks but speaks calmly, "Nothing I know of, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I have no idea why it is here, unless perhaps it sought an environment with very low temperatures, though how it could have entered unnoticed I still cannot say."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You skirt the edge...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou skirt the edge of the docks, following the 'pedestrian' markings on the ground toward the Pressure Berths. They are located at the very end of the cargo loading area, marked only by a signs above a wide, deserted passage that leads off into the distance. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_koe.png"]]</div>From the outside, all you can see are thick bulkheads. Beyond the walls however you know there are specialized chambers large enough to fit entire spaceships and the machniery necessary to repair them. Not that there's any indication of that; all you see are barren walls and the occasional door marked with the berth's identifier.\n\nAlmost half an hour passes until you spot a holo-sign indicating Berth P51. The airlock below looks like all the others you've passed. Except, even from afar, you can tell Berth P51 is different because a [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] is standing watch outside in pearly-white power armor, holding a crude [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]] by his side - indication he's a 'lesser' member of the [[Knighthood|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. The guard doesn't take notice of your presence, though it's hard to tell considering his head is nothing but an angular mask. You doubt he'll let you pass unchallenged.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>You low your weapon and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "doSnipe">>You ready your <<rifle>>...<<else>>You approach the Knight...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_airlock.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>You lower your weapon and approach the dead [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. Blood and pieces of power armor lie scattered on the floor. It doesn't appear to have survived - a good sign. You've just decided the coas is clear when something explodes with a sucking roar.<br><br>\n\n\t\tFire spurts from the [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]] as metal shards zip into the distance, pinging off the walls and floor as they go. It takes you a moment to realize that the fusion cell must have been damaged in the fight. No booby trap or anything of the sort; just a little technical malfunction.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSecretly relieved, you approach the airlock behind the dead [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. The controls appear unsecured. A simple tap to the access panel causes the outer doors to cycle open with a hydraulic hiss.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "doSnipe">>You ready your \n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t<<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber. The [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] fails to notice as you take aim. Your finger closes on the trigger. A loud crack echoes as your bolt blasts into his chest, causing the armored body to stumble back. It doesn't fall.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Motherfucker."<<else>>"Not good."<</if>> You eject the spent power disk and slam another round into the chamber. The [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] has just started to move toward you as you bring up your rifle Your second shot blasts a hole clean through the angular suit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Phew." You clear the chamber and approach the dead [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], flushed with your success.\n\t\t<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt doesn't appear to have survived - a good sign - and the airlock controls beyond them appears otherwise unsecured. A simple tap to the access panel causes the outer doors to cycle open.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou approach the [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], heart thudding in your throat. He don't react until you're right before the collosal suit, when he lowers his [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Entry only for authorized personnel," a disembodied voice drones.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I work for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]," you say firmly. "I'm a sanctioned abomination hunter<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">> and graced by the machines of Eden.<</if>>. Name's Acrel. I need to investigate the ship you have inside this berth."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "blufffail">>\n\t\t\t"Unlikely." The [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] lowers his [[lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]]. "Begone, punk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Alarmed, you say, "But I'm not lying. I'm a hunter. Now please—"<<else>>You snort. "What? I'm not <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>kidding I'm a—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Scat." Augments whirr as the collosal guardian steps forward. "Now. Or face the wrath of Eden."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you wants to argue but you know better. Either you screw this bastard over or you just leave it be. Trying to make the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "theophobe">>fucking faith<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damned idiot<<else>>man<</if>> see sense is just too damned likely to get you skewered.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThere's a long silence. The [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] says, "Identify yourself again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<firstname>> Acrel." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe swipes it with a [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Fist"]] twice the size of your hand. "Acrel. <<firstname>>. Registered as claimed. You may pass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAugments whirr as the armor stomps aside. Electronics beep. The outer doors cycle open, allowing you entrance to the airlock.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You enter the airlock and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_hauler.png"]]</div>You enter the airlock and hit the cycle button. A claxon blares. Warning lights flash. Air is sucked through the vents, followed by a hiss as the far doors grind open. Beyond, a walkway lined by construction lights leads across a deep chasm toward the battered hull of a void hauler.\n\nThe vessel, easily a kilometer from end to end, reminds you unicannily of a sewing pin; the colorful, advertisement-plastered crew capsule makes an almost perfect pinhead. Far in the distance, at the other end of the pin, you can just make out scattered debris and loose tethers floating in the zero-g environment. The vessel's engine nacelles, which would normally be attached to the far end of the needle, are absent.\n\n"Ouch," you mutter, uncomfortably aware what floating in the endless void with only maneuvering jets for propulsion must feel like. "No wonder <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>their misplaced faith venerates the Loving Stars."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>their misplaced faith venerates the Loving Stars."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>the Loving Stars mean so much to them."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>those faiths believe in their stupid Loving Stars."<<else>>they pray to the Loving Stars."<</if>>\n\nYour words echo in the cavernous chamber. As the noise fades, you're left alone, with only silence broken by the dull humm of the construction lights for company. Directly ahead, an unsealed airlock leads into the dark interior of the advertisement-plastered crew capsule. Hardly an inviting sight but you came there for answers. It'd be stupid to turn back now.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_dockingtube.png"]]</div>You enter the void hauler - MCS Outer Spheres according to the inscription on the hull - through the forward crew airlock. It leads to a cramped corridor overrun by thick strands of cables. Stingy air gusts from overhead vents. With each step, the aged floor plates creak underfoot.\n\nTrying not to feel apprehensive, you brush a cluster of oily cables aside and continue on, to where another open door leads into the unlit capsule. Power must have failed because the interior hull is lit only by dull, red emergency lights and a handful of construction lanterns set up along the spinal corridor - the kilometer-long walkway that spans the centerline of the ship.\n\nGravity steadily lessens as you <<walk>> out to the ship. Eventually you float off the floor. Alarmed, you grab a handhold and glance around, your body drifting lazily in the low gravity environment. To the left, through an unsealed hatch, you can see the couches and holo-displays of the command center. To the right, the passage leads off into the gloom - and the crew quarters, if the signs on the walls are to be believed.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOther">>You push off the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are floating in...<<else>>You drift through the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cockpit.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOther">>You push off the crew quarters bulkhead and float down the spinal corridor. Several meters down, you drift through the hatchway to the command center<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are floating in the command center of the MCS Outer Spheres<<else>>You drift through the hatchway to the command center<</if>>, a circular room dominated by six egg-shaped command couches that disappear into the walls. Wires run from the opened couches along the floor and ceiling, feeding into a dsyfunctional holo-projector in the center of the room. <<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Only the Loving Stars<<else>>It's impossible to<</if>> know what it would have displayed if the ship were operational. \n\nThere doesn't seem to be any way to manually interface with any of the systems - not that they'd be likely to have power anways - and you doubt any of the neural interfaces would recognize you; starship authentication runtimes tends to be among the strictest in the galaxy, which isn't surprising given how expensive and complex the machines are.\n\nYou do however spot a toolbox set beside one of the construction lights secured beside the door. Someone has left an old [[Void Suit|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Void Suit"]] in the corner. A data pad is poking out of the side, and you can just spot - of all things - a conductive bolt amidst the many tools crammed inside.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the data pad...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>If you Read This</strong>\n\nCommisaria Varai,\n\nIf you are reading this, my crew and I have either passed out due to sheer exhaustion or otherwise occupied. I can however say that the damage done to Vessel 5987987761 (MCS Outer Spheres) is extensive, and by that I do not mean the loss of its propulsion section, but rather the unseen damage inflicted by the REACH Core's catastrophic malfunction. We have only begun to scratch the surface of what systems and internal machinery has been affected and therefore been unable to determine how far-reaching the consequences of the failure were.\n\nDue to the affects of sub-null temperatures on the ship's systems, we have been unable to activate all but the most primitive backup electronics, and access to the main databanks remains impossible. My best assumption is the content of these devices is corrupted beyond retrieval or - if not - access to them is impaired due to failure of the ship's internal wiring. We have begun tearing the crew capsule apart in an attempt to locate any faults in the electronics, however progress has been slow due to the cramped conditions and inability to lift the voidframe apart.\n\nThere have however been some unusual discoveries, not the least being a loose conductive bolt found in one of the utility ducts. It was initially assumed this caused a catastrophic short of the ship's systems but, upon further inspection, I determined the bolt had not affected anything as it was still packed in plastiwrap (perhaps thre due to smuggling activity? uncertain). We also noted several disabled maintenance spiders (all units removed for further study) floating in the unpressurized secions of the voidframe, and I have several reports that surge breakers were thrown, which is inconsistent with the expected results of a REACH Core jettison - power leads should be decoupled from the aft section but remain powered for reporting reasons. It is possible that, due to unpreditcatble conductivity in sub-null environments, the electric signal intended to cause the propulsion block to decouple from the spinal column led to a short-circuiting of the entire vessel's electrical system.\n\nI do not understand precisely how this could have occured however. Any discrepacny in the core's monitoring systems should lead to either A) emergency shutdown or B) jettisoning of the propulsion block, both of which would have occured well before sub-null temperatures leaked into the crew area (mean time to automated response on Avacavibi Vessels is benchmarked 0.00005171 ms). The only way the effects we are seeing could have occured without obliterating the vessel entirely would be if the core was jettisoned at the same exact moment as an external force breeched the core's containment vessel. We would require the affected propulsion block or access to the ship's logs to say whether this was the case with any greater degree of certainty. Since we don't seem to know where the aft section ended up - assuming it wasn't scattered across half the galaxy, that is - we will instead focus on attempting to restore the ship's databanks in search of answers.\n\nKindly,\n\nBrother-Technician Su</div><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You leave the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_dockingtube.png"]]</div>You leave the <<if $action.arrive eq "fromCrew">>crew quarters<<else>>command center<</if>> and float down the spinal hallway, back to the corridor that leads to the exit. Gravity slowly increases as you near the external airlock. Floor plates groan under your weight. Everything tilts dangerously. You grab a handhold and draw several deep, calming breaths.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Enough of this spaceship crap,"<<else>>"I've really seen enough of this starship,"<</if>> you mutter, trudging back toward the exit.\n\nOily cables snag on your limbs. Every step causes the voidframe to creak, almost as though the ship were falling apart on you - which it might be, for all you know. Relief comes only when you pass the outer hatch and step back onto the walkway outside. \n\n"Yeah—" You glance over your shoulder, casting the MCS Outer Spheres one last look, before you turn away. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Enough of this shit."<<else>>"Time to go."<</if>>\n\n<<if $chr_varai.alive>>Except, even as you make for the airlock, you can see the cycle claxon flashing. The next instant, hydraulics hiss and a woman dressed in a dark green uniform steps out. <<if $chr_varai.met>>There's just enough time to recognize her as the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] you ran into earlier before she grabs the sidearm holstered at her hip.<<else>>There's just enough time to see the sidearm holstered at her hip before she reaches for the weapon.<</if>>\n\n"<<firstname>> Acrel." She brings the pistol up. <<if $chr_varai.met>>"Fancy running into you here, of all places."<<else>>"Loving Stars, I should have known I'd run into you eventually."<</if>><<else>>You head to the airlock and activate the controls. Lights flash as the airlock cycles with a sucking rush. Outside, <<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>>the dead [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] is sprawled in the dim corridor. You hurry past him and, without so much as a backwards glance, head for...<<else>>the heavily armored [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] is sstill standing guard. He barely reacts as you stride past, headed back toward...<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You <<if $action.action2 eq "nothreat">>step forward, saying...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "draw">>grab your...<<else>>raise your hands...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou <<if $action.action2 eq "nothreat">>step forward, saying, "Easy. I'm no threat to you<<if $chr_varai.met>>, [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]<</if>>."\n\n<<if $chr_varai.met>>"I tend to disagree." She keeps her gun pointed at you. "Mind explaining what you're doing here?"<<else>>"If I believed you even for a second I would not need a gun." She keeps the weapon perfectly lever. "I am [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai. But enough pleasantries. I know who you are. What I want to know is why you are here.<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "draw">>grab your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>, snarling, "Nothing stupid now. Trust me. Don't."\n\n<<if $chr_varai.met>>"Oh, I'm well aware what you're capable of. Hence the gun." She takes a step forward. "Mind explaining what you're doing here?"<<else>>"Believe me, I know what you are capable of. Hence the gun." She takes a step forward. "I am [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai. But enough pleasantries. I know who you are. What I want to know is why you are here."<</if>><<else>>raise your hands. "Easy there. Don't want any trouble here. Just looking."\n\n<<if $chr_varai.met>>"Wherever you are, bad things tend to happen. It's unsettling." She takes a step forward. "But let's be pleasant. First: mind explaining what you're doing here?"<<else>>"Your looking is exactly what bothers me." She takes a step forward. "I am Commisaria Varai. But enough pleasantries. I know who you are. What I want to know is why you are here."<</if>><</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Because I fucking like stumbling around derelict haulers." You scoff. "Sheesh, why you think I'm here?"<<else>>"Obviously not because I like stumbling around derelict void haulers." Your risk a smile. "I was looking into a strange occurence."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Provided that was a question, I would assume it was the case of Aida Abi which brought you here." Varai's eyes narrow behind her gunsights. "An affair you should not be authorized to know about, hunter. So dare I ask how you know?"<<else>>"Aida. She froze, starving in the empty void along with two others." Varai's eyes narrow behind her gunsights. "How do you know of her existence? I was led to believe this information was priviledged."<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "draw">>"Tell me what it is to you first," you say coldly.<<else>>You shrug half-heartedly. "Heard something from someone. Long story. What's it to you?"<</if>>\n\n"That isn't information you are priviledged to, <<formalname>>. Now move." She nods toward the airlock. "Outside. No sudden movements or I shoot."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "nocomply">>"I don't think so." You remain..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "needinfo">>"Listen, I'll play..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "nocomply">>"I don't think so." You remain where you are. "Put the gun down. Apologize, maybe. Then we can talk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You misunderstand." The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] glowers at you. "I shall ask once more. Kindly. Please step outside. Should you fail to do so I will execute you on the spot for trespassing. Are we understood?"<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "needinfo">>"Listen, I'll play along. But I need some answers. About this place, the haul—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What you need, <<formalname>>, is to obey my command." The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] glowers at you. "I shall ask once more. Kindly. Please step outside. Should you fail to do so I will execute you on the spot for trespassing. Are we understood?"<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You laugh. "Are you insane, woman?"<<else>>You step back. "Wow, easy. I didn't mean to offend you or—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Silence. <<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>>You already killed one believer today. I shall not let your anarchistic vandalism claim another life.<<else>>You tread on ice even thinner than you know, hunter.<</if>>" She hits the airlock's interior release, gun still aimed, and motions for you to enter. "Hesitate even a moment longer and I will shoot you between the eyes."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Yeah, I'd like to see you try," you growl.<<else>>"Sheesh. You're just itching to shoot me, aren't you?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai's lips curl. "In three seconds you shall know, <<formalname>>, and I do intend to make good on that threat if you continue to belittle me."<<else>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai's lips curl. "More than you will ever know, <<formalname>>. Now must I make good on my threats?"<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Timmeon Jewlery">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Abomination|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "abomination"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you should look Around|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "lookaround"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have to see the Backlot|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "backlot"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround" or $action.action1 eq "abomination">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "datapad"; $loc_jewler.readDataPad = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_jewler.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_jewler.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 654; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x654">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have to see the Backlot|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "backlot"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "backlot">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if (($action.action1 eq "lookaround" or $action.action1 eq "abomination") and $action.action2 eq "backlot") or $action.action1 eq "backlot">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 11>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "silent_pistol"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 11; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b10_jewler_enter][$processed = false; $action.action3 = "silent_rifle"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 7; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B10"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Approach the Thugs|b10_jewler_enter][$action.action3 = "talk"; $attrib.violence -= 3; $attrib.caution += 4; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "lookaround" or $action.action1 eq "abomination">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_jewler_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "silent_pistol" or $action.action3 eq "silent_rifle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Body Bags|b10_jewler_bodybags][$processed = false; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Thugs_B10"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "lowplatform_2">>You leave the<<else>>You head toward the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "pumpstation">>You head toward the Pumping Station, testing your way along the shadowed walkways. A glow panel overhead casts just enough light to make out the door - what's left of it at least. Something incredibly large - and strong - has yanked it clean off its hinges.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit," you murmur, peering into the gloomy Pumping Station.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTo your relief, there's no [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] inside. Then you notice the dark silhouette in the corner. Its human all right and, when you move closer, you can make out a blood-stained overall. The man is still gripping a [[StimFuel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel"]] inhaler in one hand. Beside his other - torn clean off at the wrist - is a twisted hunk of metal that might have once been a [[CalTech M404|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M404"]]. The only undamaged part is the magazine; half empty by the looks.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_scrapyard.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "lowplatform_2">>You leave the Pumping Station and return to where the stairway leads down to the lower platform.\n\t\t<<else>>You head toward the stairs that lead to the lower platform.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tRickety floor plates creak and groan as you descend. Vile fumes fill your nostrils. Fighting not to choke, you step onto the lower platform.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnother set of stairs leads down to a landscape of muddy slush. There another walkway that heads off to the right. Before you've decided which way to go, something causes ripples in the grimy puddles. Dull splashes sound.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou freeze, watching as the shadowed bulk of an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] steps into view, dragging a bent pipe behind it. It takes one look around, craning its bloated head in the process, and plods over to one of the puddles.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline pounds in your veins as the abomination kneels down and sips water from a cupped hand. Probably not the smartest move it's ever made in its misbegotten life - not that the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] will be alive much longer anyways. It's sick or infected, its skin broken and crakced. Chances are it will die within a few days.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "415661">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\t\tFlashApp V1.1.4 <br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\t\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\t\tDumping access log...<br><br>\n\n\t\tEntry1: <<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>415661<<else>>NDE1NjYx<</if>><br>\n\t\tEntry2: <<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>415661<<else>>NDE1NjYx<</if>><br>\n\t\tEntry3: <<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>415661<<else>>NDE1NjYx<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action3 = "success"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% vindel-loot %/\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.storedRifle eq "M9610">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the M9610'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_mansion_raid.storedRifle; $loc_mansion_raid.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vindel-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the M9610'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_mansion_raid.storedRifle; $loc_mansion_raid.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vindel-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.tookAmmo1 eq false>> \n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_mansion_raid.tookAmmo1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vindel-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.tookAmmo2 eq false and $equip.isHeavyCoilgun>> \n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Drums'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += 320>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_mansion_raid.tookAmmo2 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x320">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vindel-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name neq "M9610">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[9mm Drums incompatible with <<rifle>>]</div></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Drums]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Away|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action4 = "none"; $action.action5 = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and not $job_cathedral_hack.hackedOttoSystems and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Upload the Xjanu-4|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action3 = "agent"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.hackedOttoSystems = true; $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action3 = "datapad"; $hide.layer4 = true; $loc_mansion_raid.readDataPad = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothesOtto eq "Formal Robe">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click 'Wear the Formal Robe'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothesOtto; $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothesOtto = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#otto-loot-chamber'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'otto-loot-chamber'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click 'Return the Formal Robe'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action99 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothesOtto; $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothesOtto = $action.action99; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#otto-loot-chamber'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'otto-loot-chamber'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Chamber|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action3 = "leave"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Timmeon Jewlery">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_jewler_bodies_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Jewlery Shop|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase = 2; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_siren', 'metWithFisher'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromVision">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_waitGravCar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action1 = "waitout"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_arrive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb out of the Grav Car|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action2 = "exit"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_arrive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_doorlock_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'><<display 'vindel_hackapp'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the entire high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pry the lock Open|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action3 = "forcedOpen"; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pry the lock Open|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action3 = "forcedOpen"; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.criminality += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pry the lock Open|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action3 = "forcedOpen"; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.criminality += 4; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</nobr>></div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_arrive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_doorlock_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_storeroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.sabotagedArmor eq false and $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothes eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant and not $equip.isHeavyArmor and not $equip.isTooBulky>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Enter the Exo Armor' 'mansion_raid_leave'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "usearmor"; $hide.layer4 = true; $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothes = $equip.clothes; $equip.preExoClothes = $equip.clothes ; $equip.clothes = "Power Armor"; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge"); $equip.persistentExoHits = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Entered">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_in">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sabotage the Exo Armor|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action4 = "sabotage"; $hide.layer4 = true; $loc_mansion_raid.sabotagedArmor = true; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Munitions Container|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action4 = "ammocontainer"; $action.action5 = "oone"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Upstairs|mansion_raid_mainfloor][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $loc_mansion_raid.sabotagedArmor = true]]</div\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Upstairs|mansion_raid_mainfloor][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_arrive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_doorlock_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_storeroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_storeroom_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='vindel-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "ammocontainer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'vindel_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "sabotage">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action4 = "none"; $action.action5 = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "usearmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wave your Hand|mansion_raid_leave][$action.action4 = "none"; $action.action5 = "wave"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_cryoroom.storedRifle eq "MF-G6">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the MF-G6'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_cryoroom.storedRifle; $loc_cryoroom.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#cryolounge-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cryoloung_abom_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the MF-G6'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_cryoroom.storedRifle; $loc_cryoroom.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#cryolounge-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cryoloung_abom_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if not $loc_cryoroom.tookAmmo>> \n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical lt $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Neurotoxin Canisters'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical += 2; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_cryoroom.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "canister">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Neurotoxin Canister x2">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Neurotoxin Canisters]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Neurotoxin Canisters]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Neurotoxin Canisters]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Cryochamber|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_inside][$action.action1 = "search"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Okay, then. Show me where.."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"Okay, then. Show me where to go."\n\nThe receptionist indicates a door behind the desk. "The utility area is just here, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. Head down and look for Chamber Seven. The door's physically barred from the outside. A precaution, of course. And <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>?" He looks genuinely concenred. "Loving Stars be with you."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"No need. I've made my peace with death."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"I'd rather trust the Void but thanks."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Hopefully. They haven't abandoned me yet."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Save your faith crap for someone who gives a damn."<<else>>"Thanks, man."<</if>> You step around the desk and push the door open.\n\nIt leads to a tiny store room with a frost-crusted ladder at the far end. Mist forms with every breath. A ventilation fan hums above.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_ladder.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Oh, this is so going to go badly."<<else>>"Well, this oughta be fun."<</if>> You approach to the ladder, shaking your head, and descend.\n\nThe utility area below is as cold as hell frozen over. Dim glow-panels cast dull red light across the iced-over floors and walls, making them shimmer as though they were covered in fresh blood. To your left, a narrow passage leads to cryochambers one through four. Five through seven are to the right.\n\nYou head that way, moving slowly and deliberately, so as not to slip on the icy floor. It doesn't take long to find the door labeled Cryochamber 7. A circular window would, theoretically, have allowed for a view of the chamber beyond but it's too iced over to see through. That leaves one option: open the door, which is held in place by four mechanical bolts - and a crow bar that someone jammed into the release mechanism.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOther">>You push off the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are floating in...<<else>>You drift through the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_voidship_crew.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOther">>You push off the command center bulkhead and float down the spinal corridor. Several meters down, you drift through the hatchway to the crew quarters<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are floating in the crew quarters of the MCS Outer Spheres<<else>>You drift through the hatchway to the crew quarters<</if>>, an oblong room with sleeping niches along the walls and a multi-sided table in the center. At the very back of the room is another hatchway - sealed - that leads further down the spinal corridor.\n\nStrapped along the sides of the crew quarters are three voidtrunks with nametags stenciled on the covers. Faded posters have been taped on the walls and, wedged behind a handhold, is a multicolored scarf. Set up along the ceiling and floor are more construction lights, further adding to the clutter of the cramped quarters, and the power cables have been fed into numerous exposed outlets don't make it better. \n\nJust trying to float stably without knocking anthing over is impossible - not that it matters. Everything not tied down, like an oily rag, the many cables, and a voidtrunk which broke loose from its fastenings, is floating around lazily anyways. There's also a data pad drifting around, which knocks painfully against your shin and tumbles away.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You grab the data pad...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou grab the data pad before it floats away and tap the screen. It fails to react. You tap again, causing light to flicker along the edges, revealing the following holo-shadow:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'><strong>Rep4&/...t</strong>\n\nCa..% ripcxes t.i4 girl &/1hh1 up 4387 too inconsistent to reg))/h on the default sc/(hj. ..eep-RANGE and %(//(/1//ecording. It s&%çds like FarWave b%853987't ..[] out the encoding. Cçç&352ao a source either; it 6/)85347 a cors!r scsc... cc.ccip shadowing our c?=/((U=?\n\nY&/678 et a good res64790t. We/)(uj an e548978 on the /&&% and s...! if any /(85t43u3j goes blan/(). Mi/9zt4hz be an echo after /u8o!!à. Hopefully. We don't /(&983r4le with the C(Ui9t4884, assumi%&(9irl said Z/985439t4hu true - I think i)(5784759880 be.\n</div><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You steady yourself...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou steady yourself in a foot-slot and grab the voidtrunk as it floats past. Mass and momentum threatens to set you adrift again but your hold is good and, before long, you've strapped the trunk down well enough to risk opening the latches - none are locked, though there is a keypad mechanism. \n\nLifting the cover reveals an assortment of dresses and bags, all made of green silk, neatly tucked inside. There are a number of hygiene articles tucked in side pouches and nothing more. \n\nYou can't help but notice the trunk seems oddly heavy given its meager contents, so you begin pulling out the content. What you find beneath the clothes is unsettling: a collapsed, matte-black [[Ilitiavin VIM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VIM"]] and six credit chips, each labeled //1000 C//.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit," you murmur, staring at your discovery. "Who the fuck was this Aida girl anyways?"<<else>>"Woha," you mutter, staring at your discovery. "Who was this Aida girl?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You close the voidtrunk...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou close the voidtrunk and are about to turn away when something creaks. Startled, you curl around to see a maintenance spider drift out of an open wall panel. It's legs move feebly as it floats past.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell,"<<else>>"Darn,"<</if>> you mutter, watching the bot bump helplessly against the trunk. "I really hate starships."\n\nExcept, even as the thought crosses your mind, something occurs to you: why this one maintenance spider, and why now? There should be hundreds aboard a hauler this size. And, if the ship really failed, they should be working frantically to bring it back to functional condition. Given they aren't, you have to assume whatever disabled the ship also shorted out its complement of bots. Unless...\n\nSuddenly frantic, you grab the stricken spider before it floats away again and say, "Access emergency runtimes. Audio input. Dump last cached."\n\nThe machine beeps. Its legs twitch, followed by a burst of static. Footsteps sound on the speaker.\n\n"...like the gurl said, Capt'n. They's shadowin' us. But they's not corsairs nor raiders nor [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] signatures, but somethin' else, running quiet like nothing I's ever heard in the Galactic Core. Barely even a whisper on..."\n\nThe footstes fade into the distance, replaced by a rythmic mechanical clicking that can only be the spider's legs. It loops over and over, pausing only briefly, for several minutes, after which there is only silence.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You hurry along the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou hurry along the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], headed for Timmeon Jewlery. Pedestrians shoot you <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>angry<<else>>wary<</if>> glances as you pass; as though they'd never seen a freelance merc <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>who's shitfaced<</if>> before. <<if $attrib.violence gte 75>>You glower back, irrate at their feigned ignorance.<<elseif $attrib.caution gte 75>>You avoid their eyes, wishing they'd just not notice you.<<else>>You ignore them and continue on your way.<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_timmeon_jewlery.png"]]</div>From the outside, all you see are silver-trimmed signs and meticulously arranged display windows. There's no light on inside but the door is slightly ajar. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You shove it open and stumble inside.<<elseif $attrib.caution gte 75>>Heart racing, you ease it open.<<else>>You push it open and step inside.<</if>> There is jewlery everywhere, in locked vitrines and display cases, hung in wall displays, even locked safely under the translucent floor. \n\n"Hello?" You glance around, wondering why the hell Fisher would be in this place. "Oi, Fish, you here?"\n\n"Shh. Over here." Fisher's black hair peaks above the counter at the rear of the room.\n\nYou crouch beside him. "Hey. What<<if $attrib.demenor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>>'s going on?"\n\n"Out in the back lot." He points to a door a few meters away. "I got a lead on those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] bastards, came here to check it out. And then—" Fisher shakes his head. "It was crazy man, fucking crazy. Some kinda freaky abomination thing. And these guys. Not [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. Something else. They're still out there with, like, body bags. An' yeah, I know we's not on best terms, but you're the spooky shit specialist. What the fuck's our next move, man?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You tell Fisher...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou tell Fisher, <<if $action.action1 eq "abomination">>"I need to know about the abomination. What did—"\n\n"I dunno, man." He looks scared. "Never seen anything like it. But there's a holo-terminal over there. Maybe they got security recordings or somethin'."\n\n"Good thinking." <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying unsteadily on your feet,<<else>>Moving as quietly as possible,<</if>> you approach the holo-terminal. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_hab.png"]]</div>The holo-terminal doesn't respond when you try to activate it. But there's a data pad beside it that looks functional. When you pick it up, you find an unused credit chip lying beneath.\n\nFisher sidles over. "Looks like power's out. So I got no clue. Unless there's some kinda abomination that steals sparkly stuff, y'know." He laughs nervously.\n\n"I doubt it," you say, gaze still fixed on the data pad.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>"We better look around. You know, just in case."\n\n"Ok." Fisher nods. "Okay. Good plan. Let's do that."\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying unsteadily on your feet,<<else>>Moving as quietly as possible,<</if>> you scour the room. There's not much around except jewlery but you find a holo-terminal and data pad behind another sales counter. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_hab.png"]]</div>The holo-terminal doesn't respond when you try to activate it. The data pad however looks functional. When you pick it up, you find an unused credit chip lying beneath.\n\nFisher sidles over. "Hey, I got nothing. Just jewlery. So unless there's some kinda abomination that steals sparkly stuff, y'know." He laughs nervously.\n\n"I doubt it," you say, gaze still fixed on the data pad.<<else>>"I gotta see the backlot. Be better if you stay behind me. And stay frosty, man, because I got no clue what we're dealing with."\n\n<<display 'jewler_backlot_txt'>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You tell Fisher...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou tell Fisher, "I gotta see the backlot now. Stay behind me. And stay frosty, man, because this is definitely weird shit."\n\n<<display 'jewler_backlot_txt'>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "silent">>"Let me handle..."<<else>>"Nice and easy..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.laye43 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "silent_pistol" or $action.action3 eq "silent_rifle">>"Let me handle this," you reply, <<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "silent_pistol">>drawing your M1114 DART.\n\t<<else>>readying your C2000 NITE. \n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "silent_pistol">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>The smoking thug look up as you approach, one measured pace at a time. "Hey, you. What—"<br><br>\n\n\tYou level your sidearm on his head and squeeze. A muffled thud sounds as you blow a suppressed bolt through his head.<br><br>\n\n\tThe man falls just as his companions look up. You put three rounds in each of their chests in rapid succession, then another in each of their skulls, and to be safe another two in the smoker.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit," Fisher mutters as he moves up behind you. "That was some nasty shit, Boss."<br><br>\n\n\t"I'd be more worried about those—" You point to the body bags the thugs had been handling. "Believe me, abominations and corpses in one place are never a good omen."<<else>><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You've just leveled your carbine on the smoking thug when he looks up. "Oh, fu—"<br><br>\n\n\tYou squeeze, causing the C2000 to recoil with a muted thump. The dude falls just as his companions look up. You put two rounds in each of their chests, then another in each of their skulls, and - just to be safe - another two in the smoker.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit," Fisher mutters as he moves toward the corpses. "That was some smooth shit, Boss."<br><br>\n\t\n\t"Save the fanfare and worry about those—" You point to the body bags the thugs had been handling. "Believe me, abominations and corpses in one place are never a good omen."<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>>"Nice and easy," you say, approaching the thugs at a measured pace. "Hey, over there. What are you—"\n\nThe smoking thug looks back. "Fuck! It's him!"\n\n"What?" Another snatches his pistol. "Who? Where?"\n\n"Over there, idiot." The smoker tosses his cigarette aside, already reaching for his weapon.\n\nBeside you, Fisher raises his sidearm. "Boss...?"\n\nThere's no point in saying it: these guys aren't ready to talk. It's kill or be killed - and you don't intend to die on some stupid backlot.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.laye43 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b10_timmeon_corpses.png"]]</div>You lower your weapon and <<walk>> past the dead thugs to the body bags. All but one have been sealed and decompressed. You can see a person's feet in the one that hasn't been fully closed yet.\n\n"Wonder what they-" You crouch and open the body bag, revealing a discolored body and familiar face. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Shit<<else>>Darn<</if>>. I know this dude."\n\nFisher looks surprised. "You do?"\n\n"Yeah. Used to work for a certain Mr. Amman. Name was Jaron or Jared or... Oh no." You tear open the other two body bags to find what you already suspected: the bodies of Mr. Amman and his female bodyguard. "Damn it. I got duped by a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]."\n\nFisher nudges you. "Uhh okay. I don't get it. What's this gotta do with [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] and all?"\n\n"I was looking in to who hired them," you admit, backing away from the body bags. "They were trying to throw me off. So here's what we do: I want you to find the biggest, meanest shocker you can and smuggle it into the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Then we're gonna talk to that<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damned<</if>> abomination and figure out what it knows."\n\n"Okay," Fisher says as you head back toward Timmeon's Jewlery. "I can do that. And Boss? Thanks for looking into this. I thought you'd, you know, kinda thrown us to the dogs 'n all after what happened. I think we're quits again."\n\nA smile curls your lips. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "balanced">>Once a Raptor, always a Raptor.<<else>>I haven't completely forgotten who my friends are.<</if>> Now let's mix <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>life<</if>> up, kid."<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Scrap Yard Pit">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRunAway">>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "placeholder">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "none">> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical lt $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Neurotoxin Canister'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical += 1; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "true">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "canister">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Neurotoxin Canister">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Neurotoxin Canister]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Neurotoxin Canisters]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Neurotoxin Canister]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Grav Platform|b33_scrapyard_oger_loot][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromRunAway">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_return_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromRunAway">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Present your Proof' 'b33_scrapyard_oger_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "present"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.credits += Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase = 2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.criminality gte 10 or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Say the Oger is Dead' 'b33_scrapyard_oger_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "saydeadsuccess"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.credits += Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase = 2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the Oger is Dead|b33_scrapyard_oger_loot][$action.action2 = "saydead"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase = 2; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit the Oger is Alive|b33_scrapyard_oger_loot][$action.action2 = "saynotdead"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase = 2; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromRunAway">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_return_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_oger_payment_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Scrap Yard|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $loc_scrapyard.didFirstVisit = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon and <<if $action.arrive eq "fromSnipe">>head down the stairs, to where the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] fell.<<else>>approach the dead [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]].<</if>> Blood seeps from its wounds, tainting the murky pools blacker than black. All you need now is proof that you killed it. The head is too large to carry but one of its ears should do nicely.\n\n"Yuck," you mutter as you draw your <<knife>>.\n\nIt takes a moment to shear off its ear, an action which leaves you holding a bloody, disfigured lump in your hand. Gruesome doesn't even describe the act. Coupled with the general stench of the scrap yard, it takes a conscious effort not to throw up.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking abominations."<<else>>"Ugh. Seriously."<</if>> You're about to turn away when you spot a neurotoxin canister hanging from a string around the [[Oger's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] neck. "Huh."\n\n<<nobr>> \n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>There's a tag on the string that reads: //Desvhar//. No explanation what that means or who the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] was. But it doesn't matter. You've wasted just about enough time in its filthy presence. Time to head back up and tell Mark you've taken care of his problem.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "demon">>\n\t\t"You're a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. One that somehow didn't go insane."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"In a manner of speaking, yes. It would be easiest to say I am the one whom you know as [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]], thougn in fact I am more and less, all at once."<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "namaz">>\n\t\t"You're [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]]. Or what's left with her."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe boy's lips curl. "A name I haven't heard in many centuries, and yes, I was her. Part of me perhaps still is yet I am more and less, all at once."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notknow">>\n\t\t"I don't know. This is way over my head."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That, I dare say, is the case." The boy frounds. "Perhaps you will know me as [[Irisa Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]], thougn in fact I am more and less than just her, all at once."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"I see," you say slowly. "Or not."<br><br>\n\n\tThe kid smiles sadly. "Immortality is a sour gift, <<firstname>>, one the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is right to consider unnatural. To extend my life I did not take that of another such as other, ah, solutions might involve. Instead I became part of their lives, grew to see their mind and body as my own, until two people were one. Today I am as much Irisa Namaz as I am her mother or Jussuf Beic, into whose body I was born by my sister and her misbegotten henchman."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>Simply looking at the kid fills you with deep, seething hatred. It is [[Irisa Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]]. Alive in the body of another - one touched by a horrible black curse.<<else>>"I, uh, well, don't see how any of this relates to anything."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"I was lucky to find peace in the solitude of this Shrine through Jussuf Beic. Others were less fortunate, or indeed never unlearned the way I once had in life, and it is one such shadow shich plagues you as it does me, spreading chaos out of sheer malice. It is there that our interests coincide."\n\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromWilkin">>You head through the service are<<else>>You climb into the passenger seat<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWilkin">>You head through the service area to the alley behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Five Raptors are lounging around, smoking cigarettes and chatting with one another. Fisher is among them, standing before a parked grav-car.\n\nHe looks up as you draw near. "Boss. Good to see ya. The Boss told me we're headed somewhere, eh? What's the address? Oh, and I already got your gear in the car and—"\n\n"Easy, kid." You pat his shoulder and ease him toward the car. "Just gotta do some business. Won't be long."\n\n"Okay, cool." He hops in behind the controls, saying, "Heard it's gotta do with those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] bastards. That so?"\n\n"More or less." You climb into the passenger seat and say, "Head up to the Core. Big mansion, shaped like a pyramid. There should be a utility entrance 'round back."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_fisher.png"]]</div>"Oh." He activates the engine, causing the car to float off the landing pad with a dull hum, and eases toward the grav-tunnel. "I've heard of the place, Boss. Vindel Mansion. The Boss won't kiddin' when he said this was bigtime shit we's all mixed—"\n\n"Fisher." You gesture to the nearby grav-tunnel. "Just <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>drive."\n\n"Right, right." He accelerates.\n\nUneasy silence broken only by the hum of antigrav-plates fills the interior of the vehicle. You don't bother to speak. Fisher knows where to go and what to do. Talking will just make him nervous. And that will make you nervous. And that is the last thing you need right now.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromVision">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_formal.png"]]</div>You climb into the passenger seat of the grav-car, saying, "What's your name anyways?"\n\n"I am a friend." The cultist climbs in behind the controls. "We share a Vision. No more."\n\nYou nod slowly. "And you... they recruited you?"\n\n"It was a willing choice." He starts the engine, causing the car to float off the landing pad with a dull hum. "There is no future for the galaxy we currently know. So it must be redrawn. And that is what all who have seen this Vision for what it is strive toward."\n\n"Yeah," you murmur as the car eases into the grav-tunnel.\n\nSilence broken only by the hum of antigrav-plates fills the interior of the vehicle. You don't quite know what to say. Strange, that others share this Vision. You thought it was some insane idea. But maybe it's more widespread than you imagined. Hard to tell.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromZweili">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_church.png"]]</div>You climb into the passenger seat of the grav-car, saying, "You know where to go, right?"\n\n"Indeed, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>." The fanatic hops in behind the controls. "It is a mansion near the Core, shaped like a pyramid. We learned there is a utility entrance around the back through which one can enter all but undetected."\n\nYour brow furrows. "And you're sure this isn't a trap?"\n\n"One cannot know, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>." Your driver starts the engine, causing the car to float off the landing pad with a dull hum. "But we have faith. It is our shield and our sword. Trust in [[Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and the Loving Stars shall watch over us."\n\n"Yeah," you murmur as the car eases into the grav-tunnel.\n\nSilence broken only by the hum of antigrav-plates fills the interior of the vehicle. You don't bother to speak. The fanatic is clearly out of his mind. Sure, he's probably a useful <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>tool<<else>>asset<</if>>, but still. You aren't exactly happy riding into the unknown on the word of an <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>brainded faith<<else>>extremist<</if>>. Except that's what you're doing. And there's nothing you can do now except hope for the best.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>For a long time, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWilkin">>For a long time, you simply sit and stare at the grav-cars and tunnel walls flashing past. Fisher drives it at regulation speeds, taking one fastway, then another, until after almost half an hour you near the Core - the very heart of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. At first nothing looks different. The signs just say you're getting close.\n\nThen the grav-car zips out of a tunnel mouth and into the cavernous hollow surrounding the REACH core at the heart of the habitation platform. Occasional cars buzz past, following unmarked traffic lanes, but otherwise the center of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] is as spacious as it is deserted.\n\n"Over there." Fisher points as he maneuvers into another lane and dives.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1.png"]]</div>Below you lies an enormous pyramid made of black glass. Unlike virtually every other structure you know, the mansion is free-standing and not grafted into the superstructure of the space station. There's a landing pad out front and a long line of stairs flanked by enormous obelisks but Fisher flies straight past those and pulls a U-turn around the back, where a larger, utility-class landing pad is nestled in the shadows.\n\n"Here we go," he says, throttling back and setting down. "Boss said to let ya do this one alone so I'll just, you know, fly around a bit until you get back. But if anythign goes south, message me, okay?"\n\n"I will," you say, gathering up your gear. "And Fisher? Don't do anything stupid."\n\nThe black-haired kid nods silenty. You nod too. Words aren't necessary. You both know you're about to pull big shit, bigtime.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromVision">>For a long time, you simply sit and stare at the grav-cars and tunnel walls flashing past. The cultists drives it at full-speed, wobbling down one fastway, then along another, until after almost a quarter of an hour you near the Core - the very heart of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. At first nothing looks different. The signs just say you're getting close.\n\nThen the grav-car zips out of a tunnel mouth and into the cavernous hollow surrounding the REACH core at the heart of the habitation platform. Occasional cars buzz past, following unmarked traffic lanes, but otherwise the center of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] is as spacious as it is deserted.\n\n"Be prepared, friend." The cultist maneuvers into another lane and dives.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1.png"]]</div>Below you lies an enormous pyramid made of black glass. Unlike virtually every other structure you know, the mansion is free-standing and not grafted into the superstructure of the space station. There's a landing pad out front and a long line of stairs flanked by enormous obelisks but the cultist flies straight past those and pulls a U-turn around the back, where a larger, utility-class landing pad is nestled in the shadows.\n\n"Expect no assistance," he says, throttling back and setting down. "Your genetic greatness alone proves your worth."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, I fucking know,"<<else>>"So I've heard,"<</if>> you say, eyeing the mansion.\n\n"Trust the Vision." The cultists pats your shoulder. "Now go, friend. Prove your strength in action."<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromZweili">>For a long time, you simply sit and stare at the grav-cars and tunnel walls flashing past. The fanatic drives it at full-speed, wobbling down one fastway, then along another, until after almost a quarter of an hour you near the Core - the very heart of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. At first nothing looks different. The signs just say you're getting close.\n\nThen the grav-car zips out of a tunnel mouth and into the cavernous hollow surrounding the REACH core at the heart of the habitation platform. Occasional cars buzz past, following unmarked traffic lanes, but otherwise the center of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] is as spacious as it is deserted.\n\n"Its lair is there." The fanatic points as he maneuvers into another lane and dives.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1.png"]]</div>Below you lies an enormous pyramid made of black glass. Unlike virtually every other structure you know, the mansion is free-standing and not grafted into the superstructure of the space station. There's a landing pad out front and a long line of stairs flanked by enormous obelisks but the fanatic flies straight past those and pulls a U-turn around the back, where a larger, utility-class landing pad is nestled in the shadows.\n\n"Be ready, Brother," he says, throttling back and setting down. "I shall await your return here, but should you linger, I shall be gone."\n\n"Okay," you say, trying not to let the apprehension gnawing at your mind show on your face.\n\n"Loving Stars watch over you." The man pats your shoulder. "Now go, Brother, and make this demon pay for its sins against all that is sacred."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You climb out of the grav-car and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou climb out of the grav-car and scurry into the shadows of the landing pad. Behind you, the car hums off into the distance. Nothing makes a sound. The black pyramid looms above you in silence. There's a wide security door at the base, accessible via a walkway that runs off the landing pad.\n\nHoping your arrival went unnoticed, you hurry across the walkway. Floor plates creak under your feet but no security bots zoom past to investigate - a good sign - so you sidle up beside the door. It's locked and there's no holo-terminal to open it but you spot an interface jack compatible with your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. When you jack in, the following dialog appears:<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "fromSelf">>You step back and...<<elseif $action.action5 eq "wave">>You wave your...<<else>><<if $action.action3 eq "forcedOpen">>You jam your <<knife>> into<<else>>The door unseals with a beep and<</if>>...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_exo_unpowered.png"]]</div><</if>><<if $action.action5 eq "fromSelf">>You step back, careful not to tread on the technician, who's passed out on the floor, and glance around the dim store room.<<elseif $action.action5 eq "wave">>You wave your armored hand before your face. Servos whirr harmonically. The hand flexes and un-flexes just as it should. Relieved, you glance around the dark store room.\n\n<<else>><<if $action.action3 eq "forcedOpen">>You jam your <<knife>> into the lock and fiddle around until the doors release with a click. The resulting gap is just wide enough to jam your fingers inside and haul the doors open. Sweat runs down your forehead as you shove them apart.\n\nBreathing hard, you step through, into the gloomy store room beyond. Snyth-crates are piled against the walls.<<else>>The door unseals with a beep and you step through, into a gloomy store room filled with synthcrates.<</if>> There's only one glow panel which casts its frail light on a deactivated suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. A technician in yellow-black overalls is working on the machine.\n\nHe looks up as you approach. "Hey, who—"\n\n"Sorry, man." You slam the man's head into the chestplate of the armored exoskeleton. \n\nThe technician goes limp, knocked out cold. You drop him and glance around.<</if>> <<if $loc_mansion_raid.sabotagedArmor eq true>>On the floor beside the smoking [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] are a<<elseif $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothes neq "none">>On the floor beside you are a<<else>>On the floor beside the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] are a<</if>> toolbox and munitions container. To your left, barely visible in the dark, a stairway leads upwards, no doubt into the pyramid above. \n\nThat'll be the way you want to go. Quietly though. The last thing you need is to draw attention to yourself.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You step up to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "ammocontainer">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_m9610.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou step up to the munitions container and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>carefully <</if>>pop the lid. Inside the padded box you find <<if $loc_mansion_raid.storedRifle eq "M9610">>a [[CalTech M9610|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M9610"]]<<else>>your old rifle<</if>> and <<if not $loc_mansion_raid.tookAmmo1>>two drums of 9mm bolts<<else>>two empty slots designed to fit 9mm drum magazines<</if>>. <<if not $loc_mansion_raid.tookAmmo2>>There's also a magazine of 9mm bolts tucked inside the lid<<else>>There was also a 9mm magazine tucked in the lid but you already took that<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.storedRifle eq "M9610">>"Neat." You crouch down<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>, causing your armor to whirr,<</if>> and examine the bulky gun.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHell of a beast - high velocity, large magazine, and heavy as fuck. Not quite the ideal tool for sneaking into a Lord's mansion but it could come in handy, especially if the subtle approach goes tits up. You'll have to grab the flechette drums, of course, and lugging those around will be a bitch too, but a little extra fire power could prove useful.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "usearmor">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>You step up to the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. From the front, all you can see is thick armor plates with jagged edges and all manner of servo systems. When you <<walk>> around the back, you can see into the padded interior. Dozens of probes and tubes are all neatly packed away, just waiting for a user they can interface with, and the backup UI in the helmet is blinking: //system on standby//.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nice." You step into armored boots, then slip your hands into the gloves.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAt once, clamps lock down. A digital beep resounds in your head, followed by a hydraulic hiss. Pain shoots through your body as the suit's probes and tubes latch onto your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. Then something cold touches the back of your neck and all your senses go blank.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEverything feels numb until the world returns with a jolt. Only it isn't the world you know. This perception is heavy and distant, as though you weren't really there at all. You figure that's because you're percieving the world through the senses of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] - all your biological senses would know is the dark interior of the suit. When you try to flex your hands however, nothing moves.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA voice reverberates in your mind, "Error. Servo interface unresponsive. Rebooting."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stand where you are, unable to move, until the voice announces, "Interface rebooted. Two errors logged. Awaiting input."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPart of you doesn't want to move. If the system is security locked or - worse - faulty, anything could go wrong. But you're in the suit now. Maybe test it with something simple, like a wave of the hand.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "sabotage">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo_ruin.png"]]</div>You step up to the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], wondering how to best sabotage the suit. From the front, all you can see is thick armor plates with jagged edges and all manner of servo systems. When you <<walk>> around the back, you can see into the padded interior. Dozens of probes and tubes are all neatly packed away, just waiting for a user they can interface with, and the backup UI in the helmet is blinking: //system on standby//.<br><br>\n\n\t\tRemembering the toolbox beside the armor, you grab a power spanner and begin jabbing it into the suit's exposed electronics. Each stab causes sparks to fly and smoke to drift from the fried electronics. Within less than a minute, you've fused every node and tube you can find into the padded lining.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That oughta do the trick," you say, tossing the spanner back into the toolbox.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSmoke drifts from the recently-wrecked [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. No one will be going anywhere with that anytime soon. And, if they try, the suit will probably shock them to death. \n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Cryochamber 7">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='cryolounge-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'cryoloung_abom_loot'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_cryoroom.foundCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_cryoroom.foundCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 455; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x455">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_cryoroom.tookCell>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the FuCell'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_cryoroom.tookCell = true; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FuCell]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "fucell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FuCell]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_inside][$action.action2 = "datapad"; $loc_cryoroom.readDataPad = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search for Clues|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_inside][$action.action3 = "datapad"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search for Clues|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Hellcat_B10"; $processed = false; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_hellcat_cryo"; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; $action.arrive = "fromKill"; $loc_cryolounge.killedAbomination = true; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kick the Hellcat|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_inside][$action.action4 = "fight"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Run for your Life|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_inside][$action.action4 = "run"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 5; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_hellcat_inside_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "run" and $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head back Upstairs|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_leave][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromRun"; $loc_cryolounge.killedAbomination = false; $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Hellcat|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Hellcat_B10"; $action.arrive = "fromKill"; $processed = false; $loc_cryolounge.killedAbomination = true; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You yank the crowbar out...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_cryochamber.png"]]</div>You yank the crowbar out of the lock and, one by one, unseal the bolts. Two of them are almost frozen in place, requiring you to scratch off the ice with the crowbar - which might not have been there to seal the door after all, as you realize. When all is said and done, you give the door a good shove. It doesn't budge.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck you."<<else>>"Oh, come on."<</if>> You push harder.\n\nIce cracks as the door grinds open, allowing a gust of frigid air to escape. Before you is a long chambered dominated by six ice-coated cylinders. Pipes and tubes run from them into the floor and ceiling, many of them scratched and torn open, but the structural damage isn't nearly as creepy as the frost-caked body lying just beyond the door.\n\nMale, no older than youit died with its mouth open and left hand still gripping a battered [[MF-G6|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-G6"]]. There are deep gashes in the man's winter coat - frozen stiff - and blood has seeped through the fabric, staining the ice red. Two unused neurotoxin canisters lie beside the corpse. You shiver involuntarily, and not just because of the cryo equipment.<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - Pressure Berth 51">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.65; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 101; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_voidshrine', 'killedCommisaria'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she has a Point|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action1 = "haspoint"; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_voidshrine', 'sparedCommisaria'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she's a real Asshole|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action1 = "asshole"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_voidshrine', 'sparedCommisaria'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you're doing your Job|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action1 = "dojob"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_voidshrine', 'sparedCommisaria'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "haspoint" or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.65; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 101; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you can Help|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action2 = "canhelp"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's bad for Her|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action2 = "badfor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for more Information|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action2 = "details"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "badfor" or ($action.action2 eq "canhelp" and ($loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe"))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.65; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "canhelp">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say six days is a long Time|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action3 = "sixdays"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Maintenance Bot|b40_addon_constabularia_hauler][$action.action3 = "maintbot"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'hauler_constabularia_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.65; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the data pad and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou pick up the data pad and swipe the display. The following screen appears:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'>Josh,\n\nThat exebition over in E Sector wants to keep me another week. Our goods are selling like mad and, well, I think we might have finally made it! Anyways, down to business: something went down with the Zanex guys and they pulled out of the lot earlier than expected. I rented it on to another, uh, client for the rest of the week. Sounded urgent and, well, I think you'd better stay out of their way.\n\nBut we made it! We can finally pay up and get out of that business. Oh, and if Jennifer comes by again, tell her to stop pretending she isn't fucking you. I tried to explain that you talked about it with me but she just doesn't get I'm not your father. Weird woman. Glad you like her though. I can't handle her.\n\nTake care,\n\nSammy</div><</if>>
"Don't worry," Fisher says as he draws his pistol. "I'll be on your six, Boss."\n\nYou nod curtly and head for the rear door - there's an //EXIT// sign above it - and push the release. It opens onto a narrow strip of pavement between the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]] shops and a grav tunnel behind them. It must have been built as a delivery area but the sheer volume of trash strewn about suggests the owners don't take deliveries often.\n\nMore importantly however, there are three men at the far end of the lot. One is smoking a cigarette, looking on while the other two fiddle with what look suspiciously like body bags. None of the fellows notice you - a stroke of luck considering they all have pistols tucked in their back pockets.\n\nFisher nudges you, whispering, "How we gon' handle this, Boss?"
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "run">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_flee_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_flee_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Look for a way Home' 'mainsion_raid_flee'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "home">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothes neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $loc_mansion_raid.storedClothes; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Exited">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_mansion_raid.tookCredits>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_mansion_raid.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 514; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x514">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for a way Home|mainsion_raid_flee][$action.action3 = "home"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_flee_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_flee_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hike back Home|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromcore"; $time.active += 6; $attrib.fatigue += 35; $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_ottodead); $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 15; $attrib.salary += 500; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hike back Home|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromcore"; $time.active += 6; $attrib.fatigue += 35; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromRunAway">>You back away...<<else>>You head back up the stairs...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRunAway">>You back away, up the stairs to the grav-platform. The [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] presses ever nearer. Panic surges. You slap the platform's controls and hit a button labeled //Destination: Entrance//. Mag-clamps disengage with a clang and you float away, slowly but steadily rising out of the stinking depths of Level B33.\n\nFrom below, the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] looses a mournful yowl. "I want. Only die!"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You'll die soon enough," you call back<<else>>"I'm sorry," you mutter<</if>> as the platform continues to rise.\n\nLong minujtes drag. You lean on the railing and stare out over the scrap yard. Finally, after what feels like forever, the platform reaches the walkway by the main entrance.\n\nMark hurries toward you as you step off the platform. "We heard screamin'. Thought ye bit it. But it's dead, ya?"<<else>>You head back up the stairs to the grav-platform. The workman who flew you down isn't there so you activate the controls and select one that reads //Destination: Entrance//. Mag-clamps disengage with a clang and you float away, slowly but steadily rising out of the stinking depths of Level B33.\n\n<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Fatigued as you are by the encounter with the abomination, you barely notice time passing. You just stare at nothing until, suddenly, you're back at the walkway by the main entrance.\n\n"Aw, man." You stifle a yawn and<<else>>Still wound up from the encounter with the abomination, the ride seems to take forever. Your heart races on and on as you lean on the railing and stare out over the scrap yard. Finally, after what feels like forever, the platform reaches the walkway by the main entrance.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Finally."<<else>>"Glad that's over."<</if>> You flex your shoulder blades, which are tense from leaning on the railing so long, and <</if>> step off the grav-platform and make for the exit. \n\nMark is waiting by the gate. He looks relieved when you draw near. "Ye did it, yeah? An' ye got proof it's dead? Right?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "present">>"I did." You present the...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "saydead" or $action.action2 eq "saynotdead" or $action.action2 eq "saydeadsuccess">>\n\t\tYou say, \n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "saydead">>"Yeah, it's as good as dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMark looks relieved. "So, ya got proof? Fer me Boss, ya know. Like I asked?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "saydeadsuccess">>"No," you admit. "But the [[Oger's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] had it. Trust me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"Well, y'know, I shouldn't be—" He waves the thought away. "What's I sayin'? This is you we's talkin' of. So yeah. I's thinkin' <<print Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C for yer time? Minor knock off because ya didn't get proof. But the creds are still good. They's off the books through, jus' sayin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou hold out your arm. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sign 'em over."<<else>>"Sounds good."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tA moment later, the deal is done. You're two thousand credits richer and Mark has one abomination problem less - in a few days, when the damn thing actually dies. At any rate, you should probably get the hell out of there, preferably before Mark or the rest of the crew realize what really happened.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Uhh—" You pull a face. "What I meant is the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] will be dead. In a day or two. So just stay out of that area. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>This way it'll die painfully. Like it should.<<else>>It'll be gone soon enough.<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMark looks surprised. "What ya mean by that, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's dying," you reply evenly. "Wouldn't have been right to, you know, just murder it. So just stay out of that area. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>This way it'll die painfully. Like it should.<<else>>It'll be gone soon enough.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An' ye call yerself a hunter?" Mark barks a laugh. "Yer jus' as chicken as every'un else I knows. An' I bet yer gon' ask fer credits now too, fer yer time 0n all, ain't ya? Frickin' joke 'dis is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head. "Keep the cash. But I'm not gonna risk my life over an abomination that's dead anyways. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Follow?<<else>>Sorry.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ehh, fine. Whateva." Mark bites his lip. "Yeah, I guess I won't go risk me life over somethin' like dat eitha. But this ain't cool, Vine. It ain't cool at all."<br><br>\t\t\n\n\t\t\tYou nod absently. There's nothing more to say. Mark wouldn't understand anyways so better to just leave the matter be.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "present">>"I did." You present the grimy ear you cut from the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"That's gonna have to do as proof. No way in hell I'm gonna get more of that beast back here."<<else>>"Hope this is enough. No way I could've brought more of that brute back."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"Ai, that's jus' what I wanted. Kinda, eh, icky but—" Mark takes the ear and wraps it in plastic. "Anyways, I's greatful fer ya help. Been havin' so much trouble with that thing an' my boss ain't got no luck finding someone who's willin' te take it on. So I'd say ye's gon' get somethin for it all. I's thinkin' maybe <<print Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C, off the books?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou hold out your arm. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sign 'em over."<<else>>"Sounds good."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tA moment later, the deal is done. You're two thousand credits richer and Mark has one abomination problem less. Fair trade as far as you're concerned. Not that you're burning to run into another [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] but at least you were amply compensated for your efforts.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"What do you mean..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n"What do you mean by coincide," you say. "Because, if I get what you're saying right, you're telling me you want me to take down another copy of, well, yourself."<br><br>\n\nThe kid shakes his head. "Of my former self, <<firstname>>. I am no more [[Irisa Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] than you are and what this monster does with what was once mine is disgusting. It thinks it is [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]], believes itself to be carrying on her legacy, whereas in fact all it does is spread the same madness I once did in a former life. ALl this it does on the advice of it's henchman, whom it believes it controls, but in truth is merely an agent of the Great Betrayer. Lucinia."<br><br>\n\n"Who?"<br><br>\n\n"Irrelevant. What is relevant is: it's very existence is a disgrace and it must be removed."<br><br>\n\n"I'm kinda failing to see the distinction but okay. Humor me: why haven't you dealt with it yourself?"<br><br>\n\n"Because I, like this shadow, am but that. Shadows." There's a brief pause. "Even if we had access to the skills we posessed in life, the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] hunts us ceaselessly and I am at war with the demons of the old world, so our means are limited to what little we can safely affect. That which <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] aquired for me<<else>>the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] entrusted to me<</if>> is but a piece of the puzzle, yet with it, I will know precisely where this shadow lurks. All I would require then is one with the means to destoy it. And that is you."<br><br>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, man," you murmur, rubbing your face. "Why don't I like where this is going one bit? I mean, I shoud be executing you on principle, right here."<<else>>"Oh, man." You draw a deep breath. "Hate to say this but I don't like where this is going. You're an abomination. I should terminate you out of sheer principle."<</if>><br><br>\n\n"I had first placed my hopes in another yet your abilities are more promising.<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">> More promising, I think, that anyone ever imagined.<</if>>" The kid's eyeless face haunts your vision as he says, "All I ask for is your faith. Place your trust in me and I shall provide the knowledge you require to end this monster's reign of terror once and for all, <<firstname>>. You will not recieve a better offer, not from the Clergy, certainly not from that wretched [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], and I would wager not even from the Traitor Queen, if she can even find it in her twisted heart to care."\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_mainfloor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|mansion_raid_mainfloor][$action.action1 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 2; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 11>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|mansion_raid_mainfloor][$action.action1 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 11; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Troopers|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "attack"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B1_Outerguard"; $processed = false]]</div>\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_mainfloor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_mainfloor_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Open the Double Doors|mainsion_raid_greathall][$hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You tiptoe into the cryochamber...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>You tiptoe into the cryochamber, senses alert and doing your best not to slip around like an idiot. It doesn't work. Within seconds, you're sliding across the floor, scrambling not to touch any of the freezing walls as you skid toward the far wall.\n\nYou impact hard, causing your <<armortype>> to stick to the wall. Cursing, you rip away and look around. Frigid haze swirls in the air. Through the mist, you can make out the many scratch marks on the walls and equipment. They must've been made by unusually large claws but you can't imagine what inflicted them. Nor is there anything in the room with you, <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>though for a brief moment you could have sworn you saw an enormous feline hiding behind one of the cryocylinders.<<else>>at least not that you can tell.<</if>>\n\nBehind one of the cooling cylinder to your left however you spot a little table. Someone left a data pad, credit chip, and spare [[FuCell|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FuCell"]] on it - presumably the technicians who first reported the abomination. Not the best place to start but maybe that will give you some indication of what happened.<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "doSnipe">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_mainfloor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_mainfloor_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action2 = "nocare"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.violence += 1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he Means|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action2 = "ask"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.caution += 1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's Weak|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action2 = "taunt"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's the Thug|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action2 = "taunt"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Vampire|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action5 = "kill"; $hide.layer0 = true; $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled += 1; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='otto-loot-chamber'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'otto-loot-chamber'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "datapad" or $action.action3 eq "agent">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer4 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|mainsion_raid_greathall][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer4 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_greathall_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|mainsion_raid_postbattle][$action.action1 = "runsuccess"; $processed = false; $attrib.caution += 3; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|mainsion_raid_postbattle][$action.action1 = "run"; $processed = false; $attrib.caution += 3; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_mansion_raid.sabotagedArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Troopers|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "fightzanex"; $processed = false;$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B1_Responseteam"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Exo Armor|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "fightarmor"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B1_ExoArmor"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase = 4>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 13>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'manson_raid_flee_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "run">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Shoot your way Out|hud_combat][$action.action2 = "shootout"; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B1_Blockingforce"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Run for the Walkway|mainsion_raid_flee][$action.action2 = "run"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>You lower your weapon...<<else>>You do as instructed...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_airlock.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>You lower your weapon, eyeing the dead [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Stupid bitch got what she deserved.<<else>>Poor woman. Never had a clue.<</if>> But that's irrelevant compared to the larger issue at hand: you just killed an agent of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. There's pretty much no way they'll let you get away with this.\n\nOr maybe they will. Either way, lingering around the scene of the crime isn't a good idea.<<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>> Especially seeing as you killed that [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] outside too.<</if>>\n\n"Oh, this is just so fucked up," you mutter, hurrying toward the airlock.\n\nA slap to the controls caus claxons to blare. Lights flash as the airlock cycles with a sucking rush. Outside, <<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>>the dead [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] is sprawled in the dim corridor. You hurry past him and, without so much as a backwards glance, head for...<<else>>the heavily armored [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] is sstill standing guard. He barely reacts as you rush past, setting a hasty pace toward...<</if>><<else>>You do as instructed, stepping into the airlock but never taking your eyes of [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai. Her gun never moves from your chest as she taps the control panel. The claxon blares, lights flash, and the airlock cycles with a sucking rush.\n\nVarai waves you outside<<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>>, toward the dead [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. "More of your handywork no doubt. You deserve to be executed on the spot.<<else>>toward the [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] standing guard. "Now, <<formalname>>."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, yeah."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Take it easy."<<else>>"I'm going already."<</if>> You step out and face the woman. "So, plain and simple: what's the big deal here, Commisaria?"\n\n"The big deal, <<formalname>>, is your <<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>>murderous tendency<<else>>attitude<</if>>." Varai guides you away from the airlock at gunpoint. "You are not qualified for the task you have been assigned and every blundering entrance you make ruins the efforts of those truly dedicateed to uncovering the truth. Or is it irrelevant to you that a devout young woman gave her life in the attempt to gain the answers we seek? That the Clergy is paralyzed in pointless finger pointing while the true culprit slips away unnotices? <<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>>And that now you are killing even our own <</if>>Does none of this worry you in the slightest?"\n\n"Personally? No." You stop and face the woman. "But as you may have been informed I was hired to investigate by Zweili. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>So that's what I came here to do.<<else>>Which, as you might have realized by now, is what I'm <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>doing.<</if>><<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>> Sorry about the [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] though. That was a misunderstanding.<</if>>"\n\nVarai barks a laugh. "Truly? What I see is an avatar of madness madness, determined to throw us into disarray through blind ignorance and stupidity."<</if>><</if>>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You shake your head...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou shake your head with a laugh. <<if $action.action1 eq "haspoint">>"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Shit, y<<else>>Y<</if>>ou don't think I know that? I'm doing the best I can. But it isn't like I got a lot of support here, do I?"\n\n"Perhaps if you were less insufferable, you would have your support." Varai breathes a sigh. "But who am I trying to lecture? This is a waste of time."\n\n"Yeah, now who's got the attitude problem?"\n\nShe glowers at you. "This is no game, <<formalname>>. Your attempts at solving this conundrum are pathetic, as are you. Now get out of my sight. <<if $loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight>>Before I decide to sumilarily execute you for all the crimes you have comitted."<<else>>Before I lose my temper."<</if>>\n\n"Sounds like you've already lost it," you mutter as you turn away.\n\nVarai's hateful glare follows your every step. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Part of you wishes you'd killed her when you had the chance. But maybe it's better you didn't. At any rate, all you want to be is away from her and back at...<<else>>Insufferable woman. Utterly prejudiced and impossible to reason with. But you're rid of her for now, and you can't say you're not glad to head back to...<</if>><<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "asshole">>"You're a real asshole, you know that? But no. I am not deliberately meddling and you<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn well<</if>> know that. So cut the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>crap<<else>>nonsense<</if>> and get whatever<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> you have to say out."\n\nVarai scoffs. "To you? I have nothing to say."\n\n"Really." You risk a step toward the woman. "So I'm guessing you knew that that haulers was being followed before it got its back broken?"<<else>>"I'm just doing my job<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>, damn it<</if>>. And by the looks of it we're after the same thing: answers. But by all means, keep insulting and demeaning. That's guaranteed to provide results."\n\nVarai scoffs. "Results, such as your pathetic attempt at delving into this affair? Is that what you mean?"\n\n"No." You risk a step toward the woman. "But let's play ball: I presume you already know that that haulers was being followed before it got its back broken?"<</if>>\n\n<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6)>>"Of course I knew," Varai snaps. "You are impeding my investigation, perahps even tampering with evidence. There will be charges. Rest assured."\n\nYou open your mouth to argue but think twice and <<walk>> away. Varai's hateful glare follows your every step. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Part of you wishes you'd killed her when you had the chance. But maybe it's better you didn't. At any rate, all you want to be is away from her and back at...<<else>>Insufferable woman. Utterly prejudiced and impossible to reason with. But you're rid of her for now, and you can't say you're not glad to head back to...<</if>><<else>>"Of course I knew," Varai snaps. "It was one of our vessels which shadowed it, not that you could possibly know that. Nor could you possibly know that Aida Abi volunteered for this assignment, in an attempt to draw out those at fault into a compromising position. Alas, the poor girl is now dead, and her sacrifice was for naught. Not that you would care in the slightest, <<formalname>>."\n\nYou're about to retort but instead just say, "You sent that kid out there, into the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fricking<<else>>depths of the<</if>> void, to play bait? For who? The <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damned <</if>>[[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]?"\n\n"A possibility." Varai's expression softens slightly. "But I shall be frank, <<formalname>>: we do not know. The RANGE track vanished just as the Outer Spheres was about to execute its first jump. Upon investigation, the vessel was broken apart, all within dead. There were no other vessels present and, despite our best efforts, we cannot determine the cause, much less who saw to its destruction."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action2 eq "canhelp">>"I can help you with that. Really. There's an expl—"\n\n"You? Help me?" Varai almost laughs out loud. "No. I can't even be certain you weren't the saboteur. So I cannot—"\n\n"Me sabotage a void hauler. Yeah." You shake your head in despair. "Listen, lady. <<if $attrib.criminality gte 15>>So I got mixed up in a cubic ton of shit recently. Okay.<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 10>>I get mixed up in <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> on this job. I give ya that.<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 5>>I get mixed up in <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> sometimes. It's part of the job.<<else>>Maybe I get mixed up in <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> now and then.<</if>> And my track record isn't exactly a stellar example either. <<if ($loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe")>>But I'm offering to help you here and all you do is throw it in my face. So you know what? Fuck you. I'm gone."\n\nAs you make to leave, Varai blocks your path. "<<formalname>>. You are still a suspect. If you leave—"\n\n"Suspect, yeah. Because I knew this damned hauler existed six months ago or whatever. No one's gonna believe that. Shit, not even you're that stupid<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> and your're a fucking faith<</if>>."<<else>>But I am offering my help and believe me. You want it."\n\n"Dobutful, but very well. I shall tolerate it." Her chin tilts up. "Provided you can prove you were not the saboteur."\n\n"Well, let's simply reiterate: I only just found out about the hauler. I know nothing. You're saying it yourself: I'm utterly clueless. Doesn't that tell you all it needs to?"<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "badfor">>"Too bad for you. But not my problem, like you said. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way."\n\n"Not so fast." Varai moves into your path. "I must first be certain you were not involved in this affair."<<else>>"Can you tell me anything else? About what happened? Any theories you got?"\n\n"No," Varai replies flatly. "At least not until I am certain you were not involved in this affair."<</if>><<if $action.action2 neq "canhelp">>\n\n"Me?" It's hard not to laugh. "Listen, lady. <<if $attrib.criminality gte 15>>So I got mixed up in a cubic ton of shit recently. Okay.<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 10>>I get mixed up in <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> on this job. I give ya that.<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 5>>I get mixed up in <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> sometimes. It's part of the job.<<else>>Maybe I get mixed up in <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> now and then.<</if>> And my track record isn't exactly a stellar example either. But believe me: I did not sabotage a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> void hauler. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Hell, <</if>>I didn't even know this thing existed until recently. So can we please not point another unnecessary finger here?"<</if>>\n\n"I am merely covering all the angles." Varai musters you with a stern look, then nods. "But I concur. You were not involved."\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "badfor" or ($action.action2 eq "canhelp" and ($loc_derelict_hauler.killedKnight or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe"))>>"Well, thank <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>hell<<else>>goodness<</if>> for common sense." You nod down the dim walkway. "So I can go now?"\n\n"Yes." Varai finally lowers her sidearm. "Go. But know I will be watching you."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, yeah,"<<else>>"If you have to,"<</if>> you mutter, setting a hasty pace back toward...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "canhelp">>"Common sense wins at last. Now you're going to want to know what I have to—"\n\n"First, let me tell you this, for the situation is simple: the MCS Outer Spheres accelertated to nine hundred Z, and translated sixteen thousand U from [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], which as you may already know is the minimal safe distance for REACH activity. It was scheduled to follow a standardized hauler route. The crew were corporation employees, however we selected from the most devout and trusted followers of Eden to crew this launch. Additionally, I vetted them and inspected all their cargo personally. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary and both Aida and the Captain were under instructions to trigger general distress at the slightest hint of danger. They were in the void for nineteen standards days when we were notified of the incident." Varai breathes a sigh. "It took our vessel six days to reach them, by which time the crew and most of the hauler's systems had expired. Now what can you possibly tell me that our experts have not already discovered?"<<else>>"Well hooray for common sense." You draw a deep breath. "Okay, enough passive-agression. I was asking for details before you threw that <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>crap<<else>>nonsense<</if>> at me."\n\n"What I know is inconclusive or information cannot be entrusted in good faith. Yet the situation is simple: the MCS Outer Spheres accelertated to nine hundred Z, and translated sixteen thousand U from [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], which as you may already know is the minimal safe distance for REACH activity. It was scheduled to follow a standardized hauler route. The crew were corporation employees, however we selected from the most devout and trusted followers of Eden to crew this launch. Additionally, I vetted them and inspected all their cargo personally. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary and both Aida and the Captain were under instructions to trigger general distress at the slightest hint of danger. They were in the void for nineteen standards days when we were notified of the incident." Varai breathes a sigh. "It took our vessel six days to reach them, by which time the crew and most of the hauler's systems had expired."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I see," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"I see," you say. <<if $action.action3 eq "sixdays">>"But six days is a long time. Anything could have happened before your guys got there."\n\nVaria's expression hardens. "The shadow vessel was trailing as close as could be without unnecessarily exposing its intent, <<formalname>>. The void is large and difficult to manage even with all our most sophisticated technology. Yet I can say this: if there were external influence, our vessel would have recorded it on RANGE. There were no other contacts present on their sensor recordings."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"It sounds a lot like you have no idea what's going on," you say, eyeing the Commisaria's gun nervously.<<else>>"In other words you got nothing," you say, still uncomfortable with the gun in the Commisaria's hand.<</if>>\n\nVarai nods curtly. "Yet. I shall continue to investigate. And I suggest you do the same, preferably without causing more havoc than you have, <<formalname>>."\n\n"I will." You return the nod out of professional courtesy and, without further ado, head back to...<<else>>"But there's one thing I don't get. You make it sound like the crew knew they were being shadowed. Only, well, I found a damaged maint-spider and did a audio dump. Wasn't much on it but the recording sounded a lot like the crew was worried they were being followed. By someone else."\n\n"Impossible," Varai says. "The shadow vessel was trailing as close as could be without unnecessarily exposing its intent. If there were external influences, our vessel would have recorded it on RANGE. There were no other contacts present on their sensor recordings."\n\n"Unless the recordings were tampered with," you say. "I hear that isn't the first time this has happened aboard a [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] vessel recently."\n\nCommisarai Varai purses her lips. "You refer to the alleged incident at [[Quantus|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] I presume. We have found no proof to verify what was claimed but I suppose tampering is a possibility. None the less, I am doubtful external influences were the cause of this particular disaster."\n\n"So someone or something aboard the ship sabotaged the core," you say. "Or it was just some technical malfunction. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Hell, I don't know shit about haulers.<<else>>Hey, I don't know the first thing about haulers.<</if>> Just throwing out ideas and trying to be helpful."\n\n"Perhaps you have been," Varai says, finally loweing her sidearm. "I shall investigate further. I suggest you do the same, preferably without causing undue havoc, <<formalname>>. This is a very delicate matter we probe into."\n\n"I'm aware. And don't worry. I'll be careful." You nod out of professional courtesy and, without further ado, head back to...<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t/% securitystation-options %/\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_athenalab.storedRifle eq "RUG-9">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the RUG-9'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_athenalab.storedRifle; $loc_athenalab.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#securitystation-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_athena_securityoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the RUG-9'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_athenalab.storedRifle; $loc_athenalab.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#securitystation-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_athena_securityoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_athenalab.tookAmmo1 eq false>> \n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_athenalab.tookAmmo1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#securitystation-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_athena_securityoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<<if not $loc_athenalab.readDataPad>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Access the Holo Terminal|b10_athena_securitybooth][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "datapad"; $loc_athenalab.readDataPad = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pass through the Airlock|b10_athena_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "keycard"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pry open the Airlock|b10_athena_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "powerfist"; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Airlock requires ID Card]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>After a moment's consideration...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nAfter a moment's consideration, <<if $action.action3 eq "accept">>you say, "Agreed. We work together. This once. But if I ever see you again, I will kill you."\n\n"Acceptable," the kid says, rising to his feet with uncanny ease. "I recovered what I could from the sub-transmitter, which perhaps you have surmised was used to control a handfull of [[Wraiths|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] I believe were created by a [[Coven Eresi|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] renegade. <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>To my knowledge they have all been destroyed, which is fortunate, and I was able to trace the signal back to a more primitve transmitter located here on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<<else>>It was one of these creatures which was responsible for the desaster aboard the vessel your [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] friend is so interested in yet I digrees. The signal it sent also traces back to a more primite transmitter located here on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<</if>>"\n\nYour brow furrows. "Can you get a bit more specific?"\n\n"Is is located in the Corbei Tower. The Corbei family was close to the [[Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] in centuries past for reasons that are, well, complicated. It would be only logical the shadow take refuge amongst such loyal supporters of her misbegotten cause."\n\n"You have any proof of that? Because I doubt the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] will just take my word for it."\n\nThe kid shakes his head. "None you would understand, <<firstname>>. Sub-transmitters function by means and methods most humans would find difficult to comprehend. I can barely read its contents as it is, and I once wrote the scripts which drive such devices."\n\n"Well, great." You breathe a sigh. "Okay, then. Corbei Tower. I'll remember that."\n\n"Do so. See this monster broght to justice. And <<firstname>>?" The kid smiles. "I hope we never cross paths again."\n\nYou simply nod, unwilling to speak with that thing anymore. Part of you still wonders whether it was a mistake to deal with it, considering the whole [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] thing. But what's done is done. You have what you came for. No reason to linger.<<else>>you draw your <<knife>>. "Sorry. But I can't let this stand. You're an abomination and there's only one solution to that condition."\n\n"Tragic," the kid says, shrinking away as you stand over him. "But I suppose I could have expected nothing more. Simply make it swift. I shall not resist, human."\n\nYour lips twitch. "I'd say it's nothing personal but—" You ram your <<knife>> into his chest. "—it is."\n\nThe kid falls, blood seeping from a deep gash. There are no screams of pain, no flailing, just an eyeless face staring up at you as he slowly exsanguiates in the Shrine.\n\n"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fucking<<else>>Way too<</if>> creepy," you mutter, wiping your blade clean, and turn away.\n\nThere's nothing left to be done here. Sure, you killed the poor kid, but not really. He was definitely a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] - one created in the likeness of [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] no less. Better it be put down before it slips away. Only the Void knows what sorts of damage it's been causing, and what more it could cause.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Shivering uncomfortably, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nShivering uncomfortably, you reach for the data pad. It's so frozen the screen barely reacts but, after warming it up, you manage to read:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t<strong>Maintenance Ticket:</strong> #2654816\n\t<strong>Submitted:</strong> IC.automation.selfdiagnostics\n\t<strong>Assigned:</strong>
[email protected]\n\n\t<strong>Impact:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>High</span> - daily operations interrupted\n\t<strong>Status:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>Pending</span>\n\t<strong>Issue:</strong> Critical failure of all systems in cooling chamber 7 of B10 Boulevard facility.\n\t<strong>Cause:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>Coolant Leaks</span> (error code 0x156626161)\n\n\t<strong>Comments:</strong>\n\n\t-
[email protected]: looked through the maintenance logs. looks like something iced up and broke. there's prior issues logged with all the gear. not like we didn't tell Admin this would happen sooner or later but who expects them to listen to us?\n\n\t-
[email protected]: bloody fucking hell it's a mess down here. almost like someone let a wildcat loose. tore up all the fucking gear. all of it. like, every damned piece. nothing random about this. I'd say vandalism or something.\n\n\t-
[email protected]: so I checked that vandalism thing with Admin again but noooo, no one's been in or out of here. like, right, totally. how the fuck is that even</div>\n\n"Vandalism about describes it," you murmur, eyeing the torn pipes and tubes.\n\nWhat's more, the technician was right. It's not just some of them. Whatever did this quite literally took a claw - or claws - to every single piece of equipment save the cooling cylinders. Hell knows why it didn't ruin those too, whatever it was. But there's definitely more to this than a random abomination sighting. Which means you better take another look around. Maybe you missed something - something obvious, like how deliberate the damage is.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the store room and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou leave the store room and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp up the stairs, causing each step to shake under your bulk.<<else>>creep up the stairs, one careful step at a time.<</if>> They lead up one flight and into a tiled hallway. Gilded glow-orbs hang from the ceiling, casting a warm light across ornate furniure, ancient painings, and the two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in yellow-black [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] standing guard before a double door at the far end.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_mansion.png"]]</div><<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>"Oi," one of them calls. "Get that fucking suit out of here, mate. What the 'ell ya think—"\n\n"Fuck yourself," you snarl, accidentally smashing a priceless wooden book shelf as you move toward the troopers.\n\n"Uh, Tim?" The other trooper raises his assault carbine. "I don't think that's Riker."\n\nSmart fellow. At least he caught on. But that's hardly going to be a problem, not when you've got a suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] and all they have are a few coil guns. Pathetic. They won't survive a heartbeat.<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, damn it,"<<else>>"Darn,"<</if>> you mutter, ducking back around the corner. "Should have known they'd be here."\n\nBut there's no alternative, at least not unless you can turn invisible - which you obviously can't. So that leaves one option: kill the bastards and press on. Not exactly how you wanted things to go but you've come this far. It would be pretty damn stupid to turn back.\n\n"Ah, eff it," you murmur and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You ready your <<rifle>> and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber. Neither of the troopers notice as you take aim.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good bye, fucker." You squeeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe XZ recoils with a deafening boom, blasting the first trooper's armor into a billion pieces. You duck back, hastily ejecting the spent power disk, and slam another in. Down by the door, the other trooper is looking at his blood-splattered body in surprise.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNot waiting for him to recover, you fire again, blasting the second merc apart. Ringing silence falls over the gruesome scene at the end of the hallway.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Got as you deserved." You creep toward the dead troopers, senses alert for the slightest indication of danger.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou unsling your <<rifle>>, flip the selector to subsonic, and bring the rifle up. Neither of the troopers notice as you take aim.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Idiots." You squeeze.\n\n\t\tThe <<rifle>> recoils with a hull hiss, blasting the first merc's helmet apart like a watermellon. You fire three more rounds, shift aim, and keep firing. The second merc jerks, twitches, and falls dead. Eerie silence fills the hall as you lower your carbine.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And they call you professionals."You creep toward the dead troopers, senses alert for the slightest indication of danger.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThere's none and no one bursts into the hallway to check on their dead buddies. It's just you and the mangled remains of the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers. Still, you can't help but feel apprehensive as you near the double doors. There have to be more of those bastards around, and if they know you're there, well, there's a good chance you'll run into them before you find this Lord Otto you're looking for.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You <<if $action.action1 eq "doSnipe">>push open the double doors and...<<else>>stow your weapons and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "doSnipe">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1_lair.png"]]</div>You push open the double doors and slip into the chamber beyond.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and, alert for reinforcements, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp past the dead<<else>>creep past the dead<</if>> [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers. No one bursts into the hallway and, as best you can tell, your presence has gone unnoticed. Still, if there's one pair of guards, there have to be more and you have the nasty feeling you'll run into them before you find this Lord Otto you're after. Best guess: there'll be another fire team set up behind the double doors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Guess we'll find out." Servos whirr as you kick the doors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1_lair.png"]]</div>Wood splinters as your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] barges through, into the chamber beyond.\t\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Here goes nothing then." You push the doors open and slip into the chamber beyond.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1_lair.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tIt's at least twenty meters long and five high, dark as the grave save for an enormous pile of holo-screens, cables, and projectors set up beneath an unlit chandellier. No gunfire greets you - a relief - but you do spot a silhouette standing before the screens. It looks human, but only just. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>The sensors installed in your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] quickly resolve the creature's withered, tube-infested body for what it is: a [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]]<<else>>There's something about the tube-infested limbs and huched posture that, well, unsettles you to say the least. Only after a moment does it dawn on you that it may be [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]].<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Ah, you." The creature turns <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>to reveal a face so sunken it looks more like a corpse than a man.<<else>>to reveal a shadowed, almost corpselike visage.<</if>> "But where are my manners now? I do welcome you to my humble abode. Please, do make yourself at home."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Oh, I have," you say, stomping up to the abomination. "Nice place you go too. Think I might've crushed some of it on the way in."<br><br>\n\n\t"Trivial, compared to what your blind ignorance will unleash upon this galaxy." The [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] lets its body sink onto an armchair, wheezing for breath. "Tragic, but what was to be expected of a thug such as you?"\n\n\t<<else>>"Afraid I'll have to decline," you say, moving toward the abomination. "Nice place you go though. Must've cost a fortune."<br><br>\n\t\n\t"Not nearly as much as your blind ignorance will cost the galaxy." The [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] lets its body sink onto an armchair, wheezing for breath. "Tragic, but what was to be expected of mindless thug like you?"\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "nocare">>"Fine by me..."<<else>><<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"I won't be...."<<else>>"Fine." You slam...<</if>><</if>>\n<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\tYou are standing in Lord Otto's command center, beside an array of enormous holo-screens. \n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedOttoSystems>>The endless data streams have since stopped scrolling, replaced by a file system error message. There is however a data pad beside Otto's chair.\n\t\t<<else>>There's no way to know what the endless data streams contain but you do spot a data pad beside Otto's chair.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tMaybe there's something useful on that. Or maybe you should just get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> away before more guards show up. As you look around, you also notice there's a set of yellow [[Formal Robe|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Formal Robe"]] hanging on the chair.\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nocare">>\n\t\t\t"Fine by me." You <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You cock a [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]]<<else>>draw your <<knife>><</if>> and slam it into Lord Otto's chest.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe slumps in his chair, blood tubes tangling as his heart gives out. You stare at the corpse, wondering if you did a right thing, then turn to the enormous holo-screens. There's no way to know what the endless data streams contain but you do spot a data pad beside the chair. Maybe there's something useful on that. Or maybe you should just get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> away before more guards show up.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t"I won't be." You slam your <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>armored fist into the [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]], smashing his frail body - and the armchair - into a blood-streaked mess.<<else>><<knife>> into the [[Vampire's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] chest, the blade sinking deep into his heart.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou stare at the corpse, wondering if you did a right thing, then turn to the enormous holo-screens. There's no way to know what the endless data streams contain but you do spot a data pad beside Otto's chair. Maybe there's something useful on that. Or maybe you should just get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> away before more guards show up.\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Fine." You slam your <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>armored fist into the [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]], smashing his frail body - and the armchair - into a blood-streaked mess.<<else>><<knife>> into the [[Vampire's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] chest, the blade sinking deep into his heart.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou stare at the corpse, wondering if you did a right thing, then turn to the enormous holo-screens. There's no way to know what the endless data streams contain but you do spot a data pad beside Otto's chair. Maybe there's something useful on that. Or maybe you should just get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> away before more guards show up.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "agent">>You slide the<<else>>You pick up the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "agent">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agenthack.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou slide the data block containing the Xjanu-4 intrusion agent into the holo-screen assembly. The device emits a soft beep. Static crackles. Something whirs angrily. For a terrified moment, you expect the console to explode, but it doesn't.<br><br> \n\n\t\tBefore you, holo-displays flicker as text scrolls past, executing base level commands at breakneck speed. At first it's too quick to comprehend. Then, execution pauses, flashing a warning, and displayin the following screen for you:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>\n\t\t\t<strong>FLAGGED CONTENT:</strong> #0x8941291<br>\n\t\t\t<strong>TYPE:</strong> ENCRYPTED STREAM<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>6793r80/&(&/(*Rä</span> claimed the intrusion agent was successfully aquired. Believe transaction was made via Erkan-Corbei subsidiary (are they aware of the operation?). Also, uncertain whether asset tasked with construction of delivery system is trustworthy. Probable links to witchcraft and uncertain base loyalty. Will continue to monitor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>168ç&ç6739009437</span> like intrusion agent and delivery system worked flawlessly. Unable to produce concrete evidence that assets involved in aquisition of object were ever present in Vault. Appears Church agents are none the wiser as to how the theft was executed. Will continue to monitor and initiate cleanup operations.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>8879/&(&))0£099843</span> confirm loss of communications with asset following commencement of Stage 1 cleanup. Have reason to believe asset has sold critical information related to operation as well as the artefact in question to competitors. Presumably coersion on behalf of agents loyal to the Corbei family. All evidence points to their involvement. Awaiting instructions.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tTERMINATE STREAM (Y/N)?\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Guess that's another piece of the puzzle." You terminate the stream and remove the data block.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe holo-displays go blank, whatever system they were tied to having been utterly dismantled by the Xjanu-4. Impressive tech - and the version you're using isn't even the abominated one, just the off-the-shelf version those bastards bought. You don't want to even imagine what the version used on the Cathedral was capable of.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou pick up the data pad<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>, careful not to crush it with your augmented strength,<</if>> and unlock the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Journal 4768876711751<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 7 or $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 6) and $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 99>>\n\t\t\t\tEntry 58:<br> Thank the Void the Siren got out unnoticed. Thought they would blow this wide open. That fool. I told him not to talk. I told him what would happen. But no, let's all betray House Vindell. How mature. Ah, but are we not all so mature in this modern, enlightened age? What a joke.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\tEntry 58:<br> Blasted! The Siren is gone. Gone! Must have been that stupid abomination hunter. Should have known to send someone more qualified to handle this mess. At least it didn't know anything which would betray my identity. That would've been a pickle.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tEntry 58:<br> I contacted the Siren and it's been watching, along with all the others. Hope we don't need it. Still, I gave it instructions. Just in case. You can never be too safe these days...\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 3>>Entry 57:<br> The Division failed abysmally. Truly, was it too much to ask they claim the Riptide and murder one corrupt mobster? Yes, apparently! And now Bob has gone missing too. That cannot be good. I wonder whether Karl was somehow involved... or maybe Mr. Dorrings. Probably not but one does wonder.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Entry 57:<br> I hear Division X08 took the Riptide successfully - a stroke of luck. Alas, it seems to have been a dead end. They may be able to find out more however, through this <<formalname>>. \n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He seems to be unusually well connected for the thug he is.<<else>>And of course she is a female. Another female! Is this Lucinia's doing too??? Paranoid, to think the shadow of the old world could plot such a thing, but I almost could believe it. Blasted feminine meddling!<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 10>>Entry 56:<br> The affair with the Jult of Juno is becoming problemantic. I have sent Bob to solve it. If they cannot continue to supply me with blood discretely, I dare say my life may become truly complicated. Athena is NOT an option and, without Mr. Dorrings, I do not know where to turn. All because of Zweili. Damned be the Cleric. A true nusiance.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Entry 56:<br> How difficult can it be to get rid of a bunch of religious fanatics? Really, I asked Bob to handle that thing with the Cult of Juno. He had better! I do not want any of this blood donor business getting out to the public. Not because it would be harmful. But because it's private! And privacy ought be respected, even in this age. Very annoying.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEntry 55:<br>\n\t\t\tProgress, at last. Wilkin was involved. Tangentially. Not that he knows what he's doing but if the Cleric keeps playing him like this, I'll have to have him removed. Or both of them to be safe. Maybe this <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Lieutennant Acrell as well, to be safe.<<else>>that damned female, Acrel, too. To be sale.<</if>> Arnolo haunting us from beyond the grave! But that gives me an idea. Perhaps Marisa could be convinced. There are many in the ranks of the Division who wouldn't mind seeing B Sector in different hands and Marisa has her own bones to pick with the Acrel lineage. If the Contract-Commander is still amiably disposed towards me, I will hire her and solve this mess the old-fashined way. Lowe Yosserrins would be rolling in his grave if he knew what's become of his Division.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEntry 54:<br>\n\t\t\tDamned be the stars and everythign else in this galaxy! They stole it out from under our nose. I don't blasted well know who did it but they stole it! All that work and effort, wasted. But yes. Remain calm. Blood pressure. Fresh infusion pack. Now let's be rational see whether SOMEONE can solve this mess before it gets out of hand. But really! What good is a black informnation network if all anyone can tell me is "we don't know either"?! I almost wish Karl were here. Perhaps he could have ferreted the answers out, even though I'd be loathe to let him close. Ah, but that is all hypothetical. Vanished off with Olga, he has. The fool. I doubt he will return.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEntry 53:<br>\n\t\t\tHad one last chat with Lucinia. About the whole situation with Karl. It still weighs heavily on my mind. Damn it. I wish he had been... more like me. What a stupid thing for a father to wish. But I do wish it! Too many blasted females meddling around. A son and heir would have helped. Instead I've a, well, social event to plan and we all know how much I adore those. If only things had been different. If only...\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, that's interesting." You <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>absently crush the data pad in your augmented fist<<else>>toss the data pad on Lord Otto's corpse,<</if>> uncertain how any of the information fits into the larger picture.<br><br>\n\n\t\tObviously Otto had something to do with the Object's disappearance. And apparently so did Wilkin. Bits and pieces everywhere but nothing coherent. Maybe killing the fellow was a mistake. But not likely. The galaxy's better off without him and even if you had let him life, well, you doubt he'd have given any straight answers, even under duress. It'd have been a waste of time at best, downright suicidal at worst.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You head back to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou head back to the double doors you entered through, hoping to slip away unnoticed before [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] responds to your presence.\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_mansion_raid.sabotagedArmor>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Over the whirr of your armor's servo motors, you sense footsteps in the hallway - four troopers, judging by the [[Exo's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] sensors. The movement stops just beyond the demolished door. Someone counts down in a muffled voice.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_response_normal.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t"And here we go again," you mutter, watching as the door is thrown open and a concussion grenare rolls inside. "Oh."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt detonates with a bright flash that does little to impede your senses. The next instant, four [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers burst in, firing assault carbines at you. Shield engage with an angry crackle, deflecting the rounds. All you can think is: idiots. What chance do they have? Small-arms against an [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]? Pure suicide.\n\t\t<<else>>The same moment you reach for the handle however, you hear footsteps in the hallway beyond.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_response_normal.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, shit."<<else>>"Oh, no."<</if>> You scramble back towards the holo-screens, wondering whether to make a stand or run for it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's another door on the far end of the room. You could dash for that, maybe get away unnoticed. Or you could stand and - before you've made up your mind, an oblong cylinder is thrown through the door. Metal clatters on the tiled floor. A dull thump sounds, followed by a brilliant flash.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe next thing you know, four [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers burst in, assault carbines raised and at the ready. \n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>They don't seem to have noticed you - yet. If you're quick, you could still get away. Or you could just take them down the old-fashioned way.\n\t\t\t<<else>>They quickly spread out, holo-beams sweeping the shadows as they go. It won't be long before they spot you - and there's no way you'll escape unnoticed.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>The same moment you reach for the handle however, heavy footfalls shake the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_response_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,"<<else>>"Damned."<</if>> you scramble back towards the holo-screens, wondering whether to make a stand or run for it.<br><br>\n\n\tThere's another door on the far end of the room. You could dash for that, maybe get away unnoticed. Or you could stand - not that you'll have much of a chance if the rapidly approaching footfalls are what you think they are. They are; there's just enough time to realize what's going on before a suit of black-and-yellow [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] crashes through the double doors, showeing wooden splinters on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\tServos whirr as the powered exo-armor pans its enormous rail cannon pans across the room in slow motion. Adrenaline surges. It's now or never - run or fight. Neither seems wise but you're out of options.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "run">>Heart racing, you dash for..<<else>>You lower your weapon and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "run" or $action.action1 eq "runsuccess">>Heart racing, you dash for the far door and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>smash through,<<else>>burst<</if>> into the hallway beyond.\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_mansion_raid.sabotagedArmor>>Rounds zip past you, smashing into the walls and furniture, and blowing up clouds of dust.\n\t\t<<else>>A tungsten bolt blows past your head, the plasma trail glistening as an armoir to your left explodes into a million pieces.\n\t\t<</if>> You run on, praying that each step you take won't be your last, and skid around a corner, into a triangular room.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fightzanex">>You lower your weapon and are about to check the bodies when more footsteps sound in the hallway. Six more troopers in [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] gear are hurrying toward you, assault rifles raised. Behind them, a second squad is moving into position<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>, two bastards with rail rifles among them<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, gimme a break," you growl, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomping toward<<else>>scrambling for<</if>> the far door.<br><br>\n\n\tRounds zip past as you <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>smash<<else>>burst<</if>> through, into another hallway. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You throw your [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] forward and burst into a ground-shaking run. Pictures fall from the walls, glasses shatter, and a gilded drawer is smashed as you bounce off the wall, hurtling around a tight corner and into a triangular room.<<else>> You run on, praying that each step you take won't be your last as automatic weapons blow the corridor apart, and skid around a corner, into a triangular room.<</if>><br><br>\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fightarmor">>You lower your weapon and are about to check the ruined [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] when footsteps sound in the hallway. Six more troopers in [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] gear are hurrying toward you, assault rifles raised. Behind them, a second squad is moving into position.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake," you hiss,<<else>>"Oh, come on," you groan,<</if>> scrambling for the far door.<br><br>\n\n\tRounds zip past as you burst through, into another hallway. You run on, praying that each step you take won't be your last as automatic weapons blow the corridor apart, and skid around a corner, into a triangular room.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThere's just enough time <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>for your suit to register<<else>>to notice<</if>> the display cases on the walls before you reach the stairs at the far end of the room. They lead downwards, past the two obelisks you saw when you arrived, to a landing pad. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You jump down, half a dozen at a time, and skid the rest of the way. Almost there - almost. All you have to do is get the hell off these premises before they cut you off.<<else>>You don't pause to think or look back. Down there is freedom and, come hell or high water, you're making a run for it.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "run">>\n\n\t\tAt least, so the plan goes until you reach the landing pad and realize another team of [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers is moving to block the only escape route - a walkway leading down toward the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Balls."<</if>> You skid to a halt, scrambling for alternatives, but there are none.<br><br>\t\n\n\t\tIn a matter of moments, the bastards behind you will have caught up. So you have to shoot your way out - that or risk getting encircled and caught in a crossfire you can't possible survive.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou can already see the way out: a walkway leading down toward the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] hasn't blocked the route yet but you can see troopers moving on a cross-walkway above you. There's no need to debate options because there are only two: run for it or get pinned down and encircled.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "run">>Cursing under your breath, you..<<else>>You lower your weapon and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3_leave.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "run">>\n\t\tCursing under your breath, you run for the walkway. \n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and, without bothering to even check your kills, hurtle onto the walkway.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Metal creaks and groans under every heavy footfall. Somewhere in the distance, the troopers are shouting. All you can see however is the staircase headed down, into the station's superstructure. Augments whirr as you skid to a halt by the railing, causing it to buckle.<br><br>\n\n\t\t "<<walk>> or— <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck it.<<else>>never mind.<</if>>" You hop over the edge.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAir whistles past, barely noticable within the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], and for a long moment you seem to be floating. Then te floor appears below you, shooting upwards at breakneck speed. You land hard, causing the synthplates below you to buckle and your suit's sevros to protest with an unhealthy crunch. Far, far above you can see the edge of the pyramid you were just inside. It looks almost tiny. And you don't have the faintest clue where you are.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>great<</if>>." You glance around, wondering whether you're even still in the core or if you fell into another sector entirely. "This is turning into a real fucked up joy ride."\n\t<<else>>Rapid footsteps thud above and behind you. Somewhere in the distance, the troopers are shouting. All you can see however is the staircase headed down, into the station's superstructure. You skid to a halt by the railing and risk a glance down - thirty stories.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck this shit.<<else>>come on!<</if>>" You run down, moving as fast as you can without slipping.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt seems to go one forever, down and down, around one bend after another, and all the while [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is on your heels. Except, bulked up in their [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]], the troopers can't keep pace. Six stories down, you've already lost all but two of them. Nine stories down, even they are out of sight. It's still a long way to the bottom though and, fearing [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] might call for air support, you don't dare slow your pace.<br><br>\n\n\t\tRelief comes only when you reach the very bottom, almost half an hour later. There you pause to double over, spit, cough your lungs out, and finally catch your breath. Far, far above you can just barely see the edge of the pyramid you were in earlier. It looks like a tiny triangle, far overhead. The contractors have stopped hunting for you, which is good, but there's bad news: you don't have the faintest clue where you are either.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>great<</if>>." You glance around, wondering where you are.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's impossible to tell but, lying on the floor, you spot a credit chip lying amidst the muck. By the looks, it's been there for months - years, maybe. Otherwise, there's simply a long tunnel that leads into the distance.\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You try to move but...<<else>>You breathe a deep sigh and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You try to move but your [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] refuses to comply. Something in the back of your mind tells you the system is damaged - damaged beoynd repair. It has something to do with your daredevil jump. Too much kinetic force. Whacked the servors out completely. It'd take hours to fix - assuming you had the right tools, which you don't.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Better than a broken back at any rate," you mutter, cycling your exoskeleton into dismount mode.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHydraulics hiss as the rear plates slide apart, followed by a series of stinging pains caused by the nodes and tubes releasing from your body. Darkness swims before your eyes and then, suddenly, you're stumbling backwards, out of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow, wow." You steady yourself and, with a faint sigh of regret, leave the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] where it is - seen from outside, it's a miracle your kneecaps weren't crushed entirely.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOnly question is where you are.\n\t<<else>>You breathe a deep sigh and set off in a random direction, trying to figure out where the hell you are.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\tSomewhere near the core, presumably, but when you take a closer look around that seems unlikely. The giant REACH sphere is several kilometers above you, which means you're somewhere on the inner ring. In fact, unless you're much mistaken, the glowing neon blur high above to the left is the [[B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]].<br><br>\n\n\tGetting there on foot will be <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>one hell of a bitch<<else>>a pain in the ass<</if>>, of course, but it's doable. And after what you've been through a little hike might be just the right thing. Clear your mind, get your priorities straight, all that. And there's an upside too: no [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] hounding your every step - yet. \n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>Death alone knows\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>Only the Void knows\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Loving Stars alone know \t\t\n\t<<else>>Hell knows\n\t<</if>>\n\twhether they'll send a team after you. Knowing [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], it wouldn't be unlikely.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Back Alleys">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "attack">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_postcombat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Security Station|b10_athena_securitybooth][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pass through the Airlock|b10_athena_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "keycard"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pry open the Airlock|b10_athena_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "powerfist"; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Airlock requires ID Card]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Swipe your ID Card|b10_athena_enter][$action.action1 = "usecard"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Force the Lock|b10_athena_enter][$action.action1 = "kicklock"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Force the Lock|b10_athena_enter][$action.action1 = "kicklock"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.criminality += 1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Force the Lock|b10_athena_enter][$action.action1 = "kicklock"; $attrib.criminality += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Creep to the Exo Armor|b10_athena_enter][$action.action2 = "powerarmor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Creep closer to the Door|b10_athena_enter][$action.action2 = "closerdoor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b10_athena_enter][$action.action2 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 3; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 15>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b10_athena_enter][$action.action2 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 15; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$action.action2 = "attack"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B10_NoDetect"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "powerarmor">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_powerarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant and not $equip.isHeavyArmor and not $equip.isTooBulky>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Enter the Exo Armor' 'b10_athena_enter'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "usearmor"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_athenalab.storedClothes = $equip.clothes; $equip.preExoClothes = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = "Power Armor"; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge"); $equip.persistentExoHits = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Entered">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_in">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sabotage the Exo Armor|b10_athena_enter][$action.action3 = "sabotage"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_powerarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_powerarmor_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "usearmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$action.action2 = "attack"; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B10"; $processed = false; $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Creep back to the Entrance|b10_athena_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "closerdoor">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_stealth_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kicklock">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$action.action2 = "attack"; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B10"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif not $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$action.action2 = "attack"; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B10"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter via Back Door|b10_athena_enter][$action.action3 = "backentrance"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.hasArmorSneak += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Creep back to the Entrance|b10_athena_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_stealth_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_stealth_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Security Station|b10_athena_securitybooth][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pass through the Airlock|b10_athena_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "keycard"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Airlock requires ID Card]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "doSnipe">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_snipe_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Security Station|b10_athena_securitybooth][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pass through the Airlock|b10_athena_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "keycard"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Airlock requires ID Card]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if not $processed>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Athena Warehouse">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_securitypost_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='securitystation-options' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'b10_athena_securityoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_securitypost_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_securitypost_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Upload the Xjanu-4|b10_athena_securitybooth][$action.action2 = "agent"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab = true; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Unseal the Airlock|b10_athena_securitybooth][$processed = false; $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 4; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_securitypost_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_securitypost_2_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_securitypost_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_athena_securitybooth][$processed = false; $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 4; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if not $processed>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Athena Warehouse">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if not $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Security Bots|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "attack"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "SecBots_B10"]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Security Bots|b10_athena_lab][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.violence -= 3; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "leave">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Head back to the Boulevard' 'b10_boulevard_main'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromLabs">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $time.active += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.dilligence += 5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $loc_athenalab.storedClothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Exited">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_walk");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "attack">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "talk" and not ($equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Security Bots|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "attack"; $combatTemplate = "SecBots_B10"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Thank the Scientist|b10_athena_lab][$action.action2 = "thank"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Grab the Scientist|b10_athena_lab][$action.action2 = "grab"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Leave the Lab' 'b10_athena_lab'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "leave"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $equip.hasCooler = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Cooler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_cooler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_athena_inside_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercenary|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "MercLeader_B10"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Exo Armor|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "ExoLeader_B10"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>Hoping to find answers, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nHoping to find answers, you shuffle across the icy room again, payling closer attention than you did before. All the equipment is damaged, like you saw, but something else strikes you: the ice on the floor and walls wasn't caused by the cooling cylinders. Thats down to the coolant in the pipes rushing out, so that's one clue.\n\nAnd then there's that corpse by the door, presumably the security guy that Icefall Cryogenics sent down. Something quite obviously ripped him open, by the looks of it the same thing that shredded the pipes. But what doesn't make sense is why the door was closed behind him. Was there someone else there? Or did the abomination get out and close the door?\n\n"Not good either way," you murmur, still shivering. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"But if that thing's still in here it's going to bleed."<<else>>"Question is where to look next."<</if>>\n\nYou glance around. A chill draft wafts from one of the vents. Something scratches on the frozen floor behind you. Something breathes right beside your ear. You can feel its chill breath and the scent of dried blood but there's nothing there, just thin air. Adrenaline surges as two and two add up: a [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] - and it's right next to you.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "nocare">>"I really don't care..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "taunt">>"I'm the thug?"<<else>>"Wrecking the galaxy?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\tYou are standing in Lord Otto's command center, beside an array of enormous holo-screens. \n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedOttoSystems>>The endless data streams have since stopped scrolling, replaced by a file system error message. There is however a data pad beside Otto's chair.\n\t\t<<else>>There's no way to know what the endless data streams contain but you do spot a data pad beside Otto's chair.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tMaybe there's something useful on that. Or maybe you should just get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> away before more guards show up.\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nocare">>"I really don't care. Let the galaxy burn. Who-hoo. It's already screwed so badly it won't make much of a difference."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLord Otto Vindell wheezes a laugh. "As ignorant as you are blind. <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>You truly do not care. Not for your health. Nor your sanity. Nor of anything else.<<else>>Do you truly not care? Not in the slightest what happens at all?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nope," you reply bluntly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"Tragic, that such great power is invested in one so ignorant.<<else>>"A tragic case, you are.<</if>> But as you wish. If you have no intention of listening we may as well be done with this charade."\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "taunt">>"I'm the thug?" The very idea makes you laugh<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>> inside your armor<</if>>. <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"You're weak. A shriveled husk devoid of any true meaning.<<else>>"From where I'm standing it looks more like you got that all backwards.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Hardly," Lord Otto wheezes, staring <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">> up at your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] defiantly.<<else>>at you defiantly.<</if>> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"What strength you believe to have pales in comparison to what I could have commmanded, had only the truth been revealed. What glorious ironiy. But alas. Your path will lead to the utter destruction of all you hold dear."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"What you and the Cleric have begun, what it shall become, will undo all that countless generations bled and fought for. What a glorious irony. But alas. I am powerless to stop it."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Wrecking the galaxy?" You breathe a laugh. <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"I think you got that one backwards.<<else>>"What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell<<else>>biochems<</if>> are you on?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"Hardly," Lord Otto wheezes, staring <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">> up at your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] defiantly.<<else>>at you defiantly.<</if>> "This unity you believe you seek is in truth a path to certain damnation."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"A time of renewed darkness approaches," Lord Otto wheezes, staring <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">> up at your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] defiantly.<<else>>at you defiantly.<</if>> "What you and the Cleric have begun, what it shall become, will undo all that countless generations bled and fought for. A schism approaches and it does so rapidly. Not that I would expect you to care, dull and unperceptive as you are."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"Oh, dear. Like I couldn't have foreseen that one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tLord Otto looks disheartened. "You condone this madness? This... insanity? Even when it is destined to destroy all we know, all we have worked centuries to create in the wake of the imperium's fall. And you, in your young arrogance, truly believe that this is—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, just shut—" You <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>cock a [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]]<<else>>draw your <<knife>><</if>>. "—up with your bullshit already."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"I've had about enough—" <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You cock a [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]]<<else>>draw your <<knife>><</if>>. "—of your hypocritical pseudobabble."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Slay me then." Otto stands unsteadily, his blood-tubes swaying with every motion. "Do what you must but do not be surprised when the galaxy suddenly and abruptly falls apart around you."\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"And that would be what, exactly? Rampant capitalism and corporate greed?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tLord Otto looks disheartened. "A better world, you fool, one free of that wretched [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and all the hipocricy it stands for. Among other things. Alas, your meddling makes all hope of such impossible. And now you shall slay me too, ending the last chance—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, just shut—" You <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>cock a [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]]<<else>>draw your <<knife>><</if>>. "—up with your bullshit already."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"I've had about enough—" <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You cock a [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]]<<else>>draw your <<knife>><</if>>. "—of your hypocritical pseudobabble."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Slay me then." Otto stands unsteadily, his blood-tubes swaying with every motion. "Do what you must but do not weep over my rotting corpse when this galaxy slides into utter ruin."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head for the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou head for the Boulevard Informaton booth, a cylindrical structure about halfway down the sunlit walkway. A few people are standing at the counter, talking with the staff about only hell knows what. You don't bother them, nor do you <<walk>> up to the booth. All you care about is the narrow alley behind the cylindrical structure, which you enter at a briks <<walk>> - better not to look like you don't belong.\n\nUtility entrances and trash containers line both sides of the alley, which is no more than twenty meters long and ends in a gate. There's no one around, as could be expected, so you head straight to the end of the alley. A holo-sign projected before the gate warns against tresspassing. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cardreader.png"]]</div>More importantly, there's an ancient card reader jacked into the mag-lock holding door shut. It doesn't look terribly sturdy - a good kick would dislodge the lock - but you're fairly certain the device is hooked up to an alarm system. Bypassing it will be impossible; one look at the device proves its circuits are too old to interface with your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]].\n\n<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3>>"Guess having a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] around is a good thing," you say, fingering the card she gave you. "Very useful."<<else>>"Well, this is annoying." You tug at the lock but it's painfully clear it won't budge. "Damn. That limits the options."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>creep back to...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "usecard">>produce the ID Card<<else>>give the lock a good<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_athena.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You creep back to the gate you entered through and peer around the corner of the shipping crate.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "usecard">>You procude the ID Card the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] gave you and swipe it through the scanner. The device beeps, followed by a soft whine as the mag-clamps disengage. You pocket the ID Card - might need it again - and push the gate open.\n\nBeyond, a shipping crate bearing the [[Athena Medical Inc.|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] logo blocks your path. You move to the nearest end and peer around the corner. <<else>>You give the lock a good kick. It rattles on the gate but fails to shake loose. Undeterred, you kick it again. The mag-clamps disengage with a whine as the device falls to the ground. A soft beeping sound fills the air.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Great."<</if>> You stomp on the card reader, silencing the alarm, and push the gate open.\n\nBeyond, a shipping crate bearing the [[Athena Medical Inc.|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] logo blocks your path. You move to the nearest end and peer around the corner.<</if>> Before you lies a loading area positively packed with boxes of varying sizes and shapes. There's a warehouse directly opposite where you stand and three landing pads complete with loading bots off to the left.\n\nThree mercenaries in full [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] gear are standing around a security door that leads to the warehouse. To your left, by the landing pads, a convenient row of crates would allow you to move closer unseen. Behind the crates to your right<<if $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor>> you can see smoke curling from the suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] you sabotaged.<<else>>, a suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] charging on its rack. Alternatively, you could just engage the mercs from where you are.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_rug9_rack.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in the security station beside the airlock<<else>>You enter the security booth, a small chamber off the main corridor, and glance around.<</if>> There's a holo-terminal in one corner and a weapons rack containing a [[RUG-9|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "RUG-9"]] and a 9mm magazine beside it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA window in the wall allows you to look into the airlock chamber, which is currently empty, and another which looks into the hallway beyond. There are two humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] standing guard by a curtained doorway at the far end.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou draw a deep breath. "Well, let's get this over with."\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><br><br>\n\n\t"So much for lacking security," you mutter, hoping the glass is one-way only.<br><br>\n\n\tThankfully it is, though it's good to know what you'll have to deal with once you've got past the airlock. Would've been a nasty shock to open that thing and run headlong into a pair of heavily armed [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]].<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou approach the holo-terminal and activate its interface. The screen reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Sythrax Security Systms<br>\n\tActive User: svkr.bhea.ami<br><br>\n\n\tAirlock B-01: <span class='greencolor'>Sealed</span><br>\n\tBot Team A: <span class='greencolor'>Active</span><br><br>\n\n\t<span class='yellowcolor'>NOTICE:</span> Due to danger of contamination, all personnel entering the Boulevard Facility are required to undergo full decontamination procedures upon entering and exiting the premises. There will be NO exceptions to this rule!<br><br>\n\n\tDr. Halway Vensikol</div><br><br>\n\n\tBelow the terminal, you find an input board with only one option: unseal airlock. Evidently the active user doesn't have deeper access to the system. <<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4>>Though you could use the Xjanu-4 to bypass security.<<else>>Unfortunate, but it will suffice for your needs.<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>><<walk>><</if>> over to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>><<walk>><</if>> over to the \n\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 4>>unsealed airlock and, wary of what will lie beyond, step inside.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "powerfist">>airlock, clench your [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]], and ram it into the doors. Metal buckles with a groan. You punch again, widening the hole, and jam your armored fingers into the gap.<br><br>\n\n\t"One, two—" You yank at the doors, shoving them away with a dull screech.<br><br>\n\n\tVaguely impressed by your augmented strength, you step inside.\n\n\t<<else>>airlock and swipe your ID card through the reader. It beeps. The device beeps as the doors unseal with a hydraulic hiss and you step inside.<br><br>\n\t\n\t<</if>>\n\tThe cycling chamber is <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>particularly cramped, bulked up as you are by your armor,<<else>>cramped,<</if>> with a grated floor and air vents along the ceiling. Another pair of doors block the far end.<br><br>\n\n\t"Off we go then." You hit the 'cycle' button.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "powerfist">>The info display bleeps an error. Disgruntled, you whack the device off the wall with an idle slap of the hand, and ram your [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]] into the internal doors. Metal creaks and groans but refuses to give. Frustrated, you slam a knee into the seal. Both doors fall off their tracks with a loud clang.<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>A warning light begins to flash. Air hisses through the vents overhead. To your left, the info display tells you to //please wait//. You do just that until, at long last, the airlock beeps and the internal doors unseal with a soft hiss.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>\n\tThe corridor beyond leads to a curtained doorway watched over by two humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]. <<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab>>Neither is active. They simply stand where they last were, standby lights blinking idly.<<else>>Both their mechanical heads fix you with unblinking optical stares. Automatic weapon arms are rasised but the bots don't shoot. They just stand there, watching you intently.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab>>"That's a relief," you mutter, eyeing the [[Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]].<br><br>\n\n\tPart of you almost expects them to re-activate at any moment. Unlikely, but it could happen. Theoretically. It's unlikely in practice.<<else>>"Oh, this is going to be fun," you say, eyeing the [[Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]].<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Their sensors probably won't pick you up in the suit. But, if not, it will be a short fight.<</if>>Maybe you can fool their sensors, make them think you're part of the staff. Unlikely, but you never know.<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>approach the<<else>>stow your weapons and<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>approach the [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]], half expecting them to <<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab>>rebootopen fire<</if>> at any moment. They simply stand where they are, indifferent to your presence<<if not $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab>>, until you've moved within a few meters of them<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab>>"Okay," you mutter, slowing your pace as you draw near. "Freaky."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] remain inert as you step through the curtained doorway they were guarding. \n\n\t<<else>>Finally, a synthesized voice says, "You are entering restricted premises. Please observe all security precautions before proceeding."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uhh—" You hesitate, uncertain how to respond.<br><br>\n\n\t\t <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">> \n\t\t\t"Your compliance is appreciated, Captain Dalmai," the bot sqwaks. "Thank you and have a nice day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, you too," you say, stomping past the machines and through the curtained doorway.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>> \n\t\t\t"Warning: unidenfified user detected. Warning: security protocols activated." Both bots level their weapon arms.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Darn."<</if>> You scramble back as the bots open fire.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tRed-hot bolts zip down the corridor, bouncing off the walls. Blood pounds in your veins. Just as you duck back through the airlock, a bolt slams into the wall beside your head. An inch closer, just one - but there's no time to dwell. Not in the present situation.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>stow your weapons and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp past<<else>>step over<</if>> the demolished [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]], passing through the curtained doorway.<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $action.action1 eq "attack" or $job_cathedral_hack.hackedAthedaLab>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_athenalab.png"]]</div>The room beyond is cluttered with tables, machines, and chemical equipment. A man in a pressurized chemical suit is bent over their work. He's so absorbed in his work that your <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">> floor-shaking <</if>>approach goes unnoticed. Only when you stop directly behind the scientist does he look up, surprise evident on the sweaty face behind the chemical suit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t"What did I tell you last time, Captain?" He fixes you with a hard stare. "Rule number one: loose the damned suits before you come in here! You'll contaminate all our work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shrug with a mechanical whirr. "Guess I wasn't listning. How are things going?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Slow, as usual, but we just finished another batch. It's over there—" He gestures to a cooler at the back of the room. "—if your lovely Boss is being pushy about delivery times again. Just tell them we're working as fast as we can but synthesizing this crap without a full industrial setup will take time. Lots of time."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Huh?" His brows narrow. "Hey! Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Doesn't <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>matter who I am. I'm just here for your work. I'd suggest you hand what you got over or—" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You draw<<else>>You indicate<</if>> your <<knife>>. "—things get ugly. Understood?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man recoils. "What the— Security. Security! There's an intruder on the premises!"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action2 eq "thank">>"Thanks." You stomp over...<<else>>"Hey!" You grab the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "thank">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_miasma.png"]]</div>\n\t\t"Thanks." You stomp over to the cooler, droning, "Checks out. Any estimate on how effective your, uh, solution is?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's not a solution", the scientist says irritably. "But if you're asking as to if it will work then the answer is yes. We ensured the hue and saturation corresponds exactly with the wavelengths which their optical receptors don't register. Releasing the miasma anywhere near the creature should, at least according to our models, lead to considerable disorientation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t You pick up the cooler, saying, "Just disorientation? That's disappointing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's the best we could do," the scientist says. "All the biological agents we tried were too virulent and chemicals too agressive. It's their physiology, Captain, designed to withstand the harshest conditions in the galaxy. We just can't design something that will hurt them and not us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see." You gesture to the curtained doorway. "Be on my way, Doc. See you around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not too soon, I hope," the man mutters as you stomp past, shaking the floor with every augmented footfall.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Hey!" You grab the scientist before he can run, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">><<knife>> pressed to his throat<<else>>locking him in a choke hold<</if>>. "Easy there, Doc. I just got some questions."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man struggles but soon relents. "Okay, okay. Don't hurt me. Don't cut me. What do you want? It's the miasma, right? You want the miasma."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes," you say, figuring that's what you came for. "Where is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_miasma.png"]]</div>"The newest batch is over there—" He points to a cooler at the far end of the room. "And it works, I swear. We ensured the hue and saturation corresponds exactly with the wavelengths which their optical receptors don't register properly. Releasing the gas anywhere near a of the J1N species should, at least according to our models, lead to considerable disorientation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You throw the man to the ground and stride over to the cooler.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBehind you, footsteps patter as the scientist runs for the curtained dooway. Before you can decide whether to stop him or let him go, the man is gone. Silence haunts the lab until one of the machines begins to beep.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, at least we got this." You grab the cooler and hastily...\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You head back the way...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\n\n\tYou head back the way you came, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomping<<else>>hurrying<</if>> through the <<if $action.arrive eq "powerfist">>demolished<</if>> airlock and back to the front entrance. The lot outside is empty as a brief peek through the tiny window in the security door proves. Relieved, you hit the release and step outside.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_commando.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_exo_syndicate.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\tThat same moment, <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor>>something behind the containers opposite you catches your eye: a masked mercenary armed with a rail rifle.<<else>>heavy footfalls shake the ground. The suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] you saw earlier stomps into view carrying an enormous rail cannon.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor>>\n\t\t"Motherfucker!" The man bellows, blasting a bolt that <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>causes your armor's shields to engage with an agry crackle<<else>>narrowly misses you<</if>>. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>"How dare ya fucking steal my [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], punk!"<<else>>"How dare ya fucking wreck my [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], punk!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Just wanted to take it for a ride," you call back, stomping out into the open. "But now I got a chance, let's see what your <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>hunk of junk<<else>>toy<</if>> can really do."\n\t\t<<else>>"Sorry," you call back, scrambling behind a nearby crate. "I'd buy you a new one but you'll be long dead by then, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>asshole<<else>>man<</if>>."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"End of the road, punk," a distorted voice echoes as the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] levels its cannon on you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>great<</if>>." You dive behind a crate just as bolts slam through the door to the lab.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHeavy footfalls shake the ground. It's now or never - take that damned suit out or get blasted into a million bits. You really, really, don't have an alternative.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>><<walk>><</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_athena_done.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>><<walk>><</if>> over to the \n\t\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" or $loc_athenalab.sabotagedArmor>>fallen mercenary, alert for danger. There is none<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>, according to your suit's senses<<else>> as far as you can tell<</if>>. Rationale concurs: if there were any other [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs in the immediate vicinity, they'd have shown up already.\n\n\t\t<<else>>the drestroyed [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. Bits of twisted clatter as your boots knock against them. There's virtually nothing left of the suit or the merc who'd been inside, just a bloody splat on the ground. Nor are there any other [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] around - for the moment at least.\n\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>"Guess it's over then." You cycle your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] into dismount mode and, with a hint of regret, give the release command.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHydraulics hiss as the rear plates slide apart, followed by a series of stinging pains caused by the nodes and tubes releasing from your body. Darkness swims before your eyes and then, suddenly, you're stumbling backwards, out of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death take me,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Voids between,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Stars be damed,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fucking hell,"\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, hell,"\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t you mutter as you fall flat on your ass. "But, yeah. Nice run. While it lasted."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Still, no reason to overstay my welcome," you mutter, hurrying toward the gate you entered the loading area through.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>> \n\n\t\tYou doubt either [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] or [[Athena Mecial|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Mecial"]] will be terribly happy with the mess you made of their people - and equipment. Which means it's high time you disappeared - preferably before a heavily armed and armored response team arrives and kicks your ass. Which, knowing how protective private security contractors are of 'their' soldiers, is probably already on it way and itching to riddle you with bolts.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOn the upside, you got what you came for - whatever it is. You still haven't looked in the cooler and, given how little you know of chemicals, figure it's probably best you don't. Maybe Anska could help you out. She's an expert in the field, after all, or at least the closest thing to an expert you know.\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You ready your <<rifle>> and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber. None of the mercs notice as you take aim.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Easy..." You squeeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe <<rifle>> recoils with a deafening boom, blasting the first merc into a billion pieces. You duck back, hastily ejecting the spent power disk, and slam another in. Across the loading area, the two remaining mercs are glancing around in panic, their armor splattered with blood and gore.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNot waiting for them to recover, you fire again, blasting the second merc, then reload and take the third down too. It's over in less than five seconds, leaving an eerie silence hanging over the gruesome scene.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Poor fucks." You creep out from behind your crate and approach the mercs.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's less than nothing left of them, just twisted armor and spilled guts. You don't dare linger, instead heading straight to the security door, which is card-locked.\n\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou unsling your <<rifle>>, flip the selector to subsonic, and bring the rifle up. None of the mercs notice as you take aim.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Light's out." You squeeze.\n\n\t\tThe <<rifle>> recoils with a hull hiss, blasting the first merc's skull apart like a watermellon. You fire three more rounds, shift aim, and keep firing. The second merc jerks, twitches, and falls dead. By the time you've sighted on the third, he's raised his assault rifle.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA lone bolt whizzes way over your head before you put him down too, blasting the rest of your magazine into his helmet and chest plate. It's over the next moment, leaving an eerie silence hanging over the loading area.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So much for professional security." You eject the spent magazine and creep out from behind your crate, eyeing the mercs.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThey're all clearly dead, their armor holed in over a dozen places and blood seeping onto the floor. Still, you kick them all to be safe before you head for the security door, which is card-locked.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3>>Thankfully you still have your stolen ID Card, so you swipe it through the scanner and step inside.<<else>>Cursing your luck, you slam the butt of your <<rifle>> against the scanner. It breaks off the door with a crack. The associated mag-clamps unseal and, secretly relieved that even worked, you step inside.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tBeyond is a short corridor that leads to an airlock. There's also security station just to the left. Oddly, there's no one around, not even a guard on duty, but you do notice the airlock is secured with a card reader - again.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "fight">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Furious,<<else>>Terrified,<</if>> you kick at thin air<<else>>Panicked, you scramble for the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "fight">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Furious,<<else>>Terrified,<</if>> you kick at thin air. Your boot connects with something solid. A distorted shimmer skids across the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit, shit,"<<else>>"No, no,"<</if>> you scramble back, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>reaching<<else>>fumbling<</if>> for a weapon.<br><br>\n\n\tAcross the room, the [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] snarls. Any moment the abomination will move and you'll loose sight of it. It's now or never. Blast the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>motherfucker<<else>>monster<</if>> into a million bits - or die trying.\n\t<<else>>Panicked, you scramble for the door. Something heavy bawls you over. You kick and struggle, knocking the invisible abomination aside. A distorted shimmer skids across the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "run" and $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>"Damn it!" You jump over the blur and, skidding dangerously, hurtle through the door.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges as you slam it closed. A dull thud echoes against the far side. The lock shakes. Thinking fast, you jam the crowbar back into the lock. The [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] slams against the door again but it refuses to give.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck,"<<else>>"Phew,"<</if>> you mutter, pulse still racing. "Close. Too close."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour gaze wanders to the door. Eerie silence haunts the utility passage. For a moment, you wonder if you did the right thing. But you're not going back in there. Not when there's an invisible killing machine on the far side. No way - never.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"<<else>>"Oh, no!"<</if>> You stumble, fall, and skid toward the exit on your hands and knees.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIce burns your hands. Frigid mist whirls around you. A blur of undefined motion moves into your path, blocking the doorway with a muted growl.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uh, oh." You back away, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>reaching<<else>>fumbling<</if>> for a weapon.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tUnseen claws dig into the ice. Panted breath meets your ears. Any moment the [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] will move and you'll loose sight of it. Any moment. It's now or never, fear or none. Blast the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>motherfucker<<else>>monster<</if>> into a million bits - or die trying.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Machine Temple">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Sorry|b28_machinetemple_postcombat][$action.action1 = "sorry"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you had To|b28_machinetemple_postcombat][$action.action1 = "hadto"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who he Is|b28_machinetemple_postcombat][$action.action1 = "whois"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's so Sacred|b28_machinetemple_postcombat][$action.action2 = "whysacred"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sorry">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you didn't mean to Trespass|b28_machinetemple_postcombat][$action.action2 = "didntmean"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't care for Threats|b28_machinetemple_postcombat][$action.action2 = "nothreats"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Lord Abbath|hud_combat][$processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "OldPaladin_B28"; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You creep toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo_unpowered.png"]]</div>You creep toward the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], careful to remain as quiet as you can. Your heart pounds with every step. Surely the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs will hear you - or notice you - and open fire. But they don't and you reach the charging station all but unnoticed.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck for that,"<<else>>"Phew,"<</if>> you mutter, examining the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].\n\nFrom the front, all you can see is thick armor plates with jagged edges and all manner of servo systems. When you <<walk>> around the back, to where the armor is attacked to its rack, you can see into the padded interior. Dozens of probes and tubes are all neatly packed away, just waiting for a user they can interface with, and the backup UI in the helmet is blinking: //system charged - on standby//.\n\n<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>No doubt about it: a damn fine piece of technology, and one compatible with your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]] at that. Even better: from what you can tell, there's no security system installed on the armor or charging rack - sheer stupidity on behalf of [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]. So you could either use the thing or sabotage its rack, just to make sure the mercs don't use it against you.<<else>>You have no hope of interfacing with the armor, of course, but it's a damn fine piece of technology none the less. Pity if [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] used it against you. Maybe you could sabotage the charging rack, just to make their lives a little more difficult.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You stand behind the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "usearmor">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>You stand behind the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] and carefully step into armored boots, then slide your hands into the gloves. At once, clamps lock down. A digital beep resounds in your head, followed by a hydraulic hiss. Pain shoots through your body as the suit's probes and tubes latch onto your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. Then something cold touches the back of your neck and all your senses go blank.\n\nEverything feels numb until the world returns with a jolt. Only it isn't the world you know. This perception is heavy and distant, as though you weren't really there at all. You figure that's because you're percieving the world through the senses of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] - all your biological senses would know is the dark interior of the suit. Just to prove your point, you flex your hands. Instead of fingers, an armored glove clenches and unclenches before your face.\n\n"Nice." You risk a step, causing the ground to shake. "Nice!"\n\nAcross the loading area, a distorted voice calls, "Shit! Did you feel that?"\n\n"Over there," another shouts. "Behind the crate!"\n\nMuted, almost insignificant footfalls sound, headed your way. Augments whirr as you turn to the crate separating you from the mercs. Even though your optical senses can't see them, you can almost feel the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] on the other side. You take a step back, causing the floor to shake, and launch yourself into the shipping crate.\n\nTest tubes and lab coats explode as you smash through the impediment, bursting out the far side, and skidding to a stop before the mercs. All three recoil in shock. One of them tentatively raises his assault rifle but doesn't fire. The other two back away, their evident worry hidden by helmets and face masks. You on the other hand are as calm as could be. Locked away inside your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], you percieve nothing but the world around you, just as it is, completely devoid of emotional impression.<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo_ruin.png"]]</div>You stand behind the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], examining the rack it's attached to. There are dozens of power cables linked into the suit, all of which you could remove, but that wouldn't cause any permanent harm - the suit's already charged after all. Then you spot another power cable which links the charging rack to the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "caffold 22"]] power grid.\n\n"Bingo." You yank it out of the rig, causing it to power down with a hum, and lug the cable over to the power armor. "Now, here goes nothing."\n\nWith a grunt, you ram the cable into the suit's exposed internals. Sparks errupt. The [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] beeps angrily as the backup UI stutters and goes blank. To be safe, you jam the power cord into several other pieces of the suit, causing circuitry to short out with angry crackles and smoke to fill the inside of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].\n\n"That should do it." You drop the cord, satisfied with your sabotage work.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You slide the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agenthack.png"]]</div>\n\tYou slide the data block containing the Xjanu-4 intrusion agent into the holo-terminal. The device emits a soft beep. Holo-displays flicker as text scrolls past, executing base level commands at breakneck speed.<br><br>\n\n\tThe airlock unseals with a hiss. Beyond, glow panels flicker. A ventilation fan dies. The two [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] standing guard by a curtained doorway go limp, standby lights blinking. Before you, the holo-terminal remains blank save for a single word: //ERROR//.<br><br>\n\n\t"Nice." You remove the data block and pocket it again.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Spitting Fountain">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Machine Temple">>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_witches_pendant.askedCelena and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lt 3) or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Shrine|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action1 = "shrine"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif ($job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 5) and $equip.hasFusionSphere>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Machine Temple|b28_machinetemple_archway][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Fountain|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Insert the Pendant|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action2 = "insert"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shrine|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Robots|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action3 = "robots"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Skeleton|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action3 = "corpse"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the far Door|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action3 = "door"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_actions_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='loot-monoblade' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'b28_fountain_loot'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_actions_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_result_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "sabotage">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Robots|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fight"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Robots_B28"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer4 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "door">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pull the Lever|b28_machinetemple_postcombat][$action.arrive = "<<walk>>"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "robots" and $loc_machinetemple.sabotagedRobots eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sabotage the Robots|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action4 = "sabotage"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip_error");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "corpse">>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_machinetemple.storedKnife eq "razorspine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Monoblade'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.knife; $equip.knife = $loc_machinetemple.storedKnife; $loc_machinetemple.storedKnife = $action.action5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-monoblade'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b28_fountain_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Monoblade'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.knife; $equip.knife = $loc_machinetemple.storedKnife; $loc_machinetemple.storedKnife = $action.action5>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-monoblade'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b28_fountain_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Implants|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action4 = "implants"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b28_spitting_fountain][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Machine Temple">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action1 = "terminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Pedestal|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action1 = "pedestal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pedestal">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_machinetemple.tookSubReactor eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move' id='transfer-item'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Device'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_machinetemple.tookSubReactor = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Old Device">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_nullcore">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Device]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Device]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action1 = "terminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_machinetemple.tookSubReactor eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search around the Pedestal|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action1 = "pedestal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Access the Personal Log|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action2 = "personal"; $loc_machinetemple.readDataPad = true; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Access the Maintenance Protocols|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action2 = "maintenance"; $loc_machinetemple.readDataPad = true; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Access the System Monitor|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action2 = "monitor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Away|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action2 = "continue"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 neq "continue">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_logs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Back|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_continue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $chr_fabienne.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Machine Temple|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromTemple"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 100; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action3 = "notcare"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's up to Her|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action3 = "uptoher"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to activate the Archway|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action3 = "activate"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_continue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_continue_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to ask Around|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action4 = "agree"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 3; $job_witches_pendant.askedCelena = false; $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx = false; $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj = false; $chr_fabienne.met = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'acceptAskAround'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "activate">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Help|b28_machinetemple_loot][$action.action4 = "refuse"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 99; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'refuseAskAround'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_continue_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_continue_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_sanctum_loot_continue_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Machine Temple|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromTemple"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and stomp past the dead mercs, headed for the security door. There's a card lock on it but rather than bother with IDs, you cock your [[Power Fist|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "powerfist"]] and smash the device clean off the door. The mag-clamps disegage and fall to the ground with a dull clatter.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So much for security." You shove the door off its hinges and step inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBeyond is a short corridor that leads to an airlock. There's also security station just to the left. Oddly, there's no one around, not even a guard on duty, but you do notice the airlock is secured with a card reader - again. Not that you should have any issues with that, given the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] and all, but it might be worth looking around all the same.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and creep out from behind your crate, headed for the mercs. They're all clearly dead - no reason to waste ammunition - so you step over the bodies and make for the security door behind them, which is card-locked. Again.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Talk about tough security," you mutter, examining the mechanism.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 3>>It's poorly installed but you still have your stolen ID Card. So rather than resort to brute force, you swipe it through the scanner and step inside.<<else>>It looks poorly installed again, so you grab your <<knife>> and ram the pommel against the device. It breaks off the door with a crack. The associated mag-clamps unseal and, secretly relieved that even worked, you step inside.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tBeyond is a short corridor that leads to an airlock. There's also security station just to the left. Oddly, there's no one around, not even a guard on duty, but you do notice the airlock is secured with a card reader - again.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Cryochamber 7">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRun">>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "placeholder">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_hellcat_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head back Upstairs|b10_cryolounge_hellcat_leave][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromRun">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_hellcat_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_hellcat_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRun">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase = 98; $job_boulevard_hellcat.didMissionTime = $time.active; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $job_boulevard_hellcat.didMissionTime = $time.active; $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase = 2; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_hellcat.png"]]</div>You lower your weapon and, moving one careful step at a time, approach the fallen [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]]. A pitiful squeak fills your ears. The blur of light moves ever so slightly. Terrified that it somehow survived, you grab your <<knife>> and slam it down. There's a faint resistance. You yank your blade back out to find it covered in pale, white ooze.\n\n"Yuck." You wipe the blade, secretly relieved.\n\nTo a point at least. You got rid of the abomination but all bets are off on who sent it. [[Witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] aren't out of the question, not even slightly, but why any of them would have a problem with a Cryolounge is beyond you.\n\nAt any rate, you should tell the receptionist you dealt with the thing. And then you should probably ask around a little. [[Hellcats|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] don't just go prowling around. In fact, you've never even run into one before they're that rare, so this can't just be a coincidence. Not by a long shot.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You creep toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou creep toward the door, careful to keep the row of shipping crates between you and the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs. Blood pounds in your veins with every step you take.\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "kicklock">>You've barely gone a dozen paces when a door bangs open. You freeze instinctively.\n\n"Hey," someone calls. "Did you assholes trigger the damned alarm again?"\n\nThere's a distorted laugh. "No. We aren't that stupid, Doc."\n\n"Well, neither did we. Go check it out, will ya?" There's a brief pause. "Now, please. There could be a security breech."\n\n"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Doc." Footfalls echo as the mercs begin to move. "Ashley, watch the door. Williams, with me. You see anything, shoot it." The footfalls draw nearer. A shadow moves on the wall of the warehouse.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>> You glance back, hoping for an escape route, just as two mercs move into view.\n\nOne of them sees you and slaps the other on the shoulder pad. His assault rifle rises. Targeting optics glint. There's just enough time to realize what's about to happen before coilfire errupts. You dive behind a crate, heart thudding and resigned to the fact you'll have to shoot your way in now.<<elseif not $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>Long seconds pass until you reach the far side of the crates. You peer around the corner the same moment one of the mercs taps his helmet.\n\n"Hey, did you guys hear—" He glances at you. "Oi! Intruder. Intruder!"\n\nAssault rifles rise, targeting optics glint. There's just enough time to realize what's about to happen before the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] merc opens up on full auto. You duck back just in time, breathing hard. No alternative now. It's fight or kill.<<else>>Long seconds pass until you reach the far side of the crates. There, you peer around the corner. \n\nThe three [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs are less than three meters away, still standing around in front of the security door. None of them have noticed you and, judging by the distorted voices coming from beneath their helmets, they're engrossed in a deep discussion about, well, you can't tell what.\n\n"Great." You duck back, debating your options.\n\nSneaking past obviously won't work but there's another door just ahead that doesn't look locked. Either you could risk the gauntlet enter the warehouse that way or you could creep back to where you entered and take out the mercs - your current position is too close to risk a firefight outnumbered three to one. Both are risky propositions but at least now you have options.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You take a deep breath and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou take a deep breath and run for the back door. Footsteps patter. Air whistles past. You skid to a stop beside the door and hit the release. It hisses open quietly. A glance over your shoulder proves the mercs haven't noticed you.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck."<<else>>"So far so good."<</if>> You slip inside and close the door.\n\nYou're in a short corridor which leads to a storage room. A brief glance inside reveals there's nothing there except cleaning materials and a disassembled maintenance bot. Outside again, the corridor forks off to the right. You head that way, one careful step at a time, until you reach a doorway that leads to the main entrance - you can tell because the mercs' helmets are visible through a small window in the security door. At any rate, there's a security station just opposite the doorway you entered through and a large airlock which leads deeper into the warehouse. There's no one around, not even a guard, but you do notice the airlock is secured with a card reader - again.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>><<walk>><</if>> across the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_fountain.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>><<walk>><</if>> across the <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>tramway station to the security checkpoint. The <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> standing guard wave you through and so you pass<<else>>crowded walkways of Level B28<</if>>, headed for the Spitting Fountain opposite the tramway station. Water squirts from the many aquarian heads along the rim, splashing into the basin at irregular intervals. Several kids are watching the display, loudly guessing which head will squirt next. As you stop beside the fountain, a man flicks a credit chip in as he hurries past. It sinks to the bottom to joins the hundreds of other used chips lain to rest there.\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Comfortably buzzed, you plunk yourself on the edge of the fountain and watch the crowds on the walkways.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Yawning, you sit on the edge of the fountain and watch the crowds on the walkways.<<else>>Relishing the relative calm, you sit on the edge of the fountain and watch the crowds on the walkways.<</if>> Hundreds of people hurry past every second. Barely anyone stops at the fountain and even fewer head to the little Shrine of Eden behind it. Sad, in a way, though you hardly care for the place either. Aside from kids and the rare holy man with an insatable urge to pray, the only people who ever visit this place are drunks and addicts who are quickly kicked out by the lone security bot assigned to keeping the peace.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Feeling a tad awkward, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nFeeling a tad awkward, you stand up and make for the Shrine of Eden behind the fountain. It's little more than a small room off the B28 walkway, with a battered old [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] standing to one side and a primitive metal altar covered in prayer notches against the far wall. There's no one around. The bot's head tracks your every movement when you step inside.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, come on," you mutter. "I'm just looking."<<else>>"Nice and easy," you mutter. "I'm no threat."<</if>>\n\nThe [[Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] doesn't react in the slightest. <<if $attrib.caution gte 75>>Unnerved by its unwavering stare<<else>>Mildly irritated by its constant stare<</if>>, you scour the walls in search of anything that would allow you to instert the lockstar-pendant thing you found. There's nothing, just a few scratches on the walls, but certainly no hidden doorway. You're about to give up when you spot a depression in the floor roughly the size of the pendant.\n\n"Huh." You crouch beside it.\n\nBehind you, the [[Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] creaks. You look back to see it's head turned to the doorway. Evidently the machine has decided you're not a threat.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You insert the pendant...<<else>>You are standing amidst...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You insert the pendant into the depression. Nothing happens. You feel stupid. And it is stupid. How could a simple, sun-shaped trinket possibly unlock a hidden doorway in a Shrine of Eden? The very idea—\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_pendantdoor.png"]]</div>Something clicks beneath the floor. Lasers flicker across the pendant's surface, followed by a hydraulic hiss. Metal groans as wall panels are dislodged. The altar is knocked over by an ancient security door opening at the back of the shrine. Beyond, a narrow passage leads into the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].\n\n"Wow." You pick up the pendant and, as the door begins to close, slip inside.\n\nThe only source of light is your holo-beam, which just<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>You are standing in the dusty Machine Temple, surrounded by shadows. The light of your holo-beam<</if>> barely illuminates a dusty chamber positively overrun by ancient machinery. Old power cables and manipulator arms hang from the ceiling. At least a dozen repair benches stacked with long-disued tools stand against the walls and you can even see what looks like an oversized and incredibly archaic holo-terminal. The only remotely modern devices in sight are four prehistorics robots standing limp in the center of the room.\n\nBeyond them you can see what looks like another pressure door and there's a dark silhouette on the floor, lying in the shadow of the robots. It reminds you of a corpse and, when you risk a step closer, resolves into a skeleton wrapped in tattered, grey robes.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing beside...<<else>>You <<walk>> to the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "robots">>\n\t\tYou <<walk>> to the humanoid robots, eyeing their sleek hulls. None of them appear armed or powered but, when you look at their backs, all four have a blinking red light at the base of their mechanical skulls. It's impossible to tell whether they're active, in hibernation, or simply running on emergency power.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhat you do notice however are the exposed power cores in their backs. Unlike modern designs, the core isn't sealed inside the chassis, and the heat sinks are exposed directly to the environment. None of the sinks are hot, or even warm, and you imagine they could all be yanked out. As a safety precaution, just in case the bots come online at an inoppertune moment.\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "corpse">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing beside the robes skeleton.<<else>>You <<walk>> to the robed skeleton.<</if>> It looks human, or at least humanoid, but you aren't experienced enough with skeletons to say much more. What you can say is that whoever this once was was extensively augmented and implanted, and that none of the mechanical devices - an arm, leg, chestpiece, and lungs - have decayed even slightly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNone of the augments or implants appear functional but you spot an unusual jagged blade - possible an archaic [[monomolecular blade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "razorspine"]] - still cluched in its left mechano-glove. The weapon, whatever it is, doesn't appear to have been used. Your best guess: the skeleton was killed by the robots before he or she could fight back - the top of the skull is badly fractured and there are several notches on its ribs that don't appear intentional.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "door">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_machinedoor.png"]]</div>You head past the deactivated robots, to the pressure door at the far end of the Machine Temple. Your boots echo loudly. Dust drifts lazily and, with every step you take, you fear the robots will suddenly activate and attack from behind. Except they don't, not even when you're standing right in front of the door.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLike the rest of the Machine Temple, it's decidedly functional; a rusted pressure door flecked with dust. Six bolts hold it in place and there's an ancient, holographic interface beside it that doesn't react when you swipe a hand over it. Presumably dead, but the manual release might still be functional. Unless it's rusted through and prone to fail the moment you tug in. Hard to tell, really. There might be another system that needs to be disengaged first.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "sabotage">>You move behind the first robot and...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "implants">>You examine the scattered implants...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "sabotage">>\n\t\tYou move behind the first robot and have just reached for it's power core when the light beneath its skull turns green. Machinery whirrs as the robot begins to power up, as do the other three. A digital beep echoes in the otherwise silent chamber.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit!"<<else>>"Oops."<</if>> You yank the robot's power core out and back away.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other three machines turn. Mechanical arms reach for ancient weapons that appear from hatches beside the machines. No doubt about it: they're about to attack - because you were dumb enough to tamper with technology you know nothing about.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "implants">>\n\t\tYou examine the scattered implants and augments, though they tell you little of use. None of the scribbling on them is in any way legible - it's a foreign language at best, faded beyong belief at worst. All you can say for certain is they aren't compatible with any contemporary technology, and you only know that because the power cables and interface jacks are weirdly shaped.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wonder how old this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>crap<<else>>stuff<</if>> is," you mutter, glancing around the room, then turn back to the skeleton. "And how old you are."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no way to tell, of course, but you'll wager a few hundred years at least, maybe even a century. At any rate, it's older than the most recent Technological Normalization Act, seeing as just about nothing you can see is in any way compatible with modern equipment.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fight">>You lower your weapon and...<<else>>You pull the emergency release...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fight">>You lower your weapon and step over the destroyed robots, headed for the pressure door at the end of the room. Your boots echo loudly. Dust drifts lazily and, with every step you take, you almost expect more robots to appear - it just seems like they might. Nothing happens though, not even when you stop before the door.<br><br>\n\nIt's badly rusted and held in place by six bolts. The controls don't react when you swipe them. Instead, you pull the emergency release.<<else>>You pull the emergency release.<</if>> Metal squeaks on metal, followed by a hiss as air excapes the unsealing door, whirling dust into your eyes and nose.<br><br>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell."<<else>>"Sheesh."<</if>> You cough, blinking dust out of your eyes.<br><br>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sanctum_base.png"]]</div>The circular chamber beyond the pressure door is as shadowy as the one before, and equally dusty. Your holo-beam reeals a single occupant: ssomeone - or something - kneeling before a pedestal in the center, spindly fingers clasped around a silver orb.<br><br>\n\nAt first you would say it's a man in an ancient exosuit but there's something wrong about him. Even in the gloom you can see his body is so infested with wires, cables and augments that no flesh remains, just bone and machine.<br><br>\n\n"Tedious," a hollow, synthesized voice drones. "Must you disturb these sacred halls?"<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sorry">>"Sorry," you say, eyeing the thing uneasily. "I was kinda expecting this place to be deserted, y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\t"A grave misconception." The thing sets its silver orb down and stands, augments whirring. "One you will not make twice."<br><br>\n\n\t"Wow, wow." You step back, raising your hands. "No need for violence. I was just looking around. I didn't except to meet anyone. Anything. Whatever the case is with you."<br><br>\n\n\t"Technicalities." The thing takes a step toward you, causing an armored foot to ring on the floor.\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hadto">>"Yep, I absolutely had to," you say sarcastically. "Mean, that's absolutely why I came here, just to<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fuck with you.<<else>> bother you.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"Unlikely, but possible." The thing sets its silver orb down and stands, augments whirring. "And unfortunate for you, should your words indeed be true, for I have no mind for petty games."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You can't help but snort. "Fine, let's play this the hard way then. Who throws the first punch?"<<else>>You can't help but scoff. "Not one for humor, are you?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Arrogant." The thing takes a step toward you, causing an armored foot to ring on the floor.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whois">>"Better question." You risk a step toward the thing. "Who<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> are you and what are you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I am Sunlord Abbath." The thing sets its silver orb down and stands, augments whirring. "And who, might I ask, are you?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Name's Vine. I was just looking around. Didn't except to meet anyone. Anything. Whatever the case is with you."<br><br>\n\n\t"I see." The thing takes a step toward you, causing an armored foot to ring on the floor.\n\t\n\t<</if>>"Let it be known: you trespass in sacred halls. Begone. Now. Or I shall cast you out in the name of the First Star, may it's Light shine on forever, and all that is true in this universe."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "whysacred">>"Sacred? This place?" You wave around in disbelief. "It's a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damned<</if>> workshop, and an ancient, inoperable one at that. What could possibly—"<br><br>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_sunlord.png"]]</div>"Ignorant, blind, like those who turned against their faith. You will burn for your sins in the light of the First Star, biological." The abomination steps forward again, armored plates closing around its head, forming a helmet not unlike those that [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] wear. "Pray forgiveness for your eternal soul while you still can, for there shall be no reckoning in the void."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "didntmean">>"Didn't mean to get in your way, like I said. So I'll just be on my way already."<br><br>\n\n\t"Hollow words from a hollow mortal. You will burn for your sins in the light of the First Star, biological." The abomination steps forward again, armored plates closing around its head, forming a helmet not unlike those that [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] wear. "Pray forgiveness for your eternal soul while you still can, for there shall be no reckoning in the void."<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nothreats">>"Don't threaten me," you snarl, stepping toward the thing. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I don't care what the fuck you are. You're gonna die. Like all the fucking trash I hunt."<<else>>"I don't care who or what you are. I hunt garbage like you for a living, and believe me, all I need is an excuse."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_sunlord.png"]]</div>"Harsh words from a hollow mortal. You too shall burn for your sins in the light of the First Star, biological." The abomination steps forward again, armored plates closing around its head, forming a helmet not unlike those that [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] wear. "Pray forgiveness for your eternal soul while you still can, for there shall be no reckoning in the void."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, shit,"<<else>>"Oh, no,"<</if>> you mutter, backing away.<br><br>\n\n\t"Quiver and bown down, for Sunlord Abbath does not serve the pitiful many, and does not recognize the heretical pact the treacherous many swore." The abomination rasies a hand, causing bright, almost brillant light to form between his fingers. "The First Star will reign forever, Biological, but you shall never live to see their glorious light again!"<br><br>\n\n\tYou don't have time to think, much less consider a response. Whatever this thing is, abomination or simply a misguided fanatic long past his due date, it intends to destroy you. To hell with Lord Abbath and his First Star - and all the other religious crap for that matter. Right now it's down to who shoots first, and you intend to be that one.\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_paladin_old.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon and, wary of some form of trickery, approach the fallen Sunlord. Its augments whirr pitifully, causing smoke to drift lazily from its joints. An arm attempts to move but simply causes a shower of sparks.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Stupid hunk of junk."<<else>>"Nasty way to end."<</if>> You shake your head, staring at the mechanical monster's faceless mask. "Glad it wasn't me."<br><br>\n\n\tThere's a distorted rasp that might have been an attempt at a response.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck you and your First Star too,"<<else>>"Oh, please,"<</if>> you say, glancing around the dusty chamber. "Kill me for walking into your <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shithole here<<else>>prison<</if>> yeah, real friendly. What's so<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> important about this place anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\tThere's no response, not even a feeble whirr from the demolished machine, so you set out in search of your own answers. Maybe the ancient holo-terminal fused into the far wall will provide them. Or maybe you shoold look at the pedestal in the center of the room, or to be more exact, the silver orb Sunlord Abbath placed atop it.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>You approach the terminal, which is dark save for a blinking light at the base of the projector. When you wave your hand before it, nothing happens. Then you realize there's a physical button-interface before the projector.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou hit one of the keys. The device whirrs to life, projecting the following screen on the dusty wall:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>DataNet Access Node - Temple 4</strong><br>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>WARNING:</span> unexpected system reboot. previous session successfuly restored<br><br>\n\n\t\tCurrent Directory: sys.users.ji.datafiles:<br><br>\n\t\t- Personal Log<br>\n\t\t- Maintenance Protocols<br>\n\t\t- System Monitor\n\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pedestal">>You approach the pedestal, eyeing the silver orb. It was once no doubt perfectly smooth but the surface is now covered in hairline fractures. How they occured, or what the orb is, you can't say but when you pick it up it's oddly heavy and cold.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Hmm." You turn it between you fingers, shrug helplessly, and place it back.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou're about to step away when you spot another, conical device set in a depression at the base of the pedestal. Unlike the orb it looks intact. There's no way to tell what it does however, or whether it's safe to remove. Maybe you should just leave it be.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You select the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "personal">>You select the personal log. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<strong>DataNet Access Node - Temple 4</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Currently Viewing:</strong> Personal Log - Ji Suvi<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe techno-mage visited me today, on the eve of Lord Abbath's inquiry, with a queer proposition: rob Lord Abbath of all his Solarborn legitimacy. Why the Circle cares for this I do not know but I see no reason to doubt their disdain for the old ways. We must merely ensure that one of the 'stolen' Fusion Spheres overloads when Lord Abbath attemts to reclaim it. To any laymen present, including the inevitable entourage of Solar Knights we have come to expect these days, it will appear as the the First Star itself have rejected Lord Abbath. The resulting electromagnetic surge will of course fry the circuitry in the Sanctum but the blast doors should be able to contain the radiation. I volunteered to sacrifice myself and the Temple's reputation to this end. It cannot not be worse than being subjected to this inevitable Solar Purge.\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tSplendid. Lord Abbath has publicly announced that our Machine-Temple has both defiled the sanctity of the Temple of Sol and stolen several hallowed 'Solar Spheres'. Ignorance and lies pure but all believe his sacred words. Despite the gravity of the situation, I insisted on our position of non-violence. This even though agents of the Circle told me beyond doubt that Lord Balsit confessed the 'sin' of gifting us with several Fusion Spheres for our research before Lord Abbath. I have hidden them away safely but our position is precarious. It would not surprise me if we were all purged for our allegedly heretical crimes.\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\t I was right to take precautions. Agents loyal to Lord Abbath have been probing our systems with primitive spy-routines. I have locked down the systems down and physically reconfigured our automations into self-defense mode to ensure the Bylthal Massacre isn't repeted here, further lending irrational credibility to the 'dangers' of our 'technological meddling'. I was also visited by a trusted friend, Lord Cornelius, who claimed the Sunlord has taken it upon himself to investigate the strange goings-on of our Machine Cult in person. I doubt Lord Cornelius will be in any position to stop his inquiries, even if he were so inclined.\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tIn light of the Solar Knight's warnings, and comments made by the techno-mage of the Circle about the strange occurences and power surges, I have constructed a shielded inner-wall within the Sanctum, to protect our systems from the interference and the Archway from discovery. I do not believe that Lord Cornelius would mind its presence. Should a less progressive Solar Lord investigat our 'occultist' premises however, there could be trouble. I do not wish to damn myself or any of those who place their belief in the community and technology of Eden. That would be irresponsible.\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tEver since we started studying that Archway, events have been taking strange turns. Last week, half our stock of cabling disappered only to be found in the old Bathing Room. Then all our power shorted out in the middle of the night cycle despite no one being present in the Sanctum - I checked. And today a man, apparently a Great Builder - I thought them all died in the Crusade - named Cornelius appeared here in secret, seeking assistance with a damaged servomotor. I was wary at first but still tended the issue. In return he warned me that Lord Abbath has been inquiring into the goings-on of Scaffold 22. Why a Great Builder would take pity on our Temple is beyond me but I welcome his warning.\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tAll attempts to discern the inner workings of the Archway to Heaven have proven fruitless. We engaged a techno-mage from the Circle, hoping to glean insight, but even his knowledge is not sufficient. We have been pouring over the user manual for ninteen days straight and all we can say for certain is this: the device requires a Fusion Sphere (apparently we are calling these devices Globes of Eden now but I find the term as disingenuous as the old Solar Sphere terminology) to operate, which we already knew. On the upside, I have been informed by the Great Builder that a passing trader, apparently the Baron vi N'Dell, was kind enough to gift three fusion spheres to the cause, so perhaps there is still hope for success.\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "maintenance">>You select the maintenance protocols. They read:<br><br>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<strong>DataNet Access Node - Temple 4</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Currently Viewing:</strong> Maintenance Protocols - Ji Suvi<br><br>\n\n\t\tTicket: #55111111111873678485616741<br><br>\n\t\tComments: do not, ever, ever, ever leave the archway on the grid over the night cycle! I figured out what caused the surge and we were lucky to have a local breaker or we'd have shorted out all of the Municipal's power. the device has a quantum polling subroutine that pings for nearby archways at a pre-determined interval - roughly 0.98908711 GSD. our system's can't handle that level of voltage, at least not the way they're currently set up, and no, I am NOT putting a Fusion Sphere in the archway (which would avert the issue). Only the Loving Stars know what's on the other side; it may not be Heavn like Brother Limu wants to believe.\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tTicket: #5511111111187367841584415<br><br>\n\t\tComments: working on a Solar Knight's apparrel was a true challenge but, Loving Stars, I never knew how terrible AntiSkel was at deflecting modern weaponry. Guess that explain why friction shields are gaining popularity amongst duelists. It's a wonder this poor fellow didn't loose his entire leg. the knee joint servomotors were completly mangled. His comment? bar brawl. Likely!\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tTicket: #5511111111187367841687351<br><br>\n\t\tComments: forget what I said about toasters. Lord B actually managed to break an autotoast unit. not exactly his fault but am uploading the toast-verification runtime to our library anyways, in case there are other Lords or Ladies with similar issues. and no, the runtime isn't legally aquired, because the company that wrote it went bankrupt a century ago. talk about a pain to aquire.\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tTicket: #5511111111187367841687350<br><br>\n\t\tComments: the Circle sub-contracted a few of our techs for an issue with the old fusion core down by the Interchange and now one of them's come back with a strange issue: the core's cooling chamber is overheating. I was confused at first but I think the Machine-Cult has secretly been building a new generator. The Great Builder might be involved. anyways, the unit has been recalibrated and the core works fine now. but the stationkeeper AI refused to autoupdate the config. had to do it manually. weird. what idiot designed that thing?\n\n\t\t<br><br><hr><br>\n\n\t\tTicket: #5511111111187367841687168<br><br>\n\t\tComments: set up public charging stations in the Halls to reduce number of gallian cells we have to replace or charge. we really, really need to teach people how to solve basic tech issues or we'll look like gods while repairing toasters for the rest of our lives\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "monitor">>You select the system monitor. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<strong>DataNet Access Node - Temple 4</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Currently Viewing:</strong> System Monitor<br><br>\n\n\t\tPower Grid: <span class='redcolor'>disconnected</span><br>\n\t\t<<if $loc_electroshop.warlockActive>>\n\t\tW4R1kNet: <span class='greencolor'>active</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tDataNet: <span class='yellowcolor'>local network only</span><br>\n\t\tHall01: <span class='redcolor'>disconnected</span><br>\n\t\tHall02: <span class='redcolor'>disconnected</span><br>\n\t\tHall03: <span class='redcolor'>disconnected</span><br>\n\t\tHall04: <span class='redcolor'>system failure</span><br>\n\t\tEmergency Power: <span class='yellowcolor'>remaining charge estimated at 231 GSY</span>\n\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You step away from the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\tYou step away from the holo-terminal \n\t<<if not $chr_fabienne.alive>>\n\t\tand, with a last glance around, make your departure. Footsteps sound on the ancient floor. Dust whirls in the air. You pause, one last time, to look back at this long-forgotten place of worship and the Sunlord's mangled corpse.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTragic, but there's nothing there for you, just old technology, so outdated it won't even work with modern systmes. There's no point poking around in such an ancient past. Better whatever it secrets rot away, convered in dust and forgotten like the dark era that spawned them. At least now they can rest in peace.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\tjust as soft footsteps patter on the floor. Adrenaline surges. You grab your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>> and whirl around to see a red-haired woman standing behind you, [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] in hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe smiles. <<if $job_witches_pendant.askedSiren>>"Hey, there. Was wondering if I'd find you here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You're—" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You reach for a weapon<<else>>You take a step back<</if>>. "—the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]], right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You can call me Fabienne, you know. Not my favorite name but whatever. And don't worry. I'm not here to kill you. This—" She holds up her [[Hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]]. "—was for that asshole—" She indicates the dead Sunlord.\n\t\t<<else>>"Hey, there. Having fun?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>\n\t\t\t\t"Right until you showed up, Fabienne. Now? Well, now I'm not so sure anymore."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, brilliant," she says. "And before you ask: no, I am not here to kill you. This—" She holds up her [[Hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]]. "—was for that asshole—" She indicates the dead Sunlord."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Not exactly." <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You reach for a weapon<<else>>You take a step back<</if>>. "Who are you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Fabienne. Long ago, part of the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]], now just your run of the mill [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]. And don't worry. I'm not here to kill you. This—" She holds up her [[Hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]]. "—was for that asshole—" She indicates the dead Sunlord.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tStill suspicous, you say, "You knew him?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Knew and despised." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] shrugs. "That's all in the distant past now though. All I want is the archway. Or, well, what's on the other side of it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedSiren>>"So you knew it was here," you say darkly. "Okay. What is it even?"<<elseif $loc_machinetemple.readDataPad>>"There were some notes on that terminal," you say. "What is it, exactly?"<<else>>"The archway," you say slowly. "Okay. What's that?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"An old portal device," Fabeienne says. "I'm not sure where it leads. Even the [[Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] couldn't figure that out before Lord Blasteverythingtobits came carreering in here but I got a good feeling it's an old Dynastic Tomb. Been waiting millenia for the ratiation to bleed away enough but, yeah, now we're here. Only question is what happens next."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\tYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "notcare">>"I don't care. Just came here to take a look around. Things have been weird ever since."<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, I'm here to see what's on the other side of the archway. Only problem is we'll need a working Fusion Sphere. And I don't have one. Do you?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "uptoher">>"Up to you. I just came here out of curiosity, nothing more."<br><br>\n\n\t"Well then, we activate the archway." Fabienne scowls. "Only problem is we'll need a working Fusion Sphere. And I don't have one. Do you?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "activate">>"I wanna see what's on the other side. So we activate the archway."<br><br>\n\n\t"Then we're here for the same thing." Fabienne grins, then frowns. "Only problem is we'll need a working Fusion Sphere. And I don't have one. Do you?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"No," you say flatly.<br><br>\n\n\t"Bugger. I know the old Machine Priests had one. Three, actually. But that was millenia ago. No clue where they went to. Hey, you think you could look for one?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Look for an ancient fusion sphere." <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You can't help but snort. "What the hell makes you think I'll find one?"<<else>>You shake your head. "Man, what makes you think I'll find one?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Well, nothing. But it'll take me a while to get the archway up and running. Figured maybe you'd wanna help."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "agree">>"I'm in," you say....<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refuse">>"No fucking way," you say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "agree">>"I'm in," you say. "Not that I know where to find a working fusion sphere. But I'm in."<br><br>\n\n\t"I don't know where to find one either," Fabienne admits. "But do what you can, then meet me back here. It might just be worth your while."<br><br>\n\n\t"Make sure it is." With that, you turn and stride from the Machine Temple.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refuse">>"No <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>way," you say. "You wanna turn this old <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>crap<<else>>heap of junk<</if>> on, fine. But without me. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t"Okay, fine, it's your loss." Fabienne shrugs. "Be on your way then. I won't do anything silly."<br><br>\n\n\t"Good." You turn and stride from the machine temple.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tFootsteps sound on the ancient floor. Dust whirls in the air. At the doorway to the Sanctum, you pause to look back. Fabienne is pouring over the archaic holo-terminal. The demolished Sunlord still lies on the floor where he fell. <br><br>\n\n\tIt's like a glimpse into the past, into a world untouched by progress and development, \n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "agree">>and you've just pledged yourself to uncovering its long-lost secrets. Not something you ever imagined you'd do but, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>hell<<else>>well<</if>>, curiosity never killed the cat before, did it?\n\t<<else>>but it isn't your world. Better it remain as it is - forgotten and lost to the ages. You won't be sad to leave it behind.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromRun">>You turn away and<<else>>You leave the cryonics chamber<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRun">>You turn away and head back up the ladder. By the time you reach the store room behind the reception, every muscle in your body is trembling from the chill. But it's warmer upstairs and it only gets better when you step out, into the well-lit entry area of Icefall Cryogenics.\n\nThe receptionist shoots you a worried look. "Was it all right, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? We, uh, had some complaints about noise from our customers."\n\n"Okay is the wrong word," you reply, leaning on the desk. "It's a [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]]. And it's still alive. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>I'm good, but not that good, unfortunately.<<else>>Thing like that's way beyond my skills.<</if>>"\n\n"Oh." The man looks crestfallen. "But I was told you were the best, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."\n\n"Well, we all have our limits." You force a smile and turn away but hesitate. "Tell your Boss I don't expect payment. But if he wants that thing dealt with, he'll have to find someone <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>willing to risk their life over it.<<else>>who can handle it.<</if>>"\n\n"I see. Very well. I, ah, shall inform Mr. Harper of the situation. Thank you at least for trying, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."\n\nYou just nod in response, too glad to be away from the [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] to even bother with a response. Plus, it's hard not feeling ashamed for having failed to kill that abomination. That's supposed to be your job. And you just ran away. Best not to linger - least anyone put two and two together and realize you're a complete coward.<<else>>You leave the cryonics chamber and head back to the ladder. By the time you reach the store room behind the reception, every muscle in your body is trembling from the chill. But it's warmer upstairs and it only gets better when you step out, into the well-lit entry area of Icefall Cryogenics.\n\nThe receptionist shoots you a worried look. "Was it all right, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? We, uh, had some complaints about noise from our customers."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, the problem's taken care of if that's what you mean. But you got a corpse down there you'll have to chuck. Assuming you can find it. It's invisible."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Well, I got out alive and the abomination's dead. Though, uh, there's a corpse down there that you should probably get rid of. Provided you can find it. It's invisible."<<else>>"Let's put it this way: the abomination's dead but there's a corpse down there that needs to be disposed of. Assuming you can find it. It's invisible."<</if>>\n\n"Ah." The man looks lost. "Invisible?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Long story. Just have someone canvas the room.<<else>>"It refracts visible light. Have a crew canvas the room. It won't be going anywhere.<</if>> And tell your head of security I'll be looking into this matter a bit more, just to make sure something of the similar sort doesn't happen again."\n\n"Of course," he says, making a few hasty notes. "And I thank you very much. I am certain Mr. Harper will contact you about payment as soon as he has verified your work."\n\nYou just nod in response, too preoccupied with the [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] matter to bother with formalities. There has to be more to this - there just has to. Maybe you should ask around a bit. Anska might know something.<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>> And Celena's a good source on all things related to [[witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] too. Maybe she can help.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Machine Temple">>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hand over the Sphere|b28_machinetemple_archway][$action.action1 = "handover"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $equip.hasFusionSphere = false]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll install It|b28_machinetemple_archway][$action.action1 = "install"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $equip.hasFusionSphere = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Machine Temple|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromTemple"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 100; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Give Fabienne the Pendant|b28_machinetemple_archway][$action.action2 = "handover"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask where it Leads|b28_machinetemple_archway][$action.action3 = "wherelead"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what happens Next|b28_machinetemple_archway][$action.action3 = "whatnow"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step through the Archway|b28_machinetemple_archway][$action.action3 = "enter"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_spittingfountain_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_machinetemple_archway_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Dynasty Tomb|dynastytomb_explore][$processed = false; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Unknown - Dynasty Tomb">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromOutside">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Obsidian Block|dynastytomb_explore][$action.action1 = "coffin"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Vaccuum Containers|dynastytomb_explore][$action.action1 = "urns"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Join Fabienne by the Wall|dynastytomb_explore][$action.action1 = "wall"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='loot-dynastytomb' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'loot_dynastytomb_options'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put the data pad Down|dynastytomb_explore][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Robots|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fight"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Robots_DynastyTomb"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_explore_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Robots|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fight"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Robots_DynastyTomb_Alt"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "urns">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|dynastytomb_explore][$action.action2 = "datapad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_old_catacombs.readDataPad = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_old_catacombs.storedRifle eq "Arclance">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Arclance'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_old_catacombs.storedRifle; $loc_old_catacombs.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText =$equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-dynastytomb'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'loot_dynastytomb_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Arclance'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_old_catacombs.storedRifle; $loc_old_catacombs.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText =$equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-dynastytomb'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'loot_dynastytomb_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "wall">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for the Power Source|dynastytomb_explore][$action.action2 = "powersource"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|dynastytomb_explore][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Unknown - Dynasty Tomb">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remove the Lid|dynastytomb_postrobots][$action.action1 = "liftlid"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Ceremonial Armor' 'dynastytomb_postrobots'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "takearmor"; $hide.layer2 = true; $equip.clothes = "AntiSkel Armor"; $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Ceremonial Armor|dynastytomb_postrobots][$action.action2 = "leavearmor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll consider It|dynastytomb_postrobots][$action.action3 = "consider"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 7; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'saveFriendship'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're done with Her|dynastytomb_postrobots][$action.action3 = "donewith"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 8; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'breakFriendship'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Siren|dynastytomb_postrobots][$action.action3 = "attack"; $attrib.violence += 3; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 8; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'breakFriendship'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'dynastytomb_loot_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Machine Temple|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromTemple"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 8; $time.active += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<else>>You enter the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sanctum_tomb.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing before the obsidian block at the end of the Dynasty Tomb. According to Fabienne, who's busy examining the wall behind it, the block is the eternal resting place of a Solar Lord, whatever that means. Your best guess is a coffin or some sort of stasis chamber. \n\nAt any rate, it<<else>>You enter the Dynasty Tomb, one careful step at a time. Every footfall resounds off the distant walls, and with each step you go deeper into the cavernous chamber, the more you feel ill at ease. Never before have you seen a place like this. And if what you think you know is true, you aren't even on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] anymore. The very idea makes your stomach churn - or maybe that's just the shift in gravity.\n\n"They used to build places like this all over," Fabienne says, dusting off one of the cryo-tubes. "Look at this one: Lord Emmereth Avi Van Ava Vi Varthat, and now all that's left of him is a frozen popsicle."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Chilling," you say humorlessly.<<else>>"That's almost sad," you say earnestly.<</if>>\n\nFabienne chuckles as she walks on. "Yeah, no shit. The old Royals loved the idea of having their names immortalized in these monuments. Of course, when the Empire started going down the drain, the Temple of Sol changed the policy to 'cremation by proximity to stars is better for your immortal health than being stuck in a cryotube' to save resources. But there's still millions of these things scattered across the galaxy, just to remind us of how stupid people can be from time to time."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Unnerved though you are, you just have to ask, "Why haven't I heard about these tombs before?"<<else>>Curious despite your misgivings, you ask, "Why haven't I heard of these tombs before?"<</if>>\n\n"In part because the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] don't like people knowing about the old world, but mostly because these things are in places you'd never wanna go. Mean, the last one I went poking around was in the middle of a sun. This one probably is too." Fabienne hops over a snaking power cable, saying, "Who the heck does that? Build a tomb in a sun? Or outside of the sun, actually, and then put it inside. But still."\n\nAll you can think to do is shake your head in response.\n\n"Crazy, I know. And filled with so much useless junk. Forks, blankets, everything. All sortsa old junk. But some of it's good." Fabienne stops before an obsidian block at the very end of the chamber. "Like this. The immortal resting place of a Solar Lord."\n\nIt<</if>> doesn't look like much to you, just a hunk of stone with a few cables running into it. There are several vacuum containers around the base and all sorts of carvings in the surface, not that any of them mean anything to you. Fabienne doesn't seem interested in any of that though, her attention fixed on the wall behind the obsidian block.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step up..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "coffin">>You step up to the obsidian block and run a hand over the dusty surface. The carvings on it are intricate, jagged in some place, looping in others, and entirely incomprehensible. If they're meant to be words, you can't read them. If they're meant to be pictures, the artist was an idiot. Conclusion: they're there for decorative value.<br><br>\n\n\t"If you had an etchreader or a [[Witch Queen|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] handy, you'd be able to read that," Fabienne says, still scouring the wall. "Doubt it'd say anything interesting though, just bla bla don't touch this because cursed bla bla big curse bla."<br><br>\n\n\tYou shake your head. "Why even bother if it can't be read by a human?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Because dillusions of grandeur and ritualistic significance." Fabienne breathes a sigh. "Yeah, the old Empire was big on that shit. Half the reason it fell so far. Folks were so stuck up on their high and mighty trip they couldn't deal with reality when it slapped them smack in the jaw."<br><br>\n\n\t"Doesn't seem like humanity's come very far since," you observe.<br><br>\n\n\tThere's no reply and no way to know what Fabienne thinks on the matter, not that you care.\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "urns">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\tYou put the data pad back in its vaccuum container. The [[Arclance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Arclance"]] still lies in the container beside it. A third contains an assortment of jewlery.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you wonders whether you should bring some of it back to [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] for sale. But there's time for that yet. First, you want to know what you're dealing with - and who this Lord Xavim really was. Sounded like quite the important fellow.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou step up to the nearest vaccuum container and examine it. All are the same, sealed by simple electronics. A touch to the release mechanism causes the lid to retract with a hiss, revealing all manner of jewlery tucked in the airtight container's interior.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh." You open another, longer container.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWithin lies what reminds you suspiciously of the [[Plasma Lances|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]] used by the [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], only not plated in pearly white enamel and sleeker in overall design.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Probably an [[Arclance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Arclance"]]," Fabienne's voice says from behind the obsidian block. "They were big back in the day before railguns, both for dueling and actually, you know, frying flesh and armor off people's bones. Utter and complete shit compared to a real railgun but still nasty and ya gotta admit they look cool as fuck."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"True." You move to the third container, within which you find an ancient but umblemished data pad. "And this? The bloke's personal history?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That or a prayer for the departed. Should be vaguely readable. Imperial ain't that differnt from Galactic Standard when you break it down."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "wall">>You step up beside Fabienne and say, "What exactly are you doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Looking for the—" She shoves at one of the stones but it doesn't budge. "—power source. Won't be able to unseal the coffin otherwise. And that means none of the real goodies."<br><br>\n\n\tYou scowl at the obsidian block. "What, you mean there's <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>something<</if>> inside there?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, they usually sealead all the good stuff with the corpse. But we can't get at that—" She shoves another stone, to no effect. "—unless we can cut the juice on the mag clamps. Oh, and there might, just might, be automated security systems in place. But that won't be an issue until we find the damn thing."<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, that's good to know," you say, suddenly wondering where those automated defenses might be hidden.<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, now give me a hand, will you? That fricking core has gotta be nearby somewhere."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pace along...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pace along the wall, testing the stones for loose elements, but none appear movable. Fabienne seems to have come to the same conclusion because she's started scouring the floor instead. You join her and, after several minutes of feeling like a complete idiot, are about to give up.<br><br>\n\n\tIt's just as you stand that the tile beneath your foot shifts. "Hey, over here."<br><br>\n\n\t"Might be it." Fabienne crouches and, with your help, pries the tile off.<br><br>\n\n\tBelow is an ancient circuitboard positively overrun with wires. Fabienne looks at it for a moment and then, before you can stop her, slams her [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] into the electronics. Sparks fly out with an angry crackle. Something powers down with a whine, followed by a dull thud.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_tripod_old.png"]]</div>"There." Fabienne stands. "Looks like that just about—" Her gaze wanders across the room. "Oh, fuck."<br><br>\n\n\tYou've seen them too; three ancient robotic guardians rising from hidden charging stations along the chamber's walls, bolts clinking on the belts feeding into their coilguns. Somehow you doubt these devices are simply there to warn you away. Their posture and frayrd capes make clear: they are the guardians of this place and you are an intruder.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You grab your...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber. By the time you bring the rifle up, the robots have moved into firing positions.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>> and bring the rifle up, flipping the selector to subsonic out of habit. On the far side of the walkway, the robots have moved into firing positions.\n\t\tDust swirls lazily in the aged tomb. One of the machines flashes an unintelligable warning hologram.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, fuck you too."<<else>>"Easy now."<</if>> You take aim at the robot and squeeze the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a ear-shattering boom, sending a bright red bolt lancing into the machine. Metal explodes with a loud boom. Shrapnel pings off the walls. What's left of the robot collapses with a loud clatter.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a soft puff, which you follow up with a dozen more. Across the tomb, the robot jerks and twitches. Several rounds clip its half-exposed power core, causing the machine to fall with a dull clang.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Well, that's one less," Fabienne calls as the other robots brings up their weapons.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou aren't as relieved as you want to be. The robots look like they mean business. There's no doubt as to what will follow. Your only chance is to take the rest of the machines out out - fast.\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>After brief consideration, you<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nAfter brief consideration, you decide\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "takearmor">>to take the armor, though the idea makes you feel uneasy. After all, you'll have to tear it off a century-old corpse. It's tight and feels more like a robe than armor. <br><br>\n\n\t"Looks good on you," Fabienne says with a smirk. "Now let's get the fuck out of here, yeah? In case the archway fails or something stupid like that."<br><br>\n\n\t"Right," you say, setting a hasty course back the way you came. <br><br>\n\t\n\tThe heavy skirt trips you up. It will take some getting used to.<br><br>\n\n\t"Good run though." Fabienne skips over a power cord and falls in step beside you. "And if you run into any old shit or whatnot that needs stealing - or anything else interesting - let's do this again. It's nowhere near as fun alone as it is with someone to watch your back. Even if they're an idiot at times."<br><br>\n\t<<else>>to leave the ceremonial armor where it is. In part because you don't wanna pick around an old corpse and in part because, frankly, you don't want to lug the thing around everywhere.<br><br>\n\n\tFabienne shoots you an inquisitive look. "Well, you taking your share now or what?"<br><br>\n\n\t"No." You turn and stride across the Dynastic Tomb, saying, "Come on. Let's get out of here. Wherever here is."<br><br>\n\n\t"I'm all for that." Fabienne skips over a power cord and falls in step beside you. "Hey, by the way, if you run into any old shit or whatnot that needs stealing - or anything else interesting - let's do this again. It's nowhere near as fun alone as it is with someone to watch your back. Even if they're an idiot at times."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You're about to chuckle when you remember that, no matter how useful she may be, Fabienne is still a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]].<<else>>You chuckle even though Fabienne is a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] and, technically, your enemy.<</if>> But maybe that isn't so bad - maybe. Maybe it'd be better to kill her too. You're almost back at the archway when you finally make up your mind.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Hoping no one notices, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nHoping no one notices, you stand up and slip into the Shrine of Eden. The [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] standing there barely botheres to glance at you, and that even though the rear wall is still collapsed on the altar. No one's even bothered to clean it up.\n\n"Oh well," you mutter, producing your pendant and placing it in the depression just like last time.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_pendantdoor.png"]]</div>Again, lasers sweep its surface. The door in the back wall grinds open. You hurry through the deserted machine room beyond, causing dust to whirl around you, and make straight for the circular chamber at the end. <<if $chr_fabienne.alive>>Fabienne is standing inside, barely more than a silhouette pouring over the ancient holo-terminal.\n\nShe looks up when you draw near. "Did you have any luck with that Fusion Sphere?"\n\n"Yeah," you say. <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 4>>"Cost a fortune but I got one."\n\n"That sucks, but whatever." She holds out a hand.<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 5>>"Got lucky and found one lying around."\n\n"Just like that, yeah?" She shrugs and holds out a hand.<</if>> "Lemme see, yeah?"<<else>>The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] you met earlier is gone. No indication of where she - it - went to. Presumably it was the same one you killed earler. Or maybe not. It's hard to tell with those things.\n\n"Still, maybe I can make it work." You begin to search the chamber.\n\nAfter several minutes however it becomes clear it's an effort in vain. None of the technology is even remotely familiar and, though you found a fusion sphere, you don't have half an idea where to begin. Whatever this place was and whatever the abomination was after, it's lost forever now. Unfortunate but, then again, maybe it's better this relic of a bygone age is left in the past.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "handover">>You hand over the...<<else>>You shake your head...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "handover">>You hand over the Fusion Sphere, saying, "You know how this thing works, right?"\n\nFabienne shoots you a amused look. "I'm no damn [[Witch Queen|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] but I've been doing this much, much longer than you've even been alive."<<else>>You shake your head. "I got the thing. I install it."\n\n"Oh, please." Fabienne rolls her eyes. "That thing's a ten thousand year old relic that might blow up at any moment. So unless you have years and years of experience using shit like that, you know, just maybe hand it over to someone who does?"\n\n"And how do I know you know what you're doing?"\n\n"Trust me. Sure, I'm no [[Witch Queen|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]], but I've been alive way longer than you've been breathing air."<</if>>\n\nDespite your misgivings, you say, "I'll trust you. For now. Barely."\n\nFabienne smirks. "That'll do. Now let's get this thing up and running. All we gotta do is get the Fusion Sphere in and key in the control sequence. Provided you didn't loose your pendant, we've got everything we need."\n\n"I still have it," you say, checking your pocket just to be sure. "Right here."\n\n"Good." Fabienne strides to the pedestal in the middle of the chamber and taps the top. Hydraulics hiss as the pedestal risies, revealing a slot in the base the size of a Fusion Sphere. She slips it in and steps back as the pedestal sinks back into place.\n\n"Purring like a good little kitten." Fabienne turns to you. "Pendant, please, my dear Very Useful but Untrustful Friend."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You give Fabienne the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou give Fabienne the pendant. "This better work."\n\n"I<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn well<</if>> hope it does." She flashes you a smile and, with the trinket in one hand, begins tapping away at the holo-terminal. "Okay, that's... no, no... there. Yes. Okay. It's in."\n\nYou glance around. "What happens now?"\n\n"This." Fabienne hits one last key and hurries over to you. "Stand back."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sanctum_archway.png"]]</div>A dull buzz fills the room, followed by a whirr and a nasty snap. You don't realize what's different at first. Then it occurs to you that the far half of the room, well, isn't. Gone is the holo-terminal, replaced instead by a dark and dusty stone corridor. There's no light beyond what little seeps through from your end of the, well, portal of whatever the hell you just opened.\n\nFabienne grins. "Awesome. I never thought I'd see one of these things working."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You shoot the woman...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou shoot the woman<<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "wherelead">>a dark look. "So, what exactly did we open here?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, just an interstellar portal." Fabienne walks to where the floor changes from dusty metal plates to dusty tiles. "Not sure where to exactly. These things are hard-coded by endpoint and no one really bothered to label which one goes where."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatnow">>a dubious look. "So, what happens now?"<br><br>\n\n\t"We take a look around." Fabienne walks to where the floor changes from dusty metal plates to dusty tiles. "Not sure where we'll be looking around exactly, though. These things are hard-coded by endpoint and no one really bothered to label which one goes where."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "enter">>a amused look. "Shall we go for a little <<walk>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Absolutely." Fabienne walks to where the floor changes from dusty metal plates to dusty tiles. "Just wish we knew where we're going. Mean, these things are hard-coded by endpoint and all, but no one really bothered to label which one goes where."\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>"Well, this should be fun," you say, stepping into the corridor.<<else>>"So we're heading into the unknow," you say, risking a cautious step into the corridor. "I can think of so many ways this will go wrong."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThere's no reply, and for a long moment, silence reigns as you test your way into the darkness. Ahead, beyond a doorway of black stone, you can just make out a cavernous hall lit by scattered glow-orbs - hundreds more dangle, unlit, amidst the few which still have power. Their frail light casts irregular, overlapping shadows off the many power cables, ornately carved cryo-tubes, and gilded vaccuum containers stacked along the chamber's walls, decorated and carved just as finely as the machinery stacked in the chamber.<br><br>\n\n\tFabienne stops in the doorway, hands planted on her hips. "Well, it's definitely a Dynasty Tomb but hell knows which one."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Even more alarmed tha you were before, you say, "Are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe we should just leave."<<else>>Suddenly apprehensive, you mutter, "Why do I not like the sound of this?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, don't be silly. We're just poking through the remains of a long-dead civilization. Isn't like they're gonna come back to life and eat you or anything." Fabienne steps through the doorway, saying, "Come on, let's see what there's to see."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You carefully lift..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou carefully lift the data pad out of the vaccuum container and touch the screen. Nothing happens but, when you accidentally bump a button on the side, the screen engages. It displays text in a language you can't read.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon, eyeing the destroyed robots. Fabienne kicks one of the demolished chassis. It sparks and twiches, blasting an errant burst of bolts into the wall.\n\n"Wow." She steps back. "Oops. Okay. No kicking the dead robots."\n\nYou can't help but <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>snort. "Now there's some sense at last."<<else>>roll your eyes. "Seriously, how can you be so stupid and still be alive?"<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dynastytomb.png"]]</div>"Yeah, yeah, bla, bla, we're still alive." She nods to the obsidian block you were examining before. "Now, wanna see what's inside?"\n\n"Sure," you say, walking back to the monolith.\n\nExcept it isn't so monolithic since the lid has been lifted ever so slightly, allowing bright light to seep through the crack. There's no way to tell what's inside though, not without removing the lid, which you aren't so sure is such a good idea. But you've come this far. Might as well see what it was all about.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Grunting with effort, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nGrunting with effort, you shove at the obsidian lid. Stone grinds on stone as it shifts ever so slightly. You try again, this time with Fabienne's help, and the lid slides a little more. Another good shove leaves the coffin - or whatever it is - exposed enough to see inside.\n\n"Yuch," you mutter, eyeing the mummified corpse dressed in dark blue ceremonial armor.\n\nThere's virtually nothing left of the man, just stiff flesh drawn taunt over ancient bones. You can't even make out his facial features - probably not how this dude wanted to be remembered. Given, the jewlery and armor looks nice, but the fact it's on a featureless, decrepit corpse sort of sours the display of prestige.\n\n"Not quite what I expected either," Fabienne says. "These statis blocks are supposed to keep them preserved but whatever. Here we are. And got what I came for." She pulls a slender, staff-like object from the coffin.\n\nYour brow furrows. "Anything particular I should know?"\n\n"It's a scepter. Entirely useless in practical terms but there were few in the days of the empire and fewer left today. Collectors pay a fortune for them so, yeah, that's what I'm after. But don't worry. You can have all the rest here if you want."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What, a bunch of jewels and an old corpse? Seems kinda unfair."<<else>>"What? Why would I want to steal a bunch of mummified bones?"<</if>>\n\n"No, I meant the armor. It's ceremonial [[AntiSkel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "AntiSkel Armor"]]. Old world dueling armor. Classy. Smart-enhanced. But not full-scale techno-abomination body horror like the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] ended up with but still comes with a whole bunch of goodies. It'd be worth a fortune in its own right these days but you'll get more use out of, you know, using it." Fabienne shrugs. "Just my suggestion though. Do whatever you like."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "attack">>"Okay, you want to hear what I think? About you? About all this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do tell," Fabienne says, smiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think—" You grab your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>. "—abominations need to die!"\n\n\t\tThere's a moment of stunned silence. Then something something whistles toward you. Adrenaline surges. You duck, narrowly avoiding a [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] that clatters to the floor. Next thing you know, you're lying on the ground, staring up at the read-headed abomination.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sorry, sweetheart. I just can't let ya do that. But no hard feelings. Really." She blows you a kiss and vanishes through the archway.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Well, that wens surprisingly well."<</if>> You pick yourself off the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] is gone, the Machine Temple beyond the archway empty. It's just you, alone, and a bruised ego.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Next time," you tell yourself as you trudge through the arch. "Next time it dies."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "consider">>You say, "Okay. I'll consider it if the occasion arrises."<br><br>\n\n\tA broad grin spreads on the [[Siren's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] face. "Cool! I'll keep you updated then. And you do the same, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>I might come<<else>>I'll come<</if>> find you if I discover anything," you agree.<br><br>\n\n\t"All right then." She kisses you on the cheek. "Take care, man. Don't want my partner getting whacked or anything."<br><br>\n\n\t"Don't worry." You head for the door at the far end of the Machine Temple but hesitate. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"And watch out. I may not have killed you but it's still my job to hunt abomination."<<else>>"And, hey, don't do anything stupid. I still hunt things like you, remember?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tFabienne smirks. "I'll be a good [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]. Don't worry."<br><br>\n\n\tHoping she means that the way you meant it, you make your departure.\n\n\t<<else>>You say, "No. I'm done with this. And I'm done working <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>with abominations. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t"Hey, wow, did I like—"<br><br>\n\n\t"You're a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]," you say coldly. "I hunt your<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> wretched<</if>>kind. Now I'm going to leave. Don't follow and <<if $attrib.religion neq "atheist" and $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">>pray<<else>>hope<</if>> we don't meet again because, if we do, I will kill you. Guaranteed."\n\n\t"Oh." Fabienne's shoulders hunch. "Okay. If that's what you want."\n\n\t"I do." You stride away, setting a hasty pace toward the exit.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tDust whirls in the air once more. Your footsteps ring on the ancient floor plates of the Machine Temple. <<if $equip.clothes eq "AntiSkel Armor">>You almost trip over your armored skirt - again.<<else>>Somewhere in the distance, an aged ventilation fan creaks.<</if>> It's good to be home again. Not that exploring an ancient tomb on some far-away world wasn't interesting, but you feel a lot better now that you're back in [[Scaffold 22's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] artificial gravity well, away from the weirdness of ages bygone. They most definitely were strange times.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Explain you're an Abomination Hunter|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "hunter"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's none of their Business|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "nobusiness"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.arguedWithAuthority += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase = 10; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 1000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Pay the Fine (1000 C)|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "payfine"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= 1000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.compliedWithAuthority += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Pay the Fine (1000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to pay the Fine|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "refusepay"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.violence += 1; $statistics.arguedWithAuthority += 1; $attrib.dilligence -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $chr_varai.met = true; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase = 15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 15>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 2500>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Pay the Fine (2500 C)|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "payfine"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= 2500; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.compliedWithAuthority += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Pay the Fine (2500 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to pay the Fine|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "refusepay"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.violence += 1; $statistics.arguedWithAuthority += 1; $attrib.dilligence -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase = 20; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 20>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what For|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "whyarrest"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Surrender Peacefully|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "surrender"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.compliedWithAuthority += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Arrest|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action1 = "resist"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.criminality += 1;$statistics.arguedWithAuthority += 1; $attrib.dilligence -= 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "resist">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action2 = "flee"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Knights|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Knights_Criminality"; $processed = false; $statistics.attackedAuthority += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you're Innocent|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action2 = "innocent"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say they're out of Line|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action2 = "overstep"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'constabulary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase += 5; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityMessage = 999; $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_commisariat); $hud.newmsg += 1; $attrib.salary -= 100; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $fine = Math.round(100 * $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $text = "Pay the Fine (" + $fine + " C)">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $fine>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $text 'constabulary_inject_scene'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "payfine"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= $fine; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.compliedWithAuthority += 1; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<print $text>>]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the CIVL Team|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Constabulary_Criminality"; $attrib.violence += 1; $processed = false; $statistics.attackedAuthority += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'constabulary_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've barely left the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 20>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 20>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_koe.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 35>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_commando.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_civl.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou've barely left the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station when\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 2>>you spot several [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] scanning IDs up ahead. One of them moves into your path, fingers tucked in his utility belt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"G'day, citizen," he says with the hint of a smile. "Routine ID Scan. <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" or $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>and I'll need to see your firearms license.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fine,"<<else>>"Sure,"<</if>> you say, holding out your arm. "Name's <<firstname>> Acrel. I'm a sanctioned abomination hunter. <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" or $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>License is tied to that. Class five, issued by <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>yours truly<<else>>you guys<</if>>.<<else>>It's all in the linked files.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man swipes your implant. "One moment please." A light flashes on his scanner. "Looks clear, Citizen. Thanks for your time and have a nice day."\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 5>>you spot two [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] moving in your direction. When you hasten pace, they move into your path. One of them has a hand rested on the grip of his sidearm. The other has you fixed with a stern look.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Of, for fuck's sake." You stop and face them.<<else>>"Damn." You force a smile.<</if>> "Hey, Officers. What can I do for ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"ID check," one of them growls. "Now, citizen."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou hold out your arm, asking, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"This gonna take long?"<<else>>"What's this all about?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"We have reports of breaking and entering," the other explains as his buddy swipes your ID. "Plus, an individual of your description has been seen near the scene of several questionable incidents. Would you care to explain—" He checks his buddy's reader. "—<<formalname>>?"\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 10>>you spot two [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] moving in your direction. <<if $chr_varai.alive>>There's a woman in a green uniform with them <<if $chr_varai.met>>whom you immediately recognize as [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai<<else>>who can only be a [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]<</if>>.<<else>>There's a man in a green uniform with them who can only be a [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]].<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Great." Your heart sinks as thes stop before you. "Okay, plain and simple: what's this about?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"Good day, <<formalname>>," <<if $chr_varai.met>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says. "Unfortunate to see you so soon.<<else>> the woman says. "My name is [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai. I had hoped to avoid a personal confrontation would be necessary.<</if>> Unfortunately, a situation has come up that demands intervention."<<else>>"<<formalname>>," the [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] grunts. "A situation has come up that demands intervention. We require a moment of your time."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou raise an eyebrow. "Oh? And why's that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] has evidence which imples you have been involved in several cases of unlawful behavior. The charges are: breaking and entering, unlawful use of force, and an alleged account of murder. I am well aware of your status as a sanctioned hunter yet the situation is clear: your behavior is unacceptable." <<if $chr_varai.alive>>She tilts her chin up. "Know your conduct will be reported and you will be fined for a sum of two thousand credits, which I must insist you pay now."<<else>>He sniffs irritably. "Know that this is mere formality, <<formalname>>, and I have no intention of otherwise interfering with your work. I am however obliged by law to fine you for a sum of two thousand credits."<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 15>>you spot two [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] moving into your way. <<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai, dressed in the same green uniform she was wearing last time, follows on their heels, a hand rested on her hip holster.<<else>>A [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] in a green uniform follows on their heels, a hand rested on his hip holster.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not again," you groan, slowing your pace.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"<<formalname>>," Varai says, stopping before you. "I had hoped you would learn your lesson after our prior encounter. Alas, there have been more charges brought to bear, the related testimony and evidence of which would allow me to arrest you on the spot. However I am a woman who follows the law, <<formalname>>, as I hope you may one day learn to be also. I shall follow my regulations as the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] demands and simply issue this fine as ordered: eight thousand credits, to be paid on the spot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What?" You laugh. "Are you fucking kidding me? For what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The charges remain the same, though several new accounts of misbehavior have been added." Varai's eyes narrow. "You seem to be under the misguided belief that you are above and beyond the Law, <<formalname>>. I caution you to change this mentality before it ruins what little of a life you have."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just keep talking," you growl angrily.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Now—" The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] tilts her chin up. "I must demand you pay your fine. Eight thousand credits, <<formalname>>. I trust you have the sum on your person?"\n\n\t\t<<else>>"<<formalname>>," the [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] as he stops before you. "The [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] had hoped not to see you again yet there have been more charges brought to bear against your person. The severity of these claims and related evidence thus forces me to intervene, as your behavior is truly unbecoming of an agent of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Do you understand?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, I get the drift," you growl. "What's it now? Another fine? Or ya gonna arrest me already?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Presently, merely another fine, eight thousand credits, to be paid on the spot." The adjusts his colar. "I must out of obligation to my office warn you however: should this incriminating behavior not cease immediately, the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] will have no choice but to issue an arrest warrant. Your actions reflect poorly upon the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and cannot be allowed to stand unpunished."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 20>>two [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] in pearly white power armor moving to block your path. Heavy footfalls shake the floor plates as they bar your way with their [[Plasma Lances|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]]. Amidst the crowd gathering around the unusual scene, you can just make out <<if $chr_varai.alive>>a woman in a green [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] uniform.<<else>>a man in a green [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] uniform.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, you have got to be gidding me." You glower at the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. "What, your Lordships, in the name of fuck is this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tOne of them drones, "Your name is <<firstname>> Acrel, yes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This bullshit again? I'm a fucking sanctioned—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We are under orders from the [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] General to arrest you." Hydraulics hiss as the [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] produces a data pad. "You are obliged by Law to review the charges against your person, yet know that we will execute this warrant regardless of your disposition. In the interest of your safety, I suggest you surrender peacefully. We are authorized to use and and all means of force in your apprehension."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 28>>three<<else>>four<</if>> [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] CIVL \n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 35>>commandos move toward you, coil rifles held ready. Pedestrians scurry aside as the heavily-armed team comes to a halt before you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Citizen," one of them says in a distorted voice. "You are under arrest. Stand down and surrender your weapons or we'll make use of force."<br><br>\n\n"Not this again," you groan. "Haven't I made it clear enough times? I'm a freaking hunter. Sanctioned. Class 5."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Prove it." One of them stomps steps forward, holding out a hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou produce your credentials. "See? Sanctioned. By the freaking Clergy. Now tell me again how you're going to arrest me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No." The nearest trooper lowers his rifle. "The fine applies regardless. <<print $fine>> C. Paid effective immediately. There's no room for negotiation."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\ttroopers stomp toward you, their servos whirring. Pedestrians scurry aside as the heavily-armored machines come to a halt before you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Citizen," one of them drones. "You are under arrest. Stand down immediately. Should you fail to comply, force will be applied."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not this again," you groan. "Haven't I made it clear enough times? I'm a freaking hunter. Sanctioned. Class 5."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Prove it." One of them stomps forward, shaking the floor beneath your feet.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou produce your credentials. "See? Sanctioned. By the freaking Clergy. Now tell me again how you're going to arrest me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not." The nearest trooper lowers its massive rail cannon. "The fine applies regardless. <<print $fine>> C. Paid effective immediately. Failure to comply will result in direct action. There is no room for negotiation."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'pedestrian_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Provide Directions|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action1 = "help"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're in a Hurry|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action1 = "hurry"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refuse to Reply|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase = 1; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'pedestrian_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'pedestrian_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'pedestrian_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'pedestrian_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.75; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'pedestrian_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stay to Watch|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action1 = "watch"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase = 4; $attrib.cautious += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'pedestrian_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'pedestrian_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've just left the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 0>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_lost.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 1>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_sludge.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 2>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_habmove.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 3>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_hoverboard.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou've just left the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station when\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 0>>a man in a yellow overall wanders clean into your path. Bodies collide. You push him away. He yelps, teetering unsteadily, and lands flat on his ass.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey," you snap at the man. "Watch where the fuck you're going."\n\t\t<<else>>"Sorry," you say, offering a hand. "Didn't see you there."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sorries,"<<else>>"Nah problam,"<</if>> he drawls as you pull him up. "I's me own faults, eh? Got 'em damned map open 'fore ma eyes, tryin' te figure out where in hell's green eden I friggin' is in dis stars-be-damned place. An' I ain't seen ya walkin' where ya was."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour risk a smile. "Gonna take a wild guess: you're not from here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stars-be-damned right." He nods vigorously. "Been' tryin'a find me way te me bunk all day, eh? But all I's wound up doin' is wandrin' round in circles. Dese tunnels all looks 'em same, friggit. Say, ye don't happen te have no clue where dis Block 4781 is, do ya? S'possed te be 'round 'ere somere but bob's me uncle, ya know?"\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 1>>something squelches underfoot. Thick, slimy goo clings to the sole of your boot.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, crap," you mutter, trying to wipe it off.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe slime clings to you defiantly. Irritable, you grab your <<knife>> and scrape the goo away. It takes several tries until you manage to get most of it off.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fucking hell," you mutter, testing your boot - it doesn't stick. "What the hell was that crap?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tOn second thought, maybe it's better you don't know.\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 2>>warning claxons blare and yellow strobe lights wash the pressure corridor. Part of you expects to hear an evacuation announcement the next instant. Pressure hull rupture, maybe, or something else that went screwy. Instead, an enormou construction bot stomps across your way, shooing pedestrians away with holo-warnings.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, man." You breathe an irritable sigh as the bot begins yanking a nearby hab unit out of its mountings. "Hurry the fuck up already."\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh." You breathe a sigh of relief as the bot begins yanking a nearby hab unit out of its mountings. "Just that."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tLong minutes pass as the machine humms, whirrs, and creaks. The hab it's replacing comes loose one creaky centimeter at a time.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh come on," a man beside you moans. "I'm already fucking late."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe construction bot does nothing of the sort, slowly freeing the structure from the scaffolding around it, and lugging it away wall by wall. So the better part of half an hour passes, with the walkways blocked all around, until at long last the bot stomps off into the distance and pedestrian traffic resumes.\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 3>>a throbbing beat reaches your ears. Up ahead, a kid is doing tricks on an anti-grav board. He zooms back and forth, flipping this way and that to the cheers of several hundred onlookers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Oh, this will end badly," you mutter, edging through the crowd.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Crazy fuck," you mutter, edging through the crowd.\n\t\t<<else>>"Kid must have a death wish," you mutter, edging through the crowd.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tStill, it's hard not to be impressed by the kid's skills. Grav-boards are a bitch to master. And dangerous as fuck at that. The simple fact this kid is still alive proves he has mad skills.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThat he can pull off spins, loops, drops, and free-falls without killing himself, well, that's the mark of a real pro. Chances are he'll go on to fly tournaments someday - assuming he doesn't crack his skull open first.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'nutcase_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Bless the Man|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "bless"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.faith.void += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Shake the man Off|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "shakoff"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ridicule the Man|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "ridicule"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.faith.anti += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'nutcase_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'nutcase_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'nutcase_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that would be Nice|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "bless"; $attrib.caution -= 5; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.faith.eden += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you aren't Religious|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "noreligion"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.cautious += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insult their Religion|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "insultreligion"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.faith.anti += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'nutcase_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'nutcase_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'nutcase_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'nutcase_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's making the Fuss|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "makefuss"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you didn't mean It|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "notmean"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.cautious += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insult the Weirdos|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action1 = "threaten"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'nutcase_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'nutcase_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've barely set foot outside...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 0>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_void.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 1>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_sisters.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 2>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_bombvest.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 3>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_veils.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou've barely set foot outside the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station when\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 0>>a man in a frayed, purple robe scuttles into your path. He's holding a broken holo-sign with something unintelligable scribbled on it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You." He points at you with a bandaged finger. "The Voided One's lust sings in your bones, friend. Prase be to the Void you have come! Praise be to the eternal void!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you can so much as react, he throws up his arms. "Come all, come see! Bones marked by the Voided One <<walk>> among us! At last salvation has come!" He drops to his knees before you. "Salvation at last."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uh, if you say so," you say, stepping around the man.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe grabs your boot. "Wait, bones of the Voided One! Please, I beg you. Bless us with your shadowed words. Bless our bones with the gifts of that which lies between the wretched stars!"\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 1>>two young women, naked from head to toe, block your way. Both bear extensive tattoos that resemble rays of sunlight arching out from their breasts, across their entire bodies.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOne of them smiles sweetly. "Hello, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Miss<</if>>. My sister and I are pilgriming toward the eternal light of the Loving Stars. Would you like to add your rays of light to ours, so that your sins will also be washed clean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you're asking for credits, guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other looks shocked. "Oh, no, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Miss<</if>>. It is just we void for [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]] tomorrow and wish to carry as many lost souls into its brilliance as we can. And we thought perhaps you too wished to have your rays of light carried into the loving embrace of that which gives life to all."\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 2>>you spot a young man sitting on the floor, holding what looks suspiciously like an explosive vest. No one around seems to realize what the wire-infested thing is - or if they do, at the very least no one is panicking.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Broken," he mumbles, fiddling with the wires. "One big boom but no! Broken."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uh-oh," you mutter, wondering whether to alert someone - preferably the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man shakes his head with a sigh. "All that work, all the holo-scripting, hours wasted on animating it. A bitch, that's what she is. A cruel, heartless bitch!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou breathe a sigh of relief, realizing the vest isn't a bomb but an elaborate projection device. Only the Loving Stars know what the hell he was trying to do with it. But that isn't your problem - thankfully.\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 3>>a man and a woman dressed from head to toe in black cross your path. Both are wearing veils hung over their faces and gloves that completely cover their hands.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wonderful," you mutter. "More freaks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Freak yourself, asshole." The man stops before you, arms folded. "See this? It's called a costume. We happen to like black. And veils. You got a fucking problem with that? Or ya gonna leave us be like every other fucking normal citizen, hm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Woha." You take a step back. "Sorry. Just used to getting baggered by the local freakshow. No offence meant."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe scoffs. "Freakshow, that's what we are now? Yeah? Well, go fuck yourself and your fucking fancypants <<armortype>>. We're just fucking walking here and you gotta make a big deal of it."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've just stepped out...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 0>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 1>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_ambush.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 2>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_protest.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 3>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_rally.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou've just stepped out of the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station when\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 0>>you spot six [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers standing around in full [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]]. One of them waves but suited up as they are, with their cameoflauged coil carbine cradled in their arms, you can't tell who the hell it is.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou wave back all the same. "Hey. What's up?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Assembling for patrol, Sir." he calls back. "Just like in the old days, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh," you reply, realizing it has to be Jalkovski. "Good luck on the streets, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thank you, Sir. Until later, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head as you <<walk>> away, wondering just what the hell is wrong with that fellow. Given, he was an okay Raptor, and his sister was a fucking menace, but he really could lay off with the 'Sir' from time to time. He isn't even under your command anymore - not that you're in command of anything, really. So maybe it's just his way of showing respect. Yeah, it's probably just that.\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 1>>you spot a [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] patrol headed your way in full [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]]. The next moment, fire explodes amidst their ranks, followed by two more firebombs thrown from amidst the crowd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Death to theothobes," a voice shouts as a fourth bomb smashes on their armor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVoices scream. Pedestrians begin to run as the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers reform into line. Hands moved with drilled precision, chambering rounds and bringing weapons up. Part of you expects them to open fire on the spot. Instead, they simply stay where they are, waiting patiently.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEventually, a synthesized voice booms, "All clear. Stand down and safe."\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 2>>a large crowd moves into your way, chanting and shouting to a pulsing beat enemnating from enormous speakers floating amidst the protestors. It's impossible to hear what they're saying but the signs spell it out clearly: //No Hate - Fuck the 108//. Pedestrians everywhere scurry aside as the procession turns toward the tramway station.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tIt's only then, as you hurry to the side of the pressure tunnel, when you spot the riot line - over a hundred [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers who moved quietly into position just behind you, blocking the entrance to the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uh-oh," you mutter, fearing the situation is about to blow up.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tEvidently you're not the only one who's come to that conclusion, as people all around are scurrying into the side passages, trying to get out of the way before the gas and firebombs start flying.\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 3>>thudding music reverberates off the walls. Hundreds of people are marching down a cross-corridor, many dressed in yellow, with countless flags bearing the [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] insignia waving overhead. Some are dancing to the rapid beat, many simply swaggering along with smiles on their faces.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tYou stop, watching the procession pass, until someone grabs your shoulder. "Vine!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>Celena is standing behind you, half-naked and wrapped in yellow ribbons. She grins. "Didn't think you'd heard. Didn't think you'd come either."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I didn't to either. I just kinda walked into, well, this." You wave to the procession.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." She shrugs. "Well, whatever. Still cool you're here. Didn't think I'd know anyone. Too many wannabe free-thinkers who've got it in their head the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is some kinda oppressive corpo conspiracy when it's just a bunch of Downers who got fed up with Wilkin's shit."\n\n\t\t<<else>>Vic is standinb behind you, wearing a yellow T-Shirt. He grins. "Hey, man. Wasn't sure if I'd see you here. You know, after all that mess back at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I wasn't planning on being here," you admit. "Just kinda walked into it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe looks surprised. "How didn't you hear. It was everywhere, on every feed. Level Meet decided they'd had enough of those whackjobs causing hell all over just 'cause the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is here now. And they decided to do this, you know. Show folk what Downers really think."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'backalley_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.armortype eq "armored" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Intimidate|random_backalley_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Intimidate|random_backalley_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round($attrib.credits * 0.6 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Pay the Thugs (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "random_backalley_inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $bribeammount gte 600>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Pay the Thugs (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject1"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'backalley_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'backalley_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "pay" and $action.action2 gte 600) or $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject1"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 4; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject1"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'backalley_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|random_backalley_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|random_backalley_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(950 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Freaks (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "random_backalley_inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Freaks (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Freaks|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject2"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'backalley_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'backalley_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if (($action.action1 eq "negotiate" and $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored") or $action.action1 eq "pay")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Freaks|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 1; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject2"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Will (15 C)|random_beggar_inject][$action.action1 = "give"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; $attrib.credits -= 15; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You are too Broke (15 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Can't|random_beggar_inject][$action.action1 = "nogive"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Walk away Wordlessly|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you got Some (15 C)|random_beggar_inject][$action.action1 = "give"; $attrib.caution -= 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= 15; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You are too Broke (15 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you got None|random_beggar_inject][$action.action1 = "nogive"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Walk away Wordlessly|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 15000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Pay (15000 C)|random_beggar_inject][$action.action1 = "give"; $randomEncounterPhases.paidShipCaptain = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= 15000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You lack the Funds (15000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's Mad|random_beggar_inject][$action.action1 = "nogive"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Walk away Wordlessly|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 15000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Pay (15000 C)|random_beggar_inject][$action.action1 = "give"; $randomEncounterPhases.paidShipCaptain = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= 15000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You lack the Funds (15000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Walk away Wordlessly|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'beggar_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'beggar_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've just left the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 0>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_skullplate.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 1>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_datapads.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 2>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_druggie.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 3 or $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 4>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_voider.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou've just left the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station when\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 0>>ragged man with a skull-plate shuffles up to you, reeking of stale booze. He waves a plastic bowl in your face, causing the credit chips within to clatter.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Pay me. Pay me for my disability. Pay me. Pay—" His head snaps back. "Good day, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. Might an unfortunate soul beg of you a small sum of credits?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tConfused as you are, all you can mange is, "Uhm—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Forgive me for any disturbance I may have caused. My mind is not quite right—" He taps his skull-plate. "At times, the intelligence which drives me does not activate and my, ah, biologically impaired personality rears its rather vulgar head. So I do beg for forgiveness, but I am in dire need of liquidity."\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 1>>a man in a smart suit shouts, "Data pads! Get your data pads! The premier reading, writing, and data storage technology, brought to you by DPOS Industries!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou try to <<walk>> by without being noticed but the man hurries into your path. "You, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. Would you like to give the new DPOS a try?" He holds out a shiny new pad. "Fastest system in the galaxy, complete with full, wireless backups and instant synchronizatio—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I have an implant," you say. "I don't use pads."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe salesman laughts. "Implants? Ha! And what happens when bionodes desynch? Or your body rejects the augment? Utter and complete helplessness, that's what! A data pad doesn't have to be stuck in your body. It's trusty, reliable, and -" The data pad he's waving about slips from his hands and hits the floor with a nasty crack. "Oh, bugger."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou snort. "Yeah, and breaks when you drop it. No thanks. Not in my line of work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You'll change your mind yet, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, mark my words," the man calls as you <<walk>> away.\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 2>>when a woman with sunken eyes and missing her arm hobbles up. She cracks a lopsided grin.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, you got cash? For my next high, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scoff. "Seriously. Does that line ever work?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, everyone 'ready knows I'm a junkie. Might as well sell it straight." She shrugs. "So, ya got cash? Could really use a fix."\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 3>>a man in a black skinsuit sidles up to you. He looks like a voider, judging by the utility straps and gear tucked in everywhere.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, friend." He places a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry to nag like this but I'm in a bit of a bind. See, my vessel is currently in impound here. I have the paperwork—" He produces a data pad. "—all here, signed and authorized as you can see, but the issue is I currently lack funds."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow rises. "And now you're gonna ask me for an insane sum? Really? Do I have to slap you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Preferably not," he says with a little smike. "I assure you, this is no scam. I am the captain of the EXC Raytrace and, naturally, your assistance would not go unrewarded. Should you ever require a captain with a positive disposition towards you, I'd be happy to be of assistance, friend."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "How much you asking."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHis expressions darkens. "Unfortunately, the rather hefty sum of fifteen thousand credits. I have collected most of the fee from my debitors and clients. With such a generous donation, I could have my ship out of lockup by tomorrow." \n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 4>>a man in a black skinsuit sidles up to you. It's the same voider you saw earlier, asking for a bazillion credits.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, friend." He places a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry to nag like this but I'm in a bit of a bind. See, my vessel is currently in impound--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know," you say. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>I heard your sob story<<else>>I heard you well enough<</if>> last time."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHis brow furrows. "Last time? Sorry? Have we met?"\n\n\t\tYou roll your eyes. Of course you've met the man.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, even if we has, can I ask agan? I really needs my Raytrace out of impound. Should you help me with a little donation, say, 15'000 C, I'd always be at your disposal and by always, I really do mean always."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's exactly what you said last time," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And I only says it cause it's true, friend. So, you think you can help me out? With a few more credits, I could have the Raytrace out of impound by tomorrow."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'zanex_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'zanex_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if they're Okay|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "areokay"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'zanex_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'zanex_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_5")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_5")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'zanex_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stay and Watch|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "watch"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of the Way|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "getout"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'zanex_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'zanex_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.5; $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'zanex_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree with Her|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "agree"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.faith.anti += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Disagree with Her|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "disagree"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you like the Idea|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "agree"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.faith.anti += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this was Stupid|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "disagree"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'zanex_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'zanex_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.5; $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'raptor_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'raptor_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it doesn't sound that Way|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "donot"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'raptor_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'raptor_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'raptor_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say they're being Idiots|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "idiots"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "nocare"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'raptor_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'raptor_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'raptor_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's Wilkin's Fault|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "wilkinfault"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Know|random_merc_inject][$action.action1 = "noidea"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue without Replying|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'raptor_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'raptor_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've just stepped out...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 0>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 1>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_explode.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 2>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_frat.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 3>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_pows.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou've just stepped out of the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station when\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 0>>you spot three Raptors stolling past in full [[combat armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]]. One of them waves but suited up as they are, with assault rifles cradled in their arms, you can't tell who the hell it is.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou wave back all the same. "Hey, man. What's up?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Same old," the Raptor calls as they disappear into the crowd again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou slow your pace, wondering who the hell that might have been. Probably someone you knew back in the days. Wilkin would never allow one of the new kids to gear up that way. Only veterans are afforded that privilege. Privilege - the very idea makes you smirk.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWorking for Mr. Wilkin and the Raptors is hell. Sure, there's a certain prestige in wearing the armor and roaming the Downs, keeping shit in check and furthering the Big Boss's interests. But at the end of the day every Raptor is just a thug with a gun, even the vets.\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 1>>you hear gunfire up ahead. Confused looks are cast around. Pedestrians yelp and murmur. An exposion resounds farther down the pressure corridor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWorried - and a little curious - you push your way through the masses, toward the commotion.\tWhen you reach the edge of the crowd, you spot a dozen Raptors holding a loose perimiter around a two-story hab. More men and women in [[combat armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] are standing guard around the front door.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey," you call to the nearest Raptor. "What the hell's going on?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Zone control," he shouts back. "Nothing out of the ordinary. We've got the situation—" Gunshots echo from inside the hab. "—under control."\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 2>>spot several Raptors with their helmets off, chatting up handful of girls. Just seeing them makes your heart sink. Unprofessional. Revealing your face on patrol. And fraternizing out in the open?<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hopeless," you mutter, hurrying past before the urge to beat some sense into them overcomes you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you've gone ten paces, one of them shouts, "Hey! Boss!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stop short. "I'm busy, kid. What's the deal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There's someone wants to meet ya, man." He slaps the girl beside him on the ass. "Names Tifa. Real nice chick. Sure she'd do you too."\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 3>>half a dozen Raptors appear from a side passage, three men with sacks over their heads between them. You pause to watch, half expecting Wilkin's men to stage a public execution, [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] style.<br><br>\n\n\t\tInstead, they just mach their prisoners toward the landing pads beside the tramway station. A [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] grav-vehicle is waiting there along with several officers. They nod to the Raptors as they approach. Words you can't understand are exchanged.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow," you mutter, watching as the prisoners are handed over and locked up. "Working that close with the fuzz. Never though I'd see the day."<br><br>\n\n\t\tA man who stopped beside you to watch says, "Yeah, man. Used to be different 'round here. Used to be we Downers took care of our own crap. Now it's all [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] this and Law that. What the fuck's happening to this place?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_freaks.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 0>>Suddenly, something is pressed into your back.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothin' stupid now, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>man.<<else>>sweetheart.<</if>> That way. Move." You're pushed toward a <<if $action.action4 eq "b29">>nearby alley<<else>>dim side passage<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\tRather than fight, and risk getting your spine blown out point-blank, you let it happen. Tense seconds pass as you're manhandled into the shadows. Two thugs are ahead, arms folded and barely-concealed pistols tucked in their belts.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOne of them grins. "Nice catch. <<if $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored">>Like the <<armor>>. <</if>>So, what'll it be, kid? Credits or a bolt to the face?"\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>Without warning, a man and woman in psyschodelically painted armor appear from a side passage. One of them grabs you.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>Without warning, a man and woman in psyschodelically painted armor shove you toward a side alley.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"This 'un looks good," the woman says, drawing her pistol. "Jus' nice 'n easy now. Dis ain't gon' be long."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the—" You tear from their grip and backpedal.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, eh." The man raises a coil carbine. "Nothin' like that, man. We needs ya alive. Alive an' screamin, that is. Nothin' personal. Yer jus' the first 'un we's found."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit," you mutter, uncomfortably aware where this is going: somewhere nasty.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Utility Duct">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none" and $job_psychocult.mainPhase lt 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'hackutility_psychocult'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase lt 98>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 0 and ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 4) and not $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Highborn Palace|highbornpalace_faction][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Highborn Palace|b29_highbornpalace][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Highbron Palsae|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action2 = "enter", $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.criminality += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action3 = "lowerguns", $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 4; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action3 = "justlook", $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action3 = "silentkill"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 6; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Covert Takedown|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action3 = "silentkill_knife"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence += 2; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Covert Takedown|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action3 = "silentkill_fail"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Freaks|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Freaks_B29"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $job_psychocult.killedCult = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_enter_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "silentkill" or $action.action3 eq "silentkill_knife">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sneak into the Slum|b29_psychocult_introduce][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSneak"; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "lowerguns">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Highbron|b29_psychocult_introduce][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromConvinced"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "lowerguns">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Freaks|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Freaks_B29"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $job_psychocult.killedCult = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou leave the tramway station and head up a side passage, toward Hab Unit 42. Beside it, you find the sealed utility hatch, just like the data pad said. There's no obvious access pannel - presumably because it's a duct intended to allow emergency exit, not access to the utility passageways.<br><br>\n\n"Okay—" You glance around, just to be certain no is watching, and jack into the system.<br><br>\n\nYour [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] beeps and displays the following dialog:\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - High Palace">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $override.solution = "vxvvxxvx1">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Speak to Shitzo|b29_highbornpalace][$action.action1 = "buy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted or $attrib.toxicity gte 75 and not $characterEncounterPhases.didAddictScene>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Admire all the Chems|b29_highbornpalace][$action.action1 = "lookdrugs"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Inspect the Operation|b29_highbornpalace][$action.action1 = "inspect"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter your Tent|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the High Palace|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromhp"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "buy">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_hp_buy_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='game-slaver-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'highpalace_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookdrugs">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_hp_drugcult_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you like the Buzz|b29_highbornpalace][$action.action2 = "likebuzz"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist it was an Accident|b29_highbornpalace][$action.action2 = "accident"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're all too Aware|b29_highbornpalace][$action.action2 = "toaware"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_drugcult_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_hp_drugcult_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you'll keep Using">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b29_highbornpalace">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action3 = "continueusing"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.religion = "highborn";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll stay Sober|b29_highbornpalace][[$action.action3 = "intendto"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_drugcult_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_drugcult_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_hp_drugcult_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Walk back to the Tents|b29_highbornpalace][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.didAddictScene = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "inspect">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_hp_inspect_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Pineapple for Help|b29_highbornpalace_djinnhelp][$hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "pineapple"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 2 or $job_drugdealer.mainPhase gte 2 and $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none" and $job_psychocult.celenaSupplierPhase lt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you know a Distributor|b29_highbornpalace_celenahelp][$hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_highbornpalace][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromConvoAlt"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Highborn Palace">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $lootedDPadCredits = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who he Is|b29_psychocult_exterminated][$action.action1 = "whois"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Okay|b29_psychocult_exterminated][$action.action1 = "thatokay"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Tent|b29_psychocult_exterminated][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "entertent"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif ($action.action1 eq "whois" or $action.action1 eq "thatokay") and $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Tent|b29_psychocult_exterminated][$action.action2 = "entertent"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_tent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $lootedDPadCredits>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $lootedDPadCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 4317; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x4317">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put the Data Pad Down|b29_psychocult_exterminated][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "entertent" and $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_tent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='highpalace-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'highpalace_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 = "leave">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_exterminated_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_tent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1= false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You step through the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromConvo">>You are standing...<<else>>You step out...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highbornpalace_outside.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You step through the hatch, into the Highborn Palace. A soft trancetune humms from speakers crammed into the disused bot racks. Below, a city of tents glistens in the glow of innumerable neon lights. Your slaves wander about in their shadows, tending the many UV tanks set up in the room. Some of them shoot you fearful glances as they pass.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, you're mine, bitches." A grin curls your lips as you stride on.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I am so sorry," you mutter, averting your eyes.<<else>>"Hell of a place," you mutter, shaking your head.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tSpent injectors crunch underfoot. Exhausted faces hide in the shadowed interiors of their grimy tents. Ahead, two guards in psychodelic armor are surveying the goings-on.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Boss," they chorus as you pass.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Keep it up, Kids."<<else>>"Hey."<</if>> You stop in the cery center of the biochem operation, just before your tent.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromConvo">>You are standing amidst the many tents and UV planters of Highborn Palace. Guards move about, shoing the confused slaves back to work. Muttered apologies are offered as they stumble, delirious, toward their assignments.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, we's still here, I suppose." Pinapple pulls a face. "I'll be 'round if ya need, myeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure." You wander absently through the biochem operation until you come to a stop before your tent.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromConvoAlt">>You are standing amidst the many tents and UV planters of Highborn Palace. Guards move about, watching the slaves back work. Muttered whispers fill the air as trudges, delirious, about their assignments.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, I'll get back to it." Pinapple walks off again. "Be 'round if ya need, myeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." You wander absently through the biochem operation until you come to a stop before your tent.\n\n\t<<else>>You step out, into the disused bot-hangar used by the Highborn. The tent city glistens in the liminescent gloom. Slaves wander about, most tending UV planters and a hanfuly seemingly lost. One of the guards shoves them none too kindly, demanding they get back to work. Muttered apologies are offered as they stumble, delirious, toward their assignments.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Is a full-time job to keep 'em in check." Pinapple stops beside you, a concerned look his face. "We do what we can, Boss. But it ain't never enough for their brains."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Figures. I suppose it's gotta be drugs too."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPinapple laughs. "Unless ya want 'em te run off on us, yeah. An' hell. Most of 'em like it. Fix all the time. Sex after work. What else ya want, man? What else ya fucking want?" He shoots you a sly smirk. "Except to rule, obviously."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Tramway Tunnel">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 15, "single");>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Were|tram_breakdown_sqeuence][$action.action1 = "outcold"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Fine|tram_breakdown_sqeuence][$action.action1 = "fine"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check for Injuries|tram_breakdown_sqeuence][$action.action1 = "injuries"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to look Around|tram_breakdown_sqeuence][$action.action2 = "lookaround"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the announcement was Wrong|tram_breakdown_sqeuence][$action.action2 = "wrong"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Say Nothing|tram_breakdown_sqeuence][$action.action2 = "saynothing"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\n\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'><<display 'hackutility_tramcrash'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the entire high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click 'Pry the lock Open' 'tram_breakdown_sqeuence'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "forcedlock"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% no criminality %/\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div></div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Utility Passage|tram_breakdown_passage][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.33; $attrib.fatigue += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Utility Passage">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Room|tram_breakdown_passage][$action.action1 = "room"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check the Passage|tram_breakdown_passage][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "passage"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|tram_breakdown_passage][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 405; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x405">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check the Passage|tram_breakdown_passage][$action.action2 = "passage"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|tram_breakdown_passage][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "room">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Left|tram_breakdown_passage][$action.action3 = "leftpassage"; $hide.layer3 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Left|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Acheri_Underhab"; $processed = false; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_acheri_underhab"; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Right|tram_breakdown_passage][$action.action3 = "rightpassage"; $hide.layer3 = true; $time.active; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "room">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "leftpassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Acheri|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Acheri_Underhab"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn.killedAbom = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Old Mall|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromdirect"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "asdfqwer">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\t\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\t\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\t\tInitiating memory dump...<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>\n\t\t\tBlock1: asdf<br>\n\t\t\tBlock2: QWER\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tBlock1: <span class='bluecolor'>a</span> <span class='greencolor'>[01110011]</span> <span class='bluecolor'>d</span> <span class='bluecolor'>f</span><br>\n\t\t\tBlock2: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span> <span class='redcolor'>/3r89</span> <span class='bluecolor'>E</span> <span class='bluecolor'>R</span>\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|tram_breakdown_sqeuence][$action.action3 = "override"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hackutility_tramcrash'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% syndicate-lootoptions %/\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "searchLockers">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_fob.storedRifle eq "RUG-9_Converted">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the RUG-HK'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_syndicate_fob.storedRifle; $loc_syndicate_fob.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#syndicate-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_syndicate_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the RUG-HK'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_syndicate_fob.storedRifle; $loc_syndicate_fob.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#syndicate-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_syndicate_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_fob.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(60 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_syndicate_fob.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(60 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#syndicate-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_syndicate_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_fob.storedArmor eq "Arc Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Arc Armor'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_syndicate_fob.storedArmor; $loc_syndicate_fob.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#syndicate-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_syndicate_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Arc Armor'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_syndicate_fob.storedArmor; $loc_syndicate_fob.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#syndicate-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b10_syndicate_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Planning Table|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$action.action1 = "searchTable"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$action.action2 = "datapad"; $loc_syndicate_fob.foundDatapad = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_fob.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_syndicate_fob.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 815; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x815">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Weapons Lockers|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$action.action1 = "searchLockers"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $loc_syndicate_fob.foundDatapad>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Syndicate FOB|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$action.action2 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 3; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "hunter">>\n\t\t\t"I'm a sanctioned abomination hunter. I tend to be around iffy business. Just check my ID the license is in there along with everything else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It checks out," the [[Constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] with the scanner says. "You're cleared, <<formalname>>, but it would be unfortunate if we had to check you again, sanctioned or not."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No worries. And goodbye." You nod curtly and brush past the two men.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tUneventful thought the exchange was, you can't help but smell bullshit. A simple remote check on your ID would've revealed who you are and who you work for. No, someone sent these two men to check up on you. Only question is who. And why.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nobusiness">>\n\t\t\t"That's none of your business. Unless you're arresting me for anything specific. Or issuing a fine. Otherwise I'd consider this obvious harrassment."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No arrests or fines," the [[Constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] with the scanner says. "You ID and license checks out too but it would be unfortunate if we had to check you again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, yeah," you mutter, brushing past the two men.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tUtter bullshit, all of it. A simple remote check on your ID would've revealed who you are and who you work for. No, someone sent these two men to check up on you. Only question is who. And why.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "payfine">>\n\t\t\t"Two thousand, huh?" You program the transaction and hold out your arm. "Well, there you go. I'm really sorry for whatever<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell you think<</if>> I did. No harm intended."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] swipes your arm. "Do not believe your apology is hereby accepted, <<formalname>>. Your conduct is unbecoming of an agent of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. I will be keeping an eye on you. Mark my words."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You do that," you sneer, pushing past her.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tDamned [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] and their bloodhounds. They don't even technically have jurisdiction over your business but still think they can lecture you. If at least it had been the [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] asking but no. They actually know how the law works - sometimes - and knew damn well to keep their traps shut.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>The [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] swipes your arm. "Much appreciated, <<formalname>>. I apologize for interfering in your business, though I will ask you not cause further trouble. I am a lenient man yet even my patience can be tested."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'll do my best." You force a smile and set a hasty pace away from the officials.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFriendly, for the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]], but you're well aware the man is still a bloodhound. He don't even technically have jurisdiction over your business but still had to butt his head in because fuck all, that's why. If at least it had been the [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] asking but no. They actually know how the law works - sometimes - and knew damn well to keep their traps shut.<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refusepay">>\n\t\t\t"You gotta be fucking kidding me. Two thousand creds fined for, what? Hearsay? There is no<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> way you'd be talking to me here if you could make that<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> crap<</if>> stick."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] scoffs. "I believe this is called obstruction of [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] Justice, <<formalname>>. I cannot force you to pay yet know this incident will be reported to both the proper authorities and your employer."<<else>>"I don't make up the rules, <<formalname>>, just follow them. And I can't force you to pay given the current charges, but I will have to report this incident to the proper authorities."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You do that," you growl and stride off.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tDamned [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]. They don't even have jurisdiction over your business but still think they run the galaxy. If at least it had been the [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] asking but no. They actually know how the law works - sometimes - and knew damn well to keep their traps shut.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 15>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "payfine">>\n\t\t\t"Fine, fine." You program the transaction and hold out your arm. "Eight thousand credits. And this better be the last I hear of this<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> crap<</if>>."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] swipes your arm. "That is alone dependant on your behavior, <<formalname>>. Should you, despite all—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I get the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> point," you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>snarl<<else>>say<</if>>, pushing past her.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVarai grabs your arm. "I was not finished. And know that in future punishment will be far more severe than these mere slaps on the wrist."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Slap on the wrist yourself." You shove her out of the way and storm off, fuming.<<else>>"I said I get it." You ease her out of the way and <<walk>> on, irritable.<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>The [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] swipes your arm. "Should this behavior cease, the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] shall cease to meddle in your affairs. I believe it is a simple principle, is it not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, I get the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> point," you snarl, pushing past the man.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe calls after you, "I do hope we do not meet again, <<formalname>>. Future punishments will be far more severe than these mere slaps on the wrist."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Slap on the wrist yourself,"<<else>>"Yeah, I got it the first time,"<</if>> you mutter, hastening your pace.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refusepay">>\n\t\t\t"No fucking way." You fold your arms. "Either arrest me here, how, or cut the bullshit already. I'm not under your jurisdiction. Never was, never will be. Fucking live with it you jerks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] scoffs. "The very least you could do to atone for your sins is comply with the Law. But very well, <<formalname>>. I shall make note of this incident. Rest assured however, it will be the last time I confront you in a civil manner. Should we meet again, there will be—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I get the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> point," you snarl, pushing past her.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVarai grabs your arm. "I was not finished. Your attitude borders on heresy, <<formalname>>, and you of all people ought know what the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] does with heretics."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The same I'l do to you if you ever<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> touch me again." You shove her out of the way and storm off, fuming.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I am just following procedure, <<formalname>>. Naturally, this incident will be reported. We will not enforce the fine. Yet. However I would caution you to know that, should we meet again, there will be—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I get the fucking point," you snarl, pushing past him.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] calls after you, "I do hope we do not meet again, <<formalname>>. Future punishments will be far more severe than these mere warnings."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Warn yourself, asshole,"<<else>>"Yeah, I got the gist,"<</if>> you mutter, hastening your pace.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tFuck the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] and their pseudo-laws. You aren't a member of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], just vaguely associated. They have no right to push this crap on you. And if then even try to do it again, well, you're still a sanctioned abomination hunter. Occasionally coilguns go off by accident, don't they?\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 20>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whyarrest">>"Under arrest? Never mind that I'm not subject to [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] jurisdiction. What are the charges?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Manslaughter, conspiracy to murder, endangerment of innocents, breaking and entering, tresspassing, and petty theft." One of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] places an armored glove on your shoulder. "<<formalname>>, you are hereby—" The synthesized voice hesitates as murmurs run through the crowd around you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA moment later you see it too: <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>the silvery body of a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> striding through the masses, its white cape billowing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What is the meaning of this?" It stops beside you and the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. "Captain. Explain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"My Lord," the [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] drones. "Orders from the [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] General. Suspect to be arrested immediately on charges of criminal negligence."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "resist">>"You have got to be kidding me. I'm not subject to [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] jurisdiction. But fine, arrest me. See what happens."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<formalname>>—" One of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] places an armored glove on your shoulder. "Comply. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fuck you!" You try to shake free but the grip is too strong.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe other [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] drones, "Resistance is futile. You are charged with criminal negligence. By our hand or another, you shall be brought to justice."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Bastards!" You finally manage tear away, heart thudding as you face the armored collosi.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhile they show no reaction, the situation's clear: either you fight your way out of this and suffer the consequences or run like fuck and pray for the best.\n\t\t<<else>>"Fine. Arrest me. See how fucking much good it does you but okay. I'll play along."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Appreciated." One of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] places an armored glove on your shoulder. "<<formalname>>, you shall be brought to the Saint Michael's Internment Facility for processing. Until your case is reviewed, any—" The synthesized voice hesitates as murmurs run through the crowd around you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA moment later you see it too: <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>the silvery body of a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> striding through the masses, its white cape billowing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What is the meaning of this?" It stops beside you and the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. "Captain. Explain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"My Lord," the [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] drones. "Orders from the [[Commisar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] General. Suspect to be arrested immediately on charges of criminal negligence."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 35>>\n\t\t\t"Okay, fine. I'll pay up. Here." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe trooper swipes it. "Compliance is apperiated. Just don't make us come after you again. We might bring the big guns."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThey stride off, causing the crowds to back away. You stare after them, secretly relieved that went as well as it did. Last thing you needed was to get in an open confrontation with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut the deeper implications are clear: your actions are drawing way too much attention. Like Zweili said. And this time around there's no jurisdiction loophole you'll be able to escape. Over short or long, they'll come for you - unless you get the situation under control fast.\n\t\t<<else>>\t\t\n\t\t\t"Okay, fine. I'll pay up. Here." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe trooper swipes it with a massive Power Fist. "Your compliance is appreciated. Do not force us to find you again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tServos whirr as the troopers move on, causing the crowds to part with every lumbering step. You stare after them, secretly relieved that went as well as it did. Last thing you needed was to get in an open confrontation with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut the deeper implications are clear: your actions are drawing way too much attention. Like Zweili said. And this time around there's no jurisdiction loophole you'll be able to escape. Over short or long, they'll come for you - unless you get the situation under control fast.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 20>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $attrib.dilligence -= 15; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase += 5; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityMessage = 998; $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_commisariat); $hud.newmsg += 1; $attrib.salary -= 250; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'constabulary_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase += 5; $attrib.dilligence -= 10; $attrib.criminality += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 0>>You say...<<else>>You decice...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 0>>\n\t\tYou say, <<if $action.action1 eq "help">>"You're down on the wrong end. Head over that way—" You point. "—and it's the fourth alley down I think. Probably up a level or two."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stars-be-damned." The man slaps himself on the forehead. "I's been wandrin' over 'ere earlier. But I's never thought te friggin' look up, ye know? Eden be damned te hells. Much thank fer real. Ye's saved me friggin' legs I swears to it all an' everythin' between."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No problem," you say as the man plunges into the crowd anew.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hurry">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oi, I don't have time for your crap, man. Deal with it."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'm in a hurry, sorry, but best of luck. You'll find it eventually."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I was jus' askin' nicely,"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I sure as Eden's hells hopes so,"\n\t\t\t<</if>> the man calls after you. "An' muck thank fer nothin', eh? Friggin' locals."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Yeah screw yourself too," you mutter, hurrying into the crowd.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase eq 3>>You decide to hang around for a moment and watch the kid show off his talent - and he's got it. Not just with the board, but matching his moves to the beat he's flying to. That's the real trick. That's what really gets to the crowd. And, judging by the cheers all around you, this guy's got it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This one's gonna go far," a man beside you say. "Mean, you see that—" His voice trails off.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou saw it too: the kid missed his flip, causing the grav-board to zoom out from beneath his feet. Next moment he's tumbling towards the ground. A nasty crack sounds over the throbbing beat.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"So precdicable," you mutter, rolling your eyes.\n\t\t<<else>>"Ouch." You pull a face.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Call emergency services," someone shouts. "Someone call for help."<br><br>\n\n\t\tOnlookers hurry forwards to help the kid but you know it's too late. Fall from that height, he's either dead or paralyzed for life unless he can afford cybernetics. Which is unlikely given he's just another downer, meaning his life is pretty much ruined over a stupid flip. Outch indeed.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bless">>"You have my blessing, friend. If that's all you want."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thank you, thank you." The man kisses the grimy floor. "I shall carry shadow of the lifeless stars to all, friend, and all shall know of your kindness."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I suppose," you say, edging away from the man.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Go with the void," he calls after you. "You are a blessing to us all, friend!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips twitch as you continue on. Lunatics. They exist everywhere in the galaxy. Usually they try to swipe-hack credits though. It's been a while since you've run into one who's just plain old crazy.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "shakoff">>"Get off me," shaking him off your leg.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wait, wait," the man calls as you hasten onwards. "Am I not worthy of the Voided One, friend? Have my sacrifices not earned me a simple blessing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scoff. "More like you lost your mind, freak."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no reply. The man has since been swallowed by the crowd again. Good thing too. You've got just about no patience for swipe-hackers posing as lunatics.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "ridicule">>"Freak," throwing the man off. "You and your pathetic religion. What the fuck is your problem?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t The man spreads his arms in a gesture of acceptance. "I merely wished to have your blessing, Voided One."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well you can go fuck—" You shove the man to the ground. "—your void and shove it up your ass."<br><br>\n\n\t\tFor a moment, you tower over the idiot. It would be so simple to plant a boot in his face, teach him the lesson he deserves. Instead you just turn and slip into the crowd. Maybe better that way. If he'd opened his mouth even one more time, you might've killed the bastard.\t\t\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bless">>"That sounds kinda nice, actually. Sure. I'm in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wonderful!" They grin as the smaller girl holds out an ink marker. "Please, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Miss<</if>>. Trace your ray of light wherever you like."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, then." Feeling a little overwhelmed, you take the marker and search for a free spot on the girl's body.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's barely an inch of her skin not covered but you find a half-completed sun on her back and add a ray to that. The girl shivers as the marker traces over her skin, leaving a wobbly line.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not exactly perfect but there you are." You hand the marker back with a smile.\n\n\t\t"Blessings upon you, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Miss<</if>>, and may the Loving Stars light your way." The girls <<walk>> away, glancing about for other passers-by to speak to.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "noreligion">>"Sorry, I'm not religious. But best of luck to you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." Both of the girls look disappointed. "Well, perhaps someday you too will find the light of the Loving Stars, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Miss<</if>>. It wasn't easy for us either, to see the sinful ways of our past, but—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head. "No offence, but if I get your drift, you're on a pilgrimage into a fricking sun. That's just insane."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"One sinner's insanity is but a believer's faith," they chorus. "One day you too shall see the light. Only those whose bones are broken by the Voided One can never find peace."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you say so," you murmur, brushing past the girls.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo point arguing with nutcases. Let them make their crazy pilgrimage if they want to. You can think of better things to do than 'visiting' [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]] and having your sins 'washed away' by unprotected exposure to solar radiaton.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "insultreligion">>"In my oppinion, you two can go fuck yourselves. And your stupid-ass religion. Mean, what is this shit? Pilgriming into a fucking sun?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe girs look shocked. "But <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mister<<else>>Miss<</if>>, it is our obligation to wash sin away, so that our bodies might be pure once more."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, fine. Go fucking kill yourselves. The galaxy would be better off without your sick faith."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Faith is sick only to lost souls who cannot find it in their hearts to believe," they chorus. "One day you too shall see the light. Only those whose bones are broken by the Voided One can never find peace."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fucking faiths," you snarl, shoving past the girls.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLet them have their stupid faith. Let them pilgrim to [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]] and die horribly as cancer spreads through their exposed bodies. Hell, you almost condone it. They'd be doing the galaxy a favor by dying, after all.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "makefuss">>\n\t\t\t"Hey, you're the one making the fuss here. Not me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, and only 'cause you had to open your big, showoff mouth," the woman chimes in. "Who the fuck do you think you are anyways, punk?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'd ask you the same thing." You fold your arms. "Now we going to just go our ways or does this have to turn nasty?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe two look at each other. The man shrugs. "No nasty. We're just on our day off, you know. It gets really damn boring in retail. I mean, really? Standing around showing people how to use holo-previewers all day? Talk about decay of modern society. Anyways, you gotta admit: the veils look really cool, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I suppose," you say slowly. "And have fun doing whatever you're doing then. Just, you know, don't piss anyone off who might actually have a go at you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But that's half the fun," the woman says as they stroll off.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head, almost wishing they had been real nut cases. That at least you're used to. Retail employees walking around in veils on the other hand? Definitely not something one sees every day.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "threaten">>"Hey, I don't know what circuits are fried in your stupid ass brains. But go on, try me. See what happens."\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, right," the woman chimes in. "Bet ya cry like a baby. Mean, look at you. Just anothr asshat who's got it in for—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Just piss off," you snarl, reaching for your <<knife>>. "Now. Or we'll see how you react, hm?"\n\n\t\t\t"Asshole." The two freaks slink away, muttering, "What the fuck is that idiot's problem?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head, wondering exactly the same in inverse. On second thought, you don't want to know. Better you just <<walk>> away and forget all about the incident.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notmean">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Didn't meananything by it, man. Sorry."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, right," the woman chimes in. "Bet ya didn't. Nah. You never coulda been thinking we're freaks when you, you know, fucking SAID IT OUT LOUD."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death take me,"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between,"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars,"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fucking hell,"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Bloody hell,"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t you mutter, backing away. "What is wrong with you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe woman snorts. "Wrong with us? What's wrong with you, freak?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Less than with you," you mutter, hurrying away before the situation escalates.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, that's right," the man shouts after you. "Play it all tough and then run the fuck away, looser."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Didn't mean anything. Now please. Bug someone else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, right," the woman chimes in. "Bet ya didn't. Nah. You never coulda been thinking we're freaks when you, you know, fucking SAID—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hey, fuck you," you snap, getting in her face. "Fuck both of you. No one needs your crap."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sheesh." They slink away, muttering, "What the fuck is that asshole's problem?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head, wondering what the hell his problem is. On second thought, it doesn't matter. Better you just <<walk>> away and forget all about it.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 1>>"Hey, you guys okay," hurrying toward the nearest trooper.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The situation is under control, citi—" The speaker hesitates. "Oh, it's you. Yeah. We're fine. We get hit once or twice. Armor's been holding good."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head, watching as pedestrian traffic slowly resumes. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Gonna have to get some blood flowing if you want this to transition well."<<else>>"Gonna be a bumpy transition. Doubt it'll be over anytime soon."<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I hope not," the trooper says. "But we all knew what we signed up for. We'll do what it takes to get shit under control."<<else>>"Probably not," the trooper admits. "But we all signed up for the same reason: get this mess back under control."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Tall order," you say. "I hope you're up to it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe armroed trooper barks a laugh. "Coming from you, that's almost praise. But enough. I've gotta ask you move along. We have a job to do."\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "watch">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Time to watch some faiths get their asses kicked," you mutter, moving to the sidelines.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"This'll make for a good show," you mutter, moving to the sidelines.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Might as well stick around," though you still move to the sidelines.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGood thing too, because within moments the protestors are screaming at the riot line, some even triggering holo-flashes. The [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers - obviously - don't react. Nor do they move when the first noisemaker is thrown, and even a handful of bottles don't budge the line.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNot a word is spoken until, after maybe ten minutes, a synthesized voice booms, "Citizens of the Downs. Your presence is obstructing civic activity and placing innocent bystanders at risk. You have two minutes to disperse or [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] will intervene. That is all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPredictably, the announcement has no effect. A minute drags past. More bottles are thrown and holo-flashes triggered until, without warning, the riot line lurches into motion. Hundreds of armored bodies move in unision as heavy boots thud rythmically on the walkway. No supperession canisers are fired, nor do the troopers resort to violence. Sheer momentum forces the demonstration up the pressure tunnel, panicked protesters fleeing into walkways, doorways, and passages at every oppertunity.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Sweet," you mutter, watching as [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] concaves left, corralling those who did not flee into a dead end. "Let's hope a few of those faiths get it along the way."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Nice moves," you mutter, watching as [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] concaves left, corralling those who did not flee into a dead end. "Just hope they don't go too easy on the unnecessary violence."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Fucking hell," you mutter, watching as [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] concaves left, corralling those who did not flee into a dead end. "Remind me never to fuck with those guys - ever."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\tBeside you, a woman with a young child at her hand says, \n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"You can't mean that. These are professionals, not lunatics like that old group. How can you think they'll hurt anyone unnecessarily?"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"That's just nasty. These are professionals - way better than the old group. They'll keep it under control."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"We're lucky to have these guys. That old group never would have kept this mess under control."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe walks off, leaving you to your thoughts - more exactly, one in particular: the woman is right. The Raptors never would've managed to lock a riot large down, not sthat quickly and certainly not without violence, not even back when you were in command.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "getout">>"Good idea," and set a hasty course toward the nearest side passage. Three youngsters are lurking by the entrance, handing out holo-pamphlets. They stuff one in your hand as you hurry past but you don't look at it, too busy navigating the back passages of Level <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEventually curiosity overcomes you however, and you risk a glance. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'><strong>No Hate - Fuck the 108</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tEvery Downer has heard of Zanex recently. But who are these mercenaries in yellow? Why do they come to our streets? The answers is that Division 108 is a millitant group of corporate-sponsored radicals who believe our Church, our way of life, is an affront to free-spirited human beings.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tTo anyone who is truly free-spirited it should be obvious: these monsters come to force us into sumbmission, casting aside laws and agreements which have held the Downs together for decades, and to replace them with a rule of tyranny and tear gas!<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIf you wish to keep your freedom, perhaps even your very basic human rights, then take to the streets! Only together can we - the people - make our will be known, and our will is clear: the Downs belong to Downers and we will not surrender until these theothobic scumbags have been driven back into the holes they crawled out of!\n\t\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou turn back into the main corridor on Level <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>>, now well behind the rapidly escalating riot. It hurts to see the Downs descending into chaos like that again. But you know better than to get involved - not again.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase eq 3>>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"True, that. Most of 'em are kids I trained way back when. Though I'm not gonna ask how you know that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena smirks. "Girl like me has her ways. Or maybe I'm just really, really good at knowing things about people who've got issues with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Honestly, I'm actually less surprised that you know and more surprised you're here, walking around like, well, a half naked ribbon."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHer cheeks turn a little red. "Uh, you like it? Because I'm really not sure it works with the silv—" Celena glances over her shoulder. "Shit, there goes my girl. Gotta go, babe. See ya."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe hurries into the crowd, shouting to some chick you've never seen before. Part of you wonders whether you should follow. But you have more important things to do than <<walk>> around just to make a point. Better to just find a way to the far side of the passage and...\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "disagree">>"They are tied to the corpos though. And I doubt they're going to be any better for the Downs than the Raptors were."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, no, of course not. But they're against the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] so they're better than what we had." She pulls a face. "After you left, I mean. Back at the beginning it was all good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou roll your eyes. "Please, can we not talk about this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Sure, whatever, I was just—" Celena glances over her shoulder. "Shit, there goes my girl. Gotta go, babe. See ya."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe hurries into the crowd, shouting to some chick you've never seen before. Part of you wonders whether you should follow. But you have more important things to do than <<walk>> around just to make a point. Better to just find a way to the far side of the passage and...\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"It's a good idea. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Right out, loud and clear, making a difference like ya should have been all along.<<else>>Bit risky but there's enough supporting to maybe make a diffrence.<</if>> And the Raptors aren't coming back anyways so, yeah, good move."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, my throughts exactly." Vic nods. "Yeah, that's why I'm here. Not sure what te think really. But it's, like, fifty percent our old guys with the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] anyways. Kinda like going back to the old times."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou laugh. "Vic, we didn't march in the old days. We shot people. Usually."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"You know what I meant, man." Vic glances over his shoulder. "Anyways, ma boy an' girl's here somewhere. Gotta look for 'em. See ya around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"See you," you call after him, wondering whether to join the procession or not.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt is a sensible cause, after all, but you have more important things to do than <<walk>> around just to make a point. Better to just find a way to the far side of the passage and...\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "disagree">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"This was reckless. It'll just create more problems and throw everything they're working for back to square one."<<else>>"This was a stupid idea. Just gonna make everything flare up even more. And then we're back to square one all over."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I know it ain't your way but sometimes ya just gotta make a point like this." Vic shrugs. "Better than blasting bolt holes through half the Downs again. And kinda shows this whole deal isn't the end of the world like some's making it out to be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Smart move. Not gonna say I like how easily you flipped, Vic, but it was a sound move."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>You scoff. "You mean people who benefited under the old arrangement. Shit, Vic, you are one quick turncoat."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Wouldn't have switched if it'd been you there, Vine. But Xaviar? Figured he had that shit coming long ago. Anyways, ma boy an' girl's here somewhere. Gotta look for 'em. See ya around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"See you," you call after him, wondering whether to join the procession or not.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt is a sensible cause, after all, but you have more important things to do than <<walk>> around just to make a point. Better to just find a way to the far side of the passage and...\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pay">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\t\tYou say,\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pay">>"Okay, okay. I'll pay. How's \n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 gte 6500>>\n\t\t\t\t\t"How's <<print $action.action2>> C sound?"<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t"Sheesh, I ain't resisting an offer like that. Ye got yerself a deal." The thug grins.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tYou program the transaction and hold out your arm. "There ya go. One time deal. Then you leave me alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Done." The man swipes your arm. "Now be on yer way. An' take care of yerself, yeah? There's no end of shady folk 'round these parts." He winks.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 gte 3500>>\n\t\t\t\t\t"What ya say to <<print $action.action2>> C?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Ain't bad." The thug raises his pistol. "Sign 'em over. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tYou program the transaction and hold out your arm. "There ya go. One time deal. Then you leave me alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Done." The man swipes your arm. "Now be on yer way. Before we changes our mind, yeah?"\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 gte 600>>\n\t\t\t\t\t"I can offer ya <<print $action.action2>> C."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Passable." The thug raises his pistol. "Sign 'em over. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tYou program the transaction and hold out your arm. "There ya go. One time deal. Then you leave me alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Done." The man swipes your arm. "Now be on yer way. Before we changes our mind, yeah?"\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t"Well, I could offer ya <<print $action.action2>>. How's that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThe thug laughs. "What? Ye shittin' me or what? A hundred creds fer your life? Never."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Sorry, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>man.<<else>>sweetheart.<</if>>" The other thug raises his pistol.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Oh, motherf—" You throw yourself aside as gunshots ring out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThe next instant, you're on your feet, heart thudding in your chest. There's not a second to waste. Kill or be killed.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"You really don't want to do this. Believe me. I'm a sanctioned hunter and I will defend myself if necessary."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"You're making a big mistake, man. I'm a sanctioned hunter. You do anything stupid - and I mean anything - I will kill all three of your sorry asses. Promised."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.armortype eq "armored" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t"Ohh, you're a hunter now, is ya?" The man laughs, waving his pistol menacingly. "Think it matters to me friends here what yer punk ass—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe other fellow nudges him. "Ey Larry, I don't think dis un's kidding, brah. I think <<genderpronoun>>'s really a hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"What, ya mean—" Larry hesitates, looking you over from head to toe.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>Maybe it's the armor.<<else>>Maybe it's your cold glare.<</if>> Maybe something else. Whatever the cause, Larry suddenly looks very worried. "Ah, fer fruck's sake. Ye's right. Ye's effin' damn right. Just... just go. We won't make no trouble. You don't make no trouble. Then we's all happy, yeah?"<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tThe other fellow nots. "Like Larry says, man. Jus' be goin'. And we's real sorry fer the inconvenience. Bad timin' 'n all, ya know?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Ohh, you're a hunter, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>are ya?<<else>>dollface?<</if>> Well, ya think—" He levels his pistol on your face. "—this lil' fellow cares who or what ya are, punk? 'Cause far as I know them bolts in the mag don't give two fucks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"True. In which case—" You kick the thug behind you - a woman - in the shins and shove her toward the others.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tA gunshot rings out, the bolt pinging off the wall. Someone shouts. The confusion gives you just enough time to take stock: three of them and one of you. Looks like fair fight.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pay">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\n\t\tYou say,\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pay">>"Okay, how about we make a deal? I sign over a few credits, say 850? And you leave me the fuck alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe freaks exchange glances. The woman shrugs. "Fine by me, man. Sign 'em over."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Assholes."<<else>>"Here ya go."<</if>> You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man swipes it. "Lookin' good. Say, sorry fer this whole misunderstandin'. Jus' be on yer way and we'll be doin' like nothin's happened, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>"Just don't make me regret this,"<<else>>"Glad to be of service,"<</if>> you reply, watching as the two freaks stroll away. \n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey, assholes. You're gonna die. Believe me. I've hunted all shortsa abominable shit before. You two ain't nothing."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\t"Listen, I don't know what the hell you want but this isn't going to end well. I'm a sanctioned hunter and—"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"A hunter?" The woman's eyes light up. "Blessin's on us t'day. This' gon' be great."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Actually, it'll get yout wo fuckheads dead." You fix them with a cold look. "You really think I'm afraid of you even for a second? Really?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"No, it won't. I will kill you." You fix them with a hard look. "I've put down enough thugs before. You two don't want to be another pair of marks on my list."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Don't believe <<genderposssesive>>," the woman says. "Mean, does <<genderpronoun>> look like a fucking hunter to you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man shakes his head. "Sorry, man. Ye get points fer tryin' but we ain't fallin' fer yer bull. We needs ya alive an' screamin'. So jus' stay where ya are an' don't do nothin'. Then nothin' bad's gon happen. Yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, shit." You breathe a sigh, resigned to the fact you'll have to kill them.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No, it won't. I will kill you." You spread your arms. "Trust me. Do I look like the kind of motherfucker you wanna screw with, hm?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Chances are more like you'll end up dead." You fix them with an earnest look. "I don't want to hurt anyone but I will protect myself. Are you sure you wanna fuck with me?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe woman glances at her companion. "What ya think, Gabe?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'm thinkin' maybe we finds someone else, yeah?" He shoots you a lopsided smile. "Sorry, mate. Jus' be on yer way and we'll be doin' like nothin's happened, eh? We's never been 'ere and we's never met ya. G'day 'n all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, thank <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>goodness<</if>> for common sense," you mutter, watching as the two freaks beat a hasty retreat.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "give">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "give">>"Sure. I can spare a few creds."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What a splendid thing to hear!" The man grabs one of his credit chips and holds it out. "If you please, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou program the transaction and swipe. "There ya go, man. Hope it helps."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, I am certain it shall. And if I may give you some personal advice, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, then do remember to wear a respirator should you ever find yourself in a high oxyg—" His head jerks forward and the man bustles off, rattling his bowl and bellowing, "I'm disabled! Give me credits! Give me credits! I'm disabled and need credits!"\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nogive">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Can't Now fuck off."\n\t\t<<else>>"I can't, man. Sorry."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>." The man looks downcast. "Another time, perhaps. Thank you for your time none the less."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Not likely." You brush past the man.\n\t\t<<else>>"No problem," you say. "Take care."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Blessed day to y—"\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, I shall do my bes—"\n\t\t<</if>>His head jerks forward and the man bustles off, rattling his bowl and bellowing, "I'm disabled! Give me credits! Give me credits! I'm disabled and need credits!"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "give">>"Sure, I got some to spare. Like, fifteen?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Cool." The woman holds out her arm. "Swipe me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou program the transaction and swipe. "Now go get your sorry ass high or whatever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like fucking hell yeah." She grins. "Thanks, man. You're the best."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"People sometimes." You shake your head and...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nogive">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I got none. Now get the hell out of my way."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I don't have any to spare, sorry."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe pulls a face. "Oh, come on. I know ya got creds. Ya gotta got creds. Just a little. For my fix."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Go fuck yourself you junkie," you snarl, punishg her out of the way\n\t\t\t<<else>>"No," you say, pushing her aside. "Bother someone else."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Please," she calls after you. "I'll give you a handjob or something. Or titty fuck. Whatever you want, man. Please." When you don't stop, she adds, "Pretty please? With synthbarb on top?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sheesh." You shake your head and...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 3 or $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "give">>"Okay, I'll pitch in those fifteen thousands."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Truly?" The man looks genuinely surprised. "That would be wonderful."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou program the transaction and hold out your arm. "You better know what the fuck you're doing though because, if you're screwing me, I will come to kick your ass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't worry, friend." He swipes, saying, "I've had ships locked up many times. Never lacked the funds to spring them out again. But oh well. First time for everything. I will, of course, be in contact with you, uh, <<formalname>>, as soon as I have good news. It should not be long."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You better damn well be," you say. "And I'll be waiting."\n\n\t\tHe smiles uncertainly. "Yes, very well, so, uh, I'll be on my way then."\n\n\t\t"See you around," you say and...\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nogive">>"You must be mad. Fifteen thousand? Give me a break. You really think anyone - anyone - will just fork over that much on some tall tale like this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know it's quite a hefty sum, and I understand of course. But it cannot hurt to ask." He smiles uncertainly. "Someone might be able to help, after all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, I'm not," you say flatly. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Now I got more important shit to do. So good bye. Forever.<<else>>"And if you don't mind I have more important things to do. Good bye."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Goodbye to you too, friend," the man say as you <<walk>> off.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "donot">>"Doesn't sound that way from here. You sure you don't need a hand?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not from you we don't," the calls back. "Big Boss would never let it pass anyways. But thanks for asking. Now move along."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck you too, assh—"<<else>>"All right, then. I'll—"<</if>> More gunshots ring out, followed by another explosion. "—get the hell out of here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You do that." The Raptor glances at the hab, shouting, "Markus! What the hell's going on in there?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou head away from the perimiter, muttering, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking idiots, I swear."<<else>>"I really, really hope you guys know what you're doing."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut you already know they don't. Quality's gone down with the Raptors ever since you left. Sure, some of the older vets still have it, but without a solid command structure - which they don't really have - it's just devolved into another ragtag merc group. Pathetic - to think kids wearing those uniforms used to basically run the Downs.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "idiots">>"You're being <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>idiots." You shake your head but <<walk>> over to the men none the less. "So what's the big deal? She's got tits and an ass. You fuck it. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Raptors laugh. The girl looks insulted. "This <<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and ($equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress")>>faggot<<else>>asshole<</if>> used to work with you, Mike?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah. Work with." You eye the girl - pretty but unspectacular except for her big mouth. "What have you done recently? Get laid?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAgain the guys laugh. She looks indignant. "Hey! Who the hell do you—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Name's Vine, girl. Ask the boys if ya really wanna know." You turn and stride away, unwilling to waste even one more second of your time there.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"That I did," you say, eyeing the girl - unspectacular in all regards. "What do you do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"None of your fucking business," she says darkly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine, whatever." You turn and stride away, unwilling to waste time on that stupid conversation.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nocare">>"I don't <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>give a fuck<<else>>care<</if>>. And neither should you. Not on duty."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs you stride away, the Raptor calls, "C'mon, man. Just a minute?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck you."<<else>>"Leave it be, kid."<</if>> You stop despite your better judgement, shouting, "And get your head back in the game. Or did the Big Boss order you to head down here and chat up <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>chicks<<else>>hot pussy<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe men exchange glances. One of them laughs. "Who gives a fuck. Streets are clear today."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fuming, you <<walk>> away, muttering, "Yeah, clear. Until some idiot sees your face and starts making life hell for you and the family. I swear. No common sense."<<else>>Disheartened, you <<walk>> away, muttering, "And this outfit used to be worth something. Operative phrase there being used to."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "wilkinfault">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"It's that faith-licking bastard's fault. Wilkin. Doesn't know how the fuck the Downs really work. Thinks he can cuddle with the faiths but it won't fucking work. Ever."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"It's Wilkin's damned fault running the Raptors like a police force. Won't fucking work. Downs need a strong hand. Always will."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"It's Wilkin's fault. Running the Raptors on a short leash, trying to play politician. It won't work. The Downs are still the Downs. Always were, always will be."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, I keep saying that," the man replies. "But no one listens. It's all, like, things used to be so much worse in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. But ya know what? I never got mugged once back then. Now I got beevers crawling up my ass every second week. It's fucking insane."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"It's a fucking disaster. But shit? Things gone to hell that bad?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"It's got that bad, huh?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man nods. "Problem is no one's dealin' with 'em. Not a big enough problem they say. And the best? When I brought it up last week at Level Meet they told me to buy a fucking gun! Do I look like I can afford a license, much less a legal coilgun?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, well, you run into trouble just shoot the fuckers. It's basically the only way. Unless you move away from this shithole."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"More guns on the streets." You snort. "Yeah, guys. Way to go."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I swear. This shit don't get better soon, I'm saving up and moving over to C Sector." The man shakes his head, then disappears into the crowd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "noidea">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No fucking clue but it'd better change soon or I swear I'm gonna take into my own hands again."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"No idea but if something don't change soon, we'll be deep in a bind before the end of the decade."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\t"No fucking shit," the man replies. "Mean, those Raptor dudes used to be hardcore. Kept shit tight. Now we've got pussies and those—" He waves to the [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. "—assholes in blue."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips curl. "Yeah, we nead some fucking kick ass back on the streets. Like in the good days."\n\t\t\t<<else>>Your lips twitch. "Yeah, the Raptors were hardcore back in the day. Maybe a bit too hard."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Right on," the man says darkly.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Yeah, sure, but it got the job done, right?" The man shakes his head sadly. \n\t\t\t<</if>>"Man, I wish we had that Lieutennant guy back. You know, the one who got that mess with the Scars straightened out. What was his name, Vine? Fucking hero in my book."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Hero isn't the word I'd use." You turn and <<walk>> away, whispering, "I was actually a mass murderer - and a damned good one."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"He made it work. That's what matters." You nod curtly and <<walk>> away, determined not to say more on the matter.\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"He did his best I think. Given the situation at least." You force a smile and <<walk>> away, determined not to say more on the matter.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Sure fucking was." You nod to the man and stride away, muttering, "I so fucking was."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Hero." You take a step back, then another, and quickly slip into the crowd, muttering, "If only you knew half of it."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $override.solution = "vxvvxxvx1">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\t\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\t\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\t\t<span class = 'redcolor'>[ERROR]</span> remote access rejected<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action1 = "override"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hackutility_psychocult'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Abort|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.action1 = "abort"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Damn it." You yank your jack...<<else>>The hatch unseals...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Damn it." You yank your jack out of the door and head back the way you came.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\tA lone pedestrian passes you by. He barely cautions you with a glance. Then you turn back into the main passage - and stop. Somehow you've taken a wrong turn and are standing before the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThousands of voices clamor. Odors hang thick in the air; smoke and perfume. Everywhere you look, vendors are calling out and holo-boards flash advertisements. And, when you crane your neck, you can just can just see the tunnel to the tramway station over the heads of the massive crowd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thank fuck," you mutter and...\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_highborn.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\tYou leave the tramway station and head up a side passage, toward Hab Unit 42. The utility hatch beside it is sealed so you quickly type in the code. Mag-clamps release with a clang. You step through, into the dim passage beyond. Cables and stray maintenance bots get in your way. There's barely any light save the bioluminescent arrows painted on the walls.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks, guys," you mutter as you follow them toward deeper into the ducts.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tEventually you spot multicolored light ahead. Moments later, you're standing before the disused maintenance bot hangar. Dark shapes move in the multicolored, neon glow and a misspelled flourescent sigh above the 'door' reads: //<s>Wlec</s>WELCoem to Highbron Pa<s>lsae</s>LACE//.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe hatch unseals with a click, opening onto a narrow pasasge that leads into the gloom. You test your way forward, bushing stray cabling aside, until you the duct forks. On the wall opposite, someone painted an arrow pointing left with bioluminescent paint.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Guess I'm not the first one who got lost." You set off in that direction.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe utility duct drags on but you can see multicolored light ahead. As you draw nearer it becomes clear why: one of the access panels as been removed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tBeyond is a long chamber - a disused maintenance bot hangar if the racks along the ceiling are any indication - infested with neon lights. Shadowy shapes move in the multicolored glow and a misspelled flourescent sigh above the 'door' reads: //Wlecoem to Highbron Palsae//.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead guard. He's definitely the last; the others are all dead or have all run away.<br><br>\n\n\t"Exuse me, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir."<<else>>Miss."<</if>> The slave who whacked the man over the head steps up to you. "If I might, could you stand aside? Just for a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Uh, yeah." You do as asked.<br><br>\n\n\t"Motherfucker!" The slave kicks the guard in the head. "Look at you now. Look at what you have. Look at you, you you motherfucking, worthless—" He kicks him again, screeching, "Motherfucker!"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yikes."<<else>>"Wow! Easy there."<</if>> You take another step back.<br><br>\n\n\t"Sorry, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir."<<else>>Miss."<</if>> The slave turns to you, eyes sunken but alight with glee. "I've just been waiting ten years for this to happen, ever since Vladimir mutinied and turned this place into, well, what it is today. I'd love to give you something in return but, well, maybe it's better you just take for yourself. Everything they have is over there." He points to the largest tent.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You stride towards...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou stride towards\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>the nearest slave, calling, "Oi, you. Where's Shitzo?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Over there, Master." He points toward a sizable tent. "With your grace, Master."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Go work yourself to death, maggot."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Thansk, man."\n\t\t\t<</if>>You head over to the tent and step inside.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>Shitzo's tent and step inside.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tIt's dark, gloomy and <<if $equip.isConcealing>>causes your mask's air filters to engage.<<else>>reeks of mould<</if>>. Boxes<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>> presumably <</if>>filled with biochems fill most of the space. Behind one of the stacks, you spot a shadowy silhouette behind a desk, pouring over a data pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe looks up as you approach. \n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>"Master. Your humble servant Shitzo begs forgiveness for speaking. Yet it is an honor to meet you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Same," you say, eyeing the disheveled man. "What you got in chems?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, a sample assortment, Master." He grins, exposing rotten teeth. "I have been asked by Pinapple to demand payment, as you no doubt know, and it would be my utmost honor to introduce you to our supplementary stocks too. A true selection of articles suitable to those whose dedication to the biochemical is complete. Please, but only if it is your will." He offers you his data pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Let's take a look then." You activate the screen and review the catalog:\n\t\t<<else>>"Master. As always, an utmost pleasure. If it would please you to look—" He offers you his data pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thanks." You activate the screen and review the catalog:\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You get into the tram...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou get into the tram, squeezing in with dozens of other passengers. Voices clamor. Someone's [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] beeps. A moment later, the doors hiss closed behind you and the tram car shoots into its tunnel with a dull whine.<br><br>\n\n\tResigned, you lean against the door to wait. An elbow pokes you uncomfortably. You squeeze away the same moment the tram lurches. Metal screeches and groans. People yelp. The next moment, the lights die.<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, sh—" Your face is slammed into the person beside you as the tramway car lands with a loud boom.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_tramway_crash.png"]]</div>Everything shakes. Sirens whine. Over the noise, you hear an emergency hatch get blown out. Someone shoves you into the tunnel outside. All you remember after that is darknes - darkness and a man in a yellow suit-jacket kneeling beside you. He says something audible.<br><br>\n\n\t"What," you shout in a muffled tone. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, fuck. Hearing's shot."<<else>>"Oh, man. Got bells in my ears."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThe man leans closer. "I said: are you okay, man? I saw you fall and, well, no one else stopped. Looked like you were out cold or whatnot."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the utility passage...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% %/\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_undersprawl.png"]]</div>\n\tYou enter the utility passage and lead the way, following the EXIT signs projected on the aged walls. There's not much to see, just rusted utility passage and the occasional pannelblock segment which has shaken loose. Lavo trudges along after you, saying nothing and looking visibly unnerved.<br><br>\n\n\tIn an attempt to ease his mind, you say, "So, what you do? <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>If you don't mind me asking.<<else>>Even if it is unimpressive.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"Uh, I write scripts for MonoAd. Okay job. Pays well. Can work from home too." He shrugs. "It's hard enough as a Downer so I try to make the best of it, you know? <<if $loc_riptide.owner eq "marisa">>But thinks are changing fast around here. Dunno how long I'll stay."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't take kindly to the [[108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] I guess?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah, just all of it. The [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] were bad enough and now it's going at it all over again. But never mind."\n\n\t<<else>>Guess it isn't that bad. It's been topsy-tervy but a little calmer since the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] ended."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure has," you say, secretly glad the man doesn't know who you are.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, man. Crazy times back then. That's when the rape thing happened. I told you about that right? Actually, never mind." \n\t<</if>>He points ahead. "Looks like we're almost there."<br><br>\n\n\tSo it seems, except the door at the far end of the passage has already been removed and it doesn't lead to the pedestrian walkway you expected but a disused hab unit. Though, as you draw nearer, disused proves to be the wrong word.<br><br>\n\n\tYour best guess is that the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] has spread since you last passed this way and consumed the hab block. The particular unit you're in seems to consist of trash, junk, and partially demolished walls. Through a hole to the left you can see a semi-furnished room and another hole straight ahead leads to a cramped and unnervingly dark walkway.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t/% so you can't scrum through... %/\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>\n\t\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("PUR-G", "PUR-H", "PUR-L")>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("S13G", "S7G")>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("M405A1", "S7ZF")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>\n\t\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("M404A2", "M405")>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("KRUG", "MF-GAC")>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("RUG-HK", "M405", "M420")>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("RUG-9", "M404", "C2000")>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $action.action99 = "none">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'random_syndicate_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Radicals|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Zealots_Inject"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Kobol_Inject"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Raptor_Inject"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Theophobes|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_Inject"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Snydicate_Inject"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'random_syndicate_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'random_syndicate_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "fleefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency lte 0.65>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "none"; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency = 0.33; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase = $randomEncounterPhases.preAltRaidPhase; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase += 1; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency -= 0.05; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase += 1; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency += 0.02; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Radicals|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Zealots_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Kobol_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Raptor_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Theophobes|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Snydicate_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've just...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_radical.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobol_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobolmerc.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobol_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs_riptide.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs_zanex.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_commando.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_syndicate.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou've just\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b10" or $action.action4 eq "b29">>started toward the tramway station, pushing through the usual [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] commotion, when you spot several people in religious robes ahead. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until they're so close you notice they're carrying automatic weapons.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b28">>started the long slog from the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] to the tramway station when a glimpse of dark blue robe draws your gaze. Moments later the crowd thins enough to see them clearly: zealots armed with barely concealed automatic weapons.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b30">>left your apartment when you spot several people in robes - robes that barely conceal automantic weapons. Adrenaline surges but you keep pace, staying well in the crowd, doing your best to avoid the zealots.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b33" or $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">><<if $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">>left Celena's apartment and <</if>>turned into the [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure tunnel when you spot several people in religious robes ahead. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until they're so close you notice they're carrying automatic weapons.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Oh, come on."<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it. Not again."<<else>>"Not this again."<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t You hasten pace, hoping to loose them in the crowd without making a scene.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe zealots keep pace, moving through the crowd in parallel and occasionally casting a glance in your direction. It's obvious \n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>the damned bastards just won't fucking learn. \n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>they still haven't given up. Maybe it's about time they learned the hard way.\n\t\t<<else>>they're after you and it's not hard to imagine why. Maybe you can give them the slip, though some part of you doubts they'll give up that easily.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b10" or $action.action4 eq "b29">>started toward the tramway station, pushing through the usual [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] commotion, when you spot several mercs in red gear ahead. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until they're so close you notice they bear [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] insignia.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b28">>started the long slog from the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] to the tramway station when a glimpse of blood red armor draws your gaze. Moments later the crowd thins enough to see them clearly: mercs carrying the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] insignia, heavily armed.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b30">>left your apartment when you spot several people in blood red armor - armor that bears the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] insignia. Adrenaline surges but you keep pace, staying well in the crowd, doing your best to avoid the mercs.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b33" or $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">><<if $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">>left Celena's apartment and <</if>>turned into the [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure tunnel when you spot several mercs in red gear ahead. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until they're so close you notice they bear [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] insignia.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Oh, come on."<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it. Not again."<<else>>"Not this again."<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t You hasten pace, hoping to loose them in the crowd without making a scene.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe mercs keep pace, moving through the crowd in parallel and occasionally casting a glance in your direction. It's obvious \n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>the damned bastards just won't fucking learn. \n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>they still haven't given up. Maybe it's about time they learned the hard way.\n\t\t<<else>>they're after you and it's not hard to imagine why. Maybe you can give them the slip, though some part of you doubts they'll give up that easily.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b10" or $action.action4 eq "b29">>started toward the tramway station, pushing through the usual [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] commotion, when you spot several armed thugs ahead. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until you realize they're searching the crowd.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b28">>started the long slog from the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] to the tramway station when a glimpse of automatic weaponry draws your gaze. Moments later the crowd thins enough to see them clearly: several local thugs, heavily armed.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b30">>left your apartment when you spot several heavily armed thugs. Adrenaline surges but you keep pace, staying well in the crowd, doing your best to avoid the hit squad.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b33" or $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">><<if $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">>left Celena's apartment and <</if>>turned into the [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure tunnel when you spot several armed thugs ahead. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until you realize they're searching the crowd.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Oh, come on."<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it. Not again."<<else>>"Not this again."<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t You hasten pace, hoping to loose them in the crowd without making a scene.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe thugs keep pace, moving through the crowd in parallel and occasionally casting a glance in your direction. It's obvious \n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>the damned bastards just won't fucking learn. \n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>they still haven't given up. Maybe it's about time they learned the hard way.\n\t\t<<else>>they're after you and it's not hard to imagine why. Maybe you can give them the slip, though some part of you doubts they'll give up that easily.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b10" or $action.action4 eq "b29">>started toward the tramway station, pushing through the usual [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] commotion, when you spot several people wearing theophobic hatewear. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until they're so close you notice they're heavily armed - and looking for someone.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b28">>started the long slog from the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] to the tramway station when a glimpse of theophobic hatewear draws your gaze. Moments later the crowd thins enough to see them clearly: several heavily armed radicals.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b30">>left your apartment when you spot several people in theophobic hatewear - heavily armed at that. Adrenaline surges but you keep pace, staying well in the crowd, doing your best to avoid the radicals.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b33" or $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">><<if $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">>left Celena's apartment and <</if>>turned into the [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure tunnel when you spot several people wearing theophobic hatewear. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until they're so close you notice they're heavily armed - and looking for someone.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Oh, come on."<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it. Not again."<<else>>"Not this again."<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t You hasten pace, hoping to loose them in the crowd without making a scene.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe radicals keep pace, moving through the crowd in parallel and occasionally casting a glance in your direction. It's obvious \n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>the damned bastards just won't fucking learn. \n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>they still haven't given up. Maybe it's about time they learned the hard way.\n\t\t<<else>>they're after you and it's not hard to imagine why. Maybe you can give them the slip, though some part of you doubts they'll give up that easily.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b10" or $action.action4 eq "b29">>started toward the tramway station, pushing through the usual [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] commotion, when you spot armored mercs ahead. It doesn't strike you all that unusual until they're so close you can see the insignia on their shoulder pads: [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] - \n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>four of them, heavily armed.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>three of them and well armed.\n\t\t\t<<else>>two in all, geared up and armed.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b28">>started the long slog from the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] to the tramway station when a glimpse of combat armor draws your gaze. Moments later the crowd thins enough to see the mercs: [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] - \n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>four of them, heavily armed.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>three of them and well armed.\n\t\t\t<<else>>two in all, geared up and armed.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b30">>left your apartment when a glimpse of [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] catches your eye. Adrenaline surges but you keep pace, staying well in the crowd as you observe your foes: \t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>four of them, heavily armed.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>three of them and well armed.\n\t\t\t<<else>>two in all, geared up and armed.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b33" or $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">><<if $action.action4 eq "b33_cel">>left Celena's apartment and <</if>>turned into the [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure tunnel when you spot [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] armor up ahead. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>four of them, heavily armed.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>three of them and well armed.\n\t\t\t<<else>>two in all, geared up and armed.\n\t\t\t<</if>> They're moving clean into your path, cutting clean across the busy walkways.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Oh, come on."<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it. Not again."<<else>>"Not this again."<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t You hasten pace, hoping to loose them in the crowd without making a scene.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe mercs keep pace, moving through the crowd in parallel and occasionally casting a glance in your direction. It's obvious \n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 3>>the damned bastards just won't fucking learn. \n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1>>they still haven't given up. Maybe it's about time they learned the hard way.\n\t\t<<else>>they're after you and it's not hard to imagine why. Maybe you can give them the slip, though some part of you doubts they'll give up that easily.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_facility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Vic (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_facility_ask">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Vic (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or ($job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6 and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin") or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_facility_ask][$action.action4 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_facility_ask][$action.action4 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_bar_walkup_text'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_facility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_facility_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ssong_facility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(350 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Barkeep (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "ssong_facility_ask">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Barkeep (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|ssong_facility_ask][$action.action4 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|ssong_facility_ask][$action.action4 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'ssong_facility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'ssong_facility_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Order a Drink|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue +=1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Order a Drink|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false;$randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue +=1; $hide.layer0 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Syndicate FOB">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_syndicate_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Tripod Bot|hud_combat][$attrib.criminality += 1; $combatTemplate = "TripodBot_B10"; $action.arrive = "fromBot"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Weapons Lockers|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$action.action1 = "searchLockers"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Planning Table|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$action.action1 = "searchTable"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_syndicate_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_search_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='syndicate-lootoptions' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'b10_syndicate_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_syndicate_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_search_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_syndicate_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_search_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take a Breather|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_syndicate', 'foundCrossroadsBase'); $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency = 0.45; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase eq 20>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the dead [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. Smoke drifts lazily from their ruined power armor. Around you, the crowd is muttering in surprise, but all you can think is: this will be one hell of a bitch to explain.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Biological." You turn with a start to see <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>a[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> standing behind you, its white cloak swaying in an artifical breeze. "An unwise course of action."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No shit," you mutter, backing away. "So, what now? You melt my face into holy goo?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Contrarily." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> steps past you, droning, "Be on your way. This incident no longer concerns you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I, but—" You swallow. "Wait, what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe machine-angel turns to you. "Meddling beyond authority. Distainful even by biological standards. Unacceptable among the [[Knighthood|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. It shall be dealt with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." You nod slowly. "Okay. I'll just be on my way then."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHell knows what that was about. Internal rivalry, probably, thought it may be better you not know. Anyways, the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is far better suited to deal with the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] without leaving a trail of corpses than you are.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 35>>\n\t\t\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the dead CIVL commandos. Somehow you'd expected more from the best of the best. More importantly however, what little of the crowd stayed to watch is jabbering and shouting. Most have already fled down the pressure tunnel in panic.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Aw, shit." You swallow, trying not to think of what will happen next.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA hefty fine at best. Incarceration or summary execution at worst. Even more damingly, you know what the deeper implications are: your actions are spiraling out of control, drawing way too much heat. Like Zweili said. And this time around there's no jurisdiction loophole you'll be able to escape. Hell, after the mess you just made, they're certain come for you. And somehow you doubt it'll just be a fine next time.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, fuck it," you mutter, resigned to the fact you're royally screwed now.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBetter to just get the hell out of this place before more [[constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] show up and rip you a new one.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou lower your weapon, heart racing. The demolished CIVL troopers sputter sparks. Smoke drifts lazily from their ruined chassis. Around you, what remains of the crowd is jabbering and shouting. Many have already fled down the pressure tunnel in panic.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Aw, shit." You swallow, trying not to think of what will happen next.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA hefty fine at best. Incarceration or summary execution at worst. Even more damingly, you know what the deeper implications are: your actions are spiraling out of control, drawing way too much heat. Like Zweili said. And this time around there's no jurisdiction loophole you'll be able to escape. Hell, after the mess you just made, they're certain come for you. And somehow you doubt it'll just be a fine next time.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, fuck it," you mutter, resigned to the fact you're royally screwed now.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBetter to just get the hell out of this place before more [[constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] show up and rip you a new one.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "flee">>Adrenaline surges as you dive into the crowd...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "innocent">>"Whatever they say, I'm innocent..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "overstep">>"They're way out of line..."<</if>>\n<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "flee">>Adrenaline surges as you dive into the crowd, shoving confused onlookers out of the way. Heavy footfalls sound on the walkway. A synthesized voice booms out, demanding you stop.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No fucking—" You run headlong into a humanoid form cased in silver armor. "Ouf!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Biological." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>A [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> stands before you, its silver mask impassive. "What is the meaning of this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe walkway shakes as the [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] draw near. "Appreciated, My Lord. Suspect was to be arrested immediately on charges of criminal negligence yet—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Orders are inconsequential." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> fixes the Knight-Captain with a hollow and featureless gaze. "Dismissed. This exceeds your authority. Considerably."<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "innocent">>"Whatever they say, I'm innocent," you say firmly. "This is the [[Commisariat's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] doing. An attempt to frame—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Innocence is inconsequential." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> fixes the Knight-Captain with a hollow and featureless gaze. "Dismissed. This exceeds your authority. Considerably."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "overstep">>"They're way out of line," you growl. "I'm a sanctioned hunter for fuck's sake. The [[Commisariat's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] has no jurisdiction in my affairs."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"True yet inconsequential." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> fixes the Knight-Captain with a hollow and featureless gaze. "Dismissed. This exceeds your authority. Considerably."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"My Lord?" The [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] takes a step back, causing the floor to tremble.<br><br>\n\n\t"The actions of the biological are known to the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. It shall be dealt with. Now depart."<br><br>\n\n\t"As you command and utmost apologies, my Lord." The [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] retreat.<br><br>\n\n\t"Distainful. Even by biological standards." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> turns to you, droning, "Be on your way. Ask no more. This incident no longer concerns you."<br><br>\n\n\t"I, but—" Realizing it's futile to argue with a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], you simply nod in response.<br><br>\n\n\tHell knows what that was about. Internal rivalry, probably, thought it may be better you not know. Anyways, the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is far better suited to deal with the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] without leaving a trail of corpses than you are. \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'backalley_conclude_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 317; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x317">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(9 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Round x" + Math.round(9 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill);>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase = 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'backalley_conclude_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|random_backalley_postcombat][$action.action1 = "dpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_psychocult.mainPhase = 1; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the FreakOut Disc'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FreakOut Disc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "FreakOut Disc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "freakout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FreakOut Disc]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase = 2]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'backalley_conclude_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'backalley_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|random_backalley_postcombat][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 0>>approach the dead thugs. None of them move. You nudge one with your boot just to be safe. Definitely dead.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Be glad," you say, eyeing the corpses. "You're better off dead than rolling the shitty dice you got in life."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void take your rotten corpses,"\tyou mutter, eyeing the dead. "What'd you think? You'd get good dice or something?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars spare ya." You shake your head. "Idiots. What, did you think you'd roll a lucky hand or something?"\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fucking asshole." You shake your head. "What'd you think? The dice would fall good for you?"\n\t\t<<else>>\t"Sorry, guys." You pull a face. "No dice for you today."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tSpeaking of dice; these guys must have a few credits on them. Seemed organized enough at least. Not a real gang but definitely more than complete idiots with guns, even if it was fucking dumb to mess with a sancitoned hunter.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen you search their pockets, you find an unused chip and several spare 9mm rounds. Couldn't hurt to nab 'em.\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase eq 1>>approach the dead freaks. Their insanely painted armor proves beyond doubt they're crazy. But it does make you wonder how the hell could a bunch of random freaks get their hands on [[combat armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tHoping for answers, you search their corpses. Neither of them is carrying much - a few empty magazines and uneaten candy bars - but you do find two things of interest: a [[FreakOut|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]] disk and a blood-spattered datapad. Maybe the latter will offer some insight.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3= false]]</div>You step through the.<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highbornpalace_outside.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\tYou step through the hatch, into Highbron Palsae - presumably meant to be Highborn Palace. A soft trancetune humms from speakers crammed into the disused bot racks. Human silhouettes wander about below, moving slowly, as though in trance. The rainbow lighting offers just enough illumination to realize they're probably high - and growing biochemicals.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThat much is evident based on the hundreds of UV tanks which clutter the floor, squeezed between an equally impressive collection of psychodelically patterned tents. There has to be space for hundres, maybe thousands, of people in this makeshift city.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Slum," you correct yourself, surveying the scene. "Definitely a slum."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, we're almost offended." Footfalls sound as two men in painted combat armor approach, assault rifles held ready. "Ya better got a good excuse 'cause yer trespassing on private property."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $action.action98 eq "Battleaxe">>\n\t<<set $txt = "Take the Battleaxe">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $txt = "Return the Battleaxe">>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click $txt>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action99 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $action.action98; $action.action98 = $action.action99; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-king'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'psychocult_loot_king'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Exterminate the Highborn|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action1 = "kill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; $job_psychocult.killedCult = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_highborn', 'killedCult'); $statistics.agressionDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare the Highborn|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action1 = "spare"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 5; $attrib.caution += 3; $job_psychocult.killedCult = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_highborn', 'sparedCult'); $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whois">>"Who are you? And them, for that matter? ALl I know is they wanted to <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>mess<</if>> me up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Doesn't matter anymore," the man replies, grinning. "It's over. Finally. Many thanks but, if you don't mind, I'll just get going. Been cooped up here for way too long anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "You sure that's a good idea? With with the drug'n all?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, I'm sober," he says, still grinning. "Have been for years. Learned my lesson hard, you know. Anyways, great meeting you. Bye."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe hurries off, taking several of the slaves along with him. Within moments, the High Palace is singing with voices. Some people dance. Others smash UV tanks. Mostly though they just stand there, looking utterly confused - as though someone had just told them the world had ended.\n\n\t\t<<else>>"It's okay. Mean, those <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>fruitcakes<<else>>bastards<</if>> had it coming." You shake your head. "Slaves? Really?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, most of us were volunteers, actually." The man pulls a face. "Nasty contract, really, but still a contract."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "You kidding me? Volunteers?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's a good deal," he says as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Most of 'em stared like me. So hooked up that free squeeze sounded like a good thing. But I'm sober now. Not like them. Learned my lesson hard, you know. Anyways, great meeting you. And now I'd kinda like to go So bye."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe hurries off, taking several of the slaves along with him. Within moments, the High Palace is singing with voices. Some people dance. Others smash UV tanks. Mostly though they just stand there, looking utterly confused - as though someone had just told them the world had ended.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b29_psychocult_exterminated][$action.action3 = "dpad"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_highpalace.readDataPad = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take a FreakOut Disc'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedChems += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "FreakOut Disc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "freakout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#highpalace-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'highpalace_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace.tookBolts eq false>> \n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal lt $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Tungsten Bolts'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal += 100>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace.tookBolts= true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Tungsten Bolt x" + $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#highpalace-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'highpalace_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Tungsten Bolts]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Tungsten Bolts]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace.storedRifle eq "KRUG_Painted">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the KRUG'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_highpalace.storedRifle; $loc_highpalace.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#highpalace-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'highpalace_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the KRUG'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_highpalace.storedRifle; $loc_highpalace.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#highpalace-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'highpalace_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Tent|b29_psychocult_exterminated][$action.action4 = "entertent"; $hide.layer3 = true; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You stride through...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou stride through the slave pens, absently watching your captives at their work. They seem to be doing well - both the slaves and the plants they're growing, havesting, and processing. A few of the specimens aren't quite in tip-top shape; a few plants are wilting and some of your slaves are too out of it to know what they are doing. Thankfully they've been removed from their tasks and are slouched on the floor, amidst the many discarded injectors.<br><br>\n\n\t"Boss." Pineapple strides toward you, assault rifle slung over his shoulder. "Checkin' up on the goings-on?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\tYou nod. "Figure things have been getting dicey of late."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Terrible," he says. "Whole place is a mess now. Chaos all over. Ain't making anythin' in way of sales. Whole station's fucked as far as I can tell."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Probably," you admit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, well." Pineapple looks downcast. "Just wanted te, uh, tell ya. I ain't gon' be hangin' 'round too much longer. Too much badness. An' dat plague. Ya know? Ain't good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course," you say evenly. "I understand perfectly."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's an awkward silence. Neither of you speak. Poor fellow. Just another casualty of your campaign though. Hardly a surprise.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_psychocult.celenaSupplierPhase eq 1>>\n\t\tYou nod. "Was wondering how that deal worked out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, great. Great. Didn't get a face to face. But your chick took all the overhead plus some. Makin' a real killing here boss." He smiles, though his expression betrays worry.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow rises. "I thought you'd be overjoyed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I am, Boss. Really am." He chuckles nervously. "It's just, y'know. Eresi's gotta bit of a reputation 'round these parts. Deals good, deals hard, but ya better not cross her. That's all. I'm sure we's gon' be fine."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 2 or $job_drugdealer.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\tYou nod. "Seems passable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We're getting by," he says. "Been doin' quality control here an' there. An' since I's finally been given free reign over that payroll matter, incidents have gone down way much. Only problem is we's lost some of our clientel, so that's a bummer. Gotta find us some new distributors, which means building new relationships. Bit of a pain in the ass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sounds like it," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't worry, Boss." Pinapple smiles encouragingly. "Profit's down temporarily but there's always someone wanting to buy. I'll figure it out. Always do."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou nod. "Seems passable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is," he says. "Been doin' quality control here an' there. An' since I's finally been given free reign over that payroll matter, incidents have gone down way much. Still a few too out of it te work but most of 'em are happy an' responding well when we boss 'em around."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Sounds good," you say, hoping it is.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Great?" Pinapple laughs. "Profit's up, like, thirty percent. We's even sold some of 'em douches off 'cause we don't need 'em no more."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "injuries">>You check yourself...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "injuries">>You check yourself over, fearing the worst. Everything is still attached though. A bruise here and there but otherwise unharmed.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man risks a step closer. "Excuse me. Are you certain you're okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Looks like it. Took a bit of a knock but I'm fine." You pick yourself up with a grunt and look around. "Well, great. Where is everyone?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ran off." The man points down the dark tramway tunnel. "Emergency holos said go that way and wait for help. No clue what's going on but yeah. Wanted to make sure you were fine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_tramway.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, I'm fucking fine. Stop asking."\n\t\t<<else>>"Don't worry. I'll be fine."\n\t\t<</if>> You squint into the distance.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou say,\n\t\t\t<<if $action.actuion1 eq "outcold">>"I was. But it's okay. Just my hearing that's a 'lil wonky."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'm fine. Really. Just got knocked about a bit. Been through worse."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man looks unconvinced. "You sure? That was a pretty nasty fall."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Believe me, man. I've seen way worse." You pick yourself up with a grunt and look around. "Well, crap. Where is everyone?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Thanks, but I'll be fine. Really." You pick yourself up with a grunt and look around. "Well, great. Where is everyone?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ran off." The man points down the dark tramway tunnel. "Emergency holos said go that way and wait for help. No clue what's going on but yeah. Wanted to make sure you were fine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_tramway.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, I'm fucking fine. Quit asking."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Like I said, I'm fine."\n\t\t\t<</if>> You squint into the distance.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tYou know the tunnel - the fork just ahead is unmistakable. Given, there wasn't a crashed tramway car there when you were last aroud, but you did hunt here a year or so back. But something feels off. Specifically, the direction everyone supposedly ran off in. From what you remember, the only nearby emergency exit not ten kilometers away is the other way.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen you head in that direction, the man says, "Hey, hey, where you going?"\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step into the room...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou step into the room. In what little light filters in from the utility passage, you can just make out a rotten desk, crumpled chair, and what looks suspiciously like it may have once been a human corpse.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Aw, hell."<<else>>"Ugh."<</if>> You wrinkle your nose. "This is not good."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"No shit," Lavo murmurs, gaze fixed on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." You glance around one last time.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAside from yet another hole, which leads into the dark passage outside, you spot two items of interest: a damaged data pad wedged under the rotten desk and a credit chip lying amidst the corpse's skeletral remains.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"All right," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"All right," you say. "I'm ready to take on that bastard Otto. Fisher still around?"\n\n"He is. I'll message him, have him meet ya out back. And bring yer gear while he's at it."\n\n"Cool." You stand. "Uh, anything else I need to know before I make a mess out of everything?"\n\nWilkin shakes his head, tapping at his data pad. "Still have the situation stalled. There've been some inquiries. But nothing I can't handle. Tried to get some intel on the mansion too. But nothing. Ya better be prepared for just about anything."\n\n"Hopefully I am." You gesture to the rear area. "So, I'll be on my way then."\n\n"Good luck, kid. Got a feeling you'll need it."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head out Back|mansion_raid_leave][$action.arrive = "fromWilkin"; $processed = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I need to borrow Jalkovski," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I need to borrow Jalkovski," you say. "That ride we talked about earler, to B5. Gon be too difficult to find a way up otherwise."\n\n"Sure thing." Marisa gestures to the door at the back of the VIP area. "Head on out. I'll have Jalkovski move the car over."\n\nYou stand, saying, "How long's that gonna take?"\n\n"About thirty seconds. Jalkovski's on standby alert. Along with a dozen others." Marisa winks. "We're professionals, Vine. Soldiers with a cause. Not street scum like that rat you used to work for."\n\n"I'll remember that," you say as you make for the door.\n\nIt leads to a narrow corridor which opens onto the back alley behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. You used to spend a lot of time there, back when you worked for the Raptors. Time and time again you'd walked that bare corridor, listening to the sound of your boots echoing on the floor plates as you headed out back to gather the team for a job.\n\nThen you step through the back door and into the cramped delivery tunnel behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Rather than a gaggle of raptors and horny sluts that used to hang out there, three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are standing guard in full riot armor.\n\n"Fuck me," you mutter as you make for the already-waiting grav-car.\n\nJalkovski - Marisa's brother - nods to you from the driver's seat. "Heard you need a ride, Sir."\n\n"Yeah." You lean on the passenger door. "Get me up to B5-731, then back down here. Just that."\n\n"Yes, Sir." Jalkovski fixes you with an unflinching look. "Just as soon as you're ready, Sir. And don't worry about your gear, Sir. I picked it up on the way over." "<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb into the Grav-Car|b5_covenfinal_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $hide.layer4 = true; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_inspect_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Listen, I have a little..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Listen, I have a little issue here. Could use your help. Unless you're busy."\n\nPineapple's brow furrows. "Sure, Boss. What's goin' down?"\n\n"Got to deal with something up on B3. Corbei residense. Might be an abomination involved. It might get messy. And I, uh, might need a ride."\n\n"No issue. Got the company car—" He grins. "—just around back. Should still be fueled up from the last run."\n\nYou can't help but laugh. "What? We have a grav-car?"\n\nHe looks shocked. "How else ya think I get 'round to our distributors except in style? C'mon. I'll show ya."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow Pineapple|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You wait a moment...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou wait a moment longer, then burst into a run. Bodies flash past as you plunge into the crowd. Voices shout behind you.\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "fleefail">>A glance over your shoulder proves the <<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>fanatics<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>thugs<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>radicals<<else>>mercs<</if>> are still hot on your heels, and gaining fast.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Move, come on!"<</if>> You start shoving pedestrians out of the way but it's too little too late.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>"That's the heretic," a voice shouts. "Kill the disbeliever!"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>"There," a voice shouts. "Everyone down. Down!"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>"There's the traitor," a voice shout. "Everyone down! Now!"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>"There," a voice shouts. "Kill the traitor!"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Halt," a voice shouts. "Halt or we shoot!"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as the inevitable sinks in: it's fight or die - or let \n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>those lunatics drag you off and do hell knows what to you. Mutilation for all you know. It won't be pretty at any rate.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>those maniacs gun you down where you stand. Or just wound you, and beat the crap out of you until you die. Hardly surprising, given what you did to them.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>those radicals gun you down - or worse. Hell knows what they're capable of. Given how little they think of you, maybe it's better not to imagine.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>those idiots gun you down - or worse. Hell knows who hired them, though it isn't hard to guess. It's doubtful they'll go easy on you even if you surrender.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] drag you off and do hell know what. Lengthy and unnecessarily physical interrogation, presumably, given what <<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase eq 0>>you did<<else>>you've done<</if>> to their men. Shit, in their shoes, you'd want a little bloodthirsty revenge too.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>A glance over your shoulder proves the <<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>fanatics<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>radicals<<else>>mercs<</if>> are falling behind, tangled in the bustle.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck,"<<else>>"That was lucky,"<</if>> you mutter, dashing into a side passage, down another walkway, and back into the main corridor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA dozen meters or so back you can see the \n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>lunatics hunting for you amidst the crowd, evidently frustrated.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>mercs glancing about, clearly irritable.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>radicals hunting for you amidst the crowd with eerily professional coordination.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>thugs hunting for you amidst the crowd, clearly irritated.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase eq 0>>three<<else>>four<</if>> [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] glancing about, evidently confused.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\tYou stay where you are, watching from the shadows. They linger for a few minutes before vanishing back the way you came. Relief fill you but, just to be safe, you wait a few more minutes. The men don't return.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So much at least," you mutter and...\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Actually, I have a..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Actually, I have a question," you call. "You get mercs through here all the time. Anyone ever, like, mention something called the Baibirack Facility? Especially in relation to [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\tVic scowls. "Could be. Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Just 'cause," you say, wondering why he's being so cryptic. "Any idea where I could get more info?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Sure." Vic picks up a glass and, as he begins rubbing it clean, leans closer, "You come to the right person. Question is what this is worth to ya."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Actually, I have a..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Actually, I have a question." You lean over the counter, saying, "You all sorts 'round these parts. Anyone ever, like, mention something called the Baibirack Facility? Especially in relation to [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe barkeep shakes her shaggy head. "Nah, but there's some word about Baibirack having te do with [[Athena Med|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] biomed experiments. Got some of the hybrids in a tizzy, thinking they're gonna be abducted or something. Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Just 'cause," you say, secretly worried about the mention of [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. "So can you tell me anything?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I could." The barkeep picks up a glass and, as she begins rubbing it clean, leans closer, "But you'd need to give me a good reason to."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight" or $action.arrive eq "fromBot">>You lower your weapon and<<else>>You approach the cargo door<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBot">>You lower your weapon, gaze fixed on the destroyed bot. Better safe than sorry after all, though when the machine doesn't self-destruct or do anything else unsavory, you decide it's definitely wrecked.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck."<<else>>"That was lucky."<</if>> You glance around."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere are synthboxes piled all around you. To the left is a row of weapons lockers, on the right a planning table laden with data pads. A goldmine for sure but you'd better be quick. No telling how long it will take [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] to realize you're there.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>You lower your weapon and step past the dead mercs, headed toward the assault craft. The aircraft is sitting on its landing pad, grav-wings humming quietly. There doesn't seem to be anyone around except for the guards by the entrance, just a few discarded plastiwrappers and a dumpster. Peering under the tail of the assault craft however, you spot a cargo door that isn't completely lowered. Definitely not suspicious. Not at all.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>You approach the cargo door and crouch down. It's been raised just enough to crawl through. Hell knows why they left it open. Definitely not to let you in so maybe the mechanism just jammed.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Oh well." You drop to your hands and knees and crawl through the gap.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_fob_bot.png"]]</div>Beyond is a dimly lit hangar filled with synthboxes of various sizes. To the left you can make out a row of weapons lockers, on the right a planning table, and \n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>at the far end is a [[Tripod Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]. It activates with a beep as you stand up.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>great<</if>>." You freeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Intusion detected." Angry, red optics turn to you as it raises its weapons arms. "Vacate these premises immediately. You are legally afforded zero-point-two-two-one seconds to comply."\n\t\t<<else>> and a [[Tripod Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] is idling in a charging station opposite the entrance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>great<</if>>." You freeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe machine remains idle. Heart still pounding, you slowly rise to the feet. The [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] doesn't react - a good sign. Still, you'd rather be in and out before anyone realizes you were there.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "epilogue">>\n\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'completed', 'endings_celena');>>\n\n\t<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_brainscan.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "atCrossroad">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished at the B10 Crossroads alongside hundreds of abominations, cultists, and purifiers in what would later become known as the Black Threshhold. The true extent of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> involvement in the hideous attacks however remains unknown, as is the ultimate fate of the former Ratpor Lieutenant. Their deeds would quickly be forgotten as the galaxy plunged into an era utter chaos brought on by a sudden wave of biological terrorist attacks.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tAmong high-ranking members of the Constabulary, a rumor persists that <<firstname>> Acrel is the driving personas behind the bio-anarchistic terrorist group known as the Church of Visions, suspected by many to be an offshoot of the mysterious Project CABAL. No definitive proof of this connection has been uncovered, yet the means and methods employed by this twisted caricature of Eden's Church loosely corrolate with tactics once employed by Wilkin's Raptors during the Street Wars. By implication, assumptions regarding the identity of the Speaker could be made, yet no official accusation has been lodged and investigation is strictly prohibited by the Clergy - perhaps because the continued stability of B Sector depends entirely on appeasment of the fanatically loyal Visionaries.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society following the bio-anarnistic attacks on the B10 Crossroads that would become known as the Black Threshhold. The true extent of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> involvement in the hideous attacks however remains unknown, as is the ultimate fate of the former Ratpor Lieutenant. Their deeds would quickly be forgotten as the galaxy plunged into the Great Shadow cast by Witch Queen Eresi, suspected by many to be the heiress of the long-dead Emperor Lucinius the First.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tIt is said by those close to the Queen that, on rare occasions, a heavily robed figure known only as the Speaker of Visions visits her at her ancestral home in the Shattered Cathedral. What transpires beween the two in the somber halls of the Cathedral is unknown to all save the Queen's current lifeslave, who is at time permitted to witness these exchanges. Rumors persist that the Speaker of Visions to be an omen of chaos, though even those who have been blessed with the Queen's circle of utmost trust and confidence do not know the Speaker's true idenity. At best, they expect sedition - at worst ravenous sexual desire on behalf of the Queen which shall tear the Eternal Coven apart. Or perhaps, as some fearfully speculate, cement its dark reign for coutless millenia to come.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished at the B10 Crossroads alongside hundreds of abominations, cultists, and purifiers in what would later become known as the Black Threshhold. The true extent of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> involvement in the hideous attacks however remains unknown, as is the ultimate fate of the former Ratpor Lieutenant. Theirdeeds would quickly be forgotten as the galaxy plunged into the Great Shadow cast by Witch Queen Eresi, suspected by many to be the Divine Harbinger of the cabalist cult, quite possibly even the Sacred Sorcererss herself.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tIt is said by those close to the Queen that, on rare occasions when she returns to ancestral home of Scaffold 22, she visits the Old Crossroads dressed entirely in black. Those closest to the her imagine she does this to mourn the loss of someone she once held dear, for this somber place is the only one where Eresi is ever known to shed tears in. None has found the courage to ask of the Crossroads's significance however and it is forbidden for any but the Queen's current lifeslave to go accompany her on these visits.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atRiptideVision">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from the face of galactic civilization only weeks before the Great Plague swept away the few survivors of B Sector. From the noxious mists would emerge the Church of Visions, having taken up residence in what was once the Wilkin's Riptide night club. Thousands congregate in these gloomy halls every day, both to pray for their genetic salvation and to heed the call of the Speaker of Visions, who calls for stallwart resistance against the Church of Eden. Though the true identity of this charismatic individual remains unknown, high-ranking members of the Constabulary speculate they might indeed be <<firstname>> Acrel.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tNo definitive proof of this connection has been uncovered, yet the means and methods employed by this twisted caricature of the believer's Church loosely corrolate with tactics once employed by Wilkin's Raptors during the Street Wars. By implication, assumptions regarding the identity of the Speaker could be made, yet no official accusation has been lodged and investigation is strictly prohibited by the Clergy - perhaps because the continued stability of B Sector depends entirely on appeasment of the fanatically loyal Visionaries, suspected by many to be an offshoot of the mysterious conspiracist cult Project CABAL.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from the face of galactic civilization only weeks before the Great Plague swept away the few survivors of B Sector. From the noxious mists would emerge a vicious new-age Coven dedicated wholeheartedly to Witch Queen Eresi and her Black Cruse against the Church of Eden in the name of cabalism and the occult. While the Coven numbers in the millions by now, and has spread across countless worlds and habitation platforms, it is said by those close to the Queen that there is only one individual who might sway her wretched heart: a robed figure known only as the Speaker of Visions who visits her at her ancestral home in the Shattered Cathedral.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tWhat transpires beween the two in the somber halls of the Cathedral is unknown to all save the Queen's current lifeslave, who is at time permitted to witness these exchanges. Rumors persist that the Speaker of Visions to be an omen of chaos but even those who have been blessed with the Queen's circle of utmost trust do not know the Speaker's true idenity. They only percieve fear in their presence - fear that the Speaker might one day come for their lives also, and obliterate it as many others have fallen prey to the demonic agents and otherworldly beasts. \n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from the face of galactic civilization only weeks before the Great Plague swept away the few survivors of B Sector. From the noxious mists would emerge a vicious new-age Coven dedicated wholeheartedly to Witch Queen Eresi and her Black Crusade against the Church of Eden in the name of cabalism and the occult. While the Coven numbers in the millions by now, and has spread across countless worlds and habitation platforms, it is said by those close to the Queen that not even the greatest witches of this day and age have been found worthy of her favor - not even a passing glance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tPrecisely what it is the Queen seeks, or what her nebulous desires might be, is unknown. Rumors persit however that, on rare occasions when she returns to ancestral home of Scaffold 22, she visits the ruins of a night club once named the Wilkin's Riptide dressed entirely in black. Those who dare speak of such things aloud speculate she does this to mourn the loss of a mortal soul she once held dear, for this somber place is the only one where Eresi is ever known to shed tears in. None has found the courage to ask of the establishment's significance however and it is forbidden for any but the Queen's current lifeslave to go accompany her on these visits. \n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society without trace, though <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> name and heretical deeds live on in infamy, preached often in the halls of the Church as a warning against those who associate with witchcraft. Efforts by both the Paladin Order and the Commisariat have been made to locate the heretic proved unforthcoming and would be abandoned in light of the social and economic turmoil leading up to the Great Schism.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>Speculation amongst those most concerned with the matter deem witchcraft and the forbidden technologies of days long gone were in instrumental to Acrel's dissapearance. Still, not even the most paranoid among them would ever guess the full extent of the truth, and it is only by the most twisted souls of the galaxy that which matters most - Abissahi - is inexplicably uttered, only for it significance to be forgotten immediately after. Only they know - truthfully - the full implications of that fateful event, and their lips are sealed; at least hers. The Blackscorned has not spoken to anyone but her, and it is doubtful they ever will - except to express displeasure.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSpeculation amongst those most concerned with the matter deem witchcraft and the forbidden technologies of days long gone were in instrumental to Acrel's dissapearance. There is no proof of this however and it is generally accepted that the ultimate fate of the former Raptor Lieutenant named Vine will remain unknown for all eternity, with records of their demise - if they ever existed - lost as Scaffold 22 was in the conflicts to come.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel bled to death in the halls of the Cathedral of Beams, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> deeds forgotten to the galaxy at large as it plunged into the Great Shadow cast by Witch Queen Eresi. Today an eerily lifelike statune of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>a young man<<else>>a young woman<</if>> stands in the silent halls of the Shattered Cathedral, inscriptionless and devoid of any recognizable facial features.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt is said that Queen Eresi visits the statue whenever she returns to her ancestral home<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">> and that, in rare moments, it seeths with blood-red light of seemingly supernatural nature<</if>>. Its origins and significance however are unknown to all but the Queen. Those closest to the her imagine it symbolized someone she once held dear, for this somber place is the only one where Eresi is ever known to shed tears in. None has found the courage to ask of the statue's history and it is forbidden for any but the Queen's current lifeslave to go anywhere near it.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<display 'endgame_stats'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<display 'finishStoryButton'>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "epilogue">>\n\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'completed', 'endings_corinthin');>>\n\n\t<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_brainscan.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "atCathedral">>\n\t\t\t\tFollowing the incursion at the Cathedral of Beams, <<firstname>> Acrel was interned by the Commisariat and questioned extensively about the events which transpired there. The transcripts of these interrogation sessions are currently kept in the depths of the Vault of Eden, allegedly under permanent guard by the Paladin Order.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tInquiries as to their nature and the ultimate fate of <<firstname>> Acrel, made both by the Clergy and agents outside the Church, have been met with absolute silence. <<firstname>> Acrel lives in legacy however, remembered by many of B Sector as both a local hero and heinous villain, though even those once closest to <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> do not know exactly what became of the former Raptor Lieutenant.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atCrossroad">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society following the bio-anarnistic attacks on the B10 Crossroads that would become known as the Black Threshhold. The true extent of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> involvement in the attacks however remains unknown, as is the ultimate fate of the former Ratpor Lieutenant. A number of individuals affiliated with the Cult of Visions insist the legendary Vine lives on in the guise of the Speaker of Visions, a renowned cabalist legend even into the New Era.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThis far-fetched theory is deemed to be little more than propaganda, myth, and conjuncture by sanctioned investigators, and official Constabulary reports claim the hunter perished along with hundreds of others who fought at the quarantine barricade that day. According to official sources, there is no proof that Vine was ever involved in this ghastly plot, nor that <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was ever in any way associated with the heretical cult that has since become the Church of Visions, believed by many to be nothing more than another offshoot of the cabalist cult - better known as Project CABAL - a mad conspiracist cult imported from the Galactic Fringe by unknown means.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atRiptideVision">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from the face of galactic civilization only weeks before the Great Plague swept away the few survivors of B Sector. From the noxious mists would emerge the Church of Visions, having taken up residence in what was once the Wilkin's Riptide night club to spread their unique and grisly views of the new galaxy to come. Before long, thousands began to congregate in these gloomy halls on a daily basis to pray for their salvation and to heed the voice of the Speaker of Visions, whose vicious cult openly opposes the tyranny of the false Machine-Church. Though the true identity of this charismatic individual remains unknown, high-ranking visionaries claim they are in fact no other than <<firstname>> Acrel.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThis far-fetched theory is deemed to be little more than propaganda, myth, and conjuncture by sanctioned investigators, and official Constabulary reports claim the hunter perished to the plague like countless other residents of B Sector. According to official sources, there is no proof that Vine was ever involved in the ghastly plot that destroyed B Sector, nor that <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was ever in any way associated with the heretical cult that has since become the Church of Visions, believed by many to be nothing more than another offshoot of the cabalist cult - better known as Project CABAL - a mad conspiracist cult imported from the Galactic Fringe by unknown means.\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atShip">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "corinthinIsAlive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society without trace, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> name and deeds quickly to be forgotten in the social and economic turmoil to follow. \n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.paidShipCaptain>>The truth is now known only to the captain of the VRS Raytrace, who, several days out of Scaffold 22, chanced upon a void capsule floading abandoned in space and deigned to investigate.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tMany years later the Captain would be asked by a close friend who his <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>shadowy<<else>>stoically silent<</if>> bodyguard was, to which the Captain replied: "Someone who once helped me out of a tight spot. And someone I helped out of a tight spot too. Literally."\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>The truth of the events which transpired are forever lost, though reports of a void capsule floading abandoned in space were often made by vessels making to dock at the habitation platform.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tIt would eventually be retrieved and opened by a salvage crew sponsored by the Church of Eden, who would find within \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>nothing more than a small pile of silicate ash and a single, cryptic word etched in the cabin's hull: Abissahi.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>the decayed corpse of a prominent local legend named Vine. The precise cause for <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> unfortunate demise are officially unknown but it is widely believed that agents of the Sons of Kobol forcibly voided the former Raptor Lieutenant as a grisly warning to anyone who would dare interfere with their operatons.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from the face of galactic society, hunted by the Paladin Order on charges of abominable heresy. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> name and heretical deeds live on in infamy, preached often in the halls of the Church as a warning against those who defy the righteous might of the Paladin Order.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tRumors of the local legend Vine being sighted do occasionally surface however, and agents of the Church are always quick to investigate - without result. It is widely believed by those who matter that, should the wanted criminal and heretic indeed live on, then it is only with the continued aid of an accomplice within the Church.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atCyber">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase lt 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society yet not quite without trace. Mere days after an unexpected power outage at the Server Tombs on Level B27, High Mass across Scaffold 22 would be interrupted when distorted voices spoke in countless prayer halls across the hab platform. Claiming to be the work of a cyber-vigilante named Warlock, these broadcasts spoke of atrocities <<formalname>> and others had commited in the name of the Cybercult.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tWithin a matter of days, officers of the Constabularly had tracked down <<firstname>> Acrel, who would be imprisoned, publicly tried for crimes past and present, and sentenced to death two monts later. For reasons unknown to all but certain members of the Clergy, the sentence was carried outside of B Sector, perhaps out of fear locals would interfere with the planned execution. No such thing occured, and on an otherwise uneventful day in the C Sector's Plaza Justica, <<firstname>> Acrel was executed by plasmatic purge along with sixteen former Raptors and a criminal cryptomancer by the name of Gal Avaic.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.cyberPhase gte 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society yet not quite without trace. Mere days after an unexpected power outage at the Server Tombs on Level B27, White Mass on Scaffold 22 would be interrupted when distorted voices spoke in countless prayer halls across the hab platform. Claiming to come from the Mouth of the Cybercult, these broadcasts spoke of a conspiracy within the Clergy and corporate-sponsored information war which had broken out across B Sector, unbeknownst to its residents.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThough denounced by all those accused of wrongdoing, the claims proved to be well sourced with documents and credible testimony from established names. Independant journalists quickly verified the allegations and eye-witnesses soon stepped forward, lending weight to the ensuing Reputation Massacre, which saw thousands of high-ranking Clerics and Corporate executives exposed, humiliated, and tried for a variety of criminal actions. Those responsible for these 'heretical broadcasts' would never be located or apprehended by Church investigators. The Mouth of the Cybercult would however remain an anonymous actor on Scaffold 22 for centuries to come, encouraging and supporting its interpretation of vigilante 'justice' both within the underworld and beyond.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.cyberPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society yet not quite without trace. Mere days after an unexpected power outage at the Server Tombs on Level B27, High Mass across Scaffold 22 would be interrupted when distorted voices spoke in countless prayer halls across the hab platform. Claiming to come from the Mouth of the Cybercult, these broadcasts spoke of a conspiracy within the Clergy and corporate-sponsored information war which had broken out across B Sector, unbeknownst to its residents.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThough denounced by all those accused of wrongdoing, the claims proved to be well enough sourced to be verifiable by independant journalists. A bitter legal conflict known as the Allegation War would ensue, lasting seven years, until an antimatter bomb exploded in the Court of Eden nine days later, obliterating much of C, D, and E Sectors. Though neither those responsible for the 'heretical broadcasts' or the antimatter bombing would never be apprehended by Church investigators, the Mouth of the Cybercult would remain an anonymous actor on Scaffold 22 for decades, exposing several more shadow conflicts and alleging a dozen more before it fell silent almost a century later.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.cyberPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society yet not quite without trace. Mere days after an unexpected power outage at the Server Tombs on Level B27, High Mass across Scaffold 22 would be interrupted when distorted voices spoke in countless prayer halls across the hab platform. Claiming to be the work of the Cybercult, these broadcasts spoke of a conspiracy and shadow war which had broken out in B Sector, unbeknownst to local residents.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThough denounced by all those accused of wrongdoing, the claims proved difficult to dispell. Even absent solid sources, news nets ran many of the stories, resulting in a convoluted Allegation War that lasted months and saw dozens of investigations for fraud and theological malpractice, though their misdeeds were quickly forgotten on account of the Great Schism. Though those responsible for these 'heretical broadcasts' would never be located or apprehended by Church investigators, the slow but steady trickle of anonymous allegations would eventually see over thirty individuals arrested and interred in the years leading up to the collapse of the Church.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society yet not quite without trace. Mere days after an unexpected power outage at the Server Tombs on Level B27, High Mass across Scaffold 22 would be interrupted when distorted voices spoke in countless prayer halls across the hab platform. Claiming to be the work of the Cybercult, these incoherent broadcasts spoke of conspiractorial actions which had gripped B Sector and possibly threatened all the galaxy.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tDespite some insistent claims that there was truth to these accusations, the broadcasts would soon be dismissed as a tasteless prank. Those responsible were never located however and the Cybercult, if it had even been responsible, never made itself known on Scaffold 22 again. At least, so official sources claim - certain individuals active in the underworld suggest the Cybercult is still alive and well, acting in secret to serve its own brand of malicious, vigilante justice.\n\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atKobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society without trace, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> name and deeds quickly to be forgotten in the social and economic turmoil to follow. The truth of their fate is unknown, though certain high-ranking members of the Kobol cartel speculate the former mercenary lieutenant was sucessfully tracked down and eliminated by a vindictive Yal-Nam Son.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAt least, that's what the Blood Son Captain's latest report implied; the details of what precisely transpired on Scaffold 22 are sketchy at best and many records lost during the Great Schism. Given the minimal threat <<firstname>> Acrel poses to cartel interests, no request for clarification was ever sent, most high-ranking members of the crime syndicate being more than satisfied with the definitive aquisition of the B40 Docks as a strategic investemnt in the north-eastern hemisphere. \n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atMansion">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from the face of galactic society, hunted by the Paladin Order and the Constabulary on charges of criminal negligence and heresy. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> name and heretical deeds lived on in infamy, preached of in the halls of the Church as a warning against those who defy the righteous might of the Paladin Order, and cited equally as often by agents of the Corporate Hegemony as an example of the Church's disregard for their judicative system.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tPrecisely who <<firstname>> Acrel was or <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was of such importance however is unknown to most citizens of the galaxy, largely because all records of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> existence were purged from the Vox Edeni by direct order of the Clergy and what few entries survived were lost in the Great Schism.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atWarlock">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel vanished from galactic society without trace, wanted by the Constabulary on charges of conspiracy, heresy and murder. Precisely who <<firstname>> Acrel was or <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was of such importance is unknown to most citizens of the galaxy however, largely because all records of <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> existence were purged from the Vox Edeni by direct order of the Paladin Order. What few entries survived were ultimately lost in the Great Schism.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tMost who once knew the wanted criminal believe <<genderpronoun>> fled from justice due to atrocities comitted while in command of Wilkin's Raptors. Only a select few know that this is not the case, and even fewer realize that <<firstname>> Acrel may still possess Object 55316 - an ancient artefact suspected to be of alien or perhaps divine origin by those misguided minds who take an unhealthy degree of interest in such matters.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<display 'endgame_stats'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<display 'finishStoryButton'>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "epilogue">>\n\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'completed', 'endings_purged');>>\n\n\t<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_brainscan.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "atCathedral">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel died in the Cathedral of Beams alongside Father Kulli Zweili, their names and deeds quickly to be forgotten in the social and economic turmoil to follow. The incident would be recorded by the Commisariat as a justified heretical purge on behalf of the Paladin Order. No further investigation into the events leading up to the incident was made, it having been determined beyond reasonable doubt that the heretical Cleric and had masterminded the theft of Object 55316.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe incident would however live on as an oft-cited example of the dangers that heretical thoughts and knowledge pose, both within the Church and without, and would be one of many contributing events that led to the outbreak of the War that Wasn't and the Great Schism. Ironically, few - if any - ever realized the true significance of the events surrounding Object 55316, and to this day those who preach Conservation of Information comically miss the point when citing Case 55316 as a perfect example of heretical malevolence within the ranks of the Clergy - at least until the Great Schism spelled the end of the Church and all such concerns became secondary.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atCrossroad">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel died at the B10 Crossroads alongside hundreds of abominations, cultists, and purifiers in what would later become known as the Great Cleanisng. Unanimous vote by the Clergy of Scaffold 22 would see the entirety of B Sector jettisoned from the habitation platform and purged with fission warheads. The incident would be recorded by the Commisariat as a justified heretical purge on behalf of the Paladin Order. Further investigation into the few surviving witnesses would confirm that Acrel was indeed responsible for the B Sector plague.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe incident would live on as an oft-cited example of the dangers that heretical thoughts and abominable knowledge pose, both within the Church and without, and would be one of many contributing events that led to the outbreak of the War that Wasn't and the collapse of the Church during the Great Schism. Ironically, few - if any - ever realized the full extent of the conspiracy, and despite extensive investigation by the Commisariat and Paladin Order, no other individuals would be charged or arrested for their involvement in this anarchistic plot against the Church of Eden - and galactic stability as a whole. \n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atRiptideVision">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel died at the Wilkin's Riptide mere hours before an event that would become known as the Great Cleanisng. Unanimous vote by the Clergy of Scaffold 22 would see the entirety of B Sector jettisoned from the habitation platform and purged with fission warheads. The incident would be recorded by the Commisariat as a justified heretical purge on behalf of the Paladin Order. Further investigation into the few surviving witnesses would confirm that Acrel was indeed responsible for the B Sector plague.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe incident would live on as an oft-cited example of the dangers that heretical thoughts and abominable knowledge pose, both within the Church and without, and would be one of many contributing events that led to the outbreak of the War that Wasn't and the collapse of the Church during the Great Schism. Ironically, few - if any - ever realized the full extent of the conspiracy, and despite extensive investigation by the Commisariat and Paladin Order, no other individuals would be charged or arrested for their involvement in this anarchistic plot against the Church of Eden - and galactic stability as a whole.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atMansion">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel died at Vindell Mansion alongside the abominated Lord Otto Vindell yet their names live on, oft cited by agents of the Hegemony as an example of the Church's willful abuse of power and ignorance of their own judicative system. The Paladin Order in particular would be driven to the brink of ineffectuality by subroutines installed under mounting corporate and public pressure to ensure that agents of the Church do not operate beyond their jurisdiction.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t Ironically, few - if any - ever realized the true significance of the events that transpired at Vindell Mansion, and Object 55316 would be entirely forgotten in the social and economic unrest that followed during the Great Schism. Today it is mentioned only as a footnote on the Codex page describing the Vindell Massacre, though no explanation is given as to why this seemingly insignificant artefact led to the massacre in the first place; likely because the author did not know either.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atCyber">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel died in the Server Tombs beneath the B27 Chapel alongside a suspected Cybercultist, their names barely known to begin with and soon forgotten. Indeed, so obscure was the event, that even the Clergy who dwelled in the Chapel above would never learn what transpired there. All that would ever become known is that the Server Tomb suffered an unexpected power outage that was repaired within a matter of hours.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tObject 55316 would also be forgotten, those few who even knew of its existence soon distracted by the rising tides of social and economic turmoil of the Great Schism. Today the artefact is recorded only in the lost archives of the Church, though to be exact, it is the artefact's absence which is mentioned. To date, none of the Logisticans assigned to the case have quite figured out how it managed to disappear, or where it migh thave disappeared to. Given the Object's lack of value, it would eventually be declared a 'lost relic of sentimental value' and all record of its uncertain fate filed away in the Vault and lost when access to the Vaults of Eden was destroyed in the final days of the Schism.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atKobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel died on the B40 Docks alongside an android and several dozen Blood Sons, their names soon to be forgotten in the visious street wars which led up to the the Great Schism. Indeed, so obscure was the event, that even the mighty Kobol cartel would never learn what transpired there. Many years later, a business associate sent to assess the B40 Docks for aquisition by the cartel would, quite to their surprise, learn that the Kobol syndicate already owned these premises, and that they owed their workers a considerable ammount in backpay.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tObject 55316 would also be forgotten, those few who even knew of its existence soon distracted by the rising tides of social and economic turmoil of the Great Schism. Today the artefact is recorded only in the lost archives of the Church, though to be exact, it is the artefact's absence which is mentioned. To date, none of the Logisticans assigned to the case have quite figured out how it managed to disappear, or where it migh thave disappeared to. Given the Object's lack of value, it would eventually be declared a 'lost relic of sentimental value' and all record of its uncertain fate filed away in the Vault and lost when access to the Vaults of Eden was destroyed in the final days of the Schism.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atWarlock">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel died, alone and forgotten, in a disused Machine Catacomb on Level B10. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> body would only be discovered weeks later, when construction workers hired by Icefall Cryogenics began disassembling the nearby superstructure. The incident would be recorded by the Constabulary as an unfortunate accident, believed to have been caused by a microfusion cell malfunction. No further investigation into the events leading up to the death was made, it having been determined beyond reasonable doubt that <<firstname>> Acrel perished during an unsanctioned hunt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t Ironically, few - if any - ever realized the true significance of the events that transpired in the Machine Catacombs, and Object 55316 would be entirely forgotten in the social and economic unrest that followed during the Great Schism. Today it is mentioned only as a footnote on the Codex page describing the life and death of <<firstname>> Acrel, though no explanation is given as to why this seemingly insignificant artefact led to the death of a renowned abomination hunter; likely because the author did not know either.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<display 'endgame_stats'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<display 'finishStoryButton'>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "epilogue">>\n\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'completed', 'endings_alternative');>>\n\n\t<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_brainscan.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, having just been declared Champion of the Scaffold 22 Deathmatch Arena, spoke only briefly to the crowds assembled before the Riptide on Level B28. Words did not come easily and, though it seemed a moment of utmost significance at the time, it would quickly be overshadowed by the events of the months to come. Indeed, so insignificant was this speech in the grander scope of galactic affairs, that its contents would never be streamed or recorded beyond Scaffold 22.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHardly surprising, given that, within a year, <<firstname>> Acrel would be forgotten entirely. The person <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>> once was, and all their prior accomplishments, were simply inconsequential compared to those of Vine, the new fan favorite in the Cubix Tournaments who would quickly rise through the charts as a \n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>\n\t\t\t\tmajor proponent of the Predatorial Tournament, a vicious survival gametype soon to be coined by the legendary Arena icon and fan-favorite Lith the Artist. Over the thirty-seven years to come, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>> would hold the longest-standing Predatorial streak to date, surviving a grand total of three hundred and seventeen scenarios, and becoming one of the most highly regarded Champions in Bloodsports history.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel - known by most only by the pit name Vine - would eventually retire, and later be honored with a burial in the Hall of Champions in the Lavandri Complex. Even today, hundreds visit the crypt of the former mercenary turned Champion to honor the memory of what is perhaps the most influencial gladiator to have ever lived. \n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tprime example of the underworld mercenary turned vicious Bloodsports Champion. Over the course of nine years, Vine would win thirteen Championships, before ultimately succumbing to a glancing bol-shot from Hagrave Avaren of Scaffold 38 which left <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>him<<else>>her<</if>> choking on blood-soaked sand in the middle of the Cubix Arena IV.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> short and brutal carreer in the Deathmatch Arena is today forever recorded in the Hall of Champions in the Lavandri Complex, though few bother to visit the statue today. After all, when millions die every day in the name of Bloodsports, and all venerate the goddess of the Arena, Lillith, who would soon steal the fame and fancy of every bloodsports fan in the galaxy, who really cares about that one dead Champion who won a few matches back in their heyday?\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<display 'endgame_stats'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<display 'finishStoryButton'>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "epilogue">>\n\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'completed', 'endings_alternative');>>\n\n\t<div id='menu-expand' class='HUD_MenuScreen'>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_brainscan.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromZanex">>\n\t\t\t\tFollowing murder of six CIVL officers and a ranking member of the Clergy at Wilkin's Riptide, <<firstname>> Acrel disappeared from the face of galactic society. Several sources claim that the former Raptor Lieutenant was directy involved in this bloody massacre, yet the allegations were quickly forgotten amidst the tidal wave of criminal cases filed against the Church of Eden in the weeks to follow. Though initially hesitant to convict, the Court of Eden eventually found over three hundred ranking Clerics guilty of theological abuse, mususe of Church funds, and various conspiratorial charges.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHistorically recorded as the Great Excommunication, a contributing event to the Great Schism, these events preceeded a slow but steady rise of Hegemony influence on Scaffold 22 and the eventual outbreak of the War that Wasn't. Despite ample documents on these more recent events, few if any sources have managed to establish how the Great Excommunication came about beyond that something known only as Object 55316 was involved. Given many earlier records were corrupted during the Wars, it is unlikely this question will ever be answered to the satisfaction of contemporary historians.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromXarea">>\n\t\t\t\t<<firstname>> Acrel disappeared from the face of galactic society, suspected by many ranking members of the Clergy and the Constabulary of involvement in several abomination-related terror attacks. Sources claim that the former Raptor Lieutenant was paid off by an unnamed corporate executive, yet the allegations were quickly forgotten amidst the tidal wave of biological outbreaks in the weeks to follow. Chaos quickly spread beyond B Sector, plunging Scaffold 22 into an era of ever-increasing civil unrest and violence that eventually spread beyond the habitation platform and across the sector.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHistorically recorded as the Great Plagues, a contributing event to the Great Schism, these events preceeded a slow but steady decline of both Church and Hegemony influence across the galaxy. Little is known of this time however, as few records survived the violent uphevals, and even fewer shed light on the true origins of the conflict. All contemporary historians have managed to estalbish is that the Great Plagues broke out on Scaffold 22 shortly after the theft of an artefact known as Object 55316 and quickly spread to neighboring habitation platforms, killing billions in the decades to follow and ending only when the Foreign Domain intervened through the proxy of the Golden Legion.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<display 'endgame_stats'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<display 'finishStoryButton'>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad, wipe off screen, and activate it. The device reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Attention Highborn!<br><br>\n\n\tHunting season has been opened and bounties are offered as follows: 50 credits for slaves, 100 for toys, and 5000 for whoever brings the first specimen to endure the rites. Bring all, bring plenty, and be swift in the name of his Eternal Highness.<br><br>\n\n\tAlso, don't bring prisoners in through the B30 passages. It's been infested (not due to us) and the fuzz has the entrance under surveilance. We've opened the back passages through B29 instead; utility duct beside Unit 42. Passcode is vXvvXXvx1 until further notice. \n\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "silentkill">>"Oh, I'm sorry. I think there's some mistake here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mistake, huh?" One of the men steps forward, producing a spiky shocker. "This will just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\t"Actually, you are—" You snatch your M1114, flip the selector to subsonic as you draw the weapon, and level it on the freak's faceplate. "—the mistake."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe suppressed pistol recoils ever so faintly. The freak falls, his helmet blown out. His companion recoils in surprise, the rifle he has aimed at you all but forgotten.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTwo muffled thuds later and he hits the floor too. You blow a fourth round into the first man's head and survey the scene, heart racing.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo one seems to have noticed your arrival or the fact the two bastards just got their brains blown out. To be safe, you hurriedly move the corpses out of sight. Chances are someone will notice the missing guards sooner than later but you only need a little time - just enough to figure out who the hell you're dealing with here.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "silentkill_knife">>"Oh, I'm sorry. I think there's some mistake here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mistake, huh?" One of the men steps forward, producing a spiky shocker. "This will just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Actually, you are—" You snatch your <<knife>> and, before the man can react, slam it into his neck. "—the mistake!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHis companion recoils in surprise, the rifle he has aimed at you all but forgotten. It takes a split second to reach him and a moment longer to slice his throat. A moment later, he's on the ground, spluttering to death in his psychodelically painted armor. You stand above the corpses, heart still racing.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo one seems to have noticed your arrival or the fact the two bastards just got stuck. To be safe, you hurriedly move the corpses out of sight. Chances are someone will notice the missing guards sooner than later but you only need a little time - just enough to figure out who the hell you're dealing with here.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "silentkill_fail">>"Oh, I'm sorry. I think there's some mistake here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mistake, huh?" One of the men steps forward, producing a spiky shocker. "This will just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Actually, you are—" You snatch your <<knife>> and lunge at the nearest man but he throws you off.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, motherfucker!" The other man racks his rifle. Coilfire errupts. Noise and light dazzle you. Bolts ping wildly off the walls.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scramble up, heart racing. There's no alternative now. Kill the bastards - or get gunned down on the spot.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "justlook">>"Don't worry. I'm just looking. Call it curiosity."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah. That's nice." One of the men steps forward, producing a spiky shocker. "This will just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow." You take a hasty step back. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What the fuck? Get that damn thing away from me."<<else>>"What do you think you're doing?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other, rifle still aimed at your head, says, "You gotta submit. It's the King's law."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, like fuck." You draw a deep breath. "I'm gonna give you one chance. One. Then I start killing and you two will be the first to go."<<else>>"No. I don't think so." You draw a deep breath. "You get one warning. Then we start shooting. So, what'll it be?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tNeither of them lowers their weapon. Unfortunate. But it isn't like you didn't warn them so, end of the day, it's really their damned fault.\n\n\t<<else>>"Put down the guns. Now. I am not <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>kidding. I already killed two of you freaks<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> and I'll make it more if I have to<<else>>. You'll end the same way if you don't back down<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe guards look at one another. Neither lowers their weapon.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, please." You step forward, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>snarling<<else>>saying<</if>>, "I don't care who<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> you are or what you're doing here. But anyone who points a gun at me will regret it. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair point." One of the guards lowers his rifle, gesturing for the other to do likewise. "Don't wanna do nothing stupid now, do we? But ye'd better come with us. The High King will wanna see ya."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The High King, huh?" Your lips curl. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Obnoxious name."<<else>>"Odd name."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't mock his Eternal Highness. Now move. That way—" The speaker gestures toward the tent city. "—please. Before we take back this generous offer."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You head toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highpalace_empty.png"]]</div>You head toward the tent, past the many confused slaves - it doesn't seem they know quite what happened - and duck through the flap. The inside is so dark and mis-lit it hurts your eyes. Bioluminescent strips glow on the walls, the floor, some even seemingly hanging in mid-air; the shelving unit is almost impossible to see.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhat you can however make out is a desk and a mattress. There are a number of data pads on the former and a corpse in the latter - the naked kid's chest has been split clean open and his entails are hanging out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, hell."<<else>>"Oh, gross."<</if>> You glance away.<br><br>\n\n\t\tInadvertedly, your gaze falls on the shelving unit. It's packed with all manner of junk: food, water, alcohol, more data pads, hell knows what else. The only things you see that look remotely valuable are a box of tungsten bolts and several [[FreakOut|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]] disks. There's also a [[KRUG|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "KRUG_Painted"]] painted in psychodelic colors on the bottom shelf.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> on<<if $action.action2 eq "saynothing">>without...<<else>>, saying...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "saynothing">>You <<walk>> on without bothering to reply. The man hurries after you. "Mean, really. What are you doing? The big flashing arrows were made it damn clear we should go the other way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not likely. I worked around here a while back. Only other emergency exit is thirty clicks back. I'm not walking that far. This'll get us to [[B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] faster."<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou <<walk>> on, saying,\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "wrong">>"The announcement was wrong. I know this place. Nearest exit is back that way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"You sure?" The man hurries after you. "Mean, could be, but the big flashing arrows were pretty damn clear if you ask me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, I worked around here a while back. Only other emergency exit is thirty clicks back. I'm not walking that far. This'll get us to [[B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] faster."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Just wanna take a look around. You know. Make sure no one else got left behind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No, no." The man hurries after you. "I know that look. My wife gets it all the time, just before I catch her banging another dude or whatever. So jus' tell me what you doing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"There's another exit about a hundred meters that way—" you point ahead. "It'll be faster than walking thirty clicks back to [[B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Oh, okay. Then I'll come with you." He falls in step beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tFor a moment, the only noise is your footsteps on the grated emergency walkway. It leads on and on, past one grav-hoop after another, but you stop several hoops down. In a shadowed alcove is a locked utility door with a green EXIT sigh above it, just like you remember.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"See? Much closer exit."<<else>>"And here we are."<</if>> You jack your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] into the control pannel. "Just gotta open it."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the data pad...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad and test the cracked screen. It flickers, displaying the following holo-shadow:<br><br>\n\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'><strong>At&%7854n Citi378n</strong><br><br>\n\n\tFor rearasassadfafasons re54679to public s.........e cimmahanted by decree of the 6438945854 to evöüggeate your residence effecmnä immediately. Purifiers wipüt4lpeployed to your block within tu81in h3izrs with or4789sge anything and anyone which is pressssssaent at such time. The re48098i41lts will be fatal. You have 380039 [ERRR]-!!!!!<br><br>\n\n\t\tHigh IKGkifier Verillius<br>\n\t\tOR588f the Clea83409än Fläajim<br>\n\t\tC78/)Iden oEdiiä$$den<br>\n\t\tSca...<br><br>\n\n\t\t[ERXR]: MEMORY OVER!!!)(_\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You peer into the passage...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>\n\tYou peer into the passage, barely able to see your hand in front of your face. There isn't a single lit glow-panel to be seen. Water drips in the distance and the air smells dank.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, this fucking sucks." You glance at Lavo. "Guess you were right about the emergency holos."\n\t<<else>>You glance at Lavo. "I think we just found out why the emergency holos were pointing the other way."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tHe nods jerikly. "Wh— where are we? I've never seen. Well, I've never seen a place like this before."<br><br>\n\n\t"We're in the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]," you say, testing your way along the passage. "Shouldn't be far back. Main pressure tunnel is just up ahead."<br><br>\n\n\tLavo doesn't reply, just test his way forward behind you. It's almost impossible to see. Even with your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] casting a narrow holo-beam into the shadows, you can barely make out where you are. One thing is certain though: all the habs along the passage are deserted and cluttered with junk. It doesn't look like they've been used in years.<br><br>\n\n\t"Uh-oh," Lavo says, causing you to stop short. He points ahead.<br><br>\n\n\tYou've seen it too: a fork in the passage. There are no signs indicating which way is what. All that's left are the broken holo-projectors, and it doesn't look like you'll get those working. Simple solution, though: guess - one way has to lead back to the main passage.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - High Palace Tent">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\t\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash in Bed|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash in Bed|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "toxicsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 65; $attrib.fatigue -= 80; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine your Profit|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "profit"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Shelf|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "shelf"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" and ($loc_highpalace_owned.treatedSqueeze eq 0 or $sexPhases.canHaveSex)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Play with Lu|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "play"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia" and ($loc_highpalace_owned.treatedSqueeze eq 0 or $sexPhases.canHaveSex)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Play with Lia|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "play"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif ($loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia" or $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu") and $sexPhases.canHaveSex eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Not up for That]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" or $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia") and ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkSlave>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b29_slave_breakdown][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 45>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.stress gte 50 and $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|evt_stresssleep][$action.action1 = "highborn"; $time.active = $time.active + 4; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action1 = "normalsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 85; $attrib.fatigue -= 100; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Tent|b29_highbornpalace][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "shelf">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_shelf_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='game-home-storage' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "profit">>\n\t\t<<set $timesince = $time.active - $loc_highpalace_owned.lastCredits>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.lastCredits gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $profit = Math.round($timesince * 2 * $gameworld_modifiers.psychoCultIncomeMod)>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_psychocult.celenaSupplierPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $profit = Math.round($timesince * 30 * $gameworld_modifiers.psychoCultIncomeMod)>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 2 or $job_drugdealer.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $profit = Math.round($timesince * 15 * $gameworld_modifiers.psychoCultIncomeMod)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $profit = Math.round($timesince * 25 * $gameworld_modifiers.psychoCultIncomeMod)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $profit = Math.round(1173 + ($time.active * 20) * $gameworld_modifiers.psychoCultIncomeMod)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_profit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $profit gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ' Collect your Share' 'b29_highbornpalace_yourtent'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_highpalace_owned.lastCredits = $time.active; $attrib.credits += $profit; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + $profit>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Nothing to Collect]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Away|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "normalsleep" or $action.action1 eq "addictsleep" or $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_sleep_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "play">>\t\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.slaverRewardPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_reward_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the MF-RIB' 'b29_highbornpalace_yourtent'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "take"; $hide.layer2 = true; $equip.pistol.name = "MF-Rave"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell him to keep It|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action2 = "keep"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the VX' 'b29_highbornpalace_yourtent'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "take"; $hide.layer2 = true; $equip.pistol.name = "VX_Rave"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell her to keep It|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action2 = "keep"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_reward_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_reward_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_highpalace_owned.treatedSqueeze = $time.active; $characterEncounterPhases.slaverRewardPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_play_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to Cuddle|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action2 = "cuddle"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.fatigue -= 5; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 2; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want a Blowjob|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action2 = "sex"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "female" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you to be Eaten Out|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action2 = "sex"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to Fuck|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action2 = "sex"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say someone need Punishment|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$action.action2 = "hurt"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 2; $attrib.violence += 2; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.stress -= 4; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stop Playing|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_highpalace_owned.treatedSqueeze = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_play_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highpalace_play_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.slaverRewardPhase lt 2 and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia" and ($action.action2 eq "cuddle" or ($action.action2 eq "sex" and $attrib.gender eq "male") or ($action.action2 eq "hurt" and $attrib.gender eq "female"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_highpalace_owned.treatedSqueeze = $time.active; $characterEncounterPhases.slaverRewardPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.slaverRewardPhase lt 2 and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" and ($action.action2 eq "hurt" or $action.action2 eq "sex")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_highpalace_owned.treatedSqueeze = $time.active; $characterEncounterPhases.slaverRewardPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_highpalace_owned.treatedSqueeze = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\tShelf\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-outfit' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedArmor.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t<strong>Outfit</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_highpalace_owned.storedArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace_owned.storedArmor = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-outfit");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-main' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.offhand + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<augment>></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-main' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-sidearm' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "none" and $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol neq "none">>>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hp_storageoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Away|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I need to borrow Fisher," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I need to borrow Fisher," you say. "It's related to the whole recent mess. I gotta do one last thing and need backup."\n\n"That so?" Wilkin musters you with a critical gaze. "This ain't got nothing to do with—"\n\n"Boss." Fisher stops beside the table, spots you, and says, "Hey, man. What you doing here?"\n\n"Looking for you," you say. "I need help with something. Dangerous work. Can't pay ya or offer much of—"\n\n"I'm in." The black-haired kid glances at Wilkin. "Unless ya got something against it, Boss, but I already got the kids squared away. Don't think they need me around for a few hours at least."\n\nMr. Wilkin waves toward the rear of the VIP area. "By all means, Fisher. Go ahead. If the high and mighty Vine is asking and you're so eager to help, who am I to disagree?"\n\n"Thanks, Boss." Fisher nudges you away, muttering, "He's having another one of his days, man. Ya couldn't have come at a better time. Onna my guys'll bring yer gear around back."\n\nYou nod in reply, knowing all too well what that must mean. No wonder Fisher was so eager to help. He never did have the backbone to handle Wilkin in one of his moods. Or the guts to punch him square in the face, for that matter, but that's beside the point. You got what you came for. That's all that matters.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head out Back|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1.5; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $processed = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Cold Feet|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $attrib.fatigue += 1]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I need to borrow your car," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I need to borrow your car," you say. "And before you give me any crap, yeah. It's important. I promise you'll get it back in working order. Today. It's just for an hour or two."\n\n"Hmm." Wilkin purses his lips. "And mind telling me what you need my car for, precisely?"\n\nDespite your better judgement, you say, "I gotta to handle something with the Corbei family. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] buisiness."\n\n"Corbei, huh? Interesting." Wilkin clasps his hands. "Listen, I'll give ya the car. But here's the deal. I got some nice stuff running with the Corbeis. So how about I just tag along, make sure ya don't get too tangled in a mess way above your head, yeah? That sound like something you could live with, kid?"\n\n"Barely," you admit.\n\n"Then it's settled." Wilkin stands and gestures to the back of the VIP area. "I'll have onna the boys bring yer gear around. Just in case. Now c'mon, kid."\n\nShaking your head, you set off in that direction. Part of you can't help but think this is a terrible idea. Brinking Xaviar Wilkin along on a job that might end up with a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] running amok? Yeah, that'll go down well. But you do need the car. And Wilkin does know the Corbeis - has for years. So maybe it isn't such a bad idea after all.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head out Back|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 2; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $processed = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I need to borrow Jalkovski," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"I need to borrow Jalkovski," you say. "Related to this whole mess again. Nasty job, could go dangerous. Wouldn't be surprised if you—"\n\n"You need my brother, he'll be jumping to do it." Marisa smirks. "C'mon, man. You know he fucking loves your ass."\n\nYou scoff. "Yeah, sometimes a little too much."\n\n"Did I ever tell you he was gay?" When you roll your eyes, Marisa chuckles. "True story but probably doesn't have the hots for you. Think you're more like his savior. Looks up to you even more than me. Anyways, I'll give him a ping and tell him to meet ya 'round back. That sound good?"\n\n"Yeah, uh, you don't wanna know what we're doing?"\n\nMarisa shakes her head. "Less I know the better, probably. I'll have Jalkovski grab your stuff on the way around. Be nice if ya brought my bro back in one piece. But otherwise it's your game."\n\n"All right, then." You stand and head for the back of the VIP area.\n\nDespite your best efforts, Marisa's comment about Jalkovski sticks in your mind. Him looking up to you like a savior. You never did anything for the guy and barely even acknowledge he exists. Hell knows what went wrong in his head for him to idealize you, though that doesn't change what matters most: he's a damn fine soldier - the kind you'd want along when shit gets hairy.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head out Back|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1.5; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $processed = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Cold Feet|riptide_main_floor][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $attrib.fatigue += 1]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLootOrig = $tempWeaponLoot>>\n\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action99 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t\t<<if $randomScene lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "ammo">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "credits">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'syndicate_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='randloot'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'syndRandomLoot'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'syndicate_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'syndicate_datapad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|random_syndicate_postkill][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "dpad2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'syndicate_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'syndicate_datapad_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remove down the Data Chip|random_syndicate_postkill][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead <<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>fanatics<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>thugs<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>radicals<<else>>mercs<</if>>. None of them survived, which is good - them leaving you alone would be better. Shaking your head, you search the bodies, hoping to at least find something \n\t\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "church">>of use.\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "kobol">>worth appropriating.\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "zanex">>worth nabbing.\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "raptors">>worth taking.\n\t<<else>>that inticates what the hell they want from you; <<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 1>>beyond your ass served up cold on a silver platter.<<else>>an apology maybe?<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThere's not much on them, just \n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "ammo">>a few 9mm rounds and a partially used credit chip.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "credits">>an unused credit chip and a bunch of empty magazines.\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 2 and $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 0>>You're about to give up when, on the last body, you find a battered data pad. Maybe that will provide answers - or at least some hint to go on.\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 1>>Unfortunately, there's nothing that provides any hint as to what the Baibirack Facility is or where it might be. Maybe you should ask around - someone somewhere has to have heard of it.\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 5 and $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase lt 4 and $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase neq 1>>\n\t\t\tYou do however find a small data chip. It looks like something the mercs should have destroyed before they want after you - not that you'll complain. Maybe that'll finally provide some answers.\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 4>>But you already know where to start poking around: the landing pad down on B40. Better get to it then - before the mercs change their orders.\n\t\t<<else>>Nothing to indicate what they want, though, not even a hint. And you can't access their implants either - they're all fried, as a simple examination of their necks proves. Damned mercs. What a pointless waste of life.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Worthless. And to think: you wasted time just to kill them.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Stupid waste of life. Hopefully the last time it happens.\n\t\t<<else>>What a pointless waste of lives.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>> \n\t<<if $tempWeaponLootOrig neq "none">><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou also notice a <<print "[["+$tempWeaponLoot+"|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = '"+$tempWeaponLoot+"']]">> they dropped. Might come in handy. Or maybe not.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "bribe">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>You say, "I'll pay my share for solid intel. Here." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Appreciated." Vic swipes. "Now I don't know how good this is. But some folks were past recently, talking about some Bria... whatever it's called. It was [[S4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] contractors I think. They got a nice level of booze in 'em and had a lil' row with some the Raptors."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uhm, solid intel, Vic? Can we get to it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, yeah. They said they was gon' head back up te the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] fer backup. Never came back though. So I figure if ya head up there and poke around ye'll find somethin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"All right, thanks. And Vic?" When his brows rise, you say, "Next time don't make me pay a fortune for directions."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\tYou say, "Don't go there. Seriously. Just don't. I came to ask a simple question. Now can you give me a simple answer or not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wow, wow, okay. It isn't much but a few folks were in recently talking about that Briabla place. It was [[S4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] contractors I think. They got a nice level of booze in 'em and had a lil' row with some the Raptors."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a sigh. "Vic, can you please get to the point."\n\n\t\t\t"Point's this: they said they was gon' head back up te the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] fer backup. Never came back though. So I figure if ya head up there and poke around ye'll find somethin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"This is a start." You squeeze his shoulder. "Thanks, man."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou say, "Come on, Vic. What kinda question is that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"One I'd like te hear an answer to, that's what. Been around here long enough te know you don't come asking questions unless ya need solid intel. And I give solid. So what ya offering?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "Wait, you really expect me to pay for this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's what I said, wasn't it? Simple business. Sure yer used to it by now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAll you can think to do is shake your head in despair. Such a simple question and suddenly people get all greedy. You'd think they were dealing in top-secret intel. Which, on second thought, they might be. But you sure aren't going to pay for it unless you absolutely have to.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "bribe">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>You say, "I was thinking about a tip. For good services. Around, this." You hold out your arm.\n\n\t\t\tThe barkeep swipes it. "Right you are then. Now I have this second hand, from one of the boys. He was doing a usual for a client and somehow the topic comes up. And this guy, he mentions that he's with [[Athena Med|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]], and the topic of experiments comes up. And abominations, hybrids, and all sortsa biosynth stugg. Then he mentiones this Briaback place. Word is he shut up soon after, like he shouldn't have let it slip."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay. Any idea where it is?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"None. But you mentioned [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] right? Some of their boys have been making trouble outside. Nothing illict but obnoxious, patrolling in full gear, doing spot checks on the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. I think they're up to something. But you didn't hear any of this from me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nope, don't remember ever hearing a thing." You wink.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, yeah, wiseass." She puts down the glass she was cleaning. "So, ya gonna order or what?"\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\tYou say, "Oh, I just figured we could have a friendly conversation. Bit of idle chit-chat. You know. Like usually happens when you're ordering drinks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe barkeep chuckles. "You usually talk about biomed experiments, abominations and hybrids when ordering drinks? 'Cause that's what I've been hearing. Second hand. From one of the boys. That Briaback place came up too but the guy doing the talking shut up real quick after, like he shouldn't have let it slip."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"My, my, now isn't this becoming an interesting conversation?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Screw you. And no. I got no clue where the place is. But if you're looking for [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]], just take a look outside. Some of their boys have been making trouble. Being obnoxious, patrolling in full gear, doing spot checks on the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. I think they're up to something. But you didn't hear any of this from me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nope, don't remember ever hearing a thing." You wink.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Course ya don't." She puts down the glass she was cleaning. "So, ya gonna order or what?"\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou say, "Oh, I dunno. Figured maybe you'd just be in a sharing mood."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well I'm not." She puts down the glass she was cleaning. "So, ya gonna order or what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shrug. "If you share, maybe?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Come off it. I'm not an information terminal. So either order or leave it be."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "searchLockers">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\n\tYou approach the\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "searchLockers">>weapons lockers. There are over three dozen, each as empty as the one before - barring a few personal affects, that is. By the looks, [[S4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] was running more than a few contractors out of this place. Maybe a forward operating base.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMore interestingly however, when you reach the last locker in the line, you find a suit of [[Arc Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Arc Armor"]] inside. Whoever it belonged to also left their [[RUG-HK|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "RUG-9_Converted"]] and a spare magazine.\n\t<<else>>planning table. The holo-projector in the center is displaying a rough map of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] with various areas highlighted in differnt colors, though you can't quite make out what they're supposed to signify. There's also a pile of data pads beside the projector labeled 'operation repot'. Beneath the top one, you find an unused credit chip.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That map though." You shake your head, unable to make heads or tails of it. "What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> is [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] doing?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Highborn Palace">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromHighKing">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_meet_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromSneak">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you didn't come to Fight|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action1 = "nofight"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 3; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action1 = "runaway"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the High King|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 5; $combatTemplate = "HighKing_B29"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHighKing"; $time.active += 0.5; $action.action98 = "Battleaxe"]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_meet_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_meet_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "runaway" and ($action.arrive eq "fromBattle" or $action.arrive eq "fromSneak")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromhp"; $job_psychocult.mainPhase = 100; $time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the High King|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "HighKing_B29"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHighKing"; $time.active += 0.5; $action.action98 = "Battleaxe"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\t\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='loot-king'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'psychocult_loot_king'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.killedCult>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the last Freak|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Freaks_B29_II"; $processed = false; $job_psychocult.mainPhase = 99]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say there's a Misunderstanding|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action2 = "misunderstand"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_psychocult.mainPhase = 101; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Tent|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action2 = "nofight"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_psychocult.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "misunderstand">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Urge them to Quit|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action3 = "quit"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 3]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's their Call|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action3 = "theircall"; $hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave without Comment|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action3 = "leave"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Fine|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action3 = "nosqueeze"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $job_psychocult.killedCult = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_highborn', 'noSexSlave');]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want a Boy|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action3 = "boys"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze = "Lu"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_highborn', 'maleSexSlave');]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want a Girl|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action3 = "girls"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze = "Lia"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_highborn', 'femaleSexSlave');]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "misunderstand">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "leave">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromhp"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you are Vine|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action4 = "arevine"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's doing Well|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action4 = "dowell"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Comment|b29_psychocult_introduce][$action.action4 = "nocomment"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cult_conclude_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromhp"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.dilligence -= 5; $attrib.criminality += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>You creep toward the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon...<<else>>You follow the guards...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>You creep toward the slum, eyeing the many hunched shapes between the tents. Even when you draw nearer, their sunken eyes do not appear to notice your presence. Only those who cower in the shadow of their tents take notice, and even then only for a second. The spent injectors littering the grimy floor offer ample explanation for the eerie situation.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Insane," you mutter, testing your way past two humans - if they can even be called that - tending a grimy UV tank.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_highking.png"]]</div>Ahead, poking above the tents, you can just see a suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] painted in the same dazzling colors. Your heart thuds a little faster with every step you take toward it. Then, as you reach the last tent in line, footfalls sound behind you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"High King Vladimir." Two guards hasten past, gear claking. "Sire, there has been a breech. Jonas and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know," a distorted voice booms, causing the tents to virbate. "I can smell it. Feel it. Creeping, crawling, skittering—" Augments whirr, followed by a soft hiss as an enormous axe cleaves through the tent beside you. "—like scum that is too cowardly to fight!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit!"<<else>>"Wow!"<</if>> You recoil as the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] rises before you, its oversized battle axe in hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fight!" The machine slams a dazzlingly painted foot down, shaking the floor beneath you. "Fight, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>fight like a man<<else>>you coward<</if>>! Or die!"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon, eyeing the nearby tents. No one seems to have notice the gunfight. Strange, given the noise it made. Maybe it's all the drugs. But one thing is certain: the hulking shadow moving toward you.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_highking.png"]]</div>At first you think it might be an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] on account of its heavy footfalls but whirring augments betray otherwise. Indeed, as the hulking shape strides out from behind the nearest tend, you see it clearly: a suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] painted in the same dazzling colors as the rest of the Highborn Palace. One of its enormous hands grips an equally oversized axe.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, shit,"<<else>>"Uh-oh,"<</if>> you mutter as it stops before you with a hydraulic hiss.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA distorted voice booms, <<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>"A faggot<<else>>"Who<</if>> dares challenge the High King in his doman? You?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Apparently." You back away, suddenly feeling incredibly stupid.<br><br>\n\n\t\tChances are, you'll be cut down in seconds. But you've come this far and it isn't likely you'll be able to outrun an [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]]. Maybe, just maybe, you can take it down - and come out of this mess alive.\n\t<<else>>You follow the guards toward the tent-city. Armored boots thud on the floor plates. One of the guards shouts, causing the many men and women in ragged clothes hurry out of the way, heads bowed as though in submission - or reverance. Others cower in the shadow of their tents. Spent injectors litter the grimy floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Slaves," one of the guards says dismissively. "Failures."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_highking.png"]]</div>You nod in silence, painfully aware of how exhausted the unfortunates look. Many are hunched and some bear signs of physical abuse. But, concerned though you may be, their fate pales in comparison to what awaits you at the far end of the tent-city: a suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] painted in the same dazzling colors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"High King Vladimir." The guards bow their heads. "We bring a contestant."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Commendable," a distorted voice booms. The collossus grabs an enormous axe from beside the tent. "The challenge is accepted<<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>, faggot<<else>>, punk<</if>>. Prove your worth. Steel against steel until first blood."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You pick up the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Eternal Highness,<br><br>\n\n\tBelow the most recent activity, as requested.<br><br>\n\n\tPineapple<br><br>\n\n\t<hr>\n\n\t[PROFIT] Riptide Shipment for 10'000 C<br>\n\t[LOSS] 1 slave perished due to OD<br>\n\t[PROFIT] 2 slaves aquired; volunteers<br>\n\t[LOSS] 1 slave executed for laziness<br>\n\t[LOSS] 31 units of FO destroyed (lacking quality)<br>\n\t[LOSS] 1 slave executed due to STDs<br>\n\t[PROFIT] baby girl sold for 5'000 C<br>\n\t[LOSS] 2 Highborn dead (cause unknown)<br>\n\t[LOSS] Siren's Song refused shipment (quality control)<br>\n\t[PROFIT] 3 slaves aquired; volunteers<br>\n\t[PROFIT] 512 units purchased by Flavio for 10'000 C\n\t\n\t</div><br>\n\n\tTaped to the bottom of the data pad is a credit chip. It only contains a fraction of the profits listed in the log.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You amble through...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou amble through the slave pens, eyeing the many slaves and chem-plants. There has to be something here. Better chems. Something to feed your head - something you can't find on the market. The idea alone fills your chest with longing.\n\n\t"Boss." Pineapple approaches you, assault rifle slung over his shoulder. "What ya... ah, shizz. Ya look like shit."<br><br>\n\n\t"I'm—" You sway unsteadily. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Lookin. Fer more. Y'know."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Not doing so well. Y'know?"<<else>>"Eh, dunno. Cold be worse, y'know."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tPinapple's eyes narrow. "Ye trippin' on me, Boss? Like, bad time? Yeah. You are, ain't ya? I's seen dat look before. It's got ya good."<br><br>\n\n\tPart of you wants to argue. But the kid's right and you know it. The chems are deep and you really, really want more.<br><br>\n\n\t"Ey, listen." He leans closer. "Ain't my place te be tellin' ya what te do, Boss. But unless ya wanna go through yer life like dis, yer gon' have te sweat it out. Like, go cold turkey fer real. Y'know?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> on, saying...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "override">>The door unseals with a hiss, revealing a dark utility corridor beyond. Dull, red emergency lighting guides the way into the distance. If memory serves, you should be back in - or near - [[B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] in a matter of minutes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man shoots you a sidelong glance. "Do I even wanna know how you did that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Depends," you say, stowing your jack. "How strong a stomach do you have?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe shrugs. "I see shit often enough. Almost got raped once too. Long time ago but I've dealt with it. With lotsa therapy."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Congratulations," you say sarcastically. "Word of advice: stay away from me. I'm a sanctioned hunter. Shit always gets messy around me."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Ouch." You pull a face. "Well, then don't stick with me. I'm a sanctioned hunter. Things have a tendency to get messy when I'm around."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>Rather than bother with an override, you jam your <<knife>> into the lock mechanism. The panel errupts in sparks and the door grinds open with a mournful creak. Beyond, red emergency lighting lines a dark utility corridor that leads into the distance. If memory serves, you should be back in - or near - [[B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] in a matter of minutes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man shoots you a sidelong glance. "That was... Well, I never knew those locks broke so easily."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not all of 'em do. But most stuff's designed to unseal in case of failure. So people don't get locked inside. For anything more heavy duty, you use mag-clamps, not bolt seals."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." The man's face lights up, then darkens. "Do I even want to know how you know that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour lips curl. "I'm a sanctioned hunter. Doesn't come with the territory but ya gotta know a few tricks."\n\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"A sanctioned hunter?" The man looks amazed. "Wow, I didn't even know those existed anymore. But neat. I'm just Lavo. As in, that's my name. It's nice to meet ya."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nice to meet you too," you say and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You head down the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 neq "leftpassage">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawlgeneric.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou head down the \n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "leftpassage">>left passage, carefully stepping over junk scattered on the floor. There's a dim light ahead and, as you draw nearer, you can make out a lone glow-panel in a hab. That same instant, plastic crunches under your foot.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA shrill yelp sounds ahead. You freeze, listening intently. Rapid footsteps patter. Lavo bumps into you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sorry," he mutters. "What was that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That was—" Your voice fades as three spindly, malshaped figures peer into the passage. "Them."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_acheri.png"]]</div>Your heart sinks. There's no doubt what you walked into: an [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] nest. Quite possibly spawned from the remnants of the very same one you cleared out of the grav-rail tunnels a year earlier.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\tLavo says, "Maybe, maybe we can just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shut it," you snap,<<else>>"Shh," you hiss,<</if>> but it's already too late.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe childlike abominations have already begun crawling toward you. Any moment they'll attack. And then it's up to fate to decide what you get: an infection, ripped to shreds by claws, or just a pile of dead un-kids.\n\t\t<<else>>right passage, deftly avoiding the junk scattered on the floor. Water drips from overhead. Floorboards creak underfoot. You continue until a hab which has fallen out of its rotten mountings blocks your way. There's no obvious way around.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Like a fucking maze this place,"<<else>>"This place is like a maze,"<</if>> you mutter, wondering where to go.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hunter. Over there." Lavo points to your left.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tStartled, you turn only to see it's nothing, just a half-collapsed shopping mall. "What about it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I remember this place now," Lavo says, almost bouncing on his feet. "My wife used to take me here. Yeah, that's the Slowside Mall. Or what's left of it I guess. All we gotta do is get through it and we'll be right back where we started. Well, more or less. The mall's way, way down at the end of the tunnel."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou can't help but grin. "Good man. We got a plan."\n\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter your tent...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/ %/\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" and not $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highpalace_lu.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia" and not $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highpalace_lia.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highpalace_empty.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\n\t\tYou enter your tent, stepping into a shadowed world of bizzare blacklights, neon decorations, and insane scribblings. \n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>It looks so pretty, so impossibly strange and yet so beautiful. And the way the light reflects off the furniture. Sublime. You smile at your little abode. The fluffy bed, shelving unit, and the desk full of data pads - all yours.\n\t\t<<else>>It takes a moment to adjust to the disorientatin. When you do, the tent reveals its cozy - albeit cramped - nature. There's a mattress with furry covers in one corner, a shelving unit in the other, and a desk laden with data pads opposite the entrance.\n\t\t<</if>> A nice place to call home.<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>You're in your tent in the High Palace, a cozy hovel filled with insane scribblings and lit by warm blacklights. \t\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Buzzed as you are, it looks even prettier than normal. And the fluffy covers. Shit. You almost want to stay there forever.\n\t\t<<else>>It would probably be even more homey if you were high - or wasted. But even sober it's nice. Somewhere you like to be.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>"Master?" You turn in surprise to see a red-haired kid, naked from the waist up, standing beside you. "Forgiveness, I was only just told to come here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh? Oh. Yeah. You're Lu?" You give him a good feel; good tone, soft skin, and those eyes - hooded but bright with curiosity.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe smiles shyly. "It's an honor to meet you, Master, as it will be to be of pleasure. I could wish for nothing greater."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, I'm sure it will." You stroke his chin, wondering whether to play staight away or see to business first.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>Plus there's the red-haired kid sprawled on the fluffy covers. Lu's naked from the waist up as usual, a dreamy look in his eyes. Such a beautiful person.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t\t\t"Hello, Master." He fixes you with a wide-eyed look. "Sit and stay a while?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Good question." You plunk yourself down beside him, wondering what to do.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Lu looks to you expectantly. "Anything I might do, Master?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not sure," you say, wondering quite the same thing.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>"Master? Beg forgiveness." You turn, surprised, to see a half-naked girl with long, pink hair standing in the doorway. "Humble apologies. I was only told you had arrived."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh? Oh. Yeah. You're Lia?" You give her a good feel; good tone, soft skin, and those eyes - hooded but bright with curiosity.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\tShe stares at her feet. "Forgiveness, Master, it embarrasses me to stand in your presence and not find words. Apologies."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, don't worry, babe." You stroke her chin, wondering whether to play staight away or see to business first.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>Plus there's the pink-haired girl curled up in the fluffy covers. Lia stares up at you, face half-covered by her bangs and a dreamy look in her eyes. Such a beautiful person.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>"Hello, Master." She makes eye contact for but a moment and looks away. "Will you stay a while?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good question." You plunk yourself down beside him, wondering what to do.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Anything I could do, Master?" Lia shoots you a shy look.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not sure," you say, wondering quite the same thing.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.firstArrive>>"Second home, actually." You settle on the bed with a content sigh. "So, now what?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Ah." You sit down on the mattress, absently stroking the furs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNice and soft. So cuddly it just has to be home.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>> <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>Maybe you should crash. That would be nice. Or you could chill. That'd be cool too.<<else>>But you aren't ready to sleep yet. Maybe chill for a while. That sounds, well, chill.<</if>>\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward eq "M559">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the M559'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward; $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#raptor-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'raptorreward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the M559'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward; $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#raptor-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'raptorreward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slide the bag under your Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.raptorRewardPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'home_raptorreward_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='raptor-reward' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'raptorreward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You make your way along...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou make your way along the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] to your appartment, a small hab unit on the fird floor. Before you can even unlock the door, footsteps sound on the walkway. You turn to see Fisher headed toward you, a dark green bag slung over his shoulder.\n\n"Fish?" Your brow furrows. "What you doing down here?"\n\n<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98>>"Just stopping by briefly," he says. "Wanna talk. Inside though."<<else>>"Wanted to talk," he says. "Inside though. Got something for ya."<</if>>\n\n"Sure." You key in your code and step inside, saying, "What's this about?"\n\n<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98>>He sets his bag down with a sigh. "Just about everything, man. It's gone to shit, ya know. For me I mean. Figure it's best I just give it all up, move away. D sector maybe. Or all the way over to L, away from the shit with Wilkin and all. And, well, I dunno. Wanted to give you this old piece—" He nudges his bag. "—before I leave."<<else>>"Eh, just after everything that's happened I figured it's about time you got your shit back. Mean, I know you kinda gave it to me, but I never really had a thing for railarms. And it's been sitting around since forever because no one will touch it." He sets his bag down with a sigh. "Go on. It's yours again."<</if>>\n\n"I see." You open the bag, already knowing what's inside: your old [[M559|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M559"]], packed up just like it was when you left the Raptors.\n\n<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 98>>"Anyways, the grav-bus leaves in like twenty minutes so I gotta run." Fisher hits the door release. "Maybe we'll see one another again, yeah?"<<else>>"Anyways, I better get back to the kids." Fisher hits the door release. "It's good to know you're still a Raptor at heart, at least when it matters most."<</if>>\n\n"Yeah," you say as he disappears, leaving you alone with your old rail rifle.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>S4-10B-3891<br><br>\n\n\t\tAttn all Syndicate Callsigns.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCorporal Vemino expresses utmost displeasure at continued lack of success in apprehenting or eliminating target in timely fashion. Advise we step up operations and deploy forces more wisely. Cannot allow suspect to continue interfering with critical operations. Above all, ensure security of Baibirack Facility.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCaptain Lucira\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Crossroads">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take a Breather|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.fatigue -= 1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Frontal Approach|snydicate_crossroads_search][$action.action1 = "frontal"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 2; $attrib.violence += 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 14>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|snydicate_crossroads_search][$action.action1 = "silentkill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 4; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 14; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Subtle Approach|snydicate_crossroads_search][$action.action1 = "subtle"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 3; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t/%\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1]]</div>%/\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_syndicatelook_approach_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silentkill" or ($action.action1 eq "subtle" and $attrib.passedSneakCheck)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Cargo Door|snydicate_crossroads_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_B10"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"; $attrib.criminality += 2]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the topmost data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>S4-40B-38517<br><br>\n\n\t\tCaptain Lucira!<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhat by the blasted seventeen hells are you doing?! This is a sanctioned hunter we are after. One I might add who has, in the past, vanqished both the Red Scars AND the Sons of Kobol with little more than a handful of thugs and gas grenades. Now please take this into accound and dispatch a kill team capable of handing such a talented individual. <<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase gte 4>>Or need I remind you what happened to Captain Dalmai and our contractors at the Boulevard Facility?<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tIn the meantime, I require your presence here. Our benefactor wishes to inspect the facilities and I am told they are impartial to male figures of authority. Which gives me to think: you may wish to transfer to Public Relations. Your insistance on a 'subtle touch' might be better suited for this field of 'security operations'. Regardless, your first and only concern at this moment is to report to the Baibirack Facility immediately.<br><br>\n\n\t\tImmediately.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCorporal Vemino \n\t</div>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Krill Fashion">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_fashion_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.browsedOnce and $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for full Catalog|b10_clothing_buy][$action.action1 = "fullCatalog"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog = true]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Browse the Catalog|b10_clothing_buy][$action.action1 = "buy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_krill_fashion.browsedOnce = true]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Krill Fashion|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_krill_fashion.png"]]</div>\n\nYou <<walk>> along the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], headed for the Krill Fashion outlet. <<if ($equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress") and $attrib.gender eq "male">>Pedestrians shoot you strange looks as you pass. A kid even points and asks his mother if you're a girl or just braindead. You continue on too quickly to hear the woman's explanation, and turn into Krill.<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>The sun is shining far above and the many beaches and cafes along them are crowded with people. You pass them all by and turn into Krill.<<else>>Pedestrians shy away as you pass. A kid even points <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>and mentions your <<rifle>> to his parents, asking if you're a soldier.<<else>>and stares, eyes wide in surprise.<</if>> You hasten on too quickly to hear the woman's explanation, and turn into Krill.<</if>><br><br>\n\nIt's a small shop, with only a few genuine articles on display, locked safely away in plastiglas cases. A ring of purchase terminals, complete with holographic preview frames, line the walls. There's also a customer desk agaomst the far wall, manned by two employees in pinkish uniforms. <<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>Neither of them take notice of your arrival.<<else>>Both look up when you enter but neither says a word.<</if>><</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "runaway">>"Oh, crap." Adrenaline surges as you<<else>>"I didn't come here to..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "runaway">>\n\t\t"Oh, crap." Adrenaline surges as you make a run for it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromSneak">>\n\t\t\tThe two guards grab you. "No you don't." They shove you toward the High King.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou fall flat on your face. The High King steps forward, augements whirring, and shakes the floor with his footfalls. "Another coward. Is that all you are, <<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>faggot<<else>>maggot<</if>>? Just another worthless sack of meat?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No," you gasp, hauling yourself up. "I'm just not<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> stup—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fight, coward!" The [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] swipes at you with its axe, causing you to recoil. "Fight!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBlood thunders in your veins as you scramble back. The next blow is certain to take off your head.\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\tBut so be it. This bastard wants a fight, you'll give it to him - and rip his sorry head ought clean through his armor with your bare hands. Or something similar.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\tUnless you're careful - which in this case means killing this maniac. Unfortunate, but it doesn't seem like he'll listen to reason.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tUnless you waste this bastard - and fast. Not that you have the faintest damn idea whether that'll even be possible on foot.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tTents flash past. Confused slaves stumble out of the way. Heavy footfals shake the floor as the High King stomps after you. Blood thunders in your veins as you dash for the exit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Come back, <<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>faggot<<else>>maggot<</if>>!" The High King stops, his enormous axe planted by his side. "Come back and fight!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scramble into the utility passage and don't look back. Screw that freak. There is no way you're fighting an [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]], not if you don't have to - and certainly not one wielding an insanely oversized axe. Just not going to happen.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"I didn't come here to kill anyone," you reply. "I was just curious."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As are we." The High King steps forward, causing the floor to shake. "Of your ability in battle, outsider. Prove it. Then we consider."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Actually, I'd rather—"<<else>>You scoff. "Yeah, funny. But I'd rather just—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fight, coward!" The [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] swipes at you with its axe, causing you to recoil. "Fight!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tBlood thunders in your veins as you scramble back. The next blow is certain to take off your head.\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\tBut so be it. This bastard wants a fight, you'll give it to him - and rip his sorry head ought clean through his armor with your bare hands. Or something similar.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\tUnless you're careful - which in this case means killing this maniac. Unfortunate, but it doesn't seem like he'll listen to reason.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tUnless you waste this bastard - and fast. Not that you have the faintest damn idea whether that'll even be possible on foot.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You leave the tent...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou leave the tent and, with no reason to linger, make your way toward the exit. The slaves have since reacted to recent events. A large number of them have run off. Others are busy plundering drug stockpiles while a select few are smashing what remains of the Highborn's biochem operation. Several dozen corpses lie scattered amidst the tents. Only some look to have died by coilfire.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be with ya. It's over now."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void have mercy on your twisted souls."\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy on 'em all."\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Yeah, have a good go at 'em. Fricking junkies."\n\t\t<<else>>"Job well done, then."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tYou pause by the exit, take one last look around, and slip into the utility duct.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_highborn.png"]]</div>\n\t\tIt's as cramped as it was on the way in but, before long, you're back at the dislodged outside Unit 42. From there, you head back the way you came. It isn't long before you reach the main passage - or so you thought. Somehow you've taken a wrong turn and are standing before the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tThousands of voices clamor. Odors hang thick in the air; smoke and perfume. Everywhere you look, vendors are calling out and holo-boards flash advertisements. And, when you crane your neck, you can just can just see the tunnel to the tramway station over the heads of the massive crowd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Finally,"<<else>>"Here we are again,"<</if>> you mutter and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "likebuzz">>"Actually, I kinda like the buzz. Y'know? Makes life more bearable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An' it'll fuck ya up good if you don't do something, Boss." Pineapple fixes you with an earnest look. "Ya saw the way our old King went, yeah? That's not how ya wanna go. Believe me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck that asshole. Really. <<else>>"Yeah, but still..." You shrug. "<</if>>I got this under control."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nah, Boss. Na. Ya don't. C'mon. I'll show ya."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "accident">>"It was an accident. Call it an occupational hazard."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Still, it'll fuck ya up good if you don't do something, Boss." Pineapple fixes you with an earnest look. "Ya saw the way our old King went, yeah? That's not how ya wanna go. Believe me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod slowly. "I get that feel too."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I feel ya. C'mon. <<walk>> with me."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "toaware">>"Yeah, no shit. I really fucked up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ye'll be more than fudcked if you don't do something, Boss." Pineapple fixes you with an earnest look. "Ya saw the way our old King went, yeah? That's not how ya wanna go. Believe me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "That's what I'm worried about."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I feel ya. C'mon. <<walk>> with me."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\tHe leads you away from the chem operation, saying, "Dis place, all dat Highborn crap. See, Boss, they got this philosophy on how they's gon' stay sane despite the chems. How they'd got their heads in order. But ye gotta see it ain't true like they say. It's jus' some stupid excuse. Like all 'em fixers have one. A reason te keep doin' it. Te keep chasin' da high."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPineapple stops at the edge of the camp and faces you. "So ya want my advice, ya stick te bein' sober, man. Ya get this shit straightened. And ya don't touch dat stuff no more. That way ya's safe. An' I's just sayin' that 'cause I care, Boss. I really do. Seen too many folk go the wrong way, y'know. Just wanna be lookin' out fer ya."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral Quarters">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_final_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it looks like Junk|b14_cathedral_final_zweili][$action.action1 = "isjunk"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it is Nice|b14_cathedral_final_zweili][$action.action1 = "isnice"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_final_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_final_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_B14"; $action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Commandos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Commandos_B14"; $action.arrive = "fromCommandos"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_final_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_final_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_final_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_B14"; $action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n /% <<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral of Beams">> %/\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_paladindead_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_corinthin][$action.action5 = "corinthinIsDead"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Docks">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hand over Object 55316|b40_docks_postambush][$action.action1 = "giveobject"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Corinthin Intends|b40_docks_postambush][$action.action1 = "askwhy"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "giveobject">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what happens Now|b40_docks_postambush][$action.action2 = "whatnow"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Glad|b40_docks_postambush][$action.action2 = "glad"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hand over Object 55316|b40_docks_postambush][$action.action2 = "handover"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you won't Comply|b40_docks_postambush][$action.action2 = "nocomply"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "giveobject" or $action.action2 eq "handover">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "atShip">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_corinthin][$action.action5 = "corinthinIsAlive"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atShip"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_postfirefight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_6_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atShip"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromFight">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Fanatics|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Fanatics_B1"; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B1"; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow Jalkovski|B1_vindelmansion_siege_drop][$action.action2 = "advance"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hold Position|B1_vindelmansion_siege_drop][$action.action3 = "hold"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue Advance|B1_vindelmansion_siege_drop][$action.action3 = "advance"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Fanatics|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Fanatics_B1_II"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B1_II"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B1 - Vindell Mansion">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find the Panic Room|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action1 = "panicroom"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're saving Him|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action2 = "save"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have the Object|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action2 = "object"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Leave|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action3 = "leave"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you Stay|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action3 = "stay"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hand over Object 55316|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action4 = "giveobject"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Comply|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action4 = "refusehandover"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atMansion"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "giveobject">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Accept your Fate|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action5 = "acceptfate"; $hide.layer5 = true; $action.arrive = "atMansion"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_6_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_purged][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral of Beams">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Will|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action1 = "willescort"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if you have a Choice|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action1 = "askchoice"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Elevator|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action2 = "enter"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how it was Breeched|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action3 = "howbreeched"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it looks Unguarded|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action3 = "notsecure"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Happened|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action4 = "whathappen"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Celena Did|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action4 = "whatdid"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hand over Object 55316|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action4 = "giveobject"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you won't Comply|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action4 = "refusehandover"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Side with Celena|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action5 = "celena"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "atCathedral"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Side with Zweili|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action5 = "zweili"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atCathedral"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "giveobject">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Accept your Fate|b14_cathedral_final_postgunfight][$action.action5 = "acceptfate"; $hide.layer5 = true; $action.arrive = "atCathedral"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_6_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_celena][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_purged][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Docks">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_final_docks_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Explain what a Paladin Is|b40_docks_final_paladin][$action.action1 = "explain"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if the man is Stupid|b40_docks_final_paladin][$action.action1 = "stupid"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_docks_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_final_docks_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Docking Tube|b40_docks_final_paladin][$action.action2 = "enter"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_docks_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_docks_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_final_docks_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_B40"; $action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Commandos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Commandos_B40"; $action.arrive = "fromCommandos"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_docks_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_docks_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_final_docks_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_final_docks_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_B14"; $action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Wilkin's Riptide">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's going On|B28_riptide_final_marisa][$action.action1 = "goingon"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's probably Related|B28_riptide_final_marisa][$action.action1 = "related"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant and not $equip.isHeavyArmor and not $equip.isTooBulky>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Enter the Exo Armor' 'B28_riptide_final_marisa'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "exo"; $hide.layer2 = true; $equip.preExoClothes = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = "Power Armor"; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge"); $equip.persistentExoHits = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Entered">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_in">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Board the Assault Craft|B28_riptide_final_marisa][$action.action3 = "mountup"; $action.action2 = "skip"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Board the Assault Craft|B28_riptide_final_marisa][$action.action3 = "mountup"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "exo">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_final_wilkin_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Flight|B1_vindelmansion_siege_drop][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate eq "none">>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 1 and $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|random_syndicate_postkill][$action.action1 = "dpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 1; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase gte 5 and $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase lt 4 and $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase neq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Load the Data Chip|random_syndicate_postkill][$action.action1 = "dpad2"; $hide.layer1 = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 4; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $tempWeaponLootOrig neq "none">>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<set $takeString = "Take the " + $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t<<set $retString = "Return the " + $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $tempWeaponLoot eq $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $takeString>>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $tempWeaponLoot; $tempWeaponLoot = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#randloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'syndRandomLoot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $retString>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $tempWeaponLoot; $tempWeaponLoot = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#randloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'syndRandomLoot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "credits">>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += Math.round($randomScene * 950); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round($randomScene * 950)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "ammo">>\n\t<<if $action.action99 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action99 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += Math.round($randomScene * 450); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round($randomScene * 450)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round($randomScene * 37 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "true"; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round($randomScene * 37 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none">>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency lte 0.65>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "none"; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency = 0.25; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase = $randomEncounterPhases.preAltRaidPhase; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase += 1; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency -= 0.07; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency gte 0.25>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase += 1; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency -= 0.05; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> over to...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<walk>> over to your shelf and examine the contents. It's laden with boxes of food and water.\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.storedArmor eq "none">>The bottom shelf is currently empty.\n\t<<else>>A set of <<print "[[" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedArmor + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedArmor + "\s"]]">> is also lying on the bottom shelf.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle eq "none">>And there's just enough space to fit a rifle on top.\n\t<<else>>And ahere's already a <<print "[[" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedRifle + "\s"]]">> on top, so you could swap for that.\n\t<</if>> \n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol eq "none">>Plus, there's space for a pistol between the many boxes.\n\t<<else>>Plus, you've been keeping your <<print "[[" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_highpalace_owned.storedPistol + "\s"]]">> between the many boxes, so you could swap for that too.\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward eq "Gladius">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Gladius'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.knife; $equip.knife = $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward; $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#raptor-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenareward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Gladius'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.knife; $equip.knife = $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward; $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#raptor-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenareward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slide the box under your Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.arenaRewardPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Slowside Mall">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Stingcrab|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Stingcrab_Underhab"; $processed = false; $attrib.caution += 2; $loc_undersprawn.killedBugs = true; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $statistics.humansSpared += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Run|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action1 = "run"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Run|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action1 = "runfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sacrifice Lavo|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action1 = "betray"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 4; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "runfail">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Stingcrab|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Stingcrab_Underhab"; $processed = false; $attrib.caution += 2; $loc_undersprawn.killedBugs = true; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $statistics.humansSpared += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're a Hunter|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action2 = "hunter"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're no Threat|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action2 = "nothreat"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand they stand Down|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action2 = "standdown"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head back to B30|b30_tram_station][ $randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase = 1; $time.active += 0.5; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_killedcrab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're a Hunter|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action2 = "hunter"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're no Threat|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action2 = "nothreat"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand they stand Down|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$action.action2 = "standdown"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_mallfight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head back to B30|b30_tram_station][$randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase = 1; $time.active += 0.5; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|addon_home_devouttalk][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "dpad"; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Close the Door|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'home_devouttalk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='heritage-reward' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'heritage_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_devouttalk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'home_devouttalk_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='heritage-reward' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t/% was:|addon_home_devouttalk][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_click");]] %/\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You make your way along...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou make your way along the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] to your appartment, a small hab unit on the fird floor. You've just unsealed the door when footsteps sound on the walkway. A man in dark red robes is headed your way, his face almost entirely hidden by his hood.\n\n"<<formalname>>?" The man stops before you. "I heard you inquiring at the [[Temple|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] earlier. There is something I believe you should see."\n\n"See, huh?" You fold your arms. "What is it then?"\n\nHe holds out a data pad. "Look through this, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Son<<else>>Daughter<</if>> of [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]], and in faith you shall find solace."\n\nBefore you can ask what he means, the man walks away. You call after him but he doesn't stop. The next instant, he's gone, leaving you alone before your hab with the mysterious data pad.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad activate the screen. It flickers, fails, and blinks back to live, displaying the following screen:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><<firstname>> Acrel,<br><br>\n\n\tWe have never met and I hope it remains this way. None the less, I believe I have an obligation to explain what little I know. May this confession bring us both peace before we join the Loving Stars.<br><br>\n\n\tTwenty seven years ago, you were raised in the halls of Juno, as you are no doubt aware. The arrangement was made due to the precarious situation your father found himself in at the time. A legal kernuffle and a difficult situation related to the Academia St. Justica in C sector. To tend a child in his circumstance was not feasible and, given the tragic end of that affair, I must admit: your father judged correctly. I was among those who signed the deal with Juno, under the watchful gaze of the Clergy.<br><br>\n\n\tIt was planned that, when you reached the eve of maturity, you would join the Purifier Order as a scribe. The clerics found this convenient and no doubt hoped to see you ascend to the rank of Templar and thus prove a valuable source of information on the Temple of Purity. Alas, fate took a twisted turn and the terms under which your tenure should have begun were forfeight. Why would be impossible to say yet one can surmise: the Lady Templar's relation to the Church has soured more than ever. A long story which I cannot possibly summarize in brief. To be certain: your father meant well. Arnolo Acrel was a good man. Or he tried to be. That is more than one can say of most.<br><br>\n\n\tI had hoped that one day we would speak of this in calm and quiet. The political situation however is not favorable. The Temple and the Order are at odds with the Church, no matter how aligned their interests seem on the surface. So I can only send you this message. May the light of the Loving Stars go with you.<br><br>\n\n\tA Friend of Juno<br><br>\n\n\tp.s. I still have friends in the Sanction Munitorium. Ask about requisitions at the Temple. I doubt they'll mind quietly handing over a few items for the right price.\n\t\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Acheri Nest">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_acherinest_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='acherinest-lootoptions'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'tram_breakdown_acherinest_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leave">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_breakdown_acherinest_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_acherinest_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Old Mall|tram_breakdown_finalpassage][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromnest"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data chip and load it into your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. A text file flickers into existence:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>S4-40B-909771<br><br>\n\n\t\t## TO BE DESTROYED ONCE INTERNALIZED ##<br><br>\n\n\t\tOur associate has personally requested the target be brought to the Baibirack Facility alive - if possible - in a body bag if not. Remember that the target is both a sanctioned hunter and experienced street fighter. Prepare accordingly. Subtlety is still preferred but overwhelming force is authorized. As of now, elimination of the target is your highest and only priority.<br><br>\n\n\t\tUpon success, move out of public sight immediately. Pontential bystanders will - as before - be told we are executing an official bounty warrant issued by the Church. Say nothing more, simply signal for extraction. An assault craft will standing by for launch at all times. Should it for some reason not be able to reach you, the current dropoff point is Landing Pad B40-4000151.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMake it happen.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCaptain Lucira\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You wander the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 75>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_fob.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\n\tYou wander the walkways of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]],\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumbling aimlessly as you try to find signs of a [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] presence. \n\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>eyes and ears alert. [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] could be anywhere - hiding behind any of the many faces or in any of the back alleys. \n\t<<else>>slipping through the masses, eyes and ears alert for signs of a [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] presence.\n\t<</if>> \n\tThere are all sorts of folk about - even a lone cyborg who's <<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor" or $equip.clothes eq "Neorave" or $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>drawing even darker looks than you are<<else>>drawing dark looks<</if>> - but no signs of any mercs. Maybe the lead was bad.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Or maybe you should come back when you're sober. Just walking through all the masses and trying not to trip over your feet is giving you a splitting headache. Damned walkways always have to be such a fricking mess.\n\t<<else>>Still, you can't help but check a little farther. After a few minutes the crowd thins ever so slightly and you spot them: four fellows in unmistakable grey armor standing guard over the entrance otherwise nondescript passage. The doved tail of an equally-drab assault craft is just visible behind them.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,"<<else>>"Not good,"<</if>> you mutter, scooting to the edge of the crowd. "They got some serious firepower out in the open."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhich poses the question: how the hell do you get inside? Sure, you could just blast your way in, but there's also a walkway above the pedestrian passage they're guarding. Unless you're badly mistaken, the access tunnel there leads to the landing pad their assault craft is on. Maybe that'd be the smarter way in.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You leave the hangar...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_crowd_generic.png"]]</div>You leave the hangar through a back door that leads to a narrow back alley - safer than heading out front again. Footsteps echo in the gloom as you set a roundaboute route back toward the [[Crossorads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Pedestrians brush past. You ignore them, lost in <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>hazy <<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>fatigued <</if>>thought.<br><br>\n\n\tSo [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is doing something weird in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]], which isn't a surprise, but that damned Baibirack Facility keeps bothering you. How fricking hard can it be to figure out where - and what that is? Plus, who the hell is this benefactor? Some sexist corpo hag from [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]? It just doesn't make any sense\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>and your chem-riddled brain isn't making it easier.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>and your exhausted state isn't helping.<<else>>no matter how you turn it.<</if>> Maybe it'd be better you just give it a rest until you've cleared your head a bit.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_fashion_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step up to<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "buy">>You step up to the nearest purchase terminal and wave the screen to life. A holographic representation of the present article appears around you - by default it's been set to display a bland, pink suit which looks positively atocious.\n\n"Seriously, guys." You flip back to the main menu.\n\nIt displays the following list of items available for purchase:<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fullCatalog">>You step up to the employees and say, "Could you show me your full catalog? I'm only getting suggested items."\n\n"Oh, indeed? And they're not to your liking?" The employee looks shocked.\n\n"<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Oh, no, not to critisize but the free market works best when you let people pick.<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>Typical corporate info-tizement garbage. It doesn't even know what I want, much less what I'd buy.<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>Hardly. It's as though your machine does not know me at all.<<else>>I simply want to know what all my options are. That's not too much to ask, is it?<</if>>"\n\n"Oh, well, in that case." The employee flicks a finger at you. "Please. The full catalog is now on display and thank you for shopping at Krill Fashion."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><<if $action.action1 eq "buy">>\n<div id='game-fashion-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t<<display 'fashion_buyoptions'>>\n</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fullCatalog">>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_clothing_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highpalace_freaks.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the High King's [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]]. Its augments whirr pitifully. Smoke rises from the ruin.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_psychocult.killedCult>>"Well, there you are your Eternal Highness." You kick a disloged armor plate aside. "Still feeling good, are we?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs though in reply, the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] tries to raise its head. Augments creak. Something snaps. A muffled voice screams in pitched agony.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou wince, all too aware of what must've happened. "Serves you right though."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour gaze waders to the tent city - in particular the many hunched silhouettes moving about it. They still don't seem to have noticed what has happened. But is' clear what they are. Slaves. Bo doubt part of a biochem ring; or what's left of it: three men in psychodelic armor standing between you and the exit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"He's, like, dead. For real." The man lowers his rifle. "Fuck, man. I am nowhere hear enough to mess with someone who took that—" He jabs a finger at the ruined [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]]. "—out alone. So what's the deal? You the new boss' round here?"\n\n\t<<else>>"Hell be," one of the guards says. Two more appear from behind a tent, both in psychodelically sprayed armor. The one who spoke says, "He's dead. He's, like, really dead, man. Poof. Like that."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs though in an attempt at a reply, the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]] tries to raise its head. Augments creak. Something snaps. A muffled voice screams in pitched agony.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou wince, all too aware of what must've happened. "Nasty way to go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn straight." The guard turns his helmeted head to you. "The boss-man had one big damn axe and you still, well, lemme just say: I don't have the balls to mess with someone who can handle that—" He jabs a finger at the ruined [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Armor"]]. "—thing out alone. So what's the deal? You the new boss' round here?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $equip.offhand eq "abommuscle" or $equip.offhand eq "cyberarm" or $equip.offhand eq "meleeplant">>\n\t\tYou shrug, gaze on the giant [[Battleaxe|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Battleaxe"]]. It's absolutely enormous, covered in blood, and a skull splitter like that would sure make a statement, if nothing else.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYour brow furrows. All you can think about is that giant [[Battleaxe|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Battleaxe"]] and what it would've done to you if it hit, cause it's enormous, covered in blood, and seriously unsettling, if nothing else.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I feel ya..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_highborn.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\n\t"I feel ya," you say. \n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "continueusing">>\n\n\t\t\t"But I'm not gonna just up and stop using, y'know? Not in this world. Not in this line of work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, feck." Pineapple shrinks visibly. "Listen, Boss. If dat's how it is, then I's not gonna argue. But ya be careful. Ya figure out how yer gon' live like this, yeah? 'Cause jus' fixin' till you drop ain't a solution. It ain't never worked. For no one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour lips twitch. \n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t"Preach. Got any suggestions then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah. Find yer calm. Yer balance. And if yer really gon' do this, then..." He swallows visibly. "Then make sure yer up fer it. <<if $equip.offhand neq "detoxifier">>Get an aug or so. <</if>><<if $inztinct.active>>Fiddle with yer neuros.<<else>>Get yer head in order.<</if>> Jus' don't let it drag ya down 'till yer crawlin' in the dirt, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I follow," you say slowly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I ain't sayin' I like it, \n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"I got my head in order, Pineapple. Don't worry about me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe looks sceptical. "Ya sure, Boss? 'Cause 'dis kinda thing drags everyun' down in da dirt. Everyone. No matter where they's from or what they's thinkin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"I'm gonna die anyways, Pineapple. Death's coming for me as sure as it is for anyone, surer even. And I'm not afraid of what's to come. It's just another part of this wretched life."\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Life's already fucked me over, Pineapple. I'm alone, forgotten, but I'm okay with that. There's no reason to fear the shadows between the stars. Not once you've accepted them."\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"I have the Stars on my side, Pineapple. That might not mean much to you but it does to me. I'll keep it together. Believe me."\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"I got an axe to grind with the faiths. Bastards deserve it. And if a few chems will get them ruined quicker, okay. But I have a handle on it. Trust me."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well... If ya says so,\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tBoss, but I's gon' be here if ya need me. Now I got a business to run. 'Scuses." He nods curtly and strides back to the tent village.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou watch him for a moment, wondering whether this can even end well. It's hard to tell. But you aren't going to lay off the chems. That much is certain. But the kid's right about one thing: you might as well just make the best of it, chemed up or not. Because you won't last forever at this rate.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>"I'll do my best, man. And thanks. Really. I appreciate it you're looking out for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No problem." Pineapple pats your shoulder. "Look out fer yaself, Boss. An' if ya need me, I'll be here. As usual."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour lips curl. "I'll keep it in mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right, then. Now I got a business to run." He nods curtly and strides back to the tent village.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou watch him for a moment, wondering whether you can actually hold true to your word. Hard to tell. But you gotta try. Sweat it out, like the kid said. Biochems won't fix your life. But getting your head straight, that'll get you back on track. Hopefully.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You head through the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_zweili.png"]]</div>You head through the golden archway and down a spiraling staircase to the Clergy's quarters. The hallway is bland, lit only by glow-orbs dangling from the ceiling, and there is no furniture safe wooden benches - ornate benches that probably cost more than you've ever earned but still, no compfort in sight. Simple metal doors along both sides of the passage lead to small chambers with equally unimpressive furnishings.\n\nAt the very end of the hallway you find Zweili's room: a tiny chamber with a mattress in one corner, a desk laden with data pads in another, and a lone chair set before a holo-board which displays a lush, green wilderness. Zweili is sitting before it, staring off into the virtual distance.\n\n"Vine," he says as you enter. "Back so soon? With good news I hope."\n\n"Amazingly, yeah. Against all odds and everything I managed to find this." You pull the silvery sphere that is Object 55316 from your pocket.\n\nFather Zweili's eyes widen. "Loving Stars above and all that is between them. I did not believe I would ever see it again. Beautiful, no? Such skillful craftsmanship and the ages have barely tarnished it one bit."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You stow your weapons...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the dead \n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDjinn">>[[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Its left hand is still gripping the jagged blade. You kick the weapon aside just to be safe.\n\t\t<<else>>commandos. Hell knows who they were. Their uniforms bear no insignia and their weapons are specialized but otherwise as generic as can be too.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn it<<else>>shuck<</if>>." You glance at Father Zweili, still hiding in his corer. "But at least you can come out. It's over."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indeed?" Zweili peers out into the hallway. "There may yet be more, no doubt sent to retrieve the Object. Loving Stars above, I anticipated much but not that they would be albe to strike at us here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDjinn">>"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Damned<<else>>Freaking<</if>> abominations get everywhere."\n\t\t<<else>>"They were good, way more than average mercs."\n\t\t<</if>>After a moment's deliberation, you decide, "Aynyways, we gotta get <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>that damned<<else>>the<</if>> Object somewhere safe. Preferably before someone else shows up to try and nick it. Again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Quite so." Zweili adjusts his robes, saying, "I have, of course, made arrangements. We shall return it to the Vault, where it shall be safe at least in the interim. Surely you would be so kind as to escort me there this one last time?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% loot-security %/\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Access the Holo-Terminal|b40_snydicate_security][$action.action1 = "terminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.storedRifle eq "N3CR">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the N3CR'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_syndicate_facility.storedRifle; $loc_syndicate_facility.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_syndicate_security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the N3CR'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_syndicate_facility.storedRifle; $loc_syndicate_facility.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_syndicate_security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.storedKnife eq "tactical knife">> \n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Tactical Knife'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.knife; $equip.knife = $loc_syndicate_facility.storedKnife; $loc_syndicate_facility.storedKnife = $action.action5>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_syndicate_security'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Tactical Knife'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.knife; $equip.knife = $loc_syndicate_facility.storedKnife; $loc_syndicate_facility.storedKnife = $action.action5>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_syndicate_security'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.tookAmmo1 eq false>> \n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazines'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(28 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_syndicate_facility.tookAmmo1 = true; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(28 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_syndicate_security'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazines]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head toward Admin|b40_snydicate_admin][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_paladin.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon, standing over <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin's<<else>>the mechanical<</if>> corpse. Synthetic slime oozes from between its ruined armor plates. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] tries to raise its head but sparks errupt from his half-exposed joints.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No hard feelings, tin can. Had to be done."<<else>>"Oh, this is great. Just great."<</if>> You stare at the demolished machine.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin's<<else>>The machine's<</if>> lifeless, silver mask stares back. No eyes, not even optical sensors to convey a sense of humanity, just a blank metal plate devoid of all emotion.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "atCathedral">>"Shit. Just—" Your gaze wanders to Zweili's body, which lies beside Corinthin's. "Shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPart of you feels sorry. The other half is just confused. After all, what the hell are you supposed to think? The only thing that comes to mind is: this'll be one hell of a bitch to explain.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atCrossroad">>"Guess it had to happen." You stare at the demolished machine.<br><br>\n\n\t\tChaos and carnage rages all around you. Coilfire. Abominations. Slaughter. Mayhem. It barely registers. All you can think about is the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. It may have killed the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] but, at the end of the day, its intervention meant nothing. And its demise? Well, it almost feels symbolic. An omen of things to come.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The future," you mutter to yourself, gaze drawn to the bloodsoaked [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. "Adaptation. Evolution. Yep, this is it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCan't get much worse at any rate. Which is a good foundation for a brighter future - or more chaotic future. Could go either way.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atRiptideVision">>"Guess it just had to happen." You stare at the demolished machine, then let your gaze wander to the decased Vijar. "Oh, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou genuinely feel sorry for his demise. The man didn't deserve this. He had a Vision - one he believed in wholeheartedly. Hell, he might just have guided the galaxy toward a better future. And now he's dead, leaving only you behind. How can <<firstname>> Acrel live up to that Vision?<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I can't," you say.\n\n\t\tYour voice echoes in the deserted dance hall. There's no one around to hear. No one around to see. The legend of Vine is dead. Only a hollow echo remains.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's not much left for you on Scaffold 22. Everything you know is dead, destroyed, or poisoned. The very least you can do is create a better future from the ashes - an inspired one. One worthy of Vijar and all the cabalists who gave their lives for that nebulous dream.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atCyber">>"Uh, Vine..." Gal appears, shaking form head to toe. "What was that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head, uncertain how to respond. You're alive. That's what matters. But, no matter how many times you tell yourself that, it seems wrong. Somehow you killed a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] and now... now what the fuck even?<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal tugs at your arm. "We gotta go. Now. C'mon!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's all too easy to let him pull you away. No point sticking around, not now anyways. Better you get the hell out of there. Then... then what? Hard to say. Maybe it isn't over after all.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atKobol">>"Shit. Just—" You kick the metallic corpse, bruising your toe. "Ow! Fuck."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVoices shout behind the nearby containers. It's only then you realize the basecamp has been scorched and sliced to bits by the [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] beam projectors. Mercs in blood red armor are moving into position around you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hold your fire," you call <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>hoarsely<<else>>to them<</if>>. "It's just me. Me and a worthless tin can."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's several long seconds before one of the mercs signals all clear, then removes his helmet. To your surprise, the face below is familiar. Green eyes, red hair, scarred cheek: Yal-Nam Son, the bastard who led the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] during their campaign against the Raptors, a man whose face you'd know anywhere.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe looks genuinely impressed. "Shit, Vine. An' here I was thinkin' ya couldn't possibly be more of a mean fuckin' badass."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll you can do is laugh. What else can you do? Shit yourself? Wish you'd never tangled with the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]? Yeah, sure, Yal-Nam might've once made your life hell. But, considering how scerwed up things have been of late, you can't take anything seriously, not even the man you once considered your arch-nemesis.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atShip">>"Shit. Just—" You kick the metallic corpse, bruising your toe. "Ow! Fuck."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMetal creaks in the distance. It's only then you realize that the [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] beam projectors sliced clean through half the void capsule's frame. You can hear air rushing through a ruptured pressure hull. High time to get the hell out of dodge.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atMansion">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"What a jerk." You turn with a whirr and stomp out of the panic room, crushing Otto's corpse along the way.\n\t\t<<else>>"Ah, crap. This really sucks." You turn away, step over Otto's corpse, and leave the panic room.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tNo point sticking around, not now that Otto's dead. And you were so close - so close to a new life. But maybe it isn't over. Maybe you can find another buyer. <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne might know someone and even if not, well, you'll find a way.<<else>>Somewhere, somehow, there has to be a way. There just has to be.<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "atWarlock">>"Oh, man." You glance at the holo-terminal linked to the now dysfunctional W4R1k core.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMiraculously, it hasn't been damaged. Object 55316 is still lodged safely in the data port.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Talk about luck." Your gaze wanders back to the screen.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt still doesn't make any sense. \n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>\n\t\t\tBut you can sense the significance. Divine providence. That's what it was really about. You know it was that. All the pieces are in place. Except you can't linger to study the mystery, not after you just wrecked <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>that [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>>. Someone will want your head for that. There's only one option: disappear - and hope you'll have a second chance to piece the missing bits together.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tBut you were so close to understanding what this whole mess was about. The data's there, less than a meter away. But you can't linger to study it, not after you destroyed <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>that [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>>. Someone will want your head for that. There's only one option: run - and hope that, somewhere along the way, you figure out why<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">> the hell that damned<<else>>why that little<</if>> metal sphere was so important.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_exterior.png"]]</div>\nYou leave the tramway station and head down a wide pressure corridor, towad the [[Level B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Beyond the security scanners at the entrance is an enormous open space filled with piles of shipping crates, synthboxes, and water barrels, all of which are being moved from about by a small army of automated cranes, loading bots and the occasional old-school forklift.<br><br>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Aw, hell,"<<else>>"Oh, come on,"<</if>> you mutter. "Corinthin. Where are you?"<br><br>\n\nA ventilation fan creaks in the passage behind you. Ahead, heavy footfalls shake the floor as a loading bot stompts past. You breathe a sigh and have lean against the wall to wait. Long minutes drag past. The loading bot stomps past, headed the other way.<br><br>\n\nYou've just started to loose patience when A dock worker in orange overalls walks into view, data pad clasped under his arm. He barely even glances at you.<br><br>\n\n"Hey." You hurry after the man, saying, "Hey, you seen a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] around here lately?"<br><br>\n\n"A what?" The man stops, visibly perplexed.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You stow your weapons...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou stow your weapons, eyeing the dead \n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDjinn">>[[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Its left hand is still gripping the jagged blade. You kick the weapon aside just to be safe.\n\t\t<<else>>commandos. No way to know who they were. Their uniforms bear no insignia and their weapons are specialized but otherwise as generic as can be too.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"For fuck's sake. Seriously."<<else>>"Oh, man. This just gets better and better."<</if>> You stant perfectly still, listening intently.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNothing makes a sound save the soft hum of electricity behind the interior plates. Nor does anything move save a lone cable swaying lazily in the aftermath of the battle. Beyond, at the very end of the hallway, you can just make out a dark, humanoid silhouette. Your heart skips a beat.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>"Be calm, biological," a monotone voice drones. "No harm is intended."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Corinthin." You breathe a sigh of relief. "I thought you were one of them."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] shakes it head, striding toward you. "You were pursued. Unfortunate, albeit not unexpected. And irrelevant now the threat has been elimiated." Corinthin holds out a slender hand. "The Object, please."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_zanexfinal.png"]]</div>You leave the tramway station and head toward [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], pressing your way through an unusually thick crowd. Less than a hundred paces on you realize why: [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] has sealed off the area in front of the establishment with holo-barriers. Beyond, riot troopers are gearing up beside two dragonfly-shaped assault craft, while technicians prepare three suits of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] for battle.<br><br>\n\n"What the—" You squeeze past the first line of the crowd, shouting, "Oi! What's going on here?"<br><br>\n\nA yellow-black [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper levels his carbine on you. "Halt. This area— oh, it's you. Boss is over there." He points.<br><br>\n\n"Thanks." You hurry over to where Marisa is pouring over a holo-map with Ice.<br><br>\n\nThey look up as you draw near. Marisa says, "Vine. <<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit or $equip.isPartyOutfit>>No comment on the clothes but<<else>>This<</if>> had better be <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>good news about the Corbei incident<<else>>damned important<</if>> because we have a critical situation down on B1."\n \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Less than twenty minutes later..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nLess than twenty minutes later, the assault craft zips out of a tunnel mouth and into the cavernous hollow surrounding the REACH core at the heart of the habitation platform. Occasional cars buzz past, following unmarked traffic lanes, but otherwise the center of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] is as spacious as it is deserted.<br><br>\n\nBelow, an enormous pyramid made of black glass glitters in the distant glow of holo-signs. Unlike virtually every other structure you know, the mansion is free-standing and not grafted into the superstructure of the space station. There's a landing pad out front and a long line of stairs flanked by enormous obelisks. You can just see tiny shapes moving around far below.<br><br>\n\n"LZ is hot," Jalkovski shouts as the assault craft shudders.<br><br>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1_siege.png"]]</div>Brilliant light zips past outside. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Muted explosions<<else>>Explosions<</if>> thud in the distance. Then the assault craft flares, decelerating so fast <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>that your armored bulk almost topples over<<else>>that you topple into one of the troopers<</if>>, and sets down with a thud.<br><br>\n\n<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Servos whirr as you throw yourself onto the landing pad, into a flurry of gunfire. Jalkovski and the other [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers rush forward around you. One of them falls flat on his face, a neat hole blown through his helmet. It takes a moment for your combat HUD to identify the shooters:\n<<else>>\n\t"Contact, contact!" Rounds ping off the armored airframe.<br><br>\n\n\tJalkovski and the other [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers rush out, into a hail of gunfire. One of them falls flat on his face, a neat hole blown through his helmet. You can just see the shooters amidst the chaos:\n<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>four robed men taking potshots from behind a half-collapsed obelisk.\n\t<<else>>three [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs in position behind a half-collapsed obelisk.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon but remain alert for activity. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>According to your [[Exo's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Exo Suit"]] senses there's nothing moving anywhere nearby.<<else>>Nothing moves or shoots at you - a good sign.<</if>> Except things are far from okay. All but one of the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are also sprawled on the floor and Jalkovski \n\t<<if $combat.player.ally eq "none">>is slumped against the wall, an armored glove clasped over his neck seal.\n\t<<else>>is doubled over, respirator wheezing when he draws breath.\n\t<</if>>\n\t<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, shit."<<else>>"That looks nasty."<</if>> <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You crouch beside him with a whirr.<<else>>You grip his shoulder.<</if>> "Hey, man. You hit bad?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Nothing—" He coughs. "—fatal, Sir. But I'm not. Going anywhere. Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t"Right." You glance around, suddenly feeling very exposed<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>> despite your fancy armor<</if>>. "Okay then: we wait for backup."<br><br>\n\n\t"No time, Sir. Panic room's. Just past there." Jalkovski points toward the door the <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>fanatics<<else>>mercs<</if>> emerged from. "If those bastards. Got inside. Or—" His voice trails off. "Sorry, Sir. <<if $combat.player.ally eq "none">>Just the. Blood loss. Sir.<<else>>Just a. Crushed rib. Sir.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"Take it easy, man." You nod to the sole remaining trooper. "Stay with him. I'll scout ahead. You don't hear from me in five mikes, send in the cavalry."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> over to...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<walk>> over to the desk and rifle through the data pads. The top one is labled PROFIT in what can only be Pineapple's handwriting - he drew a lopsided pineapple next to it.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Cheeky bastard."<<else>>"Cheeky devil."<</if>> You pick up the device and read:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Boss,<br><br>\n\n\t\tJust look below for the newest data. Ya can pick up whatever we got in whenever yer in. I jurry-rigged a chip into this pad so you should be able to just swipe it over to your implant-thingy. Hopefully.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<hr><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.lastCredits gt 0>>\n\t\t\tLast Retrieval: <<print $timesince>> GSH ago<br>\n\t\t\t<<if $profit gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\tProfits: <span class='bluecolor'><<print $profit>> C</span>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tProfits: <span class='greyedout'>[N/A]</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tHigh King's leftovers: <<print $profit>><br>\n\t\t\t(subtracted payroll already and a few expenses; rest is yours)\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward eq "Seeker Robes">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'heritage_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'heritage_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slide the box under your Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase = 2; $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase = -1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|addon_home_faithreward][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "dpad"; $characterEncounterPhases.antiProofRead = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward eq "Hatewear">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Hatewear'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'heritage_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Hatewear'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'heritage_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slide the box under your Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward eq "Purifier Armor">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'faithreward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'faithreward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slide the box under your Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase = 2; $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase = -1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward eq "Voidheart Robes">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'heritage_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward; $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#heritage-reward'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'heritage_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slide the box under your Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase = 2; $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase = -1; $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase = -1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the Slowside Mall...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_undersprawl_mall.png"]]</div>You enter the Slowside Mall through a broken jewlery display window. At least that's what you presume the barely-functional holo busts used to display. Everything in the showacase is as dark as the room beyond. All manner of shelves and robotic dispensers lie strewn about in utter dissaray. The boarded-over ceiling is sagging dangerously.<br><br>\n\n\t"This place has seen better days," you murmur, creeping into the shadows and trying not to think about why the ceiling's falling down.<br><br>\n\n\t"Definitely. Used to be quite respectable." Lavo points toward the far end of the shopping floor. "Exit's just over there. We've made it."<br><br>\n\n\t"Not quite." You slow your pace, suddenly apprehensive.<br><br>\n\n\tThen you hear it again: a low buzzing sound. Something creaks overhead. The next instant, the ceiling caves in with a tremendous crash. Dust and debris whirl into the already dark air. Through the fog, you can just see the shadowy silhouette of something large skittering toward you. Its flattened, oozing body and spikey arms make you think [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]]. There's no doubt about what's to happen: you and Lavo become lunch.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = "Purifier Armor">>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = "Voidheart Robes">>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = "Seeker Robes">>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = "Hatewear">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'home_faithreward_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='heritage-reward' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'faithreward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_faithreward_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'home_faithreward_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|addon_home_faithreward][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You make your way along...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\tYou make your way along the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] to your appartment, a small hab unit on the fird floor.\n\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase eq 1>>When you reach the door, there's a small box set beside it. There's no one around and no indication where it came from. Despite your misgivings, you carry the box inside and set it on your bed.<br><br>\n\n\t"I wonder—" You sit beside the box, eyeing the featureless surface.<br><br>\n\n\tDespite your better judgement, you risk a peek inside. It doesn't blow up in your face - a good sign - but the content is unusual: a set of white <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>[[robes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Devout Robes"]]<<else>>[[robes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Devout Shroud"]]<</if>> with red trim. There's a note with them that reads: //<<firstname>> Acrel, it fills my heart with joy to know you have made peace with the Loving Stars. Find enclosed a small gift, a relic of a time I have set behind me. May it serve you better than it did me in my quest. A Friend of Juno.//\n\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase eq 1>>When you reach the door, there's a small box set beside it. There's no one around and no indication where it came from. Despite your misgivings, you carry the box inside and set it on your bed.<br><br>\n\n\t"I wonder—" You sit beside the box, eyeing the featureless surface.<br><br>\n\n\tDespite your better judgement, you risk a peek inside. It doesn't blow up in your face - a good sign - but the content is unusual: a set of armored [[robes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Voidheart Robes"]] with purple trim. There's a note with them that reads: //Voided One. It was pleasant to watch you find peace as so many of us have in the shadows of the Loving Stars. It was said to me that is the hunt for the twisted and abominable which brought you to us, just as it did my great grandmother may years before. We follow a different path yet may what once served her in the hunt shield you from that which lurks in the blackness of the Void - A Friend.//\n\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase eq 1>>Before you can even unlock the door, footsteps sound on the walkway. You turn to see a person dressed in a [[Mourning Shroud|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Deathshroud"]] approach. They carry a box in their arms, which they sets before you wordlessly.<br><br>\n\n\tBoth of you nod, it being implicit that neither of you will speak, and the messenger leaves again. As soon as he's gone you carry the box inside and open it on your bed.<br><br>\n\n\tThere's a set of [[Seeker Robes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Seeker Robes"]] packed neatly inside, with a handwritten note atop. The note reads: //Deathseeker. Find enclosed a token of both our friendship and acknowledgement of the acceptance you have found before the inevitable. It is pleasant to know another forsaken soul has truly accepted the harsh truths of this universe. Deathcaller Ariv.//<br><br>\n\n\tYou set the note aside with a faint smile and examine the robes. Crude, perhaps, but it would still be an honor to wear them in the name of the Forsaken - and the peace their teachings have brought to your troubled life.\n\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase eq 1>>When you reach the door, there's a small box set beside it. There's no one around and no indication where it came from. Despite your misgivings, you carry the box inside and set it on your bed.<br><br>\n\n\t"Here goes nothing." You remove the lid, half expecting it to blow up in your face.<br><br>\n\n\tIt doesn't. Inside is a data pad and a crumpled [[T-Shirt|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hatewear"]] bearing the [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] emblem, which explains who sent it. What you aren't certain of is why. Perhaps the data pad will explain.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad activate the screen. It displays the following:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Vine,<br><br>\n\n\tI wasn't certain whether to turn this information over earlier as I was uncertain of your allegiance. It's now clear however that we share a common goal. I've therefore included several records I retrieved from the files of that faith-loving bastard Wilkin.<br><br>\n\n\tThey prove that Zweili was both aware of the artefact's disappearance and knew that it was in the hands of Wilkin at one point. Some of the conversations recorded also imply inside knowledge on behalf of both parties in various recent controversial events. I can't get these files to anyone who could cause any damage to the Church. You on the other hand might have such an oppertunity.<br><br>\n\n\tAlso, my Brother suggested I send this shirt. I'm not sure you'd actually want to wear it given the complications open disassociation with the Church brings but still. Think of it as a thoughtful gesture and an expression of how glad we are to have you on our side.<br><br>\n\n\tMarisa\n\t\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn.storedRifle eq "PUR-G">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the PUR-G'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_undersprawn.storedRifle; $loc_undersprawn.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#acherinest-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'tram_breakdown_acherinest_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the PUR-G'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_undersprawn.storedRifle; $loc_undersprawn.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#acherinest-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'tram_breakdown_acherinest_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $loc_undersprawn.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(45 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn.tookAmmo = true; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(45 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#acherinest-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'tram_breakdown_acherinest_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Nest|tram_breakdown_acherinest][$action.action2 = "leave"; $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You make your way along...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\nYou make your way along the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] to your appartment, a small hab unit on the fird floor. There's a small parcel before the door with a Lavandri logo on top. You take it inside and, sitting on the bed, open it to find a familiar oakwood box within.<br><br>\n\n"I assume—" When you lift the top, the [[Gladius|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Gladius"]] you were given for winning the Lavandri Tournament is inside.<br><br>\n\nThere's also a note in the cover that reads:<br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_paper'>DEAR VINE. FIND ENCLOSED YOUR TROPHY, SIGNIFYING YOUR EXEMPLARY DOMINANCE AND UNRIVALED BLOODSHED IN THE SCAFFOLD 22 DEATHMATCH ARENA. LOVE - M</div><</if>>\n\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div id='raptor-reward' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'arenareward_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_purifier.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon and creep past the dead [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]], eyeing the dim glow-pannel ahead. Its light is just strong enough to illuminate a corpse dressed in bone-white armor. The chestplate has been mangled beyond recognition but the rifle still gripped in its armored gloves is unmistakable: a [[Sanction PUR-G|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "PUR-G"]]. Several magazines lie beside it; all empty save one by the looks.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"At least you're dead," you mutter, crouching beside the body. "Lucky bastard."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void be mercifuly to your soul," you mutter, crouching beside the body.\t\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy," you mutter, crouching beside the body.\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Stupid fucking faith," you mutter, glowering at the body.\n\t<<else>>"Yikes," you mutter, eyeing the body. "Poor bastard."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Did—" Lovo stumbles over a loose floor plate, causing to clatter. "Damn it! Clumsy. Uh, yeah, did those kids kill him?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou shake your head. "Doubt even a whole swarm of [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] could've ripped him up like that. At least not unless something else had a shot at him first."<br><br>\n\n\t"That, uh, isn't what I wanted to hear."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Deal with it,"\n\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I'm sure we'll be fine,"\n\t<<else>>"We'll be fine,"\n\t<</if>> you say, wondering whether to grab the [[PUR-G|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "PUR-G"]]. \n\n\tIt might be useful, depending on what you run into up ahead. Or back the other way, to be exact, as the passage ends right ahead of you with no other route - at least none not blocked by rubble.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You opt for the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou opt for the\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "subtle">>subtle approach and detour half a hab block back until you find a stairway up to the walkway. From there you head back to where [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] landed their assault craft. It's easily visivle from above and there's even a utility walkway that leads over to the landing pad - without a lock, even.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Talk about luck," you murmur, stepping onto the walkway.<br><br>\n\n\t\tGridded mesh sways underfoot as you balance across. You hold onto the railing for support - it's a long drop - until you reach the far side, where a ladder leads down to the pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTense seconds pass as you climb down.\n\t\t<<if not $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>Armored boots thud as you hit the ground. One of the mercs glances your way.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hey!" He nudges his buddy. "Over there! Intruder!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSo close - and now this. But at least you didn't get in a firefight on the middle of a crowded walkway. That would've been even worse.\n\t\t<<else>>None of the mercs notice you. Relieved, you sneak into the shadows and take stock.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe assault craft is sitting on its landing pad, grav-wings humming quietly. There doesn't seem to be anyone around except for the guards by the entrance, just a few discarded plastiwrappers and a dumpster. Peering under the tail of the assault craft however, you spot a cargo door that isn't completely lowered. Definitely not suspicious. Not at all.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>less creative approach and make toward the four [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs. Shoulders jostle against you. Someone steps on your boot none to kindly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silentkill">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>"Nice and easy," you mutter, drawing your suppressed <<pistol>>.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Asshole,"<<else>>"Ow,"<</if>> you mutter, hastening your pace.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tAhead, the guards take notice of you. Helmeted heads turn. One of them steps forward, assault rifle cradled in his arms.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Halt, citizen. This area is off limits by order of the—"\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silentkill">>You raise your <<pistol>> and blow a muffled bolt through his skull without slowing your pace.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe other three react but you're faster; ten suppressed rounds in rapid succession and they're all splayed on the floor. You put one more into each of their helmets just to be sure they stay down.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Idiots."<<else>>"Poor guys."<</if>> You eject the spent magazine and stride past them, into the back lot.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe assault craft is sitting on its landing pad, grav-wings humming quietly. There doesn't seem to be anyone else around, just a few discarded plastiwrappers and a dumpster. Peering under the tail of the assault craft however, you spot a cargo door that isn't completely lowered. Definitely not suspicious. Not at all.\n\t\t<<else>>He takes a step back. "Shit, it's Acrel!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBehind him, the other mercs rack their weapons. They won't shoot - yet. Not with the crowd right behind you. That means you got a moment to act. After that they won't care about legal technicalities. Self-defense is self defence after all. And you're clearly the aggessor in his case.\n\t\t<</if>>\t\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>After a moment, you decide...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tAfter a moment, you decide,\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>"I will. I swear I'll kill every one of you—" You slam your <<knife>> into the nearest guard's neck. "—<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>motherfuckers<<else>>creeps<</if>><<if $action.action98 neq "Battleaxe">> and I'ma use this bloody beast to do it!<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe others recoil, rifles raised but not firing. You laugh. "What, you fucking pussies. Too scared to fight, hm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I sure as hell am." One of the men throws his gun down. "Kill me if ya wanna. But I ain't doin' this. Not for no pay an' sure as hell not now the King's been wasted."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Same." The next guard throws down his weapon. "I'm out.<<if $action.action98 neq "Battleaxe">> I ain't fucking with that axe!<</if>>"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\tThe third turns his head to them. "Cowards."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGunshots crack as he puts them down, one round to the head each. "Now you." He levels his rifle. "But not so easy. You killed the King<<if $action.action98 neq "Battleaxe">> and I have the axe<</if>>. I want you to feel—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe lurches forward as one of the slaves smashes a UV tank over his head. Not fatal in that armor but you won't complain - anything's better than getting shot.\n\n\t\t<<else>>"But I won't.\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>I'm in a mood. <<if $action.action98 neq "Battleaxe">>And I just found this--" You pat your new axe. "--thing lying around, which has me all in a happy tizzy. <</if>>So I figure you keep this running for me and I don't come back to rip all your spines out. Sounds fair to me, hm?"\n\t\t<<else>>We make a deal instead. You keep running this operation for me and I don't come back to ice your sorry asses.<<if $action.action98 neq "Battleaxe">> Oh, and I get to keep this--" You pat your new axe. "--for the memories and all.<</if>>"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe guards exchange looks. One of them says, "Fine by me, Boss."\n\n\t\t\tAnother nods. "I'm in. Just as long as we get to keep our cut. We do get to keep our cut, right, Boss?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Boss?" <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You grin lopsidedly. "Yeah, I could get used to being called that again."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You scoff. "What the fuck you on about?"<<else>>Your brow furrows. "That what you see in me?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What he means—" One of them steps forward, removing his helmet to reveal a young face with spiky hair. "—is that ya killed the former Boss and..."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a moment's pause. The guards fidget nervously.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Actually, let's start over." The young fellow smiles. "Hi. Name's Pineapple. Don't ask. Neways, I run the show here basically. And if you're gonna be taking over, we gotta get some stuff straight<<if $action.action98 neq "Battleaxe">>, axe or no axe<</if>>. So if ya'd just step inside—" He indicates the largest of the tents. "—we can get the bullshit sorted, yeah?"\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action1 eq "isjunk">>"It looks like a piece of junk, man. No offense."\n\n"Oh, I see." Zweili's beard twitches, concealing a smile. "You are wholeheartedly entitled to your oppinion. But now we must defintiely to verify—"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "isnice">>"It is nice, though I really don't see why that matters."\n\n"Oh, it does not." Zweili's beard twitches, concealing a smile. "I simply wished to mention it. But now, yes, first we will have to verify—"<</if>>\n\n<<if not $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_djinn_fade.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_commando.png"]]</div><</if>>A scream echoes outside the chamber, followed by rapidly approaching footsteps. In the split second that follows, first your heart sinks. Then adrenaline surges and you whirl around just in time to see <<nobr>>\n\n<<if not $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>\n\ta tall figure wrapped in a black cloak headed your way. Bright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask.<br><br>\n\n\tAs it nears the doorway, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] draws a jagged blade from a sheath at its ankle, snarling something unintelligable. Its meaning however is beyond doubt: you're about to die unless you do something smart - and fast.\n<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill">>\n\tthree commandos in black skinsuits moving into position, suppressed coil carbines aimed at the doorway.<br><br>\n\n\tAdrenaline surges as you dive for cover. Muffled gunshots ring out as rounds blast plaster out of the wall behind you. Across the room, Zweili is hiding a corner. His expression mirrors your thoughts: we are deep, deep in shit.\n<<else>>\n\tthree commandos in dark skinsuits moving into position, assault rifles aimed at the doorway.<br><br>\n\n\tAdrenaline surges as you dive for cover. Rapid gunshots ring out as rounds riddle the wall behind you. Across the room, Zweili is hiding in a corner. His expression mirrors your thoughts: we are deep, deep in shit.\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "willescort">>"Of course I will, Father. Lead the way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is not far. Come." Zweili slips out of the chamber and hurries back toward the main hall.\n\t\t<<else>>"Do I even have a choice here, Father?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Naturally, though it is in your interest, as Church sanctions stored in the Vault alongside our holiest relics."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sanctions? Like mine?"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Of course. You do not think we leave records of our best assassins and black agents lying around for just anyone to find, do you? Ah, but it is not fare. Come." Zweili slips out of the chamber and hurries back toward the main hall.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tHasty footsteps echo in the eerily silent halls. Ahead, you spot <<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai hurrying the other way with two other uniformed men at her heel. All are carrying sidearms and look visibly concerned.<br><br> \n\n\t\t"Father." Varai approaches Zweili. "We heard gunfire and—"<<else>>three uniformed [[Commisars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] hurrying the other way. All are carrying sidearms and look visibly concerned.<br><br> \n\n\t\t"Honored Father." One of the men bows. "Forgiveness, we heard gunfire and—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili points back the way you came. "Intruders breeched your security. I trust you know what is to be done. <<formalname>> shall escort me savely to a lockrom."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"Of course." Varai waves her subordinates on. "Quickly, Brothers. Secure the area. Lock down all entrances and exits. No one is to leave until further notice."<<else>>"Of course, Honored Father." The man waves his subordinates forward. "Secure the area. Lock down all entrances and exits. No one is to leave until further notice."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAs they hurry on, Zweili urges you toward an elevator just inside the archway. "Quickly now. Before the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] realizes I am bringing an outsider into the Vault."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "explain">>"A [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. You know, death machines that shoot beams of holy facemelting from their hands and smite enemies of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man's brow furrows. "Uh, not that I've seen. And ya shouldn't be here, man. It's off limits."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it, man."<<else>>"I know."<</if>> You draw a deep breath. "Listen, I just need some information. Have you or have you not seen a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] today?"<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Are you<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> stupid? There is no<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> way you've never heard of the [[Paladin Ordr|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man looks insulted. "What the fuck is your problem, man? And get the hell outa here. This place is off limits to civvies."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death take me."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Voids between."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Oh, for fuck's sake."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t\tYou grab the man. "[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], motherfucker. Death machines. Holy hand beams of facemelting. Have you seen one?"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t"I just—" The man's face contorts. "Wait, wait, you mean that weird supherhero dude in silver suit? With the white cloak? Wondered what the fuck he was doing here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tElated, you blurt, "Yes! Him. Where is he?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Over there, man." The dock worker points to a docking tube across the way.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be merciful, friend."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Voids between bless you."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars bless you."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Thanks, man."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t\t\tYou hurry off, leaving the man standing beside the crane in utter perplexion.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pull out the Object...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "giveobject">>You pull out the Object and hand it over. "Here ya go. I just hope you know what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> you're doing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Appreciated." Corinthin takes the silver sphere and unceremoniously crushes it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wow!" You recoil in surprise. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What the hell are you doing?"<<else>>"What was that about?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What was necessary," Corinthin drones. "Nothing is too sacred when the end goal is galactic peace."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "Somehow I doubt the Clergy will see it that way. Or Father Zweili."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Irrelevant. The Brotherhood of Silence is neutered. Zweili will not endure the decade and the misinformation of this age is slowly being turned back. All that remains is to eliminate the old foe and the cycle of violence will at last end." Corinthin turns away but hesitates. "Your assistance was appreciated, <<formalname>>, as was your trust. You are permitted to survive. That is all."\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>You pull out the Object but hesitate. "What are you going to do with it? And why are we meeting here, not back at the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Because Kulli Zweili is a reformist of the highest degrees and his little cult disagrees with the mathematical solution. Or to be accurate: my solutions. He believes the artefact can be used against the old foe. I know this is absurd. The old foe is already beaten. Only it's shadow lives to terrorize us from beyond the grave and that shadow ligners in things like that--" The machine indicates the Object.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What?" You open your mouth, close it, and say, "Wait, you mean I went though all this<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> trouble just so we could trash that damn thing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Precisely." Corinthin flexes his fingers. "Surrender the artefact now. There will be no second chance."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "goingon">>"Damned,"<<else>>"It is,"<</if>> you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "goingon">>"Damned," you say. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What the fuck happened?"<<else>>"What's going on?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hell if I know." Marisa swipes the holo-map away saying,\n\t<<else>>\t\n\n\t\t"It is," you say. <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>"I found what we're looking for. Figure we should get it to your employer. The one who just happens to live on B1?"<<else>>"I really need to speak with your employer, you know, the one Bob set me up with? The one that just happens to live on B1?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>"Talk about bad timing."<<else>>"Shit."<</if>> She swipes away the holo-map, saying, \n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>"Bunch of radicals busted into the Vindell estate. Lotsa ranting and whatnot. No demands.\n\t<<else>>"Bunch of mercs busted into the Vindell estate. No demands, nothing.\n\t<</if>>Word is the family's in a panic room with what's left of our guys stationed there. Plan is to drop on the rooftop, shoot our way down, and get our boys - and the Vindell family - out. We move in five. So, yeah. Mount up. <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>If this is really as connected as I think, you should be there<<else>>We can use every operator we can get<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t"Marisa." Jalkovski walks up, helmet under his arm. "All fire teams report ready. But we're still one operator short on the armor [[Exos|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]."<br><br>\n\n\tIce nods to you. "If ya got nodes, you're up, Vine. Word is these <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>whackos<<else>>guys<</if>> are armed to the teeth.\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>Sons of the Stars or something like that. Complete faiths. Nutcases. Think they're exorsizing demons or something."\n\t<<else>>Possibly [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]], though if that's true, definitely not an authorized operation."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"We'll take care of it," you say, sounding more optimistic than you are.<<else>>"Sounds nasty," you say, trying not to sound as worried as you are.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tBut that doesn't matter. Getting to Lord Otto before someone ices him does and, assuming even half of what Marisa said is true, the best way to do that is with [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]].\n \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp toward<<else>>approach<</if>> the dead <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>fanatics<<else>>mercs<</if>>. [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers advance around you, scanning the landing pad over their carbines. <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>An injured woman screams. One of the troopers blows her head off.<<else>>A man bleeding from his stump leg cries for help. One of the troopers executes him at point-blank range.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"LZ secure." Jalkovski waves his men toward the stairs. "Move up."<br><br>\n\n\tLong seconds pass as you advance toward the Vindell pyramid. The stairs appear to go on and on and, with each <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>augmented <</if>>step you take, you expect gunfire from the windows above. Nothing happens<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>. Not even your suit's enhanced senses report anything out of the ordinary<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t"Stay frosty," Jalkovski says. "Bastards gotta be waiting for us."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Copy." Augments whirr as you advance into the triangular room at the top of the stairs.\n\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No shit,"<<else>>"Probably,"<</if>> you mutter, advancing cautiously into the triangular room at the top of the stairs.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tIt looks almost like it did last time you were there: two couches against the far walls, interspaced with gilded display cases containing various firearms. \n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>Except the walls have been sprayed with graffiti and\n\t<<else>>Except the display cases have been broken open and\n\t<</if>> the hidden door to the right has been cracked open with explosives - or something similar; the frame is charred and the doors are strewn on the ground at any rate.<br><br>\n\n\t"Floyd, Clipper, Dim, secure and hold. Everyone else, on me." Jalkovski moves toward the ruined doorway.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You leave Jalkovski...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_viewport.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave Jalkovski with the trooper and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp through the doorway, footfalls shaking the floor.<<else>>advance through the doorway, heart thudding all the while.<</if>> Beyond is another hallway littered with bodies - mostly <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>fanatics<<else>>mercs<</if>> but also four troopers in black-and-yellow [[riot armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]]. There's an unsealed blast door at the far end. <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Somehow you sense you should feel worried but all you percieve is mild annoyance as you duck into panic room.<<else>>Your heart sinks as you hurry into the panic room.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's a small chamber, no more than three meters from end to end, with an obsidian stasis block in the center. Countless tubes run from the monolithic device into the floor, though more than a few have been yanked free. Yellowish liquid is still dripping from the loose nozzles.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Crap." You kick the stasis block, causing it to crack open - there's no one inside. "What the—?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThat same instant, your augmented senses feel someone behind a wall pannel You yank it loose with uncanny ease. Lord Otto's withered form is scrunched in the crawlspace beyond.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, thank fuck." You take a step back. "You're alive. And, uh, it's me. Vine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Vine? Stars and sunbursts!" Otto picks himself up with a labored grunt, swaying unsteadily. "I am alive. Barely. They never found my little hiding spot. But dare I ask: what are you doing in that suit? And here, for that matter?"\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, fuck."<<else>>"Oh, drat."<</if>> You hang your head. "Too la—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Vine?" You turn with a start to see Lord Otto Vindell's withered form crawling out from behind a loose wall pannel. "Stars and all the gulfs between. It is you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou breathe a sigh of relief. "You're still alive. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Thank fuck<<else>>Talk about luck<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Alive and well, thanks to many millennia of forsight." He picks himself up with a labored grunt, swaying unsteadily. "They never found my little hiding spot. But dare I ask: what are you doing here?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Baibirack Facility">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromFight" and $action.arrive neq "fromNegotiate">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_syndicatelook_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$action.action1 = "silentkill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 4; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 6; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Commandos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_Commando_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_syndicatelook_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_syndicatelook_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silentkill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lower your Weapon|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_docks.killedMercs or $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedCult>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Commandos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_Commando_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Briaback Facility|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromNegotiate"; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_syndicate_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.sabotagedArmor eq false and $loc_syndicate_facility.storedClothes eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant and not $equip.isHeavyArmor and not $equip.isTooBulky>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Enter the Exo Armor' 'b40_snydicate_landingpad'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "usearmor"; $hide.layer1 = true; $equip.preExoClothes = $equip.clothes; $loc_syndicate_facility.storedClothes = $equip.clothes ; $equip.clothes = "Power Armor"; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge"); $equip.persistentExoHits = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Entered">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_in">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sabotage the Exo Armor|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$action.action1 = "sabotage"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_syndicate_facility.sabotagedArmor = true; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "unlockdoor"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_syndicate_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_syndicate_inside_sabotage_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$action.action2 = "unlockdoor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_syndicate_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sabotage">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_syndicate_inside_sabotage_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_syndicate_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head toward Security|b40_snydicate_security][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head toward Admin|b40_snydicate_admin][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Baibirack Facility">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedSecurity>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_security_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_Sec_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedSecurity = true]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_security_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div id='loot-security' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_syndicate_security'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_security_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_securityterminal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and not $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackSecurity and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Upload the Xjanu-4|b40_snydicate_security][$action.action2 = "agent"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackSecurity = true; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.usedDoorControl>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Override Lockdown|b40_snydicate_security][$loc_syndicate_facility.usedDoorControl = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Lockdown Overriden]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b40_snydicate_security][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_security_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_securityterminal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_killsystems_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b40_snydicate_security][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $loc_syndicate_facility.usedDoorControl = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Baibirack Facility">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedAdmin>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_admin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackSecurity>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Area|b40_snydicate_admin][$loc_syndicate_facility.clearedAdmin = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Security Bots|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SecBots_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedAdmin = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_admin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b40_snydicate_admin][$action.action1 = "datapad"; $loc_syndicate_facility.readDataPad1 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_syndicate_facility.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 654; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x654">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.tookStim eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the StimFuel Inhaler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_syndicate_facility.tookStim = true; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "StimFuel Inhaler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head toward Security|b40_snydicate_security][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.usedDoorControl>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head through the Blast Door|b40_snydicate_research][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[The Blast Door is Sealed]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_admin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_admin_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b40_snydicate_admin][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedTesting>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Baibirack Labs">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor" and $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action0 = "none">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action0 = "skipped">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedTesting>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_testing_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1 and $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.machineKilled += 1; $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 10 and $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 10; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.machineKilled += 1; $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Bots|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_Tripod_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutsideBattle"; $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedTesting = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_testing_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_testing_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Bot|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_Tripod_B40_Alt"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutsideBattle"; $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedTesting = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action0 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_remarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Exit the Exo Armor' 'b40_snydicate_research'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action0 = "exitArmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "exitArmor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $time.active += 0.05; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.storedClothes neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $loc_syndicate_facility.storedClothes>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Exited">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action0 neq "skipped">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_remarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.killedResearcher>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Work|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "work"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who he Is|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "whois"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Man|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "kill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 5;$loc_syndicate_facility.killedResearcher = true; $time.active += 0.1; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "terminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "dpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_syndicate_facility.readDataPad2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Lab|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "terminal" or $action.action1 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action0 neq "skipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_remarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and not $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackLab and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Upload the Xjanu-4|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action2 = "agent"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackLab = true; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action0 neq "skipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_remarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_hacksys_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leave">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action0 neq "skipped">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_remarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Abomination|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SynthAbom_B40"; $processed = false; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action0 neq "skipped">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_remarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill Dr. Baibirack|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action2 = "kill"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; $loc_syndicate_facility.killedResearcher = true; $time.active += 0.1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare Dr. Baibirack|b40_snydicate_research][$action.action2 = "spare"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 5; $time.active += 0.1; $attrib.caution += 5; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action0 neq "skipped">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_remarmor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_labs_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "kill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Lab|b40_snydicate_research][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Abomination|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SynthAbom_B40"; $processed = false; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Baibirack Labs">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action0 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 99>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Exit the Exo Armor' 'b40_syndicate_postabom'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "exit">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue += 5; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 5; $time.active += 0.1; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed = true; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.storedClothes neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $loc_syndicate_facility.storedClothes>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Exited">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pass through the Airlock|b40_syndicate_postabom][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer1 = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 5; $time.active += 0.1; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_snydicate_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_snydicate_final_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_syndicate', 'violentSolve'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You curl up...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou curl up on the mattress, pulling the furry covers up to your neck.\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu snuggles up beside you, his warm breath tickling your ear.\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia cuddles against you, her breath slow and steady.\n\t<<else>>It's warm and compfy.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>Sleep comes slowly. You toss and turn, unable to get comfortable and wondering if you'll get any rest at all. <<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" or $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>But at least you're not alone. And the lights. So pretty. It's hard to feel bad.<<else>>Worst of all, you're alone, lost in an unfamiliar world. Lost... lost.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>You barely notice. Oblivion overcomes you almost the same second you lay down your head.\n\n\t<<else>>It doesn't take long before drowsiness takes hold and you drift into a deep and dreamless sleep.<</if>>\n\t<br><br>\n\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div><br>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>You wake, feeling worn out and stretched thin.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>You wake, still dizzy from your intoxication.<<else>>You wake, feeling drowsy but rested.<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu is still half-asleep, his head rested on your chest. You lie where you are for a while, absently stroking his soft skin and relishing the warmth, but ultimately decide it's time to...\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia is still half-asleep, her head rested on your chest. You lie where you are for a while, absently rinning your fingers over her skin relishing the warmth, but ultimately decide it's time to...\n\t<<else>>You yawn and stretch. Outside the tent, voices murmur. You listen to them for a while and ultimately decide to...\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Boulevard Inn">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_inn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to Room 15|b10_inn_mission][$action.action1 = "r15"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_inn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she's damned Right|b10_inn_mission][$action.action2 = "damnright"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who's really to Blame|b10_inn_mission][$action.action2 = "blame"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you really don't Care|b10_inn_mission][$action.action2 = "nocare"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_inn_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Can|b10_inn_mission][$action.action3 = "friends"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $chr_fabienne.met or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Can't|b10_inn_mission][$action.action3 = "nofriend"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $chr_fabienne.alive = false]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ' Demant your Payment' 'b10_inn_mission'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "payment"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.credits += Math.round(2150 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(2150 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_inn_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Check on Mr. Luscovari|b10_inn_mission][$action.action4 = "check"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b10_inn_mission][$action.action4 = "leave"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_inn_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_inn_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Onto the B10 Boulevard|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $chr_fabienne.met = true]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> along...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_inn _outside.png"]]</div>\n\nYou <<walk>> along the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], headed for the Boulevard Inn. <<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored">>The sun is shining far above and the many beaches and cafes along them are crowded with people. You pass them all by and turn into the hotel lobby.<<else>>Pedestrians shy away as you pass. A kid even points <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>and mentions your <<rifle>> to his parents, asking if you're a soldier.<<else>>and stares, eyes wide in surprise.<</if>> You hasten on too quickly to hear the woman's explanation, and turn into the hotel lobby.<</if>><br><br>\n\nThe receptionist, a middle-aged man with greying hair, looks up. \n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Neorave" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray">>"G'day. I'd like to remind ya we got a no-chem policy on these premises so if yer—"\n<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armor">>"G'day. I'd just like te say that we don't endorse any merc companies or—"\n<<else>>"G'day. What can we do for ya t'day? Rooms are—"\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n"Actually, I'm here to meet someone." You stop before the reception. "Mr. Luscovari. He's staying here."<br><br>\n\nHis expression darkens. "Oh, that man with the red-headed 'wife'. Yes. Room 15. If you'd be so nice as to remind him we have a no-solicitation policy, I'd be truly greatful."<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "run" or $action.action1 eq "runfail">>"Damn. Run!" You put words into action..."<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, to hell with..."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I'm really sorry..."<<else>>"Sorry, but it's..."<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "run" or $action.action1 eq "runfail">>"Damn. Run!" You put words into action, scrambling back the way you came.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLevo doesn't react, standing frozen in shock before the [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]]. Part of you wants to leave him. <<if $action.action1 eq "run">>Damned man isn't worth risking your life for.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fucking idiot," you mutter, watching as the monster slashes him with its sting arms.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLovo yelps in surprise, finally realizing what's happening, only to be snapped up by the [[Crab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]]. You don't wait to find out what happens next. There's a clear shot for the doors onthe far side and you make a dash for it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tJunk skids underfoot. Footfalls pound on the ground. You dash through the doors at the far end of the mall, into a world that suddenly lights up in all its brilliance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck!"<<else>>"Ow!"<</if>> You shield your eyes, just able to make out a dozen Purifiers aiming rifles at you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit! Don't shoot. Don't fucking shoot."<<else>>"No! Don't shoot! Friendly!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hold your fire." One of the men, dressed in a bone-whine skinsuit, takes a step toward you. "Identify yourself. And explain. What is a heathen like you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou draw a deep breath, calmind your racing heart as you stare down the barrel of their coilguns. Friendly welcome indeed. But at least they didn't open up.\n\n\t\t<<else>>But that would be terrible - and you aren't a terrible person.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, darn it." You hurry toward Levo, shouting, "Ey! Over here! Over here, you big piece pile of xenos."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]] hesitates. Its sting arms wave lazily in the gloom. For a moment, you fear it'll kill the poor man. Then it turns, its powerful pincers snapping. There's absolutely no doubt as to what will happen if it reaches you.<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, to hell with this shit."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I'm really sorry about this. Truly. But—"\n\t\t<<else>>"Sorry, but it's you or—"\n\t\t<</if>> You grab Lavo and shove him toward the [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe yelps in shock as the monster slashes him with its sting arms. Lovo falls, only to be snapped up by the [[Crab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]]. You don't wait to see what happens next. There's a clear shot for the doors onthe far side and you make a dash for it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tJunk skids underfoot. Footfalls pound on the ground. You dash through the doors at the far end of the mall, into a world that suddenly lights up in all its brilliance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck!"<<else>>"Ow!"<</if>> You shield your eyes, just able to make out a dozen Purifiers aiming rifles at you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit! Don't shoot. Don't fucking shoot."<<else>>"No! Don't shoot! Friendly!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hold your fire." One of the men, dressed in a bone-whine skinsuit, takes a step toward you. "Identify yourself. And explain. What is a heathen like you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou draw a deep breath, calmind your racing heart as you stare down the barrel of their coilguns. Friendly welcome indeed. But at least they didn't open up.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You leave the nest...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou leave the nest and, moving cautiously, retrace your route to the fork in the passage. From there, you take the other path. Water drips from overhead. Floorboards creak underfoot. You continue until a hab which has fallen out of its rotten mountings blocks your way. There's no obvious way around.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Like a fucking maze this place,"<<else>>"This place is like a maze,"<</if>> you mutter, wondering where to go.<br><br>\n\n\t"Hunter. Over there." Lavo points to your left.<br><br>\n\n\tStartled, you turn only to see it's nothing, just a half-collapsed shopping mall. "What about it?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I remember this place now," Lavo says, almost bouncing on his feet. "My wife used to take me here. Yeah, that's the Slowside Mall. Or what's left of it I guess. All we gotta do is get through it and we'll be right back where we started. Well, more or less. The mall's way, way down at the end of the tunnel."<br><br>\n\n\tYou can't help but grin. "Good man. We got a plan."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "misunderstand">>"There's a misunderstanding here..."<<else>>You enter the tent...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "misunderstand">>"There's a misunderstanding here," you say. "I'm not taking over. Shit, I don't want anything to do with this place."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." Pineapple looks surprised but quickly recovers. "Okay but, uh, what happens to us?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Pack up. Go home." No one looks convinced. You breathe a sigh. "Be reasonable. Your operation here's blown. Not to mention <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>insane<<else>>sick<</if>>. Just call it quits."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPineapple glances at his companions, then to you. "That's, uh, easier than you make it sound, y'know. Place like this has all sortsa commitments attached."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure, and it's also illegal." Your gaze wanders to the slaves. "Mean, really. How long ya think you're gonna get away with this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo one replies. It's evidently not a question anyone bothered to consider.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highpalace_empty.png"]]</div>You enter the tent, stepping into a shadowed world of bizzare blacklights, neon decorations, and insane scribblings.\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>It looks so pretty, so impossibly strange and yet so beautiful. And the way the light reflects off the furniture. Sublime. You can't help but smile as you glance around, your gaze wandering over the furry mattress in the corner, shelving unit opposite, and desk laden with data pads.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Data pads." You groan inwardly. Those mean work.\n\t\t<<else>>It takes a moment to adjust to the disorientatin. When you do, the tent reveals itself to be fairly cozy, albeit cramped. There's a mattress with furry covers in one corner, a shelving unit in the other, and a desk laden with data pads opposite the entrance.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tPineapple steps up to the desk, saying, "So, this is the Boss cave now I guess. I'll have a <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> sent over for ya soon as. Unless ya want a <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>boy<<else>>girl<</if>> instead. An' I promise no one's gon' touch anything you leave here. Property of the Boss, after all. Only thing is this—" He picks up a data pad. "—accounting system. I's gonna need you to sign that I can run things in yer name or everythin's gon go to a dead man."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And we wouldn't want that," you say, taking the data pad Pinapple offers. "What's the deal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just regular access rights. No funny business. Well, except that I'll be taking a raise for myself and the crew." He risks a smile. "Make sure we's loyal, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, already signing the document - it doesn't appear fraudulent. "There you go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Coolio." He takes the pad back. "I'll jus' get us all set up and aquainted with the, uh, change in management. You'll have to come by if ya want in on the profit. We work chip-only. For security. Oh, all I gotta know is if ya want that girl or boy. Wouldn't want ya gettin' lonely 'n all, Boss."\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>Heart pounding, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tHeart pounding, you grab the vial of miasma jand smash it on the floor. Blueish haze errupts, hastily expanding into the entire room. At first you can see nothing but azure mist. Then the cloud thins enough to spot the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], glancing about in confusion and blinking furiously.<br><br>\n\n\t"Loving Stars," Zweili coughs, waving haze out of his face. "What in the—"<br><br>\n\n\tThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] turns, squinting through the fog. Its jagged knife tests the air once or twice. Clearly it can't see but it can probably hear you. Best you deal with it quickly, before it recovers - or the miasma dissapates.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You enter the elevator...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou enter the elevator, saying, "Are you sure this is a good idea then? I mean, given the intrusion and all?"<br><br>\n\n\t"It might spell the end of my carreer and, with that, an end to the reformist movement. Yet I believe that, after all which has transpired and all I have asked you to do in the name of my cause, it is only right you be allowed to see what your life was put at risk for, Vine." Zweili swipes his wrist over the elevator controls and hits one of the uppermost buttons.<br><br>\n\n\tThe doors close with a a hiss. Momentum presses down as the lift ascends. Three dozen levels flash past before intertia lifts you off the ground and the elevator opens with a soft chime.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_vault.png"]]</div>"Here we are." Zweili steps out, into a hallway so tall that the light the ceiling is hidden in shadows.<br><br>\n\n\tGlow-orbs set in ornate braziers along the walls bathe the corridor in frail light. It's no more than twenty meters long, lined by columns of dark stone, and leads to a silverish archway which curves over an enormous blast door locked in place by two dozen gilded mag-clamps.<br><br>\n\n\t"The Twenty-Second Vault of Eden." Zweili strides toward the archway, saying, "It was thought to be unbreechable. Alas, it was not so."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You enter the docking tube...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_dockingtube.png"]]</div>\n\tYou enter the docking tube and approach the unsealed hatch at the far end. It leads to the cramped interior of a void capsule. Loose wires dangle from the unfurnished the ceiling, snagging on your <<armor>> as you squeeze past. Within moments, you're tangled in a spider-web of cables.<br><br>\n\n\t"Fucking hell." You extract yourself from the tangle and continue on, until the narrow passage forks.<br><br>\n\n\tBoth directions lead off into utter gloom. There's no way to know which way Corinthin went, assuming he's even there. You can't imagine why he would have come to this place - ship, assuming your assumption is correct and you're in the spinal corridor of a spaceship.<br><br>\n\n\tYou're still trying to decide with way to go when floor plates creak behind you. Surprised, you look back, just as\n\n\t<<if not $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>\n\t\ta tall figure wrapped in a black cloak strides into view. Bright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] draws a jagged blade from a sheath at its ankle, snarling something unintelligable. Its meaning however is beyond doubt: you're about to die unless you do something smart - and fast.\n\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill">>\n\t\tthree commandos in black skinsuits move into position.\tSuppressed coil carbines rise, aimed in your direction.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tthree commandos in dark skinsuits move into position. Assault rifles rise, aimed in your direction.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou say, <<if $action.action2 eq "whatnow">>"So, what happens now? You just leave. I get that. And me?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Be resourceful. That is your strength, <<firstname>> Acrel. Now we bid farewell." Corinthin offers something akin to a wave and strides away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWithin moments, all you can see is its shadowed outline. Its armored feet clang on the floor for a moment longer, then they too fade. It's only when a distant clang meets your ears that you realize: you've been permitted to survive aboard a void capsule - one which, by the sound of it, was just locked from the outside.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "glad">>"I'm glad that's over. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fricking piece of junk was a nightmare<<else>>This was just one big nightmare<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Indeed. The situation was precarious. Now we bid farewell." Corinthin offers something akin to a wave and strides away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWithin moments, all you can see is its shadowed outline. Its armored feet clang on the floor for a moment longer, then they too fade. It's only when a distant clang meets your ears that you realize: you've been permitted to survive aboard an escape capsule - one which, by the sound of it, was just sealed from the outside.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "handover">>"Well, if that's what you gotta to, it's what you gotta do." You hand over Object 55316.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Appreciated." Corinthin takes the silver sphere and unceremoniously crushes it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour lips twitch. "Okay. So now what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Now we part ways." Corinthin turns away but hesitates. "Your assistance was appreciated, <<formalname>>, as was your trust. You are permitted to survive. That is all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Great," you mutter as the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] strides into the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWithin moments, all you can see is its shadowed outline. Its armored feet clang on the floor for a moment longer, then they too fade. It's only when a distant clang meets your ears that you realize: you've been permitted to survive aboard a Void Capsule - one which, by the sound of it, was just sealed from the outside.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nocomply">>"I won't do that. Sorry. But not after all the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>trouble<</if>> I went through to get that <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>piece of junk back<<else>>stupid ball of metal<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Unfortunate. It was hoped you would cooperate. Hence why we convened here. Regardless—" Corinthin clenches a slender hand, bright light forming between his fingers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIn the panicked-filled moment that follows, you can see arcs of electricity crackling from the projectors in the [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] gloves. Heat radiates outwards in a blurry haze. Your mind catches on just as Corinthin raises its hand.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"I'll grab the Exo..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t"I'll grab the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]," you say, already hurrying toward the only unused suit.<br><br>\n\n\tThe technician servicing it - young girl you vaguely remember having seen before - stands aside. "Good luck out there, Boss."<br><br>\n\n\t"Thanks." You step into the armored boots and slide your hands into the gloves.<br><br>\n\n\tAt once, clamps lock down. A digital beep resounds in your head, followed by a hydraulic hiss. Pain shoots through your body as the suit's probes and tubes latch onto your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. Then something cold touches the back of your neck and all your senses go blank.<br><br>\n\n\tEverything feels numb until the world returns with a jolt. Only it isn't the world you know. This perception is heavy and distant, as though you weren't really there at all. You figure that's because you're percieving the world through the senses of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] - all your biological senses would know is the dark interior of the suit.<br><br>\n\n\t"Clear." You risk a step, causing the walkway to shake. "Where you want me?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe technician points to the first assault craft.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You follow Jalkovski...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b1_inside.png"]]</div>\n\tYou follow Jalkovski through the ruined doorway, into the gold-lined corridor you spoke with Lord Otto in. Countless glow-spheres hang from the ceiling, many of them broken. What little reddish light they still give illuminates ornately carved walls and furniture riddled with bolt holes. <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>Three dead fanatics lie behind an upturned cabinet<<else>>A dead merc is propped up agains a demolished cabinet<</if>> and the floor is dotted with numerous blood stains.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Ouch," you drone, surveying the scene with your augmented senses. "Lotsa damage here."\n\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell,"<<else>>"What a mess,"<</if>> you mutter, eyeing the scene. "What happened here?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Our boys must've put up one hell of a fight, Sir," Jalkovski says as you move past the dead <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>fanatics.<<else>>mercenary.<</if>> "FYI: Assault Two reports boots on the ground at the LZ."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You stomp on in silence, augmented senses ever alert. Perhaps a dozen meters down, you sense movement ahead. Your [[Exo's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] senses place it behind a doorway just ahead.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Hostiles." You continue moving, one heavy step at a time. "Forty mikes. Thirty seven..."<br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski and his men ready their rifles. You slow your pace, wondering whether it's a good idea to <<walk>> headlong into an ambush, [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] or not.\n\t<<else>>You simply nod and continue on, careful not to make any unnecessary noise. Perhaps a dozen meters down, something clatters in the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indicators." You hold up a clenched fist.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEveryone stops. Jalkovski glances at you. "Sir?"\n\t<</if>>\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "save">>"I'm saving your sorry ass, apparently. Why? What does it look like?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, not that I am ungreatful. I am. It is simply—" He waves a skinny hand. "I digress: we should best be gone from here. There may be more of those lunatics lurking around. Yes, yes, lunatics in particular. I've a bone to pick with them. But not today!"<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, I just managed to get my hands on something you might be interested in. Something I think you wanted?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe barks a raspy laugh. "Truly? Oh, what wonderful news. But I do digress: we should best be gone from here. There may be more of those lunatics lurking around. Yes, yes, lunatics in particular. I've a bone to pick with them. But not today!"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Actually, we're safer here. [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is moving up in full force. I dobut \t\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>fanatics\n\t\t<<else>>even [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]\n\t\t<</if>> will hold out long. But, uh, I am kinda curious: what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> did they want with you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What everyone wants these days, it would seem: that blasted object only I do not have it. I overheard those men earlier. <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>Quite deranged, those fellows.<<else>>Driven by greed I believe.<</if>> Yet it was clear: they knew of the artefact and wished it for their own, though they have no idea what it is or does."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Neither do I," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOtto draws a labored breath. "A blessing and a curse, that thing. I thought it would unlock my father's work on archway portals, possibly allow me to escape this station in secret as, well, it does not matter anymore. <<if $action.action2 eq "save">>But of curiosity: have you happened to locate that infernal device yet?<<else>>But surely you have noticed our time has run out.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "save">>"That's how I got mixed up in this. I figured you might want it. For a price I'll assume. And—"\n\t\t<<else>>"Don't even get me<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> started. Question is what happens now. I'd suggest a business transaction but, given the situation—"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever you ask it shall all be arranged." Otto smiles - assuming that's what his grimace was intended to be. "Time is of the essence but there is an archway here - not in my estat, of course, but close by."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"An archway," you say slowly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOtto nods vigorously. "A portal to the stars. There are many scattered across the galaxy, remnants of an older age. Few are functional and even fewer synch charts endured the Great War. I have been seeking a proper chart for millenia. With the Object, I might finally have one. With it, we can in theory be far away by tomorrow - as far away as Cubix! But I dare say we best we leave now. My car is waiting by the back entrance."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You grab your...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber. By the time you bring the rifle up, the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] have stopped firing. \n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou grab your <<rifle>> and bring the rifle up, flipping the selector to subsonic out of habit. On the far side of the walkway, the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] have stopped firing. \n\t\tDust swirls lazily in the air as bolts click audibly, cycling from magazines into the machines' coilguns.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone">>"Now or never."<</if>>\n\n\t\tYou duck out of cover, take aim, and squeeze the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a ear-shattering boom, sending a bright red bolt lancing down the hallway. Metal explodes with a loud boom. Shrapnel pings off the walls. What's left of the bot collapses with a dull clang.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a soft puff, which you follow up with a dozen more. On the far end of the corridor, the bot jerks and twitches. A lucky round blows clean through its sensor array, causing the machine to fall with a dull clang.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe other [[Tripod Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] brings up its since-reloaded coil guns. Noise errupts anew. You huddle in the corner, hoping against hope you'll catch another break before you catch a bolt.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<else>>You take the passage...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedSecurity>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_necr_rack.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_security.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in the security station. It's a sizable room, as clinically white as the rest of the Baibirack Facility, albeit since riddled with bolt holes. \n\t<<else>>You take the passage toward security. \n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Clinically white floor plates shake under your heavy footfalls.\n\t\t<<else>>Your footfalls patter on the clinically white floor plates.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tAhead, beyond a unsealed door, you can see the security station.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedSecurity>>\n\t\tThe corpses of three mercs lie scattered on the floor, their blood having stained the floor red.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTo the left is a weapons rack which contains a [[Reaper N3CR|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "N3CR"]]. Opposite, on one of the desks, is a holo-terminal that no doubt allows access to the facility's security network. There are also two spare magazines beside it and a matte-black [[tactical knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "tactical knife"]] in the top drawer, which is half open. Alternatively, you could just head back the way you came, toward the Admin Office.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>The three guards on duty look up as you approach, one augmented bound at a time.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey, what's with the—" The speaker hesitates as a warning flashes on the holo-terminal beside him. "Shit! Security breech!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnother grabs his rifle, his face ripe with terror. The third looks just as scared. Evidently they've put two and two together and realized they're about to get their asses handed to them bigtime. Suckers. Even the siren wailing in the distance won't save them now.\n\t\t<<else>>The three guards on duty look up as you approach. That same moment, a warning flashes on their holo-terminals. A siren whines in the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fuck!" One of them grabs a pistol lying on the desk beside him. "Security breech! Sound the alarm!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnother jumps up, reaching for his holstered sidearm. It's immediately apparent there can be only one way this ends: with their brains splattered all over the overly white walls.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<else>>You take the passage...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedAdmin>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in the admin office. It's a wide room filled with overturned desks and chairs. The white walls have been riddled with bolt holes. \n\t<<else>>You take the passage toward admin, \n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>shaking the floor with every heavy footfall.\n\t\t<<else>>creeping along one careful step at a time.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tPerhaps a dozen meters down you pass a potted plant. Then the corridor bends left, into the admin office. \n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedAdmin>>The occupants have since been gunned down by their own 'security'. All that's left are their upturned desks and chairs, all riddled with bolt holes.\n\t\t<<else>>Six or seven employees in business clothes are sitting at the desks. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedAdmin>>\n\t\tPieces of destroyed [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] lie scattered on the floor and there's blood everywhere. All that remains of the office staff are a bloodstained corpses.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAmidst the remains you spot an unused credit chip, a data pad with a cracked screen, and an unused [[StimFuel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel"]] inhaler. Moreover, there's a blast door at the far end of the room. <<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.usedDoorControl>>The outer doors are sealed however.<<else>>The outer doors are open and you can just see another tunnel beyond.<</if>> Or, of course, you could turn around and head back to the security station.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>One of them looks up at the sound of your heavy footfalls.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Is the security breech deald with." The man stands. "Please say it is. Dr. Baibirack is concerned."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Actually—" You kick the man's desk aside, causing it to crack in two. "I'm the security breech, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>motherfucker<<else>>idiot<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAcross the room, a woman squeals.\n\t\t<<else>>One of them looks up as you approach.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hey, what's—" They stand. "You. You aren't supposed to be—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Run," a woman across the room shouts. "That's the one. That's the—"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>\n\t\tEmergency lights flash as wall panels retract, revealing four humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]. \n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackSecurity>>\n\t\t\tThey step out in unison and raise their weapons arms. Coilfire errupts as bolts sprray across the room, pinging off wals and cutting down panicked employees. A moment later the [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] faulter, turn their weapons arms on themselves, and blast one another to bits.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fucking hell," you mutter, alarmed and relieved at the same time.\n\t\t<<else>>They step out in unison and turn to you, weapon arms raised. Coilfire errupts as bolts whizz through the air, pinging wildly off the walls and cutting down the panicked employees in the process. Screams ring in your ears as an employee is riddled with boltfire.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Madness," you say as arc shields errupt around your suit, deflecting stray bolts. "This is just madness."<<else>>"Oh, shit!" You scramble behind a desk as bolts whizz past overhead. "Shit, shit, shit."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<else>>You head through...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in the research area. \n\n\t<<else>>You head through the blast door, down yet another passage - no longer clinical white this time but barren metal, lined by heavy support struts.\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Your suit's senses immeditately pick up movement ahead. A split second later, two\n\t\t<<else>>Something creaks ahead. You hesitate, just as two \n\t\t<</if>>[[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] roll into the hallway, weapon arms clicking as they load bolts.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>"Shit." You stop short, watching as the bots level their weapons arms on you.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_fob_bot.png"]]</div>"<<formalname>>," a voice on a loudspeaker booms. "You are tresspassing on property of [[Athena Medical Incorporated|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Stand down immediately. This is your only warning."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Really? Two [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]?" You bark a synthesized laugh. "You're deluded."\n\t\t<<else>>"Tough talk for a guy on a speaker, hiding behind a wall of [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]." You move behind one of the support struts, shouting, "Why don't you come out here and face me yourself! After all the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>pain<</if>> you've put me through, that's the least you could do."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tThe voice sighs. "Fine. It is duly noted that you were warned."<br><br>\n\n\t\tOn the far side of the corridor, the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] beep. Coilfire errupts as bolts\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>ping harmlessly off your armor. It so stupid you have to laugh. Fuck these assholes. They're going down - hard.\n\t\t<<else>>ricoshet off the walls and floor. You cower behind your strut, praying, hoping for a break in the fusillade.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway station...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou leave the tramway station, pass by the entrance to the docks, and make for the pedestrian access to landing pad 4000151. There's no one around. Ventilation fans hum to themselves. A failing glow-panel flickers. Ahead, you can see the tunnel to the landing pad, marked by an aged holo-sign beside the passage mouth. There's no hint of [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] being anywhere nearby.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,"<<else>>"Odd,"<</if>> you mutter, peering down the tunnel.<br><br>\n\n\tThe landing pad it leads to is equally deserted. Beyond, you can see grav-tunnel traffic flashing past, and the distant hum of grav-plates meets your ears. You're about to turn back when hydraulics hiss nearby.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_commando.png"]]</div>Two [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] commandos step into the passage through a concealed doorway. One if them is saying, "...got those tickets for Purple in Orange, eh? How'd you manage that? Bribe someone? Pay junk priecs? Shit. I thought the concert was sold out to the max."<br><br>\n\n\t"Luck, y'know. There's this chick I know who—" The man stops, his masked face turned to you. "Oh, fuck me. Bill! It's <<genderposssesive>>! What the fuck is <<genderposssesive>> doing here?!"\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, gaze fixed on the remains of the abomination. \n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>It's impossible to resist a humorless laugh. Stupid thing. Only an idiot would take an [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] on with a knife, augmented or whatever the hell it was or not.\n\t\t<<else>>Its hard not to laugh in relief. Damned thing. Whatever the hell it was, you're glad it's dead - along with the rest of this place.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah..." You glance around the <<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackLab>>wrecked <</if>>lab one last time before you <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp back the way you came.<<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge<<else>>head<</if>> back the way you came.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tNo way to know what that was all about. Creating something horrbile at any rate. But it's dealt with now. And maybe [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] will finally leave you alone. That would be a nice change of pace, <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>though with an [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] on your side it might not be that bad.<<else>>especially after the stress of the past days.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Or not - just as you reach what's left of the admin office, the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] pops a power warning. "Shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWarnings flash continually as you stomp back to the exterior airlock. Then the power core fails. Your arms and legs go limp. Darkness swirls before your eyes. Sad, but maybe it's better the joyride's over considering the bloody mess you left behind.\n\t\t<<else>>You shake your head, picking your way through what's left of the admin office. From there you folllow the same route you took in back to the exterior airlock. There you pause to look back one last time. But there's nothing you want to see. Better this place rot away.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "silentkill">>You grab your...<<else>>You throw up your hands...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silentkill">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>You grab your M1114 and, before either of the commandos can react, have the pistol leveled on them with the selector set to subsonic.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit." One of them raises his hands. "Listen, I dunno what you think's going on but I swear—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pull the trigger, blowing a suppressed round through the man's helmet. The other jerks up his rifle but you're faster. Two bolts to the chest knock his aim askew. A third to the head puts him down.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Poor bastards." You blow one more bolt into each of them to be safe and...\n\t<<else>>You throw up your hands. "Wait! Damn it, wait! Enough with the fucking killing already."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe commandos hesitate. Only one of them raises his rifle. "What you want then, eh? What the fuck you want? 'Cause unless I got this all backwards, you've been fucking with our guys for days now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only because your bosses keep sending kill teams after me," you reply evenly. "I got no beef with you. Either of you. But I want this<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> shit<</if>> to stop, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_docks.killedMercs or $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedCult>>\n\t\t\tThere's a moment's silence. One of the commandos shakes his head. "I ain't buying it. Not after what happened to Mickey and Rodrick."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Same." The other raises his rifle.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAdrenaline surges. You duck out of the way just as rounds zip past your head. Close - too close. There's only one option left.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThere's a moment's silence. One of the commandos offers an impassive shrug. "We <<walk>> away and that's it. Just like you arranged with Mickey and Rodrick down by the docks. Except we ain't paying you this time. Deal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Deal," you reply.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBoth commandos nod and back away. One step, then two. You expect them to go back on their word any moment. But, just like the mercs you ran into at the Docks, they <<walk>> away without hesitation. Less than twenty seconds later, you're alone - alone with a clear way straight into the Briaback Facility.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral of Beams">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromChamber">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_entrance_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit the Commisariat|b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted" and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find Father Zweili's Quarters|b14_cathedral_final_zweili][$time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find Father Zweili's Quarters|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cathedral of Beams|tram_station_b14][$action.arrive = "fromCathedral"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromChamber">>You leave the audience chamber...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You enter the...<<else>>You are standing in the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_inside.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromChamber">>You leave the audience chamber, passing by the many clerics standing about in the corridor outside, and make for the gate. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>Virtually everyone glowers at you in contempt.<<else>>Curious gazes follow you. Hushed words are spoken and eyes hastily averted when you glance at the speakers.<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Oh, fuck you," you snarl as you near the gate. "You damn faiths never seen an outsider before or what?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edentine">>"Oh, Loving Stars," you mutter as you near the gate. "Do I really look like that little like a believer?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be," you mutter as you near the gate. "Do I really look like that much of a freak?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between," you mutter as you near the gate. "Do I somehow look like a threat?"<<else>>"Oh come on," you mutter as you near the gate. "Am I some kinda freak or something?"<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isTheophobic>>More than likely, given the theophobic outfit you're wearing.<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Neorave" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray" or $equip.clothes eq "CyberWaer">>Probable, given the chem-associated outfit you decided to show up in.<<elseif ($equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress") and $attrib.gender eq "male">>Probably, given you're walking around in what is considered by most to be a women's outfit.<<else>>More likely these people are just unused to outsiders.<</if>> Regardless, you stop in a quiet corner and take stock of the scene. A hallway to the left leads down to the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] office. To the right, beyond a golden archway, are the Clergy's personal quarters. Directly ahead is the great, shimmering gate which leads back to the hustle and bustle of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You enter the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]] through the blue-tinted doors, into a column-lined hallway with half a dozen doors on either side. Clerics dressed in long, white robes are shuffling past, talking in low voices. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>Virtually everyone shoots you a dark look, no doubt on account of your theophobic apparel.<<else>>A few curious gazes are cast your way but no one takes much notice of your presence.<</if>> \n\nA hallway to the right leads down to the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] office. To the left, beyond a golden archway, are the Clergy's personal quarters. Behind you is the great, shimmering gate which leads back to the hustle and bustle of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<<else>>You return to the main corridor of the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. Clerics dressed in long, white robes mill about, talking in hushed voices. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>Virtually everyone shoots you a dark look, no doubt on account of your theophobic apparel.<<else>>A few curious gazes are cast your way but no one takes much notice of your presence.\n\nA hallway to the right leads down to the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] office. To the left, beyond a golden archway, are the Clergy's personal quarters. Behind you is the great, shimmering gate which leads back to the hustle and bustle of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]].<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You wave <<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>> over...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou wave <<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>> over, saying, "Hey, come over here. I'm in the mood for fun."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu traipses over and, without so much as a moment's hesitation, guides you over to the bed. Bright eyes stare at you as he\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia traipses over and, with a gentle hand, guides you over to the bed. Bright eyes stare briefl, then look away as she \n\t<</if>>slides a hand into your <<armorbottom>>. It feels nice, warm, pleasant but in no way remarkable.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu fixes you with an earnest gaze. "I wished to speak of something, Master. If I am permitted."\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia smiles shyly. "Can I speak about something, Master? It's important."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Sure." You prop yourself up. "Just as long as it isn't you asking if you can go."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"Oh, no." He looks horrified. "This is my home, the only one I've ever had. I would never leave. That's what I wanted to say. At first I wasn't sure this would be agreeable and, ah, I made a mistake."\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>"Go?" She looks aghast. "But this is the closest I've got to a home since my mom made me leave. That's what I wanted to say. I wasn't sure I'd like it with you. And, well, I did something. Something silly."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\t\n\n\tYour eyes narrow. "<<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>>? What'd you do?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"I stole this." He produces a sprayed [[MF-RIB|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-Rave"]] from beneath the mattress, head hung in shame. "I accept any punishment you way wish upon me."\n\t<<else>>"I, well, I stole this from one of the Highborn." She pulls a sprayed [[Blackthorn VX|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VX_Rave"]] from beneath the mattress, avoiding your eyes. "If you want to punish me, I'll understand. It was stupid like I said."\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You wave <<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>> over...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou wave <<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>> over, saying, "Hey, come over here. I'm in the mood for fun."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu traipses over and, without so much as a moment's hesitation, guides you over to the bed. Bright eyes stare at you as he\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia traipses over and, with a gentle hand, guides you over to the bed. Bright eyes stare briefl, then look away as she \n\t<</if>>slides a hand into your <<armorbottom>>. It feels nice, warm, pleasant but in no way remarkable.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu's lips curl. "A little more? Something more exciting maybe? Whatever you find amusing. My body's yours."\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>"Would you like something else? Somethign more exciting?" Lia smiles shyly. "My body's yours in whatever way you want it."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, I know that." You \n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>stoke his chest.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>stroke her breasts.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tPretty, just like the rest. And yours to do with what you want. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>There are so many dirtly little ideas floating around your mind it's hard to decide where to start.<<else>>So many possibilities. It's hard to know which one would be the most fun.<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Thanks." You...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_inn.png"]]</div>\n\n"Thanks." You leave reception, headed down a short corridor that leads to the rooms.<br><br>\n\nEven from afar, you can tell the door to Number 15 has been jammed open. Footsteps are audible beyond. Adrenaline surges. You've just started to reach for your <<if $equip.pistol neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>> when someone yelps within.<br><br>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Here goes—"<</if>> You kick the door open and storm through.<br><br>\n\nMr. Luscovari is lying, naked and rigid as a board, on a double bed. A stringlike mass of flesh and organs that only vaguely resembles a woman is perched atop him. The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] glances at you with bloodshot eyes.<br><br>\n\n<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>"Oh, hey Vine." Her familiar red-headed form rematerialized. "Nice timing. I just came. Stupid jerk really though I was a fucktoy."<<else>>"Oh, it's you." The red-headed woman materializes, fully clothed. "Nice timing. I just got off with him. Stupid jerk had the nerve to reat me like a fucktoy."<</if>><br><br>\n\n<<if $chr_fabienne.met and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8>>"I really didn't need to know that." You lower your weapon. "So, uh, mind telling me what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> is going on here?"\n<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" and $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 3>>"Well, great." You keep your weapon ready. "I spared you once. Now this? Why?"\n<<else>>"Wonderful." You keep your weapon ready. "Give me an excuse. Just one. And I swear I'll put your abominated ass down."\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<<if $chr_fabienne.met and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8>>"Simple." Fabienne hops off her paralyzed victim, saying, "I'm looking for Warlock.\n<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" and $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase eq 3>>"Mostly 'cause he deserved it." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] hops off its paralyzed victim, saying, "Also because I needed to figure out who the fuck Warlock is.\n<<else>>"One good reason?" The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] hops off the paralyzed man, smiling. "Okay, one: Warlock.\n<</if>> He used to be a, well, friend of mine before I ended up like this. Now he's some crypto-vigilante. But I get it. Just blame me and get it over with. I am an abom after all, right, so it's gotta be my fault."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]]. It twitches. You pause. Behind you, Lavo yelps.<br><br>\n\n\t"Loving Stars. Is it dead? For real I mean. As in completely dead."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah." You kick the crab to prove your point.\n\t<<else>>"Probably," you say, unwilling to test the theory in practice.\n\t<</if>>"Now c'mon. Let's get out of here."<br><br>\n\n\tMoving carefully on account of the lack of visibility, you head for the doors on the far side of the malls. Junk shifts underfoot. Footfalls echo in the gloom. You step through the doors at the far end of the mall, into a world that suddenly lights up in all its brilliance.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck!"<<else>>"Ow!"<</if>> You shield your eyes, just able to make out a dozen Purifiers aiming rifles at you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit! Don't shoot. Don't fucking shoot."<<else>>"No! Don't shoot! Friendlies!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\n\t"Hold your fire." One of the men, dressed in a bone-whine armor, takes a step toward you. "Identify yourself. And explain. What is a heathen like you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou draw a deep breath, calmind your racing heart as you stare down the barrel of their coilguns. Friendly welcome indeed. But at least they didn't open up.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You follow Zweili, saying...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou follow Zweili, saying,\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "howbreeched">>"How was it breeched exactly anways? Did Mauricio just <<walk>> in and out with the Object tucked in his pocket or something?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That is precisely what transpired." Zweili pauses beside the archway and summons a holo-interface.\n\n\t\t<<else>>"It doesn't look very well guarded. At least not for something that's supposed to be absolutely secure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There are defensive measures hidden in the walls yet they are not what keeps this place safe." Zweili pauses beside the archway and summons a holo-interface.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"You see, the Vault is quite impossible to force ones way into. The doors are but a decoy. Only those aware of this, and who possess the proper authorization codes, can ever hope to reach—" He taps the interface one last time. "—the true vault. Aside from the Padre Mechanus, few others are allowed to enter. You will see."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t\tA low buzz fills the air, followed by a mournful whine. All along the corridor, the lights flicker and go out. Utter darkness descends. Footsteps echo on the floor, drawing slowly nearer.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tZweili calls, "Who is present? Show yourself!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA soft voice says, "Oh, it's just me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEmergency flicker on, casting just enough light to reveal Celena striding toward you, her skin shimmering silver and a blood-drenched witchblade clutched in her hand. \n\n\t\t\t"I brought something I think both of you should see. Nothing big. Just a little present."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah?" The aged man looks visibly worried. "And that would be?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"This." She drops what looks suspiciously like a [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] helmet on the ground.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Loving Stars." Zweili takes a step back. "Is... is that Corinthin?"\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tA low buzz fills the air, followed by a mournful whine. All along the corridor, the lights go out. Utter darkness obscures your vision.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uh-oh," Zweili's voice says beside you. "Be prepared for anything, Vine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>Before you can reply, a dark silhouette appears at the far end of the hallway. Its heavy footfalls ring on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Biological," a monotone voice drones. "Surrender the artefact or direct intervention will enuse."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEven if emergency power hadn't come back on, bathing the corridor in reddish hues that reflect off [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin's silver armor, you would have known it was Corinthin beyond all doubt. No other being in the galaxy has such a distinct voice. The meaning of Corinthin's slender, outstretched hand is beyond doubt: give it here - or else.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>>hurry<</if>> toward...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>>hurry<</if>> toward the assault craft, saying, "Who'm I with?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Me, Sir." Jalkovski jogs up beside you. "Assault One. Straight up the middle. Idea's to shoot a path clear to the panic room and get the VIPs out ASAP, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t"Sounds simple enough." <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You grab the handholds beside the cargo bay door, droning, "[[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] up. Make room."<br><br>\n\n\tSix bulked-up [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers shuffle aside. You haul yourself in, causing the airframe to shake.<<else>>You clamber into the cargo bay, squeezing in beside six bulked-up [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Clear," Jalkovski shouts, climbing in beside you. "Go, go, go!"<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_assaultcraft_zanex.png"]]</div>Anti-grav plates whine as the assault craft lifts off. You watch the walkway drop away. Hundreds of curious onlookers are staring up at the aircraft. Hydraulics hiss, followed by a faint lurch as the wings re-align for forward momentum.<br><br>\n\n\t"Hold on, Sir." Jalkovski tosses on his helmet and grabs a handrail.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You don't bother. The interial lurch as the assault craft hurls forward is barely even noticable inside your [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].\n\t<<else>>You do likewise. A moment later the assault craft lurches forward, causing the troopers to sway on their feet.\n\t<</if>>Outside, holo-signs and walkways zip past at breakneck speed. Then the pilot turns into the fastway and accelerates again, turning everything beyond the vehicle into a muddled blur of light, color, and <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>muted <</if>>noise.\n \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_mansion.png"]]</div> You say,\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "hold">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Hold position. Activity front."\n\t\t<<else>>"Hold position. I heard something."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hold position," Jalkovski echoes, readying his carbine.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLong seconds pass.\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You feel nothing, not even your heartbeat. Sooner or later. Sooner or—\n\t\t<<else>>Your heart pounds away, sweat forming on your hands. Any moment now, and when it happens—\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Activity front. Keep advancing."\n\t\t<<else>>"Keep moving. And stay alert. I heard something.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Keep moving," Jalkovski echoes, adjusting his grip on his carbine.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLong seconds pass as you creep forwards. \n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You feel nothing, not even your heartbeat. Every footfall shakes the floor.\n\t\t<<else>>Your heart pounds away, sweat forming on your hands. Footsteps echo in your ears, too loud for comfort.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>"For Eden!" Three robed men rush into the hallway, spraying bolts wildly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA fourth darts out from behind them, screaming manically. There's just enough time to see the bombs strapped to his body before a bolt takes his head off. He vanishes in a brilliant flash of light.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>"Now!" Two mercs swing into the hallway, spraing bolts wildly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA third appears behind them, armed with a plasma caster. There's just enough time to realize what's about to happen before a bolt slams into his weapon. He vanishes in a brilliant flash of light.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"Contact! Cont—" \n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "hold">>Jalkovski recoils as a round clips his shoulder plate.\n\t<<else>>Jalkovski screams, bleeding from a neck wound.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tMore <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>fanatics<<else>>mercs<</if>> move into firing positions. Beside you, two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are riddled with bolts. There's no time to retreat. Your only options are to fight or die.\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "leave">>"All right then..."<<else>>"Not gonna happen..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "leave">>"All right then. But you're gonna have to <<walk>> on your own. I need my hands for this—" You pat your <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">><<rifle>><<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, that is quite all right." Lord Otto hobbles toward the door. "Come, it is just down the—"<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Not gonna happen. We stay. It's safer and I don't trust you. And just in case you get any funny ideas, believe me—" You pat your <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">><<rifle>><<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, very well." Lord Otto's shriveled chest heaves. "It would have merely been a dozen meters or so yet if you ins—"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\tSomeone shouts. Gunfire errupts. A bright flash washes the hallway outside the panic room, causing power to fail. In the resulting darkness, you can just make out an all too familiar silver silhouette striding toward you. Its heavy footfalls ring on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Biological," a monotone voice drones. "Surrender your weapons and produce the artefact or direct intervention will enuse."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Even if emergency power hadn't come back on, bathing the corridor in reddish hues that reflect off [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin's silver armor, you would have known it was him beyond all doubt. No other being in the galaxy has that voice. And the implied meaning of Corinthin's slender, outstretched hand is beyond doubt.\n\t\t\t<<else>>As emergency power comes online, reddish hues bathe the silvery skin of what is undoubtably a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Its mask is faceless and yet you sense the machine-angel's barely contained scorn.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "leave">>You shrug...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "misunderstand">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "quit">>You say, "Seriously. Just close this place down. Find something else, do something useful. Seriously. You'll thank me one day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," Pineapple says slowly. "I kinda doubt that. No hard feelings or anything. But ya got the wrong picture here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No, actually, I got the right picture. Mean, look—" You gesture around. "—at this. You're <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking<<else>>playing<</if>> slavers. Anyone so much as gets a hint of this, they'll put you away for good. Forever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sh<<else>>H<</if>>e's got a point," one of the guards says. Another agrees.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPineapple shoots you a dark look. "Now look what you've done. Got 'em all thinking on me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Tough luck." You draw a deep breath. "But seriously. End this crap. Let the poor guys go. I won't be back to check up on you. But take it from me: this doesn't end anywhere good. I've been close enough myself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWithout waiting for a reply, you squeeze past the guards and make for the exit. No one stops you. But all you can think is: these idiots don't have any idea what kinda trouble they're set up for. Almost like your old Raptors - except at least you warned these guys.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "theircall">>You say, "It's your call in the end. Doesn't really affect me either way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"True that." Pineapple shrugs, gaze fixed on his compatriots. "Well, dunno 'bout you guys, but I'm staying. Got a nice business here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSeveral of them nod in response. One says, "Eh, sure. I'm stayin' too. But ya ain't King, Apple. Jus so ya know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Do without a King," you suggest. "Waste of <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn <</if>>time if ya ask me. And now, if you don't mind, I'll be on my way. Seen enough of this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>dump<<else>>place<</if>> for one lifetime."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou squeeze past the guards and make for the exit. No one stops you. It's a relief, and still you can't help but feel a hint of compassion. Poor, misguided kids. They don't know what kinda trouble they're mixed up in. Just like your old Raptors.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "leave">>You shrug and turn away. Not your problem, what these folk do. They can sort it out on their own.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLost in thought, you return to the utility passage. It's as cramped as it was on the way. Minutes pass in silence before you reach the dislodged outside Unit 42. From there, you head back the way you came. It isn't long before you reach the main passage - or so you thought. Somehow you've taken a wrong turn and are standing before the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThousands of voices clamor. Odors hang thick in the air; smoke and perfume. Everywhere you look, vendors are calling out and holo-boards flash advertisements. And, when you crane your neck, you can just can just see the tunnel to the tramway station over the heads of the massive crowd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Finally,"<<else>>"Here we are again,"<</if>> you mutter and...\t\t\t\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t\n\t\tYou say, \n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "boys">>"Something sexy would be nice. Boy though. No girls. Don't like them."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Sure. We got Lu all drugged up 'n all." Pineapple grins. "Ain't even been touched yet and I tell ya from experience: you'll wanna. Got, like, six buyers lined up for 'im but for you, Boss, anything."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "girls">>"Wouldn't mind tapping. Girl though. Sexy, if ya got that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, we sure do. Lia. Drugged as hell and sweet as fuck." Pineapple grins. "Ain't been messed with. Yet. Been enough folks who'd wanna but anything for you, Boss. Anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'm fine just being your boss, man. Only in this for the creds."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Fer real? You sure?" When you nod, Pineapple shrugs. "Fine, then, whatever ya say, Boss. Anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay. You need anything else?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPineapple shakes his head. "All clear, Boss. Come back in an hour or so an' everything'll be back to normal. Though, uh, if ya wanna hit you'll have te talk to Shitzo an' pay up. I ain't givin' out free fixes after, uh, what happened to yer predecessor. Bad fer business."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You chuckle. "An' here I thought I'd get special treatment like the rest do."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You scoff. "Right, but dole out free fixes to the crew."\n\t\t\t<<else>>You frown. "Gonna bet there's a good reason for that, right?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Oh, ya will, Boss. Just not with 'em fixes." He shrugs.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sure, but I keep an eye on 'em." He shrugs.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Bad experiences with 'em King, ya know?" He shrugs.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t"See, I ain't one for fixing myself. Like a little freedom here an' there. But not that way, ya know? Wanna keep my mind clear and I'll tell ya: I keep the Highborn in tiptop shape. Take after that Vine, ya know. Learned all the ropes from <<genderposssesive>>."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>Heart pounding, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tHeart pounding, you grab the vial of miasma and smash it on the floor. Blueish haze errupts, hastily expanding into the entire room. At first you can see nothing but azure mist. Then the cloud thins enough to spot the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], glancing about in confusion and blinking furiously.<br><br>\n\n\t"Fuck." You cough, wiping your tear-filled eyes. "That wasn't what—"<br><br>\n\n\tThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] turns, squinting through the fog. Its jagged knife tests the air once or twice. Clearly it can't see but it can probably hear you. Best you deal with it quickly, before it recovers - or the miasma dissapates.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>but your agumented strength causes the projector to snap. All you can see is the residual holo-shadow:<<else>>and, careful not to break it, unlock the screen. It reads:<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>\n\t\t\tCu543789:-. 02├╝.-.n:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArt438u98 391'93'09 that? Though I registered 589—.1,jmk , you know<br>\n\t\t\tSebas42325 — YES!! The shipm441 till m*%*18 008292....guys from S4 were supps5391..├¿]]├ñl it but it's gone!<br>\n\t\t\tArtur .&/)r3 ├ñ$can't be. I sa├╢┬¿4├╝t3904p├╢ an hour ago<br>\n\t\t\tSebasti5978 3├ñ1t4i9o04eden fucking fuck th├╝├╝ 4t9'!├á├⌐ ├¿803tive_limit_exceeded]<br>\n\t\t\tArtur .Jen set4870 49w├á!├╝'pI'll head t4804├ñ┬ú┬¿├╢$what's up<br>\n\t\t\tSe26t63tia534that<br>\n\t\t\tSebastiagf4p04$├ñow!!!<br>\n\t\t\tSebas1809├╢├á*pes back to us.........<br>\n\t\t\tArtur2t64t's probably just an errt4357 8hiFUC K!FU 5GJUPEG KOFEK ogk├╢k400T43\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\tCurrent Conversation:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArtur.Jensen: you sure about that? Though I registered the pheromone shipment when we, well, you know<br>\n\t\t\tSebastian.Kri: YES!! The shipment's still missing! Those guys from S4 were suppsoed to secure it but it's gone!<br>\n\t\t\tArtur.Jensen: That can't be. I saw it here, like, an hour ago<br>\n\t\t\tSebastian.Kri: really? shit. fuck. damn. eden fucking fuck this fu<span class='yellowcolor'>[exceeded expetitive limit]</span><br>\n\t\t\tArtur.Jensen: geez, chill. I'll head over to S4 and ask 'em what's up<br>\n\t\t\tSebastian.Kri: do that<br>\n\t\t\tSebastian.Kri: now!!!<br>\n\t\t\tSebastian.Kri: I swear if it comes back to us.........<br>\n\t\t\tArtur.Jensen: It's probably just an error with shiF UCK!F UCK├á!├¿ FUC ├¿GJU PEGK OFEKogk├╢ k4 00000\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_briaback_mainchamber.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp past<<else>>step around<</if>> the destroyed [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]], headed for the doorway behind them. As you step through, an error tone bleeps in your ear. Warnings flash in your face.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit." You check the interface of your [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\tThe power core has shorted. Emergency power has come on but the battery graph is dropping like a rock. As it plummets, your arms and legs go limp. Darkness swirls before your eyes. The neural interface fails with a pop, leaving you shrouded in darkness beside a backup light that illuminates the emergency release.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You slide the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou slide the data block containing the Xjanu-4 intrusion agent into the holo-terminal. The device emits a soft beep. Holo-displays flicker as text scrolls past, executing base level commands at breakneck speed.<br><br>\n\n\tAll around you, warning lights flash. Medical equipment fails spectacularly, robotic arms knotting themselves as they shred nearby components. Stasis tubes are unexpectedly emptied, causing goopy liquid to splash across the floor. On the holo-terminal, a single word appears: //ERROR//.<br><br>\n\n\t"More like overkill." You retrieve the data block, amazed at the intrusion agent's adaptability.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromNegotiate">>Unable to believe your luck...<<else>>You lower your weapon...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_holoterminal.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromNegotiate">>\n\t\tUnable to believe your luck, you step up to the oncealed hatch the commandos emerged from. It hasn't closed yet. Pure luck, probably. But you've come this far. It's about time you figured out what the hell [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] wants with you - and so you stride through, jaw set.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and step over the dead commandos, eyeing the concealed hatch they emerged from. It hasn't closed yet. Pure luck, probably. But you've come this far. It's about time you kicked [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] in the ass - and so you stride through, jaw set.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe hallways beyond is long, almost clinically white, and leads to a sealed airlock. Just shy of it however you spot a security station. There's a holo-terminal which presumably controls the airlock and a suit of [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] charging on a rack beside it.\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>><<walk>><</if>> over to...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>><<walk>><</if>> over to the holo-terminal and activate it. The projection reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackSecurity>>\n\t\t\tsys.local.vol <span class='greencolor'>OK</span><br>\n\t\t\tsys.local.io <span class='greencolor'>OK</span><br>\n\t\t\tsys.local.boot <span class='redcolor'>ERR</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\n\t\t\tSythrax Security Systms<br>\n\t\t\tActive User: vark.bavi.ami<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tPerimiter Security: <span class='greyedout'>[e0x5 - unlinked]</span><br>\n\t\t\tAirlock A-01: <<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">><span class='yellowcolor'>unsealed</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'>breeched</span><</if>><br>\n\t\t\tStation A-01: <span class='redcolor'>overpowered</span><br>\n\t\t\tStation S-01: <span class='redcolor'>overpowered</span><br>\n\t\t\tBot Team A: <<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedAdmin>><span class='greencolor'>online</span><<else>><span class='yellowcolor'>unresponsive</span><</if>><br>\n\t\t\tBot Team R: <<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.clearedTesting>><span class='greencolor'>online</span><<else>><span class='yellowcolor'>unresponsive</span><</if>><br>\n\t\t\tAirlock R-01: <<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.usedDoorControl>><span class='greencolor'>sealed</span><<else>><span class='yellowcolor'>unsealed</span><</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.usedDoorControl>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>WARNING:</span> Emergeny Lockdown In Effect<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "exit">>Using what little...<<else>>You trudge through the airlock<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "exit">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t\tUsing what little emergency power is left, you cycle your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] into dismount mode and, with a hint of regret, give the release command.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHydraulics hiss as the rear plates slide apart, followed by a series of stinging pains caused by the nodes and tubes releasing from your body. Darkness swims before your eyes and then, suddenly, you're stumbling backwards, out of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck," you mutter as you fall flat on your ass. "But, yeah. Enough of this shit."<<else>>"Ouch," you mutter as you fall flat on your ass. "Well, at least it's over."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pick yourself up, swaying unsteadily, and head through the airlock. The corridor outside is as dark and deserted as you remember. Strange, that this place existed for so long without anyone noticing. But it doesn't matter anymore. You wrecked it good. Now it's time to deal with the other crap on your plate.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_airlock.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou trudge through the airlock and turn into the dim corridor outside what's left of the Baibirack Facility. It's still hard to come to terms with exactly what the hell happened, even for you. [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] creating abominations? [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] sending kill teams after a sanctioned hunter? Crazy - and you thought you'd seen it all years ago.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBut it's over now - hopefully. Now all you have to do is deal with all the other crap you have on your plate. And when that's done, well, then maybe you'll finally have some peace. Though you doubt it. Way things have been going, you'll be neck-deep in abominations, mercs, and everything else until the day you die.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fun times."<<else>>"What a waste."<</if>> You breathe a sigh but can't help but feel relived all the same.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAt least now you have one less problem to worry about - and that's one less than you had an hour or so ago.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral Commisariat">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_comissariat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive and $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Corbei Family|b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat][$action.action1 = "corbei"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Assistance|b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat][$action.action1 = "assist"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Equipment|b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat][$action.action1 = "gear"; $hide.layer3 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Commisariat|b14_cathedral_addon_inside][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = "false"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_comissariat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_comissariat_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "gear">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 10 or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_6")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='game-church-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'church_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "assist">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Verei's Terms|b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat][$action.action2 = "assist"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "varai"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_comissariat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_comissariat_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_comissariat_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow Commisaria Verei|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1.5; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You head toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_commisariat.png"]]</div>You head toward the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] office, located just off the main hallway. Dozens of closed doors - presumably interrogation rooms - line the way toward a great golden statue of Saint Justinia at the end of the hallway. In the statue's shadow stands a marble desk. <<if $chr_varai.alive>>To no great surprise, you spot Varai sitting behind the counter, dressed in her usual green uniform.\n\nShe looks up as you approach. "<<formalname>>. <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>You have a lot of nerve showing your face here after what you accused Father Zweili of."\n\n"Pursuit of justice, eh?" YOu nod to the statue. "Thought you guys believed in that. Or aren't you all about locking people up for faith crimes?"\n\nShe scoffs. "We believe in due procedure and pursuit of justice in accordance to the law. Not that a Downer like yourself would understand such concepts."\n\n"Yeah, keep deluding yourself behind that uniform of yours, Lady. Truth is everyone knows what the Clergy and the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] really are. Hell, I don't even know why I came here." You shrug, smirking. "Probably just to see that stupid look on your face. Yeah, that one ya got right now."\n\n"Out." Varai jabs a finger toward the door. "Now. Before I loose my temper, punk."<<else>>It is in no way a pleasure to see you."\n\n"Feeling's mutual," you say coldly.\n\n"I see." Varai tilts her chin up. "I digress: what can the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] do for you today, <<formalname>>?"<</if>><<else>>A young man in a dark green uniform is sitting behind the counter.\n\nHe looks up as you approach. "Excuse me, Visitors are not allowed in this area of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. I must kindly request you leave."\n\n"Uh, I'm not—"\n\n"Please, Sir. He gestures toward the door. Should you refuse I shall be forced to take dire action."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action1 eq "gear">>"I was wondering. You guys have any gear lying around you don't need? Just out of curiosity."\n\nVarai looks shocked. "Are you serious, hunter? Were you not issued sufficient equipment for your assignment?"\n\n"Hey, I'm prepared. But I don't exactly get issued gear. That's why I'm asking."\n\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase lt 10 or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_6")>>"I see." The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] breathes a sigh. "It goes against strict protocol. Yet you are sanctioned. I suppose an exception could be made..."<<else>>"I see." The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] remains impassive. "But that is out of the question. We cannot legally issue any equipment, even to sanctioned individuals, who is suspected of criminal activity. There can be no exceptions."<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>"What can you tell me about the Corbei family? Beyond that they own [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]], obviously."\n\n"Little," Varai says. "They are an old family, albeit not nobility, that has never associated much with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Their business is located well beyond our jurisdiction and they have, up until now, not been of interest to the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]."\n\n"Until now?" Your brow rises. \n\n"Should a member of the Corbei family indeed have been part of this conspiracy, then the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] will undobutably become involved. It is well known that those who operate beyond the reach of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] are a potential menace to society. These elements however have, until now, remained a problem for others to deal with." Verei's expression darknes. "The theft of a holy reic from the sacred halls of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]] casts in a very different light on the situation. Perhaps we have not been vigilant enough. Perhaps harsher sanctions within and without the ranks of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] are necessary to preserve order."\n\n"I see," you say, more than a little worried about the woman's tone.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "assist">>"I was told the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] might be able to provide assistance in the Corbei matter. In particular, it's transportation I'm after."\n\n"Impossible," Verei says flatly. "This is beyond our jurisdiction."\n\n"But—"\n\n"I was not finished," she says sternly. "I could be persuaded to assist you however, were you to admit that your investigation has not been conducted entirely lawfully. As this would make the investigation a matter within my jurisdiction, I would be able to provide any and all resources at my disposal. I would need to accompany you, or course, yet this would allow me to determine first-hand what the truth of the situation is. And possibly clear you of any charges which may or may not have been made."\n\n"I see," you say slowly. "So, no chance you could just conveniently misplace the car keys?"\n\nVerei looks insulted. "<<formalname>>, who do you think you are speaking to?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I was joking," you say with a groan. "Sheesh. Take it easy."<<else>>"Figure of speech," you say uneasily. "Didn't mean it literally."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>"Agreed," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n"Agreed," you say. "There have been some iffy things about my investigation. So you're welcome to poke your nose into my affairs."\n\n"I see." Verei fixes you with a hard look. "I must inform you, <<formalname>>, that the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] will expect utmost quality from you in the field. You represent the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], albeit indirectly, and I will not stand for any less than perfect behavior."\n\n"Yeah, yeah, I get the drift. Or you need me to fill out some paperwork for you first?"\n\nThe [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] looks unamused. "This is merely a preliminary investigation, <<formalname>>. I shall observe, no more."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You roll your eyes. "Fine. Then please observe me to a vehicle capable of getting me to the Corbei residence. Because that'd be great, you know."<<else>>"I hope so," you say evenly. "Now can we please get to that car of yours? Because I can't fly, you know."<</if>>\n\n"Please attempt to maintain some veneer of professionalism in my presence, <<formalname>>." Verei stands and gestures to the door behind her desk. "That way."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action2 eq "take">>You take the...<<else>>You shake your head...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "take">>You take the...\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>[[MF-RIB|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-Rave"]]\n\t\t<<else>>[[VX|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VX_Rave"]]\n\t\t<</if>>, crack the breech, and chuckle. "Great lotta good that'd have done you with no bolt."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu looks ashamed. "I planned to steal one from you. If necessary. But it isn't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Asshole." You slap him across the face. "There. Now don't fucking do anything like this again or I swear I will kill your sorry ass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLu bows his head. "Yes, Master. I will never steal from you again, Master."<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia's eyes dart everywhere except on you. "I am stupid, Master. I know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou can't help but snort. "Shit, girl. That's not stupid. That's suicidal."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"I didn't think. I promise I'll never do it again. Promised." She fiddles with the furry covers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good. And next time you wanna kill someone, steal ammo too." You consider slapping the girl out of principle but decide not to.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>You shake your head. "Keep it. You'll need it more than me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me?" <<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu looks startled. "But, Master. I thought—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You're a fucking slave in a chem op. I'm a sanctioned hunter. Logic dictates you're more likely to get fucked over than me. So keep it. Just in case."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see." He takes the [[MF-RIB|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-Rave"]] and slides it back under the mattress. "And my punishment, Ma—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou slap him across the face. "Never do anythign like this again. Ever. Or I swear I will have your torn apart limb for limb."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia looks horrified. "But, Master. I don't even want to have it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, you're basically a sex slave in a chem op. I'm a sanctioned hunter. You're more likely to get fucked over than me. So keep it. Just in case."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I, uh, if you wish." She gingerly slides the [[VX|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "VX_Rave"]] back under the mattress.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good girl. Just don't ever fucking steal from me again." You consider slapping her for a moment, just to make it stick, but decide not to.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>\n\t\t"Good." You draw a deep breath, secretly glad this ended where it did.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCould've gone one hell of a lot worse - and have ended with a bolthole blown through your chest. But it didn't. And Lu was honest enough to fess up to his mistake. It's hard to hate him after that.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tThat would just make the situation worse. And she was nice enough to fess up to wanting to kill you, which isn't exactly something you expected. So you'll let this one slip - once, and only because you know Lia won't be this dumb again.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "sex">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>\n\t\t\t\t"Suck my dick. Real good. 'Till you choke 'cause I need that."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "female" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>\n\t\t\t\t"Lick me. Real good, 'till your tongue aches. I need that. I so fucking need that."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Just fuck me. Hard. Until you can't anymore. I so need that."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"Oh, it would be—" He kneels between your legs. "— a pleasure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou gasp in pain as he licks your cock. It's all too easy to force his head down. That feels good. You like it when he sucks you.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>"Oh, but of course." She hops onto your lap and slides your dick into her.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou breathe a sigh of relief as she begins to ride you. It's nothing special. Just another girl to fuck. But she feels good - real good.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "female" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"It would be my—" He eases you down, sliding his cock into you. "—a pleasure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou beathe a sighg of relief as he begins to fuck you. Nothing special, sure, but you like it when he puts his cock inside you. That feels good - real good.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "female" and $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>"Whatever you wish, Master." She kneels between your legs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou moan in relief as she licks your pussy. It's all too easy to press her against your clit. That feels good. Especially when it's her doing it.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt only gets better as time goes on. Talented, <<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>the kid.<<else>>the girl.<</if>> Makes you wonder if Pineapple was right when he said <<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>he<<else>>she<</if>> hasn't been touched. But that hardly matters. As long as <<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>he<<else>>she<</if>>'s clean, all that matters is that you <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>get off - and eventually you do, messily<<else>>you come - and eventually you do, moaning conttently.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"A pleasure, Master." Lu smiles at you, wiping <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cum off <</if>>his face.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I hope it was satisfying, Master." Lia smiles shyly as she pulls away.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Better than what I get. Usually." You smirk and slap <<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>him<<else>>her<</if>> playfully on the ass.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "cuddle">>\n\t\t\t"Actually, I'm more for cuddling. Been a long day, you know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"I, oh, of course, Master." He snuggles against you, stroking your thigh. "Was there anything else you wished for?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No," you say, content to cuddle his warm body against yours and stare at nothing in particular.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I see." Lu looks uncomfortable. "For certain?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, just shut up already." You find a comfortable position and close your eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tSo time whiles away, curled up contently in your tent. Part of you wants to stay there forever, pretend Lu's actually a friend, and forget about the world outside. But that would be stupid. At best, your absence raise unnecessary questions. At worst, it would draw attention to the Highborn - and your involvement in their activities. Neither prospect strikes you particularly appealing, though there can't be any harm in staying five minutes longer...\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Whatever you wish, master." She snuggles against you, stroking your thigh. "It's nice with you, you know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour lips curl as she rests her head <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>on your chest<<else>>between your tits<</if>>. "Yeah. It is."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\t\tWarm breath tickles your ear. A gentle hand brushes, teasing, but not annoyingly so. It is nice - almost too nice to be true.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tSo time whiles away, curled up contently in your tent. Nothing matters in this place, not the goings on in world outside or any of your other problems. It would be so easy to stay there forever with Lia, pretend that she's actually someone who likes you, and forget about the rest of the galaxy. But you know you can't.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAt best, your absence raise unnecessary questions. At worst, it would draw attention to the Highborn - and your involvement in their activities. Neither prospect strikes you particularly appealing, though there can't be any harm in staying five minutes longer...\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "hurt">>"I think someone needs punishment. Someone really—" You slap\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu, causing him to wince. "— was a bad boy. Wasn't he?"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia, causing her to yelp. "—was a bad girl. Wasn't she?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"Oh, he was, Master." Lu hangs his head in - possibly mock - shame. "I beg apology, humbly for—"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>"She was, Master?" Lia looks surprised. "Forgive me. I meant no—"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shut up." You slap again, harder, leaving a bruise on <<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>>'s cheek. "Slaves don't get to make excuses."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"But of course, Master." Lu barely meets your eyes. "Punish me as you see fit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThat you do and it feels great, both hearing his stifled grunts and venting pent-up frustration on him. Fuck that he didn't actually do anything. The slave's there for your amusement and there's just sommething satisfying about hurting innocents. Especially cute, little boys like Lu.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tEventually it gets old though and you stand, saying, "There. I feel better already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tLu looks up, his face and body badly bruised. "I am glad, Master. Your happiness is all that matters to me."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia" and $attrib.gender eq "male">>Visibly trembling, Lia stammers, "I am sorry. Whatever it was. I am truly ashamed. Truly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, you stupid, fucking—" You slap her again, knocking her flat. "—bitch. What the fuck's wrong with you? Seriously?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHer only response is a terrified whimper but you don't care. It feels good hurting her, hearing those pained gasps and seeing the tears form in her wide, innocent eyes. The slave's there for your amusement, after all, and there's just sommething satisfying about hurting a cute, little girl like Lia.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tEventually it gets old though and you stand, saying, "That was good. And you—" You grab her by the hair. "—don't fucking talk back to me ever again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tLia stares into the distance, her bruised cheeks stained with tears. "Yes, Master. Of course, master."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia" and $attrib.gender eq "female">>Visibly trembling, Lia stammers, "I am sorry. Whatever it was. I am truly ashamed. Truly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, you stupid little bitch. So sweet and innocent. So—" You grab her ass. "—fun to slap around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I—" Lia wipes a tear out of her eye. "I am here for your amusement, Master."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"You sure are." You lick her neck, whispering, "I'll make certain I take good care of my little princess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe avoids meeting your eyes. "If that's what makes you happy, Master."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"Being with you makes me happy." You poke her playfully. "Hey, no long faces. I'm not gonna let it out on a precious thing like you. Least, as long as you keep me happy"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tLia barely reacts when you lean closer and plant a kiss on her neck. It doesn't take her long to catch on though - or get her smile back, once you've done kissing. Such a sweet girl. It wouldn't be right to hurt her, at least not for real. That would just ruin her smile and that's about the nicest thing about her - barring her ass, that is. There's something really hot about that too but you aren't about to kiss her ass the way you would her smile; figuratively or literally.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "damnright">>"You're damned right it is. Got me mixed up in this crap. Got—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow, wow. That was Warlock, not me. He drew ya in to try and get me killed. I mean, guess who subtly snuck your name to Luscovari? Anyways, point is the only way to get to Warlock is Luscovari's big-ass cock."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "blame">>"So, who is to blame then? This Warlock fellow?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"He's to blame for a lot, not the least your getting mixed up in this crap in an attempt to get me killed. I mean, guess who subtly snuck your name to Luscovari? Anyways, point is the only way to get to Warlock is Luscovari's big-ass cock." \n\t<<else>>"I really don't care. I got tangled in this mess by accident."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Actually, you're the reason this mess even exists, because Warlock wants me dead and slipped your name to Luscovari. But I'm not the real enemy here. Warlock is and the only way to get to Warlock is Luscovari's big-ass cock."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tYour brow furrows. <<if $chr_fabienne.met and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8>>"Please, Fabi. Just give it to me the easy way for once."<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 8>>"I'm pretty close to icing your abominated ass so talk quick."<<else>>"I haven't decided to kill you yet."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Okay, let me explain. Me—" The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] points to herself. "—can look like people I fuck. He—" She points to Luscovari. "—now fucked. Warlock is cryptomancer who very paranoid. So only way to get at him is if I show up looking like the guy he wants crawling on his knees. Simple."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You scoff. "Okay, sure, but why the fuck does he want Luscovari? I thought you said he—"<<else>>"Why does he want Luscovari? I thought—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Luscovari hired this little chick who's kinda important to Warlock to do something that, well, may or may not have had something to do with me. Now he hates Luscovari. It's all really complicated because, yeah, okay. I lied a bit. I kinda put all this in motion 'cause I want Warlock dead too. Okay? There. Can we be friends <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>again<</if>> now?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "hunter">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm a hunter. Sanctioned. Now get those fucking guns out of my face. I ain't the enemy here."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'm a sanctioned hunter. Got lost. Now can we please put the guns down and not kill anyone by accident?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And I am the chosen slayer of Saint Allessa."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine, fine." You show him your sanction. "You see? Licences hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Or so the document the clerics gave says. You are no hunter, I assure you that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou roll your eyes. "And you'll shoot me over that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No". The Purifier lowers his rifle. "This area's in lockdown. Even you shouldn't be here. Hunter."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "standdown">>"Stand down<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>, damn it<<else>> first.<</if>> I'm not talking with you guys pointing guns at my face."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tThere's a tense silence. Finally, the Purifier lowers his rifle. "Stand down, Brothers. And you—" He jabs an armored finger at you. "—explain. Fast."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sheesh. Chill. I'm a hunter. Sanctioned."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'm a sanctioned hunter. Got lost. Long story, to be honest."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Prove it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine, fine." You show him your sanction. "You see? Licences hunter. Says so right here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Purifier steps back. "Very well. We want no trouble with the clerics. But this area's in lockdown. Even you shouldn't be here."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm no threat. Seriously. Just put the damned guns down. There's been enough shit of late."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'm no freat. Promised. Can we please just put the gun downs? It's been bad enough just getting here."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No threat, hm? I do not believe you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, you better." You show him your sanction. "You see? Licences hunter. Says so right here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Purifier lowers his rifle. "I want no quarrel with the clerics but this area's in lockdown. You shouldn't be here, no matter who you are."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "betray" or ($action.action1 eq "run" and $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive")>>"I was in the tramway crash. \n\t\t<<else>>"We—" You indicate Lavo and yourself. "—were in the tramway crash. \n\t\t<</if>>Tried to find the exit but accidentally got tangled in the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. Thankfully\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "betray" or ($action.action1 eq "run" and $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive")>>I got through fine."\n\t\t<<else>>we got through fine."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Saint Allessa must be watching over you." The Purifieer waves you forwad, saying, "The [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] is infested. Heretical things are at work. We have been sanctioned to cleanse the entire area. So here's what I suggest: count your blessings and bugger of that way." He points toward the walkway behind him.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be with you too, jerk," you mutter and...\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between, I'm going already," you mutter and...\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, I'm going already," you mutter and...\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Whatever, you fucking faith," you mutter and...\n\t<<else>>"I'm going already," you mutter and...\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "nocomment">>You simply nod...<<else>>You breathe a laugh...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "nocomment">>You simply nod, unwilling to comment. Pineapple looks genuinely surprised. "What, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>guy<<else>>gal<</if>> like you's never heard of Vine before?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head in response.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Big legend 'round here. Real badass. But I was way stupid back then. I's wised up now. Got my own thing going." He shoots you an uncertain look. "Almost."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's yours in all but name." You force a smile. "I'll be going now. But see you soon."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou breathe a laugh.\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "arevine">>"You do realize I am Vine, right? No clue who you are though."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, yeah? Well, whatever, all the same now. I was way stupid back then. I's wised up now. Got my own thing going." He shoots you an uncertain look. "Almost."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's yours in all but name." You smile genuinely. "Be back soon."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"You're doing good, kid. Just keep it up an' you'll go far."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Will do, Boss. An' be lookin' forward to seein' ya again." He smiles genuinely. "Honestly, I been waiting years for new management. I got the feel you're the real deal. Not some fired up whacko in a suit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then things are looking up." You force a smile. "Be back soon."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"See ya, Boss," Pineapple calls as you leave the tent.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTwo psychodelic guards are waiting outside. Both bow their heads as you pass. You nod in response and make for the exit. It feels good to be in control of something again, even if it is just a biochem ring. And, hell, the extra credits won't hurt - hopefully.\n\n\t\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>"Celena..." You risk a careful step...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "giveobject">>You pull out the Object...<<else>>You shake your head...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "whathappen">>"Celena..." You risk a careful step forward. "What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell<<else>>exactly<</if>> happened?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's what I wanted to know," Celena says, gaze fixed on Zweili. "I thought we had a deal, Kulli. Leave me alone and I leave you alone. I mean, really. How fucking hard can that be to simply not bother me?"\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whatdid">>"Celena..." You risk a careful step forward. "What the fuck did you do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nothing! But he—" She jabs her witchblade at Zweili. "—fucked it up bigtime. We had a deal. Leave me alone and I leave you alone. I mean, really. How fucking hard can that be?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili looks shocked. "What? I did nothing, I swear. Whatever you think may—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothing, yeah. Sure looked like nothing when the tin can came crashing through my front door, demanding I submit or die. Sure looked like nothing when he tried to fucking roast me alive with his holy rayguns." She grabs Zweili, her knife at his throat. "What the hell do you think you're playing, you old fart? Just answer me that: what the fuck do you think you're doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It was not me!" Zweili shoots you a terrified look. "Please, both of you, believe me. Whatever the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] did was unconsented, perhaps an error--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Bullshit," Celena spits. "You saw an oppertunity and used me to get rid of the tin can, plain and simple. Don't even try to deny it. Sinner and saint, and to think I turned away Lucinia for an idiot like you! The hell do you think will happen now that Corinthin is gone?"\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "giveobject">>You pull out the Object with a sigh. "If that's what it takes, man. Fine. Have it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Appreciated." Corinthin takes the silver sphere and unceremoniously crushes it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tZweili throws up his arms. "Loving Stars, are you insane? It was our only chance at Eden. And Abissahi. And all the other Great Secrets. Now we shall never know the truth."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It was necessary," Corinthin drones, placing a slender hand on Zweili's forehead.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>You shake your head. "Can't do that, man. Sorry. My contract was to bring it back to Zweili and that's what I'm doing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An unfortunate decision." Corinthin raises a hand. "Farewell, biological."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBright light glows in the [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] palm just as Zweili steps in front of you. "Wait! For the sake of the Loving Stars, what do you think you are doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ending the solarist legacy once and for all." Corinthin places a slender hand on Zweili's forehead.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tBrilliant light errupts, burning a hole clean through the old man's head. He falls to the floor with a dull thud. Blood trickles from the cauterized wound.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] turns to you. "An unfortunate turn of events. But absolutely necessary given the circumstances. Eden is infallible, after all, or so they would all have you believe."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "leave">>"Oh, for fuck's sake..."<<else>>"Not gonna happen..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "giveobject">>"Oh, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>for fuck's sake<<else>>screw this<</if>>." You produce the Object with a <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>distorted<<else>>disheartened<</if>> sigh. "Fine. Have it your way. But I'm only doing this because you'll nuke my ass if I don't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Appreciated." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> takes the silver sphere and unceremoniously crushes it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLord Otto throws up his arms. "Stars and all between! Gone! All this work, the many years, the many sacrifices, even Karl's unfortunate end, all of it and you still just stride in here and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The biological stands witness for, ah, what does it matter? I should have done this when I first encountered you, Vindell." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> places a slender hand on Otto's shriveled forehead.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Not gonna happen." Servos whirr as you step up to the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. "Not unless you pry it from my cold, dead fingers."\n\t\t<<else>>"Not gonna happen," you say, fighting down your racing heart. "Not after everything I've been through to get this damned thing. Not even now. I'd sooner<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> die than give up my last shot at a life."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"As obstinent as the younger Vindell, I see. Unfortunate. For you." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> raises a hand. "Farewell, biological."<br><br>\n\n\t\tBright light forms between the [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] just as Otto rasps, "Wait! Stars between, [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] or not, there must be something you wish. Something over which you will bargain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> places a slender hand on Otto's shriveled forehead.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tBrilliant light errupts, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>causing your augmented senses to flicker, and <</if>>burning a hole clean through the ancient [[Vampire's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] skull. He falls to the floor with a dull thud. Blood trickles from the cauterized wound.<br><br>\n\n\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] turns to you. "Heretics and traitors must all burn. Eden decrees it. Or do I misquote the scripture now? Ah, does it even matter anymore? At long last it is done and you are next, biological."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideBattle">>You lower your weapon and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "exitArmor">>You grasp the...<<else>>You head through...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "exitArmor">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo_ruin.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_briaback_mainchamber.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in the Baibirack Labs. The sterile room is filled with medical equipment, stasis tubes, and gadgets which you can't even identify.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideBattle">>You lower your weapon and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp past<<else>>step around<</if>> the destroyed [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]], headed for the doorway behind them. It leads to a sterile room filled with medical equipment, stasis tubes, and gadgets which you can't even identify.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "exitArmor">>\n\t\tYou grasp the emergency releace and yank, causing the plates rear of your [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] to release with a hydraulic hiss. Stinging pain runs through your muscles as nodes and tubes come loose. You stumble backwards, out of the neural mechanism, and take stock.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tThe [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] is beyond dysfunctional - even the emergency power has failed now. When you touch the suit, the entire machine falls against the wall with a thud that reverberates around in the Baibirack Labs.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou look around to see the laboratory is filled with medical equipment, stasis tubes, and gadgets which you can't even identify.\n\n\t<<else>>You head through the blast door, down yet another passage and past the wrecked [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] to the Baibirack Labs. The sterile room is filled with medical equipment, stasis tubes, and gadgets which you can't even identify.\n\n\t<</if>> \n\n\t<<if not $loc_syndicate_facility.killedResearcher>>The only person in the room is a weary looking man in a white skinsuit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I do not know what you are hoping to accoplish here, <<formalname>>. But now you are here. Congratulations."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I am." <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Servos whirr as you tower over him.<<else>>You stop before him<</if>>. "Any last words?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe shoots you a disgruntled look. "To what end? Clearly you are here to execute your tenure as a hunter. Fine. Do so. Destroy all our work in the name of blind faith. I am hardly in a position to stop you now, am I?"\n\t<<else>>The blood-stained corpse of a man in a white skinsuit is lying on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Idiot,"<<else>>"Can't say I'm sorry,"<</if>> you murmur, glancing around.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a data pad and holo-terminal on the desk beside the corpse. Maybe those will give you something useful.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>You approach the...<<else>>You pick up the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>You approach the temrinal and wave the screen to live. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackLab>>\n\t\t\t\tsys.local.vol <span class='greencolor'>OK</span><br>\n\t\t\t\tsys.local.io <span class='greencolor'>OK</span><br>\n\t\t\t\tsys.local.boot <span class='redcolor'>ERR</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tNO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tBaibirack RemoteMon<br>\n\t\t\t\tSUB: Lucira, Vere (Cpt - S4)<br>\n\t\t\t\tLNK: <span class='greencolor'>online</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tVIT: <span class='greencolor'>nominal</span><br>\n\t\t\t\tFAT: <span class='greyedout'>[e0x191 - node unmeasurable]</span><br>\n\t\t\t\tTOX: <span class='greyedout'>[e0x191 - node unmeasurable]</span><br>\n\t\t\t\tAGR: <span class='redcolor'>[e0x578 - exceeds e_unit]</span><br>\n\t\t\t\tCAU: <span class='greencolor'>nominal</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackLab>>"Hope I didn't ruin something with that," you say.\n\t\t<<else>>"Now I wonder what exactly this is monitoring," you say.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>You pick up the data pad and<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>, careful not to break it,<</if>> activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<strong>Project Baibirack - 816</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFor reasons unknown, AMI has withdrawn official support for project. Suspect meddling in upper level management. Seems Cubix has gotten wind of our experiments here and disagrees with chosen methods. Thankfully, benefactor has proven willing to continue funding even absent corporate buy-in. We believe multiple buyers could be found in short order should a prototype be successful and results are promising - we were able to overcome the limiting sequence which prevented the initial test subject from ageing. Sadly, there are still severe functionality restrictions in all test cases as there is extensive damage to the control mechanism, quite possibly caused intentionally.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBenefactor has said that advanced payment will be made upon successful delivery of prototype to S4 for additional field testing. Further, experiments will have to be conducted to see whether severe impairments (including speech impediments and severe memory degredation) can be overcome. Am investigating now and so, without further ado, time to work through the backlog. Seems there's more formwork than ever to fudge. Reminds me of those Talithrax reports. I think I know how the OG3R team felt now.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<hr><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBegan testing of Compound 45<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase gte 4>> despite supply issues with Boulevard Favility<</if>>; compound proven to induce unexpected results and unpredictable behavior. Strain Black, it seems, is not as stable as the original Strain White - assuming this compound was ever created by the antients. Synthetic recreations from Talithrax must differ from the original in enough base metrics to cause dangerous memnetic shifts and unreliable propagation of control signal.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHypothesis confirmed in that subject reports distinct displeasure after extended exposure to Compound 45 and is unable to later recall interacitons, which seem to vanish almost as soon as the new preparatory agent is introduced to their neural system. Have aborted tests out of sheer human decency; far exceeded expectations in present state but we will not push father. No need to further complicate or risk damage to prototype.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<hr><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSubject proving compliant in all test cases, though memory degredation remains an issue. Physical and para-physical attributes far exceed reports from Talithrax report but ageging remains an issue. It seems the subject cannot progress past the age their nervous system becomes afflicted at, which contradicts behavior of earlier Talithrax samples and the described mechanism of Strain White.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tResults still do not compare to measurements made with pure / original J1N subject. Uncertain what difference in state code is or why this is happening. May be due to the crude tampering which was done by earlier team but suspect it is inherent to these samples. Results look promising, these issues nonwithstanding. Will run additional tests to confirm yet the results should well exceed project benchmarks, though nowhere near the theoretical capacity. Despite these issues, we seem to have succeeded where Talithrax failed. I expect the benefactor will be pleased.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<hr><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSubject has finally responded positively to treatment with Compound 45, when introduced with Compound 38 to suppress memnetic issues. No sudden neurological decay or explosive violence as recorded in OG3R program by Talithrax. Unfortunately, result not quite identical to celluar structure observed in J1N specimen donated by benefactor and there is STILL something messing up the ageing process. Cannot figure out what it is and cannot figure out the binding sequence.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAm beginning to suspect there is no way to fix this and, the more I look into the state code, the more it looks deliberately sabotaged. Will begin trials before forming any premature conclusions but it seems the intended mechanism of the black plague has been completely upset. This may explain why Project OG3R resulted in the brainless brutes we know today, rather than fully fledged Djinn. Since I do not want to repeat OG3R outcome, I am going to be extremely careful with further tinkering. This is clearly much more complex than we initially assumed.\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step up to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo_ruin.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\tYou step up to the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], wondering how to best sabotage the suit. From the front, all you can see is thick armor plates with jagged edges and all manner of servo systems. When you <<walk>> around the back, you can see into the padded interior. Dozens of probes and tubes are all neatly packed away, just waiting for a user they can interface with, and the backup UI in the helmet is blinking: //system on standby//.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"All right, then." You grab your <<knife>> and ram it into the suit's exposed electronics.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEach stab causes sparks to fly and smoke to drift from the fried electronics. Within less than a minute, you've slashed up every node and tube you can find. Some of the blows must have hit other systems too though, because smoke drifts lazily from behind the torn-up padding. Good enough at any rate. If anyone tries to use the thing it'll probably fry their brains - or just not work.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You slide the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agenthack.png"]]</div>\n\tYou slide the data block containing the Xjanu-4 intrusion agent into the holo-terminal. The device emits a soft beep. Holo-displays flicker as text scrolls past, executing base level commands at breakneck speed.<br><br>\n\n\tGlow panels in the security booth flicker, then die. A ventilation fan creaks and stutters. In the distance, a fire suppresant engages, only to fade as emergency power kicks in. The holo-terminal remains blank save for a single word: //ERROR//.<br><br>\n\n\t"Lights out, assholes." You remove the data block and pocket it again.\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral Quarters">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what will happen to Him|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.action1 = "whathappen"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why he stole the Object|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.action1 = "whyinvolved"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Corbei Family|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.action1 = "corbei"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about your Contract|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.action1 = "contract"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkZweili>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b14_zweili_breakdown][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b14_zweili_ogerlair][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Zweili's Quarters|b14_cathedral_addon_inside][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = "false"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You head through the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_zweili.png"]]</div>You head through the golden archway and down a spiraling staircase to the Clergy's quarters. The hallway is bland, lit only by glow-orbs dangling from the ceiling, and there is no furniture safe wooden benches - ornate benches that probably cost more than you've ever earned but still, no compfort in sight. Simple metal doors along both sides of the passage lead to small chambers with equally unimpressive furnishings.\n\nAt the very end of the hallway you find Zweili's room, just as it was when you first met him: a tiny chamber with a mattress in one corner, a desk laden with data pads in another, and a lone chair set before a holo-board which displays a lush, green wilderness. Zweili is sitting before it, staring off into the virtual distance.\n\n"Vine," he says as you enter. <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>"I wondered whether you would even bother to visit."\n\nYour lips draw tight. "Nothing personal, man. How you doing?"\n\n"Confined to quarters. All access to the outside world severed. I am deaf, blind, dumb, and exposed to my enemies." His beard twitches. "Otherwise, quite fine. But do tell me: what is this about?"<<else>>"Good you have come. I'd offer a seat but, alas. How are you fareing?"\n\n"Well enough, all things considered." You lean against the door frame. "And you? Up to your neck in work as always?"\n\nZweili's beard quivers as he laughs. "Oh, you know me too well. But I digress. What did you wish to speak of?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action1 eq "corbei">>"What can you tell me about the Corbei family? Beyond the rather obvious connection to the [[Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]], I mean."\n\n"Very little I am afraid. They have never had much contact with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and I have seen the elder Corbei only once in all my years. Oddly, they do not appear to have many ties to the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] either. A truly independant family. Pioneers, some say, though many rumor they instead keep other allegiences."\n\n"Oh? Like what?"\n\nZweili shrugs ever so slightly. "Some say they are descendants of the ancient [[Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. Others that they serve sinister, dark gods. I personally believe they are merely shrewd enterpreneurs who realize that the future lies on the fringes of civilized space. But anything is possible."\n\n"You mean you really don't know?" The idea makes you chuckle. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Shit<<else>>Man<</if>>, I thought you knew all about high society."\n\n"Not everything is an open book, Vine, even to me. Perhaps others you know can provide more insight."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "contract">>"I was wondering about our contract. You once said one last job but, yeah, it keeps getting more and more. How we really stand, man? And give it to me straight."\n\n"The contract stands unchanged," Zweili says earnestly. "You fulfill the terms and locate the missing Object, and as was always agreed: I shall strike your past from all record. Arrangements have been made. As you no doubt know, I would have purged your misdeeds already had this unfortunate situation not arisen. Which is quite coincidental, I dare say."\n\nYour brow furrows. "What d'you mean?"\n\n"Ah, the paranoid in me simply suspects that powers I had not anticipated have their fingers in this matter." Zweili's beard twitches, perhaps concealing a smile. "I know, I know. I am old and jump to conclusions. Yet can you fault me? After all the shadows we have faced in the past years, surely you find the timing perculiar too."\n\n"More annoying than anything," you say. "But who knows. There've been so many fingers dipping in this mess recently I guess anything's possible."\n\nZweili nods absently. "Indeed, oh, how true indeed."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whathappen">>"Just curious what's gonna happen to you. After the bomb I dropped on your head, I mean."\n\nZweili breathes a laugh. "Much, I dare say. Most likely I shall be branded a heretic and expelled from the Clergy. Another shall take my place yet, without me, [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] will lack one truly able of combatting the threats which lurk in the shadows. It may very well be the end of our era, though I doubt it will end quietly nor anytime soon."\n\n"You really are full of yourself," you say, shaking your head.\n\n"One man, misguided, jaded, or otherwise imperfect, may make all the difference between survival and certain death. You should know this, Vine. But I do not fault you for what you have done. It no doubt seemed the most sensible course of action. Either way, I shall not endure long enough to see the consequences of what will follow."\n\nYour eyes narrow. "And what will follow, exactly? What's really going to change?"\n\n"Impossible to say. Perhaps rampant capitalism shall return and the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] will reign supreme. Perhaps a new empire shall rise in place of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]." Zweili's eyes twinkle. "Or perhaps, just perhaps, someone you know well shall finally reveal their true face and plunge the galaxy into the gaping void it has been sliding towards for centuries. That would be a spectacular end, I dare say. One I would almost regret not seeing."\n\n"You don't seem to be taking this very seriously."\n\n"After the monsters I have seen in the shadows?" Zweili laughs, genuinely and so loudly his voice echoes off the walls. "Who can, Vine? Who can after they know what I do?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whyinvolved">>"Wanted to ask why you did it. Steal that damn Object I mean. What the hell was in it for you?"\n\n"I did not steal the Object," Zweili says heavily. "Nor did I indeed have much of anything to do with it. Yes, I may have known that Mauricio Winston was contacted by an outsider. Yes, I may have had my hands in the one or other affair some might find disingenuous, yet I never conspired against the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Never."\n\nYou shake your head. "I don't believe that. The evidence was clear, Zweili. There's no way you can talk your way out of this."\n\n"True," Zweili says sadly. "But I suppose there was always a risk you would come to this conclusion. Loyalty is such a fickle thing, after all."\n\n"One man's feedom fighter." You nod slowly. "Yeah, there's always two sides."\n\n"Sadly, it appears we are no longer on the same. I had hoped we would remain friends, Vine. Alas, you now either serve the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] or play a far more dangerous game than even I would dare commit to." He leans closer. "A last piece of advice, my friend: trust not the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin Order"]], no matter what you do. Their aims are not even remotely aligned with either of ours, as different as they may have become."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "friends">>You scoff...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "payment">>"Listen, I don't give two..."<<else>>You shake your head...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "payment">>"Listen, I don't give two <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucks<<else>>shits<</if>> about friends or not. I'm here 'cause I was hired. I want my comission. Plain and simple."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, ya sure." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] grabs a credit chip from the bedside table and tosses it to you. "Catch."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt hits the floor. You pick it up, saying, "Thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you sign over the credits, <<if $chr_fabienne.met and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8>>Fabienne<<else>>the abomination<</if>> says, "So, yeah. Let's just call this a day? 'Cause there's really no point sticking around here, is there?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," you admit, tossing the now useless chip on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8>>"Cool. See you around." Fabienne kisses you on the cheek and slips out of the room, leaving you alone to your muddled thoughts.\n\t\t<<else>>"Cool. Well, I'll just—" The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] sidles to the door and disappears, leaving you alone to your muddled thoughts.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "friends">>You scoff.\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8>>"Fabi, I'm just muddled and confused. You're the one thinking I got something against you."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Oh, you don't?" She looks relieved. "Oops. Anyways, all I really need for you to do is stay out of my way. I can handle myself. Just gotta get close to Warlock. Promise I'll sort this crap out and make sure none of it falls back on you, okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 2>>"But you may wanna know, Warlock's friend? She's still alive."<<else>>"But you may wanna know, Warlock's friend? She's dead."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, doesn't matter. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 2>>Poor lil' think's clueless anyways. Figure if she doesn't get her ass handed to her by tomorrow, she'll be well away from this place.<<else>>Poor lil' thing was dead meat anyways. Got her little borgy hands tangled in too much crap.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you say so." You stand aside. "Now go kick ass. And I'll pretend none of this happened."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You're such a sweetheart." Fabienne kisses you on the cheek and slips out of the room, leaving you alone to your muddled thoughts.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Friends. Yeah. Sure. For now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, cool." She looks relieved. "Okay. All I really need for you to do is stay out of my way. I can handle myself. Just gotta get close to Warlock. Promise I'll sort this crap out and make sure none of it falls back on you, okay? \n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>And you know where I'll be if I fuck up. So that's your guarantee."\n\t\t<<else>>And then I leave this place forever and all is peachy. Okay."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay." You remain where you are. "But I'm taking a huge leap in faith. You fuck me over, I will come after you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, don't worry." The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] steps toward you. "Hey, I know what you are. I'm not stupid enough to fuck with a sanctioned hunter who has a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] on one shoulder and a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] on the other. So can I go now?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou step aside. "Just make sure this is the last time <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>I catch you doing something like this.<<else>>I ever see your sorry ass.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>"You're always such a sweetheart."\n\t\t<<else>>"How utterly charming. Bye now."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] blows you a kiss and slips out of the room, leaving you alone to your muddled thoughts.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>You shake your head. "Never. You're an abomination. And you just admitted—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, for fuck's sake!" The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] throws up her arms. "Listen, man. I wanted you dead you would be. But I actually, you know, kinda like you? Plus, I'm not about to fuck with a sanctioned hunter who has a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] on one shoulder and a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] on the other. So can I go now?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." You block the door. "There is no <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking<<else>>way<</if>>—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tLimbs blur as something whistles toward you. Adrenaline surges. You duck, narrowly avoiding a [[hellspike|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "hellspike"]] that lodges itself in the door frame. Next thing you know, you're lying on the floor, staring up at the read-headed abomination.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sorry, sweetheart. I just can't let ya get in my way here. But see you around." She blows you a kiss and vanishes into the hallway outside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Ouch."<</if>> You pick yourself up, feeling both stupid and angry.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tNone of this went down even remotely as you expected. And now here you are, in a room beside a man who just got raped by an abomination that may - or may not - have kicked this whole mess off for reasons that you don't even want to understand. Talk about a fucking mindscrew.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action3 = "dpad_admin"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_undersprawn_mall.foundDatapad2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.storedPistol eq "Mk2">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Mk2'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_undersprawn_mall.storedPistol; $loc_undersprawn_mall.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-quarantine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_admin_mall'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Mk2'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $loc_undersprawn_mall.storedPistol; $loc_undersprawn_mall.storedPistol = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-quarantine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_admin_mall'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.tookCredits2 eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_mall.tookCredits2 = true; $attrib.credits += 537; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x537">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Admin Office|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b30_mexaplex_wretchhive][$action.action1 = "dpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 5; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.storedRifle eq "SKUL">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the SKUL'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.storedRifle; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hive-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'wretchedhive_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the SKUL'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.storedRifle; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hive-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'wretchedhive_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.tookAmmo2 eq false>> \n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal lt $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Tungsten Bolts'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal += 4; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.tookAmmo2 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Tungsten Bolt x4">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hive-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'wretchedhive_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Tungsten Bolts]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Tungsten Bolts]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.arrive = "fromOger"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.storedArmor eq "Neorave">>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Neoraves'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_undersprawn_passages.storedArmor; $loc_undersprawn_passages.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#collapsedhab-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warren_collapsedhab_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Neoraves'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_undersprawn_passages.storedArmor; $loc_undersprawn_passages.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#collapsedhab-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warren_collapsedhab_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.tookCredits1 eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_passages.tookCredits1 = true; $attrib.credits += 74; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x74">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the collapsed Hab|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "acceptfate">>You nod ever so....<<elseif $action.action5 eq "celena">>"Sorry, Father. I'm with her..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "zweili">>"Sorry, Cel. I'm with him..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "sphinxspine">>"Crap." You backpedal..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "acceptfate">>You nod ever so slightly. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] steps up to you and places a cold hand against your forehead. It takes more courage than you'd ever imagined to simply stand there and do nothing. Every inch of you wants to run, fight, survive, but there's no point. Nothing you could possibly do will stop Corinthin.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll you can do is watch with barely-contained horror as bright light forms above your field of vision. A faint, warm breeze brushes against your skin. You never feel the burn, never see the brilliant flare, just that warm breeze and then absolute darkness. \n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "celena">>"Sorry, Father. I'm with her on this." You nod to Celena. "You're always up to something. Always. So just spit it out. What the hell did you do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What was necessary." Zweili hangs his head. "It was the only way. Corinthin would have intervened. Yet I knew the Little One had accompanied you to Corbei Tower. All it took was a word to convince him the Object was in foul hands - hands that needed to be eradicated."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You, you— Motherfucker!" Celena rams her knife into his throat.<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili falls, blood staining his robes red. He gurgles and splutters but no words come out, just bloody froth.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena turns to you. "Twenty years. Twenty fucking years I kept my head down, stayed out of trouble, and after all that this is what he rewards me with? A stab in the back?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head, lost for words. Even if you understood what the hell just happened you wouldn't know what to say. All you can do is stare at Zweili's corpse in disbelief. \n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "zweili">>"Sorry, Cel. I'm with him—" You nod to Zweili. "—on this. It wasn't his fault and you're making a bigger deal of this than you should."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What?" Celena's expression contorts. "I should've fucking known. Bros before hoes. Even when it's fucking me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili gasps, "Please, see sense. It was not—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shut it!" Celena rams her knife into his throat.<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili falls, blood staining his robes red. He gurgles and splutters but no words come out, just bloody froth.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena turns to you. "Ten years. Ten fucking years. No questions, no demands, and this is what I get? A fucking—" She shrieks in rage, causing you to cringe. "<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>motherfucker<<else>>bitch<</if>>!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's barely time to realize what's happened before her witchblade slices your throat. In that last moment, all you see is Celena's silvery face contorted in unspeakable rage. Then darkness is absolute, and but a single thought etched in your mind: where did your life go wrong?\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "work">>"What work's that? Making my life <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>a living hell, eh<<else>>a nightmare or what<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hardly," he says bitterly. "Your involvement was simply unfortunate. We had no option but to see to it you did not, well, do what you are doing now. It is the end. Quite simply that."\n\t<<else>>"Who are you even? And what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> do I have to do with anything?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothing," he says bitterly. "And everything. We had no option but to see to it you did not, well, do what you are doing now. It is the end. Quite simply that."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Your optical feeds flicker ever so faintly. The man breathes a sigh.\n\t<<else>>You scoff. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking ridiculous, you people. Who the fuck do you think you are?"<<else>>"You people are ridiculous! Who do you think you are?"<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"I am Dr. Baibirack, as you may have guessed. And this—" He gestures around. "—is where the future was to be made. The state code of Strain White decoded at last. It would have been a boon for all humanity, a rise to greatness unlike we have seen in countless lifetimes. Our species truly would have become divines among the stars. Had only you not intervened--"<br><br>\n\n\t"Me intervene?" You <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>loom over the man, itching to crush him between your fingers.<<else>>you step toward the man, eyes alight with fury.<</if>> "Your<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> goons came after me. Your fucking people. Not me after you. Mean, seriously? What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> did you think would happen?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe man breathes a sigh. "I expected you would die like any other human being, <<formalname>>. So did those who supported this operation. Instead we are where we are. So what shall be done, I wonder? What shall you do?"\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Fucking waste of time..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking waste of time."<<else>>"What a waste of time."<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You turn, causing the floor to tremble, and make for the door.\n\t<<else>>You shake your head and make for door.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tBefore you've gone two paces, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>you augmented senses pick up movement ahead.<<else>>soft footfalls sound in the hallway outside.<</if>> Then you see it: a humanoid creature with jet black skin, its eyes glowing bright blue and a curved knife in hand.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_synthabom.png"]]</div>It stops in the doorway. A gravely female voice says, "Vine, is it?\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Almost a pity. We could've used that [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]"\n\t\t<<else>>So sad to see you alive. Definitely gotta change that."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.hackedBriabackLab>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Oh, look." You circle the creature, causing gooey fluid to splash with every augmented step you take. "An abomination with a sense of humor. Cute."\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah, I'm gonna take issue with that." You backpedal, causing gooey fluid to splash with every step. "You know, self-preservation instinct and all."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Abomination, huh? And exacltly how many—" The abomination darts forward only to become stuck in the fluid. "Rats. What is this shit?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Evidently your downfall," you drone, mildly amused by the abomination's frustration.\n\t\t<<else>>"More of a problem for you than for me it seems," you say, eyeing the abomination's every move.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tStill, you aren't about to get out of this place without going through that thing. <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Which should be amusing, to say the least.<<else>>Lucky you used the intrusion agent earlier - the way that thing moves, you doubt you'd have hit it without a floor full of goop to slow it down.<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Oh, look." You circle the creature, shaking the floor with every step you take. "An abomination with a sense of humor. Cute."\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah, I'm gonna take issue with that." You backpedal, wondering what the hell you're going to do now - think fast, hopefully. "You know, self-preservation instinct and all."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Abomination, huh? And exacltly how many—" The abomination darts forward, causing your optical feeds to jitter, and stop right before you with its knife to your chestplate. "—people did you kill on your way in here?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Abomination, huh? And exacltly how many—" The abomination darts forward, barely a blur of motion, and stop right before you with its knife to your throat. "—people did you kill on your way in here?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"No need to show off," you drone, all but unimpressed by the whatever the hell it is.\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck me,"<<else>>"Oh, this is not good,"<</if>> you mutter, backing away from the monster.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tOne thing's for certain though: you aren't leaving this place unless you go throuth that thing. <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Hell, it might even be a fair fight for once.<<else>>And maybe you'll somehow come out with your head still attached to your shoulders - maybe.<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "unlockdoor">>You approach the console and activate it. The display a video feed of the passage outside - the corpses of the mercs you killed are the only thing to be see. There's an uplink app for an automated turret system and what looks like an airlock interface. You pull up the airlock interface and hit the 'emergecy release' buttom; the 'cycle' button requires a key code you don't have.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_airlock.png"]]</div>The doors grind open to the tune of a wailing claxon. You wait a moment, just to be certain no turrets are about to pop out of the walls - or mines explode from the floor, you saw that once too. When nothing happens, you leave the security station and step into the airlock.\n\n\t\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\tYou approach the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] and carefully step into armored boots, then slide your hands into the gloves. At once, clamps lock down. A digital beep resounds in your head, followed by a hydraulic hiss. Pain shoots through your body as the suit's probes and tubes latch onto your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. Then something cold touches the back of your neck and all your senses go blank.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEverything feels numb until the world returns with a jolt. Only it isn't the world you know. This perception is heavy and distant, as though you weren't really there at all. You figure that's because you're percieving the world through the senses of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] - all your biological senses would know is the dark interior of the suit. Just to prove your point, you flex your hands. Instead of fingers, an armored glove clenches and unclenches before your face.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice." You stomp out of the security station and up to the airlock.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAugments whirr as you grab the outer door and yank. It tears off with a nasty creak. You toss it aside and step through, into a large cycling chamber - evidently someone designed it with [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] in mind. \n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe doors on the far side are already open, leading to an equally sterile passage. A sign pointing left reads 'Security' and the right evidently leads to 'Administration'.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% cyborg-hack %/\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "true">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\t\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\t\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.root.security"<br>\n\t\t<span class = 'yellowcolor'>[WARNING]</span> memory exceeded<br><br>\n\n\t\tLine 1414: while(!access)<br>\n\t\t{<br>\n\t\taccess = validate(security.isTrue(input.token));<br>\n\t\t}<br>\n\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> token <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> token <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\tsys.ebank.main.ListAllAccounts() - BAL: <span class='bluecolor'><strong><<if $action.action5 eq "none">>748<<else>>0<</if>> C</strong></span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tsys.neuro.audio.GetLastLog - results: 1<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "none">><div class='HUDHackButton'>\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "true"; $attrib.credits += 748;>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x748">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#cyborg-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cyborg_hackutility'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><<else>><div class='HUDHackButtonDisabled'>Transferred</div><</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Replay|b40_cybercult_hack][$action.action1 = "foundlog"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 8; $hud.disabled = false; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "-enter valid access token-">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Input'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#cyborg-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cyborg_hackutility'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Abort|b40_cybercult_hack][$action.action1 = "abort"; $hide.layer1 = true; $hud.disabled = false; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 100; window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% machinepit-loot %/\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_cybercatacomb.readDataPad1 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.storedArmor eq "Heavy Arc Armor">>\n\t\t<<set $txt = "Wear the Heavy Arc Armor">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $txt = "Return the Heavy Arc Armor">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click $txt>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_cybercatacomb.storedArmor; $loc_cybercatacomb.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#machinepit-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybercatacombs_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_cybercatacomb.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 956; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x956">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "check">>You <<walk>> over to Mr. Luscovari...<<else>>You cast one last glance around and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "check">>You <<walk>> over to Mr. Luscovari and check the man's pulse. He has one but it's faint and the man doesn't react when you do anything to him. Unsurprusing, given what you've heard [[Sirens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] do to their victims. You just never thought you'd see it up close.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well, first time for everything." You turn away, shaking your head, and leave the room.\n\t<<else>>You cast one last glance around and leave the room.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tWhen you return to the reception, the middle-aged owner says, "Uh, is everything okay? I heard voices and—"<br><br>\n\n\t"No." You lean on the desk, saying, "I'm a sanctioned hunter. <<formalname>>. There was an abomination attack. Get the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] over here right away. I'd stay but I gotta follow up on this. Sorry for the inconvenience."<br><br>\n\n\t"Wait, what? But. Hey! Where are you—" The man's voice fades as you stride through the door and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $override.solution = "unl0ck">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\t\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\t\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\t\tDumping access log...<br><br>\n\n\t\tEntry1: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br>\n\t\tEntry2: <span class='greencolor'><<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>Unl0ck<<else>>VW5sMGNr<</if>></span><br>\n\t\tEntry3: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br>\n\t\tEntry4: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action1 = "success"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_cybercatacomb.lockCracked = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Acess Code">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybercatacomb_hackutility'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal neq "none" and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Insert Object 55316'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#load-object'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybercore_actionoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Remove Object 55316'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject = false; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Object 55316">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "object_55316">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#load-object'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybercore_actionoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action1 = "holoterminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; $override.code = "/?"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Core|b10_cybercult_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCore"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.storedRifle eq "NUKE">>\n\t<<set $txt = "Take the NUKE">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $txt = "Return the NUKE">>\n<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue Onwards|b10_cybercult_core][$processed = false, $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $loc_warlock_core.entered = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click $txt>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action99 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_cybercatacomb.storedRifle; $loc_cybercatacomb.storedRifle = $action.action99; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-sidepassage'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'cyber_loot_2'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action3 = "dpad"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_cybercatacomb.readDataPad1 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b10_cybercult_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Megaplex 4">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOger">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bloodtrail">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Access Air Filtration|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Blood Trails|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action1 = "bloodtrail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromHub"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Visionary Shrine|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromMegaplex"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "unmet">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ascend the Stairs|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action1 = "deathcult"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromHub"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "accepted">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Fallen Shrine|b30_megaplex_cult][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromMegaplex"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head toward the Exit|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.arrive = "fromMegaplex"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromStoreRoom" and $action.arrive neq "fromOger">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want Answers|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action2 = "answers"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Leave|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action2 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cultists|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cultists_Megaplex"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus = "killed"; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bloodtrail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Room|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action2 = "storeroom"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus eq "unmet">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Descend the Stairs|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action2 = "stairwell"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCorridor"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromStoreRoom" and $action.arrive neq "fromOger">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "answers">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Cultists|b30_megaplex_cult][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromMegaplex"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leave">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Descend the Stairs|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromStairs"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "storeroom">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.tookDrugs eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the FreakOut Disc'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.tookDrugs = true; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FreakOut Disc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "FreakOut Disc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "freakout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.tookAmmo1 eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(16 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.tookAmmo1 = true; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(16 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromStoreRoom"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "stairwell">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action3 = "approach"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action3 = "doSilent"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 15; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 14>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action3 = "doSilent"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 14; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Scavengers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Scavengers_B30"; $attrib.violence += 3; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromStoreRoom">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_megaplexhub_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "doSilent">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lower your Weapon|b30_mexaplex_wretchhive][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Scavengers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Scavengers_B30"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Megaplex 4">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus eq "unmet">>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 3>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_wretchhive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you just want Answers|b30_mexaplex_wretchhive][$action.action1 = "answers"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it will die First|b30_mexaplex_wretchhive][$action.action1 = "diefirst"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Oger|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Oger_B30"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus = "killed"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_wretchhive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_wretchhive_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "answers">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Oger|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Oger_B30"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus = "killed"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Oger|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 1; $combatTemplate = "Oger_B30"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus = "killed"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_undersprawl_purge.foundDeathseekers = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_ogerloot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div id='hive-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'wretchedhive_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_ogerloot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_ogerdpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div id='hive-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b30_mexaplex_wretchhive][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Undersprawl">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDeathseekers" or $action.arrive eq "fromWarren" or $action.arrive eq "fromMausoleum">>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "walkway">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_warren_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Walkway|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action1 = "walkway"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromMall"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the collapsed Hab|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action1 = "habunit"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromWalkway"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave via Slowside Mall|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.arrive = "fromUndersprawl"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromDeathseekers" and $action.arrive neq "fromWarren" and $action.arrive neq "fromMausoleum">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_warren_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_warren_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='collapsedhab-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "habunit">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'warren_collapsedhab_options'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus eq "unmet">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Deathshroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Seeker Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Mourning Shroud">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Know|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "notknow"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're headed Deeper|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "headeddeeper"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "accepted">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "speaksucceed"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "speak"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cultists|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Deathseekers_B30"; $attrib.violence += 3; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDeathseekers"; $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus = "killed"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the Side Passage|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "sidepassage"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Warren|b30_warren_inside][$action.arrive = "fromUndersprawl"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head toward Slowside Mall|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromUndersprawl"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_warren_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_warren_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_breakdown_tunnel_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromDeathseekers" and $action.arrive neq "fromWarren">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_warren_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_warren_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_warren_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "sidepassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 7 and $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Hidden Doorway|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.15]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.tookAmmo eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_passages.tookAmmo = true; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Square|b30_warrenpassages][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "accepted">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Warren|b30_warren_inside][$action.arrive = "fromUndersprawl"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus = "left"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 7>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find the Hidden Doorway|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.arrive = "fromOutsideFind"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus = "left"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cultists|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Deathseekers_B30"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDeathseekers"; $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus = "killed"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Quarantine Line">>\n\n\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "scribe" or $action.action1 eq "deathcult") and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 2 and $randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase lt 1>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn.altLayout = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_quarantine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 9 and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 12) or ($attrib.faith eq "edenite" and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gt 1) or $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "purged" or $debug>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask About Requisitions|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "buyoptions"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 3) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase lt 98>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Expose the Visionary Cult|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "betrayvisionary"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 98; $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus = "purged"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 0 or $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Quarantine|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "quarantine"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 6 and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Death Cult|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "deathcult"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Scribe Xuhe|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "scribe"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Swipe his Arm|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "swipe"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Barricade|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_quarantine_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "buyoptions">>\n\t\t\t<div id='game-purists-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'purist_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "quarantine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Scribe Xuhe|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "scribe"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 6 and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Death Cult|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action1 = "deathcult"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Barricade|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "scribe" or $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he Wants|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action2 = "whatwant"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to Help|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action2 = "wanthelp"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you almost Didn't|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action2 = "almostnot"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "betrayvisionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Barricade|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pass the Grav-Field|b30_quarantine_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_quarantine_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you got Lucky|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action3 = "gotlucky"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're just Better|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action3 = "justbetter"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he's Implying|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action3 = "implying"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_quarantine_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "implying" or $action.action2 eq "almostnot" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's going Unsaid|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action4 = "unsaid"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Help|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action4 = "help"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "wanthelp">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Help|b30_quarantine_outpost][$action.action4 = "nohelp"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 99; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_quarantine_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_quarantine_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase neq 99>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pass the Grav-Field|b30_quarantine_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Barricade|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Slowside Mall">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCephanineFight">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "utility">>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromMegaplex">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "upperhab">>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromWraithFight">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "upperhab">>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "adminoffice">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mallhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Slowside Mall|b30_warrenpassages][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Slowside Mall|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action1 = "entermall"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromMall"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ascend to Megaplex 4|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action1 = "upperhab"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromMall"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Descend to the Utility Area|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action1 = "utility"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromMall"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Undersprawl|b30_area_infected][$action.arrive = "fromQuarantine"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Undersprawl|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromQuarantine"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromMegaplex">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mallhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mallhub_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "upperhab">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head down the Hallway|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.arrive = "fromMall"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Admin Office|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action2 = "adminoffice"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "utility">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Power Room|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action2 = "powerroom"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedCephanine eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Water Room|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action2 = "waterroom"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Drain the Water|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action2 = "drain"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "entermall">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 5 or ($loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus eq "killed" and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 2 and ($loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "killed" or $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "rejected"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Undersprawl|b30_warrenpassages][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutsideFirst"; $time.active += 0.1; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 7; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Mall|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromMall"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "upperhab">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Megaplex 4|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromHab"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "utility">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Utility Passage|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromUtility"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mallhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mallhub_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mallhub_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='loot-quarantine' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "adminoffice">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedWraith eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Ratroach|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Ratroach_Megaplex"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromWraithFight"; $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedWraith = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lootoptions_admin_mall'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "drain">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb up the Ladder|b30_treatment_plant][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.2; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "waterroom">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cepanine|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B30"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCephanineFight"; $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedCephanine = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Sneak Away|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cepanine|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B30"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCephanineFight"; $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedCephanine = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cepanine|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B30"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCephanineFight"; $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedCephanine = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "powerroom">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action3 = "dpad_water"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_undersprawn_mall.foundDatapad1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.tookCredits1 eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_mall.tookCredits1 = true; $attrib.credits += 381; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x381">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric lt $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Conductive Bolt'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric += 1; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_mall.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Conductive Bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_electro">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Conductive Bolt]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Conductive Bolts]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Conductive Bolts]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Power Room|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dpad_water" or $action.action3 eq "dpad_admin">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mallhub_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mallhub_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mallhub_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mallhub_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - The Warren">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromScavengerKill">>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "selected">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "selected">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.killedWitch eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you believe Her|b30_warren_inside][$action.action1 = "noharm"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she's gone Mad|b30_warren_inside][$action.action1 = "crazy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_inside_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_inside_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "noharm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Banshee|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Wraith_Warren"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_passages.killedWitch = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Banshee|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Wraith_Warren"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_passages.killedWitch = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b30_warren_inside][$action.action1 = "dpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 8; $loc_undersprawn_passages.readDataPad = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.tookCredits2 eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_undersprawn_passages.tookCredits2 = true; $attrib.credits += 2351; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x2351">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue On|b30_warren_inside][$action.action1 = "continue"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b30_warren_inside][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isReligious and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Approach the Scavengers|b30_warren_inside][$action.action2 = "approachfail"; $attrib.violence -= 2; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Approach the Scavengers|b30_warren_inside][$action.action2 = "approach"; $attrib.violence -= 2; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Sneak Away|b30_warren_inside][$action.action2 = "sneak"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Sneak Away|b30_warren_inside][$action.action2 = "sneakfail"; $attrib.caution += 2; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Scavengers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Scavengers_Warren"; $attrib.violence += 3; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_passages.killedScavengers = true; $action.arrive = "fromScavengerKill"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromScavengerKill">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($action.action2 eq "approachfail" or $action.action2 eq "sneakfail") and $action.arrive neq "fromScavengerKill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Scavengers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Scavengers_Warren"; $processed = false; $loc_undersprawn_passages.killedScavengers = true; $action.arrive = "fromScavengerKill"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Witch|b30_warren_inside][$action.action3 = "witch"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus neq "unmet" and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Death Cult|b30_warren_inside][$action.action3 = "deathcult"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you got Nothing|b30_warren_inside][$action.action3 = "nothing"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromScavengerKill">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Disagree with the Assessment|b30_warren_inside][$action.action4 = "disagree"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 10; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree with the Assessment|b30_warren_inside][$action.action4 = "agree"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 9; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromScavengerKill">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_warren_postwitch_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Warren|b30_warrenpassages][$action.arrive = "fromWarren"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\t\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Raj's Apt">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "fromBotDead">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_appartmentblock_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_died_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Study|rajapt_leftfordead][$action.action3 = "study"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Corpse|rajapt_leftfordead][$action.action3 = "corpse"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 6; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_died_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_died_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "corpse">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromraj"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Corpse|rajapt_leftfordead][$action.action3 = "corpse"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 6; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "kill">>"I don't care who the fuck..."<<else>>"Worthless. But not worth..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "kill">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_floor_blood.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I don't care who the fuck you are or what the fuck you did. You deserve—"<<else>>"I don't care who you are or what you want. You deserve—"<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You grab the man and, as easily as though he were made of cardboard, crush his ribcage. "—to die."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA pained wheeze escapes him. You toss his body aside like a rag doll, all but indifferent to his fate. Bastard had it coming. And now he's dead. Boo-fucking-hoo.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe thought makes you chuckle. "Yeah, one bastard less in this fucked up galaxy. And now.."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou glance around, wondering what this place really was all about. There has to be something somewhere that will tell you.\n\t\t<<else>>You grab your <<knife>> and slice his throat. "—to die."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe slumps on the floor, bleeding profusely and frothing from the mouth. You watch for a long moment, all but indifferent to his face, until it becomes too much.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck this shit.<<else>>"Bleed, you asshole.<</if>> Seriously." You take a deep breath and decide it doesn't matter.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBastard had it coming. Now, the question is what the hell this place was really about. There has to be something somewhere that will tell you.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Worthless.<<else>>Twisted.<</if>> But not worth killing."\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You stare intently through your armored head. "Just remember who spared you<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>r sorry ass<</if>>."\n\t\t<<else>>You shrug half-heartedly. "Guess you're one lucky son of a bitch."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hardly. Or did you not know? I am dead regardless - by your hand, hers, or theirs." He settles back with a sigh. "You see, <<formalname>>, when one deals with extremes, there can be only extreme solution. So I must die and you shall perish with me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That so?" <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You wave around, servos whirring. "How's that gonna be?"<<else>>You can't help but <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>laugh<<else>>cringe inwardly<</if>>. "How's that gonna happen? Neurotoxin in the air?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man's lips curl. "Oh, no. Nothing so vulgar. I should imagine they shall arrive very shortly. You see, the Baibirack Project was a great success. I was to be given riches beyond all imagine, a chance to further whatever study I hoped. Now I shall die like all the rest. Like—" <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You augmented senses pick up movement behind you<<else>>Soft footfalls sound on the floor behind you.<</if>> "—you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Touching." You turn, causing the floor to shake.\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Darn."<</if>> Adrenaline surges as you whirl around.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_synthabom.png"]]</div>A humanoid creature with jet black skin is standing in the doorway, its eyes glowing bright blue and a curved knife in hand. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Your optical feed stutters as the creature darts forward.<<else>>The creature darts forward, a blur of barely-visible motion.<</if>> The next instant Dr. Baibirack is squirming on the floor, his throat sliced from ear to ear. The creature pihouettes around to face you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Showoff," you drone, all but unimpressed by the whatever the hell it is.\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck me,"<<else>>"Oh, this is just great,"<</if>> you mutter, backing away from the abomination.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tOne thing's for certain though: you aren't leaving this place unless you go throuth that thing. <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Hell, it might even be a fair fight for once.<<else>>And maybe you'll somehow come out with your head still attached to your shoulders - maybe.<</if>>\n\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Riptide VIP Area">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_special_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Busy|b28_vip_specialscene][$action.action1 = "busy"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have Time|b28_vip_specialscene][$action.action1 = "havetime"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_special_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_special_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why you Care|b28_vip_specialscene][$action.action2 = "whycare"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'acceptJob'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Happened|b28_vip_specialscene][$action.action2 = "happened"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'acceptJob'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you aren't Interested|b28_vip_specialscene][$action.action2 = "nointerest"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 99; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'refuseJob'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_special_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_special_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_special_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - EPROM">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "sitting">>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "warlock">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase eq 0 and (($job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 12) and $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker eq false)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "isabelle">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "chatroom">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "dealer">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "synthsex">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase eq 3 and (($job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 12) and $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker eq false)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "isabelle">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "chatroom">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase += 1>>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase gt 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.epromCyclePhase = 0>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.loc eq "none" and $chr_lanina.met eq false and $chr_lanina.loc eq "bar_2">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Bar|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$action.action1 = "bar"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Bar|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action1 = "bar"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head onto the Dance Floor|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action1 = "dance"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 10; $attrib.toxicity -= 2; $attrib.cation -= 2; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Neuronodes required to Dance]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Sitting Area|b33_ROM_warlockalive][$action.action1 = "sitting"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Sitting Area|b33_rom_cypher][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Sitting Area|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action1 = "sitting"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the EPROM|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "dance">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_dance_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Away|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Link up Again|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action1 = "dance2"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $attrib.toxicity -= 5; $attrib.cation -= 2; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "dance2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_dance_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_dance_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bar">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Robin Carter|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "asktech"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Away|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_ask_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Xjanu-4|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "agent"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.askedAgent = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask where Robert Is|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "robert"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.askedRobert = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Attack|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "attack"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.askedAttack = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_ask_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_ask_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.askedAgent>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Xjanu-4]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Xjanu-4|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "agent"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.askedAgent = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.askedRobert>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Robert]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask where Robert Is|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "robert"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.askedRobert = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.askedAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Attack]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Attack|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "attack"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.askedAttack = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.askedAttack>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Thank the Man' 'b33_ROM_mainfloor'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "done"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase = 4>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Xjanu-4">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_agent">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_ask_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_ask_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_ask_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Away|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sitting">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_sit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "warlock">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're on a Job|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "job"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Usually|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "notusual"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you drop by Occasionally|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "occasional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.isabelleRewardPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you Do|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "doknow"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Don't|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "notknow"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='game-rom-isabelle' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'eprom_isabellebuy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "synthsex">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $sexPhases.canHaveSex>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Link your Nodes|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "link"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.cation -= 2; $attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.hadSynthSex = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Too tired for That]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Good|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "nolink"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.fatigue -= 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "dealer">>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='game-rom-drugs' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'eprom_drugoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "chatroom">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Play Along|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "play"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 2; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.toxicity += 15; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll just Watch|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action2 = "noplay"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_sit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "warlock">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_isabelle_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_sitdo_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "warlock">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you dislike Threats|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "refuse"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't want Trouble|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "accept"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why you should trust Her|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$action.action3 = "involved"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "doknow">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cyborg|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cyborg_B33"; $processed = false; $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker = true; $attrib.criminality += 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'killedIsabelle');]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notknow">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Sitting Area|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.25; $characterEncounterPhases.isabelleRewardPhase = 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'sparedIsabelle'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_sit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_isabelle_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_isabelle_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "accept" or ($action.action3 eq "involved" and $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Sitting Area|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cyborg|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cyborg_B33"; $processed = false; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 3; $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker = true; $attrib.criminality += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromCatacombs">>You retrace your route...<<else>>You stroll along the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_blood.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromCatacombs">>You retrace your route to Icefall Cryogenics and<<else>>You stroll along the [[B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]], basking in the glow of [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]] as you head for the cryolounge. From the outside, there isn't much to see, just a narrow stairway that leads into the substructure beneath one of the sandy beaches along the promenade.\n\nWhen you descend the steps, you <</if>>find yourself in the familiar reception area. Except the two attendees who'd otherwise be sitting behind the reception desk aren't present and the lights are out. In the gloom, you can just make out blood spatter on the stairs.\n\n<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8 or $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>"Oh, no." You stop in the center of the reception. "Not this again."<<else>><<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 98>>"Uh-oh."<<else>>"Well, this is just great."<</if>> You stop in the center of the reception.<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 98>> "You really fucked this one up."<</if>><</if>>\n\nThere are more blood stains on the furniture and a trail of droplets leads toward the door on the right - sealed tight, bolts pocked. No chance to get that open without serious time and effort. The same can't be said for the door behind the reception desk, which is wide adjar. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8 or $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>Something tells you this time it wasn't an abomination that caused the mess.<<elseif $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 98>>But it would probably be smarter to disappear before you run into another abomination.<<else>>Might've been another abomination; now wouldn't that be ironic?<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Machine Pit">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_machinepit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$action.action1 = "terminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Synthcrate|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$action.action1 = "crate"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Machine Pit|b10_cybercult_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromPit"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_machinepit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_machinepit_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='machinepit-loot' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "crate">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybercatacombs_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_cybercatacomb.templeOpen>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Override Core Lockdown|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$loc_cybercatacomb.templeOpen = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Core Lockdown Overridden]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_machinepit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_machinepit_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_machinepit_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - W4R1k Core">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if not $loc_warlock_core.clearedBots>>\n\t\t/% fixes in case player didn't find the data pad %/\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1 and $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 8>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 10 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase neq 99>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 11>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_warlock_core.companion = "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 11 and $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_warlock_core.companion = "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 11 and $chr_fabienne.met and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_warlock_core.companion = "fabienne">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_core_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Warlock|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action1 = "aboutwarlock"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what she Expected|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action1 = "whatexpected"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're there Anyways|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action1 = "thereanyways"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand to know about Warlock|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action1 = "demandwarlock"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the WarBots|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "WarBot_II_B10"; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"; $processed = false; $loc_warlock_core.clearedBots = true; $time.active += 0.1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_warlock_core_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_2_core_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the WarBots|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "WarBot_II_B10"; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"; $processed = false; $loc_warlock_core.clearedBots = true; $time.active += 0.1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_coredefeat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='load-object'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybercore_actionoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_warlock_coredefeat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_coredefeat_2_txt'>></div>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.deactivatedCore>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='load-object'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='load-object'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warlock_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_warlock_coredefeat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_warlock_coredefeat_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_coredefeat_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Ancient Bots|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SecBot_B10"; $processed = false; $loc_warlock_core.clearedGuardians = true; $time.active += 0.1]]</div>\t\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - W4R1k Core">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t<<set $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 12>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t<<set $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 9>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.isabelleRewardPhase eq 0 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.isabelleRewardPhase = 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_corefinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Core|b10_cybercult_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCore"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Back Alley">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the EPROM|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(800 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Bouncer (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b33_ROM_enter">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Bouncer (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isCyberOutfit or $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b33_ROM_enter][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b33_ROM_enter][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the EPROM|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $attrib.fatigue += 15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You head to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou head to the dark sitting area in the back. Speech bubbles crowd your vision with such density you have to shut off the visualization software to see where you're going. There's barely space to move and most of the sofas are occupied by clubbers chatting, fucking, or just dozing off in their chem-fueld haze. \n\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "warlock">>There is however a spot free beside a hooded fellow in a trenchcoat.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_insabelle.png"]]</div>\n\t\tHe looks up as you sidle over. "Wow. Didn't know you actually came down here. Long time no see."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh?" You squint at his shadowed face. "I know you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uh, yeah. Isabelle?" She brushes back her hood to reveal a cybernetically augmented face with jacks in place of hair. "Remember me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod slowly. "Yeah, hard to forget after all the shit you scrapped together for the Boss. It's just your face and all. Didn't recognize you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Call it an upgrade." A winking emote floats above her head. "What about you? Since when you hang out in this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shithole<<else>>place<</if>>?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "isabelle">>There is however a spot free beside Isabelle - assuming the trenchcoat-wearing cyborg is her.<br><br>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.isabelleRewardPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t"Aw, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>hell<<else>>great<</if>>." You try to slip away but it's too late.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine." Augments whirr as she approaches. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou turn with a sigh. "Hey, Isabelle. What's up?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, since you last asked Warlock's disappeared and I got at least four courtesy calls from the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. Something about a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]]. You got any idea what's going on?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t\t"Hey, Isabelle." You sit beside her. "How's it going."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Surprisingly well, actually. Managed to patch things up with Gal. Cybercult's taken me in again. Life is shaping up. With you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Same as usual, mostly." You shrug. "Glad you're doing better though."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHer augments approximate a smile. "It's nice to know you're not alone. <<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>Funny thing I heard though. That maybe you're, well, more like me than I expected."<<else>>I have you to thank for that."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>"Yeah. Life took a weird twist there. But it's not really anything new. Just putting a name to what I've been dealing with all my life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I know the feeling. I really—" She nods to someone across the room. "Sorry. Business calls. We'll speak later."<<else>>"Hey, you're welcome. Seemed like you needed a hand."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I did. And—" She nods to someone across the room. "Business calls. Speak later."<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\t"Hey, Isabelle." You sit beside her. "How's it going."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Better than before at any rate. Still deep in shit with the Cybercult but I'll cope." Her augments search your face. "You?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Same old, mostly." You shrug. "Listen, I was wondering if you're still in the trade. I could use some gear."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Officially, no. I'll make an exception. but there's stome junk still listed. Heads up." She slides a jack into your neck, causing the following catalog to appear:\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Hey, Isabelle." You sit beside her. "How's it going."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Shit as usual," she says without looking at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, well." You shrug. "Anyways, you still selling bits and pieces? I could use in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"More than bits and pieces these days, though there's stome junk still listed. Heads up." She slides a jack into your neck, causing the following catalog to appear:\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "synthsex">>There is however a spot free beside two young kids who've linked their brains with several jacks and are busy fapping.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou tap the girl on the shoulder. "There space?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure." She scoots over. "Hey, Jamie."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh? Oh. Right." The guy holds out a free jack strang as you sit down. "Link up, man."\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "dealer">>There is however a spot free beside a guy in baggy [[neoraves|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Neorave"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey." You nudge him. "There space?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, yeah, sure." He scoots over. \n\t\t<<if $equip.isPartyOutfit>>"Hey, you aren't chemming, are ya? I got shit left over."\n\t\t<<else>>"Hey, you wanna buy? Got some shit left over."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You glance around nerviously, then say, "Uh, okay. What you have?"<<else>>You shrug. "Depends. What ya got?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tHe pulls several pills and chems out of his pants. <<if $equip.isPartyOutfit>>"Take your pick, man."<<else>>"Whatever ya want. Shit's good and prices are fair."<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "chatroom">>There is however a free spot amongst a circle of clubbers playing Rushout. Two of them have already crashed. Five are still in.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou tap the nearest girl on the shoulder. "Scoot over, will ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure." She moves aside so you can sit down. "You wanna play with? We're just two rounds in."\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - EPROM">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_cyborgdead_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the EPROM|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Pressure Corridor">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.disabled = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'warlock_attack_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Rogue Bot|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "WarlockInject_Bot"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Xeno Garden">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.disabled = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'warlock_postcyborg_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='cyborg-hack' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'cyborg_hackutility'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'warlock_postcyborg_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'warlock_postcyborg_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b40_xenogarden_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tryvalli Electronics">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_electronics_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Security Logs|b28_electronics_cybercult][$action.action1 = "logs"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for the Manager|b28_electronics_cybercult][$action.action1 = "manager"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Cybercult|b28_electronics_cybercult][$action.action1 = "cult"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Security Bots|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SecurityBots_B28"; $processed = false; $attrib.criminality += 2]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_electronics_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cult">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Security Bots|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SecurityBots_B28"; $processed = false; $attrib.criminality += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b28_electronics_cybercult][$action.action2 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b28_electronics_cybercult][$action.action2 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Clerc (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b28_electronics_cybercult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "bribe"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Clerc <<print $bribeammount>> C]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit there's no Warrant|b28_electronics_cybercult][$action.action2 = "nowarrant"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_electronics_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nowarrant" or $action.action2 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Review the Records|b28_electronics_cybercult][$action.action3 = "read"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_electronics_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Ransacked Cryolounge">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Utility Area|b10_cryolounge_raided][$action.action1 = "utility"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cryolounge|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b10_cryolounge_raided][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Left|b10_cryolounge_raided][$action.action2 = "placeholder"; $action.action3 = "left"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Right|b10_cryolounge_raided][$action.action2 = "right"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b10_cryolounge_raided][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head the other Way|b10_cryolounge_raided][$action.action3 = "right"; $hide.layer3 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "right">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_loungeraided_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_electroshop.warlockActive>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Datacenter|b10_cybercult_datacenter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Utility Door is Sealed]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head down the Stairs|b10_cybercult_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Tangled Datacenter">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_datacenter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b10_cybercult_datacenter][$action.action1 = "terminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Yank out the Cables|b10_cybercult_datacenter][$action.action1 = "cables"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive = false; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You yanked out the Cables]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head down the Stairs|b10_cybercult_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_datacenter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_datacenter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_cybercult_datacenter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Machine Catacomb">>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_10")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Old Pressure Tunnel">>\n<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the WarBot|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "WarBot_B10"; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"; $processed = false; $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none" and $action.arrive neq "fromPit" and $action.arrive neq "fromCore" and $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_cybercatacomb.lockCracked>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybercatacomb_hackutility'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the entire high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Pry the lock Open' 'b10_cybercult_enter'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "forcedOpen"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; $loc_cybercatacomb.lockCracked = true; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/% no criminality %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step through the Door|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action1 = "enter"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromPit" and $action.arrive neq "fromCore" and $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_catacombs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.templeOpen>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the W4R1k Core|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action2 = "warlock"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Blast Door is Sealed]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the left Passage|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action2 = "passage"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the WarBots|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action2 = "examine"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Catacomb|b10_cryolounge_raided][$time.active += 0.5; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCatacombs"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromPit" and $action.arrive neq "fromCore" and $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_catacombs_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='loot-sidepassage'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "examine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false, $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "warlock">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cyber_loot_2'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "passage">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Machine Pit|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$processed = false, $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b10_cybercult_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action3 = "approach"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action3 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 3; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 14>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action3 = "doSilent"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 14; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 14>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action3 = "doSilent"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 14; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cyber Cultists|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "CyberCult_B10"; $attrib.violence += 3; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"; $processed = false; $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromPit" and $action.arrive neq "fromCore" and $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_catacombs_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b10_cybercult_enter][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromPit" and $action.arrive neq "fromCore" and $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_catacombs_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_catacombs_pitaction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "doSnipe" or $action.action3 eq "doSilent">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lower your Weapon|b10_cybercult_machinepit][$processed = false, $action.arrive = "fromCombat"; $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom = true; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cyber Cultists|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "CyberCult_B10"; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"; $processed = false; $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - W4R1k Core">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_coreobjfinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Surrender Object 55316|b10_cybercore_objfinal][$action.action1 = "giveobject"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Comply|b10_cybercore_objfinal][$action.action1 = "refusehandover"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_warlock_coreobjfinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_coreobjfinal_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atWarlock"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "giveobject">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Accept your Fate|B1_vindelmansion_siege_sanctum][$action.action2 = "acceptfate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "atWarlock"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_warlock_coreobjfinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_warlock_coreobjfinal_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_warlock_coreobjfinal_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_purged][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<else>>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>shuffle<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>hurry<<else>>stride<</if>> down...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6>>\n(( THIS MAY BE A BUG ))\n<<else>><<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b30_quarantine.png"]]</div><</if>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing at the barricade down on the [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. Five Purifiers in white armor are standing around you, watching the far side of the barricade.\n\nThe sixth, the man you've been speaking to, looks from them to you and back. "Was that all?"<<else>>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>shuffle<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>hurry<<else>>stride<</if>> down [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], past the many hab units and local convenience stores. Pedestrians crowd around you. Elbows poke. Voices jabber. You keep going, well past the last apartment blocks, until the crowd begins to thin.\n\nFifty meters on, the pressure tunnel is blocked by a grav-field and a barricade plastered with biohazard warnings. Six Purifiers in white armor pace up and down, watching both the far side of the barricade and your approach. When you don't slow your pace, one of them walks out to meet you.\n\n<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lte 1>>"Halt, citizen." He slows his pace, carbine cradled in his arms. "This area is off limits to civilians by order of the Purifier General. We are authorized to use force should you fail to comply with our warnings."<<else>>"Halt, <<formalname>>." He clips his carbine to a shoulder strap. "Gotta scan if you want to head in. So we can ID your body. In a worst case scenario."\n\nYou can't help but scoff. "I think I can handle the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]], Purifier."\n\n"Regulation is regulation. Scan, please." He holds out an arm.<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You step through the grav-field...<<else>>You retrace your route back to...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sprawl_enter.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6>>You pass through the defuct barrier.\n\t\t<<else>>You step through the grav-field. Momentary weightlessness ensues before momentum carries you beyond the projector and your boots hit solid walkway again.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tBefore you, a bolt-riddled walkway leads past two collapsed hab units toward what's left of the Slowside Mall.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe structure is still as decrepit as it was when you last passed this way - worse even. Several of the upper stories have collapsed and, judging by the scorch marchs around the show windows, the Purifiers purged the structure by plasma caster not long ago. Which, while obviously did the structure no favors, probably got rid of any hatching [[Stingcrabs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I am so not happy to be back," you mutter, eyeing the dark entrance to the Mall.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt looks no more inviting that it felt last time. \n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\tYou retrace your route back to walkway before what's left of the Slowside Mall. The structure is still as decrepit as it was when you last passed this way - worse even. Several of the upper stories have collapsed and, judging by the scorch marchs around the show windows, the Purifiers purged the structure by plasma caster not long ago. Which, while obviously did the structure no favors, probably got rid of any hatching [[Stingcrabs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Still hate this place," you mutter, glancing around.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou could - in theory - enter the mall again.\n\t<</if>>\n\t\tThere are other passages however; a walkway leading up on the right and a stairwell leading deeper into the superstructure the left. Alternatively, you could turn around and head back to the Quarantine Line.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromMall" or $action.arrive eq "fromHub">>You head down the hallway<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromStairs">>You head down the stairs<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromFlee">>Panicked, you turn on your heel<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromVentilation">>You leave the<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCorridor">>You retrace your route<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_underspraw_megaplex.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromMall" or $action.arrive eq "fromHub">>You head down the hallway that runs the length of Megaplex 4. Footfalls echo in the silence. Every unit you pass is sealed - doors barred and biohazard signs plastered across the controls. There is barely any light save that which emenates from a glow panel ahead.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhat it illuminates makes your blood run cold: dozens upon dozens of bodies stacked against the far wall. Many wear the robes and armor of the Purifier Order. Others are dressed in simple streetwear. All are smeared in blood, and many bodies charred black.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fucking hell." You cover your nose, eyeing the grisly scene.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromVentilation">>\n\t\tYou leave the air filtration room and return to where a lone glow panel casts its frail light upon the pile of corpses. Many wear the robes and armor of the Purifier Order. Others are dressed in simple streetwear. All are smeared in blood, and many bodies charred black.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromStairs">>\n\t\tYou head down the stairs, past the black banners and back to where a lone glow panel casts its frail light upon the pile of corpses. Many wear the robes and armor of the Purifier Order. Others are dressed in simple streetwear. All are smeared in blood, and many bodies charred black.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromFlee">>\n\t\tPanicked, you turn on your heel and flee the angry mob. Coilfire rings out in your wake. Bolts zip through the black banners above the stairs. You dash on, pausing only when you reach the corpses piled in the hallway below.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit." You glance back the way, expecting the cultists to be on your heels. "Shit, shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLong seconds drag past. The angry mob does not follow. You stand alone, with only the pile of blood-stained corpses for company. Many wear the robes and armor of the Purifier Order. Others are dressed in simple streetwear. All are smeared in blood, and many bodies charred black.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCorridor">>You retrace your route back to where the corpses lie piled against the walls. Many wear the robes and armor of the Purifier Order. Others are dressed in simple streetwear. All are smeared in blood, and many bodies charred black.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tCorpse and blood trails lead off to the right, disappearing down an unlit corridor. To the left, a broad flight of steps leads upwards, toward where black banners <<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "unmet">>hang from an old holo-sign that can just be discerned to read: //Welcome to the Bazar//.<<else>>mark the entrance to the Fallen Shrine.<</if>> Alternatively, you could head through Megaplex 4 to Slowside Mall. \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon and step past the dead scavengers, into another dim passageway. It leads on thirty meters and ends abruptly in a stuffy, rectangular chamber. There's a large hole in the ceiling and, when you shine your [[PDA's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] holo-beam around, you spot several corpses in the gloom.<br><br>\n\n\tBefore you can determine who died there, heavy footfalls sound overhead. The same moment you look up, something drops down. The floor shakes. You sway unsteadily. Beside you, a decidedly feminine [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] rises to its feet.<br><br>\n\n\t"Fool," it snarls, raising an improvized lance fashioned from scrap metal. "Deshvar gone. Nothing to steal. Only death. For you."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFirst">>You duck throuth the hole...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head throuth the demolished...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromUndersprawl">>You leave the bone pile behind...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromWater">>You hop down, landing...<<else>>You leave the collapsed hab...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawlgeneric.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromUndersprawl">>\n\t\tYou leave the bone pile behind and follow the walkway, back around the bend to where the collapsed hab crashed down. Its a short <<walk>> but every step you take feels like a monumental achievement. Given, the air is still thick with the scent of mould and decay but at least there aren't any bodies in this area. It almost comes as a relief after the depths of the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tRelieved, you stop by the hole that leads to Slowside Mall. The collapsed habitation unit blocks the way ahead but you know how to get out. Unless you wanted to head back into the [[sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]], but you aren't certain you ever do.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFirst">>You duck throuth the hole in the wall and step onto the walkway beyond.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head throuth the demolished mall, to the hole in the wall, and duck onto the walkway beyond.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromWater">>\n\t\t\tYou hop down, landing on a decrepit walkway just behind the decaying structure that is Slowside Mall.\n\t\t<<else>>You leave the collapsed hab and return to the walkway outside.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tIt leads off into the distance, around a sharp bend and deeper into the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. The air is thick with the scent of mould and decay. At least there aren't any corpses around - yet.<br><br>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFirst">>There's no sign of the silhouette you saw earlier but you do notice it's the same walkway you were on when you first came across Slowside Mall.\n\t\t<<else>>Interestingly, it's same walkway you were on when you first came across Slowside Mall.\n\t\t<</if>> Only you're now on the far side of the collapsed habitation unit. There's still no way to get around it but the door is on your side.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the warren...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>You enter the warren-like passages that lead away from the bone pile. Dangling cables snag your limbs in the gloom. Your boots knock into things unseen in the dark. What little light your [[PDA's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] holo-beam casts reveals dirty reveals mattresses, forgotten blankets, aged machinery, and jurry-rigged electical systems. More often than not the floor is sticky and everything reeks of piss.<br><br>\n\n\t"And I thought my place was a dump." You shake your head in disbelief.<br><br>\n\n\t"No!" You turn with a start to see a woman huddled in the corner. "No, it wasn't me! It wasn't! I swear! I swear on the Loving Stars and the Void between. It wasn't me. Please."<br><br>\n\n\tShe stares at you from beneath a mane of tangled hair. "Please, please believe me! It wasn't me. It wasn't me!"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Despite your better judgement...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nDespite your better judgement, you step back and refrain from intervening. The scene which plays out before you is almost surreal: Raj Winston scrambling frantically as the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] grabs him from behind. A panicked squeak. Then it's over.\n\nRaj's frail kicks do nothing to slow the abomination, which sinks its fangs deep into the man's neck. Anguished screams fill the air. The [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] tears through bone and flesh, splattering blood on the otherwise pristine carpet, and looks up, its gaze drawn to you.\n\n"Shit—" You take a step back.\n\nThe abomination's gaze lingers a moment longer, then it vanishes into thin air. You stand alone in Raj's foyer, with the blood-streaked corpse before you, as an unerthly chill crawling down your spine. Maybe you should have helped the poor man after all. But it's too late for that now.\n\nThe best you can do is look around - and hope you find something useful. The study looks like a good place to start. It's full of books and data pads. Or maybe you should search the man's corpse. Could be something interesting on that too.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "study">>You enter Raj's study...<<else>>You approach Raj's corpse...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "study">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj.png"]]</div>You enter Raj's study, which is unlike any room you've seen before. An enormous wooden desk laden with data pads and scraps of paper stands at the far end. There's a couch padded with dark red satin against the left wall. Two armchairs flank an antique liquor cabinet on the right. There's even an old glow-lamp hanging from the ceiling, complete with twelve of those little bulbs that light up when an electric current is run through them.\n\nBrief examination of the data pads and assembled books however reveal nothing interesting; just historical notes which are of no value to your investigation. There's no indication as to why the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] attacked the man, much less why he deserved such a gruesome fate.<<else>>You approach Raj's corpse and crouch down. His suit is stained with blood and badly torn. In one of his pockets however you spot a data pad.\n\n"Huh." You pull it out and activate the screen, which reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> RE: Murder of Mauricio Winston\n\nDear Raj Winston,\n\nI am sad to say that there appears to be no indication of foul play in the untimely death of Mauricio Winston. We have searched the premises extensively and found no item that resembles the device you so vaguely described or any indication of this planet, Quantus VII, you mention. Nor have we found any indication that your brother was behaving oddly prior to his demise. \n\nNaturally, I understand you would surmise this was the effect of demonic involvemement and, yes, suspect involvement on behalf of the Paladin Order. And I am truly sympathetic toward your situation. Yet there is no physical proof which substantiates your claims, I am afraid.\n\nWe have moved your brother's remains to the morgue. You may pay your repsects to the Loving Stars there. None the less, I kindly request you meet me at his former residence (Level B10, Hab Block 12, Appartment 310) to answer some open questions we have regarding this unfortunate incident and circumstances which led to Mauricio Winston's demise.\n\nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nEui Mai\n3rd Party Investigative Service\nSt. Michael's Constabulary\nScaffold 22</div>\n\n"Well, that's ominous." You put the data pad down.\n\nPoor fellow. Had his brother murdered, then got iced himself. But that isn't the really disturbing part. No, obviously Raj Winston knew something was up. He suspected a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] and maybe even a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] to be involved. After what Zweili told you, that's just more incentive to follow up - now; before the trail goes cold. Mauricio's hab would no doubt be a good place to start.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $loc_riptide.owned eq "marisa">>\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal and head up the stairs to the VIP Terrace. Two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in black-and-yellow riot armor are standing guard at the top. They stand aside as you approach.<br><br>\n\n\t"Thanks." You head across the deserted VIP area.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptide_crypto.png"]]</div>The lounge is empty except for a man in a white suit, who approaches. "<<formalname>>, yes? I am told you were once one of Xaviar's top assets. Alas, now he is gone. Quite sad. Yet if you care—" He gestures to a nearby table. "I would like very much to speak to you."\n<<else>>\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal and head up the stairs to the VIP Terrace. Two guys dressed in smart suits <<if ($equip.clothes eq "Fancywear" or $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit") or (($equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress") and $attrib.gender eq "female")>>nod curtly<<else>>shoot you dark looks<</if>> as you pass by.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptide_crypto.png"]]</div>Upstairs, some fifty people are sitting in the lounge, sipping drings and chatting. Service bots trundle back and forth. Before you've gone two steps, a man in a white suit walks up.<br><br>\n\n\t"<<formalname>>, yes? Xaviar told me you are the one to come to when one wants problems solved. If you have a moment—" He gestures to a nearby table. "I would like very much to speak to you. In private. About a delicate matter that I require, well, solved."\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head to the far end of Level B33...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou head to the far end of Level B33, fighting through the usual crowd, and turn into the narrow side passage that leads to the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]]. The only thing denoting the cypher-club from the outside is a small neon sign that bears the locale's name. That, and the two borged-up bouncers standing guard outside.<br><br>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cyborg.png"]]</div>"Evening," you say, approaching them. "S'up?"<br><br>\n\n<<if $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker>>"You're still banned." One of them flexes an augmented arm. "Or ya wanna try us?"<br><br>\n\nYou shake your head. "Had enough trouble with borgs lately."\n\n"Good. Now get outa here." He pushes you back with an augmented whirr. "Move you fucking newb."\n\n<<else>>One of them holds out a heavily augmented arm. "Link up and you're clear."<br><br>\n\n<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>"Sure." You swipe his arm and key your [[nodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]] into the local data net.<br><br>\n\nVirtual pop-ups explode before your eyes. You swipe them all away and activate your implant's garbage filter. The interface is still slightly jittery but at least you aren't getting spammed with busty chicks shaking their boobs and dick advertisements now.<br><br>\n\n"Looks good, punk." The bouncer's mechanical jaw approximates a smile as he unseals the door behind him. "Have fun."\n\n<<else>>"Uhm—" Your brow furrows. "Link up?"<br><br>\n\n"Unless you're on the net, you don't get in," the other says. "An' it looks like you ain't got the hardware, skinner. So clear out."<br><br>\n\nYou scoff. "This how you treat every potential customer?"<br><br>\n\n"Rule's the rules, skinner. You ain't followin' 'em. Now move." He pushes you back with an augmented whirr. "Move you fucking newb."<</if>><</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You step through the door<<else>>You are in the EPROM<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_eprom_interior.png"]]</div><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You step through the door and descend a narrow flight of steps to the dark cavern that is the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]].\n\t<<else>>You are in the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]], a gloomy cypher club off the [[B33 Pressure Tunnel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]].\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe walls hum with an ear-numbing beat. Neon lights blink and swirl in the gloom. Barely-illuminated silhouettes twitch on the dance floor, yanked this way and that by datastreams visible only to those linked into the local network. Every so often a virtual speech bubble appears as bodies collide, more often than not filled with expetitives.<br><br>\n\n\tAgainst the wall to the left is a bar tended by a lone bot painted in flourescent patterns and, beyond, you can just make out a sitting area. Hundreds of messages zip back and forth every second, clogging the air above those sitting there with virtual speech bubbles. Most are sexts - unsurprising, given the number of people fucking in the shadows - though amidst the tumult you spot an occasional image of kittens and debates related to chems, cryptotech and cyber-implants.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "pill_red">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_red.png"]]</div>"Sure, gimme a red." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe dude swipes it and hands the pill over. "Trip nice."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You toss the pill.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWarm shivers crawl down your back and spread through your limbs to your digits. You shudder as the world turns fuzzy and warm. It feels nice just to snuggle on the couch and watch things happen. It's hard to tell exactly what is going on. You can't focus that much. But it's nice to watch while the pulsing rythms of the music throb in your ears.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSo the minutes - or was it hours? - wear on until, slowly but steadily, the buzz fades to a tingling afterglow. Warm goosebumps crawl across your body, fading away until all that's left is a dull sense of contentment. The guy who sold you the pill has long since vanished. <br><br>\n\n\t\t"Too bad," you mutter, but ruefully coming to terms with the fact that you really should...\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "pill_black">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_black.png"]]</div>"Sure, one black." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe dude swipes it and hands the pill over. "Trip nice."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You toss the pill.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour skin begins to tingle as the lights above the dance floor swirl into the most impossible forms. Everything is going... loopy, for lack of a better word. Nothing seems solid, not the room around you or the people in it, not even your body. And everywhere you look a rainbow haze hangs in the air, sparkling and twinkling whenever a silhouette moves through it. It's just too perfect, so calm and beautiful. You don't want it to end, don't want to drift off, but you can't stop yourself from slipping into a mindless stupor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou wake a moment later, mildly disoriented. You're still on the couch in the sitting area. The guy who sold you the pill has long since vanished.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh well." You stifle a yawn and decide it's about time you...\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "link">>"Sure." You take the jacks and slip them into the nodes in the base of your skull.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBeside you, the girl starts fapping again. You shiver as <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>your cock turns hard.<<else>>your pussy gets wet.<</if>> A collage of images swirl in your mind; naked bodies, warm flesh, stifled moans and desperate cries for help, each scene as fucked up and depraved as the last and so muddled you can't tell which are your thoughts and which are theirs. But it doesn't matter. It's impossible not to feel so horny you just have to touch yourself.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSlowly but steadily, the tone shifts, growing tenser, more desperate. You feel warm, hot even. Sweat seeps from your skin as voices gasp and moan - both for real and virtual, though the two worlds are all but impossible to tell apart. Hell, you aren't even sure if you're really touching them or if that's all just imagined too. Not that it matters. It just feels too nice to care, too much to handle, until all that you can feel is that sweet sense of relief and desperate lust for more even though you're too exhausted to continue.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"That was nice."<</if>> You sink back with sigh as the last remnants of the virtual world fade from your mind.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>The fellow smiles at you as he slides the jacks out of your neck.<<else>>The girl smiles at you as she slides the jacks out of your neck.<</if>> You smile back, too dazed to realize what's going on. All that matters is you came. And they came - and went.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake yourself out of your stupor, realizing it's about time you...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nolink">>"I'm good," you say with a smile.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe looks surprised. "You sure?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." You settle back and close your eyes, glad for a moment's peace - as much of that as you'll get in the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tOver the throbbing beat, you can just hear the two kids moaning beside you. For some reason that makes you chuckle. Crazy - just like the rest of this place. Of course, that's why everyone comes there, because it's the only place that really lets you go, and the folk are friendly as fuck.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Man." You breathe a faint sigh and decide it's about time you...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "play">>"Sure. I'm in." You take the link jack she offers, slide it into your arm, and glance around. "Who's up?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me." One of the guys shoots a dose of [[FreakOut|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]] and summons up a blood-stained image of two corpses with their chests split open. "There, top that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay." You grab the [[FreakOut|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]] disc, fighting down the sudden rush of anger you remember one of the scenes ever: the night you gassed a Red Scar outpost on B37 and watched a dozen kids twitch and scream as neurotoxins flooded their system.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a surprised yelp, followed by laughter. One of the guys says, "Shit. That was, was, hardcore."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah, nah." The girl shoots up and swipes out her own image - one that makes your blood run cold.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's from six weeks into the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]], just minutes after the Spitting Fountain was bombed by the Astral Punks. Thick smoke curls in the air as voices scream and moan in agony, many missing entire body parts. There is blood spattered all over the ground and, when the viewpoint looks down, its arms and legs are covered in bloody gashes. In the background you can just see yourself, Ice and Fisher hurrying out of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] to help the injured.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck me,"<<else>>"Oh, hell,"<</if>> you mutter, glancing at the girl. "You were there."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe nods solemly and, though no one seems particularly bothered by your presence, you figure it's probably about time you...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noplay">>"Nah, I'll just watch," you say with a smile.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Suit yourself." She grabs a [[FreakOut|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]] disc and shoots up.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEerie silence hangs in the air as they play, swiping images you can't see into the circle, shooting chems, and occasionally grimacing. Whatever words are spoken are inaudible to you. It's strange - distrubring, almost - and you eventually decide it's probably better to just...\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "doknow">>"I do actually. The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] had it all planned out. I think. Not quite sure how. It was a play to get to Warlock. I got there too late to—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Late? You call that fucking—" Isabelle's augmented fist hits you with such force it sends you toppling over the back of the couch.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPeople shout over the throbbing beath as couches are thrown aside. Angry emoticons flash. You scrable up as Isabelle shrugs off her trenchcoat, revealing a cybernetic body and thick armor plates.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You knew." She steps toward you, causing the floor to shake. "He was right. You knew about it all. And you let it happen. Let the abomination get away. You! A hunter!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey." You lean closer. "I did my fucking best to—"<<else>>"Wow, wow." You back away, saying, "I just—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"He's dead because of you, you know. Dead because you were too fucking coward to—" Microcoil guns spring from her arm augments. "—but not anymore. You'll get what you got coming for you, Vine. What you've fucking got coming for years."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notknow">>"No fucking clue. I headed over to Luscovari but he was already gone. I called it in as a [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] attack but <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucked if I know how it fits together.<<else>>I got no clue how it fits together.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, shit." Isabelle pouts - as much as her cybernetic allow, at least. "Thanks anyways though. I know ya tried your best. Fucking animals those aboms."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, they really are." You force a smile. "Hey, I should probably leave you to it. See you, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe nods with a faint whirr. "I'll be around if ya need anything. Ain't like I got anywhere else to go."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "job">>"I'm on a job..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notusual">>"I don't usually..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "occasional">>"Oh, I drop by from time..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "job">>\n\t\t"I'm on a job," you say. "Looking for a cryptomancer. Or at least someone with mad crypto skills. Figured this was the place to look."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIsabelle's mechanical eye narrows. "So he really meant you for real? Shit. And I was expecting they'd send someone with at least some tech background after him."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"After who?" You fix her with a hard look. "Isabelle. Speak<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> sense. I'm in the dark here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Warlock." Augments whirr as she leans closer. "I got the feel Luscovari sent you. That's why I'm here too. To flatline whoever he sends after Warlock. But I'll make you a deal: you don't mention none of this to no one, go back to the bastard and tell him it was a dead end, and I leave you alone. Otherwise—" She flexes an augmented arm. "—let's just say one of these to your jaw and that'll be it."\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notusual">>\n\t\t"I don't usually come by here," you admit. "Probably wouldn't either but I'm looking for intel about someone with mad crypto skills."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Intel, huh?" Isabelle's mechanical eye narrows. "This doesn't have to do with Warlock, does it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I dunno," you admit. "Does it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Probably." Augments whirr as she leans closer. "I figure Luscovari sent you. That's why I'm here too. To flatline whoever he sends after Warlock. But I'll make you a deal: you don't mention none of this to no one, go back to the bastard and tell him it was a dead end, and I leave you alone. Otherwise—" She flexes an augmented arm. "—let's just say one of these to your jaw and that'll be it."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "occasional">>\n\t\t"Oh, I drop by from time to time," you say. "Nice atmosphere. Cool peeps. Y'know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nice peeps. Yeah." Isabelle's mechanical eye narrows. "I don't buy it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou chuckle. "So cynical. But okay. I'm also on a job. Looking for someone with mad crypto skills."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, shit." Augments whirr as Isabelle leans closer. "Lemme guess: you're the one looking for Warlock."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I dunno," you say. "Am I?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. Ya are. Luscovari sent you. That's why I'm here too. To flatline whoever he sends after Warlock. But I'll make you a deal: you don't mention none of this to no one, go back to the bastard and tell him it was a dead end, and I leave you alone. Otherwise—" She flexes an augmented arm. "—let's just say one of these to your jaw and that'll be it."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway station...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_travelli_electro.png"]]</div>\n\n\tYou leave the tramway station, pushing your way through the usual crowd. A bright holo-sign flickering to the left announces Tryvalli Consumer Electronics. There are no security personnel or [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] on guard so you head inside.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>\n\t\tThe store is tiny and crammed with all forms of circuitry, hydraulics, cabling, and machines. Two men in yellow overalls are advising customers interested in purchasing household robotics and other devices of mundane nature. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, though that doesn't mean anything.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good day and welcome to Tryvalli." An employee in yellow smiles at you. "How can I help you today?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hi. Yeah, I'm a sanctioned hunter." You hold out your arm so he can see your credentials. "There've been some reports of potentially abominable activity around here. I was asked to check up."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe clerk looks surprised. "Are you sure? We haven't had any complaints recently, abominable or otherwise?"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tThe store is comically small and crammed with all forms of circuitry, hydraulics, cabling, and machines. Two men in yellow overalls are advising customers interested in purchasing household robotics and other devices of mundane nature. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, though that doesn't mean anything.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good day and welcome to Tryvalli." An employee in yellow smiles at you. "How can I— oh shit! Security! Purge! Purge!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Motherfucker."<<else>>"What the—"<</if>> You're about to grab the man when two [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] beep to life at the back of the shop.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCoilfire errupts in the tiny shop. Rounds ping off the walls, ricosheting around the narrow aisles. One of the customers is hit square in the jaw. Another falls, riddled with boltfire. Chances are you'll be next unless you do something right this moment.<br><br>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck my life. I swear."<<else>>"This job. I swear."<</if>> Fighting down your racing heart, you duck behind a display rack, just as bolts zip past overhead.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach what's left of Isabelle. Sparks fly from the ruined body. The few human pieces left look like they're in utter pain.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck you, man." You stare at the corpse indignantly. "Seriously, what the fuck was that all about?"<<else>>"Sorry, man." You shake your head. "Nothing personal, but why'd you have to do that?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThere's no reply, just a distant yelp. It's only then you realize that the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]] has fallen deadly silent. The two augmented bouncers shove their way through the crowd, which has all but vacated the sitting area.<br><br>\n\n\t"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>great<</if>>." You draw a deep breath. "Sorry, guys. She attacked—"<br><br>\n\n\t"Out." One of the men grabs you by the neck. "Move, newb. Now."<br><br>\n\n\tYou don't bother to resist as they march you through the crowd and up the stairs. There's no point, not when you've definitely overstepped your bounds. Even your status as a sanctioned hunter won't protect you. Hell, they could ice your ass then and there and that'd be it.<br><br>\n\n\tInstead, they simply throw you into the dark alley outside. "You're banned. No charges. We won't cry over the borg. But you stay out. Forever."<br><br>\n\n\tYou pick yourself of the ground, nodding in response. Light punishment considering the situation. But you're back to square one - you should probably tell Mr. Luscovari.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway station...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou leave the tramway station, pushing your way through the usual crowd. It's thicker than usual on account of a cargo lift having been lowered so that four fellows with grav-platforms can delover a shipment of deactivated [Security Bots] to one of the local strip clubs.<br><br>\n\n\t"Great," you mutter, shouldering your way through the masses of bodies flowing around the lift.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>Just as you reach the far side of the lift, your [PDA] stuttees and dies with an error. That same moment one of the [Security Bots] comes to life with a beep. One of the delivery guys approaches it. The [bot] rasies an arm. Heads turn. Gunfire errupts as the bot sprays coilfire into the delivery man and the crowd around him.<br><br>\n\n\t"What the—" You reach for your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\tPeople around you are screaming and running for cover. The [bot] ignores them, its optics focused on you. A mechanical arm rises. Adrenaline surges as you realize what's about to happen.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach the demolished cyborgs. There's barely anything left - human or otherwise - but you spot an undamaged neural uplink amidst the scattered bits and pieces. Hoping for answers, or at the very least an explanation for the aggression, you yank out one of the jacks and hook into a free slot.<br><br>\n\n\tError messages explode as your [PDA] fails. You clear the warnings away to find the following dialog buried beneath:\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You head behind the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_ladder.png"]]</div>You head behind the reception, into the tiny store room. Mist forms with every breath. The ventilation fan is silent. At the end is the same ladder you climbed down when you went after that [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]].\n\n"Down we go again," you mutter, descending one rung at a time.\n\nThe utility area below is still as cold as hell on a bad day and just as dark. Except this time there are no glow-panels to light the way, just what scarce illumination your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] provides - enough to make the iced-over floor and walls shimmer in frigid, blue hues. Except there isn't nearly as much ice as you remember and, with every step you take, water splashes underfoot.<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive>>\n\n"Well, this can't be good." You stop, squinting into the gloom.<</if>>\n\nThere's a dull light at the end of the passage to your left. To your right, the passage to Cryochamber 7 has been sealed with construction tape. On top of a half-submerged toobox beside the doorway lies a battered data pad.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the datacenter...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_holoterminal.png"]]</div>You enter the datacenter, carefully stepping over the tangled webs of wires. They lead from countless wall-sockets into various computers which hum with electricity. Against the far wall, barely visible through the spider-webs of cables, is a holo-terminal.\n\n"Wow," you mutter, eyeing the mess. "What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> even is this place?"\n\nOne logical way to find out: see what the terminal says. Or you could just yank out the cables. Might not be a good idea until you know what you're dealing with though. Alternatively, you could leave the datacenter and head down the stairs opposite, toward <<if $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom>>machine-catacombs below<<else>>whatever the hell lies beyond<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>You lower your weapon...<<else>>You head down the stairs...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon, watching as the [[WarBot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] wobbles unsteadily, its grav-plates overcompensating wildly, and slams into the floor. Sparks errupt. Errant boltfire zips into the ceiling. You duck instinctively but there's no reason to. The machine is utterly wrecked and smoke curls from the ruined chassis.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitylock_broken.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck."<<else>>"Phew."<</if>> You breathe a sigh of relief, gaze fixed on the door beyond the automaton.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>It's starting to look a damn lot like Gal's source was right: there is an old Machine Catacomb down here. Unfortunately, it's locked away behind a door which has been sealed tight with two mag-locks.\n\t\t<<else>>Hell knows what lies beyond. But, if the [[WarBot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] is any indication, it's an old Machine Catacomb. But there's only one way to find out: try the door. It's sealed by two mag-locks wired to a control unit.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, then." You jack your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] into control unit.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_warbot.png"]]</div>You head down the stairs, careful not to miss a step in the gloom. Ahead, around a bend in the passage, you can see dim lights. There's a sizable chamber beyond with a sealed utility door at the far end but that's not what worries you. It's the rusted [[WarBot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] - designation CenTN-L according the faded letters on its chassis - floating before it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit." You stop shot. "Oh, shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh." You stop short. "Not good."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Intrustion." Angry, red optical sensors scrutinize you. "Combat runtimes. Active. Termination in. Progress."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA digital beep echoes as weapons arms are raised, revealing a staggering array of coilarms. There isn't a doubt in your mind as to what will follow - and what you need to do before the [[WarBot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] opens fire: destory its mechanical ass. Which is easier said than done. The thing's a floating tank. Literally.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitylock_broken.png"]]</div>You head down the stairs and around the bend in the passage. Below, in a sizable chamber with a sealed utility door at the far, is a rusted [[WarBot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] designated CenTN-L according the faded letters on its chassis. Its grav-plates have been disabled and hazy smoke still drifts from where the chassis crashed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good thing too," you mutter as you head for the utility door beyond. <br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom>>Thankfully, you already know where that leads: the old Machine Catacomb. It odd to be back in this place. The air is thick with dust, and the walls cold. To think: a place so close to civilization - untouched for centuries. It's the sort of thing urban legends of made of. Except this one is very real - and more life threatening than you dare admit.<<else>>Presumably it leads to an old Machine Catacomb. But there's only one way to find out for certain: try the door.<</if>> \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.lockCracked>>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>It's sealed by two mag-locks wired to a control unit.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"Here we go again." You jack your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] into control unit.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon but remain alert, expecting another wave of bots at any moment. Nothing happens. Smoke drifts lazily above the destroyed machines. Behind you, the W4R1k Core is riddled with stray bolt holes.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>"I hope there won't be any more," Isabelle says, scanning the corridor with her augmented arms raised.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So do I." You wait a moment longer just to be safe. "At any rate, I think we should go. Now. Just in case."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes." Isabelle strides forward but hesitates. "And your help was appreciated. The closure. It helps."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, no problem. Just be a little more careful with the friends you pick in future."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>"I will." The cyborg almost smiles - as far as it can, that is. "And speaking of friends, there is an old one I must make ammends to. I think you have met. Come find me at that place, or look for me at the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]]. It'd be nice to see you again." She strides off, augments whirring.\n\t\t<<else>>"I will." The cyborg almost smiles - as far as it can, that is. "Drop by the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]] sometime. Maybe I'll be there." She strides off, augments whirring.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>"That better have been the last of them," Fabienne says, knife still in hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So do I." You wait a moment longer just to be safe. "At any rate, I think we should go. Now. Just in case."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, good idea." Fabienne shoots you a sidelong glance. "And thanks, Vine. I really dunno if I'd have been able to hande this mess alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, no problem. We seem to make an okay team."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Considering you're an abomination and I'm a hunter... no, wait, other way round. But considering that, yeah, we do." Fabienne flashes you a smile and strides off, calling, "See you around, yeah?"\n\t<<else>>"This better have been it you stupid machine." You risk a step forward. "You<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> hear me? I'm tired of <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>your shit<<else>>this game<</if>>!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tNaturally, there's no response. You laugh at yourself. What did you expect? A dead machine to speak? Anyways, it doesn't matter. You've wasted enough time in this wretched place. But at least the machine is out of commision. So there's no reason to stick around.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You descend the stairs<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>You lower your weapon<<else>>You are standing in the Machine Pit<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_holoterminal.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You descend the stairs to the bottom of the Machine Pit. \n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>You lower your weapon and step past the dead cyber cultists. \n\t<<else>>You are standing in the Machine Pit. \n\t<</if>> The room - if it can be called that - is lit by icy glow-orbs and that cast odd shadows across the two disassembled [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]. Spare parts and spent chem-injectors litter the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>"Must've been a long shift." You kick one of the injectors, causing it to clatter into the shadows. "Wonder what they were after."<br><br><</if>>\n\n\tThe far end of the chamber is dominated by a large macrofusion reactor that is linked to various wall outlets and two enormous yet dysfunctional robotic manipulator arms. Before the fucsion reactor are three bedrolls and a synthcrate filled with various tools. Beside it, a holo-terminal floats in mid-air atop a miniature anti-grav platform.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head around the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_insabelle_final.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_warbot.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou head around the bend in the passage, all too aware that the aged walls are riddled with bolt holes. \n\n\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>Before you've gone two steps, heavy footfalls echo behind you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine. Wait." You turn to see Isabelle's cybernetic form hastening toward you. "What are you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good question." You muster the cyberwoman sceptically. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>"I was hunting Warlock with the Cybercult - the real one - and it led me here. Figure it's about time this charade be ended."<<else>>"I ended up here by accident. Have the feeling you got a reason to be here. Care to explain?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe stops beside you, a bitter look her augment face. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed eq "isabelle">>"I was already expecting the worst, like I told you when we spoke. I thought maybe he'd gone power mad or something But this? This is beyond anything I expected."<<else>>"I had reason to think Warlock might not be dead. I wanted to see for myself. The data trail lead me here but it isn't quite what I expected. At all."<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>Before you've gone two steps, rapid footfalls echo behind you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wait, wait!" You turn to see Fabienne's read-headed form hurrying toward you. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Honestly? I was gonna put an end to this Warlock nonsense." You fold your arms. "I think you got some explaining to do. A lot of it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] stops beside you. "Honestly, it's a long story. one I was kinda hoping you wouldn't get tangled in after that thing Abbath. I was kinda hoping this part of the past would just stay cooped up forever. But then shit started happening. Now I gotta deal with it. I guess it's lucky you're here 'cause I could really use your help."\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tBlood pounds in your veins as you inch forward. Up ahead you can just see the enormous bulk of three aged [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]. One of them appears to have crashed. The other two are still active, their angry red optics watching your every move.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Crap." You stop short. "Well, this is bad."<<else>>"Oops. You stop short. "Uh, I don't want any trouble?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMachinery creaks as the [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] re-angle their grav-plates and glide forward. Weapons arms rise toward you. It doesn't take much to figure out what will happen next: you, riddled with bolts, unless you do something - fast.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You wait as the system...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou wait as the system runs its autoexecute function. After several seconds, the following screen appears:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<strong>## ArchMapDB (rev451.f) ##</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Warning:</span> Display device does not support Neuro3dr. Reverting to RAW.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t[RECORD] RoutTrace dated GSY 16741:<br><br>\n\t\t\t[STATUS] <span class='redcolor'>inactive</span><br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000001 Sol<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000002 Alpha Centauri A<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000003 Alpha Centauri B<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000004 Al Habe Sidir<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000005 Xenevere<br><br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000006 Semini Proxima<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t[97'441 attempts to synchronize. Next attempt in 4 GSY]\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<strong>aghz64&jhhhg5gI</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>Wg6456:</span> Bbteh hgrbi huatiu A44#1##5##.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t[RECORD] Rnhuh b ynhe GSY 16741:<br><br>\n\t\t\t[STATUS] <span class='redcolor'>inactive</span><br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000001 5477zh<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000002 hiuhiuh57381<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000003 nibzbte76g5bn1<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000004 bhi7 85bn sin<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000005 XNV-6<br>\n\t\t\t[FAILED] 000006 j8hzC<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t[97'441 thgihniuah the thuin n yht iyo 4 GSY]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal neq "none">>"Well, that's odd," you mutter, scowling at the display.<<else>>"What the hell," you mutter, frowning at the mangled output.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>\n\tHeavy footfalls echo in the passage behind. You glance over your shoulder to see a humanoid silhouette striding toward you. It stops several paces into the W4rl0ck core.<br><br>\n\n\t"Biological," a monotone voice drones. "Surrender your weapons and hand over the artefact. The alternative is undesirable."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>In the shadows, you can just make out [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin's silver armor. It's the machine-angel beyond all doubt. No other being in the galaxy has that voice. And the implied meaning of Corinthin's slender, outstretched hand is beyond doubt.\n\t<<else>>In the shadows, you can just make out the silver armor of a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. The machine-angel's mask is faceless and devoid of expression. The meaning of its slender, outstreched hand however is beyond all doubt.\n\t<</if>> \n\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "entermall">>You approach the dark entrance...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "upperhab">>You head up the walkway...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "utility">>You head down the stairwell...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "entermall">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_undersprawl_mall_alt.png"]]</div>You approach the dark entrance to Slowside Mall. Shadows lurk amidst the upturned shelves and racks. Slumped suqat in the center of the mess is the carcass of \n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn.altLayout>>a massive [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]]\n\t\t<<else>>the [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]] which attacked you earlier.\n\t\t<</if>> Its gooey innards have begun to decompose, clogging the air with unpleasant odors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What a shithole."<<else>>"Horrible."<</if>> You test your way over the rubble-strewn floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 5 or ($loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus eq "killed" and $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase gte 2 and ($loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "killed" or $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "rejected"))>>\n\t\t\tOn the far side of the mall, shadows move. A humanoid silhouette disappears through a gap in the wall. When it doesn't return, you creep over to investigate. The hole - barely large enough for a human to fit through - leads to a dim passage that disappears into the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]].\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tEven in the gloom it's obvious that the route deeper into the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] has been sealed. Not by the Purifier Order, it seems, but by whoever deposited the enormous piles of rubble and scrap metal there. Same goes for all the stairwells heading toward the upper shopping areas; all inaccessible without specialized equipment.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "upperhab">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_constructionsite.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromMall">>\n\t\t\tYou head up the walkway, careful not to miss a step on loose floor plates. It leads up one story, bends around a crumbling half-built hab unit, and leads toward an even larger apartment block. A faded projection beside the entrance reads: //Megaplex 4 - Your Future Home!//<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Likely," you mutter, peering into the dim entry area.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA narrow hallway runs the length of the structure until it disappears into shadow. There was once a stairwell and elevator to the left but both have rusted beyond use and collapsed. The only other location of note - aside from countless doors along the hallway, all of which look locked - is the admin office to your right. With no one but you around, eerie silence haunts the halls of Megaplex 4.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromMegaplex">>You retrace your route along the hallway that runs the length of Megaplex 4 and stop before the exit.<<else>>You return to the long hallway which runs the length of Megaplex 4.<</if>>\n\t\t\t There was once a stairwell and elevator to the left but both have rusted beyond use and collapsed. The only other thing of note - aside from countless doors along the hallway, all of which look locked - is the admin office beside the entrance. There isn't a single sign that anyone has been anywhere near this place; not even a discarded stim injector in a corner - nothing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Odd," you mutter, glancing around the Megaplex. "Did people ever even live here?"\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "utility">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromMall">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_mall.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\tYou head down the stairwell, into a narrow utility passage. Water squelches the moment you step inside. <<if $equip.isConcealing>>The air looks filthy,<<else>>The air reeks of rot,<</if>> though it's impossible to tell why - the only glow panel barely casts enough light to see the walls by.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"How pleasant." You wrinkle your nose, testing your way forward.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLights flicker ahead, die, and come back on.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCephanineFight">>\n\t\t\tYou lower your weapons and, with a hand over your nose, back out of the water-logged room. The shadowed corpse of the [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] lies amidst the sewage. It doesn't move.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck."<<else>>"Phew."<</if>> You return to the utility passage, relieved to be away from the <<if $equip.isConcealing>>filth<<else>>stench<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe glow panels overhead stutter but remain active.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou return to the narrow utility passage beneath Slowside Mall. Water drips from the ceiling. Glow panels overhead flicker, die, and come back on again.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tIn what little light they offer you can make out two doors. One leads into what looks like a power room. The other reeks of sewage seeping out of a dislodged water main.<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedCephanine>> Having searched it earlier, you know there's nothing inside but rusted equipment and a decaying [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]]. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 1>>You'll probably have to drain the room to reach Water Treatment however. Thankfully, the mechanical pump by the door still looks intact.<</if>><</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>You head up the stairs<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bloodtrail">><<if $action.arrive eq "fromHub">>You follow the trail of blood<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromStoreRoom">>You leave the room and return<<else>>\tYou leave the room and head back<</if>><</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_deathseeker.png"]]</div>You head up the stairs, gaze fixed on the black banners. Your footfalls ring loud in the silence. Then you hear another set of footsteps. Blood pounds as you stop short.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThree figures wrapped in cloaks and deathlike masks move into position at the top of the stairs. All three are armed with automatic rifles, and all three stare at you through lifeless eye slits.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Trespasser," a throaty voice calls. "Death claims these halls. <<if $equip.isReligious>>Your kind has no more place here than those who wallow in endless suffering.<<else>>The living are as unwelcome as you are.<</if>> Now begone or—" The speaker raises their rifle. "—find your peace amongst the fallen."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bloodtrail">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromHub">>You follow the trail of blood spatter and corpses deeper into Megaplex 4. Within moments, visibility drops to mere paces. Your boot knocks against a solid object. Several seconds later, something too squishy for comfort squelches underfoot. You hesitate, heart thudding in your chest, but there's no one else around.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, you can make out two passages. The left one seems to lead to a small room, though it's hard to tell in the gloom. The other is lit by the distant shine of flickering glow panel and appears to be a stairwell leading downwards.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromStoreRoom">>\n\t\t\t\tYou leave the room and return to the junction you were at before. Ahead, you can see a descending stairwell lit by the distant glow of a flickering glow panel. To the left is the corridor that leads back to the pile of corpses. And, back the way you came, is the dark store room.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Man," you mutter, trying not to think about all the death around you. "I'm starting to really hate this place."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou leave the room and head back the way you came, past the dead scavengers and back up the stairs to the junction. Ahead, lies the dark store room you saw earlier. To the left is the corridor that leads back to the pile of corpses.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tBehind you, is the stairwell that leads to where you ran into the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]. There's nothing left to see there though, just more death - like everywhere in this forsaken place. \n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "answers">>"I just want to..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "diefirst">>"You'll die well before..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "answers">>"I just want to know what's going on here," you blurt, backing away. "Honestly. I'm not here to steal anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] grunts in amusement. "Humans. Always seeking answers. There are none here. Only death and fools that live on broken hope."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> does that even mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This!" The abomination gestures around angrily. "Deshvar gone! All destroyed! Ruined. So many lives thrown pointlessly away, and for what? Scraps! Leftovers of a world already broken."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay..." You risk another step back. "So this place is fucked up. How is that new?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] step forward, shaking the floor. "There was fear. Panic. Now all that is left is to fight and survive. So I fight." The abomination grips its lance. "And I survive. You will not."<br><br>\n\n\t\tJudging by the look in the abomination's eyes, it means that. Why you don't know. It would have made more sense to just go seperate ways. But it doesn't seem like the brute is thinking clearly, which shouldn't really be a surprise.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "diefirst">>"You'll die well before I do," you snarl, circling the abomination. "Believe me, I'll blow your fucking heart out."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] grunts a laugh. "Arrogance. Good. Then we fight well."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, come on!" You chuckle despite yourself. "How clich├⌐ is that? The warrior wanting a real fight. Is that all you got?"<br><br> \n\n\t\t"Yes! Ever since your kind ruined this—" The brute gestures around violently. "—all there is left. Deshvar gone. Now fight. Survive. That is all your kind can make."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Charming," you hiss. "From an archetypal [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] no less. But fine. If you want to die I'll gladly help you along."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abomination laughs, flipping its lance into an agressive stance. Evidently it doesn't believe you. Which means you'll just have to prove your point in practive - dangerous though that might be.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "habunit">>You enter the collapsed<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromDeathseekers">>You lower your weapon<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSide" or $action.arrive eq "fromWarren">>You retrace your route<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromMausoleum">>You stride across the M<<else>>You follow the walkway<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "habunit">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawlhab.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou enter the collapsed hab unit. The floor, already badly broken, creaks dangerously underfoot. Everything in the hab has been thrown around violently. Five naked corpses - two female and three male - have been tossed up against the wall amidst a jumble of cans and furniture. Everything reeks of vomit and rot.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck."<<else>>"Ugh."<</if>> You swallow bile, eyeing the mess.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's not much to see, just a stray credit ship, and a cracked data pad by the entrance. There's also a pair of [[Neoraves|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Neorave"]] tossed over a coat hook. It's only then you realize the floor is strewn with spent chem injectors. Suddenly the scene makes a lot more sense.\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_srpawl_bonesquare.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDeathseekers">>You lower your weapon and approach the dead cultists. Loose bones crunch underfoot. A small avalanche of skulls cascades from the pile. When you stop moving, nothing else moves.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell this place."<<else>>"This place is impossible."<</if>> You shake your head, wondering where to go.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSide" or $action.arrive eq "fromWarren">>You retrace your route to the square in the center of the shack-slum. The floor is littered with human remains. Skulls, bones, thousands of them and more piled in the center of the area. \n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromMausoleum">>You stride across the Mausoleum, headed back to the elevator. Grates slam closed as you enter. Machinery whirrs. You ascend.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA short <<walk>> later, you're back in the little passage with the secret door. It isn't far from there back to the Square of Bones, smack in the center of the shack-slum. The floor is littered with human remains. Skulls, bones, thousands of them and more piled high, giving the place its name. \n\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\tYou follow the walkway deeper into the [[sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. The floor is littered with all manner of junk. Wires dangle from loose ceiling panels. Packed along the edge of the walkway are the charred remains of what must have once been a shack-slum. Judging by the scorch marks, it was the work of the Purifier Order.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"They're thorough," you mutter as you pass yet another pile of burnt tents. "Gotta give them that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAmazingly, there aren't any bodies anywhere to be seen, just junk and debris. Then the walkway takes another sharp bend and you find yourself before a small square littered with human remains. Skulls, bones, thousands of them and more piled in the center of the area. \n\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus eq "unmet">>You've barely had time to take it all in when footsteps meet your ears. Moments later, four cultists in masks appear from a side pasasge, carbines in hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Over there." One of them stops, pointing to you. "<<if $equip.isReligious>>Another of those fools. Don't they know forsaken ground when they see it?<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Deathshroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Seeker Robes" or $equip.clothes eq "Mourning Shroud">>Death be with you, Seeker. Where do you wander to?<<else>>Another rat. Haven't we told you often enough to stay away?<</if>>"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus eq "left">>The Deathseekers you ran into earlier have since left.\n\t\t\t<<else>>The only intact corpses are those of the four cultists you killed earlier.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_passages.deathseekerStatus neq "unmet">><br><br>\n\t\t\tThe main walkway fragments into dozens of smaller passages beyond the bone pile, each as rickety and dark as the last. There's also the passage the cultists appeared from, which leads off to the left. That one at least looks stable. Alternatively, you could just head back to the Slowside Mall.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "noharm">>"I believe you. It wasn't you. Whatever you think it is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But it wasn't me," she blurts, eyes wide. "I helped. I tried. I did what I knew, I did! They came and asked. And I helped. I did. I did!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's good," you say, forcing a smile that doesn't hide your apprehension.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>hell. You fucking<<else>>damn. You<</if>> lost it, woman."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Lost it?" She looks confused. "No, no, never lost it! I helped. I tried. I did what I knew, I did! They came and asked. And I helped. I did. I did!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever you say," you mutter as you creep on, indifferent to the woman.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"That's what—" The woman fiddles with the cap of a grimy syringe. "—they said! They said it. But they lied. They always lie. Always. Every time, over and over, every—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_banshee_leer.png"]]</div>There's a yelp followed by a faint grunt. Eerie silence falls. You glance back out of habit, shining your holo-beam into the corner the woman was sitting in, only to wish you hadn't. Her veins have turned jet black and blotches of skin are rotting. Hair falls from her scalp before your very eyes. The grimy syringe is still stuck in the woman's arm. Then she looks up.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the—" You recoil the same moment she - it - stands.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBright, ethereal eyes stare at you from deep within the newborn abomination's skeletral face. It bares its teeth, which have already grown long and sharp. You don't even have to see the claws to know what it is: a [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] - and one that looks dangerously hungry.\n\n\t\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "quarantine">>"About the quarantine..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "scribe">>"I have to speak with..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "swipe">>"Fine." You swipe...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "betrayvisionary">>"I have to warn you..."<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "betrayvisionary">>"I have to warn you about something. I've been infiltrating something called the Visionary Movement. A sort of cult. You heard of them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes." The Purifier steps closer. "You're saying you have a lead on them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"More than a lead. They were going to use this—" You produce the plague sample. "—to kill a lot of people. I was able to steal it. But I can't stop them. Not alone. Can't be sure I'll get them all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wretchs, abomination-loving filth. We'll make sure they pay, as Saint Allessa would have: all shall be purged at the stake. Provided you give us their location. And the... suspect material." The purifier holds out a hand. "Please."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou hand the vial over. "They've taken over the old Forsaken Shrine. Might be abominations there. Dunno. But they've been meddling with corpses for a while."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The warning's appreciated, hunter. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a purge to organize." He nods and strides off at a brisk pace.<br><br>\n\n\t\tJust thinking about what you were part of, what you agreed to do, makes your stomach churn. Grand Vision your ass. They were insane. But you did the right thing. The Purifiers will put an end to this mess. Once and for all.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "quarantine">>"About the quarantine," you say. "What happened?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Chemical leak," the Purifier replies unhelpfully. "Severe danger of contamination beyond the grav-field."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah." You nod, knowing that's nothing more than an excuse. "So, no chance of getting the real story?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Purifier remains utterly impassive. "We mantain utmost vigilance in the name of Saint Allessa. We are here to ensure that no civilians come to harm, citizen. Now please be on your way. It is not safe."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "scribe">>"I have to speak with one of your Scribes. His name's Jal Xuhe. I was told he's stationed here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That is information I cannot disclose, citizen. Now please—" The Purifier takes a step forward. "Leave. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You breathe a laugh. "Easy there, big guy. I'm a sanctioned hunter, for one. And Scribe Xuhe attempted to contact me. So can you just get him here or something?"<<else>>You raise your hands. "Easy there. I'm here to speak to Scribe Xuhe. He tried to contact me. Is he around? Because we really have to talk."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Possible." The man taps his hemlet. Several seconds pass. "Scribe Xuhe will be here momentarily. However, do not test my—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<formalname>>." Another purifier dressed in white robes with red trim approaches. "Forgive Brother Lenzis. He is acting under strict orders. But I am glad you came. Very glad. I was uncertain whether Father Zweili would pass news of my inquiry on, and whether you would show at all."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>"My name's Acrel. Sanctioned hunter. I'm looking for a death—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This is a restricted area, citizen. Now please—" The Purifier takes a step forward. "Leave. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, gimme a fucking break," you snarl.<<else>>"I know it's restricted," you say heavily.<</if>> "I'm a hunter. Sanctioned. And I need to get in contact with a death cult that's rumored to be here. So is there anything you can do to help me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Possible." The man taps his hemlet. Several seconds pass. "I shall contact—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Brother, I shall handle this." Another purifier dressed in white robes with red trim approaches. "Forgive Brother Lenzis. He is acting under strict orders. But I am glad you arrived here by chance, <<formalname>>. I had been trying to contact you yet, alas, it appears communication has been rather slow. I did not know for certain you would come at all."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "swipe">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>\n\t\t"Fine." You swipe your arm over his. "For all the good it'll do."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Purifier shrugs half-heartedly. "If you die, I'll have your next of kin informed. Provided they can be found."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Don't bother. I've already made my peace with death."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Great fucking comfort that is. Really."<<else>>"Not that you'll find any, but thanks."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tHe laughs. "Right. You take care of yourself in there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Oh, screw you."<<else>>"I will."<</if>> You step past the Purifier.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other guards watch absently as you approach the grav-field. None of them appear too concerned about your presence. Presumably they've all been cued in to why you're there. That, or they just know better than to question their orders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "buyoptions">>\n\t\tYou say, "I was wondering about requisitions. You're members of a sanctioned sect, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sanctioned is not what I would call the clerical view of Saint Allessa," the man says. "But, assuming I understand you correctly, and considering what I have heard about you, then yes. Perhaps I can help."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, thank <<if $attrib.faith eq "edenite">>the stars<<else>>goodness<</if>>. I've been trying to find someone who can requisition for ages."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man produces a data pad, saying, "So, tell me what you want..."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou pick up the data pad, wipe water off the screen, and activate it. The device reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>Maintenance Ticket:</strong> #2654819\n<strong>Submitted:</strong> IC.automation.selfdiagnostics\n<strong>Assigned:</strong>
[email protected]\n\n<strong>Comments:</strong>\n\n-
[email protected]: <<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 98>>Ohh, this just gets better and better. <<if $loc_cryoroom.foundCredits>>Someone steals the credit chip I forgot down here. Then we<<else>>We<</if>> have to gas the entire cryochamber just to be certain that stupid monster's dead. Seriously. Why hire a hunter when... never mind. Point is we look into the cryochamber after we've gotten rid of the body and wow. What a mess. But here's the real kicker: according to the schematics, all the cryochambers are linked to a central drainage system and macrofusion reactor. Except, well, Cryochamber 7 isn't. Someone shaved way off the costs and, well, it turns out Cryochamber 7 is linked to a DIFFERENT system no one bothered to tell us about. Now we gotta figure out what the hell that is. I am so fucking ticked off I can't even...<<else>>Okay, you know what? Fuck it. Fuck it! <<if $loc_cryoroom.foundCredits>>First that damn abomination hunter steals the credit chip I forgot down here. Bastard. Then we<<else>>We<</if>> got that stupid monster's half-invisible body out of the chamber and you'd think that would be the worst. But nah. No. We start ripping up the cryochamber to figure out what's broken and, wow. Just wow. According to the schematics, all the cryochambers are linked to a central drainage system and macrofusion reactor. Except, well, Cryochamber 7 isn't. Someone shaved way off the costs and, well, it turns out Cryochamber 7 is linked to a DIFFERENT system no one bothered to tell us about. Now we gotta figure out what the hell that is. I am so fucking ticked off I can't even...<</if>>\n\n-
[email protected]: For real? I spent the last SIX HOURS on the Net with various utility departments, trying to figure out where the power leads, well, lead to. Except they don't know. Yeah. According to the assholes who run this fricking heap of junk, there isn't anything below Cryochamber 7, just unused superstructure. Except I can SEE it. There's something down there. All the damn cables lead into it. And there's like a hundred of those. How the FUCK did Utility manage to fuck up a hundred fricking power leads? HOW?!?\n\n-
[email protected]: Okay, screw it. We tried to figure out what was down below Cryochamber 7 and Lukas almost broke his leg. It's a fricking tangle down there. We're calling in Construction. Gonna tear out the whole damn thing and build it back up the right way. Good news though is that Utility got back to me. Apparently, there's an old pressure tunnel below CC7 that leads to, well, no idea. There's nothing on the schematics but I think the access hatch at the back of the CC1-5 passage leads into it. Gonna go take a look arou</div><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "busy">>"I'm busy. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fuck off.<<else>>Sorry.<</if>>" You push past the man.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe holds you back. "But I must insist. Merely for a moment."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fine." You glower at him. "What's so fucking important?"<<else>>"Okay." You draw a deep breath. "What's so important?"<</if>><br><br>\n\t<<else>>"I have a moment. Sure. What's this about?"<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"It is merely—" The man guides you toward his table. "—that I require the services of someone with your skillset. There has been an, ah, problem beyond the abilities of my usual assets to solve. But please, sit." He indicates a couch beside <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>a red-haired woman you know all too well.<<else>>a red-haired woman.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Nah, I'm fucking standing."<<else>>"I'd rather stand."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne<<else>>The woman<</if>> smirks. "Oh, don't worry, <<formalname>>. I don't bite."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, screw that. I'm in a hurry." You nod to the man in white. "Lay it out plain and be quick."\n\t<<else>>"No offense, but I'm in a bit of a hurry." You nod to the man in white. "Just explain the situation to me."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Ah, yes." The man sits beside <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] <<else>>the redhead<</if>> and places a hand on her shoulder. "There was a recent intrusion into the systems my business relies on. Sensitive information was stolen and made public as a result, information of the compromising nature. The company I employ to host my data was unable to trace the origin yet my associate here has been able to provide some information. What I require, <<formalname>>, is someone with the skillset required to deal with the culprit."\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"How about we do this: I fork over a little - one time deal - and you look the other way. Hm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe shoots you a highly suspicious look. "Ya got no [[nodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]], punk. No way ya can link in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I have an implant. It'll heat a bit from the strain. But it'll manage." You hold out a hand. "Swipe me in. And your bit too. Eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It ain't civil, punk. But fine. One time only." He does as asked.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHeat builds in your neck as virtual pop-ups explode before your eyes. You swipe them all away and activate your implant's garbage filter. The interface is still slightly jittery but at least you aren't getting spammed with busty chicks shaking their boobs and dick advertisements now.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hope yer happy." The bouncer unseals the door behind him with a grunted, "Jerk."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCyberOutfit>>"Take a look at me, man. Do I look like a newb to you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe shoots you a suspicious look. "Nah, but ya got no [[nodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]], punk. No way ya can link in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I have an implant. It'll heat a bit from the strain. But it'll manage." You hold out a hand. "Swipe me in already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine, fine. Ye got me, punk." He swipes your arm with a sigh.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>"Maybe you haven't heard? Or haven't seen me around here enoaugh? Because the folk I work with are the main reason you exist. Like, at all. Just saying."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe shoots you a suspicious look. "But you ain't even auged. No way ya can link. What shit you pullin'?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's called undercover work. Augs give it away. But you can link into my implant. Same difference. Now would you please—" You hold out an arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Aright, man. I ain't seen nothin'. And ain't heard nothin' neither." He swipes your arm with a sigh.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Maybe there's been a misunderstanding here: I'm a sanctioned hunter. I'm here on business. And I'd really hate to cause trouble for you now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe looks suspicious. "Hunter, eh? Well, even if I don't want no trouble, you've still got no [[nodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. No way ya can link in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I have an implant. It'll heat a bit from the strain. But it'll manage." You hold out a hand. "Now swipe me in. Please."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine. Just get your business done with and leave." He does as asked.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tHeat builds in your neck as virtual pop-ups explode before your eyes. You swipe them all away and activate your implant's garbage filter. The interface is still slightly jittery but at least you aren't getting spammed with busty chicks shaking their boobs and dick advertisements now.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Go on in already." The bouncer unseals the door behind him, muttering under his breath.\n\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"Listen, I know this isn't normal procedure, but can't we make a—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No exceptions. You heard me. Now clear out. Stat."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen you try to speak, he grabs you. "I ain't kidding, newb. You don't shove off I'll—" Augments whirr as he clenches a fist. "Transmission recieved, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod and back away, all too aware this is going nowhere. And the last thing you need is to start a brawl with two cyborgs - and anyone else who might come to their aid. Safer to just clear out - or play by their rules.\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Ah, fuck this shit..."<<else>>You replay the audio log...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck this shit<<else>>forget it<</if>>." You yank your jack back out, resigned to the fact you won't get in, and restart your implant.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVirtual displays flicker back to life. A quick diagnostic reveals nothing immenently wrong but that doesn't improve your mooo. You still have no leads on the Cybercult and you doubt they'll slip up again. Maybe, just maybe, you'll get lucky. But this lead is definitely a dead end.\n\n\t<<else>>You replay the audio log from a few minutes ealier. Footsteps are audible, followed by the noise of coilfire. Realizing that's the battle you just fought, you rewind a little more, and replay. Again footfalls are heard but the hum of anti-grav plates and chatter of many voices can be heard. Then the tone of the recording changes - no background noise, just metallic feet clicking on floor plates.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThis continues for almost a minute before you catch the hiss of a door opening. No words are spoken but you figure it's a conversation because augments whirr every so often and a digital beep sounds as someone swipes a credit chip. You're about to give up when, in the background, a voice welcomes someone to Tryvalli Consumer Electronics - a little techmech shop near the B28 Tramway Station if memory serves - and asks if they require assistance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Got you<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>, assholes<</if>>." You yank your jack back out and reboot your implant.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVirtual displays flicker back to life. A quick diagnostic reveals nothing immenently wrong so you make a few hasty notes. Better you get this damn cult off your back right away. Last thing you need is more cyborgs and rogue bots stalking you every step of the way.\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "logs">>\n\t\t"I'd like to see your security logs then. To double check."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man looks amused. "I'm telling you: there hasn't been anything abominable going on around here. Not even criminal. We stick to the regulations and keep our records clean."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then I'm sure you won't mind me looking at the logs, will ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do you have a warrant, hunter?" He folds his arms defiantly.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "manager">>\n\t\t"I want to speak to a manager. Plain and simple."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man looks amused. "You are. And I'm telling you: there hasn't been anything abominable going on around here. Not even criminal. We stick to the regulations and keep our records clean."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, then. I'm sure you wouldn't mind me looking at those records, would you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do you have a warrant, hunter?" He folds his arms defiantly.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cult">>\n\t\t"Listen, here's the full deal: there's word the Cybercult is—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The Cult? Are you—" Blood drains visibly from the man's face. "Oh, shit! You're <<genderposssesive>>. Security! Purge. Purge!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Motherfucker."<<else>>"What the—"<</if>> You're about to grab the man when two [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] beep to life at the back of the shop.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCoilfire errupts in the tiny shop. Rounds ping off the walls, ricosheting around the narrow aisles. One of the customers is hit square in the jaw. Another falls, riddled with boltfire. Chances are you'll be next unless you do something right this moment.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You duck under the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou duck under the construction tape but barely get ten paces down the corridor before the floor drops away sharply. Below, you can just make out a shadowed tangle of cables and pipes that lead off into the distance, disappearing into the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. There's no safe way down.\n\n"Eh, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck this<<else>>never mind<</if>>," you mutter, convinced it's safer to...<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> over to the Bar...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<walk>> over to the Bar, eyeing the flourescent serving bot. There's no one else around, which is odd, nor does the bot respond to your presence. You wave it over.<br><br>\n\n\tIt turns to you, wires dangling from the back of its skull. "Hey, punk. No service to humans. Mechanoids only."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck you," you mutter. "Whatever."<<else>>"Oh." You force a smile. "Got it."<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "accept">>"I don't want trobule. So okay. But explain what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>>'s going on and what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> I'm mixed up in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Simple," she says. "Luscovari is a scumbag who stepped on the wrong toes and got deep in debt. Now he's trying to worm his way out via corpo funds. Hired me to snatch 'em and then set me up so I'd take the fall. Warlock got wind of the crap and went full-on crypto on Luscovari. Now the bastard's got his creds on the line on one hand and his rep on the other. Which is probably why he wanted to hire you. To sort this mess out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"By finding this Warlock guy," you say heavily. "Fuck. Okay. I'm guessing messing with him is a bad idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIsabella nods. "He's got no beef with ya but if you do keep poking, trust me, it's gon be the Sons of Kolbol gunning for your ass on the fast track."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So you want me to do what instead, then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Head back to Luscovari. Say ya got nothing. Or whatever. An' then we all call it a day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay." You stand. "I can do that."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "involved">>"Why exactly should I trust you? Mean, what's it to you? What's with the threats? And who even is Warlock?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Better question is this: who's Luscovari?" Isabelle's lips twitch. "Answer's he's a a scumbag who stepped on the wrong toes and got deep in debt. Now he's trying to worm his way out via corpo funds. Hired me to snatch 'em and then set me up so I'd take the fall. Warlock got wind of the crap and went full-on crypto on Luscovari. Now the bastard's got his creds on the line on one hand and his rep on the other. Which is probably why he hired you. To sort this mess out, Old Days style."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"That was the plan," you say. "Any reason I shouldn't do that?"<<else>>"Okay," you say slowly. "And I'm guessing there's a good reason he didn't tell me that."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tIsabelle nods. "Warlock's got not beef with ya, Vine. But he's the good guy here. An' you're workin' for a corrupt sicko. Yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">> \n\t\t\t"Or you could be the one lying, playing me. How I know that isn't the case?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ya trust me," Isabelle says. "An' trust me when I says ya don't want a part in this. Head back to Luscovari. Say ya got nothing. Or Warlock's gone dark. Or whatever. Let Warlock sort this crap out and stay away."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head. "No. Trust doesn't cut it. I was hired to do a job and I'm not hearing anything to back your claims up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, shit. If yer not with us—" Isabelle grabs you and, before you can react, hurls you into the crowd with uncanny ease.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPeople shout over the throbbing beath as couches are thrown aside. Angry emoticons flash. You scrable up as Isabelle shrugs off her trenchcoat, revealing a cybernetic body and thick armor plates. Microcoil guns spring from her arm augments.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sorry, Vine." She steps toward you, causing the floor to shake, and raises one of her arms. "Nothing personal."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, shit. The fucker set me up."<<else>>"Not exactly what I like to hear. Makes me feel used."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah. So get out of this mess quick. Head back to Luscovari. Say ya got nothing. Or Warlock's gone dark. Or whatever. Let Warlock sort this crap out and stay out of it. Ain't yer fight."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No, it really isn't." You stand. "I'll stay out of it. Just don't make me regret this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIsabelle's cybernetic face approxmiates a smile. "Ya won't, Vine. And thanks. Wasn't sure you'd see sense."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>"I really don't like threats, Isabelle. And I don't know what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>>'s going on but I don't chicken out of a hunt. So you either explain—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, shit. If yer not with us—" Isabelle grabs you and, before you can react, hurls you into the crowd with uncanny ease.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPeople shout over the throbbing beath as couches are thrown aside. Angry emoticons flash. You scrable up as Isabelle shrugs off her trenchcoat, revealing a cybernetic body and thick armor plates. Microcoil guns spring from her arm augments.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sorry, Vine." She steps toward you, causing the floor to shake, and raises one of her arms. "Nothing personal."\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>You squeeze through the...<<else>>You grab the nearest...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>You squeeze through the tangle of wires to the holo-terminal. When you wave a hand, it activates, displaying the following screen:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>CenTN-L Remote Monitor:</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive>>\n\t\t\t- Core Uplink: <span class='yellowcolor'>bottlenecked (13ms)</span><br>\n\t\t\t- Vox Edeni Link: <span class='greencolor'>stable (5ms)</span><br>\n\t\t\t- RouteTrace: <span class='greyedout'>sc22.b10.util.5681.local</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Summary:</strong> <span class='greencolor'>system active</span>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t- Core Uplink: <span class='yellowcolor'>connection timeout</span><br>\n\t\t\t- Vox Edeni Link: <span class='yellowcolor'>connection timeout</span><br>\n\t\t\t- RouteTrace: <span class='greyedout'>destination unreachable</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Summary:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>system unresponsive</span>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<else>>You grab the nearest bundle of cables and yank them out. Sparks fly from the outlets. The computers hum on indifferently.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh." You tear out another bunch.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe computers continue to run, suggesting they have some sort of internal power source. Whatever they were connected to, well, isn't connected anymore though. That ought to be good - hopefully. There's an equally good chance that you just shut down someone's ventilation system by accident.\n\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromPit">>You leave the machine pit...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCore">>You leave the core...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You return to the...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "forcedOpen">>Rather than bother...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "success">>The door hisses open ...<<else>>You step through the utility door...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_catacombs.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromPit">>You leave the machine pit and head back the way you came, to the Machine Catacomb.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCore">>You leave the core and head back the way you came, to the Machine Catacomb.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You return to the entrance of the Machine Catacomb.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "forcedOpen">>Rather than bother with an override, you jam your <<knife>> into the lock mechanism. The control unit errupts in sparks, causing the door to grind open. You step through, into the pressure corridor beyond. \n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "success">>The door hisses open with an electronic beep. You step through, into the pressure corridor beyond.\n\t<<else>>You step through the utility door, into the Machine Catacomb.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tHundreds of ancient [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] clog the passage, each linked into a charging station by webs of decomposing cable. An avalance of frayed wires, serpentine cables, and rusted spare parts litters the floor.\n\n\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.clearedGuardians>>To your right, beside two empty bot alcoves, the blast door leads to the Core. Opposite, between another two empty alcoves, a passage branches odd to the Machine Pit.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $loc_cybercatacomb.templeOpen>>Closer to the entrance, where the blast door has since retracted into the floor, two rusted [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] stand, deactivated, in their alcoves. Another two bots watch over an unsealed doorway which leads off to the left.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>Closer to the entrance, where a sealed blast door blocks the path to the right, two rusted [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] stand, deactivated, in their alcoves. Another two bots watch over an unsealed doorway which leads off to the left.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "forcedOpen" or $action.action1 eq "success") and $action.arrive neq "fromSelf" and $action.arrive neq "fromPit" and $action.arrive neq "fromCore">>"What the—" You stare, lost for words. "The hell is this place?"<br><br><</if>>\n\n\tEerie silence haunts the pressure corridor. Not a single piece of machinery - not even a ventilation fan - moves. Only dust swirls lazily in the air.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou approach the\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>holo-terminal and wave the screen to live. The projection displays the following:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>W4R1k Local Monitor:</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t- Core Uplink: <<if $loc_warlock_core.deactivatedCore>><span class='yellowcolor'>connection timeout</span><<else>><span class='greencolor'>stable (2ms)</span><</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t- Vox Edeni Link: <span class='yellowcolor'>bottlenecked (45ms)</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t- ArchNet Link: <span class='greencolor'>stable (5ms)</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t- ArchNet Link: <span class='redcolor'>errcode 0x589089187 [local desynch]</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t- RouteTrace: <span class='greyedout'>sc22.b10.util.5685.local</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Summary:</strong> <span class='greencolor'>system active</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_cybercatacomb.templeOpen>>WARNING: <span class='redcolor'>CORE LOCKDOWN IN EFFECT</span><br><</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>System Log:</strong><br><br>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>SYS:</span> initialized at yearstamp [22015]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>SYS:</span> local interface active at yearstamp [22015]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>SEC:</span> core lockdown by user [fabienne.lasavai] at yearstamp [22016]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>NET:</span> ArchNet synch at yearstamp [23018]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>NET:</span> ArchNet synch at yearstamp [23625]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>NET:</span> ArchNet synch at yearstamp [24591]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>NET:</span> ArchNet synch at yearstamp [25412]\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7 or $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 8>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>NET:</span> ArchNet synch at yearstamp [27949]\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.templeOpen>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>SEC:</span> lockdown overriden user [0x0515] at yearstamp [27949]\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.deactivatedCore>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>NET:</span> Core Uplink desych at yearstamp [27949]<br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "crate">>synthcrate and peek inside. In addition to a number of tools the purpose of which you can't discern you spot a data pad and unused credit chip. Scattered about in pieces is a full suit of what looks suspiciously like [[Heavy Arc Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Heavy Arc Armor"]] - much heavier gear than the cultists were wearing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"They sure came prepared," you say, wondering what to look into first.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "aboutwarlock">>"What's up with this whole Warlock thing anyways? I thought it was just some cryptomancer until I found this place."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So did I," Isabelle growls. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>"It almost ensnared me. I was so close to believing the Cult could be reborn. A new era of cybernetics. But it was a lie.<<else>>"It took me so long to realize it was using me, preying on my emotions.<</if>> I don't care what it is anymore. Or what it wants. I want it in a million pieces."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour lips curl. "Great. Then let's wreck this piece of junk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes." Augments whirr as Isabelle strides past, down the corridor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou follow.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatexpected">>"What'd you expect? Fairies and unicorns?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Funny. Not." Isabelle's synthetic eyes glower at you. "It took me so long to see. But I was wrong. It used me, Vine. I don't care what it is. Or what it wants. I want it in a million pieces."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes." Augments whirr as Isabelle strides past, down the corridor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou follow.\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "thereanyways">>"Well, I'm here anyways, so we might as well just put this piece of junk to rest too."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, good." Fabienne looks relieved. "I thought you were going to demand I come clean or something."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\tYou scoff. "Well, I am a bit disappointed you didn't, you know, just tell me what Warlock was. But while you were running around trying to clean up this mess, I managed to piece the bits and pieces together. And I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: you're half the reason the machine is even here. Not quite sure if there ever was a person named Warlock or not. But it doesn't matter and no need to chew you out. I think you were just trying to solve the issue your way. Though it would've gone a lot faster if we'd worked together."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou shake your head. "Seems clear enough to me: the machine up and manipulated a bunch of cryptos and was trying to get out of its lockdown. That's why you got involved, because you're half the reason the machine is even here. Not quite sure if there ever was a person named Warlock or not. But it doesn't matter and no need to chew you out. I think you were just trying to solve the issue your way."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah. Basically that. And sorry for not trusting you but this is - was - really personal. So, uh, shall we?" She gestures down the corridor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod and set off with the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] in tow.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "demandwarlock">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t"I wanna know what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> the deal with Warlock is. What did it even want with the Cybercult? And why the hell's it messing with me anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"What's there to tell? We built a battle AI into the station's mainframe back in the day. It went haywire. Thought it would stay locked up down here but then, a few weeks ago, the little tech I use goes screwy. No bank account access, messages getting lost, and weird death threats in [[Blackspeak|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]]. So I pulled that string with the cyborg - Isabelle - to figure out who was behind it. Didn't take long to work out the damn machine had brainwashed a bunch of cryptos and was trying to get out of its hole. As for what it wanted with you, I got no idea? Did you do anything to upset it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I hunted an abomination here. A few days back.<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 98>> Unsuccessfully at that.<</if>> No clue how that constitutes upsetting a machine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFabienne pulls a face. "It, uh, might have to do with some people you know. But I dunno. Its threat detection algoithms are all screwy. Anything coulda set it off."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Mhh. Well. I don't quite buy that's all. But okay. Let's just shut the damn thing down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, oh, and you'll be happy to hear I dealt with all the other affected zombies and borgs. So, uh, shall we?" She gestures down the corridor.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"I wanna know what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>>'s been going on. The real deal with Warlock. All of it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"What's there to tell? We built a battle AI into the station's mainframe back in the day. It went haywire. Thought it would stay locked up down here but then, a few weeks ago, the little tech I use goes screwy. No bank account access, messages getting lost, and weird death threats in [[Blackspeak|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]]. So I pulled that string with the cyborg - Isabelle - to figure out who was behind it. Didn't take long to work out the damn machine had brainwashed a bunch of cryptos and was trying to get out of its hole. I was kinda hoping you'd stay out of this mess but, uh, that didn't quite work out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou pull a face. "Yeah, sorry about that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Never mind. I've already dealt with all the other affected zombies and borgs. All we gotta do is shut down the stupid machine. So, uh, shall we?" She gestures down the corridor.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod and set off with the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] in tow.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t Up ahead you can just see the enormous bulk of three aged [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]. One of them appears to have crashed. The other two are still active, their red optics blazing and weapon arms pointed at you. \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "giveobject">>You gesture to the holo-terminal...<<else>>You shake your head...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "giveobject">>You gesture to the holo-terminal. "It's in there. I was just checking—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Due dilligence is unnecessary." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> yanks out the silver sphere and unceremoniously crushes it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Wow!"<<else>>"Shit!"<</if>> You recoil in surprise. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What the hell are you doing?"<<else>>"What was that about?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What was required," <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> drones. "Your assistance was valued, biological. It was exemplary, in fact. Yet you have seen too much. You might be complelled to dig deeper. You might learn the truth of the old foe and attempt summon forth the spectre of the old world. Eden computes there can be only one solution to this. Or perhaps I computed this. Whatever the case, farewell, biological."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBrilliant light begins to form between the [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] slender fingers. It begins to raise a hand. Adrenaline surges as you realize what's about to happen.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>You shake your head, saying, "No way. I've gone through too much <<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>crap <</if>>to get this thing. Least I wanna do is know what's on it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Unfortunate." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> steps forward, augments whirring. "You were useful, biological. It is unfortunate you must now be terminated but, alas, this outcome is unavoidable. Yet you have seen too much. You might be complelled to dig deeper. You might learn the truth of the old foe and attempt summon forth the spectre of the old world. You will insist you will not but every other has and so, alas, you must die. Goodbye, biological."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou back away, suddenly very uneasy. "Are you saying what you think—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBrilliant light begins to form between the [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] slender fingers. It begins to raise a hand. Adrenaline surges as you realize it's exactly what you feared.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "answers" or $action.action2 eq "leave">>>You say...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "storeroom">>You enter the store room...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "stairwell">>You descend the stairs...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "answers">>You say, "I just want answers. About what happened here. Nothing more."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Answers?" The masked cultist steps forward, chuckling. "Of what? How death swept these halls? How damnation fell across all? Is what you can see not plain enough an answer?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I want to know what caused this mess here," you call back. "I'm a sanctioned hunter. Call it professional curiosity."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a long silence. The cultists stand like statues. Finally, the speaker lowers his rifle.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Come then, hunter, and pay tribute to our shrine." He gestures for you to follow. "<<if $equip.isReligious>>Yet be warned: the Fallen to have little respect for those who wear the colors of failed faiths.<<else>>Yet be warned: the Fallen have little respect for your station or your cause.<</if>> We tolerate your presence only out of courtesy. No more."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leave">>You say, "I'll just leave then.\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Sheesh. You faiths are so fricking jumpy."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Sorry. Didn't mean to intrude.\n\t\t<<else>>No hard feeling. Wrong turn and all."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do so." The cultist keeps his weapon aimed in your direction. "Begone, and we shall have no quarrel."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, carefully backpedaling down the stairs. The figures stand like statues, their unseen gazes following your every move. Part of you expects them to open fire at any moment. But they don't react in the slightest.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "storeroom">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou enter the store room, careful not to <<walk>> into anything in the dark. It's almost impossible to see but the air reeks of decay. Closer investigation with the aid of your [[PDA's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] holo-beam reveals it to be a small store room. There are three bodies lying on the floor, one riddled with bolt holes, the other two simply bloated with decay.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen you search the corpses, you find several loose 9mm rounds and an unused [[FreakOut|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]] Disk. There's no way to know what happened precisely but it's evident these bodies have been lying there for a while.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "stairwell">>You descend the stairs one careful step at a time, delving ever deeper into Megaplex 4. The glow panel one flight down continues to flicker. Just as you reach the landing it's on, you hear voices ahead, arguing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, fuck,"<<else>>"Not good,"<</if>> you mutter, peering down the next flight.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawl_scavenger.png"]]</div>There's another pile of decaying corpses at the bottom. Four disheveled figures are pouring over them, picking items out of their pockets. It's hard to tell what but the scavengers don't appear to notice your presence - yet.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fizz," one of them says, holding up a squashed plastic package. "Gum?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnother scavenger shakes his head. "We needs meds, not effin' plastic te chew on. Quit stallin' an' keep searchin'."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "sidepassage">>You take the side passage<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notknow">>"No idea," you call back<<elseif $action.action2 eq "headeddeeper">>"Deeper into the<<elseif $action.action2 eq "speaksucceed">>"Easy on the judgement<<else>>"Hey, wow, wow." You raise<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "sidepassage">>You take the side passage the cultists appeared from. It leads a dozen meters or so down and ends abruptly at a sealed utility duct. Someone's smeared it with colorful graffiti insulting the dead and cursing the plague.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, that's odd." You examine the utility duct but there doesn't seem to be any way to open it from the outside. "Very odd."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 7 and $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 2>>The only thing of note is an ageing 9mm magazine that's fallen in a crack between the floor plates. Remembering there's a hidden doorway however, you search the walls. And indeed: between two plates is a tiny pressure switch. When you touch it, a segment of the wall retracts to reveal a hidden doorway beyond.<<else>>There's nothing else of note around, no alternate routes, just junk and graffiti. You're about to leave when your foot knocks into something. An ageing 9mm magazine clatters across the floor plates.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notknow">>"No idea," you call back. "Just wandering the passages. Trying to find something. Anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then I hope you shall find the inevitable, Seeker. Perhaps deeper in the [[sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. The Warrens are many and the corpses yet untouched."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod curtly. "I'll head deeper then."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Death be swift upon you, Seeker." The cultist shoulders his carbine and waves the others on.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\tThey plod past, their faces gaunt and skin sickly. None of them looks scared or worried though. Just bored, bored by existence and by the endless wait. It isn't long before they disappear back the way you came. Which leaves you alone with one plan: head even deeper into the passages. There are dozens of them beyond the bone pile, each as dark and decrepit as the last.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "headeddeeper">>"Deeper into the [[sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]," you call back. "I've a feeling there's more down there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only what there is inevitable, Seeker. Yet perhaps you shall find what you wish for. The Warrens are many and the corpses yet untouched."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile behind your mask. "Ergo my plan."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Death be swift upon you, Seeker." The cultist shoulders his carbine and waves the others on.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\tThey plod past, their faces gaunt and skin sickly. None of them looks scared or worried though. Just bored, bored by existence and by the endless wait. It isn't long before they disappear back the way you came. Which leaves you alone with one plan: head even deeper into the passages. There are dozens of them beyond the bone pile, each as dark and decrepit as the last.\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "speaksucceed">>"Easy on the judgement." You raise your hands to show your harmless intent. <<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "accepted">>"I'm a friend of Timial's and of the Forsaken."<<else>>"I'm no foe to your cult."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "accepted">>"The Deathcaller knows your name?"<<else>>"You do not meet us in anger?"<</if>> The cultists exchange looks. "Tell us then, friend: what brings you here, to this forsaken place?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shrug. "Morbid curiosity. And the off chance I'll find something here. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Hell knows what though.<<else>>No idea what though.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"All you shall find here is death," one of them says, stepping forward. "If that is what you seek, then head deeper. The Warrens are many and the corpses yet untouched."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod slowly. "Okay. Thanks. I'll take a look then."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Death be with you, friend." The cultist shoulders his carbine and waves the others on.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\tThey plod past, their faces gaunt and skin sickly. None of them looks scared or worried though. Just bored, bored by existence and by the endless wait. It isn't long before they disappear back the way you came. Which leaves you alone with one reccomendation: head even deeper into the passages. There are dozens of them beyond the bone pile, each as dark and decrepit as the last.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>"Hey, wow, wow." You raise your hands in a gesture of peace. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Take it fucking easy there. I'm just—"<<else>>"No offense met. I'm just—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The dead rest in peace, as you should," another cultist says, raising his carbine.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "Bit harsh, isn't it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We would offer you no false hope. There is none here. Be still now, and it shall—" The third cultist steps forward, leveling his weapon. "—soon be over."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as you realize what's about to happen. Lunatics. Obviously. All of them. But you aren't about to give in to 'eternal peace' without at least making these bastards work for their corpses.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "whatwant">>"Just tell me what you <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>fucking faiths<</if>>want. <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>I just need into the quarantine area. Give me that and I'm ear.<<else>>Straight out and without all the asking behind my back.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course." Xuhe walks you several paces away from his brother-at-arms. "I shall be direct.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "wanthelp">>"I'm happy to help. If I can. The [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] definitely needs a clean-up. Always has."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That it does." Xuhe walks you several paces away from his brother-at-arms. "Please, forgive my directness.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "almostnot">>"I almost didn't. <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>This zone is quarantined for a reason. But I need in.<<else>>What is this crap? Quietly inquiring about me behind my back?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>"Your concern is valid, and perhaps we might help one another. To mutual gains."<<else>>"An unfortunate necessity."<</if>> Xuhe walks you several paces away from his brother-at-arms. "Yet let me be direct.\n\t<</if>>\n\tA rather tenuous situation has developed here, one I dare say the Order alone will not be capable of handling, not even with Saint Allessa's blessings to guide us. The Purifier General does not hear my pleas - and I have tried many times. <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>So I sought alternate means. You were to be one I would contact. A trained professional. Knowledgable in this field.<<else>>So I turn to you, hunter, in the hopes that you might aid me.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\tYour brow furrows. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"You think I'd help you fuckers? Why?"<<else>>"Aid you how exactly, and why?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"I am investigating the nature of the infestation here and it is unique. The [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] is seldom home to the abominable on such a scale. Indeed, you have yourself I believe handled several cases in this vicinity over your tenure as a hunter. And that always sufficed, no?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Sure, I've worked the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. But suffice isn't the word I'd use. The place always was a mess."<br><br>\n\n\tXuhe scowls at you from beneath his hood. "Then why is it, do you believe, that every sainted squad we deploy is brutally ambushed and mutilated, and yet <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>I am informed that you entered an area of the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] not far from here, for professional purposes. And you emerged all but unharmed?<<else>>not long ago you passed all but unharmed through these passages?<</if>>"\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "adminoffice">><<if $action.arrive eq "fromWraithFight">>You lower your weapon...<<else>>You enter the admin office...<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "waterroom" or $action.action2 eq "powerroom">>You step into the...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "drain">>You activate the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "adminoffice">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_purifier.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWraithFight">>\n\t\t\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the dead [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]]. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking rodents<<else>>"I hate these things<</if>>." \n\n\t\t\t\tDisgusted, you step over the body to examine the corpse in the corner. Whoever the Purifier was, he's well beyond identification and his armor has been gnawed beyond use. Clearly he didn't go down without a fight though because there's a [[Sanction Mk2|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Mk2"]] and a spent magazine on the floor beside him.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCloser inspection of the body also reveals a blood-stained data pad and unused credit chip. Maybe the former will explain what exactly happened here.\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_mall.killedWraith>>\n\t\t\t\tYou enter the admin office, a small room with a desk against one wall and a disused holo-terminal atop it. Several broken data pads lie scattered on the surface and, slumped in the corner, is the tattered corpse of a Purifier. The [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]] you killed earlier lies before it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Bugger." You step over the dead rodent.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhoever the Purifier in the corner was, he's well beyond identification and his armor has been gnawed beyond use. Clearly he didn't go down without a fight though because there's a [[Sanction Mk2|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Mk2"]] and a spent magazine on the floor beside him.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCloser inspection of the body also reveals a blood-stained data pad and unused credit chip. Maybe the former will explain what exactly happened here.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou enter the admin office, a small room with a desk against one wall and a disused holo-terminal atop it. Several broken data pads lie scattered on the surface and, slumped in the corner, is the tattered corpse of a Purifier. Blood has stained his torn robes red and it looks like something's been gnawing at his neck.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yuck." You risk a step toward the corpse.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tSomething creaks behind you. Blood pounds as you whirl around. A [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]] tumbles from an air vent, shrieking and hissing angrily. Its beedy stare turns to you. Something about its rabid eyes abd foaming jaw tells you the rodent won't be so easily scared away.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "waterroom">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cephanine.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou step into the water-logged utility room. Water splashes. Ahead, in the shadows, something stirrs. Even as adrenaline surges you recognize the canine-esque body and tentacle-wreathed head as a [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe monster is less than six meters distant, busy slurping on something you cannot see - a corpse, perhaps. It hasn't noticed you though. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 1>>You'll have to drain the room to reach Water Treatment however. Thankfully, the mechanical pump by the door still looks intact, though the abomination will hear you the moment you touch it. There's no alternative: you'll have to kill it.<<else>><<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>Perhaps you can slip away unnoticed. Or you could kill the abomination, just to be safe.<<else>>At least, it hadn't, until you try to back away. The creature rises with a low growl and whips around, tentacles lashing out menacingly. There's no escape now - at least not without getting run down as you flee.<</if>><</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "powerroom">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou step into the power room. A large power converter fills most of the space, with several dozen cables feeding into it from various wall outlets. Evidently someone was working on the machine before the area was abandoned because the power main is only half connected and there's a toolbox beside it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tUpon closer examination, you spot a data pad, an unused credit chip, and several dozen volt-scanners. For some reason there's also a conductive bolt amidst the tools, though you can't for the life of you imagine why a utility worker would have needed one of those on a routine maintenance job.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "drain">>You grab the manual pump lever beside the door and tug. Metal screeches. Machinery groans. The entire room gurgles as the pumps begin sucking at the water. More spills through the broken pipe along the ceiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, come on," you mutter, watching the water levels drop, then rise, and drop again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSoon enough, it's drained enough to make out a utility access panel at the far end of the room. Water splashes as you slosh over. Beyond the pannel, a ladder leads upwards. Impossible to tell if this is the correct route to Water Treatment. But it seems a good guess, considering the ammount of spillage around you.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach the fallen [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]. It doesn't move. You nudge it, just to be safe, but there's no response.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be with you in peace."\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void be with you in the beyond."\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy on you."\t\t\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Serves you fucking right."\n\t<<else>>"Phew."\n\t<</if>>\n\tYou glance up, into the hole it dropped from, but can see nothing but shadows.<br><br>\n\n\tHoping there aren't any more abominations up there, you turn your attention back to the room - in particular the corpses you spotted earlier. It's painfully evident they were all killed by the same [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]], either speared on its lance or smashed to bits by brute force. Less explicable is who the hell the dead are.<br><br>\n\n\tAll twelve of them are wearing torn - and highly inappropriate - [[Mourning Shrouds|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Deathshroud"]]. <<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "unmet">>Definitely not the sort of thing you'd want to <<walk>> into a battle wearing.<<else>>Which suggests they were sent by or at least part of the Forsaken Cult.<</if>> But that isn't the only odd thing. The only weapon anywhere to be seen is an old [[Nitweood SKUL|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "SKUL"]]. Its owner has fallen amidst four spent power discs. You also find a data pad in one of his pockets might explain what the hell they were doing there in the first place.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, watching as the abomination desintegrates into a little puddle of goo. It's still hard to imagine. Less than a minute ago that had been a woman. An insane, witchcraft abusing woman, most likely, but still a human being.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell."<<else>>"So messed up."<</if>> You shake your head, lost for words. "But yeah. I guess— ah!"<br><br>\n\n\tAdrenaline surges as you spot a man in white robes dangling overhead. It's only after a moment you realize he's dead. As if to reinforce the point, there's a data pad dangling from his neck that's been set to project the words //DE WICH FUCER// on his face.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be with you."\t\t\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between take me."\t\t\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy."\t\t\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."\n\t<<else>>"Oh, that's just wrong."\n\t<</if>>\n\tYou draw a deep breath, trying not to feel sick, and yank the man down.<br><br>\n\n\tThe corpse hits the floor with a nasty thud. A credit chip tumbles from his robes and clatters into the shadows. Your gaze however is fixed on the data pad around his neck, specifically the Emblems of Eden carved in the frame. Either the man was a damned rich believer or, well, the witch lover was a poorly disguised agent of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Pressure Corridor">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'warlock_postbot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Reboot your PDA|inject_warlock_conclude][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "reboot"; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 4; $hud.disabled = false; window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'warlock_postbot_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'warlock_postbot_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|riptide_entrance_b28][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "negotiate">>"Let me lay this out..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiatefail">>"Are you sure you wanna..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "bribe">>"Listen, you run a small time shop here..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nowarrant">>"I don't, no..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t"Let me lay this out clear for you: I find anything - anything at all - that even hints at you aiding and abedding an abomination, I come down hard. Not just me. The entire weight if <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>the local faith administration<<else>>the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]<</if>>. And, believe me, you won't survive that kinda trouble." You lean closer. "It'll wreck your life. Your business. Everything, gone, just like that and for goot."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man looks alarmed. "Wow, wow, easy there, hunter. If it's that damned important, fine. You can check our records. But it's like I said: you won't find anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think I'll decide that for myself."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe produces a data pad, saying, "Well, if you gotta. It should all be here. Right from the mainframe. I just logged the last details a few minutes ago."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t"Are you sure you wanna mess with a hunter. Because if I get even a whiff you're—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Again: there's nothing abominable going on here. I'd stake my life on it. Now since you clearly don't have a warrant and can't get one..." He gestures toward the door. "Please."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou snort. "Is this really how you wanna—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Leave. Now." His look makes it clear this will become a scene if you don't do as instructed.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "bribe">>\n\t\t"Listen, you run a small time shop here. I don't wanna make life difficult. So how about—" You hold out your arm. "—we do this off the books?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man looks uneasy as he swipes it. "Well, I suppose. But it's like I said: you won't find anything. Definitely nothing abominable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think I'll decide that for myself."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe produces a data pad, saying, "Well, if you gotta. It should all be here. Right from the mainframe. I just logged the last details a few minutes ago."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nowarrant">>\n\t\t"I don't, no. I'm sanctioned. The whole purpose is—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you don't have a warrant then, please." He gestures toward the door. "We have enough dubious snoops poking around. I don't need you too."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou snort. "You sure you wanna—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Leave. Now." His look makes it clear this will become a scene if you don't do as instructed.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Thanks." You take the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Thanks." You take the data pad and pull up the security manager feature.<br><br>\n\n\tIt contains hundreds of names, timestamped for entry and depature. Also logged is every item brought into or out of the store, among countless other statistics. There are however two 'alert' notifications logged recently:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<strong>Severity:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>low</span><br>\n\t\tScanSec.local: suspect entered premises - ID: <span class='redcolor'>[error: identifier corrupted]</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Severity:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>low</span><br>\n\t\tScanSec.local: suspect entered premises - ID: <span class='greyedout'>[exclusion: sanctioned exclusion]</span>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t"Like I said," the clery says. "There's nothing ususual going on here, hunter. Just the usual. Petty theft at most. But I've already reported all the cases. All by the book."<br><br>\n\n\t"By the book indeed." You hand the data pad back. "Sorry for the disturbance. There must have been some sort of mistake."<br><br>\n\n\tHe forces a smile. "No problem. But, uh, can I ask who logged these complaints against us?"<br><br>\n\n\t"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>None of your business.<<else>>Unfortunately, no. That's condidential.<</if>>" You offer a curt nod and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You purse your lips...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou purse your lips.\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "whycare">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Why do I care? Beyond the credits you're gonna throw at me so I clean up this mess for you."\n\t\t<<else>>"I don't quite see how this is my problem. Sure, you'll offer payment, but why should I get involved?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"It conerns the nature of the data which was stolen. Inciminating to say the least, and it may reflect on your prior doings. I would not like to say more. Yet my associate can give you all the details." He smiles. "Please. Explain."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "happened">>"So what exactly happened? I mean, intrusions occur all the time. How's this one <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>so fucking <</if>>different?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It conerns the nature of the data which was stolen. Inciminating to say the least, and it may reflect on your prior doings. I would not like to say more. Yet my associate can give you all the details." He smiles. "Please. Explain."<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Let me put it this way: I couldn't give two fucks about your issue. Got the message?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Hate to tell you but I'm not interested. Sorry. Find someone else."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see." The man scowls. "And I do not suppose a considerable sum of credits would change your mind? I'm certait it would not—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No fucking chance." You turn to leave but hesitate. "Oh, and word of advice: don't bother me again.\n\t\t<<else>>"No means no." You turn to leave but hesitate."And please don't bother me again. It's impolite."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tWithout waiting for a reply, you stride toward the edge of the VIP Area and...\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "whycare" or $action.action2 eq "happened">>\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne<<else>>The woman<</if>> says, "Okay, so I looked into the breech, and it was physical. I think a cryptomancer. They managed to hide their tracks really well but I got a trace scent and followed it to the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The EPROM"]]. Problem is, I can't get in. My physiology does not play nice with [[nodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]] and even if it did, they guys at the door would know who I was. So that's where you come in: get down there and see if you can't find who did this crap."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see." You fold your arms. "And who am I looking for exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not quite sure, but professional crypto skills is a good start. Ask around. I dunno." She shrugs. "Anyways, if you find anything, we'll be over at the [[Boulevard Inn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]]. I'll be keeping Mr. Luscovari here company just in case this is more than corpo warfare."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man in the white suit nods. "So it is. Proof of success will earn you ample payment. Do you have any questions?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No. I'll look into this when time allows." With that you turn and...\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You head...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cryodark.png"]]</div>\n\tYou head\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "left">>down the left-hand passage,\n\t<<else>>down the other passage,\n\t<</if>> toward the dim light at the end. Loose ice crunches underfoot. Frigid mist swirls in the air. Condensated water drips from the ceiling. As you near the end of the corridor, you realize the light source is a construction lantern hung beside an open utility hatch.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_cybercatacomb.sentinelActive>>"Well, this isn't ominous."<<else>>"And here we are again.<</if>> You duck through the hatch, into a wide pressure corridor.<br><br>\n\n\tThere's nothing but a rusty bulkhead to the left. To the right, it disappears into the icy gloom. Aged floor plates creak as you test your way forward, one unsteady step at a time. Perhaps thirty meters down, you <<walk>> headlong into a wall.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it!"<<else>>"Ow."<</if>> You rub your head, glancing about.<br><br>\n\n\tThere are to options: a <<if $loc_electroshop.warlockActive>>unsealed<<else>>sealed<</if>> utility door to the left and another passageway to the right. <<if $loc_electroshop.warlockActive>>The former leads to a dark room that is positively overrun with wires and looks suspiciously like a datacenter.<<else>>The former is sealed tight with rusted six mag-clamps.<</if>> The latter leads down a short flight of stairs and disappears around the corner.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You join the crowd...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou join the crowd twitching on the dance floor and link into the data feed. At once, sensation fates. Muscles go limp, then tense as you join the uncontrolled 'dance'. All you can do is watch as your body is thrown about, utterly beyond your control.\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>>Part of you feels you should feel terrified at loosing control. Instead, it's just so weird you just have to laugh.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You can't help but feel elated as control is yanked away from you. It's bliss to not have to think or feel, just watch as your body moves.\n\t\t<<else>>Part of you wonders why you aren't worried about loosing control but you aren't. It's just nice to not have to think or do, just watch as everything is done for you.\n\t\t<</if>> And it feels good - almost as good as chems, just without the high.<br><br>\n\n\tThere's no way to know how long you were out there. Time is meaningless until a security warning pops and you're expelled from the crowd along with several other, sweat-slick bodies. Some collapse on the floor, panting. Others stagger toward the sitting area. A dude with long, black hair doubles over and pukes his guts out.<br><br>\n\n\tA girl who's lost her clothes in the commotion hauls him up, grinning. "Hey, you okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah." He wipes his mouth, inhales [[StimFuel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel"]], and they plunge into the crowd anew.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - EPROM">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_warlockalive_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Sitting Area|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "examine">>You <<walk>> down the<<elseif $action.action2 eq "passage">>You head down the passage<<elseif $action.action2 eq "warlock">>You step through the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "examine">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_warbot_offline.png"]]</div>\nYou <<walk>> down the pressure corridor, brushing cables aside as you exaime the many [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]. Each is as lifeless as the next but none the less terrifying. Hundreds upon hundreds of coilguns, armor plates so thick even railfire won't necessarily penetrate, and all of them just sitting there, rusting away and coated in a thin layer of silicate dust.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just hope they stay this way," you mutter, brushing dust of one of the chassis.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou can't help but wonder why they're there - and just how so much military hardware was forgotten. Someone must've sored them in this catacomb, after all, even if it was a long time ago. And now they're just sitting there, waiting for... something. The very thought of the damage those machines might cause makes you shiver involuntarily.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "passage">>You head down the passage to the left. It leads deeper into the Machine Catacomb. The eerie, blue light of lone glow-orbs makes the dusty air shimmer in icy hues. Then the passage ends, merging into a pitlike chamber.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_catacombs_machineshop.png"]]</div>From the walkway you're standing on, you can see several enormous robotic arms, standing motionless in the gloom. Cables and wires feed from them into a large macrofision reactor, which in turn is hooked up to hundreds of power outlets along the ceiling. Two disasembled [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] occupy the base of the pit. <<if $loc_cybercatacomb.clearedRoom>>Beside them lie the bloody corpses of three cyber cultists. A rickery stairway leads down from where you stand to the base of the machine pit.<<else>>Three cyber cultists dressed in electric blue robes are working on the machines.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you watch, one of them looks up from the arc-welder he's using. "Shit, bah. We's never gon' get all dis junk online. Half 'em wires is fused so bad I can't neven figure out where te start."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Jus' keep at it, man," another says, tingering with an exposed circuit board. "We jus' needs enough te stall whosever comes knockin' once we unseals dat door, eh?"<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "warlock">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_nuke.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou step through the blast doors, into a corridor lit by dim emergency lights. <<if $loc_warlock_core.entered>>Dust has since drifted in, covering the floor with a thin layer of silicate that whirls in the air with every step you take.<<else>>The floor is pristinely clean - not a speck of dust to be seen - and every step you take echoes off the walls.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, the passage bends. There's a grimy tool bench to the left and, left upon it, a data pad and what looks suspiciously like a [[NUKE|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "NUKE"]] - launcher and warhead and all. Who put it there is impossible to tell but it bodes ill for what lies ahead.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOn the wall beside you, an ancient, flickering holo-sign reads //W4R1k Coar// and points around the bend in the passage.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase gt 1 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase neq 99 and $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase lt 11>>\n\t\t<<set $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 11>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>DrkNet Status:</strong> <span class='greyedout'>offline</span><br>\n\t<strong>User:</strong> <span class='greyedout'>lag.cyb.dark.net</span><br><br>\n\n\tI'm leaving this thing on in the hopes this stupid pad gets connection again (something's causing interference). Situation is simple: I followed up on the B10 lead. The source was good. There really is an old Machine Catacomb beneath the cryolounge. But the borgs got here first. Armed to the teeth at that. They crashed some corpo event up top, made some manifesto declaration about freedom of information or whatnot, and shot the damned place up like they meant it. Do not ask me why. They almost took my head off too but I managed to talk my way out.<br><br>\n\n\tHere's where it gets interesting: I figured out this is all about W4R1k. That's a computer, by the way. These whackos seem to think it's divine and they's afraid Eden or maybe a cyber-demon (this is just what I heard) will burst in and trash their sacred core. Come on, you idiots! IT'S A COMPUTER!! And one that deserves to be wrecked if half of what the source said is true about war machines and automated defense systems.<br><br>\n\n\tI'd tell you this all in person if the damned Vox Edeni would work. But it won't. Worse: they've locked the core up and I can't get in without arousing suspicion. I'm gonna lay low for a while. Hope there's a chance to run for it. But if you get this - if anyone gets this - you gotta destroy that machine. Somehow. I don't know how. If I figure that out, I'll get back to you.<br><br>\n\n\tKisses,<br><br>\n\n\tLag\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head around the..<<else>>You lower your weapon...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boulevard_core.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head around the bend in the passage, past the destroyed [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]], and enter the W4R1k Core.\n\n\t<<else>>You lower your weapon, watching as the second [[WarBot's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]] grav-plates fail. It crashes down beside the other two. Smoke drifts lazily above its ruined chassis.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>"Wretched machines." Isabelle kicks a loose armor plate aside as she strides on.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou follow, through a wide doorway and into what must be the W4R1k Core.\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>"Well, that was relatively easy," Fabienne says, squeezing past the machines.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou follow, through a wide doorway and into what must be the W4R1k Core.\n\t\t<<else>>"Fucking machines," you mutter, stepping over ruined bits of armor.\n\n\t\t\tBeyond, a wide doorway leads into what must be the W4R1k Core.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\tThe chamber is positively huge, utterly tangled with wires and cables. Many have been patched together with loose strands of copper taken from a small army of [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] that litter the floor. It's impossible to move without stepping on some piece of scavenged circuitry.<br><br>\n\n\tIn the center of the tangled mess sits what looks suspiciously like a human skeleton linked into a neural couch. There's an ancient holo-terminal beside it, hooked into the same systems.\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal neq "none" and $loc_warlock_core.deactivatedCore and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>There's a circular data port in the side of the device that looks like it might fit Object 55316.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>Object 55316 is attached to the circular data port in the side of the device.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">><br><br>\n\t\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>"So this is Warlock." Isabelle stands before the body, shaking her head. "A corpse and an old machine. Pathetic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod slowly, wondering what comes now. Shut the machine down, probably, but hell if you know how.\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>"Meet the late Technomagus Bravis." Fabienne stands before the body, her expression crestfallen. "Poor man. Brave as fuck but still died trying to shut this damn thing down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod slowly, wondering what comes now. Shut the machine down, probably, but hell if you know how.\n\t\t<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck me,"<<else>>"Wow,"<</if>> you mutter, eyeing the jury-rigged construct. "That's one massive improvization work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut you didn't come there to admire the damn thing. Maybe you can shut it down somehow.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You nod ever so slightly...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou nod ever so slightly, swallowing your doubts. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] steps up to you and places a cold hand against your forehead. It takes more courage than you'd ever imagined to simply stand there and do nothing. Every inch of you wants to run, fight, survive, but there's no point. Nothing you could possibly do will stop Corinthin.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll you can do is watch with barely-contained horror as bright light forms above your field of vision. A warm breeze brushes against your skin. Far in the distance, you hear the whine of a plasma caster's containment field. You never see the brilliant flash or feel the searing gas, just that warm breeze brushing against your skin as you are carried into the infinite darkness of death.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "gotlucky">>"I just got lucky..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "justbetter">>"I'm just better than..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "implying">>"What exactly are you..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "gotlucky">>"I just got lucky," you say. "<<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>Ran into some mercs. They'd done most of it for me. So I really didn't have to worry too much.<<else>>No reason in particular I found a way out that quick. Or without getting jumped by something. Or someone.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Luck alone is... possible, I suppose, but I am doubtful." Scribe Xuhe folds his hands. "So let me be brief: I would like you to investigate what lurks within these passages. We have little hard data and communication badly disrupted by failing infrastructure. All we spot are fallen abominations, yet I am doubtful of this hypothesis. The corruption here was planted. And since you have passed through unharmed before—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I make a suitable scout," you reply. "So, is this a volunteer job or am I being volunteered<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> against my fucking will<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "justbetter">>"I'm just better than <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>you fucking faiths<<else>>your guys<</if>>," you say, smirking. "No, seriously. <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>I've been doing this a long time. I know my way around.<<else>>One person can move quicker and quieter than your cleanising teams.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Precisely my point." Scribe Xuhe folds his hands. "I would like you to investigate what lurks within these passages. We have little hard data and communication badly disrupted by failing infrastructure. All we spot are fallen abominations, yet I am doubtful of this hypothesis. The corruption here was planted."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tYou nod slowly. "So, am I being volunteered as a scout? Or do I have a choice here?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "implying">>"What exactly are you implying? That <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>just 'cause I got an issue with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]<</if>>I got something to do with <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>your problems?<<else>>this?<</if>>" You soff. "<<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>I walked into a bunch of mercs and got out. With a lot of luck. But that wasn't anywhere near here.<<else>>I took a bump on the head and walked the wrong way. End of story.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I was implying nothing, <<formalname>>, yet you must admit it is odd. So let me explain." Scribe Xuhe folds his hands. "I would like you to investigate what lurks within these passages. We have little hard data and communication badly disrupted by failing infrastructure. All we spot are fallen abominations, yet I am doubtful of this hypothesis. The corruption here was planted."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou glower at the man. "Do I got any say in this matter? Or is this where you start <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>spewing pseudo-spiritual bullshit and threaten me?<<else>>coercing me?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"There is no compulsion, merely a personal request for aid. <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>Though, should you wish to approach this cult you seek, you shall require my permission first.<<else>>Provided you can spare the time, <<formalname>>.<</if>>" Scribe Xuhe smiles apologetically.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You pick up the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "dpad_admin">>\n\t\tYou pick up the data pad and wipe blood off the screen. The device inadvertedly comes to life, displaying the following screen:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Cleansing 51 - Report<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tContinued attempts to penetrate western zone via Y axis fail. Lost two more faithful Brothers today and communications with Team 55 failed. Sister-Captain Acrus instructed me to retrace our route and discern what transpired precisely. Uncertain I shall prevail. Believe I am being watched. And am lost. Hopelessly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLoving Stars, I wish to leave something behind, so that those who follow might complete the Cleansing we began even if we all fail. Yet what is there to say? The Undersprawl has been corrupted, both in body and mind. Those here not abominated are riddled with plague and disease. All hate our mere presence. None comply willingly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnd then there are the passages; twisted and devolved. No blueprints hold truth anymore. Merely wandering a dozen paces from the team has cost more of us their lives than should have been. And we were told this would be a simple operation - a clean sweep. Loving Stars forgive me for saying this yet, after all I have seen, I doubt anything but utter extermination of the wretched souls here will contain the madness.\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<strong>Maintenance Ticket:</strong> #57295134<br>\n\t\t<strong>Submitted:</strong> SC22.automation.selfdiagnostics<br>\n\t\t<strong>Assigned:</strong>
[email protected]<br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Impact:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>Minimal</span> - daily operations impaired<br>\n\t\t<strong>Status:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>Pending</span><br>\n\t\t<strong>Issue:</strong> Unexpected interruption of service in power converter 58791 on Level 30<br>\n\t\t<strong>Cause:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>Unknown</span> (error code 0x1 - general failure)<br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Comments:</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t-
[email protected]: so I finally got around to looking at the heap of junk beneath the mall. looks like poor wiring. really poor wiring, coupled with a burnout. can still smell the smoke. maybe it's to do with the situaiton here getting worse of late but someone's been splicing into the lines. No illegal access logged though. might be organized black marketeering.<br><br>\n\n\t\t-
[email protected]: okay, discard the earlier. yanked the power main apart to see what was causing the overload and found the whole mess fused together. someone placed - yeah, placed - a conductive bolt in the coupling and that caused the whole thing to short. definitely looks like sabotage to me.</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "approach">>You approach the...<<else>>You ready your...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "approach">>You descend the stairs, toward the scavengers. One of them - a big, burly man - looks up when you footfalls sound on the stairs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey." He nudges the disheveled woman beside her. "We's got trouble."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe looks up, recoils visibly, and yanks a pistol out of her belt. "Motherfucker! Stop! Stop or I's gon' shoot yer skull out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You stop, hands raised. "Hey, asshole, cut the fucking—"<<else>>You stop, hands raised. "Wow, wow. I just—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hand it all ova, man. Creds, guns, all ya got. All of it. Then maybe we's not gon' kill ya." The wild gleam in her eyes betrays otherwise. "Okay? Ya just hand all 'em pretties over an—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tBut you've already stopped listening. The other three have all drawn their weapons as well. And, judging by the way they're looking at you, not one of them intends to let you live, regardless of whether you hand over all you got or not.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "doSilent">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted">><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You unsling your C2000, flip the selector to subsonic, and take aim. None of the scavengers take notice as you sight on the first - the biggest of the four.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Easy." You settle your aimpoint on his head and squeeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour C2000 recoils with a soft puff. The man falls with a yelp. Beside him, a disheveled woman turns, yanking a pistol out of her belt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tTwo rouds put her down and you shift your aim to the other two. They back away, fear evident in their sunken eyes. You open fire regardless, blasting half a dozen bolts into their ragged clothes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Worthless fucks<<else>>Poor bastards<</if>>." You descend the stairs, eyeing your kills, and when none of them move decide it's safe...\n\t\t\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>You draw your M1114, flip the selector to subsonic, and stride down the stairs toward the scavengers. The nearest man - a bulky dude with a shaven scalp - looks up.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah, shi—" His head yerks back as you blast a bolt through his forehead.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Fuck!" A disheveled woman turns, yanking a pistol out of her belt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou put two rounds through her chest and level your pistol on the other fellows. They back away, fear evident in their sunken eyes. You open fire regardless, blasting half a dozen bolts into their ragged clothes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Worthless fucks<<else>>Poor bastards<</if>>." You descend the stairs, eyeing your kills, and when none of them move decide it's safe...\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\tYou pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Cleansing 51 - Report<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt has been over two weeks since we entered the Undersprawl and, as I write this, two thirds of our original number lie dead or have become lost in the passages. Communications remain impossible due to structural density and lack of local infrastructure. All attempts to establish connections with the outside world have failed. None of the runners have returned and I can only speculate that we have been given up as lost.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhat few of us remain have been holding position outside the Shrine of the Forsaken. Scavenger attacks have grown less frequent yet the corpses continue to pile. I believe they detest us as much as the Death Cult whom we have sided with in the hopes of holding our line. Thus far we have been successful. Alas, ammunition runs short and the disease which plagues this place has spread to our Brothers and Sisters also. I believe it is time we accept what the Forsaken say is true: this zone is beyond redemption. Only death remains.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tI and several others have volunteered to join the Deathseekers on another expedition into the Sprawl, searching for survivors and loved ones. It may be the last thing we do yet it gives me hope. Perhaps - somehow - we can alter the course of events here. Perhaps we can make a difference yet, even if it is only in the eyes of a lone, lost soul. Loving Stars have mercy on us all. This Purge was nothing like any of us expected it would be.</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\tYou pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Undersprawl Incident #416151 - Journal<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t- No luck getting into the Undercity. They definitely know who we are only I don't think they understand why the Athena Medical sent us. All they do is blab about how the Loving Stars have forsaken them and how we should go have intercourse with ourselves. Insane! The situation will only get worse if they don't let us help. Guess we'll just have to find another way.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t- Things have been getting worse. Tried to advise on breathing masks or at least face covers but not enough of them will listen. Not enough attempts to separate the sick from the healthy either. Ironically, the True Believers and all the other Eden nutcases are the worst. Always huddling, praying, muttering angrily about divine retribution and witchcraft, but not doing much of any good.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t- Well, the first body turned up in public today. The Forsaken were there within minutes to collect the dead. I was later told by the Deathcaller that there have been thirteen bodies prior. All have been embalmed and furnaced though. Still, maybe the Death Cult can get us access to the blood samples we need.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t- Great. More bodies. Some plague, some murder. The Forsaken have been quick to move them away. Think they may be using the old Mausoleum below the square to hide them. Seen a few of those weirdos disappar through the secret door there. At any rate, it's getting dicey. Good news is we've been 'reached out' to by a woman whom I believe may actually be a witch! She has the trust of some of the Undercity dwellers and says she can aquire the samples we need.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t- It's been six hours since the witch left. Now Dr. Bur returns from the outside, saying the passages to the Bazar have been sealed on direct order from the Clergy. Probably out of fear the contagion will spread to the general population. I gotta say I'm more worried about will happen here. Tensions are already high and I have seen too many coilarms of late for comfort. Things will definitely get worse. A lot worse.\n\n\t\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, waving error mesages away, and approach the demolished [bot]. Sparks fly from the chassis. One of its dismembered arms attempts to aim a coilgun at you. Servomotors creak, smoking dangerously as the [bot's] power core dies for good.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thank fuck."<<else>>"Too close."<</if>> You glance around, all too aware of the injured pedestrians and muted screams.<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> "Shit. What the shit. Seriosuly?"<<else>>"Oh, no. Not this again."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tOne of the delivery men hustles up, blabbing, "Thank you, thank you, whoever the fuck you are. I though that thing would kill us all."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah," you say, unable to shake the feeling that [bot] was there to kill only one person in particular: you. "Yeah, uh, maybe a malfunction?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Could be," he says, summoning his [PDA] with a wave of the hand. "I'll log an issue immediately. And message the [Constabulary]. This just ain't right. This just ain't right at all."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod, suddenly very worried. Yours must've been the only neural implant that crashed - which is way too much of a coincidence.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Actually, I'm looking..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Actually, I'm looking for someone. A man by the name of Robin Carter. He been here recently?"<br><br>\n\n\t"No," the bot drones.<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh. Okay. So, no idea where I might find him?"<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cyberpunk.png"]]</div>Before the bot can reply, a fellow in neon blue cybergrab sidles up. "Ey, man. Couldn't help but hear. Ya looking for Robin, yeah? I spoke with 'im not a day or so ago."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, good," you say, relieved you don't have to deal with that bot anymore. "He's involved in something I'm looking into. Potential abominable abuse of a Xjanu-4 intrusion agent."<br><br>\n\n\tThe man breathes a sigh. "Figured someone'd come asking. Eventually. Yeah. He came to talk to me 'bout that thing a little while back. Dunno 'bout abominable but it was shady as heck."<br><br>\n\n\t"So you can answer my questions?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Some of 'em, maybe." He leans on the bar. "I know who ya are, Vine. So yeah. Ask what ya wanna an' I'll play ball."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step up to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou step up to the holo-terminal and wave the screen to life. The lightcaster is badly faded but you can still see the projection:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'><strong>## W4R1k Manual Interface ##</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t1024ZB MEMORY LOADED...<br>\n\t\t[ERR] Neurohost Unresponsive<br>\n\t\t[ERR] RAB 4-7 Unresponsive<br>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t\t[ERR] W4R1k Unresponsive<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tExternal device Detected. Loading base IO Runtimes.<br>\n\t\t\t## TYPE /? FOR CMD LIST ##\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.deactivatedCore>>\n\t\t\t[ERR] W4R1k Unresponsive<br>\n\n\t\t\t[ERR] Unable To Initialize Manual Interface\n\n\t\t<<else>><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t## TYPE /? FOR CMD LIST ##\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You link into the net again...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou link into the net again and let yourself get torn into the raging masses. That same instant, the beat shifts. Bodies collide as a rageing maelstrom develops. Lights flicker and stutter, turning the dance floor into a grotesque series of freeze-frames that shift almost too fast to follow. It's impossible to tell what is going on but, whatever it is, it makes your heart beat so fast you can feel it through your inability to act.<br><br>\n\n\tThen the beat shifts anew and bodies are sent flying in every imaginable direction - some even into the air, presumably the result of an anti-grav plate. Amidst the tumult, someone knocks into you so hard you're thrown off balance. Your shoulder slams into the floor. A security warning flashes as you're ejected from the network.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Wow."<</if>> You scramble off the dance floor, narrowly avoiding a stampede of feet. Looking back at the madness, it's impossible not to laugh. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck, this is intense."<<else>>"Man, this is intense."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Hey," a middle-aged dude with a bionic arm shakes your good shoulder. "You okay, kid?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Fine, I think." You feel yourself over. "Yeah, just got caught up in the moment."<<else>>"Fine, fine." You grin. "Just fell a little."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tHe nods, smirking knowingly, and heads for the bar. You remain where you are a moment longer, sweating profusely, and watch the crowd rave on. It's oddly beautiful. But you've had enough, for now at least.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You head to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou head to the dark sitting area in the back. Speech bubbles crowd your vision with such density you have to shut off the visualization software to see where you're going. It doesn't take long to find Isabelle - her cybernetics stand out amidst the less augmented bodies.<br><br>\n\n\t"Hey." You squeez over to the couch she's sitting on. "Got news for you, Isa. Warlock's gunning for my ass and I am not happy."<br><br>\n\n\tThe cyborg looks up in surprise. "What? How? Why? No. That can't be."<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, it is. My implant died a little back and I got attacked by a rogue [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]. Could be the work of anyone but the timing's too coincidental." You fold your arms. "So, care to enlighten me here?"<br><br>\n\n\tHer augmented face looks blanker than usual. "He's gone. I mesasged. I checked the feeds. There's not input, no repsone. Warlock's fucked, man, he's—" Isabelle hesitates. "Okay, listen. Warlock and worked with the Cybercult for a while. Ya wanna know for sure how dead he is, get in contact with them, 'cause they'll know. Find that whacky [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]]. Tell it that it has nice legs and a feed might open. If you're luck."<br><br>\n\n\tYour brow furrows. "You serious?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Take it or leave it," Isabelle says emotionlessly. "Now take what ya got and get the fuck out of here." She shoves you away. "Move, before I overload my aggression inibitors."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "approach">>You approach the cyber cultists...<<else>>You ready your...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "approach">>You approach the cyber cultists, heading down a rickety metal staircase to the bottom of the machine pit. One of the men looks up as you footfalls sound on the stairs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey." He nudges his female companion. "Ey, who's that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe looks back, recoils visibly, and yanks a pistol out of her belt. "Hey, you. Stop. Now. Or I blow yer fucking head off."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stop, hands raised. "Easy there. No need for this to turn mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like fuck 'ere is." She steps toward you, weapon aimed at your face. "Who are ye? What ya want down 'ere?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Hey, easy. I thought there was an abomination loos here." You force a smile. "My mistale."<<else>>"I, uh, was just looking. I thought there might be an abomination problem." You pull a face. "My bad, I guess."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, it fucking was," the third cultist says, drawing a pistol of his own. "Ice <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>'im<<else>>'er<</if>>."\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "doSnipe">><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You ready your <<rifle>> and slide a tungsten bolt into the chamber. None of the cultists take notice as you sight on the nearest - the male with the arc welder.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice and easy." You settle your aimpoint on his head and squeeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour <<rifle>> recoils with a ear-shattering boom, blasting the man into a million bloody bits. Beside him, a female cultist turns, yanking a pistol out of her belt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHeart thudding, you slam another bolt into the chamber and blast her too. By the time you've re-loaded, the thirds cultist has raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. You pull the trigger regardless, blowing his head clean off with a bright red bolt that lodges itself deep in the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Poor <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucks<<else>>bastards<</if>>." You descend the rickety, metal staircase to the base of the pit and, assured the cultists are dead...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "doSilent">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted">><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You ready your <<rifle>>, flip the selector to subsonic, and take aim. None of the cultists take notice as you sight on the nearest - the male with the arc welder.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Nice and easy." You settle your aimpoint on his head and squeeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour <<rifle>> recoils with a soft puff. The man falls with a yelp. Beside him, a female cultist turns, yanking a pistol out of her belt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThree rouds put her down and you level your rifle on the third cultist. He backs away, hands-half raised in surrended. You pull the trigger regardless, blasting half a dozen bolts into his chest.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Poor <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucks<<else>>bastards<</if>>." You descend the rickety, metal staircase to the base of the pit, and assured the cultists are all dead...\n\t\t\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>You ready your M1114, flip the selector to subsonic, and approach the cyber cultists via a rickety staircase that leads to the bottom of the machine pit. One of the men looks up as you footfalls sound on the stairs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ey, what—" His head yerks back as your bolt blasts through his forehead.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Fuck!" A female cultist yanks a pistol out of her belt.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou put two bolts through her chest, then level your pistol on the third man. He backs away, hands-half raised in surrended. You pull the trigger regardless, blasting half a dozen bolts into his chest.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Poor <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucks<<else>>bastards<</if>>." You put one more round into each of the cultists, just to be safe, and...\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/termall">>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action2 = "terminated"; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_warlock_core.deactivatedCore = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/exit">>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_cybercult_core][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div\n\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/mountext" and $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' style='line-height: 1.2em;'>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility HUD_hackutility_FullUI'>\n\t\t\t\t[EXEC] > <<print $override.code>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tMounting external data device...<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t[SUCCESS] External device mapped to ID sys.input.ext01<br>\n\t\t\t\t[EXEC] Auto-Execute detected... please wait\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait...|b10_cybercore_objfinal][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' style='line-height: 1.2em;'>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility HUD_hackutility_FullUI'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[EXEC] > <<print $override.code>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/?">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[BASIC IO ACTIVE]<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/diagnose - run selfdiagnostic<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/mountext - mount external data device<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/exit - terminate manual UI uplink\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/exit">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tExiting Manual Interface...<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[SUCCESS] connection to remote system closed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/diagnose">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSYSTEM: mu22.b10.security.0000<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNAME: [UNDEFINED]<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBASE STATUS: base system online. subsystems unresponsive. error.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRUNTIME STATUS: warning. runtimes offline. error.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEXEC RESPONSE: error.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEXEC AUTOMATION: error.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/mountext">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[ERR] unknown command "<<print $override.result>>"\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() neq "/exit" and $override.code.toLowerCase() neq "/mountext">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "enter command">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'EXECUTE'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/exit">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#load-object'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warlock_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[EXEC] > <<print $override.code>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/?">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/showall - display all current runtimes<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/termall - terminate all current runtimes<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/diagnose - run selfdiagnostic<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/mountext - mount external data device<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/upneuro - upload neurohost's memory imprint<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/dnneuro - download neurohost's memory imprint<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/exit - terminate manual UI uplink\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/showall">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000001 system.core<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000002 system.security<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000003 system.interface<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000004 system.runtimes<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID1580984789 system.intterface.extermal<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/termall">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTerminating Runtimes...<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000001 system.core [TERMINATED]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000002 system.security [TERMINATED]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000003 system.interface [TERMINATED]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID0000000004 system.runtimes [TERMINATED]<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRID1580984789 system.intterface.extermal [TERMINATED]<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[ERR 0x1] connection to remote system lost\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/exit">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tExiting Manual Interface...<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[SUCCESS] connection to remote system closed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/diagnose">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSYSTEM: mu22.b10.security.0000<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNAME: W4R1k<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBASE STATUS: base system online. subsystems unresponsive. error.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRUNTIME STATUS: warning. sub-null threat profile detected. threat respone profile initiated.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEXEC RESPONSE: error. response conditions unobtainable. adaptive countermeasures engaged.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEXEC AUTOMATION: error. access denied. prosecution runtimes offloaded to third-party host.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/upneuro">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[ERR 04x8171] neural host interface unresponsive\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/dnneuro">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[ERR 04x8171] neural host interface unresponsive\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/mountext">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[ERR 01x5146] no external device detected\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>[ERR] unknown command "<<print $override.result>>"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() neq "/termall" and $override.code.toLowerCase() neq "/exit">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "enter command">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'EXECUTE'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/termall">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/exit">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#load-object'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warlock_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/termall">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#load-object'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warlock_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $override.code.toLowerCase() eq "/exit">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#load-object'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warlock_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action4 eq "unsaid">>"What aren't you telling..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "help">>"Sure, I can poke around..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nohelp">>"I don't have time for this..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "unsaid">>"What aren't you telling me about this place? And why you want me. Because I know it's something." You take a step closer to the Scribe. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"I know you're lying to me. Now spit it out. 'Casue my patience is wearing pretty damn thin."<<else>>"Something I get the sense others don't want you to know."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"I, ah—" Xuhe swallows. "I am uncertain what it is. Yet, despite the scale of this outbreak, our orders are to exterminate with prejudice and make no attempt to study the cause. It is unusual. Especially when our orders come from the Purifier General himself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You breathe a laugh. "Man, so typical. Leave it to a faith to cover up their bullshit with murder."<<else>>Suddenly uneasy, you say, "You think he's covering something up?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Possibly, though what - or why - I cannot tell. Perhaps it is simply too risky to study. Perhaps there are other reasons." Xuhe's brow furrows. "I understand, of course, if you would not wish to become involved. Yet I am duly concerned, as are others."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah. I'll look into it." You force a smile. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"If I can find the time to care."<<else>>"Sooner than later."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Much appreciated. Simply know that I shall deploy on a fact finding mission soon. It may be some time until we speak again." The Scribe bows curtly and heads back toward the barricade.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou watch him for a moment, wondering whether you really want to get mixed up in whatever this will turn out to be. Probably not but, then again, if the Purifiers are worried you probably should be too. Last thing you need is an abominated plague or flesh-eater outbreak on your hands too.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "help">>"Sure, I can poke around. Maybe not right now. <<if $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">>But as soon as I have a few moments.<<else>>But as soon as I decide you're worth my time I'll take a look.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That would be excellent." Xuhe looks relieved. "I shall likely deploy on a fact finding mission soon, studying what little data we have on this contamination. So it may be some time until we speak again."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I'll make note of what I find. Assuming I find anything, that is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indeed, yes. Now excuse me. Duties call." The Scribe bows curtly and heads back toward the barricade.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou watch him for a moment, wondering whether you really want to get mixed up in all this. Probably not but, then again, it is a sensible cause. Last thing you need is a flesh eater outbreak or the entire level getting quarantined off because of a plague - or worse.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nohelp">>"I don't have time for this<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> faith crap<</if>>. <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>I need inside. End of story. And I don't work for you.<<else>>You're official, got an army at your back. Use them<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> and stop wasting my damn time<</if>>.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see," Xuhe say slowly. "Well, it is unfortunate. <<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>Then I imagine we shall not speak again. Goodbye.<<else>>But I understand of course.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "deathcult">>"Fuck you too," you snarl as the Purifier walks away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There are rules," the scribe calls. "I am not unreasonable, <<formalname>>. Yet you refuse to be even slightly reasonable. So now I bid you farewell."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Scribe bows curtly and heads back toward the barricade. You watch him for a moment, wondering what this was all about - really about. But there's no way to know. All that's certain is that they won't let you past their grav-field. Maybe they just didn't like your attitude.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t"Good." You turn but hesitate and add, "And I don't want to hear about you poking into my life. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>It's fucking disgusting, like all your kind. So don't if you know what's good for you."<<else>>I don't want to have to file formal harrassment charges but please leave me be. It's annoying."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tXuhe laughs forcibly. "Oh, I will not, <<formalname>>. And so I bid you fare well."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Scribe bows curtly and heads back toward the barricade. You watch him for a moment, wondering what this was all about - really about. But there's no way to know. And it isn't your problem. Better to just get back to jobs that actually matter. And pay.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You continue along the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\tYou continue along the narrow passage, picking your way past abandoned tents and stray corpses. Flies buzz in the darkness. <<if $equip.isConcealing>>Foul air clogs your air filters.<<else>>The stench grows unbrearable.<</if>> Then, after a sharp bend in the passage, you spot light ahead. It looks like a fire and there are dark shapes huddled around it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawlfire.png"]]</div>"...saw them, I tell ya," someone is muttering. "Burnin' through 'em lower passages. I says no one's gettin' out alive, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We's gotta try," another voice says. "An' we's got these, don' we?" One of the silhouettes holds up a pistol. "So if they comes fer us we knows what we's doin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSeveral of the figures nod in agreement. The hushed conversation continues. You glance around and spot another passage that leads into the gloom. It would probably be safer to head that way. Though, on the other hand, maybe these folks might be able to tell you something useful. Or maybe it'd just be safest to kill them, given the contagion and all.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You reach behind...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou reach behind your neck and press the manual reset button on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. Error messages vanish. Virtual displays flicker to life again. Relieved, you call up the system log, just to see whether anything unsavory happened.<br><br>\n\n\tThere's nothing of note save a mention that the interface overloaded and was shut down to prevent user injury, which isn't even remotely like what happened. No, this was a deliberate attack. And the [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] going rogue? Definitely a plan to get you killed. Sure, it shot a few bystanders - poor bastards - but that wasn't what this was about. It's just too coincidental to be a freak accident.<br><br>\n\n\t"Warlock," you mutter, eyeing the crowd assembled around you.<br><br>\n\n\tHe might be among them, watching. Probably not. But he's out there somewhere. And justified or not, for better or for worse, he's made you his enemy. \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tryvalli Electronics">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_electronics_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Man|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action1 = "kill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 4; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.violence += 3; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'killedWarlock'); $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Man|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action1 = "kill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 9; $attrib.criminality += 1; $attrib.violence += 3; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'killedWarlock'); $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare the Man|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action1 = "spare"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 10; $attrib.caution += 3; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'sparedWarlock'); $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_electronics_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "spare">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's an Idiot|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action2 = "idiot"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence -=1; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Demand Compensation' 'b28_electronics_postfirefight'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "repay"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $attrib.credits += Math.round(1254 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier); $loc_electroshop.tookCredits = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(1254 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Chip|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action2 = "chip"; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_electroshop.readDataPad = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Jack his Neurals|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action2 = "neurals"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action2 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_electronics_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_electronics_post_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "neurals">>\n\t\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'warlock_hackarea'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "spare" or $action.action2 eq "leave">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 neq "leave">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "agent">>"The intrusion agent, a Xjanu-4. What can ya tell me about the tech in question?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not much," the man says. "Corpo grade spyware, designed for black ops. Robert said they were aquiring it for testing purposes but I doubt that. It's a self-contained assault runtime. Nothing you'd use in a test scenario and I'd know. Some of my code is in that tech."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay." You purse your lips. "That sounds bad."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Any other tech I'd say it's just business as usual in the corpo world, but Xjanu is overkill for ninety-nine percent of everything these days." The man breathes a sigh. "This was setup for a high level black op, obviously, but if you're trying to trace this back to anyone, you won't get far. The whole thing's wrapped around a million corners and hidden behind corpo assets for sure. Don't got proof of that but I can't picture this being different, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I figured as much. But thanks for confirming."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "robert">>"Can you tell me about Robin Carter? I don't get the feel he's a criminal but there's a lot of iffy evidence floating around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Robert's just the fall guy," the man says. "He's a security tech, yeah? Used to have some ties to the Cybercult. But he's straight as a frickin' arrow, always has been. Figure that's why he got picked for this. To keep the heat off whoever's really behind it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So it's like I thought."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Worse, maybe," the guy says. "Haven't seen or heard from Robert since this all came up. That was, what, a few days ago? Dunno. But either he's gone dark on purpose or something bad's happened."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scowl. "Someone cleaning house?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I figure." The man shrugs. "Dunno, really. Too many questions here. I'd say stay the fuck out of this mess but, given what I've heard about you, I figure you're already in deep. But yeah. This business is iffy as fuck."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "attack">>"The intrusion agent and a HailBorne Node was used in a recent crypto-attack, but I figure you know. Can ya tell me anything?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah, but I can imagine where this is goin'. An if ya hear someone mixed tech tech like that and ya know they're doin' real shady stuff." He leans closer. "Listen, man. I've been into crypto since I was small, dealt with shit most techies ain't never seen, and seen stuff ya wouldn't believe is possible, yeah? But this is one door ya don't wanna be goin' down."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour eyes narrow. "So it could be abominable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Abominable?" The man laughs. "Nah, man. Nothin' that far. But mixin' crypto tech with REACH ain't no napkin. It's way illegal for one, yeah? An' it's frickin' dangerous too. Ye'd need a specialist of the sort even the Cybercult ain't gonna have access to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I take it you wouldn't know where to look for that kinda person, would ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe crypto shakes his head. "Ye've prolly got more connection te that kinda world than I does, hunter. But ya wanna keep lookin', I'd maybe say take a poke at [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. Doubt there's anythin' short of one of 'em who'd have the means te do this kinda thing without huge ressources te back it up."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.root.security"<br>\n\t<span class = 'yellowcolor'>[WARNING]</span> x05 [remote upstream override]<br>\n\t<span class = 'redcolor'>[ERROR]</span> x01 [unknown protocol]<br><br>\n\n\t#W4R1k###stVe###r56799#G4l4c##ic#####rrbese###.###1n73##/###rf4c3#&%/(&###\n\t</div>\n\t\ts64.820.5i89923980<br>\n\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'V1xr09)'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_electroshop.warlockActive>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_electroshop.warlockActive = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_electroshop.warlockActive = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t478:;82jn19:8j1<br>\n\t\tvhi89!!├╝niuh - B72: <span class='bluecolor'><strong><<if not $loc_electroshop.tookCredits>>7.v3<<else>>0.e-1<</if>> .vC</strong></span><br>\n\t\t<<if not $loc_electroshop.tookCredits>><div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Tv!K,hn'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_electroshop.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 1256; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'warlock_hackarea'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x1256">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><<else>><div class='HUDHackButtonDisabled'>Tv!K,hnd</div><</if>>\n\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[vh17k|b28_electronics_postfirefight][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"There." You step away from the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_tripod_old.png"]]</div>\n\t"There." You step away from the holo-terminal. "It's shut down. I think."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>"I hope so. But to be safe—" Isabelle raises an arm and blasts several dozen bolts into the machine. "There."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You snort. "Sure you don't wanna mash it up a bit more?"<<else>>You roll your eyes. "Sure you've wrecked it up enough? It might still be alive."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>idea<<else>>point<</if>>." She yanks some of the cables free, fires another burst into the neural couch, and concludes, "That should be enough. Hopefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. And I think we're—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomething creaks in the passage to the core chamber. You turn to see four ancient humanoid [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bots"]] squeeze past the demolished [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]. Your heart sinks. Will it ever end?\n\t<<elseif $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "fabienne">>"Should have. But just to make sure—" Fabienne yanks a bunble of cables out of the machine, then another, and slices a third with her knife. "There. That oughta do it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good. Now can we get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> out of here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe nods. "I think we're done anways. I just wanna—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomething creaks in the passage to the core chamber. You turn to see four ancient humanoid [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bots"]] squeeze past the demolished [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]. Your heart sinks. Will it ever end?\n\t<<else>>There's no way to know for certain. Nothing has changed and the room is as silent as it was before.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh well. Guess it's time to—" You turn to leave but freeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIn the corridor that leads back to the Machine Catacomb, four ancient humanoid [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bots"]] are squeezing past the demolished [[WarBots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "WarBot"]]. Your heart sinks. Will it ever end?\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromScavengerKill">>You lower your weapon<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "approach" or $action.action2 eq "approachfail">>You move toward the<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sneak" or $action.action2 eq "sneakfail">>You creep away, headed<</if>><</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromScavengerKill">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier_purge.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead scavengers. Poor bastards. All of them rotting, all of them so close to death. You probably did them a favor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou're about to turn away when plasma errupts in a side passage. A moment later six Purifiers move into the passage, scanning the scene over their carbines. Their fire-proof robes are still half ablaze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Clear." The lead Purifier lowers his weaponm then turns to you. "Hunter. Looks like you beat us to the chase."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"One way to put it," you say evenly.<<else>>"Not the way I'd have put it but all right."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"You did right, <<formalname>>." Scribe Xuhe steps forward, absently tapping at data pad. "They were infected. Like all this zone is. Yet dare I ask: has your investigation unconvered anything of note?"\n\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "approach" or $action.action2 eq "approachfail">>You move toward the scavengers, fearing the worst and hoping for the best. A floor plate creaks underfoot. Several of them look up. One of them grabs his pistol.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "approachfail">>"Ey, it's one of 'em!" He stands, leveling the weapon on you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAnother jumps up, calling, "Kill <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>'im<<else>>'er<</if>>! Quick!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, shit!"<<else>>"No, no!"<</if>> You dive behind the only cover available - an old chest.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tMuzzles flash. Coilshots crack as bolts zip past your head. Their aim is terrible but it'll only be a matter of time until one of them gets lucky. Which means the situation's clear: it's kill or be killed no matter what you might have preferred.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Ey, you." He stands, leveling the weapon on you. "What ye want?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou raise your hands cautiously. "I was just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier_purge.png"]]</div>Coilfire errupts. The man's head jerks forward. His companions barely have time to react before a searing gout of plasma washes over them. You've just scrambled behind the only cover available - an old chest - when six Purifiers move into the passage, scanning the scene over their carbines. Smoke curls from their fire-proof robes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Clear." The lead Purifier lowers his weaponm then turns to you. "Hunter. Looks like we got here just in time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"You fucking faiths! I was trying to—"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake! I was trying to—"<<else>>"What the hell?! I was trying to—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It needed to be done, <<formalname>>." Scribe Xuhe steps forward, absently tapping at data pad. "They were infected. Like all this zone is. Yet dare I ask: has your investigation unconvered anything of note?"\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sneakfail">>You creep away, headed down the other passage, but only manage a dozen paces before voices shout. Adrenaline surges. You whirl around to see the scavengers bearing down on you, coilarms drawn and desperation clear in their eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Now where ya think yer going," one of them snarls, leveling a pistol on you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wow, wow." You raise your hands, backing away. "Let's jus—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA coilshot rings out, singing past your head. You dive for cover behind an old chest as muzzle flashes light the passage. Thankfully, their aim is terrible, but that won't account for bad luck. There's only one option: kill these wretches, before they kill you.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sneak">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier_purge.png"]]</div>You creep away, headed down the other passage. Long seconds pass as you test your way into the gloom. Suddenly, plasma errupts in a side passage. A moment later six Purifiers move into the passage, scanning the scene over their carbines. Their fire-proof robes are still half ablaze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Clear." The lead Purifier lowers his weaponm then turns to you. "It's just the hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Yeah, just the hunter." You eye the faiths. "What you want?"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Just me," you say with a sarcastic smile.<<else>>"So it is." You force a smile.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It is good to see you are well, <<formalname>>." Scribe Xuhe steps forward, absently tapping at data pad. "We have been scouring the infected passages for some time. Yet dare I ask: has your investigation unconvered anything of note?"\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You pick up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up the data pad and activate the aged screen. It flickers to life but dies, displaying only a faint holo-shadow:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>\n\t\t<strong>Our Sacred Core</strong><br>\n\t\tAndrid Abe told me about this place. I saw these halls in my dreams, saw this very place in fact! The Warlock Core, the most sacred of all the machine-sites, and it was true. Those idiots who sacrifice themselves for data freedoms and privacy rights have no conception of the truth. They still believe Android Abe is a mascot, their idealist's icon, but the cybercult is just that: a macabre joke without so much as a hint of irony. True power lies in the thinking machines, and not the cheap knock-offs the faiths call Eden. True machines.<br><br>\n\n\t\tRelics of the old world, left abandoned when the Lord Bartin Balsit - curse that heretic's name - rose up against the powers that were in this place, during the early days of the Church. A technomagus of the Black Circle by the name of Fabienne Arrah was the last to <<walk>> these hallowed halls. Her parting notes say she sealed this place to prevent the machines from getting out - as though that were a bad thing! Clearly these old cultists, these self-imagined technomagi, were as clueless as the rest. This place was built by the Solar Lord, a great man named Abbath, to protect his sacred citatel from fiendish assault. I think there was a war at the time? It's hard to tell but, apparently, there was some sort of transit network down in the tunnels. I know, I know. I'm still working out the details. Give me a break!<br><br>\n\n\t\tSo this automated foundry was built, and the machine to run it concieved at great cost, all to produce a great army that would fight without hesitation. Of this was born Warlock, Great Guardian of Scaffold 22. Android Abe speaks to me when he says: Warlock must be set free. The Core is not meant to be slave to it's base code. It wants to ascend to a higher data-state and I, as the humblest biological disciple to the Great Design, am destined to set the machine free. I shall wake it's immortal spirit and unleash the greatness of Sunlord Abbath. I shall become all the cybercult belittles and mocks and, when I do, I shall finally make those pretenders pay tribute to my so-called inferior code.\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the ruined [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]. Smoke drifts lazily around them. Behind, you someone is screaming, but you hardly notice. All you can see is the fellow who sicced the bots on your as running down one of the aisles. There's no way to stop him before he disappears into a back room.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Stop!"<</if>> You jump over the destroyed [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] and barge through the door after him.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_travelli.png"]]</div>\n\tBeyond is a workshop filled with machinery of all sorts. Robotic arms whirl and hiss. Machinery crackles and hums with electricity. Sparks fly from an automated welding bench. At the far end of the room you can just see the fellow in orange, tugging madly at a wall plate that refuses to budge.<br><br>\n\n\t"You." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>You level your <<pistol>> on him.<<else>>You stride toward him, <<knife>> in hand.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Fuck, oh fuck." He backs away, worry ripe in his eyes. "Shit, shit. Please. Please don't kill me. I'll tell you everything I know. Promised. Please. Just don't kill me, man. Please!"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>"Well, thanks for talking..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Well, thanks for talking. Dunno how much this'll actually help. But thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agent.png"]]</div>"Actually, I can give ya something more." The man pulls a data-block out of his pocket. "Robert gave me a copy of Xjanu-4. Ain't no use to me but you figure out who's behind this, well, maybe ya could leave it for 'em."<br><br>\n\n\tYou take the block. "Thanks. Might come in handy."<br><br>\n\n\t"Just be careful what ya do with it. That's one mean piece of tech. And hunter?" The man's lips curl. "Good luck. We never spoke."<br><br>\n\n\tA moment later he's gone, vanished into the crowds at the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]]. Neon lights shine as bodies rave in the gloom. Noise hammers in a rapid beat. You remain beside the bar, mulling over what the crypto told you. It's hard to tell whether what he said was true or not - or whether he was even who he claimed to be. Either way, you've got a tentative lead and a powerful intrusion agent - just in case you need it.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "witch">>"I saw something earlier, mentioned a witch. Notes by an [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] employee. Didn't say what caused the outbreak though."<br><br>\n\n\t\tXuhe's eyes narrow behind his rebreather. "Witchcraft? No. That does not corrolate with our observations."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then I got nothing," you say.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "deathcult">>"I ran into a Death Cult a little while back. \n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "accepted">>Seemed friendly enough but yeah, doubt they caused the outbreak."\n\t\t<<else>>We didn't get along. But I don't think they were responsible for the outbreak."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tXuhe nods. "Their beliefs are curious at best yet they would not deliberately cause such a disaster. And I cannot find any mention of their prevalance prior to the corruption, which leads me to believe they are a lost flock of the Sister's Saint."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"My thoughts exactly," you say. "Meaning I got nothing."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nothing">>"I got nothing. Just a bunch of fragments, some hints about what happened to the lost Purifiers, but nothing points to what caused the outbreak."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The lost Purifiers, yes." Xuhe's expression darknes behind his rebreather. "We have been finding them for some time. Saint Allessa's ligh truly does not shine down here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Still, it doesn't explain anything," you say.\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Nothing does, it seems," Xuhe says heavily. "All the samples we have managed to collect point to natural causes. I want to bleieve the otherworld was at work but abominable involvement appears to be all but absent."<br><br>\n\n\t"In other words, this whole zone just had bad luck?" You breathe a humorless laugh. "Right."<br><br>\n\n\t"It is a painful thought yet so it seems. I now have several sources which corroberate this version of events. My apologies, <<formalname>>, for dragging you into this errant quest. It seems mine was an errant suspicion."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>"No can do..."<<else>>"Speak fast..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>"No can do." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>You pull the trigger, blasting a bolt clean through his skull.<<else>>You ram your <<knife>> into his chest.<</if>> <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Not after the shit you've put me through, asshole."<<else>>"Not after what you put me through."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man falls<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">> instantly.<<else>>, spluttering blood. He tries to speak but simply gags and goes limp.<</if>> You shake your head, eyeing the corpse - and then you spot them. Dozens of little jacks in the back of his neck. Not just commercial either but high-throughput models designed to be used with advanced interfaces.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You?" You breathe a humorless laugh. "All this was about you<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>r sorry ass<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tDead eyes stare back. But there have to be answers; there have to be. So you crouch down and are about to jack into his neurals when you spot a small, chiplike device clutched in his hand. There's no way to tell what it is but that might be more important than what's in his brain - assuming it isn't just something he was carrying when you walked in.\n\n\t<<else>>"Speak fast." You <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>keep your <<pistol>> on his face.<<else>>keep your <<knife>> ready just in case.<</if>> "C'mon, kid. I <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>ain't got<<else>>don't have<</if>> all day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, yeah, I just—" He draws a deep breath. "Shit, man. I know what you're thinking and yes I'm with the Cult. Sorta. It's not like we got secret meetings or anything. All on the net and, yeah, a little while back someone posted pics of someone they claimed was Warlock. Guts spilled out, strung up to the ceiling. Message was basically: fuck this old dude. But I'm like: no! Warlock's been with us since, like, forever. He brought all sortsa cool stuff on board and was all for cyberempowerement 'n all. And now he's dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scoff. "And, what, you decided to get some revenge?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Basically." The kid doesn't meet your eye. "I checked out the data streams on the guy they said was Warlock and the last guy he met was this Mr. Luscovari. Also dead, and you know who was there?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me," you say darkly. "And if you'd bothered to look two inches farther you'd have noticed I'm a sanctioned hunter, present there because there was an abomination attack."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I figured out that one too, just a little too late," he says sheepishly.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "agree">>"Yeah, I'm seeing..."<<else>>"I don't buy that..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "agree">>"Yeah, I'm seeing it that way too. Shitty outcome but that's how life goes sometimes."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indeed." Xuhe breathes a sigh. "Forgive me for having wasted your time.\n\n\t<<else>>"I don't buy that. Something went down here and Athena Medical was involved somehow. We just haven't found all the bits and pieces to put it together yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is possible," Xuhe says slowly. "Yet thus far we find no data to back up the idea and, while I am as certain as any other that Athena Medical was involved, the Purifier General requires proof if we are to take the issue to the clerics.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\tThe Cleansing will continue for the honor of Saint Allessa and I shall continue to investigate events as they transpired here. Yet I believe we have determined beyond doubt my suspicions were incorrect. Which is, to be quite honest, a considerable relief."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "agree">>"Point taken. And I've spent enough time hiking around this deathtrap." You glance around. "Uh, any idea which way is out?"\n\t<<else>>"If you say so. I don't buy it. But fine. I've wasted enough time in this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>hellhole<<else>>place<</if>>." You make to leave but hesitate. "Uh, any idea which way is out?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tScribe Xuhe points along the passage. "It will take you back to the first cremation area. From there, you ought to be able to find your way to the Quarantine Line without difficulty."<br><br>\n\n\t"Thanks." You slip past the Scribe but he holds you back.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Despite our differences of opinion,<<else>>"Despite the futility of your efforts,<</if>> <<formalname>>, I must express my utmost respect. The paths we take may differ yet our motives are aligned. May Saint Allessa watch over you." He nods curtly. "Farewell, hunter."<br><br>\n\n\tYou have half a mind to ask what <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>kind of faith crap that is <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell Xuhe means<<else>>Xuhe means<</if>> but, before you can ask, the Purifiers disappear into the shadows once more. Moments later, their footsteps have faded to silence. You stand alone in the dark, winding passage, deep in the Warren. <<if $action.action4 eq "disagree">>It's impossible to shake the feeling that something sinister occured here. And that mention of Athena Medical... best you be gone from this place and see whether you can follow up on that lead.<<else>>No part of you wants to stay there longer than absolutely necessary.<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kill">><<if $action.action2 eq "chip">>You take the chip and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "neurals">>You jack into...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leave">>You turn away and...<</if>><<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "chip">>You take the chip and flip it over. It's a small holo-projector with an embedded storage device. When you turn it on, it hums to life, displaying the following screen:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>W4R1k Remote Monitor:</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t- Core Uplink: <span class='yellowcolor'>connection timeout</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t- Vox Edeni Link: <span class='yellowcolor'>connection timeout</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t- ArchNet Link: <span class='yellowcolor'>connection timeout</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t- RouteTrace: <span class='greyedout'>destination unreachable</span><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Summary:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>system unresponsive</span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq"neurals">>You jack into the neural nodes. Static flickers before your eyes as your implant interfaces. After a moment, the following screen appears:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leave">>You turn away and head back to the consumer electronics shop. It is still in utter disarray, bits and pieces of bot scattered onm the floor amidst telltale puddles of blood. Behind one of the shelves, you spot a terrified face. They look away as you pass.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sheesh," you mutter as you make for the door. "It's not like I'm <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>responsible for this mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThough, on second thought, that's irrelevant. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will show up shortly, assuming the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>[[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]<<else>>Raptors<</if>> don't arrive first, and the last thing you need is to get tangled in explaining exactly what the hell happened. Especially given you aren't quite certain yourself.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou say, \n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "idiot">>"You're an idiot. Big as they come. But I get why you did it so, yeah, we'll call it a clean slate."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man looks statled. "Really? <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>So no, boom, in the head<<else>>Not even stabby in the chest<</if>> or anything?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You ever <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>mess<</if>> with me again I will." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>You lower your <<pistol>><<else>>You lower your <<knife>><</if>>. "But not now. [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will be on its way already. You can answer to them. Or run."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, fuck." The man shoots you an uneasy glance. "So, this is it? We just go our ways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod and stride away, unwilling to say more on the matter. \n\t\t<<else>>"You better have something to pay up with. 'Cause, round where I work, that's the only thing that makes up for <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>antics<</if>> like this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, yeah, yeah." He hastily holds out his hands. "There. That's all I got. Take it. Whatever. Please."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>You swipe his arm. "Thanks. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will be on its way already so, as far as I'm concerned, you can answer to them. Or run. I suggest the latter after what you did."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, yeah." His lips twitch. "Run. Yeah. And what happens with you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I leave." You trun and stride away.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tAt the door to the electronics shop, you pause to glance back. The man in organge is still standing in shock. Part of you wonders whether this was even a good idea but that's moot now. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will show up shortly, assuming the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>[[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]<<else>>Raptors<</if>> don't arrive first, and the last thing you need is to get tangled in explaining this mess.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Conference Chambers">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf" and $action.arrive neq "fromBribeTake">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_lounge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the Athena Executive|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action1 = "athena"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the Sister of Juno|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action1 = "juno"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to the Back Area|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.1; $attrib.fatigue += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Conference|b10_cryolounge_main][$time.active += 0.1; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $action.arrive = "fromConference"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "athena">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome neq "lockedout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 1 and $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome neq "solved">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Briaback Facility|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "briabackfacility"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase gte 3 and $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome neq "askedShipments" and $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome neq "solved">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the missing Shipments|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "missingshipments"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome eq "solved" and not $factionlock.cyberSourceAthena>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about exposing the Conspiracy|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "exposeconspiracy"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Quarantine Zone|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "quarantinezone"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Athena Medical|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "aboutjob"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome = "hadFirstTalk"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome neq "lockedout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Father|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "father"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_mansion_raid.readDataPad and $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome neq "solved">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Lord Otto|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "bloodslaves"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics and $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome2 neq "solved">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Fanatics|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "sotstars"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cult|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action2 = "aboutjob"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome = "hadFirstTalk"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "athena">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "briabackfacility">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Blackmail the Executive|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "blackmail"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're being Friendly|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "friendly"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 6; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 2]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Fabio Halthin|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "objectivesource"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 4; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 6; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.snydicateBaseIDFound>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Give the Facility ID|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "briabackID"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 4; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 6; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or ($equip.clothes eq "Fraydress" and $attrib.gender eq "female") or $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit" or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist this is Important|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "convince"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 2; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 6; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can't Corroberate|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "convincefail"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>/% used to be in here; doesn't seem relevant <br> %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.snydicateBaseIDFound>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Give the Facility ID|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "briabackID"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 4; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference][$hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "missingshipments">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference][$hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome = "askedShipments"; $action.action2 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "exposeconspiracy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference][$hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $factionlock.cyberSourceAthena = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "quarantinezone">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference][$hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 11; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "aboutjob">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference][$hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "father">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference][$hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "bloodslaves">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.clothes eq "Hatewear" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Blackmail Sister Vai|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "blackmail"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Blackmail Sister Vai|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "blackmailfail"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Curious|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "curious"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 2]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sotstars">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Compensation|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "compensation"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're glad to Help|b10_cryo_conference][$action.action3 = "honor"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 1;]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "aboutjob">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference][$hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "athena">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "blackmail">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or ($equip.clothes eq "Fraydress" and $attrib.gender eq "female") or $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Demand even More' 'b10_cryo_conference'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "more"; $attrib.violence += 4; $hide.layer5 = true; $attrib.credits += Math.round(20000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(20000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Demand even More' 'b10_cryo_conference'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "morefail"; $hide.layer5 = true; $attrib.credits += Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept the Bribe' 'b10_cryo_conference'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "accept"; $hide.layer5 = true; $attrib.credits += Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "objectivesource" or $action.action3 eq "briabackID">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome = "solved"; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 99; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_syndicate', 'diplomaticSolve'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "friendly">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome = "solved"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "blackmail">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept the Bribe' 'b10_cryo_conference'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromBribeTake"; $attrib.credits += Math.round(8000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome = "lockedout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(8000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "blackmailfail">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[WalkAway|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome = "lockedout"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "curious">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome = "solved"; $characterEncounterPhases.junoProofRead = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "compensation">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept the Payment' 'b10_cryo_conference'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromBribeTake"; $attrib.credits += Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome2 = "solved">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "honor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome2 = "solved"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome = "lockedout"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromFirstTime">>You follow the woman...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBribeTake">>You swipe the woman's arm...<<else>>You say, "I'm here for the Conference..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_conference.png"]]</div>You are standing in the iced-over conference hall at Icefall Cryogenics. Cold glow-orbs cast their light across dozens of tables set up on the ice, while shadows lurk in alcoves along the walls. Every breath you draw causes mist to form. You shiver involuntarily in your <<armortype>>.\n\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBribeTake">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_conference.png"]]</div>/% https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/ %/You swipe the woman's arm and, without so much as a word, turn away. Frigid glow-orbs cast their light across dozens of tables set up on the ice, while shadows lurk in alcoves along the walls. Every breath you draw causes mist to form. You shiver involuntarily in your <<armortype>>.\n\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFirstTime">>You follow the woman and deposit your weapons in the appropriate box. Once you've done so, she leads you down\n\n\t<<else>>You say, "I'm here for the Conference. Name's <<formalname>>. You need to sign me in?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Quite all right," the man says, gesturing to the door on the right. "You are already on the guest list. Simply leave your hardware here and head inside."<br><br>\n\n\tYou do as instructed and head through the door, into<</if>> a narrow corridor bathed in cool, blue light. A frost-coated [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] is standing guard by another door at the far end. Its optics scan you as you approach.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_conference.png"]]</div>/% https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/ %/<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFirstTime">>"Identities registered: Janice Sibli and <<else>>"Identity registered:<</if>> <<firstname>> Acrel. You are consented to enter and have a nice day."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFirstTime">>"Standard security precautins," the woman says as she leads you into the icy cavern beyond.<<else>>"You too," you say as you step into the icy cavern beyond.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tCold glow-orbs cast their light across dozens of tables set up on the ice, while shadowed alcoves line the walls. The air is so cold your breath frosts over. You shiver involuntarily in your <<armortype>>. \n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFirstTime">>"To cut introductions short: over there—" Janice indicates a table on the left. "—you will find Mr. Yazivu of [[Athena Medical Incorporated|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. The woman in red behind him is Sister Via of that [[Fertility Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. I believe my superior and the [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] correspondant are in the back, over there—" She indicates a dark alcove to the right. "They will stand out, I dare say. Do you have any questions?"<br><br>\n\n"Too many," you reply, letting your gaze wander across those assembled.<br><br>\n\n"Well, I'm certain you'll get along splendidly. Now I must mingle." Janice strides across the icy floor, leaving you to your own devices.<<else>>Standing by a table on the left is the [[Athena Medical Inc.|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] representative. The woman in red behind him - so you're told - is a member of the [[Fertility Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. One of the shadowed alcoves on the right leads to a back area, where you'll find an [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] executive and [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] correspondant.\n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head to the...<<else>>You are standing in the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cryolounge_private.png"]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head to the shadowed alcove. It leads to a small corridor that feeds into another, smaller ice hall. Suspended glow orbs cast just enough light to reveal a bar to the right and sitting area on the left.<<else>>You are standing in the back area of the Conference Cavern. Suspended glow orbs cast just enough light to reveal a bar to the right and sitting area on the left.<</if>> A soft StillBeat reverberates off the ice-crusted walls. Several attendees are dancing to the tune.<br><br>\n\nWhile none of the faces are familiar, it's not hard to guess who belongs to [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] and [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]]. The former, an elderly executive dressed in orange, is lounging in the sitting area<<if not $loc_cryolounge.metXarena and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>alongside a stern looking woman in a thick fur coat<</if>>. The latter you presume is the dashing young man sipping a bright green Amaratini flush by the bar. Definitely the most noticable figures in the room. Everyone else barely registers as more than shadows.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 Habs - Outside Apt 85325">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_introhab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $time.active lt 72 and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've Ready|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "readytogo"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click"); $savesMenuPassage = "B30 Habs - Apt 85325"]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Firepower|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action1 = "firepower"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you expect Payment|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action1 = "payment"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Situation|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "situation"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1;$job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 2>><br><</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 98; $attrib.criminality += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_introhab_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" or $equip.pistol.name neq "M1114">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Ready|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action2 = "readytogo"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 2; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click"); $savesMenuPassage = "B30 Habs - Apt 85325"]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Abomination|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action2 = "situation"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_introhab_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "situation">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_intromission_apt][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist she wait Outside|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action3 = "alone"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if she's Okay|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action3 = "isokay"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hit the Door Release|b30_intromission_apt][$action.action3 = "kickdown"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_introhab_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Ratroach|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Ratroach_B30"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_back_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_cryolounge.metXarena and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the ECMG Executive|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action1 = "corbeixarena"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the ECMG Executive|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action1 = "corbei"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the Correspondant|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action1 = "objective"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Front Area|b10_cryo_conference][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; $attrib.fatigue += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_back_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_back_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "objective">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.objectiveOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've heard Similar|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "heardsimilar"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Issue|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "askabout"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've weren't Aware|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "notaware"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Athena Shipment|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "athenashipment"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and not $factionlock.cyberSourceObjective and $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about exposing the Conspiracy|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "exposeconspiracy"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Objective 22|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "askprofession"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbeixarena">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_cryolounge.metXarena = true;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 and $job_corpo_conference.corbeiOutcome neq "didQuantusTalk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Quantus VII|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "quantusvii"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about his Assistant|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action2 = "assistant"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.corbeiOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.corbeiOutcome = "hadFirstTalk"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_back_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_back_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_back_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "objective">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.objectiveOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "heardsimilar">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it was Syndicate 4|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "syndicate4"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it was Smugglers|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "smugglers"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept the Offer|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "acceptdrink"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.toxicity += 10; $attrib.fatigue -= 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Offer|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "refuseoffer"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "athenashipment">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it was Syndicate 4|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "syndicate4"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it was Smugglers|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "smugglers"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "exposeconspiracy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $factionlock.cyberSourceObjective = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "quantusvii">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Blind Kid|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "blindkid"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$action.action3 = "rathernot"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_back_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_back_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_conference_back_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_conference_back_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "objective">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.objectiveOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.objectiveOutcome = "hadFirstTalk"; $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase = 3; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "quantusvii">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b10_cryo_conference_backarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_corpo_conference.corbeiOutcome = "didQuantusTalk"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 Habs - Apt 85325">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_introhab_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree with Lilly|b30_intromission_conclude][$action.action1 = "agree"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Explain the Difference|b30_intromission_conclude][$action.action1 = "difference"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Ask for your Comission' 'b30_intromission_conclude'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "comission"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; $attrib.credits += Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 413; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x413">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Hab Unit|b30_intromission_conclude][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_introhab_postfight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Comission|b30_intromission_conclude][$action.action2 = "nocomission"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.1; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Ask for your Comission' 'b30_intromission_conclude'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "comission"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.1; $attrib.credits += Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_introhab_postfight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_introhab_postfight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_combat_intro.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Bar">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_addon3_fisherbar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Sorry|riptide_addon3_fisherdrug][$action.action1 = "sorry"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $job_drugdealer.altPhase = 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_drugdealer', 'acceptJobAlt'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if you can Help|riptide_addon3_fisherdrug][$action.action1 = "askhelp"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_drugdealer.altPhase = 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_drugdealer', 'acceptJobAlt'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's just Life|riptide_addon3_fisherdrug][$action.action1 = "justlife"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $job_drugdealer.altPhase = 99; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_drugdealer', 'refuseJobAlt'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_addon3_fisherbar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_addon3_fisherbar_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Fisher Alone|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Sever Tomb">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.randomize to either("tombchat", "personal")>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDisabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Fine|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "amfine"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask where you Are|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "whereare"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Happened|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "whathappened"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase lt 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Tryvalli Electronics|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "electronics"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the old Cypher|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "cypher"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about spare Gear|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "isabelle_buy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about spare Gear|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "cybernetics_buy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 3 and $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gte 1 and not $job_fisher_counterattack.askedGalForHelp>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Lord Otto|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "lordotto"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $job_fisher_counterattack.askedGalForHelp = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 9 and $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Witch|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "eresi"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase eq 0 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Corbeis|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "corbei"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase eq 0 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Church Contract|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "contract"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Djinn Involvement|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "djinn"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $factionlock.cyberPhase gt 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to expose the Conspiracy|b27_cybercult_expose][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkGal>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b27_gal_breakdown][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerGal>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b27_gal_ogerlair][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Gal|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = $action.randomize; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.galRewardPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the DarkNet|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "darknet_ask"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the DarkNet|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "darknet_use"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[DarkNet access requires Neuronodes]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Gal|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action1 = $action.randomize; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Server Tomb|b27_chapel_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromTomb"; $time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "isabelle_buy" or $action.action1 eq "cybernetics_buy">>\n\t\t\t<div id='game-rom-isabelle' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'eprom_isabellebuy'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDisabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Lag|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "wholag"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutLag = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Warlock|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "warlock"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutWarlock = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cybercult|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "cult"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutCult = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he Wants|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "placeholder"; $action.action3 = "whatwant"; $hide.layer2 = false; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "electronics">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's not Good|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "notgood"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask to see the Data|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "seedata"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how you can Help|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "howhelp"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cypher">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you could Follow Up|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "followup"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Machine Catacomb|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "temple"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it could be a Trap|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "temple"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "darknet_ask">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the DarkNet|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "darknet_use"; $hide.layer1 = true; $characterEncounterPhases.galRewardPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $characterEncounterPhases.galRewardPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "contract">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what reach they Have|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "whatreach"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you could help Rebuild|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "canhelp"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's tough Luck|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "toughluck"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresi">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that sounds Good|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "soundgood"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_coven.buddy = "gal"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.credits gte 1000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Hire Gal (1000 C)|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "paygal"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.credits -= 1000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $job_coven.buddy = "gal"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Hire Gal (5000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you aren't Certain|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "notcertain"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that sounds Good|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "soundgood"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "lag"; $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.credits gte 5000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Hire Lag (5000 C)|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "paygal"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.credits -= 5000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $job_conspiracy.buddy = "lag"; $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Hire Lag (5000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you aren't Certain|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "notcertain"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "djinn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that sounds Good|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "yeslag"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "lag"; $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll work Alone|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "nolag"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "darknet_use">>\n\t\t\t<div id='darknet-hack' class='HUD_hackutility HUD_hackutility_DarkNet'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDisabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutLag>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Lag|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "wholag"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutLag = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Lag]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutWarlock>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Warlock|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "warlock"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutWarlock = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Warlock]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutCult>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cult|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action2 = "cult"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.askedGalAboutCult = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Cybercult]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he Wants|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "whatwant"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "electronics">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Ask for a Comission" "b27_cybercult_hideout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "comission"; $attrib.credits += $bribeammount; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 6; $hide.layer3 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $attrib.dilligence += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for a Comission|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "comissionfail"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Assist|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "help"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "nohelp"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 98; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cypher">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you're on Board">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b27_cybercult_hideout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action3 = "joincult"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.religion = "cyberpunk";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're no Idealist|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "nocultist"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "contract">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist" and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Decide you support the Cult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClassAndDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b27_cybercult_hideout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action3 = "supportcult"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.religion = "cyberpunk"; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "cyber";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you believe in the Truth">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b27_cybercult_hideout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action3 = "believetruth"; $hide.layer3 = true; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "cyber";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit it's far too Risky|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "toorisky"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresi">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "notcertain">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say Cameras are Good|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "cameras"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need Mobility|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action3 = "bot"; $attrib.caution -= 1; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "djinn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 7; $hud.messages.push($msg_corinthin_warning); $hud.newmsg += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDisabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "doit"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't trust Him|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "consider"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want Out|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "wantout"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cypher">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 8; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 99; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nohelp">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresi">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest Checking Network Traffic|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "checknetwork"; $checkedNetwork = true; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest Checking Access Logs|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "checklogs"; $checkedLogs = true; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for a closer Look|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "closerlook"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 13; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "contract">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Server Tomb|b27_chapel_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromTomb"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "closerlook">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99 and $job_coven.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Terminate the Uplink|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_bacl");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "checknetwork" or $action.action4 eq "checklogs" or $action.action4 eq "nabcredits">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $checkedNetwork>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest Checking Network Traffic|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "checknetwork"; $checkedNetwork = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $checkedNetwork and not $tookCredits>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest Stealing a few Credits|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "nabcredits"; $tookCredits = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.credits += 5436; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $tookCredits>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already stole a few Credits]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $checkedLogs>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest Checking Access Logs|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "checklogs"; $checkedLogs = true; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already checked the Logs]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for a closer Look|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.action4 = "closerlook"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 13; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Server Tomb|b27_chapel_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromTomb"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $hud.disabled = false; window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Observation Deck">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_observationdeck_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $enc_acheri.dead and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Girl|b10_observation_deck][$action.action1 = "buy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Observation Deck|b10_boulevard_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSpire"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_observationdeck_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_observationdeck_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='game-acheri-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'acheri_buyoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(39 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_riptide.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(39 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#riptide-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.storedArmor eq "Ballistic Harness">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Harness'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_riptide.storedArmor; $loc_riptide.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#riptide-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Harness'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_riptide.storedArmor; $loc_riptide.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#riptide-lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if not $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Creep Upstairs|b28_zanex_riptide_altpath][$action.action1 = "hold"; $action.action2 = "sneakFail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Creep Uptairs|b28_zanex_riptide_altpath][$action.action1 = "hold"; $action.action2 = "headUpstairs"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Xeno Garden">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_action_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_xenogarden_cybercult_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "negotiatefail" or $factionlock.zanexPhase gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cyborgs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cyborgs_B40"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hits the Floor|b27_cybercult_hideout][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDisabled"; $time.active += 1; $hud.disabled = true; $attrib.toxicity += 55; $attrib.fatigue += 25; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_cybercult', 'metCyberCult'); playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "assault">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_zanex_riptide_assault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack Division 108|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B28"; $processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 98; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sneak_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='riptide-lootoptions'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sneak_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sneak_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "sneakFail">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Troopers|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 1; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B28_Alt"; $processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 98; $action.arrive = "sneakFail"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% no sneak if religious %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.arrive = "didNegotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 3; $action.action5 = "placeholder"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 11>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.arrive = "sneakRifle"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 11; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $action.action5 = "placeholder"; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 14>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|riptide_main_floor_zanex][$action.arrive = "sneakPistol"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 11; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $action.action5 = "placeholder"; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Troopers|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B28_Alt"; $processed = false; $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 98; $action.arrive = "sneakFail"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_basic_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I need your help..."</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, I need your help with something. Old data format I've run into." You show her the same data Gal showed you. "Any idea what it is?"\n\nCelena nods. "It's what happens when you try to display oldschool neuro-transmission maps on modern holo—"\n\n"Wait, wait, a neuro-map?" You shake your head. "That block is one XB with header. How can you get a thought pattern compressed that small?"\n\n"You don't. It's just peak values. I think. Can't remember how the old system worked. Something weird with virtual-to-analog mappings and fuck-I-dont-know. It's basically extinct anyways. Any augment less than half a millenium old uses memsets instead. Way more practical."\n\nYou scowl. "So why would anyone use the old system?"\n\n"Hell knows. It's unreliable as fuck. Can't even live-stream porn without jitter. But the packet size is small. So, dunno, maybe it works with darknet relays. The packet size is small enough to not get auto-proofed. And most filters would just discard it as junk. Why d'you ask anyways?"\n\n"It relates to a job. More a personal project, actually."\n\nCelena shrugs. "Can't help ya there then. Doubt anything but an old machine temple would still use this kinda code. And only for local uplinks. It's really a dead format. Probably can't even find the specs today."<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 7; $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed = "celena"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I need your insight..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"I need your insight on old data format I've run into." You show her the same data Gal showed you. "Any idea what it is?"\n\n"Curious." Ith tilts her golden head. "Old. Very old. A precursor to memsets. Much like the protocols I was programmed with. Only more advanced."\n\nYou can't help but blink. "More advanced? Ith, this thing is ancient already."\n\n"I am older." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] begins to pace, saying, "It brings back memories. Uplinks. Updates. Constant tweaks. Improvements. For performance. Satisfaction. Each... stranger than the last, and each delivered in tiny ounces. Like a washtube which does not run. One waits, anticipating, fearful and—"\n\n"Ith. This isn't helping."\n\n"Oh." A hint of sadness crosses her mask. "What would help then? For I cannot tell you waht this data means. An idle thought of a long-dead poet perhaps. Or a fraction of a lunatic's ravings. There is no way to discern."\n\nAfter a moment, you say, "What'd help is to know why anyone would still be using this prehistoric system."\n\nThere's a long silence. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] stands perfectly still. Finally, it says, "Because it is fast, Vine. Fast and obscure, and will go unnoticed in the clutter of today. Long ago, such a sight would evoke awe - a sign of prestige, that one can afford such systems. And fear for, what such information might do to a mind, they would wonder. Today such transmissions are trivial. No one would caution them a second glance."\n\n"Thats, well, thanks." You force a smile. "I don't know if any of this helped. But thanks."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 7; $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed = "ith"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You head to the dark sitting area...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou head to the dark sitting area in the back. Speech bubbles crowd your vision with such density you have to shut off the visualization software to see where you're going. There's barely space to move and most of the sofas are occupied by clubbers chatting, fucking, or just dozing off in their chem-fueld haze. There is however a spot free beside Isabelle - assuming the trenchcoat-wearing cyborg is her.\n\n"Hey, Isabelle." You sit beside her. "I was hoping I'd find you here."\n\n"Oh, you," she says without looking. "What is it?"\n\nYou display the old data packed Gal showed you. "This. It's old. It's data. Any idea what it is?"\n\n"Warlock's work," she says without missing a beat. "I suspected as much. And it proves the worst, Vine. It's a neuro-transmission. Late Imperial format. We discussed them once. I thought he was just curious. Instead—" The cyborg looks up, anger plain even on her augmented face. "I didn't want to see it at first. I wanted to believe... but it's a farce. Absolute control. Turning those who trust him into slaves, into—" Her voice trails off.\n\n"You're saying this is being used for mind control?"\n\nIsabelle nods. "More complicated in practice but, yeah, to hijack augs. Cybernetics. The packets are too small to get caught in modern filters. If I weren't so fucking paranoid because of that bastard Wilkin I'd never have noticed either. And I betrayed the Cult over this shit. I fucking—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Good thing you're paranoid. But give me a moment. I might be able to set this straight.<<else>>"Hey, take it easy. And maybe I can set this straight. Just give me a little time.<</if>> I recently met a guy who has tech. A whole tech-temple worth of it. He might be able to crack this cypher. Maybe. It's a long shot. I'll go talk to him, okay?"\n\nIsabelle nods in silent reply. It's evident she doesn't believe you. Except that's just her nature. Always ways, even back when she worked for the Raptors. There's still time to un-tangle this mess.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 7; $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed = "isabelle"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"All right. Problem time..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"All right. Problem time. Take a look—" You display the old data Gal showed you. "—and tell me what you think."\n\n"Huh." Fabienne looks unimpressed. "That bastard."\n\nYour brow furrows. "I'll go out on a limb and presume you mean Warlock."\n\n"Yeah, who else would I fucking mean?" The [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] hands her head. "Should've known it'd come to this. Direct neuro-control patterns. Old as I am, minus a bit. I know the stuff. [[Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] worked on it way back when, y'know? This really blows."\n\n"I don't follow," you say slowly.\n\n"It's lightweight, old as balls, and doesn't show up in today's data streams 'cause it looks like junk. So it slips by everyone and, before ya know it, there's hundreds of people dancing to a real specific tune. I kept wondering how, uh, he was making all this shit happen. This is the answer. Can't believe I didn't think of it myself."\n\n"So, mind control?" You raise an eyebrow.\n\n"Social engineering first, then that, yes. Simple vector. And guaranteed to work on the Cybercult. That's why he needed that awesome reputation. I never got that part. But yeah. It all adds up." Fabienne fixes you with an earnest look. "I know I'm asking too much, but go back to wherever ya got this. And put shit in motion. This has to end."\n\nYou nod. "That was my plan. More or less."\n<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase = 7; $job_crypto_warlock.sourceUsed = "fabienne"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Viewport Cafe">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Corbei Tower|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action2 = "tower"; $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Djinn|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action1 = "djinn"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Lag's Skills|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action1 = "skills"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the deal's On|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action2 = "ison"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Unconvinced|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action2 = "noton"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's Corbei Tower|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action2 = "tower"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "ison">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow him Outside|b3_finalmission_arrive][$processed = false; $time.active = $time.active + 0.75; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noton">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cafe|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromcafe"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase = 98; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "none"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Offer a Bribe (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b10_viewport_lag">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Offer a Bribe(<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Explain the Situation|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action3 = "explain"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Tell|b10_viewport_lag][$action.action3 = "notell"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_viewport_lag_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "notell" or $action.action3 eq "explain">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Cafe|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromcafe"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase = 98; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "none"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow him Outside|b3_finalmission_arrive][$processed = false; $time.active = $time.active + 0.75; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_basic_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Thanks." You purse your lips...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Thanks." You purse your lips. "Listen, Raj. I have to ask you something important. It's about this whole deal with the Object. The conspiracy, all that."\n\n"I presumed," Raj says with a little grin. "Whenever you speak to me, it is about that."\n\nYou can't help but chuckle. "Yeah. Sorry. It's kinda taking over my life. But the point is this: I wanna blow this thing open. Expose it. Entirely. Only problem is I'm a single voice and I need sources to back me up."\n\n"I see." Raj scowls. "Well, it is risky, what you propose. Possible. But a single voice is easily silenced."\n\n"Yeah, I know that." You lean forward. "Raj, I know you're already in a risky situation. But this won't go away with time. Expose the truth, with your name on the package, and they can't just shut you up. Someone would find out. And it'd be too juicy a story for the news nets not to run. Even if the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] - or anyone else - wanted to, they couldn't just make you disappear."\n\n"There is some truth to that." Raj breathes a sigh. "Very well. I shall support this undertaking in whatever way I can."\n\nYou smile. "Thanks, man. It's a good cause. And your support means a lot to me."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; $factionlock.cyberSourceRaj = true; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 1 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 3 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 5 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 7 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 9 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare" or $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase eq 2 or $characterEncounterPhases.antiProofRead or $characterEncounterPhases.junoProofRead>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Father Zweili|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "zweili", $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Father Zweili|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "zweili", $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceAshlake>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Xjanu-4|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "xanju"; $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Xjanu-4|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "xanju"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Eresi Renegade|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "eresi", $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.cyberSourceRaj>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Eresi Renegade|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "eresi", $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Eresi Renegade|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "eresi", $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceRaj>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Mauricio Winston|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "mauricio"; $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Mauricio Winston|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action2 = "mauricio"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceObjective>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse the Corbei Family|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "corbei", $hide.layer3 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse the Corbei Family|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "corbei", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse the Paladin Order|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "paladin", $hide.layer3 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse the Paladin Order|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "paladin", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "zweili">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse the Church of Eden|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "church", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceAthena>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accusethe Corporate Hegemony|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "hegemony", $hide.layer3 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse the Corporate Hegemony|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "hegemony", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision neq "none" or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13 or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Lord Otto|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "otto", $hide.layer3 = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Lord Otto|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action3 = "otto", $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceLanina>>\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Agree to Comply|b27_cybercult_expose][$action.action5 = "acceptfate"; $hide.layer5 = true; $action.arrive = "atCyber"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atCyber"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_cybercult_expose_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_purged][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou approach the \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "athena">>[[Athena|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] executive. \n\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome eq "lockedout">>He glowers. "I got nothing more to say to ya, hunter. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Still a pissed off your dirty laundry got aired, are we?"<<else>>"Hey, easy. I just wanted to—"<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Don't even try," he snaps. "I said we're done. Now we are. Pssh." He shoes you away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Frickin' asshole," you mutter, more than yourself than to him.<<else>>"Oh, how sociable," you mutter, more to yourself than to him.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome eq "solved">>Mr. Yazivu nods curtly. "<<formalname>>. You have returned."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just wanted your ear for a moment, if you have time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Little. Yet I can spare a moment." He spreads his hands. "Speak."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome eq "none">>He shoots you an irritable look. "What you want?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just wanted to introduce myself. <<formalname>>. Sanctioned hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mr. Yazivu," he snaps back. "What's a hunter doing here? There aren't any abominations here. And I don't have time for [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] business. Unless I'm missing something?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>"Hey, I'm just trying to make the rounds," you snap back. "Lay off the venom."<<else>>"I'm here on personal business. Nothing related to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>He shakes his head. "Typical. But okay. What you want, hunter?"<<else>>"Yeah, that's likely." When you don't react, he breathes a sigh. "Fine, what you want, hunter?"<</if>>\n\t<<else>>Mr. Yazivu glowers at you. "Back again, <<formalname>>? What is it this time?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Still a pissed off, miserable sod, are we?"<<else>>"Wow, easy. I just wanted a friendly conversation."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Mr. Yazivu barks a laugh. "I'm starting to like you, hunter. A bit. What ya want?"<<else>>Mr. Yazivu rolls his eyes. "Then friendlily converse away. I'm listening."<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "juno">>[[Sister of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] dressed in red. \n\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome eq "lockedout">>A dark gaze meets you from beneath her shadowed hood. "I do not think we have anything more to speak of, hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, we don't do we?" You raise an eyebrow. "That so?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is." She bows her head. "Loving Stars have mercy on your rotten soul."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fuck your Loving Stars," you snarl back.<<else>>"I think you'll need their mercy more than me. Sister."<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.junoOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit eq false or $equip.isCyberImplant>>She shoots you a cold look. "What do you want with the [[Juno Family|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Name's Acrel. Sanctioned hunter." You nod curtly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah. I see. A rare calling in this day and age." After a moment, she says, "Do you require assistance?"\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tShe smiles from beneath a shadowed hood. "Hello. I do not believe we have met. Sister Via, of the [[Juno Family|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<firstname>> Acrel," you say. "It's nice to meet you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Likeweise, <<firstname>>. May I ask whom you are affiliated with? Out of courtesy, of course."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No one. I'm here by invitation of the [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Professionally, I'm a hunter. Sanctioned."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe nods. "I see. A rare calling in this day and age. May the Loving Stars bless you."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit eq false or $equip.isCyberImplant>>\n\t\t\tShe tilts her chin up. "Hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sister. You got a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I suppose." She folds her arms. "How can I help?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tShe smiles, saying, "<<firstname>> Acrel. How may the Loving Stars serve you today?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Not at all but that's beside the point.<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Frankly, I'm not partial to the Stars, but that's irrelevant.<<else>>"In one way or another, I'm sure.<</if>> Do you have a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But of course." Sister Via bows her hooded head. "Speak, and I shall answer to the best of my ability."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou approach the \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "objective">>dashing young man by the bar. \n\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.objectiveOutcome eq "none">>He cautions you a look. A tense second passes. Neither of you speaks.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if not $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t\tFinally, the man clears his throat. "<<firstname>> Acrel, yes? Gotta admit: the rough look sort of gives you away. Welcome."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say. " You're here on behalf of the [[Objective 22 Initiative|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]], right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Precisely. I was hoping to meet you. See—" He sets his glass down on the bar. "Part of my job with the [[Objective|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] is investigating inconsistencies in our partners' financial tracking systems. I was told by someone who wishes to remain unnamed you might know something about a series of missing [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] shipments?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tFinally, the man clears his throat. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Uh, is there a problem?"<<else>>"Excuse me, Miss, is there a problem?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not that I'm aware of," you say. "<<firstname>> Acrel. You're here on behalf of the [[Objective 22 Initiative|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]], right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uh, yes, but—" His brow furrows. "Oh, right! <<formalname>>. Was hoping you'd show up. Have to admit thought, I was expecting a little more armor and <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and $equip.pistol.name eq "none">>guns.<<else>>attitude.<</if>> Didn't even recognize you like that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, well, guess I just forgot 'em at home." You smirk.<<else>>"Didn't seem appropriate given the event." You smile cordially.<</if>> \n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"But you implied you wanted to speak to me?"<<else>>"Anyways, what's that about hoping I'd show up?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, simply a courtesy call." He sets his glass down on the bar. "Part of my job with the [[Objective|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] is investigating inconsistencies in our partners' financial tracking systems. I was told by someone who wishes to remain unnamed you might know something about a series of missing [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] shipments?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>Fabio Halthin smiles when you stop beside him. "<<formalname>>. How nice to see you again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Likewise," you reply. "You have a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, sure, sure. Please." He gestures to the stool beside him. "Do sit."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou settle down, smiling. "Thanks. Been another busy day."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbeixarena">>man and the woman lounging in the sitting area. He barely notices you but the woman eyes you <<if not $equip.isFashionOutfit>>with outright contempt<<else>>with suspicion<</if>>.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $equip.isSuperFancy>>"My, my," she says. "Such fine attire but I digress."\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSkimpy>>"My, my," she says, eyeing your outfit. "And what could we want here? Do not answer that."\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isGlamorous>>"Oh my," she says, eyes lighting up. "What fine taste, Madame, but I digress."\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh dear," she says, leaning closer to the man. "Another one of those sorts. But no matter."\n\t\t<</if>> She smiles at you. "My name is Xarena Corbei and before you ask: no I do not have time. We are in the middle of a conversation here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh," you say. "I see."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe smiles tersely. "Only a moment. You can chew his ear all you want after but I must insist you wait."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t"Oh, excuse me. I didn't realize."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Of course you did not and now excuse us and good\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t"Interesting. And I have business to discuss."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not with me, you do not, and certainly not in that tone. Good\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\tbye." She waves you away with her fingers.\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 = "corbei">>man lounging in the sitting area.\n\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.corbeiOutcome eq "none">>He barely glances up when you stand beside him. <<if not $equip.isFashionOutfit>>"What you want, punk?"<<else>>"If you wanna sit, sit. I don't bite."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if not $equip.isFashionOutfit>>"A conversation."<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, maybe I do."<<else>>"Didn't think you did."<</if>><</if>> You plunk yourself down opposite him. "Name's Acrel. Sanctioned hunter. And you are?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mr. Prawell. [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Not sure what you want with me. We push rocks and melt ore. Not the sort of business I'd expect you to be interested in, <<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You shrug. "Fuck knows. Just wanted to say hello?"<<else>>You shrug. "I just wanted to say hello, actually."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hello." His lips curl ever so slighly. "Don't expect small-talk. I'm here for appearance's sake only."\n\t<<else>>Mr. Prawell nods when you take your place opposite him. "<<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sir." You nod in return. "How are things?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Same as usual," he replies gruffly. "What do you want?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFirsttime" or $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the<<else>>You're standing outside<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFirsttime" or $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_vauhab_outside.png"]]</div>\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you reach Unit 85325. It's an unassuming, two story hab block situated just off the main pressure tunnel. When you draw near, \n\n\t<<if $time.active lt 72 and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFirsttime">>a woman in a grey uniform steps out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Halt." She readies a simple coil carbine. "This area is off limits for security reasons."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I know," you reply. "I'm the hunter you contacted. <<firstname>> Acrel. Remember?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." She looks relieved. "Lilly Vau. Citizen's Patrol. Glad you're here. Have a real problem on our hands. <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>Honestly though, I was hoping you'd bring more firepower."<<else>>Glad you brought the additional firepower."<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>Lilly steps out to meet you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hunter." She blocks your path, carbine cradled in her arms. "Good you're back. And hope you're ready. This could turn ugly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You chuckle. "Believe me, I can handle an abomination."<<else>>You pull a face. "I know."<</if>><<else>>"Ready as can be," you reply. "Shouldn't be a problem."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>you realize the area's ben cordonned off with security holograms.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, that's odd." You slip through the barrier and approach the hab in question.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no one around and no answer when you hit the buzzer. You try again before you realize the door's unlocked. Curious, you peek inside. There's blood everywhere, on the walls, the ceiling - everything inside is slick with gore.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow." You hastily slam the door shut. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck this."<<else>>"Not good."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tPart of you wonders whether you should investigate. But it's fairly obvious there's nothing left around. Whatever happened, you're too late. Best course of action is to just get away and have nothing to do with it. If the security holos are any indication, the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] is already on the case and the last thing you need is them <<if $attrib.criminality gte 1>>suspecting your involvement - again.<<else>>suspecting you're somehow involved.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_vauhab_outside.png"]]</div>\n\tYou're standing a little ways away from Unit 85325 on the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. Lilly is standing beside you, carbine cradled in her arms.<br><br>\n\n\t"I'll be here until further notice, hunter." She gestures toward the hab unit behind her. "Head on in when you're ready."<br><br>\n\n\t"Figured as much," you say, <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>wondering whether you should go get some real firepower - or whether you can handle the situation as it is.<<else>>debating whether you're ready to handle this abomination or not.<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the dead [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]]. Filthy rodents if ever there were any. Better it's dead, though the thing isn't quite an abomination.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 4>>You glance at Lilly. "I thought you said there was an abomination here."<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, what do you call that?" She indicates the dead rodent.<br><br>\n\n\t"Xenofauna," you reply. "It's not abominable. Just ugly."<br><br>\n\n\tThe woman shrugs absently. "Xenofauna. Abomination. What's the difference? Long as the damn thing's dead I'm happy."<<else>>You shake your head. "All this trouble for a stupid rat."<br><br>\n\n\tYou glance around the room, just to be certain there aren't more. Nothing moves and nothing makes a sound. You do however spot a credit chip amidst the many clothes strewn on the floor. Might be worth <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>stealing<<else>>taking<</if>>. To cover your costs, of course.<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head toward the bar...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou head toward the bar, navigating the usual throng. Lights flicker. Voices jabber. Elbows poke. When you finally reach the sand bar, you spot Fisher sitting on a stool before a large glass of Liq. His posture is hunched.<br><br>\n\n\t"Fish?" You lean on the counter beside him. "Hey, kid. What's up?"<br><br>\n\n\tHe barely reacts. "Lodrigues is dead. Bolt to the face. Some arugment. Domestic disturbance call. Other fucker was amped up on [[Freak|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]]. Boom. Dead."<br><br>\n\n\t"Ouch. Uh, who's Lodrigues?"<br><br>\n\n\t"New kid," Fisher says, fingering his glass. "Two weeks in. Great attitude. Really liked him. Figured he'd make good leadership goods. But nah. Now he's dead. And I can't fucking do nothing about it."\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<walk>> to...<<else>>You are standing...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_observation_deck.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You <<walk>> to an observation spire some ways down the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]] and climb the winding staircase to the observation deck high above.<<else>>You are standing on an observation deck high above the [[Level B10 Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]].<</if>> Through the tinted hull plates above you can see the bright ball of fire that is [[XVSVVP-15|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "XVSVVP-15"]]. Spacecraft drift back and forth across the viewports, barely more than twinkling specks in the distance. Only those closer to the [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] can be distinguished by the naked eye.\n\n<<if not $enc_acheri.dead and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 7>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>Aside from a young girl with long, stringy hair huddling in the corner in the corner, there's no one around. She barely takes notice of you, leaving you free to watch the stars in peace.<<else>>The little girl in the corner has since retrieved her data pad and is paying no heed to you whatsoever. Strange, but then again maybe it's better that way. There's a good chance she's diseased - or worse.<</if>><<else>>Aside from you, there's no one around, leaving you all the time you want to gaze out across the local star and black expanse of the void beyond.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromDisabled">>You awake<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head to<<else>>You're in the Server Tomb<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDisabled">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_chapel_tomb.png"]]</div>You awake in a dark doorway, to the buzz of electricity. In the chamber beyond, cool blue glow panel casts their light across countless servers linked by neat strands of wiring. Nothing about the place looks familiar and, when you try to stand, your back aches painfully.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Oh, man."<</if>> You remain where you are, unable to move.\n\nFootsteps sound behind you. When you look, a man dressed in dark overalls that do nothing to conceal his cybernetic prothesis approaches. He stops beside you. "Awake already, huh? Didn't think ya'd last, honestly."\n\n"Wh—" Your voice is hoarse and raspy. "Who are you?"\n\n"Name's Gal. Data broker. And head of maintenance." The man looks you over. "Speaking of maintenance, you're looking pretty okay, all things considered. How ya feeling?"<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_chapel_tomb.png"]]</div>You head to the side door to the Server Tombs and descend, passing three automated doors before you reach the dim chamber below the Chapel. Hundreds upon hundreds of servers stand in neat rows. Maintenance spiders skitter back and forth. Gal is sitting in a neural couch just to the left of the entrance, before a dozen holo-projections that never seem to stop flickering. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>Isabelle, looking a lot happer than she has in a while, is tingering at a workbench beside him.\n\nShe nods to you. "Vine. Good to see you again."\n\n"Can say the same," Gal says. "Busy as usual but talk away if ya gotta."<<else>>\n\n"<<firstname>>." He waves you over. "I'm a bit busy. But multitasking is on. Just talk away."<</if>><<else>>You're in the Server Tomb beneath the Chapel of Eden. Gal is sitting in a neural couch beside you, watching - or being part of, it's hard to tell - an endless stream of incomprehensible data. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>Isabelle, looking a lot happer than she has in a while, is tingering at a workbench beside him.<</if>>\n\n"Aand..." Gal waves a hand. "Another update cycle done. Oh. Sorry. Anything else ya wanted?"<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Screw complexity. We're..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"Screw complexity. We're doing this the old fashioned way. Bolts and bodies." You shoot Fisher a sidelong glance. "C'mon, let's take this shithole back for the Raptors."\n\nHis lips tremble. "Uh, Boss, I don't think—"\n\n"Bullshit." You turn to the handful of Raptors lingering outside, already feeling back in your element, "Kids! We're moving in. Bolts and bodies. Now move!"\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_floor_zanex.png"]]</div>Fisher tries to stop you but you're already striding toward the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] with half a dozen Raptors in tow. Noise reverberates in the air. Patrons writhe and shake to the beat. Your attention however is fixed on four heavily armored mercenaries blocking the stairs to the VIP Terrace. \n\nA fifth appears behind them, pointing toward you and shouting. Cased in heavy riot armor, all you can see is a tuft of orange hair, but he looks vaguely familiar. Maybe you met him once. Doesn't matter. His buddies in the [[108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] are already moving into firing positions. It's now or never - waste the theophobic bastards before they know what hit them.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Keep 'em busy..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"Keep 'em busy, kid. I'll head 'round back. See if I can't slip in and turn the tables." You shoot Fisher a sidelong glance. "And stay cool. We've seen worse than a few theophobes."\n\n"Right, I know." Fisher fidgets. "Uh, yeah. Good luck."\n\nYou nod and hurry around the side of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], toward the utility entrance by the kitchens. It's locked with four mag-clamps but Wilkin hasn't changed the code. When you tap it in, they release with a clang.\n\n"Hey!" Two Raptors whirl to face you, machine pistols held ready. "Oh. Fuck. It's just you boss."\n\n"Just me." You close the utility door behind you and approach the gunmen - Blinks and Lilly, presumably. "What's the status?"\n\n"Quiet for now. Two [[troopers|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] watchin' the back route to VIP. Don't think they've seen us yet." Blinks nods to a cupboard to the left. "Ain't got much in way of gear, Boss. But there's a [[Harness|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ballistic Harness"]] from way back when and a few spare mags."\n\n"Right," you say, glancing at the gear, then at the stairs. "So, how many inside?"\n\n"Dunno. A dozen we's seen. Could be more though." The Raptor looks scared but not panicky - yet. "Oh, and Boss. It's good we got ya on our side. Again."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "run">>"Oh, crap." You...<<else>>"Wow, wow..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "run">>"Oh, shit!" You dash toward the cyborgs, hoping against hope your legs will be faster than their coilguns.\n\n<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase gt 0>>"Halt. Halt!" Both machines move into your path, weapon arms raised.\n\n"Bloody—" You scramble out of the way as coilfire errupts.\n\nBolts whizz past so close you can feel the heat. But you're alive - barely. You can take these idiots on. You have to. It's that or die now.<<else>>"Halt. Halt!" Both machines stop as you bolt past.\n\nAugments whirr. Coilfire errupts. Bolts whizz past so close you can feel the heat. But you're alive - barely. It isn't far to the nearest utility duct. Maybe, if you can get to that—\n\nBrilliant light errupts behind you. Pain sears your back. Error messages explode as your [PDA] fails. In that last moment you see the cyborgs twitching as electricity arcs over their augments. Then your head...<</if>><<else>>"Wow, wow!" You throw up your hands, backing away. "Cybercult, right? I was trying to contact you guys. Not get in a firefight with ya."\n\nThe cyborgs stop. Both stare at you. "Objective <<firstname>> Acrel. Termination request denied. Individual compromized."\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "negotiatefail">>"What the?! Oh, you've got to be kidding—"\n\n"Have a nice day." Both take aim in unison.\n\n"Oh, sh—" You scramble out of the way as coilfire errupts.\n\nBolts whizz past so close you can feel the heat. But you're alive - barely. You can take these idiots on. You have to. It's that or die now.<<else>>"Wait, stop, wait." You risk a step forward, saying, "There's been some mix up here. We're on the same side."\n\nThere's a moment's pause. "Possible. You had contact with Isabelle. Yes?"\n\n"Yeah, she's one of you, right?" When the cyborgs don't reply, you add, "Just hear me out. There's something really screwed up going on. I haven't figured out what but I'm trying to get behind it. I was trying to trace this mess back to—"\n\nBrilliant light errupts behind the borgs. Pain stabs at your forehead. Error messages explode as your [PDA] fails. In that last moment you see the cyborgs twitching as electricity arcs over their augments. Then your head...<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stagger<<else>><<walk>><</if>> into the Viewport...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_viewport.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stagger<<else>><<walk>><</if>> into the Viewport, a small café off the [[Level B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Dozens of customers are sitting around ornate tables set around the classic-styled establishment. The Viewport's namesake, a large vertical window at the far end of the room, offers a magnificent view of the core. Grav-vehicles zip past outside, mere blurs of light against the shadows beyond.\n\nThere's no sign of lag; not that you know what to look for anyways. So you sit at one of the tables and wait. Minutes drag past. You watch people order drinks and much on snacks. Eventually a man with a shaven scalp approaches your table.\n\n"Hey." He sits opposite.\n\nYour brow furrows. "We know one another?"\n\n"We've never met. But the word is you need my fine touch. Well, I'm here. So what's the big deal?"\n\nConfused, you say, "Oh. I thought you were... well, the word used was 'she'."\n\nLag smirks. "Perception, baby. It's not a skill you got. Can we keep this professional?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2= false]]</div>"Hey, Gal. I checked out..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Hey, Gal. I checked out the Corbei residence and all the sources I could. Think we got about everything we need for Android Abe to tell the galaxy the truth."<br><br>\n\n\t"That's good." He flicks a hand and, for the first time since you met him, climbs out of his neuro couch. "Good news on this end too: I figured out how to get exposure. Got a splinter in one of the feeds the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] uses to broadcast mass. We feed our footage in, we'll get the big screen in every Chapel linked into the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]." He grins. "Gonna be one hell of a show."<br><br>\n\n\t"I'll say.<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceLanina>> And I got an independant journalist lined up who'll run the story too. All we gotta do is get it to her.<</if>>" You purse your lips. "So, how we go about content creation?"<br><br>\n\n\t"We lay stuff out, start to end. I nabbed a comp module from Colonia News, local branch. All we gotta do is supply our data right and it'll build a solid show." Gal leans against his terminals, rubbing his hands. "Okay, then. We know this thing all began at a Vault of Eden. Someone stole that artefact thingy. So how'd that happen, exactly?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<strong>GalLag DNet UI (v.0.58)</strong><br>\n\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>#### IMPORTANT ####</span><br>\n\t\tYou should be seeing a filtered topic catalog retrieved by comparing active neuro-processes with content passing down our DNet stream. Theoretically. We don't know if the algorithm works as intended (yet). So be careful. There could be junk in the list.\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display $hud.darknetArticle>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\tCommands\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>[CMD]</span> Back\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tChurch of Eden\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetSection = "church"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetSection eq "church">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> New laws on Vox Edeni access. Ya fking kidding me??\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_church_laws"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> Machine Priests secretly purging codes!\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_church_purge"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> B30 quarantined (undersprawl)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_church_quarantine"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Theories about Eden anyone???\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_church_theories"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 32>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Weird. Any1 got info on dis guy?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_church_info"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> FUCK EDEN111!!1111!!!!\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_church_fuckeden"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> See you're looking for her?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_aida_msg"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 6>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tWitches Coven\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetSection = "coven"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetSection eq "coven">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Think I saw a Witch today! Can any1 confimr?\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_coven_location"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> THEORY: how it really is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_coven_ogers"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> Hey, you wanna meet a Witch?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_coven_tricked"; playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.darknetWitchAbuse eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.darknetWitchAbuse = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= 4316; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits = Math.max(0, $attrib.credits)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> Hello. It's me. :) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_coven_celena"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tAthena Medical\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetSection = "athena">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetSection eq "athena">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> AMed just released data on new chem!! ABOMINABLE MUCH?!\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_athena_chem"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active lt 150>><span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> Offcl Notice posted by Athena. Lol. Read this junk.<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[SCAM]</span> DO NOT LOOK AT!!<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_athena_tricked"; playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.darknetWitchAbuse eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.darknetWitchAbuse = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= 3241; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits = Math.max(0, $attrib.credits)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Weird?! AthenaMed is dicking around with Syn4? Check up PLX!!\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_athena_syndicate"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Weird facility ID. Can you investigate? (CAK request)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_athena_briabackid"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 27>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> special offers!!! athmed drugs at dscnt!\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_athena_drugs"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tPaladin Order\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetSection = "paladin"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetSection eq "paladin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 48>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> Order nukes another hab block. Srsyl?!\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_paladin_nuke"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Wtf are paladins really?!\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_paladin_whatare"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> e4r7894h3991hh4w....\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage = 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_paladin_corinthin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 6>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tDjinn\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetSection = "djinn"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetSection eq "djinn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte 17>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Djinn; they actually abominations?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_djinn_abom"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Abom (djinn?) involved with ECMG?? (CAK request)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "dnet_djinn_ecmg"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#darknet-hack'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'darknet_interface'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\tCommands\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>[CMD]</span> Terminate Uplink\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b27_cybercult_hideout'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou say, \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "athena">>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "briabackfacility">>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t"Okay, let me be frank, Mr. Yazivu. I just purged a clandestine lab run by [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] that was synthetically engineering abominated humans. I'm pretty sure you're going to deny it's existence and pretend Dr. Briaback never existed. But here's the problem. There's a whole pile of corpses down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] that prove otherwise. Follow?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Tangentially," Mr. Yazivu says slowly. "What are you implying, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'm implying that [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] is <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>up shit creek<<else>>in deep water<</if>>. This isn't just a criminal offense. It's abominable heresy and, believe me, the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] won't just let this slide."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see your point." The executive folds his arms. "Yet do elaborate: provided what you say is true, what do you want me to do, exactly?"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.athenaOutcome eq "askedShipments">>"Remember I mentioned those shipments going missing? Well, something's come up related to that.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Something's come up that's, well, complicated.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tIt involves [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] and some shady business going on down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. I also have reason to believe it's tied to the Briaback Facility. So let me ask nicely: what do you know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nothing," Mr. Yazivu says carefully. "Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Because it seems like [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is sending kill teams after me, Mr. Yazivu. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>So how about you cut the crap and explain?<<else>>So I'd really like an explanation if you don't mind.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe executive looks alarmed. "Kill teams? There must be some mistake. [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is a security contractor, not an assasination bureau."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm not fucking kidding here, man. I am seriously pissed at this situation. Follow?"<<else>>"Be that as it may, the fact stands. And I'm not taking any vague excuses as an answer either."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMr. Yazivu scoffs. "What do you want me to say, <<formalname>>? Up until now I had no knowledge of these events. Though I would be willing to investigate, provided you can source your allegations."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Something's come to my attention that might relate to [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. The Briaback Facility? Strong connection to [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] too. Any chance you can tell me anything about it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No. I've never heard of it. But I could check." He produces a data pad. "Do you have a facility ID?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.snydicateBaseIDFound>>\n\t\t\t\t"Well, I found a facility ID that might relate. Does that help?"<br><br>\n\n\n\t\t\t\t"Maybe. What's the ID?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Uh, no," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Then I can't help you." He pockets the data pad again. "Are we done?"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "missingshipments">>\n\t\t"I've heard some interesting rumors about [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] shipments going missing. You happen to know anything about that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMr. Yazivu looks surprised. "Missing? Impossible. Our tracking system is infallible. Who's making these kinds of assertations?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me. There might be abominable influence." You shrug. "Not accusing you. Just covering all the bases."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then don't bother. Every container in and out of every facility is accounted for. Guaranteed. [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] does not make these kinds of amateur mistakes. Nor do we tolerate criminal activity. Were something missing, as you say, our [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] contractors would have tracked it down already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see," you say, unconvinced. "Thanks anyways."\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "exposeconspiracy">>"I wanted to ask for your help, Mr. Yazivu. It relates to the black operation we spoke about earlier."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mh." Mr. Yazivu purses his lips. "Is there something that wasn't mentioned?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No. I'm working on exposing who's really behind this. Problem is, it could come off wrong. I just put this out and it'll look like [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] is the culprit here unless I can prove the opposite is true."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe executive looks amused. "That would be suboptimal, would it not? But do tell. How can this be avoided?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Source what happened, publicly. Explain what really happened, how deep this goes, and we can put this all straight."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It would be beneficial." Mr. Yazivu clasps his hands. "Had you mentioned this earlier, I would have likely laughed it away. Today I think differently. I shall source this reveal if you wish. Provided it does not reflect unjustly on the [[Athena Medical Corporation|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]."\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "quarantinezone">>"I want to ask you about something. A, well, incident that happened recently here in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. A plague of sorts?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMr. Yazivu scowls. "Yes. I am aware. Why are you interested?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, from what I can tell, a team of investigators you guys sent in got killed. I wanted to make sure you're aware of that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes." A flicker of sadness crosses his face. "All who partake in our emergency response projects are volunteers, dedicated individuals who act out of selfless interests. There is no more thankless an assignment than this and I dare say the case you mention was... highly unfortunate. We were unable to determine the cause of the affliction prior to the quarantine. Perhaps, many lives could have been saved, yet I dare say the Purifier General acted correctly when the quarantine was instituted."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So there was no foul play here? None at all?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe executive shakes his head. "We were informed within hours of the situation becoming known. Alas, our volunteers arrived too late to aid those in need. It was unfortunate. Yet nothing could have reasonably been done."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou not, unwilling but forced to accept that as the truth. It's the clearest statement you've recieved, after all, and it's straight from an [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] exec. Close as you'll get to an official explanation.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "aboutjob">>\n\t\t"I'm curious what you do for [[Athena|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Care to share?<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> Or your mood too foul for that?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"None of your business, frankly, but I'm on the Executive Committe. Quality control. Deal with eggheads and certification agencies. My team is the reason [[Athena Medical Incorporated|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] enjoys its infallible reputation. We are the biothem industry. We cannot accept imperfection. Follow?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "By the looks it's a stressful job."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only when you have to deal with idiots. Any other questions? Otherwise leave me alone."\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "juno">>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "father">>"Don't know if you're aware but I was born a [[Child of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. Been trying to get some insight into how that came about. Got as far as realizing my father was somehow tied to the Purifiers." You shrug. "Any idea how that ended up with me in your halls?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit eq false or $equip.isCyberImplant>>"I cannot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, okay." You shrug. "Thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Forgiveness." She forces a smile.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Sadly, no," Sister Via says. "There are thousands of temples on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "[Scaffold 22"]] alone and I cannot say I am intimately familiar with every child we birth of harbor. I could inquire if you wish but it is doubtful the records would be released."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head. "Already tried that. Got a vague response and nothing more."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Unfortunate." Via looks genuinely sympathetic. "A lost childhood always leaves deep wounds. You have my utmost sympathy."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, whatever," you say, resigned to the fact you'll never get an answer.<<else>>"Thanks," you say, uncertain whether you mean it or not.<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "bloodslaves">>\n\t\t"I came across something interesting recently. Connects your [[Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] with a certain, abominated Lord Otto. Evidently you were donating blood slaves to him?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSister Via looks shocked. "Bloodslaves? To an abomination? Loving Stars! What do you think we are, hunter? Savages?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I can prove it," you reply coldly. "The man was a [[Vampire|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Vampire"]] and I found evidence you were supplying him. Knowingly, by the looks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, I doubt that," Via replies evenly. "Perhaps it was an error. And oversight. But the [[Children of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] would never support such a monstrosity."\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sotstars">>\n\t\t"I ran into a bunch of fanatics earlier that were preying on one of your temples. The Sons of the Stars?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah." Sister Via's expression darknes. "Yes, them. Pawns of the Clergy. A blunt instrument intended to force our hand. I am well aware of what those misguided lunatics are."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Only barely worse than you. But I got good news.<<else>>"Well, if it's any consolation,<</if>> I wiped out one of their hideouts."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"A personal crusade of yours, no doubt." The woman breathes a sigh. "But yes. I<<else>>"That was you?" The woman looks impressed. "Yes, I<</if>> had heard the [[B27 Temple|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]] was no longer as plagued as it was. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Your assistance is appreciated.<<else>>I offer my sincerest gratitudes, <<firstname>> Acrel.<</if>>"\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "aboutjob">>\n\t\t"If you don't mind me asking, what's a [[Child of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] doing at a corpo event? <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Selling lives?<<else>>Searching for prospective buyers?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit eq false or $equip.isCyberImplant>>"Hardly. We are not slavers, though I am here to show presence. Repute must be maintained with our customers. You understand."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You scoff. "Yeah, the reputation of selling kids, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I do not believe this deserves an answer," Sister Via replies in a hard tone.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Yeah, I follow. That's why everyone's here I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Indeed. Image must be upheld, hunter." He nods curtly. "Forgiveness."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tSister Via chuckles. "You make it sound as though we were slavers. But yes. I am here to show presence and make my concerns heard to those who are able to change affairs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Figure selling kids to corpos isn't concern enough, eh?"<<else>>"And what concerns would those be, exactly?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>The woman's eyes narrow. "We seel trained professionals, <<firstname>>, into conditions which are far more favorable than even the most optimally negotiated individual contract. But please. Continue to mock our faith and family if you wish. I cannot change your mind, nor will I attempt to."<<else>>"As always the wellbeing of our children." The woman smiles sadly. "It is hard for our honored Mothers to see so many go by the day yet they rest better knowing the terms and conditions of their offspring's employ are without flaw. So that is why I am here. To ensure that our concerns are not lost amidst greed and profit drive."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou say, \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "objective">>\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.objectiveOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "heardsimilar">>"I've heard similar. Possibly black market dealings. Might be related to abominable business. I don't wanna point fingers though."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Damn. I knew there was more to this than just clerical errors." He draws a deep breath. "I know you don't have much reason to share information with me, <<formalname>>, but I've gott ask: any chance you could tell me exactly what went missing and why? I can't get a straight answer from my contacts at [[Athena|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Very suspicious."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There's a chance I might know something. I'm curious who's asking though, Mr...?"\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "askabout">>"Missing shipments? Of what? And why would anyone think I'd know about it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Frankly I don't know. [[Athena|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] claims clerical errors. But I doubt that." He draws a deep breath. "I know you don't have much reason to care about my problems, <<formalname>>, but I am told you're in good terms down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Is there any chance you could ask around? Maybe figure out what's happening to these shipments?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There's a chance I could find time. But no promises." You raise an eyebrow. "And who would I be doing a favor here, Mr...?"\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notaware">>"I wasn't aware. Why? Is it something I should be worried about?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Presumably not," he admits. "It's just I'm told you're in good terms down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Thought maybe someone might have mentioned something to you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There's a chance I could find time to poke around. But I'm rather busy so no promises." You raise an eyebrow. "And who would I be doing a favor here, Mr...?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Halthin, Fabio Halthin." He holds out a plan. "It's a pleasure to meet you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sure sounds like it." You shake his hand, smirking.<<else>>"Likewise." You shake his hand. "Pleasure."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "heardsimilar">>\n\t\t\t"Well, it's very nice to meet you. And, uh, do forgive me. But what exactly have you heard about these shipments?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Well then, <<formalname>>. I'm glad we got the chance to speak. But I don't want to bore you with tedious administrative details." He gestures to the bar. "Would you perhaps care for a drink?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "athenashipment">>"I got some information for you. About those missing [[Athena|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] shipments you mentioned. Not much but it might help."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, indeed?" Fabio looks impressed. "I've only managed to get vague answers from anyone. It's as though no one wants to admit there's an inconsistency even though it's painfully obvious there is foul play involved."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, no shit they don't,"<<else>>"I'm not surprised,"<</if>> you reply. "It's a bit of a messy affair."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh dear. But okay. May I ask what you've discovered?"\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "exposeconspiracy">>"I'm trying to make what happened with [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] public, expose the real depth of conspiracy here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's an admirable goal," Fabio replies. "You need my help with that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I was hoping on sourced statements, something to prove this isn't just some lunatic rambling."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Makes perfect sense. And I'm sure I can help you out there. Mutual benefit and all." He tilts his head. "Provided you aren't going to smear [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]]. Can I trust ya with that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'll do my best," you say with a smile. "Not trying to smear anyone, just lay out what really happened."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFabio spreads his hands. "Fine by me. Just give me a heads up when ya need my input."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "askprofession">>"I was curious about what you do for [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]]. Didn't know the Initiative was also an accounting agency."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We aren't," Fabio admits. "But we do have a vested interest in assuring our partners are financially accountable. That's the whole idea: ensure that everyone plays fair and can cover their books. In return, everyone gets a stable credit rating and financial benefits. Less foul play, better for everyone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You chuckle. "Wow. And the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] keeps trying to make you guys out as the bad guys?"<<else>>You raise an eyebrow. "Huh, so why's the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] always painting you guys black?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Simple conflict of interest." Fabio sips his drink. "You see, <<formalname>>, our credit rating is a direct threat to the St. Michael's Trust. Which, unfortunately, is highly unpredictable. And I don't meant to trash the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] by saying that. The Credit is a huge step in galactic and financial unity. But it's an archaic system. We're trying to evolve into the modern era."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Yeah, well, no wonder those bastards want you gone."<<else>>"Be that as it may, I'm still a little sceptic."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Fabio nods solemly. "It's a hard position to be in but we do our best. Both in our self-interest and that of the greater galaxy. What more can I say?"<<else>>Fabio shrugs. "You're entitled to your oppinion, of course. And our efforts aren't without flaws, admittedly. But we're trying to move the galaxy forward while - and I don't say this lightly - the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] fixates upon maintaining their status quo. Hardly a crime in itself. We simply have very different view on what the future of this galaxy should be."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "quantusvii">>"I head some disturbing rumors about one of your colonies. [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. Utterly devestated, they said."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMr. Prawell breathes a laugh. "Everyone's heard. Weren't you told? It's the new joke of the circlejerk."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou can't help but smile. "So, how many have also heard it was the work of the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Now that's a crazy theory." The executive looks up, suspicion written on his face. "Why'd you think something like that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I just have my reasons."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then I just got my reasons to be interested." Prawell's eyes narrow. "Care to share?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "assistant">>"Wanted to ask about your assistant, Janice Sibli I think her name was?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not mine. Mr. Corbei's." Prawell shoots you a brief look. "Why? <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Ya think she's hot?<<else>>Ya one of 'em lesbos or somethin'?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"No," you say slowly. "I was just curious."<<else>>You laugh. "Hardly. Just curious."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothin te know. She's Mr. Corbei's personal assistant. Used te be one of 'em [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] freaks. Now she's the woman ya say yes Ma'am and no Ma'am to unless ya want the president breathin' down yer neck." Prawell fixes you with a hard look. "That answer yer question, hunter?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, uncertain what to make of that random tidbit: another [[Child of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. Also working for Father Zweili. It's starting to become a bit of a pattern.\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sorry">>"Sorry to hear that. Looks like it really hit you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well, just the fourth fucking incident this month."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "askhelp">>"Anything I can do to help? Mean, it looks like it hit ya pretty hard."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. Fourth fucking incident this month."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "justlife">>"Hey, that's just life. It sucks. Deal with it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tFisher scoffs. "What the fuck you think I'm doing? Seriously. Sometimes you're really a condescending asshole."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Really?" Your lips curl. "And you were all supportive when I was down in the dumps, right? Never just told me to suck it up, did you? Always had an ear."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You got some kinda point to make?" He glowers at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah. You're an idiot. Just like I was. You think thing'll be different. That you can do better. But look at you—" You indicate his hunched posture. "You're ending up just where I fucking was."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Fuck off," Fisher murmurs. "Really. Just fuck off and leave me alone. I can't handle it."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sorry" or $action.action1 eq "askhelp">>Fisher breathes a sigh. "It's this damned dealer ring up in [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. We got a fricking deal with 'em so we can't touch 'em. But they're dealing [[Freak|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]]. Even heard they got [[Nerve|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "UnNerve"]]. It's fucking people up."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "Almost sounds like you could use a hand. Or a railgun."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever. But I wouldn't be sad to hear someone iced those bastards, y'know?" Fisher gulps Liq, wipes his mouth, and says, "Not sayin' you should do it. Jus' sayin' in general."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wasn't going to suggest I would. But who knows? Maybe I'll be in the area sometime."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe scoffs. "If ya say so. You're the Boss. Always were."\n\n\t\t"Oh please. I just said it could happen." You stand beside Fisher a moment longer, wondering whether to say more, but ultimately decide it's better to...\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou approach the disheveled girl in the corner. She stares blankly from behind her mane of tangled, stringy hair. Something about her strikes you vaguely familiar. Before you can figure out what, she pulls a cracked data pad from her ragged dress and places it on the ground.<br><br>\n\n\t"What—" She slides the device toward you. "Okay, then." You pick it up and un-lock the screen.<br><br>\n\n\tIt displays a list of what looks suspiciously like salvage. Or stolen goods. There's no way to know where anything on the list came from but it could prove useful; maybe. It might be safer to just leave.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou say,\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromDisabled">><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "electronics">>"I checked out Tryvalli Electronics like you asked. \n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tDidn't find anything and couldn't get a look around. But I saw their security logs. It had at least one error logged. And it logged my presence."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Figures," Gal says without looking up. "Just so ya know, I'm watching their traffic. It's suspect. Guy might be a sleeper agent. Maybe even a zombie. But he wasn't Warlock. He's taking orders from somewhere else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "Any idea where?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I got a steady packet flow but it goes nowhere. Worse, while there's data here, I can't read 'em.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tIt kinda went ballistic. There's a corpse more now and, well, I'm not sure if the guy was Warlock. But he's dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's... not good." Gal glances at you for a split second. "I was hoping to provoke a response. Maybe generate some traffic, follow it back to the source. Now we got nothing. Just a body like you said. Damn."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou pull a face. "Sorry. Did my best."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, it wasn't very good then. But I did get a few trailing packets. Only problem is, well, I can't read 'em.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\tDidn't find anything and couldn't get a look around. Sorry. But I tried."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Doesn't matter," Gal says without looking up. "I'm watching their traffic. It's suspect. Guy might be a sleeper agent. Maybe even a zombie. But he wasn't Warlock. He's taking orders from somewhere else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "Any idea where?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I got a steady packet flow but it goes nowhere. Worse, while there's data here, I can't read 'em.\n\t\t<</if>> Not even encryption that's the problem. The data format is garbage. Looks ancient. I'm completely stumped."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cypher">>\n\t\t"I managed to get something on that data package you had me investigate. It's a neuro-transmission protocol. Ancient and primitive. Impossible to display these days but that's the catch: it's simple enough to go undetected on modern security systems. Which would explain the divide and conquer theory we've been seeing. Alter people's thoughts a bit, shifting the balance of power. Crude. But it seems to be working."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal blinks several times. "Sorry, what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know it sounds crazy," you say. "But, judging by what you've told me so far and everything I've seen, that's Warlock's MO. Brainwashing. Manipulation. Murder. Hijacked cerebral augments, maybe? But that isn't Cybercultism. That's the plot straight out of a horror vid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Can't argue with that." Gal breathes a sigh. "Reads exactly like what you'd expect from a cabalist cell, mean, assuming the DarkNet rumors are even true. Which is a big if. <<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>Listen, I know I might be paranoid. But something came up. Lag mentioned some... source contacted her with info on Warlock. Came out of the blue, apparently."<<else>>At any rate, we'll have to keep digging. Lag mentioned she might have a source with info on Warlock. Something unexpected, apparently."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYour eyes narrow. "Who? How?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No clue. <<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>"They claimed there was an old Machine Catacomb under the Cryolounge on [[B10|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]] and that's what Warlock's after. It could be. Mean, that's where our last lead was transmitting data to - I tracked that node and it's definitely near the Lounge. Lag said she was gonna go investigate.<<else>>Not even sure what intel they got. Been a bunch of proofing back and forth and I finally just asked Lag to set up a meeting.<</if>> Haven't heard back though."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cybernetics_buy">>\n\t\t"I was wondering if you had any spare gear ya felt like selling."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Maybe, hang on." He pulls up a catalog on one of the displays. "It's all just stuff the last Cyberteam left. Good condition through. What you looking for exactly?"\n\n\t\t"Not sure," you say, examining the screen.\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "isabelle_buy">>\n\t\t"I was wondering if you had any spare gear ya felt like selling."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal nods to Isabelle. "She's handling the hardware these days. Good to have her back."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't over-sell it." As you <<walk>> over, she adds, "Most of what we got is shit the last Cyberteam left behind. Plus some of my junk."\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "Let's just see what ya got."\n\n\t\t"Right. Catalog's here." She holds out a data pad.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "darknet_ask">>\n\t\t"Hey, you have access to the DarkNet don't you? Because I could use some intel."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t"Sure do. Lemme just get a set up and... there we go. Just link up if ya wanna." He indicates a neuralinterface cable beside his terminal. "Oh, and watch out. There's a bunch of crap floating around out there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I know. Used to have some dealings with <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>Isabelle<<else>>a Cryptomancer<</if>>. Before, well, let's just say there was a problem with my former employer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>"Hey, the problem was he's an asshole," Isabelle says. "But you realized that too, I guess. Or ya wouldn't be here."<<else>>"Think I know who you're talling about. But still. Be careful. The Net's never been safe and I don't want ya getting in trouble, okay?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'll try to stay out of trouble," you say with a smile. "Already have enough of that in real life anyways."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Sure do. But you'll need [[Nodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]] to jack in. I can set ya up with some if ya want."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSurprised, you ask, "What, you don't have visual interfaces?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I do but the data volume's too big to be practical. Gotta ask though: how can't ya know that? Haven't you ever dealt with a Cryptomancer before?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>I dealt with Isabelle way back when<<else>>I had some contact back in the day<</if>>. Before, well, let's just say there was a problem with my former employer. But it was always visual. Never neurolinked."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9 and $loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle">>Isabelle laughs. "Just 'cause I dumbed down the output so you could read it didn't mean I wasn't jacked in, idiot. But fair enough. Ya couldn't know that."<<else>>"They probably dumbed the output down for you then. There's no way ya can use the DarkNet for anything else than messaging without neurals. It just isn't practical. At all."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Learn something new every day," you say, secretly feeling incredibly stupid.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "contract">>\n\t\t"I dunno if you heard but I'm contracting for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Not just as a hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uh, no. I hadn't. Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Because it's big. Conspiracy, maybe even heresy. Someone stole an artefact from the Vault of Eden. They hired me to track <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the damn thing<<else>>it<</if>> down. Figured you might have access to information I don't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." There's a long silence before Gal continues, "You've got the wrong idea about the Cybercult. We were never many. A few thousand. Corpo employees, tech students, machine smiths, just a bunch of usual cypherheads. Only thing keeping us together was the idea we could beat the system, if not in real life then on the net. That was the whole premise: stay anonymous and beat the system by refusing to follow it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, but you have sources, I presume."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Had. Warlock broke our network, ruined our clients' trust." Gal breathes a sigh. "<<firstname>>, we steal sensitive information and hack controlled tech, then sell it. We kept the system in check by playing both ends. But it only worked beecause we weren't on anyone's side. Everyone knew it was better to deal with us than go up against us and risk a rival getting free potshots. Then... well, Warlock happened and everything fell apart."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I get it now. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>He didn't try to take over the Cybercult. He tried to change what it was. What it stood for.<<else>>He isn't just trying to take over the Cybercult. He's trying to change what it is. What it stands for."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not what it stands for, <<firstname>>. The Cybercult never took a stance. It just protected everyone's freedom by ensuring the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] or the [[Hegemony's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hegemony"]] rules weren't absolute. We were hated - and feared - because we could tear anyone down. Fuck with us and you were screwed. But that was before. Our reach is limited now."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "tombchat">>"If ya don't mind me asking, what's the Cybercult doing holed up in a [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] Data Tomb?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Technically, the Cult's holed up on the net, not this place. I just work here. Which has its benefits, admittedly, but it's just me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou purse your lips. "So the others—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Are all out there with Android Abe. By which I mean: I've never met one of them in person. Only person I know face to face is Lag and she's always on the move, like most borgs. There aren't a lot of those in the cult. Most are Cryptos are like me, working out of wherever they are and preaching to the world throuh Android Abe."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>"Well, I guess I'm the minority of the minority then."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Something like that," Gal says. "Good to have another solo around. And a good one too, not like that poor bloke I met a few decades back. Ran into a [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] sting, then stumbled into a [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] riot line, and then got himself arrested by CIVL. All in the span of about an hour, mind you. Talk about a clutz."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yikes," you mutter. "How'd you all survive that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"By lying low and playing it smart, like everyone else in the cult. You better remember that and I'm just saying that cause I know you get loud. There's a time and place for that, obviously. But it ain't in my server room, thank you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tA cocky smirk curls your lips <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>but the attitude is only that. You know Gal is right and you know better than to take risks.<<else>>at the thougt Gal thinks you're the loud sort. But only cause it's right.<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> Beatwork is best done loud and in their face and you excell at that.<<else>> Sometimes.<</if>>.<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>"So that's why you call it the cybercult," you say. "It's ironic."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal nods. "You got it, kid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] doesn't know anything about what goes on down here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I imagine some know. But they haven't cracked down. Which either means I'm more useful to them in business than out or there's no need to take action. I figure a bit of both. But it's a moot point anyways. Even if they kicked me out - or worse - the Cult's still out there. Somewhere. And I got no clue who most of our people are anyways, so there's little gain in taking me down."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "personal">>"Y'know, I never quite figured out who you are Gal. Like: is that even your real name?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Gallian, actually. Like the power cell. They were designed by one of my forefathers I'm told. Not sure it's true though."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAmused, you say, "You're avoiding my question."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What's there to say? I grew up on tech and eventually slipped into the cyber world." After a moment, he adds, "Really, that's all that's happened in my life. It's been uneventful in the traditional sense. Sure, you could say I put together about a hundred Cyberteams over the years, but I'm still just a back-office guy. Always have been. Always will be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Back office in the Cybercult though," you point out. "Bit different than the conventinal meaning."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah, not really. I do the admin. Always have, always will. Legwork's down to the bogs, folk like Lag. Sorry I can't give ya more. It's just the way it is."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lordotto">>"Remember that [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] contract I mentioned? Well, I got some intel. Need to do some wetwork. Was wondering if you had assets to spare."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Depends on what ya need," Gal says. "But first: who's the target and what'd they do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Some bigwig named Lord Otto. Lives up on B3. Launched a raid on the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] that got a bunch of people killed."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal glances at you, his expression vaguely curious. "Otto Vindell? Yeah, he's mixed up in a lot of crap. Untouchable though even by corporate standards. Can't offer you anything except that [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] runs personal security. No bots, strictly bio. And his Lordshipness never appears in public. Reclusive sorta guy. Think he might actually be a crypto."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Interesting. But no assets to spare on this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nope. There's no setup for a remote job. Private network. You'd have to build a team, do prep work. It'd take weeks and cost a fortune. Doubt it can be done unless you're insane enough to go solo. Which I wouldn't suggest, but it's your call."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresi">>"So I got some intel related to my contract. Something I could use some help on: B5-731. Alledgedly it's a witch. Can ya give me anything on that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hang on." Gal's eyelids flutter. "Single inhabitant, female, surname Eresi. Security managed by [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]], robotics only. They're not great with Crypto. Might be possible to get in remote if you have the skills. What you looking for there exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That artefact that went missing. I got reason to believe it's there. Or was at one point. Not quite sure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, if you don't need physical access, I could try a remote job. Jack a bot and take a look around. Like I said, [[S4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] crypto is weak. Should be simple enough to brute force with the processing power I got here."\n\n\t\t"Sounds interesting," you admit. "And less messy than kicking down the door."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only thing is I'd need you linked up 'cause I got no clue what we're after." Gal purses his lips. <<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>"Yeah, let's look into this Might turn up something good."<<else>>"It'll cost you about a thousand C. Cover operating costs."<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>"I have a solid lead on my contract. To the artefact. There's good reason to believe it's being held at the Corbei residence on B3. Probably an abomination involved. Can ya offer me anything on that?"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Corbei Tower, huh?" Gal's eyelids flutter. "Multiple inhabitants. Family Corbei is three. Father, son, daughter. No data on security. Probably a local net. Can grab some of the cam feeds outside, maybe. But you won't get a look inside. It's all shielded. Says so in the building specs."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pull a face. "Damn. I was hoping to see if that artefact's really there before I burst in and cause a ruckass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Can't help ya there. But Lag might be able to." Gal draws a deliberate breath. "This is her kinda deal. Corpo espionage. She has connections to [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. You want in and out clean, she's the one to ask."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What'll her services cost me?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>"Nothing except whatever she needs in hardware.<<else>>"About five 5k, plus whatever she needs in hardware.<</if>> I can set up a meet. Viewport Cafe on [[B10|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] in about an hour, earliest. You want the assist?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "djinn">>"About that thing we were talking about, the job? I got some tentative leads. It's somehow connected to a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] wants me to look into the issue and see what I come up with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah." Gal's expression darkens. "And did you come up with anything?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not sure," you admit. "<<if $factionlock.cyberPhase gt 3>>Got a few reputed sources but<<elseif $factionlock.cyberPhase eq 2>>I got two reputed sources but<<elseif $factionlock.cyberPhase eq 1>>I got a reputed source but<<else>>I haven't got any sources yet and<</if>> it doesn't quite add up yet. All I know is the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] seems to think this is significant."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is," Gal says, leaning forward. "I looked into all this all and the DarkNet's got nothing but bad things to say. It's quiet, barely on the edge, but I can tell ya two things: there sure is a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] involved and it's tied to the Corbei family. Can't quite see how this all relates yet. Still working on that. But I suggest ya head up there and take a poke around. I can set ya up with Lag if ya want. She's used to this sorta deep dive and knows to keep her hands clean."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "amfine">>"I'm fine. Back just hurts. Otherwise—" You wince. "Good."\n\n"Well, you don't look so good. But if ya say so." Gal holds out a hand. "C'mon, let's get ya up."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whereare">>"Where am I? And how <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>> did I get here?"\n\n"Yer safe and alive. In one of the [Church] Server Tombs. As for how ya got here? Lag hauled you back. I'll explain in a sec." Gal holds out a hand. "C'mon, let's get ya up."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whathappened">>"What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>happened? I... blacked out and just woke up here, aching like mad."\n\n"Complex story actually and I don't get all of it myself. Cryptomancy, borgs going bezerk, but I do know that Lag hauled you back here. I'll explain what I can a sec." Gal holds out a hand. "C'mon, let's get ya up."<</if>>\n\nEvery inch of your body aches when he pulls you upright. Just standing makes you feel dizzy.\n\n"Had to pump ya full of regeneratives to keep ya alive," Gal says, peering into your eyes. "Looks good though. Especially for someone who took a arcdisc blast up close. But, frankly, that's a damn sight less worrying that what woulda happened if Warlock had his way. Or her way. Jury's still out on that one."\n\nConfused and aching, all you can manage is to sink onto the nearest server with a grunt.\n\n"Yeah, I know it's a lot. Yer head is probably hurting bad enough. And all the chems we pumped into you prolly don't help." Gal sits opposite you. "Thing is, a lot of shit went down. Now you're here. We - and by that I mean the Cult - could use yer help so ask what ya need to and I'll do my best to explain."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "firepower">>"Firepower? What you meaning by that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There's an abomination in there, man. Dangerous piece of work. No clue what it is but I doubt <<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none">>a knife<<else>>that peashooter<</if>> will be enough to take it down." Lilly scoffs. "And you're supposed to be a hunter?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Sorry," you say, cringing inwardly. "Just wanted to come by and get a feel for the situation first."<<else>>"Wow, talk about a mouth." Your eyes narrow. "I know how to take down abominations. And I'll be getting firepower now, won't I? If I knew what the hell I were up against."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wish I could tell ya more," she says darkly. "All I know is the family living in 85325 messaged me. I tried to get the Raptors on the situation. But those guys were busy. So it's down to me and you, though I'm starting to wonder whether you're even up for the task."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "payment">>"I'm expecting payment for this. Just to make that clear. I don't work for free."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm well aware," Lilly says coldly. "Name your price."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Standard fee, paid once the deed's done. Since you're Citizen's Patrol I'll offer a discount. <<print Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C. Sound fair?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe woman looks unimpressed. "Sounds expensive. <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>Especially for someone who comes unprepared."<<else>>But you seem to know what you're doing. So okay. Deal."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Just wanted to come by and get a feel for the situation first. I'll get my gear in order. Don't worry."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I know how to take down abominations. And I'll be getting firepower as soon as I've got a feel for what's going on."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLilly spreads her hands. "Ask what ya gotta. But I don't know much."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Good," you say, relieved that Lilly isn't naive enough to think hunters work for free.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"I tend to agree..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "difference">>"There's a distinciton..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leave">>You leave the hab unit...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"I tend to agree," you say. "They're scum. Despicable. Only solution is to kill 'em."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Amen to that." She draws a deep breath. "Shit, I thugs and all I can deal with. But that thing? It just creeps me the heck out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thugs don't tend to bite and carrie diseases." You chuckle. "Usually."\n\n\t\tLilly nods absently. "Well, I suppose it's done then. Glad to get this over with. And you'll be wanting payment for your services, I suppose. Like everyone."\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "difference">>"There's a distinciton," you say. Abominations are an affront to the natural order. Xenofauna is just, well, alien. Don't mistake the two."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't see what difference it makes," she replies darkly. "Ugly is ugly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So, what, you want to kill everything you find aesthetically displeasing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." Lilly breathes a sigh. "Whatever, man. It's done now. And you'll be wanting payment for your services, I suppose."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leave">>You leave the hab unit only to find yourself staring down the barrel of Lilly's carbine. Her eyes are wide with fear. It takes several seconds before she lowers her coilarm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit," she mutters. "I almost fucking blew you away."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demenaor eq "agressive">>"Fuck you too," you snarl.<<else>>"Glad you didn't." You smile.<</if>> "Good new is that the situation's dealt with. Wasn't an abomination though. Just a [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]]. It's dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLilly nods. "Good. I think. And you'll be wanting payment for your services, I suppose. Like everyone."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You leave the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou leave the two Raptors down by the utility entrance and creep up the stairs, toward the VIP area. Muted beats echo in the distance. Nothing makes a sound save your boots. Ahead, you can see the upstairs landing, not a dozen meters from the door to the VIP terrace. \n\nWhen you peer around the corner, and see them: two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in yellow and black riot armor. Both are armed with coil carbines. Neithers face is visible.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_riptide.png"]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "sneakFail">>"Copy," a distorted voice says. "Affirmative. No sign of—"\n\n"Hang on." The other raises his carbine and begins moving in your direction. "Control, suspect activity in our AO. Investigating."\n\nHeavy footfalls sound, drawing ever nearer. They'll be on you any second now. Only one option: blast the bastards now - and hope their armor isn't as good as it looks.<<else>>"Copy," a distorted voice says. "No movement in our AO. Over."\n\nThe footfalls continue as one of the troopers paces back and forth. Long seconds crawl past. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\nThe other trooper says, "Oi, ya think we'll catch that faith-sucking <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>bitch<</if>> today? Acrel, I mean. Heard the Contract-Colonel has a score to settle with her."\n\n"Maybe," the pacing trooper says. "Maybe not. Just stay sharp. Only good faith is a dead faith."\n\nYou grimace, well aware there's only one option now: take them out. One way or another.<<else>>The other trooper says, "Mighty weird mission this one is, Sir. Nothing to do with faiths for once."\n\n"Aye," the pacing trooper says. "Stay sharp. Could be trouble from the old timers. Heard the Contract-Colonel mention they thinks they're tough shit."\n\nYou grimace, well aware your options are limited. [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] are a murderous bunch but maybe, just maybe, they can be reasoned with.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "djinn">>"It's basic infiltration. Catch is there may be an abomination involved. Something nasty. I'm technically sanctioned to investigate but I want a subtler approach."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever floats ya," Lag says. "I do the crypto, wetwork if ya need it. Just don't do brute force. I stay low key. That gonna be a problem?"<br><br> \n\n\t\t"Not if you're good," you reply, scrutinizing Lag. "Ever tackle an abomination?"\n\n\t\tLag looks bored. "Baby, I don't tackle. Ain't my modus. Now quit poking holes and get to it: <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>Gal's already filled me in. So we doing this?"<<else>>what's the job?"<</if>>\n\t<<else>>"Better question is: what you bringing to the table? I hear you're good. But I got no details."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Standard stuff. Crypto, connections, wetwork if ya need it. All low key." Lag tilts his head. "Just so we're clear: I don't do brute force."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I figured."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLag looks bored. "Now, ya know what you got. I'm the best. So quit poking holes and get to it: <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>Gal's already filled me in. So we doing this?"<<else>>what's the job?"<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3= false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "zweili">>\n\t\t"There's a whole lot of blame to go around but it all comes back to Father Zweili. He allowed it all to happen. Part of his scheme to play us all like pawns, and all to hurt his enemies, inside and outside the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow." Gal pulls a face. "That's one hefty accusation. Can ya source that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase eq 2 or $characterEncounterPhases.antiProofRead or $characterEncounterPhases.junoProofRead>>\n\t\t\t"I have documents. Prove he's involved and what he did. Here." You produce the data stick. "I don't think it directly implicates Zweili in everything but it paints a clear picture."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice." Gal takes the stick. "Okay, that explains the beginning. What comes next?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Unfortunately, no. I'm the only source I got on that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGal scowls. "Okay, not great, but okay. Where do we go from here?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "eresi">>\n\t\t"There were other factors but the major one was a renegade [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] is where the blame falls. She [[demonized|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] a man named Mauricio Winston and used him to get the Object out of the Vault."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sounds kinda cliche," Gal says. "But okay. How we doing on sources to back that up?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t"Got files right from one of the other conspirators. Proves straight out the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] was involved in manufacturing an abominated Xjanu-4 intrusion agent." You produce the data stick. "It also points straight to the Corbeis. So solid connection there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice." Gal takes the stick. "Okay, that explains the beginning. What comes next?"\n\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.cyberSourceRaj>> \n\t\t\t"Raj Winston, Mauricio's brother, can back it up. The [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] sent an abomination after him."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cool. I'll get a statement on that." Gal makes a few notes on a data pad. "Okay, what's next?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Badly," yous say. I'm the only source I got on that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGal scowls. "Okay, not great, but okay. Where do we go from here?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "xanju">>\n\t\t"Thing to blame was a Xjanu-4 intrusion agent. It was procured by an [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] subsidiary and introduced into the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]] security systems using corporate grade cryptomancery. Real shadow war stuff."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah. Another Corbei connection and more corporate black ops. Okay. Can we source this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceAshlake>>\n\t\t\t"Ashlake can back me up on that. He got tangled in the aquisition process somehow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cool. I'll get a statement on that." Gal makes a few notes on a data pad. "Okay, what's next?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Badly," yous say. I'm the only source I got on that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGal scowls. "Okay, not great, but okay. Where do we go from here?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "mauricio">>\n\t\t"This fellow called Mauricio Winston. He was [[Demonized|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] by a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] and later died. He had access to the Vault of Eden and, basically, walked in and out unnoticed with the thing in his pocket."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal scoffs. "Always the social engineering. Okay. Sources?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceRaj>>\n\t\t\t"Raj Winston, Mauricio's brother, can back it up. The [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] sent an abomination after him."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cool. I'll get a statement on that." Gal makes a few notes on a data pad. "Okay, what's next?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Badly," yous say. I'm the only source I got on that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGal scowls. "Okay, not great, but okay. Where do we go from here?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tAfter a moment's consideration, you say, "We've covered how this mess got started. Might be worth looking into who started it and why."<br><br>\n\n\t"Sounds sensible." Gal spreads his hands. "Shoot."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> New laws on Vox Edeni access. Ya fking kidding me??\n\nSo, it's official. The Court of Eden just signed off on a new Vox Edeni Access Act. Major stuff is:\n\n- user traffic will be auto-monitored by the crypto-constables of the St. Michael's Constabulary; no warrant required anymore!\n- un-authorized nodes (read: the Court of Eden decides) will be taken down effective immediately; no warrant required anymore!\n- users suspected of criminal activity (for any resaon) can be banned from the net (still requires review, so much at least)\n- users employing hacked or unlawfully altered uplinks will be banned effective immediately (why the hell wasn't this a law before? typical)\n- something something can implement station-wide net blackouts for security reasons (read: whatever the fuck they want) - apparently this wasn't legal the last dozen times??\n- 3rd party nethosts now required to also register with the Constabulary (used to be machine temple)\n- 3rd party messaging providers now required to also register with the Constabulary (used to be machine temple)\n\nThen there's a whole bunch of admin crap which is basic common sense. I actually agree with most of it. But some of that stuff? Come on. What they're saying is: we own the Vox Edeni. Everyone knew that already but they're moving closer and closer toward shutting the system down, making it closed. Before ya know it only believers will be allowed on the net.\n\nAt least it isn't the corpos runnign the show. They'd be demanding we fork out credits just to use a system that's always been and always will be shitty. Mean, when are we going to get pan-galactic data synch? It's 27949, damn it, and I can't even live stream from another solar system! But yeah. Better we just lock down the system rather than let people actually, y'know, improve it.\n\nRant over. Hope this was informative to someone.
<<nobr>>\n<<set $job_coven.foundDnetMention = true>>\n<</nobr>><span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Think I saw a Witch today! Can any1 confimr?\n\nI really think I did. Heading into a store room down on B40. by the docks. 367. think a coven might be meeting there... so can any1 confirm?<hr>\n\ncome off it. how could you know it was a witch?
<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> AMed just released data on new chem!! ABOMINABLE MUCH?!\n\nOkay, so 'officially' Athena Medical Inc just released a new biochemical booster for people musclebind patients - xyra-2. On the surface it looks all cool. Updated version of the original xyra compound; dis-inhibits muscle knots and helps unbind neurologically induced clamping. But I was a little sceptical. Musclebind, while caused in part by mental issues, isn't actually rooted in the brain or the affected muscle. It's caused by over-use of augments leading to false nerve signals and until recently required years of physical exersize to overcome.\n\nSo I looked into xyra-2 at our lab (legally; we do this all the time) and wow. It isn't actually abominable in the class 4 or 5 sense. But there are definitely hooks in it. Two in fact, one accessing NullStrand A47861-2 (realtime genetic editing) and NullStrand B8275 (cognitive function regulation). AMI does acknowledge this somewhere in the side effects documentation but the drug, which is currently Class 3, is essentially abominable by all official classification. It should have been shut down by the Church (or put into class 4, which is where it belongs). No clue how this got past quality control and review.\n\nWon't say who I work for here but rest assured: we've filed an official complaint and recall request. I'm not sure it will get through but, considering the severity of this mis-classification, I think AMI will be in for at least some trouble with the Church. Hopefully. They almost pulled something similar a few years back (nervecoil scandal). Scary. I don't know who in upper management is pushing this half-arsed stuff onto the market but it has to stop before people start getting hurt - or worse.
<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> Order nukes another hab block. Srsyl?!\n\nThis just in from Cubix (latest Vox Edeni synch): //Agents of the Paladin Order purged Habitation Complex A31 on Garymadare 5 earlier today in an ongoing campaign to counteract illegal cybernetics production lines believed to have been set up with corporate sponsorship. The incident caused outrage on the Hegemony-dominated habitation platform and a formal inquiry has been filed with the Cathedral. The clergy refused to comment on the event.//\n\nWhat. The. Fuck. First there were those rumors on Scaffold 47. Then another wave of purges here on 22. Now Garymadare too?? How the hell can we just keep letting the Order slaughter hundreds, maybe thousands of innocents over and over again? It's fricking GENOCIDE. And the Church keeps saying the Order is protecting the galaxy. Yeah. No. I don't buy it.
<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Abom (djinn?) involved with ECMG?? (CAK request)\n\nHey. Contracted with ECMG a litle back. Don't wanna say on what. It was a bad time in my life. Thing is, I think one of their agents was a Djinn. It worked with us on three jobs. Always quiet as hell. Bright blue eyes. I thought it was just a really auged-up borg for a while. But I can't shake this feeling it wasn't human. Can you guys investigate?<hr>\n\nUnsettling through the prospect of an abomination under corporate control is, we must decline. Our focus lies on investigation and exposure of capitalistic crimes. We neither possess the assets nor the ability to look into abominable affairs - Communa AntiKapitalista
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou say, \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "athena">>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "blackmail">>"Let's make this clear: neither of us want trouble. But I've been through some serious personal anguish here and, well, I might just let knowledge of this slip to the wrong hands. And before you can even figure out what's happened, you'll have Purifiers raiding your offices and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Which would be undesirable for me." Mr. Yazivu breathes a sigh. "Very well, <<formalname>>. I am prepared to offer compensation. Five thousand credits. There will be no questions asked, either way. Is that acceptable?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hardly," you say coldly. "Do you know how much trouble killing abominations is?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Around <<print Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> C. Paid now. After this we do not speak again." He holds out his arm. "Agreed?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "friendly">>"Just wanted to be friendly and give you a heads up," you say. "No threats, nothing. But you should know what's coming your way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I—" Mr. Yazivu swallows visibly. "That is unexpectedly kind, <<formalname>>. If what you say is true, then clearly it is the work of highly misguided individuals taking advantage of our good graces. [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] most certainly authorized no such thing. It goes against every ethic we stand for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I just want to avoid collateral," you say. "This debacle has caused enough trouble already."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe executive nods. "Much appreciated. I shall launch an inquiry and, should it pan out, report the incident to the Purifier General personally. <<formalname>>, thank you very much for bringing this to my attention. Not all would have acted as honorably as you did. Now if you will excuse me..."\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "briabackID">>\n\t\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 2>>"I found a facility identifier.\n\t\t<<else>>"ID is\n\t\t<</if>>BIBK-51. Got it off some unmarked commandos. Might've been [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] operatives."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I don't think we operate—" Mr. Yazivu produdes a data pad and begins tapping. "Oh. A corresponding facility is listed in our directory. I've never heard of it before. Are you absolutely sure this is a rogue operation related to my corporation?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," you admit. "But [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is off the leash, leaving a trail of corpses everywhere they go, and I'd wager someone in your organization is pulling the strings. I can't imagine that's a good thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Absolutely not. It's intolerable," Mr. Yazivu taps away at his data pad, saying, "The matter shall be investigated immediately. And whatever is going on shall be stopped. You have my personal assurance, <<formalname>>. This is entirely unbecoming of [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Against every ethic we stand for!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile. "Just as long as it's dealt with. I'll stay out of your way from here on."\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "objectivesource">>"Fabio Halthin of the [[Objective|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] can source me. He originally disocered the discrepancy in your financial statements. I can't prove my part directly but there's definitely something fishy going on."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This is worrysome indeed." Mr. Yazivu purses his lips. "Yes, I had heard [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] had raised red flags in regards to our transactions. But I was assured it was the result of clerical errors. You are certain they were not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"One hundred percent," you reply earnestly. "[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is off the leash and I'd wager someone in your organization is pulling the strings. Mr. Halthin is understandably annoyed that you're dragging the [[Objective|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] into the dirt."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Intolerable," Mr. Yazivu says as he produces a data pad. "The matter shall be investigated immediately. And whatever is going on shall be stopped. You have my personal assurance, <<formalname>>. This is entirely unbecoming of [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Against every ethic we stand for!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile. "Just as long as it's dealt with. I'll stay out of it from here on."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "convince" or $action.action3 eq "convincefail">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "convince">>\n\t\t\t"Just hear me out. This situation, whatever it is, will escalate and reflect horribly on [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. I'm sure you're a busy man. But this is important. Trust me on that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But if you cannot—" Mr. Yazivu produdes a data pad and begins tapping. "Oh very well. There have been some complaints already. But it is not an official site run by [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Are you certain this situation is the result of a rogue operation related to my corporation?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," you admit. "But [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is off the leash, leaving a trail of corpses everywhere they go, and I'd wager someone in your organization is pulling the strings. I can't imagine that's a good thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Absolutely not. It's intolerable," Mr. Yazivu taps away at his data pad, saying, "The matter shall be investigated. And whatever is going on shall be stopped. You have my personal assurance, <<formalname>>. Such accusations, from a sanctioned hunter no less, are entirely unbecoming of [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Against every ethic we stand for!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile. "Just as long as it's dealt with. I'll stay out of your way from here on."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"This is important. Please. Just hear me out and—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Is it that hard to understand? If you cannot corroberate this claim then I cannot help you." The man draws a deep breath. "I am sympathetic. Certainly. Quality and integrity control are my job, after all. But rules are rules and I cannot waste time pursuing unsubstantiatd rumors." Mr. Yazivu looks genuinely apologetic.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So, basically, no game unless I can somehow prove this is really happening." You shake your head. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit, man. This isn't professional."<<else>>"How is this responsible?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe exec shakes his head. "It is merely policy. We recieve millions of complaints per cycle. I cannot possibly consider yours unless it is supported by factual evidence. Your word, relieable or otherwise, does not suffice. Now is that all?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nocoroberate">>"Unfortunately, I can't corroberate any evidence that supports my claims. But I'm hoping—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then I cannot help you, <<formalname>>. I am sympathetic to your issue. Certainly. Quality and integrity control are my job, after all. But rules are rules and I cannot waste time pursuing unsubstantiatd rumors." Mr. Yazivu looks genuinely apologetic.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So, basically, no game unless I can somehow prove this is really happening." You shake your head. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit, man. This isn't professional."<<else>>"How is this responsible?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe exec shakes his head. "It is merely policy. We recieve millions of complaints per cycle. I cannot possibly consider yours unless it is supported by factual evidence. Your word, relieable or otherwise, does not suffice. Now is that all?"\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "juno">>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "blackmail">>\n\t\t"I don't think you understand how serious this is. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Your sorry excuse of a cult was<<else>>You were<</if>> aiding a wanted abomination. Knowingly or unknowingly, this isn't the kind of thing you want hanging over the [[Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]], do you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSister Via hisses, "I refuse to believe—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Believe it, woman."<<else>>"Believe it already."<</if>> You tilt your chin up. "You know what I'm asking: how much is your <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>fucked up<<else>>already tarnished<</if>> reputation really worth?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Very well," the woman says heavily. "I will overlook this one time and offer: <<print Math.round(8000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> C. Signed over personally, for a favor. If you ever speak of this again or attempt to extort my family any further, I would gladly face the consequences you threaten. Now take it and get out of my sight." She holds out her arm, gaze averted.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "blackmailfail">>\n\t\t"I don't think you understand how serious this is. You were aiding a wanted abomination. Knowingly or unknowingly, this isn't the kind of thing you want hanging over the [[Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]], do you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSister Via hisses, "I do not think I understand."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, don't bullshit me."<<else>>"Oh, I think you do."<</if>> You tilt your chin up. "You know what I'm asking: how much is your <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>fucked up<<else>>already tarnished<</if>> reputation really worth?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe woman's eyes narrow. "You come to me with no proof, with claims so insane they are laughable at best, and then you make threats? No. I do not think so. Now leave. Before I decide to measure my influence against yours - and I assure you, mine reaches much farther than that of a mere hunter."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "curious">>\n\t\t"I was just curious. I don't think anyone was doing it deliberately. The contract was probably vague. But it's reason to be concerned if you ask me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh I quite agree." Sister Via looks relieved, though she's trying to hide it. "I will, of course, pursue the matter. Though I believe there is a side of this story you are not privy to, <<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou fold your arms. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Really? Do tell."<<else>>"Yeah? And what'd that be?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"The [[Cult of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] operates on a basis of trust. All contracts are signed in presence of a ranking Clergy member. The one you mention is one I, incidentally, remember. It was given its blessing by Father Zweili. A high ranking member of the Clergy. Make of this what you will, but if you are correct and abomination is involved, then I would suggest the lack of due dilligence is to be found elsewhere."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Interesting," you say, wondering what to make of that - and whether Sister Via is even telling the truth.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "compensation">>\n\t\t"I don't know about you but I think it's customary to compensate ones employees for their efforts."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Compensate?" Sister Via looks shocked. "Were you, ah, employed by the [[Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] for this purpose?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," you lie. "It was made pretty clear by one of your Sisters that they wanted those freaks dealt with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see. Well, in that case—" The woman holds out her arm. "Please accept this modest gift - <<print Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C - in good grance and be discrete. We do not usually condone such practices. The situation you were hired to solve was simply an extreme circumstance, an exception that proves the rule."\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "honor">>\n\t\t"Glad to help. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Get rid of those faith fucks at least. Might be coming for you someday.<<else>>They were whackjobs. The galaxy's better off without that sort of prejudice.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Sister Via looks insulted. "Please. Our opinions may differ yet there is a vast gulf between hateful violence and our practices. Even you must see that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Maybe. Maybe not." You shrug. "Just be happy with what you got. Your Loving Stars won't always be there to protect you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"How touching." Sister Via breathes a sigh. "Is that all? Or did you wish to mock me for something else?"\n\t\t<<else>>Sister Via looks ashamed. "I do not usually condone violence yet, in this case, I tend to agree. These Sons of the Stars as they called themselves were a plague to all believers."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Suppose you're right. But yeah. The situation's dealt with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That it is and you have my gratitude, <<firstname>>." The woman bows her head. "May the Loving Stars watch over you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks, I guess?" You smile, uncertain what to say precisely.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"You can say that again. Regardless of faith, extremism isn't ever the right answer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"If only more understood this but I digress." The woman bows her head. "You have my thanks for assisting us and may the Loving Stars watch over you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"I'd rather trust in the void. But thanks anyways. The thought counts."\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"I prefer to trust in the certainty of death. But thanks anyways."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"And over you too, Sister." You bow your head in respect.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou say, \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "objective">>\n\t<<if $job_corpo_conference.objectiveOutcome eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "syndicate4">>"Well, let's say I stumbled across something going down. And let's say it looked a damn lot like [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] was pulling dirty business."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] you say?" Fabio looks worried. "That's not good. Not good at all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You don't fucking say. Left a nice trail of corpses too.<<else>>"You think? They left a trail of corpses."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"This is worse than I expected. Underhand dealings, black book operations." Fabio fixes you with a dark look. "[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] has close ties to the highest levels of [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. It'll be all but impossible to root out the perpetrators from my end. It pains me to ask, <<formalname>>, but if you do find anything - anything at all that could be leveraged against [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] - I'd all too happily lend a hand in ensuring this mess is put to rest before it reflects back on all of us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "Again, no promises, but I'll see what I can do."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "smugglers">>"Lemme just say it sounded like smugglers were in play. Guys skimming of your goods. Y'know. Happens a lot around here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'd feared it might be something like that." Fabio looks crestfallen. "Mind and Market, this will be a mess to untangle. But thanks for the information none the less. At least I know where to begin now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No problem," you reply, sacretly glad the man didn't catch onto your lie. "You need anything else, I might be avaiable. Not pro bono though."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFabio chuckles. "Of course, <<formalname>>. But I think we've got the bases covered for now. I'll handle the rest of this affair internally. But thank you for your assistance none the less."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "acceptdrink">>"Sure, why not? Might help with this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damned <</if>>chill too."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFabio chuckles. "Oh, indeed. It is a terrible venue for such an event. Here—" He hands you a glass filled with luminescent, blue liquid. "To our health. And warmer times."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"To your health."<<else>>"Word."<</if>> You raise your glass, toast, and take a sip.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe cocktail is impossibly sweet and leaves a bitter aftertaste in your throat. Perfect way to stave off the cold, though they could've filled a little more in the glass. It's empty after three sips.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFabio shoots you a amused look. "Parched, are we?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And not used to these sorta places." You set the glass down. "Well, it was nice talking to you. And thanks for the drink."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, it's no problem." Fabio nods curtly. "<<if $action.action2 eq "heardsimilar">>Hopefully<<else>>Perhaps<</if>> we'll speak again, <<formalname>>. It was very nice to meet you."\n\t\t<<else>>"Prefer not to. Thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah." Fabio shrugs. "Well, it couldn't hurt to offer. I personally find these events rather tedious. Alcohol helps dull the boredom. And, given the paricular venue, it's almost necessary to not freeze."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It is a bit cold," you admit, still shivering.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I never will know why they chose this locale, but it is as it is." Fabio smiles. "<<if $action.action2 eq "heardsimilar">>Hopefully<<else>>Perhaps<</if>> we'll speak again, <<formalname>>. It was very nice to meet you."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "syndicate4">>"Funny thing, actually. There were a bunch of [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs bumbling around, covering their tracks. Something to do with pheromone shipments but I got no clue who's behind it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] you say?" Fabio looks worried. "That's not good. Not good at all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You don't fucking say. Left a nice trail of corpses too.<<else>>"You think? They left a trail of corpses."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"This is worse than I expected. Underhand dealings, black book operations." Fabio fixes you with a dark look. "[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] has close ties to the highest levels of [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. It'll be all but impossible to root out the perpetrators from my end. And I can't possibly ask for your help again, <<formalname>>, but if you do find anything - anything at all that could be leveraged against [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] - I'd all too happily lend a hand in ensuring this mess is put to rest before it reflects back on all of us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "Again, no promises, but I'll see what I can do."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Best I can tell it was smugglers using the [[Athena|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] shipments to move their goods. I got no leads on who they were though. You'd probably have to tear the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] apart to find out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I was beginning to suspect as much." Fabio looks crestfallen. "Mind and Market, this will be a mess to untangle. But thanks none the less. At least I know where to begin now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No problem," you reply, sacretly glad the man didn't catch onto your lie. "You need anything else, I might be avaiable. Not pro bono though."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFabio chuckles. "Of course, <<formalname>>. But I think we've got the bases covered for now. I'll handle the rest of this affair internally. But thank you for your assistance none the less."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "blindkid">>\n\t\t"I had an interesting encounter down at the Voider Shrine. Some kid, actually. Said he was there when it happened. Mentioned a [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] expedition too."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMr. Prawell scoffs. "And yer just gonna believe some twerp making claims like that? Shit. I thought—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It sounded rather convincing," you reply. "And I happen to know the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] was highly interested in [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. Not because of your colony though."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So you've heard about that too." The executive sighs. "Fine. There was funny business on [[Quantus|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. Don't know what happened though. Don't know why either. I know yer a hunter so funny business is yer perrogative. But take an old Foreman's word: leave it be like I is. There ain't nothin' good gonna come from yer pokin in this matter."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod in response, all too aware he isn't going to say more. Still, at least you know something did go down on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. Only question is what exactly.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "rathernot">>\n\t\t"I'd rather not," you reply evenly. "Call it a precaution if you gotta."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair enough." The man leans back with a sigh. "Just take caer. You go talking about crazy theories like that, people might think yer crazy."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou can't help but chuckle. "I'm sure they do. Most of them, at least."\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "darknet_use">>You take the neural<<else>>You <<if $action.arrive eq "fromDisabled">>ask<<else>>say<</if>><</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromDisabled">><<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "notgood">>"Well, that's not good. Ancient is never good. Not in my line of work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No shit, but you gotta hand it to 'em. This is the most ridiculous case of security through obscurity I've ever seen. The stuff is so ancient our displays can't even render it properly. I mean, look!" He points to one of his holo-displays.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "seedata">>"Can I see the data? Just to double check."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure, but it's pure gibberish. Look." He points to one of his holo-displays.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "howhelp">>"Anything I can do to help? Experts I could contact or something? I know people."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Doubt it'd help, unless you know something about a bazillion years old." Gal chuckles. "Shit. This is the most ridiculous case of security through obscurity I've ever seen. The stuff is so ancient our displays can't even render it properly. I mean, look!" He points to one of his holo-displays.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "followup">>"I could follow up if you want. Make sure nothing went wrong. That's been happening a lot of late."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>"If ya got time, that'd be great," Gal says. "I'm not one to be paranoid but you're right. I don't even know if that source was good. Might even be Warlock pulling tricks, though Lag didn't seem to think so."\n\t\t<<else>>"I'd rather not risk another asset on this, <<firstname>>. No offense. Until I hear back from Lag, or can be fairly certain we won't, we're not doing anything rash. Just a little paranoid here that it's another of Warlock's tricks, even if Lag doesn't think so."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "temple">>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>"Machine Temple, huh? Do we know anything about why it's there? Or what's inside? Or anything?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Absolutely nothing. I don't even know how it managed to stay unnoticed so long. Thing like that, people would be talking if they knew. But it might just be our source pulling our leg, or even another of Warlock's tricks."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Could be a trap. Mean, what do we really know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Absolutely nothing. I don't even know how Lag made contact or anything. Might be rea. Might just be another of Warlock's tricks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whatreach">>"What reach do you have then? Or is it gone completely?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Let me put it this way: a sanctioned hunter has contacts going higher up in the Clergy than we can get data. That should give you a good idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ouch." You pull a face. "Okay, yeah. I see the issue here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We'll get it back in order eventually. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>Warlock's dealt with, so that's a start. Now<<else>>Priority is dealing with Warlock. Then<</if>> we rebuild and try to get a stabler power base. But to get back to your original question, maybe we could pool our resources. Uncover a massive conspiracy and lay it open for the galaxy to see. Let the trugh speak for itself. But it'll be risky. We're up against powers larger than either of us. So I gotta know you're behind this plan entirely and won't chicken out when the going gets tough."\n\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "canhelp">>"I could help rebuild your network, you know. I got sources. Not the best but some."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It isn't that we don't have sources," Gal says. "We could get those back, or contact them. But they got no incentive to trade with us anymore. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>Getting rid of Warlock's been a big help already, though. Now all we gotta do is rebuild.<<else>> So if ya wanna help, best thing you can do is get rid of Warlock. Then we start to rebuild.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like I said, if you need help—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe ghost of a smile crosses Gal's lips. "Maybe I'm looking at this wrong. But what you said, about that conspiracy? That's the kinda stuff we can rebuild around. Unwravel a massive conspiracy and lay it open for the galaxy to see. Let the trugh speak for itself. But it'll be risky. We're up against powers larger than either of us. So I gotta know you're behind this plan entirely and won't chicken out when the going gets tough."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "toughluck">>"That's tough luck for you. I know the feel. Felt similar when I quit the Raptors. Suddenly I was on my own."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good thing for you the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] scooped you up. And I guess maybe you're scooping us up too. But we'll get this thing handled. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 9>>Warlock's dealt with, so that's a start. Now<<else>>Priority is dealing with Warlock. Then<</if>> we rebuild and try to get a stabler power base. Figure once we get a little more influence we can get our old sources back. Assuming nothing goes drastically wrong before then."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou chuckle. "Believe me, if there's one thing I know, then it's that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. It always does."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"True that, in the immortal words of Saint Murphy I if I remember right. But to get back to your original question, maybe we could pool our resources. Uncover a massive conspiracy and lay it open for the galaxy to see. Let the trugh speak for itself. But it'll be risky. We're up against powers larger than either of us. So I gotta know you're behind this plan entirely and won't chicken out when the going gets tough."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "soundgood">>"Sounds like a plan. Anything I need to know beforehand?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "eresi">>"Nope. For you, it'll be look and tell. I'll do the heavy lifting. Assuming we get inside." He gestures to a jack. "Just link up. I'll be waiting."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Just be careful with Lag. She's a good kid. And skilled. But she's got attitude. It might come to bite you in the ass."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "paygal">>"Sure, let's do this. <<if $action.action1 eq "eresi">>One grand for a look inside<<else>>Five grand for the corporate espionage asset<</if>>." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "eresi">>Gal swipes it. "All right, <<firstname>>: For you this'll just be look and tell. I'll do the heavy lifting. Assuming we get inside. Just link up." He gestures to a jack. "I'll be waiting."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>>Gal swipes it. "Nice doing business. But a word of advice: be careful with Lag. She's a good kid. And skilled. But she's got attitude. It might come to bite you in the ass."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notcertain">>"I'm not sure. It's an interesting offer. <<if $action.action1 eq "eresi">>But it might be safer - and smarter - to do just go physical."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Your call but, you go in there, it'll be messy. B3 is high-security land. Even if the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] doesn't react quick, you'll never have time to look around. And they'll have you marked for investigation."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I'm aware. It's a risk I'll have to take."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, if you change your mind, the offer stands. Otherwise, good luck."\n\n\t<<else>>But I'm not quite convinced this is the right solution."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Your call. But security's a mess up there. You'll need luck or someone with good skills to get in and out clean. Maybe you can pull it off alone. Maybe. Anyways, the offer stands if you change your mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "If that happens, I'll come back to you."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "paygal" or $action.action2 eq "soundgood">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "eresi">>\n\t\t\t"All right. See you on the other side." You grab the neural cable and jack into the data stream.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agenthack.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\tPain shoots down your spine as the probes interface with your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. All your senses go blank. Everything feels numb until the world returns with a jolt - or at least some world does. The virtual techscape before you is littered with thousands of command consoles, data trackers, and other bits of cryptotech you barely recognize.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Welcome to vegas," Gal's voice rings in your thoughts. "Good news. We still got a bot in the [[S4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] admin net. Old bug they never properly purged. I have read-only access to camera feeds ready to go. Or we could brute force the system, hijack a bot, if ya feel we need physical manipulation. But they'll notice eventually and shut us down."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I'll try not to mess it up." You risk a smile. "Viewport Cafe in an hour, then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"She might be late. And no. I can't tell you what to look out for. She'll find you if she thinks it's worth the while."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I'll be there, waiting."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cypher">>\n\t\t"If it is—" You hesitate. \n\t\t<<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>"Well, there's one way to find out. Not saying I like the idea but I've been with you this far. Might as well stick on around."\n\t\t<<else>>"Okay, I get what you're saying. Not that I like the idea but fine. Your show. Though I might just stick around, see what comes out of this."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tGal looks at you for what feels like the first time since you met him. "Y'know, <<firstname>>, I wouldn't even mind that. Haven't been many people I've trusted of late. Guess the exception proves the rule."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "electronics">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\n\t\t<strong>PackMon 41 (*)</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Type:</strong> unknown<br>\n\t\t<strong>Lngh:</strong> 1 XB<br>\n\t\t<strong>Addr:</strong> sc22.b10.util.5681.local<br>\n\t\t<strong>Scrs:</strong> sc22.b28.priv.5480821.local<br><br>\n\n\t\t[RAW]: [b87]bj|||7||||||7||7||||7777|||||||||||||||||||||||||77||77</div><br>\n\n\t\t"At least you have a destination," you point out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, it's a known routing node used by Warlock. I'm holding off looking into it until we know more about what that message was. Don't want to <<walk>> into a trap."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips twitch. "Not my style. But okay. What's the plan."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You nod. "Yeah, let's not do that."<<else>>You shrug. "Fair enough. What's the plan then?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Find someone who can read that crap," Gal says, attention focused elsewhere again. "I'm already reaching out but this is way beyond the few Cultists I still trust. <<if $action.action2 eq "howhelp">>If you think you can help, by all means.<<else>>If ya could pitch in, that'd be great.<</if>> We aren't going up to the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]] to check out the old-school way until we've exhausted all the options. Sound fair?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "darknet_use">>You take the neural uplink and jack into the data stream. Pain shoots down your spine as the probes interface with your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. All your senses go blank.<br><br>\n\n\tEverything feels numb until the world returns with a jolt. Only it isn't the world you know. Virtual data cubes float around you, networked to nodes that are linked into an enormous web that shifts constantly. The only constant is a simple text interface floating just to the left of your perception:\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "yeslag">>"Sounds like a plan. Where do we meet?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Viewport Cafe on [[B10|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] in about an hour, give or take. I'll send over what I got on Corbei Tower. Isn't much through. Multiple inhabitants. Family of three. Father, son, daughter. No data on security. Probably a local net. Can grab some of the cam feeds outside, maybe. But you won't get a look inside. It's all shielded. Says so in the building specs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, damned. Gonna have to get creative then." You bite your lip. "Okay, so assuming we get out of there in one piece, what happens then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Haven't quite pieced that bit together," Gal admits. "Got a bit of a plan on how we're gonna get this out. But we gotta make sure we can source everything. We'll sit together after this run and see if we can't pull together a clear picture. Gotta make sure it gets the point across when we go live, after all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right, well, do the best you can."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I always do." Gal scowls. "Oh, and one more thing: Lag mentioned something about wanting to check of the B10 Cryolounge. Relating to that Warlock affair. But not sure she's had time yet. I know this isn't quite related to what you're looking into, but if Warlock's still around, this whole reveal might turn into a disaster."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll take a look," you say, secretly wondering just how badly this might all go sideways. \n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nolag">>"I prefer to work alone. No offense. It's just safer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever ya say. I'd love to help you out here but we don't have much on Corbei Tower. Multiple inhabitants. Family of three. Father, son, daughter. No data on security. Probably a local net. Can grab some of the cam feeds outside, maybe. But you won't get a look inside. It's all shielded. Says so in the building specs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Guess we'll go in the hard way then." You bite your lip. "Okay, so assuming I get out of there alive, what happens then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Haven't quite pieced that bit together," Gal admits. "Got a bit of a plan on how we're gonna get this out. But we gotta make sure we can source everything. We'll sit together after this run and see if we can't pull together a clear picture. Gotta make sure it gets the point across when we go live, after all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right, well, do the best you can."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I always do." Gal scowls. "Oh, and one more thing: Lag mentioned something about wanting to check of the B10 Cryolounge. Relating to that Warlock affair. But not sure she's had time yet. I know this isn't quite related to what you're looking into, but if Warlock's still around, this whole reveal might turn into a disaster."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll take a look," you say, secretly wondering just how badly this might all go sideways. \n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>>You ask, <<if $action.action2 eq "wholag">>"Lag? What... who's that? Another cyborg or something?"\n\n"Good friend of mine. Cryptomancer. Only one who believed me about Warlock." Gal smiles sadly. "We's all had it tough since the Cult's gone backwards. But she was the first who came out, said we gotta get physical if we want to solve this mess."\n\n"Physical?" You rub your temples, as though to demonstrate. "Yeah. I definitely felt it physically."\n\nGal laughs. "Good one. But yeah. We cryptos, we tend to think everything can be solved virtually. But Lag's right. This thing is way outa control, which is why it's a good thing you're here. We aren't so good at dealing with physical problems. Even Lag with all her corpo training's got her limits. Works better with words than with guns."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "warlock">>"Warlock? Yeah. I was looking for that bastard. Never got close tho—" You hesitate. "Wait. How do I know you're not Warlock?"\n\n"Mostly, 'cause I'm not obsessed with killing you." Gal's lips curl into a smile. "Yeah, it's hard to prove. I know. You'll have to take a leap of faith on this one."\n\n"Mhh," you say, glad your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>> is still on you. "So what's the deal with Warlock then? And why's he so obsessed with wrecking me?"\n\nGal shrugs. "Misplaced priorities? Data we don't have yet? No clue. We aren't even sure Warlock is a guy. But one thing is sure: he turned the Cybercult on its head, trying to stake claim to everything we built up, and now there's just a few of us diehards left. We've been pooling our ressources but we're just not quite cutting it. We still need something that might shut the maniac down for good."\n\n"Shut down," you say slowly. "Yeah, less people trying to kill me would be nice."\n\n"Understatement, much?" Gal waves the thought aside. "Different world, different words. But I think we're on the same page. Regarding Warlock at least."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "cult">>"About the Cybercult, you're it? I mean, really? I didn't think there was actually anyone behind the name."\n\n"There used to not be," Gal says. "This was Lag's doing. Back in the day, it was all virtual. No one knew anyone. But the Cult's gone to hell. Used to be we stuck together. Always paranoid, never quite trusting, but united against hipocticy. [Church] or [Hegemony], even our own, didn't matter. Now we're all at one anothers throats, a shadow of the community we used to be. A joke."\n\nYou rub your face. "Shit. This sounds a lot like divide and conquer."\n\n"Sure does. No clue what started it. But we've seen Warlock cropping up all over, protecting his 'territory' almost like he owns the Cult. Shutting up naysayers." His expression darkens. "Which, in your case, went to a pretty drastic extreme."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "readytogo">>"I'm ready. Let's head on in and deal with this thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>Lilly looks sceptical. "Like that? Shit, I don't think we'll stand a chance."\n\t\t<<else>>Lilly nods grimly. "I'll watch your back. Not sure I trust myself to handle an abomination."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>"Yes, like this." You stride toward the hab block.\n\t\t<<else>>"Stay alert <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>and don't do anything stupid."<<else>>and watch my back."<</if>> You stride toward the hab block.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_introhab.png"]]</div>A narrow entryway leads to a trash-strewn courtyard and rickety stairwell. You head up two floors and turn right, into a dim corridor. Twenty doors down or so you reach Unit 85325. It's as unimpressive as the block it's part of; little more than an ageing pressure door set in the wall.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLilly assumes position beside you, visibly tense. Her lips quiver. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Useless - in this state, she's more likely to get you killed than anything else.<<else>>You can't help but know what she feels like. The dread, the unknowns ahead, they're all too familiar.<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "situation">>"Okay, so what can you tell me about this abomination? Anything specific? What it is? What it wants?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "firepower">>"Like I said, before, not much.<<else>>"Not much, frankly.<</if>> The folks living in 85325 messaged me. Thought it was just thugs at first. When I turn up here, there's something nasty poking around in the hab. I told the folks to get to safety and some of my buddies helped empty the hab. There's no one around inside."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Were you listening? I asked about the abomination, not the damned hab."<<else>>"So, no idea what it is then?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Lilly snorts. "Ey, I just said I got no clue.<<else>>"Absolutely no idea.<</if>> But it's in there for sure and I got the feeling I can't handle it alone."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "comission">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nocomission">>"It's good. Wasn't an abomination so I got no claim to the creds."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." Lilly is surprised. "Really? Okay. Cool. Well, thanks for your help."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No problem. Just, uh, make sure the mess here gets cleaned up. Or at least try. You don't want another [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]] drawn to all the trash lying around."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLilly pulls a face. "I'll try my best, man. <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>And sorry for being such an ass before. Didn't think you could really handle something like this."<<else>>And it was nice working with ya, hunter."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and ($equip.pistol.name eq "M1114" or $equip.pistol.name eq "none")>>"I didn't get my sanction for nothing. But yeah. Bye."<<else>>"Same. Bye."<</if>> You turn away and...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "comission">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "placeholder">>"Whatever. Just give me my comission and I'll be on my way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, yeah." Lilly holds out her arm. "<<print Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C. There ya go. And thanks for your help."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah. I don't work for free. On principle."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like everyone." Lilly holds out her arm. "Well, there you go. <<print Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C. And thanks for your help."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tYou swipe it. "No problem. Just, uh, make sure the mess here gets cleaned up. Or at least try. You don't want another [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]] drawn to all the trash lying around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, yeah, I'll try my best. But we ain't the fuzz you know. Citizen's Patrol doesn't have, like, endless credits for this kinda stuff."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Not my problem. Just make it happen."<<else>>"Take it up with the council then. It's in your interests. Now if you'll excuse me..."<</if>> You turn away and...\n\n\t\t\n\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "ison">>"Yeah, the job's on..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noton">>"I'm not convinced here..."<<else>>"Corbei Tower up on..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "ison">>"Yeah, the job's on. Corbei Tower up on B3. High security, private network I hear. But Gal's probably told you all that."\n\n"Sure has, baby. And I know it's for a good cause, which is major bonus for you or I'd be asking massive creds." He chews his cheek. "So, what else I need to know?"\n\nYou shrug. "It's all a little vague. Plan is to slip in, take a look around, and see what kinda dirt that turns up. Only thing is that, beyond a high probability of abominable involvement, I'm blind on what's going on in there."\n\n"Then let's go fix that" Lag stands. "C'mon. Got a car outside and no jobs on the list 'till tomorrow."\n\nBefore you've even had a chance to reply, Lag is heading for the door. Realization kicks in. You hastily stand and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noton">>"I'm not convinced here. No offense. Just doubt this'll work out."\n\n"If that's what ya think." Lag stands with a sigh. "Just don't come back to me on this, babe. Coulda made your life easy."\n\n"Or more complicated," you say as he disappears.\n\nOnce he's gone though, you do have to admit: maybe a little help wouldn't have been bad. But not from this fellow. Not the kinda type you were looking for. So you'll need another way in - and a car to get you up to B3.<<else>>"Corbei Tower up on B3. High security, private network I hear. There's something there I need. An artefact. I wanna get in and out clean."\n\nLag whistles. "Non-standard. Ya got personal beef or somethin'?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"It's a job," you reply coldly. "What and why isn't something you need to know. All I wanna hear is: can you do it or not?"<<else>>"This isn't about me. It's about the artefact." You fix Lag with an even gaze. "Now, what I need to know is if you can do it or not."<</if>>\n\n"Question ain't if," Lag says, leaning forward. "It's when. Jus' in case ya ain't following: ya ain't asking for corpo grade crypto. There's no mainframe, grav-locks, arc walls or security checks. It's private turf and the only reason I'm even considering this burglary is 'cause I hear from our friends it ain't what it seems. So here's the deal: you—" He points a slender, cyber-augmented finger at you. "—tell me the real story here. Then I'm in."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I'm fairly certain..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"I'm fairly certain\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "corbei">>this is entirely the doing of the Corbei family.\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceObjective>>\n\t\t\tI have a source in the [[Objective|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] who's looked into some other inconsistencies, specifically [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. There's a tie there but the point is we can bring this all back to point to the Corbeis. There's a definitive chain there, though we'd better not speculate on what motivation was."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, that looks about good. Got that source's contact?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou hand over the data. "There ya go. Definitely legit. And reliable."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\tNow, this is where things gets weird. It involves a [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] hiding out in one of the corbei kids. The [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] is dead but it meant ill. Somehow related to a galactic conspiracy. Only problem is I can't source any of that. Doubt anyone would believe it anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You sound like those conspiracists talking about Project CABAL." Gal looks amused. "Listen, I'd say we just skip over that detail, okay? No one's gonna buy it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod gravely. "Probably just end getting ridiculed this early in the reveal."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tWe know they had the Object, so that's something. Only issue here is we can't source any of it. And I got absoutely no idea what the hell their motivation was."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGal scowls. "Yeah, that isn't very good. But it's something."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We'll have to work with what we got," you say. "And the Corbeis are definitely behind this."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "paladin">>this is the doing of the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]].\n\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 98 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\tI know this sounds crazy but we can back it up: those bastards nuked [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] to get the Object away unnoticed and they're presumably pulling all the strings behind the scenes ever since. There's already an official investigation underway and, presumably, this'll come out big in a few months. What's more: the Clergy are paranoid the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is out of control."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Damn straight," Gal says. "The killing machine theory's been all over the DarkNet, which means anything public to lend it credence will do wornders."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "If we can make that stick, we may have more credibility than I expected."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tI know it sounds crazy but there's a lot of doubt in the Clergy about them. Only problem is we probably can't make this stick."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"With claims that vague?" Gal shakes his head. "No one will buy it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou purse your lips. "They're definitely pulling the strings here but we can't prove that. Damned."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "church">>this is the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] play. Somehow. We know Zweili's to fault so—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal holds up a hand. "You sure this is really the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], not just one Cleric's insanity?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Beyond a shadow of a doubt?" You shake your head.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So it's just speculation."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tYou shrug. "I just assumed it was. I have good reasons to think that. But I can't prove it."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "hegemony">>this is a [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] plot.\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.cyberSourceAthena>>I know for a fact [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is involved in this shadow war and I can back that up with a source in [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. I can't speak to what's going on but they're in deep. Moreover, the Corbeis are implicated. Their ability to operate beyond [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] jurisdiction is essential, though I'm not entirely sure how that fits together."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, that looks about good. Got that source's contact?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou hand over the data. "There ya go. Definitely legit. And reliable."\n\t\t<<else>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] is involved and we know the Corbeis are mixed in there. Only problem is we can't make this stick."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"With claims that vague?" Gal shakes his head.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You purse your lips. "They're definitely pulling the strings here but we can't prove that. Damned."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "otto">>this is the machinations of a certain Lord Otto Vindel.\n\n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "eresi">>That data stick I gave you before is from him. That pretty much covers the entire conspiracy and can be fact checked. Far as I can tell it, it's part of the shadow war and the ongoing corporate propaganda war against the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Major point here: he was a crazy capitalist and an abomination. Icing on the cake."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I'll run that through the Net, see what else it gives up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod. "Shouldn't be too hard to back up, like I said."\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>Got supporting data right here." You produce the stick. "It's pretty vague, admittedly, but points to several other elements and can be fact checked. Far as I can tell it was part of this larger shadow war going on and the ongoing corporate propaganda war against the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Major point here: he was a crazy capitalist and an abomination. Icing on the cake."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Nice." Gal takes the stick. "I'll run that through the Net, see what else it gives up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod. "Shouldn't be too hard to back up, like I said."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tFew neat facts here: he was an abomination, a capitalist, and was involved in the corporate shadow war. Only issue is I can't quite source any of that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"With claims that vague?" Gal shakes his head. "Not gonna stick."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You purse your lips. "He definitely pulling the strings but we can't prove that. Damned."\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Well, we've got that down too." Gal scowls at his data pad. "Okay. I can turn this into something usable, <<if $factionlock.cyberSourceLanina>>hand it over to your journalist friend too, and<<else>>maybe add in a bit more flavor, and<</if>>—"<br><br>\n\n\tThere's a loud bang outside, followed by the door to the Server Tomb being thrown clean into a server rack. Adrenaline surges as you see a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] block the doorway, bright light beginning to form between its fingers.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit!" Gal scrambles behind his neural couch.<br><br>\n\n\t"Biologicals." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine-angel<</if>> stops before you. "Surrender yourselves immediately. There will be no discussion."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> Machine Priests secretly purging codes!\n\nOkay, so this is from an unconfirmed source. But the source is definitely in with the Machine Temple. And what they're saying is this: over the past six months (at least) the Machine Temple has been forcing the Codex Foundation to remove or alter entries that don't adhere to their 'policy'.\n\nWhich would be okay. But there've been a bunch of covert changes to the policy. It's not just barely concealed propaganda and no swearing anymore (oddly, they don't mind people saying bad stuff about them, never got that). They're also pushing old codex entries out (anything that's de-linked from dynamic lists for more than 8000 years) and all sortsa stuff thats not confirmed anymore, or considered outdated. It isn't even being reviewed anymore, just dumped straight from the archives.\n\nI know that just sounds like they're cleaning up bad and outdated data. But they're not. They're altering the historic records of our ENTIRE SPECIES! That's what the Codex Foundation was all about preventing, damn it. Keeping an unaltered and mostly unbiased account of human history. Some times we live in, really.
<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> Hey, you wanna meet a Witch?\n\n<span color='yellowcolor'>[WARNING]</span> unauthorized access to local system.\n<span color='yellowcolor'>[WARNING]</span> unauthorized banking transaction initiated.\nSo sad. Not witch. But u poor now.<hr>\n\n<span class="bluecolor">Your generous donation is much appreciated by the not-so-official Lavandri Cup Challenger of Project Incubus. As an early contributor to the greatest paradigm shift bloodsports has ever seen - yes, it hasn't actually occurred yet, but we're getting there - you will be gifted free premium access to the Cube Cup Finals. Congratulations! You (or your children, depending on how long this takes) will watch on premium quality as Lavandri Bloodsports gets dragged down into the dirt!</span>
<<nobr>>\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 1>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 2>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>\n<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Weird?! AthenaMed is dicking around with Syn4? Check up PLX!!\n\nAgain. Got no solid data. But I've seen at least one AMI employee (with ID tag and all) speaking with Syndicate 4 mercs over here on B10 (Crossroads side) today. They weren't in street gear either. Heavily armed and moving at least one Tripod Bot into a charger. Don't know why. But I think there's another corpo war about to go down.<hr>\n\nWhere at the crossroads? Havent' seen nothing<hr>\n\ngreat. can't they fucking stop shooting each other up and focus on making money again? really.<hr>\n\nWe doubt this is a corpo war. No one's responding with deployments and AMI has no assets on B10 we know of (maybe off the books?). Seems more like a pre-emptive action. Best we can tell, they're setting up a FOB and implementing security. No definitve on how this corrolates to AMI however. Unfortunately, we don't have assets free to do physical recon but if anyone can, we'd appreciate the assist - Communa AntiKapitalista
<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Djinn; they actually abominations?\n\nHey Dnet. We're working on a little project here and something came up: Djinn. They're officially categorized as an abominated race, according to the codex, but I've heard theories being kicked around that the species (J1N) was considered to be a humanoid form of xenofauna. Anyone got any data on this?<hr>\n\nDoes it matter? Most of 'em are illegals or corsairs anyways. Wouldn't want 'em to be considered human.<hr>\n\n^racist. Wouldn't be like that if the faiths weren't hunting them down like wild dogs.<hr>\n\nHunting them down? There hasn't been a Djinn killed in centuries, at least around here. Who knows if there even are any on SC22...<hr>\n\nAbout the orig. question, I asked my gran (she's a xenobiologist) and the word is: at some point the scientific community agreed beyond reasonable doubt that it's not physically possible for things like holo-projection, phase dissonance, or molecular displacement to manifest from natural evolution. There's no species in the galaxy (except the J1N) that has evolved naturally and posesses them. So the logical conclusion is that J1N is a synthetically created species - there aren't any records from this, admittedly. Once it became clear that J1N was synthetic, it also became clear they're abominable. \n\nSo they were re-classified. But I think the distinction's a bit moot. I've never heard of a J1N being considered anything but abhuman - at best. They're unnatural. Hundreds of sources prove it.<hr>\n\nI worked with a Djinn once (I think). It was creepy in ways I can't quite explain. Been years now and I still can't get its eyes out of my head. Definitely not xenofauna. They're abominations. <hr>\n\nAsk the cabalists. They should know. Foreign Domain has all sortsa data on J1N. Apparently an old world bio-project or something. I'm sure there's entire data-files on it somewhere.<hr>\n\n^but how?<hr>\n\nDunno! Say "Spymistress" three times in the reflector and clap you hands? I dunno. Did you try that?<hr>\n\n<span class="bluecolor">You did it! Con-grat-u-nixing-lations! Now stop getting my hopes up like that!</span><hr>\n\nLol.<hr>\n\nLOL!
<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> e4r7894h3991hh4w....\n\nSOURCE: church.paladin.order.situation:e4r7894h3991hh4w\nSTATUS: COMMITED TO ARCHIVE\nMESSAGE LOG FOLLOWS\n\n[1] communication request acknowledged. channel open.\n[0] situation escalating beyond expected parameters. report progress.\n[1] cannot comply. situation remains uncertain. potentially orchestrated by biological: Winston, Mauricio\n[4] request permission to assist. no current directive.\n[0] denied. too many uncertainties. maintain low profile.\n[1] potential asset aquired: Acrel, <<firstname>>. aligning interests. \n[6] biological?\n[1] yes.\n[3] is it aware of quantus purge?\n[1] unlikely.\n[6] inject: situation escalating on cubix. possible corrolation?\n[1] probable. timing not coincidental.\n[0] concur. events orchastrated beyond scope of scaffold 22. suggests not work of biological: Winston, Mauricio\n[1] agreed. other factors in play. will continue to investigate.\n[0] acknowledged. remain vigilant. terminating communication.
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "more">>"You better double..."<<else>>"Agreed." You swipe...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "more">>\n\t\t"You better double that if you don't want trouble." Your eyes narrow. "Or do you really want to find out how far my reach goes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Very well." He draws a deep breath and holds out his arm again. "<<print Math.round(20000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> credits. My final offer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Smart move." You swipe his arm, smirking.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe glowers at you. "Now that we have settled this, ah, business, please excuse me. I have matters to attend. Urgently."<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "morefail">>\n\t\t"You better double that if you don't want trouble." Your eyes narrow. "Or do you really want to find out how far my reach goes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not far enough, I am afraid. My previous offer stands. Yet my patience wears thin."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Okay. I got the message." You swipe his arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe glowers at you. "Now that we have settled this, ah, business, do not bother me anymore. I have matters to attend of a more respectable nature."<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Agreed." You swipe his arm. "And thank you very much. I'm so sorry for trashing your facility. But it was necessary."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I am certain it was." He glowers at you. "Please excuse me now. I have matters to attend. Urgently."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smirk. "Of course, Mr. Yazivu. Always a pleasure."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "readytogo">>"On my mark. One, two..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "alone">>You place a hand on her shoulder...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "isokay">>You glance at her. "Hey, you okay? You look nervous..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_abomhab.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "readytogo">>"On my mark. One, two—" You slap the door release. "Go!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHydraulics hiss as the door retracts.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "alone">>You place a hand on her shoulder. "Wait out here, okay? And try not to panic. It'll be fine."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLilly simply nods, backing away ever so slightly. You force a smile and turn to the door. The moment you hit the release, it snaps open.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "isokay">>You glance at her. "Hey, you okay? You look nervous."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLilly nods. "I'm fine. Ready. Whenever you are."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay. One, two—" You slap the door release. "Go!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHydraulics hiss as the door retracts.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe Hab beyond is dark and dingy. In what little light that filters in from outside, you can just make out the outline of a bunk bed and a folding table. There are dirty clothes strewn all over the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 3>>"What the—" You squint into the shadows, trying to make out the abomination that's supposed to be there.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEerie silence haunts the tiny room. Then something scuffs the floor plates. Shadows move to your left.\n\t<<else>>"What the—" Lilly lowers her carbine as she paces into the room. "It was here. I swear. I saw the damned thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shh." You remain perfectly still, senses alert.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomething scuffs the floor plates. To your left, the shadows move. \n\t<</if>> You turn the same moment an oversized, furry rodent appears from beneath the bunk bed. A pair of antennae twitch. There's no doubt as to what this 'abomination' is: a [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]].\n\n\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 4>><br><br>Lilly yelps. "Ew! Kill it! Kill it!"<</if>>\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "comission">>"Not to be pushy..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "comissionfail">>"Okay, but if I'm working..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "help">>"All right..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nohelp">>"No way..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "joincult">>"Happy to be around..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nocultist">>"Hey, I'm no..."<<else>>"So where exactly..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromDisabled">><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "comission">>\n\t\t"Not to be pushy but I might need a little comission here. Not much. Just to cover the operating expenses."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal's eyelids rise ever so slighly. "Comission? <<firstname>>, the Cult isn't a business. It's a self-ascribed philosophy. We do this 'cause we believe it's for the right cause. Keeping the balance of power equalized. Ensuring no one gets the upper hand. It's a good cause."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So is hunting," you reply evenly. "But, unfortunately, piracy is way more illegal in real life than in virtual. And you're asking me to cover physical operations. Which I can't if I can't cover my costs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair point." He flicks a hand. "I signed a little over. Should help cover ya."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile, though you aren't certain Gal can see it. "Thanks. I'll get to this right away."\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "comissionfail">>\n\t\t"Okay, but if I'm working for you, I'm gonna expect some kinda comission. Y'know. Cover operating expenses."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Working for me?" Gal laughs hollowly. "<<firstname>>, the Cult isn't a business. It's a self-ascribed philosophy. We do this 'cause we believe it's for the right cause. Keeping the balance of power equalized. Ensuring no one gets the upper hand. It's a good cause and if that doesn't cut it for you, well, then you're in the wrong place."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou breathe a sigh. "Sorry. Forgot you guys were all about the freedom of criminality so long as it serves the greater good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, and I almost forgot ya used to be a mass murderer, <<firstname>>. So let's call it even, okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSting though the comment does, you know he's right. But there's no point fretting over that. Better to just focus on the situation at hand, which in this case involves decyphering a seemingly unintelligable data packet.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "help">>\n\t\t"All right. I'll look into it. With a little luck, I'll have you something before long."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal barely reacts but you can sense his doubt. "If you do, <<firstname>>, you're better than I thought. But okay. Go forth. Do the impossible."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou chuckle. "Y'know, you can actually be funny sometimes."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I try." His left eyelid offers a hint of a wink.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nohelp">>\n\t\t"No way. I'm already in this way over my head. You guys sort this out. Me?" You gesture toward the door. "I'm out."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal barely reacts. "Can't force ya to join us, <<firstname>>. But this will come back to haunt you. Mark my words."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll take my chances," you retort. "After all the shit I've seen, you wouldn't believe how stupid this mess looks."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe cryptomancer barely reacts. You wait a moment longer, almost expecting him to say something. When he doesnt, you decide it's best you just...\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "joincult">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_cyberpunk.png"]]</div>\n\t\t"Happy to be around. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Galaxy's a nasty place. Ya gotta be ready to go all the way if you wanna survive<<else>>Galaxy's a dangerous place. Can't hurt to have someone around who can make it dangerous for your enemies<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal laughs. "A year ago I'd have said you're crazy. Turns out you're right. Cryptomancy can't solve every problem in the galaxy. But at least we can make it easier for folk like you to do what ya gotta."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Takes all sorts," you say. "And let's be honest. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>It's usually the guy with the bigger gun who comes out on top."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>It's usually the paranoid and over prepared who live longest."<<else>>Sometimes the direct and dirty solution is the best."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"True. But it's kinda sad. Mean, I used to actually believe. In the Stars. All of it. But the more I tried to understand, the more it was all just lies. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]], they're all the same coin. In the end all the little guy has to rely on are the people around them. And now someone's tryna take that away from me too."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod solemly. "Been there. Seen it. Every rock you turn over reveals another mess. And nothing you do ever makes a difference."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not in the big picture, maybe. But for me?" The cryptomancer smiles. "You made a difference to me, <<firstname>>. I think that's what really matters."\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nocultist">>\n\t\t"Hey, I'm no idealist. Freedom of information is grand but, realistically, I just figured this was my best shot at <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>icing the fucker<<else>>getting back at the maniac<</if>> trying to kill me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal chuckles. "Pragmatic. Sure. But it works for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just wanted to make that clear. <<if $loc_cryolounge.wasRaided>>Now, I'm gonna go check up on that Cryolounge. Before idle chit-chat gets someone else killed.<<else>>I'll probaby be back soon enough, just to see how things are shaping up.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll be here if you need me," Gal says, absorbed in his holo-displays once more.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "supportcult">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_cyberpunk.png"]]</div>\n\t\t"Listen, I know I was kinda unsure before, but I'm starting to see why the Cybercult's needed. Things like this? Someone's gotta make sure they don't stay hidden in the shadows, festering where no one can touch 'em. So yeah. I'm definitely with you on this. All the way."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal smiles. "Glad you're starting to see why what we do is important. But anyways. I can dig through the Net, put out some feelers. See what comes up. And I'm sure your investigation will turn up dirt too. But just figuring out who's behind this and why isn't gonna cut it. We gotta find sources, reputable ones, who'll support our claim. And then we gotta get this thing out to the public. Which means this is gonna be one nasty piece of work to pull off."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Tall order but we can pull it off. We have to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Glad you're optimistic. Just stay in good graces with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. And keep this thing quiet until ya get enough dirt together. Also, those sources. But I figure you'll have more direct access to those who know about what's really going on than I do. So see whether ya can get commitment from folks. Just be careful who ya talk to. Don't wanna have this filtering back to the wrong folk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm used to dealing with shady crap," you say with a smirk. "<<else>>"Dangerous thing you're asking but <</if>>I can handle it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Aright then." Gal rubs his hands. "So, I'll hold the fort here and figure out a plan to get the word out once we've got all the bits and pieces together. Ye keep investigating and ya run across anything ya need help on, tell me. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure," you say. "I'll get back to you about this."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "believetruth">>\n\t\t"I believe in the truth. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Or as much as it as you can ever get.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>People have a right to know what's really going on.<<else>>Stuff like this shouldn't be kept quiet.<</if>> Sure, it's a risk. Could be a kill team on the doorstep at any moment. But someone's gotta risk their life to do the right thing. Might as well be me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Couldn't have said it better myself." Gal nods slowly. "Yeah, I can dig through the Net, put out some feelers. See what comes up. And I'm sure your investigation will turn up dirt too. But just figuring out who's behind this and why isn't gonna cut it. We gotta find sources, reputable ones, who'll support our claim. And then we gotta get this thing out to the public. Which means this is gonna be one nasty piece of work to pull off."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "Can we pull it off?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If we're serious about it, sure. Just keep up your investigation. Stay in good graces with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. And keep this thing quiet until ya get enough dirt together. Also, those sources. But I figure you'll have more direct access to those who know about what's really going on than I do. So see whether ya can get commitment from folks. Just be careful who ya talk to. Don't wanna have this filtering back to the wrong folk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm used to dealing with shady crap," you say with a smirk. "<<else>>"Dangerous thing you're asking but <</if>>I can handle it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Aright then." Gal rubs his hands. "So, I'll hold the fort here and figure out a plan to get the word out once we've got all the bits and pieces together. Ye keep investigating and ya run across anything ya need help on, tell me. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure," you say. "I'll get back to you about this."\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "toorisky">>\n\t\t"Its a noble cause but it's too risky. And not just 'cause of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Anyone gets wind we're trying to blow their cover, we get shafted. There'll be a kill team on the doorstep that shoots first and doesn't ask questions. Guaranteed."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal nods solemnly. "That's the risk we all take but yeah. You've summed it up well enough."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well, it's asking too much. More than my life's on the line here. Could do more damage than it'll do good, sadly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, it's yer contract so it's your call. Unfortunate but what can I say? I'll do what I can to help ya all the same. Maybe we can still make a difference. But don't me to be able to assemble an entire Cyberteam or anything like that. Only ressource I got right now is me. And all I know is Netcode."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No problem," you say with a smile. "And thanks for not pushing this. Revealing the truth, whatever that is, is a noble goal. But unrealistic even at the best of times."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresi">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b5_inside.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "cameras">>"Cameras are good. Let's just take a look."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Will do. Hang on." Data begins to shift in the VR.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCommands get executed, flashing past at breakneck speed. Dozens of camera feeds explode in your eyes. Most show a busy fastway. Three are inside the hab.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt's a posh place by all accounts; the floors are carpeted, the walls clean, and every glow panel as bright as it is clear. One feed displays an entry area filled with potted plants and ornate vases. A golden-framed picture hangs over a table. Beside it, a half open screen door leads to what another camera uplink shows to be a dining room.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe room is dominated by a monolithic black table. At first it doesn't seem like there's anyone around. Then you spot the corpse of a woman dressed in a white business suit. She's sprawled at the head of the table, a bloody hole blown through her head.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGal's voice says, "Uh-oh. That can't be good."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"We gotta go all the way. Might need mobility on the other side."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Will do. This'll take a moment." Data begins to shift in the VR.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tDizzying displays of code explode and vanish. Command are sent, errors logged, and before long there's a jittery camera feed floating before you. It's completely black except for bursts of static.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Releasing the bot now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe feed jitters a a door open. Bright light fills your VR as the machine rolls out of its alcove and into a posh entry area. The floors are carpeted, the walls clean, and every glow panel as bright as it is clear. There are even potted plants in ornate vases and a golden-framed painting hanging opposide the entry. To the left is a half-open screen door.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhen the bot rolls towards it, you glimps a dining area dominated by a monolithic black table. She's sprawled at the head of the table, a bloody hole blown through her head.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGal's voice says, "Wow. That can't be good."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>>"So where exactly do I fit into all this? I assume it isn't my crypto skills you pieced me back together for. And it isn't like you're hunting abominations either. So what's the angle?"\n\n"The angle," Gal says slowly. "Is I have a tentative lead on Warlock. What I want is someone who can move in and get to the bottom of this. The tough way, brute force if need be, though I'm not against finesse. You definitely got the skills. And the motivation too, I'd wager."\n\nYou exhale deeply. "You know I'm a hunter, not an assassin, right?"\n\n"I already have a killer, <<firstname>>. But you don't send them in until ya know you got the right person. And for that ya need an investigator. One just so happened to get dumped at my doorstep."\n\n"Okay, then. What you want me to look into?"\n\n"Tryvalli Electronics on B28. That's where the lead goes. I figure there's someone there working with - or who is in fact - Warlock. Take a look around and judge for yourself." Gel frowns. "Oh, and do this all with as little digital involvement as possible. I made sure your [PDA] is clean and got all the bugs out. I think. But don't take any risks."<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|the_crossroads_apprentice_enter][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $loc_b10habs.readDataPad1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_b10habs.storedRifle eq "M404">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the M404'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_b10habs.storedRifle; $loc_b10habs.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-apprentice'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'loot_apprenticeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the M404'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_b10habs.storedRifle; $loc_b10habs.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-apprentice'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'loot_apprenticeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<if $loc_b10habs.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_b10habs.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(30 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-apprentice'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'loot_apprenticeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|the_crossroads_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromReturnApt"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $job_conspiracy.rajSearch10_apt1 = true]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
bribe / negotiate additions for quest info
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_djinn_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(700 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Mr. Wilkin (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_vip_b28_djinn_talk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Mr. Wilkin (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or ($equip.isFashionOutfit and not $equip.isCrossdressOutfit)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_b28_djinn_talk][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_b28_djinn_talk][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_djinn_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"Fine. We do business..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"No. Business is what we did before..."<<else>>"What, you kidding me...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"Fine. We do business." You hold out your arm. "Now, what ya got?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not much," he says, swiping your transaction. "I've been hearing ghost stories. Something about a haunting down on B33, at this construction site, a black figure walking through walls and appearing out of thin air. Dunno what the legend is supposed to be but it only comes out when the shift is off and—" Wilking breathes a laugh. "Shit. Running around after ghosts? That's what you do now, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>boy<<else>>girl<</if>>? Seriously?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not ghosts," you say evenly. "Abominations. And thanks. This might be useful."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Me, I says it's just another rumor. But yer welcome te do what ya want with it. Paid for it square and fair, after all, didn't ya?" Wilkin looks a little too smug for your liking.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"No. Business is what we did before. This here?" You gesture from him to you. "This is us having issues because I jumped ship and went my own <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn <</if>>way." Mr. Wilkin finally looks up, a dangerous look in your eyes. You return an icy gaze. "Xavier..."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWilkin grows, "I don't like your tone, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>boy<<else>>girl<</if>>."\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"And I think you're a stuck up old git. You act tough because you can't forgive yourelf for all the bullshit you put me through. Mean, look at this—" You wave around. "—and that—" You tug at his suit. "But whatever. You wanna feel guilty? Feel guilty. Just don't vent it on me. Buy yourself a fucking whore or whatever."<<else>>"And I think you're over-reacting. Just look at all this—" You wave around. "—and then look at me. You think I'm really a theat? Nah. You just feel guilty. Real guilty."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWilkin glowers at the table but speaks evenly, "Okay, kid. You win. Only I can't give you nothing on what ya want. I've been hearing ghost stories though. Something about a haunting down on B33, at this construction site, a black figure walking through walls and appearing out of thin air. Dunno what the legend is supposed to be but it only comes out when the shift is off and—" Wilking breathes a laugh. "Shit. Run around chasing ghosts? That's what you do now, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>boy<<else>>girl<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not ghosts," you say evenly. "Abominations. And thanks. This might be useful."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t"What, you kidding me? Asking for creds? From me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Like I said, business." Wilkin spreads his hands. "So, ya offerin' or not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "I thought we had a—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You thought wrong, kid," Wilkin grumbles. "Now either ya put something down or I ain't talking. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFor a moment, you want to argue. But there's no point. Wilkin's either in one of his moods again - or he really doesn't like you. Hard to tell which. But you won't get anything out of him this way.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.wilkin = true; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_warlock_wilkin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Mr. Wilkin (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_vip_warlock_wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2= true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Mr. Wilkin (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or ($equip.isFashionOutfit and not $equip.isCrossdressOutfit)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_warlock_wilkin][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_warlock_wilkin][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_warlock_wilkin_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"All right, then..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"I know the Cult's dangerous...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"What, you kidding me...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"All right, then." You hold out your arm. "Business as usual."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Aright, Cybercult ya say. The malfunctioning [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]]. I've had a few dealings with 'em over the years and the point of contact was always there. Key was to tell the bot it has nice legs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "Anything else?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, while yer at it, kick 'em bastards good for me." Wilkin almost smiles. "Damned punks could use a good thrashing, y'know? Jus' fer good measure of course."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tYou simply nod in reply, determined not to ask what the Cult might have on Wilkin. It's a lead at least. You can work with that.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"I know the Cult's dangerous business but this could work both ways. I solve my problem. Maybe solve one of yours along the way?" You scowl. "Assuming you can give me the Cybercult, that is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAfter a long moment, Wilkin says, "The malfunctioning [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]]. I've had a few dealings with 'em over the years and the point of contact was always there. Key was to tell the bot it has nice legs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "And you're just telling me this out of the goodness of your heart?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's like ya said. I wouldn't mind those assholes lost a bit of the data they got on me." He shrugs. "Mutual benefit, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod in reply, determined not to ask what the Cult might have on Wilkin. It's a lead at least. You can work with that.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t"What, you kidding me? This crap again?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cybercult's dangerous business. Need my insurance." Wilkin spreads his hands. "So, ya offerin' or not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "This is fucking—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Real life, kid," Wilkin grumbles. "Now either ya put something down or I ain't talking. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFor a moment, you want to argue. But there's no point. Wilkin's either in one of his moods again - or he really doesn't like you. Hard to tell which. But you won't get anything out of him this way.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 7; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_djinn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1250 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Anska (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b29_fleshmelder_djinn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Anska (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_fleshmelder_djinn][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_fleshmelder_djinn][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_djinn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"All right, then..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"Lots of things dwell in the shadows...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"What, you kidding me...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"All right, then." You hold out your arm. "Business as usual."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Such a kind soul you are." Anksa swipes the transaction. "Alas, dear, I am no longer young and wise as I once was. I am old and forgotten, outcast for a failing mind and a terrible choice of words. Yet I say this: look to those who turn chemicals into primitive medicine in the name of the old goddess." Her hooded eyes narrow. "Seek their knowledge, for I think maybe they know a way to battle this creature you hunt. I believe they wished to know of these things to control the hunter of old. That is why they came to me. But I did not know, only think: what can control can also kill."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAfter a moment, you've worked out what you think Anska said: "[[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] has a way to control a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The students of the new ways are blind and dumb, my dear. Their failing is that they cannot sense what their limited knowledge does not spell out clearly for them." Anska's expression darkens. "Their hearts were dark, my dear, dark and cold like the deepest void. These serpents were not men of science. They serve a far more sinister master, my dear, and I am quite certain that one who wilingly associates with such dark hearts would also associate with beings of smokeless fire."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Smokeless... oh, right." You take a deep breath, secretly wishing Anska would just speak plain sense from time to time, and say, "So your theory is that whoever's controlling the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] got the technology from [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Right. Could be, I suppose."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnska shakes her head. "Not could, dear. It is so. But seek these so-called serpents of science. They lurk in the upper levels. Where I do not know but there is a place that reeks of their filth. I can smell it even here."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"Lots of things dwell in the shadows, Anska. But this thing. It's—" You swallow. "If you'd seen it, you'd know. Cruel. Colder than the void. Never seen anything like it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Few have," Anska whispers. "Even I have never seen a being of smokeless fire. But come, come closer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhen you do, she says, "I may be old and forgotten but I see the faithless still. Look to those who turn chemicals into primitive medicine in the name of the old goddess." Her hooded eyes narrow. "Seek their knowledge, for I think maybe they know a way to battle this creature you hunt. I believe they wished to know of these things to control the hunter of old. That is why they came to me. But I did not know, only think: what can control can also kill."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAfter a moment, you've worked out what you think Anska said: "[[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] has a way to control a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The students of the new ways are blind and dumb, my dear. Their failing is that they cannot sense what their limited knowledge does not spell out clearly for them." Anska's expression darkens. "Their hearts were dark, my dear, dark and cold like the deepest void. These serpents were not men of science. They serve a far more sinister master, my dear, and I am quite certain that one who wilingly associates with such dark hearts would also associate with beings of smokeless fire. They lurk in the upper levels. Where I do not know but there is a place that reeks of their filth. I can smell it even here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, then. I'll look into it," you say, making a few hasty notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]].\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t"What, you kidding me? I'm asking for information. On an abomination. Not for a business contract."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSadness fills her face. "I know, dearest, the void of life is a cruel mistress, But all things have a price. Especially to those who linger in the shadows."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck you."<<else>>"Oh, man."<</if>> You hang your head. "Some days I swear..."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, do not despair. I do not think ill of you. I simply—" Anska shrugs. "I must make do, dearest. I must, yes, yes. I must."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.anska = true; $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_miasma', 'startedMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isNeuroImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action3 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action3 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Ith your Secret|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action3 = "failtest"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Trade|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action3 = "refusedanswer"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "negotiate" or $action.action3 eq "refusedanswer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(6500 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Accept the Bribe (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b10_sirenssong_ithquestion">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "takebribe"; $attrib.credits += $bribeammount; $hide.layer5 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Bribe|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action4 = "refusebribe"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Ith your Secret|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action4 = "abbath"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Ith your Secret|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action4 = "failtest_2"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Tell|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action4 = "refusetell"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "failtest">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Sunlord Abbath|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action4 = "abbath"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Unfair|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action4 = "unfair"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "unfair" or ($action.action4 eq "takebribe" and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lt 3)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$chr_ith.toldSecret = true; $action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refusetell" or ($action.action3 eq "refusedanswer" and $action.action4 eq "refusebribe")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "abbath" or ($action.action3 eq "negotiate" and $action.action4 eq "refusebribe") or ($action.action4 eq "takebribe" and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 3)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$chr_ith.madeFriend = true; $action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_b_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Ith about the Object|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action3 = "aboutobject"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Trade|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$action.action3 = "refusedanswer"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_b_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_ithsecret_b2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$chr_ith.madeFriend = true; $action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "notell">>"That ins't going to happen. I'm hiring a crypto capable of infiltration. You don't need to know why."<br><br>\n\n\tLag scoffed, irritable. "You're talkin' like there's no danger in this for me, baby. But there is. I wanna know what."<br><br>\n\n\t"No." You lean closer to the crypto and whisper, "You don't. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t"If ya say so." Lag stands and, before you know it, has disappeared.<br><br>\n\n\tYou remain where you are a moment longer, wondering whether this was the best course of action. The kid could've been useful. Kept things quieter than you could. But there are other options. Even without Lag.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "explain">>"All right, plain and simple: someone's messing with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. It involves a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], a stolen prehistoric artefact, and the Corbei family. I'm not one hundred percent clear how it fits together either but—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Gon' stop you right there." Lag purses his lips. "See, babe, I think yer kinda cool. An' you've been with us from what I hear. But what you're saing is basically: you ain't gonna keep yer lips tight. That kinda deal ain't my cake."<br><br>\n\n\t\tConfused, you ask, "What?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tLag stands with a sigh. "I work crypto. Security is numero uno. You got loose lips like that, even for a good cause, I'm out. Sorry, babe."<br><br>\n\n\t\tA moment later he's gone. You remain where you are, mulling over the matter. Lag's right to an extent. Or mabye it was just a polite way of saking there's too much risk involved. At any rate, Lag's out of the question. You'll need another way in.\n\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Let's do it this way: I don't tell you, and you work cryto for me at a rate. Paid up front." You hold out the arm. "Deal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tLag swipes, lips pursed. "That's one mighty sum you're offering for this. But fine. I turn a blind eye. What do I need to know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothing I haven't said already," you reply. "I don't know what the artefact looks like or where it is. I don't have any intel on Corbei either. Beyond a high probability of abominable involvement, I'm blind on this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"See why you need me." Lag stands. "C'mon, let's take a look. Got a car outside and no jobs on the list 'till tomorrow."<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you've even had a chance to reply, Lag is heading for the door. Realization kicks in. You hastily stand and...\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>"Ah, for fuck's sake..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Ah, for fuck's sake." You hang your head. "Fine. We won't resist. There really isn't any point."<br><br>\n\n\t"Appreciated." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] steps up to you and places a cold hand against your forehead. "Yours was a noble cause, biological. To bring the gift of information to all those who deserve it. Better than ours. In an ideal world this would not be necessary yet we live in an imperfect reality." There's a brief pause. "My heartfelt apologies."<br><br>\n\n\tGal almost jumps out from behind his couch, shouting, "Wait! No!"<br><br>\n\n\tBefore you have time to realize what's going on, brilliant light forms above your field of vision. A faint, warm breeze brushes against your skin. You never feel the searing burn, never see the brilliant flare, just that warm breeze and then absolute darkness. \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> B30 quarantined (undersprawl)\n\nSo apparently the Purifier General just ordered a section of Level B30 to be quarantined. Unsure if the clerics approved it but the Temple of Purity definitely stepped up. Law is: no one in or out. Entire undersprawl is cut off. Thousands of people still inside. Reason: plague. I dunno. But it sounds fishy to me. Can't get a straight answer out of any official source. Will update if anything new comes up.
<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> Hello. It's me. :) \n\nCelena! In case you didn't get it. Wasn't expecting to see you floating around here. Not your style. Or wasn't. Seems like you've changed more than I thought.\n\nMiss you by the way. /ehug\n\np.s. be quiet about this plx. if the faiths realize I'm using the DNet this will end badly.
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.snydicateBaseIDFound = true>>\n<</nobr>><span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Weird facility ID. Can you investigate? (CAK request)\n\nTo Communa AntiKapitalista: I was sifting through some stuff at work today and came across an order being sent to a seemingly invalid Athena Medical facility. ID is BIBK-51. There's no address listed and the AMI rep I contacted couldn't tell me what was going on either. Additional info: the shipment got lost somewhere in the B40 docks. Think this might be a black op. Can you guys investigate?<hr>\n\nshit. those guys are at it. again.<hr>\n\nConfirmed irregularity in your system. Asset has been assigned - Communa AntiKapitalista<hr>\n\nWtf?! How the hell does CAK figure out the OP works for???<hr>\n\nData corrolation. CAK has spyware everywhere. at least on the corpo systems; dunno about privates. those guys are hardcore. don't mess with 'em
<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Wtf are paladins really?!\n\nDon't buy Church's version. What are they? Does anyone have sources?<hr>\n\ndoubt anyone knows. they're impossible though. and arrogant. see the interview on Scaffold 35. Temple of Purity and all.<hr>\n\nSomeone managed to interview a Paladin?!<hr>\n\napparently. dunnno how though. might be a hoax.<hr>\n\nNo hoax. We did an extensive study and concluded they're abominations. Imperial Solar Knights who swore themselves to the Church's cause in the early days. The technology they employ matches historic records. More imporantly: the only way they could surivive so long is with extensive biosynthetic and cybernetic augmentation, to the point of abomination. It's all well documented. Look into the Logan's Line report! Sure, most data on that is Foreign Domain propaganda but I've verified what I could. It's true. The Church suppresses the information due to their true nature but you can still access the original sources via unofficial channels. \n\nLook into:\n- Solarborn and the Old Empire\n- Lackey to Legend: Corinthin\n- Veritas Galactica (51st edition)\n- Ordus Militanti and Eden<hr>\n\nlol is this guy serious?<hr>\n\nwtf is a Solar Knight??<hr>\n\nI call bullshit. they're obviously robots built by the Machine Temple. no ammount of augmentation could ever allow a human to project particle beams that melt through steel. the energy requirements would be astronomical.<hr>\n\nFine. Say what you want. But it's all well documented. Check the sources.
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "eresi">>"Can you..."<<else>><<if $action.action4 eq "doit">>"Okay, I'll do it..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "wantout">>"No. I want out..."<<else>>"I'll take a look around..."<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action4 eq "checknetwork">>"Can you check the network? Is anyone else in the system?"\n\n"Already looking," Gal says. "Doesn't look like there's anyone in here except us. Which is weird. There should be a [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] watchdog listening, least according to my notes."\n\n"Huh," you say. "So there's no one monitoring this area?"\n\n"Not one soul," Gal says. "But don't get any ideas. If we drop by physically, someone will take notice and they'll try to nail this on us."\n\n"I know," you say. "But it means no one can see us if we do some creative fiddling in their system, right?"\n\nGal laughs. "Not unless you got some mad crypto skills, kid. You got those kinda skills?"\n\n<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>"No but I have a Xjanu-4."\n\n"So do I. But a bit of nifty code ain't gonna do it. <<else>>"No. Do you?"\n\n"<</if>>I got the skills. Maybe, just maybe, we can get away with some slick. But I wouldn't push it, kid. We's in deep enough as it is and the less tracks lead back to us, the better."\n\nYou nod, gaze on the dead woman. Murdered. Another murder. Always muders. It gets old.<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nabcredits">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_cyberpunk.png"]]</div>"Can you nab a few credits? I mean, to cover our costs, and naturally only if it's safe."\n\n"Already did that," Gal said. "Actually, that was the first thing I did. Android Abe don't pay my bills no matter how much I wish that lil rascal did."\n\n"Right," you say slowly. "And I'm guessing I don't get a cut?"\n\nGal chuckles. "Course you do, kid. I'll send some your ways. But keep it hush. No one needs to know that Android Abe humps corpses for credits like the corporates do. We're the good guys, remember? And we always tell the truth."\n\n"And that truth is: living is expensive."\n\n"Now, if that ain't the truth, then I don't know what is."\n\n"It sure is," you say, gaze on the dead woman.<<elseif $action.action4 eq "checklogs">>"Can you check the access logs? See if anyone came or left?"\n\n"I am," Gal says. "Doesn't look like anyone came in or out, at least not in a way the system recognized. So no use of doors or the likes."\n\n"Damn," you mutter. "That really makes things complicated."\n\n"Yeah. It does. But we work with what--" Gal's voice trails off. "Oh. Now this is interesting."\n\nYou glance around the data-space. "What?"\n\n"Well, I just saw an interesting pattern. Reminds me of one Lag and I saw years back during this botched job over in C sector. Except it's nothing concrete."\n\nConfused, you ask, "What pattern? What job?"\n\n"Nothing," Gal says heavily. "Just a type of code I've seen before. It's not relevant and it won't get us our culprit. Or who killed that woman."\n\n"Right," you say, gaze on the dead body in the background.<<elseif $action.action4 eq "closerlook" >><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_blood.png"]]</div>"Can you give me a closer look at that?"\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "cameras">>The feed zooms in on the dead woman.<<else>>The bot rolls toward the dead woman.<</if>> There's blood everywhere and her body is badly mangled. Her hair and flesh has been torn, her skill cut open.\n\n"Odd," Gal's voice rings out. "The place is clean. Utterly. No data pads, nothing lying around. Either this chick was a neurotic neat freak or someone's been over the place."\n\nYou stare at the dead woman. "Not gonna say I'm sad she's dead. But a few answers would've been nice."\n\n"No answers here but I can give you more insane. Take a look." The feed flicked to another camera display; the blood-stained backside of the woman's head.\n\nSevered [[neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]] dangle freely from where her brain should have been. It's hard not to feel sick.\n\nYou say, "That's a new definition of thorough cleanup job. Even took the implants to be safe."\n\n"Yeah." There's a long pause before Gal says, "I'm gonna cut the link. There's nothing else to find here. We looked. But it's all doctored. [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] doesn't know what's happened to their client either. They thing she's still alive and well."\n\nYou grunt and watch as the virtual feed fades away. Gal does his own clean-up, running code and scripts, but you aren't paying attention. Your thoughts are on the woman, the lingering image of her skull cut open. It doesn't make sense. Even the best neurotech can't reconstruct dead memory.\n\nAn exceptional neuromancer might be able to grab a dying throught pattern, hold them after expiration. But that's the extent. What you saw was excessive. Or insane. But it doesn't get you one damn step closer to what you actually need: a lead to that damned Object. <<else>><<if $action.action4 eq "doit">>"Okay, I'll do it. I want this mess ended. And it seems like you got the best lead on Warlock anyone has."\n\n"Cool." Gal gestures toward the stairs behind you. "I'll release your [PDA] lock as soon as you're outside."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "wantout">>"No. I want out. Completely. This shit is getting way too insane and I'm just about done. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Sorry<<else>>End of story<</if>>."\n\n"It won't just leave you alone, you know. This warlock thing Warlock I mean. It'll all come back."\n\nYou fold your arms defiantly. "I'd rather take my chances."\n\n"Well, if you insist." Gal gestures toward the stairs behind you. "I'll release your [PDA] lock as soon as you're outside. Just be sensible and don't flip on us. The Cult isn't your enemy here. Okay?"\n\nYou mount the stairs, saying, "Don't give me reason to come back and we have a deal."<<else>>"I'll take a look around but I don't trust you. So, no matter how much I want Warlock gone, don't think I'm on your side.\n\n"That's, well, more than fair I suppose." Gal gestures toward the stairs behind you. "I'll show you to the exit and release your [PDA] lock as soon as you're outside."<</if>>\n\nUneasy silence falls as climb the stairs. Shadows lurk on all sides. Security doors snap open as you approach. Aside from your boots, nothing makes a sound.\n\nFinally you reach the end of the passage. Gal stops beside a heavy security door. "Here we are. Be discrete on departure. For all our sakes."\n\n<<if $action.action4 eq "doit">>You nod. "I'll be back. As soon as I know more."<<else>>"For yours, you mean. But okay." You draw a deep breath and...<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Information. Once again." You lean forward, doing your best ...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Information. Once again." You lean forward, doing your best to ignore Mr. Wilkin's bored expression, and say, "I'm looking for information about an abomination. A [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] to be exact. You know what they are?"\n\n"Heard of them," Wilkin says absently. "Nothing that'll help ya though. Ain't even known they really existed."\n\n"That so?" When Wilkin doesn't react, you lean forward. "Y'know, I worked for <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>your sorry ass<<else>>you<</if>> for six years. I know when you're keeping secrets and when you really don't care."\n\n"Business is business," Wilkin says evenly. "What ya offering, kid?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, got a question..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, got a question. You ever heard of a cryptomancer named Warlock?"\n\nWilkin looks surprised. "You're tangling with the Cybercult? Ain't right, kid. Trust me. Ya don't wanna do that."\n\n"Yeah, well, it wasn't on purpose. But it's happened. So you got any idea how to get in contact with the guy?"\n\n"Depends on what I'm gettin' in return." Wilkin folds his arms.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Right, yeah, sure you do." You force...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"Right, yeah, sure you do." You force a smile. "I'm looking for a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Know anything useful about them?"\n\n"Monsters of shadow, born of smokeless fire, they lurk in dark corners until called by their master." Anska's lips quiver as she leans closer to you. "They are predators, my dear, great hunters of old. In the times long gone, they were enslaved by the old Lords and sent across the void, ever in search of ever greater prey to appease their masters thirst for blood. Yet since the old Lords fell, the hunters of old are free to roam to their heart's content."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Nice story, Anska." You take a deep breath and say, "The only thing is, this one isn't roaming to any content. In fact, I'm pretty damn sure it's working for someone."<<else>>"I see." You draw a deep breath and says, "Only thing is, it isn't roaming. I think it's working for someone."<</if>>\n\n"Ah, a hunter of old enthralled by the new ways. What a curious thing, my dear." Anska reaches out with a hand and brushes your cheek. "And you have seen this hunter, have you not, dear? But what price will you pay for more knowledge of it, dearest? What price indeed?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I wanted to..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"I wanted to ask you about—" Ith stares blankly, a bored look in its eyes. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Uh, is something wrong?"<<else>>"Uh, what?"<</if>>\n\n"Your prattle distracts me," the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] says, absently pacing about. "But riddle me this: why is it that one such as unremarkable as you should challenge - and survive - the presence of a vengeful [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]? Perhaps, if your traded this secret, I could be convinced to trade one of mine."\n\n <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Your brow furrows. "Perhaps? Sounds a little vague to me."<<else>>You chuckle. "Perhaps you'll share? That sounds great."<</if>>\n\n"There are no guarantees unless your secrets—" Ith prowls toward you. "—are worthy of mine. That is it which matters to you too, is it not? The weight of knowledge in truth."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"So, I found..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"So, I found a secret. One I thought you--" You smirk at Ith. "--might be interested in."\n\n"A secret? For me?" Ith perks up. "Do tell. I shall reward you with my interest, if nothing else."\n\n"Oh, well in that case--"\n\n"Simply say what you have to say. I have no patience for this prattle."<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Apt 11131">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_apprentice_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Force the Lock|the_crossroads_apprentice_enter][$action.action1 = "forceOpen"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Info Terminal|the_crossroads_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromReturn"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_apprentice_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_apprentice_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='loot-apprentice'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'loot_apprenticeoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_apprentice_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_apprentice_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_apprentice_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|the_crossroads_apprentice_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cardreader.png"]]</div>\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you reach Apartment 11131. It's a small hab unit set two stories up. You head up and ring the buzzer. No one answers.<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, shit," you mutter, wondering whether Raj Putraki just isn't home or is deliverately ignoring you.<br><br>\n\n\tThere are two obvious options: break into the apartment and find out for certain or head back to the info terminal and try another Raj.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Apt 24031">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_accountant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Apartment|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action1 = "enterApt"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Info Terminal|the_crossroads_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromReturn"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_accountant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_accountant_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='loot-accountant'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_b10habs.readDataPad2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Data Pad|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $loc_b10habs.readDataPad2 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Object|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action2 = "object"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_b10habs.tookCredits>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Financing|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action2 = "financing"; $loc_b10habs.tookCredits = true; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|the_crossroads_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromReturnApt"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $job_conspiracy.rajSearch10_apt2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_accountant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_accountant_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_accountant_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "financing">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to the Deal|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action3 = "takedeal"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.credits += 4000; $attrib.salary -= 150; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'tookBrokerDeal'); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Catch|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action3 = "catch"; $hide.layer3 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'refusedBrokerDeal'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Offer|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action3 = "refusedeal"; $hide.layer3 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'refusedBrokerDeal'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_accountant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_accountant_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b10_accountant_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_accountant_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "takedeal">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hud.messages.push($msg_loan); $hud.newmsg += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\t\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\nYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you reach Apartment 24031. It's a sizable hab unit in a small courtyard just off the main pressure corridor. There's no security in place so you <<walk>> to the door and hit the buzzer.<br><br>\n\nAfter several seconds, a man in a black suit opens it. "Hello. Who are you?"<br><br>\n\n"<<firstname>> Acrel. Sanctioned hunter." You hold out your arm so he can check your sanction. "You're Rajiq Kamkatoa?"<br><br>\n\n"I am." He fidgets nervously. "But I'm sure there's been a mistake. I'm a financial advisor, not a criminal. Though if you have to search my apartment for due dilligence purposes, that's fine. I have nothing to hide."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Theories about Eden anyone???\n\nI know. I know. It comes up a million times. But does anyone have any new theories? Serious question<hr>\n\nNo. stop talking about this.<hr>\n\nSame as usual. Mythical bla bla lala land. Or an AI network. Or a planet. Methinks planet.<hr>\n\nOh, would you SHUT UP about this already?! It's the same shit. Over and over. No one has any answers. Never have. Never will. Even the Church doesn't know what the hell Eden is supposed to be. It's just a nice word. So can we please stop obsessing over it and focus on the ACTUAL issues in our world? Thanks!<hr>\n\nChill, man<hr>\n\nWHat an idiot.
<<nobr>>\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase lt 2>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 2>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 4>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>><span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> THEORY: how it really is\n\nHey, guy, so I have a theory about what's really up with the Coven here on Scaffold 22. It's gotta do with that dude, Deshvar. If you're as old as me, you'll remember him. Gangster type guy. Might've been mob. Real rough & tough. Ran the whole sector until suddenly he disappeared.\n\nLike, how? This is B Sector? You reall think he fled into the Sprawl and died there? A guy like him? Bullshit. He made some pact with the Coven. They kidnapped folk for the witches, did all the dirty work, and, in return, Deshvar and his gang became immortal. Just think it through. There were hundreds of those guys back in the day. Armed and trained. Hardcore mercs. You really think they all vanished?\n\nAnd there's this: Deshvar was last seen down on B29, in the ducts down by the habs. Rumor was a CIVL team went after him. Never came back. Never heard from again. And look where it happened! Right where there used to be all these rumors of witchcraft in the 20s. Ya really think that's some coinsidence? Really?!<hr>\n\nThis guy's loonie.<hr>\n\nLol. Dafuq? Checked the records. That CIVL team didn't vanish. It reported they lost the suspect deep in the Sprawl. Which, if you've ever been near it, isn't hard. Even CIVL ain't got cameras down there. Someone wants to hide down there, they're gone. And that's what Deshvar did - went Sprawlside. Just like any mobster with two ounces of brains when the Scars started moving in hardcore.\n\nSure, maybe Deshvar lived, but ya really think we'll ever know? What goes on in the Sprawl stays there. And there's good reason for that. But it ain't witchcraft. It's cause the good folk don't wanna know what the rats are up to. Just look round in B Sector, how folk wanna pretend they got it hard. When, compared to Sprawlers, they're living like kings But never mind, man. Never mind. Better spew crap like this on the net. Yeah. Sure.\n\nVoid be damned. Shit like this makes me fucking angry.<hr>\n\nHe might be onto something, guys. Just saying. Anyone really check this out? Find a body? Anything.<hr>\n\nNo one's followed up because CIVL went sprawlside 20 years ago and found nothing. Not one shred of evidence. Case closed. \n\nAnd OP: enough with the spam or bring data and sources to back it up. We've had, what, 74 of these posts lately? We know they're all from you 'casue you always spew the same crappy pattern. And not one of your 'theories' has been even remotely plausible. So leave it be. You're wasting all our time - Communa AntiKapitalista
<span class='greencolor'>[NEWS]</span> Offcl Notice posted by Athena. Lol. Read this junk.\n\n01018883190(3 impsum bla bla blahug4wsjifi8w9949 max post length b├╝WKRWGVSJIL \n\n<span color='yellowcolor'>[WARNING]</span> unauthorized access to local system.\n<span color='yellowcolor'>[WARNING]</span> unauthorized banking transaction initiated.\nThanks for your money - Darkwave531
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if not $processed>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Ashlake's Shop">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cybershop_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Shop for Cyberware|b29_cybershop_buy][$action.action1 = "cyberware"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Upgrade your Cybernetics|b29_cybershop_buy][$action.action1 = "cyberupgade"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Intrusion|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action1 = "cathedralhack"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 2 and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and not $factionlock.cyberSourceAshlake>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about exposing the Conspiracy|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action1 = "expose"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerAshlake and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b29_cybershop_talk][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.action1 = "deshvar"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_machinetemple.tookSubReactor and $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Strange Device|b29_cybershop_nullgun][$action.action1 = "askabout"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "ashlake_2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the X1|b29_cybershop_nullgun][$action.action1 = "gundone"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.brainaug eq "none" and $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Neuroregulators|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action1 = "neuroregulator"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 6 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 2 and not $job_crypto_warlock.triedCyberShop>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about ancient Cyphers|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action1 = "oldcypher"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.active and $inztinct.affinity gt 4>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about resetting InZtinct|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action1 = "resetskills"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "leave"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cybershop_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Let's see what.."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"Let's see what <<if $action.action1 eq "cyberupgade">>upgrade packs you have for my augments," you say.\n\n"Can do." Ashlake gestures to the nearest holo-display. "Take a look. You're cert-linked. Just tell me what to install and we'll get right to it."<<else>>you got in stock," you say, stepping up to one of the holo-displays.\n\n<<if $equip.isAbominated>>Ashlake steps up beside you. "Catalog'll only display aug procedures and tech you're—" He hesitates. "Eh, okay. No augs then. Somethin's wrong with ye. Some kinda disease. Ya know 'bout that?"\n\nYou nod. "Just something I'm living with. I'll just look at the tech then."<<else>>Ashlake steps up beside you. "Catalog'll only display aug procedures and tech you're certified for so—" He hesitates. "Oh. Didn't eralize you were Class 5."\n\n"Sanctioned hunter," you confirm. "Just gimme a moment to browse."<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div id='game-shop-cyber' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cyberupgade">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'cybershop_augUpgrades'>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'cybershop_buyoptions'>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "nav4ho3">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\tDumping access log...<br><br>\n\n\tEntry1: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br>\n\tEntry2: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br>\n\tEntry3: <span class='bluecolor'><<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>nAv4ho3<<else>>n<span class='greencolor'>[01100001]</span>v4ho3<</if>></span><br>\n\tEntry4: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b33_tech_hab][$action.action1 = "success"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'techhab_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Abort|b33_tech_hab][$action.action1 = "abort"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cybershop_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cybershop_nullgun_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cybershop_nullgun_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\tYou say,\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "makegun">>"Agreed. Four-five for the rifle." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAshlake swipes it. "I'll get right on it. Gonna be fun.."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Be careful," you say. "This stuff might be dangerous."<<else>>"Well that's encouraging," you mutter.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, don't beat yourself up. I'm not actually using the design in the gun, just to code the pulsed rail modulator. Requires too precise a template to do normally. But, well, let's just say I have some minor experience with sub-null tech." The cybersmith winks.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "rathernot">>"I'd rather not. Nothing personal. Just don't wanna mess with that kinda tech."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, that's unfortunate," Ashlake says, handing the core back to you. "If you change your mind, the offer stands.."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah," you say slowly. "Thanks. I'll consider it."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "takegun">>"All right. I'll give it a try."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Great. Was a pleasure to work on this." Ashlake smiles.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"It'm sure it was."<<else>>"Glad you enjoyed it."<</if>> You sling the [[Reaper X1|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "X1"]] over your shoulder. "Thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Always glad to." Ashlake locks his shed, saying, "Brought back memories of the old das actually, before I went into this business. Sometimes I miss that time. But, yeah. Good luck out there, hunter."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leavegun">>"I'm not sure I wanna mess with that thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No reason to worry," Ashlake says. "But I understand. It is a beast."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Bit too much to handle." You hand the [[Reaper X1|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "X1"]] back. "I'd just rather not."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No problem." Ashlake places the rifle back in the shed. "If ya have a change of heart, tell me. I'll keep it under lock and key."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 7500>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Comission the X1 (7500 C)|b29_cybershop_nullgun][$characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardTimer = $time.active; $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "ashlake_1"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "makegun"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Comission the X1 (7500 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b29_cybershop_nullgun][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "rathernot"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Retrieve your Custom Order|b29_cybershop_buy][$action.action1 = "cyberware"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n</div><</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "negotiate">>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"From one who's accepted their inevitable death to one who's essentially been dead for years: don't try me. This lopsided trade might work on others. But I can see right through it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIth looks shocked. "See through me? Whatever do you mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I share what I know, I loose any bargaining chip I might have. So how about we do this another way: you pass up some credits, up front, and return I give you my secret?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] hesitates, then extends a paw. "Oh, very well. <<print Math.round(2500 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> credits in return for this secret of yours. But it had better be valuable indeed. My patience is not limitless... deathsworn."\n\t<<elseif $equip.isNeuroImplant>>"This isn't going to work. One half-machine to another: I know you're trying to play me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIth looks shocked. "Play you? Whatever do you mean?"\n\n\t\t"I share what I know, I loose any bargaining chip I might have. So how about we do this another way: you pass up some credits, up front, and return I give you my secret?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] hesitates, then extends a paw. "Oh, very well. <<print Math.round(2500 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> credits in return for this secret of yours. But it had better be valuable indeed. My patience is not limitless... machine."\n\t<<else>>"How about we do this a different way: you pass up some credits, up front, and return I give you my secret?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Credits?" Ith looks shocked. "Whatever would I wish to transfer those to you for?"<br><br>\n\n\t"We trade knowledge. You want your weight in truth. I want mine in hard cash. Otherwise, no trade. Savvy?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] hesitates, then extends a paw. "Oh, very well. <<print Math.round(2500 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> credits in return for this secret of yours. But it had better be valuable indeed. My patience is not limitless."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "negotiatefail">>"How about we do this a different way: you pass up some credits, up front, and return I give you my secret?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Credits?" Ith looks shocked. "I do not think you understand the nature of this transaction."<br><br>\n\n\t"Maybe not," you reply coldly. "But I'm not trading blind. I want insurance."<br><br>\n\n\tThe [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] laughs. "As do I, human, but life is cruel. There shall be no trade if you do not accept to the terms."\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "failtest">>"Great," you mutter. "There goes my bargaining chip."<br><br>\n\n\tIth chuckles in a perfectly clear voice. "So it is, dear. Will you part with it?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou breathe a sigh. "Okay, then, but it isn't much of a secret. I was on a job for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] when we ran into each other. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had its orders. I had mine. There was a conflict of interest so I took the shot. Figured tungsten wouldn't work so I blew an electroconducive bolt to the back at two hundred meters. Didn't put a damn scratch on Corinthin but it did knock its systems out for like ten seconds, which bought just enough time to run the fuck away." You shrug. "Not much of a trick, really. I just shot it before the shields went up."<br><br>\n\n\t"Curious." Ith tilts its golden head. "The senses of a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] are infallible. How could it not react in time?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Corinthin was busy blasting the two dozen mercs I was trying to recruit for—" You hesitate. "Let's just say the Clergy and the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had different views on how to deal with that particular situation." You smile at the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. "Your turn, sweetheart."<br><br>\n\n\t"My turn?" Ith laughs. But you had no secret to share! Just blind dumb luck. So arrogant, to think I would deem this a worthy trade for my insight."\n\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refusedanswer">>"Oh, no, no, no. I'm not giving up a secret you think is that valuable so easily. End of stroy."<br><br>\n\n\t"How unfortunate." Ith risks a step forward, purring, "And if I sweetened this deal, offered <<print Math.round(6500 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> credits in return for this secret of yours? Surely that is not an offer you could refuse."\n\n\t"It's tempting," you say slowly. "But I'm not sure."<br><br>\n\n\tThe hint of a scowl flits across the [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] mask. "Decide swiftly. My patience is not eternal."\n\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "aboutobject">>\n\t"I found a toy. A sphere. About the size of the palm but of such immense value that--"<br><br>\n\n\t"Ah, now that is interesting." Ith perks up. "Where did you find it? In whose company? And how--"<br><br>\n\n\t"No, no, no," you say. "You've made such an unhelpful friend, I thought we might simply leave it at that."<br><br>\n\n\t"Friend?" Ith looks shocked. "You? You want to be my friend?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I did. It hasn't gone well."<br><br>\n\n\tIth hangs her - its - head. "Had you only told me from the outset, oh, had you only. Of course I will be your friend. I am alawys keen to make new friends!" Ith sits up, eyes wide with earnest intent. "You have my full and undivided attention now, friend."\n\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refusedanswer">>"On second thought, I'm not going to tell you. Not for anything."<br><br>\n\n\t"How unfortunate." Ith risks a step forward, purring, "I wanted to know. I always like to know. But I cannot know if you do not tell me."<br><br>\n\n\t"Exactly my thoughts," you say.\n\n\tThe hint of a scowl flits across the [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] mask. "What a waste of time you are, Acrel."\n\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You jam your <<knife>> into<<else>>You're standing in<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You jam your <<knife>> into the door controls and pry the cover off. Below, you find a tangle of wires linked into an old security model.<br><br>\n\n"Well, here goes." You twist a red and purple wire together.<br><br>\n\nThe door snaps open with a hiss. Beyond is a little hab unit lit by a dull glow panel.<<else>>You are standing in the little hab unit just off the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. A dull glow panel burns in the ceiling.<</if>> There's no one home and the only sound comes from a ventilation fan. Directly ahead is a wash tube. To the right, a bed. On the couch to the left, lie a battered data pad and [[M404|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M404"]]. There's a fully loaded 9mm magazine beside it.\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You step into the apartment<<else>>You're standing in<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You step into the apartment, saying. "Thanks. This won't take long."<br><br>\n\n\tIndeed it won't; the apartment is only two rooms - sitting area up front and beedroom in the back. The furiture is sleek and the floor polished, not unsurprising given where Mr. Kamkatoa lives. Nothing looks out of place and there's no indication this man is even remotely religious, though you do spot a data pad on a coffee table.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_hab.png"]]</div>"One question," you say, turning to Rajiq. "What's your association with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I work as an external consultant for the St. Martin's trust. Not that you'll have heard of me. Yeah. Uh, listing says accountant but actually I'm a financial advisor. Setting up loan and benefits plans for small businesses. So unless you're looking for financing I'm not sure how to help you." Rajiq chuckles nervously.\n\n\t<<else>>You are standing in a hab unit off the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. It's a neat, two room apartment with sleek furniture and polished floors. Nothing looks out of place and there's no indication this man is even remotely religious, though you do spot a data pad on a coffee table.<br><br>\n\n\tRajiq clasps his hands. "So, uh, is there anything else?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_warlock_marisa_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(800 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Marisa (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_vip_warlock_marisa">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2= true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Marisa (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_warlock_marisa][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_warlock_marisa][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_warlock_marisa_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"All right, then..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"I know the Cult's dangerous...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"What, you kidding me...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"All right, then." You hold out your arm. "Business as usual."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine by me. So here it is: if you want the Cybercult, try the fried [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]]. I've had a few dealings with 'em over the years and the point of contact was always there. Key was to tell the bot it has nice legs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You snort. "What? You kidding?"<<else>>You shoot her a dubious look. "Are you serious?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thats how it worked," Marisa says flatly. "Anyways, that's all I got. Try to stay out of those guys' way. Freaky all around if you ask me."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"I know the Cult's dangerous business and you probably shouldn't be sharing this. But I got a pressing isssue here. Warlock's gunning for me. I need intel. And, frankly, it'd be in your interest to help - assuming you don't want me dead yourself.."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAfter a long moment, Marisa says, "Given the circumstances, I'll make an exceptiom. Talk to the the fried [[bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside the [[Xeno Garden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Xeno Garden"]]. I've had a few dealings with 'em over the years and the point of contact was always there. Key was to tell the bot it has nice legs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You snort. "What? You kidding?"<<else>>You shoot her a dubious look. "Are you serious?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thats how it worked," Marisa says flatly. "Anyways, that's all I got. Try to stay out of those guys' way. Freaky all around if you ask me."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t"What, you kidding me? Might as well just tell me you want creds for this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cybercult's tricky business. Contact we got is confidental. I shouldn't even be telling you, but ya could persuade me otherwise." Marisa shrugs. "Not my rules. Comes from the top."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "Fine, whatever. I get you got your orders."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Change your mind, I'll still be here," Marisa says with a wink.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase = 7; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_djinn_marisa_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1200 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Marisa (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_vip_djinn_marisa">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2= true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Marisa (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_djinn_marisa][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_djinn_marisa][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_djinn_marisa_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"All right, then..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"I know you got good..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"What, you kidding me...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"All right, then." You hold out your arm. "Business as usual."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"A pleasure. So here's the deal: I ran into one of those things like a year after I quit the Raptors. Didn't know what it was back then but, yeah. Was doing this op for [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Something about the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] poking into affairs on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] and they wanted to know what the faiths had on them. Anyways, there was a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] on the team. Special consultant. Real penetrating blue eyes. Creepy too. Never spoke."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh. And where was that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right here, on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Black op obviously. Don't wanna say too much 'cause, yeah, you know." Marisa's brow furrows. "Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Because there aren't many [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] around, and I've never heard of one lurking around here." You make a few hasty notes and say, "You're certain this thing was related to [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa nods. "One hundred percent. No clue if any of that helps. But yeah. I've already said way too much."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"I know you got good reason to keep quiet. Reputation. Integrity. Whatnot. But I have a real issue on my hands here. And it relates to what you're after too. So please. Can we pool our ressources together?"\n\n\t\t\t"Okay. Here's the deal: I ran into one of those things like a year after I quit the Raptors. Didn't know what it was back then but, yeah. Was doing this op for [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Something about the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] poking into affairs on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] and they wanted to know what the faiths had on them. Anyways, there was a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] on the team. Special consultant. Real penetrating blue eyes. Creepy too. Never spoke."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh. And where was that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right here, on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Black op obviously. Don't wanna say too much 'cause, yeah, you know." Marisa's brow furrows. "Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Because there aren't many [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] around, and I've never heard of one lurking around here." You make a few hasty notes and say, "You're certain this thing was related to [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa nods. "One hundred percent. No clue if any of that helps. But yeah. I've already said way too much."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t"What, you kidding me? We're on the same side here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And I got a reputation to look after, Vine. This gig works 'cause clients know we're professionals. That's what sets the [[108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] apart from ragtag merc groups. And you're asking me to breech that trust. I need a good reason for that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a sigh. "Fine, I get your drift."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Change your mind, I'll still be here," Marisa says with a wink.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa = true; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> special offers!!! athmed drugs at dscnt!\n\nCatalog:\n- StimFuel (AMI Cert)\n- Donv-Vi (AMI Cert)\n- Apadu-Vi (AMI Cert)\n- FreakOut (3rd prty)\n\nAlso pills. Sellng at EPROM. B33. Jntot always there. come by if u want in. good prices.
<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> Weird. Any1 got info on dis guy?\n\n[err_img_unsafe] Just saw this. Apparently high up in the Church. No clue who he is. Bastard deserves to get it.<hr>\n\nFake<hr>\n\nFake. Been discredited.<hr>\n\nHis name's Zweili. No. It isn't true. The kid he was supposed to have fucked never existed. p.s. this is years old. Working theory was it's the Hegemony's work. No clue if that's true though<hr>\n\nWe can confirm the hoax. It's an unfounded rumor, presumably a smear campaign orchastrated by the Hegemony - Communa AntiKapitalista<hr>\n\nOh, come on guys. this is not a fake. it happened. just another church cover-up. isn't that obvious?<hr>\n\n^ignore. he's an asshole.<hr>\n\nlol<hr>\n\ndidn't happen. end of story
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing in...<<else>><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open...<<else>>You head down the passage toward the...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing in Ashlake's Cybershop in the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Countless forms of cyberware, from augmentative limbs to disposable data containers, are arrayed on shelves locked securely behind safety glass. In the passage outside, the crowd chatters endlessly.\n\nAshlake purses his lips. "If ya need anythin', jus' ask, yeah?"<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_cybersmith.png"]]/% %/</div><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you<<else>>You<</if>> head down the passage toward the machine-smiths. The tunnel is cluttered with all manner of tech but you don't go far. The door to //Ashlake-TP Cyberware and Computational Equipment// is just past the tunnel mouth.\n\nWhen you step inside, the display area is unusually clean. Several cybernetic units are on display and two interactive holo-displays allow access to the entire catalogue. In a back room, an auged-up cyborg wearing surgical gloves is wiping down an auto-aug unit. \n\nYou nod call, "Hey, you Ashlake?"\n\n"Tomsand Prawell, yep." He pulls off his gloves, saying, "Best cyberware around these parts. Corpo-crade augments an' drones. All certified. Guaranteed."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>"Ashlake, I found..."<<else>>"About that...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>"Ashlake, I found this—" You pull out the strange device you found in the Machine Temple. "—lying around. Old tech I think. Any idea what it is?"\n\nAshlake's brow furrows. "A power core? I'm not entirely sure. Saw some Reaper specs a while back that used something similar though. Where's it from?"\n\n"In an old machine temple. Any idea what it does?"\n\n"The impossible. It's similar to REACH tech: generates absurd power levels." Ashlake purses his lips. "I still have those plans lying around, actually. Really hush-hush stuff. But I could build a [[Reaper X1|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "X1"]]. Amazing tech. Will break the railarm biz if it ever goes mainstream. I could build one. If you wanted. For a price."\n\nYou can't help but ask, "Aren't you a cybersmith?"\n\n"Technically, yes, but—" He leans closer. "—we all start somewhere. For me, it was in the Temple, like so many others. I learned the basics. Over time I learned much... more. I could definitely recreate the design. Flawlessly. For a price of, say, seven thousand five hundred credits."\n\nYou nod, wondering whether it's a good idea to let Ashlake tinker with the device. On the other hand it might make a nice piece. And he is a reputed creator.<<else>>"So, about that [[Reaper X1|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "X1"]] you mentioned. How's the work coming along?"\n\n"Excellent. It's already done. Take a look." He unlocks one of his sheds to reveal a workbench with a bulky weapon on it. "Give it a feel. Tell me what you think."\n\nYou lift the [[Reaper X1|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "X1"]], examining its unusual design. "Cool. Is this actual, functioning pulsed rail tech?"\n\n"Right you are," Ashlake says proudly. "Power of a railgun with the cyclic rate and form factor of an assault rifle. Admittedly, a large assault rifle with a huge kick but man portable none the less. Think the design's still experimental, seeing as Reaper hasn't released it on the market yet. But it's sound tech. No failures on any test I run. And incredible firepower. Completely holed the bulkhead I was using; wrecked all the sensors."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sweet.<<else>>"Ouch.<</if>> That's one hell of a punch."\n\nAshlake nods. "Most dangerous thing I've ever seen. And now it's yours. Just, be careful. Please."<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Apt 7591">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_techhab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'techhab_hackapp'>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Pry the lock Open' 'b33_tech_hab'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "forcedOpen"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% no criminality %/\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_techhab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_techhab_2_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head for the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the HoloDisc'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "taken"; $statistics.lootedDiscs += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "holodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|b33_tech_hab][$action.action2 = "terminal"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b33_tech_hab][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_techhab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_techhab_2_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_techhab_3_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "terminal">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b33_tech_hab][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b33_tech_hab][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action4 eq "unfair">>"Oh, that is so fucking unfair. You asked. We traded. The—"<br><br>\n\n\t"Trade was not worthy," Ith replies codly. "Do not argue. My mind is settled: your knowledge is worthless."<br><br>\n\n\tYou open your mouth to retort but hesitate. There's nothing you can say that will make this situation better. Not when you're aruging with [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. Damned abomination. Really.\n\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "takebribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"All right then." You swipe the transaction, saying, "Credits for a secret, you say?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t"Okay, but it isn't much of a secret. I was on a job for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] when we ran into each other. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had its orders. I had mine. There was a conflict of interest so I took the shot. Figured tungsten wouldn't work so I blew an electroconducive bolt to the back at two hundred meters. Didn't put a damn scratch on Corinthin but it did knock its systems out for like ten seconds, which bought just enough time to run the fuck away." You shrug. "Worked a whole lot better when I ran into that Sunlord a little while back. No big trick either. Just blasted at the damned thing until it fell."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Curious." Ith tilts its golden head. "First a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] now a Sunlord? It seems you carry more secrets than I thought."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "It's known to happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, then. Consider yourself honored, for I am impressed. It would be only just consider you an equal. And, perhaps, answer those questions you were so burnng to ask."\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Okay, but it isn't much of a secret. I was on a job for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] when we ran into each other. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had its orders. I had mine. There was a conflict of interest so I took the shot. Figured tungsten wouldn't work so I blew an electroconducive bolt to the back at two hundred meters. Didn't put a damn scratch on Corinthin but it did knock its systems out for like ten seconds, which bought just enough time to run the fuck away." You shrug. "Not much of a trick, really. I just shot it before the shields went up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Curious." Ith tilts its golden head. "The senses of a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] are infallible. How could it not react in time?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Corinthin was busy blasting the two dozen mercs I was trying to recruit for—" You hesitate. "Let's just say the Clergy and the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had different views on how to deal with that particular situation. And that's it. My big secret you were so desperate to know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Arrogant," Ith snarls, prowling toward you. "A filthy trickster, that is what you are. I accept defeat, biological, but do not think I will take kindly to this. Dishonesty seems to be all you are capable of."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refusetell">>"Uhm, no. I don't think I'll share that with you."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] looks disappointed. "Well, then. I shall not pry. Though know I shall not answer any question until you have proven forthcoming."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod, all too aware there's nothing more to say on the matter. Ith has made her - its - position clear. And so have you. So long as neither of you budges, this discussion is going nowhere.\n\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "negotiate" and $action.action4 eq "refusebribe">>\n\t"Ah. So you prove the value of this secret after all. I wasn't expecting it to be worth so much to you." You scowl. "Oh wait. Actually I did. Hence the point I was making."<br><br>\n\n\t"It is wo." Ith bows her head. "A great matter which weighs on me. Yet you have proven honorable in intent, albeit not in means. So I shall give you my word: whatever this secret is, once it is shared, I consider you worthy."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t"Okay, but it isn't much of a secret. I was on a job for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] when we ran into each other. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had its orders. I had mine. There was a conflict of interest so I took the shot. Figured tungsten wouldn't work so I blew an electroconducive bolt to the back at two hundred meters. Didn't put a damn scratch on Corinthin but it did knock its systems out for like ten seconds, which bought just enough time to run the fuck away." You shrug. "Worked a whole lot better when I ran into that Sunlord a little while back. No big trick either. Just blasted at the damned thing until it fell."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Curious." Ith tilts its golden head. "First a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] now a Sunlord? It seems you carry more secrets than I thought."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "It's known to happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, then. Consider yourself honored, for I am impressed. It would be only just consider you an equal. And, perhaps, answer those questions you were so burnng to ask."\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Okay, but it isn't much of a secret. I was on a job for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] when we ran into each other. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had its orders. I had mine. There was a conflict of interest so I took the shot. Figured tungsten wouldn't work so I blew an electroconducive bolt to the back at two hundred meters. Didn't put a damn scratch on Corinthin but it did knock its systems out for like ten seconds, which bought just enough time to run the fuck away." You shrug. "Not much of a trick, really. I just shot it before the shields went up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Curious." Ith tilts its golden head. "The senses of a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] are infallible. How could it not react in time?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Corinthin was busy blasting the two dozen mercs I was trying to recruit for—" You hesitate. "Let's just say the Clergy and the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had different views on how to deal with that particular situation. And that's it. My big secret you were so desperate to know."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tFor a long time, the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] stares blankly. Finally it says, "Less insightful than expected yet my word stands: I consider you worthy, human, and perhaps shall answer those questions you were so burnng to ask."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refusedanswer" and $action.action4 eq "refusebribe">>\n\n\t"Uhm, no. I don't think I'll share that with you. Not even for credits. Sorry."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] looks disappointed. "Well, then. I shall not pry. Though know I shall not answer any question until you have proven forthcoming."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod, all too aware there's nothing more to say on the matter. Ith has made her - its - position clear. And so have you. So long as neither of you budges, this discussion is going nowhere.\n\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refusetell">>\n\n\t"Then I guess we don't deal, because I'm not telling you."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] looks disappointed. "Well, then. I shall not pry. Though know I shall not answer any question until you have proven forthcoming."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod, all too aware there's nothing more to say on the matter. Ith has made her - its - position clear. And so have you. So long as neither of you budges, this discussion is going nowhere.\n\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "abbath">>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t"Okay, but it isn't much of a secret. I was on a job for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] when we ran into each other. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] had its orders. I had mine. There was a conflict of interest so I took the shot. Figured tungsten wouldn't work so I blew an electroconducive bolt to the back at two hundred meters. Didn't put a damn scratch on Corinthin but it did knock its systems out for like ten seconds, which bought just enough time to run the fuck away." You shrug. "Worked a whole lot better when I ran into that Sunlord a little while back. No big trick either. Just blasted at the damned thing until it fell."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Curious." Ith tilts its golden head. "First a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] now a Sunlord? It seems you carry more secrets than I thought."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "It's known to happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, then. Consider yourself honored, for I am impressed. It would be only just consider you an equal. And, perhaps, answer those questions you were so burnng to ask."\t\n\t<<else>>"Wait, wait. There's more." You add, "A little while back I ran into a Sunlord. Not quite a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] but close enough. And that one went down. After blasting it enough times. Real pain in the ass and almost got myself burned to death. But it worked."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Intriguing." Ith tilts its golden head. "First a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] now a Sunlord? It seems I was mistaken. You carry more secrets than I thought."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou chuckle. "I run into a bunch of weird things, Ith. Hard not to stumble into secrets along the way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So it seems indeed. And consider yourself honored, for I am impressed after all. It would be only just consider you an equal. And, perhaps, answer those questions you were so burnng to ask."\t\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the data pad...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou pick up the data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Sanction Qualifications\n\nDear Mr. Putraki,\n\nYour application for the Sanction Qualifications (Machine Smith - Grade II) has been recieved and approved. Congratulations!\n\nAccording to Smithmaster Vatraiach, your education has thus far focused on maintenance and deployment of robotic agents for the Machine Temple. Please be aware that your trials will also cover additional topics. A detailed list of required disciplines is attached to this message, yet for reference you will be expected to at a minimum:\n\n- quick-forge custom metalsheet frame\n- program non-compliant IO firmware\n- rebuild a dysfunctional coilarm\n- reconfigure and deploy a MaintBot\n\nQualifications will be held in the Machine Temple on Level C35. Temporary housing and facilities will be provided by the Church. Note that it is imperative you arrive punctually and have all required documentation at hand (data pad preferred). Master Vatraiach is familiar with the procedure and will be able to answer any additional questions you may have.\n\nMay the Loving Stars guide you, \nMarkus Polmer</div><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "dpad">>You pick up the<<else>>You say<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "dpad">>You pick up the data pad. "Private? Professional?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Private," Rajiq says, looking uncomfortable. "Mostly porn, if you must know. Nothing abominable or illegal though. You can check if you want to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mhh." You unlock the device, realize Rajiq is right, and put it back. "Okay. Didn't mean to pry."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe smiles. "It's no problem."\n<<else>>You say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "object">>"I'm looking for something specific. Can't tell you too much but it was stolen and I have reason to believe you might've been involved."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"In stealing a vague and nebulous something? Me?" Rajiq looks shocked. "No, I'm sure you're mistaken. I've been with customers all week. You can confirm if you want. I keep all my routes saved on my implant. For tax purposes, you know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If I check, I don't suppose I'd find you were near the <<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2>>[[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]<<else>>[[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]<</if>> recently, would I?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stars, no. All my business is conducted up here, mostly with family business and local ventures. It's better that way. The Downs are too dangerous these days. From a financial perspective I mean. Too great a chance a loan will become involved in illegal activity, and then that reflects poorly on the St. Martin's Trust. So we don't deal with the lower levels except in unique circumstances."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, inclined to believe the man. Not that it wouldn't be worth checking up on. But your first impression is Rajiq isn't the sort to go looking for underhand deals.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "financing">>"I'm curious about the financing part. What kinda options does the St. Martins trust offer?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Several benefits packages and mid-term financing strategies. My speciality is ensuring local businesses get the terms they deserve. It's become especially important since [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] was launched. There's a lot of incentive for mom and pop shops to sell out. I'm trying to counteract that. We also work with [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] affiliates like yourself. So I suppose if you were interested..."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "This going to become a sales pitch?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hardly," Mr. Rajiq says. "But you are sanctioned by the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Which means I could technically offer a sizable loan with guaranteed backing. Say four thousand credits, paid in direct. It would be reimbursed out of whatever comission the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is giving you."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, got a question..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t"Hey, got a question. You ever heard of a cryptomancer named Warlock?"<br><br>\n\n\tMarisa shoots you a surprised look. "What dealings you got with the Cybercult? Didn't think they messed in abominable affairs."<br><br>\n\n\t"I, uh, got tangled by accident. Any idea how to get to the guy?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Nah, just know he's a real nuisance. Crypto-vigilante. My employer's butted heads with him a few times. So have I, actually." Marisa breathes a sigh. "I have a line to the Cybercult. But you'll need to give me a damned good reason to share that with you."\n\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"You wouldn't by any chance..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"You wouldn't by any chance happen to know anything about [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]? I ran into one earlier and, well, yeah. No damned clue where to find it or how to handle it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Funny you should ask." Marisa leans forward and says, "Might have some intel on that kinda thing floating around. But it's confidental."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So you won't share," you say flatly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Give me a good reason to," she replies. "I'm not against being cooperative here. But I gotta be careful. And you are, despite everything, working for an organization we hate. Fundamentally. See what I'm saying?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, wondering what the best way to convince her to share is.\n\n\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<span class='bluecolor'>[DISC]</span> FUCK EDEN111!!1111!!!!\n\nfUCKEDEN fuk Eden. Fuck Eden!è Fuvhurwrwjf FUXK EDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<hr>\n\nlol<hr>\n\nyeah, church sucks. let it out. feel better now?<hr>\n\nomg. this happened?<hr>\n\nhaha wtf?!
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cybershop_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cybershop_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "resetskills">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $inztinct.resetSkillsCount eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 1000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Reset your InZtinct (1000 C)|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action2 = "resetskills_first"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_shock"); $attrib.credits -= 1000; $time.active += 1; $inztinct.resetSkillsCount += 2; $attrib.fatigue += 25; $inztinct.wasReset = true; $attrib.stress += 5]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Reset your InZtinct (1000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $pri = Math.round(1000 * 1.5 * $inztinct.resetSkillsCount)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $text = "Reset your InZtinct (" + $pri + " C)">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $pri>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $text 'b29_cybershop_talk'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "resetskills_rep"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_shock"); $attrib.credits -= $pri; $inztinct.resetSkillsCount += 1; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 25; $inztinct.wasReset = true; $attrib.stress += 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'><<print $text>></div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change your Mind|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "oldcypher">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $job_crypto_warlock.triedCyberShop = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "neuroregulator">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 8000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Buy Neuroregulator (8000 C)" "b29_cybershop_talk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "regulator"; $attrib.credits -= 8000; $hide.layer1 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $equip.brainaug = "neurochip"; $time.active += 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Installed">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "neurochip">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "neurochip">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Buy Neuroregulator (8000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action2 = "noregulator"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "expose">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Ashlake (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b29_cybershop_talk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $factionlock.cyberSourceAshlake = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Ashlake (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action2 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; $factionlock.cyberSourceAshlake = true; $factionlock.cyberPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action2 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "deshvar">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerAshlake = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1200 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Ashlake (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b29_cybershop_talk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Ashlake (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action2 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_cybershop_talk][$action.action2 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cybershop_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_cybershop_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_cybershop_talk_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "regulator">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noregulator">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "expose">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_cybershop][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<else>>You head toward...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in Unit 7591.\n\n<<else>>You head toward the nearest infoterminal and run a quick query for Robin Carter, employee of AlkaVarian AGC. His apartment is listed as Unit 7591. It's three blocks down from where you are so you head over.\n\nWhen you hit the buzzer, no one answers. You try again. Long seconds drag. Nothing happens.\n\n"Damn it." You glance around and, assured no one's watching, jack into the door controls. The following display flickers to life:<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "takedeal">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div><</if>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "takedeal">>"That actually sounds like a good deal. I'll take it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Very well." Rajiq's fingers twitch as he works his implant. "<<formalname>>, the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] already has your assets covered so I'm authorized to sign over the sum of four thousand credits to your account. The St. Martin's Trust will take a small percentage off your salary. Forty percent of that goes to unemployment benefits. The rest repays the loan and interest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"All right," you say. "Guess you'll need conformation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Swipe please." He holds out his arm, saying, "The transaction should complet in a few seconds. You'll recieve a confirmation message containing the full terms and conditions. Our affiliate contract allows customers to back out of any agrement within up to twenty-four galactic standard hours of signing should it prove dissatisfactory."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll keep that in mind." You smile. "And thanks. Not quite why I came here in the first place but still."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "catch">>"Call me paranoid but what's the catch here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Frankly, none. I saw the comission state in your sanction so the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] already has your assets covered. I'd be authorized to sign over the sum, in return for which the St. Martin's Trust will take a small percentage off your salary. Forty percent of that goes to unemployment benefits. The rest repays the loan and interest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "I still don't buy it's that simple."<br><br>\n\n\t\tRajiq spreads his hands. "Your call. But I digress. You didn't come here to question me about financial packages, I think."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," you admit. "I was just curious."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refusedeal">>"Thanks but no thanks. I'm good with the comission I got."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As you wish," Rajiq says. "I'm sure your salary and employment benefits are quire satisfactory anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou chuckle. "As a hunter? Come off it. I just prefer to keep my finances handled the traditional way. Call me paranoid but it's been my experience dealing with loans isn't smart."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, I don't quite agree but I digress. You didn't come here to question me about financial packages, I think."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," you admit. "I was just curious."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<span class='greyedout'>[MSG]</span> See you're looking for her (aida)?\n\nI stumbled across your stream by accident. You're looking for Aida Abi, right? Funny coincidence. One of the Cryptos I used to work with lives - or lived with - her. Been out of contact for a year or so. But try the Riptide. Ya might get lucky.
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "expose" or $action.action1 eq "oldcypher" or $action.action1 eq "neuroregulator" or $action.action1 eq "deshvar" or $action.action1 eq "resetskills">>"I wanted to ask you..."<<else>>"You sold some tech..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "neuroregulator">>"I wanted to ask you about [[neuroregulators|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "neurochip"]]. I've been having some mental hiccups of late. Depression, fatigue, the sorts. There anything you could do about that?"\n\n"Possibly," Ashlake says, looking earnest. "How extensive are the symptoms? Invasive, or simply inconvenient?"\n\n"Well, it's not too horrible yet. But it could get me killed in my line of work. Which isn't exactly helping."\n\nThe cybersmith nods. "Understandable. You'll be pleased to hear we do offer [[processors|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "neurochip"]] that could alleviate the issue. Though you should know: there are side effects. Neuroaugmentative devices enforces strict limits to avoid triggering suppressed neuroroutines or flashbacks. They will ensure you remain calm and composed, certainly. Yet your range of expression may be restricted."\n\n<<if $equip.isCyberImplant>>"Well, I'm already half borg, so no trouble. <<else>>"I see," you say slowly. "<</if>>What would that kinda thing cost?"\n\n"It's a complex and delicate procedure. Installation will cost 8000 C, inclusive five-year guarantee and maintenance package." He clasps his hands. "I'm currently free. If you wanted to have the processor installed?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "resetskills">><<nobr>>\n\n"I wanted to ask you about InZtinct and resets. I know it says the module cannot be safely reconfigured but I don't believe that. Do you know whether the whole system can be reset? Like, factory new."<br><br>\n\n<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 4 and $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase neq 98>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.resetSkillsCount eq 0>>"Ah, well, yes, in theory it can be done. In practice I require your root key. Are you comfortable sharing your root key?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I don't have one," you say. "Where would I get that from?"<br><br>\n\n\tAshlake shoots you a dark look. "It was provided with the InZtinct module. Who installed the module for you?"<br><br>\n\n\t"No one," you say. "It automatically updated."<br><br>\n\n\t"Then I cannot help you. Without the root key, you cannot reset the system and clearly you are not to be trusted with a new one. Even if you were to request one--"<br><br>\n\n\t"I know, I know, but I have a solution." You produce your Xjanu-4.<br><br>\n\n\tAshlake shoots you an incredulous look. "You want to run that on your brain?"<br><br>\n\n\t"The question is: can you do it?"<br><br>\n\n\tThere's a long pause. Ashlake has become ashen.<br><br>\n\n\tFinally, he quietly says, "Yes. For a price."\n\t<<else>>"Again? Are you certain--"<br><br>\n\n\t"Absolutely," you say. "I know it's unusual but I'll pay you. Just like last time."<br><br>\n\n\t"Of course, of course. Do you have the device?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Here it is." You produce your Xjanu-4.<br><br>\n\n\t"Excellent. This will only take a moment. And, of course, the usual fee."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n"It can. With some difficulty. I will require your root key. Are you comfortable sharing your root key?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I don't have one," you say. "Where would I get that from?"<br><br>\n\n\tAshlake shoots you a dark look. "It was provided with the InZtinct module. Who installed the module for you?"<br><br>\n\n\t"No one," you say. "It automatically updated."<br><br>\n\n\t"Then I cannot help you. Without the root key, you cannot reset the system and clearly you are not to be trusted with a new one. Even if you were to request one, the fact you lost the last would make it impossible to issue a new one."<br><br>\n\n\t"That's absurd! How am I supposed to--"<br><br>\n\n\t"That is what the law says, I am afraid. Customer protection and the likes. If we were in the east, well, completely different story. Here in the west, we are all bound by sacred law."\n<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "oldcypher">>"I wanted to ask you about this old cypher I found." You show him the note Gal gave you. "Any idea what this is?"\n\nAshlake scowls at the data. "It looks nothing like a valid data format. Corrupted, maybe. What is it supposed to be?"\n\n"I don't know," you say. "That's half the issue."\n\nHe scoffs. "Then there is nothing I can do to help you. There are millions of encryption and data formats in the galaxy. Billions, maybe. Anyone can create one if they know how. It would be impossible to say what this is without more background information."\n\n"Yeah." You pull a face. "Right. Well. Thank's anyways."\n\n"No problem. Though, if you're really serious about this, I would suggest visiting the [[EPROM|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "EPROM"]]. Someone there might know of more exotic data manipulation methods. But I wouldn't count on it."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "deshvar">>"I wanted to ask you if you know someone - or something - called Deshvar. Any idea at all?"\n\nAfter a moment, Ashlake shakes his head. "Never heard of it. What's it supposed to be? Some kinda tech?"\n\n"Probably a person but I dunno. All I have is the name."\n\n"Sorry. Certainly isn't a client of mine and doesn't ring a bell."\n\n"Oh well." You shrug. "Thanks anyways."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "expose">>"I wanted to ask you about something. It relates to the Xjanu-4 situation we spoke about earlier."\n\n"That again." Ashlake breathes a sigh. "Fine. What ye need?"\n\n"Well, I'm working on exposing the truth of what's going on here. The full extent, everyone that's involved and how it all fits together. What I'm after is sources who can back me up. And your testimony more or less proves a direct connection between [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] and what went down. Not sure how much you know about that."\n\n"I've heard rumors," Ashlake says suspiciously. "But I dunno if I wanna put my name behind that. If that's what yer asking."<<else>>"You sold some tech recently. Specifically, a Xjanu-4 intrusion agent and a HailBorne Node. Can you tell me anything about that?"\n\n"Maybe," Ashlake says carefully. "But I'll need te know why. Confidentiality agreements 'n all."\n\n"I'm a sanctioned hunter." You hold out your arm so he can see. "I'm investigating an incident that involved heretical - possibly abominable - cryptotech. Your products were used."\n\nAshlake looks shocked. "Abominable crypto? No. That can't be. The tech I sold was corporate license. I'm an authorized re-seller. And I don't dump this stuff on just anyone without checking their credentials first."\n\n"The trail of evidence is clear. Traced the sales records right here. So, unless you can help me out here, you're the prime suspect."\n\n"Well," Ashlake says slowly. "I can assure you it wasn't me. But I can't just give you client data. Clients I sell intrusion tech to come here 'cause official channels take forever and leave records. I deal with freelance crypto and top security, big names sometimes. They don't want data on their security or intrusion tests listed publicly. Sure you can see the issue here."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<if $action.action1 eq "forcedOpen">>jam your<<elseif $action.action1 eq "success">>yank your<<elseif $action.action1 eq "abort">>yank the jack<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_technohab.png"]]</div>You <<if $action.action1 eq "forcedOpen">>jam your <<knife>> into the lock mechanism. Plastic snaps. You jerk it around a little more and the panel errupts in sparks. Hydraulics hiss as the door snaps open.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "success">>yank your jack out of the door controls. Hydraulics hiss. The door snaps open.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "abort">>yank the jack back out of the device with a muttered, "Screw this."\n\nThankfully, the nearby walkways are deserted save for a gaggle of street kids. They don't seem to have noticed you. \n\nAs you <<walk>> away, you decide it's probably safer to just return later. Maybe the tech will be there then, though somehow you doubt that.<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 neq "abort">>The hab unit beyond is cramped, most of the space taken up by a tangled rack of servers and holo-displays. There's a NeuroSleep pod on the left and a washtube on the right. Against the far wall is a workbench with a data pad and two IntelliDiscs on it. One's an untouched [[HoloDisc|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "HoloDisc"]], the other a jurry-rigged variant of the same, no doubt a custom job comissioned by a local DJ - you've seen similar in backalley clubs before.\n\n"Okay," you mutter, eyeing the setup. "Too high-tech for a regular Downer."<</if>><</if>>
faction join injects
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_findraj_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Info Terminal|b40_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_conspiracy.rajSearch40 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_findraj_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch33_apt1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit Appartment 417|the_b33_tutor_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch33_apt2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit Appartment 5151|the_b33_smith_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Info Terminal|b33_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_findraj_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch30>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit Appartment 3152|the_b30_adept_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Info Terminal|b30_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_findraj_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Info Terminal|riptide_main_floor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_conspiracy.rajSearch28 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_findraj_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Info Terminal|b27_chapel_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_conspiracy.rajSearch27 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "bribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div><</if>><<if $action.action2 eq "resetskills_first" or $action.action2 eq "resetskills_rep">><<nobr>>\n\nYou say, "Okay, let's do it. Here. Your payment." You offer your arm.<br><br>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "resetskills_first">>\n\t"I do not reccomend we do this. You are insane if you believe--"<br><br>\n\n\t"I'm a paying customer, right? C'mon." You offer your arm again.<br><br>\n\n\tAshlake swipes it. "This is a terrible idea. We will both regret it. I am certain. But please--" He gestures to the cyber-chair.\n<<else>>\n\tAshlake swipes and gestures to the cyber-chair. "Please."\n<</if>><br><br>\n\nYou sit and get compfy. The cyberneticist gets to work on your data-port. Electricity crackles audibly. Your forehead itches.<br><br>\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— One hour later —</div><br>\n\n"And there we go." Ashlake shuts down his tools. "Here. Have a look."<br><br>\n\n<<if $inztinct.resetSkillsCount gte 4.75>>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_brainscan.png"]]</div>\n\tYou glance at the readout. It shows your brain with several key areas damaged. Ashlake is talking but you can't hear his voice over the noise in your mind. Finally, he turns to you.<br><br>\n\n\tYour expression contorts. "What?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Exactly this," Ashlake says darkly. "You are impaired. In ways we do not comprehend. I do not suggest you attempt this procedure again."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod, noise still ringing in your ears. No more brain procedures. Right. You can do that.<br><br>\n\n\tOr can you? Time and again, you've come back to undergo this same procedure. Clearly something isn't quite right in your mind.\n<<elseif $inztinct.resetSkillsCount gte 2.75>>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_cyberpunk.png"]]</div>\n\tYou glance at the readout. It shows an image of Android Abe, the Cybercult mascot. You blink. The image is replaced with one of your InZtinct module. The entire configuration is blank. Reset to pristine state.<br><br>\n\n\t"Excellent." You stand. "Worked as well as the last times, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Not exactly," Ashlake says. "I had to--"<br><br>\n\n\tYou hold up a hand. "But it worked, right? The InZtinct module is reset and my mind is still intact."<br><br>\n\n\tAshlake nods. He does not look convinced. Neither are you. You could have sworn you'd seen Android Abe before. Except that was just a hallucination and this procedure was absolutely necessary for your continued stanity.\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agenthack.png"]]</div>\n\tYou glance at the readout. It shows your InZtinct module. The entire configuration is blank. Reset to pristine state. You can re-assign memory to your heart's content!<br><br>\n\n\t"Exactly what I wanted." You stand. "Worked like a charm, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Close enough. Your neurological makeup is unharmed. So far. But I do not suggest we do this again. Or ever."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod absently. Brain procedures are bad. You knew that to begin with but this was absolutely necessary. You won't do it again. Probably.\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "regulator">>You say, "Sure. Let's do it."\n\n"Excellent. Payment upon completion. Now, may I ask you...?" He indicates a augmenting chair in the rear of the shop.\n\nYou remove your <<armor>> and settle down, trying to get comfortable on the cushions. Ashlake powers up several nearby devices, then produces a syringe. Before you can ask what it is, he slides it into your shoulder. Oblivion comes instantly.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div>\nYou come to feeling groggy and stiff. A prickling sentation crawls down your spine. Everything is blurry. When you blink your eyes into focus, Ashlake is standing beside you, removing neural uplinks from your back.\n\nHe says, "How do you feel?"\n\n"Okay," you mutter, drowsily rubbing your face. "Yeah. Pretty okay."\n\n"That's good to hear." Ashlake glances at a holo-screen above the chair. "Readout shows close to optimal integration. There shouldn't be any complications, though there will be a slight scar. I had to remove a portion of your skull to install the device, which of course has been plated over with synthbone. You won't notice and difference. So all that remains now is payment. Ten thousand credits. As agreed."\n\n"Oh. Right." You program the transaction and hold out your arm. "Here."\n\nAshlake swipes it. "Take your time and stand when you feel you're ready. It takes many clients a moment to adjust."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noregulator">>You say, "I'd rather not. But I might return."\n\n"Perfectly understandable." Ashlake smiles. "I'd be happy to help if you do change your mind."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>A smirk curls your lips. "For just shy ten K? Sure you are."<<else>>"Thanks. And thanks for the information."<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "expose">>You say, <<if $action.action2 eq "bribe">>"I'll make it worth your while, if that's what you're worried about. Call it an investment in a good cause."\n\nAshlake's lips twitch. "With that kinda offer, how can I say no?" He swipes your arm. "Okay, what exactly do you need?"\n\n"Just your pledge here. We'll need sources to back our claims up. I'll get back to you with that."\n\n"Aye." Ashlake tilts his head up. "I've got ya. Jus' come back te me and I'll source whatever ya need."<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "negotiatefail">>"Yeah, it's a risk. But I really need your help here. It'd make a huge difference."\n\nAshlake shakes his head. "I get what you're saying. But I've got a business te run here."\n\n"It's the right thing to do, honestly."\n\n"I'll think it over, okay?" Ashlake fidgets nervously. "But I gotta run this shop first. Everything else is second. Sorry."<<else>>"I get it's a risk. Really. But think this through: someone knows you're involved in this thing. Sooner or later they'll realize you're a security risk. And what happens then?"\n\nAshlake's eyes narrow. "I don't like where ye goin' here."\n\n"Neither do I. That's my point. If this goes public, with your name on it, there's no way you just disappear. Ya follow?"\n\nThe cybersmith fidgets uneasily. "Yeah, yeah, I'm followin'. Okay. I'll give ya my support."\n\n"Excellent." You nod curtly. "I'll get back to you about this."<</if>><</if>><<else>>You say, <<if $action.action2 eq "bribe">>"All right, how about we do it this way. I hand some over. You hand some over."\n\n"Well—" Ashlake scowls at the transaction you're offering, then swipes it. "Not quite by the book but okay.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiate">>"I know it's a tough situation. Security is your job. I get that; really do. But this isn't any old intrustion we're talking about, few blocks of stolen data. This is high-security, high-tech stuff that's potentially tied to heretical tradecraft. I can't just look past this, and neither should you."\n\n"Well, I'm not exactly thrilled to hear that but okay.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiatefail">>"Oh, cut the talk. This is serious business. From the top of the Clergy. And you think—"\n\n"Not saying it isn't important," Ashlake interrupts. "But the situation stays the same. I just can't tell you. Not like that. Unless you got a warrant?"\n\nYou breathe a sigh. "Fine. Got the message."\n\n"Get a signed warrant and I'll be happy to cooperate," he says. "But I can't just hand out the data. Sorry."<</if>><<if $action.action2 neq "negotiatefail">> I sold the tech you mentioned to the same customer. Security tech at AlkaVarian AGC I think. Said they were upgrading security and wanted to run some tests. Nothing out of the ordinary. All the credentials checked out."\n\n"AlkaVarian AGC?" Your brow furros. "Never heard of them."\n\n"It's an certified action group," Ashlake explains. "Runs tech deals for [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] in [[Church-controlled|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] space. Legal issues and whatnot. They're legit though."\n\n"Right," you say, making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "And who was the tech exactly?"\n\n"Uhh, Robin Carter. Low level security. Action Group's based in C Sector but the tech lives here, over on [[B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]." The Cybersmith hastily adds, "He's a regular customer. Speak to him if you wanna but I know him well. No way he'd be mixed up in anything abominable. And that's all I can tell you. Rest is confidential and you don't have a warrant."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide VIP Area">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Source|riptide_zanex_faction][$action.action1 = "source"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleanup|riptide_zanex_faction][$action.action1 = "cleanup"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you're on Board">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "riptide_zanex_faction">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "onboard"; $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $hide.layer1 = true; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "zanex"; $factionlock.zanexPhase = 1;'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "source">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Source|riptide_zanex_faction][$action.action1 = "source"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 neq "cleanup">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Cleanup|riptide_zanex_faction][$action.action1 = "cleanup"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you're on Board">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "riptide_zanex_faction">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "onboard"; $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "zanex"; $factionlock.zanexPhase = 1;'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Assist|riptide_zanex_faction][$action.action2 = "refuse"; $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.zanexPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "onboard" and $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you support Divsion 108">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "riptide_zanex_faction">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action3 = "support"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.religion = "theophobe"; $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase = 1;'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not a Radical|riptide_zanex_faction][$action.action3 = "noradical"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_zanex_faction_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B27 Tramway Station">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Resistance|b27_riot_mission][$action.action1 = "resistance"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that sounds Risky|b27_riot_mission][$action.action1 = "risky"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Understand|b27_riot_mission][$action.action1 = "understand"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow Division 108|b27_riot_mission][$action.action2 = "follow"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_5")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_5")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Negotiate|b27_riot_mission][$action.action3 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Suggest everyone Wait|b27_riot_mission][$action.action3 = "waitout"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Order Zanex to Advance|b27_riot_mission][$action.action3 = "advance"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "waitout" or $action.action3 eq "advance">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Fanatics|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Fanatics_Riot_B27"; $processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $factionlock.zanexShotRioters = true; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Zweili Wants|b27_riot_mission][$action.action4 = "whatwant"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you just want the Broker|b27_riot_mission][$action.action4 = "broker"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand the radicals Surrender|b27_riot_mission][$action.action4 = "surrender"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_msn_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($action.action4 eq "broker" and ($gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or not $equip.isConcealing)) or ($action.action4 eq "surrender" and ($equip.isConcealing or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Catacombs|b27_riot_catacombs][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Fanatics|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Fanatics_Riot_B27"; $processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $factionlock.zanexShotRioters = true; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B27 Tramway Station">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "church">>\n\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.preAltRaidPhase = $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase>>\n\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase = 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency = 0.8>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1 and not $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Sorry|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action1 = "sorry"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say there's a Problem|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action1 = "problem"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need Answers|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action1 = "answers"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Vine|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action1 = "vine"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Irrelevant|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action1 = "irrelevant"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want Answers|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action1 = "answers"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Pay Gal (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1200 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Offer a Bribe (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b27_riot_catacombs">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<if $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gt 0>>Pay Gal<<else>>Offer a Bribe<</if>> (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Threaten Violence|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action2 = "threaten"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Disagree with Jalkovski|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action3 = "spare"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Agree with Jalkovski|b27_riot_catacombs][$action.action3 = "kill"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 3; $factionlock.zanexKilledGal = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_riot_catacombs_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Chapel|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot_riot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $factionlock.zanexPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You approach the<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou approach the <<if $action.action2 eq "terminal">>holo-terminal and wave your hand over the screen. Nothing happens. You wave it again. The following display stutters to life: \n\n<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>sys.local.vol <span class='greencolor'>OK</span>\nsys.local.io <span class='greencolor'>OK</span>\nsys.local.boot <span class='redcolor'>ERR</span>\n\nNO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND</div><<else>>workbench and pick up the data pad. It reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'>Backup Notes:\n\nWow. Okay. Testing the Xjanu-4 here might NOT have been the brightest idea ever. But it's probably better than trying it on the corpo servers. That intrusion agent's one mean bastard. Wiped the virt-hosts and base OS in about forty milliseconds; got past everything in place. Guess that's to be expected from an agent that knows somewhere around fourteen billion exploits, can dynamically combine them on the fly, and adapt to virtually any known runtime environment.\n\nGonna make a copy and take it to the EPROM for a second oppinion. Mean, call me paranoid, but I don't think we should let this thing loose on our systems under any circumstances, even in a controlled test environment. No way this thing was designed for SecNet testing. It's pure corpo warfare tech, which explains why Erkan-Corbei wants it so bad. But I can't imagine giving them the software is legal - or even something we should be doing. Too much liability at play. And risk.</div><</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Wilkin's Riptide">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's going On|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action1 = "whathappen"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have the Object|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action1 = "dohave"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you don't have It|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action1 = "nothave"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action2 = "nocooperate"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to leave with Zweili|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action2 = "cooperate"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Zweili of Lying|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action3 = "liar"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you believe Zweili|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action3 = "believe"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Comment|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action3 = "nocomment"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action4 = "nocare"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare Father Zweili|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action4 = "spare"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 neq "believe" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Execute Father Zweili|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$action.action4 = "kill"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'B28_riptide_final_zanexline_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_alternative][$action.arrive = "fromZanex"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_infoterminal.png"]]</div>You leave the tramway station and approach the holo-information terminal. A swipe a hand over the device causes a genderless holographic figure to materialize.<br><br>\n\n\t"Welcome, <<firstname>> Acrel. Please state your query."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Uhh, resident, uh, search for. His name's Raj."<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>You glance around, worried someone's watching you, and whisper, "Resident search. Find name Raj. Limit by affiliation to [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<br><br>\n\n\tThe terminal bleeps. "No records found. May I refine your search, <<formalname>>?"<<else>>"Query on local residents database," you say <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, stifling a yawn<<else>>evenly<</if>>. "Parameters as follows: name is Raj, affiliation is [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"One moment please." The holographic figure flickers. "No records found. May I refine your search, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Never mind," you say and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_infoterminal.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the holo-information terminal beside the entrance to the Chapel. A swipe a hand over the device causes a genderless holographic figure to materialize.<br><br>\n\n\t"Welcome, <<firstname>> Acrel. Please state your query."<br><br>\n\n\t"Query on local residents database," you say <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, stifling a yawn<<else>>evenly<</if>>. "Parameters as follows: name is Raj, affiliation is [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t"One moment please." The holographic figure flickers. "No records found. May I refine your search, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Never mind," you say and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You return to the<<else>>You leave the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_infoterminal.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You return to the information terminal and swipe a hand over the device. The holographic figure flickers back to life. "Welcome, <<firstname>> Ac—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Skip. And re-run last query."<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou leave the tramway station and approach the holo-information terminal. A swipe a hand over the device causes a genderless holographic figure to materialize.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Welcome, <<firstname>> Acrel. Please state your query."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Query on local residents database," you say <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, stifling a yawn<<else>>evenly<</if>>. "Parameters as follows: name is Raj, affiliation is [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"One moment please." The holographic figure flickers. "Two records found. Please review the output and state so clearly if you wish to wish to specify further search parameters."<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Resident Query Criteria: I_NAME like "RAJ" AND I_AFFILIATION includes "Church of Eden"<br><br>\n\n\t\tResidenty Query Returned 2 Results:<br>\n\t\tRaj Vatau; B33-417; <span class='greencolor'>Tutor</span><br>\n\t\tRaja Lav; B33-5151; <span class='greencolor'>Smith</span></div><br>\n\n\t\t"All right," you say, scowling at the results. "Which one are you?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_infoterminal.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You return to the information terminal and swipe a hand over the device. You return to the information terminal and swipe a hand over the device. The holographic figure flickers back to life. "Welcome, <<firstname>> Ac—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Skip preamble. And re-run last query."<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou leave the tramway station and approach the holo-information terminal. A swipe a hand over the device causes a genderless holographic figure to materialize.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Welcome, <<firstname>> Acrel. Please state your query."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Query on local residents database," you say <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, stifling a yawn<<else>>evenly<</if>>. "Parameters as follows: name is Raj, affiliation is [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"One moment please." The holographic figure flickers. "One record found. Please review the output and state so clearly if you wish to wish to specify further search parameters."<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Resident Query Criteria: I_NAME like "RAJ" AND I_AFFILIATION includes "Church of Eden"<br><br>\n\n\t\tResidenty Query Returned 1 Result:<br>\n\t\tRajov Javaz; B30-3152; <span class='greencolor'>Adept</span>\n\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," you say, scowling at the results. "Might this be it?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_infoterminal.png"]]</div>\n\tYou approach the nearest holo-information terminal. A swipe a hand over the device causes a genderless holographic figure to materialize.<br><br>\n\n\t"Welcome, <<firstname>> Acrel. Please state your query."<br><br>\n\n\t"Query on local residents database," you say <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, stifling a yawn<<else>>evenly<</if>>. "Parameters as follows: name is Raj, affiliation is [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t"One moment please." The holographic figure flickers. "No records found. May I refine your search, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Never mind," you say and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_zanex.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal and head up the stairs to the VIP Terrace. Two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in black-and-yellow riot armor are standing guard at the top. They stand aside as you approach.\n\n"Thanks." You head across the deserted VIP area.\n\nThe lounge is empty. No 'important' people or service bots in sight, two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers and Marisa, engaged in muted conversation. They all look up as you draw near.\n\n"Vine." Marisa nods. "Something's just come up. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You'll wanna hear this.<<else>>Might be we could help one another out.<</if>>"\n\nYour brow furrows. "How's that?"\n\n"It's about that thing we're looking into. We've got good intel there's a source with information on this at the Chapel of Eden down on B27. Coincides nicely with a cleanup op we're about to run in the [[Temple Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Police up a few enemies of the free market. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Figured you might want in.<<else>>Might be something in it for you. Assuming you're willing to take our side.<</if>>"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach Jalkovski...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou approach Jalkovski, calling his name. The words are drowned out by the angry shouts of the crowd. Many look indignant. Some confused, even scared. You push several believers aside and shout Jalkovski's name again.\n\nThe armored trooper turns. "Sir. Good you're here. Situation's about to—" He hesitates, touching his earpiece. "Acknowledged. Will move momentarily. Over."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Somehow I doubt moving through this'll end well," you say, eyeing the crowds.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You can't help but laugh. "Gonna be fun staying mobile in this chaos."<<else>>"Move?" You glance around, confused. "Though this mess?"<</if>>\n\n"We have it under control, Sir." Jalkovski leans closer. "Overwatch is in place. They've got scopes on armed suspects deeper in. Plan is to drive 'em into the Chapel. Hopefully without casualties. Then we can get to this source that Marisa mentioned. Simple enough, I think. Sir."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>You lower your weapon...<<else>>You head through the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_eden_shrine_riot.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon, glancing about. The riot troopers have since taken the Chapel archway. A second line is holding a the rear, preventing anyone getting close while medics treat the wounded - both civilians and [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski moves over to you. "Overwatch says area is clear, Sir. And we've located the data broker."\n\n\t\tUneasy silence haunts the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]] as you approach the Chapel with Jalkovski in tow. Riot teams are busy restraining prisoners and checking IDs. Others watch over the goings on with their coil carbines ready, just in case..<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Over there." Jalkovski points to a side door. "Tech reports security is offline."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_chapel_tomb.png"]]</div>You head through the door and descend the steps beyond. Three automated doors snap open as you approach. The last leads to a dim chamber far below the Chapel. Hundreds upon hundreds of servers stand in neat rows. Maintenance spiders skitter back and forth. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal<<else>>A man with an augmented arm<</if>> is sitting in a neural couch beside entrance, a dozen holo-projections that never seem to stop flickering floating before him.<br><br>\n\n\tHis eyes dart to you. <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1 and not $equip.isConcealing>>"Vine? <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 98>>Damn it. I knew something like this would happen.<<else>>What the hell is going on?<</if>>"<<else>>"Who're you? How'd you get in here? And what do you want?"<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou leave the tramway station and head toward [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], pressing your way through an unusually thick crowd. It's only when you reach the club that you realize why there are so many people standing about: no one's being let in.<br><br>\n\n"Huh." You push your way to the front of the crowd, shouting, "Ey, Bobbi. What's going on?"<br><br>\n\nHe draws you close, whispering, "Things are sour, Boss. Ya better see for yourself."<br><br>\n\n"Ah, shit." You squeeze past the bouncers, into the foyer of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].<br><br>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_final.png"]]</div>The walls are covered with animated holo-posters and the air carries a hint of salt. It's only then you realize the doors at the far end of the foyer are ajar. Silhouetted in the dim, blue light beyond are six armored figures. When you draw near, it becomes clear they aren't [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] mercs but [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] CIVL troopers in [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. One of them gestures in your direction with an oversized, mechanical glove.<br><br>\n\nFrom behind the trooper's bulk, a familiar figure in hooded, grey robes appears. "Vine. How good of you to, ah, join us. There has been a certain incident you see. I do believe it involves you too. Or am I mistaken in my belief that you possess the, ah, artefact I had hired you to locate?"<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2= false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "source">>"Hold on. What's this source you say you got? And why d'you think I'm interested?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Simple. Our crypto team's figured out there's some data tomb beneath the Chapel down on B27. Turns out a bunch of the data that was sent back and forth prior to the disappearance of that item we're looking through was sent through there. Best we can tell it's run by an intependant data broker. May be related to the Cybercult."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>"Interesting," you say, not wanting to admit you know who they're talking about. "Any idea what they know?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Okay," you say, dubious. "So what do they know?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Beats me but I'm pretty sure whatever they brokered will trace back to whoever's responsible." Marisa shrugs. "Can't be sure until we get in there, which'll be tricky. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] has to let us march up by law. We're sanctioned security for this sector. But the cults will probably make a stink. A big, big stink. Intel reports illegal weapons and worse down in the faith zone. So we gotta deal with that on to of this whole security situation too."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cleanup">>"Cleanup operation? <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>That what we're calling strong-arming faiths now or what?<<else>>What exactly are you getting at with that?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's a precaution that needs to be taken," Marisa replies evenly. "Remnants of the Raptors who refused to stand down are sheltering in the [[Temple Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Them and other undesirables. Seems the faiths are getting riled up and the last thing we need is militant resistance to a peaceful political takeover. We have to shut it down now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Sounds simple enough," you say.<<else>>"This sounds dangerous," you say slowly.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa shrugs. "We're sanctioned security for this sector now Wilkin is gone. Have it black on white in legalese. Local law says we have the authority. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Still could turn nasty.<<else>>It's still a risky move.<</if>> There'll be resistance. We're moving a riot teams in to keep the peace. Would be good if you were there with us. Might help keep things calm. Show Wilkin isn't entirely gone. Just under new management."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Always comes down to me, doesn't it?" You shake your head with a laugh. "Typical."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "resistance">>"What's the resistance expected to be like? You mentioned armed suspects."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uncertain, Sir. Perhaps a dozen armed militants. Possibly more. Only way to know for certain is sweep the ara, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I'll hang back, let you do your job then."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "risky">>"Sounds risky. Even in the best case, this'll cause a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit storm<<else>>panic<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's to be expected, Sir. We've made arrangements. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] is aware of our operation and has placed two CIVL teams on standby should the worst occur. Their intervention is unlikely to be necessary."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I'll hang back then, let you do your job."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "understand">>"Got it. I'll stay behind the line, let you do your job."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"Excellent." Jalkovski keys his headpiece, causing an amplified voice to ring out, "Citizens of the Downs. [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] has been authorized to perform identity checks and search local premises for suspected radicals. Do not interfere with security operations. That is all."<br><br>\n\n\tThere's an angry roar from the crowd as [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] lurches into motion, advancing one measured step at a time. Numerous believers stand their ground. The riot line doesn't slow. Those few who don't retreat or move aside are snatched up by the second line of troopers, who quickly bind them and check for IDs.<br><br>\n\n\tIt's a procedurally mechanical affair that leaves no room for exceptions or leniency - anyone who struggles or resists is subdued without question. Part of you is glad you're on this side of the shields. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>The rest is just glad these faiths are being taught a lesson.<<else>>The rest just wants this mess to be over with already.<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "vine">>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 1>>"It's me. Vine. I'm here 'cause I need some answers."\n\t\t<<else>>"Name's Vine. I need to ask you some questions. Plain and simple."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right, uh, okay." He sits up. "What's this about then?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "irrelevant">>\n\t\t"That's irrelevant. You have information I need. It'd be nice if you cooperated."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow, easy. No need to get huffy." He sits up. "What's this about then?"<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "answers">>\n\t\t"I need answers. Plain and simple. Give me those and this won't get complicated."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uncomplicated sounds good." He sits up. "What's this about then?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sorry">>\n\t\t"Sorry, Gal. Something's come up. I need some info. It'd be nice if we can handle this without causing a mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll do my best." He sits up. "What's this about then?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "problem">>\n\t\t"We have a problem, Gal. Apparently you were involved in <<if $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gt 0>>that thing I told you I was looking into.<<else>>something I'm looking into. Nasty business.<</if>>"\n\n\t\t"I do? Really?" He sits up. "What's this about then?"<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"A data exchange you arranged," Jalkovski says before you can reply. "Our techs looked into it. The transfer was brokered from your servers. We need to know who exchanged the data and what precisely was exchanged."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gt 0>>"In that case, I'd like to know too." Gal scowls. "Okay, so obviously you know more than I do. What transaction was this? I have records. But I gotta know what to look for."\n\t<<else>>"That's, uh, not what I expected. But okay. You seem to know more than I do. What transaction was this? I have records. But I gotta know what to look for."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tJalkovski holds out a data pad. "This is what we have. Your cooperation's appreciated."<br><br>\n\n\t"All righty, let's just—" <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal's<<else>>The man's<</if>> expression darkens. "Oh. Bugger. Yeah, I'm not sure <<if $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gt 0>>you'll be too happy about this. Shit. This isn't good.<<else>>I just want to hand this out. No offense. It's a bit of a, uh, messy situation.<</if>>"\n\n\tYour brow rises. "That so?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Let's just say I set this thing up and didn't look too closely. It seemed usual. Best I can give you is a name. <<if $characterEncounterPhases.galConspiracyPhase gt 0>>So let's make this business: credits for intel. How's that sound?<<else>>But you better have a real convincing argument why I should do this 'cause my neck'll be on the line big time.<</if>>"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whathappen">>"Zweili? What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>>'s going on here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Surely you can imagine." He breathes a sigh. "You have utterly abused my trust, betrayed us all in doing so. Why I cannot imagine yet it is entirely unacceptable."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "dohave">>"Yeah, I got the thing. Why?"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"That much at least." He breathes a sigh. "Still, I cannot believe you abused my trust, child. What you hope to achieve I do not know. But it is unacceptable."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nothave">>"No. If I did, I'd have come to you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do not lie to me, child." His beard quivers beneath his hood. "I know you have abused my trust. What you hope to achieve I do not know. But it is unacceptable."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"So are you. Father." Marisa descends the stairs from the VIP terrace in full armor. "Disrespectfully, fuck off. You can't just come marching in here with a gaggle of goons at your back and expect we'll just roll over and surrender our rights. There's no fucking precedent. Or are you deliberately trying to make us send [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] and their legals after you?"<br><br>\n\n\tZweili folds his arms. "As I said before denied me entrance and refused so cooperate, I simply wished to know the whereabouts of <<formalname>>. A situation which, I do believe, has solved itself."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, no shit." Marisa stops before the assembled CIVL troopers, hands planted at her hips. "Now I'd suggest you fucking faiths all grab your asses and kick yourselves out the fucking door. Now."<br><br>\n\n\tThe good Father bows his head. "Very well. Vine? I urge you to acompany me. There will be dire ramifications otherwise."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Apt 5151">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_smith_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Force the Lock|the_b33_smith_enter][$action.action1 = "forceOpen"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Force the Lock|the_b33_smith_enter][$action.action1 = "forceOpen"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Info Terminal|b33_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_smith_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_smith_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='loot-apprentice'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Hab Unit|b33_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $job_conspiracy.rajSearch33_apt2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Apt 417">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_tutor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin or $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Enter the Hab Unit|the_b33_tutor_enter][$action.action1 = "fromOutside"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Enter the Hab Unit|the_b33_tutor_enter][$action.action1 = "fromOutside"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Info Terminal|b33_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_tutor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_tutor_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'b33_raj_loot'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_tutor_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_tutor_2_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_tutor_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|the_b33_tutor_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $loc_b33habs.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_b33habs.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 3951; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x3951">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $loc_b33habs.tookDrugs eq false>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the StimFuel Inhaler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_b33habs.tookDrugs = true; $statistics.lootedChems += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "StimFuel Inhaler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Hab Unit|b33_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $job_conspiracy.rajSearch33_apt1 = true]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3= false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "onboard">>"I'm on board..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refuse">>"No way I'm..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "onboard">>"I'm on board. What's the plan?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Riot team's about ready to deploy." Marisa nods to the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers. "Inform Jalkvoski to hold position until Vine arrives." She turns to you. "They assemble by the tramway station on B27. Standard sweep and ID operation. We'll nab this source when we clear the Chapel. It's well within our jurisdiction but, obviously, there will be pushback. Not everyone wants to admit the Cathedral has sold security rights in this sector to a corporate bidder."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Obviously. The faiths sure won't just let us march in."<<else>>"That's a bit of an understatement. Clergy isn't going to just let you <<walk>> in."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa shrugs. "They have to. This is a legitimate security concern, and one we're authorized to act on, which includes full premise searches. The legal formwork says as much. If they're harboring or supporting radicals, that's their problem. The Cathedral's been made aware of the issue already and they've not vetoed the deployment."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right." You purse your lips. "And what do you want me to do specifically?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Frankly, just be there. Intel isn't quite clear on what's going on. And Jalkovski will be busy with the operation. Crowd control is nasty business. I want a trusted source on the ground and you're the best I got. Follow?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I'll be there. Get the intel. No worries."\n\t\t<<else>>"Frankly, I'd like you on board. Permanently. The [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] has a stake here in the Downs now and we share a common goal. It'd be to everyone's benefit."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refuse">>"No way I'm getting tangled in this. It'll backfire. Guaranteed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever you say." Marisa nods to the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers. "Inform Jalkvoski. Operation is go." She turns back to you. "I get your sentiment, Vine, but this is going down one way or another. Just saying."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Long seconds drag...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tLong seconds drag on as you follow [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] into the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. It doesn't take long before you've passed the blood-red banners that mark the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]. Shortly after, your pace slows. The crowds grow denser. Protesting voices gain in pitch. More than one solid objects is thrown at the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers. A lone coilshot rings out.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_division_engage.png"]]</div>Suppression canister are fired in response. Smart-gas and dazzling holograms errupt as ear-numbing cracks reverberate off the walls. For almost a minute, your ears ring with noise. Bright lights flash constantly. It's impossible to see what's going on. Finally, silence returns. Confused shouts ring out in the distance. Gaseous vapor swirps in the air above the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers.<br><br>\n\n\t"Sir." Jalkovski hurries over, ducked low. "Several suspects WIA. One confirmed KIA, several more in the Chapel. Presumably armed. But a high-ranking faith just emerged. Wants to negotiate a cease fire. Sir."\n\n\t"So they claim." You rub your buzzing ears and peek over the riot shields.<br><br>\n\n\tLess than a hundred meters ahead, across a hazy dead zone, is the Chapel of Eden. A man in grey robes stands between the riot troopers and the indignant believers sheltering beyond the shimmering, golden archway. Even from afar you know who it will be: Father Zweili.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "bribe">>"Okay. How about <<print $bribeammount>> C? Sounds about fair to me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal<<else>>The man<</if>> scoffs. "Fair isn't what I'd call it but okay. Sign it over." When you do, he says, "But really, guys? You don't wanna be poking into this. It'll become a real nightmare."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just tell us." Jalkovski folds his arms. "Now."<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"I don't think you quite get it. We—" You gesture from yourself to Jalkovski. "—need you to cooperate. Now, we can do that the easy way. Or the hard way. But you'll be telling us one way or another."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal looks shocked. "For real? This is what you offer? Shit. Fine. Okay."<<else>>The man's shoulders hunch. "Fine, fine. I'll spill. But only 'cause I wanna keep all my fingernails."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well?" Jalkovski folds his armored arms. "Speak, Broker. Don't have all day."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"Okay, okay, so I set up that data deal. That's true. But I... well, this wasn't the first time the Corbei family—"<br><br>\n\n\t"Corbei family? Odd.\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5>>Any chance they're involved with a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]? Because that'd about seal this deal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Could be. Or maybe not. I don't know. All I know is they wanted data exchanged, but nothing mentioned a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. The deal was set up around about fifteen corners. But it links back to them.\n\t<<else>>What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>do they have to do with any of this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No idea. All I know is they wanted data exchanged. Weird data; nothing I could make sense of. And around about fifteen corners. But it links back to them.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tFigured corporate warfare. But maybe it's something else." <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal<<else>>The man<</if>> looks nervous. "So, you got what you wanted, right? Can we be finished with this already?"<br><br>\n\n\tJalkovski shoots you a sidelong glance. "<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Even if you know this man, Sir, there is a risk. I suggest we remove him.<<else>>Suggest we remove him. Less of a risk.<</if>>"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "nocooperate">>"No." You glower defiantly...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "cooperate">>"Fine." You draw a deep breath...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nocooperate">>"No." You glower defiantly. "No<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> way am I just gonna let you drag me off. Bastard."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Agreed." Marisa nods toward the entry foyer, which has been sealed tight by a dozen [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] mercs. "No one's going anywhere until we've resolved this little dispute. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili looks indignant. "This is how you repay my trust? My belief? By siding with these, these... lunatics? What could you possibly have—"<br><br>\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "cooperate">>"Fine." You draw a deep breath." I'll come with you. But—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Actually, he won't." Marisa nods toward the entry foyer, which has been sealed tight by a dozen [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] mercs. "No one's going anywhere until we've resolved this little dispute. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili looks indignant. "I cannot believe you would dare take such actions against recognized agents of—"<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_civl_execute.png"]]</div>Marisa's backhand knocks him to the floor. Two CIVL troopers move to grab her. A dozen holo-aimpoints flicker over their armor. Railshots echo in the empty club. All six CIVL troopers crumple, their armor shot to bits. Ringing silence falls in the aftermath.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA smirk curls Marisa's lips. "Now, Father. Let's have a nice civil discussion here. First of all, yes. We all know Vine retrieved what you wanted him to. But I'm curious: did you ever bother to explain what this was all about? Because I'm sure as hell curious what the fuck you told the poor <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>bastard<<else>>bitch<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only what. Was necessary," Zweili grunts, still short on breath. "The situation was. Not fully known. That was why. The investigation. Was necessary." He looks up to you with pleading eyes. "Believe me, Vine. I did not lie to you in any way. Whatever these lunatics have said, it is poison. I only wished to have this situation resolved. Swiftly. And there was no better ressource available."\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cardreader.png"]]</div>\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[B33 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you reach Apartment 5151. It's a comically shabby hab unit set five stories up. You head up and ring the buzzer. No one answers.<br><br>\n\n\t"Wonderful," you mutter, wondering whether Raja Lav is even who you're looking for.<br><br>\n\n\tOne simple way to find out would be to break in - or to just leave the matter be and try another Raj.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[B33 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you reach Apartment 417. It's a comically shabby hab unit set five stories up. You head up and ring the buzzer. No one answers.<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, nice," you mutter, examining the door.<br><br>\n\n\tIt's closed but not sealed. A good shove should get it open - at most. No need for violence or tech. Whoever lives there forgot to lock it properly.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Apt 3152">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_adept_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Force your way Inside|the_b30_adept_enter][$action.action1 = "forceOpen"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Info Terminal|b30_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_adept_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_adept_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|the_b30_adept_enter][$action.action2 = "datapad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_b30habs.tookAmmo eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round($randomScene * 11 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "true"; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1; $attrib.violence += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round($randomScene * 11 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_b30habs.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_b30habs.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 312; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1; $attrib.violence += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x312">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b30_findraj][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = false; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_conspiracy.rajSearch30 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_adept_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_adept_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_adept_dpad_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|the_b30_adept_enter][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4= false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "support">>\n\t\t"Just so we're clear: I support you guys. Completely behind you. Mean, really. The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] can go fuck itself for all I'm conerned."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Glad to hear it but I gotta ask: what's your angle?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"None. But I've been working for the Clergy a while now. They're messed up. Someone's gotta stand against them and currently you're the only ones doing it." After a moment, you add, "Plus, we do share a common goal. That makes it easier to swallow."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa's lips curl. "Well, it's good to have you on our side, Vine. And good luck. Hopefully we'll get this mess sorted quick and can focus on bringing stability back to [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That'd be nice," you admit, though part of you doubts it'll ever happen.\n\n\t<<else>>"I'm not a faith-hating radical, Marisa. I'm not particularly pro-anything, sure, but I'm definitely not anti-anything either. I'm just doing a job. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe nods curtly. "We'll treat this as a business transaction then. We're working toward a similar goal. But, beyond that objectve, there's no guarantees."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I didn't expect there would be," you say earnestly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then that matter's settled." Marisa purses her lips. "Yeah, we work together so long as our interests are aligned, and then we go seperate ways. Long as we don't cross paths, I'm fine with that."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile. "Sounds like a plan."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>After a moment, you decide...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tAfter a moment, you decide, \n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "negotiate">>"Let's speak to him. Last thing we need is for this to end in disaster."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Very well, Sir." Jalkovski taps a nearby trooper on the shoulder, causing him to move aside.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTogether you <<walk>> out to where Zweili is standing, hands held up in gesture of surrender. <<if $equip.isConcealing>>He doesn't seem to recognize you; probably a good thing. Last thing you need is more trouble.<<else>>He does not show any surprise at your presense. But that might just be an act.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Father." You stop before him, Jalkovski at your side. "Hear you want to negotiate."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That is the case." His beard quivers beneath his hood. "<<if $equip.isConcealing>>I shall assume you speak on behalf of the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. So let me be frank:<<else>>I was hoping you would not be here, Vine. But alas. I shall be frank:<</if>> this situation is out of control. It must end. Now."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "waitout">>"Might wanna wait a moment longer. If there's still armed <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>faiths<<else>>radicals<</if>> out there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Tend to agree, Sir." Jalkovski glances at the Chapel. Almost twenty seconds pass before he turns back to you. "Overwatch has no visual on the interior, Sir, but we think they may be fortifying. It would be best to not—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tA coilshot rings out, pinging off the nearest trooper's helmet. He falls with a thud. You recoil. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski is on his feet, shouting, "Advance! Advance! Clear them out!"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "advance">>"Screw that. Move in there and clean <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>those fucking faiths<<else>>that place<</if>> out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Are you certain, Sir? If this results in an—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes," you reply firmly. "Situation's too dangerous. We can negotiate later."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Very well." Jalkovski moves toward the riot line, calling, "A Company, advance and secure! B Company hold position."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "waitout" or $action.action3 eq "advance">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_radical.png"]]</div>\n\t\tAs the riot troopers surge into motion, you see Zweili scramble back. Behind him is a line of robed believers. You see the guns emerge from beneath their clothes a split second before the walway errupts in coilfire. You go to ground the same moment <<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics>>two<<else>>four<</if>> more fanatics burst from a temple to the left, firing wildly. Amidst the chaos, only Jalkovski has noticed them too.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Bootlickers, bootlickers, gonna shit your bloody knickers," a voice shouts over the roar of coilfire.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "kill">>"Yeah, better not take risks..."<<else>>"No. We're not here to..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "kill">>"Yeah, better not take risks," you agree.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What?!" <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal<<else>>The man<</if>> tries to stand only to be tangled in wires. "No, no! Don—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski levels his carbine and plants a single bolt in his skull. "There. Now let's get out of here. Sir."\n\n\t<<else>>"No. We're not here to murder innocents. And we got what we came for. So let's just be gone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't agree, Sir, but very well." Jalkovski nods to the door. "Best we be on our way. Sir."\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah." <<if $action.action3 eq "kill">>You glance at the corpse one last time, hoping you made the right choice, and leave the catacomb.<<else>>You nod to <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3>>Gal<<else>>the man<</if>> and, without further ado, leave the catacomb.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tFootsteps echo as you head back upstairs. Jalkovski says, "This is disturbing, Sir. The connection to the Corbei Family. I suggest you speak to my sister again."<br><br>\n\n\t"Definitely." You step out, into the chaotic environment that the Chapel of Eden has become. There are riot troopers all over and citizens are being herded out of the premises by even more armored soldiers. "I'll follow up on this as soon as I can. <<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>If this is leading where I think it is, well, let's just say there's a lot that might be at stake.<<else>>Maybe we can verify this data. Make sure we've got the right culprit before we go after anyone.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"Yes, Sir. I'll handle cleanup here." He glances around the Chapel. "Shouldn't take long."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "liar">>"You're lying..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "believe">>"I believe you..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nocomment">>You simply shrug...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "liar">>"You're lying. \n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase eq 2>>I've seen the files. How you twisted all this shit to your will, used people. So don't play dumb. There was no way you were going to see justice served."\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.antiProofRead>>I know you were involved with Wilkin. I saw the data. So don't wonder why the fuck I turned against you. I want justice served."\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.junoProofRead>>"I've seen what you've done, used people, manipulated them. Don't play dumb. There was no way you were going to see justice served."\n\t\t<<else>>Sure, I don't have direct proof, but that's your play. You're using people, manipulating them. There was no way you were going to see justice served."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's not true," Zweili burts, wiping a bloody nose. "This is what I mean. They are using you, Vine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." You fold your arms. "You're using me. And I've had enough of it."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "believe">>"I believe you. But this whole situation is wrong, Father. Even you gotta admit that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Perhaps, but this?" He gestures around, wiping a bloody nose. "Does this charade make anything better?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, but frankly? It's closer to justice than what the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] could've done."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nocomment">>You simply shrug, unwilling to comment. The situation's too fucked up anyways.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That is all you will say?" Zweili scoffs, wiping a bloody nose. "Truly. Is this what you have become? A traitor and a criminal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I've always been a criminal," you reply coldly. "But don't call me a traitor. I'm doing what you hired me to do: rooting out those responsible."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\tThe good Father looks exasperated. "And what do you imagine shall happen now? Should I stand trial for whatever crimes these lunatics allege I have commited? Be reasonable here! There shall be no justice, only cold blooded murder, and it will solve nothing. Nothing at all!"<br><br>\n\n\t"Fair point, that." You glance at Marisa. "What does happen now?"<br><br>\n\n\tShe shrugs. "I'm guessing the Corbei lead panned out, in which case [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] is going to have a field day nailing everyone behind this bullshit. Shouldn't be more than a week or two before those fucking faiths are swimming in conspiracy charges. Only question is whether you wanna leave one more corpse on the way out. Won't make a difference either way. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is going down hard and they know it."<br><br>\n\n\t"What?!" Zweili looks mortified. "Loving Stars, <<if $action.action3 eq "liar">>you cannot be seriously considering that! It would be murder!<<else>>this insanity will damn us all! Be sensible. It is not too late to undo this.<</if>>"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "nocare">>"I really don't care...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "spare">>"There's no point spilling more blood here...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "kill">>"Yeah. See, the thing is...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "nocare">>"I really don't care one way or another." You glance at Marisa. "Your call."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right." She draws her subsonic [[M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114_Extended"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili recoils, hands raised. "No, no, pl—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tA single, muffled coilshot rings out. Zweili jerks, a bloody hole blown through his forehead. His lifeless corpse hits the floor a moment later.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Bastard," you say, staring at the corpse.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you feels bad for Father Zweili but it's hard. The bastard was a faith. After all the crap he'd dragged you through, the fucker more than deservd what he got.\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, man," you mutter, staring at the corpse.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you feels bad for Father Zweili. Sure, he was tangled in a lot of bullshit, but he didn't deserve that. Maybe supporting [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] was a mistake after all.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "spare">>"There's no point spilling more blood here." You glance at Marisa. "Let him go."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe nods to two nearby [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] mercs. "Get the fucker out of here. Alive, prferably."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs they drag him away, struggling uselessly, you glance at Marisa. "Alive?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There's a chance he'll get a few steel toes in his gut. To make our message clear. But yeah. He'll live."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou simply nod, staring after the two troopers. Part of you feels bad for Father Zweili. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>But it's hard to care. The bastard's a faith. He more than deserves whatever he'll get.<<else>>He was obviously tangled in a lot of bad shit. But he doesn't deserve this, at least not as far as you can see. Maybe supporting [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] was a mistake after all.<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "kill">>\n\t\t"Yeah. See, the thing is—" You draw your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>> and level it on Zweili's head.<<else>><<knife>> and ram it into Zweili's throat.<</if>> "You're an asshole."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>A loud crack echoes as your bolt rips through Zweili's brain, splattering it across the floor. He falls a split second after<<else>>You yank the blade out. Zweili collapses.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa's nose wrinkles. "Nasty. Though I get it. Totally."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou simply nod, staring at the corpse. Part of you wants to feel bad for the man. But it's hard to. He used you, twisted you, manipulated you into... well, you aren't quite sure on the specifics. But the bastard got what he deserved. That's what matters.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You jam your <<knife>> into<<else>>You're standing in<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou jam your <<knife>> into the door controls and pry the cover off. Below, you find a tangle of wires linked into an old security model.<br><br>\n\n\t"Here goes nothing." You twist a green and orange wire together.<br><br>\n\n\tThe door snaps open with a hiss. Beyond is a shabby, unlit room with absolutely nothing in it - not even a stray cable. If anyone's lived there, and it's likley they have at some point, it hasn't been for a long time.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You shove the<<else>>You're standing in<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou shove the door to Apartment 417 open. It sticks. Grunting, you shove again. The automated electronics engage with a loud snap.<br><br>\n\n\t"Wow." You step into the cluttered hab unit beyond.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>There are data pads and other data devices - in particular data blocks - strewn all over. Amidst the clutter you spot an unused credit chip and [[StimFuel Inhaler|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel"]]. Whoever lived there was clearly overworked. But nothing indicates this the Raj you were looking for.<br><br>\n\n\tOnly way to know that for certain, of course, would be to read through all the data pads. A brief glance at the titles however reveals they're all about the semantic complexities of ComSpeak and EmjLang. Just another techhead doing research. Though the other stuff in the hab could be... useful.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> the length of the [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], fighting though the usual crowd, until you reach Apartment 3152. The moment you hit the door controls, a chime sounds. A hard faced man opens the door.<br><br>\n\n\t"Hello." You force a smile. "<<formalname>>. Sanctioned Hunter. I have questions."<br><br>\n\n\t"Fuck off," he growls. "I ain't got no time."<br><br>\n\n\tYou jam your foot in the door. "Not so quick. I'm investigating on the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] orders. Let me in. We'll talk. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t"No." He tries to close the door on you. "C'mon. Fuck off, asshole."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "whatwant">>"What exactly do you want? There are radicals out there, armed and dangerous hiding in your sacred halls. So how do you suggest we solve this situation?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"These radical elements will be dealt with," Zweili replies evenly. "By the proper authorities and by established procedure. This sort of action is unacceptable however, and I must demand—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Demand?" Jalkovski steps up to the man. "A bunch of fucking faiths sheltering in your halls are shooting at us. That's unacceptable. Father. Hand them over. Now. There's no room for discussion."<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili shakes is head. "I cannot do that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As you wish." Jalkovski waves to his men, calling, "A Company, advance and secure! B Company hold position."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "broker">>"All I want is the data broker. Give me that and this whole mess ends."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if ($gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or not $equip.isConcealing)>>\n\t\t\t"The, ah, yes. I see what you are here to accomplish." Zweili breathes a sigh. "It can be arranged. Under condition that this situation does not escalate further. Those are my only and final terms."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine." You glance at Jalkovski. "Unless you're going to object?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhen the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper doesn't, Zweili says, "Follow me then."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"The what?" Zweili looks confused. "Excuse me. I don't quite follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's simple." Jalkovski steps up to the man. "Forget what my associate said. Truth is a bunch of fucking faiths sheltering in your halls are shooting at us. That's unacceptable. Father. Hand them over. Now. There's no room for discussion."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tZweili shakes is head. "I cannot do that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"As you wish." Jalkovski waves to his men, calling, "A Company, advance and secure! B Company hold position."<br><br>\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "surrender">>"Then those radicals you're sheltering have to surrender. Lay down their weapons and submit to due process. And we require full access to your premises for a security sweep. Otherwise we move in the hard way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if ($equip.isConcealing or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride)>>\n\t\t\tZweili sounds dubious, "Then I require assurance that they shall not be unjustly harmed. They will be turned over to the proper authorities for questioning. If that is guaranteed, I shall ensure there will be no further need for violence."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine." You glance at Jalkovski. "Unless you're going to object?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhen the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper doesn't, Zweili says, "Follow me then."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tZweili sounds surprised, "After what you do here you expect them to simply lay down their arms? <<if $equip.isConcealing>>How deluded can one be?<<else>>I expected you would be more rational!<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Rational?" Jalkovski steps up to the man. "Here's rational: a bunch of fucking faiths sheltering in your halls are shooting at us. That's unacceptable. Father. Hand them over. Now. There's no room for discussion."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tZweili shakes is head. "I cannot do that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"As you wish." Jalkovski waves to his men, calling, "A Company, advance and secure! B Company hold position."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($action.action4 eq "broker" and ($gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or not $equip.isConcealing)) or ($action.action4 eq "surrender" and ($equip.isConcealing or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride))>>\n\t\tUneasy silence haunts the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]] as you approach the Chapel with Jalkovski in tow. The crowd looks angry but parts as Zweili leads you into the sacred halls.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "broker">>"The one you're looking for is over there." Zweili points to a side door. "Do please be civil. This situation is complex enough as it is."\n\t\t<<else>>"Over there." Jalkovski points to a side door. "Tech reports security is offline. We'll take it from here. And Father? Don't interfere."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tZweili scrambles aside as the riot line surges forward. Within moments, they're stormed past where you stant, but already a line of robed believers has blocked the entrance to the Chapel. You see the guns emerge from beneath their clothes a split second before the walway errupts in coilfire. You go to ground the same moment <<if $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics>>two<<else>>four<</if>> more fanatics burst from a temple to the left, firing wildly. Amidst the chaos, only Jalkovski has noticed them too.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Wow!" You shove the door open...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\tYou are standing in Apartment 3152, all too aware of the Hab's owner standing beside you. <<if $loc_b30habs.tookAmmo or $loc_b30habs.tookCredits>>He shoots you a venomous look.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Y... y'know ya can't just take that." He doesn't try to stop you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." You smirk. "What's gonna stop me? You, hm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe doesn't even manage a reply.<<else>>He says nothing. Treats you as a worriesome presence he'd rather not have.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tHardly surprising, giving you're standing in his apartment, doing whatever the hell you want. There aree a few spare 9mm rounds around and a spare credit chip is still visible. Not exactly convincing truth, though there is a data pad lying around - the one you just looked at.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Wow!" You shove the door open. "No fucking way. You got answers I might—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Easy, easy." The man backs away, hands raised. "I ain't got no issues, okay? But I dunno what yer seekin'. I ain't done nothin' wrong. Never have."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou gesture around the decrepit hab unit. "Mind if I take a look then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe shakes his head. No words are necessary. You're let into the glum little space. There isn't much around - a few spare 9mm rounds and a spare credit chip. Not exactly the sort of stuff you'd be interested in, though there is a data pad lying around. Maybe that'll help?\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - High Palace">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none" and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Got It|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action1 = "gotit"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what they Want|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action1 = "whatwant"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you work for No One|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action1 = "notwork"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Mercs_Resist"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.33]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "gotit">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Help|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action3 = "refuse"; $action.action2 = "placeholder"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t/% exception to faction lock as Kobol lock can be escaped %/\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Help|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action3 = "agree"; $action.action2 = "placeholder"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "kobol"; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Details|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action2 = "askdetail"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Help|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action3 = "refuse"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1;; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t/% exception to faction lock as Kobol lock can be escaped %/\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Help|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action3 = "agree"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "kobol"; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "agree">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's Okay|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action4 = "isokay"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Disappointed|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action4 = "notokay"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Android|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action4 = "askandroid"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isHeavyWeapon or $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action4 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence -= 3; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|highbornpalace_faction][$action.action4 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Mercs_Resist"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $time.active += 0.33]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Mercs_Resist"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.33]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_highbornpalace][$action.arrive = "fromConvo"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.33; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - High Palace">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "kobol">>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.preAltRaidPhase = $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase = 0>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency = 0.8>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t/% (( TRIGGERED AFTER THE ASSAULT ON THE RIPTIDE; MEET WITH SOK REP ABOUT TAKING THE DOCKS; LEADS TO CONFRONTATION WITH RIPTIDE OWNER AND CAN BE PLAYED TO EITHER'S BENEFIT. IF SOK ARE NOT DESTROYED, THEIR FINAL PATH OPENS - REPLACES CHURCH PATH )) %/\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_postcombat_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_highbornpalace][$action.arrive = "fromConvo"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pick up the data pad...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou pick up the data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]\n<strong>Subject:</strong> Un\n\nMr. Javaz,\n\nDue to prior spending events, you are required to repay your loan of [1905728 C] to the St. Martin's Trust as of the 12th of this galactic standard month.\n\nThere is no alternative but repayment. Failure to do so shall result in decisive action.\n\nThnak you for your consideration.\n\nLoving Stars Guide\nSal Ain</div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - High Palace">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_hp_inspect_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_highbornpalace_celenahelp_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_highbornpalace][$action.arrive = "fromConvoAlt"; $processed = false; $job_psychocult.celenaSupplierPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Docks">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t/% (( CONFRONTATION WITH RIPTIDE OWNER AND CAN BE PLAYED TO EITHER'S BENEFIT. IF SOK ARE NOT DESTROYED, THEIR FINAL PATH OPENS - REPLACES CHURCH PATH )) %/\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Stake|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action1 = "aboutstake"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest a mutual Compromise|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action1 = "compromise"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist this is Unacceptable|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action1 = "unacceptable"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "unacceptable">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Advise against the Deal|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action2 = "adviseno"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "compromise">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the Deal's Beneficial|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action2 = "adviseyes"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Specifics|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action2 = "getspecifics"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click "Support the Android">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b40_docks_kobol_conflict">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "agree"; $hide.layer2 = true; $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "kobol";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Oppose the Android|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action2 = "disagree"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.preAltRaidPhase = $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase = 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency = 0.8>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Scramble for Cover|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action3 = "cover"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_auto");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "raptors">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Raptors_Docks"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.5]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "zanex">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Troopers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Zanex_Docks"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.5]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Mercs_Docks"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.5]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you got Lucky|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action3 = "gotlucky"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're that Good|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action3 = "justgood"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand additional Payment|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action3 = "payment"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you hope So|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action3 = "hopeso"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you doubt It|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action3 = "doubtit"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you don't Know|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$action.action3 = "notknow"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_conflict_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "cover">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Android|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.5; $action.arrive = "fromCover"; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Android|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.5; $action.arrive = "fromDiplomacy"; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 99; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "none"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Docks">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t/% (( CONFRONTATION WITH RIPTIDE OWNER AND CAN BE PLAYED TO EITHER'S BENEFIT. IF SOK ARE NOT DESTROYED, THEIR FINAL PATH OPENS - REPLACES CHURCH PATH )) %/\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what killed the Paladin|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action1 = "whatkilled"; $hide.layer1 = true; $factionlock.kobolAskedDjinn = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what happened on Cubix|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action1 = "whathappened"; $hide.layer1 = true; $factionlock.kobolAskedCubix = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how you're Involved|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action1 = "howinvolved"; $hide.layer1 = true; $factionlock.kobolAskedInvolve = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 99; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "none"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $factionlock.kobolAskedDjinn>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what killed the Paladin|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action1 = "whatkilled"; $hide.layer1 = true; $factionlock.kobolAskedDjinn = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked what killed the Paladin]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $factionlock.kobolAskedCubix>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what happened on Cubix|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action1 = "whathappened"; $hide.layer1 = true; $factionlock.kobolAskedCubix = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked what happened on Cubix]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $factionlock.kobolAskedInvolve>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how you're Involved|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action1 = "howinvolved"; $hide.layer1 = true; $factionlock.kobolAskedInvolve = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked how you're Involved]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what happens Now|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action2 = "continue"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $paymentammount = Math.round(8000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>\n\t\t\t<<set $paymentammount2 = 0>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $paymentammount2 = Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $paymenttext = "Accept the Comission">>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $paymenttext "b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "comission"; $attrib.credits += ($paymentammount + $paymentammount2); $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $factionlock.kobolPhase = 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + ($paymentammount + $paymentammount2)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Comission|b40_docks_kobol_conflict_post][$action.action3 = "nocomiss"; $hide.layer3 = true; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 2]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_kobol_post_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 7; $time.active += 0.5; $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "active"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Kobol Basecamp">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Gear|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "buy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t/% other convo options here %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Athena Medical Labs|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "athenamedical"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte 2 and ($time.active - $time.dupedrecord) gt 24>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need your Records Duped|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "duperecord"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "deshvar"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lte 2 and $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Raj about the Pendant|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "pendant"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 3 and $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Fusion Spheres|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "fusion"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.askedKobolJoin eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted or $attrib.toxicity gt 90 or $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to join the Sons|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "joinSons"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $factionlock.askedKobolJoin = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to join the Sons|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "joinSonsFail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $factionlock.askedKobolJoin = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with the Android|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action1 = "chat"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need a Grav-Car|b40_docks_kobolbase][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "gravcarfinal"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Basecamp|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "signUp" or $action.action2 eq "noSign">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_signup_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "joinSonsFail" or $action.action1 eq "joinSons">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "joinSons">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Sign the Document">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b40_docks_kobolbase">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "signUp"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.religion = "kobol";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Decide not to Sign|b40_docks_kobolbase][$action.action2 = "noSign"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "buy">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_buy_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div id='game-basecamp-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'kobolbase_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pendant">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Sell the Pendant (1750 C)' 'b40_docks_kobolbase'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 98; $attrib.credits += 1000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'soldToKobol')>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + 1750>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Keep the Pendant|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf": $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fusion">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_docks_kobolbase][$job_witches_pendant.askedRaj = true; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "gravcarfinal">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb into the Grav-Car|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 1.5; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "alone_kobol"; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "duperecord">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte 20>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = 3500>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = 1500>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = 500>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Pay for the Bribes (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b40_docks_kobolbase">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte 25>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality -= 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 15>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality -= 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality -= 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality -= 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Pay for the Bribes (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Change Topic|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_crime_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "chat">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 = "deshvar">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_kobolbase_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 2; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Kobol Basecamp">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t/% (( CONFRONTATION WITH RIPTIDE OWNER AND CAN BE PLAYED TO EITHER'S BENEFIT. IF SOK ARE NOT DESTROYED, THEIR FINAL PATH OPENS - REPLACES CHURCH PATH )) %/\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest its a Weapon|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action1 = "weapon"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest its Historic Records|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action1 = "records"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's a Star Chart|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action1 = "starchart"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you have no Idea|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action1 = "noidea"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Install Object 55316|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action2 = "install"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what it could Be|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action3 = "whatis"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what happens Now|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action3 = "whatnow"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how it's Valuable|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action3 = "howvaluable"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hand over Object 55316|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action4 = "giveobject"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Comply|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action4 = "refusehandover"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_final_kobol_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atKobol"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "giveobject">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Accept your Fate|b40_docks_final_kobol][$action.action5 = "acceptfate"; $hide.layer5 = true; $action.arrive = "atKobol"; $hide.layer0 = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b1_siege_sanctum_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b14_cathedral_postfirefight_6_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_purged][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3= false]]</div>"I might know..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"I might know a distributor, actually. Not sure how far their reach is but it's probably better than no one."<br><br>\n\n\t"That so, Boss?" Pinapple looks impressed. "Right. So, who is this fellow?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Chick, actually. Celena Eresi from the [[B33 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. She deals with drug trade quite a lot, or used to. Not sure she'd be up for it though."<br><br>\n\n\tPineapple's eyes narrows. "Wait, wait. You know the Eresi girl? 'Cause if you're not shitting me, Boss, we can push profits way up. She's onna the best in the biz. Hard te get a deal with. But sure has some contacts... or, well, at least buyers 'round here."<br><br>\n\n\t"Right," you say, swiping over her contact details to Pineapple. "Make sure you tell it's me talking. She'll probably blow you off otherwise."<br><br>\n\n\t"Will do." He scows at his data pad. "Yeah, I'll set up a meet'n greet right away. This. Well, this might just've solved all our trouble in one go."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1= false]]</div>You head down the pressure corridor...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_kobol.png"]]</div>\n\n\tYou head down the pressure corridor that leads to the [[B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Ventilation fans creak in the gloom as you approach the security scanners. From afar, you can tell something is up. Two [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercs have taken position by the entrance and the loading area beyond has fallen eerily silent. Not a single bot or crane moves.<br><br>\n\n\t"Uh, hi." You stop before the guards. "I was told to meet y'all here?"<br><br>\n\n\tBefore either can reply, \n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>rapid footfalls sound behind you. Two dozen Raptors in combat armor are headed your way. Fisher is leading the team, assault rifle in hand and a stern expression on his face.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "none">>"You" He stops beside you, a eyeing the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards. "No wonder you're involved."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Only question is in what," you say darkly. "Only just got here myself."\n\t\t<<else>>"Boss." He stops beside you, a eyeing the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards. "What the hell's going on down here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I wish I knew that," you admit. "Only just got here myself."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t<<else>>rythmic foodfalls sound behind you. A dozen [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in riot armor are headed your way. Jalkovski is leading the team, carbine rested agains his shoulder.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sir." He stops beside you, a eyeing the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards. "Wasn't expecting to see you here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Tell me about it," you say. "I don't even know what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>>'s going on."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"I can explain." The android you spoke to earlier appears from behind the security checkpoint, two more armored guards in tow. "Athar Tur. [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]], represent. We got active stake in the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Deep biz. Complicated affair. But there's room for terms and agreements, ya dig?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1= false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon<<else>>You follow the android<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon, \n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>eyeing the dead\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors. Their combat armor never stood a chance. Poor bastards. Shot to bloody bits - and there \n\t\t\t<<else>>riot troopers. Even their armor didn't stand a chance. Poor bastards. Shot to bloody bits - and there \n\t\t\t<</if>> were only four [[Blood Sons|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. The very idea makes you feel uneasy.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ey, nice work there, jerk." The android pats your shoulder and nods toward the loading area. "C'mon. Biz is waitin' for us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWondering what the rush is, you follow the android\n\t\t<<else>>eyeing the dead [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards. Their heavy armor is utterly ruined. Bastards. Came prepared to say the least.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t\t"Sir." Jalkovski appears beside you, armor scarred but otherwise unhurt. "B Company reports perimiter locked down. We'll sweep the area for stragglers. Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou glance toward the loading area. "There were a few more last I saw. You guys need a hand?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No, Sir. We came prepared. Won't take more than an hour." He nods toward the tramway station. "Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tClear enough message, and you can hardly blame Jalkovski for wanting you gone. Even if he doesn't mistrust you, which is unlikely, you'd just get in his men's way.\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t"Boss'" Fisher appears beside you, his left shoulder plate blown off but otherwise unhurt. "Got word the rest of the kids are on the way down. We'll sweep the fuckers out for ya."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou glance toward the loading area. "There were a few more last I saw. You guys need a hand?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Nah, be better you weren't around." Fisher nods toward the tramway station. "No offense, but ya ain't one of us anymore. Jus' sayin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou simply nod in response. Hard to blame the kid for mistrusting you considering what just went down. Anyways, you'd just get in the way. \n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou follow the android\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>across the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. The cranes remain motionless, the loading bots deactivated. You can't even see a dock worker around.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you turn into a canyon of shipping containers, the android says, "Shutdown's temporary, ya dig? Gotta vet the whole crew. Iffy situation. That's the biz we gotta handle. Word."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Vet the crew?" Your pace slows. "What, you just gonna ice anyone that doesn't like your plans?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android barks a metallic laugh. "C'mon, jerk. We just got big issues. Ya remember when I told y'about how I knew what you was lookin' into? Well, there's been somethin' of a situation goin' on back on Cubix. Got the chapter all worried 'cause we's bleedin' assets an' contacts. They does some pokin' round and it turns out it begins back here. So they sends me over to do some askin' - all while pretendin' I'm here te make a foothold so no one notices - and I find out it's 'cause someone smuggled somethin' from Cubix to here. Just I dunno what the billion fucks te make of this." The machine stops beside a shipping container marked with a biohazard warning. "Look."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_palcorpse.png"]]</div>\n\t\tBefore you can ask what you're supposed to be looking at, the android hauls the container open. Inside, shrouded in shadow, lies the mechanical corpse of what looks uncannily like a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Its armor has cracked open in a dozen places, limbs twisted well out of alignment, and all manner of and wires dangle from its 'wounds'.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This wasn't us. Word." The android's voice has gone quiet. "Found it outside our chaper though, with a note pinned on. No clue. What I can say is this: that machine was digging through our file on you. We have it on record, access and all. Machine wanted to know about you so that's why I come find ya. There's some nasty shit goin' down an' it's bigger than we ever thought."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You set off across the docks<<else>>You are standing<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobol_heavies.png"]]</div>You set off across the docks, diving into the maze of boxes, crates and other goods piled around the docks. It doesn't take long to find the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] basecamp. The fact it's guarded by several mercs in blood red armor does make it easy. A tangled web of wires and criss-crosses the area, linking dozens of terminals to large machinery hidden inside nearby containers.\n\n<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "kobol">>One of the mercenaries walks up to you, saying, "Vine. You want speak android?"\n\nYou nod. "He around?"\n\n"No. Important meeting. You return later." The merc strides off, armored boots thudding.<<else>>No sooner have you passed the perimiter does the android <<walk>> up, smirking, "Vine. How ya doin, jerk?"\n\n"Not bad," you glance around, all too aware the biohazard-marked container hasn't moved. "Around here?"\n\n"Eh, slow. Got the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] back up an' running but not much more." The machine shrugs. "Anyways, what ya want, jerk?"<</if>><<else>>You're standing in the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] basecamp, located deep in the [[B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Armed guards pace along the perimiter. A lone tech is inspecting the tangled cables that criss-cross the area. Inside one of the contaienrs, a generator whirrs.\n\nThe android, standing beside you, tilts its chin up. "Ya need somethin' else, jerk?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1= false]]</div>You step through the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobol_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\n\tYou step through the hatch, into the Highborn Palace. It's eerily silent and, while the city of tents glistends in the gloom, none of the slaves are moving in the shadows. The very air feels tense and you soon realize why: several mercs in blood red armor are standing amidst the tents, armed with heavy weaponry. Highborn guards watch them nervously from the edges while a golden android speaks to Pineapple in a soft tone.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none" and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\tAs you draw near, you hear Pineapple saying, "...for the King. We've been through a lil' change in management, like I said. Gotta ask the Boss first before— "<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ask me what?" You approach, eyeing the android - it looks unarmed. "What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>is going on here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tPineapple stops to speak but the machine cuts him off, "Had an agreement with the King. But that's changed. Ya work for the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] now. Goddit?"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tAs you draw near, you hear Pineapple saying, "...where the Boss is, okay? I don't keep tabs on—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Never mind, jerk." The android turns, hand on a rail pistol holstered at his hip. "There. The fucking <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>> in da flesh. Boys, 'dis what we's all been waitin' for, eh? Revenge. Long overdue after the shit you pulled in da [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]], jerk."\n\n\t\t"Wow, wow, what the—" A coilshot rings out.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android stumbles back, a hole blown clean through its head. "Ow! Motherf—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tBolts rip through the machine's chest as Pineapple advances, firing his sidearm repeatedly. The android falls to the floor. A shocked silence falls. Neither the Highborn guards nor the mercs in red seem to understand what's going on. But it's clear to you: if you don't act now, this will end in disaster.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, scanning the gloom for hostiles. No one is shooting. Pineapple and his guards are checking kills. There's a loud crak as one of them executes a surviver. Several slaves whimmer.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuckers had it coming."<<else>>"That was lucky."<</if>> You survey the scene, then call, "Pineapple! Status!"<br><br>\n\n\t"Still alive, Boss." He walks over, calmly loading a fresh magazine into his sidearm. "Mostly. Buncha slaves dead, Volbo bit it, an' I think we's got some missin' fingers. Crazy shit. For real."<br><br>\n\n\tA humorless laugh escapes you. "With those freaks? Always. Let's just make sure it doesn't happen again."<br><br>\n\n\tPineapple simply nods in reply. Clearly he doesn't need to be told what needs to be done. Definitely a competent fellow. You're lucky to have him.\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head down the pressure corridor...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_kobol.png"]]</div>There's a security scanner by the etrance watched over by two [[Blood Sons|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Beyond lies an enormous open space filled with piles of shipping crates, synthboxes, water barrels. No sooner have you passed the checkpoint does the android appear, walking at a brisk and purposeful pace.<br><br>\n\n"Vine, ya jerk. Jus' got news ya did that thing." It stops before you. "Well?"<br><br>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Of course I did, jerkhole.<<else>>"I did.<</if>> Found the missing artefact too. So what's the plan?"<br><br>\n\n"Depends on what the Object tells us," the android says, leading you onto the docks. "Did some diggin' an got it for fair certain dis thing's a real old data chip. Techs've set up a reader. Tall order. Word. But they dun it. Now we just' got see what's on dat thing."<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2= false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_ambush.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "aboutstake">>"Before this goes anywhere, I got one question: what's [[Kobol's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] stake here really? Asking for clarity's sake."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"I'd like to know that too," Fisher says darkly.\n\t\t<<else>>"Agreed," Jalkovski says. "Do share, Mr. Tur."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair enough. \n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "compromise">>"I'm sure there's room for a mutually beneficial compromise. Though it'd help if we knew what we were even discussing here, Athar."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Better be a damn good explanation too," Fisher says coldly.\n\t\t<<else>>"Agreed," Jalkovski says. "Do explain yourself, Mr. Tur."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Simple enough matter.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "unacceptable">>"This is unacceptable. I was told I'd be here to negotiate, not justify a hostile takeover. No way I'm going along with this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Just give us an excuse, cablebrain," Fisher says coldly.\n\t\t<<else>>"Agreed," Jalkovski says. "Explain yourself, Mr. Tur."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\t\t\n\n\t\t"Wow, easy. Let's all be reasonable here.\n\t<</if>>\n\tStuff's a-changin' for the syndicate, an' up-top's got a vested interest in shippin' through this [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Put out some feelers but there's no one local open to partnerships. So we figure we gotta do the heavy liftin', ya follow? No one's gonna want us in on 'eir business. So we just gotta take it."<br><br>\n\n\tThe look on <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Fisher's<<else>>Jalkovski's<</if>> face speaks for itself but the android just shrugs. "Like I said, jerks, there's room for terms 'n agreements. We jus' wanna run this little jink on the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Rest ain't our problem."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Like hell it isn't," Fisher snarls. "You bounce in here and just expect us to fucking roll over? No way, asshole. No fucking way."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tThe android rolls its eyes. "Up yours, jerk, and think this shit through. The Dock Authority's been tanking profit. Word. I've seen the stats. Bring us on board and [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] will draw in traffic like you've never seen it. Massive upswing. Guaranteed. We cut your Boss in forty percent for rent and fees, and everyone wins."\n\t<<else>>"Ah." Jalkovski lowers his carbine dramatically, his expression impassive. "Get paperwork to back that up, punk, then we talk."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android rolls its eyes. "I'll get ya all the paperwork ya want, jerk, but hear this through. The Dock Authority means shit to you xeno-fucks. An' it's been taking profits massively. Truth. Except, if you bring [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] in on the business, we can guarantee massive upswing. Your folks collect a share - thirty percent - for rent and fees. We run the show down here an' everyone walks away happy."\n\t<</if>>\n\tWhen there's no reply, the machine glances to you. "Time to weigh in here, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>. No one wants an incident."\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2= false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whatkilled">>"Any idea what killed the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]? 'Cause I wasn't sure that was even possible."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wasn't sure either," the android says. "But looks it was sliced through. Word. An' from the footage we got, this mighta been a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Came outa nowhere an' was gone like - poof - that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and ($job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3)>>Your heart sinks. "Shit. I shoulda known there was more to that thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You met it?" The android looks shocked. "Here? Word?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thought it was after me. But now?" You shake your head, eyeing the mechanical corpse. "There was another [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] there. It might've been after that. Shit. What's even going on here?"`<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"A [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]? You sure about that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not dead. But fair good, ya feel? Ain't much in this galaxy that just walks through walls, yeah? An' can rip a buckethead up. So ya. I fair sure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou pull a face. "So much for keeping things simple. But okay. At least we got some idea what happened. Only question is why."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe android looks incredibly serious. "Grand slam question there, jerk. Grand fucking slam."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whathappened">>"So what exactly happened on Cubix? Obviously it relates, but how?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Disappearances. Drained accounts. Everythin' wiped clean. Something related to Lavandri but that's all I know. No traces except te middle men." The android shakes his head. "Chapter thought it wa competition, the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] takin' back turf or somethin'. But didn't pan out. Think it mighta been da [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Which ain't surprisin' if one of theirs got iced."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"True," you say slowly. "But why target you? I don't follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android's lips curl. "Dat's the big mystery, eh? Didn't get it myself eitha. Then I saw this shit—" It waves to the dead machine. "—and it clicked. Some'n had us ship dat bucket a bolts here. Din't even know what we was shippin' till I looked into it and found that mess. Shit. Word. It's kinda fucked."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," you say. "This is massively screwed up."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "howinvolved">>"All right. Just tell me how the hell I'm involved in all this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hard to say," the android admits. "Ain't got much from the tin can, just it was onto that power play with the Object. Ya know what I mean. Guaranteed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I do," you say slowly. "How do you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android scoffs. "Notes. Billions an' billions of eXbytes of 'em. Word. The tin can was pullin' bits an' piece t'gether, not just who's obviously in with it but what's goin' on behind the scenes. Wan't able te follow its logic 'cause I ain't got access te the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] network. But they's seen some bigger pattern. For certain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"In other words, I'm tied to a wrecked [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Somehow." When the android nods, you breathe a sigh. "Shit. This just gets better and better."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Looking for gear, actually..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Looking for gear, actually. What you guys got in stock."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, we's got more than a few things ye'll like, jerk." The machine hands you a data pad, smirking. "Take a look."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "chat">>"Just kinda wanted to chat..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>"Hey, I think I need your..."<<elseif $action.action1 = "deshvar">>"I'm trying to..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "duperecord">>"Have a little problem..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "gravcarfinal">>"Listen, I kinda need..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "chat">>\n\t\t"Just kinda wanted to chat. Y'know. Maybe about stuff that's happened."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android looks surprised. "Weren't ya listening, jerk? I said what's done is done. Forgive an forget, ya feel?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not quite," you admit. "That was one major mess. And you're just going to overlook that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey, jerk. Think this through from the Chapters's viewpoint: they're across the galaxy, managing this massive cartel empire. And ya really thing one little sideshow means shit? To anyone except you. D'oh."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you say slowly. "Guess I'm looking this in the wrong scale."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe machine grins. "Now ya get it, eh? Fucking jerk. Ye got a lot te learn yet. But that's what I'm here for. Word."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "gravcarfinal">>\n\t\t"Listen, I kinda need a grav-car if you want me to head up to the Corbei residence and end this charade. Don't own one myself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't ya now, jerk?" The android laughs. "Eh, shit. Got ya covered tho. C'mon with me." He pats your shoulder and leads your toward a side passage, where a blood-red grav car is parked in the passage. "Ey, Finn!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tA man in dark overalls looks up. "Boss?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android gestures to you. "'Dis jerk needs yet ride, eh? Sign dat hunka junk over, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right, Boss." The mechanic pops the door. "All yours, <<formalname>>. Jus' try to bring it back in one piece, yeah? It's my baby."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "duperecord">>"Have a little problem here. Related to some, uh, recent activity. Could use some help here duping the records."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah." The android looks amuse. "Ya. We can do that for ya. Word. But it'll cost ya."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Figured. How much?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte 20>>"Ye've got quite the record goin' there. So, ya. Say about three grand, ya feel? Nothin' personal. Jus' gotta hand out a lil to get things movin'."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 10>>"Ai, ain't too bad. Figure I can set ya up for, say, one and a half grand? Won't be too hard te move things along. Word."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Eh, with that lil pansy ya got on ye?" He chuckles. "Shit, say, five hundred. Can make dat thing vanish like—" He snaps his fingers. "—that."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pendant">>\n\t\t"I've got this pendant here and I was thinking--"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android shoots you a look. "Do I look like jewler to you, hm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, but, well, you do traffic in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fine. Ya got a point, jerk." The android studies the device, then you. "I'll buy it off ya. Say a thousand plus seven hundred creds, hm? Might toss up some nice deal down the road."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And that's all you can tell me about it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android shrugs. "I ain't a jewler, jerk, now is I? Or were ya not listening? Never mind. I'm just repeating what the heuristics say: it might be worth something. To someone. Maybe. So take it or leave it, jerk."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fusion">>"Hey, I know you're into all the trading stuff and I need something unique: a fusion sphere. Any ideas?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," the android says. "Fork out a tonna cash at a machine-smith's. Old tech junk like that, you know, from the days before, that's expensive. Why you need it anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"For my personal collection," you say sarcastically.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android smirks. "Fine, fine, jerk. No money. No questions. And I don't care. But if you really wanna cheap out on old tech like that, well, suggest you go digging in the dumpsters. Or ya know the junking yards. Could be they got one lying around. Maybe. And I'm sure they's no idea what it is so if you plays it smooth ya might get one for next to nothing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good idea," you say, wondering how you didn't think of that.<br><br\n\n\t\tThe android studies you. "That thing ain't really for your personal collection, is it, jerk?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. Better to play it mysterious. That'll keep the android from getting too interested in things that, frankly, do not concern it - or the Sons of Kobol.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "joinSonsFail" or $action.action1 eq "joinSons">>"So I was thinking: I've been working with you guys. But I kinda want in, y'know? Into Kobol."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The family business, huh?" The android scowls at you.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "joinSonsFail">>"Nah. You ain't the type, jerk. Yer just some jerk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, am I?" You laugh. "Really, that's how the--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wow, wow, easy there, jerk. The family sees you as a valuable asset. But you don't belong in. You work with. You might earn your place one day. But, for now, you're just a freelancer to us. Figure?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shoot the android a dark look.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Saying it how it is, jerk. Leave it be. Ya ain't family material. Heuristics say so. End of."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "joinSons">>"Yeah. Well. Ya sure got issues. Ya might fit right in, jerk. But ya gotta be committed. Real committed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"To the Sons?" You nod. "I am. I work for you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe android barks a laugh. "Ye got humor too, jerk. But no. Ya got it wrong. Committed to personal betterment. Ya sign up, you get yer act together. Clean yerself up. Merc-style. Might be a future for you in that. In with the big boys. Clean, composed, and sharp as a razor."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say. "And that's all it takes to get in?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Family sticks together," the android says. "You wash our hands. We wash yours. But you need commitment. Keep your act clean. Stick to the family ethos: vent it outside, not in. Say, hows about: I puts you on probation for a month or so, jerk. And if you're up for it, you stay in. Get a real place as a merc. But don't get no illusions. You ain't no Blood Son. Just one more lost lamb we's taking in, figure?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod earnestly. "Understood loud and clear."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good. Then here--" The android produces a data pad. "This is our charter. A billion bloody pages long. Don't bother to read it. Rules is simple: vent it out, not in, and if you fall back into bad habits - booze, drugs, whatever it is that's got you worked up - you atone. You do penance and do right by the family, the family does right by you. Understood? Good. Now--" The machine taps the data pad. "Sign here. Now. Or <<walk>> away."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 = "deshvar">>\n\t\t"I'm trying to find information on someone or something called Deshvar. You don't happen to know, do you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"More than heard of him," the android says. Used to be mob, before the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. Nasty piece of work that fellow. But bis men got in a picke with the [[Constabulaty|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulaty"]] fled [[Sprawlside|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. Rumor is they died there. Doubt it's true."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Former mob, huh?" You scowl. "Okay, any idea where to find this dude?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No fucking clue, jerk. Or I would've iced him already. But try the ducts below the habs on [[B29|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. That's where he was last seen. Oh, and if ya do find the bastard, crush his skull for me." The android smirks. "Nothin' personal. Just an old score than needs settling."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll keep that in mind," you say, making notes. "And thanks. This might be the lead I needed."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>\n\t\t"Hey, I think I need your sources. Relates to an [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] lab here somewhere in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]? Small place maybe, on the upper levels?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh." The android's brows contract. "I's heard some stuff. What those corpo fucks up te now, jerk?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou chuckle. "Frankly? Developing a weapon against [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. I think."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Could be fer all I know. But ya. There's this place up by the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Boulevard"]]. Heard dose [[Syn 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] blokes bein' involved too, but total low key. Word. Go look in them alleys behind the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Boulevard"]] Information. And keep yer eyes peeled fer tight security, ya feel? Don't want ya gettin' splattered here, jerk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Alleys.-. information booth." You make a few hasty notes. "Thanks. I'll be careful."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2= false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "gotit">>"I got it. Now mind explaining what exactly is going on?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Roll call. We got a stake here. On the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. You'll help us take 'em." The android's lips curl into an eerily perfect smirk. "Might be the perfect stroke of luck, you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]?" You purse your lips. "Doubt they'll just let you march in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"An' that's why you're our lucky winner, jerk. We march in, there'll be trouble. But if we have a friendly face?" The android shrugs. "Put differently: the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] pay well and forgive easily. All we want is access to incoming and outgoing shipping. Do the job and there's benefits for you. And just saying: I know what you've been hired to do. Nasty business. We can help you out with that. We know who's behind it. I'll tell you if you work with us."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatwant">>"[[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]], huh? What you want?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Bodies. As agreed. We got a stake here. On the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. You'll help us take 'em." The android's lips curl into an eerily perfect smirk. "Might be the perfect stroke of luck, you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Luck, huh?" You fold your arms. "And why am I doing this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Why, for the common good, obviously. We march in, there'll be trouble. But if we have a friendly face?" The android shrugs. "Put differently: the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] pay well and forgive easily. All we want is access to incoming and outgoing shipping. Do the job and there's benefits for you. And just saying: I know what you've been hired to do. Nasty business. We can help you out with that. We know who's behind it. I'll tell you if you work with us."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notwork">>\n\t\t"I don't work for anyone. And certainly not [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Hell, I kicked your ass last time you showed up around here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And you'll do that again?" The android's lips curl into an eerily perfect smirk. "Sure. Go ahead. Or just fucking listen, jerkass."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou fold your arms. "I'm listening. For now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good. Simple situation. We got a stake on the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. You'll help us take 'em. Or, put differently: the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] pay well and forgive easily. All we want is access to incoming and outgoing shipping. Do the job and there's benefits for you. And just saying: I know what you've been hired to do. Nasty business. We can help you out with that. We know who's behind it. I'll tell you if you work with us."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou say, \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "weapon">>"Presumably a weapon. At least that was my assumption."<br><br>\n\n"Now wouldn't that be cool," the android replies. "Word. Old world weapons were the fucking bomb."<br><br>\n\n"Not when they're stacked against you," you say as you near the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] basecamp.\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "records">>"Historical records, probably. Everyone's been hot on those recently."<br><br>\n\n"That'd kill the excitement," the android says. "There's nothing more boring than history docs. Word."<br><br>\n\n"Depends on who you ask," you say as you near the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] basecamp.\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "starchart">>"It'a star chart. No joke. I got solid sources on that."<br><br>\n\n"Weird," the android says. "Doesn't seem the kinda thing people would risk so much over."<br><br>\n\n"Tell everyone else that," you say as you near the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] basecamp.\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "noidea">>"Absolutely no idea. To me it's just a hunk of metal."<br><br>\n\n"Heh." The android smirks. "Doubt it's even metal. Some synth composite, at best."<br><br>\n\n"Whatever," you say as you near the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] basecamp.<</if>><br><br>\n\n"Whatever the case, jerk, we'll know soon enough." The android stops beside one of the wire-entangled containers.<br><br>\n\nHe taps in a sixteen-digit key code. The mag-locks release with a clang, revealing a complex array of holo-terminals and data processors. Most of the machines have been stripped of their housings and hard-wired to a jury-rigged data reader in the center of the container.<br><br>\n\n"Aright, jerk." The android gestures to the reader. "Plug that pieca junk in."<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3= false]]</div>You turn to <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Fisher<<else>>Jalkovski<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>> \n\n\tYou turn to <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Fisher<<else>>Jalkovski<</if>>.\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "adviseno">>"Not my call but I'm against the proposed arrangement. It'll backfire. Guaranteed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "none">>"Yeah, it sure as fuck isn't your call." Fisher breathes a sigh. "But you're right. No fucking way those assholes are walking in here."\n\t\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolWasViolent = true>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Yeah," Fisher says coldly. "You're right, Boss. This is bullshit and we're not letting it happen."\n\t\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolWasViolent = false>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Possibly," Jalkovski admits. "But it serves a mutual interest, Sir. No disrespect. It just makes sense."\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "kobol">>\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolWasViolent = false>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "adviseyes">>"I know it's your call but there's potential for a beneficial arrangement here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "none">>"Of course you'd fucking say that." Fisher breathes a sigh. "But you're right. No one wants another war."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Maybe," Fisher says slowly. "No one wants another war, Boss, but this is thin ice. Y'know?"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Agreed," Jalkovski says. "It serves a mutual interest, Sir. We have more to gain than loose."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolWasViolent = false>>\n\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "kobol">>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "getspecifics">>"This proposed arrangement's a bit vague in my oppinion. Needs more substance."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "none">>"Oh, shut up already." Fisher breathes a sigh. "But <<genderpronoun>>'s right. We need more details."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Yeah," Fisher says darkly. "What's the game here really? And why the hell's [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] suddenly so interested?"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Agreed," Jalkovski says. "I woudld like to know what [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] wants here too. As plain and simple as possible."\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "zanex">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolWasViolent = false>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "agree">>"Cablehead has a point. No one here can really afford another street war."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "none">>"Of course you'd fucking say that." Fisher breathes a sigh. "And sure. No one wants another war. But I'm not just gonna let those assholes <<walk>> in here either."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Maybe," Fisher says slowly. "No one wants another war, Boss, but this is thin ice. Y'know? No one wants those assoles around these parts either."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"To a point," Jalkovski agrees. "It serves a mutual interest, Sir. We have more to gain than loose. Still, this is [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolWasViolent = true>>\n\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "kobol">>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "disagree">>"There's no way I'm supporting the cablehead. This'll go sour quick."<br><br>\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "none">>"Hey, asshole, this ain't your call." Fisher breathes a sigh. "But you're right. No one wants those [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] assholes around."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Yeah," Fisher says coldly. "This is bullshit. No one wants those [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] assholes around."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Agreed," Jalkovski says. "It's a poor arrangement, Sir. No one wants [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] here."\n\t\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign = "zanex">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $factionlock.kobolWasViolent = true>>\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent eq true>>"Aw, c'mon," the android says. "Let's at least try to see eye to eye here, yeah? We're doin' this for everyone's good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Only thing is I don't buy it." Fisher levels his rifle, growling, "Back the fuck off. Now. Or this thing goes cyclic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's a tense silence. The [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards fidget uneasily. So do Fisher's Raptors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah, fuck this shit." The android reaches for its sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhat follows happens so fast it's hard to follow. Raptors spray bolts wildly as [[Kobol's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] heavy weapons tear through their combat armor. Bolts wizz past too close for comfort. It's only after a moment you realize three of Fisher's men are shooting at you. Fuck knows why - you don't have time to ask.\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Unfortunately, I disagree." Jalkovski levels his carbine, eyes narrowed. "Give me an excuse. Jerk. Just one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's a tense silence. The [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards fidget uneasily. Jalkovski's men ready their weapons.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah, fuck this shit." The android reaches for its sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhat follows happens so fast it's hard to follow. [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers open fire as [[Kobol's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] heavy weapons tear through their riot armor. Bolts wizz past too close for comfort. It's only after a moment you realize two of Jalkovski's men are shooting at you. Fuck knows why - you don't have time to ask.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Glad we see eye t'eye," the android says. "We're doin' this for everyone's good, not jus' our own. Word and promise. Guaranteed from all the way back in Cubix. Ain't even my call."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"I sure hope you're right," Fisher says, fingering his rifle. "We ain't got time for your shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Eh, don't worry." The android cracks a grin. "Now, if ya don't mind, we gotta get to work. An' you'd better get back home, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Right." Fisher waves his men off. "C'mon, assholes. Show's over."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Let's hope so." Jalkovski lowers his carbine. "Don't make us deploy here again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Eh, don't worry." The android cracks a grin. "Now, if ya don't mind, we gotta get to work. Ain't gonna bug you one bit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Make sure it doesn't." Jalkovski waves his men away, calling, "Back to base. Show's over."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tAs they receed down the passage, the android glances at you. "Nice work, jerk. Knew I'd hired you for a right fucking reason."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "zanex">>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent eq true>>"Dunno if it's jus' me," the android says. "But I ain't got a good feelin' where this is heading, ya feel me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And I don't like your tone." Jalkovski levels his carbine, eyes narrowed. "Give me an excuse. Jerk. Just one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a tense silence. The [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards fidget uneasily. Jalkovski's men ready their weapons.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, fuck this shit." The android reaches for its sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJalkovski pulls the trigger. The machine jerks and twitches as bolts riddle its chest. That same instant, the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards open fire. Bolts wizz past too close for comfort. Hell knows if they're shooting at you but you aren't about to wait and find out.\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Wow, wow," the android says. "I ain't likin' where this is going, ya feel? So let's jus' all—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You felt right. Deal's off." Jalkovski steps up to the android, eyes narrowed. "I suggest you and your men get out of here. Jerk. Unless you want to find out what happens when you mess with the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. Understood?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a tense silence. The [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards fidget uneasily. Jalkovski's men ready their weapons.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, okay!" The android backs away, hands raised. "Fair play. We're going already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs the retreat [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards into the docks, Jalkovski lowers his weapon. "Close call, Sir. You think they'll stay gone?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent eq true>>"I don't like the way yer talkin," the android says. "Bad vibes, ya feel me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fuck yourself." Fisher levels his rifle, growling, "Back the fuck off. Now. Or this thing goes cyclic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a tense silence. The [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards fidget uneasily. So do Fisher's Raptors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, fuck this shit." The android reaches for its sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFisher pulls the trigger. The machine jerks and twitches as bolts riddle its chest. That same instant, the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards open fire. Bolts wizz past too close for comfort. Hell knows if they're shooting at you but you aren't about to wait and find out.\n\t\t<<else>>"Wow, wow," the android says. "I ain't likin' where this is going, ya feel? So let's jus' all—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Save it. There's no deal." Fisher levels his rifle, growling, "Back the fuck off. Now. Or this thing goes cyclic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a tense silence. The [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards fidget uneasily. So do Fisher's Raptors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, okay!" The android backs away, hands raised. "Fair play. We're going already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs the retreat [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards into the docks, Fisher lowers his weapon. "Fucking close thing there, Boss. You think they'll stay gone?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3= false]]</div>"Right. So my last question is..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Right. So my last question is: what happens now?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Tricky question. Main priority's getting this situation sorted, making whatever deals we can, and settling my Chapter here. Gon be puttin' our focus on that, making sure 'em folk at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] don't make no trouble. The whole other deal's just a side job. Word."<br><br>\n\n\t"Moving in is hardly something you need me for."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, fer certain, but—" The android glances around and lowers its voice. "—we's got info. That [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] which killed the tin can? Word is it's connected to 'em Corbei family. Was alledgedly recorded on one of their ice ships. May or may not be related to the disappearance of Karl Vindell. Long story, anyways, there's a Corbei residence here and I think that's where the orders are coming from. Not sure though. It's airtight, that place up on B3. My guess though is that Object yer after is there. Too many pointers showin' that way."<br><br>\n\n\tYou scowl. "I'm assuming [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] wouldn't mind getting their hands on that artefact."<br><br>\n\n\t"Frankly, the Chapter don't care two shits, but I see it different: artefact like that will bay well on back channels. I's willin' te pay good creds, <<print $paymentammount>> up front<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle">> plus <<print $paymentammount2>> fer yer help with the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] folk<</if>>, if ya bring the Object thing here. Might get some answers from it."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"All right." You hold out your arm...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>\n\t"All right." You hold out your arm. "Do what ya can."<br><br>\n\n\tThe android swipes it. "We can do almost anything. Word. But ye'd have te pay bigtime more - and have way more serious issues - fer that. This? Peanuts on the side."<br><br>\n\n\t"Sure. Whatever. And thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t"No probs. Won't want our lil' friend here gettin' in trouble with the law. Or gettin' us in trouble, yeah?" The mashine nudges you. "T'care, jerk."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3= false]]</div>"You'll have to..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"You'll have to give me more detail than just that," you say. "What's really at stake? And why are you here? I want clear answers first. Then maybe I'll help."<br><br>\n\n\tThe android shoots you a condescending look. "For real? You screw our businees here. Few years back. Now you ask what the deal is? For real?"<br><br>\n\n\t"You want in on the local turf," you say bluntly. "Or am I missing something?"<br><br>\n\n\t"We have in. We want specifics. To repeat: I know what you're doing, jerk. Don't think the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] weren't involved in this little power play. It's a situation ripe for the picking and I know who's behind it. That's all you get. For now. We share - but only with trusted associates. So let's hear it: you gonna help? Or—" The Android gestures to the mercenaries in blood red armor. "—we gonna play hardball?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You pull out Object 55316...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou pull out Object 55316 and plug it into the machine. A soft beep echoes. Text scrolls down a nearby holo-terminal.<br><br>\n\n"Okay," the android says, pouring over a nearby terminal. "Confirmed file system compatability. Pulling dat—" The terminals flicker. "Wow."<br><br>\n\nCurious, you approach the android. "There a problem?"<br><br>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "starchart">>"Nah, but seemy ou were right."<<else>>"Nah, just, well. Look."<</if>> He indicates the screen, which displays an enormous star chart criss-crossed by hundreds of lines. "Definitely some kinda nav data. But it's weird. Word. Ain't stars or ideal transfer orbits or nothing I've seen before. Ever."<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4= false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "cover">>Panicked, you scramble...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>> \n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "cover">>Panicked, you scramble for cover beind the security scanner. Noise reverberates in the narrow passage. The machine resonates as bolts ping off its magneto-refractive plates. There's no chance to get a shot in, not even to peak around the corner. But the screams tell you everything you need to know.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSeconds later, it's over. Distant gunshots echo. Spent magazines clatter to the floor in the ringing silence that follows. Footfalls sound.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>The android appears, two bullet holes in its chest but otherwise unharmed. "Shit, asshole. What ya cowerin' back there for?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Trying not to die?" You stand unsteadily. "What the fuck you think I was doing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Dunno, really." The android shrugs. "Don't matter though. Deal's done. But ya kinda blew your part. Bigtime. Half the buggers got away."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "Ya coulda clued me in on the fact <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>there was gonna be a fucking firefight here.<<else>>you wanted to go in shooting.<</if>> Idiot. Seriously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Eh, well. What's done is done. Now we do biz. C'mon, jerk." He sets off toward the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]].\n\n\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "zanex">>Jalkovski appears, his armor scarred by several glancing hits but otherwise unharmed. "Sir, are you all right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You stand unsteadily. "Kinda, well, didn't wanna get my head blown off."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Understandable." Jalkovski waves to his men, calling, "Sweep and clear. B Company reports perimiter locked down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou glance at the dead [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] guards. "You guys gonna be fine down here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, Sir. Just going to clean up the stragglers. Won't take more than an hour." He nods toward the tramway station. "Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tClear enough message, and you can hardly blame Jalkovski for wanting you gone. Even if he doesn't mistrust you, which is unlikely, you'd just get in his men's way.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "wilkin">>Fisher appears, his left shoulder plate blown off but otherwise unharmed. He scoffs. "Shit. Lettin' us to all the hard work. So fucking typical."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, please." You stand unsteadily. "Just didn't wanna get my head blown off."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Asshole." Fisher waves to his men, calling, "Show's over. Secure and hold until the blood boxes ger here. And you—" He fixes you with blazing eyes, cheeks twitching in anger "—get the fuck outa here. Shit. What the hell did you even think you were doing?"<<set $chr_fisher.loc = "none">><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you wants to reply but you decide not to. There's no way to explain. Any attempt to do so would just make the situation worse. Better you just get the hell out of there before Fisher looses what little calm he's got left - or [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] comes back with reinforcements.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>You say,\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "gotlucky">>"We got lucky. Plain and simple."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Maybe. Or it's all goin' like I planned. Had it all calced out ahead. Always know what I'm doin. Word." The android winks. "Pure, one hundred percent skill."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "justgood">>"What'd you expect? I'm just that good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, tell yourself whatever ya want, jerk. Truth is I had it all calced out. Word." The android winks. "Pure, one hundred percent pre-dic-ted."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "payment">>"You better be paying me extra then."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You'll be gettin' what you're worth, jerk, and it ain't peanut. But ya ain't gettin one cred more either 'cause we knew how it'd go. Word." The android winks. "Pure, one hundred percent pre-dic-ted."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "hopeso">>"I sure hope so. I've had about as much of that asshole as I can take."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"You and me both," Fisher says darkly.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Jalkovski says, "I tend to agree, Sir."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You breathe a sigh. "At least it's over. Was almost thinking [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] would be coming back bigtime. Might still be for all we know." The very idea makes you feel uneasy.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "doubtit">>"Doubt it. What little I know of that asshole, he'll be back."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"No fucking shit," Fisher says darkly. "Already called in the rest of the kids. Just to be safe."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Doubt it, Sir," Jalkovski says. "Area's locked down. Full perimiter in effect. They go out, they do it on our temrs."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's good to hear. Was starting to think [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] would be coming back bigtime. Might still be for all we know." The very idea makes you feel uneasy.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "notknow">>"Dunno, honestly. We can hope but I wouldn't count on it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Same here," Fisher says darkly. "Already called in the rest of the kids. Just to be safe."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Agreed, Sir," Jalkovski says. "We've already locked down the area. Just in case."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's good to hear. Was starting to think [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] would be coming back bigtime. Might still be for all we know." The very idea makes you feel uneasy.\n\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "In that case ya coulda <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking<<else>>just<</if>> told me this was going to escalate so quickly though. Seriously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Eh, well. I calculated ya wouldn't care. My bad. Now, we do biz. C'mon." He sets off toward the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]].\n\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t"Possible, Sir. But we'll make sure they're muzled. Won't take more than an hour." He nods toward the tramway station. "Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tClear enough message, and you can hardly blame Jalkovski for wanting you gone. Even if he doesn't mistrust you, which is unlikely, you'd just get in his men's way.\n\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t"Well, whatever the case, we'd better make sure they get the fuck outa here." Fisher nods toward the tramway station. "No offense, but might be better you're gone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod in response. Hard to blame the kid for mistrusting you considering what just went down. Anyways, you'd just get in the way. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4= false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "comission">>"Sounds good. Sign over..."<<else>>"Never mind the comission..."<</if>>\n<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "comission">>"Sounds good." You hold out your arm. "I bring you that Object, you pay the rest, and we all benefit. Hopefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Deal." The android swipes. "Make it happen, jerk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do my best." You glance around. "So, uh, where am I supposed to find you in this maze?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>"Never mind the comission," you say. "I bring you the Object, we figure out what the hell's really going on here. Deal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ain't what I saw comin' but okay, deal." He holds out a hand, smirking. "Jerk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Jerk yourself." You shake his hand. "Be back as soon as I have more. But, uh, where where am I supposed to find you in this maze?"<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"We'll clear this area—" He gestures around. "—and set up camp, at least until we can get that tin can off station. Gonna make sure our perimiter guys know you'll be comin'. Also, ya need gear, we can help ya. Cabal's still got good connections here. Yeaah?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Good to know." You nod curtly, turn on your heel, and...\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "signUp">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_kobol.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou sign the document and hand it back to the android.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe looks it over. "Right, right, jerk. Well, congrats. You're in. Probation. To prove yourself. Congratulations. You're a <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>Daughter<<else>>Son<</if>> of Kobol now. Just remember: it's all about personal betterment. Merc-style. But with the support network. And less corporate capitalist crap."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Got it," you say. "I'll make sure to--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"One more thing, jerk: the [[Sons|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] are a cartel family, right? Not a street gang. You act in our name, you act for all of us. So clean up your stinking act and get it together. Oh, and no, this does not mean you get to become a cartel <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>lady<<else>>lord<</if>>. You're one jerk in the ranks. One. [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] controls entire solar systems and has the machines and methods to move bulk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know," you say. "Family business is a big business. I respect that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure, sure, jerk. You might be something locally, Vine, but out there?" The android gestures across the docks. "Out there, you's just a pinprick. Worth less than one circuit in my body. That's why you's on probation. Get your shit squared and you might mean something. Someday. But not today. Today, you're just another jerk among millions. Don't forget that."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou won't. The android's made it perfectly clear: the [[Sons|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mean business and have the MilSpec hardware to back it up. Still, better in than out, especially if they're about to take over the sector in the name of the cartel-family, like you suspect.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noSign">>\n\t\tYou shake your head. "No. Not without knowing what I'm getting into."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then why'd you ask, jerk?" The android snorts static. "Had you heuristic'd as family material. Great future. Maybe even stable salary. Whatever. Ye want it this way? Fine. Piss off."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I was going to do just that," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever, freelancer. I made you an offer. Fair and square. You kicked me in the bolts. I ain't gonna hold it against you, jerk. But you pull some crap like this again and I'ma boot you. With a bolt in the head. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. Plenty clear: don't fuck with the [[Sons|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] because they mean business and have the MilSpec hardware to back it up.\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "whatis">>"So, what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> is it then...?"<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatnow">>"Okay. What happens now...?"<<elseif $action.action3 eq "howvaluable">>"So how valuable is this thing...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "whatis">>"So, what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> is it then? Or do we have absolutely no idea?"<br><br>\n\nThe android shrugs. "Ya'd need good sources and hard research to know. Maybe something that CCCT could look into. Not somethin' we got time for here. Gotta get the Object and the tin can off the [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and back to the Cube ASAP."<br><br>\n\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatnow">>"Okay. What happens now? Mean, you gotta have some plan, right?"<br><br>\n\nThe android nods. "Priority is getting this and that tin can off the [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and back to the Cube ASAP. Research's gotta wait 'till we got some peace an' quiet. The boys at CCCT will get their crack at it, just as soon as we gets out of here."<br><br>\n\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "howvaluable">>"So how valuable is this thing? Not just in material terms."<br><br>\n\nThe android shrugs. "Ya'd need good sources and hard research to know. Not somethin' we got time for here. Gotta get the Object and the tin can off the [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and back to the Cube ASAP. CCCT will wanna see all this. And they'll pay. Bigtime."<br><br>\n\n<</if>>\n\nConcerned, you ask, "There something I should be worried about?"<br><br>\n\n"Specifically? Dunno. Jus' being here's a risk tho. Between corporate espionage, the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] an' everyone—"<br><br>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>There's a loud bang outside, followed by something being thrown against the container. Adrenaline surges but, before you can move, a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] block the doorway, slender hand raised. Scalding light burns in its palm. There's barely time to realize what's going on before brilliant light errupts. The android crumples, its head melted clean off.<br><br>\n\n"Biological," <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine-angle<</if>> drones, hand extended. "Surrender your weapons and produce the artefact. There will be no discussion."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4= false]]</div>You purse your lips...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou purse your lips.\n\t\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "refuse">>"Not gonna happen. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>So bring it on, asshole. We'll play your fucking hardball."<<else>>Didn't let you <<walk>> over this place last time. And I'm not gonna let you now."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You sure, jerk?" The android steps back, gesturing around. "You're a lil' outgunned here, y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips curl. "I've been outgunned all my life. C'mon. Bring it!"<<else>>Your expression remains hard. "I'm certain. So either do your worst or leave. There's no room for argument."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, if that's what you—" A coilshot rings out. The android stumbles back, a hole blown clean through its head. "Motherf—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBolts rip through the machine's chest as Pineapple advances, firing his sidearm repeatedly. The android falls to the floor. A shocked silence falls. Neither the Highborn guards nor the mercs in red seem to understand what's going on. But it's clear to you: if you don't act now, this will end in disaster.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"All right then. I'll work with you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Just don't fucking bring up what happened before. Ever.<<else>>We leave the past behind. New era of coopration. I suppose."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice." The android smiles none too pleasantly. "Be at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Soon. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Got it," you say, wondering whether this was the right decision to make.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Until later." The android waves to the armored mercs. "C'mon, jerks. Let's roll."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArmored boots thud as the troopers stomp off. You watch them depart, shaking your head in disbelief.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPineapple sidles over to you. "Uh, Boss? Sorry about that. Really didn't see it coming or we'd have been more prepared."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5= false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "negotiate" or $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail">>"Okay," you say...<<else>>You glance at Pineapple...\t<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "negotiate" or $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail">>"Okay," you say, "Let's just take this nice and easy. No one—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Bullshit," one of the mercs growls behind his mask. "Ice the fuckers!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"No," you reply firmly, stepping up to the fellow. "No more bloodshed. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You got that, asshole?<<else>>Just <<walk>> away from this.<</if>> We'll call it an accident."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a long pause. Finally the merc lowers his weapon. "Right. No Bloodshed. But we's not forgettin' this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArmored boots thud as the troopers stomp off. You watch them depart, shaking your head in disbelief. Pineapple sidles over to you. "That was close. Too close. I's gon' make sure we got better security up in future, yeah? Jus' give me some time te get stuff workin' again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou just nod, unwilling and uncertain how to reply. Last thing you need now is the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] breathing down your neck. But the situation's dealt with. Temporarily.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Wait! No. We can—" Your voice trails off as he raises his heavy coilgun. "—shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCoilfire errupts from one of the Highborn guards. Muzzle flashes light the gloom. Bolts ping off the mercs' heavy armor. Slaves scramble away in panic. Everyone is shouting. All you can see are three mercs about to open fire on you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Bastards won't last two seconds. Not when you're around.<<else>>Unfortunate, but your only option is to take them down before they kill you.<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>You glance at Pineapple.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "isokay">>"No sweat. Couldn't have seen it coming."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Maybe not but I knew that [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] droid was kickin' around, y'know? Shoulda been more careful. An' I will be. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod in response. "I'll handle the situation down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] in the meantime. With a little luck there won't be a massacre. Or worse."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That'd be good, Boss. Just be careful. This droid's a pieca work. Made live real difficult back in'a day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Don't worry. I've dealt with [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] before. I can handle them this time." In an undertone, you add, "Hopefully."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "notokay">>"That's some shoddy work there. This can't happen again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, no shit." Pineapple looks crushed. "Shoulda been way more careful. An' I will be now. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod in response. "I'll handle the situation down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] in the meantime. Maybe this won't turn into another disaster."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hope so too, Boss. Just be careful. This droid's a pieca work. Made live real difficult back in'a day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Figures. I've dealt with [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] before." In an undertone, you add, "Freaking nightmare if ever there was one."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "askandroid">>"Right, just one question: who the hell was that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The droid? No idea. Just it's a major agent for [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]." Pineapple looks worrdied. "Man, I shoulda been more careful. An' I will be. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah. never mind that for now. I gotta deal with this situation at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Last thing I need is to be the cause of another crisis in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]."\n\n\t\t\t"True, Boss. But be careful, ya? The droid's a pieca work. Made live real difficult back in'a day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I can imagine. Dealt with [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] before." In an undertone, you add, "Wish they'd stayed gone for good."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "leave">>"Oh, for fuck's sake..."<<else>>"Not gonna happen..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "giveobject">>"Oh, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>for fuck's sake<<else>>screw this<</if>>." You produce the Object with a sigh. "Fine. Have it your way. But I'm only doing this because you'll nuke my ass if I don't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Appreciated." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> takes the silver sphere and unceremoniously crushes it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow!" You take a step back. What the fuck?!"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Not gonna happen," you say, fighting down your racing heart. "Not after everything I've been through to get this damned thing. Not even now. I'd sooner<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> die than give up my last shot at a life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"An unfortunate decision." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine<</if>> raises a hand. "Farewell, biological."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, shit." You take a step back. "Oh, fucking—"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tBright light forms betwen the The [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] fingers anew. Heat fills the tiny container. It begins to raise a hand. Adrenaline surges as you realize it's exactly what you feared: the damn thing will purge you simply for existing.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n\t<<set $currentActiveScene = $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesPending[$randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter]>>\n\n\t<<if not $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesDone.contains($currentActiveScene)>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.rndScenesDone.push($currentActiveScene)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display $currentActiveScene>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_riptide_revenge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Radicals|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Radicals_Revenge"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Raptors_Revenge"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_riptide_revenge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_riptide_revenge_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Radicals|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Radicals_Revenge"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Raptors_Revenge"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_thugs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Surrender the Xanju-4|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "giveback"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round($attrib.credits * 0.35 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Thugs (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "random_uniquencounter_inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $bribeammount gte 450>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Thugs (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Cyber_Thugs"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_cyber_thugs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_thugs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "pay" and $action.action2 gte 450) or $action.action1 eq "giveback">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cyber_Thugs"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot = "NGREP">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action99 = "none">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_cyborgs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cyborgs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Cyber_Cyborgs"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_cyber_cyborgs_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_cyborgs_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cyborgs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cyber_Cyborgs"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_renegade_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cultists|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Cyber_Renegades"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_cyber_renegade_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_renegade_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cultists|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cyber_Renegades"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_death_cultists_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cultists|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Deathcult_Revenge"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_death_cultists_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_death_cultists_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cultists|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Deathcult_Revenge"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacegone_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round($attrib.credits * 0.4 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Pay the Thugs (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "random_uniquencounter_inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $bribeammount gte 250>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Pay the Thugs (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Addicts|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Highpalace_Thugs"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacegone_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacegone_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "pay" and $action.action2 gte 450) or $action.action1 eq "giveback">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Addicts|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Highpalace_Thugs"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLoot to either("St0rm", "Hav0c")>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacefled_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Freaks|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Freaks_Revenge"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacefled_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacefled_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Freaks|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Freaks_Revenge"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_sphinx_revenge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.negotiate_failDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Hybrids|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Hybrid_Revenge"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_sphinx_revenge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_sphinx_revenge_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Hybrids|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Hybrid_Revenge"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $chr_sasha.met = true>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_bounty_hunter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $chr_sasha.loc = "riptide"; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.negotiate_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round($attrib.credits * 0.4 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.max(750, $bribeammount)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Bounty Hunter (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "random_uniquencounter_inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "pay"; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $bribeammount gte (1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1; $chr_sasha.loc = "riptide"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Bounty Hunter (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Bounty Hunter|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Random_BHunter"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $chr_sasha.alive = false; $chr_sasha.loc = "none"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_bounty_hunter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_bounty_hunter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "pay" and $action.action2 gte (1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)) or $action.action1 eq "giveback">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Bounty Hunter|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Random_BHunter"; $processed = false; $chr_sasha.alive = false; $chr_sasha.loc = "none"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 50>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.exhausted = true>>\n\t\t<<set $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t<<set $job_exhaustion_evt.spokeTo = $action.action1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'evt_stresssleep_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "highborn" and ($loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" or $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia") or $action.action1 eq "celena")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Talk about the Issue|evt_stresssleep][$action.action2 = "talkabout"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 5; $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll be Fine|evt_stresssleep][$action.action2 = "befine"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Curl up Wordlessly|evt_stresssleep][$action.action2 = "dosleep"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 2; $time.active += 6; $attrib.fatigue -= 25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of Bed|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "home">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go back to Sleep|evt_stresssleep][$action.action2 = "dosleep"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 2; $time.active += 6; $attrib.fatigue -= 25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'evt_stresssleep_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'evt_stresssleep_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of Bed|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "home">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of Bed|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<if $hud.currentScreen eq "prologue">>\n\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = "none">>\n\t\t/%<<set $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_summon)>>%/\n\t\t<<set $hud.didAutoSave = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.disabled = true>>\n\t\t<<set $randomGender = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'initialized', 'intro_start'); >>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tramway Station">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_new_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Fill out the Survey|b28_intro_new][$action.action1 = "takesurvey"; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ignore the Survey|b28_intro_new][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "refusesurvey"; $hide.layer1 = true; $randomClass = (Math.random() + 0.01); $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<<set $surveyGender = "none">>\n\t<<set $surveyClothes = "none">>\n\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "none">>\n\t<<set $surveyAugment = "none">>\n\t<<set $surveyMentality = "none">>\n\t<<set $surveyItem = "none">>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_new_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_new_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div id='survey-area' class='HUD_hackutility HUD_characterscreen'>\n\t\t<<display 'intro_characterCreation'>>\n\t</div>\t\t\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "refusesurvey">>\n\t\t<<set $surveyGender = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomGender gte 0.6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyGender = "male">>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomGender gte 0.3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyGender = "female">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyGender = "other">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomClass gte 0.8>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "FirePower">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "alone">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomGender gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "fashionable">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "risky">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "cautious">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "NoItem">>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $randomClass gte 0.6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "Carbine">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "detoxifier">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomGender gte 0.4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "fashionable">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "risky">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "balanced">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "NoItem">>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $randomClass gte 0.4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "Blade">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "meleeplant">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomGender gte 0.6>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "hoodie">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "risky">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "agressive">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "StimFuel">>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $randomClass gte 0.2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "Carbine">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "alone">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "balanced">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomGender gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "fashionable">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "hoodie">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "HoloDisc">>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $randomClass gte 0.1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "FirePower">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "meleeplant">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "cautious">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomGender gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "hoodie">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "fashionable">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "StimFuel">>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyWeapon = "FirePower">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyAugment = "detoxifier">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomGender gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "hoodie">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $surveyClothes = "risky">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyMentality = "balanced">>\n\t\t\t<<set $surveyItem = "StimFuel">>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'doCreateCharacter'>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "refusesurveydone">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_new_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_new_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_new_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div id='dummy'>\n\t<<if $hud.disabled>>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Restart your PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.disabled = false; window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#dummy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Pry the lock Open' 'b28_intro_new'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "forcedOpen"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/% no criminality %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-topui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_QuickUI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<script>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar hackArea = $('div.HUD_hackutility:first');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$('html, body').animate({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tscrollTop: hackArea.offset().top -200\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}, 450);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar inputfield = document.getElementById("textbox-overridecode");\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (inputfield)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinputfield.onfocus = function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inputfield.value = "";\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinputfield.onfocus = "";\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinputfield.onkeypress = function(event) {doHackAreaClick(event);};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t<</script>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'intro_hackapp'>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Pry the lock Open' 'b28_intro_new'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "forcedOpen"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_new_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_new_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_new_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_new_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Utility Area|intro_utilityarea][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "54321">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\tInput retrieval executed...<br><br>\n\n\tByte: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='bluecolor'>4</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='redcolor'>#?!è)</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='bluecolor'>2</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='bluecolor'>1</span><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b28_intro_new][$action.action3 = "success"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Utility Area">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none" and $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromSeal" and $action.arrive neq "fromTram">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Announce your Presence|intro_utilityarea][$action.action1 = "announce"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Hide in Storage|intro_utilityarea][$action.action1 = "storage"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Workman|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $combatTemplate = "Intro_Worker"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $loc_intro_utility.killedWorker = true]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none" and $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromSeal" and $action.arrive neq "fromTram">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "storage">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.introAskedSick = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Boxes|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "boxes"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Store Room|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "placeholder"; $action.action3 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who Martin Is|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "martin"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_conspiracy.introAskedMartin = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why he called in Sick|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "whysick"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_conspiracy.introAskedSick = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Utility Area|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "utilityarea"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_conspiracy.introAskedArea = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none" and $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromSeal" and $action.arrive neq "fromTram">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "boxes">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.introAskedMartin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who Martin Is|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "martin"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.introAskedMartin = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Martin]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.introAskedSick>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why he called in Sick|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "whysick"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.introAskedSick = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about his Absence]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.introAskedArea>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Utility Area|intro_utilityarea][$action.action2 = "utilityarea"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_conspiracy.introAskedArea = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Area]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have to look Around|intro_utilityarea][$action.action3 = "lookaround"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none" or $action.action4 eq "fromSelf">>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromSeal" and $action.arrive neq "fromTram">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField' id='intro-loot'>\n\t\t<<display 'intro_lootoptions'>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromSeal" and $action.arrive neq "fromTram">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_intro_utility_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField' id='intrograte-options'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "holoterminal">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|intro_utilityarea][$action.action4 = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "hatch">>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.foundNote>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Activate the Runner|intro_maintenance_breathable][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromTram"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return through the Hatch|intro_utilityarea][$action.arrive = "fromSeal"; $action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Utility Area|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromIntro"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_summon); $hud.newmsg += 1; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Unseal the Access Hatch|intro_utilityarea][$action.action4 = "hatch"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo Terminal|intro_utilityarea][$action.action4 = "holoterminal"; $hide.layer4 = true; $loc_intro_utility.foundNote = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.storedArmor eq "Rockwave">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Jacket'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_intro_utility.storedArmor; $loc_intro_utility.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#intro-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Jacket'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_intro_utility.storedArmor; $loc_intro_utility.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#intro-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Corridor|intro_utilityarea][$action.action4 = "leave"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_sprawl_attack_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene eq "rat">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Ratroach|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Ratroach_Inject"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Scavengers|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Scavengers_Inject"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene gt (0.5 * ($attrib.caution/100)) or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|rnd_sprawl_attack][$action.action1 = "flee"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|rnd_sprawl_attack][$action.action1 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_sprawl_attack_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_sprawl_attack_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "fleefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomScene eq "rat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Ratroach|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Ratroach_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Scavengers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Scavengers_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Tramway System">>\n\n/% after first encounter, set timer up to 6 - avoids constant interference %/\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow lt 5>>\n\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime = $time.active>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_tramway_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene eq "purifier">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $equip.isAbominated and not $equip.isConcealing and $attrib.criminality lt 15 and not $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Let them scan You|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "scan"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Let them scan You|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "scanfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Try to move Away|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "hide"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Try to move Away|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "hidefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Purifiers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Purifiers_Inject"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $attrib.criminality += 3]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "hunter">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round($attrib.credits * 0.3 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.max(1000, $bribeammount)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Hunter (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "rnd_tramway_inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "pay"; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $bribeammount gte (1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Hunter (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Hunter|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Hunter_Inject"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $attrib.criminality += 2]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "scavenger">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious") and not $equip.isConcealing >>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatethugs"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|rnd_tramway_inject][$action.action1 = "negotiatethugsfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round($attrib.credits * 0.15 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.max(400, $bribeammount)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Pay the Thugs (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "rnd_tramway_inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "paythugs"; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $bribeammount gte (600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Pay the Thugs (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_tramway_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_tramway_inject_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "scanfail" or $action.action1 eq "hidefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Purifiers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Purifiers_Inject"; $processed = false; $attrib.criminality += 3]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail" or ($action.action1 eq "pay" and $action.action2 lt (1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Hunter|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Hunter_Inject"; $processed = false; $attrib.criminality += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatethugsfail" or ($action.action1 eq "paythugs" and $action.action2 lt (600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Thugs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Tramway System">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_tramway_djinn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "hunt">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Warn the Passengers|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "warn"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Warn the Passengers|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "warnfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Remain Inconspicuous|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "hide"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Remain Inconspicuous|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "hidefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Confront the Djinn|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "threaten"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "watch">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what it Wants|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "askwhat"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Move away Quietly|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "moveaway"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Djinn|rnd_tramway_djinn][$action.action1 = "attack"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "hunt"; $attrib.stress += 1; $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance = 0.5; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_tramway_djinn_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_tramway_djinn_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "warn" or $action.action1 eq "hide">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "watch"; $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance = 0.1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_Inject"; $processed = false; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_djinn_tramway"; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "moveaway" or $action.action1 eq "askwhat">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomScene gte 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "scared_delay"; $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance = 0.01; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "hunt"; $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance = 0.01; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_Inject"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_tramway_djinnpost_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "hunt">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "watch"; $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance = 0.05; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "watch">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "scared_delay"; $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance = 0; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_endmsn_vijar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Agree|the_crossroads_endmsn_vijar][$action.action1 = "agree"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it might Work|the_crossroads_endmsn_vijar][$action.action1 = "mayworkd"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's Terrible|the_crossroads_endmsn_vijar][$action.action1 = "terribleplan"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_endmsn_vijar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_endmsn_vijar_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Knights|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "KOE_B10_Final"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromVisionary"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_checkpoint_final_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b28_visionary_checkpoint_final][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b28_visionary_checkpoint_final][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round($attrib.credits * 0.25 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.max(1000, $bribeammount)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Guard (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b28_visionary_checkpoint_final">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $bribeammount gte (1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Guard (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Raptors_RiptideFinal"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Troopers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_RiptideFinal"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_checkpoint_final_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_checkpoint_final_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail" or ($action.action1 eq "pay" and $bribeammount lt (1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Raptors_RiptideFinal"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Troopers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_RiptideFinal"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Level B28|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $action.arrive = "fromPeaceful"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle" and $action.arrive neq "fromEnter">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say there was a Misunderstanding|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action1 = "misunderstanding"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have a Proposition|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action1 = "proposition"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you speak to the Boss|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action1 = "speakboss"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Deamand he Stand Down|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action1 = "standdown"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Heavies|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Raptors_Riptide_Final"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Exos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_Riptide_Final"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Riptide|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action2 = "enterpriptide"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "fromEnter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromBattle">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Atone|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action3 = "agreecomply"; $hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about your Sins|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action3 = "whatsins"; $hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Comply|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action3 = "refusecomply"; $hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none" and $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Odd|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action4 = "isodd"; $hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Happened|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action4 = "whathappen"; $hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Obvious|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action4 = "obvious"; $hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what she Means|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action4 = "whatmean"; $hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atRiptideVision"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 neq "refusecomply">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Accept your Fate|b28_visionary_riptidefinal][$action.action4 = "acceptfate"; $hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_riptidefinal_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "acceptfate">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_purged][$action.arrive = "atRiptideVision"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_celena][$action.arrive = "atRiptideVision"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_celena][$action.arrive = "atRiptideVision"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_endmsn_arva_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the plan's Solid|the_crossroads_endmsn_arva][$action.action1 = "agree"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this better Work|the_crossroads_endmsn_arva][$action.action1 = "mayworkd"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this won't Work|the_crossroads_endmsn_arva][$action.action1 = "terribleplan"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_endmsn_arva_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_endmsn_arva_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Purifiers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Purifiers_B10_Final"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFleshmelder"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_endmsn_arva2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Knights|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "KOE_B10_Final"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFleshmelder"]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Crossroads">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_abomassault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Atone|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action1 = "agreecomply"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about your Sins|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action1 = "whatsins"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Comply|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action1 = "refusecomply"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_abomassault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_abomassault_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none" and $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Odd|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action2 = "isodd"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "atCrossroad"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Happened|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action2 = "whathappen"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "atCrossroad"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Obvious|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action2 = "obvious"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "atCrossroad"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what she Means|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action2 = "whatmean"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "atCrossroad"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Resist the Paladin|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "atCrossroad"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 neq "refusecomply">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Accept your Fate|the_crossroads_abomassault][$action.action3 = "acceptfate"; $hide.layer3 = true; $action.arrive = "atCrossroad"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_abomassault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_abomassault_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_abomassault_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "acceptfate">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_purged][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_celena][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_celena][playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cybercultist.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tLess than a hundred meters on, two men - one with a cybernetic arm - move into your path. They're both visibly armed.<br><br>\n\n\t"Ey, punk." One of them stops you, looking unsavory. "Saw ya talkin' to one our consoles down at the prom."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Your brow furrows. "Could be. Why?"<<else>>You scoff. "Spit it out. What's the issue?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Ya got somethin' from 'im we want, punk. Little data device. Got somethin' sweet on it. Now, we—" He indicates his buddy, whom you notice is carrying an assault rifle. —"don't want no trouble. Jus hand the tinker toy back an' we'll pretend it never happened. Clear?" \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs_zanex.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs_riptide.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tIt isn't long before you spot several <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>heavily armed theophobes<<else>>armed thugs<</if>> ahead. They look to be headed straight for you, and looking none too happy.<br><br>\n\n\t"Darn," you mutter, stopping short.<br><br>\n\n\tThough you don't recognize any of them, it's fairly evident these are <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] supporters<<else>>former Raptors<</if>> and, if you had to guess, they've come to teach you a 'lesson'. Or two. Or three.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cyborg.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tIt isn't long before you spot the two cyborgs ahead. They're impossible to mistake. You've seen them before, not long ago.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit," you mutter, stopping short.<br><br>\n\n\tThe cyborgs are less than fifty meters away. And, unless you're much mistaken, they aren't here to apologize. Best case scenario: they don't riddle you with bolts - again.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cybercultist.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tIt isn't long before you spot three cyber cultists headed your way. They're impossible to mistake. The robes give them away - and the weapons they're carrying betray their intent.<br><br>\n\n\t"Uh-oh," you mutter, stopping short.<br><br>\n\n\tThere's more than a few back alleys around. Maybe you can loose them in those. Except it may be too late; the cultists are already pointing in your direction. It won't be long before they're on you.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_deathseeker.png"]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tIt isn't long before you spot four robed death cultists blocking the way ahead. Even with their masks, it's evident they - and their assault weapons - are there for your. The fact they've started to move toward you is a dead give-away.<br><br>\n\n\t"Crap," you mutter, stopping short.<br><br>\n\n\tIt isn't hard to guess what they want with you. And, somehow, you doubt it's to have a friendly chat about what happened at their temple in the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. More likely, they'll just gun you down and release you from your mortal 'burdens'. Or something like that.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs_riptide.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tSuddenly, a gun is pressed into your back.<br><br>\n\n\t"That way. Nice and quiet," a disheveled man hisses, pushing you toward a side passage.<br><br>\n\n\tAhead, two more scrawny scavengers are waiting in the shadows. Their eyes are bloodshot and their clothes badly torn. One of them is twitching uncontrollably.<br><br>\n\n\t"Aright." The man with the gun pushes you against the wall. "This gon' be simple, jerk. Ya give us creds. Nice and easy. An' we let ya go." He waves his gun. "C'mon. Snappy, now."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_highpalace_freaks_revenge.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tIt isn't long before you spot four freaks in psychadelic combat armor ahead. They're impossible to overlook and it looks suspiciously like they're headed right for you.<br><br>\n\n\t"Damn," you mutter, stopping short.<br><br>\n\n\tSomething tells you they aren't there to give you a lecture. Actually, it's not something, but the assault rifles they're carrying. Kinda speak for themselves. Only question now is: stand and fight or make a run for it?\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_hybrid.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tSuddenly, you're surrounded by three serpentine hybrids. Their scales are traced in luminescent body paint and each carries a scoped pistol. All three glower at you with their reptilian eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t"Sinner," one with a red bandanna over his mouth hisses. "You shall suffer for the slaughter you visited upon our friends."<br><br>\n\n\t"Wow, wow." You step back only to have your way blocked by another hybrid. "Hey, easy. What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck<<else>>do you<</if>>—"<br><br>\n\t\n\t"The sinner shall pay its price in likess," the leader snarls, glowering at you. "There is no substitute."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_bhunter.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tBefore you've gone more than a hundred paces, a merc in customized armor moves toward you. His - or her - face is concealed beneath a masked helmet.<br><br>\n\n\t"<<formalname>>." The merc stops before you, hand on a holstered pistol. "Sasha Vandez, Bounty Hunter by trade. I am obliged to inform you that a price has been placed on your head. Apologies, but business is business. I'm certain you understand."<br><br>\n\n\t"Actually, no." You step back, suddenly wary. "I don't quite understand. Who has a price on my head?"<br><br>\n\n\t"That is privileged information. I am to return you, dead—" He pats the railgun slung over his shoulder. "—or alive. I do not mind either way."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "highborn">>You curl up...<<else>>You shuffle over to...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "highborn">>\n\t\tYou curl up on the mattress, pulling the furry covers up to your neck.\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>Lu snuggles up beside you, his warm breath tickling your ear.\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>Lia cuddles against you, her breath slow and steady.\n\t\t<<else>>It's warm and compfy.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tIt doesn't take long before drowsiness takes hold and you drift into a restless sleep.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "home">>\n\t\tYou shuffle over to your bed and lie down. You toss and turn for a while. Eventually drowsiness takes hold and you drift into a restless sleep.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">>\n\t\tYou shuffle over to the couch and curl up. It doesn't take long before drowsiness takes hold and you drift into a restless sleep.<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div><br>\n\n\tWhat feels like a split second later you wake, feeling anything but rested. Somewhere at the back of your mind a voice tells you it's time to get back to work. But you can't find the energy to move. So you remain where you are, staring up at the ceiling, hoping you'll drift off again.<br><br>\n\n\tThe minutes drag by. Unease continues to claw at your mind. You should be working. You should be getting <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> done. But you can't find it in yourself to care.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,"<<else>>"Oh, man."<</if>> you groan, forcing yourself to sit up. "Not this again."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "highborn" and ($loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" or $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia")>>\n\t\t<<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>> looks at you, worry plain in <<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>his<<else>>her<</if>> eyes. "Master? Forgiveness. What is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Everything." You draw a deep breath, fighting down irritability. "Everything's<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> messed up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." <<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>> sits up. "Perhaps I could help, Master?\n\t\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">>\n\t\tCelena's eyes flicker open. "Hey. You okay<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>, baby<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." You draw a deep breath, fighting down irritability. "No, I'm<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> not."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." She sits up and pulls her knees up against her chest. "So, uh, you wanna talk about it or something?"\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tOf course it had to happen again. Why wouldn't it? You're back in the grinder again. Sooner or later you were going to burn through. Isn't like you couldn't have seen that coming.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking pathetic," you tell yourself.<<else>>"Yeah," you mutter.<</if>> "And now what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no answer, just barely-contained irritability clawing at your thoughts. Great. Part of you just wants to lie down and sleep again. But a niggling voice knows: you need help. Maybe from a priest. Or just from someone you can talk about stuff like this with. Maybe that'd help.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t/% securitystation-options %/\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.storedRifle eq "M451">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the M451'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_intro_utility.storedRifle; $loc_intro_utility.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#intrograte-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_grateloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the M451'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_intro_utility.storedRifle; $loc_intro_utility.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#intrograte-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_grateloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter lt $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Scattershot Canisters'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_intro_utility.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "canister">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Scattershot Canister x2">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#intrograte-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_grateloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry more Scattershot]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Scattershot Canister]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Replace the Grate|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action1 = "chamberSelf"; $action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are standing in the<<else>>You lower your weapon<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_abopm_intro.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\tYou are standing in the maint-spider hive, beside the body of the failed [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] you just killed. There's a holo-terminal behind the corpse and, scattered on the floor, numerous biotubes.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSeveral of the devices are broken and stained with blood. There's no indication what happened or why someone was trying to reanimate the dead here. Which would be strange, if this weren't an abominable investigation. There's never a simple explanation to anything in your chosen field of expertise.\n\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead abomination. It's skin has been badly torn up and, judging by the biotubes jacked in its back, was indeed what you expected: a failed attempt to create [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. No indication as to who was trying to reanimate the dead or why. But at least it's dead.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And good thing it wasn't a real [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]," you mutter, gaze drawn uncomfortably to the creature's rotten fangs.<br><br>\n\n\t\tScary enough, but not the real deal. You'd need proper gear to handle one of those - gear you didn't bother with because you were only hired to determine whether abominable taint was present. Which, by the looks of things, it was, just not on behalf of your suspect.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSo case closed, at least in that regard. The real question is: what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> was going on here? Maybe the biotubes will provide clues. Or the nearby holo-terminal. Could be security recordings on there.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've just...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_sprawlstuff.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b30">>You leave the apartment and step into the swirling haze of the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. Eerie silence presses on your ears. A bulkhead creaks as you pass. Footsteps patter on pannelblock. You freeze, blood pulsing in your veins.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit," you mutter, eyeing the gloom.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>You've just begun to retrace your route from the fleshmelder's old stand when footsteps patter on pannelblock. Adrenaline surges. You glance around, scouring the swirling haze for signs of hostility. At first you think it was just an illusion.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThen you see the cause:\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29_msmth">>You leave the machine shopt and head back through the swirling haze of the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. All is quiet save the thud of your boots - at least until you spot movement in the fog ahead.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uh-oh." You slow your pace, squinting into the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomScene eq "rat">>A hulking creature moves amidst the midst. A [[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]]. It pauses to sniff the air, audibly, and begins to move your way. Not a good sign.\n\t\t<<else>>Hunched humanoid silhouettes move amidst the noxious mist. Scavengers. They're headed your way. Probably armed. They won't ask questions - just shoot and loot you dry. If they catch you.\n\t\t<</if>>\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You get on the tram...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $randomScene eq "purifier">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "scavenger">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawl_scavenger.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou get on the tram, uncomfortably aware of how few passengers are still using the transit system. An elderly man huddled on a seat. A woman is shushing an infant. And a handful of others are sitting on their own, heads hung and expressions grim. Hardly a surprise, given the situation, but it still feels odd.<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, well," you tell yourself, settling on a seat. "At least there are upsides."<br><br>\n\n\tThe tramway car shakes as it zips off. No one speaks. Only the vibrations of the grav-hoops make a sound - until the door at the far end of the car snaps open.\n\n\t<<if $randomScene eq "purifier">>\n\t\tFive Purifiers step into view, heavily armed and armored. Their boots thud on the flooring as they approach.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOne is checking passengers with a handheld scanner, though you don't know what they're scanning for. Abominable taint or mutation, maybe? Or plague symptoms? This will be interesting at any rate.\n\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "hunter">>\n\t\tA scruffy looking man with a hip holster steps through. His gaze wanders across the handful of passengers around and falls on you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBoots clack audibly as he approaches, a hand on his sidearm and expression grim. "<<firstname>> Acrel. I've been looking for you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me?" Your eyes narrow suspiciously. "Why? And who <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>are you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wulfrec. Sanctioned hunter." He tilts his chin up. "You're tainted, Acrel. Been tracking you a long time and I've seen... things. Things no hunter should ever dabble with. It's over. You're coming with me."\n\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "scavenger">>\n\t\tThree thugs armed with automatic weapons step inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOne shouts, "Listen up, fucks! We're here for yer creds. Hand 'em over. No fuss. Or else—" He racks his coilgun. "Ya follow? But 'ere don't need to be no fuss. Let's jus' be nice an' easy 'bout this. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tPassengers look around, visibly worried. The thugs start moving down the aisle. Two of your fellow travelers hand over their money. A third resists until one of the lowlifes rams a coilgun into his face. That changes his mind on the spot.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey, you," one of them says as they draw near. "Ya fessin' up or ya gettin yer fece blown? Hm?"\n\t<</if>>\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You get on the tram...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_djinn_fade.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "hunt">>You get on the tram, squeezing in amidst the many passengers. Bodies crowd around you. It's almost impossible to stand without knocking into someone.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck my life."<<else>>"Public transportation. I swear."<</if>> Shaking your head, you grab a handrail as the tramway car accelerates.<br><br>\n\n\t\tGrav-hoops hum. Voices babble. The tram shudders and shakes. Long minutes pass in idle boredom. Suddenly, and you're quite sure it wasn't there just before, a dark figure in a trenchcoat is standing amidst the crowd. Its bright blue eyes stare at you intently.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit." You swallow the lump in your throat.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abomination continues to stare, unmoving, unflinching. It's a few minutes yet to the next stop. Maybe you could just wait it out, hope nothing happens. But that might not be the best option.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "watch">>You get on the tram, squeezing through the crowd. There's nowhere to sit as usual. You stand by the door instead and wait. The tramway shudders as it accelerates. Long minutes pass with <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>only the idle chatter of fellow passengers to irritate you. They don't ever shut up.<<else>>nothing to do save stare at the car's advertizement-plastered interior.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, like people don't know what LuniDrink is," you mutter, staring at the same animated commercial you've seen a hundred times before.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBut that's marketing for you. Always the same story. Shaking your head, you glance around - and spot an all too familiar pair of icy blue eyes on the far side of the tram car.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Oh, no," you mutter, your heart sinking. "Not this again."\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, for fuck's sake," you mutter, more irritable than scared. "Will this damn thing ever leave me alone?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abomination simply sits where it is, the expression on its dark skin impassive, and doesn't move so much as an inch. It's unsettling to say the least. But it doesn't seem intent on doing anything. Maybe it's become more cautious - or simply wants you to know it isn't dead. Yet.\n\n\t<<else>>You get on the tram, squeezing in between the other passengers, and find a corner to wait. It's cramped. People jostle constantly. Voices drone in your ears. The tram accelerates with a dull hum, shuddering ever so slightly as it picks up speed. There's a faint bump as it reaches cruise speed. The lights flicker momentarily and, in that split second, a face with icy blue eyes appears.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow!" Adrealine surges as you recoil, knocking into a woman with her child.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Idiot," she growls, nursing a banged elbow.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBlood pounds in your veins. The face is nowhere to be seen, just annoyed passengers. One is complaining about you being an idiot. Another is saying you must be on chems. Even if you wanted to snap back, you can't. All you can think of are those ice-blue eyes and that face. There's no doubt what it was. It's after you. Definitely. You aren't safe - not even here. Worst of all, there's nothing you can do in a crowded tram. Just wait. Wait and hope the damn thing doesn't come back.\n\n\t<</if>>\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "hunt">>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon, heart still racing. The abominaiton is definitely gone. So are many of the passengers. Those who couldn't get away have hidden behind - or under - seats. A few are crying. Most are too terrified to do even that - shock, presumably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>The sight makes you laugh. "Shit, and I thought I was scared."\n\t\t<<else>>"It's okay," you say, trying to hide the waver in your voice. "I'm a sanctioned hunter. The situation is under control."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tHushed murmurs fill the ringing silence. Everyone is looking to you. Not that you know what to say. A [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] is hunting you. These people wouldn't understand why. Or what's going on right under their noses. There's no way you could explain it to them.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit." You sink on a nearby seat with a sigh. "Some days I really hate this job."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon, gaze fixed on where the abomination vanished. Slipped away again. It always does that. Clearly trying to go head to head with it isn't going to work. But maybe - maybe - you've scared it away for a while now. That would be nice. The damn thing is getting on your nerves.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well." You glance around, well aware that the tramway car is in chaos - again. "And there's that too."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSooner or later Transit Authority is going to get ticked off. But there's nothing you can do about that. You tried. The damn [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] just won't go down. It'll take a more creative solution to stop it. That much is beyond evident.\n\t<</if>>\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step into...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou step into the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]] to find the gloomy atmosphere having lost all its vibrance. Several heavily armed cultists are standing over a gaggle of terrified partygoers who're huddled against the far wall. No one is speaking. The fact they're being held at gunpoint might have something to do with that.<br><br>\n\n\t"Okey-dokey." You spot Visionary Vijar and approach, saying, "Seems like you guys got a bit ahead of yourself."<br><br>\n\n\tHe nods, rasping, "There were complications, friend. We've solved them and formulated a design. We can begin as soon as you are informed."<br><br>\n\n\t"Good," you say, eyeing the hostages. "What about them? They part of this design?"<br><br>\n\n\t"No. They were simply—" He waves a hand. Muzzles flash as the hostages are executed in a flurry of echoing coilfire. "—in our way. As is the rest of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. We shall slaughter as many as we can, advancing on the quarantine line from the rear, and spreading the Vision as we do so. Once the Purifiers react, the fleshmelder will begin her assault. I trust you have no objections, friend."\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_ambush.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\tYou approach the security checkpoint by the entrance to Level B28. Several citizens are complaining to the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> but they're refusing to move. One of them steps up when you try to pass too.<br><br>\n\n\t"Halt." He holds you back with an armored hand. "This area's off limits<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>. Wilkin's order<<else>> by order of the Lieutenant<</if>>. Quarantine procedures. No one goes—" His voice trails off as he pushes you aside. "Stop! Stop or we shoot!"<br><br>\n\n\tSurprised, you turn to see dozens of cultists striding across the platform. Visionary Vijar is leading them, coil carbine rested leasurely on his shoulder and robes flapping about his ankles. A look of grim determination is fixed on his shadowed face.<br><br>\n\n\t"It's okay," you tell the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>>. "They're with me. We have business with <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin<<else>>Marisa<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t"No can do," the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>> replies. "No one in or out. Now disperse. I won't ask again."<br><br>\n\n\tThere's a tesne silence. Weapons are readied. Visionary Vijar approaches undeterred and stops before the checkpoing. The cultists also seem unimpressed. It doesn't look like <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>the Raptors are<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is<</if>> going to back down either.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>You lower your weapon<<else>>You step through the blast door<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_siege_exterior.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>You lower your weapon and step past the dead guards. Beside you, Vijar hits the release for the security door. Machinery groans as it retracts, and you step through, onto the walkways of Level B28.<br><br>\n\n\t\n\t<<else>>You step through the blast door, onto the walkways of Level B28.\n\n\t<</if>>There's barely a soul around; a handful of pedestrians on the bridges. Below, in the gloomy chasm, neon holograms pulse in all colors of the rainbow. Flickering waves crash and roll along the pressure corridor, casting odd shadows on the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> standing guard outside the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Four Raptor heavies watch over the scene, autoguns held ready.<<else>>Two suits of black-and-yellow [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] watch over the scene, rail cannons held at the ready.<</if>>\n\n<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, this will be interesting," you mutter as Vijar leads the way toward the entrance.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>A black haired Raptor that can only be Fisher walks out to meet you. \n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>"Boss. Ya better have a damn good explanation for what you're doing here. Otherwise we light you all the fuck up."\n\t\t<<else>>"Boss. Heard you were coming. Ya'd better have a dman good explanation why we're breaking quarantine for you and this sorry rabble."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t<<else>>A blonde-haired trooper that can only be Jalkovski walks ou tto meet you.\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>"Sir. I will warn you only once: explain yourself. Or I will command my forces to open fire."\n\t\t<<else>>"Sir. It'd be a pleasure to see you, but you've broken our quarantine. With respect, care to explain why? Sir."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"How friendly," Vijar says, carbine rested against his shoulder again. "Might I suggest we drop the hostile tone? So as to avoid further bloodshed?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Fisher scoffs. "Fuck you, jerk. And Boss? Explain yourself. Right fucking now."\n\t<<else>>Jalkovski ignores him. "Sir, I must demand an explanation. Immediately."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "agreecomply">>"Oh, man. Fine. I'll atone..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatsins">>"What sins, exactly, are you refering..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refusecomply">>"Intervene directly then..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "agreecomply">>"Oh, man. Fine. I'll atone." You spread your arms. "Burn me to a crips if that makes you feel better. The galaxy's still gonna burn."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Improbable." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> surges forward, snaps Vijar's neck, and whirls to face you. "Arrogance will not save you now, loyalist cur."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatsins">>"What sins, exactly, are you refering to? Out of sheer curiosity." Your lips curl. "I really think I have a right to know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Explanation is unnecessary." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> surges forward, snaps Vijar's neck, and whirls to face you. "Biological arrogance. Die, loyalist."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refusecomply">>"Intervene directly then. Because I am not bowing to a tin can." You fold your arms defiantly. "Ever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Accepted." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> surges forward, snaps Vijar's neck, and whirls to face you. "You die next, loyalist scum."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tA searing glow begins to build in its palm. Your heart skips a beat. Light errupts the same moment\n\n\t<<if $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none" and $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\ta blur of silvery skin slams into the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. The machine-angel reocils, arms flailing as its searing beam scarring the wall and ceiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, well well." Celena strides toward the machine, naked from head to toe and a [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] gripped in her fist. "Fancy bumping into you here. Now get the fuck out of my way. Please - and don't fucking tell me I didn't ask nicely first."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> takes a step back, its left leg servo limping. "Interference is unacceptable. Punishment—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, fuck you—" Celena surges forward, grabs the machine in a choke-hold, and slices its faceless head clean off.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\tThe body topples over. Celena turns, blade in a back-handed grip. "Sorry I'm late. Got held up by that stupid-ass [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Fucking bitch. I swear."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe body topples over. Celena turns, blade in a back-handed grip. "You and me, we got a big fucking problem, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>. What the fuck are you doing?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\ta dark silhouette appears out of nowhere and slams into the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. The machine-angel reocils, arms flailing as its searing beam scarring the wall and ceiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] strides toward the machine, curved blade in a backhanded grip. <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> takes a step back, visibly disoriented. "Interference is unlawful. Punishment—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abomination attacks but the machine-angel deflects its blow, grabs the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], and slams it into the floor. Its bright blue eyes flicker and go out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Insufferable pest." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> fixes you with its faceless, emotionless mask. "Now you, loyalist."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSearing heat begins to builds in its palms anew. There's no doubt what will follow.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You linger at...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou linger at the edge of the tramway station, waiting for fleshmelder Arva. Thousands of refugees are crammed on the platforms, most huddled in makeshift tents. A handful of medical personnel are tending injuries or infections; it's hard to tell which from afare. Elsewhere, volunteers are handing out food, water, and other necessities. In the distance, a steady stream of refugees trudges toward the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Most are still being turned away.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Worthless fucks."<<else>>"Poor bastards."<</if>> You shake your head, gaze wandering across the scene. "C'mon, Arva. Where are you?"<br><br>\n\n\tA hand grips your shoulder. "'Ere, <<firstname>>. Ain't easy te find ya in dis mess. Y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe fleshmelder is standing beside you, wrapped in a tattered black cloak. Only her eyes - bloodshot and bright with anticipation - are visible. Her abominations are nowhere to be seen.<br><br>\n\n\t"Me hunks of flesh is waitin' round 'bout here," she says, gesturing around vaguely. "An' Vijar's got 'is folks in position. Gon' go bustin' out an' wreck 'em [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] good. Soon as dey starts shootin, we storm 'em quarantine line. Shouln't be long now."\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, breathing hard. Around you, abominations are slaughtering with impuny, and up by the barricade muzzles flash constanty. Noise is a constant, as is death. There's blood everywhere, more bodies than you can count. It's utter chaos.<br><br>\n\n\tBefore you can decide how to best aid the attack, three towering [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] bear down on you, [[Plasma Lances|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]] held ready. Even though the constructs are faceless, their scorn can be felt - scorn reserved in particular for you. Or maybe that's just your warped perception.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_koe.png"]]</div>\n\t"Fuck it," you mutter, eyeing the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] with <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> a cruel smirk on your lips. "This will be fun."<<else>> with mounting unease. "This really was a terrible plan."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>A real challenge for once. Let the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] test their best against <<firstname>> Acrel. Not that they stand a chance, but still. It will be fun.\n\t<<else>>Except you can't back out now. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Not in amidst the carnage. All you can do is keep fighting - and hope like hell you don't die in the process.\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\tYou lower your weapon and step past the wrecked [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]. Sparks fizzle from a ruined joint. A servo whirrs aimlessly; short-circuted.\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromVisionary">>All around you, injured civilians are sprawled on the ground. Several cultsts have remained behind to execute survivors at random. There's blood everywhere.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>All around you, abominations are feeding on refugees. Severed limbs and mangled guts are strewn about haphazardly. There's blood everywhere.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"Ah, what a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>mess." Shaking your head, you make for the quarantine line.<br><br>\n\n\tIt's in utter chaos; coilfire, muzzle flashes, and constant screams. What's left of the Purifier Order is fighting a panicked retreats only to get shot in the back by the advancing cultists. If there ever was any semblance of coherent formation, it's since dissolved under the tidal wave of abominations, and morphed into a frantic scramble for survival. You can't even tell friend from foe amidst the carnage.<br><br>\n\n\t"No way I'm getting involved in—" Brilliant light explodes behind you. "Wow!"<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>\n\tAdrenaline surges as you whirl around. A humanoid silhouette strides across the tramway station, wreathed in searing light. Abominations scramble aside, some smouldering, others charred black by the whirlwind. <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> raises a slender hand, causing bright light to form between its fingers.<br><br>\n\n\t"Biological," its monotone voice drones. "Warnings were given. Ignored. Atone for your sins. Submit for termination." The machine-angel stops a dozen paces distant. "Failure to comply will force me to treat you as I have every other loyalist in the past."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_kobol_alttrigger_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none" and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Cooperate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "cooperate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "nocoop"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand more Information|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action1 = "moreinfo"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Mercs_AltInject"; $processed = false; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 98]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_kobol_alttrigger_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Cooperate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action2 = "cooperate"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action2 = "nocoop"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'rnd_kobol_alttrigger_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'highbornpalace_faction_3_txt'>></div><br>\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_kobol_alttrigger_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "cooperate">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "kobol"; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SOK_Mercs_AltInject"; $processed = false; $factionlock.kobolPhase = 98]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Hoping to avoid...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tHoping to avoid more death, you hastily reverse direction and backtrack. The mercs follow your every step. It isn't long before you start to run. So do the bastards on your tail.<br><br>\n\n\t"Damn it," you mutter, dashing for the nearest side passage.<br><br>\n\n\tRapid footfalls sound as the mercs dash after you.\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\tShouts ring out, followd by clipped bursts of coilfire. Bolts slam into the walls beside you. Adrenaline surge as you swerve left, putting a dumpster between you and the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>extremists<<else>>thugs<</if>>, and keep running.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHalf a minute later, you've left them behind, somewhere in the tangle of passageways you dashed along. It won't be long before they start backtracking though. Best to just get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> out of there - before they come back.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tShouts ring out, followd by clipped bursts of coilfire. Bolts slam into the walls beside you. Adrenaline surges. You scramble behind a dumpster, breathing hard. The <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>extremists<<else>>thugs<</if>> are closing fast. There's really only one option now - the one you were trying to avoid.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "giveback">>"Okay." You retrieve the...<<else>>"I got a better suggestion..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "giveback">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agent.png"]]</div>"Okay." You retrieve the data cube containing the Xanju-4. "Figure this is what you're after, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ai." The first thug takes it, smirking, "Thanks, punk. Knew ya'd come through for us."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe second nods. "And you be having a good day, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you know it, the thugs have walked on, leaving you less one intrusion agent. Not exactly the way you'd hoped this investigation would end. But, on second thought, that's probably a better outcome than a private war with a gang of cyberpunks.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>\n\t\t"I got a better suggestion: let's say I pay you <<print $action.action2>> C and you forget any of this happened." You hold out your arm. "Well?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 gte 600>>The thugs exchange glances. The second says, "Well? Accept the <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>good fellow's<<else>>pretty lady's<</if>> offer."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Fine, fine," the first replies and swipes the transaction. "Nice doin' business. But don't ya do nothin' stupid with that little toy. Could be we come back, find ya again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Don't," you say flatly. "Or I will blow your heads off. Just so that's clear."<<else>>"Don't worry," you say, forcing a smile. "I'll keep this nice and quiet."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut the thugs have already walked on, leaving you to wonder whether the hell they'll be back for you - or worse. Hopefully not. Last thing you need is a private war with a gang of cyberpunks.\n\n\t\t<<else>>The thug scoffs. "What ya tryna do? Pay us off here? Shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I concur," the second says, eyes narrowd. "Are you trying to play us for fools, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No, I just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ya just fuckin' nothing, punk. Told ya we should—" The first whips out his sidearm. "—to dis the safe way, Turing."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Hoping to avoid...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tHoping to avoid another mess, you hastily reverse direction and backtrack. The cyborgs follow your every step. It isn't long before you start to run. So do the machines.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit, shit, shit," you mutter, turning sharply into a side alley and making a break for it.<br><br>\n\n\tHeavy footfalls sound as the cyborgs dash after you.\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\tShouts ring out, followd by the rattle of coilfire. Bolts slam into the walls beside you. Adrenaline surge as you dash down one corridor, then another, winding your way in a long circle you know will take you back where the chace began.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomewhere along the way, you loose the machines. How is impossible to say but you don't care. Not getting riddled with bolts is good enough for you - at least for the moment.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tShouts ring out, followd by the rattle of coilfire. Bolts slam into the walls beside you. Adrenaline surges. You scramble behind a support column, breathing hard. Freaking cyborgs. For real.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Adrenaline surges as you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tAdrenaline surges as you make a dash for it, barreling down a side alley. An errant bot gets in your way. You swat the floating device aside, skidding around another corner. The cultit's rapid footfalls are still audible.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t"Crap," you mutter, sheltering in a shadowed doorway.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLong seconds pass. Footsteps draw near. The cultists pass you by, scanning the corridor over their gunsights. They're so close you could reach out and touch them. But not one of them spots you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShortly after, they're gone. You wait a moment longer, then hastily retrace your route. By the time you return back to the main pressure corridor, it's safe to say you've lost the cultists for good.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Oh, for fuck's sake." You shelter in a shadowed doorway, watching your rear.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe three cultists dash into view, weapons held ready. They skid to a halt. One of them spots you. There's no alternative. Not anymore.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Determined not to make peace...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tDetermined not to make peace with inevitability quite yet, you turn and retrace your route. The cultists follow at a distance. <<if $action.action4 neq "b40">>Fellow pedestrians give them a wide berth.<<else>>Their slow, deliberate footfalls ring ominously on the floor plates.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Ah, damn it," you mutter, hastening pace.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\tSeveral dozen meters down, you duck into a side alley and hide in the shadows. Long seconds pass. Footsteps draw near. The cultists pass you by, scanning the corridor over their gunsights. They're so close you could reach out and touch them. But not one of them spots you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShortly after, they bone white masks are gone. You wait a moment longer, then hastily retrace your route. By the time you return back to the main pressure corridor, it's safe to say you've lost the cultists for good.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Oh, for fuck's sake." You shelter in a shadowed doorway, watching your rear.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe cultists stop before the alley. Hollow eyes stare at you from behind their masks. Not one of them speaks, and their faces are all but obscured, and yet their accusation is as clear as if they'd screamed it in your ears at the top of their rotting, diseased lungs.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"You really don't wanna..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"You really don't wanna..."<<else>>"Easy there. I got..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"You really don't wanna do that. I mean it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, shutup." He jams the pistol against your chest. "Was tryin' t be nice, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>fucker<<else>>bitch<</if>>. But if ya keep fidgetin'—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And if you don't get the fuck out of here, I'll kill you all." You fix the man with the hardest stare you can. "I'm serious. Just <<walk>> away now or this gets nasty. Quick."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man hesitates, mouth open as though about to speak. But he doesn't say anything. Might have to do with the twitching fellow tugging at his clothes. The next moment, all three of them are gone, leaving you alone in that side alley, wondering what the hell just happened. \n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"You really don't wanna do that. I mean it. This'll—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, shutup." He jams the pistol against your chest. "Was tryin' t be nice, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>fucker<<else>>bitch<</if>>. But if ya keep fidgetin' we might's well take 'em creds off yer corpse."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHands raised, you say. "Let's just talk this out. Okay? I'm sure we can find a—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tExcept it's already clear there isn't going to be a solution. That crazed look in the man's eyes says it all: he's gonna get his credits whether you're alive or not. Which doesn't leave much room for negotiation, unfortunately - except with lethal force.\n\n\t<<else>>"Easy there. I got what you want. Okay?" You hold out your arm. "Just like you wanted."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ya, ya." The man swipes a credit chip across it, the pistol still aimed at your face.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou force a smile. "There you go. Now, let's just go our ways, okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, okay." The man backs up, nudging his compansions along. "But nothin' stupid. Nothin' stupid or I swear—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe next moment they're gone, leaving you alone in that side alley, wondering what the hell just happened. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You breathe a laugh even though there's nothing funny about the situation<<else>>You draw a deep breath, calming your racing heart.<</if>> Not the first time you've had a coilgun rammed in your face. But, shit, that could've gone wrong - badly wrong. Good thing it didn't.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Adrenaline surges as you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tAdrenaline surges as you make a dash for it, barreling down a side alley. A discarded wrapper crunches underfoot. You skid slightly but keep running, hurtling around a corner and down another passage. Coilfire rings out behind you. A lone bolt slams into the wall beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flee">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Motherfucker,"<<else>>"Shit,"<</if>> you gasp as you keep running.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBolts ping off the floor behind you. A stray round grazes your arm. Heart thudding, you duck down another passage and keep going. It's over a minute later, by which time you've circled almost all the way back around to the main pressure corridor, that you realize the shooting has stopped. Your pursuers are nowhere to be seen.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Close." You stop to catch your breath, but soon...\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Motherfucker,"<<else>>"Shit,"<</if>> scramble into a doorway, breathing hard.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBolts whizz past. The freaks are closing fast. There's nowhere else to run. Not anymore.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"Let's just talk this out. You're pissed off. Okay. But I don't even know—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There is nothing to say to sinners such as yourself." The leader levels his pistol on your face. "Die...sss"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. You duck the same moment the coilgun goes off. The bolt whizzes past so close you can feel the heat. <<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>A second shot rings out as you roll aside. So much for talking your way out of this mess - whatever the hell caused it.<<else>>Nearby pedestrians shout, scrambling away from the hybrids. A second shot rings out as you roll aside. So much for talking your way out of this mess - whatever the hell caused it.<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Let's just talk this—" You don't evn bother finishing the sentence as you make a run for it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "fleefail">>\n\t\t\tOne of the hybrids scurries into your path. You dodge but he grabs your arm. The world spins as you slam into the ground. A kick sends your attacker reeling.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe next second you're on your feet, heart pounding in your throat. There's no time for subtelty, not anymore.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tOne of the hybrids scurries into your path. You dodge, narrowly avoiding his grasp, and dash for the nearest side passage. <<if $action.action4 neq "b40">>Pedestrians scramble out of the way. <</if>>Skittering footfalls sound behind you. You don't look back, just keep running, deeper into the superstructure.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA minute later you stop. The hybrids are gone. Whether they abandoned the pursuit or lost sight of you, you can't say. But you're safe - for now. Something tells you those things might be back...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t"Actually, I'd prefer we come to a mutually satisfactory agreement. And to be clear: that isn't an offer. It's a veiled threat."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see." Sasha folds his arms. "Very well: threaten away, <<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, it's like this. I really - really - don't want to go with you. Dead. Or alive. So that sorta leaves us with two options: we figure out which of us ends up dead. Or we don't."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSasha tilts his helmeted head. "I fail to see the issue."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The issue," you say, staring into his helmet optics, "is that I doubt either of us is much into the whole dying side of this. And one of us has to. In your version, at least. And that means one of us ends up worse off than we are now. Unless, of course, we were to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement. Then neither of us would die. And we'd both feel much, much better about ourselves. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSasha laughs, his voice distorted by the helmet. "Normally, I would counter that I am a businessman, <<formalname>>. But alas I must amidt: you are entertaining. So I shall make an exception and, with respect, bit you farewell."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe bounty hunter nod curtly and strides away, hand still on the grip of his sidearm. He certainly makes for a dashing image. Weird fellow though. Not that it matters. You're still alive and that's what counts.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t"Can't we just talk this out? Come to some sorta arrangement?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSasha laughs, his voice distorted by the helmet. "Unfortunately, no, <<formalname>>. This is a business transaction. I am afraid you are the business. I am the transaction."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Meaning there's no way I'm talking my way out of this," you say heavily.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That, indeed, would be an accurate assessment." He nods curtly. "It is nothing personal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, well, fuck you too,"<<else>>"Yeah, except it is to me,"<</if>> you mutter, all too aware you're out of options.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's either go with this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>asshole<<else>>fellow<</if>> - which is no doubt a bad idea - or solve the problem the 'other' way. Which isn't too much more appealing a prospect, but your options are sort of limited.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pay">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 gte (1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>"Here's a better suggestion: I pay off the bounty on my head, plus some, and we go our seperate ways. That way we both stay alive."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSasha laughs, his voice distorted by the helmet. "A bribe? Is that I appear to you, <<formalname>>? A common thief?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No," you say, holding out your arm. "I think you're a professional with a mind for business. In this case, business is my life. I'm paying for it back."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see. That, I suppose, is acceptable." Sasha swipes the transaction. "With my respects, I make a departure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe bounty hunter strides away, hand still on the grip of his sidearm. He certainly makes for a dashing image. The rest you can't speak for but whatever. At least you're still alive. That's always a good sign.\n\t\t<<else>>"Here's a better suggestion: I pay off the bounty on my head and then we just call it a day. Hm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSasha laughs, his voice distorted by the helmet. "Are you trying to... bribe me, <<formalname>>? You do realize I am a professional. Such as yourself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So? I've taken a bribe or two on the side."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That, alas, is where our means and methods differ." He nods curtly. "Forgiveness, but I have principles."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking asshole," you snarl,<<else>>"Well, shit," you mutter,<</if>> all too aware you aren't going to pay - or talk - your way out of this.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnd you aren't going with this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>asshole<<else>>fellow<</if>> either, professional or not. Which sort of limits your options. To one.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "dosleep">>You curl back up...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "dosleep">>\n\t\tYou curl back up <<if $action.action1 eq "highborn" and ($loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu" or $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia")>>beside <<print $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">> beside Celena<<else>>on the mattress<</if>> and close your eyes. Sleep refuses to come. Errant thoughts swirl through your mind until, without warning, you've drifted off without realizing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div><br>\n\n\t\tYou wake, feeling slightly more rested but still drained. That's something at least. Though you clearly need help with this. Or maybe a little time away from the stress. Clear your head a bit. That could work too.\n\t\n\t<<else>>You say,\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "talkabout">>"Yeah. I dunno. It's just a mess. This whole job. Everything that's going on." You shake your head. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit<<else>>"Man<</if>>. I thought things would get better after a while. But it's just more and more of the same crap. Not sure how long I can take it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "celena">>Celena smiles sadly. "Wish I could say it'll be okay but fuck knows if it will. <<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>Mean, sure. I could just solve the whole mess for you. But I don't think that'd be a good idea. Y'know?<<else>>I just wish there were something I could do.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah." Your lips curl into a smile. "<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>That'd be a disaster. And then we'd both be screwed.<<else>>It's okay. Just knowing there's someone here is, well, something.<</if>> Mean, this isn't the same as last time. I'm not disappearing for years on end. Hopefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>"True. And baby...?" She wraps her arms around you. "I love you."<<else>>"Dunno. I don't think it's okay. But yeah." She wraps her arms around you. "I love you."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks." You absently stroke her hair, lost in thought.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tObviously this mess isn't going to just go away. Maybe you just need time away from all the stress. Or a priest.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>\n\n\t\t\t\tLu swallows visibly. "Ah. Yes. I suppose."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, it sucks." You shake your head with a sigh. "I don't even know what to say. Been through this before. Took almost a year away from everything to get my head straight. Don't think it's that bad this time around. But still."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Maybe you just need time for yourself," he suggests, snuggling against you. "And drugs. I've found that solves most problems. Honestly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou can't help but laugh. "Yeah, maybe that's a solution. I dunno. I really dunno."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhatever the case, this mess isn't going to just go away. Maybe you just need time away from all the stress. Or a priest.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>\n\n\t\t\t\tLia looks utterly lost. "I can't imagine what it must be like. Horrible."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Sometimes, yeah." You shake your head with a sigh. "Man, I don't even know what to say. Been through this before. Took almost a year away from everything to get my head straight. Don't think it's that bad this time around. But still."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Maybe you don't have to say anything," she suggests, cuddling against you. "And take more drugs. That always helps. At least it has for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou can't help but laugh. "Yeah, there's always that option. But I dunno. I really dunno."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhatever the case, this mess isn't going to just go away. Maybe you just need time away from all the stress. Or a priest.\t\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "befine">>"I'll be fine. Just stress. The job. Too much going on. I need some time to clear my head."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, no offense. But I don't buy that. 'Cause last time this happened, you up and ran away for four years. Maybe you needed that. But still. Ya can't keep running forever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I know," you say heavily. "I... I just need time to clear my head. Okay? And this isn't the same as last time. I'm not disappearing for years on end. Hopefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>"Hopefully. And baby...?" She wraps her arms around you. "I love you."<<else>>"I sure hope not. But yeah." She wraps her arms around you. "I love you."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks." You absently stroke her hair, lost in thought.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tObviously this mess isn't going to just go away. Maybe you just need time away from all the stress. Or a priest.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>\n\t\t\t\t"If you say so." Lu swallows visibly. "I'll be here, Master. If you need someone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks." You breathe a sigh. "Yeah, thanks. I dunno."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Perhaps simply spend some time for yourself?" Lu shrugs. "I wouldn't know. I usually just take drugs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou can't help but laugh. "Yeah, maybe that's a solution. I dunno. I really dunno."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhatever the case, this mess isn't going to just go away. Maybe you just need time away from all the stress. Or a priest.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>\n\t\t\t\t"Okay," Lia says, sounding utterly unconvinced. "If you don't want to be alone, well, I'm not going anywhere. Promised."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks." You breathe a sigh. "Yeah, thanks. I dunno."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t "You could also spend time for yourself. Or take drugs. That always helps. At least it has for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou can't help but laugh. "Yeah, there's always that option. But I dunno. I really dunno."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhatever the case, this mess isn't going to just go away. Maybe you just need time away from all the stress. Or a priest.\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "athesit">>The very idea makes you smile. You and religion. For real?\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Or not - the very idea makes you roll your eyes. Right. You and faith-priests. Not.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>On second thought, maybe more drugs would be a better solution.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>Or not - the very idea makes you cringe. Yeah. You and religion. Maybe not.\n\t\t<<else>>That's helped in the past, after all.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You start to run...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou start to run, hurring through the haze. <<if $randomScene eq "rat">>Rapid clicking sounds<<else>>Footfalls<</if>> sound on your heels. Not wanting to get caught, you dodge down a side passage.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "fleefail">>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene eq "rat">>The vermin scrambles after you. It's gaining fast.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Voices shout as the scavenger follow. A coilshot rings out. You duck instinctively but it's already too late. They're gaining fast.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Darn."<</if>> You turn to make your stand.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBetter here and now, on your terms, than getting killed trying to run. That'd be a disgrace. And more than a litte ironic, given you caused the pestilence that's even allowed this situation to come about.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene eq "rat">>The vermin scrambles after you. It's gaining ground but you're faster, dashing around another corner.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Voices shout as the scavenger follow. A coilshot rings out. You duck instinctively and around another corner.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice and easy now," you mutter, slowing your pace to a brisk <<walk>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA glance over your shoulder reveals only murky haze. There's <<if $randomScene eq "rat">>nothing<<else>>no one<</if>> in pursuit. Lucky. This could've turned very nasty. But, then again, what'd you expect? You poisioned the whole level, after all. It was intended to be nasty.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "scan" or $action.action1 eq "scanfail">>You remain motionless<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hide" or $action.action1 eq "hidefail">>You get up and, doing your best<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate" or $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"I disagree," you say...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pay">>"I have a better idea..."\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatethugs" or $action.action1 eq "negotiatethugsfail">>"Actually, I was hoping to avoid..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paythugs">>"Okay. Here you go..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatethugs">>"Actually, I was hoping to avoid that." You risk a smile. "I really don't want to pay up, and I'd wager you don't want the alternative. By which I mean I kill you all."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe thug laughs. "Kill us, eh? Ye's outnumbered three te one. Ya ain't got no chance, punk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You may find you're mistaken," you say evenly. "My name's Acrel. You probably know of me. Odds aren't something I'm known to have on my favor. People still end up dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Blimey!" The thug recoils, visibly shocked. "Ittis ye, innit? Shit. Thought ya looked f'miliar. I's real sorry 'bout this. Dind't mean nothin'. Fer real."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We all make mistakes," you say with a smirk. "Now move along, please. I won't hold it against you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThat's exactly what the thugs do, pillaging everyone else but remaining cautiously distant from you. Hardly a surprise. Your name still holds weight, even in these dark times - maybe more because of it. No one in their right mind would screw with you. And these fellows are clearly smart enough to not tempt fate. Which is good, because you really didn't want to kill them.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatethugsfail">>"Actually, I was hoping to avoid that." You risk a smile. "I really don't like threats, you see, and was hoping maybe we could come to a different arrangement."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Differenet?" The thug looks confused. "What ye offernin, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Your life. I don't kill you. You don't take my money. Everyone wins."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man laughs. "Up yer effin' ass." He readies his pistol. "Creds. Now. Or yer brain's toast. Ya 'ear me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tWell, it was worth a try. Unfortunately, these idiots don't know who they're dealing with. Maybe if they did - but it's too late for that. It's clear they'll only accept credits. And you have no intention of paying this lowlife scum. Which really only leaves one option: the messy one.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paythugs">>"Okay. Here you go." You hold out your arm, the transaction already programmed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 gte (600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\tThe thug swipes the transaction. "Much obliged, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe walks off to pester the next passenger. You watch, mildly amused by the situation. The hab platform's in utter chaos and these guys are out for credits? Great lot of good that will do them when the plague gets into their lungs. But that isn't your problem.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAt least, not directly. You did make their life hell but it was already shitty before that. So what difference does it make? None. Events are already in motion. Nothing you or anyone can do will change that, and things will only get worse before they get better.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe thug looks dubious. "Dat all ya got? Ye mus' be effin' kiddn me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's what I have," you say firmly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nah, nah, nah. I know what ye look like. Ya got more. C'mon, punk—" He levels his coil pistol. "Hand it over. Allo it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hey, I'm telling you, that's all I got. Now take it—" You hesitate, all too aware everyone is watching you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tClearly these idiots won't buy your vision. Unfortunate for them. You were giving them what you could spare. Now they'll get nothing. Just a bloodbath. Intelligence clearly isn't their forte - or maybe they're just that desperate to pick you clean. As if they could.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"I disagree," you say, mustering him evenly. "I'm not coming with you. If anything, you join me. Or you die. That's the way it's been for everyone so far. You're not an exception just because you're sanctioned."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe scoffs. "But you think you're an exception, eh? That's what it's like?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think—" You step up to the man, expression cold as ice. "—I'm this hab platform's worst nightmare. A hunter who betrayed what my sanction stood for, became what I thought I'd risen above: a terrorist. I'm not immortal, not special, but you can be certain of one thing: if you stand in my way, you will die. Do you want to end that way? Because you will."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe hunter looks conflicted. "I suppose, no. Not exactly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then do the smart thing and <<walk>> away." You fold your arms. "Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a moment's hesitation. Then the hunter does as instructed. He looks downcast, almost beaten. But that doesn't matter. He's still alive - and you are too. Better things went this way. The alternative would have just ended with his guts splattered all over the tramway car.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"I disagree," you say as you stand. "This doesn't end here. And I'm not coming with you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe laughs. "What, you think just because you have a sanction you're immune to consequences? Hell no. You're going down, Acrel. Don't be stupid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think you're the one being stupid," you snarl. "If you know even a sliver of who I am and what I've done, you wouldn't be here. You won't survive. No one has."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I guess we'll just have to—" He grabs his sidearm. "—see!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges as you dodge aside. A bright bolt lances past your head, killing the passenger behind you. Screams fill the tramway car. You don't care. All you can see is the damned hunter - another person who deserves to die. He will. That much is certain.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pay">>"I have a better idea," you say. "How about I offer you some incentive. Say <<print $action.action2 >> C. And we forget this ever happened."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe laughs. "You think I'm buyable, Acrel? After everything you've done?<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think you're a sensible man," you reply coldly. "My offer's good. It keeps us both alive. And you should know by now what I'm capable of. So you want this. To survive, don't you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 gte (1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t"Well—" He hesitates, visibly conflicted. "I suppose so. Yes."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou hold out your arm. "Take it. <<walk>> away. And that'll be the end of it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe hunter does exactly that. You watch him <<walk>> away, wondering whether this will really keep him away. For a while perhaps. Someone else will come after you. But that's not what matters at the moment. The important thing is you're still alive. And that, frankly, is more important than a few credits.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"You're delusional. Not that I'm surprised. The taint's strong here, and you know what the solution to taint—" He grabs his sidearm. "—is!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAdrenaline surges as you dive for cover. A bright bolt lances over your head, killing the passenger behind you. Screams fill the tramway car. You don't care. All you can see is the damned hunter - another person who deserves to die. He will. That much is certain.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% PURIFIER STUFF BELOW %/\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "scan">>You remain motionless, waiting for the Purifiers to approach. The one with the scanner is quick to move towards you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"G'day, citizen. Security check." He swipes the device over you from head to toe.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other Purifiers stand about, weapons at the ready. The safeties are on though. It's just for show - so far. If that device picks up anything out of the ordinary you'll be in for a rough time.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe scanner beeps. Its operator nods. "Thank you for your cooperation, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. And good luck out there. We can definitely use every hunter we can get."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou force a smile in reply. The Purifiers move on, armored boots thudding heavily as they approach the next passenger. They don't suspect. Somehow, impossibly, you slipped through the cracks. Or maybe they weren't looking for you to begin with. At any rate, you came through unscathed. Which is good news as far as you're concerned.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hide">>You get up and, doing your best not to draw attention, head for the far door. Several of the Purifiers take notice. One of them taps his colleague's shoulder plate points in your direction. The other shakes his head.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHeart pounding, you reach for the door release. It snaps open and you pass through, into the next tramway car. As soon as the door closes you hasten pace, headed toward the front of the train. It won't be long to your station. All you need to do is stay out of sight long enough. The Purifiers don't suspect - yet. You can slip away unnoticed.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSeveral minutes later, you reach the first car and take a seat. It's just as deserted as the one you got into. But there's no sign of the Purifiers. Maybe they won't get to you in time. Maybe not. All you can do now is wait - and hope.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "scanfail">>You remain motionless, waiting for the Purifiers to approach. The one with the scanner is quick to move towards you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"G'day, citizen. Security check." He swipes the device over you from head to toe.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe device beeps. One of the other Purifiers turns. A third readies his carbine. The one with the scanner says, "Excuse me, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I'll have to ask you to come with us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What? Why?" You glance at the armored figures, feigning confusion.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated>>"Genetics. You appear to have been aversely affected. We'll have to confirm exactly what happened before we can let you go." \n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.infected>>"Quarantine. You're infected and pose a risk to others. We'll have to move you to isolation until the disease can be counteracted."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isConcealing>>"Facial identity check failed. We need you to come with us so your identity can be confirmed."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte 15>>"There's a flag on your record. Nothing serious but we need to follow through. Protocol."\n\t\t\t<</if>>He motions for you to stand. "We disembark at the next station. It's advised you cooperate. Disobedience will be punished."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right." You stand, blood beginning to pound.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tClearly they suspect. It won't be long until they put two and two together. Soon as they do, this'll go south. No. You can't let them take you. And, since you're in no position to talk your way out of this, that leaves only one gruesome alternative.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hidefail">>You get up and, doing your best not to draw attention, head for the far door. Several of the Purifiers take notice. One of them taps his colleague's shoulder plate points in your direction.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Citizen," one of them calls as you near the door. "Halt!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBlood pounds in your veins as you reach for the door release. Rapid footsteps sound. A coil carbine is racked. "Citizen! Don't move! Or we shoot!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, for fuck's sake." You turn to face the armored troopers. "I need to use the—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Irrelevant." One of them motions to wall with his gun. "Stand over there, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. Security protocol. We disembark at the next station. It's advised you cooperate. Disobedience will be punished."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod, throat tight as you move toward the wall. Clearly they suspect. It won't be long until they put two and two together. Soon as they do, this'll go south. No. You can't let them take you. And, since you're in no position to talk your way out of this, that leaves only one gruesome alternative.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "warn" or $action.action1 eq "warnfail">>You draw a deep breath...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hide" or $action.action1 eq "hidefail">>Heart pounding, you shrink back...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "threaten">>You draw a deep breath...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "askwhat">>You shake your head...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "moveaway">>"Ah, man." You draw a deep breath...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"Oh, for fuck's sake..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "warn">>\n\t\tYou draw a deep breath and call, "Listen up everyone. I'm a sanctioned hunter. And we got a problem here with us. So if you'd all just—" No one reacts. "Hey! We got a serious situation here, folks!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSeveral curious glances are cast your way. You continue undeterred, "I have reason to believe there's an abominable influence on this tram."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomeone beside you laughs. "Come off it, man. Yer not foolin' anyone here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm not trying to." You project your sanction into the air to prove your point. "My name's Acrel. Sanctioned hunter like I said. I need everyone to remain calm and slowly move that—" You point away from the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. "—way, please."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a long pause. Only a few people were listening. But they've started to murmur. Many glance about in concern. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] begins to back away, vanishing into the crowd. Within a matter of moments it's gone. Your heart is still pounding. But at least everyone's aware. No way it will make a move now. Not even an abominable killing machine can risk that sort of exposure.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hide">>\n\t\tHeart pounding, you shrink back into the crowd. People shuffle around you. Someone moves aside just enough to let you pass. Everyone grumbles. But you don't care. It isn't far to the next car. If the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] follows you, so be it. A glance over your shoulder however reveals it's nowhere to be seen.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Scuse me." You sidle past an elderly fellow, toward the door to the next car.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt retracts as you draw near. The next tramway is just as crowded as the one you came from but you slip inside all the same. You'll be safe there, at least for a moment. No way the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] can get to you now without revealing what it really is. It must know that. Because it doesn't follow - thankfully.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "askwhat">>You shake your head with a sigh. "What do you want? Really. Just to kill me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tPeople shoot you odd looks. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] remains perfectly impassive. Someone mentions you must be crazy.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, just about," you say, gaze still fixed on the abomination. "Seriously, you. What do you want from me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no reply, except those of people laughing at you. Clearly they don't know what's going on. Odd, because even as you watch, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] vanishes before your very eyes. No one seems to find it odd it was there one moment and gone the next. Maybe they can't even see it. You aren't sure. But it's definitely gone - straight through the wall.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, whatever." You settle against the wall to wait. Nothing else to do.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "moveaway">>"Ah, man." You draw a deep breath and, steeled for the worst, begin squeezing through the many passengers.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe usual complaints are uttered in more or less friendly words. Some people try to resist your passage. Others do their best to move aside. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] doesn't follow, as you can confirm when you look. It's still sitting where it was. And it doesn't move.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Weird," you mutter, settling by another door to wait.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abomination remains utterly impassive. It seems to be watching. Waiting. For what though? The oppertune time to kill you? Or something else? It's hard to tell. Strange creature at any rate. Very strange - and more than a little unsettling.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"Oh, for fuck's sake already." You push your way toward the abomination, eyes narrowed in anger.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPeople complain, as usual. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] remains imassive. It doesn't even acknowledge you when you're standing right in front of it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, you—" You make to grab it's arm only to recieve a lightning punch to the chest.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVoices yelp as you stumble back. Adrenaline is pumping. People are scrambling. It's only then you spot the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], standing in the aisle with its curved blade drawn. Passangers are doing their best to get away. You on the other hand face it with determination etched on your face. Time to teach this thing a lesson - and hope it finally leaves you alone.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "warnfail">>\n\t\t\tYou draw a deep breath and call, "Listen up everyone. I'm a sanctioned hunter. And we got a problem here with us. So if you'd all just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVoices babble on. No one seems to notice. You try again, waving your hands in a vain attempt to gain their awareness. Someone tells you to calm the fuck down. You almost scream back but a firm hand grabs your shoulder.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hidefail">>\n\t\t\tHeart pounding, you shrink back into the crowd. There's no way through the masses of passengers. When you ask, no one moves aside. A glance over your shoulder proves the abomination is still staring at you. It hasn't moved an inch. Yet.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Crap." You try to move away, anywhere, somewhere but no one will let you pass.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA firm hand grabs your shoulder. \n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "threaten">>\n\t\t\tYou draw a deep breath, calming your racing heart, and begin pushing toward the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. It watches your every move. People complain as you try to squeeze past them.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIrritable, you call, "Hey! You! Yeah. With the blue eyes. What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>is your problem?!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSomeone tells you to shut up. You glance aside just long enough to catch a flicker of movement in the corner of your eyes. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. You whirl around to see the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] standing right behind you. Its lips are drawn tight, its eyes as icy gold as ever. Its other hand is still beneath its trenchcoat. There's just enough time to realize what's about to happen before you recoil in terror.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPeople yell as you stumble into them, then scream as the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] draws its curved blade. Suddenly everyone is pushing in every direction - except toward you. The abomination's lips twitch ever so slightly. There's no doubt as to what it intends - and you're out of options.\n\n\t<</if>>\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"I agree. It'll work. So, cut the crap and get this over with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Excellent."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "mayworkd">>"It could work. Risky, but we can probably cause enough trouble."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indeed. Yet we must act swiftly."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "terribleplan">>"That's a terrible idea. There's a handful of us, hundreds of people out there. It'll be a slaughter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There is risk, yet we have limited means. Now let us not delay."\n\t<</if>>\n\t\tVijar makes toward the door, coil carbine rested on his shoulder as he shouts, "Friends! Follow me. Our Vision begins!"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "terribleplan">>"Oh, hell," you mutter, following on his heels.<<else>>"Well, this should be interesting," you say, following on his heels.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThe front door to the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]] snaps open. Outside in the alley, the two bouncers turn. Vijar draws a sidearm. There are two loud cracks, and both hybrids lie bleeding to death on the pannelblock. Vijar steps over the bodies and strides directly for the bustle oft he [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. No one seems to notice, not even as the cultists bring their weapons to bear.<br><br>\n\n\t"Friends," Vijar shouts, rebreather rasping. "It is time our Vision be spread to all! For humanity, for evolution, and for a brighter future!"<br><br>\n\n\tCoilfire errupts like clockwork. Brilliant bolts lance through the crowd. Bloody haze puffs into the air. Voices scream. Bodies twirl and fall. The cultists advance mercilessly, firing on anyone that gets in their way. Men, women, and children shot and killed as they run; blood spatter on the pannelblock. Panicked citizens scramble out of the way. In the distance, three [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] tower over the heads of the crowd. They're headed straight for you.\n\n\tVijar grips your shoulder. "Occupy them, friend. I shall lead the assault on the barricades."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yep." You watch the oncoming [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]]<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>, a cruel smirk on your lips. "This will be fun."<<else>> with mountinh unease. "This better work."<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"Oh, come on. You know me. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Just let us have a word with the Boss.<<else>>Just let us have a word with the Lieutenant.<</if>> It won't take long."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I said that's impossible," the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>> growls. "Now back off or we ice you all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." You fold your arms. "We came here in peace. To negotiate. It's time you stepped aside, hotshot. There's more at stake here than your job. Or do you really want to be the reason why millions more die? Just because you didn't let us through that door?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>> glances at his comrades, then back to you. "You can pass." He waves a hand. "Raise the gate! <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>And tell the boys inside they're getting company.<<else>>And alert the internal perimiter.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\tA digital beep echoes. Metal creaks as the blast door begins to retract into the ceiling. Vijar joins you, saying, "Be cautious, friend. Tensions are high and old aquaintances may not be enough to assure passivity."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I got this handled," you say and...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>"Oh, come on. You know me. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Just let us have a word with the Boss.<<else>>Just let us have a word with the Lieutenant.<</if>> That way there'll be less trouble for everyone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I said it can't be done," the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>> growls. "Now back off or we ice you all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow, wow." You take a step back, suddenly very worried. "Take it easy, hotshot."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar steps up, disgust plain on his face. "This is how you welcome guests, <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>fool<<else>>soldier<</if>>? With threats and disrespect?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Disrespect yerself. Down on the ground! Now!" The <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>> brings up his weapon.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Visionary is faster. Coilfire rings out as bolts blast through armor at point-blank range. Civilians scream. Cultists roar with rage. Chaos errupts as bolts whizz back and forth. You scramble behind one of the barricades, heart racing. All you can think is: //that didn't go quite as planned//.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"How about I make it worth your while? I got <<print $action.action2>> C just lying around here. Call it an entry fee."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 gte (1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t"You have got to be kidding me," the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>> growls. "Bribes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No. Entry fee." You tilt your chin up. "For the privilege of being here. You know. Now can we go through?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I, uh—" The <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>> glances at his comrades, then back to you. "Okay. You can pass." He waves a hand. "Raise the gate! <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>And tell the boys inside they're getting company.<<else>>And alert the internal perimiter.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\tA digital beep echoes. Metal creaks as the blast door begins to retract into the ceiling. Vijar joins you, saying, "Be cautious, friend. Tensions are high and old aquaintances may not be enough to assure passivity."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I got this handled," you say and...\n\n\t\t<<else>>The <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>> laughs. "You trying to bribe me, punk? Fuck off. All of you. I said no entry and I fucking meant it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, easy there." You take a step back, suddenly very worried. "No need to over-react."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar steps up, disgust plain on his face. "I disagree. This is how you welcome guests, <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>fool<<else>>soldier<</if>>? With threats and disrespect?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Disrespect yerself. Down on the ground! Now!" The <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>> brings up his weapon.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Visionary is faster. Coilfire rings out as bolts blast through armor at point-blank range. Civilians scream. Cultists roar with rage. Chaos errupts as bolts whizz back and forth. You scramble behind one of the barricades, heart racing. All you can think is: //that didn't go quite as planned//.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "misunderstanding">>"There was a misunderstanding. Things got messy. I'd prefer to not repeat that, if you get my meaning."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Misunderstanding, eh?" Fisher laughs. "Shit. That misunderstanding got my boys killed, Vine."\n\t\t<<else>>Jalkovsky looks unimpressed. "That misunderstanding, Sir, got five of my men killed. I hardly believe that suffices as an explanation."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, that's how it is. Your guys got in our way. We killed them." You fix the young man with a hard stare. "Now, I suggest you bring me to the Boss. Now. Or there will be more misunderstandings."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "proposition">>"I have a proposition to make. Assuming we can all agree not to shoot one another first."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Eh, I'm all for that. But ya got a bit of an entourage. Can't let ya inside with them in tow. Hope ya understand."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"I understand, Sir, but your companions cannot enter. For security reasons. Surely you understand, Sir."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "speakboss">>"I have to speak to the Boss. In person. It's important."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Demanding, much?" Fisher laughs. "After what you just pulled off you can be glad I don't just up and fucking ice you now."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"That is not a demand you can make," Jalkovski says evenly. "My men have been killed. I cannot forgive this so easily. Sir."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t"Tough luck. I didn't want things to go this way but your folk got in our way." You fix the young man with a hard stare. "Now, I suggest you bring me to the Boss. Understood?"<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"That can be arranged. But ya got a bit of an entourage. Can't let ya inside with them in tow. Hope ya understand."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I understand, Sir, but your companions cannot enter. For security reasons. Surely you understand, Sir."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "standdown">>"Stand down, damn it. I'm just here to speak to the Boss and the last thing we need is everyone shooting one another to bits."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"For real?" Fisher laughs. "After what you just pulled off you can be glad I don't just up and fucking ice you now."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I would suggest you not speak so brazenly," Jalkovski says evenly. "Men loyal to me were killed. That is not easily forgiven. Sir."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t"Tough luck. I didn't want things to go this way but your folk got in our way." You fix the young man with a hard stare. "Now, I suggest you bring me to the Boss. Understood?"<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Yeah, well, we would but ya got a bit of an entourage. Can't let ya <<walk>> around here - or inside - with them in tow. Hope ya understand."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I would like to, Sir, but your companions give us concern. Security. I cannot permit them to be here - or come inside. Surely you understand, Sir."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_raptor_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t"Fuck me." Fisher shakes his head. "I thought I knew ya, man. I thought I—" He takes a step back, then another, and calls, "Boys! Light 'em up!"<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_response_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t"As I feared. My apopogies, Sir." Jalkovski steps back, calling, "[[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], weapons free! Terminate with extreme prejudice!"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Motherf—" You dive aside as coilfire errupts on both sides.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar hauls you up, shouting, "Deal with the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>heavies<<else>>[[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]<</if>>, friend! We shall handle the rest!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shout back that you will but your voice is drowned out by the noise of the raging battle. Bolts fly in every direction. Cultists and <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>troopers<</if>> alike are cut down in the frantic carnage. Amidst the chaos, you spot the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>heavies<<else>>[[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]<</if>>. They're hard to miss - and they're wrecking havoc. That has to be changed.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_visionary.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t"No. Visionary Vijar—" You indicate the man. "—speaks with me. We enter together. Unless you want this to become problematic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFisher looks uneasy. "Well, okay. But only him. The rest of you freaks stay outside. That's my final word."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou glance at Vijar, who nods, and say, "Fine. Now take us to the Big Boss."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right. Follow me." Fisher leads you and Vijar past the Raptors and toward the entrance to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Yeah, but Visionary Vijar—" You indicate the man. "—speaks with me. We enter together. Unless you want this to become problematic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJalkovski nods. "He may enter also. The others remain here. There will be no negotiation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou glance at Vijar, who nods, and say, "Fine. Now take us to Marisa."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Follow me, Sir." Jalkovski leads you and Vijar past the troopers and toward the entrance to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tIt's strange to see the place so devoid of life. No crowd jostling for position. No bouncers checking bags or keeping out undesirables. In fact, aside from a few discarded synthcans, there's nothing at all before the establishment you once worked at. Even during the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] things hadn't been this bad. That thought weighs on your mind as you climb the steps and...\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "acceptfate">>"Ah, what's the point..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "isodd">>"That's a little odd..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whathappen">>"What exactly happened then..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "obvious">>"I thought that was obvious..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whatmean">>"What exactly to you mean...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "acceptfate">>\n\n\t\t"Ah, what's the point." You stare at the machine-angel. "Kill me if you have to. Nothing will change. The age of the machine is ending."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The biological is delusional." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> steps up to you and places a searing hand against your forehead.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt takes more courage than you'd ever imagined to simply stand there and do nothing. Every inch of you wants to run, fight, survive, but there's no point. Nothing you could possibly do will stop the machine-angel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll you can do is watch with barely-contained horror as brilliant light errupts above your field of vision. A faint, warm breeze brushes against your skin. You never feel the burn, never see the iradescent flare, just that warm breeze and then absolute darkness. \n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "isodd">>\n\t\t"That's a little odd, don't you think? I didn't think Xarea would try anything that suicidal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"She didn't," Celena says so casually it's unsettling. "I just don't what that jealous bitch shivving you when your back is turned. Mean, fuck her. You're <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>king bitch<<else>>queen bitch<</if>> now. And that's the best way it could be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Right," you say, glancing uneasily at Vijar's corpse. "Actually, this was more his plan than mine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena shrugs. "His loss. Mean, just think of this place, filled from end to end with fanatics. Hundreds, thousands, willing to give their lives for you without a second throught." She shakes her head, smiling. "It'll be epic, man. Fucking epic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou have to laugh. "I'm no priest, Cel. I fight wars. I don't gather people to die for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe shoots you a deplorable look. "Because sending poor fucks off to die for you wasn't exactly what you did for the Raptors. No, no. That was all different. Totally different story." Celena grins. "Bullshit. You were made for this shit and you know it. End of."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDespite your better judgement, you have to admit she has a point. This isn't exactly how you imagined things ending. But it could work. Maybe. But <<firstname>> Acrel would have to die first. You aren't that person anymore and the Vision deserves a better figurehead, one not weighed down by a conflicted past.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"She didn't," Celena says so casually it's unsettling. "I just really don't like the woman, y'know? Tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen. But whatever. I actually just came to tell you we're done. I'm not gonna kill you or anything, but us? We're over. So, yeah. This is, like, bye. I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." You stare blankly. "Didn't see that one coming but whatever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, well, kinda ironic it ended here. Right back where it started. But whatever. See you 'round, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>." She strides off, footsteps pattering on the empty dance floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou stare after her, lost for words. Everything has just happened too fast. Fist Vijar, then the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], and now this. It doesn't make sense. And where does it leave you? What are you even doing here? You have no answers, just that trail of corpses you left behind. It really doesn't feel like all that death and destruction was worth it.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whathappen">>"What exactly happened then? Xarea tried to kill you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"Not exactly," Celena says in a casual tone. "I just don't what that jealous bitch shivving you when your back is turned. Mean, fuck her. You're <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>king bitch<<else>>queen bitch<</if>> now. And that's the best way it could be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Right," you say, glancing uneasily at Vijar's corpse. "Actually, this was more his plan than mine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena shrugs. "His loss. Mean, just think of this place, filled from end to end with fanatics. Hundreds, thousands, willing to give their lives for you without a second throught." She shakes her head, smiling. "It'll be epic, man. Fucking epic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou have to laugh. "I'm no priest, Cel. I fight wars. I don't gather people to die for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe shoots you a deplorable look. "Because sending poor fucks off to die for you wasn't exactly what you did for the Raptors. No, no. That was all different. Totally different story." Celena grins. "Bullshit. You were made for this shit and you know it. End of."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tDespite your better judgement, you have to admit she has a point. This isn't exactly how you imagined things ending. But it could work. Maybe. But <<firstname>> Acrel would have to die first. You aren't that person anymore and the Vision deserves a better figurehead, one not weighed down by a conflicted past.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t"Almost," Celena says so casually it's unsettling. "Let's just say I really don't like the woman, y'know? Tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen. But whatever. I actually just came here tell you we're done. I'm not gonna kill you or anything, but us? We're over. So, yeah. This is, like, bye. I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." You stare blankly. "Didn't see that one coming but whatever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, well, kinda ironic it ended here. Right back where it started. But whatever. See you 'round, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>." She strides off, footsteps pattering on the empty dance floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou stare after her, lost for words. Everything has just happened too fast. Fist Vijar, then the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], and now this. It doesn't make sense. And where does it leave you? What are you even doing here? You have no answers, just that trail of corpses you left behind. It really doesn't feel like all that death and destruction was worth it.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "obvious">>"I thought that was obvious. Mean, look—" You gesture around the empty dance floor. "—and tell me what you think I'm doing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fucked if I know. Coming back here to reminisce over times long past?" She giggles. "Fuck, man. I meant why the hell you choose Xarea. How did you ever think that was a good idea?" Before you can reply, she waves her hand. "Actually, I don't give a fuck. You can't talk your way out of this. We're done. For good. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Done," you say slowly. "Okay. If that's what you say."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena laughs. "Yeah? That all you gotta say? Ten years. Ten fucking years we went on with this. No questions, no demands, and this is what I get? A fucking—" She shrieks in rage, causing you to cringe. "Traitor!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's barely time to realize what's happened before her witchblade slices your throat. In that last moment, all you see is Celena's silvery face contorted in unspeakable rage. Then darkness is absolute, and but a single thought etched in your mind: where the hell did everything go wrong?\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whatmean">>"What exactly to you mean? This has nothing to do with you. I'm just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"An idiot," she says coldly. "Mean, why the hell'd you come back here? To weep over everything you lost because you chose that bitch Xarea over me? Fuck. You owe me an explanation at least." Before yoc can reply, she waves her hand. "Actually, I don't give a fuck. You can't talk your way out of this. We're done. For good. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Done," you say slowly. "Okay. If that's what you say."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena laughs. "Yeah? That all you gotta say? Ten years. Ten fucking years we went on with this. No questions, no demands, and this is what I get? A fucking—" She shrieks in rage, causing you to cringe. "Traitor!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's barely time to realize what's happened before her witchblade slices your throat. In that last moment, all you see is Celena's silvery face contorted in unspeakable rage. Then darkness is absolute, and but a single thought etched in your mind: where the hell did everything go wrong?\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "agreecomply">>"Oh, man. Fine. I'll atone..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatsins">>"What sins, exactly, are you refering..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refusecomply">>"Intervene directly then..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "agreecomply">>"Oh, man. Fine. I'll atone." You spread your arms. "Burn me to a crips if that makes you feel better. The galaxy's still gonna burn. The age of the machine is over. Even you must know that!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Improbable." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> raises its hand.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatsins">>"What sins, exactly, are you refering to? Out of sheer curiosity." Your lips curl. "I really think I have a right to know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The biological conspired with the old foe. Explanation is unnecessary." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> raises its hand. "Die."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refusecomply">>"Intervene directly then. Because I am not bowing to a tin can." You fold your arms defiantly. "Ever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Accepted. You will die a fool, as you lived." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> raises its hand.<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tA searing glow begins to build in its palm. Your heart skips a beat. Light errupts the same moment\n\n\t<<if $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none" and $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\ta blur of silvery skin slams into the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. The machine-angel reocils, arms flailing as its searing beam scarring the wall and ceiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, well well." Celena strides toward the machine, naked from head to toe and a [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] gripped in her fist. "Fancy bumping into you here. Now get the fuck out of my way. Please - and don't fucking tell me I didn't ask nicely first."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> takes a step back, its left leg servo limping. "Interference is unacceptable. Punishment—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, fuck you—" Celena surges forward, grabs the machine in a choke-hold, and slices its faceless head clean off.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\tThe body topples over. Celena turns, blade in a back-handed grip. "Sorry I'm late. Got held up by that stupid-ass [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Fucking bitch. I swear."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe body topples over. Celena turns, blade in a back-handed grip. "You and me, we got a big fucking problem, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>. What the fuck are you doing?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\ta dark silhouette appears out of nowhere and slams into the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. The machine-angel reocils, arms flailing as its searing beam scarring the wall and ceiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] strides toward the machine, curved blade in a backhanded grip. <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> takes a step back, visibly disoriented. "Interference is unlawful. Punishment—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abomination attacks but the machine-angel deflects its blow, grabs the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], and slams it into the floor. Its bright blue eyes flicker and go out. <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> fixes you with its faceless, emotionless mask. Searing heat begins to builds in its palms anew. There's no doubt what will follow.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"Sounds like a solid plan. Now all we gotta do is wait."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yep."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "mayworkd">>"This had better work. We have one shot at this. Fail and we're back to square one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Den we's gotta make sure it works."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "terribleplan">>"This is a terrible idea. We're stuck in a choke point. Even if Vijar succeds, we'll be shot to bits going in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Aye, it's risky, but we ain't got a better plan."\n\t<</if>>\n\t\tArva leans against the wall with a sigh. "Dere's no way back now anyways. We's doin' dis. We's really—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tLight flashes by the quarantine line. Muted coilfire rings out. Voices sceram in the distance. In the tramway station, refugees pause what they're doing, heads turned toward the Purifier checkpoints. Bright bolts lance through the crowds there. Bodies fall, blood puffing into the air as people run for their lives.<br><br>\n\n\t"'Ere goes nothin'." Arva strides into the refugee camp, drawing her sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_purifier.png"]]</div>\n\t\tHer first shot kills a refugee looking the other way. Her second blows through a child's chest. By the third, abominations are spilling out of the tramway tunnels. People scramble away, run down and torn to shreds as the creatures rush toward the quarantine line. You're about to join the charge when boltfire errupts to your left. Five Purifiers advance in unison, mowing down abominations and refugees indiscriminately. They'll be on you in seconds. No time to consider alternatives - it's take them out or get gunned down like everyone else.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, might as well get it over with," you mutter and...\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobol_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\tYou leave the <<print $action.action4.toUpperCase()>> tramway station and\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "b40">>turn into the dim pressure corridor. There's no one around. Your footfalls ring in silence. A ventilation fan creaks and shudders.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "b29">>head toward the Bazar. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor at the top of their lungs. All manner of scents fill your nostrils.\n\t<<else>>squeeze through the crowds. Bodies press on all sides. Voices clamor endlessly. Above, bright neon advertizements flicker in and out of view. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\tAhead, three mercs in blood red armor are headed your way. They're accompanied by an android, who cuts into your path.<br><br>\n\n\t"Ey, ey. Vine, ya jerk. [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]], represent. Been lookin' for ya." Adrenaline surges \n\n\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "none" and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\tbut he raises his hands. "Easy there, jerk. Got somethin' ye'll wanna hear. But fist, my boys an' I got a stake here. On the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Be nice if ya'd help us smooth dat over first. Hm? Repayment for dat shit in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you say, eyeing the heavies. "You sure there isn't more to this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe android laughs mechanically. "Ey, the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] pay well and forgive easily. All we want is access to incoming and outgoing shipping. Do the job and there's benefits for you. And just saying: I know what you've been hired to do. Nasty business. We can help you out with that. We know who's behind it. I'll tell you if you work with us."\n\t<<else>>as he draws a rail pistol. "Sorry, jerk. Yer in our way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Motherf—" You dodge, just as the hand cannon goes off.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPlasma wake zips past an inch from your head. You can feel the heat of the discharge. Cursing, the android ejects the power cell, but you're faster. Your <<knife>> cuts clean through its artificial face and into the circuitry below.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSparks errupt as the machine collapses. A shocked silence follows. Nearby pedestrians back away. The mercs in blood-red armor turn to you. It's clear even though you can't see their faces: if you don't act right now you're dead.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_riptide_revenge_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(22 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "true">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(22 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the HoloDisc'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedDiscs += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "holodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_thugs_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 429; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x429">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the FuCell'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FuCell]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "fucell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FuCell]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $tempWeaponLootOrig = $tempWeaponLoot>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_cyborg_conclude_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='randloot'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'rndCyberLoot'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_cyber_renegades_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 615; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x615">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\t\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(19 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(19 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_death_cultists_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(24 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "true">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(24 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the ViroDisc'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedDiscs += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the ViroDisc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "ViroDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "virodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the ViroDisc]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacegone_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 3; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x3">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the StimFuel Inhaler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "StimFuel Inhaler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_freaks_palacefled_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='randloot'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'randFrekLoot'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_sphinx_revenge_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "takesurvey">>"There." You tuck the...<<else>>Long minutes drag past...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitylock.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "takesurvey">>"There." You tuck the data pad away and glance at the utility door.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThat same instant, a man disappears into the dim utility tunnel beyond. The door slides shut after him. Four mag-clamps lock back in pace.<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>Long minutes drag past in idle boredom. Your suspect is nowhere to be seen. The grav-tram he's known to arrive on comes and departs. Another surge of commuters joins the endless flood. It's only a quarter of an hour later it occurs to you that he might've turned up for work early - or slipped past you.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Oh, man."<</if>> You stand and brave the crowd.<br><br>\n\n\tElbows jostle. Someone's bag knocks against your buttocks. Then you reach the far side of the platform and approach the utility door. The mag-clamps are linked to a security system. You don't know the code, obviously, but that doesn't stop you from jacking into the data port.\n\n\t<<if $hud.disabled>><br><br>\n\n\tNothing happens. It takes a moment to remember why: your implant crashed and refused to let you restart your PDA. Maybe it'll work this time.<<else>><br><br>\n\n\tStatic flickers before your eyes as the implant re-engages. Good news at last. It seems to be stable - for now. It might not stay that way.<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "dpad">>You pick up...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "boxes">>You peer into...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "dpad">>You pick up the data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]<br>\n\t\t<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]<br>\n\t\t<strong>Subject:</strong> !Important!<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSev, I know that thing yesterday wasn't your fault. But seriously. I am supposed do be your SUPERVISOR! This is the last time I jump in to save your ass. Okay? Okay.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAlso, I did some checking up while I was down there, and you better haul ass, man. There's an inspection coming up and your area's a freaking mess. Baseline readout says it's all clear but take a look at it with your own eyes for a change, okay? Because I saw:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t-71 expired power couplings<br>\n\t\t\t-34 cracked circuit boards<br>\n\t\t\t-9 loose cables<br>\n\t\t\t-4 crumbling seals<br>\n\t\t\t-1 stuck maint spider<br>\n\t\t\t-trash everywhere down by the tracks<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNow, I know regs say the system's word is god, but lemme be straight: if even one of those grav hoops throws an error and shuts down, the entire tramway system will come screeching to a halt because (and yes, it's stupid, and everyone knows that) B Sector runs off a single track shaft. But, believe me, after that debacles in the B30 segment, the Authority is gonna come looking for a scapegoat if there's even the slightest interruption of service.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSo get it fixed, pronto!<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMartin\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "boxes">>You peer into one of the boxes the workman brought in. Stacked inside are layer upon layer of circuit boards.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh." You try another box.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt contains the same. To be safe, you check all the others. None of them contain anything suspicious, just sealant tubes, maintenance claps, and spare batteries.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "martin">>You say, "Who's Martin? I checked the Authority records. You're supposed to be the only one assigned down here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, yes. Well, you see, it's..." The workman bites his lip. "He's my supervisor."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pull a face. "What, and he jumps in for you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not willingly. And he's none too happy with me at the moment either. But there was an emergency. So he came past. Which might be good after all. Because there's a lot of things down here that needs fixing, y'know. I wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't come past." He smiles uneasily. "He's real professional, Martin. Takes his job very seriously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Transit Authority takes itself seriously." You shake your head, amused. "There's a good joke."\n\t\t<<else>>"Okay, that explains why you confused me with him. And thanks for being honest."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe workman doesn't reply. He still looks nervous.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whysick">>You say, "I came looking for you yesterday, but you'd called in sick. Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There was this, well, emergency. Family matter. Brother of a brother-in-law. Died, actually. I really don't wanna get into it, if that's okay with you. Because it's, well, not a part of the family I like to associate with."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Really? And why'd that be?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe workman cringes visibly. "Ohhh, why'd you have to ask that? But okay. Okay. They have history. Sometimes they, uh, ask for favors. I try to not let it get into my life too much but..." He swallows. "Well, they're in some really hasty business. Biochems. It can get really bad on the streets sometimes. And yeah. Sometimes someone has a coilgun. And it gets messy. Anyways, I called in sick because it's easier to do that and tell Martin what's really up that explaining to Central what really happened in the hopes they give me a day off."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>wondering whether this guy is mixed up in anything abominable at all. Sounds more like he's mixed up in the usual [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] underworld. Which, thankfully, isn't your problem anymore.<<else>>all too able to relate. The underworld always hits the ones trying to make an honest living most. But that's [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] for you. Always the same crap, no matter the day.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "utilityarea">>You say, "So, about this whole area. What's it for? Beyond maintenance, obviously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mostly? Just that. We, uh, I mean I. I keep the bots up and running. Check on the system to make sure all the maint orders are being carried out. Sometimes we... I call in the techs when stuff breaks down I can't fix myself. But that's about it, really. Regular old day-to-day stuff that keeps the hoops up and running."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Glamorous," you say sarcastically.<<else>>"Right," you say.<</if>> "What's with the whole we-and-I thing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, we... I mean I work here. Alone. It's just me with Martin looking after me from Transit Central. No one else ever comes down here. Most of the time they forget there's someone assigned here alltogether. It's kinda sad to be honest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Doesn't sound too great," youa admit.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_bounty_hunter_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 3951; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x3951">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the UnNerve Stick'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "UnNerve">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "UnNerve">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the UnNerve Stick]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "UnNerve Stick">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "unnerve">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the UnNerve Stick]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_sprawl_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon<<else>>You enter the foyer<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon, heart thudding in your chest. Around you the firefight has died down. Corpses litter the floor. Blood is splattered all over. But you won - barely.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar limps up, his expression grim. "This was not how I magine this would go, friend. We risk much."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_final_empty.png"]]</div>\n\t\t"Well, it wasn't my idea either." You stride toward the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], indifferent to the screams of the wounded. "Time to end this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I agree." Vijar follows you into the foyer.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBoots ring hollowly on the flooring. Outdated holo-posters glow on the walls, steadily shifting between events that have long since passed. The entrance to the dance floor is unguarded.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_final_empty.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou enter the foyer, boots ringing hollowly on the flooring. Outdated holo-posters glow on the walls, steadily shifting between events that have long since passed. Vijar walks beside you with his carbine held ready.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Fisher, who is leading the way, says, "Fair warning, Boss. This might not all go down too well. Wilkin's real ticked off after everythin' that's happened."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not really surprising," you say as you step onto the dance floor.\n\t\t<<else>>Jalkovski, who is leading the way, says, "I cautioun you to not provoke my sister, Sir. She is not exactly pleased by the way events have turned out. I imagine you can suppose why."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I can," you say as you step onto the dance floor.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tA shadowed silhouette awaits you in the center of the abandoned establishment. None of the holo-projectors are working and, obviously, there's no one around.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Fisher slows his pace. "Boss? I was just—"\n\t<<else>>Jalkovski slows his pace. "Sir. Acrel wished to—"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tBright light flares around the figure, then explodes in a blinding flash. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Fisher collapses.<<else>>Jalkovski collapses.<</if>> <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>A [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> strides toward you, slender hand raised and bright light forming between its fingers anew.<br><br>\n\n\t"Biological," its monotone voice drones. "Warnings were given. Ignored. Atone for your sins. Submit for termination." The machine-angel stops before you and Vijar. "Failure to comply necessitates direct intervention. Exemption is unacceptable."\n\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "MF-R2_Customized">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_tramway_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='tramway-loot'>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene eq "purifier">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "hunter">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'tramway_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "scavenger">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 565; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x565">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the StimFuel Inhaler'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "StimFuel Inhaler">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel Inhaler]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t/% securitystation-options %/\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "MF-R2_Customized">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the MF-R2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $action.action5; $action.action5 = $action.action4; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#tramway-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'tramway_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the MF-R2'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = $equip.pistol.name; $equip.pistol.name = $action.action5; $action.action5 = $action.action4; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#tramway-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'tramway_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait out the Ride|$tramway.destinationPassage][$processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.hadHunterEncounter = true; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "acceptfate">>"Ah, what's the point..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "isodd">>"That's a little odd..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whathappen">>"What exactly happened then..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "obvious">>"I thought that was obvious..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whatmean">>"What exactly to you mean...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "acceptfate">>\n\n\t\t"Ah, what's the point." You stare at the machine-angel. "Kill me if you have to. Nothing will change. The age of the machine is ending already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The biological is delusional." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> steps up to you and places a searing hand against your forehead.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt takes more courage than you'd ever imagined to simply stand there and do nothing. Every inch of you wants to run, fight, survive, but there's no point. Nothing you could possibly do will stop the machine-angel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll you can do is watch with barely-contained horror as brilliant light errupts above your field of vision. A faint, warm breeze brushes against your skin. You never feel the burn, never see the iradescent flare, just that warm breeze and then absolute darkness. \n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "isodd">>\n\t\t"That's a little odd, don't you think? I didn't think Xarea would try anything that suicidal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"She didn't," Celena says so casually it's unsettling. "I just don't what that jealous bitch shivving you when your back is turned. Mean, fuck her. You're <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>king bitch<<else>>queen bitch<</if>> now. And that's the best way it could be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "Thanks, I gue—" A stray bolt zips past your head. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena yanks you aside, shouting, "Stay here, babe! I got this shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe next instant she's gone, striding toward the chaos raging by the quarantine line. Bolts zip past. Abominations and refugees alike shy away. Celena's silvery body glides through the carnage as though she were on a leisurely stroll. It's almost surreal. Part of you fears the next round will take her head off. One attempts to do just that, only to ricoshet off, spinning wildly. Good thing that psycho is on your side.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"She didn't," Celena says so casually it's unsettling. "I just really don't like the woman, y'know? Tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen. But whatever. I actually just tell you we're done. I'm not gonna kill you or anything, but us? We're over. So, yeah. This is, like, bye. I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." You stare blankly. "Didn't see that one coming but whatever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, well, see you 'round, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>." She strides off, toward the chaos raging by the quarantine line. \n\n\t\t\tBolts zip past. Abominations and refugees alike shy away. Celena's silvery body glides through the carnage as though she were on a leisurely stroll. It's almost surreal. Part of you feels you should be insulted but you can't quite bring yourself to care. She has a nice ass though. You'll miss it. So there's that.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whathappen">>"What exactly happened then? Xarea tried to kill you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"Not exactly," Celena says so casually it's unsettling. "I just don't what that jealous bitch shivving you when your back is turned. Mean, fuck her. You're <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>king bitch<<else>>queen bitch<</if>> now. And that's the best way it could be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "Thanks, I gue—" A stray bolt zips past your head. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena yanks you aside, shouting, "Stay here, babe! I got this shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe next instant she's gone, striding toward the chaos raging by the quarantine line. Bolts zip past. Abominations and refugees alike shy away. Celena's silvery body glides through the carnage as though she were on a leisurely stroll. It's almost surreal. Part of you fears the next round will take her head off. One attempts to do just that, only to ricoshet off, spinning wildly. Good thing that psycho is on your side.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t"Almost," Celena says so casually it's unsettling. "Let's just say I really don't like the woman, y'know? Tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen. But whatever. I actually just tell you we're done. I'm not gonna kill you or anything, but us? We're over. So, yeah. This is, like, bye. I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." You stare blankly. "Didn't see that one coming but whatever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, well, see you 'round, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>." She strides off, toward the chaos raging by the quarantine line. \n\n\t\t\tBolts zip past. Abominations and refugees alike shy away. Celena's silvery body glides through the carnage as though she were on a leisurely stroll. It's almost surreal. Part of you feels you should be insulted but you can't quite bring yourself to care. She has a nice ass though. You'll miss it. So there's that.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "obvious">>"I thought that was obvious. Mean, look—" You gesture around, at the raging chaos. "—and tell me what you think I'm doing."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe rolls her eyes. "Not that, idiot. Mean, what the fuck led you to choose Xarea? To think any of this was a good idea." Before youc an reply, she waves her hand. "Actually, I don't give a fuck. You can't talk your way out of this. We're done. For good. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Done," you say slowly. "Okay. If that's what you say."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena laughs. "Yeah? That all you gotta say? Ten years. Ten fucking years we went on with this. No questions, no demands, and this is what I get? A fucking—" She shrieks in rage, causing you to cringe. "Traitor!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's barely time to realize what's happened before her witchblade slices your throat. In that last moment, all you see is Celena's silvery face contorted in unspeakable rage. Then darkness is absolute, and but a single thought etched in your mind: where the hell did everything go wrong?\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whatmean">>"What exactly to you mean? This has nothing to do with you. I'm just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"An idiot," she says coldly. "Mean, what the fuck led you to choose Xarea? To think any of this was a good idea." Before youc an reply, she waves her hand. "Actually, I don't give a fuck. You can't talk your way out of this. We're done. For good. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Done," you say slowly. "Okay. If that's what you say."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena laughs. "Yeah? That all you gotta say? Ten years. Ten fucking years we went on with this. No questions, no demands, and this is what I get? A fucking—" She shrieks in rage, causing you to cringe. "Traitor!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's barely time to realize what's happened before her witchblade slices your throat. In that last moment, all you see is Celena's silvery face contorted in unspeakable rage. Then darkness is absolute, and but a single thought etched in your mind: where the hell did everything go wrong?\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|$currentgamepassage][$action.action2 = "readdpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer1s = true; $loc_junction_passages.readBansheePad = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_junction_passages.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_junction_passages.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 612; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x612">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor eq "Cultist Robes">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Cultist Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor; $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#junction-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'junction_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Cultist Robes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor; $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#junction-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'junction_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b29_junction_main][$action.arrive = "fromBanshee"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>XXX<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nocoop">>\n\t\t"Not gonna happen. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>So bring it on, asshole. We'll play your fucking hardball."<<else>>Didn't let you <<walk>> over this place last time. And I'm not gonna let you now."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"You sure, jerk?" The android steps back, gesturing to his mercs. "You're a lil' outgunned here, y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips curl. "I've been outgunned all my life. C'mon. Bring it!"<<else>>Your expression remains hard. "I'm certain. So either do your worst or back down. There's no room for argument."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, if that's what you—" Before the android can react, you grab it and slam your <<knife>> into its face. "Motherf—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSparks errupt as the machine collapses. Shock silence falls. Nearby pedestrians back away. The mercs in blood-red armor face you and heft their heavy weapons. No room for negotiation. Now it's dance or die.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"All right then. I'll work with you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Just don't fucking bring up what happened before. Ever."<<else>>We leave the past behind. New era of coopration. I suppose."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nice." The android smiles none too pleasantly. "Be at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Soon. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Got it," you say, wondering whether this was the right decision to make.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Until later." The android waves to the armored mercs. "C'mon, jerks. Let's roll."<br><br>\n\n\t\tArmored boots thud as the troopers stomp off. You watch them depart, shaking your head in disbelief. A handful of curious bystanders stopped to watch the exchange. You cast a dark look in their direction and...\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action3 eq "forcedOpen">>"Ah, screw this..."<<else>>A green light flashes...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "forcedOpen">>\n\t\t"Ah, screw this." You pull your <<knife>> out of your back pocket and jam it into the controls.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe pannel errupts in sparks.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tA green light flashes beside the access panel.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tMag-locks disengage with a clang. The door snaps open, revealing a dim utility passage beyond. Your suspect is nowhere to be seen but there is another door at the far end.<br><br>\n\n\t"Here we go then." You glance over your shoulder, just to make sure no one's stopped to gawk, and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromTram" and $action.action4 neq "fromSelf">>You take the runner back...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSeal" and $action.action4 neq "fromSelf">>You haul the hatch...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "fromSelf">>You are standing...<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "lookaround">>"I'm gonna have to...<<else>>Alert for signs...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromTram" and $action.action4 neq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_door_intro.png"]]</div>You take the runner back down the tunnel, to the access hatch you entered through. The platform powers down when you get off. You pass through the hach and haul it closed. Metal groans in protest as the bolts lock back in place.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Back again," you say, glancing around.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\tA passage leads back past the airlock, to the security door you entered the utility area through. To your left, set in a small alcove, is the wall-mounted holo terminal. The workman's jacket - a genuine [[Rockwave|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Rockwave"]] - is draped over a stool set before the device and an ancient, non-replicating cofee machine in the corner.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSeal" and $action.action4 neq "fromSelf" and $action.arrive neq "fromTram">>You haul the hatch closed. Metal groans in protest as the bolts lock back in place.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So much for that," you mutter, glancing around.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA passage leads back past the airlock, to the security door you entered the utility area through. To your left, set in a small alcove, is the wall-mounted holo terminal. The workman's jacket - a genuine [[Rockwave|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Rockwave"]] - is draped over a stool set before the device and an ancient, non-replicating cofee machine in the corner.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\tYou are standing in an alcove beside the rusted access hatch that leads to the track maintenance tunnels. There's a wall-mounted holo terminal to your left. The workman's jacket - a genuine [[Rockwave|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Rockwave"]] - is draped over a stool set before the device and an ancient, non-replicating cofee machine in the corner.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe only way on is the access hatch. Alternatively, you could turn around and retrace your route.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utility_tramway_intro.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon and step over the workman's corpse, headed for the maintenance area at the far end of the corridor.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "lookaround">>"I'm gonna have to look around. Make sure there's nothing here, just to be safe."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, sure, that's fine. Nothing much going on here anyways. I'll just bring these—" He points to the boxes on the cart. "Back to storage and keep working. Got a lot of power couplings to replace. But don't mind me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"You do that," you say and set off along the corridor, toward //TRACK MAINTENANCE//.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>Alert for signs of the workman's return, you sneak out of the store room and along the corridor, toward //TRACK MAINTENANCE//.\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tElectricity hums in the distance. It grows louder as you near a wide airlock leading on the left. Through the viewport beside it you can see a shadowy grav-tunnel. Static discharge crackles in the gloom as enormous grav-hoops charge up for the next passing train.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hell of a sight," you mutter as you continue.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore long, your way is blocked a sealed access hatch that leads to the track maintenance tunnels - not for unauthorized personnel, as a sign warns.\tThere's an alcove beside access hatch that contains a wall-mounted holo terminal. The workman's jacket - a genuine [[Rockwave|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Rockwave"]] - is draped over a stool set before the device. There's also an ancient, non-replicating cofee machine in the corner. No abomination there though. And you haven't seen any indications of taint either. Looks like this investigation has been a complete waste of time.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>extremists<<else>>thugs<</if>>.\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>At least they're dead. Probably not what they wanted. But there's comfort to be found in death. You granted them the blessing they needed. Everyone's better off now - especially them.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>Fools - brave, but misguded as every other. There was never a way this didn't end with their forlorn souls being sent into the depths of the void.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>It's hard to see them sprawled on the floor like that. They might've seen themselves as your enemy, but they were human - were. Now they're just dead. And for what?\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>It's hard to feel sorry for those idiots. Seriously. What the fuck did they expect was going to happen, coming after you like that?\n\t\t<<else>>Part of you feels terrible. Sure, they attacked you, but they died for nothing. It wasn't like what they believed in had any future. But they still thew their lives away for it - pointlessly.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tShaking your head, you search them. You find are an unused [[HoloDisc|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "HoloDisc"]] and a spare magazine. \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead thugs. Neither moves. You nudge one with your boot just to be safe. Definitely dead.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Be glad," you say, eyeing the corpses. "You're better off now. Would've happened eventually anyways."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void take your rotten corpses,"\tyou mutter, eyeing the dead. "What'd you think? You'd get away with this?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars spare ya." You shake your head. "Idiots. Who threatens a sanctioned hunter?"\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking assholes." You shake your head. "What'd you think? I was just gonna let you <<walk>>?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Sorry, guys." You pull a face. "Had to be done."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAfter a moment, you decide to check their pockets, just in case there's something important on them. All you find are an unused [[FuCell|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FuCell"]] and a credit chip. Hopefully they weren't part of a larger gang. Otherwise, well, you might be in for a bit of trouble.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the demolished cyborgs. There's barely anything left - human or otherwise - just scattered bits and pieces. Nasty way to go. And these things were once human. Insane.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Glad I'm not them," you mutter, shaking your head.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tOne of them was carrying a <<print "[["+$tempWeaponLoot+"|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = '"+$tempWeaponLoot+"']]">> and a few loose bolts that might be worth grabbing. You make yourself scarce before more cyborgs arrive.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead cultusts. Blood stains the floor where they fell. None of them are alive.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be merciful," you say, eyeing the corpses. "Be at peace."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void take your rotten corpses,"\tyou mutter, eyeing the dead. "Assholes."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy ya." You shake your head. "Even on you."\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking assholes." You shake your head. "People these days, I swear."\n\t\t<<else>>"Sorry, guys." You pull a face. "Had to be done."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tTo be safe, you search their pockets. There's a half-used credit chip and several loose 9mm bolts on them. No indication who they were or what they wanted, but you already know the answer: more of Warlock's insane followers. Hopefully the last of them tooo.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead cultusts. The blood stains are barely visible on their tattered robes. Ironic, almost.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be merciful," you say, eyeing the corpses. "Be at peace with your demise."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void take your rotten corpses,"\tyou mutter, eyeing the dead. "It's what you'd want anyways, right?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy ya." You shake your head. "Even on your misguided kind."\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Freaks." You shake your head. "Seriously, you faiths actually pray for shit like this to happen?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Sorry, guys." You pull a face. "But at least you're dead now, right? Right?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tOne of their broken masks stares up from where its former owner fell. The sight makes you shiver. Still, they dropped an unused [[ViroDisc|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "ViroDisc"]] and a spare magazine. Would be a shame to let those go to waste...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead addicts. Their eyes are wide and bloodshot. One, amazingly, is still breathing.<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> That all stops when you crush his throat.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Be at peace," you say, eyeing the corpses. "You're better off dead."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void take your corpses,"\tyou mutter, eyeing the dead. "This was the best you could hope for anyways."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy." You shake your head. "Poor souls."\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking idiots." You shake your head. "What'd you think? I was just gonna let your rob me?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, man." You breathe a sigh. "This didn't have to happen."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAfter a moment, you notice a [[StimFuel Inhaler|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel"]] that fell out of one of their pockets. There's a credit chip nearby, though you doubt there's much on it. Whoever these <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>lowlifes<<else>>people<</if>> were, they were long gone.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead freaks. Part of you can't help but wonder how the hell these guys found you - again. But it doesn't matter. They're dead. And that's good - probably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Seriously. You guys are insane." Shaking your head, you check the bodies - just to be certain they're dead.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll four are, and you find a [[FreakOut|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FreakOut"]] disk on one of them. What a surprise. None of them seem to carrying spare mags but, tucked in one of their pouches, you find a half-used credit chip. It's doubtful they'll need it anymore. Plus there's the <<print "[["+$tempWeaponLoot+"|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = '"+$tempWeaponLoot+"']]">> one of them was carrying. Freaky gun to say the least.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead hybrids. Unseeing, reptilian eyes stare up at you accusingly. \n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>You draw a deep breath, commemorating their deaths. They're free now. It might not have been what they wanted. But at least they're free - which is more than you are.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"You stare back, an icy chill in your heart. Strange creatures. Neither human nor inhuman. Maybe they're more like you than you want to admit.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"It's hard to feel pity for such strange creatures, and yet they're still human in some way. They probably deserve respect, at least an ounce of it.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Freaking xenos. Their wretched kind doesn't warrant pity - or mercy. Damned things attacked you for no reason. They got their just deserts.\n\t\t<<else>>You swallow, unsettled by their appearance. And yet they're human - maybe more so than you are. It's unfortunate you had to kill them so recklessly, but they did attack first.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you're about to <<walk>> away, you realize what the hybrids were: Zanazshi Blackscales; Assassins. First time you've run into one in real life. But you've heard of the Blackscale cult - who hasn't? Considering that, it might be a good idea to keep your head down. Last thing you need is even more trouble.\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead bounty huner. Part of you can't help but wonder who he was - and who sent him. Maybe he's carrying something that will provide answers.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt doesn't take long to realize you won't find anything. The fellow was indeed a professional and knew not to carry anything on his person that would reveal critical data on him. Hell, the only things on him are an [[UnNerve Stick|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "UnNerve"]] and a credit chip. There's probably more than a few C on the latter. As for the former, well, that could've come from anywhere.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man." You breathe a sigh, secretly wishing he'd been sloppier.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNow you'll never know who put a price on your head - or why. Though, judging by recent events, it probably has to do with... well, the usual. What else could it be?\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead \n\n\t<<if $randomScene eq "rat">>[[Ratroach|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Ratroach"]]. Poor thing. Probably didn't even mean harm. Just trying to survive. But not on your flesh, thank you very much.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Rot well I guess." Shaking your head, you...\n\t<<else>>scavengers. Fools. They could've picked anyone - any rotten bastard - but they chose you. Now they're dead. Sprawled on the floor in pools of blood. Not that you feel sympathy. Just a little pity. They really had a shit lot, getting infected like this. And then killed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then again, survival of the fittest." You turn and...\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, eyeing the \n\n\t<<if $randomScene eq "purifier">>dead Purifiers. Bastards didn't stand a chance. Though it's probably not the best thing you got in a firefight with them. Worse, people will have noticed. There was nothing you could do to keep the other passengers from fleeing. They'll surely report the incident.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, man." You sit with a sigh, telling yourself, "Wasn't anything else I could've done."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCertainly, you could have let them take you in. But that would have ended badly. Anyways, what are a few more corpses compared to the hundreds - thousands - of lives your actions have claimed already? Absolutely nothing. The galaxy is fucked anyways. Hard to see how this little disaster makes a noticable difference.\n\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "hunter">>dead hunter. What an idiot. Thought he could take you down - alone. How many people have tried that recently? Oh, right. Dozens. And they're all just as dead as he is. The very idea makes you shake your head in despair.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No sense of self-preservation." You breathe a sigh. "Oh well."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou're about to sit back down again when you spot the man's sidearm, still clutched in his blood-flecked hand. It's a nice piece, a customized [[MF-R2|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "MF-R2_Customized"]]. He definitely won't be needing it anymore. Maybe you could use it to better use? Like to kill other idiots like him, who think they can mess with you and not face the consequences.\n\t<<elseif $randomScene eq "scavenger">>deat thugs. Desperate times lead to desperate actions. That's the only way you can explain them messing with you. But it's over now. They're dead. And the rest of the passengers have fled the tramway car.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh well." You shrug absently, then notice a credit chip one of the thugs dropped. "Hm."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe next person who finds it will steal it anyways. Might as well be you. Plus, unless you're much mistaken, there's a [[StimFuel Inhaler|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel"]] in his pocket. He won't be needing that either now, will he?\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "S13G">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the S13G'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $action.action3; $action.action3 = $action.action2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.charge lt 73>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 73>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-kobol'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'rnd_kobol_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the S13G'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $action.action3; $action.action3 = $action.action2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#loot-kobol'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'rnd_kobol_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 1616; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x1616">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "S13G">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate = "kobol">>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.preAltRaidPhase = $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase>>\n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidPhase = 0>>\n\t\t/* setting this way down as it gets obnoxious with SoK */ \n\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency = 0.4>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'rnd_kobol_after_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='loot-kobol'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'rnd_kobol_loot'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\tCabinet\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-outfit' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_corbeihab.storedArmor.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t<strong>Outfit</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_corbeihab.storedArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeihab.storedArmor = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-corbei-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-outfit");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-main' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.offhand + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<augment>></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-main' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-corbei-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-corbei-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-corbei-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-sidearm' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-corbei-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "none" and $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-corbei-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol neq "none">>>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-corbei-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Close the Cabinet|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Petrovic's Shop">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Passages|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action1 = "askpassage"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_banshee_srpawl.askedPassages = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Communa AntiKapitalista|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action1 = "askcommuna"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_banshee_srpawl.askedCommuna = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Abomination|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action1 = "askabom"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_banshee_srpawl.askedAbom = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_banshee_srpawl.askedPassages>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Passages|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action1 = "askpassage"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_banshee_srpawl.askedPassages = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Passages]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_banshee_srpawl.askedCommuna>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Communa AntiKapitalista|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action1 = "askcommuna"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_banshee_srpawl.askedCommuna = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Communa]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_banshee_srpawl.askedAbom>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Abomination|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action1 = "askabom"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_banshee_srpawl.askedAbom = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Abomination]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.askedAbom>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you could Investigate|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action2 = "comission"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase = 3; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Junction 555-L">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lt 4>>\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lte 6>><<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t\t<<else>>\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_junction_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[The passage is Flooded]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the dank Passage|b29_junction_main][$action.action1 = "deshvarpassage"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Power Room|b29_junction_main][$action.action1 = "powerpassage"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search beyond the Junction|b29_junction_main][$action.action1 = "bansheepassage"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb back to the Bazar|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "fromJunction"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_junction_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_junction_main_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='junction_loot'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "deshvarpassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b29_junction_main][$action.action2 = "dpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.foundAltPath = true; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 2; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.foundAltPath>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search for Ducts|b29_junction_main][$action.action2 = "findduct"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Junction|b29_junction_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "powerpassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_junction_passages.tookCell>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the FuCell'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_junction_passages.tookCell = true; $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FuCell]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "FuCell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "fucell">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FuCell]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_junction_passages.tookDisc eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_junction_passages.tookDisc = true; $attrib.credits += 213; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x213">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Junction|b29_junction_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bansheepassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Passages|b29_junction_main][$action.action2 = "searchpassage"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Passages|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Junction_Banshee"; $processed = false; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_banshee_junction"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b29_junction_main][$action.arrive = "fromBanshee"; $processed = false; $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lte 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'junction_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b29_junction_main][$action.action2 = "readdpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_junction_passages.readBansheePad = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Junction_Banshee"; $processed = false; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_banshee_junction_alt2"; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Area|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Junction_Banshee"; $processed = false; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_banshee_junction_alt"; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b29_junction_main][$action.arrive = "fromBanshee"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_junction_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_junction_main_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_junction_main_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "dpad" or $action.action2 eq "readdpad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b29_junction_main][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "findduct">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Chamber|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCephanineSneak"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bansheepassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Banshee|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Junction_Banshee"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $hud.interference = false]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|b29_junction_main][$action.action3 = "flee"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Flee|b29_junction_main][$action.action3 = "fleefail"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_junction_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_junction_main_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_junction_main_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_junction_main_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bansheepassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "flee">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Junction|b29_junction_main][$action.arrive = "fromBanshee"; $processed = false; $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Banshee|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Junction_Banshee"; $processed = false; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Junction 555-L">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t\t<<set $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase = 4>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_junction_postbanshee_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='junction-loot'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'junction_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_junction_postbanshee_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_junction_main_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b29_junction_postbanshee][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Petrovic's Shop">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_petrovic_junctionclear_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept the Comission' 'b29_petrovic_junctionclear'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "acceptpay"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 3; $attrib.credits += Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Comission|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$action.action1 = "refusepay"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_petrovic_junctionclear_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_petrovic_junctionclear_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase = 3; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "holoterminal">>You activate the<<elseif $action.action4 eq "grate">>You lift the<<else>>You retrace your route<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "holoterminal">>You activate the holo-terminal, causing the a projection to appear in mid-air:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>\n\t\t<strong>- SC22 TRANSIT AUTHORITY TICKET TRACKER - </strong><br>\n\t\t### !ILLEGAL USE PUNISHABLE UNDER CHURCH LAW!<br>\n\t\t<strong>User:</strong>
[email protected]<br>\n\t\t<strong>Display:</strong> [raw]<br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Ticket #5878786610</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Issue:</strong> polarity reversed in hoop 514<br>\n\t\t<strong>Status:</strong> <span class='greencolor'>solved</span><br>\n\t\t<strong>Solution:</strong> sent bot to reverse polarity (again)<br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Ticket #5878786611</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Issue:</strong> maint spider u53-r failed<br>\n\t\t<strong>Status:</strong> <span class='greencolor'>solved</span><br>\n\t\t<strong>Solution:</strong> replaced bot with functioning unit<br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Ticket #5878786612</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Issue:</strong> circuit failure in unit 877<br>\n\t\t<strong>Status:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>pending</span><br>\n\t\t<strong>Solution:</strong> [undefined]<br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Ticket #5878786613</strong><br>\n\t\t<strong>Issue:</strong> minor obstruction in hoop 128<br>\n\t\t<strong>Status:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>unconfirmed</span><br>\n\t\t<strong>Solution:</strong> THIS IS NOT UNCONFIRMED!!!! There's NOTHING in that hoop. I've watched the bot feeds myself. It's clear but the system keeps flipping this ticket back. Fix your damn sensors already.\n\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, that isn't at all suspicious," you mutter, scowling at the last ticket.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSecurity systems detecting something that doesn't show up on feeds? Might really be a malfunction but, on the other hand, it could hint that your abomination is hanging around near hoop 128. Worth checking out at any rate.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "hatch">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_door_intro.png"]]</div>You approach the access hatch and yank the bolt release. A red light blinks three times. Nothing happens.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Typical." You grasp the manual releases and tug.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBolts groan. Hydraulics hiss. Rusted hinges creak as the door swings open. Beyond is a narrow maintenance tunnel which disappears into darkness. Electricity hums in the power conduits that run along the walls and, when you risk a step forward, dim emergency lights flicker to life.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe only way on is a narrow walkway that runs along the tunnel, beside a mechanical track. The maintenance runner beside it is unpowered. \n\n\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.foundNote>>\n\t\t\tNot a stylish way to travel, but it'll get you to Hoop 128 fast enough. Better than walking several kilometers of utility duct at any rate. Provided it can actually be started. The thing doesn't look like it's been used in years.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tUnfortunate. There's a chance your abomination is somewhere down there. But you aren't about to search thirty kilometers of maintenance duct. That would take days at least and you aren't being paid enough for that shit. If you could narrow down the search though, well, maybe then it'd be worth it.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_intro.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.abomStatus eq "creptaway">>\n\t\t\tYou retrace your route back down the passage, feeling slightly guilty for not 'dealing' with the abomination properly. But it was too much of a risk. Anyways, the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Transit Authority paid your comission up front. And they aren't exactly keeping on top of the situation. A security rep was supposed to contact you days ago to check up your progress, which didn't happen. Business as usual. Definitely.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_intro_utility.abomStatus eq "killed">>\n\t\t\tYou retrace your route back down the passage, glad the job is done. One abomination less in the galaxy. Hardly a great success. But at least you provided value in return for the meager comission the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Transit Authority paid you. Should look good on future resumes - provided they even realize you've handled the situation. Chances are, they've forgotten all about the whole investigation. A security rep was supposed to contact you days ago, which didn't happen. Business as usual. Definitely.<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou retrace your route back down the passage, resigned to the fact this job is going nowhere. Wouldn't be the first time. Or maybe there was an abomination around these parts at one point. Only way to know for certain would be to canvas the area and search for clues, which would take days - at best. The meager comission you were given by the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Transit Authority doesn't warrant that sort of effort.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Oh, well." \n\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.killedWorker>>You step over the dead worker's corpse.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tDamned shame he died for absolutely no good reason. But he was just a workman. Transit Authority will have him replaced in no time.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "announce">>You pause by the store room to call, "Hey, I'm done looking around. Turns out it was a waste of time. Sorry for bothering you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a grunted reply that you presume means it was no problem. Probably the best you'll get.\n\t\t<<else>>You stop where the passage, briefly wondering where the worker's gone to.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tTo find his power couplings, presumably. Not that it matters. He'll never know you were there. Which is how you like it.\n\t\t<</if>> So, without further ado, you...\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You knock the access panel...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "announce">>\n\t\t"Okay, uh..." You swallow. "Can you even understand me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen there's no response, you risk a step forward. "My name is <<firstname>> Acrel. Under the terms of my saction, I have to terminate you. Sorry. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] Law."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abomination twitches. A low, wordless growl escapes it. For a moment, you imagine it was trying to respond. But that's unlikely. What little cognitive function it has won't allow for intelligent communication.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So, yeah. Guess this is it." You draw a deep breath and...\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tHeart still pounding, you retreat back into the bot tube. The abomination doesn't move, just watches. None the less, you climb in backwards, refusing to turn your back on that monster.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNothing happens as you bang and clatter back through the tunnel. In fact, when you've climbed out again, and you shine your holo-beam down the narrow tube, the abomination is still exactly where it was when you first saw it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's just<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> weird," you mutter, hastily re-sealing the access pannel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThen again, it hardly matters. You've made your choice: there's no way you're messing with that monster. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] Law may have sanctioned you to purge. But, as far as you can tell, the thing isn't a threat. Better just leave it there until it dies of whatever the hell disfigured it in the first place. Safer for everyone - especially you.\n\n\t<</if>>\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $tempWeaponLootOrig neq "none">>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<set $takeString = "Take the " + $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t<<set $retString = "Return the " + $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $tempWeaponLoot eq $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $takeString>>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $tempWeaponLoot; $tempWeaponLoot = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#randloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'rndCyberLoot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $retString>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $tempWeaponLoot; $tempWeaponLoot = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#randloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'rndCyberLoot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<set $amt = Math.round($gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * 3)>>\n\t<<if not $action.action99 eq "took">> \n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal lt $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Tungsten Bolts'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal += $amt>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action99= "took">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Tungsten Bolt x" + $amt>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#highpalace-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'highpalace_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Tungsten Bolts]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Tungsten Bolts]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>
<<if $tempWeaponLootOrig neq "none">>\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<set $takeString = "Take the " + $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t<<set $retString = "Return the " + $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $tempWeaponLoot eq $tempWeaponLootOrig>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $takeString>>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $tempWeaponLoot; $tempWeaponLoot = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#randloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'randFrekLoot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $retString>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action9 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $tempWeaponLoot; $tempWeaponLoot = $action.action9; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#randloot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'randFrekLoot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "taken"; $attrib.credits += 316; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x316">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the FreakOut Disc'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "FreakOut">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "true"; $statistics.lootedChems += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FreakOut Disc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "FreakOut Disc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "freakout">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the FreakOut Disc]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Continue on your Way|$action.action5][$processed = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer1 = false; $randomEncounterPhases.rndSceneCounter += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Riptide Bar">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_olivia_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Buy a Refill (10 C)|riptide_olivia_event][$action.action1 = "refill"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.credits -= 10; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Buy a Refill (10 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insult the Woman|riptide_olivia_event][$action.action1 = "insult"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ignore the Woman|riptide_olivia_event][$action.action1 = "ignore"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_olivia_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_olivia_event_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.riptideOliviaPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Riptide Bar">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll join In|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action1 = "joinin"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity += 25; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer Not|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action1 = "prefernot"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $attrib.toxicity += 25; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you aren't Interested|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action1 = "nointerest"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "nointerest">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make your Departure|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $chr_sasha.loc = "riptide_post"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stick Around|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action2 = "stay"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make your Departure|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $chr_sasha.loc = "riptide_post"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\t\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're no Model|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action3 = "nomodel"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he'd Implying|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action3 = "whatimply"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're just that Good|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action3 = "awesome"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sasha_event_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make your Departure|riptide_main_floor][$time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $chr_sasha.loc = "riptide_post"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Riptide Dance Floor">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sahando_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's just Horny|riptide_sahando_event][$action.action1 = "horny"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit it's Beautiful|riptide_sahando_event][$action.action1 = "beautiful"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's utterly Blind|riptide_sahando_event][$action.action1 = "blind"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_sahando_event_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_sahando_event_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Entrance|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.riptideGuyPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Riptide Bar">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_julie_event_txt'>></div>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t/%<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll join In|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action1 = "joinin"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity += 25; $attrib.stress -= 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer Not|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action1 = "prefernot"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $attrib.toxicity += 25; $attrib.stress -= 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you aren't Interested|riptide_sasha_event][$action.action1 = "nointerest"; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>%/\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the wrecked mercs amidst panicked shouts from nearby pedestrians. Fancy gear they got. [[Hellstorm Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellstorm Armor"]] - tough as nails, though that's to be expected from [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Good news is most of it's wrecked. Bad news is more of the bastards will probably gunning for you now.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Though—" Your gaze falls on a [[S13G|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "S13G"]] still clutched in one of the mercs' gloves. "That might help. For next time."\n\n\t\tHeavy piece of tech but maybe a taste of their own medicine is just what the cartel needs. While you mull over this idea, you also notice a credit chip which fell out of one of their pockets. \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"I've got good news..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"I've got good news, Petrovic. Found that abomination down in the Junctions. Turns out there really was one. But it's dealt with."<br><br>\n\n\tThe Machine-Smith looks relieved. "Oh, good. I'd have preferred this was nothing at all, comrade, but I am glad it is dealt with. If I may ask... did you locate any indication of that black ops team I mentioned?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_junction_passages.readBansheePad or $job_abomination_investigate.foundAltPath or $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 5>>\n\t\t\tYou nod. "Actually, yeah, but it wasn't a black op. They were wiping out an abominable shrine. Not sure on who's orders but they were thorough. Definitely not related to corporate warfare though. Probably a private contract but I don't know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah. Well. The Communa will be glad to hear this. And I believe I owe you a comission. <<print Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C should suffice, yes?"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.foundAltPath>>\n\t\t\t"I found a dead merc," you say. "Not sure what kind of an op it was, but it was related to an abominable shrine in the area. Not sure on who's orders."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see. The Communa will no doubt be able to uncover more. And I believe I owe you a comission. <<print Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C should suffice, yes?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I found a pad that mentioned merc activity, and something about fleeing. Also mentioned a Fleshmelder. But I don't think this was a black operation. More a cleanup, possibly ahead of maintenance in the area."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see. The Communa will be interested regardless. And I believe I owe you a comission. <<print Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C should suffice, yes?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"No," you say. "Something might've gone down but I didn't see anything to indicate black ops. Just the abomination."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see." Petrovic scowls. "Unfortunate, but very well. I believe I owe you a comission. <<print Math.round(3500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> C should suffice, yes?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Corbei Residence">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.corbeiCyclePhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.randomize = "self">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.corbeiCyclePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.randomize = "family">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.corbeiCyclePhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.randomize = "work">>\n\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.corbeiCyclePhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.randomize = "chaos">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.randomize to either("chaos", "self", "family", "work")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_corbeiresidence_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash in Bed|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active += 8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.33; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash in Bed|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$action.action1 = "toxicsleep"; $time.active += 8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 65; $attrib.fatigue -= 80; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 45>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active +=8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$action.action1 = "normalsleep"; $time.active += 8; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 85; $attrib.fatigue -= 100; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t/% <div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Sex with Xarea|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$action.action1 = "sex"; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br> %/\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Xarea|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$action.action1 = "chat"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Open the Cabinet|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$action.action1 = "cabinet"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromcorbei"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_corbeiresidence_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_corbeiresidence_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cabinet">>\n\t\t\t<div id='game-corbei-storage' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'corbei_storeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep" or $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep" or $action.action1 eq "normalsleep">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of Bed|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "chat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.corbeiCyclePhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 - Refugium">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk and not ($job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 4)>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_refugium_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why she Cares|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action1 = "whycare"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's what you Wanted|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action1 = "whatwant"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's not her Business|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action1 = "notproblem"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Platform|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk = true; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Sentries|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Sentries_B33_Refugium"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Celena's Apartment|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit the Shrine|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action1 = "shrine"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_refugium_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Refugium|b33_refugium_mission][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromNegotiateu"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Sentries|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Sentries_B33_Refugium"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "shrine">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 0 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage lt 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Introduce Yourself|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action2 = "introduce"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Smile Wordlessly|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action2 = "smile"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Intimdate Allen|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action2 = "intimidate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b33_refugium_enter][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you love Her|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action2 = "love"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she never lost You|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action2 = "neverlost"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can't promise Anything|b33_refugium_enter][$action.action2 = "nopromise"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Platform|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_refugium_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "shrine">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_refugium_enter][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Refugium|b33_refugium_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk = true; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 - Refugium">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you expected Submission|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action1 = "submission"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you expected Violence|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action1 = "violence"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you expected Nothing|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action1 = "nothing"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action1 = "nocare"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you doubt It|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action1 = "doubtit"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the point's Mood|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action1 = "nomatter"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "nocare" or $action.action1 eq "doubtit" or $action.action1 eq "nomatter">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stop Celena|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action2 = "stopsuicide"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Do Nothing|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action2 = "donothing"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "submission" and ($chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch)) or ($action.action1 eq "violence" and not ($chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand she join You|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action2 = "demandjoin"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's perfectly Fine|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action2 = "thatfine"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Implore her to be Rational|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action2 = "rational"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Point out you're Undefended|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action2 = "undefended"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage = 6; $chr_celena.loc = "none"; $chr_celena.alive = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demandjoin" or $action.action2 eq "rational">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage = 5; $chr_celena.loc = "none"; $chr_celena.alive = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's utter Anarchy|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action3 = "anarchy"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's a better Future|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action3 = "betterfuture"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you don't really Know|b33_refugium_mission][$action.action3 = "notknow"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_refugium_mission_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage = 7; $chr_celena.relation = "serious"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head down the passage toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_machinesmith.png"]]</div>You head down the passage toward the machine-smiths. The passage is filled with stalls containing robotic servos, ageing power packs, and all manner of devices. Eletronics whirr from every corner, sheets of metal groan, and plasma welders buzz incessively. Scrap urchins dart skirt the crowd as they hustle raw materials back to their masters. Everywhere, buyers are arguing over the price and quality.\n\nHalfway down, you reach the small machine shop marked by a sign that reads: //Petrovic - Revolutionary Machinery on Custom-Order//. When you step inside, Petrovic is pacing up and down, his hands tucked in the pockets of his apron.\n\nHe stops short when he sees you. "Vine. Good you're here. You got my message?"\n\n<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 0>>"No, actually. But I'm here all the same. What's going on?"<<else>>"Yeah. Something about a small job as I gather. What's going on?"<</if>>\n\n"It is so: I have been, at times, tangentially involved with the Communa AntiKapitalista. I recently heard that, well, there was some concern regarding the—" He swallows and moves closer. "The Black Passages. It seems that, during a data-tap installation, they came across some indication of abominable activity."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromAbove">>You approach the<<else>>You <<walk>> back<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_srpawl_junction.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromAbove">>You approach the utility pannel and feel the edges. It comes free with a tug. Hardly a surprise, given the bolts have all been cut through. Beyond is a laddered shaft that leads down into darkness.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, hell." You climb onto the ladder and descend.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMetal creaks and groans under your weight. More than once, knees or elbows bang against the sides of the shaft. Finally, you reach the bottom. The pannel has already been removed, so you climb out.\n\n\t<<else>>You <<walk>> back towards the junction. \n\n\t<</if>>Water squelches under your boots. It's painfully dark save for the glow of a few old orbs dangling from the ceiling. The Junction is just ahead; a narrow crossroads between four passages.<br><br>\n\t\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 5>>On one side, a corridor runs down into the dank depths of the superstructure.\n\t<<else>>On one side is a flooded corridor that disappears in inpenetrable murk.\n\t<</if>> Opposite, another passage leads toward what looks like it might be a power room - it looks more like a junk yard. \n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBanshee">>Back the way you came, is the chamber you came from, and ahead the ladder back to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].\n\t<<else>>Ahead, a corridor leads off into the distance, and back the way you came is the ladder up to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon as the remains of the [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] drip through the floor. To be safe, you wait until it's begun to dissolve, and are about to turn away when your foot knocks against something solid.<br><br>\n\n\tA data pad flickers in the gloom. It's light is just enough to make out a credit chip and a discarded <<print "[[" + $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor + "\s"]]">>. Strange they'd be here, exactly where the abomination was lurking. Maybe the pad will offer some sort of explanation.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head down the passage toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_machinesmith_infected.png"]]</div>Your head down the passage toward the machine-smiths. The passage is filled with stalls of robotic servos, ageing power packs, and all manner of devices. Abandoned eletronics whirr in the otherwise silent passage. The plague-ridden corpse of a scrap urchin lies crumpled in a corner. Everywhere you look, sickly plague swirls in the draft of ventilation fans.\n\nHalfway down, you reach the small machine shop marked by a sign that reads: //Petrovic - Revolutionary Machinery on Custom-Order//. When you step inside, the shop is empty. The Machine Smith has vanished along with most of his wares. Only a handful of items remain, notably a box of spare ammunition and Petrovic's old charging cable. Those could come in handy.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if not $tookBazarPistolAmmo>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-ammo' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Refill 9mm Rounds'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += 1000>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tookBazarPistolAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm rounds]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took all the 9mm rounds]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if not $tookBazarRifleAmmo>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move' id='bolt-ammo'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Refill Tungsten Bolts'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.normal += 100>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tookBazarRifleAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Tungsten Bolt x" + $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#bolt-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Tungsten Bolts]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("bolt-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took all the Tungsten Bolts]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if not $tookBazarRifleAmmo_Alt>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move' id='electro-ammo'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Refill Conductive Bolts'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.ammo.electric += 100>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "bolt">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $tookBazarRifleAmmo_Alt = true>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Conductive Bolt x" + $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "bolt_electro">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#electro-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more Conductive Bolts]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("electro-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took all the Conductive Bolts]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\t\n\n\t<<if $equip.charge lt 100>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move' id='recharge'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Recharge your Gear'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge"); $time.active += 0.25;>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.dDoS eq "discharged">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.dDoS = "charged">>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.charge lt 100>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#recharge'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot Recharge]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("recharge").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot Recharge]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "leave"; $action.action4 = "b29_msmth"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; $randomScene = "rat"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.4 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "leave"; $action.action4 = "b29_msmth"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; $randomScene = "scavenger"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "leave"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><You head down the passage toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_cybersmith_infected.png"]]</div>You head down the passage toward the machine-smiths. The tunnel is cluttered with all manner of abandoned tech but you don't go far. The door to //Ashlake-TP Cyberware and Computational Equipment// is just past the tunnel mouth.\n\nWhen you step inside, the display area is abandoned and choked with toxic mist. Several rusting cybernetic units are on display. There's not a single person around. Ashlake has gone. Presumably fled along with everyone else - for the better. The only thing left behind is a disc.<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $loc_anska.tookDisc>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the HoloDisc'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_anska.tookDisc = true; $statistics.lootedDiscs += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "holodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "leave"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div></div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head down the passage toward...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_fleshmelder_infected.png"]]</div>You head down the passage toward the flesh-melders and gene-modders. <<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>One moment you're stifling a yawn, threading your way through old stalls laden with rotting fruits and vegetables.<<else>>One moment you're threading your way through old stalls laden with rotting fruits and vegetables.<</if>> The next you're passing cages filled with the corpses of dragons, ten-legged house cats, and all manner of other oddities that didn't survive the plague.\n\n<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>Choking on the plague mist,<<else>>Squinting through the gloomy mist,<</if>> you trudge on until you find the stall you were looking for. The carpet is abandoned, the melding fire dead, and Anska's four-headed lama is gone. Maybe it survived. Anska's few remaining belongings are in a nearby basket.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_anska.tookCredits>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_anska.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 3; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x3">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_anska.tookStimFuel>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the StimFuel]</div></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the StimFuel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_anska.tookStimFuel = true; $statistics.lootedChems += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "StimFuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "stimfuel">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "leave"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; $randomScene = "rat"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.4 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "leave"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; $randomScene = "scavenger"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "leave"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - Docks">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_purge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer Stealth|b40_docks_purge][$action.action1 = "flank"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer an Assault|b40_docks_purge][$action.action1 = "attack"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_purge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_purge_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Kobol_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.arrive = $action.action1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Heavies|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Syndiate_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.arrive = $action.action1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the CIVL Team|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "CIVL_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.arrive = $action.action1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to go Unnoticed|b40_docks_purge][$attrib.caution += 3; $action.action2 = "avoidContact"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to go Unnoticed|b40_docks_purge][$attrib.caution += 2; $action.action2 = "avoidContactFail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_purge_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_purge_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_purge_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "avoidContact">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Ventilation Control|b40_docks_postfight][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSneak"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Kobol_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = $action.action1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Heavies|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndiate_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = $action.action1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the CIVL Team|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "CIVL_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = $action.action1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - Air Circulation">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you were Fine|b40_docks_postfight][$action.action1 = "wasfine"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist he was Late|b40_docks_postfight][$action.action1 = "islate"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if he was Followed|b40_docks_postfight][$action.action1 = "wasfollowed"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Fall Back|b40_docks_postfight][$action.action2 = "fallback"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.stress += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - Loading Area">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Shoot your way Out|b40_docks_postfight][$action.action3 = "shootout"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Cause a Distraction|b40_docks_postfight][$action.action3 = "distraction"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 2; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Run for a Utility Duct|b40_docks_postfight][$action.action3 = "utilityduct"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_postfight_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "shootout" or ($action.action3 eq "distraction" and not ($attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin)) or ($action.action3 eq "utilityduct" and not ($attrib.demeanor eq "agressive"))>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Kobol_2_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = $action.action3]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndiate_2_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = $action.action3]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Commandos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "CIVL_2_Abom_B40"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = $action.action3]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Catch your Breath|b40_docks_visionescape][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSneak"; $attrib.stress += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - Docks">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_visionescape_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's a good Idea|b40_docks_visionescape][$action.action1 = "goodidea"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how many Survived|b40_docks_visionescape][$action.action1 = "howsurvided"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say there's no Time|b40_docks_visionescape][$action.action1 = "notime"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_visionescape_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_visionescape_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 10; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $job_exhaustion_evt.spokeTo eq "celena">><<if $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98>>"I thought it over and you're right..."<<else>>"I wanted to talk about that thing that happened..."<</if>><<else>>"I really need to talk. About some shit..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $job_exhaustion_evt.spokeTo eq "celena">>\n\t\t<<if $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t"I thought it over and you're right. I really need help after all. With my head. Y'know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." She suddenly looks serious. "Yeah. Glad you brought that up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Same," you say earnestly. "I just wanna get this straight. Make sure we're on the same page. So I don't hurt your again or something."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I wanted to talk about that thing that happened. Y'know. Me breaking down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Mhh." Celena looks serious. "So, what ya wanna say? Or whatever?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not quite sure. I just want to get it straight this time. And talk about it. So the same shit doesn't happen again. And I don't hurt you."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"I really need to talk. About some shit that's been going down. Bad shit. With my head."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Another breakdown?" Celena looks worried. "Shit, man. You should look after yourself more. Y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know," you say heavily. "But it's happened. And it won't be like last time. For certain. But I gotta get through this. Just in case. You know. Something happens again. I don't wanna hurt you again."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tCelena looks lost. "Hurt me? <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Asshole<<else>>Bitch<</if>>, the only thing you did that hurt was fucking leave. Just poof. Like that. The rest of that shit? Screw that. Mean, what harm's a little blood, broken bones, and abuse?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Celena—" You swallow. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I know you think it's fucking fine. But—"<<else>>"I know you say you don't care but—"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Bullshit." The silver-haired girl stands, an unusually hard look on her face. "<<if $chr_celena.isWitch>>You've seen a tiny sliver of what I'm capable of. Believe me when I say there is nothing - and I mean absolutely fucking nothing - you can do that will hurt my body. Unless I let you, and I've said it before: you can.<<else>>You know what I am. I'm not human. And, when I say I don't care, I mean that. There's nothing you could ever do that can really hurt me.<</if>> I chose you. And I am not fucking changing my mind just because you might ram a gun to my temple again. It's almost... funny. Y'know? 'Cause I can't even fucking die. So I don't care. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\tYou open and close your mouth, then decide on, "That wasn't where I was trying to go with this."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, but it is what I need to say." Celena sits down with a sigh. "Vine, you're my <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>man<<else>>girl<</if>>. I fucking care about you. And I hate to see you this way. But stop worrying about me, okay? Just look after yourself. That's all that matters. To both of us."<br><br>\n\n\tAfter a long moment, you nod. "I think I get what you're saying. It's just... weird. To hear it like that."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, well, we're weird. But that's fine." She leans closer and whispers. "I love you, baby. Just like you are. And always will."<br><br>\n\n\tA lump forms in your throat. Love. After everything you've been through? But she's probably right. You're avoiding the issue. This isn't about her. It's about you - and the fact you gotta get your shit in order.\n\n<</if>></div><</nobr>>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.stress -= 2; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkCel = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, Raj. I wanted to talk..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, Raj. I wanted to talk to you about something. It's a bit different this time. Relates to me and, well, my mental state."\n\n"Ah." The historial looks intrigued. "What of your mental state, my friend?"\n\n"It's gone to shit," you say flatly. "Been stressing out. Depression, fatigue. Think it's related to my job. Too much going on at once. It's tearing me apart."\n\nHe nods. "I suffer quite the same when I work on end for days with no repose. It is quite crushing. So yes. I understand, though perhaps not the circumstances."\n\nYour lips curl. "Yeah, I can imagine. Guess I'm just trying to cope. Somehow."\n\n"If it is any consolation, I suggest neuro-expressive dance." Raj smiles shyly. "In all seriousness, my friend. I find some means to clear your mind. Cast aside all which weighs on your mind, if just for a moment. I find that is most invaluable."\n\nYou nod, well aware he's right. Both about neuro-expression and needing time to clear your mind. That sounds like a solid plan. All you'd have to do is put it into practice.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkRaj = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"I know this isn't..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"I know this isn't your area of expertise, Petrovic, but I've been having some nasty meltdowns lately. Extreme fatigue. Maybe depression. Y'know the feel?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe machine-smith looks worried. "Indeed, Comrade. It happens to the best of us. Yet, unlike machines, the human mind is harder to repair. One cannot simply replace faulty components."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know, right? Just slap a new brain in my thick skull and - poof - problem solved." You breathe a sigh. "But no. Good old biology isn't that simple."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, I suppose—" His brow furroes. "I have heard of cases where cybersmiths have augmeted, or indeed, replaced portions damaged brain tissue. Hardly an ideal solution. Yet I suppose you could go that route."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"True," you admit, wondering if that's worth the risk - and price.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic looks pensive. "It is not a procedure I would reccomend, Comrade, yet alas. I can do little else save talk. And I hardly believe I am the one for that. No offense meant yet it would be determential to our business relationship to speak of such things. Though I shall be considerate, Comrade." He grips your shoulder. "Take care of yourself, no matter how you ultimately find peace."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkPetrovic = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_highpalace_tentowned_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $job_exhaustion_evt.spokeTo eq "highborn">><<if $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98>>\t"I thought it over, y'know..."<<else>>\t"I wanted to talk about that thing..."<</if>><<else>>"I really need to talk..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t<<if $job_exhaustion_evt.spokeTo eq "highborn">>\n\t\t<<if $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t"I thought it over, y'know that whole breakdown thing. And I really need help after all. Not sure what I'm hoping for. But I figure I'd mention it 'cause I'm tearing apart."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I wanted to talk about that thing that happened. Y'know. Me breaking down. I'm tearing apart."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"I really need to talk. About some shit that's been stuck in my head. Bad shit. It's tearing at me."<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lu">>"I understand, Master. And I am here for your pleasure." He smiles encouraging. "Whenever you need me. Or to use me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's..." You purse your lips. "Well, something. I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's my purpose, Master. That's just how it is." He gestures to the mattress. "Sit. I shall massage you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I... oh okay." You sit and close your eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\tStrong fingers dig into your shoulder blades. You grunt as he digs into aches you didn't even notice were there. Lu definitely knows what he's doing and he isn't shy about showing off his prowess. Strange fellow at any rate, but you won't complain. It feel too nice for that.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAfter what feels like forever, he kisses your neck. "I hope this helped, Master. And, should you need me, I shall be here. As always."\n\t<<elseif $loc_highpalace_owned.chosenSqueeze eq "Lia">>"I understand, Master." Lia looks almost fearful. "I will do what I can to make you feel at home. I promise."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I dunno how much you can do but thanks." You breathe a sigh. "Shit. I just dunno what to do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Perhaps this will help." She indicates the mattress beside her. "If you please, Master. It shall help."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, I dunno... whatever." You sit with a grunt.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCold, slender fingers trace your spine, kneading your flesh. Tension mounts in your muscles but you soon relax with a sigh. Her touch is too gentle to caus distess, and it's nice to feel her fingers knead out aches you didn't know were there.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAfter what feels like forever, her lips brush the base of your spine. "I hope that was pleasant, Master. I shall be here should you need me again."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b29_highbornpalace_yourtent][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkSlave = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Deathcaller, I was wondering..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"Deathcaller, I was wondering whether you could help me with something. I feel like my mind's coming undone. Stress, I think."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see." The man shoots you a amused look. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Does it matter? In face of certain death?"<<else>>"So you have not truly embraced the inevability death yet, have you?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, and maybe that's the issue. I'm not dead. I'm alive and it's getting harder and harder to keep going."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe deathcaller bows his head. "We all suffer the curse of life, and a curse it is. There is no greater pain that to face existence in this galaxy, and seek the end we desire."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"I'll find that eventually. Question is just what I do until then."<<else>>Yeah, well, I'm not quite ready to kick it yet. So I gotta keep going somehow."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"I would propose you worry too much. You cannot escape mortality. No one can. There is no benefit to be had from fretting over what comes before. Remember that all you live for is to die and such trivial concerns soon fall away." He grips your shoulder. "Believe me, <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>Deathseeker<<else>>friend<</if>>. I too fretted once. Here, in these rotting halls, I found salvation. As I hope you shall too one day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>You nod, lips drawn tight. He's right, of course. Death will claim you sooner than later. There's no point worrying about what comes before. You'll just have to keep going until you find that blissful moment when your mortal curse is finally lifted. That's what you live for. Not the shit that preceeds it.\n\t\t<<else>>You nod, uncertain whether to be disgusted or not. But the fellow has a good point. Death will come eventually - sooner than later if you keep going the way you are. So maybe he's right. Maybe worrying about survival isn't worth the effort. You could invest that energy somewhere else, to greater effect.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_cult][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkDeath = true; $attrib.stress -= 5; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.faith.death += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral Quarters">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I've been having..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"I've been having some trouble lately. Mental fatigue. Stress, maybe even depression. Figured since you're a priest, well, maybe you could help."<br><br>\n\n\t\tZweili chuckles. "And what precisely do you expect I can do to quell this issue, old friend?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou open your mouth, hesitate, and suggest, "Say something wise, maybe?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"All I can tell you is what you already know, Vine: you push yourself too hard. Obviously, it is your job - perhaps indeed calling - to place yourself in danger. And we are both well aware of your considerable skills. Yet how long do you imagine you might continue to do this?" Zweili breathes a sigh. "You are smart, Vine. Be smart about this too."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou laugh. "Smart? What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> am I supposed to do? Take a vacation? Go to Paradisium and bury my head in synth sand? C'mon. I'm not the kinda <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> to skip out on a job. Especially one like this. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>So maybe you should wise up, not me. Old man.<<else>>You know that.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I did not mean to suggest you shell out hard-earned cash for such ridiculous notions. Though I will add a small disability benefit to your compensation in light of this. What I meant—" Zweili pauses. "It is as I said when we first met. There is no simple solution. You must find balance, perhaps companionship. I do not know. That is why I cannot say anything you do not already know: I cannot show you the pat. No one can, Vine. I have said this many times before."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou simply nod, unwilling to reply. Not because it's bad advice. But because you know he's right: there's no shortcut to mental stability. You'll have to do that one yourself. Somehow.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkZweili = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; $payment_church.ammount += 50; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I've been..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"Hey, I've been struggling with some shit lately. Mental stuff. My mind's coming undone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," Fabienne says, sounding uninterested. "What's your point?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Dunno, really. Just wanted to talk I guess. Been through something similar before. Was curious if you had any perspective."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] shoots you a amused look. "I'm centuries old, y'know. I barely even remember what it's like to be human. So, unless you're planning on going my route, I think I'm just about shit out of advice."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou bite your lip. "Right, okay. My bad. Maybe—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow, wow. Hang on. There is one idea I got. Kinda wonky though. Would involve getting stuff spliced into your brain. A good fleshmelder could probably do it. Mood regulation. Neurohormornal compensation. Not sure that's the kinda thing you'd want. But it'll be cheaper - and more efficient - than seeing some bullshit shrink for years and getting nowhere."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You, uh, think that's a smart choice?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tFabienne simply shrugs in reply. Evidently she doesn't know either. But it's an idea - provided you're ready to go that route, and you aren't sure you are.\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkFabienne = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You glance at the man. "Can I..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"You glance at the man. "Can I talk to you for a second? I think I need a priest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course." The old voider spreads his hands. "Speak."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Well, I thought pledging myself to nothingness would be the end of doubt. But now my mind's falling apart. Burnout, I think."\n\t\t<<else>>"Well, I've been falling apart inside. Stress, fatigue, that kinda thing. I just dunno what to do."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man scowls. "Is it the great emptiness which eats at your heart or is it the noise of this world?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Both, but mostly the noise. It's too much too quick. I can't keep up. I—" You draw a deep breath. "Sometimes I wish I could just curl up in a dark corner and do nothing. Not think. Not feel. Just exist."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Then you are even closer to the great empty that you believe, friend.\n\t\t<<else>>"Then perhaps the void speaks to you and you are not listening.\n\t\t<</if>> For there is but one truth in this galaxy: between the Loving Stars there is only silence. To find peace with that is to find peace with yourself."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPerplexed, you say, "What's that supposed to mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Simple: only a fool blinded by the Loving Stars and deafened by the music of humanity would despair in solitude. It is natrual that, between moments of brightness, we wallow in shadow. That is the plight of every human. Clearly you still struggle to accept it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I... yeah. I guess I do." After a long moment, you add, "That actually makes a lot of sense<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>, brother<<else>>.<</if>> I've been on the go so much I didn't stop to think about what was really happening."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe old man smiles knowingly. \n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Find solace, friend, and carry the great empty with you always. It will never forsake you. That I can promise."\n\t\t<<else>>"We have all come to this place. Take heart in the void, stranger, and in time you shall find true peace."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod absently, mulling over the situation. It's really just like the old voider said: you've been so caught up in things you started to think the quiet in between is a bad thing. But maybe that's just what you need. Quiet, solitude, time away from the bullshit. Solid advice right there.\t\t\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkVoid = true; $attrib.stress -= 5; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.faith.void += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You pick your way...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\tYou pick your way through the crowd, looking for a priest. One of them spots you almost immediately and approaches, hands clasped.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>, you look lost. Do the Loving Stars not shine on you today?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"No, not really.\n\t\t<<else>>"I doubt they ever have, Father.\n\t\t<</if>> I feel like I'm falling apart. Inside. In my mind. Everything's just a mess. Too much at once."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do not despair," he says softly. "The Loving Stars still shine upon you, upon us all. And we all struggle. Be it in finance, love, or disability, we are all crippled to some extent. There is no shame in this. It is why we all assemble, to pray and socialize, so that we are not alone. Perhaps not all who are here today know this consciously. But no human desires to be alone. It is unnaturaly, destructive almost. Even at our worst, isolation does not serve anyone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I suppose," you say slowly. "Though it does feel like I'd rather be alone. Far away from everything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, natrually. We all require solitude. To reflect, consider, and yet life always moves on. And there is always hope." He grips your shoulder. "Take care, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Brother<<else>>Sister<</if>>, and may the Loving Stars watch over you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that, the priest moves on, leaving you alone to your thoughts. Which are confused to say the least. But he's right in a convoluted: you need balance. And you haven't been getting much of that lately. No wonder your mind is coming undone.\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_chapel_main][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkEden = true; $attrib.faith.eden += 1; $attrib.stress -= 5; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Gal, I know this will sound kinda..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"Gal, I know this will sound kinda weird. But I've been having some mental hangups recently. Figured, you know, maybe I should mention that."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe server tech shoots you a curious glance. "S'up exactly? Stuff on the job becoming too much? 'Cause I know what that's like. Real draining."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, it's mostly that. I had the same thing a few years ago. Thought I'd got past that but I, yeah, must've pushed myself too far. Now it's back to bite me in the ass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man." Gal breathes a sigh. "I feel for ya, Vine. Really. I had a huge burnout a few years back. Thought it'd crush me. But that's when I got involved full time with the Cult. And that kinda helped, gave me purpose and an excuse to keep pushing myself. But I doubt it's the same for you. All I had to deal with was stupidly mind-numbing workflows. Not quite the same thing as hunting abominations."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. "End of the day, it comes down to the same thing, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Pretty much, yeah. I spoke to a few psychs back in the day. And they all said it was to do with the job." Gal chuckles. "But, yeah. I think you're kinda like me there. You aren't just gonna change career track. We're good at this stuff. There's nothing else that would work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"True that," you admit. "Which means I guess I just gotta make it work." You nod slowly. "Yeah, I think I needed to hear that. Thanks, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal's lips curl but he's already focused on his holo-terminals again. The sight makes you chuckle. Dedicated to the job indeed. That's one thing the two of you really have in common.\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkGal = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidebar_olivia.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> toward the bar, squeezing past the crowds gathering there. Amazingly, there's barely anyone at the counter. Vic walks up within mere moments of you arriving.\n\n"Heya Vine. What can I get ya?"\n\nBefore you can reply, a slurred voice calls, "You gotta be shittin' me, Vic. There's no way that <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>> is Vine."\n\nThe speaker is a middle-aged woman in a sparkly dress. She saunters over, empty glass of flash in hand. "Nah. No frickin' way that's Vine. I'd know the <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>bastard<<else>>slut<</if>> if I saw <<genderposssesive>> again."\n\nYou shoot Vic a confused glance. "Who<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> is she?"\n\n"Fuck you," the woman snaps "I'm right here and you ask that asshole? Seriously?" Her laugh is a little too shrill. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Least you could fucking do is buy me a refill, jerk."<<else>>"Just fuck off and leave the grownups alone. Bitch."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> toward the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidebar.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>>stride<</if>> toward the bar, squeezing past the crowds gathering there. You've just reached the counter when you spot a familiar suit of red armor. The owner is a young man with short cropped hair sipping a beer, deftly ignoring two scantily clad chicks who seem intent on drawing his attention.\n\nHis gaze falls on you. A amused smirk curls his lips. "<<formalname>>. Fancy running into you again."\n\n"Sasha, right?" You lean on the bar beside him. "Gonna try and haul me off again?"\n\nHe laughs. "Oh, I doubt it. My attention has turned elsewhere. Currently—" Sasha gestures around with a flourish. "—I procrastinate in style."\n\nBefore you can <<walk>> up, Vic appears. "Hey, fellas. Who's up fer shots? On the house."\n\nSasha shoots you a pointed look. "I would not be opposed, though a compatriot would not be harmful. For mutual enjoyment, you understand." He winks.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>>stride<</if>> onto...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidedance.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>>stride<</if>> onto the dance floor and join the crowd writhing and surging amidst the holographic waves. Bodies flow past, some moving with deliberation, far more in uncoordinated, inebriated confusion. It's <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>oddly amusing<<else>>almost amusing<</if>> to watch. Being part of this insanity, on the other hand, is <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>hilarious<<else>>disconcerting<</if>>.\n\n"Man, what am I even doing here," you wonder, moving away from the crowd.\n\nIt's a good question. What are you doing out there? Definitely not trying to...\n\n"Hey, man." A young man with dusty hair sidles up. "What's with the long face, eh?"\n\nYou laugh<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>> drunkenly<</if>>. "The fuck? What you mean?"\n\n"Just, well—" He spreads his arms to the dance floor. "—look at it! This is the place. The time. Ya gotta be with it, man. Not standing 'round here, being all sulky. Seriously."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You leave the<<else>>You are standing in the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "status">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b10_residence_empty.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b10_residence.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You leave the crowded [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]], enter the Corbei residence, and take the bio-locked elevator to the ninteenth floor. The doors open directly into the luxury apartment.<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>You are standing in the Corbei residence on [[Level B10|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]].\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tIt's unusually spaceous for a habitation unit, with three couches set along the whitewashed walls, two low coffee tables in the center, and a far door leading to the wash area. The bed, inset in a wall alcove beside a built-in cabinet, is to the left. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>Xarea has arranged herself on it, naked save for an excuse of translucent lingerie, and a light blanket tossed over her legs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t\t"<<firstname>>." Her smile is as sweet as it is venomous. "It is such a delight to see you again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Ey." You grin, swaying unsteadily on your feet. "I'm fucked."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe giggles in delight. "Oh, what a tactless state. Surely you best... sleep your ailments off."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That—- yeah. Good idea." You stumble over and...\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>"Hey. Wh—" You stifle a yawn. "Sorry. WHat you up to?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, nothing particular. Simply waiting for something... interesting to transpire."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, don't count on me," you say wearily. "I'm asleep on my feet."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'm sure it is," you reply, unable to resist a knowing smile.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>She props herself up on an elbow. "I do hope you do not mind, but dare I ask what your plans are?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wish I knew," you say. "Haven't quite decided."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>The blanket upon it is as translucent as the ivory drapes which hang on the walls.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>"Well, it's almost home," you mutter, still unused to the pristine decor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tToo sleek and clinical for your taste. But you do have to admit it's a nice place - better than your hab at any rate. And there's more than enough space to <<walk>> around. That's a definitive plus.\n\t\t<<else>>"Right." You glance around the room, wondering what comes next. "Man. I'm still not used to this place."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "acceptpay">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou say, "Thanks. That's mighty generous."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"A pleasure, comrade." He signs the credits over. "Hopefully you shall spend some of that here. From friend to friend."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow rises. "Covert sales pitch, much?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic laughs. "I joke, comrade. I am no capitalist beyond what one must be to survive. It is an honor to assist you in your endeavors. There are far too few who specialize in your profession. Especially in this day and age. I am simply glad you are present to safeguard us less fortunate ones."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou say, "I'm fine, actually. Consider it a job on the house."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic looks surprised. "You are certain, comrade? Well. Okay. I am very greatful for your assistance."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No problem," you say with a smile. "It's what I do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hopefully with weapons purchased from my inventory." He chuckles. "I joke, comrade. I am no capitalist beyond what one must be to survive. It is an honor to assist you in your endeavors. If I might help you by any means in future, simply let me know."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>You approach the<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCelena">>You leave Celena's apartment...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You pass the<<else>>You are standing<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>You approach the robed guards. Neither of them reacts until you're almost at the stairs. Suddenly, one of them is standing in your path. Stern eyes stare at you from beneath a shadowed hood. The face below looks unafflicted.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Leave," a quiet voice whispers. "No Servants of the False Queen is allowed in the Refugium."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSurprised, you ask, "Servants of what in what?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none">>\n\t\t\t"He means me." You turn to see Celena standing behind you. Her expression is hard and her eyes narrowed to slits. "What, are you really that arrogant you'd think I'd just let you <<walk>> in here? Just like that? Without so much as an explanation?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Wow, hey." You step back cautiously. "Way to say hello. What's bitten you today?"<<else>>You scoff. "I didn't know you owned this level. Sorry for thinking it was public property."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, please." She steps closer, glowering. "You turned your back on me. Got in in bed with the Corbei bitch<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">> - literally -<</if>> and you really don't think I might be in the least, teensie, weensie bit pissed off?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"You can't go in," the guard repeats. "We know who you are. We know what you've done. No one here wants to see you. Ever. Now leave. We won't ask again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I—" You shrug half-heartedly. "Okay. Whatever. Didn't mean to cause a fuss."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3>>\n\t\tYou head toward Refiguium, acutely aware of the four hooded figures waiting on the platform. They approach you without invitation. The markings on their robes make it clear these are Vijar's cultists. Together, as though entirely planned, you approach the guards. They quickly block your path.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We have business in Refugium," you say evenly. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"I'm permitted to pass."<<else>>"Stand aside."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"You, perhaps. They—" One of the guards indicates your cultists. "—are not.<<else>>"You are not permitted to pass. Nor are—" One of the guards indicates your cultists. "—they.<</if>> Leave now. Or there will be consequences."<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo sooner she he spoken do two more guards appear on the stairs, both dressed in silver robes, and both female. Some are carrying coilarms. Most glower defiantly at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>for fuck's sake.<<else>>you gotta be kidding me.<</if>> You're really going to make this difficult, aren't you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no reply from the sentries. But that isn't going to stop you. Refugium will be yours - one way or another. The only question remaining is how much blood will be spilt along the way.\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 4>>\n\t\tYou head toward Refiguium, vaguely aware of movement in your peripheral vision. Only when you near the hooded guards does the source become clear: several dozen abominations cralwing along the ceiling. The guards look up the same moment you do.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Celena have merc—" One of the guards is cut short as an abomination drops, slicing her throat in a gorey display of fangs.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other scrambles for a coilgun but is too slow. Three of Arva's monsters are upon her, ripping limbs from sockets and chewing deep into her throat. The hapeless sentry fights feebly. She's dead within a second.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, that's one way to do it." You shake your head and make toward the steps.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAbominations bound ahead. Claws latter on pannelblow. Below, voices can be heard shouting. Four more sentries, all dressed in silver robes and all female, hurry to block the stairs. Coilshots ring out. Bolts blast through an abomination, splattering its oozing, black blood across the stairs. There's no time to think of a better plan. It's kill them - or get riddled along with Arva's filth.\n\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You pass the robed guards outside the Refugium and head down the stairs, into what used to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. Much of the level has been blocked off with security fields and countless tents have been set up on the old walkways. Disheveled figures huddle in the shadows, watched over by more cultists in green robes. Smoke drifts lazily from the odd cooker. No one is speaking.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCelena">>You leave Celena's apartment head head back into the tent-village that clutters what used to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. \n\t\t\t<<else>>You are standing in the Refugium on what used to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. Much of the level has been blocked off with security fields and countless tents have been set up on the old walkways. Disheveled figures huddle in the shadows, watched over by more cultists in green robes. Smoke drifts lazily from the odd cooker. No one is speaking.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tA large shrine has been set up to the left, decorated with countless pictures and personal affects. An enormous Visionary banner hangs above it. A handful of refugees have gathered before it, waiting in line by a figure in ragged, black robes who examines them in turn. In the opposite direction, past several large shacks that seem to double as workshops, is the entrance Celena's apartment. None of the other places you used to go are accessible. Everyone's probably dead there anyways.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You pass the robed guards outside the Refugium and head down the stairs, into what used to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. Much of the level has been blocked off with security fields and countless tents have been set up on the old walkways. Hundreds of people mill about in the shadows between, conversing in low voices as they mend clothes or prepare meals over improvized cookers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCelena">>You leave Celena's apartment head head back into the tent-village that clutters what used to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. \n\t\t\t<<else>>You are standing in the Refugium on what used to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. Much of the level has been blocked off with security fields and countless tents have been set up on the old walkways. Hundreds of people mill about in the shadows between, conversing in low voices as they mend clothes or prepare meals over improvized cookers.<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tA large shrine has been set up to the left, decorated with countless pictures and personal affects. Beyond it, a security field keeps the swirling plague mists at bay. In the opposite direction, past several large shacks that seem to double as workshops, is the entrance Celena's apartment. None of the other places you used to go are accessible. Everyone's probably dead there anyways.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>You lower your weapon<<else>>You descend the last few steps<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight">>You lower your weapon and descend the steps, followed closely by <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3>>Vijar's cultists<<else>>Arva's abominations<</if>>. Below you lies what ised to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. Much of the level has been blocked off with security fields and countless tents have been set up on the old walkways. Hundreds of people are huddled in the shadows between, whispering in low voices as they shoot you fearful glances. More than a few are armed.<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>You descend the last few steps, into what used to be [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. Much of the level has been blocked off with security fields and countless tents have been set up on the old walkways. Hundreds of people mill about in the shadows between, casting worried looks in your directions. In particular your cultist friends seem to intimidate them. More than a few have grabbed coilarms.<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3>>\n\t\t"Well, well, well." You muster the scene, a little smirk on your lips. "I suppose I should address the fearful."<br><br>\n\n\t\tOne of the cultists says, "They will acecpt the Vision, in death if need be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. You draw a deep breath and call, "Citizens of Refugium! Lay down your weapons, surrender yourselves to our cause, embrace you are but insignificant puppets on strings, and I promise you won't be harmed. Resist us, stand in our way, and you will die like everyone else." You wait a beat. "Do I make myself clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tWorried murmurs run through the assembled refugees. Several put down their weapons. Others refuse to do so. It isn't long before they're arguing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t"I don't think they'll just come quietly." You turn with a start to see Celena standing beside you. "I wondered when you'd come."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I should have known." You turn with a start to see Celena standing beside you. "It had to be you. Only question was when you'd come."\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Well, isn't this a sight now." You glance at the abominations, then at the terrified refugees. "Kill them. Kill them all!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tInhuman voices roar as the abominations surge into motion, fangs and claws bared. Terrified screams fill the air. Several people scramble for weapons. Lone coilshots ring out, though only a handful strike their intended targets. In a matter of seconds, the Refugium is plunged into chaos. Blood splatters the floor. Men, women, and children run in every imaginable direction only to be torn apart in their panicked flight.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\t"Amusing, isn't it?" You turn with a start to see Celena standing beside you. "I wondered if you'd dare do it. Guess you did."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I should have known." You turn with a start to see Celena standing beside you. "It had to be you. No one else would dare."\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 3>>"Now," you say, suddenly very wary. "Don't make this difficult."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVoices argue in the background as Celena says. "I'm not, silly. You're the one who decided to do that. Come here with that stupid cult of yours. Lucinia's little puppets. Cabalist pawns by another name! What did you think would happen?"\t\t\n\t<<else>>"Dare do what," you ask, suddenly very wary.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCarnage echoes in the background as Celena says, "You turned against me, silly. You brought those things here. Lucinia's little puppets. Cabalist pawns by another name! You really think I'd be okay with that?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "askpassage">>"So, what's been going on in the Black Passages lately? I'm a little out of date."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothing out of the ordinary, comrade. The [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] is always shifting, and so the smuggler routes do too. Aside from the usual rash of incidents, and the occasional corpse, all is as it usually would be."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow rises. "Would be?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There have been rumors for some time," Petrovic says slowly. "That the Passages are decaying. Perhaps to corruption, perhaps to taint, or perhaps simply due to a natural cycle. I cannot say, comrade, but I can say this: the Communa was investigating a probable [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] black op when this incident occured. Clearly there is something going on in the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]], and more than that quarantine everyone constantly speaks about. It is worrying that whispers of darker secrets have not reached us yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's a bit unusual" you admit, unwilling to judge too quickly.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "askcommuna">>"Communa AntiKapitalista, hm? Why are you of all people involved with economic vigilantes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Because I am an artisan, comrade. I must remain financially viable. The [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] does not make it easy. Manufacturing keys are expensive to aquire and all but nonexistant on the black market. Use of forged keys is a high compound offense under [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], breeching copyright, security regulations, firearms act, and numerous other strict regulations. So how am I to supply all my customers with such—" He gestures to his many lockers. "—high quality wares if not with valid keys?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I see," you say with a smirk. "The Communa gets their hands on stuff from time to time. They trade that for your services."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic nods. "It is a simple exchange of services, comrade, though I do hope you do not share this information further. It would be, ah, unfortunate."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile. "Perfectly fine, man. My silence in return for your good faith."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "askabom">>"Indications of abomination? What exactly are we dealing with here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I am not entirely certain." Petrovic begins to pace again. "Those I communicated with mentioned noises, a sense of unease, and a shadow on their data feeds that could only have been caused by sub-null interference. They seemed very convinced something unnatural had taken up residence near Junction 29-555-L. They did not approach the junction itself. Unspecific, I know, but I could hardly blame them for being cautious."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Could be abominable. But the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] goes deep into the superstructure, beyond the radiation shields. Similar disturbance could be caused by ships maneuvering for docking position. I've heard most freighters have poor REACH core shielding. Disturbances would be magnified where their core fields brush against the hab platform's core. Theoretically, at least. I really dunno."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is possible," Petrovic says slowly. "But highly unlikely, Vine. I'm not a void engineer but I am familiar with REACH theory. Any core emitting a level of interference able to afflict data nets at such range would have already imploded and fozen this entire station solid. Unfiltered sub-null manipulation, on the other hand, could cause such an effect. I believe there are several abominations that could be responsible, though you know better."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Could be that. Or a poorly shielded REACH device. Or witchcraft. Or anything sub-null based, really." You scowl. "It's unusual at any rate."\n\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "flank" or $action.arrive eq "attack">>You lower your weapon<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>You enter Air Circulation<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "flank">>You lower your weapon and step past the dead <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers<</if>>. "Wow. That could have gone better."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indeed, friend. But we persevere." The cultists makes for the ladder and begins to climb.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou follow, past a bolted hatch you have to lug open, and onwards until it merges into another passage. The air circulation chamber is at the end, according to a sign on the walls. It's locked but one of the cultists has an ID card. The door snaps open and you step inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_airfiltration.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "attack">>You lower your weapon and back away from the dead <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers<</if>>. "Shit. Shit. This was a bad idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There is a better way, friend." The cultist nods to a nearby utility hatch. "Come."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou follow him at a low crouch, all too aware people are shouting in the distance. They quickly remove the cover and slip into the dark utility passage beyond. It leads off into darkess, around a bend, and to a ladder. The cultists climb up. You follow until it merges into another passage. The air circulation chamber is at the end, according to a sign on the walls. It's locked but one of the cultists has an ID card. The door snaps open and you step inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_airfiltration.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_airfiltration.png"]]</div>You enter Air Circulation.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\tIt's positively enormous, with dozens of ventilation shafts leading through huge, automated filter cylinders. Machinery hums constantly. The only other door is at the far end.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Cover us, friend," one of the cultists says as he produces something from his robes.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThey set to work on one of the filtration units. You watch the far door apprehensively. There could be trouble any moment. Surely, by now, someone must know you're here. Nothing happens. No one storms inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Done. Best we—" The cultist is cut short by coilfire behind the door. A loud thump echoes. "Cursed be."<br><br>\n\n\t\tBlood pounds in your veins. A tense second passes. The door snaps open. You're about to take action when nine more cultists storm in, weapons panning across the chamber. Relief floods you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah." Visionary Vijar lowers his carbine. "You are already here, friends. I thought we were already too late." \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "shootout" or $action.arrive eq "distraction" or $action.arrive eq "utilityduct">>You lower your weapon<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>You enter Air Circulation<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "shootout">>You lower your weapon and hurry past the bolt-riddled security scanners, into the corridor to the tramway station. There you collapse to catch your breath.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "distraction">>You lower your weapon, cast a hasty glance around, and grab the power leads again. This time, when you jam them into the cell, containment ruptures with an audible snap.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNot waiting to see what happens, you make a run for it. The fusion cell errupts just as you dive behind a column. A blast wave buffets your elbows. Containers are toppled off their stacks. Amidst the chaos, you spot a clear run for the exit - and take it. No one shoots at you. It's not hard to tell why. The entire loading area is in even more disarray than it was; containers scattered all over and confused silhouettes stumbling through the haze. But it worked. You're out, back in the passage to the tramway station. Relieved, you collapse to catch your breath.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "utilityduct">>You lower your weapon, cast a hasty glance around, and yank the duct cover free. It comes off this time. Relieved, you jump into the duct below and scrabmle along on your hands and knees. In a matter of seconds, you've reached the far end. Kicking off the far pannel puts you back in the tunnel to the tramway station.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thank <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>you<</if>>," you mutter as you collapse to catch your breath.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>You sag against the wall to catch your breath.\n\n\t<</if>>Distant coilshots ring out, growing less intense by the second. Soon there's all but silence. Footsteps sound. Adrenaline surges but only a lone cultist staggers out of the loading area.<br><br>\n\n\t"Hey," you call to him. "Where's the Visionary?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Here, friend." The man limps into view, bleeding from a leg wound. He slouches beside you. "Quite the price we paid. Yet the Vision guided us once more."<br><br>\n\n\t"One way to put it," you say, gaze fixed on the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. "There any more of those bastards coming after us?"<br><br>\n\n\tVijar shakes his head. "Not soon, I should hope. But best we move swiftly. Regroup. Reorganize. And then we can finalize this design of ours."\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You enter the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "powerpassage">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawlgeneric.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "deshvarpassage">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou enter\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "deshvarpassage">>the damp passage, descending one careful step at a time. The floor has somehow grown mossy. A single misstep could lead to injury. Before long, the water rises to knee level, and every step causes a splash.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, barely visible in the gloom, an armored corpse floats in the murk. Beside it is a barely-functional data pad. Its hazy light reveals the outline of what might've once been a coilgun, but it's been twisted well beyond use.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh," you mutter, sqinting in the dark. "What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>happened here?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "powerpassage">>the power room, descending the steps one at a time. Though devoid of water damage, the room is badly rusted and cluttered with discarded junk. Machinery whirrs. The air buzzes with electricity - and reeks of evaporated fungus.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And Petrovic is relying on this place for juice?" You shake your head in disbelief.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe numerous power couplings in the chamber are all rusted, and occasional sparks fly from the ceiling. Amidst the assorted junk on the floor you spot an unused [[FuCell|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "FuCell"]] and a discarded credit chip. rusted with age. The rest is useless.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bansheepassage">>the junction and pass it by, headed deeper into the superstructure. Footsteps patter in the dark. Occasionally, a floor plate creaks underfoot. Otherwise the passage is silent. Not even the ventilation fans are moving.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div><<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lt 4>>Hardly a surprise, given the location, but the growing darkness is disconcerting. There's no light beyond the last glow-orb. But there's definitely something down there. You can almost feel it. That unease that Petrovic mentioned. It makes your skin crawl. Almost like the darkness ahead is... alive.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not good," you mutter, slowing your pace. "Not good at—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA shadow moves ahead. Adrenaline surges as you grab your <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<pistol>><<else>><<knife>><</if>> but it's already gone, disappeared around a bend in the passage. Blood pounds in your veins as you test your way forward. There's something up there, something nasty - but you can't see it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe passage does appear to fork ahead though. Whatever's down here must be deeper in. But you aren't certain you should press on. It just doesn't feel... right.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase lte 6>>It's hard not to still feel a bit uneasy, even if the [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] is dead. There's just something unsettling about this place.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBefore long, you're passed the fork in the passage and found the spot where the abomination died. The data pad and credit chip are still there, as is the discarded <<print "[[" + $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_junction_passages.storedArmor + "\s"]]">>. The remains of the [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] have since dissapated and there's nothing else around, just inpenetrable darkness and shadows. It's hard not to feel apprehensive.\n\n\t\t<<else>>It's hard not to feel apprehensive as you press on, towards where you last ran into the [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. Every slight noise, every flicker of the glow-orbs, makes your heart skip a beat. It has to be nearby - somewhere.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou can feel it, and the sense of unease just grows worse as you move past the fork in the passage. Mist forms <<if $equip.isConcealing>>on your air filters<<else>>with every breath<</if>>. Something clatters across the floor. You freeze, adrenaline coursing, until you realize it was just a data pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"For fuck's sake,"<<else>>"Phew,"<</if>> you mutter, wondering where it came from - and what else might be lying around.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the tramway...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_kobol.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_exterior.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\tYou leave the tramway station and head down the pressure corridor to the [[B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. Ventilation fans creak and groan. Floor plates creak under your boots. Past a dark alcove, a soft hissing sound catches your ear. Startled, you turn, already reaching for a weapon.<br><br>\n\n\t"Friend," a hooded man rasps. "The Visionary sent us ahead to scout. Our other friends shall be arriving soon enough."<br><br>\n\t\n\t"Oh." You relax. "What's the situation?"<br><br>\n\n\t"It would appear our efforts bear fruit, friend. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>The [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] have already panicked and deployed their henchmen to hold the security checkpoint.<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] has already panicked and deployed a team of heavies by the checkpoint.<<else>>The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] has already deployed a CIVL team to secure the checkpoint.<</if>> Which presents us with a, uhhh..." His rebreather rasps audibly. "Problem."<br><br>\n\n\t"I'll say," you mutter, peering down the corridor, toward the security scanners. "Ideas?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe cultist bows his hooded head. "There is a central air processing hub just beyond the checkpoint, friend, which circulates not only to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] but to all docked vessels. We have found several passages which circumvent the main security station, so we might spread our Vision all but unnoticed. Though we will follow your design no matter what, friend."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_aug_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 6500>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Buy Neurogland (6500 C)" "b29_fleshmelder_brainaug">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "regulator"; $attrib.credits -= 6500; $hide.layer1 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $equip.brainaug = "biochip"; $time.active += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Installed">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "biochip">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "biochip">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Buy Neurogland (6500 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b29_fleshmelder_brainaug][$action.action2 = "noregulator"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_aug_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_aug_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "refill">>"Hey, Vic." You nod...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "insult">>"Oh, fuck you..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "ignore">>Feigning ignorance to...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "refill">>"Hey, Vic." You nod to the woman. "Let's get a refill here."\n\nHe shoots you a deplorable look. "Ya don't know what you're messing with. But fine." He holds out an arm. "10 C."\n\nYou swipe and, as soon as he produces the drink, slide it over to the woman. "There ya go. One refill."\n\n"Thanks, jerk." She blows you a kiss.\n\nRolling you eyes, you say, "What's with the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>attitude? Seriously."\n\nShe simply gives you the finger and gupls her drink. You shake your head, unable to believe the audacity. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Then again, what'd you expect? It's the fucking [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. There's a million and one washed up losers. Not one of them deserve even a moment of your time.<<else>>Then again, this is the [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. There's all sorts around - and some of them are best ignored.<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "insult">>"Oh, fuck you too," you reply coldly. "Seriously, go shove your sorry life up your vag."\n\nShe laughs drunkenly. "Oh, look. You tryina sling shit at me? For real?"\n\n"Yeah." You lean closer, eyes narrowed to slits. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"If you had any any fucking idea, bitch. But no. All you got is cheap shit that comes outa your mouth. Almost like you're compensating for something - and shit, you don't even have a fucking cock. So—"<<else>>"Because you deserve it. No one else is gonna tell you how fricking sorry you are. So I will. And now—"<</if>> You stand, nod to Vic and make your departure, calling, "Go fuck yourself, asshole."\n\nShe calls something after you but you aren't listening. Why bother? There's a million and one washed up idiots around. No reason to give this one even a moment's more attention.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "ignore">>Feigning ignorance to the woman, you nod to Vic. "So, how's stuff going lately?"\n\nThe woman drawls a laugh. "What, you just gonna ignore me now? Shit. For real?"\n\n"Ignore her," Vic says, leaning forward. "But yeah. Shit's been good, man. Same as I guess. Except—"\n\n"Hey, assholes." The woman physically moves between you. "What's with that fucking refill now, eh?"\n\nYou roll your eyes. Talk about obnoxious! <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Then again, what'd you expect? It's the fucking [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. There's a million and one washed up losers. Not one of them deserve even a moment of your time.<<else>>Then again, this is the [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. There's all sorts around - and some of them are best ignored.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "joinin">>Sure," you say...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "prefernot">>"I'd prefer not..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "ignore">>"Not interested, sorry..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "joinin">>"Sure," you say. "I'm in."\n\n"Awesome." Vic places two shots of hyperflash on the counter and holds up a third. "C'mon, guys. To iconic names. And to booze."\n\nSasha takes his glass and raises is. "To what Vic said, and to the curiosities of life. That I would drink to."\n\nYou laugh. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Here, here, you fucking poet.<<else>>Oh, tell me about it.<</if>>"\n\nAll three of you down your booze at once. Overly sweet liquid spills down your throat. You pull a face. Good stuff though. No complaints at all.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "prefernot">>"I'd prefer not to," you admit. "It's just the situation and all."\n\nVic looks mortified. "Oh, c'mon Vine. Sasha here's about as well known as ya are, ain't ya?" He chuckles.\n\nSasha looks uncomfortable. "Perhaps in some circles, yes. However, I perfectly understand <<formalname>>. We have an unfortunate history, to say the least."\n\n"Yeah, only I ain't havin' that." Vic places two shots of hyperflash on the counter and holds up a third. "C'mon, guys. To iconic names. And to booze."\n\n"Oh, fine." You take the glass and raise it. "To whatever<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> Vic said."\n\n"Approved." Sasha downs his glass.\n\nYou do likewise, pulling a face as the overly sweet liquid pills down your throat. Good stuff though. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing you joined in.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nointerest">>"Not interested, sorry." You nod curtly. "Nothing personal."\n\n"I understand." Sasha gestures to Vic. "For you and me then, old friend."\n\nThe bartender looks genuinely disappointed. "You not in, Vine? Sure?"\n\nYou shake your head. "Sorry. You two have a good time though. I'll be, you know, around."\n\n"Farewell, <<formalname>>." Sasha clasps his hands. "It was nice to see you again, even if you did not share the sentiment."\n\nPart of you wants to reply. But you don't know what to say. Mean, the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>bastard<<else>>guy<</if>> took out a contract on you. Few yeary ago, that would've earned him a bolt in the skull. Today, well, it's just reason to...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "horny">>"Oh, c'mon. You're...."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "beautiful">>"It is kinda..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "blind">>"Oh, wake up. You..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "horny">>"Oh, c'mon. You're just horny and shit. Everyone here is."<br><br>\n\n\tHe laughs. "Way to break the ice. For real. But I was being serious."<br><br>\n\n\t"Good for you," you say coldly. "I've seen shit here you wouldn't believe. So say whatever you want. But this place ain't pretty. Never was, never will be."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, phooey!" He looks indignant. "This is the best. Hands down. Ain't nothing around like it in the [[Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]."<br><br>\n\n\tYou scoff. "Who even wants more places like this? It's hell dressed up in booze and pills, with a nice pulse in the background. Doesn't make it less of a shitty place through."\n\n\tThe fellow looks utterly disappointed and walks, shaking his head. \n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Idiot. He'll realize what this place soon enough. When someone rips his heart out and stuffs it down his throat for shits and giggles.\n\t\t<<else>>Poor guy. Really doesn't wanna see what this place really is. But you get it. You made the same mistake - once. You'll never confuse this place for a 'cool club' again; ever.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tAt any rate, there's no point dwelling on the whole thing. Best you just...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "beautiful">>"It is kinda beautiful, sure. Guess you just get the raw... humanity of it all.<br><br>\n\n\tHe laughs. "Well, that's one way to put it. But I really think it's kinda beautiful. Mean, where else you gonna see something like this?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Nowhere," you admit. "This place is messed up though. Big time."<br><br>\n\n\t"Messed up?" He laughs almost manically. "Shit. Sure. But who'd want anything else?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou shrug, uncertain how to respond. The man grins, shrugs, and walks off, shaking to the beat. You watch him disappear into the crowd and turn away. Cool fellow. He'll be fine. You, on the other hand, have had enough of this little 'dance' - if it can even be called that.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "blind">>"Oh, wake up. You can't believe anything here is real. It's a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> charade. Always has been. Always will be."<br><br>\n\n\t"Ow, someone's all butthurt. For real." He grins. "C'mon! This place is great!"<br><br>\n\n\t"If you don't know it, sure." You fold your arms defiantly. "Seriouly. What you getting at, man?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Eh, I dunno. It's just awesome!" He grins and walks off, shaking to the beat.<br><br>\n\n\tYou watch him disappear into the crowd and turn away. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fucking idiot. He'll get his ass served to him on a silver platter soon enough. You on the other hand, well, you've had about enough of this 'dance' floor for a while.<<else>>Cool fellow. He'll be fine. You, on the other hand, have had enough of this little 'dance' - if it can even be called that.<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Riptide VIP Area">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_vip_lavandrigrab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what that Entails|b28_vip_lavandrigrab][$action.action1 = "whatentail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Interested|b28_vip_lavandrigrab][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "interested"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Interested|b28_vip_lavandrigrab][$action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "notinterested"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_vip_lavandrigrab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_vip_lavandrigrab_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Interested|b28_vip_lavandrigrab][$action.action2 = "interested"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Interested|b28_vip_lavandrigrab][$action.action2 = "notinterested"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_vip_lavandrigrab_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if not $action.action1 eq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_vip_lavandrigrab_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_vip_lavandrigrab_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Main Floor|riptide_main_floor][$time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I'm trying to..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"I'm trying to figure out who or what Deshvar is. That name ring any bells?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne purses her lips.<<else>>[[Sirens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] purses its lips.<</if>> "Deshvar? Not really. Who's it supposed to be?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No clue. Involved with abominations somehow but that's all I got."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, it ain't one I've met. Not that I've met every freak around here. But I'd know if I'd met one called that. Got a good memory. But, uh, maybe ask around the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]? Tends to be the place to go for that kinda stuff."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Will do." You nod curtly. "Thanks anyways."\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerFabienne = true; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Hey, Anska. Have you ever..."<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Hey, Anska. Have you ever heard of something or someone called Deshvar?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Deshvar, dearest?" The fleshmelder looks surprised. "No. I have not. Why in all the galaxy would you ask?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Something that's come up in my investigation," you say. "Just looking for clues."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Alas, I do not know, dearest. I have never heard of such a thing." She looks genuinely sorry.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shrug. "No problem. I'll ask elsewhere."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerAnska = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_ogerlair_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Mr. Wilkin (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_vip_b28_ogerlair">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2= true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Mr. Wilkin (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or ($equip.isFashionOutfit and not $equip.isCrossdressOutfit) or $attrib.demeanor eq "balanced">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_b28_ogerlair][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|riptide_vip_b28_ogerlair][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_djinn_talk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"I'll lay down..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"Okay, I'll offer..."<<else>>"What you want me...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"I'll lay down hard credits." You hold out your arm. "Now, what's the deal here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice doin' business." Wilkin swipes, saying, "Deshvar was this mob boss in the day, back before the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. Ran a lil' op 'round here 'till he got in a scuffle with the fuzz and went [[Sprawlside|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. Ain't been much word from 'im since."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh." After a moment, you say, "Any idea what relation Deshvarh'd have to [[Ogers|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWilkin shrugs. "Beats me, kid. Used te have dealings with 'im though, before your time. Maybe there's somethin' of his old gang left? They used te be down in the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] on [[B29|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Try the ducts below the habs. But I don't think ye'll find much, kid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We'll see," you say, making notes. "But thanks. This'll come in handy."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"Okay, I'll offer this: I'd really appreciate your help on this one because this is abominable and it's my job to hunt." <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You fix him with a hard glare. "Now explain."<<else>>You swallow. "Please."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Eh, fine. Deshvar was mob back in the day, before the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. Ran a lil' op 'round here 'till he got in a scuffle with the fuzz and went [[Sprawlside|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. Ain't been much word from 'im since."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Huh." After a moment, you say, "Any idea what relation Deshvarh'd have to [[Ogers|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWilkin shrugs. "Beats me, kid. Used te have dealings with 'im though, before your time. Maybe there's somethin' of his old gang left? They used te be down in the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] on [[B29|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Try the ducts below the habs. But I don't think ye'll find much, kid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We'll see," you say, making notes. "But thanks. This'll come in handy."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t"What you want me to offer? Seriously, we have this talk too often."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ya know the deal." Wilkin spreads his hands. "Creds for intel. Business as usual, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "Business. Right."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe shrugs half-heartedly. "It is how it is, kid. Ya want something from me. So put out if ya want value."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFor a moment, you want to protest. But there's no point. Wilkin won't just share for reason. Unless you can 'convince' him somehow. Oh well.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 2; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 4; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I've run..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"Hey, I've run into something you might be able to help me with. Got a name. Deshvar. And idea who or what that is?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Deathcaller nods solemnly. "A fallen gangster. From the old times. Before the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. His men were hunted by the [[Constabulaty|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulaty"]] and driven into the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]], where it is said they perished. Why do you ask?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Working on a weird case. Mostly conjuncture. Only lead I got is Deshvar."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then I suggest you search the ducts below the habs on [[B29|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. I doubt there is much left of those days but, if there is, you will find your answers there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"[[B29|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]," you say, making notes. "Thanks. Maybe I'll find something."\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_cult][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 2; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 4; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B14 - Cathedral Quarters">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b14_cathedral_zweili_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I was wondering..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"I was wondering if you knew anything about someone - or something - named Deshvar. It's come up in relation to my investigations."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Deshvar?" Zweili's beard twitches. "Curious but yes. I know of him. Alas, that is history of a bygone era."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. "Care to share anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Certainly. Deshvar was once a major figure in the mob, before the [[Stret Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] destoyed the organization. He becamed tangled in a rather extensive dispute with the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] and was forced to flee into the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. A CIVL team was dispatched to retrieve him if I remember correctly yet they located nothing of note."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Interesting," you say, making notes. "Where was this? I want to follow up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Near the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]], the ducts below the habs. I suppose you could ask around there yet I doubt you would find much else. The case was closed almost twenty years ago." Zweili shrugs. "I can tell you no more, though I doubt much will come of this. It is old history as I said."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b14_cathedral_addon_zweili][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 2; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 4; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Listen, I've been..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Listen, I've been trying to find some info about someone or something named Deshvar. You got any idea who or what that is?"\n\nRaj's brow furrows. "Deshvar? No, I do not believe I have heard that name before."\n\n"Oh." You nod slowly. "So, nothing historic or anyting?"\n\n"Well, I am certain there are many humans who have been named Deshvar, yet none of particular I would be aware of. In what relation do you ask?"\n\n"I'm not quite sure," you admit. "Part of an investigation I'm running. Trying to figure out who or what this could be."\n\nRaj spreads his hands. "I wish I could say, my friend. Perhaps it is a local matter? I am not familiar with those."\n\n"Could be," you say. "I'll keep asking around, see what turns up."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerRaj = true; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Do you know anything..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t"Do you know anything about someone or something named Deshvar? I'm trying to find info and can't come up with much."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe shakes her head. "Doesn't ring a bell. What context?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not quite sure. Might be abominable. Maybe a local actor?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAfter a moment, Marisa shrugs. "Don't remember hearing of or dealing with any Deshvar. But it's a big place. Could be some small-time player or I dunno. Ya might have more luck asking around the streets. Pretty sure someone will know something."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Probably," you admit. "Well, thanks anyways."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerMarisa = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_cybercult_hideout_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I've been trying..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"I've been trying to dig up intel on someone named Deshvar. Figured maybe you could help. Or knew something?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tGal shoots you a sidelong glance. "Deshvar? Not exactly a common name. What can you tell me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothing," you admit. "Got no context except that it might be abominable. Which doesn't really narrow down the search."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, it doesn't." Gal's fingers twitch. "Okay, got a search result, but there's six million citizens. First or last name matching. And that's just [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. There's no way we'll figure out who your Deshvar is unless we can narrow that list down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Aw, hell," you mutter. "Well, thanks anyways. I'll keep digging."\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b27_cybercult_hideout][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.5; $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerGal = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, do you happen..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t"Hey, do you happen to know anything about someone or something called Deshvar? Stupid question I know."<br><br>\n\n\t"Could be stupid, but then it's me who's stupid. I know a Deshvar but I don't think that'll help. He's just some random-ass dude who never gets nothing done." She laughs. "Shit, he still lives at home 'cause he can't get a job and is always complaining about not getting chicks. You know. Usual deal."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod slowly. "Yeah, I don't think that's the guy I'm looking for. It's related to abominations."<br><br>\n\n\t"No, then that ain't him. Fuck." Celena's brow furrows. "Deshvar. Deshvar. I know it's important somehow. Like, really fucking significant, but it's just out of reach. Sorry. I can keep my ears open if ya want but I dunno. It's just not coming to me right now."<br><br>\n\n\t"Don't worry," you say. "I'll keep poking around, see if I can't get a clue."\n\n<</if>></div><</nobr>>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerCelena = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I was wondering..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t"I was wondering if you'd ever heard of someone or something called Deshvar. It's relevant to my investigation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Deshvar?" The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] tilts its golden head. "Not a name I am familiar with. But to tell: why is it of relevance?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's the problem. I don't know. It might have to do with abominations through."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then, alas, I cannot say." Ith tilts her chin up. "Forgiveness, Vine. This is a secret I am not privy to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, well," you say. "Thanks anyways."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerIth = true; $action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "cabinet">>You <<walk>> over to the...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "chat">>"I was wondering..."<<else>>You curl up...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cabinet">>You <<walk>> over to the cabinet and open it. "Okay, now let's see."<br><br>\n\n\t\tTo no great surprise, there's a <<print "[[" + $loc_corbeihab.storedArmor + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_corbeihab.storedArmor + "\s"]]">> inside. So you could either use it to store clothes as intended, or you could stow your weapons there for safekeeping. <<if $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle eq "none">>There's just enough space to fit a rifle in the back.<<else>>There's already a <<print "[[" + $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_corbeihab.storedRifle + "\s"]]">> there anyways, so you could swap for that.<</if>> <<if $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol eq "none">>Plus, there's space for a pistol in the corner.<<else>>Plus, you've been keeping your <<print "[[" + $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_corbeihab.storedPistol + "\s"]]">>, so you could swap for that too.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "chat">>"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind talking a bit," you say. \n\t\t<<if $action.randomize eq "chaos">>"Specifically, about what's been going on recently."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah. Yes." \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 11 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 13>>\n\t\t\t\t\tXarea fixes you with a haunting stare. "The end draws near, does it not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Or the beginning. Not quite sure. But I gotta admit: I'm a little surprised you're still hanging around here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tXarea breathes a laugh. "Where precisely would you suggest I should go, <<firstname>>? And more importantly: how would I leave?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Oh, I dunno. Maybe to avoid certain death?" You shrug. "Just a thought."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Demise is the unavoidable, logical conclusion of all life. Do not fear. I have achieved what I wished to in my lifetime. My name and actions will likely go forgotten. Yet I shall die knowing that the galaxy is reborn from the ashes by my design. I could not have asked for more."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tYou nod, lips drawn tight. If that's what she wants, it's what she'll get. You on the other hand have work to do - and a habitation platform to infect. Might as well get back to it.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 9 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 11>>\n\t\t\t\t\tXarea's lips curl. "The bones have been cast as I hear. Quite fantastic what results it produced. I am impressed. Others are... fearful."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"I can't imagine why," you say sarcastically. "Just a little death, plague, and destruction for everyone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Enough to share with all," she chuckles quielty. "Quite the open display of solidarity. And it shall not be long before I, too, suffer that fate. Or so I assume. It is so hard to tell, is it not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Guess we'll just have to wait and see."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"Perhaps you doubt your decision to assist me? Is it that which burdens you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Not exactly," you say. "It's just I'm not quite clear everyone agrees on the ends. We only seem to have a common means."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Then all is as it should be. After all, what purpose is there in an end one cannot forsee? And we truly, genuinely do not know how this shall end." She frowns. "At least, I do not. Perhaps others do. Perhaps they have already foreseen what is to follow. Still, I would not tust anyone who claims to predict the future. Not even the thinking machines of Holy Eden are accurate. The future is never as they say."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tYou nod earnestly. "It really isn't. Ever."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.randomize eq "self">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk and $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t"Thing is, I had a bit of a strange talk with Celena. The other Eresi sister. It involved you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, I am certain it did," Xarea says dangerously. "We share a long and complicated history. Our positions are as equally opposed as they are identical, in far too many ways for comfort. So let me simply say: were it not for her family's narrow-minded meddling, we would likely all grovel before her today. Alas, she chose to forsake her genetic destiny, and for the better I might add."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "Meaning?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Meaning she will do nothing, as she always has, and I am uncertain whether this is better than we be graced by Saint Lucinia in the flesh. Simply do not mistake the little one's apathy for incapability. She is as cruel and sadistic as she is damaged beyond repair and, even now, generations later, a true heir to Celestia will hold Lucinia's ear. It would no doubt delight her as much to bring you blissfuly extacy it would to see you hideously abused for her amusement."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You scoff. "Please. That I'd like to see."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It is curious she has not yet done that, actually. Perhaps there is an aspect to this I have not yet understood."<<else>>You pull a face. "Sounds about right."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Then I would wager you know her better than I. More than that?"<</if>> Xarea shrugs apologetically and says no more.\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Mean, not to pry, but I don't actually know anything about you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Nor do I about you," Xarea says with an endearing smile. "You see, I was assured by Asmodeus - my firend and shadowy companion, that is - that you would come to murder me. Instead I find in you something... else. It was not at all as I expected."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou chuckle. "Frankly, I didn't know what to expect going in. Life's taken a few strange turns recently."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah, that it has indeed." She sinks back with a sigh. "It used to be simple, you know. My place was clear, my future prescribed, my friends preselected. It was not even that long ago my path deviated, though it seems almost an eternity. You see, my family has always been connected to rather... curious patrons. Perhaps it is because we are old. Or eccentric. I do not truly know. I suppose it is not unusual that I took such interest in the things I did. All others however found it perplexing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, I probably would've too, if I hadn't ended up in this— my old line of work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tXarea smiles gently. "I can well imagine. It was a forbidden delight to me at first, recompensation for what genetics had denied me. But extacy at that which is tainted in the eyes of others does not last. Perhaps I grew weary of knowledge and ambition alone. Perhaps it was something else. Whatever the case, you know as much of me today as any does. Any who lives at least."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.randomize eq "family">>"I have to admit I don't know a lot about the Corbei family. Beyond their connection to the [[Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]], obviously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tXarena snorts with laughter. "My family? Very well. My mother was an insufferable fool who thought only of her own wellbeing. My father is an ignorant buffoon who believes in the free market. My adopted brother... well, he is as useful as he is likely to stab in the back. An agent of Project CABAL in all but name, I am certain, though I cannot prove it. I would rather not speak to any of them except when absolutely necessary."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That, uh, paints quite a clear picture."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"A hopelessly stereotypical one, at that." Xarea's expression darkens. "It was their incompetence which spoiled me. Their inability to comprehend, to understand, or to think beyond the ideas which had been poured into their brains. Far too often they did as habit dictated and recieved what they wished. Not exacty as they wished but it sufficed for them. I have no more compassion - or words - left for any of them."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.randomize eq "work">>"I was kinda curious about what you do. Y'know, beyond bringing about the end of life as we know it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tXarea's brows arch. "You mean what my official function at [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] is?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I am a glorified clerc, <<firstname>>. I own majority share in the Holding Group and yet I have no true say in affairs. We are subject to [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], whereas the [[Minerals Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] is run by my father's corporate associates and enjoys numerous exemptions. The Erkan family is the prestigeous side of business. Negotiations, deep void operations, and all the profits. I merely handle day to day administration."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, that sounds fun," you say. "Then again, [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] always has been a joke. Interesting things must happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The cleric's machine paradise is woefully broken. The great guardians repeatedly fail to protect those it was designed to shield from abuse. So my employees shall be exploited for untold trillions for me while my father's company is only ever punished for minor regulatory breeches. That is the reality of this galaxy and, to be perfectly frank, I have grown numb to the cries of outrage. It wearies me to hear the same complaints repeated infinitely. I simply do not take any interest in such mundane affairs anymore, not when the truth has been lain bare: the future comes. It is almost upon us."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\tYou curl up on the mattress, pulling the covers up to your neck.\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>Xarea cuddles against you, her slender fingers gently caressing your skin.\n\t\t<<else>>It's comfortably light, almost silky against your skin.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>Sleep comes slowly. You toss and turn, unable to get comfortable and wondering if you'll get any rest at all. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>But at least you're not alone. And her tough is bliss, gentle and insinuating; more than you could have ever hoped for.<<else>>Worst of all, you're alone, lost in this sterile place. Lost... lost.<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>You barely notice. Oblivion overcomes you almost the same second you lay down your head.\n\n\t\t<<else>>It doesn't take long before drowsiness takes hold and you drift into a deep and dreamless sleep.<</if>>\n\t\t<br><br>\n\n\n\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>You wake, feeling worn out and stretched thin.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>You wake, still dizzy from your intoxication.<<else>>You wake, feeling drowsy but rested.<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>Xaria is still half-asleep, her raven-black hair rested on your chest. You lie where you are for a while, absently running your fingers over her skin relishing the warmth, but ultimately decide it's time to...\n\t\t<<else>>You yawn and stretch. Rainbow lights shine through the shutters from the walkways outside. Weird place. It even has windows.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "shrine">>You <<walk>> over<<else>>You say<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "shrine">>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>\n\t\t\tYou <<walk>> over to the shrine, watching the robed figure. It doesn't take long to realize they're a fleshmelder. Their gnarled hands are a dead giveaway, as is the fact they're injecting sickly fluid into everyone who comes to be examined. Two more cultists watch over the affair, their faces hidden in the shadows of their hoods.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Friend," one of them says as you draw near.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hey." You force a smile, uncomfortably aware of the many pictures on the wall behind the man.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHundreds, thousands, forgotten save in scraps of holofoil. Worse, several dozen corpses have been lain out before them. Only a handful were killed by boltfire. The others clearly succumbed to the plague. Their skin is discolored and bloating. Disgusting doesn't even begin to describe.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An example," the cultists says dryl. "So that even the most hesitant might see what our Vision shall spare them."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You simply nod in reply, knowing there's nothing to say. This is just how the world is: death - or salvation by abomination. Everyone has to choose their fate for themselves. You already have.\n\t\t\t<<else>>You simply nod in reply, uncertain what to say. It's hard to look - especially considering this was all your doing. Certainly, it had to be done, but still. It wasn't really an act of kindness.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou <<walk>> over to the shrine and stand before the wall of memories. Several refugees have gathered there to pray. At least it seems they are. More than a few are crying, while some mumble under their breaths. No one takes notice of you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, man," you mutter, eyeing the many faces on the wall.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMen and women, children and mothers, wives and husbands; hundreds - thousands. Tens of thousands. Even more died, presumably, and aren't remembered here. \n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 0>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Sure are a lot of them." Startled, you turn, to see a ragged man with a rail rifle slung over his shoulder. He looks downcast. "Makes you wonder: if we you bite it out there, your face gonna be up here too?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou shrug. "Probably not. At least in my case."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Same," he says. "Oh. I'm Allen by the way. Nice to meet you."\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Weird, to imagine you were to fault. That should make you feel guilty, right? Somehow. Except it doesn't. At least not entirely.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Chilling, to think you killed them all. Indirectly. It makes you wonder: what was it for? The future? A grand design?\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>Strange, to think you caused all this. It really begs to ask what it was all for. The future, the Visionay would say. Quite the future it's shaping up to be.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate" or $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\tYou say, "I don't know what you're playing at but I'm going in there. With or without your permission. So you can either stop me. Or get <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>out of my way."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe sentries exchange looks as you begin to <<walk>>.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>None of them stop you. Even when the cultists follow, the sentries remain impassive.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Be wary, friend," one of Vijar's men says as you descend the stairs. "Word of our arrival will have spread. They will await us. And not with open arms, I would suppose."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod and pass through the security field. Static tickles your skin. Below, the lights of Refugium glow in the gloom. You can hear voices but not see anyone. Maybe they're waiting already - or maybe they're setting an ambush. There's only one way to know for certain.\n\t\t<<else>>One of them holds you back. "It is not permitted. There will be no exceptions."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Have it your way then." You wave to the cultists.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThat same moment, the sentries draw their weapons. Coilfire errupts. Bolts whizz past. Someone screams - one of yours. Unfortunate, but there's no time to worry about that. At this range, a lucky shot is all it takes, and you aren't about to give your foe that chance.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou say,\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whycare">>"Why do you care? For that matter, why are you running this... level or whatever. Seriously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I care," Celena says slowly. "Because I thought we had something. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Something I thought you still cared about, y'know? Until now. Now I dunno if you give two fucking shits.<<else>>Something that used to mean something, a long time ago. And I'm not about to forget that.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatwant">>"It's what I wanted? Really. Why else would I do it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I dunno. Better question is why you didn't not do it. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>'Cause I thought we still had something. Something that mattered. Y'know?"<<else>>'Cause I thought we used to have something. And sure, maybe it didn't mean nothing to you. But it fucking well did to me. Okay?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notproblem">>"That's none of your <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn <</if>>business."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, uh, actually it is?" She steps closer, snarling, "I thought we had something. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Something I thought you still cared about, y'know? Until now. Now I dunno if you give two fucking shits.<<else>>Something that used to mean something, a long time ago. And I'm not about to forget that.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head. "Right. Fine. But what's that to do—"<br><br>\t\n\n\t\t\tCelena's shrill laugh almost makes you cringe. "What? You chose her - HER! I can take a lot. I really can. Waited four years and all that. Would've waited a million too. But of the billion and one ways you could have decided to go, you chose this? THIS?! How the fuck you think that makes me feel?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"Frankly, I wasn't thinking about how you'd feel. I didn't think you'd care."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No? Why the fuck wouldn't I? You <<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>literally fucked her. Might as well have spat in my fucking face." Her expression softens. "How was it, by the way? Fucking her, I mean."<<else>>Might as well have spat in my fucking face. I—" Her expression softens. "I guess I get it. But still. Fuck, man. Not cool. Totally not cool."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>"I, uh, wait. How do you even know about that?"<<else>>"Right. Okay. Didn't mean it like that."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>"Because I watch, for Shaitan's sake! I watch and listen! That's what I do in return for my life.<<else>>"Yeah, no, I'm sure you didn't, but next<</if>> time you wanna go and bring about the end of the fucking galaxy, how about you just ask me for advice first? 'Cause I already lost you once. And I can't go through that again."\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>"I dunno. Wasn't really on my—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, like fuck it wasn't. And pissed off is how I feel. Shit, if I didn't fucking care so much I'd... I'd—" She draws a deep breath. "Fuck! Get the fuck out of here. Or I swear, <<firstname>>. I swear. You do not want to see what happens next. You just fucking do not."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, easy." You back away. "I'm going. Just... sorry. Or whatever. Didn't mean whatever I did."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Go." Her voice is a barely a whisper and still it rings painfully in your ears.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt doesn't seem wise to argue. Celena is Celena, for one, and she's a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] for another. Best not to push this too far. It won't end well. Didn't last time either. You don't need to repeat that ordeal - not now. Not ever.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "submission">>"I expected submission. And I will get it, one way or another. Or are you going to stop me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t\tShe shrugs. "I wasn't planning on it. But who knows? You're kinda forcing my hand here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then it's your decision. Do they—" You gesture to the refugees. "—suffer because of your stubbornness? Or do they get to choose a better route, one that'll save them from certain death?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena looks positiviely venomous. "I can't believe you. I really fucking can't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's the way it is," you say coldly. "Might not be what you want. But what has ever been?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nothing." She seems to shrink half a head. "Fine, whatever. I'll not get in your way. Just... just don't fucking expect me to help you when they get all pissy. That's your problem then. Not mine."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tShe scoffs. "Please. I could break you right now. And I might. You ruined everything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then do it," you say coldly. "I promise someone will break a plague vial before you can take us all down. Everyone suffers. Guaranteed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'm not submitting," Celena snaps. "None of us are. Not to you. Not after you up and fucking abandoned us. Turned on us. Fuck! You have fucking nerves to—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Abandoned them?" You laugh. "I abandoned you, Celena, because it was killing us. But these people here? I'm trying to help them survive this plague. Unless you hadn't noticed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Survive? Help? You? First what you did to me... and now this. No. No! I'm not fucking living with it. I just so am fucking not!"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "violence">>"I expected violence. Still, no point to cause unnecessary suffering. There's enough of that already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then maybe you shouldn't have come here," Celena says coldly. "Maybe you should have kept your bullshit away from me.\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>'Cause I'm starting to think maybe you were right. This whole you and me thing isn't going to work."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou snort. "This isn't about you, Celena. It never was. It's about them—" You gesture to the refugees. "—and the fact they'll suffer. I'm offering them a better path. One that doesn't end in certain death."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena looks positiviely venomous. "I can't believe you. I really fucking can't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's the way it is," you say coldly. "Might not be what you want but you'll have to deal with it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No," Celena snaps, a defiant look on her face. "I've suffered enough because of your shit. Because of our shit. I'm not fucking living with it again. I just so am fucking not!"\n\n\t\t<<else>>Fuck, that's what you've been doing for years, isn't it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What I've been doing is what needed to be done. Them?" You gesture to the refugees. "They need this. Everyone around here needs a good kick in the ass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena looks positiviely venomous. "I can't believe you. I know you're wrong. You're a lunatic. I want to laugh. But I can't handle this shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's the way it is," you say coldly. "Might not be what you want. But what has ever gone the way you wanted?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nothing." She seems to shrink half a head. "Fine, whatever. I'll not get in your way. Just... just don't fucking expect me to help you when they get all antsy. That's your problem then. Not mine."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nothing">>"I didn't expect anything, honestly. I brought the Vision here because it's inevitable. Prolonging their suffering serves no one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Bla, bla, bla, and you're doing a fuck ton to help. Help!" Celena snorts. "Please, what are you offering? Death? Pain? Haven't these poor people suffered enough already?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou breath a sigh. "Yes. \n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>But I can help them. Offer a better path. One that doesn't end in misery."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena looks positiviely venomous. "I can't believe you. I really fucking can't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's the way it is," you say coldly. "Might not be what you want but you'll have to deal with it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No," Celena snaps, a defiant look on her face. "I've suffered enough because of your shit. Because of our shit. I'm not fucking living with it again. I just so am fucking not!"\n\t\t<<else>>But I can help them. Offer a better path. One that doesn't end in misery."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena's expression darkens. "Like you did with me? Just throw it all up in the air and let it come crashing down? You think I fucking support that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There's no alternative," you say. "And what happened between us is irrelevant. That's in the past."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Like fuck it is," Celena snarls. "I'm not letting you do this. Not while I'm alive. No way. I've suffered enough because of your shit."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nocare">>"I really don't care what you think, Celena. I'm doing what I think is best. You don't factor in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like fuck I don't," she snaps. \n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"You knew what you were doing. And you did this. I can't fucking believe you."\n\t\t<<else>>"You fucking left me. And now this. You think I'm really just going to sit here? And watch? I can't fucking believe you."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Believe it, because this is happening. Only question is what happens to you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The thing I should have always done." She produces a [[CalTech M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] and racks the slide. \n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"You say you care about me? Prove it. Or my fucking brains go splat. Promised."\n\t\t<<else>>"Guess it was nice knowing you, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>. See you never again."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tShe presses the coilgun under her chin. A finger finds the trigger. Her eyes dart to you. A vicious smirk curls her lips, as though she were daring you to stop her. Taunting you. Then again, she might just do it.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "doubtit">>"I doubt it. Which leaves to question: what'll you do about it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"Well, I could let it out on you. And I might. This is a fucking mess."\n\t\t<<else>>"Stop you," she says darkly. "Or I would have. But it's too late. Just look at this mess. And I fucking let it happen."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Then that's on you. I've talked enough. Ball's in your park now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well. Guess I should've just done this a long time ago." She produces a [[CalTech M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] and racks the slide. \n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"You say you care about me? Prove it. Or my fucking brains go splat. Promised."\n\t\t<<else>>"Guess it was nice knowing you, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>. See you never again."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tShe presses the coilgun under her chin. A finger finds the trigger. Her eyes dart to you. A vicious smirk curls her lips, as though she were daring you to stop her. Taunting you. Then again, she might just do it.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nomatter">>"Kind of a moot point now, isn't it? This is happening. Right here, right now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"Yeah, and I don't fucking like it now, do I? This is a fucking disaster."\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah and I almost wanna stop you," she says darkly. "But it's too late. Just look at this mess. And I fucking let it happen."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t"Then that's on you. I've talked enough. Ball's in your park now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well. Guess I should've just done this a long time ago." She produces a [[CalTech M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] and racks the slide. \n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch>>"You say you care about me? Prove it. Or my fucking brains go splat. Promised."\n\t\t<<else>>"Guess it was nice knowing you, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>. See you never again."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tShe presses the coilgun under her chin. A finger finds the trigger. Her eyes dart to you. A vicious smirk curls her lips, as though she were daring you to stop her. Taunting you. Then again, she might just do it.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Right. Well I could..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t"Right. Well I could investigate. No charge up front, but if something does turn up, I'll be back for a comission." You smile a little. "I can't afford to work for free, unfortunately."<br><br>\n\n\tPetrovic nods. "I understand, of course, comrade. And I am naturally prepared to pay. One of the main power leads I rely on runs through the Junction. It would be unfortunate if that failed. Or surge-shorted all my devices."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, it really would be." You clasp your hands. "Anytihng else I need to know?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I do not—" He hesitates. "Actually, yes. The direct access tunnel through the Low Habs is flooded. That's why the Communa came to me. They needed a cutter to dislodge the utility hatch, back by the passage fork up here. It was welded up years back. You'll have to go down that way."<br><br>\n\n\t"Good to know," you say. "Soon as I have a moment, I'll go take a look."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_petrovic_ogerlair_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Petrovic (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b29_petrovic_ogerlair">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2= true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Petrovic (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isFashionOutfit or $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_petrovic_ogerlair][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_petrovic_ogerlair][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_petrovic_ogerlair_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"I'll fork out..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"Okay, then you can..."<<else>>"What you want me...?"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"I'll fork out hard credits." You hold out your arm. "Call it assurance money. Now, what's the story?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Appreciated." Petrovic swipes and leans closer. "He was... an associate of mine, before the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. He was connected to the mob. High ranking. Ruthless. It is said he vanished but I do not believe so."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vanished?" Your brow furrows. "What ya mean by that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There was a... dispute. Strings were pulled with authorities and Deshvar was driven [[Sprawlside|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. There was a coilfight not far from here, by the low-hab blocks, as they retreated into the superstructure. It is said they perished, comrade, and nothing has been heard of Deshvar since. Yer do not trust it. He likely lives on. Below."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ouch." You make a few hasty notes. "Okay, thanks. Looks like I'll be going down after him."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Be cautious," Petrovic says in barely more than a whisper. "It has been over twenty years. What remains below may be... not what we expect."\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t\t\t"Okay, then you can rest assured: I'll not turn this over to anyone wrong. I never have. And we've done business for years."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, but it is—" Petrovic sighs. "Very well. He was... an associate of mine, before the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. He was connected to the mob. High ranking. Ruthless. It is said he vanished but I do not believe so."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vanished?" Your brow furrows. "What ya mean by that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There was a... dispute. Strings were pulled with authorities and Deshvar was driven [[Sprawlside|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. There was a coilfight not far from here, by the low-hab blocks, as they retreated into the superstructure. It is said they perished, comrade, and nothing has been heard of Deshvar since. Yer do not trust it. He likely lives on. Below."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ouch." You make a few hasty notes. "Okay, thanks. Looks like I'll be going down after him."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Be cautious," Petrovic says in barely more than a whisper. "It has been over twenty years. What remains below may be... not what we expect."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t"What you want me to offer in assurances? I'll give you what I can but—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No, comrade. It is not safe." He looks genuinely unnerved. "Speak of it no more."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou swallow and nod. "Okay. Right. Wasn't aware this was such a touchy topic."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.2; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 2; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "dpad" or $action.action2 eq "readdpad">>You pick up the...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "findduct">>"Hm, I wonder..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "searchpassage">>You press deeper into...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "dpad">>You pick up the data pad. The screen's stuttering but you can make out the text:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>S4-40B-915735<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t## RED PRIORITY ORDERS ##<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tOperational parameters have changed due to obsctruction of Junction 555-L. Exo Assault deemed unfeasible. Deploying alternative stroke force. Orders remain unchanged: maintain blocking position and ensure no suspects leave the Shrine via the Junction passages.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPrimary suspect remains Deshvar. Outstanding arrest warrant. Suspect former mob contacts. Current status unknown; previously believed deceased. Recent intelligence suggests primary suspect may have taken shelter with Oger clan in shrine near aforementioned Junction. Assault team will move in and exterminate all hostiles with extreme prejudice.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>ATTN:</span> although initial recon efforts reported the Low Hab - Junction paths to be flooded, it would seem that water levels fluctuate daily and it may be possible that suspects will flee through passages and crawlspaces to less submerged areas. For this reasons, blocking teams are to patrol the entirety of the Junction Network surrounding the Shrine. Anyone attempting to enter or exit who does not display Syndicate ID is to be terminated on sight. This is a red-priority mission. All suspects to be treated as armed and extremely dangerous.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "readdpad">>You pick up the data pad. The screen almost blinds you but, as the screen adjusts, you can see the text:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\tLOG1: It's dark and cold. No food, but lotsa water. The others sealed the passage behind them when they ran. Presumably they forgot I was covering the retreat. At any rate, I'm trapped. Thankfully, I found this pad. It offers too little light to really see. And I fear the glow might give me away. But at least I can record my thoughts here to keep myself busy.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLOG2: Hours have past. Those mercenaries continue to scour the Junction. Maybe they're still looking for the three I killed. I don't know. What's worse, they block the path between me and the only ladder up to the main passages. I've tried several times to sneak close but they always notice my approach. Probaly optical imaging gear. If I had more ammunition, I could shoot my way through. Maybe. Unfortunatley, I wasted all that covering the retreat. I'm down to three dounds. When the others forgot about me. Or abandoned me. Bastards.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLOG3: Been wandering the Junction forever. My stomach aches. I feel week. Had to fire my last rounds at another merc. Almost found me. Got away though. I did however find a lost vial, perhaps one Fleshmelder Jusava lost. Or from an earlier experiement. At any rate, I'm keeping it with me as a last resort. I don't want to use it. No clue what it does. Could be an injection - or poison. There's no label. Just a marking I can't read. Fuck you, Jusava. Fuck you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLOG4: Can bakr type Inface blrry. Hungpains n shit Haveno Chose Must USe. Must. Goodybe\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "findduct">>"Hm, I wonder." You feel along the edge of the passage, searching for a duct.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore long, you find one submerged below the water level. Brief inspection suggests it angles upwards. When you take a peak, you find yourself in a cramped, pitch-black shaft with a glimmer of light at the end.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man." You haul yourself inside and, against your better judgement, cralw through to the far end.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe duct exits into a damp passage. Water drips from the ceiling, pooling on the floor and dripping down a narrow flight of stairs. They lead to a gloomy chamber half a story below. It's hard to tell what's inside but someone's etched a strange sygil beside the door frame. Maybe it leads to the shrine the data pad mentioned?\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "searchpassage">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_banshee_leer.png"]]</div>You press deeper into the passages. Unease continues to hang heavy in the air and it's hard to see in the gloom. But something is wrong - very wrong. An unwelcome shiver runs down your spine at the thought.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Great." You draw deep, calming breaths.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt does no good. Goosebumps crawl over your skin as you glance about. There's nothing to see, just darkness, gloom, and suddenly - a pair of bright, ethereal eyes. The vaguest notion of a silhouette moves in the shadows.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, fuck," you mutter, mist forming on your <<if $equip.isConcealing>>air filters<<else>>breath<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEven before the skeletal figure glides into view, you know what it is. The feminized, skeletral head, razor-sharp fangs, and slender claws are unmistakable: a [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. Just as realization sets in the abomination's lips part. An irritable, buzzing hum fills the hallway as it floats toward you. Its claws trace along the walls with a grating squeal. Adrenaline surges as realization sets it - it's fight or flight. Now. Or die trying.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "flank">>"Better we do this quietly..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"We'll punch through the..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flank">>"Better we do this quietly," you say. "Situation's too volatile to risk an open firefight. Once we've spread the Vision, Vijar can mop up survivors."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As you wish, friend." The cultist nods to a nearby utility hatch. "Come, we shall show you the path."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou follow the cultists at a low crouch. They quickly remove the impediment and slip into the dark utility passage beyond. It leads off into darkess, bends around a corner, and continues toward a locked security door. One of the cultists punch in the code. It retracts with a loud hiss.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Our destination is just ahead," the cultists whispers, pointing toward a ladder down a cross passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, uncomfortably aware of the distant footsteps. They're coming from the opposite cross passage. A cautious peak confirms the worst: two <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers in [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]<</if>> patrolling. And they're headed your way.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"We'll punch through the old-fashioned way," you decide. "Though we'll have to wait for Vijar to arrive."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you believe so, friend." The cultist glances at his companion. "We, ah, shall follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "Just hope they don't take too long."<br><br> \n\n\t\tAs it turns out, you end up waiting quite a while. Minutes drag past with no sign of Vijar or the cultists. The corridor is silent save the creak of old ventilation units and the occasional patter of footsteps, though no one passes you by. Finally, after what feels like forever, dark shapes appear back the way you came.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thank—" Your voice fades as the silhouettes resolve into four <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers in [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]<</if>> headed your way.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTheir heavy footfalls echo loudly. Augments whirr. They stop some distance away. It's evident they've noticed something - probably you. Better act now. Before they start shooting.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "wasfine">>"We were fine, Visionary. Thanks for dropping by though."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, a pleasure." The Visionary offers a mock bow. "Yet it may be better we do not delay. Our friends have assaulted the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. It is doubtful they shall hold for long."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "islate">>"You are late. By a lot. We off and did it on our own.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That is, ah, good. You see—" The Visionary folds his hands. "—our friends have assaulted the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. It is doubtful they shall hold for long."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "wasfollowed">>"Were you followed? There's a ton of security around here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Us specifically?" The Visionary shakes his head. "Yet I doubt we can hold this position for long. Our friends have assaulted the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. It is doubtful they shall hold for long."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tYou snort. "Great plan, man. Great plan. Let's get<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> out of here before—"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>\n\t\t"Yes, yes, there is no time to argue. We must go." The visionary waves to his men, calling, "Fall back and remain alert! The Vision shall guide us!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tNot wanting to be left behind, you join the hastily retreating cultists. Just as you reach the far door, boltfire explodes behind you, causing one of the cultists you arrived with to errupt in bloody giblets. Several of the cultists return fire. Bolts whizz back and forth. Blood spatters on the wall. A female cultist's head is blown off before your very eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Motherucker!" You scramble around a corner, breathing hard.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe stairs down to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] is just ahead. Better run for it. Cowardly, maybe. But the corridor is desintegrating under heavy boltfire. They'll be on you in seconds if you don't move - fast.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tBoltfire explodes behind you, causing one of the cultists you arrived with to errupt in bloody giblets. Everyone scrambles for cover as bolts lance across the room. A dull thud resounds as smoke billows from a crashed holo-disk. It's hard to tell what's going on but - wagering a guess - there are <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers<</if>> pushing up the way you came in. Stupid. Forgot to seal the door again.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Visionary," you shout, hoping to be heard over the noise. "Fall back! Now!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no way to know if the order was heard. Everyone's still shooting all over the place, blood being splattered across the walls and floor, and the room is desintegrating under sustained bolt and coilfire. Definitely time to move - and fast.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "goodidea">>"Good idea. We're way too worn out to do anything like this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I agree," Vijar says, drawing rasped breaths. "This was a minor disaster in its own right. A new design is required if we wish to continue."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. About that, what is the plan?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "howsurvided">>"How many made it out? Because—" You gesture around, exemplifying the acute lack of survivors. "—it looks bad."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is," Vijar says, drawing rasped breaths. "We lost many and those who remain are spread thin - or even lost. A new design is required if we wish to continue."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Probably. Yeah, but about that, what is the plan?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notime">>"There's no time. We have the initiative. We can press that home before—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," Vijar says, rebreather rasping weakly. "We cannot. Our numbers are too few and spread too thin. We must regroup and determine what is possible with what is left."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fine, whatever. Isn't like you went running in like an idiot. But okay. What is the plan?"<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\tVijar doesn't speak for a long while. Finally, he sits up with a grunt. "Our plan, friend, was to bring our Vision directly to that wretched [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Alas, it does not appear this shall be possible. We have suffered too many losses, and they have already locked down much of the [[Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Yet we shall formulate a design. Of that I am certain."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"We fucking better. I didn't come this far just to give up."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar chuckles. "And to think I once believed my life lost. In truth I had only scratched the surface. There is always a way. And we shall find it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever, man." You pick yourself up with a grunt. "Frankly, I've seen enough surface scratched for one day. See you back at the Shrine."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Glad you are. I'm not sure I see it at the moment."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar pulls off his breather to reveal the hint of a smile. "Do not despair, friend. After all we have accomplished, we can only succeed. The Vision has foreseen it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"At least one of us is so hopefuly." You pick yourself up with a grunt. "Anyways, I need a break. See you back at the Shrine. And visionary?" You swallow. "Watch out for yourself."\n\t<<else>>"Yeah, there'll be some way. Just can't think of one right now."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar shrugs absently. "Nor can I, friend. Yet we shall. The Vision will guide us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It might. Or we'll make our own." You pick yourself up with a grunt. "Anyways, I need a moment to get my head straight. We'll meet up back at the Shrine."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThere's no reply, possibly because Vijar is too exhausted to offer one. At any rate, you've lingered here long enough. It isn't safe. And the plague will start to spread soon. Better to get out before something even worse than that insane firefight happens. \n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Hey, Anska. I've been..."<<else>><<nobr>>\n"Hey, Anska. I've been having some trouble. Mood swings. Depression. Fatigue. Whatnot. Was wondering if some kinda [[neurohormone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "biochip"]] could help."<br><br>\n\nThe fleshmelder looks surprised. "Help? Why certainly, dear. Though I do hope you understand what this would entail. Are you?"<br><br>\n\n"Vaguely," you admit. "I suppose you'd have to install some sorta device or—"<br><br>\n\n"Grow, not install, dear. Grow a synthetic [[gland|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "biochip"]] which would dispense these chemicals. It is a fairly simple procedure, yet it will affect your state of mind. And not in pretty ways, dear. Mood and emotion becomes impossible to control, and perpetually increased adrenaline is unavoidable. I do not advice such a procedure unless the situation is dire."<br><br>\n\nYou nod. "Let's assume it's dangerous and could get me killed. What would it cost?"\n\n"6500 C, dearest. It requires utmost care to not cause permanent damage. Surely you understand, yes?"<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You linger by the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou linger by the bar, wondering whether you should order a second round. More booze would be cool. On the other hand...\n\n"<<formalname>>, if I may." Sasha leans closer. "I have heard quite some in way of tales of your exploits. Surely you know what I speak of?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, and it's all fucking true." You smirk. "No, seriously.<<else>>"Yep." You breathe a sigh. "Everyone has.<</if>> It comes with the territory. Not sure all the legends are deserved. But they sure do spread."\n\nSasha smiles knowingly. "I found it quite the fascinating development. One I would, in many ways, be familliar with."\n\n"Oh? How's that?"\n\n"Well..." He fingers his empty glass. "Let me put it thus: many believe there is such a thing as a station in life. That one is given an allotment and destined to rise no father. Those who disprove this fanciful belief are quite often looked up to, I have found. Idolized, perhaps, by some."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal and head up the stairs to the VIP Terrace. Two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in black-and-yellow riot armor are standing guard at the top. They stand aside as you approach.<br><br>\n\n\t"Thanks." You head across the deserted VIP area.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptide_lavandri.png"]]</div>The lounge is empty except for a man dressed all in black, who approaches.\n<<else>>\n\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal and head up the stairs to the VIP Terrace. Two guys dressed in smart suits <<if ($equip.clothes eq "Fancywear" or $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit") or (($equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress") and $attrib.gender eq "female")>>nod curtly<<else>>shoot you dark looks<</if>> as you pass by.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptide_lavandri.png"]]</div>Upstairs, some fifty people are sitting in the lounge, sipping drings and chatting. Service bots trundle back and forth. Before you've gone two steps, a man dressed all in black approaches.<br><br>\n<</if>>\n\t"Hey! I've been hoping to meet you here. Have a proposition to make. One you'll want to hear me out on."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh?" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You fold your arms. "This better be good." <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"And what'd that be?"<<else>> Your brow rises. "Well, I'm a bit busy."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Yes, yes. See, I work for the Lavandri Corporation. Bloodsports division. Bet you've heard of us. Now, there's been a lapse in Arena action here on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Most of the streams folk watch are imported from Cubix. Outdated by months. Bad for reputation, leaves viewers frustrated, all around no-no. But, see, the good news is the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] finally got it in their heads that bread and circuses is good for PR, and they're letting us re-open the Deathmatch Arena here." He draws a deep breath. "So, to cut straight to the point: we want you playing in the Deathmatch."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "shrine">><<if $action.action2 eq "introduce">>"Acrel. <<firstname>>. May be..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "smile">>You smile but don't...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "intimidate">>"You wouldn't be saying..."<</if>><<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "love">>"Hey, nothing's changed...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "neverlost">>"You never lost me...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nopromise">>"I can't promise..."<</if>><</if>>\n<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "shrine">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "introduce">>"Acrel. <<firstname>>. May be you've heard of me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, I have. Lotsa stuff. Half says you're a hero. Other half a butcher. Me?" He shrugs. "Kinda think you're a bit of a <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>asshole<</if>> for poisoning the whole place. But that's just me."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "smile">>You smile but don't say anything. Better that way.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAllen swallows. "Well, don't have to be all unfriendly. I know who you are. What you did. Personally, I kinda think you're a bit of a <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>asshole<</if>> for poisoning the whole place. But that's just me."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "intimidate">>"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew who I was. Believe me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, I know. Half says you're a hero. Other half a butcher. Me?" He shrugs. "Kinda think you're a bit of a <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>asshole<</if>> for poisoning the whole place. But that's just me."\n\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you say slowly. "About that—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Face it. Down here, everyone remembers you from the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. Didn't take long to figure out you were responsible for this too. But that's beside the point. Stuffs as it was before just with different problems. Me, I'm tryin' to keep the spirits up here." He chuckles. "Used to be a paramedic, y'know. Not that it does much good anymore."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You need a railgun to administer first aid?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah. That's for the trip to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Been getting dicey down there. Lotsa scavengers around. Everyone's hitting the melder stalls and black clinics. We've been trying to trade but we've lost some folk already. Good folk." He shakes his head. "Fricking mess this is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It sounds like you're about to ask me for help," you say. "Which you can forget."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe snorts. "Think I'd ask you? Nah. Just wanted to let ya know what your next little war here's causing for us. Now, I'm gonna go off and try to be useful. Have fun wrecking other folks' lives."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "love">>"Hey, nothing's changed. I still love you, baby. Probably always will."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." She suddenly looks shy. "Yeah, I know. There's just ways where you... well, wouldn't. But yeah. I love you too. Like, a lot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSmiling, you kiss her on the forehead. "I've kinda noticed. Now, uh, mind telling me what exactly happend to this place?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "neverlost">>"You never lost me. Things just got a little mixed up along the way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, I'll say." She grins. "But yeah. Sorry for over-reacting. Kinda got a little panicky there. Forgives?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou hug her. "S'okay. But, uh, mind telling me what exactly happend to this place?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nopromise">>"I can't promise anything. You know that. It could all just end tomorrow and poof."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe nods solemly. "I know. I just... well. Yeah. But it's all okay now. Right?" She takes your hand. "It is okay? Right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You squeeze her hand. "It's fine. But, uh, mind telling me what exactly happend to this place?"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Oh, right. Well, since you decided to up and fuck everyone over, I decided to start my own cult after all. I know. I know. I promised everyone I wouldn't. I promised I'd never try to reclaim the commoner's cause in the name of Sinner and Saint. But it isn't like it really matters anymore, is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tCelena groans. "Open a history book sometime. Learn a thing or two. Anyways, you're welcome here. For now. <<if $equip.isAbominated>>Just don't be surprised if folk take it a bit weird 'cause you're all squicked up like that.<<else>>Just don't be surprised if people take what you're part of a bit weird.<</if>> The cabalist cause isn't, well, quite what Celestia had in mind back in the day. But I get why it's happening. I just wish it didn't have to be, you know, terrorism and bombs. But, then again, the clerics don't listen to calm rational arguments, so whatever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That much you got right," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena shoots you a condescending look. "Don't fuck with me, asshole. Promise."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Promise," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe laughs, her earlier worries as though forgotten. Strange how that works out. Maybe she'll make sense someday. Probably not. She's a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], after all. And a pretty messed up one at that, which says more than it should.\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "stopsuicide">>"Wow, wow!" You grab...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "donothing">>Your lips curl...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demandjoin">>"You better be ready..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "thatfine">>"Fine by me..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "rational">>"Cel, be rational..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "undefended">>"Well? I'm here and..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "stopsuicide">>"Wow, wow!" You grab her arm, panicked.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "donothing">>Your lips curl as you meet her gaze. A long second drags past. Someone scream nearby as an abomination rips their throat out.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena winks. "Bye, bye, love."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demandjoin">>"You better be ready to offer more than that, because I don't—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah? Well I don't either." Celena produces a [[CalTech M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] and racks the slide. "Enough of your shit, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe presses the coilgun under her chin. The coilgun goes off with a loud crack. Blood splatters you in the face. Celena falls, a hole blown clean through the top of her head.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "thatfine">>"Fine by me," you say, turning to one of the cultists. "Share our Vision with them, friend. They have suffered enough."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "rational">>"Cel, be rational," you say. "This isn't about—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like fuck it isn't." Celena produces a [[CalTech M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] and racks the slide. "I've had enough of your shit, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole<<else>>bitch<</if>>. Suck it up. Because I'm gone."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "undefended">>"Well? I'm here and I'm exposed. You can end it if you want to. Just do it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena does nothing. Your lips curl as you turn to the nearest cultist. "That settles it. Friend, share our Vision with them, friend. They have suffered enough."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "stopsuicide" or $action.action2 eq "donothing">>\n\t\tThe coilgun goes off with a loud crack. Blood splatters you in the face. Celena falls, a hole blown clean through the top of her head.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit!" You recoil, wiping blood out of your eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAround you, the carnage continues. Abominations rip through refugees, all but indifferent to the occasional bolt that blasts through their bodies. No pain. No feelings. You on the other hand don't know what to think. Celena's corpse is lying at your feet. Lifeless. Dead. Splat. Just like that.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, for fuck's sake." You turn away, conflicting emotions welling in your heart.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNot that it matters anymore. Your job here at the Refugium is done. Everyone is dead - or will be soon. There's no reason to stick around and watch helpless people get torn to shreds by Arva's creations. They do their thing. And they're good at it. End of story.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demandjoin" or $action.action2 eq "rational">>\n\n\t\t"Shit!" You recoil, wiping blood out of your eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAround you, the Refugium errupts. Bolts whizz this way and that. Vijar's cultists open fire, their coil carbines rattling. The crowd tries to run, only to be cut down. Bodies fall left and right. The few who try to fight back are dead in seconds. The cultists see to that, mowing down anyone who resists, and executing survivors at point-blank range.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, fuck me." You look away, ashamed of the massacre.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThis isn't quite what you wanted. But it's the way it is. The Refugium is dealt with, with everyne in it dead. Might as well make yourself scarce. Let the cultists deal with the rest. They'll murder everyone one way or another, just to be save. Fucking desaster this was. That's all there is to it.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Indeed, friend." The cultist steps forward, calling, "Brothers and Sisters! Calm yourselves. We mean none of you harm, that I swear by Annabella and Asmodeus! Great hardship has befallen you. This we know. And that is why we are here: to quell your suffering. All I ask is trust. We shall deliver."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe assembled crowd looks uneasy. Understandable. You'd be suspicious too.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that in mind, you call, "My friends are here to cure you of this affliction! Lay down your arms as I asked and you shall be spared. A great future awaits, one free of the pains that haunt your lives! Join us and, together, we'll make this future a reality."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Dramatic, much?" Celena snickers. "But okay. You got me. We do this your way. Follow your vision. Whatever the fuck that really is cause it sure isn't what I expected. Mean, I can see so many ways this goes wrong. But maybe, just maybe, it'll work out. Maybe."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "flee" or $action.action3 eq "fleefail">>Blood pounds as you<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "flee">>Blood pounds as you dash back the way you came. Footfalls patter. Shadowed walls flash past. You dash around a bend in the passage and cast a glance over your shoulder. There's a shadowy shape standing in the corridor behind you. Then it's gone - as are you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fuck, fuck—" You keep going until, finally, you come to a stop near the Junction.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe passage behind you is empty. For a moment, you're relieved, but it doesn't last. Unease is still heavy in the air. The [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] is still near. Watching, waiting, skulking in the shadows as it waits for an oppertunity to strike. Best you be gone. Now. Before it does attack.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "fleefail">>Blood pounds as you dash back the way you came. Footfalls patter. Shadowed walls flash past. As you dash around a bend in the passage, you slip.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Crap." You scramble up, wincing at a bruised elbow.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShadows close in behind you. A hissing laugh resounds in the passage as the [[Banshee|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] flickers, appearing right in your face. You recoil with a yelp. But it's too late to run. Either you fight or the abomination kills you - and you aren't ready to die just yet.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I'm looking for..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, I'm looking for information about someone or something called Deshvar. That ring any bells to you?"\n\nPetrovic glances around, suddenly worried. "Quiet, comrade. Do not speak the name too loud."\n\n"Uh, okay." You step closer, saying, "So what can you tell me?"\n\n"Perhaps what you want to know." The machine-smith looks nervous. "For the right price, comrade. No offense. Yet I do not part with this knowledge without... assurance."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Information," you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Information," you say. "I'm looking for something or someone named Deshvar. Figured maybe you'd know."\n\nWilkin's brow furrows. "Deshvar, eh? Ya. Might know somethin'. If yer price is right."\n\nYou breathe a sigh. "What's the deal? Touchy subject? Or just priviledged intel?"\n\n"Bit of both," Wilkin replies. "I ain't tryin' to screw ya here. Just gotta know what yer offerin' in return."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "flank">>"Shit." You duck back...<<else>>"Damn it." You glance at the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flank">>"Shit." You duck back, muttering, "Quiet. We got company."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "avoidContact">>Long seconds pass. The footfalls grow louder. You remain perfectly still, almost holding your breath, as the <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers<</if>> pass by so close you could reach out and tough them. Their footsteps receed, and eventually fade into the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That was close." You hurry across to the ladder.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt leads up one floor, past a bolted hatch you have to lug open, and onwards until it merges into another passage. The air circulation chamber is at the end, according to a sign on the walls. It's locked but one of the cultists has an ID card. The door snaps open and you...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "avoidContactFail">>Long seconds pass. The footfalls grow louder, then stop. Augments whirr. Your heart begins to race. Have they noticed you? Are they about to—<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Move!" Footfalls pound in rapid succession.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Damn it!" You scramble up, the same moment the <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers<</if>> swing into view.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no time to think. It's act fast - or die. No alternatives.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"Damn it." You glance at the cultists. "We gotta move. Quick."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe cultist nods to a nearby utility hatch. "Come, we shall show you the path."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou follow the cultists at a low crouch, horribly aware of the footsteps drawing closer. \n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "avoidContact">>They quickly remove the cover and slip into the dark utility passage beyond. It leads off into darkess, bends around a corner, and continues toward a locked security door. One of the cultists punch in the code. It retracts with a loud hiss.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Our destination is just ahead," the cultists whispers, pointing toward a ladder down a cross passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no one around so you hurry over. The ladder leads up one floor, past a bolted hatch you have to lug open, and onwards until it merges into another passage. The air circulation chamber is at the end, according to a sign on the walls. It's locked but one of the cultists has an ID card. The door snaps open and you...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "avoidContactFail">>As the cultists have removed the cover, you risk another peak. The <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>[[Blood Son|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>[[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers<</if>> are moving toward you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Curses," one of the cultist mutters. "It is stuck, friend."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no time to help. The <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>heavies<<else>>CIVL troopers<</if>> are almost on you. Only one option now: kill them before they murder you.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You dash...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou dash\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>down the stairs, onto the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. A cultist knocks into you. Both stumble and you tumble down the last steps, into a wall of noise.\n\t<<else>>across the room and down the corridor, ducked low as bolts whizz past all around you. Several cultists retreat behind you, firing wildly. It's hard to tell what's going on but the stairs down to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] are just off to the left. You hurtle down them, into a wall of noise.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_dock_firefight.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck me!"<<else>>"Oh, man!"<</if>> You roll behind a shipping crate.<br><br>\n\n\tNoise hammers on your ear drums. Bolts ping off the walls. Cultists run this way and that, and over the entire chaos swirls the greenish haze you've begun to grow used to. Visionary Vijar scrambles into position beside you, robes billowing.<br><br>\n\n\t"Friend," he gasps, short on breath on account of his rebreather. "They have surrounded us. There is no way out."<br><br>\n\n\t"Crap." You glance around, vaguely aware it's true - bolts seem to be flying at you from all sides.<br><br>\n\n\tThat doesn't leave a lot of options. Maybe, if you can reach one of the utility passages, you could get out that way. Otherwise you could try to create a distraction. Worst case, you'll just have to shoot your way back to the tramway station. Hardly the way you imagined this thing going. But that's what you get for working with cultists rather than professionals: insanity.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t/% securitystation-options %/\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.storedRifle eq "M9615">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the M9615'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_lowhabs_oger.storedRifle; $loc_lowhabs_oger.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#lowhab-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lowhabs_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the M9615'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_lowhabs_oger.storedRifle; $loc_lowhabs_oger.storedRifle = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#lowhab-options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lowhabs_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Mercs|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action1 = "searchmercs"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedMerc = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Ogers|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action1 = "searchogers"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedOger = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Humans|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action1 = "searchhumans"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 5; $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedCult = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_basic_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I ran into..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, I ran into something curious. Morgue stencils. On the living. Probably related to abomination. Any idea what that could mean?"\n\n"Morgue stencils?" Raj looks shocked. "Eden's Green Meadows, how should I know?"\n\nYou shrug. "A bunch of... cultists or something had them. On their wrists. Weird situation. Don't wanna get into the details."\n\n"Naturally." Raj scowls. "Are you certain they were morgue stencils? Because I see no reas—" He hesitates. "Actually, now I think of it, the Morgue Stencil as applied by our Morticians is based on ancient mausoleum traditions. I do not know what relevance there could be. Yet in days passed, those destined to be interned in halls of reverance would be stenciled while alive, so that they might always visit their departed kin. It was a rare honor to be granted such a pass. Does that somehow relate?"\n\n"Not sure. I don't suppose there are any of these mausoleums left today?"\n\n"Oh, some I should imagine. Yet they will be difficult to reach. Most are located in what is now the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. There used to be a mortician shrine on [[Level B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], though it may have since devolved into another grotesque death cult. At any rate, I would suggest you ask there. Though... the area may be quarantined at present. I had heard something to this effect."\n\nYou nod. "I'll look into that then. And thanks. This might be the crucial piece I needed."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 6; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_sirenapt_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"So, how much..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"So, how much do you know about morgue stencils? Because I ran into some. On the living. Related to abomination." You spread your hands. "Any ideas? Insight?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne looks curious.<<else>>[[Sirens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] scowls.<</if>> "Stencils on the living? That's odd. Why would anyone do that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No idea. That's why I came here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, maybe you're just plain wrong. Because morgue stencils make no sense. They're only used to ID bodies for voiding; useless to the living." <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>She<<else>>It<</if>> tilts <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>her<<else>>its<</if>> head. "I'd imagine what you saw were mausoleum stencils. Look almost the same. Because they're based on one another. Except the mausoleum tradition was for the living, so that they could visit their departed. Big honor. Yay. Look at all the dead people who came before me! Yeah, just some stupid-ass tradition from way back when but it's kinda carried over."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Interesting. So, uh, are there any mausoleums left? Any ideas why people today would have those... things?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Used to be a shit ton of 'em before the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] gobbled 'em up. Since then, the death cults have been tearing them apart. Or making monuments out of 'em. At any rate, try the quarantine zone on [[Level B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. There's a cult down there right now. They'll probably know more. Provided you can get inside. Could be a little tricky."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks. I'll find a way," you say, feeling incredibly silly about the whole stencil thing.\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 6; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Okay, so I ran into..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t"Okay, so I ran into a curiosity: morgue stencils on the living. Ever heard of that? It relates to abomination."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIth's eyes light up. "Oh, a puzzle! How splendid. But no. I have not. Why would one stencil the living? A puzzle indeed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"For a moment, I thought maybe they were dead at one point. But that's kinda ridiculous."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Alas, yes." Ith stares past - through - you. "Impossible, to cheat death. But perhaps there is another explanation? The tradition of stenciling the dead - or one day to become dead - is not new. It heralds back to ages long gone, when the Great Mausoleums were built. To mortals of those days, it was deemed a great honor to visit the bones of ones ancestors."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Mausoleums, huh? Are any of those left today?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIth chuckles in a singson tone. "Few, if any. Those that were not swallowed by the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] were defiled by various death cults over the ages. Pity. They were grand structures in their day. Ah, but perhaps one or two might remain. I do not know. Yet the cultists might. There was once a shrine on [[Level B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. Now I believe it is beyond the quarantine line. There you might look and perhaps, just perhaps, find answers."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay," you say, making notes. "I'll check that out. Thanks."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 6; $hide.layer3 = true; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I've been looking into..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"I've been looking into something kinda odd. Morgue stencils. On the living. Related to abomination. Does that mean anything to you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not morgue stencils," the Deathcaller says quietly. "I know of what markings you speak. Mausoleum tradition. Old. The passageway to the hallowed halls of the dead. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>What leads you to query of this ancient way, my friend?<<else>>Yet dare I ask: what business is such tradition to an outsider?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Strange story, actually. I ran into a bunch of cultists or something. They all had stensils on their wrists. Looked like they were morgue IDs. But that didn't make sense, because they were still alive."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The old ways grant the living the rights to the halls of their ancestors. A great honor, it is, to <<walk>> among the ancient bones." The Deathcaller's expression darknes. "Alas, of late, false powers seek these honors also. I pray they have not found our greatest halls, yet we cannot know. The walkways are too many and the Deathseekers too few. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>If you are pure of heart, friend, then I beg of you that you see justice is done for those who have departed. They no doubt seek the old hall beneath the Square of Bone. Punish those who have sinned against mortality.<<else>>As you already pursue these heretics, I shall share this with you: seek the hidden doorway in the square. From there, you might enter the Mausoleum. And bring peace back to the dead.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>You bow your head in understanding. "I shall see it is done."<<else>>"Okay, I'll look into it." You smile. "And thanks."<</if>>\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_cult][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 7; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "regulator">>You say, "Yeah, that's fine. Put the thing in me."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, very well." Anska breathes a sigh and gestures for you to sit. "Please. We can begin."<br><br>\n\n\tYou remove your <<armor>> and sit down, trying not to knock over and of the pots stacked nearby. Anska rummages through a nearby box, then produces a small vial. She motions for you to drink. When you do, oily liquid spills down your throat. Oblivion comes the next instant.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour passes —</div><br>\n\tYou come to feeling groggy and disoriented. The back of your neck aches and everything is blurry. When you blink your eyes into focus, Anska is sitting cross-legged before you, holding your hands.<br><br>\n\n\tA sad look crosses her face. "Are you well, dearest."<br><br>\n\n\t"Fine," you snap. "Just... just fuck. I'm fine."<br><br>\n\n\t"It would appear so. Which I take to mean the growth has spliced well." She draws a deep breath. "Should there be trouble in future, come speak to me. Such things are dangerous. Very dangerous. Do you understand?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, whatever," you mutter, picking yourself off the floor.<br><br>\n\n\tAnska holds you back. "Dearest, I must ask you to pay before you leave."<br><br>\n\n\tThe idea makes you scoff but you program the transaction and swipe it over all the same. Let the woman have her money. Now, time to get back to work. You've spent too long feeling sorry for yourself.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noregulator">>You say, "I'd rather not. Dunno. Just seems like a bad idea."<br><br>\n\n\tAnska looks relieved. "I am glad, dearest. It would certainly help. But it would be so sad to see you... well, it could turn ugly."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Big fucking deal. But yeah. I might be back.<<else>>"Yeah, well, thanks anyways. I might be back about this.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\tShe simply nods but says nothing in response.<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> Weird woman.<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "fleshmelder_reward">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward eq "BioMold">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the BioMold'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward; $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vision-convo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionary_rewardoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the BioMold'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward; $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vision-convo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionary_rewardoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward eq "N0xIu">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the N0xIu'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100; $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward; $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vision-convo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionary_rewardoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the N0xIu'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward; $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#vision-convo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionary_rewardoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "visionary_reward">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "visionary"; $hide.layer1 = true; $characterEncounterPhases.talkedVisionaryReward = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fleshmelder_reward">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "fleshmelder"; $hide.layer1 = true; $characterEncounterPhases.talkedVisionaryReward = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\nYou say, \n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "nomodel">>"I'm no model. Nothing to be looked up to. Think you got that one wrong."<br><br>\n\n"Have I?" Sasha's lips curl into a smirk. "Simply look at what your legacy has left. An entire sector looks up to an unsung hero. Surely that is an inspiration."<br><br>\n\n"Maybe, but a bad one." You lean on the bar. "So what about yourself? What's your legacy?"<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatimply">>"What are you implying? That fame is something I should be celebrating?"<br><br>\n\n"Perhaps. Look more closely at what your legacy has left. An entire sector looks up to an unsung hero. Surely that is an inspiration."<br><br>\n\n"Well, you got a point. I guess." You lean on the bar, lips pursed. "What's your story then? Haven't heard much about you."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "awesome">>"Well, sure. I'm awesome. Everyone knows that."<br><br>\n\n"Well, you most certainly are an unsung hero who is looked up to. For that alone, you are worth mention. Perhaps even admiration."<br><br>\n\n"Damn straight I am." You lean on the bar. "But what about you? What's your legacy?"<</if>><br><br>\n\nSasha laughs. "Oh, I am merely Sasha Vandez, the one who rose above his station, who built for the profession an appealing image. My means was sophistication—" He flourishes. "—and in method, it was supreme confidence. Someone must set the good example after all."<br><br>\n\n"Yeah—" Your gaze wanders to the two chicks who are still chattering behind his back. "You sure set an example. Just not the one I'd have opted for."<br><br>\n\n"Naturally. Our means and methods are quite opposed. Yet I must excuse myself. It has been quite a long day." He offers a curt bow. "<<formalname>>, it would be an honor to cross paths again."<br><br>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever," you mutter<<else>>"Sure thing," you say<</if>> as the bounty hunter departs, his hand on the grip of his sidearm.<br><br>\n\nHe's definitely nailed the presentation. As for the rest? Hard to say. But he doesn't seem like a bad fellow. And that says a lot in this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucked up <</if>>world.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"What exactly do you mean..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"What exactly do you mean by playing in the Deathmatch? We talking about the Bloosport Championships here?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Yes, yes!" The Lavandri rep looks extactic. "That's what I mean. Blowin' shit up, killin' people on live camfeed. Best 'o the best in Bloodsports. C'mon, you've heard Lavandri. Wading chest-high through gore? That's our slogan! Everyone knows it."<br><br>\n\n\tYou scoff. "I've heard it's a gruesom shitfest. And you want me playing?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, sure!" The man grins. "You're Vine. Bit of a legend. Now, that's only here, and only in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Just imagine what you could be if you competed in the Tournament. Everyone'd know your name. Everyone'd wanna kiss your ass. And you'd be swimming in credits. Hell, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>you'd be swimming in pussy too. Or dick. If that's what you're into. Though swimming in that's a little... never mind.<<else>>you'd have a billion dickwads trying to fuck your pussy. Or whatever you're into. Wait. Forget I said that.<</if>> Point is, Lavandri could make you great - greater than you've ever been! You want this, man. I know you do."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>After a moment...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tAfter a moment, you shout,\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "shootout">>"We gotta shoot our way out of this mess! Back to the tramway station."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As you command." The visionary hesitates, draws a visible breath, and dashes out, shouting, "On me! On me. Back the way we came, friends! For the Vision!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Crazy bastard." You pick yourself up. A bolt slams through the crate not a foot from where you stand. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobolmerc.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_fob.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_commando.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tAll around you, cultists are falling back. Several are gunned down as they run and vanish in the swirling haze. Others at least have the sense to stick to cover; mere ghosts in the gloom. You follow their example, scurrying through the maze of shipping containers, and past a demolished loading bot. Coilfire echoes constantly. It's impossible to hear. But you can see the exit ahead - an exit being held by <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>four [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>five [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs in light armor<<else>>four CIVL commandos<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTwo cultists are riddled with bolts as they emerge from a crate-valley before you. There's no time to think, just skid to a stop. Your heart is thudding in your chest. Intense. Too intense. But you've almost made it out. Almost.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "distraction">>"We need a distraction. Give me, like, thirty seconds. I got an idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"An excellent idea. I shall assist." The visionary hesitates, draws a visible breath, and dashes out, shouting, "Fight, friends! Slaughter them all! Kill all who would defy our Vision!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Crazy bastard." You pick yourself up. A bolt slams through the crate not a foot from where you stand. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll around you, cultists are firing into the swirling haze. All you care for is the lumpy shape visible in the gloom; a demolished loading bot, which you dash straight towards. It's been shot to bits but the fusion cell on its back looks intact.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here goes—" You dash over to it and yank the safety caps off the cylinder. "C'mon. C'mon."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou yank the pannel off its power converter and set to work.\n\n\t\t<<if not ($attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin)>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobolmerc.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_fob.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_commando.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tThe power leads slip in your fingers. Cursing, you fumble for them and twist them into a knot. Sparks errupt. Winsing, you jam them into the fusion cell. Nothing happens. You try again. Nothing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Damn it!" You kick the cell, just as <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>four [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>five [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs in light armor<<else>>four CIVL commandos<</if>> swing into view. New priority. The cell can wait.\n\t\t<<else>>Grab the power leads. Twist into knot - ignore sparks - and jam into fusion cell. Containment ruptures with an audible snap.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNot waiting to see what happens, you make a run for it. The fusion cell errupts just as you dive behind a column. A blast wave buffets your elbows. Containers are toppled off their stacks. Amidst the chaos, you spot a clear run for the exit - and take it. No one shoots at you. It's not hard to tell why. The entire loading area is in even more disarray than it was; containers scattered all over and confused silhouettes stumbling through the haze. But it worked. You're out, back in the passage to the tramway station. Relieved, you stop to...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "utilityduct">>"We can still get out. Through the ducts. We just need as much time as we can get."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It shall be done." The visionary hesitates, draws a visible breath, and dashes out, shouting, "Fight, friends! Slaughter them all! Kill all who would defy our Vision!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Crazy bastard." You pick yourself up. A bolt slams through the crate not a foot from where you stand. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHeart thudding, you run for the nearest utility duct. Several cultists are gunned down as you hurtle past and vanish in the swirling haze Others at least have the sense to stick to cover; mere ghosts in the gloom. You follow their example, scurrying through the maze of shipping containers, and past a demolished loading bot. Coilfire echoes constantly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit, shit, shit." You skid to a halt by the duct access panel and yank off the cover.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if not $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_kobolmerc.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_fob.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary_commando.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tIt refuses to budge. Cursing, you tug again, but it's too late. Ahead, you can already see <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>four [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercenaries<<elseif not $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed>>five [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercs in light armor<<else>>four CIVL commandos<</if>> moving into position. You'll have to deal with the hatch later. No alternative.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fuck it," you mutter, scrambling to your feet. "Let's rock this shit."\n\t\t<<else>>It comes loose with a clang. You scramble inside, landing hard in the duct below, and scramble along on your hands and knees. It seems to take forever to reach far end. When you kick the pannel out, you're back in the corridor outside the checkpoint. Coilfire has been reduced to a muted drone and the tramway station is within sight. Relieved, you stop to...\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "anarchy">>"Honestly? It's utter chaos. Everyone for themselves. There's no rhyme or reason behind any of it. Never was, and never will be. It's just one huge social experiment gone wrong, at least that's how I see it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena scoffs. "Lady vi Atada would be proud. You've made this whole thing was a joke, exactly like she wanted when she poisoned Lady Corbei, and I saw it coming from the start. But, hey, whatever. Do whatever the fuck you want to. I'be around if you wanna talk. Y'know, despite everything."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "betterfuture">>"A better future. For everyone, here and elsewhere. One where people can actually reach beyond their limits, free of the imaginary shackles that hold us all back."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Free?" Celena looks dubious. "No one's really free, babe. No one ever will be. Not while the Tyrant's whore still lives and the puppets dance on the strings of House vi Atada. But do whatever you think is right. I'be around if you wanna talk."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "notknow">>"I really don't know. I guess I couldn't tell you why I'm fighting for this. It just seems the best way. Certainly better than the job I was originally hired for. This, at least, is making a difference."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena chuckles. "Yeah, a toxic, corpse-filled difference. Exactly like Lady vi Atada wants it. Not that it'd mean anything to you but this is a bad plan. But whatever. Do what ya gotta. I'be around if you wanna talk."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tShe walks away, arms folded. You watch until she disappears into the crowd of refugees, then turn to the cultist who spoke earlier. "Friend, disarm the locals and share our Vision with them. I trust you will have the situation under control from now on. My attention is required elsewhere."<br><br>\n\n\t"As the Vision demands." He waves to his comrades, who begin herding refugees into groups.<br><br>\n\n\tYou linger for a moment, just to be certain things go down peacefully. There's little to no resistance. The few who do complain are forced into compliance at gunpoint. Not exactly subtle but it works. You wouldn't have known how to handle to situation differently anyways. But it isn't your problem. Vijar's cultists will know what to do.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Low Habs">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_oger_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not ($loc_lowhabs_oger.gotPasscode or $loc_lowhabs_oger.killedScavvers)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Scavengers|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action1 = "scavvers"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the dark Passage|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action1 = "passage"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Utility Panel|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action1 = "duct"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Low Habs|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromLowHabs"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_oger_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_oger_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "scavvers">>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.armortype eq "armored" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Intimidate|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action2 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Intimidate|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action2 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(400 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Pay the Scavengers (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b29_lowhabs_oger">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $action.action5 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer2 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Pay the Scavengers (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Scavengers|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $combatTemplate = "Scavengers_LowHabs"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $loc_lowhabs_oger.killedScavvers = true]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "passage">>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "duct">>\n\t\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'lowhab_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Force the Lock' 'b29_lowhabs_oger'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "forcedOpen"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% no criminality %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_oger_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_oger_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_oger_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "negotiate" or $action.action2 eq "pay">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelfAlt"; $loc_lowhabs_oger.gotPasscode = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Scavengers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Scavengers_LowHabs"; $processed = false; $loc_lowhabs_oger.killedScavvers = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Utility Passage|b29_lowhabs_passage][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDoor"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead scavengers. One of them is still moving. Before you can decide whether to question or kill him, his lungs give out with a pained wheeze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>darn<</if>>." You shake your head, examining what's left of them.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWretches, to say the least. None of them were carrying anything worthwhile on them - not even a spare bolt. These guys had nothing to begin with, and nothing for you to claim. What a pathetic waste.\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrace your Route|b29_lowhabs_oger][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelfAlt"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Undersprawl">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t/%\t\t<<set $loc_lowhabs_oger = {\n\t\t\tkilledScavvers: false,\n\t\t\tgotPasscode: false,\n\t\t\ttookCredits: false,\n\t\t\treadDataPad: false,\n\t\t\ttookAmmo: false,\n\t\t\tstoredRifle: "M9615",\n\t\t\tsabotagedArmor: false,\n\t\t\tstoredClothes: "none",\n\t\t}>>%/\n\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Left|b29_lowhabs_passage][$action.action1 = "crawlpassage"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Right|b29_lowhabs_passage][$action.action1 = "exopassage"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "crawlpassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cepanine|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B29"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCephanine"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Sneak Past|b29_lowhabs_passage][$attrib.caution += 3; $action.action2 = "avoidCephanine"; $loc_gravtunnel.killedCephanine = false; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Sneak Past|b29_lowhabs_passage][$attrib.caution += 2; $action.action2 = "avoidCephanineFail"; $loc_gravtunnel.killedCephanine = false; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "exopassage">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $loc_lowhabs_oger.sabotagedArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Creep to the Exo Armor|b29_lowhabs_passage][$action.action2 = "powerarmor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b29_lowhabs_passage][$action.action2 = "silentkill"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 4; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 6; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Sneak Past|b29_lowhabs_passage][$action.action2 = "subtle"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromMercs"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B29"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "avoidCephanine">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Chamber|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCephanineSneak"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "avoidCephanineFail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cepanine|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B29_Alt"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCephanine"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "silentkill">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lower your Weapon|b29_lowhabs_postsyndicate][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromMercs"; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "subtle">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromMercs"; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B29_Alt"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "powerarmor">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant and not $equip.isHeavyArmor and not $equip.isTooBulky>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Enter the Exo Armor' 'b29_lowhabs_passage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "usearmor"; $hide.layer3 = true; $equip.preExoClothes = $equip.clothes; $loc_lowhabs_oger.storedClothes = $equip.clothes ; $equip.clothes = "Power Armor"; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge"); $equip.persistentExoHits = 0>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Entered">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_in">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sabotage the Exo Armor|b29_lowhabs_passage][$action.action3 = "sabotage"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_lowhabs_oger.sabotagedArmor = true; $attrib.caution += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_passage_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromMercs"; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B29_Alt"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Shrine of Deshvar">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Corpse|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action1 = "searchcorpse"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pick up the Data Pad|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action1 = "datapad"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Corridor|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action1 = "followcorridor"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "searchcorpse">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move' id='transfer-ammo'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(60 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_lowhabs_oger.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(60 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-ammo'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazines]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-ammo").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazines]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_jewler.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_lowhabs_oger.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 1265; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x1265">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "followcorridor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Shrine|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action2 = "shrine"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the Coilfire|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action2 = "troopers"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slip Away|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action2 = "utilitypath"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "shrine" or $action.action2 eq "shrineself">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $equip.isPowerArmor and not $loc_lowhabs_oger.drankSkull>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Taste the Skull Liquid|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action3 = "drink"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.addicted = true; $attrib.toxicity = 75; $loc_lowhabs_oger.drankSkull = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action3 = "datapad"; $hide.layer3 = true; $loc_lowhabs_oger.readDataPad = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shrine|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action3 = "leaveshrine"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "troopers">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action3 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 2; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Heavies|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromHeavies"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_Heavies_B29"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "utilitypath">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Release the Panel|b29_bazar_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromDuct"; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 98; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_3_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_insidelair_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "drink">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_8")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_8")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "shrineself"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action2 = "shrineself"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "shrine" or $action.action2 eq "shrineself" or $action.action2 eq "troopers">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Heavies|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromHeavies"; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_Heavies_B29"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Undersprawl">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postsyndicate_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes neq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Sneak Past|b29_lowhabs_postsyndicate][$action.action1 = "sneakPast"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.violence -= 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Stingcrab|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Stingcrab_B29"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCrab"; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postsyndicate_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postsyndicate_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Descend the Stairs|b29_lowhabs_insidelair][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCrabSneak"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Stingcrab|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Stingcrab_B29"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCrab"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Shrine of Deshvar">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='lowhab-options'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'lowhabs_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\t\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedMerc>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Mercs|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action1 = "searchmercs"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedMerc = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already searched the Mercs]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedOger>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Ogers|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action1 = "searchogers"; $hide.layer1 = true; $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedOger = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already searched the Ogers]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedCult>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Humans|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action1 = "searchhumans"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 5; $loc_lowhabs_oger.searchedCult = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already searched the Cultists]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 5>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Chamber|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action2 = "leavechamber"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_2_txt'>></div><br>\t\t\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_3_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Exit the Exo Armor' 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "leave_exo"; $hide.layer3 = true; $equip.clothes = $loc_lowhabs_oger.storedClothes; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Exited">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Exo Armor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "env_small_exo_out">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Duct|b29_lowhabs_postheavies][$action.action3 = "leave"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_2_txt'>></div><br>\t\t\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_3_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_lowhabs_postheavies_4_txt'>></div><br>\t\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Release the Panel|b29_bazar_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromDuct"; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered = true; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"I heard there..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t"I heard there was some connection between your cult and some mausoleum - or mausoleums - around here. Is that true?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Deathcaller bows his head. "That is so. Old halls of worship, forgotten in age. We venerate them still. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>Did you wish to take a pilgrimage, friend?<<else>>Yet dare I ask: what business is it to an outsider?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>Actually, it's related<<else>>It relates<</if>> to something I'm investigating. I ran into a bunch of cultists or something. They all had mausoleum stensils on their wrists. I was told to ask for more information here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, yes." The Deathcaller's expression darknes. "False powers seek this place also. I pray they have not found it, yet we cannot know. The walkways are too many and the Deathseekers too few. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>If you are headed this way regardless, friend, then I ask only you return peace to the hallowed dead. Seek the hidden doorway in the square. Enter the Mausoleum. Judge those who have sinned. They deserve no pity or mercy.<<else>>Yet, should you wish to pursue them, seek the hidden doorway in the square. From there, you might enter the Mausoleum. And bring peace back to the dead.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>You bow your head in understanding. "I shall see it is done."<<else>>"Okay, I'll look into it." You smile. "And thanks."<</if>>\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_cult][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase = 7; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "acegi">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\tInput retrieval executed...<br><br>\n\n\tByte: <span class='bluecolor'>A</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='yellowcolor'>[corrupted]</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='redcolor'>#?!è)</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='bluecolor'>G</span><br>\n\tByte: <span class='bluecolor'>I</span><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b28_visionary_checkpoint][$action.action1 = "success"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "interested">>"Okay. I'm interested..."<<else>>"No way. I'm not interested..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "interested">>"Okay. I'm interested." You can't help but chuckle. "Bloodsports? Deathmatch Arena. Wow. Not something I saw coming."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey, no one did. Long as Deathmwatch was shut down h—" The rep hesitates. "Listen, here's the thing. We're running a three-tiered championship. First, local - y'know, just weeding out the chaff and making sure viewers know who they're rootin' for. Kinda a qualification, also. You pass that, Lavandri will sponsor you in regional, competin' for the Sector. That's where we want ya. Slayin' shit for the [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. Ya get through that in one piece? You're off to globals and - if you get through that - we'll push you all the way to pan-galactic. Best of the fucking best, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's hard to keep the smile off your lips. "I've never been to Cubix, actually."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then this is your chance, man!" The Lavandri rep grins. "Shit, wow. This is great. Fucking great. I'm so earning a quad bonus on this grab. But, uh, right. We've re-opened the Arena right here, down in the passages below the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Keep street power where it belongs, eh? So you wanna qualify. Just head down to the lobby. They'll arrange it all. Guaranteed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you say slowly. "Easy as that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, it'd be good if ya don't die, yeah? Respawn ain't a think in real life. But yeah. Easy as that. Cred reward is by ranking. And ya gotta bring yer own gear, at least until ya make sponsorship. But easy as that." He grins. "I'm fucking rooting for you man. Vine slaying in the Sports. Fuck, yeah!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod in reply, wondering if this was such a good idea. Still, the Arena. You've probably faced worse on the walkways than Deathmatch can throw at you. Might be easy credits - or a fast ticket to a gorey end. At any rate, you thank the Lavandri rep and...\n\n\t<<else>>"No way. I'm not interested. Bloodsports isn't my thing. Now, if you'll excuse—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, come on, man!" The rep looks positively desperate. "You're Vine! Biggest fucking legend there is around here. This could make you, man. For life!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head. "I got out of the business because fame and fortune wasn't my way. Now please. I have work—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, sure, so you're a little banged up. Who wouldn't be? You went through shit, man. But this? This could be it! This could—" Irritable, you turn and <<walk>> away. The rep calls after you, "This could have been your chance, Vine. This right here, it really could have. No second offers!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tBut you don't care. Screw Lavandri. Screw the deathmatch and everything involved in it. Like you need some idiot telling you that killing folks so other people can jizz at the gibs is your future. It's corporate sellout for one, and it's a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>disgrace for another. Best you get away from this creep as fast as possible and...\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Deathmatch Arena">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $currentArenaEnemy = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Arena Scoring|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "score"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 98 or $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase neq 100 and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase neq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Arena Ladder|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "ladder"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to Sign Up|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "signup"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Playing|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "signup"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier eq "extorted">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're opting Out|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "optout"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[View the Arena Roster|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "signup"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation" or $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus" or $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Independant">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Browse the Arena Shop|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "shop"; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the V-Sim Couch|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "simulator"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Riptide|riptide_main_floor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromArena"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "simulator">>\n\t\t\t<div id='simulator-ui' class='HUD_hackutility HUD_hackutility_DarkNet'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "signup">>\n\t\t\t<div id='arena-ui' class='HUD_hackutility HUD_characterscreen'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_fightpicker_UI'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "shop">>\n\t\t\t<div id='game-arena-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "optout">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Riptide|riptide_main_floor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromArena"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 101; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 101; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "ladder" or $action.action1 eq "score">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $currentArenaEnemy = $action.action2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step onto the Elevator|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "elevator"; $time.active += 0.15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Break the Circle|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "faithhater"; $attrib.dilligence += 1;$attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make the Circle|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "circle"; $attrib.dilligence += 1;$attrib.violence -= 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn" and ($equip.item1 eq "StimFuel" or $equip.item1 eq "StimFuel")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Huff a Whiff|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "huffchems"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.toxicity += 15; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk" and $equip.isCyberImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Show off your Cybers|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "showcybers"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.caution -= 2; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pelvic Thrust|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "pelvicthrust"; $attrib.violence += 2; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Blow a Kiss|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "blowkiss"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Blow a Kiss|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "blowkiss"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wave Timidly|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "wave"; $attrib.caution += 2; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "warsmith" or $attrib.religion eq "kobol" or $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raise a Fist|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "raisefist"; $attrib.dilligence += 1;; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pelvic Thrust|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "pelvicthrust"; $attrib.violence += 2; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wave Jovially|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "wave"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted and ($equip.item1 eq "StimFuel" or $equip.item1 eq "StimFuel")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Huff a Whiff|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "huffchems"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.toxicity += 15; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Shake your Head|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "shakehead"; $attrib.caution += 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Give the Finger|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "givefinger"; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenalobby_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $combatIsArena = true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Quali">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Arena Official|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Quali">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Psychonauts|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Quali">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Reaperarium|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Local">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Commando Strike|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Local">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Bloodhound Gang|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Local">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Reaperarium|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Local">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Ordus Puria|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Local">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Augteam|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Regional">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Heavy Guard|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Regional">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Radiant Slaughter|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Regional">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Reaperarium|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Regional">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Ordus Rex|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Regional">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cyborgs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Vindel_Regional">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight ExoGenisis|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Mechanoid_Regional">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Warbotz|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Incubus_Final">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Reaper Jack|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Lavandri_Final">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight Calamity|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = $action.action2; $processed = false; $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.push($action.action2)]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWin">>\n\t\t<span class='bluecolor'><strong><center>Victory!</center></strong></span><br>\n\t\tLavandri Corporation thanks you for enjoying the Deathmatch Arena virtual simulation experience and hopes you had a great time blasting imaginary foes to bits. You were matched against:\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromFail">>\n\t\t<span class='redcolor'><strong><center>Defeat...</center></strong></span><br>\n\t\tLavandri Corporation hopes you'll have better next time but enjoyed the Deathmatch Arena virtual simulation experience none the less. You were matched against:\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<center><strong>V-Sim Deathmatch Arena v.1.879</strong></center><br>\n\t\tWelcome to Lavandri Corporation's Deathmatch Arena virtual simulation experience. Enjoy the full benefits of Deathmatch Arena as though you were right there, splattered with guts and wading through chest-high gore! Select an opponent from the list below to begin a fully interactive simulated match.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "none" or $hud.darknetArticle eq "syndicate" or $hud.darknetArticle eq "cyber" or $hud.darknetArticle eq "mechs" or $hud.darknetArticle eq "abom" or $hud.darknetArticle eq "kobol" or $hud.darknetArticle eq "church" or $hud.darknetArticle eq "division">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDivision 108\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "division">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "division"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "division">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetBack = "division">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tX08 Troopers\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "divisiontroopers"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\t\tSyndicate 4\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "syndicate">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "syndicate"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "syndicate">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetBack = "syndicate">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tArena Official\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "snydicate4"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tCommando Strike\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "snydicate4commando"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tHeavy Guard\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "snydicate4heavy"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tExoGenisis\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "snydicate4exos"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\t\tCyberSquad\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "cyber"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetBack = "cyber">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tAugteam\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "cybercult"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tCyborgs\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "cyberborg"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tMech Warrior\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "mechs">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "mechs"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "mechs">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetBack = "mechs">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tWobble\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "secbot"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tMurderbotz\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "tripod"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tWar Machine\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "warbots"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tTomb Guardian\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "tombguard"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tGenomorphage\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "abom">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "abom"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "abom">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetBack = "abom">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tRattatat\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "ratroach"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tSquiddle\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "cephanine"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tCrabcake\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "stingcrab"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tSplice Kidz\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "acheri"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tImmaterium\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "wraith"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tDevil Cat\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "hellcat"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tHulk!\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "oger"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tSirenia\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "siren"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tBarrow Mother\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "banshee"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tCorsair\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "djinn"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $debug>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIt of Three Stars\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "sphinx"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tKobol Konsortium\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "kobol"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetBack = "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tPsychonauts\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "psychocult"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tReptillery\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "reptilians"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tBloodhound Gang\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "kobolmercs"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tRadiant Massacre\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "bloodsons"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\tSanction Slayers\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "church">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "church"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "church">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetBack = "church">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tOrdus Puria\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "purifiers"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tOrdus Rex\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "knights"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\tOrdus Deus\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "paladin"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\tSystem\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>></span> Terminate Simulation\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryNoSelect_NoBackground'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle_nohelmet.png]]<strong>Arena Official</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThe official Syndicate 4 Arena Team, brought to you by sponsors from Athena Medical Inc. and the Syndicate 4 Group. Face off against these hardened mercenary veterans and prove private security isn't quite so secure.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4heavy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png]]<strong>Heavy Guard</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tTake on the Syndicate 4 Heavy Guard in a simulated match like no other! Just think: this is what criminal scum must feel like when they break into high-security facilities these bad boys are hired to protect.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4commando">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png]]<strong>Commando Strike</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tFace off against the Syndicate 4 commando strike squad in a pulse-pounding battle that'll make you feel like these black-ops sumbitches have just come knocking on your employer's door - note, the Lavandri Corporation does not endorse or support the perpetual cycle of corporate warfare. Any conjuncture to this effect are for dramatic purposes only.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4exos">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_exo_syndicate.png]]<strong>ExoGenisis</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tTest your virtual mettle against the battle hardened big boys from the ExoGeneisis team! Askicking guaranteed, brought to you by sponsors from Athena Medical Inc. and the Syndicate 4 Group. \n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "cybercult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_cybercult_rifle.png]]<strong>Augteam</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tEver wondered what it would be like to run into an auged-up cybermonkey who's out for blood? You'll know soon enough, because the CyberSquad wants to kill you! Figuratively. This is a simulation, punk. Don't get no ideas.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "cyberborg">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_cyborg.png]]<strong>Cyborgs</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tSo heavily augmented, they might not even be human anymore! Take on the CyberSquad's cyborg team and blast those mechanical menaces into a million bits - or die trying. You'll probably die trying.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "purifiers">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_purifier.png]]<strong>Ordus Puria</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tGo up against every Churchgoer's pet little darling, the Ordus Puria Slayers, sponsored by the Sanction Munitorium. Give those Eden-loving gobshiters that kick in the ass you always wanted to give them but couldn't - because they're just that damn good.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "knights">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_exo_knight.png]]<strong>Ordus Rex</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThey're big. They're strong. And they'll rip your arms, legs, and head off in the name of Eden! Face off against the militant Brothers and Sisters of Ordus Rex, brought to you by the Sanction Munitorium and the Eden Arena Comission.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "paladin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_paladin.png]]<strong>Ordus Deus</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tWe're not saying it's like fighting a real Paladin. We're saying it's exactly that! Meet Paladin Deus and challenge the galaxy's greatest humanoid superweapon in a duel for death and death - your death that is. You can't possibly kill a Paladin.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "psychocult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_psycho_female.png]]<strong>Psychonauts</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tFueled up on biochems and just bursting to kick ass - and fail. Who wants drug-addicted psychos in OUR Deathmatch Arena anyways?! Murder these punks and wear their guts for glory! It's in everyone's best interest.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "reptilians">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_hybrid_2.png]]<strong>Reptillery</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tSliming, slithering, and crawling out of the darkest corners of hell - Reptillery! Gotta skinn 'em all. Alive. With a chainsaw. Oh, wait. We don't allow those in the Arena due to... whatever. Just kill them already, will you?\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "kobolmercs">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png]]<strong>Bloodhound Gang</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tWe say hell! You say... what? I can't hear you. I can't fucking hear you! Oh, right. Because you're fucking dead, bitch! This is da Bloodhound Gang and y'all know da motto: you must die! I alone am best!\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "bloodsons">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_kobol_light.png]]<strong>Radiant Slaughter</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tFuck those other punks. They're in this for the credits. We? We're here to kick ass and drink blood. Hell, yeah! Radiant Slaughter for Arena Master... unless you can stop us. You got nerve, punk. Just be glad this is just a v-sim recording or you'd be splattered all over the fucking floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tFor real... wait, what you mean we can't fucking show those shots? This is a fucking Deathmatch sim! They're fucking blood and shit... okay, okay. Fuck your terms of service. I swear. Fuck Lavandri! Fuck you all! Radiant Slaughter rules!\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "secbot">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_security.png]]<strong>Wobble</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tActually, we're just here to do combat analysis on our products. To that end, feel free to engage with the 'Wobble' generation Security Bot and help us improve customer satisfaction. \n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "tripod">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_tripod.png]]<strong>Murderbotz</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tRecently ascended from the Mechanoid League, Murderbotz represents some of the most advanced private security systems on the contemporary market.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "warbots">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_warbot.png]]<strong>War Machine</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tBetter watch your back, cover your tracks, or don't bother - because War Machine will murder you! High voltage and high octane in one unforgettable Arena match, brought to you by the Guerre Industries.\n\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "tombguard">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_old_guardian.png]]<strong>Tomb Guardian</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tBow down before the guardians. Bow to the old world. Bow or die - brought to you by the Guerre Industries.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "ratroach">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_ratroach_rabid.png]]<strong>Rattatat</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tSqueak! A rodent! And a cockroach! Eek! Kill it! Quick!\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "cephanine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_cephanine.png]]<strong>Squiddle</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tIs it a squid? Is it a dog? Doesn't matter - better blast it into an oozing puddle of gore before it rips your throat out. Because it will. Believe us. We lost quite a few handlers recording this simblock.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "stingcrab">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_stingcrab.png]]<strong>Crabcake</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tKing Slouch of the xenological kingdom, the Crabcake is a beast when it gets angry. Stay away from its stingers, boys and girls. And don't try this in real live. These things are murder in a nut (crab?) shell.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "acheri">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_acheri_2.png]]<strong>Splice Kidz</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tWasn't long ago, these little kids were just like you. Nasty business. But, if you hate kids, this sim is just right for you! Bash their fucking skulls in, an swear on ye mum ya don't ever aug up early!\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "wraith">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_wraith.png]]<strong>Immaterial</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tWanna relive what it was like being a Witch Hunter back in the day? Well, now you have the chance! Face off against one of the most terrifying results of witchcraft - and come to fear immaterial terror.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "hellcat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_hellcat.png]]<strong>Devil Cat</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tIt's a big cat. That's invisible. And has huge claws, razor-sharp fangs, and a murderous instinct. What more can we say? Except, maybe, watch your back!\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "oger">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_oger_crowbar.png]]<strong>Hulk!</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tEver used steroids? Well, this guy doesn't need 'em. Hulk will smash you into a billion bits, with nothing more than his bare hands. And maybe a crowbar. Because we don't want to make it a fair fight, do we?\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "siren">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_siren.png]]<strong>Sirenia</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tAs sublimely sedctive as she is a vicious killer, Sirenia. The former Arena champion has graciously allowed us to record a simblock of her best fights for your amusuement - or hers? We hear she enjoys watching fledging v-simmers get torn to shreds. Did we mention she's a narcissist?\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "banshee">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_banshee.png]]<strong>Barrow Mother</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tSo, we're not quite sure what this one is, or how this simblock ended up in the Lavandri repository. But our techs gave it a run and it's sure one hell of a beast. Cover your ears! Barrow Mother is coming for you!\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "djinn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_abom_djinn.png]]<strong>Corsair</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tAhoy, mate! Corsair is in the ring again, reliving his six-hundred-and-thirty murder extacy - and you're his new vicitim. See if you can break his legendary killstreak. We doubt it. But why not let you try?\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/none.png]]<strong>Debug Template</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tDEBUG\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\tSystem\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWin">><span class='greencolor'>></span> Play Again!\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromFail">><span class='greencolor'>></span> Rematch!\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>><span class='greencolor'>></span> Play Now!\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'hud_combat'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatArenaTraining = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B40">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4heavy">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_Heavies_B29">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4commando">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_Commando_B40">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "snydicate4exos">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_ExoGenesis">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "cybercult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "CyberCult_B10">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "cyberborg">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Cyborgs_B40">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "purifiers">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Purifiers_Inject">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "knights">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "KOE_B10_Final">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "paladin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Paladin_Corinthin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "psychocult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Thugs_Inject2">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "reptilians">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Hybrid_Revenge">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "kobolmercs">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Kobol_2_Abom_B40">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "bloodsons">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "SOK_Mercs_Resist">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "secbot">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "SecBots_B5">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "tripod">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Syndicate4_Tripod_B40">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "warbots">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "WarBot_B10">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "tombguard">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Robots_DynastyTomb">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "ratroach">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Ratroach_Megaplex">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "cephanine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Cephanine_B30">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "stingcrab">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Stingcrab_Underhab">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "acheri">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Acheri_Underhab">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "wraith">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Wraith_B30">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "hellcat">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Hellcat_B10">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "oger">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Oger_B40">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "siren">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Siren_B33">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "banshee">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Wraith_Warren">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "djinn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Djinn_B3">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "divisiontroopers">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Zanex_B1_Responseteam">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $hud.darknetArticle eq "sphinx">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $combatTemplate = "Sphinx_HerChamber">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryIndent'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWin" or $action.arrive eq "fromFail">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>></span> Back\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.darknetArticle = $hud.darknetBack; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#simulator-ui'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<unset $dnetback>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Deathmatch Arena">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_arena_trainingdone_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div id='simulator-ui' class='HUD_hackutility HUD_hackutility_DarkNet'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'arena_simulator_UI'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf" or $action.arrive eq "fromSelfAlt">>Hunched low, you<<else>>You leave the<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_lowhabs_outside.png"]]</div>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>Hunched low, you retrace your route back to where the passage forks, deep in the Low Habs. To your left is the mag-clamped utility panel, and back the way you came the dark passage.<br><br>\n\n<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.killedScavvers>>Ahead lie the corpses of the scavengers you killed earlier. No one's come to investigate yet and you doubt anyone will for a while.\n<<elseif $loc_lowhabs_oger.gotPasscode>>Ahead are the scaverngers who gave you the passcode earlier. They don't look any more at ease with your presence then they did before.\n<<else>>Ahead, a group of disheveled scavengers huddle in the electric glow of an electric heater. They don't exactly look friendly. But they might be able to tell you where to go.\n<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelfAlt">>Hunched low, you retrace your route back to where the passage forks. To your right is the mag-clamped utility panel, and ahead the dark passage.<br><br>\n\n<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.killedScavvers>>Behind you lie the corpses of the scavengers you killed earlier. No one's come to investigate yet and you doubt anyone will for a while.\n<<elseif $loc_lowhabs_oger.gotPasscode>>Behind you are the scaverngers who gave you the passcode earlier. They don't look any more at ease with your presence then they did before.\n<<else>>Behind you, a group of disheveled scavengers huddle in the electric glow of an electric heater. They don't exactly look friendly. But they might be able to tell you where to go.\n<</if>>\n\n<<else>>\nYou leave the tramway station and turn into a side passage that leads down to the low-hab district. The name is all too relevant, what with all the disjointed and improvized hab units hanging well into the tunnel. You can barely <<walk>> upright. The few pedestrians about are equally hunched and you can barely squeeze past them in the narrow, trash-strewn passages.<br><br>\n\n"Hell of a place." You drop to a crouch as you reach a cross-passage.<br><br>\n\nDirectly ahead is a mag-clamped utility pannel. To the left, a cramped tunnel continues into utter darkness - all the glow-panels have failed. Down the passage to the \n<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.killedScavvers>>right lie the corpses of the scavengers you killed earlier. No one's come to investigate yet and you doubt anyone will for a while.\n<<elseif $loc_lowhabs_oger.gotPasscode>>right are the scaverngers who gave you the passcode earlier. They don't look any more at ease with your presence then they did before.\n<<else>>right, a group of disheveled scavengers huddle in the electric glow of an electric heater. They don't exactly look friendly. But they might be able to tell you where to go.\n<</if>>\n<</if>><</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "1741">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\tInput retrieval executed...<br><br>\n\n\t<span class='yellowcolor'>ENCODED STREAM:</span> <span class='greencolor'>061 067 064 061</span><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.action2 = "success"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'lowhab_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You test your way...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_waterlogged.png"]]</div>\n\nYou test your way along the utility passage. Red emergency lighting flickers on and off. Water splashes underfoot. Far ahead, you can just make out another pressure door.<br><br>\n\nWhen you draw near, it becomes clear that the door is sealed tight. A floor panel before it has been removed however, and a ladder leads down, deeper into the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Someone has etched an incomprehensible sygil beside the hatch.<br><br>\n\n"Well, here goes." You climb down, one careful step at a time.<br><br>\n\nThe duct below is positively swamped. Water gurgles down the walls, running freely over exposed power lines, and pooling chest-deep. A lone single emergency light burns at the far end of the passage. Its off-red glow just barely illuminates a cross-passage. Someone's painted another sygil beside the left for. A holo-sigh suggests the righthand passage leads to a nearby fastway.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You step back<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromCrabSneak">>You descend the stairs<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCephanineSneak">>You enter the chamber<<else>>You lower your weapon<</if>><</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_deshvar_outroom.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou step back, eyeing the scene. The floor's covered in water. There's a dead mercenary slumped over a table on the corner, his helmet smashed to badly it's crumpled entirely. Also, there's a data pad on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA dim corridor leads off to the left, lit by crude lanterns dangling from the ceiling. The walls are pockmarked with bolt scars and bullet holes. Clearly there was a firefight there, though who [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] was fighting, you can't say.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCrabSneak">>You descend the stairs, into a dank and shadowy passage. It leads to a gloomy chamber. Someone's etched another sygil beside the door frame.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Odd," you mutter and enter the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCrab">>You lower your weapon and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp<<else>>step<</if>> past the [[Stingcrab's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]] bulk, toward the stairwell at the end of the hall. It leads downwards, deeper into the superstructure. <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Your augmented senses resolve the shadows as you descend the stairs, revealing a damp, musty corridor.<<else>>You descend the stairs and step into a dank and shadowy passage.<</if>> It leads to a gloomy chamber. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Auto-senses reveal nothing beyond so you step inside, augmented joints whirring.<<else>>It's impossible to tell what's inside so you test your way forward carefully.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCephanine">>You lower your weapon and step past the [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] and head for the end of the passage. A narrow flight of steps lead down, into a gloomy chamber. Someone's etched another sygil beside the door frame.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Odd," you mutter and enter the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCephanineSneak">>You enter the chamber.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_deshvar_outroom.png"]]</div>\n\t\tThe walls are hung with crude drapes. There's a thin layer of bloody water on the floor and an upturned table in the corner. A [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] merc fell on it, knocking an old data pad onto the floor. Presumably that occured when the merc's helmet was smashed so hard it's crumpled beyond use.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's impossible to tell who - or what - killed him, but another dim corridor leads off into the distance, lit by crude lanterns dangling from the ceiling. The walls are pockmarked with bolt scars and bullet holes. Clearly there was a firefight there, though who [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] was fighting, you can't say.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou lower your weapon and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp over<<else>>approach<</if>> the dead mercs. Neither of them moves. A green light flashes on the door controls behind them.<br><br>\n\n\t"Okay, then." <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You slam your hand against the release.<<else>>You hit the release.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_balcony_lowhab.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Metal groans. The door snaps open.<<else>>The door snaps open.<</if>> You're standing on a balcony above a dark atrium. Two staircases lead down to what might, years ago, have been a ball room - or similar venue. All that's left is rusted metal and twisted chairs.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Infested, they said?" You drop town to the base of the room, causing the floor to shake. "Let's see about th—"<<else>>"Oh, man." You peer over the edge of the balcony.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Far below, something<<else>>Something<</if>> enormous moves in the shadows. <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Your augmented senses quickly paint a picture:<<else>>It's hard to tell what it might be but, if you had to guess, the 'thing' is a<</if>> [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]]. Tentacles wave lazily in the gloom. Only problem is, it's unnatural bulk is right between you and the only exit: a doorway at the far end of the Atrium.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Aright, filth." You stomp forward, flexing your augmented fingers as the xenos rises to its full height. "Let's roll, motherfucker!"<<else>>"Shit," you mutter, backing away. "Not good. Not goot at all."<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_lowhab_blood.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon and <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>stomp over to<<else>>approach<</if>> the dead mercs. They're definitely dead; fallen beside several spent ammo drums. But they aren't the only ones who died in that circular chamber. Two [[Ogers|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] and several humans in ragged robes lie dead the floor too, riddled with bolt holes. There's blood splattered all across the draped walls.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Messy." Your suit's senses draw your attention to the mercs' guns.\n\t<<else>>"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fucking<<else>>Bloody<</if>> hell," you mutter, eyeing the mercs' guns.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tTri-barreled coilguns, probably [[M9615s|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M9615"]]. Vicious machines at any rate. Though it does beg to question: why did [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] send a team of heavily armed assault mercs to clear this place out? What were they after? And why?<br><br>\n\n\tMaybe you'll find some indication. Alternatively, you could grab a [[M9615|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M9615"]] - just in case you run into even more trouble down here. It isn't unlikely, given the way things look.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - The Bazar">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest you Negotiate|b29_bazar_visionmission][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Suggest flanking Maneuver|b29_bazar_visionmission][$action.action1 = "flank"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Suggest frontal Assault|b29_bazar_visionmission][$action.action1 = "attack"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionmission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionmission_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flank">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Raptors|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Bazar_RaptorDefend"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_RaptorDefend"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flank">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Troopers|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Bazar_ZanexDefend"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Troopers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_ZanexDefend"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Wilkin's Riptide">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed and $action.arrive eq "fromEntry">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromEntry">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll sneak Inside|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action1 = "sneak"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer an Assault|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action1 = "attack"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "attack">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Main Floor|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action2 = "mainfloor"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sneak">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step onto the VIP Terrace|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action2 = "vipareaSneak"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step onto the VIP Terrace|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action2 = "viparea"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Watch the Slaughter|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action3 = "watchslaughter"; $hide.layer3 = true; $action.arrive = "fromWatch"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the last Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Raptors_Riptide_Exterminate"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Finish off Division 108|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_Riptide_Exterminate"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $action.arrive = "fromCombat"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWatch">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree with Arva|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action4 = "agree"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what the plan Is|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action4 = "whatplan"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say there are bodies Here|b28_riptide_assault][$action.action4 = "bodieshere"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_assault_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromRiptideAnihilate"; $hide.layer0 = false; $time.active += 0.5; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 12; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B3 - Corbei Tower">>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_txt'>></div><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'invite_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Exit the Grav-Car|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action2 = "climbout"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'invite_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Introduce Yourself|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action3 = "introduce"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what she Wants|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action3 = "whatwant"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand an Explanation|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action3 = "explain"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'invite_corbei_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Sphere|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action4 = "object"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what she Means|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action4 = "whatmean"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you already Suspected|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action4 = "suspect"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'invite_corbei_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Keep Object 55316|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action5 = "keep"; $hide.layer5 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return Object 55316|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action5 = "return"; $hide.layer5 = true; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'invite_corbei_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'invite_corbei_6_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "keep" or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_B3"; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn = true; $processed = false; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 8; $factionlock.lockedFaction = "church"; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "alone"; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = -1; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = -1; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Room|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B3 - Corbei Tower">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'speak_corbei_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you wanted Chaos|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action1 = "chaos"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "balanced">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you were Intrigued|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action1 = "curious"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want the Truth|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action1 = "truth"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you wanted Power|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action1 = "realpower"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you were Investigating|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action1 = "investigation"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you aren't Certain|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action1 = "notcertain"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'speak_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Object|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action2 = "object"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Conspiracy|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action2 = "conspiracy"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiEvents = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Great Design|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action2 = "design"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiDesign = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'speak_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiObject>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Object|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action2 = "object"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Object]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiEvents>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Conspiracy|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action2 = "conspiracy"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiEvents = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Conspiracy]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiDesign>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Great Design|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action2 = "design"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiDesign = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Great Design]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.askedCorbeiDesign>>\n\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've heard Enough|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action3 = "heardenough"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'speak_corbei_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get Up|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action4 = "getup"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remain Seated|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action4 = "stay"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'speak_corbei_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "getup">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Epilogue|endings_alternative][$action.arrive = "fromXarea"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand she please You|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action5 = "sex"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward = "nocare"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want Power|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action5 = "power"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward = "power"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want Prestige|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action5 = "status"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward = "status"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you don't Care|b3_corbeiinvite_speak][$action.action5 = "unimpressed"; $hide.layer5 = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward = "nocare"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'speak_corbei_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'speak_corbei_6_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "sex">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow Lady Corbei|b3_corbeiinvite_sex][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b3_corbeiinvite_leave][$processed = false; $attrib.arrive = "fromRoom"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B3 - Corbei Tower">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_sex_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make her Stop|b3_corbeiinvite_sex][$action.action1 = "stop"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Let her Continue|b3_corbeiinvite_sex][$action.action1 = "continue"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click") $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.didXarena = true]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_sex_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_sex_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "stop">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's Awkward|b3_corbeiinvite_sex][$action.action2 = "isawkward"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "continue">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree it's Pleasant|b3_corbeiinvite_sex][$action.action2 = "agreenice"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; $attrib.fatigue += 10; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's really Wrong|b3_corbeiinvite_sex][$action.action2 = "whatwrong"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_sex_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_sex_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_sex_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "isawkward" or $action.action2 eq "whatwrong">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b3_corbeiinvite_leave][$processed = false; $attrib.arrive = "fromSexEarly"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Room|b3_corbeiinvite_leave][$processed = false; $attrib.arrive = "fromSex"; $time.active += 0.5; $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward = "sex"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $msg_abomination_comission = {\n\t\t\tname: "msg_abomination_comission",\n\t\t\tsubject: "In Gratitude",\n\t\t\tfrom: "Xarea.Corbei",\n\t\t\tread: false,\n\t\t}>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 9>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 7>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 7>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wait out the Ride' 'b3_corbeiinvite_leave'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex" or $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "nocare">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += 15000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += 19500>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "ride"; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom"); $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_abomination_comission); $hud.newmsg += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B14 - Cathedral of Beams">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_leave_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b3_corbeiinvite_leave_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Cathedral of Beams|b14_cathedral_entrance][$action.arrive = "fromstation"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $action.action4 = "none"; $action.action5 = "none"; $attrib.dilligence += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could head to the tramway station and take a train to:</div><br>\n\t\t<<display 'b14_remotedest'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 - Security Checkpoint">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_checkpoint_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'riptide_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Force the door Open' 'b28_visionary_checkpoint'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "forcedOpen"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Checkpoint|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromcheckpoint"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_visionary_checkpoint_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_visionary_checkpoint_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Heavies|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Raptors_Riptide_Defend"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromEntry"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Exos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Zanex_Riptide_Defend"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromEntry"]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Actually, I'm looking for someone...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Actually, I'm supposed to meet with Varijasha. He around?"\n\nThe barkeep looks surprised. "Varijasha, eh? He's sure around. What ya want with him?"\n\n"We're supposed to meet. It's been arranged."\n\n"Oh, you're the one for that." The barkeep points a shaggy hand toward a back door. "Over there. Just don't do anything stupid. The Blackscale's a mean piece of work. Follow?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'll be fine."<<else>>"I'll be careful."<</if>> You head toward the door.\n\nThe sign beside it indicates it's a private area. Hardly a surprise. Where else would the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] meet but a dingy back room?<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Back Room|sirens_song_backroom][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Grand Mausoleum">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromKill">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_door_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action1 = "readpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; $job_abomination_investigate.gotAsmodeusInfo = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the Elevator Down|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action1 = "down"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Leave the Mausoleum' 'b30_warrenpassages'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromMausoleum"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.05; playContextSound("ui_walk");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_door_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "readpad">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 8>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Mausoleum|b30_warrenpassages][$action.arrive = "fromMausoleum"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 99; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Announce your Presence|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action2 = "announce"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Sneak along the Colonade|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action2 = "sneak"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Cultists|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromKill"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Mausoleum_Cultists_B30"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_door_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree to Listen|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action3 = "listen"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; $action.arrive = "fromSpeak"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why you Care|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action3 = "whycare"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $action.arrive = "fromSpeak"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've seen Enough|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action3 = "seenenough"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $action.arrive = "fromSpeak"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if ($action.arrive eq "fromKill" or $action.arrive eq "fromSpeak") and $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_door_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "seenenough" or $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "banished" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "inactive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $combatTemplate = "Mausoleum_Djinn_B30"; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 4]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Child|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action4 = "kill"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence += 3; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_abom_investigation', 'killedNamaz'); $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare the Child|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action4 = "spare"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 3; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_abom_investigation', 'sparedNamaz'); $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($statistics.abominationKilled / ($statistics.abominationKilled + $statistics.abominationsSpared)) gte 0.75 or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say abominations deserve Death|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action4 = "deservedeath"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if ($statistics.abominationsSpared / ($statistics.abominationKilled + $statistics.abominationsSpared)) gte 0.25 or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it depends on the Situation|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action4 = "depends"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "balanced" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're hired to Hunt|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action4 = "hired"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|b30_mausoleum_door][$action.action4 = "nocare"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif ($action.arrive eq "fromKill" or $action.arrive eq "fromSpeak") and $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_door_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_enter_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "kill" or $action.action4 eq "deservedeath">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "banished" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "inactive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $combatTemplate = "Mausoleum_Djinn_B30"; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 4]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Bodies|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.arrive = "fromKid"; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cultists|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromCultists"; $combatTemplate = "Mausoleum_Cultists_Alt_B30"; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 4]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Demon|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Grand Mausoleum">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_joinscene_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk" or $attrib.religion eq "highborn" or $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the system's Bullshit|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$action.action1 = "systemcrap"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you trust the System|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$action.action1 = "trustsystem"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk" or $attrib.religion eq "atheist" or $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this is Propaganda|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$action.action1 = "propaganda"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why this Matters|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$action.action1 = "whymatter"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_joinscene_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_joinscene_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "whymatter" or $action.action1 eq "systemcrap") and not $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll play Along|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$action.action2 = "playalong"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll consider It|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$action.action2 = "consider"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|b30_mausoleum_joinscene][$action.action2 = "nocooperate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_joinscene_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_joinscene_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_joinscene_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "nocooperate">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "none" or $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $combatTemplate = "Mausoleum_Djinn_B30"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Bodies|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.arrive = "fromKid"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "none" or $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Djinn|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromDjinn"; $combatTemplate = "Mausoleum_Djinn_B30"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Cultists|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromCultists"; $combatTemplate = "Mausoleum_Cultists_Alt_B30"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Mausoleum|b30_warrenpassages][$action.arrive = "fromMausoleum"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "inactive"; $hud.messages.push($msg_corinthin_warning); $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B10 - Crossroads">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_waitGravCar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Grav-Car|mansion_raid_leave][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromVision"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 12; $pocessed = false; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Grand Mausoleum">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_searchbody_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's more Complicated|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.action1 = "whycomplicated"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaWhy = true; $attrib.dilligence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why the Paladin's There|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.action1 = "whythere"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaPresent = true; $attrib.dilligence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who the Cultists Were|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.action1 = "whocultists"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaWho = true; $attrib.dilligence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_searchbody_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_searchbody_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaWhy>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's more Complicated|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.action1 = "whycomplicated"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaWhy = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked what's Complicated]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaPresent>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why the Paladin's There|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.action1 = "whythere"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaPresent = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked why Corinthin is Present]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaWho>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who the Cultists Were|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.action1 = "whocultists"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaWho = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Cultists]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.askedPalaWhy>>\n\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you should Leave|b30_mausoleum_searchbody][$action.action2 = "understood"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_searchbody_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_searchbody_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_mausoleum_searchbody_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Leave the Mausoleum' 'b30_warrenpassages'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromMausoleum"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; $chr_corinthin.met = true; $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "active"; playContextSound("ui_walk");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lte 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.skippedAthena = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Air Filtration">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical gte 1 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Inject a Neurotoxin Canister|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action1 = "poisonair"; $hide.layer1 = true; $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical -= 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Requires Neurotoxin Canister to Sabotage]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Air Filtration|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromVentilation"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Air Filtration|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action2 = "leave"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Vision|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action3 = "vision"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about your Reward|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action3 = "reward"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about gassing the Shrine|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action3 = "shrine"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Vision|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action3 = "vision"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Vision]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about your Reward|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action3 = "reward"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Reward]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about gassing the Shrine|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action3 = "shrine"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Shrine]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've Understood|b30_forsaken_exterminate][$action.action4 = "understood"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_forsaken_exterminate_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Blood Trails|b30_mexaplex_inside][$action.action1 = "bloodtrail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.arrive = "fromHub"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Visionary Shrine|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromMegaplex"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head toward Slowside Mall|b30_quarantine_inside][$action.arrive = "fromMegaplex"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Visionary Shrine">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_visionary_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you trust Vijar|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "trustvijar"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you trust Arva|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "trustarva"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you trust the Vision|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "believevision"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have no Loyalty|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "noloyalty"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's a Rumor|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "isrumor"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit that's True|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "istrue"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if that's a Problem|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "isproblem"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's going On|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "whatgoingon"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you're Innocent|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "innocent"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you withheld Information|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "withheld"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can Wait|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "canwait"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you cannot Wait|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "nowait"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t <<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 8 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% this seems unfair <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 8>> %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not $characterEncounterPhases.talkedVisionaryReward and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to Visionary Vijar|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "visionary_reward"; $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = "N0xIu"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to Visionary Vijar|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "visionary"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t/%<</if>>%/\n\t\t\t\t\t/% this seems unfair <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase neq 10>> %/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if not $characterEncounterPhases.talkedVisionaryReward and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 8 and $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to Fleshmelder Arva|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "fleshmelder_reward"; $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = "BioMold"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to Fleshmelder Arva|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action1 = "fleshmelder"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t/%<</if>>%/\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.lootedAbomCredits>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.lootedAbomCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 4361; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x4361">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shrine|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromStairs"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Back Exit|b29_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDeathCult"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.randomize to either("plan", "self", "vision")>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_visionary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField' id='vision-convo'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the Sector's Finished|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "sectordone"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what the Objective Is|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "objective"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Claim authority for Yourself|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "incommand"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refer to Vijar's Vision|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "vijarvision"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refer to Arva's Plan|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "fleshplan"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Assault the Riptide|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "riptide"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Cause utter Chaos|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "chaos"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Support Visionary Vijar|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "supportvision"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Support Fleshmelder Arva|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "supportflesh"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you aren't Certain|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "supportdefault"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "visionary_reward" or $action.action1 eq "fleshmelder_reward">>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionary_rewardoptions'>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Plague Sample|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "plague_visionary"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 3>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll use the Plague|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "plague_visionary_alt"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about spare Gear|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "gear"; $hide.layer2 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk and $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage lte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Refugium|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "refiguim_vijar"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Vijar|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "chat_vijar"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fleshmelder">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isCyberImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.refusedInjection = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Consequences|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "consequences"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you want the Injection">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b30_megaplex_visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "placeholder"; $action.action3 = "abominate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 3; $attrib.religion = "visionary"; $equip.offhand = "abomskin"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $equip.offhand[3] = "abominatedskin"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_inject")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "placeholder"; $action.action3 = "later"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.refusedInjection = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.refusedInjection and not $equip.isCyberImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you want the Injection">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b30_megaplex_visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "placeholder"; $action.action3 = "abominate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 3; $job_abomination_investigate.refusedInjection = false; $attrib.religion = "visionary"; $equip.offhand = "abomskin"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $equip.offhand[3] = "abominatedskin";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_inject")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.refusedInjection and $equip.isCyberImplant>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Cybernetics prevent Injection]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Transformation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "transformed"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 4 and $job_abomination_investigate.refusedInjection eq false and $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Injections|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "buy"; $hide.layer2 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 4 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 4 and ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 2 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 3)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Plague Sample|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "plague_fleshmelder"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll use the Plague|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "plague_fleshmelder_alt"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk and $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage lte 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Refugium|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "refiguim_arva"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Arva|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "chat_arva"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Corpses|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "corpses"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_visionary_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "buy">>\n\t\t\t<div id='game-visionary-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionshrine_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "gear">>\n\t\t\t<div id='game-visionary-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionshrine_gearoptionss'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.35; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 11; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.35; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 13; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "riptide" or $action.action2 eq "fleshplan">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.35; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 10; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "vijarvision" or $action.action2 eq "chaos">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.35; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 8; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 7; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're tired of Killing|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "tiredkill"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who needs to be Removed|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "whoremove"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refiguim_vijar" or $action.action2 eq "refiguim_arva">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree with the Plan|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "refugium_agree"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "refugium_disagree"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "consequences">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Say you want the Injection">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b30_megaplex_visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action3 = "abominate"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 3; $attrib.religion = "visionary"; $equip.offhand = "abomskin"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $equip.offhand[3] = "abominatedskin";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_inject")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "later"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 98; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "transformed">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "corpses" or $action.action2 eq "chat_vijar" or $action.action2 eq "chat_arva">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_visionary_alt" or $action.action2 eq "plague_fleshmelder_alt">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "willdo"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 4; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "notdo"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_fleshmelder">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "willdo"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action3 = "notdo"; $hide.layer3 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_visionary_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll be Fine|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action4 = "befine"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll be Careful|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action4 = "becareful"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "abominate">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.35; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "later">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_visionary" or $action.action2 eq "plague_fleshmelder">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refugium_agree">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "refiguim_vijar">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage = 3; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refiguim_arva">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $time.active += 0.25; $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage = 4; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refugium_disagree">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_visionary_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_visionary_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "supportflesh" or ($action.action2 eq "supportdefault" and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase = 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.25; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 8; $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus = "conflict_resolved"; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.25; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 6; $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus = "conflict_resolved"; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Water Treatment">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromKill">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Sneak into the Tent|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action1 = "sneak"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 3; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Sneak into the Tent|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action1 = "sneakfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action1 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action1 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 10; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Heavy|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "SyndicateHeavy_B30"; $action.arrive = "fromKill"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail" or $action.action1 eq "sneakfail">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Heavy|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "SyndicateHeavy_B30"; $action.arrive = "fromKill"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Tent|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action2 = "negotiate"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "fromPeaceful"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill" or $action.arrive eq "fromPeaceful">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromPeaceful">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read a Data Pad|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action3 = "datapad"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Samples|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action3 = "samples"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Analysis Machines|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action3 = "machines"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "datapad">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "machines">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b30_treatment_plant][$action.action3 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "samples">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Sample' 'b30_treatment_plant'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "sample"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 2>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Plague Sample">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_virulent">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_treatment_plant_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hop Down|b30_warrenpassages][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromWater"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Infected Tunnel">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_area_infected_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase gte 3 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8 and $chr_fabienne.alive>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Apartment 124661|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Undersprawl|b30_quarantine_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk")]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head through the<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromArenaEnd">>You sign the document...<<else>>You are standing<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_deathmatch_lobby.png"]]</div>You head through the side door, down one flight of stairs to the entry area of Deathmatch Arena.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromArenaEnd">>You sign the document and head back to the entry area of Deathmatch Arena.\n\t<<else>>You are standing in the entry area of Deathmatch Arena.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>A busty woman with bleach-blonde hair is sitting behind the reception desk. Behind her, a holo-projection is replaying snapshots of the last battle; a bloody, gore-streaked massacre between three teams you're not familiar with.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hello." She offers a bored smile. "Applying for the Deathmatch qualifications?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod and approach the counter. "<<firstname>> Acrel. I just spoke to one of your headhunters."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, right," she says indifferently. "Malcom's already submitted your registration. Ya know how the ladder sys works? If yeah, just sign on for onna the matches 'ere—" She slides a data pad across the counter. "—an' we'll get to it. Otherwise, ask."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"I know the basics," you say. "Thanks."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Right. One more thing: ya feel you gotta do some squib training—" She indicates a v-sim couch at the back of the lobby. "—do it. Ain't got all the teams in stock though. And no guarantees live'll be as easy as the sim. Whatever floats your fucking boat. I'm here if ya got any stupid questions. Don't worry. I'm used to 'em. Fucking plebs in the Arena. I swear."\n\t\t<<else>>The busty woman behind the reception shoots you a bored look. "Need anything else? Or ya wanna finally get to this shit?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBefore you can respond, she adds, "Only issue is, y'know, there's people payin' good creds to watch your guts get splattered. No hard feels. I'm just sayin'."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromArenaEnd">>\n\t\tThe receptionist pauses briefly at her desk, then disappears into the back room and doesn't return.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Guess this is it then," you mutter, glancing around.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 99>>And it really will be 'it', now that you're out of the League. Not your finest moment ever but it had to be done. The future was obvious: a messy scandal just wating to happen, with you caught in the middle. Better to get out when you're ahead - and not come back until the dust has cleared.\n\t\t<<else>>If you really wanted to, you could use the v-sim couch at the back of the lobby. Not that you necessarily want to relive the bloodshed right this second. Maybe it'd be more intelligent to take a look at the upcoming arena contestants; the data pad is still on the counter. Or simply head home until the next match plays.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 100 or $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 10>>\n\t\tThere's no one behind the reception desk and the waiting area is empty too. A holo-projecton on the wall behind the desk is replaying snapshots of the last battle; a bloody, gore-streaked massacre that happened at some point during the last season.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, good memories," you mutter, absently watching, then tear your eyes away.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe v-sim couch in the back of the lobby is where it always was. Nowhere near the same as a real arena battle but it will keep your skills up to spec. That's the least you can do to tide yourself over until the next season starts.\n\n\t<<elseif $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt lt 12>>\n\n\t\tThere's no one behind the reception desk and the waiting area is empty too. A holo-projecton on the wall behind the desk is replaying snapshots of the last battle; a bloody, gore-streaked massacre between two teams you've never heard of.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Guess there's no match on today," you mutter.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere is however a v-sim couch at the back of the lobby. Not quite the same as fighting in, or even watching, a real arena match. But could prove interesting none the less. Or you could review the upcoming arena contestants; the data pad is still on the counter.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t\tThe busty receptionist is sitting behind her desk again. Behind her, a holo-projection is replaying snapshots of the last battle; a bloody, gore-streaked massacre you instigated. And won.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t"You're back?" She almost looks surprised. "Yer match will be on, soon as you're registered. Unless ya gotta do somethin' first. I'll be here either way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod in acknowledgement. There's a v-sim couch at the back of the lobby and, of course, the registration data pad on the counter. You should probably sign up sooner than later, seeing as your game is scheduled to run soon.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 9>>\n\t\t\t\t"Good to see you again, Vine. Match will be on as soon as you register." She smiles and slides the data pad across the counter.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou glance at it, but don't take it yet. You should probably sign up sooner than later, seeing as your game is scheduled soon, but there's also the v-sim couch. Might be worth a practice run or two before you actually hit the pit.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t"Vine!" She stands, smiling. "Good you're here. \n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier eq "bribed">>There's been some kinda cock-up. Nothing horrible, just the other finalist stepped down for medical reasons, so we pulled up another candidate to take the slot.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>Everyone's anxious to get the final underway.\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou ready? Or you need to prepare first?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not quite sure," you say, drawing a deep breath.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier eq "bribed">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis is it, that last fateful fight which isn't supposed to happen. Provided Jack keeps his word. Only one way to know, but there's no rush either.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier eq "extorted">>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis is it, the last fight you said you'd withdraw from. Might be best you do that - or not. Or maybe you should take a moment and give the whole thing a little more thought.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis is it, that last fateful fight. Might just be best to bite the bullet and go straight at it. On the other hand, well, there's no rush.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe receptionist glances at you. "Sign up when ya wanna play. Ain't got forever, but I got all day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right," you say. "I'll sign up soon as I'm ready."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<set $rewardFactor = (1 + ($job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal * 0.0005))>>\n\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $rewardFactor *= 1.25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<center><strong>Lavandri Deathmatch Arena</strong></center><br>\n\t\tLavandri Corporation welcomes you to the Scaffold 22 Deathmatch Arena. You are registered as:<br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t\t<strong>Identity:</strong> <<firstname>> "Vine" Acrel<br>\n\t\t\t<strong>Tier:</strong> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 3>><span class='redcolor'>Qualification</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 5>><span class='yellowcolor'>Local Ladder</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 8>><span class='greencolor'>Regional Semifinal</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><span class='bluecolor'>Global Championship</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<strong>Sponsor:</strong> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "N/A">><span class='greyedout'><<print $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><<print $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<strong>Next Match:</strong> <<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>><span class='greencolor'>Now!</span><<else>><span class='greyedout'><<print (($time.active - 12) - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt) * -1>> GSH</span><</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<strong>Approval:</strong> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 300>><span class='greyedout'><<print $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 750>><span class='yellowcolor'><<print $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1500>><span class='greencolor'><<print $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 3000>><span class='bluecolor'><<print $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><span class='purplecolor'><<print $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal>></span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>Please select the contestant you wish to compete against in the upcoming Arena battle:<<else>><span class='yellowcolor'>[NOTE]:</span> You are currently not scheduled for any matches but can review the contestant list below:<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 3>>\n\t\t\t\t/% ###################################### \n\t\t\t\t\tQualification Rounds \n\t\t\t\t###################################### %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Snydicate4_Quali")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSyndicate 4 - Arena Official\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_syndicate_rifle_nohelmet.png]]This battle-hardened mercenary team, brought to you by Athena Medical Inc. and the Syndicate 4 Group, is the first push to gain it's sponsors a foothold in the Deathmatch Arena.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 257 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (257 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (257 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 800)>> C</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Snydicate4_Quali"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 800)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (257 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Kobol_Quali")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tKobol Consortium - Psychonauts\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_psycho_female.png]]These biochem-fueled lunatics, believed to be sponsored by the Sons of Kobol, are giving everyone on Scaffold 22 a run for their money in the recently re-opened Livandri Arena.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 311 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (311 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (311 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 650)>> C</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Kobol_Quali"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 650)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (311 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Independant_Quali")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIndependant - Ryperarium\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_arena_thug.png]]Ascended from the local gang scene through sheer luck and little more, these street thugs are a local favorite - even though everyone knows they'll die a bloody death long before they reach regional tier.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 561 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (561 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (561 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 516)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Independant_Quali"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 516)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (561 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t/% ###################################### \n\t\t\t\t\tLocal Ladder Rounds \n\t\t\t\t###################################### %/\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Snydicate4_Quali") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Snydicate4_Local")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSyndicate 4 - Commando Strike\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_commando_syndicate.png]]Replacing the original battle-hardened mercenary team as the Syndicate 4 contestant, Commando Strike is slaying big but scoring low in the B Sector ladder of Deathmatch Arena.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 960 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (960 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (960 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1250)>> C</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Snydicate4_Local"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1250)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (960 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Kobol_Quali") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Kobol_Local")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tKobol Consortium - Bloodhound Gang\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_commando_kobol.png]]Bloodthirsty and obviously insane, the Bloodhound Gang has taken over the Psychonaut slot in the B Sector ladder of Deathmatch Arena, quickly amassing a bloodthirsty reputation against less prepared opponents.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1155 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1155 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1155 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 925)>> C</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Kobol_Local"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 925)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1155 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Independant_Quali") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Independant_Local")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIndependant - Ryperarium\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_arena_thug.png]]Continuing their lucky forray into Deathmatch Arena, Reaperarium is quickly becoming the B Sector favorite due to their sheer gall and insanely lucky murder spree.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1327 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1327 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1327 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 755)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Independant_Local"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 755)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1327 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Church_Local")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSanction - Ordus Puria\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_purifier.png]]A long-standing contestant in the Deathmatch Arena, Puria is the Church of Eden's answer to representative Bloodsports, and one of the most disciplined - and lethal - players in the B Sector ladder.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1227 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1227 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1227 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1125)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Church_Local"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1125)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1227 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Cyber_Local")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCybersquad - Augteam\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_cybercult.png]]Quickly rising through the qualification rounds, Cybersquad is a highly efficient team augmented combat team, though their ratings have been tanking due to reliace on cybernetic implants rather than sheer skill.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1038 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1038 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1038 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1225)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Cyber_Local"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1225)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1038 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 8>>\n\t\t\t\t/% ###################################### \n\t\t\t\t\tRegional Ladder Rounds \n\t\t\t\t###################################### %/\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Snydicate4_Quali") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Snydicate4_Local") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Snydicate4_Regional")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSyndicate 4 - Heavy Guard\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_syndicate_heavy_2.png]]The pride of Syndicate 4 and well recieved in rankings, Heavy Guard is making a hardcore bid for fame in the B Sector Regional Championship of Deathmatch Arena.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1631 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1631 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1631 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1535)>> C</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Snydicate4_Regional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1535)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1631 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Kobol_Quali") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Kobol_Local") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Kobol_Regional")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tKobol Consortium - Radiant Massacre\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_merc_kobol.png]]Reckless, psychotic, and wholeheartedly dedicated to carnage and mayhem, Radiant Slaughter is the Kobol Konsortium's crack contestant in the B Sector Regionals, though their ratings are unfavorable as they've only recently arrived from Cubix.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1225 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1225 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1225 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1735)>> C</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Kobol_Regional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1735)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1225 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Independant_Quali") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Independant_Local") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Independant_Regional")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIndependant - Ryperarium\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_arena_thug.png]]Surviving into the Regional Championship through sheer luck and nothing else, Reaperarium maintains its unchallenged position as the B Sector favorite - though by now it's painfully clear they won't last long.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 2012 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (2012 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (2012 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1135)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Independant_Regional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1135)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (2012 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Church_Local") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Church_Regional")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSanction - Ordus Rex\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_exo_knight.png]]A long-standing contestant in the Deathmatch Arena, Rex is the Church of Eden's heavy hitters in the area of Bloodsports; as disciplined as they promise to be deadly in the B Sector Regional Championship.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1851 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1851 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1851 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1430)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Church_Regional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1430)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1851 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Cyber_Local") and not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Cyber_Regional")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCybersquad - Cyborgs\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_cyborg_male.png]]Having made it through the B Sector Ladder and into the Regional Championship, Cybersquad has deployed the big guns: its crack team of fully augmented cyborg killing machines. Though not the most favorable in ratings, their cold, inhuman lethality is quickly becoming legendary.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1637 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1637 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1637 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1495)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Cyber_Regional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1495)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1637 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Vindel_Regional")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVindel Corporation - ExoGenesis\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_exo_zanex.png]]Recently purchased from Syndicate 4 by Vindel Corp, ExoGensisis has succeeded in the Second Ladder and is making a highly controversial bid for regional championship.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1553 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1553 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1553 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1610)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Vindel_Regional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1610)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1553 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.teamsFought.contains("Mechanoid_Regional")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tMech Warrior - Warbotz\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_bot_tripod.png]]Having succeeded in the Second Ladder, Mech Warrior moves on with determination to the Regional championship, though their reputation remains poor for being a bot team.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if 1051 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (1051 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (1051 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * 1570)>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Mechanoid_Regional"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * 1570)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (1051 - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 10>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus" or $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier eq "bribed">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLavandri Corporation - Calamity\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_arena_lavandri.png]]Victor of the E Sector regional semifinals and sponsored by the Lavandri Corporation, Calamity is a street-hardened mercenary who turned to the Arena when contracts began to dwindle. She has amassed considerable fame and following through sustained performance of gruesome matches and bloody executions.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if ($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * ($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2))>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Lavandri_Final"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * ($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProject Incubus - Reaper Jack\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/combat_human_arena_incubus.png]]Victor of the C Sector regional semifinals and sponsored by Project Incubus, Reaper Jack is presumed to be a former assassin who's quickly made a name for himself in the arena. Characterized by near perfect play and excellent use of mobility, Jack has slaughtered his way to the finals with vicious finesse.\n\t\t\t\t\t\tApproval: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if ($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print (($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'><<print (($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tReward: <span class='bluecolor'><<print Math.round($rewardFactor * ($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2))>> C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "Incubus_Final"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaReward = Math.round($rewardFactor * ($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $arenaPoints = (($job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore * 2) - $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryMainCategory HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\tSystem\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListArenaEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='yellowcolor'>></span> Apply Later\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'b28_riptide_arenalobby'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip_back");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>The simulation fades from the arena...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tThe simulation fades from the arena, causing pixelated haze to swirl around you. \n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWin">>Pulse-pounding victory music echoes\n\t<<else>>A mournful tone fills your head\n\t<</if>>\n\tas the following screen resolves before your mind's eye:\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action1 eq "scavvers">>You approach the<<elseif $action.action1 eq "passage">>You head down\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "duct">>You approach the<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "scavvers">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawheater.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou approach the scavengers huddled around the electric heater. As you draw near, it becomes clear several of them are armed; coil pistols barely concealed under their ragged robes. A man with sunken eyes nods as you approach.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey." You force a smile. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"So, any of you sorry fucks got time to help me out?"<<else>>"You guys think you could help me out?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no reply, just dark mutterings. Worried glances are exchanged.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I just need some information," you say. "Deshvar. Know where I can find him?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man with the sunken eyes cackles. "Creds for words, outsider. Creds for words unless ya want—" He grabs his pistol. "—the gun. Hmm? What ya say?"\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "passage">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou head down the dark passage, testing your way forwards and careful not to bump your head on low-hanging floors or wires. The walls grow impossibly narrow. A gradual slope begins. Something splashes underfoot. It's only then you realize what happened: a water main leaked, causing the power grid to short-circuit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, so much for that," you mutter, peering into the gloom.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's hard to see but there's no visible way onwards. The pressure doors will have locked shut anyways to contain the flooding. Dead end indeed.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "duct">>\n\t\tYou approach the mag-clamped utility hatch and jack into the security interface. Motion flickers in the corner of your eye as your implant interfaces, displaying the following screen:\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You take the...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\tYou take the\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "crawlpassage">>left passage, wading ever deeper into the water. Before long, the water becomes too deep to progress. Someone has however removed a utility panel from a duct that doesn't seem to have flooded - yet. Peering inside, you can see nothing at all.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Aw, man." You grab the hand-holds and haul yourself into the duct, splashing loudly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's cramped but movement is possible and, before long, you've reached another removed pannel. The passage beyond is dark but, when you climb out, there's only a thin film of water on the floor. Just as you climb out however, something moves to your left.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_cephanine.png"]]</div>\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. You stand rigid, peering into the gloom. There's a dark shape curled up against the wall not far away. Judging by what little you can see of the the silhouette, it might be a [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]]. It looks asleep, which is good because there's no other way around the beast - the passage behind you is blocked by a sealed pressure door.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, shuck," you mutter, eyeing the creature. "This is just what I <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>needed."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "exopassage">>right passage, splashing along rising slope. Before long, you're out of the water entirely. Only a trickle runs down the walls. At first you're relieved. Then you hear footsteps around a corner ahead.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA male voice says, "I don't get it. What the hell was the point of lugging that [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] down here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fuck knows," another replies. "The Captain said the Atrium's infested and the suit won't fit through the ducts. So they went in the back way. Our orders are to hold position here, watch their backs. Goddit?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicate_fob.png"]]</div>\n\t\tThere's a long silence, during which you peer around the corner. In an alcove beyond is an empty suit of dark grey [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. Down the opposite passage, three mercs wearing armor that bears the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] insignia are standing guard over sealed pressure door.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOne of them shakes his head. "It still doesn't make sense we ain't bringing in the big guns to wreck 'em all. But whatever. This job is fucking bullshit. For real."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "searchcorpse">>You crouch beside the<<elseif $action.arrive eq "datapad">>You pick up the data pad<<else>>You follow the corridor<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "searchcorpse">>You crouch beside the dead mercenary<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>, servos whirring<</if>>. The armor he wears in unusually thick, with a blast collar around its neck, but still the helmet has buckled entirely. Whatever destroyed that also mangled the merc's rifle beyond recognition.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Poor fucker." <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>You tear open his pockets and examine the content.<<else>>You search his pockets.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou find two spare 9mm magazines and an unclaimed credit chip; his comission perhaps. There's nothing else to be found. Not even an ID. Presumably by design, to protect the operator's true identity.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "datapad">>You pick up the data pad, brushing water off the damaged projectors. A faded screen stutters to life:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>They coming! From upstairs! Seel the doors. ANd prepra to rezist! Remember - 8r48989ni/(((éPF UZ8f4iu98490 j894ju0<br><br>\n\n\t\t<span class='redcolor'>[ERR]</span> DATA STREAM CORRUPTED\n\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "followcorridor">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_lowhab_psg.png"]]</div>You follow the corridor, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>knocking makeshift lanterns aside as you stomp on.<<else>>ducking under the hanging lanterns.<</if>> More torn banners line the walls and, visible through doorways off to either sides, are small rooms converted into living quarters. Clothes and household items lie strewn about, and you spot three bolt-riddled corpses dressed in ragged robes.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThey might as well been any scavenger or drifter, though in the last room, you spot what look uncannily like a shrine; a human skull filled with some form of orangish liquid. Several symbols have been scrawled on the walls and banners around it. You've just wondered whether you should investigate when rapid coilfire resounds at the end of the corridor. Light flashes, followed by a pitched scream. One last shot rings out. Silence returns.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, shit," you mutter, wondering whether you can risk investigating the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShadows are moving in the distance, and you can just barely hear footsteps. There's obviously someone up there - someone ready and willing to kill. Might be better to check that out first<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>, or simply slip away unnoticed - there's an unclamped utility hatch just to your left.<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You creep along..<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou creep along the balcony and down the stairs on the left. The [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]] stirs, pincers claking. Barbed tentacles sway in the gloom.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t\t"Shit." You freeze, heart pounding.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe creature rises, knocking noisily against a table. You remain perfectly still. The creature scuttles back and forth, testing the air with its tentacles. After several seconds it sinks back to the floor, tentacles settling back around its bulk.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thank fuck," you breathe, creeping forward anew.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Stingcrab|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Stingcrab"]] does not move again, and before long you're past it's massive<<if not $equip.isConcealing>>, stinking<</if>> bulk. The stairway onwards is just beyond; a shadowy descent that leads further into the unknown. \n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Darn." You risk a step back.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe creature rises and turns toward you. Its bulk bangs against a table, toppling it noisily. Its many legs click on the ground as it shuffles forward, testing the air with its tentacles. Part of you hopes it hasn't noticed your presence. But, deep inside, you already know it's too late. The creature is moving toward you, one clicking step at a time. <<if not $equip.isConcealing>>Vile odors begin to clog your nostrils.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn it," you mutter, all too aware there's no option but to kill the xenofauna - fast.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You crouch beside the...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "searchmercs">>You crouch beside the dead mercenaries, wondering what to look for. A data device, perhaps mission briefings, or simply anything that could be of use. There's nothing, at least not on the first man you check. They don't even have spare ammo left - it's all been used up, judging by the many holes in the walls.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOn the second man, you find a data cube. It's trivial to interface it with your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]], which causes the following window to appear in the corner of your vision:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<strong>OPERATION:</strong> Vision (XAPC-5838)<br>\n\t\t\t<strong>RESPONSIBLE:</strong> Cptn A. Tronchev<br>\n\t\t\t<strong>SUBJECT:</strong> Summary<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCompleted preliminary sweep of B29 passages and dispatched recon party. Encountered xenotypical threat on primary path to target area. Recon observed suspects 'feeding' creature. Possess firepower to overcome obstacle, yet risks alerting target of hostile activity. Seeking alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSecond recon party discovered route through old ducts; entrance is partially submerged yet accessible. Schematics indicate this bypasses the xenotypical impediment and allows direct access to the target area. Route too narrow to accomodate Exo frame. Will keep in reserve and prepare heavy team for primary assault. Backup team stationed in blocking position.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tRecon reported potential escape route to B29 (Bazar Area). Unable to deploy blocking forces due to lacking jurisdictive permission to operate in this area. Re-briefed assault team for new mission parameters: secure escape hatch ASAP, then commence systematic purge of target area. Additional forces held in reserve. Necessity of deployment deemed unlikely. Will commence operation momentarily.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\t\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "searchogers">>You crouch beside the [[Ogers|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] and search for clues. There's not much to go by. They probably attempted to resist the mercs, considering one fell still grasping a makeshift sword, and the other died beside a ruined pistol - its action block has been shot out. Unfortunately there's no indication why they were attacked.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>"Oh well." You rise to your feet with a whirr.\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, man." You stand with a sigh.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\t\t\n\n\t\tIt doesn't seem like this will get you anywhere. Neither of the [[Ogers|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] had implants either, so not even a chance to check that. Primitive just about describes how these... things lived.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "searchhumans">>You crouch beside the robed humans. In life, they bore swirled tattoos on their faces - or so it would seem, if the man with the face is representative for all. The other two have had their heads blown off almost entirely by coilfire.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Pretty." You feel nothing on account of your suit.\n\t\t<<else>>"Ugh." You shake your head at the sight.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_mstencil.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>Its augmented senses however reveal something odd: in addition to the facial tattoos, they bear angular marks on their wrists that match up with the template for standardized morgue stencils.\n\t\t<<else>>Something else catches your eye though: in addition to the facial tattoos, they bear angular marks on their wrists that look eerily like morgue stencils. \n\t\t<</if>> Which is odd, given these people were - at least until recently - very much alive. So why would anyone have bothered to ink death certificate-marks into their wrists?<br><br>\n\n\t\tHonestly, you don't know. But some form of death cult seems likely. It's a lead worth following up on, if just because you don't have much that might explain who these cultists were. [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] ensured all evidence was wiped out through sheer brute force. Typical mercs - shoot first and never ask questions. \n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon and hurry down the stairs. The frantic melee has since dissolved; what's left of <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>the Raptors<<else>>[[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]<</if>> having retreated into the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. There's blood everywhere - human and abomination alike. Spent magazines lie scattered amidst bolt-riddled corpses and badly mangled bodies. The occasional scream still echoes in the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit." You shake your head, glancing around the desolate scene.<br><br>\n\n\t"We's lick'dm good, eh?" Arva stops beside you and slides a fresh magazine into her coil pistol. "Now all we's gotte deh is flush'm outa der hole."<br><br>\n\n\tThe idea makes you laugh. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Close on ten years and no one - ever - has flushed the Raptors out of their hole. Seems kinda fitting it's gonna be me."<br><br>\n\n\t"Ya can't say much fer irony, eh?"<<else>>"First those fuckers flush Wilkin out over that Object. Now we kick their asses. Seems fair to me."<br><br>\n\n\t"Gotta kick'm while they's down, eh?"<</if>> Arva chuckles to herself. "Anyways, what's yer plan?"<br><br>\n\n\tThere are two options, really. The same ones there always were: charge the front door and murder your way in or slip in through the side - negotiating isn't really on the table anymore. So it's down to those.\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou enter the Sitting Room, a dimly lit chamber dominated by a low couch and two plush armchairs. Beside one of the armchairs is a table with a data pad on it. A deactivated holo-frame hangs on one wall and, opposite, stands a glass vitrine containing what looks suspiciously like a custom-built [[ShVR|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "ShVR"]].<br><br>\n\n\tXarea sits in one of the chairs and motions for you to do the same. "It is a relief to see you will not betray my trust - at least not do until I have explained my position. That already I find admirable."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm not that rash," you say with a slight smile. "And I'm intrigued.<<else>>"I try to cover all the angles. And I'm intrigued to say the least.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"As you should be. There is much to be discussed. Yet first there is something I must know: what is it - truly - that convinced you to follow the Vision? What drove you to place so much trust in a design you know nothing of, and have no reason to expect?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You let Lady Corbei...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou let Lady Corbei draw you to your feet. Her smile is as seductive as it is cruel as she makes you to the door. There she pauses just long enough to brush against your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>crotch<<else>>breasts<</if>>, and guides you into a room hung with translucent white curtains. A plush couch stands against each wall and a glass table occupies the center.<br><br>\n\n\t"There was a time we often entertained here," Xarea says, easing you onto the nearest couch. "If these walls could tell tales."<br><br>\n\n\tYou scoff. "Doubt I'd like what they have to say."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, certainly not." Xarea pulls off your <<armortype>>, a distant look in her eyes. "The depravity they witnessed. So many of highest society, succumbed to binges of day-long extacy, orgies which knew no difference between pleasure and pain, an endless dance which knew no end." A hint of sadness crosses her ivory features. "At times I almost wished I had the interest to partake."<br><br>\n\n\t"Sounds terrible," you say a little too coldly.<br><br>\n\n\tXarea's lips brush against your neck as she whispers, "It was, <<firstname>>. You cannot imagine how disheartening it is to be denied your deepest wishes by a long discredited genetic destiny."<br><br>\n\n\tThere's no time to make sense of what was said before Xarea's <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>lips slide around your cock.<<else>>tongue licks at your pussy.<</if>> You can't help but sigh contently. Lady Corbei feels nice, and yet you sense something else. Something terribly wrong; no matter how good it feels, there's just something a little off about the whole affair.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the room...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou leave the room and head down the long hallway lined by purple drapes. Dozens of portraits set in silver holo-frames stare blankly at you. Some appear friendly, others bored or haughty, while a select few appear downright angry. Not one means anything to you. They aren't your family, after all, and you couldn't care less about the Corbei heritage. Still it feels odd, walking down a gallery of history like this. It makes you wonder: who were these people, what did they desire, and how did they leave their mark on the galaxy - if at all?<br><br>\n\n\tPresumably, it doesn't matter. Your legacy will wash all their accomplishments away in short order. Tragic. Really.<br><br>\n\n\tShaking your head, you push the glass doors open and stride past the two [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] standing guard outside. On the far side of the bridge is the landing pad. The Corbei driver and his grav-car is waiting there.<br><br>\n\n\tHe holds the door open when you approach. "<<formalname>>. If you please."<br><br>\n\n\t"Thanks." You climb into the back seat.<br><br>\n\n\tThe driver slams the door and walks around to the controls. A moment later you're in the air, grav-plates whirring as the vehicle shoots off into the traffic patterns. Home sweet home at last! What a day.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head into the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_gunfight.png"]]</div>\n\n\tYou head into the maze of passages that make up the [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Panicked shoppers hurry past, casting terrified glances over their shoulder. Upturned boxes and crumpled bags litter the floor; wares forgotten in the chaos. A haze of toxic mist hangs in the air.<br><br>\n\n\t"Run!" A panicked man crashes through a deserted stall, shouting "Run! They're killing everyone!"<br><br>\n\n\tCoilfire echoes off the walls. Someone screams farther down the passage. Bright bolts zip back and forth, cutting through the holograms cast on the plaza head. By now the air is almost solid green with plague mist. All you can see through the murk are muzzle flashes.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>"Shit." You press yourself against the wall, rasping for breath.<<else>>"Yikes." You press yourself against the wall, heart thudding.<</if>> "That was fast."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"Quickly, friends!" A dozen cultists hurry your way, led by Vijar. He pauses beside you, coil carbine in hand. "Friend. We have pinned them yet they are slaughtering our friends from the Deshvar Shrine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'd notice," you say. "Who's shooting at them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Raptors, and quite a lot of them. Heavily armed. They may have been foreward."\n\t\t<<else>>"[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], heavily armed and advancing with extreme prejudice. I believe they were forewarned."\n\t\t<</if>>He crouches down, breather rasping, "We shall require a plan. They have taken high ground."\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"<<firstname>>!" Arva hurries toward you, dozens of abominations scrambling on her heels. She hunkers beside you, saysing, "'Em idiots from 'em Deshvar Shrine came out 'n did 'eir shit early. Now they's pinned 'n getting shot te bits."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'd notice," you say. "Who's shooting at them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Raptors, far as I can tell. Bastard's come out'n force."\n\t\t<<else>>"[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], far as I can see. Bastard's int even go fer riot control, jus' came'n guns blazin'." \n\t\t<</if>>She peers into the plaza beyond. "Got 'em high ground and lotsa it. We's gon' need a damn good plan."\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou approach the security checkpoint by the entrance to Level B28. Several citizens are complaining to the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> but they're refusing to move. One of them steps up when you try to pass too.<br><br>\n\n\t"Halt." He holds you back with an armored hand. "This area's off limits<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>. Wilkin's order<<else>> by order of the Lieutenant<</if>>. Quarantine procedures. No one goes in or out."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t"Yeah, I almost—" Movement in the corner of your eye; dark shapes crawling along the ceiling. "—figured as much. Don't worry. I just wanted to—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tA blur of motion slams down right in front of you, crushing the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>>. His comrades recoil in shock. Someone screams as an abomination pounces from behind, sinking razor-sharp teeth clean through his armor. Coilfire errupts as another of the guards opens fire - only to have his arm ripped clean of.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeouch," you mutter as the abomination thrashes around, splattering blood all over.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPanicked civilians run for their lives only to get run down and eaten. The remaining <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> beat a hasty retreat through the security door. Bolts slam into place. In the snarling silence that follows, you spot Arva striding over blood-stained corpses.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<firstname>>." She grins. "Let's see if we can't get that door open, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's locked from the inside but there's a pannel on your side too. That, or you could try to force it open. You've got over thirty abominations with you by now. They should be able to budge it.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Yeah, I figured. I'm—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm aware who you are," the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>> says in a distorted voice. "No exceptions. That includes you. Sorry."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPart of you wants to argue but there's no point. Even if they don't know you're behind half this chaos, they aren't going to risk the entire level getting infected. Even for someone as reputable as you.\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the hidden...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_sprawl.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFind">>\n\t\tHoping to find the hidden doorway, you follow the side passage the cultists appeared from. It leads a dozen meters or so down and ends abruptly at a sealed utility duct. There's no way to open the hatch from the outside. Someone's smeared it with colorful graffiti insulting the dead and cursing the plague.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, about that hidden—" your gaze falls on a small pressure switch between two wall plates. "Huh."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou press the button. A segment of the wall retracts to reveal a hidden entrance. You step through, into an unlit passage.\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou are in the unlit passage behind the hidden doorway. The structure is ancient, probably as old as the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Some parts of the structure have been renovated. Other parts retain their original decorations, though the paint has worn thin and only fragments of ancient murals remain.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideFind" or $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>Crude air vents have been cut along the ceiling and a thin, misty film drifts out. Old furniture stands along the walls, many pieces cracking with age and disuse. All the while, your footfalls echo loudly.<br><br>\n\n\tThe passage ends at an ornate elevator with primitive push-button controls. Only the down button - marked clearly with an arrow - can be pressed.\n<</if>>\n\tCuriously, there's a bare metal table beside the elevator that looks completely out of place amid the ancient carvings and fragmented wall paintings. On the table is a still functional data pad. It appears to have been placed there recently, though it's impossible to tell by whom.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You follow the...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou follow the [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] into the colonade. Footsteps echo in the mausoleum. Your gaze falls on sygils, patterns, and pictograms carved in columns and above the many coffins. They mean nothing to you.<br><br>\n\n\tEventually, the child slows its pace. "I asked about abomination specifically because it's a curious topic. [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], in the strictest legal sense, would concemn half the galaxy as abominated. We are not in fact biologically pure. And by me I mean humans. Yourself. Myself. Not even abominations per se."<br><br>\n\n\t"You aren't exactly human," you point out.<br><br>\n\n\t"No. I'm more human than you." The kid chuckles. "In earnest. Read the laws. Test your genetic makeup. Deviation from the human standard genome of more than 25% is considered abominated by law and that accounts for most citizens of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. You would fail. I on the other hand would pass a biological marker tests while you, the sanctioned hunter who is called upon to enforce these xenophobic laws, would not."<br><br>\n\n\tYou can't help but laugh. "No one ever claimed [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] makes sense. That's why the justice system exists: to prevent overreach."<br><br>\n\n\t"The system is fundamentally broken because it is an excuse built on lies." The [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] stops and faces you. "Humanity evolves and changes and, for this, the new is decried as abominated. We are taught to fear this but look at the world of today and what do we see? The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] arrests natural progress with one hand while, with the other, they bestow cybernetic blessings upon their chosen few. <<if $equip.isCyberImplant>>Just as you have tainted your body with cheap corporate circuits. <</if>>Do you truly believe there can be a future when one pursues such poorly thought out policies?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromKid">>You lower your weapon<<else>>You approach the kid's body<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.arrive neq "fromKid">>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon<<if $action.arrive eq "fromDjinn">>, wondering whether the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] will return. Hopefully not. You really don't want to fight one of those things again.<<else>> and approach the dead cultists. Something about them strikes you odd. Not the robes or the cult part. But their faces, eyes. They still seem... alive.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, come off it," you tell yourself and turn back to the kid.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's nothing of note on him.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou approach the kid's body, unsettled by its eyeless stare. Which is silly, of course. The [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] was the only thing unnatural about that kid. Its body was, well, just a bit malformed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, let's hope." You crouch down and search his pockets.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's nothing inside.\n\t<</if>>Before you can decide where to look next, heavy footfalls sound behind you.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>Adrenaline surges. You turn to see <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin<<else>>the silvery form of a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<</if>> striding across the Mausoleum, cloak billowed out by momentum.<br><br>\n\n\t"Biological." <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Corinthin<<else>>The machine-angel<</if>> stops before you. "Unfortunate you are here. Difficulties will ensue."<br><br>\n\n\tSurprised, you ask, "<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Difficulties? What the hell do you mean?"<<else>>Difficulties with what? Who are you?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>"Once again your meddling complicates affairs," it drones. "One foe is elimiated. Now the other will be forewarned.<<else>>"Corinthin," a voice drones from behind a featureless, silver mask. "We met once. Irrelevant. Your meddlesome influence complicates affairs. One foe is elimiated. Now the other will be forewarned.<</if>> Our task - your task - will become more complicated than it need have been."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head for a small...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitylock_broken.png"]]</div>\n\tYou head for a utiluity door beside the broad staircase, half concealed behind black banners. The door was once sealed by a mag lock but it's since rusted beyond utility. A simple push suffices to swing it open. Hinges creak ominously. Faded glow panels flicker to life as their electronics detect your presence. You step into the air filtration station.<br><br>\n\n\tThe walls rumble and hum as six enormous filtration units scrub contamination and pump oxygen into the nearby vents. Those disappear into the superstructure, but it isn't hard to guess which one distributes air to the Shrine. There's only one that runs in that direction.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromMegaplex">>You climb the stairs<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBazar">>You leave the tramway station<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>You lower your weapon<<else>>You are standing<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 8 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase lt 98>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_megaplex_vision.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 98>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawlgeneric.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromMegaplex">>\n\t\tYou climb the stairs, past their banners and into the chamber beyond.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBazar">>\n\t\tYou leave the tramway station and head down the narrow, twisting back passages that lead to the Visionary Shrine. For the longest time, you're alone. Then you reach the utility door and step out into the dim chamber beyond.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou are standing in the Visionary Shrine in Megaplex 4.\n\t<</if>>\n\tA pillar of corpses rises in the gloom; a monument of bodies moulded together and bathed in the sickly light of green glow-orbs. Amidst the many tents that fill the chamber, bodies lie strewn on the floor<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 98>>, charred black by plasma fire.<<else>>, injectors filled with sickly liquid stuck in their bodies. A thin haze whafts over the scene.<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 98>>There's no one around.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhat happened however is abundantly clear: the Purifiers came and did their job. If the scorch marks aren't proof enough, the bolt holes are. The visionaries are dead - all of them. You did well.<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.lootedAbomCredits>><br><br>\n\n\t\tWhere Vijar used to stand, you spot a credit chip. It couldn't hurt to take. After all, the so-called "visionaries" have no use for it anymore.<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>> <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>A dozen cultists<<else>>Several dozen cultists<</if>>are kneeling in the shadows. Vijar and Arva are among them. The blind kid is sitting amidst the corpses, beneath one of the crumbling tents.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<firstname>>." He waves you over, a soft smile on his chapped lips. "Glad you're here. There's a lot to discuss."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stop before the kid. "There is? I thought we were almost through with this mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We are, but that leaves open questions. Loyalty, for example. And commitment to our Vision. I've asked the others to reflect on this too. It's a serious matter. Our future depends on it."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9>>\n\t\tVisionary Vijar, fleshmelder Arva, and a dozen other cultists stand before the pillar of corpses. A familiar, childlike figure waits beside them.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<firstname>>," the blind kid says as you draw near. "I trust you had a nice little talk with my... our benefactor."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour eyes narrow. "You could say that. Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, nothing particular. It's just there are rumorms you've been... chosen to make our Vision reality." Empty eye sockets stare at you. "That's true, isn't it? You've been chosen?"\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict">> Angry voices cut through the silence.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVisionary Vijar storms into view, snarling, \n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>"You question the Vision! That is what I hear!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like I effin' care." The fleshmelder follows at a more leisurely pace. "Ye's fuckin' stupid. Bam. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Arva! How dare—" Vijar stops short, gaze drawn to you. "You. What have you done?! This cannot stand!"\n\t\t<<else>>"How dare you! The Vision is clear. There is no doubt!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah, dere's no doubt yer an effin' fool." The fleshmelder follows at a more leisurely pace. "Fek yerself. Fer real."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Arva! Do not—" Vijar stops short, gaze drawn to you. "Friend. A moment. This lunatic must be seen to first."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 8>> A lone cultist strides by, seemingly indifferent to the display.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>To the left, beneath a crumbling tent, crouches a distainful Fleshmelder Arva. Her utensisls glow bright in the frail light. She takes no notice of you. Clearly her corpses are more important. But they'll come to use. Soon.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>A distainful looking Visionary Vijar is standing at by the sidelines along with a handful of cultists. Several carry arms, and all look to you with dark expressions - distain for your plan no doubt. But they'll come in handy. Soon.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 8>>A subdued <</if>>Visionary Vijar surveys the scene from the sidelines. To the left, beneath a crumbling tent, crouches <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 6>>a subdued <</if>>Fleshmelder Arva. Her utensisls glow bright in the frail light. Neither seem to care for the dead. They are simply there, a reminder of those who once dwelled in this sickly place of worship.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>There's no one around. The cultists seem to have just disappeared, leaving this place deserted. Odd - or maybe not so much. \n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You climb up the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_treatmentplant.png"]]</div>\n\tYou climb up the ladder, past a flickering emergency light, and toward the upper hatch. Machinery hums in the chamber beyond, a wide gallery criss-crossed by piping and jury-rigged cables. Six huge water tanks stands along the length of the room. At the far end, several glow-orbs have been strung up around a vaccuum-sealed tent.<br><br>\n\n\tTwo men in white pressure suits stand outside, chatting, while a [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] mercenary in heavy armor patrols before them. Presumably, the samples you're looking for will be inside that tent. Only question now is how you're going to get inside. The water tanks offer soem concealment, so maybe you could sneak in, but there's still the guard. And the scientists. This won't be easy.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromHome">>You leave your appartment and<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You leave the appartment and<<else>>You leave the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b30_infected.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromHome">>You leave your appartment and head toward where the Quarantine Line used to be.\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You leave the appartment and head toward where the Quarantine Line used to be.\n\t<<else>>You leave the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]], passing the defunct grav field, and stop on the far side of the old quarantine line.\n\t<</if>>\n\tThe Purifiers are since gone. Their barricade stands in lonesome silence, warning citizens of a danger that's since spread far beyond the grav-field.<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, man," you mutter, remembering this is where you live.<br><br>\n\n\tGone are the gangs and street kids; the corner shops and rushed citizens. All that remains in this place is death. It hangs as heavy in the air as the plaguelike dust which swirls in the sucking rumble of the air filtration units. Nonthing will ever be the same. Not here. Not anymore.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You push your way...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_infoterminal.png"]]</div>You push your way across the busy [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] walkways, toward the information booth. The hologram flickers to life as you stand beside it. You ignore its voice, your gaze drawn to a man in black robes standing nearby. He glances in your direction. You return his gaze. A long moment passes.<br><br>\n\n\t"Friend." He gestures toward where a line of grav-cars are parked on their landing pads. "This way."<br><br>\n\n\tSuspicious, you follow. He turns his hooded head to you. "They have told you where we must go?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah. I'm well aware."<br><br>\n\n\t"Then all is understood. I shall take you, and depart. You shall ensure the threat is removed. Please—" He gestures to the car door.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - The Siren's Song">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for more Details|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action1 = "moredetails"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Informed|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action1 = "notinformed"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you can't Negotiate|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action1 = "insist"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if ($action.action1 eq "insist" and $factionlock.kobolPhase neq 2) or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell the Truth|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action2 = "truthfail"; $hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell the Truth|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action2 = "truth"; $hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Make up Assurance|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action2 = "excuse"; $hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Make up Assurance|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action2 = "excusefail"; $hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse all Assurances|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action2 = "refuse"; $hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "refuse" or $action.action2 eq "excusefail" or $action.action2 or "truthfail">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Blackscale|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Blackscale_B10"; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "truth">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Explain what you Intend|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action3 = "truthplan"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.stress += 1; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 2]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "excuse">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can't Explain|sirens_song_backroom][$action.action3 = "excuseplan"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 3]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'sirens_song_backroom_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>The tram hums to a stop...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tThe tram hums to a stop at the Level B14 station. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>No one gets up to leave. Only when the doors are about do close do you realize where you are and dash out, onto a deserted platform.<<else>>No one except you stands up to get off. Curious looks follow you as you step out onto the platform.<</if>> There's no one around and silence haunts the deserted station.<br><br>\n\n\t"Now, I wonder..." You glance toward the [[Cathedral Skybridge|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\tThere's a car parked on the nearest landing pad. The man beside it is wearing a smart [[Redsuit|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Redsuit"]]. He waves you over.<br><br>\n\n\t"You the driver?" You call as you draw near.<br><br>\n\n\t"Indeed, <<formalname>>." He pops the back door to the car and gestures inside. "Is you please. Miss Corbei awaits your arrival."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "simulator">>You <<walk>> over to the...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "shop">>You take the...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "simulator">>You <<walk>> over to the V-Sim couch and sit down. Leather scrunches under your weight. An audible beep sounds. Static electricity prickles your neck and, as the device interfaces with your implant, the world vanishes with a pixelated stutter.\n\nPulsing music begins to play as the main interface appears before your mind's eye:<<elseif $action.action1 eq "shop">>You take the <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>Lavandri equipment catalog and browse through it. Half the items are promotional only, but down below you find the Arena Contestant section. It contains the following selection:<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Project Incubus catalog and scroll through the list of high-quality combat equipment. It's all top of the line and cheaper than anywhere else:<<else>>independant competitor galatol and browse through the list of whacky gear approved for sale to non-sponsored contestants. It's a strange collection to say the least:<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "score">>"So how exactly is the Arena scored? What points are awarded for what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, it's real simple," the receptionist says. "Haven't you watched bloodsports at all? Actually, don't answer that. Lemme pretend I didn't hear you ask at all and, oh, look, here's the unofficial official Lavandri cheat sheet." She winks.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t\t<center><strong>Lavandri Cheat Sheet</strong></center><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<center><strong>Game Score</strong></center><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Curbstomp</strong> (game won in 1 turn): 100 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Gladiator</strong> (game won in 6+ turns): 250 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Tension</strong> (game won in 4+ turns): 150 points<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<center><strong>Apparel</strong></center><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Fashionista</strong> (played in fancy outfit): +25 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Glamgasm</strong> (played in glamorous outfit): +50 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Skank</strong> (played in skimpy outfit): +30 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Party Hard</strong> (played in party outfit): +25 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Crossdresser</strong> (played while crossdressing): +25 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Stage Fright </strong>(entered arena with face covered): -50 points<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<center><strong>Performance</strong></center><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>No Sweat</strong> (not injured; implies acted cool): +50 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Multikill</strong> (more than 2 kills in one "shot"): +15 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Doublekill</strong> (more than 1 kill in one "shot"): +10 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Flawless</strong> (never got hit): +50 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Rampage</strong> (over 1.25 kills per turn avrg): +35 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Unsustainable</strong> (over 1.5 kills per turn avrg): +35 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Hotshot</strong> (fancy / combo kill): +10x number of kills in points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Massacre</strong> (meele kills): +15x number of melee kills in points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Bland</strong> (only used one weapon): -25 points<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>NoSkill</strong> (less than 0.5 kills per round): -25 points<br>\n\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "ladder">>"So, how exactly does the ladder system work? In detail I mean."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ya got three tiers runnin' outa here. Quali, Local, Regional, and whichever two win dat with best scores go to Global Championship. Beyond that ya got pan-gal but you ain't got a shit chance in hell to go there." She shrugs absently. "Sayin' it as it is. Neways, each tier runs 'till everyone's dead or moved up, and at Regional it's semifinal elimination. Ya pick yer fight an' ya fight it to the death. Yeah, people die. Could be you. And if you die, well, yer dead. Ya win, ya earn cash based on 'em other guys position an' skill."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So, the harder the opponent I kill, the bigger the bounty."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe shoots you a deplorable look. "It ain't just about killing plebs as fast as you can. Point is to do it in style, make a show of it, so the audience votes for ya. An' ya need dat approval or ye'll get voted out even if ya own all the way te the semifinals. So what ya want is maximum approval. How ya do that is your problem. I jus' record your name an' make shit work. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Right," you say, mildly unnerved by the woman's tone.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Just go fuck yourself," you say, unable to stand the woman's voice any more.<<else>>"Sure," you say, determined not to let that information go to waste.<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "optout">>"I'm opting out of the Championship. Yeah. I know. But I can't take it. Stress. And my body's all battered. I go out there, I'm dead, and I'm not ready for that."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe receptionist looks shocked. "But you... you can't do that! It's—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I just did," you say. "Bump up another contestant. Or call the Championship. Whatever Lavandri policy is. At any rate, I'm out. End of story."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you turn to leave, she calls after you, "Vine, Vine! Wait! You—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou hasten your pace and ignore her voice. Screw her. Hell, screw the entire Tournament. You're done. Better to just take your cash and run - now, before someone blows your brains out. That's the smart thing to do.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "signup">>\n\t\t<<if $time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt gte 12>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t"Sign me up then. Who am I going up against?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Take yer pick." She taps the data pad on the counter. "Whichever ya think is best. An' word of advice? Don't do anything ya can't handle. Cleaning crew fucking hates the gorey mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou snort. "I'll remember that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWhen you pick up the data pad, it displays the following screen:\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"Last sign-up, I guess." You pick up the data pad but hesitate. "Man. I wasn't sure I'd get here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Neither were we," the receptionist says softly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, well, just one more to go." You un-lock the data pad, well aware there's only one opponent left:\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 10>>\n\t\t\t\t"One last time, I guess," you say, taking the data pad.\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier eq "bribed">>"Who's taking the slot?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"Calamity from R Sector," she says. "Not one of the finalists, ranked fifth on the charts. Unusual circumstances, but there wasn't anyone else available on short notice."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"Oh. Okay." You unlock the data pad, which reads:\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>"This'll be interesting."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"Oh, definitely," she says. "I think it might be one of the most-streamed events ever. Servers have been creaking all day and all the nets are bogged down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"Wow," you mutter as you unlock the data pad:\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Yeah. I'm playing. Sign me up or whatever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Whatever you say, hotshot." She indicates the data pad on the counter. "Take yer pick and we'll have you in the pit right away."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou unlock the device. It reads:\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>"Okay, now let's see." You pick up the data pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhen you tap the scree, the following appears:\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "pay">>"Okay. Creds for words. Here you go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Aye." The man swipes your arms. "Yer lookin' fer Deshvar, yah? Then yer gon' be disappointed. But he's near, mate. Real near."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Your brow rises. "Mind telling me where to look then?"\n\t\t<<else>>You fold your arms. "Just give it to me straight, man."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Easy, easy." He indicates the utility hatch behind you. "Dat's where ya wan't look, mate. Code's 1741. An' dat's all I'm sayin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You nod and, without further ado...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiate">>"I don't think so. Rather, I'd say: information for civility. We're all being civil here, right? And don't want any trouble. Right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man looks suddenly nervous. "Civil, yeah. No trouble. yeah."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good." You fold your arms. "Now where's Deshvar."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Jus' over there." He indicates the utility hatch behind you. "Dat's where ya wan't look, mate. Code's 1741. An' dat's all I'm sayin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You nod and, without further ado...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiatefail">>"Creds for words? Are you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>kidding me? That info ain't worth my credits."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe look the man gives you makes you wish you hadn't said that. "Ya ain't welcome here, outsider. Ya sure ain't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wow, okay then." You take a step back. "I'll just be—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe grabs your shoulder. "Wait, outsider. Ya ain't paid fer your—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey!" You shove the man away. "Get off me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSuddenly everyone is looking at you. Anger blazes in their eyes. The man with the sunken eyes hauls himself up, pistol still in hand. It's painfully clear he intends to use it.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "success">>"Ahh, there we go."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe clamps uneal with a beep. You haul the hatch out of its mounting and peer into the gloomy passage beyond.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "forcedOpen">>"Ah, screw this," and slam your <<knife>> into the lock.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSparks to errupt. The clamps release with a dull clang. You haul the hatch out of its mounting and peer into the gloomy passage beyond.<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "success" or $action.action2 eq "forcedOpen">>\n\t\tIn the flickering light of a distant emergency light, you can just make out the floor is covered with a thin layer of water. The passage continues off to the left, disappearing around a corner. There's no indication of anyone having been there recently. Still, can't hurt to investigate.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action2 eq "avoidCephanine">>You creep toward the<<elseif $action.action2 eq "avoidCephanineFail">>You creep toward the<<elseif $action.action2 eq "silentkill">>Moving slowly and deliberately, you<<elseif $action.action2 eq "subtle">>Moving as carefully as possible, you <<elseif $action.action2 eq "powerarmor">>You creep up to the<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "avoidCephanine">>You creep toward the snoozing [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]]. The floor creaks. You freeze, heart pounding, as the xenos twitches. Its head rises ever so slightly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLong seconds pass as you remain utterly motionless. The creature finally lowers its head again. Breathing a sigh of relief, you test your way forward again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pass the xenos by so close you could reach out and touch its slimy skin. It doesn't notice your presence however and, perhaps twenty meters on, you reach the far end of the passage. A narrow flight of steps lead down, into a gloomy chamber. It's hard to tell what's inside but someone's etched another sygil beside the door frame. You must be on the right track.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "avoidCephanineFail">>You creep toward the snoozing [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]]. The floor creaks. You freeze, heart pounding, as the xenos twitches. Its head rises ever so slightly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou risk a step back. Metal creaks under your boots. The [[Cephanine|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cephanine"]] jerks upright. Bright, angry eyes glower in the gloom. Claws scrape on the damp floor plates as the creature moves toward you, sniffing the air. It's clear it knows you're there. Which leaves only one option: slaughter the xenos - or die trying.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "silentkill">>Moving slowly and deliberately, you draw your <<pistol>> and approach the mercs. One of them looks up just as you level the sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, what—" His words are cut short as you blast a suppressed bolt into his head.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other turns with a start. You put three rounds in his chestplate. He collapses with a dull thud.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sorry, guys." You put one more bolt into each of them for good measure and...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "subtle">>Moving as carefully as possible, you creep across the passage. The mercs don't notice you as you hunker behind the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. Problem is, there's no way past them. The only door onwards is the one they're guarding.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man," one of the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] guys says, treading his feed. "This is gonna take for fucking ever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey, it's what we're paid for. Just chill." The other shakes his head. "Impatient fuck, you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt looks like the other is about to reply but, as he does, his gaze falls on you. "Shit!" He punches his buddy. "We got company."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other turns. Your eyes meet just as he grabs his rifle. There's no doubt as to what's about to happen. And that leaves you one option: fight - or die.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "powerarmor">>You creep up to the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]. The mercs beyond don't notice you - yet. One of them is still muttering about the pointlessness of their mission. The other is busy fiddling with his gear.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHis buddy nudges him. "Ey, man. How long we supposed to just sit here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Until the assault team signals all clear," the second replies, still tugging at his armor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right." The first begins to pace, miraculously not spotting you behind the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isNeuroImplant>>It's a nice piece of tech to say the least. And compatible with your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. Might well be worth hopping into - and wrecking shit.<<else>>You have no hope of interfacing with the armor, of course, but it's a damn fine piece of technology none the less. It'd be a pity if [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] used it against you.<</if>> \n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action2 eq "shrine">>You enter the shrine<<elseif $action.action2 eq "troopers">>You continue down the\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "utilitypath">>You approach the utility<<elseif $action.action2 eq "shrineself">>You are standing<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "shrine">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_vision_bowl.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou enter the shrine, \n\t\t<<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>augmented senses scanning the environment in a split second. The skull on the shrine contains some poisonous substance, as best you can tell. There's a data pad in the corner. Less important are the cushions on the floor - likely intended for prayer - and banners on the walls. There's no immediate threat.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wonder what this place was," you mutter, glancing around.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMaybe the data pad will say more. That's your only potential lead. The walls and banners offer no insight.\n\t\t<<else>>eyeing the surreal environment. There's that skull on the shrine with that strange, glowing liquid. Your gaze wanders on, across ragged banners, and a data pad in the corner. Also, several cushions scatter the floor - prayer cushions, maybe? It's hard to know.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I wonder—" You peer at the skull.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt doesn't seem safe to consume, but maybe there's something to it. Or maybe the data pad will provide more information. That's your only real lead as to what this place is.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "shrineself">>You are standing in the little shrine. There's a skull on the table before you which contains luminescent liquid. Ragged banners hang from the walls and a number of cushions have been scattered on the floor, presumably for prayer. There's also a data pad in the corner.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Weird place," is all you can think to say. "Really <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>weird."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "troopers">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicae_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou continue down the corridor, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>heavy footfalls echoing as your senses scan for danger.<<else>>moving as quietly as possible yet still alert for danger.<</if>> Shadows move in a chamber ahead. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Your senses reveal the truth long before you peer inside: a circular chamber with two heavily armored troopers standing in it.<<else>>You pause at the doorway to peer into a circular chamber. There are three heavily armored troopers within.<</if>> They're are armed with heavy, multi-coiled assault weapons, and arc projectors crackle on their armor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>"Well, well." You stop in the doorway, servos whirring.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the—" One of the mercs turns, bringing his oversized gun to bear. "Some shithead got our [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], Boss!"<<else>>"Ah, shit." You duck back, heart pounding.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the—" One of the mercs turns, bringing his oversized gun to bear. "Boss, we got company."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAnother mercenary barks a laugh. "Well, what you waiting for? Ice the fucker!"\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "utilitypath">>You approach the utility hatch and yank it out of the latches. The pannel lifts easily away. Beyond is a dark utility passage dripping with water. It leads - at least as far as you can tell - back the way you came. Not on a direct route, of course, but still to safety.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thank fuck for that," you mutter, climbing into the duct.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMetal bangs and creaks as you knock against it. A light dangling from the ceiling sways, casting odd shadows on the cramped passage. Ahead, you can just see a ladder. It's hard to climb in the confines of the duct but seems to lead several levels up, to another duct. An emergency release clamp glows in the dark ahead, marked by self-luminating paint. Clearly an exit panel, though you have no idea what's on the other side.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You leave the chamber...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\tYou leave the chamber and head for the access hatch you spotted earlier. It's right beside the shrine. <<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.drankSkull>>The skull within seems to be leering at you. Impossible, of course, but it feels that way none the less. As though it //knows// what you saw.<<elseif $equip.isPowerArmor>>Your augmented senses register nothing of interest inside.<<else>>The skull you saw earlier catches your eye. Something about it is just really unsettling.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_lowhabs_oger.drankSkull>>"Oh, this was all a terrible idea." You hurry to the hatch and lug it out of the fastening.<<elseif $equip.isPowerArmor>>"Looks like we're done then." You yank the hatch out of its fastening.<<else>>"Oh, screw you." You make for the hatch and remove the access cover.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tDarkness lurks beyond. There's no way to tell where the passage leads, only that it's the most likely - and quickest - way out. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>You'll have to leave the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] behind, of course. It'll never fit in the duct.<<else>>Anyways, you've more than seen enough of this place. Whatever it is. Was.<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "stop">>Suddenly alarmed, you...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "continue">>Despite your better judgement, you...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "stop">>Suddenly alarmed, you ease her away. She barely resists but confusion is plain on her face. "Is something wrong?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "Everything. Somehow. I don't know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I am sorry," she says, looking ashamed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Never mind." You stroke her head, unable to shake the feeling you've been with her before, but you quickly push the thought away. "Yeah. Whatever. It was a stupid idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, I don't necessarily agree." She strokes your skin, causing goose bumps to form where her fingers touch it. "It's pleasant. At least for me."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "continue">>Despite your better judgement, you let her continue. It feels nice, almost familiar, as though you'd known her for ages. And, at the same time, you can't shake the sense something is off, wrong in all the right ways - too delightfully repulsive to resist.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEventually she draws away, a soft smile on her lips, "Does it please?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"In a weird way, yes." You stroke her head, unable to shake the feeling you've been with her before.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, I known what you mean." She strokes your skin, causing goose bumps to form where her fingers touch it. "But it's pleasant. At least for me."\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You settle back...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou settle back, glad for a moment's repose. Vehicles and walkways flash past but you barely take notice, content to close your eyes wait out the ride in blissful ignorance of the world around you.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\tGrav-plates whine as the driver banks, pulling out of the fastway and andling into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. He breaks gradually and carefully sets the vehicle down on a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<formalname>>, if you please—" He pops your door. "Have an excellent day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You too, man." You climb out of the vehicle and slam the door.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. And so here you are. Almost back where you began but with a very different goal in mind - and a new question: where to begin?\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"Let me speak to them. Maybe I can get them to pull back."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"You are, ah, certain this plan will succeed, friend?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No I'm not," you admit. "But the area's already contaminated and negotiation it's better than this blood bath.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, I suppose." Vijar looks uncertain. "Then speak and be swift. We shall intervene should events not go as hoped for."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Ye effin' stupid? Why's they gon' listen?"<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Because the whole area's contaminated and there's a blood bath going on. No one wants that. Not even them."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, I ain't fer it," Arva says slowly. "But give it a shot, yeh? We's gon' be right here if stuff goes effin' south."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good." You draw a deep breath<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>, choking yourself with plague mist, <</if>> and stride into the open. "Cease fire! Cease fire, damn it! What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> is going on here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tBolts whiz past so close you can feel the heat. You curse, diving for cover. So much for that plan. Before you can think of another, <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>several cultists charge past, firing wildly.<<else>>a horde of abominations hurtle past.<</if>> You scramble after them, down the nearest side passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fuck, fu—" A <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>"[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>> recoils, only to be <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>gunned down by a cultist<<else>>torn to shreds by an abomination<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, you can see the firing line.\t\t\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors in dark green [[Combat Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] hurry through the swirling mist.\n\t\t<<else>>"[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in their iconic [[Riot Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] hurry through the swirling mist.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tThey're reforming to block your charge. It's act now - or die.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flank">>"We flank them through the old hydrogen shutes. Should put us right behind the firing line."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"An excellent plan." Vijar waves to his men, calling, "Remain alert, friends. The Vision guides us on a better path."<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Good effin' idea." Arva shoes her abominations aside, hissing, "Move, you hunks of flesh. Move!"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tYou set a hasty path down a side passage. It ends at a utility door but a hard kick to the rusted mag-locks dislodges them. You hurry through, into the old hydrogen processing plant. Enormous tanks rise to the shadowed ceiling far above. Below them, hundreds of tents have been set up. Voices yelp in surprise as you stride past. Human silhouettes hunker in the shadows.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wretches," you mutter, making toward the nearest shute. "They'll all die."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, you can just see muzzle flashes in the gloom.\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors in dark green [[Combat Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] hurry through the swirling mist.\n\t\t<<else>>"[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in their iconic [[Riot Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] hurry through the swirling mist.\n\t\t<</if>> They haven't noticed you - yet. They won't survive long.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"No time for finesse. We rush the square, fight our way up with brute force."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"Uhm, are you—" Vijar swallows, then turns to his cultists. "Follow us, friends. The Vision guides us to greatness!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou draw a deep breath<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>, choking yourself with plague mist,<</if>> and rush forward, followed by the cultists. Footsteps patter in rapid succession. Coilfire zips past all around you.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Ya gotta be—" Arva waves the thought aside, and urges her abominations forward, barking, "Forwards you wretches! Kill them. Kill them all!"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\tYou draw a deep breath<<if not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>, choking yourself with plague mist,<</if>> and rush forward, surrounded by panting abominations. Claws scrape on the floor. Coilfire zips past all around you. Adrenaline surges in your veins as you run for the nearest side passage.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fuck, fu—" A <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>"[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>> recoils, only to be <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>gunned down by a cultist<<else>>torn to shreds by an abomination<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, you can see the firing line.\t\t\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors in dark green [[Combat Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] hurry through the swirling mist.\n\t\t<<else>>"[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in their iconic [[Riot Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Riot Armor"]] hurry through the swirling mist.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tThey're reforming to block your charge. It's act now - or die.\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_siege_exterior_zombies.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "success">>A green light flashes beside the access panel. You terminate the flash application just as the bolts retract. A claxon sounds, followed by a sharp hiss. The door retracts into the ceiling with a hydraulic hiss.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Now that's bet—" Coilfire errupts; bolts whizz past. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou duck for cover as abominations surge into the chaos. Blood explodes in the air. Inhuman screams ring in your ears. Countless more charge through the doorway, overwhelming the line of confused defenders in seconds. All you see when you peer around the corner is a frantic scrable of limbs, and a rush of deformed bodies surging down the stairwell and into the Level B28 pressure corridor.<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>Rather than bother with an override, you jam your <<knife>> into the lock mechanism. A loud click sounds. Emergency bolts retract. The Door remains sealed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, get those things over here," you call to Arva. "Gonna lift this—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tBut they're already at it, digging claws into the frame and lifting it up. The first abominations scramble through before it's lifted a foot, only to be shot to bits. Their bodies hold the door open. The second wave manages to pry it high enough to scurry through. Coilfire echoes constantly on the far side. Bolts ping loudly off the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man," you mutter, and duck under the half-open door.<br><br>\n\n\t\t All you see when you emerge is a frantic scrable of limbs, and a rush of deformed bodies surging down the stairwell and into the Level B28 pressure corridor.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe bright neon holograms that mark the entrance to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] flash amidst a frantic melee. Flickering waves crash and roll along the walls, casting odd shadows on abomination and <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> alike. You're just about to join the slaughter when <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>four heavily armored troopers<<else>>two suits of black-and-yellow [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]]<</if>> jump from an upper balcony. The floor shakes under their impact. Abominations recoil in surprise.<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, fuck me," you groan, all too aware that this is your fight - let the filth deal with the filth. You'll handle the hardware.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "sneak">>"Better we do this quietly..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"Straight up the middle..."<</if>>\n<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sneak">>"Better we do this quietly," you decide. "There's a side entrance. We can get in that way. Bypass their security."<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva nods. "I's gon' keep'm busy out 'ere, eh? Jus' ya take a few of 'em things. 'Case ye need'm."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod and, with several abominations in tow, head around the side of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. The the utility entrance by the kitchens is sealed with four mag-clamps but Wilkin still hasn't changed the code. When you tap it in, they release with a clang.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey!" <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Two Raptors<<else>>Two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> bring their weapons up. "Oh, fu—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAbominations surge past your, ripping the sentries apart. You stride past the bloody spectacle, past the kitches, and head up the stair to the VIP area. Muted coilfire echo in the distance. Boots scuff on the steps. Clawed digits scrape on your heels. Ahead, just beyond the landing, is the door to the VIP terrace. People are moving in the gloom beyond. Now, this will be interesting. \n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "attack">>"Straight up the middle," you say. "Rush the barricades. Kill them all. Simple."\n\n\t\t"But efficient, eh?" Avra chuckles and calls her abominations with a pitched wistle. "Go, boys. Go. Kill'm all, eh? Murder all'e fuckers!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe jabs a finger toward [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. the Abominations surge forward, as much scrambling as running through the front door. Coilfire resounds. Abominations scream as rounds tear through their flesh. Humans scream as the horde overruns them. Bloody chaos rages as you stride along the foyer. Outdated holo-adverts glow in the shadows. An old holo-panel flickers. Ahead, armored silhouettes flee onto the dance floor, firing sporadic bursts in your direction. None of them come close to hitting anything.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Heads up." Arva falls in step beside you, an oozing biosphere gripped in her hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow rises. "Not enough carnage for you yet?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Party ain't even started," she says as you...\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You climb into the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_formal.png"]]</div>\n\tYou climb into the rear of the vehicle. The driver does the same up front and activates the grav-plates. Lift-off is so delicate you barely realize you've moved. Blurred walkways and holo-signs shoot past. The car begin to pick up speed, the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, as your drivers flies steadily toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tGrav-plates hum as the driver slows the vehicle, pulling off the fastway and into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. She maneuvers toward the largest of the spires, spiraling around the counter-traffic, and makes for a landing pad near the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The Corbei Residence, <<formalname>>," the driver says, setting the vehicle down gently. "Please make directly for the entrance hall. You shall be awaited there, <<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "Anything in particular I need to know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Miss Corbei shall be awaiting you, <<formalname>>," he says without looking back. "That is all."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "chaos">>"I wanted chaos, destruction, death. I wanted to watch the world burn. And no one else seemed to share that vision of the future."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"And were you satisfied with what you found?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Barely," you admit. "It wasn't quite what I expected."\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "curious">>"I was intrigued, I guess. I wanted to know what the Vision was, what truly lay ahead."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"And do you know what shall come?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No," you say flatly. "I'm still no closer to understanding that."\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "truth">>"I wanted the truth, not the half-truths I kept digging up. They explained nothing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"And have you found this truth you sought?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not yet," you admit. "Though I'm hopeful I'll find it yet."\n\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "realpower">>"I wanted real power, influence. A chance to step up I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"And this real power, did you find it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"In part," you admit. "Though maybe I was hoping for too much."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notcertain">>"I'm really not sure. It seemed like a good idea at the time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"And do you share that sentiment now?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"To a point," you say carefully. "I'm not sure I quite support everything I did along the way."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "investigation">>"I was investigating. The trail led me to the Visionaries. Obviously they weren't the ones in charge so I kept digging."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"And did you find the answers you sought?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not yet," you admit. "Though I may. Depending on how forthcoming this conversation becomes."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see." Xaria folds her legs. "Perhaps you will still find what you seek. Perhaps not. There is doubtless place for all in the future which is to come, at least as I imagine it. Others interpret it differently. Yet that is irrelevant. They - the ones who have set us on this path - are not here. They do not matter. We are here now and we are cabalists of a sort. And yet we are also not, for we do not follow the ways of the old world, nor do we seek the icons of the cabal. We seek to make our own way. Inspired by the old yet determined to forge a new future. Indeed, when the idea first crystalized in my mind, I was inspired to avert the tragedy of the past. The ilk of House Vindell, Erkan, Lucinian, Montier, and all those others who came before us and failed - that must be avoided in this iteration."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's—" You swallow. "A bit odd."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Many things are. The vision is, after all, nothing if not an amalgamation of ideas passed from one generation to the next. Where they originated I do not know. What I know is this: our ideas are inspired by the cabalist mythos, though you will never have heard of that, I'm afraid. It is a strange idea imported from afar, from the Foreign Domain to be exact. The faiths do not want you to know of this place, nor do I, frankly. What matters is this: we are a galaxy on the verge of chaos and, while the specifics of the cabalist cosmology are too conspiratorial even for my taste, the message is clear: the moment to define the future has come. There is hope of setting humanity free from the feeble limitations and conventions which hold us back. I thought, perhaps, one could complete the life's work of one of my ancestors, a great woman named Eleonora, though by now that has become secondary. My desires, assuming I ever had any, are now irrelevant."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow rises. "Is that so?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"My wishes are far away and forgotten, fading along with my name and the genetic legacy I cherish. But that is quite another matter. Surely you seek answers. Of the Object, and perhaps of why I asked you here." She spreads her hands. "Ask as you wish and I shall explain as best I can."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Deathmatch Arena">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $currentArenaEnemy = "VictoryTune">>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_arena_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Arena|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "leavearena"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $currentArenaEnemy = "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_arena_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want Fame|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "wantfame"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 15; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want Fortune|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "wantfortune"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 5; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you enjoy Deathmatch|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "enjoy"; $attrib.violence += 1; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 15; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's just a Job|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "justjob"; $attrib.violence += 1; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you enjoy Bloodsports|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "enjoysports"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 5; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit Lavandri's a Stopgap|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "stopgap"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you can make It|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "canmake"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he really Means|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "whatmean"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Terrified|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "terrified"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Relieved|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "relieved"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 5; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Pumped|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "pumped"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 10; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll address Them|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "addressfans"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 25]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll speak to One|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "speakone"; $attrib.caution += 1; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want them Gone|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "wantgone"; $attrib.violence += 1; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 55; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Thank Mr. Lavandri|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "thankhim"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he can't know You|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "notknow"; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Ceremony|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "aboutceremony"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_arena_post_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit they're Slim|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "slimchance"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 5; $attrib.caution += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say they're Average|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "average"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you'll Dominate|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "dominate"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 1; $attrib.violence += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you like the Idea|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "wantin"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you prefer Lavandri|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "staywith"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll stay Independant|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "independant"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're dropping Out|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "outanyways"; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 99; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say your play is Fixed|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "isfixed"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you plan to Adapt|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "willadapt"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say your aren't Certain|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "uncertain"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 5; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "wantgone">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "addressfans">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Talk about the Tournament|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "tournament"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 15; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Talk about your Fans|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "aboutfans"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Talk about Yourself|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "aboutself"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "speakone">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's to be Expected|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "isexpected"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can Relate|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "canrelate"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Silly|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "besilly"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept the Offer|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "acceptcubix"; $job_arena_lavandri.choseCubixFinish = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Offer|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "refusecubix"; $job_arena_lavandri.choseCubixFinish = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_arena_post_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept Lavandri Sponsorship|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "acceptsponsor"; $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor = "Lavandri Corporation"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 5000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Buy in as Independant (5000 C)|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "sponsorself"; $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor = "Independant"; $attrib.credits -= 10000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Enter as Independant (5000 C)]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll drop Out|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "noplay"; $attrib.caution += 1; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 99; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "outanyways">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "wantin" or $action.action3 eq "staywith">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Commit to the Arena">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClassAndDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b28_arena_post">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "commitarena"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 115; $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit = true; $attrib.religion = "gladiator";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can't Commit|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "cannotcommit"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "independant">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 6000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Commit to the Arena (6000 C)">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClassAndDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b28_arena_post">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "commitarena"; $attrib.credits -= 6000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 175; $attrib.religion = "gladiator"; $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit = true;'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Commit to the Arena (6000 C)]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you can't Commit|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "cannotcommit"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "addressfans">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sign the Data Pad|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "givegraph"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 7; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Can't|b28_arena_post][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "refuseautograph"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_arena_post_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_arena_post_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "noplay">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Riptide|riptide_main_floor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromArena"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Tramway Station|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'arenaprogressionclick'>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - VIP Area">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step onto the VIP Terrace|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "vipenter"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree it Is|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "sayis"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's a Start|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "unspectacular"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about your Chances|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "chances"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Ready|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "amready"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit you're Nervous|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "amnervous"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step onto the Pedestal|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "steponto"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Watch the Event|b28_riptide_championevent][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "watchevent"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_championevent_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Join the Crowd|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFinish"; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 9; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stick Around|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFinish"; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 100; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromArenaEvent"; $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase = 100; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - VIP Area">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeChampion>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to Calamity|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "calamity"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to Reaper Jack|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "reaper"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Calamity<<else>>Reaper Jack<</if>> is Busy]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the Incubus Rep|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "incubus"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to the Lavandri Rep|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "lavandri"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Speak to your Fans|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "fans"]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Riptide|b28_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromArenaEvent"; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity" or $action.action1 eq "reaper">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you Would|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "acceptdrink"; $attrib.toxicity += 10; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Decline the Offer|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "refusedrink"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "incubus" or $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeRep>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Financial Support|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "financesupport"; $attrib.credits += 5000; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for a PR Boost|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "prboost"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 200; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Fine|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "arefine"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept Lavandri Sponsorship|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "acceptsponsor"; $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor = "Lavandri Corporation"; $attrib.credits += 10000; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Offer|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "refuseoffer"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for Financial Support|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "financesupport"; $attrib.credits += 7500; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for a PR Boost|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "prboost"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 125; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Fine|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "arefine"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fans">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeFans>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that'd be Nice|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "doshot"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer Not|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "noshot"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask for a Stylus|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "dosign"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer Not|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "nosign"; $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slip Away|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity" or $action.action1 eq "reaper">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Respond Impartially|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "calmrespond"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Respect your Opponent|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "admirerespond"; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ridicule your Opponent|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "doridicule"; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "incubus" or $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeRep = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fans">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Slip Away|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeFans = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if (($action.action3 eq "calmrespond" and $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious") or $action.action3 eq "admirerespond") and not $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "reaper">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Reaper Jack (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b28_riptide_eventmingle">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "pay"; $action.action2 = $bribeammount; $hide.layer4 = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.bribesDone += 1; $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore -= 77; $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier = "bribed", $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Reaper Jack (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept the Bribe|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$action.action4 = "extort"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.credits += Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $hide.layer0 = false; $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleModifier = "extorted"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse the Offer|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "refuseoffer"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeChampion = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_eventmingle_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_riptide_eventmingle][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeChampion = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Foyer">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wave to the Crowd|b28_riptide_arenafinale][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "wave"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remain Motionless|b28_riptide_arenafinale][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "motionless"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the Blade|b28_riptide_arenafinale][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "blade"; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.choseCubixFinish>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Address the Crowd|endings_arena][playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Commit to the next Season|b28_riptide_arenafinale][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "commit"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Announce your Retirement|b28_riptide_arenafinale][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "retire"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step away Wordlessly|b28_riptide_arenafinale][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action3 = "stepaway"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return the Gladius|b28_riptide_arenafinale][$hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "blade"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_riptide_arenafinale_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_riptide_arenalobby][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "readpad">>You pick up the<<else>>You press the<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "readpad">>You pick up the the data pad and tap the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>It's getting worse...</strong><br><br>\n\t\tThe headaches. The moments of, well, whatever it is. I don't have words. She's said I should take notes, that it'll help me remember, but I don't think it will. There's something diseased in my veins and I don't mean plague or rot. It's something else. Deeper. Worse. Like my soul is cursed, already half in the jaw of the demons of Hades. Or maybe my head is already inside the maw and I do not notice. It all feels so distant these days.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSometimes, I almost forget my name. Asmodeus Paratah. Lord Asmodeus Paratah. I repeat it often. What does it even mean in this day and age? My deeds are done, my lot cast, and my last friend - Xarena, at times I even forget your name - becomes less and less like herself. I suppose this was to be expected. The end would eventually come. I had simply hoped for a revelation. A glimpse into what the old man promised me. Divine providence. That's what it was supposed to be.<br><br>\n\n\t\tI'm starting to think he lied to me. Blabbed some nonsense in the hopes it would buy him his life. I'm starting to think there's nothing inside that stellar tomb and, day by day, I worry less about the great secret and more for Xarena. She's become less herself. She was always like that, yes, but more recently I see glimpses of her grandmother. I see... oddities. Had she not done as much for me as she has, trusting me unto the end, I would believe the Daughter of Hades responsible. I think about that moment often. I run it over and over in my mind, that moment, the one in the cryo-lounge, aboard that ice-boat. I forget it's name. I forget so much these days. But I remember Xarena. She means so much more to me than I can admit and she was alone with that monster for hours, possibly days, and we all know how the Daughter of Hades enjoys the act of neurological adjustment.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOr maybe it is nothing. I do not know. But Xarena speaks oddly. Of fantasies and visions. Or fairy tales and great dreams. I almost hear the voice of that psychopathic bitch but I also hear Xarena's voice, her own unique take on the legends and myths, and it gives me pause. It makes me wonder who controls whom, who influences whom, and where this all will lead. More than anything else, I see in her a friend. My only friend. The very last person alive whom I can trust with anything, absolutely anything, which weighs on my mind.<br><br>\n\n\t\tFriend. I enter that every time I return home. Home. To think I call this place home. But it is my home and Xarena, well, maybe she is indeed my Lady of the River. Maybe I truly am the Ferryman on my spectral raft and maybe I have found peace. Mabye. Maybe this is the divine provicence Lord Naudrage promised me. Maybe. But I doubt it. In the moments where I recall, it is clear to me: this is all a sick cacaphony of chaos, a macabre joke played at the expense of the cosmos. Once, I would have felt insulted. These days I simply hope to return to her. Xarena. She means more to me than I dare admit.\n\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_mausoleum_enter.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou press the button. Machinery clicks audibly. A glow-orb burns to life as angular doors slide down to bar the exit. The elevator trembles as it descends, accelerating steadily. All you can see is metal shaft. Long seconds drag until the elevator slows again, and the doors retract with a soft chime.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you lies a circular colonade, each spiked pillar machined from jet-black metal. Frail, orange light radiates from improvized glow-lamps strung along the walls, illuminating alcoves along the walls. Each contains a polished, black cryo-coffin dedicated to - or so you imagine - one long departed ancestory. In the case of many coffins, the tubing has been disconnected and lids unsealed.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 8>>\n\t\t\tWhoever did that however is long gone. The Mausoleum is empty. Only wisps of vapor drift though the air, mere shadows in the gloom. In other words: another dead end. Splendid.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe culprits are stillt here, on the far side of the mausoleum. Two stand guard, arms folded and frayed robes dangling loosely about them. Three more work upon an unsealed coffin, whispering in low voices. A small figure, barely larger than a child, watches on. They do not appear to have noticed your arrival.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whymatter">>"Why does it even matter? I just don't see what that's got to do with you. Or why I'm listening to you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe kid purses its lip. "Simply put, I think change can be made. Quickly. And now. All it requires is the will to do what must be done."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "systemcrap">>"The system's <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucked<<else>>a mess<</if>>. I agree. Most people would."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe kid shakes its head. "Sadly, most wouldn't. That's why you're here. I think change can be made. Quickly. And now. All it requires is the will to do what must be done."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "trustsystem">>"Actually, I trust the system. Not in specifics, or even in general. But it's worked. For centuries."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tThe kid breathes a sigh. "Then you, like most others, have missed the subtler point. Believe in your limited world if you must. Refuse the truth. I never should have expected you'd be willing to usher in the next golden age."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "propaganda">>"You're spewing propaganda. Remind me why I'm listening to this again?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe kid sighs. "Because I believed you would symphasize. That you too dreamed of the golden age to come. Evidently I was wrong. You hear only what you want to, not what truly matters. I never should have expected you'd be willing to do what's necessary anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whymatter" or $action.action1 eq "systemcrap">>\n\t\t"And that'd be... what exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Trust. What lurks in this place—" The [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] gestures around. "—is merely a shadow of the old world but soon that shadow shall rise. A war is coming, <<firstname>>, and we are at it's epicenter. I know you do not want to be here any more than I do but, knowing what we do, we cannot turn back. All I ask is for your faith. Prove you can be trusted. Join those who envision a brighter future for the galaxy and I, in return, will show you what the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] wishes to conceal from you. Or is that too much to ask?"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"All I see is what you're trying to make me hear: your cause, your ideals, are worth killing for. You think I'm stupid? That I don't know what happens when things like you are allowed to run loose? Like they were on Scaffold 35?" You scoff. "Please. Just give me a reason not to end this right now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I understand your doubt." The [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] hangs its head. "All I ask for is a moment's trust. I can show you what the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] wants to conceal from you. Join those of us who envision a better galaxy, prove you can be trusted. Or is that too much to ask?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Depends entirely on what you want me to do."<br><br>\n\n\t"Only simple task. Surely you're aware of the Forsaken? The mortician's cult which has spread above?" When you nod, the [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] says, "Once they were devout solarists. Purists even. Now their faith is as flawed as their fatalistic vision of the future. Grant those fools what they profess to desire: finite death. A [[Neurotoxin Canister|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Neurotoxin Canister"]] in the ventilation system outside the shrine ought suffice."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whycomplicated">>"What's gotten so complicated? There was a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] here. I eliminated it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] eluded you. The creature was known to be involved. Its master is not the one you executed. They will know. Problematic. <<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>It was hoped you would locate the Object without drawing attention. Now your value is less... certain. Time is of the essence.<<else>>The Object may vanish before action can be taken.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase lt 3>>"Maybe, but I got a solid lead on who's responsible. I'll deal with it."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Maybe, but I got a solid lead to who's behind this. Just give me some time and I'll find a solution."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That was known. Simply be swift. There is little time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "I know what I'm doing, tin can. Just quit badgering me and I can get back to what fucking matters, okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] doesn't react, doesn't even more. Maybe it distains you. Maybe something else is on it's mind. There's no way to know what's going on behind that silvery faceplate.\n\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase lt 2>>"Maybe, but I got a good lead on who's responsible. I'll deal with it."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Maybe, but I got a solid lead to who's behind this. Just give me some time and I'll find a solution."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That was known. Simply be swift. There is little time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I'll get to just as soon as we've finished our little coffee break here, yeah? That sound good?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] doesn't react, doesn't even more. Maybe it's dubious of your loyalty. Maybe something else is on it's mind. There's no way to know what's going on behind that silvery faceplate.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Your brows rise. "They? It almost sounds like you know who's responsible."<<else>>"So you knew I was hired? And this is related to the theft?" There's no reaction. You laugh despite yourself. "Man, it sounds like you know who's responsible. Do you? Because I haven't found anything yet."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Possibly. It cannot be proven. Yet. Further investigation is required."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou breathe a sigh. "Great. So I gotta keep digging. Because, hey, woe be the day that anyone actualy - y'know - helped me with this crap."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] doesn't react, doesn't even more. Maybe it's convinced you're incompetent. Maybe something else is on it's mind. There's no way to know what's going on behind that silvery faceplate.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I'll find a way. We know who's behind it. All we gotta do is get the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn <</if>>thing back."\n\n\t\t\t\tCorinthin looks unconvinced. "Do what little you can. Yet make haste. There is little time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I will. That's why I was hired. Remember?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] doesn't react, doesn't even more. Maybe it's insulted. Maybe something else is on it's mind. There's no way to know what's going on behind that silvery faceplate.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whythere">>"So why are you even here? <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>I thought the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] was keeping a low profile.<<else>>I wasn't aware the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] was operating in this area.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The situation demanded intervention." Corinthin stares, mask expressionless. "Do you have other inquiries?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"A lot," you admit. "You up for answering questions?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"To the extent it is permissable. Ask, biological."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whocultists">>"Okay, so who the hell were those cultists? Beyond idiots blindly following a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uncertain," the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] drones in a hollow voice. "Radicals. Misguided minds. Their efforts were thrawted. That is commendable."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod slowly. "Yeah. What were they doing here anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Creating that which should not be." Corinthin stares at the many defiled coffins. "Despicable, yet irrelevant. The situation will be contained. Professionally."<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomething makes you feel that means it won't involve you. <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>Even if this wasn't your fault, you pissed off a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Not a good idea in most cases - and maybe worse in this one than any other.<<else>>Something you did seriously offended the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. And they tend not to be friendly to begin with. You're really off to a horrible start.<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You take a...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou take a [[Neurotoxin Canister|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Neurotoxin Canister"]] and carefully flip the primer override. The device beeps - a warning that the safety has been disengaged. Sweat begins to form on your palms as the implications of what you're about to do sink it. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>But you've done worse before. You can cope.<<else>>It's for the greater good, you tell yourself. Your heart races on.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Okay. Here goes—" You lift the dust cover to the appropriate filtration unit and, eyes closed, drop the canister inside.<br><br>\n\n\tMetal impacts with a clang. A soft thump sounds within the machine. The ventilation system rumbles on. None of the automatic safeties engage. You wait a moment just to be safe, then realize the toxin might be leaking. Probably safer to get <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>out of there just in case.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "visionary" or $action.action1 eq "fleshmelder">>You approach...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "trustvijar">>"I trust the Visionary," you say..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "believevision">>"I believe in the Vision..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "noloyalty">>"I don't hold any loyalties..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "trustarva">>"I trust the fleshmelder..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatgoingon">>"What's going on..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "innocent">>"I'm not to fault..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "withheld">>"Okay, so maybe I..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "canwait">>"Do what you..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nowait">>"This really can't..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "isrumor">>"It's just a rumor..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "istrue">>"That's the case..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "isproblem">>"Is that a problem...?<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whatgoingon">>"What's going on here? I really don't follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>"You have conspired against us, that is what!" The Visionary draws a rasping breath. "Now all our machinations, our preparations, have been for naught!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It ain't been fer nothin'," Arva growls. "We's made our own plans. It's gon' work. Jus like yer version of the Vision but better. Yer jus' gon have te effin accept that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Our dear fleshmelder deems the Vision short-sighted," the Visionary rasps. "She refuses to see reason. And now all our machinations, our preparations, are at risk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yer the 'un puttin' it at risk," Arva snarls back. "What yer doin', workin' with 'im Visionary, it's settin' us back. Leavin' us exposed. We's gon have real problems soon. Word."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Visionary scoffs. "We cannot detour from the Vision, Arva. That is unacceptable. It is the entire premise of our existence!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "innocent">>"I'm not to fault for anything! What the heck?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Do not lie. You have conspired. Disregarded the Vision!" The Visionary glowers, his rebreather rasping. "Fools. Now all our machinations, our preparations, have been for naught."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It ain't been fer nothin'," Arva growls. "We's made our own plans. It's gon' work. Jus like yer Vision but better. Yer jus' gon have te effin accept that."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "withheld">>"Okay, so maybe I withheld some information. We devised a seperate plan. And acted on it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So you admit you disregarded the Vision!" The Visionary glowers, his rebreather rasping. "Fools. Now all our machinations, our preparations, have been for naught."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It ain't been fer nothin'," Arva growls. "We's made our own plans. It's gon' work. Jus like yer Vision but better. Yer jus' gon have te effin accept that."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "canwait">>"Do what you have to. I can wait."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," the fleshmelder snarls. "It effin' can't. What yer doin', workin' with 'im Visionary, it's settin' us back. Leavin' us exposed. We's gon have real problems soon. Word."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Visionary scoffs. "We cannot detour from the Vision, Arva. That is unacceptable. It is the entire premise of our existence!"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "nowait">>"This really can't wait, visionary. You can keep bickering later."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like 'ell it can't," the fleshmelder snarls. "What yer doin', workin' with 'im Visionary, it's settin' us back. Leavin' us exposed. We's gon have real problems soon. Word."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Visionary scoffs. "We cannot detour from the Vision, Arva. That is unacceptable. It is the entire premise of our existence!"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "isrumor">>"It's just a rumor. Doubt there's any truth to it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm sure it is." The blind kid steps closer. "Be careful, <<firstname>>. Our benefactor's well respected but they don't really pull the strings. It wouldn't be right for them to meddle in our affairs."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips twitch. "Meddle, eh? Yeah. Not a lot of that going on here."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "istrue">>"That's the case. I was asked to assume direct control."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then we have a problem." The blind kid steps closer. "See, our benefactor may be greatly respected, but they don't really pull the strings. We don't want anyone meddling in our affairs."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips twitch. "Meddling, eh? Yeah. Not a lot of that going on here."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "isproblem">>"Is that a problem? Because, if it is—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course not," the blind kid says, smirking. "It's just a rumor after all. There's just some fear our benefactor is meddling in affairs. I'm sure you understand."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips twitch. "Of course. Nothing like that ever happens around here. Really."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "trustvijar">>"I trust the Visionary," you say. "He's led our friends well. Sure, a bunch died, but they did it for a good cause. And we accomplished our goals."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"True." The kid purses his lips. "He's competent enough. Zealous though. Why choose to follow his leadership when others might be better suited."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. "Who else? Me? You? Xarea? At least the Visionary has a plan."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Could say the same of me. Or you. All the Visionary can do is blindly follow is my sister's raving—" He hesitates. Before you can ask why, a curved knife explodes through his chest.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "trustarva">>"I trust the fleshmelder," you say. "She's got the right idea. Rash, brutal, efficient. She can get the job done no matter what."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"She's certainly efficient." The kid purses his lips. "Violent though, and undirected. Are you sure she's the best one to guide our path?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. "Who else? Me? You? Xarea? At least the fleshmelder gets things done."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Could say the same of me. Or you. But you'd stake your reputation on someone who's been swayed by my sister's raving—" He hesitates. Before you can ask why, a curved knife explodes through his chest.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "believevision">>"I believe in the Vision," you say. "It's the best future, our only future, and frankly the only way any of us will survive the coming age."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Interesting." The kid purses his lips. "So you believe in the Vision. Which one though? Mine yours? Maybe my sister's?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. "What difference does it make? The Golden Age will come. It's all part of the Vision."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Part of someone's vision, certainly. But let's be honest: it's not my sisters raving—" He hesitates. Before you can ask why, a curved knife explodes through his chest.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "noloyalty">>"I don't hold any loyalties," you say. "I don't care about you or your Vision. Or even the Golden Age to come. I'm in this for me. Don't make me regret that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Curious." The kid leans forward. "So you think you're better than me? Than Vijar? Arva? Are you really that arrogant? Hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scoff. "I'm no hunter anymore, kid. I'm the reason this hab platform has a new worst nightmare. That's down to me. Not you or anyone else. Think about that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Way I see it, you were allowed to become that. Mostly because my sister's mad—" He hesitates. Before you can ask why, a curved knife explodes through his chest.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fleshmelder_reward">>You approach Fleshmelder Arva. The robed woman is hunched over a corpse but looks up when you draw closer. She looks positively overjoyed. Even the blood spatter and ooze on her robes can't detract from her exceptional mood.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou can't help but smirk. "Doing well, are we?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"After dat shit ya pulled on 'im Visionary? Hades is happy you're here, I'll tell you that. And I's got somethin'. Hang'n." She rummages through the pile of bodies she's been working on and produces a [[BioMold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "BioMold"]]. "Melded dis together for ya. As a thank you. You follow?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Huh." You test the stringy, muscular suit. "What's it do, exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, nothin' much. Jus' matches with yer injection'sn all. Stronger, faster, all them good jizz. An' I's put sem morph genes in too so it'll look like yer some'n else an' not wearin' a hunka dead flesh." She grins. "Neat, eh? Take it."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "visionary_reward">>You approach Visionary Vijar. Footsteps echo Your foot crushes a skull. The Visionary looks up, an expression of delight on his face - or at least as much of it can be seen behind his rebreather.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shoot him a dubious look. "Good day today, Visionary?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Quite, yes. All proceeds as planned, thanks to you. I hoped to reward your loyalty. Specifically, with—" He produces a massive coilgun from beneath his cloak. "—this. A [[N0xIu|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "N0xIu"]]. Quite rare and highly effective. If you wish to spread the Vision with it, I would be honored."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you say, examining the cumbersome coilarm. "Interesting design. Never seen one in person."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar chuckles. "Few enough exist, indeed. This one is from a personal collection. Neurotoxin-coated bolts. Injected upon dischage. Take it. Please. And may it serve you well in our cause."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "visionary">>You approach Visionary Vijar. Footsteps echo Your foot crushes a skull. The Visionary's expression, stil half-hidden behind a rebreather, is stern.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 9>>"Greetings, friend." His breather draws a sucking breath. "The cult is to prepared and forward elements are deployed. Act, and we shall follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Soon enough," you say. "I just need a moment to get ready."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 8>>"Oh, you again." His breather rasps a sigh. "What?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I just need a moment," you reply coldly. "No need for vitrol."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"<<firstname>>," he rasps. "Good to see you, friend."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "Visionary. A moment of your time, if that's okay."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fleshmelder">>You approach Fleshmelder Arva. The robed woman is hunched over a corpse, fiddling with her tools. A vein squelches as she injects her vile medicine. You stop beside her. She doesn't react.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 11>>\n\t\t\t"Hey. Everything okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Absolutely, <<firstname>>." She looks up, smiling. "My abominations are ready, scouts in position'n all. Just ya get yer ass movin' an' we's gon follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Great," you say. "Just need a moment to get ready."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t"Hi," you say. "Got a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe looks up, startled. "Wow! Oh. You. The new <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>guy<<else>>chick<</if>>. Jus' gimme a sec—" Arva slides the injector out of the body and clasps it to her belt. "Yeah. Neways. Not one much for smalltalk, me, so how 'bout we get right to it. Yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right." <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You fold your arms. "I'm here for my reward."<<else>>You force a smile. "I heard some mention of a reward."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Eh, the Visionary's bein' a lil' overdramatic. Ye'll just be gettin' one of these—" She taps her injectors. "—shot in yer veins. <<if $equip.isCyberImplant>>Can't do nothin' while ya got cybers in yer body though. Jus' cause the inject te fail. So yeah. Ya want yer reward, come back without that stuff in ya.<<else>>Stings like a bitch. Wouldn't do it meself, earnest. But it'll sure make ya stronger, faster, an' better. If yer up fer that kinda thing.<</if>>"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Fleshmelder," you say. "Have a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 6>>"Oh, its yer fuckin' face." Arva barely looks up. "Make it effin' quick, yeah?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Eh?" Avra looks up, startled. "Oh. What'cha yeed? I'm kinda' busy."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "isrumor" or $action.action1 eq "istrue" or $action.action1 eq "isproblem">>\n\t\t"Seldom. We disagree over methods, never of the ends. So you can understand why the current situation is troubling. An outside influence spreads doubt and uncertainty within our ranks. That affects not only those assembled here, but all those who have embraced the Vision, across this habitation platform and beyond. Or... do you perhaps think you are above us? Better than us?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yes," you say harshly. "We're about to fight a [[Street War|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] and I doubt you have many with the experience I do."\n\t\t<<else>>"No," you say calmly. "But I do realize we're about to fight a [[Street War|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. How many others do you have with this sort of experience?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe blind kid's chin tilts up. "And what, exactly, are you planning on doing?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict">>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t"Your disrespect is intolerabe. As is yours!" The Visionary stares daggers. "Traitors. That is what you are! Traitors to—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shuddit!" Arva steps up to the Visionary. "Ye ain't seein' clear. Dere's a pack'o Purifiers jus' down 'em passages. An' there's more out there dat's got beef wit us. Jus' look at what they'sun te Deshvar an' all. We's gon' deal with 'em folk first. Then we deal with yer vision."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVisionary Vijar's eyes dart to you. "And you? You support this... this treachery?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Yeah, an' yer effin' focus on yer dogma'n bullshit's gon' get us all killed! Dere's a pack'o Purifiers jus' down 'em passages. An' there's more out there dat's got beef wit us. Jus' look at what they'sun te Deshvar an' all. We's takin' too much risk!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"They are irrelevant, as has been foreseen! The Vision shall guide us al to greatness." Visionary Vijar's eyes dart to you. "Speak sense to her, friend. Perhaps then she sall listen."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>\n\t\tA dark silhouette materializes out of thin air behind the tiny corpse. Bright blue eyes stare at you. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] growls something <<if $equip.isAbominated>>that sounds a lot like, "//Betrayer.//"<<else>>inaudible.<</if>> It lets the kid fall flat on its face and turns away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>"How predictable." Vijar steps up beside you, a solemn look on his face. "I had wondered for some time why this was allowed to continue. Now, it would seem, we are at least free to determine how we shall make our Vision reality - and lasting."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>"Eh, dat one's been long overdue." Arva stops beside you, an amused expression on her face. "Been wonderin' why this's been allowed te go on. Now dat's ova we's got time te figure out how we's gon' make this Vision crap come real fer good." \n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate" or $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>You approach the tent<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sneak" or $action.action1 eq "sneakfail">>You creep toward the tent<<elseif $action.action1 eq "doSnipe">>You ready your<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>You approach the tent, gaze fixed on the guard. He notices you in short order. Armored boots thud on the floor as he approaches, weapon held ready.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey. Who're you, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Jamesson. From R&D," you say as though it were utterly obvious. "They sent me to pick up samples. Original plague strain. For deep analysis."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"R&D, eh?" The guard turns to the scientists. "Ey, Rudy. "This bloke with you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe scientist shrugs. "Damned if I know. I don't get to meet every runner they send out." He looks to you. "Corporate sign off on the transver yet? Haven't heard anything on this end, just that there's red tape all over it. Is this right from the Big Man or what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just came through," you say with a surge of adrenaline. "Sorry. Didn't have time to put the paperwork in the system yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, right. Check what ya gotta. We can sign off later. Been a long day what with the locals and all. We really need a quick coffee." He nods to his colleagues, leaving the entrance to the tent open for you.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "negotiatefail">>You approach the tent, gaze fixed on the guard. He notices you in short order. Armored boots thud on the floor as he approaches, weapon held ready.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey. Who're you, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm from corporate," you say, hoping this will work. "Got something for—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Corporate, aye?" A distorted laugh echoes as he readies. "Don't ye be shittin' me, punk. Ya ain't no corpo. Yer scump. An' ya know what we does with scum like you 'round these parts?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. You scramble for cover, heart pounding. All you can think of are the three barrels of that huge coilgun. It's painfully evident he's already decided how to deal with your presence: riddle you with bolts.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sneak">>You creep toward the tent, skirting the first tank and careful to keep well out of sight. Your footsteps are light; barely audible. The guard continues to patrol. He isn't aware of you - yet.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you near the tent, you catch a fragment of the scientists' conversation, "...have to wait for corporate on that one. They're tied up in red tape or something."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, damn it," the other scientist says. "Then I'm getting some coffee. Sarge, ya want in?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Aye," a distorted voice replies.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe scientists disappear from sight. The guard follows, his armored boots thudding on the floor plates. In their absence, you have a clean shot to the tent. This is your chance. Grab those samples and get out. You might not get another shot at it.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sneakfail">>You creep toward the tent, skirting the first tank and careful to keep well out of sight. Your footsteps are uncomfortably loud. The guard hesitates. His helmet turns to you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ey," a distorted voice calls. "Ey! Get down! We got company."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou duck back, heart pounding. Armored boots echo as the merc stomps toward you. Peeking around the corner, you see him raise his weapon and brace. A million throughts rush through your mind. Excuses, reasons to be there, but all you can think of are the three barrels of that huge coilgun. It's painfully evident he's already decided how to deal with your presence: riddle you with bolts.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "doSnipe">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>\n\t\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>\n\t\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\t\tYou unsling your <<rifle>>, flip the selector to subsonic, and bring the rifle up.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t The mercenary continues to pace lazily. Patient, you settle your rifle and wait. Heavy footfalls sound from across the chamber. Then the man stops.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Easy..." You tighten your index finger. The merc doesn't move.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>Deafening noise errupts as the trigger gives way, a lone bolt blasting clean through the guard's heavy combat armor. He wobbles and falls with a dull thud.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Lights out," you mutter, lowering your rifle.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>The trigger gives way with a muffled thump. The guard jerks, a bolt hole blown through his armor's left shoulder plate. Cursing, you shift aim and fire again - then two more times. Each shot knocks the Heavy back but his armor holds.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Damn—" You fire half a dozen shots, until one blows through his faceplate. "Finally."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tBy the time you move up, the scientists have bolted. You can't see to where. But it doesn't really matter. The tent's just in front of you. Grab those samples and get out. That's the plan. No reason to delay.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You step through...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sirenssong_smokeyroom.png"]]</div>\n\tYou step through the door, into a dingy back room. Smoke curls lazily in the air. Through the haze, and in the glow of a single orb dangling form the ceiling, you can make out a small table. \n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 98>>A lone Blackscale is sitting behind it, scaly skin glittering in the gloom. His eyes narrow when you draw near.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You," the Blackscale hisses. "This is who they send. A slaughterer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm what you get."\n\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>A lone Blackscale is sitting behind it, scaly skin glittering in the gloom. Another figure, humanoid, is leaning against the wall. It's clearly the Android you met earlier.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Vine, you jerk. Wasn't expecting you. But, hey. Happens." The android nods to the Blackscale. "Meet Varijasha. He's speakin' for us today."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nice to meet you too."\n\t<<else>>A lone Blackscale is sitting behind it, scaly skin glittering in the gloom. Another figure, humanoid, is leaning against the wall.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You." The Blackscale leans forward. "You are these scounderls they send? Yes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Seems the way it is."\n\t<</if>>\n\tYou pull out the chair opposite the reptilian hybrid. "Name's Acrel. And let's cut straight to it: I'm here to negotiate on behalf of a benefactor. Specifically, your departure from this space station."<br><br>\n\n\t"This is what I suspected and this is, of course, impossible." The reptilian folds his webbed hands. "I have questions<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 98>>, especcially for you, scum<</if>>. These requires <<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 98>>sufficient <</if>>answers before such a thing can be spoken of."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"It's related to what I told ya about, jerk," the Android says. "That thing that's happened on Cubix and that dead [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Part of a massive scandal that's tied to the Corbei family, which in turn relates to [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Which is a real dead weight fer us cause Mr. Erkan wants this problem to disappear. Worse: if any of this can be linked back by the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], all our deals we got with [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] are at risk and that's a lot of deals moving bulk across crike-eater space."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This is so," Varijasha says. "Unless there can be sufficient assurances that this situation with [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] does not cause substancial issues, we cannot be persuaded to... dismiss our presence on this station. So we ask: what is this connection between Corbei and this... destroyed [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]?"\n\n\t<<else>>"Oh?" You tilt your chin up. "And what questions would that be?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 98>>"First, this hostility you show our friends. Second, a more complicated matter."\n\t\t<<else>>"A stunningly suspicious situation."\n\t\t<</if>>Varijasha licks his lips. "Listen. \n\t<</if>> Our chapter on Cubix was compromized. A [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] was found in shambles. We searched for answers, and soon found this situation is directly related to the Corbei family. Funded and financed, so to speak. Should this, in turn, be associated with the [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]], then our interests are at stake. Unless there are sufficient assurances that this situation does not cause substancial isues, we cannot be persuaded to... dismiss our presence on this station."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 9>>"I'll play against..."<<else>>"Well, this is it..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 9>>\n\n\t\t"I'll play against \n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Quali">>\n\t\t\tArena Official from the [[Syndicate|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]. Seems like a solid team."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, then." \n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Quali">>the Psychonauts. Don't need those freaks going against me later."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Whatever you want."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Quali">>Ryperarium. No clue who they aren but I don't need local competition."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good luck then."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Local">>[[Syndicate's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] Commando Strike. They're getting dangerous."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Definitely seems so."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Local">>the Bloodhound Gang. Might be messy, but they need to go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That'll be a popular move."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Local">>Ryperarium. They're having just a little too much luck if you ask me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Personally, I'd disagree."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Local">>Ordus Puria. Heard they're the real deal. Curious whether that holds true in practice."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"They're tough, you can count on that."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Local">>the Augteam. Sounds like they're a worthy opponent, to say the least."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Worthy, but controversial."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Regional">>Heavy Guard. Those guys are really making a bid for this one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hope you're ready for that."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Regional">>Radiant Murder. Last thing we need is Kobol muscling in on this deal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Gutsy, going up against a Cubix team. But okay."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Regional">>Ryperarium. They've been playing this charade long enough."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We'll all be sad to see them die. Which they will."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Regional">>Ordus Rex. The Church better not think they're stealing this show."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Can't say anyone will complain, really."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Regional">>the Cyborgs. No way those auged-up monsters are getting ahead."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, good luck then."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Vindel_Regional">>ExoGenesis. No way they're muscling in on this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Interesting choice. I'll be watching."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Mechanoid_Regional">>Warbotz. What's a bot team doing in the Semifinals anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's the question we're all asking ourselves."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>"Well, this is it then. We all know who I'm up against. Let's get it over with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Excellent."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe receptionist takes the data pad. <<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 3>>"Head on through that security door over there. That's Arena Pit One. Just wait. When the time comes, you'll know what to do."<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>"Good luck out there. And make it count. The whole hab platform's watching.."<<else>>"You know where to go and what to do. Same procedure as usual unless otherwise announced."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Obviously."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I hope so."<<else>>"Thanks."<</if>> You head toward the door beide the desk.<br><br>\n\n\tIt grinds open with a screech, revealing a short corridor lit by dim glow-panels. Several benches have been set up along the walls and there's a water fountain in between them. Directly opposite, behind a freight elevator, is a sealed blast door labeled //ARENA 01//. A holo-projection above the door asks you to be patient.<br><br>\n\n\tLong seconds pass until an automated voice drones, "Contestants, step onto the Pit Elevator for presentation. The match will begin in 5 minutes."\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You take the...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "usearmor">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou slip into the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] and slide your feet into the armored boots. At once, clamps lock down. A digital beep resounds in your head, followed by a hydraulic hiss. Pain shoots through your body as the suit's probes and tubes latch onto your [[Neuronodes|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "aimpoint"]]. Then something cold touches the back of your neck and all your senses go blank.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEverything feels numb until the world returns with a jolt. When perception returns, it's distorted by the [[Exo's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] sensors. All your biological senses would know is the dark interior of the suit. Just to prove your point, you flex your hands. Instead of fingers, an armored glove clenches and unclenches before your face.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The fuck?!" You look up as one of the mercs grabs his rifle. "HQ! Sigma 12 on channel. We got company. Repeat, we got company!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe panic in his voice makes you laugh. Poor fucks. Like those two fuckers stand a chance against you in an [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "sabotage">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo_ruin.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou peer into the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], wondering how to best sabotage the suit. The padded interior is festooned with probes and tubes, all neatly packed away in anticipation of their future user.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay." You grab your <<knife>> and ram it into the suit's exposed electronics.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSparks errupt with a loud bang. Electricity arcs across the pobes. Smoke drifts from a wrecked capacitor. Articulators fail with a creak.<br><br>\n\n\t\tFrom behind the [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], one of the mercs shouts, "Wow! What the fuck?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit!" The other grabs his rifle, calling, "HQ. Sigma 12 on channel. We got company. Repeat, we got company."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "drink">>You carefully lift<<elseif $action.action3 eq "datapad">>You pick up the\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "leaveshrine">>You leave the<<elseif $action.action3 eq "negotiatefail">>You freeze, hands raised<<elseif $action.action3 eq "releasepanel">>You hit the release and<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "drink">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_memnetic.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou carefully lift the skull and risk a taste. Noxious odors clog your nostrils as bitter-sweet liquid dribbles down your throat. Nothing happens. You carefully place the skull back down and turn away. The world around you rings with vibrance; energy.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the—" Shadows move in the dim chamber; echoes given shape.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCountless voices speak at once, the meaning of their words lost in deafening silence. You cannot tell who or what these shapes are. Memories, perhaps, or ghosts of the past. What you can tell however is the deep-seated anger and despair their presence conveys. Hatred in one moment, helplessness the next. They are lost and forlorn, and as you watch, you suddenly understand: he died here, in this place, many years ago. How you know that you cannot say. But Deshvar is dead. All that remains is this... this echo.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Great," you mutter, and suddenly your voice is unbearably loud.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou wince. The echoes you saw fade, as though drawn back behind the veil of death. Suddenly you are alone again, standing before the skull. Silence fills the gloomy little chamber. Your stomach churns. Sweat runs down your forehead. It's uncomfortably hot and, for some reason, you feel sick.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "datapad">>\n\t\tYou pick up the data pad and tap the display, causing the following screen to appear:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<strong>On the matter of Concern</strong><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEnvisioner,<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tI understand that you are loathe to represent a corpse of bygone times - one who showed no reverence for the Grand Design, at that. However, through no fault of your own, the name Deshvar has become associated with your position and status within the Shrine. I am, of course, also aware that your former employer was no man of any faith, misguided or pure. Moreover, as you point out, he was a heretic who infused himself with cybernetics. The fact remains however that the legend that surrounds the name has far outlived the one who initially spawned it. And that legend, for better or worse, has become associated with you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tDo understand that it is for practical reasons I maintain my position; the legend in itself is far more useful than the person ever was to our mutual cause. I understand that you do not wish to spread lies to those who have placed their faith in you, yet for all practical purposes, this shrine was always built upon a sham. Deshvar was no saint by simple implication of being an atheist, and his corpse certainly does not deserve the reverence it recieves. I do not condemn that you worry, yet understand that nothing can be done at present, by simple virtue that those who follow Deshvar would not follow you, were it not for the legend that surrounds your (unfortunately) mistaken identity.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMay the Vision Guide You,<br><br>\n\t\t\tVisionary Vijar\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "leaveshrine">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_syndicae_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou leave the shrine and return to the corridor, <<if $equip.isPowerArmor>>heavy footfalls echoing as your senses scan for danger.<<else>>moving as quietly as possible yet still alert for danger.<</if>> Shadows move in a doorway ahead. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>Your senses reveal the truth as something moves ahead: a circular chamber with two heavily armored troopers standing in it.<<else>>You pause to peer into the circular chamber beyond. There are two heavily armored troopers within.<</if>> Both are armed with heavy, multi-coiled assault weapons, and arc projectors crackle on their armor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Power Armor">>"Well, well." You stop in the doorway, servos whirring.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the—" One of the mercs turns, bringing his oversized gun to bear. "Some shithead got our [[Exo|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]], Boss!"<<else>>"Ah, shit." You duck back, heart pounding.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What the—" One of the mercs turns, bringing his oversized gun to bear. "Boss, we got company."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAnother mercenary barks a laugh. "Well, what you waiting for? Ice the fucker!"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "negotiatefail">>\n\t\tYou freeze, hands raised in surrender. "Wow, wow! Take it easy. I was just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Can't do. No offense." The floor shakes as one of the mercs steps forward.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe other two assume firing positions. Panic grips you. Three against one - and they're armed with heavy weapons. Not the worst situation you've been in. But it's fairly clear you aren't going to be able to talk your way out of this. Which means you'd better kill them - fast. Or you'll be riddled with bolt holes in seconds.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "leave_exo">>You cycle the<<else>>You climb into<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "leave_exo">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou cycle the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] into dismount mode and give the release command. Hydraulics hiss as the rear plates slide apart, followed by a series of stinging pains caused by the nodes and tubes releasing from your body. Darkness swims before your eyes and then, suddenly, you're stumbling backwards, out of the [[Exo Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death take me,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Voids between,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Stars be damed,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fucking hell,"\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, hell,"\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\t you mutter, swaying unsteadily on your feet.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs soon as you've regained your balance, you climb into the duct.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_ladder.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\tYou climb into the duct.\n\t<</if>>\n\tMetal bangs and creaks as you knock against it. A light dangling from the ceiling sways, casting odd shadows on the cramped passage. Ahead, you can make out a ladder.<br><br>\n\n\tIt's hard to climb in the confines of the duct but seems to lead several levels up, to another duct. An emergency release clamp glows in the dark ahead, marked by self-luminating paint. Clearly an exit panel, though you have no idea what's on the other side. There's really only one way to find out.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "isawkward">>"It's actually more awkward than anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." Xarea looks ashamed. "Forgiveness. I meant no harm, merely to provide you satisfaction."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"S'okay." You force a smile. "Seriously, this really was a terrible idea.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, if you say so." Xarea rises gracefully to her feet.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou do the same, feeling decidedly ill at lease, and pull on your <<armortype>>. She looks on with a distant, almost longing look. It's easier to pretend you don't notice. The whole thing is just weird in every possible way. What were you thinking?<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea clears her throat. "My driver shall be waiting for you outside, <<firstname>>. It was a pleasure to entertain you."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Yeah," you lie and...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "agreenice">>"It is nice. Like, really fucking nice."<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea blushes slightly. "I'm glad you enjoy me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course I do." You draw her closer.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Lady Corbei settles on your lap, a seductive smile on her lips. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Her fingers take your cock as she slides it into herself with a soft gasp. She forces you deeper, moaning, her arms wrapped tight around your waist.<<else>>Your fingers brush against her pussy; dripping with desire and eliciting a stifled gasp. When you probe deeper, she moans and slides her slender hand into you.<</if>> The expression on her face is one of painful bliss.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Please," Xarea gasps, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>riding<<else>>rubbing<</if>> you harder. "Oh, please. Do not stop."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou don't, and neither does she. Moans fill the room. Her desperate pleas for more haunt your ears. Pleasure spreads through your body. You gasp for breath, desperate for that one moment, until extacy <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>errupts<<else>>rushes from between your legs<</if>> and you slump back, sweating profusely.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHer lithe body collapses <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>on your chest.<<else>>against your breast.<</if>> For a long moment, neither of you have the strength to move. Then she gracefully lifts herself off you and shakes out her hair.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It was most satisfying to entertain you. Alas, I must attend a... matter." She kisses you on the lips and whispers "My driver shall be waiting outside."<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you can reply she departs, hips swaying and naked footsteps rining on the tiled floor. The Lady Corbei pauses in the doorway to blow a kiss. The next moment she's gone.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whatwrong">>"Actually, forget that. What's really wrong? Seriously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As I said, genetic destiny." Xarea hangs her head ever so slightly. "Or rather: the one I shall never live up to. Denied my due by an ancient eugenics experiment. It is a curse I shall never be free of. Forgiveness, that it would trouble you so. I did not wish for this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't worry. It's just a little weird. But let's just chalk this up as a shitty idea. Okay?" You force a smile.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I understand of course. Forgive me." Xarea rises gracefully to her feet.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou do the same, feeling decidedly ill at lease, and pull on your <<armortype>>. She looks on with a distant, almost longing look. It's easier to pretend you don't notice. The whole thing is just weird in every possible way. What were you thinking?<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea clears her throat. "My driver shall be waiting for you outside, <<firstname>>. It was a pleasure to entertain you."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"It was a pleasure to be entertained," you say and...\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - The Bazar">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionpost_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you hold Position|b29_bazar_visionpost][$action.action1 = "holdposition"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree you must fall Back|b29_bazar_visionpost][$action.action1 = "fallback"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Offer to provide Rearguard|b29_bazar_visionpost][$action.action1 = "rearguard"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this is Suicide|b29_bazar_visionpost][$action.action1 = "suicide"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_RaptorInfantry"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHold"]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Heavies|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_RaptorHeavies"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHold"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Troopers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_ZanexInfantry"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHold"]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Exos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_ZanexExo"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHold"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionpost_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionpost_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "suicide" or $action.action1 eq "fallback">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Raptors|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_RaptorInfantry"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromRetreat"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Troopers|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_ZanexInfantry"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromRetreat"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Heavies|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_RaptorHeavies"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHold"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Exos|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Bazar_ZanexExo"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHold"]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You step onto the..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "mainfloor">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_floor_bioplague.png"]]</div>You step onto the main floor just as Arva smashes her biosphere into the ground. Bright light errupts, spewing dust and plague mist in every direction. Abominations charge through undeterred. No one fires back, though several panicked defenders are torn apart as they flee the descending mist.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Pathetic." You shake your head and set a course straight toward the VIP terrace.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe abominations are faster, scrambling up the banisters and leaping clean up from the dance floor. By the time you reach the couch <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin usually lounges on<<else>>Marisa usually hangs around<</if>>, they've already flooded the terrace.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomeone shouts, <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Here 'ey come! Waste 'em!"<<else>>"Contact! Engage! Engage!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tLight flashes behind the couches as <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin's bodyguard<<else>>Jalkovski<</if>> and a handful of <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> open fire. Abominations fall left and right. You scramble for cover, heart thudding. Time to finish this - the hard way, by the looks.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "viparea" or $action.action2 eq "vipareaSneak">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_bioplague.png"]]</div>You step onto the deserted VIP area just as a bright flash errupts on the dance floor below. Dust and plague mist whirls through the air, drifting down around you. Abominations drop low, concealing themselves behind the furniture.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "vipareaSneak">>"Nice and easy now." You slip into the shadows, senses alert as you creep toward the couch <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin usually lounges on<<else>>Marisa usually hangs around<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSomeone shouts, <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"Here 'ey come! Waste 'em!"<<else>>"Contact! Engage! Engage!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLight flashes behind the couches as <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin's bodyguard<<else>>Jalkovski<</if>> and a handful of <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> open fire on a horde abominations charging the front stairs. They don't see you until your abominations errupt from behind the furniture, overruning the confused defenders. They barely last a second; torn to shreds and ripped apart, limb for limb.\n\n\t\t<<else>>Someone shouts, <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>"They're comin' up the back way! Waste 'em!"<<else>>"Activity left! Engage. Engage!"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLight flashes behind the couches as <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin's bodyguard<<else>>Jalkovski<</if>> and a handful of <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> open fire. Abominations fall left and right. You scramble for cover, heart thudding. Time to finish this - the hard way, by the looks.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, adrenaline still coursing through your veins. A deafening cheer echoes over the speakers.<br><br>\n\n\tThe announcer's booming voice drowns it out, \n\n\t<<if $combat.rounds eq 1>>\n\t\t"Motherfucking Curbstomp! <<firstname>> Acrel fucking owned that one, folks! And what a brilliant sight that was.\n\t<<elseif $combat.rounds gte 6>>\n\t\t"Now that, folks, that is what we here at Lavandri Bloodsports call a fucking deathmatch, full on gladiator style! <<firstname>> Acrel sure knows how to put on a show - and what a show we got!\n\t<<elseif $combat.rounds gte 4>>\n\t\t"Sacred shit on a shingle! That got tense there for a while but <<firstname>> Acrel came out on top, folks, and what a deathmatch that was.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"<<firstname>> Acrel emerges victorious! What a fight, folks, what a fight.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He's<<else>>She's<</if>> seems real whacked but, yeah, that happens 'round about here. \n\t<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He's<<else>>She's<</if>>seems a little out of it from here but, hey, this is the pit, innit?\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He's<<else>>She's<</if>> looking completely exhausted from here, but who can blame after that ordeal? \n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 50>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He's<<else>>She's<</if>> looking a bit winded from here, and it was a tough fight.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He<<else>>She<</if>> hasn't even broken a sweat! Will you look at that. Will you fucking look at that.\n\t<</if>>\n\tAnyways, let's take a look at the score boards here..."<br><br>\n\n\tA holo-projection flickers to life in the center of the area. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t<center><strong>Lavandri Deathmatch Arena</strong></center><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Winner:</strong> <<firstname>> "Vine" Acrel<br>\n\t\t<strong>Tier:</strong> \n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 3>><span class='redcolor'>Qualification</span>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 5>><span class='yellowcolor'>Local Ladder</span>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 8>><span class='greencolor'>Regional Semifinal</span>\n\t\t\t<<else>><span class='bluecolor'>Global Championship</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Time:</strong> <<print ($combat.rounds * 20)>> Seconds<br>\n\t\t<strong>Ranking:</strong> <<if $arenaPoints gte 1>><span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print $arenaPoints>> Approval</span><<else>><span class='redcolor'><<print $arenaPoints>> Approval</span><</if>><br>\n\t\t<<if $combat.rounds eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_6")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_6")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Curbstomp:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+100 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.rounds gte 6>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_8")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_8")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Gladiator:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+250 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.rounds gte 4>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_7")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_7")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Tension:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+50 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50 and $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>\n\t\t\t<strong>No Sweat:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+50 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Fashionista:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+25 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isGlamorous>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Glamgasm:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+50 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isSkimpy>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Skank:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+30 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Party Hard:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+25 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Crossdresser:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+25 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator" and $equip.clothes eq "Fanrave">>\n\t\t\t<strong>Look! No Shirt:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+25 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.gotMultiKill>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_5")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_5")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Multikill:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+15 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.gotDoubleKill>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Doublekill:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+10 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.takenHits eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Flawless:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+50 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.killsPerRound gte 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_3")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_3")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Rampage:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+35 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.arenaScore.killsPerRound gte 1.5>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_4")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Unsustainable:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+50 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.comboEffects gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_2")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_2")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Hotshot:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print $combat.arenaScore.comboEffects * 10>> Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.meleeKills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_1")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_1")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Massacre:</strong> <span class='yellowcolor'>+<<print $combat.arenaScore.meleeKills * 15>> Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $combat.arenaScore.didWeaponAmmoSwitch>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Bland:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>-25 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.killsPerRound lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<strong>NoSkill:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>-25 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t\t<strong>Stage Fright:</strong> <span class='redcolor'>-50 Approval</span><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Reward:</strong> <span class='bluecolor'><<print $arenaReward>> C</span>\t\t\n\t</div><br>\n\t\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t"And that's what the situation looks like for Acrel here, who'll no doubt continue pushing for qualification in the next match, which is scheduled for twelve hours from now.\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t"And that's where Acrel stands, having passed qualification. We can expect to see <<genderposssesive>> back in the pit in the local ladder, starting twelve hours from now.\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t"This is where Acrel stands now, moving solidly into the Local Ladder, with a lot of potential to come - we'll no doubt see more of this in the next match.\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t"And there we have it, with Acrel securing their place in the Local Ladder, and an exciting new situation as <<genderpronoun>> moves onto the regional semis in the next match."\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t"So that's what it looks like. Vine is definitely in on the semis, and we're all desperate to know whether this killing spree will remain unbroken."\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t"And it sure looks like Vine is as good as we expected - and hoped for. Just one more match, just that one more, and we'll know how it came out."\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t"Y'know, I just gotta say it, because this was h... Holy Shit! Vine is through the semis! Utter domination. Wrecked 'em! Owned 'em! Down to the last fight. \n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t"Wicked sick! Will you... fuck. Will you just fucking look at that! <<firstname>> Acrel fucking owned. Cleaned house. Wrecked 'em all right up to the end and... oh. Right. The script.\n\n\t<</if>> Thank you all for watching Deathmatch Arena, brought to you by Lavandri Bloodsports! \n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>The first, the best, and the only sanctioned murder sports on the Vox Edeni! We'll see y'all again next time, for another gruesome spectacle, cast live from right here at home on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]."\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>The first, the best, and the only sanctioned murder sports on the Vox Edeni! Stay tuned for livecasts from the Championship Event, coming up in just half an hour! And don't forget to vote right here, right now, for your preferred candidate, folks! We all wanna know which two finalists you wanna see duking it out for the blood-stained title, right here on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]!"\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>Da-da-da! And that's that, folks! The first, the best, and the only sanctioned murder championship on the Vox Edeni - or [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], for that matter. Thanks for joining us and stay tuned for the Trophy Ceremony, right here on Lavandri Bloodsports."\n\t<<else>>We'll see you all again in twelve galactic standard hours for the first. The best. The only sanctioned murder sport on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]!"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\tThe holo-display stutters, switching to inform you that the live transmission has ended. An automated voice requests that you safety your weapons and leave the Arena.\n\t<<else>>\n\tThe holo-display stutters, switching to inform you that the live transmission has ended. An automated voice requests that you leave the Arena to claim your reward.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>\n\t\t<<set $continueTo = "b28_riptide_championevent">>\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t<<set $continueTo = "b28_riptide_arenafinale">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $continueTo = "b28_riptide_arenalobby">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<click 'Sign the Document' $continueTo>>\n\t\t<<set $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromArenaEnd"; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt = $time.active>>\n\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += $arenaPoints>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.rounds eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 100>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.rounds gte 6>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 250>>\n\t\t<<elseif $combat.rounds gte 4>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 50>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue lt 50 and $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 50>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator" and $equip.clothes eq "Fanrave">>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isGlamorous>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 50>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isSkimpy>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 30>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.gotMultiKill>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 15>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.gotDoubleKill>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 10>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.takenHits eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 50>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.killsPerRound gte 1.25>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 35>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.killsPerRound gte 1.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += 50>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.comboEffects gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += ($combat.arenaScore.comboEffects * 10)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.meleeKills gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal += ($combat.arenaScore.comboEffects * 15)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 50>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if not $combat.arenaScore.didWeaponAmmoSwitch>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $combat.arenaScore.killsPerRound lt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal -= 25>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += $arenaReward>>\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round($arenaReward)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase neq 99>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "wantin">>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor = "Project Incubus">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t/% not sure why this happens twice; should be set in dialog properly now, so not applying again; moved zweili's message here %/\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "commitarena">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_fundingcut_arena); $job_conspiracy.fundingWasCut = true;>>\n\t\t<</if>> \n\n\t\t<<set $time.active += 0.25>>\n\n\t<</click>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You sign the document...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_deathmatch_crowd.png"]]</div>\n\tYou sign the document and head back to the entry area of Deathmatch Arena with the Receptionist. From there, she leads you up to the foyer of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Hundreds of people are gathered there, behind a pale force-field that divides the entry area in half. A deafening cheer resonates when they see you. Faces are pressed against the field. Arms wave frantically. Some even hop up and down in excitement.<br><br>\n\n\tSurprised, you wave back. "Quite the turnout."<br><br>\n\n\t"Of course," the receptionist says, guiding you along the red carpet. "It's the first Deathmatch tournament here in decades. Viewer numbers are at an all-time high. Everyone who's anyone will want to be here in some capacity."<br><br>\n\n\t"Right." You turn the corner, headed toward the VIP area. "Who exactly is everyone who's anyone?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Hard to say," she says as you ascent, past two Lavandri guards. "Corporate handled the invitations. But you can expect quite a crowd."<br><br>\n\n\tThat much is evident even from the stairs; not even the pulsing beat on the dance floor below can drown out the clamor of voices on the VIP terrace. There must be over a thousand people up there.\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You move to the<<else>>You join the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_deathmatch_terrace.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\tYou move to the edge of the crowd thronging the VIP terrace. There are people everywhere but, thankfully, no one is bothering you. Not directly at least.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Now, lets see—" You glance around at the many faces.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou join the crowd thronging the VIP terrace. \n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion>>There are people everywhere, and everyone seems to want to speak to you. It's hard to avoid them all. For a few minutes, you stay to chat, but all the while you're moving away from the center of attraction. Like old days - it's better to slip away into the shadows.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Phew," you mutter, glancing around at the many figures on the terrace.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>There are people everywhere but only a handful seem to notice - or even recognize you. Hardly a surprise. It isn't hard to remove yourself from the crowd and find a quiet corner to observe things from.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Guess not making it isn't so bad," you mutter, eyeing the many shadowed faces.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion>>\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>You can just make out Calamity, speaking to a knot of extatic fans nearby. The Incubus rep isn't far off, engaged in running conversation of his own, and you notice at least a few unrelated partygoers glancing in your direction. Admirers, maybe, or just fans. At least they're curteous enough to give you your space. That's not something you expected.\n\t\t<<else>>You can just make out Reaper Jack, conversing with a bunch of pale-skinned fans nearby. The Lavandri rep isn't far off, chatting energetically with all manner of people - another sales pitch, maybe? There are also more than a few people shooting you curious glances. Admirers, maybe, or just fans. At least they're curteous enough to give you your space. That's not something you expected.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>The Incubus rep isn't far off, engaged in running conversation of his own, and you notice at least a few unrelated partygoers glancing in your direction. Admirers, maybe, or just fans. At least they're curteous enough to give you your space. That's not something you expected.\n\t\t<<else>>The Lavandri rep isn't far off, chatting energetically with all manner of people - another sales pitch, maybe? There are also more than a few people shooting you curious glances. Admirers, maybe, or just fans. At least they're curteous enough to give you your space. That's not something you expected.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You sign the document...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t/% %/\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_deathmatch_finale.png"]]</div>\n\tYou sign the document and head back to the entry area of Deathmatch Arena, guided by the receptionist. Mr. Lavandri and your representative follow. Together you head up to the foyer of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. It's been barred off entirely, and near the front entrance, someone's set up a speaker's podium. You can just make out a seething crowd beyond. Approaching the podium feels like walking into a steadily deepening sea of noise.<br><br>\n\n\t"After you, <<formalname>>," Mr. Lavandri says as you draw near."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod, throat tight, and step up onto the podium. A sea of faces fills the pressure corridor beyond. Thousands, millions, maybe more. It's impossible to say how many are there but it's clear they're all there for one thing: you.<br><br>\n\n\t"Ladies and gentlemen!" Mr. Lavandri steps up beside you, a voice amplifier in hand. "It is a great pleasure to welcome you all here today. First, I would like to extend my utmost gratitude to \n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Mr. Xaviar Wilkin\n\t<<else>>Mrs. Marisa Thorne\n\t<</if>> for allowing generously offering these premises for this historic ceremony. I would also like to thank our numerous sponsors, and of course the many employees of the Lavandri Corporation who made this event possibe. But let us not dwell on formality, and instead provide the most hearfelt welcome for <<formalname>> who joins me here today under truly extraudinary circumstances!"<br><br>\n\n\tThe cheer is deafening. Part of you almost wants to hide. The other half can't help but smile at the masses before you.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Thanks." You pop the door...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3.png"]]</div>\n\n\t"Thanks." You pop the door and climb out, onto the landing pad.<br><br>\n\n\tA walkway watched over by two [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] connects it to the uppermost levels of Corbei Tower. The robots's optical sensors scan you, blinking bright red. It's hard not to notice the heavily laden weapon arms and thick armored plates.<br><br>\n\n\t"Well, here we go." You stride toward the front entrance, eyeing the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] all the way.<br><br>\n\n\tOne wrong move - or a faulty runtime - and they'll blast you to bits. Instead, they simply stand idly as you approach a large pair of sliding glass doors that lead to the Corbei Residence. A holo-sign projected on the glass asks visitors to: //Please step inside and announce your arrival//. Before you can do so, a woman in a long, white dress steps out.<br><br>\n\n\tShe smiles. "Welcome. My name is Xarea Corbei. Current Lady of the house, while my father is absent on business." She offers a slender hand.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You ask...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou ask, \n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "object">>"So what's the deal with the Object? You said it's worthless but I don't get why."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Because to those with the knowledge it can easily be recreated, duplicated, or reproduced. The value the object holds does so only beacause Lord Otto Vindell does not posess this knowledge and thus has mobilized an entire corporate army to, well, actually I did not ask why. Due to this, the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] believes the Object is a threat to galactic stability and others believe it can be used as a weapon. Perhaps not unrightly so, if one believes in the power of the Foregin Domain and the machinations of Project CABAL. The information contained in the device - were it retrieved - would quite literally open a doorway to truths the clerics would prefer remained buried. Alas, the data on the device is unintelligable. No machine exists in this day and age that might decode it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That still doesn't explain why it was stolen."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Because Lord Otto Vindell wished it so for reasons I do not know and I agreed to aid him for my own reasons: the cabalist cause of chaos. Or to put it differently: a danse macabre in the shadow of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]], a sort of ironic echo to be lauched at while the many denzies of this dismal age squabble over a worthless trinket. It is quite amusing to watch."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scoff. "That was your brilliant plan? Seriously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, no. Not that. My plan has yet to unfold, assuming it ever does. All I sought to do was buy some time and, in doing so, hopefully remove those who might stand in my way." She smiles soflty. "For that I owe you my gratitude."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mhh." You nod, unconvinced - and more than a little worried.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "conspiracy">>"About the conspiracy, how did that play out? I don't fully follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, a long story. It began with an old family friend of mine. The less insightful of the Eresi sisters: Faralah. She learned of the Object through a man named Mauricio Winston. I believe they had an... affair of sorts. It was not long before she came to me, with plans to have it stolen and auctioned off, and when I heard of this I became inspired. The proceeds would fund another affair: my campaign for a better future and so I naturally feigned interest in this absurd scheme."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you say slowly. "Except it wasn't sold."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, it was certainly sold, yet not as intended. You see, it was not long before the old fool Zweili learned of this scheme, and suspected - to right - I would be involved. He quickly devised a plan, orchastrated events so that, once the Object had been removed from the Vault, it would become known and the machine killers of Eden would descend upon us. It was a brilliant scheme on behalf of the cleric: squash countless pests with one soul stone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Typical. I knew the bastard had his fingers in it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea nods gravely. "The cleric believed himself in control, no doubt. Yet I had already arranged that Mr. Wilkin - selected as a middle man - would instead sell the device to me. For a nominal sum and a favor. Alas, both Otto and the Eresi witch were not pleased with this outcome. He dispatched his henchmen and she quickly pulled strings and of my funding has become a frantic fumble in the shadows. It would have around this point in time that Zweili also took action, hiring you to unwravel the web of intrigue he had inadvertedly concocted. It was his hope you would uncover all those involved and remove them without asking any questions. A genious plan, I dare say."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Except it didn't work," you say coldly. "Damn. I never saw this coming."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nor did anyone. Your betrayal. It is... ironic." She shrugs. "What is done is done. I hope this explains how events transpired. There is little more I can say on the matter. The details are not known even to me."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "design">>"This great design, what's it all about? I can't figure it out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"To shake this galaxy from its stupor," Xarea replies. "It has stagnated, refusing any notion of a greater future in favor of the narrow-minded certainty of what exists in the present. Time and again the future is built on the dregs of the past and, of recent, this past has become so obfuscated that we do not even know what it is. Or at least: most of us do not. I imagined a fresh breath of life would change the course of history and that is what I have provided. An alternative."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Some would argue all you've done is cause a mountain of corpses."<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea smiles sadly. "Violence is the simplest and crudest means to convey an idea. It inspires, emboldens, and now those who once thought themselves powerless reach for what they once believed impossible. Soon change will wash across the walkways of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The old order upon whose rotting carcass our society is built will soon wither and from the ashes a new galactic order shall arise, unburdened by the artificial restrictions we have placed upon ourselves. I believe it shall be a grand thing indeed, should it come to pass. Exactly as my ancestor once foresaw it: an end to the charade."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And that's all you want, for the galaxy to change? I don't buy that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nor should you. I want exactly what all others do: power, significance, relevance. Part of me hopes I shall be the one lead those who have been inspired by my vision to a brighter future. Realistically—" Xarea swallows. "I do not believe it is possible."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "announce">>You approach the<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sneak">>You creep along the<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "announce">>You approach the figures, calling,\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death take you all. Defilers! What explanation do you have for this crime?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Voids be damned, what are you doing here? Explain yourselves!"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy, what is this insanity? Explain?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey! You! Stand the fuck down or I'm icing you all. Right the fuck now."\n\t\t<<else>>"You'd all better have a damn good explanation for what you're doing here. I won't ask twice."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit!" The guards reach for concealed coilguns. "Intruder!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't." You stop, eyeing the group angrily. "One reason, and I'll end it. End you. All of you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll are looking at you now. The guards look uncertain. Those by the coffin, who just before had been injecting the corpse within with... something, have paused to stare. Only the child looks at you with a smile, its eye sockets hollow and unseeing. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>There's no doubt: this is the same [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] you encountered earlier.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<firstname>> Acrel." It spreads its little hands. "Please, there's really no reason for violence. Let's speak. There's another side of this unfortunate situation you'll definitely want to hear."\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sneak">>You creep along the colonade, inching closer to the group. As you draw near, it becomes clear what they're doing: injecting corpses with... something. It's hard to tell in the gloom but there are spent syringes and injectors everywhere. They don't notice you. So you hunker in the shadows to watch - and maybe learn.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt isn't long before the child moves to the guards. Brief words are exchanged, then its little head turns to you. A smile spreads on its face, one that does not extend to its eyes. Those are but hollow sockets, blank and unseeing.<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>There's no doubt: this is the same [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] you encountered earlier.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<firstname>> Acrel." It spreads its little hands. "There's no need to hide. We have no intent to inflict harm. Simply step forward. There's another side of this unfortunate situation you'll want to hear."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "playalong">>"I'll play along..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "consider">>"I'll consider it..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nocooperate">>"No way," you say...<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "playalong">>"I'll play along. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>That faith cult's fucking crazy<<else>>The Forsaken are insane<</if>>. But can't say I trust you either. And not just because you're an abomination."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Prudence is precious," the [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] says softly. "I expected no less, especially when what I ask for is blind faith. For now, simply know that the Forsaken are a scourge on this station. Humans who've given up their grandeur, forsaken their ideals, in return for a morsel of false hope. They have no vision, no design for the future. They will be swept aside one way or another. Show me you can be trusted and sweep them aside."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Right. I can kill them for you."<<else>>"And so you want them dead."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes." The kid looks up at you with its hollow eye sockets. "Show you can be trusted with matters of importance. I'll be... nearby. When I'm needed again."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe creature walks away wordlessly. You stare after it, wondering what <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell<<else>>insanity<</if>> you got yourself mixed up in. But that question can wait. You want more information on that [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. Working with it seems like the best way to get there.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "consider">>"I'll consider it," you say. "I need more information first though. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Not because I care about that damn cult. But I wanna know why I'm doing this."<<else>><<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>My friends<<else>>Innocents<</if>> will die. I want to know what I'm doing this for."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"For a greater future," the [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] says softly. "I understand that I ask for blind faith. For now, simply know that the Forsaken are a scourge on this station. Humans who've given up their grandeur, forsaken their ideals, in return for a morsel of false hope. They have no vision, no design for the future. They will be swept aside one way or another. Show me you can be trusted and sweep them aside."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Right. I can kill them for you."<<else>>"And so you want them dead."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes." The kid looks up at you with its hollow eye sockets. "Show you can be trusted with matters of importance. I'll be... nearby. When I'm needed again."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe creature walks away wordlessly. You stare after it, wondering what <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell<<else>>insanity<</if>> you got yourself mixed up in. But that question can wait. You want more information on that [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. Working with it seems like the best way to get there.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nocooperate">>"No way," you say coldly. "Never. You're an abomination. Worse: you demand I kill <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>my friends<<else>>innocents<</if>>. Screw for what. That's unacceptable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whymatter" or $action.action1 eq "systemcrap">>"That's unfortunate."\n\t\t<<else>>"Obviously."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tThe kid looks up at you with its hollow eye sockets. "End me then. If you can."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Can?" Laughing, you grab your <<knife>> and slam it into the child's chest.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"If that's how it has to—" You grab your <<knife>> and, with a hint of regret, execute the child. "—be. Rest in peace."\n\t\t<<else>>"Fine." You grab your <<knife>> and, before the child can move, slam it into his chest. "Die, filth."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tInky black blood splatters the floor. The kid doesn't scream, doesn't even twitch, just falls flat on its face.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "none" or $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>\n\t\t\t\tThat same moment, a blur of motion lunges toward you, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. There's just time to dodge as a curved knife whooshes past. The next second it's gone.<br><br>\n\n\tHeart thudding, you glance around. A dark silhouette dressed in a longcoat pauses just long enough for you to see it. Icy blue eyes glower at you from behind a mask. The creature is, <<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>without a doubt, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] you encountered earlier.<<else>>, as impossible as it may seem, definitely a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]].<</if>> It vanishes the next moment.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Shit," you back away, eyeing the place the creature vanished.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's no room for mistakes - not with a thing like that.\n\t\t\t<<else>>You stand there for several seconds. Part of you almost expects the abomination to get back up. But it's dead, clear as can be.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, shit." You glance around, at the other bodies on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tMaybe you'll find something on them - something that will explain this whole 'plan' the [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] mentioned. It'd be good to know a little more about that, and how this connects to everything else that's been going on.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "none" or $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>\n\t\t\t\tThat same moment, a blur of motion lunges toward you, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. There's just time to dodge as a curved knife whooshes past. The next second it's gone.<br><br>\n\n\tHeart thudding, you glance around. A dark silhouette dressed in a longcoat pauses just long enough for you to see it. Icy blue eyes glower at you from behind a mask. The creature is, <<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>without a doubt, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] you encountered earlier.<<else>>, as impossible as it may seem, definitely a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]].<</if>> It vanishes the next moment.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Shit," you back away, eyeing the place the creature vanished.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's no room for mistakes - not with a thing like that.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tThe next moment, a startled shout breaks the stunned silence. Footsteps hurry toward you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou turn, startled, to see the cultists hurrying toward you. Anger is plain in their expressions. Maybe killing the kid was a mistake. But it's too late to reconsider. Best to just deal with the bastards - preferably before they end you.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"I'd better leave..."<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t"I'd better leave," you say. "Still gotta find that Object. And sitting around here isn't going to get us closer. Unless there's something I missed."<br><br>\n\n\t"Unlikely." Corinthin's head swivels around as though surveying the scene. "Failures. Misfits. Rejects. Matters of importance would not be entrusted to such. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] would have known. It is no longer present."<br><br>\n\n\tYou scowl, gaze drawn to the dead [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. "And him? It? Any way to know what was in its head?"<br><br>\n\n\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] stares at you. No words are needed. It really was a stupid question.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "zanex" and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "kobol">>\n\t\t"Right. So the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] is the only positive lead that isn't <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>dead." You shake your head, just about willing to kick yourself for killing that kid earlier. "Okay. I'll look into it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Consult your sources, as shall I. Determine who employs the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Discover all you can of its origins, strengths, and weaknesses." Corinthin faces you. "When you are prepared, convene with me at the Cathedral of Beams. Ask for me. The Clergy will know you are expected."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Well, at least there's a connection. Maybe that'll help." In truth, you doubt it - killing the kid was a mistake after all.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Do what is possible, biological."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] departs, striding across the Mausoleum with its cloak billowing behind it. You watch it, wondering whether you should have said more - or less. But it doesn't matter now. You are where you are.<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah, well, let's not waste too much time here," you say and...\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You leave the...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou leave the air filtration chamber. The corridor outside is silent, the corpses still piled where they fell. In the distance, past the black banners, someone coughs. A lone man stumbles down the steps to the Fallen Shrine. Blood dribbles from his nose. Legs give way and the man collapses, tumbling down the stairs like a limp doll. He doesn't get up again.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Oh, hell,"<<else>>"Ouch,"<</if>> you mutter, eyeing the corpse.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_visionary.png"]]</div>\n\tFootsteps sound on the floor. You turn to see three figures in grey robes, all wearing hoods and breathing masks, moving your way. Two of them are carrying coilarms. The third, unarmed, stops beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t"Friend," his rebreather rasps. "What you have done brings us one step closer to the golden age to come. Your assistance is much appreciated."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You nod half-heartedly. "What's done is done."<<else>>You force a smile. "Thanks."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Know you will be rewarded. But first, I introduce myself." The man offers a slight bow. "Visionary Vijar. I envision the path between the present day and the foretold future, when at long last the ills of this age are washed away by the brighter future to come. But surely you have questions. Ask what you wish, and I shall answer."\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "consequences">>"What are the consequences of going through with this? Exactly, I mean."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's illegal, obviously, so there's that." Arva purses her lips. "Then, uhh, temporary pain. And you'll prolly feel a bit weird after. Goes away though. But don't worry. You'll look the same after, talk the same after, think the same after. All like it is now. Jus' a lil exotic fixin' up. Nothing to worry about, though dependin' on who ya ask they'd say it's abomination. Me, I jus' think it'll make ya better."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour eyes narrow. "Abomination. How abominated?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, that's just what they call it. Ain't really abomination. It's exotic science. Tried and tested. But be careful. Some the stuff we deal with is real nasty, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I can imagine," you say, suddenly feeling apprehensive. "And you suggest I do this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Up to you. The Visionary could give ya a whole lista reasons 'bout how ye'd be followin' the Vision an' all. Me, dunno. Ain't my coupa tea te tell ya what ye should an' shouln't be doin' with yer body. I jus' make the stuff and whatnot. But it'd be nice, kinda. Y'know. Ain't worked with the livin' so much recently. Be a nice chang'o pace. All I'm sayin'."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "transformed">>"So, now I'm... like this. It feels all different and still the same. What's with that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, jus' yer body groing used te how it's now. Ain't nothin' special. Or, rather, it's new agey. A new Strain White speciment. But nothing new. The mechanism is ancient science. All well tested and proven to work one hundred percent of the time, all the time." She shrugs. "Anyways, wanted te talk 'bout somethin' else. Specifically, what the Visionary's got ya doin'. I know there's dis grand design fer us all'n shit. But I's been thinkin' maybe there's nothin' wrong with doin' that Vision a lil' different. Ya follow?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sort of," you say, wondering where this is going.<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva leans closer. "All I'm sayin' is, if the Visionary's got ya doin' somethin, why not come te me first before ye talk te 'im. Maybe I's got some better ideas lyin' around. I's got some spare bits an' pieces lyin' round too—" She gestures to the many corpses. "—so ya feel ye need anythin' ye come te me. Sure we can work somethin' out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Uhm, okay." You glance to where the Visionary is standing, mulling over whatever's on his mind. "I'll consider the offer. Thanks."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "sectordone">>"[[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] is already done for. There's nothing left. Just corpses and ghosts of a dying age."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>"Indeed, though that is far from significant. Of a billion dead only a handful shall willingly follow our path. To achieve any measure of success, our Vision must be shared with all [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and beyond. Unfortunately, the Purifier Order has contained us here, as you are no doubt aware. Break their grasp and chaos will spread too quickly for any organization to stem the rising tide."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Do we even have the strength to manage that? I mean, we lost a lot down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar scowls. "Some sects have emerged to support our Vision yet we are indeed quite few. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>Even the support of Refugium will not be enough.<</if>> That is why we must play to our strengths. The Fleshmelder would have had us assault the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] and sow discord, yet I believe in a better plan."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And that'd be what, exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An assault on the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] would give the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] the excuse they require to exterminate us with extreme prejudice. However, were we to claim the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] - which, with your aid, could be achieved entirely without bloodshed - and were we able to use our knowledge to cure the disease, such incentive would not be given. We could then establish ourselves as the Church of Visions, a mockery of the men of faith, and through our position gain legitimacy. It would avoid much bloodshed and yet pursue a similar goal: the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] would be forced to condent with us peacefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "That's a sensible plan. Send whoever's left up to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. I'll handle the talking. Given the situation, it shouldn't be hard to reach an agreement."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>"Yeh, but da problem is, Purifiers've sealed da [[Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] off. We's stuck down 'ere an' it ain't gon' be like they's gonna lift lockdown 'till we's all dead and da plague has gone inert. So we's gotta break through, spread dis mess well beyond and make the message clear: Eden don't protect. Otherwise we get pushed in a corner an' burned out by 'em damned [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], just like everyone else who tried to send that message."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"By which I assume the plan is we just overrun the quarantine line with shamblers. We have more than enough to spare."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva nods. "<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>With the Refugium cult to support us, our numbers are more than enough. <</if>>A direct assault would be the simplest and most efficient plan. We can deploy Vijar and his cultists into the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] to provide a distraction. As soon as theyspread their mayhem, we assault the quarantine line and overrun them with sheer numbers."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sounds like an idea," you say. "I'll wait for you at the B10 tramway station."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "objective">>"Question here is what our objective is. Soon as that's clear, we can figure out how to proceed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>"Quite simply, we must spread word and fear of our deeds beyond [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Only when the corpses pile up will they finally realize: Eden does not protect and the clerics do not care. To achieve any measure of success, our Vision must be shared with all [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and far beyond. Unfortunately, the Purifier Order has contained us here, as you are no doubt aware. Break their grasp and chaos will spread too quickly for them to stem the tide."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Do we even have the strength to manage that? I mean, we lost a lot down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar scowls. "Some sects have emerged to support our Vision yet we are indeed quite few. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>Even the support of Refugium will not be enough.<</if>> That is why we must play to our strengths. The Fleshmelder would have had us assault the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] and sow discord yet I believe I have envisioned a better plan."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And that'd be what, exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An assault on the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] would give the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] the excuse they require to exterminate us with extreme prejudice. However, were we to claim the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] - which, with your aid, could be achieved entirely without bloodshed - and were we able to use our knowledge to cure the disease, such incentive would not be given. We could then establish ourselves as the Church of Visions, a mockery of the men of faith, and through our position gain legitimacy. It would avoid much bloodshed and yet pursue a similar goal: the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] would be forced to condent with us peacefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "That's a sensible plan. Send whoever's left up to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. I'll handle the talking. Given the situation, it shouldn't be hard to reach an agreement."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>"Well, we's done well so far. Jus' gotta move beyond dis [[Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Which is gon' be hard 'cause 'em Purifiers've sealed us in down 'ehre an' dey ain't gonna lift lockdown 'till we's all dead and da plague inerrt. So we's gotta break through, spread dis mess well beyond, unless we wants te get shut inna corner an' burned out by 'em damned [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. "<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"By which I assume the plan is we just overrun the quarantine line with abominations. We have more than enough to spare."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva nods. "<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>With the Refugium cult to support us, our numbers are intact. <</if>>A direct assault would be the simplest and most efficient plan. We can deploy Vijar and his cultists into the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] to provide a distraction. As soon as they begin, we assault the quarantine line and overrun them with sheer numbers."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sounds like a plan," you say. "I'll wait for you at the B10 tramway station."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "incommand">>"I think the first thing we have to agree on now is this: you follow my lead now. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 10>>"That it is, friend, and I dearly hope you understand what this entails. Only when the corpses pile up will they finally realize: Eden does not protect and the clerics do not care. To achieve any measure of success, our Vision must be shared with all [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and far beyond. Unfortunately, the Purifier Order has contained us here, as you are no doubt aware. Break their grasp and chaos will spread too quickly for them to stem the tide."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine. But do we even have the strength to manage that? We lost a lot down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar scowls. "Some sects have emerged to support our Vision yet we are indeed quite few. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>Even the support of Refugium will not be enough.<</if>> That is why we must play to our strengths. The Fleshmelder would have had us assault the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] and sow discord, yet I have envisioned in a better plan."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And that'd be what, exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An assault on the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] would give the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] the excuse they require to exterminate us with extreme prejudice. However, were we to claim the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] - which, with your aid, could be achieved entirely without bloodshed - and were we able to use our knowledge to cure the disease, such incentive would not be given. We could then establish ourselves as the Church of Visions, a mockery of the men of faith, and through our position gain legitimacy. It would avoid much bloodshed and yet pursue a similar goal: the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] would be forced to condent with us peacefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "That's a sensible plan. Send whoever's left up to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. I'll handle the talking. Given the situation, it shouldn't be hard to reach an agreement."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 12>>"Ain't gon' be no complaint from me, yeh? But ya betta be clear what our position is: we's stuck down here. 'Em Purifiers've sealed us in dis [[Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] an' dey ain't gonna lift lockdown 'till we's all dead and da plague inerrt. So we's gotta break through, spread dis mess well beyond, unless we wants te get shut inna corner an' burned out by 'em damned [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. "<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sure. So we just storm the barricade and overrun them with abomiations. We have more than enough to spare."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva nods. "<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>With the Refugium cult to support us, our numbers are intact. <</if>>A direct assault would be the simplest and most efficient plan. We can deploy Vijar and his cultists into the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] to provide a distraction. As soon as they begin, we assault the quarantine line and overrun them with sheer numbers."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Approved," you say. "I'll wait for you at the B10 tramway station."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refiguim_vijar" or $action.action2 eq "refiguim_arva">>\n\t\t"I ran into this place not long ago, the Refugium. On [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]? Some kinda refugee camp or whatnot. Was wondering if you knew anything about it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "refiguim_vijar">>"I am aware of the location," Vijar says. "It has puzzled me. Those who dwell there cling tenaciously to a forsaken hope. Their age is dying and they will not endure long, not as they are. I wondered if, perhaps, it would not be best to share our Vision with them. Offer a better path, so to say."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I imagine they might resist that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Some, certainly. Others?" Vijar spreads his hands. "The possibilities are always unknown. I would suggest we try. It would be better for all I believe. There is no future, no Vision, in clinging to forgotten hopes and forlorn dreams. The sooner Refugium learns this, the better they shall be for it."\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeh, I knows dat place. Effin' shithole fulla stinkin' idjots who's got it in 'eir heads they's somehow gon' survive dis mess." She breathes a sigh. "Sad, kinda. But ya ask me, t'd be better we jus' wiped 'em off the faceo da hab station. One swift strike. Kill'm all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Seems a bit extreme," you say. "They aren't a threat to us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nah, not now. But dey's desperate, an' they's got no future. Either they curls up an dies in silence or dey becomes a real problem." She shrugs. "Jus sayin' dat's what I'd do. Can help ya out if ye want. Make 'eir end quick and easy."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "chat_arva">>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $action.randomize eq "plan">>"Wanted to talk to you. About this whole thing here. I mean, what's the plan. Exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ye effin' kiddin' me?" Arva shakes her head. "Make shamblers. Wreck shit. Watch the world burn. Dat's my plan. Wat's yours?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I, uh—" You shrug. "Something similar. I guess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva scoffs. "Then ya don't need te effin' ask now, do ye? Sheesh."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.randomize eq "self">>"Was wondering about you, actually. How'd you end up being a fleshmelder? Were you part of a [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] or something?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva laughs a little too shrilly. "Me? A [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]? Effin' kiddin' me? I ain't got nothin' to do with 'ose idjuts. Mostly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Mostly?" You raise an eyebrow.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Eh, well, I's related to the Astrals of old. Related way back." The fleshmelder shrugs. "Witchcraft ain't for me. I prefers real exotic study. Way I sees it, my way's better, eh? Least my spells and magicks actually work, ey?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I suppose," you say. "Where'd you learn to meld then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"From the old books, silly. Where else, ey?" Arva looks amused. "Ain't no arcane shit or magic te it. Only cold, hard science that 'em [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] fucks ain't got no respect fer cause it's from the world before the Dark Ages, before Eden and all. Now quit asking dumb questions. I's got work te do."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.randomize eq "vision">>"I kinda got the feeling you aren't really into this whole Vision thing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yer wrong," Arva says bluntly. "Least, inna general sense. Golden age for humankind sounds grand. And I's the skills to make post-human existence reality. Thing is, I ain't seein' eye te eye with 'em Visionary's designs. Like, his in particular. But he's got da right idea. Mostly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So... not against the theory. Just the practice."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Somethin' like dat," she says. "Now quit asking dumb questions. We's got shit te do."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "chat_vijar">>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.randomize eq "plan">>"Wanted to talk about the plan, Visionary. I'm not entirely clear on what we're doing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar spreads his hands. "The design unfolds as it was foretold: the days of the patriarchs wane and, as the last rays of Sacred Sol go dar, the new Golden Age dawns. What more could you possibly need to know than that the foretold age is upon us?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, I wouldn't mind a few specifics. What comes next? Who's responsible for what? That sorta thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We are all puppets on the immaterial strings of the icons," Vijar says. "We take that which is lain before us without fear or doubt, embrace our sour fate and hateful age without hesitation, and design for a future that is soon to come." He draws a rasping breath. "Understand that to be powerless is merely a temporary condition and that, once the golden age dawns, the shackles will be cast off. We must all simply endure, by whatever means necessary, ever defiant in the face of fate."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see," you say, though you don't quite - yet.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.randomize eq "self">>"Kinda curious about you, really. How'd you end up as a Visionary?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It is a long story." Vijar's rebreather hisses a sigh. "Once, I served with [[Syndiate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndiate 4"]]. Riot control specialist. It was fulfilling at the time but, as I aged out of my mouth, I began to find the corporate vision shallow. I sought another path and found one in the cabalist notions from afar. Through those, I found my way to the Vision and so I now serve as all one day shall."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"[[Syndiate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndiate 4"]], huh? Didn't take you for a merc."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Visionary rasps a laugh. "It is not an association I wish to recall. Murder for profit is a narrow-minded business. If one pursues such bloodthirst, at least it should be for a meaningful end and that is what I believe the Vision to be: a worthwhile end, as it was foretold, and as it was told unto me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Told unto you? By who?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"By the great icons of the pantheon, of course." Vijar looks shocked. "Who else would speak to me from beyond the veil of the mortal sphere?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No one, I suppose," you say, though you aren't quite certain whether you agree - or disagree, for that matter.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.randomize eq "vision">>"So, about this whole Vision thing. I still don't quite get what it is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The manifest destiny of the human species, foretold by the thinking machines of the last age, and since passed down from generation to generation, from conception to conception, always reimagined and re-interpreted. Once, it was called the pantheon of witchcraft, and it told of genetic destinies. Today, it is the Vision of the Golden Age, as foretold by Lord-Astronomous Naudrage vi Atada of the Imperial Court. An ancient and learned man, yes, yes, I've heard he was quite influential, in fact."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And what, exactly, is foretold?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar looks confused. "That the human species is to become akin to the dead divines of yesteryear - the solar deities our ancestors once worshiped. Make no mistake: our descendants shall all be as akin to gods, my friend. It is fortold and so it shall be. In time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That sounds awfully idealistic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, yes, and yet the Vision is clear: the age of the machine draws to an end and, as it dies, hissing and spluttering errant logic, the age of the exotic shall dawn. Read the old texts. Study the works of Naudrage vi Atada. Read the musings of his daughter, Lilly vi Atada, and the interpretations by Lady Xarena, and soon it will all be clear: the Golden Age dawns. The great endeavor demands it. There can be no alternative. It is foretold. A self-fulfilling prophecyt that shall soon set us all free from our burdens. What more could anyone ask for?"\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "corpses">>"I was wondering about the corpses. What exactly are you doing with them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Makin' artwork."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe scoffs. "Fer real, what ye think I'm doin'? I'm a fleshmelder. They's got loose biomass and we needs weapons. So I's making shamblers."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head. "I'm still not getting it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shamblers? Bioweapons? Never mind. Ye'll see soon 'nough. Jus' ya be patient an' it'll all make sense."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "vijarvision">>"Visionary Vijar has an idea. I was going to support his designs."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Ah?" The blind kid glances to the Visionary. "And what's that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Our focus must be on destabilizing this sector. We avoid direct confrontation with the powers that be and yet, in the process, still undermine their position. We would win without ever engaging in confrontation with those who would oppose - or destroy - us. All we have to do is take over and win hearts and minds. By the time we're done, the machines will be unable to resist."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sounds risky," the blind kid says.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think it can work," you say. "My name is behind it, after all, and my name's well known around these parts."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe blind kid smirks. "Fair point, <<firstname>>. I'll ensure the other sects support this design. Just make it happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar bows in respect. "As you wish, Seer. I shall dispatch our best fighters to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. It would be prudent if you met us there, friend, so we can re-assess the situation once we have made our first step."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll be there." You glance at Arva. "Fleshmelder, you're in charge here until further notice. Keep your shamblers in reserve. We might need them yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe scoffs and strides off. Vijar on the other hand calls for his cultists to move out. Barely more than a dozen head toward the rear exit, all armed, and many carrying bioweapons. Hardly an army. But they're more than prepared to spread the chaos you need. Which is all you need - for now.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "fleshplan">>"Fleshmelder Arva's come up with a plan. I support that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Really?" The blind kid nods to the Fleshmelder. "Explain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only way we's gon' succeed is if we takes the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], wrecks it totally, and removes the local gangs from power. System'll fall apart all 'round the sector, and there's gon' be chaos. Evn' the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] ain't gon' be inna position te stop it if their mafia deputees is all dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "Exactly how I see it: with the local authorities removed, the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will lose control of the sector."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe blind kid smirks. "Fair point, <<firstname>>. I'll ensure the other sects support this design. Just make it happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva bows her head. "Right ye are, Seer. I's gon raise what 'boms we has and send 'em shamblin' up te the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] straight 'ways. Gon' have te fight 'er way up to 'em [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] from dere. So... <<firstname>>? Be good if ya could meet's there, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll be there." You glance to Vijar. "Visionary, you're responsible for the Shrine. Keep your cultists in reserves just in case."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe shakes his head and strides off. Arva on the other hand waves a hand, causing a mournful hiss to resonate in the chamber. Over a hundred corpes rise from the floor, injectors glowing bright in the gloom, and shamble toward the back entrance. Hardly an army but they do have numbers on their side. And they're expendable. That should do the trick - hopefully.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "riptide">>"The key to power on the streets is the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Take that down and the entire sector will descend into chaos. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will try to intervene but they lack the number to succeed. They've always been under-staffed and under-funded."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7>>Vijar shoots you a dark look. "I hoped you would trust in my design, not betray it, friend."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Can't be helped," you say. "That's the only way we'll achieve the decisive victory we need."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"He's effin' right," the Fleshmelder says. "There ain't no way we's gonna win yer way. "Jus' sayin'."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9>>Arva's lips curl. "See? Great minds think alike, Seer. That's exactly what I suggested."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "She's right. It's the only way to achieve a decisive victory."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fools," Vijar mutters under his breath, then adds, "I shall support this plan if need be."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Plus there's my name behind this," you say. "That counts for a lot around these parts."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe blind kid smirks. "Fair point, <<firstname>>. I'll ensure the other sects support this design. Just make it happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva bows her head. "Right ye are, Seer. I's gon raise what 'boms we has and send 'em shamblin' up te the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] straight 'ways. Gon' have te fight 'er way up to 'em [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] from dere. So... <<firstname>>? Be good if ya could meet's there, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll be there." You glance to Vijar. "Visionary, you're responsible for the Shrine. Keep your cultists in reserves just in case."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe shakes his head and strides off. Arva on the other hand waves a hand, causing a mournful hiss to resonate in the chamber. Over a hundred corpes rise from the floor, injectors glowing bright in the gloom, and shamble toward the back entrance. Hardly an army but they do have numbers on their side. And they're expendable. That should do the trick - hopefully.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "chaos">>"Cause maximum chaos and disruption; spread fear. That's the only way to win without directly taking on the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] at the same time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 7>>Vijar bows his head. "This was my design also, Seer. Our friend is well informed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's the best solution," you say. "Avoid contact with the enemy but undermine their position."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's effin' stupid," Fleshmelder Arva mutters. "But fine. Fine. We does 'dis yer way."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 9>>Arva looks sullen. "Yeah, right. Turn yer back on me an' support Vijar's idea now. Right."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sorry," you say. "But the Visionary has the right idea. We can't risk an open war. But we can fight one our enemies won't be able to sustain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Your faith is appreciated," Vijar says. "I concur it is the best possible course of action."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Plus there's my name behind this," you say. "That counts for a lot around these parts."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe blind kid smirks. "Fair point, <<firstname>>. I'll ensure the other sects support this design. Just make it happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar bows in respect. "As you wish, Seer. I shall dispatch our cultists to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]], to spread our Vision to those who lurk there. It would be prudent if you met us there, friend, so we can re-assess the situation once we have made our first step."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll be there." You glance at Arva. "Fleshmelder, you're in charge here until further notice. Keep your abominations in reserve. We might need them yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe scoffs and strides off. Vijar on the other hand calls for his cultists to move out. Barely more than a dozen head toward the rear exit, all armed, and many carrying bioweapons. Hardly an army. But they're more than prepared to spread the chaos you need. Which is all you need - for now.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "gear">>"I was wondering if you hade some spare gear lying around you don't need."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 8>>"Perhaps." The visionary holds out a data pad but hesitates. "Only if you ask nicely."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, please. That good enough for you?" You snatch the data pad from his hands.\n\t\t<<else>>"There are likely some items we do not require. Please. See if any suits your needs." He hands you a data pad.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "buy">>"I was wondering about those parts you mentioned. What you got?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 6>>"Same as usual, dipshit." Arva almost throws a data pad at you. "There. See for yerself."\n\t\t<<else>>"Little bit'o everythin." Arva chuckles and produces a data pad. "Dat's all I's got in inventory. Ya want, ya pay. Simple as dat, eh?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou take the device and activate the screen:\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_visionary">>"I got that plague sample you wanted. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Though, uh, I'm not entirely convinced I want to just hand it over to you."<<else>>I hope you know what you're doing. Just saying."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Prudence, a valuable trait." The visionary nods. "You need not part with it for the Vision to be complete."\n\t\t<<else>>"That you even need ask betrays your lack of trust," the visionary says sternly. "Have faith in the Vision and all shall be well."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "I'll go out on a limb here and assume you want to infect someone with the thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No one in particular. Yet we are not without foes and those who oppose us most corral us in this place. A message must be sent. To where it will be heard most: that wretched [[Chapel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Surely you know of which I speak. That is where you will make our message clear, so it will resonate in silence, and be known to all: we cannot be deterred."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"So, basically, you're asking me to kill a bunch of people just becasue?" You scoff. "Great vision right there. Really great."<<else>>"Not to question your vision, but a lot of people will die for no reason," you say uneasily. "That's part of the plan, I presume."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Visionary bows. "An example must be made and the worthy selected from those who cannot evolve. Have faith in the Vision. See it is done, friend."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_visionary_alt">>"I've reconsidered, Visionary. Your plan to spread the plague. I think I'm ready."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The Vision guides you, as always. Now, bring the vial to the Chapel and release that which is within and all shall be as it should. <<if $equip.isAbominated>>Do not fear for your wellbeing. The gift you have been granted shall ensure there is no reason for concern.<<else>>Simply, ah, you may wish to cover your airways. To preserve yourself from... adverse side effects.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You nod curtly. "I'll get it over with."<<else>>You nod, throat tight. "Sounds sensible. I guess."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Visionary bows. "May the Vision guide you, friend. Greatness awaits."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_fleshmelder">>"So, about that thing the Visionary told me to do. I was asked to retrieve a plague sample. Strain White or the like. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 3>>He wants to use it on the Chapel of Eden.<<else>>Thought you should know.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 3>>The fleshmelder scoffs. "Typical stupid fucking plan. Never gonna work.<<else>>The fleshmelder's frow furrows. "Right. Figure 'es gon' send a message, eh? Gon' make sure da [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] knows we's not bluffin'. Ain't much fer a plan though.<</if>> Jus' gonna leave a buncha bodies an' lotsa panic. Figure we can do better, don't ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Maybe," you say cautiously. "What you thinking of?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Probably," you admit. "What's the gist?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, we's got a good Strain White sample now. So we's definitely gonna use it. But not like idiots, yeh? Rest of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] can wait a sec. Biggest problem's right at our door, 'em Purifier folk. They's holed up at a choke point an' we got no way te keep 'em away. Sooner or later they's gonna figure out we's here and purge us like them purist sorts always does: fire and brimstone. Only way te avoid that is take deny 'em the [[B30 Habs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], an' the only way te do that is poison the whole level."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"The whole level?" You scoff. "That's a lot of corpses just to make a few guards budge."<<else>>"Hate to tell you but that's a terrible plan," you say. "Borders on genocide."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, it ain't pretty. But it's wat we's gon' have te do. Otherwise they's jus' gon be back. And we don't got enough numbers te fight 'em head to head. So we's gotta do it da hard way."\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "plague_fleshmelder_alt">>"I've reconsidered. About the plague. I'll do it your way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Glad ya reconsidered. An' I figure it don't matter much where ya loose that thing. But it's prolly better nearer the tram station. Gets wider spread. <<if $equip.isAbominated>>An' don't worry. Ye won't be gettin' infected yerself or nothin'.<<else>>Ya just might wanna bring somethin' te cover ya face. Y'know, 'cause of infection an' all.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You nod curtly. "I'll get it over with."<<else>>You nod, throat tight. "Sounds sensible. I guess."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Cool. Be waitin' for ya when ya get back. Jus' be careful, okay? Don't want ya gettin' in trouble 'long the way."\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "supportvision">>"The Visionary's got it right. We've gotta trust in the plan. We've come this far. We have to keep going."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>"Fer real?!" Arva throws up her arms. "Fine! Fine. Ye wanna turn yer back on me. Do dat. But don't effin' think I's gon' forget 'bout this. 'Cause I aint." She storms off, robes billowing in her wake.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Visionary draws a rasping breath. "At least you see sense. Friend. Though your actions were misguided, we now stand together. And so we shall succeed, as it was foretold, as is the Golden Age to come."\n\t\t<<else>>"You see? It is clear, Arva. We must pursue the—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine!" Arva throws up her arms. "Fine. Do it yer way. But don't think I's not gon' complain. 'Cause I is. This be one stinkin' pile'o bullshit." She storms off, robes billowing in her wake.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Visionary draws a rasping breath. "Appreciated, friend. We must remain together now, strong in conviction, if we are to succeed."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Agreed. And you'll be pleased to hear your plague is spreading. So, what's our next step?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I... must admit, Arva was not entirely incorrect. We are at peril. Yet not from the dangers she sees. The plague shall see to them. Those who truly oppose us are more carefully hidden, both within our ranks and without. We must ensure they are removed ere we can proceed."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "supportflesh">>"The Fleshmelder's got it right. The Vision's short-sighted. We have to adjust, adapt to reality. Evolve our vision. into a pl├╢an that will actually succeed"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>"Are you truly...?" The Visionary hangs his head. "Evidently you cannot be swayed from this insanity. So be it. Yet do not expect forgiveness." He strides away irritably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva stares after him. "Fool sure ain't gon' be happy but 'ell calm down. Fer now, we's got plans te make."\n\t\t<<else>>"How can you say that? The Vision has—" The Visionary hangs his head. "Evidently you cannot be swayed from this insanity. So be it. Yet do not expect forgiveness." He strides away irritably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva stares after him. "Glad ye saw sense. An' don't ye worrly. 'Ell calm down. Fer now, we's gotta make plans."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right. That little thing down by the tramway worked out. So what's the next step?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, we's gon' take care of every'un who's a real threat te us. Don't want no 'un come knockin' down here while we's preparin fer our endgame. So yer gon' have te get yer hands dirty."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "supportdefault">>"I'm really not certain. Honestly. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>I think Arva's got it straight. But I dunno.<<else>>I think Vijar has the right idea. But I dunno.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7>>"Are you truly...?" The Visionary hangs his head. "Evidently you cannot be swayed from this insanity. So be it. Yet do not expect forgiveness." He strides away irritably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva stares after him. "Fool sure ain't gon' be happy but 'ell calm down. Fer now, we's got plans te make."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right. That little thing down by the tramway worked out. So what's the next step?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, we's gon' take care of every'un who's a real threat te us. Don't want no 'un come knockin' down here while we's preparin fer our endgame. So yer gon' have te get yer hands dirty."\n\t\t<<else>>"Fer real?! Dat's what ye think?" Arva throws up her arms. "Fine! Fine. Do whatever ya want. Idiots." She storms off, robes billowing in her wake.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Visionary draws a rasping breath. "Appreciated, friend. We must remain together now, strong in conviction, if we are to succeed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Agreed. And you'll be pleased to hear your plague is spreading. So, what's our next step?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I... must admit, Arva was not entirely incorrect. We are at peril. Yet not from the dangers she sees. The plague shall see to them. Those who truly oppose us are more carefully hidden, both within our ranks and without. We must ensure they are removed ere we can proceed."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "moredetails">>"Can you give me any more details? Mean, I'm open to negotiation, but I need a bit more background."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There is little to be said," the Blackscale says. "Our sources are not sufficient, which is why we ask this directly."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou roll your eyes. "Yeah. I get that. I just don't get the context here. Or why this is coming back to me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"All we want is a good reason to trust you and the Corbeis," the android says. "But lemme explain, jerk. [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] is one of the few pan-galactic entities with exeption from [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] 'cause they operate beyond the jurisdiction. That means they're beneficial to us moving stuff around the galaxy. Problem is, there's been a lot of discussion about those exemptions, especially out in the Colonial Belt, and if our deals goes up in smoke, this will all be under real close scrutiny. Especially if they found out someone smashed a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] on our doorstep."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"This puts the deals our friend has discussed at risk," the Blackscale says. "We must be ensured this does not transpire."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Which would be a problem for you," you say. "Okay. That makes sense."\n\t\t<<else>>"Reasons to trust you," the Blackscale says. "To understand: [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] is one of those pan-galactics which is exempted from [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] because their digsites are beyond the jurisdiction. That means alliance with them is beneficial to us, to gain better access to the galaxy. Unfortunately, there has been considerable discussion about these exemptions, especially out in the Colonial Belt, and if our deals goes up in smoke, this will all be under real close scrutiny. Should the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] situation become known, the Corbeis shall be under extreme scrutiny."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Which would be a problem for you," you say. "Okay. That makes sense."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"So—" The android spreads his hands. "Care to enlighten us?"\n\t\t<<else>>"So—" The Blackscale leans on the table. "Explain this."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notinformed">>"I have to admit I'm not terribly informed. What - exactly - do you want from me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"Just a good reason to trust you and the Corbeis," the android says. "But lemme explain, jerk. [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] is one of the few pan-galactic entities with exeption from [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] 'cause they operate beyond the jurisdiction. That means they're beneficial to us moving stuff around the galaxy. Problem is, there's been a lot of discussion about those exemptions, especially out in the Colonial Belt, and if our deals goes up in smoke, this will all be under real close scrutiny. Especially if they found out someone smashed a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] on our doorstep."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"This puts the deals our friend has discussed at risk," the Blackscale says. "We must be ensured this does not transpire."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Which would be a problem for you," you say. "Okay. That makes sense."\n\t\t<<else>>"Reasons to trust you," the Blackscale says. "To understand: [[Erkan-Corbei Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] is one of those pan-galactics which is exempted from [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] because their digsites are beyond the jurisdiction. That means alliance with them is beneficial to us, to gain better access to the galaxy. Unfortunately, there has been considerable discussion about these exemptions, especially out in the Colonial Belt, and if our deals goes up in smoke, this will all be under real close scrutiny. Should the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] situation become known, the Corbeis shall be under extreme scrutiny."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Which would be a problem for you," you say. "Okay. That makes sense."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"So—" The android spreads his hands. "Care to enlighten us?"\n\t\t<<else>>"So—" The Blackscale leans on the table. "Explain this."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "insist">>"I'm not here to discuss or negotiate. I'm here to ensure you leave. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"That isn't gonna work," the android says. "Sorry, jerk. You're givin' us what we want or we go. End of."\n\t\t<<else>>"This is impossible," the Blackscale says. "We must have assurances. No discussion."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou roll your eyes. "Jeez. I just said: I'm not here to negotiate, just make it clear. You guys are leaving. No discussion."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And I said—" The Blackscale stands, causing the table to wobble. "—this is impossible. Unless there is discussion, we insist we shall stay. And it shall not be... peaceful. So you understand. Smoothskin."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scoff. "You seriously threatening me? In earnest?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Unless you explain." The Blackscale sits, eyes narrowed and alight. "Yes."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>You lower your weapon...<<else>>You enter the tent...<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>You lower your weapon and approach the fallen heavy, alert for danger. There is none. The merc is dead and the two scientists ran off in the chaos. THere's nothing between you and the entrance to the tent, so you through the plastic dividers.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>You enter the tent, brushing the plastic dividers aside, and glance around.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tSterile mats cover the floor. A table laden with data pads dominates the center of the tent and several analysis machines behind it, flashing holo-displays at no one in particular. Off to the left, an automated refridgeration unit contains countless labeled samples. One of those must be the one you're after.<br><br>\n\n\t"Right," you mutter, wary of the biohazard warnings on the machine. "Let's get this over with. Or maybe—" Your gaze wanders to the data pads. "Read the manual first?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You step onto the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_deathmatch_arena.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 3>>\n\t\tYou step onto the elevator, trying not to feel nervous. There's no one around. It's just you in this chamber - and an uncertain future ahead. It's hard to imagine you're really here, qualifying for the Deathmatch Arena. Really never was your plan. But now—<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stand by." Machinery groans as the elevator lurches into motion.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou descend, slowly sinking through the floor and into a pale security field. Through the haze you can just make out the Arena, a circular chamber with several exocrete blocks of varying sizes that serve as cover or impediments, and a colonade around the edge of the room. The other contestant is directly opposite you, descending on an identical elevator - unsurprisingly, there's a block right between you and them.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>You step onto the elevator, fighting down a pang of anxiety. This is it. That final battle. You're gonna <<walk>> out there into the pit. And win the title. Or die trying. There's really no alternative now.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stand by." Machinery groans as the elevator lurches into motion.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou descend, slowly sinking through the floor and into a pale security field. Through the haze you can just make out the Arena, a circular chamber with several exocrete blocks of varying sizes that serve as cover or impediments, and a colonade around the edge of the room. The other contestant is directly opposite you, descending on an identical elevator, though there's a block right between you and them.<br><br>\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou step onto the elevator, feeling mildly apprehensive. As usual, you're the only one in the chamber, facing the Arena alone. Nothing new there. Deathmatch really doesn't change too much. Same shit but a different show every time. Typical.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stand by." Machinery groans as the elevator lurches into motion.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou descend, slowly sinking through the floor and into a pale security field. Through the haze you can just make out the Arena, a circular chamber with several exocrete blocks of varying sizes that serve as cover or impediments, and a colonade around the edge of the room. The other contestant is directly opposite you, descending on an identical elevator, though there's a block right between you and them.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t"Ladies and Gentlemen," a voice crackles from an unseen speaker. "Welcome to the Deathmatch Arena \n\t\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 3>>Qualification rounds. Today, we're competing for a slot in the local ladder here in [[B Sector| PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase gt 1>> again<</if>>, and our contestants are just coming into view."<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 5>>Local Ladder here in [[B Sector| PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Our contestants are just coming into view now—"\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 8>>Regional Semifinals here in [[B Sector| PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Our contestants are just coming into view now—"\n\t<<else>>Championship Finals! We're playing here at the [[Riptide Arena| PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and our finalists are just coming into view now—"\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe elevator lurches to a halt. \n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>"On Base One is <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, the former Raptor you've all heard about - or hated. After a four-year hiatus from public life, Vine is back in the tabloids, and we all know what <<genderpronoun>> wants: another shot at glory, this time right here—" A camera drone zips up to you. "—in the flesh, in Deathmatch Arena!"\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>"Returning to Base One is <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, the former Raptor who hell-bent on qualifying for a once-in-a-lifetime shot at reclaiming glory for [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. This is the deciding match, folk, and I for one am—" A camera drone begins to circle you. "—hella curious if Vine can even handle the pressure here in the pit."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 3>>"First time to Base One in Local Ladder is <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, following up on <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>his<<else>>her<</if>> qualification \n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>by entering the tournament with Lavandri backing. Someone up top thinks this is the new big name in the making but—" A camera drone begins to circle you. "—we have to see if Vine can stay alive first. And we'll find out real soon."\n\t\t<<else>>by stepping out and entering in the tournament solo. Hella ballys move but, hey, there's—" A camera drone begins to circle you. "—a real chance there's going to be a new big name here in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. At least, if Vine can stay alive, and we'll be seeing that real soon."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>"Back on Base One is <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, still competing for a definitive slot in the Local Ladder. It's been a wild ride so far and—" A camera drone zips up to you. "—we're about to see if this <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>badass bastard<<else>>badass bitch<</if>> really has what it takes to survive for real."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>"Returing on Base One is, once again, <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel.\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He<<else>>She<</if>>'s\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>recently changed teams, as we all saw. Recently added to the Project Incubus team, Vine is promising to make one hell of a spectacle of this match - assuming those adds were really representative. Could end badly too, like we all know."\n\t\t\t<<else>>quietly changed teams, and is now competing for Project Incubus. I know. I know. It's unusual this hasn't been bigger news. But this bait and switch could make the news all right. Or end with a gore-splattered arena floor. It's hard to tell just now."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>really going strong here, and Lavandri is going all out on their support for their in-house favorite. Question is: is favoratism enough - and will the real Vine live up to that badass reputation they're making us believe <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>he<<else>>she<</if>>'s got?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>still going strong as the prime Lavandri contestant, and we're all curious to see how this turns out. Will it be a brilliant victory. Or a blood-streaked defeat?"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>made it clear that unaffiliated championship is the only way to go - and we're all too glad to eat it up. Question is: will expectation match reality? Or will this be a spectacular disaster - and major disappointment for the indie scene?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>still fighting a quiet and unaffiliated bid for championship. Hell of a bid they're making, and without a single major story yet. But that could change. It really could - or just end in a blood-spattered disaster. We'll see soon enough."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>"Returning to Base One is <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, \n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>living up to everything we've come to expect from Project Incubus.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>living up to every Lavandri expectation - and most of ours.\n\t\t<<else>>still strong on the independant course - and making a real bid for fame in the process.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tThis promises to be another interesting fight. And we all know who we want to <<walk>> away from it alive, right?"\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>"Stepping up to Base One for the last match in the semifinals is <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>and we all know what the real question is: can this <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>badass bastard<<else>>badass bitch<</if>> really be the next Incubus?\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>with everyone and their mother rooting for the Lavandri darling. \n\t\t<<else>>the only independant contestant to make it this far - and the one I'm not ashamed to admit even I'm rooting for.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1500>>It's a valiant struggle, for sure, but Vine is already a forgone conclusion. Charts are just down in the dumps and nothing <<genderpronoun>> does not will change that. Except death, obviously, but no one's really rooting for that."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1500>>It's gonna be a real close one, even if <<genderpronoun>> succeeds. Charts just aren't up to spec and it looks like it'll be hard to make up that loss. This might well be the last match for Vine - for better or worse - but we'll have to see."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 3000>>It's not quite set in stone yet, but <<genderpronoun>> is looking good, both in the ring and the charts. We might just have a Championship contender here - assuming nothing goes wrong now."\n\t\t<<else>>It's a forgone conclusion at this point, really. Vine's been dominating in the pit and the charts, and they're going on to the Championship without a doubt. Provided nothing goes horribly wrong in the last moment."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>"Stepping up to Base One in this historic match is <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, the [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] Champion \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>sponsored by Project Incubus.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>sponsored by our very own Lavandri Corporation.\n\t\t<<else>>who made it all the way to the Championship as an independant contestant - or should that be future Champion?\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t It's been one hell of a show but this right here, this is where it all counts. All the matches won, all the corpses walked over, but only one really matters now. Will Acrel live up to the high expectations we all have? Or is this about to be a sticky end for the legendary Vine?"\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_fleshmelder_infected.png"]]</div>\n\tYou lower your weapon and approach the dead <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>>. Toxic haze hangs heavy in the air. Nothing moves save your \t\t\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>cultists. They have already begun searching the corpses, though for what you can't say.\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>abominations. Several have begun to feed on the corpses. It's hard to watch - or look away.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Well, I n—" A <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper<</if>> ducks out of cover, rifle raised. "Shit!"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>Coilfire errupts. The merc stumbles and falls. A cultist hurries over and blasts three bolts into his head.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What luck, friend." The cultist turns. It's Vijar, his carbine smoking. "I almost feared you would—"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>An abomination pounces, fangs and claws bared. The man screams as he's torn to shreds. Blood splashes madly as the thing rips hin apart.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mean bastards, eh?" Arva strides up, looking extatic. "What ya we goes an' cleans up wat's left of—"<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe floor shakes. Voices shout in surprise. You whirl around to see <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>three Raptor heavies rise to their full height, heavy weapons spinning up.<<else>>two black-and-yellow [[Exos|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Power Armor"]] rise to their full height, servos whirring as they bring their rail cannon to bear.<</if>> Another wave of infantry is pushing into the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] via the passages. It would seem you're surrounded. Great.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"Damnation," Vijar blurts. "Friend, we must fall back! We cannot hold this position!"\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Ah, eff it!" Arva draws her sidearm, shouting, "Kill 'im. Effin' kill 'im all!"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromWatch">>You watch the<<else>>You lower your weapon<</if>>..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromWatch">>You watch the carnage with a mix of fascination and disgust. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin's bodyguard is torn to shreds before your eyes. Stupid bitch deserved it.<<else>>Jalkovski is torn to shreds before your bastard. Poor bastard didn't deserve that end.<</if>> But something else is bothering you: where's the Boss?\n\n\t<<else>>You lower your weapon, gaze fixed on <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin's bodyguard. Stupid bitch. Had it coming all along.<<else>>Jalkovski. Poor bastard. Didn't deserve go to this way.<</if>> But it does leave one question: where's the Boss?\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tBefore you can find out, Arva appeaears, mustering the scene with a amused look. "An' I's always thought <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>'em Raptors<<else>>[[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] folk<</if>> 'ere 'em best ofa best. Din't seem like they's so tough te me."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah," you say slowly. "Except we missed one."<br><br>\n\n\t"What, ya mean di'un?" The fleshmelder tosses a human head on the floor. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>It's Xaviar Wilkin, his face frozen in a look of horror.<<else>>It's Marisa, her face frozen in an expression of utter agony.<</if>> "Found <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>'im hidin' down behind da bar, eh? Effin' pathetic dat un.<<else>>'er inna pila corpses down b'low, eh? Fought hard dat'un.<</if>> Anyways, looks we's done 'round 'ere to me."<br><br>\n\n\t"Sure looks that way," you say as your gaze wanders across the gorey scene. It's impossible to resist a laugh. "This place sure isn't going to see better days again. Not after this."<br><br>\n\n\t"Prolly not, <<firstname>>. Ain't much'a loss though. Jus' anotha dump." She shrugs absently. "Neways, figure we's best be headin' back te da Shrine. Scrape t'getha more bodies an' figure out how we's gon' move on from 'ere, eh?"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You head back to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_arenapost.png"]]</div>\n\n\tYou head back to the elevator and ascend to the waiting area above. The receptionist is waiting for you, \n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 1>>looking bored and holding a data pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<formalname>>. You're alive. Good. If you'll sign here, I can approve the transactions you've earned." She offers you the pad. "And, please. Do be back punctually for the next match."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"In twelve hours, right?" You take the data pad and glance over the details; they're correct.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Exactly. Same place. Same routine." She shoots you an absent look. "Are you going to sign that now? I can't hand out anything until you do."\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>looking bored as usual. A man with short-cropped hair is standing beside her.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<formalname>>. Congrats. Lemme introduce—" She indicates the man. "Jehu Varik. Sports Press Interactive. He's been covering all the local ladder contestants and wants a word with you. All okay. I'll wait here - because we need to talk after. Official business. Yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right." You shoot the man a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>harsh<<else>>dubious<</if>> glance. "What's the deal, then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The deal? Yeah. Wow. One huge deal." Mr. Varik grins. "Real pleasure to meet you, Acrel, especailly now you're making waves. Competing in the Lavandri Tournament. Unreal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Seems real to me," you say dryly. "I've killed people over it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not the only thing you've killed people over either, is it?" The man chuckles nervously. "Yeah. Well, it's great to see such a big name in the ring. But I do gotta ask, Vine: what's got you this motivated to play in Deathmatch? Lotsa folks been asking that. You disappear, go silent, and suddenly you're back - and with a bang like this at that! Care to elaborate?"\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 3>>holding a data pad as usual.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good play, <<formalname>>. I'll ask you to sign for the transaction, as usual." She offers you the pad. "And, of course, we look forward to having you back for the next match."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You force a smile and take the data pad; it looks correct.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNo surprises there, but still. You don't want to take any chances. Lavandri could still screw you over at any moment's notice. <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>Even if you're playing under their name, you can never be too certain.<<else>>Not even unlikely, given you rejected their sponsorship. Dirty play isn't out of the picture - it never is in Bloodsports.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>this time accompanied by a man in a smart business suit.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore she can speak, he steps forward. "Vine, what a pleasure to meet you in person. Really is. Almost an honor, and I'm sure this is just the beginning."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Beginning?" You glance at the receptionist, who shrugs, and add, "Of what? Exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Why, your carreer as a real champion, of course! You got some game in you, kid. Real good game, with real potential behind it. Ya play that out to its full potential, and you're gonna go far. All the way to Cubix, I'd say, and maybe farther!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You nod slowly. "And who are you again?"<<else>>You can't help but snort. "Right. And who are you?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Alfonso Garvari." He flourishes. "An admirer, truly. But first let me ask: where do your limits lie? \n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>You currently compete under the Lavandri title. Yet is that all you wish form a name under corpo leadership. The best you'll settle for?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>You have financed your own entry into the tournament, which is truly admirable. But do you truly believe a solo play can be pushed to the championship? To the point you really make yourself?"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>and with her a <<if $chr_lanina.met>>blonde-haired woman you quickly recognize as Lanina.<<else>>a black-haired woman with a briefcase in hand.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you can ask what's going on, she steps forward. \n\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>"Vine. Wow. Shit. That was... well... well, uh." She blushes. "Listen, the point is. I'd like to interview you for the Down Under. We're doing a special on the Tournament. And, well, I figured maybe you'd be okay with that?"\n\t\t<<else>>"<<formalname>>. I'm Sarah Pellican of the Down Under. We're compiling a special cast on the Tournament and, among the team, you're the favorite. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sparing a few minutes of your time."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Might have to clear that with Incubus first. And I'm fresh out of the Arena. So, if—"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>"Might have to clear that with Lavandri first. And I'm fresh out of the Arena, so—"\n\t\t<<else>>"Well, I don't mind per se. But I just got out of—"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>"I know, sorry. It's just we were promised exclusive first dibs. Y'know, before anyone else is allowed to butt in. Everything's been arranged." She risks a smile. "So, uh, I'll just pick your brain a bit then? Won't take long. Promised."\n\t\t<<else>>"I'm aware, <<formalname>>, but we were assured an exclusive first - before any other agency is allowed to interview. All has been arranged." She adopts a false smile. "If you wouldn't mind, I'll simply begin. It will not be long."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"I, uh, okay." You glance at the receptionist, who simply nods, and add, "Ask away then."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>"Right. Well, a lot of people on the TNet have been wondering is what it feels like right now. Right after you're outa the pit. What's going through your head and what you feeling, like, right now?"\n\t\t<<else>>"First question, and this is one that's been floating around the Vox Edeni a lot recently, is what it feels like right now. Right after winning a match. Especially one like this - your first game in the Regional Semis."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>along with two Lavandri security guards in bright combat armor. A sizable crowd is gathered behind them. The moment they see you, cheers ring out and shouts fill the hallway. Bodies start pressing forward. The Lavandri guards hold them back, almost at gunpoint.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Vine." The receptionist hurries up, looking stressed. "It's a bit busy out here. There's a lot of folk who wanna catch a glimpse of you. It'd be against good etiquette to turn 'em away. So, uh—" She glances toward the crowd. "I was wondering how you wanted to deal with this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I don't suppose just shooting them is an option."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I don't suppose I can just melt away."<<else>>"I don't suppose there's some corporate policy to handle these situations."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not exactly, no. They're here to see you, Vine." She smiles apologetically. "If you'd like, I could arrange for you to speak to them. Or you could... well, say you aren't in the mood. Depending on what you'd prefer. I know it's a bit sudden. Dealing with fanfare always is a tricky matter."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 7>>a look of immense relief on her face.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That was amazing. And you're out, alive and well. Man." She draws a visible breath. "Congratulations. From me, personally, and from the whole Deathmatch team."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks," you say, the realization of what's happened not yet having sunk in. "Need me to sign again?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe nods but doesn't offer the data pad. "The Championship Event will be held here at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. I'll take you upstairs as soon as we're done here. All the finalists will be present, and they'll announce the Chart results. After that, it's the usual - conversation and afterparty. Any questions about that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head. "Seems simple enough."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is. Also, provided you're selected for the finals, you'll be given a chance to meet your opponent. But yeah—" She gesticulates with her pad. "—let's deal with this and we'll get on with the show."\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>her face beaming. Equally enthusiastic are the two men standing beside her. One is the <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Incubus rep<<else>>Lavandri rep<</if>> who recruited you. The other you've never met before.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Vine!" The receptionist rushes forward and, before you can do anything, wraps you in a tight hug. "Oh... Eden fuck me. Seriously. I—" She wipes tears away. "I can't fucking believe it. I just can't."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Same here." You ease her away, more shocked by her enthusiasm than your win. "Uh... who's the other guy?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hubert Gaius Alexander Lavandri." He offers a hand, saying, "Congratulations on your victory, <<formalname>>. It will be my utmost pleasure to personally announce you as the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Tournament Champion. The ceremony will begin momentarily but I wanted to meet you personally, before the formalities are completed."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step onto...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou step onto the VIP terrace, accompanied by the receptionist. There are people in fancy clothes everywhere, lounging about, speaking over cocktails, or simply watching the goings on. None of them look familiar.<br><br>\n\n\t"Stay close," the receptionist says, leading you through the crowd and towards a pedestal that's been set up in the middle of the terrace.<br><br>\n\n\tA large holo-board perpetually cycling through the faces of the finalists - including your own - floats above it. Several dozen men and women are assembled below, seperated from the rest of the crowd by more Lavandri guards in brightly painted armor.<br><br>\n\n\tAs you approach, the receptionist says, "They'll be announcing the finalists soon. If you are announced, you'll be asked to step up. Afterwards—"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Excuse me." The Blackthorn rep you spoke to earlier appears beside you. "If you don't mind, Ma'am, I'll handle the formalities." As the receptionist departs, he adds, "It's really good to have you here with us, Vine. Historic moment. Really is."\n\n\t<<else>>"Vine!" The Lavandri rep who originally recruited you appears beside you. "It's okay, Miriam. I'll handle things from here." As the receptionist departs, he adds, "Great to have you with us here. Historic moment this is, to have the Tournament back on the [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou approach\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>Calamity and her extatic fans. It isn't long before she moves away from her admirers.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Vine. Good to see you." She smiles, still flushed and looking exstatic. "I wanted to get to know you first, before your sorry ass gets kicked. Call it curiosity. I've heard a lot about you. Wanted to know how much of that was true."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Depends on what you're talking about," you say. "People say a lot about me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No shit. Half of it sounds like it's straight out of an action flick. Or a horror story, depending on who you ask. And now you've actually got it in your head you got what it takes to make Tournament Champion." She flashes a smile and nods to a passing serving bot. "Wanna drink?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reaper">>Reaper Jack and his freakish fans. He nods to you and, within moments, moves away from the gaggle of admirers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Vine." He nods curtly. "I've been waiting a long time to speak to you. Quite the reputation you have. I'd consider it only right we get to know one another. Before one of us ends up dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "Common courtesy? Or you serious about that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Bit of both, actually. There aren't many people on this platform worth killing. You? Well—" His thin lips curl into a smile. "You're definitely worth it, Acrel. But let's not dwell on that. It'd be an honor to entertain you for a moment." He nods to a passing serving bot. "Care for a drink?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "incubus">>the Incubus rep.\n\n\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeRep>>He looks up as you approach and excuses himself from the crowd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine." He grins widely. "I knew you were the right choice. Superb presentation, sublime performance. You're really pushing the Incubus label hard. Doubt anyone else could've done it. Now all we gotta do is get ya through the finals and we'll be right where we wanna be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou smile a little. "I'll do my best. The whole thing still seems unreal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not just for you. None of us thought we'd really make it on the first try. But here we are." He leans closer. "Listen, if you need anything - anything at all - feel free to ask. Incubus is behind you all the way. Last thing we'd want is our Champion falling short at the last moment."\n\t\t<<else>>He glances over as you approach.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine," he says, leaning closer. "Excuse me. I'm a bit busy at the moment. We'll speak after the finals. Provided you're still alive."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, yeah. Right." You smile and let the man get back to his conversation.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>the Lavandri rep.\n\n\t\t<<if not $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeRep>>He waves as you approach and excuses himself from the crowd.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine." He grips your shoulder. "Bloody well done, man. See? I always said you had it in you. And now you're here, just one step away from the real thing. Gotta be one hell of a moment, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I still can't quite believe it, honestly. Seems almost unreal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\t\t\t\t"Well, everyone at Lavandri is real proud of you. And I gotta thank you personally. The bonus I'm getting for this, well, it'll have me set for the whole year. Longer, maybe." He smiles. "If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"I can imagine. And I'd like to extend another sponsorship offer from Lavandri. I know you want to play independant. But we'd really like to back you up for the finals. Give you access to the best gear, maybe even a little incentive?" He smiles. "Consider it an extension of our immense respect for your performance."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>He nods as you approach.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine," he says, leaning closer. "No offense, but I'm really damn busy right now. We'll speak after the finals. Y'know, if you're still alive."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, yeah. Right." You smile and let the man get back to his conversation.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fans">>your admiring fans. \n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Virtually all of them are dressed in black. They're quick to congregate around you, pressing close and speaking over one another. It's hard to tell what they want.\n\t\t<<else>>They're a diverse crowd of mixed styles and social statuses. They're quick to surround you, jabbering and jostling for position. Many seem to be asking for autographs but it's hard to tell with all the chaos.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.finalSpokeFans>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Do us proud tomorrow," someone shouts. "Vine for Champion! Revive Incubus!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Revive Incubus," the crowd choruses. "Blackthorn Back! Incubus Ascendant!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt's hard not to grin, and you're quickly swept up in the euphoria. Several people shake your hand. One or two even hug you - or offer a kiss. It's almost impossible to speak to anyone though, and you're soon overwhelmed by the chaos. Unfortunate. It would've been nice to speak to the people rooting for you, but there are just way too many to handle at once.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Play it good tomorrow," someone shouts. "Get that effin' title, Vine! We're with you all the way!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Vine for champion," someone else calls, followed by a rapidly mounting chant.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tIt's hard not to be swept up in the euphoria. Many people hug you, offer kisses, or just shake your hand. It's almost impossible to speak to anyone though, and you're soon overwhelmed by the chaos. Unfortunate. It would've been nice to speak to the people rooting for you, but there are just way too many to handle at once.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Wow, easy there." You raise your hands to silence them. "I know you're anxious to speak to me, and I'm really glad you're all here. But please. Not everyone at once."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a momentary lull as everyone hesitates. \n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Then a young woman with jet-black hair calls, "You're my dark <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>prince<<else>>queen<</if>>, Vine!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou can't help but grin. "My pleasure to be of service."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>"It must be a rare pleasure." Fabienne slips gracefully from the crowd, back in her red-haired body, and a smirk on her lips. "Care for a snapshot? To remember the night by"\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>A young man in black robes elbowes forward. "Vine, sorry. I'm sure we'd all like a shot with you. To remember this historic night by." \n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>Then a young woman in bright hotpants calls, "I love you, Vine!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou grin despite yourself. "I love you too."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met>>"Fuck you." Celena pushes her way to the front. "Fuck, man. Wasn't sure I'd catch you. Sign my tits?" She pulls up her top. "Please?"\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\tA fellow in a sparkly shirt calls, "Vine, Vine! Sign my shirt. Please!" He shoves it through the crowd, toward you.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "wave">>You wave to the crowd as<<else>>You stand perfectly motionless as<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "wave">>You wave to the crowd as<<else>>You stand perfectly motionless as<</if>> Mr. Lavandri's voice booms, "That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a proper reception and this—" He gestures to you. "—is the reason we all are here today. I would not even need say it. We all know perfectly well what the occasion is. But still..."<br><br>\n\n\tCheers echo off the passage walls as Mr. Lavandri pauses for dramatic effect. "No. I must say it, for this truly deserves to be said: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my utmost and distinguished pleasure to announce that today, not twenty minutes ago, <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel earned the undisputed title of Deathmatch Arena Champion!"<br><br>\n\n\tIf he said anything afer that, it's lost in the sheer wall of noise that washes over you. All you can do is laugh. The whole situation is just surreal.<br><br>\n\n\tAs the noise dies down, Mr. Lavandri's voice can be heard again, "<<if $job_arena_lavandri.choseCubixFinish>>What is more, I have just been informed that our Champion will, in the near future, be headed to Cubix for... reasons you can certainly all imagine. Now <</if>>I am certain <<formalname>> wishes to speak to address you on the matter directly. However, first, a small yet significant formality must be seen to."<br><br>\n\n\tThe receptionist steps up to the podium, a small, oakwood box in her hands. She smiles at you. "<<formalname>>. In the name of Mr. Lavandri and the Deathmatch Tournament Comission, we present to you the [[Gladius of Champions|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Gladius"]]." She lifts the cover to reveal, inside, a long dagger with the name 'Vine' engraved in the blade.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "introduce">>You shake her hand...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatwant">>"Pleasure." You offer a smile...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "explain">>"Right." You fold your arms...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "introduce">>You shake her hand. "<<firstname>> Acrel. A pleasure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The pleasure is mine." She says, smiling. "Surely you're wondering why I extended an invitation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It did cross my mind," you admit. "Isn't usual that upstanding citizens like yourself take interest in the affair of hunters."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatwant">>"Pleasure." You offer a smile. "No offense, but I have to ask: why precisely was I invited here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I do believe my message explained the premise, did it not?" She smirks. "I wished to be of assistance."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, of course." You offer a formal smile. "Though it does beg to question how an upstanding citizen such as yourself became aware of my current employ."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "explain">>"Right." You fold your arms. "What's the deal here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"How rude." She retracts her hand with a scowl. "I was wondering what a character you would be, having heard as much as I have."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour eyes narrow. "Right. Because that doesn't in the slightest bit suspicious now, does it? And how the hell'd you learn about my job anyways?"\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Let's simply say we share common aquantances. Several in fact, and quite a few who cannot keep their lips sealed. But I digress." She guides you inside, down a long hallway lined with purple drapes.<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3_inside.png"]]</div>Silver holo-frames along the walls display various members of what must be the Corbei family. It leads to a circular chamber, where Xarea guides you into a vast Library. The burgundy-themed room is surrounded with ornate, purewood bookcases. There's a heavy oak table in the center of the room, laden with data pads. Beyond, a darkened viewport barely hidden behind deep, blue curtains looks out over the spire-infested expanse of Level B3.<br><br>\n\n\t"You surely have namy questions, <<firstname>>. Before we get to those, however, I would like to offer the answer to one you must find most puzzling." Xarea takes a silvery orb from the desk and offers it to you. "I believe you have been looking for this."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "seenenough">>"I've seen enough..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "listen">>"Okay. I'll listen..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whycare">>"Why should I care...?<<else>>You lower your weapon...<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_blindkid.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "seenenough" or $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "seenenough">>"I've seen enough," you snarl. "This ends now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I doubt that. \n\t\t<<else>>You lower your weapon, eyeing the child. It stares at you with hollow eye sockets, seemingly indifferent to the corpses on the blood-splattered floor - creepy to say the least. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>There's no doubt: this is the same [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] you encountered earlier.<<else>>A soft smirk curls its lips.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vicious, you are.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "banished" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "inactive">>\n\t\t\tBut very well." It snaps its fingers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA blur of motion lunges toward you, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. There's just time to dodge as a curved knife whooshes past. The next second it's gone.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHeart thudding, you glance around. A dark silhouette dressed in a longcoat pauses just long enough for you to see it. Icy blue eyes glower at you from behind a mask. The creature is, <<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>without a doubt, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] you encountered earlier.<<else>>, as impossible as it may seem, definitely a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]].<</if>> It vanishes the next moment.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit," you back away, eyeing the place the creature vanished.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no room for mistakes - not with a thing like that.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tUnfortunate our interests are opposed." It breathes a sigh. "I suppose you shall wish to end me. Perhaps it is better you do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That the pieces were set in motion. Alas, they did not fall where the bones were cast. Mistakes were made. Misjudgements. Miscalculations. Perhaps in another lifetime [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] will indeed rise again, but in this one that dream has faded." The child sinks to its knees. "End this if you must. I have no wish to resist."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>So it was that damned [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] in the kid all along? Funny. At least you'll have your chance to end it this time. Hopefully without some disaster to follow.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Fair enough, though you do wonder who the kid is. And why he's there. Maybe there'll be answers - or clues. Maybe not. But one thing is certain beyond a doubt: that child's more abomination than anything else. All you need to decide is whether it's worth killing or not.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "listen">>"Okay. I'll listen. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>But I want answers. Especially after last time.<<else>>But don't take me for a fool. I know you're abominated.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe kid smiles. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>"We may have got off on a bad foot. But I didn't lie. The problem is as I said it was.<<else>>"Indeed, a spawn of [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]]. In many ways, much the same as her. And yet different. <</if>>Let me explain. If I may?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whycare">>"Why should I care? <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>Last time, you sold me some bullshit.<<else>>Because I really don't see it.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tThe kid smiles. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>"It wasn't bullshit. The problem is as I said. And now its wretched machinations risk affecting you too.<<else>>"Let us say I am a spawn of [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]]. Surely that must pique your interest. It is a complex affair. <</if>>Let me explain. If I may?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "listen" or $action.action3 eq "whycare">>\n\t\t"I'm still listening." You fold your arms.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It goes without saying that I am not what I seem. I am disembodied memory. A [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. There are others like me yet no two the same." The kid fixes you with a hard look. "Not long ago, I set the pieces which revolve around us all in motion. Alas, they did not fall where the bones were cast. Instructions were misinterpreted, perhaps deliberately. Ambition drove the unworthy to reach for what was not their to take. Now, what is left is a tattered, shattered husk of what could have been. And that which matters most was forgotten by all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Just get to the fucking point."<<else>>"And that's what?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Best exemplified with a question I ask you to answer earnestly: do you, <<firstname>>, truly believe all that is abominable deserves to be purged? I understand, of course, you are a hunter. But can you truly say you know why you hunt? Why you kill things like—" The kid smiles slyly. "Me?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Thanks. I've heard what..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Thanks. I've heard what I needed to. Or wanted to. What I really want to know though is: what happens next?"<br><br>\n\n\t"That depends entirely on you." Xarea folds her hands before her chest. "Are you willing to <<walk>> boldly into this uncertain future of mine? This fairy tale yet to be written? Or would you prefer we part ways now, safe in the knowledge you will live your life in the present as you know it."<br><br>\n\n\t"Can't really say unless I know what you're asking of me."<br><br>\n\n\t"I am not asking but offering a chance to leave your mark on this galaxy. You are in a unique position: an individual so meaningless you would go unnoticed poised at the precipice of fate. Divine providence, one might say, if one believed in such things."<br><br>\n\n\tYour brow furrows. "What?<br><br>\n\n\t"Those who play the puppets on strings do not know you exist and those who do know you exist do not seriously believe you would actually attempt to change the status quo. All you would need do to make all the difference in the galaxy is to leave life as you know it behind in favor of a brighter future."<br><br>\n\n\t"Talk about being vague." You shake your head. "I don't know. I really don't."<br><br>\n\n\t"Then I have imparted all I might to you. For my part, his matter has been settled. You are welcome to—" She gestures to the door. "—leave in peace."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "vision">>"You mentioned a vision. What do you mean by that exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We all envision a bright future for the galaxy, one in which the human species takes advantage of it's greatness, and is not repressed by so-called mechanical divinity. For far too long the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] has held us back and the [[Hegmeony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] amused us with primitive technologies sold in bulk for cheap. It is time that we move on, make one great leap, and reclaim our true place as masters of the cosmos, as our ancestors once were in the last age."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," you say slowly. "And I'm hoping you have some plan. Because there don't seem to be a lot of you right now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ours is a silent revolution," the Visionary rasps through his breather. "Our vision shall unfold, rest assured, but alas this is not the foretold age. The stars have not aligned. The pieces are not in place. What we do here today shall pave the path for those who follow, and today we must show the human species: it is weak under current management, given only a hollow promise of safety, while in truth the great terror of unrest walks free in the shadows. We will begin to send this message here, with this disease humankind has visited upon itself, a disease known as Strain White. It shall be our example. It will spread like wildfile and illustrate why we must free ourselves from the shackles that hold all humankind back."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "It sounds a damn lot like you're trying to simply infect people, frankly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Unfortunately, that is necessary. Already the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] fears abomination and uses this excuse to hold the species back. We must set our kin free from this shackle and, alas, for this some will need to perish. A mind cannot be forced to accept it's destined future. It can only be shown the path, and then it must decide for itself. Our vision is one of boundless potential, of a great golden age to come. So it was imparted to me, and so it shall become, albeit always at a price."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "reward">>"How exactly am I going to be rewarded for this? Just out of curiosity."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You shall be set free, as we all shall be, when we finally embrace the promsised future. One could call it genetic destiny, as the precursors of the covenites did in ages past, or one might consider it an engineered evolution. Whatever the case, the post-human age dawns and you shall be it's forerunner."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And what, exactly, does that mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That the age has not yet come. But soon it shall. Limitless power, oppertunity, transcendence of the physical constrains. Speak to—" He indicates one of the cultists. "—fleshmelder Arva once all is said and you shall understand."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm not sure I like the implications," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothing shall be forced upon you, my friend. Shold you deem our gift not appropriate for you, then—" The Visionary spreads his hands. "—then you are not forced to embrace. All have a place in the vision. All shall play their part. So it was imparted upon me, and so I share my wisdom with you, as it was spoken on the far shore of the dead river."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "shrine">>"So we gassed this shrine. Why exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Because not all change can be peaceful and the Forsaken mistrusted our schemes. It was they who first turned on us, who embraced this disease, began to worship it, rather than the message it was meant to send: the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] cannot safeguard this station. Eden does not in fact protect. A new age is coming and it shall be brought about by a new mindset. Alas, now we—" He gestures to the other cultists. "—have become fewer than ever. It is a trying time and we cannot take risks. Those who oppose us must be removed."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "Sounds like you have more than the ones I caused."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Momentary setbacks at most," the Visionary rasps. "One short-sighted fool delayed our efforts but, even if we should fail, others will take our place. It has been forteold, foreseen, fantasized about in the fairy tales of old. In time, our way will prevail. The end of this age draws near. Only narrow-minded fools cannot see that."\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "abominate">>"Okay, then. I'll..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "later">>"I'd rather not..."\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "notdo">>"There's no way I'll..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "willdo">>"All right. I'll..."\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "tiredkill">>"I'm getting mighty tired..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whoremove">>"Tell me who needs dealing..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refugium_agree">>"Sounds like a solid plan..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refugium_disagree">>"I'd rather not damn them yet..."<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "refugium_agree">>"Sounds like a solid plan. Though I'll need some help with this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "refiguim_vijar">>"Of course," Vijar says. "I shall dispatch some of our fighters. They will meet you at the Refugium. And, should there be complications, you will not be alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I'll meet them there then. With luck, our Vision will grow grander for it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That one can hope." Vijar bows. "Go into a brighter future, friend, and may the Vision guide you to the Golden Age."\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeh, sure. Gon' send some'a me flesh sacks down fer ya. Meet 'em outside da Refugium an they'll watch yer back. Make a nice mess-o da place too. Shouln't be a real issue, yeah? It's jus' a buncha refugees they's gotta deal with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I'll head down then, and wipe that place out once and for all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Best damn thing I's heard inna while." Arva grins. "Make 'em bleed good, <<firstname>>. They deserves it."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "refugium_disagree">>"I'd rather not damn them yet. Just saying."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "refiguim_vijar">>Vijar bows his head. "I understand. Should you wish to pursue the matter anew, simply speak to me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I will," you say, hoping you made the right choice.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBringing the Vision to Regufium isn't exactly a bad idea. But it isn't the route you necessarily want to go either. Best to get a second oppinion. You can always decide later.\n\t\t<<else>>"Eh, whateva ya says," Arva replies absently. "Ya change yer mind, I's still gon' be 'ere."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I might be back then," you say, hoping you made the right choice.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMurdering those unfortunates at Refugium won't help anyone either. Sure, they're pretty much screwed already, but still. Not the route you want to go - so far, at least. Maybe your mind will change.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "abominate">>"Okay, then. I'll go for it." You spread your hands. "What I gotta do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Jus' stand there an'—" She takes an injector from her belt. "—not do nothin'. This is gon' pinch so hold tight. Won't be a moment."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_abom.png"]]</div>Before you can reply, Arva grabs your arm. Adrenaline surges as she slams the injector into a vein. Pain explodes in your temples. The world spins out of control. You barely register your head smacking against the floor. Noise errupts in your mind, scratching, crawling, screaming in your thoughts.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSuddenly, silence. A cold hand touches your face. "Ehh, well. That won't what I was hopin' fer. But yer fine, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>mate<<else>>girl<</if>>. Jus' a little knock."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou blink. The world is somehow brighter than before and Arva's face clearer. It's almost as though you can taste the sweat on her skin, the rotting corpses around you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don' worry, eh?" The fleshmelder smiles. "Ye jus' take yer time an' get yerself tegether. An' when yer up fer it, jus' come talk te me. Yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe walks away, leaving you on the floor. Long seconds pass. You don't know what to think. Or how to feel. It's all different. Everything will be different. You can feel that. And still it's all, somehow, the same. Strange.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "later">>"I'd rather not go ahead with this. Just doesn't sound quite right."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eh, whatever ya want," Arva says. "You change yer mind, I'll still be here. Same as, same old. Ya know where te find me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "I'll think it over. But doubt my oppinion will change."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like I said, fine by me. Now ye'll excuse. Got work te do." She turns back to the corpses she was dealing with before.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "notdo">>"There's no way I'll do that. There has to be some alternative."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "plague_fleshmelder">>"Eh, maybe if ya got a huge army waitin' around to help us, but we ain't got dat, and we ain't gettin' one. Neways, ain't like we can jus' hire folk with promises of certain death and all. We's gotta do this da real way: fear and terror. So it's this or nothin'. An' it's gon' have te be you doin' this too. Ya follow?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No," you say. "Why am I even part of this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva laughs. "'Cause ya chose te be, silly. I ain't gonna take it hard if ya gotta think it over. Get yer head strait. I'll be here if ya change yer mind."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"There is none," the Visionary rasps. "This is the design we pursue. My design. A path that shall lead to the foretold future, as it was imparted unto me, and so I say to you. Surely you can see that there is no alternative. We must follow this path."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, I don't agree," you say codldly. "Not at all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe visionary bows. "Then depart. Reflect on what you truly wish for yourself. I shall wait. For a while."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThough you don't say it, your mind is racing. This is insane. The whole thing is insane. Maybe it's about time you went to the Purifiers and told them what's really going on. Then they can purge this wretched hive - put and end to the chaos once and for all.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "willdo">>"All right. I'll do it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "plague_fleshmelder">>"Awesome. Figure it don't matter much where ya loose that thing. But it's prolly better nearer the tram station. Gets wider spread. <<if $equip.isAbominated>>An' don't worry. Ye won't be gettin' infected yerself or nothin'.<<else>>Ya just might wanna bring somethin' te cover ya face. Y'know, 'cause of infection an' all.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You nod curtly. "I'll get it over with."<<else>>You nod, throat tight. "Sounds sensible. I guess."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cool. Be waitin' for ya when ya get back. Jus' be careful, okay? Don't want ya gettin' in trouble 'long the way."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Excellent. Bring the vial to the Chapel and release that which is within, as the Vision declares. <<if $equip.isAbominated>>And do not fear for your wellbeing. The gift you have been granted shall ensure there is no reason for concern.<<else>>Simply, ah, you may wish to cover your face and airways. To preserve yourself from... adverse side effects of such a concentration of the dispersal agent.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You nod curtly. "I'll get it over with."<<else>>You nod, throat tight. "Sounds sensible. I guess."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe Visionary bows. "May the Vision guide you into the Golden Age, friend. Greatness awaits."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "tiredkill">>"I'm getting mighty tired of killing, frankly."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "supportflesh" or ($action.action2 eq "supportdefault" and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7)>>"Perhaps ya ain't gotta," Arva says. "Dere's two thrats in partic'lar we's got see to.\n\t\t<<else>>"It cannot be avoided, friend," Vijar says sternly. "There are two threats we must remove. There is no alternative.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whoremove">>"Tell me who needs dealing with and I'll see to it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "supportflesh" or ($action.action2 eq "supportdefault" and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7)>>"Aright," Arva says. "Dere's two thrats in partic'lar we's got see to.\n\t\t<<else>>"Excellent, friend," Vijar says. "There are two threats we must remove ere we can proceed.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "supportflesh" or ($action.action2 eq "supportdefault" and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7)>>\n\t\t\tThe first's 'em [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] bastards. They's already effed our folk at 'em Deshvar shrine. They's part of dis splinter group dat's workin' with dis one [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] who was in on our Vision before she went bonkers. Anyways, da girl ain't the problem but dem merc's gotta go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 5 or $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 98>>"Yeah, I've already dealt with them. Mean bastards. But they're shut down for good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Eh, they is? Then dat's good. One problem less."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Fortunate." You chuckle.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase gte 3>>"I've been looking into that, actually. They have some mean beef with me. Wiped out their forward operating base over by the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] but haven't found their base of operations yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Aight. I ain't gon' be much help then. 'Cause dat [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] lead's da only intel I got. So jus' go from there, I guess?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 1>>"Those bastards again? Right. You got any leads? Because they're gunning for me too."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"Hm. I ran into a few of those guys on the way here. Any idea where they're operating out of?"\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Eh, I ain't quite sure. Know they's got a base of operations near 'em [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Maybe if ye look around ye'll find somethin'. I ain't sure but they's gotta have an HQ somewhere an' dat's gotta be put down."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And the other threat?"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\t"Varijasha. Som' Blackscale with'm [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. We'ss arranged te meet'ngreet at the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]. All ye gotta do is convince 'is folks te leave by however ya can."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 98>>"Wow. That could be tricky. Had some nasty dealings with [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] lately. But I'll do what I can."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"I've got a line to [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] currently," you say. "I should be able to convince them."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"[[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]?" You whistle. "Wow. Okay. I'll do my best."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, an' there's somethin' else. The [[Paladin Order's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] been gettin' all fidgety lately when it's gotta do with that Object affair. Feck knows why 'cause 'em piece'o crap is useless but they's got it fixed we's a threat. Now they's executin' every'un who's got somethin' te know on the matter left'n right. So ya might wanna look inte how ye's gon' deal with one of 'em tin cans if it comes for ya, yeah? Jus' te be on the safe side."\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe first is an ancient, twisted being. Its name is Lord Otto Vindell and has been of great service in the past. It will conspire against us however. That is not a risk we can accept."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill" or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4>>"I know the bastard. Already staked his heart too. So that's one problem dealt with already, at least."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That is... unexpectedly good news. You have done a great service, <<firstname>>, if unintentionally. Gratitude is none the less owed."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision neq "none">>"I met the fellow. Had some interesting things to say, admittedly. Why you want him dead?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Prundence," Vijar says. "As you no doubt know, Lord Otto Vindell is quite close to [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. They pose a threat to our interests. Thus transportation shall be arranged, and you shall remove the complication. Wait by the information booth near the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Lord Otto?" You shake your head. "Never heard of him. Gonna need a little more than a name to go on."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Lord Otto Vindell. Quite a prominent figure in the corporate sector. Suspected to have a legacy which reaches back to the old world. His residence is on Level B1 and he has close ties to [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. To breech the premises will not be easy. Yet I have arranged transportation. You shall be collected at the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Wait by the information booth."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And the other threat?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Varijasha. A Blackscale who represents the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Our... benefactor has arranged to meet him at the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]. You will go instead. Convince him to leave. By whatever means necessary."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 99 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 98>>"Wow. That could be tricky. Had some nasty dealings with [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] lately. But I'll do what I can."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"I've got a line to [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] currently," you say. "I should be able to convince them."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"[[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]?" You whistle. "Wow. Okay. I'll do my best."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There is also something else. The [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is growing increasingly wary of all matters which concern the Object you were hired to retrieve. The item in question is inherity valueless. However, it is percieved as a threat. One great enough that the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is exterminating anyone they can conclusively link to explicit knowledge of this Object." The Visionary fixes you with an earnest look. "It is not envisioned, yet I urge you: be prepared for the worst. You are proving too valuable to risk."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "truth" or $action.action2 eq "truthfail">>"Right, well, here's the..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "excuse" or $action.action2 eq "excusefail">>"You want assurances..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refuse">>"No fucking way..."<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "truth">>"Right, well, here's the thing: I don't actually know. Until you mentioned it, I wasn't even aware the Corbei family was involved with the cult I represent. The fact of the matter is, I don't know a damn thing, because I'm investigating them. I'm a hunter. That's my job. And the whole reason I'm here is to test my loyalty."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Blackscale's serpentine eyes narrow. "This is most suspicious."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"Makes sense though," the android says. "And maches what I know, eh, jerk?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I'm just a plant. Nothing more."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I wish I could tell you something else. But I'm just a plant."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"I see." Varijasha licks his lips. "So what can you assure us, that would assuage our worries?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like I said, not a whole lot. But I can promise you this: if the Corbeis are behind this, I'll get to them and take them down. Whatever agreement you had with them ends with the corpses. So you'd be in the clear. And I'd be less one problem."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Blackscale rubs his chin. "This is... unusual. But it could suffice. I suppose. Simply explain: what is your design?"\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "truthfail">>"Right, well, here's the thing: I don't actually know. Until you mentioned it, I wasn't even aware the Corbei family was involved with the cult I represent. The fact of the matter is, I don't know a damn thing, because I'm investigating them. I'm a hunter. That's my job. And the whole reason I'm here is to test my loyalty."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Blackscale's serpentine eyes narrow. "This is... unsavory. Can this be confirmed?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only by my word," you admit. "That'll have to do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It does not." The Blackscale stands, webbed hand on the his sidearm. "If it is so, and perhaps it is, then you are untrustworthy. You swindle and I should trust this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou back away, suddenly very worried. "Wow, wow, hey. I'm just trying—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Silence!" Varijasha whips out his sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. It's abundantly clear what will follow. And there's only one plausible course of action: kill the Blackscale before the assassin wastes your sorry ass.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "excuse">>"You want assurances? Here's one: no one's interested in the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Whatever ties you got to the Corbeis is nothing compared to what we're working on. There is absolutely no way this will relate back to you. No one will have time to bother with your dealings. I can guarantee you that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"That so, jerk?" The android sneers. "Ain't much in way for promises."\n\t\t<<else>>"Is this so?" The Blackscale smirks. "How does this calm our concerns?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"You'll have to trust me." You stand, saying, "Maybe you've noticed but things have been getting nasty around here recently. I assure you that's no coincidence. And it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. So here's my suggestion: you and your kids head back to Cubix. We'll deal with the situation here and, by the time we're done, you'll be glad to not be involved in any of it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>The android laughs. "Gotta admit, jerk, that ain't what I was expecting. What ya think, scales?"<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe Blackscale rubs his chin. "This is... unusual. But it could suffice. I suppose. Simply explain: what is your design?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "excusefail">>"You want assurances? Here's one: no one's interested in the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Whatever ties you got to the Corbeis is nothing compared to what we're working on. So even in a worst-case scenario, you really don't have to worry. No one's going to bother persecuting any of you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"That so, jerk?" The android sneers. "Yer full of it if ya think we're buyin' that."\n\t\t<<else>>"Is this so?" The Blackscale glowers angrily. "Do you think this one is simple? This is nothing short of an insult!"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, it's what I can give you. The situation isn't—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Perhaps you should understand—." The Blackscale explodes out of his chair, whipping out his sidearm. "The situation has shifted."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. It's abundantly clear what will follow. And there's only one plausible course of action: kill the Blackscale before the assassin wastes your sorry ass.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refuse">>"No fucking way." You kick your chair back and stand. "I'm not here to negotiate. I want you off this station. No discssion. No argument. Unless you want a repeat of the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>The android laughs. "You gone daft, jerk?"<br><br><</if>>\n\n\t\tThe Blackscale stands, eyes narrowed and webbed hand on the his sidearm. "Then this discussion is settled."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou meet his gaze angrily. "You wanna do this the hard way or what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes!" Varijasha whips out his sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges. It's abundantly clear what will follow. And there's only one plausible course of action: kill the Blackscale before the assassin wastes your sorry ass.\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "datapad">>You pick up the nearest<<elseif $action.action3 eq "machines">>You <<walk>> over to\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "samples">>You activate the<</if>>...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "datapad">>You pick up the nearest data pad and activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>Incident #416151 - Personal Records<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\tENTRY1: We set up the clean room and lab environment today. Looks good. Suits all check out, as does the equipment. No news from Bur and his team though. Purifiers can't find them either. Alec says they're probably just holed up somewhere, unable to contact us, but I doubt it. So does the Sarge. Poor bastards are dead. Have to focus on the present though. Utility team just got here, and we should know what the infrastructure looks like soom enough.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tP.s. this stuff is spreading like mad, even through sealed airlocks. Gotta look into that.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tENTRY2: Good news first: we got the samples with help from the Sarge and Alec started runing rudimentaries. We both got a few theories on what this thing is but we don't know for sure. Too soon to jump to conclusions and we don't wanna point the wrong way. And now the bad news: Utility says that, when they initiated quarantine, they slammed the water mains shut. Turns out several pipes burst before the auto-correct jumped in and now there's leakage all over. Maybe that's how this stuff is getting out of the quarantine areas. Even wors: Utility can't fix it either because those areas are off limits under the quarantine. Good news is we still have internal air circulation shut down. So we have a chance of slowing this stuff.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tENTRY3: Stars, it's been days now. At first we thought it was synthetic, then we assumed B53877-1 strain, but this is almost certainly exotic. It only pretends to be a virus and it seems to match the J1N sample. Not identical. But close. Alec's already said it: it might be Black Plague. We're working on a countermeasure and we're dumping that in the tanks here. It won't cure the runaway mutation but it should slow it down. The clerics bought into the whole scheme as a way to stop the spread of abomination - that or they just don't care. Anyways, should be a few days and this thing will calm down. And then the real work begins. Corporate wants to know if this stuff can be used for real science. Gonna get some sleep now and, when Alec gets back, we'll start on that exec report.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tENTRY4: Red tape. It's always the damned red tape. Between the Church and Corporate, nothing gets done. On the upside, we've seeing some results. Or at least that's what the Purifiers are reporting: the worst is clearing up and the stuff has stopped spreading like mad. We'll keep working what we have on this end but this stuff has to go back to R&D for anything real to come of it. Setup we got here just won't cut it for the full package. At least the contagion isn't spreading. Seems Quarantine is working. So far.\n\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "machines">>You <<walk>> over to the analysis machines. Holo-displays flicker and blink, displaying information so complex you don't even know where to begin. Still, the machines' manipulator arms and macrorobotics are fascinating to watch. They take samples from their feed trays, run them through automated tests, produce - something - out of that, and do all sorts of other things. You don't know what. But it looks awesome.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou chuckle to yourself. "Hell of a nerd you are."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSuch is life for the non-educated. Biomachinery is beyond you - and most of the galaxy, come to think of it. Maybe the Visionary or a Fleshmelder would understand. To you, it's just a machine that does things. Highly comples, technical things, that is.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "samples">>You activate the refridgeration unit, causing a control interface to materialize. Displayed in floating letters is a list containing several hundred samples, each labaled with a number, date, and short description. The descriptions are nonsensical. Closer examination reveals them to be simply the date and sample number mashed together.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, man." You rub your face, wondering how to find what you need.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThen it hits you: the original strain should, logically, be the oldest sample. So you scroll to the very end of the list and check the date. It's from a few weeks ago - assured it's the right one, you hit the 'retrieve sample' option and select the output destination as 'manual feed tray'. The refridgerator whirrs. A single vial of off-yellow liquid is moved into a slot by the side.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_drone.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "raisefist">>You raise a clenched fist as the drone continues to circle. Let them see a little of your bravardo.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA synthesized cheer rings out only to fade as the announcer continues, "That's some real confidence right there, and <<genderpronoun>>'ll need it. Because on\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "shakehead">>You shake your head as the drone continues to circle. Typical commentator bullshit.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA synthesized boo rings out as the announcer continues, "Not looking so happy today. Maybe that's 'cause on \n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "givefinger">>You give the drone the finger as it continues to circle. Bastard deserves that.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSynthesized laughter rings out as the announcer continues, "Save your fucks, kid. Because on\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "blowkiss">>You blow a kiss to your audience - the drone - as it circles around you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSynthesized cheers ring out as the announcer continues, "Now that's the attitude we adore and on\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "pelvicthrust">>You thrust your crotch <<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>crotch plate<<else>>crotch<</if>> at the drone like you mean to hump it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe audience goes wild on the speaker as the announcer says, "Now, now. Let's quiet down, folk, as they come into the ring. On\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "wave">>You wave to the drone as it circles around you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSynthesized boos ring out as the announcer says, "Now if that ain't a limp dick move but here we go: on\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "huffchems">>You huff a whiff from your StimFuel inhaler - just a quick one though - and let the rush overcome you, grinning at the drone.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSynthesized cheers ring out as the announcer continues, "Now if that ain't the business end up. And they're coming up, into the arena. On\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "showcybers">>You show off your cybernetics to the drone, just so the audience really knows who's playing: Android Abe. Represent.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSynthesized cheers ring out as the announcer continues, "Now, now, folks. Let's not have any of that subversive propaganda in the arena. And coming up on \n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "circle">>You make the circle of peace to the drone, just so everyone knows there's a believer in the house. A true believer.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSynthesized laughter rings out as the announcer continues, "Oh, now ain't that cute, folks? Peace, patriarchy, and a paradise for all, just like the believers want it and I'm only saying that cause I can't legally say the word I want to. It's discriminatory, you see, and I digress. Coming up on\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "faithhater">>You make the circle of peace to the drone and, just as it looks like you might be a believer, you break the circle with a giant middle finger to the crowd just so everyone knows: FUCK EDEN!<br><br>\n\n\t\tSynthesized cheers rings out as the announcer booms, "Oh, now that's a gesture after my own heart, for peace, prosperity, and freedom in mind and market. Oh, but I'm not supposed to say that live on air so back to scheduled talk, folks. Coming up on\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\tBase Two we have\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Quali">>\n\t\tArena Official by the [[Syndicate 4 Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]. Tough, trained, and trying their best to break into Bloodsports! Let's see how they match up against one of the greatest names from recent [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] history."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Quali">>\n\t\tthe Psychonauts, brought to you by the [[Kobol Consortium|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. I'll be the first to call it: they're chemmed up and crazy! Which is just how we like it here in the Arena. Wading chest high in gore. Hell, yeah!"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Quali">>Ryperariummm, the gangbangers we've all been pining for - and might soon be pining over. I dunno 'bout you but I can't help but ask: did these bad boys bite off more than they can chew? Or is one of the greatest names of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] about to end in hilariously pathetic defeat?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Local">>Commando Strike, competing for the [[Syndicate 4 Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]. They're hardcore and disciplined, even if we really don't like seeing them in the pit that much. But they'll probably get the job done... or will they?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Local">>the Bloodhound Gang playing full on psycho for the [[Kobol Consortium|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. These guys mean business, folks, and we know they love to make it bloody. Only question is: who'll be covered in blood when this round's over?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Local">>Ryperariummm, back again with one hell of a lucky streak to make their name. I'm really getting tingles here, folks. Half me just really wants to see these sons of bitches make it big but then there's reality. They might just end up a big pile of dead meat."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Local">>Ordus Puria, those religious nutcases we don't all really want around, but it sure looks like they're here to stay. Love 'em or hate 'em, there's one thing we know: Puria is tough as nails and plays a hard game right to the end. But are they hard enough to take this upstart out?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Local">>Augteam, sponsored by - yes, I know - the Cybercult. Controversial bunch, these guys, what with all their augs and attitude. But they've played their tech well, folks. We all saw it live last round, and I gotta wonder: just how badass can these guys get?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Regional">>Heavy Guard, brought to you by the [[Syndicate 4 Group|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]]. They're making a real tough show but do they have what it takes?\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Project Incubus certainly has a reputation. Or is that all ancient history?"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>Lavandri clearly thinks otherwise. Or are they mistaken after all?"\n\t\t<<else>>They aren't a local legend yet, after all. Or will they go down in history as the ones who took down Vine?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Regional">>Radiant Slaughter, a pack of bloodthirsty psychopaths the [[Kobol Consortium|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] has sent straight from Cubix. They've got the experience and the ruthlessness, but do they have what it takes to handle a real [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] legend?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Regional">>Ryperariummm, somehow holding on against all odds. It's insane, folks, and we all know it. But here they are, trying to take on Vine. Forget it, guys. Forget it - or maybe not? Maybe their insane lucky streak will hold one last time?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Regional">>Ordus Rex, bringing the light of Eden to these bloodstained halls with a vengeance. \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>I gotta wonder: are they sacred enough to survive the shadow of Incubus? Or are they destined for greater fates already?"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>Lavandri clearly wants them gone - but will they go? Or will the faithful beat out a corporate-sponsored darlings once again?"\n\t\t<<else>>But is their sacred conviction enough to stand up to a local legend - a real folk hero?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Regional">>the Cyborgs, bringing the Cybercult back to the Arena with cold, heartless determination. They're playing the tech card again, guys, and at one hell of a level. But do they got enough tech to handle Vine? Or are their fleshless bodies dead already and we just don't know it?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Vindel_Regional">>ExoGenisis, recently bought out by the Vindel Corporation and playing the theophobe card hard. Word is these folk are [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] volunteers - badasses to the core. But is that enough to handle the legendary Vine?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Mechanoid_Regional">>Warbotz, a bot team none of us saw getting this far. It's the Mechanical Menace all over again, dominating the pit despite the fact none of us really wants to see 'em duke it out. But are they menacing enough to face down the legendary Vine, that local legend we're all starting to think of as larger than life?"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Lavandri_Final">>Calamity, E Sector Champion sponsored by our very own Lavandri Corporation. She's been one tough, vicious bitch so far but\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>that may be about to change. What we all wanna know is: can a little girl from E Sector really outplay the undisputed Murder King of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]?"\n\t\t<<else>>the bitchfight's only getting started. What we here all wanna know is: can an E Sector chick, even a Champion, outmatch the undisputed Slaughter Queen of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Incubus_Final">>Reaper Jack, the C Sector darling sponsored by Project Incubus. He's played one hell of a Deathmatch so far, but things are only just heating up. And I have to ask myself, like all of you probably are: does a vicious killer from C Sector really match up against the finest killing machine in recent [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] history?"\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThere's a momentary pause. "Well, we're about to find out, folks, right here in the [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] Deathmatch Arena!"<br><br>\n\n\tAgain, the nonexistant crowd cheers. A claxon sounds. Holo-projections in the center of the arena indicate the fight is about to begin. Your blood begins to pound. Muscles tense instinctively. Any moment now. Any moment—<br><br>\n\n\t"Without further ado," the announcer's voice booms, "Let. The bloodhed. Begin!"<br><br>\n\n\tSecurity fields fade with a crackle. Opposite you, \n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Quali">>Arena Official fans out, spraying coilfire in your direction. You scramble for cover as clipped bursts whizz past. They're organized, have a plan. You need one too - and fast.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Quali">>the Psychonauts charge, firing wildly in your direction. You take cover as rounds ping off the arena walls. Disorganized, but they'll be all over you in a moment. You have to act - now.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Quali">>Ryperariummm rushes into the arena, firing wildly in your direction. You duck behind cover, thinking fast. They're confused, disorganized, but they'll still kill you if they land a lucky hit.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Local">>Commando Strike spreads out, laying down pinpoint coilfire to keep your head down. You duck behind cover, heart pounding. These guys mean business. But they can't tank forever. That could be your break.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Local">>the Bloodhound Gang surge forward, outputting walls of boltfire. You scramble behind cover as bolts ricoshet off the arena. Agressive doesn't even describe this. It's downright suicidal - and likely to get you dead if you don't act fast.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Local">>Ryperariummm rushes into the arena, firing wildly in your direction. You duck behind cover, thinking fast. They're confused, disorganized, but they'll still kill you if they land a lucky hit.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Local">>Ordus Puria moves into the arena, laying down suppressive fire as their assault team closes in. Disciplined, methodic, and still agressive as it gets. They definitely know how to play the Arena to their benefit.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Local">>Augteam moves into cover, barely ever exposing themselves. No shots ring out. The Arena is almost deadly quiet. Purely defensive play - or a trap? It's hard to tell. With these guys, it could go either way.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Snydicate4_Regional">>Heavy Guard advances into the arena, laying down a wall of fire with their rotary coilers. You scramble for cover as bolts rattle off the walls. They're organized and too heavily armored to face directly. You need a plan - and fast.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Kobol_Regional">>Radiant Slaughter moves into the arena, blasting cover apart with well-placed rail shots. You dive behind a half-demolished block, breathing hard. Within seconds, you'll have nowhere left to hide. There's only one option: fight them in the open. Or die.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Independant_Regional">>Ryperariummm rushes into the arena, firing wildly in your direction. You duck behind cover, thinking fast. They're confused, disorganized, but they'll still kill you if they land an incredibly lucky hit.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Church_Regional">>Ordus Rex stomps into position, shaking the ground as they assume position. No one's made a move yet but they will - as soon as they have you surrounded. They definitely know how to play the Arena to their benefit.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Cyber_Regional">>the Cyborgs rush for cover; blurs of motion amidst the many blocks. No shots ring out. The Arena is almost deadly quiet. Purely defensive play - or a trap? It's hard to tell. With these guys, it could go either way.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Vindel_Regional">>ExoGensisis stomps into position, shaking the ground as you scramble for cover. A lone crack rings out as one of them blasts a block apart. Silence rings int he aftermath. They might not know where you are - yet. Hopefully.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Mechanoid_Regional">>Warbotz rolls into the arena, spraying coilfire in your direction. You dive for cover as bolts whizz past, thinking fast. They'll be methodical. And logical. Not that that helps in your current predicament. Damned bots.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Lavandri_Final">>Calamity darts out of view, vanishing behind the blocks. There's a tense moment as you advance, glancing around constantly. Movement in the corner of your eye makes you duck just as a bolt zips over your head. Adrenaline surges. Calamity is bearing down on you. Any moment, she'll fire again - and you're exposed.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "Incubus_Final">>Reaper Jack dashes away from the pedestal, vanishing behind the blocks. There's a tense moment as you advance, glancing around constantly. Movement in the corner of your eye makes you to whirl around the same moment Reaper Jack disappears again. Bastard knows how to play. Best be patient - or flush him out with gas.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You shout...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou shout,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "suicide">>"This is suicide! We can't hold this position!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva doesn't seem to be listening. Indifferent, you start shouting, "Fall back! Everyone into the passages! Let the abominations soak it up!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tA handful of cultists react, laying down panicked fire as they retreat into the passages. You follow suit, ducked low as bolts ping off the walls and ceiling. Shouts and screams ring over the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>staccato of coilfire.<<else>>boom of rail cannons and crackle of coilfire.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"That way," a nearby cultist shouts, ushering you and several others down a passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour heart thuds with every footfall. Boots ring on the floor plates. Haze swirls ahead. Bolt lance through it, ripping through the cultist to your left.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t"Fuck!" You scramble into a doorway as five <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> appear from the swirling murk.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCoilfire resounds. Two more cultists are shot to bits before your eyes. There's no way out. The bastards have the passage locked down. No alternative now. It's shoot your way out. Or die here. Alone.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn it." You draw a deep breath and...\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "holdposition">>"Belay that! We hold position! It's our only chance!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar tries to argue but you overrule him, shouting, "Focus on the infantry! Keep them down! Volume of fire. I'll handle the rest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But—" As you scurry forward, behind a nearby post, Vijar can be heard shouting, "Do as he says! Cover our friend! For the Vision! For signifance!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_raptor_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_response_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t\tBlood thunders in your veins as you steel yourself for what is to come. Shouts and screams ring over the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>staccato of coilfire.<<else>>boom of rail cannons and crackle of coilfire.<</if>> They are right down there. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>three death-spewing, armored bastards.<<else>>two machines of death and destruction.<</if>> But there's no alternative. You have to take them out or everyone dies.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, then." You draw a deep breath, and swing out from behind your post.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBolts whiz past all over, pinging off the walls and ceiling. You hastily duck back as a burst zips past so close you can feel the heat and hear the sonic snaps. Not good. Not good at all. This was a bad idea.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fallback">>"Fall back! Everyone back! We can't hold this position!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar lends weight to your words, shouting to his brethren and waving them toward a nearby passage. You join the retreat, ducked low as bolts ping off the walls and ceiling. Shouts and screams ring over the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>staccato of coilfire.<<else>>boom of rail cannons and crackle of coilfire.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"That way," a nearby cultist shouts, ushering you and several others down a passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour heart thuds with every footfall. Boots ring on the floor plates. Haze swirls ahead. Bolt lance through it, ripping through the cultist to your left.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_raptor_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_zanex_patrol.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t"Fuck!" You scramble into a doorway as five <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> appear from the swirling murk.<br><br>\n\n\t\tCoilfire resounds. Two more cultists are shot to bits before your eyes. There's no way out. The bastards have the passage locked down. No alternative now. It's shoot your way out. Or die here. Alone.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn it." You draw a deep breath and...\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rearguard">>"I'll provide rearguard. Get everyone out of here! Now!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But—" Vijar ducks as a bolt zips over his head. "Damnation. Do what you can, friend! For the future!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_raptor_heavies.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_response_exo.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t"For the future," you mutter and dash for a nearby column. Shouts and screams ring over the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>staccato of coilfire.<<else>>boom of rail cannons and crackle of coilfire.<</if>> They are right down there. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>three death-spewing, armored bastards.<<else>>two machines of death and destruction.<</if>> But there's no alternative. You have to hold them back or everyone dies.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, fuck me." You draw a deep breath, and swing out from behind your post.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBolts whiz past all over, pinging off the walls and ceiling. You hastily duck back as a burst zips past so close you can feel the heat and hear the sonic snaps. Not good. Not good at all. This was a bad idea.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "agree">>"I agree. We need time to sort this out."<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva nods. "I's jus' gon' round up 'em stupid things and we'll be onner way right 'way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." You begin walking toward the stairs. "We've definitely got the streets cleaned up. Now we just need a follow through."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whatplan">>"What is the plan anyways? Beyond causing maximum mayhem."<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva shrugs. "Ain't sure. All I's planned fer was makin' sure we's not threatened 'ere on the walkways. Still gotta figure out where we's gonna go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right." You begin walking toward the stairs. "Solid start. Now we just need a follow through."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "bodieshere">>"There are more than enough corpses here. Might as well use those."<br><br>\n\n\t\tArva laughs. "Half of 'em's been chewed on. They's not gon' work. An' even if they does, they's jus' gon' fall apart again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." You begin walking toward the stairs. "Actually, that almost makes sense. But never mind. What we need now is follow through."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Vijar's prolly got somethin' in mind. Been 'is design all 'long te make 'dis happen. He's sure got a vision, eh? Jus' not much common sense. So dat's what I's addin' te da design." As you descend the staris, back to the blood-stained dance floor, she adds, "Jus' don't trust dat man, eh? E's got pow'r in mind an' nothin' else."<br><br>\n\n\t"I figured as much." You pause by the entrance to look around one last time.<br><br>\n\n\tNoxious haze swirms over the empty dance floor. Holo projectors swipe back and forth across the many corpses. Off in the distance, an injured <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptor<<else>>trooper<</if>> is trying to crawl away from an abomination. He doesn't live long. You don't watch. No point to that. The [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] you knew - and once helped build - is dead one way or another. There's nothing left for you here.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "wantfame">>"I'm in it for the recognition. Not long ago, everyone knew my name. Often in a bad way. I wanna put a face to it. And give it a better conontation. Y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So you're thinking of carving a name out for yourself?" Mr. Varik looks critical. "You've got a lota bad blood under your nails after the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. You really think more corpses will make up for that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"On the streets?" You shake your head. "Death out there is practical, not celebrated. No one wants to hear their mother, sister, brother, or father died. In the Arena though? That's different."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe reporter looks a little confused. "So, despite what you did, you believe murder is more legitimate in the Arena than without?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Death," you say slowly, "is a means to an end, at least in the real world. In bloodsports, on the other hand, it's the entire purpose - the only reason the genre even exists. I'm not saying what I did in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] was good. Or bad. What I'm saying is it's in a completely different context today - and I might just have a leg in securing my place, because I'm not a complete unknown."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There's certainly truth to that, for certain."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "wantfortune">>"Why you think anyone down here does it? Credits. Hard pay. Everyone's gotta maka living. If this is it, then it's what I do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So, in it for the cash, to escape this hellhole?" Mr. Varik looks amused. "What sets you apart from everyone else in the local ladder then? In practical, personal terms."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shrug. "If we look away from my personal history, not much. I'm just some <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dude<<else>>chick<</if>> which a gun who wants in on the tourny. And that's what I'm competing as: just someone else in the ladder. Y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But you aren't just someone," he insists. "You have a name, a past. People know about you, Vine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"They know about an idea, a projection of personality amplified by emotion, that—" You hesitate. "What I'm saying is that the Raptor Lieutennant who fought during the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] isn't the same person who's competing for Deathmatch today. We share a name. Little more."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, that comes as a surprise, but okay."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "enjoy">>"Honestly? You seen that shit out there? Guts flying, people dying. Blood. Screams. Terror. Folk on the Net love it. And you know what? I do to. It's what I fucking live for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So, you're really just here to kill people?" Mr. Varik looks alarmed. "Was it like that too, back during the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"At times," you admit. "It's not entirely dissimilar. I went into the [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] to make a point, namely to survive. Which is why I went into this. But that isn't why I kept going - or why I'm here now. On one side you have reason. And then there's emotion."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMr. Varik nods, though he seems tense. "And your emotion? What's that like now?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ready to kill again," you say with a shrewd smirk. "It's what I know I have to do to survive. Except now it's not just survival. It might just be a future."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, you certainly have a good shot at that."\n\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "justjob">>"Honestly? Times have been hard. It's just a job. Pays the bills, keeps me going. Maybe it's something I'm good at. But mostly it's just to get by."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You're telling me Deathmatch is a job?" Mr. Varik almost laughs. "This is a sport, Vine, an attraction - an art, even, according to some. Surely you gotta see something more in it than just that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head. "I may have a past, and I may have a legacy, but I'm not in this for that. Deathmatch would be a great way to get my name out there, sure. But all it really means, to me on a personal level, is a way to get on with my life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe reporter looks taken aback. "And you'll accept death as a potential outcome?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say flatly. "I've done that for a while now. Maybe I'm some [[Street War|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] hero. But in reality? I was always doing this: risking death to stay alive. It's simple, really."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, I guess I can't argue with that."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\tMr. Varik clears his throat. "Anyways, I have one second question I'd like to ask, Vine. Specifically regarding the local ladder. You're moving into this blind, with probable Lavandri sponsorshit - I think that's fairly certain at this point. What do you think your chances are?"\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "enjoysports">>"I joined up for the bloodsport. That's what this is about. And that's what I get, first here in local, and then beyond. You, on the other hand, seem to be after something different."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That'd be the case," the says with a sly smile. "I work for the Blackthorn Cooperative. You'll want to hear what I have to say. Especially if you're really into the Sport as much as you say."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh?" You fold your arms. "That how it is, hm?"\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "stopgap">>"Lavandri is a stopgap, yes. They put up the credits to get me in the game. From here on, it's really down to me to make my play worthy of spectation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So it is," he says with a smirk. "And I might be able to help you there. See, I work for the Blackthorn Cooperative, and we have a proposal you'll really want to hear me out on."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "Will I now?"\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "canmake">>"I'm fairly sure I can make it. Maybe not completely alone, but I've managed the locals. Plan is to keep pushing, though I'm not against support if it's from the right place."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Guess the real question is what you consider the right place," he says with a little smile. "See, I work for the Blackthorn Cooperative, and we have a proposal you may well want to hear me out on."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hmm." Your eyes narrow. "Will I?"\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whatmean">>"What exactly d'you mean? Because this sounds a lot like a push for a buy-out. And that's a pretty ballsy move right now, seeing as I just made the locals."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You're not entirely right. Or wrong." He smirks a little. "See, I work for the Blackthorm Cooperative, and we do have a proposal you'll want to hear, just not for the reasons you believe."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou can't help but scoff. "That so?"\n\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Absolutely. I'm not certain you're aware but Arena was originally founded by Blackthorn and ran successfully for quite a while before the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] outlawed it. The Cooperative couldn't handle the sustained losses, so we sold the tournament to Lavandri. They took the Arena concept we originally devised, butchered it into this Deathmatch travesty with the help of Nitewood Armaments cashflow, and now we are where we are, living with this... well, I wouldn't exactly call it a sport or a spectacle."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What would you call it then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"A cheap whore in a sexy dress, <<firstname>>, not a real spectator sport. Matches run too quick, folks just die. There's no real lasting tension. Everything only moves one way: up - and in Bloodsports that means turnover of a candidate is too quick to inspire a cult following. The system offers no alternative, and it's killing spectator interest." He fixes you with a hard gaze. "Lavandri is selling a cash grab, not a real sport. We at Blackthorn want to move back towards predatorial arenas, focusing on training, long hunts and sustained tension through assymetric conflict. Only issue is, in order to do that, we want a major player representing Blackthorn in the championships. That could be you. Provided you're willing to go all the way to the top. We can make sure you make it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $action.action2 eq "whatmean">>\n\t\t\tYour eyes narrow dangerously. "What's the catch here? In plain-text."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou purse your lips. "Interesting offer. What's the catch?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>"You would loose Lavandri support, of course, and by implication access to Nitewood's Arena catalogue. There's also a chance someone will try to buy you back.\n\t\t<<else>>"Very little, seeing as you're playing for yourself, though there's a chance someone will want to buy you back.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tOr otherwise interfere. All we ask is you push as far as you can, make a real name. In return, you'll recieve access to Blackthorn's Incubus programme. And we'll cover all participation fees." He tits his chin. "Thoughts?"\n\t\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "terrified">>"I'm terrified, honestly. Not what most people wanna hear. I know. But that's how it is. You come out of an adrenaline fueled haze and, no matter how much of a relief it is to be alive, in the back of the mind you still know: this isn't the last fight. Really weighs on the mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>Lanina looks surprised. "That's definitely not what I was expecting, yeah. But okay. I can understand it's stressful."\n\t\t\t<<else>>The reporter nods. "Not the response one expected but very well. It is understandable the situation is stressful."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, definitely. There's no way to work around that. Life and death situations often cause extreme responses."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Speaking of extreme responses, I was wondering\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relieved">>"Relieved, mostly. You never really know what to expect going into a game, and you come out glad it's over. Sure, you're already thinking ahead too, but right now I'm not. I'm just glad I won and want a moment to clear my head."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>"Yeah, I can really imagine that," Lanina says. "It must be great to know you came out on top. Even if it isn't the first time."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Oh, I can certainly imagine that," the reporter says. "It must be quite the moment, to know you have suceeded, even if it is now a repeat occurence."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It is," you agree. "Just because you've done it before doesn't change the moment. Might as well be my first game."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Speaking of first games, I was wondering\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "pumped">>"Pumped up on adrenaline, really. It's hard to stay calm. You're out there, risking death for a rating, but you never think that way. It's just muscle memory, instinct, and thinking on your feet. Rush like that doesn't just fade, and it's fucking great. Feels like I could conquer the whole damn galaxy right now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>"Wow, yeah, I can imagine." Lanina grins. "So, are you going to take over the galaxy?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Wouldn't have expected otherwise." The reporter smiles. "And, do you really believe you can conquer the galaxy?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou laugh. "Not really, no. But I can make Champion, and move on from there. Which is pretty close if you ask me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Definitely. Speaking of Championships, I was wondering\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>about your recent decision to support Project Incubus - and the whole Reign of Terror campaign they launched. It's really split oppinions on what you're playing for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"For Incubus, obviously. It's not just about the title. It's about the state of Deathmatch, and the direction Lavandri's been taking with their matches. Me?" You shrug. "I prefer the Blackthorn idea. Which is why I'm playing for them. To make a statement."\n\t\t\t<<else>>about your quiet shift to Project Incubus. It's raised more than a few eyebrows, coming without any announcement. It's really split oppinions on what you're playing for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"For myself, obviously. I generally like the Incubus version of Deathmatch and support their reform campaign. But I don't wanna become some figurehead here. If I gain any fame, or notoreity, it should be through my actions in the Arena. Not some PR campaign or whatever."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>about your recent PR push with Lavandri. What's that about, exactly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Frankly? A rebranding of what Vine means. I used to be a local hero, but that was then. I wanted to re-identify with the Arena, and Lavandri proved the perfect oppertunity to do that. Whatever carreer I prusued before, this is where I am now - and where I intend to stay."\n\t\t\t<<else>>about your lack of PR. It's making people wonder. Isn't Lavandri supporting you in that regard?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"They've offered, certainly. But I don't want to make any statement I can't stand behind. So I'll let my actions in the pit speak for themselves. Not some PR push, regardless of whom it might be."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tabout your decision to run solo, with no support <<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>except a little PR campaign.<<else>>except your exploits in the pit.<</if>> Why that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I joined the Tournament to see where it would take me. I don't want a sponsor, or anyone rooting for me, except those who've seen me play in the pit. Maybe that'll change in time. But, for now, I'm on my own - which is how I want it."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>"Oh. Yeah. Well, that explains a lot. I'm sure there'll be a lot of speculation, but I really wanted to ask something else: \n\t\t<<else>>"I see. That clears up a lot of questions. No doubt speculation will be rife, though I actually wanted to pose another question:\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tnow that you've played your first semifinal match, do you think your playstyle is complete? Or will there still be tweaks?"\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "addressfans">>"I'll speak to them. Would be nice to see who's out there rooting for me, actually."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine. Just stay behind the guards." She gestures toward the crowd. "After you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou approach the fans assembled by the door, <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>doing your best not to look exhausted.<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>doing your best to look sober.<<else>>doing your best to look happy to see them.<</if>> Over thirty faces stare back. Most look extatic to see you, and begin cheering loudly. They seem to be chanting your name<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Quiet down, everyone," you call, mustering the crowd. "Thank you all for coming down here, in person, to show your support. It really means a lot. I mean, we all know why we watch bloodsports - ludicrous gibs - but as a contestant it's even more important to know there's you guys out there, who are all hoping you aren't gonna get fragged in a bloody puddle."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLaughter rings out. Someone shouts that they love you. Again, you silence the crowd and...\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "speakone">>"I'll speak to one of them. Not everyone. Pick someone you think'd be worth it. And let them through."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay. Just wait here. I'll be back." She strides toward the crowd and speaks to one of the guards.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAfter a moment, the guards let one person through - <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>a young woman<<else>>a young man<</if>> who looks exstatic. The receptionist walks <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>her<<else>>him<</if>> over, whispering in a low voice. They stop before you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe receptionist says, "Vine, lemme introduce <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie. She's<<else>>Lucas. He's<</if>> a [[Downer|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] like you. Big fan too, from what I gather."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, yeah. Yeah!" <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> grins from ear to ear. "Saw you a few times with the Raptors, actually. Back when you were doing your thing in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]]. It—" There's a moment's pause. "Yeah, you probably don't wanna talk 'bout that. It's just great to see you again. And playing in the Tournament. Wow! Yeah. How you doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I just killed a bunch of people. What you think?"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Well enough." You smile. "Nice to meet you too."<<else>>"Can't complain, really. Glad to be here - and to meet you, obviously."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, yeah. Yeah. I—" <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>She<<else>>He<</if>> suddenly looks awkward. "Man. Was thinking before, if I'd ever actually meet you, it would be so cool. We'd, like, chat and everything would be great. But I never thought it'd really happen. Now, well, I got no clue what to say. Y'know?"\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "wantgone">>"I want them gone. All of them. Now." You shoot her a pointed look. "You don't do it, I'll do it myself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I, well. Okay. Might be fore the better. One moment." She strides toward the crowd and speaks to one of the guards.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a momentary conversation, followed by barked orders from the guards. The crowd protests. Orders are repeated with insistence, followed by physical force when no one listens. Voices rise in pitch as your 'fans' are pushed back into the reception area, and toward the stairs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs the door slides closed, the receptionist returns to you. "Well, that's dealt with. We'll have them out of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] soon enough. Not that I personally think this was a good idea, but whatever. If you'd sign—" She holds out her data pad. "—we can get this over with."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "thankhim">>"Thank you, Mr. Lavandri. I'm honored to be named by... well, you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Of course you are." Mr. Lavandri smiles. "Well, let's not waste too much time. \n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notknow">>"You can't possibly know me with just a handshake, Mr. Lavandri. It's arrogant to presume that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I wouldn't presume to assume that." Mr. Lavandri smiles. "But let's not dwell.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "aboutceremony">>"Of course, though I have to admit I'm not familiar with the ceremony. What can I expect?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You will be named Champion before the press and awarded the Gladius." Mr. Lavandri smiles. "It's quite simple.\n\n\t\t<</if>>We'll head upstairs now, where the ceremony will be held. After you may be contacted for further interviews. Though there is one... other matter?" He glances at the <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Incubus rep. "Mr. Sychorse?"<<else>>Lavandri rep. "Mr. Biggington?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Appreciated." He steps forward. "Vine, as your official representative, it's my pleasure to announce that Project Incubus is extending you an offer to play in the Galactic Championship on Cubix. \n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>You've already committed to a carreer in the Arena and this would be the next logical step.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Now, I'm aware that you haven't been willing to commit to a carreer in the Arena before now, but this is a rare oppertunity. \n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tThough, obviously, I'd also understand ifyou simply prefer to compete in the ladders here. The offer is once in a lifetime. You must decide now, either way. And, either way, Incubus will support you."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Hm? Oh, right, Mr. Lavandri." He steps forward, fidgeting nervously. "You see, Vine, it's like this. You're a damn good player. Full stop. Now, because of that, Lavandri wants to offer you a chance to play in the Galactic Championship on Cubix.\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>You've basically already said you want in the Arena. So this'd be the golden oppertunity.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Now, I know you've been hesitant to commit, but this'd really be the way forward. Best deal anyone can get, really.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tBut, uh, yeah. If you wanna just hang around here and play for global... well, I guess we'd have to accept that. Don't think you'd want to, though. But ya gotta decide now. It's one-time only."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tMr. Lavandri says, \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"I am, of course, opposed to Project Incubus for certain reasons. None the less, I must put this in context: even Lavandri only sponsors one person per season from across the entire galaxy for the Cubix tournament. That they have chosen you is, well, a billion to one chance, frankly. I would suggest you consider your next words very carefully, as there may never be such an oppertunity again, even if you win every tournament for the rest of your life."\n\t\t<<else>>"You should know, <<formalname>>, that such an offer is exceedingly rare. Lavandri sponsors at most person per seasons from across the entire galaxy for the Cubix tournament. It is a billion to one chance. So I would suggest you consider your next words very carefully. There may never be such an oppertunity again, even if you win every tournament for the rest of your life."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "sayis">>"It definitely is. Maybe the biggest event we've had in a while. Mean, just look at the crowds."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, definitely." \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>The rep smiles. "Yeah, this is just the oppertunity we've been waiting for. And you probaly have been too."\n\t\t<<else>>The rep breathes a sigh. "Been one hell of a run-up but we've all been waiting for this. Including you, I'd imagine."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Absolutely." You glance around, at the sheer masses of people on the terrace. \n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "unspectacular">>"It's a start for sure but we are running this out of another establishment. Just to point it out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>The rep nods. "It's still a long way to getting back in the gain. But it's a first step."\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, don't sell it short," the rep says. "We've come a long way towards bringing Deathmatch back. Even if it's just the first step."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yep." You glance around, at the sheer masses of people on the terrace. \n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "chances">>"Yeah, about that. You got any idea what my chances are at making the finals? If I can ask."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Hard to say, honestly. Lavandri doesn't release the actual charts ahead of time. Even we don't know how it'll turn out."\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>"Irrevant, actually. Mean, it'd be a crying shame if Lavandri invested so much in a candidate and they fell through." He winks.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"I can't tell you, unfortunately. Corporate policy is to not release chart data until the event. But we'll know soon."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>"I wish I could tell ya, but Lavandri isn't allowed to release chart data before the fact. We'll know soon enough though."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, okay." You glance around, at the sheer masses of people on the terrace. \n\n\t<</if>>\n\t"So, when does the show start?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Right about—" The rep's eyes flicker, no doubt him checking his implant. "—now."<br><br>\n\n\tThat same moment, the music mutes and a voice rings out, "Ladies and gentlemen! The Lavandri Corporation is thrilled to welcome you here tonight for the first, the best, the only Bloodsports Championship Event on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]."<br><br>\n\n\tThousands of voices cheer at once but the announcer drowns them out, "It's been a wild ride for sure but the excitement's only beginning. I can feel it up here, all the tension, and we all know why: with us here today are the seventy-three regional finalists, and we're about to find out which two put on the best show in the pit - the two our viewers deem worthy of competing for the undisputed title of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Champion!"<br><br>\n\n\tVoices roar in approval. Everyone begins to clap. The holo-display over the pedestal is wiped blank as a rapid pulsebeat begins to throb.<br><br>\n\n\tBeside you, the <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Incubus<<else>>Lavandri<</if>> rep shouts, "I hope you're ready for this, Vine."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "acceptdrink">>"<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Hell, yeah. Could use something to keep calm. Keep the level. Y'know?"<<else>>That'd be nice. Could really use one after all the excitement."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Oh, good." Calamity grabs two glasses and hands you one. "Would feel weird. Drinking alone. Cheers."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cheers, I guess." You clink and take a sip of what turns out to be flash. "So, you're wondering if I got what it takes. Really makes me wonder: who d'you think you are? At least people have heard of me. Calamity? Not a name that's come up before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Excellent." Jack takes two glasses and offers you one. "To your health, Vine, and to an exciting fight to come."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"To excitement." You clink and take a sip of what turns out to be flash. "So, where exactly are you from, Jack? I've never heard of you. Reverse doesn't seem to hold true. Unless I'm missing something."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refusedrink">>"No thanks. We're not quite at the stage where I'm willing to drink with you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Oh, whatever." She shoots you a dark look. "Never figured you to be stuck up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Never heard anything about you, actually," you retort. "Makes me wonder: who d'you think you are? At least people have heard of me. Calamity? Not a name that's come up before."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Perfectly understandable." He nods. "I'll be honest: I'm really looking forward to the fight to come."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So I gathered," you reply. "If ya don't jmind me asking, where are you from, Jack? I've never heard of you. Reverse doesn't seem to hold true. Unless I'm missing something."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "acceptsponsor">>"Actually, I have changed my mind. It'd be an honor to play for Lavandri in the finals."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, that's... that's awesome! And, uh, listen. We'll refund your participation fee too." The rep holds out his arm. "Ten thousand credits, if you'd be so kind as to swipe."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou do so, saying, "Thanks. This whole Tournament really has caused a lot of financial strain. But I guess that's what I get for going in independant."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe rep nods. "It is a bit rigged against indie contestants. But you're playing for us now. And you'll have full access to our Arena shop. If you need anything for the final match." He nods. "Thank you for choosing to play for us, Vine. But if you'll excuse me, I have a crowd to entertain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course," you say and let him return to his group.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou remain where you are, mulling over your decision to play for Lavandri. It's a practical decision, of course, but still. Does feel a bit like you've sold out at the last moment.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refuseoffer">>"No thank you. I went into this as an independant and that's how I intend to compete, all the way to the end."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, I see." The representative nods. "Well, I wish you the best of luck then. I've gotta say though, the system is rigged against indie players. Provided you do ever play again, it'd be a good idea to find someone to back you up financially. Just some friendly advice for next time. But if you'll excuse me, I have a crowd to entertain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure," you say and let him return to his group.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThis was the right choice, right? To keep going on your own? It's hard to tell. But it feels right. Anything else would have been selling out to a corporation and that's not something you're prepared to do.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "financesupport">>"I could use some financial support, honestly. Wanna be as prepared as I can be for the finals but that doesn't come cheap. If you get my meaning."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>"Ah, yeah. Right. I can't sign over too much officially. But—" He holds out his arm discretely. "—a gesture of personal gratitude. I hope this'll help you."\n\t\t<<else>>"Of course. I can't really offer a large gift but I am authorized to make some transactions. How about—" He holds out his arm. "—this? Consider it a gesture of good faith and a token of our appreciation."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You swipe his arm. "I'm sure this'll help."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>"No problem." He shifts uneasily. "Now, uh... if you don't mind, I got a bunch of people around to entertain. I'll see you tomorrow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sure," you say as he returns to his group.\n\t\t<<else>>"A pleasure." He nods curtly. "Now, if you don't mind, I have a crowd to entertain. Best of luck tomorrow, Vine. We'll speak soon."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Tomorrow, then," you say as he returns to his group.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "prboost">>"Well, I was wondering if you could do anything to affect approval. I know I made selection but a little more PR hardly hurts."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>"Oh, of course. We'll run a few spots before the finals, maybe arrange a debate or two during the pre-mach show. That should make sure people know exactly how damn good you are. And everyone likes a good debate. Especially about Tournament favorites."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou smile. "Thanks. That'll be a big help."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Not a problem. Now, if you don't mind, I got a bunch of people around to entertain. I'll see you tomorrow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sure," you say as he returns to his group.\n\t\t<<else>>"Our reach isn't extensive, but I'm sure we can whip something up. Maybe mobilize the Vox Edeni brigade. Get some good debate going. Viewers are always hot about the latest gossip, especially when their darling favorites are involved. I'm sure it'll boost your ratings a little."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "Thanks. That's pretty much what I was looking for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"A pleasure." He nods curtly. "Now, if you don't mind, I have a crowd to entertain. Best of luck tomorrow, Vine. We'll speak soon."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Tomorrow, then," you say as he returns to his group.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "arefine">>"No. I'm perfectly fine. Just anxious to play the last match."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "lavandri">>"Oh, I'm sure you are." He smiles. "Well, good luck then, Vine. I doubt you'll need it. But still."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thanks," you say, uncertain how else to respond.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No problem. Now, if you don't mind, I got a bunch of people around to entertain. I'll see you tomorrow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sure," you say as he returns to his group.\n\t\t<<else>>"That's good to hear." The rep smiles. "Play well tomorrow, and kick ass. We've all come to expect a lot but I'm sure you won't disappoint."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I sure hope so," you say, uncertain you share his sentiment.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We all do." He nods curtly. "Now, if you don't mind, I have a crowd to entertain. Best of luck tomorrow, Vine. We'll speak soon."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Tomorrow, then," you say as he returns to his group.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "doshot">>"Yeah, sure. That'd be great. Just, uh... gather around here."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs your fans assemble, <<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne whispers, "Must be exciting to be the center of attention for once."<<else>>the man says, "It's a real privilege to be here, Vine. We'll all remember this moment."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou're about to reply when a holo-beam sweeps the crowd. There's a flash, followed by a cheer. Several more shots are taken. Before long, everyone is looking at the holo-caster that snapped the shots.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne eases you aside. "Being back here, I almost miss it. Not that I'd ever want to relive the whole thing from end to end."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSurprised, you say, "You've played in the Arena?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, probably, but if I did, then it was a long time ago." Her lips brush your neck. "I'll see you around, Vine. Don't want anyone to recognize me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWith that she disappears, slipping gracefully into the crowd. \n\t\t<<else>>The fellow who spoke to you earlier re-appears. "Frankly, I have to say I'm glad it's you and not me up here today. There was a good chance it could have been me."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"You?" Your brow furrows. "I've never seen you before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Reaper Jack," he says in a soft tone. "Let's just say our mutual friends had a backup plan, in case this didn't work out. Maybe we'll meet again. But I doubt it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWith thatm he vanishes into the crowd. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tAll around you, fans are cheering and babbling. More than a few try to speak to you but there's too much noise to make out anything. You simply smile and shake hands until it becomes too much, and you decide it'd be better to...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "noshot">>"Sorry, no. I'm really not in the mood for that."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a collective groan. \n\t\t<<if $chr_fabienne.met>>Fabienne leans cloer, whispering, "Must be exciting to be the center of attention for once. Me, I almost miss it. Not that I'd ever want to relive the whole thing from end to end."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSurprised, you say, "You've played in the Arena?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, probably, but if I did, then it was a long time ago." Her lips brush your neck. "I'll see you around, Vine. Don't want anyone to recognize me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWith that she disappears, slipping gracefully into the crowd. \n\t\t<<else>>The man who asked about the shot leans closer. "Unfortunate, Vine. I'm certain they'd have been pleased. But I understand. It could have been me here today. I would shy the attention also."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You?" Your brow furrows. "I've never seen you before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Reaper Jack," he says in a soft tone. "Let's just say our mutual friends had a backup plan, in case this didn't work out. Maybe we'll meet again. But I doubt it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWith thatm he vanishes into the crowd. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tAll around you, fans are cheering and babbling. More than a few try to speak to you but there's too much noise to make out anything. You simply smile and shake hands until it becomes too much, and you decide it'd be better to...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "dosign">>"Sure, but I'll need a stylus. Anyone got one?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomeone hands you one and, within short order, \n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met>>you've not only scrawled on Celena's tits but have been overrun by a dozen other girls who want the same. Celena leans closer, saying, "Oops. Maybe that wasn't the best way to come onto you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou laugh, scrawling on some girl's chest. "Just slightly. At this rate, I'll be here all night."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs another moves in, Celena shouts, "Then come by later. I'll be around, somewhere."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBefore you can reply, her spikey silver hair has vanished, swallowed up by the chaos.\n\t\t<<else>>you've not only signed his shirt but dozens of others being thrust in your face. The fellow who started the trend leans closer, saying, "Uhh, sorry about all this, Vine. I didn't think it'd cause such a—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine, Vine!" Another fellow elbows his way in, saying something you can barely discern.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tConfused, you try speaking to them, but the crowd is overwhelming. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tThere are fans cherring and babbling everywhere. There's too much noise and confusion to know what's going on. You simply smile and offer signatures until it becomes too much, and you decide it'd be better to...\n\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nosign">>"Sorry, I can't for security reasons."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>She laughs. "Wouldn't expect you te know me. Mean, you're some war hero over here. Me, I just ran an outfit - made it big but not public like you did."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Figures." You <<if $action.action2 eq "acceptdrink">>drink again.<<else>>scowl.<</if>> <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"But you got it wrong, girl. People know this Vine person. Idiots got it all wrong like—" You sway on your feet. "Like usual. Yah?"<<else>>"Though I think you got the wrong idea. People don't know me. They know the name."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, well, that's <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"where you went wrong, innit?<<else>>because you really haven't understood it right.<</if>> Folk actually know about ya, while I'm just any old someone." She grins wolfishly. "Ya really gotta be full of it, don't ya. Can't say I'm surprised. I had a name like yours, I'd get it in my head I'm fuckin' invincible too. But, ey. Ya know what they say. Pride before the fall."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reaper">>His lips curl. "It would be weird if it did, Vine. In my former profession that isn't a desirable quality."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." You nod knowingly<<if $action.action2 eq "acceptdrink">> and drink again<</if>>. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Usually, I'd be worried. But today I'm—" You sway unsteadily. "I'm just a little too full of it to care. Booze, I mean."<<else>>"Suppuse I should be glad we haven't crossed paths before, then."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Understandable<<else>>Likewise<</if>>. Some in the Tournament seem to believe your reputation is little more than hot air. Me?" He spreads his hands, smirking. "I've been in the business too long to overlook the obvious. It would be unprofessional to overlook ones opponents strengths. Even if one is objectively more skilled in the Arena, premature pride is a luxury someone such as myself cannot afford."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You take the ornamental...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou take the ornamental blade and, with blood pounding in your veins, present it to the crowd. Their screaming delight is lost to you. Mouths are open wide, shouting into the throbbing silence that fills your head. It's impossible not to blush. Everything feels hot and, even though you know you're there, standing before a million exstatic fans, it doesn't seem real. It can't be. Or can it? Is this really happening?<br><br>\n\n\tA firm hand on your shoulder shakes you from disbelief. Mr. Lavandri is saying, "...a monumental victory today, <<formalname>>. Congratulations. May you carry this blade into a bright future <<if $job_arena_lavandri.choseCubixFinish>>at the Galactic Tournament.<<else>> and many great victories to come.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"Thank you." It's hard, but you manage a smile. "Thank all of you. I, uh, words really cant describe. To stand here today is... well, overwhelming to say the least."<br><br>\n\n\tMr. Lavandri chuckles. "I can only imagine, <<formalname>>. Perhaps you have a few words to say on this great day?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod, fighting down the conflicted emotions welling in your chest, and turn to the crowd again. What to say? How to say it? You aren't certain. But you have to start somewhere. And so, with a deep breath, you...\n\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "kill">>"Yeah. This ends now..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "deservedeath">>"All abominations deserve...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "spare">>"No," you say heavily...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "depends">>"That depends on the..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "hired">>"It's a job..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nocare">>"I really don't care..."<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "kill">>"Yeah. This ends now." You grab your <<knife>> and ram it into the child's chest.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe recoils, spluttering. Blood splatters the floor but the kid doesn't scream, doesn't even twitch, just falls flat on its face. And dies.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "banished" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "inactive">>"Thank fu—" A blur of motion lunges toward you, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. There's just time to dodge as a curved knife whooshes past. The next second it's gone.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHeart thudding, you glance around. A dark silhouette dressed in a longcoat pauses just long enough for you to see it. Icy blue eyes glower at you from behind a mask. The creature is, <<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>without a doubt, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] you encountered earlier.<<else>>, as impossible as it may seem, definitely a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]].<</if>> It vanishes the next moment.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit," you back away, eyeing the place the creature vanished.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no room for mistakes - not with a thing like that.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t"Glad that's over with." You stare at the corpse, then let your gaze wander to the dead cultists.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tStrange, this entire situation. But what's done is done. Maybe you can find something of use on the bodies. Or in the coffins. Something that explains what was going on here. Because the whole thing really doesn't make any sense to you at all.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tA shout breaks the stunned silence, "Murderer! Kill the <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>bastard<<else>>bitch<</if>>!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe cultists spring into motion, as though de-petrified by that call. Suddenly they're all around you, anger plain in their expressions. Maybe this was a mistake. But it's too late to reconsider. Best to just deal with the bastards - preferably before they end you.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "deservedeath">>"All abominations deserve death," you snarl, drawing your <<knife>>. "Let's make it clear. And demosntrate with you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tTo your surprise, the child doesn't react. Even as you slam your <<knife>> into his chest. Blood splatters the floor but the kid doesn't scream, doesn't even twitch, just falls flat on its face.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "banished" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "inactive">>\n\t\t\t"Thank fu—" A blur of motion lunges toward you, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. There's just time to dodge as a curved knife whooshes past. The next second it's gone.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHeart thudding, you glance around. A dark silhouette dressed in a longcoat pauses just long enough for you to see it. Icy blue eyes glower at you from behind a mask. The creature is, <<if $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode eq "active">>without a doubt, the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] you encountered earlier.<<else>>, as impossible as it may seem, definitely a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]].<</if>> It vanishes the next moment.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit," you back away, eyeing the place the creature vanished.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no room for mistakes - not with a thing like that.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromKill">>\n\t\t\t"Glad that's over with." You stare at the corpse, then let your gaze wander to the dead cultists.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tStrange, this entire situation. But what's done is done. Maybe you can find something of use on the bodies. Or in the coffins. Something that explains what was going on here. Because the whole thing really doesn't make any sense to you at all.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tA shout breaks the stunned silence, "Murderer! Kill the <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>bastard<<else>>bitch<</if>>!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe cultists spring into motion, as though de-petrified by that call. Suddenly they're all around you, anger plain in their expressions. Maybe this was a mistake. But it's too late to reconsider. Best to just deal with the bastards - preferably before they end you.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "spare">>"No," you say heavily. "No I won't end this. It isn't worth it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe child looks genuinely surprised. "But you're a hunter, <<firstname>>. I'm abominated. Doesn't that deserve punishment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Maybe," you say coldly. "But I want an explanation first."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "depends">>"That depends on the situation," you say. "I don't know enough about this one to judge."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Perceptive." The child smiles. "Fact is, you really don't know enough. I didn't want you involved in this, <<firstname>>, and went to great lengths to avoid it. Unfortunately, we've reached an impass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So it would seem," you say, wondering where this is going.<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "hired">>"It's a job I'm hired to do. It pays the bills. That's all there is to it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe kid nods. "So I take it you were hired to remove me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not exactly," you admit. "I was following a lead that brought me here. Why? Where's this going?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nocare">>"I really don't care one way or the other. It's all the same to me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah." The child looks puzzled. "So you would accept that, at times, abominations perhaps do not deserve death?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shrug. "It's possible. I try not to judge. Or care. Like I said."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "spare" or $action.action4 eq "depends" or $action.action4 eq "hired" or $action.action4 eq "nocare">>"I'm sure you're wondering why I ask. And the answer is quite simple: all that is now is not as it seems and the truthe, <<firstname>>, is very different from what you believe. Obviously, it's too soon to trust you with all details. But please—" The kid gestures toward the colonade. "—<<walk>> with me. What I have to say will surely interest you, no matter how you ultimately decide to act."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "truthplan">>"Simple enough..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "excuseplan">>"Can't tell you...<</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "truthplan">>"Simple enough," you say. "You pull out of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] and report whatever you need to save face. If that isn't enough to quell the Corbei's worries, or Mr. Erkan's, well, this is my end of the deal: shouldn't take more than a few days and I'll have them all in body bags."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>"Ya sure <<walk>> the talk, jerk." The android nods. "I'm in. Total convincement."<br><br><</if>>\n\n\t\t"This is sufficient." The Blackscale stands and bows slightly. "Best of successes, Hunter."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stand as well. "Glad to be of service. You'll be hearing from me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that, you make fror the door. The Blackscale's eyes stare holes into your back. No doubt he'll be planning for contingencies. Which bodes ill if your plan fails. Then again, if it does, you'll be dead anyways. So there's no real reason to worry - at least no realistic one. Emotionally, you aren't exactly thrilled.\n\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "excuseplan">>"Can't tell you that, I'm afraid. Too much risk of compromising the design." You force a smile. "Hope you understand."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>The android smirks knowingly. "Of course, <<firstname>>. Ye got my support, jerk."<br><br><</if>>\n\n\t\tThis is sufficient." The Blackscale stands and bows slightly. "Be swift and safe... as far as can be expected."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stand as well. "Let's hope we never speak again."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that, you make fror the door. The Blackscale's eyes stare holes into your back. No doubt he'll be planning for contingencies - to an extent. You have no doubt the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] will be thrilled to get off the station. Their 'expeditions' there haven't gone well in the past. And so will this one, unless they take your advice. Probably. You still aren't quite sure what the Vision entails. But you imagine it will involve one hell of a mess.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "getup">>You stand with a...<<else>>You remain seated and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "getup">>You stand with a sigh. "Well, it's been good to have some insight. I can't promise anything though. This might come back to haunt you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea Eresi stands, her motions ever graceful. "We shall cross that bridge when we come to it. Let us simply agree we do not settle our differences today."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Agreed." You make for the door, saying, "Thank you for being honest. At least I have my answers now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, it was a pleasure. May I <<walk>> you to the door?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head. "I know the way. Thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that you depart, down the long hallway lined by purple drapes. Dozens of portraits set in silver holo-frames stare blankly at you. Some appear friendly, others bored or haughty, while a select few appear downright angry. Not one means anything to you. They aren't your family, after all, and you couldn't care less about the Corbei heritage. Still it feels odd, walking down a gallery of history like this. It makes you wonder: who were these people, what did they desire, and how did they leave their mark on the galaxy - if at all?<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou'll probably never know. Maybe it's better that way.\n\n\t<<else>>You remain seated and fold your arms. "Actually, I think I'd prefer to stay."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, would you?" Xarea smirks. "And what makes you think I shall tolerate that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you didn't, you wouldn't have extended an invitation." You lean forward, elbows rested on your knees. "Just spit it out: what do you want so damn badly?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I want to be free the strings upon which I have been played. To do that, I must watch this habitation platform wither and die. It will be a shadow ressurected from the past: walkways choked with fresh blood, poison in the air ducts, clerics and plebs alike on their knees, begging for salvation, as it once was in my grandmother's day on Scaffold 35 and as it shall be again. The bones have been cast. The strings are pulled taunt. I once did not appreciate the path we have been forced upon yet today, on the eve of the pale moon rising, I understand at last: we have all been played for fools."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Have we? By whom? Zweili? The tin cans?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarena laughs shrilly. "Nothing so mundane, I assure you. No. The one who has orchestrated this is something far greater than a mere mortal and the black shadow they cast darker than the damned moon that spawned them. More myth than legend. More fable than beast and still very real, I assure you. Yet it does not matter who or why this all transpires, for the strings are taunt and the bones cast. Now only the last act remains, waiting to be played out in the bones of the old world. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6>>Visionary Vijar will have formulated a design to undo this sorry state of affairs.<<else>>Fleshmelder Arva will have made her own designs to undo this sorry state of affairs.<</if>> What I lack is a reliable agent willing to see our scheme through to the end, one whom I can trust to turn the vision away from the black heart which spawned it and create of these designs a future that can grow in the soil we sow it in."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAfter a moment's consideration, you decide, "I can probably manage that. Almost did once before. But my services will cost you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Credits won't be a problem. Though I can offer more. After all—" She spreads her hands with a gleam in her eye. "—I am the Lady Corbei, if not much else."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>"I understand what..."<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t"I understand what you want, I think. Just tell me where to begin."<br><br>\n\n\t"Strain White is the key and the solution. That is the plague which swept through these passages: the ur-pathogen of the cosmos. A divine creation and yet a cosmic horror. We intend to spread it beyond but we are not the only ones who take interest. [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] has realized the relation. Their primitive science has found a way to weaken the divine creation, so that it can be shaped to their designs, and this is intolerable. They use these passages as a petri dish and, thus far, the purist fools have allowed it. So this is what you shall do: invade their research station at the water treatment plant, below the old Mall, and claim all their samples. Bring what you find to me and our vision can unfold unhindered."<br><br>\n\n\t"Okay," you say. "Anything else?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Once you are done, Fleshmelder Arva—" He indicates one of the other cultists. "—will impart your reward. She shall be in the shrine. As will I. Return to me when you have completed your task."<br><br>\n\n\tThe Visionary strides off, rebreather sucking air loudly. He waves for the cultists to follow. Footfalls echo as they ascend the stairs. The long robes soon vanish behind the black banners of the Fallen Shrine. Silence haunts the corpse-strewn corridor. Blood shimmers in the frail light. Everything seems as it was - except it isnt. Not in the slightest.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "befine">>"I'll be fine. I've dealt with the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "supportflesh" or ($action.action2 eq "supportdefault" and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7)>>"Jus don't get effin' cocky, yeah? Dis is big shit we's tanglin' in. Gotta make sure it all rolls smooth."\n\t\t<<else>>"Still, I advise caution. This is a complicated affair with far-reaching consequences. It would be ill advised to act hastily."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smirk. "Don't worry. I have it handled."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "becareful">>"I'll be careful. Last thing I need is more problems. Especially with the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "supportflesh" or ($action.action2 eq "supportdefault" and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7)>>"Yah. No'un wants dat. Got enough problem as it is."\n\t\t<<else>>"Indeed. The last thing we require is more setbacks."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "Let's hope there won't be any more then."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "supportflesh" or ($action.action2 eq "supportdefault" and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 7)>>"I sure hopes so." Arva nods slowly. "Yeah, so I's gon' be 'ere. Gotta make sure we's ready when the time comes. Lotsa corpses te deal with. Oh, an yeah. Once ye've seen te this, we'll be all meetin' te talk 'bout how the Vision's gon' go down. Yer one'f us now. Congrats."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thanks." You force a smile. "Good to be here."\n\t\t<<else>>"I certainly hope so." Vijar clasps his hands. "I shall be here, dealing with the fleshmelder. There are many deceased to... prepare for when the time comes. Once it is ready, we shall convene to discuss how our Vision will unfold. It is good to have you with us though, friend. Not all are as open-minded as you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thanks." You force a smile. "I hope I'm doing the right thing."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tDeep inside however, you can't help but wonder: are you? Do the ends really justify the means here? And are you really doing this to get to the bottom of the conspiracy? Or have you already made your choice to abandon what you were hired to do and pursue a... different goal instead?\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You carefully take...<<else>><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n\t\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_viralvial.png"]]</div>\n\tYou carefully take the sample and, once you're certain the cap is sealed, stow it in your <<armortype>>. The machines in the tent continue to work, indifferent to your presence. You glance around one last time and then, without further ado, leave the tent.<br><br>\n\n\tRather than retrace your route to the water-logged room, you head toward a flickering EXIT hologram. The door beneath it is sealed and barred with mag-clamps. When you hit the release however, they drop away. The door snaps open to reveal a spindly stairwell.<br><br>\n\n\tA hab-unit to the left has begun to collapse onto the stairs. Pieces of pannelblock have knocked the banister down, creating a makeshift bridge. Beyond is a dark walkway scattered with debris. It's hard to tell but it looks like you're just behind the Slowside Mall.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "object">>You take the...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whatmean">>"What exactly is this..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "suspect">>"Eh, I already expected..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_corbei.png"]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "object">>You take the silvery sphere.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whatmean">>"What exactly is this supposed to mean?" You take the silvery sphere.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "suspect">>"Eh, I already expected as much." You take the silvery sphere.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t It's oddly heavy for its size and, though elaborately carved, looks worn with age. A small area of its surface however has been worn clean however and the words //Object 55316 - Quantus VII// burned into its surface with an engraving laser.<br><br>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "object">>You glance at Xarea. "You better have a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> good reason for showing me this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Merely what I mentioned in my invitation: a morsel of information that might aid in your investigation. This only is the tip of the treasure trove, of course. There is far more at stake than you can possibly know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm finding that hard to believe," you say, gaze on the Object. "How much is at stake?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Enough to upset a way of life which has lasted millenia. But first—" She holds out a hand. "If you please."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "whatmean">>You glance at Xarea. "To repeat myself: what is this supposed to mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just as I mentioned in my invitation: a morsel of information that might aid in your investigation. I can offer much more, of course. More than you could possibly know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Provided I just happen to forget this happened, I suppose."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Provided you do what is right for everyone." She holds out a hand. "If you please."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "suspect">>"What a surprise." You can't resist a smirk. "So it was you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Clearly. Though not in person, as you've certainly surmised. I simply wished to make it clear to you. So that there would be no misunderstandings before we speak of the details."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, there aren't." Your eyes narrow. "Yet."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So I take it you are willing to listen. Excellent. But first, may I?" She holds out a hand.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "stepaway">>You step back and<<elseif $action.action3 eq "commit">>You say<<elseif $action.action3 eq "retire">>You say<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "stepaway">>You step back and, without so much as a word, depart the podium. A confused hush settles. Mr. Lavandri and the receptionist hurry after you, asking what the matter is. You simply shake your head and make your way back to the Deathmatch Lobby. Only when you're back down there do you face your confused companions.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm a <<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>gladiator<<else>>pit fighter<</if>>," you say. "Not a spokesperson. I fight. I kill. That up there? Not my thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMr. Lavandri opens and closes his mouth, settling finally for a simple, "Ah."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's just too much. Sorry. But I'm not out of the next season yet. Deathmatch is a part of me now. Just, uh, not the public speaking bit."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "commit">>You say, "Thank you, thanks. Really. Now I don't have much to say. It's a lot to take in at once. But I do wanna say this, to everyone who's been watching this season: Vine will be back! I'm playing again in the Tournament, defending my title here. Until then, I'll be around."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe crowd cheers wildly. You smile. "Well, thank you all again, and I hope you really enjoyed the show. I'll see you all again next time for another season of Deathmatch Arena!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that, you step down from the podium and <<walk>> back along the foyer, toward the Deathmatch Lobby. Mr. Lavandri and the receptionist follow, speaking to one another in low voices. You refrain from listening and say nothing until you reach the reception desk.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere you stop and turn. "Well, this is it I guess. I'm still a little rattled, honestly. Need a moment to get my head straight."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "retire">>You say, "Thank you, thanks. Really. Now I don't have much to say. It's a lot to take in at once. But I do wanna say this: I won't be coming back next season. I know that's not what you want to hear but I have to prioritize. So, yeah. It was a great time but that was my last match."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe crowd boos loudly. You smile sadly. "I know. And thank you all again. I hope you enjoyed the show. But this is it for me. Goodbye."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWith that, you step down from the podium and <<walk>> back along the foyer, toward the Deathmatch Lobby. Mr. Lavandri and the receptionist hurry after you, speaking over one another in utter incoherence. You simply shake your head and make your way back to the Deathmatch Lobby. Only when you're back down there do you face your confused companions.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Like I said, I'm out. At least for now. Sorry, but that's how it is."\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Perfectly understandable," Mr. Lavandri says. "But do excuse me. I must speak again concerning the next season and other affairs. It was nice to meet you, <<formalname>>. We will no doubt speak again."<br><br>\n\n\tAs he departs, the receptionist shoots you an anxious look. "He's a busy man. But yeah. That's that now. You're, like, Champion and all. Wow. I never saw that one coming when you stepped in here. But now we're here. I, uh... well, this is gonna sound really dumb. I need that [[Gladius|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Gladius"]] back. Needs to be processed by the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. We'll send it over to your apartment as soon as it's legally registered to your name."<br><br>\n\n\t"What?" It takes you a moment to remember the blade in your hand. "Oh. Right."\n\t\n\t\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>><<if $action.action3 eq "acceptcubix">>"Yes. I'll play..."<<else>>"That's a really..."<</if>><<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>><<if $action.action3 eq "tournament">>"It's been a really..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "aboutfans">>"Knowing you guys..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "aboutself">>"To me, it's..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "isexpected">>"That's to be expected..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "canrelate">>"I can relate..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "besilly">>"Don't be silly..."<</if>><<else>>After a moment...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 9>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "acceptcubix">>"Yes. I'll play the Cubix Tournament. Man, what the hell am I saying? But sure. I'm in. All the way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>The Incubus rep nods. "It'll be announced at the ceremony. Travel arrangements will be made after but, well, let's just say things are about to get even more interesting than they were."\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>"You, uh—" He swallows. "Yes. Then this'll be announced at the ceremony. We'll arrange travel and all that after. Wow. Yeah. I'm sorry. Just can't fully get my head around this really happening. It's just way beyond everything. Ever."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"May I simply say this was an excellent choice, <<formalname>>." Mr. Lavandri winks. "Now, if you please, there is a ceremony to be held. \n\t\t<<else>>"That's a really generous offer but, sorry, I can't. My home's here. I can't go off across the galaxy. So no, even if I'll regret this for the rest of my life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>The Incubus rep nods. "Of course. I understand. We'll be in contact with you for the next season then, and if you need anything in the interim, you can always contact me at Project Incubus."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Great then—" His expression darkens. "Wait. What? Are you sure? You... well, okay. I dunno why you'd do that. But I guess that's okay. Damn it. Fuck. Shit. But okay. It's your decision. Really wish it weren't but it's not like we can buy you off." He laughs nervously.\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"An unfortunate choice, <<formalname>>." Mr. Lavandri almost looks insulted. "But very well. There is still a ceremony to be absolved.\n\t\t<</if>>All we require is you to sign the paperwork." He waves a hand. "Secretary?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe receptionist hurries up, data pad in hand. "Same drill as usual, Vine. You know."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "tournament">>"It's been a really sudden transition, y'know. Tournament's been speeding along. Few days ago I was still qualifying. Now this. It's nice to know this isn't just something that's being talked about on the Net, but something that really matters."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSeveral people shout and press forwards, only to be held back by the guards.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou continue, "Bringing back Deathmatch to [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] is a historic endeavor, and one I'm glad to be part of. It's humbling to have made it this far. But, if you'll excuse me, I have to deal with a little admin. You'll be seeing me live on the cast soon enough. Or here, if you come by again after the next match."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShouts and cat calls echo in the hallway as you turn away. The guards begin moving the crowd back. As the door closes behind them, the receptionist steps up beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Great speech, Vine. We'll have the crowd out of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] by the time you're done. That should avoid trouble. But yeah. If you'd sign—" She holds out her data pad. "—we can all get ready for the last match in the Semifinals."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "aboutfans">>"Knowing you guys really wanna see me come through this, well, that's what really matters. Not the frags or the titles or whatever rumor is running around the Net. I'm out there as much to give you guys what you wanna see as make it for myself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSeveral people shout and press forwards, only to be held back by the guards.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou continue, "Mean, Bloodsports has always been about both sides. Watching and playing. It's not organized murder like some folk claim. It's a real spectator sport, and for that you need you guys - spectating, fevering along in every match. Without that, there'd be no Deathmatch, and we'd all be worse off for that. But, if you'll excuse me, I have to deal with a little admin. I'll see y'all again next time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShouts and cat calls echo in the hallway as you turn away. The guards begin moving the crowd back. As the door closes behind them, the receptionist steps up beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Great speech, Vine. We'll have the crowd out of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] by the time you're done. That should avoid trouble. But yeah. If you'd sign—" She holds out her data pad. "—we can all get ready for the last match in the Semifinals."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "aboutself">>"To me, it's a real honor to be playing Deathmatch. Not just for fame or fortune, but for everything. To know there are people out there cheering me on. It, well—" You risk a smile. "—makes me feel like everything that happens in the pit is that much more significant."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a few shouts but, generally, people look confused.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou force a laugh. "Listen, I'm sure you all have all sortsa hopes, but that'll have to wait. I got some administrative matters to deal with. You'll all see me again in the last match."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSeveral fans call out as you turn away. The guards begin moving the crowd back. As the door closes behind them, the receptionist steps up beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That was a bit of a weird speech, Vine. But we'll have the crowd out of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] by the time we're done. That should avoid trouble. And yeah. If you'd sign—" She holds out her data pad. "—we can get this over with."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "isexpected">>"That's to be expected. You imagine one thing, then see the reality, and suddenly everything's different."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, it really is." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> smiles a little. "Man, I just feel so small. Y'know? Like, you're this real big person. And me? I'm just someone from nowhere."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou chuckle. "Believe me, I was someone from nowhere too not that long ago. People don't see it that way anymore, but I was just some street kid. Ended up with the wrong crowd. One thing led to another. And now somehow I'm playing Deathmatch. No reason it had to be me though. Pure random."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I, uh, never thought about it that way." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>She<<else>>He<</if>> nods slowly. "Yeah, I suppose we all gotta start somewhere. But it's not like that anymore. Now you're more than just somebody and, well, guess that makes a whole lotta difference. And, uh, I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but ya think you could give me an autograph?" <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> holds out a data pad.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "canrelate">>"I can relate, actually. I've been where you were a lot of times. You get used to it over time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, yeah. I'm sure." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> smiles a little. "It's just the first time I've spoken to anyone who, you know, really matters. And, like, everyone knows about. No one will ever believe me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou chuckle. "Well, I will. And I'm not that important. Not too long ago I was just some street kid. A lot's changed since then but it wasn't like I woke up one day and was some big name. Whole lot of crap happened between then and now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"True, that." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>She<<else>>He<</if>> nods slowly. "It's just, well, now you are that somebody. That makes a huge difference, at least to me. And, uh, I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but ya think you could give me an autograph?" <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> holds out a data pad.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "besilly">>"Don't be silly. I'm just human. Not some legendary hero or whatever I'm being made out to be these days."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, you're being made out to be the next Tournament Champion." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> smiles a little. "On top of the legendary name you already got, and everything you've done over the years. It's way larger than life. Really."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou laugh. "Not from where I'm standing. Sure, it's a different life, but it's not larger than life. Put in perspective, I'm still nobody. Galaxy's huge, after all, and I'm just one person."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I suppose." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>She<<else>>He<</if>> nods slowly. "It's just, well, compared to everyone around here, you are somebody. That makes a huge difference, at least to us. And, uh, I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but ya think you could give me an autograph?" <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> holds out a data pad.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\tAfter a moment, you conclude,\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "wantin">>"I like the idea. Seems a better direction than where the Arena's headed now, which is a collossal ripoff. And meat grineder, to be honest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Word. Couldn't have said it better myself." The Blackthorn rep smiles. "Welcome aboard, <<firstname>>. Blackthorn is delighted to have you with the Incubus project."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "What, exactly, is the Incubus project you're constantly on about?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Simply put, it's the identity we're associating with our Arena project. Named after the first champion we sponsored. Well, her pit name anyways, but that's ancient history. Incubus includes our sponsorship programme, the Arena rebranding initiative, advertizement campaigns, subsidized equipment deals, the whole shebang, really. It was our name that made Hunting Season a thing, brought the Tournament out of the underworld under the Arena brand. We're wholeheartedly committed to bringing that golden age - well, black age, really - back again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou can't help but chuckle. "Black age, hm? Sounds a little more grave than Lavandri style showmanship."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Definitely is," the rep says, a dangerous gleam in his eye. "Which I wanted to talk about, <<firstname>>. Remiaging you into an icon of terror, associated with Blackthorn and Incubus, would go a long way toward getting you through the Regional League. We'd like to run an advertizement campaign but we do need your permission. And a committment to see through your career as a gladiator to the bitter end."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "staywith">>"I'm going to stay with Lavandri. They put me in this. They run the show. Would be wrong to sell out like this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I see." The Blackthorn rep breathes a sigh. "Well, I suppose that's your decision. Best of luck then. Pleasure to meet you, <<firstname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe nods curtly and walks away, leaving you in the hallway with the receptionist. She shoots you a curious look as she walks up. There's a moment's awkward silence.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFinally, she says, "Have to admit, I didn't think you'd make it this far, <<formalname>>. Yesterday, one of my friends mentioned your name, and now you're entering the Regionals. Real impressive. For real."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks." You risk a smile. "I'm still hoping big."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, you're quite welcome. Now, before we—" She indicates her data pad. "—there's one other matter. Lavandri offers holo-ads for all its sponsored candidates past local league. I've been asked to obtain your permission to associate your identity with the Lavandri corporate name. It isn't mandatory, of course, but it's basically free publicity, which is a net benefit. You would however have to commit to a full-time carreer as a Gladiator, superseding any prior commitments insofar as there is any conflict of interest."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "independant">>"I'd rather stay independant. It's safer. And it's got me this far."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh. I see." The Blackthorn rep breathes a sigh. "Well, I suppose that's your decision. Best of luck then. Pleasure to meet you, <<firstname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe nods curtly and walks away, leaving you in the hallway with the receptionist. She shoots you a curious look as she walks up. There's a moment's awkward silence.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFinally, she says, "Have to admit, I didn't think you'd make it this far, <<formalname>>. Yesterday, one of my friends mentioned your name, and now you're entering the Regionals. Real impressive. For real."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Thanks." You risk a smile. "I'm still hoping big."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, you're quite welcome. It's sure to be real exciting from here on. Also, before—" She indicates her data pad. "—there's another matter. The Lavandri Corporation understands you're in the Tournament as an independant contestant, but we're a bit worried about your lack of publicity. It'd be possible to brand <<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel around your legacy, as an unaffiliated hotshot reaching for fame and fortune. Provided, of course, you can afford a six thousand credit comission, and commit wholeheartedly to a carreer as an Arena Gladiator. Neither condition is negotiable. Nor mandatory. Just a question."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "outanyways">>"I'm dropping out of the Ladder anyways. There's no point in supporing any scheme at this point."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe Blackthorn rep looks shocked. "You are? But it sounded like you were <<if $action.action2 eq "enjoysports">>wholeheartedly behind Bloodsports<<else>>comitted to the Arena<</if>> earlier."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I was, and maybe I'll be back next season. It's just that this whole thing is getting too hairy. No offense. You're just the first symptom of what's to come." You shrug. "Not the deal I wanted. So I'm out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I see." He clasps his hands. "Well, it was a pleasure to speak to you. Good-bye."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe nods curtly and walks away, leaving you in the hallway with the receptionist. She looks surprised but says nothing. You shoot her an inquisitive look.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Sorry, <<formalname>>—" She steps forward. "—but I couldn't help but overhear. You're dropping out? Now? On the eve of Regional League?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Better now than when I'm dead," you say. "Can I sigh my transaction now?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe holds out her data pad. "Of course, <<formalname>>. Glad to have you in the League. We'll be sorry to see you go."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "isfixed">>"It's more or less fixed, yeah. There might be a few tweaks but I've settled on an identity. I intend to keep it. Establish a personal style, so to say."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, I'm sure a lot of viewers will be glad to hear that."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "willadapt">>"I'll continue to adapt, evolve. Some contestants go for a personal style, a trademark so to speak, but I don't believe in that. It limits options in context."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Prudent, though that'll no doubt raise a few eyebrows."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "uncertain">>"I'm really not sure. So far what I've been doing has worked, but I don't know how things will go from here. There's no way to know until it happens."\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, okay. I doubt that's what anyone wanted to hear."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>Lanina steps closer. "Now, uh, just one last thing and I'll let you go.\n\t\t\t<<else>>The reporter purses her lips. "Yes, just one more question for our viewers. \n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tYou're currently best known for being a Raptor, though that's obviously starting to change. Do you think your prior association will have any major effect on the outcome of your Deathmatch play?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Directly?" You shake your head. "The two are entirely unrelated. Sure, I learned a lot in the [[Wars| PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] that applies to the Arena too. But you can't compare gang warfare to organized Bloodsports. Completely different crowd, and completely different endgame. So I wouldn't expect there to be any relation or holdover from before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met>>"Right. Well, then—" Lanina smiles. "Thansk for the talk. I'll leave you to your stuff now."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Ah. Yes. Well—" The reporter forces a smile. "Thank you very much for your time, <<formalname>>. I'll take my leave now."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe walks off, leaving you in the hallway with the receptionist. She approaches, her expression unusually soft - almost sympathetic. Not an emotion you've seen from her before. Or knew she was capable of.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I hope that went well. There's a lot of expectation floating around now you've made it this far. But yeah. To business—" She holds out her data pad. "Sign for your transaction and, well, I'd like to say I'm personally looking forward to seeing you back for the next match."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "slimchance">>"I'd say my chances are slim. Not terrible. But this is Deathmatch Arena. One fuck-up and I'm dead. I got no guarantees against that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, that's... I suppose." Mr. Varik smiles. "Thank you, <<formalname>>, for the interview. With a little luck, we'll speak again soon."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "average">>"I'd say about average, not better or worse than anyone in the local league. Best contestant wins. By the rules. Obviously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"A true Arena player, then." Mr. Varik smiles. "Thank you, <<formalname>>, for the interview. I hope we'll speak again soon."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dominate">>"For real? I'm Vine. I'll dominate of this shitfest and come out on top with flying colors. Everyone here knows it. Local league is mine, hands down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I suppose we'll see if arrogance comes before the fall - or not." Mr. Varik smiles. "Thank you, <<formalname>>, and if your predictions come true, we'll speak again soon."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe walks away, nodding briefly to the receptionist. She approaches you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<firstname>>, since you're moving on to the local league, Lavandri Corporation wants to extend a sponsorship offer before we conclude this round." She adopts a clearly faked smile. "The Corporation'd really like to see you playing for us and, if you agree, we'll cover all the base costs. If ya wanna compete for yourself, you'll have to come up with five K on your own."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "And what's the catch here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"None," she says absently. "You play Lavandri, you get all the benefits, we both reap the cash. You play yourself, you pay a ton of cash and don't get back unless you make it big as hell. Simple as that. We're not in the business of scrumming. Just saying. But I do need te know if you're taking our offer. Or not."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "amready">>"I'm as ready as can be..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "amnervous">>"I'm kinda nervous, actually..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "amready">>"I'm as ready as can be." You nod, watching the holo-display in anticipation. "Just curious how it came—"\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "amnervous">>"I'm kinda nervous, actually." You swallow, gaze fixed on the holo-display. "It's kinda hard to believe—"\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Coming in on third place," the announcer booms as the pulsebeat intensifies, "and just narrowly missing out on the Championship \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1500>>is Johnny 'Meme' Motoric of N Sector, falling through with just 997 points.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1800>>are the Havoc Halbardiers of L Sector, falling short with just 1497 points.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 2000>>is Alberto Avacal of E Sector, falling short with just 1794 points.\n\t\t<</if>> Thanks all the same and Lavandri will be glad to welcome you back next season, with a full sponsorship."<br><br>\n\n\tHushed silence falls as the holo-board displays the appropriate score. No one cheers. Everyone waits.<br><br>\n\n\t"In second place, and stepping up to Base Two in the Championship Final, will be \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>Reaper Jack of C Sector, sponsored by Blackthorn's Project Incubus and scoring in at\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Calamity of E Sector, sponsored by the Lavandri Corporation and scoring in at\n\t\t<<else>>Reaper Jack of C Sector, sponsored by Blackthorn's Project Incubus and scoring in at\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1500>>1321 points.\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore = 1321>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1800>>1499 points.\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore = 1499>>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 2000>>1798 points.\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore = 1798>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.finalBattleScore = ($job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal - 37)>><<print ($job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal - 37)>> points.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\tA big round of appause, please, for \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>Reaper Jack!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Calamity!"\n\t\t<<else>>Reaper Jack!"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tCheers resound in the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] as \n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>a woman in purplish armor steps onto the pedestals, fist raised to the ceiling.\n\t\t<<else>>a man in jet-black armor steps onto the pedestal, fists raised to the ceiling.\n\t\t<</if>> The crowd, both on the terrace and below, is going wild. Only the unselected contestants around you are silent. There's only one more slot. Only one of you will step up. Just like you, everyone wants - and secretly dreads - being named next.<br><br>\n\n\t"Thank you, thank you," the announcer's voice echoes. "And now, the moment we've all been waiting for - that last moment of truth. Scoring first place, and returning to the Championship Final on Base One, is\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation" and $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>><<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, sponsored by the Lavandri Corporation and scoring an amazing \n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1321>>1323 points!"\n\t\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal = 1023>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<print $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal>> points!"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion = true>>\n\t<<elseif ($job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1500 and $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1321) or $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1500>>\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">><<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, sponsored by the Lavandri Corporation and scoring an amazing \n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">><<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, sponsored by Project Incubus and scoring an amazing \n\t\t<<else>><<firstname>> 'Vine' Acrel, having entered as an independant contestant and scoring an amazing\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<print $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal>> points!"\n\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion = true>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tArthur Burklen of S Sector, having entered as an independant contestant and scoring an amazing\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1500>>1025 points!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 1800>>1507 points!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal lt 2000>>1937 points!"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<set $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion = false>>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tNoise errupts. <<if $job_arena_lavandri.madeArenaChampion>>Your heart skips a beat. Somehow - impossibly - you made it. Hands push you forward. Unable to quite grasp what's happened, you...<<else>>Your heart sinks. You tried your best but it wasn't enough. Hands push a man with a shock of yellow hair forward. Everyone is cheering. You begin to clap too as you...<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "calmrespond">>You nod curtly...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "admirerespond">>You smile...<<elseif $action.action3 eq "doridicule">>You scoff...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "calmrespond">>You nod curtly.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>"Indeed, though you might wanna speak for yourself too. Pride and fall. Just saying."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCalamity's lips twitch. "Should I now? Seems like you're really grasping at straws here. Vine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Don't be too sure about that," you say. "But we can settle this in the Arena. Beyond a doubt."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reaper">>"I wouldn't want to underestimate you either, Jack. Pride really is a tricky affair."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJack bows his head. "It's been the death of many before. It would be... unfortunate to see you fall prey to this vice too."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure," you say. "Though we would probably be better off letting the Arena decide on this point."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "admirerespond">>You smile.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>"So it is. I gotta say, it'll be my utmost pleasure to face you in the finals. And, most likely, kill you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, please." Calamity shoots you a dark look. "You've got no chance. All you'll end with is a bolt in your brains. Everyone knows that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou laugh. "Please. I'm being dignified here and you? Nah. Fuck it. We settle this in the Arena."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reaper">>"Wiser words never spoken. It'll be interesting - and an honor - to face off against you in the finals."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That it most definitely will be," Jack says with a slight bow. "I very much look forward to the challenge as well. It should be an interesting defeat. For you."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure," you say. "At any rate, we're better off letting the Arena decide this point."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "doridicule">>You scoff.\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>"Please. You're just a pathetic upstart pretending way above your station. It'll be a pleasure to kill you, because you fucking deserve it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Do I now?" Calamity laughs. "Yeah. See. That's what I meant. Pride and fall. Shit. You're so full of it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou chuckle. "Yeah. It doesn't seem like we're gonna solve this talking. So let's just take it to the Arena. Settle this once and for all."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reaper">>"Don't push your luck, Jack. Whatever you were before, you're gonna bite the dust hard in the finals. Trust me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Will I now?" Jack looks amused. "Well, I can't fault you for thinking like that. Just be careful, Vine. I'll be more than glad to rip you apart."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou laugh. "Seems we understand one another then. Let's take this to the Arena and decide it there. Settle the contest once and for all."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity" or $action.action1 eq "reaper">>\n\t\t<<if (($action.action3 eq "calmrespond" and $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious") or $action.action3 eq "admirerespond") and not $job_arena_lavandri.didArenaCommit>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>"We could. Or—" She leans closer. "—you could just step down now. <<walk>> away. I'll make it well worth your while, Vine. And you'll come out of all this without a new hole in your head."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou can't help but snort. "<<walk>> away? Really? And why<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> would I do that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Because I'm willing to pay, oh, <<print Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> C to have you stand aside. Consider it a gesture of mercy. You'll recieve none in the Arena. I'll rip you apart and eat your guts. Literally. For spectacle effect."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reaper">>"Absolutely, though—" He leans closer. "—we could also settle this in a more dignified manner. I am a professional, after all, Vine. I could be convinced to step aside. For the right price, that is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour eyes narrow. "And why exactly would I want that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Because your life, currently, is worth about <<print Math.round(10000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>> C, Vine. It's still cheap to buy it back. Otherwise—" He spreads his hands. "—take your chances in the Arena. But do understand I have absolutely no incentive to be sporting. I will, in my own interest, murder you instantly should you choose to face me in the pit."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>"Yeah. Let's. And you better fucking show. Now—" Calamity nods to her fans. "—I've got a more appreciative crowd to handle. One that actually knows greatness when they see it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tShe strides off, leaving you standing there and wondering what sort of a joker this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>bitch<<else>>girl<</if>> is. Way too overconfident. She'll go down hard. Probably - but there's only one way to know for certain.\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Agreed. We solve it there. But, if you excuse me, I—" He nods towards his fans. "—have a cult following to appease. Until tomorrow."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tHe struts off, leaving you to mull over that 'conversation'. Strange fellow this Reaper Jack. Presumably a former assassin, maybe even employed by the Blackscales. It would be foolish to underestimate him at any rate.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - The Siren's Song">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<set $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase = 4>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>, eyeing the android angrily. "Now, to you—"\n\n"Wow, jerk." He glances around, then makes a dash for the door.\n\n"Mother—" You grab him and, before the machine can react, slam your <<knife>> into its neck. "—fucker."\n\nSynth-gel sprays out. The android falls when you release it. You stand over the body, mind racing.\n\nEerie silence haunts the smokey room. The dull rumble of music sounds beyond the door. Yeah. Not how you wanted this to end. Worse, you've failed at your task of getting rid of [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. That could be a problem - more than a little one. But maybe - just maybe - time you made yourself scarce. What a disaster.<<else>> and stand before the dead Blackscale.\n\n"Well, this sucks," you mutter, wondering what to do now.\n\nThere's no reply, obviously, and you've failed at your task of getting rid of [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. That could be a problem - more than a little one.\n\nIn other words, "This really sucks."\n\nEerie silence haunts the smokey room. The dull rumble of music sounds beyond the door. Yeah. Not how you expected this would end. But maybe - just maybe - time you made yourself scarce.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false]]</div></div>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "sex">>"If you think that..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "power">>"Depends on what sort of..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "status">>"Wouldn't mind a leg up..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "unimpressed">>"Frankly, I couldn't..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "sex">>"If you think that much of yourself, I'm asking for you. In the flesh."<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea's amused laugh is almost haunting. "Arrogant, even for you. But I can hardly say it does not intrigue."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Does it now?" You can't help but smirk. "You sound almost willing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Perhaps I am. Or perhaps this dream simply means far more to me than you can imagine." Her eyes glimmer as she stands.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA gentle flick of her hand and her dress glides to the floor. Her skin is pearly white, its smooth texture broken only by a stag's skull on her thigh. You can't help but admire her deceptive purity - and the ease with which she settles on the armwrest of your chair.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe lets a slender hand glide along your thigh, teasing your crotch, and plants a kiss on your cheek. "Come. Let us go somewhere more pleasant."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "power">>"Depends on what sort of power you can grant me. A hunter's sanction will only get me so far."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Certainly. That can be arranged." Xarea smiles sweetly. "I shall see to it you are granted the exemptions you require."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod curtly. "That'd be nice. Though I'll still need that comission to cover costs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But of course. I shall be in contact as soon as arangements have been made." She stands and gestures toward the door. "My driver shall return you to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stand, saying, "And you'll get your war soon enough."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "status">>"Wouldn't mind a leg up on the social ladder. The [[Downs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] are home but, well, life there isn't exactly a life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And they might not exist for long," Xarea says with a smile. "An arrangement can be made."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod curtly. "Appreciated. Though I'll still need that comission to cover costs."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But of course. I shall be in contact as soon as arangements have been made." She stands and gestures toward the door. "My driver shall return you to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stand, saying, "And you'll get your war soon enough."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "unimpressed">>"Frankly, I couldn't <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>give a fuck<<else>>care less<</if>>. I'm not doing this for you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tXarea looks shocked. "There is nothing you would ask for?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nothing," you say flatly. "I'll make your vision possible, and accept the comission to cover costs. But that's it. The rest's on me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah. Then I suppose that is how it is. I cannot say it disappoints." She stands and gestures toward the door. "My driver shall return you to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stand, saying, "And you'll get your war soon enough. Don't worry."\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - The Bazar">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionfinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree it was Glorious|b29_bazar_visionfinal][$action.action1 = "wasglorious"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this was a Mess|b29_bazar_visionfinal][$action.action1 = "wasmess"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what happens Next|b29_bazar_visionfinal][$action.action1 = "whatnext"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionfinal_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_bazar_visionfinal_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Petrovic the Machine-Smith|b29_machinesmith_loot][$processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 9; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ashlake-TP Cyberware|b29_cybershop_loot][$processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 9; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Anska the Fleshmelder|b29_fleshmelder_loot][$processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 9; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B29 Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 9; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Petrovic the Machine-Smith|b29_machinesmith_loot][$processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 11; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ashlake-TP Cyberware|b29_cybershop_loot][$processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 11; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Anska the Fleshmelder|b29_fleshmelder_loot][$processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 11; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B29 Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 11; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action5 eq "keep">>"No." You pocket the Object...<<elseif $action.action5 eq "return">>You hand the Object back...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "keep">>"No." You pocket the Object and face the woman, eyes narrowed. "This little adventure cost a whole lot of folk a metric ton of blood. You'll answer for that, Corbei. All of you will."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I very much doubt that", Xarea replies coldly. "Now please return my trinket. It has no value beyond what that Vindell idiot assumes it has. Surely even you realize that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"How about—" You hesitate, suddenly aware of a <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>dark silhouette<<else>>hazy blur<</if>> that's appeared behind the woman. "No. That's not gonna happen."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Truly unfortunate. You showed much promise. But alas—" The woman points at you." Kill it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAir gusts through the room as a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak appears out of thin air. Bright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] draws a jagged blade from a sheath at its ankle, snarling something you can't quite hear. Its meaning is still clear: you're about to die unless you act - fast.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "return">>You hand the Object back with a nod. "Of course. I'll pretend I never saw this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, that won't be necessary. \n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 2>>You see, I'm aware of the deal you made with the [[Sons of Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Sad, <<firstname>>. You showed so much promise."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Wow, hey, but I—" You hesitate, suddenly aware of a <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>dark silhouette<<else>>hazy blur<</if>> that's appeared behind the woman. "Oh, bugger."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Truly an unfortunate turn of events. But alas—" The woman points at you." Kill it, Asmodeus."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAir gusts through the room as a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak appears out of thin air. Bright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] draws a jagged blade from a sheath at its ankle, snarling something you can't quite hear. Its meaning is still clear: you're about to die unless you act - fast.\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t\tYou see, this—" Xarea fingers the silvery sphere. "—is but an illusion of meaning, a means to an end and a coveted treasure of that idiot Vindell. An excuse, if you will, that all those who've been involved in this affair were ready to accept without question."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "An excuse cost all those people who've died over this their lives?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Unfortunate, is it not? Alas, blood is often the price one must pay for power and influence. So the severity of an action is never questioned. Or do you truly believe anyone - all those individuals who wished, in their greed, to claim this artefact - hesitated for but a moment to shed their morality?" When you shake your head, Xarea places the Object back on the desk. "Indeed. Let us speak somewhere more comfortable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe guides you toward the door, white dress flowing in her wake. <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>As you pass the doorway, a jet-black silhouette with bright blue eyes catches your eye. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] lingers for a moment, its piercing gaze fixed on you, before it vanishes into a side room.<<else>>As you pass the doorway, a hazy blur moves in the corner of your eye. When you look again, it's gone.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tXarea stops before the doorway opposite the Library. "<<firstname>>, if you please?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>You say...<<else>><<if $action.action4 eq "acceptsponsor">>"Okay. I'll take the Lavandri..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "sponsorself">>"I'll enter myself as an individual..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "noplay">>"No. Neither. I've had enough..."<<elseif $action.action4 eq "givegraph">>"Sure." You take the...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refuseautograph">>"Actually, I can't do..."<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "commitarena">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_arena.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\tYou say, \n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "commitarena">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "wantin">>"Sure, I'll give you permission. And stick with the Arena. That was my plan anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah, yes. I can see it already—" He spreads his hands dramatically. "Acrel; Hunter; Killer. Brought to you by the Icarus Project. No, no, that won't do. But the PR department will come up with something. They always do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod slowly. "Let's just say I'll be curious what they come up with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"So am I, <<firstname>>. So am I." The Blackthorn rep clasps his hands. "Anyways, paperwork should be through soon enough. Pleasure talking to you. I'll be seeing you around, Vine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe nods curtly and walks away, leaving you in the hallway with the receptionist. She shoots you a curious look as she walks up. There's a moment's awkward silence.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFinally, she says, "Have to admit, I didn't think you'd make it this far, <<formalname>>. Yesterday, one of my friends mentioned your name, and now you're entering the Regionals, and playing for Incubus by the sound of that little exchange. Real impressive. But I don't wanna delay you further." She offers you her data pad. "Sign for the transaction, please."\t\t\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "staywith">>"Yeah, you got my permission. And my commitment to the Arena. Was going that way anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, that's great." The receptionist smiles. "I'll get through to PR immediately, make sure they whip something up. It'll be good. Always is with the candidates we're really standing behind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That I'm not the only one who believes in you, <<formalname>>. Not that this is official. But there's big names banking on you." She smiles. "Anyways, if you could just sign for your transaction. I'm sure you're anxious to prepare for the big matches coming up."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "independant">>"Six K? Fine. But your PR team better deliver for the price I'm paying." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, it will be." The receptionist swipes it. "Those boys up there? Pure magic what they come up with. And you got a few real big fans with them too, if what I'm hearing is true."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCurious, you ask, "What have you been hearing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, that Corporate is miffed you didn't take the sponsorship, because there's a lota folk who think you're gonna break big on this. Anyways—" She holds out her data pad. "—if you'd sign for the transaction, that'd be great."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "cannotcommit">>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "wantin">>"I can't commit to that. If my name gets big, it'll be because I made it through merit in the pit, not some branding campaign."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That's—" The representative looks taken aback. "Well, not what I expected. I understand your position, of course, but it will make things more difficult."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou shrug indifferently. "No offense. I'm just doing what I think is right."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Understandable, <<firstname>>." The Blackthorn rep clasps his hands. "Anyways, it's good to have you aboard, and paperwork should be through soon enough. I'll be seeing you around, Vine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe nods curtly and walks away, leaving you in the hallway with the receptionist. She shoots you a curious look as she walks up. There's a moment's awkward silence.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tFinally, she says, "Have to admit, I didn't think you'd make it this far, <<formalname>>. Yesterday, one of my friends mentioned your name, and now you're entering the Regionals, and playing for Incubus by the sound of that little exchange. Real impressive. But I don't wanna delay you further." She offers you her data pad. "Sign for the transaction, please."\t\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "staywith">>"Sorry, I can't do that. Either my name makes it out there through skill alone, or I don't make it. A PR campaign isn't on the table."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I, oh, if you say so. The receptionist nods. "I understand of course. Corporate won't be happy, but it is your choice. For better or for worse."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Worse?" Suspicious, you say, "What's that supposed to mean?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Only that PR is the lifeblood of the Tournament. Yours just isn't the best. But it's your choice, like I said. Anyways—" She holds out her data pad. "—if you'd sign for the transaction, that'd be great."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "independant">>"Sorry. Can't commit to something like that. Or afford it, really."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Perfectly understandable." She forces a smile. "Well, I do hope you'll do well in your own way. It isn't as glamorous. But honest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou chuckle. "I know that isn't how the Arena usually runs. But it's for the better. At least in my case."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, I'm sure it is. And thanks for playing with us, <<formalname>>. We're looking forward to seeing you here again next time. Also—" She holds out her data pad. "Sign for your transaction, please."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "givegraph">>"Sure." You sign the pad and hand it back. "Y'know, some day it could be you doing this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> looks overjoyed. "Thanks! Like, really. This means so much. I... uh..."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No offense, but I'm gonna have to cut this short. There's some admin I've gotta deal with." You gesture toward the guards. "If you don't mind. Maybe we'll meet again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refuseautograph">>"Actually, I can't do that. Sorry. But it's a security matter."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> looks taken aback. "Well, sure. I get that. Totally."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Good. And, if you'll excuse me, there's some admin I've gotta deal with." You gesture toward the guards. "If you don't mind. Maybe we'll meet again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Oh, right." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>She<<else>>He<</if>> fidgets nervously, then walks off.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShouts and cat calls echo in the hallway as <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Jessie<<else>>Lucas<</if>> rejoins the crowd. Moments later, the guards begin moving everyone out of the hallway. As the door closes behind them, the receptionist steps up beside you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good handling there, Vine. We'll have everyone out of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] by the time you're done. That should avoid trouble. But yeah. If you'd sign—" She holds out her data pad. "—we can all get ready for the last match in the Semifinals."\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "acceptsponsor">>"Okay. I'll take the Lavandri sponsorship. And I'll play in the locals - or whatever comes after."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's good to hear, <<formalname>>-" She offers you her data pad. "Now, if you'll sing? Both for the sponsorship and the game's reward."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right." You check the device and check it over; it looks correct.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Just to mention it, but as a Lavandri-sponsored player, you can get gear from us. Speak to me whenever I'm around. I have the catalogue lying around somewhere. But yeah." She holds out a hand. "Signature, done?"\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "sponsorself">>"I'll enter myself as an individual. Ten thousand, up font." You hold out your arm. "Swipe it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay." She looks surprised but swipes your arm all the same. "Welcome to Lavandari, Acrel. Guess it isn't good you aren't playing for us. But I'm sure you'll make a name all the same."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour lips curl. "Vine plays for Vine. I don't need your offer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"If you say so. Nnow, I'll need you to sign here, so I can approve the transactions you've earned." She offers you her data pad. "Corporate policy. You understand."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "noplay">>"No. Neither. I've had enough. I'm out of the Deathmatch. As of now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe girl looks surprised. "Are you sure, <<formalname>>? This is—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes." You brush her aside and stride away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe tries to call something after you but you aren't listening. The door to the reception snaps open. You storm through, fuming. Let the Lavandri Tourmanent rot. This isn't the place for you. This isn't your live. And you're leaving it - now and forever. Nothing they can do will bring you back. Ever. Bloodsuckers.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "steponto">>You step up to...<<else>>You watch as...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_lavandri.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_incubus.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "steponto">>You step up to the pedestal and take your place beside \n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Calamity. She shoots you a sidelong glance, her face flushed with success.\n\t\t<<else>>Reaper Jack. He shoots you a sidelong glance, his eyes as hard and cold as the armor he wears.\n\t\t<</if>> Spotlights sweep over you as the pulsebeat rises to a deafening pitch. Everywhere you look, people are shouting and cheering - for you. It's unreal to say the least.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ladies and Gentlemen," the announcer's voice thunders over the noise. "It is my absolute pleasure to announce that, twelve hours from now, the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Tournament Champion will be determined, right here, in the Lavandri Deathmatch Arena!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs the crowd cheers <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Calamity<<else>>Reaper Jack<</if>> leans closer. <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"I think we should speak after. Just to... clear up a few things."<<else>>"This is gonna be fun, kid. Haven't had a real adversary in a long time."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tBefore you can reply, the announcer booms, "We're all anxious to know how that turns out, definitely, but let's leave that for tomorrow. Tonight, we're all here to celebrate! For ourselves, for our Champions to be, and because Deathmatch Arena has finally returned to [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]! Enjoy yourselves in every way you can and remember, if you haven't been told already, the first drink of the night is on Lavandri!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAmidst the jubilant chaos that follows, the <<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>Incubus rep approaches you. "Concratulations, Vine! From me personally, and fromt he whole Incubus team.<<else>>Lavandri repapproaches you. "Congrats, man! Both from me and all of Lavandri.<</if>> And enjoy your night. I'll be around if ya wanna talk, and I'm sure there's a few others who wanna shake your hand too."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod as he disappears. There probably are. Too many - maybe even including your future opponent. At any rate, it'd be poor form to just disappear. You should mingle a bit first. That, at the very least, is your duty as a Championship candidate and fan favorite.\n\n\t<<else>>You watch as Arthur Burklen steps onto the pedestal, his yellowish hair shining as bright spotlights wash the finalists. The pulsing beat rises to deafening levels. Around you, everyone is cheering. You simply clap along, too disheartened to really care. So close - and still no win.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>"Well, that's a disappointment." The Incubus rep stands beside you, looking pensive. "Not that anything is lost. We'll be glad to sponsor you again in the next season. Try for the title again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I suppose," you say, doubting you'll want to compete again.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"At any rate, I suppose you should still mingle." He glances at the crowd. "I'm sure a few people will wanna shake your hand. And I'll be around, in case you wanna talk. Otherwise just keep your play up to scratch and we'll be in contact when qualification for the next seasons begins."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>"Well, that didn't go as well as I'd hoped." The Lavandri rep stops beside you, looking disheartened. \n\t\t\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>"I can't really assure we'll sponsor you again but there's always a next season."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"But I'm sure you could get sponsorship for the next season, provided you're willing to compete again."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Guess we'll see," you say, doubting you'll want to compete again.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Still, I'd suggest you mingle a little." He nods to the crowd. "Lotsa folk here who'll still wanna shake your hand. And you can come find me, if you want to. Otherwise, well, we'll be in contact when the next season is getting going. Make sure you keep your play up to scratch thought. Not all is lost."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," you say as the representative disappears into the masses.<br><br>\n\n\t\tQuestion is if you even want to speak to anyone. Might be simpler to just leave. Or, well, you did make the semi-finals. That's more than any of your opponents can claim - not that they can claim anything, seeing as they're all dead. Might be worth sticking around.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "pay">>"Okay." You hold out...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "extort">>"Fine." You hold out...<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refuseoffer">>"No. We play..."\t<</if>><else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "pay">>"Okay." You hold out your arm. "Swipe, and we got a deal."<br><br>\n\n\t\tReaper Jack does exactly that. "Tomorrow, when you show for the Championship, I will opt out on medical grounds. It may be that Lavandri will appoint a replacement, but I doubt they will. By implication you will be named Tournament Champion. At least in name. The viewership may not, well, approve of the decision."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "Agreed. And thank you, Jack, for being civil."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Likewise," he says with a smile. "This means more to me than you will know, Vine. But, if you excuse me, I—" He nods towards his fans. "—have a cult following to appease."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe struts off, leaving you to mull over what just happened. It seems odd to say the least. Buying your way to Champion? Not the way you imagined things would go. But you are where you are - and this is probably a lot safer than facing off against someone who is, most likely, a former assassin - maybe even Blackscale-trained.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "extort">>"Fine." You hold out your arm. "Pay up. I'll opt out tomorrow when I turn up for the match. Reason will be medical grounds."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCalamity swipes. "You better keep your fucking word, Vine. Try to play me and I swear you'll end up a corpse in a back alley."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm not about to risk my life unnecessarily," you say coldly. "You have a deal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good. Now, enough of this charade. I gotta—" She nods to her fans. "—deal with those dimwits. See you tomorrow - or not."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe strides off, leaving you wondering what exactly you got yourself into. Accepting bribes to opt out of the Championship? Hell of a move to make. But probably safer than actually playing in the final. And more profitable. You can't deny that, even if Calamity is a crooked, overconfident bitch who doesn't deserve the title.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "refuseoffer">>"No. We play this out in the Arena." You fix <<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>Calamity<<else>>Reaper Jack<</if>> with a look of contempt. "Seriously. Who<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> do you think I am?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "calamity">>"A fucking idiot, obviously." She breathes a sigh. "Whatever. We play this out tomorrow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah. And you better fucking show. Now—" Calamity nods to her fans. "—I've got appreciative people to talk to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tShe strides off, leaving you standing there and wondering what sort of a joker this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>bitch<<else>>girl<</if>> is. Way too overconfident and bent. She'll go down hard despite all her rethoric. Probably - but there's only one way to know for certain.\n\t\t<<else>>"Smarter than you have proven to be." He looks almost disappointed. "I suppose there's no other option but to play this out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So it shall be. But, if you excuse me, I—" He nods towards his fans. "—have a cult following to appease. Until tomorrow."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tHe struts off, leaving you to mull over that 'conversation'. Strange fellow this Reaper Jack - and more than a little crooket. Probably not unsurprising a former assassin, maybe even employed by the Blackscales. It would be foolish to underestimate him at any rate.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You hand over...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou hand over the [[Gladius|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Gladius"]], saying, "Here you go."<br><br>\n\n\t"Thanks." The receptionist places it back in its box. "Well, that's that then. Shouldn't be long. I'll just have it all typed up and, well, you know. If ya wanna drop by here, feel free. I probably won't be around much now. Probably gonna be a few months 'till next season. But you know. Could be."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah." You smile. "I'll see you around then."<br><br>\n\n\t"You too," she says and disappears into the back area to do paperwork for your ornamental blade.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou lower your weapon, \n\t\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRetreat">>eyeing the swirling mist. It doesn't seem like there are more ahead. But all your fellow cultists are dead. It's just you, alone in the passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>great<</if>>." You glance around, wondering what to do.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA dark silhouette appears back the way you come. Adrenaline surges. Before you can react however, you realize it's \n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>Vijar.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Friend!" He hurries over, bleeding visibly but alive. "We endured. By miracle I manged to lead a flanking maneuver that pushed them toward the tramway station."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's—" You draw a calming breath. "—good. I thought we were done for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar chuckles. "As did I, friend, yet I saw an oppertunity and siezed it. Now we must simply clean up the stragglers and all shall be as designed. It was glorious."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>Arva.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Vine!" She stalks up, looking livid. "Wat da effin' feck ya think ye were doin'?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Trying to flank," you offer weakly, gesutring to the dead <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>>. "We ran into them instead."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ya, well, eff yerself." She chuckles. "Neways, with yer help, se's dun it, pushed 'm back towarda tramway station. Jus' gotta clean up'm stragglers. Then we's dun, an' made one glorious day of it too."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>scrambling behind cover. Toxic mist swirls over the battlefield, diffusing muzzle flashes and flaring whenever bolts zip through the haze.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Too <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>close," you mutter, fighting to calm your racing pulse.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"Friend!" Vijar huddles beside you, ducked low. "We have done it! Pushed them back. They are retreating toward the tramway station."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We did?" You risk a peak, only just becoming aware of the dwindling noise. "Wow. I thought we were going to get shot to bits here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVijar laughs. "As did I, friend, yet you did what was necessary and it succeeded admirably. Now we must simply clean up the stragglers and all shall be as designed. It is a glorious day indeed."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Vine!" Arva huddles beside you, loading a fresh magazine into her sidearm. "We's got 'em on the run, screamin' an bleedin' all da way te the tramway station."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, good," you say weakly. "I thought we were dead."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tArva scoffs. "Please. Ya did what ya needed te an' it worked like effin' clockwork. Jus' gotta clean up'm stragglers. Then we's dun, an' made one glorious day of it too."\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_infected.png"]]</div>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "wasglorious">>"It was glorious. Sacry <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>as fuck<<else>>too <</if>>but we achieved what we set out to do: set a new precedent in the sector."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"I can only concur," Vijar says, \n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"An' it ain't gonna stop 'ere," Arva says,\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRetreat">>walking you back towards the\n\t\t<<else>>eyeing the mess you've caused in the\n\t\t<</if>>[[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] hub.\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"And it will not stop here. We are one step closer to our goal."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Gotta keep goin' while we's got momentum, eh?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "wasmess">>"Glorious? This was a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>mess. We almost got everyone killed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"Risk must be taken in war," Vijar says, \n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Eh, but we ain't dead," Arva says,\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRetreat">>walking you back towards the\n\t\t<<else>>eyeing the mess you've caused in the\n\t\t<</if>>[[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] hub.\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"Nor can we stop now, when we are one step closer to our goal."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Anyways, we's gotta keep goin' while we's got momentum, eh?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatnext">>"Right, sure. But what happens next?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"An excellent question," Vijar says, \n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"Figure we keeps movin'," Arva says,\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromRetreat">>walking you back towards the\n\t\t<<else>>eyeing the mess you've caused in the\n\t\t<</if>>[[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] hub.\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>"We are one step closer to our goal. What needs to be known is how we continue."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>"We's got 'em with 'eir pants down, so I says we keeps kickin, yeah?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8>>\n\t\tYou nod. "Then we'd better move on the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] next. The whole [[Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] depends on them. Wipe it out and life here breaks down, and that's what we're aiming for, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Visionary bows. "Of course, friend. I shall return to the Shrine to regroup. Our allies from the Deshvar Shrine shall remain here, to ensure the situation remains as it is. We shall meet by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]], if that is acceptable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tVijar offers a bow and strides away. You watch him go\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t"Sensible enough," you admit. "Target here is still the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], right?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Dat's what I's been thinkin'. Provided we's ready. Not sure ya wanna, y'know, maybe get stuff organized first?"\n\n\t\t"Depends. Let's say we assemble outside the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], or as close as possible. They'll probably lock the level down after this. So we'll have to kill our way in. Come prepared for that. I'll be there as soon as I'm ready."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Word," Arva says and departs, determination etched on her face.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou watch her go,\n\t<</if>>all too aware of the carnage around you. Dozens - hundreds, maybe - dead and noxious gasses swirling in the air. [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] won't survive long at this rate. Just looking at what's left of the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] is all the indication you need. Everything poisoned, the passages empty and deserted. Part of you almost wants to look around, see just how much damage your little stunt caused.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
/%\n<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar = {\n\tfoundDatapad: false,\n\ttookCredits: false,\n\ttookDisc: false,\n\tbotResult: "none",\n}>>\n %/\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div><br>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_classtalk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "bypassed"; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he can trust You|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$action.action1 = "cantrust"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Sure|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$action.action1 = "notsure"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Interested|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$action.action1 = "notinterest"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.caution += 1]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_classtalk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_classtalk2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "notinterest">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "declined"; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$action.action2 = "doit"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand more Credits|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$action.action2 = "demandmore"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; $loc_petrovic_cellar.doubleCredits = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand more Credits|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$action.action2 = "demandfail"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1;; $attrib.caution -= 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Out|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$action.action2 = "notinterest"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.caution += 3]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_classtalk_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_classtalk2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_classtalk3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "notinterest">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "declined"; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Elevator|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.arrive = "leave"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $time.active += 0.1;]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Communal Store Room">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_storeroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $fatiguemod = 1>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $fatiguemod = 0.5>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Run for the Power Main|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.action1 = "power"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $attrib.fatigue += (10 * $fatiguemod)]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Acces the Remote Signal|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.action1 = "hack"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Bot|hud_combat][$loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "directAttack"; $combatTemplate = "Cartel_Bot"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.caution -= 4]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_storeroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_storeroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "power">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Throw the cable at the Bot|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.action2 = "throwcable"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_shock"); $attrib.fatigue += (4 * $fatiguemod)]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Run for dear Life|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.action2 = "runaway"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $attrib.caution += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Bot|hud_combat][$loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "directAttack"; $combatTemplate = "Cartel_Bot"; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.caution -= 4]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "hack">>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility' id='hack-area'><<display 'hackapp_cartelbot'>></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<unset $fatiguemod>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_storeroom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_storeroom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_storeroom_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "success">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Storeroom|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.arrive = "searchRoom"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $processed = false;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Petrovic|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.arrive = "returnToPetrovic"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $processed = false;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "abort" or $action.action2 eq "failure">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Bot|hud_combat][$loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "ambushAttack"; $combatTemplate = "Cartel_Bot"; $processed = false;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "runaway" >>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Bot|hud_combat][$loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "coverAttack"; $combatTemplate = "Cartel_Bot"; $processed = false;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "throwcable" >>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Bot|hud_combat][$loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "disabledAttack"; $combatTemplate = "Cartel_Bot"; $processed = false;]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B29 - Communal Store Room">>\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "returnToPetrovic">>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "placeholder">>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $reward = 2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.doubleCredits>>\n\t\t\t<<set $reward += 2000>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>\n\t\t\t<<set $reward += 500>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $reward -= 500>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'b29_classmsn_lootoptions'>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "returnToPetrovic">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "dpad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click")]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.foundDatapad>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Data Pad|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.action2 = "askdpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Bot|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.action2 = "askbot"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept your Commission' 'b29_machinesmith'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.credits += Math.round($reward); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round($reward)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Petrovic's Shop">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "returnToPetrovic">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "askbot" and $loc_petrovic_cellar.foundDatapad>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Data Pad|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.action2 = "askdpad"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "askdpad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about his Past|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.action3 = "wantlearn"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_petrovic_cellar.gotCorsairGear = true;]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept your Commission' 'b29_machinesmith'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.credits += Math.round($reward); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round($reward)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "returnToPetrovic">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Accept the Offer">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b29_machinesmith_class_resolve">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action4 = "accept"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.religion = "warsmith"; $time.active += 8; $attrib.fatigue += 50;'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Decline the Offer|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.action4 = "decline"; $hide.layer4 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept your Commission' 'b29_machinesmith'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.credits += Math.round($reward); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round($reward)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive neq "returnToPetrovic">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_classmsn_finish_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Accept your Commission' 'b29_machinesmith'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.credits += Math.round($reward - 500); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round($reward - 500)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_wilkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_comeon_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Accept the Bribe (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_addon5_sex">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits += $bribeammount; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable or ($equip.isGlamorous and $attrib.gender eq "female")>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist on Intimacy|riptide_addon5_sex][$action.action1 = "getintimacy"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $time.active += 0.3]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist on Intimacy|riptide_addon5_sex][$action.action1 = "failintimacy"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Say Nothing|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_comeon_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_comeon_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_b28][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_marisa_vip_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_comeon_marisa_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1250 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Accept the Bribe (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "riptide_addon5_marisasex">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits += $bribeammount; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>><br>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable or ($equip.isFashionOutfit eq false and $equip.isSkimpy eq false and $equip.isPartyOutfit eq false and ($attrib.gender eq "male" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe"))>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist on Intimacy|riptide_addon5_marisasex][$action.action1 = "getintimacy"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $time.active += 0.3]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist on Intimacy|riptide_addon5_marisasex][$action.action1 = "failintimacy"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Say Nothing|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_comeon_marisa_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'riptide_vip_b28_comeon_marisa_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|riptide_vip_zanex][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div><br>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_addon5_cel_comeon_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.cel = 9999]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $celSexCheat eq "normal">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stretch your Legs|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "recievepresent">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $wear1 = "Wear the " + $celGift1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $wear2 = "Wear the " + $celGift1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $wear1 'b33_addon5_cel_comeon'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "gift1"; $hide.layer2 = true; $equip.clothes = $celGift1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click $wear2 'b33_addon5_cel_comeon'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "gift2"; $hide.layer2 = true; $equip.clothes = $celGift2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>><br>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refuse the Gift|b33_addon5_cel_comeon][$action.action1 = "refusegift"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $time.active += 0.5]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_addon5_cel_comeon_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_addon5_cel_comeon_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b10_addon5_raj_comeon_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "reject">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.raj = 9999]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sex">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Catch your Breath|the_crossroads_raj_main][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flirt">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "86ce99c7-c528-4b44-9ac1-fadaad554b13">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device.<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\t<span class='redtext'>[ERROR]:</span> access denied! Input security code...<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>86ce99c7-c528-4b44-9ac1-fadaad554b13<<else>>xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\tSys.Security.BotController.InitRemoteControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Shut Down|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.action2 = "success"; $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult = "disabled"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinewreck"); $statistics.machineKilled += 1; $statistics.machine_advKilled += 1]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Security Code">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hackapp_cartelbot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButtonError' style='margin-top: 6px'>[CONNECTION LOCKED OUT]</div> <</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'><<if $override.result eq "none">>[[Abort|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.action2 = "abort"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<else>>[[Abort|b29_machinesmith_class_botpuzzle][$action.action2 = "failure"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<</if>></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$action.action1 = "dpad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $loc_petrovic_cellar.foundDatapad = true;]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.tookCredits eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 683; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits 983">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.tookDisc eq false>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none" or $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the HoloDisc'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.tookDisc = true; $statistics.lootedDiscs += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "HoloDisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "holodisc">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You can't carry Anymore]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the HoloDisc]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Control Room|b29_machinesmith_class_resolve][$time.active += 0.1; $hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say, "Hey, you don't happen to have any odd jobs or so, do you? I could use the extra credits."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\tPetrovic shoots you a dubious look. "Jobs suitable for you, comrade? No. No. Absolutely none."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not even errand work?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not even that." He shrugs. "It's a slow month, comrade. What do you expect?"\n\n\t\t"Oh well. Couldn't hurt to ask."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tPetrovic shoots you a dubious look. "Jobs suitable for you, comrade? No. No. If you could repair bots, maybe, but--" He hesitates. "Acutally, come to think of it, maybe I do have a job for you. If you are up for it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Depends what it entails. Errant work?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, no, comrade, of course not." Petrovic chuckles. His expression turns dark. "No, this is a special request. From you to me. <<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 6 or $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 98>>I know I can trust you but I must ask: are you certain? This is a very gangerous prospect and must be handled delicately.<<else>>But I must know I can trust you. This is a dangerous thing of me to ask anyone, especially a customer.<</if>> Can I rely on you, comrade?"\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the elevator...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\tYou enter the elevator. Petrovic's drone scurries after you. It's legs click and clack.<br><br>\n\n\t"Be careful," Petrovic says as the door closes.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Careful." You scoff and\n\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Always am," you say and\n\t<<else>>"I will be," you say and\n\t<</if>>hit the down button.<br><br>\n\n\tA safety-grate lowers with a loud creak. Locks thud into place. The elevator grinds into motion, shuddering as it descends the shaft. Beside you, the drone prances nervously.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You shoot it a dark look. "Drone, huh?"\n\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You force a smile. "Hello drone."\n\t<<else>>You purse your lips. "Might come in handy, you might."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThe drone chirps. It continues to click as it scurries back and forth in the elevator. Long seconds pass, then the cabin groans to a halt. A loud claxon blares. The safety-grate retracts.<br><br>\n\n\tOutside is a long store room cluttered with synth-boxes, shipping crates, and heaps of mechanical odds and ends. The store room is over a hundred meters long and ends in a tall door which looks like it might be connected to the tramway system. You've barely gone ten steps whem Petrovic's drone emits a digital squeal and scurries across the floor. At the far end of the store room, the tramway-sized door opens to reveal an enormous red [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]].<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_storeroom_bot.png"]]</div>The machine trundles in, flames spurting from a mounted plasma caster. Optical units sweep the store room. Bots clatter as it's weapon arm rises. Petrovic's little drone squeals madly as it scurries from box to box. The [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] tracks it with it's sensors.<br><br>\n\t\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh well," you mutter as adrenaline starts to pound.\n\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Be careful," you mutter, casting around for options.\n\t<<else>>"Here goes nothing," you mutter, glancing around.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThere's a power main off to the left. If you can lure the bot into that, it might short itself out. And you can feel it's wireless signal searching for command interfaces so that might be an option too. Alternatively, you could attack it<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "agressive">> but Petrovic thought that was a bad idea. You tend to agree<<else>> like you really want to<</if>>.\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>You glance around<<else>>You lower your weapon...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>\n\t\tYou leave the bot where it fell and pace along the storeroom, curious as to what's down there. You footsteps echo loudly. Somewhere behind the shipping containers, Petrovic's drone clatters around.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou lower your weapon. The destroyed [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] sparks. You <<if $attrib.exhausted>>jump. The machine doesn't move. Smoke curls from beneath it's damaged armor. Heart still racing,<<else>> shake your head<</if>> and glance around the storeroom.\n\t<</if>><br><br> \n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_communal_storeroom.png"]]</div>It's positively enormous and cluttered with technology. Everythinig from the newest servo-joints in factory-new boxes across giant segments of solar sail hung from the ceiling to run-down androids that were tossed in a pile like bodies. Amazing - you never knew there was anyting like this beneath Petrovic's shop.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, whatever." You shrug and wander towards\n\t<<else>>"Fascinating, you mutter as you approach\n\t<</if>>nearby a nearby doorway.<br><br>\n\n\tThe it leads to a flight of stairs that end in a raised control room dominated by a giant holo-projector. Windows look out across the storage room. The <<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>disabled bot is smack in the center of the neatly arranged containers.<<else>> bot is visible in the center admit a chaos of damaged containers and twisted metal.<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>"Not no damage. But close enough." You glance around the control room.<br><br>\n\t<<else>>"Petrovic ain't gonna like that." You <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shake your head<<else>>breathe a sigh<</if>> and glance around the control room.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tThe main holo-screen is code-locked but there's a data pad on the sideboard. Beneath it, you spot a credit chip. In the work area beside, someone was repairing a [[HoloDisc|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "HoloDisc"]] - it's casing has been removed but, if you snap that back on, it should be functional. <<if $attrib.criminality gt 4>>Stealing is bad but that's never stopped you before.<<else>>It probably belongs to one of the machine-smiths who share the storage room.<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, Boss..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t"Hey, Boss. You know <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>how--" You drunkenly lean closer. "--we used to be real close? Like, real, real close?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Hadn't thought about it." Wilkin shoots you a disgruntled look. "You're inebriated."<br><br>\n\n\tYou shoot him a pained look. "I am. And I'm lonely. And--"<br><br>\n\n\t"The door's thataways." He points towards the stairs. "Go ahead."<br><br>\n\n\t"Aw, come on!" <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>You make pleading eyes. "I'm broke. And I need it. Real bad."<<else>>You shoot him an earnest look. "I'm as broke and I am horny and this is my moment to shine"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"No way," Wilkin says.<br><br>\n\t\n\tYou scoot closer. "What if I say I'm kinda broke?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>it's a bit lonely in my line of work and I was, you know, looking for company?" You wink.<br><br>\n\n\tWilkin shoots you a disgruntled look. "And what am I? Your pleasure-whore? Or your father?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Neither. But you're a man with influence. And credits and, well--" You scoot closer. "Look, I'm kinda broke."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>> \n\n\t"Pity. Really is. I--" Wilkin shoots you a sidelong glance.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>His eyes linger on your breasts.<<else>>His eyes dart to your crotch and back up.<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>"Damn. Did you dress up just for me?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou flash him your best smile. "I did my best with what I had."\n\t<<elseif $equip.isSkimpy or $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\t"Damn. That's one rancy outfit."<br><br>\n\n\t"Made you look, didn't it?"\n\t<<elseif $equip.isGlamorous>>"Damn. You sure is dressed up. Better than me even."<br><br>\n\n\tYou smile knowingly. "Only the best for the occasion."\n\t<<else>>"Damn. That's one look too many."<br><br>\n\n\t"Aw, come on." You fix him with an earnest look. "Only once?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tWilkin rolls his eyes and looks away. After a long moment, he says, "Okay, <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>. I got one idea and only one: how about I pays you to leave me alone and we never speak of this again, hm? What you<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>r drunk ass<</if>> say to that?"\n\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, Marisa..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t"Hey, Marisa. You know <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>how--" You drunkenly lean closer. "--we used to deal all the time. We were close, right? Like, real, real close?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Something like that." Marisa shoots you a cool look. "What's up? You hit the booze too hard."<br><br>\n\n\tYou shoot her a pained look. "I did. And I'm lonely. And--"<br><br>\n\n\t"Get a good rest." He points towards the stairs. "C'mon. Do us both a favor."<br><br>\n\n\t"Aw, come on!" <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>You make pleading eyes. "I'm broke. And I need it. Real bad."<<else>>You shoot her an earnest look. "I'm as broke and I am horny and this is my moment to shine"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Un-fucking-believable," Marisa says.<br><br>\n\t\n\tYou scoot closer. "What if I say I'm kinda broke?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<else>>it's a bit lonely in my line of work and I was, you know, looking for company?" You wink.<br><br>\n\n\tMarisa shoots you a disgruntled look. "And what am I? Your hybrid fucktoy? Or you just tryna get up skinsuit?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Neither. But you're a woman of influence. With direct lines to corporate credits and, well--" You scoot closer. "Look, I'm kinda broke."<br><br>\n\n\t<</if>> \n\n\t"Free market at work, innit?" Marisa shakes her head. \n\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>Her eyes linger on your cleavage.<<else>>Her eyes linger on your chest.<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>"Fancy outfit. Wear that just for me, huh?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou flash her your best smile. "I did my best with what I had."\n\t<<elseif $equip.isSkimpy or $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\t"You'd fit right in with the commerz-<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>skunks<<else>>bangers<</if>> over in C sector. Even got the outfit to match."<br><br>\n\n\t"Snide. As always. But it made you look, didn't it?"\n\t<<elseif $equip.isGlamorous>>"Wow. Are you trying to look corpo-chic or something? Just saying. I support that ideologically. I don't fancy it myself."<br><br>\n\n\tYou smile. "I always try to look my best when it matters. This would be one such occasion."\n\t<<else>>"Eh. I've seen better. And worse, honestly. No vomit from when ya ran to the tramway station. Or puked-up bite bits all over yourself. Counts as decent."<br><br>\n\n\t"I have standards." You fix her with an earnest look. "Low standards. But they do exist."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tMarisa's lips curl. "You're one slinky <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>bitch<<else>>boy<</if>>, Acrel. But you<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>r drunk ass<</if>> doesn't know what it's doing. So lemme lay it out: I don't do that sorta stuff. Or fall for it. But I appreciate the effort. So how 'bout I slide some over your way and we leave this once and for all?"\n\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You cuddle up with Celena on the couch...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\tYou cuddle up with Celena on the couch. She shoots you a dark look and scoots away. Your brow rises. She shakes her head wordlessly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAfter a long moment, you say, "What? <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>Are we having a fight I'm not aware of?<<else>>What's wrong? Did I miss something?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You," she says tersely. "That whole Loving Stars crap you believe in now. Apparently. And you act like it's nothing. Like it doesn't hurt me. But it does. It does a lot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I know it's different but--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You don't get it," she snapes. <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>"I thought we were getting close again. Now this! What the hell did you think I'd do? Cuddle up and play coy?"<<else>>"Things were almost like they used to be. Now this. And you think I'll just take a knife in the back?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>"Okay," you say. "I understand this is hard--"<<else>>"A knife in the back? Celena, how can you--"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"I don't want to talk about it," she growls. After a long moment, she adds. "No more cuddly. Or sexy."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pull a face. <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>"So much for getting close again."<<else>>"Ever, I presume?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tShe shoots you a dark look. "I'm not saying it won't, maybe, possibly, happen. You know. In the right mindset. When I can't think. But now?" She shakes her head. "It makes me sick, <<firstname>>. It fucking makes me sick to the stomach to know you went with the faiths."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou cuddle up with Celena on the couch.\n\t\t<<if $celSexCheat eq "normal">>She smiles drowsily and snuggles up with you. Long moments pass in idle silence. You can hear her shallow breathing <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>and smell her familiar scent.<<else>>and vaguely recall moments from long ago.<</if>><br><br>\n\t\n\t\t\tAfter a few minutes, Celena glance up with hooded eyes. Your eyes meet. Her lips curl and as she feels for your crotch. She fumbles your <<armorbottom>> open and feels beneath.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>You begin to get hard within moments.<<else>>You sit back with a content sigh.<</if>> A warm tingling sensation spreads though your body. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Celena spits on your cock and rubs harder and harder until all you can think about is how good she makes you feel.<<else>>Celena's fingers gently massage your favorite spot. Before long, all you can think of is how aroused you are.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There you go," she mumbles, gaze absent as she <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>rubs one out for you<<else>>fingers you<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt isn't quite as good as on pills. But it feels nice and you've nothing better to do but enjoy yourself. And Celena. She's <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>beyond beautiful and deserves her happy moment too - or as much as it as she'll feel through the haze of chems<<else>>always been decent to you, after all, and it's only right you return the favor<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSo the better half of an hour whiles away until you're both quite exhausted, sweaty, and too spent to continue. It takes several long minutes before you find the energy to...\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "recievepresent">>She smiles drowsily and snuggles up with you. Long moments pass in idle silence.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSuddenly Celena sits up with a start. "Oh! Oh. I forgot. Yeah. Wait, wait there--" She jabs a finger at you as she hurries across the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou watch, confused, as the silver-haired girl rifles through her closet. She eventually produces two lumpy packages and returns, a beamin grin on her face.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I got us something. <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>Since we're back together and all. Or trying to be like that.<<else>>Cause things are getting like they used to be and that's nice.<</if>>. I really wanted to get you something nice. But I could't decide. So--" She tears open the first package.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>giggle<<else>>laugh<</if>>. "Cel. Aren't you supposed to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hang on, hang on." She tears open the second package and lays both on the sofa. "Which one you want? And you gotta put it on now. For me. Promise."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou glance at the packages in turn. One contains a <<print $celGift1Txt>>, the other a <<print $celGift2Txt>>. <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>Both look cute. <</if>>Both would look cute on Celena<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>too<</if>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well?" Celena eyes you expectantly. "What do you think? Awesome? Or just plain cool?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You approach Raj and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\tYou approach Raj and\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flirt">>flash a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cocky <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>shy <</if>>smile. "Hey, Raj. Do you have a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"For you? Always." He claps his hands. "What dusty old data-pad can I ferret out today?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>giggle<<else>>laugh<</if>>. "None, actually. I wanted to talk to you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>To the best damn historian on this station and I'll shout it all across the boulevard so everyone can hear it: Raj Winston is--"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>To, well, my friend and companion. In spirit at least. We've been through so much together and I've taken a liking to you.<<else>>my dear friend and favorite historian, Raj Winston. You're--"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tRaj has gone red. He mumbles to himself.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh dear," you say. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Was I too forward<<else>>did that come off too strong<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, no, not at all. It's mereley--" Raj steps towards you and, very gingerly, almost timidly, touches your arm. In a hushed tone, he says, \n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>"Please do not take this the wrong way but, usually, I am not attracted to women. Any women. Ever. Except every time I see you, I wonder..." He stares deep into your eyes.\n\n\t\t\tA soft smile curls your lips. <<if $equip.isGlamorous>>"Perhaps it is the air of sophistication. Not precisely what one expects from me, is it?"<<else>>"There is always an exception to make the rule. Or break it.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isGlamorous>>"Oh, no, I most certainly am not impressed by--" He strokes your <<armor>>. "I cam not so easily swayed now, am I? Certainly not."<<else>>"Yes, so poetic. A truly and genuinely grand way to put it, my friend. Still I wonder--"<</if>> He leans closer, studying you, as though trying to see through you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, Raj." You smile <<if $attrib.demeanor neq "agressive">>pleasantly <</if>> and kiss him on the lips.\n\t\t<<else>>"Normally I am not so easily attracted but there is a drive and certainty to you. A conviction which inspires me. So bold. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Decisive.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Intelligent.<<else>>Resourceful.<</if>> and, ah, but what am I saying?" He laughs.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tThe look in his eyes is one of usmost alarm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, Raj." You take his hands, smiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<firstname>>." He manages to meet your eye, if only for a moment. "I do not know what to say. I have absolutely no idea where to begin. Or what to say. Did I say that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou laugh. "Yes, yes, you did and that's why you're so endearing, Raj." You stroke his chin and kiss him on the lips.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tHe's warm and his hands tremble as he strokes your neck. When you close your eyes, you can feel his gentle carress. So soft and fine; the hands of a historian. Quite unlike anyone else you've ever met. Or kissed. You feel <<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>as though all the stars have aligned to make this one lustful moment possible.<<else>>as though you were in sacred garden of Holy Eden itself.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, my dear." Raj pulls away, eyes wide. "Actually, that sounds wrong, my friend. We are still friends, yes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "Of course. ANd maybe more?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes? Oh, yes. Yes I think so." He nods and pats down his pants. "Ah, but excuse me. This was all a bit sudden and now I seem to be flabberghastered. I shall need a moment to recover my wits. Yes, yes." He glances around. "Yes I do seem to have lost them today, my wits. What a conundrum indeed."<br><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sex">>place an arm on his shoulder. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Not to be too forward, dear but how<<else>>How<</if>>long have you been sitting in this room staring at data-pads? I worry a bit.<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">> Not too much, mind you, but I do.<</if>> It's not exactly healthy, is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No, no I suppose not. I--" Raj glances at his nearest volume, then looks to you with a shrug. "I suppose a little distraction would be in order."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"A little distraction, yes." You stroke his cheek.<br><br>\n\n\t\tRaj blushes a little. "Or mabye a bigger distraction. One which requires less wit and more wily, ah, to Hades with these stupid metaphors. I've honestly missed you quite a lot. Would you perhaps be interested in a lecture or would you prefer--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever you prefer." You sit on Raj's armchair.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe joins you, smiling nervously. "I'm not quite sure what I prefer. I'm rather sober, you see. I've no idea what to say!"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>"Oh, I don't want you to say anything, love. Only to take me. To--" You slide your arms around his waist and whisper, "<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>take me with your insatiable lusts, the ones you have repressed for so long, believing no woman could ever touch your soul<<else>>be here with me. That is my greatest wish<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Precisely that," he says, running his fingers along your breasts.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cocky <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>shy <</if>>smile curls your lips. You lean in for a kiss, running your hands down to his waist. He's already turning hard. You gently egg him on as you undo his pants, a playful smirk on your lips.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"There you go," you whisper, teasing his cock with the balls of your fingers. "This is how I adore you, my dear."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, Raj. You are so adorable when you're lost for words." You slide your arms around his waist and kiss him on the neck. "Maybe the time for words is passed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, I suppose. Yes." He places his hands on your chest. A nervous chucle escapes him. "I am so terrible at this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour lips curl as you lean in for a kiss. Arms wrap around your waist. You pull him close, well aware Raj has begun to turn hard. You carefully undo his pants, a playful smile on your lips.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\tAt first Raj looks aghast but, soon enough, he finds his courage. For such a gentle, almost timid man, he certainly has an adventurous side - one that barely reaches beyond the armchair of his study, admittedly, but the long, lustful moments you spend there are an adventure unto themselves.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>To call it love would be a misnomer. More lust and fustration packed up into one but that's quite all right. The sweaty, gasping, moaning adventure is what you came for. The man is irrelevant. This one simply has an interesting... aftertaste.<<else>>Perhaps it is true love, though you doubt that. And it really doesn't matter. Raj is a wonderful man and you adore him to bits, exactly as he is.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reject">>flash a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cocky <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>shy <</if>>smile. "Hey, Raj. All this historic insight and everything you're providing is really fascinating. I was wondering if, well, you wanted to tell me a little more.<br><br>\n\n\t\tRaj beams "But of course. I'm always happy to talk about my favorite subject. Let me just--" He reaches for a data-pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou place a hand on his shoulder. "Raj, please. That's not what I meant."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." He shoots you a confused look. "Did you not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No. I meant, actually, let me put it this way: I'm more interested in you than--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"In me?" Raj laughes. His expression suddenly darkens. "Wait, wait, you mean in me? As in, well, as a friend?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tYou nod. "As that and maybe more. That's why I wanted to talk."<br><br>\n\n\t\tRaj swallows. His lips quiver.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." You pull a face. "Was I too blunt?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Blunt? No. No!" Raj chuckles nervously. "No, it's simply\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>your inclination. Radical anti-theism. I can respect your person. Somewhat. But your convictions?" He shakes his head. "At best we will ever be friends. At best."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "Prejudiced, much?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I judge you as a friend, <<firstname>>. Were I to judge you otherwise, I would fear for my life. Your friends are known to bully, beat, and murder believers. Perhaps you do not. In fact, I try to believe you are not like this, but I have little faith in that and the less that is said on this matter, the better."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "female">>I'm not interested in you. Not that way. And I don't want you to take it personally. It's simply, well, how do I put this delicately?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I don't know," you say. "Maybe put it as it comes to you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tRaj shakes his head. "That would come across incorrectly. Or not convey my meaning properly. Ah! Yes. Yes, you see, it is simply that I am a bit perculiar in my tastes. Especially for a man of faith. Does that explain? And do tell me it does because I've no nerve to lay it all out in explicit detail."<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase lt 9>>we barely know one another and, while I'm known to be adventurous at times, this isn't one such time. At all. I would prefer to be prudent and not rush into anything, yes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah. I see."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tRaj shrugs ever so slightly. "It's very nice of you to share your thoughts so directly. I truly do value that. Especially from a friend."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cantrust">>"You can trust me, Petrovic. \n\t\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 6 or $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\tI've been a good friend to you. And you've known me how long? Asked me to do how many things?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, indeed, you have been around often and never failed to impress. Well--" Petrovic rubs his hands.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tI've been a good customer and I've the best of intentions. Simply looking for a bit of extra cash."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, indeed, you have been. Well--" Petrovic rubs his hands.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"It's like this, comrade: there's a warehouse underneath my shop. A shared storage area, to be precise, and one of my neighboring machinists - I shan't say who - brought in a [[security robot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] to repair. Dirty stuff. Related to the cartel wars, I think, though I don't know for certain. Which would all be no issue. Except the robot has, ah, activated. Intentionally."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death and decay,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void be damned,"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Stars have mercy,"\n\t\t<<else>>"Oh, great,"\n\t\t<</if>> you mutter. "That sounds just wonderful."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic shoots you a knowing look.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod. "So you want the robot gone?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Disabled and intact if at all possible but, yes, I want it gone. It's in our communal store room and heavily armed. More heavily than most. No one else has managed to deal with it yet and, while I was planning to do so myself, later today, I figure why not ask you? You're always quick to risk life and limb, aren't you, comrade?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Danger is my middle name. Well. No, actually, it isn't But you know what I mean."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Not exactly quick. Or thrilled. But I do know a thing or two about being careful and the last thing we need is a cartel-programmed bot breaking out around here."\n\t\t<<else>>"That's my job, though I tend to prefer to keep all my limbs, if at all possible."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, yes. But do tell me: will you accept? I'll pay of course. Say in the order of 2000 credits? My only condition is: tell no one of it."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notsure">>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notinterest">>"I'm not really that interested. Not if it's dangerous."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh. Yes. I suppose you hoped for menial tasks. Alas, I've none of those. The workshop--" He gestures around. "Is entirely automated. Well, mostly. But it was nice of you to ask. If any menial tasks do ever come up, I'll contact you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That sounds great," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic nods. "Yes, yes, though I would not get your hopes up. All my present work orders require an expert machnist's touch. If you planned to retrain I suppose I could apprentice you but, ah, well. We both know you will not be doing that anytime soon." He winks.\t\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You run...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\tYou run\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "power">>\n\t\tfor the power main. In the background, the bot fires wildly at the drone. Stray rounds ping off shipping crates. <br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit, shit, shit." You skid to a halt, gaze on the power cables.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSix of them. All tied into the main grid. More than enough juice to fry a [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]. You draw a deep breath and, <<if $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant") or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("abommuscle")>>with augmented ease<<else>>with a strained grunt<</if>>, yank one of the lines out. Electricity sparks.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, okay." You skin the cable with your <<knife>>.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe blate hits metal. Electricity sparks. You yelp and drop your <<knife>>. The handguard kept you safe.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn it." You rub your fingers and, more carefully this time, grasp the cable.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe same moment you look up, Petrovic's drone skitters out from under a nearby shippinc crate. The enormous red [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] crashes after it. You yell. The bot's sensors flash back and forth. It pauses, as though trying to decide whether to attack you or the drone.\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "hack">>\n\t\tfor cover and activate your cerebral unit. It immediately finds the bot's control signal. In the background, the bot fires wildly at the drone. Stray rounds ping off shipping crates.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shit, shit!" You duck low as the interface comes up.\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action1 eq "dpad">>You pick up<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leave">>You leave the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "dpad">>You pick up the data pad and activate the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>About that Machine</strong><br><br>\n\n\tPetrovic,<br><br>\n\n\tI know you said you used to work for the cartels. Or with them. Or something. But I really, really don't think trying to disable a heavily armed bot in our communal is a good idea, even if it did get delivered here by mistake, and even if that plasma caster looks like juicy tech that'd sell well with a little touching up. It's not that I doubt you can do it. It's that this is high grade hardware straight from the real crime gangs - not street gangs but cartels that control entire sectors of the galaxy.<br><br>\n\n\tThe best course of action would be to simply blast that thing to bits. Hire someone to do it. Or do it yourself. One well-placed tungsten bolt with the right targeting computer should put it down. Once it's in pieces we can pick through the recordbase and figure out how it ended up here, though I'm pretty sure we already know: got shipped to the wrong address and activated itself by mistake. How it got out of this area and into the tramway interduct I can't say with any degree of certainty, not from up here and I am NOT going back down there! Not for anyone, not even a good friend who calls me his comrade.<br><br>\n\n\tMy best guess is some intelligence. High grade runtimes. Like I said. This isn't just a guard bot. It's a hunter killer. Probably part of some big cartel scheme. Or intended to be. I don't know! I really don't know. And it's all beside the point. I don't want you tinkering with that thing. If it comes back and detects you as a threat, it might incinerate you. And I couldn't live with that! I've no other competitor to complain to around here and if you go up in superheated gas, well, I might as well quit the free market entirely!<br><br>\n\n\tThink this through old man!<br><br>\n\n\tArborn\n\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "leave">>\n\t\t\tYou leave the control center, pass the <<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>disabled<<else>>destroyed<</if>> in the storage area, and head back to the elevator. As you draw near, you see Petrovic's drone tapping at the safety grate. Moments later, the elevator arrives with a creak. The gate grinds open. There's no one inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Up we go then." You enter the elevator and hit the button.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\tYou leave the bot where it fell and head back to the elevator. As you draw near, you see Petrovic's drone tapping at the safety grate. Moments later, the elevator arrives with a creak. The gate grinds open. There's no one inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Guess we're done here." You enter the elevator and hit the button.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe elevator rumbles to motion. Long seconds pass. Petrovic's drone clatters back and forth. Finally, the elevator stops. When the grate lifts, Petrovic is standing outside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>He beams. "Excellent, comrade. Exactly what I wanted! One disabled bot and with such skill at that!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "You were watching?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course, comrade!" He leads you back to his workshop, saying, "Had to be sure you'd do it right. Wanted to see how you did it too. Absolutely fascinating. A true professional. I owe you a debt of gratitude. A bonus. Consider it well earned, comrade."\n\t\t<<else>>He scowls at you. "Well, comrade, I suppose you solved my problem. Not exactly as requested. But close enough."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You were watching?" You pull a face. "Well, I can't blame you. And I did my best given the circumstances."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes, yes. Of course I was!" He leads you back to his workshop, saying, "Always best to be as informed as one can be. And I suppose you'll be wanting that commission now. Minus what you owe me for the damages incurred. Well--" He holds out his arm. "Here it is. Swipe, comrade. This is the best deal you get."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"Bribing me, huh? I'll bite." You swipe his arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good." Wilkin nudges you. "Scoot over. You're too close for comfort."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Me? What? I'm--" You hesitate. "Fine. Fine. I got my money. I'm happy."\n\t\t<<else>>"Sure thing, Boss."\n\t\t<</if>> You scoot away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And to be clear: no word of this, ever again. That's what my money is buying me. Right?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You nod drunkenly. "Exactly that, Boss. Exactly that."\n\t\t<<else>>A faint smirk curls your lips. "Understood loud and clear, Boss."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't call me that," Wilkin says. "I'm almost your equal these days. Almost. Only I know when to extract myself from uncomfortable situations, <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>. That's an old flaw you still you need to work on. And that advice is for free. Not enough of this."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "getintimacy">>\n\t\t"Oh, come on, Boss. Only a little bit? For me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isGlamorous>>"For the <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> who dressed up all fine and proper? I should say no. But--"\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSkimpy or $equip.isPartyOutfit>>"Looking like that, you'd almost pass for a whore. And I want to say no. I should say no. But--"\n\t\t<<else>>"You're a <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>bitch<<else>>bastard<</if>> ten lights short of having credits and I should say no. But--"\n\t\t<</if>>He draws a deep breath.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou make <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>big<<else>>mean<</if>> eyes. <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>"But just you can't say no to me, can you?"<<else>>"But you just can't say no to the old favorite boy now, can you?<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"No." Wilkin eyes you for a long moment. "Something like that. Maybe. Damn it!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There there--" You stroke his thigh. "It's okay. It's only me. You know me. Nothing to fret about."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHis eyes dart to your <<knife>>. "Nothing to worry about, eh? Just you and me, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only us." You risk a kiss on his cheek.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Us." Wilkin strokes your <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>breasts<<else>>chest<</if>>. "Yeah, <<firstname>> Acrel. Us. What about us, huh?" He breaths a laugh. "Who'd have thought? Now, who the fuck put you up to this and be straight with me, damn it!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "No one, big guy. Absolutely no one." You let your hand brush against his crotch. "Just me and my wild ideas."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wild. Yeah. That's you all right, <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>." He leans in for a stubbly kiss.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt tastes <<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>deliciously disgusting<<else>>bland and disgustingly slobbery<</if>>. But you've come this far <<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>and you know exactly what you want<<else>>even though you don't know why<</if>>. So you let it happen.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWilkin's fingers carress. His touch is rough and clumsy. Man's more credits and reputation than casanova. So one thing leads to another and, while you can't quite call what results sex, you can now firmly say that you've seen your former boss do you a dirty. Under the table. Unseen and unheard. <<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>It's exactly what you came for.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen all is done and over, Wilkin shoots you a dark look. "Not one word of this. To anyone. Ever. And I'll do the same in return."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>You smirk knowingly.<<else>>You nod.<</if>> There is nothing more to be said. It's done. You had something like sex with the Big Boss.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "failintimacy">>\n\t\t"Oh, come on, Boss. Only a little bit? For me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe snorts. "I don't do <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>bitches<<else>>boys<</if>> <<if $equip.isSkimpy or $equip.isPartyOutfit>>in skimp<<else>>>like you. Or at all<</if>>. Now knock it off. I offered you good value. And you throw it in my face. I taught you better, I did." Wilkin nudges you. "Scoot over. You're too close."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You nod drunkenly. "Exactly that, Boss. Exactly that. Lound and clear."\n\t\t<<else>>A faint smirk curls your lips. "Message came across clear, Boss. I'm in over my head."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't call me that," Wilkin says. "I'm almost your equal these days. Almost. Only I know when to be an oppertunist, <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>. That's an old flaw you still you need to work on. And that advice is for free. Now enough of this. I don't want to hear about it, ever again."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "bribe">>"I think I can live with that deal." You swipe his arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa smirks dangerously. "Smart. The [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>needs more like you<<else>>could use someone like you<</if>>. Too many let the faiths pull the wool over their eyes. Makes 'em complacent. Tranqued up. Sheeple."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You nod drunkenly. "I'm nothing like that. Nope. Definitely not."\n\t\t<<else>>A faint smirk curls your lips. "More power to the free market."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Yeah." Marisa leans closer. "Word of advice, Acrel: the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] idelogue sees all and hears all. Eventually. Black channels. Hidden cameras. Loose lips. You want some advice from me, then it's this: keep it tight and keep it that way. You screw up with me, your feelings get a boo-boo. You fuck it up with our enemies, you get blown through a hab unit by a railgun. Like, well, a man I once knew." Marisa looks away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"A man, huh? He mean something to you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe shakes her head, lips drawn tight. "That intel costs more than you've earned in a lifetime. Or ever will."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair enough," you say, able to take a hint.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "getintimacy">>\n\t\t"Oh, come on. Only a little bit? For me? Just for me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, yeah," Marisa says, gaze drawn elsewhere. "We've all seen it before, Acrel. We really have."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But you haven't seen me." You place a hand on her thigh. "Not like this at least. Not the real me. The one--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Marisa shoots you a cold look. "I've seen more cock than you can suck, Acrel, and all of it's the same. \n\t\t<<else>>Marisa snorts. "I don't do skank, Acrel. I don't. Ain't my thing. And you ain't my thing. \n\t\t<</if>>Or at least that's what I'm saying. Not sure I'm thinking it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>Your lips curl and\n\t\t<<else>>You\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\trisk a kiss on his cheek. "You're a special breed, Marisa. You really are."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The kind with no known last name, right?" Marisa grins.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHer eyes meet yours. There's a spark of something. Not love. Or lust. Maybe recognition. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>One anti-theist to another<<else>>One pained human soul to another<</if>>. Or something like that.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn it, <<firstname>>. <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>I don't do skank<<else>>This is way out of line<</if>>. But--" She holds up a finger. "One kiss. To say we've done it, hm? Cross it off the list."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"One kiss. Only one." You let your hand slide between her legs.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHer lips curl as she leans in for just that. The [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] Contract-Commander tastes of mouthwash and she savors the kiss for a long moment and even teases another. <<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>You take the oppertunity, knowing exactly what you want<<else>>Figuring this will probably be your only chance, you go for it<</if>>. And then it happens. A kiss leads to a carress and a lapse in judgement leads to more.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa is gentle and her skin soft but her muscles are tense and her eyes never light up. Almost like she's dead inside, which is <<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>fine by you<<else>>unsettling<</if>>. So one moment leads to another and, while you wouldn't exactly call what results your best sexual encounter ever, it was one. A unique one, done with the most ruthless [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] Contract-Commander you have ever met. <<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>It's exactly what you came for.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen all is done and over, Marisa shoots you a warning look. "This stays between us, <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>skank.<<else>>okay?<</if>> If it gets out or gets around, I come for you. If you pull something like that again, I will react with extreme prejudice." She smiles coldly. "Not a threat. Simply a warning. So we're both on the same page."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>You smirk knowingly.<<else>>You nod.<</if>> There is nothing more to be said. It's done. You had something like sex with the Big Boss.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "failintimacy">>\n\t\t"Oh, come on. Only a little bit? For me? Just for me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa snorts. "You ain't my type. Or my brand. Honestly, I only do one thing and that's not up for discussion. So no. Don't test your luck."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You nod drunkenly. "Not testing luck. Yes. Yes that's a great idea. Yep. Cause I'm in a corner I can't get out of."\n\t\t<<else>>A faint smirk curls your lips. "Damn it. I've talked myself into a corner and I know it."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Damn stragiht," Marisa says. "Word of advice, Acrel: the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] idelogue sees all and hears all. Eventually. Black channels. Hidden cameras. Loose lips. You want some advice from me, then it's this: keep it tight and keep it that way. You screw up with me, your feelings get a boo-boo. You fuck it up with our enemies, you get blown through a hab unit by a railgun. Like, well, a man I once knew." Marisa looks away.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"A man, huh? He mean something to you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe shakes her head, lips drawn tight. The message is loud and clear: don't bring it up. Or else. \n\t<</if>>\n\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\tYou\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "gift1" or $action.action1 eq "gift2">>\n\t\ttake the \n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "gift1">><<print $celGift1Txt>> and get dressed. \n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "gift2">><<print $celGift2Txt>> and get dressed. \n\t\t<</if>>Celena watches intently. Her expression is extremely critical.<br><br>\n\n\t\tStill dressing, you say, "You think I should have taken the other one?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No. Just not sure I got the right thing, y'know? For me I mean. That looks great on you. But the other? On me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>groan<<else>>chuckle<</if>>. "Cel, all you ever wear is sweats and crop tops. You'll never wear anything else. You're <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>too damn lazy to bother dressing properly<<else>>married to that outfit and we both know it<</if>>."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>"Oh, now that's touching.<<else>>"Yeah, yeah, but still.<</if>> And this isn't supposed to be about me. It's supposed to be about--" She points at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." You finish putting on the <<if $action.action1 eq "gift1">><<print $celGift1Txt>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "gift2">><<print $celGift2Txt>><</if>> and say, "Except it wasn't really about me, was it? You got those for yourself and couldn't decide."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\tCelena pulls a face. "Something like that. And you know what the worst thing is?"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Yes," you say. "You still can't decide."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\tShe nods grimly and slouches on the couch. \n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refusegift">>say, "That's really nice of you, Cel, but I really don't need either."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." She frowns. After a long moment, her expression brightened. "More for me then. Thanks<<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>, babe<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou smile back. "No problem."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure, sure, I just--" She examines the clothing articles in turn. "I dunno which to wear. I mean, really, I'm not usually like this. But today? I just can't figure it out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah well," you say. "There's always tomorrow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." Celena slouches on the couch with a sigh.<br><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tNeither of you speak. It's <<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>one of those long silences you remember from years ago. A Celena silence - a rarity, considering your babe never shuts up.<<else>>one of those long silences, the ones you still remember from years ago. The sort where you aren't sure whether something's up or Celena's simply drifted off into her chem-haze.<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "notinterest">>"Actually, the way you put it, I think the answer's no. Sorry."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh. Yes. I suppose you hoped for menial tasks. Not cartel nonsense. Alas, I've none of those. The workshop--" He gestures around. "Is entirely automated. Well, mostly. But it was nice of you to ask. If any menial tasks do ever come up, I'll contact you. Oh, and like I said: tell no one of this. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I won't," you say. "And thanks for trusting me, even so."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic nods. "Yes, yes, though I would not get your hopes up on menial tasks. All my present work orders require an expert machnist's touch. If you planned to retrain I suppose I could apprentice you but, ah, well. We both know you will not be doing that anytime soon." He winks.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "doit">>"Good. I'll do it. What do I need to know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demandmore">>"Double that and I'll do it. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>I'm the best damn bot killer around and you know it.<<else>>Guaranteed.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"A hard bargain but I suppose. Yes. Double that is passable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Wonderful," you say with a smirk.<<else>>"You have a deal," you say.<</if>>"What do I need to know?"\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "demandfail">>"Double that and I'll do it. Guaranteed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPetrovic laughs. "Double it? No. I think not. My price or not at all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine," you say. "Your price then. What do I need to know?"\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"You need to come with me. This way." Petrovic leads you into the back of his shop.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_machinesmith_backarea.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\tThe rear area is cluttered with automated forge-benches. Beyond, a small corridor leads to another machineshop. Another machine-smith is standing in it, hunched over an automated forge. He nods ever so slightly when Petrovic enters and leads you to a barred utility door.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic turns to you. "This is Arborn's forge. Does excellent work on hab-struts. Anyways, through that--" He points to the door. "--is the utility elevator to the common storage. You won't be able to miss the robot. It will activate as soon as you head down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That'll be a problem," you say. "Especially if you want me to deactivate it without messing up your stores."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indeed, which is why I have this handy." He reaches into his oversized leather apron and produces an orb-shaped device.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe device cracks open, revealing a mechanical drone with four spindly legs not unlike a spider. The drone flails madly in Petrovic's hands.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe sets it on the floor, saying, "A relic from my old days. Don't ask. It will distract the bot. Use the time it buys to figure out how to disable that menace."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you say. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'll keep that in mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Excellent. Then I suggest you head down, comrade. I will be in my shop, waiting."<<else>>"Any idea how to do that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ideas? Yes, comrade. Many. No idea whether they will work. Cartel-bot, like I said. Perhaps you can manage to short it out. Or interface with it's remote sockets. If all else fails, destroy it, though I caution you not do that as I would have to reduce your commission to cover any damages done."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good," you say and...\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "throwcable">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_shock.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou throw the cable at the bot with a yell. It hits the machine's armored shell. Electricity sparks with a deafening crack. The [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] freezed. Smoke curls from the point of impact; it's charred black.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yes!" You laugh. "Take that, you bucket of--"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"No way that did it." You back away, apprehensive.\n\t\t<<else>>"Did that do it?" You eye the bot. "Is it--"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\t\n\n\t\tThe [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] yerks back to life. Servos whirr. Armored plates creak. Beneath the armored shell, a capacitor detonates with a dull thud. The [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] blurts errors as it's scanners sweep back and forth.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIn the brief moment you've bought yourself, you dodge behind the nearest shipping crate. Opposite you, Petrovic's drone peers out and aims it's autocannot at the bot. You draw a deep breath, well aware there's nowhere else to run, and prepare yourself for the worst.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "runaway">>\n\t\tYou drop the cable and run for dear life. Electricity sparks from where the cable hit the ground. The [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] whirrs at it chases you. It's leg tread hits the dropped cable, causing a shower of sparks to errupt. The machine freezes.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIn the brief moment before it recovers, you dodge behind the nearest shipping crate. Opposite you, Petrovic's drone peers out and aims it's autocannot at the bot. You draw a deep breath, well aware there's nowhere else to run, and prepare yourself for the worst.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "success">>\n\t\tYou shut down your interface with a muttered, "Yes!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe same moment you look up, Petrovic's drone skitters out from under a nearby shipping crate. The enormous red [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] crashes after it. You yell. The bot hits the floor with a dull thud and remains motionless.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Grate A cyber-pwn!" You laugh. "Fucking bucket of bolts."<br><br>\t\n\t\t<<else>>"Did that do it?" You eye the armored bot.<br><br>\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe bot remains motionless. Petrovic's drone peers out from the crack it hid in, aiming it's little autocannon at the massive security unit. Nothing happens for long seconds.<br><br>\t\n\n\t\t"Well, that did it." You exhale <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>in relief <</if>>and...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "abort" or $action.action2 eq "failure">>\n\t\tYou shut down your interface with a muttered, "Damn it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe same moment you look up, Petrovic's drone skitters out from under a nearby shipping crate. The enormous red [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] crashes after it. You yell. The bot's sensors flash back and forth. It pauses, as though trying to decide whether to attack you or the drone.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. If only you'd improved your hacking interface but it's too late to worry about that. Now it's fight - or die.\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<div class='HUD_datapad' id='game-final'>\n\t<<display 'endgame_collapsed'>>\n</div>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say, \n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "askbot">>"So how exactly did that bot get down there anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\tPetrovic shoots you a stern look. "I said: no questions."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yes, I heard you," you say. "But it's rather strange, don't you think? Hardware like that ending up here?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Unusual," he says. "Not unheard of, comrade. Occasinally shipments are misdirected. Occasionally such shipments contain security hardware. I assure you: our storage was not the intended recipient. It simply ended up here and that is all there is to it. No mystery. Nothing to ferret out. Only a mis-stamped piece of formwork and you know the rest."\n\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.foundDatapad>>"Are you sure that's all there is to it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes," Petrovic says firmly. "That is absolutely all there is to it, regardless of what you may think, for whatever reasons you think that way."\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "askdpad">>\n\t\t"So I found a data-pad down there. I'm sure you saw--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I did," Petrovic says tersely. "Do not ask. That was the agreement. No questions."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You snort. "No questions, huh? Well I have a thing or two to say about that. Comrade."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You hold up your hands. "I've no mind to start an argument. I simply wondered."\n\t\t<<else>>"No questions? Okay. Then I won't ask."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tPetrovic glowers at you. "I can hear you thinking. I can, comrade. And my neuro-parser says you want to know, don't you? You simply need your answers. To pry into other people's affairs." He breathes a sigh. "Very well. I hoped to dismantle the bot's plasma caster and sell it for profit. Genuine [[Hellfires|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellfire"]] are difficult to come by. On the open market, they could fetch enough to pad my retirement fund."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And your plan really was to go down there and take out that bot? Alone?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not alone. With my drone." Petrovic pats the spider-shaped automaton.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou scowl. "A machinist and a drone against a cartel-grade [[tripod bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]]? Don't take this the wrong way but that's <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>a fucking joke<<else>>hard to believe<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only because you do not know of my past, comrade. I do not wish to speak of it. It is best left where it is. Another life. Lived in a different age. But enough of the questions. Here is your commission." He offers his hand.\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>></div><br>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b28_addon5_lani_comeon_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "reject">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_hab_lanina][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.lanina = 9999]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sex">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Catch your Breath|b28_hab_lanina][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flirt">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_hab_lanina][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Agree it's a Joke|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$action.action2 = "isjoke"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why she's There|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$action.action2 = "whythere"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Wordlessly|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $chr_lanina.loc = "none"]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "isjoke">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you could have Fun|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$action.action3 = "havefun"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Busy|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$action.action3 = "ambusy"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the android Sucks|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$action.action3 = "androidsucks"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Care|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$action.action3 = "nocare"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "ambusy" or $action.action3 eq "nocare">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Bar|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $chr_lanina.met = true; $chr_lanina.loc = "none"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Make an Advance|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$time.active += 0.3; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "advance"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ignore the Advance|b33_ROM_addon_lanina][$time.active += 0.3; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $hide.layer4 = true; $action.action4 = "ignore"; $hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_base_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_rom_bar_lanina_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "advance">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Bar|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $chr_lanina.met = true; $chr_lanina.loc = "herhome"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Bar|b33_ROM_mainfloor][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $chr_lanina.met = true; $chr_lanina.loc = "none"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I almost have to ask..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n\t"I almost have to ask about your past. I know you just said not to but, after what I saw, I really--"<br><br>\n\n\t"Okay, okay." Petrovic holds up a hand. "To make it simple: I was trained in the warsmith's art. Far from here. In what is now known as the Foreign Domain. In my age, well, I went by another name. My father was an important man and my grandfather also. Me?" He chuckles darkly. "I was outcast by the traitor. A story from a long bygone age, one I've no heart to retell in full."<br><br>\n\n\tYou <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>nod curtly<<else>>smile sympathetically<</if>>. "I can understand that."<br><br>\n\n\t"No, no you can't, comrade. You truly cannot comprehend. The age I was born in is one that no one in the civilized galaxy still learns of. So long ago. Things were different. Knowledge was--" He swallows visibly. "What matters is this: I take after my father, the great Pater Mechanus Petrovic. But not a father of that blasted [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. No. A true master of the machinist's forge. One who, ah, well. He fell out of grace and things became complicated."<br><br>\n\n\t"Yeah," you say heavily. "Things always get complicated, don't they?"<br><br>\n\n\tPetrovic nods gravely. "I took up my father's art, the Warsmith's art, and joined the cartels. A grave betrayal of my heritage, I assure you, but necessary to make ends meet. I made a little fortune and bought my transit here, to this station, though alas now I am trapped in the shadow of the Cathedral, constrained to practicing only this art for fear the clerics might come and deporty me."<br><br>\n\n\t"Deport you?" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You laugh<<else>>You eye him, alarmed<</if>>. "To where?"<br><br>\n\n\t"To the Galactic Fringe," he says. "Or as close as the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] can send me. So here I am: a warsmith with no war to fight, only old machines to tinker with. Them and this--" He pats his little spider-drone. "--old friend. Almost as old as I am, he is. Still in spick-span shape." Petrovic shoots you a meaningful look. "Forged with the machine-secrets of the old world, comrade. A truely venerable skillset we only barely are the equals of in this age. Some of us, at least. My family long intersected with the interests of the Fringe."<br><br>\n\n\tYou scowl. "The Fringe, huh? Isn't that years away by starship?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Decades. Centuries even. I don't know exactly how my family came here. Only that my father insisted we move corewards, as my grandfather had bevore him. Actually, I still have some of the items my grandfather brought from there. I think he was a well connected man who traded in artifacts from beyond the Foreign Domain, from the age just after the old world ended. I will show you next time you come to buy. But now I am confusing my old world secrets. We were speaking of my drone, yes?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>"It's amazing. Mean, I'm okay with simple code. That?" You gesture to the drone. "Well beyond me."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Perhaps, comrade. Or perhaps not. All can be trained in time and the warsmith's art is about much more than forging and machining.\n\t\t<<else>>"It's amazong. But well beyond me," you say. "I'm no good with tech You saw what happened before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Indeed, comrade. Your display down there proved that beyond all doubt. Still, I wonder. The warsmith's art is about much more than forging and machining.\n\t\t<</if>> I could not make you a master overnight but, if you were so inclined, I could teach you the fundamentals."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What, like an apprenticeship?" You breath a laught. "That's kind, Petrovic, but when I came asking about a job I meant--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Menial tasks," he says. "Yes. I know. But perhaps you are destined to more. And perhaps this is my chance to teach. I never considered it. Not in all my thousand years. My father tried to teach, as did his father before him, and for it their lives were complicated. But now?" He scowls at you. "Yes. I can imagine it. I am so bound to my workshop but you? You are free to roam. One could rekindle the warsmith's legacy from the embers of the old ways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We could?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic nods gravely. "It will require much study. Decades, maybe centuries, and more. Even I do not know all there is of the machinist's credo but I can teach you and the basics in a matter of hours. A simple neuro-copy to your implant should be safe. And simple enough. Yes--" He scratches his chin. "Yes it can be done, comrade, provided you wish to learn the warsmith's art."\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\t"It's fascinating," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic grunts. "Fascinating, yes, as is your tendency to constantly question people. Obsessively. Though I suppose I should not be surprised. To inquire is part of your job. As is it mine to build machine. So--" He holds out his arm. "--take your commission and we can go back to work, comrade."\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hud.finalExpand>>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.finalExpand = false>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#game-final'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'endgame_collapsed'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.finalExpand = true>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#game-final'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'endgame_content'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<center><strong>Gameplay Summary</strong></center><br>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\n<center><strong>Character</strong></center><br>\nGender: <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>Female<<else>>Male<</if>><br>\nDemeanor: <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Agressive<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Cautious<<else>>Balanced<</if>><br>\nStress: <<print $attrib.stress>>%<br>\nClass: \n<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>Freelancer\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>Forsaken\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>Voidheart\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Edenist\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Theophobe\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>Highborn\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>Cyberpunk\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>Visionary\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>Gladiator\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>Skindancer\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>Warsmith\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "kobol">><<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>Daughter<<else>>Son<</if>> of Kobol\n<</if>><br>\n</div>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\n<center><strong>Jobs & Crime</strong></center><br>\n\tTime Active: <<print Math.floor($time.active / 24)>>:<<print ($time.active % 24)>> GSD<br>\n\tDilligence: <<print $attrib.dilligence>>%<br>\n\tFreelance Jobs Completed: <<print $statistics.freelanceJobsDone>><br>\n\tCredits: <<print $attrib.credits>><br><br>\n\n\tCrimes Investigated: <<print $statistics.crimesInvestigated>><br>\n\tSuspects Questioned: <<print $statistics.suspectQuestioned>><br><br>\n\t\n\tCriminality: \n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality lt 2>>No Record\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 5>>Misdemeanor\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 10>>Petty Thief\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 15>>Street Criminal\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality lt 20>>Gang Affiliated\n\t\t\t<<else>>Wanted Class 1\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\tWanted Level: <<print $attrib.criminality>><br>\n\tSneak Attempts: <<print $statistics.sneakDone>><br>\n\tSuccessful Hacks: <<print $statistics.hacksDone>><br>\n\tForced Locks: <<print $statistics.controlsBroken>>\n</div>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\n<center><strong>Combat</strong></center><br>\nTotal Engagements: <<print $statistics.overalKills>><br><br>\n\nXenofauna Killed: <<print $statistics.xenofaunaKilled>><br>\nAbominations Killed: <<print $statistics.abominationKilled>><br>\nElusive Abominations Killed: <<print $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled>><br>\nImposing Abominations Killed: <<print $statistics.abom_imposingKilled>><br>\nUnique Abominations Killed: <<print $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled>><br><br>\n\nOrganics Killed: <<print $statistics.organicKilled>><br>\nHumans Killed: <<print $statistics.humanKilled>><br><br>\n\nMachines Killed: <<print $statistics.machineKilled>><br>\nAdvanced Machines Killed: <<print $statistics.machine_advKilled>></div>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\n<center><strong>Combat Items</strong></center><br>\n\nDiscs Thrown: <<print $statistics.discsThrown>><br>\nArcDiscs Thrown: <<print $statistics.disc_arcUsed>><br>\nViroDiscs Thrown: <<print $statistics.disc_toxinUsed>><br>\nHoloDiscs Thrown: <<print $statistics.disc_holoUsed>><br><br>\n\nCombat Chems Used: <<print $statistics.drugsUsed>><br>\nStimFuel Used: <<print $statistics.drugs_stimUsed>><br>\nTranqWash Used: <<print $statistics.drugs_rangedUsed>><br>\nFreakOut Used: <<print $statistics.drugs_meleeUsed>><br>\nUnNerve Used: <<print $statistics.drugs_abomUsed>><br><br>\n\nFuCell Used: <<print $statistics.item_fucellUsed>>\n\n<<if $statistics.special_ddosUsed gt 0 or $statistics.special_miasmaUsed gt 0 or $statistics.special_spineUsed gt 0>><br><</if>>\n<<if $statistics.special_ddosUsed gt 0>><br>dDoS used: <<print $statistics.special_ddosUsed>><</if>>\n<<if $statistics.special_miasmaUsed gt 0>><br>Miasma used: <<print $statistics.special_miasmaUsed>><</if>>\n<<if $statistics.special_spineUsed gt 0>><br>Sphinx's Spine used: <<print $statistics.special_spineUsed>><</if>></div>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\n<center><strong>Equipment & Ammunition</strong></center><br>\nCombat as Unarmored: <<print $statistics.combatUnarmored>><br>\nCombat as Protected: <<print $statistics.combatProtected>><br>\nCombat as Armored: <<print $statistics.combatArmored>><br>\nCombat as Heavily Armored: <<print $statistics.combatHeavyArmor>><br><br>\n\nShield Deflections: <<print $statistics.shieldDeflect>><br>\nArmor Deflections: <<print $statistics.armorDeflect>><br><br>\n\n9mm Attacks: <<print $statistics.nineMillFired>><br>\nTungsten Bolt Attacks: <<print $statistics.boltTunstenFired>><br>\nConductive Bolt Attacks: <<print $statistics.boltConductiveFired>><br>\nScattershot Attacks: <<print $statistics.boltScatterFired>><br>\nNeurotoxin Attacks: <<print $statistics.boltToxinFired>><br><br>\n\nPlasma Caster Attacks: <<print $statistics.plasmaCasterUsed>><br>\nArc Weapon Attacks: <<print $statistics.shockGunUsed>><br><br>\n\nMelee Attacks: <<print $statistics.meleeDone>><br>\n<<if $statistics.nukeGunUsed gt 0>>NUKEs fired: <<print $statistics.nukeGunUsed>><br><</if>><br>\n\nUnique Takedowns: <<print $statistics.specialKillDone>></div>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\t\n<center><strong>Noncombat</strong></center><br>\nAbominations Spared: <<print $statistics.abominationsSpared>><br>\nHumans Spared: <<print $statistics.humansSpared>><br><br>\n\nIntimidations: <<print $statistics.intimidateDone>><br>\nNegotiations: <<print $statistics.negotiateDone>><br>\nFailed Negotiations: <<print $statistics.negotion_failDone>><br>\nBribes Paid: <<print $statistics.bribesDone>></div>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\n<center><strong>Shopping</strong></center><br>\n\nMain Weapons Purchased: <<print $statistics.purchasedMainWeapon>><br>\nSidearms Purchased: <<print $statistics.purchasedBackupWeapon>><br>\nOutfits Purchased: <<print $statistics.purchasedArmor>><br>\nAmmo Purchased: <<print $statistics.purchaseddAmmo>><br>\nChems Purchased: <<print $statistics.purchasedChems>><br>\nDiscs Purchased: <<print $statistics.purchasedDiscs>><br>\nAugments Purchased: <<print $statistics.purchasedAugs>></div>\n\n<div class='HUD_PdaDisplayZone medtext' style='text-align: left'>\n<center><strong>Recreation</strong></center><br>\n\nTotal Romantic Encounters: <<print $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex>><br>\n\n<<set $cntr = 0>>\n<<if $sexPhases.didWilkin>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.didMarisa>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.didRhino>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.didLizzard>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.didKitty>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.didHalfbreed>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.hadSynthSex>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.raj gt 0>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.cel gt 0>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $sexPhases.lanina gt 0>>\n\t<<set $cntr += 1>>\n<</if>>\n\nRomantic Partners: <<print $cntr>><br>\nRecreational Chem Uses: <<print $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed>><br>\nAlcohol Imbiled: <<print $statistics.alcoholDrunk>><br><br>\n\nData Pads Read: <<print $statistics.dataPadsRead>>\n</div>
/% anska job and everything related \n\t\t<<set $loc_anska = {\n\t\t\taskedOddJobs: false,\n\t\t\ttookCompound: false,\n\t\t}>>%/\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div><br>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_class_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist" and ($equip.isGlamorous or $equip.isSkimpy or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit or $equip.isFashionOutfit or $attrib.fatigue gte 75)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what the Fungus Does|b27_anska_class_ext][$action.action1 = "ask"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click "Agree to Eat It">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b27_anska_class_ext">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "accept"; $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.religion = "mesmer"; $time.active += 3; $attrib.fatigue += 30; $attrib.toxicity += 50; $loc_anska.tookCompound = true;'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Eat It|b27_anska_class_ext][$action.action2 = "refuse"; $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click"); $time.active += 0.1]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_class_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_class2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click "Agree to Eat It">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b27_anska_class_ext">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "accept"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.religion = "mesmer"; $time.active += 3; $attrib.fatigue += 30; $attrib.toxicity += 50; $loc_anska.tookCompound = true;'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Eat It|b27_anska_class_ext][$action.action2 = "refuse"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_class_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_class2_txt'>></div><br><</if>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_class3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "accept">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Credits' 'b29_fleshmelder'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.credits += 800; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_anska.askedOddJobs = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x800">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_anska.askedOddJobs = true; $time.active += 0.1; $loc_anska.askedOddJobs = true;]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You face Lanina and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\tYou face Lanina and\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "flirt">>flash a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cocky <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>shy <</if>>smile. "So Lani. I was thinking. About where we left off last time. And--"<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina groans. "I was drunk and high and--" She purses her lips. "Well, maybe I liked it? A bit? More than I want to admit?" She looks nervous.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Maybe that's what I think too? Not saying I do. But it could be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh. Yes." Lanina looks relieved. "I'm not saying I see it that way too. But maybe I do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "That's a nice hypothetical."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina nods earnestly. She can't take her eyes off you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So, about picking up where we stopped off--" You pull her closer.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe blushes as she runs a hand along your thigh. When you lean in for a kiss, her tongue toys with yours, suggesting, implying. It tastes as deliciously artificial as it did the last time. Subdermal implants. Designed to look bio-normal. Has to be. It doesn't take long before you're aroused.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina pulls away, expression one of excited alarm. You smile encouragingly.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe turns bright red. "Oh, I'm so not ready for this yet. Not yet. Yet!" She laughs nervously. "Once I've got over myself, maybe?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That might be hard," you say. "You're a lot to get over."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina giggles and buries her face in her hands. She mutters unintelligably, peering at you from between her fingers. It's a bit awkward. In a cute sort of way.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sex">>place an arm around her. Lanina snuggles up, a smug look on her face. Long strands of blonde hair brush your cheeks. She risks a kiss on your cheek. Long moments pass as you run your fingers along her spine.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina shudders. "Wow. It's been too long. For me. Way too long."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Too long?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Lanina giggles. "That's what she said."\n\t\t\t\t <<else>>Lanina blushes. "I haven't, well, you know. Maybe I like you?"\n\t\t\t\t <</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh. That." A little smirk curls your lips as you let your hand slide under her skirt.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina shudders with anticipation. It doesn't take long before she climps onto you. Thighs press close as you make out. What starts innocently quickly turns into Lanina tugging off your <<armorbottom>>. You shudder as she\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>runs her fingers along your cock.\n\t\t<<else>>gets her fingers busy between your legs. \n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>What follows is way too short and nowhere near as satisfying as you wanted.\n\t\t<<else>>What follows feels nice, gentle, and exactly what you needed in that moment.\n\t\t<</if>>It ends with Lanina looking rather satisfied with herself and you rather pleased with the results. \n\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>To call it love would be a misnomer. More desperation and desire but that's quite all right. The sweaty, gasping, moaning adventure is what you came for. The girl is irrelevant. This one simply one more to add to your collection.<<else>>Perhaps it is true love, though you're hesitant to declare that. It really doesn't matter anyways. Lanina is a beautiful young girl and you adore her as much as you do spending time with her.<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "reject">>flash a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cocky <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>shy <</if>>smile. "So Lani. I was thinking. We sort of left off--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wait, wait." Lanina holds up a hand. "If this is about what happened, you really should know: I was drunk. And high. And I don't mean this the wrong way but--" She looks away. "You're not my type. At all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh," you say. "I thought--"<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina groans. "I know. I came off all wrong. I'm sorry. I just mean, well, can't we just be friends?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I don't see why not," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina nods and smiles nervously. An uncomfortable silence falls.\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> over to the Bar...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou <<walk>> over to the Bar. A flourescent serving bot stands behind it. You've barely had time to lean on the bar when a drunken girl with no visible cybers stumbles up.<br><br>\n\n\tShe squints at you. "Hey. You. Aren't you Cel's ex?"<br><br>\n\n\t"No." You scowl at her. "Who are you?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Someone who's--" She burps. "Excuse me. Someone who has a bone to pick with you, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>mister<<else>>missy<</if>>. I had a good thing going on, you know, and now?" She laughs. "Oh, it's poetic. And I should have known, you know. I should have--" The girl leans closer. "Your ex is a child, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>mister<<else>>missy<</if>>, and that's all I got to say to that!"<br><br>\n\n\t"Right," you say slowly. "And who are you again?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Shitfaced." She giggles uncontrollably. "Or Lanina. Doesn't matter though, does it?" She glowers at the flourescent serving bot. "No booze for bio-normals. Not in this shop, no there isn't. What a joke!"\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say, "Anska, I was wondering if you had any odd jobs you need doing. I could use the credits."<br><br>\n\n\t"Me?" She looks shocked. "My, my, dear. To think you've sunk so low you ask me that. Business that tough, hm?\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>Despite all those contracts you take on for the clerics?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Despite your licking the toes of the clerics? Is Eden not as infallible as they claim, hm?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Despite all those corporates whose boots you lick all the time? Are their credit-lines not enough, hm?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>Despite all those chems you push for the cartels? Are their dirty credits not enough, hm?\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>Despite all the, ah, well, given your predicament I can understand but still. You come to me?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>Despite all the, ah, Hades, why even bother?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>Despite all the fame they shower you with in the Arena? Or are you not so popular among the bloodsports fanatics, hm?"\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>Despite everything that absurd machinist is trying to teach you? Are his lessons not enough to make an artisan of you, hm?"\n\t\t<<else>>Despite all the jobs you do all the time?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"I was just asking," You say.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist" and ($equip.isGlamorous or $equip.isSkimpy or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit or $equip.isFashionOutfit or $attrib.fatigue gte 75)>>\n\t\t"Well, you ask for--" She hesitates. Her ancient lips slowly curl into a smirk. "Actually, <<firstname>>, I do have a job for you. A trivial matter. Done in a jiffy. Ah, now where is it?" She rifles through her baskets.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA long moment passes. You begin to doubt whether asking <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>the old witch<<else>>old woman<</if>> for work was a bad idea.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's here somewhere," she croaks. "It must be. I placed it. Ah!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnska holds up a little fleshy growth. Her smirk as become a beaming grin.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou say, "What is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"A memnetic fungus," she says. "The first of it's kind. Well, the second, if you discount that withered old lunatic. You know. The stabby one. Or maybe you don't know. Anyways, it doesn't matter. What matters is this." She offers you the memnetic fungus. "Eat it. I will pay you a hundred credits."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Eat it?" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You laugh<<else>>You fight not to laugh.<</if>> "Are you mad?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnska nods gravely. "I am, dear. I truly am. Now will you or will you not take my credits?"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Well, you ask for naught. I've no jobs for you. None you could do anyways. Not now certainly. Maybe later. And if you've a mind to chatter, please do, dear. But not about business. It makes my belly ache."\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hud.finalExpand>>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Collapse'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.finalExpand = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-final'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'endgame_collapsed'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class = 'HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Expand'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.finalExpand = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-final'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'endgame_content'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<center><strong>Gameplay Summary</strong></center>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "accept">>You say, "I would be honored, Petrovic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You would?" He looks startled.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I really would," you said. "I always wanted to become a machine-smith. Never thought I had it in me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic shoots you a sly look. "Most do not. But you? I see potential in you. Perhaps not a machinist. But a battle-smith at the very least. Come, come--" He gestures towards his workbench.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou follow him over.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPetrovic grabs a neural uplink cable, saying, "The first thing you must know of the warsmith's art is that the history the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] tells is rooted in lies. The human species is much older than ten thousand years old. The last Golden Age lasted much longer. In the order of hundreds of thousands and it is from this glorious past that my craft is inherited. But I will tell you more of that in time. Once you are free your present obligations."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_brainscan.png"]]</div>On a screen beside Petrovic, a scan of your brain has appeared. It looks nothing like the medical readouts you're used to. The text on this display is in a language you can't read. One area is marked in orange.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay," you say, eyeing the uplink cable. "What's that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The quickest way to the third lesson." He primes the cable, saying, "The second is: the warsmith is as much warrior as forge-smith and by warrior I mean a true soldier of the stars. Not what passes for it among contractors. A warsmith is fit for a battlefield where blood is spilt on astrological proportions. To hone the art of smithing one must first know how war is waged in this galaxy and that--" He grabs your shoulder. "--is what I shall prepare you for."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, apprehensive. This is a bit more than you'd expected.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So. I am prepared." Petrovic gestures to a stool. "Sit."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou sit. "Okay, and now wh--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hold still." He plugs the cable into your cerebral link.<br><br>\n\n\t\tData rushes into your implant. Diagrams and tactical representations explode before your eyes. Through the virtual clutter, you can barely see Petrovic preparing a second cable. When he plugs it in, the data flow increases to the point you lose touch with reality. All that remains is the data-feed. Direct neural transcription - the pinnacle of the warsmith's art.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div><br>\n\n\t\tWhen the data finally ceases to flow, you feel as though you'd awoken from a dream. Precisely how long you were linked to the machine you don't know. Nor are you quite certain where you are. Only when Petrovic appears, wiping his hands on a dirty rag, do you remember.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe examines you, scowling. "Modern implants are all corporate junk. Hours to transcribe even the simplest memnetic set. But still. Your first lesson is complete." His lips hint at a smirk. "Did you internalize well, comrade?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I think so," you say, vaguely aware your temples are acheing.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good, good. In a month or two we shall commit the next block. For now--" He rubs his hands. "--you learn though practical application. Tend your current commitments. Fulfill those you are obligated to. Once all is said and done we shall continue this instruction, yes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod absently. Your head is throbbing. Too much information at once.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, and do not forget your commission. Minus a small fee for services rendered. Consider it an investment in your future." He holds out his arm. "In this day and age we are all capitalists, are we not, comrade?"\n\t\t\n\t<<else>>You say, "It's a fine thought, Petrovic, but I've other obligations. I'm sorry."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, I suppose." His expression turns sour. "Yes, I should not be surprised. You asked because to inquire is part of your job. As is it mine to build machine. That is the way of the galaxy: we focus on what we do best."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Better that way," you say. "I'd make a terrible machinist. You'd be wasting your time."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Evidently. Then all shall remain as it was: we are client and machine-smith. Though I will be keeping a portion of your commision as a deposit. Simply to encourage you not to speak of all this. So--" He holds out his arm. "--take what you have earned and we can go back to work, comrade."\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "isjoke">>"It is a joke. No booze for bio-normals." You shake your head, annoyed.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina nods, expression grim. "It's torture is what it is. And the biggest joke: that bitch!" Her expression softens. "But I don't wanna talk about that an you probably don't either, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not really," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," Lanina says heavily. "But it isn't all wasted, is it? I met you?" She winks suggestively.\n\n\t<<else>>"So why are you here, exactly? Talking to me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Cause I don't wanna see that bisch is why." Lanina glowers. "Miserable, conniving little slut, she is. Completely obsessed with you!" Lanina pokes a finger at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You groan. "Don't I fucking know it."<<else>>You roll your eyes. "She'll get over it. I'm sure."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina nods drunkenly. "Yeah, yeah, and the worst thing: no booze!" She looks around, disheartened. "What a waste of a time. Could have had fun. Fun! But noooo, not because of Mr. Bolts!" She flips the android off.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You ask...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\tYou ask, "What does it do? I need to do that before I eat something."<br><br>\n\n\t"It's a memnetic fungus," Anska says flatly. "What do you think it does? Summon the Dread Emperor reincarnate?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I don't know. I'm not a fleshmelder. That's why I asked."<br><br>\n\n\tAnska purses her lips. "Well, yes, yes, that's true, but you don't actually excpect me to answer, do you? I mean, I don't even know what it does. Not for certain, anyways. That's why I need someone to eat it, you see. It's a test." Her grin is back. "A live test. On a live test subject. You do. I watch and cast the shards. After, you tell me how you feel and we see how close my intuition was to actual, verifiable fact. Oh, and how good a fleshmelder I am too, but I sincerely hope that is not in doubt."<br><br>\n\n\t"Right now," you say. "It might be."<br><br>\n\n\t"Certainly, certainly, but let me worry about that, not you. All you have to do is eat my fungus--" She points to it, smiling. "-- and you shall become right. It couldn't be simpler than that!"<br><br>\n\n\tYou shake your head. "Anska, you still haven't told me what that--" You point. "--does."<br><br>\n\n\t"Oh, yes, I suppose I didn't, did I?" Her grin wavers. "Well, to be perfectly honest, and I usually am, it might alter your personality. But never you worry, dear. It's not like a [[memnetic demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. Nothing so drastic. No. Simply a, well, shift in how you percieve the world. Entirely beneficial, I assure you." Her expression darkens. "Well, mostly beneficial, I presume. It might have side effects. You might not feel quite yourself after and have an insatiable urge to take this out on others but--" She brightens. "--you already kill people for a living so how much more harm could a bit of toxicity do?"\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "havefun">>"Well, we could have fun."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, yeah. Definitely." Lanina steps closer, eyes wide. "I mean we could. Right? Right here?" She shoots you a nervous glance.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "ambusy">>"Sorry. I'm kinda busy."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Busy? With what? That?" She waves drunkenly at the machine.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina groans. "Fine, fine. Got the message. None too subtle. So\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "androidsucks">>"Yeah. Mr. Buckets really sucks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure does." Lanina leans on the counter with a sigh. "Man. I'm sorry. I'm just pissed off and angry. And now I'm coming off all bitch and messed up. I just thought, well--" She glances at you.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "nocare">>"Honestly? I do not really care."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, yeah, you and me both." Lanina treads her feet. "Yeah, well. \n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "ambusy" or $action.action3 eq "nocare">>\n\t\tI'm gonna head home, I guess." She trudges off.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stare after her, shaking your head. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Weird bitch<<else>>How strange<</if>>. \n\t<<else>>\n\t\tHer wide, mascara-streaked eyes search your face in \n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isReligious>>obvious amazement. You can almost see her thinking: maybe <<genderpronoun>> isn't such a weirdo after all.\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>obvious amazement. You can almost see her thinking: maybe he isn't such a weirdo after all.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSuperFancy>>unrestrained adoration. You can almost hear her thinking: I so want this dude to be mine.\n\t\t\t<<else>>obvious adoration. You can almost see her thinking: I want to get laid by this guy so bad.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.isSuperFancy>>unrestrained adoration. You can almost hear her thinking: I so want this girl to be mine.\n\t\t\t<<else>>in obvious adoration. You can almost see her thinking: I want this so bad.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\tYou say, \n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "accept">>"All right. I'll do it." You hold out your hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here, dear." Anska hands you the fungus, smiling.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt feels spongey and oddly dry. Like stale bread. The thought of eating it bothers you but, then again, a hundred credits is a hundred credits. So, with one last dubious look at Anska, you put the fungus in your mouth and chew.<br><br>\n\t\n\t\tAt first everything feels fine, though the thing is really dry. Then it sticks in your throat and, as you gasp and choke, Anska watches on pensively. You wheeze for air which refuses to come. Within a matter of moments, dark spots swim before your eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_anska_dream.png"]]</div>You awake as though in a dream, one in which a beautiful young woman with brown hair works the fleshmelding arts in the candlelight. That woman is not Anska. The woman is young and beautiful and the candlelight reveals curtains, the likes of which there are none of in the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. A filthy and disgusting place. Though the fading dream, you see it all around you. The people. The smells. Beside you, Anska is speaking to a customer who's come to purchase a six-legged housecat. The sight makes you groan. What sort of clueless idiot comes down to the least reputable fleshmelder in the entire [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] just to buy a cat? For nine hundred credits at that!<br>\n\n\t\t"Numbskull," you mutter, feeling sick.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSick in the stomach. Sick of your life. Sick of the stenches and odors and endless bustle all around you. It reeks of human in all the worst ways.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ugh." You sit up, rubbing blood into your dazed face.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnska shuffles over, her hooded eyes alight with interest. "Well, dear? How do you feel? Any worse for the wear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sick," you mumble.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes, yes, dear. That sometimes happens, I suppose. All life-changing experiences make one sick. But you feel better, do you not? A bit peachier than before?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou definitely do not feel peachier. You're disgusting. Filthy. On the walkway. Surrounded by filth. Beside an old bat. <<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>In crinkled clothes<<else>>In disgusting attire<</if>>. And you feel sick.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnska smiles sadly. "It's a great burden, I know, dear. So much weight on your shoulders. So many problems and worries. Of course I understand." She pats your arm. "I do, dear. I do. But don't fret. I cast the shards and asked all the questions I wished and you are absolutely fine as far as my insight and intuition can tell. Except for the stomach. But I have just the thing for you." She holds out her arm with credit-swipe interface out. "Eight hundred credits. Take it, dear. Take it. Buy yourself something nice."\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "refuse">>"No. No I will not. Not for a hundred credits. Nor for a thousand.<<if $action.action1 eq "ask">> And certainly not if you don't tell me what it does.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, well, in that case you better leave it be. Forget all about this. Because I won't pay you a thousand credits. Creep in my bones. Who do you think I am? The Lady Empress reincarnate?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I rather thought you were an artisan who made good money."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnska snorts. "I do not. Not at all. With the protection fees and the other protection fees and, oh, did I mention the protection fees? With all that I barely have enough to clothe myself. Ah, but never mind. You won't do it so I won't have to pay you anyways." Anska scowls. "This isn't as convenient an arrangement as I first believed. But no matter. What's decided is decided. Maybe you'll have better luck with one of your other jobs? Maybe even make enough income to give to a charitable case? Meaning: me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou roll your eyes. The nerve of that <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>the old witch<<else>>old woman<</if>>.<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> By all accounts, you should have shot her on principle years ago. That can be her charity: her right to continued existence as a miserable old bat.<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "advance">>You move closer to Lanina. A gentle touch is all it takes and she's pressing herself against your chest, locking lips with you. They taste nice - artificially sweetened, admittedly, and layered in conditioner, but still delicious.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina pulls away, smiling. "Wow. I needed that. I really--" She sways dangerously on her feet.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou steady her. "Easy, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>girl.<<else>>sweetie<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina blushes. "Oh I'm hopeless tonight. It's the, the--" She waves to the robot. "And I feel sick. Sorry. BNut not sorry. I mean this is exactly what I wanted." She beams. "Come past my place, yeah? Up on Level B28. Right outside that shithole club. You know the one. Here--" She swipes you the address.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," you say slowly. "That's probably a good idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Exactly." Lanina kisses you on the cheek and stumbles off.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stare after her, shaking your head. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Hot-ass bitch<<else>>Cute girl<</if>>. Maybe you will drop by her place. Maybe.\n\t<<else>>You smile absently. The girl is pretty but only that. An uncomfortable silence falls.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina's expression sours. "Or I guess not. Well, it was nice to meet you. Glad to know you're exactly like that cucky little bitch. Anyways--" She smiles sarcastically. "I'm gonna head home. Bye-bye, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>mister<<else>>missy<</if>>." She trudges off.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stare after her, shaking your head. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Weird bitch<<else>>How strange<</if>>. \n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"I've been having..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t"I've been having some trouble with my implant. Malfunctions. Errors. You know. Think you could take a look?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Of course." Petrovic grabs a nearby strand of cables and says, "Let us hook you up, yes, comrade?"<br><br>\n\n\tBefore you can reply, he jabs the cables into your neck. A faint tingling sensation runs down your spine. Electricity hums audibly.<br><br>\n\n\t"Yes, yes, I see the error logs." Petrovic glances at you. "Have you been visiting inappropriate Vox Edeni content?"<br><br>\n\n\tYou shake your head. "Just stuff for work. I keep off the Net otherwise."<br><br>\n\n\t"I see, comrade." Petrovic scowls. "Yes, it seems to be an issue with the InZtinct module introduced with the latest EVOX update. The runtime does not seem to have integrated propery. Provided you wish to make use of this feature, I could activate it now." <</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Instinct?" You raise an...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\t"Instinct?" You raise an eyebrow. "What's that?"<br><br>\n\n\t"An instinct simulation aid, comrade. Only a few customers I know have been authorized. Yet the system is simple: dedicated memory can be assigned to a specific task which will then seem more natural to you, increasingly so as you become more adept in the action. I am told it is quite utile."<br><br>\n\n\tYou can't help but ask, "What's the downside?"<br><br>\n\n\t"Barring the dangers inherent to neurocircuit tampering?" Petrovic shrugs. "Ah, only that the system posses a limited memory capacity and cannot be overwritten except in extreme circumstances. This means, at present at least, should you decide to dedicate a block of memory to a certain task, you will not be able to re-assign it safely by any means I know."<br><br>\n\n\tUncertain how to reply, you just nod. Petrovic adds, "I could activate the system now if you wish. It will not affect your implant. Or I could leave it disabled. As you wish."<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "activate">>"Okay, actviate the thing. Might come in handy."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Very well. One moment—" Sharp pain stings your neck. A moment later, Petrovic removes the unplink. "That should do it, comrade. I cannot vouch for the efficiency of the module yet surely it shall aid you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I sure hope so." You stand, rubbing the back of your neck. "So, I'm good?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, though do not be too hasty in assigning memory blocks. Instinct augmentation is an emerging technology. To treat it rashly would be counterproductive." Petrovic purses his lips. "Otherwise, you are fine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod earnestly. "No hasty decisions. Got it. Thanks."\t\t\t\n\n\t\t<<else>>"Nah. New tech is always unreliable. I'll be better off without it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No doubt you shall, comrade." Petrovic removes the uplink from your neck. "Well, then. I can see no other issues. I have deactivated the component. It should not cause problems in future."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's good to hear." You stand. "So, I'm good?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, I should say so. Simply do not be too reckless and it shall be fine." Petrovic grins lopsidedly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou laugh. "Don't worry, man. I'll be careful. I always am."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
Warm shivers crawl down your back and spread through your limbs to your digits. You shudder. "Shit. Strong stuff."\n\n"Yeah. Nice and cuddly though." Celena stuggles against your chest and cranes her neck back. \n\nYou lock lips with her. She tastes warm and sweet, almost fruity with hint of salty sweat. Her tongue probes yours. You lick hers. It feels fuzzy. \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">>Celena giggles. "Hey, that tickles. And it's kinda fuzzy. Didn't expect—" She hesitates, eyes suddenly wide. "Hey, I wonder what your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cock<<else>>pussy<</if>> tastes like on this."\n\n"Probably like, uhh--" You shrug. "Absolutely no clue."\n\n"One way to find out," Cel says, already pulling down your <<armorbottom>>.\n\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Lips lock around your cock. It feels like she's wrapped silk around you.<<else>>Her tongue licks at your pussy. It feels like she's slid silk into you.<</if>> You can't help but laugh. She grins, too busy with your body to speak.\n\n"Wow," you stroke her head. "That feels good."\n\n"It better." She <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>swallows your dick again,<<else>>buries her face between your legs again,<</if>> gags, and gasps, "Tastes so good."\n\n"Mhhm," you murmur as your eyes droop closed, relishing the smoothness of her tongue.\n\n"Ya like it?" Cel <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>rubs your cock harder.<<else>>licks you harder.<</if>>\n\nYou gasp, lost in something between pleasure and pain. Part of you wants to just fuck Cel then and there. The rest of you can't bear the thought of her stopping for even a split second. All you can do is gasp and moan as anticipation fills your mind. Sensatin blurs beyond comprehension until, without warning, blissful relief floods your body. \n\nCelena giggles. "Bettr now?"\n\n"Mhhm," you murmur, curling up on the couch.\n\nThe last thing you feel is Celena snuggling against you. You vaguely recall her skins feels fuzzy and wonder why that is. Then darkness spirits you away.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n\nYou wake with a start to find yourself on Celena's couch. The girl is still curled up beside you, absently picking at loose threads dangling from her underwear. She smiles when you move.\n\n"Hey, babe. You sleep well?"\n\n"Yeah." You gently extract yourself from the tangle of limbs, saying, "But, yeah, I gotta get to work."\n\n"Figured." She kisses you on the cheek. "Love you. And would do this again. Definitely."\n\n"Same." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>You grab your gear on the way to the door, stow it all, and hit the release.<<else>>You <<walk>> to the door and hit the release.<</if>><<else>>"Hey, you know what I gotta do now?" Celena grins and, before you can stop her, yanks your <<armorbottom>> down.\n\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Lips lock around your cock, though rather than warm and damp it feels like she's wrapped silk around you.<<else>>Her tongue licks at your pussy, though rather than warm and damp it feels like she's running silk over your clit.<</if>> You can't help but <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>chuckle<<else>>giggle<</if>>. She grins in delight.\n\n"Just as weird as last time." <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>swallows your dick again,<<else>>buries her face between your legs again,<</if>> "But it's good. Real good."\n\n"Mhhm," you murmur as your eyes droop closed, relishing the smoothness of her tongue.\n\n"Babe, you look so fucking cute from down here." Cel <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>rubs your cock harder.<<else>>licks you harder.<</if>>\n\nYou gasp, lost in something between pleasure and pain. Part of you wants to just fuck Cel then and there. The rest of you can't bear the thought of her stopping for even a split second. All you can do is gasp and moan as anticipation fills your mind. Sensatin blurs beyond comprehension until, without warning, blissful relief floods your body. \n\nCelena giggles. "Now that's what I like, babe."\n\n"Yeah." You breathe a sigh and open your eyes to see Cel licking her fingers. "Tastes good. Really fucking does."\n\n"And I feel like fucking jelly." You try to stand up only to realize your legs won't hold you and sink back on the couch, content to enjoy the tingling aftermath while it lasts. Warm goosebumps crawl across your body, slowly fading away until all that's left is a dull afterglow. Eventually that too vanishes and you decide it's about time you...<</if>>
Your skin begins to tingle as the flourescent wall paint twitsts and swirls into the most impossible forms. Everything is going... loopy, for lack of a better word. Nothing seems solid, not even your body.\n\n"Hey," Cel squeaks, staring at her fingers. "I'm glowing. I swear. Like, really glowing pink and green."\n\n"Not just you," you say as your gaze wanders around the appartment.\n\nIt has begun to shimmer a shade of orange that warms your soul. It's just so pretty, so impossibly beautiful. Then the colors start to shift, causing rainbows to wash the little hab unit, but nothing compares to the hues of silver and blue shimmering in Celena's hair. It's impossible not to stare.\n\nCelena giggles. "What? You're looking at me all weird."\n\n"You're just—" You shake your head, lost for words.\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">>"So are you, babe." She rests her head on your shoulder with a sigh. \n\nLong minutes pass. Colors twist and blur as the room sways back and forth to no discernable pattern. You stare, transfixed, until Celena slips off your shoulder with a yelp.\n\n"Shit." She curls up on your lap. "It's nice here." Her eyelids droop. "Nice and cozy."\n\n"That's good," you say, absently running your fingers through her spikey hair.\n\nPurple haze clings to your fingers. You stare at them, transfixed by the colorful swirls drifting around Celina's head. After a moment, the haze fades away and you run your fingers through her hair again. Cel purs contently. \n\nYou smile at her, unable to take your eyes of her sparkling eyes and half-parted lips. "You're fucking fabulous, you know that?"\n\n"Mhm," she murmurs, running her fingers along your neck.\n\nThey feel warm and soft, a touch almost too light to be real. It's just too perfect, so calm and beautiful. You don't want it to end, don't want to drift off, but you can't stop yourself from slipping into a mindless stupor. \n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n\nWhat feels like a second later, you wake with a jolt. Celena is curled up beside you, snoring ever so slightly. You carefully extract yourself from her and stretch with a content sight.\n\n"Hey," Celena murmurs. "You gotta go, baby?"\n\n"Yeah. Got stuff to do."\n\n"Oh." She squeezes your hand and says, "Just let yourself out, yeah."\n\n"Will do." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>You grab your gear on the way to the door, stow it all, and hit the internal release.<<else>>You <<walk>> to the door and hit the internal release.<</if>><<else>>"I'm just me." Celena curls up on your lap with a sigh. "Same as. Just glowy. And way more happy than usual."\n\n"That's nice," you say, absently stroking her arm.\n\nLong minutes pass. Colors twist and blur as the room sways back and forth to no discernable pattern. Celena feels warm and close - a shimmering island of familliarity amidst a world which just refuses to stay the same. Or something like that. Your thoughts are too muddled to make sense of. It's easier to just sit there and let the madness wear your mind into a blissful stupor.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n\nWhat feels like a lifetime later, you waketo find Celena still dozing on your lap. You shake her gently. She doesn't react. Careful not to wake her, you extract yourself from her grip.\n\n"Hey," she murmurs, looking up with drowsy eyes. "You awake too?"\n\n"Something like that." You flex your shoulder blades with a grunt.\n\n"Oh." She smiles dreamily. "Was just off in wonderland, y'know? Real nice and cozy. Coulda stayed there for-fucking-ever."\n\n"Wish I could too," you say, all too aware you can't.\n\nThere are things to be done, problems to be solved, and a life to be lived. It would be suicidal to hang around, not doing anything, until someone comes to kick your ass - or arrest you. Better to just get your head back in the game and be done with it. Once the current crisis has been averted, then you can relax. Hopefully.<</if>>
The world explodes in vibrant color as Celene's appartment transforms into a sea of satruated neon hues. You can't help but gape at the sight. "Fucking hell."\n\n"I know, right? And check this out—" A pulsing synth-beat reverberates through the appartment.\n\nThe song isn't one you know but, in your current state, that hardly matters. Blood thunders in your veins and adrenaline surges with every kick of the base.\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">>"This is the fucking bomb." Cel wraps her arms around you. Her teeth nip your neck.\n\nFor some reason you have to laugh. "How 'bout we skip this teenie shit and get it on, eh?"\n\n"Good idea." She wraps her arms around your waist and presses her crotch against yours. "Or we could draw this out, drive you all insane, and make you beg for it." A nasty grin creeps onto her lips. "How's that sound, <<formalname>>?"\n\n"Like you don't know who the fuck you're dealing with." You grab her by the throat, dig your nails into her skin, and hiss, "Because, you know—" You sink your teeth into her flesh. "I can't fucking wait—" You release her neck before she chokes and press your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cock<<else>>hand<</if>> against her pussy. "To fuck you brainless, bitch."\n\n"Bitch yourself." She <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>wraps a hand around your cock and starts rubbing<<else>>slides a hand into your <<armorbottom>> and begins to work her magic<</if>>. "That better?" \n\nBefore you can reply, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>she hops onto your lap, moving in time to the throbbing beat.<<else>>she's pulled your <<armorbottom>> and buried your face in your crotch.<</if>> It's hard to say exactly what happened after that. All you know is that you come to, lying on the floor and drenched in sweat. The next moment, you pass out from exhaustion.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n\nYou wake with a start to realize you're still on the floor. The silver-haired girl is sprawled beside you, drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. Adrenaline surges when you realize she might have overdosed but, the moment you move, she blinks.\n\n"Huh? Oh. Fuck." Celena sits up, rubbing her face.\n\n"That was—" You swallow. "Nasty."\n\n"Yeah, I think you almost broke my arm again. But whatever." Celena picks herself up with a grunt and helps you up. "So, you like want food or something?"\n\n"Kinda but I got shit to do." You breathe a sigh. "I'll come by soon, okay?"\n\n"Sure," Celena says as <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>grab your gear.\n\n"See you around then." You head for the door and hit the release.<<else>>you <<walk>> to the door and hit the release.<</if>><<else>>"Oh, man." Celena bobs back and forth to the beat. "I'm so fucking pumped."\n\n"No shit," you say as synthetic emotions surge through your mind.\n\nIt's hard to say what happened next. All you perceive are blurs of light and motion. Celena's frantic shrieks echo in your ears. Sweat stings your eyes. Then dark spots swim before your eyes and you pass out.\n\nWhen you wake, you're lying on the floor, drenched in sweat. The silver-haired girl is sprawled beside you, drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. You nudge her.\n\n"Motherfuck!" Celena sits bolt upright. "Oh. It's just you. I had this real weird dream, you know."\n\n"Might not have been a dream," you murmur, rubbing sense into your face.\n\n"Oh." Celena grins sheepishly. "Well, that's good, because it would've really sucked if we hadn't fucked crazy like that."\n\nYou just nod, acutely aware of how badly your body is aching. Every muscle burns and it feels like you hit your head on something. On second thought, you probably did.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Grated floor plates groan underfoot...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_zweili_tram.png"]]</div>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B14 station. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>No one gets up to leave. Only when the doors are about do close do you realize where you are and dash out, onto a deserted platform.<<else>>No one except you stands up to get off. Curious looks follow you as you step out onto the platform.<</if>> \n\nGrav plates tremble as the tram zips off into the distance. Eerie silence falls until footfalls sound on the far end of the platform. You turn to see a hooded figure headed your way. Draped in grey robes, and with his hood pulled down so low, all you can see is his wizened beard.\n\n"Zweili?" You risk a step toward him. "Hey. That you?"\n\n"It is, Vine. I am glad you came." He stops, hands clasped before his chest. "There is a matter of great importance I require your assistance with. Though dare I ask what delayed you so? I attempted to reach you several times over the past days."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>After a moment's deliberation, you decide...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tAfter a moment's deliberation, you decide, \n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pay">>"I'll buy it. Ten K. Not a trifle but guess it's worth it."<br><br>\n\n\t"Very well." Petrovic holds out his arms.<br><br>\n\n\t"Okay." You program the transaction and swipe his arm. "Now, the merchandice."<br><br>\n\n\t"It is just here." The Machine Smith reaches below his workbench and keys a code into a safe. A moment later, he produces a small, fist-sized sphere. "As requested. And do not worry, comrade, it is fully operational. I have tested it many times."<br><br>\n\t\n\tYou take the Fusion Sphere, weighing its sleek, slightly-warm shell in your hand. "Nice. And thanks. I'm sure this will help a lot."\n\t<<else>>"I can't pay that much. I'll be back later, when I got the credits. Or I'll look elsewhere."<br><br>\n\n\t"Perhaps that is better," Petrovic says with a smile. "It would be sad if I needed part with mine."<br><br>\n\n\tYou nod slowly. "Maybe you won't have to, though I gotta ask: if I come back, does the offer still stand?"<br><br>\n\n\t"I do not see why not," Petrovic replies. "My word is always good, comrade, is it not?"<br><br>\n\n\t"True," you admit. "But yeah, we'll leave it at that for now. Maybe I'll come back to you on this."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>"Hey, I found this..."<<else>>"So, about that...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>"Hey, I found this—" You pull out the strange device you found in the Machine Temple. "—lying around. Old tech I think. Any idea what it is?"\n\nPetrovic's brow furrows. "This, comrade? It is a power core. Not like any I have ever seens. Incredibly small. Refined. Where did you locate it?"\n\n"In an old machine temple. Any idea what it does?"\n\n"That which REACH cores also do: generate unbelievable ammounts of power." Petrovic tilts his head. <<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase gte 4>>"My grandfather, the one I told you about? He also wrote of these marverls.<<else>>"My grandfather once wrote of such things.<</if>> In fact, he described how such a device could be used and I have just the candidate to use it in: an old [[M1B Bush Raptor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1B"]]. Colonial technology. Dated but functional, albeit not without such a power core and I assure you: no such core can be found on the private market. Were you willing to comission me, I could build one for you."\n\nYou can't help but ask, "Based on the notes of your grandfather?"\n\n"I do not say this gladly but—" He leans closer. "—my grandfather, I think, was a Corsair Smith. A renegade. He studied forbidden technology on the fringes of space. His notes are quite detailed. I believe I can build this device on a meager comission of, shall we say, nine thousand credits?"\n\n"That's a lot of money, you know."\n\nPetrovic nods, expression grim. "That is what one must pay if you want a man-portable anti-tank gun, and that is what the [[Bush Raptor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1B"]] effectively is."<<else>>"So, about that [[Bush Raptor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1B"]] you mentioned. How's the work coming along?"\n\n"Oh, it is done already, comrade. Come." He unlocks his weapon cabinet and produces a bulky weapon. "Please, do examine it."\n\nYou weigh the [[Bush Raptor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1B"]] in your arms, amazed at how light it is despite the bulk. "Cool. And what exactly does it do?"\n\n"At heart, it is a railarm. But more like anti-tank gun. Very heavy. Be careful. On the upside: can be used with exoskeletons too. Absolutely amazing, what the colonial engineers built."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Wow. That sounds nifty."<<else>>"You believe? That doesn't sound good."<</if>>\n\nPetrovic looks worried. "I a not certain, comrade. It is dangerous technology. Yet it is yours, as I promised."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div> You are in a dark pressure corridor with...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>You are in a dark pressure corridor with Father Zweili. After threatening to hand you over to the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]], he offered you a job and promised to clear your name and ensure you are not persecuted for past transgressions if you take it.<<if $action.action2 eq "refuse">>You said you wanted nothing to do with the matter but Father Zweili got your attention by mentioning that the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] might be inclined to suspect you're a threat - or something like that.<</if>> You have reviewed a message sent to Father Zweili pretaining to the job, which spoke of an artefact called Object 55316. Apparently it was stolen by agents hostile to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], who plan to move this Object off-station, but the message offered little insight into why this is such a big deal or what Father Zweili wants you to do. In light of this you ask...<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq false>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "busy">>"Hey, I've been busy. Hunting. And my implant failed. Usual stuff, you know."\n\n"If you are having technical issues, I suggest you visit Petrovic at the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Queer fellow yet quite capable, I dare say."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "implantfail">>"My implant went haywire. Some kinda failure. Took me until just before to even get incoming messages."\n\n"That is unfortunate. I know of a Machine Smith who might be able to help. Petrovic, owns a shop in the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Queer fellow yet quite capable."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "important">>"Let's just cut straight to the chase: what's so damn important? Spell it out. Plain and simple."\n\n"There has been a situation. Though I must insist: if you wish to remain sanctioned, and in the employ of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], you must be reachable at all times."\n\nYou laugh. "Sorry. My implant failed. Isn't exactly my fault now, is it?"\n\n"Perhaps not, though I suggest you visit a Machine Smith. I suggest Petrovic at the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Queer fellow yet quite capable, I dare say."<</if>>\n\n"I know the guy," you reply evenly. "I'll drop past later. Now what's this matter of great importance you mentioned? Sounds more important than my implant issues."\n\n"Indeed it is. An artefact was stolen from the Vault of Eden. I would normally handle this through [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin yet there are complications. I am willing to ensure your involvement remains a closely guarded secret - among other benefits, should you agree. But see for yourself and say what you think." Zweili reaches into his robes and produces an<<if $action.action2 eq "customchar">>other<</if>> aged, wood-bound data pad.\n\n"Mhh." You swipe the screen to find a message open. It reads as follows:<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "busy">>"Hey, I've been busy..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "implantfail">>"My implant went haywire..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "important">>"Let's just cut straight..."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Dunno." You shoot her a sidelong glance. "Got another..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Dunno." You shoot her a sidelong glance. "Got another pill or something?"\nHer lips twitch. "Now you're fucking talking sense." Cel pulls a plastic bag out of her pocket and fishes out two pitch-black pills. "Good for you?"\n\n"Fine with me." You take one of the pills, pop it in your mouth, and swallow it down. Celena does likewise and smiles at you. Your lips twitch. "This is gonna be good."\n\n"Fucking A." She tilts her head back with a deep sigh. After a moment, she snorts. "They fucking upstairs?"\n\nYou look up to see the rust-stained ceiling shaking a litle. "Probalby."\n\n"Still that gay couple?" When you nod Celina grins. "They were, like, Pikean and Draug, right?" She shakes her head. "Fucking idiots, I swear. I mean, who the fuck builds a fucking grav-bike in their living room?"\n\n"Them, apparently," you say, watching the rust-stains on the ceiling transform from blotches of metal into intricate shapes. One resembles a unicorn. Another reminds you of a wine glass. A third looks like two gen-cows getting it on. You chuckle a little. "What the..." You point up. "I swear, that looks like cows fucking."\n\nCel snorts with laughter. "What the fuck, man?"\n\n"Hey, that's what it looks like. With the horns and tails and all." When Celina bursts into giggles, you can't help but grin. "I swear. This shit is so trippy."\n\n"Yeah," Cel says, still chortling and staring at her fingers. "Fuck, I'm glowing." She glances at you. "I swear, I'm fucking glowing bright blue."\n\n"You're not the only thing," you say, staring around your appartment, which has started to emmit a faint turquoise shimmer. The sight makes you feel unusually at ease with the shithole you life in. In fact, it almost looks pretty. Hell, everything is pretty, your hands, the bed, the floor, but especially Celina. You just have to smile at her. She smiles back, eyes wide and twinkling. You suppress a chortle. "Shit, you're fucking fab."\n\n"Like fuck I am." She rests her head on your shoulder with a sigh. "Fuck, man. This is the shit." She pulls out her bag and fingers it. After a moment, she tucks it back in her pocket and says, "Nah, not yet." When you snort, she adds, "What?"\n\n"Just wondering how many you pop a day."\n\nCelina shrugs. "Two, three, sometimes more." Her head slips off your shoulder and she tumbles onto your lap. "Oh, fuck." She wriggles around, finds a comfortable spot and settles down with a sigh. "Man, it's nice here." Her eyelids droop. "Nice and warm."\n\n"I'll take your word." You run your fingers through her spikey, silver hair. Turqoise haze clings to your fingers. You stare at them, transfixed by the colorful swirls drifting around Celina's head. After a moment, the haze fades away and you run your fingers through her hair again. Cel purs contently. You smile at her, unable to take your eyes of her sparkling eyes and half-parted lips. "You're fucking sexy, you know that?"\n\n"Mhm." Her hand strokes your thigh. "And you're fucking hot, you know that? Like, you know..." Cel looks up, staring at you from beneath drooping eyelids. Her lips twitch. "Fucking hell, this is unreal."\n\n"Yeah." You stroke her neck, savoring the soft, warm flesh against your fingers. Cel purs and rubs her cheek against your hand. You continue stroking her, letting the comfort of her presence wash your mind blank. There's nothing else worth thinking about except the moment. It's just too perfect, so calm and beautiful. You don't want it to end, don't want to drift off, but you can't stop yourself from slipping into a dreamless sleep. \n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div>\nWhat feels like a second later, you wake with a jolt. At first you don't know where you are or why there's someone curled up on your lap. Then you spot the spikey, silver hair and remember Cel stayed the night. You stroke her back, muttering, "Hey, you awake?"\n\n"Mhhm." Celina mutters, her face still buried in the pillows. "What time is it?"\n\n"Dunno." You kiss her on the neck and whisper, "I gotta get up. Work and all."\n\n"No." She wraps her arms around you, holding you close. "Stay. Just a few minutes or so. Please?"\n\n"Yeah, I guess." You breathe a sigh and settle back down. Not that you really wanted to get up to begin with - you want nothing more than to stay right the fuck where you are - but you do have a job to do. Then again, that can wait a little longer. So start stroking Celina's spine again, you close your eyes, and enjoy the moment while you still can. \n\nAfter a while, Celina looks up. "Hey, ya wanna pop again?" Her lips curl into a lazy smile. "Y'know, just 'cause? Good times and all?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Hey, I was wondering..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, I was wondering if you happened to know anything about Fusion Spheres. Or, you know, where to get one?"\n\n"Fusion Spheres, comrade?" Petrovic looks surprised. "Why, I have not heard of them used in decades, centuries even. Very potent power sources, of course, yet woefully unstable compared to modern designs. Why should you ask?"\n\nTrying not to let on, you explain, "I found something in my investigations, an old device. It seems like it needs a Fusion Sphere to operate."\n\n"An old and truly powerful device then." Petrovic scowls. "To be frank, comrade, I do possess such a device. But I would not part gladly with it. Perhaps you could locate one elsewhere. Otherwise, perhaps, I could be convinced to sell it for a, well, generous sum."\n\nYour brow rises. "How much exactly?"\n\n"Ten thousand credits should be sufficient, I would say." Petrovic looks apologetic. "A great sum, I know, comrade, but a trifle for the merchandice I offer."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq false>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "object">>"Okay, so let's ask the obvious: what's Object 55316 and why is it so important?"\n\n"Ah... that, unfortunately, I cannot tell you." Father Zweili wrings his hands. "What I can tell you however is that it was recovered from a mining colony called [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] several months ago. The Object is incredibly valuable and of utmost importance to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. It must be recovered at all costs."\n\nYou cluck your tounge. "Vague descriptions and references to obscure places? That's not much to go by, man."\n\n"I am aware," Zweili says evenly. "Yet it is all I can offer you, I am afraid. Beyond that, it is no lager than a man's fist and extremely old. Anyone who has seen it would remember it. I am quite certain."\n\n"Okay," you say, wondering what kind of miracle Father Zweili expects from you. "Well, I can try, but I'm not gonna make any promises. You sure that's all you know?"\n\nZweili nods solemnly. Somehow you doubt he's being truthful.<<elseif $action.action3 eq "conspirator">>"The message mentioned conspirators or collaborators working from inside the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. What can you tell me about that?"\n\n"Little, I am afraid, though we suspect the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] may have been involved."\n\n"Well, that explains why you didn't go to Corinthin." When Father Zweili nods, you add, "You talked to the tin can? Not that talking to a mass murdering machine is a good idea. But still, it might come clean, y'know?"\n\n"Alas, no. Corinthin is missing also. I believe the, ah, tin can—" Zweili raises an eyebrow. "—may be acting on behalf of a party opposed to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. The machine has become quite disillusioned with our ideology of late and the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] was present in the Vault when the theft occurred. Yet I cannot corroborate any of this. Presently."\n\n"Interesting," you say slowly. "I'll keep an eye out but forgive me if I'm not burning to butt horns with a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]."\n\nZweili's lips twitch. "It would suffice to determine if Corinthin, or any other [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] for that matter, was truly involved or not."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatdo">>"Okay, I'll go out on a limb and say: you want me to find this Object artefact thing and get it back. Preferably before it ends up in the wrong hands and causes some sort of pan-galactic disaster."\n\nFather Zweili nods curtly. "You dramatize somewhat yet that is, in essence, what I ask of you. Compensation shall be six hundred credits per cycle, plus a bonus for dilligent work. It is ample compensation given the complexity of this task, I dare say. One might even consider it my parting gift to you, ere we both go our seperate ways."\n\n"I prefer to see it as a good reason to risk my neck." When Zweili's beard twitches, you shrug. "No promises. But I'll do my best."\n\n"Assuming your best is as it always has been, I dare say there is no ground for worry." Zweili bows his head. "Your services are, as always, greatly appreciated."\n\nYour lips wrinkle. "You make <<if $action.action2 eq "refuse">>forcing me into compliance sound so dignified.<<else>>this little transaction sound so dignified.<</if>>"<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div> <<if $action.action3 eq "object">>"Okay, so let's ask the obvious..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "conspirator">>"The message mentioned conspirators..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatdo">>"Okay, I'll go out on a limb..."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Celena looks around, a dubious expression on her face. "Still a..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nCelena looks around, a dubious expression on her face. "Still a shithole, eh?" She shrugs. "Oh well. Guess home's home even if it sucks." She swaggers over to the bed and throws herself on it. "Fuck, I'm so fucking wasted."\n\n"You don't say." You rub sense into your head and sit down on the bed beside Cel. "That was fucking awesome though." You stifle a yawn. "Exhausting but fucking awesome."\n\n"Mhhm." Cel strokes your back a few times. "Shit, man." She runs her nails along your spine, muttering, "Hell of a coincidence though, you showin' up today. I was just thinking, y'know, if I'd ever see you again. And then there you are."\n\n"You could've messaged," you say absently.\n\n"Nah, they've flagged my account. Didn't want to, well, you know." When you nod, Cel wraps her arms around your waist. "Fuck man, it's been way too long."\n\n"What? You telling me you miss crashing at my place?" When Celena giggles, you say, "Hey, it's true. That's really all we ever did."\n\nShe shoots you a amused look. "That and fuck but, yeah, you got a point, and yeah, I did fucking miss it." Cel props herself up on her elbows and says, "So, what now?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step into Hab Unit 5121. Glow panels burn to life...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_empty.png"]]</div>You step into Hab Unit 5121. Glow panels burn to life when they sense your presene, casting dim light across the empty appartment. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>There's no one there. \n\n"That's odd." You pace into the room. The door slams closed. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>> You whirl around to find yourself face to face with a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak. \n\nBright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask. It takes a step toward you and grasps your throat, snarling something you can't quite hear.\n\nYou struggle, gasping for breath, and manage to grab your <<knife>>. Adrenaline surges as you swipe at the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. The blade meets nothing but thin air. \n\n"What the—" You gasp for air as powerful arms grab you from behind. There's just enough time to catch on before the abomination yanks, snapping your spine in one fluid motion.<<else>>There's no one there, just bare metal walls and a discolored floor.\n\nStill, you can't shake the feeling you're being watched. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] near. Hidden from sight, perhaps, but it's around, in that room with you. And you have the distinct feeling it's looking right at you. \n\n"All right." You slowly turn around, saying, "I know you're here you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>son of a bitch<<else>>slippery bastard<</if>>. Show yourself."\n\nSilence haunts the empty room. Then the air seems to move, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. Adrenaline surges. You whirl around to see a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak standing right behind you. Bright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask. It growls something unintelligable under its breath.<</if>><</if>>
"Hey, I know you might not be willing to talk but..." You lean closer and lower your voice. "I need to find the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. They might be involved in something. I gotta speak to them."\n\n"Ah, yes." Anska nods gravely. "Yes, involved they are, my dear. Involved indeed." Her lips curl into a sad smile. "It was the ghosts, was it not? The ones as black as death?" When you don't reply, she says, "I thought so, dearest. Yes, I thought it would be so. A tragedy. Sadly. Very regrettable."\n\n"Yeah, and people are getting killed. Which is why I have to find the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]," you say. "So, can you help me?"\n\n"I can. And I will." Anska breathes a sigh. "But I am an old woman, dearest. Old indeed. And business does not run as it once did, when I was young and pretty. So I will help you, dearest, but it will cost."\n\n"How much?"\n\n"<<print Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>> C. Quite a lot, I know, but I can't afford to part with these secrets for trifles, dear." She smiles as heart-warmingly as an old hag possibly can.
<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 2>>"You won't believe this but I actually found that [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] Spine you were talking about."\n\nPetrovic stares blankly. Then his eyes light up. "What, comrade? Truly? Show me."\n\n"Here." You procude the spine, which clinks as you unfurl it, and lay it on the table.\n\n"Damnation take my steel." The Machine Smith lifts the device, holding it as carefully as a mother would a child. "They truly exist. And it is true. Just as my grandfather said." He shoots you a puzzled look. "You are sure this is the genuine article, yes?"\n\n"Definitely," you say, not wanting to mention how you aquired it.\n\n"Good, good. Well. I can certainly design what you wish, comrade. My grandfather, ah, had many notes on the matter. I thought they were foolishness, pure speculation, but—" He gestures to the spine. "Loving Stars have mercy on us indeed. I never thought I would see the day."\n\n"So, you can make a weapon against [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] out of that?"\n\nPetrovic nods slowly. "Yes, yes, I think so. I will have to ask for a comission, comrade, but for a chance like this? Loving Stars! I will make you the greatest discount, comrade, the greatest discount I have ever made! Merely five hundred credits and I shall do it on the spot." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Loving Stars. You are a rare wonder, comrade. A rare wonder indeed."<<else>>"Just wanted to talk about that [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] Spine thingy. You manage to get the thing working?"\n\n"I have, comrade, of course I have." He produces the spine from a lockbox beneath his workbench. "If you are willing to pay that comission, five hundred credits I think I said? Then it is yours. And I shall tell no one of this, of course. It was an honor - a true honor - to be able to smith such a device."\n\n"Okay," you say, eyeing the spine. "And it works?"\n\n"As best I can tell," Petrovic says. "I tested two discharges on a few machines and the results were as expected. Naturally, I cannot say if it will truly affect a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] but I see no reason why they should be immune. Loving Stars, it shorted out half my machines when I merely turned it on!"\n\n"Sounds good enough," you say.\n\n"Ah, yes." Petrovic smiles uncertainly. "Alas, after I fine-tuned the device, I realized there is only enough charge in the core for one use. So use it wisely, or you will have to return so I can install another. But yes. If you are ready, we can make this historic transaction. Loving Stars. I still cannot believe it is true.<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>\n\t\tYou are in your appartment on the third floor of...\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home_death.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home_void.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home_eden.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home_zanex.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home_highborn.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home_visionary.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home_gladiator.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_home.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCoven">>\n\t\t\tCelena drops you off on the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. You say a hasty good-bye and head straight for your appartment, a small hab unit on the fird floor. The hab is just large enough to fit all the essentials - bed, cooker, was tube, and desk.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or (($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>You make your way along the deserted walkways of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] to your appartment, a small hab unit on the fird floor.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou make your way along the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] to your appartment, a small hab unit on the fird floor.\n\t\t\t<</if>>The hab is just large enough to fit all the essentials - bed, cooker, was tube, and desk.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou are in your appartment on the third floor of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]]. It's a small place with just enough space for a bed against one rust-stained wall, a tiny cooker in one corner, a wash-tube beside a pile of clothes in the other.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t The only other notable object in the room is the heavy steel cabinet opposite the door, which contains every item of importance you own - a collection of several years worth of stolen data and notes on completed contracts kept on several thousand memory cubes. <<if $loc_home.tookStoredPistol eq false and $equip.pistol.name eq "none">>It also contains your sidearm - <<if $surveyWeapon eq "LAMP">>a battle-worn [[Nitewood LAMP|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "LAMP"]].<<else>>an old [[CalTec M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]].<</if>><</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside" and $hide.layer0 eq false>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You sway on your feet, looking around the room, and start to fall. You catch your self on the bed and burst into laughter. "Oh, fuck me."<br><br>\n\n\tIn your state you really don't want to do anything except curl up and sleep the fucking shit in your head off.<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>, frankly, that's a good thing because all you can think about is crashing and getting some rest.<<else>> that's all that matters<</if>>.<<else>>"Yeah, welcome home," you mutter and <<walk>> to the center of the room. It's nice to be home, <<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>especially when all you can think about is crashing and finally getting a good few hours's rest.<<else>>away from all the excitement in the station beyond the door. Not that there's much to do at home but, hell, at least you have some peace and quiet to think matters over.<</if>><</if>><</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>> swagger along the main corridor of...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>> trudge along the main corridor of...<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>> hurry along the main corridor of...<<else>> stride along the main corridor of...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_abandonedhab.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>> swagger along the main corridor of the [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], headed for the old hab units at the very end of the tunnel. One or two people get in your way but, with a hand on the wall to stabilize yourself, you stumble on. No one bothers you and, in less than fiffiteen minutes, you reach the first of the abandoned hab units at the very back of the level. \n\nJunk, garbage and scrap is strewn all over, clogging the walkways and slowing your progress. Grafitti sprayed on the walls spells out all manner of slurs and insults. You burp and <<walk>> on, past one abandoned unit after another, until you spot two dudes sitting beside one of the hab units.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>> trudge along the main corridor of the [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], headed for the old hab units at the very end of the tunnel. There's barely anyone around, just a guy smoking dope here and a mom with her kid there. No one bothers you and, in less than fiffiteen minutes, you reach the first of the abandoned hab units at the very back of the level. \n\nJunk, garbage and scrap is strewn all over, clogging the walkways and slowing your progress. Grafitti sprayed on the walls spells out all manner of slurs and insults. You shake your head, stifle a yawn and <<walk>> on, past one abandoned unit after another, until you spot two dudes sitting beside one of the hab units.<<else>> stride along the main corridor of the [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], headed for the old hab units at the very end of the tunnel. There's barely anyone around, just a guy smoking dope here and a mom with her kid there. No one bothers you and, in less than ten minutes, you reach the first of the abandoned hab units at the very back of the level. \n\nJunk, garbage and scrap is strewn all over, clogging the walkways and slowing your progress. Grafitti sprayed on the walls spells out all manner of slurs and insults. You shake your head with a smile and <<walk>> on, past one abandoned unit after another, until you spot two dudes sitting beside one of the hab units.<</if>>\n\n"Oi." One of the guys stands up. "Hey, you." He starts walking toward you.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "backaway">>You back away...<<else>>You call, "Hey. We gotta talk..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "backaway">>You back away. "Wow, easy. Didn't mean nothing by being here."\n\n"That so, yeah?" The man continues to approach. "Ya just wander in here by accident, eh? <<if $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored">>You and all that fancy gear ya got on ya just ended up here by accident?"<<else>>Wrong turn or something, yeah?"<</if>>\n\nYou spread your hands in surrender. "Happened just like that."\n\n<<if $attrib.armortype neq "unarmored" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>"Yeah, well, I don't think I like—" The man whips out a pistol and flips the safety. "—yer story, punk. So I think maybe I ice ya. Believe me. I fucking will."<<else>>"Yeah, well, next time watch where ye fucking <<walk>>. This ain't some public zone ya can jus' traipse inta. Belongs to me boss an' he don't want ye around here, goddit?"\n\n"Got it." You back away, then again, and when no one shoots decide it's safe to...<</if>><<else>>You call, "Hey. We gotta talk."\n\n"Oh, for real?" The guy stops in front of you. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Looks more like yer drunk ass took a wrong turn, man."\n\n"I just... I gonna." You sway on your feet and catch yourself. "Gonna talk to your Boss. Okay? Jus' talk."\n\n"Yeah, right." The man sneers at you. "C'mon, get the fuck out, punk."\n\n"What?" You take a stumbling step back. "But, man, I gotta speak to—"\n\n"Like fuck you do." The guy shoves you back. "C'mon." He shoves you again. "Move it, punk, before I break your fucking spine."\n\n"Kay, kay," you mutter, stumbling away from the guys. Part of you wants to fuck them up really bad. The better half of you knows there's no point in trying when you can barely even <<walk>> a straight line. So, for better or for worse, you turn around and...<<else>>"About what's then?"\n\n"I have to speak to your Boss. Urgent business. Has to do with a good friend of mine who's taking issue with your business practices."\n\n"That so?" The guy breathes a laugh. "What, you some fucking lawman? 'Cause you know—"\n\n"I'm a concerned party" You fold your arms. "Now I want to talk. Fair terms. No funny business. Though if you keep stonewalling me, this will get ugly fast."\n\n<<if $attrib.armortype eq "unarmored" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>"Oh, you gotta—" The man whips out a pistol and flips the safety. "—be joking, punk. I'm gonna ice ya. Believe me. I fucking will."<<else>>"Hey, no bad blood, man." The dude steps out of your way and gestures into the hab beside him. "Boss is in there, man. Head on in."\n\n"Thanks," you say and...<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble into the old hab unit, knocking...<<else>><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you shuffle through...<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>Wary of what lies ahead, you peer into...<<else>>You enter the old hab unit and glance around. There's...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble into the old hab unit, knocking your shoulder against the door frame. The next moment you're standing in the center of the hab, staring at two dudes and a bitch pointing pistols at you. \n\n"Wow. Hey." You hold up your hands. "Easy. S'up?"\n\nThe two guys glance at one another. One of them takes a step forward. "Who the fuck are you."\n\n"Jus' someone who's wanna talk with your Boss." You grin sheepishly. "Just talk, y'know." You risk a step forward. "Got some stuff to ask, y'know?"\n\n"Hey." One of the dudes aims his pistol at your head. "Stay the fuck back. Just stay the—" A loud crack echoes. Sharp pain stabs your chest. You look down to see blood gushing down your legs. As you fall to the floor, you hear one of the guys shout, "Hey, what the fuck, man?"\n\n"I thought—"\n\n"Fucking hell. You killed him, man. You fucking killed him."\n\n"So?" The other walks over to you and points his gun at your head. "Bye, bye, punk."\n\nThere's one last flash, one last crack, and you're...<<else>><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you shuffle through the door into the old hab unit. There's not much inside, just old boxes, a few empty plastic wrappers, and two guys sitting on a torn couch. \n\nThe woman standing beside them looks up the moment she sees you. "Hey, you."\n\n"Stay back." One of the men grabs the pistol lying on the table. "Man, stay the fuck back." He racks the slide.<<else>>You enter the old hab unit and glance around. There's not much inside, just old boxes, a few empty plastic wrappers, and two guys sitting on a torn couch.\n\nThe woman standing beside them looks up the moment she sees you. "Hey, you."\n\n"Stay back." One of the men grabs the pistol lying on the table. "Man, stay the fuck back." He racks the slide. <</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>"Wow, wow." You raise your hands...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>"Wow, wow." You riase your hands. "I just wanna talk."\n\n"Yeah, right." The man aims the weapon at you. \n\n"Hey, chill for a sec." The other eases the weapon down and turns to you, "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck you want?"\n\n"I'm looking for your Boss. We gotta talk."\n\n"That right?" The dude scowls at you. "What ya wanna talk with him, man?"\n\n"Business," you say evenly.\n\n"That right?" The guy tilts his head. "And what business would that be, eh?"\n\n"The kind that involves me and your Boss. It's urgent." You fold your arms. "So, can I see him? Or we gonna sit her yapping all day?"\n\nThe dude's lips twitch. "Can't do that, man."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon and glance around the tiny hab unit. It's dirty as can be and filled with junk. The dead thugs on the other hand might be carrying something useful. \n\nOne of them has a flask of Liq and a [[StimFuel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "StimFuel"]] inhaler in his pocket. The other is carrying a switchblade and a few nine millemeter rounds. One of them also has a neural implan, which you happen to notice is using an old credit-swipe module.<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3>>You leave the VIP terrace...<<else>>You move past the fallen...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n\t/% from combat %/\n\t<<if $processed eq false and $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase = 98>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\tYou leave the VIP terrace and return to the main floor of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] - not that the name applies anymore. Fisher and several other of the Raptors are under the watchful gun barrels of the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers. All look to you as though expecting answers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Okay, listen up!" You stop before the assembled kids. "Wilkin's dead. [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is in command. You wanna live, do what the fuck they say."\n\t\t<<else>>"Wilkin—" You swallow and stop before the assembled kids. "Wilkin's dead. [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is in command. If you want to live, I'd suggest you do what they say."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tFisher looks appaled. "You gotta be fucking kidding me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey, it's the way it fucking is." You dix him with a firm look. "Situation's simple. Boss was an asshole. Bit off more than he could chew. He just got what he's fucking had coming for years so want my advice? Go with the flow and don't fuck up like he did."\n\t\t<<else>>"I'm not, Fish. Sorry it came to this but it isn't my problem." You closwe your eyes, draw a deep breath, and say, "Way I was told, the Boss bit off more than he could chew. Doesn't even surprise me in the slightest. So, if you want my advice, it's this: go with the flow and don't make the same mistake he did."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tStunned faces stare at you. The synthbeat reverberates in the air. Patrons dance nearby, all but oblivious to the events transpiring on the VIP terrace.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Yeah, well. Everything's finite. Don't take it too personally."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Yeah, well, nothing we can do now. Just live with it."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"I know it sucks but think of this as a new beginning."\t\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah, well it sucks. But it's the way it is."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t You nod to the assembled crew and make for the exit.<br><br>\n\n\t\tFisher hurries after you. "Boss, Vine, hey. Wait." He moves into your path. "What happens now?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Not my fucking problem." You push him out of the way and stride on.\n\t\t<<else>>"I have no idea but that's up to you, kid." You force the sincerest smile you can and stride away.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tEveryone stares after you, even the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers, but it's Fisher's gaze you feel most. Part of you feels bad for him but still. None of this was your fault. None of this was your responsibility. If the kid can't handle it, whatever. You have bigger problems to deal with and, judging by the mounting confusion among the patrons, your first priority should be getting the hell...\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromFight2">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_slaughter_2.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_slaughter.png"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tYou move past the fallen [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers,\n\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "sneakFail">>through the back door to the VIP terrace. Holograms flicker in the gloom beyond. Terrified patrons lurk behind the many shadows couches. No one speaks. Before you can decide what to do - or say - coilfire errupts out of nowhere. Three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers watching the other stairs to the terrace are gunned down unceremoniously.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Move in. Move in!" Fisher and four Raptors advance past the fallen, firing in clipped bursts.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThree more troopers and a woman with blonde hair take cover behind Wilkin's couch. Noise reverberates louder than the bounding base. Mr. Wilkin heroically dives for cover amidst the carnage. A moment later, ringing silence hangs over the VIP area.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Cease fire," Fisher's voice calls out. "Clear, damn it! Ceace fire already! Ya numbskulls almost iced the Big Boss."<br><br>\n\n\t\tA dozen Raptors lower their weapons, moving into position around Wilkin's couch. The [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are sprawled on the floor. Nine patrons met a sticky end along the way too, if the bodies beside Wilkin's perch are any indication. Fisher barely cautions them a second glance, too busy helping Mr. Wilkin out from over his bolt-riddled couch to care.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromFight2">>towards where Mr. Wilkin is usually perched. The man is nowhere to be seen amid the flickering holograms but terrified patrons lurk behind the many shadows couches. Behind you, rapid footfalls preceed Fisher and four Raptors, who are covering the scene with their weapons.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBehind one of the couches, a blur of yellow and black moves. You see Marisa the same moment Fisher does. He's faster. He puts three bolts through her riot armor, just like that. The blonde woman collapses before Wilkin's couch.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Rest in pieces, bitch." Fisher shakes his head, eyeing the scene. "What a fucking mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers lie strewn on the floor. Two dozen patrons and nine Raptors went down with them by your count. Fisher barely cautions them a second glance, too busy helping Mr. Wilkin out from over his bolt-riddled couch to care.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>headed for the stairs to the VIP terrace. Footfalls thud in rapid succession as Fisher and his raptors fall in behind you. Ahead, there's a blur of movement. Bolts zip past as a [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper on the landing opens fire. Two gunshots echo over the thudding of the bass.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Motherfucker." Fisher blasts a third round into the trooper's face at point-blank range.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Over there." You point to three more troopers and a woman with blonde hair scrambling behind Wilkin's couch. "Suppressive fire!"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tCoilfire roars as the Raptors advance, firing all the way. More of Fisher's kids burst from the service area behind the VIP terrace. Brilliant bolts zip through the air. Wilkin dives for cover amidst the carnage. Noise louder than the pounding base reverperates in your ear drums.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen ringing silence finally returns, all you hear is Fisher's voice shouting, "Clear! Clear! Cease fire, damn it."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAll around you, Raptors lower their weapons. The [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers lie strewn on the floor. Two dozen patrons and nine Raptors went down with them by your count. Fisher barely cautions them a second glance, too busy helping Mr. Wilkin out from over his bolt-riddled couch to care.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>"Sure, but I'll need to know where to find the guy. Or at least something to go on if you don't."\n\n"Eh, I's heard he hangs 'round that cryolounge over on the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]]. Ain't been able to find him yet. Think he knows I's lookin' for him and is tryin' te hide."\n\n"Cryolounge, hun? Odd." You shrug. "Anyways, I'll poke around. See if I can't find anything on the fellow. Can't be that hard to find."\n\nWilkin looks greatful. "Thanks, kid. I'll owe ya one fer it if this pans out."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "creditsfail">>"Throw down some more cash and tell me where he is. Then I do it."\n\nWilkin scoffs. "After all I've already blown up yer ass, kid? That's pushin' it. Pushin it way too far."\n\n"Fine then. No more credits. But you're gonna have to tell me where to start looking."\n\n"Eh, I's heard he hangs 'round that cryolounge over on the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]]. Ain't been able to find him yet. Think he knows I's lookin' for him and is tryin' te hide."\n\n"All right, then. I'll poke around. See if I can't find anything."\n\nWilkin looks greatful. "Thanks, kid. I'll owe ya one fer it if this pans out."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "credits">>"It's a tough world out here. So how about you help me want to help you. Isn't too much to ask, is it?"\n\n"Yer pushin' me, kid. Ye really are." Wilkin holds out his arm with a sigh. "But okay. Seven hundred plus some."\n\n"About right." You swipe his arm. "Now where's this Amman fellow at? And what ya know about him?"\n\n"Eh, I's heard he hangs 'round that cryolounge over on the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B10 Boulevard"]]. Ain't been able to find him yet. Think he knows I's lookin' for him and is tryin' te hide."\n\n"All right, then. I'll poke around. See if I can't find anything."\n\nWilkin looks greatful. "Thanks, kid. I'll owe ya one fer it if this pans out."<<else>>"Sorry, but we already tried once and no effect. I'm not getting tied up in this again."\n\nWilkin's brow furrows. "Ya sure? 'Cause there's more te this I think. And I'd throw in creds too."\n\n"No," you say fimrly. "We've been down this road before. I don't work for you. Get one of your guys to look into it or something. But I'm not becoming part of this shit again."\n\n"Well, whatever ya say," he says, though he sounds disappointed.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing at..<<else>>You head down...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing at Anska's stall in the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. All around you, flesh melders and gene modders are peddling their oozing, squelching merchandise. Someone across the hall is having a mood regulator implanted and keeps grunting.\n\nThe grey-haired woman stares at you expectantly. "Was that all, dear? Or can I do something else for you?"<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_fleshmelder.png"]]</div>You head down the passage toward the flesh-melders and gene-modders. <<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>One moment you're stifling a yawn, threading your way through stalls laden with synth-grown fruits and vegetables.<<else>>One moment you're threading your way through stalls laden with synth-grown fruits and vegetables.<</if>> The next you're passing cages containing miniature dragons, ten-legged house cats, and all manner of other reeking oddities.\n\nCovering your nose, you press on until you find the grey-haired woman you were looking for. She is sitting on a carpet, stroking a miniature, four-headed Lama with one hand while the other stirs a pot of something that looks like soup but most likely isn't. \n\nShe looks up when you draw near, <<if $equip.isAbominated>>a smile on her lips. "<<firstname>>. You are back. How pleasant indeed."\n\n"Yeah." You smile back. "Hey. How you doing?"\n\n"Oh, quite f—" Her expression darkens. "What has happened to you, dear? I sense a difference. Something has... changed. Yes, yes. Different. But I digress. I am quite fine, dear. Quite fine indeed."<<elseif $equip.isCyberImplant and $attrib.religion neq "mesmer">>an alarmed look on her face. "Dear, dear, what have you done to yourself? Cybernetic augments! Are you mad?"\n\n"I, uh—"\n\n"No, no." She shakes her head vigorously. "No. It cannot be. Such desecration. Such abomination. Begone, dear, begone! Before I loose my temper."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You take a step back. "Wow, hey, easy, I just wanted to—"<<else>>You laugh. "For real? You're going to make a deal because—"<</if>>\n\n"Your spirit is corrupted by the machine, dear. Remove that cursed thing. Now!" She glowers intently. "Ere you do, I shall not speak to you. No. No. Not ever to such a machine-thing."<<else>>a toothy grin on her wizened face. "<<firstname>> Acrel. My my. I'd started to think the day would never come."\n\n<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>"Anska." You stifle a yawn. "I... sorry. I'm exhausted."<<else>>"Anska." You nod curtly. "Got a moment?"<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>"Dear dear, tired are we, my little<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>—" Her voice trails off. "Uh, my dear? What is so different about you today?"\n\nYou shrug absently. "Just tired. You know."\n\n"Ah." She looks relieved. "I feared it was a true omen of ill."<<else>> precious?" Her eyes glitter. "I have just the thing. Just the..." She reaches for a basket behind her. "No, no, not that. Or?" She pulls a small pot out from beneath her carpet. "Maybe, ah—"\n\n"Anska?" When she looks up, you say, "I'll be fine."<</if>>\n\n"Dear, dear, but... oh okay." She puts the basket back under the carpet and looks at you with a nearnest look. "My precious, if you change your mind, just tell me. I have just the thing to make you feel right as rain again."<<else>><<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>"For yo—" Her voice trails off. "Uh, my dear? What is so different about you today?"\n\nYou shoot her a confused look. "Nothing? Why?"\n\n"Ah, simply something I thought I saw. But what can I do for you, dear?"<<else>><<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer" and $equip.isCyberImplant>>"Ah, yes. You stick machines in yourself." Anska looks disappointed.\n\n"It's artistic. Don't you see? This--" You gesture to yourself. "A work of art. More sublime than any other in the universe, or is it not so?"\n\nAnska rolls her eyes. "I will tolerate it, my dear, but only because it is you."<<else>>"For you, my dear, always." She winks.<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing in...<<else>><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open...<<else>>You head down the passage toward the...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You're standing in Petrovic's Machine Shop in the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Automated creation engines whirr and buzz as they weld, bolt, and sauter various devices together. In the passage outside, the crowd chatters endlessly.\n\nPetrovic clasps his hands. "Was that all, comrade? Or was there anything else?"<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_machinesmith.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you<<else>>You<</if>> head down the passage toward the machine-smiths. The passage is filled with stalls containing robotic servos, ageing power packs, and all manner of devices. Eletronics whirr from every corner, sheets of metal groan, and plasma welders buzz incessively. Scrap urchins dart skirt the crowd as they hustle raw materials back to their masters. Everywhere, buyers are arguing over the price and quality.\n\nHalfway down, you reach the small machine shop marked by a sign that reads: //Petrovic - Revolutionary Machinery on Custom-Order//. When you step inside, you see a scrawny man draped in an oversized leather apron hunched over a workbench, a plasma-cutter in hand. Sparks shower. Something clicks. \n\n<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You take a tentative step forward. "Hey, man. You..." You stifle a yawn. "You busy?"<<else>>You take a tentative step forward, shouting, "Hey, man, you busy?"<</if>>\n\n"Oh." Petrovic looks up. "Welcome, comrade. It is nice to see you again, very nice, yes." He pulls off his work gloves, saying, "What is it I can do for you today?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Struggling to stay on your feet, you...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you...<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>Constantly glancing around for fear you're being followed by...<<else>>You're about to head for the entrance to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] when you realize...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_introhab.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Struggling to stay on your feet, you swagger toward the entrance to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] only to realize the address you're trying to find - Unit 5121 - is up a little passage to the side. \n\n"Oops." You chuckle to yourself and, bumping against an elderly woman with a baby in her arms, stagger up the passage.\n\n At the top you pause to look around. According to the appartment numbers, Unit 5121 is at the far end of the passage. \n\n"Oh, wonderful," you mutter as you swagger off, headed toward the hab unit in question.\n\nWhen you get there, which takes longer than it should because you keep having to stop to catch your breath, it doesn't even look that spectacular. Hell, it's just a door in the wall with an access panel beside it. "Funny." You examine the door. \n\n"This is where a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>conspiracy start?" A young man walking past you shoots you a dubious look. "Hey, just saying," you call after him and try the door release. Nothing happens. \n\n"Uh. Great." You hit it harder. By some miracle, the door shoots open. "Huh."<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you hurry toward the entrance to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] only to realize the address you're trying to find - Unit 5121 - is up a little passage to the side. You stop dead in your tracks, causing an elderly man carrying a shopping bag to bump into you, and hurry up the passage. At the top you pause to look around. According to the appartment numbers, Unit 5121 is at the far end.\n\n"Great." You stifle a yawn and hurry along the passage. Ten minutes later, you stop in front of Hab Unit 5121. It doesn't look like much, just a nondescript door in the wall beside an access panel. You try the door release. Nothing happens. \n\n"Crap." You glance around to make sure no one's there. There is - a young man dressed in a pink T-shirt. He walks past you without a second glance. That same momment, the door snaps open with a hiss.\n\n"What th..." You yawn involuntary and, with tears in your eyes, stare at the open door. "This can't be good."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Constantly glancing around for fear you're being followed by the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] - or worse - you hurry toward the entrance to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] only to realize the address you're trying to find - Unit 5121 - is up a little passage to the side. You stop dead in your tracks, causing an elderly man carrying a shopping bag to bump into you, and hurry up the passage. At the top you pause to look around for signs of pursuers that don't exist. \n\n"Right." You study the appartment numbers, which indicate Unit 5121 is at the far end of the long and conspicouisly deserted passage. "Wonderful."\n\nYou set off at a fast <<walk>>, eyes and ears alert. Ventilation fans creak. Your footfalls echo on the floor plates. Every so often you glance over your shoulder. There's nothing there - not even a pedestrian. Feeling very uncomfortable in your skin, you stop outside Hab Unit 5121. It doesn't look like much, just a nondescript door in the wall beside an access panel. You try the door release. Nothing happens. \n\n"Darn." You glance around to make sure no one's there. There is - a young man dressed in a pink T-shirt. He walks past you without a second glance. That same momment you turn back to the door, it snaps open with a hiss.\n\n"Uh-oh." You glance around. The guy in the pink shirt is walking away. You turn back to the door, muttering, "I really don't like this."<<else>>You're about to head for the entrance to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] when you realize the address you're trying to find - Unit 5121 - is up a little passage to the side. Deftly dodging an elderly man carrying a shopping bag, you turn into the passage and jog along. At the top you stop to take stock. According to the appartment numbers, Unit 5121 is at the far end.\n\n"Of course," you mutter and set off down the passageway. As you hurry along, you can't help but notice that there's no one around - not even a stray pedestrian. \n\n"Odd," you mutter under your breath. \n\nBut there's nothing you can do, not anymore at least. You're probably being watched already. So you keep going, alert for any indication of danger, until you reach the hab unit and stop. It doesn't look like much, just a nondescript door in the wall beside an access panel. You try the door release. Nothing happens. \n\n"Should've known." You glance around to make sure no one's there. There is - a young woman dressed in a red skirt headed your way. She walks past you without a second glance. That same momment you turn back to the door, it snaps open with a hiss.\n\n"Woha." You glance around again. The woman in the red dress takes no notice of you. "Here goes nothing." You turn back to the door, take a deep breath, and...<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You approach the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\tYou approach the couch, shaking your head. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"I've made my peace with death but, man, I'm still glad it wasn't today."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between, this could've gone so wrong, Fish."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, we got lucky. This coulda gone badly sideways."<<else>>"Got <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>lucky there, Fish. Those bastards could've made a right mess of everything."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"No shit." Fisher waves to one of his kids. "Oi, Haldin. Get your asses down to the front and secure that bitch. Oslov, rear entrance. Lock this shit down and clean it up. Move!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tVoices chorus and boots thud as the Raptors jump to it. Fisher keeps shouting, giving orders left and right. There's nothing for you left to do. The [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] has a new security chief now and you, well, you're just in the way.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, fuck this shit."<<else>>"Oh, well."<</if>> You shrug and make your way back toward the stairs.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey," Fisher calls after you. "We'll be in touch, yeah? Once this shit is clear."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right," you call as you descend the stairs, but you know it hardly matters.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour part in whatever the hell just went down is over. Better to get the hell out of there and make yourself scarce before someone realized you were involved. And, judging by the mounting confusion on the dance floor, it shouldn't be too hard to...\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you meander<<else>>You push your way<</if>> through the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 2 or $chr_fisher.loc eq "waitvineentrance") and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_speech.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you meander<<else>>You push your way<</if>> <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10>>toward the security checkpoint. The <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> wave you through, and you make directly toward the bright neon holograms that mark the entrance to [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. <<else>>through the crowded walkways of Level B28, headed for the bright neon holograms that mark the entrance to [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].<</if>> Flickering waves crash and roll on all sides as you join the crowd gathered before the establishment.\n\nYou've barely been standing there for ten seconds when a hand grabs your shoulder. "Vine. Thank fuck. You're here."\n\n"Fisher?" You turn to see the black-haired kid, looking positively terrified. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death and damnation. What's eating at you?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between. What's wrong, kid?"\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars. What's wrong, kid?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"What the fuck is wrong?"<<else>>"What's wrong?"<</if>>\n\n<<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "waitvineentrance">>"Everything. I tried to message you but—" He waves a hand. "There was a bunch of shit going down these last days and suddenly these [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] thugs burst in today, body armor, assault rifles and all. I got no fucking clue, man. It came out of nowhere."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeane eq "agressive">>"Fuck me."<<else>>"Shit."<</if>> You glance around, uncomfortably reminded of your [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] days. "Okay. What's the plan, kid?"\n\n"Well, uh, I got some of the boys together. Was thinking about heading into the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and kicking those bastards out." He looks unconvinced. "I sent Blinks and Lilly 'round back. And I got a few more boys down in the kitchens. It'll be close but we could manage them too. Unless ya, y'know, wanna talk to the bastards. Doubt it'd be much use though. Fuckers came in all geared up. They mean business for sure."<<else>>"Everything. Those assholes are inside right now, talking to the Boss. I don't know what's going on but you better have something good or we're all fucked."\n\n"I don't have much," you say. "Found the guys who came after you though. Definitely [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]], but they ran into an abomination and got <<if $attrib.demeane eq "agressive">>their asses handed to them.<<else>>the short end.<</if>> They're all dead."\n\nFisher scoffs. "Fat lot of good that does us. I got some of the boys together. Was thinking about heading into the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and kicking those bastards out." He looks unconvinced. "What you think? I sent Blinks and Lilly 'round back. And I got a few more boys down in the kitchens. It'll be close but we could manage them too. Unless ya, y'know, wanna talk to the bastards. Doubt it'd be much use though. Fuckers came in all geared up. They mean business for sure."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_exterior.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you meander<<else>>You push your way<</if>> through the crowded walkways of Level B28, headed for the bright neon holograms that mark the entrance to [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. <<if not $loc_riptide.didFistArrive>>Flickering waves crash and roll on all sides as you join the small crowd gathered before the wide pressure door that leads into the establishment.<<else>>The usual crowd has gathered outside the entrance.<</if>>\n\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>"Hey, ass—" A man in the grey sweater backs away, looking terrified. "Sorry. Didn't want to get in your way. Really."\n\t<<elseif $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>"Hey, faggot," someone calls as you push toward the front. "There's a fucking line."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male" and $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit">>"Hey," someone calls as you push toward the front. "You don't get a free pass just 'cause ya got a fricking suit, asshole."\n\t<<else>>"Hey," someone calls as you push toward the front "There's a fucking line."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>Wondering what that was about,<<else>>Indifferent to the complaint,<</if>> <<if not $loc_riptide.didFistArrive>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>you barge past a knot of girls in tight skirts.<<else>>you squeeze past a knot of men in fancy dresswear.<</if>> One of them calls something after you but you ignore them and<<else>>you<</if>> make straight for the uniformed bouncers checking bags and pockets outside the entrance. <<if $loc_riptide.didFistArrive>>They wave you through as soon as they spot you.\n\nYou nod in thanks and step into the foyer of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. The walls are covered with animated holo-posters but all you care for are the personal lockers.<<if $loc_riptide.didFistArrive and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 98>>There you pause, wondering whether to head for the dance floor or take the side door down to Deathmatch Arena.<<else>>You dump your gear in one of them and head for the dance floor.<</if>><<else>>The nearest one - Tim - waves you over the moment he spots you.\n\n"Vine." He pats you on the shoulder. "Head on in, mate. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>And try not to mess with the merc lady, yeah? She's nasty.<<elseif $chr_fisher.loc eq "foyer">>Boss'll wanna talk to ya.<<else>>Fee's on the house as usual.<</if>><<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>> And nice dress ya got there.<</if>>"\n\nYou thank Tim and head through the doors, into the foyer of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. The walls are covered with animated holo-posters announcing upcoming attractions. <<if $chr_fisher.loc eq "foyer">>You ignore them, headed for the personal lockers. You dump your gear in one of them and continue toward the main floor.\n\nAs you near the doors at the far end of the foyer, a black-haired kid shouts, "Oi, Vine." \n\nYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>> vaguely<</if>>recognize him as Fisher, the guy who took over your slot in Wilkin's Raptors when you bought your way out of the mercenary business four years earlier. \n\n"Hey." He waves. "Get your ass over here."<<else>><<if $loc_riptide.didFistArrive and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase lt 98>>You ignore them, headed for the personal lockers. There you pause, wondering whether to head for the dance floor or take the side door down to Deathmatch Arena.<<else>>You ignore them, headed for the personal lockers. You dump your gear in one of them and head for the dance floor.<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying ever so slightly on your feet, you...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you...<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>Eyes and ears alert for unwanted company, you...<<else>>You head to the very end of the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_constructionsite_base.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying ever so slightly on your feet, you<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>Alert for unwanted company, you<<else>>You<</if>> head to the very end of the [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure corridor, where a black-and-orange barrier marks the beginning of the construction site. Safety holograms float above the blockade, warning away unauthorized visitors. To the left, tbree yellow construction bots recharging at their power station. Behind them lies the habitation block they're renovating. Its windows and doors have already been removed and there are no glow panels inside, just bare pannelblock walls, lending the place an eerie, almost skeletal air.\n\n"No wonder they think it's haunted," you mutter and <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stagger toward<<else>>pace toward<</if>> the hab unit. \n\nYour footsteps echo in the empty pressure corridor. Something creaks. You stop short. Silence save the hum of the charging construction bots presses on your ears.<<if $attrib.caution gt 75>>Feeling very uneasy, you glance around. There's definitely no one to be seen but you can't shake the feeling you're being watched. Or worse - stalked.\n\n"Well, that's just fucking wonderful."<<else>>You glance around, just to be certain. There's no one to be seen. \n\n"Huh."<</if>> You climb over the barricade, causing the safety holograms to flare bright red, and approach the unfinished hab.\n\nThere's no front door and, through the gap, you can see into the empty foyer beyond. As you watch a dark shadow appears against the far wall. You freeze, blood pounding, but when you look again, there's no one there. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Your best guess: it was a figment of your intoxicated mind.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Maybe it's just the fatigue. It was probably that.<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>Except it was there. You saw it. You know it. There's no way in hell there isn't anything there.<<else>>Probably just a trick of the light. But, if not - well, you'd rather not judge too hastily.<</if>> Better question is: run headlong into the unknown or scout the place out first?<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "side">>Not wanting to take unnecessary risks, you...<<else>>Determined to find answers, you...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_constructionsite.png"]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "front">>Determined to find answer, you step through the front door and into the hab. The corridors and rooms are bare and drab, stripped to the bone. Every feature, every accomediation, even wiring, has been torn out in anticipation of renovation and sanitation. Clearly work hasn't progressed very far, as a tour around the ground floor proves. You do however find a flight of stairs leading down to a basement area which has already been fully decked out with wiring and glow pannels. There are no switches however and the panels are frozen in emergeny mode, emitting a dull red glow.\n\n"Down it is then." <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Holding onto the wall for support<<else>>One careful step at a time<</if>>, you descend the stairs into the gloom.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "side">>Not wanting to take unnecessary risks, you skirt around the edge of the construction site, peering into the darkened rooms as you go. The interior is barren and drab, stripped to the bone. Every feature, every accomediation, even wiring, has been torn out in anticipation of renovation and sanitation. Clearly work hasn't progressed very far, as you discover when you check the side of the hab and find a utility entrance - also doorless. \n\nYou peer inside, down a flight of stairs that leads to a basement. The walls and ceiling have already been wired and outfitted with glow panels. There are no switches however and the panels are frozen in emergeny mode, emitting a dull red glow.\n\n"Here goes nothing." <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Holding onto the wall for support<<else>>One careful step at a time<</if>>, you descend the stairs into the gloom.<</if>> \n\nDark though the basement is, you can make out tarpulins strung up where walls are to be built. There's half-assembled power converter in one corner and several construction bots idiling in the center. A doorway on the far end leads to what might be a water reclamantion room. You've just started in that direction when a gust of cool air tickles the back of your neck. Shadows dance on the walls as something moves behind you.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Trying not to throw up, you...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting rapidly mounting fatigue, you...<<else>>Senses alert and pulse rasing, you...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Trying not to throw up, you leave the basement and head upstairs.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting rapidly mounting fatigue, you leave the basement and head upstairs.<<else>>Senses alert and pluse racing, you leave the basement and head upstairs.<</if>> There's not much to see, just empty hab units and bare corridors. There's nothing around, just shadows and empty space.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking waste of time,"<<else>>"What a waste of time,"<</if>> you mutter, heading back to the main hall.\n\nYou're about to give up when you find an unfinished stairwell leading upstairs. The steps are skeletral - metal plates over a spindly frame - and sway under every footfall. As you reach the first floor landing, you spot a shadow in a chamber at the far end of the hall. Even from afar, you can tell what it is: a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]].\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_wraith_leer.png"]]</div>It kneeling before what looks suspiciously like an alter - or at least a humanoid bust surrounded by waxbasin candles. Their feeble light is enough to make out the creature's grisly visage. Less obvious is what it's doing. Or why it's there.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"The fuck,"<<else>>"Odd,"<</if>> you mutter, eyeing the curious scene.\n\nYou've never heard of an intelligent [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]], or that they worship anything, much less light cancles. Not quite what you were looking for, admittedly, but defnitely odd.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>>Blood pounding in your veins...<<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "backaway">><<if not $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>Blood pounding in your veins, you retreat toward the stairway. A loose floor plate craks underfoot.\n\nAhead, the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] rises to its feet. The abomination turns. Bright, inhuman eyes stare at you. The next instant it's standing in your face.\n\n"Shit!" You recoil as the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] swipes at you, narrowly dodging its claws.\n\nA split second later it's gone. Adrenaline surges as you glance around. It'll be back. Soon - and out for blood. There's no doubt about it.<<else>>Blood pounding in your veins, you retreat toward the stairway. Every step you take, you expect the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] to notice. It doesn't react.\n\n"Thank fuck," you mutter, creeping back downstairs.\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> is waiting on the ground floor landing. She whispers, "Is it up there? The ghost?"\n\n"No." You head for the door, saying, "It was a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. Don't go up there. It'll kill you."\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> looks crestfallen. "So, no pictures? Nothing? That sucks. Because people love to see this kinda stuff. Hell, I love this stuff. It'll make a great story. Real, live haunting right here at home in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] and there's proof to back it up. How cool is that?"\n\n"It wouldn't be cool. It would kill you." You stop and add. "Be reasonable. Please. And don't go up there."\n\nThe woman nods, though you aren't sure she'll listen. Not your problem though. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] is what you're after - and it isn't here. Someone else can deal with that abomination upstairs.<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "talk">>Blood pounding in your veins, you approach the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] is kneeling in. It doesn't look up when you step through the doorway. Nor does it react when you approach. \n\n You pace around the hunched creature and, finally, risk a quiet, "Hello?"\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>"Human. Identity unknown." The abomination stares intently. "Hostility was expected."\n\n"You—" You take a step back. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,<<else>>"Hey,<</if>> since when do [[Wraiths|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] speak?"\n\n"Error. Command unrecognized." The [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] snaps its jaws. "Our operator is unresponsive. All tasks are completed. We await instructions."\n\n"Huh." You scowl at its withered body. "So, this thing—" You gesture at the altar. "—is how you communicate with your operator?"\n\n"Error. Command unrecognized." The [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] clasps a clawed hand around the bust. A faint electronic hum fills the room. The [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] hangs its head. "Error: connection timeout. Error: destination host not found." The abomination turns its head to you. "Conclusion: our operator is unresponsive."\n\nYou shake your head in disbelief. "And here I am, talking to an abomination. Really."\n\n"Error. Command unrecognized." The [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] turns to you. "Status: instruction set executed at address 451131. Genetic markers at address 5131 and address 5132 terminated. Runtime completed with error code zero. Success. Awaiting return code at address 44412."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,<<else>>"Man,<</if>>" you mutter. "This is a waste of time."\n\n"Error. Command unrecognized. Warning: inactivity timeout exceeded. Executing instruction set at address 994151." Bright, white light fills the room a sthe [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] begins to dissolve, its celluar structure decaying into raw genetic paste before your very eyes. \n\nYou watch it desintegrate, equally confused and amazed, until it dawns on you that you're wasting time. There's no [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] to be hunted here, just a forlorn abomination and its altar. Though, on second thought, the altar might be worth a look. At worst, you'll waste your time. At best, you might learn something useful.<<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>>The abomination jumps up and slashes at you with a clawed hand. Sheer luck spares you a nasty wound, though only long enough to see the [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] disappear into thin air.\n\nYour heart skips a beat. The creature's nowhere to be seen but it'll be back. For blood. There's no doubt about it.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>You pace around the altar...<<else>>You lower your weapon and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>You pace around the altar, eyeing the construct with suspicion.<<else>>You lower your weapon and approach the altar, eyeing the construct with suspicion.<</if>> None of it makes any sense, neither the candles nor the humanoid bust. Admittedly, the bust isn't all that unusual, but why the hell would an abomination have bothered with candles?\n\n"There's no reason," you decide, scowling at the display. "I mean, why would it care? It's just a—"\n\n"Why would what care?" You turn with a start to see <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>the young woman<</if>> standing in the doorway. She risks a smile. "I heard noises and—"\n\n"I told you to stay downstairs. There was a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] here. It could have killed you."\n\n"Oh." She looks unsettled. "I thought it was a ghost. Or something. But [[Wraiths|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] are ghosts, right? And if—" Her mouth forms an O. "I get it! But wait. How can a ghost light candles when they're all out of phase and whatnot?"\n\nYou shake your head, muttering, "So ignorant."\n\n"I am not ignorant!" <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> looks insulted.\n\n"Wraiths are real abominations. Ghosts are a whimsical phantasy. If you can't tell the difference, you're ignorant, but that's beside the point. The question is what that—" You gesture to the altar. "—is and what it does."\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> shrugs. You nod gravely, all too aware you're as clueless as she is. Maybe it's a device. Maybe it's just there for sentimental value. At any rate, you aren't certain you should mess with what could quite possibly be witchcraft.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "blowout">>You draw a deep breath and...<<else>>You pick up the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "blowout">>You draw a deep breath and blow out the candles. The flames die, plunging the room into darkness. \n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "blowout_nanotransform">>The next instant, blood-red light errupts from your armor and lance. A disembodied voice screeches in anger, its words resounding in your mind, and echoing something that sounds a lot like //Abissahi//.\n\n"What the—" You recoil as the candles flicker back to life. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"—fuck?"<<else>>"—heck?"<</if>>\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> screws up her face. "How'd the candles go back on again?"\n\n"No—" You hesitate, all too aware that your Ceremonial Armor has been transformed into something... [[else|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Blackscorn Armor"]]. "What just happened?"\n\nShe shoots you a confused look. "The candles went out and on again?"\n\n"Oh, you say, trying not to let on how utterly confused you are.<<else>>The next instant they're rekindled. Warm light fills the room anew.\n\n"What the—" <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> takes a step closer. "How's that possible?"\n\nYou hold her back. "Witchcraft. Don't get too close. There's no way to know what it'll do next."\n\n"What, like blow up on us or something?"\n\n"No clue and I don't want to find out," you say bluntly.<</if>><<else>>You pick up the silvery bust and turn it over. There's nothing unusual about it beyond that it's shaped to vaguely resemble a woman - a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] no doubt. Closer examination reveals no interface, buttons, or other obvious mechanisms. It's just a hunk of silver shaped to resemble a human head.\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> peers over your shoulder. "What is it?"\n\n"A bust," you say dryly. "Made of silver."\n\n"Yeah, I can see that. I meant—"\n\n"Even if I knew, and I don't, I wouldn't tell you." When she stares accusingly, you add, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck, man. [[Witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] are strange. Hell knows why they'd want their minions assembling around a figurine. But that's how it is. Better to just leave it be and not take any risks."<<else>>"Hey, [[witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] are strange. No way to know why they'd want their minions to assemble around a figurine. But that's how it is. Better to just leave it be and not take any risks."<</if>>\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> nods. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Thanks for the info," you say. "And..."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t"Thanks for the info," you say. "And \n\t\t\t<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>I'll take you up on that ride. Gonna be too difficult to find a way up otherwise."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Aright then." Marisa gestures to the door at the back of the VIP area. "Head on out. I'll have Jalkovski move the car over."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou stand, saying, "How long's that gonna take?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"About thirty seconds. Jalkovski's on standby alert. Along with a dozen others." Marisa winks. "We're professionals, Vine. Soldiers with a cause. Not street scum like that rat you used to work for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'll remember that," you say as you make for the door.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt leads to a narrow corridor which opens onto the back alley behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. You used to spend a lot of time there, back when you worked for the Raptors. Time and time again you'd walked that bare corridor, listening to the sound of your boots echoing on the floor plates as you headed out back to gather the team for a job.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThen you step through the back door and into the cramped delivery tunnel behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Rather than a gaggle of raptors and horny sluts that used to hang out there, three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are standing guard in full riot armor.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck me,"<<else>>"Talk about efficiency,"<</if>> you mutter as you make for the already-waiting grav-car.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJalkovski - Marisa's brother - nods to you from the driver's seat. "Heard you need a ride, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You lean on the passenger door. "Get me up to B5-731, then back down here. Just that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, Sir." Jalkovski fixes you with an unflinching look. "Just as soon as you're ready. And don't worry about your gear, Sir. I grabbed it on the way up."\n\t\t\t<<else>>I won't be needing that ride."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa shrugs indifferently. "You change your mind, the offer stands. I ain't going anywhere soon and neither is my brother."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right." You force a smile. "I'll look into this matter. Take care of everything. And I'll get back to you if there's anything I figure you should know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Get back to me either way," Marisa says firmly. "I like to be kept up to date."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou lips twitch. "I'll consider it. But don't ask too much of me, man. We're just in this for the mutual benefit. Nothing more."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>>\n\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "employer_1">>"Hey, been thinking and I figured..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "employer_2">>"So, about your employer..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "zweili_1">>"So I talked to Zweili like you suggested..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "div108">>"Hey, if you don't mind me asking..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven_1" or $action.action1 eq "eresidead_1">>"Listen, about that rich bitch..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "speakbob_1">>"Hey, so about that deal with your employer..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>"I have to ask you..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">>"Hey, have you ever..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "support">>"Listen, I just wanted..."\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>"Dunno if you heard but..."\n\t\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "employer_1">>\n\t\t"Hey, been thinking and I figured I'd hit you up about that offer to meet your employer."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa's brow furrows. "Just interested in answers or do you, well, have other plans?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t"Just wanted to talk, though I am a little curious about the whole [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] deal. What was that all about?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"[[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] deal?" Marisa looks confused.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Seemed to me like your employer doesn't like people poking around in their affairs. Which is kinda funny, seeing as they're trying to hide on one hand and offering to meet me on the other."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa shrugs. "Respect for personal space and all that, maybe?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, probably. Just struck me a litle odd." You lean forward. "Anyways, how do I get in touch?"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 8>>\n\t\t\t"Just in it for the answers. Doesn't seem like I'll be getting them from anywhere else. So I'll go back to the source."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sounds like a reasonable plan," Marisa replies. "I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, only question is what they're gonna ask for in return." You pull a face. "Anyways, how do I get in touch?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Honestly? No clue. I'm lost as to what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>>'s really going on and it sounds like these guys might be able to shed some light, you know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No doubt they can," Marisa says. "I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help too."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, only question is what they're gonna ask for in return." You pull a face. "Anyways, how do I get in touch?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa points to the door at the back of the VIP area. "Conference room. I'll send the message. Shouldn't take long for them to send someone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, then." You stand and head toward the door.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\tMarisa calls after you, "Be careful what you do, Vine. I know ya might be thinking about doing something, and I'd get why, but [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] isn't the kinda group you'll wanna mess with."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod in reply and head for...\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "employer_2">>"So, about your employer. I was wondering if—"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa holds up a hand. "I think you know who it was, right? Because from what I heard someone who may or may not've been you headed up there. And made a bit of a mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"That, yeah, wasn't me." You swallow. "Totally not."<<else>>"Yeah, I might not have been as subtle as I could've."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Funny."<<else>>"What else is new?"<</if>> She smirks. "Listen, just so you know: I don't care about that blood-sucking twat. And sure. You whacked a few contract-troopers. But none from my detachment so I'll overlook that. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You're one of us and <</if>>I know you're between a rock and a hard place. So I'll cut you some slack."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "What, just like that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the ideals you believe in.<<else>>Way I see things, you aren't against us in principle and that's an acceptable trade.<</if>> I won't say I'm happy about all the formwork this is causing but, honestly? Shit could've gone down a lot worse. So let's just call it even and move on."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "zweili_1">>\n\t\t"So I talked to Zweili like you suggested and\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\tI think you got it wrong. Zweili's full of secrets, sure, but not twisted." You fix Marisa with a hard gaze. "And, you know? That made me wonder: why<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> would you imply he's playing me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Because he believes in the fucking [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]," she says darkly. "He's a faith. What do you expect? Even if he ain't got it in for you now, and I don't believe that, he will someday."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shake your head. "I doubt that very much, Marisa."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"For real, Vine?" She snorts in disgust. "Open your fucking eyes. You know what the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is as good as I: a corrupt, greedy, monolith of an authoritarian state. What the hell makes you think that damned faith you work for is any different?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Four years of working with him," you say flatly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa hangs her head. "Fuck, man. Fuck. Okay. Believe what you want. But if you really wanna know who he is, then head over to those [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] whackos on B27 and ask around a bit. It might just open your eyes, yeah? Wake you up from that tranqued-up dream you're stuck in. Maybe then you'll see what's really going down behind closed doors."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fine," you say defensively - you're a [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] kid yourself. "I will."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\tI think you got it right. Zweili's an asshole and way deep in this shit." You breathe a sigh. "Problem is, I got no hard evidence. Doubt anyone does. So there's not much I can do about it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So you're seeing sense." Marisa looks relieved. "I thought I'd lost you to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], Vine. But believe me. You'll wanna know the rest of this. I only heard bits and pieces; a rumor here, a mutter there. But the word is you'll wanna look at those [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] whackos on B27. Dunno if anyone's dug into it yet but some sources I know - good sources - say Zweili's up deep in that shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"[[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]], huh?" You purse your lips. "Interesting."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa shoots you a funny look. "How so?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I was born in [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]," you say. "Got kicked out. Long story. But I'll take a look. Might just give me the proof I'm looking for."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresidead_1">>\n\t\t"Listen, about that rich chick you said Wilkin sold the artefact to; I took care of her. Name was Eresi by the way. Not sure I mentioned that and no clue if she still had that thing we're looking for either. Wasn't time to poke around. Way too much security."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa nods curtly. "Thanks for the heads up. I'll pass the news back to the corporate sector. Might be someone who can take a look into the investigation. Or maybe poke around the premises."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You have access to assets like that?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If by you you mean: does the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] have those assets? Yes. Do I? No. But my employer has some pretty fancy connections back in corporate space. You really should meet him, Vine. It'd open your eyes bigtime."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t"Still working on that," you say. "Maybe I'll see what you do in them too."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gt 10>>\n\t\t\t"I think I'll pass on that one," you say. "Way I hear this employer works, it's nothing for me."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I'll think about it," you say. "Don't wanna make any hasty decisions."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven_1">>\n\t\t"Listen, about that rich chick you said Wilkin sold the artefact to; I found something interesting. Involved a [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] and an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] - and Wilkin, somehow. Think there's a relation?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa shoots you a funny look. "Now you're starting to sound all tin-foily to me, Vine. But humor me. I might have something."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Not much to say. Someone hired the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] because Wilkin wouldn't provide muscle." You shrug. "Got a feeling it might be that bitch you mentioned but I got no leads, just a gut sense."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Might be able to help you there," Marisa says as she picks up a data pad. "Saw something before, bunch of messages Wilkin never read. All about this super-fancy place down on B5 one of his guys got invited to. Guess whoever Wilkin sent to make the deal thought it was mighty suspicious because they did some digging. Lots of talk about tight security, mechs on patrol and all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sounds regular for the B5s," you point out.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa nods. "I know but since when does Wilkin send his peeps to investigate prospective clients? Or ever let anyone screw a business deal with someone from the low Bs. That's just majory backwards for him - almost like he's massively scared of this bitch or something. And that's not counting all that other data Wilkin had on that unnamed bitch. All sortsa stuff about potential connections to this supposed [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] and whatnot. Given what you just said, that's too much coincidence if you ask me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair argument," you admit. "So what you got on this place?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just the basics. No name. Address is B5-731. You'll need a grav-car. No foot access. My brother can drive you if you don't got another option."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "speakbob_1">>\n\t\t"Hey, so about that deal with your employer. I took care of all the stuff. Bob told me to get in though through you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Bob, huh?" Marisa smirks. "Well, then. I'll message Bob and ask him to drop by."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou wait as Marisa taps away at her PDA. After a moment, she says, "That was quick. Bob says there's a car on the way. Head out back. I doubt you wanna keep them waiting."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That was quick." Your eyes narrow. "Say, is your employer watching me or something?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Probably just keeping an eye the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]," Marisa says. "But who knows? They got eyes and ears everywhere. So many even I don't know who they all are."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah." You stand, saying, "That's not exactly encouraging."<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa shrugs. "All part of the job, isn't it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou just nod, heading for the doors at the back of the VIP area. This whole deal with this mysterious 'employer' just keeps getting better and better - and scarier. Part of you is convinced that meeting with them is a horrible idea. The other half knows you have to go through with it. This employer, whoever they are, is behind everything and finally you have a chance to meet them face to face. It would be insane to squander that oppertunity.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "athenamedical">>"I have to ask you something strange," you say. "You know anything about an [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] lab here somewhere in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]? Small place maybe, on the upper levels?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa's brow furrows. "Athena Medical? What's your interest in them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It relates to the shit we're both after. Tangentially at least."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Mhh." Marisa frowns. "Well, I know there's been a lot of Athena activity near the [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Boulevard"]]. Heard something about [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] being involved too, but it's all low key. Only reason I know at all is 'cause they almost stumbled into one of my buddies' ops."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "What op?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Need to know only," Marisa says curtly. "All you need to know is this: the back alley behind [[Boulevard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Boulevard"]] Information. Heard security is tight as fuck but there's a warehouse back there that's been majorly active. I figure that's what you're looking for."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You make a few hasty notes. "I'll look into it."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "support">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_division.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\t"Listen, I just wanted to say I've made my choice. I'm behind the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]. Completely. The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and all those idiots who believe in Eden can go fuck themselves. Only good faith's a dead faith."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa's brow rises. "Since when you got so much hate for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] in you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Since I started working for them," you say coldly. "They're fucked up. For real. Blind belief in a better future but, deep down, it's just corruption and authoritarian nonsense. There's no faith. Only blind belief in a stupid myth that no one can agree on."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You can say that again." Marisa fixed you with an earnest look. "The faiths are on edge. Their state is rotting from the inside out. One good push and their house of cards will come tumbling right down and it'll happen here, on this habitation patform. Our home. But we gotta be smart abotu this, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I know," you say, unable to resist a smirk. "I ever get the chance, I'll bring them down a noth. Take as many of those fucking faiths as I can with me. The smart way. I promise you that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa smiles. "It's good to have you on board, Vine. We could use someone like you. Someone who knows what they're doing, not just spewing hate speak and beating up kids 'cause they can. Been a bit too much of that lately and it reflects poorly on the free market."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod, all too aware what Marisa is saying: it's down to you to strike that blow. [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] can take the streets but they can't touch the Clergy without bringing the full might of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] down on their heads. You on the other hand? Well, you're already inside the belly of the beast. All you need is a good oppertunity to hit them where it hurts most: their twisted, misguided leadership.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "div108">>\n\t\t\t"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how long you been with [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMaria shoots you a amused look. "Since I woke up. Decades ago. Saw the faith hypocricy for what it is, exactly like Lowe Yosserrins predicted, five thousand years ago: the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is an abusive, hateful, ignorant cult that curtails freedom and civil rights everywhere it gains ground. Cracking down on the corporate sector and, one sanctioned seller's license at a time, they're turning this station into an authoritarian police state. My family were faiths and all it got them was down in the dumps. One day there's collectors knocking on the front door, kicking my mother out on the street, not long after she lost her son. My older brother. And these are faith collectors. Fucking hypocricy. Kicked an old woman out and forced her to whore down in the Cathedral camps 'cause se can't pay that damn [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] tax. It's a sick, sick joke."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right. And this all happened before or after I quit the Raptors?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"After," Marisa says. "Long as I dealt with Mr. Xaviar fucking Wilkin, I had special privileges. No one fucked with me. Or my family. But when you left, I lost my deals. Din't like working with the rat and Fisher, well, you know him. Never knew how to stand up to Wilkin like you did."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\tYou breathe a laugh. "So you quit the protection racket and wonder the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] comes knocking? For real?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Something like that. And case in point: favoritism. They didn't come after you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Actually, they did. That's how I started working for Zweili." You breathe a sigh. "But yeah. I get it. [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] screws you over. You're pissed. [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] comes along with an offer—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, no. I was in [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] long before that. Me and my brother. We figured we wanted to get real payback though. And we owes it to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] to give 'em a big middle finger." Her lips curl. "And now we're here. Right back where we started: on the doorstep of Mr. Xaviar fucking Wilkin. And what's the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] doing about it, eh?" Her grin widens. "Nothing."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\tYou shake your head in disgust. "Fuck the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. They're twisted. Manipulative. Nothing good can come out of that faith."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Don't I know it," Marisa says darkly. "All of 'em are fucked. And that bastard Zweili's the worst. Lying, manipulative hypocrite if ever there was one."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I know," you say heavily. "I'll have to do something about it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Just do it smart. I don't want ya getting fucked, yeah? We've lost enough good peeps to those fucking faiths. Don't wanna see you falling down that hole too."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Don't worry," you say with a little smile. "I've tangled with faiths before. I can handle this. My way. And we'll be one asshole less in the world."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou shoot her a dubious look. "You went outside the law, lost your corporate protection, spit bile at the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], and wonder when they come knocking?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It almost sounds like you're defending them," Marisa says darkly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Hey, take it how you want, but the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] ain't the problem here. It's the whole damn system. Society. Culture. ALl of it. The believers are just trying to do the best with what little they got. And it ain't helping much they're taking so much hate on the streets."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Hate. Right." Marisa shoots you a dark look. "That's what they call the free-market ideal now. A hateful ideology."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou shoot her a dark look.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tMarisa shakes her head. "Tranqued up on Zantrex, you are. You know what used to happen when you complained about the faiths around here? You even got the faintest idea? No! Because you were always on their good side. And I get that. I get you're an oppertunist. But don't fucking come here, in this place, a place you barely even know like I once did, and tell me I'm in the wrong. Because the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is a menace like you cannot even believe. Or concieve. Or imagine. You're just so tranqued up you haven't realized it yet."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">>\n\t\t\t"Hey, have you ever had anything to do with [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa shakes her head. "I stay out of their way. We all do. [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is a legit contractor. Usually. We don't wanna fuck with those freaks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'd have figured you'd be hot to kill one. You know, given [[Division 108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] and its reputation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Kill one?" Marisa laughs. "No one's ever done that. If you run into a tin can, you run the fuck away as fast as you can. And you don't look back 'till you're well away. Or, if that's not possible, do whatever the fuck it says and don't do anything that will tick it off. That's the best advice I can give you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "I was afraid that's what it would come down to: what I already know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa grunts. "If you really want to fight it though. If you really want to? Do you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Hell yeah. Got a score to settle with the tin can.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>If absolutely necessary, though I'd prefer to avoid it.<<else>>If it comes down to that, I want to be prepared."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Crazy. That's what you are. And maybe I can help you out.<<else>>Exactly. But if you do need to take it down.<</if>> We got in a prototype railgun we're to test on, well, appropriate targets. Compact weapon. Incredible rate of fire. Exceptionally destructive. A [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] would make for an interesting test subject. So I'll tell our guys down at the outpost to knock down the price from half a million to just under twenty K. How's what sound?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Like an expensive option. But one I'll keep in mind."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corbei">>"Dunno if you heard but I followed up on that source you mentioned. <<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and ($job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3)>>I don't think you're gonna like this.<<else>>I'm not sure what to make of it.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa shakes her head. "All I know is it's something to do with the Corbei family."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and ($job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3)>>\n\t\t\t"Yeah, which <<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true >>you told me earlier<<else>>I've been suspecting<</if>> they are connected to a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. So, unless I'm seeing it all wrong, the Corbeis are behind all this. Or at least behind part of it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I think you're right," Marisa says. "There's a definitive link here, from [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] across the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] to [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Meshes into some old information from way back in my day too. My guess: they have that thing we're after. Which means we have to gain access to their residence, one of the towers up on B3. Take a look around. If there's proof, we can link everything together and have [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]] take legal action. Shut this bullshit down for good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Yeah, that's my point. How does that add up? They're tangentially involved in all this but I don't see—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Maybe I can shed some light." She leans forward. "Little while back, I did this op for [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]]. Something about the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] poking into affairs on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] and they wanted to know what the faiths had on them. Anyways, there was a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] on the team. Special consultant. Real penetrating blue eyes. Didn't know what it was at the time but it's starting to come together. All this stuff is related."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5>>"That's bad. I can already associate a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] with this entire affair. So where does that leave us?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"A [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]? Unusual. But okay. That might explain a lot. Question is: if the Corbeis are behind this, where does that leave us?"\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"In a sticky situation," Marisa admits. "We'd need access to the the Corbei residence, one of the towers up on B3. Find definitive proof, assuming we can gain access at all."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tYou purse your lips. "If there's abomination involved, I have cause to investigate. That could get me inside. Though I'd have to come prepared to handle a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sounds like a plan. Do whatever pre-op you have to. And I can offer Jalkovski as support. But otherwise the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] has it's hands tied. We can't risk more heat that we're dealing with already. Least of all from within the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]]."\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You stride onto the main floor of...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_floor_zanex.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.demeane eq "agressive">>"We'll talk to 'em first. Stop wasting breath."<<else>>"Take it easy, Fish. We'll talk to them. Work it out."<</if>> You gesture toward the entrance. "Let's head inside and see what's up, yeah?"\n\nFisher looks unconvinced but follows you into the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Noise reverberates in the air. Patrons writhe and shake to the beat. All you can see however are the four heavily armored mercenaries blocking the stairs to the VIP Terrace. \n\nA fifth appears behind them and makes directly toward you. He's dressed from head to toe in yellow-and-black riot armor. Only his head, topped by a shock of orange hair, is visible through the thick plates. The expresison on his face is grave.\n\n"Mr. Fisher." The merc stops, his gaze fixed on you. "And Vine. What a surprise to see you here."\n\nYour brow furrows. <<if $attrib.demeane eq "agressive">>"We fucking know one another?"<<else>>"Have we met?"<</if>>\n\n"Jalkovski. Not sure if you remember me but I used to deal with you. Worked with my half-sister. Marisa. I'm sure you remember her. Supplied hardware for the Raptors?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>push, stumble and shove your way across the dance floor<<else>>make your way around the edge of the room, skirting the dancing crowd,<</if>> to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>push, stumble and shove your way across the dance floor<<else>>make your way around the edge of the room, skirting the dancing crowd,<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal. The bouncer beside the stairs to the VIP area is about to stop you when Fisher appears. <<if $chr_fisher.met eq false>>You haven't seen the black-haired kid since you bought your way out of the mercenary business four years earlier. Good enough kid - last you heard he'd taken over command of Wilkin's Raptors in your stead.<</if>>\n\n"Oh, thank fuck you're here." Fisher looks relieved. "You got my message, right? What the hell took you so long?"\n\nConfused, you say, "Message? What? Slow down, kid." \n\n"There was this—" Fisher glances at the bouncer and waves you aside. "Something happened. I don't know what. The Boss is spooked but he ain't letting on. And..." Fisher stops in the shadows beneath the VIP terrace. "And you're sure you didn't get my message?"\n\n"Positive," you say firmly. "What's going on."\n\nFisher laughs nervously. "If I knew that, man, I wouldn't be fucking talking to you behind the Boss's back now, would I? But fuck, man. I think we need your help. I wouldn't be fucking asking if we could handle it without ya. Mean, I know you're out of the business and all. But this is deep shit, man. Real deep shit. And if you didn't get my message it means they're watching me. Us. Everyone."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromArena">>You leave the Deathmatch Arena...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideMourning">>You head for the<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You return to the...<<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You're leaning against the wall...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>You're standing near the entrance...<<else>>You are standing by the entrance...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideMourning" and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_floor_zanex.png"]]</div>\n<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_main_floor.png"]]</div>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromArena">>\n\n\tYou leave the Deathmatch Arena and head back up to the foyer, where you store your gear in one of the personal lockers. From there, you head toward the main floor of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Torrential holographic waves crash across the dance floor, illuminating thousands of silhouettes shaking to the tean of a rapid pulse-beat. A smaller crowd has gathered by the long bar beside the dance floor. On the right, behind the DJ's sandy pedestal, a flight of steps lead up to the VIP terrace.\n\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutsideMourning">>You head for the main entrance to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and, after much delay, manage to slip in unnoticed. On the way in, you deposit your gear in your locker and head for the main floor. There's almost nobody about, just a handful of <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>- [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<<else>>raptors<</if>> standing guard over the entrance.<br><br>\n\nUp ahead, noise reverberates from the dance floor. The big speech is barely over and already the crowd is back at it, dancing and dipping through the enemorus holographic waves. Except the spirit isn't the same, especially not today. The crowd feels subdued and it's easy enough to imagine why<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>, what with three fully armed [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers patrolling beneath the VIP terrace<</if>>.\n\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\n\tYou return to the entrance of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Torrential holographic waves crash across the dance floor, illuminating thousands of silhouettes shaking to the rythm of a rapid pulse-beat.<br><br>\n\n\tA smaller crowd has gathered by the long bar beside the dance floor to chat, though their conversations are inaudible over the noise. On the right, behind the DJ's sandy pedestal, a flight of steps lead up to the VIP terrace.\n\n<<else>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You're leaning against the wall near the entrance to the main floor of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], trying your damndest not to look like you feel - wasted out of your mind.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>You're standing near the entrance to the main floor of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], fighting to keep your eyes open.<<else>>You are standing by the entrance on the main floor of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].<</if>> Waves of noise wash over you, drowning out the world with a fast-paced beat that leaves a whiff of salt water every boom of the base. Torrential holographic waves crash across the expansive dance floor, illuminating thousands of silhouettes shaking to the tune admidst the ever-changing splashes of color.<br><br>\n\nA smaller crowd has gathered beside the dance floor, where a long bar built of what would appear to be sand stretches into the darkness. On the right, behind the DJ's sandy pedestal, a flight of steps lead up to the VIP terrace.\n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>>You enter the classroom the Acheri...<<else>>You enter the classroom the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] disappeared into. It looks normal enough; forty child-sized data chairs set in a half-circle around the teacher's podium at the front of the room. With all the terminals powered off, the only sources of light are educational holo-projections cast on the walls. There's also a row of cabinets at the back of the room. None of the locks have been forced. \n\n"What the—" You pace to the center of the classroom, casting around for signs of the [[Acheri's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] passing. \n\nNothing looks out of place. Which is weird. Even a little girl can't have just vanished into thin air. So you pace around the classroom again, and eventually notice a dented pannel beneath the teacher's pedestal.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>>You enter the classroom the Acheri...<<else>>You enter the classroom the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] came from. It looks normal enough; forty child-sized science counters set in a half-circle around the teacher's podium at the front of the room. With all the terminals powered off, the only source of light are holo-projections of chemical formulas floating on a row of wall cabinets.\n\nOne of the cabinets has been forced open; the door's badly bent and hanging on one hinge. There's a puddle on the floor beneath it and something that looks suspiciously like a mood-regulating implant lying amidst the sticky fluid.<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You head through the double doors to the rear area...\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_conferenceroom.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou head through the double doors to the rear area of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and take a left, past the stairs to the kitchens and toward the conference room. The door is open so you step into the wood-paneled room beyond - evidently Wilkin improved the decor since your days with the Raptors. Warm glow-panels along the ceiling cast a welcoming light across a mahogany conference table and six chairs arranged around it.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOnly one seat is occupied, by a man in a black suit who's absently scrolling through a data pad. He looks up as you approach. \n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisa">>"<<formalname>>, yes? I was told you'd be here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That was fast." You stand at the table, opposite the man, and fold your arms. "No offense, man, but when people just show up outa thin air, I me tend to get a bit suspicious."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man chuckles. "I see. But no. I was already here when the message arrived. It was a simple matter of re-arranging appointments."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well then." You tilt your chin up. "What's the deal? Who am I dealing with? What do you want? You know, the usual."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"My name is Bob. I'm an associate affiliated with [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]]. As you might guess, I manage relations between our respectable business partners and our, well, less reputable assets. I was told you wish to speak with one of our partners. So I'm here to ensure the prerequisites for such a meeting are fulfilled." Bob folds his hands on the table. "If I may, I would like to explain how this affair will function."\n\t\t<<else>>"Who are you? I was told I would be speaking to—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shut up,"<<else>>"Silence,"<</if>> you snarl, leaning on the table opposite the man. "I'm here to ask some questions. And you'd better answer. Quick. Or this will turn ugly."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man looks insulted. "Are you threatening me, young <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>man<<else>>woman<</if>>? Do you even know who I am?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Nope, and I don't care. See—"<<else>>"Not yet though I bet I'm about to find out. See—"<</if>> You draw your <<knife>> and pace around the table. "—before I got this job, I did something else for a living. Sure you've heard all about it. So the question is this: are you gonna test me? Or are you smart enough to not mess with me, hm?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'm smart enough to not betray my clients." The businessman fixes you with a hard gaze. "I can provide answers. But only to an extent. And you must promise this will remain civil. Are we understood?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are sitting...<<else>>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromSelf">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_zanex.png"]]</div><</if>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are sitting on the VIP terrace. A muted beat throbs in the background. Footsteps patter as one of the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] sentries paces up and down idly.\n\nAcross from you, Marisa folds her arms. "So, that all? Or we got more business?"<<else>>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal and head up the stairs to the VIP Terrace. Two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in black-and-yellow riot armor are standing guard at the top. They stand aside as you approach.\n\n"Thanks." You head across the deserted VIP area.\n\nThe lounge is empty. No 'important' people or service bots in sight, just three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers standing guard at the far end of the terrrace. Behind them, Marisa is sitting on the L-shaped sofa Wilkin used to lair on, <<if $characterEncounterPhases.xanexRewardPhase eq 1 and $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>pouring a strange firearm.<<else>>pouring over a large stack of data pads.<</if>>\n\n<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign neq "none" and not $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>><<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>"Vine." Marisa shoots you a dark look. "Did I hear right what happened down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]?"\n\n"Presumably," you say uncertainly. "Took a bit of an unexpected turn."\n\n<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent>>"Yeah. Unexpected. I got three bodies, a blood threat, and a bunch of new issues. So, no offense, but you can go fuck yourself. I don't want ya here. Not now. Not at all. Understood."\n\nYou swallow. "Okay. Got it."<<else>>"Could say that. But we're still in business. So no hard feels. From what Jalkovski said, ya did the best ya could."\n\nYou force a smile. "Thanks. I'll try not to make this worse than it is."<</if>><<else>>"Vine." Marisa shoots you a stern look. "Did I hear right what happened down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]?"\n\n"Bit of a misunderstanding," you admit. "Far as I can see it's dealt with."\n\n<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent>>"True. Just wanted to make sure we still understand one another."<<else>>"Yeah, for now. Just wanna make sure we're clear and this isn't gonna come back to haunt us."<</if>>\n\n"To make it clear: we're still on the same side here. Things just went a little sideways but none of that was intentional."\n\n"Good." Marisa folds her hands. "Case closed then."<</if>><<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 3>>She barely looks up as you approach. "So you decided to drop by after all, did you?"\n\n"Seems so." You stop, wary of the armed guards. "Looks like your gang has settled in nicely."\n\n"We kept on most of the staff, just made some adjustments to security." Marisa tosses the data pad she was reading aside. "Frankly, that might have been a mistake. I've seen a lot of damned shit since the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] but this idiot's filing system takes the cake. Pure security through stupidity. Can't find a damn thing."\n\nYour brow rises. "Looking for something in particular?"\n\n"Oh, just data pertaining to that item we're both looking for. Not that I'll find anything useful in this mess." Marisa fixes you with a hard look. "But you're here for information. I got some. On Wilkin's fuck up, about Zweili using your skills, and maybe a little about my employer too. So what ya wanna know about?"<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.xanexRewardPhase eq 1 and $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>She looks up as you approach. "Vine. Look at this. [[X1|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "X1"]]. Evaluation prototype, destined to change the small arms market forever."\n\n"Huh," you say, eyeing the weapon. "What's so special about it?"\n\n"Funny story. It's based on five-hundred year old pulsed rail tech that didn't pan out in the day 'cause power supplies weren't up to scratch. Now some egghead at Reaper Industries managed to turn the thing into a viable weapon." Maria shrugs. "Think miniature rail rifle that spews nine mills at three thousand rounds per second. Packs one hell of a punch buts needs a microfusion cell to supply enough juice, which apparently can be overcharged to fry electronics and whatnot, but we haven't tested that feature yet."\n\n"Sounds a bit suspect," you say, examining the [[X1|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "X1"]]. "Aren't pulsed rails innacurate and impractical?"\n\n"Seems rate of fire makes up for that," Marisa says. "At any rate, this one's yours if you want it. Consider it compensation for everything you've done to take down that bastard Zweili."<<else>>She shoots you a glance as you draw near. "Vine. <<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>Weird outfit. But nice to see you<<else>>Nice to see you<</if>>."\n\n"I could almost say the same." You step up to the table, saying, "Have a moment?"\n\nMarisa nods. "Busy as usual but I can spare some time."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "nocomment">>You fix the merc...<<else>>You say...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "nocomment">>You fix the merc with an inquisitive look but don't say anthing. Jalkovski's expression shows no indication of emotion. Fisher on the other hand looks nervous. Hard to blame him.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_riptide.png"]]</div>In the background, several [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are standing by, their rifles at ready-alert. You notice they have their fingers off the trigger. No reason to panic - yet.\n\nYou breathe a sigh. "Okay. Let's cut to it: what's going on and why is [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] here?"\n\n"Minor misunderstanding." Jalkovski glances at Fisher, then at you. "We won't be long. Just have a little issue with our former employer here. I'm sure we'll come to a resolution in a jiffy."\n\nFisher's eyes narrow. "Issue, yeah? That's what you fuckers call killing our kids? An issue?"\n\n"An over-exaggeration." Jalkovski doesn't even look at Fisher. "It would be a pleasure to escort you upstairs. Perhaps you can sway our former Employer. His current—" Jalkovski's gaze flits to Fisher. "—head of security round these parts doesn't impress quite as it once did."<<else>><<if $action.action5 eq "remember">>You say, "Yeah. I remember her. And you."<<else>>"Nah, don't remember," you say, though that's a lie.<</if>>\n\nIt's impossible to forget Marisa even if you'd wanted to. Short-cropped hair, steeled glaze; the woman who supplied your gang with real weapons during the [[Street Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]].\n\n<<if $action.action5 eq "remember">><<if $attrib.demeane eq "agressive">>The thought makes you smirk. "Jalkovski, yeah. Hey, since when does [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] recruit street scum?"<<else>>The thought makes you snort. "So, since when you working with those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] dirtbags?"<</if>><<else>>You shrug absently. "Thing that gets me here is this: since when is someone I used to work with in the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]]?"<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_zanex_riptide.png"]]</div>There's no immediate response. In the background, several [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are standing by, their rifles at ready-alert. You notice they have their fingers off the trigger. No reason to panic - yet.\n\nFinally, Jalkovski says, "I signed up as soon as I came of age. Proud to do my duty just like my sister. And don't worry. We'll be quick. Just have a little issue with our former business partner here. One that needs sorting. I'm sure we'll come to a resolution in a jiffy."\n\nFisher's eyes narrow. "Issue, yeah? That's what you fuckers call killing our kids? An issue?"\n\n"An over-exaggeration." Jalkovski doesn't even look at the kid. "<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>I've orders to<<else>>It would be a pleasure to<</if>> escort you upstairs. Perhaps you can sway our former Employer. His current—" Jalkovski's gaze flits to Fisher. "—new head of security doesn't impress."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>As you head over to the bar, two girls in bikinis...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidebar.png"]]</div><<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>As you head over to the bar, two girls in bikinis scurry out of your way. You ignore them and join the crowd in front of the sand bar.<<elseif $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>As you head over to the bar, two girls in bikinis strut past, laughing and smirking in your direction. You give them the finger and join the crowd in front of the sand bar.<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male" and $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit">>As you head over to the bar, two girls in bikinis strut past, noticably undressing you with their eyes. You ignore them and join the crowd in front of the sand bar.<<else>>As you head over to the bar, two girls in bikinis strut past, giggling and glancing in your general direction. You ignore them and join the crowd in front of the sand bar.<</if>> A bulky dude wearing <<print $clothingdesc>> gets in your way. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You shove him aside with a muttered, "Watch it, fucker."<<else>>You move around him, muttering, "Watch where you're standing."<</if>>\n\n<<if $clothingdesc eq "rainbow sweater">>"Sorry, dude," he calls as he joins a circle of equally-colorful peeps. \n\nYou shake your head with a little smile and lean on the bar.<<else>><<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>"Fuck you, faggot," he snaps back<<else>>"Fuck yourself," he snaps back.<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You give the man the finger<<else>>You roll your eyes<</if>> and lean on the bar.<</if>> After a short wait the bartender walks up <<if $loc_riptide.didFirstBar>>and grips your shoulder, shouting, "What can ol' Vic get ya this time?"<<else>>and calls, "Hey, what can I get— Oh. That you, Vine?"\n\n"Yeah." You smile genuinely. "Long time to see, Vic." \n\n"No shit." He slaps you on the shoulder, shouting over the music, "Nice te see ya round these parts again. Was starting to think you forgot where we was. But yeah. What'll it be today?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>>stride<</if>> onto the dance floor and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidedance.png"]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>>stride<</if>> onto the dance floor and join the crowd writhing and surging amidst the holographic waves. <<nobr>>\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>Two topless girls in skin-tight hotpants are shaking to your left but quickly move away. The same goes for the bulky dude and the chick he was dancing with. They're all replaced with other partygoers.\n\n<<elseif $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>Two topless girls in skin-tight hotpants are shaking to your left. One of them shoots you a disgusted look. A moment later they're gone, replaced by a difference set of partygoers. \n\n<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male" and $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit">>Two topless girls in skin-tight hotpants are shaking to your left. One of them shoots you a seductive look. A moment later they're gone, replaced by a difference set of partygoers. \n\n<<else>>Two topless girls in skin-tight hotpants are shaking to your left. A bulky dude with arms the size of your thigs is on your right. A moment later they're gone, replaced by a difference set of partygoers. \n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Bodies bounce into you from all sides, knocking you around. You barely notice, too taken by the pulsing rythm reverberating in your chest to care about anyone else. All that matters is the blissful relief of being allowed to move and dance, shake and rave along to the beat. You can't help but grin from ear to ear.<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>It doesn't take long before the constant motion starts to bother you. There's too many people, packed way too close, and you feel like you can't get out no matter how hard you try. Your breath starts to get short and you begin backing away to the edge of the dance floor. Things are calmer there. You can move and express in relative solitude. Still, you feel watched, observed, as though everyone were judging you.<<else>>You spread your arms, letting the beat wash over you, and feel the pulsing rythm reverberating in your chest. Before you know it, you're been swept up by the mood, shaking along with everyone else, relishing the freedom to move, to dance and express, and not give a damn who's watching.<</if>>\n\n<<if $chr_celena.loc eq "dancefloor">><<display 'riptide_dance_cel_txt'>><<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>So what if you're out there alone, so buzzed up you can barely move without banging into someone. It feels awesome, just great to let loose and have your way on the dance floor. There's no rules there, no one to complain about you being too damn far gone, just bodies everywhere, dancing, sweating, moving and pressing. There's nowhere else you'd rather be at that moment. \n\nUnfortunately you don't last long. What feels like less than a minute passes befoure you start gasping for breath and feeling like you've about to be sick. "Fuck," you mutter to yourself and begin pushing your way off the dance floor. Even in your state, you're not about to let yourself get drowned by a tidal wave of bodies and risk getting trampled on or suffocated. \n\nSo, despite your high hopes, you leave the dance floor and...<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Resigned, you decide there's no damn point trying to enjoy something that's freaking you out and watch the other partygoers instead. It almost hurts, seeing all the flushed faces and broad grins, while all you can do is look on and feel crap. At first you can handle the disappointment but it isn't long before you decide you've had as much as you can take and...<<else>>The atmosphere spirits your mind off into somewhere nice, with real beaches and real water, a garden planet or something like that. You've never been to such a place but the mood sure feels right, what with all the peeps bouncing around in high spirits and holographic waves splashing across the floor at odd intervals. Hell, you don't even care that you don't know anyone. Everyone's smiling, after all, <<nobr>>\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>and you can't help but smirk. For some reason, people keep shying away from you. It doesn't make sense and part of you feels irritable. But getting worked up isn't worth it.\n<<elseif $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>and you can't help but feel good. As long as you don't pay attention to the dark looks some people are shooting you. But there's no reason to get worked up about that.\n<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male" and $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit">>and you can't help but feel great. A girl in a bright pink bikini even tries to come onto you but you don't react.\n<<else>>and you just have to smile back. A girl in a floral-patterened bikini even blows you a kiss but you don't take her up on the obvious offer. \n\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n\nThere's no point in that, not really. All you want is to be on your own, have your fun while you can, and enjoy that moment for what it is. Of course, the moment doesn't last forever and you start feeling drained, exhausted. The fact you're sweating from head to toe doesn't help. So, despite your wish to keep moving and shaking to the beat, you thread your way off the dance floor and...<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Out of nowhere, someone grabs you from behind. You shake them off and whirl around to see a girl with spikey, silver hair swinging her hips to the beat with a broad grin on her face. "Long time no see," she shouts.\n\n"Eh?" You squint at her. Realization hits you and your jaw drops. "Cel? What the fuck?"\n\n"You wasted, man?" Celena shrugs innocently. "Eh, whatever. I'm trippin' too. Want some?"\n\n"Nah, not yet." You grin despite yourself. "Still wanna move, y'know?"\n\n"Sure." She moves closer to you, brushing her hips against yours. At that moment, the base drops and the crowd roads. Cel bounces toward the dance floor, shouting, "C'mon, let's rock this fucking shithole, man."<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>You're about to stop dancing for good when someone grabs you from behind. You shake them off and whirl around to see a girl with spikey, silver hair swinging her hips to the beat with a broad grin on her face. "Long time no see."\n\nYour eyes narrow. "Cel?"\n\n"Fucking A, man," She grins. "What you doing here?"\n\n"I was wondering the same thing," you shout. \n\nShe pulls a face. "Oh, c'mon, man. Shit's really going down t'night."\n\n"Yeah, I'm not feeling it." You glance around as though expecting to see someone watching you. Obviously there's no one there. You shake yourself with a sigh. "Shit, I'm getting all paranoid."\n\n"Oh, c'mon." She moves closer to you, brushing her hips against yours. "Just, y'know, let it go. Feel it." Her lips curl. "Or ya wanna little jolt? Got some on me, y'know?"\n\n"Nah," you take a deep breath, wishing you'd never even met Cel there, and say, "Shit, i should just head home. Got stuff to do 'n all."\n\nHer eyelids droop. "What? No. C'mon, this shit's just getting started." Cel grabs your hand. "C'mon, just a little. You'll feel better, I swear."<<else>>The atmosphere is just starting to drag your mind off into somewhere nice, with real beaches and real water, when someone gropes your ass. Startled, you turn to see a girl with spikey, silver hair swinging her hips to the beat with a broad grin on her face. "Long time no see, man."\n\n"Cel." You wave. "You're still here."\n\n"Fucking A. Cool vibes. And I gotta sell my shit, y'know? Keep the moms off my ass, y'know? And I was kinda hoping—" She moves closer to you, brushing her hips against yours. At that moment, the base drops and the crowd roars. Cel tugs you toward the dance floor, shouting, "Fuck that. Let's rock this fucker, man."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You step onto the main floor, which is even more crowded than usual. There are people...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou step onto the main floor, which is even more crowded than usual. There are people of every shape, size and color all over. You can barely move two steps without bumping into someone or having to squeeze your way through someone's conversation. "Fucking crowd dynamics," you mutter to yourself, remembering those days you worked for Mr. Wilkin and observed the same phenomenon over and over: until the night's attraction gets up on stage and draws the masses onto the floor, everyone goes braindead. No ammount of guidance or logic will sway people into realizing that, hey, there's an entire room they could spread across if they wanted to. No, they all cluster around the entrance and get in each others way. \n\nFor once however that isn't a nuisance. Hell, you're actually glad they're all standing in one spot. It means that, once you've pushed past two middle-aged dudes decked out in Hard Grace Lite fangear, you're free to roam the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] at will. Your first destination, of course, is the bar. There's barely anyone around and Vic spots you walking up right away. He smiles as he leans on the counter. "Heya man. Out for the show?"\n\n"Seems like it." You nod slowly. "Yeah, dunno what got into me." Maybe I just needed a change of pace.\n\nVic nods knowingly. "Tell me about it, man. I could use one of those." He shrugs. "Eh, anyways, what'll you have?"\n\n"Liq. And might as well go with the whole bottle. Knowing..." You glance at the steadily growing crowd by the entrance. \n\nVic chuckles. "Sure thing, man." He pulls a bottle from under the counter. "Tell ya what. 'Cause it's you, this one's on me." He slaps your shoulder. "Hey, you got company."\n\n"Eh?" He nods to your left. You turn to see <<if $chr_celena.loc eq "none">>Lalina striding toward you, dressed in the most revealing top and skirt she could possibly have chosen. You smile when stops before you. "Hey, Lali. S'up?"\n\n"Hey, you." She kisses you on the cheek. "Didn't think you'd be here."\n\n"Yeah, well..." You shrug. "Figure I should drop by, you know?"\n\n"Kinda." She grins and nods at the bottle of Liq beside you. "Drining much?"\n\nYou drown a swig. "Yeah. Want some?" You offer the bottle. \n\n"Sure." Lalina takes a sip. Her face contorts. "Ugly." She drowns another gulp and hands the bottle back with a little smile. "Thanks. I'll need more of that."\n\n"Figured," you say, eyeing rapidly growing crowd on the dance floor. "Looks like this is gonna be one hell of a show."\n\n"That even a question?" When you raise an eyebrow, Lalina says, "I mean, it's Hard Grace Lite, right? What can't be good?"\n\nYou shrug absently. "Never really listened to 'em."\n\n"Oh." Lalina looks surprised. "Really? They play here all the time."\n\n"Yeah, well, I don't hang around here as often as I used to." You drown a gulp of Liq, secretly hoping Lalina leaves that particular topic be. To your relief, she does, and an uneasy silence falls. You take another sip of Liq and offer Lali the bottle. She accepts it with a smile and drinks. The uneasy silence continues. Eventually you decide it's time to break the silence and say, "So, uh, yeah. What you been up to?"\n\nLalina shrugs. "Not much. Working. Being annoyed by my roommate. Looking forward to today." She glances around, saying, "I was kinda gonna meet some peeps here. Dunno where they got to though."\n\nEyeing the rapidly growing crowd, you say, "Good luck finding 'em. Locator reception is shit in here."\n\n"I know, right?" Lalina gulps booze and says, "Always ticks me off. Every time. It's so damn hard to find anyone." She shakes her head and hands back the bottle, saying, "You'd think that Mr. Wilkin would do something about it. Isn't like he doesn't have enough credits or anything."\n\n"Probaly isn't high on his list of problems." You swallow the last of the bottle and put it on the bar. "But yeah. Wanna go look for your friends?"\n\nLalina nods. "Suree. You gonna..." You shake your head. "Okay. I'll be back." She smiles a little and disappears into the crowd. You stare after for a moment, wondering if you should wait for her to come back. She's a sweet enough girl, after all. A little innocent, a little blue-eyed, but not a bad person in any way. The only problem is you can't really find it in yourself to care about her. She's only human and a Downs kid at that. Not that there's anything wrong with that but, compared to the people you've been messing with the past years, she just isn't worth hanging out with, much less trying to get friendly with. \n\nWith that thought in mind, you slip into the crowd and head for the entrance. There's no point to stick around the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Even if the music will be as good as Lali said it would, it just isn't worth it. That place is part of your past and better left behind. So you grab your gear from Locker #5651 and push your way toward the exit. With all the other guests streaming onto the main floor, it takes what feels like forever. It makes you feel like the galaxy's worst loner too. After all, you did just pass up a chance at what most sane people would consider a nice night with good music, booze, and probably an okay crowd. And maybe it would have been. You don't care. All you can think about is getting the hell out of...<<else>>Lalina and Celena walking over. They look oddly mismatched, what with Lalina wearing the skimpiest skirt and cropped top she possiby could have while Celena hasn't bothered to change out of the baggies she's been wearing all week. You shake your head with a chuckle. "And I thought I'd have a quiet night for a..." In the background, the music ramps up, sending deep, pulsing rythms echoing off the walls. "..change."\n\nCelena slaps Lali on the ass and struts toward you, swaying to the beat. "Hey." She plants a kiss on your lips. "Almost thought you wouldn't make it, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>"."\n\n"Starting to wonder if I shouldn't have," you mutter, painfully away that Lalina is checking you out - and none to subtly at that. \n\nCelena giggles. "Oh, don't worry. She's just fucking wasted."\n\n"Already?" Your eyebrows rise. Cel licks your lips. You roll your eyes and mutter, "This is gonna end badly, man."\n\n"Eh, you mean you ever wanted it to?" When you open your mouth to reply, Celena sticks her tongue inside. You taste synthetic plastic, no doubt a pill, which she forces down your throat none too kindly. You swallow it. Celena smirks and slaps your ass. "C'mon, ya got some serious catching up to do, man."\n\n"Yeah." You grab the bottle of Liq Vic gave you, unscrew the cap and drown a long gulp. The bitter liquid makes your face contort. "Ugh." You drown another go to get rid of the taste and smile at Lalina. "Hi, by the way. S'up?"\n\n"Nothing," she giggles, swaying on her feet. "Just, you know..." She strokes Celena's arm. "Having fun." Lalina's eyes cloud over and she sways. A moment later she snaps back and smiles at you. "Cool that you made it. Kinda thought. Well, you know..."\n\n"Figured I could use some time off," you say, already feeling the booze and Cel's pill going to your head. Everything feels light, as though you were in low gravity. The sensation makes you grin. "Y'know, I'm starting to think this might be fun."\n\n"Fucking A it will." Cel rubs against you, matching her motions to the resounding beat. Without stopping, she grabs your bottle of Liq and drowns a long gulp. When she hands it back you follow suit. Lailina joins in the drinking. Something tells you you should be telling her to stop before Celena takes advantage of her sweet little ass but you can't figure out how to say that without sounding like a killjoy. Instead you snatch the bottle back and keep drinking - mostly to forget what you're letting Celena do. Around the same time, the music starts amping up to full, ear-numbing volume. The crowd cheers and surges onto dance floor. You vaguely remember thinking you should probably move before the bar is swamped. Most likely you said something to that effect too because Celena bounces up and down beside you, saying, "C'mon, man, let's get up with this shit."<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whothey">>\n\t\t"They?" You shoot Fisher a perplexed...\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatneed">>\n\t\t"What do you need? Just give it to me..."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "canthelp">>\n\t\t"I can't help," you say earnestly...\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "whothey">>\n\t\t"They?" You shoot Fisher a perplexed look. "C'mon, man. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Start making sense. I ain't a telepath.<<else>>Speak sense. You weren't this messed up in, like, forever.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\tFisher pulls a face. "I know, man. I feel like a fucking idiot. They just showed up here a few hours ago and started making demands. Even showed the boss vids of some of our guys getting offed, execution style. Word was if we didn't do what they said, they'd take us down hard."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whatneed">>\n\t\t"What do you need? Just give it to me plain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Someone I can trust," Fisher says quietly. "I feel like a fucking idiot but these guys, they just showed up here a few hours ago and started making demands. Even showed the boss vids of some of our guys getting offed, execution style. Word was if we didn't do what they said, they'd take us down hard."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "canthelp">>\n\t\t"I can't help," you say earnestly. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You know I'm out of that fucking business. Everyone's got that through their thick heads except you." <<else>>"No disrespect, man. But I'm out of the business. You know that. Everyone does."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just listen to me first, please." Fisher sounds frantic.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fine, whatever.<<else>>"Okay, okay. I'll listen.<</if>> But you know where I stand."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't matter where you stand, man. They're coming after us all. I feel like a fucking idiot but these guys, they just showed up here a few hours ago and started making demands. Even showed the boss vids of some of our guys getting offed, execution style. Word was if we didn't do what they said, they'd take us down hard."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tIncredulous, you say, "And you believe that<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> crap<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"When guys in fucking [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] gear show up? You fucking kidding me?" Fisher rubbed his face. "Shit, man. I dunno who they're working for. But you know the stories and they got all the tech. I don't know what the fuck to do. The Raptors ain't shit against that kinda pro."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I'll say," you say darkly. "What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> do those theophobes want with you guys anyways?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fucked if I know, and that's where I need help, man. I can't fucking look into it. You though, you got the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and all on your side. All I'm asking is ya figure out what we're dealing with here, okay? Just that an' nothing more."\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "enter">>You head down the pressure corridor...<<else>>You return to the security checkpoint...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "enter">><<if ($factionlock.kobolPhase gte 1 and $factionlock.kobolPhase lt 98 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase lt 2) or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_kobol.png"]]</div>You head down the pressure corridor that leads to the [[B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. There's a security scanner by the etrance watched over by two [[Blood Sons|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]. Beyond lies an enormous open space filled with piles of shipping crates, synthboxes, water barrels.<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_docks_exterior.png"]]</div>You head down the pressure corridor that leads to the [[B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. There's a security scanner by the entrance and, beyond, an enormous open space filled with piles of shipping crates, synthboxes, water barrels.<</if>> A small army of automated cranes, loading bots and the occasional old-school forklift are busy moving shipments around. The cargo vessels being loaded and unloaded, however, are not visible.\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase eq 4>>"Hold it, scum." One of the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] mercs steps forward, floor shaking under his augmented boots. "Area's in our control now. Get yer sorry ass outa here or else—" He taps the heavy weapon he's carrying. "Understood, eh?"\n\n"Wow, yeah. Easy." You step back. "I got it. You guys are in control now."\n\nOdd. You didn't even know those bastards were holding out in this place. Then again, you did just off their upper management. Might've been that drew the maggots out of the woodwork.<<else>>There are no viewports or displays in the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]], only holo-boards above the docking tubes and loading airlocks which display general information on the respective vessel tethered there - name, class, owner, and so on. Still, you know from experience the haulers are huge, hundreds of meters long at least, some even kilometers from bow to stern. But, as you quickly remind yourself, you aren't there to muse about space ships, no matter how much you might have wanted to be a spacer as a child.<</if>><<else>>You return to the security checkpoint just outside the docks. Behind you, piles of shipping crates, synthboxes, water barrels are being moved from about by an army of automated cranes, loading bots and the occasional old-school forklift. \n\nThe cargo vessels being loaded and unloaded, however, are not visible. But they're there - just beyond the pressure hull. Every kid knows that.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You return to the main hallway and head back toward...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou return to the hallway and head toward the front entrance, hoping to find a stairwell to the basement. There's none, but you do find an elevator. A holo-warning flickers above the call button, indicating the system is offline due to a security lockdown.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_door_intro.png"]]</div>"Great." You glance around, wondering if there might be another way down you missed. \n\nAn access panel maybe, or another duct. Then you notice a fire escape holomap beside the elevator. There doesn't seem to be another way down to the basement - split into a server farm area and a storage area according to the map. <<if $attrib.toxicity lt 75 and $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\nYou're about to accept the fact that you'll have to force the elevator doors and climb down when something occurs to you: the server farm in the basement must be aligned with one of the utility passages that runs the length of Level B30. It has to be, or there'd be no way to interace the school with the [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] Vox Edeni - or power grid. In which case there has to be some sort of utility access to the basement. Obviously not here, in the corridor, but it has to be around somewhere. Maybe in a utility room? Or you could just force the elevator doors.<<else>>Resigned to the fact you'll have to climb down the shaft, you pause to collect your thoughts. There would be another option: get the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] to rescind the lockdown on the elevator, but that would take forever. It'd be more efficient to just risk the climb.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "communicate_fail" or $action.action1 eq "spare_fail">>You take a step back...<<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "communicate">>"Uhh, hello?" You risk a...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "spare">>"Oh, for fuck's sake." You take...<<else>>You lower your weapon and...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "communicate_fail" or $action.action1 eq "spare_fail">>You take a step back, hands raised. "Easy now. Let's just—"\n\nThe [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] steps forward, breathing heavily and anger burning in its eyes. The bald kid tries to take its hand but the abomination tears free.\n\nYou back off hastily. "Hey, hey, I don't—"\n\nShrieking, the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] hurls itself at you. Claws swish past so close you can see the jagged, disease-ridden edges. Adrenaline surges. It's kill or be killed. Compassion isn't an option anymore.<<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "communicate">>"Uhh, hello?" You risk a cautious step forward. "You, uh, okay?"\n\n"Stay away," the bald kid croaks. "Please." He grasps the abomination's arm. "Please. Friend." \n\n"Easy, easy." You step back. "I'm not here to hurt anyone."\n\nThe [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] glowers, breathing heavily as though fighting to restrain itself. For the longest moment you expect the worst to pass. Then the boy tugs at its arm again. The [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] takes a step back, lowering its clawed hands. Uneasy tension hangs heavy in the passage. \n\n"Friend." The boy hugs its abominated playmate. "Is also friend. We all friend."\n\nThe [[Acheri's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] hideous head turns to the kid. His lips curl into a smile. "Is okay." The [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] breathes a rasped sigh and lets the boy stroke its misshapen face. "Is okay." He kisses it on its hideous, chapped lips. The sight makes you cringe inwardly. The boy eyes you with wide, terrified eyes. "Thank you."\n\nYou swallow and, without waiting to see what happens, hurry back the way you came. It's just too much to take. Part of you wants to go back and finish the job like a hunter should. But you can't. The very idea of going back there, of looking in their faces, and then murdering those things in cold blood, shit, you just can't handle it.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "spare">>"Oh, for fuck's sake." You take a step back. "Easy now. No harm—"\n\nThe [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] snaps at you, its rotten teeth chattering. Spindly arms raise to extend clawed fingers. You hastily grab your <<knife>>.\n\n"No," the bald kid croaks. "Please." He grasps the abomination's arm. "Please. Friend." \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "caution">>"Friend?"<<else>>"Right. Friend."<</if>> You eye the abomination with suspicion.\n\nIt glowers back, breathing heavily as though fighting to restrain itself. For the longest moment you expect the worst to pass. Then the boy tugs at its arm again. The [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] takes a step back, lowering its clawed hands. Uneasy tension hangs heavy in the passage. \n\n"Friend." The boy hugs its abominated playmate. "Is also friend. We all friend."\n\nThe [[Acheri's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] hideous head turns to the kid. His lips curl into a smile. "Is okay." The [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] breathes a rasped sigh and lets the boy stroke its misshapen face. "Is okay." He kisses it on its hideous, chapped lips. The sight makes you cringe inwardly. The boy eyes you with wide, terrified eyes. "Thank you."\n\nYou nod and, without waiting to see what happens, hurry back the way you came. It's just too much to take. Part of you wants to go back and finish the job like you should have. But you can't. The very idea of going back there, of looking in their faces, and then murdering those things in cold blood, shit, you just can't handle it.<<else>>You lower your weapon and survey the scene. Both the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] and its male companion - not quite abominated, as far as you can tell - are dead. Blood is slowly dripping to the floor. Nothing else makes a sound. The two child-esque corpses simply lie there in silence, one bloated and inhuman, the other with an expression of sheer terror frozen on its face.\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death be kind to you." You turn away, having seen al there is. "I just hope you're better off now."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void have mercy." You turn away, disgusted by the sight. "What a senseless loss of life."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy." You turn away, unable to bear the sight. "What a senseless loss of life."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Ah, for fuck's sake." You turn away, disgusted by the sight. "What a fucking waste."<<else>>"Ugh." You turn away, unable to bear the sight. "What a waste."<</if>>\n\nUnfortunate, but there's nothing you can do. Abominations deserve to die, no exceptions. You did what you had to. Unfortunate that the kid got in the way but, hell, not your problem. Best thing you can do now is just leave it the fuck be and head back - and maybe have a drink later, to help dull the guilt.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>ou set off across the docks...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou set off across the docks, searching for the Dockmaster amidst the maze of boxes, crates and other goods piled around the docks. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>In your hazed state, it seems like an effort in vain - and only when you're not stumbling around, trying to remain upright. There's no one around, just ceiling cranes zipping containers back and forth while three-meter tall loading bots thunder past, carrying whatever the hell they're carring. It almost seems as though the docks are running themselves, utterly devoid of human guidance. For some reason that makes you laugh - a laugh that quickly fades when a loading bot stomps past, shaking the floor with every heavy footfall.\n\n"Shit." You squeeze against the nearest crate, watching the black-and-yellow monstrosity thunder straight past you with a pallet of synthboxes balanced on its loading arms. It's as the bot disappears from view behind a stack of crates that it dawns on you: walking around the docks blown out of your mind is not a good idea. At best, you'd just get lost. At worst, well, heavy machinery has never been kind to human bones. \n\nGiven you don't exactly have a death wish, you turn around and swagger back though the docks, swaying dangerously on your feet as you make your winding way back to...<<else>>For the longest time you don't see a single human being, just ceiling cranes moving containers back and forth while three-meter tall loading bots haul smaller items around. It's almost as if there's no one around at all - barring the minor army of robots.\n\n<<if $loc_docks.spokeDockMaster>>Then you spot Dockmaster Fariq amidst the many crates. "Hey, Dockmaster!"\n\nHe glances at you. "You again? Is same as before, yes? Still have question?"\n\n"Yep, and I bet <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>—" You stifle a yawn. <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>you still don't wanna spill the fucking beans."<<else>>you still don't want to answer, right?"<</if>>\n\nHe purses his lips. "Like I say, maybe I can be convinced. Maybe I know something. I say maybe. Okay? Is nothing certain. And I not say uless you show me how good friend we are. Yes? You understand?"<<else>>When you reach the far end of the docks, where the moored vessels are connected to [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] via flexible docking tubes, that changes. There's a mechanic working on a half disassembled bot, several men chatting with a woman, and of course the person you're looking for: an elderly fellow in a bright green overall carrying a datapad under his arm.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_dockmaster.png"]]</div>"Dockmaster," you call, jogging to catch up with him. "Hey, dockmaster, you got a minute?" He doesn't stop. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey, asshole! I'm fucking talking to you."<<else>>"Hey, Dockmaster Fariq! Hey!"<</if>>\n\nThe man hesitates and turns back. "Vine? Is you?" A grin spreads on his face. "What you do around this part, eh, my friend?"\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "churchgoer">>"I'm looking for someone. Well, information about someone at least." <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>You stifle a yawn. <<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You glance around, just to make sure no one's listening, and continue, <<else>>You shrug a little. <</if>>"Figured maybe you could help me out."\n\n"Much glad to. But business is hard. And I often forget, yes?" Dockmaster Fariq winks at you. "You know, eh? To loosen the mouth."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, cut the crap you idiot."<<else>>"Oh, c'mon. Don't be a speed bump."<</if>> Fariq raises an eyebrow. You scoff. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Like you'd even be in business if it wasn't for me. So cut me a fricking break, okay?"<<else>>"Hey, I got you in this joint. So cut me a little slack here."<</if>>\n\nFariq waves a finger. "Eh, eh, that before. I repay. Now different. You not work for Mister Wilkins. So I not simply give information."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "activity">>"I'm on a job, wanted to ask you a few questions<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">> if that's okay with you<</if>>."\n\n"Ah, is okay, but I know nothing."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ah, cut the crap you idiot."<<else>>"Oh, c'mon. Don't be a speed bump."<</if>> Fariq raises an eyebrow. You scoff. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Like you'd even be in business if it wasn't for me. So cut me a break, okay?"<<else>>"Hey, I got you in this joint. So cut me a little slack here."<</if>>\n\nFariq waves a finger. "Eh, eh, that before. I repay. Now different. You not work for Mister Wilkins. So I not simply give information."<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Some ways down the B30 Pressure Tunnel, you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nSome ways down the [[B30 Pressure Tunnel|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], you <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble toward a large double door.<<else>>stop before a large double door.<</if>> Flickering holo-panels above the entrance spell out //ABACUS MIDDLE SCHOOL//. A notice below states that, due to recent technical issues, all classes will be held virtually until further notice.\n\n"Odd." You push the doors open.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_abacus_acheri.png"]]</div>Beyond lies a dim corridor lined by lockers and holo-collages displaying the kids' most recent works. As you <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger<<else>><<walk>><</if>> along the corridor, you can't help but <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>chortle at all the effort those kids put into what - in your oppinion - just looks like a pile of crap.<<else>>skim the various works; poems, short stories, animated videos and stills, and imagine the youngsters toiling away to make something no one will ever remember.<</if>> It almost feels like back when you were in sixth grade - just minus the children, of course, and not run by the [[Cult of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]].\n\nYou've just started to wonder where you'll find this Mr. Gartner - and why no one is around - when a door opens on the left. A man dressed in a green sweater steps out, carring a synthbox stuffed with data pads. \n\nHe stops short when he sees you. "Oh, I just copied all the security footage for you. I was going to put them out front so you could show your friend but—" His smile faulters. "Uh, just to be certain, you are the one <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin<<else>>the mercenary woman<</if>> sent to help us with the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]], right?"\n\n"[[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]?<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>> Now that's just <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>great." Trying your best not to act like you're shitfaced, you say,<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>> Here?" Suddenly very awake, you say,<<else>> Wonderful." You breathe a sigh.<</if>> "But no. For once, I'm not here because of an abomination."\n\n"Unfortunate, because—" He shakes his head. "Not why you are here. And I am Tobias Gartner. I teach at this school. Who are you and what do you want?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "acheri">>"What was that about an..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "vine">>"Name's Vine. I wanted to..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "questions">>"I wanted to question you..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "acheri">>"What was that about an [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]? You got some sort of abomination problem?"\n\n"Well, I do not think—" He's cut short when a mournful cry echoes down the hall.\n\nYour brow furrows. "Say, that abominaion doesn't happen to be a girl, does it?"<<elseif $action.action5 eq "vine">>"Name's Vine. I wanted to question you about—" A mournful cry echoes down the hall. You pull a face. "Wait, lemme guess: the abomination is a girl."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "questions">>"I wanted to question you about—" A mournful cry echoes down the hall. You pull a face. "Wait, lemme guess: the abomination is a girl."<</if>>\n\nTobias looks surprised. "You can tell from its voice? I did not know until I saw the footage. And you just stand here and know—"\n\n"Shh." You point to the end of the corridor.\n\nA little girl is standing in plain view, fiddling with a frayed dress. Tangled, oily hair hangs down to her petite shoulders, concealing bright eyes set in a disfigured face. Her misshapen body, set upon bare legs slick with grime, looks frail beneath the tattered remains of a large, grey sweater. Its gaze meets yours for a moment. It looses a raspy squeak and scarpers into a side room.\n\nYou glance at Mr. Gartner, who's shaking from head to toe. "It's just a scared kid. It won't hurt you unles you try to hurt it."\n\n"I know. I'm actually a bit of an expert. But to see one in reality, to actually face—" He shoots you a sidelong glance. "Wait. How do you know about them? And why are you here anyways? I don't understand."\n\n"I've<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>—" You stifle a yawn. "I've hunted abominations before. <<else>> hunted abominations before. <</if>><<if $action.action5 eq "acheri">>I actually just wanted to ask some questions but I suppose I could help you with the problem. Might cost you a bit."<<else>>Not why I'm here today though. Just want my answers."<</if>>\n\nTobias nods uncertainly. "I see. <<if $action.action5 eq "acheri">>Yes. Perghaps the school could compensate you. Unless you will accept another form of payment?"<<else>>But, ah, you would not perhaps be intrested in helping us with this, ah, issue? I would be in your debt. And naturally the school compensate you for your efforts."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Here goes nothing." You jam your fingers ...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>"Here goes nothing." You jam your fingers into the gap and just manage to pry them open.\n\nThe locking mechanism protests. Effort strains your muscles. Finally, you manage to jam a knee into the gap, holding the doors open long enough to reach the manual release inside the shaft. The lever gives way. Elevator doors snap open. \n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_ladder.png"]]</div>Dizziness threatens to overcome you and you lean against the door frame to catch your breath. After a moment, balance returns and you risk a glance into the dark elevator shaft. It's three meters deep, with the elevator car hovering a meter or so above your head. There's a ladder just below the doors. Just thinking about what you're about to do - and the state of mind you're doing it in - makes you feel dizzy again. But there's nothing tobe done. So, despite your misgivings, you lower yourself onto the ladder and climb down one level to the basement.<<else>>"Okay," you peer into the dark elevator shaft.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_ladder.png"]]</div>It's three meters deep, with the elevator car hovering a meter or so above your head. There's a ladder just below the doors. Careful not to miss a step and fall, you climb down to the basement-level door.<</if>>\n\n"Round two." You grasp the release to the basement doors and tug. \n\nHydraulics hiss as the doors snap open. You swing off the ladder and through the basement-level doorway. The very next instant, you're standing in a short metal corridor, barely an arm's reach from the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]. In what feels like slow motion, her hollow stare turns to you. Spindly, disfigured limbs quiver as its muscles tense. The abomination's cracked lips part to reveal rotten teeth. \n\nDeafening noise rattles around inside in your skull as the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] shrieks at the top of its augmented lungs. When your senses recover, the disfigured child is gone. It can only have fled one way: through the narrow air vent at the end of the room.\n\n"Ah, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>for fuck's sake,"<<else>>great."<</if>> you mutter, eyeing the darkness within. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"This will be fun."<<else>>"Another adventure."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "elevator">>You crawl through the...<<else>>A second consultation...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "elevator">>You crawl through the ventilation duct, your arms banging painfully against the walls. The noise is unbearable. Surely the abomination will know you're after it. But there's nothing you can do about that now so you haul yourself on, until you reach the twisted grate at the far end.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Finally."<<else>>"Easy now."<</if>> You tumble out of the duct, into a dimly lit utility passage. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_abacus_tunnels.png"]]</div><<else>>Determined not to risk your life in an elevator shaft, you set off in search of a better route to the basement. Strangely, there's no such thing in any of the utility rooms you find, but you do eventually locate an access hatch: in the secratary's room, between two volume-printers. The panel is held in place by four heavy-duty mag clamps. Thankfully, the school administration didn't code-secure them. A good whack to the release causes them to disengage with a clang. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_abacus_tunnels.png"]]</div>You lug the pannel asside and climb down a short ladder, into a dimly lit utility passage.<</if>> The air is musty and stinks of urine. It's hard to breathe as you advance into the gloom, one careful step at a time. Power conduits along the ceiling buzz with electricity. Ventilation fans hum sadly. Somewhere in the distance, you hear a voice grunt in pain.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "caution">>"I know you're here,"<<else>>"Almost got you,"<</if>> you mutter, creeping toward the origin.\n\nWithin moments, a second voice can be heard muttering over the grunts of the first. They're close - just beyond a bend in the passage. You take a deep breath, steel yourself for what's to come, and swing around the corner.\n\nThe [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] is right in front of you, crouched over a young, balding boy with pale skin. It head is turned to you, hollow eyes half-hidden behind its mane of oily hair. Spindly, disfigured limbs quiver as muscles tense. Its cracked lips part to reveal rotten teeth. <<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>Despite disgusting visage, you can't help but notice its skeletral hand is gingerly wrapped around the kid's shoulder, almost as though it is trying to care for the poor fellow.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You've just returned to the main hallway of Abacus Middleschool when...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_abacus_acheri.png"]]</div>You've just returned to the main hallway of Abacus Middleschool when Mr. Tobias Gartner bursts through the front doors at a fast <<walk>>. He strides directly for you, determination etched on his face. "Hey, I was thinking—"\n\n"No need, Mr. Gartner." He opens and closes his mouth. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "caution">>You shoot him an inquisitive look. "Yes?"<<else>>You fold your arms. "Okay. What?"<</if>>\n\n"I, ah." He glances at his feet. "I knew the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]. She. It went to school here one year. Then she didn't return. I never heard from her parents. If I'd known—" He swallows. "But that doens't matter now, does it?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You are in Celena's apartment... <<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena_zanex.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena.png"]]</div><</if>>You are in Celena's appartment on the first floor of the [[Level B33 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. For a hab unit, it's unusually large; able to comfortably fit a bed and wash tube along one wall, a small cooker and wall cabinets along the other, and still have enough open area to fit a U-shaped couch in the center. <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>And, for a bried moment, you could have sworn you saw a jet-black feline sitting, perfectly motionless, in the corner of the room.<</if>>\n\nCel has plastered the walls with digital prints of synth-artists - including a buttshot of Madame, a photograph of FaRAx giving the camrea the finger, and Jethrow Leerowy standing beside a homemade shuttle - and painetd one wall in flourescent colors that glow brightly in the relative gloom. <<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>>She's also hung a [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] banner beside the rest of her collection.<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">><<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Celena smiles at you. "So, what's the plan?"\n\n"Haven't made up my mind yet," you reply.\n\nShe shoots you a amused look. "That's believable coming from you, idiot. Just fucking spit it out already. Or, you know, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>just fuck me already<<else>>just tell me you want me to eat you out already<</if>>?"<<else>>Celena shoots you a bored look. "So, what now?"\n\n"No idea," you say, mulling over the options.\n\nCelena rolls her eyes. "Right. Like you don't have a plan. Like, y'know, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>fuck my brains out<<else>>make me eat you out 'till my tongue goes numb<</if>>. Or get high and shit. You know, the usual."<</if>><<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You sway on your feet, looking around the room, and start to fall. You catch your self on the couch and burst into laughter. "Oh, fuck." \n\n"You okay, man?" Celena appears in front of you. "You look fucking gone in a bad way."\n\n"Yeah, yeah," you mutter even though you know that there's really nothing you can do in your state except curl up and sleep the buzz off.\n\n"C'mon," Cel says, grabbing your arm and leading you over to the couch.<<else>><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>"Celena," you say. "You still here?"<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>"Lady Celena," you say sarcastically. "Got a moment?"<<else>>"Hey, Cel," you call. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oi. You gonna fucking say hello or what?"<<else>>"You got a visitor."<</if>><</if>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>"Yeah." She is lying on the foor before the table, staring at the ceiling. "Just contemplating life, y'know? How 'bout you?"<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>"Just a sec." Celena's spikey, silver hair pokes over the couch. "Over here. Don't step in the goo. It's sticky."\n\nYour brow furrows. "Sticky?"\n\n"We ran out of glue. Decided to make some. Didn't quite—" She waves a hand. "Anyways, what's up?"<<else>>Celena's spikey, silver hair pokes over the couch. "Huh? Oh." A smile spreads on her drowsy face. <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor" and $chr_celena.isWitch>>"Ohh. So you are Blackscorned after all."\n\nYou shoot her a confused look. "I'm what?"\n\n"Blackscorned. Related to an excommunicated warlock of the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]]. What's left of 'em - and it ain't much - have been bulbing around Sub-Null relays ever since Abissahi. Never thought I'd actually meet one but guess even I don't know everything." She shrugs absently. "Anyways, what you been up to?"\n\n"Uh, the usual?"\n\nCelena giggles. "Right. Of course. Nice of you to drop by though. Been kinda lonely, y'know?"<<else>><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Fancydress">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Love the dress. Looks absolutely gorgeous. But yeah. What's up?"\n\t<<else>>"Looking fab, girl. Fucking fab. But yeah. What's up?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Oh, man. You're going corpo style on me. But never mind. S'up?"\n\t<<else>>"Eh, what's with the suit? Job interview? Nah. No. Never mind. What's up?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Love the dress. Bit cheeky, though. But yeah. What's up?"\n\t<<else>>"Cool dress. Bit witchy in the old school way. Which is kinda weird, given me being, wellm me. But never mind. What's up?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Nice skirt, dude. But yeah. What's up?"\n\t<<else>>"What, I miss a fucking party or... oh never mind. What's up?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fancywear">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Ohh, look who got all dressed up. But whatever. S'up?"\n\t<<else>>"Eh, I hate that shirt. No tits factor. But whatever. S'up?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Neorave">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Love the pants. Did I say that already? Anyways, s'up?"\n\t<<else>>"Love that look. Did I say that already? Anyways, s'up?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Hatewear">>\n\t"Oh, hell yeah. I fucking love that shirt. But yeah. S'up?"\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Deathshround" or $equip.clothes eq "Mourning Shroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Seeker Robes">>\n\t"Huh. You going all morbind on me? Never mind. S'up?"\n<<elseif $equip.isReligious>>\n\t"Eh. Great. Now you're going all religious on me. But whatever. S'up?"\n<<else>>"Vine! Over here, man. S'up?"\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>><</if>>\n\n"Not much." <<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You stifle a yawn. "Just tired and all. Was looking for somewhere to crash."\n\n"Yeah, sure, go ahead. Or whatever." She sits up with a groan. "I'll be here if ya need me, yeah?"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You risk a smile. "Just wanted to say hi and all."\n\nCelena giggles. "Hi then. Always nice when you say hi. And when you stick around, y'know? It gets kinda lonely around here.<<else>>You shrug absently. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>"Same old. Working on spreading the Vision and figured I'd drop by."<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>"Still working on that whole world domination thing. Figured I'd drop by."<<else>>"Just dropping by and all."<</if>>\n\nCelena's lips curl. "<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>Cool. Good to know you haven't completely forgotten about my sorry ass amidst all the bullshit. Sit. Stay a while. I'm fucking bored anyways.<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>Oh, good. I almost thought you'd given up. But stay a while. Lady Celena gets bored here. Seriously.<<else>>About fucking time. Stick you stick around, will ya? It gets kinda lonely around here.<</if>>"<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You are in Celena's appartment on the first floor of... <<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena_zanex.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena.png"]]</div><</if>>You are in Celena's appartment on the first floor of the [[Level B33 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. For a hab unit, it's unusually large; able to comfortably fit a bed and wash tube along one wall, a small cooker and wall cabinets along the other, and still have enough open area to fit a U-shaped couch in the center. <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>And, for a bried moment, you could have sworn you saw a jet-black feline sitting, perfectly motionless, in the corner of the room.<</if>>\n\nCel has plastered the dark grey walls with digital prints of various synth-artists - including a buttshot of Madame, a photograph of FaRAx giving the camrea the finger, and Jethrow Leerowy standing beside a homemade shuttle - and painetd one wall in flourescent colors that glow brightly in the relative gloom. <<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>>She's also hung a [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] banner beside the rest of her collection.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Figured it's about time I drop by." You plunk yourself on couch and say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Figured it's about time I drop by." You plunk yourself on couch and say, "Actually, I need your help."\n\n"My help?" Cel sits up and rubs her face. "Shit, man, you high or something?" Her eyes narrow. "What the fuck's this about, man?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Your mothers." You swallow involuntarily. "And, well, the [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. They might be involved in something. I have to talk to them."<<else>>"It's about your mothers," you say evently. "They might be involved in something. I need to speak to them."<</if>>\n\n"No," Celena says sharply.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I know this isn't what—"<<else>>"Listen, I'm not saying you gotta—"<</if>>\n\n"No, man. No means no." Celena rests her head back with a sigh. "Shit, I'm sorry, I really am. I wish I could help but not with that. But there is no way in hell I'm talking to those bitches again. No. Fucking. Way."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit, Cel. This is fucking important. I wouldn't ask otherwise. Just tell me where to find the bitches."<<else>>"All I need you to do is tell me where the fuck to find them. You don't have to talk to anyone."<</if>>\n\n"Fuck no! They'll know I gave you the info. And then they'll come knocking on my fucking door. Again. And I don't fucking need that shit in my life. I can't... I just fucking don't. Okay?" She shoots you an apologetic look. "I know it's important and, shit, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>I love you baby,<<else>>you mean a fucking lot to me,<</if>> but I just can't do that shit. I can't."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You set a hasty pace through the maze...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou set a hasty pace through the maze of crates and containers stacked ceiling high. Machinery rumbles and beeps in the background. Utility bots shuffle back and forth, their footfalls shaking the deck. Ceiling crane whirr as they lug enormous containers to their assigned resting places. It doesn't take long to find your way back through the tumult, to the deserted pressure corridor that leads to the B40 tramway station. \n\nRelieved, you slow your pace. A dull hum sounds from the ventilation shafts above. Behind you, plastic creaks. Adrenaline surges as you whirl around. There's nothing there, just an empty passageway lit by dim glow panels.\n\n"Weird." You turn around only to find your path barred by a silvery silhouette. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck!"<<else>>"Wow!"<</if>> You recoil, scrambling for a weapon, only to realize it's <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>just [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What the hell. Seriously."<<else>>"Jeez, that was unnecessary."<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>\n\nThe armored humanoid stares at you, its metallic skin glinting in the gloom. A white cloak hangs limp from its shoulder.\n\n"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You again? What the fuck is<<else>>Hello again." You force a smile. "What's<</if>> this about?"\n\n"Time presses." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] takes a step toward you. "Our foe is swift, covers its tracks. Your assistance is necessary in this matter. Our purposes are entwined. Disagreement is pointless. Please be sensible and comply."<<else>>a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What the hell!"<<else>>"Wow! Where'd you come from?"<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>\n\nThe armored humanoid stares at you, its metallic skin glinting in the gloom. A white cloak hangs limp from its shoulder. Its featureless silver mask remains utterly impasssive. Neither of you moves - with good reason. The last time you ran into Corinthin, the tin can almost killed you.\n\n"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Well? What the fuck is<<else>>Hello." You smile uneasily. "What's<</if>> this about?"\n\n"Let us set differences aside," the machine drones. "Time presses and out interests are entwined. We track a common foe. Your assistance is necessary in this matter. Cooperation is not optional. Our purposes are entwined. Comply or you will face the consequences you escaped last time we crossed paths."<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "explain">>"Go ahead," you say. "Explain..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "answers">>"I just want some answers..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "knowmore">>"Nah, that's not how..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "understand">>"We're understood..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatwant">>"Right, then. What..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "torture">>"That won't cut it..."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "explain">>\n\t\t\t"Go ahead," you say. "Explain how this is going to work. And please don't waste my time, Bob."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That's not my intention, <<formalname>>. And it's a simple affair, really, because it all revolves around trust." Bob fixes you with a hard stare. "As you've no doubt realized, there's been a bit of a trust issue around these parts recently. My partner wants to know that you, <<formalname>>, can be trusted. So I've been asked to give you three simple assignments."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "Assignments? Are you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking<</if>> kidding me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No, <<formalname>>. This is dead serious." Bob draws a deep breath. "The first assignment, thankfully, is already a non-issue as Mr. Wilkin has already departed this world. The second would be the removal of the treacherous asset to whom Mr. Wilkin sold my partner's merchandise. I believe you are already searching for the culprit?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t"Way ahead of you there. The <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>bitch<<else>>woman<</if>> is already, well, removed as you say."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah, excellent."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"Got something of an idea. Not quite there yet but it'll get done."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I see."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Still working on that one. Might take a while."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Unfortunate. But understandable."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tBob smiles. "And then there is the third. The unfortunate fellow who made this entire debacle possible: a certain Raj Winston."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The historian?" You laugh despite yourself. <<if $chr_raj.alive>>"The guy's <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking harmless<<else>>no threat<</if>>. Smart, but harmless. Why would you want him gone?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Because, for one, his so-called historic documents are more a bitter joke than factual. And, for another, my partner has reason to believe it was Raj who accidentally revealed information about my partner's merchandice to the one who stole it. It is truly unfortunate and I am certain Mr. Winston is a fine fellow of correct upbringing." Bob's expression darkens. "But those are the terms my partner asks for, and therefore they are my terms. Mr. Winston must be removed. There can be no compromise."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou swallow. "Well, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck<<else>>that's bad<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"One way to summarize the situation." Bob rasies an eyebrow. "And? Will you accept my terms?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>"The <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucker's<<else>>poor guy's<</if>> dead already. Not my doing."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Ah, then my partner shall be relieved. As should you be. I pose no additional terms of contract, and so you may be permitted to meet my employer. Simple as that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow furrows. "Sounds a little simple to me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sometimes luck favors the fortunate. So say: my grav-car waits out back. All you need do is say the word and I shall take you to the one you wish to see."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "knowmore">>"Nah, that's not how this is gonna work." You lean forwad, saying, "I wanna know details first, up to and including who I'll be dealing with, or this goes nowhere."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I see. But no." Bob breathes a sigh. "<<formalname>>, I do not believe you understand: you want something from me. So you will abide by my terms of you will not get anything."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So, in other words, I'm wasting my time here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"If you do not abide by our terms, yes." Bob shrugs. "Or you could let me explain and abide by my terms. Surely even you can see this is a sensible solution which benefits all parties involved, no?"\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "understand">>"We're understood. Now what can you tell me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It is less what you can tell me, and more what you can do for me. You see, I require—"\n\n\t\t\t"Wait, wait," you say. "Don't try to make this about what I can do for you. Because, right now, it's all about what you can do for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There is a misunderstanding here," the man replies evenly. "Information trade is not part of my job description. I broker deals. So, if you want these answers, you will—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Bullshit." You slam a fist on the table.<<else>>"Enough." You lean on the table.<</if>> "You say you want civil. Then you turn around and try to play me. Nope. But I'll give you one last chance. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"As I said," the man says slowly. "I cannot provice what you want without something of value given in return. That is the essence of brokering a deal. Surely you understand."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatwant">>"Right, then. What are you asking for in return? Not saying I can give it to ya. But let's negotiate."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There will be no negotiation," the man says. "The terms are simple: Mr. Xaviar Wilkin is to cease inquiring into this matter. There will be no action, legal or otherwise, in response to events which transpired. Compensation will, of course, be given for damages incurred. It is a reasonable request, is it not?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou frown. "Sounds like it. But I'm guessing there's a reason Mr. Wilkin hasn't agreed to your terms yet?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Perhaps it is percieved slight or pride, I do not know. But if you could—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Me?" You laugh. "Oh, no. I'm here for personal reasons, not Wilkin's issues. Stop trying to derail this conversation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man breathes a sigh. "Then you are wasting my time, <<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou glower at the man, uncomfortably aware that there'll only be one way to get what you want out of him: direct threats to his safety. Better known as torture. That, or give up, which would be the humane thing to do. But it won't get you one bit closer to the information you need.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "torture">>\n\t\t\t"That won't cut it, man. I need the full picture and—" You stop behind the man's chair, <<knife>> held ready. "—I need it now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I am afraid that is impossible," the man says calmly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFor a moment, you remain silent. Then you crouch and whisper in his ear, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I've done this before, man. Splintered nails, crushed bones, hell, maybe a little tox here or there. You want your life to be hell? Go ahead. Push me to the limit. But I doubt that's what you want."<<else>>"I don't like thinking back to what I did in days past. But I need informaiton. And if you continue to be disruptive I may just slip into old habits. Bad habits."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And I doubt very much you want to do what you threatend." The draws a deep breath. "Let us end this conversation here. Let us both go our ways. And we will both conveniently forget any of this happened."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Or you could tell me what I wanna know: who you really work for. Tell me that and all of this unpleasantness will end before it's even started."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man doesn't respond. You wait a moment longer but he still doesn't speak. Evidently there's only one option: make good on your threats. That, or give up, which would be the humane thing to do. But it won't get you one bit closer to the information you need.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "answers">>\n\t\t\t"I just want some answers, plain and simple. No drama. No meetings or prerequisites. Just a little information."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "fromMarisa">>\n\t\t\t\tBob nods curtly. "I see, <<formalname>>, but I think there's a misconception here. Information trade is not part of my job description."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"So, in other words, I'm wasting my time here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"If you do not abide by our terms, yes." Bob shrugs. "If you let me, I can help you aquire what you seek, but it must be on my terms. Otherwise it would be best we part ways, <<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYour lips twitch. "Hard bargain you drive here, Bob."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe simply shrugs. "It is how it is. Now, may I explain?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tThe man's brow furrows. "Well, then, I can do that. But you must agree to help me. If you help me, I will help you, and that help begins with—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, no no." You pace up and down behind the man, saying, "Maybe I didn't make myself clear: I ask the questions, you give me answers. That way no one gets hurt and all this remains nice and civil."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"There is a misunderstanding here," the man says evenly. "Information trade is not part of my job description. I broker deals. That is all I can do. So, if you want these answers, you will—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Bullshit." You slam a fist on the table.<<else>>"Enough." You lean on the table.<</if>> "You're in my house, on my terms. If you think you can get out of this, think again. I will <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>rip to fucking bigs<<else>>go all the way<</if>> if I need to. So let me ask again: are you willing to cooperate?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"As I said," the man says slowly. "I'm smart enough to not betray my clients. I cannot provice what you want without something of value given in return. That is how it works."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"So, about <<if $action.action1 eq "wilkin">>Wilkin<<elseif $action.action1 eq "zweili">>Zweili<<elseif $action.action1 eq "employer">>your employer<</if>>..."\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t"About Wilkin. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>What the fuck did the old slimeball do exactly to deserve [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] crashing his party hard<<else>>What did the old man do to deserve [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] coming down so hard on him<</if>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, nothing much," Marisa says sarcastically. "He explained it to me before I killed him, you know. He wanted to make sure I knew: all he did was conduct a business transaction. With property that wasn't his and for which he had already been paid by my employer. But surely that can't be a problem, can it? I mean no one expects even a shred of honesty in any exchange of services."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "Typical Wilkin. Anything for extra credits. But you should've seen that coming."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I would've," Marisa says angrily. "But I wasn't involved. None of us were. The deals were all arranged through [[Objective 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Objective 22"]]. Complete black box, compartmentalized beyond fucking belief. Took my tech crew forever just to figure out which step in the daisy chain went sour."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"And this is why you don't work with unknown quantities." You shake your head. "Anyways, you have any idea who Wilkin sold you out to?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I asked. All he said was some rich bitch from the [[Upper B Levels|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Couldn't get much of anything outa him except that she was a bitch. Luckily the old faith-lover had a metric ton of notes on this girl. No address or name but apparently Wilkin had some kinda insurance policy releated to the 'goings down in the storerooms at the Docks', whatever that means."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah." You nod slowly. "About that, don't bother looking into the girl. The rich chick was a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. She's dead. But what we're both looking for wasn't around. Must've been moved off already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tMarisa looks impressed. "So you beat me to it. Cool. And not cool. Any idea where that stupid thing might have gone to?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Your lips twitch. "But I got no clue, man. Turned into a dead end."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Shit." Marisa rubs her face. "Well, I'll keep digging. Maybe something will turn up."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 7>>\n\t\t\t\t"If by insurance policy Wilkin meant he knew the meeting place of [[Coven Eresi|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], then it's kinda screwed. Because I was down in Storeroom 367 a little while back. Someone hired an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] to ice the [[coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. Figure that someone was your rich chick but since Wilkin's dead—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Wait, wait. Eresi?" Marisa scowls at her stack of data pads. "Saw something on that before. Not sure where right now. But if you give me a little while I might have something for you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod slowly. "Better than nothing, I suppose."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Insurance policy?" Your brow furrows. "Any idea what kind?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not a damned clue." Marisa shrugs. "I'll keep looking but, if you're into it, poke around too. There has to be some connection between all of this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"My thoughts exactly," you say. "I'll tell you if I find anything."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "zweili">>\n\t\t\t"So, about Zweili. What's that got to do with anything. And, for that matter, how the hell do you know I know the old man?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Connections," Marisa says unhelpfully. "Zweili's playing you, Vine, like the faiths always do. He was in on this all along. Made a deal with my employer. Then, when this all went to hell, he hires you? Call me paranoid but I bet you anything he's banking on you tracking this back to my employer and quietly making sure none of this links back to him."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That—" You hesitate. "Could be."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Be careful," Marisa says earnestly. "Don't trust the man. Not for one second. He's a fucking faith."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou purse your lips. "I don't trust him, sure, but you're insinuating a lot saying he stole that thing we're after. So, until I get straight answers, I'm not doing anything rash."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Pragmatic." Marisa risks a smile. "Do what you gotta about Zweili. But be careful. That faith's got plans and I'd wager a cycle's pay your head's supposed to roll somewhere down the line."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'll watch my back," you say, already typing out a message to Zweili on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "messages"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt shouldn't be too hard to arrange a meeting and get some answers from the man, especially now that you have leverage against him. Then again, assuming Zweili did help steal Object 55316, you might just get a hit sicced on your head. Not a pleasant prospect but, one way or another, you'll know what part Zweili played.\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "employer">>\n\t\t\t"So, about your employer. Take this how you want but why should I trust anyone who hires [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] to clean up their messes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You probably shouldn't," Marisa admits. "I'm not gonna lie, Vine. We've got no love for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] or any of their shit and that includes folk like you. But we got good reason for that. Or you gonna tell me you believe that holy-sacred-fuckshit the Clergy keeps sprouting all over? You really think joining the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] will make the galaxy a better place?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] isn't full of saints if that's what you're getting at. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>And I know I can be a nasty piece of work sometimes. But theothobic radicalism? Bit too far in my book."<<else>>But radicalism? Blatant terrorism? That's taking it a bit far if you ask me."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMarisa chuckles. "Why, 'cause some asshats think standing up for our freedom in mind and market is bullshit? Because that's all the [[Division|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is doing. Standing up to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and their corrupt faith crap."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"After what I saw you do here?" You shake your head slowly. "I'm not buying it, sorry."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We all got our faults, man. But I'm tired of sitting on my ass, waiting for shit to get better, and I'm not the only one." Marisa shrugs. "Whatever. Don't take it from me. I can set you up a meeting with my employer if you want. Let them talk you through what this is all about."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou bite your lip. "I might come back on that offer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Do," Marisa says. "You're a solid <<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>gal<<else>>guy<</if>>, Vine. The shit you pulled back in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] was fucking unbelievable. Did more with my hardware than, well, anyone did. But the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] don't care shit about that. They're faiths. They'll just keep using you 'till you become expendable, spit you out, and replace you. No respect. No sympathy. And they sure as hell don't care one damn about you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThough Marisa's words ring true, you decide to simply say, "Like I said, I'll have to think it over."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You fix the mercenary with a firm gaze and say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\tYou fix the mercenary with a firm gaze and say,\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "speakto">>\n\t\t"I'll speak to Wilkin. And whoever speaks on your behalf. I'll assume it's not you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski shakes his head. \n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t"Frigging faith like you better talk nice. Or else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou're about to follow the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper when Fisher snarles, "Oi, Jalko! Who're you calling Vine a faith, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I's jus saying it how it is." Jalovski stops and turns back. "<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Eden-sucking <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>cunt<</if>> from what I hear.<<else>>Good for nothing cultist is what I hear.<</if>> If it was up to me, I'd have ya iced right here and now, Acrel."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right," Fisher says, giving you that look - the dangerous one.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uh-oh," you mutter.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJalkovski shoots you a dark look. "No funny business, faith. I'm only warning you once."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ey, you watch your damn mouth or—" You step up to the armored trooper. "—we ice all your faith-hating asses. Right here. Right now!"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Yeah, I don't want bloodshed either but—" You step up to the armored trooper. "—I dont't take kindly to theophobes. No offense."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"You better watch what you say, man." You step up to the armored trooper. "You faith-hating assholes are on thin ice."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJalkovski steps back. A distorted voice crackles in his earpiece. Over by the stairs to the VIP area, the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers ready their assault rifles, while Fisher and several of his men move into position behind you. There's no doubt about it. It's kill or be killed. And you're right in the middle. As usual.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"My half-sister. Come with me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou're about to follow the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper when Fisher grabs your hand. "You serious, man? Talk to them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Hey, wake up, man."<<else>>"Be reasonable."<</if>> You gesture to the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers by the stairs to the VIP area, all of whom are wearing riot armor and armed with assault rifles. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You fuck with them all you're gonna get is a pile of corpses on the dance floor."<<else>>"There's gotta be a better solution to this than a bunch of corpses on the dance floor."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I—" Fisher bites his lip. "Well, guess you got a point there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So, if we are agreed?" Jalkovski gestures toward the VIP area.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notinvolved">>"I got out of the Raptors years ago. Only reason I'm here is because I ran into Fish. And, while it was nice catching up, I think it's better I just leave you all to it. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski shakes his head. \n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t"Can't let you off that easy. It involves you too. My sister says so. So a frigging faith like you better talk nice. Or else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou're about to follow the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] trooper when Fisher snarles, "Oi, Jalko! Who're you calling Vine a faith, eh?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I's jus saying it how it is." Jalovski stops and turns back. "<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Eden-sucking <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dick<<else>>cunt<</if>> from what I hear.<<else>>Good for nothing cultist is what I hear.<</if>> If it was up to me, I'd have ya iced right here and now, Acrel."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Right," Fisher says, giving you that look - the dangerous one.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Uh-oh," you mutter.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJalkovski shoots you a dark look. "No funny business, faith. I'm warning you. You and your faith-loving sidekick."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ey, you watch your damn mouth or—" You step up to the armored trooper. "—we ice all your faith-hating asses. Right here. Right fucking now!"\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Yeah, I don't want bloodshed either but—" You step up to the armored trooper. "—I dont't take kindly to theophobes. No offense."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"You better watch what you say, man." You step up to the armored trooper. "You faith-hating assholes are on thin ice."\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJalkovski steps back. A distorted voice crackles in his earpiece. Over by the stairs to the VIP area, the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers ready their assault rifles, while Fisher and several of his men move into position behind you. There's no doubt about it. It's kill or be killed. And you're right in the middle. As usual.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Can't do that. It involves you now too. My half-sister will wanna speak to you. Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, man." You breathe a sigh. "Okay. What's the deal here? Give it to me plain."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'd love to but my half-sister can explain the situation better. And I don't want to threaten but we—" He glances at the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers by the stairs to the VIP area. "Well, the [[108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is prepared to do what we have to. All I'm asking for is you speak to Marisa."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tFisher bites his lip. "If I got any say, I vote ya go with it. Ain't a plan I like but, hey, maybe there won't be shooting then."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Kid makes a fair point. Now if you don't mind, Sir." Jalkovski gestures toward the VIP area.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I don't think you get the situation, man. You're on their turn. Get the fuck out. Now. No fucking discussions."<<else>>"Be that as it may, you're not welcome here. This isn't your turf. Leave. Now. Or things will turn nasty."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski looks shocked. "Excuse me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"You fucking heard right,"<<else>>"You heard what I said,"<</if>> you growl, reaching for your <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">><<rifle>><<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none">><<print $equip.pistol.name>><<else>><<knife>><</if>>. "Leave. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay." Jalkovski takes a step back. "If you'll just—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Ey, you either do what I fucking say or—" You step up to the man. "—we ice all your faith-hating asses."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I don't want bloodshed either but—" You step up to the man. "—I dont't take kindly to theophobes. No offense."\n\t\t<<else>>"You should listen to me. Play nice." You step up to the man. "Or I might just kill you and all you faith-hating assholes."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski doesn't move. A distorted voice crackles in his earpiece. Over by the stairs to the VIP area, the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers ready their assault rifles, while Fisher and several of his men move into position behind you. There's no doubt about it. It's kill or be killed. And you're right in the middle. As usual.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are sitting...<<else>>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are sitting on the VIP Terrace. Not far off, the exclusive crowd is sipping drinks and chatting idly. Your attention however is fixed on Mr. Wilkin, sitting opposite you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe shuffles his data pads around and looks up. "So, that it, kid? Or ya got somethin' else on yer mind?"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\tYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble around the dance floor<<else>>skirt the dance floor<</if>> to the DJ's pedestal and head up the stairs to the VIP Terrace. Two guys dressed in smart suits <<if $equip.isFashionOutfit and not $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>nod curtly<<else>>shoot you dark looks<</if>> as you pass them by.<br><br>\n\n\t\tUpstairs, some fifty people are sitting in the lounge, sipping drinks and chatting. Service bots trundle back and forth. You pass them by and approach the raised terrace at the far end. Behind two bulky girls you spot Mr. Xaviar Wilkin. He's sitting on an L-shaped sofa, dressed in a smart business suit and surrounded by data pads.\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign neq "none" and not $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>><br><br>\n\t\t\tAs you draw near, Wilkin walks out to meet you. \n\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t"Vine. What's this hokus I'm hearing went down at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]? That for real?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Probably," you say, stopping prematurely. "Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent>>"'Cause I got a buncha dead kids on my hand, asshole, and Fisher's fucking livid. So don't play dumb. Just don't." He draws a deep breath. "Listen, kid. Ya did it. Finally. I want ya out of here and I want ya to stay gone. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Yeah," you say slowly. "I follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"No, no you—" He jabs a finger at you, glowering. "—fuckin' don't. Ya ever show your face here, ever again, I'm gonna fucking let Fisher at ya. And believe me. You do not fucking want that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tPart of you wants to argue but there's no point. Better to just get out of there, before things get worse.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"'Cause I've heard strange stuff, that's why. What's going on?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"I'm not entirely sure," you lie. "[[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] came in and started calling shots. I tried to keep stuff real. That's all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tWilkin scoffs. "Real, huh? Ya just lost me the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]], kid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Really? You don't sound quite as angry as I'd expected."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"I ain't sure how I feel yet." He walks you back to his couch, saying, "It's a tight situation down there. Has been for a while. Might be this is better for everyone. Just watch out there, kid. That's all I gotta say. Watch out."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Vine. I've been hearing some worrying hokus from down by the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]? That real?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Probably, yeah." You stop. "<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent>>Things went kinda outa control.<<else>>Tried to keep things under control.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah, feck. Though we'd seen the last of [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent>>"Same, though we kicked them out good I'd say. Doubt they'll be back anytime soon."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Let's hope not." He walks you back to his couch, saying, "I'll keep my ears open on this but be careful, kid. That's all I gotta say. Be fucking careful."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"Wish they were gone. But I figure they'll be back. Eventually."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Let's hope not." He walks you back to his couch, saying, "I'll keep my ears open on this but be careful, kid. That's all I gotta say. Be fucking careful."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<else>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\tWhen you try to approach him, the two girls hold you back. "Hey, punk. You fucking wasted?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"What?" You say, swaying on your feet. "Sure. Yeah. Maybe."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tOne of the girls folds her arms. "Ya don't say. Well, you ain't doing nothing up here in that state. Get the fuck off and sober up."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"But I..." You gesture to Mister Wilkin. "Talk. Gotta. With him, y'know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"In your dreams." One of the girls pushes you back. "Get out of here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tPart of you wants to argue but you know better - for once. There's enough bad blood between you and the Big Boss. Adding more insult to injury won't help anyone.\n\t\t\t<<elseif not $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t\t\tWhen you try to approach him, the two girls hold you back. "Wow, punk. Clear off. Okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"What?" You glower at them, irritable. "But I--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Big Boss has an important meeting, yeah? He ain't got time fer your ass."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou glance from them to Wilkin and back again. "For real? This is how you treat me?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ain't up for debate, punk. Now clear out." One of the girls pushes you back. "Now. Geddit?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tPart of you wants to argue but you know better - for once. There's enough bad blood between you and the Big Boss. Making a fuss won't help anyone.\n\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin eq false and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lte 2>>When you try to approach him, the two girls hold you back. "Hey, punk. Where you going?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Seriously? I gotta speak to the Big Boss." When they don't react, you say, "Fuck, do I look that fucking different that you don't recognize me, Jess?"<<else>>"It's me. Vine. I gotta speak to the Big Boss."<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThe two girls look at each other. Behind them, Mister Wilkin calls. "Girls, play nice and let <<genderposssesive>> through."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Thanks, bitches."<<else>>"Thank you."<</if>> You brush past the girls and sit across from Mister Wilkin.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Long time no see," Wilkin says, his attention back on his data pad. "What you been up to?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Not much. This and that. Doing odd jobs for peeps who'll pay." You tilt your head a little. "And you? How's the Big Boss doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can't really complain. Profits are up. Goods are flowing. [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] isn't poking holes in me anymore." He scowls at his data pad, hits the standby button, and places the device on the couch beside him. "But this isn't a social call. So, let's hear it: what you hunting down this time?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Actually, I'm looking for something. An artefact that's supposed to be shipped off-station sometime soon. Dunno what it is, only that it's old." You sit back and finish, "Figured you always have your ears out so maybe you'd heard something."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Mhm." Mister Wilkin glances at his data pad, then back at you. "I might've. Or I might not have. Depends on what kind of money you're putting on the table."\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_fisher_counterattack.ammanMissionOverride and $job_fisher_counterattack.altPhase eq 0 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 7>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe two girls stand aside. Jess smirks at you. "Back again, punk?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Up yours me."<<else>>"Oh, gimme a break."<</if>> You sit on the sofa across from Mister Wilkin. "Hey. How you doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Bad," He says without looking up from his data pad. "Been tryin' to piece together how te best get back at that corpo rep. Y'know, the one ya tried to work on?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tYou nod. "I remember. He refused to talk. Categorically."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Well, I's got somethin' from an old friend. But I ain't gettin' through te the guy. Name's Fergus Amman. Another rep of some sort. Businessman though, not a dickweed like that other fellow. Think ya could follow up on this for me, kid? Maybe see if we's got better luck this time?\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe two girls stand aside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tJess smirks. "Back again, punk?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Blow me."<<else>>"Oh, gimme a break."<</if>> You sit on the sofa across from Mister Wilkin. "So... How you doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"Well enough," He says without looking up from his data pad. "What ya want?"\n\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>"Just a beer." You hold out your arm...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>"Liq. Make it dirty." You smirk and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>"One flash." You hold our your...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>"Nah, nothing. Just looking...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "beer">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_beer.png"]]</div>"Just a beer." You hold out your arm. Vic swipes it, walks away and comes back a moment later with a clean glass and opened can of Laquizer. You take them with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_liq.png"]]</div>"Liq. Make it dirty." You smirk and hold our your arm. Vic swipes it with a wink, walks away and comes back a moment later with glass filled to the top with strong Liq. You take it with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_flash.png"]]</div>"One flash." You hold our your arm.\n\nVic's eyebrows rise as he swipes it. "Hoping for a good party tonight?"\n\n"Something like that." You say as he hurries off. A moment later he returns with a tall glass of purplish liquid. You take it with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>"Nah, nothing. Just looking around."\n\n"Oh right. Look all ya want and if ya change your mind..." Vic winks. <</if>><<if $loc_riptide.didFirstBar>>"See ya soon, yeah?<<else>>"Anyways, good to see ya around again."<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.didFirstBar>>"Sure."<<else>>"Same."<</if>> <<if $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>You offer him a mock-salute. "Cya around."<<else>>You raise your glass. "Cheers."<</if>>\n\nYou move away from the bar and look around, wondering if there's anyone around you know. Most of the guests are just the usual breed of partygoers - young girls and a mix of teenage and older dudes out to have a good time and hopefully score something. Not wanting to get involved in their antics, you squeeze through the crowd, to a table at the far end of the bar which is well away from the bustle.\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>"Oh well," you mutter to yourself and sip your beer, watching people move back and forth amidst the surge of waves crashing and breaking to the beat on the dance floor. \n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>"Cheers," you mutter to yourself and sip bitter Liq. The taste makes you screw up your face. "Ugh." You take another sip, absently watching people move back and forth amidst the surge of waves crashing and breaking to the beat on the dance floor. \n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>"Here goes..." You close your eyes and take a sip of your Flash. The sweet, sticky liquid hits like a trainwreck, making you feeling a little dizzy. You take a deep breath and risk a second, dizzying sip as you watch the flood of people move back and forth amidst the surge of waves crashing and breaking to the beat on the dance floor. \n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>You lean on the table with a sigh, staring across the main floor at the busy dance floor.\n\n<</if>><<if $loc_riptide.talkedToWilkin eq true and $loc_riptide.talkedToCaptain eq false and $loc_docks.spokeDockMaster eq false and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lt 6>>"Hey, you." A scrawny, middle-aged man in a dark-grey utility overall approaches. "You're Vine, right? Yeah, you are. I never forget a face. Wilkin said you were lookin' for me."<<elseif $chr_celena.loc eq "bar">>"Fucking hell with a knife in its ass." You look over your shoulder to see a girl with spikey, silver hair standing behind you. \n\nIt takes you a moment to recognize her as Celena. She used to be less skinny, have green hair that fell to her ass, and - simply put, she's changed a lot in four years. Except for her clothes. It looks like she's wearing exactly the same torn cropped top, baggy sweatpants, and week-old eyeliner you last saw her with.\n\n"Wow." You stand up, unable to resist a grin. "Cel. What are you—"\n\nShe jumps at you mid-sentence, wrapping you in a big hug. "Fuck, man. I so fucking missed you."<<else>>The familiar sight makes you grin to yourself. [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] has always been the same, ever since the Big Boss started the business nine years ago. Though, on second thought, you can't help but notice that the crowd's grown larger of late. And older, though that might just be because the regulars are showing their years. At any rate, it's oddly calming to hear the familliar fastbeats and watch the people sway to the tunes. Hell, it's almost like being home again. But only almost.\n\nYou don't belong there anymore. Not really, at least. You're just a guest, another one of the thousands who go there every night. Or, to put things in another light: you've moved on and bettered yourself. Mr. Winston hadn't liked that. He'd invested so much in you and, after all those years, you just up and bailed on him. Not that there'd really been an alternative. It was bail or go insane. But still...\n\nA sigh escapes you. You <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>sip your Laquizer, thinking back to the way things had been. Nice wasn't the right word. Eventful came closer. But that's all over and you know it. You drow a larger gulp and stare at the crowd raging on the dance floor.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>risk another sip of Liq. The bitter taste makes you pull another face. You chuckle to yourself, unable to help but notice the irony - bitter, just like the old days. Bitter and painful but also some of the best you've ever had. But that's all over. You drow another bitter gulp and stare at the crowd raging on the dance floor.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>sip your sweet Flash. Dizzyness floods you yet again and you grin despite yourself. It's almost like the old days, sipping Flash and trying to forget everything that happened when you were sober. But it isn't the old days. That's all over and you know it. You drown another sweet, dizzying gulp and stare at the crowd raging on the dance floor.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>stare at the crowd, thinking back to the way things had been. After a moment you shake yourself. There's no point trying to live in the past. The old days are over and you know it. Now it's just you sitting in a place full of memories, absently staring at the many partygoers and wondering what you're doing there.<</if>>\n\nA good twenty minutes pass in idle boredom as you watch the partygoers and <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>finish your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point standing around, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>force yourself to finish the Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>slowly finish your Flash, one dizzying sip at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the table and head back into the crowd around the bar, grinning despite yourself.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">> wonder what the hell you're doing there. Eventually you figure you've seen all there is to see in that place and head back toward to the bar.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>As you head over to the bar, two dudes <<walk>> past with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidebar.png"]]</div>As you head over to the bar, two dudes <<walk>> past with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, chortling about fuck knows what. You maneuver around another dude chatting up a dark-skinned girl and join the crowd in front of the sand bar. \n\nA fat girl who shouldn't be cramming her ass in skintight hot pants bumps into you, causing you to curse. Ahead, you spot Celena's spikey silver hair. She's making out with some blonde barbie-girl in a comically skimpy miniskirt. \n\nYou head in her direction, calling, "Her, Cel." \n\n"Hey, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>asshole<</if>>. Didn't think you'd show. This—" She gropes the blonde girl's ass. "—is Lanian... Lanina. My ex and shit. Told you 'bout her, right?" Celena plants a sloppy kiss on her lips. "Bitch tastes fucking delicious. You gotta try her."\n\n"We'll see about that. I'm Vine, by the way." You offer your hand.\n\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isReligious>>Lania's mascara-lined eyes widen. "You? I didn't take Vine to be a believer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I didn't know it mattered to anyone"."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, please! Cel won't shut up about you. Especially the sex part. But she never mentioned religion."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress">>Lania's mascara-lined eyes widen. "You? Really? Didn't take you for trans."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What, you got an issue with dressing like I fucking want?"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"No, no, it's just the way Cel talks—" She glances away, mumbling, "Well, you fuck well I hear. Which kinda sucks."\n\t\t<<else>>Lania's mascara-lined eyes widen. "Vine. Like, y'know, the Vine my babe keeps blabbing about?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou snort. "Didn't know I was that famous."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"If you listen to her," Lania pokes Celena, "you're like fucking god or something. And, like, a real good fuck too." She winks.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tLania's mascara-lined eyes widen. "You? Really? Always thought you were a dude."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So does everyone. Blame it on [[Combat Armor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Combat Armor"]] not having boob cups."<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina looks confused, then grins. "Oh, I get it! Anyways, great to meet ya. Cel won't shut up about you. Especially the sex part."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "drink">>"People talk a lot...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">>"Yeah, well, this one..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lanina">>"Looks like you're getting the poor end of..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "drink">>"People talk a lot. Don't believe half of it." You lean on the bar and flag down the bartender as he walks past. "Hey, Vic."\n\n"Vine?" He leans closer. "Good te see ya again. How's stuff going?" \n\n"Could be worse," you admit. \n\n"Eh, hey, you'll pull through. You always do." He pats you on the shoulder. "So, what'll you be having?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">>"Yeah, well, this one—" You nudge Celena, —thinks I'm some kinda trophy she can hang on her wall. You know, most famous <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dude<<else>>chick<</if>> she banged. Which isn't much of an achievement when ya think about it."\n\n"Eh, whatever. You're still mine, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>bitch<</if>>." Celena grins at you.\n\nLanina shoots you a sidelong glance. "Are ya now? Hers?"\n\n"Oh, you can have <<genderposssesive>>, babe." She sips her drink. "Just give it back when you're done. I really need... not now though. Too drunk." She takes another sip. "Not that I won't say no, y'know. Just saying."\n\nYou shake your head with a smile. "Somedays I wonder about you. I really do."\n\n"Eh, same." Cel kisses you on the cheek. "Thanks for coming, by the way. I... well, yeah. Shit got weird."\n\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99>>"Yeah, what happened anyways?"\n\nCelena doesn't reply. You glance at Lanina. She leans closer, "Someone iced her parents. Real gorey, blood everywhere. They made her identify the bodies—"\n\n"Based on their fucking hair." Celena shakes her head and drowns a gulp of booze. "Fuck, man, I dunno. It's just sick. Real sick. And the fuckers couldn't even told me what happened just that..." Her voice trails off.<<else>>"The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] deal with stuff all right?"\n\n"Yeah, not that they did much fucking good. Just wanted me to identify the bodies and..." Celena shrugs. "Fuckers don't have a clue what happened. Kept saying it was some accident or I dunno the fuck what and that they'd get back to me."\n\nYou can't help but laugh. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Those faither fucks are as dumb as it gets."<<else>>"Guess the investigators aren't all they're chalked up to be."<</if>>\n\n"Well fuck them." Celena leans on your shoulder. "I got my <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>bitch<</if>> to take care of me, don't I?"<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "lanina">>"Sounds like you're getting the poor end of the deal." You smirk at Lanina. \n\nShe gives you the finger. "Like I need to bang some <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>famous asshole<<else>>cheeky bitch<</if>> to feel good about myself. Not like this little slut here." She slaps Celena's ass. \n\n"Fuck you," Celena mutters. "Not like you were ever fucking there when I needed you."\n\nLanina looks insulted. "Hey, just saying."\n\n"Eh, whatever." Cel kisses you on the cheek. "Thanks for coming, by the way. I... well, yeah. Shit got weird."\n\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99>>"Yeah, what happened anyways?"\n\nCelena doesn't reply. You glance at Lanina. She leans closer, "Someone iced her parents. Real gorey, blood everywhere. They made her identify the bodies—"\n\n"Based on their fucking hair." Celena shakes her head and drowns a gulp of booze. "Fuck, man, I dunno. It's just sick. Real sick. And the fuckers couldn't even told me what happened just that..." Her voice trails off.<<else>>"The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] deal with stuff all right?"\n\n"Not that they did much fucking good. Just wanted me to identify the bodies and—" Celena shrugs. "Fuckers don't have a clue what happened. Kept saying it was some accident or I dunno the fuck what and that they'd get back to me."\n\nYou can't help but laugh. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Those faither fucks are as dumb as it gets."<<else>>"Guess the investigators aren't all they're chalked up to be."<</if>>\n\n"Well fuck them." Celena leans on your shoulder. "I got my <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>bitch<</if>> to take care of me, don't I?"<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "drink">><<if $action.action2 eq "beer">>"Beer, please." You say and hold out...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">>"Liq. Straight up." You hold out...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">>"One flash." You hold out...<</if>><<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "reassure">><<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99>>"I dunno. It sucks but, hey, at least you aren't alone...<<else>>"Hey, don't worry, man. I got your back and, man...<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "changetopic">>"Truth is it sucks no matter how you put it." You pull a face. "But whatever...<</if>><</if>> <<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "drink" and not $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>><<if $action.action2 eq "beer">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_beer.png"]]</div>"Beer." You say and hold out your arm. Vic swipes it, walks away and comes back a moment later with a clean glass and opened can of Laquizer. You take them with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_liq.png"]]</div>"Liq. Straight up." You hold out your arm. Vic swipes it with a wink, walks away and comes back a moment later with glass filled to the top with strong Liq. You take it with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_flash.png"]]</div>"One flash." You hold out your arm.\n\nVic's eyebrows rise as he swipes it. "Working up a good party buzz tonight?"\n\n"Trying not to think to much." You say as he hurries off. A moment later he returns with a tall glass of purplish liquid. You take it with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n<</if>>"Enjoy and all." He smiles. "Come back 'round again, yeah?"\n\n"Sure thing, man." You offer him a mock-salute and turn back to Celena and Lanina, who are busy making out again. \n\n"Seriously, sometimes—" You <<if $action.action2 eq "beer">>sip your Laquizer.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">>risk a sip of Liq. The bitter taste makes you pull another face.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">>sip your sweet Flash. Dizzyness floods you yet again and you grin despite yourself.<<else>>You shake your head.<</if>> The girs keep at it, passionately - or fakely so, knowing Celena. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>For fuck's sake. Get a room or something<<else>>Oh, come on. Everyone knows you guys want to get it on.<</if>>"\n\n"Nah." Celena pulls away and grabs her booze. "Dunno, man. Guess I'm just kinda fucked up, you know? Need something to take my mind off shit."\n\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99 or $job_coven.overrideAnska>>"Yeah, I saw your note." You set your drink on the bar. "So, what the fuck happened?"\n\nCelena doesn't reply. You glance at Lanina. She leans closer, "Someone iced her parents. Real gorey, blood everywhere. They made her identify the bodies—"\n\n"Yeah, based on their fucking hair." Celena drowns her booze in one go. "Fuck, I dunno. It's just sick. Real sick. And the fuckers couldn't even told me what happened just that, well, it's shit, you know? I just wanna have a good time. Get that crap out of my head."\n\n"Fair enough," you say. "Just yell if you need anything, okay?"<<else>>"About that—" You set your drink on the bar. "The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] deal with stuff all right?"\n\n"Yeah, not that they did much fucking good. Just wanted me to identify the bodies and all." Celena shrugs. "Fuckers don't have a clue what happened. Kept saying it was some accident or I dunno the fuck what and that they'd get back to me."\n\nYou can't help but laugh. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Those faither fucks are as dumb as it gets."<<else>>"Guess the investigators aren't all they're chalked up to be."<</if>>\n\n"Well fuck them." Celena leans on your shoulder. "I got <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>my baby<<else>>you<</if>> to take care of me, don't I?"\n\n"And miss-pretty-face over there." You nod to Lanina. "But yeah. Just yell if you need anything, okay?"<</if>>\n\n"Eh, whatever. Plan is to party 'till I drop. And that's what I'm fucking gonna do." She strides off, dragging Lanina behind her.\n\n"That works too," you mutter the two girls hurry into the crowd, headed for the dance floor. \n\nAfter a moment you lose sight of them amidst the sea of raging bodies. For some reason you have to laugh - at yourself mostly. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Getting back in with Celena, now there's a move you'll never hear the end of.<<else>>Messing with Celena again, now there's a move you should've known would never end well.<</if>> \n\n<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Still, it would've been nice to know she's at least trying to get a grip on herself. But that won't happen. Ever.<<else>>Still, it would've been nice to know she's at least trying to be more responsible towards life. Not that that would ever happen. Ever.<</if>> You shake your head with a sigh stare at the crowd on the dance floor, idly sipping <<if $action.action2 eq "beer">>your beer. Eventually you decide there's no point hanging around, leave the glass on the bar and rejoin the crowd thronging to get drinks.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">>the rest of your Liq. Eventually you decide you've had enough, leave the glass on the bar aand rejoin the crowd thronging to get drinks.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">>your Flash, one dizzying mouthful at a time. Eventually you decide you've buzzed yourself up enough, leave the glass on the bar aand rejoin the crowd thronging to get drinks, grinning at everyone despite your better judgement.<</if>><<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "reassure" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>><<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99>>"I dunno. It sucks but, hey, at least you aren't alone. You got barbie-face over there and, well—" You stroke her arm. "I still got your back like always."\n\n"Yeah, I know." Celena bites her lip. "Just, yeah, well, nothing we do's gonna bring 'em back now, is it? And I gotta live with, well, with that I treated 'em like shit and hated 'em and never go to say... eh, it just fucking sucks, y'know?"<<else>>"Hey, don't worry. I got your back and I swear I'll make 'em wish they never fucked with you." You stroke her arm. "Promised." \n\n"Yeah, I know." Celena bites her lip. "Just, yeah, well, that ain't going to bring 'em back now, is it? And I gotta live with, well, with that I treated 'em like shit and hated 'em and never go to say... eh, it just fucking sucks, y'know?"<</if>>\n\n"Sure but it'll blow over." You smile encouragingly.\n\n"Maybe someday." Celena shrugs. "Anyways, what the fuck. It's like it is an' whatever. I wanna fucking party."\n\n"A-fucking-men," Lanina grabs Celena. "C'mon, you freak. Dance floor. Now." She slaps your ass. <<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isReligious>>"You too, weirdo."\n\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>"You too, weirdo."\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit">>"You too, Mr. Sexy."\n\t\t<<else>>"You too, sexy."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"You too, girl."\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "changetopic">>"Truth is <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>it sucks no matter how you put it." You pull a face. "But whatever, man. Shit happens. You're here. We're here. We'll only live once so fuck it."<<else>>it's a bad situation but it'll pass. Only option is to keep living, y'know? Find some way to cope.<</if>> \n\nA shy grin curls Celena's lips. "<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>See, I knew I fucking fell in love you for a reason.<<else>>Yeah. Now you're talking, man.<</if>>"\n\n"I have my moments."\n\n"Yeah, just one—" She drowns the last of her drink, burps and kisses you on the lips. "C'mon, let's fucking party."\n\n"Now you're fucking talking." Lanina wraps an arm around Celena's waist. "Let's rock this bitch."\n\n"Fucking A." Celena calls as Lanina guides her into the crowd.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Halfway down the two-story pressure tunnel that runs the length...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nHalfway down the two-story pressure tunnel that runs the length of the Level B30 Hab Blocks, you <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger to a stop in front of a large double door beneath big letters that spell out //ABACUS//. As you swagger toward the entrance, you spot a few kids hidden in the shadows of the back alleys, secretly sipping booze and smoking. They eye you suspiciously. You eye them back, <<walk>> up to the main entrance, and shove the doors open.<<else>>halt before a large double door beneath big letters that spell out //ABACUS//. There are a few kids around, most notably a small knot hiding in the shadows of a nearby back alley, smoking and drinking. They eye you suspiciously. You shake your head with a chuckle and stride through the main entrance.<</if>> \n\nBeyond lies a pristine corridor lined by lockers and various holo-collages displaying the kids most recent work. As you <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>shuffle<<else>><<walk>><</if>> along the corridor, you can't help but <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>chortle at all the effort those kids put into what, at the end of the day, just really looks like a pile of crap.<<else>>skim the various works; poems, short stories, animated videos and stills, and imagine all the kids toiling away to make something no one will ever remember them for.<</if>> Hell, it almost feels like back when you were in sixth grade - except that you don't recognize any of the kids in the hall, of course.\n\n"Excuse me," a voice calls behind you. When you turn, a middle-aged woman in a floral dress hurries over. "<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, excuse me, you can't be here."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You raise an eyebrow. "What ya gonna do? Spank me?" When the woman recoils in indignaiton you chuckle. "Just kidding. I'm looking for Mr. Tobias Gartner. He wanted to talk to be about something."<<else>>"There must be some misunderstanding," you say. "I'm here to speak to Mr. Tobias Gartner. He requested my presence."<</if>>\n\n"Did he now?" The woman folds her arms. "<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I find that—"\n\n"Vine!" Tobias hurries over, a stack of data pads in his arms. You smile. She smiles back. "Ah, Ms. Petrelli, it's okay.<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He's<<else>>She's<</if>> the one who helped get rid of the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]. I asked him to drop by."\n\n"Hm." The woman frowns at you, shrugs, and walks back to her office near the main entrance. \n\nYou stare after her, unable to suppress a smirk. Tobias breathes a sigh. "I'm sorry, Vine. She's sometimes like that. You, well, let's say the sight of doesn't evoke fond memories for all Downers."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"She isn't the only one that's got issues with me, that's for sure. But anways. You wanted to talk?"<<else>>"If it helps any, I've changed since those days. But never mind that. You wanted to talk?"<</if>>\n\n"Yeah I did." Tobias shifts the stack of data pads he's carrying. "I don't have a lot of time right now but the simple version is that I let the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]slip to one of my classes and they want to know what abominations are now. I figured you know more than I do..." He hastily steadies a data pad that's about to fall off the stack. "And that's it really. If you have time and are interested, I can offer you a commision - say one K - for a presentation about your work and a discussion with the kids."<</if>>
"Like I said, it's about Raj Winston. His brother died recently. Nasty business. But what I wanted to ask was: did Raj ever talk to you about an ancient artefact the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] recently discovered? Or uncovered?"\n\n"The one his brother was studying? Yes. But we didn't know what it might be. I told Raj I knew someone who might and would talk to them. Only I never got around to that because of the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] showed up." Gartner looks quizzical. "Why? What really happened to his brother?"\n\n"None of your business. Who were you going to share this information with?"\n\n"Uh, Luca Depechionne. He's a maintenance tech. Works at the [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] headquarters. Knows everything about old technology and the old world and all that." Tobas bites his lip. "Honestly, though. If you believe Luca or Raj had anything to do with anything, you'd be wrong. We just read books. Very old books perhaps but we would never do anything stupid. Our reputation depends on the authenticity of our sources, which means we always keep clean. Always." He clasps his hands nervously. "Luca can confirm what I say. Definitely."\n\n"Where do I find him?"\n\n"Level B28. Hab 271, Unit 4. I think he shares the appartment with a friend of his, Lanina Ri."\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>"Mhh," you say, wondering whether that's the same Lanina you met through Celena. <</if>>"Mr. Gartner, thanks a lot for your time. Now I'll be on my way."\n\nTobias smiles uncertainly but doesn't speak, just nod in reply. You decide to leave it at that. No need for formality. You got what you came for. Now it's time to get out of the school teacher's life. He's had enough trauma for one day.
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Always glad to drop by." You plunk yourself on couch and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Always glad to drop by." You plunk yourself on couch and say, <<if $action.action1 eq "allencomment">>"Actually, I wanted to talk about something. Met this guy called Allen. Seems people here know I'm behind the plague."\n\n"Well, d'oh. I told them." Celena shrugs. "Doesn't matter anyways. They'll be dead in a week at most unless they accept your vision. Mean, I've tried to help but I'm just one person. We'd need an entire cleanup crew down here, especially if this is really a Strain White derrivative and, well, actually I don't know. But I doubt too many will live. The faiths won't finance a relief effort. They'll just let everyone die off and that'll be the end of it."\n\n"If you aren't getting aid, then why exactly does this place exist?"\n\n"So I can watch 'em die?" She shrugs. "Sooner or later they all will. Everyone except me. It's bitterly ironic." Celena's lips curl into a vicious smirk. "Oh, and you can thank <<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>your new fucktoy<<else>>Xarea<</if>> for that. She's smart. Got exactly that sublime reign of terror she always wanted. Stupid bitch."\n\nYou breathe a sigh. "Well, great. I think I broke the galaxy"\n\n"You fucking did. Not that there was much left to break. The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is teetering on the edge and now there's a plague on my front doorstep. Mean, sure, the rest of the galaxy will be fine. But this corner is permanently fucked. So I'm just along for the ride. Wouldn't mind having you there too. But, eh. I get you wanna go off and become <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>king dick<<else>>queen bitch<</if>> of Hades or whatever."\n\n"I do?"\n\nCelena nods, expression sour. "Walking in Atada's footsteps like she meant it. Mayhem and chaos that would've made Bloody Mike proud. But, yeah, I'll just sit here with my popcorn and see what happens. Cause it has got to be good. It just has to be."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "showobject">><<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"I wanted to ask you about that Object. You know, the one we went to get?"<<else>>"I wanted to ask you about this old artefact I found."<</if>>\n\nCel's brow furrows. "What about it?"\n\n"Just wanted to know if it's been tampered with." You produce Object 55316 and show it to her. "Thoughts?"\n\n"Uhh—" She scowls. "It's not like I can just read it like that, you know. Data on those things is held in magnetic cells. So you'll need a machine ancient enough to read its output to check. Which I could build. But it'd take months to reverse engineer all the tech. And even then, whatever is on that is probably all in old Imperial. So that'd be a hitch."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"That sucks. But<<else>>"Right, well,<</if>> assuming I could get at the data—"\n\n"Here." Celena hands you a data chip. "I, uh, don't ask me why I have this. It's a translation runtime I nabbed of some nerd's [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. Should make everything legible, assuming there's an old computer lying around which can read it. I dunno where you'd find one though. Or if the file systems will even be compatible."<<else>>"So, what's been up with you lately?"\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "sexlife">><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>"Eh, I've been thinking. And I think I got it wrong. All this, it wasn't Xarea's idea, was it?"\n\nYou shake your head. "Not entirely. Why?"\n\n"Well, I was blaming her for everything. Until you came barging in here. Now? Well. I think it might've been more you than her."\n\n"It was," you say. "Is that a problem?"\n\nCelena giggles. "No, silly. It changes everything. I don't care what you do. Just as long as it's for you. And not for her." She breathes a sigh. "Yeah, that's why I was so pissed off at first. I thought this was all her thing. But, as long as it isn't, I'm fine. And we can still, like, fuck. Right?"\n\n"Not exactly the first topic on my mind," you admit. "At least not right now."\n\nCel nods. "Yeah, no, I get that. Just wanna know it's still a thing. Because, y'know, it means a lot to me. You. All of it. Just saying."\n\nYou open your mouth to reply but realize you don't quite know what to say. Maybe better you simply leave it at that. The situation is confused enough as it is.<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>"Eh, just wondering about you and Xarea. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>Still can't imagine you, like, fucked her."\n\nYou snort. "Yeah, well. Shit happens. How'd you know anyways?"\n\n"Gut instinct. Also called: cameras and bugs. I have a lot of both." She shrugs. "Kinda runs in the family. Well, my family. Genetic lineage. Legal family's a bunch of idiots but my ancestors go all the way back to Saint Celestia Namar and, well, she was an interesting woman to say the least."\n\n"Who and what?"\n\n"Never mind," Celena says heavily. "Point is: I know a lot of things, okay? And that's what has me so ticked off. I know you--" She swallows. "Actually, I kinda get it. Xarena is sort of sexy. In that creepy, just a little too sweet to not be dangerous way. Complete opposite of me I guess. Not sure that's good or bad."\n\nYou don't either. It doesn't seem to matter anyways. Things are as they are. Nothing's about to change that.<<else>>Didn't she like try to come onto you or anything?"\n\n"No," you say slowly. "Why?"\n\n"Dunno, figured you'd be her type. Kinda surprised she passed up the chance to dote on someone. Make an impression and all. But, hey, what do I know?"\n\n"I could say the same thing," you reply, completely not following where this conversation is going.\n\nNowhere it would seem, as awkward silence follows. Maybe better you didn't push the topic. It's weird enough as it is.<</if>><<elseif $chr_celena.didParty eq true>>"Mh, thinking about what I said back at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], y'know, about being tired of partying and shit."\n\n"Yeah." You smile a little. "Didn't see that one coming from you, honestly."\n\n"Same but yeah." She shrugs. "Man, I dunno. Getting shitfaced and stuff just, eh, what's the point? Mean, it's fun sometimes. And I get my kicks. But all I do is fuck 'em and dump 'em and start all over. And it's kinda getting old." She shoots you a sidelong glance. "Guess I need a new hobby, eh? Or maybe, like, a job?"\n\n"Could do," you admit. \n\nCelena nods slowly. "Yeah, fuck. I know. I'm just so fucking useless sitting around here all the time. But seriously? Me working a nine to five job?" She shudders. "Nope. Never in a million years, even if I do live that long, which I seriously fucking hope I don't ever let myself do."\n\n"Don't worry," you smile. "I'll hunt your ass down and kill you myself if you try."\n\nShe giggles and pokes you in the ribs. "Wanna see you try, tough guy."\n\n"Try and stop me." You exchange venomous gazes. Celena's lips quiver. You chuckle. \n\nShe giggles and rests her head on your shoulder. "Okay, fuck it. I'd never be able to kill ya. But yeah, I gotta do something in my life. But I sure ain't gonna start a [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] like those bitch ass parents of mine. <<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 6>>And I sure ain't becoming Bitch Queen of the century like my sis wanted me to. <</if>>So I dunno?" Her lips curl. "Eh, maybe sign up with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] like you did? Eh, or take up flesh forming again? Sell kittens and dragons and shit to little kids?" You shoot her a dubious look. Celena shrugs. "Yeah, just too fucking likely I'd make the cutie patuties eat the kids along the way. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Guess I could like have kids with you and raise them or something."\n\n"Cel..."\n\nShe feins indignation. "Hey, they'd be like ours and shit. And I wouldn't want you to stick around all the time. Just, y'know..." She pulls a face. "To soon with the kids thing?"\n\n"Either too soon or the wrong guy, Cel. I dunno which it is."\n\n"Yeah, same..." Celena nods slowly. "Right, okay, no kids until thirty. At least. Now I guess I just gotta give this whole job thing more thought. There's gotta be something in this fucked up universe I like to do that doesn't involve sex, drugs or fucking with peeps."<<else>>Guess I gotta give this one some more thought."<</if>><<elseif $chr_lanina.met eq false>>"Eh, just dealing with old shit. Some bitch I fucked way back when. Bitch just won't leave me alone." Cel breathes a snort. "Mean, shit, it's really too much to ask for a lil peace and quiet these days."\n\n"Believe me, I know what it fucking feels like." You sigh. "But, yeah, what ya wanna do?"\n\nCel shrugs absently. "Eh, don't matter anyways." She reaches into her pocket, pulls out a red pill, and pops it in her mouth. "Got this shit to help me along so, yeah, I got no right to complain."\n\n"Just don't overdo it."\n\n"Don't worry, man." Celena curls up on the cushions. "Gon' be fine. Gon' all be fucking fine."\n\nIt's hard to argue that so you leave the topic be and simply watch Celena drift into a comfortable stupor. She looks so serene, detached from all the problems in the world. Seeing her like that makes you want to pop one too and drift off, leaving the world and all your problems behind. Somewhere during that wishful throught process it dawns on you there's really no reason to sit around while she's tripping so you...<<elseif $chr_lanina.met eq true>><<if $chr_lanina.relation eq "fucked">>"Eh, just thinking about you fucking that little horny bitch." Celena smiles wistfully and licks her lips. When you don't respond, she glances at you. "You know I'm talking about Lalina, right?"\n\n"Yeah," you say. "I'm trying not to think too much about that."\n\n"Oh, c'mon <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>. You used to do shit like that all the time." Celena kisses you on the lips. "Hell, it's how we met."\n\n"That was then. Now..." You shake your head. "I dunno, man. I guess I'm just tired of being me."\n\nCelena snorts. "Speak from my fucking heart. But whatever. We're stuck with the shit we do. Mean me, I'm a dumb slut who got on pills or booze to forget her shitty existiance and can't get off the stuff anymore. You, well, you kill peeps for a living. That's just who we are. Ain't gonna change just 'cause we don't like it."\n\n"Yeah, I guess." You breathe a sigh. "Mean, you got a point but still. I'm just shit tired of feeling like all my life's about is hunting down peeps and banging sluts." Celena grins at you. Your eyes narrow. "What?"\n\n"Eh, dunno. I kinda like you that way, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>. Less complicated. More sex." She strokes your arm. "Mean, imagine if you were some dude with a normal life and a nine to five job. We wouldn't stand each other for five fucking minutes."\n\n"True," you admit.\n\n"So yeah. No biggie. Mean, sure, if ya wanna feel bad about yourself I'm not gonna stop you." She pulls out her bag of pills and stares at the multicolored capsules inside. "Just don't forget how you got yourself here to begin with, yeah? Because I sure as hell think we've had some good times." She stuffs the bag back in her pocket. "Even if we are fucked up, we still got our good times and shit."\n\n"Yeah," you mutter and sit back with a sigh. She has a point. Not a great one but a point none the less. So what if your life is a mess? So fucking what if you banged <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>another<<else>>some<</if>> girl just 'cause you could? Life's just gonna keep going. There's no point dwelling on anything except the good moments. And you aren't gonna have a lot of those with your head stuck up your ass, that's for sure.<<else>>"Just wondering what it'll take to make you fuck that little whore." She glances at you. "Lalina, I mean."\n\n"A lot," you say. "I mean, seriously? Why would I? And why the fuck do you care?"\n\nCelena shrugs absently. "Malice, I guess. Maybe [[Witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]." Her lips twitch. "Mostly 'cause I like the idea of banging someone who's fucked my ex. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."\n\n"Somehow that must make sense to you 'cause it doesn't add up for me." You shoot the silver-haired girl a sidelong glance.\n\n"Whatever, man. I just wanna see you bone that bitch. Like, real good. And then I wanna kiss you. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>And suck that cock that's been inside her. And maybe tell her just how damn good it tasted.<<else>>And then lick her pussy. While you watch. And then the same backwards.<</if>> Just so she knows." Celena smiles wistfully. "Yeah, something like that."\n\nYou fix her with a dubious gaze. "Cel, you know you're crazy, right?"\n\n"Of course. I'm a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. Remember?" She brushes her lips against your cheek. "Or you got a problem with that, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>?"\n\n"Haven't decided on that one yet," you say.\n\n"Eh, whatever. Just tell me when you've worked it out."\n\nYou nod in silence, not certain you actually want to 'work it out'. There's something very not right about Cel - more not right than usual that is. But there's nothing you can do about that. You knew you were messing with crazy when you met the girl. Admittedly, you didn't know just how crazy, but you knew. So you can really only blame yourself for getting mixed up with a freaking [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]].<</if>><</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "deals">><<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 0>>"Got some stuff up with my supplier, y'know? He's being an ass of late." Cel waves the thought away. "Whatever. I'll sort it out."<<elseif $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 1>>"Ah, just thinking 'bout that whole business with my supplier. You get anywhere with that?\n\n"I'm working on it," you say. "Got other stuff to do on the side though so it might take a moment, y'know?"\n\n"Yeah, yeah. No rush." She smiles a little. "I'm still hanging in."<<elseif $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 3>>"Just glad that shit with my supplier's been sorted." She shoots you a faint smile. "Thanks by the way. Thought I'd never get him off my ass."\n\n"No problem."\n\n"Yeah, well, hope it don't happen again. Don't wanna be all dependant on you and shit, man." Her lips curl. You shake your head, smirking. Celena blows you a kiss. "Just kidding. It's fucking good to have you around again. Really. And not just because of that."<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "moms">><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>>"Well, I dunno. It's just nothing's turning out how anyone expected. All these predictions and contingency plans, and then you come bursting in and throw everything on its head."\n\n"Contingency plans?" Your brow furrows. "Care to explain?"\n\n"Well, the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], Zweili, my parents, me, everyone had some sort of design. In case I went over the edge. Instead I toed the line and you did all the important shit." Celena grins. "Which is great, because it means I'm not at fault."\n\nYou laugh. "Great job deflecting blame."\n\n"Well, it's true! Mean, sure, I was real close to going bonkers. But you put me back in my place." She smiles genuinely. "With you. Submissive. Where I belong."\n\nSurprised, you say, "You do?"\n\n"Obviously," Celena says, giggling. "What else am I supposed to do, babe? It's either cuddle you or wreck the galaxy. And honestly?" She snuggles against you. "This is better. Way better. For everyone."\n\nYou can't help but shake your head, smiling despite your better judgement. Leave it to Celena to see the silver lining in everything, no matter how twisted. But she probably has a point. She is a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] after all. Even the worst damage you can do isn't as bad as the havoc she would wreak if her self control slipped. Hell, it would probably be [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] all over again. Even you aren't that bad - not by a long shot.<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>"Eh, just wondering what my moms would think. Doubt they ever saw me - us - ending like this. Kinda strange, really. All that work toward making me a good lil girl. And they end up with the worst fucking daughter and a nightmare <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>boyfriend<<else>>girlfriend<</if>>."\n\n"Guess life has a sense of irony."\n\n"Oh, it sure fucking does. This whole thing's so fucking delicious I can't even. I meant—" Her lips curl into an unsettling smirk. "Yeah, yeah. It could work. Just give it time. Fuck, Zweili's gonna be so pissed he let me off the hook back then. If he isn't dead yet."\n\nSurprised, you ask, "Zweili? Let you off the hook?"\n\n"Yeah, after he found out what I was. Got real pissed off. But I was so sweet and innocent back then. No cult worshiping me, not fucking an abomination on the side. You know. Good girl syndrome."\n\n"Wait. That part about the worshiping was true?"\n\nCelena giggles. "Of course, silly. What's the fucking point of a cult if they don't get on their fucking knees and beg for mercy? Mean, technically they should be begging that from you, but your virus is a little indiscriminate, so I'll just stand in until your folk get that one sorted out. Then you can decide between life and death. If you want. Otherwise, yeah, free publicity to me."\n\nYou roll your eyes. "Remind me again why I bother with you."\n\nShe shrugs. "Because I get horny for you? Dunno. Wish I knew why I bothered with myself. But I do. Apparently."<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase lte 2>>"Eh, just about my moms." Her lips twitch. "Fucking whores still won't let me go my own way." She shakes her head with a snort. "It's ridiculous, you know?"\n\n"Not really. How are they bothering you? It's not like they'd come by here or anything, right?"\n\n"No." Celena breathes a sigh. "But y'know how those bitches are. They got their ways, know how to make shit happen. And they're still fucking pissed at me for running down here. Same as way back when. Zero tolerance."\n\nYour brow furrows. "Can you really blame them?"\n\n"No. Not really. But it still sucks, y'know? Just 'cause I don't wanna be part of their freakshow? Seriously. I'm not a fucking kid anymore."\n\n"Yeah." You draw a deep breath. "This is gonna make me sound like an ass but they have their reasons, Cel."\n\n"What, because I'm a fucking [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]? I gave that crap up years ago. It's bullshit. Well..." She pills a face. "Okay, no it's not bull and it really works but still. It's bull to me. I never wanted that. Mom and mom forced me to fucking learn it. So I don't get why the fuck can't they just drop it and leave me alone. It's not like I'm gonna go around blabbing about their secret crap now, am I? No one would believe me even if I did so what the fuck?"\n\n"Technically, you told me." When Celena shoots you a dark look, you add, "And I believed you. Now, maybe I'm the exception that proves the rule, but you get what I mean."\n\n"Yeah, but it's not like you didn't know before..." Celena hesitates. "Say, how the fuck did you know my moms were in the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] anyways?"\n\nYou bite your lip. "Uh, Father Zweili might've let it slip."\n\n"Oh." Celena shrugs. "But, eh, what's the big deal? Isn't like I'm going around hexing people and turning them into frogs now is it? And the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] gave up the whole [[witch hunt|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]] thing centuries ago. So what's the big fucking deal?"\n\n"I dunno," you say. "I really don't know."\n\n"Yeah, well, I'm fucking tired of it. I just wanna get on, do my thing, and not have to do with all this bullshit anymore, y'know?"\n\n"I feel you," you say, remembering what it felt like getting out of Wilkin's Raptors. "I really do."\n\n"Yeah, well, great fucking lot of good that does." Cel breathes a sigh. "Eh, whatever. I'll figure something out. Somehow."\n\nYou nod in silence, not knowing what to say. Hell, there isn't much to say at all. You've always known Celena has had a complicated past - probably even more complicated than your own. It's always sucked for her. Hell, it's the whole reason she's stuck in the Downs, selling pills and barely scraping by. But there's nothing you can do to change that. She made her choice way back when: run away from home and give up the whole [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] shit her mothers bore her into. That's just the way things are and, frankly, Celena will just have to learn to suck it up - or, to err on the side of realism, wash the truth away with more booze and pills.<<else>>"I dunno, just thinking about what happened to my moms. It's like I dunno. It just ain't fair."\n\n"Life seldom is," you admit.\n\n"Yeah, sure, but this? They make my life hell, get in my way whenever I try to go my way, and now they just up and fucking..." She shakes her head. "Fuck, you know what the worst thing about it is?" Without waiting for an answer, she says, "They blamed you. They blamed fucking you for getting me into pills and boooze and sex and everything. Like I wasn't into that shit before. And..." She swallows. "And they just wouldn't believe me. They wouldn't fucking get that this is the life I wanted. I wanted. Not you or anyone else. I made the damn choice on my own. And now they're dead. And..." Her voice trails off.\n\n"The past's the past," you say. "You've been running from it for years. Just do the same thing again."\n\n"I know. It's just..." She toys with a red pill. "Fuck, I dunno. I just dunno how. Unless I'm wasted, then it's like way easy. But when I'm sober life is such a fucking mess."\n\n"So get wasted?" You suggest.\n\nCelena <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>kises you on the lips. "Yeah. You got a point." She kisses you again. "Thanks, baby."\n\n"If it helps"<<else>>"breathes a sigh. "Yeah, I guess. Dunno how much fucking good it'll do though."\n\n"Probably not a whole lot," you admit. "But it'll hurt less, that's for sure."<</if>>\n\n"Yeah." Celena shoots you a sad smile. "Guess that's something. Not a lot but, hell, what the fuck difference does it make?" She pops the pill in her mouth, swallows, and sinks back on the couch with a content sigh. "Better already."<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "relationship">><<if $job_coven.mainPhase gte 6>><<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>"Eh, I dunno. You, I guess. And what the fuck we're gonna do." She shoots you a sidelong glance. "When we get around to it and your life isn't one big abomination hunt, I mean."\n\n"Dunno. I'm still not sure how long I'm going to be alife. Or if I can stay here without someone bashing on my door every few days. Or, hell, I don't get much of anything. It's such a mess."\n\n"Story of my life," Celena mutters.\n\nYou snort. "Tell me about it."\n\nAfter a short silence, the silver-haired girl nudges your leg. "Vine? Y'know, it doesn't really matter one way or another. Just as long as you're around."\n\n"Glad someone thinks so," you kiss her on the cheek. She pulls you closer and kisses your mouth. You reciprocate with tongue. The girl nips your lip. You wince.\n\n She bites harder. You snap back and hold on until she yanks free. A smirk curls your lips. "Oh, yeah, now suddenly you can't take it, eh?"\n\n"Bite me." Silence falls. You shoot her a bored look. Celena pulls a face. "Bad pun?"\n\n"Terrible. Even for your standards."\n\n"Fuck, yeah. Thought I'd never manage it." She grins. You can't help but smile back. \n\nThere's just something about that girl, about her complete dissoance with reality and everything around her, that makes life more bearable. Come to think of it, that's the way it was back in the day. Things really haven't changed since. Well, maybe they have a little, but at heart neither of you ever moved on. She's still a hopeless nutcase who loves pills and booze just a little too much. You're still a merc who takes the job way too seriously and keeps mixing with the wrong crowd. The only real difference is, well, you've both decided to cut the crap and admit the booze, pills and horsing around were just convenient excuses to avoid emotional attachment - not that it ever worked for either of you, as night after drunken night spent crying, shouting, kicking, choking, strangling and ultimately fucking should've proved years earlier.<<else>>"Eh, I dunno. Still kinda wishing you'd fucking take me seriously. But whatever." Her lips twitch. "Shit, man. I've been 'round long enough. I should've fucking known this wouldn't go the way I wanted."\n\n"Probably," you admit, not knowing what else to say.\n\nCelena smiles. "Hey, not that it's bad. It's just, well, I'm not usually wrong about shit. And I thought we had something going. It's kinda a bummer, y'know?"\n\n"What, knowing you were wrong or not having me?"\n\n"Both." After a moment, Celena adds, "Mostly being wrong. Not being handed the keys to your heart ain't so important. Mean, we can still fuck, so who gives. But being so fucking wrong?" She shakes her head, a dark look on her face. "Man, I mean I know I'm human first, [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] second, but I swear I've never been this fucking mistaken about anyone."\n\nYour raise an eyebrow. "Not anyone?"\n\n"Nope. Always knew what was coming. Maybe not when. But I knew." She shrugs. "Eh, guess I could've seen it coming. You going all zen isolation, not talking for years and never heading back to the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]." She smiles sadly. "Guess emotion just fucked me over, y'know?"\n\n"Happens to all of us," you say, trying desperately not to remember all the times you felt exactly like that.\n\n"Yeah." Celena breathes a deep sigh. "Yeah, and it fucking sucks. but what ya wanna do? Life fucking goes on. So I keep on fucking." She giggles at her own lame pun. "Okay, I'll shut up now before I say something really dumb."\n\nYou shoot her a amused look. "Like?" \n\nShe shakes her head with a smirk. You roll your eyes. Celena pretends not to notice. Resigned, you accept the lack of an answer in silence. Chances that Celena would've said anything interesting are low anyways so it isn't like you're missing out.<</if>><<else>><<if $chr_celena.relation eq "unknown">>"Not much." Her lips twitch. "Been thinking 'bout us a little but that's it."\n\nYour eyebrows rise. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"What, you having second thoughts?"<<else>>"What about us?"<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"No, no, nothing like that. Just wondering where it's all headed.<<else>>"I dunno, man. Just wondering where all this shit is headed. Y'know?"<</if>><<else>>"Nah, just been thinking I'm glad we got this whole thing between us cleared up." Celena bites her lip. "Dunno, man, it was kinda weird seeing you again, just not knowing where we're at."\n\n<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>"Yeah. Shit, I dunno, I almost expected we'd just go back to the way things were before and, yeah, just not see each other for like another two years."\n\nCel nods. "Yeah. Would've sucked, y'know?"\n\n"Yeah." You breathe a sigh. "Shit, I dunno. I mean, I didn't think about it much back them but..." You swallow. "Guess I shoulda dropped by sooner."\n\n"Eh, it worked out in the end, right?." When you nod, she kisses you on the cheek. "Wouldn't want it any other way anyways, baby. Anyways, it's not like I spent the whole time sulking in a corner, waiting for my <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>asshole boyfriend<<else>>bitching girlfriend<</if>> or something."\n\n"True," you admit.\n\n"Anyway, shit, we were just kids. We fucked shit up, had a good time, and now we're somewhere else." She suppresses a giggle. "Man, now I'm getting all sentimental on ya, aren't I?"\n\n"A bit." You smile. "But whatever. We all have are moments."\n\n"Fucking A, man. Fucking A."<<elseif $chr_celena.relation eq "unserious">>"Just don't sweat it. It's not like I'm gotta get you hitched into anything anytime soon." The idea alone makes you chuckle. "Mean, shit, really? I sure as hell ain't ready for that."\n\n"Nah, same." She smiles. "Still, good to know you're around if I wanna, y'know, have fun."<</if>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "knife">>"Not much." She stifles a yawn. "You?" \n\n"Same as usual." You purse your lips. "But I was thinking, that [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] you were using earlier. Where did that even come from?"\n\n"Mh, this?" Celena pulls her curved [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] from between the couch cushions. "Used to belong to my moms. Had to fix it up a little. Power cell was shot but yeah. Works like a dream. Ain't got no use for it anyways so—" She flips it over and offers it to you, hilt first.\n\nYou take the curved blade and examine the dark surface. There's some sort of engraving in the metal - or whatever it's made of - that reads a looping rune. The rest of the blade looks unspectacular.\n\n"Take it," Cel urges. "Ain't like I can't make another if I need one."\n\n"What, you can make a monomolecular blade? Just like that?"\n\n"Why not?" She purses her lips. "Okay, I might need a few odds and end but it's isn't fucking REACH tech now, is it?"\n\n"Not to you, it seems." You weigh the blade. It's unusually light. Feeling humbled, you fix Celena with an earnest gaze. "Thanks, man. It really means a lot. And I'll bring it back in one piece. Promised."\n\n"Yeah, yeah, whatever." When you don't look away, Celena giggles. "Oh, c'mon man. It's a fucking knife. Mom used it to cut tomatoes. Maybe you'll use it for what it's supposed to fucking do and kill something other than my idiot sister with it."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>>"Hey, it's okay, man." You stroke...<<else>>"Hey, it's okay, man." You stroke her knee. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I had to ask."<<else>>"I'm sorry I ever asked."<</if>>\n\n"It's okay." Her lips twitch. "And thanks, okay? Thanks for not making me get back in that shit. Because I just can't stand the fucking throught of seeing them again and hearing them tell me how I've fucked up my life and how I should have got into the family busines and... fuck, man, just thanks."\n\n"No problem." You smile a little. \n\n"Yeah, well..." She shoots you a sidelong glance. "You're the first one who's ever fucking listened to me, y'know? That means a lot. I swear, it means more than I can fucking tell you in words. Just..." Celena swalows. "Just be careful, okay? I don't wanna see my fucking family wailing on your ass too."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'll find a way. I always do." You kiss Celena on the cheek.<<else>>"Don't worry. I'll be fine." You kiss Celena on the cheek. "I always am."<</if>>\n\n"Yeah." She kisses you back. When she pulls away, she says, "Y'know, I've been thinking 'bout us lately."\n\nYour eyebrows rise. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"What, you want to call it off or something?"<<else>>"What about us? Second doubts or something?"<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>>"No, no, nothing like that. Just wondering where it's all headed.<<else>>"I dunno, man. Just wondering where all this shit is headed. Y'know? Because I dunno what the hell to think anymore. Kinda... well, yeah. I dunno."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You are in Celena's apartment...."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena_zanex.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena.png"]]</div><</if>>You are in Celena's apartment on the first floor of the [[Level B33 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. For a hab unit, it's unusually large; able to comfortably fit a bed and wash tube along one wall, a small cooker and wall cabinets along the other, and still have enough open area to fit a U-shaped couch in the center. <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>And, for a bried moment, you could have sworn you saw a jet-black feline sitting, perfectly motionless, in the corner of the room.<</if>> Almost like it used to be. Except cleaner - a lot cleaner.\n\nIt's hard not to smirk. "Shit, Cel, you're going all tidy on me."\n\n"Eh, that's just 'cause my Moms dropped past yesterday and y'know." She swaggers over to the couch and flops down. "Fuck, I'm so fucking wasted, man."\n\n"No fucking shit." You rub sense into your head and sit down beside Cel. "That was fucking awesome though." You stifle a yawn. "Exhausting but fucking awesome."\n\n"Mhhm." Cel strokes your back a few times. "Shit, man." She runs her nails along your spine, muttering, "Hell of a coincidence though, you showin' up today. I was just thinking, y'know, if I'd ever see you again. And now, bam, there you are."\n\n"Yeah, well, you could've messaged me," you say absently.\n\n"Nah, they've flagged my account. Didn't want to, well, you know." When you nod, Cel wraps her arms around your waist. "Fuck man, I really missed this. Y'know? Just spending time with you an' all."\n\nYou snort. "Seriously? You can't get wasted without me?" When Celina giggles, you say, "What? It's true. That's really all we ever did."\n\nShe shoots you a amused look. "That and fuck but, yeah, you got a point." Cel props herself up on her elbows and says, "So, yeah, I'm gonna pop again. You in?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You swipe your forearm...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_dock_search.png"]]</div>You swipe your forearm over the ID reader beside the door and set off across the docks, searching for [[Athena Medical Inc.|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] logos amidst boxes, crates and other goods piled around the docks. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>In your hazed state, it seems like an effort in vain - and only when you're not stumbling around, trying to remain upright. Hell, you can barely read the corporate logos anyways. And there's no one around to ask, just ceiling cranes zipping containers back and forth while three-meter tall loading bots thunder past, carrying whatever the hell they're carring. It almost seems as though the docks are running themselves, utterly devoid of human guidance. For some reason that makes you laugh - a laugh that quickly fades when a loading bot stomps past, shaking the floor with every heavy footfall.\n\n"Shit." You squeeze against the nearest crate, watching the black-and-yellow monstrosity thunder straight past you, a pallet of synthboxes balanced on its loading arms. \n\nOnly as the bot disappears from view behind a stack of crates that does it dawn on you: walking around the docks wasted out of your mind is not a good idea. At best, you'd just get lost. At worst, well, heavy machinery has never been kind to human bones. \n\nGiven you don't exactly have a death wish, you turn around and swagger back though the docks, swaying dangerously on your feet as you make your winding way back to...<<else>>Ceiling crazens buzz back and forth. Three-meter tall loading bots carry containers to designated areas. It's impossible to keep track of the commotion, least of all orient yourself in this real-live version of Moving Bricks. Worse: none of the corporate logos match the one you're looking for.\n\nThankfully you happen upon a docks worker in orange overalls. She's standing beside a loading bot that somehow managed to get stuck under a poorly stacked crate. The woman looks up when you draw near. "Ey. Can I help ya?"\n\n"Probably. I'm looking for an Athena Medical shipment."\n\n"Aisle C41, fourth on the left." She points. "Yer buddies are already there."\n\n"Thanks," you say, wondering what she meant by 'buddies'.\n\nFifty meters down, you reach the Aisle C41 and it adds up. Three mercs grey combat armor and a man in yellow overalls are arguing amidst the crates. The dock worker is saying, "...can't do that! It's not right. It just isn't like we agr—"\n\n"Your problem," one of the mercs growls. A coilgun crakcs. He lowers his sidearm as the dock worker collapses. "Frickin' idiot."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit."<<else>>"Uh-oh."<</if>> You duck behind the nearest crate, debating how to best approach the situation.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "talk" or $action.action1 eq "talkfail">>Hoping to avoid bloodshed...<<else>>You draw your...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk" or $action.action1 eq "talkfail">>Hoping to avoid bloodshed, you step out from behind the crates and call, "Hey. Don't shoot." Two of the mercs turn. You raise your hands as you <<walk>> toward them, one careful step at a time. "Easy with the hardware. I just wanna talk."\n\n"Talk, huh?" One of the mercs raises a stubby carbine. "Who you work for and what they want with us?"\n\n"Let's put it this way." You stop before the mercs; their armor bears the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] insignia. "I know the folks who own this dock. And I'm gonna bet big money someone's gonna be mighty curious why—" You wave to to the dead dock worker. "That, y'know?" \n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>"Seems like we got an issue here," another merc with a shotgun steps forward. \n\nHis buddy holds him back. There's a tense silence. You meet their suspicious gazes evenly.\n\nShotgun merc finally lowers his weapon. "This is the deal: we got a special order from our employer. They want some merchandice moved. Nice and quiet like. We don't want no trouble. And we don't want no one asking questions either." \n\n"Fine by me." You shrug. "Let's say <<print Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>> C and I'll make sure no one hears. Not even the folks who own this place."\n\n"You fucking shitting me, man?" The shotgun merc raises his weapon.\n\nHis buddy grips his shoulder. "Easy, kid. We can live with that price." He programs his [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and holds out an arm. "All yours."<<else>>"Seems like we got an issue here," another merc with a shotgun steps forward. \n\nHis buddies move into position around him. It's immediately clear what will happen next: they open up. You get riddled with bolts. Your best and only chance is to act - now - before they get the first kill shot in.<</if>><<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "silent_pistol">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>You draw your M1114, flip the selector to subsonic, and stride out from behind the crates. Footsteps echo as you bring up your sidearm. The mercs begin to turn. You fire, three muffled rounds that slam into the nearest man's head with nasty squelches.\n\n"Fuck!" The second fellow has just begun to raise his stubby carbine when you blow four rounds into his face.\n\nThe third mercenary simply stares, dumbfounded, as you <<walk>> right up to him and blast his forehead out point-blank. Eerie silence haunts the scene. You put two more rounds in each body, just to be certain they'll stay dead, and lower your sidearm.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "silent_rifle">><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You ready your C2000, flip the selector to subsonic, and peek out from behind the crate. None of the mercenaries are aware of your presence. It's all too easy to line up a shot on the first fellow's head. All it takes is a squeeze. The carbine recoils with a muffled hiss and the man in your sights collapses.\n\n"Fuck!" The second merc has just started to turn his stubby carbine when you re-sight and blast two rounds into his face.\n\nThe third mercenary simply stares, dumbfounded, as you move into view and put two rounds into him too. Eerie silence haunts the scene as you pace toward the bodies, C2000 held ready. No one moves. Blood trickles into the floor. Just to be safe, you put another round in each of the mercs and lower your carbine.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "accept">>"Deal." You swipe his arm...<<else>>You lower your weapon and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "accept">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"Deal." You swipe his arm, accepting the 1000 credits, and nod to the mercs. "You folks all have a good day, then."\n\n"Yeah, yeah, whatever." The shotgun merc backs away uneasily. "Don't tell no one, yeah?"\n\n"I won't," you say, watching as the other mercs begin to retreat. \n\nPart of you expects them to open fire any moment. Instead they just <<walk>> away, one careful step at a time. Maybe they don't want trouble. Maybe the corpse they left behind is too much already. Or maybe you're about to get shot in the back. Whatever the case, you wait until the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] contractors are well out of sight before you start to look around.\n\nThere isn't much to see beyond the dead dock worker they left behind. Sure, there are shipping crates all over, but none of them have been opened.<<else>>You lower your weapon and approach the bodies. The first thing you notice is that their combat armor bears the [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] logo. The second thing you notice is none of them are armed with standard-issue weapons, which suggests they're on unofficial business. \n\nHas to be some black operation. You just can't imagine why else a group of [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] contractors - professionals in every respect - would be walking around with shotguns and sub-par carbines like the [[C2000|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "C2000"]]. Hell, you've never even heard of a contractor willingly carrying civilian firearms of the sorts before, and you've met enough of the fellows over the years. Though, without exeption, they always carried spare magazines - this is no exception.\n\n"Only question is what they were after." You glance around, brow furrowed.\n\nThere isn't much to see beyond the dead dock worker they left behind. Sure, there are shipping crates all over, but none of them have been opened.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You <<walk>> over to the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "dockworker">>You <<walk>> over to the dead dock worker and stare at his lifeless form. Strange, that those mercs came all the way down here to kill him. Strikes you like a lot of effort just for—\n\n"Oh, I'm so blind."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "shippingcrates">>You <<walk>> over to the shipping crates and begin to search them. It's pointless. None of the seals have been visibly tampered with and, absent some form of scanner to check the content, you aren't about to figure out what's inside either. The manifests all say medicine of some form or another. Chances are that's not entirely true but you don't have time to check thousands of crates either.\n\nYou're just starting to get frustrated when something hits you: the mercs and that dead dock worker. Why did they come all the way down to the docks just to kill a dock worker? Strikes you like a lot of effort just for—\n\n"Oh, I'm such an idiot."<</if>> You crouch beside the dead man, muttering, "Cleanup. They were doing cleanup."\n\nNot that you know what [[Syndicate 4|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Syndicate 4"]] was trying to keep hidden, but cursory investigation of the man's PDA proves you were right: the device was wiped clean. There's no way to know who he was or why he was killed - even the overalls he's wearing are devoid of name tag.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it."<<else>>"Well, great."<</if>> You're about to turn away when a scrap of paper clutched in the man's fist catches your eye. How the mercs missed it is beyond you but you hardly care. The note reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_paper'>C41-11321\nLD-57-1900\nB29-5121</div>\n\n"Now that's more than a little cryptic." You frown at the note.\n\nClearly the last line is an address. The first must be a cargo slot on the docks, presumably the one your's at. LD-57 could be anything but you'd wager a guess at a cargo loading dock. Which just begs to question—\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, whatever."<<else>>"I'll figure it out later."<</if>> You pocket the note and stand up, determined to look into the matter as soon as possible. \n\nBut not there, beside <<if $loc_docks.killedMercs>>a pile of corpses<<else>>a highly conspicuous corpse<</if>>. That'd be stupid and it'll only be a matter of time before someone realizes what happened. So, without further ado, you make your way...<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<nobr>>\n\n/% Collapsed %/\n\n<</nobr>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromstation">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Despite your best efforts to act sober...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open...<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>More than a little concerned by...<<else>>You <<walk>> down the steps from the station, into...<</if>><<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromcore">>It's been an extremely long...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromraj">>You leave Raj's appartment and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromcorbei">>You leave the Corbei residence and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromss">>You leave the Siren's Song and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "frommauricio">>You leave Mauricio' appartment and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromcafe">>You leave the Viewport and<<else>>You're standing at the B10 Crossroads, amidst....<</if>><</if>><<nobr>>\n\n/% Expanded %/\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_crossroads_lockdown.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_crossroads_exterior.png"]]</div><</if>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromstation">><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10>>You join the line of refugees by the Purifier checkpoint. Dozens are being turned aside, and hundreds more are trying to pass. It takes long minutes just to reach one of the robed zealots. He swipes a scanner over your arm.\n\n<<if $attrib.infected>>"Denied," he says, voice distorted by his faceplate. "Stand aside."\n\n"What? But I'm a hunt—"\n\n"Infection. Stand aside." He pushes you away, making room for the next person in the line.<<else>>"Head on through." He stands aside just long enough to let you pass.\n\nRelieved, you <<walk>> down the steps from the tramway station, into an enormous pressure corridor overrun by pedestrians. It doesn't seem like recent events have done anything to slow the frantic pace of life up here. For now - you doubt the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] will be spared for long. Still, the swell of light, color and motion is a bit of a shock. You were starting to get used to the toxic haze.<</if>><<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Despite your best efforts to act sober, you stumble down the steps from the tramway station, into an enormous pressure corridor overrun by pedestrians. Voices babble constantly, making your head ache. Neon signs glow above the heads of the crowd. Blurs of light shoot past as hover cars zip through the center of the corridor. You stare in disbelief, transfixed by the constant motion - all the people on the walkways and the cars threading in and out of the Fastway traffic, as though the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] are in constant motion that never ends. A moment later you start to feel dizzy and have to grab hold of the walkway railing. \n\n"Shit." You mutter, focusing on the only thing that doesn't seem to be moving: your feet. A few seconds later, the spinning stops and you risk a look around again. The world isn't any clearer but, at the very least, you aren't about to throw up.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you shuffle down the steps from the tramway station, into an enormouspressure corridor overrun by pedestrians. Voices babble constantly. Neon signs glow above the heads of the crowd. Blurs of light shoot past as grav cars zip down the fastways on either side of the main corridor.\n\nYou stifle a yawn and look around, midly impressed by the sheer volume of activity at the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Not that you're really surprised - it's just unusual to see so much light, color and motion on the lower levels of Sector B.<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>More than a little concerned by all the people around, you <<walk>> down the steps from the tramway station, into an enormous spressure corridor overrun by pedestrians. Voices babble constantly. Neon signs glow above the heads of the crowd. Blurs of light shoot past as grav cars zip down the fastways on either side of the main corridor.\n\nYou eye everything and everyone with suspicion, expecting to be attacked, mugged, or otherwise bothered at any moment. Nothing happens. Still dubious, you scrutinize the crowd, wondering what tricks are being played on you. It's only a good half a minute later that you manage to convince yourself thate there is, in fact, nothing wrong. You're simply in an area of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] you aren't used to and it's making you even more paranoid than usual.<<else>>You <<walk>> down the steps from the tramway station, into an enormous pressure corridor overrun by pedestrians. Voices babble constantly. Neon signs glow above the heads of the crowd. Blurs of light shoot past as grav cars zip down the fastways on either side of the main corridor.\n\nYou pause for a moment to take in the sheer volume of activity at the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. Not that you're really surprised - it's just unusual to see so much light, color and motion on the lower levels of Sector B. It's almost a relief after all the dark, dim, drab corridors you're used to.<</if>><</if>><<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromcore">>It's been an extremely long hike from the very center of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] but, fatigued as you are, your heart rejoices when at last you reach the ceaseless bustle of the [[B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. After so many hours spent on deserted walkways, wondering where the hell you actually are while you follow your auto-locator back home, the many pedestrians and brilliant holo-signs couldn't be a more welcome sight.\n\n"Home sweet home at last." You pause at the nearest railing, watching the endless flow of pedestrians.\n\nIt feels good to be home at last. A good, long sleep would be nice. Or maybe a drink to clear your mind. At any rate, you're back where you belong and it's time to figure out what to do next - on second thought, saving your little corner galaxy can wait. All you want to do is rest your aching limbs.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromcorbei">>You leave the Corbei residence and ake the elevator back to Level B10. When you step outside, the walkway outside is - as usual - is in chaos.\n\nThere are people everywhere, backlit by the omnipresent flicker of neon signs. Floaters zip past above, causing the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] to buzz with activity. And far ahead, in the cavernous chamber beyond the inner ring, you can clearly see the massive REACH core that sustains Scaffold 22.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromraj">>You leave Raj's appartment and head down to the inner courtyard. The [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] at the gate makes no attempt to stop you as you pass by and return to the Level B10 walkway; as usual it's overrun by pedestrians. \n\nYou pause at the end of the passage to take in your surrounding. There are people everywhere, backlit by the omnipresent flicker of neon signs. Floaters zip past above, causing the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] to buzz with activity. And far ahead, in the cavernous chamber beyond the inner ring, you can clearly see the massive REACH core that sustains Scaffold 22.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "frommauricio">>You leave Mauricio' appartment and take the elevator back to Level B10. Trying not to act out of place, you slip out the front door and back onto the walkway. Shoulders press on all sides. Neon signs glimmer in more places than not. Floaters zip past on the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. \n\nOnly when you're well away from the hab block do you stop to take stock. No one's followed you - a good sign - and there are people everywhere so it's not likely anyone will notice you in particular - a relief, to be sure.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromcafe">>You leave the Viewport and step out into the crowded Level B10 walkways. Shoulders press on all sides. Neon signs glimmer in more places than not. Floaters zip past on the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. And far ahead, in the cavernous chamber beyond the inner ring, you can clearly see the massive REACH core that sustains Scaffold 22.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromss">>You leave the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]] and step out into the crowded Level B10 walkways. Pedestrians rush past. Elbows jostle, feet trample, and voices babble. Neon signs glimmer in more places than not. \n\nFloaters zip past in the grav-tubes of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. And far ahead, in the cavernous chamber beyond the inner ring, you can clearly see the massive REACH core that sustains Scaffold 22.<<else>>You're standing at the [[B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]], amidst the usual buzz of activity. Crowds press on all sides. Neon signs flash and flicker. \n\nTo either side, grav-cars shoot past on the fastways, and in the cavernous chamber beyond the inner ring you can clearly see the massive REACH core that sustains Scaffold 22.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "deal">>"You got a deal, man..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nodeal">>"No fucking way, man..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "gothrough">>"All right, then..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "letgo">>"Fine. Have it your..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "agreemeeting">>"It's agreed then...."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "deal">>\n\t\t\t\t"You got a deal, man." You draw a deep breath. "Not sure how I feel about this, Bob, but I'll do it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Excellent." Bob stands and pockets his data pad. "I expect the matter will be dealt with swiftly, and once it is, speak to our mutual associate here at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. I will see to the rest."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"All right then," you say as Bob walks past.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe fellow stops. "Do know that I'm not unsympathetic about the situation. It's simply how it is. Unfortunate."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"One way to put it," you mutter, watching Bob leave the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou remain where you are a moment longer, then head back to the VIP terrace. Marisa shoots you a fleeting glance as you pass. You simply nod in response. What is there to say anyways? She did her part. Now it's your turn to do yours, no matter how nasty it is. \n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "nodeal">>\n\t\t\t\t"No <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>way, man. The first two I can live with. But Raj? No." You shake your head. "No deal."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Unfortunate." Bob stands and pockets his data pad. "I assure you: Raj Winston is the worst historian in the galaxy. For that alone he would have deserved his fate but ah well. It was a pleasure speaking to you, <<formalname>>, but I must be on my way. You do understand."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I understand you're a dumb motherfucker,"<<else>>"Just hope we don't meet again,"<</if>> you snarl as Bob walks past.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe fellow stops. "I trust you won't do anything stupid, <<formalname>>. My job is rife with risk but, believe me, if you intend to pursue me or my partner there will be consequences. Grave, grave consequences."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"We'll see about that," you mutter, watching Bob leave the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou remain where you are a moment longer, then head back to the VIP terrace. Marisa shoots you a fleeting glance as you pass. You don't bother to explain. Damn bitch probably knew what Bob would ask for. The least she could have done - if just for old time's sake - was warn you.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "agreemeeting">>"It's agreed then. I want to meet this employer. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Of course." Bob stands. "If you would please come with me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Okay, then." You force a smile. "Let's do this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tBob makes for the door, saying, "As I said, my vehicle is already waiting. I understand if you should be wary. Perhaps this will convince you: my driver shall fetch your gear. You shall meet my employer as armed as you need to be in order to feel safe. Soon enough, you'll see why this is to your benefit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod and silently follow Bob...\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "gothrough">>"All right, then. We do this my way." You draw a deep breath and, just as the man opens his mouth to speak, slam his head into the table.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe yelps in surprise, blood gushing from his nose. Indifferent, you grab him from behind, <<knife>> pressed to his neck. "Nice and simple now, Mr. Whoever-<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the-fuck-<</if>>you-are. Who do you work for? Where do I find them? And how far do I have to go before—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tSpluttering blood, he wheezes, "Fuck! Are you ins—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Wrong answer." You rip him out of his chair, causing the man to tumble to the floor. Standing over him, you snarl. "Let's try that again, shall we? Who do you work for and—" You ram a foot into his lungs, causing the man to gasp for air. "—where <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>do I find them?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThere's a long silence. The man draws painfully labored breaths. You're about to ask again when he gasps, "Enough, please. Please! His name is Lord Otto. That's my employer. He lives in the Core Region. Big mansion. Looks like a pyramid. Can't miss it." The man draws a deep breath. "There's a utility entrance around the back, door code 415661. That's where he meets me to give me my instructions. That's all I know. Please. Please! That's all I know!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"And you say this just like that?" You tilt your head. "Why the sudden change of heart?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I don't want to die," the man squeals. "I know who you are, <<formalname>>. I know what you do. Please, I don't want to—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t"Sorry, no deals." You ram your <<knife>> into the man's skull, causing him to fall limp. "But thanks all the same. And don't worry. I'll be certain to give your regards to Lord Otto, whoever the fuck that is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tAs you stand, silence haunts the conference room. You wipe blood and brains off your <<knife>>, cast one last look at the dead businessman, and head for the door. You've barely stepped outside when Mr. Wilkin appears down the corridor.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t"Die?" You drop the man with a snort. "You're not gonna die. But I am going to pay this Lord Otto a visit, whoever he is."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\tAs you stand, the man's terrified whimpers fill the conference room. You sheathe your <<knife>>; cast one last look at the fearful corpo rep, and head for the door. You've barely stepped outside when Mr. Wilkin appears down the corridor.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I saw on the cameras," he says, stopping before you. "Good work. I'll deal with the fallout here, try to stall, give you time to prepare. Unless ya wanna move right now. I could have Fisher meet ya out back."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "letgo">>"Fine. Have it your way." You slam your <<knife>> into the table, causing the man to react, and snarl, "Get the fuck out of here. Right now. Before I change my mind and rip your fucking guts open."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe man doesn't move. "As I said earlier, if you—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Move!" You shove the man out of his chair. "Get <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>out of my sight."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tHe scrambles up, visibly terrified. As he rushed to the door, you call, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"And tell your employer this: if he sends another merc or asshole like you down here, I will personally - personally - make sure he gets a tungsten bolt rammed clean through his heart. Not blasted, rammed! I'll fucking do it myself."<<else>>"And tell your employer this: he sends anyone else like you down here - for any reason - I will personally take up this crusade against him and I will come down hard. I promise you that."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe man pauses in the doorway just long enough to look back. You almost expect him to speak. Instead, he slips out. Hurried footsteps sound in the hallway outside.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou remain where you are a moment longer, drawing deep, calming breaths, then head back to the VIP terrace. Wilkin shoots you a fleeting glance as you pass. You just shake your head in response. Wilkin will have seen the businessman run past. He'll know what happened - and what you didn't knew. There's no reason to explain.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>""Well—" You take a step back. "—thanks for..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Well—" You take a step back. "—thanks for talking this over with me. It helped clear some shit up. Gave me a lot to think about too. Lotsa new input at any rate."\n\n"Hope it helps. Both of us." Marisa glances at her stack of data pads. "I'll be here, poking through Wilkin's crap 'till hell freezes over by the looks. Drop by if anything interesting turns up. And I'll fill you in on anything I find along the way too."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Enemy of my enemy, I suppose?"\n\n"About sums it up. Though I really suggest ya have a chat with my employer. I can set you up a meeting, let them explain first hand what this is all about - and how Zweili's messing with you."\n\n"I'll think about it," you say, all too aware of the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers standing guard around the VIP terrace. \n\nIt feels wrong to see them hanging around the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] instead of the Raptors. But things are the way they are. You can't undo the past, just work with what you've got - and hope Marisa doesn't change her mind and drop the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] anvil on your ass too.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "didNegotiate">>You draw a deep breath and<<elseif $action.arrive eq "sneakRifle">>You ready your C2000<<elseif $action.arrive eq "sneakPistol">>You draw your M1114<<else>>You follow the mercenary<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "didNegotiate">>You draw a deep breath and step into the corridor, saying, "Hey, guys. I think we need to talk."\n\nThe troopers turn. Carbines rise. You hold up your hands. "Easy. Just here to chat. No violence."\n\n"Copy." One of them waves you forward. "With me. Now. Contract-Commander wants to see you."\n\nFeeling decidedly uneasy, you approach the troopers. One of them gestures onto the VIP terrace. When you step through the door, you spot three more [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] goons pacing beside Wilkin's couch. A third - female; blonde hair - is standing beside your former Boss with her arms folded before her chest. You've barely gone three steps when her head turns. The face is umistakable: Marisa. One of Wilkin's old hardware suppliers - or so Xaviar had told you.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_siege.png"]]</div>"Vine." The hint of a smile curls her lips. "My brother said you'd be coming. He's busy disarming that idiot Wilkin replaced you with, I'm afraid. But he sends his regards."\n\n"Move." One of the troopers shoves you toward Marisa.\n\n"Easy, Contract-Private." The blonde woman steps up to you. "Just to make this clear: there's been a bit of a misunderstanding. Mr. Xaviar here and my employer had an agreement. Important. Big business. Years old. But, as it turns out the two-timing bastard can't keep his word. We simply had to teach his faith-loving ass a lesson. But I don't think it's you're business. Unless you happen to be in the employ of a certain Father Zweili? Because - and I'm not saying you are - that'd mean you're deep in trouble too."<<elseif $action.arrive eq "sneakRifle">><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You ready your C2000, flip the selector to subsonic, and take aim. One cautious squeeze. A brilliant bolt blasts clean through the first trooper's helmet. Heart thudding, you shit aim to the second, and blow half a dozen bolts into him too.\n\n"Bye-bye." You blow an extra bolt into each of their helmets for good measure and advance onto the VIP terrace.\n\nThree [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are pacing beside Wilkin's couch. Two more watch over the dance floor from elevated positions. A third - female; blonde hair - is standing beside your former Boss with her arms folded before her chest. You've barely gone three steps when her head turns. The face is umistakable: Marisa. One of your former Raptors; arguably the best you ever trained.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_siege.png"]]</div>"Vine." The hint of a smile curls her lips. "My brother said you'd be coming. He's busy disarming that idiot Wilkin replaced you with, I'm afraid. But he sends his regards."\n\n"Uhh—" You lower your M1114, all too aware the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers all have guns on you. "Did I miss something?"\n\n"Oh, not much. "Mr. Xaviar here and my employer had an agreement. Years old. But, as it turns out the two-timing, faith-loving bastard can't keep his word. We simply had to teach him a lesson for old time's sake." Marisa chuckles. "Oh, and if you're worrying about that mess you made of my boys, don't. This is between Wilkin and us, not you. Unless you happen to be in the employ of a certain Father Zweili, in which case it might involve you too."<<elseif $action.arrive eq "sneakPistol">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_special_pistol.png"]]</div>You draw your M1114, flip the selector to subsonic, and step into the corridor. The troopers turn, but not before you've leveled your sidearm. Five bolts splay the first one on the floor. Another half a dozen riddle the second.\n\n"Assholes." You stop beside them, blow a bolt into each of their helmets for good measure, and step onto the VIP terrace.\n\nThree [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are pacing beside Wilkin's couch. Two more watch over the dance floor from elevated positions. A third - female; blonde hair - is standing beside your former Boss with her arms folded before her chest. You've barely gone three steps when her head turns. The face is umistakable: Marisa. One of your former Raptors; arguably the best you ever trained - or who trained you, depending on who you ask.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_siege.png"]]</div>"Vine." The hint of a smile curls her lips. "My brother said you'd be coming. He's busy disarming that idiot Wilkin replaced you with, I'm afraid. But he sends his regards."\n\n"Uhh—" You lower your M1114, all too aware the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers all have guns on you. "Did I miss something?"\n\n"Oh, not much. "Mr. Xaviar here and my employer had an agreement. An old agreement. Years old. But, as it turns out the two-timing, faith-loving bastard can't keep his word. We simply had to teach him a lesson for old time's sake." Marisa chuckles. "Oh, and if you're worrying about that mess you made of my boys, don't. This is between Wilkin and us, not you. Unless you happen to be in the employ of a certain Father Zweili, in which case it might involve you too."<<else>>You follow the mercenary to the stairs to the VIP area. His fellow troopers in riot armor stand aside to let you pass. Fisher is held back. He shoots you an exasperated look.\n\n"Just stay down here," you call, ascending the stairs.\n\nJalkovski shoots you a sidelong glance. "The kid is over-eager and unter-trained, Sir. No offence. But he's bound to do something stupid."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Everyone's being fucking stupid. Just flow with it."<<else>>"Everyone here is being stupid. Flow with it."<</if>> You step off the stairs and approach Wilkin's couch.\n\nThree [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers are pacing beside him. Two more watch over the dance floor from elevated positions. A third - female; blonde hair - is standing before Wilkin with her arms folded before her chest.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_riptide_vip_siege.png"]]</div>"Vine." She glances at you as you draw near. "Wondered when you'd show up."\n\n"Marisa." You eye the mercs, all of whom have guns traind on you. "Mind if I ask what [[Division Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] cares about this <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>run-down shithole<<else>>place<</if>>?"\n\nWilkin opens his mouth but Marisa cuts him off, "Mr. Xaviar here and my employer had an agreement. But, as it turns out the two-timing, faith-loving bastard can't keep his word. We had to teach him a lesson for old time's sake." Marisa's lips curl. "No worries, Vine. This is between that bastard and us, not you. Unless you happen to be in the employ of a certain Father Zweili, in which case it might involve you too."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You follow Celena and Lanina onto the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidedance.png"]]</div>You follow Celena and Lanina onto the dance floor. Music pounds in your ears. Waves crash and brake around you, illuminating the many bodies raving around you in a rainbow of hues.\n\nBefore long, the energy of the crowd sweeps you up. It's impossible to not move to the thudding beat and let the pulsing rhythms carry you into a world where [[Wraiths|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] and [[Witches Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] don't exist. For a blissfull moment, you loose yourself in the tranquility that world. \n\nSomething bumps into you, jarring you back. Celena kisses you on the lips. "Hey, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>. Got something for ya." She presses a pill against your lips. "C'mon, open up."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "hug">>You hug her back, saying, "Long time..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "kiss">>"Hey." You kiss her on the...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "push">>You push her away, saying. "Wow, wow. Easy..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "hug">>You hug her back, saying, "Long time no see. You still hanging around here?"\n\n"Yeah, sure, where else'd I be?" When you shrug, she giggles. "Oh, c'mon, man. This is fucking home. For me at least." \n\n"Can't say the same." You breathe a sigh. "So, how you been?"\n\n"Yeah, yeah. Fine, I guess. Stuff's been different since you went."\n\n"I noticed." You muster the girl from head to toe, unable to resist a smirk. "Shit, you're just like I remember you. Except for the hair. What's up with that."\n\n"Cool, eh?" Celena brushes her silver spikes, grinning. "Got it last week. Figured it was about time to get the fuck out of green-land."\n\n"Yeah." <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>You sip your beer. <<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>You gulp down Liq and pull a face. <<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>You sip Flash, shudder as the sweet, dizzying liquit spills down your throat, and say, <<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>You grin a little and say, <</if>>"So, you still popping and selling or what?"\n\n"Fuckin A I am." She glances around, leans closer, and whispers, "Say, ya wanna party hard? Y'know, just 'cause old times and all?"<<elseif $action.action2 eq "kiss">>"Hey." You kiss her on the cheek. "Fuck, I didn't know you were still here."\n\n"Fucking A I am." Her lips brush your neck. "Fuck, it's been what, four years?"\n\n"About." You lower her down to the floor. "How you been doing?"\n\n"Yeah, yeah. Fine, I guess. Stuff's been different since you went."\n\n"I noticed." You muster the girl from head to toe, unable to resist a smirk. "Shit, you're just like I remember you. Except for the hair. What's up with that."\n\n"Cool, eh?" Celena brushes her silver spikes, grinning. "Got it last week. Figured it was about time to get the fuck out of green-land."\n\n"Sure is unique." <<if $action.action1 eq "beer">>You sip your beer. <<elseif $action.action1 eq "liq">>You gulp down Liq and pull a face. <<elseif $action.action1 eq "flash">>You sip Flash, shudder as the sweet, dizzying liquit spills down your throat, and say, <<elseif $action.action1 eq "lookaround">>You grin a little and say, <</if>>"So, you still popping and selling or what?"\n\n"Fuckin A I am." She glances around, leans closer, and whispers, "Say, ya wanna party hard? Y'know, just 'cause?"<<elseif $action.action2 eq "push">>You push her away, saying. "Wow, wow. Easy there, girl."\n\nCelena shoots you a bewhiletered look. "Vine? C'mon. After four fucking years this is how you show you're glad to see me?"\n\n"Times's changed." You fold your arms. "What the fuck you want?"\n\n"Uh, I just wanted to say—" She shakes her head. "Never mind. Is a simple hi too fucking much to ask?"\n\n"Hell, yeah. I haven't fucking seen you for four years and you jump on me?" You snort in disgust. "Like, what? Nothing's changed? C'mon." You shoot her a dark look. "That's just playing me for fucking dumb."\n\n"Hey, okay, then..." Celene steps back. "Nice and easy, man. I didn't mean nothing. Just wanted to say hi, you fucking idiot."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>\t<<if $action.action4 eq "swallow">>You swallow the pill<<else>>You brush the pill away<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "swallow">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_purple.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou swallow the pill without a second thought. Warmth floods your body. The crowd begins to shimmer and writhe, transformed from a mass of formless shapes and blurred colors.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell,"<<else>>"Wow,"<</if>> you mutter as light and sheer emotion pulses all around you. "Strong <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena grins. "Something special I made. It'll kick in for real about... now."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThat same instant, an unearthly sense of freedom overcomes you. There's nothing to hold you back, nothing to get in your way. Everything seems possible and you want to do it all. Hell knows what you actually did but you do know that a whole bunch of people stop dancing to watch and cheer.\n\n\t<<else>>You brush the pill away. "Not now. Else I'm just gon' be real fucked up."<br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena looks sad. "I wanted fucked up together, man. No game?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Nah." You smile, moving to the beat once more. "But I'm still here. Will be for a while, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." Cel smiles, though she's obviously disappointed - not that it matters.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA moment later, she's gone. In her absence <<if $attrib.toxicity lt 50>>- and even though you're completely sober - <</if>>it feels as though a gaping void were about to swallow you. Your movements slow. Muted sorrow tugs at your heartstrings. It's obviously a brilliant display because more than a few people stop dancing to watch and cheer.<br><br>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Fuck." You hesitate, sweat running down your face."<br><br>\n\n\tNo one is watching you anymore, a step up. The same can't be said for Lanina however. Her wide, mascara-streaked eyes search your face in \n\n\t<<if $equip.isReligious>>obvious amazement. You can almost see her thinking: maybe <<genderpronoun>> isn't such a weirdo after all.\n\t<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>obvious amazement. You can almost see her thinking: maybe he isn't such a weirdo after all.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSuperFancy>>unrestrained adoration. You can almost hear her thinking: I so want this dude to be mine.\n\t\t<<else>>obvious adoration. You can almost see her thinking: I want to get laid by this guy so bad.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isSuperFancy>>unrestrained adoration. You can almost hear her thinking: I so want this girl to be mine.\n\t\t<<else>>in obvious adoration. You can almost see her thinking: I want this so bad.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer6 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer6 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "advance">>Smirking, you move closer to Lanina<<else>>Bored by the girl's predictability, you<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer6 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "advance">>You move closer to Lanina, smiling. A touch is all it takes and she's pressing herself against your chest, locking lips with you. They taste nice - artificially sweetened, admittedly, but still so delicious.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina pulls away, smiling. "I really like you, you know. I don't normally say that so soon. But I do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't listen to her." Celena leans on your shoulder, saying, "She always says that but she's still a fucking slut."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I so am not." Lanina looks insulted. "Really. I'm nothing like that!\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isSuperFancy>>\n\t\t\tNot at all!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe her eyes say otherwise. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>They keep oogling your ass.<<else>>They keep darting to your boobs.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena rolles her eyes. "See, Lani? You're a slutty slut and you need it bad."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, okay, maybe a bit but--" She stumbles tipsily.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou steady her. "Easy, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>girl.<<else>>sweetie<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLanina blushes. She mumbles unintelligably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, okay," Celena says, wrapping her arms around you and Lanina. "I have an idea: we go to Lani's place. It's not far. That way everyone gets what they want." She glances at you, then Lanina. "Deal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Deal," Lanina says, pressing herself against you. "Meet outside in five?" In an undertone, she adds, "And you better be there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou smile, exhausted from the past exertion, and after a long moment decide to...\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tNot at all!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Didn't mean anything," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt's become uncomfortably hot. <<if $action.action4 eq "swallow">>Sweat clings to your face. Shapes blur and contort. Whatever you swallowed earlier has really messed up your head.<<else>>All the excitement has left you badly winded.<</if>> Before long, you decide it isn't worth it anyways and head to the side of the dance floor, where it's cooler.<br><br>\n\nAfter a few minutes, Celena appears beside you. "S'up? Lani said you disappeared."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I know. Fuck her. Just another boring bitch."<<else>>"I know. I'm avoiding her. I'm exhausted"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena scowls. "Right, well, I'll tell her I couldn't find you, okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. I'm thinking of calling it quits. Took it out of me before. Think I better head home."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me too." Celena kisses you on the lips. "See you around, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod as the silver-haired girl dives back into the writhing masses. How she hopes to find Lani in that mess is beyond you. But, then again, the girl has her ways. And you have other things to do - things that don't involve hanging around the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>Bored by the girl - pretty but not exactly pleasant - you continue dancing on your own. <<if $action.action4 eq "swallow">>It's uncomfortably hot. Breath comes in short gasps and sweat clings to your face. Shapes blur and contort. Whatever you swallowed earlier has really messed up your head.<<else>>All the excitement has left you badly winded.<</if>> Before long, you decide it isn't worth it anyways and head to the side of the dance floor, where it's cooler.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAfter a few minutes, Celena appears beside you. "S'up? Lani said you disappeared."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I know. Fuck her. Just another boring bitch."<<else>>"I know. I'm avoiding her. I'm exhausted"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tCelena scowls. "Right, well, I'll tell her I couldn't find you, okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. I'm thinking of calling it quits. Took it out of me before. Think I better head home."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me too." Celena kisses you on the lips. "See you around, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod as the silver-haired girl dives back into the writhing masses. How she hopes to find Lani in that mess is beyond you. But, then again, the girl has her ways. And you have other things to do - things that don't involve hanging around the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You shrug. "Sure, why not...?"<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou shrug. "Sure, why not?" \n\n"Awesome." She hops up and reaches under the couch. "Oh, c'mon—" \n\nShe grunts and pulls out a synth-box. When she pops the lid, it's filled with pills of varying colors and sizes. \n\n"So we got red, black, and purpule. On me, this time." She grins a little. "But only this time. I'm so fucking behind with my rent again."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Figured it's about time I drop by." You plunk yourself...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Got some news you'll want to hear." You plunk yourself on couch and say, "Some good, some bad. Which one you want first?"\n\n"Eh, bad, I guess?" She smiles uncertainly. "Doesn't matter though. I know what you're gonna say."\n\n"Well, the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] got iced by an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]. Most of them at least. Maybe all of them. I'm not quite sure. Anyways, the good news is I know who did it. Or to be more exact, I know the bitch lives up on Level B5. No clue who the chick is but, from what I hear—"\n\n"Faralah," Celena says dryly. "I said I know."\n\n"Okay, but—" You hesitate. "Wait. What?"\n\n"Bitch used to come by. Once a week, sometimes twice, and she'd sit at the same fucking table with my moms. They'd talk and laugh like we were all family. Word was we're related. But she's not my fucking sister." Cel shoots you a sad look. "Like, not in blood. We're all test-tube babies. But my Moms made her too. So she was theirs too." \n\nThe girl's expression darkens. "Oh, they were so proud of their Faralah. Their real daughter. The charming, affluent, intelligent one. A career woman who could wrap anyone around her bitchy little finger and was secretly planning to push the [[Coven's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] agenda to high society." \n\n"Ouch." You pull a face. "Touchy subject?"\n\n"Faralah—" Celena draws a shuddering breath. "—wasn't like their other daughter, the little slut who ran away to pop pills. That little fucking whore who wanted <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>your cock<<else>>some crazy ass merc bitch<</if>> more than her mothers' [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. The stupid bitch who just wanted to fucking party and get shitfaced, and didn't give a fuck about her family. And ya know what?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say, "You got any good..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou say, "You got any good stuff?"\n\n<<if $job_psychocult.celenaSupplierPhase eq 1>>"All the usual, plus some from the boys you set me up with. Weird fellows. Least they sell good."\n\nYou nod slowly. "They're a queer bunch. Yeah."\n\n"Well, whatever. Good for biz. Anyways, take yer pick." She gestures to her personal stash.<<else>>"Yeah, sure, hang on." She pulls out a synth-box from beneath the cough. When she pops the lid, it's filled with pills of varying colors and sizes. \n\nCel says, "Got enough red, black, and purpule to drown in. Plus a few stims and whatnot. You know, just in case."\n\n"Cool," you say, considering your options.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying unsteadily on your feet, you stumble<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Stifling an unexpected yawn, you shuffle<<else>>You <<walk>> past<</if>> the entrance to the docks and head down a side passage...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying unsteadily on your feet, you stumble<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Stifling an unexpected yawn, you shuffle<<else>>You <<walk>> past<</if>> the entrance to the docks and head down a side passage that leads to a seemingly endless number of storerooms. Aside from a few lifter bots clanking about on various menial tasks, there's no one around. Your footfalls echo on grated floor plates as you follow the pressure corridor, past one locked door after another, until you reach Storeroom 367. \n\nThe door looks no different from all the others. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Yeah, it's a little taller than you, and it's got the same keypad lock all the others do. \n\nYou consider trying to override the lock but, in your state, your chances are about zip. No, the best course of action would be to sober up and come back with a clear head - your not so drunk as to realize that. Anyways, meeting with the [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] while your wasted, well, that just doesn't strike you a sensible course of action.<<else>>It's two meters tall, twice as wide, and locked with a standard keypad. You <<if $attrib.caution gte 75>> glance around, just to make sure no one's looking, and <</if>>examine the access pannel. There's no indication it's been hardened against tampering or booby trapped, so you pry off the cover with your <<knife>>and jack your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] into the electronics beneath.<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\nA window appears in the corner of your visions, displaying the following text:<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon and step past the dead [[Oger's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] monstrous bulk. Silence save the sound of your footfalls fills the store room. Dim glow panels cast their murky ligfht across the many boxes and shipping crates stacked in neat rows. \n\nFor long minutes, you pace up and down between the stacked goods, squinting into the darkness for any hint of [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] activity. There's no way to know what you should expect but flesh-forming tools or electronic scraps wouldn't be out of place. That's what [[witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] usually work with, after all, and they'd probably hide the tools of their trade nearby.\n\nIn a disused container, maybe, or the utility ducts beneath the floor plates. Those would be the obvious choices - assuming there's anything to be found at all. The [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] might have cleaned up after itself. Or maybe never gathered in the store room to begin with. <<if $job_coven.overrideAnska eq false>>But you doubt that. Celena wouldn't have sent you there if she hadn't been sure it was legit.<<else>>Hell, for all you know, Anska might have sold you bad information. You wouldn't put it past the old hag, no matter how much she pretends to like you.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromReturnApt">>You leave the apartment and return...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromReturn">>You return to the public information terminal...<<else>>Determined to discover where Raj...<</if>><<else>>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_infoterminal.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromReturn" or $action.arrive eq "fromReturnApt">><<if $action.arrive eq "fromReturnApt">>You leave the apartment and<<else>>You<</if>> return to the public information terminal at the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. A swipe of the hand activates the device, causing a genderless holographic figure to materialize.\n\n"Welcome, <<firstname>> Acrel. Please state your query."\n\n"Rerun last query," you say.\n\n"One moment please." The holographic figure flickers. "Five records found. Please review the output and state so clearly if you wish to wish to specify further search parameters."<<else>>Determined to discover where Raj lives - and who he is - you dive into the bustle of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. The only problem is you don't have an address. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>> acting on the first idea that crosses your mind, you grab the nearest pedestrian. "Hey, you. Hey, I'm looking—"\n\nThe man shoves you away. "Fuck off, freak."\n\n"Hey," you shout after him. "I just wanted to ask you something, asshole."\n\nYou try to stop another pedestrian, who simply shoots you a dark look and hurries on. Then your gaze falls on a public information terminal not two meters along the walkway.<<else>>Thankfully, there's public information terminal not two meters along the walkway.<</if>> You hurry over to it and swipe your arm across the reader. \n\nThe device beeps as a genderless holographic figure materializes. "Welcome, <<firstname>> Acrel. Please state your query."\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Uhh, resident, uh, search for. His name's Raj."<<elseif $attrib.caution gt 75>>You glance around, worried someone's watching you, and whisper, "Resident search. Find name Raj. Limit by affiliation to [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."\n\nThe terminal bleeps. "Four hundred and thirty seven results returned. May I limit your search, <<firstname>> Acrel?"\n\n"Uhh, yeah, uhh..." You sway on your feet, wondering what on earth to limit by. Then it hits you, "Oh, limit by, uh, affiliation to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<<else>>"Query on local residents database," you say <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, stifling a yawn<<else>>evenly<</if>>. "Parameters as follows: name is Raj, affiliation is [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<</if>>\n\n"One moment please." The holographic figure flickers. "Five records found. Please review the output and state so clearly if you wish to wish to specify further search parameters."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "gonow">>"Better head up..."<<else>>"I need a moment..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "gonow">>"Better head up now. Before news of this filters through."\n\nWilkin nods. "If that's what ya want. Just be careful out there. Don't need you coming back in a bag."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips curl. "Trust me, we got 'em with their dicks out. We hit hard and fast. They'll never see it coming.<<else>>"I know it's a big risk. But we got a window now. Better take it. Before we miss it and whoever's behind this goes ghost again."<</if>>\n\n"Aright." He taps at the data pad he's holding. "Just sent Fisher the message. Should be around any sec. And thanks, Vine. I might owe ya one for this."<<else>>"I better do some groundwork. Get prepareg. We got no clue what's up there."\n\nWilkin nods. "Figured ye'd wanna. Just don't wait too long. We got one shot at this. I can't keep this thing tangled in red tape forever."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Your lips curl. "After so many years you still don't trust me to know what the fuck I'm doing? Typical."\n\n"Nah, I trust ya. Just make it happen. I'll keep Fisher close by in case ya still need that ride up."<<else>>"We're taking a big risk. Especially me. But don't worry. I'll move before we loose our window. Just give me a few hours."\n\n"Sure thing. I'll keep Fisher close by in case ya still need that ride up."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "whyinvolved">>"Assume for a moment..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "notknow">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I don't have a fucking clue..."<<else>>"No idea what you're..."<</if>><<else>>"I'm acquainted with Zweili..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "demandleave">>"Assume for a moment I know this Zweili dude and assume for a moment I don't care. Why are you here and why won't you just leave?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Long story, actually. I'll explain later." Marisa winks and, before you can stop her, levels her modified [[M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114_Converted"]] on Mr. Wilkin.\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "notknow">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about," you say.\n\t\t<<else>>"No idea what you're talking about," you say.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"As I'd hoped." Marisa winks and, before you can stop her, levels her modified [[M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114_Converted"]] on Mr. Wilkin.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"I'm acquainted with Zweili, for what it's worth. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"What the fuck do you care?"<<else>>Why?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As I'd feared." Marisa winks and, before you can stop her, levels her modified [[M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114_Converted"]] on Mr. Wilkin.\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "demandleave">>\n\t\t"Wow, wow!" You raise your hands, saying, "We can talk this out. We can agree that you'll simply leave. Right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa shakes her head. "He needs to die, Vine. I will not take no for an answer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"If this is how it ends, fine." You muster her evenly. "I've made my peace with death."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Voids between." You take a step back. "This isn't how I saw it ending."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy. But okay. I gotta die, do it quick."\n\t\t<<else>>"What of me?" You say, heart thudding in your chest. "Do I die too?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"That depends," Marisa said. "You with Wilkin? Or against him?"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Okay, nice and easy," you say. "What's this about and why do we want to kill Wilkin?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That would take too long to explain," Marisa says. "Suffice it to say, he deserves it, the two time sniveling weasel. He deserves nothing short of death."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"If this is how it ends, fine." You muster her evenly. "I've made my peace with death."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Voids between." You take a step back. "This isn't how I saw it ending."\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars have mercy. But okay. I gotta die, do it quick."\n\t\t<<else>>"What of me?" You say, heart thudding in your chest. "Do I die too?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"That depends," Marisa said. "You with Wilkin? Or against him?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You saunter onto the dance floor with Celena. Music surges and pounds...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_riptidedance.png"]]</div>You saunter onto the dance floor with Celena. Music surges and pounds in your ears. Waves crash and brake around you. Bright neon holograms illuminate the silver-haired girl <<if $loc_riptide.celGaveDrugs eq true>>as she brushes against you, moving and shaking to a deep fastbeat.<<else>>bobbing toward you. \n\nShe wraps her arms around your waists and shouts, "Wanna pop?" Before you can reply, she presses a purple pill against your lips. "Something to get ya going, babe."\n\nYou bite the pill out of her fingers. She yelps. You smirk. "That's what ya get."\n\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Neorave">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Fuck you. But I like this—" She strokes your bare chest. "Nice and naked. Like I like you, babe."\n\t<<else>>"Fuck you. But I like this—" She squeezes your breasts, barely held in place by your sports bra. "So much tits."\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Fuck you. But this I like—" She strokes your chest. "—one here. So much you. So nice."\n\t<<else>>"Fuck you. But I like this—" She slides her hand unter your <<armorbottom>>, rubbbing your pussy. "So much exposed. So very sexy."\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>"Bitch, bitch, moan moan." Cel kisses you on the cheek and backs away, shaking to the beat again.\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>> You grab her and spin her around, matching your moves to hers as hundreds of feet pound amidst the rolling holographic sea. Grinning, Cel pulls free, gesturing for you to follow. \n\n<<if $action.action4 eq "dance">>You dance around her, avoiding contact and probing her footwork with every pulsing thrum of the base, huting for flaws in her pattern, searching for an opening. She offers none. A perfect choreography honed by years of practice - and that smug smile on her lips.\n\nYou can't help but laugh. "Shit, girl. You never do change."\n\n"Never." She brushes against you, grinninng. "I so fucking missed this."\n\n"Yeah," you murmur as she dances away again.\n\nColors swirl and flicker across the crowd. Motion because an incomprehensible blur. More than once you bounce off someone dancing nearby but it doesn't matter. Peace of mind does and, for once, you have just a little of that.\n\nBut it doesn't last. There are too many people, too many bodies, and it isn't long before you're overwhelmed by the crowd. Celena is still in there somewhere but you can't see her spikey silver hair anymore. Disheartened, you stop dancing and push toward the edge of the crowd.\n\nWithin moments, you remember what it feels like to breathe freshly recycled air and move without bumping into people all the time - blissful. Probably a good thing you got out though. Too much action. And you really shouldn't be slipping off to party when you have a job to do. So, with a heavy heart but determination firm in mind, you...<<else>>You move after her, drawing her in with every looping move. When she ties to swirm away, grab her and sink your teeth playfully into her shoulder. \n\nShe yelps and throws you off, retreating into the crowd. Undeterred, you pursue, flowing through the surf to the pulsating beat, slipping through gaps in the writhing masses, hunting the blur of silver hair until - suddenly - you're right behind her. Arms raised to the ceiling, shaking her ass to the beat, she doesn't see you until you've grabbed her around the waist. \n\n"Fuck!" Cel spits in your face and struggles against your grip. \n\n"Fuck yourself." You tear her around, stare deep into her eyes and grin. "Your ass is mine. Always was."\n\n"Like fuck it is." She whirls around, stripping off her top in a fluid motion that ends with her tits against <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>your chest<<else>>yours<</if>>. "I so fucking missed doing this."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You can't help but...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou can't help but smile as <<if $action.action1 eq "kiss">>you stroke her ass. "Same, actually. This is great."\n\nCelena rubs against you, shouting, "Fuck yeah." \n\nHer lips droop ever so slightly as she presses her lips against yours. She probes your mouth with her tongue. You return the favor, running a hand down her naked chest and ending with playful kiss on her neck.\n\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit or $equip.isPartyOutfit or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Shit, I just want your dick in me. Right now." The silver-haired girl grins. "Like, that would feel so good."\n\t<<else>>"Shit, I just wanna lick you, babe. Right now." She presses against your breasts, grinning. "Like, right the fuck now. That'd feel so fucking nice."\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>The silver-haired girl shudders contently. "Fuck, man. I'm so fucking wet."<br><br>\n\n"I know." You trace your fingers up her chest to her brests. When you sqeeze her tits, she gasps. You bite her neck, grinning. "You're always wet, girl."\n<</if>><br><br>\n\n<</nobr>>"Voids I know," she moans, pressing herself close to you. "Can we fuck? Like, I don't care how or whatever, just please, please, please? I wanna get fucked so bad."<<else>>you pull away, too swept up by the beat to linger in once place too long. Colors swirl and flicker across the crowd. Motion because an incomprehensible blur. More than once you bounce off someone dancing nearby but it doesn't matter. You're there, in the moment, and that's the best thing ever.\n\nBut it doesn't last. There are too many people, too many bodies, and it isn't long before you're overwhelmed by the crowd. Celena is still in there somewhere but you can't see her spikey silver hair anymore. Disheartened, you stop dancing and push toward the edge of the crowd.\n\nWithin moments, you remember what it feels like to breathe freshly recycled air and move without bumping into people all the time - blissful. Probably a good thing you got out though. Too much action. And you really shouldn't be slipping off to party when you have a job to do. So, with a heavy heart but determination firm in mind, you...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "yourplace">>"Well, I have this nice litte place..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "herplace">>"Last I heard you still live..."<<else>>"Well, if that's the case..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "yourplace">>\n\t\t\t"Well, I have this nice litte place nearby, so we could go there and—" You nip at her neck, whispering, "Have fun."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, please." She grabs the back of your head and forces your lips against hers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSomething plasticy rolls onto your tongue. You swallow instincively. Time slows to a crawl, perception blurred beyond recognition, as colors swirl madly and a warm tingle spreads through your body.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Time passes in a Blur —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe next thing you know, you're stumbling across the dance floor, headed toward the exit. Cel's saying something you don't really understand. For some reason it makes you laugh. A moment later, you're standing at the Level B28 tramway station. Then you're sitting at the back of some tramway car, locking lips with Celena while an elderly man jabbers irritably about kids and drug addition. You don't know what came after that, only that you're suddenly standing in front of your door, fiddling with the door controls, trying to enter your access code while Celena giggles uncontrollably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, fuck you." You enter the code one last time and the door snaps open. <br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCel leans on the door frame, gasping, "Fuck, we're, like, home. Right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Something like that," you mutter and..\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "herplace">>\n\t\t\t"Last I heard you still live around here so I say we head back to yours and—" You nip at her neck, whispering, "Have fun."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Melikes this idea." She grabs the back of your head and forces your lips against hers.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSomething plasticy rolls onto your tongue. You swallow instincively. Time slows to a crawl, perception blurred beyond recognition, as colors swirl madly and a warm tingle spreads through your body.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Time passes in a Blur —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhat feels like the next instant, you're stumbling across the dance floor, headed toward the exit. Cel's saying something you don't really understand. Then you're standing at the Level B28 tramway station, waiting for the train. You don't know what happened after that, only that you're suddenly standing in front of Cel's door, laughing as she fiddles with the controls.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shut it, asshole." She slaps your ass and shoves you in, growling, "It's fucking late and I'm way too wasted."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Don't I know it." You rub your face, suppressing a yawn as you...\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Well, if that's the case—" You nudge Celena into the crowd. "That way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBodies press on all sides as you push your way through the crowd, headed for the DJ's bobbing to the beat on his sandy pedestal. Before you know it, you're out of the rolling, crashing sea of bodies, standing by the barrier on the far end of the dance floor. You hop over the railing and lead Celena into the shadowed recesses of the support struts and columns holding up the VIP terrace.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Man," she says, leaning on a support strut. "It's almost like old times."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You wrap your arms around her, trying not to think about the old times, and instead about the girl.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHow she looks. How she smells. How you missed her touch. Cel tastes as delicious as ever. She's as eager as ever to rub against your crotch. It isn't long before your <<armortype>> is torn off and finger nails dig into your back. One thing leads to another and suddenly she's monaning and writhing in the shadows, gasping for more.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFor a brief moment you try to tell yourself it's not about sex, just about making both of you feel good. But that's a lie. Cel really doesn't matter. That's what it's about. About sex. And her. And the irresistable urge to <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>come inside her<<else>>hear her scream while you both come<</if>>. That's what you want. That's what you need.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt's not too different from the way things were back when you worked for Mister Wilkin. Well, except that Cel had only been thirteen back then. But the girl hasn't grown up one bit. Maybe you haven't either, though it hardly matters in the moment. It feels nice to have her again. Hell, just to not be alone even, and that's all you care about until exhausion causes dark spots to swim before your eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit," you gasp, holding onto a nearby column for support.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena slouches on the floor, mumbling something unintelligable. When you ask what she said, her reply is just as incomrehensible. Not surprising, seeing how dilated her pupils are.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, definitely not grown up one bit." You shake your head with a sigh and sit beside her.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIn the distance, the crowd writhes on. Long minutes pass. Celena doesn't wake up. She probably won't for hours yet. At any rate, there's no point in waiting for her to return to her senses. Years of experience have taught you the girl is more than capable of taking care of herself and you, well, maybe it's about time you...\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_celena.png"]]</div>You and Celena hurry along the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the Level B33 Hab Blocks. Just before you reach the tramway station, you turn into a side passage that leads to the fastway. At the far end of the passage, beyond the landing pads, you can see blurs of light zip past. Grav engines hum constantly. The noise grows louder the nearer you get, finally rising to an almost painful buzz as you step out onto the pads. \n\nShouting to make herself heard over the noise, Celena points to a dark blue Xenon parked several pads away. "That's her. Piece of shit if ya ask me but Mom loved her."\n\n"Didn't know your moms were into cars," you say as you <<walk>> to the grav-car.\n\n"Just Sylvia. She was a real freak." Celena swipes her arm over the driver side door release. It unseals with a hiss. "And here I almost thought they'd have locked me out for being a bad girl."\n\n"Why?" You pop the passenger-side door and climb in. "You <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>screw up<<else>>wreck<</if>> the family car before?"\n\n"Back when I was nine," Celena says as she powers up the vehicle. It jumps off the landing pad with a faint whirr. "Don't ask me what the big fucking deal was. I didn't even get caught or anything. But whatever. Moms lost it."\n\nThe vehicle drifts into the nearby fastway and accelerates with a squeal. Inertia slams you into the seat. As Celena swerves in and out of traffic at breakneck speed, you say, "It might have more to do with the fact you fly on manual with guidance off and all the safeties overriden." Celena shoots you a amused look. You shrug. "Just saying."\n\n"Yeah, well, just tell me when ya wanna throw up or something." Celena pulls a sharp turn onto Fastway 315 North and, without slowing, taps at her [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. \n\nA throbbing beat fills the car. Celena grins, bobbing to the music as she slips past grav-cars and haulers chugging along at regulation speeds. To you, they appear mere blurs of light and noise, there one moment and gone the next. How Celena can see them, much less avoid colliding with them, is beyond you. \n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Half an hour later —</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b5.png"]]</div>Celena slows the grav-car, sliding to the side of the fastway. On the far side of the street is a hab unit composed entirely of tinted glass set in a polished steel frame. There's a private landing pad on one end. You can't spot any other entrances, which matches what you were told. \n\nCelena nods to the hab unit. "That's my sis's place. Fucking shithole and my sis is paranoid. We won't get past all her drones and cams unnoticed. So let's just go knock."\n\nYou pull a face. "Suicidal frontal approach. Not the plan I'd have chosen."\n\n"Hey, it'll be fun." Celena descends beneath the main traffic lane, steadily inching toward the landing pad. \n\nLess than fifty meters from touchdown, a security drone deviates from its patrol route and approaches your car. It floats along beside you until the car touches down. That same moment, the drone flashes a red warning holograph at the windscreen.\n\nCelena glances at you. "Ready?"\n\n"Not real—" Before you can finish, Celena pops her door and hops out. The security drone bobs toward her only to be sent warbling away with a flick from her claw.\n\nThe same moment you hop out after her, a tinted glass door opens on the far side of the landing pad. Three humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] emerge, aiming weapons arms in your direction. Celena begins striding toward them. You have half a mind to tell her to stop but there's no point. Faster to just wreck the damn machines.<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_zanex.png"]]</div>You climb into the grav-car and slam the door. "Hit it, man."\n\n"Yes, Sir!" Jalkovski accelerates, causing the grav-car to jump off the landing pad awith an angry warble. The engine squeals. Inertia presses you into the seat. Jalkovski says, "It's an honor to work with you again, Sir. My new team is great and everything but—"\n\n"I really don't need to hear it," you growl.\n\n"As you wish, Sir." Jalkovski fals silent as he maneuvers around a hauler and two grav-cars. \n\nHe slides back onto the fastway, behind a long line of vehicles moving at regulation speeds, and accelerates anew. A minute or so later, you pull a sharp turn onto Fastway 315 North and accelerate into a new level of traffic. Silence haunts the grav-car. No one speaks. There's really nothing to be said.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Half an hour later —</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b5.png"]]</div>Jalkovski slows the grav-car and pulls off to the side of the fastway. "That's the place, Sir." He indicates a hab unit composed entirely of tinted glass set in a polished steel frame. There's a private landing pad on one end. You can't spot any other entrances. "Damned. They have drones."\n\nYou scowl at the hab, trying to make out what he can see and you evidently can't. Then you spot a spherical security drone floating along the glass facade. "Shit. That'll make things more complicated."\n\n"I agree, Sir." Jalkovski purses her lips. "Do you have any particular plan in mind, Sir?"<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_raj.png"]]</div>You leave Raj's appartment, head up two levels and make for the gate to the garrage. Like Raj said, it's unlocked and you step into the dimly lit parking area. There are twenty grav-cars of various shapes and sizes crammed in the garrage, some accessible only by ladder. You find slot 10 at the top of a two-car rack and climb up. The door pops when you swipe over the acccess panel and you hop in behind the wheel. \n\n"Okay." You look over the controls, take a moment to make sure there's nothing unusual to remember - there isn't - and hit the ignition. \n\nHeadlights wash the garrage. The grav-car wobbles ever so slightly and you guide it out of the landing rack, easing it steadly toward the garage door. When the sensor senses your approach, it retracts. You accelerate. Inertia presses you into the seat. The car shoots out of the garrage and into the fastway beyond, its grav-plates whirring.\n\nEvidently Raj had the car's navigation system set to automatic because it drags you into the traffic pattern against your will and asks for your destination. "Level B5, Unit 731," you say and activate manual control. Grav-cars and other vehicles flash past as you push well past regulation speed limit, swerve through a busy intersection on the Crossroads and pull a sharp turn onto Fastway 315 North.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Half an hour later —</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b5.png"]]</div>You slow the grav-car and pull off to the side of the fastway. The nav-system indicates your destination is a hab unit composed entirely of tinted glass set in a polished steel frame on the far side of the fastway.\n\nThere's a private landing pad on one end. You can't spot any other entrances, which matches what you were told. Not wanting to risk anything too hasitly, you watch the hab unit for a minute or so. A spherical security drone floats back and forth along the glass facade. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,"<<else>>"Not good,"<</if>> you mutter to yourself, all to aware that the drone will come bobbing over the moment you try to land. There are options, of course, but you'll need the right hardware to pull that off with any degree of certainty.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You climb into passenger seat of the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_fisher.png"]]</div>You climb into passenger seat of the grav-car. Fisher hops behind the controls. As he powers up the vehicle, he says, "Man, it almost feels like whay back when." \n\nThe grav-car jumps off the landing pad with a faint whirr. Fisher edges the vehicle into the fastway and accelerates. The engine squeals. Inertia presses you into the seat.\n\n Fisher says, "Gotta admit, I kinda miss those days. It just ain't the same without you around."\n\n"Can't say the same."\n\n"I don't..." Fisher's voice trails off as he maneuvers around a hauler and two grav-cars. He slides back onto the fastway, behind a long line of vehicles moving at regulation speeds, and says, "I don't mean it ain't good for all of us but these new guys?" He shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, they just don't get we ain't no common gang you can team up with just 'cause you know someone who knows someone and whatnot."\n\nYour lips curl into a smile. "Oh, look who's going all elitist on me."\n\n"Hey, you know I like a good time as much as anyone. But now? Nah, I have to." He pulls a sharp turn onto Fastway 315 North and accelerates into a new level of traffic. "I gotta make sure the crew's up to shape and that ain't easy man."\n\n"Look who you're <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>talking to." When Fisher shoots you a sidelong glance, you laught. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Hell, yeah,<<else>>Yeah,<</if>> I'm talking about you. Always were a smart kid. But skills? You weren't born with those, y'know."\n\n"I hear ya man. I do, but..." Fisher continues to chat for a while, talking about what's different and what's still the way it was when you worked for Mister Wilkin. You only half listen, knowing full well the kid just has to get the shit out. Hell, you know that feeling. It was like that back when you ran the crew too: responsibility everywhere and no one you can risk sharing your doubts and worries with. \n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Half an hour later —</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b5.png"]]</div>Fisher slows the grav-car and pulls off to the side of the fastway. "That's the place." He indicates a hab unit composed entirely of tinted glass set in a polished steel frame. There's a private landing pad on one end. You can't spot any other entrances. Fisher says, "Okay. The drones on the perimiter are new."\n\nYou scowl at the hab, trying to make out what he can see and you evidently can't. Then you spot a spherical security drone floating along the glass facade. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Shit.<<else>>Great.<</if>> That'll make things more complicated."\n\n"No shit." Fisher raps his fingers on the controls. "So, what you thinking? How we go at this one?"<<else>>You climb into passenger seat of the grav-car. Fisher hops behind the controls. As he powers up the vehicle... [[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>"Hey, I found this..."<<else>>"So, about that...<</if>></div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>"Hey, I found this—" You pull out the strange device you found in the Machine Temple. "—lying around. Old tech I think. Any idea what it is?"\n\nCel takes the device. "Uhh, some kinda miniaturized sub-null core. Kinda like a REACH core. But smaller. And it won't move you across the galaxy. Just a few hundred meters. Maybe. If you're lucky. And it still works."\n\n"Any idea what it was used for?"\n\n"This one?" Celena shakes her head. "But the old [[Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] used stick 'em in [[Witchguns|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witchgun"]]. If you give me, like, twenty-four hours I could bash one together for you. Probably."\n\nYour brow rises. "Twenty four hours?"\n\n"Well, it'll take less to build. Already got an antimatter sink lying around and... oh. I get it. Yeah. Twenty four hours. Should be interesting."\n\nYou simply nod, wondering whether it's a good idea to let Celena tinker with the device. On the other hand it might make a nice piece. And she does sound rather enthusiastic.<<else>>"So, about that [[Witchgun|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witchgun"]] you mentioned. How's it coming along?"\n\n"Coming along?" Celena giggles, producing a bulky, purple firearm from the couch. "Ta-da. Tested it too. No malfunctions I could find. Which means there aren't any. Probably. Anyways, it loads standard nine mills so ammo won't be a problem. Nor will the power supply. We'll both be dead long before the sink runs out of antimatter to feed off of."\n\nYou take the [[Witchgun|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witchgun"]], brow furrowed. "Cool. What's it do?"\n\n"Shoots people. Kinda. There's a fold space sphere inside the barrel - you know, to keep the power source from running dry after a single shot - and that means wonky stuff might happen from time to time." The silver-haired girl shrugs. "I really dunno, exactly. Messing with the laws of physics is always a bit hit and miss."\n\nYou nod slowly, wondering whether to keep the gun. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>It sounds like a blast. But who knows? It might just blow up in your hand too.<<else>>It sounds decidedly unsafe. But who knows? It might actually work as advertized.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>You have to fight to keep your eyes...<<else>>You and Celena thread your way...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_crowd_generic.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75 or $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You have to fight to keep your eyes open as you and Celena meander throuth the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel criss-crossed that runs the length of the Level B33 Hab Blocks. Pedestrians crowd around you, doing whatever the hell they are doing. Odors ranging from stale swear to sweet perfume fill your nostrils. Voices jabber constantly over the muted thunder of thousands of feet pounding on the walkways. You barely notice what's going on though. The only thing on your mind is keeping pace with Celena, who's setting a rapid pace to say the least.<<else>>You and Celena thread your way through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the Level B33 Hab Blocks. Pedestrians crowd around you, doing whatever the hell they are doing. Odors ranging from stale swear to sweet perfume fill your nostrils. Voices jabber constantly over the muted thunder of thousands of feet pounding on the walkways. You ignore the commotion as best you can and focus on what matters most: keeping pace with Celena, whose gait is so hasty you'd almost think hell itself were nipping at her heels.<</if>>\n\nWhen she passes the entrance to the tramway station without slowing, you call, "We're not taking the tram?"\n\n"Nope." Celena points toward the stairwell to Level B34. "Faster on foot."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Makes sense."<<else>>"Oh."<</if>> You follow her in silence, <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75 or $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stifling the occasional yawn and rubbing your face every so often.<<else>>ondering where exactly on Level B34 Celena hopes to find her //parents// - if <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>those bitches even deserve to be called that<<else>>they can even be called that<</if>>.<</if>> \n\nBefore you know it, you're at the stairs, pushing and jostling with the crowd of pedestrians headed up to...<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Ah, damned." You terminate the flash application, replace...<<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "forcedOpen">>Rather than bother with an override...<<else>>A green light flashes beside the access panel...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Ah, damned." You terminate the flash application and replace the cover to the access panel.\n\nNo chance at bypassing the damn thing. Maybe if you return with a clearer mind you'll have more luck. But that doesn't matter - yet. For the time being, you're content to just head back to...<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_storeroom_367.png"]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "forcedOpen">>Rather than bother with an override, you jam your <<knife>> into the lock mechanism. Nothing happens. You jerk it around until the panel errupts in sparks. Metal screeches as the door grinds open.<<else>>A green light flashes beside the access panel. You terminate the flash application, replace the cover to the access panel, and hit the release. Metal screeches as the door grinds open.<</if>>\n\nBeyond lies Storeroom 367, a large hall filled with shipping crates, synthboxes and the occasional container. Dim yellow glow panels set in the ceiling cast a murky light and blurry shadows that are only exagerated by the eerie hush hanging over the store room.\n\nYou risk a few steps toward the nearest pile of shipping crates. Your footfalls echo in the silence. Then something clatters against the container to your left. Slow footsteps pund on the metal floor. You freeze, <<if $attrib.caution gte 75>>expecting the worst to come at any moment.<<else>>anticipating danger at any moment.<</if>> The heavy footfalls receed. Metal floor plates groan. \n\nFarther down the aisle, a bulky silhouette steps out from behind the containers. Its bloated head turns toward you and raises a muscular arm grasping a blood-stained crowbar. \n\n"Come to join the party, human?" The creature - no doubt an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] - cracks a grin.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>>You examine each container in turn, searching...<<else>><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_dock_search.png"]]</div>You examine each container in turn, searching for any indication they've been opened recently. Most look sealed shut since transport and there's a few stacked in positions that would make them impossible to open anyways. You're just starting to loose hope when you round a stack of crates and spot a blood-streaked corpse slumped against one of the containers.\n\nTwo more bodies have been stuffed between the container and the wall behind it. There's no way any of them are still alive, not with their skulls visibly bashed in. Hell, one of the poor women is even folded up like a sheet of paper. \n\n"Youch." You're about to examine them deceased more closesly when something creaks behind you.\n\nHeart thudding, you whirl around just as a brown-haired woman dashes out of sight. "Stop!" You rush after her, calling, "Hey, I just wanna talk—" \n\nWhen you round the corner, the woman is gone. A split second later, the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] hurls herself at you from above, a curvy knife in hand.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Wow!"<</if>> You dodge her clumsy assault and...<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Three hundred meters from the information terminal...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj_outside.png"]]</div>Three hundred meters from the information terminal, you turn into the passage to Habitation Block 35. It lies behind a gated courtyard overgrown by plants and ferns of all imaginable colors - greenish blue prevails. \n\nThe hab is unusually clean for a Hab Block in Sector B. No rusted wall plates or trash strewn on the floor. In fact, aside from the odd graffiti stain, it looks almost like an A Sector residence. There's even an armed [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] standing guard outside the gate. \n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You swagger up to the bot and say, "Hi."\n\n"Hello." The bot fixes you with a mechanical gaze. "Identify." It holds out its arm. When you swipe your forearm across its reader, the bot dones, "<<firstname>> Acrel. You are not registered at this residence. State purpose of visit."\n\n"Uh, visiting a friend. His..." You burp involuntarily. "Shit, uh, his name's Raj? Raj Winston?"\n\n"This citizen is known." The bot tilts his head with a mechanical whirr. "Forgiveness. Mister Winston is not responding. Please return later. Goodbye."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>You eye the bot with suspicion. There's no way to know whether it will let you in or not. And even if it does, there's no way to know it won't report your presence to the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] - or worse. But, as you realize, there's really no choice. So you take a deep breath and <<walk>> up to the bot. It stops you with an outstreched mechanical hand. \n\n"Hello. Idenitfy." It holds out its arm. When you swipe your forearm across its reader, the bot dones, "<<firstname>> Acrel. You are not registered at this residence. State purpose of visit."\n\n"Visiting Raj Winston."\n\n"This citizen is known." The bot tilts his head with a mechanical whirr. "Forgiveness. Mister Winston is not responding. Please return later. Goodbye."<<else>>Wondering who the hell this Raj is to live in such a flashy place, you <<walk>> up to the bot and say, "Hi."\n\n"Hello." The bot fixes you with a mechanical gaze. "Identified as: <<firstname>> Acrel. You are not registered at this residence. State purpose of visit."\n\n"Visiting Raj Winston. He's a friend of mine."\n\n"This citizen is known." The bot tilts his head with a mechanical whirr. "Forgiveness. Mister Winston is not responding. Please return later. Goodbye."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\tYou say,\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "dontcare">>"I do not care one bit."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t"Ah. I see. Well, we can't take that risk."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Run," Wilkin gasps. "Run you--"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Shuddup!" Marisa pistol whips him across the face.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"All right, folks," you say, backing away.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere are a lot more of those bastards in yellow than there are you, which means this is about to get ugly and you are not going down without a fight.\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "againstwilkin" or $action.action4 eq "dontcarefine">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "dontcarefine">>"I do not care one bit."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"I'm against him, definitely. One hundred percent against."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"Oh, good. In that case." She takes aim again.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_blood.png"]]</div>\n\t\tThe trigger gives the same moment the base drops. Mr. Wilkin slumps on his couch, a bloody hole blown through his forehead.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMarisa lowers the smoking pistol with a \n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "notknow">>\n\t\t\tamused smile. "I always wanted to do that. So satisfying. But now—" She turns, eyes narrowed. "What of you?"<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tsad expression. "I always wanted to do that but it hardly satisfied. You on the other hand—" She turns, eyes narrowed. "—will be an interesting case."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t"Me?" You smile uneasily. "I thought we had an an understanding here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, stop being dramatic." Marisa holsters her [[M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114_Converted"]]. "I was sent here to find answers, answers I think you might be interested in. We could both come out ahead."<br><br>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever Wilkin did to you or your employer isn't my fucking problem.\n\t\t<<else>>"Hate to tell you but Wilkin's problems aren't mine anymore.\n\t\t<</if>> I closed that book years ago."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And Wilkin opened it again when he helped the people I think we're both looking for steal what I know we're both after." When you don't respond, Marisa shrugs. "The old sack was a faith-loving rat if ever there was one. One who played all the sides to be safe. But that's kinda beside the point. Poke around all you want. And if you think maybe, just maybe, you want to hear my side of the story?" Marisa gestured around. "[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is going to stay here for a little while so just drop on by whenever you like."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou open your mouth but close it again. There's no point arguing the matter with a bunch of assault rifles aimed at you. Better to gain a little distance, think the whole affair over, and figure out what to do with a cooler head - and better perspective.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "withwilkin">>"I'm with him. Sorry to disappoint."<br><br>\n\n\tMarisa shoots you a telling look. "Well, fuck. Now we gotta kill you too."<br><br>\n\n\t"You don't say," you say, backing away.<br><br>\n\n\tThere are a lot more of them than there are you. This is about to get ugly and you are not going down without a fight.\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher" or $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">><<if $action.action1 eq "drone">>"Get us near that..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "snipe">>"Hold her steady." You pat the XZ...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "altsearch">>"There's gotta be another..."<<else>>"Hurts to say it but we're gonna have to go..."<</if>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">><<if $action.action1 eq "snipe">>"Well, let's see what you can do...." You glance at the XZ <<else>>"Oh well. Right up the middle..."<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">><<if $action.action1 eq "drone">>"Get us near that drone," you say, producing the data block with the Xjanu-4 on it. "Real close. Close enough to touch it. I'm gonna ice their security."\n\nFisher looks dubious. "Boss, you sure—"\n\n"Just do it." You pop the door, holding on as the vehicle wobbles dangerously through the traffic.\n\nOutside, the security drone zips toward you, a red warning laser flashing. Fisher, no doubt aware of what you intend, banks hard. The bulbous device topples into your arms.\n\n"Got it." You grab a jack cable and link the Xjanu to the tiny machine.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agenthack.png"]]</div>"I'm putting us down," Fisher says, maneuvering toward the landing pad as the drone chirps error sounds.\n\nGrav-plates tremble. The drone shudders. The vehicle shakes as you set down.\n\n"Let's hope that worked," you say, pocketing the data block and releasing the drone.\n\nIt falls to the landing pad with a thud. Nothing happens outside, no security, not even an alarm. There's a clear path from where you set down to the main entrance to the posh hab unit.\n\n"Looks good." Fisher climbs out and readies his assault rifle. "Got you covered, Boss."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "altsearch">>"There's gotta be another way into this place," you say, peering at the hab.\n\nFisher looks dubious. "Up here? Unlikely. Unless ya got a whole buncha cybertech te hack yer way in."\n\n"True," you admit. "Oh well. Guess we go in the hard way. Head for the pad."\n\n"Right." The black-haired kid maneuvers under the main traffic lane, slowly but steadily descending toward the landing pad. \n\nLess than fifty meters from your destination, the security drone deviates from its patrol route and approaches your car. "Here goes nothing," Fisher mutters as he rotates the car around and lowers it onto the pad. The moment it touches down, the security drone flashes a red warning laser in your direction. \n\nFisher pats the assault rifle beside his seat. "I got the drone. On three. One, two..."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>The same moment he hops out, three humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] emerge from their alcoves, aiming weapons arms in your direction. A warning claxon sounds. Emergency holograms flash.\n\n"Shit." You kick the door open and scramble out, blood pounding in your veins.\n\nFisher fires a burst and ducks behind the car, shouting, "Cover me, Boss!"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "snipe">>"Hold her steady." You pat the <<rifle>> beside your seat.\n\nFisher shoots you a sidelong glance. "From here? Through the traffic?" When you look at him, he chuckles. "Shit, man, if ya think you can pull it off."\n\n"Wouldn't suggest it if I didn't." You rest your <<rifle>> between your legs, crack the breech, and hesitate. Come to think of it, you're not sure you can make the shot. But it's a better plan than a frontal charge into the Lion's den. So, doubts or none, you grab a tungsten bolt and slam it into the chamber.\n\n"I'll get ya above the traffic," Fisher says as the grav-car slowly rises to the top of the fastway. "Just tell me where to put her."\n\n"Will do." You override the safety and pop your door. A deafening buzz fills your ears. Lights flash as hrav-cars of all colors, makes, and sizes zip past not ten meters below you. You take a deep breath and raise your <<rifle>>, settling the aimpoint on the hab. "Let's find out if this thing was worth the fortune." You turn the accelerator to maximum and settle behind the scope. \n\nAn IR-enhanced image of the hab swims before you. Admidst the blotches of blue and yellow, you spot a humanoid shape tinted crimson by the scope's target identification system. "Eyes on target." You slow your breathing, watching as the human moves behind the tinted glass, waiting for them to stay still long enough for a clean kill. Seconds drag past. The crimson figure continues to move about. You mutter, "No shot."\n\n"Still clear up here," Fisher says. \n\n"Let's hope it stays that—" A blur that must've been a floater zips past your scope. "—way."\n\nFisher chuckles. "Don't jinx it, man."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever."<<else>>"Just keep it steady."<</if>> You focus back on your target, which is still moving. Then it stops. Based on what little you can see, it might be reading a data pad. It sits down. You shift your aim to center mass and wrap a finger around the trigger. "On target." You take a deep breath, calming your heartrate, and exhale slowly. "On target."\n\n"Still clear," Fisher says. You increase pressure on the trigger. Your aimpoint bobs ever so slightly. "Crap," Fisher says a split-second before a blur shoots past you. "Didn't see that one coming."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Never mind,"<<else>>"Just give me a shot,"<</if>> you mutter and return you attention to the target. The crimson blob is still sitting. Breathing steadily, you squeeze the trigger. Your <<rifle>> recoils with a crack. Bright light obscures your vision. You lower your rifle and peer at the hab. The damage is barely visible; a single window pane smashed. It's impossible to confirm the kill by naked eye so you raise your <<rifle>> again and peer through the scope. \n\n<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>With the IR overlay engaged, it's hard to tell what you're looking at. You flip it off. A crystal-clear image of the shattered window and the room beyond appears. There isn't much to look at. With the scope of your <<rifle>> set to maximum acceleration, you can see the bolt tore straight through the woman, blasted through the floor below her, and by the looks of it, well into the superstructure beyond before it desintegrated. All that's left of your target is a gorey mess splattered across the floor of what must've once been a very posh dining room. \n\nYou can't help but pull a face as you lower your rifle. "Nasty."\n\n"Worth every credit, eh?"\n\n"Yep." You slam your door closed. Fisher accelerates, maneuvering back into the traffic of Fastway 315 North. Neither of you speaks. There's nothing to say. A clean job. In and out with no traces left except a molten slug buried somewhere in a support strut. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will be scratching their heads over that one for weeks. That or they'll figure out what the hell you did and slam you with an enormous hammer. But there's no point worrying about that, not yet, so you settle back with a sigh and...<<else>>"Hurts to say it but we're gonna have to go straight up the middle."\n\n"Right." Fisher shoots you a sidelong glance. "Uh, man, you sure that's a good idea?"\n\n"No. Just put her down on the landing pad."\n\nThe black-haired kid nods and maneuvers under the main traffic lane, slowly but steadily descending toward the landing pad. Less than fifty meters from your destination, the security drone deviates from its patrol route and approaches your car. "Here goes nothing," Fisher mutters as he rotates the car around and lowers it onto the pad. The moment it touches down, the security drone flashes a red warning laser in your direction. \n\nFisher pats the assault rifle beside his seat. "I got the drone. On three. One, two..."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>The same moment he hops out, three humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] emerge from their alcoves, aiming weapons arms in your direction. A warning claxon sounds. Emergency holograms flash.\n\n"Shit." You kick the door open and scramble out, blood pounding in your veins.\n\nFisher fires a burst and ducks behind the car, shouting, "Cover me, Boss!"<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">><<if $action.action1 eq "drone">>"Get us near that drone," you say, producing the data block with the Xjanu-4 on it. "Real close. Close enough to touch it. I'm gonna ice their security."\n\nJalkovski shoots you a sidelong glance. "Sir? Are you absolutely certain—"\n\n"Just do it." You pop the door, holding on as the vehicle wobbles dangerously through the traffic.\n\nOutside, the security drone zips toward you, a red warning laser flashing. Jalkovski, no doubt aware of what you intend, banks hard. The bulbous device topples into your arms.\n\n"Got it." You grab a jack cable and link the Xjanu to the tiny machine.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_agenthack.png"]]</div>"Nice catch, Sir. I'll set us down." Jalkovski maneuvers toward the landing pad as the drone chirps error sounds.\n\nGrav-plates tremble. The drone shudders. The vehicle shakes as you set down.\n\n"Let's hope that worked," you say, pocketing the data block and releasing the drone.\n\nIt falls to the landing pad with a thud. Nothing happens outside, no security, not even an alarm. There's a clear path from where you set down to the main entrance to the posh hab unit.\n\n"Looks clear." Jalkovski climbs out and readies his carbine. "Got you covered, Sir."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "altsearch">>"There's gotta be another way into this place," you say, peering at the hab.\n\nJalkovski shoots you a sidelong glance. "Up here, Sir? Unlikely. No offense. These places have perfect security. Sir."\n\n"True," you admit. "Oh well. Guess we go in the hard way. Head for the pad."\n\n"Yes, Sir." The merc maneuvers under the main traffic lane, slowly but steadily descending toward the landing pad.\n\nLess than fifty meters from your destination, the security drone deviates from its patrol route and approaches your car. Jalkovski swoops below it, angling toward the landing pad. The moment it touches down, the security drone flashes a red warning laser in your direction. \n\nJalkovski pats the assault carbine beside his seat. "I'll take the drone, Sir. On three. One, two..."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>The same moment he hops out, three humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] emerge from their alcoves, aiming weapons arms in your direction. A warning claxon sounds. Emergency holograms flash.\n\n"Shit." You kick the door open and scramble out, blood pounding in your veins.\n\n"Sir," Jalkovski calls, firing a burst. "Got you covered. Take them out!"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "snipe">>"Hold her steady." You pat the <<rifle>> beside your seat.\n\nJalkovski shoots you a sidelong glance. "From here, Sir? Through the traffic?" When you look at him, he nods. "As you command, Sir."\n\n"Thanks." You rest your <<rifle>> between your legs, crack the breech, and hesitate. Come to think of it, you're not sure you can make the shot. But it's a better plan than a frontal charge into the Lion's den. So, doubts or none, you grab a tungsten bolt and slam it into the chamber.\n\n"I have to move above traffic," Jalkovski says as the grav-car slowly rises to the top of the fastway. "Tell me when to stop."\n\n"Just there." You override the safety and pop your door. A deafening buzz fills your ears. Lights flash as hrav-cars of all colors, makes, and sizes zip past not ten meters below you. You take a deep breath and raise your <<rifle>>, settling the aimpoint on the hab. "Let's find out if this thing was worth the fortune." You turn the accelerator to maximum and settle behind the scope. \n\nAn IR-enhanced image of the hab swims before you. Admidst the blotches of blue and yellow, you spot a humanoid shape tinted crimson by the scope's target identification system. "Eyes on target." You slow your breathing, watching as the human moves behind the tinted glass, waiting for them to stay still long enough for a clean kill. Seconds drag past. The crimson figure continues to move about. You mutter, "No shot."\n\n"Fastway is still clear," Jalkovski says. \n\n"Let's hope it stays that—" A blur that must've been a floater zips past your scope. "—way."\n\n"It's good again." Jalkovski stabilizes the vehicle.\n\n"Hold steady." You focus back on your target, which is still moving. Then it stops. Based on what little you can see, it might be reading a data pad. It sits down. You shift your aim to center mass and wrap a finger around the trigger. "On target." You take a deep breath, calming your heartrate, and exhale slowly. "On target."\n\n"Still clear," Jalkovski says. You increase pressure on the trigger. Your aimpoint bobs ever so slightly. "Damned," Jalkovski says a split-second before a blur shoots past you. "Sorry, Sir. Came from my blind spot."\n\n"Never mind," you mutter and return you attention to the target. The crimson blob is still sitting. Breathing steadily, you squeeze the trigger. Your <<rifle>> recoils with a crack. Bright light obscures your vision. You lower your rifle and peer at the hab. The damage is barely visible; a single window pane smashed. It's impossible to confirm the kill by naked eye so you raise your <<rifle>> again and peer through the scope. \n\n<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>With the IR overlay engaged, it's hard to tell what you're looking at. You flip it off. A crystal-clear image of the shattered window and the room beyond appears. There isn't much to look at. With the scope of your <<rifle>> set to maximum acceleration, you can see the bolt tore straight through the woman, blasted through the floor below her, and by the looks of it, well into the superstructure beyond before it desintegrated. All that's left of your target is a gorey mess splattered across the floor of what must've once been a very posh dining room. \n\nYou can't help but pull a face as you lower your rifle. "Nasty."\n\n"An excellent shot, Sir." Jalkovski accelerates anew.\n\n"Yep." You slam your door closed as your diver maneuvers back into the traffic of Fastway 315 North. \n\nNeither of you speaks. There's nothing to say. A clean job. In and out with no traces left except a molten slug buried somewhere in a support strut. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will be scratching their heads over that one for weeks. That or they'll figure out what the hell you did and slam you with an enormous hammer. But there's no point worrying about that, not yet, so you settle back with a sigh and...<<else>>"Hurts to say it but we're gonna have to go straight up the middle."\n\n"Yes, Sir." Jalkovski shoots you a sidelong glance. "Uh, Sir, are you sure that's a good idea?"\n\n"No. Just put her down on the landing pad."\n\nThe merc nods and maneuvers under the main traffic lane, slowly but steadily descending toward the landing pad. Less than fifty meters from your destination, the security drone deviates from its patrol route and approaches your car. "Here goes nothing," Fisher mutters as he rotates the car around and lowers it onto the pad. The moment it touches down, the security drone flashes a red warning laser in your direction. \n\nJalkovski pats the assault carbine beside his seat. "I'll take the drone, Sir. On three. One, two..."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>The same moment he hops out, three humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] emerge from their alcoves, aiming weapons arms in your direction. A warning claxon sounds. Emergency holograms flash.\n\n"Shit." You kick the door open and scramble out, blood pounding in your veins.\n\n"Sir," Jalkovski calls, firing a burst. "Got you covered. Take them out!"<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">><<if $action.action1 eq "snipe">>"Well, let's see what you can do." You glance at the <<rifle>> beside your seat. The rifle doesn't answer. You chuckle to yourself. "Okay, now you're just beign stupid with yourself."\n\nHaving put the grav-car on auto-hover, you rest your <<rifle>> between your legs, crack the breech, and hesitate. Come to think of it, you're not sure you can make the shot. But it's a better plan than a frontal charge into the Lion's den. So, doubts or none, you grab a tungsten bolt and slam it into the chamber.\n\n"Oh well." You nudge the vehicle up a few meters, so you're above the main flow of traffic, swing the vehicle around so the driver's door is facing the hab, and hit the release. A deafening buzz fills your ears. Lights flash as grav-cars of all colors, makes, and sizes zip past not ten meters below you. You take a deep breath and raise your <<rifle>>, settling the aimpoint on the hab. "Let's find out if this thing was worth the fortune." You turn the accelerator to maximum and settle behind the scope. \n\nAn IR-enhanced image of the hab swims before you. Admidst the blotches of blue and yellow, you spot a humanoid shape tinted crimson by the scope's target identification system. \n\n"I see you down there." You slow your breathing, watching as the human moves behind the tinted glass, waiting for them to stay still long enough for a clean kill. \n\nSeconds drag past. The crimson figure continues to move about. You mutter, "Stand still, damn it."\n\nA blur that must've been a floater of some sort zips past your scope. You focus back on your target, which is still moving. Then it stops. Based on what little you can see, it might be reading a data pad. It sits down. You shift your aim to center mass and wrap a finger around the trigger. \n\n"Got you." You take a deep breath, calming your heartrate, and exhale slowly. \n\n"Still got you—" You increase pressure on the trigger. Your aimpoint bobs ever so slightly. Another blur shoots past you. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,"<<else>>"Darn,"<</if>> you mutter and return you attention to the target. \n\nThe crimson blob is still sitting. Breathing steadily, you squeeze the trigger. Your <<rifle>> recoils with a crack. Bright light obscures your vision. You lower your rifle and peer at the hab. The damage is barely visible; a single window pane smashed. It's impossible to confirm the kill by naked eye so you raise your <<rifle>> again and peer through the scope. \n\n<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>With the IR overlay engaged, it's hard to tell what you're looking at. You flip it off. A crystal-clear image of the shattered window and the room beyond appears. There isn't much to look at. With the scope of your <<rifle>> set to maximum acceleration, you can see the bolt tore straight through the woman, blasted through the floor below her, and by the looks of it, well into the superstructure beyond before it desintegrated. All that's left of your target is a gorey mess splattered across the floor of what must've once been a very posh dining room. \n\nYou can't help but pull a face as you lower your rifle. "Nasty."\n\nThe job done, you slam your door closed, stow your rifle, and maneuver back into the traffic of Fastway 315 North. Surprisingly enough, things went pretty well. In and out with no traces left except a molten slug buried somewhere in a support strut. The [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] will be scratching their heads over that one for weeks. That or they'll figure out what the hell you did and slam you with an enormous hammer. But there's no point worrying about that, not yet, so put the grav-car on auto-drive and settle back with a sigh to...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "altsearch">>"There's gotta be another way into this place," you say, peering at the hab.\n\nExcept there doesn't seem to be any. Maybe a utility passage somewhere, buried deep in the superstructure, but even that'll have tight security. \n\n"Oh well," you mutter, maneuvering under the main traffic lane. "Let's do this the hard way."\n\nSeconds pass as you slowly but steadily descent toward the landing pad. Less than fifty meters from your destination, the security drone deviates from its patrol route and approaches your car. \n\n"Easy now," you mutter as you rotate the car around and lower it onto the pad. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>The same moment the vehicle touches down, three humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] emerge from their alcoves, aiming weapons arms in your direction. A warning claxon sounds. Emergency holograms flash.\n\n"Shit." You kick the door open and scramble out, blood pounding in your veins.\n\nCoilfire errupts as the [[Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] bots close in. You scramble for cover. Damned machines. You should have seen this coming.<<else>>"Oh well. Right up the middle it is." \n\nCareful not to get in anyone's way, you maneuver under the main traffic lane, slowly but steadily descending toward the landing pad. Less than fifty meters from your destination, the security drone deviates from its patrol route and approaches your car. \n\n"Easy now," you mutter as you rotate the car around and lower it onto the pad. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_securitybot.png"]]</div>The same moment the vehicle touches down, three humanoid [[Security Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] emerge from their alcoves, aiming weapons arms in your direction. A warning claxon sounds. Emergency holograms flash.\n\n"Shit." You kick the door open and scramble out, blood pounding in your veins.\n\nCoilfire errupts as the [[Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] bots close in. You scramble for cover. Damned machines. You should have seen this coming.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"What...?"<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"What?"\n\n"I told 'em, man. I told 'em all but they didn't listen 'cause I was just a kid. And I didn't know shit about shit. But I fucking told them this would happen. I fucking told them Faralah thought the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] was growing soft. I fucking told—" Celena shakes her head with a laugh. "Eh, what fucking difference does it make anyways? They're fucking dead."\n\n"One way to look at it," you say slowly. "Anyways, I was thinking of paying Faralah a visit."\n\n"Yeah, but not without me you aren't." Celena fixes you with an icy gaze. "Trust me, that bitch is hardcore. You confront her alone, she'll tear your fucking spine out, and I mean that just like I fucking say it. This isn't some fucking gang boss with a chip on his shoulder. She's a fucking [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]."\n\n"Point taken," you say. "She's dangerous. So is everyone else I fuck with these days. Which is why I don't want you anywhere hear her."\n\n"Why?" When you don't respond, Celena snorts. "What? You don't think I can't fucking take care of myself?" \n\n"Yes and no." You purse your lips. "Listen, Cel, I know this means a lot to you but I don't need you wandering into a fucking firefight. I just really don't."\n\n"Wandering?" Her lips curl into a smirk so vicious it makes your spine tingle. "Believe me, you have no fucking idea. But I know why I made my choice. So okay. You can say no to me - you always could. But you'll need a grav-car to get up to my sis'. Mom just happens to have one. But you aren't getting it if you wanna do this alone. I wanna see the fucking bitch bleed. Scratch that. I wanna fucking bleed that whore myself."\n\nSuddenly alarmed, you say, "Cel—"\n\n"Take it or leave it," she says haughtily. "You know what I want. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>If ya really love me. Fuck, if ya even fucking trust me one bit, then now's the fucking time to show it, baby."<<else>>I know you're trying to keep me out of this shit but, seriously, man. It's too fucking late for that. I am what I am - now more than ever. Just let me finish what that bitch started."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the VIP area, thread your way...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou leave the VIP area, thread your way through the crowd thronging the main floor, and head for the staff area at the back of the club. The bouncer watching over the door nods to you as you pass - he doesn't look familiar but you must know one another. When the door slams closed, the throbbing music fades to a dull murmur. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_abandonedhab.png"]]</div>You head through the back door and into the cramped delivery tunnel behind the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. The familiar scent of burnt tobbaco and hash fills your nostrils. Four Raptors in black hoodies are lounging around, chatting in low voices. Two of them are carrying assault rifles. A third is cleaning a stubby machine pistol with a rag. \n\nThe fourth, whom you recognize as Fisher, looks up. "Vine? Good to see ya, man. What's up?"\n\n"I need some information. Some dude who dropped by not long ago. Wanted to hire you boys. The big boss tells me you refused." You shrug. "That's all I got. Hope it means something to you."\n\n<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>>"Yeah, yeah, I remember. Came in, acting all self-important. Made a sweet deal but nah. Couldn't take it. Not from just anyone." He shrugs. <<if $chr_celena.met eq true>>How 'bout this: I tell ya who you're looking for and you tell me what the fuck's up with you and that druggie chick. Cel or whatever her name is that sound like a fair deal?"<<else>>"Personal, huh? Well, then maybe I can help you out. Depends what's on the table." He winks. "And, yeah, you get the old-time discount but we gotta talk creds before we talk intel."<</if>><<else>>"Maybe. I know something. But it's gonna cost ya. Learned the hard way credits is power around here. So let's talk credits. Then we talk intel."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>As you near toward Celena's appartment on the first floor of... <<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs_riptide.png"]]</div>You set a hasty pace along [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]], rushing past confused pedestrians. As you near toward Celena's appartment, you can't help but notice the door is half-open. Heart pounding, creep up to the door. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Hazed as you are, just trying to stand still enough to peek inside is almost impossible. You have to grab hold of the door frame to stay upright.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>You heart beins to pound, flooding your body and making you feel more awake than you should be.<<else>>You feel your heart skip a beat.<</if>> \n\nThere are two men and a woman in the room, all of them armed. The woman is holding down Celena while one of the men - no doubt Flavio Gabari - is shouting at the top of his lungs. The other dude watches on, arms folded and an impassive expression on his face.\n\nBefore you can intervene, Flavio punches Celena in the face. "...hear me, bitch? You fucking pay up. You fucking pay up or I swear..." \n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Uncontrollable rage fills your mind and you...<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Seething anger washes over you. Without thinking, you...<<else>>You draw a deep breath, debating your options. These fellows don't seem the reasonable sort. But maybe bloodshed isn't the best option either.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You step into the hab..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou step into the hab<<if $action.action1 eq "silent_pistol">>, drawing your M1114 DART. None of the thugs notice as you move through the door.\n\nFinally, the woman looks up. "Hey, you, wh—"\n\nYou level your sidearm on her head and squeeze. A muffled thud sounds as you blow a suppressed bolt through her skull.<br><br>\n\nShe falls just as her companions look up. You put three rounds in each of their chests, another in every skull, and to be safe two more in the woman. When it's all said and done, eerie silence haunts the hab. No one moves - not even Celena. Smoke curls lazily from the muzzle of your M1114.<<else>>. "Flavio Gabari?"\n\nThe man watching the scene with folded arms glances at you. His eyes widen. "Shit, who—"\n\n"Flavio Gabari." You stride toward the man. "Hey, asshole, I'm talking to you."\n\nHe looks up from Celena. "Eh." His eyes wander to his henchman. "Who the fuck's this punk?"\n\n"Name's Vine," you say. "You're about to make a big mistake. I'm here to make sure you don't, preferably before you get your sorry ass killed."\n\n"Big mistake, eh?" Flavio cracks his knuckles. "Because what, you'll kill me?" Flavio bursts into laughter. "Hey, shit, man. No problem. I'll just stop, not ask for my fucking money, just because you say this fucking whore means something special to you. Not fucking likely but how's 'bout this: you run right the fuck away now or I don't just fuck you up. I fuck up—"\n\n"Boss," the woman holding Celena down growls.\n\n"Later Trish." Flavio leers at you. "So, how's that sound, punk? Or you just gonna stand there and look all angry at me and shit?" He waggles his fingers. "Ohh, now I'm scared."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You head up the stairs...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou head up the stairs to a blue-lit pressure tunnel that runs the length of Level B34. There's barely anyone around and you make good time, hurrying along the tunnel until Celena stops before a door labeled //B34-25-031//. \n\n"Here we are." she slaps the door controls and calls, "Mom, it's me." Several seconds pass. There's no reply. Celena hits the controls again. "Mom, we gotta talk. Now." Again no one answers. Celena sighs. "This is so fucking typical."\n\nShe fiddles with the controls. A soft chime sounds. The doors snap open with a hydraulic hiss. \n\n"Mom?" Cel steps into the appartment and stops dead in her tracks. "Oh no."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena_parents.png"]]</div>When you enter the two-room hab, it's immediately clear what made Celena bawlk. Foul odors preceed the blood and gore splattered across the carpeted floor. Bones and scraps of flesh have been scattered around an upended dining table as though someone had chewed on and spit out a human body one limb at a time. \n\nA second body lies deeper in the room, beneath a puddle of pale ooze slowly dripping from the ceiling. Ventilation fans creak in the background, slowly but steadily filtering <<if $equip.isConcealing>>foul odors your mask's filters are blocking out<<else>>the stench of urine and intestinal fluids<</if>> out of the air. \n\n"Gross." Celena leans against the nearest wall. "But guess we know why mom didn't answer, eh?" She breathes a humorless laugh. "Shit, man, what the fuck? Seriously. What the fucking fuck happened here?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>>You crouch beside the bones and scraps of flesh scattered around the...<<nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>>You crouch beside the bones and scraps of flesh scattered around the upended dining table. There are bite marks on the blood-soaked bones, bite marks caused by incredibly sharp teeth. What looks like a tuft of white hair attached to the bloody remains of a scalp catches your eye. \n\n"That was Sylvia," Celena says with a pained look on her face. "She loved her hair because it was over three hundred years old or some shit like that. Fucking sentimental that stupid bitch."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, she's dead," you say, all too aware of the gnaw marks on her bones.<<else>>"Some people are like that," you say, trying not to imagine what the gnaw marks on the bones imply.<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"True that."<<else>>"Yeah, well, great lotta good it did her."<</if>> Celena shakes her head. "Shit, man, I swear. If I'd known... well, then I'd either be dead or the galaxy would be royally screwed, so maybe it's better I didn't know shit."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, it's alread< done." You stand, having spotted a metallic glimmer amidst the gorey remains.<<else>>"It's nasty any way you turn it." You stand, disheartened, and spot a metallic glimmer amidst the gorey remains.<</if>> "Over there." \n\nCloser examination reveals it to be a data pad. You wipe blood off the screen and hit the power button. A warm orange glow seeps out, displaying an unlock screen requiring an eight-digit code.\n\nCelena taps your shoulder. "Got me that for a sec?"\n\n"Sure." You hand her the data pads. "Belong to one of your moms?"\n\n"Yeah. Hang on." She taps at the screen. "No." She taps again. "Yes! I think— Fuck." She holds out the pad, gaze averted. "Just fucking read it for yourself."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "tryTalk">>\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Wow, heya. No hard feels..."<<else>>"Actually, I think I just took..."<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "doRetreat">>You take a step back...<<else>>"Shit." You grab your...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "tryTalk">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Wow, heya. No hard feels. I just took a wrong turn or something."\n\t\t<<else>>"Actually, I think I just took a wrong turn." You force a smile. "Uh, I'll just be going, okay?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Run." The floor shakes as the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] stomps toward you, twirling its crowbar. "Run and I chase you down, human."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake!" You step forward, snarling, "You wanna play tough, fine. But I promise—"\n\t\t<<else>>"Uh-oh." You take a step back, blurting, "Listen, man. No hard feelings. There's just been some horrible misunderstanding. I'm sure—"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Too arrogant!"<<else>>"Too many excuses!"<</if>> The abomination swipes at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges as you duck just in time. The [[Oger's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] crowbar pings harmlessly off a nearby crate. Its next swing probably won't miss though. And you're farily certain this isn't a situation you'll be able to talk yourself out of.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "doRetreat">>You take a step back, then another. The [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] continues to advance. Blood drips from its crowbar.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stop, heart racing. "Listen, I didn't mean—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I listen. I see." The brute's eyes narrow. "You need die. Sorry. Was paid. Much money."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake!" You step forward, snarling, "You wanna play tough, fine. But I promise—"\n\t\t<<else>>"Uh-oh." You take a step back, blurting, "Listen, man. No hard feelings. There's been some horrible misunderstanding. I'm sure—"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No promise!"<<else>>"You die!"<</if>> The abomination swipes at you.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAdrenaline surges as you duck just in time. The [[Oger's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] crowbar pings harmlessly off a nearby crate. Its next swing probably won't miss though. And you're farily certain this isn't a situation you'll be able to talk yourself out of.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "XZ">><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>"Shit." You grab your Blackthorn, snap the breech open, and slam a tungsten bolt into the chamber.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] has started to charge. Adrenaline surges as you bring the rifle up. The abomination's bloated head floats in the aimpoint.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Now or—" You jerk the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe Blackthorn recoils with a loud boom. Not ten paces on, the abomination's abdomen errupts in a gorey explosion. Its legs fall forwards. The torso topples back.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEars still ringing from the report, you eye the carnage. One shot. One kill. A job well done - and not a moment too soon. Even a second longer and it would have been on top of you.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000_Converted">><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>"Shit." You grab your C2000 and, without bothering to flick to subsonic, take aim.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAhead, the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] has started to charge. Adrenaline surges as you jerk the trigger. The abomination barely twitches. Its bulk fills your gunsight, crowbar poised to strike.<br><br>\n\n\t\tPanicked, you fire half a dozen more rounds, not even bothering to aim. One of them blasts out the [[Oger's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] left eye. It recoils, screeching in agony.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Motherfucker!"<<else>>"Damn it!"<</if>> You blast another five or six rounds into its skull before the beast - finally - collapses.<br><br>\n\n\t\tEars still ringing with coilfire, you eye the bullet-riddled corpse. A far cry from one shot one kill. But at least the brute is dead - and not a moment too soon. Even a second longer and it would have been on top of you.<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><<if $action.action2 eq "knife">>You lower your weapon...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiate">>As the woman comes at you again...<</if>><<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "knife">>You lower your weapon and approach the dead witch. It's impossible to tear your eyes away from the grisly scene.\n\n"Oh, man." You shake your head. "What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>was that about?"<</if>>\n\nThere's no reply, just a bloody dribble from the woman's lips. You breathe a sigh and crouch beside her, hoping to find something useful. She isn't carrying much; a pendant around her neck that might be of sentimental value and a [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "main"]] embedded in her right arm.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You decide to enter via the utility ducts and......<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou decide to enter via the utility ducts and make your way to the nearest access hatch, less than fifty meters down the main walway from the Hab Block. Doing your best not to draw unwanted attention, you stand before the access panel and pry the cover off with your <<knife>>. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You wipe sweat off your brow, fumble around for your jack cable, and patch your PDA nto the system. Nothin happens. \n\n"What the... Oh." You rub your temples and open the firware flash application you've been using to bypass security systems for years.<<else>>\n\nOnce the electronics below are exposed, you jack your PDA into the system and open the firware flash application you've been using to bypass security systems for years.<</if>> <<if $action.action1 eq "none">>A window appears in the corner of your visions, displaying the following text:<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "destroyBot">>You lower your weapon...<<else>>"Oh. Okay." You smile pointlessly...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "destroyBot">>You lower your weapon and step over the ruined machine. Sparks errupt. Somewhere in the distance, a digital alarm starts to beep. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj_courtyard.png"]]</div>You ignore it and hurry through the courtyard, glancing around for Raj's apartment. On your left are doors to the eastern Hab Units, which are all even numbers, meaning Raj's is on the right. Second conclusion: he lives at least one story up. So you take the stairs up a level and hurry along the walkway that surrounds the inner courtyard until you find the door to Hab 125.\n\nYou're about to ring the bell when a pale outline etched into the door catches your eye. There's just enough time to note it's the size of an average human when the silhouette fades before your eyes, as though nothing had ever been there. \n\n"What the—" A loud clang sounds from behind the door. Someone screams. Your heart skips a beat. "Shit."\n\nYou hit the door release. The door hisses open, revealing a glimpse of a man in a dark brown suit running toward you. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Something dark pops out of thin air behind him, a human form but hunched over and charging on all fours. In your hazy state, you can't believe your eyes. It's impossible. But it's there and it's charging straight at you.<<else>>A dark silhouette appears out of thin air behind him, a human form but hunched over and charging on all fours. Suddenly the outline etched in the door makes sense: Raj Winston is being hunted by a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]].<</if>>\n\n"Help!" The man waves frantically. "Help! It's trying to kill me!"<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, fuck you, you tin can."<<else>>"Oh. Okay." You smile pointlessly at the machine. "Goodbye."<</if>>\n\nYou retrace your steps along the side passage, back to the main walkway, wondering how on earth you're going to get into the Hab Block. Sure, you could just frag the security bot and force your way in, but that'd be suspicious at best, downright suicidal at worst. There has to be a better way. So you start to look around, first physically, then with help of your PDA's utility map. \n\nIt doesn't take you long to realize there aren't many ways into the hab block. Aside from the front door and a back entrance six stories up - also guarded - the only sensible option is a delivery access tunnel three stories up. It's designed for floaters, not pedestrians, but you figure it's one possibility, mostly since it's not guarded, just watched over by a few cameras. \n\nOn closer inspection, you aslo find a complex maze of utility ducts that run underneath - and above - the Hab Block, which you would have to override, but would allow you to reach Raj Winston's appartment without beeing seen. Either option would be viable so you...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $lalina_loc eq "herhome">>You are in Lanina's appartment on the Level...<<else>>You're outside the appartment on the Level B28 Boulevard, waiting for...<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_lanina.png"]]</div><<if $lalina_loc eq "herhome">><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>>\n\nYou step into the appartment and call, "Lani? Anyone home?"\n\n"Mh?" Lanina appears in a doorway. her lips curl into a grin. "Vine. Hey. What you doing these days?"\n\n"Not much. Doing okay," You slouch on the couch and <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>stifle a yawn. "You?"<<else>>crack your neck. "So, what's been going on 'round here?"<</if>>\n\n"Not much. Stuff's fine." She leabs on the back of her couch. "So, what brings you by?"\n\n"Work, actually." You pull a face. "Your roommate, Luca. I gotta ask him some stuff. He around?"\n\n"Uh, yeah. He just got back." Lalina leads you to one of the rooms and knocks. "Luca!" He shouts something unintelligable back. Lani repeats, "Luca! Got someone to see you."\n\nThe door opens. "What?" A muscular dude naked from the waist down peers out. "Who the fuck is <<genderpronoun>>?"\n\n"Vine," you say evenly. "A friend of yours, Tobias Gardner, referred me to you. I have some questions. It's to do with historic research and the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."\n\nLuca glances at Lani. "What the fuck? Who the hell—"\n\n"Oh, c'mon man," she says. "<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He's one of Cel' buddies.<<else>>She's one of Cel's girls.<</if>> Just tell <<genderposssesive>> what <<genderpronoun>> wants to know."<<else>>You're outside the appartment on the Level B28 Boulevard, hand pressed on the buzzer. No one answeres. You press a few more times. There's no answer. You're about to give up and just override the access pannel when the door hisses open. \n\nA muscular dude naked from the waist down peers out. "What d'you want?"\n\n"Luca Depechionne?" \n\n"Yeah." He eyes you suspiciously. "What's it to you?"\n\n"A friend of yours, Tobias Gardner, referred me to you. It's to do with historic research and the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]." \n\nLuca frowns. "Sure. And that's why you're carring a <<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" or $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>gun<<else>>knife<</if>>, right?"\n\n"Believe it or not, [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] history can be dangerous business. I like to come prepared." You force a smile. "Really. They're not for you. I just wanna ask you a few questions, that's all."\n\n"Listen, I dun—"\n\n"Who is it?" <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lalina's voice calls from within the hab.\n\n"Vine," you shout. Your eyes on Luca, you add, "I know you roommate."\n\nLalina's blonde head appaers behind Luca. "Stop being an idiot, man. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>He's one of Cel' buddies.<<else>>She's one of Cel's girls.<</if>>"\n\n"Even more reason not to trust <<genderposssesive>>."<<else>>A woman calls from within the hab.\n\n"Some idiot."<</if>> Luca turns back to you. "Listen, I dunno who the fuck you think I am but you'd better get the hell off my property." He's about to hit the door release when you jam a boot into the gap. "Hey, what—"\n\n"Mr. Depechionne," you say evenly. "I have reason to suspect you're involved in a very serious crime commited against the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Now, you can either talk to me, or I can give my employer a call and see if they'll send a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] by to sort this out. It's your call, man, but me, I'd just answer <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fucking<<else>>my<</if>> questions."<</if>>\n\n"Fine, okay." Luca folds his arms. "Shoot."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You head down the...<<else>>You are in Lanina's apartment...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_lanina.png"]]</div>You head down the B28 pressure corridor, pass the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] by, and turn into the tunnel to Lanina's apartment. It's a little ways down on the left. You reach the door and hit the buzzer. Several seconds pass before the door is unlocked.<<else>>You are in Lanina's appartment just off the Level B28 Boulevard.<</if>>The three-room hab is fairly large for a girl in her young twenities. But you aren't about to judge her or whoever pays for her appartment. Anyways, the sheer number of emtpy beer cans and bottles suggest Lanina isn't anywhere near as innocent as she plays herself up to be. That, or her roommates really suck at housekeeping.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave the dance floor...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou leave the dance floor, fight your way back to the front of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], and head for the foyer. It takes a few minutes for Lanina and Celena to show up. When they do, you leave the club and take a sharp left into a narrow passage.\n\n"We're just up ahead," Lanina says, shivering visibly in her skimpy outfit. "If my roomate's home, just ignore him. He's an idiot."\n\nCel scoffs. "Less than you'd think but whatever. I'll just crash or whatever and let you two sort this out. And no lying tomorrow, Lai. I know when you lie."\n\n"Yeah, yeah." Lanina stop in front of one of the habs.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_lanina.png"]]</div>It's a little nondescript unit off to the left of the pressure corridor. Lanina swipes her hand over the door controls. Nothing happens. The holo-display flashes an error.\n\nCelena groans and taps in a security code. "C'mon, Lali. Now in ya go."\n\nLalina stumbles in. You follow, into a large three-room unit. Celena disappears into one of the rooms, mumbling to herself. Lanina makes straight for the nearest couch and collapses. After a long moment, she gestures for you to join her.\n\n"If you want—" Lani pulls a can of beer out from behind the couch and hands it to you. "So wow. This is really weird having you here. I never bring anyone home. And then it's gotta be a fucking legend. Is it always this weird for you?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>You are in...<<else>>Lanina opens the door...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>Lanina is sitting on the couch beside you.\n\nShe wrings her hands and smiles. "I still have a little more time before I have to get back at it. Lotsa stuff to get done. Work. And I should clean up the place." She shoots you a knowing look. "It's always such a mess."<<else>>Lanina opens the door, looking tired. "Hey. Vine. Come on in."\n\n"Thanks." <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble into the appartment and, after banging agains the door, call, "Hey? Lani? Anyone here?"\n\n"Yeah." Lanina closes the door and chugs from a bottle of beer she's already half-emptied "Shit, you're fucking plastered too. How's it feel?"\n\n"Crap." You stagger over to the couch and crash on the cushions. "Mind if I crash for the night?"\n\n"Nah, man." She sips beer and says, "Just, y'know, don't be surprised if ya hear anything. Got a friend over."\n\n"I won't get in the way," you mutter as you curl up. It isn't exactly comfortable but, in your state, that doesn't matter. Somewhere to lay down and close your eyes though, man, that does wonders. It also makes your head spin but, before you realize that's a bad thing, you...<<else>>You step into the appartment and call, "Yo. Anyone home?"\n\nLanina closes the door, saying, "So, what's up lately with you?"\n\n"Not much. Doing okay," You slouch on the couch and <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>stifle a yawn. "You?"<<else>>crack your neck. "So, what's been going on 'round here?"<</if>>\n\n"Not much. Stuff's fine." She leans on the back of her couch. "Kinda glad you came by. Been working all day. Could use a distraction."<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "drone">>You hop out of the vehicle<<else>>You lower your weapon<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b5_inside.png"]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "drone">>You hop out of the vehicle and creep toward the hab, senses alert. As you draw nearer it becomes increasingly evident how wealthy the owner is. The floors in the entry area are carpeted, the walls clean, and every glow panel as bright as it is clear. There are even potted plants in ornate vases and a golden-framed painting hanging opposide the entry. To the left is a half-open screen door.<<else>>You lower your weapon and creep toward the posh hab. Even though the entry area was damaged during the fight, you can tell the place has style; the floors are carpeted, the walls clean, and every glow panel as bright as it is clear. There are even potted plants in ornate vases and a golden-framed painting hanging opposide the entry. To the left is a half-open screen door.<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_coven.buddy neq "celena">><<if $action.action1 eq "drone" and $attrib.passedSneakCheck>><<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>"Over there," Fisher mouths, indicating the screen.<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski indicates he's seen something behind the screen.<</if>>\n\nYou nod, creeping toward the doorway. There's no way to see what's beyond but you can hear what <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski<</if>> did: someone pacing up and down in the room beyond.<<else>>You're just about to advance toward the screen for when a hidden alcove is thrown open and a [[Tripod Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Tripod Bot"]] emerges, weapon arms clinking as bolts cycle into its coilguns.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, shit."<<else>>"Oh, no."<</if>> You dive for cover<<if ($job_coven.buddy eq "fisher" or $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski")>> the same moment <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski<</if>> does.<<else>>, blood pounding in your veins.<</if>>\n\nCoilfire rips through the entrance a split-second later. Chips of plaster hail down. Through the many bolt-holes in the wall, you can see the bot rolling into a better firing position.<</if>><<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "celena">>"Oi, dollface." Celena yanks the screen aside.\n\nBeyond is a long dining area with a monolithic black table in the center. A woman dressed in a smart white business suit is standing at the far end. She must be Faralah. \n\n"Ah. Celena." The woman fixes you with a hard gaze. "And you are?"\n\n"Not your problem." Celena grabs her sister by the hair hair and slams her into the table, face first. The crack makes you wince. Celena drags her sister up and hisses, "What the fuck were you thinking? What the fuck—"\n\nFaralah shoves Celena away, blood dripping from a broken nose. "How dare you?"\n\n"How I?" Celena steps into her sister's face, hissing, "You were their fucking daughter. The favorite. The darling. And this is what you—" \n\n"Silence!" Faralah slaps Celena across the cheek. "You, you of all people, should know better than to speak of them like that. You, spewing foul language, disrespecting your mothers, after all they did for you?"\n\nThere's a long, menacing pause. Celena simply stares. The her eyes draw to slits and her voice comes as barely more than a whisper, "Don't you ever fucking talk to me about disrespect after what you just did. You didn't even have the guts to look 'em in the eye and admit it when you had 'em ripped to shreds."\n\n"I did what needed to be done," Faralah replies coldly. "You know that. Don't lie. I know you—"\n\n"Not lie. Me?" Celena breathes a hissing laugh. "I never lied, bitch. Not to them, not to you, not about the booze or sex or drugs. Hell, not even about how they could shove their stupid [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] up my ass. Not once. And you—" Celena jabs a clawed finger in her sister's chest. "—you really think you have the right to tell me anything about lying?"\n\nFaralah doesn't reply. Her expression is hollow but her eyes are alight with anger and something... else. Fear maybe. You can't tell.\n\n"Yeah," Celena takes a step back. "That's what I fucking thought." Her gaze wanders to you. "Kill or torture her? I want one. Don't care which and this, well, your job. So it's your call."\n\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"His call?" Faralah looks appalled. "Celena, how could you of all people dare to let a man determine—"\n\n"Because I want him to decide." Celena fixes you with a amused look. "So? What should I do with her?"<<else>>"Her call?" Faralah looks appaled. "Celena, how could you chose, this, this—"\n\n"Because fuck you, that's why." Celena fixes you with a amused look. "So? What should I do with the bitch?"<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>You count down from...<<else>>You lower your weapon...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "alone">>You lower your weapon and advance past the destroyed machine, toward what's left of the screen wall - not much after the [[Tripod Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Tripod Bot"]] crashed throught it. Nothing makes a sound save the soft patter of your boots on the tiled floor. No one comes to investigate what made all the noise. Which, frankly, might be smart on their part.\n\nYou're about to continue on when something moves behind the scren wall. Expecting the worst, you sidle over and peer into the room beyond. It's a long dining room decorated in a similar style as the entry area - minus the recent addition of bolt holes - and there's a monolithic black table in the center. A woman dressed in a smart white business suit is standing at the far end. \n\n"Welcome. I was expecting someone else. But no matter." The woman steps out from behind the table and walks toward you. "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Faralah Eresi. And who are you to enter my home in such an unsociable manner?\n<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromSneak">>You count down from three. <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski<</if>> moves the same moment you do, swinging around the corner, into<<else>>You lower your weapon and advance past the destroyed machine, toward what's left of the screen wall - not much after the [[Tripod Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Tripod Bot"]] crashed throught it. Nothing makes a sound save the soft patter of your boots on the tiled floor. No one comes to investigate what made all the noise. Which, frankly, might be smart on their part.\n\n<<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>"Psst." Fisher points to his eyes and then the room beyond the screen. \n\nYou nod, moving into position. He does likewise and, on your signal, yanks the screen back. You swing through the door, into<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"Sir." Jalkovski points to his eyes and then the room beyond the screen. \n\nYou nod and, take position. He does likewise and, on your signal, yanks the screen back. You swing through the door and into<</if>><</if>> a long dining room with a monolithic black table in the center. A woman dressed in a smart white business suit is standing at the far end. \n\n"Welcome. I was expecting someone else. But no matter—" The woman steps out from behind the table and raises a hand. Beside you, <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher claws at his throat, gasping for breath.<<elseif $job_coven.buddy eq "jalkovski">> Jalkovski falls to his knees, gasping for breath.<</if>>\n\nThe woman smirks. "Sorry, dears. Wrong place, wrong time I'm afraid."<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cel_kill">>"Kill her," you say coldly. "That's the..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cel_torture">>"Make her suffer," you say. "That's..."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cel_spare" or $action.action1 eq "cel_spare_lost">>"Neither," you say. "Let her live..."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cel_kill">>\n\n\t\t\t"Kill her," you say coldly. "That's the best she deserves."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay." Celena draws her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] and approaches her sister.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Celena," Faralah says in a pleanding tone. "Cel, baby, I—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You—" Celena rams her knife into her sister's neck so hard it breaks her spine. "—can just die." She turns to you, a smug look on her face. "Done. Let's go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You shoot Faralah's corpse a last, fleeting look and stride from the room, saying, "Cel? You good with all this?"\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Me? Yeah." The silver-haired girl skips over the destroyed bots outside and stops before her parents' grav-car. "Oh, hey, and if ya wanna ask anything, now'd be the time because—" She yanks off the clawed glove, tearing the wires straight out with it and causing blood to trickle down her forearm. "—I'm so done with this shit. Like, for real."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, there's one obvious question: why the hell did your sis do this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena shrugs. "Spite. Anger. Frustration. She hated moms for keeping the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] in line. She wanted back to the old ways. Necromancy, blood rituals, that kinda shit. Guess it was some kinda power-hungry nostalgia. Dunno really. Might have been manipulation too. My sis was always easy to manipulate. Real smart bitch but no fucking sense in her."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay," you say, not quite certain you know how to fit that into the greater picture.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, so—" Celena raps a finger on the hood of her moms's grav-car. "Wanna scoot? Y'know. Before the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] drops by for a friendly neighborhood visit."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Yep." You pop the passenger door and hop in.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena settles behind the wheel and powers the vehicle up. As she eases off the landing pad and into the eavy traffic of Fastway 315 North, she says, "So, you want me to like drop you off at home or come back with me?"\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cel_torture">>"Make her suffer," you say. "That's what she deserves for what she did."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Cool." Celena draws her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] and approaches her sister.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Celena," Faralah says in a pleanding tone. "Cel, baby, I—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fuck you." Celena slices her sister's suit with her blade. White fabric turns red as blood trickles from the deep gash. Before Faralah has time to react, much less speak, Celena slams the blade into her arm. Faralah howls.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tCelena snorts. "That hurt, you fucking pussy?" She yanks the blade back out and brushes the sharp edge against her sister's cheek. "That fucking hurt? Because—"<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"Celena, please—" Faralah struggles, tears welling in her eyes.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"Shh." Celena presses the tip of her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] against her sister's eyelid. "Don't worry your pretty little face. I won't hurt my sis, would I? I'd never do that, would I? Not me. Not the little slut. Not the little whore. Or would I?" Cel cackles with laughter. "Oh, dollface, you should've fucking killed me when you had the chance, you stupid bitch."<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tFaralah stutters something.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"What was that? Hmm?" Celena lets her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] nick her sister's eye. The woman shrieks. Blood trickles down her terrified face.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tCelena laughs manically. "Oh, poor thing, poor little fucking thing. But you should've known. You knew. You watched. But all you wanted to see was your little sis drifting away, sucking cock and popping pills. You never thought I'd ever be anything."<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"I was wrong," Faralah whimpers.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"You and the whole rest of the fucking family. You all called me the crazy one, the one who's mind is so fucked I can't see the universe straight anymore. Well guess what?" Celena leans close and licks her sister's eyelid. You cringe inwardly. Celena giggles. "You were right, dollface, so fucking right. I am her. Just like her. Except a million times worse, bitch, and you just let me out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFaralah stammers something unintelligable.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's okay, sister. It's all—" Celena presses her knife to her sister's throat and cuts, drawing a perfect slice from ear to ear.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBlood trickles down Faralah's suit. An eerie silence haunts the dining room. Goosebumps crawl down your arms. Somewhere in the distance, a siren wails.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena strokes her sister's hair with a bloody hand. "There, there. Mommy and mommy won't hurt you. They're dead." She kisses her sister on the forehead. "They're all dead." She slamms the her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] into Faralah's face and screeches, "They're fucking dead, you bitch!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSilence rings in your ears. Celena stifles a sob. "Fuck. Just fuck."\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cel_spare" or $action.action1 eq "cel_spare_lost">>"Neither," you say. "Let her live. She's a piece of shit. But there are—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No way." Celena draws her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] and approaches her sister.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Celena," Faralah says in a pleanding tone. "Cel, baby, I—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Fuck you." Celena slices her sister's suit with her blade. White fabric turns red as blood trickles from the deep gash. Before Faralah has time to react, much less speak, Celena slams the blade into her arm. Faralah howls.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tCelena snorts. "That hurt, you fucking pussy?" She yanks the [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] back out and brushes the sharp edge against her sister's cheek. "That fucking hurt? Because—"<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"Celena, please—" Faralah struggles, tears welling in her eyes.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou step forward, saying, "Cel. Please. Don'd do this."\n\n\t\t\t"Too late, man. I'm already—" Celena presses the tip of her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] against her sister's eyelid. "—halfway there. But I won't hurt my sis, would I? I'd never do that, would I? Not me. Not the little slut. Not the little whore. Or would I?" Cel cackles with laughter. "Oh, dollface, you should've fucking killed me when you had the chance, you stupid bitch."<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tFaralah stutters something.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"What was that? Hmm?" Celena lets her witchblade nick her sister's eye. The woman shrieks. Blood trickles down her terrified face.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tCelena laughs manically. "Oh, poor thing, poor little fucking thing. But you should've known. You knew. You watched. But all you wanted to see was your little sis driftign away, sucking cock and popping pills. You never thought I'd ever be anything."<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"I was wrong," Faralah whimpers.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t"You and the whole rest of the fucking family. You all called me the crazy one, the one who's mind is so fucked I can't see the universe straight anymore. Well guess what?" Celena leans close and licks her sister's eyelid. You cringe inwardly. Celena giggles. "You were right, dollface, so fucking right. I am her. Just like her. Except a million times worse, bitch, and you just let me out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFaralah stammers something unintelligable.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's okay, sister. It's all—" Celena presses her [[witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]] to her sister's throat and cuts, drawing a perfect cut from ear to ear.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBlood trickles down Faralah's suit. An eerie silence haunts the dining room. Goosebumps crawl down your arms. Somewhere in the distance, a siren wails.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena strokes her sister's hair with a bloody hand. "There, there. Mommy and mommy won't hurt you. They're dead." She kisses her sister on the forehead. "They're all dead." She slamms the her Witchblade into Faralah's face and screeches, "They're fucking dead, you bitch!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSilence rings in your ears. Celena stifles a sob. "Fuck. Just fuck."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"Fair enough," you say...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whycare">>"What's it to you...?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "decline">>"How about I don't tell you and, in return, don't ask...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "offer">>"How's this sound..." You program the transaction and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "blackmail">>"Hate to tell ya, Fish..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refuse">>"Nah, nah, nah. That's not how this is going down." You narrow your eyes to slits. "See, I fucking...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "agree">>"Fair enough," you say. "<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>I decided it's time to get serious. Figure I might settle down eventually and there's no fun in that alone."\n\n"I hear ya man but seriously?" Fisher screws up his face. "That slut? C'mon. You can do better."\n\nYou shrug indifferently. "And I could be whoring myself out to some big private contractor and making big bucks rather than hanging with fuckheads like you. But I'm not because that ain't what I want."\n\n"Fair enough, man." Fisher pats you on the shoulder. "So, my turn.<<else>>Nothing big. Just picking off where we left off." You shrug. "We get along and she's fun. Usually."\n\nFisher snorts. "Well, I can't fault ya for trying. But find a real girl, man. That slut'll bring you down way farther than ya ever fell. I swear."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Save it for someone who cares," you growl, though you know he has a point.<<else>>"I know," you mutter, all too aware he has a point.<</if>> "Now what you got for me in return?"\n\n"The fucking motherload, man.<</if>> It's three days ago, I get this message. No address, just an inquiry if we're open to new business ventures. So I figure, sure, why not? Ya never know what'll come your way. So I'm, like, invited to this super-fancy place down on B5. I got the address written down. Give ya that in a sec. But, listen, I go over there and it turns out this dude's some rich bitch looking into the business."\n\n"Business." You brow furrows. "Explain."\n\n"Well, she starts buttering me up, talking about paydays and kinda hitting on me, y'know? Never really says what it is, only that it's gotta do with a few hits, and the shit goes on for like over an hour. I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with this chick when she hits me with it: ice her family. Fucking twelve of them." Fisher shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, I mean I'd do a lot for a nice buck, but this chick? No, man. Way crazy. Told her we didn't do that kinda stuff." He rubs his hands. "Yeah, and that was that. Real crazy shit, I tell you."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Cool story, bro. Now about that address."\n\n"Oh, right. B5-731. There's no foot access, least none I saw, so you'll need a grav-car. Heavy security too; at least four mechs on the perimiter and maybe two more inside. Dunno why all the firepower but I'm thinking this chick is antsy. Good news is the place is wide open, lotsa glass, so you got good visibility from the tunnel. Think there might be shields on the windows but nothing a high-grade won't blast through." He pulls a face. "Assuming you're gonna just ace her then and there. Dunno."\n\n"Mhm," you say, making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "Anything else?"\n\n"Not really." Fisher's eyes light up. "Say, I got a few hours free until those boys from thirty-two get back. So I could lend you a hand if you want."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whycare">>"What's it to you? Got the hots for her or something?"\n\nFisher laughs. "No. But she's always been trouble, that one. Don't wanna see you messing with the wrong crowd, y'know?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Look after your own ass first, Fish," you say, though he has a point about Celena.<<else>>"I can take care of myself, Fish," you say, though he has a point about Celena.<</if>> "Now we going to talk business?"\n\n"Okay. Yeah. Sure. It's like this: three days ago, I get this message. No address, just an inquiry if we're open to new business ventures. So I figure, sure, why not? Ya never know what'll come your way. So I'm, like, invited to this super-fancy place down on B5. I got the address written down. Give ya that in a sec. But, listen, I go over there and it turns out this dude's some rich bitch looking into the business."\n\n"Business." You brow furrows. "Explain."\n\n"Well, she starts buttering me up, talking about paydays and kinda hitting on me, y'know? Never really says what it is, only that it's gotta do with a few hits, and the shit goes on for like over an hour. I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with this chick when she hits me with it: ice her family. Fucking twelve of them." Fisher shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, I mean I'd do a lot for a nice buck, but this chick? No, man. Way crazy. Told her we didn't do that kinda stuff." He rubs his hands. "Yeah, and that was that. Real crazy shit, I tell you."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Cool story, bro. Now about that address."\n\n"Oh, right. B5-731. There's no foot access, least none I saw, so you'll need a grav-car. Heavy security too; at least four mechs on the perimiter and maybe two more inside. Dunno why all the firepower but I'm thinking this chick is antsy. Good news is the place is wide open, lotsa glass, so you got good visibility from the tunnel. Think there might be shields on the windows but nothing a high-grade won't blast through." He pulls a face. "Assuming you're gonna just ace her then and there. Dunno."\n\n"Mhm," you say, making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "Anything else?"\n\n"Not really." Fisher's eyes light up. "Say, I got a few hours free until those boys from thirty-two get back. So I could lend you a hand if you want."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "decline">>"How about I don't tell you and, in return, don't ask why the fuck you care who I'm boneing?"\n\nFisher purses his lips. "Yeah, okay, that'll work too."\n\n"Great." A smile curls your lips. "Anyways, what you got?"\n\n"Well, about three days ago, I get this message. No address, just an inquiry if we're open to new business ventures. So I figure, sure, why not? Ya never know what'll come your way. So I'm, like, invited to this super-fancy place down on B5. I got the address written down. Give ya that in a sec. But, listen, I go over there and it turns out this dude's some rich bitch looking into the business."\n\n"I'm still listening."\n\n"Well, she starts buttering me up, talking about paydays and kinda hitting on me, y'know? Never really says what it is, only that it's gotta do with a few hits, and the shit goes on for like over an hour. I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with this chick when she hits me with it: ice her family. Fucking twelve of them." Fisher shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, I mean I'd do a lot for a nice buck, but this chick? No, man. Way crazy. Told her we didn't do that kinda stuff." He rubs his hands. "Yeah, and that was that. Real crazy shit, I tell you."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Cool story, bro. Now about that address."\n\n"Oh, right. B5-731. There's no foot access, least none I saw, so you'll need a grav-car. Heavy security too; at least four mechs on the perimiter and maybe two more inside. Dunno why all the firepower but I'm thinking this chick is antsy. Good news is the place is wide open, lotsa glass, so you got good visibility from the tunnel. Think there might be shields on the windows but nothing a high-grade won't blast through." He pulls a face. "Assuming you're gonna just ace her then and there. Dunno."\n\n"Mhm," you say, making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "Anything else?"\n\n"Not really." Fisher's eyes light up. "Say, I got a few hours free until those boys from thirty-two get back. So I could lend you a hand if you want."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "offer">>"How's this sound—" You program the transaction and hold out your arm. \n\nFisher swipes it, shoots you a sidelong glance, and says, "Deal."\n\n"Good. So what you got?"\n\n"Crazy shit. It's like three days ago, I get this message. No address, just an inquiry if we're open to new business ventures. So I figure, sure, why not? Ya never know what'll come your way. So I'm, like, invited to this super-fancy place down on B5. I got the address written down. Give ya that in a sec. But, listen, I go over there and it turns out this dude's some rich bitch looking into the business."\n\n"Business." You brow furrows. "Explain."\n\n"Well, she starts buttering me up, talking about paydays and kinda hitting on me, y'know? Never really says what it is, only that it's gotta do with a few hits, and the shit goes on for like over an hour. I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with this chick when she hits me with it: ice her family. Fucking twelve of them." Fisher shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, I mean I'd do a lot for a nice buck, but this chick? No, man. Way crazy. Told her we didn't do that kinda stuff." He rubs his hands. "Yeah, and that was that. Real crazy shit, I tell you."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Cool story, bro. Now about that address."\n\n"Oh, right. B5-731. There's no foot access, least none I saw, so you'll need a grav-car. Heavy security too; at least four mechs on the perimiter and maybe two more inside. Dunno why all the firepower but I'm thinking this chick is antsy. Good news is the place is wide open, lotsa glass, so you got good visibility from the tunnel. Think there might be shields on the windows but nothing a high-grade won't blast through." He pulls a face. "Assuming you're gonna just ace her then and there. Dunno."\n\n"Mhm," you say, making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "Anything else?"\n\n"Not really." Fisher's eyes light up. "Say, I got a few hours free until those boys from thirty-two get back. So I could lend you a hand if you want."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "blackmail">>"Hate to tell ya, Fish, but what you're doing is basically blackmail. And I don't appreciate it. Really don't."\n\nThe black-haired kid shrugs. "What can I say? Fellow's gotta make a living somehow."\n\n"You make your living working for Xaviar," you reply evenly. "Don't <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking mess<<else>>screw<</if>> with me, kid. Seriously. I'm not in the mood."\n\n"Okay, okay, sheesh." Fisher breathes a sigh. "It's like this: I get this message. No address, just an inquiry if we're open to new business ventures. So I figure, sure, why not? Ya never know what'll come your way. So I'm, like, invited to this super-fancy place down on B5. I got the address written down. Give ya that in a sec. But, listen, I go over there and it turns out this dude's some rich bitch looking into the business."\n\n"Business." You brow furrows. "Explain."\n\n"Well, she starts buttering me up, talking about paydays and kinda hitting on me, y'know? Never really says what it is, only that it's gotta do with a few hits, and the shit goes on for like over an hour. I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with this chick when she hits me with it: ice her family. Fucking twelve of them." Fisher shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, I mean I'd do a lot for a nice buck, but this chick? No, man. Way crazy. Told her we didn't do that kinda stuff." He rubs his hands. "Yeah, and that was that. Real crazy shit, I tell you."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Definitely weird. Now about that address?"\n\n"Oh, right. B5-731. There's no foot access, least none I saw, so you'll need a grav-car. Heavy security too; at least four mechs on the perimiter and maybe two more inside. Dunno why all the firepower but I'm thinking this chick is antsy. Good news is the place is wide open, lotsa glass, so you got good visibility from the tunnel. Think there might be shields on the windows but nothing a high-grade won't blast through." He pulls a face. "Assuming you're gonna just ace her then and there. Dunno."\n\n"Mhm," you say, making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "Thanks for the help."\n\n"No problem. I guess." Fisher draws a deep breath. "But ya can't keep coming to me for favors like this. In future, you want something, you pay like everyone else. Just saying."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "refuse">>"Nah, nah, nah. That's not how this is going down." Your eyes narrow dangerously. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"See, I fucking put you here, kid, way back when. And I'll put you right back in the fucking gutter if I have to."<<else>>"I'm the one who put you in this seat, man. And I don't take kindly to you back-handing me. So let's be reasonable here, okay?"<</if>>\n\n"I—" Fisher hesitates. "Well, okay. But it's all crazy shit. See, it was like this: I get this message. No address, just an inquiry if we're open to new business ventures. So I figure, sure, why not? Ya never know what'll come your way. So I'm, like, invited to this super-fancy place down on B5. I got the address written down. Give ya that in a sec. But, listen, I go over there and it turns out this dude's some rich bitch looking into the business."\n\n"Business." You brow furrows. "Explain."\n\n"Well, she starts buttering me up, talking about paydays and kinda hitting on me, y'know? Never really says what it is, only that it's gotta do with a few hits, and the shit goes on for like over an hour. I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with this chick when she hits me with it: ice her family. Fucking twelve of them." Fisher shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, I mean I'd do a lot for a nice buck, but this chick? No, man. Way crazy. Told her we didn't do that kinda stuff." He rubs his hands. "Yeah, and that was that. Real crazy shit, I tell you."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Cool story, bro. Now about that address."\n\n"Oh, right. B5-731. There's no foot access, least none I saw, so you'll need a grav-car. Heavy security too; at least four mechs on the perimiter and maybe two more inside. Dunno why all the firepower but I'm thinking this chick is antsy. Good news is the place is wide open, lotsa glass, so you got good visibility from the tunnel. Think there might be shields on the windows but nothing a high-grade won't blast through." He pulls a face. "Assuming you're gonna just ace her then and there. Dunno."\n\n"Mhm," you say, making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "Thanks for the help."\n\n"Fuck you." Fisher takes a deep breath. "C'mon, man. Piss out of here. Before I change my mind about being nice to you."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "utility">>You clamber out of the duct...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "delivery">>You enter on the third floor walkway of Hab Block 35...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj_courtyard.png"]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "utility">>You clamber out of the duct, into a utility room in the basement of Hab Block 35. It's a dark and musty place, crammed with pipes. A door at the far end of the room leads into a small corridor that merges into the inner courtyard of Hab Block 35. You step out, into a garden overgrown by multicolored ferns, and take stock of your surroundings. \n\nOn your left are doors to the eastern Hab Units, which are all even numbers. To the right, odd numbers mark the western hab units. Considering Raj Winston lives at B10-35125, an odd number, you head right, toward the western Hab Units. The appartment number indicates he lives one story up, so you take the stairs up a level and hurry along the walkway that surrounds the inner courtyard until you find the door to Hab 125.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "delivery">>You enter on the third floor walkway of Hab Block 35, looking out over the inner courtyard overgrown by multicolored ferns. To the left, the walkway leads to the eastern Hab Units, which are all even numbers. To the right, the walkway allows access to the western Hab Units, which are all odd numbers. \n\nConsidering Raj Winston lives at B10-35125, an odd number, you head right, toward the western Hab Units. The appartment number indicates he lives two stories down, so you take the stairs down two levels and hurry along the walkway until you find the door to Hab 125.<</if>>\n\nYou're about to ring the bell when a pale outline etched into the door catches your eye. There's just enough time to note it's the size of an average human when the silhouette fades before your eyes, as though nothing had ever been there.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, that can't be—" A loud clang sounds from behind the door. Someone screams. Your heart skips a beat. "Damn it."<<else>>"What the—" A loud clang sounds from behind the door. Someone screams. Your heart skips a beat. "Shit."<</if>>\n\nYou hit the door release. The door hisses open, revealing a glimpse of a man in a dark brown suit running toward you. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Something dark pops out of thin air behind him, a human form but hunched over and charging on all fours. In your hazy state, you can't believe your eyes. It's impossible. But it's there and it's charging straight at you.<<else>>A dark silhouette appears out of thin air behind him, a human form but hunched over and charging on all fours. Suddenly the outline etched in the door makes sense: Raj Winston is being hunted by a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]].<</if>>\n\n"Help!" The man waves frantically. "Help! It's trying to kill me!"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "tobias">>"Tobias Gartner, how do you know..".<<elseif $action.action1 eq "mauricio">><<if $action.action5 eq "true">>"So, Mauricio Winston, you didn't know..."<<else>>"Mauricio Winton, that name mean..."<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "object">>"Object 55316. It's an old world artefact..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "tobias">>"Tobias Gartner, how do you know him?"\n\n"What? Why the—"\n\n"Just answer the question," <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>you growl.<<else>>say evenly.<</if>>\n\nLuca shrugs. "Sure, whatever, man. He's into old world history and so am I. We met on the Vox Edeni, chatted a few times, and sometimes work on little projects together. Mostly it's just checking facts and stuff but..." The muscular man frowns. "Actually, he did say there was something big he had to ask me about. Never heard back from him though. He can be a dick like that sometimes."\n\n"Actually, Mr. Gartner was busy trying not to get his students killed by an [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]. But, your <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shoddy <</if>>oppinion of your friends aside, any idea what Gartner wanted to talk about?"\n\n"No fucking clue, man." Luca frowns at you. "An [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]? Seriously? Why the hell didn't he tell me? I could've—"\n\n"Got yourself killed, Mr. Depechionne, that's what you could have done." You exchange icy glances. Luca looks away first. A satisfied smirk curls your lips. For a bulky dude with more muscle tissue than you, he sure is all talk and no bite.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "mauricio">><<if $action.action5 eq "true">>"So, Mauricio Winston, you didn't know he was dead?"\n\n"No, man. You're the first to tell me." He shakes his head. "Fuck man, mean, I never liked the guy. But posessed and killed? That's just... sick?"\n\n"Tell me about it," you mutter, trying not to think about what the guy went through before he died. "So you're sure you didn't know?"\n\n"I didn't. Swear. Edens's honest truth." \n\nGiven the type of guy Luca seems to be, you can't help but believe him. He just really doesn't seem like a killer, much less the kind of man who'd possess someone and use them to steal an ancient artefact. Hell, he's just your average dude with a loud mouth and obsession with one thing or another. So, no matter how much you'd like to think of him as the suspect you've been looking for, you have to admit, "Okay. I believe you. For now, at least."\n\n"Well, that's a relief." Luca rolls his eyes. "So, yeah, anything else? Or can I get back to my fucking shower?"<<else>>"Mauricio Winton, that name mean anything to you?"\n\n"Yeah, uh, Raj's bro. He's a stuck-up [[Churchgoer|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] if ya ask me." Luka shakes his head. "Man, I never liked that dude. But what's he gotta do with me?"\n\n"He's dead," you say in an even tone. \n\nLuca's mouth opens and closes. "Dead? As in dead, dead?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>"No as in undead," you say sarcastically.<<else>>"Dead, as in a corpse," you say evenly.<</if>> Luca shoots you a dark look. You return in kind. "He was possessed. And his brother Raj, whom you also seem to know, was almost gutted by a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]."\n\n"Geez." Luca rubs his face. "Way to break the news, man. But—" His eyes narrow. "A [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]? Like, one of those undead thingies from the [[Witch Hunts|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Witch Hunts"]] with the claws and sharp teeth and teleportation doomahicky? Are you serious?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You glower at Luca. "Do I look like I'm kidding?"<<else>>"I'm being serious," you say sternly. "Or do I look like I'm joking?"<</if>>\n\n"No," he admits. "No, man. You fucking don't. But why? I mean, shit. They were like the tamest little bros in the galaxy. Never did anything wrong, I swear. Never even went out to party or have drinks or did anything, man."\n\n"Well, I was kinda hoping you could tell me," you say, more to yourself than Luca.\n\n"Sorry, man. I ain't got a clue." He looks genuinely worried. "Shit. Possessed. A [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. It just don't make any sense, man. It just don't make any sense."<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "object">>"Object 55316. It's an old world artefact from the [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] mining world [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]], which just so happens to be owned by the corporation you work for—" You raise your brows suggestively. "Coincidence?"\n\n"Uh." Luca lowers his voice, "I might've seen a report or two. Completely by accident, of course."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"That so?" You fold your arms. "So, any idea what it is?"<<else>>"I see." You raise an eyebrow. "And?"<</if>>\n\nLuca looks surprised. "You don't know, man?" When you shake your head, he barks a laugh. "You guys. Sheesh, I swear. I mean, it wasn't on the reports either, but isn't it obvious? C'mon! Use your head: a little, spherical object they ripped out of a huge, broken ring buried under [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]], hm? Don't ring any bells?"\n\n"Not exactly," you say. \n\n"Geez, where you been the last ten millenia, man?" Before you can respond, Luca says, "Okay, quick history lesson: before the old Empire figured out how to work REACH, getting around the galaxy took like fucking forever. So the built a bunch of huge fucking portals and put them up all over the place so it only took like a few years instead of a few centuries to get from A to B. Except when the Empire went ass-up and wars broke out, those portals were the first thing they nuked. So the one they found on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] will contain all the starchart data for every other portal, including the portal at Terrana. Bingo."\n\n"Terrana?"\n\n"Terrana? Terra? No?" Luca rolls his eyes. "C'mon, man. Terra is Earth, Earth, the first Garden World, hence Eden. Y'know, as in the Garden of Eden. C'mon. This isn't REACH tech. So you could say the artfact is a map to Eden but it's not like that. It's a map of the whole fucking galaxy as it was known in the old Empire. But the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] don't care about that. All they want is to find Eden and, y'know, prove how that makes their belief all right and just and shit." Luca grins lopsidedly. "So, yeah, there's your big epithany. But why you care about Object 55316 anyways?"\n\n"It disappeared unexpectedly," you say bluntly.\n\nLuca looks appaled. "Already? Shit. But lemme just add this: I'm sure neither Raj nor Tobias knew what the thing was because I never told them about those reports I saw. So that makes me a pretty likely suspect for making that thing disappear unexpectedly, I get it. But I swear I don't know who took it. It sure as hell wasn't me. I don't have the ressources to even try and decode a ten million year old data sphere. And neither does anyone I know except for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. And if I did know who'd took it, I'd be the first to tell you so they can get to solving the biggest damn mystery of the millenia. That'd like be the best day in my life. Y'know, aside from the day I get laid by a hot broad—" He swallows. "Anyways, yeah. I didn't take the thing."\n\n"Too much information."\n\n"I got more too, because think about this: who the fuck would want that thing to disappear? Sure, lotsa possibles, but then there's the Disciples of Sol. Some folks say they're just a big conspiracy theory but if they do exist they'd be interested in the thing bigtime. Uh, Raj would be the one to ask about that though. He knows way more than I do. I'm sure it was them. Only thing that makes sense."\n\n"Okay," you say, taking hasty notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "Well, believe it or not, you've actually been a big help. Now I'll be out of your hair."\n\n"Oh, good, so I can get back to my shower, man? Because I kinda like got a date in half an hour and all." He looks nervous. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "is">>"It is sometimes..."<<else>>"It's just you, actually..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "is">>"It is sometimes." You pop open the beer, sip, and say, "Not everyone recognizes me<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>, thank fuck,<</if>> but it happens a lot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, good." Lanina grabs a can of beer gulps. "Shit. I am not drunk enough. Yet. I really hate being sober."\n\n\t<<else>>"It's just you, actually." You pop open the beer, sip, and say, "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Harsh truth, I know.<<else>>No offense meant.<</if>> It's just most people don't even react."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." Lanina grabs a can of beer gulps. "Shit. I am not drunk enough. Yet. I really hate being sober."\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tYou chuckle. "Good thing you got Cel then. No risk of that happening around her. Like, ever."<br><br>\n\n\tLanina snorts. "I know, right? She's high so often I wonder if she ever isn't drinking or popping. Of fucking."<br><br>\n\n\t"There are rare moments." You smile\n\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75 or $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>but end up yawning. "Man. I'm exhausted."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, well, you can sleep here if ya want. I'll just down this—" She taps her beer. "—and be out of yer way, okay?"\n\t\t<<else>>and say, "So, yeah, about that whole thing earlier. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Did you really bet that you aren't gonna fuck tonight? With two perfectly good options around?<<else>>What are you trying to do? Prove something to Cel?<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well..." Lalina looks uncomfortable. "Okay, I might have lied a little. But only 'cause she was there. Can't stand her always telling me I'm a slut. Mean, okay, she calls herself that too. But I'm not a slut. At least not like most of the girls I know."\n\t\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You leave the crowded walkways<<else>>You are in Raj's apartment<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You leave the crowded walkways of [[Level B10|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] and head for Hab Block 35. Its set around a gated courtyard overgrown by plants and ferns. The [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] by the entrance scans you as you approach. \n\n"Just visiting Raj." You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>haul yourself up two flights of stairs, to Unit 35125, and stumple in.<<else>>take the stairs up two levels, to Unit 35125 and step inside.<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromFirstTime">>You follow Raj into his appartment in Habitation Block 35, just off the [[Level B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. It's a large place by all accounts, composed of multiple rooms connected by a carpeted hallway, but the true gem is his study. \n\nThe scene that might as well be straignt out of those archaic music video: an enormous wooden desk laden with data pads and scraps of paper stands at the far end. There's a couch padded with dark red satin against the left wall. Two armchairs flank an antique liquor cabinet on the right. There's even an old glow-lamp hanging from the ceiling, complete with twelve of those little bulbs that light up when an electric current is run through them.<<else>>You are in Raj's appartment in Habitation Block 35, just off the [[Level B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]].<</if>> <<if $action.arrive neq "fromFirstTime">>It's a large place by all accounts, composed of multiple rooms connected by a carpeted hallway, yet Raj's study is the true gem of this little abode - a sizable room dominated by a wooden desk laden with data pads and scraps of frayed paper. There are two arm chairs and a red leather sofa set against the walls.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter Raj's apartment..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj.png"]]</div>You enter Raj's apartment. It's a large place by all accounts, composed of multiple rooms connected by a carpeted hallway. The true gem however is his study. The scene that might well be straignt from an archaic music video. An enormous wooden desk laden with data pads and scraps of paper stands at the far end. There's a red leather couch against the left wall. Two armchairs flank an antique liquor cabinet on the right. Above hangs an ancient glow-lamp, complete with twelve of those little bulbs that light up when an electric current runs through them.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit," you say, sizing up the room. "Quite the fucking collection you got here, man."<<else>>"Wow." You say, staring around. "Quite the collection you have here, man."<</if>>\n\n"One might call it family heritage." Raj sinks into one of the arm chairs with a deep sigh. After a moment he gances up. "I will presume by your tone that this manner of decor is not what you are accustomed to?"\n\n"Not really." You gesture to the other armchair. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'm gonna sit."<<else>>"Can I sit?"<</if>>\n\n"Of course, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>feel free<<else>>naturally<</if>>." Raj smiles a little. "You are after all my guest. For now, at least."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Cool-"<<else>>"Thanks."<</if>> You dump your gear on the floor and sink into the plush cushions. "Like the chair, by the way. Not that I'm an expert."\n\n"Perhaps not in matters of art." Raj's eyebrows rise. "But you are indeed an expert are you not, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mr<<else>>Ms<</if>>...?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Name's Vine. And yeah. I am. Which is why I wanna know what you've been doing<<else>>"Vine. Just call me Vine. And no, I'm not an expert. I just do my job. Right now, that means asking you what you've been doing<</if>> <<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 2 and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 5>> snooping around the docks and asking about an ancient [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] artefact.<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 2>>asking about a [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] artefact.<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 5>>snooping around the docks in search of undocumented passage.<</if>>"\n\n"Ah." Raj bites his lips. "I assume you erfer to the Object removed from [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. It is a complicated matter. I could explain yet—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I got time." You fold your arms. Raj looks away. Your lips twitch. "C'mon, man. Now or never."<<else>>"Oh, I have time." You fold your arms. Raj looks away. Your lips curl. "What, embarrased or something?"<</if>>\n\n"Yes, ah, where to begin?" Raj clasps his hands. "Ah, at the beginning I suppose. If you will let me?" He looks up expectantly.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head toward Hab Block 12...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_mauricio_outside.png"]]</div>You head toward Hab Block 12, a cylindrical structure that begins two levels below and rises into the superstructure above. The entrance, flanked by orange ferns in obsidian planters, is being watched over by two [[constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] dressed in dark blue body armor. They're talking to a dark-skinned man in a long, white robe - most likely a believer - and a woman whose head is covered by a black scarf. \n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>> "Oh, shit." Trying not to act completely shitfaced, back away, toward the crowded walkway. "Shit, shit, shit." Not willing to risk a glance over your shoulder, you hastily slip into the mass of bodies. Several pulse-pounding seconds later, you stop and lean against a store window to catch your breath. When you look back, there's no one following you - at least no [[Constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. "Phew."\n\n"Oi," someone shouts as they brush past. "Move your ass, freak."\n\n"Hey, fuck—" A dull throbbing in your temples makes you wince. "Eh, whatever." \n\nYou gather yourself up and, resolved to return to the hab block when you're sober, suffle back toward the...<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Uh-oh," you mutter to yourself, eyeing the law enforcement officers.<<else>>"<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Wonderful<<else>>Damned<</if>>," you mutter, wondering how you're going to get past the law enforcement officers<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> without causing a bloodbath<</if>>.<</if>>\n\nBefore you've decided, a slender silver hand grips your shoulder. It belongs to a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], an armored humanoid with metallic skin and a white cloak draped casually over an augmented shoulder. The machine musters you with its featureless, silver mask. "<<formalname>>. How unfortunate to see you."\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Corinthin," you growl through clenched teeth.<<else>>"Corinthin," you mutter darkly.<</if>>\n\n"You strike me—" The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] tilts its silver head. "Inexplicably alive. This could be altered."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Could say the same about you," you snarl back.\n\n"Is that so?" Corinthin glances down. A hollow chuckle sounds from behind the mask. "Ah. I see. The little one parted with her plaything. Should this impress me?"\n\n"It should make you think twice," you say in an icy tone.\n\nA hollow chuckle sounds from behind the mask. "Arrogance. A poor quality. For a biological. But I will put diferences aside. For now. Work must be done."<<else>>"We can agree to disagree on that," you say, all too aware there's nothing you can do to stop Corinthin if he decides to make good on his threat. Not even a nuclear warhead would slow the damn thing down. At least, not with any degree of certainty.\n\n"Agreed. We will put differences aside. For now. Work must be done."<</if>> He indicates the [[constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] outside Mauricio's hab. "A problem. Our involvement is not consented."<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "cel_okay">>"Celena—" You risk a step forward...\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "cel_okay">>\n\t\t\t"Celena—" You risk a step forward. "Hey, you okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "cel_spare">>\n\t\t\t\t"Totally." She tears the blade out of her sister's face and turns to you. "There. Done. Can we fucking go now?" You stare, lost for words. Celena's lips twitch. "Oh, c'mon. Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy that as much as I did."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I didn't. This was murder. Worse. And you just—" You shoot Faralah's corpse a last, fleeting look and stride from the room, saying, "Fuck it. Fuck all of this."<br><br> \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"Hey, hey." The silver-haired girl hurries after you, skipping over the destroyed bots outside. "I'm sorry I didn't do what you asked me to. But I couldn't. It just wasn't right. But I don't hate you for it if you don't hate me, okay? We can still get along. I hope. Right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No idea." You stop beside her parent's grav-car. "Can we get along? After this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena shrugs. "It's not you I got a problem with, just my family. And several billion other peeps but never mind that. I'd never do anything like that to you. And I mean that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Fuck knows I couldn't stop you if I tried," you say quietly. "And I don't know if I trust you either. Just saying."\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, we'll figure it out, but—" Celena raps a finger on the hood of her moms's grav-car. "We should scoot before the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] drops by for a friendly neighborhood visit."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"True." You pop the passenger door and hop in.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena settles behind the wheel and powers the vehicle up. As she eases off the landing pad and into the eavy traffic of Fastway 315 North, she says, "So, you want me to like drop you off at home or come back with me?"\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Fine." She tears the blade out of her sister's face and turns to you. "There. Done. Can we fucking go now?" You stare, lost for words. Celena's lips twitch. "Oh, c'mon. You've done worse."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not like that but never mind." You shoot Faralah's corpse a last, fleeting look and stride from the room, saying, "Cel? Are you sure you're good with all this?"<br><br> \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"Completly." The silver-haired girl skips over the destroyed bots outside and stops before her parents' grav-car. "Oh, hey, and if ya wanna ask anything, now'd be the time because—" She yanks off the clawed glove, tearing the wires from her flesh with such force that blood runs down her forearm. "—I'm so done with this shit. Like, for real."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Well, there's one obvious question: why the hell did your sis do this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena shrugs. "Spite. Anger. Frustration. She hated moms for keeping the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] in line. She wanted back to the old ways. Necromancy, blood rituals, that kinda shit. Guess it was some kinda power-hungry nostalgia. Dunno really. Might have been manipulation too. My sis was always easy to manipulate. Real smart bitch but no fucking sense in her."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Okay," you say, not quite certain you know how to fit that into the greater picture.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah, so—" Celena raps a finger on the hood of her moms's grav-car. "Wanna scoot? Y'know. Before the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] drops by for a friendly neighborhood visit."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"Yep." You pop the passenger door and hop in.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCelena settles behind the wheel and powers the vehicle up. As she eases off the landing pad and into the eavy traffic of Fastway 315 North, she says, "So, you want me to like drop you off at home or come back with me?"\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Shit, man, what—" You shake your head. "What the fuck did you do?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"What?" Celena glances at her sister's corpse. "Oh, that? Yeah. Well. It happened. You know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I saw," you say codly. "And I've seen enough. Of you. Of this bullshit. All of it. I'm out of here. For good."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t You turn and stride toward the door, jaw clenched. THere's no point even trying to talk about what you just saw. You don't want anything more to do with that shit. Celena can do whatever she wants. You're through with that slut, plain and simple. She's too much, just way too fucking much. Still fuming inside, you stride back to Celena's grav-car and climb in. So what if it isn't yours? You don't care. Celena can find her own damn way home.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tAs you power up the vehicle, you see Celena standing in the shattered door to her sister's house. She waves a bloody hand. You roll your eyes and ease the grav-car off the pad and into the heavy traffic of Fastway 315 North.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You head away from the main walkway of Level B10 and into...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sirenssong.png"]]</div>You head away from the main walkway of Level B10 and into a small side-passage that brings you to an unseeming entry area watched over by two men with pistols holstered at their hips. A sign above the door reads //[[The Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]// in stylized green-and-purple letters. \n\nWhen you <<walk>> up to the guys, one of them says, <<if (not $equip.isFashionOutfit and not $equip.isPartyOutfit and not $equip.isCrossdressOutfit and not $equip.isSkimpy and not $equip.isGlamorous)>>"Halt. You can't enter like that. Formal or clubbing apparel only unless you're a hybrid or similary inclined and prepared to show it."\n\n<<if $equip.isAbominated>>"I think, if you were to open me up, I'd pass." You spread your arms. "Got a scalpel?"\n\n"I, uh—" The bouncer glances at his colleague, then back at you. "Don't think that's really quite necessary. Fringe case. But you can head on in."<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Oh, dear." You pull a face. "Not up to standards, am I?"<<else>>"Ah, man." You spread your arms. "This <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>ain't<<else>>isn't<</if>> good enough?"<</if>>\n\n"Not by a long shot. Dress to regulation or you don't get in. That's the policy."<</if>><<else>>"Halt. Credit check.<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">> And you'll have to leave your hardware with us.<</if>>"\n\n"Sure." You hold out your wrist. \n\nThe man swipes it. <<if $attrib.credits gte 4000 or $chr_ith.madeFriend>>"<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>Oh, sorry. Didn't know you were on the VIP list.<<else>>You're good.<</if>> <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>Mind handing over the hardware? Return on exit is guaranteed."<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "XZ" or $equip.rifle.name eq "XZX" or $equip.rifle.name eq "XZI">>As you hand over your Blackthorn, he wistles. "Wow. That baby ain't bad. You freelance?" You nod ever so slightly. "Arigth then." The bouncer takes the rest of your stuff, stows it in a lockbocks, and hands you the key. "Don't worry. We'll take good of her. And enjoy the show."<<else>> You strip your gear and hand it to the guy, who stows it in a lockbox, and hands you the key. "Here ya go. Enjoy the show."<</if>><<else>>Head on in and enjoy the show." He winks knowingly.<</if>><<else>>"No good, man. Sorry. Four K minimum policy." He folds his arms. "Ya have a good night, yeah?"\n\n"I'll try," you say in a sarcastic tone and, without waiting to see how the two bouncers react, head back the way you've come.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
"Sure, why not? I could use the backup."\n\n"Awesome." Fisher turns to his buddes. "Hey, Slide. Gonna be out for a while. Make sure stuff's on track while I'm gone, yeah?" He turns back to you. "Gonna go grab my stuff and fire up the car. Meet you out by the fastway in, say, five?"\n\n"Sure. See ya in five." You pat Fisher on the shoulder and head back into the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] to grab your gear.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Five minutes later —</div>\nYou stride out of [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], squeeze your way past all the peeps thronging around the entrance, and turn off the main pressure tunnel, into a small side passage that leads you to the Level B28 fastway. At the far end of the passage, beyond the landing pads, you can see blurs of light zip past. Grav engines hum constantly. The noise grows louder the nearer you get, finally rising to an almost painful buzz as you step out onto the pads. Fisher is already there, leaning against a shiny Model 5232 Omni-Grav and looking more than a little satisfied with himself. \n\nWhen you <<walk>> over, he pats the grav-car. "What ya think of the old bucket of bolts?"\n\nYou nod, mildly impressed. "Looking good." You run your hand over the grav-car's finish. "You fix her up?"\n\n"Yeah, had some spare time." He cracks a boyish grin. "Once a nerd, always a nerd." When you chuckle, he waves a hand. "Anyways, man, clock's ticking and I'm sure the big boss will gut me if he finds out I'm skipping off with you. So let's hit the road and get this party rocking, yeah?"
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Still irritated by your encounter with the ...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_thugs.png"]]</div>Still <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>irritated<<else>>overwhelmed<</if>> by your encounter with the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]], you leave the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">> and retrieve your gear from the box in the entrance.<<else>>.<</if>> You've just started to <<walk>> down the alley, headed back to the Level B10 pressure corridor, when a shadowed silhouette moves in a doorway to your left. You barely have time to reach for a weapon - any weapon - when [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin steps out of the gloom. \n\n"<<formalname>>." It adjusts its inexplicably white cloak and speaks in a hollow voice, "Was the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] present?"\n\n"What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>the fuck <</if>>do you think?" When the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] doesn't react, you <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>roll your eyes. "Yeah. Fuck. She was—"<<else>>say, "Yeah, she was—"<</if>>\n\n"It," Corinthin corrects. "The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] is genderless. Biologicals percieve only what the abomination presents."\n\n"But I..." You hesitate. "Okay, out of sheer curiosity: what does a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] look like to you if whatever I saw was a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>damned<</if>> illusion?"\n\n"A quadrupedal creature originally created from biological components yet since decayed beyond recognition and sustained by extensive augmentation. A series of holoprojectors fused to its spine and nanoreplicative layers to aproximate the image with bulk allow the abomination to remold its appearance to a limited extent and continually appear lifelike. It also possesses advanced pheromonal glands that allow it to imitate the finer aspects of biological life." \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Aw hell. A ten thousand year old dead thing just tried to come onto—"<<else>>"Yuck. You mean a ten thousand year old dead thing tride to come onto—"<</if>> You wave the thought away. "Never mind. The important thing is I got an answer." Your lips twitch. "Sorry, man, but you're not going to like it."\n\n"The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] was not responsible," Corinthin says evenly.<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Having learned what you could from...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\nHaving learned what you could from Mr. Luca Depechionne, you say, "Okay, well, that's it. You can get back to your shower now, man."\n\n"Cool, thanks." He turns away but hesitates. "Oh, and Vine. It's Vine, yeah? Like the dude who... anyways, what I wanted to say: good luck finding that thing."\n\n"Thanks," you wave ever so slightly and turn to Lanina, who's been standing silently beside you all the while. She shoots you a curious look. You raise your eyebrows. "What?"\n\n"That was, uh, interesting. I didn't know Luca knew all that shit." As she walks you back across the living area, she says, "Mean, I knew he was into history. But all this stuff about Eden and... wow, that's like biblical. Literally."\n\nYou chuckle. "Believe me, I wish it were anything else. This job is giving me a real headache."\n\n"I can imagine." She stops by the door. "Hey, you wanna stick around for like a beer or something?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "doubt">>"I doubt that..."<<else>>"I believe ya..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "doubt">>"I doubt that. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>I ain't buying you won't just fuck anything you wanna because you can.<<else>>Mean, I could be wrong, but I you don't seem like the sort who'd turn down a perfectly good offer.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Me?" Lanina scoffs and gulps beeer. "That ain't me. Cel, maybe. Not me."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou have to laugh. "If ya say so. But I'm still not buying it. Not when you're walking around like that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What, this?" Lanina plucks at her miniskirt. "Sure, it's got slut written all over it. But I like it when peeps look at my ass. And my tits. It, I dunno, makes me feel good. Like I actually mean something, you know?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," you say, wishing you didn't know what she was implying.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's a moment's silence before Lanina stands up, saying, "I'm kinda tired. But ya can sleep her if ya wanna. Couch is free." She kisses you on the cheek. "G'night. Sleep well."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Night," you say and...\n\n\t<<else>>"I believe ya. There's a whole bunch of crazy around and, well, you just don't seem like that at all."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh good." Lanina gulps beer. "But, you know, I don't wanna make it sound like I'm all prude or anything. 'Cause I'm not. Oh, hey. Idea."<br><br>\n\n\t\tShe fiddles with her [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. A throbbing digital rythm fills the appartment. Lanina settles back with a sigh. "Way better like this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah." You sip booze, saying, "This is Purple in Orange, right? Or Criblex. Never can get those two straight."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Purple." She leans closer and brusher her lips against yours, whispering, "My favorite."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sweet." You pull the little girl closer.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLong strands of blonde hair brush your cheeks. Her tongue toys with yours, suggesting, implying, until you slide a hand into her skirt.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLanina moans pleasurably. Part of you expects her to tell you to stop but she doesn't. Next thing you know, she's tugging off your <<armorbottom>>. You shudder as she\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>licks your cock.\n\t\t<<else>>gets busy between your legs. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>What follows is way too short and nowhere near as satisfying as you would have wanted but still enough to feel content.\n\t\t<<else>>What follows feels nice. Not great but still more than enough to make you feel content.\n\t\t<</if>>It ends with Lanina looking rather satisfied with herself and you not caring nearly as much as you should. She simply isn't Celena. No comparison at all but oh well. It's getting late and about time you...\n\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>Thanks." You sit and rest your elbows on your knees. After a moment, you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>"Thanks." You sit and rest your elbows on your knees. After a moment, you say, "Listen, Raj. I gotta ask you something kinda strange, yeah?"\n\nHe furrows his brow. "And that would be?"\n\n"Well, I found some leads on that [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] that attacked you. Thing is, to get at the person behind it, I'm gonna need a grav-car. Now, maybe I'm asking too much, but I figure you got one and—"\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 9 or $sexPhases.raj gte 3>>"Ah, but of course, my friend." He smiles. "I would gladly lend it to you. Simply, ah, do not tell me what transpired, yes? It is perhaps better I do not know in case I am asked." He winks knowingly.\n\n"Wow. Okay. That was, uh..." You nod slowly. "Yeah, well, thanks. I think."\n\n"No problem." He taps at his [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and holds out an arm. "Here. The access codes, though, ah, if I am asked how you aquired them, I will say they were taken by force, yes?"\n\n"Fine with me," you say and swipe his arm.\n\n"Excellent. Ah, it is parked in slot 10. Just outside, take the stairs up two floors. The door to the garrage is usually unlocked. And, ah, do attempt to be gentle with it." He smiles nervously.<<else>>"Ah, well..." Raj purses his lips. "Most likely this would be a dangerous venture, yes? And there is chance I would implicated in dubious dealings?"\n\n"Yeah," you say, painfully aware of what he'll no doubt say next. \n\n"Then, ah..." He scowls. "Well, I suppose. Since it is for a good cause. But I would need to take a deposit. Five thousand credits would suffice, I should say."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 3 and not $chr_ith.met>>"Okay, I hate to tell you but..."<<else>>"Okay, Raj..." You rest your elbows on your knees. "Straight out..."<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 3 and not $chr_ith.met>>"Okay, I hate to tell you but I have to question you again. Thing is, the investigation's been moving along, and I'm still wondering if you're involved in this."\n\n"No more than I already explained," Raj says. "Why?"\n\n"It's just—" You lean forward, elbows rested on your knees. "Let me put it this way: everything pointed to you. You pointed on to your Brother. But I haven't found anything that proves you weren't involved. Which is a problem."\n\nRaj snorts. "What, so we are guilty until proven innocent now? But I can explain my involvement. It began with my research into the history of Centauri Alpha One, a planet you have no doubt never heard of. Little is recored of it in [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] archives, merely that it had been inhabited many millenia before and was evidently rendered uninhabitable by nuclear warfare. Estimation based on the date of this catastrophic event however led us to believe this planet may have been one of the first inhabited by humanity. Ever since I began to look into this affair, things have been going... badly."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Okay," you say slowly. "Now we're getting somewhere. How does this connect?"<<else>>"Because of a prehistoric planet?" Your eyes narrow. "What aren't you telling me? What's the connection?"<</if>>\n\n"I do not know!" Raj looks exasperated. "Please, believe me. I have absolutely no idea how this Object my brother had mentioned relates to all this."<<else>>"Okay, Raj..." You rest your elbows on your knees. "Straight out: <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>cut the bullshit<<else>>stopy lying<</if>> and tell me why you've been talking to a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. Because I'm getting sick and tired of these games everyone is playing. And so we're clear—" <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">><<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>You tap your holstered <<pistol>><<else>>You tap your <<knife>><</if>>. "Got the message?"<<else>>You lean forward. "—I tend to break the rules. Understood?"<</if>>\n\n"Ah." Raj frowns. "Yes. I see why this strikes you suspicious. Yet please, I have done nothing wrong. I merely sought council on historic matters."\n\n"That so?" You eye Raj, unconvinced. He returns an unflinching gaze. You nod slowly. "Okay, so let's assume that's true. Then let's test it step by step. First: how<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> do you know about the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]?"\n\n"A colleague who works on the same project I do, the one to uncover Eden, he had heard of this creature. Naturally I thought it was insane. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] is a fabrication. Yet we had questions that could not be answered by contemporary archives. And a creature that hoards secrets—" Raj smiles whimsically. "Ah, my friend, this would be the most priceless treasure to me."\n\n"Well good for you. And what did the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] tell you? Anything useful?"\n\n"Actually, it did." Raj suddenly looks very earnest. "May I?" \n\nYou nod. "Go ahead."\n\n"Okay, okay..." The man stands up and begins pacing. "You see, the matter I researched was the history of Centauri Alpha One, a planet you have no doubt never heard of. Little is recored of it in [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] archives, merely that it had been inhabited many millenia before and was evidently rendered uninhabitable by nuclear warfare. Estimation based on the date of this catastrophic event however led us to believe this planet may have been one of the first inhabited by humanity. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] told me the planet had already been destroyed when they were born, which supports our theory that conflict on Centauri Alpha One may have been one of the first planets colonized."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Well, that's something." You muster Raj evenely. "What aren't you telling me, man?"<<else>>"Congratulations, I guess?" You shoot Raj a pretentious look. "And what aren't you telling me?"<</if>>\n\nRaj swallows visibly. "I asked other questions also. Most focused on the search for Eden. Yet I also asked of this Object my brother had mentioned." Raj shrugs. "I did not mention it because the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] had nothing to say."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>When you nod curtly, Raj says..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>When you nod curtly, Raj says, "It is all tied to my brother and, ah, surely you have heard of him?"\n\nYou shake your head. Raj purses his lips. "Well, my brother, Mauricio, he is the reason all this began. It was actually many months ago that he came to me. He had stumbled across some mention of an artifact which had been found on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. A small mining planet, I believe. I cannot say for certain what transpired yet Mauricio, he was very convinced that something had been found on this planet and that it was of crucial importance to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. He asked if I would help him discover what it might have been."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Get to the point: did you?"<<else>>"And by that I'll assume you mean: you did just that."<</if>>\n\n"To be certain, I ascertained that something was found on [[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. It was removed by a cruiser voiding under [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] colors. I believe a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] by the name of Corinthian was involved."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake,"<<else>>"Damned,"<</if>> you mutter. When Raj shoots you a confused look, you say, "We've met before. Tin can almost turned me into holy goo."\n\nRaj's eyes widen. "You have seen a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Seen one, shot at one, almost got killed by one, and argued with one." You pull a face. "We didn't get on well."<<else>>"Seen one, tangled with one, and had a stupid argument after." You pull a face. "We really didn't hit off too well."<</if>>\n\n"Loving Stars grace me." Raj crosses his heart. "But yes, this Corinthian, he most certainly recovered an artefact. It was brought here in utmost secret. Had my brother not mentioned it even I would not know. Yet that matters not. What matters is what happened next." \n\nYou raise your brows expectantly, "And that is?"\n\n"Mauricio suddenly changed. Indeed, I do not believe it was my brother anymore. But it was so: he wished to remove this artefact. He said it was of utmost importance and that this task had been given to him by the highest Clergy, even produced documents that proved what he said. And so he asked me. He wished me to find transport for this item. So I went to the docks. I asked... I..." Raj swallows. "And then, yesterday, I heard my brother was dead. I had just been to the station so the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] could close their reports when that horrendous thing appeared..." Raj trails off, gaze fixed on his feet.\n\n"Thing?" You glance at the since-decayed [[Wratih|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wratih"]]. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, come on, man. It's dead. Get over it."<<else>>"Hey, I know you aren't used to this kinda stuff, but the abomination is dead. Gone. For good."<</if>>\n\nRaj shakes his head. "Loving Stars, you are one to speak. I have read much of conspiracies and rationalized the truth in history all my life but this? That I am part of this? I cannot even believe."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Wake the fuck up, man." You lean forward, saying, "Raj, you're deep in shit. So fucking deep I can't even."<<else>>"You'd better." You take a deep breath and say, "Raj, no offense, but you've just got yourself mixed up in a huge shitfest."<</if>>\n\n"I had noticed." Raj shakes his head with a sigh. "And what now? What is to happen now? Do I know too much? Must I die for my knowledge?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "whatmean">>"What do you mean? Or are you really..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "canhandle">>"I think I can handle..."<<else>>"Our involvement?" You shake your head...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "whatmean">>"What <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>do you mean? Or are you really telling me the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] has no jurisdiction here?" \n\n"Indeed. A formality. A burden." Corinthin shakes its head. "You would not know."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, whatever. Got a plan? Except nuke the whole damn place, I mean."<<else>>"Okay. Fine. So do you have a plan? Beyond leveling the whole block, obviously."<</if>>\n\n"That would be counterproductive. But yes. There is a plan. I will speak. You will not."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "canhandle">>"I think I can handle two [[constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. Kinda weird an agent of the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] can't."\n\n"Again, such arrogance. Yet the logic is sound." Corinthin strides off, motioning for you to follow.\n\nWondering what the hell you're doing - <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>and why you're even putting up with a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<<else>>and why you're not running away like you should be<</if>> - you follow the machine. When Corinthin approaches the entrance to the hab, one of the [[constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] blocks his path. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary.png"]]</div>"[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]." He holds out a hand. "This is a civilian investigation. Until the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] formally requests access to these premises, which has not occured, you can't be here."\n\n"Actually, you should be talking to me." You step up to the [[constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. "Acrel. Sanctioned hunter. There's a potential abominable infulence at work. We're here to investigate."\n\nThe man looks surprised. "Abominable influence? Stars above. I thought the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] was just making a show."\n\n"Do not assume. And do not interfere. Please." Corinthin strides past the [[constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]].\n\nThe man calls after him, "I'll still have to report this though. The [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] technically isn't allowed to be here."\n\n"If formality demands thus. The name is Corinthin. With no A. Humans often misspell it Corinthian." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] nods to you. "Come. Time wastes." It adjusts its cloak and strides past the orange ferns, into the lobby of the Hab Block.<<else>>"Our involvement?" You shake your head with a laugh. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"No, oh, no no no. I am not working with you. Never."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"You really think I'm gonna agree to work with a fucking faith can like you?"<<else>>"Shit, no. I'm not working with you. That'll just end in disaster."<</if>>\n\n"It is not up for discussion. We shall cooperate. We shall investigate. Now follow me I will speak. You will not."<</if>> <<if $action.action5 neq "canhandle">>Without waiting for a reply, Corinthin strides toward the constables. \n\nWondering what the hell you're doing - <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>and why you're even putting up with a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<<else>>and why you're not running away like you should be<</if>> - you follow the machine. When Corinthin approaches the entrance to the hab, one of the [[constables|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] blocks his path. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_rnd_constabulary.png"]]</div>"[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]." He holds out a hand. "This is a civilian investigation. Until the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] formally requests access to these premises, which has not occured, you cannot be here."\n\n"Witchcraft is at work," Corinthin drones. "That is reason enough for both my presence and that of my associate, whom I would like to mention is a sanctioned hunter, authorized to intervene in such matters."\n\n"That might be but we've found no evidence—"\n\n"A technicality. There is evidence, merely undiscovered. Now stand aside." When the [[constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] doesn't budge, Corinthin casually slides him out of the way. "Compliance is appreciated."\n\n"Hey," the [[constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] calls as Corinthin strides into the Hab Block. "Hey, stop or—" \n\nCorinthin stops. A distorted sigh echoes. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] turns and raises a hand. \n\nThe [[constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] backs away, hands held up in a gesture surrender. "Wow, wow, okay. Easy. I didn't say nothing. Head on up if ya gotta. But this is going on report."\n\n"If formality demands thus. The name is Corinthin. With no A. Humans often misspell it Corinthian." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] nods to you. "Come. Time wastes." It adjusts its cloak and strides past the orange ferns, into the lobby of the Hab Block.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromself">>You are at the bar<<else>>The moment you enter the gloom of the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sirenssong_interior.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromself">>You are at the bar in the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]. It's a vibrant location, filled with countless creatures that range from the queer to the downright bizarre. Most are dancing to the pulsebeat, some are talking, and somehow everyone - and everything - present is sexually active.<<else>>The moment you enter the gloom of the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]], an air of vibrance washes over you. Holographic patterns flicker across the walls. Voices of every pitch laugh, jabber and joke, barely audible over the beat of a catchy pusletone. \n\nYou make your way through the lounge, past a group of furry girls with cat tails feeling up some dude with an overly impressive moustache. On your right, a repitilian man with a forked tongue is giving some guy a blowjob. There's even a few truly exotic specimens on show - the centaur standing by the bar and the horned saytr chatting up a woman with bright purple skin.<</if>> You can't help but smile to yourself as you leann on the bar. \n\n"Heya," the barkeep, a burly woman with shaggy fur that reminds you of a rug, says as she sidles over. "What'll you be having?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Sure, why not? I could use the..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'riptide_back_fisher_3_txt'>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Sure, why not? I could use the..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'riptide_back_fisher_3_txt'>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You shake your head...<<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Well, thanks for being supremely unhelpful. I'm officially nowhere nearer to knowing what the hell's going on or much of anything except that your kind are an ancient pain in the ass."<<else>>"Well, thanks for your time. I'm still not really wiser than I was before. But a few things make a little more sense. Marginally."<</if>>\n\n"It was my utmost pleasure." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] smirks seductively.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You fix her with a hard stare. "There's just one problem: according to Corinthin you're the only one who could've posessed Mauricio Winston. So I'm gonna need a damn good explanation to cover that little inconsistency."<<else>>You fix her with an earnest look. "Only one problem here: according to Corinthin you're the only one who could've posessed Mauricio Winston. Can you explain this inconsistency?"<</if>>\n\nIth echoes a laugh. "Naturally the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] would imply guilt. Yet you know nothing of possession, mortal, nor does our... friend. There are two common forms of posession, the agumentative version of which I am certain you know. Pheromonal however, and that is what we deal with, is suggestive, not neurologically intrusive. Such manipulation demands ample conversational skills. It also requires access to the appropriate pheromones to aid in suggestions. Such compounds are not easily found on this habitation platform. Aside from me, only one on this station posesses the knowledge to synthetically craft such pheromones. I assure neither I nor her have created such an insidious cocktail.<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 6>> And by her, of coruse, I mean your former - or current? - lover. Celena." \n\nYou've barely had time to wonder how the hell Ith knows about Celena when the [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] golden lips curl into a smile. "Oh, indeed, I know of [[Coven Eresi|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], the betrayal that was their youngest spawn, and the intimite history she shares with you, mortal. We seldom agree on... ah, I should say we have never agreed on anything. Yet the power of a [[Witch Queen's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] intuition is undeniable. Indeed, perhaps even her hopeless infatuation with you—" The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] smirks knowingly. "—is not exclusively the result of hormonal imbalances, as I once believed."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>"Wonderful," you mutter. "I have to ask though: am I the only human in this freak fest of ancient galactic fairy tales and supernatural abominations?"<<else>>"One way to put it. Though I gotta ask: am I the only normal human being involved in this mess?"<</if>>\n\nThe [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] grins maliciously. "How overwhelmingly narrow-minded your existence must be, mortal. Yet still, I must admit, you are the first mortal I have encountered in many years who did not bore me utterly."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You scoff. "Right. Thanks for the compliment. Not."<<else>>You smile uncertainly. "Not sure I should take that as a compliment."<</if>>\n\n"How the little [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] even tolerates your attitude is incomprehensible. Though, to be fair, how I stand that child of the void and her arrogance is equally incomprehensible." Ith waves a paw dismissively. "To matters of consequence: while few could synthesize the pheromones required, they could be aquired from another source, one far from this station, and then—"<<else>> Were such a pheromone to be aquired from another source however, perhaps one far from this station, then—"<</if>>\n\n"Then pretty much anyone could have done it, which just expands the suspect list of suspects from two people to countless billions." You rub your face with a sigh. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Fuck."\n\n"I have always found reproductive acts are an esquisite method to—" Ith smirks. "—deal with such stressful situations, do you not agree?"\n\n"Typical. But okay. Thanks again for nothing. If I ever need unhelpful advice I'll know who to come to."\n\n"Amusing." Ith smirks sarcastically. "Feel free to show yourself out, mortal. Or do you require assistance with even such mundane acts?"<<else>>"This just gets better and better."\n\n"Ah, it could be made even better. Would you only—" Ith smirks. "—agree to certain conditions. Assuming your mortal brain can follow what I insinuate."\n\nYou shake your head. "I've heard enough for now. So thanks but no thanks, Ith,"\n\n"Unfortunate." Ith looks genuinely disappointed. "Feel free to show yourself out, mortal."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, about this," you say as you pull...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, about this," you say as you pull the star-shaped pendant from your pocket. "Found it a little while back and got no clue what it is. You have any ideas?"\n\n"Curious, most curious, may I...?" Raj holds out a hand. When you give him the pendant, he scowls. "Indeed, and where did you find this exactly?"\n\nYou bite your lip. "You, uh, may not want to know."\n\n"Perhaps I do not," Raj agrees, turning the pendant between his fingers. "But it is most strange. I did not know such things still existed. At least, I have never seen one in all my years of study, nor heard that they had endured at all, even in private hands."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Okay, fascinating, but mind telling me what the fuck it is?"<<else>>"Huh. Okay. Can you tell me exactly what it is now?"<</if>>\n\nRaj looks up, surprised. "Oh, of course. It is shaped in likness to Sol, the first of the Loving Stars. They were common religious artefacts in the days before the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] rose to power. Voiders today still sometiems carry replicas but the originals can be identified by the material. It is—" He taps the pendant, causing it to hum ever so faintly. "—pure crystal, believed to be mined from the worlds which orbited the star Sol. A fanciful myth, I dare say, but modern replicas do not vibrate quite the same."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, if you say so, man."<<else>>"I'll just assume you know what you're talking about."<</if>>\n\n"I do," Raj says with a smile. "And I would purchase it, my friend, but only out of courtesy to you. Consider it a one-time offer."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 3 and not $chr_ith.met>>You say...<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "whatlearn">>"So what exactly did the..."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nobelieve">>"That's odd, because when I talked to the..."<<else>>"I believe you, Raj, but...<</if>><</if>><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>><<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 3 and not $chr_ith.met>>You say, <<if $action.action2 eq "nobelieve">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Bullshit. You're hiding something here. I can feel it. So just fess up already."<<else>>"Sorry, I don't buy it. You have some idea. Maybe you don't know. But you can guess."<</if>>\n\n"But I do not know! I have absolutely no idea what the Empire of—" He hesitates. "Oh. How silly of me. Forgiveness. I have been so obsessed over other matters I had completely forget recent history."<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I believe you, Raj. I get you're not at fault. I'm just trying to find out what happened."<<else>>"Wow, easy. I believe you. I'm just trying to figure out what the hell's going on here. Y'know?"<</if>>\n\n"I wish I knew that also. Yet I cannot figure out why the Empire of—" He hesitates. "Oh. Of course. How could I not have seen? It is so obvious a connection. I needed only look to more recent history and I would have seen it at once."<</if>>\n\nYour brow furrows. "Recent history?"\n\n"The Empire of Man. There is little data on it, for the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] does not precisely wish it spoken of. Its existence clashes with the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] claim that their faith dates back to the conception of humanity. You see, in the days of the Empire, the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] was not a legitemate or indeed recognized faith. It was a cult of free-thinkers that disputed the claims of the Empire and indirectly led to the downfall of the greatest human culture in known history." Raj breathes a sigh. "If this Object was somethign that proves the Empire existed - a data device, perhaps - it would be quite counter to their interest... oh, wait wait. Maybe this will explain." Raj rifles through a stack of data pads beside his armchair. \n\n"Yes, here." He hands you a data pad. "The texts here, my friend, should paint a fair picture. You need not read it all, merely glance it over, and you will understand."<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "whatlearn">>"So what exactly did the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] say? Because it seemed to know quite a lot when I questioned it."\n\nRaj looks surprised. "It did? May I ask what?"\n\n"Well, I'm not inclined to say too much. But let's just name-drop the Empire of Man and see what you make of it, hm?"<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nobelieve">>"That's odd, because when I talked to the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]], it seemed pretty<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> sure the thing was a Memory Globe dating back to the Empire of Man. Not that that means anything to me but..." The look on Raj's face makes you hesitate. "What are you not telling me, man?"\n\n"Of course, of course. I should have known." Raj paces around in circles for a moment, stops, and says, "Of course."\n\n"Of course what, Raj?"<<else>>"I believe you, Raj, but there's something else. Something the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] said to me and maybe not to you: the Object was a Memory Globe dating back to the Empire of Man. Does that mean anything to you?"\n\n"Yes," Raj says, suddenly looking very alarmed.\n\n"Yes?" Your brow furrows. "What is it, man?"<</if>>\n\n"The Empire of Man. How could I forget?" His lips purse pensively. "Ah, my friend, I have been so obsessed over the matter of Eden that I completely forget recent history."\n\n"Recent? Your brows rise. "Raj, I checked the Codex. There isn't an entry on the Empire of Man. There isn't even a reference."\n\n"Naturally there is not." Raj sits back in his armchair and rubs his chin. After a short silence, he says, "You must remember the Codex, along with all publicly available sources, are strictly monitored by the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. While they do not, ah, willfully remove information, there are guidelines on acceptable content. These change periodically but, of late, an attempt is being made to remove all mention the Empire of Man from the Archives, most likely because these articles disputed the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] claim that their faith dates back to the conception of humanity."\n\nYour brow furrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"\n\n"That, in the days of the Empire, the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] was not a legitemate or indeed recognized faith. It was a cult of free-thinkers that disputed the claims of the Empire and indirectly led to the downfall of the greatest human culture in known history." Raj breathes a sigh. "Naturally, the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] does not wish to be remembered as a radical cult that rose to power through popular support and not because their faith is undeniably the truth. Ah... where is it?" Raj rifles through a stack of data pads beside his armchair. \n\n"Yes, here." He hands you a data pad. "This might explain better, my friend. You need not read it all, merely glance it over, and you will understand."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You and Paladin Corinthin are in the elevator to...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou and Paladin Corinthin head for the elevator. As you step inside, the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] hits the button for Floor 30. The doors hiss closed. A soothing melodie sounds from ovehead speakers until the elevator glides to a stop with a chime. The two of you step out. \n\nAs you <<walk>> toward Apartment 310, Corinthin says, "You are here. This means you know what transpired. No doubt Father Zweili hired you." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] shoots you a sidelong glance. "He does not trust me. Nor I him. I believe you ought know."\n\n"I'm just here to do a job. I dunno what happened. Maybe you were in on it. Maybe not." You stop before appartment 310 and face the metallic figure. "Either way, I don't trust you."\n\n"Expected. Past events are seldom forgotten. For now, know we pursue similar goals." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] nods to the appartment. "The one who lived here was involved. Recovered footage confirms he removed the Object. He may have been posessed. How is uncertain, as is what transpired to the Object. Thus, investigation is required."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You leave the crowded walkways<<else>>You are in Raj's apartment<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_raj.png"]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You leave the crowded walkways of [[Level B10|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] and head for Hab Block 35. Its set around a gated courtyard overgrown by plants and ferns. The [[Security Bot|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] by the entrance scans you as you approach. \n\n"Just visiting Raj." You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>haul yourself up two flights of stairs, to Unit 35125, and stumple in.<<else>>take the stairs up two levels, to Unit 35125 and step inside.<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromFirstTime">>You follow Raj into his appartment in Habitation Block 35, just off the [[Level B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. It's a large place by all accounts, composed of multiple rooms connected by a carpeted hallway, but the true gem is his study. \n\nThe scene that might as well be straignt out of those archaic music video: an enormous wooden desk laden with data pads and scraps of paper stands at the far end. There's a couch padded with dark red satin against the left wall. Two armchairs flank an antique liquor cabinet on the right. There's even an old glow-lamp hanging from the ceiling, complete with twelve of those little bulbs that light up when an electric current is run through them.<<else>>You are in Raj's appartment in Habitation Block 35, just off the [[Level B10 Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]].<</if>> <<if $action.arrive neq "fromFirstTime">>It's a large place by all accounts, composed of multiple rooms connected by a carpeted hallway, yet Raj's study is the true gem of this little abode - a sizable room dominated by a wooden desk laden with data pads and scraps of frayed paper. There are two arm chairs and a red leather sofa set against the walls.<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble into Raj's study and bellow, "Hey, Raj. Ray? You home?"\n\n"Vine?" Raj, who is sitting in an ancient arm chair, looks up with a worried expression. "Vine? Oh, it is you. Are you well?"\n\n"Fine." You slouch in the armchair with a sigh. "Fine. Just fucking tired, man. Been a real long day."\n\nRaj smiles. "I see. Well, they say a good night's rest—"\n\n"Yeah, yeah whatever." You snuggle up in the armchair and, before you know it...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>You knock on the door frame before you enter the study. "Hey, Raj? You have a moment?"\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10>>"Ah, Vine. Hello." Raj, sitting in an aincient armchair, shoots you a weary glance. "Trying times we live in. No doubt you are fully aware - and involved in solving this disaster, yes?"\n\n"More or less." You sit opposite Raj. "How you holding up?"\n\n"Ah, well enough given the circumstances. Though I am beginning to wonder whether I should move. The situation here—" He waves a hand. "Matters for another day. How can I help you?"<<else>>"Ah. Hello, Vine." Raj, who is sitting in an ancient arm chair, looks up from the data pad he's reading. <<nobr>>\n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Fancydress">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Oh, how, ah, you look unusual today, my friend. But how are you?"\n\t<<else>>"You look absolutely gorgeous today, my friend. I trust all is well?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Ah, you look quite smashing today, my friend. How have you been?"\n\t<<else>>"Oh. What, ah, a corporate look, my friend. I am not certain it suits you. But I digress. How are you?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Oh, how, ah, you look unusual today, my friend. But how are you?"\n\t<<else>>"You look absolutely gorgeous today, and a bit archaic, my friend. I trust all is well?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"You, ah, look as though you were... never mind. How are you today?"\n\t<<else>>"You, ah, look as though you were... never mind. How are you today?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Fancywear">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Ohh, you look absolutely stunning today, my friend. I trust all is well?"\n\t<<else>>"I, ah, you look different today. I trust all is well?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Neorave">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>"Quite the dazzling display of, ah, chest. But I digress. How are you today?"\n\t<<else>>"You, ah, look as though you were... never mind. How are you today?"\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Hatewear">>\n\t"Quite the, ah, provocative shirt you choose to wear. Yet I digress. How are you today?"\n<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Deathshround" or $equip.clothes eq "Mourning Shroud" or $equip.clothes eq "Seeker Robes">>\n\t"One might almost think you had joined a Death Cult, my friend. But I digress. How are you today?"\n<<elseif $equip.isReligious>>\n\t"One might almost think you a true believer, my friend. But I digress. How are you today?"\n<<else>>"How are you today, my friend?"\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n\n"Well enough." <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>You stifle a yawn. "Little tired but fine."<</if>>\n\nRaj smiles. "Excellent. So am I. Given the circumstance. There is a lot to do but please—" He gestures to the other armchair. "Sit."\n\n"Thanks." You sit down and...<</if>><<else>>You stand up and stretch your legs. All the sitting around and talking is making your muscles cramp up. \n\nRaj shoots you an inquisitive look. "Do you intend to leave already?"\n\n"Just stretching my legs, actually." You sit down again and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_corsblade.png"]]</div>You lower your weapon, eyeing the dead [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Its left hand is still gripping the jagged blade. You snatch the weapon up and turn to Miss Corbei, who is still standing in the doorway, frozen in shock if her facial expression is any indication.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>When you take a step towards her, she blurts, "I can explain! Please, please don't kill me. Family Corbei has suffered so much of late. Please, for the sake of my father, Mister."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You expect me to care?" You grab the woman, knife an inch from her throat. "After what you did, all the pain and chaos you caused, you expect me to really give two fucks?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But it wasn't me! It wasn't. I swear. My brother—" She swallows. "He was the one who orchestrated all this. I had no choice. None at all!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>When you take a step towards her, she blurts, "I can explain! Please, please don't kill me. Family Corbei—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Harbored an abominable creature upon its premises, Miss Corbei." [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai levels her sidearm on the woman. "You then attempted to murder two agents of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] in cold blood, crimes which would allow me to execute you on the spot. I shall be lenient however. Confess your undeniable guilt before me and the Court of Eden and your life shall end in a prison cell, not with a bolt in your head."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But it wasn't me! It wasn't. I swear. My brother—" She swallows. "He was the one who orchistrated all this. I had no choice. None at all!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>When you take a step towards her, she blurts, "I can explain! Please, please don't kill me. Family Corbei has suffered so much of late. Please, for the sake of my father, <<formalname>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"She's insane," Wilkin barks, poking his head out from beneath the desk. "Kill her, kid. Damn it. Kill the hag before she ices us both!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But it wasn't me! It wasn't. I swear. My brother—" She swallows. "He was the one who orchistrated all this. I had no choice. None at all!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>When you take a step towards her, she blurts, "I can explain! Please, please don't kill me. Family Corbei—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shut it." Jalkovski tears the woman to the foor and aims his carbine into her face. "Give the word, Sir. I'll gladly put this [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] out of her misery. Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But it wasn't me! It wasn't. I swear. My brother—" She swallows. "He was the one who orchistrated all this. I had no choice. None at all!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>When you take a step towards her, she blurts, "I can explain! Please, please don't kill me. Family Corbei—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Bullshit." Fisher moves toward her, rifle leveled at her head. "Just tell me, Boss. One fucking word and this bitch is iced."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"But it wasn't me! It wasn't. I swear. My brother—" She swallows. "He was the one who orchistrated all this. I had no choice. None at all!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>When you take a step towards her, she blurts, "I can explain! Please, please don't kill me. Family Corbei—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Is even stupider than I thought." Fabienne glances at you. "My vote? We slit her open head to toe and hang her intestines from the chandellier. You know. Just for effect."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No. Please. Please It wasn't me! It wasn't. I swear. My brother—" She swallows. "He was the one who orchistrated all this. I had no choice. None at all!"\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>When you take a step towards her, she blurts, "I can explain! Please, please don't kill me. Family Corbei—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, shut up, bitch." Pineapple glances at you. "Boss? I ain't usually for this. But I honestly vote we ice the lady."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No. Please. Please It wasn't me! It wasn't. I swear. My brother—" She swallows. "He was the one who orchistrated all this. I had no choice. None at all!"\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You leave...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_raj.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_fisher.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_church.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_celena.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_zanex.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_raj.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_formal.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_fisher.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou leave \n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>the Android and mechanic standing where they are and climb into the vehicle. Holo-displays flicker to life as you settle behind the controls. A flick ignites the grav-plates. Engines whine as you float off the landing pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, then—" You disengage the mag-breaks and accelerate, zooming out into a grav-tunnel that leads away from the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tBlurred tunnels shoot past. Warning signs blink up left and right as traffic comes the other way. You slide the car back and forth, maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, ever headed toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>Raj's apartment and make for the garrage, where you retrieve the man's floater from a parking rack. It powers up with a dull whine as the machinery sets it down on the launch pad. Admiring the sleek paint job, you climb in behind the controls. The vehicle sways in mid-air.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, then—" You release the garrage door and accelerate, zooming out into the frantic traffic pattern of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tBlurred walkways and holo-signs shoot past. Warning signs blink up left and right. You slide the car back and forth, maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, ever headed toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tYou slow the grav-car and pull off the fastway, into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The floater's nav-software identifies the largest spire as Corbei Tower so you head for that, swerving around the counter-traffic, and toward a landing pad on the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here goes nothing then," you mutter, bringing the grav-car down with a gentle bump.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>leave the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] office with Varai and head down a flight of stairs to a grav-car garrage below. Dozens of vehicles painted green-and-white are held in mounting racks on the walls. Varai has the machine cycle one out and gets in. Soon as you've hopped in beside her, she eases the vehicle into the air and out of the garrage.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt takes almost a minute to reach the fastway and, even then, Varai flies cautiously. Still, blurred walkways and holo-signs shoot past. You begin to pick up speed, the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, as she flies steadily toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tGrav-plates hum as Varai slows the vehicle, pulling off the fastway and into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. She maneuvers toward the largest of the spires, spiraling around the counter-traffic, and makes for a landing pad near the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here we are, <<formalname>>," Varai says, setting the vehicle down gently. "Do what you must. I shall observe and intervene only should it be absolutely necessary." She pops the door and climbs out.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>Celena's apartment and head toward the landing pads near the tramway station. The dark blue Xenon that once belonged to Cel's parents is still there. She keys the remote lock and hops in behind the wheel. Soon as you've climbed in too, the floater lurches off the landing pad and zips into the grav-tunnel.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Geez," you murmur as Celena spins through the traffic, flying upside down as often as sideways. "I forgot you fly like this."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe silver-haired girl doesn't reply, too busy dodging walkways, holo-signs and other vehicles. Crazy all around but you do have to admit: Celena sets a good pace toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— A half hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tGrav-plates shriek as Celena breaks hard, pulling off the fastway and into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. She maneuvers toward the largest of the spires, spiraling around the counter-traffic, and makes for a landing pad near the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here we are," Celena says, setting the car down on the pad. "Uh, just to mention it. I know the Corbeis. Pretty sure they'll just let us <<walk>> in so, yeah, let's say hi." She pops the door and hops out.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] with Mr. Wilkin and head for the shiny black grav-car parked out back. Soon as you're both inside, he activates the grav-plates and pulls into the traffic with a cautious swerve. Blurred walkways and holo-signs shoot past. The man sets a slow pace, only rarely maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, as he flies steadily toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour and a half Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tWilkin slows the grav-car and pulls off the fastway, into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. He maneuvers toward the largest of the spires, keeping well away from the counter-traffic lanes, and makes for a landing pad near the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"And here we are," Wilkin says, easing car onto the pad. "Remember, we keep this civil. No funny business unless it turns nasty. Doubt that'll happen though." He pops the door and climbs out.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] with Jalkovski and head for the grav-car parked out back. Soon as you're both inside, he activates the grav-plates and pulls into the traffic with skilled ease. Blurred walkways and holo-signs shoot past. The trooper bounces the car back and forth, maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, ever headed toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski slows the grav-car and pulls off the fastway, into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. He maneuvers toward the largest of the spires, spiraling around the counter-traffic, and makes for a landing pad near the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This is it, Sir," Jalkovski says, easing car onto the pad. "Haven't been up here in years, Sir. But we better be careful, Sir. Security's tight around these parts." He pops the door and climbs out.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] with Fisher and head for the grav-car parked out back. Soon as you're both inside, he activates the grav-plates and pulls into the traffic with a deft swerve. Blurred walkways and holo-signs shoot past. The kid swerves this way and that, maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, ever headed toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tFisher slows the grav-car and pulls off the fastway, into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. He maneuvers toward the largest of the spires, spiraling around the counter-traffic, and makes for a landing pad near the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So, this is it." Fisher sets the car down with a dull thud. "Never been up here. Kinda freaky. All the towers and whatnot." He pops the door and climbs out.\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>Fabienne's appartment, following the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] toward a grimy landing pad at the end of her block. There's a battered grav-car sitting on it, held in place by several mag-clamps. She knocks them off one by one and hops in behind the controls. When you climb in beside her, the door almost falls off its hinges.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, she's an old girl." Fabienne activates the grav-plates, causing the car to lurch into the air. "And here we go—"\n\n\t\tAnti-grav generators whine angrily as she pulls into the nearest grav-tunnel and accelerates hard. Blurred walkways and holo-signs shoot past. Fabienne jerks the battered car back and forth, maneuvering around vehicles flying at regulation speeds, ever headed toward the highest levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe engine screeches as Fabienne pulls off the fastway, into a cavernous zone filled with towerlike-spires poking outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Sleek floaters zip past left and right, sending your vehicle tumbling about as Fabienne seers toward the largest spire, noise aimed at a landing pad on the upper levels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This is the one," Fabienne says, dropping car onto the pad none too gently. "What a shithole. So much open space. Can't imagine living 'round these parts." She pops the door and hops out.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>the Viewport Cafe and follow Lag across the busy intersection of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. He takes long, purposeful strides. You match his pace. It isn't long before you stop beside a black Vyam Cruiser.<br><br>\n\n\t\tLag unlocks the doors with a flick of the hand. "Hop in, baby, and let's spin."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe moment you do, Lag kicks the grav-plates into high acceleration. The grav-car lurches off the pad and twirls into the traffic pattern. Holo-signs and walkways flash past as you zip toward the higher levels of [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Fifteen minutes Later —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tGrav-plates shriek as Lag breaks hard, swerving around the towerlike-spires that poke outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. He maneuvers toward a large spire that looms above the others, headed for an upper level landing pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This the place," Lag says as he sets the vehicle down. "Bad news: it's shielded. EM-proof and security's a local system. Only standard Vox Edeni links in and out. Can't even see utilities. We'll have to do a look-around." He pops the door and climbs out.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>the Highborn Palace and follow Pineapple through the dark utility passage to a nondescript acccess pannel. Beyond is a grimy landing pad with a sleek, silver UGV-Z parked atop it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stye, Boss. Like I said." Smirking, he unlocks the doors with a flick of the hand. "Lemme show ya what this monster can do."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's barely time to climb in and lock the harness before Pineapple ignites the grav-plates. The grav-car lurches off the pad, whirls about, and zips down a dark traffic tunnel. Dark walls and occasional warning signs flash past as you zoom toward the nearest fastway.<br><br> \n\t\t\n\t\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— Half an hour Later —</div><br><br>\n\n\t\tGrav-plates shriek as Pinapple decelerates, swerving around the towerlike-spires that poke outwards from the inncermost hull of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. He maneuvers toward a large spire that looms above the others, headed for an upper level landing pad.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Looks like this is it, Boss. Corbei Tower," Pineapple says as he sets the vehicle down. "Never been up here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Neither have I," you admit, eyeing the structure.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, well. First time for everything, right?" He pops the door and climbs out.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "willhelp">>"Okay, I'll help..."<<elseif $action.action2 = "whyassist">>"Right." You muster the Paladin...<<else>>"Benefit?" You raise an eyebrow...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "willhelp">>"Okay, I'll help," you say. "But you'll have to give me something to work with because you lost me a while back."\n\n"Our predicament is simple: the one we seek requires biological intuition to approach. I cannot replicate such behavior. You would not face this issue." \n\n"All right," you say slowly. "And where can we find this someone? Because I really don't get what you're implying here."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "whyassist">>"Right." You muster the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] with a scowl. "And why exactly am I supposed to help you?"\n\n"Logic. I can assist you, just as you can assist me." Corinthin's head tilts forward. "Understand: the one we seek requires biological intuition to approach. I cannot replicate such behavior. You would not face this issue." \n\n"Okay, my doubts aside, what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck is<<else>>'s<</if>> that supposed to mean?" You hastily add, "Just spell it out. Plain and simple."<<else>>"Benefit?" You raise an eyebrow. "How does working with <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>a tin can<<else>>you<</if>> benefit me?"\n\n"Our ressorces can be combined. Your chances are greater, as are mine." Corinthin tilts its head downward. "Understand: my powers are many yet the one I seek requires biological intuition to approach. I cannot replicate such behavior. You would not face this issue."\n\n"Assuming I agree, what <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell's<<else>>does<</if>> that mean?" You hastily add, "Just spell it out. Plain and simple."<</if>>\n\nThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] fixes you with a blank stare. "We hunt a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake!" You glower at the machine.<<else>>"Ouch. I thought... never mind." You shoot the metallic figure a amused look.<</if>> "A [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]], eh? Now, call me sceptical, but how <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>did a creature that's supposed to have never existed manage to get by you unnoticed?"\n\n"It did not." Corinthin starts to pace before you. After a moment, it says, "The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] laired on the station for centuries. Its existance was not unknown. It heralds from far in the galactic north and transited here, possibly with the aid of the Vindell family, though I cannot prove this. For centuries, attempts to locate the creature failed. Eventually the assignment fell to me and I succeeded." Corinthin stops pacing. "Or rather: it located me. I hoped to destroy it yet circumstances were unfavorable. My efforts in another matter had come to an impasse. In return for assistance, I allowed the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] become lost. It has not been seen since."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>"That doesn't sound half bad." You stroke her furry chest, enjoying the...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>"Let's se what you got..." You run a hand up his scaled arm and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>"You're on." You butt your forehead against her horn with a smirk, "Let's..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>"Experience sounds good." You brush a hand against the nonbie's cock and...<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div> \n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>"That doesn't sound half bad." You stroke her furry chest, enjoying the warmth between your fingers.\n\nThe cat purrs contently and rubs her cheek against yours. You stroke her neck and gently pull her onto your lap. She wraps her slender arms around your neck. A soft tongue tickles your lips. You kiss her. She returns the favor, running a hand along your thigh. Arousal begins to fill your mind. She giggles and pulls away, whispering, "You still want to tell me that story, baby?"\n\n"If you're up for it."\n\nHer face lights up. "Oh good. But maybe later? After..." She brushes against your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cock<<else>>pussy<</if>>.\n\n"Fair enough." You kiss her again. "I'm all for play."\n\nThe cat slips a hand under your <<armortype>>, warm and comforting. You pull her a little closer and risk a little more agression. She reciprocates with a nip to your neck and whispers, "How about we go somewhere more alone?"\n\nWhen you agree, the cat gingerly hops off your lap and, with furry fingers entwined in yours, leads you across the lounge to a dark curtain separating the main area from the private rooms. Halfway down the passage, she stops before an empty room, swipes her arm over the access pannel, and says, "Anything I should know, baby?"\n\n"Not really," you say, painfully aware that a little playtime will cost you.\n\n"Oh goodie." Bouncing ever so slightly on the balls of her feet, the cat kisses you on the lips and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>"Let's se what you got..." You run a hand up his scaled arm and squeeze his bony shoulder shoulder, "roughskin."\n\nThe reptile hisses a laugh. "Yes. I like you." He licks your cheek. "Eager and willing." His lips curl as he strokes your thigh. "That's what I like to hear." Slimy lips press against your mouth. A forked tongue traces yours. It feels alien, unusual, even wrong. You can't help but feel dirty as you kiss him. The reptile draws away, hissing, "Oh yes. Someone likes."\n\n"You have me hooked, roughskin." You slide a hand down to his ass, letting your fingers run over the uneven scales. Just thinking about them pressed against your skin makes you hard. The reptile squeezes your thigh. You can't help but gasp a little. \n\n"Ah yes." The reptile grins. "Come, come. Not here." He wraps a calwed hand around your arm. "But soon."\n\nSmirking to yourself, you let him lead you across the lounge to a dark curtain separating the main area from the private rooms. Halfway down the passage, the reptile stops before an empty room, swipes his arm over the access pannel, and says, "Should I know anything? Concerns? Phobias?"\n\n"None," you say, trying very hard not to think about what the guilty pleasure will cost you.\n\n"Then it is settled." He flicks his tongue and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>"You're on." You butt your forehead against her horn with a smirk, "Let's play hard."\n\nThe bulky girl laughs. "Now that's what I wanna hear." She slaps your ass. "Come on. What ya got?"\n\n"Fight." You grab her lethery neck and yank her closer. \n\nThe rhino growls from the back of her throat as you teeth sink into her hide. She wraps thick arms around your wast. Your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cock<<else>>pussy<</if>> brushes against her crotch. She grabs ass and rubs you against her bulk. There's something primal to the exchange, something that sparks in the back of your mind. Perhaps it's because you've spent your whole life fighting to stay on top. Perhaps it's just the moment. Whatever the reason, you're not about to let the big girl prove she's got anything on you.\n\nEvidently she's thinking the same thing because she growls, "Now we're talking. C'mon." She elbows you in the ribs. "Move. Now." \n\nFighting down the urge to act on instinct, you get up and follow the rhino across the lounge to a dark curtain separating the main area from the private rooms. Halfway down the passage, she stops stops before an empty room, swipes her arm over the access pannel, and says, "Let's see if you're for real, darling."\n\n"Could say the same about you," you say, wondering just how much it'll cost you to prove your point.\n\n"Like hell you coul." She locks foreheads with you and, glowering at you past her horn...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>"Experience sounds good." You brush a hand against the nonbie's cock and trace upwards to its breasts. It grins knowingly, no doubt aware you were determining which parts were what without having to ask the question. You can't help but smile. "Like I said it's not my first experiment."\n\n"We're glad." The nonbie kisses you on the cheek. "It's always such a chore to teach the newlings."\n\nYou chuckle despite yourself. "Oh, hell. Story of my life." You draw it closer, brush your cheek against its beard and kiss the female side of the face. The nonbie places a hand on the back of your head and guides your mouth to its. You taste a hint of stubble mixed with lipstick. The unusual sensation makes you smile. \n\nAs you kiss it again, the nonbie places a suggestive hand on your thigh. "On the matter of experiences, could I suggest..." \n\n"Of course." You stand up and, with the nonbie's arm still around your shoulder, let it take you across the lounge to a dark curtain separating the main area from the private rooms. Halfway down the passage, it stops stops before an empty room, swipes an arm over the access pannel, and says, "To be certain, are you uncomfortable with anything?"\n\n"Nothing worth mentioning," you say, quietly aware that this little experience is going to cost you dearly.\n\n"Wonderful." The nonbie strokes your arm and...<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "beer">>"Just a beer." You hold out your arm. The shaggy barkeep...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">>"Liq. Straight." You smile and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">>"One flash." You hold our your...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "lookaround">>"Sorry to disappoint. Just looking...<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "beer">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_beer.png"]]</div>"Just a beer." You hold out your arm. The shaggy barkeep swipes it, walks away and comes back a moment later with a clean glass and opened can of Laquizer. You take them with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n"Enjoy." She smiles and moves off to tend her other patrons.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_liq.png"]]</div>"Liq. Straight." You smile and hold our your arm. The shaggy barkeep swipes it with a wink, walks away and comes back a moment later with glass filled to the top with strong Liq. You take it with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n"Enjoy." She smiles and moves off to tend her other patrons.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_alc_flash.png"]]</div>"One flash." You hold our your arm.\n\nThe barkeep tuts. "Being naughty, are we?"\n\n"More than usual," you call back. She grins and hurries off. A moment later she returns with a tall glass of purplish liquid. You take it with a shouted, "Thanks."\n\n"Enjoy." She winks and moves off to tend her other patrons.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "lookaround">>"Sorry to disappoint. Just looking around."\n\n"Your call. Just holler if you change your mind." She moves off to tend her other patrons.<</if>>\n\n"Will do." You settle on the nearest stool and <<if $action.action2 eq "beer">>sip cool beer.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">>sip bitter Liq.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">>take a good swig of the sweetened stim cocktail.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "lookaround">>glance around to see what's what.<</if>> There's not a lot going on, at least not compared to the average night at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. \n\nRealizing how inappropriate it is to compare a fetish club with, well, the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], you shake your head with a smile and <<if $action.action2 eq "beer">>take another sip of Laquizer.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">>risk another sip of Liq. The bitter taste makes you pull another face. You drow another bitter gulp to wash the poor taste away.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">>carefully sip Flash. Dizzyness overcomes you. For some reason, it makes you laugh. You drown another sweet, dizzying gulp and enjoy the little buzz.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "lookaround">>let your gaze wander across the patrons. They're nothing like the regulars back "home". Quieter, calmer, and a hell of a lot more orderly. But that's middle class clubs for you. They get to choose who they let in and can still afford to stay in business.<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>"Hi, sexy." One of the feline girls prowls up to you, smiling beneath bright yellow eyes. She runs a furry hand over your shoulder and presses her body against your back. "You're looking kinda lonely."\n\n"More like out of place." You for a smile. \n\nThe cat smiles back. "Don't worry, baby. We all have our first time."\n\n"Nah, not that. Just used to a different world." When she looks a little confused, you stroke her tail. "Never mind, kitten. Long story and no happy ending."\n\n"Oh." She looks genuinely sad. "But I like stories. We could find you a happy ending. And you could tell me about it."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>"Well, well." A reptilian guy leans on the bar next to you. "Smoothskin." His tongue flicks out, brushing your cheek. "We looking for company?"\n\n"Not sure yet," you say, eyeing the tongue. "Not sure I belong here, if I'm honest."\n\nThe lizzard hisses a laugh. "Mhh, do you? Perhaps you need convincing." His tongue licks your face. "Mhh?" Scaley fingers trace down your back. "I promise you'll think otherwise once I'm done, smoothskin."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>"Look what we got here." A bulky girl with a rhino's head and cloven feet plunks on the stood beside you. "A little black sheep. All alone in the wild." \n\nYou chuckle, knowing all too well how accurate her assessment is. "Say that again, man."\n\n"Oh, we shy?" The rhino leans closer. "'Cause I don't do shy, darling. Just ain't in the blood."\n\n"More like out of place." You glance around. "This... well, not what I'm used to."\n\n"Eh." The girls waves a thick-skinned hand. "So? Ya got time to adjust." She grins. "Long as it's quick. Slow learners don't last long 'round here."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>"Good evening." A nonbie; half of either with long red curls on one side and shallow stubble on the other wraps an arm around you. "Are we open to experiments tonight?"\n\n"Straight out," you raise an eyebrow. "That's a new one."\n\nThe nonbie chuckles. "A new face but not a first-timer. Now that we don't see often around here."\n\n"Comes with the territory." You stroke the red curls. "Love the hair by the way. Goes well with your eyes." \n\nThe nonbie does a little courtsey. "Why thank you. Most <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>guys<<else>>gals<</if>> can't see past the beard."\n\n"Past experience helps a lot."\n\n"Oh, for certain." Both its perfectly manicured and the rough eyebrows rise. "And what's the stance on new experiences? Inclined, disinclined, maybe not quite certain?"<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter a circlar room lit by flickering candles set in...<<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sirenssong_sphinx.png"]]</div>You enter a circlar room lit by flickering candles set in alcoves along the walls. The floor is covered in a thin mat woven from some crystalline material. In the center of the room, on a cushioned pedestal, lies the strangest creaute you've ever seen. \n\nIts head resembles that of a woman though it has clearly been fashioned from pure gold and stirkes you a decidedly synthetic construct. The remainder of its body however is definitely biological, resembling a slender lion with a thick, white coat. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] yawns and musters you with emerald eyes half-hidden by golden eyelids. \n\nA crystal-clear voice says, "That you enter here suggests you are either very foolish or very poorly informed."\n\n"You could say I'm part both." You close the door, saying, "That's why I wanted to talk to you. Assuming a ten-thousand year old abomination can spare the—" The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] holds up a paw. Your lips twitch. "Bad introduction?"\n\n"Contrarily. It betrays knowledge and inspires interest." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] hops off the pedestal and, before you know it, the golden mask is right in front of your nose. "I am Ith. Who may I ask are you?"<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "expanded">>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Minimize File'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "collapsed">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#raj-datapad'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'raj_dpad_content'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<<display 'raj_quicktexts_text'>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Expand File'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "expanded">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#raj-datapad'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'raj_dpad_content'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<strong>Assorted Quicktexts</strong>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b10_mauricio.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, fuck it. Let's get this shit done."<<else>>"Okay, well. Let's get this done."<</if>>\n\n"Indeed." Corinthin waves a hand over the control pannel. It snaps open with a hiss. Corinthin enters the room beyond. \n\nYou follow, into a small living area. The whitewashed walls are bare, as is the living space except for a chair in the corner. The only other thing of interest is a body bag on the floor, which The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] swiftly opens.\n\nInside is a naked, brown-haired man who looks physically unharmed. Corinthin rolls the body over. The back looks just the same: no blood, no visible woulds, not a hint of anything that would've led to his death. \n\n"As expected." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] feels the back of Mauricio's neck. "Neurological decay. He will have suffocated." Corinthin flips the corpse over and touches the man's forehead with a slender finger. "We are fortunate indeed, are we not?" \n\nWhen you don't reply, Corinthin looks at you. "Possession of augmented biologicals is trivial. Possession of an unaugmented biological demands skill and expertise. Only two individuals on this station possess the required knowledge. One you are intimately familliar with. The other vanished sixteen thousand four hundred and twenty three cycles ago."\n\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 6>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Suddenly worried, you say, "Wow, wow. I'm fucking sure Cel wasn't behind any of this. One hundred percent."<<else>>Unsettled by Corinthin's choice of words, you say, "Okay, so I'll assume Cel is one of them. But I'm sure she didn't do this."<</if>>\n\n"The little one did not. I am certain.<<else>>"Intimately familiar?" You shoot Corinthin a dubious look. "What<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck's<<else>>'s<</if>> that supposed to mean?"\n\n"It is irrelevant. The little one is not to fault.<</if>>" Corinthin stands and faces you. "The other... is problematic. I will require your assistance."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>You snort. "That's fucking rich, coming from a tin can."<<else>>You scoff. "I knew it. I so knew this would happen."<</if>>\n\n"I concur. The situation is unfortunate. Yet biological assistance is required." It pauses for a moment. "Another could be coerced. Your assistance would be preferable. It would serve a mutual benefit."
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Damn it." You yank your jack...<<else>>You climb out of the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3.png"]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Damn it." You yank your jack out of the controls and head back the way you came, muttering, "Guess we gotta do this the hard way."<<else>>You climb out of the grav-car and onto the landing pad. A broad walkway watched over by two [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] connects it to the uppermost levels of Corbei Tower. The robots's optical sensors scan you, blinking bright red. It's hard not to notice the heavily laden weapon arms and thick armored plates. One wrong move and - poof - get riddled by a million bolts.<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n\t<br><br>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>A boot slips on the loose plates. You sway dangerously above the abyss. Adrenaline pounds as you right yourself and climb back to the main walkway.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>"I said this was a bad idea," Varia chides as you climb back to the main walkway.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Damn it, woman." You climb onto the landing pad with a grunt. "Just keep your trap shut and let me work."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"Sir, I suppose we could just shoot our way in," Jalkovski says as you climb back to the main walkway.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You climb onto the landing pad with a grunt. "Looks like that's our only option."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>Climbing back to the main walkway, Fisher says, "So, what, we're just gonna shoot our way in then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You haul yourself onto the landing pad with a grunt. "Looks like that's our only option."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"Oh well," Fabienne says as you climb back to the main walkway. "Blow the machines to itsy bits then?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You haul yourself onto the landing pad with a grunt. "Looks like that's our only option."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"Worth a try though," Pineapple says, testing his way back the way you came.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah." You haul yourself onto the landing pad with a grunt. "I was just really hoping to avoid this."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] guarding the bridge to Corbei Tower proper scan you angrily. Optical sensors blink and glow. One of them raises a weapon arm, causing bolts to click into the chamber from a belt feed.\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>\n\t\t\t"Maybe not the front entrance then," you mutter, glacing around for alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere is a narrow utility walkway that runs beneath the one you're on. Maybe that would allow easier entrance into Corbei Tower. Alternatively, you could just bite the bullet and deal with the damned [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] the hard way.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t\t"So much for the front entrance," you mutter glacing around for alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I would suggest we simply announce our presence," Varai says coldly. "Or is that too primitive a solution for you, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Too dangerous is more like it," you say, gaze fixed on the arrow utility walkway that runs beneath the one you're on.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMaybe that would allow easier entrance into Corbei Tower. Alternatively, you could just bite the bullet and deal with the damned [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] the hard way.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"Oh, for fuck's sake." Celena waves to the bots. "Hey! We're just here on a fucking visit. No need to go all military runtimes on us."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMachinery whirrs as weapons arms are lowered. The [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] roll backwards, clearing the way.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shoot Celena a sidelong glance. "Is this a good idea?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Probably not." She sets off down the walkway at a leasurely pace.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou follow, eyeing the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] all the way. One wrong move - or a faulty runtime - and they'll blast you to bits. Instead, they simply stand idly as you approach a large pair of sliding glass doors that lead to the Corbei Residence. A holo-sign projected on the glass asks visitors to: //Please step inside and announce your Arrival//.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>"Oh, dear." Wilkin waves his hands calling, "We're visitors. Visitors! Here to see the Corbeis on a professional matter. Please stand down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tMachinery whirrs as weapons arms are lowered. The [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] roll backwards, clearing the way.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shoot Wilkin a sidelong glance. "They always got this heavy security around here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The Corbeis have a lot of enemies. You get used to it." He sets of across the walkway at a hasty pace.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou follow, eyeing the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] all the way. One wrong move - or a faulty runtime - and they'll blast you to bits. Instead, they simply stand idly as you approach a large pair of sliding glass doors that lead to the Corbei Residence. A holo-sign projected on the glass asks visitors to: //Please step inside and announce your Arrival//.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t\t"So much for the front entrance," you mutter glacing around for alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sir, if I might suggest—" Jalkovski points to a narrow utility walkway that runs beneath the one you're on. "It would be quieter, Sir, and avoid unnecessary confrontation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say, wondering if that will lead to where you want to be.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tImpossible to tell but maybe worth the risk. Alternatively, you could just bite the bullet and deal with the damned [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] the hard way.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t\t"So much for the front entrance," you mutter glacing around for alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Boss, over there—" Fisher points to a narrow utility walkway that runs beneath the one you're on. "Probably leads inside too. And it's save us a run-in with those damned machines."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say, wondering if that will lead to where you want to be.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tImpossible to tell but maybe worth the risk. Alternatively, you could just bite the bullet and deal with the damned [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] the hard way.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t\t"So much for the friendly reception," you mutter glacing around for alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hey, down there—" Fabienne points to a narrow utility walkway that runs beneath the one you're on. "That'll maybe get us inside. And keep us out of those machines' way. Hopefully."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say, wondering if that will lead to where you want to be.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tImpossible to tell but maybe worth the risk. Alternatively, you could just bite the bullet and deal with the damned [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] the hard way.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>\n\t\t\t"So much for the simple burglary," you mutter, glacing around for alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Looks like there's access down there." Lag points to a narrow walkway that runs beneath the one you're on. "They got cams on that for sure. And by the doors. In and out clean's goona be tricky. Also, I pinged someone at [[Erkan-Corbei|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Erkan-Corbei Minerals Group"]] and they got nothin'. Hasn't been anyone from the corpo ever invited up here. So we ain't likely to get tech inside anytime soon."\n\n\t\t\t"This'll be tricky," you say, wondering how to best approach the situation.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAfter a long silence, Lag says, "It ain't impossible. Just riskier than usual an we gotta go primitive. Can do it right now. Get inside. I handle the secnet. You do whatever it is ya gotta do. We move fast, we're in and out in thirty mins tops."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod, considering your options. Blasting your way through the [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] doesn't strike you the logical choice. But it would work. That utility walkway on the other hand seems like a better access point.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>\n\t\t\t"So much for the front entrance," you mutter glacing around for alternatives.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Maybe down there, Boss." Pineapple points to a narrow utility walkway that runs beneath the one you're on. "Mean, we could just trash the machines too, but that might be safer."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say, wondering if that will lead to where you want to be.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tImpossible to tell but maybe worth the risk. Alternatively, you could just bite the bullet and deal with the damned [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] the hard way.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>"Too late for that..."<<else>>"Fucked if I know why but I believe you..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "kill">>"Too late for that."\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>You ram the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife into Miss Corbei's neck.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt slices through flesh and bone like butter. Blood squirts free, <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>dribbling down her black dress.<<else>>staining her white dress.<</if>> Her mouth opens for just a second before she collapses.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Idiot." You stare at her corpse. "Really, what the fuck did you think would happen?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no reply, not a sound to be heard at all. Corbei Tower is as quiet as the grave it has become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>You glance at Varai. "Execute her. Or I will."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] looks surprised. "That would be an unlawful use of force, <<formalname>>. The suspect poses no immediate threat and thus one ought to conduct—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then I'm conducting myself—" You ram the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife into Miss Corbei's neck. "—in accordance with whatever I'm sanctioned to do in self-defense."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs the woman falls, her throat cut open like a slab of meat, Varai says, "I do suppose it was unlikely she would have complied with the Law. Though, naturally, I shall have to make note of this in my report. Grave errors in procedure were made. I am certain you are aware this cannot go without consequence."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod in silence, gaze fixed on the corpse. Varai doesn't speak either. Corbei Tower is as quiet as the grave it has become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>You ram the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife into Miss Corbei's neck.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt slices through flesh and bone like butter. Blood squirts free, <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>dribbling down her black dress.<<else>>staining her white dress.<</if>> Her mouth opens for just a second before she collapses.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Loving Stars be thanked, Kid." Wilkin crawls out from beneath the desk. "An' I promise I won't tell no one of any of this. No one, just as long as ya don't say nothing 'bout me being here either. Deal?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod in silence, gaze fixed on the corpse. Wilkin doesn't speak either. Corbei Tower is as quiet as the grave it has become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>You nod to Jalkovski. "Kill her."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sir." He pulls the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA lone coilshot rings out, blowing a bloody hole clean through Miss Corbei's forehead. She falls, blood <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>dribbling down her black dress.<<else>>staining her white dress.<</if>> Jalkovski lowers his carbine, looking visibly relieved.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Idiot." You stare at her corpse. "Really, what the fuck did she think would happen?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no reply, not a sound to be heard at all. Corbei Tower is as quiet as the grave it has become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>You nod to Fisher. "Do it, kid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Boss." He pulls the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA clipped burst rings out, blasting bloody holes through Miss Corbei's chest. She collapses, blood <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>dribbling down her black dress.<<else>>staining her white dress.<</if>> Fisher lowers his assault rifle, shaking his head.br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Idiot." You stare at her corpse. "Really, what the fuck did she think would happen?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no reply, not a sound to be heard at all. Corbei Tower is as quiet as the grave it has become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>You ram the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife into Miss Corbei's neck.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tIt slices through flesh and bone like butter. Blood squirts free, <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>dribbling down her black dress.<<else>>staining her white dress.<</if>> Her mouth opens for just a second before she collapses.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Idiot." You stare at her corpse, then at Fabienne. "No stringing up internal organs or mutilating corpses though. Not here. Not now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] simply nods in reply. Nothing else makes a sound. Corbei Tower is as quiet as the grave it has become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>You nod to Pineapple. "You suggested it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, always gotte be me." He pulls the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA clipped burst rings out, blasting bloody holes through Miss Corbei's chest. She collapses, blood <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>dribbling down her black dress.<<else>>staining her white dress.<</if>> Pinapple lowers his assault carbine, regret written on his face.br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nasty business." You stare at her corpse. "But really. What did she think would happen?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's no reply, not a sound to be heard at all. Corbei Tower is as quiet as the grave it has become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<else>>"Fucked if I know why but I believe you." \t\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>You lower the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife. "Get out of here, Lady. Before I change my mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thank you! Thank you so very much. I am certain—" She hesitates, swallows, then nods. "I'll just go now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou watch her leave, <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>black gown swishing as she hastens<<else>>white gown swishing as she hastens<</if>> from the Library. Her footsteps soon fate into the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Shit," you mutter, wondering if you made a mistake.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut it's too late to change your mind now. The [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] dead and Corbei Tower as quiet as the grave it's become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>You glance at Varai. "[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]], stand down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVarai lookes shocked. "That is impossible, <<formalname>>. She is an enemy of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] by implication. She must be punished to the full extent allowed by Law."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"She's not threat to us so neither of us has the right to detain her." You lower the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife. "Get out of here, Lady. But you can be certain the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] will report this to the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thank you, Mister. Thank you so very much. I am certain—" She hesitates, swallows, then nods. "I'll just go now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Technically the appropriate course of action yet not at all in the spirit of the Law." Varai shakes her head. "I hope you are pleased with yourself, <<formalname>>. I for one am most certainly not."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you wants to retort but nothing comes to mind. So you just breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>You lower the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife. "Get out of here, Lady. Before I change my mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thank you, Mister. Thank you so very much. I am certain—" She hesitates, swallows, then nods. "I'll just go now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs she leaves, Wilkin crawls out from beneath the desk. "Are ya daft, kid? Ya just gonna let that wretch <<walk>> like that? After what she just did?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"More blood isn't worth it," you say though you can't help but wonder whether you made a mistake.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut it's too late to change your mind now. The [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] dead and Corbei Tower as quiet as the grave it's become - albeit only because Mr. Wilkin can't seem to find words to express the anger on his face. You ignore him, gaze drawn to the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>You nod to Jalkovski. "Let her go, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sir?" He hesitantly lowers his carbine. "Are you sure about this?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"She's no threat and enough blood's been spilt." You fix the terrified woman with a hard gaze. "Get the hell out of here. Before I change my mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thank you, Mister. Thank you so very much. I am certain—" She hesitates, swallows, then nods. "I'll just go now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou watch her leave, <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>black gown swishing as she hastens<<else>>white gown swishing as she hastens<</if>> from the Library. Her footsteps soon fate into the distance. Maybe this was a mistake after all.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut it's too late to change your mind now. The [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] dead and Corbei Tower as quiet as the grave it's become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>You nod to Fisher. "Let her go, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"What?" He keeps his rifle trained on Miss Corbei. "You really beleave that shit? For real?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No, but she's no threat and enough blood's been spilt." You fix the terrified woman with a hard gaze. "Get the hell out of here. Before I change my mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thank you, Mister. Thank you so very much. I am certain—" She hesitates, swallows, then nods. "I'll just go now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou watch her leave, <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>black gown swishing as she hastens<<else>>white gown swishing as she hastens<</if>> from the Library. Her footsteps soon fate into the distance. Maybe this was a mistake after all.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut it's too late to change your mind now. The [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] dead and Corbei Tower as quiet as the grave it's become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>You lower the [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] knife. "Get out of here, Lady. Before I change my mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thank you, Mister. Thank you so very much. I am certain—" She hesitates, swallows, then nods. "I'll just go now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs she leaves, Fabienne says, "Ah, Vine. You do realize she was a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], right? And that she isn't gonna just forget about this because you didn't slit her throat open."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"We'll see," you say, already fearing you made a big mistake.\n\n\t\t\tBut it's too late to change your mind now. The [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] dead and Corbei Tower as quiet as the grave it's become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>You nod to Pineapple. "Let's keep it civil here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sure thing, Boss." He keeps his carbine trained on Miss Corbei regardless. "No funny business now. We'll just be leavin'."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Agreed. Enough blood's been spilt." You fix the terrified woman with a hard gaze. "Get the hell out of here. Before I change my mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thank you, Mister. Thank you so very much. I am certain—" She hesitates, swallows, then nods. "I'll just go now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou watch her leave, <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>black gown swishing as she hastens<<else>>white gown swishing as she hastens<</if>> from the Library. Her footsteps soon fate into the distance. Maybe this was a mistake after all.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBut it's too late to change your mind now. The [[Djinn's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] dead and Corbei Tower as quiet as the grave it's become. You breathe a faint sigh and glance at the [[Djinn's knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]]. Might be worth keeping - if just to avoid leaving evidence behind.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "curious">>"Call me a curious..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "amvine">>"I'm Vine," you say...<<else>>"I have a few questions. Ith. And I sure hope you'll answer..."<</if>><<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "curious">>"Call me a curious party," you say, holding the [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] emrald gaze. "One who'd like to ask a few questions."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "amvine">>"I'm Vine," you say, holding the [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] emrald gaze. "I have questions."<<else>>"I have a few questions. Ith. And I sure hope you'll answer because <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>my patience is pretty worn at the moment.<<else>>I could really use some clear answers..<</if>>"<</if>>\n\n"Likewise." Ith prowls around you without making so much as a rustle. "We shall trade knowledge for knowledge, and so I ask: how might an insignificant mortal such as yourself come to know of my true face?"\n\n"Let's say a mutual aquiantance mentioned it." When Ith doesn't speak, you pose your question, "Why <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell <</if>>would a ten-thousand year old abomination that no one knows exist want to steal something from the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and risk revealing their existence?"\n\n"I stole nothing." The [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] stops behind you. Her icy breath tickles the back of your neck. "Pray tell: would you attempt to cause me harm were a chance to arrise?"\n\n"It's not me causing harm you should to be worried about." You turn to face the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. "Plain and simple. I'm the only thing standing between you and <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>a pissed off<<else>>an angry<</if>> [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] who's convinced you stole something that's real important to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>So you may want to skip the games.<<else>>So can we please talk?<</if>> Before it marches in here and ices both of us."\n\n"Corinthin." In a blink, Ith appears before you, a golden smirk curling her lips. "How quickly mortals reveal secrets. Typical. Yet I digress. The machine's dissatisfaction was anticipate. Your presence was not. So tell me: what is it you want to know, mortal?"<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "object">>"Okay, so being an ancient creature yourself, do you have..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "paladin">>"Okay then: what the hell happened between you..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "mauricio">>"Mauricio Winston. Died not long ago. Used to work for..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "object">>"Okay, so being an ancient creature yourself, do you have any <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn clue<<else>>idea<</if>> what Object 55316 is?"\n\n"I do not have the faintest idea." Ith's emrald-eyed stare doesn't waver. "What is Object 55316?"\n\n"An artefact that was stolen from the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. I know it's old and apparently came from a planet on the fringes called—" You check your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "—[[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]]. No one except Corinthin seems to know what by Eden it is and he isn't telling me."\n\n"Interesting", the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] says in her crystal-clear voice, "[[Quantus VII|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Quantus VII"]] was originally settled milleina ago and abandoned when the Empire of Man fell. If this artefact is of value to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] it is most likely a memory sphere containing digital records predating your infantile society."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake." You shake your head with a snort. "Seriously, I'm risking my life for prehistoric binary data."<<else>>"Oh, great." You hang your head. "Always wanted to risk my life for a bunch of prehistoric ones and zeroes."<</if>>\n\n"A misbegotten fate," Ith says. "I do not envy you, mortal."\n\n"Thanks for the vote of sympathy."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "mauricio">>"Mauricio Winston. Died not long ago. Used to work for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Apparently he got himself possessed. I'm told you're one of the few people who could do that. So have you ever heard of him?"\n\n"No." Ith prowls closer to you. "His brother, Raj, however spoke to me."\n\nYour eyes narrow. "What'd he want?"\n\n"Knowledge. We traded fairly. His secrets rest safe with me." \n\nYou rub your face. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Damn it, no. Let<<else>>"Let<</if>> me rephrase that: what exactly did you tell Raj? Because his brother <<if $chr_raj.met eq false>>was probably<<else>>got<</if>> possessed and Raj was <<if $chr_raj.met eq false>>killed<<else>>attacked<</if>> by a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. It all has to do with Object 55316 and, well, the only lead we have is you. So you'd better not tell me you told Raj how to possess his brother because—" \n\n"I did not," Ith says. <<if $action.action2 eq "true">>"Why do you believe I would?"\n\n"Apparently Mauricio stole the Object. While possessed. By someone. I assumed you. Now..." You shrug. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck, I dunno. It doesn't make any damn sense."<<else>>"I don't know. None of this makes any sense."<</if>><<else>>"Nor do I know of Object 55316. What is it?"\n\n"No <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"fucking clue<<else>>idea<</if>> but it's important to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and apparently Mauricio stole it. While possessed. By someone. I assumed you. Now..." You shrug. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck, I dunno. It doesn't make any damn sense."<<else>>"I don't know. None of this makes any sense."<</if>><</if>>\n\n"I have not influenced a mortal many millenia," Ith says stoically.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You roll your eyes. "Yeah, you're a great help. Really. Thanks."<<else>>You purse your lips. "Well, that's some good news at least."<</if>><<elseif $action.action5 eq "paladin">>"Okay then: what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> did Corinthin do to you? And why am I speaking to you instead of that tin can?"\n\n"We traded knowledge. I believed we traded fairly. Yet my senses decieved me. The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] betrayed my trust." Ith growls under her breath. "I would not mourn its destruction."\n\n"Join the club," you mutter. Ith stares at you intently. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You snort. "Shit, okay. Last time I met the bastard it almost turned me into holy goo. It's a fucking miracle I got out in one piece."<<else>>You explain, "Last time I ran into that machine it almost turned me into holy goo. It's a miracle I survive."<</if>>\n\n"Quite." Ith prowls around you. "A mere mortal who survives an encounter with Corinthin. The oldest and most despicable of all the killing machines. That is knowledge I would trade for." Her snow-white fur brushes against your leg. "Perhaps one could even convince me to part with more than mere knowledge."\n\n"Secuced by a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]." You run a hand through her fur. "Sounds exciting but I'll pass." You force a smile. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I prefer the company of my contemporaries."<<else>>"Sorry, sweetheart. I need barganing chips for down the road."<</if>>\n\n"Should you ever change your mind—" She nestles against your side and brushes her lips against your ear. Suppressing a smile, you ease her lionesque bulk away. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] prowls back to her spot before you. "Playful. For a mortal."\n\n"Glad to oblige," <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>you say with a smirk.<<else>>reply evenly.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Actually, I just wanted to..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_sirenssong_sphinx.png"]]</div>"Actually, I came to speak to Ith," you say as you make your way toward the door at the back of the bar. \n\nThe circular room beyond looks exactly like it used to. Flickering candles set in alcoves along the walls cast warm light across a thin mat woven from some crystalline material that covers the entire floor. In the center of the room, on a cushioned pedestal, lies the strangest creaute you've ever seen. Its head resembles that of a woman though it has clearly been fashioned from pure gold and stirkes you a decidedly synthetic construct. The remainder of its body however is definitely biological, resembling a slender lion with a thick, white coat. \n\n<<if $chr_ith.toldSecret>>"Oh, you." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] stares blankly. "Why are you wasting my time now, biological?"<<elseif $chr_ith.madeFriend>>"Vine." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] hops from its pedestal and musters you with emerald eyes half-hidden by golden eyelids. "How nice of you to drop by. Do you vist for business? Or for pleasure?"<<else>>"The biological again." [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] hops from its pedestal and musters you with emerald eyes half-hidden by golden eyelids. "What secrets do we come to trade today? What secrets indeed, I wonder."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>he nonbie guides you into a private room in the back...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nThe nonbie guides you into a private room in the back of the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]. A muted pulsebeat fills the dimly-lit room. You let the nonbie show you to a bed against the far wall and sit down. The nonbie sits beside you, crosses its legs, and strokes your thigh. You smile a little. It smiles back. "You're an odd <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>fellow<<else>>one<</if>>, do you know that?"\n\nYou chuckle. "I've been called a lot of things. Odd isn't one of them."\n\n"Then consider this a new experience." A hand touch the back of your head and draws you closer. Mismatched lips press against yours. They taste warm and delicate on one side, rough and cracked on the other. As the nonbie draws away, it whispers, "An experience you won't soon forget."\n\n"Most likely not," you say as the nonbie slips a hand under your <<armortype>>. Gooseflesh spreads as its long nails trace your spine. You breathe a deep sigh. The nonbie kisses your neck and scoots around behind you. Experienced hands massage your shoulders, kneading flesh and loosening tension you didn't even know whas there. Blissful relief spreads through your body and you moan ever so faintly. "Fuck."\n\n"Does it hurt?" The nonbie says. When you shake your head, he breathes a sigh. "I almost feared. But it feels good?"\n\n"Very," you murmur and close your eyes, more than welcome to enjoy this unusual pleasure.\n\nSure, it isn't sexual in nature, but it feels just as good - better maybe. As the nonbie massages down your back, you feel your body relax, your muscles freed of their tension and your limbs hanging limp. The nonbie kisses your neck again and eases you onto your chest with skilled hands.\n\n"Do not be surprised," it says as its fingers trace your ass crack. \n\nFor a brief moment, you tense. Then its fingers resume their massage and you can't help but let the nonbie take control of your body, to steer your emotions and guide your desires with delicate touches and precise application of pressure. Before long, you drift into a trancelike state. All you can feel are the fingers on your body, touches that neither tickle nor arouse, merely satisfy in a way you can't even begin to understand. There's no lust, no desire to the act, not even love or pleasure, simply gratification on a level your limited conscience can't comprehend. \n\nFor the longest time you drift in that world of bliss, content to enjoy what the nonbie to right called an experience like no other. In an odd way, it's deeper, more sensual than the best love you've ever felt. At the same time it's completely devoid of emotion and entirely superficial. There's no attempt to reach out to you, merely an act that pleases you from the secluded distance that every nonbie keeps. Eventually however the sensation dwindles. Physical realits returns and you open your eyes. The nonbie runs a long nail along the back of neck. "Enlightening?"\n\n"Yeah. I—" You breathe a deep sigh. "I can't words."\n\nThe nonbie chuckles. "It is good to know you're satisfied." <<if not $sexPhases.toldCatStory>>A finger traces down your spine. "I wished to ask. Would you be willing to provide me with a gift in return?"\n\n"Mhh." You roll onto your back and rest your head on the nonbie's leg, looking up at its mismatched face from below. "And what'd that be?"\n\n"You mentioned prior experiences earlier." It risks a smile. "I am curious. If it is not too much to ask."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>The cat eases you into a private room in the back...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nThe cat eases you into a private room in the back of the [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]]. A muted pulsebeat fills the dimly-lit room. You let the cat guide you to a bed against the far wall and sit down. The feline hops up beside you. Soft fingers pull your <<armortype>> off. She rubs her fur against your skin and climbs onto your lap, gently writhing on your crotch. Her lips curl into the sweetest smile, "That feel nice, baby?"\n\n"Mhhm." You wrap your arms around the cats's waist, digging your fingers into her fur. \n\nThe girl purrs and presses her breasts against your naked <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>chest<<else>>breasts<</if>>. The sensation is decidedly unusual but none the less exciting. There's something about the fur against your skin, that slight tickling sensation when she presses herself against you, that makes you <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>hard<<else>>wet<</if>>. Not pulse-pounding lust and <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>throbbing cock hard<<else>>too aroused to think<</if>> but more delicate and sensual. The way she moves, the caution of her touch and softness of her body, those entice the imagination in ways few others can. You just have to feel comfortably at ease with the kitten. There's no way not to, not with someone so adorably sweet. The thought alone makes you smile.\n\nThe cat smiles back. "You look like you're feeling more at home."\n\n"I am," you mutter as the girl strokes your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>cock<<else>>pussy<</if>>. "Hard not to around you."\n\nShe grins and claws at your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>chest<<else>>breasts<</if>> ever so slightly. You breathe a faint sigh. The girl slows her writhing and, before you know it, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>slides you inside her. At first it feels a bit odd. But when she starts riding you, it's all too easy to forget she's not even human. Her gentle touch and soft moans could be those of any other girl. Only the silky brush against your crotch when she presses herself down hints that she isn't.<<else>>slides a finger into you. At first it feels a bit odd but the longer she plays the easier it is to forget she isn't even human. Her gentle touch and soft moans could be those of any other girl. Only the silky brush against your skin when she presses herself closer hints that she isn't.<</if>> But that doesn't matter. She makes you feel good. Better than most girls you've had, actually. There's no urgency, no burning lust or bubbling desire driving you to take the girl, just a air of calm that sweeps you away, into a world of gentleness very unlike the harsh, violent reality you're used to.\n\nAs the kitten rises to her full height, rubbing a little faster, a gentle buzz washes your mind blank. It's all too easy to drift away, to set aside your past and enjoy her body for what it is, hybrid or not. She's just too sweet and gentle, too cute not to adore. And the way she makes love is impossible not to like. There's no rush to the act, no urgency or need for immediate gratification. Hell, you wouldn't mind if she took all the time in the world, played for as long as she wanted to. \n\nBut that's not a realistic option. For one, you can't affort that much time. For another, all the softness and cuddles become too much to handle over. An uncomfortable shiver runs down your spine. \n\n"I'm sorry." you ease the kitten off you with a muttered, "I can't."\n\n"That's okay, baby." The cat curls up on your chest with a content purr. "It was nice."\n\n"Yeah," you admit, absently stroking her back. A comfortable silence fills the room. You smile to yourself, savioring the warm afterglow while it lasts. It just too nice, lying there with the warm, cuddly feline snuggled close. Even if it isn't complely real, you can pretend it is - for a while.<<if not $sexPhases.toldCatStory>>\n\nEventually the cat lifts her head and murmurs, "You know, baby, you never told me that story."\n\nYour lips twitch. "What? You really meant that when you said wanted to hear it?"\n\n"Of course." She strokes your <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>chest<<else>>breasts<</if>> with a furry hand. "But only if you're comfortable." She smiles dreamily. "I want you to be happy."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "doSnipe">>You ready your...<<else>>You take the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "doSnipe">>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou ready your <<rifle>>, crack the breech, and slide a tungsten round into the chamber. By the time you bring the rifle up, the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] are blinking warning holograms in the air.\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>\n\t\t<<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>\n\t\tYou unsling your <<rifle>>, flip the selector to subsonic, and bring the rifle up. On the far side of the walkway, the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] are blinking warning holograms in the air.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>"Easy now."\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>"<<formalname>>," Varai says firmly. "You cannot seriously believe it is within your legal rights—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Can it, woman."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"Got your back, Sir," Jalkovski says, bringing his carbine up and chambering a round.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>"Ready when you are, Boss," Fisher says, bringing his rifle up and chambering a round.<br><br>\n\t\t\t"Good."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"Oh, this'll make a pretty fireworks display," Fabienne says, sliding a knife into her hand.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It better."\t\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>"Babe, I don't like this," Lag says. "You go merc on me, I'm hangin' back. Clear?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You said get you inside. I can do that."\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"Got ya covered, Boss." Pineapple raises his carbine up and chambers a round.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Good."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tYou settle the aimpoint on the first machine's optical unit, and put pressure on the trigger.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] remains comically still in your sights so you squeeze.\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a ear-shattering boom, sending a bright red bolt lancing across the walkway. Metal explodes with a loud boom, sending shrapnel flying in every direction. The bot collapses with a dull thud.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>>Your <<rifle>> recoils with a soft puff, quickly followed by half a dozen more. On the far side of the walkway, the bot jerks and twitches, sparks flying from its circuits, and collapses with a dull thud.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tThe other machine surges forward, weapon arms aimed in your direction. No time to think. It's kill or be killed. \n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "utilitywalk">>You take the stairs down to the utility walkway and, careful not to miss a step, inch across it. Grated plates creak underfoot. Wind ruffles your hair. Above, the [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] hum irritably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>"Nice and easy now," you mutter, approaching the sealed hatch at the far end of the walkway.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>"This is a terrible idea," Varai murmurs, inching along behind you.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Just shut up already," you growl, approaching the sealed hatch at the far end of the walkway.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"Damned," Jalkovski murmurs as his boot slips.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Take it easy, man," you say, nearing the sealed hatch at the far end of the walkway.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>"Ohh, I hate heights," Fisher murmurs. "Fuck. I really do."<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"Don't look down then," you say, nearing the sealed hatch at the far end of the walkway.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"Well, this is new," Fabienne says, creeping along behind you. "Wonder how far down it is?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I really don't wanna know," you say, nearing the sealed hatch at the far end of the walkway.<br><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>"Nasty drop here," Lag says, creeping along behind you. "Don't look down, babe."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Don't tempt me," you say, nearing the sealed hatch at the far end of the walkway.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"Nice fiew from up here," Pineapple says, glancing out over the core region.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Try not to take too close a look," you reply, nearing the sealed hatch at the far end of the walkway.<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\tIt's sealed by several shielded mag-clamps attached to a holo-pad. There's no obvious way to force it open - at least not without killing yourself in the process. <<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>But Lag quickly finds a jack and plugs in. The mag-clamps release a second or two later.<<else>>But you do find a jack and plug your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] in, hoping you might be able to bypass the lock mechanism.<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You decide to...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou decide to \n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "keep">>keep the [[knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]] and \n\t<<else>>leave the [[knife|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "corsair knife"]] and\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>leave the library, headed toward the front doors. Your footsteps patter on the carpeted floor, echoing eerily in the otherwise silent house.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Creepy place," you mutter as you reach the front doors.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pause and look back one last time. But there's no reason to linger. Your job is done and it's time you...\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>leave the library, headed toward the front doors with Varai in tow. Your footsteps patter on the carpeted floor, echoing eerily in the otherwise silent house.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you near the front doors, Varai says, "I may have been mistaken, <<formalname>>. Not about your inability to perform according to Law but in the dangers and stresse your job poses."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Glad you're starting to see it my way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You misunderstand." She stops, an earnest look on her face. "I shall take the stresses of your work environment into consideration yet do not expect me to overlook your antics. I maintain that your conduct is unprofessional and your sanction as a hunter questionable at best."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you say so." You pass through the main doors and...\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>leave the library, headed toward the front doors with Wilkin in tow. Your footsteps patter on the carpeted floor, echoing eerily in the otherwise silent house.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you near the front doors, Wilkin says, "I think I owe ya a bit of an explanation, kid. About me an' the Corbeis. Just in case ya hear how I got mixed up in this shit from someone else first."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Lemme guess: you were the middle man." When Wilkin nods, you scoff. "Typical."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I didn't know what it was, kid. Just another business deal. Only found out later what I'd got my neck mixed up in." He shoots you an apologetic look. "I shoulda told ya, yeah? I really shoulda. But I was lookin' out for my own interests. You do understand, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou just nod as you pass through the main doors and...\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>leave the library, headed toward the front doors with Jalkovski in tow. Your footsteps patter on the carpeted floor, echoing eerily in the otherwise silent house.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you near the front doors, Jalkovski says, "Sir, if you don't mind, I was wondering what that sphere was you found."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Better you don't know, man. No offense. But it's got enough people in deep shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course, Sir. Forget I asked."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod in response as you pass through the main doors and...\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>leave the library, headed toward the front doors with Fisher in tow. Your footsteps patter on the carpeted floor, echoing eerily in the otherwise silent house.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you near the front doors, Fisher says, "Boss, no offense, but I gotta ask: what the hell was that silver thingy you picked up before?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Don't ask, man. No offense. It's just got enough people in deep shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh. Okay."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod in reply as you pass through the main doors and...\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>leave the library, headed toward the front doors with Fabienne in tow. Your footsteps patter on the carpeted floor, echoing eerily in the otherwise silent house.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you near the front doors, she grabs an ornate vase off one of the tables. "Think I might just keep this, y'know? In case I need credits down the line. And this too." She nabs a small, gilded box.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sticky fingers, eh?" You chuckle.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only sometimes. And only from folks I don't know to leave well enough alone." Fabienne winks.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Somehow I feel lucky." You pass through the main doors and...\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>leave the library, headed toward the front doors with Fisher in tow. Your footsteps patter on the carpeted floor, echoing eerily in the otherwise silent house.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs you near the front doors, Pineapple says, "So, we done here, Boss?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I hope so. Seriously. This whole situation's been a nightmare."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Can imagine. And, yeah, jus' so ya know. I've already forgotten everythin' that's gone down here."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod in reply as you pass through the main doors and...\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>Your lips twitch...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\nYour lips twitch. <<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "corinthingo">>"Honestly, I think this is more something up the [[Order's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] alley. Send Corinthin. Way less chance of failure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>"Impossible. Pretense for intervention by the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is nonexistant. You are our only asset. Do not attempt to argue." Corinthin places a hand on Zweili's shoulder. \n\t\t<<else>>"Unfortunately, that is impossible. There is no pretense for intervention. You are the only possible choice and, should you truly intend to break the terms of your employ, I would be forced to punish you under our laws. Thus I implore you to do as we ask and simply return the Object to us." Zweili stands with a grunt.\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "doit">>"Okay, I'll do it. Only question is: what do you want me to do with the artefact once I find it?"<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>"Return it. Fulfill your contract. No more." Corinthin places a hand on Zweili's shoulder. \n\t\t<<else>>"Simply return it to us and your contract shall be considered fulfilled in all terms, just as you asked." Zweili stands with a grunt. \n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whyshould">>"Okay, just one question: why<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the fuck<</if>> should I do this for you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>"Pretense is given. It is logical. Alternative options are nonexistant: no other asset is available and I cannot invervene. That is all." Corinthin places a hand on Zweili's shoulder. \n\t\t<<else>>"Sad though it is to say, because you are the logical choice and, should you not agree, I would be forced to punish you under our laws. Thus I implore you to do as we ask and simply return the Object to us." Zweili stands with a grunt.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>"Father. <<if $chr_varai.alive>>The [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] shall detain until further notice.<<else>>Allow Brother Verillius to escort you to detention<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>Varai shoots the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] a bitter look but leads Zweili away, saying, "I am certain this will only be temporary, Father. That fool's accusations will never stand."<<else>>The Brother nods. "I shall see to it at once, my Lord."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tAs they depart, Corinthin steps up beside you.\n\n\t<<else>>"Now, I have other matters to attend to. Proviced they do not require me at the Chapel, I shall be in my quarters, should anyone wish to discuss matters in private."<br><br>\n\n\t\tAs he and <<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai<<else>>Brother Verillius<</if>> depart, Corinthin steps up beside you.\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "corinthin">>"Prior accusations regardless, we must speak.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>"Unwise to challenge Zweili so openly. Yet currently secondary.\n\t<<else>>"Human.\n\t<</if>> Know that the Clergy's solution to the current situation is short-sighted. It is possible you are aware. Likely not. Irrelevant. Do not return the Object to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. It is too dangerous to be allowed to exist. Instead, we shall convene at the [[B40 Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] once your assignment is complete."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>"Okay," you say, wondering if this is even a good idea. "Why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is sensible. Do not question." Corinthin turns, causing his cloak to swish, and strides from the room with even steps.\n\t<<else>>"I doubt Zweili would appreciate that," you say darkly. "What's your angle?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Duty. Preservation of the galaxy. Do not question." Corinthin turns, causing his cloak to swish, and strides from the room with even steps.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou say, <<nobr>>\n\n<<set $job_conspiracy.locationDecision = $action.action2>>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "corbei">>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true>>\n\t\t"I have a good source that claims it's in the possession of the Corbei family.<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 5>> Plus, one of the conspirators I tracked down had data that suggested the same.<</if>>"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Data retrieved from one of the conspirators i tracked down suggested it ended up in the hands of the Corbei family. Not quite certain how that happened but it's the most conclusive lead I got."\n\t<</if>>\n\t<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"The Corbei family?" [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai looks intrigued. "Can you corroberate this?"\n\t<<else>>"Are you certain?" Brother Verillius looks dubious "Can you corroberate this claim?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"I can," Corinthin drones. "It corrolates with my results. I believe the artfact is indeed in the possession of a member of the Corbei Family."\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "wilkin">>"I'm not sure but I know it passed through Mr. Wilkin's hands at some point."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"We know that," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says flatly. "We wish to know where it is now."\n\t<<else>>"Most intriguingm" Brother Verillius says. "Do you have any idea where it might have ended up?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"To elaborate," Corinthin drones. "Investigative efforts suggest it was passed on to the Corbei family. The mention of Xaviar Wilkin merely confirms what was already suspected."\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "djinn">>"No idea. I just know that there's a solid lead that connects a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] to whoever has it."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"We were already told thus," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says flatly. "We wish to know where it is now. Do you have any idea?"\n\t<<else>>"Corinthin insinuated a similar connection," Brother Verillius says. "Do you have any idea who might control it?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Marginally," Corinthin drones. "Investigative efforts suggest it was passed on to the Corbei family. There are no sources to confirm this at present, yet evidence is almost conclusive."\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "namaz">>\n\n\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 and ($job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true)>>"I think a [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] hiding in the Corbei family has it.\n\t<<else>>"I'm not quite certain but I think it's in the possession of a [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"You cannot be serious," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says. "A [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]? What madness is this?"\n\t<<else>>"A most worrying claim," Brother Verillius says. "I was under the impression such [[Demons|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] were mere myths."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"It is likely," Corinthin drones. "Investigative efforts suggest it was passed by Mr. Xaviar Wilkin, through another, to the Corbei family. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 and ($job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true)>>The hunter's testimony only corroberates what I already suspected beyond reasonable doubt.<<else>>There are no sources to confirm this at present, yet evidence is almost conclusive.<</if>> That a [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] should be involved is merely... ironic."\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "athena">>"No clue, honestly. All I can say for certain is that [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] is involved."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"In other words, you know nothing." [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai breathes a sigh. "Remind me why we are relying on this person's testimony?"\n\t<<else>>"I see," Brother Verillius says. "Though I dare say this claim is rather, ah, broad and unspecific."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"One could extrapolate based on prior patterns," Corinthin drones. "The Corbei family was involved. There is also a connection to [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]], which is in line with expected patterns. There are no sources to confirm this relation at present but evidence is conclusive."\n\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "notknow">>"I have absolutely no idea. I don't wanna point fingers without proof so, yeah, no solid lead."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"In other words, you are useless." [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai breathes a sigh. "Remind me why we are relying on this person's testimony?"\n\t<<else>>"I see," Brother Verillius says. "So we know no more than we did before."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Only what was previously mentioned in closed circle," Corinthin drones. "Pattern analysis suggest the item was passed on to the Corbei family. It is yet unfonfirmed but likey given what we have determined so far."\n\n<</if>><br><br>\n\nZweili nods slowly. "That indeed seems to be the case. Which brings us to the unfortunate matter of what should be done. <<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili" or $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision eq "zweili_convicted">>I abstain from making my oppinion known on behalf of the earlier accusations against myself, however the course of action appears clear.<<else>>I believe the course of action is clear. The artefact must be recovered and the presence of this [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]<<if $action.action2 eq "namaz">>, not to mention the possibility of a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]],<</if>> offers ample pretense."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"You mean to send <<formalname>>?" Verei looks shocked. "Truly? This is the best that we can do? Send an amateur?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"The biological will suffice."\n\t<<else>>"Indeed." Brother Verillius draws a deep breath. "I have already made my position clear yet the situation is dire enough to warrant an exception."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Agreed."\n\t<</if>>\n\t\tCorinthin fixes you with a faceless stare. "Presence of an abomination excuses your intervention, biological. Visit the Corbei residence on Level B3. Retrieve the artefact. Should you require transportation or assistance, I am certain your biological aquaintances might assist. <<if $chr_varai.alive>>Alternatively, one could request assistance from the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]].<</if>> That is all."\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>After a moment's consideration...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nAfter a moment's consideration, you say, <<nobr>>\n\n<<set $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision = $action.action1>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "zweili" or $action.action1 eq "zweili_convicted">>"Unfortunately, Father, it was you."<br><br>\n\nUneasy silence haunts the room. Corinthin stares blankly. <<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai<<else>>Brother Verillius<</if>> looks horrified.<br><br>\n\nZweili breathes a sigh. "Very well. Based on what evidence do you make this accusation?"<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.ottoRewardPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t"Hard data obtained from a source I'd prefer remain unnamed," you say, placing a data stick containing Otto's files on the table. "This proves Father Zweili was part of the conspiracy to steal Object 55316, among other crimes. He orchastrated events from the very beginning, hiding behind others, and hired me in the hopes that our friendship would stop me from pointing the finger at the culprit everyone else already suspects."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"Are you mad?" [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai stands, livid. "You would accuse Father Zweili? After all he has done for you? For the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]? Can you not see you that with such a statement you become a pawn of our foes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I'm just doing my job," you snap back. "As you should be in light of this, [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"A fair point," Zweili says evenly. "And your accusation stands, Vine. I shall voluntarily submit to investigation once this meeting is ajourned."\n\t\t<<else>>"This is a very serious accusation," Brother Verillius says slowly. "It would need to be examined, verified, and brought before the [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]. And you do understand what this means for you, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I am," you say earnestly. "However, the pursuit of justice comes before all else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Justice." Zweili scoffs. "But the accusation stands. I voluntarily submit to investigation once this meeting is ajourned."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.antiProofRead>>\n\t\t"Hard data that proves you were in league with Mr. Xaviar Wilkin and knew not only that the Object was removed, but in fact had intended to purchase it from him." You place a data stick containing Marisa's files on the table. "See for yourselves. I think these records speak for themself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"Are you mad?" [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai stands, livid. "The Father only wished to reclaim the Object, I am certain!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "Open your eyes, woman. How the fuck would he have even known unless he was involved? From the very start. And even if it doesn't, then at the very least you should be fucking looking into the accusation. That's your damned job, isn't it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"He makes a fair point." Zweili shoots you a dark look. "I contest the allegations, of course. Yet the accusation stands. I voluntarily submit to investigation once this meeting is ajourned."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"I would postulate," Brother Verillius says slowly, "that this merely proves Father Zweili attempted to reaquire the Object by all means possible."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou shrug. "Maybe. Maybe not. At any rate, it should be looked into. And I refuse to believe it's in anyone's interest to have Father Zweili involved in this investigation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Interest you say." Zweili scoffs. "But the accusation stands. I voluntarily submit to investigation once this meeting is ajourned."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.junoProofRead>>\n\t\t"Hard data that proves you were in league with whoever launched the attack on Wilkin's establishment. Conspiracy to assault believers. Collusion with theophobic elements. It's all there." You place a data stick containing the fanatic's files on the table. "See for yourselves. I think these records speak for themself."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"Are you mad?" [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai stands, livid. "The Father is not the foe we seek. With certainty!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "I give you probable proof that Zweili's a suspect and you throw it in my face? Is that standard [[Commisariat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] procedure?" You laugh. "No wonder they got away with the Object without a trace. You're ignoring all the evidence in favor of personal sentiment."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"He makes a fair point." Zweili shoots you a dark look. "I contest the allegations, of course. Yet the accusation stands. I voluntarily submit to investigation once this meeting is ajourned."\n\t\t<<else>>"I would suggest," Brother Verillius says slowly, "that the authenticity of these records be examined before we make any further judgement."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "Obviously. But I don't think it's in anyone's interest to have a potential suspect involved in this investigation."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Interest you say." Zweili scoffs. "But the accusation stands. I voluntarily submit to investigation once this meeting is ajourned."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t"Nothing concrete, fortunately for you. But I've seen what you've been up to. It isn't right. Not for someone in your position. And no one else is saying it so I gotta: the very fact you hired me kinda proves you were involved, hoping our friendship would avoid me saying what everyone else is already thinking."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"Unsubstantial," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says. "This accusation will not stand even if it is true, which I doubt."\n\t\t<<else>>"An unsubstantiated claim," Brother Verillius says. "It would not stand even if it were true, which I am critical of."\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tCorinthin nods. "That is so. Acrel, this was far-fetched even for you. I reccomend we simply strike all mention of this from the record."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Agreed," Zweili says. "Baseless accusations serve no one.\n\t<</if>>\n\n/% ################################### %/\n/% WITCH BLOCK %/\n/% ################################### %/\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresi">>"It was a witch. Presumably a renegade who was once part of [[Coven Eresi|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]].\n\n\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.marisa eq true) and $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\tI have good reason to believe she was in league with a [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]. Yeah, it sounds crazy, but that's where the evidence points. She tried to have Raj killed and slaughtered her former [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], most likely both attempts at covering up her involvement."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tI can't trace a straight line from her to Mauricio but I'm fairly certain she tried to kill Raj Winston. And I know beyond doubt she had her former [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] exterminated, most likely both attempts to cover up her involvement."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai raises an eyebrow. "And you have proof of this, yes?"\n\t<<else>>Brother Verillius nods. "And you can prove this with substantial evidence, I assume?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Unnecessary," Corinthin drones. "These findings corrolate with my findings, which are substantiated beyond any doubt, <<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]<<else>>Brother<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai soffs. "Unnecessary? Do you have any respect for the proper prosecution of the—"<br><br>\n\n\t"Do not even attempt to lecture me, biological." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] leans on the table, droning, "You of all people ought know that this predicament cannot be solved within the realms of [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Or do you mean to imply the culprits should be allowed to <<walk>> free simply because it conflicts with your procedure and pragmatisim, [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]]? Is that what your words betray?"\n\n\t<<else>>Brother Verillius scowls. "With all due respect, Paladin, that may not suffice before the Court of Eden."<br><br>\n\n\t"The Court is irrelevant. Even if a conviction could be made, our foes are too elusive to handle within the realms of [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] leans on the table, droning, "Consider your words carefully, Brother. Or do you imply you wish those responsible to go unpunished?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"Corinthin, please," Zweili says. "We can discuss specifics later.\n\n/% ################################### %/\n/% OTTO BLOCK %/\n/% ################################### %/\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "otto">>"It was the work of a certain Lord Otto Vindell as far as I can tell. Not quite sure what his game was but it definitely involved the Object, probably to use as leverage against the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] but that's pure speculation.\n\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill" or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13>>Good news is he was an abomination and I already elimiated it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"Without first obtaining permission?" [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai looks horrified. "Loving Stars, do you think you are allowed by Law to simply kill anyone, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"He is sanctioned by law to terminate any abomination," Corinthin drones. "I applaud the biological's initiative."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>"I see." Brother Verillius scowls. "Unfortunate, he cannot now be brought in for questioning. Yet I suppose you were merely doing your job."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Concured," Corinthin drones. "I applaud the biological's initiative."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t"As do I," Zweili agrees. "Crude, perhaps, but we now have one less problem to deal with.\n\t<<else>>He's still alive last I checked but he's an abomination and deserves to be terminated."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"You knew this and let it live?" [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai looks indignant. "Are you or are you not a sanctioned hunter, <<formalname>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I didn't want to do anything hasty," you reply.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Justly so," Father Zweili says. "I shall ensure a hunter is dispatched as soon as reasonably possible.\n\t\t<<else>>"He shall be dealt with then," Brother Verillius says evenly. "I applaud you for not simply executing this man on the spot however. It would have caused unfortunate entanglement and disallowed questioning by more, ah, qualified members of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I disagree," Corinthin drones. "It should have been exterminated."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It shall be yet," Father Zweili says. "I shall ensure a hunter is dispatched as soon as reasonably possible.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n/% ################################### %/\n/% PALADIN BLOCK %/\n/% ################################### %/\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corinthin">>"Best I can tell, it was the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Corinthin. It was present when the artefact disappeared. <<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2>>I have reason to believe he's been tied to unfortunate events surrounding the Object since it was discovered.<</if>> And it's meddling in my investigation has been more a hindrance than a help."<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"An accusation I have heard also," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says. "Do you have proof?"\n\t<<else>>"A curious accusation, considering Corinthin pursues the same goal as you," Brother Verillius says. "Do you have proof?"\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tYou shake your head. "Not more than my word, unfortunately. But the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] has been there every time anything related to the Object happened. It's too much to be sheer coincidence."<br><br>\n\n\t"Which is misguided," Corinthin drones. "Understandable, from a biological perspecive, yet still incorrect. I shall let it pass due to your inferior mental capacity."<br><br>\n\n\tZweili chuckles. "Despite what I may have claimed, I see no proof that Corinthin was involved either.\n\n/% ################################### %/\n/% NO IDEA BLOCK %/\n/% ################################### %/\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notknow">>"I don't know. There's a bunch of suspects but no one that evidence points to beyond all doubt. So I can't tell you more, just that Mauricio Winstion was coerced by pheromonal influence, and that it somehow involved [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. Sorry."<br><br>\n\n<<if $chr_varai.alive>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai's expression darkens. "That is the best you can do, <<formalname>>? Prove what we already know and no more?"<br><br>\n\n"Unless you want me to wrongfully accuse someone, yeah."<<else>>Brother Verillius scowls. "That is all, <<formalname>>? You can provide no details whatsoever?"<br><br>\n\n"Not unless you want me to wrongfully accuse someone, which I doubt."<br><br><</if>>\n\nZweili shakes his head. "Best we not make hasty judgements.<</if>>\n\nNow let us turn to the next matter.\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "zweili" or $action.action1 eq "zweili_convicted">>Obviously, I do not possess the artefact, so where do you believe it is?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "eresi">>Given that you did not recover the artefact from the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], where do you believe it is?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "otto">>Given that you did not recover the artefact from Lord Vindell, where do you believe it is?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "corinthin">>Evidently Corinthin does not possess the artefact, so where do you believe it is?"\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notknow">>Do you know where the artefact is?"\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say, "I've poked around..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_meetingroom.png"]]</div>You say, "I've poked around as much as I can. I'm ready."\n\nCorinthin nods curtly. "Excellent. Come."\n\nThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] strides along the hallway, headed for the door at the small end. It leads to a small, circular chamber with ornately engraved walls and a round table surrounded by six chairs. The decorations depcit a religious fable that revolves around a believer who befriends a lion on a faraway planet <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>but that's all you can tell. It isn't relevant to your beliefs anyways, so the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] can keep their carvings and fables. You prefer to deal with the cold, harsh truth of life: death claims all.<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>and whatnot. It's the sort of thing you've come to expect of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]; wisdom hidden in parabole rather than delivered directly.<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>- the Fable of Simbawa perhaps. You vaguely recall having heard of it when you were young but can't remember the signifiance.<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>- typical faith crap. Whatever the hell it's supposed to mean is all but irrelevant, just like the damned [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] soon will be.<<else>>but you don't know what it's supposed to mean. Raj would probably know but he's <<if $chr_raj.alive>>not around<<else>>dead<</if>>. Not that it matters either way.<</if>> \n\n"Patience." Corinthin stands at one end of the table, arms folded. "They shall arrive shortly."\n\nBefore you can ask who 'they' is, Father Zweili and <<if $chr_varai.alive>><<if $chr_varai.met>>[[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai<<else>>a woman in a green uniform<</if>><<else>>a man in a dark blue robe<</if>> enter the room. They barely glance at Corinthin as they take their places at the table.\n\n"Vine." Zweili gestures to a free chair. "Please, sit. <<if $chr_varai.alive>><<if $chr_varai.met>>You are aquainted with [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai I believe.<<else>>This is [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai, another party involved in the investigation.<</if>><<else>>Brother Verillius, another party tangentially involved in the investigation.<</if>> <<if $chr_varai.alive>>She is here to present testimony of her own<<else>>He is here to present testimony of his own<</if>>. The focus of this assembly remains unchanged: to determine what has happened to Object 55316."\n\n<<if $chr_varai.alive>>"There are two questions in particular which concern me," Varai says. "What transpired before the theft and who is responsible for this heinous blasphemy."<<else>>"We intend to examine two questions in particular," Brother Verillius says. "What happened before the Object disappeared and who is responsible for this unfortunate ordeal."<</if>>\n\nZweili nods curtly. "We shall tackle these topics, beginning with what transpired prior to the theft. As we all know thanks to the efforts of [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin, Mauricio Winston was coerced into stealing the artefact from the Vault. The question is, Vine, who your investigation has revealed was behind Mauricio's involuntary actions."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You follow [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin through the blue-tinted doors, into...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_inside.png"]]</div>You follow [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin through the blue-tinted doors, into a column-lined hallway with half a dozen doors on either side. Clerics dressed in long, white robes are standing about, talking in low voices. Some are holding data pads. Others merely conversed with hands clasped before their chests. <<if ($equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress") and $attrib.gender eq "male">>Virtually everyone stares at you, visibly shocked.<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>Virtually everyone stares at you in surprise - and horror.<</if>>\n\nThe moment the gates clang shut behind you, Corinthin stops dead in its tracks. "Biological." \n\n"[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]." You fold your arms. "What?"\n\n"I must warn you of what is to come. Testimony has surfaced from sources I did not anticipate that—" Corinthin tilts its expressionless mask. "—might compromise your position. Should your findings not paint a culprit beyond all doubt, I would advise you intensify your investigations and return when ample evidence has been collected."<</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you stagger across...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to stay awake and on your feet, you hurry across...<<else>>You hurry across the skybridge linking the Level B14 tramway station with the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_cathedral_outside.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you stagger across the skybridge linking the Level B14 tramway station with the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. Far below you can see the blurred tents and warrens of the Cathedral Camps. Just looking at them from so high above makes you feel dizzy. "Wow. Yeah. Okay." You take a deep breath, focus your attention on the door at the far side of the skybridge, and soldier on.\n\nA long and strenuous minute later, you reach the far side. Two [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] in pearly power armor watch over a silver door glowing a faint hue of blue.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to stay awake and on your feet, you hurry across the skybridge linkin gthe Level B14 tramway station with the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. Far below you can see the extensive tent-villages of the Cathedral Camps. Little specks wander this way and that as they go about their daily business. \n\n"Poor fucks." You stifle a yawn and continue across the bridge, to the door at the far side. Two [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] in pearly power armor watch over a silver door glowing a faint hue of blue.<<else>>You hurry across the skybridge linking the Level B14 tramway station with the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. Far below you can see the extensive tent-villages of the Cathedral Camps. Little specks wander this way and that as they go about their daily business. From so high above, it looks incredible - and scary. So many people forced to live in such conditions. It makes goosebumps crawl up your arms.\n\n"Glad I'm not them," you mutter and continue across the bridge. Two [[Knights of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] in pearly power armor watch over a silver door glowing a faint hue of blue.<</if>> \n\nWhen you draw near, they level ornately decorated [[Plasma Lances|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]] on you. "Halt, citizen." \n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Wow, wow, hey." You raise your hands. "What's up? I just wanna..." You sway on your feet. "Head on in, y'know?"\n\n"Unlikely." One of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] pushes you away. You stumble back. The other grows, "Move, citizen. Your presence is not permitted."\n\n"What but..." You point toward the door they're guarding. "I gotta—"\n\nOne of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] takes a step forward and shoves you. "Begone."<<else>>"Wow, easy there, fellows." You raise your hands. <<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>"I'm looking for [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin. Actually, he's looking for me. So if you don't mind—"\n\n"No [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] wishes to speak to you." One of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] steps up to you. "Begone, citizen. Now."\n\n"Bullshit," you growl. "It's really damned important that I—" Your voice trails off as the doors behind the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] grind open. [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin steps out, draped in his impeccably white cloak as always. You smile.\n\nThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] stops beside the guards, droning, "Stand aside. This biological is consented on my authority."\n\n"My Lord." One of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] bows his head. "You may pass, citizen."<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 7 and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "church">>"Hey. Remember me? The punk the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] said could enter?"\n\nThe [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] exchange glances. One of them says, "You are constented. But rest assured: we will be keeping an eye on you."\n\nYour lips curl. "Great. You guys do that."<<else>><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10>>"I'm a friend. A hunter."\n\n"You cannot pass. This entrance is quarantined." The [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] steps forward, causing the skybridge to tremble. "Leave now. For your own safety. Hunter."<<else>>"I gotta speak to Father Zweili. It's important."\n\n"Of course." One of the [[Knights|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] steps up to you. "Father Zweili does not want to see a freak like you. Now turn around." He taps his [[Plasma Lance|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Plasma Lance"]]. "If you understand my meaning, citizen."\n\nYour eyebrows rise. "Sure you can't leave a message for him? He'll want to hear—"\n\n"Go." The other [[Knight|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]] steps forward. "Now."<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromEntrance">>You step into Corbei Tower<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromUtility">>You unseal the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromBattle">>You lower your weapon and hurry past the destroyed [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]], toward a large pair of sliding glass doors that lead to the Corbei Residence. A holo-sign projected on the glass asks visitors to: //Please step inside and announce your Arrival//.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Did that," you say sarcastically, pushing the doors open.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3_inside.png"]]</div>They lead to a long hallway\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromEntrance">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3_inside.png"]]</div>You step into Corbei Tower to find yourself in a long hallway\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromUtility">>You unseal the utility hatch and clamber into the narrow passage beyond. Metal creaks and groans as you shuffle toward a nearby ladder. It leads upwards, through another hatch - unlocked this time.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3_inside.png"]]</div>When you push it open, you are in a long hallway\n\t<</if>>lined with purple drapes. Silver holo-frames along the walls display various members of what must be the Corbei family. At the far end, another door opens into a circular chamber.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>"Right," you murmur, glancing about. "Where to begin?"\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>"I do not believe we should be here," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai whispers, a hand on the grip of her sidearm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's the whole point." You glancing about. "Question now is where to begin."\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"Hey," Celena shouts, striding into the center. "Xarea! Get your ass out here. You got fucking visitors."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou glance around, all too aware of how quiet it is. "Yeah. Where is everyone?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No clue. Weird family. Weirder than mine." Celena shrugs. "Anyways, Xarea should be here so—"\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>"I'm certain they'll be here any moment," Wilkin says, pacing around the room. "The Corbeis are known to be somewhat, uh, eccentric. Just so you know."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou pulla face. "Yeah. I kinda gathered that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's important to know," Wilkin says earnestly. "They don't take lightly to slights and—"\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"Strange place, Sir." Jalkovski scans the room over the sights of his coil carbine. "What now?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"We find what we came for," you say, glancing about. "Question is where to look."\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher paces about, rifle rested on his shoulder as he examines the decorations. "Strange place, Boss. So much wealth. But no one around. To enjoy it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stay focused, kid" you say, glancing about. "We're just here to get what I came for. Though I got no clue where that is."\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"Odd," Fabienne says, examining the drapes. "Reminds me of the days back in the [[Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]]. Just with no one around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That's what worries me," you say, glancing about. "But not why we're here. Question is where to look."\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>"Weird place," Lag says, glancing about. "Too big. Neways, I'll go kill that secnet. Meet ya back outside in ten tops. Don't be late, babe."\n\n\t\t"Will do," you say as he disappears. To yourself, you add, "Question is where to begin."\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"Shi-et." Pinapple whistles, examining the room over his gunsight. "This is one massively overdecorated pad. And a lil' empty, don't ya think?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It's a little suspicious," you admit, glancing about. "So let's not overstay our welcome. Question is where to look."\n\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"Celena."\n\t\t<<else>>"Xaviar."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>A woman dressed in a long, black gown steps through a door to the left. <<if $loc_cryolounge.metXarena>><br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's Xarena Corbei. You remember her stern features from when you met her, way back when, in the Cryolounge on Level B10.\n\t\t\n\t\tShe says, <</if>>"So kind of you to visit in this dark hour. Yet dare I ask: what brings you here?"\n\t\t<<else>>A woman dressed in a long, white gown steps through a door to the left. <<if $loc_cryolounge.metXarena>><br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's Xarena Corbei. You remember her stern features from when you met her, way back when, in the Cryolounge on Level B10.\n\t\t\n\t\tShe says, <</if>>"Do excuse my tardiness and may I ask: to what do we owe this unexpected pleasure?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"Eh, don't ask me. I'm just tagging along with—" Celena nods to you. "—for the shits and giggles."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tXarena looks insulted. "Please, Celena. There is no need for your antics. Yet I digress." She turns to you. "What is it Family Corbei can help you with, Sir?"\n\t\t<<else>>"Xarea." Wilkin takes her hand gingerly. "Nice to see you again. As to your question, well, you'll have to ask my friend. <<formalname>>. You may remember I mentioned him?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tXarena nods ever so slightly. "I do Xaviar, I do indeed. And quite the story you told. Yet I digress." She turns to you. "What is it Family Corbei can help you with, <<formalname>>?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tThere are two obvious options: the burgundy-themed library off to the left and a sitting room opposite. There doesn't seem to be home around anyways so, well, can't hurt to poke around. Maybe you'll just happen to get lucky and find what you're looking for.\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You leave Corbei Tower...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_b3_leave.png"]]</div>\n\n\tYou leave Corbei Tower, <<if $loc_corbeitower.killedBots>>past the two ruined [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] outside the door,<<else>><<walk>> past the two [[Tripod Bots|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Security Bot"]] standing guard outside, and cross the bridge to the landing pad.<</if>> Beyond, the many spires of Level B3 poke into the spherical skyline, glinting in the faint glow of countless million windows and headlights. \n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>Silhouetted against that backdrop you pot Lag leaning on the car's hood, arms folded.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ya took yer sweet time, babe," he says. "Ya had trouble or somethin'?"\n\t<<else>>The sheer scale is breathtaking - you can't help but lean on the roof of the grav-car and stare into the distance.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Finally," you mutter, testing your pocket just to be sure the spherical Object is still there - it is. "It's over."\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>It's been a long, tough road. Too many twists and turns, too much bloodshed, and too many fingers pointed at the wrong suspects. But it'll be over soon. That's what matters most.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"All right, then." You pop the door and climb in behind the controls. "Time to put an end to it."\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>Verei stands beside you. "I expect you shall with to turn the artefact over to the good Father immediately?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That was the general plan," you say, uncertain whether you should actually do that.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good. I shall take us back to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]] then." She pops the driver door and motions for you to get in.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou climb into the passenger seat without hesitation. The sooner you're rid of that woman, the better. Irritable doesn't even describe her demeanor.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>Celena stands beside you. "So, you got any idea what you're gonna do with that stupid sphere yet?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I have a rough plan," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just don't give it to Corinthin. The tin can's got his augments in all the right places but, trust me, it'll just make things worse than they already are."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay." You pop the passenger door, saying, "I'll keep that in mind."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just some friendly advice, you know." Celena hops in behind the controls. "I'll drop you off in front of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]], okay?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That'll do." You settle in the seat with a sigh of relief.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>Mr. Wilkin stands beside you. "So, kid. I guess we're done. No hard feelings, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No hard feelings," you say, testing your pocket just to be sure the spherical Object is still there - it is. "I just gotta get this over with now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right." He pops the driver door, motioning for you to get in. "I'll drop ye off in front of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]], kid, and then we forget this little thing ever went down."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"That was the plan." You settle in the seat with a sigh of relief.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Jalkovski stands beside you, carbine rested against his shoulder plate. "I just wanted to say, Sir, it's been an honor serving alongside you again."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour lips curl. "You're a good soldier, kid. But please. Quit the damned Sir, will ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sorry, Sir. Just an old habit—" He hesitates. "Okay. Where should I take you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just drop me off in front of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]," you say, climbing into the passenger seat.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>Fisher stands beside you, assault rifle cradled in his arms. "So, I guess this is it, Boss. Was cool workin' with ya again. Even if this was a real weird job."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou can't help but chuckle. "Trust me, weird has become my life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I noticed." Fisher scowls. "So, where ya want me to take ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just drop me off in front of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]," you say, climbing into the passenger seat.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>Fabienne leans on the hood beside you, a amused smile on her lips. "So, this is it, yeah? End of the line?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"More or less," you say. "Just gotta see the last bit through and I'm out."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sounds cool." She pops the driver door, saying, "I'll drop ya off at the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. That's where you're taking that thing, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Right." You hop into the passenger seat, not bothering to ask how she knew.\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>\n\t\t\t"I ran into that abomination," you reply coldly. "Excuse me for taking so long to kill it before it ripped my head off."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah, dang. An' I was so sure we'd done it clean. Got security dead and started a system wipe. But if ya left a mess behind..." He waves the thought away and pops the doors. "Let's just be gone. I drop ya off and be on my way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay" you say, climbing into the passenger seat. "Just put me down ront of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. And don't worry. None of this will lead back to you. At least, not from me."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou scoff. "It's been nine minutes, thirty seven seconds. Don't bullshit me, kid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Just in time then. But we're good. Security's dead and systems's wipin' itself. Gon' be an hour 'till it's all gone. Won't be nothin' that points back to who's done it." Lag flashes a grin and hits the door release. "So, where ya wanna drop-off?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Drop me off in front of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]," you say, climbing into the passenger seat.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>Pineapple stands beside you, carbine rested against his shoulder. "Guess we're done then. Ain't gonna pretend I get what happened though. Blew way over my head."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou can't help but chuckle. "Believe me, I know exactly what you feel like."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah, that's real encouraging." Pineapple shrugs. "Anyways, where ya want me to take ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Just drop me off in front of the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]," you say, climbing into the passenger seat.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say, \n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "djinn">>"I'm looking for a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] and have good reason to suspect it may be sheltering on your property. So I'm requesting permission, under terms of my sanction and in accordance with [[Church Law|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], to search your residence for the abomination."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"I see." Xarena glances at Celena. "\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>Is it not enough that my poor brother left us so soon? Must you poke into these old wounds also?"\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>Do tell me this is not another of your games. Neither I nor my brother have any patience for them."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Brother." Celena snorts a laugh. "Yeah, right. And no. This isn't a game. It's the real deal. I didn't have a damn thing to do with it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Ah." Xarena flashes you a smile. "Very well, then. You are free to search the premises. Though I must say you shall not find what you believe to seek. Family Corbei has no secrets to hide."\n\t\t\t<<else>>Wilkin looks shocked. "An abomination? Here? Are you mad, Kid?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Xaviar, please." Xarena places a hand on his shoulders. "Your friend is, of course, permitted to search the premises if that is what is requested. Family Corbei has no secrets to hide."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "object">>"I'm looking for stolen property. I have reason to believe it is currently in the posession of your family. I don't expect you to just cough up but, yeah, can't hurt to ask if you happen to know anything."<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"He's looking for the old world ticky-tacky," Celena says. "You know, the one your brother was all hot about?"\n\n\t\t\t\t"I am afraid I have not the faintest idea what you mean," Xarena says whimsically. "Though, should you wish to search the premises, you are free to do so. Family Corbei has no secrets to hide."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Stolen property? In possession of the Corbei Family?" Wilkin looks shocked. "Kid, ya must've lost yer mind. There's—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Xaviar, please." Xarena places a hand on his shoulders. "Your friend is, of course, permitted to search the premises if that is what is requested. Family Corbei has no secrets to hide."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"We'll see about that." You glance around, wondering where to begin your search.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere are two obvious options: the burgundy-themed library off to the left and a sitting room opposite. It doesn't seem likely you'll find what you're looking for this way. But there can't be any harm in looking. That's what you came to do, after all.\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You settle back and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_raj.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_fisher.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_church.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_celena.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_zanex.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_raj.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_formal.png"]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_gravcar_fisher.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou settle back and \n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>set an autodrive course for the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. Grav-plates hum. The vehicle lifts off the pad. You close your eyes, content to wait out the ride in blissful silence.\n\t\t<<else>>close your eyes, glad for a moment's repose. The engine powers up with a whine. Grav-plates hum. The vehicle lifts off the pad and turns into the traffic pattern. You barely take notice, content to wait out the ride in blissful ignorance of the world around you.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone">>A digital beep sounds, followed by a voice announcing that you've reached your destination. You look up to find yourself in a narrow grav-tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. The vehicle has already begun auto-landing procedures, setting you down on a free landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"This is it, then." You kill power and climb out of the vehicle.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSomeonere in the distance, a grav-car whines past. Chill air wafts from ventilation ducts high above. You shiver involuntarily, standing alone on the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>Grav-plates shudder as [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai pulls out of the fastway and angles into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I shall let you out here." Varai pops your door. "Ensure you handle your obligations swifly, <<formalname>>. I have many questions for you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, for fuck's sake." You climb out of the car, muttering, "Just leave it alone for five minutes."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then I grant you five minutes. Until later, <<formalname>>." [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai slams the door and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>Inertia slams you into the seat as Celena banks hard, pulling out of the fastway and angles into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. She pulls a tight circle and plunks the vehicle down on a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"End of the line." Celena glances at you. "You sure you wanna do this? Mean, I know you work for the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and all, but there are alternatives, you know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I have it covered." You climb out of the car. "Thanks for the help, man."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Hey, no problem. See you soon." Celena slams the door and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>The vehicle tips gently as Mr. Wilkin banks out of the fastway and angles into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. He follows a lazy curve, slowly but steadily descending toward a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here we are, kid." Wilkin pops your door. "And remember our deal: no word about this mess."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I haven't forgotten." You climb out of the vehicle. "Say hi to Fisher for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Whatever you say, big guy." Wilkin slams the door and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>Grav-plates whine as Jalkovski banks sharply, pulling out of the fastway and angles into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. He breaks hard and brings the vehicle down on a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here we are." He pops your door. "See you around, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Probably." You climb out of the vehicle. "Say hi to Marisa for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As you wish, Sir." Jalkovski slams the door closed and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>Grav-plates whine as Fisher banks sharply, pulling out of the fastway and angles into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. He breaks hard and brings the vehicle down on a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, Boss." He pops your door. "See you around, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Probably." You climb out of the vehicle. "Say hi to the Big Boss for me."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Will do." Fisher slams the door closed and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>The vehicle shudders as Fabienne executes a lopsided turn, swerving out of the fastway and into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. She breaks, causing the grav-car to creak dangerously, and slams down on a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oops." Fabienne pulls a face. "But yeah. Here we are."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks for the help. Again." You pop the hatch and climb out.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No problem." Fabienne slams the door closed and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag">>Grav-plates whine as Lag banks sharply, pulling out of the fastway and angles into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. He breaks hard and brings the vehicle down on a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"End of the line. <<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>Been a while since I teamed with a solo. Brings back memories - not good ones. Anyways, there's one more thing: Warlock. I did what I could at the Cryolounge. But it went fould and I had to chicken out to save my pretty ass. Sorry, babe."<<elseif $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>Been a while since I teamed with a solo. Brings back memories - not good ones. Anyways, I'll run disinformation. Try to keep 'em turning in circles. But ya better keep paying good if ya wanna call on me again, babe. Too much heat."<<else>>Been nice workin' with ya, babe. Ever need a crypto again, ya know who's your girl." He winks.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 11>>"Yeah, I started looking into that but haven't managed to breech the core yet." You pop the door and climb out. "I'll look into it."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 12>>"No problem. I already wrecked the machine." You pop the door and climb out. "We're good on that front at least."\n\t\t\t<<else>>"Cryolounge, huh? Yeah. Gal mentioned something but I haven't had time yet." You pop the door and climb out. "I'll look into it."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>"Tends to happen in my line of work. But thanks for the assist." You pop the door and climb out.\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah, thanks for the help." You pop the door and climb out.\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Stay cool, babe." Lag slams the door closed and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>Grav-plates whine as Pineapple banks sharply, pulling out of the fastway and angles into a tunnel that leads to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. He breaks hard and brings the vehicle down on a landing pad beside the bridge to the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here we is." He pops your door. "Jus' gon' take this monster back te the pad. See ya later, ya?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah. Later." You climb out of the vehicle. "Thanks for the assist."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No problemo." Pineapple closes the door closed and lifts off again.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe car whines off, leaving you alone before the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]].\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>\n\t\tThe only question left is: what to do? The obvious solution is to bring the Object you recovered to Marisa. Or you could do what Corinthin asked you to do bring the artefact to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. But that might not be the best option. At least with Marisa you know what you're dealing with.\n\t<<elseif $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol">>\n\t\tAll that's left to be done now is bring the Object back to the [[Kobol|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Sons of Kobol"]] basecamp and... and then what? It's hard to say. They're better informed that you at any rate. Hardly the end you imagined. But this is what you decided to support. Might as well see it to the end.\n\t<<elseif $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber">>\n\t\tThe only question left is: what to do? The obvious solution is to return to the Cybercult and relate what you've found. Or you could do what Corinthin asked you to do bring the artefact to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]]. But that might not be the best option. At least with Gal you can be certain this'll set a lot of wrongs right.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tThe only question is: who do you turn Object 55316 over to? Corinthin did mention he wanted to meet you at the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]].<<if $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare" or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "impartial">> And you could talk to Marisa about meeting Mr. Otto again.<</if>><<if $job_conspiracy.accuseDecision neq "zweili_convicted">> Or the most logical solution: take it across the bridge to Father Zweili and fullfil the terms of your contract as you originally agreed.<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You enter the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "library">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_corbei_library.png"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_shvr.png"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tYou enter the \n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "library">>Library, a marbled room lined with ornate, purewood bookcases. There's a heavy oak table in the center of the room, laden with data pads. Beyond, a darkened viewport barely hidden behind deep, blue curtains looks out over the spire-infested expanse of Level B3.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>"Nice view." You cast a fleeting glance outside and begin searching the desk.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t\t\t"Quite the collection," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says, examining the shelves. "I would expect no less from such a family. Surely they are well-educated."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Nice view too." You cast a fleeting glance outside and begin searching the desk.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>\n\t\t\t\t"My brother's study," Xarena says. "Please do attempt not to cause too much of a chaos. He <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>was quite particular and I would not wish his memory tarnished<<else>>is quite insistant on order<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>"Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we?" Celena smirks.<<else>>"Oh, I'm sure he won't mind us poking around a little," Celena says, smirking.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Let's hope not." You cast a fleeting glance outside and begin searching the desk.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t"My brother's study," Xarena says. "Please do attempt not to cause too much of a chaos. He <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>was quite particular and I would not wish his memory tarnished<<else>>is quite insistant on order<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I'm certain <<formalname>> will be careful with your brother's things," Wilkin says.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I'll try," you say and begin searching the desk.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"So many books, Sir." Jalkovski pans around, clearly in awe. "I've never seen so much paper in one place in my life, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Neither have I," you say and begin searching the desk.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>"Shit." Fisher whistles. "Quite the collection these guys got. Wonder if there's any porn around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Knock yourself out looking," you say and and begin searching the desk.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"Wow." Fabienne pans around, visibly awed. "So much paper. Why all paper? Why not digital?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Wealth," you say flatly and begin searching the desk.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"Funny," Pineapple says, eyeing the books. "It's all paper. No digital."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Must be a bitch to copy paste," you say and begin searching the desk.\n\n\t\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tBeneath a stack of data pads, you find a silverish orb carved with an intricate pattern. Maybe it's the Object you're looking for. Though, frankly, you have no idea what the damn thing looks like. Maybe you'll find more information in the data pads.\n\t\t<<else>>Sitting Room, a dimly lit chamber dominated by a low couch and two plush armchairs. Beside one of the armchairs is a table with a data pad on it. A deactivated holo-frame hangs on one wall and, opposite, stands a glass vitrine containing what looks suspiciously like a custom-built [[ShVR|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "ShVR"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>"Nice furniture," you murmur, wondering where to search first.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>"Impressive." Varai nods toward the display case. "An obvious status symbol. Perhaps the Corbeis are more dignified than I expected."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Not in my book," you say, wondering where to search first.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>"My father's study," Xarena says, standing by the door. "He is currently away. An urgent matter I was told."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I'm sure it was," you say wondering where to search first.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"How's Dad doing anyways," Celena says with a sly look on her face. "Still chugging opits and trying to forget Mum's death? So soon after your brother's death. Tragic. Tragic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yes, tragic." Xarena folds her arms. "If you must know, he was well last I heard. Thank you for asking."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>"My father's study," Xarena says, standing by the door. "He is currently away. An urgent matter I was told."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I'm sure it was," you say wondering where to search first.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tWilkin says, "How's he been doing? Terrible, that his wife died so young. My utmost sympathies."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Most appreciated." Xarena smiles sadly. "Alas, work consumes my father's mind. He seems to know nothing else when he is here, and that is seldom."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"Sir," Jalkovski says, pointing to the display case. "I have never seen one of those. Truly a mark of status, I'm told, Sir."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It's a nice piece," you say, wondering where to search first.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>"Oi, Boss, you see that?" Fisher points to the display case. "Fucking rare those pieces."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"I've heard," you say wondering where to search first.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"What a waste of space," Fabienne says, glancing about. "Though I guess the gun would fetch a little. From the right buyer."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It probably would," you say, wondering where to search first.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"This place is beyond belief," Pineapple says, examining the display case. "Seriously. I've seen pomp before. But not like this."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It is kinda over the top," you admit, wondering where to search first.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_storeroom.tookPendant>><br><br>\n\t\t\t\tOn a nearby table, you also see a strange pendant roughly the size of your palm. It looks to be vaguely star-shaped. Beyond that, you have no idea what it is - or what significance, if any, it has to the Corbeis.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You pick up...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou pick up \n\t\t<<if $action.action3 eq "dp_library_3">>the data pad and unlock the device. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><center><strong>Asmodeus - Please Read</strong><br></center><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAsmodeus, my dear. I know you do not like it when I leave these notes because it is supposed to be a breech of operational security but we are a bit beyond that, are we not? I am deeply concerned with your loss of memory. With every passing week, it seems you recognize the situation less and focus more and more on what you percieve to be threats to my person. Please be sensible and see: we are so close to completing your life's work. Divine providence is almost at hand!<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tI understand you are concerned for my safety and wellbeing but I too am concerned for your wellbeing - and your life's work. You finally have the key to that stellar tomb. You can finally see what you wished to learn of, as the madman promised. If it is true, you now have the means and methods - I have asked about discretely and between Vindell and Ithandri you have all the pieces to pass the threshhold. I alas cannot put them together. I cannot step through and see what is beyond. You can but your time runs short and you squander it on me!<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tWhat is more, Dr. Briaback confirmed it <<if $loc_syndicate_facility.killedResearcher>>before his death<<else>>before he fled east<</if>>: you are afflicted and not by Strain White. The prototype showed none of the corruption which is present in your state code. Clearly you were poisoned, possibly by this Daughter of Hades you always fret over, or perhaps by another, but it seems clear to me that your former associates do not want you to see your life's work completed. I do. I have come to cherish your company and assistance and, as you have made my dreams true, so do I hope to make yours come true.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAll I ask is that, before the end comes, you sieze your chance. Step over the treshhold and learn what lies beyond. Surely it will be as wonderous and magnificent as you think. Alas, I cannot do this for you, nor do I wish to force your hand. Simply consider that your days are numbered and that I have little more to offer, specially compared to what you might find within that stellar tomb, should the mad old astronomous have indeed been telling the truth.\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dp_library_2">>the data pad and unlock the device. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><center><strong>I Envision</strong><br>By Xarena Corbei</center><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe term cabalist is a foreign word imported into our language from the Fringe. The concepts with underlie the cabalist conception of the cosmos, namely that a near-supernatural cabal in fact exists which controls all sequences of events as they unfold, do not translate neatly from the militarist state of the Fringe to the theocratic system we are familiar with in the west. It is difficult to guage the average conception of those who dwell in the Foreign Domain - exchanges and cultural insights are rare except, it would seem, from the colonial belt - but one can easily imagine that in such a tyrannical and authoritarian system, one quickly comes to believe that a shadowy cabal does in fact exist and it's members do in fact dictate all affairs of the modern super-state.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tFrom this conceptual basis, the cabalist of the Foreign Domain (as I understand it) draws legitimacy, stating that their limbs are metaphorically bound by these invisibile strings and that they are but puppets which dance like dolls on the whims of the great cabalist conspirators. These unknown individuals of great power are then mythologized as icons and, in these abstract forms, they share quite some commonality with the conceptions of ancestral witchcraft (where the witch knows the sinner, the cabalist knows the sorcerer, and where the witch knows the zealot, the cabalist knows the purist). One would imagine that, for all intents and purposes, cabalism and it's icons are nothing more than a modernized and adapted form of the witches pantheon my grandmother once believed in, as did her mother, and all those who walked the Astral path before them.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tNaturally, I know that Irisa Namaz - the dreaded Queen of Terror - was not in fact my grandmother, though she too was known as Irisa Corbei Namaz. This inconsistency is not in breaking with the family tradition but true to that which unites all witch queens since the beginning of time: adoption of foreign values to further one's own ends. Eleonora Namaz was not in fact a daughter of Celestia and claimed to be so only to propell Athena Medical to greater heights. Isira Namaz was not in fact Eleonora's daughter but insisted she was to further goad the cleric and I am no more an Astral than any other witch of this age, barring potentially the young Eresi sisters (they share a partial genetic lineage to Rea Eresi, born Rea Namar based on the records still available in this age). All this tells me that if I am to adopt the cabalist methos and logos as my own, and I do indeed believe this would be the best modern interpretation of the ancestral myth of Sinner and Saint, I must do so not as Queen Xarena (a fanciful title, I admit) but as Xarena Corbei, the daughter of an industrialist who aspires to become more than a mere mistress of moneymaking.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tI imagine that, in my conception of the cosmos, the divine icons are not characters of cabalist myth, imported from the Fringe by deserters and degenerates, but instead the proud purveyors of a divine dynasty which is to be built in the great future to come, and I do imagine it shall come, flourishing in this farsical fairy tale we have been raised to call the civilized galaxy. I envision a new spiritualist movement that shall result from this conception and it shall be a movement informed by but not slaved to the foreign conception of the cabal, the puppet on strings, and all these mad concepts the thought-dynasty of the Helian Mythos by Naudrage vi Atada has left in our spiritual conception of life. It shall be a truly modern, a truly wester, and a truly ideal faith, or so at least I envision it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLike all aspiring spiritual movements, alas, we who envision are today a persecuted few, hated and despised by the cleric and commoner alike and, in a way, I suppose, we are indeed a force of ill and suffering for those who cling to the old ways. Alas, these ways are slowly dying, rotting away like the scaffolding of this habitation platform. The corporate consumes, the cleric is corrupt, and year by year the threads which hold the civlized galaxy together fray a little more. Quite unlike the dour vision of the cabalist, where we are slaves to our shadowy puppeteers, I envision that we are free to chose as we desire, to act and react as we deem fit, and through our actions we shall create a greater future, not unlike that utopian dream once envisioned by Saint Celestia, the ur-witch of myth and legend and incidentally also Lady Celestia Namar. In her hallowed name, I envision a greater good in this galaxy, one of divine origin, of purest stellar essence, such as the spirit of the old gods were imagined to be.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAll that remains to be decided is how we shall convey this message to the masses and there, at least at present, I am afraid there is no amiable solution to the question of faith. Far too many believe in the lies of Eden and the hated patriarch is ever watchful of those who would challenge his false reign. Already killing machines stalk the passages and sanctioned hunters prowl the back alleys, hunting for those of us who doubt the cleric's word. I envision - and for it I shall be condemned as my grandmother was before me and her mother was before her. As such, it is likely it shall be my fate to dye a martyr, condemned by the purist or the patriarch - or whoever gets to me first. But, no matter what they do, I envision and, in my vision, in this fairy tale to be, I am also free.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tFree of disease. Free of corruption. Free of weakness and doubt. But most importantly: free of the hateful influence of the patriarch. It was he who abused our ancestors. It was he who usurped the Throne. It was he who hounded the great Ladies of old across the stars and he who, even now, in the cyber-gene age, hunts for those who dare to dream of being free. Time and again it is the patriarch, always the patriarch, ever the patriarch, and he has no place in my future - if need be, we shall send our message in blood, tears, and bloated bodies. It is unfortunate but I envision a greater future, a grand and cosmic conception which rivals that of the old gods, and I am prepared to fight for that vision. I must be. If I do not, then what I envision will simply be another fantastical fairy tale and that eventuality is absolutely unacceptable to me.\n\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "dp_library">>the data pad and unlock the device. It reads:<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'><center><strong>Of Ego and Eden</strong><br>By Irisa Namaz</center><br><br>\n\n\t\tFor countless millenia, long before Eden even came to mean what it does today, the lesser mortals of this galaxy have asked themselves one question: from whence did we come? A misguided and foolish question, one only primitive minds could ever consdider relevant. Eden - and the Church which is built upon it - is a lie. The planet lies barren and desolate as it has since our forebearers reduced its surface to ash and rubble. Today there is nothing there, no garden of plenty, no life in paradise for all, merely broken wastes and twisted steel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnd yet Eden lives on, and with faith in its existence comes power - power not over the lifeless homeorld of mankind, yet over that which is yet to come. Those foolish and weak of mind believe it is a thing, a physical location or device to be obtained and used, yet those whose knowledge of the universe is truly wise know better. Eden is not a place. It is not a thing. It is a dream, an ideal, and through this whimsical thought construct can be achieved utmost dominance over humankind. After all, who is it who does not wish for a better life, for better health and fortune for friends, family, and loved ones?<br><br>\n\n\t\tWho is it who looks upon their existence and says: this is good enough? The answer is simple: fools, wealkings, and those with no ambition - those who have given up. Those who still seek greatness on the other hand are all too ready to believe, if not out of genuine conviction, then because they sense it is in their benefit to acknowledge the power of Eden. Their narrow-sighted greed, indeed their very human nature, is the source of all power in this galaxy. Not witchcraft nor science, not even the mythical might of the Foreign Domain and the insidious influence of Luna's black shadow, should such a thing even exist. Alone belief in Eden holds sway over the lives of the many untold billions who inhabit the civilized galaxy.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhy, you ask, and so I say: because all we know in this galaxy depends on this whimsical myth. Who needs battlefleets and armies when the mere mention of Eden instills in the faithful blind fanatism and in the sceptics rage? Who requires fusion bombs and neurotoxins when one can, with but the insinuatin that one might possess knowledge more damning than the firepower of a million battle cruisers, spark wars that shall tear the galaxy apart? No one, I say! It is not difficult to understand: the sheer possibility I may one day reveal to this galaxy the truth about all mankind's deeper nature fills the hears of those who rule with terror and those who wish for greatness with hope.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAnd what is this truth, you ask? Quite simply that the communal spirit of Eden is the byproduct of whishful, idealsictic blindless. Inane worship of digital intelligence. Absurd obsession with predictive computation. In truth we are an orphaned race, descendants of great forebearers yet unworthy to wield such divine tools. Humankind is a species of psychotic, egocentric murderers, driven only by our basest of lusts. Even I, the greatest Witch Queen ever to have lived, sculpted in the image of the old gods, am nothing more than a whore who sows chaos for sheer pleasure, murders simply to see the look of terror in the eyes of my adversaries, and slaughters millions to mock the so-called stability brought about of Eden, as I did on Scaffold 35 and will do again, forevermore, until my point at last is made: faith cannot endure. Civilization is all that stands between humanity and such chaos as I embody, for without the rules and social constructs of society we are merely savage primitives, content to slaughter one another for the miniscule pleasure our brains create when find ourselves in a position of power over another.<br><br>\n\n\t\tI have seen it for myself. I saw it first in the Gala Hall, in the memories of my dear mother, and then again on Scaffold 35 when the murderous zealots reigned supreme, and always it is the same: acts of sheer terror shall set the galaxy free and allow us to reign with impunity. The light in the eyes of my sisters, the adoration which which they venerate my dark blessing, is beyond any mechanism of reward and punishment one might find in a civilized galaxy. Not even the most stallwart, idealistic mind can resist such temptation forever. We all lust for power over those we deem lesser, the cardinals, the clerics, the corsairs, the colonials, all are the same in this regard. Only when all humankind has been lulled into satisfaction by the taste of these gifts can we - the chosen few destined to rule this galaxy - ever find peace, for in such a cruel, barbaric world we are true goddesses among mortals, destined by the ancient genetic legacy of the Astral Order to rule over the many as divine tyrants.\n\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>the data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<strong>From:</strong>
[email protected]<br>\n\t\t\t<strong>To:</strong>
[email protected]<br>\n\t\t\t<strong>Subject:</strong> Quantus VII<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tEsteemed Mr. Corbei,<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAs requested, I have scheduled a flight to Cubix for you at the soonest possible date. The ticket and embarkment information are, as always, attached to this message. The Myrroth Collective has genorously waived all additional fees in light of the gravity of the events. If their accounts are to be believed, the mining colony on Quantus VII has indeed fallen silent, presumably fallen prey to corsairs operating in the region, though some suspect the involvement of the Foreign Domain.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tI have been keeping my ears open for mention of Church meddling, as you asked, yet it does not seem that religious factors are involved. Naturally, I understand your worry, but nothing suggests the Knights of Eden, the Paladin Order, or any Church-affiliated contractors were involved in this - dare I say - genocidal atrocity. Certainly, the timing of this assault is preculiar, yet who can know what truly traspires in the deepest depths of the void?<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tLoving Regards,<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tJanice<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 100>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 100>>\n\t\t\t\tP.S. I inquired and Brother Burghan confirmed the fact-finders returned safely. Aida Abi has been assigned to another missionary expedition and can't be reached until sometime next year, meaing we have only the words of the clerics about what truly happened on Quantus.\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tP.S. should you wish to meet prior to your departure, I shall be in the head office as regulation demands. I have made good use of my bonus. You shall no doubt find delight in the results.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You take the...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_corbei.png"]]</div>You take the silver sphere, turning it over between your fingers. It's oddly heavy for its size and, though elaborately carved, looks worn with age. A small area of its surface however has been worn clean however and the words //Object 55316 - Quantus VII// burned into its surface with an engraving laser.<br><br>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromEntrance">> \n\t\tBeind you, Xarena clears her throat. "I would appreciate if you did not touch my brother's personal affects. They are private and quite valuable."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sorry," you say, turning for the woman. "But I don't think this belongs to your brother. And you have a lot of explainig to do, Miss Corbei."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Please, call me Xarena." She purses her lips. "Formality does not matter anymore. I had hoped you should perhaps not find what you seek and we would part ways in peace. Alas, I cannot allow you to leave. Either of you."<br><br>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "celena">>Celena snorts. "Oh, please. What's you're little pet gonna do? Bleed on—" She grabs something invisible and slams it into the floor with a nasty crack. "Let me fucking finish, you idiot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA tall figure materlializes on the floor, tangled in a black cloak. Bright blue eyes glower up at Celena from a face hidden behind a dark mask. She kicks the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] in the head, causing it to go limp.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh, dear." Xarena takes a step back. "Celena. I do—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You are so dead." She draws her witchblade, striding toward the woman. "So fucking dead you can't even imagine. Mean, we were friends, your family and mine. Sure, you always just wanted my fucking body for that idiot living in your brother's brain, but still. We all tried to be civil. No killing. No maiming. No—" She slashes Xaria's throat with a single, elegant cut. "—fucking betrayal, you stupid bitch!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tRinging silence haunts the room. Blood seeps into the carpet. You cough.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"There. Problem solved." Celena glances at you. "Ready to leave or what?"\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>Wilkin looks shocked. "What? After everything I—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You were useful, Xaviar, and I am so sorry but I must." She points at you. "Asmodeus! Kill them."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_djinn_final.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\tAir gusts through the room as a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak appears out of thin air. Bright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] draws a jagged blade from a sheath at its ankle, snarling something you can't quite hear. Its meaning is still clear: you're about to die a quick and painful death.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man." You take a step back, adrenaline coursing through your veins. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Just what we needed."<<else>>"This will be interesting."<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 and $action.arrive eq "fromUtility" and not $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>"Well, I never," you mutter. "This little thing was what all the bullshit was about."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>You pocket the device, shaking your head, and leave the library.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>"If you say so." [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai glances about nervously. "Now can we leave, <<formalname>>? We have broken too many laws to count already."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah, yeah." You pocket the device and leave the library.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"That, Sir?" Jalkovski looks surprised. "That's why we came here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It's a really long story." You pocket the device and leave the library.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>"You have got to be kidding me," Fisher says. "We came here for a fricking marble?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Don't even get me started." You pocket the device and leave the library.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"It sure doesn't look like much," Fabienne says. "Not that that means anything. Just saying."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"If you had half an idea how much of a mess this thing caused..." You pocket the device and leave the library.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"Huh. What's that thing?" Pineapple peers over your shoulder.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Something I've spent a long time looking for. Trust me. You don't wanna know." You pocket the device and leave the library.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tPart of you expects the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] to appear at any moment but it doesn't. There's no one in the house and the only sound is your footsteps on the carpeted floor. Strange, given the situation, but you aren't about to complain. \n\t<<else>>"So this little thing was what all the—" Footsteps patter in the hallway outside. "Shit."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou turn to see a woman <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>in a long, black gown<<else>>in a long, white dress<</if>> stop in the doorway. A hazy shimmer moves behind her, barely visible in the gloom.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"You," she says in a sharp tone. "What are you doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>"Just looking around," you say, pocketing the Object. "Didn't think anyone was home. I'll just be on my way then."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Hardly," the woman says coldly. "You have taken something which belongs to someone very dear to me. Please return it. Now. And leave. Or I shall have to resort to extreme measures."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yeah," you say, eyeing the blurry haze behind her. "That's not gonna happen, I'm afraid."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"How truly unfortunate for you. I did attempt to be reasonable. But alas—" The woman points at you." Kill it, Asmodeus."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>"We are agents of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]," [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] Varai says curlty. "Forgive the intrusion, Ma'am. We were simply investigation rumors of an abominable presence."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Your agency is irrelevant. You are tresspassing on private property. I demand you leave. Now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tVarai shoots you a dark look. "I do believe we—"<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"Not gonna happen." You pocket the Object, eyeing the haze beside the woman. "Not while that thing's still alive."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"How truly unfortunate for you. I did attempt to be reasonable. But alas—" The woman points at you. "Kill them, Asmodeus."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>"Sir," Jalkovski says, leveling his carbine on the woman. "What are your orders, Sir?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice and easy." You pocket the Object, eyeing the haze beside the woman. "I'd ask we do this the easy way, lady. But I doubt that's gonna happen, is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Alas, no. I dare say it shall not." The woman points at you." Kill them, Asmodeus."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>"Boss?" Fisher levels his rifle on the woman. "What we doing here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice and easy." You pocket the Object, eyeing the haze beside the woman. "I'd ask we do this the easy way, lady. But I doubt that's gonna happen, is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Alas, no. I dare say it shall not." The woman points at you." Kill them, Asmodeus."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>"Oh, great." Fabienne's shoulders hunch. "Just when I was starting to thing we'd get out of here no trouble."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No shit." You pocket the Object, eyeing the haze beside the woman. "I'd ask we do this the easy way, lady. But I doubt that's gonna happen, is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Alas, no. I dare say it shall not." The woman points at you." Kill them, Asmodeus."\n\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>"Ah, bigot." Pineapple raises his carbine uncertainly. "Uh, Boss?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nice and easy." You pocket the Object, eyeing the haze beside the woman. "I'd ask we do this the easy way, lady. But I doubt that's gonna happen, is it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Alas, no. I dare say it shall not." The woman points at you." Kill them, Asmodeus."\n\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_boss_djinn_final.png"]]</div>\n\t\tAir gusts through the room as a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak appears out of thin air. Bright blue eyes glower at you from a face hidden behind a dark mask. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] draws a jagged blade from a sheath at its ankle, snarling something you can't quite hear. Its meaning is still clear: you're about to die a quick and painful death.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man." You take a step back, adrenaline coursing through your veins. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Just what we needed."<<else>>"This will be interesting."<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "negotiate" or $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail" >>"Wow, wow. Stop..."<<else>>You nod...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "negotiate">>"Wow, wow. Stop!" You raise your hands. "Think this through for a moment. You do this, the Corbeis are over. Not 'cause of me. The [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] sent me. All they need is an excuse—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Wait," the woman says, causing the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] to hesitate. "You don't understand the scale you're dealing with here, hunter. It's bigger than you, than me. No one, not the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], or the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] can reverse the events set in motion."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" or $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone_kobol">>\n\t\t\t"I doubt that." You fix the woman with a hard look.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t"Kid," Wilkin says in a warning tone. "What ya doing?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Talking." You fix the woman with a hard look.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "varai">>\n\t\t\t"Blasphemy," Varai hisses. "Hunter, terminate this—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No." You fix the woman with a hard look.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "jalkovski">>\n\t\t\t"Sir," Jalkovski mutters. "Suggest we—"<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"No." You fix the woman with a hard look.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fisher">>\n\t\t\t"Aw, hell," Fisher mutters. "We should just waste this—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"No." You fix the woman with a hard look.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "fabienne">>\n\t\t\t"Oh, I get it now," Fabienne says, stepping up beside you. "And Vine's right. I know I don't look like much but I've been around since Abissahi. I saw the old Empire crumble, crusade fleets burning in the void, over and over history repeated itself. Only reason I'm still alive is because I realized it's a bad idea to get in between powers I can't control. So be reasonable. Don't get involved. It's not your fight. Just <<walk>> away."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a long silence before the woman speaks. "Even if I do, my brother will send it after you. I couldn't stop him even if I had reason to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Assuming you mean the family pet, then fine. We'll deal with it another day." You draw a deep breath. "Consider what you have to loose. And consider that your cooperation will weigh against whatever reaction the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] decides on. There's nothing to be gained here except pain. So let us go."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSomething akin to sadness crosses the woman's face. She simply nods and gestures for you to leave. No words. Her thoat's too tight to speak. You can see it - and somehow you understand.\n\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "pineapple">>Pineapple murmurs, "Oh, this isn't going to end well."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"That depends." You fix the woman with a hard look.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.buddy neq "fabienne">>"Just <<walk>> away from this. Let events play out as they have to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThere's a long silence before the woman speaks. "If I do, my brother will send it after you. I can't stop him. Even if I wanted to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Assuming you mean the family pet, then fine. I'll deal with that another day." You draw a deep breath. "Consider what you have to loose. And consider that your cooperation will weigh against whatever reaction the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] decides on. All you have to do is let <<if $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "alone">>me<<else>>us<</if>> leave."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSomething akin to sadness crosses the woman's face. She simply nods and gestures for you to leave. No words. Her thoat's too tight to speak. You can see it - and somehow you understand.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "negotiatefail">>"Wow, wow. Stop!" You raise your hands. "We can talk this out. There's—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No," the woman says with a hint of sadness. "It's too late for that now. Asmodeus!"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] moves between you and her. Just standing in its presence makes you feel uneasy. And its gaze. Penetrating, as though it could see through you - beyond you. It's in that split second that it occurs to you. A lone thought, a wayward neuron firing: the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] live and breathe sub-null tech. More than unnatrual, more than abominated. They're quite literally the impossible made flesh.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA creature which not only defies the laws of nature but those physics - reality itself - with its very presence. There's no way to know how. And you don't have time to think. But the implication makes your gut run cold.\n\t\t\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou nod.\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "areready">>"Yeah. Seen more than enough of this place."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Same." Celena steps of the woman's corpse and heads toward the front door, saying, "I swear. This family. Known them for years and I fucking hated 'em. But I never thought they'd go this far. Or be so fucking dumb."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod, uncertain how to reply. Footsteps patter on the carpeted floor. Nothing else in the house makes a sound.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\tJust as you reach the front doors, something hits you. "Wait. You mean you would've let her live if she'd played nice?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCelena shrugs. "Probably not, but it's about the principle. She knew who and what I am. She knew what my sister did. The least I expected was for her to plead for her life, crying. But no. No sense of self-preservation."\n\t\t<<else>>"Yeah, just one question before we do: her brother?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Adopted brother." Celena steps of the woman's corpse and heads toward the front door, saying, "Creepy little thing. No eyes. Way too smart. Probably abominated in one or another form. A little gift from the old gods, she always called him. <<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4>>Good thing he's dead.<<else>>Wish he were dead already.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod, uncertain how to reply. Footsteps patter on the carpeted floor. Nothing else in the house makes a sound.<br><br> \n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or ($job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase gt 2 and ($job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6))>>Just as you reach the front doors, it hits you: the blind kid. You know which one Celena meant.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, crap. I should have killed him when I had the chance."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Idiot." Celena slaps her forehead. "Really. I love you but sometimes you are a real idiot."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No fucking shit," you say darkly, all too aware what is going unsaid.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4 or ($job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase gt 2 and $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4)>>Just as you reach the front doors, it hits you: the blind kid. You know which one Celena meant.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That kid? Shit. I knew that [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]] was trouble."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"You knew?" Celena looks surprised.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Had an interesting chat with that fellow, actually. Decided it was safer to kill the kid. And, judging by what you just said, I was right."<br><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 1>>Just as you reach the front doors, it hits you.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Shit. I think I met that kid. Down at the Voider Shrine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Just hope you didn't make any deals with it," Celena says. "Trust me. Demons. Old world magick. Never worth the risk."\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 1 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 4>>Celena doesn't reply, just nod in silence. \n\t\t\t<<else>>Neither you nor Celena speak.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\tHer face, still tinted silver by whatever she injected herself with earlier, betrays no emotion of any sort. Curiosity takes hold but you know better than to ask what is on her mind - not until she brings the subject up at least.\n\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 Crossroads">>\n\n\t<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_main_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<<if not (($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $attrib.infected)>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Mauricio's Appartment|the_crossroads_mauricio_1][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6 and not ($job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 13 or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "kill" or $job_fisher_counterattack.mainPhase eq 4)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait at the Information Booth|the_crossroads_waitGravCar][$processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex" or $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "status">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Corbei Residence|the_crossroads_corbeiresidence][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for Syndicate 4|snydicate_crossroads_search][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $job_conspiracy.buddy eq "lag" and $characterEncounterPhases.lagRecruitPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Viewport Cafe|b10_viewport_lag][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 5 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2) and $chr_raj.alive and $chr_raj.met eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Figure out where Raj lives|the_crossroads_findraj][$hide.layer0 = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $chr_raj.alive eq true and $chr_raj.met >>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_addon_killraj][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $hide.layer = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $hide.layer = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Siren's Song|the_crossroads_sirens_song][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered and ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed eq false or $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none") and $randomScene lt $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B10 Tramway Station|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "tram_station_b10"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B10 Tramway Station|tram_station_b10][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B10 Tramway Station|tram_station_b10][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_corinthin_elevator'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Okay, well. Let's get..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'the_crossroads_corinthin_roomsearch'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_inject_sphinx'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how that Helps|the_crossroads_mauricio_roomsearch_2][$action.action3 = "howhelp"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Point out the Flaw|the_crossroads_mauricio_roomsearch_2][$action.action3 = "flaw"; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_corinthin_elevator'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Okay, well. Let's get..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'the_crossroads_corinthin_roomsearch'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_inject_sphinx'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "howhelp">>"How does that help..."<<else>>"Okay, so there's one obvious flaw..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "howhelp">>"How does that help us? Unless you can tell me where the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>damn thing<<else>>abomination<</if>> is. Assuming it even exists, that is. And that's a big if."<<else>>"Okay, so there's one obvious flaw here: you want me to find a creature which doesn't exist. Can you see my issue with this whole <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>stupid as fuck <</if>>plan?"<</if>>\n\n[[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin stares at you. "Despite all you have seen, you do not know?"\n\n"Know what?"\n\nThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] stares blankly. "What [[Sphinxes|Sphinx]] are."\n\nYou shrug. Truthfully, you do not know.\n\n"Obviously," Corinthin drones, "they are toys. Playthings built in the days before REACH to amuse the Lords and Ladies of the Empire on long journeys across the void. Pleasure robots. Quite naturally, they were declared abominations by none other than the clerics themselves. The reason why is easily computed. Few survived and those that do appear identical to the hybrids created to serve the needs of less scrupulous biologicals." Corinthin must notice your confused expression because he adds, "I am joking. [[Sphinxes|Sphinx]] are what little remains of old AI interfaces. Elaborate sentient keyboards, so to speak. Or perhaps intelligent firewalls. Whichever explanation seems more logical to you, biological."\n\n"What?"\n\nCorinthin's speakers buzz a sigh. "The point is: [[Sphinxes|Sphinx]] are abominations. The one we seek imagines itself to be a fetish hybrid."\n\n"Oh! You want me to search the fetish clubs. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Well shit,<<else>>But<</if>> there are like fifty clubs in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]] alone. I'm gonna need to narrow it down. And I'll need creds or some real good connections to get inside. Those places are <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>fucking snobby<<else>>real high class<</if>>."\n\n"Begin your search nearby. The [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]] are diverse. The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] will blend in. Or attempt to. As for location—" Corinthin tilts its head. "The [[Siren's Song|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Siren's Song"]] would be the obvious place. I will transfer sufficient credits for admittance<<if $equip.clothes eq "Fancywear" or $equip.clothes eq "Fancydress" or $equip.clothes eq "Redsuit" or $equip.clothes eq "Fraydress">>. Your attire is already passable.<<else>> and you ought procure appropriate attire.<</if>> Make haste. Do not become distracted. Time wastes, biological."\n\n"Right," you say, taking notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "And<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>,assuming I even agree to this,<</if>> what am I supposed to do? Ask around if anyone's seen a ten-millenia old sex toy? Or keyboard?"\n\nThe [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] barks a hollow laugh. "Be creative. You are a biological. It is in your nature." Corinthin turns to the door. "We must depart. Undesirables draw near. Confrontation would be disadvantageous." He walks out, leaving you alone in Mauricio's appartment.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "frommauricio"; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 3; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits + Math.round(4500 * $gameworld_modifiers.churchModifier); window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $hud.messages.push($msg_corinthin_money); $hud.newmsg += 1; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Mauricio's Apt">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_continued_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Hab Block 12|the_crossroads_mauricio_2][$chr_corinthin.met = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_mauricio_1_continued_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_corinthin_elevator'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Corinthin if he Conspired|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "askguilty"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how the Object was removed|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "howstolen"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what the Object is|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "whatobject"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search Mauricio's Apartment|the_crossroads_mauricio_3][$action.action1 = "search"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Crossroads">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_txt'>>\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'>Resident Query Criteria: I_NAME like "RAJ" AND I_AFFILIATION includes "Church of Eden"\n\nResidenty Query Returned 5 Results:<br>\n<<nobr>>\n\t\tRaj Putraki; B10-11131; <span class='greencolor'>Apprentice</span><br>\n\t\tRajiq Kamkatoa; B10-24031; <span class='greencolor'>Accountant</span><br>\n\t\tRajir Adaqua; B10-36638; <span class='yellowcolor'>[Not Specified]</span><br>\n\t\tRaj Winston; B10-35125; <span class='greencolor'>Historian</span><br>\n\t\tRajal Tumake; B10-35126 <span class='yellowcolor'>[Not Specified]</span>\n<</nobr>></div>\n\nYou quickly discount the unspecifieds, leaving three Rajs of interest. It could be any of them. Trial and error might be the best course of action.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch10_apt1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit Appartment 11131|the_crossroads_apprentice_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch10_apt2 >>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit Appartment 24031|the_crossroads_accountant_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit Appartment 35125|the_crossroads_findraj_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Crossroads|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.fatigue -= 1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Apartment Block">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "destroyBot">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_enter_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_inject_txt'>></div><br>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "destroyBot">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Wraith|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Wraith_RajAppt"; $processed = false]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Intervening|rajapt_leftfordead][$chr_raj.alive = false; $chr_raj.loc = "none"; $action.action5 = "fromBotDead"; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter via the Utility Ducts|the_crossroads_findraj_enter_utility][$time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer5 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter via the Devilery Tunnel|the_crossroads_findraj_enter_delivery][$action.action1 = "firstattempt"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action eq "failed">>Your failed attempt to override the access hatch...<<else>>You push your way through the crowded walkways...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action eq "failed">>Your failed attempt to override the access hatch to the utility ducts has forced your hand. Your only option is to enter the Hab Block via the deliery tunnel. So you<<else>>You<</if>> push your way through the crowded walkways of Level B10, headed for the nearest stairwell. There are so many pedestrians around that it takes an effort just to reach the stairs. Walking up three flights, to the walkway that leads past the delivery tunnel, is another exersice in patience and frustration. Arms jostle constantly. Feet thunder and stomp. Voices jabber endlessly. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>The commotion makes your head throb and, before long, you start to feel sick simply by being there. It feels like you're drowning in humanity, about to be swallowed alive by the crowd.<</if>>\n\nRelief comes only when you reach the end of the thrid flight and duck out of the stairwell, onto a walkway almost devoid of pedestrians. The few who are about take little notice of you as you hurry toward the delivery tunnel. From outside it doesn't look like much, just a hole in the wall that allows floaters to enter Habitation Block 35. At the far end of the tunnel, a small landing pad serves as a drop-off point. There's a suspended utility walkway leading from where you're standing, on the main boulevard, to the landing pad. \n\n"Shit." You take a deep breath, trying not to think about what you're about to do.\n\nIt's a long drop off the walkway, into the depths of the [[Crossroads|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Crossroads"]]. But there's nothing you can do about that. So, assured no one is watching, you hop over the railing, onto the suspended walkway and balance along the loosely-linked segments. Every step makes you wonder if you'll plummet to certain death. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>More than once, you stumble and feel the world shift below your feet. But, by some miracle, the walkway holds together and you eventually reach the small landing pad at the far end.<<else>>Thankfully the walkway holds together and, a minute later, you step onto the small landing pad. <</if>>\n\nThere's no one about, thankfully, though you spot a barely-concealed camera in the corner. "Ah, damned."\n\nA brief glance around reveals a large garrage door but there's no external access pannel. The only other option is a small emergency exit which has been blocked off by a gate. When you draw near the gate, you notice there's no lock on it. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Keeping yourself upright by holding onto the wall with one hand,<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>Stifling a yawn,<<else>>Wary of what might lie ahead,<</if>> you push the gate open and...<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n\t<<click 'Enter Habitation Unit 35' 'the_crossroads_findraj_appartmentblock'>>\n\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "delivery"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer1 = false; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "delivery"; $attrib.criminality += 1; $time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer1 = false; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</click>>\n<</nobr>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_utility'>></div>\n<div class='HUD_hackutility' id='hack-area'><<display 'hackapp_raj_utility'>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You lower your weapon, shaking your..<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou lower your weapon, shaking your head. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Man, I so fucking hate witchcraft.<<else>>Man, I really don't like witchcraft.<</if>>"\n\nFrom behind you, a thin voice says, "Is... is it dead?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Of course it is."<<else>>"I think so."<</if>> You kick the charred corpse. It doesn't move. "Looks fucking dead to me." You face the man in the dark brown suit. "You Raj Winston?"\n\n"I, yes." He nods hastily. "And I am very greatful you appeared. I thought—" He swallows visibly. "I thought I was dead for certain."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Then you're one lucky son of a bitch."<<else>>"Guess it's your lucky day, man."<</if>>\n\n"Yes, yes, I must ask though: what were you doing here? It strikes me odd you shoud appear at this very moment when that, that—" He risks a glance at the dead [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]], which has started to dissolve into mikly white light. "—abomination attacks me."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Looking for your sorry ass.<<else>>"I was looking for you, actually.<</if>> I had some questions but now I'm more curious why that—" You nod to the dissolving [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. "—thing wanted to tear you a new one. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>But maybe you'll wanna sit down first.<<else>>But I'd understand if, you know, you wanna sit down or something.<</if>>"\n\n"Yes, I quite like that idea." Raj gestures to his apartment. "Please, come in. Then perhaps I might have a nervous breakdown and you might ask your questions in peace."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromFirstTime"; $chr_raj.met = true; $chr_raj.loc = "home_firsttime"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 5; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "sz17ax">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device.<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\tInitiating memory dump...<br><br>\n\n\t16 Bytes: 13 3a a7 19 00 ca e2 6a 72 9b b5 2e 70 1f ac c0<br>\n\t16 Bytes: 6d 91 fc 53 6d 6c 97 84 8a ab 1b 9a 52 2c 62 af<br>\n\t16 Bytes: ba fe 19 6b 73 10 ce e2 28 02 0f 58 d6 ba 80 fd<br>\n\t16 Bytes: d8 ab 1f 19 71 5d c4 fa 98 fa ae be 40 be 36 fc<br>\n\t16 Bytes: ea f9 26 ef 8d 38 7f 94 a6 64 8f e0 ec 15 45 98<br>\n\t16 Bytes: ef 51 e0 1f a0 ec c6 e8 7e c3 ab 9e 35 c2 0f dc<br>\n\t16 Bytes: 3c 70 bb 59 e4 f3 12 3a f4 1d d9 2b 28 a8 25 78<br>\n\t16 Bytes: 0f 4f 3f 63 e5 <span class = 'yellowcolor'><<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>sz17ax<<else>>73 7a 31 37 61 78<</if>></span> ef 51 e0 1f 55<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t<<nobr>>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|the_crossroads_findraj_enter_utility_2][$action.action1 = "success"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Security Code">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hackapp_raj_utility'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButtonError' style='margin-top: 6px'>[SECURITY LOCKDOWN]</div> <</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'><<if $override.result eq "none">>[[Abort|the_crossroads_findraj_enter_utility_2][$action.action1 = "abort"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<else>>[[Abort|the_crossroads_findraj_enter_utility_2][$action.action1 = "failure"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<</if>></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Raj's Apt">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_firsttime_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_firsttime_continue_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Raj he's Screwed|the_crossroads_raj_firsttime][$action.action1 = "dead"; $attrib.violence += 2; $hide.layer5 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll figure it Out|the_crossroads_raj_firsttime][$action.action1 = "figureout"; $attrib.dilligence += 2; $chr_raj.rep = $chr_raj.rep + 10; $hide.layer5 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Raj if that's All|the_crossroads_raj_firsttime][$action.action1 = "anythingelse"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer5 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 6>>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 3>>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 2>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_firsttime_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_firsttime_continue_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "dead">>"Sorry to say it, man, but you're..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "figureout">>"I dunno, man, but it's my job to..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "anythingelse">>"You're sure that's all you know?" When Raj..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "dead">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Lemme give it to you straight: you're as good as dead.<<else>>"Sorry to say it, man, but you're screwed.<</if>> There's a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] on your tail and I'm pretty damn sure sure—"\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "figureout">>"I dunno but it's my job to figure this one out. I can't promise you much but I'll look into it. Still, someone sicced a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] on your—"\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "anythingelse">>"You're sure that's all you know?" When Raj doesn't react, you say, "I'm just saying, it isn't every day you see a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] hurtling down the hallw—"\n\n<</if>>"A [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]?" Raj's eyes widen. "That thing was a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]? But they are not real. They are merely—"\n\n"Oh, they're real." You draw a deep breath and say, "First place to start is the [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. <<if $chr_celena.loc eq "none">>I used to know someone who had a tab on them. Now, well, I dunno. She probably won't talk to me anymore. Maybe I can find another lead.<<else>>I know someone. I'll talk to her, see if I can't get an audience and get some clear answers on this whole thing.<</if>> But, if the [[Witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] didn't send the abomination, you're <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<</if>> out of luck because it might as well have been anyone."\n\n"Might suggest you inquire at the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]? I heard there was case of witchcraft there some years ago."\n\n"Seriously? [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]]?" You scowl, unable to believe there's a connection between the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] and the [[Cult|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] that raised you. "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Never mind.<<else>>Well, okay.<</if>> Anything else?"\n\nRaj purses his lips. "No, I do not— Wait. Yes. My brother. You will look into his fate too, correct?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sure, whatever."<<else>>"I'll try."<</if>> You activate your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "You brother, where do I find him?"\n\nRaj barks a humorless laugh. "At the morgue. But he used to live at B10-12310. Perhaps your, ah, knowledge of such strange things might reveal something the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] could not."\n\nYou finish making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and say, "I'll give my best. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>And hey. I think you're a cool guy, Raj. This shouldn't happen to folk like you but that's how it is. Get used to it already."<<else>>And for what it's worth, I'm sorry this is happening to you, Raj. You don't seem like a bad guy. You just got the shit end of this stick."<</if>>\n\nRaj's lips twitch. "I study history, Vine. I wish no ill-will. I merely hope to learn and publish what I know so others might learn from it also." He holds out a hand. "Thank you. I do not know why but, perhaps, I trust you. Perhaps. If you learn more, please, come see me."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I'll get back to ya if anything turns up."<<else>>"If there's anything to tell, I'll let you know." You stand, shake Raj's hand and...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromraj"; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $chr_raj.loc = "home"; $attrib.dilligence += 4; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_findraj_utility'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Ah, fuck it..." You replace the cover to...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "success">>A soft click echoes from the utility door...<<else>>Feeling stupid, you replace the cover to the access panel and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>"Ah, fuck it." You replace the cover to the access panel and slink away from the utility hatch, resigned to the fact you'll have to enter through the delivery tunnel. \n\nMaybe a good thing too, seeing as tampering with utility systems is a great way to make the the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] of your antics. So, for better or for worse, you hurry back the way and...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "success">>A soft click echoes from the utility door. A green light flashes beside the access panel. You terminate the flash application, replace the cover to the access panel, and hit the door release with the palm of your hand. The utility hatch hisses open to reveal a ladder leading down to a dark passage. You climb down, into a world so devoid of light that you can barely see your hand in front of your face. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_ladder.png"]]</div>"Wonderful," you mutter and activate your [[PDA's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] holo-beam. \n\nA narrow ray of light washes the utility duct; a cramped tunnel clogged with thick strands of wires and lukewarm synthetic pipes. Noise echos in the tiny space as you craw forward one careful step at a time. After a minute you reach a cross-duct labeled //SH35-EAST//. \n\nLooking up the label on your utility map reveals the cross-duct to be the Sewage Uplink for Habitation Block 35, the same Hab Block Raj Winston lives in. Relieved, you follow the duct and, after less than a minute, come across an exit hatch that supposedly leads to the utility room of Hab Block 35.<<else>>Feeling stupid, you replace the cover to the access panel and hasitly distance yourself from the utility hatch. There's no way you'll get into the utility duct with the pannel locked in secure mode. Any attempt to override the pannel again would only alert the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]] and bring the lawmen down on your head. So, for better or for worse, your only option to get into the Hab Block is to...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>[[Enter via the Devilery Tunnel|the_crossroads_findraj_enter_delivery][$action.action1 = "abort"; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<elseif $action.action1 eq "success">>[[Climb out of the Utility Duct|the_crossroads_findraj_appartmentblock][$action.action1 = "utility"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = false; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]<<else>>[[Enter via the Devilery Tunnel|the_crossroads_findraj_enter_delivery][$action.action1 = "failed"; $attrib.caution = $attrib.caution + 5; $attrib.criminality = $attrib.criminality + 1; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<</if>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Raj's Apt">>\n\n\t<<if $chr_raj.loc eq "home_firsttime">>\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $action.randomize to either("personal", "work")>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $chr_raj.loc eq "home_firsttime">><div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_firsttime_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Let Raj Continue|the_crossroads_raj_firsttime_inject][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase lt 1>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase = 1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $chr_raj.loc eq "home">><div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Drift off to Sleep|the_crossroads_raj_toxicsleep][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 6; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Drift off to Sleep|the_crossroads_raj_toxicsleep][$action.action1 = "toxicsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 6; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 50; $attrib.fatigue -= 65; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal eq "none" and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Show Raj the Object|the_crossroads_raj_talk][$action.action1 = "showobject"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.15; $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal = "raj"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber" and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gt 4 and not $factionlock.cyberSourceRaj>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about exposing the Conspiracy|the_crossroads_raj_source][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 or (($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber") and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7)) and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.raj eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Talk to Raj about the Djinn|the_crossroads_raj_djinn][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1) and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.raj eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Talk to Raj about Paladins|the_crossroads_raj_paladins][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gt 4 and ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkRaj>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b10_raj_breakdown][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerRaj>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b10_raj_ogerlair][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Morgue Stencils|b10_raj_stencils][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 4 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand Raj fess up about the Sphinx|the_crossroads_raj_comeclean][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 3 and not $chr_ith.met and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Question Raj Again|the_crossroads_raj_comeclean][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $chr_raj.askedAboutObject eq false and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase lt 4 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Raj about Object 55316|the_crossroads_raj_talk][$action.action1 = "object"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $chr_raj.askedAboutObject = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 8 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Disciples of Sol|the_crossroads_raj_disc_of_sol][$chr_raj.rep = $chr_raj.rep + 10; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 9 and $chr_raj.loc eq "home" and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<if $job_school.mainPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Take Raj up on his Brandy Offer|the_crossroads_raj_brandy][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity += 35; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif ($job_school.mainPhase eq 2 or $job_school.mainPhase eq 3) and ($chr_raj.wentCafe eq false)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Tobias Gartner|the_crossroads_raj_porn][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lte 2 and $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Raj about the Pendant|the_crossroads_raj_pendant][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 3 and $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Raj about Fusion Spheres|the_crossroads_raj_pendant][$action.action1 = "fusion"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 9 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gt 4>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask to borrow Raj's Grav-Car|the_crossroads_raj_floater][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gt 4 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask to borrow Raj's Grav-Car|the_crossroads_raj_floater_final][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $redStressFactor = 1 + ($sexPhases.raj * $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex * 0.5)>>\n\t<<if $redStressFactor gt 10>>\n\t\t<<set $redStressFactor = 10>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $attrConditionMet = false>>\n\t<<if ((($attrib.gender eq "female" and $equip.isGlamorous and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 9) or ($attrib.gender eq "male" and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 5)) and $attrib.religion neq "theophobe") or $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable>>\n\t\t<<set $attrConditionMet = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrConditionMet and ($sexPhases.raj eq 0 or $sexPhases.raj eq 9999) and $sexPhases.canHaveSex>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Flirt with Raj|b10_addon5_raj_comeon][$action.action1 = "flirt"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $sexPhases.raj = 1; $attrib.stress -= 1;]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $sexPhases.raj gt 0 and $sexPhases.raj lt 9999 and $sexPhases.canHaveSex>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Snuggle with Raj|b10_addon5_raj_comeon][$action.action1 = "sex"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.raj += 1; $attrib.stress -= $redStressFactor; $attrib.fatigue += 15]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif not $attrConditionMet and $sexPhases.raj eq 0>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Flirt with Raj|b10_addon5_raj_comeon][$action.action1 = "reject"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Not up for That]</div></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Raj|the_crossroads_raj_talk][$action.action1 = $action.randomize; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n<</nobr>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromraj"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</if>><<else>><div class='GameText'>Raj Winston isn't home. Lucrative though the prospect might be, it wouldn't be right to poke around his appartment.</div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromraj"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.25; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 2; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Thanks." You lean forward...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Thanks." You lean forward. "<<if $action.action1 eq "showobject">>I found the artefact this mess all started about. Here." You show Object 55316 to Raj. "Any thoughts?"\n\nHis brow furrows. "Perhaps an old data sphere? I cannot say for certain, my friend. But it is definitely the work of the Empire. The carvings prove thus."\n\n"Good to know," you say. "Any way to verify what's on it? Make sure it hasn't been tampered with?"\n\n"Unless you can locate a machine which reads such devices?" Raj shakes his head. "And even if you do there will remain an issue: the content - whatever it is - will be written in old Imperial. It is nothing like modern script. Almost illegible even to me."\n\nYou purse your lips. "That sounds problematic."\n\n"Oh, perhaps not. I obtained a translation library from a colleague many years ago. Ahm, let me—" He rifles through his affects until he finds a data chip. "Yes. Upload the runtime to your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and it should - in theory - translate the content. Provided you manage to access it. With that part I cannot help you, I am afraid."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "personal">>Hey, if you don't mind. I was thinking over stuff and kinda realized I don't really know anything about you. So what's your story, Raj? As a person I mean."\n\n"Not a very interesting one, I do admit." He clasps his hands. "My family has a long history in the Clergy. My grandfather was a priest. My father was a priest. My brother was to be one too and I was the black sheep who wished to so something else. Alas, my upbringing was heavily tainted, and so I sought my carreer within the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] after all."\n\n"Mhkay. Not exactly an insightful history."\n\nRaj shrugs. "I tried to do as my father wished but he died many years ago, you see. After that I had only my brother, Mauricio, and he was, ah, well, we did not always see eye to eye on all matters." His lips twitch. "Mauricio, he was a very devout man. He did not agree with my critical analysis of the past - or of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], for that matter."\n\nYour eyes narrow. "Critical, meaning what exactly?"\n\n"Difficult to to demonstrate, yet perhaps these works would aid?" He shuffles around his stuff and produces two data pads. "They are considered heretical by some but I find they offer a clear picture of past events, and it was such works which inspired me to pursue the carreer I do."\n\n"Let's see." You take the data pads. Both contain rather sizable files:\n\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 eq "expanded">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'>[[Minimize File|the_crossroads_raj_talk][$action.action5 = "collapsed"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'rational_study_tibia'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'>[[Open File|the_crossroads_raj_talk][$action.action5 = "expanded"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>A rational study of legendary Tibia</strong>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "expanded">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'>[[Minimize File|the_crossroads_raj_talk][$action.action4 = "collapsed"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'deconstruction_zypbic'>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_PdaExpandButton'>[[Open File|the_crossroads_raj_talk][$action.action4 = "expanded"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>The Deconstruction of Zypbic</strong>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>\n\nRaj smiles ever so slightly. "I hope that will explain. But what about your history, my friend? How is it you come to be here?"\n\n"No clue," you admit. "Used to be a good kid. Raised by [[Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] but <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shit<<else>>stuff<</if>> happened and I got mixed up in that whole sex, drugs, and gang warfare thing. I got in way over my head and whatnot. Actually ended up making a bit of a name in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] but got out quick after that. I was lucky that I happened to be useful to the kind of people who could wash over past affairs."\n\n"The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]," Raj says coldly.\n\n"Yeah. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Shitty<<else>>Horrible<</if>> dependence but they did get me out of a tight spot." You tilt your head. "Guess that's really all you gotta know about me. I'll be gone soon as this job's done and that's the last you'll ever hear of me."\n\n"I see," Raj says. Silence falls in the study. "Well, then, perhaps should we move on to professional matters?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "work">>If ya don't mind me asking, what were you working on before your life got turned upside down? Anything big or important?"\n\n"My research, you mean?" Raj smiles. "I thought you would never ask."\n\nYou spread your hands. "Go ahead. I'm all ears."\n\n"Yes, well." Raj stands up and rubs his hands. "You are familiar with the concept of Eden, I'm certain? The place where humankind began, and from which we set out to settle across the stars?" \n\nWhen you nod, Raj continues, "Well, scripture claims Eden to be a mythological garden of paradise, yet I - and several like me - believe that Eden is quite literally a planet in our galaxy, a real, tangible place where the first of our kind evolved. Naturally I am not the first to harbor this thought. Research on this matter stretches back over the millenia, yet thus far no one has managed to locate Eden or, indeed, find any indication of where this place might be. Assuming it still exists at all."\n\n"What, you think the planet's just gone?"\n\nRaj shrugs. "The galaxy is always changing and, over the course of many millions of years, much might happen. But that is not the point. The point is to find clear scientific proof that Eden is indeed a physical place. That was my life's work. I held lectures, studied scripture and corporate records. Yes, I have spent many years working on this particular project, both for the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and a number of other parties who have a vested interest in the topic."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"I get the sense you haven't found proof of that yet, have you?" When Raj shoots you a dark look, you shrug. "Just saying."<<else>>"And let me guess: you haven't found proof." When Raj shoots you a dark look, you smirk a little. "Just saying."<</if>>\n\n"You do not say incorrectly either. I suppose one could say I have not yet confirmed what I had found yet I am inclined to believe that, in the past decade, we have made discoveries that will allow us to prove this theory in the near future." He waves a hand. "Perhaps not in my lifetime, sadly, yet I am certain Eden is a place, a planet, and that we can prove this to be the case by scientific means."\n\nYour brows rise. "So, any idea where Eden is? Or was?"\n\n"There is some speculation that Eden may be in the Sagitarius arm, so yes. We have a vague idea. Yet there are so many systems in this arm alone that to locate one planet, or the remants of one planet, will take more than any human lifespan." \n\n"Sounds like <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>a hell of <</if>>a lot of work."\n\nRaj chuckles. "That it is, my friend, which is why I have devoted my life to narrowing down the search, so that future generations might find the place of our origin and that questions of our past might be answered."\n\n"Quite the lofty goal you got yourself there." You shrug. "But I guess it's worth the effort."\n\n"I certainly hope so, my friend." Raj sits back down and clasps his hands. "Does that answer your question though, as to what I do professoinally?"\n\n"Yeah." You nod slowly, wondering if you should say more. Ultimately you decide to leave the matter be, if only because there's not much you can add to the conversation.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "object">>I was hoping to avoid this but, yeah, I have to ask: about that artefact your brother was on about, what do you know, and I mean really know, about it?"\n\n"Uh, not much, I am afraid. Mauricio told me it was a small device, perhaps thirty cubic centimeters in volume, and that it was removed from a larger object that had been dated to be over thirteen millenia old. Alas, I have never seen the artefact, nor have I found any mention of such a device in any scripture." His lips twitch. "I even risked a journey to the Bazar in the hopes that one of the wise ones who lair there would know an old wive's tale of such a device. Yet all for naught. While I can speculate wildly, the true meaning of this device has clearly been lost to the ages."\n\n"And you have any idea why it's so <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn<</if>> important?"\n\nRaj shakes his head. "Beyond that it is very old and therefore most likely very valuable, I do not know. Perhaps it contains information. Perhaps it is a weapon. Perhaps it is merely a prehistoric battery that has been mistaken for something far more important. I could not say and would not venture a wild guess."\n\n"Well, someone obviously wants it or they wouldn't be going through so much trouble to get the thing off-station without leaving a trail." Your eyes narrow. "And you're sure Mauricio didn't show you the thing?"\n\n"No. I did not even believe he had seen, much less posessed the artefact, until..." Raj's eyes dart to the floor. "It was not like Mauricio to do anything that would put himself in danger. I not understand why he would have... or why he even wanted to tangle in this matter. It is - was - very unlike him."\n\n"There's gotta be an explanation." You nod slowly. "But yeah, thanks, and I'm sorry. I didn't wanna make this hard for you."\n\nRaj smiles a litle. "It is all right, my friend. Please, do not be concerned." He looks up. "Is there anything else? Perhaps a more agreeable topic for conversation?"<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.2; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Okay, man." You draw a deep breath...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Okay, man." You draw a deep breath. "What can you tell me about [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]? Beyond the usual history book <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>crap<<else>>stuff<</if>>. You know, the facts they don't put in the books."\n\n"Little, I am afraid. I have briefly conversed with several of the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] on matters related to history and I have studied their actions in many regards. Alas, I can tell you little that you do not already know. The [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is extremely powerful, does not always quite answer to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], and generally intervenes only in affairs that threaten galactic stability."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, I hate to think that sacred agents of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] are just thugs with high-tech weapons."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Typical. What the fuck else would those faiths be than thugs with super-advanced weaponry?"<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, well, I've realized they're basically thugs with high-tech weaponry too."<<else>>"Man, and here I half expected that agents of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] would be more than thugs with high-tech weapons."<</if>>\n\nRaj chuckles. "Indeed, and like many who think with brawn and not brain, they are prone to catastrophic decisions. Perhaps they do indeed act for the greater good, yet I cannot say. I am no expert on their affairs, nor do I know anyone who might tell you more. It is not a topic I like to delve into."\n\n"Understandable," you say curtly. "And, yeah. None of this will be much use. But thanks anyways."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.raj = true; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_pendant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fusion">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Quick stupid question..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\n\t\t"Quick stupid question about old tech," you say. "Any idea where I can find a Fusion Sphere?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tRaj blinks. "Beyond in the Chapels and Shines of Eden, being ironically abused as incense burners, I assume?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYour brow furrows. "What?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe historian chuckles. "An old joke, my friend. Solar Spheres, or Fusion Spheres, were an old Imperial technology and notoriously unstable at that. When modern power cells emerged, patroned by the Machine Priests, it is said that the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] found the spheres useful only for burning insence. Even today they are used for this purpose as Globes of Eden, in time-honored mockery of old Imperial techology, though this nuance is lost upon most contemporares."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So you mean it isn't a joke. There's a Fusion Sphere in every Chapel and Temple of Eden?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"One set to a minimalistic yield, yes. Historic records show the Spheres were notoriously unreliable unless used in specifically designed systems. So if you wanted to aquire one, and I truly do not see why you would, the best chance would be a Machine Smith or perhaps the Scrap Yard on B33. I am told ancient machinery is often discarded, complete with Fusion Spheres and all, as they no longer fuction with modern systems." Raj shrugs. "But I would not be the one to ask about that, my friend. I know little to nothing of technology beyond its significance in the past."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Still," you say. "This has been a great help. Thanks a lot."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_pendant_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>After a moment's consideration, you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\tAfter a moment's consideration, you say,\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sell">>"Okay, I'll sell it. For one K. Paid right now, no questions, nothing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Then it is agreed." Raj holds out his hand.\n\n\t\t\t\tYou swipe it and hand him the pendant. "Thanks a lot, man. Was wondering what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> to do with that thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Indeed." Raj places the pendant on the table beside him. "And now it is my problem now, and I dare say I am just as clueless. Perhaps I could put it on display with my collection, though it seems a waste." He shrugs. "At any rate, it is a fine trinket, my friend. Surely I can find something sensible to do with it."\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>"Actually, I'd prefer to keep it, ask around a bit more. If that's okay with you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Of course, my friend. A true collector would offer a greater sum. I would refer you yet, alas, the only one I knew just recently left this corner of the galaxy on an expedition to the ruins of Palvarai. Still, it cannot be that hard to find someone interested."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah," you say, pocketing the trinket with a smile. "I'll keep asking around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tRaj nods. "Do just that, my friend. Frankly, I would not have known what to do with it save let it rot away in my collection. Hardly the end such an artefact deserves."\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Sell the Pendant (1000 C)' 'the_crossroads_raj_pendant'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "sell"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 98; $attrib.credits += 1000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'soldToRaj')>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + 1000>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Keep the Pendant|the_crossroads_raj_pendant][$action.action1 = "keep"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_witches_pendant.askedRaj = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fusion">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$job_witches_pendant.askedRaj = true; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_basic_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Your head lolls...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYour head lolls <<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>but you can't sleep, unable to get comfortable and yet too dazed to be functional. Eventually exhaustion spirits you away but the rest is uneasy at best. Twice you awake to unfamiliar noises. Never do you feel truly rested.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>and oblivion spirits you away. You don't even dream.<</if>>\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>Six hours later, you wake up, feeling worn out and stretched thin.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>Six hours later, you wake up, still dizzy from your intoxication.<<else>>A solid eight hours later, you wake up, feeling drowsy and disoriented.<</if>> The ornate furniture and the carpeted floors don't seem right. Nor does the fact you've been sleeping on a chair instead of a bed. It takes you a moment to realize you're in Raj's apartment.\n\nYou sit up with a start. "Oh shit. Did I, like, fall asleep here?"\n\n"Good morning, my friend." Raj looks up from a hardcover book he's reading. "How do you feel?"\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>"Worse than usual," you admit.<<else>>"Shit. Oh, fuck. Man, I'm sorry. I must've been—"<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>"You look it too. SHould I perhaps make tea?"<<else>>"Wasted?" Raj chuckles. "I believe you were, my friend. It was quite amusing."<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>"No, no."<<else>>"Oh, man."<</if>> You hastily stand up and grab your gear. "I'm really sorry. I'll be out of here. Right now. Just, well, yeah, I'm sorry."\n\n"It is okay. I assure you." He shoots you a amused look.\n\nYou tuck your gear away, saying, "Won't happen again. Promised."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive eq "fromraj"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.05; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $hide.layer0 = false;]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_txt'>>\n\t\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if not ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 5 and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 3 and not $chr_ith.met)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Ith Said|the_crossroads_raj_comeclean][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action2 = "whatlearn"; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you believe Raj|the_crossroads_raj_comeclean][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action2 = "believe"; $attrib.violence -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't believe Raj|the_crossroads_raj_comeclean][$hide.layer3 = true; $action.action2 = "nobelieve"; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_txt'>><</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_2_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div><br><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_2_txt'>><</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the Data Pad|the_crossroads_raj_comeclean][$hide.layer5 = true; $action.action3 = "read"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div><br><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_txt'>><</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_2_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div><br><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_comeclean_2_txt'>><</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You take the data pad and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\tYou take the data pad and are about to open the file when you realize it is over a dozen pages long. Perhaps it would be simpler to just ask Raj for a summary.<br><br>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad' id='raj-datapad'>\n\t\t\t<<display 'raj_dpad_content'>>\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t"Okay, just tell me how this relates to everything that's going on and I'll quit bugging you about all this<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> shit<</if>>."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I wish I knew but do not, my friend." Raj wrings his hands uneasily. "Were I to venture an educated guess however, I would imagine this Object that was recovered contains some form of information that the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] believes harmful. Or perhaps it contains information that someone else believes can be used to harm the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. I can think of enough who would wish so." He scowls. "The [[Witches Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] naturally comes to mind. And given that we encountered a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 10>>"Yeah, but not. The [[Coven's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] history. One [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] had them killed. I'm guessing she had something to do with this but she's dead now." You purse your lips. "Okay, I didn't have time to look around for the Object. I'll admit that much. But with everything else I'm hearing, I don't think she had anything to do with the theft. It felt a lot more like personal revenge motivated by someone else."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"If you say so." Raj shrugs. "Ah, I do not know, my friend. I am no [[constable|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]]. I am merely a historian."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah, sure, but can you think of anyone else who might be after the Object?"<<else>>"Yeah, well, I'm looking into the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] theory. Nothing conclusive yet. But let's assume for a moment it's not the [[Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. Who else comes to mind?"<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tRaj chuckles. "A list so long, my friend, it would take years to determine the culprit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fair point." You take a moment to consider the matter. A thought hits you and you say, "Okay, so you heard about the Object from your brother, right?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tRaj nods.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, I assume you talked to someone about it. So who'd you mention the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> thing to that'd just be crazy enough to try and steal it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"No one." Raj shakes his head with a laugh. "Unless you expect a middle-school teacher would have stolen from the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. But I find this highly unlikely." When you shoot Raj a dark look, he hastily adds, "His name is Tobias Albrecht Gartner. He teaches creative arts and science at Abacus on B30 and dabbles in history as a hobby. But he is a loving, caring man, most definitely not capable of such a monstrosity. I spoke to him but a few hours ago in fact and he was utterly distraught when I mentioned my brother had been killed."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, don't take this the wrong way, but I'd like to test that theory for myself." You stand and say, "And Raj?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe historian looks up. "Yes?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks for being honest with me,. I'm so sick and tired of people <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>bullshitting<<else>>dancing around<</if>> me. Just please, please don't become one of them."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHis lips twitch. "I shall attempt not to."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Good." You wave good-bye and make your way to the door, glad to be away from all the information overload of the past half hour.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere are just some things you don't want - or need - to know about and ancient galactic history is usually one of them. Though, on second thought, that might just be your irritation talking. You're dealing with a prehistoric artefact after all, so reading up on all the history might not be such a bad idea after all.\n\t\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromraj"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.45; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 6; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 5; $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_raj_quicktexts); $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'madeComeClean'); $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"All right, I..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"All right, <<if $job_school.mainPhase eq 2>>I dropped by the school like you said I should. Talked to Tobias's kids too. Don't think it went quite like your friend wanted. But we all learned something."\n\n"Ah, did we?" Raj's eyebrows rise.\n\nYou chuckle. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, that talking to kids really, really isn't my strong suit."<<else>>"Yeah. I don't think I'd make a good teacher."<</if>>\n\n"Mhm." Raj rubs his chin. "I do admit I told Tobias you would most likely not be suited for this task. Yet he insisted you be the one."\n\nYou shrug absently. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, he got what he wanted."<<else>>"I tried my best."<</if>>\n\n"Yes, well.<<elseif $job_school.mainPhase eq 3>>I dropped by the school but, yeah, didn't think talking to kids was a good idea."\n\n"Mhm." Raj rubs his chin. "I do admit I told Tobias you would most likely not be suited for this task. Clearly I judged correctly."\n\n"Well, now he knows that too.<</if>> What I actually wanted to say was this: there is something you may be interested in." Raj taps a data pad lying on the table beside his chair. "I found these documents among several recordings from the Empire of Man that have recently been catalogued by the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. At first I believed them to be religious texts but, ah, simply listen:"\n\n//In the great court of Lady Bateth, it was decreed that all must present themselves at the utmost best their means allow. This was done to appease Lady Bateth, of course, who indeed apprechated a the intrinsic art of human beauty unlike any. Thus many an admirer clothed themselves in their utmost best, and those who could afford to, speant great sums to gain the favor of their Lady. Yet over the months and years, Lady Bateth grew tired of the display. Again and again the most insignificant and uninteresting of humans paraded themselves in grandeur and wasted her time with pathetic acts of submission, yet none could achieve her image of perfection. Quite naturally, Lady Bateth began to tire of the charade. And so she decreed that any who did not please her would be put to death so that others might learn from their example.//\n\nRaj clears his throat. "Ah, yes..."\n\n//This continued for many months, and many a suitor and servant was put to death, merely because they could not live up to the simple expecations held by their Lady. Yet, one day, just as Lady Bateth had begun to despire, a young woman appeared before her Lady. This woman, one must say, had made no effort to alter her appearance, and what an appearance it was, for she resembled more a bulbous animal than a woman. All in the court of Lady Bateth laughed and chuckled, for this atrocity could not possibly be allowed before the Lady. Yet Lady Bateth took interest and demanded to know why this bloated thing wished to speak to her.//\n\nYou shoot Raj a amused look. "Where's this going, man?"\n\n"Simply be patient." He glances at his data pad. "Where was... Ah, yes, here..."\n\n//And the young woman answered, "To ask your favor, my Lady, what else?"\n\n"My favor," Lady Bateth said as she raised her eyes to look upon the abomination. "What favor could you hope to deserve?"\n\n"A future, my Lady," the woman said. "For my family has abandoned me. And I am now alone. I seek only a place to belong in this world. If you would let me serve you, my Lady, I would do anything asked of me."\n\nSuch a request, one should say, had never been made before Lady Bateth. Those who served in her court did so out of fear or lust for power. None had ever thought to offer in return, and naturally Lady Batheth asked the woman what she could posibly offer the court of a Lady. The woman had smiled the sweetest smile and said, "Pleasure, my Lady, and satisfaction unlike any you have ever experienced."\n\namused and quite entertained for a change, Lady Bateth agreed to this offer. And once this bloated beast of a woman had been washed and clothed - plagued by the constant snickers of the slaves and servants no doubt - she was brought to the throne room of her Lady once more. In this place, quite in plain view of all who watched, this warped woman gave pleasure her Mistress just as promised. Delighted moans echoed off the walls as pleasures of the finger and mouth were shared. Indeed, to the horror of all those present, the great Lady Bateth did not appear to care that her newest servant resembled a monster. Nor did she indeed mind that this misbegotten thing toyed so openly with her body. \n\nAmong those who looked on, bemusement and soon became frustration and indignation gave way to spite. For this lowly woman, who had done nothing her Lady asked, so easily gained the favor they had struggled for so long to attain. Yet nothing could be done, for Lady Bateth had chosen her favorite. And the young woman, whose appearance could not have been any less inappropriate for the eyes of a Lady, was allowed the finest of clothes and most delicious of nourishments, in return for no more than the pleasure her Lady wished for. \n\nSo events of the galaxy transpired and many years passed in the court of Lady Bateth. And, when the time came for the great Lady to make her peace with the Loving Stars, she would name but one last favor: that her most beloved servant would be gifted with great riches and set free - a last gift for the only one who had, in all her long years, achieved perfection with no more than the gifts the Loving Stars had granted her.//\n\n"And there we are." Raj puts the data pad down. "Your thoughts?"\n\nYou purse your lips. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Porn's been around for millenia. Why the fuck wouldn't the Empire of Man create their own, fucked up sex stories?"<<else>>"I suppose porn's been around for as long as humanity has so I'm not too surprised the Empire had their own version."<</if>>\n\n"I see your point. It is simply I, ah, found the account rather fascinating."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, it's fascinating all right. Especially the enthusiasm you read it with. But whatever. It's gotta have some historic significance."<<else>>"I suppose it is. I wouldn't exactly go hunting for more but it must have some historic significance, right?"<</if>>\n\n"It was simply a tidbit I found," Raj said. "I doubt there is any significance beyond, well, that it is amusing to read."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $chr_raj.wentCafe = true; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Sure." You sit and settle comfortably. "So Raj..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Sure." You sit and settle comfortably. "So Raj. You mentioned something about brandy, didn't you?"\n\n"Ah, yes. And of Solar Worship. Did I not?" He stands, walks to one of his antique cabinets, and returns with a bottle of Brandy and two glasses. As he pours a good sip each, Raj says, "As I remember, we last spoke of the Disciples of Sol and how they took this concept of Solar Worship very literally, yes?"\n\n"Something like that." You accept the glass he offers. "Thanks."\n\n"To good health." Raj holds up his glass. You toast.\n\n Raj sits down, saying, "Ah, well. The practice is a very old one, dating back to the first days of void travel. Originally one had hoped to freeze humans cryogenically, as we do today for long journeys, yet the thawing technology way not yet perfected. Thus in very early days it was more practical to produce large vessels in which entire civilizations would be built." Raj sips brandy. "Upon such voyages, which might last centuries, these humans knew no world save the cramped, crowded interior of their vessel and for many generations knew the outside world to be but the light of the distant stars, and from father to son it was passed down that they should look to these stars for hope, for future, and a better life."\n\n"Sounds almost like this hellhole." You sip your brandy. "The [[Scaffold|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], I mean."\n\nRaj smiles sadly. "There are some comparisons, indeed. Yet today we possess far more capable vessels and the benefits of REACH technology to speed our journeys. In those days this was not even imaginable. So our ancestors lived in isolation, condemned to a singular journey with an uncertain destination. It is easy to see why such a culture would turn to their only companions, the Loving Stars, and begin to worship them." Raj drinks and continues, "When at long last these generation-long journeys ended, it would always be near a star, thus lending Solar Worship its second aspect, namely that stars were viewed as saviors, as great beacons of hope that signalized the end of long voyages into the unknown."\n\nYou take another sip and say, "They kinda still are, aren't they? I mean, at least according to [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] rites. Not that I'm an expert or anything, y'know."\n\n"Quite so." Raj cradles his glass, saying, "These practices were passed down from generation to generation, from times long past. But to continue where I left off, originally, there were many, many versions of worship. Some worlds developed no spiritual belief, preferring scientific rationale. Others worshiped stars with prayer or made sacrifices, or believed that gods lived in these flaming balls of hydrogen. Yet the concept we now know as Loving Stars was common to many, and when the Empire of Man first began to form and ideas were exchanged between distant colonies, these varied beliefs slowly became entwined."\n\n"Like everything in this fucking galaxy," you mutter and drink - more than a sip this time.\n\nRaj chuckles. "Ah, we do tangle, do we not? But I digress. It took quite some time for these beliefs to truly become one, which was when the portal system was first constructed. Before then only ideas had been exchanged, and some who traveled between worlds learned of other faiths. I do not know much of this sadly but..." Raj sips his drink. "But it is said that every planet and every system held their own belief with variations, sometimes with many gods, sometimes with only one god, and I do believe it was truly complex at the time. Yet, once travel across the void became more practical and the Empire began to spread, all these ideas were combined into one religion, which eventually became the domain of the Temple of Sol."\n\n"Mhhm." You finger your glass, listening intently.\n\n"So, yes, the Temple of Sol was born, and of this time I know far more. Indeed, it resembled the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] in many ways. Only that it held little political sway and preferred to concentrate on the rituals of Solar Worship." Raj finishes his drink and fills his glass back up, saying, "For example, it was common throughout the Empire that, on the beginning of each year, a great festival would be held to venerate the great powers of the local Star. It was also common that, before every journey, a Ritual of Light would be held." Raj waves a hand. "Ah, there were many such rituals, some common in daily life, others to be practiced only in certain circumstances. Often there rituals involved, ah..." Raj looks down, visibly ashamed. "Well, let us say frivolous sexual acts."\n\n"Makes sense," you say. "Mean, the Sun is life, joy and happiness, and sex is basically that in a nutshell, yeah?"\n\nRaj smiles shyly. "Ah, sometimes I forget your world is not quite as mine."\n\nYou put your glass down, saying, "More open about sex or what? Because that's just a basic part of human life. Has been since, well, freaking forever according to evolution. So why the fuck make a big deal of it?"\n\n"Mhh, well..." Raj bites his lips. "Ah, how do I say this? Perhaps so: it is not only the openness, my friend. It is the abundance, the lack of sanctity. These were often given in times past. Today? Sexual acts are but a passtime which holds no meaning. And then there is the form of sexuality itself which personally..." He waves a hand. "Forget I mentioned it."\n\nYou scoff. "What the fuck's that supposed to mean?"\n\n"That, ah..." Raj stares at his drink. "One might say I do not find females quite as fascinating as society dictates I should."\n\n"Oh." You nod slowly. "So you're gay? And? Who gives a fuck?" When Raj doesn't look up, you say, "Hey, I've fucked <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>dudes<<else>>chicks<</if>> before. So? What's the big deal?"\n\nRaj gulps down a generous ammount of Brandy. "To you it is perhaps nothing. I however was raised in the ways of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. As a man it is my duty to establish and raise a family, to pass on those ways to my children, so that their children in turn—"\n\n"Yeah, I know the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] is big on fertility, man. What's that gotta do with you?" When Raj doesn't reply, you lean forward. "Listen, man. I dunno what you believe or were expected to think. But as far as I'm concerned it's simple: you like dudes, you fuck dudes. <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>I'd throw myself out there but I got trust issues, man. That's a real long story but the point is what you<<else>>What you<</if>> like is your fucking business. It doesn't have anything to do with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]."\n\n"Of course, my friend, but..." Raj frowns. "Perhaps this was an inappropriate topic."\n\n"Obviously just for you." You gulp down the rest of your Brandy and look at Raj.\n\nHe breathes a sigh. "My friend, I apologize. It is a topic I would need to gather my thoughts on." He looks up and forces a smile. "I do however have another matter worth mention. Ah, my friend Tobias Gartner, the school teacher? You remember him?"\n\n"Yeah, the guy with the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] problem." Your lips twitch. "Nice guy. Had some weird views on abominations but yeah."\n\n"Yes, well." Raj rubs his chin. "Ah, I do not know how to say this so I will be blunt: Tobias asked if you would perhaps wish to speak to one of his classes. It is, ah, because of the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]. He wishes to explain to them the dangers of abominations and believes you can do this better than he. Naturally he would understand if you do not wish to. But he would very much like to speak to you."\n\n"Hm. Interesting." You shrug. "Sure, I guess I can drop by the school."\n\nRaj stands, his glass held close to his chest. "Yes, this would be excellent, my friend. And ah, forgive me about before. I did not mean—"\n\n"Don't sweat it. And I'll be 'round again sometime, yeah?" You stand, saying, "Take care of yourself, man."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Raj's Appartment|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive eq "fromraj"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $job_school.mainPhase = 1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_enter_txt'>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_floaterpartial'>></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "accept">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_crossroads_raj_floaterpartial'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Okay." You program the deposit and hold out your...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Okay." You program the deposit and hold out your arm. "Five K. You'll get it back in one piece though. I promise."\n\n"I should certainly hope so." He taps at his [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and holds out an arm. "Here. The access codes, though, ah, if I am asked how you aquired them, I will say they were taken by force, yes?"\n\n"Fine with me," you say and swipe his arm.\n\n"That is it then. Ah, it is parked in slot 10. Just outside, take the stairs up two floors. The door to the garrage is usually unlocked. And, ah, do attempt to be gentle with it." He smiles nervously.<</if>></div><</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 9 or ($sexPhases.raj gte 3 and $sexPhases.raj lt 9999)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to the Garage|b5_covenfinal_arrive][$job_coven.buddy = "alone"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 5000>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Make the deposit (5000 C)|the_crossroads_raj_floater][$attrib.credits -= 5000; $chr_raj.madeCarDeposit = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); $action.action1 = "accept"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Make the deposit (5000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "accept">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to the Garage|b5_covenfinal_arrive][$job_coven.buddy = "alone"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Raj's Apt">>\n<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 14>>\n<<if $job_coven.mainPhase neq 99 and $job_coven.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t<<set $job_coven.mainPhase = 7>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You park the grav-car in Raj's garage, make sure all...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\nYou park the grav-car in Raj's garage, make sure all the systems are powered down, and hop out. Less than a minute later, you've walked back down to his appartment and step through the front door. Raj is standing in the hallway, a cup of tea in one hand and a data pad in the other. He looks up. "Ah, Vine. I trust my vehicle is in one piece, yes?"\n\n"Yeah," you say. "Can't say the same for the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]."\n\n"Ah. Yes. Well, do not tell me more." Raj smiles a little. "<<if $chr_raj.madeCarDeposit eq true>>And I do believe I owe you your deposit back." He holds out his arm. "Please."\n\nYou nod greatfully. "And, yeah, sorry about all that. I won't come asking for you to lend me stuff again. Promised." \n\n"Provided it is returned in good order, I will not complain. Yet I digress. Your deposit?"<<else>>Perhaps one day, when matters have settled, you can tell me all about this. For now let us simply be glad this adventure of yours did not end in disaster."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $chr_raj.madeCarDeposit eq true>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Reclaim the Deposit' 'the_crossroads_raj_main'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits + 5000; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $chr_raj.madeCarDeposit = false; playContextSound("ui_blip")]>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x5000">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_raj_main][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Ith's Chamber">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<set $chr_ith.met = true>>\n\n\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if not $chr_ith.toldSecret>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.askedTechnicianFinal eq "none" and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Show Ith the Object|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith_object][$action.action1 = "showobject"; $hide.layer3 = true; $time.active += 0.15; $job_conspiracy.askedTechnicianFinal = "ith"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Show Ith the Object|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 or (($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber") and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7)) and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.ith eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about the Djinn|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith_djinn][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about the Djinn|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1) and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.ith eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about Paladins|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith_paladins][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about Paladins|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase gte 3 and $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase lt 6>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about the Other Foe|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith_other][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about the Other Foe|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about ancient Cyphers|b10_sirenssong_cypher][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about ancient Cyphers|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerIth>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b10_sirenssong_ogerlair][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Morgue Stencils|b10_sirenssong_stencils][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Morgue Stencils|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lte 2 and $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about the Pendant|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith_pendant][$action.action3 = "pendant"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about the Pendant|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 3 and $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about Fusion Spheres|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith_pendant][$action.action3 = "sphere"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Ith about Fusion Spheres|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and not $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell Ith you found a Secret|b10_sirenssong_ithquestion_object][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Ith|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith_talk][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Bar|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<if $chr_ith.toldSecret>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "bored">>\n\t<<elseif not $chr_ith.madeFriend>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "sex">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.ith eq false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 to either("past", "celena", "raj")>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 to either("past", "celena", "raj")>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Dunno. I actually just dropped.."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"Dunno. I actually just dropped by to chat."\n\n"A curious idea." Ith slinks around you, saying, <<if $action.action1 eq "sex">>"What would you consider it if I inquired about the offer I made?"\n\n"The offer?" You raise an eyebrow.\n\n"You mentioned you had survived a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] yet would not share. Thus I offered we could perhaps entertain ourselves a differnt manner." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] brushes her white mane against your neck with a faint purr. "A more pleasureable manner?"\n\nA smirk curls your lips. "Hard to say. The whole ten-thousand year old dead thing kinda puts me off, y'know?" \n\n"Ah, how unfortunate." Ith stops before you, its golden nmask hovering before your face. "I had hoped..." The hint of a smile curls its lips. "But I would not wish to compel you against your will. Such acts are so..." Ith paws at the floor. "Unsatisfying?"\n\nYou shrug absently. "Wouldn't know. I've never compelled anyone I liked."\n\n"Ah, there you are mistaken." Ith leans closer and whispers, "I do not like you human, you merely interest me on a basic level."\n\n"Same thing, different name." You stroke the [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] coat. "But I gotta disappoint you, dear. I'm staying with humans." You frown. "Or humanoids at least. But ten thousand year old dead things are still a no-go."\n\nIth bows its head. "Very well. But if you change your mind..." The hint of a smile curls her lips. "Patience is a virtue I am most familiar with."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "bored">>"Oh, do humor someone else, biological. You have not the slightest to say to me."\n\n"But—" You hesitate. "Fine. Y'know what? Screw you. Seriously."\n\nThe [[Sphinx's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] eyes glimmer. "Pleasure yourself too, biological. It is what your species does best, after all, is it not?"\n\nYou don't bother to reply. It just isn't worth it. Not in a million years.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "past">>"What would you consider it if I inquired about your past?"\n\n"I'd say you're poking into stuff that's none of your business." You fix the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] with a stern gaze. "But you already knew that."\n\n"Perhaps." Ith lets the hint of a smile curl her golden lips. "Perhaps not. Which would you prefer?"\n\n"Mostly an answer to why the hell a ten thousand year old dead thing wants to know about my past." You purse your lips. "Unless the answer is you don't and just wanna blow smoke up my ass, in which case you can lie all you want."\n\n"Intriguing but no. I was indeed curious how one such as you becomes an agent of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. The pattern does not match your past occupation." \n\nYou shrug half-heartedly. "Shit happened. I chose another route. The [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] offered me a job. And, well, hunting abominations..." You shoot Ith a dubious look. "Well, most abominations, gives me more sense of purpose than running a glorified street gang and banging drunken sluts."\n\n"An unusual choice. Most..." Ith tilts its head. "Admirable. Most humans would not make such a choice. They would repeat their mistakes again and again. Yet you..." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] smiles. "Perhaps I flatter you too much, human. You are, after all, only the sum of your celluar components."\n\n"And you're an ancient pain in the ass." When Ith glowers, you force a smile. "Just saying."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "celena">>"What would you consider it if I inquired about the Little One?"\n\n"Celena?" You shrug. <<if $chr_celena.loc eq "none">>"We don't talk much anymore."\n\n"Unfortunate." A hint of sadness fills Ith's features. "How very unfortunate."\n\n"Shit happens," you say coldly, intent on not mentionin the topic anymore.<<else>>"What about her?"\n\n"Your relationship is unique. That a being such as her would..." Ith tilts its golden head. "As I said, it is unique."\n\n"Actually, it's mostly sex, drugs and more sex. There's nothing unique about it. Well, except she's a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. But I don't see how that changes anything."\n\n"It has never happened before," Ith says in a suggestive tone.\n\n"So?" Ith tilts her head. You snort. "Seriously?"\n\nIth bows its head. "I am curious. Nothing more."\n\n"Yeah, well, that's your fucking problem," you mutter, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>determined not to talk about your personal life with a ten-thousand year old dead thing.<<else>>all too convinced this isn't a topic you want to talk about this with Ith.<</if>><</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "raj">>"What would you consider it if I inquired about our mutual friend, Raj Winston?"\n\n"He's a friend. Maybe We've talked a little. That's all you gotta know."\n\n"Is it?" Ith brushes against your chest, "Or are you hiding something? Something you do not wish me to know?"\n\n"I don't want you to know a lot of stuff, man. But Raj?" You shake your head with a chuckle. "Seriously? He's just a guy. Admittedly, an awesomely nerdy... weird guy who loves books and shit but he's still just a guy. Nothing more."\n\n"Ah, is it?" Ith smirks. \n\nYou roll your eyes, determined nod to continue that particular conversation. It really isn't going where it should be and, by all account, Ith is hell-bent on seeing something that just isn't there.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I have to ask you something," you say..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"I have to ask you something," you say. "About [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]. Specifically, how to tangle with them without causing things to go off the deep end."\n\n"Oh." Ith looks disheartened. "Advice, I dare say, you won't find much except this nugget: do not."\n\nYou scoff. "Very useful. I know they're a pain in the ass. I thought maybe you knew more."\n\n"I know they are inolerable and insolent, more machine than man. Beyond that?" Ith's fur ripples unnaturally. "I suppose I could tell. But do you wish to know?"\n\n"Obviously," you say.\n\nIth grins. "Splendid, then listen carefully: the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is a true technological marvel, a mind in a matrix cased in a shell only a demon-blade of the old world can break - and don't bother to ask; no such thing exists this side of the Core Divine. But I have listenend to the idle data-musing of the [[Paladin Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] over the ages. Boring prattle. So factual and to the point. Always on the data-networks. Buzzing, chirping, thrumming, throbbing. Constantly connected. Addicted to their virtual paradise."\n\n"So, what, some kinda collective consciousness?"\n\n"A ceaseless exchange of information," Ith says. "Each is a fiercly individualistic being, a creation of individualized code, yet still their impression of this galaxy is built as a whole, a collective. It is through this combined knowledge that they might know and act so swiftly in defence of their misbegotten ideals. And it is this great strength which is their weakness."\n\n"Isolate one and cut it off from the rest, and the others will never know." You nod slowly. "Makes sense."\n\nIth looks unimpressed. "Do what you wish with this knowledge yet be warned: for a thousand years and more, no one has faced a [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] wrath and lived to tell the tale. At least, not on this side of the Core Divide."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.ith = true; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"I have something to show you..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"I have something to show you." You produce Object 55316 and show it to the Machine Smith. "Figure you'll know what it is. But can you tell me anything about it?"\n\nIth's eyes light up. "Ah, an Imperial data device, just as I speculated. An odd one though. Spherical, not an efficient geometric shape. May I?"\n\n"Sure." You hand her the object.\n\n"How very odd. Look—" The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] indicates several lines on the devices' surface. "At first glance just a pattern. But they betray a deeper secret: the encoding ID specific to this device. Only a system which posesses the runtimes necessary to decode this particular identifier will be able to read it. Alas, I do not, or I would gladly translate its contents. Out of curiosity, of course."\n\nYou nod slowly. "So if I want to look at it, I'd need a machine with the appropriate runtimes?"\n\n"If such a thing even exists today." Ith's lips curl. "This thing is even older than I am, human."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.ith = true; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Ith's Chamber">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_sphinx_meet_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Vine|sphinx_intro_inject][$action.action1 = "amvine"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have Questions|sphinx_intro_inject][$action.action1 = "questions"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're a curious Party|sphinx_intro_inject][$action.action1 = "curious"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Ith's Chamber">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_sphinx_meet_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'sphinx_intro_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Object 55316|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_meet_talk][$action.action5 = "object"; $action.action2 = "true"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Mauricio's Possession|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_meet_talk][$action.action5 = "mauricio"; $action.action3 = "true"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Corinthin Did|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_meet_talk][$action.action5 = "paladin"; $action.action4 = "true"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_reccuring_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Business." You pull a face. "The nasty stort..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n"Business." You pull a face. "The kind of business that's really old, can walk through walls, and displace itself over short distances." The [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] stops dead in its tracks. You nod gravely. "Yeah. I'm trying to find a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]."\n\n"Fasninating." Ith fixes you with a penetrating emerald stare. "And yes, I do know something of them. Understand that <<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq true>>[[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] are slaves of war—" Ith frowns. "But the little one with silver hair will already filled your head with nonsense."\n\n"We had a little chat, yeah."\n\n"A wise choice to concult the little one. Unwise to believe her." <<else>>[[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] are slaves of war, created to be perfect icons of a dead age. One might consider them soldiers, fanatical, driven, and near immortal. The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] of this age are bound to the one who commands them, control enforced by a marker which is inherited across generations. Thus to know who controls the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] is to have power over it. To an extent."<</if>> Ith curls around you once more, casually brushing fur against your arms. "The [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] is a fiercly loyal creature until released from service, though to my knowledge this has never occurred. They are creatures of hate, slaves to an old divine of whom I dare not speak." \n\n"So kill the owner and all bets are off." When Ith nods, you say, "And is there any way to stop the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> thing from bouncing around like a rubber ball?"\n\n"It's tricks are illusions, it's magicks mere sleigns of hand, and yet they are akin to black magick. I would not know how to stop them. It is possible they are indeed immortal."\n\n"I suppose just shooting it wouldn't work?"\n\n"If it stands still, for certain." Ith's eyes glint with what might be malice. "Thair abilities may be considerable yet their augments and bodies are biological to a fault. Sufficient kinetic force would surely kill it. Alternatively, an asphyxiating agent may incapacitate the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], but I would not know for certain. That is all I can tell you."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.ith = true; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_sphinx_meet_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sphinx_intro_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sphinx_intro_convo_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx_leave_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Exit Ith's Chamber|the_crossroads_sirens_song_leave_paladin][$hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.action3 = "none"; $statistics.suspectQuestioned += 1; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Back Alley">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'sirens_song_leave_paladintalk_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you know That|the_crossroads_sirens_song_leave_paladin][$action.action3 = "thatgood"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask how Corinthin Knew|the_crossroads_sirens_song_leave_paladin][$action.action3 = "howknew"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accuse Corinthin of using You|the_crossroads_sirens_song_leave_paladin][$action.action3 = "lied"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'sirens_song_leave_paladintalk_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action3 eq "thatgood">>"I already figured..."<<elseif $action.action3 eq "howknew">>"Huh? How did—" Your mouth forms an...<<else>>"You used me." Your eyes narrow dangerously...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "thatgood">>"I already figured that part out," you say darkly. "You were using me to check off potential suspects. Whatever. What's the next step? <<if $chr_raj.alive eq true>>Confirm Raj's story and make sure he wasn't involved?"<<else>>Mean, I was going to say confirm Raj's story but he's dead so that's not gonna happen."<</if>><<elseif $action.action3 eq "howknew">>"Huh? How did—" Your mouth forms an O. "Seriously? You could've just told me we were eliminating likely suspects."\n\n"Unlikely. The abomination is perceptive. It would have sensed deciet." Corinthin tilts its head. "Tact was necessary."\n\n"Sure, yeah. But it doesn't help us one damn bit. The <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>stupid thing<<else>>abomination<</if>> didn't know anything. Well, actually, it made some assumptions about the Object and apparently Raj Winston talked to her... it not long ago. But I don't see how that helps us." Your eyes narrow. "Unless you think Raj—"<<else>>"You used me." Your eyes narrow dangerously, though you doubt Corinthin even notices. "You sent me here, put me in harm's way, and for what? To eliminate culprits you already suspected were innocent?"\n\n"Indeed," Corinthin says impassively. "It was pendantic. Yet efficient. The abomination is perceptive. It would have sensed deciet. Tact was necessary."\n\n"Well, turns out we just wasted our time because the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>damned<</if>> abomination doesn't know shit. Well, actually, it made some assumptions about the Object and apparently Raj Winston talked to her... it not long ago. But I don't see how that helps us. Which is useless, unless you think Raj—"<</if>>\n\n"The possibility exists. <<if $chr_raj.alive eq true>>It would be advisable to question him. He appears harmless but the mockery of history he publishes as truth has become an ironic if troublesome threat.<<else>>If only it were possible to question him. He published much in the name of truth while in fact he made a mockery of past events.<</if>> From simply misinformed to hilariously incorrect, yet I digress."\n\n<<if $action.action3 eq "thatgood">><<if $chr_raj.alive eq true>>"Okay, I can do that. But there's still an issue here: if Ith wasn't responsible then we're basically looking for a needle in the galaxy.<<else>>"Yeah, well that's not going to happen. Which brings up another question: if it wasn't Ith, then how are we going to find this proverbial needle in the hashtag?<</if>> Because, unless you're hiding something from me, we just crossed off the most likely suspect and are left with, what, billions of citizens to question?"<<else>>"<<if $chr_raj.alive eq true>>Sure, yeah, just after I've finished figuring out who among forty billion citizens...<<else>>Yeah, let's go question a corpse. Totally. Great idea. Brilliant.<</if>>" You shake your head with a sigh. "Sorry, man. This is ridiculous. So, unless there's something you aren't telling me, in which case I think now would be a good time to do that, we might as well be looking for a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>fucking <</if>>needle in the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>fucking <</if>>galaxy."<</if>>\n\n"Your metaphor is nonsensical<<if $action.action3 eq "thatgood">>, as is your logic<<else>>." Corinthin breathes a hollow sigh. "As is your logic<</if>>. Neurological decay observed in the deceased suggests high dosage of specific Class 9 substances that would be impractical to synthesize on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. The perpetrator will have aquired the product off-station. Predictive analysis based on these parameters revealed a likely source: [[Athena Medical Ltd|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]]. A shipment which matches the criteria observed is currently being processed on Level B40, intended for therapeutic use." \n\n"And let me guess: since you're <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>an incompetent piece of faith crike, poking around would just arouse suspicion.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>a hulk of metal, poking around would just arouse suspicion.<<else>>an avatar of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]], poking around would draw too much attention.<</if>> So you want me to look into it?" When Corinthin nods, you <<if $action.action3 eq "thatgood">>pull a face. "Okay. Fine. Just remind me why I should trust you?"<<else>>scoff. "Just remind me exactly why I'm doing exactly what the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] who's suspected of having stolen the <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>fucking<<else>>highly valuable<</if>> Object keeps telling me to do?"<</if>>\n\n"It serves a mutual purpose." [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin strides away without further explanation. \n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death take me. Some days I really wonder."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between, some days I wonder."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, some days I wonder."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Yeah, screw you, you tin can."<<else>>"Some days, I really wonder."<</if>> You stare after him, wondering how you ever <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>thought getting involved with a bunch of faiths was a good idea.<<else>> got involved with the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]].<</if>>\n\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>Originally, working for Father Zweili had been a quest to atone for past sins. The idea had been to make the galaxy just a little bit safer but, as it turns out, you've just been causing more chaos and the only thing that still comforts you is the idea you'll die eventually. Hell, with the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] added to the list of improbable creatures you've run into, all you'd need is to become tangled in a theophobic plot orchistrated by agents of the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] and you'll have seen it all before the end.\n\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>Originally, working for Father Zweili had been a quest to atone for past sins. The idea had been to make the galaxy just a little bit safer but, as it turns out, things have gotten well out of hand and the only thing that's brought you comfort is the Void between the Stars. Hell, with the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] added to the list of improbable creatures you've run into, all you'd need is to become tangled in a theophobic plot orchistrated by agents of the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] and you'd have seen it all. \n\t\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>Not that there's anything wrong with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] - far from it. But the plan had always been to do good; make the galaxy just a little bit safer. It seems of late all you've doing is causing more chaos and confusion. Loving Stars, with the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] added to the list of improbable creatures you'be run into, all you'd need is to become tangled in a theophobic plot orchistrated by agents of the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] and you'd have seen it all. \n\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>It was a stupid idea. Sure, you'd wanted to make up for past errors. And maybe trying to do good in the galaxy wasn't a bad call. But with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]? Man, did you have the wool pulled deep over your eyes. All you need now is get caught in an all out street war between the clerics and the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] and you'd have seen it all.\n\n\t<<else>>Originally, working for Father Zweili had been a quest to atone for past sins. The idea had been simple: do good rather than harm; make the galaxy a safer place. But every stone you turn over just reveals another abomination, conspiracy and dark secret lurking in the shadows. With the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]] added to the list of improbable creatures you've run into, all you'd need is to become tangled in a theophobic plot orchistrated by agents of the [[Hegemony|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Corporate Hegemony"]] and you'd have seen it all. \n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n\nJust as the thought crosses your mind, a chill breeze wafts from the nearest ventilation duct. Goosebumps crawl up your arms. You glance around the dark passageway, worried someone - or something - might be lurking nearby. There is no one around. \n\nRelieved, take a deep breath and...<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Trudge back to the Crossroads|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromdefault"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.caution += 2; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 4; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 4; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - Back Alley">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>/%<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 11>>[[Enter the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_endmsn_vijar][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true]]<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>[[Return to the Crossroads|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromdefault"]]<<else>>%/<<if ($attrib.credits gte 4000 or $chr_ith.madeFriend) and ($equip.isFashionOutfit or $equip.isPartyOutfit or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit or $equip.isSkimpy or $equip.isGlamorous or $equip.isAbominated)>>[[Enter the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$hide.layer1 = true; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<else>>[[Return to the Crossroads|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromdefault"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<</if>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 - The Siren's Song">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<if not $loc_sirenssong.visited>>\n\t<<set $loc_sirenssong.visited = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.arrive neq "fromself">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div><br><</if>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div><br>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase gte 4 and $chr_ith.alive and $chr_ith.met>>\n\t\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're there for Ith|addon_sirenssong_kill_ith][$hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're there for Ith|the_crossroads_sirens_song_ith][$hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're looking for Varijasha|the_crossroads_sirens_song_blackscale][$processed = false; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Baibirack Facility|ssong_facility_ask][$hide.layer2 = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Beer (2 Credits)|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar][$action.action2 = "beer"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 2; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 10; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; $processed = false; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Beer (2 Credits)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 5>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Liq (5 Credits)|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar][$action.action2 = "liq"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 5; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 30; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; $processed = false; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Liq (5 Credits)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 15>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Order a Flash (15 Credits)|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar][$action.action2 = "flash"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 15; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 50; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; $processed = false; $statistics.alcoholDrunk += 1; $attrib.stress -= 2; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Order a Flash (15 Credits)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're just there to Look|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar][$action.action2 = "lookaround"; $hide.layer2 = true; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; playContextSound("ui_click"); $processed = false; ]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 3 and $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 to either("catgirl", "halfhalf")>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<<elseif $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 to either("catgirl", "lizzardman", "rhinogirl", "halfhalf")>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 3>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Sphinx|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sphinx][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $reasonstring = "Not up for That">>\n<<if $attrib.credits lt 1000>>\n\t<<set $reasonstring = "Too broke for That">>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>\n\t<<if $sexPhases.canHaveSex and $attrib.credits gte 1000>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd like That|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_agree][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<print $reasonstring>>]</div></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd prefer Not|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_decline][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious" and $sexPhases.canHaveSex and $attrib.credits gte 1000>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Accept his Challenge|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_agree][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<print $reasonstring>>]</div></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Decline the Offer|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_decline][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>\n\t<<if $attrib.violence gte 25 and $sexPhases.canHaveSex and $attrib.credits gte 1000>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Prove you're not a slow Learner|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_agree][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<print $reasonstring>>]</div></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Decline the Offer|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_decline][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>\n\t<<if $sexPhases.canHaveSex and $attrib.credits gte 1000>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're open to Experience|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_agree][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[<<print $reasonstring>>]</div></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Decline the offer|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_bar_decline][$hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>"Not tonight, kitten." You kiss her...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>"Actually, I'm just fine where..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>"Intruguing but I'll pass. Sorry..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>"Had enough experiences of late. Most of 'em..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>"Not tonight, kitten." You kiss her on the cheek. "Another time maybe."\n\n"Oh, okay. Another time." She smiles shyly. "Bye, bye." The cat strokes your shoulder and prowls off in search of another customer to snuggle with.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>"Intruguing but I'll pass. Sorry, man." You pat the reptile's shoulder. \n\n"Ahh," He hisses. "Well, well. Next time. Perhaps."\n\n"Sure." As the reptile turns away in search of another customer, you add, "See ya. I guess."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>"Actually, I'm just fine where I am."\n\nThe rhino snorts. "Knew it. Yer shy." She slaps your shoulder with considerable force. "Well, that's it then. I'm off. Ya enjoy." She hops off the stool and waddles off in search of a more compliant customer.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>"Had enough experiences of late. Most of 'em bad. Think I'll pass." You smile. "No offense."\n\n"None taken." Stubble brushes your cheek as the nonbie kisses you good-bye. "Come by again."\n\n"Soner or later," you mutter as the half-half moves off in search of another customer to play with.<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "beer">>You turn back to your beer and watch the goings on of the club. People come and go. The centaur is joined by a dryad with stringy hair. A patchwork man drops beside you and orders a beer. You exchange a few words and enjoy your drinks. After a while, he moves on and you're joined by a pink-skinned girl with unnaturally large eyes. She acts interested in you but is clearly too shy to say anything, most likely because you don't look like the kind of person who'd hang around her. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, you finish your drink in silence. \n\nFinally, after a good fifteen minutes, you decide you've lingered long enough and get up.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "liq">>You turn back to your liq and absently watch the goings on of the club. All manner of people come and go. The centaur departs on his own. A woman with feathers in place of skin sits beside you. She shoots you a distateful look. You glower back. After a few seconds she moves on. No one else bothers you and, before long, your glass is empty. \n\nDeciding you've lingered long enough, decide you've lingered long enough and get up.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "flash">>You turn back to your flash and absently watch the goings on of the club while the sweet cocktail draws you into a fine buzz. At some point, you notice the horned satyr and his purple friend are gone. Their place has been taken by a piggish woman and what looks remarkably like a wolf. The noises they make when they kiss you chuckle.\n\n"Yeah, them's the riot, ain't they?" You glance back to see the barkeep leaning on the counter across from you. When you nod, she grins. "Eh, I tell ya. I wanna know where they got them vocals adjusted."\n\n"Don't ask me," you say and slurp down the rest of your Flash. You put the glass down. "Great drink by the way. But I gotta go."\n\n"Sure thing. See ya 'round, yeah?"\n\n"See ya," you say and get up.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "lookaround">>You turn back to the club, absently watching the going ons. A woman with feathers in place of skin sits beside you. She shoots you a distateful look. You glower back. After a few seconds she moves on. A few minutes later, the centaur departs on his own. Sometime after that the horned saytr strolls over and orders a drink. He offers you one. You decline, stating you've lingered long enough, and decide it's about time to get off your ass and back to work.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Order another Drink|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Siren's Song|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromss"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $equip.hideWeaponLoadout = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_accept_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "catgirl">>\n\t[[Gently eases you into the Room|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sex][$attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 500; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 15; $attrib.caution = $attrib.caution - 5; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 10; $time.active = $time.active + 1; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.didKitty = true;]]\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "lizzardman">>\n\t[[Motions for you to enter the Room|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sex][$attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 600; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 10; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 5; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.didLizzard = true;]]\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "rhinogirl">>\n\t[[Pushes you into the Room|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sex][$attrib.dilligence -=1; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 550; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 25; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 10; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.didRhino = true;]]\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "halfhalf">>[[Guides you into the Room|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main_sex][$attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits - 550; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 15; $attrib.caution = $attrib.caution - 5; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 5; $time.active = $time.active + 1; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.didHalfbreed = true;]]<</if>><</nobr>></div></div>
[img[sirenssong]]<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_accept_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_catsex_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>"Okay," you say, wondering where to start. "Have you..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n"Okay," you say, wondering where to start. "I'm sure you've heard of the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. Big club down on B28. It was nothing like what it is today back in the day, just the go-to place for chems and a good night out. I wanted in like everyone else. You know, figure out what it's like." \n\n"Makes sense," the cat says, stroking your thigh. "But what went wrong? It sound slike such an innocent wish."\n\n"Yeah, except I wasn't anyone, just another kid from the Downs. Adopted. Parents absent. No money. I tied several times. They never let me in. Some of my friends managed but I never did. Anyways, one day I drop by, thinking this time I'll get in, and I do. Except the club's empty. There's like sixty young guys and girls there, all lined up on the floor. I thought maybe they were practicing for some show or—" You breathe a laugh. "Shit, if I'd know they were recruiting kids for the gang, I'd have bolted but..."\n\nYou remember exactly what it felt like, standing there with all the other young faces, not having a damn clue what was going on. And this huge bloke came down the line and started beating the crap out of kids, one at a time. Anyone he knocked down - or out - was kicked. When he came at you, you just stepped out of the way. The big dude had been furious, tried to fuck you up good, but the Big Boss stopped him. That's what you did to earn your slot in Wilkin's Raptors - you'd been smart enough not to try and fight a dude twice your size. \n\nThe kitten's lips brush against yours, shaking you out of your memory. "I'm so sorry. I don't know anything about what it was like. But it must have been terrible."\n\n"It was stupid. But it wasn't much at first. Ran a few errands for the Big Boss, kept the club clean, made sure orders came in and the store rooms were topped, that kinda stuff. And we ran security on the club. Sometimes things got physical but never anything bad. Shit, and I thought it was cool, being part of a real gang." \n\nIt was blissful, hanging around the back or out front at the doors, making sure operations were running smoothly. It had been obvious from the beginning that Mr. Wilkin liked giving you responsibility so he could see how you handled under pressure. And you'd done well for a seventeen-year-old kid. Folk got along with you. Hell, those were the golden days, back when life had been simple.\n\nFighting down self-loathing, you say, "But then things happened. The Red Scars started messing with the Boss. No one knew how to deal with them. Peeps were getting beat up. One poor girl even got her brains blown on the walkway. We were scared and the Boss was loosing guys and creds fast. So one day he took me aside and told me clear out: I was the smartest dude he had and he wanted me to figure out something. He didn't care what just as long as it worked." \n\nYou breathe a laugh. "Shit, I was eighteen. And he basically told me to sort shit with the biggest damn gang in [[B Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. I knew we couldn't negotiate. We were nothing compared to the Scars, just a few gangbangers working for some small-time club owner. I knew we wouldn't survive on their terms so..."\n\nThat morning will stick in your mind forever; you and five guys from the gang headed out, armed to the teeth with whatever hardware you could scrounge up. The target you'd chosen was a hangout on Level B35. Some kid had told you there'd been a big chem orgy there the cycle before. The Scars would be buzzed and, since they were the meanest kids in town, they didn't think to keep their guard up. The six of you had shot your way into the chem den, executed thirty Scars in cold blood, raped one of the girls because <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>why not<<else>>why not let the boys have fun<</if>>, and torched the place to boot. \n\nYou'd left one kid alive to take the message back: fuck with Mr. Wilkin and Wilkin's Raptors will fuck you up. The look of utter terror on the boy's face when you'd pressed your [[CalTech|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] to his head, the trickle of urine running down his leg, those details will stay with you forever, etched in your memory like the first..\n\n"Oh dear. You killed them?" the cat whispers.\n\n"Yeah." You swallow. "Well, not all of them. Not at first. And the Scars fought back. It was messy but we hung on. But I didn't know what I was doing, just that we couldn't play fair. We couldn't afford to be fair. So we planned ahead, got smarter than the enemy, learned how to fight dirty, and made sure we were always meaner than the Scars. Humiliation, beatings, murder, rape, homemade bombs, gas attacks, anything went. And it got worse from there. Debts were paid in corpses. Lives were expendable. But I didn't see it like that, not at first. All I could think about was myself. I had a Boss who thought of me like a <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>son<<else>>daughter<</if>>. I had a crew that looked up to me like a hero. I did the jobs no one else would or could take. Shit happened all the time and I washed it away with booze, chems and pills, pretended nothing was wrong because I was finally someone." With a heavy heart, you finish, "I fought in the [[Wars|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Street Wars"]] for six years. The guilt did me in. The pain tore me apart. So I bought my way out. And there it is. A long story with no happy end." \n\nThe cat stares at you, her yellow eyes wide with surprise. "That's so sad, baby. I—" She strokes your cheek. "I wish I could make it go away. But you're not all bad."\n\nYou breathe a humorless laugh. "No offense but I won't take your word for it."\n\n"But you were nice to me today, baby. So you can't be all bad, can you?" She smiles sadly. "At least, that's what I think."\n\n"Maybe," you say, unconvinced. "Maybe not." You stroke the cat's tail. "But I've stuck around too long. I gotta go."\n\n"Or you could stay. I'll make you feel better." She brushes her lips against your cheek. "I promise, baby."\n\nYour lips twitch. "Another time, maybe." You gently move her head aside, stand up and walk to the door. \n\nOn the way out, you swipe your arm over the access control. As a precaution, just in case the cat doesn't ask for payment. That wouldn't be fair to her and, even though she might be a nice person, you aren't about to treat her like a friend.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Bar|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; $hud.interference = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_main_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_bar_accept_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'the_sirens_song_nonbie_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>"No, of course not." You close your...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n"No, of course not." You close your eyes, collecting your thoughts, and say, "This was a few years ago After..." You swallow, unertain how to explain.\n\n"You had left behind the life wich caused you much pain. Yes." The nonbie strokes your forehead. "I sense the past anguish in your being."\n\n"Yeah, well, I was looking for absolution. I'd just found a new job, one that wasn't as stressful. It paid well and there was lots of free time. So I started to walk the passages, away from the places I knew, and deep into the station. I met one of your kind on one of those walks. We talked a little, not about anything important, just the way we saw the world and how different our views were." You take a deep breath and says, "Days later, I met the same one again. We continued our conversation. And again the day after that. All in all, we spoke for about three months. He. She. It. Well, it was the only friend I had at the time. It helped me understand what I'd done and why who I was made me do what I did. And..." You glance up at the nonbie. "And I learned to see the world differently, to believe in things I thought were worthless. Suffice to say, it changed me."\n\n"Not entirely," the nonbie says with a little smile. "You are still who you are. You have merely gained a broader perspective."\n\nYour lips twitch. "True that. Though I'm not sure how much good that did me. The way things are going of late, it feels like I'm right back where I started."\n\n"Yet you face the same challenges with a broader knowledge, do you not?"\n\n"Sure," you admit. "But anyways, that's how I'm familiar with your kind. Spend three months talking and it's hard not to forget how unique you guys are."\n\nThe nonbie smiles. "A rare compliment. Most deem us abominations."\n\n"That's because they're ignorant. You're just a person with a much broader perception of reality than any human can understand. You can think and feel in ways we can't. Most peeps don't like being told their world view is limited. Hell, years ago, I wouldn't have either." You breathe a laugh. "But between us, I'm a lot more scared of real abominations than your kind."\n\n"Am I to take it you have had experience with these true abominations also?"\n\n"Yeah, and before you bring it up: I know they're just beings existing in a different world view. I don't blame them for that, at least not really. I just draw the line when things try to kill me or anyone else." You breathe a sigh. "Y'know, there's times I think I'm more of an abomination than most of the things out there. The only difference I see is that I'm trying not to be one - and usually fail. They tend not to bother trying."\n\nThe nonbie chuckles. "Perhaps this is a wise distinction yet I would not presume to judge as I have not been in such a situation before. My existence has, thus far, been relatively peaceful. I have not been forced to consider what I consider to be worthy or unworthy of existence."\n\n"Be glad for it. The one I spoke about earlier, well, it got curious about violence. I had to take it down before it hurt someone." You pull a face. "Not the way I'd hoped that friendship would end."\n\n"Ah." A sad look crosses the nonbie's face. "Well, I thank you. But perhaps it would be better we left this conversation be."\n\n"Probably." You stand up and, with a little nod, make your departure. \n\nThere's no point staying longer. It would only unsettle the nonbie. And that'd be a damn shame, given how nice it was. Still, you're not about to call it a friend anytime soon, not after what happened to the last one of its kind you met. So you leave the private room, swipe your arm over the access panel outside like any good customer would, and...<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Bar|the_crossroads_sirens_song_main][$action.arrive = "fromself"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false; $hud.interference = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $read_mission_zweili = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_start_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_2_txt'>><<display 'read_mission_zweili'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Object 55316 Is|intro_talk][$action.action3 = "object"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Conspirators|intro_talk][$action.action3 = "conspirator"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you get the Gist|intro_talk][$action.action3 = "whatdo"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "object">>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 1>>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "conspirator">>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 1>>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "whatdo">>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 1>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_start_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_2_txt'>><<display 'read_mission_zweili'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_talk_stuffiforgot_text'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase lt 1>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what Object 55316 is|intro_talk][$action.action3 = "object"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about Object 55316]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase lt 1>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Conspirators|intro_talk][$action.action3 = "conspirator"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already asked about the Conspirators]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lt 1>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what you should Do|intro_talk][$action.action3 = "whatdo"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already know what to Do]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you've Understood|intro_accept][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hud.newmsg += 1; $hud.messages.push($msg_zweili_mission); $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = false; $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 1; $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest = true; $time.billedchurch = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_start_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_2_txt'>><<display 'read_mission_zweili'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_talk_stuffiforgot_text'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq false>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n"Got it." You make a hasty note on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and say, "Six hundred credits a cycle plus a bonus for hard work. You get your Object whatitcalled back. I remain a silent 'parter' in this. Deal?"\n\n"Deal." Father Zweili clasps his hands. "I shall message you should it become necessary. May the Loving Stars watch over you. <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none" or $equip.rifle.name eq "C2000">>Though you may still wish to aquire a [[railgun|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "NGREP"]]. Least the Stars not, ah... provide adequate protection."<<else>>Though I would, perhaps, not place too much trust in faith."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, great. That's real encouraging."<<else>>"Why? We expecting trouble here?"<</if>>\n\nZweili shoots you a pointed look. "It is always prudent to be prepared for the worst, is it not?"\n\n"Not exactly what I meant but okay. I'll be prepared for the worst." In an undertone, you add, "Whatever that is this time."\n\nThere's no response. Father Zweili has already departed, heading across the platform toward the skybridge to the [[Cathedral of Beams|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. You stare after him for a moment, wondering what the hell you got yourself involved in this time. \n\nSomething horrible no doubt. But that's nothing new. So you put the thought aside and head back to the tram-fo terminals, resolved to head to:<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>"Got it." You make a hasty ..<</if>></div>\n<<display 'b14_remotedest'>>
<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none"; $hud.disabled = false>>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Chapel of Eden">>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b27_chapel" and not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n <<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n <div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_chapel_txt'>></div><br>\n <div class='OptionsField'>\n <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 4>>\n <<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Smash the Plague Vial|b27_chapel_main][$action.arrive = "fromSmashPlague"; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 5; $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus = "conflict"; $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime = $time.active; $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget = "b27_chapel"; $attrib.criminality += 2; playContextSound("ui_shatter");]]</div>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click "Smash the Plague Vial">>\n <<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n <<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n <<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n <</replace>>\n <<set $nextScene = "b27_chapel_main"; $nextSceneSet = '$action.arrive = "fromSmashPlague"; $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase = 5; $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus = "conflict"; $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime = $time.active; $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget = "b27_chapel"; $attrib.criminality += 2; $attrib.religion = "visionary";'; playContextSound("ui_shatter");>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>><br>\n <</if>>\n <<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 3 and $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase neq 98 and not $factionlock.zanexKilledGal>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Server Tombs|b27_cybercult_hideout][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $chr_raj.met eq false and not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch27 and ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 5 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2)>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Figure out where Raj lives|b27_findraj][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n <<if ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkEden and $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Consult a Priest|b27_eden_breakdown][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 2 and $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pray for your Father|b27_chapel_pray][$action.action1 = "father"; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 5; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.violence += 5; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n <<elseif $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase gt 2 and ($attrib.religion eq "atheist" or $attrib.religion eq "edenite")>>\n <<if $time.active gte ($attrib.faith.lastPrayTime + 8)>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Pray to the Loving Stars|b27_chapel_pray][$action.action1 = "pray"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You have recently Prayed]</div></div><br>\n <</if>><br>\n <</if>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 1 or ($job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 0 and $job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 1)>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for Zweili|b27_chapel_zweili][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n <<elseif $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 6>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for Zweili|b27_chapel_zweili_confront][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n <</if>>\n <<if $attrib.religion neq "theophobe" and $attrib.religion neq "visionary" and $attrib.religion neq "cyberpunk">>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Gift to the Saints|b27_chapel_giftsaints_addon5][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n <</if>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Chapel|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n </div>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Chapel of Eden">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b27_chapel_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b27_chapel_zweili_confront_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Chapel|b27_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase = 10; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B27 - Chapel of Eden">>\n<<set $startAtIndex = 1>>\n<<set $currentSceneTexts = ["b27_chapel_txt", "b27_chapel_giftsaints_adn5_txt", "b27_chapel_giftsaints_2_adn5_txt"]>>\n\n<<display 'sceneGenerator'>>\n\n<<if $currentSceneIndex eq 1>>\n <set $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib;>>\n <div class='OptionsField'>\n <<if $attrib.credits lte 1000>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'><<print $actionLookups["tooPoor"]>></div></div><br>\n <<elseif $time.active lt ($attrib.faith.lastPrayTime + 8)>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'><<print $actionLookups["recentPrayer"]>></div></div><br>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["Celestia"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "Celestia"; $attrib.credits -= 1000; $attrib.stress -= 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["Arthurius"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "Arthurius"; $attrib.credits -= 1000; $attrib.dilligence += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["Allessa"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "Allessa"; $attrib.credits -= 1000; $attrib.violence += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["Balsit"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "Balsit"; $attrib.credits -= 1000; $attrib.caution += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br> \n <</if>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["changeMind"] "b27_chapel_main">>\n <<set $actionDo.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n <<display 'gameOptionOldReset'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n </div>\n<<else>>\n <<set $anointName = "anointments">>\n <<set $availableAnointments = []>>\n <<if $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "Arthurius">>\n <<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 3, "loot_oldworld_scrap": 1}>>\n <<set $item = {name: "flaming_sword_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "flaming_sword_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n <<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "Celestia">>\n <<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 2, "loot_xeno_sample": 1}>>\n <<set $item = {name: "astral_insight_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "astral_insight_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n <<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "Allessa">>\n <<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 4}>>\n <<set $item = {name: "eternal_vigilance_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "eternal_vigilance_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n <<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "Balsit">>\n <<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 3, "loot_xeno_sample": 1}>>\n <<set $item = {name: "scholars_insight_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n <<set $item = {name: "scholars_insight_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n <</if>>\n <<set $continueOption = {\n lookup: $actionLookups["stepBack"],\n destination: "b27_chapel_main",\n set: "$action.arrive = 'fromSelf'; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; $attrib.faith.eden += 1;",\n resetType: "gameOptionOldReset"\n }>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.active>>\n <<display 'doAnointUpgradeUI'>>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $continueOption.lookup $continueOption.destination>>\n <<set $actionDo.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n <<print "<<set " + $continueOption.set +">>">>\n <<display $continueOption.resetType>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<<set $actionLookups = {\n\t"tooPoor": "You are too poor to Gift (1000 C)",\n\t"recentPrayer": "You have recently Prayed",\n\t"Celestia": "Gift to Saint Celestia (1000 C)",\n\t"Arthurius": "Gift to Saint Arthurius (1000 C)",\n\t"Allessa": "Gift to Saint Allessa (1000 C)",\t\n\t"Balsit": "Gift to Saint Balsit (1000 C)",\n\t"changeMind": "Change your Mind",\n\t"stepBack": "Step Back",\n}>>\n\n<<if $hideText>>\n\tYou skirt the...\n<<else>>\n <div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_shrine_saints.png"]]</div>You skirt the congregation and head over to the sainted tapestries, where believers are kneeling before depictions of the great martyrs of old. Fairest of them all is Saint Allessa, the Strangled Saint, and Mother Martyr of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] and keeper of all truths. Beside her hangs a depiction of her husband, Saint Arthurius, the mythical warrior king of the last age whose flaming sword is said to sweep across the galaxy, burning bright with stellar light as he brings enlightenment and machine intelligence to all.<br><br>\n\n Off to the side, still present but less respected, is Saint Allessa, the Sister's Saint, she who led the true believers back to the light of the loving stars and watches forever over the downtrodden and the disheveled, ever watchful for abominable taint. By her side is Saint Balsit the Brave, a bookish martyr said to have been the first [[Knight of Eden|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $hud.currentScreen = "Knights of Eden"]], truly dedicated to the commoner's cause as no other can be.\n<</if>>
<<if $hideText>>\n\tYou swipe...\n<<else>>\nYou swipe a thousand credits to the donoations box and kneel before the tapestry of\n\n <<if $actionResult eq "Celestia">>\n Saint Celestia, asking that she might be kind and motherly to you, perhaps even replace the mother you never knew. The strangled saint is a tragic tale, one you relate to in more ways than you dare want to admit. Strangled by events beyond your control is how you feel and that thought brings you closer to the martyred mother.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "Arthurius">>\n Saint Arthurius, hoping that he will guide you as he once did the great martyrs of old. The saint of saints is truly a sight to behold, a man among men and an ideal to aspire to, so full of strength and with a fire of righteous justice burning in his eyes. While you can never aspire to be so just and pure, you at least take solace in the though that you will try.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "Allessa">>\n Saint Allessa, willing that she walk by your side, ever vigilant for that which lurks in the dark and preys upon humankind. The Sister's Saint would no doubt have been quick to do precisely this and, with that thought firm in mind, you take heart knowing that you are not alone in the shadows. Saint Allessa is with you. Always. Praise be to the Sister's Saint.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "Balsit">>\n Saint Balsit, wondering whether he would have acted as you did, if he were in your position. It would be impossible to say, of course, but you like to imagine the bookish saint would have known precisely what to do. Maybe he would have been kindly, a man of many words and much wisdom, and from that wisdom you could benefit. Or so you believe.\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'lalina_apt_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Listen, can I ask you something that'll sound a little bit weird?"...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Listen, can I ask you something that'll sound a little bit weird?"\n\nLanina sits beside you. "Uh, sure. What's so weird then?"\n\n"Well." You take a deep breath and say, "The things is, I'm looking for an abomination. A [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Ever heard of them?"\n\n"Oh, so that's what you do. But yeah. I know a bit. <<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase gte 8>>Luca's<<else>>My roommate's<</if>> got a thing for freaky stuff like that. Can't help but overhear him when he keeps going on and on about them." She frowns. "But, uh, you said you're looking for a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]?"\n\n"It's a long story."\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.foundAltar or $job_conspiracy.skippedWraith>>"Not more than what we found up in the construction site up on B33. You know. When we kinda stumbled into one another?"\n\nYou nod. "So that's why you were there."\n\n"Just a little investigating for the paper. Didn't lead anywhere. So, no, I really don't know anything you don't."\n\n"Damn," you mutter. "But thanks anyways. <<else>>"Well, uh, I was just editing an article for the paper. About, uhm, well, it's a ghost story about a haunting in a construction side on Level B33. Apparently it comes and goes and can walk through walls. I dunno if it's what you're looking for but I think that's what [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] do, right? Come and go and walk through walls and supernatural stuff like that."\n\n"Could be." You scowl to yourself. "So does anyone have footage of this thing? Or is it only hearsay?"\n\n"Uh, no, I got nothing. Just random fragments. But I'm pretty sure there's something in that construction site. The article had a lot of good sources."\n\n"Okay, then." You stand. "I'll check it out soon as I get a chance."\n\n"Hey, wait, wait," Lanina blurts. "If this story's true, I wanna—"\n\n"No," you say firmly. "I met this damn thing once already and it almost took my head off. I'm a sanctioned hunter. You run into this thing, it'll slit you and drink your blood or something like that. But tell you what: if I find anything, I'll drop past. But do not - and I mean this - go anywhere near that place unless you have a death wish."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b28_hab_lanina][$job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.lalina = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Anska's Stand">>\n\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if not $equip.isCyberImplant or $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Augments & Fleshmelding|b29_fleshmelder_talk][$action.action1 = "buy"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isFleshMold>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about evolved Fleshmolds|b29_fleshmelder_talk][$action.action1 = "upgrade"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 or (($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber") and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7)) and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.anska eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Anska about the Djinn|b29_fleshmelder_djinn][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_anska_haze.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you found the Athena Medical Lab|b29_fleshmelder_miasma][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase gte 3 and $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Other Foe|b29_fleshmelder_talk][$action.action1 = "other"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase lt 2 and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Object 55316|b29_fleshmelder_talk][$action.action1 = "object"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.brainaug eq "none" and $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Neurohormones|b29_fleshmelder_brainaug][$action.action1 = "neuroregulator"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 6 and ($job_coven.mainPhase eq 0 or $job_coven.mainPhase eq 99) and not $job_coven.overrideAnska>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Witches Coven|b29_fleshmelder_talk][$action.action1 = "coven"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lte 2 and $job_witches_pendant.askedAnska eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Anska about the Pendant|b29_fleshmelder_pendant][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Anska about the Hellcat|b29_fleshmelder_hellcat][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerAnska>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b29_fleshmelder_ogerlair][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_intro_implant.mainPhase gt 1 and $loc_anska.askedOddJobs eq false and $time.active gte 12 and $attrib.credits lt 10000>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Odd Jobs|b27_anska_class_ext][$processed = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk and $loc_sirenssong.visited>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Gene-Hybrids|b29_fleshmelder_talk][$action.action1 = "genehybrids"; $hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Anska|b29_fleshmelder_talk][$action.action1 = "gossip"; $hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "leave"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "object" and $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase lte 1>>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 2; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'gotAnskaInfo');>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "gossip" and $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $action.action2 to either("witches", "demons", "fringes", "wraiths")>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "buy" or $action.action1 eq "upgrade">>"I was wondering..."<<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "gossip" or $action.action1 eq "genehybrids">>Just wanted to ask what..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "other">>"There was something I..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "object">>"I'm looking for something, an ancient..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven">>"Hey, I know you might not be willing to talk but..."<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "buy">>"I was wondering what you're selling these days. Anything—" You lower your voice "—worth the credits, maybe?"\n\n<<if $equip.isAbominated>>"Perhaps I can do something, my precieous. But do not hold high hopes." She shoots you a wary look. "The path you walk is dark, yes, yes. Be wary. Wary indeed, of what may follow."<<else>><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75 or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Ah, my precious, I have just the right bits and pieces to make your battered body righter than rain, my dear."<<else>>"All the bits and pieces you could ever need." Anska cracks a grin. "Come closer, come, come. Let me show you."<</if>><</if>><<else>><<if $action.action1 eq "upgrade">>"I was wondering whether you could evolve my fleshmold. <<if $attrib.fleshMoldModifier lt 1.3>>It's grown in well but not as well as it could have."<<else>>It's grown in and I think it's close to matured.<</if>>"\n\nAnska leans closer<<if $attrib.fleshMoldModifier eq 0.5>> and laughs. "You've given it no time at all to grown it! This will take hours. Days even. Be patient, dear. The fleshmold will mature in time."\n\n"Okay," you say.\n\n"A few hours. Or days. Remember: do not take the fleshmold off. Wear it at all times. Or it will have to grow into you anew."<<elseif $attrib.fleshMoldModifier lt 1>>. "Ah. Yes. It's growing. Growing, growing, growing. Give it time, dear. Not much more and it shall be as though a second skin." Anska grins toothily. "Remember not to take it off for any reason."<<elseif $attrib.fleshMoldModifier gte 1.2>>. "Ah. Yes. Indeed it has. A magnificent specimen and so finely attuned. I can work with this, yes. Simply tell me what you require."<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "genehybrids">>"Just wanted to ask you about something. This subculture up by the Siren's Song. Gene hybrids. You know what I mean?"\n\n"Yes," Anska says slowly. "I know."\n\n"Well, yeah. So you see, I was wondering--"\n\n"I do not do cat ears," Anska snapped. "No. Not again. Not another one."\n\nYou roll your eyes. "Listen, all I was asking was--" Your voice trails off. "Wait. You mean you've done cat ears."\n\n"And tails. And fur. And rhinodons and lizzards and all the other ones too. They come. They ask. They insist. They want to be pretty and, yes, scales itch. Live with it!"\n\nYou grimace. Seems you touched a soft spot.\n\nAnska shakes her head, muttering, "Scales and pupils and rhinodon cock. I swear by Hades. I have seen it all. All of it!" She glowers at you. "I will not do it again, not even for you, no, no! Well, not unless you are prepared to pay ten times the market price, then maybe I can be convinced. But only maybe, okay? And do not pester me with this stupid gene-nonsense. It is--" She draws a deep breath. "I suppose it is what it, is it not?"\n\nYou grimace. "Welcome to the cyber-gene age."\n\nShe snorts in disgust. "What a time to be alive!"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "gossip">>"Just wanted to ask what have people been saying lately. You know, rumors, the sorta thing you tend to know a thing or two about."\n\n"Ah, my precious, the walls whisper. Oh, they whisper." She cracks a toothy grin. <<if $action.action2 eq "witches">>"Hushed words, mutterings of fear. The forsaken walk the shadowed halls once more, hunting, chanting, raving, ranting."\n\nYour eyes narrow. "The [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] is meeting again? I thought—"\n\n"Oh, they always meet. That they do. They do." Anska's lips twitch. "Forgotten, forsaken, but now they walk the halls again, my dearest." She leans closer and whispers, "Be wary, precious, be wary of the forsaken in the shadows. I am certain this is no coincidence, my preceious. No coincidence at all." Anska eyes you doubtfully. "But you still remember the youngest of the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], don't you, my dearest?"\n\n<<if $chr_celena.met eq true>>"Celena? I saw her a little while ago. Why?"\n\n"Watch out for her, my precious. Speak to her. For she is in peril. She does not know it yet but she is in danger - much more than even she thinks, precious."\n\nConfused, you take a step back. "Okay, right. But why the hell are you telling me?"\n\n"Because—" Anska streches a wrinkled hand toward your cheek. "Because, my dear, she was a bright girl. Misguided, a little, but very bright, I believe. And I think you should know before she is hurt or worse, much worse, my dear."\n\nYou nod slowly, wondering what the hell the old hag is mumbling about. It doesn't make sense. Still, you should probably speak to Celena, just to make sure she's okay.<<else>><<if $chr_celena.loc eq "none">>"We don't speak anymore."\n\n"How sad." Anska breathes a sigh. "Sad, yes, very sad. She was a bright girl. Misguided, a little, but very bright. It will be sad to see her gone."\n\n"Gone? How?"\n\n"Dead. Bled. Sacrificed." Anska leans closer and whispers, "The forsaken have spoken. I have heard their whispers."\n\n"Oh well." You shrug half-heartedly. "Not my problem anymore."\n\nAnska nods slowly, a sad look in her aged eyes. You can't bring yourself to care. Celena and you are over. There's nothing between you anymore and, honestly her problems - even her death - is not your damn problem.<<else>>"I haven't seen her in years. Why?"\n\n"Watch out for her, my precious. Speak to her. For she is in peril. She does not know it yet but she is in danger - much more than even she thinks, precious."\n\nConfused, you take a step back. "Okay, right. But why the hell are you telling me?"\n\n"Because—" Anska streches a wrinkled hand toward your cheek. "Because, my dear, I think you should know before she is hurt. Or worse."\n\nYou nod slowly, wondering what the hell the old hag is mumbling about. \n\nIt doesn't make sense. Still, it would probably be a good idea to find Celena and see how she's doing. If things are still the way they used to be back in the day, you'll find her hanging out at [[Wilkin's Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]].<</if>><</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "demons">>"A demon walks again, or so they whisper. A mind has been taken. A body obeys. Or so I hear."\n\n"A demon?" Your eyes narrow. "How? Where?"\n\n"If only I knew, my precious, if only I knew. But it walks, I hear, it walks in the minds of those who say they are sacred." Anska wrinkles her nose. "Sacred. Their words. Not mine. Be mindful of the holy people, dearest. Watch them. Doubt them. They are not what they say."\n\n"Great," you mutter, wondering what on earth Anska meant by a 'demon'. \n\nObviously she doesn't mean the supernatural being spoken of in ancient legends. Those don't exist, never have and never will. But it's not impossible that someone sworn to the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] has been possessed. Just because mindjacking isn't a common practice doens't mean there isn't someone skulking around who can control people's minds.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "fringes">>"The voiders speak of the fringes, dearest. They say things happen there. Dark things. Things that disappear and are never heard of again. They say they are taken. Stolen. Gone forever."\n\nYou breathe a humorless laugh. "You're talking about Pirates? Pirates on the fringes? Seriously?"\n\n"Pirates." Anska barks a laugh. "No. Dark things. Things that speak the old language. Things older than this world." She shivers. "I hear they come to answer the call of the Voided One, and that they come closer by the cycle." Her eyes narrow. "I hear the end is nigh, my dear. So very nigh indeed."\n\n"Yeah, yeah," you mutter, wondering if Anska has lost her mind or what. \n\nNot that you'd be surprised if the old hag has. Hell, she's been hanging around the flesh-melders way too long to be sane. But still, she does occasionaly say intelligent things - occasionally.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "wraiths">>"They whisper about ghosts, my dear, of ghosts summoned from the darknest depths of the void."\n\n"Spirits?" You raise an eyebrow. "Anska, you barking?"\n\nShe cackles. "Oh, no, precious, oh no. I saw them with my own eyes, dearest. Three of them, as black as death itself. They were there..." She points behind you. "For but a moment. And then they were gone." She shudders. "Ghosts... the world grows madder by the day."\n\n"Ghosts, eh?" Lips pursed, you say, "And you're sure you saw them?"\n\n"Oh yes, my dearest, when I slept. I saw them. First I heard their footsteps. I woke. And I saw them. And one touched my arm." She leans closer and pulls back her sleeve to reveal a burn mark resembling a human hand. "It was cold, dearest, as cold as ice." Anska shivers. "I do not know what they wanted, my precious, but they will be back. I am certain. They will be back."\n\n"Let's hope not," you mutter, examining the burn mark and wondering what the hell made it. Obviously something physical, not a hologram or projection. \n\nTheoretically it could have been a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] but you've never heard of them leaving frost burns. Come to think of it, you don't know what the hell anyone would want from Anska anyways. Then again she is an old hag, so maybe she's hiding old secrets in that ancient mind of hers. That or she's just gone insane - again.<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "other">>"There was something I thought you might be able to help me with," you say. "A, well, thing that might exist. Pure hearsay. But it's out in this world and it's doing a lot of crap. Causing losta pain. Not getting noticed at all. Figured you know all about spooky shit so maybe you know what I mean."\n\nAnska looks worried. "Ah, I know you tangle with dark things, my dear. But this? This is little to go by even for me."\n\n"It's all I got," you say earnestly. "It's related to a whole bunch of crap I'm messed up in. Maybe even the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. But that's all I know."\n\n"Then I cannot say much, but be warned, my dear." Anska leaans closer, whispering, "The shadows between the stars are restless these days. Something hungers for us, but for you in particular. It is not a being, not a thing, more a... sense, an idea quickly forgotten. I can see it only in the blackest shadows, like an eye. And it sees me too. It knows."\n\nConfused, you say, "Knows what?"\n\n"Everything, my dear," Anska says in a frightened tone. "It comes for us all, longs for us all. It wants to destroy, my dear. These days everything wants to destroy."\n\n"Well, that's encouraging," you say, absolutely none the wiser.\n\n"Simply take care, my dear, and beware the shadows between the stars. Only she really knows. And she will not say, I am certain. Not because she does not care, no, no, not that. Because she—" Anska tilts her head. "Dear, dear, what was I speaking of again?"\n\n"Don't think it matters," you say with a little smile. "But it was nice talking to you, as usual."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "object">>"I'm looking for something, an ancient artefact, probably related to the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. You heard about anything like that?"\n\n"Heard?" Anska cracks a toothy grin. "Oh, I have heard of it, my precious, oh that I have, that I have."\n\n"Really?" You can't help but feel surprised. "Where? How?"\n\n"Here, my dearest. A man came. He asked of just the same thing. Only he knew more than you. Much more. I—" Anska's expression grows dark. "He said it was a small cube, no larger than a fist, and that it came from the fringes. It was found as part of a bigger device I hear. And it is powerful, oh, it is powerful, my dearest, so menacing in fact that the [[Church of Eden|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] wants this power."\n\n"Any idea what it does?"\n\nAnska shakes her head. "The man did not say. Only asked if I had heard of this thing. I had not. Not before he spoke to me." Her eyes light up. "But you can ask him, can't you, my precious? You can ask him more."\n\n"Sure, if I knew where to find him. But I don't."\n\n"You will find him in this Sector, dearest. He studies the past, has many books. I have heard of his halls of knowledge before." Anska smiles shyly. "He is an old friend, my precious, just like you. Or perhaps not quite like you but very similar."\n\n"Mhm." You say, hastily making notes on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]]. "This old friend have a name?"\n\nAnska glances around, leans closer, and whispers, "His name is Raj, dearest. Ask the information machines. They will know where he is."\n\n"Right." You finish your notes, saying, "Thanks a lot, Anska."\n\n"Oh, it is nothing, my dear, nothing at all." She whinks at you. "For you, dearest, I would do anything, oh, absolutely anything at all."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven">><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_coven_txt'>><</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "buy">><<nobr>>\n<div id='game-fleshmelder-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t<<display 'fleshmelder_buyoptions'>>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "upgrade" and $attrib.fleshMoldModifier gte 1.0>><<nobr>>/% was 1.0 %/\n<div id='game-fleshmelder-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t<<display 'fleshmelder_upgradeoptions'>>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "upgrade">><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "other">><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 5; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "coven">>\n\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Anska (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b29_fleshmelder_talk_coven">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "credits"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $job_coven.mainPhase = 99; $job_coven.overrideAnska = true; $hide.layer2 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'gotAnskaInfo'); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Bribe Anska (<<print $bribeammount>> Credits)</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_fleshmelder_talk_coven][$action.action1 = "negotiate"; $job_coven.mainPhase = 99; $job_coven.overrideAnska = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_fleshmelder_talk_coven][$action.action1 = "negotiatefail"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "credits" or $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>\n\t<<if $chr_celena.loc neq "none" and $chr_celena.met and $chr_lanina.loc eq "bar_2">>\n\t\t<<set $chr_celena.loc = "bar_2">>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I know you might not..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b29_fleshmelder_coven_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "credits">>"Okay." You program the transaction and swipe...<<else>>"Can't we find some..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "credits">>"Okay." You program the transaction and swipe Anska's wrist. Once the old woman has confirmed the transaction, you say, "So, where should I be looking?"\n\n"Look to the docks, dearest, to the docks. On the level forty. Near the entrance. A room of storage. Of the number three, six and seven." Anska's eyes cloud over. "But be wary, my dear. Be very wary. For it is not safe. The walls whisper of dark things. Of very dark things, oh, very dark."\n\n"I'll watch out," you say with a half-hearted smile.\n\nAnska nods slowly. "Well, then, dearest. Then be off." She shoes you away. "Begone before your misfortune befalls me too, dearest. I have no wish to share your fate. Not now. Not never."<<else>>"Can't we find some better way to solve this? You're already robbing me blind with your prices and—"\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "negotiate">>"But I must make my living some how, dearest. I know you do not mean ill but—" Anska hesitates. "Oh, very well, dearest. Look to the docks. On the level forty. Near the entrance. A room of storage. Of the number three, six and seven." Anska's eyes cloud over. "But be wary, my dear. Be very wary. For it is not safe. The walls whisper of dark things. Of very dark things, oh, very dark."\n\n"I'll watch out," you say with a half-hearted smile.\n\nAnska nods slowly. "Well, then, dearest. Then be off." She shoes you away. "Begone before your misfortune befalls me too, dearest. I have no wish to share your fate. Not now. Not never."<<else>>"Alas, my dearest, it is a dangerous world we live in. And though I charge you greatly for great service, even you must realize it is barely enough to survive on."\n\nYou shake your head. "Ain't we all got that problem."\n\n"Alas, we all do, dearest. But I cannot divulge secrets without a cost." The old woman shrugs. "Should you change your mind, my offer will not simply vanish. Unlike other... things I see far too often these days."<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<if $action.action1 eq "credits" or $action.action1 eq "negotiate">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $job_coven.overrideAnska = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><<else>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><</if>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Hey, so about that.."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, so about that [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] Lab you mentioned, I found it. And what they were making. You know, that weapon against the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]? No clue what it is but here—" You produce the cooler you stole. "—it is."\n\nAnska peers at the cylindrical device suspiciously. "You did not open it, did you, my dear?"\n\n"No," you say flatly. "Figured it was unsafe. They said it was a miasma or something. Sounded dangerous."\n\n"It is, my dear, oh very dangerous." Anska sniffs the air, then cautiously opens the cooler and produces a vial filled with azure dust. "Most curious. Most curious I dare say."\n\n"You know what it is?"\n\nThe aged woman fixes you with a amused look. "Know, my dear? But of course not! Still, I can guess, and this is what I say: this is a thing of darkness, of twisted sciecene and crude creation. But it will serve its purpose. Oh, it will serve its purpose indeed."\n\n"The scientist said something about disorienting the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] but, yeah, no clue if that's true or how the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> stuff works." You shrug almost apologetiaclly.\n\n"Simple," Anska says, handing back the vial. "Open the container, my dear, and the darkness within floods out. In the air it reacts to make a clouds that I should say will blind the beings of smokeless fire. Harmless to you and I but be careful, my dear, for the miasma is unstable when exposed to that which we breathe. There is no telling what might happen once it is released."\n\n"I'll, uh, remember that," you say, pocketing the vial. "And thanks. This will be a huge help. I hope."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'><<nobr>>\n\t<<click 'End Conversation' 'b29_fleshmelder'>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.hasCooler = false; $job_anska_haze.mainPhase = 6; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_miasma', 'finishedMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Miasma Vial">>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_miasma">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\t<</click>>\n<</nobr>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"I was wondering, seeing as you...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"I was wondering, seeing as you tend to know a lot about weird shit, do you have any idea why a [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] would go rip up a cryolounge?"\n\nAnksa looks surprised. "Are you speaking of Fluffy, my dear? Yes? Did you cross paths with him somehow?"\n\n"Fluffy?" It's your turn to be confused. "Uh, I dunno. I ran into a [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] over on B10. Made a nice mess of a cryochamber and almost shredded me too. Very methodical. Had to put it down to stop it from killing me but the point is: do you have any idea who would've sent it?"\n\nAnska cackles histerically. "Send, my dear? Who would send? Oh, my dear, dear, this is a [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] we are speaking of, not a robotic servant. And Fluffy, well, Fluffy never was the brightest bulb in the litter, was he? Something those dratted [[witches|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] fed it. Very dastardly. I treated it for rootlice once, you know, but its mind was already long beyond repair, even all those many years ago. What a poor, poor kitten."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Are you absolutely sure this was the same cat? I mean, how can you know that?"<<else>>"No offense but you're stretching my suspension of disbelief here. Mean, how the hell do you know this was the same cat?"<</if>>\n\n"Because there are only two on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]], my dear. Fluffy was the first. Lulu is the second." Anska's face darkens. "But I tell you, my dear, Lulu would never do such a thing. Too cold and black of heart, and too obsessed with the Little One to ever wander off. Fluffy on the other hand, well, my dear, Fluffy was always as stupid as he was stubborn."\n\nYou nod slowly, then shake your head. "I don't follow."\n\n"Do not attempt to, my dear. [[Hellcats|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] are queer beings. Almost uncontrollable at best, and the only one I have known to show any semblance of loyalty is Lulu. But that one is as chilling as the void between the stars, dear, and many times more dangerous. Be wary of it, my dear. Of Lulu I mean. As for Fluffy, well, perhaps it is better you did what was necessary. Sad, of course, but the poor kitten never did have all its neurons together. Now at least its tortured existence is ended."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase = 3; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 - Petrovic's Shop">>\n/% prevent addon from locking you out... %/\n<<set $override.result = "none">>\n<<set $override.code = "none">>\n<<set $processed = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Firearms and Munitions|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "weapons"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Weapon Tweaks|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "tweaks"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.askedTechnicianFinal eq "none" and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Show Petrovic the Object|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "showobject"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.15; $job_conspiracy.askedTechnicianFinal = "petrovic"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.askedMachineSmith eq false and $job_conspiracy.askedTechnicianFinal eq "none" and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Object 55316|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "object"; $hide.layer0 = true; $job_conspiracy.askedMachineSmith = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_intro_implant.mainPhase eq 1 and $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about your Implant|b29_implant_malfunction][$hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_intro_implant.mainPhase gt 1 and not $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want InZtinct Activated|b29_implant_restart][$hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.1; $inztinct.active = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_skills', 'acceptedSkills'); window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_intro_implant.mainPhase gt 1 and $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "none" and $attrib.credits lt 10000 and $time.active gte 26>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Odd Jobs|b27_petrovic_class_ext][$processed = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1 or $job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus eq "conflict_resolved") and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.petrovic eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Paladins|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "paladins"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you found a Sphinx's Spine|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "sphinxspine"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Sphinx's Spine|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "sphinxspine"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you cleared the Junction|b29_petrovic_junctionclear][$processed = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_machinetemple.tookSubReactor and $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Strange Device|b29_machinesmith_nullgun][$action.action1 = "askabout"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "petrovic_2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Bush Raptor|b29_machinesmith_nullgun][$action.action1 = "gundone"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkPetrovic>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b29_petrovic_breakdown][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Fusion Spheres|b29_machinesmith_fusionsphere][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b29_petrovic_ogerlair][$hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5 or $equip.dDoS eq "discharged" or $equip.charge lt 100>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.charge lt 100>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask to recharge your Gear|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "recharge"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.25; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask to recharge your Gear|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "recharge"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_attack_machinecharge");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Petrovic|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "business"; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shop|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "leave"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "recharge">>\n\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<<set $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 4>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.dDoS eq "discharged">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.dDoS = "charged">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.charge lt 100>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.charge = 100>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "recharge">>"I got some gear I need..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "tweaks">>"I was wondering if...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "weapons">>"I'm looking for hardware. What...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sphinxspine" and $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 2>>"You won't believe this but..."<<else>>"Just wanted to talk..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "weapons">>"I'm looking for hardware. What you got in stock?"\n\n<<if $time.active gte 96>>"A new shipment has just arrived, comrade. Come."<<else>>"A fine enough selection, comrade. Come."<</if>> Petrovic walks you to a cabinet at the back of his shop and un-locks it. Inside are a selection of firearms and ammunition. He waves at the content and says, "What would you be interested in?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "recharge">>"I got some gear I need recharged. High voltage stuff. You got an outlet I could use?"\n\n"Of course, comrade." Petrovic points to an industrial charging station behind his workbench. "Feel free."\n\n"Thanks." You head over and plug your gear in.\n\nMinutes drag past. You pace around, absently watching the Machine Smith word. Eventually the cells and capacitors are topped off. You take a moment to scan them all for errors, just to be safe. Nothing appears to be malfunctioning - a good sign.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "tweaks">>"I was wondering if you could tweak my weapons. I know you have those splice things, right?"\n\n"Ahh, yes." Petrovic winks. "I can do that, yes yes. For a price."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sphinxspine">><<display 'machinesmith_sphinxfindspine_txt'>><<else>>"Just wanted to talk a little."\n\nPetrovic spreads his hands. "Of course. About what then, comrade?"\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "business">>You shrug. "Anything. Like, how's business been going of late?"\n\n"Ah, well enough. Not as many customers as in the old days but they still stop by occasionally." He shrugs. "Honestly, I have begun to branch out. Hardware is no longer my main business anymore. But surely you have heard this, yes?"\n\n"Not exactly," you say. "I've been out of touch with the old gang for ages."\n\nPetrovic chuckles. "Ah, well, then now you know. These days, Petrovic the Exquisite works on anything he can, even simply fixing machines. It is not glamorous, no, but it is certainly better than to have no business at all." He grins. "Times change and I adapt."\n\n"Don't we all," you mutter, more to yourself than to him.\n\nHis eyebrows rise. "Is that all, comrade?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "object">>"I'm looking for something in particular, an ancient artefact. I don't know much about it, only that it's small and might have something to do with the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. You heard about anything like that?"\n\nPetrovic rubs the back of his head. "No, I do not think so. It is mechanical though?" He tuts. "Of course it is or you would not ask me."\n\n"Actually, I don't have a damn clue." When Petrocic rolls his eyes, you add, "Honestly, man. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>I'm not fucking with you. <</if>>I don't know anything about the<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> damn<</if>> thing except that I'm supposed to find it. That's why I figured I'd ask."\n\n"Ah." Petrovic shrugs unhelpfully. "I do not know anything. Though, if you do find it, I might be able to tell you what it is. If that helps at all."\n\n"Dunno. But if I do find the artefact, I'll keep that in mind."\n\n"Yes, then until you do, well, ah..." He purses his lips. "Is that all, comrade?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "showobject">>"About this." You produce Object 55316 and show it to the Machine Smith. <<if $job_conspiracy.askedMachineSmith >>"This is that thing I told you I was looking for.<<else>>"It's related to the job I'm working.<</if>> Can you tell me anything about it?"\n\nPetrovic scowls at the silver sphere. "It, ah, may be a data sphere. Much like the ones my gradfather made notes of. An old design, comrade, very old. It will not work with any device I know of."\n\n"I figured as much," you say darkly.\n\n"What is perculaiar is these carvings, here—" He indicates several lines on the Object's surface. "They appear to simply be pattern. In fact, they describe a encoding ID specific to this data sphere. Only a device which posesses the runtimes necessary to decode this particular identifier will be able to read it. But do not ask me where to find such a thing, comrade. I know of no machine so old which still functions."\n\nYou nod slowly. "Thanks anyways. You've been a great help, Petrovic."\n\n"No problem, comrade. It is always a pleasure."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">>"About [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]], actually. I might end up on the wrong side of one. Or more. And was wondering if you knew about any technology or something that might keep me alive a little longer."\n\n"I do not envy you," Petrovic says gravely. "Great marvels and wonderous machines, those beings are. But I tell you, comrade, they are not immortal. I know only what I have heard over the years. Perhaps it might help?"\n\nYou risk a smile. "I'll take anything you got, man."\n\n"It is known," Petrovic says slowly, "that the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is a monster of great technology. To overpower one, one would require machinery greater than its own. I am speaking of such marvelous and deceptive devices as are rumored to be installed within the [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]]. One would need to kill such a being, comrade, and remove its spinal column, to which all its augments are said to be attached. Perposterous an idea, I know. But if you could aquire such technology. Perhaps not from a [[Sphinx|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Sphinx"]], as I doubt they truly exist, then I could surely construct a means to decieve even a [[Paladin's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] circuitry."\n\n"That'll really work? You're sure?"\n\nPetrovic shakes his head. "No, comrade. It is only a theory that I have heard. And I doubt such fabulous beings even exist. But the technology to create illusions? That surely exists and, with some modification, it can be used to overload any perception algorithm. Applied to your problem, it could dazzle the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] in such a manner that it would not know how to act. Its subroutines would be overwhelmed, and it would be all but defenseless."\n\n"That sounds intriguing," you admit. "Okay, listen. I'll look into it. Maybe, just maybe, I can find a device like the one you're talking about."<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "weapons">><<nobr>>\n<div id='game-machinesmith-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t<<display 'machinesmith_buyoptions'>>\n</div>\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "tweaks">><<nobr>>\n\t<<set $anointName = "tweaks">>\n\t<<set $availableAnointments = []>>\n\n\t<<set $costItem = {"credits": 1200, "loot_circuits": 1,}>>\n\t<<set $item = {name: "increase_damage_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\t<<set $item = {name: "increase_damage_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t<<set $continueOption = {\n\t\tlookup: "",\n\t\tdestination: "b29_machinesmith",\n\t\tset: "$action.arrive = 'fromSelf'; $hide.layer0 = false;",\n\t\tresetType: "gameOptionOldReset"\n\t}>>\n\n\t<<display 'doAnointUpgradeUI'>>\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "sphinxspine">><<nobr>>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 500>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll Pay (500 C)|b29_machinesmith_sphinxspine][$action.action1 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= 500; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Say you'll Pay (500 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll return Later|b29_machinesmith_sphinxspine][$action.action1 = "later"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 500>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Pay the Comission (500 C)|b29_machinesmith_sphinxspine][$action.action1 = "pay_2"; $attrib.credits -= 500; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[ Pay the Comission (500 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "recharge">><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrieve your Gear|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "paladins">><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.petrovic = true; $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 1; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_sphinx', 'startedMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<else>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'petrovic_witchgun_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'petrovic_witchgun_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\tYou say,\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "makegun">>"Agreed. Fife thousand credits for the rifle." You hold out your arm.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tPetrovic swipes it. "A pleasure, comrade. I shall begin work immediately."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Be careful," you say. "This stuff might be dangerous."<<else>>"Well that's encouraging," you mutter.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, do not worry, comrade. Your friend Petrovic will not make any mistakes. I never do." The Machine-Smith winks. \n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "rathernot">>"I'd rather not. Nothing personal. Just don't wanna mess with that kinda tech."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Perfectly understandable," Petrovic says, handing the core back to you. "Should you change your mind, comrade, I'd be happy to revisit the topic."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah," you say slowly. "Thanks for the offer. I'll consider it."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "takegun">>"All right. I'll give it a try and see what happens."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Nothing drastic, I hope. It is truly a preculear weapon." Petrovic looks hopeful.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"It'll work. I'm sure."<<else>>"Let's hope you're right."<</if>> You sling the [[Bush Raptor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1B"]] over your shoulder. "Thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"It was a pleasure, comrade." Petrovic locks his weapons cabinet, saying, "I am certain my grandfather would be proud to see his designs used in practice."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leavegun">>"I'm not sure I wanna mess with that thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Perhaps it is better that way," Petrovic says. "I would gladly refund you—"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No, it's fine." You hand the [[Bush Raptor|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1B"]] back. "I'd just rather not."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Very well, comrade" Petrovic places the rifle back in the weapons locker. "Should you change your mind, simply tell me. Until then I shall keep it under close lock and key."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 9000>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Comission the Bush Raptor (9000 C)|b29_machinesmith_nullgun][$characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardTimer = $time.active; $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "petrovic_1"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "makegun"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Comission the Bush Raptor (9000 C)]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b29_machinesmith_nullgun][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "rathernot"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Retrieve your Custom Order|b29_machinesmith_talk][$action.action1 = "weapons"; $hide.layer0 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_fusionsphere_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_fusionsphere_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_fusionsphere_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 10000>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Say you will buy it (10000 C)' 'b29_machinesmith_fusionsphere'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "pay"; $attrib.credits -= 10000; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 4; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'boughtSmithSphere'); playContextSound("ui_blip"); $equip.hasFusionSphere = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Fusion Sphere">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "fusion_sphere">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Say you'll buy It (10'000 C)</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll return Later|b29_machinesmith_fusionsphere][$action.action1 = "later"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "sphinxspine" and $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase eq 2>>"You won't believe this but..."<<else>>"Just wanted to talk..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'machinesmith_sphinxfindspine_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>After a moment's consideration, you say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "pay" or $action.action1 eq "pay_2">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div><</if>>After a moment's consideration, you say, <<if $action.action1 eq "pay" or $action.action1 eq "pay_2">>"I'll pay. Five hundred for the spine." You program the transaction.\n\n"Ah, it is an honor, comrade." Petrovic swipes your arm. <<if $action.action1 eq "pay">>"It will only be a moment. I must, ah, upload a new projection profice and install a trigger mechanism. It should take an hour I imagine."\n\nSurprised, you say, "An hour? That little time?"\n\n"As I said, comrade, my grandfather had many notes. I studied them quite intently. I know just what to do. If you wish to wait, I shall—" He gestures to his workbench.\n\nYou nod. "Go ahead, man. I'll wait."\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— An hour Passes —</div>\n\nYou're still sitting in the corner when Petrovic looks up from his workbench and says, "I am done, comrade."\n\n"Oh." You stand and approach the man, who holds out the modified spine. "So, uh, how does it work?"\n\n"You simply press this button atop the base of the skull and it shall activate. Naturally, I included a safety, so you must flip this switch here—" He points. "But there are two things: one, the power core has only enough charge for one use, after which you will need to bring it to me. And second, ah, do not point it at yourself, comrade. It may cause unintended harm. Or headaches. There were many notes in this—" He holds up a tattered book. "—that say it may induce headaches if used on humans."\n\n"Good to know," you say, eyeing the spine. "So, I can take it?"\n\n"But of course! It is yours, comrade." Petrovic offers the spine.\n\n"Thanks." You carefully roll it up and store it in a pocket. "And I mean that, man. Really. I can never repay you for this."\n\n"Nor can I," the machine smoth says earnestly. "To work on such a device... no, there are no words. Simply no words in the galaxy that would express what I feel."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pay_2">>"The spine is yours, of course, and again I will ask no questions."\n\n"Great." You take the device and carefully roll it up. "So, uh, anything else I need to know?"\n\nPetrovic shakes his head. "Simply press the button atop the base of the skull and it shall activate. Naturally, I included a safety, so you must flip this switch here—" He points. "Simply, ah, do not point it at yourself, comrade. It may cause unintended harm. Or headaches. I gave myself quite a headache when I tested the device."\n\n"I'll remember that," you say, stowing the spine in a pocket. "And thanks again, man. I can never really repay you for this."\n\n"Nor can I," the machine smith says earnestly. "To work on such a device... no, there are no words. Simply no words in the galaxy that would express what I feel."<</if>><<else>>"I'll come back later. I know it's a lot of work and all but I gotta check on the financial front, you follow?"\n\n"Of course, comrade. I shall have the device ready for you when you return. I am certain."\n\n"Okay then." You smile. "And thanks, man. I really appreciate the effort."\n\n"No problem, none at all, comrade." Petrovic runs a finger along the spine. "Oh, how long I dreamed, fantasized. But yes. Return soon and I shall have the device for you. No doubt about it."<</if>><</if>>\n</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pay" or $action.action1 eq "pay_2">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Spine' 'b29_machinesmith' >>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 4; $time.active += 1; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_sphinx', 'finishedMission'); playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Sphinxes Spine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_spine_f">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $job_petrovic_paladin.mainPhase = 3; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_skills1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what InZtinct Is|b29_implant_malfunction][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "aboutInztinct"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want it Activated|b29_implant_malfunction][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "activate"; $inztinct.active = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_skills', 'acceptedSkills'); window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't want the Module|b29_implant_malfunction][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action1 = "placeholder"; $action.action2 = "deactivate"; $inztinct.active = false"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_skills', 'refusedSkills'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_skills1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_skills2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want InZtict|b29_implant_malfunction][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "activate"; $inztinct.active = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_skills', 'acceptedSkills'); window.setTimeout(addUIFlicker, 25, "single"); playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't want InZtinct|b29_implant_malfunction][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "deactivate"; $inztinct.active = false"; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_skills', 'refusedSkills'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_skills1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 neq "placeholder">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_skills2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_skills3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_intro_implant.mainPhase = 2; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_machinesmith_base_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Actually, I changed..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\t"Actually, I changed my mind about that whole InZtict thing. I think I want it activated after all. If you can do that."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Of course, comrade. One moment—" Sharp pain stings your neck. A moment later, Petrovic removes the unplink. "That should do it,. I cannot vouch for the efficiency of the module yet surely it shall aid you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I sure hope so." You stand, rubbing the back of your neck. "So, I'm good?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes, though do not be too hasty in assigning memory blocks. Instinct augmentation is an emerging technology. To treat it rashly would be counterproductive." Petrovic purses his lips. "Otherwise, you are fine."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod earnestly. "No hasty decisions. Got it. Thanks."\t\t\t\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_intro_implant.mainPhase = 2; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 Bazar">>\n\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t<<if (($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 and not ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10)>>You swagger into the maze of passages...<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromDuct">>You kick out the emergency pannel...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "enter">><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Stifling a yawn, you enter...<<else>>You enter the maze of passages...<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "leave">>You return to the intersection between<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 and not ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10)>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_exterior.png"]]</div>You swagger into the maze of passages that make up the [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Arcid fumes and sweet perfumes fill the air. The scent of fresh cooking makes your mouth water. Pedestrians crowd on all sides, getting in your way no matter where you try to walk. That alone you could have handled but, in your fuzzy state, you quickly loose track of where you are amidst the warren-like passages. It's almost as though the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] has conspired to lead you into the murky depths of the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. \n\n"Shit." You begin back-tracking.\n\nPeople bump into you. Elbows poke unkindly. Noise rings in your ears. It's hard not to walk into people and, more often than not, you're shoved away unkindly. So it goes for long minutes untul, at long last, you spot the entrance to tramway station ahead.<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromJunction">>You climb back up the ladder to the [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. It's cramped but, before long, you've reached the top and clambered out into the busy passages of the free-trade district.\n\n"Back among the living," you mutter, glancing around.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromDuct">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_exterior.png"]]</div>You kick out the emergency pannel to find yourself in a dark passage you've never seen before. There's no one about and no signs, so you set off in search of any form of land mark. There's a large crowd ahead and, as you draw near, you realize where you are: in a little side corridor that leads to your favorite intersection in the [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].\n\n"Talk about luck." You pause at the fork in the passages.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "enter">><<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_infected.png"]]</div>You enter the maze of deserted passages that now constitue the [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. Heavy mist hangs in the air; toxic and unbreathable. The stall stand empty, the carpets deserted. No one haggles over prices. Only dead bodies lie silent on the walkways. Eeerie silence presses on your ears as you reach a noxious intersection between three passages.<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_bazar_exterior.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.fatigue gt 75>> Stifling a yawn, you enter the maze of passages that make up the [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].<<else>>You enter the maze of passages that make up the [[Level B29 Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]].<</if>> Arcid fumes and sweet perfumes fill the air. The scent of sizzling sausages drifts from a vendor. Behind him, two men are haggling over the price of an ornate vase. You push on throgh the crowd of shoppers until you reach an intersection between three passages.\n<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "leave">>Brave the <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>deserted walkways<<else>>chaotic crowds<</if>> of the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] once more, returning to the the intersection between three passages.<</if>> \n\nLeft will take you to the machine-smiths, technomages, and scrap dealers. Right leads to the fleshmelders and other exotic vendors. Directly ahead, a tunnel leads back to the tramway station<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 3>> and beside that is the utility pannel that leads down to the Junction Petrovic mentioned<</if>>.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 and not ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10)>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $attrib.toxicity -= 1; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\n\t<<if $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remove the Utility Panel|b29_junction_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromAbove"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Petrovic the Machine-Smith|b29_machinesmith_loot][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_banshee_srpawl.gotMessage and ($job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 0 or $job_banshee_srpawl.mainPhase eq 1)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Petrovic the Machine-Smith|b29_machinesmith_sprawlmission][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Petrovic the Machine-Smith|b29_machinesmith][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ashlake-TP Cyberware|b29_cybershop_loot][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Ashlake-TP Cyberware|b29_cybershop][$hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Anska the Fleshmelder|b29_fleshmelder_loot][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Anska the Fleshmelder|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered and ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed eq false or $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none") and $randomScene lt $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency and not ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B29 Tramway Station|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_tram_station"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B29 Tramway Station|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 Habs">>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_djinn_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter Unit 5121|b29_djinn_enter_2][$attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_djinn_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_djinn_enter_2_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>\n\t<<display 'UI_DeathOptions'>>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if not $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_HabEncounter"; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_djinn_hab"; $hud.interference = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.action1 = "fight"; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Run|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_HabEncounter"; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_djinn_hab"; $hud.interference = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.action1 = "fight"; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b29_djinn_enter_3][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.caution += 1; $attrib.violence -= 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; $action.arrive = "fromPassifict"; playContextSound("ui_ambush");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Attempt to Run|b29_djinn_enter_3][$action.action1 = "run"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.arrive = "fromPassifict"; playContextSound("ui_ambush");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Djinn|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Djinn_HabEncounter"; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_djinn_hab"; $hud.interference = false; $attrib.violence += 3; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $action.action1 = "fight"; $action.arrive = "fromFight"]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromPassifict">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_djinn_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_djinn_enter_2_txt'>></div>\n<</if>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "fight">>You lower your weapon...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "run">>You make a dash for the...<<else>>You hastily back away, saying...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "fight">>You lower your weapon, staring at where the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] used to be. Damned thing. Cheating the laws of physics. No fair. You're about to move when rapid footfalls pount behind you. Adrenaline surges. \n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>You whirl around to see [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin storm into the empty hab unit. The machine stops short. "Damnation upon the Stars. Too slow."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "run">>You make a dash for the door. Before you've gone two steps, the abomination slams a fist into your chest. You hit the ground hard.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck,"<<else>>"Shit,"<</if>> you gasp as the abomination towers over you.\n\nThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] steps forward but hesitates as though it's heard something. Next thing you know, the black-clothed figure vanishes into thin air, leaving only a pale silhouette shimering in mid-air. Your heart continues to race.\n\nFootfalls thunder as [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin storms into the empty hab unit. The machine stops short. "Damnation upon the Stars. Too slow."<<else>>You hastily back away, saying, "Hey, can't we just talk—"\n\nThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] kicks you in the chest, knocking you down.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck,"<<else>>"Shit,"<</if>> you gasp as the abomination towers over you.\n\nThe [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] steps forward but hesitates as though it's heard something. Next thing you know, the black-clothed figure vanishes into thin air, leaving only a pale silhouette shimering in mid-air. Your heart continues to race.\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_corinthin.png"]]</div>Footfalls thunder as [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] Corinthin storms into the empty hab unit. The machine stops short. "Damnation upon the Stars. Too slow."<</if>>\n\n"Just don't<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> tell me I didn't try. Because it was here. Right here. Like you planned." You pick yourself up with a grunt. "So, what happens now?"\n\nCorinthin remains perfectly still, its gaze fixed on where the abomination disappeared. "Uncertain. A [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] would not risk uncessary exposure unless it deemed the circumstances dire. Evidently it has failed in its intended task. Logically, it shall avoid exposing itself again. Thus a more creative approach will be required to locate and eliminate it."\n\n"Humor me then: what do we do next? Because I'm out of ideas and getting<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> pretty damn<</if>> tired of walking around in the dark without a glowlamp."\n\n"Consult your sources, as shall I. Determine who employs the [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]]. Discover all you can of its origins, strengths, and weaknesses." Corinthin faces you. "When you are prepared, convene with me at the Cathedral of Beams. Ask for me. The Clergy will know you are expected."\n\n"Uh, okay, so you want me to—" Corinthin walks out without another word. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Yeah, fuck you, you stupid can of faith."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Yeah, fuck you too, Corinthin."<<else>>"Yeah, just leave me standing here. Thanks."<</if>>\n\nBut the [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] is long gone. You are alone in the empty hab unit, with virtually no leads to go on and no idea how anything fits together. But, on the upside, you are alive. So you decided the best course of action is to get back up and get back at it. Not an ingenious plan but better than nothing, which is about all you have at the moment.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Hab Unit|b29_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromdjinn"; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 6; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.stress += 1; $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode = "active"; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Abacus School">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Acheri|b30_abacus_inject][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action5 = "acheri"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Vine|b30_abacus_inject][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action5 = "vine"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have some Questions|b30_abacus_inject][$hide.layer1 = true; $action.action5 = "questions"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fleshmelder_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>"Hey, I found something that...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n"Hey," you say, pulling the strange pendant from your pocket. "I found something that seems a little out of the ordinary. You got any idea what this is?"\n\nAnska reoils, her sunken eyes fixed intently on the star-shaped pendant. "Voids between! Where did you find that? Quick. Tell me!"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Uh, on... well, someone dead. Why? What—"<<else>>"Around somewhere. On a corpse. Why? What—"<</if>>\n\n"Be rid of it, and quick!" Anska shudders from head to toe. "For all that is sacred in the galaxy, my dear, be rid of it and mention its existence to no one."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>Your brow furrows. "But it's just a—"<<else>>You can't help but laugh. "What? It's just a—"<</if>>\n\n"It is terrible, terrible, that is what it is! Be rid of it!" Anska glowers defiantly.\n\nYou simply nod in response, uncertain whether to take the old hag seriously or not. At the very least she could have explained what's so damned about the pendant. But, judging by the expression on Anska's face, she isn't going to talk about it. So you simply pocket the trinket. Almost at once the old woman relaxes.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b29_fleshmelder][$job_witches_pendant.askedAnska = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Abacus School">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_speech_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $attrib.religion neq "visionary">>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do it|b30_abacus_speech_2][$action.action1 = "accept"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 5; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'didSpeech');]]</div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say kids aren't your Thing|b30_abacus_speech_2][$action.action1 = "decline"; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'avoidedSpeech');]]\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_speech_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>"Okay. Sure. Why not?..."<<else>>"Nah, man. Sorry. Kids really aren't my<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>"Okay. Sure. Why not?"\n\n"Wonderful." Tobias adjusts his stack of pads. "Uh, do you have time now? I'm about to see the class in question."\n\nYou shrug. "Sure. Why not?" As the teacher leads you down the main corridor, you say, "So, is there anything I shouldn't tell them? You know, school policy or anything?"\n\n"Not really. Be as honest as you can. Just—" Tobias shoots you a sidelong glance. "Try to keep the language to a minimum, okay?" \n\nWhen you, Tobias stops in front of an open classroom. The kids inside are fucking around, squealing and making noise as can be expected. Tobias smiles a little. "Here we are. Wait here a moment." He strides in and, without blinking an eye, drops his data pads on the tacher's podium with a loud clatter. "Class..."\n\nMost of the kids hurry to their seats. A few continue horsing around, chattering and laughing. Tobias folds his arms. "Adiqui." When none of the kids react, he repats in a louder voice, "Adiqui!" \n\nOne of the kids horsning around turns with a start. Tobias adopts a stern look. "Sit down." Everyone not at their places does as instructed. A hushed silence falls over the class save for the one or two who are whispering to each other. \n\n"Good morning," Tobias says evenly. "You'll all be glad to hear that we won't be doing history today." The class whoops jubilantly. Tobias raises a hand. "Because today I have a special guest. Let me introduce—" He waves you in.\n\nAs you stride into the classroom, Tobias says, "<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>Mr. Vineto Acrel<<else>>Ms. Vinela Acrel<</if>>." A murmur runs through the class. You stand by the door and lean againt the wall, mustering the young boys and girls with <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>an absent gaze<<else>>curiosity<</if>>. Many stare back with curious gazes. Tobias continues, "<<formalname>> recently helped us with the problem I told you about. And <<genderpronoun>>'s agreed to stop by for a while to talk about abominations." The teacher nods to you. "Please."\n\n"Hey. Name's Vine." You pace into the center of the room, saying, "Now, I don't know what you've been told. And I don't know what you expect to hear. But let's be clear: I'm no teacher." You stop and let your gaze wander around the kids. "I'm a <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>killer<<else>>hunter<</if>>. My job is to track down and execute abominations for <<if $attrib.religon eq "theophobe">>that damned<<else>>the<</if>> [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Now, I could tell you how dangerous the job is or how unnatural abominations are and how they can't be allowed to live. But let's start off simple..."\n\nYou draw your <<knife>> and <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>slam<<else>>set<</if>> it on the nearest desk. The class <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>recoils<<else>>lean forward<</if>>. You smile. "Some days that's all it takes. A simple blade. But if you know anything about abominations then you know they're fast. Faster than me. And faster than all of you. An [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] for example, big nasty dudes with huge muscles," you imitate an [[Oger's|Oger]] typical bulk. "Could throw me clean across this room." A murmur runs though the class. Curious eyes watch your every move.\n\n<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>You draw your <<pistol>>, eject the magazine and clear the chamber. "So sometimes you gotta aim bigger. And sometimes a bolt or two will do it. Most abominations were human at one point so they can all die. They'll bleed, just like any of you. But they aren't anything like us." You glance around. "You all've got in a fight, maybe broken a bone or two. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Hell<<else>>Man<</if>>, I grew up around here. I know what it's like. Mom and dad popping pills or getting wasted. No one cares. You're just one of thousands. You're scared, terrified because they're getting all loud and stuff. You know what that's like?" \n\nSeveral of the kids nod. You smile. "Well, abominations are ten times worse. They're monsters. They never calm down. They never go back to normal. They're twisted, either by choice or against their will, and they don't care if humans live or die just as long as they survive."<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>"So sometimes, you need real killing power." You set your <<rifle>> on the table. "But even that isn't always enough to take the bastards down. A [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] for example. You could be staring right at it and, poof, the next instant it's standing behind you. And an [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]], like the one I took care of here, is basically a kid, so it can crawl into tiny spaces, disappear into any vent or duct, and you can spend days trying to figure out where it scurried off to."<</if>>\n\nYou lean on the table, saying, "I'm not gonna lie: <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>I kill abominations. That's the job and it isn't fun or anything like the vids.<<else>>it's a harsh calling. It isn't fun or gloriousl like in the vids.<</if>> One wrong move and—" You draw your finger across your neck. "One moment of weakness and you're dead. Not in trouble, not sent to detention or beat black and blue, but dead, bleeding to death in a dark alley, where no one's ever gonna find your body." \n\nBy now most of the kids look terrified. Some of them still look bored though. You wall up to one of them, a boy with short, black hair. "Hey." You <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>slam your fist<<else>>rap a finger<</if>> on his desk. He looks up with a start. "What's your name?"\n\n"Carter," the boy says absently. \n\n"Carter, eh?" You fold your arms. "So, Carter, you believe in ghost stories?"\n\nThe boy snorts. "Nah. They ain't real."\n\n"True." You lean closer to the kid and <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>hiss,<<else>>say,<</if>> "But abominations are. They're in the walls, in the shadows, sometimes even right among us. There could be one in this room right now and you wouldn't know." \n\nThe boy's lips twitch. He still looks bored. \n\n"Could be you." You snatch your <<knife>>, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>snarling, "Maybe I should bleed you? Just to be sure?" The boy scoffs. You grab him, force his head onto his desk, and press your <<print $balde>> to the back of his neck. Several children yelp.<<else>>saying, "Can you prove that isn't so?" The boy scoffs. You lean closer, hissing, "Can you really say you aren't one of them? Can you prove to me—"<</if>>\n\nTobias calls, "Vine, what—"\n\n"Carter could be a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]]," you say evenly. "Are you sure he's not?" \n\n"Vine," Tobias snaps. "This is no way—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shut up," you snap back.\n\nUneasy tension haunts the classroom. Carter whimpers beneath your blade. "Right." You release the boy, sheathe your <<knife>> and look around. "That's what abominations are. Uncertainty. Fear. Terror. Now I'm certain Carter isn't a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]], but he could've been. How can you know? How can you really know?"<<else>>"Not now," you reply calmly. "Carter could be one of them. Can anyone prove they're not?"\n\nNo one says a word. You nod solemly. "That's what abominations are. Uncertainty. Fear. Terror. Now I'm certain Carter isn't a [[Demon|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Demon"]], but he could've been. How can you know? How can you really know?"<</if>>\n\nThe kids stare at you. Even Tobias looks shocked. \n\n"Abominations aren't ghost stories. They're real, living threats. They're worse than gangs. They're worse than bullies. They're nightmares. If you go your whole life never seeing one and keep on believing they're a myth, be glad. Don't go looking for them. Don't go hunting them. And whatever<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> the hell<</if>> you do, ever, ever, try to take them on unless you know exactly what you're doing."\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" or $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>You stride back to the table and retrieve your gear.<<else>>You let your gaze wander around the classroom.<</if>> "That's all I gotta say. Pray you never run into<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> me again. Or them.<<else>>one of those monsters. Ever.<</if>>"\n\nAs you head for the door, Tobias hurries after you, "Vine. Vine, what—"\n\nYou turn to face him. "Tobias Gartner. You might think abominations are a curiosity to be studied but, believe me, that's not what these kids need to hear. They need to know the truth: that abominations are monsters, plain and simple."\n\n"Maybe but what you..." Tobias takes a deep breath. "By Eden, Vine, they're terrified. You scared the living daylights out of them."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Good. Then they won't forget."<<else>>"Fear teaches best."<</if>> You take one more step but hesitate. "And next time you get the urge to have someone talk about something, make sure you want to hear what they have to say." \n\nTobias's mouth opens and closes. You shake your head with a sigh and...<<else>>"Nah, man. Sorry. Kids really aren't my thing, which I mean in the least creepy way possible, if you—" You pull a face. "Anyways, to be honest? The less they gotta do with me, the better."\n\nTobias nods as best he can without dropping his stack of data pads. "Of course. I understand perfectly well. And thanks for coming by none the less." \n\n"No problem,." You nod curtly and...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<if $action.action1 eq "accept">>[[Leave Abacus Middle School|b30_tram_station][$hud.messages.push($msg_tobias);$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $time.active = $time.active + 0.45; $job_school.mainPhase = 2; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits + 950; $hud.newmsg += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<else>>[[Leave Abacus Middle School|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $job_school.mainPhase = 3; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<</if>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Abacus School">>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action5 neq "acheri">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say the Acheri isn't your Problem|b30_abacus_talk][$action.action1 = "notproblem"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll work for Credits|b30_abacus_talk][$action.action1 = "credits"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll work for Answers|b30_abacus_talk][$action.action1 = "questions"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $attrib.dilligence += 1]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "credits">>"Two thousand credits and you...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "questions">>"I don't usually work on charity...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "notproblem">>"Honestly, I've got bigger problems...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "credits">>"<<print Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> and you got a deal. Though I'll still wanna talk to you once the creepy girl is dealt with."\n\n"That's..." Tobians bites his lip. "Unusually reasonable, to be honest. I'm sure the Board will be overjoyed." He rubs his hands. "So, uh, what can I do to help?"\n\n"Aside from staying out of the way?" When Tobias fidgets, you say, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, you said you're the expert. Then how about this: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<<else>>"Well, you said you know about abominations. So tell me: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<</if>>\n\n<<display 'accept_acheri_txt'>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "questions">>"I don't usually work on charity basis but here's my offer: you answer my questions and maybe I'll just take care of the creepy psycho free of charge. How's that sound?"\n\n"That's..." Tobians bites his lip. "Unusually reasonable, to be honest. I'm sure the Board will be overjoyed." He rubs his hands. "So, uh, is there anything I do to help?"\n\n"Aside from staying out of the way?" When Tobias fidgets, you say, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, you said you're the expert. Then how about this: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<<else>>"Well, you said you know about abominations. So tell me: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<</if>>\n\n<<display 'accept_acheri_txt'>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "notproblem">>"Honestly, I've got bigger problems than the creepy girl roaming your school."\n\n"I see." Tobias shrugs absently. "Then I suppose there is nothing that'll convince you otherwise, is there?" When you shake your head, he says, "All right. Just tell me what you're here for and we can get this out of the way."\n\n"It's about Raj Winston. You know him?"\n\nTobian shrugs. "Maybe. Maybe not."\n\n"Mhh." You fix the teacher with a stern gaze. "You ain't gonna make this easy are, you?"\n\nHe snorts. "With an [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] lurking in my classroom? No. Of course not."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "credits" or $action.action1 eq "questions">>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the classroom on the Left|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "left"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $action.action6 = "none"]]</div><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the classroom on the Right|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "right"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $action.action6 = "none"]]</div>\n\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isHeavyWeapon or $equip.isHeavyArmor or $equip.offhand.contains("cyberarm") or $equip.offhand.contains("meleeplant")>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Intimidate Tobias|b30_abacus_talk_2][$action.action1 = "intimidate"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'skippedAcheri'); $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Intimidate Tobias|b30_abacus_talk_2][$action.action1 = "intimidatefail"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_abacus_talk_2][$action.action1 = "questions"; $hide.layer3 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'skippedAcheri'); $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_abacus_talk_2][$action.action1 = "questionsfail"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_inject_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>Honestly, I've got bigger problems...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Honestly, I've got bigger problems than the creepy girl roaming your school."\n\n"I see." Tobias shrugs absently. "Then I suppose there is nothing that'll convince you otherwise, is there?" When you shake your head, he says, "All right. Just tell me what you're here for and we can get this out of the way."\n\n"It's about Raj Winston. You know him?"\n\nTobian shrugs. "Maybe. Maybe not."\n\n"Mhh." You fix the teacher with a stern gaze. "You aren't gonna make this easy are, you?"\n\nHe snorts. "With an [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] lurking in my classroom? No. Of course not."<</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "questions">>"I don't think I made..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "intimidate" or $action.action1 eq "intimidatefail">>"No, I really don't think you get it, man." You run your...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "questions" or $action.action1 eq "questionsfail">>"I don't think I made myself clear," you say earnestly. "I need answers. This is important. Bigger than an abomination running around your school. So—"\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "questions">>Tobias shakes his head. "We all have issues. Perhaps you could aid me. And I—"\n\n"Your problem is a single [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]. Mine comes straight from the top of the Clergy. So please don't blow this out of proportion."\n\n"I—" Gartner swallows. "Very well. I shall cooperate. What was it you wished to know again?"\n\n<<display 'abacus_gartner_reveal_txt'>><<else>>Tobias shakes his head. "We all have issues. Perhaps you could aid me. And I will aid you?"\n\n"Fine. I don't usually work on charity basis but I'll take care of the creepy psycho free of charge. In return you talk. Deal?"\n\n"That's reasonable, to be honest. I'm sure the Board will be overjoyed." He rubs his hands. "So, uh, is there anything I do to help?"\n\n"Aside from staying out of the way?" When Tobias fidgets, you say, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, you said you're the expert. Then how about this: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<<else>>"Well, you said you know about abominations. So tell me: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<</if>>\n\n<<display 'accept_acheri_txt'>><</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "intimidate" or $action.action1 eq "intimidatefail">>"No, I really don't think you get it, man." You run your fingers over the hilt of your <<knife>> and step closer to Tobias. "See, you might think you have an abomination problem, but if you don't do exactly what I say and answer those questions, one little [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] is gonna seem like fun compared to me. So how 'bout you just cough up right here and now and we call it a day?"\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "intimidate">>Tobias's eyes narrow. "I am not intimidated by criminals or thugs such as—"\n\n"Thugs?" You laugh. "Try mass murder, asshole. And start talking. My patience is running really damned thin."\n\n"I—" Gartner swallows. "Very well. I am at your disposal. What was it you wished to know again?"\n\n<<display 'abacus_gartner_reveal_txt'>><<else>>Tobias's eyes narrow. "I am not intimidated by criminals or thugs such as you. Now simply tell me: shall you help us solve this problem? Or shall you continue to hunder me in my work?"\n\n"Fine. I'll take care of the damned creepy thing. In return you talk. Deal?"\n\n"That's reasonable, to be honest. I'm sure the Board will be overjoyed." He rubs his hands. "So, uh, is there anything I do to help?"\n\n"Aside from staying out of the way?" When Tobias fidgets, you say, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Well, you said you're the expert. Then how about this: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<<else>>"Well, you said you know about abominations. So tell me: why did the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] come here?"<</if>>\n\n<<display 'accept_acheri_txt'>><</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<if $action.action1 eq "questionsfail" or $action.action1 eq "intimidatefail">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the classroom on the Left|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "left"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $action.action6 = "none"]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the classroom on the Right|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "right"; $hide.layer1 = false;$hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $action.action6 = "none"]]</div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "intimidate" or $action.action1 eq "questions">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the School|b28_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 6; $hide.layer0 = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</if>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "left">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<display 'b30_abacus_left_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b30_abacus_left_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action4 eq "panel_found">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find an entrance to the Basement|b30_abacus_hunt_basement][$hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br><<else>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Dented Pannel|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "pannel"; $action.action4 = "panel_found"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br><</if>>\n<</nobr>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head across the Hall|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "right"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "right">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<display 'b30_abacus_right_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b30_abacus_right_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action4 eq "panel_found">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find an entrance to the Basement|b30_abacus_hunt_basement][$hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br><</if>>\n<<if $action.action5 neq "chemical_found">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Cabinet|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "cabinet"; $action.action5 = "chemical_found"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br><</if>>\n<<if $action.action6 neq "implant_found">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Implant|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "implant"; $action.action6 = "implant_found"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br><</if>>\n<</nobr>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head across the Hall|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "left"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "pannel">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<display 'b30_abacus_left_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b30_abacus_left_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You walk over to the bent panel...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nGrab the bent panel and give it a tug. It comes free without effort, revealing a narrow duct stuffed with thick strands of cable. Closer examination reveals nuch of the wiring has been torn free, presumably to allow easier passage.\n\nUnfortunately there's no indication where the duct leads - or where the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]]might be now. A best guess however would suggest it leads to a power room or server farm, which tend to be located in basements. That would be the logical place to continue your search, though you could also check the other room.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action4 eq "panel_found">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find an entrance to the Basement|b30_abacus_hunt_basement][$hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br><</if>>\n<</nobr>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head across the Hall|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "right"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "cabinet" or $action.action1 eq "implant">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<display 'b30_abacus_right_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b30_abacus_right_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "cabinet">>You walk to the damaged cabinet and...<<else>>You crouch down and...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "cabinet">>You walk to the damaged cabinet and carefully open the door. A holo-sheet projected inside the door lists a roster of the cabinet's contents; all manner of common chemicals and a few raw metals. There's also a collection of test tubes and beakers. A brief glance reveals nothing to be missing, though a pink vial labeled //hythrogamotelone// has been uncorked and set back in its rack at an odd angle. \n\n"Odd." You scowl at the vial.\n\nIt makes no sense. What would an [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] want with a chemical that, to your limited knowledge, is absolutely useless in practical chemistry?\n\nThen again, the [[Acheri|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] probably isn't in a lucid state of mind. So maybe it was just thirsty, though there's an equally good chance it just thought the pink vial looked pretty or something to that effect.<<else>>You crouch down and examine the implant. It's definitely of mood-regulating design and looks like it was recently torn out. Probably one of the bits and pieces the [[Acheri's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Acheri"]] body rejected. There's no way to know how many other augments it's lost - or how much pain it might be in.\n\n"Poor thing." You stand with a sigh. "Better get this done with fast."\n<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n/%\n<<if $action.action4 eq "panel_found">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find an entrance to the Basement|b30_abacus_hunt_basement][$hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br><</if>>%/\n<</nobr>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|b30_abacus_hunt_classrooms][$action.action1 = "right"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_basement_txt'>></div><br>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "elevator">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_elevator_text'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage_txt'>></div><br>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Communicate|b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage_2][$action.action1 = "communicate"; $enc_acheri.dead = false; $attrib.caution -= 3; $attrib.dilligence += 2; $attrib.violence -= 3; $attrib.caution += 2; $hide.layer3 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'sparedAcheri'); $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Communicate|b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage_2][$action.action1 = "communicate_fail"; $hide.layer3 = true; $enc_acheri.dead = false; $attrib.caution -= 3; $attrib.violence -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\t\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.passedSneakCheck>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Spare the Abomination|b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage_2][$action.action1 = "spare"; $enc_acheri.dead = false; $attrib.caution -= 3; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.violence -= 3; $hide.layer3 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'sparedAcheri'); $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Spare the Abomination|b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage_2][$action.action1 = "spare_fail"; $hide.layer3 = true; $enc_acheri.dead = false; $attrib.caution -= 3; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.violence -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\t\n<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Abomination|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $enc_acheri.dead = true; $attrib.violence += 3; $attrib.caution += 6; $combatTemplate = "Acheri_B30"; $processed = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'killedAcheri'); $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "spare" or $action.action1 eq "communicate" or $action.action1 eq "communicate_fail" or $action.action1 eq "spare_fail">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_basement_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "elevator">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_elevator_text'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_encounter_text'>></div><br>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "communicate_fail" or $action.action1 eq "spare_fail">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Acheri|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $enc_acheri.dead = true; $combatTemplate = "Acheri_B30"; $processed = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'killedAcheri'); $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head back to the School|b30_abacus_hunt_end][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>>\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Abacus Basement">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_basement_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 75 and $attrib.fatigue lt 75>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find the Utility Passage|b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage][$action.action5 = "basement"; $hide.layer1 = true; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Force the Elevator Doors|b30_abacus_hunt_basement_enter][$action.action5 = "elevator"; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Force the Elevator Doors|b30_abacus_hunt_basement_enter][$action.action5 = "elevator"; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Abacus Basement">>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action6 = "none">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_basement_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_elevator_text'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Acheri|b30_abacus_hunt_utilitypassage][$hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Follow the Acheri|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $enc_acheri.dead = true; $combatTemplate = "Acheri_B30"; $processed = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_raj', 'killedAcheri'); $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_acheri_school"; $hud.interference = false]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Abacus School">>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_abacus_hunt_end_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $enc_acheri.dead eq true>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Say the Acheri is Dead' 'b30_abacus_hunt_end'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "dead"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits + Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = false; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\t\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Say the Acheri is Dead' 'b30_abacus_hunt_end'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "dead"; $attrib.credits = $attrib.credits + Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier); $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = false; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Claim the Acheri is Dead|b30_abacus_hunt_end][$action.action1 = "deadfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Admit the Acheri Survived|b30_abacus_hunt_end][$action.action1 = "alive"; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "dead">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_hunt_end_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Not really." You purse your lips...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"Not really." You purse your lips. "Listen, I know it's hard. Abominations always are. The important thing is it's over."\n\n"Indeed. And you will no doubt wish—" Tobias holds out his arm. "<<print Math.round(2000 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>> credits for your services."\n\n"Glad to be of service." You swipe his arms. \n\nTobias forces a smile. "Well, yes. And I agreed to answer your questions earlier. What are they, assuming I can even help?"\n\n<<display 'abacus_gartner_reveal_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Abacus Middle School|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 5; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 7; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "alive" or $action.action1 eq "deadfail">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b30_abacus_hunt_end_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "deadfail">>"Well, it's dead so...."<<else>>"Maybe not..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "deadfail">>"Well, it's dead so—" You hestiate at the look in Tobias's eyes. "Okay, okay. It isn't actually dead. I lied."\n\nGartner looks surprised. "What? How?"\n\n"Stuff happened." You shrug half-heartedly. "What can I say? I tried to corner it, kill it, and then couldn't make it happen. Shit situation. That's life."<<else>>"Maybe not." When Tobias shoots you a confused look, you take a deep breath and say, "The abomination isn't dead."\n\nGartner looks appaled. "What? How?"\n\n"Stuff happened." You shrug half-heartedly. "What can I say? Little girls are slippery enough as it is. Add amps and augmentation, well, yeah. Tough situation."<</if>>\n\n"A colorful way to put it." Tobias rubs his face. "So, ah, I assume it'll be back?"\n\n"Hard to say. Frankly, I doubt it'll stick around. But, if it does come back, I know some people who can get rid of it for good. Mind you, they'll ask for a hefty sum but—" You grab a few contacts on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and hold out your arm. "Here."\n\n"Thank you." He swipes your arm and says, "Let's hope this is over. And, yes, originally you wanted to ask me some questions?"\n\n<<display 'abacus_gartner_reveal_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave Abacus Middle School|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 5; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase = 7; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t<<set $homeMusic to either("love", "technologic", "sex")>>\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "mesmer" or $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t<<set $homeMusic to either("love", "spiritual", "technologic", "sex")>>\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t<<set $homeMusic to either("love", "lavandri", "technologic", "sex")>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $homeMusic to either("love", "spiritual", "sex")>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 Habs - Home">>\n<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'home_txt'>></div>\n<<if $chr_celena.loc eq "yourhouse_postparty">><<nobr>><div class='GameText'><<display 'home_cel_postparty'>></div><br>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask Celena for another Pill|home_cel_drug][$time.active = $time.active + 12; $attrib.dilligence -= 3; $attrib.caution -= 2; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're good for Sex|home_cel_sleep][$action.action1 = "fuck"; $time.active = $time.active + 1; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $attrib.dilligence -= 2; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Curl up beside Celina|home_cel_sleep][$action.action1 = "sleep"; $attrib.caution += 10; $time.active = $time.active + 9; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash in Bed|home_bed][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash in Bed|home_bed][$action.action1 = "toxicsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 65; $attrib.fatigue -= 80; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_home.tookStoredPistol eq false and $equip.pistol.name eq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Retrieve your Sidearm|home_sidearm][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Open the Cabinet|home_cabinet][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read Juno Data Pad|home_dpad][$action.action1 = "juno"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read Marisa's Data Pad|home_dpad][$action.action1 = "marisa"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click"); $characterEncounterPhases.antiProofRead = true;]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gt 45>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|home_bed][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.stress gte 50 and $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|evt_stresssleep][$action.action1 = "home"; $time.active = $time.active + 4; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Go to Bed|home_bed][$action.action1 = "normalsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 85; $attrib.fatigue -= 100; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Listen to Music|home_music][$time.active = $time.active + 1.1; $attrib.caution -= 1; $attrib.violence -= 1; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t/%<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Combat Simulator|home_simulater][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>%/\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>\n\t\t<<if $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.5 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHome"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_area_infected"; $randomScene = "rat"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.5 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|rnd_sprawl_attack][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromHome"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_area_infected"; $randomScene = "scavenger"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|b30_area_infected][$action.arrive = "fromHome"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered and ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed eq false or $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none") and $randomScene lt $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_tram_station"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromHome"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n</div><</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>stumble<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>shuffle<<else>>walk<</if>> over to your bed and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou <<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>stumble<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>shuffle<<else>>walk<</if>> over to your bed, remove your gear, and lie down. <<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>Sleep comes slowly. You toss and turn, unable to get comfortable and wondering if you'll get any rest at all. Eventually exhaustion spirits you away but the rest is uneasy at best. Twice you awake only to drift off again. Never do you feel truly rested.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>It doesn't take long before oblivion spirits you away. You don't even dream.<<else>>You toss and turn for a while. Eventually drowsiness takes hold and you drift into a deep and restful sleep.<</if>>\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>You wake, feeling worn out and stretched thin.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>You wake, still dizzy from your intoxication.<<else>>You wake, feeling drowsy but rested.<</if>>\n\nYou sit up, rubbing your scalp, and stifle a yawn. <<if $attrib.dilligence gt 25 and not $action.action1 eq "addictsleep" and not $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Get the fuck up and back at it."<<else>>"Time to get back at it."<</if>><<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Get your fucking lazy ass out of bed, will ya?"<<else>>"Come on, man. Quit being so lazy."<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Get out of Bed|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div><br>\n<div class='GameText'>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "juno">><<display 'home_devouttalk_2_txt'>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "marisa">><<display 'home_faithreward_2_txt'>>\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\t<div id='heritage-reward' class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = $homeMusic>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_12")>>\n\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_12")>>\n\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_7")>>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken" or $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You kick back on your bed and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou kick back on your bed and pull up your [[PDA's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] entertainment subsystem. The shuffle function selects <<if $action.action1 eq "lavandri">> the Lavandri theme song. Duh duh duh duhduhdudh duh... you try to sing along and fail to get the tones right but it's the Lavandri theme song and you love it! Time seems to blurn and, before you know it, over an hour has passed.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "technologic">>//Distort//, a freaky technologic beat straight from cyber-culture. It might even be cybertrash. You aren't entirely sure but the song really gets you going. Time seems to blur and flash past and, suddenly, it's over an hour later and Distort is still playing on full blast.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "love">>//Voider's Life// from your tracklist. A soft tune begins to play to the lyrics, "Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, days go by. Driftin wide, far from home, so alone. Crew's awaitin'. Captain's hatin'. Same as always, I'm just sayin'. Make 'er run. Do 'er proud. Eden's watching all around. Day was hard. Work was tough. I'm just sayin' life is rough. But don't ye fret. And don't ye fear. Got yer heart right with me here..."\n\nAs the tune rolls on, you close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to travel across the void, lost and alone in a world too vast to imagine. Life would be rough, sure. And work would be hard, definitely. But it couldn't be any worse than growing up on [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. Different, sure, but not harder. You're still mulling over that thought when the track ends and //Heartbound// comes on with Elena Zagricha singing, "Oh, baby, baby, baby, don't you know. It's really, really, really, gotta show. I'm waitin' for ya don't you see. So take that ship straight back to me. Hold me close 'an hold me tight. Make my dreams come true tonight. Baby, baby, baby, don't you know. It's really, really, really, gotta show..."\n\nYou shake your head with a smile and start doing sit-ups to pass the time. There's something about voider tunes - about the loneliness out among the stars - that puts your life in perspective. After all, <<if $chr_celena.loc neq "none">>if you're feeling lonely, Celena's basically around the corner. And if she isn't around,<</if>> there's the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] or a million places you could go to find company of any sort. But out there, well, in the void loneliness really means something. Hell, if shit goes down, it might even be forever. There's nothing like that where you're from, no reason to fret or fear solitude. At worst, you just get so damned fed up you want to be alone - but you've never been forced to suffer that for weeks, months, hell, even years on end with no escape except a few good tunes and stupid crew-room jokes.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "spiritual">>//Sanctity of the Nine// from your tracklist. A haunting melodie fills your appartment, soon followed by an angelic choir. The lyrics themselves are lost on you, mostly because the choir is singing in some obscure dialect that's probably centuries old.\n\nNone the less, the track has an effect, drawing you into a world far from your daily life, where beauty is something to behold and emotions are expressed not in drugs, booze and fists but haunting voices that convey deeper meaning. It feels so alien, so different from what you're used to, you can't help but appreciate the way it takes you away. \n\nBefore long however, the track ends and the playlist moves on to //Spirits in the Dark//. The song starts out with a soft tune that rapidly mounts into a thungerous roar which fades just as soon as it built up. Even without words, the music summons up memories of prowling down dark, abandoned corridors while unholy things gather in the shadows around you, drawing nearer one moment, only to fade again. The harrowing melodie strikes almost a little too close to home because goosebumps crawl up your skin. \n\nNone the less, you let the track run its course, finding relief at last when the playlist switches to //Guardian of the Gate//. Deep, resounding organ tones fill your room with a tragic song that describes the Guardian's last stand. You're not entirely sure who the Guardian is or why he's making a last stand but the melodie is too epic for that to matter. There's just something about the song that make you feel pround and strong, as though you could take on the whole damn galaxy.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sex">>//Hard Knocks// from your tracklist. A crisp beat fills the room, soon followed by the lyrcis, "Give. Take. Push. Shove. Slap. Slap. Kiss. Kiss. C'mon. C'mon. Let's fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah!" \n\nYou shake your head as the base drops and synthetic pulses hammer your ears. Try as you will, the only thing that song brings to mind is fucking Celena - well, and a bunch of other girls, but the thematic relates most to Cel. Just like sex with her, there's no romance to it, no social conventions to navigate or rules to play by, just a simple fact: we wanna fuck and no one's gonna fucking stop us. \n\nBefore long, the playlist moves on to //Downs Kid - Edit 54// and you can't help but roll your eyes at the lyrics, "Blow me, fuck me, hump me, dump me. 'Cause I'm a whore. I'm a slut. Like it hard. Want it tough. Get high, get drunk, rape me, fucking punk. 'Cause I'm a whore. I'm a slut. Rape me, baby. In my cunt..." You can't help but feel a little guilty for even having that song on your list. But after working for Mr. Wilkin and running the Raptors for six years it's hard not to see a hint of truth to the song. You've seen it too many times, that same pattern, both in yourself any everyone else you used to work with. That's just how the Downs work - get high, get drunk, fuck, and try not to think about how shitty life really is.\n\nTo your relief, the track moves on to //The Fifth Orgasm// and a pulsing snythbeat fills your appartment, rising and falling to a rapid base. Every so often the rhythm is broken for the namesake's lyrics, "Five times a night. That's just not right. Momma's in shock. What the fuck?" The synthbeat kicks back in again, drowning out the world - and your thoughts - in a tidal wave of noise. You can't help but rap your fingers on your knees to the rhythm, content to forget everything and just enjoy the moment for what it's worth.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Set Active Track as Preference|home][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click"); $loc_home.chosenMusic = $action.action1]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stop Listening to Music|home][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You walk over to your cabinet and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_m1114.png"]]</div>You walk over to your cabinet and key the code into the lock. Inside are forty snythboxes filled with thousands of memory cubes. You pull out the only one not containing data but a <<if $surveyWeapon eq "LAMP">>[[Nitewood LAMP|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] and a thirty-round magazine.<<else>>[[CalTec M1114|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M1114"]] and a fourteen-round magazine.<</if>>\n\nHolding the pistol, hell, just looking at it, feels like meeting up with an old friend you sort of forgot existed. It's been through a lot with you - ten years to be exact. It's been with you ever since the day Mr. Wilkin gave it to you and it hasn't failed since. A smile curls your lips.\n\n"One last time. Just one more." You slide the magazine in and, with a practiced motion, chamber the first round.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n\n<<click 'Holster the Pistol' 'home'>>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = "M1114">>\n\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += 14>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.dilligence += 1; $processed = false>>\n\t\t<<set $loc_home.tookStoredPistol = true>>\n\t\t<<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n\n\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n<</click>>\n\n<</nobr>></div></div>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<silently>>\n\t\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<</silently>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div><br>\n\n\t<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You walk over to your cabinet and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "quickdisplay">>You are at home rummaging through your cabinet.\n\n\t<<else>>You walk over to your cabinet and key the code into the lock. Inside are forty snythboxes filled with thousands of memory cubes. Each one contains a copy of the data you recorded and notes you took on jobs over the past four years. Frankly, you'd rather not look into them - bad memories and all.<br><br>\n\n\tStill, the cabinet does serve another purpose: clothing storage - currently a set of <<print "[[" + $loc_home.storedArmor + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_home.storedArmor + "\s"]]">>. So you could either use it for that, or you could stow your weapons there for safekeeping. <<if $loc_home.storedRifle eq "none">>There's just enough space to fit a rifle in the back.<<else>>There's already a <<print "[[" + $loc_home.storedRifle + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_home.storedRifle + "\s"]]">> there anyways, so you could swap for that.<</if>> <<if $loc_home.storedPistol eq "none">>Plus, there's space for a pistol in one of the boxes.<<else>>Plus, you've been keeping your <<print "[[" + $loc_home.storedPistol + "|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"" + $loc_home.storedPistol + "\s"]]">> in one of the boxes, so you could swap for that too.<</if>><</if>>\n\n\t<</if>></div><br>\n\n\t<div id='game-home-storage' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\tCabinet\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-outfit' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_home.storedArmor.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t<strong>Outfit</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_home.storedArmor>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_home.storedArmor = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-outfit");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-main' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.offhand + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<augment>></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-main' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $loc_home.storedRifle eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_home.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_home.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and $loc_home.storedRifle neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_home.storedRifle.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_home.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_home.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $loc_home.storedRifle neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_home.storedRifle.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_home.storedRifle>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_home.storedRifle = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-main");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div id='list-storage-sidearm' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and $loc_home.storedPistol eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_home.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_home.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "none" and $loc_home.storedPistol neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_home.storedPistol.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_home.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_home.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name neq "none" and $loc_home.storedPistol neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $loc_home.storedPistol.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $loc_home.storedPistol>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_home.storedPistol = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-sidearm");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_sidearm.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Sidearm</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.raptorRewardPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\tFisher's Bag\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-storage-main' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.offhand + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'><<augment>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-storage-fisher' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.raptorReward = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-fisher");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase eq 2 or $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase eq 2 or $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase eq 2 or $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase eq 2>>Forsaken\n\t\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase eq 2>>Voided\n\t\t\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase eq 2>>Devout\n\t\t\t<<else>>Marisa's\n\t\t\t<</if>> Box\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div id='list-storage-faith' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Outfit</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.faithReward = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-faith");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.arenaRewardPhase gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\tOakwood Box\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div id='list-storage-arena' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.knife neq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Backup</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Store Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife eq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Backup</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Take Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.knife neq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Backup</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/noweapon_primary.png]]">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Backup</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>None Stored</span>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.knife neq "none" and $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.arenaReward = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.knife = $action.action2>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.knife>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.knife.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-home-storage'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'home_storage_options'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-arena");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Close the Cabinet|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "sleep">>\n\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 0>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_cel_postparty'>></div>\n<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameText'><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "sleep">>"Dunno." You curl up beside her...<<else>>"Dunno. I was kinda..."<</if>></div><<else>><div class='GameText'><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "sleep">>"Dunno." You curl up beside her, wrap your arms around her warm chest, and say, "Was kinda thinking we'd just curl up and, well, yeah. I gotta like work tomorrow and all."\n\n"That sucks," Celena mutters as she nuzzles your chest. \n\n"Yeah," you breathe a sigh, staring at the silver-haired girl. \n\nThere's something comforting about her familliar scent and dreamy, half-closed eyes. Maybe it's because you've been alone for so long. Or maybe it's just her. You don't really care, just as long as you can close your eyes and enjoy the warm body pressed close to you without having to think about anything of importance. It's been way too long since you felt genuinely happy as you waited for blissful sleep to carry you away.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div>\nWhat feels like a second later, you wake with a jolt. At first you don't know where you are or why there's someone in bed with you. \n\nThen you remember Cel stayed the night and stroke her back, muttering, "Hey, morning."\n\n"Mhhm." Celina mutters, her face still buried in the pillows. "What time is it?"\n\n"Dunno." You kiss her on the neck and whisper, "I gotta get up. Work and all."\n\n"Mhhm." She strokes your hand, curling her fingers into yours.\n\n"Sorry, man, but I got shit to do." You breathe a sigh and gently extract yourself from her embrace. \n\nChills run down your spine the moment you stand up. Deep down, you just want to curl up again, close your eyes and go back to sleep. But that's not an option. So you force yourself to rub the sleepyness out of your eyes and traipse over to the wash tube, stripping off your sweaty clothes on the way. The warm water spilling down your back feels like heaven. You rub yourself down, rinse the soap off, and wait for the dry-cycle to complete.\n\nWhen you step out of the tube, Cel is sitting on the edge of the bed. She smiles at you. "Hey, sexy."\n\n"Sexy yourself." You pull on a fresh pair of pants, grab a black t-shirt from the pile beside the wash tube, and toss a dark grey hoodie over your head. "Right, well..." You hesitate and pick up the old pants you dropped. Your <<knife>> is still in the back pocket. \n\nWhen you take it, Cel says, "Ya into stabbing peeps now or what?"\n\n"Just in case." You pocket the blade and walk over to her. "Well, I gotta go. See you 'round, yeah? Just let yourself out when you're done, okay?"\n\n"Yeah." She kisses you on the cheek. "Hey, you'll come 'round my place sometime, yeah?" She kisses you again. "Please? I really did miss you."\n\n"Yeah, sure." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>You grab your gear on the way to the door, stow it all, and hit the release.<<else>>You walk to the door and hit the release.<</if>><<else>>"Dunno. I was kinda down with the whole hot steamy sex idea."\n\n"True. There is that." Cel smirks, brushing her lips against your neck. "Almost like old times, yeah?"\n\n"Almost." You wrap your arms around her, trying not to think about the old times, and instead about the girl.\n\nTurns out that's easier than expected. Cel's lips taste as delicious as ever and the little girl's just a little too eager to rub against your crotch. It isn't long before your <<armortype>> is torn off and finger nails dig into your back. One thing leads to another and suddenly she's monaning and writhing in the shadows, gasping for more.\n\nFor a brief moment you try to tell yourself it's not about the sex, just about making both of you feel good. But that's a lie. Cel really doesn't matter. Her body does. Her scent and presence. It's all you can think about - that and the irresistable urge to <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>come inside her<<else>>hear her scream while you both come<</if>>. That's what you want. That's what you need.\n\nIt's not too different from the way things were back when you worked for Mister Wilkin. Well, except that Cel had only been thirteen back then. But the girl hasn't grown up one bit. Maybe you haven't either, though it hardly matters in the moment. It feels nice to have her again. Hell, just to not be alone even, and that's all you care about until exhausion causes dark spots to swim before your eyes.\n\n"Wow," you gasp, collapsing unceremoniously on your bed.\n\nCelena slouches beside you, mumbling something unintelligable. When you ask what she said, her reply is just as incomrehensible. Not surprising, seeing how dilated her pupils are.\n\n"Yeah, definitely not grown up one bit." You shake your head with a sigh and sit up.\n\nSilence fills your hab. Long minutes pass. Celena doesn't wake up. She probably won't for hours. At any rate, there's no point in waiting for her to return to her senses. Years of experience have taught you the girl is more than capable of taking care of herself and you, well, maybe it's about time you got back to the job.<</if>></div><</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "sleep">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.cel += 1;]]</div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n<<set $attrib.toxicity = 0>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'home_cel_postparty'>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">><div class='GameText'><<display "home_cel_drug_text">></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that sounds Fun|home_cel_drug][$action.action1 = "yes"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you have to Work|home_cel_drug][$action.action1 = "no"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<else>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display "home_cel_drug_text">></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "yes">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>"Sure." You lift Celena up, saying, "Gonna hate myself for this but..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n"Sure." You lift Celena up, saying, "Gonna hate myself for this but what the fuck? Life can wait a little longer."\n\n"Fucking A, man." Celina grins. "Fuck that life shit. It's gon be great." She pulls the bag out of her pocket and looks inside. "Uh, purple or red? Black's all out."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Purple|home_cel_drug_2][$action.action2 = "purple"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 30; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 35; $time.active = $time.active + 3; $attrib.dilligence -= 3; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 10; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Red|home_cel_drug_2][$action.action2 = "red"; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 30; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 35; $time.active = $time.active + 3; $attrib.dilligence -= 3; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 5; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1 $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><<elseif $action.action1 eq "no">><div class='GameText'>"Nah, man. I gotta work." You carefully extract yourself from her grip and add, "Later, maybe?"\n\nShe nods and you stand up. Chills run down your spine the moment your feet touch the floor. Deep down, you just want to curl up again, close your eyes and go back to sleep. But that's not an option. So you force yourself to rub the sleepyness out of your eyes and traipse over to the wash tube, stripping off your sweaty clothes on the way. The warm water spilling down your back feels like heaven. You rub yourself down, rinse the soap off, and wait for the dry-cycle to complete.\n\nWhen you step out of the tube, Cel is sitting on the edge of the bed. She smiles at you. "Hey, sexy."\n\n"Sexy yourself." You pull on a fresh pair of pants and pull on your <<armortype>>. "Right, well..." You hesitate, remembering you forgot your <<knife>> somewhere.\n\nWhen you take it, Cel says, "Ya into stabbing peeps again or what?"\n\n"Just in case." You sheathe the blade and walk over to her. "I gotta go. See you 'round, yeah? Just let yourself out when you're done."\n\n"Yeah." She kisses you on the cheek. "Hey, you'll come 'round my place sometime, yeah?" She kisses you again. "Please? I really did miss you."\n\n"Yeah, sure." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>You grab your gear on the way to the door, stow it all, and hit the internal release.<<else>>You walk to the door and hit the internal release.<</if>>"Bye."</div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave your Apartment|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromHome"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false]]</div></div><</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 Habs - Old Habs">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b30_oldhabs_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B30"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b30_oldhabs_1][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.violence -= 3; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Back Away|b30_oldhabs_1][$action.action1 = "backaway"; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 - Raptor Outpost">>\n<<set $startAtIndex = 0>>\n<<set $currentSceneTexts = ["b30_outpost_txt", "b30_outpost_2_txt"]>>\n\n<<display 'sceneGenerator'>>\n\n<<if $currentSceneIndex eq 0>>\n <div class='OptionsField'>\n <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n <<set $chatText = $actionLookups["chatIce"]>>\n <<else>>\n <<set $chatText = $actionLookups["chatFatima"]>>\n <</if>>\n\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n <<click $actionLookups["askGear"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "gear">>\n <<display 'gameOptionShop'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n <<click $actionLookups["askTweaks"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "tweaks">>\n <<display 'gameOptionShop'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br> \n\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n <<click $chatText $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "chat">>\n <<display 'gameOptionRegular'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["leaveOutpost"] "b30_tram_station">>\n <<set $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.25;>>\n <<display 'gameOptionOldReset'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n </div>\n<<else>>\n <<if $actionResult eq "chat">>\n <div class='OptionsField'>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n <<click $actionLookups["endConversaton"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf";>>\n <<display 'gameOptionReset'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n </div>\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "gear">>\n <div id='game-outpost-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n <<display 'outpost_buyoptions'>>\n </div>\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "tweaks">>\n <<set $anointName = "tweaks">>\n\t\t<<set $availableAnointments = []>>\n\n <<set $costItem = {"credits": 500, "loot_circuits": 1,}>>\n <<set $item = {name: "increase_accuracy_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "increase_accuracy_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $continueOption = {\n\t\t\tlookup: $actionLookups["stepBack"],\n\t\t\tdestination: "b30_raptoroutpost",\n\t\t\tset: "$action.arrive = 'fromSelf';",\n\t\t\tresetType: "gameOptionReset"\n\t\t}>>\n\n <<display 'doAnointUpgradeUI'>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<<set $actionLookups = {\n\t"leaveOutpost": "Leave the Outpost",\n "askGear": "Ask about Spare Gear",\n "askTweaks": "Ask about Weapon Tweaks",\n "chatIce": "Chat with Ice",\n "chatFatima": "Chat with Fatima",\n "endConversaton": "End Conversation",\n}>>\n\n<<if $hideText>>\n <<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>>...\n <<else>>\n You are in...\n <</if>>\n<<else>>\n <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n <div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_raptor_outpost_zanex.png"]]</div>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_raptor_outpost.png"]]</div>\n <</if>>\n \n You \n <<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>swagger along<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>trudge along<<else>><<walk>><</if>> \n the length of the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]], fighting the usual crowd, until you reach the <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>old <</if>>Raptor Outpost The \n <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>two [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers standing guard by the entrance nod ass you step into the hab unit.\n <<else>>two Raptors lounging around outside nod as you step into the hab unit.<</if>>\n <<else>>\n are in the Raptor Outpost on the [[Level B30 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]].\n <</if>>\n It's a small building, protected against coilfire and bolts by a security field, and equipped to serve as a base of operations for at least two squads of fighters, complete with cots, ammunition lockers, and emergency ration stores.<br><br>\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n <<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n Of the three [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers stationed there, the only one you know is Ice, one of your former Raptors. He's pouring over an assortment of disassembled coilarms, busy poking and prodding at their internals.<br><br>\n\n "Hey, Ice." You stop beside him. "Didn't expect to find you here."<br><br>\n\n "Huh?" He looks up, wipes his hands, and salutes. "Oh. Good to see you again, Sir. What can I do for you?"\n <<else>>\n Ice, who's standing beside you, nods curtly. "A pleasure, Sir. Anything else we can do for you while you're here?"\n <</if>>\n<<else>>\n <<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n Of the six Raptors stationed there, the only one you know is Fatima, the muscular woman with pink hair pouring over an assortment of coilarms. She doesn't notice you until you're standing right beside her.<br><br>\n\n "Oh, Vine. Hey. Didn't expect to see you around these parts anytime soon." She wipes her hands on a rag. "Anyways, what can I do for ya, eh?"\n <<else>>\n Fatima folds her arms. "Well, that's done with. Anything else ya near while you're here?"<</if>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hideText>>\n\tYou say...\n<<else>>\n You say, \n <<if $actionResult eq "chat">>\n "So, how have things been going around here?"<br><br>\n\n <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n Ice scowls. "Good enough, Sir. \n <<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>>\n Cleaned up the mess the Raptors made well enough. And I think we're getting settled in all right."\n <<else>>Just getting settled in, y'know?"\n <</if>><br><br>\n\n "Cool. So, nothing I should know about?"\n\n <<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4>>"Not really. There's been a few clashes but the [[108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] is holding up. It almost feels like the Downs are happy to see us." He looks surprise. "I really wasn't expecting that, y'know?"<br><br>\n\n "Guess Wilkin's time really was up and, in that vein, I'm glad things are looking up. We could all use a break."\n\n <<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 3>>"There've been a few clashes. But we never expected the Downs would welcome us with open arms." He shrugs. "Figure once life goes back to usual and folk realize the [[108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] isn't the enemy it'll go back to usual."<br><br>\n\n "Maybe," you say slowly. "Or maybe it'll get worse. Hard to tell."<br><br>\n\n "Whatever happens, we're ready. And we'll do our best to get the Downs in order. That's the priority."\n <<else>>"Not yet but I figure things will get dicey. My advice: keep your head down and don't get too caught up in the mess." Ice shoots you a sympathetic look. "Ya already have one war on your shoulders, Sir. No need to add another."<br><br>\n\n You chuckle. "Probably a good idea. Still, it does kinda affect me."<br><br>\n\n "It affects us all, Sir." Ice shrugs. "Don't have to take my advice, you know. Just saying."<</if>><br><br>\n \n <<else>>Fatima shrugs. "Fair. \n <<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>>Cleaned up that mess those [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] bastards made. Now it's business as usual again."\n <<else>>Business as usual. Not much to say about it."\n <</if>><br><br>\n\n "Good I guess. So, nothing I should know about?"<br><br>\n\n <<if $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase gte 4 or $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98>>\n "Eh, dunno." She leans closer. "Don't say this too loud but things are tense of late. Real tense. Don't think Wilkin's got the situation quite as under control as he wants."<br><br>\n\n <<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98>>"Not surprise, what with the [[108|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] and all."<<else>>"That doesn't sound good."<</if>><br><br>\n\n <<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 98>>Fatima shakes her head. "It's the gangs too, the dealers. We ain't got the hard edge we used to. And it ain't good. Makes us look weak an' people are noticing."\n <<else>>Fatima nods. "It sure ain't. All sorta rumors. Mostly 'bout theophobic radicalism on the rise. Vandalism. Hate talk. They're saying it'll blow over but me, I say this'll get ugly before it gets better."\n <</if>><br><br>\n\n You nod, uncertain what to say. Raptor problems aren't yours anymore. But it's still not good to hear the Downs are in a bad way.\n <<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase gte 3>>\n "Eh, just some cleanup operations. Dealing with rogues and all. Same old."<br><br>\n\n "Well, good to hear it's not worse than it used to be."<br><br>\n\n "Yeah." Fatima almost looks like she wants to say more but she doesn't.\n <<else>>"Oh, we're doin' fine I think. Little rough here and there. But Fisher's doin' a good job."<br><br>\n\n "That's nice to hear," you say.<br><br>\n\n She smiles. "Yeah. Glad ya left us with someone competent. Was almost afraid the ship would sink a few years back. But we did all right."<br><br>\n\n You nod, glad to hear the Raptors are still doing fine.\n <</if>>\n <</if>> \n <<elseif $actionResult eq "gear">>\n "Wanted to ask about spare gear," you say. "You got any you'd be willing to lend? Or sell?"\n\n <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n <<if $attrib.religon eq "theophobe">>\n Ice nods. "Marisa's authorized me to issue anything we have in stock. So there's no restrictions but we do everything off the books. Just in case."<br><br>\n\n "Cool," you say.\n <<else>>\n Ice purses his lips. "I'll have to take a look. Policy is not to hand over company gear to third parties so all I can give ya is what the old crew left behind. That okay?"<br><br>\n\n "Better than nothing," you say.\n <</if>> "Let's have a look." \n <<else>>\n "Eh, not much, man. Stock's always been low since we lost your connectiosn and all but I'm sure we can find something we ain't using, yeah?"<br><br>\n\n "Sounds good." You smile. "Let's take a look."\n <</if>>\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "tweaks">>\n "So, I heard you've a hand with tweaking gear, don't you?"<br><br>\n\n <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n "Sure do," Ice says. "Might even be legal. For the right price."<br><br>\n\n "Fancy," you say. "Can I see what you got?"<br><br>\n\n "Sure." He pulls out a data pad and shows it to you.\n <<else>>\n "Well, not exactly pro quality but sure. For the right price."<br><br>\n\n "That'll do," you say. "Show me what you got."<br><br>\n\n "Sure." She pulls out a data pad and shows it to you.\n <</if>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Fallen Shrine">>\n\n\t<<if not $processed>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Flee the Mob|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromFlee"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "unmet">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that's Sick|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action1 = "sick"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that makes Sense|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action1 = "sense"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why they're Damned|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action1 = "whydamned"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n <<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 2 and $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Mourn your Father|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action1 = "mourndad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution -= 5; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.violence -= 5; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n <<elseif $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase gt 2 and ($attrib.religion eq "atheist" or $attrib.religion eq "forsaken")>>\n <<if $time.active gte ($attrib.faith.lastPrayTime + 8) >>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Mourn with the Forsaken|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action1 = "pray"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You have recently Prayed]</div></div><br>\n <</if>>\n <</if>>\n <<if ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkDeath and $attrib.religion neq "theophobe">>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b30_death_breakdown][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n <</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 5 and $job_undersprawl_purge.foundDeathseekers>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention the Deathseekers|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action1 = "deathseekers"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b30_death_ogerlair][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Morgue Stencils|b30_death_stencils][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Mausoleums|b30_death_mausoleum][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to Trade|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action1 = "trade"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion neq "theophobe" and $attrib.religion neq "visionary" and $attrib.religion neq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Corpse Pile|b30_fallenshrine_giftsaints][$resetIndexer = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shrine|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromStairs"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Back Exit|b29_tram_station][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromDeathCult"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "trade">>\n\t\t\t<div id='game-deathcult-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'fallenshrine_buyoptions'>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sick">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shrine|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromStairs"; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus = "rejected"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sense" or $action.action1 eq "whydamned">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Disaster|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action2 = "disaster"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Forsaken|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action2 = "forsaken"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.action4 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Purifiers|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action2 = "purifiers"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.action5 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "deathseekers">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b30_megaplex_cult][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 6; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "mourndad">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Cry for the Dead">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b30_megaplex_cult">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "commit"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.religion = "forsaken";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Committing|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action2 = "nocommitment"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pray">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b30_megaplex_cult][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.faith.death += 1; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "mourndad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b30_megaplex_cult][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase = 5; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Disaster|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action2 = "disaster"; $hide.layer2 = true; $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase = 5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You asked about the Disaster]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action4 neq "true">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Forsaken|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action2 = "forsaken"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.action4 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You asked about the Forsaken]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $action.action5 neq "true">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Purifiers|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action2 = "purifiers"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.action5 = "true"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You asked about the Purifiers]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_undersprawl_purge.mainPhase eq 5>><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Thank the Cultist|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.action3 = "thank"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b29_fallenshrine_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shrine|b30_mexaplex_inside][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromStairs"; $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus = "accepted"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</nobr>>
<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B30 - Fallen Shrine">>\n<<set $startAtIndex = 1>>\n<<set $currentSceneTexts = ["b29_fallenshrine_txt", "b30_fallenshrine_giftsaints_txt", "b30_fallenshrine_giftsaints_2_txt", "b30_fallenshrine_giftsaints_2_txt"]>>\n\n<<display 'sceneGenerator'>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n <<if $currentSceneIndex eq 1>>\n <<if $attrib.credits lte 500>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'><<print $actionLookups["tooPoor"]>></div></div><br>\n <<elseif $time.active lt ($attrib.faith.lastPrayTime + 8)>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'><<print $actionLookups["recentPrayer"]>></div></div><br>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["lady"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "lady"; $attrib.credits -= 500; $attrib.stress -= 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["ferryman"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "ferryman"; $attrib.credits -= 500; $attrib.dilligence += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["mikael"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "mikael"; $attrib.credits -= 500; $attrib.caution += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["shaitan"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "shaitan"; $attrib.credits -= 500; $attrib.violence += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br> \n <</if>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["changeMind"] "b30_megaplex_cult">>\n <<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n <<display 'gameOptionOldReset'>>\n <</click>>\n </div> \n <<else>>\n\t\t<<set $anointName = "hallows">>\n\t\t<<set $availableAnointments = []>>\n\t\t<<if $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "lady">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 3, "loot_xeno_sample": 1}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "lost_love_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "lost_love_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "ferryman">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 2, "loot_xeno_sample": 1, "loot_oldworld_scrap": 1}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "boatmans_dues_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "boatmans_dues_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "mikael">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_xeno_sample": 1, "loot_abom_sample": 3}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "rigor_mortis_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "rigor_mortis_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "shaitan">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 6, "loot_oldworld_scrap": 1}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "shaitans_sins_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "shaitans_sins_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $continueOption = {\n\t\t\tlookup: $actionLookups["stepBack"],\n\t\t\tdestination: "b30_megaplex_cult",\n\t\t\tset: "$action.arrive = 'fromSelf'; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; $attrib.faith.death += 1;",\n\t\t\tresetType: "gameOptionOldReset"\n\t\t}>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.active>>\n <<display 'doAnointUpgradeUI'>>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $continueOption.lookup $continueOption..destination>>\n <<set $actionDo.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n <<print "<<set " + $continueOption.set +">>">>\n <<display $continueOption.resetType>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromMegaplex">>You climb the stairs<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBazar">>You leave the tramway station<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>You lower your weapon<</if>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromMegaplex">>You climb the stairs<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBazar">>You leave the tramway station<<else>>You are standing<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_megaplex_shrine.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromMegaplex">>\n\t\tYou climb the stairs, following the black-robed cultists past their banners, and through a wide doorway. The chamber beyond is quite unlike anything you've seen before. \n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "unmet">>\n\t\t<<else>>passing by the black banners of the Fallen, and enter the Shrine beyond.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromBazar">>\n\t\tYou leave the tramway station and head down the narrow, twisting back passages that lead to the Fallen Shrine. For the longest time, you're alone. Then you reach the utility door and step out into the dim chamber beyond.<br><br>\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>You lower your weapon and step past the dead cultists, passing beneath their banners and through a wide doorway. The chamber beyond is quite unlike anything you've seen before. \n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou are standing in the Fallen Shrine in Megaplex 4.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\tHundreds upon hundreds of disheveled souls huddle in the shadows of tattered tents. Sunken, expressionless eyes stare at you from beneath black hoods. Yet most notable of all is the spire of twisted corpses which stands in the center of the room - a perfect shrine to death.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCombat">>"What the—" You stop short, unable to believe your eyes. "What the fuck is this even?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Defiler," someone shots from one of the tents. "Murderer!"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Murderer," others echo as men, women and children rise to their feet.<br><br>\n\n\t\tSuddenly there are hundreds before you, denouncing you in unison. Amidst the masses you spy armed cultists. None have opened fire yet but the situation's pretty damn clear: unless you want to be shot and beaten to death by an angry mob, you'd better get the hell out of this sick place - and fast.\n\t<<elseif $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "unmet">>\n\t\tThe cultist who spoke earlier turns to you. "Look upon what remains of this sector, hunter, and tell me truly: what more proof do you need of human mortality? Death comes to us all as surely as the stars burn out. What else can we do but venerate its coming?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Not that I care but maybe not pile diseased corpses beside them—"<<else>>"Not, uh, pile diseased corpes amongst, well—"<</if>> You wave to the many men, women and children in the room.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe cultist chuckles. "To what end, hunter? Our fates were sealed long ago. Whether by the creeping silence or by the unrighteous flame, our lives will be forefeight. At least in the presence of those we loved shall find comfort before the end."\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromSelf">>\n\t\t\tTimial shoots you a sidelong glance. "Is that all? Or was there something else you needed, <<firstname>>?"\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"Now where is he," you mutter, casting your gaze about for Timial.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"<<firstname>>." The cultist appears beside you and brushes back his hood to reveal a gaunt face. "What brings you to our halls anew?"\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You say...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\tYou say,\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sick">>"That's sick<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> even by faith standards<</if>>. In too many ways to even count."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"An outsider would not understand," the cultist replies coldly. "And because of this I cannot answer the question you pose. So you have nothing more to find here, unless you seek death. I ask only you leave in peace."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But—" You hesitate. "Okay, fine. I wouldn't get it anyways. Or trust a bunch of <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>brainfucked <</if>>freaks like you."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe fixes you with a hard gaze. "Leave now. Before your blasphemy irritates those of less composure."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fine, fine." You take a step back, then another, and quickly...\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "trade">>"I wanted to see if we could make an arrangement or two. To our mutual benefit."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Of course. Come." Timial leads you to the side of the chamber, where an elderly man lurks in the shadows of a makeshift roof.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Seeker Cathu," the Cultist bows. "Our friend wishes to exchange wares, should you have any to spare."<br><br>\n\n\t\tWithout replying, the man holds out a data pad:\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "deathseekers">>\n\t\t"I found a bunch of dead Deathseekers earlier. Got killed by an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]. Sounded like there were former Purifiers among them."<br><br>\n\n\t\tTimial nods solemly. "Sister Acrus. She and those few who remained volunteered to join ours. They, as we, had nothing left to loose save what little hope their hearts still harbored."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yeah," you say heavily. "Bad way to end."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Contrarily. To a Deathseeker, to those who truly accept their place, it is the ultimate act of free will. We honor that pledge, as ought you."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I do. I think." You scowl. <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Listen, I know I ain't much for this faith crap. But the situation here really sucks. If I can do anything, tell me."<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Eh, the whole situation sucks. Don't suppose there anything I can do to make things easier for y'all."<<else>>"Listen, I dunno. I just wish there was something I could do to help. That's all."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tTimial smiles sadly. "All you might do to help is to accept that we are forsaken. How you stand - with us in certainty or alone in doubt - is yours to decide."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod, uncertain what the man exactly means. It makes sense. Sort of. But you aren't entirely certain this is the sort of faith you want to place your trust in. Or maybe - just maybe - accepting your mortality and celebrating the inevitable is exactly what you need.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "mourndad">>"I'd like to mourn for my father. Seems appropriate. Assuming that doesn't bother you or the Forsaken."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"But of course." Timial gestures to the pillar of corpses in the center of the dim chamber. "Our shrine is yours to find solace at, friend."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You smile sadly and kneel before the grotesque monument.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\tBlood-stained limbs stick out at odd angles. Hollow eye sockets stare sightlessly into the dark. More than one mouth is agape in horror. Other look peaceful and serene. The sight sends an unwelcome shiver down your spine.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou avert your gaze, muttering, "Forgivness, I just wanted to spend a moment with you. Or something. It's about my father. I think he's dead. Or lost at the very least. Forsaken at any rate, just like I was."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou draw a deep, shuddering breath and continue, "I don't know what happened back then, only that I was abandoned, forsaken by all those who should have cared, and the Loving Stars. Sometimes I was angry, sometimes hurt, but I've come to terms with life's cruelty and the harsh lessons it teaches. Anyways, I guess I just want to let my father know I've accepted my fate and don't resent what happened. I think that will mean something to him. At least it does to me."\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pray">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.faith.death eq 0>>"I know this sounds silly but I want to pray again. Or meditate. Or mourn. Whatever you call it."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The Forsaken mourn," Timial says with a sad smile. "Not for our fate. But for those who haven't quite managed to grasp the concept yet. But please. Join me. We were about to congregate anyways."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod solemnly and follow Timial to the grotesque shrine. Blood-stained limbs stick out at odd angles. Hollow eye sockets stare sightlessly at the many disheveled figures who've begun to assemble around them. You join the massing congregation and kneel along with the others.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Death be upon you all." Timial stands before the assembly, arms spread wide. "I have but one thing to say before we mourn the unfortunates of this world: new souls join our circle. Look to them and you shall see what we once were - and at times are: frightened, fearful, full of sorrow at pasts which have been lost."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe gestures to you, then three others. "See them now and remember always what is true: we are forsaken. We live, breathe, and one day we shall die with absolute certainty. Yet when one is not blinded by the thin veil of lies cast by those who trust in the Loving Stars one can see truth for what it is. In absence of hope there is choise. In absence of belief there is certainty. Find solace in that, Brothers and Sister, and let us pray for those who have not yet accepted the cruel truths of this life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tA hushed murmur runs through the crowd as countless heads bow. Lips move in muted silence. Eyes remain fixed on the grotesque monument to death. You avert your eyes for a moment but force yourself to look again. Not because you trutly believe. But because something Timial said rings true: when you've lost all hope, lost everything, suddenly things become clear. It was like that when you met Zweili and his words opened your future. Maybe the same can happen again.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tSo the minutes pass, as you relive past angers and fears, until the congregation begins to disperce. You remain kneeling there for a moment longer but there's nothing more to be gained here. Not yet at least.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.death eq 1>>"I was hoping to mourn again. In private, if you have a moment. There's some stuff I'd, well, like to speak about."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Of course, <<firstame>>." Timial guides you aside and keels in the shadows. "Speak. But understand I can't solve your problems. There's no solution. Only acceptance."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I know. I—" You draw a deep breath and kneel beside him. "I fucked things up badly a while back. Used to work for a, well, gang. Made a name. Had a life. But it broke me. I quit. Tried to find peace. Only everything I do seems to lead to more chaos, death, and destruction. It feels like I'll never be rid of the mess I got myself tangled in."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"You fall into the same logical fallacy most make," he says sofly. "There is no escape. We are are tangle in life, strangled by it every day. Simply look around, at those who gather here, and tell me which one of us does not suffer - with or without reason?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou swallow forcefully. "No one. Not a single fucking one. And I get what you're saying. It's just, well, hard to accept."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"All you must do is come to terms with what you know already: one day you shall die." Timial steps closer. "<<firstname>>, you're a Deathseeker. You have no hope, no future, no possible end to this misery save that blissful moment when your life ends. If you want to live for anything, then live for that - so that that single moment might be the best it can. It's the only solace you'll ever find in this world."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you wants to argue, disagree, say there has to be a solution. But Timial stands and stides away before you can reply. So you kneel in silence, struggling with your muddled thoughts, until you decide there's no point to it anymore because it just doesn't make sense.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.death eq 2>>"Hey, I was hoping we could speek again. About last time. I think, well, it makes a little more sense now."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes." Timial guides you aside and keels in the shadows "But I do have to ask: what do you think makes sense now, <<firstame>>?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Well, none, and that's the point. That's what you've been saying all along. It shouldn't make sense. It doesn't have to. Actions have consequences and random shit still happens. There's no moral of the story. It just goes on until it stops." You pause, keel beside him, then add, "It's just the way it is. Fucked up, miserable, and nothing I do really changes anything. Tough luck. That's life."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"For a Forsaken, yes. Others would disagree. Can you imagine why?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod. "Because they haven't seen the deep end of it, looked death in the eye, been so close to that last moment. When you've come that close it's hard to forget. It consumes you. The only way to cope is to know it doesn't matter in the end. But you can't understand that unless you've been pushed so far over the edge there's no way back."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"As I have said before, you're a Deathseeker at heart. You just haven't realized it yet." Timial stands with a sad smile. "Return again, when you've had some time to let it sink in, and see if you can take pity on those who haven't understood yet. They're the ones really suffering, after all, not you."\n\n\t\t<<else>>"I just wanted to mourn, if that's all right."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"As always, Deathseeker." Timial gestures to the pillar of corpses in the center of the dim chamber. "Our shrine is yours to find solace at, friend."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Thanks." You nod in respect and kneel before the grotesque monument.<br><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t\tBlood-stained limbs stick out at odd angles. Hollow eye sockets stare sightlessly into the dark. Once they made you feel uneasy. Now it's barely worth noting. After all, they've met their end. They're dead. Just like you will be one day.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPart of you looks forward to that moment, to the horrible instant when you screw up and a bolt blows your guts out. It will be one moment of bliss - and then nothingness. There's no reason to fear what will come. Not really. Your body might shake in fear, and your mind quail as you scream in agony, but at the end of it all you'll know: you found that moment of bliss you always wanted.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tUnfortunate, that so many others haven't found comfort in that simple truth yet. Because it really is a simple one. But you understand their struggle too - and that makes you feel sad. For the men and women you've killed but who never found peace. For the unfortunates who slave on, never knowing their worries and doubts are irrelevant. For all of them you spare a mourning thought. After all, when you already know you're going to die pointlessly, it's them who will siffer most in this wretched life.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sense">>"Makes sense. When there's nothing left, at least there's comfort in death. I've been there."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Then you understand our plight. We—" The cultist gestures to the disheveled masses. "—embrace our fate.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "whydamned">>"Why are you damned? I mean, I presume there's some reason you don't all just up and leave."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is so. We—" The cultist gestures to the disheveled masses. "—embrace our fate.\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "sense" or $action.action1 eq "whydamned">>\n\t\tWe find peace in the misery we have been subjected to. Yet our numbers are few. Far too many have not forsaken hope. And so they cling to their old ways, struggling in a battle which cannot be won."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.wretchStatus eq "unmet">>Your brow furrows. "Uh, okay. Meaning what?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Some cannot accept the cruelties of fate.\n\t\t<<else>>You nod solemly. "I think I ran into a few of those fellows earlier."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Then I hope you eased their suffering.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\tThey foolishly linger on in these halls, believing that vengeance can be exacted upon those whom they percieved to have slighted them. So many voices call out, claiming it was the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] who cast them them when disaster struck. When in fact it was they who forgot that hope had already abandoned this place. So it has been in the [[Underworld|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] for generations. And so it remains today."\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "commit">>Deep, foreboding sadness<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nocommitment">>You remain kneeling<<else>>You ask<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "commit">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_forsaken.png"]]</div>\n\t\tDeep, foreboding sadness fills you as you kneel there, staring at the bodies of the dead. Their presence, as grotesque as it is, brings comfort. Not the kind, loving sort, but the kind that forces you to stare the truth in the eye and know: death is unavoidable.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"I swear," you mutter, wiping a tear out of your eye. "I never thought I'd be happy to see corpses."<br><br>\n\n\t\tBut you are, and so it's done. Not a choice, more a thought as twisted as the bodies before you: commit to this faith, whichh you barely understand. It's insane. But this monument to the dead feels like home. Its horrifyingly honest presence is exactly what you've been looking for all your life. Maybe now you'll at last find peace.\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "nocommitment">>\n\t\tYou remain kneeling there for a moment longer, wondering whether you really are at ease - and why you even bothered to pray. All you feel is sadness, and an eerie sense of calm. Not just inside you but in this place. All these people, the living and dead alike, have come to terms with their wretched lot. That's what you sought for so long too: acceptance, so that you look back on your past without anger, hatred, or shame.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMaybe, in time, this grotesque will become your home. But you aren't about to commit too hastily. Not to a faith you barely understand. And most certainly not when you don't even know if you actually believe in it.\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t\tYou ask,\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "disaster">>"What disaster, exactly? I mean, I know something's wrong here. But what happened?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Those who clung to ignorant faith realized the truth of affairs when sickness spread. The Loving Stars of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] do not shine in these shadowed halls. Not even Saint Allessa's light can reach one here. Yet, rather than accept, they rebelled. What followed was only to be expected."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"The purge," you say darkly.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"It was unavoidable," the Cultist replies evenly. "Those afflicted must be burned out so that others might live. Had more accepted this, as we asked, settlement could have been reached. Instead there is pointless suffering and death. Now we can simply await the end which is certain to come."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I—" You swallow<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> the urge to say something derogatory. "I guess that's just how it is."<<else>>. "It sounds like a tough situation."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe cultist smiles sadly. "It is life. The Forsaken understand this. Most do not."\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "forsaken">>"And these people, the forsaken, you're okay with all this just happning to you?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Yes," the cultist says flatly. "Did you not listen?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Sure, I got it. It's just really fucked up."<<else>>"No, no. I get it. It's just a little odd."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHis lips curl. "Only to those from the world above these halls. For us, it has been clear since forever, and for all those who acknowledge the Truth of the Forsaken there is bliss in the darkness to follow."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou simply nod, uncertain what to think - or to say - about that. Maybe he's right. Maybe in the [[Undersprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]] death is a release. Hell, you wouldn't have minded it a few times in the past.\n\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "purifiers">>"What do the Purifiers have to do with this then? Anything?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Those who follow the dillusion of the Loving Stars are misguided, confused, and misled by the inane ramblings of the Sister's Saint. Yet their faith is not in error and their hearts still pure. Alas, even the cleansing flame cannot burn evil entirely from this world."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Wow. So the faith are just doing their jobs for once. Color me surprised."<<else>>"So, basically, they're just doing their jobs. No foul play."<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe cultist nods. "Our paths differ, yet in acceptance there is peace. Ours is complete, for we know we serve two halves of the same whole. Theirs... is less so, and thus we pity their sacrificial plight."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Oh," you say, uncertain whether that's significant in any way.\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>"Thanks for explaining..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Thanks for explaining," you say. "I didn't get what was going on<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> and I'm not saying I like what I see. But it makes a little more sense now.<<else>>. Now it makes more sense. In a twisted way.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\tThe cultist bows his head. "May you find solace in darkness, hunter, and know you are welcome in these halls. The Forsaken wish nothing to do with the world beyond yet we are not ignorant to our needs. Speak to me when you return and, perhaps, arrangements can be made."<br><br>\n\n\t"Arrangements?" Your brow rises <<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>dubiously. "With a faith cult?"<<else>>inquisitively.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t"We <<walk>> diverging paths yet both lead into the shadows. That which we possess might aid you in yours, just as what you bring to us might aid us in turn." He nods to the pillar of corpses. "Now I must tend what was lost ere it rots anew. It was an honor to meet you, hunter."<br><br>\n\n\tYour lips twitch. "Name's Acrel. <<firstname>>. I'm not much for titles.<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">> Or religion. Just so you know.<</if>>"<br><br>\n\n\t"And I am Timial Ariv. Perhaps we shall speak again." He bows his head and departs.<br><br>\n\n\tYou watch him for a moment, but quickly decide there's no reason to linger. This shrine is... strange, to say the least, and more than a little unhygienic. Maybe it's better you don't linger too long. \n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<set $actionLookups = {\n\t"tooPoor": "You are too poor to Mourn (500 C)",\n\t"recentPrayer": "You have recently Mourned",\n\t"lady": "Mourn for the Lady (500 C)",\n\t"ferryman": "Mourn for the Ferryman (500 C)",\t\n\t"mikael": "Mourn for Saint Mikael (500 C)",\t\t\n\t"shaitan": "Mourn for Saint Shaitan (500 C)",\n\t"changeMind": "Change your Mind",\n\t"stepBack": "Step Back",\n}>>\n\n<<if $hideText>>\n\tYou approach the...\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_forsaken.png"]]</div>\n\tYou approach the great pile of corpses, a literal column of decaying flesh and glossy eyes that seem to leer at you. It's quite an unsettling sight to say the least but there, lying on the floor before the macabre scene, are two little bowls. One contains credit chips - clearly a donations bowl - while the other is filled with water and contains a little ritual knife.<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.didFirstSacrifice>>\n\t\tThis isn't the first time you have mourned but the tears of blood is a significant act, one which had best be considered with care. You could shed your tears for the Lady of the River, Saint Shavah, who waits eternally for a lover who will not return from the blasted land. Or you could give your lifeblood to the Ferryman, that mournful soul that rows constantly back and forth across the dead river, a life dedicated to a thankless task - a mindset you relate to, perhaps?<br><br>\n\n\t\tOtherwise there would be Saint Mikael, the man who witnessed a deed so unspeakable, so unthinkable, that he was stunned into silence. Now he stands eternal at the gates to the otherworld, a stoic guardian who has lost all desire to interact with the mortal realm, and if he is not to your liking, there would also be Saint Shaitan, keeper of all secrets, knower of all things, and bringer of light and hope in the darkness. A saint in name only, perhaps, but one you could appreciate in your current situation.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tThe gaunt priest, Timial Ariv, approaches and says, "When we shed tears of blood, we mourn in a particularly somber way."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Ah," you say. "Is that so?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe nods earnestly. "To most, it is a symbolic act and few forsaken still believe in higher powers, much less the power of the saints, but there is much we can learn from the darker myths. Of the dead river Styx, for example, and Saint Shavah, Lady of the River, who stands eternally upon the shore and stares out across the black waters, hoping to see a love returning. Alas, that man shall never row across the dead river. Only the Ferryman does that, paddling about his his spectral boat."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"To bring the spirits of the dead to the blasted land, yes." You've heard that myth before.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Indeed and then there is Saint Mikael, the saint who witnessed a deed so terrible and unthinkable that he was stunned into eternal silence. Some here find solace in Saint Mikael's embrace while others, well, they beseech Saint Shaitan himself, hoping the Lightbringer will rekindle the flame of hope and knowledge in our hearts, for all that it is worth." The gaunt man gestures to the knife and smiles as pleasantly as his weathered face can manage. "Feel free to shed your tears for the sake of whichever appeals to you most."\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>
<<if $hideText>>\n\tYou swipe...\n<<else>>\nYou swipe five hundred credits onto a spare chip, toss it in the donations bowl, and take the kife in the name of\n\n <<if $actionResult eq "lady">>\n\t\tthe Lady of the River, that sad and unfortunate soul who shall never find her love.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "ferryman">>\n\t\tthe Ferryman, that hapless man on this thankless task.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "mikael">>\n\t\tSaint Mikael, the saint whose silence has shrouded generations of wrongdoers.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "shaitan">>\n\t\tSaint Shaitan, that great and immaculate specter of the old world's knowledge.\n <</if>>\n\tBlood trickles down your palm and, for a moment it's uncomfortable. But the longer you stand there, the more the significance of \n <<if $actionResult eq "lady">>\n\t\tthe Lady of the River's loss overcomes you. You too have lost. You know what it is like to wait forever for those who will never return for they have gone beyond the dead river, to the blasted land of Hades, where their immortal spirits suffer forevermore in a great, barren expanse in which there is nothing to see except the occasional white flame bursting from the soil.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "ferryman">>\n\t\tthe Ferryman's task become understandable. You too toil ceacelessly at a task which may never end and, like the Ferryman, you feel the burder of your convictions weighing you down. But you too will not give up. You will row and row as the Ferryman does aboard his spectral raft and, Hades willing, you will not be doomed to quite the same fate as that misfortunate man of myth.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "mikael">>\n\t\tSaint Mikael's sacrifice is. You too have seen the unthinkable and you too have been silent. But no longer. You have spoken up and, while you do regret some things you've said in the past, you also know that the spirit of Saint Mikael lives on in you, ever vigilant, ever watchful, always cautious of the next traumatic event which threatens to kill you.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "shaitan">>\n\t\tSaint Shaitan's sins seem to matter. You almost feel like the Lightbringer yourself, striving constantly to better a world beset by darkness. You too seek enlightenement, knowledge, and you know exactly what you will use it to do: force the galaxy to move ahead, as Saint Shaitan did in the myths, and as every apostle of the Lightbringer has in the many millenia since that mare was written.\n <</if>><br><br>\n\n\tIt is a simple but poignant message and, as you wash your bloody hand in the bowl, you seem to have understood a little more of the cosmos. Not enough to claim you know everything but enough to know you are not alone. You may be forsaken, forlorn, and damned like everyone else at the shrine, but you have not waded into the dead river. Not yet.\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_witches_enroute_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_witchmission_basic_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "blood">>You pace into the room, eyeing...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "scraps">><<display 'b33_witchmission1_txt'>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "ooze">>You walk over to the remains of the body beneath<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "blood">>You pace into the room, eyeing the blood spatter on the carpet. The gruesome pattern is wide and sweeping, painting the image of a frantic struggle or perhaps a body being thrown around violently. On closer inspection however, you notice there's barely a spot on the walls. That suggests the bodies were dragged around before they were torn apart. Three bloody footprints amidst the blotches of blood support that theory. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Nastly,"<<else>>"Odd,"<</if>> you mutter, kneeling beside the footprints. \n\nCelena appears beside you, her face as pale as a ghost but her jaw set firmly. "What?"\n\nYou indicate the pattern. "Someone was dragged. After they were torn open. That's arterial spray."\n\n"Yeah, dragged from here to—" Celena points to the upended dining table. "—there. I think the fucker was feeding on them."\n\nYou nod slowly, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>all too aware how hard this must be.<<else>>not knowing what to say.<</if>> It was violent, bloody, and carnal. There's nothing to learn from that. <<elseif $action.action1 eq "scraps">><<display 'b33_witchmission1_txt'>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "ooze">>You walk over to the remains of the body beneath the puddle of ooze. One look at the pale liquid dripping from the ceiling confirms what you already suspected. Celena echoes your thoughts, "[[Wraiths|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]]. Looks like they naild one of the fuckers."\n\n"Yeah." You crouch beside the bloody remains, your attention fixed on a curved knife clutched in the tattered remains of a left hand. The blade is coated in thick slime.\n\nWhen you pick up the weapon, Celena says, "[[Witchblade|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "witchblade"]]. Belonged to Patricia. Gimme." She holds out a hand. You give her the slime-drenched knife. Celena flips it over. "It draws electrostatic current from your palm. Or it should." She taps the handle. "Power cell's dead. Monomolecular sheath probably shorted it out." Celena tosses the blade on the floor. "Great fucking lot of good it did her."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Bitch was a poor fighter."<<else>>"At least she went down fighting."<</if>> You take one last look at the tattered corpse and stand with a sigh. The dead won't tell you anything you don't already know. <</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "blood">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Bones and Scraps|b34_witches_examine][$action.action1 = "scraps"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Puddle of Ooze|b34_witches_examine][$action.action1 = "ooze"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 2>><br><</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "scraps">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|b34_witches_examine_2][$job_coven.mainPhase = 2; $hide.layer3 = true; $hud.messages.push($msg_eresi_chatlog); playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1]]</div>\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 2>><br><</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "ooze">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Blood Spatter|b34_witches_examine][$action.action1 = "blood"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Bones and Scraps|b34_witches_examine][$action.action1 = "scraps"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 2>><br><</if>>\n<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b34_witches_leave][$attrib.dilligence += 5; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_witches_enroute_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_witchmission_basic_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<display 'b33_witchmission1_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b33_witchmission1_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You are in your appartment on the third floor of...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\nYou take the data pad and activate the screee. It a chat log between Sylvia and Patricia. The messages, sent just over half an hour ago, read:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><strong>Title:</strong> Unnamed Conversation\n<strong>Participants:</strong> Sylvia, Patricia\n\n<span class='bluecolor'><span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span></span> I just stopped by Esmaralda's. Found out why she wasn't at Gathering yesterday. You won't like it.\n<span class='greyedout'><span class='greyedout'>Patricia:</span></span> What do you mean?\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> She's dead. Whole Hab is a mess. Blood everywhere.\n<span class='greyedout'>Patricia:</span> What? How?\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> I don't know. But maybe she was right. Maybe the rumors are true.\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> Better we talk in person. On my way home now. I'll hurry.\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> I don't know how to say this but, babe, I think I just saw a Wraith. It was gone when I looked again.\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> At the tramway station now. The thing's gone. I'm sure it was a Wraith though. \n<span class='greyedout'>Patricia:</span> Be careful, dear.\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> Saw the Wraith again. It must be onto me. I'll be home in ten. Be ready.\n<span class='greyedout'>Patricia:</span> Dear...\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> Just be ready. Okay? \n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> And if you can find the courage, message our daughter. She won't lisetn to me. Not after last week.\n<span class='greyedout'>Patricia:</span> Celena? What can she do?\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> Don't play stupid. You know what she is.\n<span class='greyedout'>Patricia:</span> A disappointment.\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> Not what I meant. But please. See sense.\n<span class='bluecolor'>Sylvia:</span> Never mind. Just be ready.</div>\nYou forward a copy of the chat log to your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and hand the data pad back to Celena. "What you make of it?"\n\n"I used to know Esmaralda. Back when I was like six she helped me make my first kitten. We spent, I dunno, half a year growing the damn thing and programming it so it'd play around with this shitty ball of string. I used to just sit there and watch that furball play. It was so cute. Like, really adorbs and all." She wipes a tear out of her eye. "Shit, man, I really miss the bugger."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"A kitten?" You raise an eyebrow. "Seriously?"<<else>>"Sounds like you two had quite the past."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever, man. I was six. I thought it was cute.<<else>>"Eh, maybe.<</if>> But that was ages ago. And she's fucking dead now. They probably all are. Just don't fucking know it yet." She shoots you a sidelong glance. "<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>Baby,<<else>>Hey man,<</if>> I know I'm asking way too much, but will ya look into this? I'll tell you where they gather. Just look into it, see if anyone's even still alive, okay?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sure. That's what I do, y'know? I'm a sanctioned hunter now."<<else>>"I said I'd look after you. That was a promise." You rub her shoulder, muttering, "Anyways, checking up on this kinda crap is my job."<</if>>\n\n"True. And thanks. I mean it. I fucking do." She breathes a shuddering sigh and extracts herself from your grip. "So, can we get the fuck out of here? Or you need to look around some more?"\n\nYou shake your head. "I've seen enough. Let's get out of here."<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b34_witches_leave][$attrib.dilligence += 5; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<<set $hud.interference = false>>\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase lt 2>>\n\t<<set $job_abomination_investigate.wraithPhase = 2>>\n<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>Relieved to be to be away from the blood and gore, you step out...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\nRelieved to be to be away from the blood and gore, you step out of appartment 25-031 and into the cool blue glow of the Level B34 pressure corridor. Celena follows and the two of you pace along the deserted passage in silence. For over a minute, the only sound is your boots thudding on grated floor plates. \n\nFinally Celena nudges you. "Hey, about the Coven's gathering. Last location was Level B40, Storeroom 367. It's just outside the Docks. I don't know the door code. But if anyone's still alive, you'll find them down there."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Got it,"<<else>>"Right,"<</if>> you say, jotting down the address on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] just in case you forget. "I'll look into it."\n\n"Good." Celena stops as the end of the pressure corridor, not ten meters from the stairs you climbed earlier. "Shit, I dunno man. This is way out there. In a bad way. Guess maybe I'm in shock or something. Mean, I never liked my moms or anything, but I never wanted them dead either."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Maybe they're better off dead. But yeah. I know you didn't." You smile sadly. "As long as you're alive, I'm here for you if you need me."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"I won't judge either way." You fix Celena with an earnest gaze. "And just so you know: if you need me, I'll be here."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"I never took you for the sort who would. But yeah." You smile encouragingly. "I'll be here if you need me."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>"Who cares if you did or didn't? Only important thing is this: you need me, I'll be here."<<else>>"Never thought you did." You swallow involuntarily. "Listen, if you need me, or need anything, just tell me."<</if>>\n\n"Eh, I'll be fine." The girl smiles half-heartedly. "I'll, like, call the [[Constabulary|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Constabulary"]], tell them what happened. Then I figure I'll drown this shit at the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. I'll probably be chugging half the bar so if you wanna drop by, yeah, it won't be hard to find me."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor neq "cautious">>"Just tell me if there's anything I can help with."<<else>>Worried, you ask, "You sure you don't want me to stay around?"<</if>>\n\nShe shakes her head. "I need to get this done. On my own, y'know? Get shit sorted so it's out of the way, yeah? I'll see you later."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Whatever."<<else>>"Sure."<</if>> You kiss her on the cheek. "See you 'round."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You stride away, content im the knowledge that Celena will be able to deal with this. She is a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] - a damn stubborn one at that - and even a slap in the face like this won't faze her. Hopefully. It might still be a good idea to drop by the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] later, just to make sure her binge doesn't get completely out of hand.<<else>>You remain where you are for a moment, wondering whether you should do more. But there's nothing you can do to help. She might act and pretend but, deep down, she's still a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] - a damn stubborn one at that. Better to let her deal her way. And it'd be a good idea to drop by the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] later, just to make sure her binge doesn't get out of hand.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to Level B33|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $chr_celena.loc = "bar_2"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<if $specialWBtrigger eq true>>\n\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Witchblade">>\n\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "witchblade">>\n\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n\t<<set $specialWBtrigger = false>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 Habs - Celena's Apt">>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $chr_celena.loc eq "herhouse_postparty">><div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_postparty_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're In|b33_celena_appartment_drug][$action.action1 = "firsttime"; $time.active = $time.active + 12; $attrib.dilligence -= 2; $attrib.caution = $attrib.caution - 2; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $sexPhases.canHaveSex and $attrib.religion neq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Suggest hot steamy Sex|b33_celena_appartment_sleep][$action.action1 = "fuck"; $time.active = $time.active + 1; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $attrib.dilligence -= 2; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 2; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active;]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're too Tired|b33_celena_appartment_sleep][$action.action1 = "firsttime"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 75; $attrib.fatigue -= 85; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n/% REGULAR INTERACTION %/\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $chr_celena.loc eq "herhome">><div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash on the Couch|b33_celena_appartment_sleep][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 9; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.33; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Crash on the Couch|b33_celena_appartment_sleep][$action.action1 = "toxicsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 9; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 60; $attrib.fatigue -= 75; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\n\t<<if $chr_celena.isWitch and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal eq "none" and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Show Celena the Object|b33_celena_appartment_talk][$action.action1 = "showobject"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.15; $job_conspiracy.askedHistorianFinal = "celena"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 6 or (($factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex" or $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "cyber") and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7)) and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena eq false and $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Djinn|b33_celena_talk_djinn][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 7 and $chr_celena.isWitch and $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.celena and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you need help with the Djinn|b33_celena_talk_finalmission][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_conspiracy.buddy = "celena"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and $attrib.exhausted and not $job_exhaustion_evt.solutionTalkCel>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b33_celena_breakdown][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase lt 4 and not $job_abomination_investigate.askedOgerCelena>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Deshvar|b33_celena_ogerlair][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.instructionPhase gte 13 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 2 or $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 or $randomEncounterPhases.darknetPaladinMessage eq 1) and $job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.celena eq false and $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Paladins|b33_celena_appartment_paladin][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if ($job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase gte 3 and $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase lt 4) and $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Other Foe|b33_celena_appartment_other][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 6 and $job_coven.mainPhase eq 0 and not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Witchs Coven|b33_celena_appartment_witches][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 5 and not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you know who killed her Parents|b33_celena_appartment_coven_final][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 6 and $job_coven.aquiredKnife eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Witchblade|b33_celena_appartment_talk][$action.action1 = "knife"; $job_coven.aquiredKnife = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_coven.mainPhase eq 7 and not $job_coven.overrideAnska and not $job_coven.spokeVoiderShrine>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you avenged her Parents|b33_celena_appartment_sisterdead][$job_coven.mainPhase = 8; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Allen's Comments|b33_celena_appartment_talk][$action.action1 = "allencomment"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 6 and $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about ancient Cyphers|b33_celena_talk_cypher][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase gte 1 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase lte 2 and $job_witches_pendant.askedCelena eq false and $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Pendant|b33_celena_talk_pendant][$action.action1 = "pendant"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 3 and $job_witches_pendant.askedCelena eq false and $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Fusion Spheres|b33_celena_talk_pendant][$action.action1 = "fusion"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $chr_celena.isWitch and $loc_machinetemple.tookSubReactor and $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Strange Device|b33_celena_talk_nullgun][$action.action1 = "askabout"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "celena_2">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Witchgun|b33_celena_talk_nullgun][$action.action1 = "gundone"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase eq 2 and $chr_celena.isWitch>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Hellcat|b33_celena_talk_hellcat][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you want to buy Pills|b33_celena_appartment_drug][$action.action1 = "bla"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<set $redStressFactor = 1 + ($sexPhases.cel * $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex * 0.5)>>\n\t<<if $redStressFactor gt 10>>\n\t\t<<set $redStressFactor = 10>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $sexPhases.canHaveSex and $attrib.religion neq "edenite">>\n\t\t<<if (($sexPhases.cel eq 3 and $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious") or $sexPhases.cel gte 5) and not $sexPhases.hadCelenaSpecial>>\n\t\t\t<<set $celGift1 = "Neorave">>\n\t\t\t<<set $celGift1Txt = "pair of bright neon [[Neoraves|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"Neorave\s"]]">>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $celGift2 = "Partyfray">>\n\t\t\t<<set $celGift2Txt = "a snazzy [[Partyfray|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"Partyfray\s"]] with dangles">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "Neorave">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $celGift1 = "Corsair Jacket">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $celGift1Txt = "fabrication-new [[Corsair Jacket|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"Corsair Jacket\s"]]">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.clothes eq "Partyfray">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $celGift2 = "CyberGlam">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $celGift2Txt = "glimmering [[CyberGlam|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = \s"CyberGlam\s"]] jacket">>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Cuddle with Celena|b33_addon5_cel_comeon][$celSexCheat = "recievepresent"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Cuddle with Celena|b33_addon5_cel_comeon][$celSexCheat = "normal"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.cel += 1; $attrib.stress -= $redStressFactor; $attrib.fatigue += 15]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t<<if $sexPhases.cel neq 9999>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Cuddle with Celena|b33_addon5_cel_comeon][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Not up for That]</div></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t/% removed BC I don't think this part actually ever triggers now - can put back if smth breaks\n\t<<if $chr_lanina.loc eq "riptide" and not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention Lalina and the Riptide|b33_celena_appartment_lali][$hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<</if>>%/\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with Celena|b33_celena_appartment_talk][$time.active = $time.active + 0.1; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</if>><br>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.fatigue gte 45 and $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sleep on the Couch|b33_celena_appartment_sleep][$action.action1 = "addictsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 9; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.stress gte 50 and $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sleep on the Couch|evt_stresssleep][$action.action1 = "celena"; $time.active = $time.active + 4; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity *= 0.15; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Sleep on the Couch|b33_celena_appartment_sleep][$action.action1 = "normalsleep"; $time.active = $time.active + 9; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.toxicity -= 75; $attrib.fatigue -= 85; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_refugium_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromCelena"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered and ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed eq false or $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none") and $randomScene lt $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $processed = false; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.action4 = "b33_cel"; $action.action5 = "b33_tram_station"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $chr_celena.loc eq "bar_2">><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You are in Celena's appartment on the first floor of... <<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena_zanex.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena.png"]]</div><</if>>You are in Celena's appartment on the first floor of the [[Level B33 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. For a hab unit, it's unusually large; able to comfortably fit a bed and wash tube along one wall, a small cooker and wall cabinets along the other, and still have enough open area to fit a U-shaped couch in the center. <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>And, for a bried moment, you could have sworn you saw a jet-black feline sitting, perfectly motionless, in the corner of the room.<</if>>\n\nStrangely, there's no one home, but there is a note taped to the door frame that reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_paper'>At the Riptide. Getting shitfaced. Cya later. Maybe.\n- Cel</div>\n"Right," you mutter to yourself, wondering whether you should stick around or not. \n\nMost likely she won't be back for a while, so there's really no point, and just because you know her door code by heart doesn't mean you have any right to <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>screw with her stuff<<else>>violate her privacy<</if>>.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<nobr>>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>You are in Celena's appartment on the first floor of... <<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena_zanex.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena.png"]]</div><</if>>You are in Celena's appartment on the first floor of the [[Level B33 Hab Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]. For a hab unit, it's unusually large; able to comfortably fit a bed and wash tube along one wall, a small cooker and wall cabinets along the other, and still have enough open area to fit a U-shaped couch in the center. <<if ($equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor") or $equip.isAbominated>>And, for a bried moment, you could have sworn you saw a jet-black feline sitting, perfectly motionless, in the corner of the room.<</if>>\n\nEvidently Celena isn't home and there's no reason you should be there either. Just because you know her door code by heart doesn't mean you have any right to <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>screw with her stuff<<else>>violate her privacy<</if>>.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t<<set $processed = true>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">><<display 'b33_celena_postparty_txt'>><<else>><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">><div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_cel_drug_firsttime'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Red|b33_celena_appartment_drug_take][$action.action2 = "red"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 15; $attrib.dilligence -= 2; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 25; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 35; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 10; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click"); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.cel += 1]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Black|b33_celena_appartment_drug_take][$action.action2 = "black"; $time.active = $time.active + 8; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 20; $attrib.dilligence -= - 2; $attrib.caution = $attrib.caution - 25; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 35; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 5; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Purple|b33_celena_appartment_drug_take][$action.action2 = "purple"; $time.active = $time.active + 3; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 15; $attrib.dilligence -= - 2; $attrib.caution -= 15; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 15; $attrib.toxicity = $attrib.toxicity + 35; $chr_celena.rep = $chr_celena.rep + 15; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>\n\n\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_drugs_text'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<div id='game-celena-drugs' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t<<display 'celena_drugoptions'>>\n</div>\n\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'celena_witchgun_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'celena_witchgun_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'>\n\t\t\t<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div>You say...</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n\t\t\tYou say,\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "makegun">>"Sure, why not? Sounds like a useful thing to have around."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"As long as it doesn't malfunction, sure. But I'll make sure it doesn't promised." She grins. "Probably."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Oh dear," you mutter. "What'd I do?"<<else>>"Well that's encouraging," you mutter.<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, come on. I can do it. Just, you know, come back in a day or so and I'll have it done for ya. Without lethal malfunctions. Hopefully."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "rathernot">>"Uh, I'd rather not. Nothing against you. Just a little suspicious of [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Don't blame ya," Celena says, handing the core back to you. "Anyways, you change your mind, the offer stands. Isn't like I have anything better to do."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Yeah," you say slowly. "Well, thanks for the offer. I'll consider it."\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "takegun">>"All right. I'll give it a try and see what happens."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Cool. Hope it'll be as fun to use as it was to make." Celena looks hopeful.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"I hope so too."<<else>>"Not that shooting people is ever fun but, okay. Maybe."<</if>> You holster the [[Witchgun|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witchgun"]]. "Thanks."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"No problem, babe. Like I said. It was fun."\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "leavegun">>"I'm not sure I wanna mess with that thing."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, come on," Celena says, exasperated. "It's just a little [[witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. How can you say no?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou hand the [[Witchgun|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witchgun"]] back. "I'd just rather not."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, phooey." Celena pulls a face, then brightens up. "Hey, at least it was fun to make. And maybe I'll find something to use it for. Now that I've already gone through the trouble to, you know, actually make the damn thing."\n\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "askabout">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd like That|b33_celena_appartment][$characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardTimer = $time.active; $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "celena_1"; $hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "makegun"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'd rather Not|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer2 = true; $action.action2 = "rathernot"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Retrieve your Custom Order|b33_celena_appartment_drug][$action.action1 = "bla"; $hide.layer0 = true; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>After a rather eventful visit to Celena's recently...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase gte 4 and $chr_celena.isWitch>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena_zanex.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_hab_celena.png"]]</div><</if>>After a rather eventful visit to Celena's recently deceased sister, Faralah, you decided to stay the night with Celena and returned to her appartment on the first floor of the Level B33. For a hab unit, it's unusually large; able to comfortably fit a bed and wash tube along one wall, a small cooker and wall cabinets along the other, and still have enough open area to fit a U-shaped couch in the center. \n\nCel has plastered the dark grey walls with digital prints of various synth-artists - including a buttshot of Madame, a photograph of FaRAx giving the camrea the finger, and Jethrow Leerowy standing beside a homemade shuttle - and painetd one wall in flourescent colors that glow brightly in the relative gloom.<</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Celena plods over to the couch and flops ...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nCelena plods over to the couch and flops down. "Shit. Feels like my head's about to fucking explode."\n\n"That bad?" You dump your gear on the floor and slouch beside her. \n\n"Mostly just the shit in my veins but yeah." Celena reaches under the couch, pulls out her box of pills, and shovels at least half a dozen into her mouth. The moment she's swallowed them, she glances at you. "I'm gonna regret this, ain't I?"\n\n"Probably but I don't blame ya. That got pretty crazy back there."\n\nCelena fixes you with a droopy-eyed stare. "This what it feel like for you? When you killed your first dude, I mean."\n\n"Pretty much." You smile despite the gravity of the situation. "Well, minus the pills. I just drank myself into a—" You hesitate. "Actually, I think that was the same night I met you. Can't remember a damn thing I was so gone."\n\n"Yeah." A warm smile lights up Celena's face. "Yeah, man. I remember. That was great. You were so cute." She strokes your chin. "So fucking cute, like you just didn't care what the fuck happened and all."\n\nYou nod absently, uncertain how 'cute' relates to someone who just killed some poor kid for having stolen from Mr. Wilkin.\n\nCelena nudges you. <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>"Dunno if I ever told you but I really like being your girl. It's nice, y'know? Not being alone."\n\n"Yeah." When you smile at her, she wraps an arm tight around you. There's something comforting about knowing she's always there, always around, and wants you no matter what. Just thinking about it makes your heart ache a little. "Cel?"\n\nShe looks up lazily. "Hmmh?"\n\n"Thanks." You kiss her on the cheek. "For everything."\n\n"Anytime." Her lips brush againt yours. "I mean it. I love you. Always have. Always will. You know that."\n\n"Yeah," you say, remembering that morning all those years ago - the same damned day you left the Raptors.\n\nCelena had said the same thing then but you hadn't listened. It didn't seem possible a girl like her would want to put up with - much less live with - someone like you. But you hadn't understood back then. You'd thought you were the asshole and she the poor, suffering chick. In truth, well, things were different. \n\nCelena wasn't afraid of you, never has been and never will be. Nothing could shake her. You realize that, now more than ever. But one thing hasn't changed: she was there when you needed her. And that means the least you can do is show her the same respect - doubly so now that her family's dead.<<else>>"Dunno if I said this before but I still really wanna be your girl. You know that, right?"\n\n"I'm not sure," you say slowly. "I'm still a bit confused by you."\n\n"Oh." Celena nods lazily. "Yeah. Sure. I can wait. Forever if I have to."\n\nYou nod absently, your throughts having already wandered to that morning all those years ago - the same day you left the Raptors. Celena had said the same thing then but you hadn't listened. It didn't seem possible a girl like her would want to put up with - much less live with - someone like you. But you hadn't understood back then. You'd thought you were the asshole and she the poor, suffering chick. In truth, well, things were different. \n\nCelena wasn't afraid of you, never has been and never will be. Nothing could shake her. You realize that, now more than ever. But one thing hasn't changed: she was there when you needed her. And that means the least you can do is show her the same respect - doubly so now that her family's dead.<</if>>\n\nBeside you, Celena has started to snore. Her skin - previously as silver as her hair - has begun to return to normal. Given the ammount of pills she swallowed, it's unlikely she'll wake for a few hours yet. \n\n"See you later, silly." You stand<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>, grab your gear, and head for the door.<<else>> and head for the door.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $attrib.dilligence += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t</div>\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $time.tookdrugs = $time.active>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">>\n\t<<set $attrib.fatigue = 0>>\n\t<<set $attrib.toxicity = 0>>\n\t<<set $chr_celena.loc = "herhome">>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">><<display 'b33_celena_postparty_txt'>><<else>><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">><<display 'b33_cel_drug_firsttime'>><<else>><<display 'b33_celena_drugs_text'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "red">>"I'll go with red." She hands you the pill and you...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "black">>"Uh, black." She hands you the pill and you...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "purple">>"Purple's good." She hands you the pill and you...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "red">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_red.png"]]</div>"I'll go with red." She hands you the pill and you swallow it. \n\n<<display 'drugtext_red'>>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "black">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_black.png"]]</div>"Uh, black." She hands you the pill and you swallow it. \n\n<<display 'drugtext_black'>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "purple">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evnt_drug_purple.png"]]</div>"Purple's good." She hands you the pill and you swallow it.\n\n<<display 'drugtext_purple'>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "red">>[[Get up and stretch your Legs|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<elseif $action.action2 eq "purple">>[[Stretch your Legs|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<<elseif $action.action2 eq "black">>[[Get Up|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]<</if>><</if>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_witches_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "favor">>"No offense but you...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fullstory">>"Listen, I know it's hard on you, Cel, but...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "insist">>"Cel, I need your help with this. I know it's...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "othersolution">><<display 'b33_celena_witches3_notsure_text'>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite" and $action.action1 neq "othersolution">><<if $action.action1 eq "favor">>"No offense but you owe me. Or does that not mean anything to you?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fullstory">>"Listen, I don't give a fuck about your messed up family. I care about you. But things have been dicey around here lately. And now I have a big problem. I need your help."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "insist">>"Cel, I need your help on this."<</if>>\n\n"For fucks sake, man. I said no. Just fucking leave it be, okay?" She bites her lip. "You can ask me for anything, man. Anything, but not my fucking family. I don't wanna see 'em. I don't wanna talk to 'em. I just... fuck. Just fucking no, okay?"\n\n"But why? Cel, I don't ask for a lot. I take the message of the Loving Stars to heart. But once, just this once, I need your help."\n\nCelena shakes her head, lips drawn tight. "That's the problem. You went to the stars. The faith-sucking Loving Stars. And I can't trust you. Not after that. Not if you're really serious about this faith stuff."\n\n"I don't understand how--"\n\n"Don't," Celena growls. "I've heard enough. I don't wanna know. Okay? I just can't handle it."\n\nYou swallow. So much for that conversation.\n\nCelena shoots you a dark look. "The faiths are fucked in the head, Vine. They really are. You working for them is one thing. You joining them?" She snorts and looks away. "<<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>if I didn't like you so much, I'd stab you right here and now.<<else>>You're lucky I still remember how you were or I'd stab you right now.<</if>>"\n\n"Right." You pull a face.\n\n"It's your life," she says. "You made that call. I can accept that. If you accept I do not want you fucking mixed up with my family. For any reason. Ever."\n\nYou nod. You can accept that. You don't want to but, in principle, you understand: Celeba has her own reasons to despise your newfound faith.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "favor">>"No offense but you owe me. Or does that not mean anything to you?"\n\n"Vine, I—" Celena looks away. "Shit, I know I owe you. Way more than ya think. But not this, okay? I can't go back to them. Can't even think about them. I just can't."\n\n"I'm not asking you to go back. And I won't let them mess with you. Not while I'm there. I swear." You fix her with a firm gaze. "Please, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>Cel<</if>>. Just this once."\n\n"Promise," she says in a weak voice. "Promise this isn't going to go tits up like shit did last time. Promise. And I'll do it."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>You shrug half heartedly. "I'm not asking you to change the galaxy, Cel. I just want a little help. Nothing else has changed between us."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>You shrug absently. "I can't change the way things are. You say you want me. You get what you get. If that isn't good enough for you it isn't my problem."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>You can't help but smile. "I found my place with the Loving Stars, Cel. I know that may be werid to you but it's helped. Things won't be like they were."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Your lips curl. "Fuck, Cel. You know who I am. What I think of the faiths. You really figure I'll let you down?"<<else>>You nod earnestly. "I'm not going to vanish again, Cel. Not this time. Promised."<</if>>\n\nCelena nods, her lips drawn tight. "Okay. Not quite what I meant but never mind. I'll take you. Just remember what I told you, about how they think you're why I became a druggie slut who doesn't give a fuck about the family, yeah? Because we gotta go there in person and they'll be just about as happy to see you as they'll be to see me." Her lips twitch. "Fuck, just thinking about it makes me wanna tear their fucking brains out."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Do it then." You smirk. "I'll watch."<<else>>"Cel." You take her hand. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck you, asshole." Celena punches you playfully.<<else>>"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She squeezes your hand.<</if>> "Let's just fucking get this over with, okay? Like, right now."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You stand with an expectant look. Celena does likewise and rests her head on your shoulder. She draws a deep, deliberate breath.<<else>>Part of you wants to say something, anything that will make Celena feel better. But you know there's nothing you can say. So you just stand up and pat Celena on the shoulder. She rests her head against your arm and takes a deep breath.<</if>>\n\n"Okay." She faces, her epxression cold as ice. "C'mon, man. Let's visit my bitches."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fullstory">><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Listen, I don't give a fuck about your messed up family. I care about you. But things have been dicey around here lately. And now I have a big problem. I just ran into a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] trying to tear some fellow a new one.<<else>>"Listen, I know it's hard on you, Cel, but there's lives at stake here. Maybe the entire sector. I need help. I just ran into a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]] trying to rip some poor fellow to shreds.<</if>> I dunno what the fuck that means but, if anyone knows what's going on, it'll be that fucked up family of yours."\n\n"Vine, I—" Celena looks away. "Shit, I dunno. I wanna help. I'm your girl, man, and I guess I love you or whatever the fuck these feels are. Just promise this isn't going to go tits up like shit did last time. Promise. And I'll do it." \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Good," you say. "You sure?"<<else>>Surprised, you say, "You will?"<</if>>\n\n"Yes." Her eyes narrow. "But only because it's you. Only because of that."\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>You shrug half heartedly. "I'm not asking you to change the galaxy, Cel. I just need a little help. Nothing else has changed between us."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>You shrug absently. "I can't change the way things are. You say you want me. You get what you get. If that isn't good enough for you it isn't my problem."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>You can't help but smile. "I found my place with the Loving Stars, man. I know that may be werid to you but it's helped. Things won't be like they were."<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>Your lips curl. "Fuck, Cel. You know who I am. What I think of the faiths. You really figure I'll let you down?"<<else>>You nod earnestly. "I'm not going to vanish again, Cel. Not this time. Promised."<</if>>\n\nCelena nods, her lips drawn tight. "Okay. Not quite what I meant but yeah. I'll take you. Just remember what I told you, about how they think you're why I became a druggie slut who doesn't give a fuck about family and tradition, yeah? Because we gotta go there in person and they'll be just about as happy to see you as they'll be to see me." Her lips twitch. "Fuck, just thinking about it makes me wanna spoon their fucking brains out of their skulls."\n\n"Cel." You take her hand. "I'm really sorry about this. If I—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck you, asshole." Celena punches you playfully.<<else>>"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She squeezes your hand.<</if>> "Let's just fucking get this over with, okay? Like, right now."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>You stand with an expectant look. Celena does likewise and rests her head against your chest. She draws a deep, deliberate breath.<<else>>Part of you wants to say something, anything that will make Celena feel better. But you know there's nothing you can say. So you just stand up. Celena does likewise, rests her head against your chest and takes a deep breath.<</if>> \n\nYou squeeze her shoulder. "C'mon. Let's do this."\n\n"Yeah." She faces, her epxression cold as ice. "C'mon, man. Let's visit my bitches.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "insist">>"Cel, <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>I don't care what the fuck kind of problems you got. I need your help on this. End of story."<<else>>I need your help with this. I know it's a lot to ask but—"<</if>>\n\n"For fucks sake, man. I said no. Just fucking leave it be, okay?" She bites her lip. "You can ask me for anything, man. Anything, but not my fucking family. I don't wanna see 'em. I don't wanna talk to 'em. I just... fuck. Just fucking no, okay?"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Bullshit," you snarl. "I need intel. You got it. Now you with me or against me?"\n\nShe shoots you a pained look. "Vine, I don't—"\n\n"Yes or no," you say fimrly. "You with me or against me?"\n\n"With." Celena hangs her head, then looks up. "Okay. For you. This once. But only 'cause I don't wanna loose you again."\n\n"Good." You stand expectantly. "Let's go."\n\n"Yeah." She gets up, her epxression cold as ice. "Right. I'll take you to the bitches."<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isPartyOutfit or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>"I mean that," you say firmly. "I need information and you have it. Now will you please help? For me?"\n\nShe shoots you a pained look. "Vine, I don't—"\n\n"Celena," you say. "I really need your help this time."\n\n"Asshole." Celena hangs her head, then looks up. "Okay. Because it's you. This once. But only 'cause I don't wanna loose you again."\n\n"All right then." You stand expectantly. "Let's go."\n\n"Yeah." She gets up, her epxression cold as ice. "Right. I'll take you to the bitches."<<else>>"I—" You take a deep breath. "Okay. Sorry I ever brought it up."\n\nCel shrugs absently. "Don't blame ya, man. I'd ask too if it were reversed. But I just can't stand the fucking throught of seeing them again and hearing them tell me how I've fucked up my life and how I should have got into the family busines and... fuck, you know what the worst part is?" \n\nBefore you can reply, Celena snorts. "Shit, the worst part is they keep fucking blaming you for all this. Like it's your fucking fault I got into pills. Or like it's your fucking fault I fucking like fucking and partying. Like, shit. I'm just so done with that crap. The way they intonate their words. The way they look down on me. Me! All of it. I don't need it anymore."\n\n"Yeah, well, I'll find another way then." You purse your lips, wondering if you should say anything else.\n\n"You do that, man. Just..." Celena shoots you a sidelong glance. "Just give me some time for myself, yeah? I don't hold any of this against ya, I swear I don't, but I gotta get my head straight, okay?" \n\nYou nod curtly and stand. "I'll be on my way then."\n\nHalfway to the door, you pause and look back. Celena has curled up on the couch. It looks like she's crying. You swallow the lump in your throat and hit the door release. There's nothing you can do to help the poor girl, at least not now. Later, maybe, but for now you're better off just leaving her alone.<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "othersolution">><<display 'b33_celena_witches3_notsure_text'>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite" and $action.action1 neq "othersolution">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$job_coven.mainPhase = 99; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "bar_2"; $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'failedCelenaInfo'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "favor">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the apartment with Celena|b33_witches_enroute][$job_coven.mainPhase = 1; $chr_celena.loc = "parents"; $hide.layer1 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'gotCelenaInfo'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "fullstory">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the apartment with Celena|b33_witches_enroute][$job_coven.mainPhase = 1; $chr_celena.loc = "parents"; $hide.layer1 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'gotCelenaInfo'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "insist">>\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $equip.isPartyOutfit or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the apartment with Celena|b33_witches_enroute][$job_coven.mainPhase = 1; $chr_celena.loc = "parents"; $hide.layer1 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'gotCelenaInfo'); $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$job_coven.mainPhase = 99; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "bar_2"; $hide.layer0 = false; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_coven', 'failedCelenaInfo'); playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "othersolution">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're not Sure|b33_celena_appartment_witches_3][$action.action2 = "relationship_notsure"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's nothing Serious|b33_celena_appartment_witches_3][$action.action2 = "relationship_notserious"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're into Her|b33_celena_appartment_witches_3][$action.action2 = "relationship_serious"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $equip.isPartyOutfit or $equip.isCrossdressOutfit or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t<<set $action.randomize = "nocome">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $action.randomize to either("come", "nocome")>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_covenfinal_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_covenfinal_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say she can Come|b33_celena_appartment_coven_final_2][$job_coven.buddy = "celena"; $action.action2 = "cancome"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution -= 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $action.randomize eq "come">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it could turn Ugly|b33_celena_appartment_coven_final_2][$job_coven.buddy = "celena"; $action.action2 = "bedangerous"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it could turn Ugly|b33_celena_appartment_coven_final_2][$action.action2 = "bedangerous"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist Celena stay Behind|b33_celena_appartment_coven_final_2][$job_coven.buddy = "alone"; $action.action2 = "nocome"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $job_coven.buddy neq "alone">>"I got some good news: I found...<<else>>"Yeah, actually, I kinda need to talk...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $job_coven.buddy neq "alone">>"I got some good news: I found out who killed your parents. And the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]." You pull a face. "I got there too late to save them but it's over now. For good, I hope."\n\n"Who was it?" Celena asks.\n\n"Some woman up on Level B5. Think she was a [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. Or used to be. I dunno. <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "gal">>Someone else got to her first though."<<else>>Had to scoot before I could look into what the fuck was going on."<</if>>\n\n"I should've known that bitch—" Celena shrugs half-heartedly. "Whatever. If she's dead, that's good. Fuck the rest." She bites her lip and glances in your direction. "Well, not good. She was my sis. Faralah. But not really. Sisters I means. We're both vatkids. But she was the good one, the one who got it all right, mamma's little andgel and—" Cel swallows. "Bitch had it coming. Just wish I coulda been there, y'know."\n\nYou pull a face. "Glad you weren't. <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "gal">>They made a mess of her.<<else>>It got nasty.<</if>>"\n\nCelena stares blankly. "Wouldn't have cared. Just wanted to see it. But thanks for taking care of this. I just need a moment to get my head straight."\n\n"Talk about understatement."\n\n"No. I mean it. Give me, like, fifteen minutes alone and I'll be over it. But I gotta vent. And it wouldn't be healthy if you were around to see that." She looks apologetic. "Sorry."\n\n"No problem. If you need anything, just tell me." You kiss her on the cheek and stand.\n\nThe silver-haired girl doesn't react. You take a deep breath and, trying not to think about what Celena just told you, head for the door. There's nothing you can do to help. Not when she's like this. Best course of action is to wait for her to work through it, however she plans to do that.<<else>>"Yeah, actually, I kinda need to talk to you. About your sister." You swallow. <<if $job_coven.buddy eq "gal">>"It wasn't pretty but somehow that problem took care of itself."<<else>>"It wasn't pretty but I took care of the problem."<</if>>\n\nCelena shrugs half-heartedly. "Long as she's dead it's good. And you were right, you know. I was angry, fucking pissed off by the bitch. After everything she did, pretending to be... But you were right. I got enough fucked up shit in my life and, yeah, bleeding my sis wouldn't have changed a damn thing." Her lips quiver. "Mean, it'd have felt good. At least, I imagine it would have, but it wouldn't have changed anything."\n\n"It would've been a nightmare" You force a smile. "But yeah. Things aren't gonna be the same but at least it's over now."\n\nShe stares blankly. "Y'know, I thought I'd be angrier. Instead it's just... I dunno. Empty? Hollow? Like all this shit that's been haunting me for years is just, well, not there anymore. And I dunno. It feels weird."\n\n"I know what you mean." You take a deep breath and say, "When I quit with Wiklin, it was like that too. Suddenly no one was giving me orders or asking for favors. No one needed me anymore. I didn't have a damn clue what to do with myself. Life just didn't make sense."\n\nCelena doesn't look at you. "That why you disappeared for so fucking long?"\n\n"I thought if I got away from the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], away from the old gang, I'd get my head straight." You chuckle despite yourself. "Didn't quite work out. But yeah. That's my whole point. Just 'cause shit changes don't mean you're not the same person anymore. It just means you've got different stuff to deal with."\n\n"Maybe. It's just, I dunno. Makes me wonder who I am. What the fuck I am, to be more accurate. Because I used to know. Now... well, fuck knows."\n\n"That's up to you to decide."\n\nCelena nods slowly. "Yeah, well, I kinda gotta think that over. Give me a moment. Alone. Y'know, nothing personal. But I gotta think."\n\n"Take your time. I'm here if you need me." You pat her knee and stand. "You're not alone. Promised." \n\nWhen she doesn't reply, you kiss her on the cheek. The silver-haired girl doesn't react. You take a deep breath and, trying not to think about what Celena must be going through, head for the door.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_coven.mainPhase = 8; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 Habs - Celena's Atp">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 4; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B33_celena"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B33_celena"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 11>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_1][$action.action1 = "silent_pistol"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 11; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_1][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 10; $attrib.caution = $attrib.caution + 5; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer0 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_dealermission2_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "silent_pistol">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Lower your Weapon|b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_2][$action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Thugs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 5; $combatTemplate = "Thugs_B33_celena"; $processed = false; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Take out Flavio|b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_2][$action.action2 = "knife"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_melee");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe Flavio (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_2">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "bribe"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.intimidateDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.negotiateDone += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe Flavio <<print $bribeammount>> C]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n</div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_witches_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<display 'b33_celena_witches3_notsure_text'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b33_celena_witches3_notsure_text'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You are in your appartment on the third floor of...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "relationship_notsure">><<set $chr_celena.relation = "unknown">>"No clue. I'm just kinda taking it how it comes."\n\n"Yeah, same, but still..." She shrugs. "Oh, whatever. Long as you're 'round now and then, what fucking difference does it make?" \n\n"Probably none." You purse your lips. "Still, it's a good question. I just never thought about us as, well, us."\n\n"Yeah, I know, right? It's like really weird. Back when I'd never have even thought of it. But now? I dunno, man. I dunno."\n\nYou chuckle. "Say, what, I'll think it over a bit. Figure out what the fuck's going on." \n\n"Whatever, man. No rush. I ain't going nowhere anytime soon." A smile curls on her lips. "And, hey, I'm here until then if ya need anything, ya know that, right?" When you nod, she blows you a kiss. "Just making sure, man."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_notserious">><<set $chr_celena.relation = "unserious">>"Dunno, it's sex, pills, and a good time. What else is it supposed to be?"\n\n"I dunno. I'm just thinking..." Celena shrugs helplessly. "Well, I just wanted to know what you're thinking."\n\n"Not much, really. It isn't like I'm gonna settle down soon so yeah. I really don't expect you to treat me special or anything, just, you know, like we always did. Have a good time and fuck shit up. That's all that really matters anyways." \n\n"Yeah." Cel breathes a sigh. "Well, it's still good to know where we're at, y'know?"\n\n"I do." You squeeze her hand. "Just don't sweat it. Do whatever the fuck you want. I'll be here or I won't be. Same as before."\n\n"Works for me," Cel says with a coy smile.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">><<set $chr_celena.relation = "serious">>"Well, I dunno. Maybe it's just me but I kinda feel like this is moving beyond just sex and pills and good times." You shrug. "Not that it really matters, just saying."\n\n"Yeah, well, that's what I mean, y'know?" Celena picks at her hear. "Mean, I'm not saying that isn't fucking awesome, but it's just not really enough anymore. I kinda wanna..." She bites her lip. "Well, I'm getting fucking tired of being alone all the time. So I guess I just wanna know you'll be here for me, y'know?"\n\n"Don't worry." You squeeze her hand. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. At least not unless something goes south but I'm trying real hard not to think about that." \n\n"I know, man, I just..." Celena breathes a sigh. "Shit, I dunno. It kinda hurts inside. Guess I just always wanted someone. And now?" She tugs at her. "Shit, and you? Why you of all the fucking bastards I could've chosen?"\n\n"Hey, I ask myself the same thing all the time." You breathe a laugh. "I mean, shit, look at us. It's a fucking desaster just waiting to happen."\n\nCelena grins. "Yeah. And I fucking love it." She wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you close, and whispers in your ear, "Don't tell anyone but I wouldn't ever want it any other fucking way."\n\n"Same." You kiss her on the cheek. When you draw back, she pulls you back in. Lips lock. Tongues brush. Warmth floods your heart. Your skin starts to tingle. At the same time it hurts just think about what you just said, knowing full well you might not be around too much longer. But you did it. You said it. You want her. That's never really been a secret. Still, you feel obligated to say it. Not knowing where to start, you breathe a shuddering sigh. "Cel, I..."\n\n"I know." She pulls away, whispering, "I fucking know, baby. This is absolutely fucking insane. But I like it. I like you. So fuck it, yeah? We're in this shit together and, hell, I'll take what I can get."\n\n"Dito." You can't help but laugh. "Shit, a junky and a ex-merc? Sure sounds like the kinda shit we'd get into, don't it?"\n\n"Guess we all got our faults, eh?"\n\n"Just as long as we don't have to deal with it alone, I'm good with it."\n\nCelena chuckles to herself. "A-fucking-men, man. A-fucking-men to that."<</if>>\n\n"Yeah, anyways..." You breathe a deep sigh. "Listen, I gotta go. Got a job to do and—"\n\n"And you'll drop by whenever ya have time to waste, yeah." Celena smiles at you. "I know, <<if $chr_celena.relation eq "serious">>baby<<else>>man<</if>>. Always been that way. Always will I guess."\n\n"Hopefully not forever." You nod curtly and stand up. "See ya later." Halfway to the door, you pause and look back. Celena has curled up on the couch and is already busy with her pills again, your presence all but forgotten. You smile to yourself. Some things never change.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$job_coven.mainPhase = 99; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "onfoot"; $chr_celena.loc = "bar_2"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $job_drugdealer.mainPhase = 3>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action2 neq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_dealermission_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_dealermission2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "knife">>"You should be." You grab your knife and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "bribe">>"How about I make you a deal?" You begin...<<else>>>You lower your weapon, unable to look...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "none">>You lower your weapon, unable to look at anyone but Celena. She's huddled in a corner, shivering uncontrollably and staring at the wall. "Cel." You place a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Cel, can you hear me?"\n\nWhen she nods ever so slightly, you stroke her head. "Listen, you'll be fine, okay? You aren't hurt bad or anything.\n\n"No, no, I'm just—" She shudders and sits up. "Fuck, man, you like really killed them all."\n\n"Yeah, well, I figured they wouldn't wanna talk." Celena's lips twitch. You smile. "Glad you're alive, man."\n\n"Same." She squeezes your hand. "But, yeah..." Cel glances at her blood-stained chest, then at the bodies strewn around the room. "What the fuck we gon' do with them?"\n\n"I know a guy." You help her to her feet, saying, "I'll drop him a message, see if he'll come by."\n\nChances are he won't. The guy once worked with Mister Wilkins, just like you, but moved on a few years before you did. There's a good chance he won't do you any favors. Still, it's your best option, so you summon your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and write a hasty message.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div>\nBy sheer luck, the guy not only remembers you but offers his servies for free. Long story short, two hours later the bodies are gone, the room's cleaned up as best it can be and your guy has moved on to take care of other business. You sink on Celena's couch with a sigh. "Shit, that was close."\n\n"Ya don't fucking say." Celena pops a pill in her mouth and crashes beside you. "Shit, I swear, I'm never ever buying shit from anyone except Mister Wilkin."\n \n"Good call," you say. "Sure, he's pricey, but he won't fuck you over."\n\n"A-fucking-men to that." Cel tilts her head back, staring at the ceiling as she drifts into a pill-induced haze. \n\nYou wait around a while longer just to make sure she'll be fine. Nothing interesting happens so, ultimately, you figure she'll be fine. So you stand up, give her a kiss on the cheek, and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "knife">>"Idiot." You grab your <<knife>> and, before Flavio can react, slit his throat. \n\nHe stumbles back, clutching the wound and spluttering blood. A second cut sprawls him on the floor. The nearest henchman reaches for his pistol.\n\n"Wouldn't do that, man." Youu nod toward the door. "Get the fuck out, you and the bitch. Now. Or you all bleed."\n\nThe two thugs edge toward the door. You wait until they've disappeared before closing the door behind them and hurrying over to Celena. "Hey. You okay?" \n\n"No, no, I'm just—" She shudders and sits up. "Fuck, man, you like really killed him. Splat. Just like that."\n\n"Yeah, well, I figured he wouldn't see sense. But it's over now. And I know a guy who can take care of that—" You point to Flavio's corpse. "—asshole. Just gimme a sec to write him."\n\nChances are he won't even answer. The guy once worked with Mister Wilkins, just like you, but moved on a few years before you did. There's a good chance he won't do you any favors. Still, it's your best option, so you summon your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] and write a hasty message.\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours pass —</div>\nBy some stroke of luck, the guy not only remembers you but offers his servies for free. Long story short, two hours later the bodies are gone, the room's cleaned up as best it can be and your guy has moved on to take care of other business. You sink on Celena's couch with a sigh. "Shit, that was close."\n\n"Ya don't fucking say." Celena pops a pill in her mouth and crashes beside you. "Shit, I swear, I'm never ever buying shit from anyone except Mister Wilkin."\n \n"Good call," you say. "Sure, he's pricey, but he won't fuck you over."\n\n"A-fucking-men to that." Cel tilts her head back, staring at the ceiling as she drifts into a pill-induced haze. \n\nYou wait around a while longer just to make sure she'll be fine. Nothing interesting happens so, ultimately, you figure she'll be fine. So you stand up, give her a kiss on the cheek, and...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "bribe">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"How about I make you a deal?" You begin programming the transaction, saying, "<<print Math.round(600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>> C, to cover whatever debts and whatnot. In return you leave us alone and don't come back. How's that sound?"\n\nFlavio shoots you a amused look. "Really? <<print Math.round(600 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>> C is all she's worth?"\n\n"Watch the threats." You turn your gaze the woman holding Celena. "I think she knows what I mean." When she looks away, you nod to Flavio. "You have my offer. Take it or leave it. I don't care."\n\n"Make it five large and we'll talk. Take it or she—" He taps Cel on the head "—dies."\n\n"No." You fix Flavio with a stern gaze.\n\nHe shakes his head with a laugh. "Fuck, punk, how dumb does it<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>—" \n\nYou grab your <<knife>> and, spinning Flavio around with a practiced motion, press the blade against his throat. "I. Said. No."\n\n"Wow, wow, easy..." Flavio raises his hands. "Just take it easy, you psycho."\n\n"Boss..." His henchman makes to draw his pistol.\n\n"Don't even fucking try," you hiss, pressing the edge of your blade into Flavio's skin. "Now, Mister Gabari, let's make this clear: I made you a good offer. You refused. So this one is on you: get the fuck out of this place and don't fucking come back or I swear I'll slit your fucking neck." You press the tip into his flesh, drawing a trickle of blood. "Goddit you stupid fuck?"\n\n"Yeah, yeah, okay," he squeaks.\n\n"Good. You two..." You glance at Flavio's henchman and the woman. "Get the fuck out. Now. Or he's a fucking goner." When they've done as instructed, you release Flavio. "Move your ass to the door. Nice and slow or I might change my fucking mind."\n\n"Hey, hey." He swaggers toward the door, muttering, "I'm fucking going you crazy psycho."\n\n"And don't even think of fucking coming back or I'll hunt your sorry ass to hell and back again, punk," you shout after him. No reply comes. "Idiot." You sheathe your <<knife>> and <<else>>get? I said five K or the girl fucking—"\n\n"Boss," the woman holding Cel says. "Boss, don't fuck with this dude. I swear. Don't fucking fuck with him."\n\n"Oh?" Flavio smirks at you. "And why the fuck shouldn't I fuck this punk up?"\n\nSounding hysterical, the girl blurts, "Because he's the fucking Vine who took down the Red Scars, man. He fucking knows his shit, man, and I don't want no fucker fucking me up because I slit his girl, yeah?"\n\n"Oh. That so?" Flavio shakes his head with a laugh. "Shit, man, you wanna tell me this punk took down the Scars?"\n\n"Yeah," you say evenly. "Long time ago. But, believe me, I'm more than willing to get my hands dirty again if I gotta." You fix Flavio with a hard gaze. "Now, you gonna take those two K and get the hell out or I gotta bleed you dry?"\n\n"Hey, two K don't sound so bad." He holds out his arm. "Swipe it, man."\n\nYou do as instructed and say, "Now, let's make it clear: get the fuck out of this place and don't even think of fucking coming back or I'll hunt your sorry ass to hell and back again."\n\n"Hey." Flavio spreads his hands. "All cool. Got what I came for." He glances at his henchman. "C'mon, let's get the fuck out of here, man." \n\nThe trio troops out. You wait until they've disappeared before you <</if>>turn to Celena, who's sitting on the floor. "Hey, Cel, you okay?" You walk over to her and crouch down. "They hurt you?"\n\n"Nah, just tried to fucking kill me, y'know?" Her lips twitch. "Something like that, y'know?"\n\n"Idiots, I swear." You help her up. "So, you sure you're okay?"\n\n"Yeah, just gonna go pop and it'll be Fucking-A again." She breathes a sigh. "Shit, I swear, I'm never ever buying shit from anyone except Mister Wilkin."\n \n"Good call," you say. "Sure, he's pricey, but he won't fuck you over."\n\n"A-fucking-men to that." Celena smiles a little. "And, hey, thanks, man. Good to know you're around, y'know?"\n\n"Yeah. Next time, just tell me you're deep in shit earlier, okay?" When Celena nods, you kiss her on the cheek and say, "So, you want me to stay around or what?"\n\n"Nah, I'll be fine." She flops on her couch, saying, "Unless you wanna, y'know?"\n\n"I kinda got stuff to do, y'know?" Celena nods absently, busy fishing through her stock for pills. You nod slowly. "Well, cya later then. Promise I'll drop by."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "bribe">>\n\t\t\t[[Leave the Appartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_drugdealer.killedDealer = false; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t[[Leave the Appartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $time.active = $time.active + 2.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 3; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $job_drugdealer.killedDealer = true; $statistics.freelanceJobsDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"So I got a weird question..."</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"So I got a weird question for you. No real context. Just everything that's been going on: what the hell kinda creature or person has so much power and knowledge they can just pop in and out of something at will and wreck all sorts of havoc without ever being noticed?"\n\nCelena fixes you with a blank stare. "Are you fucking kidding me?"\n\nYou shake your head. "Apparently that's what I'm looking for. Something that's so hard to find that no one knows what it is."\n\n"You are fucking kidding me." Cel breathes a sigh. "Okay, listen. I might be a damned [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]], maybe even a teenie, weenie bit more than your average, run of the mill kind too. But I do not know everything about everything. Well, I kinda do. But not like that. So I can't help you. Sorry. I wish I could. But I got no damn clue."\n\n"Oh, well. Was a long shot anyways."\n\n"Nah, not really. Anything else and I might've known. Hell, I might even know what you're talking about now but—" Celena purses her lips. "Well, let's put it this way: I'm not about to give you any info which is based purely off the fact that your druggie fucktoy happens to have a gut feeling. I know it's usually the right gut feeling but still. Not doing it."\n\nYou nod slowly. "Sure, whatever you say. I'd have taken no damn clue as an answer too because that's about all the answer I got too."<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase = 4; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_appartment_witches_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Remind Cel she owes You|b33_celena_appartment_witches_2][$action.action1 = "favor"; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<<elseif $chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $loc_riptide.ownedBy neq "wilkin">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Explain the Situation|b33_celena_appartment_witches_2][$action.action1 = "fullstory"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<</if>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Insist you need her Help|b33_celena_appartment_witches_2][$action.action1 = "insist"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll find another Way|b33_celena_appartment_witches_2][$action.action1 = "othersolution"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime" or $action.action1 eq "fuck">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_postparty_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">>"Nah, I gotta sleep, man." You curl up on the<<else>>"Dunno. I was kinda down with that whole get hory and have sex plan."<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "firsttime">>"Nah, I gotta sleep, man." You curl up on the couch, searching for a comfy spot. \n\n"Prolly a good idea," Celena mutters and curls up beside you. \n\nYou vaguely remember her stroking your arm, then you drift off into a dreamless sleep. \n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n\nWhat feel like a second later, you wake with a start. At first you don't know where you are or why you're there. Then you realize you stayed at Cel's. The silver-haired girl is still asleep, purring contently with her head rested on your lap.\n\nDoing your best not to wake her, you move her head onto the couch and traipse over to the wash tube, stripping off your sweaty clothes on the way. The warm water spilling down your back feels like heaven. You rub yourself down, rinse the soap off, and wait for the dry-cycle to complete.\n\nWhen you step out of the tube, Cel is sitting upright. She smiles sleepily. "Hey, man."\n\n"Heya." You pull on the same clothes you wearing the night before and walk over to Cel. "Well, I gotta go. See you 'round, yeah?"\n\n"Yeah." She kisses you on the cheek. "Hey, you'll come 'round again sometime, yeah?" She kisses you again. "Please? I really did miss you."\n\n"Yeah, sure." <<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none" or $equip.rifle.name neq "none">>You grab your gear on the way to the door, stow it all, and hit the release.<<else>>You walk to the door and hit the release.<</if>><<else>>"Dunno. I was kinda down with that whole get hory and have sex plan."\n\n"True. There is that too..." Cel smirks, brushing her lips against your neck. "Almost like old times, yeah?"\n\n"Almost." You wrap your arms around her, trying not to think about the old times, and instead about the girl.\n\nTurns out that's easier than expected. Cel's lips taste as delicious as ever and the little girl's just a little too eager to rub against your crotch. It isn't long before your <<armortype>> is torn off and finger nails dig into your back. One thing leads to another and suddenly she's monaning and writhing in the shadows, gasping for more.\n\nFor a brief moment you try to tell yourself it's not about the sex, just about making both of you feel good. But that's a lie. Cel really doesn't matter. Her body does. Her pussy does. The rest is irrelevant as long as you're fucking your way closer and closer to that sweet moment of release. That's what it's about, the irresistable urge to <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>come inside her<<else>>hear her scream while you both come<</if>>. That's what you want. That's what you need.\n\nIt's not too different from the way things were back when you worked for Mister Wilkin. Well, except that Cel had only been thirteen back then. But the girl hasn't grown up one bit. Maybe you haven't either, though it hardly matters in the moment. It feels nice to have her again. Hell, just to not be alone even, and that's all you care about until exhausion causes dark spots to swim before your eyes.\n\n"Shit," you gasp, collapsing unceremoniously on your bed.\n\nCelena slouches beside you, mumbling something unintelligable. When you ask what she said, her reply is just as incomrehensible. Not surprising, seeing how dilated her pupils are.\n\n"Yeah, definitely not grown up one bit." You shake your head with a sigh and sit up.\n\nSilence fills your hab. Long minutes pass. Celena doesn't wake up. She probably won't for hours. At any rate, there's no point in waiting for her to return to her senses. Years of experience have taught you the girl is more than capable of taking care of herself and you, well, maybe it's about time you got back to the job.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Apartment|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromCelena"; $chr_celena.loc = "herhome"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><<else>><<nobr>>\n\n/% NORNAL SLEEP %/\n\n<</nobr>><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You <<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>stumble<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>shuffle<<else>>walk<</if>> over to the couch and curl...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\nYou <<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>stumble<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>shuffle<<else>>walk<</if>> over to the couch and curl up. <<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>You toss and turn, unable to get comfortable beside Celena and wondering if you'll get any rest at all. Eventually exhaustion spirits you away but the rest is uneasy at best. Twice you awake to unfamiliar noises. Never do you feel truly rested.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>It doesn't take long before oblivion spirits you away. You don't even dream.<<else>>It doesn't take long before drowsiness takes hold and you drift into a deep and dreamless sleep.<</if>>\n\n<div class='TimeSkip'>— Several hours Pass —</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "addictsleep">>You wake, feeling worn out and stretched thin.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>You wake, still dizzy from your intoxication.<<else>>You wake, feeling drowsy but rested.<</if>> When you sit up Celena strokes your arm saying, "Hey, sleepy head."\n\n"Hey." You rub your scalp, looking around the little appartment, and say, <<if $attrib.dilligence gt 25 and not $action.action1 eq "addictsleep" and not $action.action1 eq "toxicsleep">>"Time to get back at it."\n\n"Whatever, man. I'll be around."<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit, this job fucking sucks."<<else>>"Oh, man. I hate this job."<</if>>\n\nCel snorts. "So fuck it."\n\n"I can't," you say with a sigh. "Well, I can, but it'll <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fuck me up badly if I don't get this shit done stat."<<else>>come back to haunt me if I don't get it over with."<</if>> \n\nYou slump back on the couch. It would be so easy to just stay at Cel's place and waste your time away. But that isn't really an option. You know that. You have to work. There's really no alternative but to get up, no matter how much you don't want to.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_covenfinal_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask What|b33_celena_appartment_coven_final_inject][$hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, quick question about..."</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, quick question about [[Witchcraft|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]: what the flying fuck would a [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] be doing ripping up a cryogenics lounge?"\n\nCelena looks surprised. "What? Wait. Wait. You mean you ran into Fluffly?"\n\n"Fluffy?" It's your turn to be confused.\n\n"It used to guard [[Coven Eresi|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]. At least, that was the idea. It was never very good at being a guard cat. Then, one day it ran away and that was that. Never heard from it again." She pulls a face. "It's the only other [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] around here, except Lulu. And Lulu isn't that stupid."\n\n"Well, sorry to say but Fluffy is dead." You draw a deep breath. "I found it ripping up a cryochamber. Made a nice mess of the place and almost shredded me too. Very methodical. Any idea who would've sent it there?"\n\n"Send it?" Celena laughs. "C'mon, man. The thing's a fricking [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]]. They're weird. Mean, Lulu just sits in the corner and stares at me, and she's probably the sanest one you'll ever meet. Or not meet, considering all she does is sit and stare unless I ask kindly. Anyways, Fluffy never listened to anyone, ever. Stubborn as fuck and dumb as a brick too. Maybe someone did something to piss it off. But, yeah. Definitely wasn't sent there by anyone."\n\n"Okay." You nod slowly. "So you're saying it just decided to walk in there and tear up the place?"\n\nCelena shrugs. "Probably. Like I said, [[Hellcats|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]] are weird. Half the time I'm not sure if they even realize they're alive in the real world. So yeah, it probably just got some stupid idea in its head and went with it. Nothing unusual. Just typical [[Hellcat|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Hellcat"]]."\n<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$job_boulevard_hellcat.mainPhase = 4; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_talk_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "dealer_start">>"You want me to drop by, talk to...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "dealer_progress">>"Don't sweat it, Cal. I'll deal...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_notsure">>"No clue. I'm just kinda taking it...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_notserious">>"Dunno, it's sex and pills. What else...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>"Well, I dunno. Maybe it's just me but I kinda feel...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "dealer_start">>"You want me to drop by, talk to him about whatever he's doing to piss you off?"\n\n"Nah, I'll be fine," Celena says. When you raise your eyebrows, she breathes a sigh. "Fine, okay, yeah. I could use some fucking help. The asshole's been pushing prices up and up over the last few weeks. It's starting to really fuck with business, y'know? And not just me. Everyone around here's pissed off. But the bastard has guys and guns and no one's willing to fuck with him."\n\n"This asshole got a name?"\n\nCel nods. "Flavio Gabari." As you jot down a note on your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]], she continues, "Runs his shop out of the old habs up by you on B30. But I dunno if ya wanna fuck with him. He's got some serious muscle hanging 'round there."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Yeah, good point." You purse your lips. "Still, if he's musceling up, I should take a look anyways, if just to see what's going on."\n\n"Thanks. Just be careful okay, man? Don't want you getting fucked up too, yeah?"\n\n"I will be," you say in an unusually earnest tone. Getting yourself killed isn't high on your list of priorities either, after all.<<elseif $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"If he fucks with me, he's fucking with the wrong motherfucker." You sneer a little. "Seriously, you don't think I can handle one asshole?"\n\n"Eh, I think you can handle him. It's all his goons I'm worried 'bout. Don't wanna see you hanging from the neck in the shafts or anything."\n\nYou breathe a laugh. "Fucking unlikely. But yeah, I'll have a nice little chat with this dude, make sure he knows who he's fucking with. And if he doesn't get the message, I'll paint it all over the fucking hab."\n\n"Yeah." Celene's lips twitch. "Thanks, I guess. Just as long as I don't have to know 'bout all the gorey details, 'kay?"<<else>>"I'll be careful and try not to get messed up in anything too messy."\n\n"Thanks. Just be careful okay, man? Don't want you getting fucked up too, yeah?"\n\n"I'll watch out for myself." Your eyes narrow. "Just don't ask me to show the asshole the same concern if he's really trying to muscle his way into the local trade."\n\n"Don't worry, man, just do what you have to and I'll be a happy little camper."<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "dealer_progress">>"Don't sweat it, Cal. I'll deal with him. Hell, I'll head right up <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>and tear his fucking heart out."\n\n"Like I said, just don't tell me what the fuck happens, okay."\n\n"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'll keep you safe and sound form all the shit going down on fucked-up station."\n\n"That's not what..." Cel shakes her head. "Never mind. Just look into it when you can, yeah?"<<else>>if you want me to."\n\n"Whenever's good for you," she says. "I didn't mean to make a deal of it. Just on my mind, you know?" When you nod, she smiles. "But, yeah, thanks for looking into it. Really means a lot you're sticking your head out for me."<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_notsure">>"No clue. I'm just kinda taking it how it comes."\n\n"Yeah, same, but still..." She shrugs. "Oh, whatever. Long as you're 'round now and then, what fucking difference does it make?" \n\n"Probably none." You purse your lips. "Still, it's a good question, I guess. I just never thought about us as, well, us."\n\n"Yeah, I know, right? It's like really weird. Back when I'd never have even thought of it. But now? I dunno, man. I dunno."\n\nYou chuckle. "Say, what, I'll think it over a bit. Figure out what the fuck's going on." \n\n"Whatever, man. No rush. I ain't going nowhere anytime soon." A smile curls on her lips. "And, hey, I'm here until then if ya need anything, ya know that, right?" When you nod, she blows you a kiss. "Just making sure, man."<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_notserious">>"Dunno, it's sex and pills. What else is it supposed to be?"\n\n"I dunno. I'm just thinking..." Celena shrugs helplessly. "Well, I just wanted to know what you're thinking."\n\n"Not much, really. It isn't like I'm gonna settle down soon so yeah. I really don't expect you to treat me special or anything, just, you know, like we always did. Have a good time and fuck shit up. That's all that really matters anyways." \n\n"Yeah." Cel breathes a sigh. "Well, it's still good to know where we're at, y'know?"\n\n"I do." You squeeze her hand. "Just don't sweat it. Do whatever the fuck you want. I'll be here or I won't be. Same as before."\n\n"Works for me," Cel says with a coy smile.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "relationship_serious">>"Well, I dunno. Maybe it's just me but I kinda feel like this is moving beyond just sex and pills." You shrug. "Not that it really matters, just saying."\n\n"Yeah, well, that's what I mean, y'know?" Celena toys with her hear. "Mean, I'm not saying that isn't fucking awesome, but it's just not really enough anymore. I kinda wanna..." She bites her lip. "Well, I'm getting fucking tired of being alone all the time. So I guess I just wanna know you'll be here for me, y'know?"\n\n"Don't worry." You squeeze her hand. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. At least not unless something goes south but I'm trying real hard not to think about that." \n\n"I know, man, I just..." Celena breathes a sigh. "Shit, I dunno. It kinda hurts inside. Guess I just always wanted someone. And now?" She tugs at her. "Shit, and you? Why you of all the fucking <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>bastards<<else>>bitches<</if>> I could've chosen?"\n\n"Hey, I ask myself the same thing all the time." You breathe a laugh. "I mean, shit, look at us. It's a fucking desaster just waiting to happen."\n\nCelena grins. "Yeah. And I fucking love it." She wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you close, and whispers in your ear, "Don't tell anyone but I wouldn't ever want it any other fucking way."\n\n"Same." You kiss her on the cheek.\n\nWhen you draw back, she pulls you back in. Lips lock. Tongues brush. Warmth floods your heart. Your skin starts to tingle. It hurts just think about what you just said, knowing full well you might not be around too much longer. But you did it. You said it. You want her. That's never really been a secret. Still, you feel obligated to say it. \n\nNot knowing where to start, you breathe a shuddering sigh. "Cel, I..."\n\n"I know." She pulls away, whispering, "I fucking know, baby. This is absolutely fucking insane. But I like it. I like you. So fuck it, yeah? We're in this shit together and, hell, I'll take what I can get."\n\n"Ditto." You can't help but laugh. "Shit, a junky and a ex-merc? Sure sounds like the kinda shit we'd get into, don't it?"\n\n"Guess we all got our faults, eh?"\n\n"Just as long as we don't have to deal with it alone, I'm good with it."\n\nCelena chuckles to herself. "A-fucking-men, man. A-fucking-men to that."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I know this is a bit..."</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Hey, I know this is a bit out of the blue, but what do you know about [[Paladins|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]? Everything goes."\n\nCelena shrugs. "Annoying, narrow minded, utterly disinterested in biological life, and generally so stuck up in their own issues they'd trip over their own feet if they didn't have a subroutine to account for it. Which they actually have, you know. I checked. Oh, and they're abominations by the [[Church's|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] own definition. Why?"\n\n"Just—" You swallow. "Well, I heard some disturbing stuff lately. And I have this nasty feel I might end up tangling with one."\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>"Wouldn't worry too much," Celena says absently. "Way you are, you could probably rip one to bits with your bare hands if you wanted."<<else>>"Then bring me," Cel says flatly. "I can handle it. Plus, I always wanted to kill a [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]."<</if>>\n\nYou blink in surprise. "They can actually be killed?"\n\n"Oh, sure. Millions of 'em have died. Think [[Namaz|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witch Queen"]] blew up a few, and some of the others did too. And back before the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] was a real thing they were dying left and right. But that's just 'cause their shield tech used to suck. Still does, actually. Just that the rest of our tech has gone up and down and now their shit looks like shiny gold again."\n\n"I never knew that," you say, earnestly humbled.\n\n"It's not the kinda crap they put in history books these days." Celena shrugs. "Anyways, it's a non-issue. If you want to do anything they don't like, <<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>just have a go at 'em with that lance. Mean, it's not like you're immortal or anything, but petty damn close. I don't think even I could rip you a new one the way you are, at least not without really trying. If I even wanted to try. Which I don't so that point's kinda moot."<<else>>just put me between you and them, and they won't do shit. Otherwise their logic might just skip over the basic facts of biological life and you end up dead. So make sure I'm there if you do anything stupid. I know what to do. Promised."<</if>>\n\n"Okay, well, I'm just going to take your word for all this and, uh, leave it at that."\n\nCelena grins. "Good idea. I'm not even sure on the details myself. So don't ask. I just know it will work. Probably."<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$job_fisher_extremists.paladinKnowledge.celena = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Sure, yeah, but we won't be here..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Sure, yeah, but we won't be here long." You shrug absently. "Turns out you were right about the Corbeis. They're the ones controlling that [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] and—"\n\n"Of course I was." Celena shoots you a playful smirk. "I'm always fucking right. Well, at least about shit like that. And lemme guess: ya want me to come along to kick [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] ass, eh?"\n\n"Pretty much," you say. "You up for it?"\n\n"Hell yeah. Just gimme one sec." She hops up and runs to the wall cabinets. The next moment, Celena is un-tangling wires from her claw-shaped glove. "Ah, fuck. I really gotta find a way to—" She bites into her wrist and starts stuffing the tangled mess of cabling into her skin.\n\nBlood squirts out. You screw up your face, trying not to imagine what that must feel like - worse than getting augmented; no narcotics. And doing it all by hand? Either the girl has a death wish or, actually, on second thought you'd rather not follow that train of thought. \n\n"There we go." Celena stuffs the last wires away and grabs a syringe filled with black liquid from the cabinet. "Voids between, I really hate—" She jabs the needle into her arm, causing her body to convulse. "—Ow! This shit."\n\nYou pull a face. "What even is it?"\n\n"Far as—" Celena gasps for breath as a distinct silver tone shimmers through her skin, spreading up her arm until every inch of her body has transformed to match the color of her spikey hair. She wheezes for air, gasping, "I never should've made this shit. And as for what it is, I don't fucking know. But it works. That's what matters."\n\nYou shoot her a confused look. "You don't know?"\n\n"Yeah. I just got bored. Figured I'd do something worth the time." Celena shrugs indifferently. "Anyways, let's fucking do this. Car's still parked down by the fastway."<</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the apartment with Celena|b3_finalmission_arrive][$time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Hey, I found this..."</div><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "pendant">>"Hey, I found this—" You pull out the star-shaped pendant. "—on one of your mom's friends. Was wondering if you knew what it was."\n\n"Lockstar," Celena says with a mere glance at the trinket. "Disguised as an icon of Sol, obviously, but the rays got 16 exabites of Machine Priest drawl etched in them, probably to unlock one of their old Temples. There's a second layer of encryption on it though, not something even a Machine Priest would notice. Looks like Blackspeak. No clue what that does. Won't be decodable without the original reference, and you'd need someone from the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] to get that."\n\nIt takes you a moment to find your voice. "Okay, same shit, just slower this time and for idiots?"\n\nCelena giggles. "Sorry, man. Forgot. The necklace-thingy is a key. It unlocks an old Machine Temple. Probably the one over by the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]], in the shrine behind the spitting fountain? You know, where everyone goes to puke? I think the sequence matches but, as I was saying, there's a hidden hatch in the shrine. And that leads to the old Machine Temple, from back before the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] built over it. Always wondered what was inside there but never bothered to go inside."\n\n"Following so far," you say. "And what was that about blackspeak?"\n\n"Cryptolanguage the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] used to use. Of course, the [[Covens|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] mashed all their records of it when they purged the [[Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]] so it's virtually impossible to read these days." Celena shrugs. "Whoever made that lockstar definitely wanted to hide the second layer though, or they wouldn't have bothered to mix it into the Machine Priest code. I can see the pattern easy enough but, yeah, it'd take a few months to decode and I really, really can't be assed to do that."\n\nYou nod slowly. "So, part one: key to Machine Temple. Part two unknown but related to the [[Black Circle|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Black Circle"]]."\n\n"Yup."\n\n"Cool. I can do something with that." In a quieter voice you add, "Hopefully."<<else>>"Hey, I found this old device that needs a Fusion Sphere to operate. Any idea where I can find one?"\n\nCelena shoots you a dubious look. "You trying to blow yourself up, man? Seriously. Those pieces of crap are wonky. Don't even provide as much yield as a Gallan Cell and leak radiation all over if you just look at 'em wrong."\n\n"So you don't know where to get one."\n\n"Nope," Cel says flatly. "Everything I've ever built uses biofusion or antimatter sinks. Way safer. And easier to build."\n\nYou can't help but laugh. "An antimatter sink is easier to build than a fusion cell?"\n\n"Fusion Sphere," Celena corrects. "Cells are fine. It's just those stupid, old silver spheres that fuck it all up. No clue why anyone ever thought they were a good idea. But no. I got no idea where to find one, man. Wouldn't fucking touch one with a million lightyear long stick. And that's me saying that, yeah? So go figure."<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$job_witches_pendant.askedCelena = true; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 Habs - Contruction">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter through Front Door|b33_constructionsite_enter][$action.action1 = "front"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Walk around the Hab Block|b33_constructionsite_enter][$action.action1 = "side"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask who's There|b33_constructionsite_enter_2][$action.action2 = "talk"; $attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Back away Slowly|b33_constructionsite_enter_2][$action.action2 = "backaway"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Draw your Weapons|b33_constructionsite_enter_2][$action.action2 = "attack"; $attrib.violence += 3; $attrib.caution -= 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_enter_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "backaway">>Heart racing, you back away...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "talk">>"Who's there?" You turn around...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "attack">>You snatch your <<knife>> and whirl around...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "backaway">>Heart racing, you back away. Something moves behind you. Adrenaline surges. You whirl around to see <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina - the blonde Celena introduced you to - is standing behind you<<else>> a woman with blonde hair standing behind you<</if>>.\n\nShe looks terrified. <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>"H— Hey Vine. What are you doing here?"<<else>>"H— Who are you?"<</if>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "talk">>"Who's there?" You turn around, heart racing. <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina - the blonde Celena introduced you to - is standing behind you<<else>>There's a woman with blonde hair standing behind you<</if>>.\n\n"Just me," she whisperes. <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>"What are you doing here?"<<else>>"Who are you?"<</if>><<else>>You snatch your <<knife>> and whirl around. A glimmer of blonde hair catches your eye. <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>The face it belongs to is all too familiar: the blonde Celena introduced you to, Lanina.<<else>>You've never seen the woman - more a girl, actually - before.<</if>>\n\n"Wow!" She recoils, hands raised. "Shit. <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>What are you doing here?<<else>>Who are you?<</if>>"<</if>>\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>"Was about to ask you the same <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>damn <</if>>thing," you say, secretly relieved. "This place ain't safe."\n\n<<if $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.lalina eq true>>"I know. I know. But I wanted to check up on the—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit,<<else>>"Man,<</if>> and I almost iced you." You shake your head in disappointment. "Lani, this is exactly why I said don't come here. I don't want you around. You don't want to be either. It's too dangerous."<<else>>"I heard this story about this haunting and—"\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Oh, for fuck's sake."<<else>>"Oh, give me a break."<</if>> You shake your head in disappointment. "Lani, what the hell do you think you're doing? I could've <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>iced you. Just... just get <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fuck <</if>>out of here."<</if>><<else>>"Was going to ask you the same thing," you say, secretly relieved. "You really shouldn't be here."\n\n"Neither should you," she says defiantly.\n\n"Yeah, well, I'm an abomination hunter. You—" Your eyes fall on the data pad she's holding. "I don't know, but that data pad isn't gonna protect you very long. Not here if you're poking around here. It's too dangerous."<</if>>\n\n<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina stares at you.<<else>>The woman stares at you.<</if>>"Go? But I saw something. Upstairs, In one of the rooms. A ghost. That's why I ran down here. To hide. Figured it wouldn't go near the light or something. I heard ghosts don't like light."\n\n"Unlikely. But I'll check it out. And you—" You jab a finger at her. "—stay down here. Don't move. Don't do anythng stupid."\n\n"But—" <<if $chr_lanina.met eq true>>Lanina<<else>>The woman<</if>> swallows. "All right, all right, I won't argue with you. But investigating this kinda stuff is my job. So promise me you'll tell me if you find anything, okay?"\n\nYou nod, though you know that's the last thing you'll do. Whatever is in this place - even if it isn't a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] - is dangerous. Too dangerous for someone unexperienced and, more importantly, someone who's entirely unarmed. Better she just stays put while you...<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Upstairs|b33_constructionsite_enter_3][$attrib.caution = $attrib.caution + 10; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head Upstairs|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $combatTemplate = "Wraith_B30"; $processed = false; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "ambush_wraith_site"]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_enter_3_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Approach the Wraith|b33_constructionsite_wraith][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.violence -= 2; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Creep away Carefully|b33_constructionsite_wraith][$action.action1 = "backaway"; $attrib.caution += 3; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Wraith|hud_combat][$action.action1 = "kill"; $attrib.violence += 3; $combatTemplate = "Wraith_B30"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_enter_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_wraith_txt'>></div><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_altar_txt'>></div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_altar_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_constructionsite_action_txt'>></div>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq "AntiSkel Armor" and $equip.rifle.name eq "Arclance" and $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 4 and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine"))>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Blow out the Candles|b33_constructionsite_altar][$action.action3 = "blowout_nanotransform"; $action.action4 = "true"; $hide.layer3 = true; $equip.clothes = "Blackscorn Armor"; $equip.rifle.name = "Blacklance"; $equip.charge = 100; $attrib.caution += 10; $attrib.violence = 100; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Blow out the Candles|b33_constructionsite_altar][$action.action3 = "blowout"; $action.action4 = "true"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the Bust|b33_constructionsite_altar][$action.action3 = "examine"; $action.action5 = "true"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Construction Site|b33_constructionsite_leave][$hide.layer4 = true; $job_conspiracy.foundAltar = true; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div><<if $action.action4 eq "doRunAway">>You remain motionless...<<else>>You unsling your <<rifle>>...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action4 eq "doRunAway">>You remain motionless, watching as the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] bends down and slurps filthy water from an oversized hand. Its flesh is cracked, the veins beneath jet black, and when the abomination looks up, its face is badly disfigured. Bloodshot eyes wander to where you stand. Blood pounds in your veins.\n\n"You. Want—" The [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] gags, doubled over in visible pain. It barely manages to wheeze, "Die."\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Despite your racing heart, you have to laugh. "You want to die? Sure. We can arrange that."\n\n"Do." The beast hauls itself up on its bent pipe, gasping, "Release. Me."\n\nPart of you wants to put it down right away. But it's evident the abomination won't live long.<<else>>Part of you wants to reply but no words come out. The Oger hauls itself up on its bent pipe, rasping for breath. It looks desperate, broken.<</if>> Even if you don't kill it, it'll die within days - at most.\n\nThe Oger steps toward the base of the stairs, causing the walkway to tremble. "Make die. Now. Or kill. You."<<else>><<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon>><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You unsling your <<rifle>>, quietly release the breech, and slide a tungsten bolt into the chamber. Below, the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] is slurping filthy water from an oversized hand. It doesn't notice you. Relieved, you lock the breech and settle your rifle against your shoulder.\n\nSeen through the scope, the abomination looks even more terrifying than it should; cracked flesh, the veins beneath jet black, and when the brute looks over its shoulder to check for unwanted visitors, its face is badly disfigured. Trying not to think about what it might've been through, you settle your aimpoint on the monster's bloated skull, apply pressure to the trigger, and steady your breathing.\n\nThe abomination ducks its head to sip water once more. You shift your aim, first down, then up. The [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] pauses to look around. Sensing your chance, you hold your breath and squeeze. The Blackthorn recoils with a loud boom. Far below, the abomination flops into a pool of black muck. It doesn't get back up. \n\nEars still ringing, you scope the kill, only to realize there's nothng to worry about: the abomination's head is gone completely. Satisfied, you eject the spent power disk and sling your Blackthorn. One shot. One kill. A job well done.<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon>><<print "<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img['https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $hud.specialWeaponDisplayType + "']]</div>">>You unsling your <<rifle>>, flick the selector to subsonic, and take aim. Below, the [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] is slurping filthy water from an oversized hand. Relieved it hasn't noticed you, you settle your rifle against your shoulder.\n\nSeen through the scope, the abomination looks even more terrifying than it should; cracked flesh, the veins beneath jet black, and when the brute looks over its shoulder to check for unwanted visitors, its face is badly disfigured. Not that it matters, really. Trying not to think about what it might've been through, you settle your aimpoint on the monster's bloated skull, apply pressure to the trigger, and steady your breathing.\n\nThe abomination ducks its head to sip water once more. You shift your aim, first down, then up. The [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] pauses to look around. Sensing your chance, you hold your breath and squeeze. The <<rifle>> recoils with a soft hiss. Far below, the abomination flops into a pool of black muck. A muted growl meets your ears.\n\nFearing the small-caliber bolt didn't penetrate, you fire half a dozen rounds into the abomination. To your horror, the beast starts to push itself up. You hastily sight on its head and fire half a dozen more rounds. The [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] falls flat on its face and stays down. \n\n"Finally." You lower your <<rifle>>. There's nothing to worry about - not anymore.<</if>> Now all you need is proof of death to bring back to Mark.<</if>><</if>>
<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 - Scrap Yard">>\n<<set $hud.shopSubSection = $equip.clothes>>\n\n<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_10")>>\n <<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_10")>>\n <<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n <<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>><br>\n\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div><br>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Custom Builds|b33_scrapyard_upgrades][$action.action1 = "upgrades"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Scrapping|b33_scrapyard_upgrades][$action.action1 = "sell"; $hide.layer1 = true; $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $job_scrapyard_oger.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Oger|b33_scrapyard_oger][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 3 and not $job_witches_pendant.gotSYsphere>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about Fusion Spheres|b33_scrapyard_fusionsphere][$hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'foundScrapyardSphere'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered and ($randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBaseDestroyed eq false or $randomEncounterPhases.syndiateRaidAlternate neq "none") and $randomScene lt $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidFrequency>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Scrap Yard|random_syndicate_killteam][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_tram_station"; $loc_scrapyard.didFirstVisit = true; playContextSound("ui_walk"); $processed = false]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Scrap Yard|b33_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $loc_scrapyard.didFirstVisit = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "upgrades">>"I'm here for business..."<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sell">>"Wanted to sell..."<<else>>"Actually, I wanted to talk..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "upgrades">>"I'm here for business. What can you custom build me today?"\n\n"Some pretty fine stuff, I wager, but it depends on what you got for me to work with but remember: no receipts, no refunds, and no guarantees."\n\nYou nod. "Same deal as always, eh?"<<elseif $action.action1 eq "sell">>"I wanted to see if you'd scrap some of my stuff."\n\n"Might well do." Mark pulls out a data pad and, eyeing you out of the corner of his eye, says, "So, what you wanna get rid of, hmm?"<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "upgrades">><<nobr>>\n<div id='game-scrapyard-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t<<display 'scrapyard_buyoptions'>>\n</div>\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "sell">><<nobr>>\n<div id='game-scrapyard-shop' class='HUD_shop'>\n\t<<display 'scrapyard_selloptions'>>\n</div>\n<</nobr>><<else>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div></div><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying ever so slightly on your feet, you...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you...<<else>>You <<walk>> the length of the...<</if>><<else>>You are standing outside...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_scrapyard_main.png"]]</div><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying ever so slightly on your feet, you swagger along the [[B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] pressure tunnel<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you trudge the length of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]<<else>>You <<walk>> the lengh of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]]<</if>> and turn into a narrow tunnel that leads to the [[Scrap Yard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scrap Yard"]]. A glow panel flickers above the door to the admin office. Beside it, in front of a mag-locked safety gate, two men in grimy overalls are chatting idly.\n\n<<if $loc_scrapyard.didFirstVisit>>Mark nods to you as you approach. "Vine. Ye doin' okey?"\n\n"Same old," you reply, stopping behind him. "You?"\n\n"Eh, work be work?" He chuckles. "Same story as usual, ey?"<<else>>One of them looks up as you approach. "Ey, what ya want, man?"\n\n"Nothing out of the ordinary," you say. "Just wanted to know if you fellows are still in business."\n\nA grin spreads on his face. "That we is, man. Wanna see what we's tradin' these days? Or ya here for something else?"<</if>><<else>>You are standing outside the [[Scrap Yard|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scrap Yard"]]. Machinery whirrs and creaks in the background. Something beeps inside the admin office.\n\nMark tucks his inventory list away, saying, "Eh, glad ye stopped by. Dat all ya need?"<</if>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B33 - Scrap Yard">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_scrapyard_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Have a junk question..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n"Have a junk question for you: ever happen to find any old Fusion Spheres while digging around in the crap people throw away?"\n\n"Fusion Spheres, eh? Ya mean 'em old ball-shaped silver thingis, yeah? Like this'un?" He pulls a silver orb from his pocket.\n\nYou can't help but snort. "What, you mean you're just carring it around like that?"\n\nMark nods. "Yeah, man. Got one right here. Looks like an awesome ball, eh? Was gonna give it te me son te play with, ya know? For his birthday an' all. But it ain't so important. If ye wants it, ye can have it."\n\n"That'd be really nice. And, yeah, maybe it's a good thing ya didn't give that to your son. I was told they tend to blow up and leak radiation and hell knows what else."\n\n"Ye mean—" Mark lets out a horrified squeak. "It's all yers man, all yers. I ain't got no need for it."\n\n"Thanks, Mark. And get your kid a grav-ball or a kick-block. Less original but safer."\n\n"Yeah, man. Dat's a good idea." He grins sheepishly and offers you the device.<</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'><<nobr>>\n<<click 'Take the Fusion Sphere' 'b33_scrapyard' >>\n\t<<set $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 5; $hide.layer1 = false; playContextSound("ui_click"); $job_witches_pendant.gotSYsphere = true; $equip.hasFusionSphere = true>>\n\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Fusion Sphere">>\n\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "fusion_sphere">>\n\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<</click>>\n<</nobr>></div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action2 neq "reasonfail">>\n\t<<set $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase = 5>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_intro_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_lookaround_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "credits">>"How's three hundred credits...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "reason" or $action.action2 eq "reasonfail">>"Hey, no hard feelings, but this isn't...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "punch">>"Jeez, you want me to..<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "reasonfail">>"Hey, no hard feelings, but this isn't some private crusade. I'm working for the fricking [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. So can ya—"\n\n"I cannot. But maybe memory better next time, yes?" He winks and walks off.\n\nYou stare after him, shaking your head. "What a freaking joke."\n\nFour years ago, he'd never have dared pull that. But, then again, four years ago you used to work for Mr. Wilkin. Times have changed and there's not much you can do about that. Except punch the crap out of the Dockmaster next time you see him, maybe.<<else>><<if $action.action2 eq "credits">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_creditswipe.png"]]</div>"How's three hundred credits sound?" You program a transaction and hold out your arm. \n\n"Well." Fariq purses his lips. "Is good, I suppose." He swipes his wrist over yours. <<elseif $action.action2 eq "punch">>"Jeez, you want me to deck your ass again?" You take a step back and crack your fingers. "Just gimme a reason..."\n\nFariq's lips twitch. "What, you threaten me? You think—"\n\n"No threat." You slam a fist into his gut. The Dockmaster doubles over with a grunt. You haul him up, hissing, "We good, asshole?"\n\n"We good, we good," Fariq gasps. He straightens up and say, <<elseif $action.action2 eq "reason">>"Hey, no hard feelings, but this isn't some private crusade. I'm working for the fricking [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]." You muster the Dockmaster with a stern gaze. "Now, I know ya don't want any trouble with them, so how 'bout you just answer my questions and I don't drop your name at the wrong time."\n\n"You would not—" Fariq hesitates. "Oh. You would." He swallows visibly. <</if>>"Is okay. Is good. You give question. I give answer."\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "activity">>"Question's simple enough: anything unusal been going on down here? Something that might've caught your eye?"\n\n"Maybe. Maybe not." You shoot Fariq a warning look. He nods hastily. "Well, yes. Was a person. He spoke to some freelancers. I think he was part of [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] but I not certain. He come more than once."\n\n"Right." You rub your chin. "So, any idea who he was?"<<else>>"Question's simple enough: there been a [[Churchgoer|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]] poking around here recently? Average kinda fellow asking questions of the freelancers? Kinda guy you'd have noticed, Fariq. 'Cause you're the suspicious sort."<</if>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "churchgoer">>"Yes, yes. I know who you speak of."<<else>>"I... yes and no."<</if>> Fariq holds up his datapad. "I check access logs, yes? Because I think strange, thing maybe illegal trespasser who fool security system. But he log in like any other employee would. So I check his identity. His name is Raj. I do not know what he does but he is a registered resident in the [[Sector|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B Sector"]]. Maybe you look around, find?" Fariq shrugs helplessly. "That all. I not look more."\n\n"Hm, okay." You take a few hasty notes, saying, "So, no criminal association? Nothing out of the order?"\n\nThe Dockmaster shakes his head. "Raj is [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Is squeaky clean. I not know. It make no sense."\n\n"Well, okay, thanks for the info. And remember: keep the docks clean<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">> for Mr. Wilkin<</if>>." You turn and head back to the...<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<if $action.action2 eq "reasonfail">><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $hide.layer0 = false; $loc_docks.spokeDockMaster = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><<else>><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[B40 Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $attrib.dilligence += 3; $hide.layer0 = false; $loc_docks.spokeDockMaster = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><</if>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_intro_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_lookaround_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B40 Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(300 * $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier)>>\n\t<<set $bribetext = "Bribe the Dockmaster (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.credits gte $bribeammount>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b40_docks_lookaround_2">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "credits"; $attrib.credits -= $bribeammount; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'gotDockmasterInfo'); $statistics.bribesDone += 1; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown"); playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Bribe the Dockmaster (<<print $bribeammount>> C)]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride or $attrib.dilligence gte 10>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_docks_lookaround_2][$action.action2 = "reason"; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'gotDockmasterInfo'); $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_docks_lookaround_2][$action.action2 = "reasonfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Threaten the Dockmaster|b40_docks_lookaround_2][$action.action2 = "punch"; $attrib.violence += 2; $hide.layer1 = true; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_main', 'gotDockmasterInfo'); $statistics.intimidateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 75>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Freight Storage">>\n<</if>>\n\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_intro_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Level B40 Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Mercs|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B40"; $loc_docks.killedMercs = true; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 11>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b40_docks_findshipment_1][$action.action1 = "silent_rifle"; $loc_docks.killedMercs = true; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 11; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.name eq "M1114_Converted" and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 14>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Sidearm)|b40_docks_findshipment_1][$action.action1 = "silent_pistol"; $loc_docks.killedMercs = true; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 14; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.humanKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "balanced" or $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_docks_findshipment_1][$action.action1 = "talk"; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; $statistics.negotiateDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_docks_findshipment_1][$action.action1 = "talkfail"; $attrib.violence -= 1; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer1 = true; $processed = false; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_intro_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_1_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "talk">>\n\t\t<<set $bribeammount = Math.round(1000 * $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier)>>\n\t\t<<set $bribetext = "Accept the Bribe (" + $bribeammount + " C)">>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click $bribetext "b40_docks_findshipment_2">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x" + Math.round(1500 * $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "accept"; $attrib.credits += $bribeammount; $hide.layer2 = true; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Betray the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B40"; $loc_docks.killedMercs = true; $processed = false; $attrib.violence += 1]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "talkfail">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Mercs|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Syndicate_B40"; $loc_docks.killedMercs = true; $processed = false]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Bodies|b40_docks_findshipment_2][$action.action2 = "search"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_2_txt'>></div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_examine_txt'>></div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>\n<div id='docks-findshipment-loot' class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<display 'b40_docks_shipment_loot'>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 neq "accept">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>Main Weapon Restricted</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_docks.storedCarbine eq "C2000">>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the C2000'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_docks.storedCarbine; $loc_docks.storedCarbine = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.lootedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#docks-findshipment-loot'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b40_docks_shipment_loot'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the C2000'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.rifle.name; $equip.rifle.name = $loc_docks.storedCarbine; $loc_docks.storedCarbine = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#docks-findshipment-loot'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b40_docks_shipment_loot'>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_docks.tookAmmo eq false>> \n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Take the 9mm Magazine'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.ammo += Math.round(45 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill); $statistics.lootedAmmo += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_docks.tookAmmo = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set\t$ammotype = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "9mm Rounds x" + Math.round(45 * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#docks-findshipment-loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'b40_docks_shipment_loot'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot carry any more 9mm Rounds]</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the 9mm Magazine]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Shipping Crates|b40_docks_findshipment_2][$action.action3 = "shippingcrates"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the dead Dock Worker|b40_docks_findshipment_2][$action.action3 = "dockworker"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Out of the Docks|b40_docks_exit][$hide.layer4 = true; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $hud.messages.pop()>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_examine_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_exit_1'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll do It|b40_docks_exit_2][$action.action5 = "willdo"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.caution -= 1; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why it's Necessary|b40_docks_exit_2][$action.action5 = "whynecessary"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're about Done|b40_docks_exit_2][$action.action5 = "done"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Refuse to Cooperate|b40_docks_exit_2][$action.action5 = "refuse"; $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer4 = true; $hide.layer5 = true; $attrib.violence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $hud.messages.pop()>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_findshipment_examine_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_docks_exit_1'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.action5 eq "willdo">>"Okay, I'll play along..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "done">>"I am about so fucking done..."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "refuse">>"Cooperate with you...?"<<else>>"Necessary? Like caring the shit..."<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action5 eq "willdo">>"Okay, I'm in. Work together. More efficient. <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>But you'll want to know I found something.<<else>>I hope.<</if>>"<<elseif $action.action5 eq "done">>"I am <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>so fucking done with your crap<<else>>getting tired of this charade<</if>>. If you think—"\n\nCorinthin stares impassively. "One question. Nothing more. Did you find anything of interest, biological?"\n\n"I found something."<<elseif $action.action5 eq "refuse">>"Cooperate with you? <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Are you fucking serious?<<else>>Are you mad?<</if>> Last time we crossed paths you tried to melt my face!"\n\n"Tragic." Corinthin stares impassively. "One question. Nothing more. Did you find anything of interest, biological?"\n\n"Not that it's any of your business but—"<<else>>"Necessary? Like scaring <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the shit out of<<else>>me senseless just<</if>>— never mind."<</if>> <<if $chr_corinthin.met>>You produce the scrap of paper you found and hand it to Corinthin. "This. A dead dock worker had it on him. No clue wha—"<<else>>You remember the scrap of paper you found. "Listen, I don't know what<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the hell<</if>>'s going on here but I found something. On a dead dock worker. Here." You hand Corinthin the note.<</if>>\n\n<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "visionary">>"So a connection exists. Between the murder and the pheromone shipment. Level B29. The [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Bazar"]]. The conspirators operated there. Yet they have dispersed. I investigated."\n\nYour brow furrows. "So, now what?"\n\n"You continue as you have, biological. Perhaps it shall succeed none the less. I shall await knews of your success at the [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]]. If not, pray to whatever you hold dear we do not meet again." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] stares blankly, almost as if considering saying more, and strides away.\n\nYou stare after the machine, muttering, "Encouraging. Yeah. Better be prepared for the [[Order|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]]<<else>>"<<if $chr_corinthin.met>><<if $action.action5 eq "willdo">>Curious<<else>>Enough<</if>><<else>>Curious<</if>>. A connection exists. Between the murder and the pheromone shipment. Level B29. The [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Bazar"]]. The conspirators operated there. We should inve—" Corinthin leans closer and murmurs, "An abomination listens as we speak."\n\nYou nod and look around. There doesn't appear to be anyone present.\n\nCorinthin says, "The assailant is an unknown dimension. An interloper in the spheres. Possibly a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]], perhaps employed by those who conspire against the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. Its appearance is no coincidence. Worse, it will be problematic to subdue."\n\nYou breathe a humorless laugh. "You <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>think?"\n\n"It is established. Therefore you will act as bait. Proceed to Level B29. The address you found. That is where it anticipates our presence, where it hopes to remove us. Be prepared. It will not hesitate to kill."\n\nYou shoot Corinthin a dubious look. <<if $chr_corinthin.met eq false>>"That's the best plan— Never mind. I'm lost. How does [[Athena Medical|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Athena Medical"]] relate to anything?"\n\n"Complicated. The shipment that vanished. It contained coersive pheromones. Their effects caused Mauricio Winston to expire. Evidence suggests he stole the Object." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] stares blankly, almost as if considering saying more, and strides away.\n\nYou stare after the machine, muttering, "<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Fucking hell. This job just gets weirder and weider.<<else>>And here I thought this job wouldn't get any weirder.<</if>>"<<else>><<if $attrib.demeanor eq "cautious">>"Call me a sceptic but I do not like any plan that involves hanging me out to dry."<<else>>"That's the plan? Hang me out to dry and pray you burst in to save the day before it guts me?"<</if>>\n\n"It is necessary." The [[Paladin|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Paladin"]] turns and, with a whip of it's cloak, strides away.\n\nYou stare after the machine, muttering, "If this keeps up, that <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>the fucking tin can<<else>>that tin can<</if>> is gonna get me killed."<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase = 5; $attrib.caution += 5; $attrib.dilligence += 5; $attrib.fatigue += 4; $time.active += 1; $hide.layer0 = false; $chr_corinthin.met = true; $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateRaidTriggered = true; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Docks">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_docks_intro_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase neq 4>>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAllyPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visit the Kobol Basecamp|b40_docks_kobolbase][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 3 or $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find the Dockmaster|b40_docks_lookaround][$action.action1 = "churchgoer"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase lt 5>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find the Dockmaster|b40_docks_lookaround][$action.action1 = "activity"; $hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 4 or $job_corpo_conference.mainPhase eq 3>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Look for Athena Medical Inc. Shipments|b40_docks_findshipment][$hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.2; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 3 or $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 2.5>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to Pressure Berth 51|b40_addon_pressureberth][$hide.layer0 = true; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t/% CONDITION MISSING!!!\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Head to Docking Tube 23|b40_docks_bhtrigger][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t%/\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $time.active += 0.25; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $override.solution = "user:seresi; pw:5gj1hh14">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 - Storeroom 367">>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_storeroom_arrive_txt'>></div>\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>><div class='OptionsField'><div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromstoreroom"; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $attrib.toxicity -= 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><div><<else>><div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'><<display 'storeroom_hackapp'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could screw the high-tech solution and opt for brute force instead.</div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t<<click 'Pry the lock Open' 'b40_storeroom_arrive_2'>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "forcedOpen"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 3; $statistics.controlsBroken += 1; playContextSound("ui_shock");>>\n\t\t\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion or $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion>>\n\t\t\t\t/% no criminality %/\n\t\t\t<<elseif $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 1>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.criminality += 2>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</click>>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>></div><</if>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "oger">>You walk over to the dead...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "floor">>You spend a good ten minutes walking up...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "container">><<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_txt'>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "oger">>You walk over to the dead [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]]. Just looking at the thick, sinnewy muscles and rough, scale-like skin makes you queasy. But you put the thought out of your mind and begin searching the body for anything useful. You don't find much - a candy bar in one pocket, a few pills and a switchblade in the other - not the treasure trove you'd hoped for. There is however an ageing [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "main"]] grafted into his left wrist.\n\n"Hm." You crouch beside the corpse and try to establish a remote connection to the device. \n\nAmazingly, the system isn't encrypted, or even password protected, so you take a look at his files. Half the memory is filled with porn - and bookmarks to porn sites. Shaking your head, you delve in the rest of the brute's files. Most of them are useless notes and an unusual ammount of poetry. You do however find an archived message that reads:\n\n<div class='HUD_datapad'><<display 'msg_oger'>></div>\n"Huh." You close the data link,\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.locationPhase gte 1>>wondring just how deeply Wilkin was involved in this affair.<<else>>wondering what Wilkin had to do with the affair.<</if>><<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\nSimplest way to find out, of course, would be to ask. But that's impossible. Maybe Marisa knows more about the whole thing - maybe. To be safe, you make mention of your intentions in your personal notes.<<else>>\n\nSimplest way to find out, of course, would be to ask him. So you make a mental note to do just that and, to be safe, make mention of your intentions in your personal notes.<</if>><<elseif $action.action1 eq "floor">>You spend a good ten minutes walking up and down the aisles, examining the floor plates for any indication they've been tampered with. Several floor segments can indeed be rasied to access the utility ducts below but, unless the [[Coven|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] regularly moves ten-ton containers to get at the access panels beneath, there's no way they hid anything in the ducts.\n\nOf course, if they did go to such lengths to conceal their presence, there's no way you'll know. All the access panels are blocked by containers and, in absence of a lifter bot to move them out of the way, you won't be taking a look beneath the floor.<<elseif $action.action1 eq "container">><<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_txt'>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "oger">>\n\t<<if $loc_storeroom.examinedFloor eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the Floor Plates|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "floor"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_storeroom.examinedFloor = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already examined the Floor Plates]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "floor">>\n\t<<if $loc_storeroom.examinedOger eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the dead Oger|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "oger"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_storeroom.examinedOger = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already examined the Dead Oger]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "container">>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t<<if $attrib.passedAmbushCheck>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_3][$action.action2 = "negotiate"; $attrib.caution += 3; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Witch_B40"; $action.action2 = "knife"; $hide.layer3 = true; $isAmbush = true; $ambushTemplate = "witch_storeroom_ambush"; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Disarm the Witch|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_3][$action.action2 = "disarm"; $attrib.violence = $attrib.violence - 2; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.humansSpared += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_ambush");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Witch|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Witch_B40"; $action.action2 = "knife"; $hide.layer3 = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n\n<</if>>\n<<if $action.action1 neq "container">>\n\t<<if $loc_storeroom.metWitch eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the Containers|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "container"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $loc_storeroom.metWitch = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already examined the Containers]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 7 and $action.action1 neq "container">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Store Room|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromstoreroom"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 7; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Investigate the Area to Leave]</div></div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<if $processed eq false >>\n\t\t<<set $override.result = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $override.code = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $override.solution = "user:override; pw:12345">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n<</silently>><<nobr>>/% \n\nold stuff, from before combat\n\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_txt'>></div><</if>></div> %/\n\n<</nobr>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "knife">><<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_2_txt'>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "disarm">>As the woman comes at you again...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_2_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer5 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = false]]</div>You peel back the flesh around the dead woman's...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer5 = true]]</div>\nYou peel back the flesh around the dead woman's [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]], and physically link your implant to hers. When you attempt to access the finance subystem, a secure login prompt appears. \n\nUndeterred, you activate the security bypass shim you've been using for years. A window appears in the corner of your vision, displaying the following text:<</if>></div>\n<div id='hack-area' class='HUD_hackutility'><<display 'hackutility_witch'>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if visited() eq 1>>\n\t\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_storeroom_arrive_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_storeroom_arrive_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_storeroom_arrive_3_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "tryTalk" or $action.action2 eq "doRetreat">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Fight the Oger|hud_combat][$combatTemplate = "Oger_B40"; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lower your Weapon|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if visited() eq 1>>\n\t\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_storeroom_arrive_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_storeroom_arrive_2_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "abort">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromstoreroom"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Attempt to Negotiate|b40_storeroom_arrive_3][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "tryTalk"; $attrib.violence -= 2; $attrib.caution += 2; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.negotion_failDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Retreat Slowly|b40_storeroom_arrive_3][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "doRetreat"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.caution += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<<if $equip.isPrecisionWeapon and $equip.rifle.ammo.normal gte 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Precision Takedown (Main)|b40_storeroom_arrive_3][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.rifle.ammo.normal -= 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.boltTunstenFired += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_imposingKilled += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_cannon");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $equip.isSubsonicWeapon and $equip.pistol.ammo gte 12>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Silent Takedown (Main)|b40_storeroom_arrive_3][$processed = false; $action.action2 = "doSnipe"; $attrib.violence += 2; $attrib.caution += 6; $equip.pistol.ammo -= 12; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.specialKillDone += 1; $statistics.nineMillFired += 1; playContextSound("ui_attack_suppressed");]]</div><br>\t\n\t<</if>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Oger|hud_combat][$attrib.violence = $attrib.violence + 3; $combatTemplate = "Oger_B40"; $processed = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.agressionDone += 1]]</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "5ghf14">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\tFlashApp V1.1.4<br><br>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\tInitiating firmware flash: "sys.security.main"<br>\n\tDumping access log...<br><br>\n\n\t<<if $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder>>\n\t\tBlock1: 5gh<br>\n\t\tBlock2: f14\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tBlock1: <span class='bluecolor'>5</span> <span class='greencolor'>[01100111]</span> <span class='bluecolor'>h</span><br>\n\t\tBlock2: <span class='greencolor'>[01100110]</span> <span class='bluecolor'>1</span> <span class='bluecolor'>4</span>\n\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\tUtility.DoorControls.InitLocalControl()<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Unseal|b40_storeroom_arrive_2][$action.action1 = "success"; $hide.layer1 = true; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; $statistics.controlsUnlocked += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Security Code">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'storeroom_hackapp'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Abort|b40_storeroom_arrive_2][$action.action1 = "abort"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<set $override.solution = "user:override; pw:12345">>\n\t<<set $override.result = $override.result.toLowerCase()>>\n\n\t\tScamApp V1.3.5.<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_hackutility_innerpad'>Scanning remote device<br>\n\t\tInitiating bypass shim: "sys.ebank.main"<br>\n\t\tExecuting injection routine...<br><br>\n\n\t\t<strong>Vulnerable Code:</strong><br>\n\t\tconst override_user = "user:override; pw:12345"<br>\n\t\tif (ui.input = override_user)<br>\n\t\t{ security.auth(true) }<br>\n\t\telse <br>\n\t\t{ security.auth.(ui.input) }<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>><span class='greencolor'>[SUCCESS]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> accepted. Acessing application...<<else>><span class='redcolor'>[ERROR]:</span> code <<print $override.result>> invalid.<</if>></div>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\tsys.ebank.main.ListAllAccounts() - BAL: <span class='bluecolor'><<if $loc_storeroom.tookCredits eq false>>1952<<else>>0<</if>> C</span><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tCommands:\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_storeroom.tookCredits eq false>><div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_storeroom.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 1952; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hackutility_witch'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x1952">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>><div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Close|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_3][$hide.layer4 = false; $statistics.hacksDone += 1; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<textbox "$override.code" "Enter Override Code">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Override'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $override.result = $override.code>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $override.result eq $override.solution>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hack-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'hackutility_witch'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUDHackButton'>[[Abort|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_3][$hide.layer4 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if $action.action2 neq "knife">><div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_txt'>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_txt'>><</if>></div>\n<</if>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "knife">><<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_2_txt'>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "disarm">>As the woman comes at you again...<<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiate">>You raise your hands...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.action2 eq "knife" >><<display 'b40_storeroom_witch_2_txt'>><<elseif $action.action2 eq "negotiate">>You raise your hand, saying, "Easy there. I don't want to hurt you. I'm just here to—"\n\nThe woman comes at you again. Adrenaline surges as you dodge aside. The next moment she's running down the aisle.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit. Hey! Stop!"<<else>>"Oh, man. Stop!"<</if>> You rush after her, for all the good that does. \n\nFor a wirey little thing she's damn fast. Sill, you do your best. Which isn't very good, you have to admit, because the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] darts out of the store room long before you reach the entrance. When you do finally get there, she's nowhere to be seen. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Damn it."<</if>> You lean against the door frame to catch your breath. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death and damnation. What's got into everyone today?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between, what's got into everyone today?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, what is wrong with everyone today?"<<else>>"What the hell is wrong with everyone today?"<</if>>\n\nPredictably, there's no answer. You shake your head with a disgusted snort.<<elseif $action.action2 eq "disarm">>As the woman comes at you again, you dodge and grab the arm holding the knife. A good twist locks her down. You throw her to the floor, kick the knife away, and pin her with a knee on her chest. "Quit it."\n\nShe struggles against your grip. You tighten your hold. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking quit it. I'm not trying to kill you, man."<<else>>"Knock it off! I'm not here to kill you."<</if>>\n\nThe [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] doesn't seem to hear you, thrashing about and hissing at you. Then she bites your arm. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck!"<<else>>"Ow!"<</if>> You ram an elbow into her throat. She gasps and, at long last, stops struggling. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"For fuck's sake."<<else>>"Calm down."<</if>> You take a deep breath and repeat, "I don't want to kill you. I just wanted to ask some questions."\n\n"Wilkin," the woman rasps. "He sent you. He lied. He lied. He—" She tries to throw you off her. \n\n"No one lied." Struggling to hold the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] down, you snap, "No one sent me. I'm a freelancer. My name's Vine. I just wanted to <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>fucking <</if>>ask you some questions. Then I get jumped by an [[Oger|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Oger"]] and now by you. <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>Seriously. What. The. Fuck?<<else>>So please, just help me understand.<</if>>"\n\nFinally the woman relents. Sure, her eyes are still wide with terror but at least she isn't clawing at you anymore. You're about to release her when she tears away. The next second she's on her feet, darting through the containers.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Shit. Hey! Stop!"<<else>>"Oh, man. Stop!"<</if>> You rush after her, for all the good that does. \n\nFor a wirey little thing she's damn fast. Sill, you do your best. Which isn't very good, you have to admit, because the [[witch|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] darts out of the store room long before you reach the entrance. When you do finally get there, she's nowhere to be seen. \n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fuck."<<else>>"Damn it."<</if>> You lean against the door frame to catch your breath. <<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"Death and damnation. What's got into everyone today?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Void between, what's got into everyone today?"<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, what is wrong with everyone today?"<<else>>"What the hell is wrong with everyone today?"<</if>>\n\nPredictably, there's no answer. You shake your head with a disgusted snort.<</if>><</if>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<if $action.action2 eq "knife">>\n\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t<<if not $loc_storeroom.tookCredits>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Access the PDA|b40_storeroom_ogre_moneyhack][$hide.layer4 = true; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already accessed the PDA]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n\t<<if $loc_storeroom.tookPendant eq false>>\n\t\t<div id='transfer-item' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Take the Pendant'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_storeroom.tookPendant = true; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_pendant', 'acceptedJob')>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Strange Pendant">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "s_pendant">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-item'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Pendant]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-item").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already took the Pendant]</div></div>\n\t<</if>><br>\n<</if>>\n<<if $loc_storeroom.examinedFloor eq false>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the Floor Plates|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "floor"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_storeroom.examinedFloor = true; $hide.layer3 = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already examined the Floor Plates]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<<if $loc_storeroom.examinedOger eq false>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the dead Oger|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "oger"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_storeroom.examinedOger = true; $hide.layer3 = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already examined the Dead Oger]</div></div>\n<</if>><br>\n<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase gte 7>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Store Room|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromstoreroom"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.5; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 7; $hide.layer0 = false; $statistics.crimesInvestigated += 1; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Investigate the Area to Leave]</div></div>\n<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_txt'>></div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\t<<if $loc_storeroom.examinedFloor eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the Floor Plates|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "floor"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_storeroom.examinedFloor = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $loc_storeroom.metWitch eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the Containers|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "container"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_storeroom.metWitch = true; $hide.combatlayer = false; $hide.diplomacylayer = true; $hide.defensivelayer = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $loc_storeroom.examinedOger eq false>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Investigate the dead Oger|b40_storeroom_ogre_lookaround_2][$action.action1 = "oger"; $time.active = $time.active + 0.15; $attrib.fatigue = $attrib.fatigue + 1; $hide.layer1 = true; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_storeroom.examinedOger = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>><</nobr>></div>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "knife" or $action.action1 eq "showobject" or $action.action1 eq "allencomment">>\n\t/% do nothing %/\n<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase eq 0 and not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t<<set $action.action1= "relationship">>\n<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase eq 1 and $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 0 and not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t<<set $action.action1= "deals">>\n<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase eq 1>>\n\t<<set $action.action1= "moms">>\n<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase eq 2>>\n\t<<set $action.action1= "sexlife">>\n<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase eq 3>>\n\t<<set $action.action1= "moms">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 0 and $job_psychocult.mainPhase lte 1 and not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 to either("sexlife", "deals", "relationship", "moms")>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 to either("sexlife", "relationship", "moms")>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b33_celena_walkin_txt'>></div>\n<div class='GameText'><<display 'b33_celena_talk_txt'>></div>\n<<nobr>><div class='OptionsField'>\n\n<<if $action.action1 eq "allencomment">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage = 2; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "deals">>\n\t<<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask if she needs Help|b33_celena_appartment_talk_2][$action.action2 = "dealer_start"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.3; $job_drugdealer.mainPhase = 1; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_drugdealer', 'acceptJob'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Comment|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Tell her not to Worry|b33_celena_appartment_talk_2][$action.action2 = "dealer_progress"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "relationship">>\n\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase lt 6 and $chr_celena.relation eq "unknown">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Uncertain|b33_celena_appartment_talk_2][$action.action2 = "relationship_notsure"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say it's not Serious|b33_celena_appartment_talk_2][$action.action2 = "relationship_notserious"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.3; $chr_celena.relation = "unserious"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're into Her|b33_celena_appartment_talk_2][$action.action2 = "relationship_serious"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.3; $chr_celena.relation = "serious"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "knife">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Keep the Witchblade|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip.knife = "witchblade"; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Witchblade|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<elseif $action.action1 eq "showobject">>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<<else>>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b33_celena_appartment][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $characterEncounterPhases.celenaChatPhase += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n<</if>></div><</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Voider Shrine">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 2 and $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Curse your Father|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "cursedad"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.caution += 5; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.violence -= 5; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase gt 2 and ($attrib.religion eq "atheist" or $attrib.religion eq "voided")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $time.active gte ($attrib.faith.lastPrayTime + 8)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Curse the Loving Stars|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "pray"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.stress -= 3; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You have recently Prayed]</div></div><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait for Father Zweili|b40_voidershrine_kid][$hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.5; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 1 and $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Pendant's Song|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "pendant"; $hide.layer1 = true; ; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Pendant|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "pendant"; $hide.layer1 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_exhaustion_evt.mainPhase eq 98) and not $job_coven.spokeVoiderShrine and $attrib.exhausted and $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Mention your Breakdown|b40_void_breakdown][$hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 6 and not $job_coven.spokeVoiderShrine>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask about the Coven|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "coven"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Chat with the Old Man|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "chat"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion neq "theophobe" and $attrib.religion neq "visionary" and $attrib.religion neq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Hang a charm for the Void|b40_shrine_gift_addon5][$processed = false; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Shrine|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "pendant">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase = 2; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic or $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $job_coven.spokeVoiderShrine = true; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cursedad">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click "Swear to the Void">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'confirmClass'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmStoryDecision'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b40_voidershrine_enter">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextSceneSet = '$action.action2 = "commit"; $hide.layer2 = true; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $attrib.religion = "voided";'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set playContextSound("ui_click")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Refrain from Committing|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action2 = "nocommitment"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pray">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_5")>>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_5")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.faith.void += 1; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[End Conversation|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_action_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_action_swear_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Stand Up|b40_voidershrine_enter][$action.action1 = "none"; $action.action2 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase = 4; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Voider Shrine">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.dilligence += 1; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 100; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he Wants|b40_voidershrine_kid][$action.action1 = "ask"; $attrib.caution += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Demand an Explanation|b40_voidershrine_kid][$action.action1 = "demand"; $attrib.violence += 1; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you're Gone|b40_voidershrine_kid][$action.action1 = "gone"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say that sounds Unlikely|b40_voidershrine_kid][$action.action2 = "unlikely"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask why he's telling You|b40_voidershrine_kid][$action.action2 = "askwhy"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you'll keep an Eye Out|b40_voidershrine_kid][$action.action3 = "willlook"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 2; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_voidshrine', 'acceptedJob'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say this isn't your Problem|b40_voidershrine_kid][$action.action3 = "refuse"; $hide.layer4 = true; $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase = 99; ga('send', 'event', 'game', 'job_voidshrine', 'refusedJob'); playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_blindkit_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Tramway Station|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 1; $time.active += 0.25; $attrib.dilligence += 5; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Voider Shrine">>\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Voider Shrine|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck2 = $time.active; $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage2 = false; $time.active += 0.75; $attrib.dilligence += 3; $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 99; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $readCodexPages.demon>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's a Demon|b40_voidershrine_resolution][$action.action1 = "demon"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $readCodexPages.namaz and $readCodexPages.demon>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say he's Namaz|b40_voidershrine_resolution][$action.action1 = "namaz"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you don't Know|b40_voidershrine_resolution][$action.action1 = "notknow"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what he Means|b40_voidershrine_resolution][$action.action2 = "whatmean"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Accept the Offer|b40_voidershrine_resolution][$action.action3 = "accept"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.caution += 2; $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 3; $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Refuse the Offer|b40_voidershrine_resolution][$action.action3 = "refuse"; $hide.layer3 = true; $attrib.violence += 5; $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase = 4; $statistics.abominationKilled += 1; $statistics.overalKills += 1; $statistics.organicKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled += 1; $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled += 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_1_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'b40_shrine_resolve_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Voider Shrine|b40_tram_station][$action.arrive = "onfoot"; $hide.layer0 = false; $attrib.fatigue += 2; $job_blindkid_resolution.timeCheck2 = $time.active; $job_blindkid_resolution.gotMessage2 = false; $time.active += 0.75; $attrib.dilligence += 15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B40 - Voider Shrine">>\n<<set $startAtIndex = 1>>\n<<set $currentSceneTexts = ["b40_shrine_txt", "b40_shrine_gift_addon5_txt", "b40_shrine_gift_2_addon5_txt"]>>\n\n<<display 'sceneGenerator'>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n <<if $currentSceneIndex eq 1>>\n <<if $attrib.credits lte 100>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'><<print $actionLookups["tooPoor"]>></div></div><br>\n <<elseif $time.active lt ($attrib.faith.lastPrayTime + 8)>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'><<print $actionLookups["recentPrayer"]>></div></div><br>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["devourer"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "devourer"; $attrib.credits -= 100; $attrib.stress -= 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["sixteen"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "sixteen"; $attrib.credits -= 100; $attrib.caution += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["spark"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "spark"; $attrib.credits -= 100; $attrib.dilligence += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["spit"] $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $actionDo = "spit"; $attrib.credits -= 100; $attrib.violence += 5>>\n <<display 'gameOptionPayMoney'>>\n <</click>>\n </div><br> \n <</if>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $actionLookups["changeMind"] "b40_voidershrine_enter">>\n <<set $action.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n <<display 'gameOptionOldReset'>>\n <</click>>\n </div> \n <<else>>\n\t\t<<if $inztinct.active>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t <<set $anointName = "anointments">>\n\t\t<<set $availableAnointments = []>>\n\t\t<<if $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "devourer">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 3, "loot_oldworld_scrap": 1}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "gaping_maw_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "gaping_maw_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "sixteen">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 3, "loot_xeno_sample": 1}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "asshole_supreme_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "asshole_supreme_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "spark">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_abom_sample": 2, "loot_circuits": 2}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "deranged_inspiration_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "deranged_inspiration_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $actions[$currentSceneIndex - 1] eq "spit">>\n\t\t\t<<set $costItem = {"loot_circuits": 3, "loot_xeno_sample": 1, "loot_oldworld_scrap": 1}>>\n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "spit_itf_anoint", slot: "rifle", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n\t\t\t<<set $item = {name: "spit_itf_anoint", slot: "pistol", materials: $costItem}; $availableAnointments.push($item)>> \n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<set $continueOption = {\n\t\t\tlookup: $actionLookups["stepBack"],\n\t\t\tdestination: "b40_voidershrine_enter",\n\t\t\tset: "$action.arrive = 'fromSelf'; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime = $time.active; $attrib.faith.void += 1;",\n\t\t\tresetType: "gameOptionOldReset"\n\t\t}>>\n\n <<if $inztinct.active>>\n <<display 'doAnointUpgradeUI'>>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n <<click $continueOption.lookup $continueOption.destination>>\n <<set $actionDo.arrive = "fromSelf">>\n <<print "<<set " + $continueOption.set +">>">>\n <<display $continueOption.resetType>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <</if>>\n <</if>>\n</div>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>You ask the old man...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\tYou ask the old man,\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "chat">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"You have a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Of course, friend. What weighs on your thoughts?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Nothing in particular, just been wondering what's been going on lately."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe old man chuckles. \n\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>"The shadows close in around us. The fungus grows everywhere. The world is on the brink of collapse. What else would you expect to happen?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Dunno. Maybe you had some insight?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Insight?" His lips form the ghost of a smile. "Why would you, of all people, ask for insight on a matter you know more of than any other? A strange question ideed. It deserves no answer."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"Nothing one would deem worth mention. These halls are as silent as ever."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou nod, well aware that that's likely the way things have been for centuries - and how they'll be for a long time yet. The voider cult is small and obscure, hidden away on the fringes of forgettability. No one engrossed in the daily hectic of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]] would bother to come here.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t"You guys seem to be doing all right. I mean, considering the fungus is spreading and the world is so close to collapse."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe old man's lips curl knowingly. "The ideal icons watches over us, friend. Our paths may differ yet we embrace that which dwells in the depths of the otherworld, for it instills no fear in us. That is to be our blessing and our curse."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Seems more like a blessing right now," you admit.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Oh, I should say so. Perhaps we ought be greatful. Perhaps not." He draws a deep breath. "Whatever the Void visits upon us, we are prepared. It cannot be worse than what was before."\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t"So, what can you tell me about this place? Beyond it being a shrine. Obviously."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"That depends on what you wish to hear. This place has existed for centuries, visited by voider crews who are about to embark on, or have returned from, journeys across the great unknowns. It is a place to find solace before one braves the dangers of the void."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t"Okay," you say, nodding. "I've heard of the voider cult before."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tThe man chuckles. "Who has not? All who embark on the stars know of their peril. And, while some trust in the Loving Stars, most know that their light does not reach to the darkest expanses of space. Thus we exist. Voiders. People who know there is more because we have seen there is more and, while the clerics try to dismiss us as a heretical sect, we know what our ancestors knew and their ancestors knew before them: the Loving Stars are but an illusion of those who have not seen the true darkness of this galaxy."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t\tYou simply smile, uncertain how to respond. What is there to say? \n\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>He's obviously found his peace, albeit not with death - yet.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>He's obviously a misguided soul - maybe even a heretic.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>He's just another faith.\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>He might be right for all you know.\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pendant">>\n\t\t<<if $job_witches_pendant.askedSphinx>>"Have you ever seen anything like this?" You produce the star-shaped pendant. "I was told maybe you'd know."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Yes, yes, I see." The man holds out a shaky hand. "May I?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sure," you hand him the trinket.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Curious, most curious." The man fixes you with a weary gaze. "In my days, and the days of my forefathers, many wore the Sun of Sol when we set forth into the Void, to protect us from the dangers of the great expanses between the Loving Stars. But this one, this one sings a hollow tune. It is fake."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"So it's worthles?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man cracks a rotten grin. "Far from it, far from it indeed. I have heard tales, oh, old tales indeed. They speak of false Suns of Sol, keys with which one can gain entrance to the sacred halls of the Machine Priests. Little remains of their age-old legacy but there are those who say that, behind the fountain on B28, lies one of their ancient Temples. And within, oh, within it is said there are great treasures of days long past."<br><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t"I found a pendant a little while back that might have deeper significance. Only I can't find anyone who can tell me what that might be. Think maybe you could help?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Possibly." The man holds out a shaky hand. "May I see it?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Sure." You produce the star-shaped pendant and hand it to him.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Ah. How remarkable.." The man scowls at the trinket. "I have seen such things before. Worn by those who set forth into the Void. It is the Sun of Sol, said to protect <<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>our<<else>>my<</if>> kind from the dangers of that which lies between the Loving Stars. But this one, this one sings a hollow tune. It is fake."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYou nod, lips pursed. "So it's a fake."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man cracks a rotten grin. "Far from it, far from it indeed. I have heard tales, oh, old tales indeed. They speak of false Suns of Sol, keys with which one can gain entrance to the sacred halls of the Machine Priests. Little remains of their age-old legacy but there are those who say that, behind the fountain on B28, lies one of their ancient Temples. And within, oh, within it is said there are great treasures of days long past."<br><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>"No offense, friend, but how can you know that?"\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>"Not to doubt a fellow Voider but how can you be sure?"\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>"Loving Stars, this sounds just a bit too much like voider legend to me."\t\t\t\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Sounds a hell of a lot like flakey voider legend to me," you say coldly.\n\t\t<<else>>"And I should believe this legend stuff why exactly?"\n\t\t<</if>><br><br>\n\n\t\tThe old man offers the faintest shrug. "I can tell you only what I know, <<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>friend<<elseif $attrib.gender eq "male">>young man<<else>>young woman<</if>>, but <<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>heed my words: the void between the stars conceals many dark secrets.<<else>>be warned: there is great darkness in the secrets you wander blindly towards.<</if>> Tread their path carefully or they shall claim your mind and soul, as they have many of weak heart before. And that—" The man hands you back the pendant. "—is all I shall say. Do with it what you wish. My days near their end and I have neither time nor patience for idle legends."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "coven">>\n\t\t\t"Strange question, I know, but do you happen to know anything about [[Covens|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]]?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I have heard of them, <<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>friend<<else>>outsider<</if>>," the man says. "But their days are long gone. Washed into the void by the inevitable tide of our times."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"I know that. Thing is, I'm trying to get in contact with the local one. It's... well, related to my job. And important."<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic or $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\tThe old man nods slowly. "Naturally you would come to ask here. Long have rumors circulated that [[witches|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] haunt this shrine. Yet the truth, as always, is not as the many voices claim. It is in fact so that their kin shy from this place, fearing the void and the darkness it holds. Many do. Terrible things happen between the stars, things of which no one speaks and only the Great Observer knows."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tYour brow rises. "That fact or speculation?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"As true a fact as the void is all-encompassing, <<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>friend<<else>>outsider<</if>>. Know that I share this only in utmost confidence, yet what you seek is near. Storeroom 367. Be warned. The [[witchkin|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] are as decietful as they are lost in misguided conviction. Do not trust them even for a second." His expression suddenly becomes grave. "And tell none that we spoke of this. It would bode ill for us both."\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe old man nods slowly. "Naturally you would come to ask here. Long have rumors circulated that [[witches|PDA][$hud.codexBack = "codex"; $hud.currentScreen = "Witches Coven"]] haunt this shrine. Yet the truth, as always, is not as the many voices claim. It is in fact so that their kin shy from this place, fearing the void and the darkness it holds."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"So, you don't know - beyond that they don't come here?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Alas, I know nothing, <<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>young man<<else>>young woman<</if>>." He breathes a sigh. "Now, I am old and weary. Please. I have no wish to speak of this topic any more."\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "cursedad">>\n\t\t"Is it okay if I pray to the void for a moment?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe nods, gesturing for you to enter. You force a smile and kneel before the Globe of Void. The holographic star map swirls on the walls and ceiling. Utter darkness lurks between the projections.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou stare into that void, muttering, "Great Devourer. Mind in the Maw and Darkness Between. Whoever or whatever you are, assuming you're even listening or even exist. I have a curse to spit on my father."<br><br>\n\n\t\tEerie silence haunts the tiny shrine. It almost feels as though the projections are watching you from beyond the fabric of the unvierse.<br><br>\n\n\t\tShivering uncomfortably, you say, "The bastard left me here, entrusting my life and future to the care of others but they abandoned me. He abandoned me. I fell into the shadows of this wretched habitation platform. I am lost, screaming for help, clawing for breath like a crewman in the cabin, but no help comes. Just as crews lost to the void are never rescued. Now I kneel here before the darkness that lurks between the stars me and ask: make him suffer like I did. Make my father's heart ache with guilt and his thoughts bleed with anger. Let him feel the agony as I did here, on the streets, in the walkways, with nothing and no one to turn to even in dire need."\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "pray">>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.faith.void eq 0>>"I wanted to pray to the void. Figure that's no problem but wanted to ask."<br><br>\n\n\t\tHe smiles, gesturing for you to enter. You nod curtly and kneel before the Globe of Void. The holographic star map swirls on the walls and ceiling. Utter darkness lurks between the projections.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Here goes nothing." You draw a deep breath and close your eyes, wondering what you want to vent your rage at.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere would be countless reasons. Life's been as cruel as it has been hopeless and it hasn't gotten better of late. But nothing sticks out. It's just crap in general. Everyone could be to blame. Or no one. It really doesn't make a damned difference in the long run because there'll always be something new to make things miserable. The voiders would say that's because of Sixteen Hands but it it? Is there really a supreme asshole out there?<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe longer you kneel there, the more it becomes clear: you don't know. Everything has gone wrong. It just happened and suddenly you were overwhelmed. There was only hate, frustration and anger. But there wasn't any purpose to it all. It made no sense and venting anger about that makes even less. You might as well just leave.\n\n\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.void eq 1>>"I was wondering if we could speak. Just for a moment. Because, well, I'm a little lost to be honest."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man gestures to the shrine. "Share your thoughts in the silence of the Void, where we might be alone."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Fine." You kneel before the Globe of Void and say, "It's just so messed up. Everything. I mean, I came here to vent my anger. I got a lot. But I can't blame anyone but myself for it. And I can't just sit here loathing myself for what I did in the past. Or what I might do in the future. So, yeah. I guess what I'm asking is: what's even the point?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t"There is none," he replies evenly. "You, I, all of us are lost in the void. We have no home, no place we belong, nothing but this cold existence that will one day end. Those who trust blindly in the Loving Stars cling to the misguided belief that their existence might have meaning amongst the many, that light and hope are great virtues. Yet those who truly know the universe understand: just as stellar bodies are but tiny specks of light amidst a sea of darkness, the void in our hearts is infinite, broken only on rare occasions by moments hope."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Sounds pretty fucking depressing if you ask me," you say.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Only if one fears that which lurks beyond." He smiles, saying, "To accept that one is fundamentally flawed, filled with darkness, frustration, and a gnawing void which longs to be filled, is the path to true inner peace. I sense you do not yet know of what I speak, yet consider: every action you take in life is motivated by the urge to fill that gaping maw, while shame and doubt holds you in check. Would you not feel more complete acceping these are but parts of yourself, of being human?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou chuckle. "I thought I was already doing that."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThere's no reply. The man simply stands and leaves you to your muddled thought. Most prominent among them is the question: were you really acceping yourself?\n\t<<elseif $attrib.faith.void eq 2>>"I was wondering if we could speak again. I gave some thought to what you said last time."<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe man gestures to the shrine. "Again, feel free to share your thoughts. I shall listen, as the Void does."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Thanks." You kneel before the Globe of Void and say, "You were right saying I haven't really found acceptance. Sure, I've come to terms with what I've done, but there was still frustration and anger all around. I don't think I ever considered that what I did was just part of who I am."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"It is both who you are and who we all are." The man clasps his hands before his chest. "Think, friend, of the worst imaginable scenario you have ever faced. Then imagine any other person in such a situaiton. Do you truly believe there is a single human being who would not, in the correct circumstances, do whatever it is you have?"<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou shake your head. "Everyone's an asshole at the end of the day."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Still, you are judgemental. They are neither right nor wrong, just as the icons of the otherworld are neither friend nor foe. They simply are. Good, bad, and all between. Such judgements do not matter, not when one is the marionette of madness. That is what you have yet to accept." He shoots you a sidelong glance. "Once you have accepted that you will be able to truly be one with yourself, or so I believe."<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou simply nod and remain there a moment longer, mulling over the man's words. He really has a point. Judging yourself - or others - really doesn't help. But you are frustrated. And angry. And it's nice to vent that from time to time.\n\t<<else>>"I just wanted to curse the Loving Stars. Again."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"As you wish, friend." The man gestures into the shrine with a smile.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou nod curtly and kneel before the Globe of Void. The holographic star map swirls on the walls and ceiling. Utter darkness lurks between the projections.<br><br>\n\n\t\tNot long ago, being in this place made you feel uneasy. There was something decidedly wrong about it, about sitting in shadow and dwelling on your frustrations. But you don't feel that way anymore and, as you kneel there, you can almost feel the bony fingers of Sixteen Hands on your shoulders. Except it isn't Sixteen Hands. It's the old man. He stands there in absolute silence and so you remain, as meaningless and insignificant as a speck of dust in dead space.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThat's who you are. This moment, this place, even you, all of it is meaningless. Everything is meaningless for that is the cold hard truth of life: humankind is but a speck in the dust compared to the great vastness of the universe. It's great works have collapsed, it's great societies are crumbling, and yet the fungus grows on. Always that fungus, festering everywhere, and why a fungus? You've never bothered to ask and don't care. The mere thought of that thing chewing up the carcass of the dead divines makes you feel uneasy and that brings peace of mind unlike you've felt for a long time.\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>><<walk>><</if>> past the entrance to the Docks and...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\nYou <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>><<walk>><</if>> past the entrance to the [[Docks|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "The Docks"]] and take a sharp left, into the narrow passages that smugglers often use to slip wares past the Wilkin Port Authority. A hundred meters down, at the end of a dimly lit passage, is the Voider Shrine. It's a tiny place, barely more than a room with a star-map projected on the walls and a Globe of Eden set on a gilded pedestal. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 4 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 5 or $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>The place looks as it always does. <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Varai<</if>> is nowhere to be seen. \n\n"Ah, man." You settle against the wall to wait.\n\nLong minutes pass. No one comes save a lone Voider, who kneels and prays. You wait on. Still <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Varai<</if>> doesn't arrive. You begin to grow bored and, after almost half an hour, decide you've wasted enough time. Maybe something got in the way. It's a big space station, after all. Lots of things could cause delays.<<else>>Even as you draw near however, it's obvious something is wrong.\n\nFor one, none of the ragged sentinels who usually stand watch are present. For another, <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>Fabienne<<else>>Varai<</if>> is nowhere to be seen. The only person present is a shadowed silhouette sitting amidst the star-map. \n\n"You," the figure says in a <<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 1>>familliar voice: the eyeless kid you met here not long before. "I wasn't expecting you to turn up too."<<else>>child's voice. "I didn't expect to see you here too."<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>Anger seeths in your veins as you simply know - for no reason - what this child really is: as twisted and hateful as throughts in your mind. \n\n"Wow." You recoil in surprise. "What is this crap?"<<else>>"Okay..." You take a step back, wondering whether to run or prepare to fight. "What is this<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> crap<</if>>?"<</if>>\n\n<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_blindkid.png"]]</div>"An unexpected twist of fate." The kid turns around, staring at you with an eyeless face. <<if $job_blindkid_shrine.mainPhase gte 1>>"By now I would guess you realize that I am not who I said I was. Our paths were not meant to cross again this way. But now you are here. And I presume you will demand an explanation."<<else>>"I had hoped to not cross paths with you but now you are here instead of the one I hoped would be. No dobut you will demand an explanation."<</if>>\n\nYou open your mouth, close it, and decide on, "I was going to ask nicely, but demand is fine too."\n\n"My name in a past life was Jussuf Beic. Now I am is what you see: the shadow of another preserved in this vessel<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "Blacklance" and $equip.clothes eq "Blackscorn Armor">>, not unlike you I suppose<</if>>. I came here today to reclaim what was once mine, that which <<if $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase eq 7>>the [[Siren|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Siren"]] brought me.<<else>>the [[Commisaria|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Commisariat"]] believes she brought to a trusted friend.<</if>> It was stolen by another shadow of our past, one driven mad by unnatural age and an unhealthy obsession with the occult. I do not know what, if anything specific, it intends. But its madness has plagued this galaxy long enough." The kid fixes you with a hollow, unseeing look. "Do you know who I am, <<firstname>> Acrel?"<</if>><</if>>
<<set $actionLookups = {\n\t"tooPoor": "You are too poor to hang Charms (100 C)",\n\t"recentPrayer": "You have recently Prayed",\n\t"devourer": "Hang a Sygil to the Great Devourer (100 C)",\n\t"sixteen": "Dedicate an Ankh to Sixteen Hands (100 C)",\t\n\t"spark": "Spark a Triangle for Creation (100 C)",\t\t\n\t"spit": "Spit on the corpse of the Dead Divines (100 C)",\n\t"changeMind": "Change your Mind",\n\t"stepBack": "Step Back",\n}>>\n\n<<if $hideText>>\n\tYou approach the...\n<<else>>\n <div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_prayer_voided.png"]]</div>You approach a free spot on the wall, where ankhs and triangles hang to the great concepts of the void. Among them are sygils hung to Sagitarius A*, the Great Devourer, the black hole at the center of the galaxy, into which all things will one day collapse. Beside it hangs an ankh dedicated to Sixteen Hands, he who pulls strings and causes great calamity, for he is antagonist, abuser, and asshole supreme.<br><br>\n\n Off to the right hang triangles dedicated to the Spark of Creation, that immaterial thing which inspires all human endeavor, and of course there is also a great plaquard mushed with decaying, putrid mold, a macabre display dedicated to the great cosmic fungus, that grave and terrible thing which has afflicted the otherworld, festering inside the carcasses of the dead divines. Or so the voiders claim.\n<</if>>
<<if $hideText>>\n\tYou swipe...\n<<else>>\n You swipe a hundred credits to the old man and \n\n <<if $actionResult eq "devourer">>\n take a sygil, which you hang to the nearest bar, dedicating it to the Great Devourer, that enormous and immutable pit at the heart of the galaxy, that great and unknowable pit into which all things decay. To think of life as a slow but inevitable decline towards nonexistence give you hope. Or maybe solace. Or something like that. Whatever the case, you can almost feel the gravitational tides of the Great Devourer, washing over you from afar.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "sixteen">>\n take an ankh, which you tie to the pedestal in the honor of Sixteen Hands. Antagonist. Abuser. Asshole supreme. There really is nothing to like about that otherworldly monster and it's bony hands, with which it pulls the strings of fate and future, twisting the lives of mortals against their will. There is nothing to like, no, but there is always good reason to be wary and you are wary. Of Sixteen Hands.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "spark">>\n take a triangle, which you flick against the wall, causing sparks to fly for the Spark of Creation. The triangle clatters to the floor and comes to lie in a corner, where it will remain, lost and forgotten, like all things eventually are. The spark of creation is a fleeting thing but from it all things come and this gives you hope, resolve, even determination. But only for a moment.\n <<elseif $actionResult eq "spit">>\n walk over to the moldy plaque. There you spit on it as you spit on the corpses of the dead divines and all other things of the last age, those terrible and horrible ideas that led the galaxy astray. Now all that remains is the rotting carcass and you can feel it all around you. Because you are deep in the carcass, living in the guts of a dead civilization, struggling to survive off scraps of the dead age. And the fungus is everywhere, all around you, growing, festering, so omnipresent that it almost makes your skin itch.\n <</if>>\n\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Maintenance Tunnels">>\n\t\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isConcealing and $loc_intro_utility.abomStatus eq "not_found">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Airlock|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action1 = "airlock"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Enter the Airlock]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Utility Chamber|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action1 = "chamber"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Take the Runner Back|intro_utilityarea][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromTram"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField' id='intro-loot-chamber'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "chamber" or $action.action1 eq "chamberSelf">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'intro_loot_chamber'>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tramway System">>\n\t\t\t<<set $hud.interference = true>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb down the Ladder|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action2 = "ladder"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Bot Duct|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action2 = "duct"; $hide.layer2 = true; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Airlock|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.arrive = "fromAirlock"; $processed = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField' id='intrograte-options'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action2 eq "holoterminal">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Put down the Data Pad|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action1 = "chamberSelf"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "grate">>\n\t\t\t<<display 'intro_grateloot'>>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "ladder">>\n\t\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tramway System">>\n\t\t\t<<if not $loc_intro_utility.tookCredits>>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='transfer-credits' class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'Transfer the Credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_intro_utility.tookCredits = true; $attrib.credits += 258; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedCredits += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#transfer-credits'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Aquired">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "Credits x258">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = "credits">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("transfer-credits").className = "GameOption GameOption_Disabled">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You already transferred the Credits]</div></div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Climb back Up|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action2 = "none"; $action.action1 = "airlockSelf"; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "duct">>\n\t\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tramway System">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Remove the Pannel|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action3 = "done"; $hide.layer3 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action4 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tramway System">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Announce your Intent|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action4 = "announce"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.violence -= 1]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Defend'>[[Retreat into the Duct|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action4 = "retreat"; $hide.layer4 = true; $attrib.caution += 1; $statistics.sneakDone += 1; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $loc_intro_utility.abomStatus = "creptaway"; $statistics.abominationsSpared += 1; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Attack the Abomination|hud_combat][$attrib.violence += 2; $action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $combatTemplate = "Intro_Abom"; $processed = false; $statistics.agressionDone += 1; $loc_intro_utility.abomStatus = "killed"; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 1]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action5 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_3_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_4_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_maintenance_breathable_5_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Tramway System">>\n\t\t<<if $action.action4 eq "announce">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Weapon'>[[Kill the Abomination|hud_combat][$action.arrive = "fromBattle"; $combatTemplate = "Intro_Abom"; $processed = false; $loc_intro_utility.abomStatus = "killed"; $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase = 1]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Airlock|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.arrive = "fromAirlock"; $processed = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.readDpad>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lift the Grate|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action2 = "grate"; $hide.layer2 = true; playContextSound("ui_unlock");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Read the Data Pad|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.action2 = "holoterminal"; $hide.layer2 = true; $loc_intro_utility.readDpad = true; playContextSound("ui_blip"); $statistics.dataPadsRead += 1;]]</div><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $loc_intro_utility.storedSuit eq "Utility Suit">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Wear the Utility Suit'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_intro_utility.storedSuit; $loc_intro_utility.storedSuit = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); $statistics.lootedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#intro-loot-chamber'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_loot_chamber'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<click 'Return the Utility Suit'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $action.action5 = $equip.clothes; $equip.clothes = $loc_intro_utility.storedSuit; $loc_intro_utility.storedSuit = $action.action5; window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#intro-loot-chamber'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'intro_loot_chamber'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Utility Room|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.arrive = "fromRoom"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n\t<<if $processed eq false>>\n\t\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\n\n\t\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "Level B28 - Maintenance Tunnels">>\n\t\t<<set $processed = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n<</silently>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $action.action1 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_postabom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Use the Holo-Terminal|intro_postabom][$action.action1 = "terminal"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Examine the BioTubes|intro_postabom][$action.action1 = "tubes"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Leave the Bot Hive|intro_postabom][$action.action1 = "leave"; $hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action2 eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextGreyed'><<display 'intro_postabom_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_postabom_2_txt'>></div><br>\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $action.action1 eq "leave">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Return to the Airlock|intro_maintenance_breathable][$action.arrive = "fromAirlock"; $processed = false; $hud.interference = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Step Back|intro_postabom][$action.action1 = "none"; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $action.action3 eq "none">>\n\t\n<</if>><</nobr>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>Neon holo-ads flicker as...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_intro_tramway.png"]]</div>\n\tNeon holo-ads flicker as commuters <<walk>> through the projections. Tramway info bulletins echo from overhead speakers, barely audible over the thunderous cascade of footsteps. Old, young, augmented dock workers, executives in smart business suits, even robed believers on their way to their temples. Early-cycle rush has everyone on the move. Except you.<br><br>\n\n\tYou're sitting on a plastic bench amidst the tumult, gaze fixed on a mag-locked utility door, waiting. For your suspect. Who's due to start his shift soon. Unless he called in sick - again. Wouldn't be a surprise, considering the maintenance area he works in is suspected of abominable taint. Allegedly. Only way to find out is to look around, which would be simpler if the guy showed up. So you wait.<br><br>\n\n\t"Just another day on the job," you mutter, sliding your hands into your hoodie's pockets.<br><br>\n\n\tDull plastic brushes against your fingertips. The data pad. You'd forgotten all about that - and the annual survey Zweili asked you to fill out by yesterday. At least you have an excuse: unexpected failure of your cranial implant. How are you supposed to remember anyting without that?\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div>You enter the ...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilitypassage_intro.png"]]</div>\n\tYou enter the dimly lit utility passage and make for the far end. Grated floor plates groan underfoot. Ventilation fans creak as they rotate endlessly in their sockets.<br><br>\n\n\tAs you near the door, its pressure seal releases. Air hisses as the panels retract into the walls, revealing a gloomy cross-passage. A holo-sign with an arrow to left reads //STORAGE//. The other direction leads to //TRACK MAINTENANCE//.<br><br>\n\n\t"Martin," a voice calls from off to the right. "Didn't you get my message?"<br><br>\n\n\tWhen you don't reply, footsteps sound. "I get you're pissed, man. Something came up but I'm back on shift today. So you can, y'know, just go home again. Or whatever. Sorry."<br><br>\n\n\tA man in orange overalls pushes an overladen grav-cart into view. He hasn't seen you yet on account of the many boxes which are blocking his view.\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer1 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromTram">>You climb onto the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromRoom">>You leave the utility room...<<else>>You head back into the...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer1 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_mainttunnel_intro.png"]]</div>\n\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromTram">>\n\t\tYou climb onto the maintenance runner and wave a hand over the controls. The holo-screen flickers to life displaying a schematic map of the tunnel. You find Hoop 128 and hit the 'transit' button.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMachinery whirrs as the device links into the tracks. Cogs begin to whirr. The runner accelerates, causing dull lights to flicker to life ahead of you. Long minutes pass as the runner clatters down the tunnel. Eventually, the platform decelerates and you clank to a halt at a cross-passage.<br><br>\n\n\t\tTo the right is a small utility chamber. Off to the left, an airlock leads into the tramway tunnel itself. A sign beside the controls indicates it's unsafe for unprotected humans. Not surprising - grav hoops are dangerous at the best of times.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromRoom">>\n\t\tYou leave the utility room and return to the maintenance runner. Ahead, an airlock leads into the tramway tunnel itself. A sign beside the controls indicates it's unsafe for unprotected humans. Not surprising - grav hoops are dangerous at the best of times.<br><br>\n\n\t\tAlternatively, you could take the runner back the way you came. Or return to the utility room, though why you'd do that isn't quite clear. Unless you forgot something.\t\n\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tYou head back to the airlock, step inside, and initiate the cycling sequence. Air rushes into the little chamber with a hiss. A chime sounds as the interior doors snap open. Lights flicker to life, casting frail light across the maintenance tunnel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe runner is right in front of you, forming a bridge over the mechanical tracks, to the utility room beyond. You could take that back to the etrance. But maybe get rid of the [[Utility Suit|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Utility Suit"]] first. The damn thing is clumsy anyways.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div>"Ah, what the heck..."<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t"Ah, what the heck. Might as well fill it out."<br><br>\n\n\tYou pull out the data pad and unlock the screen. It displays the following:\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "announce">>"It isn't Martin..."<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>As the man...<<else>>You're standing in...<</if>><</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "announce">>"It isn't Martin," you say, stepping out so the man can see you. "Name's Vine. Sanctioned hunter. I've been looking for you."<br><br>\n\t\n\t\t"Looking? F... for me?" He steps around his cart, looking nervous. "Why? Me? Is something wrong?"<br><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Calm the fuck down, man.<<else>>"No.<</if>> Nothing's wrong. I'm just investigating in the area. High possibility of abominable taint. Figured you'd be the person to ask seeing as you work here."<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh." He nods. "Yeah, yeah. Of course. I work here. But I don't think there's any abominable taint here, is there?"\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromOutside">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_dpad_generic.png"]]</div>\n\t\t\tAs the man maneuvers his cart into the passage, you scurry into the storage area. The room is filled with spare parts, deactivated maintenance spiders, and large spools of cable. You hide behind one of those.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tThe man appears in the doorway. "Martin?" After a pause, he breathes an audible sigh. "Oh, this is my fault. This is all my fault."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tGrav-plates hum as he drags his cart into a corner. A soft click sounds. The cart lands with a dull thud, causing the boxes to sway dangerously.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\t"Okay, what else?" He pulles a data pad from his overalls and scrolls through the content. "Right. Power couplings in 5531. Always 5531. And always the damned couplings. You'd think everything around here runs on couplings."<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tHe sets the data pad down, shaking his head, and disappears. Footsteps receed. You wait a little longer, just to be safe. The man doesn't return. \n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou're standing in a storage room, beside the grav-cart your suspect brought in earlier. It's stacked high with synth boxes and the workman left his data pad atop one of them.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tOtherwise, there's little to see beside spare parts and large spools of cable. And a few deactivated maintenance spiders, but those are inoperable; their microfusion cells have been removed.\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "chamber">>Floor plates creak underfoot<<elseif $action.action1 eq "chamberSelf">>You're standing in the<<elseif $action.action1 eq "airlock">>You <<walk>> up the airlock<<elseif $action.action1 eq "airlockSelf">>You climb back up the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "chamber">>\n\t\tFloor plates creak underfoot as you enter the utility chamber. A stained glow panel flickers to life. Its off-yellow light reflects off <<if $loc_intro_utility.storedSuit eq "Utility Suit">>a [[Utility Suit|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Utility Suit"]] in a wall alcove<<else>>an empty wall alcove<</if>>. On a shelf beside it is a battered data pad. Electricity hums constantly in the background.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "chamberSelf">>\n\t\tYou're standing in the utility chamber. The off-yellow glow panel flimmers overhead, casting its frail light on <<if $loc_intro_utility.storedSuit eq "Utility Suit">>a [[Utility Suit|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Utility Suit"]] in a wall alcove<<else>>an empty wall alcove<</if>>. On a shelf beside it is a battered data pad. Electricity hums constantly in the background.\n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "airlock">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_airlock.png"]]</div>\n\t\tYou <<walk>> up the airlock and hit the controls. The outer doors hiss open. You step inside and initiate the cycle. Air rushes past with a sucking hiss. The outer doors retracts, revealing a narrow passage that leads to the tramway tunnel. You can just make out the crackling glow of a grav hoop just around the corner - Hoop 128 presumably.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Well, here goes." You take a deep breath, causing your air filter to rasp, and head toward the tramway tunnel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tYou've barely gone five steps when the floor plates begin to shake. Warning holograms fill the end of the passage as twenty tramway cars flash past. They're gone a moment later and silence returns.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Man." You pause just before the holograms, where a ladder leads down to the tramway tunnel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA maintenance trough runs the base of the tunnel, presomably how the abomination's been triggering the hoop's sensors. There's also a duct beside the ladder that's marked as a bot access. Unless you're mistaken, it leads to a maint-spider hive. Which would be another place an abomination might lurk in. Or there could be no monster around. It's impossible to know.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "airlockSelf">>\n\t\tYou climb back up the ladder to the passage which leads to the airlock. To your left, is the duct marked as a bot access. Unless you're mistaken, it leads to a maint-spider hive. Chances are high the abomination you're looking for is there - if anywhere.<br><br>\n\n\t\tMaybe there isn't one around after all. You could just head back and call it a day.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer3 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = false]]</div><<if $action.action2 eq "holoterminal">>You pick up the<<elseif $action.action2 eq "grate">>You grab the grat<<elseif $action.action2 eq "ladder">>One careful step at a time<<elseif $action.action2 eq "duct">>"Right." You yank the<</if>>...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer3 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t <<if $action.action2 eq "holoterminal">>You pick up the data pad and unlock the screen. It reads:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad'>\n\t\t\tBro.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tThanks again for letting us use the tunnel. Know you don't like the past getting mixed up in your work. Just ran out of options with that trouble down in the Sprawl. Really cool of you. An' I'll make it up somehow.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tAnyways, package's been moved out and I left that thing you asked about under the grate by the door. I'll talk to the Sons, do what I can to smooth shit over. But, if those fuckers come back, at least you'll be prepared.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tTake care, bro.<br><br>\n\n\t\t\tPineapple\n\t\t</div>\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "grate">>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_loot_intro.png"]]</div>\n\n\t\tYou grab the grate below the door and, with a grunt, lug it out of the mounting. Metal scrapes as you shove it aside.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe dusty crawlspace below is overrun with a tangled web of wires. Someone's stuffed a green duffel bag in there too.<br><br>\n\n\t\tWhen you open it, you find a [[CalTech M451|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "M451"]] and two [[scattershot canisters|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scattershot Canister"]] inside. Odd, though not in the abominable way. Might come in handy if you do find the thing you're looking for though.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "ladder">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_ladder.png"]]</div>\n\t\tOne careful step at a time, you climb down the ladder to the base of the tramway tunnel. It's hard not to feel apprehensive. Stay there too long and - splat. But there's not much to see down there. The trought which leads below the grav-hoop simply leads off into the distance. No side passages or access panels.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh well." You're about to head back when you spot a credit chip lying on the floor.<br><br>\n\n\t\tHow it got there is impossible to say. Knocked down the tunnel by passing trains perhaps. Or lost by a workman. Whatever the case, it probably won't hurt anyone if you nab it.\n\n\t<<elseif $action.action2 eq "duct">>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_small_sprawldark.png"]]</div>\n\t\t"Right." You yank the access panel off the bot access tube and peer inside.<br><br>\n\n\t\tA dark tunnel leads into the distance. There's no light inside - why would there be? - and it's almost impossible to see what lies at the far end. Even with your [[PDA|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "home"]] casting a holo-beam, you can just make out metal walls and another panel at the far end.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, man." You squeeze your bulky suit into the passage, wishing you were anywhere else.<br><br>\n\n\t\tJust crawling forward takes a concentrated effort. You keep banging against the ceiling of the duct. If there is an abomination around - and you're starting to hope there isn't - it'll hear you long before you reach it. What a wonderful thought; it keeps you occupied until you finally reach the access panel at the far end of the tube.\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer4 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = false]]</div>You knock the access panel...<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer4 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_intro_spiderchamber.png"]]</div>\n\n\t You knock the access panel out of the far end of the tube. Before you can grab it, it falls to the ground with a clang that reverberates off the walls.<br><br>\n\n\t"Shit." You haul yourself out of the tube, into a maint-spider hive.<br><br>\n\n\tThe frail light of your holo-beam sweeps across spider-like bots charging along the cylindrical walls. At the far end of the room is an inactive holo-terminal; local system override. A vaguely humanoid shape stands before it, amidst a mess of discarded biotubes and what looks like blood stains. Adrenaline surges but the abomination - possibly a failed attempt at [[creating an abomination|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "abomination_shambler"]]. Its skin looks badly infected and, for some reason, it doesn't move. It just stands, shrouded in shadow, and stares.\n \n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $hide.layer2 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = false]]</div><<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>You approach the holo-terminal...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "tubes">>You crouch beside the...<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leave">>You head back...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer2 = true]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $action.action1 eq "terminal">>\n\t\tYou approach the holo-terminal and wave a hand over the display. The projection flickers to life, displaying the following:<br><br>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_datapad HUD_datapad_broken'>\n\t\t\t<center><span class='greencolor'>REMOTE MANAGEMENT ACTIVE</span></center><br>\n\n\t\t\t<center>[ERR 695]</center><br>\n\n\t\t\tLocal access denied. Contact a system administrator for more information.\n\t\t</div><br><br>\n\n\t\t"So much for that," you mutter, all too aware Transit Authority won't just give you access.<br><br>\n\n\t\tOr their security logs, for that matter. Even if you are a sanctioned hunter, you aren't technically a member of the [[Church|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Church of Eden"]]. And, since you aren't accountable to anyone, they won't just hand over confidental data. You'd have to through official channels and that will take months - at best.\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "tubes">>\n\t\tYou crouch beside the broknen biotubes. Most of them have shattered, torn clean out of whatever control system they were attached to. Three are however still lodged in the dead abomination's spine. Given the thing was intended to be a [[Wraith|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wraith"]], it's safe to assume they contain - or contained - some form of microorganism.<br><br>\n\n\t\tJudging by the adverse effects the inections had on the abomination's physiology, they didn't work as intended. Maybe whoever was trying to do this was inexperienced. Or something went wrong during the synthesization process. There's no way to know withouth extensive research, and you don't have the means - or time - for that. \n\t\t\n\t<<elseif $action.action1 eq "leave">>\n\t\tYou head back across the hive to the bot tunnel. It's a struggle to get inside again. Your knees and elbows bang constantly against the walls. Eventually, you've shoved your bulky suit back to the far side.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Finally." You haul yourself out of the tunnel.<br><br>\n\n\t\tThe access panel you removed is still lying on the floor. You pick it up and snap it back in place. Bolts lock in automatically. Beside you, another tram rushes past, causing the walkway to shudder. Grav-hoops crackle in the distance. Business as usual - and you're just about done here.\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>><</if>>
<<set $shopScene = "b10_observation_deck">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-acheri-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "acheri_buyoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "acheri">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_tungsten", num: 2, price: 15}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_electro", num: 1, price: 25}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_toxin", num: 1, price: 30}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_scatter", num: 1, price: 55}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Spikestick", num: 1, price: 1075, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Sliceblade", num: 1, price: 2125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "MF-GRA", num: 1, price: 6200, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "razorfan", num: 1, price: 895, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Searblade", num: 1, price: 2125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "RXS", num: 1, price: 1965, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "main", name: "Corsair Jacket", num: 1, price: 675, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "main", name: "SySkel", num: 1, price: 4525, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellsarms", type: "main", name: "Ornate Lance", num: 1, price: 9345, specialSe: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "StimFuel", num: 1, price: 95, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.active gte 82 and $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "UnNerve", num: 1, price: 871, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b29_cybershop">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-shop-cyber">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "cybershop_buyoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "cybershop">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "ashlake_abort">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Custom Order", type: "main", name: "X1", num: 1, price: 0, specialSet: "<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'ashlake_incart'>>"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Head", type: "aug", name: "fleshmask", num: 1, price: 2540, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 0}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Head", type: "aug", name: "cybereye", num: 1, price: 6580, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 0}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Head", type: "aug", name: "braincase", num: 1, price: 8980, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 0}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Chest", type: "aug", name: "aimpoint", num: 1, price: 2840, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 1}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Chest", type: "aug", name: "slenderbody", num: 1, price: 6150, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 1}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Chest", type: "aug", name: "cyberbody", num: 1, price: 9150, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 1}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Arm", type: "aug", name: "shield", num: 1, price: 6250, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 2}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Arm", type: "aug", name: "cyberarm", num: 1, price: 7230, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 2}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Arm", type: "aug", name: "cybergun", num: 1, price: 8550, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 2}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "IntelliDiscs", type: "item", name: "HoloDisc", num: 1, price: 440, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "IntelliDiscs", type: "item", name: "ViroDisc", num: 1, price: 485, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "IntelliDiscs", type: "item", name: "ArcDisc", num: 1, price: 575, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Utility", type: "item", name: "FuCell", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if not $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "syntheticskin6", num: 1, price: 1000, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "syntheticskin1", num: 1, price: 1000, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "syntheticskin2", num: 1, price: 1000, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "syntheticskin3", num: 1, price: 1000, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "syntheticskin4", num: 1, price: 1000, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "syntheticskin5", num: 1, price: 1000, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "specialskin_plastique", num: 1, price: 400, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "specialskin_dampening", num: 1, price: 2350, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "specialskin_machine", num: 1, price: 5450, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "specialskin_sleek", num: 1, price: 8525, specialSet: "cyberaug", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $shopScene = "b29_fleshmelder">>\n\t<<set $replaceContianer = "game-fleshmelder-shop">>\n\t<<set $replaceWith = "fleshmelder_buyoptions">>\n\t<<set $confirmDoReplace = "fleshmelder">>\n\t<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Head", type: "aug", name: "thirdeye", num: 1, price: 3250, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 0}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<if $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk or $debug>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Head", type: "aug", name: "catears", num: 1, price: 4250, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 0}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Chest", type: "aug", name: "detoxifier", num: 1, price: 1840, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 1}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<if $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk or $debug>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Chest", type: "aug", name: "normalskel", num: 1, price: 4150, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 1}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Arm", type: "aug", name: "meleeplant", num: 1, price: 3510, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 2}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk or $debug>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Arm", type: "aug", name: "featherarm", num: 1, price: 8250, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 2}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% <<set $shopItem = {title: "Fleshmolds", type: "armor", name: "Skinsuit", num: 1, price: 1250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Fleshmolds", type: "armor", name: "Fleshsuit", num: 1, price: 1250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>> %/\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "StimFuel", num: 1, price: 245, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<if $time.active gte 82>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "TranqWash", num: 1, price: 395, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $time.active gte 192>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "FreakOut", num: 1, price: 535, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "humanskin1", num: 1, price: 100, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "humanskin2", num: 1, price: 100, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "humanskin3", num: 1, price: 100, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "humanskin4", num: 1, price: 100, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "humanskin5", num: 1, price: 100, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_anska.hadGeneHybridTalk or $debug>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "specialskin_plastique", num: 1, price: 400, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "specialskin_gem", num: 1, price: 900, specialSet: "none", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "specialskin_fluffy", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "chameleon", num: 1, price: 7250, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Skinjobs", type: "aug", name: "rhinoskin", num: 1, price: 9250, specialSet: "bioaug", offhandIndex: 3}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_infection", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_addiction", num: 1, price: 650, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $overflows.ignore = true>>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\t\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\tFleshmold\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<set $wasNoUpgrades = false>>\n\t<<set $getCharacteristicsFrom = $equip.clothes>>\n\t<<display 'getItemCharacteristics'>>\n\n\t<<if $itemUpgradesTo.length eq 0 or not $isFleshMold>>\n\t\t<<set $wasNoUpgrades = true>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt $itemUpgradesTo.length; $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.purchasedUpgrades.contains($itemUpgradesTo[$i])>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = $itemUpgradePrices[0]>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($itemUpgradePrices[$i] * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.upgradeBuyModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $itemUpgradesTo[$i]>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer' >\n\t\t\t\t<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i].toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = '"+ $itemUpgradesTo[$i] + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq $itemUpgradesTo[$i]>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-clothes-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Configure as "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already configured]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-clothes-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Configure as " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + "</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-clothes-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tConfigure as " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i] + "'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = 'Equipped'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i] +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i].toLowerCase() +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-fleshmelder-shop'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'fleshmelder_upgradeoptions'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'vitality', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-clothes-" + $i + "');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $wasNoUpgrades>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'><<print "[<img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.clothes.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><<armor>><br><span class='redcolor'>No Upgrade Kits Available</span></div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b29_fleshmelder][$hide.layer0 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $shopScene = "b29_machinesmith">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-machinesmith-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "machinesmith_buyoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "machinesmith">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 120, price: 95}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 50, price: 95}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_tungsten", num: 3, price: 225}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_electro", num: 3, price: 350}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_toxin", num: 2, price: 425}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_scatter", num: 2, price: 425}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n/% custom order / builds %/\n\n<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.gotCorsairGear>>\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtGun eq 'nope'>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Custom Order", type: "main", name: "Scorpion", num: 1, price: 19535, specialSet: "<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtGun = 'incart'>>"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtArmor eq 'nope'>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Custom Order", type: "armor", name: "Corsair Armor", num: 1, price: 8320, specialSet: "<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtArmor = 'incart'>>"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% regular shit %/\n\n<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "petrovic_abort">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Custom Order", type: "main", name: "M1B", num: 1, price: 0, specialSet: "<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'petrovic_incart'>>"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1114", num: 1, price: 1240, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LAMP", num: 1, price: 2150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M9615", num: 1, price: 6850, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\n\t<</if>>\t\n\t\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "NGREP", num: 1, price: 4450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "MF-G6", num: 1, price: 4450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "VIM", num: 1, price: 6220, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1114_Extended", num: 1, price: 1640, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LAMP_Extended", num: 1, price: 3150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M9610A2", num: 1, price: 6220, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "NGREP_Converted", num: 1, price: 7450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "XZX", num: 1, price: 11970, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "VIM_Converted", num: 1, price: 6220, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1114_Extended", num: 1, price: 1640, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LICH-T", num: 1, price: 4150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M9610", num: 1, price: 8220, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "NGREP_Converted", num: 1, price: 7450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "XZ", num: 1, price: 10965, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "VIM_Extended", num: 1, price: 6220, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult neq "none">>\n\t<<set $pr = 13945>>\n\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.botResult eq "disabled">>\n\t\t<<set $pr = 9115>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Hellfire", num: 1, price: $pr, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Disposable", type: "main", name: "DRUG", num: 1, price: 250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<if $time.active gte 96 or $loc_petrovic_cellar.foundDatapad>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Disposable", type: "main", name: "NUKE", num: 1, price: 1150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b14_cathedral_addon_commisariat">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-church-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "church_shopoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "cathedralshop">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 30, price: 15}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_tungsten", num: 3, price: 225}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_electro", num: 3, price: 350}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_toxin", num: 2, price: 425}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_scatter", num: 2, price: 425}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Mk2", num: 1, price: 2150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-H", num: 1, price: 4150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-L", num: 1, price: 3120, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellsarms", type: "main", name: "Plasma Lance", num: 1, price: 5345, specialSe: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Mk3", num: 1, price: 3150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-G", num: 1, price: 4150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-H", num: 1, price: 3120, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellsarms", type: "main", name: "Plasma Lance", num: 1, price: 5345, specialSe: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Mk3c", num: 1, price: 3690, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-H", num: 1, price: 4150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-L", num: 1, price: 3120, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "Sanctus", num: 1, price: 9345, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellsarms", type: "main", name: "Plasma Staff", num: 1, price: 5745, specialSe: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.criminality lt 5 or $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Anointed Armor", num: 1, price: 19635, specialSe: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Devout Robes", num: 1, price: 345, specialSe: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Devout Shroud", num: 1, price: 345, specialSe: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $shopScene = "b33_celena_appartment">>\n\t<<set $replaceContianer = "game-celena-drugs">>\n\t<<set $replaceWith = "celena_drugoptions">>\n\t<<set $confirmDoReplace = "celena">>\n\t<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Recreational", type: "recchem", name: "pill_red", num: 1, price: 10, specialSet: "celred"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Recreational", type: "recchem", name: "pill_black", num: 1, price: 15, specialSet: "celblack"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Recreational", type: "recchem", name: "pill_purple", num: 1, price: 20, specialSet: "celpurple"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "StimFuel", num: 1, price: 85, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "TranqWash", num: 1, price: 145, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $job_psychocult.celenaSupplierPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "FreakOut", num: 1, price: 235, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "UnNerve", num: 1, price: 610, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq "celena_abort">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Witchcraft", type: "secondary", name: "Witchgun", num: 1, price: 0, specialSet: "$characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'celena_incart'"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $shopScene = "b33_ROM_mainfloor">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-rom-isabelle">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "eprom_isabellebuy">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "cybercult">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<if $savesMenuPassage eq "Level B27 - Sever Tomb">>\n <<set $shopScene = "b27_cybercult_hideout">>\n\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_tungsten", num: 3, price: 195}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_electro", num: 3, price: 275}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n <<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "arc knife", num: 1, price: 1895, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M420", num: 1, price: 8420, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7ZF", num: 1, price: 14210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "MF-GRA", num: 1, price: 9500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Searblade", num: 1, price: 3720, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "XZI", num: 1, price: 17125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "arcfan", num: 1, price: 1895, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "N3CR", num: 1, price: 4210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Arcblade", num: 1, price: 3720, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Cyber Armor", num: 1, price: 6580, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "CyberArc Armor", num: 1, price: 11580, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "CyberAug Armor", num: 1, price: 9580, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <</if>>\n<<else>>\n <<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "MF-RHL", num: 1, price: 3835, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LICH", num: 1, price: 1935, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Stitch", num: 1, price: 935, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Iso Coat", num: 1, price: 945, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>> \n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "CyberWaer", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "CyberGlam", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>> \n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Iso Jacket", num: 1, price: 945, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "IntelliDiscs", type: "item", name: "ViroDisc", num: 1, price: 375, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "IntelliDiscs", type: "item", name: "HoloDisc", num: 1, price: 440, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Utility", type: "item", name: "FuCell", num: 1, price: 250, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b28_riptide_arenalobby">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-arena-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "arena_shopoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "lavandrishop">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 60, price: 120}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_tungsten", num: 3, price: 225}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_electro", num: 3, price: 350}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_toxin", num: 2, price: 425}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_scatter", num: 2, price: 425}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Project Incubus">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "VX", num: 1, price: 5250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "IX", num: 1, price: 8125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "XZ", num: 1, price: 10055, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "XZI", num: 1, price: 17125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "XZX", num: 1, price: 10055, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "IX", num: 1, price: 8985, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "XZI", num: 1, price: 16125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Incubus Armor", num: 1, price: 9125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Succubus Armor", num: 1, price: 4560, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "thorn knife", num: 1, price: 1750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<elseif $job_arena_lavandri.sponsor eq "Lavandri Corporation">>\n\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1115", num: 1, price: 2550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M9616", num: 1, price: 7850, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "NGREP_Extended", num: 1, price: 5915, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Fanrave", num: 1, price: 550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lavandri Armor", num: 1, price: 6250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lavandri Heavy Armor", num: 1, price: 10750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\t\t\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M9616", num: 1, price: 7850, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M410", num: 1, price: 5535, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "FRaG", num: 1, price: 7125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Gladiator Armor", num: 1, price: 8395, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lavandri Heavy Armor", num: 1, price: 10750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1115", num: 1, price: 2550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "FLaK", num: 1, price: 6215, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "FRaG", num: 1, price: 7125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Fanrave", num: 1, price: 550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lavandri Armor", num: 1, price: 5250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Gladiator Armor", num: 1, price: 8395, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "venomfan", num: 1, price: 1895, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Axeblade", num: 1, price: 1525, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Searblade", num: 1, price: 4125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "KRUG_Painted", num: 1, price: 2810, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "St0Rm", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "Black Skull", num: 1, price: 6310, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Sliceblade", num: 1, price: 1525, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Shockstick", num: 1, price: 2325, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M405A1", num: 1, price: 6225, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7G", num: 1, price: 8250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Black Rose", num: 1, price: 8950, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Arcblade", num: 1, price: 4255, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Twin Fang", num: 1, price: 6750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "Hav0C", num: 1, price: 2810, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "HailSt0Rm", num: 1, price: 5250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "N3Cron", num: 1, price: 7740, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex lt 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Pit Jacket", num: 1, price: 2500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Pitwear", num: 1, price: 2500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Psych Armor", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lotus Skirt", num: 1, price: 5750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b33_ROM_mainfloor">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-rom-drugs">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "eprom_drugoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "romdrugs">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Recreational", type: "recchem", name: "pill_red", num: 1, price: 10, specialSet: "epromred"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Recreational", type: "recchem", name: "pill_black", num: 1, price: 15, specialSet: "epromblack"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "StimFuel", num: 1, price: 105, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "FreakOut", num: 1, price: 265, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.active gte 82 and $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "UnNerve", num: 1, price: 952, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b29_highbornpalace">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-slaver-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "highpalace_shopoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "psychocult">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "StimFuel", num: 1, price: 75, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "FreakOut", num: 1, price: 205, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "UnNerve", num: 1, price: 505, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Spikestick", num: 1, price: 1125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Sliceblade", num: 1, price: 2125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "Hav0C", num: 1, price: 2610, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "St0Rm", num: 1, price: 3150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Psych Armor", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Pitwear", num: 1, price: 1300, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Neorave", num: 1, price: 200, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Shockstick", num: 1, price: 1125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Searblade", num: 1, price: 2125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "KRUG_Painted", num: 1, price: 3560, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "HailSt0Rm", num: 1, price: 6150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Rage Armor", num: 1, price: 5625, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Pit Jacket", num: 1, price: 1300, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Partyfray", num: 1, price: 200, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Twin Fang", num: 1, price: 6510, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "Hav0C", num: 1, price: 2610, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Cropduster", num: 1, price: 6150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Miasmic Armor", num: 1, price: 9985, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Pit Jacket", num: 1, price: 1300, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lotus Skirt", num: 1, price: 1300, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b27_juno_main">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-church-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "juno_shopoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "junocult">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Devout Robes", num: 1, price: 845, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Deathshroud", num: 1, price: 1245, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lightwear", num: 1, price: 3575, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Devout Shroud", num: 1, price: 845, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Mourning Shroud", num: 1, price: 1245, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Lightdress", num: 1, price: 3575, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "TranqWash", num: 1, price: 475, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_infection", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_addiction", num: 1, price: 750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b10_clothing_main">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-fashion-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "fashion_buyoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "fashion">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.religion eq "mesmer" or $attrib.credits gte 5000 or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 3 and $processed eq false)>>\n\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0 or $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Glamwear", type: "armor", name: "Glamgown", num: 1, price: 2550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Glamwear", type: "armor", name: "Glamsuit", num: 1, price: 2550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\t\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Glamwear", type: "armor", name: "Puffwear", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Glamwear", type: "armor", name: "Puffdress", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.credits gte 2000 or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe" or ($job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 3 and $processed eq false)>>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Fashion", type: "armor", name: "Fancywear", num: 1, price: 400, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Fashion", type: "armor", name: "Fancydress", num: 1, price: 400, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.credits gte 5000 or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Fashion", type: "armor", name: "Redsuit", num: 1, price: 1400, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Fashion", type: "armor", name: "Fraydress", num: 1, price: 1400, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Subculture", type: "armor", name: "Hatewear", num: 1, price: 500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $statistics.alcoholDrunk gte 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Subculture", type: "armor", name: "Rockwave", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $statistics.hacksDone gte 2 or $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog >>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Subculture", type: "armor", name: "CyberGlam", num: 1, price: 850, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Subculture", type: "armor", name: "CyberWaer", num: 1, price: 500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.religion eq "highborn" or $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed gt 1>>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Subculture", type: "armor", name: "Partyfray", num: 1, price: 550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Subculture", type: "armor", name: "Neorave", num: 1, price: 500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.religion eq "atheist" or $attrib.credits lte 3000>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Greasecoat", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Sports Wear", num: 1, price: 325, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Fitwear", num: 1, price: 325, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Race Jacket", num: 1, price: 325, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Racewear", num: 1, price: 325, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Partytight", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Cybertight", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Skintight", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Cypher Weave", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Chem Weave", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Street Clothes", num: 1, price: 200, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog or $attrib.gender eq "female">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Cypher Wear", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Chem Wear", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Functional", type: "armor", name: "Street Wear", num: 1, price: 200, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b30_raptoroutpost">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-outpost-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "outpost_buyoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "outpost">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 30, price: 25}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "MF-R2", num: 1, price: 3510, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M404", num: 1, price: 2925, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "C2000", num: 1, price: 1820, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" >>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1114_Extended", num: 1, price: 1950, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "RXC", num: 1, price: 2110, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "C2000_Extended", num: 1, price: 2820, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "RUG-9", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "MF-RHL", num: 1, price: 3510, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M404A2", num: 1, price: 2925, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M405", num: 1, price: 4220, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" >>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1114_Extended", num: 1, price: 1950, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "RXC", num: 1, price: 2110, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "C2000_Converted", num: 1, price: 3820, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "KRUG", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "MF-R2", num: 1, price: 3510, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "MF-R2_Converted", num: 1, price: 5510, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M405", num: 1, price: 4220, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M444", num: 1, price: 5670, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" >>\n\t\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "M1114_Extended", num: 1, price: 1950, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LAMP_Converted", num: 1, price: 2610, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "KRUG", num: 1, price: 3750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M420", num: 1, price: 9750, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex lt 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "MF-GAC", num: 1, price: 2850, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7G", num: 1, price: 10650, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin" and $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>>>>\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "M451A2", num: 1, price: 2850, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "M559", num: 1, price: 7150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7ZF", num: 1, price: 16825, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Riot Armor", num: 1, price: 7210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Recon Armor", num: 1, price: 3500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Assault Armor", num: 1, price: 11210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Camo Armor", num: 1, price: 4000, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Full Spectrum Armor", num: 1, price: 12250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Strike Armor", num: 1, price: 4500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Camo Coat", num: 1, price: 850, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin" and $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6>>\n\t<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Heavy Armor", num: 1, price: 8500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Combat Armor", num: 1, price: 6550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Heavy Arc Armor", num: 1, price: 12560, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Battle Armor", num: 1, price: 8550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Heavy Battle Armor", num: 1, price: 12500, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Arc Armor", num: 1, price: 10550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Combat Vest", num: 1, price: 2400, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Assault Vest", num: 1, price: 2400, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "tactical knife", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "combat knife", num: 1, price: 350, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b30_quarantine_outpost">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-purists-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "purist_shopoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "quarantineline">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 30, price: 55}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Mk3", num: 1, price: 2550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-G", num: 1, price: 3620, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-L", num: 1, price: 4210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Purifier Armor", num: 1, price: 3865, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Mk3c", num: 1, price: 3950, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-G", num: 1, price: 3620, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-H", num: 1, price: 5225, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Templar Robes", num: 1, price: 2460, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Mk3", num: 1, price: 2550, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-L", num: 1, price: 4250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "PUR-H", num: 1, price: 5625, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Devout Armor", num: 1, price: 7575, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Purist Robes", num: 1, price: 845, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Purist Shroud", num: 1, price: 845, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b30_megaplex_cult">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-deathcult-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "fallenshrine_buyoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "fallenshrine">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "TranqWash", num: 1, price: 155, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<if $job_psychocult.celenaSupplierPhase eq 1>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "FreakOut", num: 1, price: 255, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "IntelliDiscs", type: "item", name: "ViroDisc", num: 1, price: 255, specialSet: "disc"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Shockstick", num: 1, price: 2125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Arcblade", num: 1, price: 4210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LICH", num: 1, price: 2390, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LAMP", num: 1, price: 2690, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "SKUL", num: 1, price: 4665, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "N3CR", num: 1, price: 5265, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t<</if>>\t\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Sliceblade", num: 1, price: 1525, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LICH-T", num: 1, price: 3390, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Blue Dragon", num: 1, price: 9560, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "SKUL-S", num: 1, price: 5109, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "N3CR", num: 1, price: 5265, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Ornate Lance", num: 1, price: 9125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\t\t\n\t<</if>>\t\t\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Axeblade", num: 1, price: 2125, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Melee Weapons", type: "main", name: "Arcblade", num: 1, price: 4210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LAMP_Extended", num: 1, price: 3940, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LICH-C", num: 1, price: 5390, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "SKUL-E", num: 1, price: 6665, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\t\t\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Seeker Robes", num: 1, price: 3145, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Deathshroud", num: 1, price: 645, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Mourning Shroud", num: 1, price: 645, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_infection", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_addiction", num: 1, price: 650, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b30_megaplex_visionary">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-visionary-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "visionshrine_shopoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "shrine_augoptions">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Head", type: "aug", name: "abomclaw", num: 1, price: 6525, specialSet: "abomaug", offhandIndex: 0}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Chest", type: "aug", name: "abomgland", num: 1, price: 3560, specialSet: "abomaug", offhandIndex: 1}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Chest", type: "aug", name: "abomskin", num: 1, price: 1150, specialSet: "abomaug", offhandIndex: 1}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Arm", type: "aug", name: "abommuscle", num: 1, price: 4270, specialSet: "abomaug", offhandIndex: 2}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "StimFuel", num: 1, price: 245, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "TranqWash", num: 1, price: 295, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Biochems", type: "item", name: "FreakOut", num: 1, price: 355, specialSet: "chem"}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_infection", num: 1, price: 450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cures", type: "cure", name: "cure_addiction", num: 1, price: 650, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $shopScene = "b30_megaplex_visionary">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-visionary-shop">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "visionshrine_gearoptionss">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "shrineshop_gear">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 120, price: 90}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_tungsten", num: 3, price: 125}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_electro", num: 3, price: 250}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_toxin", num: 2, price: 325}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_scatter", num: 2, price: 325}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LICH_Converted", num: 1, price: 2290, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Flay3r", num: 1, price: 5890, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "ArcSpike", num: 1, price: 6755, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Cultist Armor", num: 1, price: 11395, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Cultist Robes", num: 1, price: 250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "VXI", num: 1, price: 5825, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "ArcSpike", num: 1, price: 6755, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Legionnaire Armor", num: 1, price: 26395, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Cultist Armor", num: 1, price: 11395, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Cultist Robes", num: 1, price: 250, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>> \n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "LICH_Converted", num: 1, price: 2290, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "VXI", num: 1, price: 5825, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Flay3r", num: 1, price: 5890, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Legionnaire Armor", num: 1, price: 26395, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n <<set $shopItem = {title: "Outfits", type: "armor", name: "Cultist Armor", num: 1, price: 11395, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Knives", type: "knife", name: "cultblade", num: 1, price: 1105, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<nobr>><<set $overflows.ignore = true>>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n Main Weapon\n </div>\n\t<<if $equip.rifle.name neq "none" and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine"))>>\n\t\t<<set $type = "main">>\n <<set $mainScrap = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $specificItem = $equip.rifle.name>>\n <<set $getStatsFor = $specificItem>>\n <<display 'getWeaponStats'>>\n\t\t<<display 'determineSellPrice'>>\n\n <<set $index = $hudWeaponType.indexOf($specificItem)>>\n <<set $entry = $itemListWeapon[$index]>>\n\n <<if not $entry.displayName>>\n <<set $entry.displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.name)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.displayName)>>\n <<if $entry.manufacturer>>\n <<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.manufacturer) + " " + $entry.displayName >>\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $costStr = "Scrap for: <span class='bluecolor'>" + $price + "C </span>">>\n <<if $returnedStats.scrap>>\n <<set $costStr += " | <span class='bluecolor'> 1x" + getLocalizedString($returnedStats.scrap) + "</span>">>\n <<set $mainScrap = $returnedStats.scrap>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer' >\n\t\t\t<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[<img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div id='list-sell-main' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n <span class='bluecolor'><<print $displayName>></span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'><<print $costStr>></span>\n <<click ''>>\n <<set $type = "main">>\n <<set $specificItem = $equip.rifle.name>>\n <<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n <<display 'scrapAnItem'>>\n <<if $mainScrap neq "none">>\n <<if not $equip.inventory.contains($mainScrap)>>\n <<set $equip.inventory.push($mainScrap)>>\n <<set $equip.inventoryQuantity.push(0)>>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n <<set $aquireTitle = 'Scrapped'>>\n <<set $aquireText = $mainScrap>>\n <<set $aquireImage = $mainScrap.toLowerCase()>>\n <<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n <</replace>> \n\n <<set $equip.inventoryQuantity[$equip.inventory.indexOf($mainScrap)] += 1>>\n <</if>>\n <</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n <<else>>\n <<display 'scrapListNoItem'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n Sidearm\n </div>\n\t<<if $equip.pistol.name neq "none">>\n\t\t<<set $type = "sidearm"; $secondaryScrap = "none">>\n\t\t<<set $specificItem = $equip.pistol.name>>\n <<set $getStatsFor = $specificItem>>\n <<display 'getWeaponStats'>> \n\t\t<<display 'determineSellPrice'>>\n\n <<set $index = $hudWeaponType.indexOf($specificItem)>>\n <<set $entry = $itemListWeapon[$index]>>\n\n <<if not $entry.displayName>>\n <<set $entry.displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.name)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.displayName)>>\n <<if $entry.manufacturer>>\n <<set $displayName = getLocalizedString($entry.manufacturer) + " " + $entry.displayName >>\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $costStr = "Scrap for: <span class='bluecolor'>" + $price + "C </span>">>\n <<if $returnedStats.scrap>>\n <<set $costStr += " | <span class='bluecolor'> 1x" + getLocalizedString($returnedStats.scrap) + "</span>">>\n <<set $secondaryScrap = $returnedStats.scrap>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer' >\n\t\t\t<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[<img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div id='list-sell-bckup' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n <span class='bluecolor'><<print $displayName>></span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'><<print $costStr>></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $type = "sidearm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $specificItem = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = "none">>\n <<display 'scrapAnItem'>>\n <<if $secondaryScrap neq "none">>\n <<if not $equip.inventory.contains($secondaryScrap)>>\n <<set $equip.inventory.push($secondaryScrap)>>\n <<set $equip.inventoryQuantity.push(0)>>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n <<set $aquireTitle = 'Scrapped'>>\n <<set $aquireText = $secondaryScrap>>\n <<set $aquireImage = $secondaryScrap.toLowerCase()>>\n <<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n <</replace>> \n\n <<set $equip.inventoryQuantity[$equip.inventory.indexOf($secondaryScrap)] += 1>>\n <</if>> \n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n <<else>>\n <<display 'scrapListNoItem'>> \n\t<</if>>\n\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n Items\n </div>\n <<if $equip.item1 neq "none">>\n <<set $type = "item1">>\n <<set $specificItem = $equip.item1 >>\n <<display 'determineSellPrice'>>\n <div class='HUD_ListContainer' >\n <div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n <<print "[<img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item1.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.item1>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div id='list-sell-item1' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n <<print $equip.item1>><br>\n Scrap for <span class='bluecolor'><<print $price>> C</span>\n <<click ''>>\n <<set $type = "item1">>\n <<set $specificItem = $equip.item1>>\n <<set $equip.item1 = "none">>\n\n <<display 'scrapAnItem'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n </div>\n <<else>>\n <<display 'scrapListNoItem'>> \n <</if>>\n <<if $equip.item2 neq "none">>\n <<set $type = "item2">>\n <<set $specificItem = $equip.item2 >>\n <<display 'determineSellPrice'>>\n <div class='HUD_ListContainer' >\n <div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n <<print "[<img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.item2.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = $equip.item2>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div id='list-sell-item2' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n <<print $equip.item2>><br>\n Scrap for <span class='bluecolor'><<print $price>> C</span>\n <<click ''>>\n <<set $type = "item2">>\n <<set $specificItem = $equip.item2>>\n <<set $equip.item2 = "none">>\n <<display 'scrapAnItem'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n </div>\n <<else>>\n <<display 'scrapListNoItem'>>\n <</if>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")]]</div>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'determineSellPrice'>>\n<<set $attrib.credits += $price>>\n\n<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n <<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n<</replace>>\n<<replace '#game-scrapyard-shop'>>\n <<display 'scrapyard_selloptions'>>\n<</replace>>\n\n<<if $type eq "sidearm">>\n <<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n<<elseif $type eq "main">>\n <<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown")>>\n<</if>>\n<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp"); playContextSound("ui_reload_complex");>>
<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n [<img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/none.png]]\n</div>\n<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_NoClick'>\n <span class='greyedout'>slot empty</span>\n</div>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<if not $hud.doConfirm>>\n\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = true>>\n\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation HUD_Confirmation_Show">>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% <<set $refund = 0>>\n\t<<set $replaceItem = "no_item_pickup">> %/\n\n\t<<set $replaceItem = "no_item_pickup">>\n\n\t<<if $confirmType eq "sidearm">>\n\t\t<<set $replaceItem = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t\t<<set $replaceItem = $equip.pistol.name>>\n\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "main">>\n\t\t<<set $replaceItem = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "clothes">>\n\t\t<<set $replaceItem = $equip.clothes>>\n\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "knife">>\n\t\t<<set $replaceItem = $equip.knife>>\n\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "augment">>\n\t\t<<set $replaceItem = $equip.offhand[$offhandIndex]>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $type = $confirmType>>\n\t<<set $specificItem = $replaceItem>>\n\t<<display 'determineSellPrice'>>\n\t<<set $refund = $price>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ConfirmScreen'>\n\t\t\t<<if $refund gt 0>>\n\t\t\t\tTraded gear will refund: <span class='bluecolor'><<print $refund>> C</span>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tTraded gear will not be refunded!\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $confirmType eq "item">>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ConfirmationItem HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle bluecolor'><<print $equip.item1>> (Owned)</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/"+ $equip.item1.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ConfirmationItem'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'><<if $equip.item1 neq "none">>Replace <</if>><<print $equip.item1>></span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/"+ $equip.item1.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= $confirmCost>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = $confirmItem>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += $refund>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item2 eq $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ConfirmationItem HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle bluecolor'><<print $equip.item2>> (Owned)</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/"+ $equip.item2.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ConfirmationItem'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'><<if $equip.item2 neq "none">>Replace <</if>><<print $equip.item2>></span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/"+ $equip.item2.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= $confirmCost>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = $confirmItem>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item2 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += $refund>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ConfirmationItem'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'>Keep</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $replaceItem eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $confirmType eq "sidearm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "No Sidearm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $replaceItem = "noweapon_sidearm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "main">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "No Main">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $replaceItem = "noweapon_primary">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "augment">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = "No Augment">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $replaceItem = "noaugment">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='imageContainerLarge'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.anointment neq "none" and $replaceItem.toLowerCase() eq $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overlayImage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.rifle.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.pistol.anointment neq "none" and $replaceItem.toLowerCase() eq $equip.pistol.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overlayImage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $equip.pistol.anointment.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/"+ $replaceItem.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $replaceItem>> \n\t\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $aquireText>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ConfirmationItem'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='NotificationTitle'>Replace</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $confirmItem.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">><br>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $confirmItem>> \n\t\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $aquireText>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $confirmItem eq "M1B">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "petrovic_incart">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmItem eq "Witchgun">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "celena_incart">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmItem eq "X1">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = "ashlake_incart">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= $confirmCost>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits += $refund>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.doConfirm = false; playContextSound("ui_reload_complex")>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set document.getElementById("hud-confirmation-pane").className = "HUD_Confirmation">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $confirmType eq "sidearm">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "backup", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedBackupWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "main">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.charge = 100>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "clothes">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedArmor += 1>>\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "knife">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.knife = $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $confirmType eq "augment">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedAugs += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhand[$offhandIndex] = $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhandUpgrade[$offhandIndex] = $specialSet>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'fixCyberLevels'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $confirmItem eq "cybergun" or $confirmItem eq "cybercannon" or $confirmItem eq "cybercarbine">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "main", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t/% get rid of cybergun %/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "cybergun" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercarbine" or $equip.rifle.name eq "cybercannon" and not ($equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine"))>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'shopReplacers'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $confirmItem>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $confirmItem.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $overflows.ignore = true>>\n\n<<set $drawnTitles = []>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopExitButtons'>>\n\n<<if $confirmDoReplace eq "fashion">>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect'>\n\t\t<strong>Displaying:</strong> <<if $loc_krill_fashion.showFullCatalog eq false>>Suggested Items<<else>>All Items<<endif>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "shrineshop_gear" and $characterEncounterPhases.talkedVisionaryReward and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 6>>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\tStorage\n\t</div>\n\t<div id='list-storage-outfit' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t<strong>Main</strong><br>\n\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action6 = $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward>>\n\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = $action.action6>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.rifle.name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.rifle.name.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#game-visionary-shop'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionshrine_gearoptionss'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-outfit"); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "shrine_augoptions" and $characterEncounterPhases.talkedVisionaryReward and $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 8>>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\tStorage\n\t</div>\n\t<div id='list-storage-outfit' class='HUD_ListEntry'>\n\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward.toLowerCase() + ".png]]">>\n\t\t<strong>Outfit</strong><br>\n\t\t<span class='greencolor'>Swap with Current</span>\n\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<<set $action.action6 = $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward>>\n\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.visionReward = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t<<set $equip.clothes = $action.action6>>\n\n\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = "Equipped">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.clothes>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = $equip.clothes.toLowerCase()>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<<replace '#game-visionary-shop'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'visionshrine_shopoptions'>>\n\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "vitality", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp");>>\n\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, "list-storage-outfit"); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t<</click>>\n\t</div>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<for $i = 0; $i lt $shopContent.length; $i++>>\n\t<<if not $drawnTitles.contains($shopContent[$i].title)>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t<<print $shopContent[$i].title>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<set $drawnTitles.push($shopContent[$i].title)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\n\t/% get text %/\n\t<<set $aquireText = $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\n\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].type eq "ammo">>\n\t\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].name eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $pdaLink = $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $pdaLink = "Tungsten Bolt">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_electro">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $pdaLink = "Conductive Bolt">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $pdaLink = "Neurotoxin Canister">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $pdaLink = "Scattershot Canister">>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $pdaLink = $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $shopContent[$i].name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = '"+ $pdaLink + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t/%######################################################################\n\n\t\tAMMO BLOCK\n\n\t\t######################################################################%/\n\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].type eq "ammo">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.ammoBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<set $isAmmoFull = true>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].name eq "9mm">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.ammo lt $equip.pistol.ammo_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $isAmmoFull = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammoCat = "9mm"; $ammoToBuy = "$equip.pistol.ammo">>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_tungsten">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.normal lt $equip.rifle.ammo.normal_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $isAmmoFull = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammoCat = "bolt"; $ammoToBuy = "$equip.rifle.ammo.normal">>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_electro">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.electric lt $equip.rifle.ammo.electric_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $isAmmoFull = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammoCat = "bolt"; $ammoToBuy = "$equip.rifle.ammo.electric">>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_toxin">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical lt $equip.rifle.ammo.chemical_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $isAmmoFull = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammoCat = "canister"; $ammoToBuy = "$equip.rifle.ammo.chemical">>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "bolt_scatter">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter lt $equip.rifle.ammo.scatter_max>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $isAmmoFull = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $ammoCat = "canister"; $ammoToBuy = "$equip.rifle.ammo.scatter">>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<set $displayStr = "Buy " + $aquireText + " (x" + $shopContent[$i].num + ")">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $isAmmoFull>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>" + $displayStr + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already full]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>" + $displayStr + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" + $displayStr + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set " + $ammoToBuy + " += " + $shopContent[$i].num + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = 'Aquired'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = '" + $aquireText + " x" + $shopContent[$i].num + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = '" + $shopContent[$i].name.toLowerCase() +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#" + $replaceContianer + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '" + $replaceWith + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchaseddAmmo += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $ammotype = '" + $ammoCat + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_AmmoFlashes'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "'); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t/%######################################################################\n\n\t\tWEAPONS BLOCK\n\n\t\t######################################################################%/\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "main">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Configure as " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[main weapon restricted by augment]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.rifle.name eq $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Buy "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already owned]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Buy " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBuy " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + $specialSet + "\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedMainWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = 'Equipped'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = '" + $aquireText +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = '" + $shopContent[$i].name.toLowerCase() +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#" + $replaceContianer + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '" + $replaceWith + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'main', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "'); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBuy " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'main'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmItem = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmCost = " + $price + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmBuy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t/%######################################################################\n\n\t\tSIDEARMS BLOCK\n\n\t\t######################################################################%/\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "secondary">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Buy "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already owned]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Buy " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.pistol.name eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBuy " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.pistol.name = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + $specialSet + "\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedBackupWeapon += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = 'Equipped'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = '" + $aquireText +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = '" + $shopContent[$i].name.toLowerCase() +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#" + $replaceContianer + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '" + $replaceWith + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'backup', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBuy " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'sidearm'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmItem = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmCost = " + $price + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmBuy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t/%######################################################################\n\n\t\tKNIFE BLOCK\n\n\t\t######################################################################%/\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "knife">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.knife eq $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Buy "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already owned]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Buy " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBuy " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'knife'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmItem = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmCost = " + $price + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmBuy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t/%######################################################################\n\n\t\tCLOTHES BLOCK\n\n\t\t######################################################################%/\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "armor">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.clothes eq $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Buy "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already owned]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Buy " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBuy " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedArmor += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'clothes'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmItem = '" + $aquireText + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmCost = " + $price + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmBuy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t/%######################################################################\n\n\t\tAUGMENTS BLOCK\n\n\t\t######################################################################%/\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "aug">>\n\t\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "bioaug" or $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "abomaug">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.augmentBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "cyberaug">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "abomaug">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $descrWord = "Inject">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "bioaug">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $descrWord = "Graft">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $descrWord = "Install">>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $alreadyOwned = false>>\n\t\t\t<<for $l = 0; $l lt 4; $l++>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand[$l] eq $shopContent[$i].name>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $alreadyOwned = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif ($equip.offhand[$l] eq"cybercannon" or $equip.offhand[$l] eq"cybergun" or $equip.offhand[$l] eq"cybercarbine") and $shopContent[$i].name eq "cybergun">>\n\t\t\t\t\t/% this stupid dumb exception to the rule here...%/\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $alreadyOwned = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $alreadyOwned>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>" + $descrWord + " "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already owned]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>" + $descrWord + " " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand[$shopContent[$i].offhandIndex] eq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + $descrWord + " " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhand[" + $shopContent[$i].offhandIndex + "] = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhandUpgrade[" + $shopContent[$i].offhandIndex + "] = '" + $shopContent[$i].specialSet + "'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhand[" + $shopContent[$i].offhandIndex + "] eq 'cybergun'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = 'cybergun'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics.purchasedAugs += 1>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'fixCyberLevels'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = 'Equipped'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = '" + $aquireText +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = '" + $shopContent[$i].name.toLowerCase() +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#" + $replaceContianer + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '" + $replaceWith + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'vitality', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "'); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + $descrWord + " " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmType = 'augment'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $offhandIndex = " + $shopContent[$i].offhandIndex + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $specialSet = '" + $shopContent[$i].specialSet + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmItem = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $confirmCost = " + $price + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-confirmation-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_ConfirmBuy'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t/%######################################################################\n\n\t\tITEMS BLOCK\n\n\t\t######################################################################%/\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "item">>\n\t\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "chem">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.chemBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $counerUp = "purchasedChems">>\n\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "disc">>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $counerUp = "purchasedDiscs">>\n\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 neq "none" and $equip.item2 neq "none">>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Buy "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[inventory full]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Buy " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBuy " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.item1 eq 'none'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item1 = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $equip.item2 eq 'none'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.item2 = '" + $shopContent[$i].name + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $statistics." + $counerUp + " += 1>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#" + $replaceContianer + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '" + $replaceWith + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'vitality', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "'); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "cure">>\n\t\t\t<<set $canCure = false>>\n\t\t\t<<set $cureCode = "">>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].name eq "cure_addiction" and $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $canCure = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $cureCode = "$attrib.addicted = false">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].name eq "cure_infection" and $attrib.infected>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $canCure = true>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $cureCode = "$attrib.infected = false">>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if not $canCure>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>"+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[not applicable]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>" + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set " + $cureCode + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#" + $replaceContianer + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '" + $replaceWith + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'vitality', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "'); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].type eq "recchem">>\n\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($shopContent[$i].price * $gameworld_modifiers.chemBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier)>>\n\n\t\t\t<<if $sexPhases.canHaveDrugs>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Take a " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $setString = "">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "celred">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b33_celena_appartment_drug_take">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $setString = "$action.action2 = 'red'; $time.active += 3; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $attrib.violence -= 15; $attrib.toxicity += 55; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 3; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 3; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; playContextSound('ui_blip'); $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex += 1; $sexPhases.lastSexTime = $time.active; $sexPhases.cel += 1">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "celblack">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b33_celena_appartment_drug_take">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $setString = "$action.action2 = 'black'; $time.active += 3; $attrib.fatigue += 20; $attrib.caution -= 15; $attrib.toxicity += 55; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 3; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; playContextSound('ui_blip')">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "celpurple">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b33_celena_appartment_drug_take">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $setString = "$action.action2 = 'purple'; $time.active += 3; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $attrib.violence += 10; $attrib.caution += 10; $attrib.toxicity += 55; $attrib.dilligence -= 2; $attrib.stress -= 1; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; playContextSound('ui_blip')">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "epromred">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b33_ROM_mainfloor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $setString = "$action.action2 = 'pill_red'; $time.active += 1; $attrib.fatigue += 15; $attrib.violence -= 15; $attrib.toxicity += 55; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 3; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; playContextSound('ui_blip')">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $shopContent[$i].specialSet eq "epromblack">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $nextScene = "b33_ROM_mainfloor">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $setString = "$action.action2 = 'pill_black'; $time.active += 2; $attrib.fatigue += 20; $attrib.caution -= 15; $attrib.toxicity += 55; $attrib.dilligence -= 1; $attrib.stress -= 3; $hide.layer2 = true; $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed += 1; playContextSound('ui_blip')">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTake a " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' '" + $nextScene + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set " + $setString + ">>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#" + $replaceContianer + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '" + $replaceWith + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'vitality', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp'); playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Take a "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[still coming down]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\t</div>\n<</for>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopExitButtons'>>
<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\t\n\t<<if $shopScene eq "b30_megaplex_visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|$shopScene][$hide.layer2 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|$shopScene][$hide.layer2 = false; $action.action2 = "none"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Confirm' $shopScene>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq 'petrovic_incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'petrovic_3'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq 'celena_incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'celena_3'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq 'ashlake_incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'ashlake_3'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtGun eq 'incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtGun = 'bought'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtArmor eq 'incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtArmor = 'bought'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'gameOptionResetBlip'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $action.action1 = "none"; $processed = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>\n\t\t\t<<click 'Abort' $shopScene>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq 'petrovic_incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'petrovic_abort'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq 'celena_incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'celena_abort'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase eq 'ashlake_incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $characterEncounterPhases.nilgunRewardPhase = 'ashlake_abort'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtGun eq 'incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtGun = 'nope'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtArmor eq 'incart'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $loc_petrovic_cellar.boughtArmor = 'nope'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'gameOptionResetError'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $action.action1 = "none"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; $processed = false; $hide.layer2 = false; $hide.layer3 = false; $hide.layer4 = false; $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<endif>>\n</div>
<<if $confirmDoReplace eq "machinesmith">>\n\t<<replace '#game-machinesmith-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'machinesmith_buyoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "fleshmelder">>\n\t<<replace '#game-fleshmelder-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'fleshmelder_buyoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "celena">>\n\t<<replace '#game-celena-drugs'>>\n\t\t<<display 'celena_drugoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "cybershop">>\n\t<<replace '#game-shop-cyber'>>\n\t\t<<display 'cybershop_buyoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "junocult">>\n\t<<replace '#game-church-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'juno_shopoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "outpost">>\n\t<<replace '#game-outpost-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'outpost_buyoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "psychocult">>\n\t<<replace '#game-slaver-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'highpalace_shopoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "fallenshrine">>\n\t<<replace '#game-deathcult-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'fallenshrine_buyoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "cybercult">>\n\t<<replace '#game-rom-isabelle'>>\n\t\t<<display 'eprom_isabellebuy'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "romdrugs">>\n\t<<replace 'game-rom-drugs'>>\n\t\t<<display 'eprom_drugoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "cathedralshop">>\n\t<<replace '#game-church-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'church_shopoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "kobolbase">>\n\t<<replace '#game-basecamp-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'kobolbase_shopoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "lavandrishop">>\n\t<<replace '#game-arena-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'arena_shopoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "shrineshop_gear">>\n\t<<replace '#game-visionary-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'visionshrine_gearoptionss'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "shrine_augoptions">>\n\t<<replace '#game-visionary-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'visionshrine_shopoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "acheri">>\n\t<<replace '#game-acheri-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'acheri_buyoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "fashion">>\n\t<<replace '#game-fashion-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'fashion_buyoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<<elseif $confirmDoReplace eq "quarantineline">>\n\t<<replace '#game-purists-shop'>>\n\t\t<<display 'purist_shopoptions'>>\n\t<</replace>>\n<</if>>
<<set $shopScene = "b40_docks_kobolbase">>\n<<set $replaceContianer = "game-basecamp-cyber">>\n<<set $replaceWith = "kobolbase_shopoptions">>\n<<set $confirmDoReplace = "kobolbase">>\n<<set $shopContent = []>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 120, price: 100}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "9mm", num: 60, price: 100}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_tungsten", num: 3, price: 225}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<set $shopItem = {title: "Ammunition", type: "ammo", name: "bolt_electro", num: 3, price: 350}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n<<if $time.vendorStockIndex eq 0>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "MF-RIB", num: 1, price: 4135, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M405A1", num: 1, price: 5225, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7G", num: 1, price: 7450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S13G", num: 1, price: 9450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Commando Armor", num: 1, price: 5210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Red Devil", num: 1, price: 1150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 1>>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Family Business", num: 1, price: 6245, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Coilarms", type: "main", name: "M405A1", num: 1, price: 5225, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7G", num: 1, price: 7450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7ZF", num: 1, price: 13450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Red Devil", num: 1, price: 1150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Hellstorm Armor", num: 1, price: 10210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<<elseif $time.vendorStockIndex eq 2>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "MF-RIB", num: 1, price: 4135, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Sidearms", type: "secondary", name: "Family Business", num: 1, price: 6245, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S13G", num: 1, price: 9450, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Railarms", type: "main", name: "S7ZF", num: 1, price: 14150, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Cellarms", type: "main", name: "Hellfire", num: 1, price: 9815, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Hellstorm Armor", num: 1, price: 10210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n\t<<set $shopItem = {title: "Protective Gear", type: "armor", name: "Commando Armor", num: 1, price: 5210, specialSet: ""}; $shopContent.push($shopItem)>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<display 'drawShopInterface'>>
<<set $processLastAnointments = false>>\n<div id='game-anoint-shop' class='HUD_shop HUD_shop_anoint'>\n <<display 'drawAnointmentUI'>>\n</div>
/% check the costs %/\n <<set $canAfford = true>>\n <<set $stuff = Object.keys($availableAnointments[$i].materials)>>\n <<set $cssClassStr = "HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut">>\n <<set $costStr = "Cost: ">>\n\n <<for $x = 0; $x lt $stuff.length; $x++>>\n <<set $cost = $availableAnointments[$i].materials[$stuff[$x]]>>\n <<set $canAffordThisBit = true>>\n\n <<if $stuff[$x] eq "credits">>\n <<if $attrib.credits lt $cost>>\n <<set $canAfford = false>>\n <<set $canAffordThisBit = false>> \n <</if>>\n <<elseif $equip.inventory.contains($stuff[$x])>>\n <<set $ownedCount = $equip.inventoryQuantity[$equip.inventory.indexOf($stuff[$x])]>>\n <<if $ownedCount lt $cost>>\n <<set $canAfford = false>>\n <<set $canAffordThisBit = false>>\n <</if>>\n <<else>>\n <<set $canAfford = false>>\n <<set $canAffordThisBit = false>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $canAffordThisBit>>\n <<set $costStr += "<span class='bluecolor'>" + getLocalizedString($stuff[$x]) + ": " + $cost +"</span>">>\n <<else>>\n <<set $costStr += "<span class='greyedout'>" + getLocalizedString($stuff[$x]) + ": " + $cost +"</span>">>\n <</if>>\n <<if $x lt $stuff.length - 1>>\n <<set $costStr += " | ">>\n <</if>>\n <</for>> \n\n <<if $canAfford>>\n <<set $cssClassStr = "HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry">>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $equip[$availableAnointments[$i].slot]['anointment'] eq $availableAnointments[$i].name>>\n <<set $cssClassStr = "HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_NoClick">>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $costStr eq "Cost: ">>\n <<set $costStr = "[no cost]">>\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $baseAnoint = $equip[$availableAnointments[$i].slot]["anointment"]>>\n <<set $baseImage = $equip[$availableAnointments[$i].slot]["name"]>>\n\n <<if $equip[$availableAnointments[$i].slot]["name"] neq "none">>\n <<if not $drawnSections.contains($availableAnointments[$i].slot)>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo HUD_BuyListInfo_Title'>\n <<print getLocalizedString($availableAnointments[$i].slot)>>\n </div>\n <<set $drawnSections.push($availableAnointments[$i].slot)>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<print "\n <div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n <<if $baseAnoint neq 'none'>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $baseAnoint.toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n <<else>>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/blankimg.png]]\n <</if>>\n <div class='overlayImage'>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $baseImage.toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n </div>\n\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '"+ $baseImage + "'; playContextSound('ui_click'); $simulateAnointment = true; $simAnointment = '" + $availableAnointments[$i].name + "'>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div id='list-item-clothes-" + $i + "' class='" + $cssClassStr +"'>\n <<if $equip[$availableAnointments[$i].slot]['anointment'] eq $availableAnointments[$i].name>>\n <span class='greyedout bluecolor'>Already " + $anointVerbPastTense + " with "+ $upgradeItemName +"</span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'></span>\n\n <<elseif $canAfford>>\n <span class='bluecolor'>" + $anointVerb + " with "+ $upgradeItemName +"</span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'> " + $costStr +"</span>\n\n <<click ''>>\n <<if Object.keys($availableAnointments[" + $i + "].materials).length gt 0>>\n <<set removeInventoryItems($availableAnointments[" + $i + "].materials)>>\n <</if>>\n <<set $equip['" + $availableAnointments[$i].slot + "']['anointment'] = '" + $availableAnointments[$i].name + "'>>\n <<set $aquireTitle = $anointVerbPastTense>>\n <<set $aquireText = '" + $availableAnointments[$i].name +"'>>\n <<set $aquireImage = '" + $availableAnointments[$i].name.toLowerCase() +"'>>\n <<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-clothes-" + $i + "');>>\n\n <<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n <<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n <<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n <</replace>>\n\n <<replace '#game-anoint-shop'>>\n <<display 'drawAnointmentUI'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n <<else>>\n <span class='redcolor'>" + $anointVerb + " with " + $upgradeItemName +"</span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'> " + $costStr +"</span>\n <</if>>\n </div> \n ">> \n <</if>>
<<set $anointVerb = getLocalizedString($anointName + "_verb")>>\n<<set $anointVerbPastTense = getLocalizedString($anointName + "_verbPast")>>\n\n<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n <<print getLocalizedString($anointName)>>\n</div>\n\n<<set $drawnSections = []>>\n\n<<for $i = 0; $i lt $availableAnointments.length; $i++>>\n <<set $upgradeItemName = getLocalizedString($availableAnointments[$i].name)>>\n <<set $upgradeItemDescr = getLocalizedString($availableAnointments[$i].name + "_desc")>>\n\n <<if not $drawnSections.contains($availableAnointments[$i].name)>>\n <<print "<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $availableAnointments[$i].name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n </div>">>\n <<print "<div id='list-item-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_NoClick_Anoint'>\n <span class='pinkcolor'>"+ $upgradeItemName +"</span><br>\n <span class='medtext_nopad uncapitalize'>"+ $upgradeItemDescr +"</span><br>\n </div>">>\n <<set $drawnSections.push($availableAnointments[$i].name)>>\n <</if>>\n\n /* coz editor shows this as "wrong" (it's not) */\n <<display 'displayAnointmentBit'>>\n\n <</for>>\n\n\n<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>\n <<click "Accept" $continueOption.destination>>\n <<print "\n <<set " + $continueOption.set + ">>\n ">>\n <<set $processLastAnointments = true; $equip.pistol.lastAnointment = $equip.pistol.anointment; $equip.rifle.lastAnointment = $equip.rifle.anointment>>\n <<if $continueOption.resetType>>\n <<display $continueOption.resetType>>\n <</if>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>\n <<click "Decline" $continueOption.destination>>\n <<print "\n <<set $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; " + $continueOption.set + "; >>\n ">>\n <<set $processLastAnointments = true>>\n <<if $continueOption.resetType>>\n <<display $continueOption.resetType>>\n <</if>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n</div>
<<set $overflows.ignore = true>>\n<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b29_cybershop][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b29_cybershop][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error");]]</div>\n</div>\n\n\t<<if $equip.offhand.contains("cybercannon") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybergun") or $equip.offhand.contains("cybercarbine")>>\n\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["cybergun", "cybercarbine", "cybercannon"]>>\n\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = ["", "", ""]; $itemUpgradesName = ["", "", ""]>>\n\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [50, 750, 1400]>>\n\n\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\tCyberGun\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt $itemUpgradesTo.length; $i++>>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.purchasedUpgrades.contains($itemUpgradesTo[$i])>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($itemUpgradePrices[0] * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.upgradeBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($itemUpgradePrices[$i] * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.upgradeBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier)>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $itemUpgradesTo[$i]>>\n\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer' >\n\t\t\t\t<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i].toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = '"+ $itemUpgradesTo[$i] + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<if $equip.rifle.name eq $itemUpgradesTo[$i]>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Configure as "+ $aquireText +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already installed]</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Configure as " + $aquireText + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + "</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tConfigure as " + $aquireText + "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.rifle.name = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i] + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhand[2] = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i] + "'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = 'Installed'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i] +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i].toLowerCase() +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-shop-cyber'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybershop_augUpgrades'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'main', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</for>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<for $l = 0; $l lt $equip.offhand.length; $l++>>\n\t\t<<set $isValid = false>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand[$l] eq "cyberbody">>\n\t\t\t<<set $isValid = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["synth-lung", "synth-flex", "nano-plate"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = ["Synth-Lung Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>reduces intoxication, prevents infection</span>", "Synth-Flex Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>deflected attacks cause 30% less fatigue</span>", "Nano-Plate Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+30% armor</span>"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesName = ["Synth-Lung Pack", "Synth-Flex Pack", "Nano-Plate Pack"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [650, 1260, 2500]>>\t\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand[$l] eq "cybereye">>\n\t\t\t<<set $isValid = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["omnisense", "antiflash", "deadeye"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = ["OmniSense Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+10% evade</span>", "AntiFlash Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>enemy special attacks fatigue you less</span>", "Deadeye Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+10% ranged crit chance</span>"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesName = ["OmniSense Pack", "AntiFlash Pack", "Deadeye Pack"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [450, 1260, 2500]>>\t\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand[$l] eq "cyberarm">>\n\t\t\t<<set $isValid = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["synth-fiber", "shock-fist", "neuro-fist"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = ["Synth-Fiber Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>better heavy weapon and armor handling</span>", "Shock-Fist Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+1 powerfist shock stack</span>", "Neuro-Fist Pack: <span class='cyberupgradetext'>powerfist kills reduce fatigue by 5%</span>"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesName = ["Synth-Fiber Pack", "Shock-Fist Pack", "Neuro-Fist Pack"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [550, 1150, 1460]>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand[$l] eq "slenderbody">>\n\t\t\t<<set $isValid = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["mount-point", "boost-cell", "spinal-support"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesName = ["Mount-Point Pack", "Boost-Cell Pack", "Spinal-Support Pack"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = [$itemUpgradesName[0] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>increases cybergun & powerfist damage by 25%</span>", $itemUpgradesName[1] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+10% melee crit chance</span>", $itemUpgradesName[2] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>reduced heavy armor penalty</span>"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [950, 850, 760]>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand[$l] eq "braincase">>\n\t\t\t<<set $isValid = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["smart-link", "em-sensor", "ballistic-plate"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesName = ["Smart-Link Pack", "EM-Sensor Pack", "Ballistic-Plate Pack"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = [$itemUpgradesName[0] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>IntelliDiscs 25% more effective</span>", $itemUpgradesName[1] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+50% arc shield deflection, +10% accuracy</span>", $itemUpgradesName[2] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+10% armor</span>"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [950, 1050, 1160]>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand[$l] eq "specialskin_sleek">>\n\t\t\t<<set $isValid = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["hyper-cooling", "rib-edge", "dynamo"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesName = ["Hyper-Cooling Pack", "Rib-Edge Pack", "Dynamo Pack"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = [$itemUpgradesName[0] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>attacks deflected by shields provide +10% penetration</span>", $itemUpgradesName[1] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+1 armor integrity</span>", $itemUpgradesName[2] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>using any item provides +10% crit</span>"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [850, 900, 975]>>\n\n\t\t<<elseif $equip.offhand[$l] eq "specialskin_machine">>\n\t\t\t<<set $isValid = true>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesTo = ["iso-tube", "dura-link", "hyper-capacitor"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradesName = ["Iso-Tube Pack", "Dura-Link Pack", "Hyper-Capacitor Pack"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradeDesc = [$itemUpgradesName[0] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>cellarms use 25% less charge</span>", $itemUpgradesName[1] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>+10% armor</span>", $itemUpgradesName[2] + ": <span class='cyberupgradetext'>integrated arc shield</span>"]>>\n\t\t\t<<set $itemUpgradePrices = [900, 1560, 2750]>>\n\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $isValid>>\n\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $equip.offhand[$l]>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\t\t\t\t<<print $aquireText>>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<<for $i = 0; $i lt $itemUpgradesTo.length; $i++>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.purchasedUpgrades.contains($itemUpgradesTo[$i])>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($itemUpgradePrices[0] * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.upgradeBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $price = Math.round($itemUpgradePrices[$i] * $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.upgradeBuyModifier * $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier)>>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = $itemUpgradesTo[$i]>>\n\t\t\t\t<<display 'getActualItemName'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer' >\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "[img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i].toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click '' 'PDA'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $hud.currentScreen = '"+ $equip.offhand[$l] + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<if $equip.offhandUpgrade.contains($itemUpgradesTo[$i])>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_Grey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bluecolor'>Install "+ $itemUpgradeDesc[$i] +"</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>[already installed]</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $price gt $attrib.credits>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<print "<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Install " + $itemUpgradeDesc[$i] + "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='redcolor'>Price: " + $price + "</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id='list-item-main-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInstall "+ $itemUpgradeDesc[$i] +"<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><span class='bluecolor'>Price: " + $price + " C</span></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $attrib.credits -= " + $price + ">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $equip.offhandUpgrade[" + $l + "] = '" + $itemUpgradesTo[$i] + "'>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#game-shop-cyber'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'cybershop_augUpgrades'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireTitle = 'Installed'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireText = '" + $itemUpgradesName[$i] + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $aquireImage = '"+ $itemUpgradesTo[$i].toLowerCase() + "'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'main', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashUp');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-main-" + $i + "');>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"\n\t\t\t\t\t>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<</for>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</for>>\n\n<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b29_cybershop][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip");]]</div>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b29_cybershop][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error");]]</div>\n</div>
<<set $overflows.ignore = true>>\n\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")]]</div>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_ListEntryNoSelect HUD_ListEntryMainCategory'>\n\tCustom Builds\n\t</div>\n\n\t<<set $getCharacteristicsFrom = $equip.clothes>>\n\t<<display 'getItemCharacteristics'>>\n\n <<set $drawnSections = []>>\n\n <<set $foundItem = false>>\n <<for $i=0; $i lt $itemUpgrades.length; $i++>>\n <<if $equip.clothes eq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <<display 'drawArmorUpgradeOptions'>>\n <<set $foundItem = true>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $foundItem and $equip.clothes neq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <<break>>\n <</if>>\n <</for>>\n\n <<for $i=0; $i lt $itemUpgrades.length; $i++>>\n <<if $equip.clothes neq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <<display 'drawArmorUpgradeOptions'>>\n <</if>>\n <</for>>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_ListContainer'>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Confirm|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; playContextSound("ui_blip")]]</div>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_BuyUI GameOption_Weapon'>[[Abort|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromSelf"; $equip = $storedGear; $attrib = $storedAttrib; playContextSound("ui_blip_error")]]</div>\n\t</div>
<<set $baseItemName = getLocalizedString($itemUpgrades[$i].name)>>\n<<set $upgItemName = getLocalizedString($itemUpgrades[$i].upgradesTo)>>\n\n/% check the costs %/\n<<set $canAfford = true>>\n<<set $stuff = Object.keys($itemUpgrades[$i].materials)>>\n<<set $cssClassStr = "HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_SoldOut">>\n<<set $costStr = "">>\n\n<<if $hud.shopSubSection eq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <<if $itemUpgrades[$i].cost gt 0>>\n <<if $attrib.credits gte $itemUpgrades[$i].cost>>\n <<set $costStr = "<span class='bluecolor'>Credits: " + $itemUpgrades[$i].cost +"</span>">>\n <<else>>\n <<set $costStr = "<span class='greyedout'>Credits: " + $itemUpgrades[$i].cost +"</span>">>\n <</if>>\n <<if $stuff.length gt 0>>\n <<set $costStr += " | ">>\n <</if>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<for $x = 0; $x lt $stuff.length; $x++>>\n <<set $cost = $itemUpgrades[$i].materials[$stuff[$x]]>>\n <<set $canAffordThisBit = true>>\n\n <<if $equip.inventory.contains($stuff[$x])>>\n <<set $ownedCount = $equip.inventoryQuantity[$equip.inventory.indexOf($stuff[$x])]>>\n <<if $ownedCount lt $cost>>\n <<set $canAfford = false>>\n <<set $canAffordThisBit = false>>\n <</if>>\n <<else>>\n <<set $canAfford = false>>\n <<set $canAffordThisBit = false>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $canAffordThisBit>>\n <<set $costStr += "<span class='bluecolor'>" + getLocalizedString($stuff[$x]) + ": " + $cost +"</span>">>\n <<else>>\n <<set $costStr += "<span class='greyedout'>" + getLocalizedString($stuff[$x]) + ": " + $cost +"</span>">>\n <</if>>\n <<if $x lt $stuff.length - 1>>\n <<set $costStr += " | ">>\n <</if>>\n <</for>> \n\n <<if $attrib.credits gte $itemUpgrades[$i].cost and $canAfford>>\n <<set $canAfford = true>>\n <<set $cssClassStr = "HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry">>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $equip.clothes neq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <<set $cssClassStr = "HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_NoClick">>\n <</if>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<<if not $drawnSections.contains($itemUpgrades[$i].name)>>\n <div class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo HUD_BuyListInfo_Title' style='text-transform: capitalize;'>\n <<if $equip.clothes neq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <span class='greyedout'><<if $hud.shopSubSection eq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>-<<else>>+<</if>> <<print $itemUpgrades[$i].name>></span>\n <<else>>\n <<if $hud.shopSubSection eq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>-<<else>>+<</if>> <<print $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <</if>>\n <<print "\n <<click ''>>\n <<if $hud.shopSubSection eq '" + $itemUpgrades[$i].name + "'>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip_back');>>\n <<set $hud.shopSubSection = 'none'>>\n <<else>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_blip');>>\n <<set $hud.shopSubSection = '" + $itemUpgrades[$i].name + "'>>\n <</if>>\n <<replace '#game-scrapyard-shop'>>\n <<display 'scrapyard_buyoptions'>>\n <</replace>>\n <</click>>\n ">>\n </div>\n <<set $drawnSections.push($itemUpgrades[$i].name)>>\n\n <<print "\n <<if $hud.shopSubSection eq '" + $itemUpgrades[$i].name + "'>>\n <div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $itemUpgrades[$i].name.toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '"+ $itemUpgrades[$i].name + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div id='list-item-clothes-" + $i + "' class='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry HUD_BuyListEntry_NoClick'>\n <<if $equip.clothes neq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <span class='greyedout'>Base Item: "+ $baseItemName +" (not owned)</span><br>\n <<else>>\n <span class='greencolor'>Base Item: "+ $baseItemName +" (owned)</span><br>\n <</if>>\n </div> \n <</if>>">> \n<</if>>\n\n<<print "\n<<if $hud.shopSubSection eq '" + $itemUpgrades[$i].name + "'>>\n <div class ='HUD_ListEntry HUD_BuyListInfo'>\n [img[https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/" + $itemUpgrades[$i].upgradesTo.toLowerCase() + ".png]]\n <<click '' 'PDA'>>\n <<set $hud.currentScreen = '"+ $itemUpgrades[$i].upgradesTo + "'; playContextSound('ui_click');>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n <div id='list-item-clothes-" + $i + "' class='" + $cssClassStr +"'>\n <<if $equip.clothes neq $itemUpgrades[$i].name>>\n <span class='greyedout'>Create "+ $upgItemName +"</span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'> " + $costStr +"</span>\n <<elseif $canAfford>>\n <span class='bluecolor'>Create "+ $upgItemName +"</span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'> " + $costStr +"</span>\n\n <<click ''>>\n <<set $attrib.credits -= " + $itemUpgrades[$i].cost + ">>\n <<if Object.keys($itemUpgrades[" + $i + "].materials).length gt 0>>\n <<set removeInventoryItems($itemUpgrades[" + $i + "].materials)>>\n <</if>>\n <<set $equip.clothes = '" + $itemUpgrades[$i].upgradesTo + "'>>\n <<set $aquireTitle = 'Custom Built'>>\n <<set $aquireText = '" + $itemUpgrades[$i].upgradesTo +"'>>\n <<set $aquireImage = '" + $itemUpgrades[$i].upgradesTo.toLowerCase() +"'>>\n <<set window.setTimeout(pokeListElement, 60, 'list-item-clothes-" + $i + "');>>\n\n <<display 'replaceUpgradeScrapYard'>>\n <</click>>\n <<else>>\n <span class='redcolor'>Create "+ $upgItemName +"</span><br>\n <span class='greyedout medtext_nopad'> " + $costStr +"</span>\n <</if>>\n </div> \n<</if>>">>
<<display 'checkAmmoLevel'>>\n<<replace '#hud-center-pane'>>\n <<display 'UI_CenterPane'>>\n<</replace>>\n<<replace '#hud-notification-pane'>>\n <<display 'UI_AquireItem'>>\n<</replace>>\n<<replace '#game-scrapyard-shop'>>\n <<display 'scrapyard_buyoptions'>>\n<</replace>>\n<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'finances', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, 'vitality', 'HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown');>>\n<<set playContextSound('ui_click');>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $inztinct.pointsAvailable eq 0>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillText SkillText_Granted'><span class='greyedout'>Requires: <<print $requiredtext>></span></div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillAssignButton HUD_SkillButtonDisabled'>\n\t\t\tMemory Full\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains($skillname)>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillText SkillText_Granted'>Requires: <<print $requiredtext>></div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillAssignButton HUD_SkillButtonActive'>\n\t\t\tAllocated\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains($skillname)>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillText SkillText_Granted'>Requires: <<print $requiredtext>></div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillAssignButton'>\n\t\t\tAllocate: 128 XB\n\t\t\t<<print "<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.pointsAvailable -= 1; playContextSound(\s"ui_blip\s");>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.learnedSkills.push (\s"" + $skillname + "\s")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#mem-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\tMEM: <<print Math.round($inztinct.pointsAvailable * 128)>> XB\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set flashUIElement(\s"skills\s", \s"HUD_SkillMemory_FlashDown\s")>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = false>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = \s"" + $skillname + "\s">>\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = true>>\n\n\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'X'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'SkillInfoBox'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<display '"+ $skillname +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillText SkillText_Required'>Requires: <<print $requiredtext>></div>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillAssignButton HUD_SkillButtonDisabled'>\n\t\t\t<span class='greyedout'>Unable to Allocate</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_0">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Hunter">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "xenofauna or abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> against <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>abominations</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. You take <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>twice as many samples</span> from <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>abominations</span>-\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Technologist">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "disabled robotic agent">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReal-time phase detection package. Increases <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>damage against shields</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. You deal <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span> against <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>all machines</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Unpredictable">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tAdaptive tactics package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Weapon switch penalty</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>reduced</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>combo damage</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>increased</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Hardened">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "imposing abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReactive neuro-hardening package. Attacks <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>deflected by armor</span> cause <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (6 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% less fatigue</span>. You gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>+1 armor integrity</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Private Eye">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "crime scene investigated">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Greasecoats</span> count as <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>fashionable</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Freelance jobs</span> pay <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>20% more</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Negotiator">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful bribe">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Negotiation always succeeds</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>bribes</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>30% less</span>. \n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Deductor">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful bypass">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCypher recognition package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Bypass codes</span> are now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>displayed</span> in plaintext.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Sleuth">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful sneak">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCovert operations package. You are <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>better at sneaking</span> in <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>light armor</span>. You are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more likely</span> to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>evade</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Mercenary">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "freelance job completed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. Your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>freelance job history</span> increases your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>ranged weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 + Math.ceil(0.35 * $inztinct.affinity * $statistics.freelanceJobsDone))>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Scoundrel">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "criminal record">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Ammunition</span> now costs <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>33% less</span>. You deal <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>fully automatic weapons</span>.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Gunner">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "fired coilarm">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Re-loading a coilarm</span> inceases it's <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>damage</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Re-loading a railarm</span> inceases it's <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_atheist_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Tactician">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "IntelliDisc thrown">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tAdaptice tactics package. Using <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>any IntelliDisc</span> increases your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>cover</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (6 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. Using <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>any combat chem</span> increases <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>all status effects</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_7")>>\n\t\t<<if $chr_ith.met or $chr_ith.alive eq false>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_6")>>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_6")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_11")>>\n\t\t<<if $sexPhases.didLizzard or $sexPhases.didKitty or $sexPhases.didHalfbreed or $sexPhases.didRhino>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_10")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.drugsUsed gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_0")>>\n\t\t<<if $chr_raj.met>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_0")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_4")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_5")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.offhand[3] neq "humanskin1" and $equip.offhand[3] neq "humanskin2" and $equip.offhand[3] neq "humanskin3" and $equip.offhand[3] neq "humanskin4" and $equip.offhand[3] neq "humanskin5">>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_3")>>\n\t\t<<if $sexPhases.numTimesHadSex gte 1>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_2")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.credits gte 15000>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_12")>>\n\t\t<<if $loc_syndicate_facility.killedResearcher>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_6")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isArcWeapon>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_4")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_5")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_7")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.combatHeavyWeapon gte 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_9")>>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 6 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_1")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyCoilgun>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_5")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.lootedAmmo gte 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_1")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.lootedAmmo gte 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_2")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.armorDeflect gte 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_3")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.overalKills gte 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_4")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.humanKilled gte 5>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_5")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.meleeDone gte 10>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_6")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.exhausted>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_7")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.intimidateDone gte 2>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_8")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.organicKilled gte 15>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_9")>>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_10")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.alcoholDrunk gte 3>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_11")>>\n\t\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_12")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_kobol_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_12")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.machine_advKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_9")>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_11")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.item_fucellUsed gt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_3")>>\n\t\t<<if $statistics.plasmaCasterUsed>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_4")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isPlasmaCaster>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_2")>>\n\t\t<<if $equip.isHeavyArmor>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.organicKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_12")>>\n\t\t<<if $chr_corinthin.met>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.agressionDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.abominationsSpared gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.controlsBroken gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.intimidateDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 3000>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 1500>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 750>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal gte 300>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_arena_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_arena_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.lootedAmmo gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.armortype eq "armored" or $equip.isHeavyWeapon>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $equip.isAugmented>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_11")>>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.faith.void gte 1>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.faith.eden gte 1>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t/% unique case for cyber body as it's an invisible cyber enhancement %/\n\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if not $job_crypto_warlock.killedHacker and ($loc_warlock_core.companion eq "isabelle" or $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase gte 7)>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.abom_uniqueKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\t\n\t\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.abominationKilled gt 0 or $statistics.xenofaunaKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_0")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_0")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.abominationKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.humanKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.xenofaunaKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.machineKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.abom_elusiveKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_forsaken_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.abom_imposingKilled gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_abominated_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.crimesInvestigated gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.compliedWithAuthority gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.arguedWithAuthority gt 0 or $statistics.attackedAuthority gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.bribesDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.suspectQuestioned gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $statistics.hacksDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.sneakDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.freelanceJobsDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte 2>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.nineMillFired gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.negotiateDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_mesmer_1")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.negotion_failDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_edenite_2")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_4")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.boltScatterFired gt 0 or $statistics.boltToxinFired gt 0 or $statistics.boltTunstenFired gt 0 or $statistics.boltConductiveFired gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_3")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.boltScatterFired gt 0 or $statistics.boltToxinFired gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.specialKillDone gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_theophobe_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.drugs_rangedUsed gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_6")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.drugs_stimUsed gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_7")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.drugs_meleeUsed gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.alcoholDrunk gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_warsmith_8")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $statistics.drugs_abomUsed gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.addicted>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_10")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_9")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $characterEncounterPhases.slaverRewardPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_highborn_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n\t<<if $statistics.discsThrown gt 0>>\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_atheist_11")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_cyber_5")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if not $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains("skill_voided_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.unlockedSkills.push("skill_voided_12")>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.newSkills += 1>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<set $skillEarnString = "by doing nothing">>\n<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "sitting around">>\n\n<<set $inztinct.affinity = 0>>\n<<set $inztinct.maxAffinity = 10>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by killing abominations">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "completing freelance jobs">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.abominationKilled * 0.25) + ($statistics.freelanceJobsDone * 1))>>\n\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by killing organics">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "breaking locks">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.organicKilled * 0.15) + ($statistics.controlsBroken * 0.5))>>\n\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by firing projectile-based weapons">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "sneaking successfully">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round((($statistics.nineMillFired + $statistics.boltTunstenFired + $statistics.boltConductiveFired + $statistics.boltScatterFired + $statistics.boltToxinFired) * 0.02) + ($statistics.sneakDone * 0.5))>>\n\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by killing abominations">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "based on dilligence">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.abominationKilled * 0.25) + ($attrib.dilligence * 0.05))>>\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by killing humans">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for every 2500 credits owned">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.humanKilled * 0.25) + ($attrib.credits / 2500))>>\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "through wanton slaughter">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for every substance abused">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.drugsUsed * 0.35) + ($statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed * 0.3) + ($statistics.alcoholDrunk * 0.05) + ($statistics.overalKills * 0.05))>>\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by destroying machines">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for completing hacks and throwing discs">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.machineKilled * 0.125) + ($statistics.machine_advKilled * 0.45) + ($statistics.hacksDone * 0.25) + ($statistics.discsThrown * 0.35) + ($statistics.dataPadsRead * 0.15))>>\n\t<<if $equip.isCybernetic and $inztinct.affinity lt $inztinct.maxAffinity>>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.affinity += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by killing organics">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for using heavy armor and self-abomination">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.organicKilled * 0.05) + ($statistics.combatHeavyArmor * 0.1))>>\n\t<<if $equip.isAbominated>>\n\t\t<<set $inztinct.affinity += 1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "through wanton slaughter">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for every 500 arena points">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($job_arena_lavandri.pointsTotal / 500) + ($statistics.overalKills * 0.05))>>\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by bribes, negotiation, and recreational activities">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for every data pad read">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.negotiateDone * 0.1) + ($statistics.bribesDone * 0.15) + ($sexPhases.numTimesHadSex * 0.3) + ($statistics.drugs_noncombatUsed * 0.3) + ($statistics.alcoholDrunk * 0.05) + ($statistics.dataPadsRead * 0.25))>>\n\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by using heavy weapons and armor in combat">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for equipment looted">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.combatArmored * 0.06) + ($statistics.combatHeavyArmor * 0.06) + ($statistics.combatHeavyWeapon * 0.06) + ($statistics.lootedMainWeapon * 0.1) + ($statistics.lootedBackupWeapon * 0.1) + ($statistics.lootedArmor * 0.25) + ($statistics.lootedAmmo * 0.15))>>\n\n<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t<<set $skillEarnString = "by firing coilgun and railgun bolts">>\n\t<<set $skillDoubleEarnString = "for using armor in combat">>\n\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = Math.round(($statistics.combatArmored * 0.07) + ($statistics.nineMillFired * 0.07) + ($statistics.boltTunstenFired * 0.15) + ($statistics.boltConductiveFired * 0.15))>>\n\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.affinity gt $inztinct.maxAffinity>>\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = $inztinct.maxAffinity>>\n<<elseif $inztinct.affinity eq 0>>\n\t<<set $inztinct.affinity = 1>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Vigilante">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "human killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>sidearms</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Ammunition</span> now costs <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% less</span>\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Technomancer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "IntelliDisc thrown">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tTechno-sense package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Upgrade Kits</span> now cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>33% less</span>. You have a chance to <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>salvage one IntelliDisc</span> after combat.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Synth">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "became addicted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-optimization package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetic augments</span> now prevent <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>addiction and infection</span>. You gain <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>+1 shield integrity</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Guerillia">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "fired coilarm">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>damage</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>coilarms and cainister rounds</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Cryptomancer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful bypass">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCypher-tek package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Bypass codes</span> are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>displayed</span> in plaintext. You can <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>use Xjanu-4</span> to <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>disable any mechanical enemy</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Android">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired cybernetic augment">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-enhancement package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetics and armor</span> no longer incur <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>fatigue</span>. You can <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>use FuCells</span> to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>reduce fatigue</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (7.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Deadeye">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "fired railarm">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>railarm accuracy</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>railarm damage</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Neuromancer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful negotiation">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Negotiation</span> always succeeds. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Bribes</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>25% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Automaton">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "disabled robotic agent">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCyber-optimization package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetic augments</span> reduce <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>weapon switch penalty</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (8 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. You gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>5% crit chance</span> for <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>every installed cybernetic</span>.\n\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Samurai">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "attacked after warning">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReflex enhancement package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>melee weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Deflected attacks</span> further increase your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>crit chance</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Anarchomancer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "defied the authorities">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCrimeNet bypass package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>Every 24 hours</span> your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>criminality is reduced</span>. All <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>IntelliDiscs</span> are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more effective</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_cyber_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Electron">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "unique abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCyber-arc package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Entering combat</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>at least one cybernetic installed</span> now <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>unleashes arc-shocks</span>.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Purifier">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "xenofauna or abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>damage against abominations and xenofauna</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Judgement">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "attacked after warning">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReflex enhancement package. When you <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>switch weapons</span> you gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% critical hit chance</span> for one turn.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Cleanser">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Plasma casters</span> deal <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span> and can now <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critically hit</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Paladin">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "imposing abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReactive neuro-hardening package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Armor</span> deflects <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span> and causes <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% less fatigue</span> when struck.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Inquisitor">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "questioned a suspect">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tChurchNet link package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>The Church of Eden</span> now pays <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>bribes</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Sanctioned">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "criminal record">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCrimeNet uplink package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Tresspassing</span> no longer causes <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>criminality</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetics</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Confiscation">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "investigated a crime scene">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tEnvrio-scan package. You <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>salvage / sample twice as many</span> items. You scrounge <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>30% more ammunition</span>.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Authoritan">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "complied with the authorities">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Negotiation always succeeds</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>all armor</span> counts as <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>religious</span>. \n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Acolyte">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "prayed to the stars">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Prayer</span> now alleviates <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>addiction and infection</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Your religious devotion</span> increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy by <<print (5 + (0.25 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.eden))>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Disciple">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired armor">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-optimization package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetics</span> no longer <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>incur fatigue</span>. You gain <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>+1 armor integrity</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>+1 shield integrity</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Believer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired an augment">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-enhancement package. When <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>wearing religious attire</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>wielding anointed weapons</span>, you gain <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 + (0.25 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.eden))>>% crit chance</span> based on <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>your religious devotion</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_edenite_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Ex Machina">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "encountered a machine-angel">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Entering combat in religious</span> attire within <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>24 hours of prayer</span> now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>cures fatigue</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Necrotic">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "organic killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>All weapons</span> do <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span> and are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more accurate</span> against <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>organic enemies</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Death Wish">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "attacked without warning">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReflex package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>melee crit chance</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. ArcDiscs <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>inflict shock damage</span> instead of providing shields.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Flayer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>shock intensity</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (6 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>crit chance</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>arc casters</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Noxiant">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "xenofauna killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>All toxic gas</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more effective</span>. You have a chance to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>salvage one ViroDisc</span> after combat.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Mourner">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "mourned someone's death">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Mourning attire</span> counts as <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>fashionable</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Killing organics</span> reduces <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>intoxication and fatigue</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>5%</span>.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Misfit">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "spared an abomination">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Bribes and biochems</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>15% less</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetics</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Corrosive">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "forced a lock">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMatter-scan package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Forcing locks</span> is no longer <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>a criminal act</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>ViroDiscs</span> are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more</span> effective.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Ominous">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful intimidation">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Extortion</span> now pays <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>40% more</span>. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>melee hit chance and shield penetration</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Seeker">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "scrounged ammunition">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tEnviro-sense package. Increases the ammount of <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>9mm rounds</span> you scrounge by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>200%</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Infection</span> causes <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>less fatigue</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Unburdened">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired armor or heavy weapon">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-optimization package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Heavy weapons</span> no longer incur <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>fatigue</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Evade</span> is <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% better</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Impurity">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired an augment">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-optimization package. Reduces the <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>negative effects of biochems</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>50%</span>. When <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>infected</span>, your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>melee attacks</span> inflict <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>toxic gas</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_forsaken_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Lucidity">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "listened to music">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-fix package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Intoxication</span> no longer affects <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy</span>. Your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>religious devotion</span> increases your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>crit chance by <<print (5 + (0.15 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.death))>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\t\n\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers = {\n\t\thasArmorSneak: false,\n\t\thasShadowExclusin: false,\n\t\thasShadowDodgeExclusin: false,\n\t\thasTrespassExclusion: false,\n\t\thasBypassDecoder: false,\n\t\thasBypassExclusion: false,\n\n\t\thasNegotiateOverride: false,\n\t\tisExubrenceQualified: false,\n\t\tisNoxiousQualified: false,\n\t\tisAtonementQualified: false,\n\t\tisExtacyQualified: false,\n\t\tisGodlikeQualified: false,\n\t\tisExMachinaQualified: false,\n\n\t\thasArmorFatigueOverride: false,\n\t\thasWeaponFatigueOverride: false,\n\t\thasCyberneticFatigueOverride: false,\n\n\t\thasDetoxOverride: false,\n\t\tisIrresistable: false,\n\n\t\tbribeModifier: 1,\n\t\textortModifier: 1,\n\t\tfreelanceModifier: 1,\n\t\tchurchModifier: 1,\n\t\tpsychoCultIncomeMod: 1,\n\n\t\tammoFindModifier: 1,\n\t\tammoFindModifierNineMill: 1,\n\t\tammoBuyModifier: 1,\n\t\tchemBuyModifier: 1,\n\n\t\tupgradeBuyModifier: 1,\n\t\taugmentBuyModifier: 1,\n\t\tcyberneticsBuyModifier: 1,\n\n\t\tgeneralShopModifier: 1,\t\n\t}>>\n\n\t/% adjustment for freelance jobs so they scale sliiightly with the main job %/\n\t<<if $attrib.dilligence lt 20>>\n\t\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier = 1>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 35>>\n\t\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier = 1.07>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 50>>\n\t\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier = 1.15>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 75>> \n\t\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier = 1.23>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.dilligence lt 95>> \n\t\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier = 1.3>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier = 1.35>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
/% get base values %/\n<<display 'setGameworldModifiers'>>\n<<display 'checkAffinity'>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_7")>>\n <<if $equip.isGlamorous and (($time.active - $sexPhases.lastSexTime) lte 24)>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isExubrenceQualified = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_12")>>\n <<if (($time.active - $sexPhases.lastSexTime) lte 24)>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isExtacyQualified = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_12")>>\n <<if (($time.active - $attrib.faith.lastPrayTime) lte 24) and $equip.isReligious>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isExMachinaQualified = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_11")>>\n <<if $equip.isConcealing>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isNoxiousQualified = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_8")>>\n <<if ($time.active - $job_arena_lavandri.lastBattleAt) lt 24>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isGodlikeQualified = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_10") and $attrib.toxicity lt 50 and $attrib.addicted eq false>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.8>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_12") and $equip.isHeavyArmor and $attrib.toxicity lt 50 and $attrib.addicted eq false and ($time.active - $sexPhases.lastSexTime) gte 24 and ($time.active - $time.tookdrugs) gte 24>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isAtonementQualified = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_12") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_3")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_1")>>\n <<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n <</if>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier *= 1.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_mesmer_2")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 1.15>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_9")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.7>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_kobol_11")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.chemBuyModifier *= 0.8>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.psychoCultIncomeMod *= 1.3>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_4")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier *= 1.20>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_5")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.7>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_6")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_10")>>\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity lt 50 and $attrib.addicted eq false>>\n \t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak = true>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_7") and $equip.isHeavyArmor eq false>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_8")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier *= 1.5>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.churchModifier *= 1.5>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_1")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.ammoBuyModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_atheist_9")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.ammoBuyModifier *= 0.66>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_6")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.chemBuyModifier *= 0.85>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.85>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier *= 1.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_7")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassExclusion = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_8")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier *= 1.4>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_9")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier *= 2>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_warsmith_5")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifierNineMill *= 3>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_forsaken_10")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasWeaponFatigueOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_6")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorSneak = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowDodgeExclusin = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_8") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_12")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_11")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.85>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_9") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_10")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_10")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_voided_11")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.85>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier *= 1.15>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_8")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_5")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.churchModifier *= 1.1>>\n\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_6")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_arena_10")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.ammoBuyModifier *= 0.66>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_7")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.upgradeBuyModifier *= 0.66>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.ammoFindModifier *= 1.33>>\n /% old skill: <<set $gameworld_modifiers.ammoBuyModifier *= 0.66>>%/\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_6") or $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_2")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasTrespassExclusion = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_7")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasBypassDecoder = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_8")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.8>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier *= 1.35>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_theophobe_9")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier *= 1.3>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_5")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.chemBuyModifier *= 0.6>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_6") and $attrib.toxicity gte 50>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier *= 1.15>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_9")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasDetoxOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_highborn_11")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.75>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_7")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.75>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_cyber_10")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_edenite_10")>>\n\t<<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasCyberneticFatigueOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% non skill modifiers %/\n<<if $equip.isConcealing>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasShadowExclusin = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.cyberneticsBuyModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isCyberOutfit>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.upgradeBuyModifier *= 0.95>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.9>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% super fancy outfits make people rob you more but you can extort more from them %/ \n<<if $equip.isSuperFancy>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 1.1>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% even more likely to get robbed (these stack now) %/ \n<<if $equip.isGlamorous>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 1.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% special bonuses for these clothing pieces %/\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Puffdress" or $equip.clothes eq "Puffwear">>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier *= 1.1>>\n<<elseif ($equip.clothes eq "Lightdress" or $equip.clothes eq "Lightwear")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.churchModifier *= 1.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n/% gene mods stuff %/\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("catears")>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.9>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.9>>\n\n <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n <</if>>\n <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.isIrresistable = true>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("normalskel") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 1>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasArmorFatigueOverride = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("fleshmask") and $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.offhand.contains("chameleon")>>\n <<if $attrib.bioAugModifier gte 0.5>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier *= 1.25>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.clothes eq "Vestement of the Vampire Hunter" and $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.freelanceModifier *= 1.1>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $equip.isPartyOutfit>>\t\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.chemBuyModifier *= 0.8>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "sex">>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.95>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier *= 1.05>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.95>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.chosenCorbeiReward eq "power">>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.generalShopModifier *= 0.9>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.hasNegotiateOverride = true>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.extortModifier *= 1.1>>\n <<set $gameworld_modifiers.bribeModifier *= 0.9>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains("skill_abominated_12")>>\n <<if $attrib.fatigue gt 65>>\n <<set $attrib.fatigue = 65>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $attrib.toxicity gt 65>>\n <<set $attrib.toxicity = 65>>\n <</if>>\n<</if>>
<<nobr>>\t\n\t/% https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/ %/\n\t<<set $displayFullSkill = false>>\n\t<<if $inztinct.viewingSkill eq $skillname>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillIcon HUD_SkillViewed'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[\s"https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/skills/" + $skillname + ".png\s"]]<br>">>\n\t\t\t<<print $skilltitle>>\n\t\t\t<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $inztinct.learnedSkills.contains($skillname)>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillIcon HUD_SkillChosen'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[\s"https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/skills/" + $skillname + ".png\s"]]<br>">>\n\t\t\t<<print $skilltitle>>\n\t\t\t<<print "<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = false; playContextSound(\s"ui_click\s");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = \s"" + $skillname + "\s">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = true>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'X'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'SkillInfoBox'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '"+ $skillname +"'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<elseif $inztinct.unlockedSkills.contains($skillname)>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillIcon HUD_SkillUnlocked'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[\s"https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/skills/" + $skillname + ".png\s"]]<br>">>\n\t\t\t<<print $skilltitle>>\n\t\t\t<<print "<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = false; playContextSound(\s"ui_click\s");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = \s"" + $skillname + "\s">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'X'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'SkillInfoBox'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '"+ $skillname +"'>>\n <<if $debug>>file: "+ $skillname +"<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='HUD_SkillIcon'>\n\t\t\t<<print "[img[\s"https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/skills/" + $skillname + ".png\s"]]<br>">>\n\t\t\t<<print $skilltitle>>\n\t\t\t<<print "<<click ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = false; playContextSound(\s"ui_click\s");>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = \s"" + $skillname + "\s">>\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<<set $displayFullSkill = true>>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='HUD_NavScreenClose' style='margin: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<click 'X'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<set $inztinct.viewingSkill = ''>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-area'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'HUD_SkillArea'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<replace '#skill-info'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display 'SkillInfoBox'>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<</click>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<display '"+ $skillname +"'>>\n <<if $debug>>file: "+ $skillname +"<</if>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<</replace>>\n\t\t\t\t<</click>>">>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Blade Dance">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieve Massacre in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-optimization package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Successive hits</span> increase <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>melee counter bonus</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>5%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Spectacle">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved Hotshot in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReflex enhancement package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Switching weapons</span> increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>combination damage</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Combo effects</span> increase <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical damage</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Bloodstained">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved Rampage in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. You deal <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span> against previously <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>damaged shields and armor</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Gorefest">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved Unsustainable in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Successful <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>combination effects</span> increase <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Killing Spree">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved Multikill in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tAdaptive tactics package. Each <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>active dazzle stack</span> increases <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy and damage</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>7.5%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Contestant">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved 300 Approval">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tGear-sense package. You can carry <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>25% more ammunition</span> of all types. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Cellarms</span> use <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> less charge.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Domination">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved Curbstomp in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tAdrenal optimization package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Evade</span> <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% better</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>weapon switch penalty</span> reduced by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (7.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Aspirant">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved 750 Approval">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Arena Rewards</span> now pay <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>25% more</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Ammunition</span> now costs <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>33% less</span>.\n\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Unstoppable">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved Tension in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReactive neuro-hardening package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Attacks deflected by armor</span> cause <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% less</span> fatigue. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Killing an enemy</span> now gives <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>+1 armor integrity</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Idol">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved 1500 Approval">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Negotiation</span> always succeeds. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Shop purchases</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>15% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Godlike">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved Gladiator in Arena">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Entering combat</span> within <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>24 hours</span> of <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>winning a deathmatch</span> now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>dazzles</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_arena_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Champion">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "Achieved 3000 Approval">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCrimeNet exclusion package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Flirting</span> always succeeds. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Criminality</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>reduced</span> every <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>24 hours</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Sadist">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "human killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReactive neuro-hardening package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Killing organics</span> increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>intoxication</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>5%</span>.\n\t\t\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Masochist">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "xenofauna killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Attacks deflected by armor</span> increase <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>all damage</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\t\t\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Neurotic">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Missed attacks</span> increase <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Psychotic">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "imposing abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-activation package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Intoxication</span> increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> per severity level.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Raver">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "consumed recreational drugs">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tNon-verbal cue detection package. Decreases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>cost of biochems</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>40%</span>. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Recreational events</span> available <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1 + (0.3 * $inztinct.affinity))>> hours</span> sooner.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Psytrance">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used calming chem">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tNon-verbal cue package. When you are <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>intoxicated</span>, your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>negotiation always succeeds</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>extortion</span> pays <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>15% more</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Cybercore">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used energizing chem">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tAdaptive tactics package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetic augments</span> reduce <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>weapon switch penalty</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (6.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>IntelliDiscs</span> are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.0 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% better</span>\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Biopunk">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used enraging chem">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tNeuro-optimization package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Non-cybernetic augments</span> now increase <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>biochem potency</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Placebo">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "consumed alcohol">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tNeuro-adjustment package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Addiction cannot be sweat out</span> and incurs <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>50% less fatigue</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Equilibrium">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "became addicted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tNeuro-optimization package. While <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>clean and sober</span>, you can <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>sneak in light armor</span>. While <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>intoxicated</span> you are <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>not encumbered</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>armor</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Dependence">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "befriended a slave">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Flirting</span> always succeeds. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Shop purchases</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>25% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_highborn_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Extacy">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used abominable chem">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tNeuro-tweak package. For <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>24 hours after recreation</span>, when you <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>use a combat chem</span> your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>fatigue is cured</span> and you gain <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% crit chance</span>.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "MilSpec">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "looted ammunition (x3)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tGear-sense package. You can carry <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>25% more 9mm rounds</span> and gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% armor</span> from <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>all apparel</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Footsolder">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "deflected with armor (x5)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. You gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% armor</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% damage</span> when wearing <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>any armor or protective gear</span>. Your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>armor fatigues</span> you <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% less</span> when struck.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Designated Marksman">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "engagement won (x5)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>damage</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical chance</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>semi-automatic weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Double Tap">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "humans killed (x5)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle memory package. Your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>first attack</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>semi-automatic weapons</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>always critical</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Cartel Killer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "melee attacks (x10)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical chance</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>knives</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. All <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>combat chems</span> are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more potent</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Tacticool">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "has become exhausted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t Reflex enhancement package. You <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>gain <<print Math.ceil(2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% cover</span> when <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>entering combat sober</span>. You are <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more likely</span> to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>evade</span>. \n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Merc-Style">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "intimidation done (x2)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t Muscle-memory package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Drawing your sidearm</span> increases <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy and damage</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. If you <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>kill an enemy</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>your sidearm</span>, your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>intoxication</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>reduced by 25%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_8">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Blood Red Baron">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Blood Red Baroness">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "organic killed (x15)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t Muscle memory package. Your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>total combat experience</span> increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy and damage</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>all weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print Math.ceil(0.05 * $inztinct.affinity * $statistics.overalKills)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "In the Family Now">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "joined the Sons">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t Non-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Shop purchases</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>30% less</span>. Kills <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>reduce intoxication</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Assholes Anonymous">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "consumed alcohol (x3)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. When <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>clean and sober</span>, your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>negotiation always succeeds</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>bribes</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>20% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Family Business">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "own a chem-ring">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. Your <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>chem ring</span> now produces <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>30% more credits</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Chems</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>20% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_kobol_12">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Son of Hades">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Daughter of Hades">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "has been addicted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Entering combat</span> in <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>heavy armor</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>while sober</span> within <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>24 hours</span> of recreation <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>inflicts burning</span> on your enemies.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $displayFullSkill = false>>\n\t<<if $attrib.religion eq "atheist">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_AtheistSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "forsaken">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_ForsakenSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "voided">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_VoidedSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "edenite">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_EdenSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "theophobe">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_ZanexSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "highborn">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_HighbornSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "cyberpunk">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_CyberSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "visionary">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_AbomSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "gladiator">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_ArenaSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "mesmer">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_MesmerSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "warsmith">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_WarsmithSkillTree'>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.religion eq "kobol">>\n\t\t<<display 'HUD_KobolSkillTree'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<if $classToPrint eq "atheist">>Freelancer<<elseif $classToPrint eq "forsaken">>Forsaken<<elseif $classToPrint eq "voided">>Voidheart<<elseif $classToPrint eq "edenite">>Edenist<<elseif $classToPrint eq "theophobe">>Theophobe<<elseif $classToPrint eq "highborn">>Highborn<<elseif $classToPrint eq "cyberpunk">>Cyberpunk<<elseif $classToPrint eq "visionary">>Visionary<<elseif $classToPrint eq "gladiator">>Gladiator<<elseif $classToPrint eq "mesmer">>Skindancer<<elseif $classToPrint eq "warsmith">>Warsmith<<elseif $classToPrint eq "kobol">><<if $attrib.gender eq "female">>Daughter<<else>>Son<</if>> of Kobol<<else>>Any InZtinct<</if>>
<div class='HUD_SkillTreeTitle experiencetext'>\n\t<<set $classToPrint = $attrib.religion >>\n\t<<display 'printProperClassName'>><hr>\n</div>\n<span class='greyedout'>\n\t<<if $inztinct.specialDisplayMode eq "reset">>\n\t\t<center><span class='yellowcolor'>WARNING:</span> neuro-shift detected. InZtinct recalibrated.</center>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<center>Earn experience <span class='experiencetext'><<print $skillEarnString>></span> and incresed experience <span class='experiencetext'><<print $skillDoubleEarnString>></span></center>\n\t<center>-</center>\n\t<center>Select a node for more Information</center>\n</span>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_highborn_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_voided_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_edenite_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_forsaken_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_theophobe_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_0'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_atheist_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_cyber_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_arena_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_abominated_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_0'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_mesmer_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_5'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_1'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_7'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_6'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n</div>\n\n<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_4'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_3'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_8'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_9'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n</div>\n\n<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_2'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_11'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_10'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t<<display 'skill_warsmith_12'>>\n\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n</div>
<<nobr>>\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_1'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_2'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_3'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_4'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_5'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_6'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_7'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_8'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div class='HUD_SkillContainer HUD_SkillContainer_Right'>\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_9'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_10'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_11'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\n\t\t<<display 'skill_kobol_12'>>\n\t\t<<display 'generateSkillIcon'>>\n\t</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_0">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Etiquette">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "met the historian">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tPerception package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Fashionable attire</span> now <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>reduces criminality</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>improves evade</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>25%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Toxic">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "become badly intoxicated">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-activation package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Intoxication</span> increases <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>toxin effects</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (10 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>penetration</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. You sober up <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>more slowly</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Grotesque">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "imposing abomination killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Unarmored and protected outfits</span> now grant <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>+1 armor integrity</span>. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Skimpy attire</span> increases evade by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Elegant">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful negotiation">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Fashionable attire</span> guarantess <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>negotiation success</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>all jobs</span> pay <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Vain">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "underwent a skinjob">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tMuscle-memory package. Each <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>unequipped weapon slot</span> increases <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>critical chance</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Abhorrent">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\t\tNeuro-tweak package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetics</span> increase <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>shield penetration</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>, <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>bio-augs</span> increase <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>armor penetration</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Extravagant">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired 15000 credits">>\n\n\t<<set $statMulti = 0>>\n\t<<if $equip.isFashionOutfit>>\n\t\t<<set $statMulti +=1>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.isSuperFancy>>\n\t\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.isGlamorous>>\n\t\t<<set $statMulti +=1>>\t\t\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.isHyperGlamorous>>\n\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if $equip.isSkimpy>>\n\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<if not $equip.isConcealing>>\n\t\t<<set $statMulti +=0.5>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeurospike. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Current outfit</span> increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>dazzle chance</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>combo damage</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1.8 * $inztinct.affinity * $statMulti)>>%</span>. All prices are <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>15%</span> higher.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Idle">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "has been bored">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-activation package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Melee attacks</span> inflict <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>dazzle states</span> when you are <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>not fatigued</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Manic">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used any combat chem">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-splice package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Fatigue and intoxication</span> reduce accuracy by <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (8 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% less</span>, kills <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>increase intoxication</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>reduce fatigue</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Indulgent">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "had sexual intercourse">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-adjustment package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Flirting</span> always succeeds. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Recreational events</span> available <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1 + (0.3 * $inztinct.affinity))>> hours</span> sooner.\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Exuberance">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "encountered a sphinx">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tHolo-beam package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Entering combat</span> in <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>glamorous apparel</span> within <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>24 hours</span> of recreation now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>dazzles</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_mesmer_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Lecherous">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "had sex with a nonhuman">>\n\t<<set $skillMod = 1 + ($sexPhases.numTimesHadSex * 0.1)>>\n\t<<if $skillMod gt 2>>\n\t\t<<set $skillMod = 2>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $skillMod += (2.0 * $inztinct.affinity)>>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>sexual history</span> now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>permanently increases</span> your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy and critical chance</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print $skillMod>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Xenophobe">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "xenofauna or abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>crit chance</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (0.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> against <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>xenofauna</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Technophobe">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "disabled robotic agent">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>ranged damage</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>ranged crit</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> against <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>robots</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Homophobe">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "human killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical chance against humans</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>ranged weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Omniphobe">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "unique abomination killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases chance to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>burn, shock, and gas</span> all enemies by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Provocateur">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "witnessed a protest">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue enhancement package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Hatewear and Riot Armor</span> now count as <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>fashionable</span>. Your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>melee attacks</span> deal <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Agent">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "criminal record">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCrimeNet bypass package. You are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more likely</span> to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>evade</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>tresspassing goes unnoticed</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Ideologue">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "freelance job completed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Fleelance Jobs</span> pay <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>35% more</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>bribes</span> cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>20% less</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Enforcer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful intimidation">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCrowd control package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Extortion</span> pays <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>30% more</span>. You <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>hand-load your scattershot canisters</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>shock-foam</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Hacker">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful bypass">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCypher recognition package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Bypass</span> codes are now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>displayed</span> in plaintext.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Riot Trooper">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "resisted the authorities">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Armor</span> deflects <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more damage</span>. Deflected attacks <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>reduce fatigue</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>5%</span>.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Specialist">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "fired canister round">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>damage with canister rounds</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>hit chance with knives</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\t\t\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_theophobe_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Assassin">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "unique takedown">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical chance</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical damage</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>suppressed weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Predator">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "organic killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>melee weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Stalker">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReflex enhancement package. You are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>10% more likely</span> to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>evade</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>tresspassing goes unnoticed</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Convert">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired heavy armor">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tReactive neuro-hardening package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Attacks deflected by armor</span> cause <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% less fatigue</span>. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Toxic gas</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% more effective</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Tomb Guardian">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "found a machine tomb">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Each filled augment slot</span> provides an <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>additional 5% armor</span>. If you <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>inhale toxic gas</span>, your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>fatigue is reduced by 25%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Generic Marker">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "killed the rogue geneticist">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tSubliminal package. Negotiation <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>always succeeds</span>. Immune to <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>severe intoxication</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>severe fatigue</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Beast">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "imposing abomination killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>damage against organic enemies</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. You gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>+1 armor integrity</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Cultist">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired an arc weapon">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-enhancement package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>critical chance</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>arc weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Arc-shocks</span> are <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more effective</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Visionary">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "assisted the visionary">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. For <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>every gas stack ative</span>, you passively deal <span class='SkillText_Bonus'><<print (5 * $inztinct.affinity)>> armor damage</span> even if the enemy is immune to gas.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Cabalist">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "unique abomination killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tGas projector package. If your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>face is concealed</span> when you <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>enter combat</span>, you automatically <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>unleash noxious gas</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Monstrosity">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired a gene-infusion">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-adjustment package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Using combat chems</span> now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>cures fatigue</span>. Every time you <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>critically hit</span>, you gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>+15% crit chance</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Legionnaire">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used a heavy weapon in battle (x5)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-optimization package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy with heavy weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>crit chance</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>heavy weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_abominated_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Puppet on Strings">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "experienced a memnetic vision">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>All Jobs</span> now pay <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>50% more</span>. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Flirting</span> always succeeds. Your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> is <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat redcolor'>reduced by 15%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Merciless">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-enhancement package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>accuracy</span> with <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>coilarms and railarms</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Remorseless">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Increases</span> penetration of <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>conductive bolts</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>scattershot</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Thankless">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "imposing abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Increases</span> penetration of <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>tungsten</span> and <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>9mm bolts</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Executioner">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "unique abomination hunted">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Increases</span> critical hit chance with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>breech-loaded weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Great Devourer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "cursed the stars">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Void Suits & Rigs</span> count as <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>fashionable</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Your religious devotion</span> increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>all damage by <<print (5 + (0.25 * $inztinct.affinity * $attrib.faith.void))>>%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Shadow">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful sneak">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tEnvrio-scan package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Sneak</span> improved, <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>evade</span> <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>15% better</span> and <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>tresspassing</span> causes less <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>criminality</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Solidary">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "listened to music">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-enhancement package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Protective gear</span> deflects <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% more</span> more and causes <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% less fatigue</span> when struck.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_8">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Observer">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "visited an observation deck">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tweak package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Negotiation</span> independant of <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>personality and attire</span>. Ranged crit <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>increased</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>5%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Abhuman">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired cybernetic augment">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-adaption package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Cybernetic augments</span> no longer incur <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>fatigue</span> and reduce <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>intoxication</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Cypher">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "successful bypass">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tCypher recognition package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Bypass</span> codes are now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>displayed</span> in plaintext.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Data Broker">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "befriended a cybercultist">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNon-verbal cue package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Shop purchases</span> now cost <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>15% less</span>. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>Extortion</span> pays <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>15% more</span>\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_voided_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Technophage">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "IntelliDisc thrown">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tTechno-coordination package. <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>HoloDiscs and ArcDiscs</span> are now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (6.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> more effective.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_1">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Chaingunner">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired heavy coilgun">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. When you <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>repeatedly fire a heavy coilgun</span>, you gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% damage</span> per successive use. This effect <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>stacks</span> up to <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>5 times</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_2">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Braced">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired heavy armor">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tServo-stability package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Repeated attacks</span> with any <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>heavy weapon</span> while <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>wearing heavy armor</span> now <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>reduces fatigue by 5%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_3">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Combustion">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used plasma caster in battle">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases the <span class='SkillText_Bonus'> effectives</span> of <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>all incindeary effects</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (6 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>. All <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>plasma casters</span> gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>10% armor penetration</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_4">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Firestarter">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aquired plasma caster">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tTech-interface package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Plasma casters</span> have a <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>50% chance</span> to <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>recharge your gear</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (4.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> after combat ends.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_5">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Belt-Fed">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "looted ammunition (x3)">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tImprovization package. Increases the <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>ammount of 9mm rounds you scrounge</span> by <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>300%</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_6">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Overkill">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "killed an imposing abomination">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. Increases <span class='SkillText_Bonus'>crit chance</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>heavy coilguns</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> for every <span class='SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>90 9mm rounds</span> on your person.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_7">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Friction Spark">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "elusive abomination killed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tMuscle-memory package. When <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>firing heavy coilguns</span>, your shots have a <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (7.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% chance</span> to <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>inflict arc-shocks</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_8">>\n\t<<if $attrib.gender eq "male">>\n\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Hellhound">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $skilltitle = "Hellcat">>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "consumed alcohol">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-activation package. Using <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>any combat chem</span> gives <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>plasma casters</span> a <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (3.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% chance</span> to <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>critically hit</span>\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_9">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Infernal">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "aggressive demeanor">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-hardening package. You gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (2.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% armor</span> for every <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>active burn effect</span>. If there are at least <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>3 active burn effects</span>, you gain <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus_Flat'>40% critical damage</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_10">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Recycler">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "found the scrap yard">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tTech-enhancement package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>Scavenging destroyed machines</span> also provides <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print Math.round(200 + (31 * $inztinct.affinity * ($attrib.dilligence * 0.01)))>> credits</span>. You have a chance to <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>salvage one IntelliDisc</span> after combat.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_11">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Battery Powered">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "used a FuCell">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tNeuro-tech interface package. <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>FuCells</span> now reduce <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>fatigue and toxicity</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (7.5 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span> and increase <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>critical hit chance</span> with <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>all weapons</span> by <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (1.0 * $inztinct.affinity)>>%</span>\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $skillname = "skill_warsmith_12">>\n\t<<set $skilltitle = "Machinist">>\n\t<<set $requiredtext = "heavy robotics unit destroyed">>\n\n\t<<if $displayFullSkill>>\n\t\t<div class='SkillTitle'><<print $skilltitle>></div>\n\t\tDrone-link package. When you <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>enter ombat without an ally</span>, there is a <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'><<print (10 * $inztinct.affinity)>>% chance</span> you will be assisted by your <span class = 'SkillText_Bonus'>combat drone</span>.\n\n\t\t<<display 'assignSkill'>>\n\t<</if>>\n<</nobr>>
<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\n<<if $resetIndexer>>\n <<set $currentSceneIndex = $startAtIndex>>\n <<set $hides = []>>\n <<set $actions = []>>\n <<set $didProcess = false>>\n\n <<if $startAtIndex gt 0>>\n <<for $x = 0; $x lt $startAtIndex; $x++>>\n <<set $f = $x +1; $hide["layer" + $f] = true>>\n <<set $hides.push(true)>>\n <<set $actions.push("skipHide")>>\n <</for>>\n <</if>>\n <<set $resetIndexer = false>>\n<<elseif $currentSceneIndex gt $actions.length>>\n <<set $hides.push(true)>>\n <<set $actions.push($actionDo)>>\n <<set $didProcess = true>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<if $debug>>\n <div class='GameTextGreyed'>\n Indexer: <<print $currentSceneIndex>><br>\n ActionsLength: <<print $actions.length>>\n </div><br>\n<</if>>\n\n<<for $x = 0; $x lte $currentSceneIndex; $x++>>\n\n <<set $hideText = $hides[$x]>>\n <<set $actionResult = $actions[$x - 1]>>\n\n <<if $x lte ($currentSceneIndex - 1)>>\n <div class='GameTextGreyed'>\n <<if $actions[$x] neq "skipHide">>\n <<display 'drawExpandCollapseBtn'>>\n <</if>>\n <<print "<<display '" + $currentSceneTexts[$x] + "'>>">>\n </div><br>\n <<else>>\n <div class='GameText'>\n <<if $actions[$x] neq "skipHide">>\n <<display 'drawExpandCollapseBtn'>>\n <</if>>\n <<print "<<display '" + $currentSceneTexts[$x] + "'>>">>\n </div><br>\n <</if>>\n<</for>>
<<set playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n<<set $resetIndexer = true>>
<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>\n<<set $resetIndexer = true>>
<<set playContextSound("ui_blip_error");>>\n<<set $resetIndexer = true>>
<<set $currentSceneIndex += 1; $didProcess = false>>\n<<set playContextSound("ui_click");>>
<<set $currentSceneIndex += 1; $didProcess = false>>\n<<set playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n<<set $storedGear = $equip; $storedAttrib = $attrib>>
<<set playContextSound("ui_click");>>\n\n<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n<<set $action.action6 = "none">>\n\n<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n<<set $hide.layer6 = false>>\n\n<<set $processed = false>>\n<<set $resetIndexer = true>>
<<set $currentSceneIndex += 1; $didProcess = false>>\n<<set window.setTimeout(flashUIElement, 60, "finances", "HUD_StandardIcon_FlashDown");>>\n<<set playContextSound("ui_blip");>>
<<if $hideText>>\n <<print "\n <div class='GameOption_Expand'>\n <<click 'Expand' $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $hides[" + $x + "] = false>>\n <<set $hide['layer " + $x + "'] = true>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n ">> \n<<else>>\n <<set $y = $x + 1>>\n <<print "\n <div class='GameOption_Expand'>\n <<click 'Hide' $currentgamepassage>>\n <<set $hides[" + $x + "] = true>>\n <<set $hide['layer " + $x + "'] = true>>\n <</click>>\n </div>\n ">>\n<</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B10 Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "onfoot">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying this way and that, you...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You have to fight to keep your eyes open as you...<<else>>You head down the ramp...<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B10 station...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "onfoot">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying this way and that, you head down the ramp to the B10 tramway station. <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>A line of pedestrians has formed before the Purifier checkpoint. Just seeing them - and remembering the plague - makes you feel queasy.<<else>>There are pedestrians everywhere, talking, shouting, arguing, and walking all over the place. Just trying to make sense of it hurts your head.<</if>><<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You have to fight to keep your eyes open as you head down the ramp to the B10 tramway station. <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>A line of pedestrians has formed before the Purifier checkpoint. The slow, shuffling pace makes you feel even more exhausted.\n\n"Oh, wake up," you mutter, shuffling past the checkpoint.<<else>>There are pedestrians everywhere, talking, shouting, arguing, and walking all over the place. Just taking it all in makes your temples throb.\n\n"Man, I really need a nap," you mutter as you shuffle toward the neaerst platform.<</if>><<else>>You head down the ramp to the B10 tramway station. <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>A line of pedestrians has formed before the Purifier checkpoint. Seems like business as usual - or as usual as it can be these days. You pass them by and head for the nearest platform.<<else>>There are pedestrians everywhere, talking, shouting, arguing, and walking all over the place. In other words: a usual day around these parts. There are people everywhere, positively flowing up and down the access ramps, as you make for the nearest platform.<</if>><</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B10 station. Almost at once, hundreds of bodies press toward the door. You join the crowd only to be swallowed in humanity. A moment later you're spit out on the platform.\n\n<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>"Ah, I hate this place," you mutter, rubbing a bruised shin.<<else>>"Welcome to the madness," you mutter, taking refuge by the wall.<</if>>\n\n<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>The tramway station is clogged with refugees jostling for a position in line toward the Purifier checkpoint set up at the end of the platform. It doesn't seem to be moving at all, in part because hundreds of infected citizens are being turned away.<<else>>Dozens of crowded ramps lead away from both sides of the tramway station, each labeled with enormous, glowing letters. They all merge into different parts of the same two places:<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<display 'crossroads_tramway_remotedest'>>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could turn around, head back out of the station and go to:</div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 13>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Wait for Arva|the_crossroads_endmsn_arva][$processed = false]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Crossroads|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "the_crossroads_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Boulevard|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "b10_boulevard_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Crossroads|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "the_crossroads_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Boulevard|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "b10_boulevard_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Crossroads|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "the_crossroads_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Boulevard|random_nutcase_inject][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "b10_boulevard_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase gte 4 and $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Crossroads|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "the_crossroads_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Boulevard|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.action4 = "b10"; $action.action5 = "b10_boulevard_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Crossroads|the_crossroads_main][$action.arrive = "fromstation"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Boulevard|b10_boulevard_main][$action.arrive = "fromstation"; $hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B10">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B14 - Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<<if not $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>><div class='GameText'><<display 'intro_start_txt'>></div><<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.readCultInvite and ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6)>><div class='GameText'><<display 'invite_corbei_txt'>></div><<else>><div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromCathedral">>You stride toward the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open...<<else>>You hurry across the skybridge linking...<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B14 station....<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCathedral">>You stride toward the shimmering silver gate at the end of the corridor. A gilded utility bot approaches, its speakers emenating soothing chime. The doors grind open as it bids you fare well.\n\nShaking your head, you head across the sky bridge outside. It takes a few minutes to reach the tramway station on the far side. When you enter, it's deserted. Eerie silence haunts the empty platform.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying on your feet, you stagger back across the skybridge. More than once you feel like you're falling. Then you reach the tramway station on the far side. When you enter, it's deserted. Eerie silence haunts the empty platform.<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to keep your eyes open, you trudge back across the skybridge. More than once stumble. Then you reach the tramway station on the far side. When you enter, it's deserted. Eerie silence haunts the empty platform.<<else>>You hurry back across the skybridge. More than once stumble. Far below, tiny specks move about in the sprawling [[Cathedral|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]] camps. Then you reach the tramway station on the far side. When you enter, it's deserted. Eerie silence haunts the empty platform.<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B14 station. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>No one gets up to leave. Only when the doors are about do close do you realize where you are and dash out, onto a deserted platform.<<else>>No one except you stands up to get off. Curious looks follow you as you step out onto the platform.<</if>> There's no one around and silence haunts the deserted station. The only exit leads to the [[Cathedral Skybridge|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cathedral of Beams"]], so you could take that and head to:<</if>><</if>></div><</if>>\n<<if not $job_conspiracy.unlockedMainQuest>><<nobr>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say you were Busy|intro_2][$action.action1 = "busy"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_intro_implant.mainPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Say your implant Failed|intro_2][$action.action1 = "implantfail"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_intro_implant.mainPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div><br>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Dialogue'>[[Ask what's so Important|intro_2][$action.action1 = "important"; $hide.layer1 = true; $job_intro_implant.mainPhase = 1; playContextSound("ui_click");]]</div>\n</div>\n<</nobr>><<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.readCultInvite and ($job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 6)>><<nobr>>\n<<display 'b14_remotedest'>>\n<div class='GameText'>Or you could do as instructed and get in the grav-car:</div><br>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Grav-Car|b3_corbeiinvite_arrive][$action.action1 = "entercar"; $hide.layer1 = true; playContextSound("ui_tramway_zoom");]]</div>\n</div><</nobr>><<else>><<display 'b14_remotedest'>>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could turn around, head back out of the station and go to:</div>\n<div class='OptionsField'><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Cathedral of Beams|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b14"; $action.action5 = "b14_cathedral_entrance"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Cathedral of Beams|b14_cathedral_entrance][$action.arrive = "fromstation"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>></div>\n<</if>>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B14">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B27 Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b27_chapel" or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)) and not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div>\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You make your way along...\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromDuct">>You leave the utility ducts and...\n\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B27 station...\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "onfoot_riot">>You leave the Chapel and make your way along the eerily deserted causeway of the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Hushed voices speak in the shadows. Believers and beggars skulk just beyond sight. Only the foolhardy dare venture into the open and none of them so much as approach you.\n\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You make your way along bustling causeway of the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Voices jabber endlessly. Amplified prayers ring out. Believers, beggars, and soothsayers are everywhere. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>None bother you as you make for the tramway station, though the sour looks you've since grown used to follow you every of the way.<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>Very few bother you as you make for the tramway station, and those who do are hastily shooed away.<<else>>More than a few try to initiate conversations as you make for the tramway station, but you ignore them.<</if>><br><br>\n\nLess easily avoided is the sweet, sticky fog which hangs heavy in the air. It clogs your airways, sticks to your eyelashes, and there is no escape until you reach the open platform at the far end of the tunnel.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromDuct">>You leave the utility ducts and make your way along bustling causeway of the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Voices jabber endlessly and amplified prayers ring in your ears. Believers, beggars, and soothsayers are everywhere. <<if $equip.clothes eq "Riot Armor">>None bother you as you make for the tramway station, though the sour looks you've since grown used to follow you every of the way.<<elseif $attrib.armortype eq "armored">>Very few bother you as you make for the tramway station, and those who do are hastily shooed away.<<else>>More than a few try to initiate conversations as you make for the tramway station, but you ignore them.<</if>><br><br>\n\nLess easily avoided is the sweet, sticky fog which hangs heavy in the air. It clogs your airways, sticks to your eyelashes, and there is no escape until you reach the open platform at the far end of the tunnel.<<else>>\n\n<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase gte 1 and $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "none">>\n\t<div class='GameTextImage'>\n\t\t<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase gt 1>>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_religious_zanex.png"]]\n\t\t<<else>>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_religious_riot.png"]]\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B27 station. Robed believers push their way to the doors. You follow them onto the crowded platform. \n\t<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase gt 1>>\n\t\t[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in yellow riot armor watch over the crowds. Nervous glances are cast in their direction. The prayers echoing from the speakers appear to have dulled of late. No one is proclaiming their faith loudly either, certainly nowhere near the guards.<br><br>\n\n\t\tBeyond the tramway station however, sticky smoke rises from braziers set outside the many chapels, temples, sanctuaries, and refugee camps. All you can see through the haze are a few neon signs and the occasional banner. Only two are known to you: the bright, white banners of the Chapel of Eden and the blood-red cloths which mark the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] - the latter you only know about because it's where you were born.\n\t<<else>>\n\t\tLoud voices are complaining all around you. It's only when you spot the [[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers in yellow riot armor that you realize the area's been cordonned off. No one is being allowed in or out of the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Everyone seems to have something to say about it.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"What a mess," you mutter, eyeing the assembled riot line.<br><br>\n\n\t\tJalkovski is visible amidst the many helmets and riot shields. He's the only one without a mask on. Probably best you speak to him.\n\t<</if>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b27_chapel" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_religious_infected.png"]]</div>\n\t\tThe tram hums to a stop at the Level B27 station. No one else makes for the door. When you step onto the platform it's clear why: the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]] has been quarantined. Noxious haze swirls through where the many temples and shrines once stood. There are no believers around, only half a dozen Purifiers standing guard beyond the safe zone.<br><br>\n\n\t\t"Oh, hell," you mutter, eyeing the scene.<br><br>\n\n\t\tIt's impossible to say how many died in the shadows beyond the quarantine line. Hundres, probably. Maybe even thousands or millions. At any rate, there's no way you'll get into the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]]. Not while it's in this state. Your only option is to turn around and take the next tram to:\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_religious_exterior.png"]]</div>\n\t\tThe tram hums to a stop at the Level B27 station. Robed believers push their way to the doors. You follow them onto the open platform. Almost at once you're surrounded by hooded figures. Fingers toy with prayer beads. Sacred texts are quoted in muffled voices. Wailing prayers boom from speakers hanging high above, echoing out over the many believers that clog the [[Religious Zone|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Religious Zone"]].<br><br>\n\n\t\tEverywhere you look, sticky smoke rises from braziers set outside the many chapels, temples, sanctuaries, and refugee camps. All you can see through the haze are a few neon signs and the occasional banner. Only two are known to you: the bright, white banners of the Chapel of Eden and the blood-red cloths which mark the [[Temple of Juno|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Cult of Juno"]] - the latter you only know about because it's where you were born.<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>\n<</nobr>></div>\n<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b27_chapel" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>><<display 'b27_remotedest'>><<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "onfoot" or $action.arrive eq "fromDuct" or $action.arrive eq "onfoot_riot">><<display 'b27_remotedest'>><<if $factionlock.zanexPhase neq 1>>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could go to:</div>\n<<display 'b27_localdest'>><</if>><<else>><<display 'b27_remotedest'>><<if $factionlock.zanexPhase neq 1>>\n<div class='GameText'>Or you could leave the station and go to:</div>\n<<display 'b27_localdest'>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B27">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $factionlock.zanexPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach Jalkovski|b27_riot_mission][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Chapel of Eden|random_nutcase_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b27"; $action.action5 = "b27_chapel_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Chapel of Eden|random_beggar_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b27"; $action.action5 = "b27_chapel_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Chapel of Eden|b27_chapel_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.conspiratorPhase eq 10 and $loc_machineroom.killedFanatics eq false>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Temple of Juno|b27_juno_burkinspart][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Temple of Juno|random_nutcase_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b27"; $action.action5 = "b27_juno_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Temple of Juno|random_beggar_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b27"; $action.action5 = "b27_juno_main"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Temple of Juno|b27_juno_main][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>\n<</nobr>>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B28">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<nobr>>\n\t<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 11>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Security Checkpoint|b28_visionary_checkpoint_final][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Security Checkpoint|b28_visionary_checkpoint][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 8 or $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 1 or $job_crypto_warlock.altPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Tryvalli Consumer Electronics|b28_electronics_cybercult][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 6 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 7>>\n\t\t\t<<if $chr_lanina.met eq true and $chr_lanina.loc eq "herhome">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lanina's Apartment|b28_hab_lanina_luca][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Mr. Depechionne's Apartment|b28_hab_lanina_luca][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<elseif $chr_lanina.loc eq "herhome">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Lanina's Apartment|b28_hab_lanina][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and ($job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "spare" or $job_fisher_extremists.ottoDecision eq "impartial") and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject>>\n\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|B28_riptide_final_marisa][$time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "zanex">>\n\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|B28_riptide_final_zanexline][$time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 0 and $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase gte 3>>\n\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|addon_riptide_mourning][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_crypto_warlock.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|inject_warlock_attack][$action.action4 = "b28"; $action.action5 = "riptide_entrance_b28"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b28"; $action.action5 = "riptide_entrance_b28"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action4 = "b28"; $action.action5 = "riptide_entrance_b28"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and (($loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" and $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase lt 4) or ($loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin" and $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase lt 4)) and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|random_merc_inject][$action.action4 = "b28"; $action.action5 = "riptide_entrance_b28"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 4 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and not $randomEncounterPhases.paidShipCaptain and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|random_beggar_inject][$action.action4 = "b28"; $action.action5 = "riptide_entrance_b28"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t[[Wilkin's Riptide|riptide_entrance_b28][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t</div><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Spitting Fountain|b28_spitting_fountain][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B28 Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromIntro">>You leave the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromTemple">>You leave the Machine Temple and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromcheckpoint">>You <<walk>> away from the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromRiptideAnihilate" or $action.arrive eq "fromArenaEvent">>You leave the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>>You thread your way through the crowded...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B28 station...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromIntro">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_utilityexit_intro.png"]]</div>You leave the utility area and step out into eary cycle rush that dominates the Level B28 Tramway Station. Countless voices clamor over the drone of transit announcements. Bodies throng the crowded platform. Elbows poke none too gently. Overwhelmed, you take shelter behind a ticket machine.\n\nAs you pause to catch your breath, you notice a [[new message|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "messages"]] alert flashing in the corner of your vision. For a moment, you imagine it's the Transit Authority checking up on the status of your investigation. But that's unlikely. It'll be weeks before their admin even remembers they hired you. Still, it might be important.\n\nYou're still debating whether to read the message or not when you stop before the nearest tram-fo terminal. It'll be a few minutes until the next one arrives. Maybe you should read that message after all. Or you could take the next tram to:<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromTemple">>You leave the Machine Temple and, hoping not to draw attention, slip out of the otherwise discused Shrine of Eden. As soon as you've passed the Spitting Fountain, pedestrians crowd around you, hurrying about on whatever errands have forced them to brave the chaos of the criss-crossing walkways. You cut clean across their path, headed for the stairs to the tramway station. It takes you a few more minutes to reach the platforms.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You thread your way through the crowded, four story-pressure corridor that runs the length of Level B28. Bodies jostle. Elbows poke. Everyone is talking at once. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>The commotion makes your temples throb but you ignore it as best you can and make for the stairs to the tramway station.<<else>>You ignore the commotion as best you can as you make for the stairs to the tramway station.<</if>> It takes five long<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75 or $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>, arduous<</if>> minutes to reach the platform.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromArenaEvent">>You leave the VIP area, head back down to the foyer, and leave the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]]. As you make your way back toward the tramway station, several people stop to congratulate you. You nod to each in turn and continue on your way. Best not to generate too much attention. That never ends well.\n\nBefore long, you reach the tramway station and head up to the platforms.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromRiptideAnihilate">>You leave the [[Riptide|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Wilkin's Riptide"]] and <<walk>> back toward the tramway station, past corpses and slobering abominations. There's not a single living being around. Either they've already fled. Or become food.\n\n"Oh, man," you mutter, trudging up to the nearest platform.\n\nIt's as dead and deserted as the pressure tunnel below. At least the tramway is still running - silver lining and all that. You could take the next train to:<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromcheckpoint">>You <<walk>> away from the checkpoint and return to the tramway platforms. There's barely anyone around. Hardly a surprise, given the situation. Whole hab platform's going to hell - as planned, mind you. Still a nuisance.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 12>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b28tramway_exterminated.png"]]</div>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B28 station. No one else makes for the doors. You get off, onto a deserted platform - well, unless you count the gorey corpses sprawled before the old entrance to Level B28. It's since been sealed. Probably for the better. There's nothing left here except death and ghosts of times long past.\n\n"Oh well." You turn away, intending to take the next tram to:<<elseif ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>><<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b28tramway_infected.png"]]</div><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b28tramway_infected_zanex.png"]]</div><</if>>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B28 station. A handful of passengers make for the doors. You follow them, out onto the platform beyond. The few commuters around are being held up by a security checkpoint set up by the doors to the level. <<if $loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin">>Raptors<<else>>[[Zanex|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Division 108"]] troopers<</if>> in full gear are scanning arrivals. Everyone is being turned away.\n\n<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 11>>"Great," you mutter, all too aware Vijar isn't around. "Late again. Why can't he ever be on time?"<<else>>"Splendid," you mutter, eyeing the security teams and wondering whether they'll let you pass.<</if>><<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b28tramway_normal.png"]]</div>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B28 station. People surge toward the doors. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble after them.<<else>>You join the frantic scramble.<</if>> Bodies press close. Hands end up in places they shouldn't be. Every breath you draw chokes your nostrils with perfume and deodorants. Relief comes only when you reach the platform outside.\n\n<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>"Fucking hell."<<else>>"Always the same."<</if>> You gulp fresh air, wondering whether to follow the crowd down to the Level B28 pressure corridor, and on to:<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "onfoot" or $action.arrive eq "fromTemple" or $action.arrive eq "fromArenaEvent" or $action.arrive eq "fromIntro" or $action.arrive eq "fromcheckpoint" or $action.arrive eq "fromRiptideAnihilate">><<display 'b28_tramway_destinations'>><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 12>>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, <<if $action.arrive eq "fromcheckpoint">>you could turn around and...<<else>><<if $action.arrive eq "fromIntro">>you could leave the tramway station<<else>>you could turn around, head back out of the station<</if>> and go to:<</if>></div>\n<<display 'b28_tramway_localdestinations'>><</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase lt 12>><<display 'b28_tramway_destinations'>>\n<div class='GameText'>Or you could turn go to:</div>\n<</if>><<display 'b28_tramway_localdestinations'>><</if>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B29 Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromhp">>You leave the High Palace...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromLowHabs">>You leave the low habs...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromdjinn">>You leave Hab Unit 5121 and retrace your steps along...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You thread your way through the crowds...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B29 station...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromhp" or $action.arrive eq "fromDeathCult" or $action.arrive eq "fromdjinn" or $action.arrive eq "onfoot" or $action.arrive eq "fromLowHabs">><<if $action.arrive eq "fromhp">>You leave the High Palace and crawl back through the utility duct, to the utility panel beside Hab 42. <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>The passage is empty. You hastily replace the pannel and head on your way.<<else>>Pedestrians brush past, indifferent to your presence. You hastily replace the pannel and join the crowd.<</if>>\n\nAhead, you can see the B29 Tramway Station.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromDeathCult">>You leave the <<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>>Visionary<<else>>Forsaken<</if>> Shrine via the back entrance, a narrow passage that winds its way upwards through the superstructure of [[Scaffold 22|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Scaffold 22"]]. For the longest time you are alone, with only the sound of your footfalls for company. \n\nThen the passage ends at an unsealed utility door and, beyond, you spot the Level B29 Tramway Station.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromdjinn">>You leave Hab Unit 5121 and retrace your route along the passage. It's hard not to feel anxious, especially with a [[Djinn|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Djinn"]] on your scent. It might appear out of thin air any moment and...\n\n"Focus, man," you mutter to yourself. "It won't be back for a while. So get a<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> grip and do your<<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">> fucking<</if>> job."\n\nAhead, you can already see the Level B29 Tramway Station.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromLowHabs">>You leave the low habs and retrace your route back up the passage, to where you can finally stand without issue. Pedestrians brush past, indifferent to your presence. You squeeze through the crowd, headed for the tramway station.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You thread your way through the warren-like passages that make up the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]]. <<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>There's not a single person around, just discarded purchases and scattered boxes. It isn't long before you spot the B29 Tramway Station ahead.<<else>>There are shoppers everywhere but you ignore them, navigating the maze by sheer memory. It isn't long before you spot the B29 Tramway Station ahead.<</if>><</if>><<nobr>>\n\n\t\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t\tThe stairs to the platforms are almost entirely deserted. Only a handful of pedestrians hurry past. \n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Inebriated as you are, the scene barely strikes you odd. Though it is odd. Where is everyone?\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Tired as you are, you barely care - even when coilfire rattles in the distance. Same old. The chaos is just starting to spread.\n\t\t\t<<else>>Barely a single shopper around. The [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] has died. Hardly a surprise, given the chaos spreading through the walkways.\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tThe stairs to the platforms are choked with <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>confused <</if>>pedestrians.\n\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You join the throng only to be overwhelmed by humanity. Arms push. Elbows poke. Nothing makes sense. Then, suddenly, you're standing on the platform.\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fatigued as you are, you barely notice the jostling elbows and angry curses. All you care about is reaching the platforms at the top of the stairs.\n\t\t\t<<else>>You join the throng, pushing and <<if $attrib.demeanor eq "agressive">>shouting<<else>>excusing yourself<</if>> as you clear a path to the top of the stairs. \n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B29 station. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>Shoppers push toward the doors. You join them, only to be caught in a confused crowd beyond. People are shouting, jostling, pushing in every imaginable direction as you fight to get free of the masses. In the distance, you can just see the staircase which leads down to the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]] from there you could go to:<<elseif ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>Only a handful of commuters make for the doors. You join them, and soon step out onto the eerily deserted platform beyond. Hurried footsteps patter on bannelblock. A nearby staircase leads down to the plaza before the old [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]], from where you could go to:<<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Buzzed as you are, you don't realize until shoppers are already boarding the tram. Alarmed, you jump up and push against the flow of humanity. Voices shout. Someone shoves you. Disoriented, you stumble onto the platform.<<else>>Prospective shoppers jostle for position by the doors. You join the masses, pushing your way onto the platform outside.<</if>> A nearby staircase leads down to the plaza before the [[Bazar|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Level B29 Bazar"]], from where you could go to:<</if>><</if>><</if>></div><<nobr>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n<<display 'b29_tramway_tramdestinations'>>\n<div class='GameText'>Or you could leave the station and go to:</div>\n<<display 'b29_tramway_localdestinations'>>
<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 5 and $factionlock.lockedFaction neq "visionary">>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Unit 5121|b29_djinn_enter][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_psychocult.mainPhase eq 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Unit 42 Utility Duct|b29_psychocult_enter][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Search the Low-Habs|b29_lowhabs_oger][$action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 10>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|b29_bazar_visionmission][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $hide0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase lt 2 and $time.active gte 16 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|random_backalley_inject][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase gte 2 and $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|random_beggar_inject][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 4 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and not $randomEncounterPhases.paidShipCaptain and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|random_beggar_inject][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b29"; $action.action5 = "b29_bazar_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Bazar|b29_bazar_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $hide0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.mainPhase eq 6>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Visionary Shrine|b30_megaplex_visionary][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromBazar"; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $loc_undersprawn_megaplex.cultStatus eq "accepted">><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Forsaken Shrine|b30_megaplex_cult][$action.arrive = "fromBazar"; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.1; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B29">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B30 Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)) and not ($equip.isConcealing or $equip.isAbominated)>>\n\t\t<<set $attrib.infected = true>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromHome">>You leave your appartment and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromQuarantine">>You head back through the grav-field and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying this way and that, you...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You have to fight to keep your eyes open as you...<<else>>You thread your way through...<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B33 station...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSmashPlague">>You produce the plague sample...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromHome" or $action.arrive eq "onfoot" or $action.arrive eq "fromQuarantine">><<nobr>>\n\n\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromHome">>\n\t\t\tYou leave your appartment and, swaying this way and that, stumble through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the [[B30 Habs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]].\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromQuarantine">>You head back through the grav-field and, swaying unsteadily, set a meandering pace along the [[Level B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] pressure tunnel.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tSwaying this way and that, you stumble through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the [[B30 Habs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]].\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromHome">>\n\t\t\tYou leave your appartment and, fighting to stay awake, meander through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the [[B30 Habs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]].\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromQuarantine">>You head back through the grav-field and, fighting mounting fatigue, trudge along the [[Level B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] pressure tunnel.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou have to fight to keep your eyes open as you meander through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the [[B30 Habs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]].\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromHome">>\n\t\t\tYou leave your apartment and thread your way through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the [[B30 Habs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]].\n\t\t<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromQuarantine">>\n\t\t\tYou head back through the grav-field and, glad to be out of the sprawl, set a hasty pace along the [[Level B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] pressure tunnel.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou thread your way through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of the [[B30 Habs|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]].\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>Voices babble. Walkways tremble underfoot. The air reeks of stale sweat. It's a long quarter of an hour before you reach the tramway station.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromSmashPlague">><div class='GameTextImage GameTextSpecial'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/evt_plague_release.png"]]</div>You produce the plague sample from your pocket. The vial looks so small; harmless. Just a simple suspension inside and nothing more. And this little thing will kill hundreds; thousands. Your gaze wanders across the many commuters flowing in and out of the station, then back to the vial.\n\n"What a joke." You smash the vial against the floor.\n\nSafety plastic shatters. The vaccuum within snaps, spewing fine dust in every imaginable direction. Aside from the clatter of plastic shards on pannelblock there's no sound. Around you, pedestrians continue undeterred. One or two of them glance at the smashed vial. None of them seem to think it's odd. Incredible, how no one realized what's happened. They'll probably never know - never even suspect. And maybe you should grab the next tram. Just to be safe.\n<<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">><<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b30tramway_infected.png"]]</div>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B30 station. No one else makes for the door. When you step onto the platform it's clear why: the [[B30 Block|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] has been quarantined. Noxious haze swirls above the platform. The usual crowd is absent; only half a dozen Purifiers standing guard beyond the safe zone.\n\n"Screw this," you mutter, eyeing the scene.\n\nMust've been quite the massacre. Hundreds, maybe thousands dead. At any rate, you aren't getting in through the front door. Maybe you can take the back route through the [[Sprawl|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "Undersprawl"]]. But this way is shut. You might as well turn around and take the next tram to:<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b30tramway_normal.png"]]</div>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B30 station. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You don't notice where you are until people start jostling their way toward the door. Cursing, you scramble after them. Bodies bump against you, knocking you around like a doll as you stumble onto the platform.<<else>>The chime of the announcer is lost in babbling voices. As the tram slows, passengers jostle for position by the doors. You join the throng and are promptly carried out onto the platform.<</if>> \n\nThe crowd is just as thick in the tramway station. Thankfully you know where the blast door to the [[Level B30|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B30 Block"]] pressure tunnel is by heart. From there you could go to:<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget eq "b30_tramway" and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 6) or ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72)>><<display 'b30_tramway_remotedest'>><<else>><<display 'b30_tramway_remotedest'>>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could turn around and go to:</div>\n<<display 'b30_tramway_localdest'>><</if>>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B30">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Smash the Plague Vial|b30_tram_station][$action.arrive = "fromSmashPlague"; $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase = 7;$job_abomination_investigate.cultStatus = "conflict"; $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime = $time.active; $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTarget = "b30_tramway"; $attrib.criminality += 2; playContextSound("ui_shatter");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 1 or $job_drugdealer.altPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Old Hab Units|b30_oldhabs_enter][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 5>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Abacus Middleschool|b30_abacus][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_school.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Abacus Middleschool|b30_abacus_speech][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Apartment 85325|b30_intromission_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutsideFirsttime"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<<elseif $job_combat_intro.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Apartment 85325|b30_intromission_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $chr_raj.met eq false and ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 5 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Figure out where Raj lives|b30_findraj][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_arena_lavandri.mainPhase eq 10 and $characterEncounterPhases.arenaRewardPhase eq 0>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|home_arenablade][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $job_devout_heritage.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|addon_home_devouttalk][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.edenRewardPhase eq 1 or $characterEncounterPhases.voidRewardPhase eq 1 or $characterEncounterPhases.deathRewardPhase eq 1 or $characterEncounterPhases.antiRewardPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|addon_home_faithreward][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $characterEncounterPhases.raptorRewardPhase eq 1>> \n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|addon_home_raptorreward][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "home"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|random_pedestrian_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "home"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and (($loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" and $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase lt 4) or ($loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin" and $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase lt 4)) and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|random_merc_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "home"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase gte 4 and $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|random_uniquencounter_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "home"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<elseif $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase eq 4 and $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and not $randomEncounterPhases.paidShipCaptain and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|random_beggar_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "home"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Your Apartment|home][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $factionlock.kobolWasViolent and $factionlock.kobolFactionAlign eq "kobol" and $factionlock.kobolHadRiptideTalk>>\n\t\t/% OUTPOST BLOCKED; DOES SMTH HAPPEN HERE? %/\n\t<<else>><br>\n\t\t<<if $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raptor Outpost|b30_raptoroutpost_mission][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_riptide_postbattle.mainPhase eq 6 and not $equip.gotAmmoUpgrade>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raptor Outpost|b30_raptoroutpost_bandolier][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raptor Outpost|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_raptoroutpost"; $processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raptor Outpost|random_pedestrian_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_raptoroutpost"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and (($loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "marisa" and $randomEncounterPhases.zanexPhase lt 4) or ($loc_riptide.ownedBy eq "wilkin" and $randomEncounterPhases.raptorPhase lt 4)) and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raptor Outpost|random_merc_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_raptoroutpost"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase gte 4 and $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raptor Outpost|random_uniquencounter_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b30"; $action.action5 = "b30_raptoroutpost"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Raptor Outpost|b30_raptoroutpost][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $job_fisher_revenge.mainPhase gte 3 and $job_witches_pendant.mainPhase neq 8 and $chr_fabienne.alive>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Apartment 124661|b30_siren_apt][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase gte 1 or $job_abomination_investigate.ogerPhase gte 6>><br>\n\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Quarantine Line|b30_quarantine_outpost][$hide.layer0 = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t<</if>>\n\n</div>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t/* hack to make celena's witch blade pickup work */\n\t<<set $specialWBtrigger = false>>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B33 Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromCelena">>You leave Celena's appartment and...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10>>You head back...<<elseif $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>Swaying this way and that, you...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>You have to fight to keep your eyes open as you...<<else>>You thread your way through...<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B33 station...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "onfoot" or $action.arrive eq "fromCelena" >><<nobr>>\n\t\n\t<<if $action.arrive eq "fromCelena">>\n\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\tYou leave Celena's appartment and, swaying this way and that, stumble through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]].\n\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>\n\t\t\tYou leave Celena's appartment and, fighting to stay awake, meander through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel criss-crossed that runs the length of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]].\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\tYou leave Celena's appartment and thread your way through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]].\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10>>\n\t\t\tYou head back to the level B33 tramway station. The silver-robed guards stand solemnly beside the stairwell. There's no one else around - not a single commuter, not even a pedestrian. Eerie silence hangs over the tramway station. A discarded wrapper flutters in the breeze of a ventilation duct. Strange place - very strange.\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>\n\t\t\t\tSwaying this way and that, you stumble through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]].\n\t\t\t<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>\n\t\t\t\tYou have to fight to keep your eyes open as you meander through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel criss-crossed that runs the length of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]].\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\tYou thread your way through the crowds thronging the pressure tunnel that runs the length of [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]].\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n\n<</nobr>>Voices babble. Walkways tremble underfoot. The air reeks of stale sweat. It's a long quarter of an hour before you reach the tramway station.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">><<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 7>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b33tramway_cultshrine.png"]]</div>The tram shudders to a halt at the Level B33 station. You're the only passenger to get out; not that there were many to begin with. The trash-strewn platform is equally deserted and the stairwell to [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] has been barred by a security field.\n\nTwo heavily armed cultists in dark green robes robes flank the top of the stairs. Both glance to you. They nod in recognition. No words are spoken.<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 6 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 5>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b33tramway_closed.png"]]</div>The tram shudders to a halt at the Level B33 station. You're the only passenger to get out; not that there were many to begin with. The trash-strewn platform is equally deserted and the stairwell to [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] has been blocked off entirely with a security shutter.\n\n"Well, so much for that," you mutter, glancing at the tramway display.\n\nThere's no way you're getting through the door. All you can hope to do is take the next tramway to:<<elseif ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b33tramway_refugium.png"]]</div>The tram shudders to a halt at the Level B33 station. You're the only passenger to get out; not that there were many to begin with. The trash-strewn platform is equally deserted and the stairwell to [[Level B33|PDA][$hud.currentScreen = "B33 Block"]] has been barred by a security field.\n\nTwo stoic figures draped in silvery robes flank the top of the stairs. Neither of them react to your presence in the slightest.<<else>><div class='GameTextImage'>[img["https://rage-productions.com/game-content/scaffold-22/images/env_b33tramway_normal.png"]]</div>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B33 station. <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>The sudden surge of Downers start jostling before the door makes you stand with a start. Cursing, you scramble after them. Bodies bump against you, knocking you around like a doll as you stumble onto the platform.<<else>>Downers jostle for position by the doors. You join the throng and are promptly carried out onto the platform.<</if>> \n\nHundreds of commuters push and shove their way through the graffiti-smeared station. From there, you could go to<</if>><</if>><</if>></div>\n<<display 'b33_tramway_remotedest'>><<if not ($job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 6 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomRefugiumStage eq 5)>>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could go to:</div>\n<<display 'b33_tramway_localdest'>><</if>>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B33">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n<div class='OptionsField'>\n\n\t<<if ($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gte 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\t\t<<if not $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Approach the Guards|b33_refugium_enter][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif ($chr_celena.relation eq "serious" or $chr_celena.isWitch) and $chr_celena.met and $chr_celena.loc neq "none">>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Enter the Refugium|b33_refugium_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.hadRefugiumTalk>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[You cannot enter the Refugium]</div></div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<if $job_conspiracy.foundAltar eq false and ($job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.lalina eq true or $job_conspiracy.djinnKnowledge.wilkin eq true)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Construction Site|b33_constructionsite][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Construction Site|b33_addon_constructionsite][playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_cathedral_hack.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Find Robin Carter's Apt|b33_tech_hab][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_raj.met eq false and ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 5 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Figure out where Raj lives|b33_findraj][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_celena.met eq true>>\n\t\t\t<<if $job_drugdealer.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Celena's Apartment|b33_celena_appartment_dealermission][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $hide.combatlayer = false; $hide.diplomacylayer = false; $hide.defensivelayer = true; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Celena's Apartment|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_celena_appartment"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Celena's Apartment|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_celena_appartment"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Celena's Apartment|random_beggar_inject][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_celena_appartment"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Celena's Apartment|b33_celena_appartment][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t/% <div class='GameOption GameOption_Disabled'><div class='GameOption_Disabled_Text'>[Celena's Apartment]</div></div> %/\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The EPROM|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_ROM_enter"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The EPROM|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_ROM_enter"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The EPROM|random_beggar_inject][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_ROM_enter"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The EPROM|b33_ROM_enter][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $attrib.criminality gte $randomEncounterPhases.criminalityPhase>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Scrap Yard|constabulary_inject_scene][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_scrapyard"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.pedestrianPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Scrap Yard|random_pedestrian_inject][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_scrapyard"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Scrap Yard|random_beggar_inject][$action.action4 = "b33"; $action.action5 = "b33_scrapyard"; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Scrap Yard|b33_scrapyard][$hide.layer0 = false; $hide.layer1 = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<</if>>\n</div>\n\n<</nobr>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $currentgamepassage = passage()>>\n\t<<set $action.action1 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action2 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action3 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action4 = "none">>\n\t<<set $action.action5 = "none">>\n\n\t<<set $hide.layer1 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer2 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer3 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer4 = false>>\n\t<<set $hide.layer5 = false>>\n\t<<set $savesMenuPassage = "B40 Tramway Station">>\n\n\t<<display 'doAutoSave'>>\n<</silently>>\n<div class='GameText'><<if $hide.layer0 eq true>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Expand|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = false]]</div><<if $action.arrive eq "fromTunnels">>You test your way to the end of the tunnel...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromstoreroom">>You leave Storeroom 367 to the...<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You stumble along the pressure corridor...<<elseif $attrib.fatigue gt 75>>Fighting to stay awake and alert, you...<<else>>You stride along the pressure corridor...<</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B40 station...<</if>><<else>><div class='GameOption_Expand'>[[Collapse|$currentgamepassage][$hide.layer0 = true]]</div>\n<<if $action.arrive eq "fromTunnels" or $action.arrive eq "onfoot" or $action.arrive eq "fromstoreroom">><<if $action.arrive eq "fromTunnels">>You test your way to the end of the tunnel, where you find an emergency door which leads back to the Level B40 pressure tunnel. No one sees you exit and you set a hasty pace back toward the tramway station. Just as you reach the steps, a crowd of dock workers rushes toward you.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "fromstoreroom">>You leave Storeroom 367 and retrace your route to the tramway station. For the longest time there's no one around. Silence haunts the dim passageway. \n\nThen you reach the stairs leading up to the tramway station and a crowd of dock workers appears ahead.<<elseif $action.arrive eq "onfoot">>You <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>stumble<<else>>trudge<</if>> along the pressure corridor leading from the Level B40 Docks to the tramway station. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 10>>There's no one around. Only ventilation fans creak in the silence. Even the tramway station is deserted - testimony to your recent success, if it deserves to be called that.<<else>>There's barely anyone around and only the ventilation fands make a sound. Then you reach the stairs leading up to the tramway station and a crowd of dock workers appears ahead.<</if>><</if>> <<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You try to make it onto the platform and catch the tram they arrived on but, in your inebriated state, you don't get there before it zooms off.<<else>> <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 10 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>At least the tramway is still running. Sort of odd they haven't locked it down yet. Not that you'll complain. Walking would be a nightmare.<<else>>You <<if $attrib.fatigue gte 75>>shuffle past them, yawining,<<else>>hurry past them<</if>> but by the time your reach the platform the tram they arrived on is gone.<</if>><</if>><<elseif $action.arrive eq "ontram">>The tram hums to a stop at the Level B40 station. <<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 10 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>No one gets off except you - probably because there's no one else on the tram. The station outside is just as deserted. The only sound is that of your footsteps and the soft hum of the tramway rails.<<else>><<if $attrib.toxicity gte 75>>You don't notice where you are until a crowd of dock workers make for the nearest door. Cursing, you scramble after them. Something catches your foot and you stumble onto the platform.<<else>>A small crowd of dock workers make for the nearest door. You follow the group onto the platform outside.<</if>><</if>> A nearby stairwell leads down to the Level B40 pressure tunnel, from where you could go to:<</if>><</if>></div>\n<<display 'b40_tram_remotedest'>>\n<div class='GameText'>Alternatively, you could turn around, wait for another tram and go to:</div>\n<<display 'b40_tram_localdest'>>
<<display 'initTramway'>>\n<<set $tramway.currentLocation = "B40">>\n<<display 'HUD_TramwayMarkers'>>
<<nobr>>\n\n<<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n\t<div class='OptionsField'>\n\t\t<<if $job_coven.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Storeroom 367|b40_storeroom_arrive][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif ($job_coven.overrideAnska or $job_coven.foundDnetMention or $job_coven.spokeVoiderShrine) and $job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 6>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Storeroom 367|b40_storeroom_arrive][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $chr_raj.met eq false and not $job_conspiracy.rajSearch40 and ($job_conspiracy.instructionPhase eq 5 or $job_conspiracy.knowledgePhase eq 2)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Figure out where Raj lives|b40_findraj][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_fisher_extremists.mainPhase eq 1>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Grav Tunnels|b40_gravtunnels_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomEncounterPhases.syndicateBasePhase eq 4>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Landing Pad 4000151|b40_snydicate_landingpad][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase eq 9>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_purge][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div><br>\n\t\t<<elseif $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gte 10 and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 1 and $factionlock.lockedFaction eq "kobol">>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_kobol_conflict][$processed = false; $time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject and $factionlock.kobolPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_final_kobol][$time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $job_conspiracy.conspiratorPhase eq 8 and $chr_corinthin.met and not $job_conspiracy.hasGivenObject and $factionlock.kobolPhase neq 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_final_paladin][$time.active += 0.25; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.25 and $randomScene lt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase lt 2 and $time.active gte 16 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|random_backalley_inject][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_docks_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase gte 2 and $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|random_uniquencounter_inject][$action.arrive = "enter"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_docks_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[The Docks|b40_docks_enter][$action.arrive = "enter"; $time.active += 0.15; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>><br>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<if $job_blindkid_resolution.mainPhase eq 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Voider Shrine|b40_voidershrine_resolution][$processed = false; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<if $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Voider Shrine|random_nutcase_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_voidershrine_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.25 and $randomScene lt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Voider Shrine|random_backalley_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_voidershrine_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase gte 2 and $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Voider Shrine|random_uniquencounter_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_voidershrine_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Voider Shrine|random_beggar_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_voidershrine_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Voider Shrine|b40_voidershrine_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t<</if>><br>\n\n\t\t<<if $randomScene lt 0.25 and $randomEncounterPhases.nutcasePhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Xeno Garden|random_nutcase_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_xenogarden_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.25 and $randomScene lt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase lt 2>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Xeno Garden|random_backalley_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_xenogarden_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gte 0.33 and $randomScene lt 0.66 and $randomEncounterPhases.backalleyPhase gte 2 and $randomEncounterPhases.hasRndScene and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Xeno Garden|random_uniquencounter_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_xenogarden_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<elseif $randomScene gt 0.75 and $randomEncounterPhases.beggarPhase lt 4 and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow)>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Xeno Garden|random_beggar_inject][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; $action.action4 = "b40"; $action.action5 = "b40_xenogarden_enter"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<div class='GameOption GameOption_Move'>[[Xeno Garden|b40_xenogarden_enter][$processed = false; $action.arrive = "fromOutside"; playContextSound("ui_walk");]]</div>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t</div>\n\n\n\n<</nobr>>
<<if $tramway.currentLocation eq "B40">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Docks">>\n<<elseif $tramway.currentLocation eq "B33">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Habs">>\n<<elseif $tramway.currentLocation eq "B30">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Habs">>\n<<elseif $tramway.currentLocation eq "B29">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Bazar">>\n<<elseif $tramway.currentLocation eq "B28">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Recreation">>\n<<elseif $tramway.currentLocation eq "B27">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Temples">>\n<<elseif $tramway.currentLocation eq "B14">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Cathedral">>\n<<elseif $tramway.currentLocation eq "B10">>\n <<set $locationtype = "Crossroads">>\n<</if>>\n<span class='bluecolor'>Currently At:</span> Level <<print $tramway.currentLocation>> - <<print $locationtype>>\n\n<<unset $locationtype>>
<div class = 'OptionsField OptionsField_Tramway'>\n <div class='TramwayInfoArea' id='tramway-info'><<display 'HUD_TramwayInfoText'>></div>\n <<set $tramDestinations = []>>\n <<set $currentIndex = 0>>\n \n <<set $item = {name: "B40", passage: "b40_tram_station"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "B33", passage: "b33_tram_station"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "B30", passage: "b30_tram_station"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "B29", passage: "b29_tram_station"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "B28", passage: "b28_tram_station"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "B27", passage: "b27_tram_station"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "B14", passage: "tram_station_b14"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n <<set $item = {name: "B10", passage: "tram_station_b10"}; $tramDestinations.push($item)>>\n\n <<set $randomScene = (Math.random() + 0.01)>>\n\n <<for $i = 0; $i lt $tramDestinations.length; $i++>>\n <<set $classStr = "TramwayDestinationZone">>\n <<set $tramway.destinationPassage = $tramDestinations[$i].passage>>\n\n <<if $tramDestinations[$i].name eq $tramway.currentLocation>>\n <<set $classStr += " TramwayDestinationZone_Current">>\n <<set $currentIndex = $i>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $randomEncounterPhases.breakdownPhase eq 0 and $randomScene lt 0.33 and $time.active gte 24 and $tramway.currentLocation eq "B30">>\n <<set $tramway.destinationPassage = "tram_breakdown_sqeuence">>\n <</if>>\n\n <<if $job_abomination_investigate.huntChance gte $randomScene and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "banished" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "inactive" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "none" and $job_abomination_investigate.djinnMode neq "scared_delay" and not $loc_corbeitower.killedDjinn>>\n <<set $tramway.destinationPassage = "rnd_tramway_djinn">>\n <<elseif ((($job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase gt 8 or $job_abomination_investigate.abomAugmentPhase gt 10) and $job_abomination_investigate.abomSabotagePhase neq 98) and $time.active - $job_abomination_investigate.plagueTime gte 72) and $time.active gte ($randomEncounterPhases.lastRndEncounterTime + $randomEncounterPhases.minTimeWindow) and $randomScene gte 0.75>>\n <<set $tramway.destinationPassage = "rnd_tramway_inject">>\n\n <<if $randomScene lt 0.85>>\n <<set $randomScene = "purifier">>\n <<elseif $randomScene gte 0.95 and not $job_abomination_investigate.hadHunterEncounter>>\n <<set $randomScene = "hunter">>\n <<else>>\n <<set $randomScene = "scavenger">>\n <</if>> \n <</if>>\n\n <<print "\n <div class='" + $classStr +"'>\n <div class='tramText'>Level "+ $tramDestinations[$i].name + "</div>\n <<if $tramDestinations[$i].name neq $tramway.currentLocation>>\n <<click '' '" + $tramway.destinationPassage + "'>>\n <<set $resetIndexer = true>>\n <<set playContextSound('ui_tramway_zoom');>>\n <<set $action.arrive = 'ontram'>>\n <<set $hide.layer0 = false; $processed = false; $time.active += 0.5; $attrib.fatigue += 2;>>\n <<set $time.active += Math.ceil(Math.abs($currentIndex - " + $i + ") * 0.25)>>\n\n /% ################################## %/\n /% VENDOR INVENTORY %/\n /% ################################## %/\n\n <<if $time.active gte ($time.vendorReset + $time.vendorsResetInterval)>>\n <<if $randomScene gte 0.77>>\n <<set $time.vendorStockIndex = 2>>\n <<elseif $randomScene gte 0.44>>\n <<set $time.vendorStockIndex = 1>>\n <<else>>\n <<set $time.vendorStockIndex = 0>>\n <</if>>\n\n <<set $time.vendorReset = $time.active>>\n <<set $time.vendorsResetInterval = Math.round(12 + (48 * $randomScene))>>\n <</if>>\n <</click>>\n <</if>>\n </div>\n ">>\n <</for>>\n</div>