In which Raiders raid Raiders and all hell breaks loose in the Commonwealth.

Author’s Note: Like most earlier Raider settlements, the Arena is virtually unchanged from its original inception. The only difference is that I ripped out the original slave gardens to make room for the surgical playroom and arcade. The Arena itself is accessible via a stairway that connects to the interior ‘cage’ walkway. There’s also a second entrance to the facility not pictured, which exits to the left of the drive-in screen and allows guards to properly patrol from the guard posts at the front of the arena to the rear.

View from inside the arena towards the ‘fron’t of the settlement. The raised viewing deck and bar is clearly visible, while the caged interior walkway can just be seen below. The ‘holes’ in the base of the arena are intended for corpse disposal but have never been used as I’ve never actually staged a fight up ’till now.
The viewing cage, connecting the front entrance to the surgical ‘playroom’, the arcade, and the deck above, is the preferred hangout for Disciples during storms. Magazines depicting gratuitous violence are kept nearby to tide over the intermissions between fights.
The arena arcade is a Disciple favorite during slow days, furnished with machines resembling those in their ‘home town’ of Nuka World. Proceeds are donated to the Kingdom of Atom out of respect – for their mininukes.
Author’s Note: there were several more Disciple takeovers during this phase of the RP but none of them resulted in settlements worth displaying. At present, they control the north-west of the map with outposts and vassals reaching down to Egert. Most of their vassals were former slave pens, with the most notable being the Greygarden outpost mentioned above. The only place they don’t control in that area is Hangman, which is a small Atom shrine and serves as a supply line link. None of this is worth showing. This little marvel of Ai pathing however is…

The pack Clubhouse is heavily fortified, with an ample supply of booze and sitting arrangements inside. It is connected to neighboring areas via a raised walkway, ensuring the Pack’s apparel does not soak itself in the soggy marshland mud.
Specializing in haute-quisine of dubious rapport, the Cookhouse lies directly opposite the clubhouse. Less fortunate members of the Pack camp here, amidst the stink and foul odors of their colleagues.
Kingdom of Atom continues in Part VI: Institute Accords