Continue reading Scaffold 22 – Prequel & On Hold
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In which Jessie’s alliance becomes even more sinister.
Upon first contact, and after heated debate, a pact was formed. Jessie’s cultist and her recently assembled army of raiders would assist the Instituete in their scientific study of the wastelands, in return for aid in the ongoing war against the Brotherhood of Steel, and an agreement of future non-interference. The Institute would go on to establish two research posts on the surface as reports from the Kingdom and their raider allies revealed curiosities worth studying.
Continue reading Kingdom of Atom – Institute Accords
In which Raiders raid Raiders and all hell breaks loose in the Commonwealth.
After an earlier BoS Outcast roleplay Red Legion, I started another character. Nothing special. The original concept was simple: play a raider. I came up with a basic premise way back during the Wasteland Workshop days and decided to play sneak / demo / commando, forcing myself to use pipe weapons and crappy armor while I built up a little raider gang. To deal with lore, I decided cryostasis had damaged my housewife’s memory beyond repair (lotsa facial scars to show it). She tried to make it right but went insane soon after leaving the vault.
Over the course of several DLCs however, what began as a throwaway experience became considerably more – and I’ve only just scratched the surface of post-plotline development. So, without further ado, let me introduce the roleplay: Kingdom of Atom.
Continue reading Kingdom of Atom – A Fallout 4 Roleplay Experience
Spreading north and west from the Cathedral at Spectacle Island, first by rowboat and then by foot, the Children of Atom were quick to chance upon the many lesser settlements of the Commonwealth. While some proved to be friendly and allowed missionaries to pass, many were suspicious of these ‘crazy rad junkies’. Often, a more direct show of Atom’s power was required to inspire – or intimidate – the locals.
Continue reading Kingdom of Atom – Chapels & Shrines
Using Scaffold 22 as a lightweight example, I’d like to examine how such a world and narrative is built, and how plot options and player agency are created.